
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
asachas prism been sponsored? are seamonkey binaries finally there?09:27
Ubuletteno, no09:28
asacGet:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main seamonkey-browser 1.1.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 [10.4MB]09:31
asac38% [1 seamonkey-browser 4030204/10.4MB 38%]09:31
asacworks for me09:31
Ubulettehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/seamonkey/  ?09:32
asacapparently nothing to bother about09:32
asacthats ppa?09:33
Ubulettelol, half in main, half in universe09:34
asacwell thats possible to do ... but why did it happen for seamonkey09:35
asacmust have been an accident i guess09:35
UbuletteI don't know.09:35
Ubulettei have to go now. see you09:35
asacUbulette: xul 1.9 tree closes in a few hours12:06
asaclet me know if there are other fixes for b112:06
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
Ubuletteasac, so, what do we do about cairo ?21:49
Ubulettedid you read my answer to the bug ?21:49
asacUbulette: bug?22:38
asaclets see22:39
Ubulettebug 16464022:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164640 in firefox-3.0 "Build Firefox 3 against a subpixel-patched cairo" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16464022:39
asacbug 15221022:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152210 in xulrunner-1.9 "xulrunner ships its own copy of cairo" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15221022:40
asacwhy is that firefox-3.0?22:40
* asac reassigning 22:40
Ubulettei don't know. someone triaged it that way22:40
asacis it a dupe?22:40
asacyes :)22:41
asacso whats the upstream bug22:41
asaci mean the main problem is that we cannot build against system cairo22:42
asacbut why is that still the case ;)22:42
Ubulettethere's a patch in the bug22:42
asacwell ... the bug wants to add the patch to xulrunner ... i would prefer to not use the xulrunner cairo at all22:43
Ubulettebut look at bonsai, 6 months of patches lost if we use system cairo22:43
asacb=404092, upgrade cairo to 1.5.2-5522:44
asachow can i find the diff they have?22:44
* asac looking at bug22:44
Ubuletteask vlad :)22:45
Dragonathhi, is this the place to ask when I have a weird problem with thunderbird (and am using kubuntu 7.10)?22:45
asacwtf ... we are still at cairo 1.4.something ... even in hardy ;)22:45
Ubuletteyes (but not me) :P22:45
Ubuletteasac, yes22:46
asacDragonath: ?22:46
Ubulette1.5.* is for dev releases22:46
Dragonaththunderbird doesn't want to show my e-mails' message body22:46
asacDragonath: start in safe-mode from command-line: thunderbird -safe-mode22:47
Dragonathit downloads the subject, shows the message body in that weird popup thing, and then shows me a blank when I click on it22:47
asacDragonath: try that first22:47
Dragonathsame thing22:48
asaci don't understand what you mean by "weird popup thing"22:48
Dragonathno errors in console22:48
Dragonathwhen I get the mail, a small window shows on the bottom right side of the screen, showing small bits of the mails received22:49
asacis that reproducible? with every mail or just with some?22:50
Dragonathwell, it's been like this for almost two days now I think22:50
Dragonatha GTA newsletter thing just came in, doesn't show the contents at all22:51
asaccan you still read mail?22:51
Dragonathit even displays the button where I can click Show Images, but nothing shows even when I click22:51
asace.g. by opening mails the normal way?22:51
Dragonathwell I can read them by logging in to the webmail inbox from where I download them22:51
Dragonathotherwise, bar the subjects, I can't really read any mail22:52
asacwhich extensions do you use?22:53
DragonathI have one for exporting filters22:53
Dragonaththat's all22:53
asacand I guess disabling that doesn't help ... hmm22:53
Dragonathproblems really started a few weeks ago when I upgraded to 7.10 - trying to read mail just gave me some could not find error22:54
Dragonathyet I checked the innards of the inbox file and found the mails there22:55
asacdo you use the thunderbird that is shipped by ubuntu? or did you install it manually at some point?22:55
DragonathI installed it manually22:55
asacyeah ... well, thats not supported by this channel ... anyway, I would try to backup your profile folder and remove the .msf files .. then see if starting thunderbird helps22:56
asacor try to compact the folders22:56
Dragonathwhen did they start shipping thunderbird with ubuntu? 7.04?22:57
asacsince the beginning i guess22:57
Dragonathhmm then it doesn't make sense that I had to install it manually22:57
Dragonathboth ubuntu and kubuntu had thunderbird?22:57
asacnot by default22:57
asacyou can install through Applications -> Add/Remove ...22:58
asacif you want to switch you need to copy your profile directory: $HOME/.thunderbird => $HOME/.mozilla-thunderbird22:59
asacyou can also create a link i guess22:59
Dragonaththe profile directory is the whole /mozilla-thunderbird or the subfolder in it?23:00
asacthe whole23:01
asacit should be .thunderbird in your home directory23:01
Dragonathah ok23:01
Dragonathit's mozilla-thunderbird23:01
asacthe one used by ubuntu build is .mozilla-thunderbird23:01
asacwith a . ?23:01
asacyeah ... if you did the backup, remove the .msf files and restart tbird23:02
asac(stop before)23:02
asacUbulette: so nothing for this b1 update?23:03
Ubuletteoh, hold on. a few (tiny) things23:04
Ubulettecan i pull ?23:04
Ubuletteis that .dev ?23:04
asacwhich things do you want to change?23:07
Ubulette Add Homepage: and Vcs-Bzr: fields in control file23:09
asacyes ... go ahead23:09
asacwhich homepage?23:09
Dragonathok, I think I might have to wipe all the stuff and do a reinstall again23:09
Dragonaththanks for help though23:09
Dragonathgood night (it's night here) :)23:10
Ubulette!info prism23:10
ubotuPackage prism does not exist in gutsy23:10
Ubulette!info prism hardy23:11
ubotuPackage prism does not exist in hardy23:11
asacyes, tomorrow i will sponsor then23:13
asaci think we generated enough awareness for this upload23:13
asacUbulette: so which main things are missing for our xulrunner package becoming stable23:14
asacone important thing i received so far is libxul-embedding-unstable.pc23:15
asacso other .pc files can easily Requires: the unstable cflags23:15
asacyeah right ... we have python23:15
Ubulettebut it will be ubuntu specific right ?23:15
Ubuletteunless you post it upstream23:15
asaci hop e we can send it upstream23:15
Ubulettei doubt benjamin will agree23:16
asacotherwise my build system patches would not be good for upstream23:16
asaclets see23:16
asacok .pc files23:16
asacis one thing ... what about obsolete headers?23:17
asacthats an upstream bug to not ship them in unstable, right?23:17
asaci mean they duplicate all other stable headers in unstable23:17
asacwhy not the obsolete headers23:17
Ubuletteobsolete headers ?23:18
asacyes there is a obsolete dir in the stable include dir, but not in the unstable one23:18
asacthose are needed for epiphany for instance23:18
UbuletteI see duplicates .h, not .idl23:20
Ubulettelooks like a bug to me23:20
asacyou mean like no stable idls in unstable?23:21
asachmm nsIFactory.idl is in both23:21
asacok ... we have still the addons issue23:22
asace.g. plugins is only read from one location23:22
asac(or was it extensions?)23:22
Ubuletteplugins are not shared.. yet23:24
asacso extensions work?23:24
asacbut plugins don't, right?23:24
Ubuletteok, idl are dupe too23:24
asacyes, still obsolete is missing in unstable includedir23:25
asacat least for me23:25
Ubuletteno. I mean: ff3 is using /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins and /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/extensions23:26
asacand /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions is not considered?23:26
Ubuletteobsolete, why would you want that ?23:26
asacbecause some apps still use it :)23:26
Ubuletteso far, there's no /usr/lib/firefox-addons/extensions23:26
asacand if they use unstable as well you have to add two pkg-config --cflags23:27
asacwhich is ugly as well23:27
asaci have no problem with it23:27
asacbut sounds wrong imo to not put them in unstable23:27
Ubuletteunstable just mean "not frozen yet", while obsolete is just obsolete = don't use it23:27
asacyeah ... still stable headers go to unstable as well23:28
asacso obsolete should too23:28
Ubulettei think stable in unstable is a bug23:28
asacyou could also understand unstable as "discouraged to use" ... which would make unstable a better candidate for obsolete then stable is23:28
Ubuletteor it's wanted to be easier23:28
asacyes ... its for ease ... e.g. so just one pkg-config statement is enough23:29
Ubuletteno, I just watched a video from benjamin. unstable = not frozen23:29
Ubuletteyou'd better hurry if you want to submit patches upstream. b2 is close23:38
Ubuletteit may even be too late23:39
asacTree is now closed for Beta 2 Bake Period. Only P1 blocking1.9 bugs or bugs with approvalM10 may land during this time.23:43
Ubulette2 weeks, still no prism. so much for "we love new packages, contribute to motu"23:47
asacbug 17421923:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174219 in xulrunner "Please merge xulrunner (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17421923:51
asacis my23:51
Ubuletteis your ?23:54
asaci have to do those that i am responsible for23:55
asacnow that i think of it :) ... does prism have a bug and is ubuntu-universe-sponsors assigned?23:55
Ubulettebug 17248423:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172484 in ubuntu "Please package Prism" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17248423:57
Ubulettewhy is lool responsible (with you) for xulrunner ?23:57
asacyeah in future ubuntu-revu needs to be subscribed to get revu review ... and once that is done ubuntu-universe-sponsors23:57
asacsorry for not teaching you that properly ;)23:58
asacUbulette: no idea ... why lool23:58
asache is interested in general desktop things?23:59

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