
AlsMe: I'm trying to get mythTV running on linux.. what capture card should I use?00:14
AlsMeanyone here?00:15
rogue780I'd recommend the Hauppauge PVR-150. I've used it and it works great00:16
tgm4883AlsMe, HD or SD00:17
AlsMehey back00:30
AlsMeI'm just really new to this TVCapture stuff.. and I want to be sure it does HDTD, any clue if it does support this?00:31
AlsMedo you use HDTV with it?00:32
tgm4883no, the PVR-150 doesn't do HDTV00:32
AlsMeor just analog00:32
tgm4883yes I do00:32
AlsMeohh that's too bad00:32
tgm4883I would recommend a HDHomerun for HD00:32
tgm4883What are you system specs?00:32
AlsMealright, and the other thing.. should I use MythTV with it?00:33
AlsMelike MythTV will record it correct? and in which formats can I save it as?00:33
tgm4883afaik, HD will come in as compressed MPEG2-TS00:34
AlsMeI want to have this Capture card on my FileServer.. and then just save the Sessions on my Hard drive, so that I can pull it off when I want from my other computers00:34
AlsMeand this is all possible00:34
AlsMegreat stuff!00:35
tgm4883well you can do a number of things then00:35
AlsMesuch as?00:35
tgm4883a) load a mythtv frontend on the other machines00:35
AlsMeon the client machines you mean?00:35
tgm4883b) transcode the shows after recording to whatever format you want00:35
tgm4883the clients00:35
tgm4883you could use mytharchive and burn to DVD00:36
AlsMebrilliant :D00:36
tgm4883C) ^^00:36
AlsMewell I don't really need to burn to DVD .. I just want to save shows that I don't have time to watch00:36
AlsMethen pull them off the server for viewing at another time00:36
tgm4883thats what mythtv does :)00:36
AlsMegreat stuff00:36
tgm4883although you don't have to pull them off unless your short on space00:36
AlsMenow one more quick question00:36
tgm4883famous last words00:37
AlsMeright, I mean like download it off the server00:37
AlsMebut as for the question00:37
tgm4883yes, you can do that00:37
AlsMeI don't have an HDTV signal going to my house yet00:37
AlsMeI'm wondering when I update my service to digital.. what cables will I need00:37
AlsMeis there like an HDMI cable going to this capture card? or component video cables00:38
tgm4883yea, thats not going to be your last question00:38
tgm4883here it goes00:38
tgm4883what HD channels are you hoping to record?00:38
tgm4883sec, im going to need a drink00:38
AlsMeTennis, (sports) soccer, alright.. I'll get a beer myself00:38
tgm4883well tennis, sports, soccer doesn't say much00:39
AlsMeand mostly anything else that I can find00:39
tgm4883what country are you from?00:39
AlsMewe currently have something like 10 HD channels00:40
tgm4883rogue780, ping00:41
AlsMethis, HDHomerun.. is a box.. I need a HD card that goes into the PCI-E00:42
tgm4883hmm, im not from canada, so the best I can do is give you generic advice00:42
AlsMewhere are you from?00:42
tgm4883the HDHomerun is a dual HD tuner that connects via ethernet00:42
tgm4883and is pretty good for the price00:43
tgm4883there is also the pcHDTV 5500 which is a single HD tuner that is PCI00:44
AlsMeahh, I like the sound of that00:44
tgm4883i believe it is $130 while the HDHomerun is $18000:44
tgm4883USD of course :)00:44
AlsMeCAN :) is worth more now00:44
AlsMeso its probably cheeper if I get it through ebay00:44
AlsMefrom the US00:45
tgm4883you can always pay in maple syrup too ;)00:45
AlsMeI don't live in Quebec you know00:45
tgm4883mmmm, pancakes and canadian bacon00:45
AlsMeIn Ontario, we don't deal with syrup00:45
AlsMelol.. yea anyways00:45
AlsMeI'm building a server first and I want it mainly for HDTV recording00:46
AlsMeso I'll just get the pci solution00:46
tgm4883so anyway with these cards, you will only be able to tune unencrypted channels00:46
tgm4883i'm not sure how thats dealt with in canada00:46
AlsMethat's a piss-off00:47
AlsMeis that why you don't view hdtv?00:47
tgm4883another solution would be to stream over firewire00:47
tgm4883i do view HDTV00:47
tgm4883I just don't view HDTV with a PVR-15000:47
foxbuntutgm4883, evening00:48
tgm4883as that would be pretty impossible00:48
tgm4883foxbuntu, what do you know about canada00:48
AlsMelmao.. its a nice place, come down sometime00:48
tgm4883but about the firewire, im not sure how canada deals with that either00:48
AlsMekind of cold ATM tho :(00:48
foxbuntutgm4883, its cold and they are north of me00:49
AlsMeyea, I don't know either00:49
AlsMewell, I'm looking for a good quality pci-e card00:49
AlsMethat can do hdtv00:49
directhexthere are no supported pci express tuners00:49
AlsMeI found a few on newegg .. but I'm not sure if they work with Ubuntu00:49
tgm4883AlsMe, afaik the pcHDTV 5500 isn't a pci-e card00:49
directhexand you're still left with the encryption problem00:50
AlsMehow do most people get around that?00:50
tgm4883AlsMe, we don't :)00:50
AlsMewhen I visit newsgroups and stuff.. people have hd videos up and so those were all unencrypted?00:51
directhexbe european!00:51
tgm4883or in some cases we stream firewire00:51
tgm4883AlsMe, well that would depend on what the videos were of, but yea probably unencrypted00:51
tgm4883directhex, I was a little while ago, but not anymore00:51
AlsMeI found Kitchen Nightmares00:51
directhexthere are assorted getout options - only tune unencrypted content; get a cable set-top box which outputs unencrypted streams via firewire; do illegal things00:51
AlsMelike full HD .. and it was beautiful00:51
tgm4883Kitchen Nightmares is on FOX, which is a local channel which is unencrypted00:53
AlsMebut for me to change the output on the set-top box going through the firewire to the pc.... I need to manual change the channel on the top box00:53
tgm4883no, the channel gets changed via firewire00:54
AlsMeahhh ;)00:54
AlsMeI like this :D00:54
tgm4883but again, im not sure if canada allows this00:54
AlsMewell I guess we'll never know then00:54
AlsMeokay I need a set-top box00:55
tgm4883in my case, most of what I watch is on the local channels (which are all unencrypted), for the few non local channels, i stream via firewire (ESPN, Discovery HD)00:55
AlsMedoes my cable provider send that to me ?00:55
tgm4883afaik, yea00:56
AlsMewhy don't you do everything over firewire?00:57
AlsMeany limitations when streaming via firewire?00:57
tgm4883well because A) I have a pcHDTV 5500 already, and B)  I tend to record more than 1 show at a time00:57
AlsMealrighty then.. sounds good00:58
tgm4883oh, and C) I haven't complained about the transmission of NBC yet00:58
tgm4883it's crappy on my STB00:58
tgm4883just that channel though00:58
tgm4883very strange00:58
AlsMeyea, that sucks00:58
AlsMealright, so what firewire streaming device should I be using00:58
tgm4883crystal on my pcHDTV though00:58
tgm4883you stream directly from the STB to your computer00:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firewire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:59
directhextypically, your cable contract will mandate using an authorized set-top box, which you would need to obtain from your cable company00:59
directhexin yankland, they have a legal requirement to offer FW on request01:00
tgm4883yankland, sounds dirty01:00
tgm4883and fun :)01:00
AlsMeso the STB, should have a firewire output01:01
tgm4883in a perfect world, yes01:01
AlsMethanks :)01:02
directhexin a perfect world, cale cos would use regular DVB-C, and sell you a CAm on request01:02
AlsMewhy do they limit all this sheiB01:02
directhexfear of the unknown01:02
directhexteh digitals si teh piratz!01:03
AlsMelike seriously.. why encrypt channels01:03
AlsMewhy not just let us view them01:03
AlsMewithout hastle01:03
AlsMedrives me nuts.. and I'm just learning about all this stuff now01:03
directhexencrypting isn't a problem. i don;t mind that. i mind being forced into using a set-top box to decryot, when the technoogy to do it otherwise is widely available01:03
AlsMeits widely available where?01:04
AlsMewhy not buy off ebay01:04
AlsMeand import ;)01:04
rogue780tgm4883, sup?01:06
tgm4883I was checking to see if you new anything about canada and cable01:07
directhexAlsMe, because most of the time it's also illegal01:07
directhexall depends on algorithms & contracts01:08
AlsMeThe Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has adopted the same digital television standard for stations in Canada as the United States. The CRTC initially decided not to enforce a single date for transitioning to digital broadcasts, opting to let the economy decide when the switchover will occur.01:09
AlsMeuseful at all?01:09
directhexfor example, in poland, the polish satellite monopoly will sell you a CAM along with your subscription - a CAm can go into any capable tuner hardware like a set-top box or a dvb-s card, and allow you access to encrypted channels. conversely, Sky in the UK insist in their contract that only their sky-branded set top box is permitted, and those set-top boxes have integrated CAMs (using an encryption tech owned by sky's parent com01:10
directhexpany). if you use the viewing card in an unauthorized box, it gets locked out & blanked within 2 weeks01:10
AlsMethanks guys...01:12
directhexaccessing encrypted content in an Open manner is possible, if a) a CAM exists for accessing your provider's encryption mechanism b) your contract allows use of said CAM01:12
AlsMeI guess I'll wait a few more years01:12
directhexi access some encrypted channels from over-the-air dvb-t, using an official branded CAM01:12
directhexbut i can't get sky, as they're violently against such technology01:13
AlsMewell I just want HD sports like TSN01:13
AlsMeand other Canadian stuff01:13
AlsMeso I'll just stream it over the STB01:13
directhexassuming yoru cable co allows you to01:13
directhexthey might not01:14
AlsMehow will they know?01:14
tgm4883if the firewire port is disabled it wont matter01:14
AlsMewell I'm with cogeco.ca01:15
AlsMeso I'll check it out brb01:15
AlsMeany good?01:16
AlsMeI don't think there's an STB with cogeco.. unless that is it01:17
tgm4883that would be an STB01:18
directhexlooks like moto to me?01:21
tgm4883looks like mine01:22
tgm4883only different color nubmers01:22
AlsMedoesn't say anything about a firewire output01:23
directhexwell if it's a 6200, it has a firewire port01:23
directhexthe moto dct 6200 is the canonical example01:24
tgm4883right, but just because it has a firewire port, doesn't mean it's active01:24
directhexyeah, that'll require bitching to your cableco. http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/products/dct6200/ definitely looks like it to me though01:25
AlsMeI'll just call them up and ask if the port is active01:26
AlsMeso the firewire port will go right to my pc .. and I won't need a capture card.. just mythtv?01:27
foxbuntuAlsMe, good luck getting a CSR that knows what firewire is much less if its active01:27
AlsMethen I'll speak to his manager and ask01:27
directhexdon't be surprised if they just say "no" to get rid of you01:28
AlsMewe don't do that in Canada :)01:28
AlsMewe're all pretty friendly here01:29
AlsMe... this price of the STB is a lot!!!01:29
AlsMewow.. 599.99 dollars01:29
AlsMeanyways, thanks a lot guys01:33
AlsMeI'm heading out01:33
=== Sphagnum is now known as Tari
MythbuntuGuest22anyone around?03:38
MythbuntuGuest22<tgm4883_laptop> is the right place to get help with installing sasc-ng?03:40
tgm4883_laptopi know nothing about sasc-ng03:40
tgm4883_laptophave you tried in #mythtv-users?03:40
MythbuntuGuest22no what server is that channel on?03:41
tgm4883_laptopjust /join #mythtv-users03:41
MythbuntuGuest22k thx you03:42
tgm4883_laptopon freenode03:42
tgm4883_laptopbut your on freenode so it should work03:42
tgm4883_laptopunless the web app restricts that03:42
tgm4883_laptopi forget how it is setup03:42
MythbuntuGuest22cool i just on the java applet through the my web browser right now03:42
tgm4883_laptop /join #mythtv-users03:43
tgm4883_laptopthat should work03:43
MythbuntuGuest22cool will do i'll try with mirc as well03:43
MythbuntuGuest22<tgm4883_laptop> also would you be able to help me out with a sound issue i'm mythbuntu?03:44
MythbuntuGuest22well its not working but it did detect my sound card its onboard alsa03:45
MythbuntuGuest22yea its onboard03:46
tgm4883_laptopok, whats not working about it?03:47
MythbuntuGuest22the sound isn't comming through my speakers03:48
tgm4883_laptopno sound at all?03:48
MythbuntuGuest22none at all03:48
tgm4883_laptophave you tested outside of mythtv?03:48
MythbuntuGuest22no i haven't actually i've checked the mixer setting everything seemed fine03:49
tgm4883_laptoptry something outside of mythtv03:49
MythbuntuGuest22this is the mobo i have http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681313121403:51
mindframe-MythbuntuGuest22, should have gotten the abit03:52
MythbuntuGuest22<mindframe-> how come?03:54
mindframe-same chipset with a better design imo03:56
mindframe-i like the built in hdmi instead of addon header03:58
MythbuntuGuest22cool i like the amd 690 with hdmi but at the time got this linux drive from ati were shit03:58
=== MythbuntuGuest22 is now known as Nightcrlr
mindframe-definitely dont get a 690g board04:02
mindframe-not for linux htpc at least04:02
Nightcrlryeah i'm going to stick with this one for now04:03
Nightcrlrso the abit board you are talking about is nvidia chipset wit hdmi out?04:03
Nightcrlrnow i wish i did get that board04:05
Nightcrlrhdmi is so nice and clean04:05
mindframe-not much better than dvi(picture quality wise)04:06
Nightcrlri didn't mean for video qualit but being able to pass 5.1 as well with smaller cleaner connet is nice04:08
Nightcrlrdoes this board have the capability to pass audio through hdmi?04:08
mindframe-yes but its not currently working in linux04:10
mindframe-alsa has the issue listed as a major bug so it may or may not be fixed04:10
mindframe-im using the optical anyway04:11
Nightcrlrmy onboard sound isn't working right now i have no idea why04:11
Nightcrlri've tested it with windows, and i've had it working with linux mce04:12
mindframe-worked fine for me04:12
Nightcrlri'm using mythbuntu 710 right now... is there a quick command that i can type in terminal to update the sound drivers?04:13
mindframe-i would lspci and make sure its detecting the device first04:14
mindframe-then look in mixer and see if it shows the nvidia device04:15
Nightcrlryeah mixer is diplaying #0 HDA NVidia04:16
mindframe-is volume cranked all the way up?04:16
Nightcrlrlspci and i see it is detected04:19
rhpot1991anyone ever have problems with mythdvd throwing read errors?05:40
rhpot199123:09:55: Error: DVDISOCopyThread dvd device read error05:40
Dr_willisthere seems to be some issues with the latest ubuntu and some dvd/cd/burners - Not sure what the exact problem is.. the forums seem to think its a kernel bugglet05:44
rhpot1991this is the first dvd I have seen it happen on05:45
rhpot1991requested another disc from netflix so we will see if that one works better or not05:45
Dr_williscould been a bad blank dvd.. or are you ripping a dvd? ahh.. Hmm05:46
rhpot1991I tried it on 2 different dvd burners too05:46
rhpot1991ripping a dvd to an iso05:46
rhpot1991to play from the hard drive05:46
Dr_willistry the normal dd command perhaps?05:46
rhpot1991nope, I have not05:46
Dr_willisive heard guys at work claim that some 'dvd's they cant copy with their windows software.. but i never bother with the stuff..05:47
rhpot1991let me see if it will actually play05:48
rhpot1991the rip starts, but fails a few minutes in every time05:48
rhpot1991dvd doesn't look very badly damaged, but who know05:49
Dr_willisI need to get one of those dvd/cd polishers one of these days05:49
rhpot1991I have one, waste of money05:49
rhpot1991basically sands down the disc then tries to repolish it05:50
rhpot1991also I think netflix would be pissed if I did that and then sent it back05:50
rhpot1991dvd playback crashed05:52
rhpot1991maybe its just a bad disc05:52
rhpot1991or some hackjob attempt at copy protection that breaks things05:53
Dr_willisIm not sure how one can even copy protect a dvd more..05:54
Dr_willisId be irked that netflix sent me a bad disk. :) but im to cheap to rent dvds anyway05:54
Dr_willisMcDonolds has movies for $1 a day - im too cheap for that.05:54
rhpot1991well they are gonna send me a new one out tomorrow05:55
rhpot1991will be here friday05:55
rhpot1991not like I don't have 2 others sitting here, and I'm not planning on watching them right this instance anyways05:55
rhpot1991too busy playing mario galaxy...05:55
Dr_willisBeen thinking about getting that game..05:55
rhpot1991your first mistake is considering anything McDonalds does acceptable05:55
rhpot1991if you have a wii you should get it05:56
rhpot1991it is absolutely fantastic05:56
Dr_willisI dont have any other games for my wii at this time.. other then that bowling/boxing/sports game. :) been playing my old GC games.05:56
Dr_willisbeen waiting for that harvest moon game. or somting else the wife can play also.05:56
rhpot1991it really is a must own05:56
Dr_willisI can wait for it to hit the bargin bins/used stores. :)05:57
rhpot1991it has a 2 player mode, but I think its more for helping younger kids play05:57
rhpot1991I prefer harvest moon games on the ds myself, I like the ability to close it and let it go to sleep so I can randomly play while watching tv or something05:57
Dr_willisWife just liked the farming game...05:57
Dr_willisand a few  of the other simpiler "NintinDogs" ? i think game..05:58
rhpot1991it is an addictive game05:58
rhpot1991and people think you are strange for playing a farming game05:58
Dr_willisShe got mad at Harvest Moon on the SNES when her cow died..05:58
Dr_willisor was that on the PS. I forget..05:58
Dr_willisShe cant handle the real 3d world of a lot of the games.. she gets confused.05:59
Dr_willisShe does like the Wii bowling05:59
rhpot1991you should grab a copy of wiiplay05:59
rhpot1991well worth it when you consider its basically the price of a controller anyways06:00
Dr_willisI think i got that and wii sports. :) they came with the wii when i got it some deal they had.06:00
rhpot1991ah ok06:00
Dr_willisthats it for my wii games.06:00
rhpot1991big brain academy is pretty good, though a bit pricey for what you get IMO06:00
Dr_willisThen i grabbed a wireless GC controller. and been playing GC games on my wii. I kept the GC so i can play GBA games on the TV :)06:01
rhpot1991same here06:01
rhpot1991also the part where ebgamestop offers you like $10 for your GC06:01
Dr_willisI never did finish Zelda Wind Breaker, :) or the paper Mario yet.06:01
rhpot1991both good games06:01
rhpot1991zelda for the wii is good too06:01
Dr_willisGC games are also down to like $10 each used now. :)06:01
rhpot1991as is paper mario06:02
Dr_willisIssue i have with the wii is that its hard for me to vedge out on the couch and play some of the games.. gotta be too mobile.. heh heh06:02
Dr_willistoo lazy to play the wii.06:02
rhpot1991well thats the games you are playing06:02
rhpot1991like mario galaxy, the extend of moving is shaking the wiimote to make mario do a spinmove06:02
rhpot1991games like RE4 and metroid prime you just point at the screen06:03
Dr_willisNoticed that way too many DS games are using the PEN thing also  when its not really needed.. just because they can i guess.06:03
rhpot1991well its the obligatory "ds functionality" they have to toss in everything they make06:03
rhpot1991zelda for the ds was pure stylus control though, and fantastic06:03
Dr_willisand i aint going to even try it - because i hate the stylus. :)06:05
rhpot1991you should go look for a demo somewhere06:05
rhpot1991it works very very well06:05
rhpot1991also things like the stylus pen help for longer gameplay06:05
rhpot1991instead of using that tiny thing06:05
rhpot1991I still think advance wars is the best ds game though, been out since launch and I still play it06:06
Dr_willisYep - i liked Advanced wars.. the sequal was neat in ways.. but it seemed that too many levels were just made tough by being outgunned at the start 10 to 106:09
rhpot1991I never really played the gba ones, just the ds one, but I played the heck out of that game06:09
rhpot1991it was all about who you picked and what powers you used really06:09
Dr_willisHmm.. Im not even sure i got the DS one now that you mention it...06:10
Dr_willismay have to check that out.06:10
rhpot1991it came out when the ds did06:10
rhpot1991so you could prob find a used copy cheap now06:10
Dr_willisOh wait i did. it had the upper and lower combat maps. i rember now..06:10
rhpot1991new one will be out next year too06:10
rhpot1991that stuff was a pain06:10
rhpot1991new one is going to have interweb play too06:10
rhpot1991gonna disappear for a bit to play some galaxy06:12
Dr_willisHmm. What was that ball rolling into a bigger ball game.. wife may like tha tone06:13
MythbuntuGuest36Hello! Is it possible with Mythtv to browse a CD so that, if it contains audio, video or picture files, whatch them without the need to import them?11:15
MythbuntuGuest36I have a question about how to turn off ACPI on boot up. I am new to XFCE.12:53
MythbuntuGuest36How to do I turn ACPI on boot off? Any help will be greatly appreciated.12:54
directhex|bspadd "noacpi" as a kernel boot parameter in menu.lst12:55
directhex|bspbut turning off acpi is bad for your health. some modern systems won't boot without it12:55
MythbuntuGuest36Maybe there is another option then, and I will describe the problem.12:55
MythbuntuGuest36I have a motherboard with onboard video (GeForce6100). It also has a PCIe slot.12:56
MythbuntuGuest36I want to add a PCIe card for DVI output.12:56
MythbuntuGuest36When I do this, I first connect the video monitor to the analog out on the PCIe card.12:57
MythbuntuGuest36The system boots to a black screen.12:57
MythbuntuGuest36I do adjust the BIOS so that it initializes the PCIe first on boot.12:57
MythbuntuGuest36The BIOS does not allow me to disable the onboard video and there is no jumper on the motherboard to disable it.12:58
MythbuntuGuest36The PCIe card is a GeForce 8400GS.12:58
MythbuntuGuest36What could cause the black screen from simply adding a PCIe card?12:59
MythbuntuGuest36Could this be an ACPI issue?12:59
directhex|bspwhen  you say "boots to a black screen", there is never any output at all?13:00
MythbuntuGuest36It has been a few days and I must go from memory...I believe that there was the boot up screen and the XFCE loading screen. But the desktop never shows up, it just goes black.13:02
MythbuntuGuest36I do have the nv driver loaded.13:02
directhex|bspnv, the open-source unaccelerated 2d driver?13:03
MythbuntuGuest36Yes..I have tried to use the proprietary driver with the onboard video, but this appears to be incompatible with the motherboard video because it will cause the system to boot to a black screen.13:04
MythbuntuGuest36I am quite perplexed.13:05
directhex|bspwell, ACPI is entirely irrelevant to the problem, that much is clear. can you post an xorg.conf and Xorg.0.log from a failed boot somewhere? retrieve them via a network if need be13:05
MythbuntuGuest36To retrieve them from the network...I might need to first enable folder shares because when this happens I usually have to reinstall the system.13:06
MythbuntuGuest36Do I need to use SSH or will enabling folder share be enough? I am new to XFCE.13:07
directhex|bspusing ssh is significantly easier. you can transfer files using "scp remotemachine:/path/to/file ."13:08
MythbuntuGuest36I won't need ssh if I use the suggested command?13:09
directhex|bspscp transfers a file from an ssh server. you need to install the "ssh" package on the machine13:09
MythbuntuGuest36Lastly, if my memory is incorrect and the black screen appears all the way throughout the boot process with the PCIe card installed. Do you have the same advice (look at log files) or is there another possible fix?13:11
directhex|bspwhich board is this exactly?13:12
directhex|bspand out of curiosity, why are you using an aftermarket graphics card?13:12
MythbuntuGuest36Sorry it took so long, I looked up the exact model. It is a Foxconn 6150K8MA-8EKRS (939 AMD)13:18
MythbuntuGuest36I can only get the onboard video card working, which is a GeForce 6100 GPU. I would like to use a GeForce 8400GS PCIe that I just purchased.13:19
directhex|bspwhy, specifically, do you want to use an 8400gs?13:19
MythbuntuGuest36I want to connect this to a TV and the 8400GS has TV out and the motherboard does not.13:20
MythbuntuGuest36All very good questions...13:21
MythbuntuGuest36I was thinking that this would be possible assuming that the proprietary nvidia drivers supports the videocard outputs.13:22
MythbuntuGuest36Is there an alternate solution?13:23
directhex|bspwhich proprietary driver are you using? there are 3, only 1 of them supports your kit13:23
directhex|bspwell. not quite. that's where it gets confusing. the onboard is supported by one driver, the discrete by another13:24
MythbuntuGuest36I have only tried the proprietary nvidia driver from the repository.13:24
directhex|bspthere are three in the repository. only one will work with an 840013:24
MythbuntuGuest36It would be the new proprietary driver.13:25
MythbuntuGuest36Not the legacy.13:25
directhex|bspdefinitely nvidia-glx-new and not nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy?13:26
MythbuntuGuest36Yes, the nvidia-glx-new is what I have installed.13:26
MythbuntuGuest36Is there another solution for getting video out to TV?13:26
directhex|bspokay, i need to see the log & config file then13:27
MythbuntuGuest36I know that the PVR-350 has TV out, but this seems like it has its own issues.13:28
directhex|bspan enormous pile of them, completely unrelated to my last question13:30
MythbuntuGuest36I will obtain the log and config file tonight after I return from work.13:34
MythbuntuGuest36directhex - thank you so much for helping me and giving me advice. It is hugely appreciated.13:34
MythbuntuGuest36I will return with the necessary information. Again, many thanks for giving me a direction to a possible solution.13:35
sebrockHow can I set mythbuntu to turn off screen after 15 minutes of inactivity?14:12
sebrockright now it is only turning on a black screensaver14:12
=== Wckt2 is now known as WcktKlwn
rhpot1991boy this mybook drive is driving me crazy16:28
rhpot1991it seemed to be working well after I changed my fstab to better suit a usb drive, but my system lost it today, isn't even seeing /dev/sdc right now16:31
directhex|bspdon't refer to removable media usnig /dev/sd*16:48
directhex|bspuse /dev/disk/by-uuid (or UUID= in fstab)16:48
rhpot1991I do do UUID in my fstab16:49
rhpot1991just trying to xfs_check it using /dev/sdc116:50
rhpot1991machine can't even fdisk /dev/sdc right now (I'm at work so I can't do anything else)16:50
rhpot1991I'll have to unplug it and plug it back in when I get home from work and see what happens then, I'll probably take it back to circuit city and see if I can get it exchanged for a new one16:51
padandoes anyone have a recomendation for a remote control?20:50
padanwould like to use it to control other media components if possible20:50
tgm4883although it doesn't control other media components except your tv20:58
rhpot1991padan what kind of tuner do you have?21:03
rhpot1991tgm4883: do your dvd rips ever time out?21:03
padanI just use mythtv for streaming media i already have21:07
padanno capturing21:07
padantgm, this is from hauppauge ?21:08
rhpot1991is what tgm is saying21:11
rhpot1991actually thats not an official m$ one21:12
rhpot1991I searched on amazon for 'mce remote' and you get a bunch of them there21:12
padananything that is offical microsoft media center crap?21:18
padanthat works by default?21:18
padanmore or less21:18
rhpot1991I believe so, though I don't have one21:21
padanthen i will just run over to crapbuy and see what they ahve21:21
rhpot1991I'd call first21:21
rhpot1991when I was looking for one I showed up at my best buy and they didn't have any21:22
padanplease... like the people that work at best buy know the difference between a remote control and a car stereo21:22
rhpot1991you can check in store on their website21:22
rhpot1991I ended up getting a hauppauge tuner and I use the remote that came with that21:22
JThundleygood stuff21:23
padando those crap stick usb tuners work with  mythtv?21:24
rhpot1991if it interests you, I use a one for all universal remote for a box that has a hauppauge card in it21:24
padani think i have one of those hdtv ones lying around21:24
rhpot1991you can program them to use the hauppauge codes21:24
rhpot1991also the logitecs will do the same21:24
rhpot1991I think most don't, its hit or miss21:24
padani have one of the harmonys now21:24
rhpot1991cheapest bet would be to get get an IR receiver and use that, though your cheapest receiver might be the one that comes with the mce remote21:25
padanya thats what im reading21:25
tgm4883get a serial ir reciever and use whatever remote you want21:34
tgm4883anyway back to work21:34
mindframe-is mplayer compiled for multithreading by default?23:51
mindframe-(the version in mythbuntu)23:52
directhexif you mean the h264 codec, no, it's too old23:55

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