
tonyyarussoDull, heavy, only really good for something once, and that's just throwing him bluntly across the room.00:00
* Pici doesnt have a browser here so he can do link checking in -offtopic00:09
Seeker`Pici: huh?00:10
PiciSeeker`: some malicious link or something was posted00:10
PriceChildplays a youtube video00:12
PriceChilddoesn't let you close00:12
PriceChildgenerally *ahem*ing annoying00:12
Seeker`thats bad00:12
PriceChildmoves around the screen00:12
PriceChildstays on top00:12
PriceChildI just killall, easier00:12
Seeker`the two are roughly equivalent00:13
LjLuhm, it closed fine for me00:13
PriceChildLjL, not for me00:13
PriceChildLjL, what browser?00:13
LjLkonqi of course00:14
PriceChildfirefox here00:14
no0tic!konqui is firefox is bettere00:14
ubotuIn #ubuntu-ops, no0tic said: !konqui is firefox is bettere00:14
LjLi doubt it00:14
LjLi doubt it even without the e00:14
no0ticLjL, and irssi is the best :P also as web browser :)00:15
LjLi thought that was emacs00:15
ubotunosrednaekim called the ops in #kubuntu ()00:15
no0ticLjL, emacs is good as psychologist00:15
Seeker`emacs is good as an OS00:16
Piciemacs is good for nothing00:17
no0ticPici, you took me words from mouth00:17
no0tic(strict translation from italian)00:17
LjLit shows00:18
Tm_TLjL: :p00:35
LjLso much fatigue00:35
LjLwith ubotu not having @aol anymore and stuff00:35
LjLbye wii what can we do to you00:36
wiiLjL: wait i install linux for a friend dont block him for ever because he will need help00:36
LjLpinging ops wasn't a smart move00:36
LjLand tell your friend that *you* need help00:37
LjLhe might be able to do something about that00:37
LjLif he's your friend00:37
wiiLjL: well im am wii it's not my friend that did it00:37
LjLthen tell your friend that he shouldn't allow morons on his IP address00:37
PiciWait... what did I miss?00:38
LjLPici: nothing, he's back already00:38
PiciI mean, what did he do.. in #kubuntu I presume?00:39
naliothPici: wii is a serial troll00:40
Picinalioth: ... I meant recently. I know who he is.00:40
LjLPici: he joined from a new address and pinged a couple of ops00:40
Tm_Tme <300:40
LjLand stdin00:41
Picihe likes you00:41
Tm_TI like him00:41
LjLtroll romance00:41
Tm_The makes me feel special00:42
stdinplease don't tell me wii is back...00:42
Tm_The isn't00:42
LjLstdin, i won't tell you if you prefer, but you should have his highlight in #k00:43
stdinLjL: yes, I can see now (I actually just got back home)00:44
Tm_Tsleep ->00:44
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
toodlesGood evening, I have been redirected to #ubuntu-read-topic about a router bug. I have no access to my router as it's locked down by my isp, so I'm now connecting to freenode via port 8001. May I join #ubuntu now?01:43
mneptoktoodles: 1 sec01:44
toodlesmneptok: sure :-)01:44
mneptoktoodles: you're good to go01:46
mneptoktoodles: thanks for being patient and actually reading instructions :)01:46
toodlesmneptok: no, no, thank you for helping so quickly! Really appreciate it :-)01:47
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)01:51
=== ubot3` is now known as ubot3
mneptoki've seen people laughing in churchyards.03:45
mneptokscreaming and shouting in my backyard.03:45
mneptokand i don't know where they're going to.03:45
mneptokand i don't care if you don't know.03:45
mneptokand i've seen words written in clouds above.03:46
mneptokthey never told me that i had lost your love.03:46
Hobbsee...strange mneptok03:50
mneptokharumph. highlighting seems to have stopped.03:51
maynards-girli changed my connect pot to 8001. can i please be tested now04:36
Hobbseemaynards-girl: you're fine, thanks for your patience04:42
maynards-girlwas that the file you were trying to send?04:43
Hobbseetesting the exploit04:43
maynards-girlo, ok04:43
Hobbsee(it's not a file, it's a malignant string)04:43
Hobbseewhich causes vulnerable clients to be thrown off the network04:44
Hobbseeno problem04:44
jdongHobbsee: malicious or malevolent.04:44
Hobbseethem too04:44
jdongI'm sure technically malignant works too, but that's taken on more of a health related meaning nowadays :)04:45
Hobbseewhat interests me is that her client actually sent back a rejected send04:45
jdongHobbsee: odd, what client was it?04:46
Hobbsee[15:46] [CTCP] Received CTCP-VERSION reply from maynards-girl: Colloquy 2.1 (3761) - Mac OS X 10.5.1 (Intel) - http://colloquy.info.04:46
jdong"It uses its own chat core that is also included as part of the ChatKit project, though in the past it used Irssi as its IRC protocol engine"04:47
jdonglooks pretty....04:47
jdongand now there's an iPhone/iPod Touch version04:47
jdongwait no no no, must go back to reviewing for exam...04:47
elkbuntujdong, malevolence is quite a malignant thing anyway :)04:57
jdongelkbuntu: yeah :)04:57
jdongthere's a lot of good malwords to use :)04:58
=== Am|Birthday is now known as Amaranth
Myrttiirssi <306:54
elkbuntuhmmm.. does anyone have a link to the "automatix license"?08:00
elkbuntuor, more accurately, the file that tells the automatix story08:10
ubotuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (amaroso)08:48
Amaranthelkbuntu: I don't think he actually did anything08:50
elkbuntuPM spamming apparantly08:50
AmaranthAlthough it's weird to be in #ubuntu, #debian, and #gentoo08:50
AmaranthRight but only one person says that08:50
elkbuntuboth slart and wols_ knew about him08:50
Amaranthwols_ was just teaching Slart how to tell us better08:50
Myrttielkbuntu: that's my favourite bed time story08:51
elkbuntui'd rather be safe than let them continue08:51
elkbuntuMyrtti, what is?08:51
Myrttithe automatix one08:51
elkbuntuMyrtti, have a link to it?08:51
AmaranthSo we may or may not have just banned a normal user for no reason. Awesome.08:51
Myrttinope, I just lived it through08:51
elkbuntuAmaranth, <Slart> -amaroso- Benim Tarafýmdan pinglendin  C*  NeXGeN ScRiPT v1  C*  Download : Http://www.nexgenscript.com08:52
AmaranthSo he clicked the wrong button on his weird scripted mIRC hack08:53
elkbuntuhe did so twice08:55
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (supbro (Trolling and offtopic))10:58
Amaranthany staff around?11:03
Amaranthi lost my channel limit thingy11:03
ubotuFluxD called the ops in #ubuntu (supbro)11:06
Amaranthjenda: are you able to add that? ^11:13
MezAmaranth, it should be set through nickserv, so you should get it on identify11:27
Amaranthi don't anymore11:28
Amaranthi linked a new nick and it went away11:28
Meznever done that to me11:28
Amaranth<Seveas> I recall something about a possibility of losing it when adding/removing links11:28
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (blizt (spamming))13:59
Hobbseeubotu: whoami14:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whoami - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:20
* Hobbsee looks for some staffers14:24
Amaranthtook you long enough14:36
elkbuntutook him 2 seconds...14:37
ubotuIn ubotu, arashOio said: This is an autoreply: I am currently not available. Please leave your message, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.16:12
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
Amaranth!staff | please add my channel limit thingy back17:21
ubotuplease add my channel limit thingy back: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)17:21
AmaranthNot being able to join more channels is starting to interfere with things17:22
u7usI'm wondering if we could start a ubuntu-jeos channel. Any interest?17:22
AmaranthYou could just start it on your own and see if it goes anywhere17:23
u7uscool. uhmmm... could you point me to a page on doing such things?17:24
Amaranthu7us: /msg chanserv help register17:25
Amaranthyou have to be in the channel first and be an op (which means be the first people in the channel)17:25
nalioth#ubuntu-jeos and #jeos exist17:26
u7usoops -- very embarrassed.... thanks17:26
Amaranthnalioth: can you add my channel limit exception thingy back?17:31
Amaranthi seem to have lost it when i linked Am|Birthday17:32
naliothAmaranth: you still have them17:33
Amaranthhuh, i lost my +6 at the same time17:33
naliothlog out and back in17:33
Jack_SparrowIs ikonia around?17:33
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
gigamonkeyCan I be tested for the DCC exploit?19:40
naliothgigamonkey: have you followed the instructions?19:41
gigamonkeyI reconnected on 8001.19:42
gigamonkeyDo I also need to update firmware somewhere?19:42
gigamonkeyphew. ;-)19:42
naliothyou can join #ubuntu now, gigamonkey, and thanks for your patience  :)19:43
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (spunkymunky)20:57
Jack_Sparrowwhat is that that mick just did with dcc send?21:17
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
no0tichi, is there a way to list channels created by a specified user?21:58
no0tic(I asked here because nalioth told me not to bother people on #freenode)21:59
mc44/nicksev info username21:59
naliothno0tic: no21:59
naliothonly the identified user can see his/her channels21:59
mc44ah yes. I'm idioty22:00
inphoanyone know why broken_ladder is banned from #ubuntu ?22:33
inphoi was told to ask here22:33
Piciinpho: are you broken_ladder?22:37
tonyyarussoIs #ubuntu's banlist full?22:38
ompaultonyyarusso, it should not be22:39
Paddy_EIREPici, damn you ... now I want to watch black adder22:39
tonyyarussooh, nvm22:39
ompaultonyyarusso, pm22:39
Seveasbroken_ladder has a permban afaik22:43
SeveasI don't think any of us who remember him want to see him back in there22:43
ompaulinpho, so there is the answer, is there anything else we can help you with?22:45
ompaulMez, you about>22:51
ompaulahh worked it out22:52
inphowhat does that mean ompaul ?22:54
Seveasit means: as far as i know22:54
Seveasand I should know since I placed the ban :22:54
inphooh, any explination as to why?22:55
inphoi dont know the guy, he was just in a different channel22:55
Seveasbeing a total jackass22:55
inphoah ok.22:55
ompaulinpho, well then don't be too concerned - bans and perm bans are not given out lightly22:55
Seveascan't recall the details, it's been a while22:55
inphoim not concerned, was just trying to help the guy out.22:55
Seveaslogs would show the details if need be, I just remember him as never getting back in any channel where I'm op :)22:56
ompaulinpho, well they are able to get in here - but hey they are not bothered enough to do so - what does that tell ya ?22:57
ompaulso that subject is now closed on to tonights news I had a box crash after 384 days22:57
ompaulno idea some olde kernel error22:57
Seveasompaul, isn't that ban from before this channel existed?22:57
ompaulSeveas, it is22:58
ompaulSeveas, we would have to go back to the tarballs wherever we have em22:58
naliothnot too many of those folks  :)22:58
ompaulbottom line that party is up there with one or two others22:58
Seveasi'd say broken_ladder, lunitik, nzk, syf and slak23:05
* elkbuntu tries to tack eleaf onto the end of that23:05
Seveasneh, eleaf's way too new for that23:06
elkbuntuyeah, but i dont want him back23:06
Seveaswell, true23:06
ompaulelkbuntu, you might spell it right ;-)23:08
ompaulhighlights everywhere23:09
elkbuntuompaul, eh?23:09
ompaulohh your right23:09
* ompaul wanders off to find a rock to crawl under to hide23:09
* elkbuntu pats ompaul23:09
Seeker`just how bad were those people?23:17
ompaulSeeker`,  bad enough to get perm bans?23:18
naliothSeeker`: you do not want to ask that.23:18
Seeker`ompaul: perhaps I should of asked what you actually have to do to get a permban23:19
ompaulbe a repeat offender -racist -spammer -troll -combination-of-all23:19
Seeker`does wii have a permban?23:20
ompaulSeeker`, looks like they should23:20
ompaulSeeker`, in #ubuntu*23:21
tonyyarussoDoing remarkably stupid things in your follup-PM with the banning op is a common way to get standard 24-hr bans upgraded23:21
crdlb18:21 < queeneli> please don't call the police on me23:22
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:23
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:24
Jack_Sparrowqueenie  is anoying...23:25
no0tic00:25:40 < queeneli> <AprilHare> you you like lalala liike to doo huu thee is?23:25
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (queeneli)23:26
Jack_Sparrowsame here23:26
PiciNow he/she is asking me why I banned them.,23:28
Jack_Sparrowwhat is it a full moon tonight23:28
RaceKonditionI've changed to port 800123:28
naliothRaceKondition: buckle up23:28
naliothRaceKondition: you can rejoin #ubuntu now, and thanks for your patience  :)23:29
Seeker`Jack_Sparrow: Nope, i think it is almost a new moon23:29
Jack_Sparrowsasquatch isnt getting the hint either23:30
Seveasit definitely is troll season though23:31
Seveas<broken_ladder> what is it that i did for which i was banned?23:31
Seveas<broken_ladder> hello?  i'm trying to find out why i was banned, which came about apparently randomly.23:31
no0ticcan I test the next? Can I? :)23:33
RaceKonditionnalioth: btw I've got the latest router firmware...23:34
ompaulRaceKondition, quitting in the middle of a dcc thing does not help ;-)23:34
Seveasqueeneli, what can we do for you?23:35
queeneliSeveas> well i am confused about a ban23:35
queeneliSeveas> this isn't the forst time it had happened23:36
queeneliSeveas> i think something is wrong with me23:36
Jack_SparrowAnd you dont know why?23:36
Seveasqueeneli, so you've repeatedly been banned and still haven't looked at the rules?23:36
queeneliJack_Sparrow no :S23:36
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:37
queeneliSeveas> it isn't only this channel and ubuntu, i been kicked out of my home, forum city etc23:37
ompaulqueeneli, I suggest you read those guidelines23:37
Seveasqueeneli, well, get some counceling then23:37
Seveasqueeneli, this channel is for operator questions only, your issues seem way bigger than that so we probably can't help you23:38
queeneliSeveas how do you know my issue is bigger? i don't even know me23:38
Seveasqueeneli, by the things you tell us23:38
queeneliyou don't know me23:38
Seveasnow please stop being offtopic in ubuntu channels, especially this one23:39
queeneliSeveas i din't think said much23:39
queeneliseves how do i stay on topic i have nothing to say about this one23:39
queeneliwhat now?23:39
ompaulqueeneli, you said too much23:39
Seveasqueeneli, then leave this channel please. This channel is *only* for operator matters23:40
ompaulmiguillo, you are now tested23:40
queeneli<ompaul> O.O23:40
queeneliSeveas : but i want to hang out23:40
Seveasqueeneli, this is not a hang out channel23:41
queeneliSeveas : i know you all going to be rich that's why23:41
Seveasompaul, hey, that was my troll :P23:41
queeneliso mean23:41
ompaulyou were asked once23:42
Seveasqueeneli, I said please twice, ompaul asked less-please once23:42
Seveasdamn you :p23:42
Seveaslet me have fun23:42
naliothhe's about to be my troll . . . .     :(23:42
mc44it's cos u gonna be rih23:42
Seveasmc44, he didn't mean you23:42
ompaullets see23:43
ompaulSeveas, you could have fun yet23:43
* Seveas having fun here means queeneli not trolling somewhere else23:43
Seeker`just kick ompaul if they dont come back23:43
* ompaul glares at Seeker` 23:44
SeveasI'll kick you instead23:44
* Seeker` hides23:44
ompaulyou can hide but you can't be protected23:44
Seeker`I didn't do anything wrong though :O23:44
naliothqueeneli: is there something more we can help you with?23:44
Seveasqueeneli, I said please twice, ompaul asked less-please twice23:44
Seveasqueeneli, why can't you get a hint?23:44
queenelinalioth yes23:45
naliothqueeneli: and that would be?23:45
queenelinalioth why are some ops meaner than others and what can be done about it? thank you23:45
Seveasqueeneli, if you answer my question, I'll answer yours23:45
queeneliSeveas can i get a minute to think about it?23:46
Seveas30 seconds23:46
queeneliok done i am going to type it now23:46
PriceChildAhh that was a fun night.23:47
Seeker`PriceChild: whatcha do?23:47
no0tichas he a ban on #ubuntu that forwards here?23:47
naliothi didn't have the heart to tell him that i don't ask my magic mirror 'who is the meanest op of all' any more, (because every time i do, my mirror disintegrates)23:48
Seveasnalioth, you've got competition now?23:48
PriceChildSeeker`, Hockey social, indian, ice skating, pub, etc.23:48
Seeker`PriceChild: sounds good23:48
Seeker`nalioth: I guess that on a scale of 1 to "good", that question scores -1523:49
PriceChildSeeker`, plus i'm not a fresher so don't get dirty pints thrust on me 8-)23:49
Seeker`PriceChild: Thats always a good thing :D23:49
PriceChildand no jdong... i was not the one doing the thrusting...23:49
jdonglol I wasn't gonna say a thing :D23:49
Seeker`PriceChild: I assume by "dirty" you mean 50% vodka, 50% cider and 50% beer (or something similar)23:50
ompaulnalioth, they bring a mirror within 10k of me and they get cut23:51
PriceChilduuuu I just got my email from google asking if I was interested in engineering opportunities...23:51
PriceChildSeeker`, cider and beer are for sissys23:52
Seeker`PriceChild: Oh? Real men drink smirnoff ice?23:52
PriceChildwe're talking dirty pint here as opposed to pint..23:53
jdongSeeker`: that stuff goes down real easy though :)23:53
jdongPriceChild: shut up.23:53
jdong*sigh* ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H23:54
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (narothepharoh)23:54
no0ticbtw, probably you didn't notice23:57
no0tic00:25:40 < queeneli> <AprilHare> you you like lalala liike to doo huu thee is?23:57
no0tic00:53:42 < narothepharoh> jack_sparrow: you are an asshole23:57
Jack_SparrowI can be..  :)23:58

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