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pteagueanybody know what the diff is between the APC UPS BR & XS models?01:28
fujin_the total power capacity I believe01:28
fujin_16a vs 32a or something like that01:29
fujin_don't recall01:29
pteaguehttp://microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0248208 vs http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1684210106601:32
fujin_Probably best to take a look at apc's website, not there :)01:32
pteagueapc isn't much help... they only list the RS (BR1300LCD)01:37
fujin_pteague: call a sales representative02:07
pteagueyou want me to use that archaic thing?  i thought that went away with email & IMs ;o)02:10
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Goosemoosehi guys02:38
Goosemooseim trying to preseed edubuntu so i added this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,edubuntu-desktop but it doesn't seem to work, i dont get any gui02:39
Goosemoosenot sure why it wouldnt work02:39
Goosemoosetried it without the standard too02:39
Goosemooseread over it many times02:46
Goosemoosethanks though02:46
Goosemoosehave it printed in front of me too02:47
fujin_read it again? :)02:47
Goosemooseonly think i can think of is that edubuntu-desktop isn't valid but it shows on tasksel --list-tasks02:50
fujin_have you tried preseeding tasksel/first multiselect standard,lamp-server02:50
fujin_for example?02:50
fujin_that'd quickly tell you02:51
Goosemoosethats what the default was02:51
Goosemoosei just changed it02:51
Goosemoosei get an install just no gui02:51
fujin_lamp-server was the default?02:51
Goosemoosewell, from the preseed file i downloaded to start with02:52
Goosemoosethe one that the 2nd link you posted links to02:52
Goosemoosei started with that then modified it02:52
Goosemooseinteresting though when i type tasksel --list-tasks02:54
Goosemoosei get02:54
Goosemoosei edubuntu-desktop      Edubuntu desktop02:54
Goosemooseall the other listings have a 'u' not an 'i'02:54
fujin_that means it's installed :P02:56
Goosemooseahh ok02:56
Goosemooserunning that on the server, so that makes sense02:56
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pschulz01Greetings.. what do I need to install to be able to use regexp:/etc/postfix/<file> in my main.cf?06:03
pschulz01I have the package postfix-pcre installed06:04
pschulz01If I try.. "postmap regexp:/etc/postfix/virtual" I get the error.. postmap: fatal: dict_mkmap_func: unsupported dictionary type: regexp:  Is the postfix-regexp package installed?06:05
pschulz01.. but the package 'postfix-regexp' doesn't exist.06:05
pteaguedang it... how do i enable my mdadm partition again in gutsy?06:12
pteagueyay for google... i hope i don't have to run this command every time i reboot to get it to create md006:22
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pteaguefor some reason samba can't find my users even though i've deleted the users & re added them07:09
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NineTeen67CometHello all .. any suggestions where to start looking for problems with my Ubuntu Server box? Ram is good, hdd are all good, CPU/Mobo are good (far as I can tell) .. and there isn't dille'o for logs .. but it just quits randomly .. help?10:59
NineTeen67CometI've been running several terminals ssh'ed into my server .. one with tail -f -n 25 /var/log/messages and another with top and yet another with tail -f -n 25 /var/log/dmesg just to see if something happens just before it stops serving ..11:01
bettonglooked at syslog?11:01
NineTeen67Cometbettong: yeah, but not today .. I'll include it when it comes back online .. I hate it when they act like this .. lol .. gimme an error so I can track it friggin' box! .. KICK .. box11:03
bettongeheheh know what you mean11:03
* bettong is trying to make jira work. seriously. just avoid the *fking* thing :|11:04
* NineTeen67Comet heads over to google look up jira .. :)11:04
bettongah, proprietary java app11:05
NineTeen67Cometbug tracker?11:05
bettongused for "workflow" stuff11:05
bettongyeah, among other things11:05
NineTeen67Cometaha .. not that far into my stuff yet to need that kind o'thang11:05
bettongits an all singing/all dancing issue/bugs/support request/etc tracking11:05
* bettong finds it fairly horrible11:05
* bettong finds trac quite nice looking, but not tried it properly yet11:06
bettongi plan to play with track RSN :/11:08
NineTeen67Cometwell all, it is bed time here so hopefully my sites will stay up tonight and let the users finally start posting junk .. Might be a good excuse for new hardware .. heheheheh11:08
bettongbed. now thats a plan11:08
bettongnight all!11:08
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sorenlamont: Do you plan on doing the cyrus-sasl2 merge?11:54
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lamonthrmpf.  someone wanna file a bug about the postfix-regexp thing above, if it's really a bug?13:51
* lamont takes kids to school13:51
Solarionis there a GUI for creating and managing software RAIDs on ubuntu-server?17:18
Goosemoosehi guys17:25
Goosemooseback to working on my preseed network install. i have everything install but i don't end up with gnome or any other gui. Can't figure out why.17:27
GoosemooseAlso, do I need to restart something after changing my preseed.cfg before another install starts?17:27
Goosemoosewow it's quiet!17:30
SolarionGoosemoose: tell me about it.  :(17:30
ScottKSolarion: Ubuntu-server has no GUI, so no.17:32
SolarionScottK: that sucks.  :(17:32
ScottKSolarion: Many of us consider that a feature.17:32
danpa very important feature at that17:33
SolarionScottK: What do you define as "no GUI"17:33
ScottKNo X server.17:33
Solarionthen claiming that "ubuntu-server has no gui, therefore there's no gui tool to do x" is absurd17:33
ScottKI didn't say there was no GUI tool.  I said that ubuntu-server didn't have one.  Not the same thing at all.17:34
SolarionFine.  Within your terminology, then, is there a GUI tool to configure and maintain a RAID in Ubuntu?17:34
ScottKSolarion: You're not going to like this answer either.  I don't know as I've never looked for one.  Ubuntu support (that isn't ubuntu-server specific) can be found in #ubuntu.17:35
ScottKSomeone else may chime in with an actual answer, but most of us here aren't very GUI focues.17:35
sorenGoosemoose: I don't understand your question. Restart something after you've updated your preseed? Where is your preseed?17:36
Solarionpersonally, I don't care, but my boss is a big Apple man.17:36
Solarionhence, if there's a nice GUI to config/admin, Linux is much more likely to be used.17:36
Goosemoosesoren, the preseed is on the network17:36
SolarionFortunately, OSX doesn't seem to do software RAID5.17:36
sorenGoosemoose: http?17:36
ScottKSolarion: soren has a plan to package ebox for Hardy.  I doubt it's tools support that level of work, but that's the "GUI" support idea.17:37
sorenGoosemoose: And what would you think should get restarted? I'm not sure I follow?17:37
Goosemoosesoren, yes17:37
Goosemoosesoren, not sure , it's just not following my changes. thought maybe the tftp server17:37
SolarionScottK: thanks for the pointer.17:37
sorenGoosemoose: You're starting new installs and your old preseed files are being used?17:38
Nafalloncurses is gui :-)17:38
ScottKThere is that.17:38
Solarionlooks like ebox is already in gutsy17:38
sorenSolarion: It's really not.17:38
Goosemoosesoren, i can't really tell if it's an old one of i'm just entering something wrong in the preseed file17:38
Goosemoosethe program is i end up with no gui17:38
Solarionsoren: oh?17:38
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop17:39
sorenSolarion: Only the very, very basic stuff is there. It's nowhere near a usable state.17:39
Solarionsoren: ah.  That would explain it.17:39
sorenGoosemoose: And you're surprised you get a desktop?17:39
Goosemoosei dont!17:39
sorenGoosemoose: Ah.17:39
Goosemooseno matter what i chnage I just get a non-gui login prompt17:40
sorenGoosemoose: You're installing over the network?17:41
sorenGoosemoose: Oh, right, via apt-cacher? That was you?17:42
Goosemoosehave 250 computers to setup17:42
Goosemoosethat's me :)17:42
sorenHang on17:42
Goosemoosei got apt-cacher working ok it seems17:43
sorenGoosemoose: Everything else in your pressed is applied properly?17:44
Goosemooseyes i think so17:46
Goosemooseexcept for one thing17:46
Goosemoosei commented out the host name17:46
Goosemoosehoping that it would prompt me17:46
Goosemoosebut it just names is owner-pc17:46
Goosemoosenames 'it'17:46
mathiazGoosemoose: are you sure that you wanna install edubuntu-desktop ?17:51
Goosemoosewhy not?17:53
Goosemooseits for a high school17:53
Goosemoosei could just stick normal ubuntu17:53
Goosemoosethen install the extra programs17:53
Goosemoosethis didn't get me a desktop either:17:53
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, kde-desktop17:53
Goosemoosei ran tasksel --list-tasks and it listed edubuntu-desktop as an option17:56
Goosemooseim actually not running ltsp so maybe i don't need to install edubuntu17:58
Goosemoosecould just get ubuntu plus addons17:58
Goosemooseso is it:17:59
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-standard17:59
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,ubuntu-standard17:59
Nafalloubuntu-minimal, ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-desktop17:59
Goosemooseok so i want ubuntu-desktop18:00
Goosemoosewill try it now18:00
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-desktop18:00
Nafalloubuntu-desktop doesn't depend ubuntu{minimal,standard}18:01
Goosemoosewhat do you mean by that?18:01
Nafallothat you probably want to select all of those three.18:02
Goosemoosewouldn't it install all three at once though?18:02
Nafallowhy would it?18:02
Goosemoosei thought the purpose of the preseed was to list the options that should be chosen18:03
Nafalloand why shouldn't it?18:03
Nafallothat's my understanding as well18:03
Goosemoosedoesn't ubuntu-desktop include the other by default?18:03
Goosemoosehow can you have a desktop without the minimial18:03
Goosemooseso you're saying do18:04
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop18:04
Goosemooseok ill try that now18:05
Goosemooseone other question before i try18:05
Goosemooseshouldn't #d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname make it prompt me for a computer name?18:05
Goosemooseit's auto assigning it18:05
Nafallono idea18:06
Goosemoosepartitioning takes way too long18:19
Goosemooseis there a good reason to create separate /home /usr /var and /tmp partitions in a situation like this?18:20
Goosemooseit just seems to take way too long to do without much benefit18:20
zulGoosemoose: because if you just have / as a directory and it fills up then you are screwed18:22
Goosemoosehow would it fill up any differently? this is for a school, so all files will be stored on the network18:24
Goosemoosewill likely end up reimaging machines every 6 months anyways18:24
GoosemooseI can't figure out why it won't ask me for the hostname!18:27
Goosemooseit's grabbing names from dhcp18:27
mathiazGoosemoose: try to ask in #ubuntu-installer18:28
Goosemooseahh didn't know that existed18:28
Goosemooseno responses in there18:35
Goosemoosetakes about 30 minutes to partition!18:37
Goosemoosedamnit, still no gui!18:38
Goosemoosejust got a login prompt18:39
Goosemoosei dont get it!18:39
NafalloGoosemoose: ask #ubuntu. those people like GUIs. we don't.18:43
Goosemoosewell got some help in the installer19:33
Goosemoosestill can't figure out why the clients don't install a gui from what the preseed tells it though19:33
Burgundaviadendrobates: you around?20:40
dendrobatesBurgundavia: yep20:41
Burgundaviadendrobates: have you seen this likewise stuff?20:41
dendrobatesI have had it for a couple weeks.20:42
fujin_does it work?20:42
dendrobatesBurgundavia: I am packaging it for hardy today.20:42
dendrobatesyes it works.20:42
Burgundaviais it samba based?20:42
fujin_the live demos look very cool.20:43
fujin_shame I'd never be able to convince my superiors to join a Linux server to a windaz AD20:43
Goosemoosei was checking it out too, beats the last 2 weeks i spent getting everything to sync to AD20:43
GoosemooseARe they charging for it or not?20:43
Goosemooselooks like a commercial product20:43
dendrobatescoffeedude: are you around to explain better?20:43
sommerfyi http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS2350659361.html20:44
dendrobatesit was demo'd at uds.20:45
Goosemooseit has a form of group policies for linux?20:46
dendrobatesthat is the commercial part.20:46
Goosemooseahh ok20:46
dendrobatesit lets you use GPO's to manage linux.20:46
Goosemoosesweet, too bad that's not free!20:47
dendrobatesThe open source part is the domain joining part.20:47
Burgundaviathere have been lots of people doing GPO stuff for Linux and nobody has open sourced any of it20:48
fujin_so, the open source stuff20:48
Goosemooseopen source still includes the logins as well correcT?20:48
fujin_you can join it to a domain, use usernames/passwords?20:48
fujin_uid/gid mapping?20:48
fujin_cached credentials?20:48
Goosemooselooks like it20:48
Goosemoosei was doing that with all the conf file before20:48
Goosemoosetakes forever20:48
fujin_I'm interested, but not interested to un-roll all of my libnss-ldap/libpam-ldap/openldap stuff20:48
fujin_how polished is it dendrobates? can you backport to feisty?20:49
dendrobatesI see it more for windows admins that want to try an Ubuntu server.20:49
Goosemooseif i can get this damn preseed file to work i'd be in business :)20:49
fujin_dendrobates: ah, so not a libnss-ldap/libpam-ldap replacement?20:50
dendrobatesfujin_: this actually joins your sytem to the domain.20:50
Goosemooseit is a replacement20:50
fujin_'join to the domain' is pretty buzz-friendly20:50
fujin_basically, what I want to know is:20:51
Burgundaviawhere does it fit with the existing auth-client-config stuff in Feisty?20:51
Goosemooseit also allows you to use your domain usernames20:51
dendrobatesit is a technical term.20:51
fujin_hardly, it's a m$ term20:51
fujin_'join to the domain' = "use this ldap server"20:51
Burgundaviait means more than just use the ldap server20:51
dendrobatesfujin_: you are incorrect.20:51
Burgundaviait puts the computer into the tree20:51
Burgundaviascrews with dns stuff ont eh computer, etc.20:52
Burgundaviait has been a long time since I have played with AD. I need to do that again20:52
dendrobatesBurgundavia: it does not yet fit into auth-client-config, but it could eventually.20:53
Burgundaviaright, and given it requires mono-winforms, does it provide its own GUI for joining?20:53
dendrobatesBurgundavia: yes20:54
fujin_can you join from the CLI?20:54
fujin_none of my servers will ever run X20:54
dendrobatesfujin_: yes.20:54
Burgundaviadendrobates: are we planning to replace that with a generic "join to domain or auth against OpenLDAP server"?20:54
dendrobatesBurgundavia: the gui portion you mean?20:55
Burgundaviaanyway, I have to run20:55
dendrobatesBurgundavia: I don't know, I kept mentioning it at UDS/Allhands, but the desktop guys did not seem too excited20:55
dendrobatesIt is worth bringing up again.20:56
fujin_you tell em20:57
Goosemoosedoes hardy fix any preseed bugs?20:57
coffeedudeGoosemoose: Likewise Open is GPL v3.  Likewise Enterprise is Likewise Open + additional commercial pieces.20:57
Goosemoosehey coffeedude20:57
Goosemooselikewise open will support ad users as login names right?20:58
fujin_yeah, in the format domain\username20:58
dendrobatescoffeedude: welcome.  I'm working on hardy packaging for likewise-open as we speak.20:58
fujin_watch the videos Goosemoose :)20:58
Goosemoosegood, im ready to test it, i have to roll out 250 machines20:58
Goosemooseif i can just fix this damn preseed file !20:59
coffeedudedendrobates: btw...we're writing a GTK+ port of the GUI join tool that should be ready in a week I think.20:59
Goosemoosei did get domain logins working by editing about 10 conf files and following the docs, but hadn't found an easy way to work that into my network install20:59
coffeedudeGoosemoose: yes.  Plus userPrincipalName logons and supports a nam mapping file.20:59
coffeedudeGoosemoose: http://lists.likewisesoftware.com/pipermail/likewise-open-discuss/2007-December/000003.html21:00
dendrobatescoffeedude: is the weather in AL as nice as it is here?21:01
Goosemoosecoffeedude, cool. still looks like it might be a little late for me then as i have to get these up in the next week or two21:02
coffeedudedendrobates: yeah.  Nice day.21:04
dendrobatescoffeedude: makes me wish I didn't just sit in my basement all day.21:05
coffeedudeGoosemoose: Your call.  I've got a lot of stuff on my whiteboard for likewise-open.21:05
coffeedudedendrobates: got a window?21:05
dendrobatescoffeedude: not in this room21:05
coffeedudedendrobates: ewwwwww.....21:05
dendrobatescoffeedude: if I lean really far I can see out a door.21:05
coffeedudedendrobates: how about a lava lamp?21:06
dendrobatescoffeedude: nope,I have a sparc server howling at me like a jet engine though.21:06
Goosemoosecoffeedude, could it be used right now in 7.10?21:07
dendrobatesI seriously need a better work space.21:07
coffeedudeGoosemoose: Yup.  That's what I'm running on.21:07
coffeedudeI do have a few things to clean up for the next release.  But I eat my own dogfood daily on my laptop.21:08
coffeedudeGoosemoose: so I have confidence in it.21:08
dendrobatescoffeedude: does you testing framework depend on it it being installed in /opt?  I have had to move everything around.21:09
Goosemoosecoffeedude, are you connecting the computers via a script or the gui? i need to automate as much of this as possible21:10
coffeedudedendrobates: Nope.  What ever you like.  /opt was the least controversial.21:10
coffeedudeGoosemoose: both utilities have the same end result.21:10
coffeedudeGoosemoose: although I aplogize in advance for lack of man pages right now.21:10
* coffeedude starts on the gitweb installation....21:11
Goosemoosecoffeedude, awesome. are you preseeding over a network by any chance? i need to find a better example as I'm not getting a gui21:12
Goosemooseand I need to figure out how to get a prompt for the computer name still21:12
coffeedudeGoosemoose: SIGWIFE....hold on asec.21:12
coffeedude`domainjoin-cli setname foo && domainjoin-cli join domain.com Administrator`21:15
coffeedudeGoosemoose: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^21:15
Goosemoosethat's it?21:15
coffeedudewill prompt you for the admin password to join the domain.21:16
Goosemooseare you working this in automatically with an install?21:16
coffeedudeGoosemoose: you mean "apt-get install likewise-open"  or the Ubuntu installer?21:16
Goosemoosesomething i can add to a preseed install21:17
coffeedudedendrobates: is leading the packaging decisions right now.21:17
coffeedudeI have to grab a run before it starts getting dark.  Back later.,21:17
dendrobatesthe current plan is for this to be an option in the Hardy installer21:18
Goosemooseso there is no apt-get currently, correct?21:18
dendrobatesnope.  I plan to upload it to Hardy soon.21:19
Goosemooseok, cool21:19
dendrobatesjust working through some minor issues.21:19
Goosemoosei'll get back to screwing around with my networking install first, ill need that working anyways21:19
Goosemoosethanks for the hard work :)21:19
dendrobatesand the thing takes foreer to build in my vm.21:19
Goosemoosewill work great at our school21:20
Goosemooseahh yes21:20
Goosemooseive had to compile my java program in a vm21:20
Goosemoosevery slow21:20
dendrobatesand debclean not actually clean it, it leaves mdb's and such. and debuild chokes on it.21:20
ajmitchyou're using the CLI debian policy?21:21
dendrobatesajmitch: I am planning on splitting out the mono part, so I have not looked.  The package was not policy compliant in other ways though.21:24
dendrobatesajmitch: would you like to help with that part?21:24
ajmitchif you wish21:25
ajmitchdo you have this in a bzr branch or similar?21:25
dendrobatesnot yet, I wil soon.21:26
* ajmitch hopes that a winforms-using app doesn't look horribly out of place21:28
dendrobatesajmitch: It did a little during the UDS demo, so it is good to hear a gtk+ version is near.21:32
ajmitchthat's good, hopefully near enough for hardy?21:35
dendrobatesshould be.21:37
sommerisn't there a way to install one of the tasksel options after you've been through the installation process?22:11
sommerah sudo tasksel install task22:16
Goosemoosehey sommer22:37
Goosemooseanyone know why i'd end up with no gui after doing a preseed install22:38
Goosemooseanyone see something wrong with this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop22:43

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