
jimmygoonDoes anyone have any tips for synchronization?00:00
BrolxJack_Sparrow: Oh, I did that myself when the computer said that I should. But does that explain why the Firefox browser keeps disappearing?00:00
ubotuA good guide for setting up Palm devices is at http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/PalmOS-HOWTO.html#PC-CONNECT-USB00:00
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andre_Jack_Sparrow: I'm not sure that my partition is recognised...00:00
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Jack_SparrowBrolx: No it should not be the cause.. It looks like a fairly clean install.00:00
d10bis there a shell scripting room?00:00
wols_d10b: #bash00:00
LjLd10b: #bash00:00
BrolxJack_Sparrow: So I guess I'm stuck with this?00:00
LjLok next one who says #bash gets bashed00:01
Jack_Sparrowandre_: try the gparted LIVEcd... rather than ubuntu live with gparted.00:01
* Flare183 laughs00:01
Jack_SparrowBrolx: no. it is fixable,00:01
Jack_SparrowBrolx: Try installing flash and java again...00:01
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:01
dirtyhandWhere are the MySQL databases stored in Ubuntu?00:01
Jack_Sparrow!java | Brolx00:02
ubotuBrolx: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre00:02
andre_Jack_Sparrow: thanks, will try it out00:02
Seivan|What application could I use to unpack tars in XFCE?00:02
Jack_SparrowBrolx: ONe more question.. how much ram and hard drive space do you have?00:02
CaptainMorganbulmer, that did it, thanks a bunch!00:02
preaction_Seivan|, file roller?00:02
jimmygoonSeivan|, like... tar?00:03
Flare183like ark00:03
jugh3adhow can I tell which apps are using the most RAM?00:03
the-papsterim having trouble with gcc it wont compile my c++ file - i am just starting to learn c++ this is my first app00:03
comicinke1jugh3ad: htop00:03
the-papsterheres the paste link with the cpp file and output00:03
crdlbthe-papster: ##c++00:03
CaptainMorgannope.. wait it didn't work00:03
jugh3adok thanks comicinke100:03
Seivan|preaction_: fileroller is like 40 mb, and GNOMe00:03
Seivan|I need a graphical frontend for unpacking tar for XFCE00:03
crdlbSeivan|: ask in #xubuntu00:03
the-papstercrdlb: what was that for?00:04
crdlbI think there's an xfarchive or something00:04
trimetaMy TEW-423PI wi-fi PCI card keeps getting its IRQ disabled at boot. How do I stop this?00:04
BrolxJack_Sparrow: So I should go with the Gutsy Gibbon link on the Flash page?00:04
Some_PersonWhere can I get the Ubuntu Wait cursor in Animated GIF format?00:04
CaptainMorganbulmer, I commented out the cdrom line but it's still not allowing me to install00:04
preaction_Seivan|, you can use it under XFCE, unless you want kark (which uses the KDE libs). XFCE requires the GTK libs already00:04
trimeta(using Ubuntu Server 7.10)00:04
crdlbthe-papster: it's the freenode c++ channel00:04
the-papsterok cheers!00:04
LjLthe-papster, include <iostream> rather than <iostream.h> for starters00:04
NetLarIrvineis 1gz processor good enough for 7.10?00:04
yakov_i've installed dchroot and prepared working chroot, but eventually after i've added non-priv user access to my chroot networking from chroot gone, how can i fix it? please00:05
lazarus_lupineyeah i'm running 7.10 kubuntu on a p3 w/ no problems00:05
Jack_SparrowBrolx: I would think so.. but I dont see it atm.  If you are getting the info from the bot' link.. then yes follow those instructions00:05
NetLarIrvineok, thanks00:05
lazarus_lupineno prob00:05
lazarus_lupinei'm also running 7.10 server on a p2 box00:06
komputeslazarus_lupine: the installer is smart and installs less graphical features if your system is a P300:06
the-papsterLjL: ok done that and now i get this00:06
Some_PersonWhere can I get the Ubuntu Wait cursor in Animated GIF format?00:06
lazarus_lupineI know i wans't looking for compiz or anything like that00:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiba-dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:07
NetLarIrvinelazarus_lupine, how about 128 mg Ram00:07
lazarus_lupinealso komputes I upgraded from 7.04, so it wasn't a fresh install00:07
andre_Jack_Sparrow: have you encountered problems with ntfs partitions?00:07
the-papsteranyone? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47057/00:07
andre_Jack_Sparrow: I'm trying to convert it to EXT3 but having some issues00:07
komputeslazarus_lupine: I think since 6, the installer is smart00:08
trimetaSo, no one with any ideas on fixing my wireless card's IRQ problem?00:08
cricrihillo, i have a wide screen lappy with intel chipset but i cant set res to 1280x80000:08
kelsinthe-papster: "using namespace std;" is needed, cout is a member of the std namespace, so you either need to write "std::cout" (I think) every time or include that namespace line00:08
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lazarus_lupineNetLarIrvine, really it depends on what you want to do. I would probably run xubuntu, I have 380mb of ram,00:08
lazarus_lupineyou could run kubuntu w/ 128mb but it wouldn't be that snappy00:08
cricrithe gnome screen does not use the whole lappy screen00:08
slimzanyone else00:09
benzs_shey guys, wondering if you can help... on the wine DB site, it says the following: you need to use the git export and the patch from http://elfe.mine.nu/eve/linux/trinity.diff00:09
benzs_sthe Redist file needs to be run again to install an additional file00:09
benzs_swhat does this mean?00:09
slimzanyone elses host file break upgrading to hardy heron?00:09
BrolxJack_Sparrow: I have 257GB of hard drive space, and I'm unsure how much RAM I have.00:09
cricrimy boot screen res is fine but wrong in gnome, is it a gnome problem?00:09
benzs_s'git export and the patch from ... ' ?00:09
Picislimz: #ubuntu+100:09
NetLarIrvineI will probably just get more Ram, I want to run it as a server, maybe web server00:09
lazarus_lupinekomputes, are you just talking about graphical settings, like effects in KDE?00:09
the-papsterkelsin: now i get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47058/00:10
shredder_I want to upgrade from 6 to 7.10, I am downloading the 7.10 iso, how do install from there?00:10
LjLthe-papster: seems you'd have to add «  using namespace std;  » after the include line00:10
jimmygoonanyone use unison?00:10
Danaman5Hi, I'm having trouble with my simplified Chinese character font - some characters appear grayed out or fragmented.  Does anyone know how to help?00:10
kelsinthe-papster: use g++ to compile00:10
lazarus_lupineNetLarIrvine, if you just want a basic headless server 128 is ok, my p2 server has 192 and runs apache and a few other things fine00:10
hectorpalbulmer: stil there?00:10
jimmygoonIs the turning into ##C++?00:11
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the-papsterthanks kelsin00:11
the-papsterbut how do i now execute the program?00:11
NetLarIrvineWell I will probably want the GUI too00:11
TtechI got a quick question, how do I get that nice 3d cube desktop switcher?00:11
TtechInstalled on Ubntu?00:11
lazarus_lupinefluxbox would be fine, thats what I did00:11
kelsinthe-papster: if it spit out a.out just run "./a.out"00:11
crdlbthe-papster: ##c++ please, this is not a programming channel00:12
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:12
Jack_SparrowBrolx: Sorry< i was busy.. do you think you have over 256 and do you know if you are sharing ram with your video card.. as in onboard video and not a plugin card00:12
GekoneBuonanotte a tutti, ragazzuoli.00:12
trimetaTtech: Look for info on compiz fusion.00:12
the-papsterit doesn't hurt does it? crdlb00:12
jimmygoonthe-papster, "using namespace std;" predicates the need for std:: prefix00:12
Ttechtrimeta: Thanks... That's all I needed to know.00:12
Flare183!compiz | Ttech00:12
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ubotuTtech: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:12
hectorpalrepeating my question: I add a line like that to my sudoers: myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/myprogram, but when I do sudo /usr/bin/myprogram it still ask for the password00:13
benzs_s"you need to use the git export and the patch from http://elfe.mine.nu/eve/linux/trinity.diff" <- what is this asking me to do?00:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about diff - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:13
BrolxJack_Sparrow: I know I have at least 512, maybe 1 GB (not sure), and I don't know if that's the case.00:13
Jack_Sparrowthe-papster: We need to limit the scope of our support to ubuntu.. specifics about programming should go to that channel00:13
Jack_SparrowBrolx: then that should not be the issue, just one of many things to check..00:14
the-papsterwell.. i didnt know that it was specifically about programming00:14
TtechFlare183: You like the bot. :P  LOL  And htanks00:14
the-papsteri asked how to run a program00:14
kelsinhectorpal: can you pastebin the relevant parts of your sudoers file, and I assume you can sudo normally still?00:14
Flare183np yeah i do00:14
Jack_SparrowBrolx: Good luck, I need to go to a windows box and get some work done00:14
CaptainMorganbulmer, /etc/apt/sources.list.save is commented for that line... why won't it work?00:14
BrolxAh, thanks.00:14
hectorpalkelsin: going...00:14
TtechFlare183: Can I just do apt to install copiz?00:14
Flare183Ttech:> yeah sudo apt-get install compiz00:15
TtechFlare183: Ok, and last question, which one do I need to get the nice cube?00:15
Brolxgreat... it says the Flash plugin is not installed. now what?!00:15
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Flare183Check off Desktop Cube on Compziconfig settings manager00:16
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CaptainMorganhow do I turn off "look for sources CD" remotely? after attempting sudo apt-get install g++ I get this message looking for the CD, but I'm in a remote location and can't insert it.. so I edited /etc/apt/sources.list.gave's line related to the CD, and it stil lwon't work00:16
CaptainMorganany ideas?00:16
TtechFlare183: Thanks00:16
trimetaCaptainMorgan: vim /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the line for the CD.00:16
Flare183Ttech:> np00:16
trimetaOh, you already said that. Sorry.00:16
hectorpalkelsin: http://pastebin.com/m72ff9e2900:16
kelsinbenzs_s: wine is kept in a git repository (it's like CVS or svn), they are saying you need to checkout the code (follow a git tutorial or http://wiki.winehq.org/GitWine) then apply that patch, then compile and install wine00:16
benzs_skelsin: oh right... sounds tough. i'll get right on that wiki page00:17
Brolxcat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal00:18
cricriwhat are the setup needed for a widescreen on the ubuntu os00:18
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:19
cricrignome does not use the whole screen, on the live cd and on the full install00:19
Brolxnever mind. Firefox disappeared again. bye00:19
CaptainMorgantrimeta, I have now deleted it and it's still asking for it00:20
the-papstergoodybye channel00:20
trimetaCaptainMorgan: Wait, you totally wiped /etc/apt/sources.list?00:20
trimetaOr you just deleted the CD line?00:20
CaptainMorganomg sorry... someone told me sources.list.save... I haven't tried sources.list00:20
trimetasources.list.save is the backup...sources.list is the one it actually uses...00:21
tunaI'm trying to get a new ipod working on ubuntu. ubotus quide is useless, does anyone knowhow to do this?00:21
localhello there00:21
pike_tuna: what prob are you running into00:21
pike_tuna: and what kind of ipod 5.5 gen?00:22
tunawhen I plug it in, the machine finds /dev/sdb, but no partitions on it00:22
tunaI am not sure, it's brand new00:22
locali'm having big trouble with mdadm, i'm worriyng if i lost all my datas, anyone can give me help with gutsy/mdadm/raid100:22
cizarrhow could i check if my iso file is not damaged?00:22
tunait has music on it and works in windows00:22
pike_tuna: is it a windows or mac ipod00:22
pike_tuna: ok so it is fat3200:22
tunait has also worked on a mac...00:22
ice109anyone in here speak spanish really well?00:22
pike_tuna: try sudo mkdir /media/ipod; sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/sdb2 /media/ipod00:23
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:23
jake_quick question.00:23
jake_i have a sony vaio00:23
jsoftwHow do I get xorg to reload fonts?00:23
pike_tuna: if it worked on win its fat32 windows is not intelligent enought to understand many file formats without help00:23
jsoftwI have installed Terminus font, and its not showing up00:23
tunapike: wpike: I cannot see /dev/sdb200:24
ice109ubotu no busco ayuda con ubuntu, busca ayuda con la lengua00:24
jake_and im wondering how can i configure my computer so my external speakers work????00:24
tunapike it says sdb2 does not exist00:24
Piciice109: ubotu is a bot, /j #ubuntu-es00:24
matttishi, did someone miss his/her bookmarks after updating to firefox ?00:24
ice109i don't want to talk about ubuntu00:24
hectorpalkelsin: It has been solved. Tramp in #debian. I was putting a rule that override a previous one. Order matters00:24
ice109i want to talk about spanish00:24
pike_tuna: unplug it and replug then type 'dmesg | tail' does it say sdb or sdc or what00:24
Piciice109: this is an english only support channel.00:24
ice109with someone who speak to me about it in english00:24
ice109i don't need help with ubuntu00:24
ice109i need help with the spanish language00:24
pike_ice109: maybe someone in #ubuntu-offtopic can help out00:25
Piciice109: try ##linguistics00:25
ice109muchos gracias pici00:25
kelsinhectorpal: :) good00:25
shahanybody had any success installing avanquest MPT via wine here?00:25
kelsinhectorpal: I was duplicating it and stumped lol00:25
tunapike: sd 5:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk ||| sd 5:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 000:25
matttisI miss m bookmarks after updating to firefox What can i do ?00:25
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kelsinhectorpal: ahhh the admin line overwrites lol cool :)00:26
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eVipereHey, anyone know how to remove a device from an mdadm array, when the device is not physically connected?00:26
hectorpalkelsin: it took Tramp some time. lol :-)00:26
pike_tuna: dmesg | grep "  sd" file.txt | awk "{print $ 4}" | tail -n 1   says what thats a little involved but i copied it from one of my mount scripts :-)00:26
hectorpalkelsin: BTW, the sudoers by default can help by saying that: "hey, put extra rules here, that may be override" or something like that00:27
pike_tuna: one sec00:27
MikeHHow can I mount a bin/cue under linux?00:27
bruenig!iso | MikeH00:27
ubotuMikeH: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.00:27
pike_tuna: so if you sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb it shows no partitions?00:27
ivan_donde puedo conseguir controladores para impresora canon MP 130di00:27
Pici!es | ivan_00:28
ubotuivan_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:28
MikeHbruenig, so only way is to convert to iso then?00:28
slimzanyone feel like helping me fix my host file? i can't use sudo anymore00:28
tunapike: yes00:28
tunano partitions00:28
LjLslimz: boot into recovery mode and change it from there00:28
LjL!hostname > slimz    (slimz, see the private message from Ubotu)00:28
tunait has music on it and I'm listening to it right now00:28
pike_tuna: you have any music saved on it or is it pretty new ipod00:28
gordonjcpMikeH: are you possibly MikeH that I know from the Mirage list?00:29
bruenigMikeH, indeed00:29
jake_anyone care to help me w/ my sound problem?00:29
MikeHgordonjcp, Afraid not, no.00:29
MikeHbruenig, thanks00:29
joerlendhmm. I have a 1.8Ghz sempron with 1.5GB RAM. I'm using a onboard vesa VGA. If I try to play a normal video file, CPU goes to 100% and it lags. What can I do to fix this?00:29
gordonjcpMikeH: ;-) nm then...00:29
xvoltxjake is your sound card on the ubuntu hcl?00:29
juano__!alsa > jake_00:29
eVipereLOL @ joerlend, sempron, problem found.00:29
jake_on the what?00:29
matttisI miss my bookmarks after updating to firefox What can i do to get them back ?00:29
LjLjoerlend, if with that you mean that you're using the "vesa" driver, that's unsurprising00:29
xvoltxhardware compatibility list00:30
joerlendLjL, it is? Will I be better off using standard vga or something?00:30
pteaguewhat's the latest ubuntu? gutsy?00:30
jake_idk? how do i check?00:30
joerlendpteague, yes.00:30
pike_tuna: you know what model it is?00:30
LjLjoerlend, no, you're better off using the correct driver for your card. i seriously doubt it *only* supports vesa.00:30
* pteague updates /etc/apt/sources.list...00:30
LjLjoerlend: find out what card it actually is00:30
michael_Im using Gutsy, with Cedega and WoW installed-- The game is so slow i can't log in, anyone seen this before?00:30
pike_joerlend: and sempron is a fine proc00:30
joerlendpteague, gutsy is ubuntu 7.10, which means October 2007.00:30
tunaPike: ipod nano 8gb, I got00:30
Pici!upgrade | pteague please use the correct upgrade method00:31
ubotupteague please use the correct upgrade method: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:31
xvoltxok jake 2 steps00:31
joerlendpike_, it should suffice.00:31
jake_xvoltx: how do i check?00:31
MikeHgordonjcp, Seems to be a few MikeH's around :)00:31
pteaguePici> k, but i'm upgrading ubuntu-server00:31
eViperemichael: Yeah, I have... I had WoWo running just fine, then I updated compiz and it freaked out... never found out why..00:31
joerlendLjL, it's an onboard though.00:31
LjLjoerlend: means nothing, it's still a card. intel maybe?00:31
Picipteague: there are still different instructions for that. `sudo do-release-upgrade`00:31
xvoltxat terminal sudo lspci -n00:31
michael_eVipere_: How do i get the game to patch itself?00:31
LjLjoerlend: try « lshw -C display »00:31
jsoftwAnyone know how to reload fonts?00:31
Jangarican anyone tell me if it's possible to navigate to samba network directories from a terminal?00:32
jsoftwI added a new font ( terminus ) and its not showing up in xfce4-terminal00:32
gordonjcpMikeH: sadly as a lot of old old ISPs drop off the net, a lot of the people I used to know 10 years ago online are getting out of touch :-/00:32
Picipteague: read the page though, I think theres something extra I'm forgetting00:32
joerlendLjL, VIA  S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter00:32
kelsinjsoftw: you can mount them with the mount command00:32
jake_okay, then what?00:32
eViperemichael: it should run the updates just fine... you may need to run them manually sometimes though.00:32
pteaguecurrently upgrading feisty packages...  will check that next...00:32
CaptainMorgantrimeta, I have deleted that line with the cdrom, but now sudo apt-get install g++ returns E: Can't find g00:32
jsoftwkelsin: _what_ ?00:32
matttisI miss my bookmarks after updating to firefox What can i do to get them back ? The backup file is overwritten too00:32
pike_tuna: it seems there may be some issues with new nano and linux00:32
pteaguePici> if it's close to debian it should be pretty easy... done that a couple times :)00:32
michael_eVipere_: How is that done???00:33
kelsinjsoftw: wrong user, sorry00:33
xvoltxcopy the results to http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ and hit check00:33
kelsinJangari: you can mount them with the mount command00:33
trimetaCaptainMorgan: Are you sure that g++ is the proper name?00:33
MikeHbruenig, next question, what will play the resulting VCD under linux?00:33
pike_tuna: however it has been addressed im just not sure if current packages in gutsy are late enough version to work00:33
tunapike: there are many threads on the forum that say they got thiers to work, but they all jump past the mounting as if it just worked00:33
trimetaAnd there are other lines there for the online repositories, right?00:33
MikeHTotem just gives me "cannot read from resource"00:33
CaptainMorgantrimeta, absolutely00:33
CaptainMorgantrimeta, I just installed it on my laptop system00:33
joerlendLjL, I switched drivers. Do I need to restart X?00:34
Jangarii can mount it fine, i just want to have terminal be able to search it, etc.,00:34
tunapike: I got gtkpod  and libgpod compiled from svn00:34
xvoltxdoes it say yes for your sound card?00:34
kelsinJangari: what do you mean by "terminal be able to search it"?00:34
LjLjoerlend: yes. make sure you know how to go back to the old drivers if it fails.00:34
joerlendI do. :)00:34
Jangariusing cd, ls, etc.,00:34
michael_eVipere: How do i dl them manually00:34
jake_but it doesnt work with my speakers....00:35
kelsinJangari: yeah so once you mount it, just go to the mount point in the terminal (if gnome is mounting it, it's probably in /media/<something>"00:35
Jangarilist directories/files in a folder, i can only currently do that for my local files00:35
xvoltxok then if your card is ok (or if you had sound come out of it before) then it should work in ubuntu.00:35
Jangariah, alright00:35
kelsinJangari: run "df" to see where things are mounted currently00:35
tunapike: and kernel.00:35
jake_it never has worked though00:35
eViperemichael: That can be challenging sometimes.  You'll have to look on some gaming sites for them.  a quick google search of patch 2.x.x and WoW should yield something.00:35
xvoltxis it onboard audio?00:35
Jangariwill it be /media/"server"/"share"?00:35
tunaAll i get when I plug it in is a /dev/sdb, no partitions on it00:35
michael_ok thanks00:35
pike_tuna: i never had a problem mounting it. i suppose worst case you could run xp in vmware or virtualbox00:35
tunapike: don't have xp00:35
tunapike: not stealing it00:36
michael_eVipere: Is there any kind of memory quota or limit i may have set, upon installation, it told me i didnt have enough memory00:36
hectorpalok guys, thanks for your time. You are helping a former fedora user to conver to ubuntu00:36
kelsinJangari: mount it up, and run "df" and you'll see where it is00:36
michael_eVipere: I didnt ahve enough ram-- But i've played WoW on this computer with windows before00:36
pike_tuna: i hereby will you my old copy of xp00:36
xvoltxis it built onto your motherboard or is it a card you installed into a PCI/expansion slot?00:36
kelsinJangari: it also helps me if you put "kelsin:" at the front of you lines, should just need to type "kel" then hit tab if you have a good irc client00:37
pteaguePici> found it - `server is sudo aptitude install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade;`00:37
jake_built in.00:37
rhsanbornDo you guys know of a windows based program that can create ext3 partitions? I'm trying to install on a usb drive, but the ubuntu installer is having a hard time partitioning my drive00:37
jake_its plugged into my headphones jack00:37
Picipteague: there it is :)00:37
xvoltxthen probably a bad onboard sound controller it's a common problem.00:37
jake_what should i do????00:37
kelsinrhsanborn: might have an easier time just using a nother live cd, like knoppix00:37
pike_tuna: sorry wasnt more help. not sure what the issue is i know you can fix it by redoing the partitions in inlinux but youd need to backup your music00:37
joerlendLjL, that was much better. Thank you. :)00:37
eViperemichael: sounds like a setting in wine/cedaga.  1G is enough.00:37
xvoltxget a pci sound card and install it00:37
=== GIMPY is now known as GIMPY22
xvoltxsomething linux friendly, in the market myself.00:38
jake_but i dual boot and it works in vista00:38
jsoftwI see.00:38
xvoltxoh then it's probably a setting or conflict00:38
GIMPY22Hello everyone, I'm having problems with the test command in Ubuntu. When I do something like test 1 -eq 1 it doesn't return any values, even when I do stuff like test --help nothing happens. Test does exist as verified by which test00:38
jake_so how do i fix???00:38
pteaguerhsanborn> try making it an ext2 & see if that works... only diff between ext2 & ext3 is 3 is journalized... otherwise ext3 uses ext2...  afaik there isn't a windows app to create ext2/3 partitions... however there is a driver available that will allow windows to *read* them00:38
xvoltxis your BIOS set to non plug and play os?00:38
michael_eVipere: I checked for any of the settings, the cedega site said to clear quota or something they didnt elaborate on it00:38
xvoltxpaste what sound card you have here from the hcl results00:38
GIMPY22anyone know why test doesn't seem to work?00:39
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jake_8086284bYesIntel Corporation82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controllersnd-hda-intelv2.6.2100:39
kelsinGIMPY22: test returns a value by it's exit code, after you run it you need to run "echo $?" to see it00:39
GIMPY22oh, I figured it'd print the return value back to the screen.00:39
xvoltxwhat kind of audio you trying to play?00:39
GIMPY22thanks I'll try echo $?00:39
eViperemichael: Go figure... cedaga not being very useful... try just running wine: wine /path/to/WoW.exe   may work better.00:39
jake_anything. movies music. i dont care00:39
jake_nothing works00:40
rhsanbornwill try it, thanks00:40
matttisMy firefox bookmarks ran away !! WHAT can I do ?!?00:40
pike_michael_: wine is to a state that it usually equals or trumps cedega these days00:40
michael_eVipere: does wine need to be installed separatly00:40
kelsinGIMPY22: and in scripts that is what "if" checks when you call "if [ 1 -eq 1 ]; then" etc00:40
michael_but i paid for cedega :(00:40
xvoltxcheck settings/mixer settings00:40
eVipereProbably, cedaga is a hacked-up version of wine designed for better gaming.....00:40
GIMPY22so you don't put the test command in the evaluation brackets?00:41
GIMPY22so weird, in my fedora script I use if test q -eq k; then00:41
michael_does cedega have anything worthy of dling :(00:41
pike_GIMPY22: usually you might go ahead and and assign a variable the return value like RETVAR=$?  then use that in your if later00:41
michael_or transgaming for that matter00:41
jake_wait.... how do i get to settings?00:41
GIMPY22I see.00:41
kelsinGIMPY22: yeah that works too, [ is an alias for test00:41
pike_tifine: you can do that too00:41
xvoltxmake sure your intel is selected in the drop down list of devices. I run xubuntu its applications for me00:41
eVipereThey may have gotten better, but last time I knew a while back, I was better off with installing wine from apt-repository, or just building it myself for better performance.00:42
pteagueif you want a free release of cedega... go download & install eve-online for linux00:42
tifinepike_: what i can do that too ?00:42
GIMPY22and echo $? just prints the return value of the last process that ran?00:42
pike_tifine: sorry wrong nick00:42
kelsinyep $? always has the return value of the last process00:42
jake_where do i find that though. im running gutsy 7.10, gnome00:42
GIMPY22cool thanks.00:42
pteaguei'm not sure if it will let you play other games, but it downloads all the default settings for every other game...00:42
eVipereNow, anyone know how to remove an mdadm array, when a drive is not attached physically to the PC anymore?00:42
xvoltxnot sure I only ever run 6.06 and am new myself.00:43
pteagueeVipere> comment the line or delete it out of /etc/fstab ?00:43
jake_how do you get to settings?00:43
xvoltxbut I can tell you your card is supported and it's probably something simple00:43
Jack_Sparrowxvoltx: Dapper.. that was a nice release00:43
eViperepteague: um... no, the mdadm app doesn't rely on /etc/fstab.00:43
xvoltxI am always a little behind the times Jack_Sparrow00:44
hobbesmasteris there a way to get a "open command line here" type menu option in the file browser?00:44
xvoltxrather absolute stability vs newest features00:44
pteagueeVipere> check /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf00:44
eViperepteague: completely commented out....00:45
Jack_Sparrowxvoltx: Same here, let the others enjoy the fluffy features, I only need the basics.00:45
pteagueeVipere> all i remember from setting it up was i had a funky time trying to get to specifically take the drives in a certain order...  it apparently pulls drives from /proc/partitions00:45
GIMPY22okay another question, do you have to define types in bash scripts? i.e I did t=2 test t -eq 2  and the terminal reports that t is a "bad number"00:45
pteagueeVipere> oh & might also want to check /proc/mdstat00:46
Kyptani'm having an issue with my triple-boot system00:46
MikeHGuys, what can I use to play a kvcd once I've mounted an iso00:46
TerribleTickleranyone talk in here00:46
MikeHI've tried gxine, but it tells me it has no plugin for vcd00:46
pike_GIMPY22: test $t -eq 200:46
eViperepteague: /proc is rebuilt everytime the OS is booted up, and it just displays the status of the md arrays.00:46
Kyptani can't get ubuntu to load00:46
MikeHmplayer doesn't work, I'm lost :S00:46
GIMPY22ARRGHH LoL obvious mistake, thanks :-P00:46
Kyptaneven though its the last one i installed00:47
TerribleTicklerlinux is hard to learn00:47
xvoltxyeah. I am trying out xubuntu 6.06 for the first time on a system with 256mb ram, and celeron 1.7 cpu. want to see if it can hack some audio playback and ripping/network monitor and web browsing/design00:47
pteagueeVipere> yes, but it's something to check & see if, even though the drive has been removed, it's still *finding* the drive or assuming it's there00:47
drkfceHi all.  Has anyone been able to get superkaramba to work in gnome?  I know about gdesklets and screenlets, but I have some custom themes in superkaramba that I want someone else to use.00:47
PiciTerribleTickler: do you have a question we can answeR?00:47
CaptainMorgantrimeta, bulmer "The program 'g++' can be found in the following packages: * g++" when I try to apt-get install g++ it says "g" can't be found00:48
MasterShrekdrkfce, superkaramba is for kde00:48
xvoltxhope to use it to ssh into a web server 233Mhz box with a scsi drive00:48
pteaguewhich means may have to remove it from /dev00:48
trimetaCaptainMorgan: Maybe use quotes around it? I don't know.00:48
TerribleTicklerwell I need to link that can show me how to black list old madwifi or what ever so i can compile new madwifi00:49
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »00:49
CaptainMorgangreat.. I deleted the line and now it can't be found, at least when the line was there, it looked for it and then asked me for the cd00:49
pike_CaptainMorgan: sudo apt-get update00:49
drkfceMasterShrek: Aramok is also for kde, but it works fine.  I thought you could interchangebly install kde/gnome programs?00:51
CaptainMorganpike_, thanks!00:51
TerribleTicklerthank you00:51
Jangarihmm, how do i mount from a terminal?00:51
Jangaria server, that is00:51
robris there somewhere I can get a list of support or unsupported hardware?00:51
MasterShrekdrkfce, yuo can try it, but ive never heard of superkaramba in gnome00:51
LjLdrkfce: sure you can, they're just slower to start up and overall you take up more memory00:51
LjL!hardware > robr    (robr, see the private message from Ubotu)00:51
MasterShrekJangari, user the command mount00:51
thorCaptainMorgan you install g and associated files by installing build-essential00:52
Jangariyes, MasterShrek, i'm getting the message "mount: can't find (server name) in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab00:52
drkfcethanks for the help though :)00:52
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MasterShrekJangari, what kinda server? samba?00:53
judgement07help: how come devede is still working if i uninstalled it, also i installed the .deb pkg00:53
Jangarii normally nav to it through a window using samba, yes00:54
AnnirakWhat do I need to do in order to get Ubuntu 7.1 installed on a partitioned RAID alongside Vista?  Hardware is Intel P965 with ICH8, Core 2 Q6600.00:54
Jangariwell, the address prints out as smb://server/share00:54
MasterShrekJangari, sudo mount -t smbfs //server/share /mount/point00:54
CaptainMorganthor,  build-essential ?00:54
Jangarimount point?00:54
GIMPY22does anyone know if the 2.6.22 kernel has Xen built into the kernel (So I don't need to get a modified kernel for dom0 and DomU?)00:54
MasterShrekJangari, if you need add to the end: -o username=<user>,password=<pass>00:54
MasterShrekwell you need to mount it somewhere00:55
thorCaptainMorgan right...it should install g++ if I am not mistaken00:55
h_manhi to all00:55
renegade420ah crap00:56
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astro76renegade420, /join #channelname00:57
neil_dwith python using a cairo.PDFSurface() can you generate multi-page pdf documents ?00:57
matttisMy firefox bookmarks ran away !! WHAT can I do ?!?00:57
matttisMy firefox bookmarks ran away !! WHAT can I do ?!?00:57
renegade420thank you :)00:58
michael_anyone know the command to dl and install Mozilla Activx Control?00:58
MasterShrekyou better go catch them!00:58
matttisbut where did they ran to ?00:58
StrangeworkHow exactly do I check to see if my graphics card is functioning properly?00:58
AnnirakWhat do I need to do in order to get Ubuntu 7.1 installed on a partitioned RAID5 alongside Vista?  Hardware is Intel P965 with ICH8, Core 2 Q6600.  The partitioner sees 4 drives instead of the RAID.00:59
matttismichael_: maybe use the mozdev website00:59
Picimatttis: look in ~/.mozilla/00:59
matttisPici: nothing there00:59
michael_matttis: itll be tough, im at work and they have a filter, but ill try, you know any commands?00:59
astro76Annirak, you need the alternate install cd to install on raid01:00
Annirakastro76: I have the complete DVD01:00
matttismichael_: no, sorry. the name looks like an name of an extension01:00
astro76Annirak, that is supposed to have the alternate installer on it also01:00
StrangeworkHow exactly do I check to see if my graphics card is functioning properly?01:01
juano__Strangework: glxgears01:01
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Annirakastro76: specifically, I have the "ubuntu-7.10-dvd-amd64.iso" image.  So if I use the alternate install available on the menu of that disc, it should work?01:01
Strangeworkthanks juano_01:01
juano__Strangework: np01:02
renegade420Does anyone here have an Eeee PC?01:02
nnyg nickserv identify service01:02
nnylol damn01:02
michael_anyone know the command to dl and install Mozilla Activx Control?01:02
matttisPici: i happened after an update off ff and noscript01:02
LjLnny: "service" isn't exactly a strong password either01:02
nnylol its just for IRC01:02
nnybut yeah01:02
Picimatttis: An Ubuntu upgrade?01:02
FangLigerokay i need some serious amounts of help, i'm very close to swearing off linux entirely01:02
matttisPici; firefox was an ubuntu upgrade, yes01:03
FangLigermy internet keeps behaving like a rabid wolverine01:03
nnyand the xchat default for ubuntu *starts* in the mains creen and shifts to #ubuntu usually while I am automagically entering in my /msg nickserv etc.01:03
AnnirakFangLiger You need to describe the problem a little more technically for us.  CAT-5e does not generally grow fur.01:03
matttismichael_: http://www.iol.ie/~locka/mozilla/mozilla.htm    maybe you'll something there01:04
MasterShreknny put your password in the nickserv box in the settings for the server01:04
FangLigerlol Annirak: it's wireless01:04
nnyMasterShrek, i'll check that out01:04
jimjamWhat does a ~ after a filename mean?01:04
FangLigeri'm running a gigabyte 802.11b PCI card01:04
danbhfivejimjam: usually temporary01:05
AnnirakFangLiger Let me rephrase then.  Air does not generally grow hair, teeth, and hydrophobia01:05
Strangeworkjuano_: I ran the glxgears program, it has given approx 880fps. What worries me is that every so often, every 4 seconds, the gears are 'interrupted', solid black boxes appear over the gears. What does this mean?01:05
FangLigeri read referance to the RT61 chipset having problems01:05
michael_matttis: thats where i was previously, what do i do with the bin files?01:05
FangLigerlol @Annirak01:05
astro76jimjam, some text editors save backup copies with ~ at the end of the name01:05
pike_jimjam: type 'echo ~' in a terminal and youll see01:05
PiciStrangework: glxgears is not a benchmark01:05
FangLigerit seems to randomly stop working01:05
Pelog'night folks01:05
matttismichael_: execute01:05
StrangeworkPici, excuse me?01:05
jimjamdanbhfive: Alright. So they'll get cleaned up as time progresses? I don't have to worry about duplicate files?01:06
FangLigerit still has connection it just wont send or recieve packets01:06
danbhfiveFanLiger: you could try changing the channel that the wireless is running on, are you using ndiswrapper?01:06
jimjamastro76: Oh, I hadn't considered that.01:06
StrangeworkPici, oh, I see01:06
michael_matttis: is this a command, or how do i execute01:06
PiciStrangework: Its not a benchmark, it means nothing.  If anything, its drawing faster than your screen can display.01:06
danbhfivejimjam: i dunno, I've never really paid attention to them01:06
matttismichael_: ./file.bin01:06
astro76jimjam, they won't get deleted automatically01:06
FangLigerDanbhfive: i don't know what ndiswrapper is, i'm running channel 6 would that cause a problem?01:06
dORSY^j ubuntu/hu01:07
jimjamastro76: Oh, ok. Thanks.01:07
AnnirakFangLiger http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/Gigabyte01:07
Annirakwell, these guys will be more helpful than me01:08
StrangeworkPici: Hm, well, I attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista01:08
AnnirakI must go01:08
FangLigergrrrrr.....i wish i knew which one i was using off the top of my head01:08
danbhfiveFangLiger: well, channel 6 is the default, if other networks are operating on the same channel, it can cause problems01:08
UnNaturalHighanyone know a good media player to listen to streaming music that allows you to change the amount of buffer used?01:08
StrangeworkPici: What can I do about this?01:08
FangLigeri should be the only one in range, but i know occasionally i will pick up my neighbor's network at like 1% strenght that might explain the intermittant problems01:09
michael_matttis: is the file name the name it shows in my download box, youll have to break it down for meh, im extrmemly new at this01:09
FangLigerbut i don't have that problem in windows01:09
FangLigerjust in ubuntu01:09
Lunksdanbhfive: should rsync take forever? =P01:09
michael_matttis: its showing as a exe file btw01:09
Lunksdanbhfive: and why -aS?01:09
LunksI looked at man page and couldn't figure why01:09
novice42I have a question. Why can I not write to the etc folder when I'm logged in as root01:11
nekohi people01:11
matttismichael_: what did you download ?01:11
OldMarLawnovice42: You should be able to01:11
nekoare you using xchat client ?01:12
OldMarLawnovice42: can you report the returned error ?01:12
michael_matttis: Here is the Mozilla 1.7.7 ActiveX Control Installer (GPG sig). This is built from the latest cut of the 1.7 branch in case anyone is wondering why this is tagged 1.7.7 when the latest "official" Mozilla is
novice42I tried to edit the xorg.conf file logged in as root, but when I try to save it, it tells me that I don't have permission01:12
michael_matttis: what is this you ask?? i have no clue-- its the link on the site, aside from that, it wont let me unzip it01:12
nekois there a way to easily click on someone name for replying with "randomnickname:" at the start of the input ?01:12
OldMarLawnovice42: I presume you are using ubuntu, why do you use root ? Isn't sudo enough ?01:13
LjLneko, most people find it easier to just type the first few letters of the nickname and then hit TAB01:13
novice42went to root when sudo didn't work but get same in both01:13
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista01:13
nekoLjL, OKeEY !01:13
matttismichael_: i only found stuff which is .xpi files01:13
komputesI remember getting the error when installing software (on a 32 bit ubuntu 7.10 distro), does anyone remember the fix to this: X cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)01:13
michael_matttis: ??? lol01:14
novice42\and yes I'm usin ubuntu 7.1001:14
nekowhy i don't jave think about this before01:14
OldMarLawnovice42:  so you are using ubuntu right ? did you try sudo nano /etc/X11/xxxx.conf ?01:14
OldMarLawnovice42: sorry, didn't see that01:14
komputesThe actual error happens in Add/Remove: X cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)01:14
michael_matttis: i think i may have found something01:14
OldMarLawnovice42:  can you please try the command I said and then once you are done saving by cctrl + x and then pressing Y ?01:14
michael_matttis: i was looking at the wrong link-- How do i tel what mozilla version i have01:15
novice42didn't know about nano I'll try that01:15
OldMarLawanyway, does anyone know a good channel to discuss c++ or in particular boost library ?01:15
renegade420I'm running Xubuntu on an Eee PC.I put gstreamer onn it already.but still no sound! Xmms asking me to configure my sound card.01:15
Alyxanderwhats the command to start network manager?01:15
Alyxanderthe applet?01:15
astro76!ot | renegade42001:15
uboturenegade420: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:15
matttismichael_: the menu "help" or something like that and than "About.."01:16
astro76renegade420, wait xubuntu runs on eeepc?01:16
renegade420oh yah01:16
OldMarLawnovice42:  doesn't really matter which editor you use .. nano is one of the simplest one .. then you've got vi, vim , emacs .. but they might be overkill for what you've got to do01:16
astro76renegade420, ah cool ;)01:16
michael_matttis: its not available in the list i dont think01:16
renegade420it's so cute and tiny01:16
Zelofuncan someone help me to install ubuntu?01:16
OldMarLawZelofun: what is your problem so far ?01:16
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matttismichael_: is that bad ?01:17
michael_matttis: idk-- is it???01:17
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista01:17
matttismichael_: for which task do you need that activex stuff ?01:17
Strangeworkwhat can be done?01:17
juano__Strangework: my ping is very high in that game dunno why01:17
danbhfivewhats Nexuiz Strangework?01:17
michael_matttis: run WoW's updates01:17
michael_matttis: ^^01:17
juano__danbhfive: first person shooter game01:17
jribStrangework: have you installed the drivers for your video card?01:18
Phrozen_Onehow do I unmount an ntfs drive if its saying "fusermount: entry for /mnt/sda1 not found in /etc/mtab" ?01:18
matttismichael_: under linux ?01:18
michael_matttis: yep01:18
michael_matttis: have cedega01:18
Strangeworkjrib: not really, my gfx card is some express chipset provided by Intel01:18
ZelofunOldMarLaw: i have a HD with 2 partitions... one I have XP installed and the other partition (second partition) I left it unpartitioned to install ubuntu....so far I have ru the live cd...and now I an ot a window "prepare partitions"01:19
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Strangeworkjrib: I also need to find out the name. I can't remember it, how can I check it out on Ubuntu?01:19
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matttismichael_: good to here that it works01:19
jribStrangework: lspci or lshw maybe01:19
matttismichael_: well then try to install an old version off Mozilla (not Firefox) and then install the .xpi / extension01:20
matttisi'll go now01:20
endofniteI've been very close to that before01:20
matttisgood night01:20
endofnitefang but then I booted doze up again then booted straight back into buntu and was glad I did :P01:20
Strangeworkjrib: Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller it is called01:22
OldMarLawZelofun:  check in pvt01:22
ConstrabusAnyone with thier eyes on have adesklets running?01:22
jribStrangework: I don't know about intel01:22
Strangeworkjrib: should I just google that name and look for linux drivers?01:22
komputesWhat causes the error "cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)" on a i386 install?01:22
komputesWhat causes the error "cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)" on a i386 install?01:22
komputessorry for the double01:23
novice42ok, that worked. My problem is that I had all the graphic extras turned on for compiz and as soon as I shut down and rebooted all the extras became disabled and are no longer able to be re-enabled01:23
OldMarLawkomputes: never heard of that01:23
novice42it's on a laptop01:23
jribStrangework: sure, see if you can get 3d acceleration going01:23
OldMarLawkomputes: did you try to google that ?01:23
Picikomputes: what is the output of uname -a ?01:23
Strangeworkjrib: okay, thanks! :)01:23
jchammIs there a way to make an icon in the Applications -> Accessories -> such that it shows up for all users?01:23
komputesOldMarLaw: Yes I googled it01:23
jribkomputes: tell us what you are trying to install01:23
bruenigjchamm, write a .desktop and drop it in /usr/share/applications01:23
SpookyETI'm trying to setup my partitions. I have a 100GB hard drive. / 200MiB  /boot 100 MiB  /swap 3GiB /var 2GiB /tmp 2 GiB /usr 10 GiB /home 75.87 GiB   How are those numbers?01:23
EnderTheThirdAnyone familiar with the Dell Optiplex GX260?  I'm getting some pretty awful performance on here and with a 2GHz CPU, I really didn't think I would be.01:24
jchammbruenig: Of course... Thanks!01:24
bruenigjchamm, I would recommend doing that for all additions period and not bother with that menu editor thing01:24
komputesjrib: a program, on 7.10, doesn't matter which one, this error is frequent, i've seen it before01:24
jchammbruenig: Thanks...01:24
OldMarLawSpookyET: just wondering .. isn't 3GB of swap,whatever you ram is, too much ?01:24
komputesPici:  Hey there, I had a question you could maybe help me with: Do you remember what causes the error "cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)" on a i386 install?01:24
jribkomputes: it does matter which one if you want help...01:24
komputesPici: wrong paster - Linux seepyou 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux01:25
Picikomputes: If I remember correctly, sometimes it can be caused by having the -i386 kernel instead of the -generic kernel01:25
SpookyETI suppose it is. But, if you do not manually partition, Ubuntu will setup (4GiB - RAM) = SWAP on 32bit01:25
Picikomputes: but not in your case01:25
ZelofunOldMarLaw: r u here?01:25
komputesjrib: sure it matters, but many things cause this error on an i38601:25
OldMarLawZelofun: yeah, did you check my private message ?01:25
fuertesfjNeed help with audio01:26
komputesjrib: i mean many apps produce this error01:26
jribkomputes: so name one that is producing it now01:26
ZelofunOldMarLaw: yes i did but nothing reached here!01:26
OldMarLawSpookyET: Well .. the old rule of dump was double your ram capacity but now days .. that's quite too much01:26
* jrib does not see why this is like pulling teeth01:26
komputesjrib: even if the architechture is correct01:26
OldMarLawSpookyET:  I would say that 2 is more than enough for now days, what ever your ram is01:26
SpookyETI have 1GiB of RAM01:26
SpookyETOther than that, how are those numbers?01:26
SpookyETtoo much too little?01:27
michael_matttis: non of those versions will work with mine on that site01:27
komputesjrib: Adobe Reader, VMware player to name a few01:27
BenalexSpookyET: I don;t think you need any swap01:27
danbhfiveOldMarLaw: I have 2g for swap, which never get used at all, with 2g ram.  I only put it there to test hibernation, which failed  :P01:27
fuertesfjNEED HELP WITH AUDIO01:27
jrib!caps | fuertesfj01:27
ubotufuertesfj: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:27
novice42is that a common problem with ati cards01:27
OldMarLawdanbhfive: so you confirm my theory ?01:27
komputesfuertesfj: WHAT???01:27
danbhfiveOldMarLaw: ya01:28
Benalexfuertesfj: describe your problem, and if someone can give you help , you will be called immediately01:28
OldMarLawSpookyET:  Why do you want to setup so many partition ?01:28
fuertesfjok I cant hear anything01:28
fuertesfjeverythings connected01:28
OldMarLawSpookyET:  Besides home and swap, why do you need more ?01:28
fuertesfjit all works on windowa01:28
SpookyETOldMartLaw: hardcore:-)01:28
jribkomputes: ok, adobe reader.  How are you installing adobe reader exactly?01:28
Benalexfuertesfj: Sorry but I have to ask,... have you checked volume control if any of your outputs are muted?01:29
komputesjrib, Pici OldMarLaw: any solutions yet?01:29
fuertesfjnoped everythings works great on windows01:29
ZelofunOldMarLaw:  unfortuanatelly still do not get anything from u!01:29
Picikomputes: jrib asked you a question01:29
komputesAdd REmove01:29
komputesjrib:  Add/Remove01:29
komputesjrib: Applications>Add Remove01:29
Benalexfuertesfj: I know everything works great in windows, but we are discussing Ubuntu now01:30
colin__F10-F12 shortcuts / expose like settings not working on my laptop what gives?01:30
fuertesfjyea the volume is all the way up01:30
Benalexfuertesfj: and not muted?????01:30
OldMarLawSpookyET: Well .. I'm not that experienced but when I do, I do 2 GB for swaps (and i Think i'm giving more than enough) around 100 megs for boot, and then .. well. whatever you like for / and home01:30
fuertesfjyup :(01:30
colin__anybody know why my compiz isnt doing the f10-f12 expose like activity?01:30
OldMarLawZelofun: It seems like you don't get them01:31
colin__where you hit f10 - f12 and it will show all the active windows?01:31
OldMarLawcolin__:  Are you based in London ?01:31
OldMarLawcolin__:  Just know someone01:31
Picicolin__: did you install compizconfig-settings-manager and are you using that?01:31
Benalexfuertesfj: what is your sound card?01:31
ZelofunOldMarLaw:  might be a live intall problem with X chat01:31
SpeakerManiaWhat is the best/powerful video editor? Kino does not satisfy my needs for ultimate Youtube domination.01:31
fuertesfjI have no idea:-/01:32
colin__im just using out of the box compiz install on 7.1001:32
colin__no im in seattle oldmar01:32
Pici!ccsm | colin__01:32
ubotucolin__: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion01:32
Gunner_SrWhat is the best blogging authoring tool on Ubuntu for Blogger?01:32
OldMarLawcolin__:  Sorry .. just gave that a try01:32
Benalexfuertesfj: is your computer a laptop or a desktop PC?01:32
OldMarLawZelofun:  Ok so, how can I help you ?01:32
Benalexfuertesfj:  what is its brand?01:33
angelare you here ikonia?01:33
angelikonia| buddy?01:33
Benalexfuertesfj: try to be more generous in yout replies please.. ::)) what model??01:33
Piciangel: hes not really active right now.01:33
colin__sure thanks ubotu kinda silly that you have to install that settings manager and that functionality isnt enabled by default01:33
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista. My graphics card is Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller. How can I get the best out of my graphics card? I have also been told to activate 3d acceleration, how can I do that?01:33
ari_stressmorning all :D01:34
Picicolin__: yes, we know that now... and ubotu is a bot.01:34
angelpci: what is the command to check his status?01:34
angelpici: what is the command to check his status?01:34
fuertesfjHP pavilion a817n sorry:)01:34
jribkomputes: try installing from the terminal with aptitude01:34
colin__Pici are you saying that you dont need the settings-manager or you agree its silly?01:34
Piciangel: I'm just going by the fact that he hasnt said anything in ... quite a while.01:34
angelpici: ooohh, lol. ok01:35
angelroom, where do i find me a list of ubuntu servers for install? google was no help01:35
sk8inroxDoes anyone know why all the options in the effect menu of audacity it blocked out?01:35
SpeakerManiaWhat is the best/powerful video editor? Kino does not satisfy my needs for ultimate Youtube domination.01:36
fuertesfjBenalex: thanks for helping me :-D01:36
Benalexfuertesfj: so, for example you can watch a movie playing but no sound is going out from speaker, althou its working under windows? right?... did you see any error messages?01:36
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fuertesfjNo not at all, actually I was gonna watch a movie and its was playing but no sound01:37
u_angelcan anyone help with kickstart files?01:37
Warhead`BNCI keep getting Error HDA 0x70 when trying to reinstall ubuntu... any ideas? :(01:37
Benalexfuertesfj: have you installed codecs?01:37
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista. My graphics card is Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller. How can I get the best out of my graphics card? I have also been told to activate 3d acceleration, how can I do that?01:38
fuertesfjuhm? I dont know what that is.01:38
Warhead`BNCanyone here have any ideas?01:38
u_angelroom, where do i find me a list of ubuntu servers for install?01:38
vmlinuz`I did a tracert to multiple servers, how to tell which one is the fastest for me01:38
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:39
Benalexgo to add remove programs and in the search field type codec, and check all codecs, then click apply changes... this will install necessary codecs to play restricted audio formats01:39
fuertesfjBenalex: ok i'll try to do that right know01:40
cornellCan anyone advise an application that will allow centralized user authentication for linux, windows and samba, that is simple to use?01:40
=== nalioth__ is now known as nalioth
jribkomputes: try installing from the terminal with aptitude01:41
Warhead`BNCGuess no one knows what 0x70 is..? :(01:41
magic_ninjawhats a good medibuntu repo01:41
OldMarLawWarhead`BNC:  Hex ?01:41
LDS_Trooperhow does http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linus-rejects-the-idea-of-non-gpl-kernel-modules.html affect Ubuntu?01:42
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4evet
Warhead`BNCOldMarLaw: its the error I get when installing ubuntu...01:42
Warhead`BNCit wont boot the Live CD01:42
=== sea4evet is now known as sea4ever
komputesjrib: it's not reproducible, it's simply an error which I forgot the fix to01:42
cornellWarhead`BNC:  7*16+001:42
LjL!ot | LDS_Trooper01:42
ubotuLDS_Trooper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:42
cornellWarhead`BNC:  112 ?01:42
Warhead`BNCits not hex ._.01:42
Warhead`BNCits a error code01:42
OldMarLawWarhead`BNC:  Well .. nope I don't know any most probably don't, now, did you try to google it ? What platform, what version of ubuntu, what hardware devices were connected .. etc01:43
redDEADmy card reader isn't working, the usb input on it reads my sticks but the card reader wont01:43
jtal604622any one here try fluxbuntu?01:43
sk8inroxanyone? ...Does anyone know why the options in the effects menu are blocked out? Im on ubuntu btw.01:43
redDEADsk8inrox, you might not have the right driver installed for video01:43
Warhead`BNCOldMarLaw: did google, didnt find anything that has a explaination for it....01:43
LDS_TrooperCan I get that again?01:43
cornellIn what context, Warhead`BNC?01:44
Warhead`BNCIt happens when booting the live cd :\01:44
Warhead`BNCwhich worked before01:44
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista. My graphics card is Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller. How can I get the best out of my graphics card? I have also been told to activate 3d acceleration, how can I do that?01:44
LDS_TrooperCan I please get that again?01:44
OldMarLawWarhead`BNC: so something has changed01:45
sk8inroxredDEAD, I think I do cause right after I open the file before i play it i can select a portion of the sound and the effects menu is there but after I play then select the options go away01:45
Warhead`BNCOldMarLaw: I think so :p01:45
Optimus55can someone help me out here? i installed ndiswrapper to get broadcom 43xx chipset working then i realised i could just use the restricted driver. i enabled the restricted driver but i still think ubuntu is using ndiswrapper, how do i disable ndiswrapper?01:45
OldMarLawWarhead`BNC: Either your cd/dvd rom got fucked, or, your cd/dvd, or , is it possbile you added some hardware in the mean time ?01:45
Warhead`BNCits a laptop01:45
Warhead`BNCno new hardware01:45
Warhead`BNCbut I'll test the CD now01:45
ConstrabusAnyone with thier eyes on have adesklets running?01:46
Optimus55anyone know how to disable ndiswrapper?01:46
cornellAny suggestions on a centralized authentication server/daemon ?01:47
Aaron_Masoncornell - openldap?01:47
cornellWarhead`BNC: Try booting the laptop with something else...  quick google seems to indicate hardware failure01:47
SpeakerManiaWhat is the best/powerful video editor? Kino does not satisfy my needs for ultimate Youtube domination.01:47
danbhfiveOptimus55: I think you remove it from modprobe01:47
Warhead`BNCwindows booted01:48
Warhead`BNCi just fixed my MBR cause ubuntu messed up recently01:48
Warhead`BNCand stopped booting01:48
Optimus55danbhfive: sorry, can you explain?01:48
mneptokWarhead`BNC: is htis a CD made from an .iso you downloaded?01:48
[eDo]hey to all01:48
=== gabriel__ is now known as gabrielmonnerat
Warhead`BNCmaybe the old partition is broken and is conflicting?01:48
Warhead`BNCyes mneptok01:48
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista. My graphics card is Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller. How can I get the best out of my graphics card? I have also been told to activate 3d acceleration, how can I do that?01:48
Warhead`BNCfrom the ubuntu site. so its a good one.01:48
Warhead`BNCand tested before.01:48
mneptokWarhead`BNC: did you run the media check?01:48
[eDo]big greetz to ubuntu community from serbia01:48
Warhead`BNCmneptok: I am now in vmware.01:48
BenalexWarhead`BNC: you wanna say after fixing your MBR you cant boot into grub?01:49
Warhead`BNCno Benalex01:49
Warhead`BNCbefore I couldnt.01:49
Warhead`BNCand windows wouldnt boot.01:49
Warhead`BNCso i ended up fixing my MBR.01:49
[eDo]Windows is crap01:49
[eDo]use ubuntu01:50
cornellAaron_Mason: I tried that... can't seem to figure out how to define users to it...  I don't want to spend weeks studying the subject, I just want to create a few users.  I've found some pages that reference openLDAP software (notably migrate_passwd.pl) that I don't have, can't find.  Can't find a decent example, or a simple explanation.  I was hoping for something easier.01:50
Strangeworktru dat [eDo]01:50
[eDo]or other distribution01:50
Warhead`BNC[eDo]: I use both.01:50
Warhead`BNCi need windows.01:50
BenalexWarhead`BNC: Would you please discribe your problem again/>01:50
OldMarLaw[eDo]:  Windows is crap because M$ is evil, not because the sw its unusable01:50
Warhead`BNCBenalex: Get error 0x70 when booting the Live CD.01:50
[eDo]linux is more better01:50
[eDo]than windoze01:50
vmlinuz`how can I tell what kind of shell I got, bash or tsch or whatever.01:50
[eDo]is Virsu free01:50
OldMarLawmore better [eDo] is not really english .. neither italian :{01:50
Warhead`BNCLinux is virus free?01:51
Warhead`BNCthere are 15 viruses.01:51
OldMarLawLinux is not virus free01:51
vmlinuz`hey, can somebody see my text!01:51
[eDo]and 15 million in windows01:51
Warhead`BNCGuess I'm rebooting.01:51
Sepheebearvmlinuz`: echo $SHELL01:51
Zelofunanyone can help me to install ubuntu?01:51
cornellVirus free, relatively speaking01:51
OldMarLaw[eDo]:  And I never need an anti-virus01:51
Warhead`BNC[eDo]: as someone who has expirience in viruses, I'm safe from them :|.01:51
cornellvmlinuz`: I see your text01:51
Warhead`BNCSo doesnt bother me01:51
Warhead`BNCbut the CD has errors.01:51
Warhead`BNCSo I guess I'm going to reburn.01:51
BenalexWarhead`BNC: do you get this error while booting your pc or while booting vmware? at what stage do you get this error?01:51
Warhead`BNCWhile booting the PC after loading kernal.01:52
Warhead`BNCBut the CD is having errors.01:52
[eDo]Canonical send me this beautiful cd of ubuntu01:52
vmlinuz`cornell: okay01:52
Warhead`BNCGuess my mom tossed it around and it got scratched, worked before.01:52
[eDo]and I will use them01:52
[eDo]the cd I mean01:52
[eDo]sorry bad english01:52
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:52
OldMarLaw[eDo]: I agree, Linux is much better, but windows, today, is not that bad01:52
vmlinuz`Sepheebear: the output was /usr/local/bin/bash01:53
Warhead`BNCCD is pretty dirty01:53
vmlinuz`Sepheebear: so thats bash shell? right01:53
Warhead`BNCcleaned, trying again.01:53
[eDo]that copyed crap01:53
Sepheebearits bash but what happened did you compile your own?01:53
OldMarLaw[eDo]: I tried vista once, heavy and all you think of, but, 2k, its quite usable01:53
meoblast001im having a problem.... when i double click EXE files, GNOME tries to open them in Gedit.... I tried everything i know possible to switch it to using WINE but it won't work.... can someone help me?01:53
[eDo]they just imitate MacOS01:53
Pici!windows | OldMarLaw [eDo]01:53
ubotuOldMarLaw [eDo]: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents01:53
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:53
kuribohxmadwifi problem.....I think I may have removed the madwifi files from the madwifi directory and now I can't create the madwifi driver01:53
Warhead`BNCOldMarLaw: XP with SP3 is usable.01:53
Warhead`BNC30% preformance upgrade.01:53
Warhead`BNCso it helps01:54
OldMarLawWarhead`BNC:  I rather use 2k if i have to use m$01:54
vmlinuz`whats the different between bash shell or tcsh shell, is there a different in speed wise of the shell or something..01:54
Warhead`BNCmy CPU idles at 0-2%, rathr than 20-30%.01:54
danbhfiveOptimus55: when I installed ndiswrapper, I had to add it to a modprobe list, so I figured you need to remove it from that list01:54
Warhead`BNCI rather XP :p01:54
[eDo]DLL HELL01:54
Benalexmeoblast001: you can't run exe file from shell, you have to open wine file manager then dbl click exe files01:54
OldMarLaw[eDo]:  I agree01:54
OldMarLaw[eDo]: Things is, was easier to make unix easier than fixing windows properly :P01:55
meoblast001Benalex: i can open them with "wine <file>"01:55
Warhead`BNCchecking CD for defects again.01:55
[eDo]I must try ubuntu studio01:55
[eDo]I see some presentation01:55
LjLBenalex: what's bad with just doing "wine filename"?01:55
Warhead`BNCbbl, gonna practice my kicks.01:55
Warhead`BNCAlmost perfected my round house kick =].01:55
Benalexnothing... another good way... but I always prefer GUI :)01:55
COWLOGhello!, how do you veiw your hda's?01:55
meoblast001LjL: i just prefer to double click the EXE so i decided to ask01:55
OldMarLawGoing to sleep guys01:56
OldMarLawthanks for the nice evening01:56
viroman they make kiba dock a pain01:56
LjLmeoblast001, you *can* just double click the exe if it's recognized as an executable. which it can be01:56
BenalexCOWLOG: click system>>administrator>> device manager01:56
LjL!info binfmt-support | meoblast001, Benalex01:57
ubotumeoblast001, benalex: binfmt-support: Support for extra binary formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.10 (gutsy), package size 20 kB, installed size 148 kB01:57
meoblast001LjL: tried that and it says Gedit cant open it01:57
meoblast001i have my default for EXE to be Wine Windows Emulator01:57
BenalexLjL: What do you mean with this?? execuse me I don;t get it01:57
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=== BigLok is now known as BigIT
sotoMy SD card is not being automatically mounted at present (it was yesterday). Is there a service I can restart?01:58
SepheebearCOWLOG: cat /proc/partitions or sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda01:58
=== BigIT is now known as BigFootIT
kuribohxmadwifi problem.....I think I may have removed the madwifi files from the madwifi directory and now I can't create the madwifi driver01:59
=== COWLOG_ is now known as Frankeh
Strangeworktru dat [eDo]02:00
Frankehhello!, how do you veiw your hda's?02:00
StrangeworkI recently attempted running Nexuiz on Ubuntu, the FPS has dropped drastically compared to when I played it on Vista. My graphics card is Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller. How can I get the best out of my graphics card? I have also been told to activate 3d acceleration, how can I do that?02:00
Frankehill try to not ping out this time :P02:00
LjLmeoblast001, the file must have the +x attribute of course, and you probably also have to run update-binfmts02:00
Warhead`BNCcleaned the CD, no errors now xD02:00
Warhead`BNCbrb, installing ubuntu.02:00
adamonline45In Dolphin, I click Samba shares and I can see mshome, but when I click on mshome it says 'loading directory, 0%' at the bottom, and it's not doing anything.  Does anyone know how to fix this so I can see my windows shares?02:01
CabbageStrangework: Which version of Ubuntu are you running?02:01
BenalexFrankeh: Click system, administrator, Hardware information02:01
ZelofunHelp! plz! Ubuntu Installation problem!02:01
BenalexZelofun: please, describe02:02
StrangeworkCabbage: Feisty Fawn, 7.0402:02
CabbageZelofun: Please state the nature of your installation emergency.02:02
FrankehCabbage im still on feisty02:02
Frankehnot there02:02
CabbageStrangework: Which laptop model is it, by the way?02:03
casio1374633i find gvim is changed when i upgrade my ubunt from 7.04 to 7.10 . how can i fix it02:03
casio1374633but vim not change02:03
StrangeworkCabbage: HP Pavilion dv6525 I believe02:03
meoblast001update-binfmts wont work02:03
meoblast001LjL: guess i have to live with it02:03
uKKeMananyone can help me setting my graphictablet to absolute style? i changed the xorg.conf and restartet it, but no change ;/02:04
CabbageStrangework: Your best bet for something like this is googling around for installation info for your particular laptop.02:04
michael_attempting to use Rhythmbox-- Is there anything better i should be using...02:04
michael_feel like the stonage of multimedia02:04
casio1374633uKKeMan: Xorg -configure02:04
Optimus56how do i completely remove ndiswrapper?02:04
casio1374633after that, read the information carefully02:05
StrangeworkCabbage: hm, okay, thank you!02:05
CabbageStrangework: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=629527 or http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_on_a_ThinkPad_Z61m02:05
StrangeworkCabbage: wait. How do I check to see if I have a driver already?02:05
ZelofunI have 2 partitions for my HD, First one is NTFS and the second I left it unpartitioned to install ubuntu.... now I am on prepare partitions window...and when I tru to format ext3 my HD: 1. the 8MB free space is desapiaring 2. I cannot continue formating because I have to define root directory... and root directory want it to be a part of the second partition I have left for installin ubuntu!02:05
StrangeworkCabbage: Oh, and do you think I should upgrade to 7.10?02:05
uKKeManis there a gui for xorg config settings?02:06
casio1374633uKKeMan: are you successful access X ?02:06
CabbageStrangework: I don't have any experience with Fiesty, I jumped to Gutsy straight from Dapper. I wouldn't know, sorry.02:06
CabbageStrangework: The key line in all of this looks like: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dri02:06
CabbageAnyway, sorry, I'm at work, and I have to go.02:06
uKKeManX is running without any problems but starting xorg -configure says that x is already running ;)02:07
MasterShrekOptimus55, depends on how you installed it02:07
kuribohxis there anyway to bring the files back that I deleted from the madwifi directory?02:07
StrangeworkCabbage: Ah, thanks Cabbage. :)02:07
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:07
MasterShrekuKKeMan, no02:07
Frankeheveryone press cntrl+alt+backspace!02:07
Frankehjk dont02:07
MasterShrekFrankeh, dont suggest things like that, there are many users here who do not know what that does02:07
Frankehjust a joke :)02:08
OldMarLawFrankeh: Take your hard drive and put it in the microwave ... just jk, don't02:08
bazhangFrankeh: not funny02:08
Frankehthats the responce i wanted :)02:08
soulriderFrankeh, if i were you i wouldnt do that again unless you wanna get booted02:08
casio1374633uKKeMan: you are already in X, so xorg -configure don't need to work02:08
soulrideruh oh02:09
StrangeworkCabbage: hm, claims I already have the latest version of libgl1-mesa-dri02:09
uKKeMancasio1374633, jeah true02:09
ZelofunBenalex:  I have 2 partitions for my HD, First one is NTFS and the second I left it unpartitioned to install ubuntu.... now I am on prepare partitions window...and when I tru to format ext3 my HD: 1. the 8MB free space is desapiaring 2. I cannot continue formating because I have to define root directory... and root directory want it to be a part of the second partition I have left for installin ubuntu!02:09
T1m0thyBack for a second.02:09
T1m0thyWrong channel.02:09
Frankehi was making sure everyone was doing their jobs02:09
StrangeworkCabbage: Should I, perhaps, upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon?02:09
=== kurnia_chan_ is now known as bulzit_
casio1374633uKKeMan: you have been in X windows, and what's you problem ?02:09
uKKeMani put that into the xorg.conf Option "Mode" "Absolute" to my stylus identifier of the wacom part02:09
corruptionoflulzZelofun: super easy way to do that is make your ntfs one big partition, then run the ubuntu installer and let it resize it for you.02:10
uKKeMancasio1374633, that the graphictablet position wont set to absolute02:10
soulriderthis is getting interesting :P02:10
MasterShrekuKKeMan, just edit it manually if thats all you want to do02:10
uKKeManMasterShrek, i edited it but its not working thats my problem02:11
BenalexZelofun: I didn't try to create a partition during installing, I always to it before starting installation02:11
casio1374633uKKeMan: do you backup xorg.conf before you change it ?02:11
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz:  Does not seems to be a bad Idea but is there going to be any traffic loss while merging the partitions?02:11
MasterShrekuKKeMan, you restarted your xserver after editting?02:11
MasterShrekcasio1374633, its generally a good idea to02:11
corruptionoflulzZelofun: not really sure what you mean by traffic loss...02:11
Bakefyhow do I get firefox to close completely when i get that "already running" error?02:11
uKKeManMasterShrek, casio1374633 no its just a little change. yeah i restarted with ctrl+alt+ (uhm the delete button) but no change02:12
corruptionoflulzZelofun: my suggestion is merge partitons, defrag, then run ubuntu installer and use the slider to resize the hard drive.02:12
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz: data loss I mean (sorry used to it fro my work)02:12
MasterShrekBakefy, open a terminal and type: killall firefox02:12
casio1374633MasterShrek: maybe he just need restart X02:12
MasterShrekapparently he already did02:12
danbhfiveBakefy: ps -e | grep firefox02:12
casio1374633uKKeMan: maybe you just need to restart your computer02:12
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz: ok02:12
MasterShrekuKKeMan, then whatever you changed didnt do it, keep searching, or make sure you have the correct syntax02:12
toodlesBakefy: MasterShrek: I believe it's "killall firefox-bin"02:12
NeMopkill firefox02:13
uKKeManmastershrek: i copy and paste the syntax of the wacom site02:13
corruptionoflulzZelofun: i guess it's good to do a defrag before intsalling ubuntu anyways02:13
MasterShrektoodles, you are correct02:13
NeMopkill -9 firefox02:13
uKKeManbut i give it another try02:13
KavokDoes anyone have experince getting a Atheros AR5007EG working?02:13
StrangeworkHow do I check to see what driver is currently assigned to my graphics card?02:13
BenalexZelofun: for me I suggest use GParted from live cd session to modify yout partitions then start installation... GParted intreface has more functionality than in installer02:13
evasiveso is this the chat room?02:13
Bakefytoobles!  you are the winner!02:14
MasterShrekStrangework, cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver02:14
evasiveis there any need for me to register with a website?02:14
MasterShrekStrangework, it will give you a few lines, but it will narrow it down02:14
StrangeworkMasterShrek: I will check that out, thanks :)02:14
evasiveor am I speaking into the wind?02:14
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz: I will do this but to be honest I do not appreciate that much MS defragmanter02:14
BakefyThanks, MasterShrek, danbhfiv and toodles02:14
Flannelevasive: No.  You can register with nickserv if you want.  You'll be able to 'own' your nick, and send private messages.02:14
panfisthi, does ubuntu support any hardware accelerated h.264 or other hi-def video playback?02:14
toodlesBakefy: You've welcome :-)02:15
MasterShrekthe wind blows in evasive's face02:15
corruptionoflulzZelofun: you don't really have to merge them, it just sounded like you were getting confused on what should be what02:15
StrangeworkMasterShrek:         Driver          "kbd"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "mouse"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "synaptics"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "wacom"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "wacom"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "wacom"02:15
Strangework        Driver          "i810"02:15
Strangeworkthis is what came out of it. how do I interpret it?02:15
Flannel!paste | Strangework02:15
ubotuStrangework: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:15
corruptionoflulzZelofun: but i guess it's still a good idea to defrag your windows partition02:15
MasterShrekStrangework, its the i81002:15
evasivegreetings everyone02:15
craigbass1976How do I make a slideshow of jpgs and have music in the background so that someone can watch it in windows?  What app am i looking for?02:15
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz: ok02:15
evasiveI"m a former Windows user, and I'm lost...02:15
BakefyI had a command that used to work in an older version, but it stopped!  now I know the new fix!  my firefox does it alot it seems like?  any reason why?02:16
craigbass1976evasive, you'll find your way,  what's up?02:16
StrangeworkMasterShrek: i810, umm. What is i810?02:16
MasterShrekcraigbass1976, most picture viewers can do slideshow, and use your favorite music player for music :)02:16
Zelofuncorruptionoflulz: thanks!! see u soon02:16
evasiveI have an ATI graphics card on an AMD02:16
MasterShrekStrangework, its an intel-based gfx card02:16
craigbass1976MasterShrek, what do I use to make it though?02:16
evasivebut ubuntu 7 will not install on it02:16
KavokDoes anyone have experince with Atheros AR5007EG wireless?02:16
kuribohxis there anyway to bring the files back that I deleted from the madwifi directory?02:17
K_DallasGood evening guys! How could I have more than 2 desktops (under gnome), thanks02:17
Flannelevasive: What doesn't work during the install?02:17
panfistif i want hardware accelerated video playback in ubuntu, should i buy an amd or an nvidia graphics card?02:17
corruptionoflulzK_Dallas: you mean like, desktop environments?02:17
craigbass1976MasterShrek, the whoel deal is this...  I hate walmart.  My mother-in-law and I banter back and forth about it.  I won't even go into one.  I was thinking of shopping there this year, taking funny pics, making a show, and setting it to music to give her for xmas02:17
toodlespanfist: I don't know which codecs work, but I have played hi-def videos with the default player, Totem, and also with xine.02:17
K_Dallascorruptionoflulz, yes02:17
BenalexK_Dallas: you mean more than one workspace?02:17
K_Dallasthat is it :) sorry for the wording02:17
craigbass1976evasive, ahh, never had that trouble.  Someone in here knows though02:17
MasterShrekcraigbass1976, put the pictures that you want in the slideshow in their own seperate folder, and double click one, i dont know what program will open up, and since i dont use gnome i cant exactly tell you how, but there shold be an option to start a slideshow within that picture viewer02:18
evasivethe machine will bounce back somehting like an "I/O error" repeting over and over02:18
Flannelevasive: Have you verified the CD?02:18
panfisti know they will play as long as you have the right codecs but i have a slow cpu and i dont think it can handle anything at 720p or higher02:18
MasterShrekcraigbass1976, you could try setting that up and using xvidcap (making sure to use capture sound) and making a video file out of it all02:18
K_DallasBenalex, i used to have 4 back when i was using unix02:18
craigbass1976MasterShrek, can I make a quicktime movie of something like that?02:18
MasterShrekevasive, tried the alternate installer?02:18
evasiveand on an intel it works fine02:18
MasterShrekcraigbass1976, possible, an mpeg or avi is probabyl easier02:19
corruptionoflulzK_Dallas: gnome should have 2 workspaces in the bottom right by default..02:19
FlannelK_Dallas: in gconf, its /apps/metacity/general/num_workspaces02:19
craigbass1976MasterShrek, right.  One of those02:19
K_Dallascorruptionoflulz, the default is 2, right02:19
K_DallasFlannel, thanik you02:19
corruptionoflulzK_Dallas: you can just right click the workspaces, and change the settings02:19
K_Dallaswill try that too02:19
KavokIs there anyway to trouble shoot my wireless to figure out whats going wrong?02:19
toodlespanfist: In that case I don't know. I have a fast cpu and an intel card and have no problems. I don't know how graphics hardware is used when it comes to video playback.02:19
corruptionoflulzK_Dallas: assuming you have the workspace switcher on the bottom right...02:19
K_Dallasthank you all02:19
Bakefywell, thanks all and goodnight!02:19
owocHow i Can deleate partition witch  padlock ?????????02:19
K_Dallascorruptionoflulz, should be there if it is the default02:20
MasterShrekKavok, whats the problem? what kinda wifi card?02:20
Flannel!wifi | Kavok02:20
ubotuKavok: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:20
MasterShrekowoc, you need root priviledges02:20
KavokMasterShrek: Atheros AR5007EG I had to use ndiswrapper, Its installed .. I can see networks, I can click connect, but it won't connect02:20
owocwhats priviledges02:20
KavokMasterShrek: Security being on or off doesnt seem to matter02:20
MasterShrek!sudo | owoc02:20
ubotuowoc: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.02:20
evasiveMasterShrek: I know the CD is good because I can install 7.10 on my laptop02:21
didieDoes anyone have a documentation about CVS instalation and configuration?02:21
MasterShrekevasive, there is an alternate installer cd, that may work02:21
panfisttoodles amd and nvidia cards can take over some of the duty or decoding the video as long as the proper software is used, in windows the software is pretty crappy but its coming along. i was wondering if such a thing existed yet for linux or if no one has bothered to work on it yet02:21
panfistits for a HTPC02:21
MasterShrekKavok, tried using the terminal to set it up?02:21
evasiveFlannel: I had to download Ubuntu 6 and IT worked02:21
KavokMasterShrek: I have a forum thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63211502:21
KavokMasterShrek what do you mean ?02:21
sproingiei don't guess that the avivo stuff works on linux.  no idea about purevideo02:22
MasterShrekKavok, tried connecting using terminal commands instead of the gui one?02:22
KavokMasterShrek: I have no idea how to do that02:22
rpj8When I make a change to .Xdefaults in order to change settings in xterm, how do I refresh xterm with these new settings?02:23
MasterShrekKavok, open a terminal. sudo iwlist ath0 scan    this will give you a list of networks (assuming your wifi card is labeled ath0)02:23
toodlespanfist: I'd like to know this myself. Sorry I'm of no help to you there.02:23
evasivealso, are there any Gentoo users here?02:23
MasterShrekKavok, sudo iwconfig ath0 essid <network name>       this will associate it with an access point02:23
sproingieevasive: i bet there's bunches in #gentoo02:23
MasterShrekKavok, sudo dhclient3 ath0      this will grab an ip address (assuming there is no encryption)02:23
ohokevasive- yes but they are busy waiting for their source to compile02:23
evasivehow do I get there?02:23
panfistsproingie and toodles the reason i ask is that i have an AMD 2800+ socket 939 so I really can't upgrade the processor right now. if i upgraded the processor i would also have to get a new motherboard and i was hoping i could make the system last a little longer by upgrading the video card02:24
evasiveohok: :)02:24
evasiveso how do I go into that chat room?02:24
rpj8evasive: /join #gentoo02:24
MasterShrekevasive, type: /join #gentoo02:24
rpj8When I make a change to .Xdefaults in order to change settings in xterm, how do I refresh xterm with these new settings?02:24
ohokevasive- how did you ever get *here* ?02:24
panfistwill a 2800+ be able to playback 720p in linux very well? it handles most of it ok in windows02:25
MasterShrekrpj8, close xterm and reopen it02:25
rpj8MasterShrek: Ah. I must be doing something wrong then02:25
MasterShrekpanfist, i should think so02:25
evasiveohok: I just opened this chat program and here I am02:25
ohokactually i have an ubuntu not a gentoo question02:25
ohokevasive- hahaha02:25
ohokmy question is where is gpm ?02:25
MasterShrekrpj8, close all instances of xterm maybe?02:25
ohokI can see it in apt-cache search02:25
ohokbut apt won't install it !02:25
rpj8MasterShrek: Pretty sure I did02:25
kelsinrpj8: you might need to run "xrdb -load .Xdefaults"02:26
evasiveohok: have some sympathy, I'm a noob02:26
KavokMasterShrek: give me a min02:26
kelsinrpj8: and I think the new place for this is .Xresources02:26
ohokjust kiddin ya02:26
didieCan anyone help me installing a CVS?02:26
rpj8kelsin: I see. So I should dump my stuff in .Xresources then02:26
MasterShrekdidie, of what?02:26
ohokthanks for all the fish...02:26
MasterShrekdamn dolphins...02:26
panfistmastershrek can you point me to a guide or website that will help me find and install the most efficient decoder/video player? i want the system to be as lean as possible so i can minimize any lag when decoding02:26
ohokso anyone know why a package would be in apt-cache but apt wont instal it?02:27
panfistmastershrek i think there are like 2 decoding paths, gstreamer and something else? how do they compare?02:27
MasterShrekpanfist, well, you probably want to go with a leaner version of ubuntu, i would suggest fluxbuntu, i use xine for videos02:27
kelsinrpj8: I think so, I think Xdefaults was dropped a while ago, the main issue is without restarting your xsession I'm pretty sure you have to run that command on the file02:27
kelsinohok: what package?02:28
MasterShrekpanfist, i usually install all the gstreamer plugins, as well as everything (aside from a few things like googleearth) from medibuntu02:28
KavokMasterShrek: It seems to be working now. If I had a LAN ethernet connection and a wifi connection going to the same DHCP router would that cause a problem?02:28
MasterShrek!info gpm02:28
didieMasterShrek have you ever installed a CVS?02:28
ubotugpm: General Purpose Mouse Interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.19.6-25 (gutsy), package size 372 kB, installed size 708 kB02:28
MagicFab_When upgrading a kernel, how can I specify how many older options to keep ? It seems Ubuntu only keeps the latest 3.02:28
MasterShrekKavok, i dont think so02:28
KavokMasterShrek: Well its working now and I have no idea why02:29
kelsinohok: I assume you have universe enabled?02:29
MasterShrekohok, you have universe enabled?02:29
ohokso do I shrek02:29
ohokbut I spoze its worht a check02:29
panfisti was thinking of going with mythbuntu which runs xfce, or just regular ubuntu. the system has 1 gig of ram. does the desktop environment really use that many cpu cycles when it's playing video?02:29
KavokMasterShrek: The only difference was I had an ethernet cable plugged in before02:29
ohokhey that almost rhymed02:29
kelsinwhat is aptitude ot apt-get saying, just that it can't find gpm?02:29
MasterShrekpanfist, with one gig of ram, i wouldnt worry about any of that02:29
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ohokit would appear my sources.list got borked02:30
evasivegreetings, just finished compiling gnome 2.20 but it wont load on my gentoo server02:30
kelsinevasive: I would check in #gentoo02:30
MasterShrek!source-o-matic | ohok02:30
ubotuohok: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic02:30
nuckyvmware-server upgraded today, now i cant login remotely via the vmware server console02:30
MasterShrekevasive, if you are a noob, like you claim to be, why are you using gentoo?02:31
uKKeMandamn i hate that :)02:31
nuckyi tried the suggested pam changes from the wiki02:31
nuckyno luck though02:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:31
nuckystill get username / password invalid02:31
uKKeMangutsy finds it automatically but when i try to configure it with the xorg conf its not working02:31
MasterShreknucky, is it listening on a different port than before?02:31
uKKeManthe tablet02:31
ohokShrek- clearly evasive is a gentoo mole.02:31
MasterShrekit appears that way ohok02:32
firefly2442Is there a way I can MD5sum an entire directory and get back one value for the whole directory?02:32
nuckywent from 1.0.4 feisty1 to 1.0.4 feisty3 build02:32
lucieniumHi guys. My System Sounds loop non-stop once they start playing. For instance, if there's a login system sound set and I login, the login sound playsback endlessly until I restart the system. Please help ;-(02:32
evasivewhen I hit "startx" it gives me a lousy desktop made of 2 colors02:32
nuckyMasterShrek where could i check for the port change02:32
kelsinevasive: go ask in #gentoo02:32
MasterShrekfirefly2442, i doubt it, compress it to a tar.bz2 or something then md5sum it02:32
ohoklol kellsin02:32
MasterShreknucky, not really sure, the settings or something in vmware (sorry havent used vmware in ages)02:33
uKKeMananyone here has an graphictablet working with the wacom on gutsy?`02:33
nuckyport 90202:33
MasterShrekuKKeMan, do you get any errors? look in /var/log/Xorg.log.002:33
firefly2442Is there some technical reason why a directory can't be MD5ed?02:33
uKKeManyeah i get errors02:33
lucieniumI also tried disabling all the system sounds then restarting my system. When I started my system again then set a system sound for checking a box, it starting playing back nonstop after being initiated once02:34
ohokI have an Aiptek, but havent had time to install it yet... :|02:34
kelsinfirefly2442: well there are many different ways it can be done, it's not defined02:34
firefly2442MasterShrek: yeah, it sort of defeats the purpose though, I just want to check if two directories are the same without using diff02:34
nuckyi think i found the error02:34
kelsinfirefly2442: why without diff?02:34
MasterShrekfirefly2442, what you got against diff?02:35
nuckythe /etc/xinetd.d/vmware-authd file has the wrong path02:35
firefly2442kelsin: the directories are on two different computers02:35
MasterShreknucky, thatll do it02:35
kelsinfirefly2442: I think the tar gzip is your best bet02:35
nuckythis /usr/sbin/vmware-authd no longer exists02:35
kelsinfirefly2442: or just tar right into md502:35
nuckyit's in /etc/pam.d02:36
kelsin"tar -c dir | md5"02:36
uKKeManMasterShrek, the funny thing is.. it is working buuut not through the xorg.conf cause i get "device not found" errors there.. thats the point why setting the option isnt working there02:36
strike1anyone know how to enable X forwarding from a Ubuntu server box, I'm using ssh -X user@myserver and then type xclock but it says: Error: Can't open display: localhost:002:36
goldbond_hello. i am about to replace my video card with a nvidia geforce 7600. do i need to install any drivers before hand or do i just pop it in?02:36
uKKeManMasterShrek, but why does it work then?! if the init fails during start of X?!02:36
firefly2442kelsin, MasterShrek: alright, thanks for the help :)02:36
ohokuKKeMan- if you get it working in tty be sure to let me know...02:37
don_puccihey all02:37
Condoulook, I have a question. my menus are screwed up, and I tried reverting it, but the Internet, and graphics menu no longer show. Anybody know how I can revert it to default?02:37
MasterShreki dont know uKKeMan, i have no experience with tablets02:37
don_puccithis is the second time doing an update has broken my wireless networking02:37
don_pucciany ideas02:37
NYCThomasBhi all - my wireless card can see all available networks in range but will not connect to any.  any thoughts?02:37
uKKeManohok: its funny its working already but not during xorg.conf02:37
kelsinfirefly2442: System -> Prefs -> Main Menu and check out what it's doing? I think there is a revert option that will remove custimizations in your home dir (as long as your actual system menu folders aren't ruined)02:38
ohokNYC- how many networks do you *have*?02:39
nuckynope i was wrong02:39
firefly2442kelsin: think that was meant for someone else :)02:39
nuckythe /usr/sbin/vmware-authd is a binary file02:39
ohokNYCThomasB - also where in NYC are you ?02:39
heartsbloodDoes anybody know if there is a linux utility that can help configure high end mice like the logitech g7-g9 line?02:39
kelsinfirefly2442: yep, I've done that like 5 times tonight :-(02:39
don_puccistupid updates02:39
MasterShreknucky, of course it is, its in /usr/sbin02:39
kelsinCondoulo: System -> Prefs -> Main Menu and check out what it's doing? I think there is a revert option  that will remove custimizations in your home dir (as long as your actual system menu folders aren't ruined)02:39
CapaHDoes anyone know of a good SEGA Genesis emulator? One that works with a game controller?02:39
CapaHusb game controller saitek02:39
lucieniumGuys, a little help with the non-stop looping of system sounds. It doesn't happen with Pidgen or other sounds initiated by applications.02:39
dhudehey I want to install flash player02:40
Condoulokelsin- I closed Menu editor, re-opened, and then the revert button worked.02:40
dhudebut I'm stuck on the extracter thing02:40
MasterShrekdhude, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:40
nuckyis there a channel for vmware on ubuntu?02:40
dhudethank you02:40
colin__anybody have any mixer recomendations? is there a mixer plugin for rhythmbox??02:40
ohokhey SHrek thanks for the tip, I wouldn't have immediately guessed my sources got all wiggy02:40
NYCThomasBohok - e33rd st.  i am connected to wired net. dont have my own wireless.  just got wireless card working and now want to test it.  i should be able to connect to an unsecured wireless network that i can see. a number near me have strong signal.02:40
MasterShreknucky, i dont think its ubuntu-specific, #vmware may help...if its even a channel02:41
kelsinNYCThomasB: it is possible those people use mac filtering, most routers come with that now... so it's *possible* that you're all set02:41
MasterShreknucky, it is02:41
ohokNYCThomasB- up on E 33 you may be *just* out of range of WiFiNY.net02:41
colin__anybody have any mixer recomendations? is there a eq mixer plugin for rhythmbox??02:41
ohoktoo bad bc its like the best provider in the city02:42
bazhangnucky: vmware has an active forum you can check www.vmware.com02:42
MasterShrekcolin__, xmms has one02:42
colin__yeah wtf though i wanna use rythmbox02:42
nuckybazhang: ive just seen where in there they dont really support the package install02:42
NYCThomasBkelsin - i was thinking that.  reinstall of 7.10 helped with last night's issue btw.02:42
NYCThomasBohok: how would i try to connect to that?02:42
CrankymonkyAnyone know why evince may not be showing me my text in a pdf unless I highlight it?02:42
bazhangnucky: what seems to be the problem?02:42
goldbond_hello. i am about to replace my video card with a nvidia geforce 7600. do i need to install any drivers before hand or do i just pop it in? i have googled and can't find anything02:42
don_pucciafter latest round of updates...i have no more wireless network02:43
don_pucciany ideas02:43
kelsinCrankymonky: bad text colors, is it a pdf that you made, or one on the internet somewhere?02:43
ohokyou would have to go to their site, contact them, have them do a site survey02:43
MasterShrekCrankymonky, can you change the default font in it?02:43
ohokhowever you most likely are outside the range02:43
Crankymonkykelsin, from my university02:43
NYCThomasBohok: oh, ok :)02:43
defyenceAnyone want to help a newbie compile her first source code? :D Pidgin 2.3.002:43
=== bobby is now known as epsssssss
kelsindefyence: any reason you don't want to use the package in ubuntu?02:43
ohokthey go all the way out to Maclaren pool or whatever its called but there are no buildings in the way02:43
=== epsssssss is now known as eps_
ohokjust the east river02:43
andrukcan you sell the right to see the source code of GPL software?02:44
ax3hey guys, i need a software that can record video of me programming under ubuntu02:44
ax3this exist?02:44
ohokandruk- no way dude02:44
CrankymonkyMasterShrek, I guess I could output the whole pdf into text and remake it, but that wouldn't be solving the problem:P02:44
MasterShrekdefyence, sudo apt-get install build-essential       you need this for compilers and such02:44
defyencekelsin: I figured it'd be a nice start for getting used to the process02:44
ax3i'd like to put together some tutorials02:44
NYCThomasBoh ok.  im off 2nd - close to river.  will look into it, thx02:44
MasterShrekCrankymonky, tried a different pdf viewer?02:44
Flannelax3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts02:44
andrukohok: can you tell me how to get the source for baudline: http://www.baudline.com/source_code.html02:44
ax3Flannel, THANKS!02:44
ohokandruk- didn't you see the story today about the break the seal license ?02:44
kelsindefyence: ahhh, read the README file and the INSTALL file in the pidgin code, and run "sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin" before you do it, should be all set02:44
andrukohok: because it does not appear to be "free" as in beer...and no i didnt see that...?02:45
CrankymonkyMasterShrek, Nope.  about to now02:45
Vad1If bzr didn't finish - the connection was interrupted, is there any way I can get it to continue? It just complains that the folder already exists.02:45
adamonline45I have two computers with gigabit ethernet, connected through a gigabit hub.  I only seem to be getting 13MB/s though.  Is this a Samba thing, an ubuntu thing, or... should I quit my whining with 13MB/s?02:45
jimmygoonIs anyone else having problems w/ gmail imap or msn02:45
ax313mb/sec is unacceptable02:45
ax3for gbit02:45
LimCorehow to set which user can use su or sudo with OWN password to become reoot02:45
MasterShrekadamonline45, quit whining!02:45
Ssami need for soemoen to explain me what to do in this link02:46
ohokandruk- I have seen that site b4 but did not recall it being *gpl*02:46
lordikyikyjoin #ubuntu-georgia02:46
MasterShrekLimCore, sudo visudo02:46
Ssamcan anyone help me in that02:46
defyencekelsin: Thanks :) MasterShrek, too02:46
=== xp_prg is now known as xp_gone
bazhangSsam: in what?02:46
dhudehey my youtube is f****d up02:46
ohokandruk- you have asked a very interesting question!02:46
andrukohok: From the site: "Purchase the GPL source code for the baudline signal analyzer."  Any ideas?02:46
dhudejust afetr installing the plugins02:46
ohokyes I just read that02:46
Ssami am very enw ot linux02:47
adamonline45ax3: Do you have any thoughts as to why I might be sufferiing so?  I was thinking my downstream router (100Mb/sec) might be limiting it, but even so, 13MB/s is more than its capacity, so I don't think that's it...02:47
Flanneldefyence: You usually don't need to get used to compiling in distros that are binary package based.02:47
Ssami dont noe what to do in that02:47
Ssami created a file i pasted what it said02:47
LimCoreMasterShrek: ok.. or add to a group right?02:47
Ssamand i executed it with chmod02:47
kelsinandruk: alert the FSF foundation, sounds like are not following the GPL since their price sounds more then the cost of them duplicating the code for you, but past that we can't help you get the code02:47
Ssamnow i cant seem to paste it02:47
MasterShrekLimCore, yea02:47
defyenceflannel: Thanks for the heads up, I dunno why I just think I'd like to learn things like this.02:47
bazhangSsam: if you specify your problem then we can likely find a response02:47
Vad1Anyone a bzr expert?02:47
Flannel!compile | defyence02:47
ubotudefyence: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:47
ohokI andruk- IANAL (but I'm sure as H*** going to ask one about this!)02:47
Flanneldefyence: Just make sure to put stuff you compile in /opt or /usr/local02:48
andrukohok, kelsin: thank you, i just wanted to be sure before i start making a ruckus...02:48
Ssamhttp://www.linux.com/articles/56642 in this link.....its a code of a program that converts a FLV youtube files to divx02:48
ohokandruk- I will be interested in hearing what you find out02:48
=== vmlinuz is now known as vmlinuz`
Ssami dont noe how to copy the file to bin02:48
sproingieandruk: see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-violation.html for how you report 'em02:48
bazhangSsam: what is the program's name?02:48
ax3adamonline45, ethernet frame issues?02:48
ohokman I love gpm but I wish I knew how to set it up without apt !02:49
ax3window size might be limiting you02:49
Ssamits a code02:49
Ssami need help in compiling the program02:49
mneptokandruk: it's not illegal to sell GPL source.02:49
bazhangSsam: why not just view it in flv?02:49
ohokmnetok- I think you are right, but at the same time....02:49
defyenceThanks flannel!@02:49
mneptokandruk: it *IS* illegal to *ONLY* sell it02:49
Ssambecause i need to forward them at times02:49
jsoftwWhat program can I use to convert a .ps to a .pdf ?02:49
kelsinandruk: but their version they offer on their site is NOT GPL. so I think they're fine02:50
ohokanyone could buy the baudline code and just give it away02:50
Ssamand i sometimes want to view on xp02:50
mneptok!info ps2pdf02:50
Ssamwhich dosent have an flv player02:50
ubotuPackage ps2pdf does not exist in gutsy02:50
Ssamand i dont want to install it02:50
bazhangSsam: flv's can be forwarded02:50
Ssampeople rnt allowed02:50
sproingiemneptok: it is illegal to charge more than for the cost of distribution if they already distributed the software to you02:50
CrankymonkyOkay, so MasterShrek I just checked, loads fine in xpdf02:50
kelsinandruk: the part I don't understand is once you buy it, how they prevent you from also distributing it... but I'm not a gpl expert by any stretch02:50
firefly2442kelsin: does this, "tar -c dir | md5" actually create the tar file and store it someplace or pipe it straight into MD5?02:50
sproingienow if they didn't distribute the software at all to you, then they don't have to do jack -- they just can't stop anyone else from giving you the source02:50
ohokkelsin- don't they need to change their wording a bit?02:50
kelsinfirefly2442: pipe it strait in02:50
Ssamso can u help me in what the site is saying?02:51
IdleOne!info clive | Ssam02:51
ubotussam: clive: Video extraction utility for YouTube and Google Video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 31 kB, installed size 172 kB02:51
MasterShrekCrankymonky, then use xpdf02:51
ohokas it is it says "buy the rights to read the source code" or pretty close02:51
Ssambut what about XP02:51
firefly2442kelsin: nice! that's handy because I don't have enough HD space, thanks ;)02:51
kelsinohok: I have no idea abou the legality or working on the source, just commenting that the free download they offer is NOT gpl licensed02:51
bazhangSsam: get miro to download the flv, or go to youtubex.com to paste in the code and get them that way VLC will be able to show them on any machine, xp, mac, or linux02:51
Ssami need an avi to work for xp02:51
Ssamsoemtimes i forward it to my friends02:51
virodid any one have  problem  making the  install for kiba dock02:51
kelsinfirefly2442: yeah, pipes are your friend02:51
bazhangSsam: get vlc02:51
AnioI have a question about multi-language Ubuntu...is it possible to change the language on-the-fly?02:51
ax3adamonline45, lots of goodies under /proc/sys/ipv4 lookie lookie02:51
ohokthat's ironic, the free dl is non-gpl.... but you can *buy* the gpl'd version02:51
bazhangSsam: works for xp too02:51
SsamVLC will convert flv to avi?02:52
Anioie, if I have more than one user, and each wants a different language02:52
Ssamnot allowed to install anything at work02:52
jsoftwCmon guys, how do I convert a postscript ( *.ps ) to a pdf? :)02:52
Aniossam: VLC lets you save the stream as any format you want, but it's not very efficient02:52
bazhangSsam: don't need to02:52
kelsinohok: as far as I know is legal, the wierd thing is that once I (for instance) buy it, I think I would be able to modify and distribute for free if I wanted to... not sure02:52
ohokghostscript works for me02:52
Anioany video it plays can be saved02:52
ohokor there is text2pdf02:52
kelsinjsoftw: ps2pdf02:52
jsoftwkelsin: its not in 7.1002:52
bazhangSsam: you can put vlc on a usb stick02:52
Ssamokay i ahve vlc02:52
kelsinjsoftw: I have it installed by magic then02:52
Ssamhow i convert videos from it02:52
ohokthe former has greater power, the later is simplifioed for a single task02:53
stefanojsoftw, http://www.ps2pdf.com/02:53
Ssamlol but i need to convert it02:53
andrukkelsin: then why do they say "Purchase the GPL source code for the baudline signal analyzer."  They are also listed on Freshmeat.  I understand that people can dual-license, and therein may lie the problem, if there is one.  Your thoughts?02:53
ax3adamonline45, also consider the possibility of driver issues of your networking gear02:53
kelsinandruk: I have no idea :)02:53
CrankymonkyMasterShrek, But I like evince more:P02:53
Aniossam, in the "Open file" menu, at the bottom you have the option to "save stream"02:53
bazhanghttp://digg.com/tech_news/Use_VLC_to_convert_videos_for_iPod_or_to_mpg,_avi Ssam02:53
jsoftwkelsin: whats its package name then?02:53
AnioI'm talking about the Windows version, not sure if the GUI is different for Linux02:53
andrukkelsin: okay, thanks again.02:53
cronikhello everyone.02:54
ohokandruk- again this is a really good question and they may in fact be in violation02:54
don_pucciso..after the last set of updates i no longer have funtioning wireless networking...02:54
bazhangSsam: first link on google02:54
onatsanyone have an idea how i can download torrents on a second computer on my network, while controlling it on the first one?02:54
don_pucciany ideas02:54
cronikuse vnc02:54
Flannelonats: ssh02:54
ax3take ur pic02:54
cronikonats:use vnc02:54
kelsinjsoftw: I have mine from the ghostscript package02:54
cronikis simple02:54
ax3nx > vnc02:54
jsoftwkelsin: ok thanks.02:55
onatsso its really some sort of remote access....02:55
Aniocan no one answer my question? Is it possible to have different users use Ubuntu in a different language?02:55
kelsinonats: use rtorrent02:55
bazhangonats: vnc and rtorrent02:55
FlannelAnio: Of course02:55
kelsinonats: and ssh, and maybe screen02:55
onatsok ill check that rtorrent02:55
stefanoAnio, yes it is02:55
bazhangAnio: yes02:55
onatson another note, who's using apt-cacher here?02:55
adamonline45ax3: Alright, I'll check those out... Thanks 8)02:55
Goosemooseim doing a preseed for a network install. can't figure out why the following wont work, i get no gui02:56
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,edubuntu-desktop02:56
AnioThank you. I wasn't sure it was possible, because Windows doesn't let you except for one version.02:56
stefanoAnio, type in the username. change the language in gdm and log in, do the same with your other user and you're set.02:56
kelsinonats: rtorrent lets you set a directory to "watch" and immediately start up torrent you place in it, so it can be as easy as scping a file over to the other computer, if you have rtorrent running in a screen session you can ssh over later to check on it's status02:56
ax3do some digging on the ubuntuforums or make a posting if you haven't already adamonline4502:56
stefanohope that helps02:56
FlannelAnio: your users can be in different timezones too.  If you so desire.02:56
stefanothey can even use different desktops and all02:56
AnioI'm finishing backups today, then formatting and installing Ubuntu tomorrow. Thanks for the info.02:57
mneptokonats: if you want to use BitTorrtent on a remote machine, or from a shell, BitTornado is the way to go.02:57
mneptokonats: and we use apt-cacher extensively, too02:57
mneptok(not surprisingly)02:58
gstoryany reason to not add the Gutsy repositories to a Fiesty install?02:58
onatsmneptok, how do i know if its working? i setup the repository on the other machine pointing to my 2nd machine, and it seems to be updating.. that works right?:D02:58
mneptokgstory: yes, many. don't.02:58
stefanogstory, yes02:58
bazhanggstory: severe breakage?02:59
gstoryok.  I kinda figured that.02:59
don_puccianyone here know much about wireless networking02:59
Flannelgstory: Just upgrade.02:59
kelsingstory: the packages are all build on different versions of the toolchain02:59
stefanodon_pucci, just ask02:59
gstoryI want to update my Postifx server but the 2.2 version is only on the Fiesty respositories.02:59
kelsingstory: you can easily backport individual packages though if you only need a few02:59
don_puccistefano..i have like 8 times already02:59
bazhangperhaps don_pucci why not ask something specific02:59
gstoryGuess I need to get the deb packages then.02:59
don_pucciso..after the last set of updates i no longer have funtioning wireless networking...02:59
Flannel!prevu | gstory03:00
ubotugstory: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details03:00
bazhangdon_pucci: can you be more precise?03:00
mneptokonats: if the machine is updatimg, it's working ;)03:00
lucieniumhey guys, does anyone here know how to stop System Sounds from looping nonstop?03:00
stefanodon_pucci, what kind of adapter do you use, do you use a native driver or ndiswrapper, do you use network manager?03:00
don_pucciok...iwconfig returns nothing on essid03:00
don_puccii am using network manager03:01
onatsmneptok, alright..thanks!03:01
don_pucciit is an intel 2200bg03:01
kelsinFlannel: I guess I'm confused but does prevu do any cool features? I thought backporting was already a two line process03:01
mneptokonats: and it's BitTornado you want :)03:01
don_pucciworked fine up until these last updates03:01
don_puccinative driver03:01
onatsmneptok, ok will check it out also... i'm just used to using azureus...03:01
Flannelkelsin: It makes backporting as easy as apt-get03:02
navetzhow do i download opera03:02
mneptokonats: ping if you want config help. i'm one of the BitTorrent gurus for the company :)03:02
kelsinFlannel: it already is "apt-get build-dep <package> && apt-get source --compile <package>"03:02
stefanodon_pucci, seems to me that this bug is already filed in launchpad, look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/141205 and see if you can find some answers03:02
mneptoknavetz: i think they have a package in the partner repos03:02
Flannelkelsin: No.  That's not backporting.03:02
onatsmneptok, great, fantastic.. will try it out.. i guess it has to be built from source right?03:02
kelsinFlannel: I see, what is that then?03:02
mneptokonats: no03:02
navetzmneptok: i cant find it do you know the repo03:03
CoasterMasterWhat is a good Python IDE for Ubuntu?03:03
don_pucciwell..the update was not in september but this week03:03
Flannelkelsin: thats just downloading/compiling the packages from stuff already in the repos.  Thats equivalent of apt-get install <package>03:03
mneptokonats: sudo apt-get install bittornado openssh-server python-crypto03:03
CoasterMasteror at least the best way to develop python on ubuntu03:03
kelsinFlannel: not if you have the gutsy deb-src lines on a fiesty system03:03
onatsmneptok, ok thanks! saving that...03:03
mneptoknavetz: add it in the Synaptic repo interface03:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:04
ubotuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic03:04
Flannelkelsin: That'll still give you issues.  What about the dependencies that aren't satisfied from feisty?03:04
kelsinFlannel: that makes sense, none of the packages I've done have changed much to need new dependencies03:05
don_puccican i delte my /etc/network/interfaces03:05
don_pucciwill it get rebuilt03:05
mneptokkelsin: wait for a significant libc change between releases03:05
IamReckhey if anyone here has the ability to edit the topic, it should include something like, "Some bots can provide useful information for you, type !<subject here>, our bot may have or information/links for you.03:05
Flannelkelsin: Then thats just what you've done.  There are packages that do have new/different depends.03:05
kelsinFlannel: hence why I was asking about the differences, thanks :)03:05
IamReckbecuase i just didn't have to ask me mp3 question becuase i just did !mp303:05
IamReckjust a suggestion03:05
jimmygoondon_pucci, I can't say that sounds like a good idea, but I'm not sure03:06
mneptokIamReck: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp303:06
don_puccihow do i backup the file again?03:06
IdleOneIamReck: if the topic included that then every new user comming in and every lamer would just start !fishing for info03:06
Goosemooseim doing a preseed for a network install. can't figure out why the following wont work, i get no gui03:06
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,edubuntu-desktop03:06
mneptokdon_pucci: editing /etc/network/interfaces will cause you even more problems03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fish - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:07
IamReckw.e. just an idea.03:07
IamReckbetter then having someone come in and ask the question, im just trying to give someone some more options.03:07
IdleOne!fishing | IamReck03:07
ubotuIamReck: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:07
eyemeanhello, i just tried the foloowing sudo svn checkout svn://svn.skolelinux.org/cinelerra/tags/r1_2_2-last/hvirtual, but i got connection refused, is there a reason for that pls/03:07
don_puccimneptok so now what?03:08
sleekI want to get ubuntu on a laptop, but with the most minimal install as possible ... no gui, but if I need it later I'd like the option to add it ...03:08
IamReckokay IdleOne03:08
sleekwhat package should I use?03:08
IamRecki get it. ;) thanks. peace.03:08
mneptokdon_pucci: what does ifconfig tell you?03:08
IdleOneIamReck: np :)03:08
don_pucciifconfig and iwconfig have different things for my eth1 (wifi card)03:09
mneptokdon_pucci: what does ifconfig tell you?03:09
* genii sips a fruit juice03:09
don_puccilots of stuff...what do u want me to post03:09
eyemeanif a connection is refused, is that to do with the link or the firewall maybe?03:10
Agent_bobsomeone know how to find out what is using module "nfsd" so i can rmmod it ?03:10
mneptokdon_pucci: pastebin the whole thing?03:10
don_pucciwell..i cant seeing as i have no network connection03:10
mneptokdon_pucci: sudo dhclient eth103:11
geniitry lsof|grep nfsd03:11
Agent_bobi have several modules that i want to "black list"   is there a generic black-list.conf ?03:11
Agent_bobgenii that would only return the kernel wouldn't it03:12
don_pucciso..that did a few DHCPDISCOVER03:12
don_puccithen says no DHCPOFFERS received03:12
stefanoAgent_bob, /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist03:12
geniiAgent_bob: the lsof may tell you whats open and using something nfs related03:13
Agent_bobstefano ty.03:13
Agent_bobgenii blank03:13
nuckychannel #vmware has yet to respond to any question of mine03:14
geniiI forget offhand nfs port, perhaps 839. you can netstat to see if it's being used. Maybe check the port number , google or so03:14
nuckyanyone know how to start the virtual machine without using some sort of remote console03:14
don_puccino idea what that means03:14
tomd123nucky: remote console? what?03:14
don_pucciwhy would ifconfig and iwconfig say different things03:15
stefanois it possible to use virtualbox on a headless machine without any visual output and then connect to the (pre-setup) machines via ssh?03:15
EdwardXPdoes anyone know where i can download a visulation application that covers the whole background Desktop03:15
tomd123nucky: are you trying to view vmware through ssh w/ x tunneling?03:15
EdwardXPso like whe i play songs' or movies it runs on the background03:15
meoblast001how do i make CompizConfig have the rotate cube have the windows lift from the cube03:16
dolphin_noelEdwardXP if you want to put in background why you need one visualization?03:16
TeslaDaveDoes anyone know anything about port forwarding through linksys router, trying to have it so i can SSH into my gusty gibbon machine from elsewhere03:16
don_puccijust forward the port on your router03:16
don_puccinot sure about ssh03:16
don_puccibut rdp uses 338903:16
nuckytomd123: no im just trying to start my virtual machines03:16
EdwardXPdolphin_noel,  remember that program for windows Windvd 7-8 ... and you could play a video in the background takes the whole desktop03:16
nuckythe vmware server starts at boot fine03:17
EdwardXPand u can still access your poictures and folders when it ran in the back03:17
EdwardXPwhen* while03:17
nuckyi just can connect via a remote console...pam auth is broken03:17
xs4545x_hey all03:17
don_pucciu still here mneptok?03:17
dolphin_noelEdwardXP this software is expensive ...03:17
EdwardXPwhats' it called?03:18
xs4545x_i just got done looking in google and i'm sitting here in front of an oreilly book, trying to learn some bash scripting03:18
xs4545x_anybody know if ubuntu implements positional paramaters in the bash_profile differently?03:18
thorxs4545x_ there are a couple of good bash scripting manuals online03:18
Ssamso how do i save flv to avi using vlc player?03:20
fbondHi, nroff is not displaying \(co or \(bu correctly; it shows garbage, but should be displaying copyright, bullet (respectively).  Something I'm missing?03:20
=== daedrik is now known as Daedric
kelsinxs4545x_: what is happening that's odd?03:22
dolphin_noelEdwardXP xmms have visualization on plug-in maby this can help you check http://www.xmms.org/plugins.php?category=vis03:22
kelsinxs4545x_: and since ubuntu symlinks /bin/sh to dash, make sure if you want bash features to put #!/bin/bash at the top of a script, not #!/bin/sh03:23
tradervcan't seem to boot ubuntu from the 7.10 desktop cd.  It says Ubuntu is intalled when I boot Windows.03:23
kelsinEdwardXP: looks like the beep media player also has a plugin for drawing vis to the root window03:24
EdwardXP:) thanks03:24
LimCorenvidia modules fails to load  on on amd64.   modprobe says that init function failed for nvidia.  any clue?03:25
tradervWhere else can I get some help on my initial installation?03:25
xs4545x_kelsin: it's the .bash_profile though.  and what is happening though is there is a function in my .bash_profile that has positionals like $@ and $1 and $2 and so forth, but what it give me for the output from the arguments i give are just -bash03:25
EdwardXPHow do i make CompizConfig have the rotate cube have the windows lift from the cube>>  You have to goto Cube rotation and Modify the "Zoom" factor03:25
tomd123traderv: what do you mean it says that ubuntu is installed when you boot windowS?03:25
EdwardXPmeoblast001,  :!!03:26
tomd123traderv: ubuntuforums.com03:26
kelsinxs4545x_: do you might posting at least the relevant parts to pastebin?03:26
EdwardXPkelsin,  i'll check it out :)03:26
tradervI have the cd in the CD drive.  I boot the copmputer, but it doesn't boot from the cd.  Evidently I don't have the boot track copied properly.03:26
xs4545x_sure i'll make some changes and test it quick03:27
Flanneltraderv: Or your BIOS isnt setup to boot to CD first03:27
xs4545x_gimme a sec03:27
tradervSo it boots into windows.  on the way I get a messag the unbuntu is already installed.03:27
mightyteegartraderv: what happens if you boot w/o the cd in?03:27
tradervIf I then start firefox, it systs ubunto loading, but I see no special ubuntu windows.03:28
tradervI'll try without the Cd.03:28
tradervI'll be back after rebooting.03:29
EdwardXPwhats the cmd to restet viz03:29
LimCorenvidia modules fails to load  on on amd64.   modprobe says that init function failed for nvidia.  any clue?03:29
mightyteegari have fluxbox as my default WM.  how do i get gnome-volume-manager to load in the background on startup?03:29
bruenigwhat does gnome-volume-manager do?03:30
kelsinmightyteegar: read the fluxbox man page, I think it's just a couple commands in one of their startup files03:30
kelsinmightyteegar: meaning you add a startup command to run gnome-volume-manager03:30
mightyteegardetects my attached usb drives and mounts them in /media/DRIVENAME03:30
bruenigmightyteegar, shouldn't you just setup hal to do that?03:30
soleblazehow hard would it be to upgrade from ubuntu 6.06 server to ubuntu 7.10 server?03:31
bruenigdefeats the point of fluxbox to have all of these bloated gnome hanger ons doing things that other apps do better03:31
mightyteegarbruenig: i could but gnome-volume-manager is so much easier :)03:31
mightyteegardoes hal do automount?03:31
Agent_bobhmmm adding   "blacklist blah "  to  /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist   doesn't keep 'blah ' from loading.  i guess i mean i want a way to forbit the insertion of a module, rather than i want to black list it.    i can move the modules out of /lib/*   but i hate to see the error messages that generates.03:31
brueniggnome-volume-manager I must assume is just a front end of sorts to hal03:31
kelsinbruenig: yes03:31
kelsinbruenig: and provides the gnome-volume-properties gui to edit it's settings (what to do when different types of devices are connected)03:32
reya276How can I give my user access to the CDRom drive(s) I need to be able to mount them on Vitual box for some reason they do not appear on the selection list (is empty)03:32
s_spiffguys, having an issue with totem on a x64 system. posted here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3900181#post3900181  if someone can help me out with it ?03:32
kelsinAgent_bob: I may be very wrong about this, but it could be a nother module that is loading needs the first one? I don't know how blacklist behaves03:32
mightyteegari can load gnome-volume-manager as a daemon and it does all the hard work automagically, but if there's a better way i'll take it03:33
Agent_bobkelsin yeah.   me too.03:33
kelsinAgent_bob: (and this is a stupid comment but make sure you wrong "blacklist <module>" not just "<module>" in the blacklist file03:33
mightyteegarg-v-m is just what i know and it just works (tm)03:33
=== vn is now known as vvn
eyemeanhello, im using gutsy and i accidently deleted my software sources, can any1 help pls?03:36
xs4545x_kelsin: nevermind, i just needed to reload my .bash_profile and then i also realized that $0 is going to return -bash if it's a function in the .bash_profile.  that makes good sense03:37
mightyteegareyemean: you have no /etc/apt/sources.list03:37
FluxDeyemean: http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic/03:37
f0rtunewhats a good program that will convert wma files to mp3 files, on a mass scale?03:37
kelsinxs4545x_: :) awesome03:37
FluxDaudacity I think f0rtune03:37
MasterShrek!source-o-matic | eyemean03:37
ubotueyemean: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:37
eyemeanmightyteegar, no, i was following a walk through wen i realised wat i did03:37
kelsinxs4545x_: I wish it was that easy to solve everyone's issue :)03:37
f0rtuneFluxD, audacity is like a sound editor03:38
FluxDit converts to mp3 using lame library03:38
inzeohey everyone: i installed ubuntu restricted from Add/Remove, but Firefox continues to say that flash isn't installed - when I attempt to install it through Firefox, it says it is already there - any way to fix this?03:38
mightyteegardon't think audacity can read wma but haven't used ti in a while03:38
marlanyone here used msn-proxy ? or know of a good msn proxy progream that will log chats and contacts?03:38
xs4545x_kelsin: well i was using the source .bash_profile method of reloading my profile but i decided i just needed to reload my shell anywhos03:38
shamelessi don't want to boot to vista, even if it means getting my notes....03:38
FluxDinzeo: downlod from amcroedia site and install using the sh file03:39
kelsinFluxD: I don't know what can do the wmv reading, but definitely just bash + lame will handle massive scale conversion03:39
shamelessoh well03:39
inzeoFluxD: okay, let me try that quick03:39
=== c9s_ is now known as c9s
FluxDkelsin: no clue :/03:40
Likuid_Silencesup everyone03:40
inzeoFluxD: I'm getting a "Segmentation Fault" when I attempt to install from the sh file03:40
traderv832I just rebooted without the CD.  Booted normally into Windows, but got window "Ubuntu Uninstall"  Do you wat to uninstall Ubuntu?   Ubuntu will be uninstalled.   -  I cancelled that.  When I start FireFox, I get  the screen that Ububto is starting.  But I can't see any difference from normal windows.03:41
MasterShrekinzeo, have you installed flashplugin-nonfree ?03:41
inzeoMasterShrek: i believe that was what was included in Ubuntu Restricted, as this is what is said when Firefox tells me it already exists03:41
=== eps_ is now known as bobby
_Garbage_Is there any way to get Ubuntu DVDs (not CDs) like shipit ??03:42
tomd123traderv832: what? since when did windows have an ubuntu uninstall button?03:42
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:42
kelsinFluxD: from some googling looks like mplayer can output a wav file from anything it can play, then you can lame encode it03:42
inzeoMasterShrek: should I remove flashplugin-nonfree?03:42
FluxDkelsin: oh nice03:42
MasterShrek_Garbage_, doubtful, why not just download an iso?03:42
robertj_btw, where do all you euro-weenies buy your duvets when state-side? Cheapest I can find a decent duvet for is like $228 :(03:42
MasterShrekinzeo, if you plan to install it manually03:42
inzeoMasterShrek: ok, i'll try that03:43
MasterShrekwtf is a duvet?03:43
traderv832It started occurring after I ran setup from the CD while in Windows.03:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about duvet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:43
xs4545x_wtf is a duvet?03:43
mightyteegartraderv: can you uninstall ubuntu and try rebooting from the livecd again?03:44
robert_are there .deb packages for nasm 2.00 yet?03:44
mightyteegarlet me rephrase that: do you have ubuntu installed on its own partition, or just in your windows?03:44
djangeloa duvet its a BED03:45
djangelosome sort of BED anyways03:45
traderv832I could try that.  Actually, I would prefer to go directly to the DVD.  However, I have tried downloading it three different times.  It always quits after 2GB+.  Is that a limitation of Windows?03:45
kidbuntuis there a gutsy that can be booted on a desktop via CD boot up only03:45
MasterShrektraderv832, shouldnt be, try the torrent of it03:45
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P03:45
mightyteegartraderv: not that i'm aware, i've downloaded huge files b4 -- try a torrent03:45
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!03:45
eyemeanthanx mastershrek, mightyeengar and fluxd, but i noticed i still dotn have thrid party sources03:46
djangelokidbuntu,  well, most of installation cds are LIVE CDS wich mean you could just run from the CD03:46
traderv832I have bittorrent 6.  Where cshould I look for the file?03:46
ubotuTorrent downloads for the Ubuntu ISOs are available on all the download pages. For Gutsy: http://fr.releases.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ (CDs) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/ (DVDs) - Please download using the torrents if you can!03:46
MasterShrektraderv832, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/03:46
mightyteegareyemean: did you put any sources in your sources.list manually before you broke it?03:46
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:46
traderv832I understand that the torrents are the preferable download.03:46
kidbuntudjangelo: so meaning. the CD that i download is not a LIVE.. cause when i installed the 7.10 i didnt saw any boot to desktop or did i just mislooked it03:47
MasterShrektraderv832, very much so03:47
ubotueDonkey clients: aMule (GTK, stand-alone), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey) - See also !P2P03:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:47
todd__I am having problems with audio, only works sometimes, on certain media (broke after "upgrade" to 7.10)03:47
eyemeanmightyeengar, do u mean did i add the 3rd party sources to the list?03:47
IRCMonkeyHow come Ubuntu is not loading the demo from boot from cd?03:48
mightyteegareyemean: any 3d party sources at all, either from synaptic or by editing sources.list03:48
IRCMonkeyHow come Ubuntu is not loading the demo from boot from cd?03:49
todd__anyone know how I can fix my audio?03:49
eyemeanmightyeengar, no i didnt add any at all, they came as standard03:49
wolfspiritis anyone else having pidgin crashing issues with gutsy gibbon?03:49
rbilIRCMonkey: what is it doing?03:49
mightyteegarok you can go into synaptic, under Preferences > Repositories and add them back in that way03:50
eido_does anyone know if myspace supports ogg ... googling doesn't seem to be clear03:50
IRCMonkeyOk I set it to boot from cd03:50
mightyteegareido: no03:50
IRCMonkeythen it gives me four commands03:50
inzeoMasterShrek: when i attempt to install manually, it continues to say I'm not entering a valid path03:50
IRCMonkeyafter it loads calderia03:50
IRCMonkeyor something such as that03:50
eido_mightyteegar: do you know of a good ogg to mp3 convertor in synaptic>03:50
MasterShrekinzeo, use sudo ?03:50
todd__eido_: ffmpeg!03:50
eido_todd__: ty03:51
MasterShrek!info soundkonvertor03:51
ubotuPackage soundkonvertor does not exist in gutsy03:51
MasterShrekhmm, i was sure there was one03:51
TeslaDavedoes gusty come with an ssh server on it, or does it have to be installed, just did a clean install of gusty, previously my box was upgraded from fiesty, can't remember if i had to install openssh-server on it03:51
mightyteegarDescription: Converts MP3 file to Ogg Vorbis03:51
mightyteegar This is a small script to recursively convert your MP3 files and03:51
mightyteegar directories to Ogg Vorbis.03:51
inzeoMasterShrek: same error :(03:51
scguy318TeslaDave: out of box no, you'll have to install03:51
ubotuPeer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information03:51
MasterShrekTeslaDave, install openssh-server03:51
ubotuGnutella clients: GTK-Gnutella (GTK, stand-alone), gifTui, giFToxic (GTK, based on giFT), Apollon (KDE, based on giFT), mldonkey-gui (GTK, based on MLDonkey), KMLDonkey (KDE, based on MLDonkey), !Limewire, !Frostwire (Java, not in the !repositories) - See also !P2P03:51
bulmerTeslaDave-> you can always test it... ssh localhost03:51
TeslaDaveThanks guys03:51
MasterShrekinzeo, im not sure the path you need to install it on ubuntu03:51
TeslaDavebulmer  what's the exact command to test03:52
inzeoMasterShrek: i also attempted to manually install flashplugin-nonfree, and after it downloads the required file, it says the MD5sums don't match03:52
mightyteegarsudo apt-get update, then try again maybe?03:52
kelsineido_: just as a side note, it's best to convert from cd/wav/flac to ogg or mp3, converting from ogg to mp3 and vice versa loses quality03:52
inzeoMasterShrek: therefore, that's why it wasn't viewed as being installed after downloading Ubuntu Restricted03:52
rbilTeslaDave: <your_username>@localhost03:52
bulmerTeslaDave-> ssh localhost03:52
rbilpreceeded with ssh :-)03:52
MasterShrekinzeo, done an apt-get update lately?03:53
scguy318inzeo: known issue03:53
Chico2hey guys, quick question about the Path variable, which file do I have to edit to add a directory to it?03:53
scguy318inzeo: Adobe just released a new flash player yesterday03:53
kelsinChico2: systemwide: /etc/environment03:53
Chico2I tried .bashrc but no luck03:53
eyemeanmightyeengar, but where do i get 3rd part list from pls?03:53
inzeoscguy318: do you know how to fix this issue?03:53
scguy318inzeo: manual install or copy older Flash tarball to /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree03:53
Chico2ah alriight thankyou, why do distro always change this?!03:53
TeslaDavewhen i tested it, it says ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused03:53
eido_kelsin: i ripped my fathers recordings that are n cda to ogg is there a better way to rip to mp3...from what I have seen ogg seems to be superior just not as supported03:54
TeslaDaveso its not on here out of the box then03:54
kelsinChico2: .bashrc will only do it if you "export PATH=blah", that could have been your program?03:54
todd__can someone help me fix my audio (it died after I went to 7.10)???03:54
mightyteegareyemean: in synaptic, under Preferences > Repositories, is there a tab that says "Third Party"?03:54
scguy318eido_: conversion to mp3? use ffmpeg03:54
inzeoscguy318: manual install straight from adobe's site, correct? cause thats where it won't let me enter a valid path03:54
eido_kelsin: I used sound joicer03:54
kelsinChico2: but I edit mine in .bashrc03:54
scguy318inzeo: yeah, or you could use older tarball, lemme link03:54
eyemeanmightyeengar, yes, but its empty and i dont know what sources i should add there03:54
bulmerTeslaDave-> you can also test with   lsof -iTCP to see if it is listening on port 2203:55
kelsineido_: going from cd->ogg->mp3 will lose quality, it's better just to cd->mp3, I use banshee to rip cds right to mp3, but recently I've started ripping to flac so I've switched to soundjuicer03:55
mightyteegareyemean: the medibuntu ones are good03:55
Chico2kelsin: does it check your .bashrc if you use sudo to run the program?03:55
ardyHello, has anyone else ran into issues when setting up Gutsy Gibbon to  use LDAP authentication?03:55
mightyteegareyemean: you'll have to add others manually, like if you need mplayer stuff you add theirs03:55
scguy318inzeo: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html03:56
kelsinChico2: honestly have never tried, probably if you want sudo to see it and stuff like that, just easier to place in /etc/environment03:56
scguy318inzeo: copy via sudo cp /path/to/tar /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree03:56
robert_>> are there .deb packages for nasm 2.00 yet?03:56
ankurwhy my ubuntu pc become slow when i connected to internet?03:56
scguy318inzeo: then sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree03:56
inzeoscguy318: thanks, lemme try that quick03:56
Chico2kelsin: Okay thanks I think that was the problem, going to test it right now03:56
Rubinankur, run top and see03:56
ankur why my ubuntu pc become slow when i connected to internet?03:56
scguy318inzeo: that tarball passes MD5 checks for the current package, hopefully they should release updated package real soon, I believe they already have it uploaded to Hardy03:56
ardyEvery time I update nsswitch.conf to include ldap as it's authentication option it hangs on boot.. any ideas?03:56
eyemeanmightyeengar, im new to linux, ,i just wanted to add the ones that came with ubuntu at fresh install, or does the list come blank at first03:56
bulmerankur do you expect gigabit  speed?03:57
IRCMonkeywhy can i not load the demo of ubuntu from cd?03:57
ankuryes i run03:57
KiD_ChAoShow do i get my girlfriend to stop pronouncing ubuntu as ewbula?03:57
jetsaredimanyone know how to setup sendmail/ssmtp to send mails through gmail03:57
mightyteegareyemean: i THINK only the ubuntu repos are active on fresh install03:57
ankur<bulmer> i rum top03:58
rudeleriusHello. I have an installation of Fedora 7 on a USB 3.5" disk that has photos on it and I'd like to mount the drive in Ubuntu to access the files, but only the boot partition shows up; can anyone help?03:58
bulmerankur what?03:58
mightyteegareyemean: to add others you need to add them to /etc/apt/sources.list on your own03:58
ankur<bulmer>what i need to see in there?03:58
TeslaDavebulmer and others, thanks for the help, got it up and running, didn't have opensshserver installed03:58
eyemeanmightyeengar, lol, that explains it then, ok thanx for ur ehlp m8, much appreciated03:58
bulmerankur what are you expecting?03:58
mightyteegargood luck :)03:58
ankur<bulmer>i run top programee03:58
bulmerTeslaDave-> okay cool03:58
bulmerankur and did you see what you expected?03:59
TeslaDavebulmer, one last quick question , to ssh from internet to my box, how would i do it, just ssh ip.ad.dre.ss03:59
inzeoscguy318: it keeps trying to download from the internet and therefore giving me the MD5 error03:59
todd__Anyone know ho I can pull my audio settings from the pre7.10 ubuntu???03:59
scguy318inzeo: did you do what I suggested?03:59
mightyteegartesladave: yes, although if you have a router you might need to tell it to forward ssh traffic03:59
rudeleriusI should probably also say that I have installed LVM2, but the Fedora logical volume does not show when I do df -h03:59
kelsinTeslaDave: if you are a different user on this other computer probably need "ssh user@ip.ad.dre.ss"03:59
scguy318inzeo: sudo cp /path/to/tar /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree then sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree?04:00
bulmerTeslaDave-> yes, assuming you dont have nat and your pc is directly connected to the internet with its own routable ip address04:00
inzeoscguy318: yes, that is what I typed, but I'll try again04:00
scguy318inzeo: if the tar is in the local cache then it won't d/l04:00
TeslaDavebulmer port forwarding is up, but do i need to throw in the -l login command or not04:00
kelsinTeslaDave: if you're on a linux/unix box where you are the same username, no, if you are you either need -l or "user@address"04:01
bulmerTeslaDave-> ssh -l username@remoteipaddress04:01
inzeoscguy318: wait, there we go, I think it did it this time..sorry about that, definitely not questioning your genius :)04:01
mightyteegartesladave: you can but just user@host works too04:01
TeslaDaveperfect, bulmer do you know anything about wake up on lan04:01
teknoprepwow ubuntu is the shiznuts04:01
TeslaDavethanks mightyteegar04:02
rudeleriusCan anyone help with a problem with a logical volume not showing up?04:02
bulmerTeslaDave-> that functionality  is enabled on the bios04:02
rbilTeslaDave: if you want to run X apps remotely login like this:   ssh -X user@host04:02
eido_kelsin: sorry...loaded banshee on my pc but i only see options to copy cd to image or burn straight to cd04:02
rudeleriusThere are a lot of people on this channel; doesn't anyone have any suggestions for dealing with an LVM problem?04:04
scguy318inzeo: have you said anything? I dropped off04:04
TeslaDaverbil, thats in linux right to see the actual programs run, but say remotely connecting from a windows machine, i just need an x-windows client for windows running on that machine04:05
vee_Can someone point me in the right direction on how to setup samba to work with os 10.4? I have samba installed on a U.Server 7.10 box. unless thats not the best way to file share. I had given Others [read and write] status and it worked, but everytime i looged into ubuntu it gave me an error about that.04:05
inzeoscguy318: wait, there we go, I think it did it this time..sorry about that, definitely not questioning your genius :)04:05
skarhey, does anyone know a partition editor that i can use without burning it to cd?04:06
chetnickvee_: you cant logon from mac to ubuntu?04:06
rudeleriusvee_: where is your share located?04:06
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
rbilTeslaDave: i don't know anything about ssh'ing from Windoze. putty I've heard but not used. Doubt it'll do X.04:06
MasterShrekskar, gparted04:06
kelsineido_: you're right, I was on Foresight linux when I used banshee, I honestly don't know why banshee doesnt' have mp3 importing available04:06
skarMasterShrek, i've tried that, but it won't let me edit my ubuntu partition04:06
vee_chetnick i could but it gave me an error04:06
scguy318inzeo: cool04:06
skarMasterShrek, it has a lock symbol beside it04:06
scguy318inzeo: glad it works :)04:06
MasterShrekskar, boot of the ubuntu disk and it will, you cant edit it while its mounted04:06
mediahunterdoes anyone here know anything about acer-acpi or acerwificontroller04:06
vee_chetnick so i took it off04:06
kelsinTeslaDave: you can install cygwin on windows to get a X server, there are also some pay-for x servers for windows04:06
eido_kelsin: ok I see that I can output files to pcm, flac, aac, and ogg, mp3 is a proprietary format does that mean I have to add the library ...pretty fresh nstall 7.0404:07
mediahunterfor ubuntu04:07
inzeoscguy318: so will that still update by itself once they update the package in the ubuntu repos?04:07
TeslaDaverbil all i have to do to lets say run gimp remotely is just put that -X command in there to all all X a programs to display like they should04:07
scguy318inzeo: yes04:07
skarMasterShrek, you mean use the live cd of ubuntu?04:07
RubinTeslaDave, kelsin: Xming is a nice windows xserver thats free, too.04:07
inzeoscguy318: sweet deal04:07
kelsinTeslaDave: putty handles normal ssh just fine, and the X forwarding04:07
MasterShrekskar, yes04:07
vee_chetnick  said something to the effect that it wasnt a good idea to share /home/vee04:07
Nextracthey folks04:07
inzeoscguy318: thanks again dude04:07
scguy318inzeo: np04:07
Nextractim wondering if anybody could help me with my ATI X200M04:07
skarMasterShrek, ah alright...so i install gparted when i'm using the live cd?04:07
Nextractbeen trying for weeks to get Direct Rendering working04:07
rbilTeslaDave: yes, -X turns on X11Forwarding, so you can remotely run a GUI app04:07
MasterShrekskar, i think its already there04:07
Nextractno luck at all04:07
chetnickin your samba conf file set some other directory for share04:07
kelsineido_: probably, but I don't know, probably a matter of installing the right gstreamer libraries but I'm not sure04:07
MasterShreksystem > admin04:07
mediahunterI am having an issue with 7.10 tring to get my wifi to work04:07
skarMasterShrek, oh sweet, alright thanks for your help :)04:08
rudeleriusvee_: that's right; you will get problems sharing your own home folder04:08
rudeleriusvee_: the permissions are an issue04:08
eido_kelsin: np thatnks for the help at least this offers more options that sound juicer04:08
vee_chetnick, rudelerius how do i get into that04:08
TeslaDaveRubin kelsin, right now i'm a fresh gusty install, in order to view x programs from a remote connection do i need an x server program as well or is one allready on gusty straight out of the box04:08
Nextractanybody familiar with how to get Direct Rendering working on an ATI card04:08
rbilTeslaDave:  or you can turn them on in the  sshd_config and ssh_config files04:08
rudeleriusvee_: change your share to something else- /home/share or /media/share and the problem should go away04:08
mightyteegarnextract: do you get no direct rendering ever, or just on occasion?04:08
Nextractsince install04:09
TeslaDaverbil, same question as above, do i need to instal a x server or does one come in gusty04:09
vee_chetnick, rudelerius let me try that04:09
kelsinTeslaDave: if you have a gui at all in linux you have a xserver running :) so yes you have one, you need to do what rbil said and enable X forwarding on the servers in /etc/sshd_config04:09
Nextractive never been able to get it working04:09
mightyteegarnextract: which driver are you using?04:09
kelsinTeslaDave: then restart the ssh servers with "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart"04:09
rudeleriusvee_: You need to change the share location in the /etc/smb.conf04:09
mediahunterany at all able to help04:09
Nextracti tried the driver that came with 7.1004:09
rbilTeslaDave: if you're running a GUI desktop in Gutsy, it's running X04:09
Nextractand then tried the ATI Official one04:09
pbxSo, I want to install gnome-do (http://do.davebsd.com/) because I am a LaunchBar whore from Mac-land. However, gnome-do requires Mono and I am on a puny 800MHz Celeron laptop with 256MB of RAM. Will mono just suck?04:09
mightyteegarnextract: i mean is it fglrx, radeon, etc?04:09
vee_rudelerius how do i access that.  sudo...04:10
Nextractfglrx is selected atm04:10
Nextractive also tried the ati one04:10
mightyteegarnextract: ok which one do you have installed now -- from repo or from ati site?04:10
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
rudeleriusvee_: the file is located in /etc/samba04:10
Nextractfrom repo04:10
chetnickvee_: Access to what?04:10
mightyteegarnextract: xserver-xorg-fglrx then?04:10
TeslaDavegreat thats what i thought wasn't sure if something else needed to be installed, so how exactly do i enable x-forwarding is i guess the route i need to go04:10
rudeleriusvee_: Hang on, I found a good howto on the forums for Samba that helped me; let me find the link04:11
Nextractthats the one04:11
eido_anyone know the mp3 plugin googled and found gstreamer-plugins-extra-mad but apt-install cannot find this with univeral sources04:11
vee_rudelerius thanx04:11
mightyteegarnextract: when you run fglrxinfo what do you get04:11
branstromWhere can I find a list of all the stock icons? the notify-send manual says I can feed it a name for a stock icon...04:11
NextractMesa Project04:11
scguy318!restricted | eido_04:12
mightyteegarnextract: ew :) ok, is fglrx in your lsmod?04:12
ubotueido_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:12
vee_rudelerius im in the file right now04:12
Nextractim not sure what u mean by that :(04:12
mightyteegarnextract: from prompt: lsmod | grep -i fglrx04:12
kelsinTeslaDave: edit the /etc/sshd_config file with "sudo gedit /etc/sshd_config" , it's pretty obvious in that file how to enable X forwarding if I remember correctly04:12
Nextractyes it is04:13
rbilTeslaDave: in sshd_config, uncomment this line: X11Forwarding yes04:13
mightyteegarnextract: ok so driver's loading but not rendering, hang on04:13
Nextractalong with agpgart04:13
Nextractok np :)04:13
rudeleriusvee_: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202605&highlight=smb.conf04:13
mightyteegarnextract: ok good you have agpgart ... now comes the "fun" party04:13
Nextractcant wait :P04:13
mightyteegarlook through /var/log/Xorg.0.log for any lines that start with EE:04:14
rudeleriusvee_: I copied the file, then changed the share name and location to the folder I created04:14
rbilTeslaDave: after making changes to sshd, restart service: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart04:14
mightyteegarnextract: look esp. for lines that look like they reference ATI, fglrx or direct rendering04:14
rudeleriusvee_: make sure that the folder you use as your share is created04:14
vee_rudelerius ok i will. let me ask you the stupid question before i ask you the less stupid question04:14
inazadwhat does it mean : 6abd11d1cfabfc7495d18a3ce3018431...04:14
scguy318inazad: looks like an MD5 hash04:15
rudeleriusvee_: sure, go ahead04:15
vee_rudelerius the first user that is created during installation04:15
vee_rudelerius is that not the admin04:15
vee_rudelerius or is root the admin?04:15
inazadscguy318, ya but what it mean ?04:15
vee_rudelerius you can luagh now04:15
rudeleriusvee_: in most other linux distributions that would be true, but in ubuntu, you just create a user04:15
rudeleriusvee_: it's not a dumb question04:15
scguy318inazad: well its just a hash04:16
scguy318inazad: the output of hashing w/e it is04:16
mightyteegarnextract: also, check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and make sure fglrx isn't being blacklisted on startup04:16
scguy318inazad: you'll have to tell us the context :)04:16
inazadscguy318, kk04:16
rudeleriusvee_: it's not the admin, but you can gain admin privileges by using the sudo command04:16
demon_sporkI can't get xsenors to read the temperature sensors or the fan RPMs.  It works correctly for the voltages.04:16
rudeleriusvee_:  the howto I sent you has pretty good step by step instructions04:16
scguy318demon_spork: try detecting your sensors with sudo sensors-detect04:17
pbxHm, so no gnome-do users yet?04:17
vee_rudelerius thanx. so none of the users that are on my computer so far are no different in status?04:17
Nextractmightyteegar: cant see any04:17
rudeleriusvee_: that depends on how you created them, but if you did not stray from the standard, then no04:17
mightyteegarnextract: no error lines at all in Xorg.0.log?04:18
mightyteegarnextract: hrm04:18
scguy318demon_spork: after detecting and committing its results to /etc/modules, you'll prob have to modprobe the modules manually04:18
robrhow do i close out of a '... | less' without using ctrl+z04:18
scguy318demon_spork: or just reboot04:18
rudeleriusvee_: if you go to System>Users and Groups you should see a list of all users04:18
vee_rudelerius I installed the server edition of ubuntu, then put the xubuntu desktop on04:18
JasonWoofis there a commandline utility for encoding and decoding base64?04:18
Nextractwell there where error lines04:18
Nextractjust no EE04:18
demon_sporkscguy318, rebooting didn't work04:18
vee_rudelerius thats where i created other users so far04:19
robrmightyteegar: thx04:19
mightyteegarnextract: ok, next check just to make sure04:19
scguy318robr: q04:19
rudeleriusvee_: ok; well I don't know that much about the server edition, but there should be a user on your system named 'root'04:19
mightyteegarnextract: what kernel are you running?04:19
rudeleriusvee_: that is the only true super user on the computer04:19
vee_rudelerius i see it04:19
robrscguy318: thx i'll try that04:19
vee_rudelerius i also gave him (ha) a pass that i created04:19
rudeleriusvee_: all other users can have access to super user functionality, but it is not enabled by default04:19
demon_sporkscguy318, xsensors won't even detect the sensor is there unless the module has been loaded, it is detecting the sensors but not reading any values from them04:19
Nextractmightyteegar the latest x86 one04:20
Nextractthat came with gutsy04:20
michaelhow do i change irc channels??? I want to access a cedega chat04:20
scguy318michael: /join #nameofchan?04:20
mightyteegarnextract: nvm, stupid question.  what do you get if you run locate fglrx.ko?04:20
vee_rudelerius only one needs to have it.... if I can use root remotely then none of the others do04:20
eido_scguy318: ty for the help on adding support to sound juicer but it doesn't seem to let me edit a profiles stream it won't let me change GStreamer pipeline. is there anyone that has added this support to sound juicer, it appears that the app stops reponding after editing profiles?04:20
demon_sporkmichael, type /join #nameofchan04:20
arooni________hey folks...... i have gutsy and i can't make my function keys work.  can anyone help?04:20
rbilmichael: do ... /join #channelname04:21
arooni________they did work at one point04:21
michaeltype /join in this text?04:21
michaelor termi04:21
demon_sporkarooni________: what type of keyboard?04:21
scguy318michael: in your wonderful chat box probably04:21
demon_sporkmichael, in this text04:21
michaelyour wonderful04:21
ardyHello, has anyone else ran into issues when setting up Gutsy Gibbon to  use LDAP authentication?04:21
Nextractit locates a few04:21
Nextract1 in kernel modules04:21
arooni________demon_spork, microsoft natural ergonomic keyboard 4000 ....04:21
Nextractall in /lib/modules04:22
mightyteegarnextract: any in a volatile/ directory?04:22
rudeleriusvee_: I am definitely no linux expert, but I believe you can remove access to sudo for other users, but if you wish to access super user privileges, you should definitely use sudo, and NOT login and work as the root user unless you absolutely have to04:22
Nextractnone in that04:22
mightyteegarrudelerius: you can, in fact only the first user created can use sudo OOTB04:22
TeslaDavekelsin, rbil, mightyteegar and everyone else who helped, Thank You, i'm good to go, up and running04:22
aroonidemon_spork, any ideas ?04:23
rbilTeslaDave: good04:23
eido_rudelerius: you can also remove access to terminal all together i think04:23
mightyteegarnextract: ok, there's a problem ... fglrx isn't getting loaded properly04:23
robris it possible to install PHP 5 with apt-get?04:23
vee_rudelerius no.... the only reason i ask about that is that when I set up my two hdd system.... no one can write to the second drive04:23
ankhey does anyone know where the gui keyboard shortcuts stores the info04:23
Nextracti ran dkpg-reconfigure xorg-server04:23
mightyteegarnextract: need to think for a min. :)04:23
anklike what file?04:23
vee_rudelerius the mount point is ..... media/second04:24
Nextractand chose fglrx04:24
Nextractand rebooted04:24
pbxrobr, aptitude search php5 :)04:24
Nextractand thats the current stage i am at04:24
Nextractok np :)04:24
vee_rudelerius im not sure if that was the right thing to do04:24
rbilrobr: apt-cache search php04:24
sproingierobr: yes, apt-get install libapache2-mod-php504:24
vee_rudelerius only root can rad and write to it04:24
rudeleriusvee_: I don't know the reason that would be, other than the drive may not be formatted correctly, or it may not be mounted at startup, or the privileges may not be set up correctly04:24
mightyteegarnextract: ok, as an absolute last resort we'll uninstall the driver from the repo and then clean up any stray fglrx.ko modules on your system, but before we do that...04:24
robrthank you :)04:24
vee_rudelerius i wanted all users to be able to04:25
rudeleriusvee_: you can do ls -l in the folder and see the permissions04:25
vee_rudelerius it says only root has all access04:25
kelsinank: in gconf, for example the metacity ones are in the apps/metacity/ keys04:25
mightyteegarnextract: when you ran locate fglrx.ko, what exactly did it find?04:25
Nextractu want me to paste in here?04:25
michaelanyone know the cedega channel?04:25
mightyteegarnextract: no04:25
ankkelsin: thanks04:25
vee_rudelerius how do i change these permissions?04:25
rudeleriusvee_: it might be a lot to explain here, but you can change the permissions so that all users have read and write access to that folder04:25
kelsinmichael: "/join #cedega"04:26
mightyteegarnextract: b/c they'll start with a / and the irc will complain :)04:26
rudeleriusvee_: type04:26
Nextractill type it then04:26
rudeleriusvee_: type 'man chmod' in a terminal04:26
mightyteegarnextract: type them out starting with a -, then the path name04:26
vee_rudelerius i will04:26
rudeleriusvee_: chmod will allow you to change the permissions; you might try googling for a more intuitive how-to or tutorial04:26
vee_rudelerius ok...04:26
Nextractthats it04:27
vee_rudelerius is logging in with root a bad idea to change the permissions?04:28
rudeleriusvee_: use sudo04:28
kelsinvee_: it's ussually easier to use sudo on the command line, and safer04:28
mightyteegarnextract: ok, that's a lot but doesn't nec. mean anything yet... one more thing to look at04:28
c00lyhi, i just formatted to ubuntu and i need some help setting up so i can compile things, like g++ is not set up04:28
vee_rudelerius ok.... sudo04:28
c00lysudo -i :)04:28
kelsinc00ly: "sudo aptitude install build-essential"04:29
bruenignot a good idea to use aptitude for meta-packages04:29
bruenigmeta-package hell04:29
brueniguse apt-get04:29
mightyteegarnextract: /msg me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file04:29
c00lyok, so apt-get install build-essential?04:30
eido_sudo apt-get04:30
* mightyteegar braces for the impact04:30
bullgard4English help wanted. What does it mean 'to hover sth. over'? as in "[tooltip] The user hovers the cursor over an item, without clicking it, and a small box appears with supplementary information regarding the item being hovered over."04:30
vee_rudelerius would it be sudo chmod 0777 /media/second  ???04:30
Fremanhehe, next problem04:30
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
mightyteegarbullgard4: it means to move the cursor over something and leave it there04:30
FremanI want to rotate my display )c:04:30
Dr_willisbullgard4,  let the mouse cursoe pause over a widget04:30
aroonihey folks!  none of my function keys are working (i can hit f1 and help launches... but when i try to map the deskbar to f3 for example... i cant :(  i have gutsy.  at some point this worked... but now it doesn't :(.04:30
FremanI've got an ati video card, is there 'any' way to rotate the display?04:30
mediahuntercan anyone here please help me with my wifi problem, I need to know the best way to get my atheros wifi working04:31
Nextractit killed me for that04:31
mightyteegarnextract: oops :) i'm kind of an irc newb, any other way to get me that file?04:31
rudeleriusvee_: that will work04:31
mediahunteri have heard of a few option04:31
mediahunterwicd madwifi and ndiswrapper04:31
mediahunterbut what is the best for ubuntu 7.1004:31
mediahunterso anyone have any help for me04:32
bullgard4mightyteegar, Dr_willis : Thank you for explaining.04:32
mediahuntereven if it is a good wiki or howto04:32
rbilmediahunter: I thought atheros just worked in 7.1004:32
mediahunterkeep in mine i am still a neb04:32
Chico2umm, what's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?04:32
mediahunterrbill if it does mine is not for some reason04:32
mediahunteri have a acer aspire 368004:32
mightyteegarbullgard4: np04:32
Nextractmightyteega i tried to DCC it04:32
mediahunterwith a swtich and it does not lite up and i can not seem to see the wireless extension04:32
Nextractif that doesnt work04:33
Nextractill put it on pastbin for ya04:33
rbilmediahunter: does it have a real switch to run it on or off?04:33
mightyteegarnextract: ok, how do i get to pastebin?04:33
aroonihey folks!  none of my function keys are working (i can hit f1 and help launches... but when i try to map the deskbar to f3 for example... i cant :(  i have gutsy.  at some point this worked... but now it doesn't :(.04:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:33
sproingieChico2: aptitude has a gui interface, apt-get is just commandline.  aptitude is smarter about dependencies too04:33
mightyteegareido_: thx04:33
aoeuiddoes anyone know how I can install a certain USB mass storage driver on ubuntu?04:33
Chico2sproingie: ah alright thanks04:34
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:34
Nextractmightyteegar ---> http://pastebin.com/m538cf1ad04:34
aoeuidit's a usb driver for a digital photo keychain04:34
sproingieChico2: however, apt-get has super-cow powers, aptitude does not04:34
mightyteegarnextract: ok need a few mins to compare this one with my old working on04:34
eido_mightyteegar: just trying to give back04:34
c00lyok, now i want to set up java, what repositories should i add?04:35
* genii watches the super-cows fly over the fence into the next pasture04:35
Nextractok np mightyteegar ty :)04:35
kelsinc00ly: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk"04:35
c00lyis that jre too?04:35
kelsinc00ly: yes, it pulls in the jre04:36
geniigood night all04:36
vee_rudelerius that worked! great. when I installed the OS was it the right thing/wise to have a mount point of media/.... should have it been something different? im not quite sure why you bounce off a directory on the main drive to get to another.04:36
c00ly:) teksavvy pwns04:36
rudeleriusvee_: that is a logical place to mount a second drive (some might also use /mnt); it is like that because everything in linux is considered a file04:37
* Freman curses ati04:38
rudeleriusvee_: your hard drives are file; folders are files; your sound card is a file; your monitor is a file; everything on your system is considered a file04:38
rudeleriusvee_: glad that you got it working04:38
balboa_007ïðèâåò, õâàòèò ìîë÷àòü04:39
balboa_007ïîìîùü íóæíà04:39
mightyteegarnextract: ok, made some edits to the one you posted... now do this04:40
magic_ninjai'm looking for a utility something like a linux-live cd but the comp i'm working no cannot handle a linux live cd04:40
rudeleriusCan anyone help with a problem with a logical volume?04:40
Chico2magic_ninja: why not?04:40
mightyteegarnextract: back up your current xorg.conf -- cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.WORKING04:40
magic_ninjaChico2: its a damn p2 with reg sd ram like 396 mb04:41
vee_rudelerius that makes sense... sorta...everything stems from one central point04:41
mightyteegarnextract: if for some reason this fails on the next part then just copy the .WORKING file back to xorg.conf04:41
magic_ninjaChico2: its from like 9704:41
Chico2oh haha, well not even text will work?04:41
Nextractok np04:41
rudeleriusvee_: everything is just a part of a single file system; the central point is the root / (not to be confused with the root user)04:42
mightyteegarnextract: go to the pastebin url http://pastebin.com/m5d5c8605 , copy the whole thing and overwrite your existing xorg.conf04:42
mightyteegarnextract: make sure you've backed up your current one first04:42
mightyteegarnextract: i cannot stress that part enough :)04:42
Nextractyep np04:42
Nextracti have dont worry04:42
Chico2we'll see if that's true in a few minutes :P04:43
vee_rudelerius makes sense form a programming side of things... i know AS3 and thats set up like that04:43
rudeleriusAnyone got any helpful knowledge about logical volumes?04:43
mightyteegarnextract: once you've edited your xorg.conf, hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to restart X -- this will kill your desktop session, obviously04:43
rudeleriusvee_: it probably has its advantages and disadvantages04:43
mightyteegarnextract: before you do that...04:43
vee_rudelerius what other places would one mount a drive?04:44
echosystmcan someone recommend a mixer for me?04:44
echosystmi have an audiophile 24/96 soundcard04:44
echosystmxfce4-mixer doesnt seem to recognise it04:44
mightyteegarnextract: if your X comes back up, log in and run fglrxinfo and tell me what you get04:44
rudeleriusvee_: /mnt is a common place to mount a hard drive04:44
mightyteegarnextract: and whenever you're ready, go ahead and restart X04:44
Nextracthere goes04:45
rudeleriusvee_: /media is now more commonly used for temporary devices like a USB flash drive or CD/DVD drive04:45
mightyteegarechosystm: what sound engine are you using?  (alsa,oss,etc.)?04:45
vee_rudelerius can i remount in that are?04:45
echosystmwhatever is installed by default04:46
echosystmalsa i think?04:46
mightyteegarechosystm: from a terminal, run alsamixer04:46
echosystmsound works fine04:46
echosystmi just want to change the vol04:46
echosystmok, does that have a taskbar icon?04:46
rudeleriusvee_: you can, but it doesn't really make a difference if it is mounted in /media or /mnt; your system will function the same with it mounted in either place04:46
Nextractstill the same04:46
rbilechosystem: in a terminal run ... alsamixer04:46
NextractStill saying mesa04:46
Nextractwhen i do fglrxinfo04:46
mightyteegarnextract: any errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:46
Nextractill check04:47
mightyteegarnextract: i've gone through this before with my radeon x300, so all of this is coming off the top of my brain :)04:47
echosystmi know how to do that rbil, but im after something that runs in the sys tray etc.04:47
echosystmdoes such a thing exist?04:47
Nextractthanks so much ur helping me04:48
rudeleriusCan anyone help with a question about logical volumes?04:48
mightyteegarnextract: one day it magically worked, until i upgraded to gutsy and had to finally say goodbye to it :)04:48
Nextracthttp://pastebin.com/m6cd7d27d <---- xorg log04:48
vee_rudelerius kewl04:48
rbilechosystm: maybe this? http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/08/15/gvtray-a-volume-control-for-your-system-tray/04:48
mightyteegarnextract: errors! k, need to look this over and think a bit04:49
rudeleriusvee_: was part of your problem also that you could not access the share from your mac?04:49
vee_rudelerius yes, i had two04:50
aroonihow do i list file permissions as a number (066, 075) etc... for a given file or directory?04:50
kelsin_arooni: ls -l04:50
rudeleriusvee_: can you at least find the machine from the mac?04:50
Nextractkk np04:50
vee_rudelerius let me try04:50
defyenceI finally figured out how to install Pidgin (2.3.0), got it all done, did it by compiling the source code...04:51
defyence...And it won't open. Any advice?04:51
rudeleriusvee_: try pinging the IP address of the ubuntu server the share is on and see if you get a response04:51
cloudpersonahow do I find out what the default gateway for my computer is?04:51
FluxDdefyence: what did typing in pidgin show?04:51
kelsin_FluxD: "route" or "route -n" if it's slow, it's the gateway for the address04:51
cloudpersonathank you.04:52
rudeleriuscloudpersona: try ip route show04:52
defyenceFluxD: One second, I tried opening it my classic Windows-trained-brain way by double-clicking the icon... Lemme try it. :P04:52
FluxDcloudpersona: system administration network04:52
vee_rudelerius i got it mounted on my desktop of my mac..... i imagine that i have to get SAMBA to work if I want to get to thst server remotely?04:52
defyencepidgin: error while loading shared libraries: libpurple.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:52
FluxDkelsin_: I think u mean cloudpersona :)04:52
defyenceWell, that helped. Now I know the problem! :D Thanks, FluxD04:53
echosystmif i was running a game in a window04:53
FluxDdefyence: did u have that compile too?04:53
kelsin_FluxD: yeah, I must be really tired, been doing that all night when lines scroll as I'm finding a name :)04:53
echosystmhow would i get it to release the mouse?04:53
defyenceFluxD: Nope04:53
echosystmlike, in windows you would just alt-tab04:53
rudeleriusvee_: clarify; you do in fact see the share on the desktop of your mac?  if so, presumably you just cannot access it?04:53
FluxDcloudpersona: kelsin_> FluxD: "route" or "route -n" if it's slow, it's the gateway for the address04:53
kelsin_defyence: did you run "sudo make install" yet?04:53
mightyteegarnextract: ok, now we try the last resort04:53
FluxDkelsin_: no problemo :)04:53
defyencekelsin_: Yes, I did04:53
=== kelsin_ is now known as kelsin
mightyteegarnextract: this part's a bear04:54
zynergihrm.. can anyone see what's wrong with this mysql query im trying to add? http://pastebin.com/d42a13fe004:54
mightyteegarnextract: don't do anything just yet, but here's what we're going to do:04:54
kelsinzynergi: can you pastebin the error?04:55
mightyteegarnextract: uninstall every fglrx driver on the system, uninstall everything to do with mesa and remove all those stray fglrx.ko modules04:55
vee_rudelerius i can access it and read.write04:55
FluxDzynergi: probably ask in sql channel :)04:55
vee_rudelerius it works on my mac desktop and not the other way around04:55
zynergihttp://pastebin.com/d54860964 is the error04:55
rudeleriusvee_: ah, ok, so your problem then is that you cannot write from your ubuntu server to your mac? is that correct?04:56
kelsinzynergi: I didn't think alter table could take multiple adds, might try making two alter table statements, past that yeah you probably should ask in a db channel04:56
vee_rudelerius yes04:56
Nextractmightyteegar: im not sure how to do all that, kindof a nix newb tbh04:56
kelsinzynergi: also maybe adding a ; to the end of the first full statement04:56
defyenceHmm, trying to find the answer to this one still...04:56
zynergikelsin; doh04:56
mightyteegarnextract: that's why i'm here :) it's actually not hard, just time-consuming04:56
Nextractok ty :)04:57
rudeleriusvee_: ok, then I am not sure I can help you; the problem is likely with a setting on the mac; you probably need to set up the mac to allow access from remote machines and I don't have any idea how to do that04:57
mightyteegarnextract: first fire up synaptic04:57
mightyteegarnextract: and search for "fglrx" (no quotes)04:57
MasterShrekdefyence, you are compiling pidgin 2.3.0 from source, correct?04:57
rudeleriusvee_: unless the mac is running ubuntu as well...04:57
Nextractok came up with 2 things04:57
rudeleriusAnyone got helps for me on logical volumes?  (Yes, I'm still asking!)04:57
mightyteegarnextract: xserver driver and what else?04:57
NextractRestricted Drivers manager04:57
vee_rudelerius it is set to share... where would i find the mac drive mounted on the ubuntu server04:58
kelsindefyence: did you let it install in the default /usr/local?04:58
Nextractand the ATI Driver04:58
MasterShrekdefyence, what ./configure options did you use?04:58
mightyteegarnextract: ok, you need the rest. driver. mgr. so leave that.  mark the ati driver for uninstall04:58
defyencekelsin: No, I put it somewhere... else....04:58
BaumerHi I need some help with audacity and no one seems to be alive in #audacity... So my recording does not work at all... anyone here use Audacity on ubuntu?04:59
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] In the main menu, clicking on 'Applications' will open a sub-menu. Is there in it a menu item 'Utilities'? Or what is the English name of it?04:59
rudeleriusvee_: honestly, I am not sure.  using the nautilus file browser in gnome, I navigate to ///network and I can find the other  machines on my network04:59
kelsindefyence: probably not a default library path place then and ldd can't find the libpurple library, if you know where it put it's libs you can temporailiy run "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/pigin/lib pidgin" to run it04:59
vee_rudelerius lemme try04:59
mightyteegarnextract: next search for mesa05:00
MasterShrekdefyence, what configure options did you use when you compiled? thats the reason its not finding libpurple, you probably didnt use the right options05:00
defyencekelsin: I thought they all went to the same place... Then it's looking for it somewhere else? Thanks for your help, I'll try that.05:00
Nextractall it found was GNUBik05:00
mightyteegarnextract: and *write down* these packages (you may need to reinstall them later)05:00
Nextracta game05:00
rudeleriusvee_: you could also try typing in the name of the mac in the same manner; e.g. ///mac/shared_folder05:00
vee_rudelerius is Applications>Network the place to look?05:00
kelsindefyence: it might be depending on where you told it to install05:00
defyenceMasterShrek: I couldn't tell you exactly05:00
mightyteegarnextract: when you searched for "mesa" you didn't get a whole bunch of results?05:00
defyenceLook before you what now? :P05:00
rudeleriusvee_: try Places>Network05:00
Nextractonly one05:00
schonehi all05:01
Nextractand it was a game called GNUBrik05:01
rudeleriusvee_: not sure if XFCE has a "Places"05:01
kelsindefyence: you normally should not install to /usr since that's where ubuntu packages often install to. Most source packages install to /usr/local/ which is good. If you put it somewhere other than those to then it might not know where to find the files05:01
mightyteegarnextract: ok, that's fine, gimme a min.05:01
vee_rudelerius dont see it... ha05:01
Nextractkk np05:01
rudeleriusHi schone05:01
vee_rudelerius has to be somewhere else05:01
schonetrying to get the emerald themer running but having problems installing svn, is there a certain method to do this? (sorry first time using linux)05:01
GilgadHello, I'm having a problem with the latest firefox update conflicting causing xml parsing errors.  Anyone with similar problems?05:01
rudeleriusvee_: I agree, but since I don't have access to XFCE, it will be difficult for me advise you where to go05:02
MasterShrekdefyence, i think you want ./configure --prefix=/usr05:02
vee_rudelerius how can if nautilous is installed??05:02
mightyteegarnextract: now, run   sudo rmmod fglrx05:02
defyenceMasterShrek: Trying that now, thanks :)05:03
rudeleriusvee_: it is just the file browser, like Windows Explorer; XFCE certainly has a file browser05:03
mightyteegarnextract: now, run   locate fglrx.ko again and delete every one you find05:03
MasterShrekdefyence, also there is a debian package out there, it would probably be easier/faster05:03
kelsindefyence: remeber that --prefix /usr will conflict with the debian package should you install that too05:04
DaveCAnyone aware of a script that will automatically replace a folder icon with the album art?05:04
rudeleriusSchone, sorry but I can't help with the Emerald Themer; I don't know anything about it05:04
defyenceMasterShrek: Yeah, but for some reason I felt motivated to try and figure out something that my friend said would be harder, since I have nothing to lose right now...05:04
vee_rudelerius ok.... well i can find Applications>Network.... but the ony things in there are firfox, mozilla thunder., and pidgin05:04
defyenceI'm weird like that.05:04
rudeleriusI still need help with logical volumes- can anyone help??05:04
kelsinDaveC: http://my.opera.com/sjosul/blog/2007/10/28/album-art-as-folder-icon-in-gnome05:04
GilgadHello, I'm having a problem with the latest firefox update conflicting causing xml parsing errors.  Anyone with similar problems?05:05
MasterShrekdefyence, yea, its nice to know how to compile things, but thats kinda the point of ubuntu, to not have to do things like that05:05
DaveCkelsin: Awesome! You rock. Thanks mate.05:05
rudeleriusvee_: you should have a 'home' folder or a 'Computer' folder or icon05:05
vee_rudelerius i am in the Home folder.05:05
rudeleriusgilgad: have not installed 3.0 yet; waiting for official release05:05
kelsinDaveC: I've wanted to do that for a while too, :) glad it came up so quick in google lol05:05
Gilgadrudelerius: no, i'm talking
DaveCkelsin: I suppose that I wasn't using the proper terms. Thanks again.05:06
Nextractmightyteegar: all done05:06
rudeleriusvee_: you should have an address bar or buttons that show where you are in the file system (if buttons, you can change in view or somewhere)05:06
Nextracti did locate again just to check05:06
BaumerIs there a good simple program that works well for ubuntu to convert .midi to .wav05:06
Nextractit lists nothin05:06
Nextractso all done05:06
rudeleriusgilgad: oh. sorry; I haven't had problems, but only used sparingly so far.  sorry05:06
Gilgadvee_: if it helps, the default explorer for xfce is "thunar"05:06
vee_rudelerius changed to location... whats next?05:07
Gilgadrudelerius: meh, thanks anyway05:07
rudeleriusgilgad: thanks; I know next to nothing about XFCE05:07
mightyteegarnextract: ok ... go to this address http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide  and follow Method 205:07
defyenceMasterShrek: This is just a diving board for me. I want to get used to it on an OS I can still function on regularly, and be given the option to do more advanced work while still being comfortable and functional. :)05:07
mightyteegarnextract: before you do that05:07
Gilgadrudelerius: yea, installed it once, what does he need?05:07
mightyteegarnextract: i made a small change to that xorg.conf file, here's the new one: http://pastebin.com/m195b04ec05:08
rudeleriusvee_: type in the name of the mac and the name of the shared folder e.g. ///macname/share05:08
MasterShrekdefyence, thats the reason i switched back off ubuntu, i didnt like how the advanced things worked, kernel compiles and such were just a pain in the arse05:08
vee_rudelerius now it looks more like exploror.... you can now type in an addy05:08
vee_rudelerius ok05:08
defyenceMasterShrek: Oh, really? Bugger. :P Lol05:08
Nextractand i should rewrite the existing with this one?05:08
rudeleriusgigad: trying to find his mac share from his ubuntu; I know nothing about macs either!05:08
mightyteegarnextract: follow that guide, use that new xorg.conf and tell me what happens05:08
mightyteegarnextract: yep05:08
Gilgadrudelerius: yea, i'm no help there05:08
gorathhey can ne 1 help walk me thru setting up screen savers as backrounds in ubuntu gutsy 64bit i have tried like every tutorial out there and cant get it to work05:08
Nextractok will do05:08
mightyteegarnextract: i'll be around for a bit, good luck :)05:09
gorathne 1???05:09
Gilgadanyone know how to set the default profile in firefox?05:09
rudeleriusCan anyone help with problem with logical volume? Anyone have any knowledge on that subject??05:09
mightyteegarrudelerius: what's your lvm prob?05:09
defyenceMasterShrek: It worked! Thank you so much for all your help. :)05:10
kakaltoI hate to come here and ask, but. I have nvidia 6800 GTOs (SLI) and ubuntu won't give me graphics from the livecd.05:10
MasterShrekno prob defyence05:10
Gilgadrudelerius: logical volume as in partitioning?05:10
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I have a 3.5" disk usb05:10
BernieMacI can't use CTRL+ALT+L/R to switch between workspaces(shortcuts are set to this) but I can click to other spaces or mouse wheel to them. Anyone know why this is?05:10
kakaltowhy? shouldn't either the nv or even vesa driver kick in?05:10
rudeleriusmightyteegar: i installed Fedora 7 on it05:10
mightyteegarrudelerius: 3.5 floppy?05:10
gorathcan any one help me with my problem??05:10
rudeleriusmightyteegar: nope; from my laptop that died05:10
GilgadBernieMac: you using stock ubuntu?05:10
mightyteegarrudelerius: oh hdd, ok go on05:11
Nextractsmall problem05:11
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I want to access the Fedora install, but I only see the /boot partition05:11
mightyteegarnextract: whats up?05:11
BernieMacyes, feisty, been a while since I was in ubuntu, currently installing 150 updates...05:11
rudeleriusmightyteegar: the rest of the install is on a logical volume and I don't know how to mount it05:11
Nextractwhen i tried to do "debconf libstdc++5 linux-headers-generic"05:11
Nextracti get an error05:11
rudeleriusgilgad: not partitioning really; need to mount a logical volume on a usb hard drive05:12
mightyteegarnextract: you need to put the \ at the end of that line05:12
GilgadBernieMac: preferences > keyboard shortcuts have anything?05:12
mightyteegarnextract: debconf etc. are packages -- that's one large apt-get install command there05:12
jscinozHey guys, im packaging the closed source, but free to distribute game, Wolfenstien: Enemy Territory, is there any need to have the game engine and game data in separate packages when they are under the same license? And the included anti-cheat software; punkbuster is forbidden to redistrbute, and such should i remove it from the package?05:12
Gilgadrudelerius: sounds ugly05:12
gorathhello can any one give me a hand here??05:12
rudeleriusgilgad: i am taking a class on fedora, I wouldn't use it otherwise05:12
Nextractok well apparently i had them05:13
Nextractit said 0 install removed and upgraded05:13
mightyteegarrudelerius: do you have the common lvm tools installed?05:13
BernieMacGilgad: the switch to workspace on left and on right are set to the default ctrl+alt+left/right05:13
rudeleriusgilgad: and I took the disk on vacation and saved all my photos on the disk; now I want to mount the drive and get the pictures05:13
schoneworked it out rudelrius - had to edit the sources.list file05:13
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I did install the lvm2 package and whatever other dep synaptic flagged05:13
GilgadBernieMac: but it doesn't actually do that?  and do you have compiz installed?05:14
schoneone more question - where can you get the latest nvidia drivers for a 8800 gts for ubuntu?05:14
mightyteegarrudelerius: what does lvscan return05:14
rudeleriusschone: under Administration>Restricted Drivers05:14
BernieMacGilgad: correct doesn't do that. I installed the Feisty update from Gutsy, there are a lot of compiz updates that I saw that are currently installing. Beyond that I'm not sure05:15
gorathcan some one help me setup animated backrounds in ubuntu gusty 64bit?? tried alot of things and cant get it to work....and im really new to the whole linux thing05:15
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] In the main menu, clicking on 'Applications' will open a sub-menu. Is there in it a menu item 'Utilities'? Or what is the English name of it?05:15
DrDigitaldoes the built in terminal for ubuntu do ssh?05:16
jscinozIs there a channel related to packaging queries?05:16
DrDigitali got someone telling me it doesnt05:16
rudeleriusmightyteegar: no volume groups found, but when I do fdisk -l, it shows there is a Linux LVM on /dev/sdd205:16
wazis there a terminal based admin program?05:16
arooniwhat version of linux kernel use in gutsy?05:16
gorathcan any help me with the above stated problem??05:17
vladtzuWhat would the mount command to mount my second hard drive (one big ntfs partition) to /home/josh/data be?05:17
bullgard4waz: What do you consider an 'administration program'?05:17
GilgadBernieMac: I'd wait till gusty is fully installed, then see whats up05:17
mightyteegarrudelerius: before we talk tech -- what exactly are you wanting to accomplish?05:17
mightyteegarrudelerius: pulling data from fedora?05:17
MasterShrekvladtzu, sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g  (for read/write permissions)05:17
=== mrpockets is now known as MrPockets
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I want to mount the logical volume from within ubuntu and pull jpegs from the drive05:17
MasterShrekvladtzu, then: ntfs-3g /dev/xxxx /home/josh/data   (replace xxxx with teh device name of the hard drive)05:18
vladtzuThanks MasterShrek05:18
mightyteegarrudelerius: and delete them from the lvm later?05:18
BernieMacGilgad: I thought it was fully installed but it could be installing compiz now. done in 10 minutes I will let you know if anything changes. Thanks!05:18
gorathCan NE 1 help me ??05:18
rudeleriusmightyteegar: ultimately, yes; it is not important to me that they remain on the usb disk after I pull them down to the ubuntu machine05:18
bullgard4arooni: In a terminal, do 'uname -r'05:19
shadowbladeTrying to get my wireless card working on my dell laptop, can someone help?05:19
mightyteegarrudelerius: what i'm getting at is it might be easier to boot to fedora and move the jpegs to your ubuntu partition05:19
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I use the fedora install for a class that I am taking on intro to linux05:19
=== blackfox_ is now known as blackfox__
mightyteegarrudelerius: my experience with lvms is that they can be testy on any system they weren't originally installed on05:19
wazbullgard4: something like suse yast05:19
rudeleriusmightyteegar: understood; unfortunately, I cannot get the fedora system to boot on the machine; bios has not boot from usb device option and setting up the disk as the primary boot disk causes the system to stop in GRUB05:20
bullgard4arooni: It's 2.6.22-14-generic05:20
mightyteegargorath: explain "animated backgrounds"05:20
vladtzuMasterShrek:  How would I figure out what the device name of the hard drive is?  I would'v eassumed it'd be /dev/hdb, but I don't see hd anything in my /dev folder o.o05:20
mightyteegarrudelerius: oh.  ew. :)  hrm05:20
gorathlike setting a screen saver or video as your backround or skydome prefferble both05:20
blackfox__i install DirectX but cant find dxdiag.exe.how can i find dxddiag?05:21
bullgard4waz: I am not very much familiar with SuSE. I cannot help you finding a Yast equivalent in Ubuntu.05:21
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I'm sure I can find another workaround if you think I am unlikely to be successful; I can take the disk to work and boot from the machine there and burn the files to CD; that may be my best option05:21
theAtomhow can I make Firefox support Adobe PDF files?05:21
wazbullgard4: thanks anyway :)05:21
bazhangwaz: no functional equivalent to yast in Ubuntu05:21
theAtomhow can I view PDF files in Firefox?05:21
MasterShrekvladtzu, sudo fdisk -l         will give you a list of partitions05:21
mightyteegarrudelerius: can you mount /dev/sdd2 somewhere?05:22
rudeleriusmightyteegar: I thought I might actually be able to do it from home and mount the logical volume on this machine; would save time and trouble; well, maybe time at lease :)05:22
echosystmwhere are programs usually installed to?05:22
gorathmightyteegar: like setting a screen saver or video as your backround or skydome prefferble bot05:22
bullgard4theAtom: Please do not try to use Firefox to view PDF files. There are other tools better suited.05:22
MasterShrekechosystm, depends on the program05:23
theAtombullgard4, how do I view pdf files from firefox webpage?05:23
mightyteegargorath: ok, can't help you there, sry05:23
MasterShrekechosystm, if you are looking for one: whereis <program>05:23
echosystmim compiling glest (a game)05:23
rudeleriusmightyteegar: you know, I haven't tried yet;  I was freaked out that I could not find any logical volume or group05:23
echosystmit's asking me where to put it05:23
allnightarockinpdfviewer should prompt u to open it automatically05:23
echosystmwhere should i tell it to install to?05:23
allnightarockinjust download it to your desktop and double click05:23
vladtzuMasterShrek:  You are both a gentelman and a scholar, it worked. XD05:23
bullgard4theAtom: I do notunderstand you well: What is a 'Firefox webpage'?05:23
MasterShrekechosystm, /opt is a good place for things you compile05:23
adamonline45Does anyone know what's happening when I type $cat /dev/input/event1 ?  When I press keys on my keyboard, I see output; but it's all garbled.  What IS that, and how do I use it in a script?  I'm actually trying to get a remote that came with my computer to work.  I can see it's sending signals to 'event3', but I don't know how to take that information and put it to use...05:23
u7usanyone here have experience getting sshd working?05:23
mightyteegarrudelerius: try that and see if you can use your lvm tools to mount and recover05:24
MasterShrekgood news vladtzu :)05:24
theAtombullgard4, go away!  you are trolling and wasting my time05:24
allnightarockinfirefox webpage is just reffering to a website.. like www.google.com/index.html05:24
danbhfivejscinoz: maybe you could try the forums here: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=4405:24
rudeleriusmightyteegar: mount /dev/sdd2 /mnt results in the following error- mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'05:24
gorathmightyteegar: im lookin to set it up something like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P2HUgpMZiA   tryed some tutorials on line no lucky ne suggestions05:24
shadowbladeHello, I'm trying to get the wireless working on my dell laptop, can someone help?05:25
allnightarockinlast message was to bullgard05:25
aroonii was trying to follow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=229559 ... but i didnt see "Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard"05:25
allnightarockinshadow whats going on05:25
danbhfivearooni: what keys are you trying to enable?05:25
mightyteegarrudelerius: that would be a problem.  hrm05:25
shadowbladewell I'm trying to use this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 but when I get to the point where I have to install ndis wrapper, I get a bunch of errors05:25
MasterShrekshadowblade, what kind of card is it?05:25
jscinozdanbhfive thanks05:25
aroonidanbhfive, i donno most of the keys (nona lot work on my keybaord)05:26
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shadowbladeinternal on my dell e150505:26
mightyteegarrudelerius: here's something to try:  http://www.linux-sxs.org/storage/fedora2ubuntu.html05:26
MasterShrekshadowblade, whats the output of: lspci | grep Network05:26
allnightarockinShadow: are you just trying to browse the internet.. justa sec i will read this page05:26
u7usI have sshd installed and it appears to running when I do a netstat -tulpn, but when I try to ssh in the client times out. Any ideas?05:26
shadowblade0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)05:26
MasterShrekshadowblade, you dont need ndiswrapper05:27
MasterShrekshadowblade, are you on 7.10?05:27
gorathcan any one help me get my ubuntu gutsy 64 bit setup like this in the backround area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P2HUgpMZiA05:27
andrew899893How do I add an a new key to /home/user/.ssh/known_hosts05:27
danbhfivearooni: well I have the ergonomic 4000 keyboard, and most of my keys work05:27
rudeleriusmightyteegar: thanks; I'll check that out05:27
aroonidanbhfive, my function keys dont work05:27
shadowbladeyes - it wasn't recognizing any wireless networks, but a couple other wireless computers I have in the house worked fine05:27
danbhfivearooni: the zoom doesnt work05:27
MasterShrekandrew899893, it always auto adds stuff for me after i log in for the first time05:27
MasterShrekshadowblade, you need firmware05:27
danbhfivearooni: have you tried the F Lock key?05:28
andrew899893MasterShrek, it does not let me login05:28
shadowbladewhere would i get that?05:28
aroonidanbhfive, no05:28
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:28
Evanlecgorath, beryl has been replaced by compiz-fusion whcih is installed by default: check in system > prefs > appearance > desktop effects05:28
danbhfivearooni: do you see the 4 LED lights?05:28
aroonidanbhfive, omg your'e right!05:28
MasterShrekshadowblade, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv05:28
danbhfivearooni: :)05:28
aroonidanbhfive, i've run: rm -rf linux && ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.23 linux && cd /usr/src/linux ... how do i revert this05:28
MasterShrekandrew899893, i dunno then, i cant really help you. is there an ssh server running on the target machine?05:29
gorathEvanlec: yes i know that but i cant get it setup tried a bunch of tutorials and cant seem to get it to work05:29
theAtomhow do I view PDF files within Firefox please?05:29
rudeleriusgorath: have you seen this forum thread? http://www.usalug.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=102342&sid=1b1f6b793b3176fe01f468b86afe087205:29
EvanlecMasterShrek, whatup meng05:29
andrew899893MasterShrek, yes, my ssh daemon settings wont let me connect05:29
Cpudan80theAtom: Install the pdf fox plugin05:29
MasterShrekwhats goin on Evanlec05:29
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] In the main menu, clicking on 'Applications' will open a sub-menu. Is there in it a menu item 'Utilities'? Or what is the English name of it?05:29
mightyteegartheatom: only way i know of is to install adobe reader, which i don't exactly recommend05:29
Cpudan80theAtom: I think its like mozillapdf05:29
mightyteegartheatom: or do what cpudan said05:29
allnightarockinHey, i was wondering if anyone knew how to setup an ethernet bridge through wifi.. it would be like this. Modem>Router>Wifi(laptop)>Ethernet device??  i have a topic opened up here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3895160#post389516005:29
EvanlecMasterShrek, not much, just fixing / tweaking various things05:30
danbhfivearooni: maybe you could reinstall the kernel package05:30
Cpudan80I would install Adobe Reader05:30
MasterShrekshadowblade, extract the files in that folder to /lib/firmware05:30
aroonihow do i revert this: rm -rf linux && ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.23 linux && cd /usr/src/linux (i was *about to recompile the kernel*) ... but what do i do now?05:30
tonyr1988I have an external, USB hard drive that isn't detected by lsusb and doesn't throw anything in dmesg. What could be the problem (other USB devices work fine)?05:30
aroonidanbhfive, how do i do that05:30
theAtomCpudan80, cheers05:30
Cpudan80The default Ubuntu one is a little squirrelly05:30
MasterShrekshadowblade, you need to use sudo to do that, afterwards do: sudo modprobe bcm43xx05:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, u pointed him to broadcom firmwares, i have a different chip but how would i flash the firmware on it?05:30
mightyteegartonyr1988, does this drive work on other OSes?05:30
danbhfivearooni: well, I would try Synaptic, but obviously, if you can reboot, you are fine05:30
theAtomCpudan80, apt-get install pdffoxplugin ?05:30
MasterShrekEvanlec, you dont flash the firmware at all, it gets loaded upon boot05:31
blackfox__wine dxdiag.exe only can use windows 98/me?05:31
Cpudan80theAtom: Sounds like a winner05:31
aroonidanbhfive, i'd rather not try rebooting unless i'm sure that it will work05:31
MasterShrekwhat kind of chip is it Evanlec?05:31
Cpudan80theAtom: That might not be the name of the package05:31
theAtomCpudan80, E: Couldn't find package mozillapdf05:31
EvanlecMasterShrek, Aironet (cisco) 802.11b05:31
ConstrabusScreenlets error: http://rafb.net/p/BF8ymj54.html any ideas?05:31
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:31
billymy wc3 works with wine, but its quite laggy, is a reason for it?05:31
EvanlecMasterShrek, uses airo module05:31
oldmanstancan anyone clue me in on how to get tar to ignore that the dates on a file in a tarball are in the future?05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdf-firefox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
gorathrudelerius: thats not much help does show how to setup05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox-pdf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
MasterShrekic, Evanlec and you need some firmware for it or what?05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about firefoxpdf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
danbhfivearooni: i don't really know about those commands, so I dont know how to help ya05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdffirefox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:32
rudeleriusgolath: this might work too: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15058&mode=threaded&pid=14890205:32
Cpudan80theAtom: best not play with the bot, the ops dont like it05:32
tonyr1988mightyteegar, yeah, and it's formatted entirely in ext305:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, well it tells me everytime i boot that it can't do WPA and such without version x.x firmware05:32
MasterShrektheAtom, please stop, mess with the bot in a pm05:32
mightyteegartheatom: try apt-cache search firefox pdf05:32
Cpudan80theAtom: do /msg !thing05:32
echosystmhmm, i sometimes get flickering pixels on my screen05:32
theAtomok sorry05:32
allnightarockinanyone know how to use a Wireless Laptop as Ethernet Bridge?? I have a post here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3895160#post389516005:32
MasterShrekicky Evanlec05:32
echosystmany ideas whats up with that?05:32
mightyteegartonyr1988: tried plugging it into different usb ports?05:32
echosystmit only does it with certain colors05:32
rudeleriusgorath: http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15058&mode=threaded&pid=14890205:32
djangelocould anybody help me, my animations on compiz fuzion stopped working the way i configured them, now they are as before... 2 desktops and no cool efects.. just some basic ones.. ?????05:32
theAtom apt-cache search firefox pdf returend Zero founds05:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, i mean i dont need wpa now but itd be nice to have my card upgraded firmware..05:32
MasterShrekechosystm, what kinda gfx card? do you have drivers installed for it?05:32
echosystmyeah, nvidia05:32
tonyr1988mightyteegar, it used to work in the same computer. I reformatted the computer, and it just stopped working (I didn't touch the external drive...it was unplugged during reinstallation).05:32
juggyhey left, on ds but in channel! thnx!05:33
echosystmpclinuxos did the same thing, without me installing any drivers05:33
echosystmit was worse though05:33
MasterShreki agree Evanlec, but i wouldnt know where to begin looking for firmware for it. took me ages to figure out my broadcom chip lol05:33
Nextracthey all05:33
mightyteegarhey nextract05:33
echosystmi'd have these dots all over the screen05:33
Nextractmightyteegar: thank you very much05:33
tonyr1988mightyteegar: Yeah, I've got 4 ports. I've tried all 4, and double-checked in the one that I know works (the one where I have a detected hub at).05:33
NextractIT WORKS!05:33
EvanlecMasterShrek, cisco has a flashing program and the firmwares on their site, but the app only runs in winxp ;(05:33
MasterShrekechosystm, how did you install the driver?05:33
Nextractthanks for all your help05:33
mightyteegarnextract: woo hoo! one last thing05:33
theAtomhow do I view PDF files within Firefox please?  anyone know?05:33
EvanlecMasterShrek, okay well what if i have the firmware?05:33
MasterShrekyea thats to be expected Evanlec05:34
echosystmthrough the xubuntu restricted driver thing05:34
mightyteegarnextract: you have to run glxgears and tell what your FPS is :)05:34
MasterShrekwell i doubt you can flash it from linux, can you extract it?05:34
EvanlecMasterShrek, lemme see05:34
aroonifolks i blew away the linux directory....... :( (rm -rf linux && ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.23 linux && cd /usr/src/linux (i was *about to recompile the kernel*).... how do i fix in gutsy ?05:34
mightyteegartonyr1988: in that case, can't help :(05:34
MasterShrekechosystm, maybe try using the driver from nvidia's site05:34
Nextractok its showing spinning gears05:34
Nextractnothing about fps05:34
scott_sup guys05:34
mightyteegarnextract: give it a few seconds05:34
allnightarockinAtom: An application is included with the default install... if it got deleted somehow just search for PDF in the Add/Remove dialog05:34
echosystmi'll look into it, thanks05:34
tonyr1988mightyteegar, No problem. Thanks for the help.05:34
MasterShrekarooni, reinstall your kernel-sources packages05:35
mightyteegarnextract: the FPS will appear in the terminal window, not in the glxgears window05:35
Nextract11353 frames in 5.0 seconds = 2270.464 FPS05:35
mightyteegarnextract: nice!  ok, now i can go to bed.05:35
allnightarockinlol i get like 400fps05:35
arooniMasterShrek, i ran sudo apt-get install kernel-sources .... didn't work.  do you know what else i should type?05:35
mightyteegarbye :)05:35
theAtomhow do I view PDF files within Firefox please?  anyone know?05:35
MasterShrekarooni, search in synaptic for kernel sources05:36
navetzis there a way to get photoshop working with wine05:36
CondouloI have a question about Dreamweaver and Crossover.05:36
allnightarockinAtom: An application is included with the default install... if it got deleted somehow just search for PDF in the Add/Remove dialog05:36
wishmastertheatom just install adobe pdf for linux05:37
MasterShreknavetz, maybe, ive heard of gimpshop though, i think its similar to photoshop05:37
EvanlecMasterShrek, gimpshop = gimp with photoshop keybindings05:37
MasterShrektheAtom, search synaptic for: mozilla pdf05:37
MasterShrekoh, i never knew Evanlec05:37
* MasterShrek doesnt do much photo editing05:38
allnightarockinI really dont like gimp that much.. but it is alright after you get used to it05:38
arooniMasterShrek, i'm not seeing anything there05:38
Condoulois dreamweaver MX 2004 capable of being run under Crossover05:38
* MasterShrek doesnt do alot of one specific thing, but a little of lots of different things05:38
MasterShrekarooni, what did you put in the search box?05:38
arooniMasterShrek, kernel sources ... and kernel05:39
theAtomMasterShrek, zero finds05:39
MasterShrekCondoulo, install it and find out05:39
theAtomwishmaster, how?05:39
MasterShrekarooni, try: linux sources05:39
theAtom<wishmaster> theatom just install adobe pdf for linux <--- How?05:39
CondouloI myself find GIMP much easier to use than Photoshop. But I guess for those that learned image editing using Photoshop, I guess GIMP can be kind of... alien to them05:39
CondouloMasterShrek- I am installing it right now. hoping it will work.05:39
MasterShrektheAtom, arooni, sorry you two, im not on ubuntu, i dont know the specific package names05:39
danbhfivetheAtom: can you look at pdfs at all?  try running sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:39
MasterShrekCondoulo, cross ur fingers :P05:39
wishmastergo to adobe website and load the reader05:39
theAtomdanbhfive, wtf??05:40
MasterShrekCondoulo, if all else fails, you could run a virtual machine if you have the resources05:40
theAtomHow do I install Adode PDF please?05:40
CyberMadhow to make ubuntu like XP, the theme and behaviour  ?05:40
danbhfivetheAtom, you shoudl already have that05:40
CondouloMasterShrek- yeah, I have virtualbox installed.05:40
allnightarockindo you know how to get into the add and remove window?05:40
MasterShrekCyberMad, why would you want to? xp is ugly05:40
wishmasterit will ask what platform you wish to load it05:40
theAtomdanbhfive, why would I have it already?05:40
danbhfivetheAtom, are you running ubuntu?05:40
Condouloallnightarockin- The Add/remove dialog is in the Applications Menu05:41
theAtomanyone know how to install Adobe PDF on new install of gutsy?05:41
CyberMadMasterShrek because we do migration from XP to ubuntu about 1 week and some users not suitable with it05:41
allnightarockinI am aware of that, condoulo, i am just trying to see how experienced he is05:41
CyberMadso, how to change it to XP style?05:41
allnightarockinso we know where to start05:41
EvanlecMasterShrek, okay i have the firmware file (its a .IMG)05:41
aroonidanbhfive, what the heck does flock even mean?05:41
MasterShrekCondoulo, well install dreamweaver on your vm05:41
inzeoi'm getting a segmentation fault error with an evolution crash when attempting to look at the Calendar - any ideas?05:41
djangelodoes anybody know how to fix a "ccsm" not working??05:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adobe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adobepdf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:42
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:42
MasterShrekEvanlec, hmm, i got no idea how to extract it, wonder if its liek a cd image...you could try mounting it like an iso: mount -o loop05:42
wishmasteri'm running ubuntu with adobe reader pdf05:42
danbhfivearooni i dunno, where do you see it05:42
tomdCyberMad: you really think that just changing the gnome theme will trick them into liking the OS?05:42
Seframis there a good howto for setup xorg.conf with nvidia dualscreen & compiz?05:42
CondouloMasterShrek- I am wanting to see if it runs well on Crossover because I am not giving my Virtual machine more than 512MB of RAM. and Dreamweaver is a hefty application.05:42
DerangedDingotheAtom: you should be able to view PDFs using Document Viewer05:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adobereader - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:42
aroonidanbhfive, on my keyboard05:42
EvanlecMasterShrek, well i thot that was the file u used to flash05:42
MasterShrekgood idea Condoulo05:42
danbhfiveubotu tell theAtom about AskTheBot05:42
theAtomDerangedDingo, i need to view PDF in Firefix05:42
MasterShrekEvanlec, very possible05:42
aroonido i need to install beagle on top of gutsy?  or does the file indexing control panel hook it up for me instead05:42
EvanlecMasterShrek, i mean what type of file are we looking for here?05:42
tsukasahey, what steps do i need to do in order to load the usb drivers on grub boot? im trying to boot ubuntu from an external usb drive05:42
DerangedDingotheAtom: okay?05:42
MasterShrekEvanlec, no idea, just wondering whats inside of it =P05:43
CyberMadtomd maybe, hmmm... something like xandros, vixta, linspire but for ubuntu (gnome), so the style like XP05:43
* MasterShrek is curious05:43
CondouloMasterShrek- on the other hand, I know Frontpage 03 runs great on 512MB (Simply because thats what the IBMs at school have), but I am trying to remove myself from Frontpage. :P05:43
SpookyETi'm trying to install the flash plugin05:43
SpookyETit won't install05:43
tomdCyberMad: do the users even have to configure their own systems?05:43
wishmasterit work with firefox05:43
danbhfivearooni OH its F      Lock        ie function key lock, when its on, your keys act as f1-f12, rather than the special keys05:43
tomdCyberMad: why are they so effing picky about what their computer just *looks* like?05:43
arooniah ok05:43
allnightarockinTheAtom, Sudo apt-get install evince                      is a pdf reader05:43
SpookyETDownload done.05:43
SpookyETmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz05:43
SpookyETThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.05:43
aroonidanbhfive, do any of the special keys on that keyboard work05:43
tsukasahey, what steps do i need to do in order to load the usb drivers on grub boot? im trying to boot ubuntu from an external usb drive05:43
MasterShrekCondoulo, also, have you optimized your xp virtual machine by removing useless services? always something i do right away for performance gains05:43
SpookyETapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:43
SeframDoes someone know a good HOWTO for setup "xorg.conf" for NVIDIA with COMPIZ for GUSTY?05:44
tomdCyberMad, http://art.gnome.org/search.php?search_text=xp&search_type=all05:44
inzeo:i had the same problem and someone gave me a solution05:44
MasterShrek!compiz | Sefram05:44
ubotuSefram: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion05:44
danbhfivearooni: I only tried the first key, web/home  I was able to set it somewhere, in some keyboard menu05:44
CondouloMasterShrek- what would a couple of those services be? I know I already have effects disabled, and XP set to classic theme.05:44
EvanlecMasterShrek, its a binary05:44
CyberMad1st.. i just try to give the best what they want :) 2nd.. i really want to try it too05:45
SpookyETinzeo, englighten me please05:45
=== Am|Birthday is now known as Amaranth
MasterShrekCondoulo, i always get rid of security center, windows firewall, help and support, and there are a few others05:45
MasterShrekCondoulo, let me get you a link here....05:45
kenshindisculpen, alguien habla español?05:45
CondouloMasterShrek- Ok. :)05:45
Dr_willis i always get rid of  windows05:45
wishmastersi que paso05:45
MasterShrekCondoulo, http://www.blackviper.com/WinXP/servicecfg.htm05:45
kenshinhola que tal wishmaster05:45
kenshindisculpa man05:45
MasterShrekCondoulo, thats for sp2, hopefully thats waht you are running05:45
Seframuboto: i am looking for a good howto for dual monitor setup. Singlemonitor is running already with nvidia & compiz...05:45
wishmastermui bien05:45
CondouloMasterShrek- Yeah. XP Pro SP2. :)05:45
kenshinno se si me puedes echar una mano con la instalacion del ubuntu, ya busque en google pero nomas no puedo05:46
kenshinya lo instale correctamente en mi portatil05:46
kenshinde hecho ahorita estoy en ubuntu, pero en la pc de escritorio no puedo05:46
MasterShrekCondoulo, i always go for the power user, but make sure you look at what you are disabling, jsut in case its something you think you might need05:46
inzeoSpookyET: i had to download an older tarball of the plugin, but I can't remember what the link was for it05:46
eidouboto is a bot you can activate hime with triggers i.e. !nvidia05:46
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.05:46
allnightarockinAnyone know how to setup a Wireless Laptop as Ethernet Bridge? So it gets the signal then i can plug  ethernet device into the laptop and share the internet??05:46
inzeoSpookyET: do you have an AIM screenname or e-mail address that I could e-mail it to you at?05:46
SpookyETinzeo, LunaAurum for aim05:46
inzeoSpookeyET: k, one sec05:46
kenshinoh, gracias ubotu05:46
SpookyETIt worked on a different install05:46
SpookyETI don't know what's changed now05:47
MasterShrekkenshin, ubotu = bot, not human05:47
CondouloMasterShrek- Most stuff I won't need for the most part.05:47
CyberMadcan i easily install that xp theme with apt-get install ??05:47
kenshindisculpen, es que soy nuevo >.<!05:47
wishmasteresta bien05:47
MasterShrekgenerally true Condoulo, but maybe start off with safe, and if everything works good, try to go down to power user05:47
kenshinentonces entrare al salon que me mencionaron, gracias =D05:48
MasterShrekCyberMad, i dont think so05:48
Seframubotu: search howto dual monitor nvidia compiz05:48
ubotuFound: keys-#ubuntu-effects, burners, dual-head, binarydrivershowto, backspace-error-#ubuntu-effects, font, xdmcp, plugins-#ubuntu-effects, picard, nvidia905:48
badzwhere should i go for help with getting direct rendering working? that and more compiz setup help05:49
wishmasterubotu i think he got mad05:49
allnightarockinif u take away too many privileges always su then make a new user with admin and fix it05:49
CyberMadok, no problem.. thanks :)05:49
Seframubotu: search howto dual-head nvidia compiz05:50
CyberMadi did apt-get install wine, how to do clean uninstallation (include the config), looks like apt-get remove wine don't do clean uninstallation05:50
ubotuFound: keys-#ubuntu-effects, burners, dual-head, binarydrivershowto, backspace-error-#ubuntu-effects, font, xdmcp, plugins-#ubuntu-effects, picard, nvidia905:50
MasterShrekCyberMad, apt-get purge05:50
Learning-UbuntuWhat blogging client tools do you use. (Preferences based on Ease of Use, Flexiility)05:50
MerphyHello i am using horay how to upgrade it05:50
Seframubotu: key dual-head05:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about key dual-head - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:50
MasterShrekMerphy, better of reinstalling lol05:50
SpookyETIs there an apt-get no sum check command? the latest flash player plugin is getting md5sum mismatch and wont' install05:50
Condouloso if I were to run a file in crossover from the command line, how would I do so?05:51
MasterShrekholy crap, hoary is almost 3 yrs old now05:51
Seframubotu:  dual-head05:51
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama05:51
Merphyno other way?05:51
CyberMadMasterShrek do you mean apt-get purge <packagename>, example: apt-get purge wine ??05:51
MasterShrekyes CyberMad05:51
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
alainhi guys i got this newbie question..to make the window distance during cube rotation coz i saw it on youtube05:51
allnightarockinubotu: frets on fire05:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about frets on fire - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:51
inzeoi'm getting a segmentation fault error with an evolution crash when attempting to look at the Calendar - any ideas?05:51
alaini mean how to make05:51
rxndxalain: You need compiz-fusion05:52
CyberMadMasterShrek thanks05:52
MasterShrekMerphy, i dont know, its maybe possible, but theres a very good chance you will break your box, i would suggest backing up your /home directory and any config files you want to save, then reinstalling with 7.1005:52
eidoSefram: try #compiz-fusion if you haven't already05:52
alaini have compiz running now.. http://youtube.com/watch?v=NAIfkmqyNOk&watch_response   <--- this effect i mean05:52
MerphyOk, I tried gusty gibbon, but live CD stops giving a shell, what is the problem05:52
Seframubotu: Xinerama05:52
ubotuxinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead05:52
MasterShrekMerphy, try using the alternate install cd05:52
alaineach window has a distance05:53
MasterShrekCyberMad, no problem05:53
allnightarockinAlain how much ram do you have?05:53
Merphyit means media is corrupt05:53
alain1 gig05:53
MasterShrekMerphy, did you test it for errors?05:53
rxndxalain: never seen that before but thanks for sharing :)05:53
rxndxseriously awesome05:53
allnightarockinrun smooth?05:53
Merphyyeah I installed from the same cd to another system successfully05:54
alainit run smoothly05:54
Regarokyeah i have 1 gig and runs smooth too05:54
Regarokwith compiz05:54
MasterShrekinteresting Merphy, well its got something do with your gfx card im assuming, the alternate installer is a text-based installer, more likely to work if all you get to is a command prompt on the desktop install cd05:54
allnightarockinill have to test it out sometime.. im not much for the whole flashy look anyway.. thinking about going back to fluxbox.. gnome feels so bloated05:54
Seframdo i need Xinerama and TwinView (nvidia driver) both enabled in xorg.conf for dual-head compiz?05:54
MasterShrekfluxbox ftw05:55
=== fredrik_ is now known as fredrik
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] In the main menu, clicking on 'Applications' will open a sub-menu. Is there in it a menu item 'Utilities'? Or what is the English name of it?05:55
MasterShrekwell i run kde on my laptop, but my headless server has an invisible head which is fluxbox =P05:55
Dr_willisSefram,  you normally dont enable both Xinerams and Twinview.05:55
CyberMadbtw, so what apt-get remove do? is that just delete the package? but i'm curious when i did apt-get install wine, the installation so fast.. i think ubuntu save it somewhere..05:55
MasterShrekCyberMad, it saves the actual pacakage i think, apt-get remove will remove the binaries, and docs and stuff, purge will remove all configuration files too05:56
allnightarockinCyberMad- i was wondering about that too. been trying to figure out where it stores the install files.. because it doesnt take 2 seconds to download 60 mb05:56
FluxDCyberMad: it "uninstalls"05:56
SeframDr_willis: wich one it the better choice? I remember a TwinView setup working, but i lost my xorg.conf (head crash grrr..)...05:56
MasterShrek/var/apt/cache or something05:56
arooniis this bad to see on gutsy: lrwxrwxrwx  1 root src        21 2007-12-05 21:05 linux -> /usr/src/linux-2.6.2305:56
allnightarockinty master =]05:57
aroonifrom /usr/src05:57
vee_how do you find out the mac address of an ubuntu machine?05:57
noob101i've heard metacity can do compositing ... will it be going to be official for ubuntu? instead of compiz-fusion?05:57
MasterShrekarooni, not really, its just source code05:57
Dr_willisSefram,  twinview is nvidia implemetation of the xinirama+more stuff..05:57
arooniMasterShrek, i thought it was going to screw thigns up05:57
ianmcorvidaevee_: open up a terminal, type ifconfig05:57
bullgard4vee_: ifconfig05:57
ianmcorvidaeit should be in there05:57
allnightarockinvee_  iwconfig i believe05:57
MasterShrekarooni, it shouldnt05:57
allnightarockini lose05:57
FluxDvee_: ifconfig -a05:57
CyberMadMasterShrek so, apt-get install wine... will save the package to /var/apt/cache, then do apt-get remove wine just uninstall the program, but not delete the config and cache files,.. for complete removal / uninstallation apt-get purge wine, correct? :) thanks all guru!05:58
Seframcool then ill choose twinview. Is Xinerame for the nv driver poeple?05:58
arooniMasterShrek, is there a way to make sure the kernel is happy and installed & such ... without restarting and seeing if it fails (i hate checking this way)05:58
PandemicAnyone willing to try to help me with a graphics driver issue?05:58
vee_bullgard4, allnightarockin i uused ifconfig05:58
MasterShreksoudns right CyberMad, i dont know if purge will remove the saved package in cache, but apt-get clean will remove all the cached packages05:58
MasterShrekarooni, well, did you install a new kernel?05:59
vee_bullgard4, allnightarockin whats the diff. between ifconfig and iwconfig??05:59
MasterShrekarooni, did you copy a kernel image and run a make_modules ?05:59
CyberMadMasterShrek thanks05:59
MasterShrekPandemic, what brand is the card?05:59
MasterShreknp CyberMad05:59
vee_bullgard4, allnightarockin ha... wireless05:59
bullgard4vee_: yes05:59
MasterShrekvee_, iwconfig is for wifi cards06:00
PandemicIt's an Intel 945GM06:00
allnightarockinVee. Just type both of them in. They output different connections06:00
arooniMasterShrek, i was talking about: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158 .... i ran to this command: make menuconfig .... but didnt do anything else past that06:00
rxndxanybody used GRSecurity?06:00
aroonii mean make xconfig06:00
rxndxor SysTrace?06:00
crdlbPandemic: what is the issue?06:00
MasterShreksorry Pandemic, i havent any experience with intel gfx cards, but im sure the forums have some useful info for you if you feel like doing a searcj06:00
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.06:00
vee_bullgard4, allnightarockin is HWaddr the MAC address?06:00
bullgard4vee_: yes06:01
MasterShrekarooni, is that the only command you ran? if so then you have nothing to worry about06:01
vee_bullgard4 good stuff06:01
PandemicAh, right well I've posted there and haven't gotten help yet so I was helping for some more real-time help :)06:01
PandemicBut, it's alright.06:01
allnightarockinLast week i sent a letter to microsoft saying i had a problem with windows xp and the people at Ubuntu Forums and the IRC were able to help me solve my problem quicker then the Microsoft support team.. it was pretty epic06:01
bullgard4English help wanted: In the main GNOME panel menu, clicking on 'Applications' will open a sub-menu. Is there in it a menu item 'Utilities'? Or what is the English name of it?06:01
MasterShrekarooni, you can run that, make bzImage and make modules and still have no problems, after that youll start doing things that can potentially bork your system06:01
PandemicOMGWTFBBQ! Msoft couldn't help?06:01
allnightarockinwindows is corrupt06:02
arooniMasterShrek, this is the other command i ran rm -rf linux && ln -s /usr/src/linux-2.6.23 linux && cd /usr/src/linux06:02
allnightarockinmissing 2303098327549825.dll06:02
PandemicCan't believe that.06:02
MasterShrekarooni, that wont matter either, those are just source files06:02
crdlbbullgard4: what are some of the things in it?06:02
arooniMasterShrek, ok good... sounds like i'm OK06:02
MasterShrekarooni, as long as you didnt mess with anything in /boot or /lib/modules youll be fine06:02
aroonino didnt06:02
MasterShrekor /etc/init.d06:02
MasterShrekyoull be just fine :)06:02
Ademananyone know of a source code generating utility? preferably command line.  I'm thinking similar to gnome's template files but more flexible (might contain variables for text replacement and such)06:03
crdlbPandemic: you still haven't asked an actual question :)06:03
allnightarockinYeah it was like a 3 page letter lol. Talking about everything i hate in microsoft/issues with it.. such as internet explorer being integrated into the core of the system06:03
vee_FluxD what does the "-a" part mean?06:03
allnightarockinAdeman... im not sure. but i think GCC ???? someone clerify06:03
PandemicOh, well sorry, MasterShrek said he didn't have any experience with Intel cards, and no one else seemed to be interested in helping me.06:03
FluxDvee_: I thought it did something but it seems to be same as ifconfig06:03
PandemicIn any case, my graphics driver won't load.06:03
Ademanallnightarockin: not quite what i'm looking for but thanks06:03
MasterShrekvee_, it means to list all the interfaces, whether they are enabled06:03
MasterShrekor not06:04
PandemicI should also mention that I'm using Mint 4.0, not Ubuntu.06:04
vee_FluxD yea, i didnt see a difference06:04
crdlbPandemic: pay better attention to your highlights :)06:04
MasterShrekup or down, w/e06:04
allnightarockinademan yeah i misread it.. then was like wow i look like an idiot lol06:04
vee_FluxD good to know06:04
Ademanhaha don't worry about it06:04
MasterShrekvee_, if you had a network interface down, ifconfig wouldnt show it, but ifconfig -a would06:04
Pandemiccrdlb: Sorry, I'm also a bit of an IRC noob.06:04
FluxDvee_: it does something check manpage06:04
robc4Pandemic, how do you like it?06:04
MasterShrekFluxD,  if you had a network interface down, ifconfig wouldnt show it, but ifconfig -a would06:04
FluxD-a     display  all  interfaces  which are currently available, even if06:04
FluxD              down06:04
Pandemicrobc4: Mint, I presume? It's nice. :)06:05
FluxDty Massive-06:05
FluxDty MasterShrek06:05
crdlbPandemic: what do you mean by "won't load"? You get the failsafe thingy?06:05
PandemicIt would be even nicer with Compiz + emerald.06:05
inzeoi'm getting a segmentation fault error when attempting to view the calendar portion of Evolution - after it crashes, I'm unable to open it again until I completely remove it - then the cycle beings again - any suggestions?06:05
bullgard4crdlb: 'Take a screenshot', 'Dictionary OpenDict', 'Manage printing jobs', 'Analyze harddisk usage', 'Calculator', 'Terminal', 'Gedit', ...06:05
allnightarockinHey does anyone know how to setup the wireless connection on your laptop as an ethernet bridge??06:05
robc4Pandemic, how does it compare to Ubuntu? Is it easier to "operate"06:05
robc4I know its built on Ubuntu, but there has to be a little difference06:05
crdlbbullgard4: ah that's Accessories in English06:05
bullgard4crdlb: Thank you very much.06:06
Pandemiccrdlb: No, not exactly. When I attempt to load the driver, it just reverts to a "generic" driver, which is not specific to any particular card.06:06
MasterShrekallnightarockin, ive tried unsuccessfully, but i didnt stay at it very long either06:06
vee_thanks all for that06:06
crdlbPandemic: pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log06:06
Pandemicrobc4: I actually haven't used it that much, but it's definitely "sexier." It has added functionality plus added support like flash.06:07
Pandemiccrdlb: Into the main channel?06:07
crdlb!pastebin | Pandemic06:07
ubotuPandemic: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:07
allnightarockinMasterShrek Here is a thread i started... someone posted a tutorial but it had been quite awhile since he did it since the commands he used are a little different in some cases.. it didnt work for me but it may for you. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3895160#post389516006:07
=== ubuntu is now known as Alyx|live
Pandemiccrdlb: Why don't you just take a look at the thread I posted on the forums? My xorg log is already on there.06:08
PandemicSorry, wrong thread.06:08
allnightarockinMasterShrek: at any rate, even if you cant help me out. thanks =]06:08
MasterShrekallnightarockin, cool, ill have to take a look sometime, i dont really have much of a use for bridging though06:08
Pandemiccrdlb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63287606:09
vee_I have SSH installed on my ubuntu machine... using fugu from another machine... how do I access the unbuntu machine correctly06:09
* MasterShrek needs sleep...nite everyone, have fun =P06:09
EvanlecMasterShrek, nites06:09
darkentityis there a way to automatically email pictures directly ur picture galleries06:09
rxndxpeace MasterShrek06:09
=== c9s__ is now known as c9s
allnightarockinMastershrek: yeah, i would just like to be able to connect my PS2 to my laptop so i can get an internet connection to that without running a wire through the whole house.06:09
darkentitywithout having to open ur email client06:09
allnightarockinthank you master, night!06:10
crdlbPandemic: have you tried manually editing your xorg.conf to say Driver "intel" ?06:10
crdlb(or Driver "i810")06:10
crdlbintel is a newer version of i81006:10
Pandemiccrdlb: No I have not, mainly because I wouldn't know precisely what to put in.06:11
vee_anyone know how to use OpenSSH?06:11
crdlbPandemic: Driver "intel"06:11
allnightarockinFloodbot 2 not liking floodbot 3 very much??  taking all his rights06:11
crdlbPandemic: if that fails, you could also try: Driver "i810"06:12
rxndxbot warfare06:12
sleepercivic88Hi im running a daap on gutsy using mt-daap from the repo. but I have it running and did the initial scan.  The problem is that the server is not seeing all my music I deleted the /var/cashed/mt-daap/songs3.db and rescaned and im only seeing 540 songs out of my 60 gigs of music any ideas06:12
sleepercivic88ohh and thanks in advanced06:12
rxndxVee: Check out Putty06:12
viroany one  know good easy to install dock app06:12
Pandemiccrdlb: So under Section "Device" I simply enter "Intel" ?06:12
allnightarockinhey anyone know where to get battletoads??06:12
threefcataanyone knows how to share a internet connection on an xp machine with uubntu?06:13
Pandemiccrdlb: Sorry.     Driver    "Intel" ??06:13
crdlbPandemic: lowercase i06:13
vee_rxndx Putty?06:13
rxndxyeah, it's a client that will allow you to use ssh06:13
Pandemiccrdlb:   Driver    "intel" ??06:13
rxndxan ssh client06:13
vee_rxndx i have it installed.. just dont know how to get it configured06:13
rxndxor ssh/06:13
crdlbPandemic: yup06:13
allnightarockinThreefcata. Ill send you a tutorial. Its called ICS06:13
SmegzorMy VirtualBox has stopped working and I want to check the logs to find out why.  Trouble is I'm a newb.  Which log in /var/log should I be looking at?  I suspect a daemon isn't starting.06:13
vee_rxndx  OpenSSH server06:14
Pandemiccrdlb: Alright, I'll try it.06:14
rxndxvee_ ahh06:14
allnightarockinThreefcata: http://www.practicallynetworked.com/sharing/xp_ics/06:14
Pandemiccrdlb: Should my system attempt to change drivers as soon as I save the xorg.conf file?06:14
vee_rxndx ive been trying to learn and config. all at the same time.... so far so good...i figured this was easier to start with rather then the LAMP server06:15
crdlbPandemic: no06:15
rxndxvee_: you can use the ssh commands from the command line06:15
crdlbyou need to restart X06:15
Pandemiccrdlb: Oh, right.06:15
Pandemiccrdlb: Makes sense.06:15
rxndxvee_:try ssh --help or -h06:15
threefcataallnightarockin: thx, i just want to know which connection to share, the internet one or the wireless one, my ubuntu si connected to the xp box using wifi06:15
PandemicOkay, let me try that.06:15
rxndxvee_: other than that, I don't know!06:16
vee_lemme try06:16
bullgard4crdlb: Another English help wanted. Does there exist a menu item in the Gnome main menu Applications > Accessories > 'Dictionary'? Or what is the proper English name of it?06:16
Pandemiccrdlb: It's not necessary to change my Identifier, is it?06:16
arnuldI am using UBUNTU Dapper, I can not install Prinrter using "localhost:631"06:16
allnightarockinthreecata.... oh it sounds like your trying to do something similiar to what i am lol... im not sure http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3895160#post389516006:16
crdlbPandemic: nope, leave that06:16
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crdlbbullgard4: yup06:16
PandemicOkay, I'll try that and get back to you.06:17
bullgard4crdlb: Thank you for confirming.06:17
sleepercivic88any clues on my mt-daapd problem?06:17
arnuldI have enabled the root account but still "localhost:631" refused the accept root user and password06:17
rxndxDoes anybody know of any Anti-Port Scan tools?06:17
vee_rxndx is there a GUI that can carry out the OpenSSH commands?06:17
threefcataallnightarockin: yeah, did you make it to work?06:17
rxndxvee_: brb06:17
vee_rxndx in os X theres fugu06:17
rxndxvee_: right... I think I read about something somewhere once... I'm checking it out06:18
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allnightarockinthreefcata No, just hoping someone would reply there and i figure you might wanna keep looking at the thread cuz someone will probably figure it out soon06:18
corevettehow do you access phpmyadmin after installation?06:18
arnuldI am using UBUNTU Dapper, I can not install Prinrter using "localhost:631"06:18
allnightarockinidk how to share a wireless connection though06:18
vee_corevette how did you get it installed?06:18
thorarnuld how did you enable the root account? Did you set a root passwd?06:18
allnightarockinIt may be the same method in windows but i dont know, have no idea for ubuntu06:19
corevettevee_: apt-get06:19
threefcataallnightarockin: oh actually not exactly, i have a internet connection on my xp machine and i want to share it with my ubuntu which is connected to xp using wifi. i did a hell lot of googling to no avail..06:19
allnightarockinthor yea06:19
vee_corevette apt-get phpmyadmin   ??06:19
sleepercivic88Hi im running a daap on gutsy using mt-daap from the repo. but I have it running and did the initial scan.  The problem is that the server is not seeing all my music I deleted the /var/cashed/mt-daap/songs3.db and rescaned and im only seeing 540 songs out of my 60 gigs of music any ideas ohh and thanks again06:19
arnuldthor:  yes, I did <sudo root passwd>06:19
Pandemiccrdlb: That did the trick. Thanks!06:20
arnuldthor: i can login into my root account06:20
allnightarockinthreefcata do you want to share it through Ethernet or Wifi?? just checking06:20
arnuldthor: using that password06:20
corevettevee_: yes vee_, what's wrong with that06:20
rxndxvee_: sudo apt-get install putty06:20
rxndxvee_: then after it installs, sudo putty06:20
vee_corevette just wanted to know for myself.... thank you06:20
thorarnuld when you open the browser to 'localhost:631' do you get prompted for a password?06:20
rxndxvee_: there is your GUI :)06:20
vee_rxndx use the Putty, nice06:21
arnuldthor: no but when I "Add Prinetr" and select the relevant PPD then I get a window for user/passwd. Thta i show I did that on BLAG, Arch and other distros and they work fine06:21
threefcataallnightarockin: i don't quite get you, i'm a bit confused, my net is like this: ADSL->modem->XP->wifi->ubuntu, i want the ubuntu machine to be able to get online as well.06:21
thorarnuld ok...so you CAN get into localhost:631, you just can't add a printer there06:22
rxndxvee_: did it work?06:22
arnuldthor: YES06:22
vee_trying right now...06:22
arnuldthor: what to do ?06:22
allnightarockinthreefcata Buy a wireless router?06:22
rxndxvee_: how do I direct my comments to you so they turn red?06:23
allnightarockinjust put there name in it and it appears like that06:23
vee_rxndx not sure .... im using bubble style06:23
rxndxahh cool, thx06:23
sleepercivic88Hi im running a daap on gutsy using mt-daap from the repo. but I have it running and did the initial scan.  The problem is that the server is not seeing all my music I deleted the /var/cashed/mt-daap/songs3.db and rescaned and im only seeing 540 songs out of my 60 gigs of music any ideas ohh and thanks again06:23
sleepercivic88am I annoying by reposting my problem ?06:23
thorarnuld not sure....I am into cups on my laptop and I don't get prompted to login for anything...but I don't have another printer to test with.06:23
zero-9376how  can i clean printer heads for my i56006:23
vee_rxndx it says ...... do you want to continue..... y/n06:24
threefcataallnightarockin: that's gonna take me 3 hours drive to get to town...now i can ping ubuntu on xp and also vice versa, i figure it's just the sharing thing is not working..06:24
rxndxvee_ press y06:24
vee_rxndx kewl06:24
arnuldthor: so, you have no idea :-\06:24
thorah...you are trying to add a ppd file?06:24
rxndxvee_ :)06:24
thorarnuld do you have a ppd file you are trying to add?06:24
arnuldthor: I tried both, PPD file and a printer model06:24
vee_rxndx i have the putty gui up!06:25
rxndxvee_ awesome!06:25
thorarnuld is this a network printer or a printer connected to  your own computer?06:25
allnightarockinLocal Area Connection Or whatever connection is connected to the internet needs to have sharing enabled06:25
arnuldthor: my Home PC and the only one06:25
allnightarockinthreefcata ^06:25
rxndxvee_ here is a user manual: http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/0.53b/htmldoc/06:25
vee_rxndx where i go from hear is a mystery....06:26
VorondilHi all, quick question: where does CUPS get it's login credentials when printing to an SMB printer share?  It's not working for me and I suspect it's an authentication issue based on the errors in cups' logs.06:26
bulmerarnuld-> man lppasswd06:26
vee_rxndx thanx06:26
thorarnuld did you try using your username and password instead of 'root'?06:26
rxndxvee_ you're very welcome ;)06:26
thorbulmer: is there an lppasswd in ubuntu? My ubuntu box is offline right now and I am looking at a suse install06:26
robert__what is a good program for converting .avi to dvd on ubuntu?06:26
bulmerthor-> should be same in SuSE06:27
arnuldthor: I tried both root and myself but no  luck06:27
sleepercivic88robert: devede is what I use06:27
niuqi need help installing telnet server, i don't have "inetd" and i though i needed that service for enabling telnet, but not sure, instead i have inetutils-inetd not sure if it is the same thing06:27
thorbulmer: I don't recall doing anything like that...must have been done in the install06:27
robert__ok, thanks man!06:27
thorbulmer: might be a difference since suse defines 'root' in the install06:27
thorarnuld: try entering a passwd using lppasswd06:28
bulmerthor-> lppasswd is only for CUPS06:28
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threefcataallnightarockin: i did it, now my local area connection have ICS enabled, but i doubt i have to add something like gateway or dns on my ubuntu, i don't if that's needed coz i read something like when you have ICS enabled DHCP is also enabled but i don't get DHCP, so i manually configure things except gateway and dns06:28
sleepercivic88robert: when I use it I have to mess with the interlace options in the gui so it looks good06:28
ianmcorvidaeniuq: install the package telnetd; that is a telnet server06:28
arnuldthor: user -> "root"  & passwd -> "lppasswd"06:28
arnuldthor: ?06:28
firefly2442How can I list available computers on the workgroup in samba using the commandline?06:28
niuqianmcorvidae: already did06:29
thorarnuld: that should work06:29
allnightarockinthreefcata yeah if what you just said doesnt work just change it to automatic dchp configuration?06:29
thorarnuld: check 'man lppasswd'...always a good idea before using a new command06:29
allnightarockinthreefcata i would think atleast06:29
bulmerfirefly2442-> i believe samba commands starts with smb...so type smb and press tab twice to see all smb related commands06:30
arnuldthor: MAN page says, lppasswd ADDS, CHANGES or DELETES the password in CUPS digest file :(06:30
bulmerfirefly2442-> if not, windows uses  "net use xxx" command style06:30
arnuldthor: DIGEST usernames do not have to match the local UNIX usernames06:31
arnuldthor: what that means ?06:31
arnuldthor: let me try printer 1st06:31
firefly2442bulmer: the weird thing is I can ping the remote machine but I can't connect to it06:31
firefly2442I checked the workgroup in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file and it checks out06:32
thorarnuld: you can create users for cups that don't exist in linux...only in cups06:32
threefcataallnightarockin: very true. and Network Manager is causing confusion as well, it is said now NM only manages those interfaces marked with auto or not appear in /etc/network/interfaces but i have all my interfaces in that file both marked auto AND manually configured..I the roaming mode of those interfaces are confusing as well..06:32
threefcataallnightarockin:i 'm running feisty06:32
bulmerfirefly2442-> you need to get authenticated on a domain to make a complete connection06:32
arnuldthor: that "lppasswd" thing does not work >:-D06:33
sllinesshow do I tell if I used the right install disc (e.g. amd64 vs i386) the box has amd64 and I can't remember which disc I used.06:33
allnightarockinthreefcata: I really am not sure what u mean.. i would suggest starting a thread if the problem proceeds?06:33
thorarnuld 'lppasswd -a root' and enter the root password when prompted06:34
firefly2442bulmer: do you know if there is a way to manually specify the IP address of the domain computer? (windows box)06:34
threefcataallnightarockin: yeah, maybe.. we'll see...06:34
MetalGear247is there a defragmenter for ubuntu 7.1?06:35
bulmerfirefly2442-> yeah type the numerics06:35
thorMetalGear247 the linux file system does not require defragmenting06:35
MetalGear247do u minde explaining why that the case?06:35
MetalGear247that doesnt make sense06:35
firefly2442bulmer: sorry, I'm confused, can you be more specific?06:36
arnuldthor: sorry, password rejected, it must be 6 characters long,, WTF, my root passwrd is 5 chars, then so WHAT ?06:37
darkentitydoes anybody know if theres a GUI program for making iso's out of discs??06:37
bulmerfirefly2442-> im confused too, what command are you referring to?06:37
arnulddarkentity: dd  if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso06:37
viro***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build avant-panel-menu06:37
viro  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden06:37
viro  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your06:37
viro  ACLOCAL_FLAGS?06:37
arnulddarkentity: simple as that, why need a GUI06:37
allnightarockinMetalGear: linux defrags itself automatically06:37
viroany idea what this is about?06:37
thorarnuld then use a longer password...it doesn't have to be the same one in both places you can use a different password06:38
firefly2442bulmer: well, if I need to add the domain computer, can I specify it with an IP address? it doesn't seem to be finding it automatically06:38
Agent_bobdarkentity just about any gui burning app can make an iso06:38
vladtzuIs there a program to view .chm files?06:38
darkentityi see... arnuld does that work with dvds too?06:38
arnuldAgent_bob: darkentity can even use "mkisofs"06:38
arnulddarkentity: sure06:38
Agent_bobarnuld he did specify GUI tho06:39
darkentityok thanks guys06:39
darkentityima try it out06:39
bulmerfirefly2442-> what is the command you are using?06:39
arnuldAgent_bob: well, I do not see any usefull of GUI specific to this ISO making06:39
SanketMedhiI am facing some problems connecting to the Internet on my wireless adapter Broadcom 4328, help anyone06:39
Primaxk3b burn progarm06:39
Agent_bobi agree,  i just try to give what they ask for arnuld06:40
firefly2442I was using smbtree -S and this lists the computers, I have one machine working and another one doesn't work06:40
Agent_bobdefinitely dd is the way to do that.06:40
arnuldAgent_bob: yes and I prefer to give solid thiings, GUIs are never good at error reporting. in the end you need to read"/var/log/" directory ;-)06:40
darkentityagent bob...what specific program do u know of that makes iso?  do u think the regular dvd/cd writer on ubuntu has that option06:40
darkentitythe commnad works arnuld thanks06:41
Agent_bobdarkentity xcdroast k3b gnometoaster and others i'm sure.06:41
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arnulddarkentity: try to search/hang-on Gentoo forums for immense amount of knowledge :)06:41
darkentitythanks guys06:42
arnulddarkentity:  I will leave now06:42
darkentityok gnite06:42
arnuldthor: thanks06:42
Agent_bobdarkentity clone copy and make iso only  with any GUI app.    but  dd is the bottom line on coping disks06:42
* arnuld thanks Thoro06:42
arnuldfor his help06:42
thorarnuld: did you get it all to work>06:43
arnuldthor: nope :(06:43
thorarnuld: did you get the lppasswd defined?06:43
arnuldAgent_bob: as I said, for files on HDD he could use mkisofs06:43
arnuldthor: yes, i did set a passwd, but then what to do next ?06:44
Agent_bobarnuld and as i said   yep        return 006:44
thorarnuld now go back to cups (localhost:631) and when it asks for username/password use 'root' and the password you defined with lppasswd06:44
vasuviUbuntu has been hanging a lot lately; hanging to the point I have to restart the entire computer.  When it's happened, the only applications open (other than normal GNOME stuff) were Firefox and GNOME Terminal.  Is there any way to tell whether the hangs were caused by Firefox or by the Ubuntu base system?06:45
bulmeri got disconnected06:45
vee_when I installed I did not give any room for swap - is that ok or should reinstall? I have 4 gbs of RAM06:45
SanketMedhiHelp with wlan problem anyone?06:45
thorvasuvi: your best bet would be to start firefox and terminal each in a terminal, that way any errors should show up in the terminal where you started the app06:46
bulmervasuvi it happens to me quite often now, because of i/o ..wireless hangs06:46
arnuldthor: it does NOT work >:\06:46
arnuldAgent_bob: return EXIT_SUCCESS :P06:46
dadehoogvasuvi: It depends ... what exactly do you mean by hanging ? No response from any part of the system ? Could you access a TTY by pressing Alt-F1 ?06:46
vasuvithor: opening it in a terminal wouldn't help much with a hang ;)  I can move the mouse, but nothing else is responsive06:46
thorvasuvi, but if you have the terminal open in a corner, you would still be able to read it even if you couldn't click on it or anyhthing06:47
vasuvidadehoog: first thing I tried; no go.  though strangely, the Alt-Sysreq-RSEIUB method of rebooting works fine06:47
Agent_bobvasuvi maybe    alt+sysRQ+r then alt+sysRQ+e    if that responds it's an app   if not it's kernel level   i/o  maybe.06:47
thorvasuvi: it would only be a way to possibly see an error indication for the hangup06:47
vasuvithor: that's a possibility, at least if stuff really is responding, though at this point I'd doubt it06:47
niuqi need help enabling telnet server06:47
dadehoogvasuvi: indeed ... anything in X.logs ?06:47
arnuldniuq: you better use SSH than telnet.06:47
dadehoogniuq: are you sure that you want to enable telnet ? What about SSH instead ?06:47
Agent_bobvasuvi note that will kill everything.   so probably  ctrl+alt+del for a restart afterwards.06:48
bulmervasuvi i can emphatize with you, i have been experiencing this i/o hanging lately after an upgrade06:48
arnuldniuq: Telnet send its username-paswd information all over the internet06:48
niuqdadehoog: it's just for a lab06:48
thorAgent_bob that is I think the FIRST reference to the sysreq key that Ihave seen since the 70's <smile>06:48
vasuvidadehoog: that's the odd part; I'd been getting weird stuff from Sidux, and the X logs were indeed screwy.  Here, the X logs look just fine06:48
niuqarnuld: i'm not going to send it over internet, just will work on a lan06:48
dadehoogSidux ?06:48
vasuvidadehoog: (using proprietary nVidia drivers if that makes any difference)06:48
drgebhi everyone I finally got Ubuntu Installed. Now when my system boots up I see all the info of booting by changing to terminal interface 7. How come is this info not saved into a log file ?06:49
arnuldniuq: then it will send the information over to every user on LAN. doyou want that ?06:49
Agent_bobniuq why not use ssh ?06:49
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vee_do you need swap at all?06:49
arnuldniuq: use SSH, the OpenBSD Secure Shell06:49
vasuvidadehoog: a distrobution that pretty closely follows Debian Sid, and tries to "sanitize" it somewhat ;http://sidux.com/index.html06:49
niuqarnuld: yes it's not an issue, it's just for a lab06:49
dadehoogvasuvi: I've been getting similar lock-ups - but I don't know what's causing them ...06:49
Agent_bobvee for hybernate only06:49
arnuldniuq: I was juts trying to teach some good UNIX habits :)06:49
niuqAgent_bob: because it's for a lab, and the lab just request to enable telnet06:49
vasuvidadehoog: and started just recently for you too?06:49
dadehoogI'm using the open source ATI drivers (radeon)06:49
dadehoogI only installed Gutsy three days ago ...06:50
Agent_bobniuq ok.06:50
vasuvidadehoog: so that means video drivers probably aren't the culprit here like on Sidux06:50
dadehoogbut I've never has similar issues before06:50
vasuvivery odd06:50
vee_Agent_bob  errr.... in didnt set up my machine with any... should reinstall? how much do you need?06:50
vasuviand me neither06:50
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arnuldI will leave06:50
Agent_bobniuq install telnetd - The telnet server  should enable it06:50
vasuvidadehoog: do you also use Firefox, and with lots of extensions?06:50
niuqarnuld: i appreciate it06:50
* arnuld says final thanks thor06:50
niuqAgent_bob: already did, didn't work06:51
dadehoogvasuvi: I use firefox, but I've not enabled anything that isn't in the standard Ubuntu install06:51
drgebdo I need to install bootlog daemon to get boot logs ???06:51
vasuvidadehoog: so it's probably not an extension thing06:51
Agent_bobniuq i'v never used telnetd  but the man page should be forth comming on howto06:51
bulmerniuq-> you can use nc  to create a temporary listening server..i forget the options how to do it though06:52
dadehoogniuq: Indeed, you'll probably want to configure xinetd to handle incoming telnet traffic ...06:52
vee_Agent_bob how much do you need?06:52
vasuvidadehoog: I think we've narrowed it down to being either the vanilla Firefox running into an infinite loop or something, or something in the Ubuntu base system.  Hopefully the former as it *should* be easier to find and fix.06:52
djangeloim having troubles with "ccsm" could somebody help me?06:53
dadehoogvasuvi: I've had crashes where firefox _isn't_ running ...06:53
vasuvidadehoog: I think we've narrowed it down to being either the vanilla Firefox running into an infinite loop or something, or something in the Ubuntu base system.  Hopefully the former as it *should* be easier to find and fix.06:53
niuqdadhoog: ok that's a start point06:53
Agent_bobvee_ ram size plus one06:53
vasuvisorry for repeat06:53
niuqbulmer: what nc stands for?06:53
vasuvidadehoog: so then it's probably in the Ubuntu base system, ugh06:53
dadehoogniuq: netcat06:53
bulmerniuq  netcat06:53
Agent_bobvee_ it writes the entire ram to disk if i understand it correctly06:53
dadehoogvasuvi: Indeed ... likely the snazzy 3d graphics special effects stuff ...06:53
vee_Agent_bob i have 4gigs. do i make it 8gigs?06:54
Agent_bobvee_ no.  4.1g06:54
vasuvidadehoog: hmm; that would be easy enough to test by simply disabling Compiz.  that's not a bad idea06:54
niuqbulmer: i'll try the man page for netcat06:54
vee_Agent_bob hehehe, thanx... do I have to write that in mb when it asks?06:54
d03boyi need to quickly run a dhcp server. im on dapper. what do I do?06:55
vasuvidadehoog: any other hardware similarities between us?  P35 motherboard with AHCI hard drives and an Audigy 2 ZS here.06:55
niuqdadehoog: should i have a telnet package over xineted directory, shouldn't i?06:55
Agent_bobvee_ i've not used the new installer  but with the older ones no.06:55
niuqdadehoog: xinetd**06:55
Darius08xHello, it's been forever and a half since I've installed ubuntu. And I'm not exactly that great with computers. I'm setting up ubuntu 7.10 desktop version and I'm creating a partition now, I'm using 150 GB of my 300 HD, but I was wondering What type of partiton should it be, primary, or logical, should it be located at the beginning or end. And what should I use it as. Ext3?06:55
dadehoogIBM Thinkpad T42 (Intel-based Centrino system)06:55
vee_Agent_bob i can just write 4.1gb06:55
Agent_bobvee_ it will be in gparted at the time and if you have ever used that you can anticipate what to expect06:56
dadehoogniuq: SOry ?06:56
dadehoog*Sorry ?06:56
darkentityubuntu is cool and everything but it needs some major development.  im glad they finally fixed the limewire problem i could play the files right off limewire06:56
vee_Agent_bob thanx06:56
Agent_bobvee_ yes or just use the slider until the size is right06:56
darkentitybut the videos are another story they skip when i fast foward06:56
niuqdadehoog: i though i had to configure a file called telnet, just like in red hat06:56
Agent_bobvee_ welcome06:56
darkentitysome vidoes dont even show the sliders properly they just stay in one place06:56
dadehoogDarius08x: You'll need two partitions (one swap and one /) Both can be primary partitions06:57
vasuvidadehoog: or for a more complete listing: http://www.pastebin.ca/80711106:57
vee_Agent_bob good stuff... i am going to reinstall tomorrow. for a second HD should i have it mount point in /media or /mnt?06:57
dadehoogthe swap partition needs to be swap, and the / mounted partition can be ext2 or ext3, I'd recommend ext306:57
Agent_bobdadehoog need ?   it's reccomended.06:57
BernieMacDarius08x: Yes make the format ext3, or FAT32 if you choose, as far as location of partition, I'm not sure if it matters, someone else will have to answer that...06:57
vasuvidadehoog: so probably not too many similarities...06:58
vasuvidadehoog: that would at least tend to rule out hardware (I think)06:58
dadehoogAgent_bob: Indeed ..? I'm obviously behind the times !06:58
darkentitybut i hoep in due time they fix that problem. its still great program...plus i wish they could include all those porgrams to customize the gdm, splash and mouse cursor themes.06:58
dadehoogvasuvi: It's got to be software-related ... and in a common package ...06:58
Darius08xHaha, I think I've only confused myself further by asking that question.06:58
dadehoogvasuvi: are you using 3d acceleration ?06:58
Darius08xSo I should just make on, 150 GB, have it used as "swap" and then hit ok06:59
dadehoogvasuvi: and have you enabled compiz / special effects etc ?06:59
niuqdadehoog: i think it did not make any sense06:59
vasuvidadehoog: yup.  (Centrino implies Dothan, right?)06:59
Darius08xthen make another one (how big?) and make it / ?06:59
BernieMacDarius08x: the Ubuntu installer should come with a partitioner which knows what to do06:59
vasuvidadehoog: indeed; I have Compiz on06:59
Agent_bobvee_ you can mount any fs just about anywhere,  there are limitations such as using non-linux fs's in critical places / for example. wont work   but if you are talking about storage media   /mnt or /media  or /home/your.name/storage   or what ever.06:59
dadehoogvasuvi: my CPU is pre-Dothan, but still Centrino06:59
thorDarius08x give serious consideration to three partitions...one for /, one for /home, and one for swap06:59
dadehoogDarius08x: sounds like I'm behind the times ... perhaps Agent_bob could point you to the current install docs ?07:00
vasuvidadehoog: ok, so definitely no similarities there (a late Centrino 2 Duo could theoretically be the mobile eqiuivelent of P35-based)07:00
vasuvidadehoog: ok, so disabling Compiz now; we'll see how that works07:00
thorDarius08x with that kind of disk space I would leave 15-20G for /, maybe 2G for swap (2x ram) and the rest for /home07:00
vee_Agent_bob i want the second HD to be able to be shared by all users07:00
vasuvidadehoog: though if it really is Compiz, I'm surprised everybody else isn't also running into these problems07:01
niuqdadehoog: mmm not sure what's happening, maybe you can help me installing ssh07:01
Agent_bobthe old "swap needs to be 2X your ram"  should have died long ago   when ram went above 16m07:01
Agent_bobvee_ /mnt is a good place for that.07:02
Darius08xI think this comes with a guided install thing, that automatically does this for me. If I use that, and choose to install windows later (to dual boot) Will I be SOL, or will I still be able to do it?07:02
SkizI leave a gig for shits a giggles thats about it depending on the amount of ram07:02
vee_Agent_bob thanx again07:02
glickexcuse me, i just installed ubuntu gibbon, however i dont seem to have spticya07:02
Agent_bobvee_ so is /media/<something>07:02
glickwhen i click on synaptic from system-admin07:02
glicknothin comes up07:02
Skizbut if you are running something like jedit.... lol07:02
BernieMacDarius08x, typically you want to install windows first(or so the story goes), something to do with the GRUB loader I believe. this is the way I did it and no problems...07:03
vee_Agent_bob currently its in media.... just didnt know if there was an advantage to it or it wAs merely cosmetic07:03
Agent_bobvee_ cosmetic07:03
glicksudo apt-get upgrade doenst seem to work either07:03
thorDarius08x BernieMac is correct...you need to install windows first07:03
vee_Agent_bob thanx07:03
ere4siglick: in a terminal type  -   sudo apt-get install synaptic07:03
Agent_bobvee_ welcome07:03
Darius08xOk, well, I was here last night with all tons of problems. I had windows installed, and it had been giving me random missingsystem32 file errors.07:03
Darius08xSo I went to install ubuntu, only to get a dead device error or something like that.07:04
dadehoogvasuvi: ah joy ... that was one of those random lockups that we're discussing !07:04
Darius08xThen i got GRUB 17 and 18 errors07:04
glicknothing happens when i type that07:04
thorDarius08x sounds like there is something else going on not related to either...maybe a hw problem?07:04
Darius08xthen the partitioner couldn't locate any discs or what not.07:04
vasuvidadehoog: ouch, that sucks07:04
Darius08xNeither could Windows.07:04
glickdid the install b0rk?07:05
glickdo i need to log out and log back in?07:05
dadehoogall I did was move from one screen to the other ...07:05
AMedicI would like to ask an admin a question07:05
vasuvidadehoog: if you didn't get it before it locked up, I said that I disabled Compiz and will see if the lockups stop07:05
Darius08xA friend of mine suggested I run something call Dban overnight (which I think just ultra-formatted my HDD) and it may detect it again07:05
Agent_bobDarius08x what you are describing sounds like loose connection on either the ide or power cable to the drive07:05
Darius08xWhich it is now.07:05
Jack_SparrowAMedic: go ahead they are near07:05
Darius08xI took apart the case and checked all cables Bob. :/07:05
ere4siglick: I saw something about this earlier - brb07:06
Agent_bobDarius08x that's still what it sounds like.07:06
Jack_SparrowDarius08x: did you check all jumpers if ide drives.07:06
vee_bye all:::07:06
glickhmm :(07:06
Darius08xAlso, to let you all know, I'm in above me head here. I have no idea what you just said Jack. : D07:07
qwerty121Howdy! Anyone has some help for this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63295707:07
Jack_SparrowDarius08x: do you have ide or sata drives.. ide big ribbon cable plus power cable07:07
vasuvidadehoog: running any taskbar applets?  I have sensors-applet, timer-applet, and Tomboy running07:07
Jack_SparrowDarius08x: ok, so no jumpers07:07
vasuvidadehoog: (just trying to think if any non-default programs may be causing this)07:08
dadehoogvasuvi: system-monitor ... but only so that I can verify when it's locked up, and when it hasn't !07:08
dadehoogvasuvi: it was definitely locking up _before_ that applet was added.07:08
ere4siglick: type  -  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install synaptic   - and see what happens07:08
vasuvidadehoog: ok, so that eliminates that at least :)07:08
dadehoogcompiz or network-manager are my two top tips ...07:08
Agent_bobDarius08x on some hard drives there are "jumpers" that allow you to select whether it will be listed as "master" or "slave"  as well as some times other settings.   he sujested that you check those too,   i.e. if an hd is set to master and on the same cable a cd/dvd drove is set to master    then you have problems.07:09
vasuvidadehoog: (and I don't have system-monitor running anyway)07:09
BernieMacqwerty121, no idea! might want to try the #Ubuntu-effects chat(or another chat) for that...07:09
glickere4si: when i type that nothing happens i just get the prompt right back07:09
vasuvidadehoog: so indeed, lower-level GNOME stuff and Compiz seem to be the only things left07:09
Darius08xOk, and I'd check that out in the BIOS I'm assuming. I'm currently installing windows like you suggested, so I guess I'll wait for that.07:09
liritcan i use mouse gesture to switch desktop?07:10
glickmaybe i should restart?07:10
qwerty121BernieMac: it's driving me nuts. Can't maximize anything07:10
Darius08xThanks for the help. I'm sure I'll be back asking questions again in no time.07:10
glickbrb let me try and restart07:10
vasuvidadehoog: (well, theoretically MySQL or Python, but those seem exceedingly unlikely)07:10
Agent_bobDarius08x no.  they are phisical "jumpers" on the device.07:10
ere4siglick: k - still searching for that article07:10
BernieMacqwerty121, I can imagine, that would be rather frustrating07:10
kazilmornin` all07:10
qwerty121BernieMac: The room you gave me is for compiz. But it's not bcoz of compiz07:11
qwerty121BernieMac: i dont use compiz07:11
dadehoogvasuvi: I'm also running MySQL ...07:11
Agent_bobDarius08x small dubble contact plugs that slip over two small pins and thereby "jump" the two togather.07:11
vasuvidadehoog: hmm; if it still locks up now that I've disabled Compiz, that sounds like a good next thing to try then07:11
Darius08xOk, I understand now.07:11
Agent_bobDarius08x the info is almost always printed on the drive it's self07:11
BernieMacqwerty121, I apologize, I thought maybe the guys in there would be able to help out more07:12
vasuvidadehoog: (disabling MySQL that is)07:12
Berylliumdoes anyone know how to fix apt-get's version of php5-cli so that it supports readline()?07:12
dadehoogvasuvi: syslog is blank for the last crash ... Dec  6 15:39:11 queeg ntpd[5496]: Listening on interface #5 eth1, Enabled07:12
dadehoogDec  6 16:01:34 queeg syslogd 1.4.1#21ubuntu3: restart.07:12
qwerty121BernieMac: is there any way out to access all the desktop elements?07:12
qwerty121!hi | Ein_07:13
ubotuEin_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:13
Agent_bobDarius08x but in my openion,  and that's all it is, so take it with a grain of salt; the things you described do sound like it will be an acutal hardware issue.  i.e.   loose/dirty cable most likely    bad drive possably07:13
BernieMacqwerty121, I'm not sure. this is my first time back in Ubuntu in probably 3 months, not that I was an expert before by any means!!07:13
Ein_my I ask?07:13
mikebotWhat do I do with a .tar.bz2?07:13
vasuvidadehoog: not seeing anything weird in my syslog either07:14
billyanybody know how i can download maps into warcraft 3 and wine?07:14
qwerty121BernieMac: Ok, NP.07:14
dadehoogmikebot: it's a compressed archive ... you should be able to unpack it with file-roller ...07:14
BernieMacDarius08x, I would have to agree with Agent_bob, sounds like more of a hardware issue than anything else...07:14
mikebotdadehoog: Does fileroller come pre-installed?07:14
Ein_how I can run as admin root at terminal?07:14
Regarokhi all, could someone recommend me a good tv program to please?07:14
billysudo -s07:14
ere4siglick does typing  -  man apt   - get a response?07:14
Agent_bobyou just don't have windows and linux both failing on one drive, and probono dismiss the hardware as good.07:14
Darius08xI'm taking it to a local computer shop to have it tested tomorrow.07:15
dadehoogmikebot: Open up a nautilus window and browse to the file's location, then right-click on it ... you should get the option to extract it07:15
Darius08xSo I guess they'd be able to tell me for sure.07:15
Agent_bobdepends on how good they are.    or how greedy07:15
MrPocketshow do i mount a USB Flash drive?07:15
Doomshey can any of you guys watch this video i made? And yes im the girl07:15
Regarokcould someone recommend me a good tv software please?07:16
mikebotdadehoog: Thanks.07:16
billytv software?07:16
Darius08xHeh, oh boy.07:16
* Agent_bob works on computers so he doesn't trust computer shops07:16
dadehoogmikebot: no worries07:16
neumindis a tv software for ubuntu?07:16
qwerty121Ein_: type "sudo -i", give your password07:16
Darius08xHopefully they won't be. I think it's some nice old guy. Hopefully he won't be greedy07:16
Regaroki have tv card07:16
Regarokbut i need the software07:16
billyduno about that07:16
Agent_bobDarius08x good luck with it.07:17
mikebotdadehoog: It's all source code.. how do I compile it?07:17
billyanybody know how to download and play maps on warcraft 3?07:17
=== Nematocyst_ is now known as Nematocyst
dadehoogvasuvi: nothing in gdm logs either07:17
Darius08xTHank you.07:17
vasuvidadehoog: ditto07:17
dadehoogMikebot: that's not a straightforward question ... what are you planning to compile ?07:18
eekdoes anyone know have the annoying message of 'error gnome_screensaver_control( )' pop up when using gmplayer besides me?  anyone know howto get rid of it?07:18
Regarokthanks jack_sparrow07:18
PandemicHello I have another question...07:18
ztomicanyone know how to disable pointing stick on dell c610?07:19
Jack_Sparrownp.. hope it works with your card07:19
Agent_bobeek i'm not a gnome user   but will turning off the screen saver not work ?07:19
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Pointing stick?  I have two C610's  dont know what that is07:19
ztomichardware/software solutions welcome.07:19
dadehoogvasuvi: it's obviously NOT being logged anywhere ... so it's not an error that's using the standard error reporting ..07:20
ztomicJack_Sparrow: the blue button07:20
PandemicHas anyone ever heard of an IP being unreachable for no apparent reason?07:20
eekim not using gnome either, hate to turn off my screensaver though ;/07:20
vasuvidadehoog: correct; I'm thinking (though not sure by any means) that it's some kind of infinite loop, though it has to be something that can bog down all cores (dual-core system here)07:20
Pandemici.e., I can't reach linuxmint.com for some reason.07:20
Darius08xmikebot left the room alreay07:20
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Duh.. sorry.. never knew the name of it.07:21
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Cant it be turned off in the bios someplces07:21
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in dialog that opens  by selecting GNOME panel menu 'System' > 'Quit'?07:21
Agent_bobeek ah that might be the cause,   it may be looking for the gnome screen saver control      "thus the message" ...07:21
ztomicJack_Sparrow: my mouse goes wild... need a new keyboard i guess07:21
ztomicJack_Sparrow: nope07:21
Jack_Sparrowztomic: easy enough to replace07:22
eekAgent_bob, looks like ubuntu's mplayer has that compiled into it somehow07:22
ztomicJack_Sparrow: yeah but i never use it so i wish there was a software solution like in windows.07:22
CyberMadhow to add some microsoft windows font on ubuntu?07:22
dadehoogwhat is apport exactly, and how does it relate to firefox ? I've had that max out my memory and CPU once ...07:22
Agent_bobPandemic i can pint  linuxmint.com07:23
jariep1_can somebody help with dpkg deb file install howt007:23
ztomicJack_Sparrow: you don't have problems with your's?07:23
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Since Dell and MS sleep together I would not hold out hope for a fix going back to that hardware.07:23
kazilwhys ftp so slow on ubuntu?07:23
jariep1_i have a deb file to install07:23
ztomicJack_Sparrow: ubuntu is on dell now... where have you been?07:23
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Never had any issues that I noticed.07:23
Agent_bobPandemic i didn't try to navigate there tho.    can you ping it ?07:23
dadehoogJack_Sparrow: would it not be possible to disable one or more buttons in the xorg config ?07:23
mascard of tv not install07:24
jariep1_deb file insall howt0??07:24
Jack_Sparrowztomic: I am aware... that they have Ubuntu now.. then they didnt.. and MS will still have an inside track on a lot of that hardware07:24
dadehoogjariep1_: Why do you have a .deb to install ? Isn't it available in one of the Ubuntu repositories ?07:24
ere4sijariep1: in your menu should be gdebi package installer07:24
Agent_bobjariep1_ sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb    if you must07:25
Jack_Sparrowdadehoog: that would also kill the real mouse..  I dont see that ubuntu differentiates the two07:25
masthk u07:25
ztomicJack_Sparrow: MS is everywhere07:25
jariep1_dadehoog it java sun microsytem07:25
BernieMacJack_Sparrow, I would have to agree, dell and MS have a much more intimate relationship07:25
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers07:25
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight guys..07:25
kazilsomeone knows a good ftp software?07:25
dadehoogJack_Sparrow: I can set options (eg. scrolling etc.) on my synaptics trackpoint/touchpad in xorg ...07:26
WinterWeaverkazil: gftp07:26
PandemicAgent_bob: I'm sorry, I didn't understand your question.07:26
Agent_bob!ftp > kazil07:26
WinterWeaverkazil: or filezilla07:26
jariep1_dadehoog java instll as deb07:26
ztomicclient or server?07:26
ztomickazil: ?07:27
Agent_bobPandemic was just trying to help you sort out the "site unreachable" issue    that was you wasn't it ?07:27
PandemicAgent_bob: Yes. It is. But I can't reach the site.07:27
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications07:27
PandemicAgent_bob: But I know that the site is up and running.07:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtuabox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:28
Agent_bobPandemic open a terminal and see if you can ping it    it might show some usable information if you can't.07:28
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox07:28
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:28
kazilfilezilla looks promising :)07:29
ztomicthe smallest twist on this laptop causes the mouse to go wild. disabling the pointing stick in windows solves the problem but I havent found a way to do that in linux.07:29
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the dialog that opens by selecting in the GNOME panel menu 'System' > 'Quit'?07:29
Agent_bobkazil  looked at  gentoo  ?07:30
billyanybody have warcraft 3 installed?07:30
PandemicAgent_bob: Yeah, I received no packets back.07:30
kazili tried gFTP but its very slow07:30
Agent_bobgentoo does ftp07:30
WinterWeaverkazil: yup... filezilla looks nice... but I must admit, i've gotten very used to gftp, and it's actually a great little app, you can edit your files directly on the ftp and such, which I never managed to do with filezilla07:30
Pandemic79 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 78018ms07:30
Agent_bobPandemic no glaring error messages huh ?07:30
dadehoogPandemic: It resolved the name to an IP though ?07:31
ztomicbilly: wine?07:31
Pandemicdadehoog: Well yes, although I didn't receive any packets back.07:31
billyyeah on wine07:31
Agent_bobdadehoog take over that one with Pandemic i'm pretty green on network issues.07:31
kazilWinterWeaver: my problem with gFTP is that its very slow... and its not for the connection. i used WinSCP under XP and its like 4 times faster07:31
dadehoogPandemic: are there any other sites where you have a similar issue ?07:32
onatsmneptok, just like to ask, what's the advantage of bittornado over other clients?07:32
BernieMacI can't use CTRL+ALT+left/right arrow to switch between workspaces(shortcuts are set to this) but I can click to other spaces or mouse wheel to them. Anyone know why this is?07:32
dadehoogBernieMac: Have a check of your System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts07:32
ztomicbilly: I think i saw it in the appdb. have you tried running it in desktop or have you looked in #wine?07:32
dadehoogBernieMac: They may have been re-assigned ..?07:32
PandemicYes dadehoog, I know offhand that the same happens with ultimate-guitar.com07:33
BernieMacdadehoog, checked them, set to ctl+alt+left/right07:33
Pandemicdadehoog: But that's the only other one I know of.07:33
Agent_bobBernieMac and even if they look right maybe reset them manually   the keyboard may be sending something unexpected07:33
dadehoogPandemic: what are you using to configure your network ? network-manager ?07:33
WinterWeaverkazil, have you checked the protocol that ur using? not sure but it could be the reason. I've not had slow gftp speeds,... yet lol... neway, if ur happy with filezilla that's cool ^_^07:34
billyztomic: i can run it and all, but i just cant seem to download a map and get it to work07:34
PandemicAt the moment I'm just using the Network Monitor, dadehoog.07:34
kazilWinterWeaver: not the transfer speed. gftp itself is slow... or is it just me? :D07:34
ztomicbilly: reading the faq can solve lots. try a wine channel after that.07:35
billyim banned from the wine channel :(07:35
dadehoogPandemic: what's the output of `route -a` ?07:35
ztomichowdy even07:35
BernieMacdadehoog, Agent_bob: tried resetting, and also tried changing them to other commands to no avail07:35
dadehoogapologies, "route -n"07:35
WinterWeaverkazil: oh... lol... sorry.... hmm, It's not really been slow for me ever... I use it at work and home.07:35
IggzLol, I thought perhaps hoiwdy was linux for hello :-P07:36
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the dialog that opens by selecting in the GNOME panel menu 'System' > 'Quit'?07:36
dirtdawgWow tons of people here. Howdy! That's all for now :)07:36
Agent_bobIggz :)07:36
IggzI'm looking for a little help with a first time ubuntu install...07:36
marsmissionsAnyone have any recommendations for a new sound card thats works well?07:37
Slartjust ask Iggz07:37
dinochopinshi everyone07:37
dinochopinsI'm using Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty)07:37
ztomicIggz: what's the problem?07:37
Slartor.. perhaps that should be.. "just ask, iggz" =)07:37
IggzEverything is fine - even with the new build but I am buggered if I can get out on the net07:37
Agent_bobIggz drop the cd in the tray and reboot  :)     it's just about that simple...07:37
dinochopinshere I've got 2 DHCP server with 2 NIC07:37
dinochopinseverything is fine... I've got 2 ip address07:37
IggzI tried - but alas no :P07:38
Agent_bobIggz oh network issue.     wireless ?07:38
ztomicIggz: wireless?07:38
WinterWeaverI cannot install VMware Player. I just get a message saying: "VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"07:38
IggzNop, cable modem - using an ethernet card - not usb07:38
dinochopinsbut the weird thing is, I only got 1 DNS server in my /etc/resolv.con. How can I have my /etc/resolv.conf fixed values ?07:38
Iggzran terminal commands ala help - but nothing07:38
Agent_bobIggz   ifconfig -a    is your card recognized ?07:39
Pandemic_Oops, I dunno what I did there.07:40
Pandemic_dadehoog: What was that routing command?07:40
BernieMacAgent_bob, just curious, does running ifconfig -a give any different info than just ifconfig?07:40
Iggzyes - at lest I think so - it gives it what appears to be the normal linux name - ie etho1 but then tells me its not ready - or something simplier - anyway, it is unable to get my ip addrees07:40
casio1374633am i in ?07:40
Agent_bobBernieMac yes  it will show cards that are not active but recognized.07:40
IggzWow this is a busy channle07:40
BernieMacAgent_bob, ahh I see, thanks!07:41
IggzIC - any idea as to how I can activate it?07:41
Agent_bobIggz ok.    what does   sudo ifup eth0       assuming eth0    tell us ?07:42
yakov__does anyone know why there's no network in my dchroot? what can cause it?07:42
IggzI have run Linux before - disc distros and have had no issue - same comp and card07:42
Pandemic_dadehoog are you still there?07:42
* Agent_bob doesn't think that's what ifup said....07:43
Pandemic_Well I have to sleep...I'll try to figure this out later.07:43
marsmissionsAny suggestions for a new sound card?07:43
Blistoknautilus froze and I had to kill it, but now my desktop is just white with no icons. how can I get it back without rebooting?07:43
marsmissionsBlistok: alt+f2 and type nautilus07:43
marsmissionsBlistok: should fix it07:44
ztomicyakov__: resolve.conf07:44
IggzSorry Agent bob, i will need to reboot into ubunt to check - I believe it is a message similar to card is not ready (something like that) this maybe due to an other process using it07:44
Blistokmarsmissions: just tried that, a window with my home folder popped up, but the desktop is still gone :/07:44
marsmissionsBlistok: restart?07:44
Blistokmarsmissions: ok, I guess I will, I was hoping I wouldnt have to as this happens like every couple days :/07:45
=== Q_Continuum is now known as Q_Contoxicated
Agent_bobBlistok a bit more drastic    ctrl+alt+backspace   will reset the entire gui07:45
marsmissionsBlistok: maybe you should reinstall nautilus?? something must be wrong.07:45
Blistokmarsmissions: how do I do that?07:46
Agent_bobsudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus    ?07:46
yakov__ztomic, that's it! thx!07:46
Blistokagent_bob: ok, thanks07:46
shadowbladeHello, I need help getting my wireless working on my dell laptop07:46
=== max231 is now known as max`
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: what make/model of wireless?07:47
Ziddharthis there ne1 here07:47
Agent_bobBlistok i'm not sure nautilus is a package name...   don't thank me until you try it...07:47
IggzOne thing - before I reboot this and have a look - I have assigned a psudo MAC address to my NIC - just playing around a few days ago to check out the proccess - might this make a difference with ubuntu?07:47
BernieMacdadehoog, Agent_bob: I changed my preferences in the pref>appearance>visual effects from normal to none and I can use the shortcuts to switch between workspaces now07:47
Blistokagent_bob: alright, thanks07:47
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: It's internal in my Dell e150507:47
marsmissionsBlistok: you could search nautilus in synaptic to get the right package name, and then right click and click reinstall in there as well07:48
dinochopinshi everyone. How do I stop my Ubuntu get its nameserver list (/etc/resolv.conf) from dhcp server ?07:48
Blistokmarsmissions: good idea, thanks07:48
Agent_bobIggz indeed.07:48
Slart!caps | Ziddharth07:48
ubotuZiddharth: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:48
Agent_bobIggz and you just steped out of my reach on that issue.   ;/07:48
dinochopinsanyone ?07:48
Slartdinochopins: there is a setting somewhere07:49
ZiddharthK THNX .. HERE I GO07:49
Ziddharthplz tell me07:49
Ziddharthif theres a way to manage forums like rss or mail07:49
Slartdinochopins: I've done it.. can't really remember where I found it..07:49
dinochopinsSlart, can you tell me wher ?07:49
dinochopinsSlart, ah.. so it is possible07:49
Slartdinochopins: have you tried looking at "man resolv.conf" ?07:49
Agent_bobZiddharth wget/wput ?07:49
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: ok, from a terminal, execute: "sudo lspci -nnv > delle1505" and post the file to pastebin then reply with the url07:49
Triskaidekaphobipastebin! | shadowblade07:49
Slartdinochopins: I'm not being all "rtfm!!!11!" on you.. I just don't remember what I did =)07:50
Ziddharthnot in command prompt07:50
Ziddharthi mean07:50
Ziddharthi need some gui07:50
IggzBloody ideot I am - of course it might be - I have assigned the psudo nic by changing the windows reg - and my iop has assigned my ip accordingly - but in UB it must go back to my orginal MAC on my NIc - no bleeding wonder I cant get out :/07:50
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dinochopinsSlart, yes... and I dont get it07:50
Ziddharthi m new to linux07:50
anuphey today i install ubuntu having two disk drives but when i m coping in these than its not showing paste07:50
Agent_bobZiddharth oh.    idk then.07:50
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade | pastebin!07:50
Slartdinochopins: I'll look around in my files.. see if I find it.. hang on07:50
Ziddharthshall i install the package idk then ???07:51
IggzAgent BOb? Your are a star - I hope :-) Cheers07:51
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: sorry, when ran that command it didnt seem to do anything07:51
Agent_bobIggz welcome.07:51
Agent_bobIggz hope you get it sorted.07:51
Slartdinochopins: ah.. in your dhcp configuration you can add stuff like "prepend"07:51
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: it did, it put the output into a file name delle1505 in whatever directory you were in...07:51
Ziddharthhey there is 1 more thing i want to no guys07:52
IggzMe to - i look the look of this OS to be honest - and really want to dump xp - thank you :)07:52
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: you can upload the file to the pastebin service07:52
Ziddharthis it possible to install your bootloader on a seperate mobile memory card or pen drive to lock your computer07:52
Triskaidekaphobi!pastebin | shadowblade07:52
ubotushadowblade: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:52
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: ... sorry I don't know how to do that07:52
ztomic/etc/resolve.conf doesn't solve EVERY problem.07:52
adamonline45I'm trying to compile the Domino Style Engine from source (is there a package?) but, at the configure stage I get this error: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X libraries. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! ...... Does anyone know what this means? Oh, Kubuntu, 7.1007:52
Agent_bobZiddharth ?    "idk"  acronym for "i dont know"    sorry for the short hand07:52
bodhi_zazenZiddharth, yes07:53
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: ok, I think I did it right07:53
ztomicZiddharth: I would assume that it depends on your hardware07:53
Ziddharthbodhi_zazen .. that yes was for locking question ??07:53
bodhi_zazenbut if someone has physical access that plan is easily circumvented07:54
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: ok, what's the url?07:54
Ziddharthi am buying a new laptop07:54
bodhi_zazenwhat do you mean by locking ?07:54
niuq_i'm trying to install virtualbox, i did ./configure and i get this message **g++ (variable cxx) not found)07:54
ZiddharthACER ASPIRE 452007:54
Slartdinochopins: I guess you want to use your own dns-server instead of the ones the dhcp-server gives you, right?07:54
Narissahas anyone found a workaround for the classic nVidia HWCursor issue?07:54
Ziddharthi want to use it with ubuntu07:54
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47075/07:54
Agent_bobbodhi_zazen give me phisical access to any box, and i own it.  simpe as that.07:54
Ziddharthnd i was thinking to lock it with my mobile with memory card that is detected as pendrive on pc07:55
Ziddharthvia usb07:55
ztomicZiddharth: are there no other security methods?07:55
bodhi_zazenZiddharth, +1 on what Agent_bob said07:56
Ziddharththere are but i need the 1 which leaves noone else able to start my pc without me07:56
bodhi_zazenI don't know how you can lock a box if someone has physical access07:56
Ziddharthwithout any password07:56
bodhi_zazenNo, that is not possible07:56
bodhi_zazenyou have to limit physical access or game over07:57
ere4sithe screensaver can do that/07:57
Ziddharthbut wouldnt it wrk if i install GRUB on seperate pendrive07:57
BernieMacbodhi_zazen, how would you go about this? I am just intrigued by the topic now07:57
Ziddharthduring install07:57
ztomicZiddharth: then you hjave to encrypt EVERYTHING and even that is no SURE thing.07:57
Agent_bobeven bios' that are password protected (i.e. wont boot without a password)  are not secure.  a simple bios reset and the password is gone.07:58
bodhi_zazenBernieMac, live CD ?07:58
Slartwho are you trying to lock out here, Ziddharth? The evil empire or your parents/wife/brother-in-law ?07:58
Slartmatch the effort to the opponent07:58
BernieMacbodhi_zazen, ahh, yes I suppose that would work. leave it to me to not think of the most obvious solution07:58
Ziddharthi am living with some punks wher i work07:58
Ziddharthso i dont want them to load there shit in my trunk07:59
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: ok, here's a great howto for your setup: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190207:59
Ziddharthbasically if i use account and password i will have to create their accounts too07:59
ztomicZiddharth: there are numbers of ways to protect data07:59
SlartZiddharth: then I guess a bios password combined with an ok computer box should do it..07:59
ztomicNarissa: I missed your question08:00
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: okay, I'll give that a try08:00
Agent_bobNarissa !i08:00
Ziddharthno actually if there is a password they will definately ask me .. what i want is that if they start it it shows no OS installed and i will just say its broke08:00
Narissaztomic: seeing if any fix for the hwcursor issue with nVidia had been fixed, or a workaround08:00
bodhi_zazenZiddharth, remove the hard drive08:01
NarissaAgent_Bob 8)08:01
SlartZiddharth: sure, they can open the computer box and reset the password.. but hey.. they can tie you up and beat the snot out of you and you'd probably tell them the password anyways =)08:01
Ziddharthfrom laptop ?? i m afraid i will lose my warranty08:01
ztomicNarissa: oh! yeah i saw that. no clue here.08:01
Narissagot the new drivers installed, but had to resort to SWCursor, except using flgrx apps or gaming gives me a cursor with a buggy box08:01
Ziddharthand beating part is not true though bt may get close :D08:01
Agent_bobZiddharth remove all drives but a cdrom  and use live CD08:01
Agent_bobcarry a pin drive for storage.08:02
bodhi_zazenOver write the MBR with 000 or random stuff08:02
SlartZiddharth: then just set the boot drive to some other drive.. and when you want to use it.. just set it to the right drive.. that will give you a ." NO BOOT DISK IN DRIVE" error message08:02
bodhi_zazenboot from a live cd or floppy then08:02
bodhi_zazenno cd = no bot08:02
Ziddharthfrnds it wont work they are not computer geeks but they can use windows so they know how to insert a cd atleast :D08:02
ztomicZiddharth: remove the power supply08:03
Ziddharthguys slow down08:03
Ziddharthok leave it08:03
ztomicZiddharth: put a switch on the purple wire08:03
Ziddharthslart's way is nice .. thnx bro08:03
Ziddharthneway leave the security option08:04
Agent_bobummmm use  the computer  and when finished   use an 8lbs sledge halt program to shut it down....  :)08:04
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Ziddharthis there a software that logs into forums applications and save you the trouble on keeping a track on whats seen and whats unseen08:04
SlartZiddharth: nothing with a gui.. you could write something yourself with wget, curl etc etc08:05
SlartZiddharth: nothing = nothing that I know of08:05
Ziddharthwell then how to use it .. what u r suggesting ??08:06
Ziddharthwget stuff08:06
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SlartZiddharth: wget is a command line application for doing all kinds of web stuff... you could use it to upload logs to some ftp/web-site08:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wget - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:07
Slartbah.. ubotu.. I'm most disappointed =)08:07
Slart!info wget08:07
Ziddharthnice help08:07
ubotuwget: retrieves files from the web. In component main, is standard. Version 1.10.2-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 233 kB, installed size 1924 kB08:07
Agent_bob!info wput08:07
ubotuwput: A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1build1 (gutsy), package size 54 kB, installed size 164 kB08:07
Ziddharthiget it08:07
Slartahh.. sweet.. didn't know about that one08:07
adamonline45Hi RAOF! I hope you got my thanks from last night, it came kinda late 8)08:07
Ziddharthwget gets stuff .. nd wput puts stuff08:07
Ziddharthrt ?08:08
Slartseems that way08:08
Agent_bob!info curl | and curl does both08:08
ubotuand curl does both: curl: Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.16.4-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 170 kB, installed size 284 kB08:08
RAOFadamonline45: Yeah, thanks.08:08
Ziddharthubotu is like the nerd in the class08:08
akornDoes anybody know why in Linux, Picasa doenst have the Web Albums option for uploading/downloading available unlike in the windows version?08:10
Ziddharthmaybe google guys dont like lunux folks08:10
peacepipejvhelp, no sound, did some stuff in the forums and im worse off08:10
Agent_boblinux probably doesn't pay enough08:10
Slartakorn: google isn't really into this internet-thingy? =)08:10
akornSlart haha i'm sorry?08:11
ZiddharthPEACEPIPJV : i have had same trouble during my entry in linux wrld08:11
Ziddharthi tried everything08:11
Ziddharthbt in the end 1 simple thing came to me08:11
Ziddharthu can try it too08:11
mutableHello. Does anybody here uses some Java Swing/AWT app (NetBeans, IntelliJ Idea, ...). I often loose focus from keyboard. After closing some dialog window, all keystrokes goes to /dev/null :(08:11
Slartakorn: this happens with a lot of applications.. linux versions lag behind on features etc.. compare linux skype with windows skype.. it's the same08:11
ali1234i have a weird problem with FTP. using gutsy, I can't connect to a FTP server on the same switch with either curl or ncftp, but I can connect to any ftp on the internet. all other machines on the LAN can connect to the FTP server, including my old edgy server.08:12
akornSlart oh i see...yea i just thought maybe there was a fix out there or something...pretty depressing, especially from a monster like google! haha08:12
Ziddharthget alsa driver from alsa website and install your latest module08:13
Slartakorn: well.. it'll probably catch up shortly... perhaps write an email to them and ask about it.. make some noise08:13
Agent_bobmutable are you completely loosing the keyboard or does gnome simply reclaim the keyboard ?08:13
Ziddharththose guys are buisy collecting money for the competition .. $10 M08:13
akornSlart haha yea, probably a bunch of complainers like me that aren't doing anything :P  Alright Thanks for the help!08:14
Slartyou're welcome, akorn08:14
mutableAgent_bob: I'm loosing keyobard just in that java app08:14
Ziddharthhey guys is fedora better or ubuntu08:14
Ziddharthfor linux newbie08:14
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:15
Slartsame goes for distros08:15
mutableAgent_bob: same in Java 1.6.0_02/0308:15
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tarelerulzUbuntu is the easyest Linux I have used .  As for Fedora Core I have not use it since 4.0008:16
Ziddharthhow can i change my nick in here08:16
Agent_bobmutable ok that sounds like it's as simple as the focus not returning to the previous app  but rather to the gui in general.    i don't know what to tell you though.    alt+tab maybe ?08:16
mutableAgent_bob: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/17428108:16
bodhi_zazenZiddharth, "/nick new_nick"08:16
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SlartZiddharth: but I think both fedora and ubuntu will meet your demands.. but they are a bit different.08:16
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hadiaziamhi..how change permissions from +i to-i?it show invalid operation when i using -i..08:17
rgt33467hadiaziam: man chattr08:18
Slarthadiaziam: is +i a permission?08:18
ZIDi like ubuntu better08:18
ZIDbut thers just 1 thing i hate about it08:18
ZIDits that creepy color during splash08:18
ZIDhow can i change it08:19
Slartjust 1? I've think I've got some more =)08:19
ZIDi tried to edit gconf too08:19
ZIDbt nothing08:19
ZIDwell slart u probably use more than me08:19
rxndxhello all!08:19
SlartZID: I'm starting to think that the wonderful light brown-ish is hardcoded somewhere.. I've seen other people ask about it.. but no good answers08:19
Slarthello rxndx08:20
bodhi_zazendisable the boot splash :)08:20
ZIDits login splash08:20
Slartyou still get your daily dose of ubuntu-brown =)08:20
ZIDnot boot splash08:20
Agent_bobmutable if you can't get focus back with alt+tab i'm not a developer nor part of the ubuntu team, so i can't help you.    good that you filed a bug on it.08:20
rxndxI'm having trouble logging into my yahoo messenger account on Pidgin... something about error 29... and when I follow the link it provides, it takes me to a captcha image08:20
rxndxany suggestions?08:21
gordonjcprxndx: give it the right password?08:21
rxndxit's still doing this even after I upgraded to Pidgin 2.308:21
rxndxgordonjcp yes08:21
bodhi_zazenNew GDM theme then08:21
gordonjcprxndx: have you googled the error message?08:22
levanderI just cleared my CMOS and need to reset the clock in Ubuntu.  Is the command ntpdate?  I don't remember.08:22
rxndxI think it has something to do with the captcha image, but there is nowhere to enter one in pidgin08:22
Slartbodhi_zazen: still doesn't change that first image you get when starting gnome08:22
ZIDtried everything .. it changed the bgcolor for GDM but everytime i log in that color always shows up midway :))08:22
rxndxgordonjcp yes08:22
mutableAgent_bob: yes, I cannot, I also find a similar thread on java.net and bug on sun, so i will append it to the bug, thx08:22
bodhi_zazenoic now08:22
Agent_bobmutable sorry i couldn't do more there.08:22
bodhi_zazeninstall ubunt from bootstrap, install fluxbox, startx08:23
ali1234when i put a new network card in to ubuntu, it appears as eth1 (obviously to avoid conflicts) so how to I tell ubuntu that the old card is broken, and isn't coming back, and to use the new card as eth0?08:23
mutableAgent_bob: ok :)  thx attention08:23
Slartrxndx: don't use yahoo messenger so I've never seen that error.. have you checked the pidgin site? perhaps they have forums? irc-channel?08:23
ZIDi m afraid i will live with it rather than installing ubuntu08:23
Darius08xwhooo, I'm back and finally have windows installed.08:23
hadiaziamrgt33467: got it..thanks08:24
rxndxSlart good idea... I'll search IRC08:24
Slartali1234: check the file /etc/network/interfaces .. might be something there08:24
rxndxSlart it's crazy because this just started happening... never before08:24
rxndxhas to be on Yahoo's end08:24
Slartrxndx: well.. the im-people change stuff all the time.. they want you to use their ad-supported client of course =)08:25
rav1which package should i install to get manual entry for exec??08:25
rxndxSlart: heh heh :)08:25
Darius08xNow I'm installing ubuntu 7.10 desktop edition and sorta need some help on what exactly I'm suppose to do. I'm in the partition table and have device /dev/sda and /dev/sda type ntfs mount point /media/sda1 and 8MB freespace (which I think is eothing for windows) What I want to do is split my 300gb evenlyish to ubuntu and windows. So how does I do that?08:25
rxndxSlart: be back in a few08:25
rxndxSlart: Thanks!08:25
Slartrav1: "manual entry for exec"?08:25
ZIDjust shrink some window partition08:26
rav1Slart: yup08:26
rgt33467rav1: sudo apt-get install manpages-dev08:26
rav1thanks man08:26
ZIDdarius shrink it08:26
Slartaahhh.. I thought you wanted to enter something manually for exec.. doh..08:27
Slartlike on the keyboard or something..=)08:27
Darius08xzid... I'm very cautious about what I'm doing. I don't want to mess stuff up. And also, I don't really know exactly what I'm doing at all. D:08:27
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ali1234Slart: no, that's no use at all.08:27
Darius08xDo I want to edit an existing partition, make a new one, etc? I have no idea. :p08:27
Slartali1234: yes.. that's what I thought too =)08:28
chiefhi, I just installed ubuntu amd64, every time I log into kdm it plays the intro sound and kicks me out back into the login screen any ideas?08:28
ali1234has gutsy introduced some new default firewall settings that blocks ftp or something? or maybe when you get the auto eth1 it puts up a default firewall?08:28
SlartDarius08x: you'll probably want to shrink your windows partition so you get some free space.. then create a new partition in that free space for ubuntu08:28
Agent_bobi've been complaining about the "reversed sign" in tzconfig  (dapper LTS) for over a year.  no fix in sight.    and it's so simple.  just reversing the GMT(plus/minus)#    i'm tempted to do it my self although i don't know C08:28
ZIDDarius: select some existing window partition that is in NTFS or FST08:29
ZIDand just shrink its size08:29
Slartali1234: ubuntu has a firewall installed by default.. but it's disabled, kind of.. so it shouldn't be interfering08:29
IggzWell what do you know it works08:29
ali1234well something is interfering08:29
ZIDor u can use partition magic from inside the windows that is currently installed08:29
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the dialog that opens by selecting in the GNOME panel menu 'System' > 'Quit'?08:29
kazilanyone knows where to set in phpmyadmin the user, password, onlydb, host parameters? can`t find it anywhere08:29
Darius08xYeah, I don't think it's letting me do that. If I go to edit partiton all it does is leet me change the type of it08:30
Darius08xdidn't word that well08:30
Agent_bobthe firewall capability of linux is in the kernel08:30
ali1234kazil: /etc/phpmyadmin/ if you installed the packages08:30
ZIDr u havng windows installed ??08:30
Darius08xlets me change the type like ext3, ntfs, etc, and also, change the mountpoint I see no way to resize it08:30
Darius08xno I already installed it08:30
levanderIs sharing interrupts between PCI devices any kind of performance degradation at all?08:30
Darius08xI"m in the partition table in the intall for ubuntu08:30
ZIDdid ubuntu suggested something to u .. ?? some default scheme for partition08:31
IggzI hate to ask really daft questions in this channel but is there an absolute begiiners to linux channel where i can ask really daft questions? :-)08:31
Slartali1234: you're running a ftp-client? or a server?08:31
Slartali1234: if you want to check the firewall you can run this "sudo iptables -L" it will either print mostly nothing or 10+ lines of rules and stuff.08:31
Darius08xI'm in "manual" install instead of guided - use entire disk. Because I don't really want to use the entire disk since windows is on there.08:31
wasmeanyone have ANY idea what's going on here: I have an nvidia video card, and I was running fiesty with no problems, although I did have to install the drivers from nvidia's site rather than from ubuntu. I just upgraded to gutsy, and had a hell of a time trying to get it to work, but eventually I figured out this much: I have nvidia-glx-new installed, and when I first boot up ubuntu can't find my video card and kicks me into low graphics08:31
wasme mode. But if I switch to a text vt and issue the following 3 commands gdm will boot up properly: sudo rmmod nvidia, sudo kill -9 <pid of X>, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart08:31
mutableDoes anybody know how to completely disable SCIM ?08:31
ali1234the ftp server is running on an embedded video player08:31
SlartIggz: we do daft questions here too =)08:31
mutableI see some conf panel, but there some options...08:31
kazilali1234: yeah i find that but its not the 'usual' config.inc.php (under usual i mean the kind like under windows)08:31
Trogdor3634Question - can any variant of Ubuntu be distributed via liveCD (smaller the better) with NTFS-write support?08:32
ali1234as i said before, my edgy box can connect but my gutsy box cannot using the same programs. and all three machines are connected to the same switch08:32
ZIDso how much free space is available o you now08:32
ZIDin current table08:32
wols_wasme: nvidia.com drivers hosed your system after the kernel upgrade08:32
Slartali1234: ah.. yes.. read that... it's weird.. but check the firewall.. that's a pretty easy thing to do..08:32
Darius08xit says "free space" 8mb08:32
Agent_bobTrogdor3634 is that an GNU-GPL question ?    read the GNU-GPL   short answer yes.08:33
SlartTrogdor3634: I would say yes08:33
Darius08xbut on the partiton I installed windows, thats ALL I have installed so there is like 300ish gb not being used08:33
IggzLOL, fair enough - ok, well now that I have this thing running a few really daft questions starting with...08:33
ZIDr u having ne partition other than ntfs or fat08:33
wasmewols: so, uh, why would it work after removing the module and restarting X? Doesn't X just reload the same module anyway?08:33
rgt33467!u | ZID08:33
ubotuZID: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officier, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..08:33
Iggzis there a website that lists the essential linux prigrams? You know firewalls. VS, etc?08:33
ali1234Slart: iptables -L shows that both machines have completely blank chains08:33
Trogdor3634My MMORPG, Eve Online, just pulled one of the biggest QA/testing mistakes I've ever seen. The default upgrade path deletes the windows file boot.ini on reboot, bricking the computer unless you have a recovery CD. I'd like to offer the tools to fix this, but I need a small distribution which has NTFS-write capability to make a new boot.ini - and may get a few linux converts while I'm at it.08:34
Slartali1234: ok.. that's one possible reason out of the way... only one nic in the machine?08:34
MukiEXIs it possible to use dd to replace the first 20k in File 'A' with File 'B', which happens to be 20k in size?08:34
Darius08xcrap, Need to go afk for a while guys. Hold on.08:34
Trogdor3634I don't care about the GPL, nor does anyone working on a termpaper who's now unable to reboot their computer08:34
Darius08xWell, don't hold on, dunno when I'll be bacvkc08:34
SlartIggz: check out synaptic.. it's in system, administration, synaptic sometihng08:34
ali1234yes, but, it is not the original install nic, so it appears as eth1 - in the none working gutsy box08:34
Agent_bobIggz firewall and essential programs in the same sentance ?    ...08:34
SlartIggz: or you could look at the Applications menu.. Add/Remove08:34
IggzThanks slart08:35
Agent_bobIggz what is the desired end ?08:35
Trogdor3634Does any existing Ubuntu-based live-CD capable distro have NTFS-write capability?08:35
MukiEXTrogdor : The latest Gutsy LiveCD will do it. I wonder if Puppy will as well?08:35
SlartTrogdor3634: check out that new distro.. jos I think it's called.. just enough OS.. it's ubuntu but just the bare essentials08:36
IggzLol, well come on agent, i was the one kicking the ubuntu distro around because I couldnt get on the net yet i was the daft sod using a psud mac address :P08:36
Trogdor3634MukeEx: It will write as well? I thought it was just read on the default distro08:36
MukiEXActually, Trogdor, every time I've done that it's been habit to apt-get ntfs-config , so I'm not sure if it's there by default.08:36
kazilsweet.. i did it :)08:36
Trogdor3634Looking to be able to post the tools tonight and have a fix self-contained, since people will be booting up tomorrow.08:37
IggzAgent BOb, good question - realistically I want to replace everything eventually form Xp to linux - but to be honest....08:37
onatsdoes anyone know the maximum resolution for the intel 845G video card? i'm trying to install ubuntu on my old netvista pc, which is connected to a new samsung 931BW... no display shows after booting it.08:37
Slartali1234: hmm.. could you pastebin the output from "ifconfig"  and "route"?08:37
Trogdor3634Slart: Does it come with NTFS-write capability?08:37
Iggz...my main computor use is internet for research - well covered by FF, IRC, covered, it would seem by this program, and I am a big user of media - ie films and audio08:38
wasmewols_: so, uh, why would it work after removing the module and restarting X? Doesn't X just reload the same module anyway?08:38
SlartTrogdor3634: I don't know.. I just know that it's a small version of ubuntu..08:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:38
DarbusMorning :)08:38
peacepipejvhelp, no sound in toshiba.  tried some threads in the forums, updated alsa driver and stuff and im worse off08:38
MukiEXTrogdoor : Sounds silly, but if you don't immediately find a fix, try just downloading gutsy, running the livecd with a usb drive, and aptitude download ntfs-config, and put it on the USB key if it needs to be downloaded.08:38
Slartagain ubotu..I find your lack of answers.. .disturbing =)08:38
DarbusAnyone of you really good with computers...?08:38
wols_wasme: what driver is your xorg.conf using?08:39
Darbusand Mandriva Linux...or similar ?08:39
ubotucoffee is a caffeinated beverage made by filtering water through ground up roasted beans of the coffee plant. Flavouring to taste such as milk or cream, sugar or sweetener are often added afterwards. Not to be confused with !java08:39
ali1234Slart: ok08:39
onatspeacepipejv, what's your laptop model? are you in dual boot?08:39
wasmewols_: nvidia08:39
levanderSlart: there's a web interface to ubuto that you can go in and fill in answers for08:39
MukiEXI'm pretty sure Gutsy has inate NTFS write support, but if it doesn't, that solution will work.08:39
SlartDarbus: really good could mean so many things.. try us08:39
wols_wasme: installing the PROPER ubuntu nvidia resttricted drivers should fix it again08:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about caffeine - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:39
IggzSo, best firewall, AV, mdia player - movie and sound - at the momement08:39
wasmewols_: I did that already08:39
gordonjcpyay, the coffee factoid was entered by someone who can spell08:39
MukiEXSo will putting the LiveCD on a 1GB Flash drive and the ntfs-config package on the writable partition ;)08:39
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE08:39
Slartlevander: huh?08:39
wasmewols_: I removed everything I could find nvidia related and reinstalled nvidia-glx-new over again.08:39
wols_wasme: then show us the xorg log from when it doesn't work properly on bootup08:40
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:40
DarbusOk here goes... I do at this point have one Dell Latitude C160 laptop. With no OS working.08:40
tockitjhttp://blog.omega-research.org/uploads/2007/09/ubuntu-linux-very-round-circle-of-friends.jpg <-- just found it on web :-)08:40
onatspeacepipejv, what's your machine?08:40
ubotuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems08:40
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the dialog that opens by selecting in the GNOME panel menu 'System' > 'Quit'?08:40
wols_wasme: not nvidia-glx. ALL of the drivers. glx AND kernel module08:40
peacepipejvonats: toshiba sat a105. xp, ubuntu, ubuntustudio08:40
DarbusHistory behind this is : 1. I went from Win Xp to Mandriva Linux, and 2. I deleted the Xp partition...and 3. I then deleted all the remaining partitions...08:40
SlartIggz: best firewall=only firewall.. iptables.. there are some gui's to configure it08:40
wols_Darbus: this is a ubuntu ONLY channel. ask #mandriva about mandriva problems. not us08:41
ali1234Slart: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2501/08:41
=== _nuu is now known as nuu
wols_!best | iggz08:41
ubotuiggz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.08:41
onatspeacepipejv, i had quite a similar problem before with my toshiba u205.. i noticed that if i muted it in windows, then booted to ubuntu w/o unmuting it there, it stays muted. you might want to try that08:41
wasmewols_: uh, the only drivers installed are nvidia-glx-new and restricted, which automaticly got removed when I removed nvidia-glx-new08:41
DarbusIts not a Mandriva problem in particular...its a computer problem at first ^^08:41
wols_wasme: dpkg -l |grep nvidia08:41
Darbussince Mandrive in itself is no longer present :D08:41
MukiEXTrogdor3634! : The LiveCD/USB method might be yoru best bet, assuming you have a spare key lying about08:41
wols_Darbus: ew don't care. this is ubuntu ONLY: everything else is OFFtopic. please respect that08:41
SlartIggz: media players are already installed.. I use vlc myself.. it does just about everything.. to play mp3's and such I use amarok... there are many others with different features/goals08:41
shadowbladeHey, I was trying to follow this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902 and I got an error at step 1308:42
bAgent_boIggz now.  as to the firewall.  iptables is the linux firewall and there are several apps for controlling it.   firestarter comes to mind.     media players  are plentiful   i like vlc08:42
wols_Darbus: there is ##linux, there is #hardware, etc. ask them, not us08:42
rxndxso I think I found a script to use, and I downloaded it but I don't know what to do with it now... it's got a .c file extension08:42
IggzUbo, indeed - perhaps I should have said recommended - in windows I know which get the best test results here I is a little less sure :-)08:42
Slartali1234: what is the ip of that ftp-server?08:42
=== macd_ is now known as macd
wols_rxndx: that's source code. not a script08:42
wasmewols_: just nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common08:42
rxndxwols_ ah08:42
bAgent_boIggz here you just try them all and use what you like.08:42
wols_wasme: I told you what you need. if you want to ignore it: your choice. good day08:42
Slartali1234: or if you want to keep it secret.. is it in the 192.168.XX range?08:42
bAgent_boprice is the same  :)08:43
wols_Slart: he just said so08:43
IggzThanks Slart - didn't know VLC was linux supported - excellent, do you know if the web based DIVX player is also support on this platform?08:43
rxndxwols_ how would I compile it into a usable form?08:43
Slartali1234: ok, thanks.. everything looks good so far.. no obvious errors that I can see08:43
Trogdor3634MUKEX: I'm treating it as a linux evangelizing opportunity - I could just point people to a pirated windows admin boot CD. So the smaller the distro, and the less steps required, the better - if they have to open Terminal, they'll never try linux again.08:43
Darius08xOk back again. Anyways. I just recently installed windows xp. Then went over to the live cd of ubuntu 7.10 desktop version. I'm in the manual install partition table, and don't know what to do next. I want to dual boot xp and ubuntu, but I have no idea where to go now.08:43
ali1234Slart: and i can ping it... the ftp connection even gets packets back from it, but then it just stops. i have a wireshark trace if you would like to see it08:43
wols_ali1234: if you want to allow users behind a router to connect you need to assign and portforward a high port range too. not just 20,2108:43
peacepipejvonats: its not a mute problem, "no volume control gstreamer plugins and/or devices found"08:43
Slartwols_: well.. the fingers move on their own.. =)08:43
wols_rxndx: gcc <file>08:43
rxndxwols_ thank you08:44
ali1234wols_: the ftp server and the gutsy are on the same switch08:44
echosystmwhere does firefox install to by default?08:44
IggzBagent: thanks checking out now08:44
wasmewols_: and as I said I already did that. It didn't help. But I can see you've concluded I'm not listening, so I guess I should conclude I won't get any help here.08:44
wols_Darius08x: just install it. it will be able to dualboot automatically08:44
onatspeacepipejv, ah ok.. in that case i dont know..08:44
Slartali1234: hmm.. that just makes it even strangers.. no packets or all packets are the usual states..=)08:44
onatsanyone here using bittornado?08:44
rxndxwols_ tons of errors08:44
bAgent_boIggz while you are just exploring linux you might also want to try out other desktop environments08:44
wols_wasme: as you just said you did NOT. no kernel module. now go away until you can answer the questions posed to you08:44
wols_rxndx: dó you think I'm psychich?08:45
Darius08xdo I want to use guided - entire disk then?08:45
Darius08xif I just hit forward her eit says...08:45
wols_Darius08x: do you have free, unpartitioned space on your harddisk?08:45
adamonline45Does anyone know where I can find a font like this: http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=61241&file1=61241-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Revelation+-+Domino08:46
Slartali1234: and ping works even with bigger payloads? try ping -s 500008:46
IggzFinal question, I know that Linux uses the NTFs file system, however, i notice that linux programs do not seem to come with an installer - but must be installed via the tools in the OS itself. if you have multible drives is it possible to choose which drive to install to?08:46
Slartamaroso: not nice.. please stop08:46
bAgent_boIggz kubuntu-desktop is a pretty popular meta package, it installs the kde "k desktop environment" along with the kubuntu default apps.08:46
ali1234Slart: ping -s 5000 does not work from either the gutsy or edgy box08:46
wols_Iggz: linux does not use ntfs. and in linux there are no "drives" or "driveletters" either08:47
SlartIggz: hmm.. not really.. linux doesn't really work the same way as windows does..08:47
IggzbAgent: thanks searching now :-)08:47
wols_Iggz: you have a / and all your disks are mounted as subdirectories to /08:47
Darius08xUhhh, honestly I hardly know what I'm doing. So I don't know. I didn't see anyway to choose how much space to use in windows. So I just installed using the whole disk I suppose. In the partiton table I've got /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 which is 320062 MB, so I'm assuming all my space is right there. :/08:47
bAgent_boIggz ???  I know that Linux uses the NTFs file system,"   linux can access ntfs filesystems   but doesn't want to live there.08:47
Darius08xI'm very, very, new, so I'm sure I sound pretty dumb D:08:47
rxndxwols_ thanks... going to search google to see if I can learn some programming08:47
wols_Darius08x: you need to resize the windows partition then first08:47
rxndxwols_ take care08:47
chiefhow can I set a monitor mode for 1024x1024@75 , the monitor driver for my CRT is wrong!08:47
Slartali1234: it doesn't? that's odd.. I can ping with payloads up to at least 20000 here between my 2 gutsy boxes..08:48
Darius08xHow exactly does one do that?08:48
wols_chief: stop X. then in a terminal dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh08:48
chief1280x1024 I mean08:48
Slart!ops | amaroso08:48
ubotuamaroso: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!08:48
wols_chief: sudo dpkg-reconfigure08:48
Darius08xIf I click on it and go to edit partition it doesn't give me an option to resize it08:48
IggzWOLS so you can chose which"subdirectory?08:48
ali1234Slart: the ftp server is not running gutsy, not running linux... it runs RTOS08:48
Slartoh.. well it isn't an emergency really.. but amaroso is /msg spamming08:48
IggzDamn my typing is falling to bits - sorry very tired08:49
wols_Iggz: you can but you shouldn't really. especially since you don't know how it works. I guarantee you it won't work when you do it08:49
Slartali1234: well.. it should still be able to pass bigger packets around..08:49
AmaranthSlart: I'm not seeing anything08:49
bAgent_boIggz linux "by nature" uses ext2 file system   and in later times ext3 which is ext2 plus a journel08:49
wols_Slart: next time: !Ops amaroso is spamming in msg08:49
Slartah.. perhaps he's just spamming me then.. wow.. a personal enemy.. how nice =)08:49
wols_Slart: so ops already know what the "emergency" is08:49
ali1234Slart: yeah. it should also open a listening socket before sending out the response to PASV command... but it doesnt08:49
Slartthanks wols_ didn't know that08:49
elkbuntuwols_, thanks08:49
MacMattHello Hello!08:49
ali1234Slart: thw only reason im trying to connect to the thing using curl is to get a debug trace to send to the people who made it08:50
IggzWOLs, thanks. So the installer will simply look for free space in any of the subdirectories available?08:50
elkbuntuSlart, not everyone gets all the PM spams :)08:50
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer08:50
glick_excuse me how can i play flash movies?08:50
MacMattI'm new to ubuntu, ... having just install it, ...08:50
glick_i installed flash non free and gnash08:50
Darius08xDo I need to resize the partition in windows?08:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jeos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:50
glick_but i still cafnt play flash movies in firefox08:50
wols_Iggz: no. linux has a quite rigid way installing things. it installs things in the proper places which is the same place on all ubuntu installs08:50
u_angelhelllo room. limewire is just a blank screen. has anyone seen that before?08:50
chiefwols_: okay that worked.08:50
Slartali1234: hmm.. can you ping something else on the network with a big packet size?08:50
ali1234Slart: yes the edgy and gutsy boxes can ping each other fine with 500008:51
glick_can anyone play flash movies in firefox?08:51
Slartali1234: if the ftp-server can't handle big pings perhaps it can't handle any big packets at all.. that would perhaps explain why it won't work..08:51
glick_what do i  need to install08:51
chiefwols_: thanks08:51
wols_Iggz: just like you can't just put your user's files anywhere. the only place you should put them is in your /home08:51
wols_Slart: makes no sense08:51
shadowbladeHello, I'm trying to get my wireless working using this howto http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902 and I'm getting errors at step 13, can someone help?08:51
bAgent_boIggz you seem to be asking about the "linux file system higherarcy"    google know all about it.08:51
ali1234Slart: but it works fine with edgy08:51
chiefwhat does restricted drivers mean by "nvidia-glx-new" is not enabled ?08:52
Slartali1234: yes.. forgot about that..08:52
wols_shadowblade: tell us about the errors08:52
ali1234Slart: i can't even "telnet ftp-server 21" using gutsy08:52
elkbuntuSlart, please PM me the spam messages you got08:52
IggzIC - I think -so if i partion part of my drive in windows - for the Ubunt install (i am presntly running off of the distro disc) it wont make any difference?08:52
wols_!nvidia | chief08:52
ubotuchief: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:52
shadowbladewols_: couldn't open /DRIVER/bcmwl5.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper-1.9 line 181.08:52
wols_Iggz: don't partition. just create free space08:52
u_angelwho uses limewire?08:52
chiefwols_ : ahh I have to install it :)08:52
wols_shadowblade: so does this file exist? if not: why not?08:52
MacMattAre there any Ubuntu Trade marks issues in printing ubuntu t-shirt , mouse mats ????08:53
shadowbladewols_: i was just following the steps in the howto and it went well up until there08:53
bAgent_boIggz yeah wols is right, easy way is just free up some space that is not partitioned,  the installer will make the partition   with your permission of course.08:53
SkelloHi, I'm running Ubuntu AMD64. I've installed sun-java6-jre through apt-get. Obviously it installed the 64 bits java version, however i can't get Opera to work with java even if i point it to the correct java path /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64. I assume this is because Opera is 32 bits version and java isn't. Should i install java for i386 then? and how should i do this?08:53
IggzWOLS really? I think I am getting this. So where as Windows goes looking for partitions, linux will simply ignore this and see only directories?08:54
bAgent_boIggz it doesn't even need to be on the first disk.08:54
zzapHey, I need some help.08:54
zzapJust installed Ubuntu for the first time.08:54
zzapAnd I kind accidently borked it. :P08:54
Slartali1234: then I'm out of ideas.. can't imagine why the gutsy box won't talk to the ftp-server.. if gutsy had some weirdness going on in its network part I'm sure we would have heard about it by now..08:54
Fydazzap: Could you please describe the problem in more detail?08:54
zzapThe screen resolution is not right08:55
wols_Iggz: no. it sees directories. but ubuntu likes to create its partitions in its installers. not let windows create it for it08:55
wols_erm, it sees partitions08:55
peacepipejvhelp, "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found" error when i try to open volume controls.08:55
wols_Skello: there is no 64bit java plugin in existance. you can try nspluginwrapper08:55
Fydazzap: Ah. But, you said you somehow broke it -- that means it used to be correct, yes?08:56
bAgent_boIggz what you are "getting" is that when linux mounts a filesystem it is then just a subdir of the system.08:56
glick_i see what the problem is08:56
wols_!sound | peacepipejv08:56
ubotupeacepipejv: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:56
ali1234Slart: i'm tending toward blaming IPCOP08:56
glick_for some reason there is a md5sum mismatch08:56
IggzWols: got it thank you. can i keep IRC up on the same comp while the installer is running? just in case i get stuck? :-)08:56
ciaconhi all... i have a q.... i have some troubble with the fps tremuous game... can someone help me?? or can someone tell me where I can find help on this??08:56
glick_and it causes flash player not to install08:56
Slartali1234: but the ipcop machine isn't between you and the ftp is it?08:56
wols_Iggz: of course08:56
glick_i have no idea how to fix it though08:56
bAgent_boIggz sure.08:56
zzapI set it up to the right resolution, sO I'm not sure what I did wrong.08:56
glick_anyone have the same problem?08:56
wols_ciacon: don't ask to ask, just ask08:56
ali1234Slart: no, but that hasn't stopped it from completely screwing up the network before08:56
IggzOK, her goes08:57
wols_glick_: check launchpad for the bug. adobe changed the download08:57
wols_glick_: there should be a wokaround08:57
zzapThe screen resolution is not right. Like, when I boot up and it gets to the login screen, I see all these lines and stuff. I set it up to the right monitor and resolution. And it told me to log off and log back on for the changes to take effect. So I did that. But when I logged off it went all weird.08:57
shadowbladewols_: ??08:57
Slartali1234: oh.. I used ipcop on my former workplace.. it never misbehaved there08:57
wols_shadowblade: hm?08:57
Iggz:wonders of and presses install - fingers crossed and fearing the cures of Bill gates08:57
glick_wols how launchpad?08:57
ubotuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:57
zzapAnyone? Fyda?08:57
onatsanyone here using bittornado?08:58
=== bAgent_bo is now known as intelikey
Darius08xHope I'm not being too big of a nuisance, but how do I resize my existing windows partition so i can dual boot it and ubuntu08:58
wols_zzap: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg while X doesn't run. do it until you get it right. what videocard do you have?08:58
shadowbladewols_: do you know what the problem is?08:58
Skellowols_ i believe that's true for Firefox. Opera uses and detects java directly, doesn't need a plugin. It just needs the proper path to libjava.so and that's in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/amd64. However Opera doesn't have a 64 bits stable version yet. So it's a 32 bits one. I thnink that's the problem.08:58
Fydazzap: Which video card are you using?08:58
ciaconsome of the aliens encountered in tremulous are 3x the size they should be.... tyrants are so big, that they are taller than the ceeling... that obviously is a grafics-error... didn't have it on my old pc... can anyone give me any hints??08:58
wols_Darius08x: it's explained in the ubuntu docs08:58
intelikeyDarius08x gparted ?08:58
Darius08xAh, I forgot about gparted.08:59
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: did you download the correct driver (32 or 64-bit) listed above the steps?08:59
wols_shadowblade: does this file exist? yes or no? if no: make it exist. it's part of your windows drivers08:59
zzapIt's a RADEON 9200 PRO, it seems, Fyda / wols_.08:59
glick_i dont see anything in launchpad08:59
glick_about it08:59
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: I tried those and the ones from the dell website, got the same errors with both09:00
wols_zzap: use the "ati" or "radeon" driver then09:00
glick_i guess thats a bug and ill just have to wait for the update09:00
zzapwols_: How do I get into that if I can't see anything on the monitor?09:00
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: where did you extract the driver files?09:00
zzapType sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the recovery mode thing?09:00
Fydazzap: Could you please post the contents of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file on a site like pastebin.com or pastebin.ca?09:00
glick_but that would seem like a high priority bug i would think it be one of the first ones fixed09:00
Fydazzap: Yes, use the recovery console.09:00
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:01
iKernelthere are people out there who are walking around on the street giving out ubuntu disks to passer bys09:01
jariep1_hi there i am trying to start java.bin install how do i do it so i do not create deb i have ubuntu09:01
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: they are both ZIP files and need to be UNZipped somewhere...09:01
wols_jariep1_: why don't you want the .deb?09:01
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: just into ~, the driver files from the dell site (that I'm trying now) are in ~/DRIVER09:01
jariep1_wols is ok09:01
intelikeyiKernel no wonder micro-soft hates linux09:01
zzapFyda: I'm using Windows currently ... I don't think it can see my Ubuntu install. :/09:01
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: are you 32 or 64-bit09:01
jariep1_not necessary hurry i am in09:01
glick_anyone have the same problem with flash09:01
glick_or is it just me?09:01
jariep1_i am in hurry wols09:01
Skellowols_ also my problem is not only with Opera. I plan to install another 32 bits java application, thus i doubt that one will work with java for amd64 either. I need to know how to go about installing java i386 on the AMD64 architecture please.09:01
wols_jariep1_: it is not ok. why don't you use the ubuntu packages or at least use make-jpkg?09:02
oscarellohi, i have a problem, when I tty to instal runit, it tries to do something with /etc/inittab, the problema is that inittab doesnt exist on my machine, and it gives me an error, any ideas?09:02
jariep1_wols_ how09:02
wols_Skello: use a 32bit chroot09:02
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:02
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: how many files are in ~/DRIVER?09:02
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: umm... I really don't know when I haven't built the computer :)09:02
glick_i cant watch youtube without flash09:02
glick_its important!09:02
zzapFyda: So what would I do after I type in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?09:02
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: 509:02
wols_!flash | ubotu09:02
ubotuubotu: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash09:02
IggzWols, sorry in prepare disk space which option should I chose? Ie, one auto selected is guided resize master partion hda5? new peartion size being min 46 gig09:03
Fydazzap: That command reconfigures your graphical server. If you were doing that from the recovery mode console, then you would type "exit" and it'd proceed to boot up into graphical mode.09:03
zzapFyda: Ah, ok. And what, it would go back to the default 800x600, etc.?09:04
rxndxwols_ you are a Linux master!09:04
wols_rxndx: I am not09:04
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: got the same error with the 64-bit inf09:04
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: execute this in a terminal: "uname -a" and look to the end of the line... does in say i686 or x86_6409:04
rxndxwols_ to me... you have an answer for everything! it's awesome!09:04
IggzOr would the guided use largest continous free space be best option?09:04
Fydazzap: Well, I'm not at your computer, and I don't have your hardware, so I don't know what the exact result would be. But it would attempt to create a safe, working configuration.09:04
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: i68609:05
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the GNOME Quit dialog ('System' > 'Quit')?09:05
zzapFyda: Alright. Thanks. I'll give it a try, and I'll be back if it doesn't go well. :P09:05
zzapFyda: Thanks for your help. :)09:05
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: ok, you're 32-bit, so you should be using the files from the 32-bit link...09:05
Skellowols_ i should uninstall the java for amd64 first right?09:05
Fydazzap: I'll be gone soon, so I hope someone else can help you if you still have problems afterwards.09:05
zzapFyda: Alright.09:05
wols_Skello: no09:05
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: did you extract both files (64 and 32-bit) to the same folder?09:06
IggzBugger it. How much free space does ubuntu need for an install? :-)09:06
wols_Skello: why do you need a 43bit java for a java app? java uses a VM you know?09:06
wols_Iggz: there are docs which explain this questin09:06
wols_Iggz: why don't you read them?09:06
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: the dell drivers i'm trying now are all in the one folder09:06
VSpikeIggz: For a clean install? 2GB I think09:07
IggzInded, sorry WOLs -being very lazy - thank you :-)09:07
Skellowols_ i don't know. That's why i'm here asking. I said 'i assume i need the 32 bit version' to run a java app. Correct me if i'm wrong please :)09:07
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: ok, not good, you need to re-extract the 32-bit driver ZIP to a separate folder, then verify the name of the INF file...09:07
wols_Skello: you are most certainly wrong. satisfied now?09:07
chiefhow do I kill the login manager for a moment ?09:07
ali1234so how does ubuntu keep the same ethN name for nics when you put in a new one?09:07
wols_chief: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop09:07
chiefwols_: ta09:08
wols_ali1234: udev09:08
Skellowols_ of course. Thank you for your assistance. Much appeciated.09:08
wols_ali1234: it identifies them based on their MAC09:08
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: if the name is not the same as in step 13, you need to substitute the INF name you found in that folder09:08
Slartali1234: I think it assigns them in the same order it loads drivers for them09:08
ali1234wols_: already found it09:08
wols_Slart: not anymore09:08
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: its the same09:08
chiefwols_: nice that crashed the entire OS09:08
wols_chief: what did?09:08
Slartali1234: but I think you can specify which card gets which name in /etc/network/interfaces09:09
ali1234Slart: no, that's how it used to work, and putting a new nic in your router could leave you without a firewall :/09:09
wols_chief: define "crashed" please09:09
IggzVSpike thats what i thought I had read but when I chose guided option on partion tab it tells me there isn't enough free space continous that is - although I know I have at least 24 gig free in at least one of my (windows) partions09:09
chiefwols_: the moment I told gdm to stop09:09
wols_Slart: please don't answer when you are wrong09:09
wols_chief: define what you mean with "crash"09:09
Darius08xweird, gparted isn't letting me resize.09:09
ali1234Slart: no no no, it's in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules09:09
chiefwols_: well crash, as in computer not usable anymore09:09
wols_ali1234: no. it's in /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules09:09
someonebash doesn't seem to be reading in /etc/profile or ~/.profile    anyone know why is this ?09:09
wols_someone: maybe not a login shell?09:10
ali1234wols_: that file does not exist on my computer09:10
wols_someone: or a loginshell09:10
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: when i run ndiswrapper -l, it tells me it's invalid09:10
chiefwols_: basically I've got too press the reset button to get the pc back09:10
wols_ali1234: any file with "25" in there then?09:10
Darius08xIf I double click on it to open up properties I get "warning" (random stuff) Accounting clusters. Cluster accounting failed at 6519 (0x1977); extra cluster in $bitmap over and over09:10
wols_chief: that's... odd09:10
ali1234wols_: no09:10
VSpikeIggz: Have your tried defragging the windows partition from windows first?09:10
VSpikeIggz: it may be trying to tell you that it can't resize it successfully09:11
chiefwols_: very..09:11
Darius08xWhat does that men?09:11
wols_chief: what videodrivers do you use09:11
someonewols_  ok.09:11
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: remember that linux is case-sensitive, be sure to use the proper case when using "ndiswrapper -i ~/ThIs iS cAsE sEnSiTiVe/DrIvEr.InF"09:11
IggzVSpike. thats what i thought but just finished a windows defrag in prep :/09:11
chiefwols_: barebone defaults of what ever ubuntu choose to use for my nvidia geforce 7600gt09:11
ali1234wols_: nothing beginning with "z" either09:12
wols_chief: that card should have good drivers. nv or vesa09:12
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: i've definitely got that right09:12
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: true, if it hasn't installed any drivers, it can't list the installed drivers using the -l switch09:12
wols_ali1234: ok. must be a ubuntu/debian difference then09:12
jariep1_what is the name of the distribution gutsy such and such09:12
VSpikeIggz: That's wierd then09:12
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
chiefwols_:  I dislike both, I'd rather have the offical ones, but the docs on that sight are too geekified for me, so I thought I'd shutdown X and install the ones had already downloaded.09:13
wols_jariep1_: gutsy gibbons aka ubuntu 7.1009:13
ali1234wols_: this machine was upgraded from feisty09:13
jariep1_wols_thank you09:13
Iggzindeed, I thought it was just me :-)09:13
wols_chief: don't. you break your ubuntu. ubuntu comes with perfectly fine nvidia drivers09:13
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: try replacing '~' with '/home/YOURID/driverfolder/drivername.inf' after the -i switch09:13
wols_chief: the nvidia restricted drivers is what you should use09:13
wols_not from nvidia.com, not envy, not automatic09:14
VSpikeIggz: I think you can download a trial copy of acronis - you could try that to create a new partition, and then run the install09:14
chiefwols_: well I tried unstanding that tutorial and well, none of it makes sence09:14
someoneIggz did you turn off windows page file first and then defrag ?09:14
wols_VSpike: don't create new partitions. let ubuntu create them09:14
wols_chief: what is the problem?09:14
VSpikewols_: why?09:15
chiefwols_: for starters kmenu? that's kde I'm gnome09:15
IggzOPk, if I go for the guided installation - resize ide 1  I assume it will delete the windows partions and any data that exists there?09:15
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: ha that worked...wow09:15
shadowbladeTriskaidekaphobi: thanks09:16
wols_chief: same thing tho. select restricted drivers, get nvidia drievrs there. done09:16
Triskaidekaphobishadowblade: excellent!09:16
wols_Iggz: not if it resizes09:16
chiefwols_: restricted drivers from where?09:16
wols_chief: System . Administration09:17
IggzGreat - and it wont cause any difficulties in WIndows? ie with the windows registry looking for programs which will no longer be where it thinks they are?09:17
chiefwols_: nvidia-glx-new is not enabled.09:17
wols_chief: then "enable" it?09:17
chieflol how ?09:18
wols_how do you install stuff?09:18
VSpikeIggz: the resizing is transparent to windows, but backup any essential data first09:18
wols_become administrator, enable it09:18
VSpikeIggz: it's pretty reliable, but any disk operation like that is fallible, e.g if the power fails half-way through09:18
chiefwols_: there is no package nvidia-glx-new in the package manager ;)09:18
IggzThank you VSpike.09:19
wols_but in restricted drivers there is09:19
chiefnot on this box09:19
IggzAnyway, I can always reinstall xp I suppose - as long as any other data is left in tact  :-)09:20
barthjxfce will be upgraded to 4.4.2 or i have to w8 till HARDY?09:22
GekoneBuongiorno a tutti.09:23
IggzkK, Last daft question - and its really daft I know - how  long does ubuntu take to rezise the partion?09:23
dgjones!it | Gekone09:23
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
ubotuGekone: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:23
wols_Iggz: depends on your harddisk size, speed, etc. can't give a number09:24
wols_barthj: you will have to wait09:24
barthji see, thanks09:25
chiefwols_: so you can see why I'm a little confused then, seeing as things aren't where there supposed to be.09:25
Pirate_Hunterhi can someone tell me how to make gusty pick up my cpu correct reading? It shows I'm running at 2.80GHZ but that's wrong because my prescot is a 3.20Ghz09:26
ali1234hey, what do you know. i set the nic back to eth0, updated the MAC on the dhcp server and now it works09:26
bullgard4What are 'QUIRKS' in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-suspend-hybrid?09:26
rgnrhello ppl09:27
rgnrgotta quest09:27
rgnrwhich is thwe vest torrent client for ybuntu gnome?09:27
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.09:27
z9999Does anyone know where the contacts list for evolution is stored?09:28
wols_Pirate_Hunter: cat /proc/cpuinfo09:28
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the GNOME Quit dialog ('System' > 'Quit')?09:28
rgnrwols_:  I mean good09:28
wols_Pirate_Hunter: what's there is the right value, no matter what you think09:28
genericguyCan someone help me out with this problem: I cant add my JRE (which I just downloaded from Sun) to OpenOffice, it just says it isn't a runtime enviro.09:28
rgnrwols_:  ktorrent is not good for gnome09:28
rgnrwols_:  what about deluge or qbittorrent09:29
chiefwols_: like the restricted drivers software is suppose to have some sort of admin button, it doesn't exist09:29
wols_genericguy: why do you use download it from sun when ubuntu has a perfectly find package?09:29
sasha_how can i see my mainboard version ?09:29
genericguywols_: because it didn't work either:(09:29
bullgard4genericguy: You should not download it from Sun but rather from the Ubuntu repostories. This will work.09:29
wols_sasha_: usually you can't. you can try dmidecode09:29
genericguybut it didnt09:29
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:30
Pirate_Hunterwols_: ok will check it out it is just annoying that my cpu is running below the recommended spec and spikes when it reaches 3.20Ghz :(09:30
wols_genericguy: you sure openoffice (the ubuntu version!) is compiled with java support?09:30
sasha_ok tnx09:31
genericguywols_: its the deb from the repos, installed using synpatic09:31
Pirate_Hunterwols_: I can't open it, it keeps changing and asks me to reload si there a way around it09:32
raCkz0rgood nigth09:33
raCkz0rany here alive?09:33
barth_jgood morning :]09:34
gordonjcpthat rackz0r dude didn't hang around long09:34
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know what is proposed updates  is it ok for me to activate it or is it like backend ports or third party and should be left unticked09:35
sasha_tnx dmidecode works :D09:35
shishirjhaanyone knows how to install openbios?09:35
wols_shishirjha: whay? you most certainly don't have compatible hardware09:36
wols_and openbios is vrey offtopic in ubuntu09:36
onats_is there anyway i can upgrade a pre-release gutsy to the final version, without reinstalling?09:37
VSpikeonats_: the update manager should do it for you I think09:37
VSpikeonats_: in other words, it should already have happened09:38
onats_vspike, it's telling me it can only do a partial upgrade...09:38
endofnitesudo apt-get upgrade09:38
VSpikeonats_: There may be one package that's stuck or broken.  Best to use the command line and you will see what the problem is09:38
onats_vspike, ill have it download 666 packages first, then i'll retry the upgrade using command line09:39
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the GNOME Quit dialog ('System' > 'Quit')?09:39
VSpikeonats_: sure - it will install what it can, the other packages will stay in the download cache09:40
onats_vspike, yeah... not sure how it works though.. i'm also testing my apt-cacher... should be cached int he server right?09:40
valizashi! What root password is set on an installation made from the Install desktop icon ?09:40
chiefwols_: you could have said add/remove :P09:40
VSpikeonats_: it will be cached in the server and locally too, so your server won't even get hit when you retry from the command line09:41
Armored_Azrael!sudo > valizas09:41
onats_vspike, you using apt-cacher?09:41
valizasArmored_Azrael: because I am asked administration password from the automatic update utility , after the main installation09:42
Armored_AzraelUse your user password for that09:42
valizasArmored_Azrael: thank you09:42
Archoni only need the package "postgresql" in order to run the server, right?09:43
Archonbecause i have it09:43
Archonand nothing happens when i go /etc/init.d/postgresql start09:43
Archonor restart09:43
Archonor stop09:43
VSpikeonats_: not really, but I looked at it.   Will get around to setting it up again09:43
VSpikeonats_: I installed it on one machine, but I'm not sure I did it right.  Then I read that apt-proxy was meant to be better, so will probably remove apt-cache and try that instead09:44
onats_vspike, really? apt-proxy is better? i will take a look...09:46
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reconstructor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:48
kazim59Is reconstructor officially supported?09:48
psypher246hey all. is it just me or are the major issues trying to run an ubuntu gutsy host, with vmware 1.0.4 and just BOOTING a gutsy cd in a guest to install. all i get is the initramfs prompt and a lot of rejecting I/O to offline device errors. my iso's are fine09:49
VSpikeonats_: only going by what I read .. will try and find attribution.  Hold on.09:50
lowden28Hi evrybody - how / were can i make a bootshript - for Jack /qJackctrl automaticly startup with the boot?09:50
VSpikeonats_: OK, admittedly it was from the apt-proxy homepage :D09:51
VSpikeonats_: http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/09:51
VSpikeonats_: also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy09:51
VSpikeonats_: It just says that of all the clones, only apt-cacher is still active and it's not as full featured as apt-proxy09:52
VSpikeonats_: given how mild that it, I'd suggest if you have it working, stick with it, but it's up to you09:52
onats_so you mean to say apt-proxy was the original?09:52
Fethmancan anyone point me to a suspend2 gudie for gutsy?09:53
psypher246oh yes i'd like that one too09:54
onats_fethman, on a laptop?09:54
psypher246me too09:54
onats_me too09:54
onats_that's still not working for me09:54
psypher246suspend2 rocks09:54
=== onats_ is now known as onats
VSpikeonats_: according to that site, yes.  But the original v1 was a shell script and rather slow, hence the clones I guess.  V2 is a python rewrite, but is not released yet.  So actually having read that maybe apt-cacher is a better choice right now09:54
kazim59nobody even knows about reconstructor?09:54
onatsvspike, yes.. that's what i read.. the first one was shell script...09:54
GmacMorning, can anyone recommend a good torrent program, something like utorrent? tried Azure but it kept locking09:55
FluxDGmac: deluge09:55
psypher246ktorrent isawesome09:55
GmacFluxD: Thanks09:55
VSpikektorrent is really good if you have kde installed09:55
Gmacuse to use Ktorrent, had to install the kde library's etc?09:56
psypher246don't even if u use gnome09:56
Gmacone other quick question - old Ubuntu use to have sticky notes?09:56
Gmacnow its got Tomboy?09:56
AyabaraI use pidigin without tabbed chats. New chat windows are always placed on top of the last created one. Is there a way to make the windows behave like other apps -> get placed on free desktop space.09:56
VSpikeGmac: yeah if you don't have kde installed, or any kde apps, then the first kde app you install will pull in a bunch of kde libs.  And the first kde app you run will load a bunch of kde libs09:57
GmacVSpike: right, will avoid KDE programs - they should have a split on the repo?09:57
VSpikeGmac: if you have a reasonably fast machine, a large drive, and no obsession with purity or one true desktop, it's not a problem though :)09:57
FethmanHmm so maybe there is no guide for suspend2. I'll try to do it following the gentoo guide then I may write one :)09:57
psypher246i use kde progs all the time, see no diffrence, ktorrent k3b, all good09:58
psypher246only run gnome, ever09:58
VSpikeI'm using konversation and amarok, k3b, ktorrent09:58
VSpikeI don't notice any delay in loading09:59
psypher246does anyone know why i can't even BOOT a gutsy cd oin vmware09:59
Armored_Azraelpsypher246: You need to give more detail on your problem before someone can help you--there aren't any issues with Gutsy and VMWare to my knowledge. It's most likely a vm misconfiguration10:00
VSpikeI do see some odd things sometimes though.  If I click a url in konversation, firefox opens up something like file:///var/tmp/kdecache-johncc/krun/30082.0.CommonQuestions10:00
Sarahow r u?10:01
psypher246k, running gutsy as host, vmware 1.0.4 server and trying to boot gutsy desktop in vmware as guest10:01
Armored_AzraelWhat error does it give/at what point does it hang?10:02
psypher246only boots initramfs, like the STOOPID jeos but in this case using ide does not work10:02
cyberfinmornin... where can I ask a question abouta wlan config issue?10:03
psypher246get a lot of driev cache write through errors10:03
Armored_AzraelDo you perhaps have a resizable disk image but not enough space on your drive for it?10:04
lowden28Hi evrybody - how / were can i make a bootshript - for Jack /qJackctrl automaticly startup with the boot?10:04
psypher246i think so10:04
psypher246was bout to mention that10:04
psypher246busy clearing space to see if thats the problems10:04
psypher246btw, how do i quote yr name when i reply?10:04
VSpikepsypher246: i most clients you use tab completion10:05
cyberfinok I'll just ask: I'm trying to config a rt2500 chipset usb wireless stick... after uninstalling the network manager and manually setting the config in /etc/network/interfaces, restaring the service, I get this message: ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device10:06
=== sal_ is now known as justafish
=== gaurav__ is now known as gaurav_
F1rs7l1n3koi e admina na mrejata10:06
VSpikepsypher246: :)10:06
psypher246VSpike: thanks dude10:06
VSpikepsypher246: yw10:06
F1rs7l1n3Wht Is NeTwOrK DeVeLoPeR10:07
cyberfincan anyone throw me a bone pls?10:07
F1rs7l1n3Why Is NeTwOrK DeVeLoPeR10:07
FluxDpsypher246: kinda offtopic but tried with virtualbox?10:07
psypher246btw why would my scripts menu in nautllus suddenly disspear10:07
psypher246VSpike:  yes i have tried vb. it's cool10:07
psypher246cyberfin: whats up10:07
cyberfinok I'll just ask: I'm trying to config a rt2500 chipset usb wireless stick... after uninstalling the network manager and manually setting the config in /etc/network/interfaces, restaring the service, I get this message: ra0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device10:07
willowahhhh... where am i now?10:08
cyberfinthat :(10:08
ubotuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently10:08
=== wpk is now known as bogiem
FluxDpsypher246: make tsure they are executable?10:08
=== bogiem is now known as wpk
CyberMadhow to add some microsoft windows font on ubuntu? where i should copy the fonts on ubuntu?10:08
dgjones!fonts | CyberMad10:08
ubotuCyberMad: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:08
willowahh.. big words in here10:08
psypher246FluxD: the menu option is gone10:09
cyberfinI also tried in calling it rausb0 instead of ra0 but to no avail10:09
psypher246cyberfin: sorry thas a little over my head10:09
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=== mistrzem is now known as wpk
FluxDpsypher246: rightclick option?10:10
cyberfinany idea where I can find a geek to ask? (more than myself)10:10
psypher246FluxD: yup10:10
bullgard4What are 'QUIRKS' in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-power-suspend-hybrid?10:10
FluxDpsypher246: /home/name/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts10:11
psypher246should they be owned by root???10:11
Gmacalso, anyone recommend some good Gnome CD/DVD burning tools10:12
Gmactheir was one program which had a rather cheerful tune but for life of me can't remeber the name10:13
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:14
psypher246FluxD: dang, dunno how just those files were owned by root, but made me owner and it's back10:14
FluxDpsypher246: :)10:15
willowhow do i get out of this place?10:16
psypher246willow: are u lots10:16
willowvery lost10:16
bonzaivoyage /exit maybe? lol, i think so10:16
psypher246where do u need directions too?10:16
willowi dont no10:16
willowim so confused10:17
Armored_AzraelWhat are you trying to do?10:17
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the GNOME Quit dialog ('System' > 'Quit')?10:17
ticketinghi everybody10:17
willow...i dont no10:17
Amaranthbullgard4: That's not a separate program, it's a part of gnome-session10:17
Amaranthwillow: To leave close the window10:17
willowi had a reason for being here but now im lost and confused10:17
ticketingi`m newby avout linux, can someone tell me how to install canon pixma ip100010:18
ticketingfind driver and install it10:18
bullgard4Amaranth: Can you tell me where I would find the source code of /usr/bin/gnome-session?10:19
FluxD!print | ticketing10:20
ubotuticketing: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:20
kazim59I've inserted Ubuntu LiveCD and I want to create an .iso for the CD.... Do I use mkisofs? and how?10:21
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:21
* dgjones wonders if ompaul has become a bot :)10:24
ompaulhighly unlikely10:24
gandalfbei meinem Ubuntu fehlt der Ausschaltknopf - nur Ruhezustand und Login wechseln. Hat jemand 'ne Idee?10:24
ompaul!de | ganadist10:24
ompaul!de | gandalf10:25
Lumpy^is there a gui for config vsftpd?10:25
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:25
ubotuganadist: please see above10:25
ubotugandalf: please see above10:25
maxsofthi all. I need filter the tpc/ip packet to prohibe user upload file. in this way I like filter <input type="file" is it possible?10:27
maren_could anyone be so kind and tell me on which channel I can ask questions about music players, etc?10:27
=== dev1_bpocanada is now known as dev_taral
esoxHi, I need help to compile fglrx kernel modules, I have an error...10:28
=== greedo_ is now known as greedo
ompaulmaren_, you can ask specific questions for help but a lot of players have their own channel10:29
celoserpadoes anyone know where I can find a high-resolution (1280x1024) version of the famous tux vs msn butterfly wallpaper?10:29
kazim59I want to copy ubuntu live cd as an iso.... mkisofs -o myiso.iso /media/cdrom .... is this sufficient? or do I need to add -r option too?10:29
ompaulceloserpa, if only there was a way to search the internet10:29
zoidberg_guys has anyone here used the Prosper package for making slides?10:31
zoidberg_can anyone help me out?10:31
esoxhello, I have an error when compiling fglrx kernel modules10:31
zoidberg_i just installed prosper using apt-get...but how do i run it?10:31
Trogdor3634Question: If I mount an NTFS partition using gparted with NTFS-3G installed, is there any magic word I need to say to avoid it mounting as a read-only partition?10:31
void^kazim59: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=your.iso10:31
celoserpaompaul, I couldn't find the high resolution image10:32
FluxDzoidberg_: in terminal type in proper?10:32
FluxDzoidberg_: in terminal type in prosper?10:32
wersis there an app that would let the edges of my screen work like the ones in os x? I mean, if I want my desktop to be shown whenever my mouse touches the lower left edge of the screen10:33
kazim59void^: does that make an exact bootable copy?10:33
zoidberg_when i type that in terminal it says command not found10:33
void^kazim59: yes.10:33
zoidberg_FluxD, when i type that in terminal it says command not found10:33
maren_I have a question about my listen music player. I checked the forums + google but my brain can't work out the information propperly..:) Can anyone tell me if it's possible to add crossfade to listen music player?10:33
FluxDTrogdor3634: I am not sure but I think there is an option in ntfs-3g for read only access too10:33
void^!info prosper10:33
wols_zoidberg_: dpkg -L prosper |grep bin10:33
ubotuprosper: LaTeX class for writing transparencies. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.00.4+cvs.2007.05.01-1 (gutsy), package size 438 kB, installed size 1004 kB10:33
void^zoidberg_: doesn't sound like a program you can run.10:34
zoidberg_wols_, what does that do?10:34
FluxDmaren_: not sure why dont u try a player like xmms or amarok?10:34
bullgard4Can you tell me where I would find the source code of /usr/bin/gnome-session?10:35
zoidberg_wols_, are u there?10:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:36
bullgard4Wo befindet sich der Sourcecode von /usr/bin/gnome-session?10:36
Trogdor3634FluxD: Ahh, I have to run NTFS-3G with console commands to get any use out of it?10:36
wols_zoidberg_: man dpkg and find out10:36
wersI enabled subpixel font rendering. my fonts look nice but openoffice.org's UI fonts are not rendered10:36
wersany ideas?10:36
FluxDTrogdor3634: are u on gutsy?10:36
maren_FluxD: well, because listen is a very handy programm to create playlists from different sources while music is already running.. I have to play the music for a party toninght ;-)10:36
rglI'm trying to install 7.10 over two disks in raid1 using the server install cd, but I don't see anything with the word RAID in the install program, can you guys point me in the right direction?10:37
FluxDmaren_: http://www.besttechie.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=7553&mode=threaded YES it does :)10:37
Trogdor3634fluxd - I'm testing out a live distribution, knoppix and later gutsy, where I'm trying to put a package together which can recreate a small boot.ini file in a windows XP partition, in as few steps as possible10:38
zoidberg_wols_, but why would i need to dpkg it? shouldnt apt-get install install it for me?10:38
maren_FluxD_: yey - thanks a lot!! I'll try me best :)10:38
b4l74z4ri've tried installing flash thru the add/remove in the applications menu, in synaptic package manager and in terminal with apt-get, but it just creates the directory "flashplugin-nonfree" in /usr/lib, but theres no file inside it10:38
rglshould I just use the alternate install cd?10:38
FluxDzoidberg_: texlive is the package u need10:38
Trogdor3634FluxD: currently just learning what I can about NTFS-3G. Is it automatically configured for write access on gutsy by any means?10:39
FluxDmaren_: good luck at ur performance :)10:39
chiefI've got a smallish problem with my monitor the preset for it philips 107b is incorrect, how would I set it properly10:39
FluxDTrogdor3634: a sec10:39
zoidberg_FluxD, why?10:39
MicheruTrogdor3634: well mine seems to10:39
FluxDzoidberg_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/tex/texlive10:39
Trogdor3634Micheru: for WRITE access as well?10:40
schoneis there a way to reinstall ubuntu without having to repartition?10:40
MicheruTrogdor3634: i will have to double check gimme a sec10:40
zoidberg_FluxD, the thing is i've already use prosper on another computer that had it installed...i'm familiar with it...i just never ran it on my ubuntu machine10:40
Trogdor3634Micheru: there are several packages that do writing and partition resizing, without actually being capable of writing normally10:40
Trogdor3634Micheru: sry, *reading and partition resizing10:40
FluxDTrogdor3634: u can make ntfs-3g read only or write permissible too10:41
FluxDTrogdor3634: read this http://www.debianadmin.com/mount-your-widows-partitions-and-make-it-readwritable-in-ubuntu.html10:41
FluxDTrogdor3634: also gutsy coes with ntfs-3g already10:41
MicheruTrogdor3634: i just plugged in a ntfs drive lets see if i can write10:41
GmacGnome menu entries, any ideas how i can remove short cuts - the proper menu manager doesn't want to delete them10:41
MicheruTrogdor3634: yup it works10:42
Micheruand i havn't touched it10:42
schonecan anyone help with reinstalling ubuntu on the partition and still keeping windows ?10:42
FluxDzoidberg_: checking10:43
jariep1_can someone help with making a clickable sh file10:43
FluxDjariep1_: give it executable permission10:44
Trogdor3634Micheru: thxMicheru: thanks10:44
Trogdor3634FluxD: thx10:44
FluxDTrogdor3634: np10:44
MicheruTrogdor3634: np10:44
netsrotHi, is there a good way to autorun cpufreq-selector and fancontrol?10:44
jariep1_thanks FluxD10:45
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:45
FluxDnp jariep1_10:45
ZeroA4schone, same partition ? not recommended...10:46
schoneCan you reinstall a fresh copy of ubuntu and keep the intial partition?10:46
schoneWhats the best way without having to reformat the whole drive?10:47
ZeroA4schone, what do you mean ?10:47
FluxDschone: it already has windows and ubuntu and u want to reinstall ubuntu?10:47
supbrosup bro has officially joined #ubuntu10:47
bullgard4Can you tell me where I would find the source code of /usr/bin/gnome-session?10:47
schoneYes, I have played around with the themes with ubuntu and have messed it up a bit so I would like to start fresh again...10:48
riotkittieschone: yes, you can keep the initial partition. /home will be wiped out tho, so if you want to keep that, create a new partition, cp -aRp /home to the new partition prior to the reinstall10:48
riotkittieand then select that new partition to mount as /home during the new install10:48
netsrotis there any ubuntu channel for power users?10:48
riotkittienetsrot: no.10:48
ali1234schone: just delete your settings. no need to reinstall.10:48
riotkittienetsrot: you're in it. :x10:48
schonehow do u do that ali1234?10:48
bullgard4netsrot: Define a 'power user of Ubuntu'.10:49
ZeroA4netsrot, this one and power users are suposed to help new ones :)10:49
netsrotbullgard4: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerUsers?highlight=%28power%2910:49
void^bullgard4: apt-get source gnome-session if you have source repos enabled10:49
supbrosup bro was an all county lineman in 1995 and had 15 tackles for losses10:49
ali1234schone: first log out. then press ctrl-alt-f1. log in to the console that appears.10:49
FluxDzoidberg_: how did u run it before?10:49
maren_FluxD_:ach, it's me again about my listen-crossfade-problem.. On the link you set me I could see that this feature is surpported, but it really is not an option in the listen menus at my version (0.5). Is there a way that I can add it as a plug, eg?10:49
tichwhat are the best plugins for watching video?  right now i am using the totem plugins but the controls/fullscreen doesn't work very well?10:50
tichis there a way to adjust the settings?10:50
supbroso if sup bro writes on thischannel you better say "sup bro?" and sup bro might respond to you if you are lucky10:50
tichfor totem plugins?10:50
FluxDmaren_: looking10:50
ali1234schone: then, "mkdir config-backup && mv .* config-backup"10:50
supbrosup bro didn't become an all county lineman by taking crap10:51
riotkittiesupbro should stop trolling.10:51
dgjones!offtopic | supbro10:51
ubotusupbro: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:51
ali1234schone:  then "exit" and press ctrl-right arrow until you get back to gdm. now log in and you will be back to default settings10:51
ali1234schone: so in other words, move all the hidden files from your homedir into a safe location10:52
ali1234schone: and on next login they will be reset to defaults10:52
supbrook bro, sup bro doesnt know what ubuntu is, but sup bro isnt ignorant, so bro, tell me, what this bro?10:53
schonenice thanks man10:53
bazhangsupbro: please stop10:53
schoneso whats the best and safest theme to play with10:53
FluxDmaren_: seems like it was added then removed :( u probably have to downgrade10:54
supbrothis is bullsh*t bro. sup bro thinks that you are jealous because you were too small to play football10:55
riotkittieschone: best is a relative term, depends on your taste. any of the themes available on gnome-look.org, or art.gnome.org [.com?[] or freshmeat should be fine10:55
bullgard4void^: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19339/10:56
NineTeen67CometHello all .. any suggestions where to start looking for problems with my Ubuntu Server box? Ram is good, hdd are all good, CPU/Mobo are good (far as I can tell) .. and there isn't dille'o for logs .. but it just quits randomly .. help?10:56
supbrosup bro was all county in 1995 for defensive tackle. you were all county channel chatter10:56
void^bullgard4: try ls10:57
bazhangNineTeen67Comet: you might ask in #ubuntu-server10:57
wols_NineTeen67Comet: set up remote logging or a serial console10:57
inflexWhat's a DVD backup/ripping tool for Linux?  Tired of scratching up my DVD's :(10:57
maren_FluxD_: wow.. that's no good news here for me. But good to know at least.. well then I suppose I'll have to give amarok a try then now again. Still have to write the welcome-speech and my hamster escaped out of his cage. *lol* what a day! Thanks FluxD :D10:57
supbrosup bro had 5 sacks total in 1995 in addition to his 15 tackles for losess10:58
NineTeen67Cometbazhang: thanks .. I'll peek .. wols_ I've been having several ssh terminals open running messages, dmesg and top to see what might be freaking out just before bonk ..10:58
dgjones!ops | supbro (Trolling and offtopic)10:58
ubotusupbro (Trolling and offtopic): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:58
bazhangNineTeen67Comet: people here may know as well--just a suggestion :}10:58
FluxDnp maren_ :)10:58
NineTeen67CometI'm peeking in on both .. Most of the time in here there are more people, but not many realize Ubuntu Server is headless .. so I get a load of GUI help .. lol10:59
riotkittiethank you.10:59
mikebeechamhi there.....I installed an icon theme (amora) but it's not showing up in usr/share/icons...where else would it be?10:59
riotkittiemikebeecham: ~/.icons, maybe ?11:00
Mezmikebeecham, was it through synaptic?11:00
FluxDmikebeecham: as riotkittie said usually in~/.icons11:00
mikebeechamMez: no...I dragged the tar.gz file into the preferences screen11:00
mikebeechamand what is ~/.icons?11:00
mikebeechamsorry...new user11:00
FluxDmikebeecham: /home/usernmae/.icons11:01
mikebeechamFluxD: nope...no .icons folder11:01
riotkittiemikebeecham: it's a hidden directory in your home directory. CTRL + H in nautilus will show hidden folders11:01
mikebeechamriotkittie: nice one...thanks11:02
riotkittiemikebeecham: yw. anything beginning with a "." is hidden, just so you know11:02
mikebeechamquestion.....if I installed an icon theme, and it has also changed the volume up/down panel that appears in the centre of the screen...how do I get that back to default?11:03
riotkittiethat i am not sure of, so i wont answer, lest i say something truly stupid ;)11:03
FluxDmikebeecham: the volume dragging bar?11:04
supbrohey bro, sup bro thinks that that was bullsh*11:04
mikebeechamFluxD: yes11:04
mikebeechamwhen you hitu p or down on the keyboard, it appears on screen11:04
ticketinghello every body, i have problem with my printer. can anybody tell me, what must i do, with my printer canon pixma ip1000, that can be used with my Ubuntu(7.04)11:05
FluxDmikebeecham: not for me :/11:05
supbrosup bro didn't become an all county lineman by taking crap11:05
FluxD!ops | supbro11:06
ubotusupbro: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!11:06
RaNdYHi, would anybody know what happened to my HD cause my laptop gives 3 beeps when it opens and just halt. I was doing a linux install then partitioning my drive: delete all partition then save: suddenly my batt run out. Then when I tried to open it didnt work. I think I have not set no partitions marked as bootable. How can I repair it?11:06
chiefI've got a smallish problem with my monitor the preset for it philips 107b is incorrect, how would I set it properly11:07
ticketinghello every body, i have problem with my printer. can anybody tell me, what must i do, with my printer canon pixma ip1000, that can be used with my Ubuntu(7.04)%C411:07
ZeroA4RaNdY, it should boot from CD and from there you should be able to install normaly11:07
ticketing%C4hello every body, i have problem with my printer. can anybody tell me, what must i do, with my printer canon pixma ip1000, that can be used with my Ubuntu(7.04)11:08
FluxDticketing: did u read the cups article ubotu showed earlier?11:08
brobostigonhi, good morning.11:08
FluxD!print | ticketing11:08
ubotuticketing: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:08
RaNdYZeroA4, But my problem is that I can't override the BIOS settings. It won't get inside. Just gives me 3 beeps and halt. Already set 1st boot to CD.11:08
mikebeechamok...possibly an easier one...how do i change the ubuntu logo on the taskbar?11:08
FluxDmikebeecham: look through gconf-editor11:09
ZeroA4RaNdY, that bad... but if it is already to boot CD 1st why you need to overide it?11:10
mikebeechamFluxD: tried that, but it did not work11:10
mikebeechamticked 'use custom icon' and also put in the path of the icon itself11:10
RaNdYZeroA4, cause the laptop just halt.11:10
RaNdYZeroA4, already did try to replace the HD and it works fine on 1st boot CD.11:11
FluxDmikebeecham: http://www.natewelch.com/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=4111:11
RaNdYThe problem is that, can I still use the old HD?11:12
frojndhow can I find a file name called: John zappa.mp3 ?11:12
ZeroA4RaNdY, you may need to reformat it11:12
mikebeechamFluxD: I tried that and it did not work :(11:13
RaNdYHow? I can't access it anywhere. Tried plugging it into a XP box with USB Enclousre. It was recognized but no drives showing on the list.11:13
FluxDmikebeecham: sorry no other ideas11:13
blue42Hello can you use the KDE desktop on ubuntu? If so how?11:14
FluxD!kde | blue4211:14
ubotublue42: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.11:14
bullgard4void^: After the download which you suggested Gnome Search Tool finds several new files having 'gnome-session' in their filenames. Still I do not know which file contains the source code of /usr/bin/gnome-session.  Any help?11:14
frojndanyone ?11:14
sarniakhi ;)11:14
frojndhow can I find in a command line, file name called frank zappa.mp311:15
blue42thanks ubotu11:15
FluxDfrojnd: type in gnome-search-tool in terminal and search11:15
brobostigonblue42: ubotu is a bot, not a real person11:15
bullgard4frojnd: Use the command find11:16
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FluxDbullgard4: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-session/11:16
blue42he still has feeling though11:16
thomas_Hi @ ALL11:17
sarniakIs there a way to check if a word is noun verb, or adj. using dict, or is there any other command line dictionary, which can do that11:17
schoneali1234: for some reason when I add in a new theme the window border is still constant with the old theme I intially installed11:17
FluxDsarniak: m-w.com ?11:17
sarniakFluxD: This not exactly what I'm looking for - i need something in command line, cause I will use this in my phyton script11:19
FlynsarmyHow would i zip several different folders from the terminal? eg zip myzip folderA, folderB, folderC11:19
sarniakFluxD: I could use this page and curl for phyton, but using command line is much easier11:20
Guest16155hello, someone here ?11:21
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:21
schoneIs there a work around on when I apply a theme everything changes except the window borders?11:21
v-dogggood morning everyone. anybody can help me with a grub problem? I just installed 7.10 to a second hd but now I can't boot any OS. grub is saying "cannot mount the selected partiotion" or something like that11:21
FluxDsarniak: isnt there a httplib u cn use?11:22
Guest16155hello, latly i installed apache server on my ubuntu & i also set a .htaccess file for the apache folder, when i type wrong username or password i get the "401 Authorization Required" window, in this window the "hacker" can find my ubuntu & apache version , how can i fix this ?11:22
v-dogginstallation said grub is going to be installed on hd011:22
ali1234schone: emerald themes?11:22
sigmaanyone here know how to activate the tv out on the xorg radeon driver using xrandr?11:23
FluxDv-dogg: what else u had?11:23
sarniakFluxD: i don't kow what httplib is, but i will check ;)11:23
v-doggFluxD: two ntfs partitions for winxp11:24
FluxDsarniak: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-httplib.html11:24
mikebeechamnothing I do changes the Menu icon11:24
FluxD!grub | v-dogg11:24
ubotuv-dogg: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:24
sarniakFluxD: thanks11:25
schoneali1234: i do have that installed is there a way to uninstall it11:25
FluxDsarniak: I think its like curl in python11:25
seekwhat's up?11:25
sigmabecause it don't work for me - xrandr always shows s-video disconnected every when its plugged in2 the tv11:25
ali1234schone: don't know, i dont really use themes so dont know how it works11:26
fevelI have a turion 64x2 processor, should I be installing a 64 bit system or should I stick to 32 bit Ubuntu?11:26
Guest16155how can i change the "401 Authorization Required" window on apache server ?11:26
FluxDGuest16155: change perms in .htaccess ?11:26
ere4sifevel: unless you're experienced go with the 3211:27
schoneali1234: so there is no way to go back to square one with all your ubuntu settings?11:27
brobostigon64bit is like powerpc, it limits the software you can use and run.11:27
fevelere4si, wont that leave good parts of what my machine is capable of not working?11:28
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Guest16155FluxD: when user type wrong password or username he get to the "401 Authorization Required", on the bottom of this page the version of my apache & ubuntu system , i dont want users to know this information how can i fix it ?11:28
ere4sifevel: takes some work to get those enabled. - 64 bit is still new.11:28
ali1234schone: i think for system wide configs there is a trick you can do using apt, but i'm not sure what it is...11:28
fevelere4si, I see11:29
FluxDGuest16155: http://www.petefreitag.com/item/505.cfm11:29
Lankencan I have different keyboard layouts (a la setxkbmap) in different applications?11:31
void^bullgard4: the source should have been downloaded and extracted to the current directory, where you ran apt-get source.11:31
sigmadoes anyone know how to force xorg tv out detection?11:33
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bullgard4void^: Yes, I can confirm this.11:34
externniemand da11:35
sigmaso no one knows how to force xorg tv detection?11:36
brobostigoni dont , sorry, sigma11:36
ozfinngeekhi all11:37
ozfinngeekquick question11:37
FluxDask away ozfinngeek11:38
ozfinngeekhow do I find out what version of my ati restricted driver i am running11:38
brobostigonozfinngeek, goahead11:38
bullgard4void^: I was told that 'gnome-session' calls the GNOME Quit dialog. I would like to find the source code line which confirms that. But the ~/gnome-session-2.20.1 directory contains many files. How to narrow down my search for it?11:39
ozfinngeeki googled my brains out, i just want a version number so i can decide to update or not11:40
bullgard4ozfinngeek: In a Gnome terminal type 'uname -r'11:41
naxahi! my computer keeps hanging up, and often suddenly restarts! Please help!11:41
ozfinngeekthanks, i'll save that info so i don't keep asking the same questions11:41
bullgard4naxa: Analyze dmesg messages.11:41
naxaok, once a terminal starts at last :)11:42
ozfinngeekthat only gave me the kernal version, hmmm11:42
naxabullgard4: terminal exited... :(11:42
naxabullgard4: i cannot start it. i'll try console11:43
emmchi guys... do you know some patchset to optimize kernel for "no preempt" settings... like ck... kamikaze... but not for low latency11:43
mohkohnWhy is it always about 2 hours on my torrent? And at the end it sits on 5 minutes just to torture me?11:44
porkpiehi guy's how do I turn off mysql strict mode  in ubuntu ??11:44
void^bullgard4: i wouldn't know - you'd have to get a little familiar with the code.11:44
bullgard4void^: I will try to become more acquainted with the code.  --  Thank you for your help.11:45
mikebeechamHI (I have spoken to FluxD about this)....does anyone know where I can find the image file relating to the volume image that pops up when you hit volume up or down on your keyboard?11:46
ozfinngeekhow do I find out what version of my ati restricted driver i am running, it is part of an overall troubleshoot with an app11:46
Myrttimikebeecham: someplace in /usr/icons/gnome, I'd suspect11:47
mikebeechamok Myrtti thanskl11:47
Myrttiozfinngeek: lshw might give you some hints11:47
Myrttithough not sure11:47
bullgard4ozfinngeek: I do not know much about restricted drivers. May be it helps to do 'modinfo <driver name>.11:49
ozfinngeekwill try that too11:49
ozfinngeeklshw, very good tool though by the looks11:49
ojsoundray: are u here?11:50
v-doggI still get "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" no matter what I set in grup root(hd2..)11:51
ozfinngeekcool almost there, lshw gave me the mod name and modinfo gave me the file and publisher info but no version number. maybe there is no easy tool and i imagine there is no easy text file to tell me11:53
ozfinngeeki assume that modinfo pulls the mod header for the info11:53
test___how to use ubuntu live cd run open pc after undelete file on ntfs system???11:55
ozfinngeekwow, why would ati hide the version number, that is bizarre11:56
LocksmHi all, I have been spending sometime with ubunto lately trying to get it setup but one thing that eludes me is the wifi part, i use a broadcom netlink wifi. And ive been reading on the forums for a guide on the broadcom wifi, i think its "working" im just unable to get access to my hidden wifi net, its with hidden ssid, wep 128 bit encryption and ascii code. And its on a preselected channel 3..11:56
test___I do and search all win32 platform recovery tool but it's need recovery my file I to test linux system recovery on ntfs partition11:57
v-doggdoesn't the 7.10 live cd have some "rescue" option?11:57
LocksmIm almost running out of hope, untill i chose this option11:57
AprilHarei just installed ubuntu today - i think the bit where half of my memory has disappeared is worrying me more (and not ubuntus fault)11:57
test___v-dogg rescue is command or live cd open options??11:58
v-doggopen option11:58
test___I idea undelete open live ubuntu cd after recovery on ntfs partition? rescue for ntfs partition search and recovery right?11:58
bullgard4v-dogg: It does have several rescue options. You need to ask more specifically.11:58
ozfinngeekany thanks guys and gals, appreciate the help11:59
maren_Hello everyone! Just having a very simple question about amarok: can anyone tell me how I activate crossfade on the player?12:00
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test___its need ansvery me???12:00
Locksmoh, and ive just had to reinstall windows on my dual partition, but now i lost the boot maneger, am i able to get it back with some tweak, or do i need to reinstall my ubunto once more ?12:01
Locksmnot that its annyoing, when one is learning a new system, its nice to do things over and over so it gets under the nails12:02
dgjones!grub | Locksm12:02
ubotuLocksm: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:02
TipoloskoLocksm: you need to reinstall grub, from the ubuntu cd or other similar ..................... as ubotu said :D12:02
Locksmif that works, i got my heart for you guys or girls!12:03
* AprilHare is using a dual harddisk system - i try removing the small pata harddisk so that it will work with just ubuntu and the system won't boot at all, it won't get past the bios splash screen12:03
mohkohnDoes the alternate-installer run dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda* when it encrypts your harddrive?12:03
AprilHarei guess my motherboard is rather third rate "_12:03
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mohkohnIt seemed to go too fast when I ran it?12:03
nomikei have ubuntu 7.10. There are two network cards. One connected to my corporate lan and one connected to a WLAN Router (via Cable)12:04
mohkohnselected encrypted root and lvm I mean.12:04
Locksmcrap then there is the issue with me not having wifi support untill i get it fixed, so i basicly have to jump to a rj45 for this proceddure12:04
nomikeI sat up a few routes and now want to make them permanent (still be there on reboot)12:04
nomikeany suggestions how this can be done?12:04
AprilHareits strange my system reports two ethernet cards when the only ethernet is two ports built-in to the motherboard12:04
Locksmor can i fix the boot issue from my windows ?12:05
AprilHareof course, my motherboard has weirdness beyond that - it is technically capable of booting windows xp but most definitely won't - hence my interest in ubuntu - however I am unsure how to configure qemu to boot off my windows harddisk12:05
AprilHarethereby bypassing motherboard weirdness (potentially)12:06
wols_Locksm: you can download the needed packages in windows and copy the over to ubuntu12:06
kbrooksmohkohn, doubt it, that would take forever.12:06
mohkohnabout six hours on my laptop12:06
wols_nomike: man interfaces12:07
kbrooksmohkohn, by forever, that means a long time12:07
mohkohnDebian takes about 3 hours to do that step so they are definitely doing some randomisation.12:07
kbrooksmohkohn, 6 hours is a long time, so ...12:07
mohkohnkbrooks, you young people have such short attention spans! ;)12:08
kbrooksmohkohn, what's an attention span? seriously.12:08
AprilHaremohkohn: don't ask me you've lost me :P12:08
mohkohnwith the alternate installer is there an option to choose "expert vga=771" like in debian?12:09
kbrooksmohkohn, can you answer my question?12:10
mohkohnI downloaded gutsy last weekend from Thailand. The md5sums matched but It had corrupt files. Must of been the cd I burned.12:11
mohkohnkbrooks...I am old and senile. I don't have one either!12:11
kbrooksmohkohn, what _is_ an attention span?12:12
* AprilHare gives up on qemu and tries wine12:12
mohkohnattention span= the ability to concentrate for a period of time12:13
v-doggI'm still totally lost here.. I've re-installed grub and tried to alter boot commands using 'e' command but no matter what I set I get "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" :(12:13
Fernando2djoin #villas12:13
kbrooksmohkohn, how don't i have that ability? furthermore, how do you even come to saying that12:13
mohkohnI am not serious here. Anyway I will get back on topic.12:13
kbrooksmohkohn, ok12:14
* AprilHare points out the need for dead seriousness in IRC12:15
AprilHarenext someone will say women *have* to be real women or something12:15
grindcore_i have Ati radeon xpress 1250 and I've done everything what i should for ''Enabling Compiz Fusion On An Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop'' and everytime when I want to turn on custom effects I end up with message ''The Composite extension is not available'' can someone help me please? thanks12:15
lnx^hi, is anyone aware of a suspend2-enabled kernel repository for gutsy? the default suspend/resume is way too slow, and without suspend2 in the kernel i won't dare to upgrade to 7.1012:16
mohkohnin seriousness does the alternate-installer have an 'expert vga=771' setting so I can drop to a shell?12:16
riotkittiegrindcore_: which driver are you using? fglrx?12:19
jribv-dogg: pastebin your fstab and menu.lst12:19
ganeshhegdehow to change the screen saver?12:19
jribganeshhegde: system -> preferences -> screensaver12:20
* AprilHare points out most problems can be solved via rubber chicken12:20
v-doggjrib: comming right up, have to boot the live cd12:20
ricaneliteis it possible to stream videos, Music, Photos from linux to a Xbox 360 console?12:21
grindcore_riotkittie - sorry i was away - yes this one12:21
ricaneliteLike I do using Windows on Media Center?12:21
tarelerulzwell, programs running under wine are fun. I just try playing a img file with a media player and my screen went black .and I had to click on stuff ot make it to where I could see stuff12:21
AprilHareis that the fault of wine, or the user?12:22
tarelerulzme thinking that would be a good idea12:23
tarelerulzand the wine for not running the program well enough12:23
tarelerulzno matter I like messing thinks up12:24
grindcore_riotkittie - u know where can be the problem ?12:24
AprilHarewhats 'well enough' when its a windoze program?12:24
tarelerulzWell, if you tell me a program that reads  rar files and see the movies inside them as one12:24
tarelerulzand I am game12:25
davidwinterhi all12:25
davidwinterdoes anyone know of a good font browser for Ubuntu?12:26
AprilHaretry double clicking on a font12:26
jribDarbus: what about it?12:26
AprilHarethe default font app isn't half bad12:26
tarelerulzThe program I use I don't have to unrar them it sees the movie  that is broken up int a bunch of small rar files12:26
tarelerulzpretty helpful12:27
grindcore_i have Ati radeon xpress 1250 and I've done everything what i should for ''Enabling Compiz Fusion On An Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop'' and everytime when I want to turn on custom effects I end up with message ''The Composite extension is not available'' can someone help me please? thanks12:27
v-doggjrib: uhmm... mounted my linux partition and /etc/fstab there looks like this: http://pastebin.com/d2df52cd212:27
jribuebi: /quit12:27
v-doggjrib: this seems like the problem, right?12:27
AprilHare /join #012:27
tarelerulzHow is vlc ?12:27
tarelerulzI have used it a bit12:27
jribv-dogg: I meant for the ubuntu install you have.  This has to be the livecd12:27
AprilHareVLC blows donkeys12:27
brobostigonvlc playes pretty much anyhting12:28
astro76!language | AprilHare12:28
ubotuAprilHare: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:28
AprilHarei have had nothing but grief from the use of vlc12:28
auraxi'm trying to type: shutdown -r now but nothing happens, any idea?12:28
aurax'shutdown -r now'12:28
tarelerulzvlc blows donkeys I thought it was a media player12:28
AprilHareastro76: there is something wrong with blowing on a donkey?12:28
davidwinterI have 300+ fonts, so double clicking on them all to preview them is out of the question really.12:29
brobostigonvlc will play almost any wideo or music file you will ever come across.12:29
auraxvlc rox12:29
dgjonesaurax, you may need to use "sudo shutdown -h now"12:29
astro76AprilHare, yeah say it again and see how long you last12:29
tarelerulzvlc plays img files which is for dvd iso12:29
auraxastro76 i'm in as root12:29
francesco_Hello, guys.12:29
francesco_I have a question.12:29
ZeroA4AprilHare, what the problem with vlc ?12:29
IdleOne!language | tarelerulz AprilHare enough with the expressions please12:29
ubotutarelerulz AprilHare enough with the expressions please: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:29
IdleOne!language | tarelerulz AprilHare enough with the expressions please12:29
tarelerulzsorry all12:29
francesco_I have Ubuntu, and I need to install KDE environment. I can I do that without installing Kubuntu?12:30
jribv-dogg: do 'sudo fdisk -l'12:30
v-doggjrib: no I mounted the linux partition... http://pastebin.com/d205eac8b12:30
jrib!kde > francesco_ (read the private message from ubotu)12:30
IdleOnefrancesco_: install kubuntu-desktop12:30
tarelerulzthat is one thing I have not done is install KDE in a longtime12:30
brobostigonfrancesco: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop12:30
syndr0is it possible to change filesystems on my ubuntu partition without reformatting?12:31
jribv-dogg: you want cat /mnt/root/etc/fstab12:31
void^syndr0: no.12:31
syndr0void^, thanks i thought it wasworth asking12:31
francesco_Do I keep Ubuntu?12:31
jribfrancesco_: yes12:31
jribfrancesco_: you choose at the login screen which one you want to use (kde or gnome)12:32
v-doggjrib: sigh... yeah.. one too many /.. second time lucky: http://pastebin.com/d76d8bcc212:33
tarelerulzWhat do you all think of VLC as general media player ?12:33
jribv-dogg: k, and menu.lst12:33
jribtarelerulz: use what you works for you12:33
ricaneliteI just purchase a LCD HDTV Sharp Aquois now it has a HDMI Input and my GeForce Graphics card has a DVI Port. I just got a DVI to HDMI Cable is it possible I could use my new LCD HDTV as a computer Monitor? if so I will I go about configure Linux into using my new LCD HDTV Sharp?12:33
dave81tarelerulz i havent used it12:33
brobostigontareleruz: i like it generally, but you will need to decide tha for yourself.12:34
francesco_I need only to run a program that requires KDE? Can I only install 'kde-core'?12:34
jribfrancesco_: no need, just install the program12:34
tarelerulzWell, I like totem for the most part for a general media player .12:34
tarelerulzThe rest don't have good feature for general12:34
francesco_But, the program can't run some part because it doesn't find a KDE environment.12:34
dave81i need to find one that copes with large mp3 play lists12:34
tarelerulzmplayer don't have much of an playlist options12:35
brobostigonvlc is good if ou come across an unusual file format12:35
dgjonesfrancesco_, if you install the program you need, synaptic will install any dependencies it need automatically12:35
ZeroA4tarelerulz, i like VLC... light, complete... i use it more than the others medias players12:35
jribfrancesco_: if you are installing through APT, it should work.  How are you installing it?  What program?12:35
tarelerulzdave you mean all 20gb of your music12:35
v-doggjrib: http://pastebin.com/d64a7ef8212:35
francesco_"add/remove application".12:35
brobostigonuse synaptic12:36
jribfrancesco_: what program?12:36
francesco_I've installed "Kmplot".12:36
tarelerulzyes they make media player called ipod for that dave haha12:36
dev2_bpocanadahi all12:36
jribfrancesco_: and what does not work?12:36
francesco_I can't run "help".12:36
ompany good games for ubuntu like ole dos games12:36
tarelerulzSo dave do you have it all meta taged right so you could search by artist and so on12:37
b4l74z4rstunts was a cool game12:37
francesco_From 'login manager' there is no choise like 'kde environment'.12:37
brobostigonomp: search on packages.ubuntu.com it lists loads mof games for ubuntu there12:37
ompthanks brobostigon12:37
brobostigonat the top of the page you need to click on the version of ubuntu you have omp12:38
ompi see12:38
dave81yes its all taged12:38
jribfrancesco_: after you installed kubuntu-desktop?12:38
tarelerulzWell, there should be something that can use the media tags12:39
tarelerulzthat is what the ipod does12:39
jribv-dogg: does windows boot okay by the way?12:39
francesco_I haven't install 'kubuntu-desktop'. When I installed "kmplt' Ubuntu installed adding software. I don't know if it installed, kubuntu desktop.12:40
ompbrobostigon, i think when i'll do a apt-cache search games i will get the same list won't i? but i was wondering wether ubuntu have games like hocus-pocus and all.. and if it exists where it can be downloaded from12:40
grindcore_is here someone who have ati radeon xpress card and know how to activate the compiz effects ? or which effects i can use with my VGA.any ideas ?12:40
v-doggjrib: no, gives Error 1312:40
neumindwher i can find tv sowftware for ubuntu?12:40
neumindwher i can find tv sowftware for ubuntu?12:40
syndr0is there any better bittorent clients than the original for ubuntu?12:40
syndr0neumind, what are you looking for?12:40
dgjones!tv | neumind12:40
ubotuneumind: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out12:40
brobostigonwell any games that can be installed using apt, will be listed there.12:40
tarelerulzsyndr0 azureus is pretty good12:40
neumindsyndr0,  i need tv program12:41
syndr0neumind, to watch tv? to download tv shows? what12:41
jribfrancesco_: you will only have the option to log into kde if you install "kubuntu-desktop".  As for your actual issue, try installing khelpcenter12:41
v-doggjrib: that is "Invalid or unsupported executable format"12:41
neumindsyndr0,  watch tv12:41
syndr0neumind, define tv program, thats too broad12:41
ompwell my concern was that only..12:41
syndr0!tv | neumind12:41
ubotuneumind: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out12:41
jribv-dogg: and you haven't switched the order around in bios?12:42
syndr0tarelerulz, is it better than the original client? like will it download faster?12:42
ojhow do i delete a directory through terminal?12:42
jriboj: rm -r12:42
v-doggjrib: order of the disks? no12:42
jrib!cli > oj (read the private message from ubotu)12:42
francesco_The problem is that my HDD is half full, and I don't want to install a lot of packages. Do you think I could install only kde-core?12:42
tarelerulzIt has more options then the fist one and use different things to make it work better12:43
jribfrancesco_: well, I suggested just khelpcenter, so maybe try that first?12:43
syndr0ty tarelerulz....12:43
tarelerulzPut it like this I use it12:44
francesco_Thank you very much. I will try so. Goodbye jrib! Goodbye guys!12:44
tarelerulzIt has all I need12:44
tarelerulzIt all so has plugin for ip blocking12:44
tarelerulzcalled safepeer12:44
jribv-dogg: hmm, since there are really only 3 possibilities, go to grub, press 'e' and try all possibilities: hd0, hd1, (hd2 is what it is trying now)12:45
GekoneSalve a tutti.12:45
jribv-dogg: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 look at what happened here too12:46
v-doggjrib: changed to hd1 and it booted!12:46
bazhang!it | Gekone12:47
v-doggjrib: so now I just have to try what makes windows boot and make these changes to grubs config/installation?12:47
ubotuGekone: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:47
pupeima nekoj sto zne makedonski a12:48
BreetaiI'm trying to get a friend on line with a modem. They need sl-modem and I am having dependancy problems. I thought if I built a box like theres. Did an apt-get update/upgrade. I could then make a CD of these packages and upgrade them to a known state where sl-modem will install? Does anyone know what I need to do to get that done? aptoncd won't work, because they don't have gnome installed12:48
ta_bu_shi_da_yuhi all... does anyone understand why dhcdbd uses com.redhat.dhcp ?12:48
ta_bu_shi_da_yuit's in the command that sends a dbug message to dhcdbd12:48
=== DiCha_cHa-Cha is now known as co_delonge_hoppu
ta_bu_shi_da_yuoops... dbus I meant :)12:49
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyone have any ideas?12:49
rohit__Don't mind me :P12:49
jribBreetai: apt-zip would work.  Or, just do 'apt --print-uris install sl-modem' on their box (or your similar one) and then wget all those files12:49
ta_bu_shi_da_yuanyone understand dbug at all?12:50
ta_bu_shi_da_yuI mean dbus12:51
jribBreetai: if you use the 2nd method you would then drop the debs into /var/cache/apt/archives/12:51
bullgard4How can I find out what program will be called if I press a button in the GNOME Quit dialog ('System' > 'Quit')?12:52
jribbullgard4: you would probably have to read the source code12:52
bullgard4jrib: Yes. But I have not managed to fetch the source code.12:53
jribbullgard4: apt-get source PACKAGE12:53
damaltorbullgard4: or jou print "ps aux" onto a terminal like ctrl+alt+F, klick the button, and go back to console to see whats new12:54
bullgard4jrib: I do not know the associated package for it.12:54
Breetaijrib: I got it. I did a search on aptoncd. Hoping someone had asked about doing this without aptoncd. I found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto12:54
jribbullgard4: whatever package gnome-session is in will get you started12:54
Breetaijrib: apt-move will let me create a deb archive cd that I can use on their computer without having to know what packages they have installed besides apt-get and synaptic12:55
DannyKingI'm having trouble with my wacom intous3 graphics pen: I got it working perfectly last night (with pressure sensitivity in the gimp) but now, after a restart, the gimp reports there are no extended input devices. What could have changed in a restart to cause this?12:55
bullgard4jrib: This is not very practical. I did apt-get source gnome-session but this obtains a lot of files.12:55
jribbullgard4: you asked for a way, this is one12:56
Sharpiei'm trying to make a share folder in virtualbox and i get this error when i mount it: /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error12:56
bullgard4jrib: Ok, thank you, I will go this stony path.12:56
v-doggjrib: thank you very much for all the help12:56
damaltorbullgard4: have you read my idea?12:56
BreetaiDannyKing: you probably did a modprobe <driver> to load that driver. When you rebooted, the driver is no longer loaded. You need to force your system to load it by adding it to /etc/modules12:57
FFighterI've got desktop effects at the max but I'd like to change the effects and tune other options12:57
bullgard4damaltor: Yes. I am still considering it.12:57
FFighterDoes Gutsy come with the Compiz Fusion Control Panel?12:57
jribv-dogg: yeah that should work.  You should find what you need for windows too now12:57
damaltorbullgard4: lot of work though, but seems easyer to me... you could do the "before-klick" output on terminal F1 ant the "after-klick" output in terminal F2, so you can switch by checking12:58
BreetaiDannyKing: then everytime when you boot, the driver will be loaded automatically. Otherwise you will have to do a sudo modprobe <driver> to load the module when you need it.12:58
jribbullgard4, damaltor: assumes a new process is spawned though12:58
dgjones!ccsm | FFighter12:58
ubotuFFighter: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:58
damaltorbullgard4, jrib: yes, thats true. but worth a try i think12:58
jribdamaltor: sure, good idea12:59
peter77hi, I'm having problems mounting an NTFS partition, it used to mount fine before gutsy12:59
peter77I have shutdown windows properly and reinstalled the ntfs-3g drivers12:59
FFighterdgjones, thank you12:59
bullgard4damaltor: I will give it a try although pressing some of the buttons is dangerous because the computer will restart or go to sleep.12:59
damaltorbullgard4: what keys do you mean?13:00
TooR4uI thought linux has no virus ... but now i am troubled by a mouse virus ... each time when i start the system the mouse is clicking itself on random possitions causing lot of incovineance to me ..13:00
DannyKingBreetai, even though the pen still works to move the cursor, but just isnt being picked up by the gimp?13:00
TooR4uhow to get rid of this prank virus?13:00
_nix_hello everybody.. anyone know what I need to install to get ktorrent's web-gui working? It says php-executable not found in path..13:00
bazhangTooR4u: not a virus13:00
peter77TooR4u, are you sure your mouse isn't faulty, try plugging in a different mouse13:00
Sharpiei'm trying to make a share folder in virtualbox and i get this error when i mount it: /sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error13:00
damaltorTooR4u: installing antivirus software?13:00
peter77so can anyone help me with my ntfs mounting problem?13:01
bullgard4damaltor: One button is 'Reboot', another 'Hibernate', a third 'Suspend', a fourth 'Shutdown'.13:01
TooR4ubazhang, not a virus?13:01
bazhang!ntfs | peter7713:01
ubotupeter77: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:01
DannyKingBreetai, sudo modprobe wacom didn't change it, any hints? :)13:01
damaltorbullgard4: no need to klick them...13:01
bazhangTooR4u: highly unlikely13:01
damaltor!ntfs-3g peter7713:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-3g peter77 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:02
peter77bazhang, thank you, ofcourse the first thing I forgot to do was look on the ubuntu site and forums after my ntfs drive refused to mount!!!!13:02
TooR4uokey .....13:02
damaltor!NTFS-3g | peter7713:02
ubotupeter77: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:02
bullgard4damaltor: Well, but I try to analyze why there is a bug when I press the 'Hibernate' button.13:02
BreetaiDannyKing try  lsmod | grap wacom to see if the module loaded.13:02
damaltorbullgard4: aaah ok..13:02
lnx^hi, is anyone aware of a suspend2-enabled kernel repository for gutsy? the default suspend/resume is way too slow, and without suspend2 in the kernel i won't dare to upgrade to 7.1013:02
bazhangpeter77: no worries :}13:02
damaltorbullgard4: had that too, system lockup no?13:02
peter77I know what ntfs-3g is, I want to know why fuse is claiming that the device is busy13:03
damaltorpeter77: while mounting?13:03
damaltorpeter77: or while unmounting?13:03
TooR4upeter77, why dont u try through command prompt?13:03
BreetaiDannyKing: I would then do a sudo modprobe -r wacom  to unload the driver then do a sudo modprobe -v wacom to load it and see if any usefull messages come up.13:03
peter77ok, I have set it to mount in fstab on mount13:03
codemutantguys.. i have 7.04 installed in harddisk. its also running vista.13:03
TooR4upeter77, mount -t ntfs /dev/.... destination13:03
codemutantbut after a few days i also installed suse 10.1 ..13:03
bullgard4damaltor: No, It does not produce a system lockup. It produces the Gnome Unlock dialog prematurely. (This did not happen in Feisty.)13:04
TooR4upeter77, its good idea13:04
peter77when I run the mount command sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda113:04
=== kit_ is now known as kitofhawaii
jahidis there any microsoft visio type software where we can do enterprise or architectural designing?13:04
peter77I get the following error sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda113:04
codemutantits so happened that vista's bootloader got crashed/bugged after a few days.. i really dont know why...13:04
peter77this is the error fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy13:04
peter77FUSE mount point creation failed13:04
peter77Unmounting /dev/sda1 (Windows)13:04
codemutantso iam planning to keep my harddisk copy of ubuntu..and load the grub from cd13:05
codemutantis it possible??13:05
BreetaiDannyKing: Have you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151&highlight=wacom+touch13:05
TooR4upeter77, try this ... sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /media/sda113:05
damaltorbullgard4: ok.. was kinda like mine, in feisty there are a lot of things wprking great... but well. i trieds a lot but had no success in the end. some people say its an error in kernel but i dont really think so. sorry but i dont really have an idea13:05
peter77TooR4u, same error!13:05
damaltorpeter77: is the mount point created?13:06
TooR4ufirst unmount all .. i mean umount -a13:06
codemutantguys... is it possible to boot ubunu in harddisk from grub in cdrom???13:06
TooR4uthen try the above command13:06
peter77tried that, no luck13:06
DannyKingBreetai, yeah I've read that and many others, thanks! It *was* working great last night. I just tried unloading and reloading the driver - no output ata ll13:06
damaltorpeter77: try the command again, with sudo13:06
DannyKing*at all13:06
peter77already have done13:06
kitofhawaiipeter77: make the directory first... mkdir /mount/sda1 then try13:06
NET||abuseSomething has gone completely out of whack with my wried nic, i can't plugin and get an ip, was working thismorning, but about an hour ago, it just lost it's connection, i unplugged and let wifi kick in, but i plug back in, get flashing lights, it's trying to connect but it fails... i don't know why...13:06
damaltorpeter77: ah ok13:06
peter77I've been through a lot of the tutorials and forum posts13:06
kitofhawaiipeter77: sorry... mkdir /media/sda113:07
NET||abusethis is really bad as i need my ethernic to work13:07
BreetaiDannyKing: Try restaring x ctrl-alt-backspace will do it.   The driver might need to be loaded BEFORE xwindows starts to be available.13:07
peter77kitofhawaii, already created, I did mention I had ntfs working in the previous ubuntu release13:08
DannyKingtried restarting X with no luck, how can I try to load it before xwindows starts?13:08
kitofhawaiipeter77: and it's empty?13:08
damaltorpeter77: does read-only mounting work with "mount"?13:08
NET||abusemy windows shares are mapped to my samba hostname, and now the bloody window's box isn't able to connect to me :(13:08
ochosihi, i'm having trouble accessing /dev/video0 (owned by root). progs like camorama say they don't find my webcam UNLESS i start it with gksu. what's the deal?13:09
bazhangpipit: do you have a support question?13:09
damaltorochosi: deal is, chmoding the device to 666 or sth13:09
brobostigonchange th permisions on vvideo0 to allow you as normal user access,13:09
ochosidamaltor: alright, didn't know i could actually chmod a device...13:10
BreetaiDannyKing: make sure that wacom is loaded i.e. lsmod | grep wacom shows that it is loaded. Then log out. When you are at the login screen do the ctrl-alt-backspace. The screen show go blank for a moment and then come back up. At that point the xserver will have restarted13:10
XBehavei want to listen to radio1 online is there an alternative to realplayer that will let me do this? (i can use the wmp stream but not catchup)13:10
damaltorochosi: its just  a file as well13:10
ochosidamaltor: so is this ownership (if i use chown) remembered if i disconnect and reconnect the webcam?13:10
void^!mk | pupe13:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:10
damaltorochosi: think so, yes13:10
* void^ stabs ubotu.13:11
ochosidamaltor: alrighty, thanks a lot!13:11
damaltorochosi: if you disconnect the cam, is the file still there?13:11
Slap_stickhey i was wondering if anyone knew how i would go about changing the default font size and such i am running gnome but the text is huge, can i change it in the X config somewhere?13:11
kitofhawaiipeter77: do you have package libntfs-3g12 installed? i think i had to add it manually for gutsy13:11
damaltorochosi: then itll probably be rem'd13:11
BreetaiDannyKing: dmesg | grep -i wacom to see where the device shows up at13:11
grindcore_is here someone who have ati radeon xpress card and know how to activate the compiz effects ? or which effects i can use with my VGA.any ideas ?13:12
YgorSpainHello guys..does any1 know a nice distribution which works on a ibm 133Mhz 128MB but with a nice interface like xfce ? not damn small linux... thx !13:12
damaltorYgorSpain: you could have a try w/ xubuntu... but will be hard to do anything though :)13:13
codemutant i want to install grub on "cdrom"..but load the linux from harddisk13:13
TrioTorusI'm stuck: after Network Manager update, error: use dpkg --configure -a manually. But that hangs. What do I do?13:13
codemutantcan anyone give a hint??13:13
bloon1can I use apt-get to install fluxbox in ubuntu?13:13
void^bloon1: yes.13:13
damaltorbloon1: sudo apt-get install fluxbox13:14
YgorSpain[damaltor]: yeah its going to be a laptop just to wash movies and music...13:14
TrioTorusMy error  is exactly this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632179&highlight=manually+dpkg13:14
ochosidamaltor: it doesn't remember, but now i saw it's in the group "video" (which doesn't exist, so i created one and added my user to it)...13:14
BreetaiDannyKing: grep -i wacom /var/log/XFree86.0.log   look inside the XFree log and see what it says about the wacom driver loading. That was 5.4 on this page http://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/all13:14
damaltorYgorSpain: well why not damnsmall?13:14
damaltorochosi: ok thats a solution too :D13:14
kitofhawaiiYgorSpain: looked at arch linux?13:14
DannyKingBreetai, hmm - restarting x dosn't help. I'm not sure it's a problem loading the module because the actual tablet interacts with the laptop (i.e.  moves the cursor) but the gimp and inskcape can no longer see it. dmesg said that it's at /class/input/input313:15
peter77damaltor, what would be the command to mount a partition read only?13:15
ochosidamaltor: so thanks, bye!13:15
damaltorpeter77: wait a sec13:15
damaltorochosi: np13:15
ompYgorSpain: you can also make your own distro.. linux from scratch13:15
DannyKingBreetai, thanks for all the help by the way13:15
damaltorpeter77: think was just like usual... mount /dev/device /folder/target13:15
void^kitofhawaii: arch requires a p213:16
damaltorpeter77: had no ntfs here for loong time =)13:16
DannyKingeverything seems fine grepping through my xorg log (I don't have xfree)13:16
damaltorpeter77: itll correct you if not13:16
peter77nope, still giving the error message13:16
damaltorpeter77: could you post the error msg again?13:16
peter77damaltor: fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy13:17
peter77FUSE mount point creation failed13:17
peter77Unmounting /dev/sda1 (Windows)13:17
TrioTorusHow do I start the network-manager service manually?13:18
damaltorpeter77: it says that you have to create mount point... u sure that it is there?13:18
damaltori think?13:19
YgorSpain[damaltor]: as i was saying .. 'cuz its really ugly, the DamnSL.. hehe...and i was trying to install dreamlinux ..and worked fine.but..when i get to install, it stuck on the instal GUI. so i want a simpple but beautiful OS interface13:19
damaltorYgorSpain: simple but beautiful. try fluxbox or xfce13:19
peter77damaltor, I'm positive its there13:20
jlarssonHi, ivwe just installed counter strike source, when i launche the game it lags as hell, anyone know howto fix this?13:20
onatsdoes anyone know the maximum resolution for intel 945g video card?13:20
onatsi mean 845g13:20
damaltorpeter77: ok. try to boot win again, and shutdown then... maybe sth hang up with it13:20
kitofhawaiipeter77: try mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ro13:20
peter77no it says it failed to create one, if the directory I wish to mount it to didn't exist it would give the following error:13:21
peter77fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy13:21
peter77FUSE mount point creation failed13:21
peter77Unmounting /dev/sda1 (Windows)13:21
peter77damn copy and past13:21
peter77this is the one I meant: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/sda1a: No such file or directory13:21
Slap_stickhow do i make my generic resolution better so the fonts and such aren't so big, currently i have a 19" monitor and have it on 1280x102413:21
jlarssonive folowed the wine guide, but it still lags13:22
kitofhawaiipeter77: 'ro' at the end of the mount mounts it read only...i needed package ntfs-config to allow me to mount it read/write13:22
=== NETabuse is now known as NET||abuse
TooR4upeter77, first paste the output of fdisk -l13:22
damaltorpeter77: try to UNMOUNT ist, maybe in one of earlyer tries it was mounted somewhere..13:23
jlarssonHi, ivwe just installed counter strike source, when i launche the game it lags as hell, anyone know howto fix this?13:23
damaltorjlarsson: installed 3d graphic drivers?13:24
NET||abusearse bandit.... ok, my stupid nic just died a while ago, kept plugin in and out, even letting wifi kick in, and then try wired connection again, it wouldn't connect, i switch ports on the 24port switch here and then it start to work again.. 30 minutes later, it dies again, again try wifi(works) plug back in for wired, fails repeatedly,, then switch port on switch again, working again.... what is going on????13:24
jlarssonive installed ati drivers from system>administrative tols.... so on13:24
damaltorNET||abuse: have another switch to try if ur switch is dying?13:24
peter77this is the output from fdisk13:24
peter77Disk /dev/sda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes13:24
peter77255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders13:24
peter77Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes13:24
peter77Disk identifier: 0xc86e764a13:24
peter77   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:24
peter77/dev/sda1   *           1        3355    26949006    7  HPFS/NTFS13:24
peter77/dev/sda2            3356        9475    49158900   83  Linux13:25
peter77/dev/sda3            9476        9729     2040255   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:25
jribpeter77: do not paste here13:25
Terminus-!paste > peter7713:25
NET||abusedamaltor, yes actually, there is another 3com 24 port on the shelf... urg, hope the switch is ok13:25
kaneelbroodjePLease!! Would anyone mind helping me activate usb2? 200mb shouldnt take 20mins to move13:25
jlarssondamaltor: or is there som specifik drivers i need to install?13:25
Terminus-peter77: please read the private message from ubotu13:25
damaltorjlarsson: look into the wine homepage, there is a faq about lot os programs13:25
NET||abusedamaltor, but nonoe of the other 6 machines on the network are having any issues13:25
kaneelbroodjecant seem to find it13:25
damaltorjlarsson: open a console plz13:25
ompcheck for any error in /var/log/messages NET||abuse13:25
jlarssondamaltor: then what?13:25
NET||abusedamaltor, though that said, i havn't powered down switch and dsl/wifi router to let everything rest for a second yet..13:26
draremany horror stories from paypal and ebay?  I have some items of my dad's i want to put on there13:26
NET||abuseomp, i have been watching messages for such errors,, nothin too obvious comes up when i plug in... one sec i'll get what it said13:26
damaltorjlarsson: type glxgears13:26
kaneelbroodjeanyone please?13:26
draremi know this is a linux forum, and i'm typing in konversation on ubuntu, hope that qualifies me :/13:26
kaneelbroodjejust want usb2 to work13:26
damaltorjlarsson: if it doesnt lag, the correct drivers are in13:26
robert__witam serdecznie13:26
jlarssondamaltor: Doesent lag13:26
damaltorjlarsson: so ok, the drivers are ok. then you will have to look onto wine homepage and search a little13:27
jlarssondamaltor: can it be because im running xgl and compis13:27
damaltorjlarsson: compiz off, then again13:27
peter77TooR4u, here is the paste bin link http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47086/13:27
jlarssonokey, its just to torn off the eyecandy from the menu ?13:28
damaltorjlarsson: could be a try13:28
damaltorjlarsson: compitz kills everything wich is in 3d.. nearly13:28
peter77I take it no one can help me with my mount problem?13:29
damaltorpeter77: try rebooting windows13:29
kaneelbroodjeAs i've installed ubuntu 7.10 recently, i think usb 2 should be installed with it, i simply want to know how to activate it?13:29
bloonyI installed kde just to try it, but how can I remove it? I did "apt-get remove kdesktop", but still its showing the kubuntu splash screen when I reboot..13:30
brobostigonpeter77: have you gone through all standerd trouble shooting procedure??13:30
damaltorkaneelbroodje: ought to be actovated..13:30
kaneelbroodjeyes, i think so13:30
kaneelbroodjebut why would it take 20mins to move 200mb from a disk to another then?13:30
NET||abuseomp damaltor : here's the messages log for the period where this was happening. http://www.pastebin.org/1065213:30
damaltorkaneelbroodje: try some other device to be sur13:30
ompdo not loose hope peter77... one day we all will be linux using so that time there won't be any windows or its filesystem.. that time i hope you won't find problem existing13:30
damaltorNET||abuse: k waitasec13:30
kaneelbroodjewill do13:31
peter77brobostigon, pretty much, I've rebooted and shutdown windows numerous times therefore I highley doubt improper shutdown is the problem13:31
ompNET||abuse:] i'll check13:31
NET||abusedamaltor, thanks :)13:31
NET||abuseomp, thanks also :)13:31
brobostigonoh well, omp have a very interesting vision doesnt he.13:31
kaneelbroodjeok, just tried13:32
damaltorNET||abuse: oh well doesnt look nice.. :D have u tried the other switch?13:32
ompThanks brobostigon i you are not pulling my legs13:32
kaneelbroodjeit is definetely usb2 that is the problem13:32
kaneelbroodjejust dont know how to fix it413:32
NET||abusedamaltor, nope, don't have much spare time today,,, if it happens again, i will definately try swapping out the switch13:32
damaltorkaneelbroodje: ok.. sorry dont know much about that, for me it worked fine always =)13:32
damaltorNET||abuse: ok.. good luck :/13:33
brobostigoni have no pulled your leg omp13:33
NET||abusedamaltor, thanks for looking anyway :)13:33
kaneelbroodjethis must be fixed13:33
damaltorNET||abuse: np13:33
NET||abusedamaltor, i was freaking out thinking "S*** what if my nic is burned out" I've already been through 3 laptops in the last year13:33
kaneelbroodjehmm, one of the drives is usb 213:34
ompdamaltor:], NET||abuse:] sorry not getting anything out of that13:34
kaneelbroodjein the device manager13:34
damaltorbrb, gotta gt sth out of my car13:34
kaneelbroodjethe other 2 is named EHCI Host Controller instead of USB 2.0 Mass Storage Device13:34
NET||abuse3 laptops in a year, it's nuts,,, and teh history goes,, 1. Compaq n610c failed mobo, 2. dropped and broke lid/screen, rebuild as #1 was exact same model, so lid from that with chasis/mobo from #2.. taht failed after a few months then moved onto new laptop #3 HP nc6000, mother spilled full pint water into keyboard while on, then tried repeatedly to start it up, dead as a door nail, now on laptop #4 HP nx6110, please god don't let the nic fai13:36
NET||abusel on this,,i can't do another laptop13:36
BrianB04I have a quick question: Have a Nvidia 6150 and using Ubuntu. When I enable the restricted Nvidia driver, and reboot, X does not come up, the screen blacks out, but the harddrive activity light is still going, so it hasn't crashed hard. Any suggestions on what may be causing it?13:36
onatshi, i'm trying to figure out apt-cacher logs here.. anyone know what hit/miss means?13:36
john`Anybody know how I could go about resetting the Admin password on my HP Photosmart 3210?13:37
NET||abusealso i still owe my housemate/landlord 200 bills for it :S13:37
kaneelbroodjebig lol13:38
kaneelbroodjesolved it by simply renaming it to the same as usb 2.0 mass storage device13:38
kaneelbroodjeoh well13:38
Herbo Is that true folks that once u have a powerfull server u ll be able to take ddos and spams way ezier?13:39
dave81is there any way to put a password on a file so other ppl that may use my comp cat open it?13:39
Herboand it even may not affect the server performance13:39
damaltorBrianB04: think i can help u13:39
damaltorBrianB04: but wait a sec13:40
BrianB04damaltor: Sure thing, got time:)13:40
kitcheHerbo: umm no13:40
bloonyI installed kde just to try it, but how can I remove it? I did "apt-get remove kdesktop", but still its showing the kubuntu splash screen when I reboot..13:41
IdleOneHerbo: ask yahoo or google or canonical about it see what they say13:41
damaltorBrianB04: could you paste the file /etx/X11/xorg.conf to nopaste.com?13:41
verb3kguys is there a difference (even if minilam) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?13:42
BrianB04damaltor: Unfortunetly I'm at work, so I don't have a copy with me.13:42
damaltorah oh well13:42
damaltorBrianB04: you will have to edit the file13:42
BrianB04WHich I have done before. But I didn't see anything unusual13:42
damaltorBrianB04: you have to set color depth to 24 and you have to add the line >>Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP<< in the device section13:43
BrianB04damaltor: What does DFP stand for?13:44
damaltorBrianB04: lost a " in the end of the line by asting13:44
BrianB04I figured.13:44
damaltorBrianB04: if im honest i have no idea, but worked well on three pcs now13:44
verb3kbloony, do this:   sudo apt-get install usplash-theme-ubuntu13:44
damaltorBrianB04: the "other" option of the line was CRT so i think it has something to do with screens13:45
Sharpieis there a way to turn off the window previews in the application switcher? (so there would be icons instead)13:45
DannyKingI think I read yesterday that I can put a .something file in my home directory to prevent XGL loading instead of xorg - how do I do that again?13:46
verb3kguys is there a difference (even if minimal) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?13:46
Ghostanyone a networking/ssh expert in here?13:46
bloonyverb3k: k13:46
verb3klots of questions :)13:46
BrianB04damaltor: And that actually goes under the video card device section?13:46
damaltorBrianB04: wait ill have a look13:47
IdleOneverb3k: i thought the alternate cd was the server cd13:47
=== joerlend is now known as XiXaQ
BrianB04You know though, that would make sense that it's just not sending it to the right type of monitor. Looks like it's used for twinview13:47
verb3kIdleOne,  no , the alternate also installs ubuntu Desktop13:48
Herbokitche, k what then ?13:48
four-o-fourI have problems mounting my full disk:13:48
kitcheHerbo: what?13:48
damaltorBrianB04: sorry no, must be directly under DefaultDepth    2413:48
IdleOneverb3k: I think you are confused. alternate install a cli system no GUI13:48
four-o-fourusing xserver it says :wrong fs ...13:48
IdleOne!alternate | verb3k13:48
four-o-fourbut can be done using command line13:48
ubotuverb3k: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal13:49
four-o-fourany idea? help?13:49
four-o-fourno 1?13:50
BrianB04damaltor: Well, thanks for the help, I will give that a run tonight.13:50
damaltorBrianB04: ok, do so.. maybe im online then again13:50
four-o-fourneed help on mounting my full disk?13:50
Herbokitche, you said no13:50
kitcheHerbo: a DDoS attack fills the network up to the machine to either bring the service down or to take the full machine down13:50
dave81is there any way to put a password on a file so other ppl that may use my comp cat open it?13:50
verb3kIdleOne, it's text mode installation....but the final system is with GUI13:50
BrianB04damaltor: I have an ATI that works by default with restricted, but I get so much funky graphic artifacting it's not worth it.13:51
IdleOneverb3k: then it is I who is confused hehe13:51
Sharpieis there a way to turn off the window previews in the application switcher? (so there would be icons instead)13:51
verb3kIdleOne, yes :)  ...but the alternate CD can let you choose if you want a text-mode system or a full system with a GUI13:51
damaltorBrianB04: thats not nice =)13:51
h1st0Sharpie: Preferences > Appearence13:52
IdleOneverb3k: then use the alternate cd13:52
Sharpieh1st0: yes...and?13:52
verb3kIdleOne, I already downloaded the server CD and I have very slow connection :(13:52
h1st0Sharpie: Its part of compiz you should be able to turn down the effects in there.13:53
four-o-fourhow to solve my problems mounting my full disk?13:53
IdleOneverb3k: so use the serve cd. either way they are both ubuntu13:53
Sharpieh1st0: yes, and i can't find the setting13:53
h1st0Sharpie: If not you can install compizconfig-settings-manager and turn it off in there.13:53
four-o-fourrelated to HAL?13:53
verb3kIdleOne, there must be some small differences13:53
h1st0Sharpie: I'm not sure of the actual plugin that controls it or you could just use gconf-editor to do it.13:53
verb3kIdleOne,  that's why I ask here13:53
h1st0!ccsm > Sharpie, Sharpie Read the private message from ubotu.13:53
IdleOneverb3k: probably but surely can be fixed with apt-get install...13:54
IdleOneverb3k: the server cd installs !LAMP by default IIRC13:54
Sharpieh1st0: i know what the friggin ccsm is13:54
IdleOnegotta go. have a nice day folks13:55
verb3kIdleOne, cya13:55
verb3kguys is there a difference (even if minimal) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?13:55
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:56
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:56
Ghostto what13:56
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:56
verb3kplease anyone :(13:56
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:57
Ghostto what13:57
verb3kthe channel is very silent today13:57
four-o-fourverb3k: don't think so. what's your problem?13:57
verb3kfour-o-four, my question is :is there a difference (even if minimal) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?13:58
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:58
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:58
dgjonesblizt, what are you looking for?13:58
blizti am sellin  mebership pin13:58
bliztfor money13:58
four-o-fourverb3k: i said(05:27:41 PM) four-o-four: verb3k: don't think so.13:58
bliztfor rs13:59
dgjonesblizt, this is a support channel for Ubuntu linux, not a sales channel13:59
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:59
bliztsellin  mebership pin13:59
dgjones!ops | blizt (spamming)13:59
ubotublizt (spamming): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!13:59
verb3kblizt, if you don't stop you may get panned13:59
bliztsellin  mebership pin14:00
dgjonesThanks Seveas & Mez for the response14:00
Mezdarned lag14:00
SeveasMez, same here14:00
Mezhaha, my lart got there eventually!14:01
Mezwhy'd it reop me14:01
verb3kIs there a difference (even if minimal) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?14:01
romantiki have an mp4 player14:02
Mezdo/cs i14:02
romantikwhen i load pictures, they are not visible in the player14:02
romantikbut they are present in the correct folder14:03
romantiki have SanDisk Sansa e26014:03
romantikplease help14:03
verb3kromantik, you mean you load them from ubuntu to the player?14:04
BrianB04My Sansa doesn't even work with Linux.14:04
romantikverb3k, yes14:04
verb3kmaybe it has something to do with the way linux handles folders and directories14:05
=== AfterDea1h is now known as AfterDeath
dgjonesBrianB04, there was somebody asking about Sansa yesterday, i think they had to change a setting on the player for the USB mode, can't remember the details, give me a minute & find what was said14:05
verb3kI have the same problem ...when I create a folder on a flash drive , the folder is not visable to windows14:05
romantikverb3k, is there any good linux software for synchronizing my mp4 player with my computer?14:06
verb3kromantik, I don't have an mp4 player so I can't help , sorry14:06
romantikanyone screening that has an mp4 player?14:07
romantikvoid^, you here?14:07
zoli2kanyone tried google desktop on ubuntu? I have a problem.14:09
k4k-shellyes, what do you need.14:09
dgjonesBrianB04, there was something said about changing the USB mode from either MSC to MTP mode do that Ubuntu would see it as a removable drive (it could be the other way round from MTP to MSC depending on whats its set as to start with)14:09
k4k-shellzoli2k: I have used it before14:10
verb3kdgjones, I guess you're talking to romantik , am I right?14:10
vinas_e ae??14:11
dgjonesverb3k, yes, looks like it, i also saw BrianB04's comment about their Sansa not working in Linux, thats what confused me14:11
romantikdgjones, i have the USB Mode set to MSC14:11
zoli2kk4k-shell, If I open preferences or any google desktop option from its menu it simply opens a blank page in the default browser. Changing default browser to opera or firefox doesn't change this behavior.14:11
romantiki can transfer files with an ease14:12
BrianB04dgjones: I don't know if the Views have that ability to tell the truth. The only mention I found of someone using it in Linux gave me a 404, so.14:12
k4k-shellzoli2k: do you have a gmail account?14:12
mallizecan anyone tell me where to get the plugin SnowGlobe mentioned here http://smspillaz.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/compiz-fusion-community-news-for-decemeber-5-2007-keep-those-plugins-coming/14:12
wazeemhello can someone help me regarding wireless driver set ups14:12
zoli2kk4k-shell: yes14:12
wols_!anyone | wazeem14:12
ubotuwazeem: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:12
romantikthe problem i encounter is the appearance of pictures in the Photo section of my player14:12
dgjonesromantik & BrianB04, I haven't got one, so don't if it worked, but that seems to be the suggestion I've seen in a couple of google searchs14:12
k4k-shellzoli2k: you should be able to login to your gmail account and look at the top of the page somewhere and see an option for "Desktop" that will set your preferences as well, that's where it takes you when you click preferences on the actual app14:13
wazeemok my ubuntu install can detect wireless networks but wont connect to any (when it should)14:13
wazeemhow can i fix this problem14:13
k4k-shellwazeem: what wireless card do you have14:13
wazeemi have a usb belkin adapter the cd that came with it has the rt2500 driver (or rather "system file" on it)14:14
* genii sips a coffee14:14
monrahello. How is it possible to open a .pptx file in linux?14:14
romantiki am baffled... there were some pictures on the player by default when i bought it... they were all listed in the player and correctly displayed... when i load my own pictures, they're not listed in the player... what could be wrong?14:14
BrianB04romantik: The only thing I can think is it's just the way Linux deals with files...or that that feature requires the Windows client to do it properly.14:15
zoli2kk4k-shell: There is no such link  on  my gmail page14:15
romantikBrianB04, so you're saying i can't have pictures on my device?14:16
monraany ideas?14:16
wazeemi also created a thread on the forums with more details14:16
zoli2kk4k-shell: I was searching on google for the problem, without success.14:16
monraHow is it possible to open a .pptx file in linux?14:17
=== RichiH is now known as someone
brobostigonwhat is .pptx??14:17
dgjonesmonra, that sounds like a MS Powerpoint 2007 file, have you tried openoffice?14:17
monrabrobostigon, power point 200714:17
monradgjones, yes but nothing14:18
brobostigonthat could work in openoffice14:18
monraOpenOffice doesn't work on Microsof office 2007 files14:18
geniiuse import, then specify the file type14:18
wazeemplease help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632750&highlight=frustrated+newb14:18
dgjonesmonra give me a sec, i've not had any problems with openoffice opening MS Office files, I'll just try it with pptx file14:18
geniidgjones: It does open them. you have to use the "import" not "open" then specify from dropdown list the kind of file it is or it doesn't know what filter to use14:19
BrianB04romantik: It's possible. Do you have a windows machine anywhere nearby?14:20
dgjonesgenii, right, thanks, i hadn't tried myself, but i'd found that  word & excel 2007 files can be opened14:21
wazeemok does anyone know how to install ndiswrapper14:22
romantikBrianB04, no14:23
h1st0!ndiswrapper > wazeem, wazeem Read the private message from ubotu.14:23
BrianB04romantik: Okay. My suggestion was sync the photos with Windows so they show up, then look at the directory structure carefully and replicate ti.14:23
monragenii, where is import ... i see only open14:23
wazeemplease i have looked at the docs14:24
smartheadcan someone tell me why i can't login on my psyBNC when i type on irssi /quote pass ( mypass ) ?14:24
wazeemi dont know how to do anything in linux14:24
wazeemi dont get even the basic of instructions14:24
Pandemic_What do you need ndiswrapper for?14:24
wazeemwell after searching an reading it seems the driver might be causing the issue14:25
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages14:25
wazeemwith my wireless not being able to connect to networks (but can see them)14:25
Pandemic_Hmm, not sure14:26
SailorPussfellerhow can i reset all my gnome settings back to defaults from the command line, including all the sessions, and start up stuff14:26
Pandemic_What's your wireless card?14:26
wazeemits a belkin usb wirless adapter14:26
SailorPussfellergdm is logging me into a saved session with compiz and its all whacked out14:26
BrianB04Sailor: All of gnomes settings are in your /home directory under .gnome or .gnome2, wipe those folders.14:26
wazeemthe install cd has the rt2500 driver on it14:26
meezfoghihello all14:27
SailorPussfellerthose cheapie blekin usbs are a pita14:27
meezfoghii have problem14:27
mbufi see gnome-build in gutsy gibbon, but, apt-cache doesn't show it; what could be the problem?14:27
Pandemic_Well, I have to go, oops14:27
meezfoghianyone know14:27
SailorPussfellerhmm, i will try that BrianB0414:27
meezfoghihow working usb on virtualbox14:27
=== someone is now known as RichiH
oklopoltrying to set up an internet radio channel for the heck of it... followed http://linux.omnipotent.net/article.php?article_id=11407 until when i need to "reload XMMS" so that it recognizes the new plugin... i don't know what that means, and the plugin is not visible on the list14:28
oklopolit also says i should "check my installation of liveice-xmms" if it doesn't show up14:29
meezfoghihow to connect usb drive on virtualbox14:29
oklopolwhat does that mean?14:29
monraok, I'm 100% that my OpenOffice Impress is unaible to ipen pptx14:29
monraunable to open*14:29
meezfoghihow to connect usb drive on virtualbox14:30
dave81is there any way to put a password on a file so other ppl that may use my comp cat open it?14:30
PeerGany urud speaking helper around14:30
boulbai cannot make some updates14:31
boulbai got this error14:31
boulba  Dépend : libpango1.0-0 (>=1.18.3) mais 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 doit être installé14:31
boulbadependance : libpango1.0-0 (>=1.18.3) but 1.18.2-0ubuntu1 must be installed14:31
jribdave81: do not make the file readable by other users14:31
jrib!permissions > dave81 (read the private message from ubotu)14:32
meezfoghihow to connect usb drive on virtualbox14:32
jribboulba: please do not paste here, use a pastebin.  You're using a package not from the ubuntu repo, it is an issue with the package14:33
mutableHello. Does anybody know how to turn off scim? Or how to kill it?14:33
mutableI looks it starts together with X, I cannot see any scim process14:33
boulbajrid so what must i do ?14:33
mutableIt looks14:33
jribboulba: contact the awn people and ask them why they did that14:34
jrib!info libpango1.0-014:34
ubotulibpango1.0-0: Layout and rendering of internationalized text. In component main, is optional. Version 1.18.3-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 286 kB, installed size 796 kB14:34
jribboulba: ah wait, are you using gutsy?14:34
=== sjovan_ is now known as sjovan
boulbajrib: i use gusty14:35
jribboulba: pastebin 'apt-cache policy libpango1.0-0'14:35
verb3kIs there a difference (even if minimal) between installing a command-line system with the alternate CD and installing it from the server CD ?14:35
jribverb3k: pretty sure the server gives you a different kernel at least (yes)14:36
geniiverb3k: The kernels they install are different, yes14:36
verb3kjrib, I want to install it and then install fluxbox on it ....can I do that?14:36
geniiPAE enabled, more threads etc in server kernel.14:36
Ximalhow do i change the basic cursor ? is there any mouse addons in the repository ?14:36
jribverb3k: yes14:37
Aondois there a ui tool in gnome that configs samba? i usually do config file way, but not my friends :P14:37
dave81any one know of a screen recorder i can use?14:37
verb3kjrib, which is more minimal (regardless of the kernel issue) alternate CD text-mode or Server install ?14:38
pteague_workok, the eclipse package dependency seems completely nuts... especially considering i downloaded eclipse for linux off their site & have installed a bunch of tools & haven't had any issues... now, attempting to install eclipse via aptitude, it wants to download 72 packages (161mb)... ?14:38
chookbonjour nautilus me bouffe de la rame..! 40%du processus !!??14:38
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT14:38
jribboulba: you need to enable the gutsy-updates repository14:38
Ximaldave1 : snagit .. windows based.. might be a nice ole wine version though ;)14:38
boulbajrib: what's that ?14:38
boulbajrib: how ?14:38
dgjones!fr | chook14:39
ubotuchook: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:39
jribboulba: it is a repository, system -> administration -> software sources14:39
dave81cool thank you14:39
=== fib3r is now known as Ax3
moralistdo you know a channel where I can get help about gaming on linux14:39
rgnrhello ubunters14:39
Carpe|Diemgood guestion moralist14:39
Carpe|Diemwhat game do you wanna run,14:39
rgnrI got a problem14:40
u_angelhello room!14:40
meezfoghihow to connect usb drive on virtualbox14:40
jribverb3k: if you want minimal, use the minimal cd.  If you want a server use the server install.  If you want a text-based system that will not be primarily a server, use the alt-cd14:40
meezfoghihow to connect usb drive on virtualbox14:40
rgnri cannot upload torent14:40
verb3kjrib, thank you very much jrib :)14:40
boulbajrib: what does this kind of box mean ? [-] ?14:40
jribboulba: partial14:40
jribboulba: toggle it14:41
boulbajrib: so I have to check it ?14:41
jribboulba: yes14:41
boulbajrib: ok14:41
boulbajrib: what doeas partial mean ?14:41
jribboulba: not full14:41
u_angelwhy is VNC inferior to RDP? what is the fastest way to access my linux box gui.14:41
genii!info gsambad | Aondo14:41
ubotuaondo: gsambad: GTK+ configuration tool for samba. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.6-2ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 95 kB, installed size 360 kB14:41
moralistcarpe|diem: doom14:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:42
Ax3since when is vnc inferior to rdp... lol14:42
boulbajrib: i don't understand14:42
Carpe|Diemmoralist: doom3?14:42
Ax3oh man windows users.... *cringe*14:42
jribboulba: it means some of the updates are enabled but not all of them14:42
Carpe|Diemmoralist: use cedega, it should work fine14:42
meandaddyGood Morning!  I've read the FAQ, the Docs, & asked everyone I know but no soap.14:42
meandaddyThe Problem: My wheelmouse (Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel) "forgets" how to scroll (use the wheel) after I use the KVM switch to go to another computer.  The other computer (running RH7.2) has no such problem.14:42
meandaddyI'm basically ignorant but willing to learn, can someone help?  Thanks!14:42
d90wherw i can ownload ubuntu version supported on mac ibook g314:43
Ax3u_angel, fastest way? ssh.14:43
Aondogenii  thanks14:43
geniiAondo: np14:43
erUSUL!ppc | d9014:43
ubotud90: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ14:43
moralistcarpe|diem: well, it exists a linux-version of doom, which i am trying to install14:43
boulbajrib: why were they not enabled by default ?14:44
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jribboulba: I do not know14:44
Carpe|Diemmoralist: ok, I can't help you with that :(14:44
boulbajrib: ok thak you for your help !14:45
jribboulba: no problem14:45
moralistcarpe|diem, ok, but thanks anyway14:45
Carpe|Diemmoralist: np :)14:46
IggzHi all14:46
u_angelAx3, SSh is def the way, but i can not access certain things for example: i tried to turn on the vnc-gnome server. i found no doc on how to do it via ssh14:46
s00pStupid Gnome doesnt tell you when files fail to copy due to permissions issues.14:46
u_angelwhat else is there besides vnc and ssh?14:46
IggzHaviing a problem installing ditro and was wondering if anyone had any ideas14:46
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX14:46
s00pSo I deleted a directory thinking everything copied over and it turns out a number of files I needed never copied over for a lack of permissions. For some reason they were mode 600 on the source.14:47
s00pThat's retarded. Even Windows warns you.14:47
IggzInstall keeps freezing when it attempts to creat a partion for the OS14:47
verb3kIggz, are you sure the CD is not defective? (run check CD for defects)14:48
meandaddyGood Morning!  I've read the FAQ, the Docs, & asked everyone I know but no soap.  The Problem: My wheelmouse (Logitech Trackman Marble Wheel) "forgets" how to scroll (use the wheel) after I use the KVM switch to go to another computer.  The other computer (running RH7.2) has no such problem.  I'm basically ignorant but willing to learn, can someone help?  Thanks!14:48
romantikplease refer me to a good mp3 player firmware for Sansa e260... please skip Rockbox because it's not yet a stable version for the Sansa e200 series14:49
Iggzactually no I haven't which is daft of me - whats the consle command in linux please?14:49
annemariewhere can i find network printer support for ubuntu?14:51
dgjones!printing | annemarie14:51
ubotuannemarie: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:51
annemariewhich brands do work without issues when it comes to network printing/14:52
meandaddyI'm having excellent luck using HP14:52
geniiannemarie: Most Hewlett Packard network printers are great14:53
kakooniahey, what application should i use to unpack *.rar files?14:53
verb3kIggz, when you boot the CD , choose "check CD for defects" from the menu ....if the CD is correct , the problem might be from the HDD , try using Gparted (which you'll find under the system menu while in the live session) to repair all your partitions14:53
WhitorHi, Whenever I reboot my computer, after logging in, my nautilus and gnome sessions stall loading... I have to ctrl-alt-bkspc to return to a login screen, on the second time it gets further... but still doesn't load all the way, sometimes with generic settings..., Then on the Magical third login, it works. I have all my proper menus and desktop icons ... any ideas ?14:53
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free14:53
bazhangannemarie: hp all in one here hp tend to be the best supported14:53
annemariei can buy an hp laserjet 2600N or a samsung CLP-300N, which one works for ubuntu?14:53
TheNo1Yetihp loves linux so as a PERSONAL preferance i tend to go with hp.14:54
geniiI think the 2600N is a "host-based" printer eg: winprinter14:54
erUSULannemarie: hp printers are the better supported in ubuntu14:54
WhitorThinkpads are good with linux too14:54
bazhangannemarie: probably should enter those terms in a popular search engine and see if any results come up (ie negative ones) that is how I chose my all in one hp14:54
erUSULannemarie: with hplip tools14:54
dgjones!hcl | annemarie, have a look at the hardware list here, that should give you an idea if people have gotten either of those printers working and any problems they've had14:55
ubotuannemarie, have a look at the hardware list here, that should give you an idea if people have gotten either of those printers working and any problems they've had: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport14:55
dev_taralI m facing the problem of gettext error during installing CVS client on my ubuntu 7.0414:55
geniiannemarie: In this case google results for me indicate the samsung is easier to set up for ubuntu14:57
xstathello, has anyone successfuly installed kxdocker-1.1.4a in kubuntu gutsy ???14:59
mame_Hi. I am looking to disable the gdm at startup and auto boot into a program. does anyone know how to do that?15:00
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Iggzthanks verb - Im growiong tired of this distro at the mo to be honest - but will do :-) and thanks15:01
annemariewhy is shopping for hardware so hard in linux, damn15:01
xstatname_ i think that you could change some files in /etc/rc5.d15:01
verb3kIggz, welcome :)15:02
TheNo1Yetiannemarie: Because M$ likes to be difficult and make people build hardware specifically for it which then requires people who hate them for it to come in behind them and find ways around it but that takes awhile.15:02
=== monra is now known as karolos
nomikeI have the following Problem: I have two network interfaces: eth0 for Corporate LAN with Networks and and one for Internet with lan and a default route to the internet....15:03
xstatmame_ rename Sxxgdm to Kxxgdm and you could add a S99yourapp symlink15:03
mame_I have a nvidia gforce mx 4000 what video card model do I comment out in the framebuffer blacklist?15:03
nomikeNow I want to set up DNS correctly...but when I put the web-dns first in my resolv.conf I could not resolv corporate internal domains and when I put the corporate DNS first I could not resolve public domains...15:03
xstatanyone has installed kxdocker??15:04
mame_xstat I only wish I knew what you just said15:04
erUSULannemarie: hp is a safe bet check here the two models you are considering http://www.openprinting.org/printer_list.cgi15:05
mame_would removing xgm package force the computer to boot to a command line?15:05
xstatmame_ when linux boots up it uses a runlevel, all the init apps to be executed are stored as symbolic links in /etc/rcX.d with a prefix of 'S' to Start or 'K' to kill15:05
erUSULannemarie: for example the samsung is listed as working only partially15:06
mame_xstat ohhh I keep coming to things like use mingetty but that never works forme15:06
xstatmame_ if you go there you'll probably see SXXgdm15:06
levanderWhen I try "sudo ntpdate ntp.ubuntu.com" I get an error about the socket being in use.  Is that because ntp.ubuntu.com is too busy to serve me right now?15:07
xstatmame_ if you mv it to KXXgdm then gdm shouldn't run on startup15:07
erUSULannemarie: and the 2600n as working perfectly15:07
mame_would removing it via synaptic have the same effect?15:07
k4k-shellHey, maybe someon can answer this for me. I finally got my laptop to go into suspend when I close the lid, however, when it wakes back up, none of my network interfaces are active according to network-manager15:08
thormame_ if you want to boot to a command line investigate the run levels. They are different for ubuntu and suse so I can't tell you the specifics, but you just need to change the run level for bootup15:08
erUSULannemarie: and the 2600n as working *mostly*15:08
verb3kwhat's the difference between the desktop kernel and the server kernel in ubuntu ?15:08
mame_thor I have been and cant figure it out yet15:08
JerekDainhow can I get MP3 support for Rhythmbox? I tried googling and found info on the forums, but it was from a couple years ago and the package they said to get no longer exists.15:08
erUSUL!mp3 | JerekDain15:08
ubotuJerekDain: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:08
k4k-shellverb3k: likely the modules loaded on boot, I know that my ubuntu server loads a lot more modules at boot then my desktop does15:09
mazatapecAnyone able to help with a user permissions problem?15:09
xstatmame_ you want gdm not to start at boot time rigth? what do you want to run instead?15:09
mame_xstat I want to boot into advmenu15:09
verb3kk4k-shell, you mean the desktop one is more minimal ?15:09
TheNo1Yetimazatapec: Please just give your problem.  If someone can help they will. :)15:09
thormame_ well, be very careful about changing the scripts in rc.d. I think if you investigate you will find they are symlinked to rc2.d or rc1.d...that is how they determine what gets started/killed in each run level15:09
erUSUL!anyone | mazatapec15:10
ubotumazatapec: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:10
k4k-shellverb3k: not so much more minimal as it just doesn't load the /same/ modules, like you don't need PHP and apache on a desktop, but you do on a swerver15:10
thormame_ my ubuntu computer is packed for shipping so I can't tell you specifics....running suse on this one15:10
k4k-shellverb3k: I can't really say for sure, I'm only going on assumption here15:10
verb3kk4k-shell, thanks for the help15:11
sproingieswerver.  i think that's a good name for our servers, as in "dev03 just swerved off the network again"15:11
JerekDainthanks, ubotu15:11
mazatapecI unchecked the "Administration Privileges" box in the System -> Administration -> Users and Groups for my only user account that I have.  I have my root password but don't know how to get back to give the permissions back to my main user account.  Now when I go to System -> Administration I can't even see the "Users and Groups" category.15:11
mame_well i just removed the gdm and will reboot15:11
mame_bb in a min15:11
TheNo1Yetilol spoingie.  Do you work for the same hosting company I do?15:11
k4k-shellsproingie: LOL, good call15:11
erUSULmazatapec: you enabled the root account?15:12
erUSUL!es | andres115:12
mazatapecI have the root account password15:12
ubotuandres1: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:12
mazatapecI can get into the root account through the terminal, just don't know how to change permissions for my user account that way15:13
erUSULmazatapec: then as root do 'adduser <youruser> admin'15:13
erUSUL!root | mazatapec15:13
ubotumazatapec: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:13
TheNo1YetiWow, that was very zen15:14
erUSULmazatapec: enabling the root account is discuraged and no supported configuration15:14
erUSULmazatapec: once youir user is in the admin group she will be able to use sudo to do everything15:14
zen-xstathello people anyone has successfuly installed kxdocker on kubuntu gutsy ??15:14
mazatapecerUSUL: That's how I had it originally, needed to go back to that, thanks :)15:15
zen-xstatalexborsova: you have kxdocker installed??15:15
mazatapecI think I need to log out and log back in now, be right back15:15
linduxedok i just had the biggest lol since a long time15:17
zen-xstati need a kxdocker_conf.xml file from kxdocker with many application icons, anyone has one??15:17
mazatapecYep, that fixed it, thank you erUSUL :)15:17
linduxedi dualboot with windows xp....and apparently after 2 months of xp usage, it now comes to the conclusion (naturally without any reason or warning) that corrupting hal.dll is a great idea...15:17
linduxedwhy? googling tells me that this happens if you dualboot...15:17
linduxed"you cheating on me!?"15:18
iSEi need some help with something15:19
IggzVerb3k - Thank you. That - so far - seems to have done the trick :-)15:20
holicowiSE, go somewhere and ask somebody15:20
verb3kIggz,  good :)15:20
zen-xstatiSE could help talking a bit more about it15:20
iSEholicow, i came here15:20
iSEwas just readin the common questions15:20
iSEmake sure im not askin somet thats been asked before15:20
holicowiSE, you made me happy :)15:20
iSEholicow, i like to please ;)15:20
dgjonesiSE, just ask your question, if somebody knows and is around, they'll answer you15:21
iSEok, basically, i have a TV connected to my PC, i watch dvds n things n output it through my TV, meanwhile i can continue chattin, surfin the net etc etc with my monitor.15:21
iSEThe problem15:21
iSEIs the sound15:22
niufoxhi~I want to boot LFS livecd from my harddisk, I rewrite the menu.lst like this :kernel/boot/lfs/linux64 root=iso:/dev/sda4:/home/niufox/Iso/lfslivecd-x86_64-6.3-r2145.iso rw initrd/boot/lfs/initramfs_data64.cpio.gz .But it can't work~~~15:22
iSENormally i use xine, which allows me to configure my second soundcard to output to the TV15:22
iSESo i have my stereo plugged into my soundblaster, for listenin to music n general sounds15:22
niufoxwho can help me ?15:22
iSEHow do I configure Totem movie using gstreamer to ouput its sound to the Realtek inbuilt soundcard?15:23
iSEwhich my tv is plugged into15:23
bazhangniufox: what is your question?15:23
niufoxhi~I want to boot LFS livecd from my harddisk, I rewrite the menu.lst like this :kernel/boot/lfs/linux64 root=iso:/dev/sda4:/home/niufox/Iso/lfslivecd-x86_64-6.3-r2145.iso rw initrd/boot/lfs/initramfs_data64.cpio.gz .But it can't work~~~15:23
niufoxbazhang, hi~I want to boot LFS livecd from my harddisk, I rewrite the menu.lst like this :kernel/boot/lfs/linux64 root=iso:/dev/sda4:/home/niufox/Iso/lfslivecd-x86_64-6.3-r2145.iso rw initrd/boot/lfs/initramfs_data64.cpio.gz .But it can't work~~~15:24
verb3kiSE, great presentation ....but you sould wait for the answer (not from me)15:24
bazhangniufox: linux from scratch?15:24
niufoxbazhang, yes~15:24
ere4siniufox: a live cd should boot itself?15:24
bazhangniufox: there perhaps is a lfs channel; this is #ubuntu :}15:25
toodlesiSE: System->Preferences->Sound->Music and Movies15:25
niufoxeracc, I know~ but I want to boot it from my harddisk~15:25
tattoo_how do you install the screenlets on ubuntu15:25
IggzQuestion, given the noted issues with AMDs graphic drivers and Linux - I changed my 1600 back to a geforce 6200 - are there any moded AMD drivers you would recommend?15:25
niufoxbazhang, I know~ but I use the ubuntu system ~15:26
toodlesiSE: sorry, that's not right, 1 sec15:26
iSEtoodles, yes but i want the music n movies to go to two different soundcards. I want music to go through my soundblaster (default) as with all other sounds. I want JUST the movies, JUST totem to go through my inbuilt one15:26
bazhangniufox: okay :}15:26
LocksmHow do i connect via Wi-Fi to a hidden network with a wep 128 ascii encryption where i have to select the channel to CH3?15:26
iSEI cud just change to using xine like i do with other KDE distros, but id rather use gstreamer as its the ubuntu way as it were15:26
=== robeph_ is now known as robeph_asteriasg
niufoxbazhang, I just want to slove this question under the  ubuntu os~15:27
toodlesiSE: I don't think that's possible because totem relies on gstreamer for it's settings.15:27
tattoo_can I install ubuntu on a mac15:28
bazhanghttp://www.linuxfromscratch.org/livecd/documentation.html might be a good place to start niufox15:28
iSEso can i not change the settings of gstreamer just for totem, or wud that effect the music15:28
bazhangtattoo_: yes15:28
r3zon8real simple, i dont get a graphical login after installer ubuntu server 7.1, how can i get one?15:28
bazhangtattoo_: intel or ppc?15:28
Sharpiehow can i see my gpu's temp? (i can see it in nvidia-settings but i want something simple like hddtemp)15:29
toodlesiSE: That would also effect your music. As far as I know it's just a single set of settings for gstreamer.15:29
TheNo1Yetir3zon8: I'm guessing probably because the server install is a stripped installation and doesn't include an X server by default15:29
toodlesiSE: let me just check something15:29
niufoxbazhang, yes ~ I have print it . but ~ U know, I can't find any usefly info.15:29
TheNo1YetiHence why it's half the size of the desktop installer15:29
niufoxbazhang, I have also read it ~15:30
iSEtoodles, is there no way i can copy the gstreamer settings into a folder say $HOME/.totem n get totem to read from them instead of the general ones?15:30
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bazhangniufox: they do have their own irc channel as well--just a suggestion as I think it will elude most here (at least me) :}15:30
b4dhi, anyone has any experience connecting to internet trough motorola v3xx? Tutorial links appreciated, tnx15:30
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niufoxbazhang, ok~ thanks a lot ~~~15:31
bazhangtattoo_: dual boot or wipe os x15:31
niufoxyou are a kind man~15:31
Locksmaddendum, my wifi is a broadcom btw15:31
zen-xstatany kxdocker user here ????15:31
bazhangb4d: that a cellphone?15:31
toodlesiSE: just checking now15:31
tattoo_i want to wipe os x15:32
iSEtoodles, thanx it is appreciated15:32
b4dbazhang: yes15:32
bazhangb4d: have the precise model number?15:32
=== apecat_ is now known as apecat
b4dbazhang: razr v3xx15:32
tattoo_n/a yet15:32
iSEtoodles, i spend ages configuring xorg.conf to as per usual to get it configured correctly the way i want it, but now its just the sound, somet i've never had a problem with before. I can always change totem to use xine, im just curious if its actually possible in gstreamer15:33
bazhangtattoo_: you can use the x86 iso; though you should do some reading first--www.ubuntu-tutorials.com is a good place to start15:33
tattoo_a friend ask because he seen my ubuntu on the this machine15:33
bazhangb4d: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=343989&page=1115:34
bazhangtattoo_: the one area to watch out for will be wireless--is this a laptop?15:35
toodlesiSE: I understand. I've looked though the man pages and gconf settings for totem and can't find anything on it. I guess for now you'll have to use xine/mplayer/vlc. I believe that the sound system is being changed for hardy (ubuntu 8.04) and will allow more advanced behaviour.15:35
b4dbazhang: thx, I'll take a look15:35
mame_hi there again15:35
bazhangb4d: no worries :}15:35
netdefilris there anything to setup to get crontab working properly?15:35
mame_after rebooting and not getting anything to work in the FB of the system I am getting frustrated.15:35
netdefilrin gutsy gibbon15:36
thormame_ are you still trying to boot to a command prompt?15:36
bazhangtattoo_: then that link I showed you upthread will be a good place to look first15:36
arbriwhere do i find a decent antivirus for ubuntu?15:36
tattoo_thank you15:36
arbriis it neccessary anyway15:36
dgjones!virus | arbri15:36
ubotuarbri: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2115:36
iSEtoodles, thankyou for ur help. Im just going to install totem with the xine backend. is there much difference between gstreamer n xine newayz? or is it just a case of personal preference?15:37
toodlesiSE: In case you're interested in reading up on it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/CleanupAudioJumble15:37
bazhangarbri: are you running a mail server with windows machines?15:37
arbrino just15:37
iSEtoodles, thanx i'll take a look now15:37
bazhangarbri: then probably not necessary15:37
arbridont i risk getting infected15:37
mame_Doesnt ubuntu use the inittab?15:38
SorryAllhow not to install linux: http://www.start.no/tegneserier/m/mstriper/m20071206.gif15:38
bazhangarbri: you should read that link upthread15:38
arbriok thn15:38
sudobashhey is there a way to bridge two broandband connection with ubuntu with two NIC's to improve bandwidth?15:38
thorsudobash nope...don't think that will work15:39
bazhangsudobash: if you find out, please report here :} seems unlikely though15:39
TheNo1YetiWhat about bridge-utils?15:40
thorsudobash besides...you will never reach full i/o on your broadband connection as it is...there are almost always bottlenecks downstream15:40
cens0redhi. How come, in my gutsy gibbon system, there's nothing in /proc/bus/usb, even though I have a usb device attached?15:40
sudobashbut its two seperate ISP's15:41
sudobashADSL and COMCAST15:41
TheNo1YetiYea, on that end no I got nothing15:41
sudobashmaybe OpenBSD could do it?15:41
toodlescens0red: To see your attached devices type: lsusb15:41
lusumhi, i have an hal problem with kubuntu: i cannot eject cd nor mount keys with kio and hal is running15:42
bazhangsudobash: unlikely, but please tell us if you succeed15:42
lusumdistro: gutsy15:42
TheNo1Yetisudobash for a single isp I know bridge-utils is what you need.  For dual isps I honestly have nothing and that honestly sounds insane15:42
thorsudobash  and how are you going to get the other end (wherever it is) to split the data into two streams addressed to two IPs?15:42
sudobashyeah true15:43
TrioTorusUpdate Manager gives me this: E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.15:43
TrioTorus E: _cache->open() failed, please report.  I tried that, but machine hangs.15:43
cens0redtoodles it's harder than that, because I have to find some way to link them, as with this howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TASCAM_US-122#head-b1eaf5e95be3998a41e9de3f88cfc809648ba15c15:43
sudobashyou would need and app the utilizes both Bandwidths seperatly15:43
toodlescens0red: try /dev/bus/usb15:44
cens0redtoodles ty.15:45
TheNo1Yetisudobash: the problem with what you are wanting to do is this.  You would have two different ip addresses requesting the same information.  Therefore the receiving end would be handling two requests and therefore giving two sets of data.  You would ultimately not experience a bandwidth increase because each nic would be receiving the same amount of data (ie a full download) and would then have to somehow figure out how to merge all that informa15:45
Calibrehi, does anyone know how to fix this gnome-panel bug the one where it has dotted lines around menu panel? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=525380 http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30863215:45
LocksmHow do i connect via Wi-Fi to a hidden network with a wep 128 ascii encryption where i have to select the channel to Channel 3? its a broadcom device Ive read a guide, so i got the drivers installed, but i cant seem to get connection to the network entering the code, it just goes trying to connect and then abbandons it, and reverts back to the rj 45 conection15:46
sudobashso write an app that decides which NIC to use for Which connections depending on what ports connection and bandwidth needs15:46
toodlesCalibre: I'm only curious, what happens when you press Tab? Do the dotted lines move?15:46
UBUNTUISLOVEDwhere can i download firefox 1.5 for speed on my machine?15:47
sudobash#linux says its possible15:47
Calibretoodles: nope, dotted lines stay.15:48
TheNo1YetiThen they are greater geeks than I15:48
bazhangthey were pulling your leg surely15:48
christophe#ubuntu.fr ??15:48
toodlesCalibre: Can you press Alt+F1, and then press Tab?15:48
christopheplease what is the channel for help ubuntu FRANCE please ?15:49
RatThingLocksm you still there?15:49
kitofhawaiisudobash: definitely possible. read up on policy routing/QoS15:49
r3zon8on 7.10 server, default install, will my thin clients get a graphical login?15:49
TheNo1Yeti!fr | christophe15:49
ubotuchristophe: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:49
toodleschristophe: to change channel type: /join #ubuntu-fr15:49
Calibretoodles: tryed it the alt-f1 opens menu then I pressed tab and dotted lines stayed and didn't move.15:49
christopheok thank you very much15:49
RatThingLocksm are you entering an ESSID ?15:50
kitofhawaiisudobash: definitely too complicated to get into on an irc channel though :)15:50
LocksmEssid ?15:50
Locksmi enter the wireless application thing15:50
Locksmand enter the ssid assigned, molly select 128 wep ascii15:50
toodlesCalibre: That's an odd one. I'm afraid I'm no help.15:50
Locksmenter the code 2 times, and select ok15:50
russe11I'm running eclipse on ubuntu feisty and keep getting out of memory/heap space errors. Can anyone help?15:50
UBUNTUISLOVEDwhere is firefox 1.5? can i get it? like in xfce desktop15:50
vbI installed netbeans 5.5.1 using .sh installation, now I want to remove it because netbeans 6.0 is here, how do I remove it ?15:50
RatThingLocksm the wireless settings should ask you for an id for the wireles hub/router. the name that it is called?15:51
Locksmi might be doing it wrongly though, im a newbi rookie at ubuntu / linux15:51
Locksmits hidden15:51
Locksmso i have to add it15:51
FreePBX8826I have multiple PCI and USB sound cards. system default always selects the wrong one. how so I fix?15:51
RatThingLocksm can I private message you coz your text is getting lost with all the others :-)15:52
Calibretoodles ahh ok thanks anyway :) had same problem since fiesty, only workaround is to click volume control then silder then click off then I cannot see the lines.15:52
open_ladguys!!! i am frustrated. my device : Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0c45:613a Microdia  webcam donot work.15:52
kitofhawaiisudobash: http://www.policyrouting.org/ (for policy routing with linux)15:52
toodlesCalibre: that's an odd one alright. Does it happen when you create a new user for yourself and login with the new user?15:52
Calibretoodles: yep same thing with main user and new.15:53
RatThingLocksm did you get my PM?15:53
dmHello. Any idea how to exclude the root user from pam-mysql rules? (I locked out myself, even root w/ pubkey couldn't login, after connection to database server got lost.)15:54
jerdude98Any good suggestions for linux game freebies (websites)15:54
Locksmi did15:54
Locksmand i wrote back15:54
toodlesCalibre: Can you paste the contens of ~/.gnome2/main ?15:54
Locksm5 lines so far..15:54
dazHigh everyone. I'm seriously struggling to find a way to increase the amount of RAM Java allocates to my browser. Can anyone help?15:54
RatThingLocksm are you registered?15:54
Alan-DCan anybody help with an install of Proftpd?15:54
Locksmohhh waait15:54
Locksmi need to register15:55
CarlFKI have a pdf  that is just one image.  I need a utility to extract the image.  is there something like this in the repos?15:55
open_ladhow to make webcam work on ubuntu 7.1015:55
Locksmsec ill register :D15:55
Calibretoodles: sure whats that site again where I can paste the contents then post a link, I forgot15:55
RatThingLocksm ok15:55
dgjones!webcam | open_lad15:55
ubotuopen_lad: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:55
dgjones!paste | Calibre15:55
ubotuCalibre: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:55
vbUBUNTUISLOVED: wouldn't the command just delete the directory , instead of uninstalling ?15:55
Calibredgjones: thanks15:56
adaminlaMy panel went from the top of the desktop to the right side. How doI get it back on top?15:56
WhitorHi, Whenever I reboot my computer, after logging in, my nautilus and gnome sessions stall loading... I have to ctrl-alt-bkspc to return to a login screen, on the second time it gets further... but still doesn't load all the way, sometimes with generic settings..., Then on the Magical third login, it works. I have all my proper menus and desktop icons ... any ideas ?15:56
vbI installed netbeans 5.5.1 using .sh installation, now I want to remove it because netbeans 6.0 is here, how do I remove it ?15:56
CarlFKhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/text/xpdf-utils  , pdfimages (PDF image extractor)15:56
komputesCan someone tell me how to archive two files in RAR (COMMAND LINE)15:57
toodlesCalibre: In this case the file should only contain a single line - if it does, it's ok to paste it here (as it obviously doesn't use more space than !paste)15:57
kitofhawaiiadaminla: double-click-drag the bar where you want it15:57
Calibretoodles: yep, my bad it's Dock=LocationBar\\0,3,1,0\\ToolBar\\0,2,1,0\\MenuBar\\0,1,1,015:57
aldrenhi guys, i am getting different troubles to try to boot my pc with ubuntu 7.10 CD, after some checks i got this error message on screen "Permission Denied", does anyone know how to repair that?15:57
kitofhawaiiadaminla: or just click-drag works :)15:57
komputesCan someone tell me how to archive two files in RAR (COMMAND LINE)15:58
komputesRAR is the compression tool to compress in RAR form the command line15:59
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free15:59
adaminlanothing happens when I try to drag it.15:59
vbwhy is no one helping me :(15:59
Ax3komputes, man rar16:00
toodlesCalibre: nothing odd about that. I don't know what could be causing it. Sorry about that.16:00
Truckdriverquick question....16:00
Calibretoodles: ok, thanks again. it's strange happens on a reinstall everytime too.16:00
kitofhawaiikomputes: "rar a myrar.rar <file1> <file2>"16:00
komputesbaz ubotu Ax3, tried the man, the site, i just need to know how to create an archive (example string) since i keep getting errors16:01
komputesKitar|st:  THANKS!16:01
Truckdriveri need to copy changed files in one directory (including subdirectories) from one hdd to another16:01
guillaume__hi everyone16:01
komputeskitofhawaii: THANKS16:01
Ax3you obviously didn't read...16:01
Truckdrivercan a cp command do that16:01
bazhangthat policy routing site is still resolving :{16:01
mavi-Truckdriver: cp -u /from/* /to/16:01
barThe petition!!!!! http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/mainactor/index.html16:01
guillaume__i'm having trouble accessing a web site..16:01
mavi-Truckdriver: -u is update, only newer files get copied16:02
=== Locksm2 is now known as Locksm
guillaume__FF wont resolv but I can ping16:02
Truckdriverthanks mavi16:02
gordonjcpadaminla: right click on the panel, and Configure (or something like that)16:02
bazhangbar: no spam please16:02
adaminlaTried to drag panel back to top of desktop but panel will not move. What else canI do?16:02
Ax3komputes, next time, run "rar" without any command line options16:02
gordonjcpadaminla: right click and see what pops up?16:02
guillaume__weird problem16:02
FluxDFor some reason Nautilus wont load my External drive. I et this erro "Nautilus cannot display "/media/FreeAgent Drive"." any clue what this means?16:02
guillaume__Ive tried so many thing16:02
lusepusteradaminla, does it react at all?16:02
Calibreanyone know the address for the gnome irc channel?16:02
guillaume__changed TCP window scaling16:02
Ax3you'll clearly see in the documentation that: Usage:     rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...> <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>16:03
kitofhawaiiTruckdriver: truckdriver: just add "-r" switch to grab all the subdir's16:03
gordonjcpguillaume__: what exactly is the error that you're getting?16:03
guillaume__I dont get any error16:03
gordonjcpCalibre: it's probably on their IRC server16:03
guillaume__Firefox is waiting16:03
gordonjcpCalibre: iirc irc.gimp.org16:03
gordonjcpguillaume__: and never times out?16:03
Calibregordonjcp: ty :)16:03
Ax3i hate people that don't read....16:03
guillaume__try it: www.arxtechcanada.com16:03
galdar\linuxHi any there know Mercury IM?16:04
gordonjcpguillaume__: it's either broken or very slow for me, too16:04
guillaume__other machine on the same local network16:04
lusepusterAx3, no need to be rude16:04
galdar\linuxKinda need to configuere so it says a sound when people writes16:04
guillaume__Very fast on other machine16:04
gordonjcpguillaume__: looks like the server isn't serving16:04
guillaume__but why it pingÉ16:04
galdar\linuxand maybe a pop when people are login on...16:04
kitofhawaiiAx3: you should love them. great consultants know how to use a help file, customers don't :)16:04
Ax3lusepuster, im far from being rude, unless we hail from completely different cultural backgrounds...16:04
guillaume__I've diabled Ipv6 in firefox16:05
Ax3the man pages are the repository of all human knowledge16:05
gordonjcpguillaume__: just because it can respond to ping, doesn't mean it's actually running an http server ;-)16:05
guillaume__changed tcp window scaling to 016:05
Ax3kitofhawaii, agreed16:05
adaminlaNo. When I try to drag nothing happens. Also right click does not bring up  configure.16:05
guillaume__but why windows or mac can acces it16:05
gordonjcpguillaume__: mac can't access that server, either16:06
TheNo1Yetihttp://xkcd.com/294/   <--- What happens when you don't rtfm16:06
guillaume__not a lot of people is having this trouble16:06
TheNo1Yetiwhoops, wrong one16:06
gordonjcpguillaume__: not from here...16:06
Ax3kitofhawaii, this place should really be stop number 3 for people, 1) man pages 2) ubuntuforums.org or google 3) #ubuntu heh16:06
guillaume__i have google analytic on this web site16:06
gordonjcpguillaume__: I suspect you've got dodgy routing somewhere16:06
guillaume__and on windows machin can access the stats16:06
bazhangAx3: stop four imo; first should be teh google16:07
TheNo1Yetihttp://xkcd.com/293/  = read the man pages16:07
Ax3bazhang, well you get the general idea ^^16:07
komputesAx3: Ithink the issue was that I was doing rar -a instead of simply rar a16:07
bazhangAx3: yup :}16:07
Ax3komputes, yea rar would have shown you that... lol ^^16:08
guillaume__what does it mean dodgy?16:09
bazhangguillaume__: it means somewhat troublesome16:09
Ax3lol yea "not good"16:09
guillaume__anyone with windows here can access www.arxtechcanada.com16:09
guillaume__or www.ceradyna.com16:09
kitofhawaiikomputes: yah a lot of the older commands have some interesting command lines...but Ax3 has a point, man pages are the best places (though the rar man isn't all that good in my opinion)16:09
komputeskitofhawaii: Ax3: yeah, I spend 30 minutes on man page before coming here, but thanks for the help16:10
Ax3       After the program name comes a command and then optional switches with  dashes16:10
Ax3       before them.16:10
Ax3lol it's cleary there, that's all im saying :p16:10
peggerit is possible to make script start running once someone logs in, say in the .profile?16:11
erUSULpegger: yes why not?16:11
YeagerRobber_Anyone know how to enable menubar and hide join/quits in LostiRC?16:11
komputeskitofhawaii: I know tar is recommended over RAR, but it's just for compatibility/standardization16:11
kitofhawaiiAx3: true, but with rar you don't use dashes for the major op's :)16:11
peggererUSUL: you fimilar with the script command,  I want it to start running once a user logs in, I am not tyring to do somethign evil, it is just a contractor I want to see how the install is done16:13
adaminlalusepester. no it does not react at all.16:13
Ax3kitofhawaii, major ops are in this case called commands, so the docs are correct, you don't need dashes correct, only for additional options16:14
anoneknewmoosedoes anybody know how to disable spell check in pidgin? it's driving me nuts, and no one on the forum answered16:14
guillaume__how can I confirm that is not my machine the problem16:14
Optyxanoneknewmoose: it should be under plugins in the buddy list16:15
guillaume__why can i get this to work16:15
amun_deyhy all16:16
kitofhawaiiAx3: aye...but you'd admit you're more tech savvy than most as well, so be happy you can understand that first read, while others can't all i'm saying :)16:16
guillaume__Ax3: what should i do next16:16
ray_hi how you repiar tcp/ip in ubuntu16:17
Ax3kitofhawaii, hehe16:17
kitofhawaiiray_: what's not working?16:18
ray_hi how you repir the tcp/ip in ubuntu16:18
Ax3what's not working guillaume__16:18
ray_kit tcp/ip i need to repirt it16:18
ray_how do i in ubuntu16:18
guillaume__Access the web site16:18
ray_on windows to get here to ask16:18
rafaelsoaresbrhi all. how do I to know if my shript was acepted?16:18
guillaume__that very strange16:19
kitofhawaiiray_: as in replace the stack? is it not getting an address?16:19
ray_kit yes16:19
guillaume__i've tried so many things16:19
ray_as in repair it as windows user call it16:19
guillaume__disable ipv616:19
guillaume__safe mode on FF16:19
niqany hints for debugging a dpkg failure?16:19
Ax3routing issue with your ISP?16:19
niqdpkg.log says "half-installed" then "not installed"16:20
ray_kit still with me16:20
kitofhawaiiray_: *scratching head a bit* i guess i'm not quite sure how things are breaking so much16:20
ray_kit o ok16:20
kitofhawaiiray_: in windows, i know right click repair, but that basically flushes the information and reconnects.  it sounds like you have a worse issue16:20
ray_kit you know how to repair the tcp/ip in ubuntu16:20
niqand "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-player_1.0.2-2_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 10"16:20
Ax3i feel like we're talking to bots sometimes16:20
kromcuichi followed these rules to get internet connection sharing http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 . now i want to switch it off cos i cant get my normal wifing to connect anymore. how can i do it?16:21
ray_ok any one here know how to repair the tcp/ip in ubuntu16:21
Zhaozhouray_, repair? is it broke?16:21
ray_zh yes on vista right now to get here16:21
Ax3ray you can adjust your parameters in /proc/sys/net16:21
ray_zh need to repair my tcp/ip stack16:21
Ax3whole lots of fun options to play with16:22
ray_ax3 the whole stack broken need to repair it16:22
Zhaozhouray_, compile a new kernel?16:22
ray_zh nope16:22
Ax3yea if it's that bad, time to rollback to a previous kernel or rebuild...16:22
anoneknewmooseoptyx: I don't see it anywhere :-\ (i've gone through all the plugins and don't see anything that seems applicable)16:22
ray_ax3 how i go back to old kernel16:23
Zhaozhouray_, since the whole tcp/ip-stack is there, why not?16:23
carlos_is it possible to add a network route for each user?16:23
ray_zh not showing up at all16:23
Zhaozhouray_, define "not showing up"16:23
ray_zh not getting ip and tell me to repair tcp/ip stack16:23
Optyxanoneknewmoose: I was wrong it's under the coversation tab in the preferences.  uncheck highlight mispelled words.16:24
ray_zh understand16:24
guillaume__sorry ax316:24
guillaume__missed something?16:24
ray_zh some how its getting a other ip other than my routor one16:25
Zhaozhouray_, if the tcp/ip-stack really is corrupt, which i've never seen before, then the only solution i can see is a new kernel.16:25
ray_see that now16:25
anoneknewmooseoptyx: oh duh, can't believe I didn't see that. Thank you!!16:25
Optyxanoneknewmoose:Your welcome.16:25
Zhaozhouray_, So tcp/ip is working, its just.. now working well?16:25
ray_zh ok how i flush the tcp/ip stack in ubuntu to see if pull my routor ip16:25
kitofhawaiiray_: if you ping does that work?16:25
kitofhawaiiray_: to get a new address, it's "sudo dhclient <interface>"16:26
Zhaozhouray_, Depends on what you want to flush.16:26
kitofhawaiiray_: that'd give you verbose info what's not working16:26
ray_zh not pinging16:26
m0dYcould i start multiple GDM on different displays?16:26
KyleS-workAnyone have any success with that kernel check program?16:26
Ax3i really doubt that your stack is broken16:26
Ax3i really do lol16:26
Zhaozhouray_, do as kitofhawaii sais, ping yourself.16:26
Ax3that just doesn't really happen16:26
withaYIs there an easy way to strip certain characters out of filenames for all files in a folder?16:27
fredlhi guys, how do I make soundjuicer create mp3 files?16:27
bullgard4"detlef@Amilo7600:~$ sudo s2both; s2both: Could not stat the resume device file. Reason: No such file or directory" What does 'stat' mean here?16:27
kromcuichcan someone help me with backtracking settings implemented from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 pls16:27
ray_zh how i do that16:27
Zhaozhouray_, ping
inkvizitoranyone used laptop Acer Extensa 5220 under Ubuntu?16:27
=== inkvizitor is now known as inkvizitor68sl
erUSULfredl: choose the mp3 profile from the Fromat drop down menu?16:27
ray_zh that pings ok16:27
rafaelsoaresbr1I've requested an CD from shipit website. How can I know if it was acepted?16:28
kitofhawaiiZhaozhou: oops...dyslexic me :)16:28
Zhaozhouray_, then network is working, nothing wrong with your tcp/ip-t16:28
femmebotHello all, can someone please send me a file with the /etc/apt/ and /var/cache/lib directories archived together?16:28
Zhaozhouray_, -stack*16:28
bullgard4withaY: Use find -r exec16:28
fredlerUSUL - I don't seem to have that profile.16:28
ray_just need to get all other ip other than my routor out of tcp stack16:28
femmebotI just freshly installed ubuntu and cannot get my eagle-usb modem to work- so no access to internet.16:28
ray_like flush it and start fresh like first installed16:28
fredlerUSUL, however when I go into 'edit profiles', I see that it's there16:28
ray_then let it pick it back up zh how i do this16:29
femmeboti can get it done if I've got the kernel sources which i'll need to compile the more recent release of the eagle-usb driver.16:29
inkvizitor68slanyone used laptop Acer Extensa 5220 under Ubuntu?16:29
femmebotanyone? someone? :D16:29
Zhaozhouray_, dhclient <interface> will give you a new ip, if thats what you are looking for16:29
kitofhawaiiray_: did you configure a static ip address on your computer?16:29
Zhaozhouray_, that will probe for a DHCP-server, a.k.a. your router.16:29
fredlerUSUL, also when I select the MP3 profile for editting, I can edit it, it has the 'active' checkmark etc.16:29
ray_how i dhcleint16:29
erUSULfredl: my gnome is in spanish and it says raughly Cd quality,audio MP3 etc16:29
kitofhawaiiray_: "dhclient <interface>" then come back here with any errors/messages that come up16:30
Zhaozhouray_, dhclient <interface>, interface is probably eth0, you can check that with ifconfig.16:30
guillaume__any ubuntu user can access www.ceradyna.com?16:30
inkvizitor68slbrrrr..... RUSSIANS!!!! отзовитесь блин!16:30
NET||abusewtf.... oh jeezus,, i sent a support request to a hosting company, they gotit and replied, however nowhere in my sent items can i find the origional email... where the hell did it go,16:30
NET||abuseI'm on evolution here on gutsy16:30
NET||abusemy mail server is an old dapper box, running postfix under ispconfig16:30
hellboy195guillaume__: no :/16:30
ray_zh im on ubuntu 7.04 with ubuntu ce16:30
inkvizitor68slguillaume__, im not16:31
ray_zh not right command tell me16:31
NET||abusewhere the bloody hell would this email have gone too??16:31
=== leet is now known as funt
guillaume__wow, so more that 3 user now..16:31
NET||abuseI've double checked the webmail interface for the email account also, nothing on sent items, nothing on the local folders sent items under evolution either..??16:31
ray_zh what i do now16:31
NET||abusefeckit,, anyon ehave a suggestion where else this email might be now?16:31
inkvizitor68slпляяяяяя..... тут русские есть?16:31
ray_zh since dont work16:31
galdar\linuxHi any there know Mercury IM? Kinda need to configuere so it says a sound when people write and maybe a pop when people are login on...16:31
kitofhawaiiNET||abuse: i know evolution by default uses local sendmail but it generally keeps a copy in evolution16:31
Zhaozhouray_, look, run ifconfig first, eth0 will probably be the interface pointing out to the internet. If so, run dhclient eth0, then report back.16:32
fredlwhen I start up gnome-audio-profile-properties there's a profile called 'CD quality, MP3'. That profile does not show up in sound juicer's output formats, how do I fix that?16:32
NET||abusekitofhawaii, on my account preferences i set it to upload sent items to the inbox->sent items under the imap account for that email account16:32
NET||abusethe very next mail appears just fine in sent items there from the same account16:32
bazhang!ru | inkvizitor68sl16:32
ubotuinkvizitor68sl: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke16:32
NET||abusekitofhawaii, so this is very bloody strange..16:32
ray_zh i get this can't create /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.leases: Permission denied16:32
ray_Can't create /var/run/dhclient.pid: Permission denied16:32
ray_drop_privileges: could not set group id: Operation not permitted16:32
NET||abusekitofhawaii, it's that one email i really need to refer back on.16:33
unopsudo dhclient ...16:33
kitofhawaiiNET||abuse: have you tried doing a search for it in evolution?16:33
Zhaozhouray_, sudo dhclient eth016:33
Locksmso, regarding my wifi setup, its not hidden, but apparently ive screwed up my wifi driver settings, so i need to find a suitable driver for my broadban wifi card16:33
Zhaozhouray_, as unop said.16:33
unopsudo !$   in bash would work16:34
unoperrm, actually .. ignore that16:34
=== saxin_ is now known as saxin
fredlhow hard can a simple question about a CD ripper be to answer...16:34
NET||abusekitofhawaii, i find that anythign under the imap accounts on my machine (i have 5 accounts under imap at present) never get searched, it's something i've been meening to figure out.16:34
ray_zh i get this16:34
kitofhawaiiNET||abuse: i'd try doing an advanced search under All Accounts16:34
ray_Internet Systems Consortium DHCP Client V3.0.416:34
ray_Copyright 2004-2006 Internet Systems Consortium.16:34
ray_All rights reserved.16:34
ray_For info, please visit http://www.isc.org/sw/dhcp/16:34
ray_Listening on LPF/eth0/00:1c:23:8b:3b:ff16:34
ray_Sending on   LPF/eth0/00:1c:23:8b:3b:ff16:34
ray_Sending on   Socket/fallback16:35
ray_DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 416:35
ray_DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 1116:35
ray_DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 816:35
ray_DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 816:35
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:35
ray_^[[1;2BNo DHCPOFFERS received.16:35
NET||abusekitofhawaii, ok, i'll give it a go.16:35
Zhaozhou!pastebin | ray_16:35
coldbootHow do you view print jobs in Ubuntu?16:35
uboturay_: please see above16:35
ray_zh yes16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mercury - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mercuryim - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:35
ray_zh ok sorry16:35
ray_zh what i do now16:35
Zhaozhouray_, anyways, there is no dhcp-servers.16:35
ray_zh ok routor shoud give one16:36
kitofhawaiiray_: it works on windows on that box?16:36
coldbootIs there any way you can see print jobs in Ubuntu?16:36
ray_kit yes'16:36
Zhaozhouray_, Atleast, not in eth0. Do you have multiple interfaces?16:36
kitofhawaiicoldboot: there's always the old "lpq" :)16:36
ray_my isp gave me stic witch is in my routor and routor is passing out the ip to boxes16:36
Zhaozhouray_, can you pastebin output of ifconfig -a?16:36
erUSULcoldboot: in terminal?16:36
ray_zh i have eaythernet and wireless in dell e150516:37
coldbootHow could Ubuntu be so retarded as to not include a gui print job viewer?16:37
crossmindfuck man, 1219 user?!16:37
crossmindholy shit u.u16:37
erUSULcoldboot: i does, i see it everytime i print a document16:37
stdin!language | crossmind16:37
kitofhawaiicoldboot: applications -> accessories -> manage print jobs16:37
ubotucrossmind: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:37
unopcoldboot, it does .. when there are jobs pending .. an icon appears in the "system tray"16:37
Zhaozhoucrossmind, 1215. (:16:37
ray_ok i have eth1 eth0 and lo zh16:38
unopray .. try dhclient on eth1 too ..16:38
NET||abusekitofhawaii, nah, nothing coming up for that email.. the advanced search worked across all the accounts , that was great thanks.. but still can't find the feckin important email.. arse16:38
unopmaybe thats the interface connected upto your router16:38
ray_unop how do i16:38
Zhaozhouray_, since you have a wlan interface, can you pastebin iwconfig too?16:38
coldbootI send a job to a samba printer, but nothing appears in the system tray's "Document print status" window.16:38
unopsudo dhclient eth116:38
fredlwhen I start up gnome-audio-profile-properties there's a profile called 'CD quality, MP3'. That profile does not show up in sound juicer's output formats, how do I fix that?16:39
ray_zh eth1 eth016:39
GIMP22is there a way to run Ubuntu in a bare bones mode? i.e I don't want anything else but the bare minimum processes running.16:39
unopGIMP22, sudo telinit 116:39
kitofhawaiiNET||abuse: yah, sounds like it's uhm...mia, but with IMAP that means it appears to be lost on the server end or something went wrong sticking it up there16:39
GIMP22ah thanks16:39
ray_uop that works16:39
Locksmubunto is gnome based and not kde based right ?16:39
ZhaozhouGIMP22, dont install the desktop edition16:40
bruenigLocksm, k16:40
Zhaozhouray_, both saying "no wireless extension"?16:40
ray_unop i get this16:40
dayanI cant install amarok nor amarok-xine because it says I dont have some dependencings or something16:40
ray_Listening on LPF/eth1/00:13:02:d5:d9:2116:40
ray_Sending on   LPF/eth1/00:13:02:d5:d9:2116:40
ray_Sending on   Socket/fallback16:40
GIMP22err I want to get benchmark results but don't want background noise16:40
Zhaozhou!pastebin > ray_16:40
LocksmA: Many people encounter this problem. It's unlikely that reinstalling the firmware or ndiswrapper will solve it. Your best bet is to install wicd. For several users, wicd solves this problem.16:40
ray_all i get is eth1 and eth016:40
GIMP22(but don't want to have to reinstall Ubuntu w/o a GUI etc..)16:40
Locksmwhat is wicd ?16:40
pike_dayan: do you still get the error after doing a sudo apt-get update16:40
dgjones!info wicd16:40
ubotuPackage wicd does not exist in gutsy16:40
v-dogggood evening, if ubuntu says the resolution is 1680x1050 (widescreen) but the image is still 4:3 (black areas in the sides) should I blame ubuntu, my graphics card or my monitor (Acer Al2216W) ?16:41
ray_zh i have ubuntu intel wireless driver in here16:41
ray_]i have intel 3945 abg card16:41
krielWhat's the really flashy desktop manager for ubuntu? The word 'beryl' comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that's the right software, or if it's even implemented in ubuntu.16:41
unopGIMP22, runlevel one gives you just a root shell with most services disabled16:41
Zhaozhouray_, is eth0 or eth1 the wireles c16:41
FurryNemesiskriel, compiz fusion16:41
kitofhawaiikriel: compiz16:41
krielFurryNemesis: kitofhawaii: THanks.16:41
unopGIMP22, you could customize another runlevel to include just the services you need16:41
ray_eth0      no wireless extensions.16:41
xybreScreen thinks backspace is delete on ubuntu, how can I change this behaviour?16:42
Zhaozhouray_, same with eth1?16:42
ray_eth1      IEEE 802.11g  Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.462 GHz16:42
ray_          Access Point: 00:17:3F:04:4D:92   Bit Rate:54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:14 dBm16:42
ray_          Retry limit:15   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr:off16:42
ray_          Power Management:off16:42
ray_          Link Quality=81/100  Signal level=-54 dBm  Noise level=-55 dBm16:42
ray_          Rx invalid nwid:0  Rx invalid crypt:1  Rx invalid frag:016:42
ray_          Tx excessive retries:0  Invalid misc:44   Missed beacon:016:42
ray_sorry for large text16:42
dgjones!paste | ray_16:42
uboturay_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:42
pike_xybre: stty setting i think16:42
Terrasqueray_: Thank you for not spamming this channel with junk16:42
unopray_, dude .. dont spam the channel -- there's the pastebin to do that16:43
ray_unop ok16:43
ray_zh what i do16:43
pike_xybre: this discusses pretty much the same thing http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2004093000232487016:43
bruenigray_, stop doing that, you keep on doing it16:43
ray_ok will rember it16:44
ray_zh still here'16:44
Zhaozhouray_, you have a firewall on there?16:44
ray_on routor yes  not software not up at this time16:44
Zhaozhouray_, okay, does your router have a logging feature?16:44
ray_yes zh16:44
ray_but can clear it16:45
Zhaozhouray_, have you ever used tcpdump?16:45
ray_zh no16:45
kitofhawaiiray_: are you trying to use wireless or wired? i don't remember if you answered that yet16:45
ray_wireless ok here on ubuntu16:45
xybrepike_: "~/.terminfo -> x/" the -> means a subdirectory I assume? Seems like really esoteric syntax when a simple / would do fine16:45
ray_since uses resticed driver16:45
kitofhawaiiray_: do you have encryption on your wireless network? (WEP, WPA)16:46
Zhaozhouray_, check the logs, see if your DHCP-packets is getting sent at all16:46
ray_kit wpa16:46
ray_zh yes it is just chjhjecked16:46
pike_xybre: yeah thats the way i read it.  hey they are mac guys...16:46
kitofhawaiiray_: ah...wpa's a real pain to get working. try turning off encryption and confirming that's working first before enabling encryption16:46
Zhaozhouray_, chjhjecked?16:46
femmebotHello,. can someone please help me with an adsl problem?16:46
ray_kit both wpa and off works16:46
Zhaozhoukitofhawaii, i think he is trying to enable the wired connection16:47
kitofhawaiiray_: in ubuntu?16:47
ray_zh i have checked works16:47
ray_kit yes16:47
josh_Hey. > I'm trying to use limewire, but nothing is working? I can't download o.O I've removed/re-installed ut nothing16:47
ray_kit its using the restriced driver for intel 3945 abg wireless16:47
ray_kit i have dell e150516:47
kitofhawaiiZhaozhou: oh...16:47
Zhaozhouray_, okay, then, do a "tcpdump -i eth0", se if you are receiving any packets at all16:47
Caleb__how can i enter at ubuntu spanish channel_16:47
dgjones!es | Caleb__16:48
ubotuCaleb__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:48
Zhaozhouray_, do a dhclient eth0 at the same time, in another terminal16:48
kitofhawaiiray_: left click network manager in the upper right hand corner, then click "wired network"16:48
andrzjcan anyone help me in installin Compiz Fusion16:48
ray_za i get sock err16:48
ray_kit its on showing16:48
Zhaozhouray_, run sudo.16:49
Zhaozhouray_, just make yourself root with sudo -s, in both terminals.16:49
bazhang!compiz | andrzj16:49
ubotuandrzj: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion16:49
ray_ok zh16:49
ray_i an root16:49
andrzjthanx bazhang16:50
Zhaozhouray_, now start "tcpdump -i eth0" on the first one, then do a dhclient eth0 on the other. Pastebin both outputs.16:50
bazhangno problems andrzj :}16:50
Zhaozhouray_, you can ctrl+c the tcpdump when the dhclient has finished.16:50
ray_zh ok its lisioning16:50
andrzjor was ubotu16:51
DEAthKAcam asta e:)16:51
ray_zh still lisioning16:51
StupidBoldEagleCan someone please send me your /etc/apt/ and /var/lib/cache archived together?16:51
DEAthKAheloo guys16:51
Zhaozhouray_, is dhclient finished?16:51
DEAthKAnew to ubuntu16:51
ray_zh no16:51
andy_DEAthKA: that makes 216:52
ray_zh want me to do same with eth116:52
Zhaozhouray_, nah.16:52
Zhaozhouray_, eth1 was working, right?16:52
poe-t-wyo gus. how come there is no modules section in xorg.xonf in xubuntu 7.10?16:52
ray_zh yes16:52
poe-t-wHow come there is no modules section in xorg.xonf in xubuntu 7.10?16:52
Zhaozhouray_, great. (:16:52
ray_zh how i get the new 3945 abg driver16:53
ray_\i never instaslled it16:53
bazhang!wifi | ray_16:53
uboturay_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:53
StupidBoldEaglewhat kernel is used for gutsy gibbon?16:54
bruenig!info linux-image16:54
ubotulinux-image: Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB16:54
StupidBoldEaglebruenig, I am assuming thats the kernel installed by default. I am having a connectivity probelem. damned eagle usb modem wont work.16:55
mike3_hey follks... how's it goinnnnnnnng?16:55
StupidBoldEaglebut since i can't reload my repos, i don't know how to get the kernel sources in order to build the modem driver16:56
bruenigStupidBoldEagle, um yes I think it is a fair assumption that there is a kernel installed16:56
kevin__hello, is it possible to make gnome-panel fully hidden when we use the "auto-hide" option?16:56
bruenig!info kernel-source16:56
ubotuPackage kernel-source does not exist in gutsy16:56
bruenig!info kernel-sources16:56
ubotuPackage kernel-sources does not exist in gutsy16:56
bruenig!find kernel16:56
ubotuFound: kernel-package, kernel-wedge, klogd, linux-kernel-devel, linux-libc-dev (and 35 others)16:56
kitofhawaiibruenig: you ever have entire conversations using just the irc bot? :-D16:57
ray_zh i dont see 3945 abg card on there16:58
ray_at bot link16:58
StupidBoldEaglebruenig, so i'll have to manually search for the source then?16:58
scoobyi am having some trouble, i just installed ubuntu but i cant seem to get my nvidia graphics card (7900gtx) to load properly16:58
kitofhawaiiscooby: did you enable the restricted repositories?16:59
rlanhamI have fold path that has a space in16:59
scoobykitofhawaii: yup, and installed nvidia-settings and, xgl17:00
bruenigStupidBoldEagle, there is some package out there17:00
rlanhamHow would I do that path in Apache in conf? It does not like the spaces in the path17:00
bruenigI don't recall what it is someone here should know17:00
kitofhawaiirlanham did you try substituting "\ " for the spaces?17:00
StupidBoldEaglebruenig, it'll be much easier if you can send me your /etc/apt/ and /var/cache/apt/lib (?) both archived together.17:00
StupidBoldEaglethat way i can generate a download script and get them from a windows box17:01
bruenigStupidBoldEagle, yeah I don't use ubuntu17:01
ray_kit you still with me17:01
xybrepike_: didn't work, unfortunately. My backspace key sends a weird character sequence when ubuntu is expecting a ^? it gets something like ^[[3~17:01
bazhangray_: you need to install them17:02
ray_that i dont know how to do17:02
rlanhamthis is what I get using this path17:02
ray_with out losing my setting never did install of driver under ubuntu yet17:02
bazhangray_: are you averse to a little reading?17:02
rlanhammedia/Shared-Data/Web\ Related/Websites17:02
ray_baz no just dont want to mess stuff up17:03
m0dYgot a question!!!! any idea why after an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' eth0 has change to eth1 ?17:03
galdar\linuxhow can I open a .rar file in ubuntu?17:03
bazhangray_: so if I give you a link on how to do that will you read it?17:03
bruenig!info unrar | galdar\linux17:03
ubotugaldar\linux: unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7.3-1.1 (gutsy), package size 94 kB, installed size 232 kB17:03
ray_baz the link you gave me says nothing about a 3945 abg card17:03
andrzjCan someone help me...Whenever i click on Compiz in Systems it doesnt open...any ideas to why????17:03
bruenig!compiz-fusion | andrzj17:04
ubotuandrzj: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:04
eroticonis it possible to force ubuntu to do an fsck everytime the box boots up?17:04
eroticonwe have TONS of power outages down here17:04
eroticonand often workstations tend to die.17:04
kitofhawaiiscooby: i'm not all that good with nvidia so here's a link:17:04
Locksmbcm43xx-0.3.2-offline.tar.gz file is used for this wifi card BCM4306(Rev 03) right ?17:05
scoobykitofhawaii: thanks17:05
ray_baz uderstand17:05
Locksmbcm43XX-fwcutter and then the guide i got mentions this name... But dunno what its meant with that17:06
xybreChanging my terminal setting to RXVT makes screen properly recognize my backspace key.17:06
SeanTaterI know wireless G usually does not reach 54Mbit theoretical speeds, but in between 2 wireless G  computers and a wireless g router, what practical speed should I expect?17:06
xybreI still want to know the source of the problem though, I'm jsut not sure where to look.17:06
m0dYgot a question!!!! any idea why after an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' eth0 has change to eth1 ?17:06
ray_baz the link you gave me says nothing about a 3945 card17:07
void^SeanTater: both on wireless? not much, probably a little over 1mB/s17:07
kitofhawaiiray_: you have an inspiron 1505?17:07
ray_kit yes17:08
ray_and never kit have i install driver on ubuntu17:08
m0dYAny idea why after an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' eth0 has change to eth1 ?17:08
ray_kit is iproute2 good for my card17:08
ray_want to use non ubuntu stuff17:08
SeanTatervoid^: okay -- I'm getting about 800kB/s so I'm not too far.. *wrinkles nose17:09
BlackInsideQuestion rapide : comment fait-on un ISO depuis un DvD sur Linux ?17:09
bazhangm0dY: can you still connect to the internet?17:09
BlackInsidePar laconsole17:09
=== funt_ is now known as funt
bazhang!fr | BlackInside17:09
ubotuBlackInside: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.17:09
m0dYbazhang: its just a virtual machine, i am monitoring it now through kvm17:09
void^SeanTater: yeah, sounds reasonable.. wireless is really bad when you have more than one active peer on the network :)17:09
=== rafaelsoaresbr1 is now known as rafaelsoaresbr
geniim0dY: I had that with Marvell Yukon eth adapter. Somehow it got a new MAC address after upgrade17:10
BlackInsideSorry ;)17:10
m0dYbazhang: i could change the config files but i wanna know why is this action and wether it could be reversed to the origin?17:10
GIMP22is there a way to verify which run level you are in?17:11
LaneyIs there a command to list all members of a group?17:11
kitofhawaiiray_: i don't know about iproute2...17:11
Dr_willisubuntu defaults to runlevel 2. but then again - i dont think it really does much with the other runlevels other then the 'reboot' level.17:11
ray_kit i looking here17:11
CarlHi. Anybody willing to help with wireless problem?17:11
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:11
GIMP22ah thanks17:12
kitofhawaiiray_: are you able to get on the internet right now?17:12
ray_what good out of them i want to use open soruce stuff17:12
bazhangm0dY: you are way above my knowledge level :}17:12
m0dYno prob. :)17:12
bulmerLaney cat /etc/group17:12
CarlThanks. I have 7.1 running fine, sees the Linksys USB wireless device17:12
kitofhawaiiray_: open source is great, but your intel driver is a restricted driver (non-open source)17:12
bazhangray_: don't complicate it with non-ubuntu stuff imo17:12
CarlSeems to have a driver. But I can't figure out how to see any networks17:12
kitofhawaiiray_: requires you to unlock restricted repositories in synaptic and download "linux-restricted-modules"17:13
CarlHi, anybody here good with wireless?17:14
keiserrhi, i already have apache install on my laptop, i now wanted to install tomcat add-on so as it can handle servlets for me, how do i install tomcat as addon with apt-get or aptitude?17:14
kitofhawaiiCarl: that depends on the wireless question (always does :)17:14
bulmerCarl what issues do you have?17:14
CarlOK, I think it's pretty simple. I'm seeing the Linksys usb wireless device, adn it seems to have driver17:15
ray_kit i looking at tools like Security and Association daemons17:15
CarlJust don't know how to see any networks.17:15
bulmerCarl-> iwlist wlan0 scan17:15
ray_what one kit would you recamend i see ment on page i posted17:15
CarlI'll try that and brb17:15
CarlOK, that shows my network, gives a signal level etc. But my browser doesn't seem to think i'm connected17:17
aleks^# j macedonia17:17
galdar\linuxhey how can I change which language the spell checker is checking for?17:18
=== glider is now known as gl1d3r
bulmerCarl does your wlan0 have an ip address assigned to it?17:18
tomchukkeiserr: just pastebined a script I used to use on Edgy(?) for installing tomcat with mod_jk (to connect with apache)17:19
kitofhawaiiray_: unfortunately, almost all the ones i'm familiar with work so different between them, the gui's are different so it comes down to personal taste (i hated wifi radar, others love it)17:19
tomchukkeiserr: http://pastebin.com/m745e8b8917:19
keiserrthanks tomchuk17:19
tomchukkeiserr: haven't used it in a while though17:19
tomchukkeiserr: np17:19
ray_kit what would you recamend on page i posted just gotntu few months back  ubuntu back so still trying things17:19
edsonboasorteOlá, alquém aki usa o Lazarus17:19
bulmerpeople if you have a directed response, please prefix with a nick or else it will be ignored17:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spellcheck - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:20
ray_i want to have Security and Association daemons17:20
edsonboasorteOlá, alquém aki usa o Lazarus????17:20
ray_i might like17:20
ray_for my card17:20
rlanhamis there a way to do two owners on a file? I want root and my user account rlanham to have acess17:20
u7usAmaranth: Hello. I'm wondering how to get an ubuntu-jeos channel going. Are you the right person to talk to?17:20
erUSULrlanham: a common group17:21
Amaranthu7us: #ubuntu-ops maybe17:21
kitofhawaiiray_: i don't know specifically for your card...i have a realtek in this one17:21
ray_kit i talkking my wireless 394517:21
rlanhamWhy can't I change a folder owner/permission even as root?17:21
edsonboasorteOlá, alquém aki usa o Lazarus????17:21
Jack_Sparrowrlanham: what folder?17:22
u7usAmaranth: thanks!17:22
edsonboasorteAlgum brazuka aki???17:22
bulmerrlanham man chattr17:22
rlanhamits in /media/Shared-Data/Webs17:22
erUSUL!es | edsonboasorte17:22
ubotuedsonboasorte: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.17:22
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke17:22
m0dYwhat causes Ubuntu to change eth0 to eth1 for an ethernet controller ?17:22
CarlBulmer, here's what it has for address -- 00:00:c5:f9:19:br17:22
kitofhawaiiray_: really, i don't have any personal recommendations, i use network manager because it's worked for me17:22
bulmerrlanham-> also see if that dir is mounted read only17:22
bazhangI think that is portuguese17:22
Carldoesn't look like any ip address i've ever seen!17:22
kitofhawaiiCarl: that's your hardware address17:23
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:23
bulmerCarl-> its not an ip address.. type  iwconfig  and see if it has associated with your AP17:23
ray_kit is this nice Jouni Malinen   wpa_supplicant17:23
sproingiekitofhawaii: br?  not exactly a hex number17:23
Carli didn't see anythok, brb17:23
rlanhamits not read only17:23
bulmerpeople if you have a directed response, please prefix with a nick or else it will be ignored17:24
rlanhamwhat be the apporiate usage for read/write using chattr17:24
Carliwconfig sez no wireless extensions17:24
kitofhawaiisproingie: hmmn...well, the rest is hex...and E is really close to R so i err on the side of typo :)17:24
v-doggif ubuntu says the resolution is 1680x1050 (widescreen) but the image is still 4:3 (black areas on the sides) should I blame ubuntu, my graphics card or my monitor (Acer Al2216W) ?17:24
sproingiekitofhawaii: sounds right to me17:24
Jack_Sparrowrlanham: what format is the partition..17:24
sproingiemaybe it's brazillian hex17:24
tomchukm0dY: ethN are assigned on first boot and stored in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules17:24
DjoefHi, how can i put my terminal window on a higher level ?17:24
lukasz1330.name 117:24
Jack_Sparrowrlanham: Sorry.. not awake yet17:25
mame_Hi there. I am still experiencing no end of issues with trying to get ubuntu 7.10 to boot to the command line. I am also trying to get the FB to work with a Nvidia mx 4000 agp card. Any suggestions?17:25
tomchukm0dY: you can manually reassign them in that file17:25
Carlso question is, why do i not have any wireless extensions?17:25
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kitofhawaiiray_: wpa_supplicant is just a package for wpa support...i think gutsy already has that built in. it's not a gui17:25
imitationbulmer, it is an ipv6 address17:25
DjoefI have a fullscreen window, and a terminal over it (non-fullscreen) when i click the terminal, the terminal needs to be activated, when i click the fullscreen window on the back, this window needs to be activated, but the terminal has to stay on top17:25
ray_kit im on ubuntu chirstan one witch is ubuntu 7.0417:26
ray_kit can i use it on it17:26
bulmerimitation-> he aint got an ipv4 ip address17:26
ray_kit its add in17:26
ray_for what come in ubuntu17:26
kitofhawaiiimitation: that's not an ipv6 address, ipv6 is much longer17:26
rlanhamjack_sparrow: its is a vfat17:26
tomchukDjoef: if you're using Gnome/Metacity click the window menu and check always on top17:26
ray_kit also looking at Open1x17:27
Jack_Sparrowrlanham: setting permissions on a vfat drive?17:27
Dr_willisDjoef,  most window managers have a 'keep on top/keep below' tpe features - right click on the title bar and see.17:27
ray_eather one better than what comes in my verison17:27
rlanhamjack_Sparrow: well, im trying to get apache2 to load a page off it...its set as my vhost17:27
Djoefthanks !17:27
kitofhawaiiray_: you're asking questions that i don't have answers for. i'm sorry, i don't give out personal recommendations, i just give out help (if you can call it that sometimes :)17:27
Dr_willisfind that kind of feature under windowws... :) heh ..17:27
ray_kit ok17:28
ray_might try open1x17:28
ray_kit dose the site have doc how to install it17:28
hwAnyone know a backport of esvn 0.6.12 for feisty?17:28
Jack_SparrowI must be missing something, I dint think fat32 supported permissions on folders..17:28
CarlCan somebody tell me what to do if iwlist shows my network but I don't have a wireless extension?17:28
Carlwhat's a wireless extension?17:28
kitofhawaiiray_: try it and come back and let us know how it works for you :)17:28
Jack_Sparrowrlanham: Sorry, like I said I am not awake.. need to go back to sleep..17:29
erUSULJack_Sparrow: you are right it does not17:29
xybreJack_Sparrow: it doesn't, there might be fat32 extensions for permissions, but not that I' maware of17:29
AskHLJack_Sparrow, AFAIK you can assign a set of permissions to a FAT mount in its entirety17:29
bcardarellaI'm having a crash issue with FireFox. It seems that whenever I click on a javascript popup link the browser goes dark and stalls out. Sometimes it will come to after a few minutes, most of the time it won't. Any help?17:29
rlanhamI just keep getting a 403 via apache17:29
kitofhawaiiCarl: right click on network manager, does it show enable wireless checked?17:29
rlanhameven useing the Allow all17:29
jerdude98I'm just wondering - how do I run .exe on ubuntu 7.10 - any specific programs ?17:29
AskHL...but, Jack_Sparrow, as has been said already, the elements of the FAT system do not support it themselves17:29
mame_Quick poll does anyone routinely use any other desktop besides xfce or gnome?17:29
Jack_SparrowGuys.. your comments might be better directed to rlanham.. as it was his question.  I was trying to answer17:30
thyraxgood morning/afternoon. Guys I'm doing a clean install of ubuntu getting it ready for my raid server which would you recommend is the best way to partition the disk at install? custom/manual or guided?17:30
pike_jerdude98: you can use wine which is basiaclly an open source version of the windows api but you have to keep in mind you are running a win app on linux so it may just work or may not17:30
SeanTaterWould ad-hoc wireless G be faster than Infrastructure with mixed G and B?17:30
pike_jerdude98: like wine utorrent.exe17:30
thyraxor use full disk? the os disk is an 80gig hdd17:30
xybrerlanham: whats the problem?17:30
jerdude98okay in terminal17:30
Goosemoosedoes anything need to be restarted when doing a network preseed after updating preseed.cfg?17:31
Carlkitofhawaii: It shows enable wireless checked17:31
rlanhamzybre: I am trying to create an apache2 vhosts to work on my Vfat mounted Web Resources drive. I keep getting a 40317:31
pike_jerdude98: also in ubuntu it can associate .exe with wine so you just click on it im not too familar with the gnome file associations but i think its just a matter or right click and open with kina like windows17:31
xybrerlanham: ah, have you allowed your apache to see the vfat drive? Also, is the vfat mounted read only?17:32
kitofhawaiiCarl: you using wep, wpa?17:32
meandaddyHello World!  Can someone help me with erratic mouse behavior?17:32
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: mouse trap...:)17:32
CarlHow can I tell?17:32
JuJuBeeI want to get a UPS, is there one that has software that works with Ubuntu to shut down safely?17:33
jerdude98I see what you mean pike - looks like wine doesn't work 100% with exe17:33
rlanhamxybre: I have no idea, it is a base install of apache2 how would I allow it to do so? 2) I can write to the vfat so I dont think its RO17:33
Dr_willisJuJuBee,  i saw just the other day an anouncement that some Major Brand UPS maker was supporting Ubuntu17:33
kitofhawaiiCarl: sorry, on your wireless network. are you using encryption...wpa or wep or none?17:33
pike_jerdude98: http://www.winehq.org/  people report there how specific apps work if you need to check on a game or whatever17:33
hariHaving problems with NVIDIA NFORCE NETWORKING CONTROLER, (forcedeth), chipset MCP 67117:33
meandaddyThe mouse wheel will not work after switching to another computer & back via KVM switch.  The other box (RH7.2) does not have that problem.17:34
xybrerlanham: what do your apache settigns look like (use pastebin if you need to)17:34
darelhi @ all17:34
Carli'm using wep encryption on my network17:34
Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: I had same prob.. I made a quick script17:34
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: that's usually the kvm switch. don't move the mouse until you wait about 5 seconds after switching kvm channels17:34
Carli put in the address as wep ascii. don't know if that's right17:34
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kitofhawaiiCarl: oh. did you use a wep passphrase to set up your wireless router?17:35
Cyrus25801I just installed ubuntu 7.10 and then the restricted drivers but when i restarted the srcreen went all weird and now i can't see anything. can someone pls help17:35
Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: try this line     sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse17:35
pike_Carl: usually in terminal i do for wep  sudo iwconfig ath0 essid myroutersname key 1234555667617:35
TheSheepI'd like to forbid mounting usb drives for everyone not in group plugdev, right now the users not in this group seem to be still able to mount them via HAL. Any hints?17:35
meandaddyJack_sparrow: what does the script contain?17:35
dareli got a question about ftp (cli) by uploading a dir : is not a plain file17:35
dareli knwo its about ascii, but it dosent run in binary mode17:35
Carlwhere the key is the wep password?17:35
meandaddyKitofhawaii:  Tried that to no effect.17:35
Dr_willisJuJuBee, http://www.linux-watch.com/news/NS9416037415.html   - company name is 'eaton'17:35
TheSheepdarel: use the 'binary' command17:36
JuJuBeeDr_willis : thanks.17:36
kitofhawaiiCarl: http://www.powerdog.com/wepkey.cgi will translate a wep passphrase into hex for you (you just need to know if your network is 64 bit wep or 128 bit wep)17:36
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Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: JUst that one line..  not really a script out of the context of the rest of the page17:36
rlanhamxybre: here is my vhost conf http://pastebin.com/d17ff008117:36
pike_Cyrus25801: try alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and choose vesa for just safe 2d or your installed driver and just enter for default on most everything else  then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to reload config file17:36
Dr_willisJuJuBee,  that may be more of a BIG BUSINESS type site/company. :)17:36
darelit dont run in binary mode, too17:36
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: who manufactures the kvm?17:36
grindcorewhen i plug my external hdd i cannot acces it - i had everything working until I update from 7.04 to 7.10 - I'm getting this message: The volume 'My Book' uses the NTFS file system which is not supported by your system.  Any ideas? I'm newbie and I know this question is bit stupid, but,..  :) Thanks17:36
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii: it isnt a mfg. it is a device.. a switch17:37
NET||abuseAnyone here a javascript coder? What interface would you use? IDE? i had a look at eclipse+aptana, but that was a while ago, what's good?17:37
meandaddyKitofhawaii: Belkin17:37
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: the problem usually is the kvm sends a reset to the machine and the device when you switch (on lower end kvms)17:37
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii: sorry, I misread that17:37
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: belkin i've had huge problems with in that regards unfortunately17:37
Dr_willis!ntfs-3g | grindcore17:37
ubotugrindcore: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions17:37
Cyrus25801pike_: thanx17:37
hvgotcodeshey if  i have 653 megs of ram, is there any way to tell why swap space is being used?17:37
hvgotcodesmegs of free ram17:38
Dr_willishvgotcodes,  the 'free' command17:38
lsblakkhi - can anyone help me map my backslash and pipe key ?  i'm using a macbook vmware vm of gutsy17:38
Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: this line should get the wheel working again     sudo modprobe -r psmouse ; sudo modprobe psmouse17:38
hvgotcodesyeah i did17:38
JuJuBeeDr_willis : looks that way.  I just need something simple like the APC home versions.17:38
grindcoreDr_Willis thanks :) i'm reading :)17:38
Dr_willishvgotcodes,  I would say somthing paged out to swap and just hasent paged back yet.17:38
kitofhawaiiJack_Sparrow: np :)17:38
meandaddykitofhawaii & jack_sparrow: Thanks, guess I'll get another brand... any suggestions?17:38
jurgentjeHi... I've got messed up with my system and I can't figure out how to get it okay again... tons of dependencies seem to be crippled, I guess it's because there's something wrong in my sources.list ... anyhow, is there an easy way to revert my Kubuntu (actually a converted ubuntu) to a default Kubuntu without loosing my "home" folders?17:38
hvgotcodesis there any way to force that?17:38
Carlok, i've generated a 128 bit hex key. going to try that17:38
hvgotcodes free -m17:39
hvgotcodes             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached17:39
hvgotcodesMem:          1011        655        355          0         70        22017:39
hvgotcodes-/+ buffers/cache:        365        64617:39
hvgotcodesSwap:         1427         33       139417:39
Dr_willishvgotcodes,  from what ive read over the years.. its best to let linux handle the memory and not try to tweak it like people try to di with windoes.17:39
kitofhawaiiCarl: yes, it might be 128 or 64, that makes a big diff...:)17:39
Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: I cant see the name on the one here that works, but it was el-cheapo from frys17:39
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: depends on your budget :-D17:39
hvgotcodesim just curious how it got in there in the first place17:39
kitofhawaiimeandaddy: for how many ports?17:39
hariOnce again, Changing NIC name changes by every reboot, NVIDIA MCP671 + FORCEDETH17:40
lsblakki've got the keycode (51) and a .xmodmaprc file - i'm missing the names are for backslash and pipe17:40
GIMP22hello all, if I booted into a terminal for Ubuntu is there a way to create and switch between terminals?17:40
meandaddyJack_sparrow:  IT DID, IT DID!!!!   Thanks muchly, I'll keep that line handy until a new kvm lives here.17:40
void^hvgotcodes: it's usually the restricted-modules ramdisk that gets swapped out (since it is never used after booting up)17:40
Dr_willisGIMP22,  create? You mean the console? use alt-ctrl-F1-throgh f617:40
Jack_Sparrowmeandaddy: I didnt have any doub17:40
GIMP22ah thanks Dr_Willis17:40
Dr_willisGIMP22,  also the 'screen' command is handy to learn about.17:40
tomd123does anyone know how to change the mac address on ubuntu?17:40
rlanhamxybre: will it just not work this way?17:40
CarlI put in the 128 hex key but still show no wireless extensions17:41
pike_!easysource jurgentje17:41
kitofhawaiiCarl: you know definitely you're using 128 hex?17:41
pike_!easysource| jurgentje17:41
ubotujurgentje: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic17:41
rampage73tomd123, it is called macchanger17:41
hvgotcodesvoid^ so I shouldnt be worried over it?17:41
xybrerlanham: I dont know what you're trying to do, so I can't really help :(17:41
GIMP22right, well my problem is that I am running a process in a console but need to switch to another console to run another process. So Alt+Ctrl+F[1..6] will do this?17:41
pike_jurgentje: basically goto that site generate a new list and then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   and paste that in there  save and sudo apt-get update17:42
NullsetI installed ubuntu dapper drake17:42
kitofhawaiiCarl: i'd log onto the router if you could and get the key verbatim from there (for the hex key) just to be sure17:42
void^hvgotcodes: of course not - more useless stuff swapped out means more memory available for useful things17:42
pike_GIMP22: yes17:42
rlanhamxybre: im just trying to get apache to display files17:42
jurgentjepike: thanks :)  ... seems I'm not the first one sick in this bed :p17:42
Dr_willisGIMP22,  try it and see.... :)17:42
GIMP22okay cool thanks17:42
Dr_willisGIMP22,  also read up on Bash job controll.17:43
NullsetI edited sources_list and then I did sudo apt-get dist-upgrade17:43
pike_jurgentje: happens to everyone eventually ;p17:43
NullsetDid I do something wrong17:43
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CarlOK, on my network, it says the key is 128 big (26 characters)17:43
lsblakkis there a main index of all the keycode names somewhere?17:43
NullsetAnyone around ?17:43
kitofhawaiiCarl: ok grab that key off of it...write it down whatever and we'll try a few terminal commands17:44
Nullsetwhat is sudo apt-get dist-upgrade meant for17:44
CarlI have it17:44
grindcoreDr_Willis its working now, thanks a lot :)17:44
kitofhawaiiCarl: from terminal "iwconfig wlan0" (i'm assuming that's your wireless card17:44
inzeohey everyone: whenever I attempt to open the calendar portion of Evolution, it crashes on me with a segmentation fault error.  If I attempt to re-open Evolution, it crashes as soon as it opens, any suggestions?17:44
rampage73Nullset, upgrade the distro you are using like from feisty to gutsy17:44
NullsetI have dapper and I changed the sources_list for dapper17:45
Nullsetrampage73: Should I press ctrl+c17:45
xybrerlanham: I'm not sure.. you should try #apache17:45
comicinkerhi guys I have a problem in anjuta: when I try to call the users manual, I receive the error "Unable to display help. Please make sure Anjuta documentation package is install. " can somebody help me?17:45
killemallgood day17:45
Nullsetrampage73: I have dapper, I changed the sources.list17:45
killemallim wondering what the performance difference might be by having ubuntu at the beginning of hd or at the end its a raptor 15017:45
Carlkitofhawaii, ok, i did it. what am i looking for?17:46
NullsetDo I need to do the dist-upgrade thing17:46
killemallright now the ubuntu partition is at the end of the hard disk17:46
comicinkeryes, I've installed  devhelp and libdevhelp-1-0 (in case you ask)17:46
kitofhawaiiCarl: as long as it doesn't say "no wireless extensions" we're in business17:46
kitofhawaiiCarl: then "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <yourwifinetworkname> key <thatlong26digitkey>"17:47
Carlkitofhawaii, it doesn't say no wireless extensions with that command17:47
kitofhawaiiCarl: after that "dhclient wlan0" and wait until it either fails or reports something good back17:47
kitofhawaiiCarl: sorry, "sudo dhclient wlan0"17:48
comicinkerinzeo: did you create some kind of special calendar?17:48
inzeocomicinker: well, I had been testing using a groupwise account, but the problem also occurred with just an IMAP account17:48
ray_were i get this at kit iwlib.h17:49
ray_says i need it17:49
comicinkerinzeo: try deleting the calendars with gconf-editor17:49
ray_were i get this iwlib.h17:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iwlib.h - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:49
inzeocomicinker: how would i go about doing that?17:49
ricaneliteif you head over to allgames.com do you get any music or sound at all?17:49
ricanelitecan someone please let me know17:49
jurgentjepike: for some strange reason it stays crippled... even though I overwrote /etc/apt/sources.list with the new content, it keeps seeing the medibuntu repo's too (f.e.)17:49
jurgentjedoes apt look anywhere else but sources.list?17:49
comicinkerstart it with alt-f2 gconf-editor, then you find calendars in apps->evolution....17:50
ajmalin pidgin inter net messanger how can i activate my yahoo id17:50
ray_dose any one know were to get this at17:50
ajmalhelp me17:51
inzeocomicinker: all i have listed under calendars is date_navigator, display, notify, etc...and I'm unable to delete any of that17:51
DreginHi. I have a Dell XPS. The mic input on the front wasn't working, so I googled it and found a modification to the ALSA source code. This has left me with no sound at all.here's a link with lots of info: https://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~dregin/alsa/17:51
comicinkerinzeo: you can (or should) amke a backup of the entry17:51
Dreginmuch thanks17:51
ajmalin pidgin internet messanger how can i activate my yahoo id17:51
Carlkitofhawaii, must have done something wrong. it said no such file17:51
rampage73ajmal, just got to accounts and add there will be  drop downlist yahoo will be there17:51
Carlbut i have to quit and go to the dentist. about the same fun factor!17:52
inzeocomicinker: do i have to start gconf-editor up as sudo in order to remove entries?17:52
Carlthanks for your help. i may see you when i'm in here later if you're around17:52
kitofhawaiiCarl: lol well good luck with that...17:52
ajmalrampage73, then????????????17:52
comicinkerinzeo: if you go th apps/evolution/calendar should be able double click the entry "sources"17:52
DaSkreechAre teh files in 1386 on the Windows install CD compressed?17:52
comicinkerno, no root required17:52
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* Carl[A] is now away - Reason : gone to dentist17:52
rampage73uhm select and add your yahoo id and pass17:53
pike_DaSkreech: the cab files?17:53
bazhangDaSkreech: haha17:53
jurgentjeIf I would just download de ubuntu live CD ... and install it over my current (ubuntu) installation, will it retain my /home data? (especially my documents)17:53
inzeocomicinker: there isn't a "sources" entry - i'm sure this is because I had removed evolution, i will re-install and then see what pops up in there, hold on a moment17:53
DaSkreechpike_: I dunno they are the same files in System32 but they have the last char in the name replaced by _17:53
DaSkreechso cmd.ex_17:53
soundrayjurgentje: no, not unless you created a separate home partition when you first installed.17:53
ajmalrampag 73, i have add my yahoo id ,17:53
comicinkerif there is no sourse, you should create an empty one17:53
DaSkreechand telnet.ex_17:53
DaSkreechpike_: Those are cab files?17:54
ajmalrampag73, i want to chat my friend which is waite for me.now what did i do????????17:54
comicinkerinzeo: I mean I think there should be an empty sources entry17:54
pike_DaSkreech: i would exect those to be backups but not sure no cab files have .cab extension17:54
DaSkreechYes that I know17:54
rampage73if you have an yahoo id that should be it17:55
pike_DaSkreech: mkfs.ext3 tends to sort out most of my windows problems :)17:55
rampage73ajmal, hang on let me double heck17:55
DaSkreechpike_: That's the start of mine :)17:55
inzeocomicinker: hmm, there isn't one listed in there; this wasn't a problem like a week ago, but I reinstalled ubuntu 2 days ago and now it crashes on me (evolution that is)17:55
DaSkreechthough it is a good road to a solution17:55
soundrayjurgentje: one way out of this is to do a fresh install in space that you gain by resizing your current root. Later you can tie in the old root as the new /home partition.17:55
DreginCan anyone help me with my ALSA issue? https://www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~dregin/alsa/17:56
Julian6hi people17:56
bazhangsorry DaSkreech I thought you were kidding17:56
jurgentjesoundray: it's just... my dependencies are all gone bezerk... even a new clean sources.list couldn't save me... and I don't know what I can all uninstall using apt ...17:56
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ajmalrampag, I have activate my id but can't show in buddy list17:56
comicinkerinzeo: I'm pretty shure you made a backup of .evoultion and copied it back17:56
DreginI pretty much just want to get back to the default ubuntu 7.10 setup17:56
jurgentjeotherwise, I would uninstall it all... and reinstall only what I need...17:56
inzeocomicinker: that is actually what i did17:56
soundrayjurgentje: shall we have a go at fixing your troubles first?17:56
inzeocomicinker: then it crashes so i completely removed, and it still wouldn't get fixed17:56
kitofhawaiiDaSkreech: files on windows cd with _ at the end are lightly compressed...in windows we use the "expand" command to uncompress them17:56
DaSkreechbazhang: I'm trying to install Windows and it tells me on first reboot that hal.dll is corrupt17:56
DaSkreechkitofhawaii: Wonderful thanks17:57
rampage73ajmal, ok so you do not have anyone in your buddy list?17:57
inzeocomicinker: hmm, so should i reinstall evolution then and see what pops up?17:57
bazhangDaSkreech: someone earlier had that very same problem17:57
jurgentjesoundray: sure... can I msg you? (will be easier than this rain of chat here...)17:57
pike_kitofhawaii: nice to know17:57
ajmali want to add my friend in my buddy list what should i do???????17:57
rgnrhello all17:57
comicinkerinzeo: same problem in my case. I had to correct the gconf entries. thats all. ne reinstall can repair this, i think17:57
soundrayjurgentje: no, it's safer for you if we do it publically.17:57
rgnrwols_:  hi17:57
jurgentjesoundray: sigh... dutie calls. I'll have to be going ... I guess I'll be here some other time.17:57
DaSkreechbazhang: I looked at the hal.dll on the drive and the HAL.DL_ and they are different sizes17:57
inzeocomicinker: ahh, okay, well let me reinstall evolution so that i get more entries in gconf and we can go from there?17:57
jurgentjethanks for the good will anyhow17:58
soundrayjurgentje: okay17:58
DaSkreechSo I was wondering if that would accoutn for it17:58
comicinkerinzeo: good idea17:58
bazhangDaSkreech: I'll keep that in mind if that guy comes back :}17:58
inzeocomicinker: thanks for helping by the way :)17:58
maxsoft2hi all. I need add a new 'network class' to the eth0. In this moment eth0 have ip address. I need add is it possible? how to? thank you.17:58
rampage73ajmal, go to buddies - add buddy pic the account should be yahoo type in your buddy screen name and alias if you want then click add17:58
bazhangajmal: which program?17:58
fredlwhen I start up gnome-audio-profile-properties there's a profile called 'CD quality, MP3'. That profile does not show up in sound juicer's output formats, how do I fix that?17:58
DaSkreechIt just occured to me that I'm in #ubuntu17:58
comicinkerinzeo: no thanks requiered. this is a support channel ;) I'm happy to help17:59
rampage73gotta go17:59
DaSkreechThought I was in ##windows :)17:59
sethkmaxsoft2, you can change your IP to be anything you want.  I don't know what you mean by "class".  Do you mean subnet?17:59
rgnri cannot upload torrents17:59
bulmermaxsoft2-> use the iproute2 tools man ip ...  ip add dev eth0 xxx   ...17:59
DaSkreechah well an answer is an answer17:59
bazhangrgnr: not really an ubuntu problem17:59
inzeocomicinker: okay, its re-installed, should i add my account now?17:59
ajmalrampag73. what should i write in the alias and room18:00
DaSkreechOk lets try a reboot18:00
maxsoft2sethk: I need assign to different ip adress to the same eth0 .18:00
DaSkreechthanks kitofhawaii :)18:00
bazhangajmal: which program?18:00
rgnrbazhang: how can i check if there's a fw running18:00
wols_rgnr: do you have a router?18:00
inzeocomicinker: actually, i just started evolution, and there are now sources entries in calendar18:00
bulmermaxsoft2-> i said its possible, man ip18:00
sethkmaxsoft2, you can create eth0:118:00
kitofhawaiiDaSkreech: aloha :)18:00
wols_rgnr: unless you made one run, there isn't. man iptables18:00
rgnrwols_:  yep did all the forwarding18:00
sethkmaxsoft2, that will be the same physical device with an alias address18:00
comicinkerinzeo: intresting18:00
sethkmaxsoft2, use ifconfig, but with eth0:118:00
bulmersethk-> they have to be in same domain..so ifconfig will not work i think..he has to use ip18:01
rgnrwols_:  man iptables? 'ts that?18:01
fredlHmm, am I invisible or is figuring out why a bloody CD ripper won't write mp3's the most difficult thing in the world?18:01
sethkbulmer, ifconfig is the way you use ip18:01
bulmersethk-> ip is more advance than ifconfig18:01
soundraysethk: should he end up with a eth0 and a eth0:1, or with eth0:0 and eth0:1 ?18:01
inzeocomicinker: okay, so i added just my gmail account, and once again it crashes when going into calendar; so what entries should i adjust in gconf?18:01
sethksoundray, eth0, and eth0:118:01
maxsoft2sethk: thank you very much I'll study ifcongif . thank you again.18:01
rlanhamHey guys I was told to come here from the Ubuntu channel, I have apache2 working just fine on my linux machine. I am trying to create a vhost to point to folder on my mounted vfat drive. Apache keeps giving me 403 errors. Here is my conf.  http://pastebin.com/d17ff008118:01
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:01
soundraysethk: thanks18:02
bazhangfredl: see above18:02
sethkbulmer, that is entirely irrelevant.  In fact, in this case, he should use ifconfig _because_ it is simpler and it does what he needs18:02
comicinkerinzeo: did you alway restarted the gconf-editor?18:02
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:02
fredlthanks bazhang18:02
inzeocomicinker: yeah, gconf-editor is now open18:02
bazhangis there a command !rip?18:03
bulmersethk it is not irrelevant, using ip instead of ifconfig gives him extra stuff not available in ifconfig18:03
sethkbulmer, he doesn't need the extra stuff.  therefore he's better off with ifconfig18:03
rgnrwols_:   is it turned on by default?18:03
sethkyou should always use the simplest tool that gets the job done18:03
gordonjcpbulmer: you should use the simplest tool that does the job, though18:03
comicinkerinzeo: just a minute18:04
inzeocomicinker: no problem18:04
wols_rgnr: no18:04
soundraygordonjcp: in most cases, that'll be a sledgehammer18:04
kitofhawaiiwe usually use sub-interfaces for vlans...i don't think you require that just to have multiple addresses on a nic18:04
rlanhamHey guys I was told to come here from the Ubuntu channel, I have apache2 working just fine on my linux machine. I am trying to create a vhost to point to folder on my mounted vfat drive. Apache keeps giving me 403 errors. Here is my conf.  http://pastebin.com/d17ff008118:04
gordonjcpsoundray: indeed18:04
sethkI like sledgehammers.18:04
rgnrwols_:  i didn't turn it then18:04
gordonjcpsoundray: I have access to a 50-tonne hydraulic press that has proved effective on many occasions18:04
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bazhangrlanham: this is the ubuntu channel :}18:04
sethkalthough they are more useful with windows boxes18:05
bakaratfirefox has taken hold of my audio device again, how can i release its hold?18:05
rgnrforwarded the dam tcp so 'tsopen18:05
sethkrlanham, go to #apache18:05
gordonjcpsoundray: you know, when that CPU just won't go in the socket18:05
bulmersethk  and gordonjcp  he is attempting to do more advance networking stuff..appropiate tools like ip is better in my opinion, he is not doing something simple18:05
rgnrbut no uploading dammit18:05
soundraygordonjcp: wow. Have you ever been charged? :)18:05
sethkbulmer, couldn't be simpler18:05
ajmali want to add my friend in pidgin  which acctount is farhanriaz420@yahoo.com what should i do for it18:05
sethkbulmer, it's the simplest possible ifconfig command.  The _only_ difference is that the name is eth0:1 instead of eth018:06
soundraygordonjcp: I bet you can put a Core 2 CPU in an AM2 slot with that.18:06
inzeoajmal: you were able to connect to your yahoo account successfully in pidgin, correct?18:06
bazhanghttp://www.pidgin.im/documentation.php ajmal18:06
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comicinkerinzeo: but you can create a gconf-entry in apps/evolution/calendars ?18:06
rlanhamsethk: I was already in apache18:06
ajmalinzeo: how can i chat my friend18:06
rlanhamsethk: told me fstab issue to come here18:06
gordonjcpsoundray: I've tried similar experiments in drive compression too -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glRMdVc_6cQ18:07
sethkrlanham, it isn't an fstab issue at all.  PM me.18:07
inzeoajmal: go up to Buddies - Add Buddy18:07
bazhangajmal: see link above18:07
ajmalinzeo then????????18:07
inzeocomicinker: i'm not sure if I can create an entry, as I'm not sure how to do that, but I am now able to delete that sources entry if that's what you think i should do18:07
gordonjcpsoundray: it's a fragment of a much longer piece that I haven't edited together yet ;-)18:07
inzeoajmal: make sure Account: says your Yahoo account, then simply type in the yahoo screenname of your friend in the screen name box18:07
sethkrlanham, I'm looking at your paste, and I see absolutely nothing here that could possibly be related to fstab18:08
kitofhawaiigordonjcp: if that link shows a hard drive being used as a speaker...i'm going to be very upset18:08
Locksmis the guy i talked to earlier regarding hidden ssid on ?18:08
bakaratanyone? firefox has taken hold of my audio device again, how can i release its hold?18:08
bazhanginzeo: you trying to fix your sources list?18:08
sethkrlanham, it may be a mount permissions problem18:08
ajmali had write my friend name in the screen name then what should i write in the alias???????????????in account i had write my account18:08
soundraygordonjcp: cool. I'll keep my youtube eyes peeled :)18:08
inzeobazhang: no, its dealing with evolution  - the "sources" entry under /apps/evolution/calendar in gconf-editor18:09
PirateHeadIs there a way to run a Bash command from within PHP and get the returned text?18:09
gordonjcpsoundray: the basic premise of the experiment was "will a CD-ROM support 1700kg of car" and, over the course of the afternoon, the answer turned out to be "not really"18:09
gordonjcpPirateHead: exec()18:09
arsirchi @all18:09
inzeoajmal: you don't have to type anything in Alias; i believe what you type in Alias would be what appears on your buddy list - so if their screen name is screenamewoohoo, if you typed My Friend in alias, "My Friend" would appear on your buddy list18:10
PirateHeadgordonjcp: exec() returns a string?18:10
rlanhamsethk: so wouldn't a mount permission issue be fstab?18:10
gordonjcpPirateHead: rtfm ;-)18:10
sethkrlanham, mount options can be specified in fstab or on the command line.18:10
rlanhamsethk:  I can tell you that all the files are marked via my account rlanham:root with very minimal permissions. Even as root i cant chmod / chown them.18:10
PirateHeadgordonjcp: Thanks. :-)18:11
arsirci have installed ubuntu desktop 7.10 and want to access it with ssh ... have inserted AllowUser [username] in /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:11
gordonjcprlanham: it's possible your filesystem is mounted read-only18:11
weyerdoes anybody know where to change standard keybindings of multimeida keys? i have my play/pause/stop bound to rhytmbox, but i'd like to have them bound to gmpc ...18:11
gordonjcpPirateHead: you've got something to go google on now...18:11
ajmalinzeo.it shows in budy list and written there not on server list18:11
arsircif i want to start /etc/ssh i get the error: bad configuration option: AllowUser, why?18:11
Locksmok seems not, well Question : I got this  BCM4306(Rev 03) wifi miniPCI device in my laptop, and i'm trying to get it to work, so far i think ive been unsuccessfull, be advised im kinda new to linux // Ubunto, so your dealing with a rookie who have a dark desire to learn ubunto !18:11
rlanhamgordonjcp: how do I check that?18:11
arsirci mean /etc/init.d/ssh18:11
crdlbweyer: does gmpc have media key support? I know sonata does (another mpd client)18:12
arsircmusst this user defined for the ssh group in /etc/group ?18:12
kitofhawaiiLocksm: wifi devices with revisions are notoriously difficult to work with, so i sympathize18:12
Locksmatm though ive figured out i had 43 files to update, so the synaptic proggie is doing it atm, installing variouse packages18:12
gordonjcprlanham: mount18:12
weyercrdlb: i guess, because it complains the keys are bound to another application18:12
comicinkerinzeo: did you receive my private message?18:13
Locksmsigh, i feel it kit. i just hope someone have the cunning skills to maybe help me :D18:13
inzeocomicinker: yes i did18:13
crdlbweyer: there shouldn't be a problem unless rhythmbox is actually running18:13
_mastro_hi all.. i've ubuntu feisty with ati proprietary driver (almost last ones)... i've installed compiz fusion "just for fun" but keep it disabled by default.... when i log in compiz fusion is enabled then after a while (some second) it shutdown itself and metacity come up again.. automatically! can you help me understanding what launch compiz entering gnome?18:13
weyernot that i know18:13
kitofhawaiiLocksm: who manufactures the card?18:13
comicinkerbut watch out. the value 123.456 is a local folder in you .evolution/calendar18:13
kitofhawaiiLocksm: or is it built in?18:13
Tzarakhi again18:14
comicinkerthe 666666... is the private url to your google calendar18:14
Locksmive downloaded something called bcm43XX-fwcutter with the synaptic and installed that18:14
inzeocomicinker: where do i find what i want to put for the 66666?18:14
Locksmthen ive tried to install WICD, however when i run the command wicd-tray i get 2 or 3 lines and nothing happens18:14
Tzarakls -l /dev/dsp18:14
Tzarakls: no se puede acceder a /dev/dsp: No existe el fichero o el directorio18:14
=== mojo_ is now known as mojo
Locksm/usr/local/bin/wicd-tray: line 2: cd: /opt/wicd/: No such file or directory18:14
Locksm/usr/local/bin/wicd-tray: line 3: ./tray.py: No such file or directory18:14
Locksmis my result18:14
comicinkerinzeo: go to your google calendar, they will show you18:15
Tzaraki need help with isa sound card18:15
Locksmits built in btw18:15
Locksmi think18:15
mojoWhat's in a name?  I dunno... but mojo is MINE!  lol18:15
rlanhamgordonjcp: /dev/sda5 on /media/Shared-Data type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)18:15
rlanhamsethk: /dev/sda5 on /media/Shared-Data type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)18:15
Locksmits a miniPCI thing18:15
Locksmi got an Acer Ferrari 320018:15
kitofhawaiiLocksm: i'm reading most people use ndiswrapper for that card18:15
Locksmif that gives you something to work with18:15
sethkrlanham, do what I suggested in the PM window18:15
weyercrdlb: ah found it, it complained because they were set in the general gnome settings tab18:15
inzeocomicinker: i'm at my google calendar, but i'm not sure where to look now18:15
gordonjcprlanham: hm, that is read-write, but I don't have any vfat drives so I can't really guess what to suggest next...18:16
kitofhawaiiLocksm:i'm getting there :)18:16
Locksmfrom the synaptic app ?18:16
arnathi have ubuntu gutsy on a thinkpad laptop, and it works perfectly except for one thing -> i do not have multiple em "viewports" (ctrl+alt+F1-F2-...)18:16
arnathif i try to switch, the laptop just up & dies18:16
pike_arnath: using frambuffer?18:17
rlanhamsethk: I never got your PM, please try again18:17
kitofhawaiiLocksm: yah, do a search for ndiswrapper, and grab all that are available18:17
arnathpike_: what's that?18:17
kitofhawaiilockm: from synaptic18:17
dev_taralI want to know about Ubuntu 7.10 version .. is that version is stable?18:17
pike_arnath: basically you just have the default install and havent changed anything in menu.lst manually right?18:17
arnathpike_: indeed18:17
arnathpike_: i have some other problems actually, but they are all related to having everything (except /boot) on LVM18:18
kitofhawaiiLocksm: you'll need a copy of the windows driver, i see windows 2000 driver for that card works well (you need the driver folder with the .inf file in it)18:18
arnathpike_: like, i can't go into sleepmode etc, but that matters little at this time18:18
comicinkerinzeo: when you admistrate your calendar on google, go on calendar details18:18
fusspilsI ran apt-get upgrade today and installed some new compiz packages and now I cant get any special effects to work?  I have tried to remove all compiz items and re-install but with no luck18:18
DPic13how do i change the ownership of a director and all of it's contents???18:18
sethkrlanham, you opened a window to me, and you typed in it, and I answered.  Go back to that window18:18
comicinkerinzeo: there is a section called private url18:18
Locksmkit: mind if i contact you in priv msg ?18:18
arnathDPic13: chown user:groep directory18:18
kitofhawaiiLocksm: go ahead :)18:19
arnathDPic13: for all its contents as well -> chown -R user:groep dir18:19
inzeocomicinker: okay, i think i found it18:19
pike_arnath: you might reboot hiting esc alot until you see the grub boot menu then hit e to edit the first entry then scroll to kernel line and hit e then at the end of that line remove the 'splash' then hit enter an then b to boot that way you can see if there are any errors when its booting the settings wont stay they revert back as soon as you reboot18:19
Locksmif i have to speed between firefox and irc i get lost i think18:19
Jack_SparrowDPic13: may we ask what directory you want to change?18:19
MasterShrek_fusspils: tried removing your user's compiz settings?18:19
kitofhawaiifusspills: go to room compiz-fusion they have the best answers18:19
fusspilsMasterShrek_ how do I do that please?18:19
arnathpike_: i already booted without the splash, nothing that could cause this seemed to pop up18:20
comicinkerinzeo: I forgot: replace simdesk with your computers name, of course18:20
fusspilskitofhawaii...thanx I didnt know about that room18:20
inzeocomicinker: ok, and what about the 123.456?18:20
arnathpike_: also, not sure if this is directly related, the problem extends to vmware versions of linux i have running on the laptop18:20
comicinkerinzeo: it is a folder in .evolution/calendar18:20
MasterShrek_fusspils: i would look for folders resembling .compiz in your user's home directory, they will be hidden so you need to do ls -a in a terminal to see them, id remove them then try again18:20
comicinkerdo you have some folders there?18:20
inzeocomicinker: config, local, and views18:21
comicinkerok, in local18:21
pike_arnath: might take a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=375677018:21
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers18:21
arnathpike_: ah thanks :)18:21
inzeocomicinker: then i have a system folder18:21
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications18:21
arnathdoes anyone know if the bug regarding laptop harddisks (when on battery power) has been fixed yet?18:21
comicinkercomicinker: and no other folder. shit18:22
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.18:22
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:22
arnathcurrently i'm simply executing a script i wrote based on the temporary fixes, but i would like to implement an "official" fix18:22
MasterShrek_galdar\linux: please mess with the bot in a pm :)18:22
MasterShrek_it floods the channel18:22
hazsomeone able to walk me through getting flash going?18:23
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek_: perhaps show him how to /msg it to himself18:23
comicinkerinzeo: ok. then its another problem :P18:23
haz64bit feisty firefox18:23
MasterShrek_Jack_Sparrow: hell ask if he doesnt know how18:23
mojoI have been having a problem with my computer maxing out it's load and slowing to a very painful crawl.  I am getting good at ALT-SYSRQ R-E-I-S-U-B.  This was happening on Feisty, and is happening on my fresh install (not upgrade) to Gutsy ubuntu-studio.  I am not sure how to determine what is causing it.  I have tried htop in a terminal when I have managed to get one open, but don't know how to use it for this problem.  I suspect firefox18:23
mojowith Java pages (using sun-java6-jre version 6-03-0ubuntu2).  I don't know what "name" to pass update-alternatives to be sure it's the selected one, though.  Any ideas?18:23
arnathpike_: as i understand the bug, i should still be able to switch back to the visual interface no? (so F7)18:23
inzeocomicinker: crap :(18:23
arnathpike_: i am unable to do this18:23
Jack_SparrowMasterShrek_: I dont remember how..  what is it?18:24
comicinkerinzeo: if understand rigth, the problem occurs when adding a google calendar?18:24
ali1234m0dY: i don't know why it hanged to eth1 but you have to fix it in /etc/udev/rules.d/ iirc (did it just this afternoon)18:24
MasterShrek_Jack_Sparrow: /msg ubotu !wine    for example18:24
mojoHardware - MSI K8N-Neo2 Platinum mobo (s939, nForce2) with AMD Athlon 64 3000+18:25
inzeocomicinker: i would say the problem occurs when simply just clicking on the Calendar button in Evolution - it doesn't matter what account is in there18:25
mojoAnd 1Gb RAM18:25
MasterShrek_mojo: everything seems in order before you log in? like its fast and all before it gets to the desktop?18:25
gpleddoes 7.10 have a desktop for powerpc?18:26
inzeocomicinker: also, if I run ubuntu from the live-cd, the problem doesn't occur when i add accounts to evolution18:26
MasterShrek_gpled: i think so18:26
ubotuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ18:26
mojoMasterShrek, yeah, it runs fine at first.  I suspec ffox but I also have it open all the time.  I *think* it happens more often when I load pages with java, but then am not really sure it's ffox.  Would like to know how to find the culprit with some tool, like htop or some such.18:27
comicinkerinzeo: thats nasty. maybe you shold try reseting all evolution settings (but keep backups)18:27
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inzeocomicinker: how would i try resetting all evolution settings? i have completely removed evolution (sudo apt-get remove) as well as deleting ~/.evolution and ~/.gconf/apps/evolution/18:28
MasterShrek_mojo: run top on tty1 (ctrl+alt+f1) or something and start firefox on your desktop (ctrl+alt+f7) when it starts to dog, switch to tty1 again and watch there maybe18:29
sjovansome one that can help me with putty? i need to tunnel some ports on my remote computer so that i can use a grafical web browser on my local computer to change the settings on the remote router18:29
joseph_anyone know a simple to use debugger for c++18:29
mojoMasterShrek, okay, I can do that.  What am I looking for to help figure out the cause of the load?18:29
mojoMasterShrek, what should I sort TOP on?18:30
comicinkerinzeo: and you use gutsy, I think18:30
inzeocomicinker: correct18:30
MasterShrek_mojo: i think whatever is default should work for you18:30
Dr_willissjovan,  you want to get the browser from the linux machine to appear on the windows machine?18:31
AndycasssHow to throttle apache2 bandwidth?18:31
comicinkerinzeo: how about folder permissions?18:32
inzeocomicinker: what about them? and which folders? haha18:32
TheNo1YetiAndy: I suggest using both hands18:32
AndycasssTheNo1Yeti: sorry???18:33
comicinkeryeah, thats right. what about them18:33
TheNo1YetiJoke failed obviously sorry18:33
inzeocomicinker: haha18:33
mojoMasterShrek, I think it's CPU%... yeah, CPU%18:33
Stormx2Something is piping noise to my speakers18:34
Stormx2help me find out what.18:34
comicinkerinzeo: did you start evolution with --debug, too?18:34
u_angeljinzora on gutsy anyone?18:34
inzeocomicinker: i haven't tried yet, but i will - i should also let you know that even after a complete re-format, the problem would still occur :(18:35
tomd123Stormx2: i would just start killing things until it stopped, i dunno any other way18:35
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX18:35
comicinkerinzeo: well it happens to me on linux sometimes that I switch off the pc, have a meal and then everything is working ;)18:36
inzeocomicinker: it says there is a missing argument when i try to run evolution with the --debug switch18:36
aniacI need some help about media playing...18:38
inzeocomicinker: nevermind, i got it to startup with the --debug switch now18:38
aniacI found a ruby script in order to play a radio station18:38
aniacthey transmit in windows media..18:38
aniacand I need help in order to change some things there and add a player to path..18:39
comicinkerinzeo: first you should make a evolution --force-shutdown, then --debug 3 or sth18:39
aniacI do have installed exaile, rythmbox, amarok, vlc..18:40
aniac(amd 64)18:40
aniachow can I add any of those to path?18:40
comicinkerIve to go, sorry18:40
inzeocomicinker: ok, no problem, thanks for trying!18:41
inzeodoes anyone know why I'm getting "Killing old version of evolution-data-server" when opening Evolution?18:41
inzeoi believe it may be the reason Evolution crashes on me everytime I attempt to click the Calendar button18:42
* Scorpion_ sveikinas su visais pabuchiuodamas kiekviena mergina i skruostuka bei paspausdamas ranka kiekvienam vaikinui/vyrukui :)18:42
aniacany idea about path?18:43
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport18:44
mojoHOW DO I change the text resolution on a tty?  80x25 is just so, um, 1982...  :P  Thanks!18:44
Dr_willismojo,  with the framebuffer settings/tools.18:45
rommexdpyinfo | grep resolution shows me 110x108 dots per inch, but when configuring the software, i'm only asked for one value. what to enter?18:45
Lunar_Lampmojo, I think you need to look at appending a line like vga=792 (example) to your boot config.18:45
mojoDr_willis, where do I find those?18:45
jimbo8543Anyone know how to play movie DVD's in Ubuntu 7.10? Having some trouble here...18:45
Dr_willismojo,  'fbset' if you have framebuffer enabled. you can also set the kernel boot option like Lunar_Lamp  said18:45
fulhackSorry. Gonna go offtopic here. I need to speak with an american, someone in kansas if possible. Any takers?18:45
sjovanwhat was the command for wland info. not ifconfig, but...18:45
Megaqwertyjimbo8543: you need to install libdvdcss18:45
Dr_willismojo,  i always disable the framebuffer. :) Also you can change the console font to some other ones if you like.18:45
mojoLunar_Lamp, Dr_willis thanks18:45
Megaqwertyjimbo8543: it's not in the main repo for legal reasons18:46
Dr_willismojo,  if doing a lot of console work. be sure to check out 'screen' and 'mc' also :)18:46
Megaqwertyjimbo8543: you can get it from other sites though, such as medibuntu18:46
jimbo8543Megaqwerty, thanks for the info...I'll give it a try...18:46
Megaqwerty !dvd | jimbo854318:47
ubotujimbo8543: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:47
sjovanDr_willis: i want to use explorer on the local computer to go in to the remote router18:47
Dr_willissjovan,  you may want to check out some of the stunnle, or other tools for windows. Ive never used putty to just tunnle to a linux box. -18:48
fulhackAny american here? I'm trying to understand how your white pages (phone book) works..18:49
sjovanDr_wills: but it looks realy simple. all i need is the right ports (i think and hope)18:49
tomd123fulhack: by name?18:49
Dr_willisfulhack,  whats to understand? last name, first,  phone #.18:50
fulhacktomd123, Yes, I have city, state and name.. I need an adress or a phone number :\18:50
Dr_willisfulhack,  bigyellow.com cant help ya?18:50
Jack_Sparrowfulhack: Off topic... but pm me if you want to know18:50
Dr_willisfulhack,  assuming the people dont have an unlisted #.18:50
* Dr_willis is reminded once of a Guy in a Computer Support IRC channel DEMANDING to know how to find out his own phone #. The Good old Days of Dialup.....18:51
Dr_willisBye all. work time for me.18:51
fulhackCan't find the guy on bigyellow.com.. Does that mean he's unlisted?18:53
Megaqwertyfulhack: also try whitepages.com18:53
FluxDIs there any other file brwoser other than nautilus and konqueror?18:53
EdgEyanyone know of a good USB headset that works with ubuntu?18:54
EdgEyi can't use a "normal" microphone because of bugs with sound driver (audigy218:54
soundrayFluxD: there is thunar, the xfce one, and mc (textmode)18:54
EdgEyatlef any specific one ? or all will work pretty much ?18:55
FluxDsoundray: so is basically konqueror and nautlius usually the most used?18:55
soundrayFluxD: yes, each one is the default for its desktop environment.18:55
soundrayFluxD: are you using fluxbox?18:56
FluxDsoundray: gnome18:56
atlefEdgEy: http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/webcam_communications/internet_headsets_phones/devices/223&cl=us,en18:56
fulhackMegaqwerty, Um.. None of those sites find him.. but commercial ones do.. like ussearch.com. They want dollars to show his # though.. What's up with that?18:56
soundray!thunar | FluxD18:56
ubotuFluxD: thunar is a File Manager for XFCE. It is a lightweight alternative Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease18:56
captinehi.  random Q, but out of the blue, none of my windows partitions are mounting, however, they are listed in fstab (have not edited anything)???18:56
atlefEdgEy: i have that one18:56
Megaqwertyfulhack: beats me.18:56
temujinquestion: latest version of ubuntu, playing anything but mkv files works perfectly, but mkv files have very choppy playback.  CPU usage is same (10-20 percent) on mkv or avi or mpg files.  Totem is what i am using to play it.  Any ideas?18:56
FluxDsoundray: ty18:56
soundraycaptine: you've probably had an unclean shutdown. Run ntfsfix on them or mount them in Windows once.18:57
Megaqwertyfulhack: those are probably sites that offer background checks for businesses (thus the reason for the charge)18:57
fulhackIn sweden we have a big fsckin book with names and numbers. I like THAT system. ppft. :P18:57
fulhackMegaqwerty, Oh.. Hm.18:57
captinesoundray.  shot.  will try.18:57
imitationFluxD: kubuntu 7.10 introduced the kde4 file browser dolpin18:58
FluxDimitation: will it run on ubuntu 7.10 or kde4 only?18:58
MasterShrek_FluxD: it will run on 7.1018:59
imitationFluxD: it runs on kde3 and any other environment as long as youe got qt4 installed18:59
temujinno one?18:59
FluxDwhat makes it "special" ?18:59
kitofhawaiiFluxD: while it may work, i'd be careful (my experience with KDE4 apps in gnome's been seriously buggy)19:00
FluxDI am gonna try thunar and krusader first19:00
unskilledhi guys! can you tell me how to disable nvidia-drivers from root-shell? i enabled them and now gnome only shows a black display :(19:00
imitationFluxD: itś supposed to be optimized for file management and simple to use19:00
tomd123I second kitofhawaii19:00
MasterShrek_unskilled: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new19:01
MasterShrek_unskilled: oh, DISABLE19:01
soundrayLocksm: that hasn't worked well, you're coming through faintly. Strike your keys harder.19:01
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.19:01
chazcoAnyone know the best virtual machine for running WinXP/Vista inside Ubuntu? (speed, easy of install, "compatibility", GUI etc)19:01
unskilledyeah, disable :(19:01
MasterShrek_unskilled: edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the video driver to vesa (should be nvidia or nv right now)19:01
FluxDchazco: personal prefernce but virtual box looks good19:02
imitationchazco, i'm using vmware server since virtualBox was a bit buggy for me19:02
unskilledgreat.. vesa was the key i was searching for, thanks ;)19:02
kitofhawaiichazco: vmware server definitely19:02
chazcoIs vmware server free?19:03
MasterShrek_chazco: i prefer virtualbox to vmware19:03
kitofhawaiichazco: yes, it's free19:03
chazcoAh... some room for debate here i guess :D19:03
MasterShrek_yes chazco vmware-server is free19:03
soundraychazco: free as in beer only19:03
dravinehaving big issues with gnome-open19:03
kitofhawaiialways room for debate :)19:03
soundraychazco: highly proprietary, though19:03
chazcoNot too bothered about open source, but price is kind of problematic19:03
MasterShrek_chazco: both are free to use19:04
chazcohmm... sounds good... which is easiest to setup?19:04
soundrayLocksm: failed19:04
chazcoWouldnt need it but my Ubuntu has internet issues :(19:04
kitofhawaiiLocksm: lol issues?19:04
Locksmnet mocking me i think19:05
MasterShrek_chazco: ive heard of both having problems installing, i havent used vmware server since its been in the repos though19:05
kitofhawaiiLocksm: personally i'd dump wicd and stick with network manager if you're using wep19:05
chazcoIts in the apt? Not seen it19:05
kitofhawaiiLocksm: wicd on my computer always froze19:05
dravinegnome-open 'http://www.google.com'19:06
dravineLoad Error: Failed to get file information for loading. Please try loading the file again.19:06
Locksmhow do i dump it and get the old to show on my task bar19:06
dravineno urls will work19:06
chazcoCan only find virtualbox in the repos... will try that first, if its not suitable will try vmware. Thanks all :)19:06
MasterShrek_dravine: wtf is gnome-open?19:06
temujinrepeating question: latest version of ubuntu, playing anything but mkv files works perfectly, but mkv files have very choppy playback.  CPU usage is same (10-20 percent) on mkv or avi or mpg files.  Totem is what i am using to play it.  Any ideas?19:06
soundraydravine: gnome-open is for files19:06
nclifewhere can I see my DDR RAM specifications?19:06
dravineno it isn't19:06
kitofhawaiichazco: do you have all your repo's checked?19:06
dravineit's the file wrapper that gnome calls when you click a link19:06
MasterShrek_chazco: make sure you install the modules packages for it too19:06
dravinein say, evolution, or gaim19:06
temujinnclife: get sysinfo ... it tells you all the info about your hardware19:07
MasterShrek_nclife: cat /proc/meminfo19:07
chazcomodules for which?19:07
MasterShrek_for vbox19:07
MasterShrek_youll see it19:07
chazcoAh ok... does vmware need them either?19:07
chazcoHopefully it'll be done automagically19:07
soundraydravine: yes it is. But your command does work here for URLs too19:07
MasterShrek_yea vmware creates its own iirc19:07
dravineyeah, hence my problem19:07
dravineit's supposed to work19:07
dravineand doesn't19:07
TheDoctor2hello, I need help19:08
TheDoctor2I need to sync my Palm Lifedrive with evolution19:08
dravinesoundray, anytime you click a link in a gnome app, gnome-open decides what file gets to handle it19:08
dravineI know what it is and what it's supposed to do19:08
dravinebut it's hosed, and reinstalling the packages didn't fixs19:08
chazcoSpeaking of which... how can i assosiate .rm/.ram files with the command realplay and assign an icon to them?19:08
dravineso I'm looking for suggestions19:08
kitofhawaiiLocksm: yes?19:08
soundraydravine: try as another user19:08
nclifetemujin, MasterShrek, thx. And to know what kind of ddr ram it is?19:08
Nameless_oneI have a question19:08
kitofhawaiiLocksm: did you get it back in? (network-manager)19:09
Nameless_oneI am trying to compile glipper from source, because there is a bug in it and I am trying to trace it19:09
dravineworks  as another user19:09
dravinecorrupted gconf perhaps?19:09
MasterShrek_Nameless_one: what configure options are you using?19:09
soundraydravine: perhaps19:09
Nameless_onenone, the README says to just run ./configure19:09
dravineany tools to fix gconf?19:10
Nameless_onethe problem is this:19:10
Nameless_oneNo package 'glib-2.0' found19:10
Nameless_oneNo package 'gtk+-2.0' found19:10
Nameless_oneNo package 'libglade-2.0' found19:10
Nameless_oneNo package 'libgnome-2.0' found19:10
Nameless_onethis is the error message I get19:10
soundraydravine: have you done lots of customization?19:10
TheDoctor2Does anyknow how to get a lifedrive to sync thwi evolution19:10
MasterShrek_Nameless_one: install the -dev packages of those packages from apt19:10
dravineI'd rather not blow the account away and recreate it though if that's what your suggesting19:10
soundraydravine: not the account, but maybe ~/.gconf*19:11
dravineI'll give it a shot19:11
MasterShrek_Nameless_one: from what ive gathered anytime you need something as a dependency to compile something, you need the -dev package of it19:11
Stormx2md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz19:11
Stormx2The Flash plugin is NOT installed.19:11
Stormx2Fix, anyone?19:11
Nameless_oneMasterShrek_, you know, I actually know this, it just didn't occur to me19:12
Nameless_onethanks, will try that19:12
MasterShrek_Stormx2: apparently this has been a big issue the last couple days19:12
dravineno dice19:12
soundraydravine: you can't do it while gnome is running19:12
dravineah, roger19:12
dravineOK, one second19:13
dravinewell probably more19:13
Locksmkit no19:13
kitofhawaiiLocksm: i'm not getting the error message19:13
MasterShrek_TheDoctor2: checed the forums?19:13
profanephobiahow can i remove dhcp-client from starting up at boot?19:13
profanephobiawithout a gui19:14
nclifehow can I know what type my ddr ram is?19:14
soundrayprofanephobia: edit /etc/network/interfaces and remove all auto lines for interfaces that are configured with dhcp19:14
profanephobiasoundray, thanks pal19:15
soundrayprofanephobia: is that what you want, though?19:15
profanephobiasoundray, will this stop dhcp-client from running at boot?19:16
soundrayprofanephobia: it should, but you won't be on the net, then.19:16
TheDoctor2I checkedthe fourms, unless you have a good link to help me. But I would apprisate help19:17
soundrayprofanephobia: you would have to run 'sudo ifup eth0' for example, if currently you configure eth0 with dhcp.19:17
MasterShrek_TheDoctor2: ive never used apalm device before, but isnt there a program in system > preferences or something19:17
soundrayprofanephobia: what's the problem you're trying to solve?19:17
TheDoctor2Eah, but it does not find the device,19:17
TheDoctor2ITs for Pilotrs not LifeDrives19:18
MasterShrek_thats all i got TheDoctor2 sorry19:18
=== hackeron_ is now known as hackeron
JockeoThere are several steps to theme a desktop; installing theme engine, icons, wall paper, colors, window decoration etc. Is there a way to just install a full theme at once? Maybe a theme web site with a "full theme installer" or similar?19:18
profanephobiasoundray, dhcp-client is causing problems with a server here.. but we have dependences on the package so i cant just remove it.. i just want to stop the service from starting at all19:18
IggzHi, new to umbutu - indeed linux in general - I maganged to get everything up and running now however, you tube vide seems to crash not only Ff but indeed, umbutu. I see on the fiorums other peole with this problems but no solutions have any been found or is there a more stable linux browser? FF gets more unstable with each bulid lately and it seems not only in windows19:18
soundrayTheDoctor2: run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' while you unplug & plug your device. It may get different device name assignments eacht time.19:18
core64I'm looking at the properties of Firefox 3 menu item, and it says firefox-3.0 %u. what does the "%u" mean?19:19
TheDoctor2i'll try19:19
Iggz*Sorry, tired - bad typing19:19
aladdinsanecan anyone give me a tip of an application which can play real media rtsp streams, i dont wanna use realplayer or helix since i cant change the sound driver on those, and mplayer as far as i can tell cant play it either, im greatful for suggestions19:19
MasterShrek_aladdinsane: vlc?19:19
VSpikeIggz: which flash are you using?19:19
soundrayprofanephobia: okay, that will work. If you want the interface to go up, you should leave the auto line alone and configure a static address instead.19:20
MasterShrek_core64: its the url that is passed to it19:20
aladdinsaneMasterShrek_ at: i meant real media rtsp video streams, which vlc cant play19:20
soundrayaladdinsane: install w32codecs. Then mplayer will work.19:20
mojoLunar_Lamp, Dr_willis - been RTFMs and such...  fbset was not installed so i installed it, but it complains that there is not /dev/fb0 (tried -fb /dev/fb/0 but found I have nothing in /dev that looks like a framebuffer device).  Looked into fbdev but it seems to be an xserver driver for the kernel framebuffer.  I'm using the "ati" driver in xorg.  But anyway I don't care about setting on tty7 I am trying to work with tty1. Any ideas?  Hmm.19:20
mojo.. in the meantime, I'm gonna try -fb /dev/tty1...19:20
MasterShrek_aladdinsane: i dont know, ive never used them19:20
soundray!w32codecs | aladdinsane19:20
ubotualaddinsane: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages19:20
TheDoctor2(hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_830_61_PVG0UCP5V0YA_usbraw').19:20
TheDoctor2I get "(hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_830_61_PVG0UCP5V0YA_usbraw').19:20
core64MasterShrek_: ah thanks, are there any other flags? If so, do you know where I can find a list of them and their definitions?19:21
MasterShrek_not really sure core6419:21
core64thx anyway19:21
=== kr_ is now known as Sopor
dravinewell that sucked19:21
IggzGood question Vspike - I jut let Umbutu download what it needed - i still don't know enough about Linux to do seperate installs or find plugins/Dlls in directories.19:21
TheDoctor2so what do I do with that?19:21
aladdinsanesoundray: hmm, i thought i had them installed, i'll look again19:21
Sopor /msg NickServ IDENTIFY maestus19:21
=== Sinterklaas is now known as zatapatique
rgnr65230/udp open|filtered unknown19:22
MasterShrek_Iggz: no dlls, thats windows, and its ubuntu no umbuntu19:22
soundraySopor: you should probably change that password immediately19:22
mojohmm... /dev/tty1 doesn't work with fbset.  Anyways..19:22
rgnrwols_:  65230/udp open|filtered unknown19:22
B-rabbithi guyz, I am having a problem with firefox...when ever i go to a web site that has flash running on it(eg youtube.com) it would freeze(stop working)...i started having this probledm after i upgraded from feisty to gusty...i also tryed uninstalling it and installing it againg. But it doesn't have any effect it stays the same...can anyone help me solve my problem..i am pretty desperate..thank you.19:22
IggzMastershrek - see. told you I was tired :-P19:22
meatpeopleHi folks: I'm having DVD playback trouble. This error from dmesg repeats endlessly: hda: command error: status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error } -- Loads of links on the forum (most from 2005) but I'm none the wiser. Any pointers?19:22
rgnrwols_:  how do i switch this filter off?19:23
* MasterShrek_ is sick of all these people having flash problems19:23
SoporThat's not my r00t password ( : Lucky me.19:23
soundraySopor: I know, it didn't log me into your root19:23
* Iggz is clad it's not just her19:23
florianis banshee supporting video podcasts?19:23
soundraySopor: just kidding.19:23
MasterShrek_Sopor: no use lying, ive already compromised your machine19:23
soundraySopor: mastershrek must have changed it already...19:24
dravineok, so after doing that soundray, all my evolution settings are gone19:24
dravineit's asking me to reset up evolution19:24
SoporI should'nt use copy/past when i identify on irc.. T_T I'll know it the next time.19:24
Leo1989Guys, is there wxDev-C++ for U?19:24
MasterShrek_Iggz: the flash package in the repos recently got updated, and it seems to be causing many many problems19:24
mojoSopor, MasterShrek is in ur box compromising ur data19:24
TheDoctor2Please help19:24
soundraydravine: did you rename or delete?19:25
dravinemoved entirely19:25
SoporLol.. I wish i see that ( :19:25
=== BLA123 is now known as utopia
soundraydravine: moved entirely?19:25
Sopormy root password has 14 caracters19:25
soundraydravine: what does that mean19:25
dravineit means I went19:25
Soporand 4 figures  :P19:25
wols_rgnr: from where did you check if it's open or filtered?19:25
soundraySopor: thank you, that reduces my search space19:25
dravinemv .gcon* ~/gconfbackup/19:25
Soporand 2 special caracters19:26
Soporsoundray, enjoy ( :19:26
soundraydravine: did it affect gnome-open's behaviour?19:26
rgnrwols_:  nmap online19:26
IggzMastershrek: K, make sense glad it's not just me. Are there any work arounds yet or is it less of a problem in any other browsers19:26
dravineand everything else about gnome19:26
wols_rgnr: then fix your router.not a ubuntu problem19:26
MasterShrek_Iggz: to tell you the truth, i have no idea, im not using ubuntu, so im not experiencing hte problem19:26
Soporsoundray, anyway, there is nothin interesting on my computer ( :19:26
wols_rgnr: and the output of sudo netstat -anp |grep UDP please19:27
rgnrwols_:  how do i fix it? what's the problem?19:27
IggzLOL, and what you using then? Don't say Vita :-P19:27
soundraydravine: can you do a 'grep -r open ~/gconfbackup'19:27
soundraySopor: okay, I'll just sell it as a zombie then19:27
pidusis there any yahoo messenger for ubuntu?19:27
TheDoctor2USe Pidgin19:27
Sopor( :19:28
SoporUse emesene19:28
IggzIndeed, I'm using Pidgin in IRC - wonderful little program19:28
dravinesome xml19:28
soundraydravine: sorry, I meant 'grep -rl open ~/gconfbackup'19:28
SoporOh? Pidgin suports IRC protocol?19:28
SoporDidn't know19:28
MasterShrek_Iggz: slamd6419:28
rgnrwols_: typed that and nothing happentd19:28
aladdinsanesoundray: you were right Mplayer could play the real media rtsp video stream, but only after i extracted the .rm file from the .ram file, which is a bit annoying since i then have to do that everytime. Is there a way around this? anyone?19:28
pidus is there any yahoo messenger for ubuntu?19:28
SoporXchat rulz ( :19:28
IggzIndeed, niftty little thing - impressee so far19:29
mojoTheDoctor2,  reading back thru the channel i think the idea is that there is a daemon that automatically assignes a device name to the lifedrive when you plug it in (hot-plug daemon or some such), and it may be giving it a different device name each time?  i think the person who suggested you looking at the tail -f was wanting to see if it gave different results on different insertions.  That is my guess...19:29
Soporpidus, pidgin, emesene.. And so on19:29
DefyenceSopor, that's the first thing I read when I enter practically, and this is my first time in Pidgin's IRC.19:29
DefyenceGo figure. :P19:29
soundrayaladdinsane: I think there is an option to tell mplayer that you're opening a file containing a URL. man mplayer will help.19:29
guillaumeHi all19:29
Nameless_oneMasterShrek_ sorry, I have another problem now19:30
guillaumeneed to know if people on ubuntu can resolve a specific adress19:30
B-rabbithi guyz, I am having a problem with firefox...when ever i go to a web site that has flash running on it(eg youtube.com) it would freeze(stop working)...i started having this probledm after i upgraded from feisty to gusty...i also tryed uninstalling it and installing it againg. But it doesn't have any effect it stays the same...can anyone help me solve my problem..i am pretty desperate..thank you.19:30
aladdinsanesoundray: ok i'll have a look, tnx for the push in the right direction though19:30
soundraydravine: okay, not helpful. 'grep -rl gnome-open ~/gconfbackup' ?19:30
guillaumeit's slow and windows and mac people can log in19:30
dravinegrep -i -Rl 'gnome-open' ./19:30
Nameless_oneI ./configure'd a source, I run make and I get : /bin/sh: no: not found19:31
dravineaffinity isn't installed19:31
vajkhello all19:31
Nameless_oneanyone know what is the problem?19:31
dravineI'm gonna restore this backup and get my email back19:31
mojoTheDoctor2, what is a lifedrive?  It is just a USB memory stick?19:31
Cyrus25801pike_: diffrent screen problem now.when i set my resolution on 1024x768 it doesn't resize my desktop. i need to scroll my desktop.19:31
IggzMasterShrek - looks interersting - I really wish I could remember which distro I used about 3/4 years ago, when I had no MS OS for a while. I'm determined to dump xp/vita19:32
Goosemooseanyone here experienced with preseeding over a network? Everything seems to go ok except I never get a gui! I just get a login prompt19:32
EtteSBi have a choice of clients; gtk, gtk2 or x11? which one should i get im guessing its gtk219:32
mojoTheDoctor2, n/m I googled it.19:32
vajkdoes anyone know when will be the repos update to the new ati driver which supports AIGLX?19:32
EtteSB!gtk2 > EtteSB19:33
manolohi. Is there someone who knows how to list the current list of ALL users on system? (not just the curently connected ones). Thanks a lot.19:33
soundraymanolo: cat /etc/passwd19:34
pidus<Sopor>i dont find19:34
TheDoctor2So anything?19:34
soundraymanolo: better yet: cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 119:34
narothepharohhow do i run a file through terminal thats stored in my home folder?19:34
matttishi, how can I "install" fonts so that they're useable for every program (firefox, OpenOffice, etc)19:34
Novembergot a problem. gotta convert a bin to iso but i lack in cuefile. how do i create a correct cuefile for the bin?19:34
Soporpidus, wait a minute.19:34
soundraynarothepharoh: gnome-open filename19:34
Novembertried to use another one but got wrong fs type when i mounted19:35
manolosoundray: thanks a lot ;)19:35
Novemberso i guess the problem is the cuefile19:35
Soporhttp://www.pidgin.im/ <===== Pidgin19:35
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:35
yoblinhow can I share my custom compiled kernel image with someone, do I just package up what's in /boot?????19:35
Soporhttp://emesene.org/trac/wiki/WikiStart <==== Emesene19:35
EtteSB have a choice of clients; gtk, gtk2 or x11? which one should i get19:35
MasterShrek_yoblin:  go to the source directory and do a checkinstall19:35
SoporDunno if emesene supports Yahoo messagin19:35
MasterShrek_!checkinstall | yoblin19:36
inzeodoes anyone know if there is an evolution IRC channel?19:36
Cyrus25801just installed ubuntu and the restricted drivers.when i set my resolution on 1024x768 it doesn't resize my desktop. i need to scroll my desktop.19:36
MasterShrek_inzeo: tried #evolution ?19:36
ubotuyoblin: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:36
bertokey, can someone help me with the following problem:19:36
yoblinthanks, will try that19:36
bertI'm running a virtual server in virtualbox and I want it to have an own IP adres in our DHCP network19:36
soundrayyoblin: normally /lib/modules/$(uname -r) is essential as well. Didn't you use a ubuntu or debian method to compile? That would give you a .deb in /usr/src19:36
dravinefound the problem19:36
henrymiller__get cdtitle19:36
berthow do I do that ?19:36
pike_bert: so right now youre nat'd?19:37
soundraydravine: scribes? Please explain19:37
henrymiller__get cdtitles (15-10-04).zip19:37
inzeoMasterShrek: haha no, under freenode or ubuntu?19:37
yoblinsoundray: thanks! much easier.. I'm an idiot19:37
MasterShrek_no idea inzeo19:37
dravinescribes is a code editor19:37
bertI tried putting up teh bridge stuff as it is explained in the manual, but I couldn't get it working19:37
dravinefor some reason, it defines itself to open html docs19:37
narothepharohsoundray: this is not working19:38
pidus<Sopor>but with pidgin can i go to chat room ????19:38
soundraydravine: okay19:38
inzeoTracker has indexed but "Tracker Search Tool" does not seem to talk to the daemon and show no results.19:38
inzeoany ideas?19:38
Soporpidus, I think so. I'm not sure.. Wait.. I search19:38
vajkcan somebody pls help with installing the new ati drivers ? a link could help too19:38
soundraynarothepharoh: what's happening?19:38
pike_bert: there might be something here on bridged network19:38
pike_bert: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox19:38
matttishow do I "install" fonts so that they're useable for every program (firefox, OpenOffice, etc) ?19:39
soundray!font | matttis19:39
ubotumatttis: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:39
narothepharohsoundray:file-roller:7462): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed19:39
pike_matttis: drop em in a font dir and update cache19:39
pike_matttis: fc-cache command19:39
w00boothello all19:40
soundraynarothepharoh: can you open another file with gnome-open -- a jpg image, say?19:40
bertthanks pike_19:40
bertI hope that doesn't mess up my connection again ;)19:40
SoporMulti protocol clients supporting yahoo : Pidgin //  Kopete19:40
w00booti recently made the switch from windows to xubuntu and i need a bit of help19:40
w00bootmetacity doesnt start on login, so i have to start it manually19:41
xybrew00boot: wassap?19:41
w00bootand when i do i get a lot of errors19:41
mojoTheDoctor2, I use thunderbird with lighning, not evolution.  You say that Evolution supports sync to Palm, but not Lifedrive specifically?  Do you know if there are any differences between the communications protocols for Lifedrive syncs versus regular Palms?  Does it sync as a Palm on other software (likely: windows) so far as you know, or do those programs have a separate option for LifeDrive.  I see that Palm has hotsync software for Li19:41
mojofeDrive on Windows and Mac OSX but not Linux.  I would suggest trying their Windows software via Wine but I doubt it would know how to sync to Evolution, LOL.19:41
pidus<Sopor>u use yahoo messenger?19:41
Soporpidus, nope. I'm french, and it's not very famous here.19:42
soundrayw00boot: if you have xubuntu, you shouldn't need metacity, but xfce only19:42
SoporI only use msn protocol and gmail19:42
luciddr34m3rI'm having some problems with my wireless card. I have a driver loaded and it's recognized, but I cant find any wireless networks (even though I'm sitting by my AP). My friend's laptop is the same as as mine, same hardware, and hes running the same driver and ubuntu version as me, and he can see all the AP's. Any advice?19:42
w00bootwell, another question19:42
soundrayknoppix_: don't do this please19:42
pidus<Sopor>what is famous there?19:42
narothepharohsoundray: I am trying but I dont know if im doing it right19:43
Soporpidus, MSN messenger protocol.. You know @hotmail @msn..19:43
w00bootwhen i log in all the title bars of windows are missing, the bar with the minimize and maximize buttons. how do i recover these?19:43
soundraynarothepharoh: okay, tell me what you are doing.19:43
MasterShrek_luciddr34m3r: do you have firmware for it?19:43
pidus<Sopor>i need msn messenger too for ubuntu19:43
matttispike_: is it also the ttf format for fonts under linux ?19:43
Soporpidus, are your friends are on Yahoo or msn ?19:44
MasterShrek_luciddr34m3r: better yet, what kinda card is it/19:44
soundrayw00boot: something is wrong with your window manager. Try logging in as another user.19:44
xivenAnyone in here use Clearwire with their Ubuntu?19:44
pidus<Sopor>some in yahoo and some in msn19:44
w00bootok, ill try that. thanks for th suggestion.19:44
Soporpidus, msn messenger, you have pidgin ( yes, again ), but it's not the one i use. I use " emesene " A python/GTK client. Faster, more stable.19:44
narothepharohsoundray: i am trying to open tar.gz files to run them but i just cant19:44
mojoTheDoctor2, here is a Gentoo-centric article, but Gentoo help is usually pretty detailed.  Looks like you need to have a usbserial, visor, and sm_mod.ko modules loaded in the kernel.  And you have to put the LifeDrive in "Drive Mode".  The article gives hope that it CAN be done.19:45
gigamonkeyI'm trying to do a system update and am getting a message about not being able to authenticate many of the packages. Any ideas why that would be. I've done system updates in the recent past without this problem.19:45
pidus<Sopor>link pls19:45
[digit]the gnome mouse settings dont have any relation to the xorg.conf file, do they?19:45
Soporpidus, I can't help you for someones who are un yahoo19:45
Soporpidus, apt-get install emesene ;)19:45
luciddr34m3rMasterShrek: it's a broadcom card, but its using an atheros communications driver, but my roomate is using the same combination and it works19:45
soundraynarothepharoh: tar.gz files are compressed archives. You can't "run" them as such.19:45
mojoTheDoctor2, the link (sorry!) is...  http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-365802.html?sid=a5eba500f87579cf7cbb55f9cdcadc0319:45
soundraynarothepharoh: are you trying to install software?19:45
MasterShrek_luciddr34m3r: never heard of using an atheros driver for a broadcom card19:46
Soporpidus, are you noobie on ubuntu?19:46
Cyrus25801just installed ubuntu 7.10 and my nvidia resricted drivers. but when i set the resolution higher that 800x600 then i need to scroll my desktop. can someone please help19:46
musikgoathow can i repair install ubuntu while saving my home directory on the same partition?   should I move that off and scratch any remnants of the old version?19:46
dravinesoundray, check this out19:46
dravinethe problem isn't specifically scribes19:46
narothepharohsoundray: yes, when i extract it says to open with19:46
[digit]basically, my real question is, can i disable the use of gnome mouse settings19:46
dravineI set scribes to be the default application for .html documents in nautilus19:46
[digit]its messing up my quake 3 skills19:46
dravinewell, it seems that it's basing it's decision on the mimetype19:46
luciddr34m3rit was loaded automatically. i know about 4 people with the same laptop, and the wireless card works out of the box, using the same driver as me19:46
dravinenot the file extention19:46
MasterShrek_musikgoat: delete everthing off it besides your /home directory and when yuo install make sure it doesnt formate it, just install over the top19:46
dravineso any mimetype that returns to gnome-open as Html19:47
dravinegot opened with scribes19:47
pike_[digit]: tried quake wars yet for linux? pretty nice19:47
pidus<Sopor>could not find emesene19:47
dravinethen I upgraded to gutsy, and scribes was in the repo's19:47
[digit]nah, im addicted to quake 319:47
dravineso I removed the source install, and switched to the repo version19:47
dravinewhich is why gnome-open was freaking out19:47
xivenWho uses Clearwire Intenret?19:47
musikgoatbut MasterShrek, when I tried that, the installer yelled at me saying it needed to format the partition that / resides19:47
dravinebecause it was linked to the source install in my home dir19:47
mojoTheDoctor2, here is a Ubuntu-Gutsy centric article http://bapoumba.wordpress.com/2007/09/21/palm-lifedrive-4go-and-ubuntu-gutsy/19:47
musikgoatunless I missed something19:47
MasterShrek_musikgoat: manually set your partitions19:48
dravinethat was fun...19:48
soundraydravine: I see... so now you've fixed it?19:48
[digit]but gnome mouse has this acceleration crap, and i learned to play q3 on arch, which just used mouse settings from xorg.conf19:48
musikgoatMasterShrek i did19:48
soundraydravine: well done19:48
dravinenow it's fixed, and more importantly I understand what and why it was broke19:48
luciddr34m3riwconfig lists my card, and its ready with driver installed, i just can't see any networks19:48
MasterShrek_i dunno for sure then musikgoat, thats how ive always done it19:48
w00bootsoundray: logging in as another user worked, the problem is gone19:48
dravineanyway, thought you'd like to know what was going on19:48
musikgoatMasterShrek I set / and swap, and did not check format, and got an error saying / needs to be formatted19:48
dravinenot sure if it warrants a bug report19:48
w00boothow would i fix it for my current user?19:48
dravinebut, it's some  damn strange behavior19:49
MasterShrek_musikgoat: what filesystem type is it?19:49
musikgoatMasterShrek reiserfs19:49
Soporpidus, i'm talking on your mps ( :19:49
MasterShrek_musikgoat: also maybe try the alternate installer cd, it might work19:49
musikgoati will look at that19:49
Soporpidus, https://help.ubuntu.com/19:49
* xiven waits for an answer19:49
pidus<Sopor>??? u say???19:49
SoporStart with that19:49
soundrayw00boot: try renaming the $HOME/.xfce directory19:49
pidusi know ubuntu very well19:50
=== ateliers is now known as ateliers22
soundrayw00boot: you can't be logged in, so do it in recovery mode or with sudo while you're logged in as the working user.19:50
soundraynarothepharoh: what are you trying to install?19:51
MadScientistjoin #debian19:51
soundrayMadScientist: splitter!19:51
MadScientistforgot that leading / :)19:51
arvin_hi..i just installed ubuntu 7.10 and my sound was working fine, but after the updates it stopped working19:51
arvin_can anyone help me?19:51
savetheWorldhi all, is there an apt-get package for the kernel source?19:51
soundray!cedega | narothepharoh19:51
ubotunarothepharoh: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega19:51
soundraysavetheWorld: yes. apt-cache search kernel source19:52
mazenI have a big problem... I need help19:52
savetheWorldsoundray: heh, of course.19:52
w00bootsoundray: im a little new to linux, what exactly is the "$HOME/.xfce directory" ?19:52
MasterShrek_mazen: whas that/19:52
pidusmazen> tell19:52
musikgoatMasterShrek: The file system on /dev/sda2 assigned to / has not been marked for formatting. File systems used by the system (/, /boot, /usr, /var) must be reformatted for use by this installer. Other file systems (/home, /media/*, /usr/local, etc.) may be used without reformatting.19:52
musikgoat^^doesn't that seem dumb?19:52
narothepharohnarothepharoh@Narothepharoh:~$ sudo apt-get install cedega19:53
narothepharohReading package lists... Done19:53
narothepharohBuilding dependency tree19:53
narothepharohReading state information... Done19:53
narothepharohE: Couldn't find package cedega19:53
savetheWorldw00boot: "$HOME" is a variable which contains the directory path you your home directory19:53
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:53
MasterShrek_musikgoat:it seems very dumb, the alternate installer may be the way you need to go, i dont seem to remeber having that problem with kubuntu either19:53
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soundraysavetheWorld: sorry, that spits out too much. apt-cache --names-only search linux source19:53
musikgoatthanks for your input MasterShrek19:53
andy_!paste | narothepharo19:53
ubotunarothepharo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:53
savetheWorldw00boot: so "$HOME/.xfce directory"  is /home/w00boot/.xfce19:53
yell0whey guys, does anyone use ddclient in here ?19:53
savetheWorldsoundray: thank you!19:53
soundraynarothepharoh: pay attention to what ubotu told you about cedega19:53
yell0whow should i use ddclient with a NAT ?19:54
miguillosavetheWorld: or perhaps "apt-get source linux-image-XXX" is what you should want19:54
luciddr34m3rCan anybody help me with my wireless? It's not working, and I'm pretty stumped.19:54
mojoTheDoctor2, in the Ubuntu wiki page, there are notes that the guy uses ttyUSB[13579]  which would be any 2nd USB connection that pressing the hotsync button creates.  ttyUSB1, ttyUSB3 ... ttyUSB9.  It mentions that SOME Palm devices use the FIRST USB connection for data, not the SECOND.  So try the instruction with ttyUSB[02468] instead, if that is the case.19:54
EtteSBwhen i run crossfire i get "[Error]   Cannot bind socket to port 13327: Address already in use" anyway i can see whats using that port?19:54
mojoTheDoctor2, the Ubuntu Wiki article was, again, on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PalmDeviceSetup19:54
MasterShrek_luciddr34m3r: using the same kernel as your roomate?19:54
narothepharohsooundray I have tried the pastebin and it says i am doing something wrong19:54
soundray!cedega | narothepharoh19:55
ubotunarothepharoh: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega19:55
savetheWorldmiguillo: thanks19:55
matttisIs an Ubuntu able to use .ttf fonts ?19:55
luciddr34m3rLet me check19:55
soundray!font | matttis19:55
ubotumatttis: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:55
Soporput it in the /usr/share/fonts/ directory19:55
soundraymatttis: why don't you read that link ^^19:55
w00bootsavetheworld: i just checked and i dont have a /home/<username>/.xfce directory19:55
mazenI was traying to install Ubuntu on a laptop... I have error while installing and I got message that say (Please insert the disc labeled: 'Ubuntu 7.10 _Gusty Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter).19:55
w00bootis that my problem?19:55
SoporAnd reboot your openoffice19:55
arvin_how do i get my sound to work again? after updates it stopped working19:56
=== mojo is now known as luvdownbabylon
matttissoundray: well, now i see. didn't know that true type equals .ttf19:56
=== luvdownbabylon is now known as mojo
miguillomazen: do you make an install form the net?19:56
MasterShrek_mazen: check the disc for defects19:56
atlef!sound | arvin_19:56
ubotuarvin_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:56
Soporarvin_, system > Preferences > Sounds > Check if your peripheric is the good one.19:56
MasterShrek_mazen: ls -a  (and file/folder with a . in front of it is hidden)19:57
danbhfivecan anyone explain how compiling a driver works?  mainly, if I put one into my system, and it is the wrong one, what will happen, and how do I get rid of it?19:57
luciddr34m3rWe are using the same kernel version.19:57
mazenno, not from the net... and I install the OS to other system today... and the disk is fine19:57
arvin_sopor: what peripheric?19:57
Soporarvin_, ALSA.19:58
arvin_Sopor: it's selected19:58
Soporarvin_, or your sound card, if you have another driver19:58
MikeHcan someone recommend a text editor with syntax highlighting for php and html19:58
MikeHpreferably tabbed19:58
SoporUnselect " mute " ? xD19:58
MasterShrek_danbhfive: most drivers aer included with the kernel, but if you were to install the wrong one, you sholdnt experience any problems because it wouldnt be loaded19:58
miguillodanbhfive: if you don't have a module for your specific kernel, it don't work, you have to compile one for your kernel19:59
MasterShrek_danbhfive: what driver is it?19:59
danbhfiveMikeH: have you tried gedit?  I can't really recommend, but I use gedit, and it highlights19:59
luciddr34m3rWhen I ifconfig, ath0 shows up and wifi0 shows up as expected, enabled and up. iwconfig lists ath0 as my wireless interface, but an "iwlist scan" returns no results on ath0, and on wifi0 it says no wireless extensions enabled19:59
arvin_sopor: it says audiotrak prodigy 7.119:59
danbhfiveMasterShrek: well, I have an unsupported webcam, and I was interested in trying out different available drivers19:59
SoporDunno this one19:59
MasterShrek_luciddr34m3r: iwlist ath0 scan ?19:59
luciddr34m3rMasterShrek_: that returns "No scan results"20:00
smokehfrench people here??20:00
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:00
mazenwhat I can do now?20:00
Soporsmokeh, vui.20:00
luciddr34m3rbut there are AP's in the room, and my roomate is on it as we speak20:00
MikeHdoes ubuntu have a colour pallete/picker?20:00
John_Rlucid: sounds like you need to alias ath0 to wifi020:00
Soporsmokeh, j't'aggresse en mp, t'affoles pas.20:00
luciddr34m3ri have a wifi0 set up , what more do i need to do?20:01
peter77Hi, I'm running Ubuntu/windows on a Toshiba Satellite Pro A120 Laptop computer, when I plug my headphones into the jack on the front whilst running linux the speakers do not mute but when I plug the headphones in whilst running windows the speakers DO mute, therefore I beleive this is an issue with alsa and am wondering if there is a fix available?20:01
miguilloSopor: on est 2 :-p20:01
John_Rwhat does /etc/network/interfaces look like?20:01
MadScientistHey peeps, I'm using dhcpd to assign ip's to windows machines, the problem I have is adding additional subnets to the clients.. the way static-routes works isn't suitable to tell the new subnet to route via the existing route, does anyone know if there is a way to do this so the new subnet uses the existing route without having to create another alias on the router and therefore requiring another static route?20:02
Sopormigster, On va finir par pouvoir les envahir ces ricains ( :20:02
luciddr34m3rauto lo20:02
luciddr34m3riface lo inet loopback20:02
John_Rthats it?20:02
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:02
luciddr34m3rand 2 blank lines20:02
John_Radd 2 more lines20:02
alobodigSlight problem: echo $PATH gives me: //bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:.. That extra slash in the beginning is causing a lot of trouble. Anyone care to guess where that's being set?20:03
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:03
John_Rauto wifi020:03
John_Riface wifi0 inet dhcp20:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:03
MasterShrek_alobodig: /etc/environment  possibly20:03
danbhfiveubotu tell me about webcams20:03
SoporArf, ils connaissent pas les suisses20:03
peter77can anyone help me with my headphone switch issue?20:03
John_Rthen restart the interface20:03
pike_peter77: whats the issue?20:03
theAtomJohn_R, no I refuse20:03
alobodigMasterShrek, checked it, it's not there20:03
peter77pike_: I'm running Ubuntu/windows on a Toshiba Satellite Pro A120 Laptop computer, when I plug my headphones into the jack on the front whilst running linux the speakers do not mute but when I plug the headphones in whilst running windows the speakers DO mute, therefore I beleive this is an issue with alsa and am wondering if there is a fix available?20:04
John_Rhee hee20:04
MasterShrek_alobodig: /etc/profile ?20:04
John_Rpeter77:  double click your volume control icon int he taskbar. then go to switches, then select "headphone jack sense"20:04
luciddr34m3rJohn_R, I still get no scan results20:05
pike_Perlboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=302543&page=220:05
John_Rlucid: did you ifdonw and ifup the card?20:05
John_Rifdown i mean20:05
narothepharohhow do i open a .rpm file?20:06
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)20:06
mojopeter77, umm... I don't have your hardware, but I have an Audigy 2ZS with the external box (livedrive).  The Audigy has a remote sensor, as well as a switch in the headphone jack and some buttons on the box that are all reported back through the midi device under /dev.  LIRC can be set up for the Audigy to take input from the midi (serial) stream to use it's remote, and can thus be used to detect the headphone switch.  That can be used wit20:06
mojoh a program or script to mute/unmute your external speakers, while leaving the headphone output voulme up.  That is assuming it works anything like that at all.  It really really depends on how (or even IF) the headphone jack insertion switch is reported back to Linux.20:06
alobodigMasterShrek, that doesn't appear to be it either20:06
andy_!rpm | narothepharo20:06
ubotunarothepharo: please see above20:06
alejandroHello, how do i make ctrl+alt+del to get system monitor on gutsy?20:06
luciddr34m3rwait... "ifdown ath0" right?20:06
John_Rpeter77:  double click your volume control icon int he taskbar. then go to switches, then select "headphone jack sense"20:06
luciddr34m3rit said ath0 not configured...20:07
John_Rso change those 2 lines from wifi0 to ath020:07
John_Rthen ifdown ath020:07
John_Rifup ath020:07
John_Rand try again20:07
luciddr34m3rnot configured20:08
luciddr34m3rwhen i dont sudo it20:08
luciddr34m3rit doesnt work still though20:08
AndycasssWhen trying to install bw_mod to throttle apache2 bandwidth, i get this:20:09
Andycassschmod 644 /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_bw.so20:09
Andycasssapxs:Error: Activation failed for custom /etc/apache2/httpd.conf file..20:09
=== alejandro is now known as Alejandr0
luciddr34m3rbut now "enable wireless" is gone from my options in my network monitor20:09
Alejandr0Hello, how do i make ctrl+alt+del to get system monitor on gutsy?20:10
pike_luciddr34m3r: ifdown brings the device down so if you ifconfig it wont show up ifup will bring it back up20:10
michael_when i minimize any screen it disappears-- For example terminal-- what owuld cause this?20:10
sebrockI notice this in syslog: frontend modprobe: WARNING: Error running install command for nvidia || altough I dont have any nvidia things in my computer? Also there is an nvidia thing in modprobe.d, is this safe to remove?20:11
MasterShrek_sebrock: if you dont have an nvidia card i dont see why not20:11
luciddr34m3rath0 shows up in ifconfig, but ifdown wont take it down20:11
sebrockMasterShrek, what exactly is modprobe.d?20:11
AlexQAlejandr0: Whee? It's an shortcut to task manager in Winshit, but not in Ubu... Enter to it using menu...20:12
sebrockis this run every now and then?20:12
MasterShrek_sebrock: its run at boot20:12
MasterShrek_to load modules20:12
miguillosebrock: and modules load20:12
sebrockah ok, thank you MasterShrek I'll try20:12
luciddr34m3rah, i gotta run to class but i'll be here later20:13
sebrockMasterShrek, this is the content of that file: alias char-major-195* nvidia20:13
sebrockdoes it tell you anything else?20:13
michael_when i minimize any screen it disappears-- For example terminal-- what would cause this?20:14
MasterShrek_sebrock: not really, i wouldnt worry about removing it though20:14
supercureuilsalut a tous20:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.20:14
AndycasssMy apxs assumes that my apache2 conf is httpd.conf, but its actually apache2.conf, how do I make it work?20:15
joosephow do i find out the UUID for my partition to add it to fstab20:16
MasterShrek_joosep ^20:16
MasterShrek_joosep: you can just use the device name thought oo20:16
MasterShrek_its easier for a human to put that in there20:17
joosepdo i specify the device name myself?20:17
joosepor is it like "sda4"20:17
MasterShrek_/dev/hda3   or whatever20:17
joosepif in need to mount it20:17
joosepi'll try20:17
michael_<michael_> when i minimize any screen it disappears-- For example terminal-- what owuld cause this?20:17
imitationGot a little problem here: I'm getting segfaults on e.g. kino and avidemux. I'm running a freshly installed gutsy x64 on 3 gb ram.20:18
michael_when i minimize any screen it disappears-- For example terminal-- what would cause this?20:19
pike_michael_: does pkill gnome-terminal  fix it?20:20
pike_michael_: thats my answer to most things. if it acts up kill it20:21
evilmmmichael_, do you have a window list on your panel20:21
michael_pike_: whats pkill gnome20:21
sebrockI have this also in syslog, although I dont even have a wifi card installed?: 6 20:11:31 frontend NetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists.20:22
sebrockDec  6 20:11:31 frontend NetworkManager: <WARN>  nm_dbus_get_networks_cb(): error received: org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo.NoNetworks - There are no wireless networks stored..20:22
michael_there they are!20:22
peter77 Hi, I'm running Ubuntu/windows on a Toshiba Satellite Pro A120 Laptop computer, when I plug my headphones into the jack on the front whilst running linux the speakers do not mute but when I plug the headphones in whilst running windows the speakers DO mute, therefore I beleive this is an issue with alsa and am wondering if there is a fix available?20:22
evilmmmichael_, which worked?20:22
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Dillociao a tutti20:23
ompaul!it | Dillo20:23
ubotuDillo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:23
nullsetwhat packages will build essential install20:23
tonyyarussopeter77: That's odd - most computers have a physical switch to turn them off20:24
=== Locks1 is now known as locksm
ompaulnullset, do apt-cache show build-essential in a terminal20:24
joosepis there a program so that i could easily change computer fan speeds?20:24
joosepwithout resorting to much configuration20:24
sebrockwhy is this: 6 20:11:31 frontend NetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists. I dont even have a WIFI connection??20:24
mahrellonnick Mahr20:24
tonyyarussojoosep: There is if you have a ThinkPad.20:24
Iggztrying to get a grasp of linux's file management system. Does it have a "programs: folder or is its structure different?20:24
joosepnope, a desktop20:24
joosepi use fancontrol atm20:24
tonyyarussoIggz: a bit different20:25
joosepbut it's too cumbersome imo20:25
Jack_SparrowIggz: Different than other distros or from windows20:25
imitationlggz: exectuable software is usually stored in /bin and /usr/bin20:25
tonyyarussoIggz: most programs are in /usr/bin, /bin, /sbin, and /usr/sbin  (you can do 'echo $PATH' for more)20:25
mahrellonHey. Are there any User activity monitors available for Ubuntu that would enable me to log passwords, mails etc? Pretty much like a keylogger. =)20:25
joosepit would be nice if there was something like speedfan for windows20:25
tonyyarussomahrellon: apt-cache search keylogger20:25
ompaul!filesystems | Iggz20:25
ubotuIggz: ext3 is the default fileystem in Ubuntu (and many other Linuxes). Alternative Linux filesystems include reiserfs and xfs. fat32 and ntfs are DOS/Windows filesystems. hfs and hfs+ are filesystems for the Mac. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems20:25
mahrellontonyyarysso, thanks man. =)20:26
tonyyarussomahrellon: please use legally20:26
miguillohow can i know _easily_ which files on my HD were *not* installed by a package (if there no simple way i will make my own)20:26
IggzThank you :-)20:26
mahrellontonyyarusso, ofc m8. It's about two teen boys net-activities that makes my ISP send me nasty snail-mails hehe.20:27
nullsetThanks ompaul20:27
tonyyarussomahrellon: Aaah.  Do you really need the passwords for that, or just visited sites?20:27
ompaulnullset, np20:27
danbhfivemiguillo: that strikes me as a funny request20:27
borisgzip: /home/boris/.fr-kN5TsL/UT2004-LNX-Demo3334.run.gz: unexpected end of file20:28
sebrockwhy is this: 6 20:11:31 frontend NetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists. I dont even have a WIFI connection??20:28
boriscan i somehow fix it ?20:28
mahrellontonyyarusso: Let's just say I'd rather have more than less in this case. I need evidence to confront them. :)20:28
Andycassshow to search whole filesystem?20:28
gsprHi. I started a PPA build today - the amd64 build finished within an hour, while i386 was queued for 6 hours - then after around 90% of the (estimated) compile elapsed, the i386 build went back to "pending", while the details say "currently building". It's been like that for hours, and seems to be stuck somehow. Is there anything I can do to unqueue/delete it?20:28
danbhfiveboris: sounds like a broken download20:28
nullsetbtw guys, Its my Birthday today20:28
tonyyarussomahrellon: All right.  Probably more efficient ways than a keylogger though, frankly.20:28
danbhfiveAndycasss: I use locate, and sudo locate -u will update that20:28
ThecksWhen using Firefox or Opera on Gutsy, I don't get any sound when playing Wave files.. anybody know how to fix this?20:28
rbs-titoHappy Birthday nullset!20:28
musikgoatAndycasss: sudo find / -name filename20:28
borisdanbhfive : now what ? i believe server will give me same file again20:29
tonyyarussogspr: try asking in #launchpad20:29
nullsetThank you rbs-tito20:29
gsprtonyyarusso: OK20:29
mahrellontonyyarusso: Oh? Are there any easy ways of logging like keystrokes in Firefox?20:29
danbhfiveboris: are you sure you got the file though?20:29
borisdanbhfive : what ?20:29
sutti2hey guys, Is there any way to play a windows media stream on linux?20:29
tonyyarussomahrellon: I'm just thinking the keystrokes aren't really what you'd want - you just need to tie network traffic to a user really, unless you think they could pull off an "it just popped up" argument.20:29
danbhfiveboris: are you sure you got the file correctly?20:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:30
miguillodanbhfive: i did some "make install" and i want to be sure tu wipe every thing out20:30
borisdanbhfive: yes, of course20:30
IggzSorry, last question - I assume it will only store new linux programs within in its own formated file structure and then spread it self out across NTFS/FAT formated sections of the drive if they exist?20:30
sutti2thanks Jack_Sparrow20:30
desertcmahrellon: If you want to control teen net activity, then you should be using a proxy.20:30
mahrellontonyyarusso: That's what they've been doing so far. "I didn't click that" etc. I need hard proof so I can tell them "Well you did login to this site.." etc ;)20:30
ThecksWhen using Firefox or Opera on Gutsy, I don't get any sound when playing Wave files.. anybody know how to fix this?20:30
danbhfiveboris: well, then the server might have a bad file20:30
Jack_SparrowIggz: It should not spread out across the opther drives without user help20:31
tonyyarussomahrellon: Ah, then I suppose it would be useful.20:31
musikgoatisn't there a pidgin purple plugin pack in the repo's?  i can't seem to find it, and i'm getting compilation errors on the source that I dl'ed20:31
tonyyarussomahrellon: another thought could be VNC20:31
danbhfivemiguillo: oooh, cool, I get it20:31
Iggzjack_sparrow. Thank you -makes sense. sorry for the daft questions20:31
mahrellondesertc: Yeah I know. Our router has parental control but somehow they always manage to work their way around it. That's why I need something like a keylogger so I can check if they actually have a way to find out the darn password I change every now and then hehe20:31
desertcmahrellon: A better solution would be spending more time with the children so you are more aware of their pasttimes.20:31
Jack_SparrowIggz: np.. welcome to ubuntu.. and no it isnt a silly question.. it is just different that windows20:32
tonyyarussoThat too20:32
mahrellondesertc: Trust me m8. I do spend alot of time with them it's just that they come home from school alot earlier than I do from work. Give a couple of teen boys two hours in front of a computer and all hell can break loose lol20:32
desertcmahrellon: Using a keylogger is very close to reading someone's diary, in my opinion.  You should make them aware you will be doing it before you install it.  Otherwise, you may lose much face with them.20:32
danbhfivemahrellon: you should check out Christian Ubuntu, or whatever its called20:33
binBASHHi all, today I installed some Ubuntu updates and now mozilla thunderbird + pidgin are not working anymore. When I try to connect with SSL to mailserver thunderbird says, SSL is deactivated. Does somebody know what's going wrong there?20:33
rbs-titomahrellon: Are you talking about a parental control?20:33
IggzJack: Indeed, and Dos, and BBC micro, and spectrum basic :-). I'm simply trying to work out the file structure for manual install of @plugins.20:33
rbs-titomahrellon: I've just set up a hotel with Ubuntu machines that needed just that20:33
musikgoatanyone know if there is a pidgin purple plugin pack in the repo's?  i can't seem to find it.20:33
danbhfivemahrellon: one of the main themes is parental control, ie to support christian values20:33
tonyyarussoIggz: plugins for what specifically?20:33
tonyyarussomusikgoat: which plugin?20:34
mahrellondesertc: I know. The only information I'd like to get my hands on are sites and passwords related to that site etc. I wouldn't logon to read their mails or anything. Just so I can show them I do have access in case I would ever need it.20:34
musikgoatspecifically irchelper20:34
mahrellondanbhfive: Thanks. I'll check it out :)20:34
musikgoattonyyarusso: its a part of the purple plugin pack20:34
mahrellondesertc: And, I want to find out if they know the new password to our router. I've been changing it like crazy and yet they manage to work their way around the parental control.20:34
musikgoattonyyarusso: I want to get rid of the annoying join/part lines :-)20:35
desertcmahrellon: I have no idea how parents keep their kids away from pr0n.  It's everywhere.  But it hardly seems like a reason to stop having an honest relationship with your kids.20:35
tonyyarussomusikgoat: pidgin-plugin-pack20:35
rbs-titomahrellon: I missed the start of your request, what specifically do you need? I think I have a free solution20:35
musikgoatahh thanks tonyyarusso20:35
musikgoattonyyarusso: couldn't find it20:35
musikgoati did an apt-cache search for it20:35
mahrellonrbs-tito: I need something like a keylogger so I can prove to my teen lads that I know what sites they access and what passwords they're using...Oh and I need to find out if they know the new pass to our router.20:35
tonyyarussomahrellon: I'd agree with desertc that it would be worthwhile to tell them ahead of time.  Either they ignore the warning, do it anyway, and you catch them, or they stop what they were doing.  Either way you win.20:36
rbs-titomahrellon: Oh right. I was going to suggest OpenDNS for parental controls. Keylogging is sketchy, nobody really makes them for honest reasons.20:36
tonyyarussomusikgoat: it looks like it changed from previous releases - pidgin-plugin-pack was listed in the dependencies of the gaim-irchelper dummy transitional package20:36
mahrellontonyyarusso: That's why I'm here m8. I've been telling them for ages that I can find out what they're doing on the computer but they don't believe me and here I am...My bluff didn't work lol20:36
IggzWell, this problem with the latest flash plugin in FF Konq and it seems opera. In opera a large number of people just get a grey Box. according to the opera LINUX blogg - as much as I understand it - I am very tired - this is because flash released the wrong version of the plugi :/. There is a work around I believe but this is available as a Linux extension - this I can dl, extract in archieve manager - or whatever its called - b20:37
binBASHHi all, today I installed some Ubuntu updates and now mozilla thunderbird + pidgin are not working anymore. When I try to connect with SSL to mailserver thunderbird says, SSL is deactivated. Does somebody know what's going wrong there?20:37
IggzSorry - to long a message20:37
kitofhawaiimahrellon: ouch...we have a zonealarm Z100G here...the teens have never gotten by it...20:37
musikgoattonyyarusso: yes,  so do you think its not maintained in the repo any longer?20:37
tonyyarussomusikgoat: it's maintained - it just changed where things were put is all20:37
kitofhawaiimahrellon: and they hate it with an absolute passion :)20:38
Jack_SparrowIggz: where did you get your ff, flash and java.. from the repo or outside source20:38
mahrellonkitofhawaii: lol! I've bought two new routers and they always manage to get around the parental control even tho I'm chaning the pass every 4 days or so. :\20:38
dichtbijzeeWhat is the problem when i click the quit button in system and nothing happens. I have this with both compiz and metacity. also with nvidia drivers and without.20:38
genii!info dansguardian | mahrellon20:39
ubotumahrellon: dansguardian: Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 288 kB, installed size 1500 kB20:39
IggzBut not the new flash version I am talking about - two secs20:39
kitofhawaiimahrellon: that one's been pretty darn bulletproof...it can lock down to the point no password will work, and only certain machines have unrestricted access20:39
rbs-titomahrellon: Change the DNS servers on the router to OpenDNS, st up an account with filtering of both porn and proxies, put a secure password on the router.20:39
mahrellongenii: Thanks m8. =)20:39
geniimahrellon: np20:40
rbs-titomahrellon: If that fails, change the password to the whole computer and don't let them on it.20:40
mahrellonkitofhawaii: lol maby I should get me one of those :)20:40
danbhfivemahrellon: are you sure they cant just unplugg the router, and hook up directly?20:40
jerdude98Hello - how do I mount DosBox in the ubuntu drive ?20:40
uptownbenHi All. Can I upgrade/switch my Debian Sarge machine to the latest Ubuntu?20:40
IggzSorry, NVM -found what i was looking for - appologies and thanks :-)20:40
mahrellonrbs-tito: I've been thinking about that too but they need it for homework. :)20:40
uptownbenwithout reformating?20:40
mahrellondanbhfive: Yeah the router (and cables) are in a locked cabinet atm.20:41
tonyyarussouptownben: "maybe" - people have done it, but it's pretty risky20:41
rbs-titomahrellon: So let them use it when you are there, not any other time20:41
kitofhawaiimahrellon: yah...when it comes to teens...sometimes a brick wall is necessary :)20:41
dichtbijzeeuptownben: it's possible but not recommended20:41
jerdude98I mean how do I mount the drive during I'm in Dosbox - I Do not know the drive for ubuntu ?20:41
uptownbenbest to just reformat, huh?20:41
kitofhawaiias opposed to firewall :)20:41
danbhfivehehehe, those teens are good then, eh20:41
mahrellonkitofhawaii: Maby you're right m8. Maby I'll get another computer for homework only that won't be connected to the internet.20:41
rbs-titomahrellon: No need for that. Disable access to the internet on their account20:42
=== Locks1 is now known as Locksm
mahrellonrbs-tito: Honestly I didn't think of that lol. I'll do just that. :D20:42
Ch0kau all ply ITM*20:42
kitofhawaiimahrellon: lol yah...make them use sneakernet :-D20:42
mahrellonrbs-tito: Thanks m8! And thanks to you all for the help and support. :)20:42
rbs-titolol, np20:42
mahrellonI'm off. Thanks again guys. It means alot =)20:42
KiborgCan I play DVD's on Ubuntu? DVD movies.20:42
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:43
jerdude98Does anybody here uses Dosbox20:43
binBASHToday I installed some Ubuntu updates and now mozilla thunderbird + pidgin are not working anymore. When I try to connect with SSL to mailserver thunderbird says, SSL is deactivated. Does somebody know what's going wrong there?20:43
hairulfrHey all, my xp box crashed, I'd like to get to afew files on the C drive, but because xp didn't shut down properly, I can't mount them, is it possible doing it somehow ?20:44
MasterShrek_mount -f20:44
coutureanyone install NIKTO on their Ubuntu box???20:44
hairulfrMasterShrek: Uhm, mount -f /dec/ etc??20:45
MasterShrek_hairulfr: yes, just put the -f tag after mount when you mount your drive20:46
MasterShrek_it forces it to mount, should work20:46
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases20:46
sebrockMasterShrek, I removed the file and now it says this in syslog: frontend modprobe: FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia20:46
sebrockMasterShrek_, so I guess I need to remove something else?20:47
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nullsetIs dapper drake supported till 200320:47
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:47
nullseti mean 200920:47
coutureAnybody have experience with installing Nikto on Ubuntu?20:47
MasterShrek_sebrock: any idea where that command is being run from? i cant possibly understand why you would have nvidia stuff if you dont have and nvidia card in your machine20:47
sebrockwhere is the list of all modprobe things that are run on start?20:47
danbhfivenullset: I think so, till the next release20:48
happyfairyHow do i make so i need to supply a username & password when i use svn over http using apache? Even though all apache files requires login but svn dont. Any idea what to do?20:48
MasterShrek_nullset: 2011 maybe, i think lts is 5 years, and dapper was 6.04 right?20:48
sebrockMasterShrek_, I installed mythbuntu, seems some things are just extras20:48
danbhfivenullset: I think the next release replaces both dapper and gutsy20:48
hairulfrMasterShrek: Hmm, seemed that C crashed all together,20:48
hairulfrMasterShrek: No files on i, it does seem like it's mounted20:48
Rubinhappy_broccoli, /join #svn20:48
sebrockMasterShrek_, no I dont know from where, is there a file that lists all modules?20:48
MasterShrek_sebrock: i wouldnt worry about them , they really shouldnt affect your machine20:48
dichtbijzee What is the problem when i click the quit button in system and nothing happens. I have this with both compiz and metacity. also with nvidia drivers and without.20:48
nullsetMasterShrek, The website said 3 year LTS support20:48
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MasterShrek_hairulfr: type mount by itself in a terminal to see if it is actually mounted20:49
Rubinhappy_broccoli, er, make that #subversion20:49
nullset5 years for server20:49
MasterShrek_oh i c20:49
danbhfivenullset: I think that the server addition of dapper is for 5 years20:49
sebrockMasterShrek_, I know they dont. just dont like the idea of it20:49
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jalsanyone know a lite app that helps with grabbing the hex codes for colours on the screen20:49
nullsetThey should make the desktop support for five years too20:49
jalslike pixie for windows does20:49
sebrockMasterShrek_, aha, now I see there is a nvidia thing in my rc-scripts aswell20:49
sebrockI'll remove them20:49
hairulfrMasterShrek: hmm, it says type unknow, I'll try telling it to mount as ntfs20:49
danbhfivenullset: why do you say that?20:49
MasterShrek_sebrock: whats your culprit20:49
bhangPlease help! My torrent association just disappeared in Firefox... how the hell do I get it back?20:49
ThecksWhen using Firefox or Opera on Gutsy, I don't get any sound when playing Wave files.. anybody know how to fix this?20:50
MasterShrek_sebrock: rc-update remove <filename> should do it for you20:50
nullsetdanbhfive : Everytime I install ubuntu, I have to download all the softwares again and again20:50
desertcThecks: You don't have the plugin codec loaded correctly.20:50
Jack_Sparrowbhang: you might start off reconsidering your language in a family friendly channel20:50
niltonhow do i list the files intalled by a given package?20:50
Thecksdesertc: Any idea how to do that? I've fiddled around with settings in Opera trying to load the codecs but no result20:51
dichtbijzee What is the problem when i click the quit button in system and nothing happens. I have this with both compiz and metacity. also with nvidia drivers and without.20:51
MasterShrek_nilton: apt-cache i think, youll need some flags though, apt-cache --help should get you started20:51
danbhfivenullset: why don't you just download a new cd?20:51
desertcnilton: right click on the entry in synaptic, see properties20:51
danbhfivenullset: in fact, I just so happen to be doing that right now20:51
RubinNilbus, dpkg -L packagename20:51
KishobaHaving trouble with sleep/hibernate.  Anybody here that can help?20:51
bhangJack_Sparrow... anger surely wasn't directed at anone here.20:51
pike_nullset: you could just tar.gz your /var/apt/cache/ dir and untar em to the new dir when reinstalled20:51
niltonMasterShrek_: i've already looked at apt-cache --help but found nothing20:51
RubinKishoba, what kind of laptop?20:51
desertcThecks: nope.  try uninstalling them all20:51
Kishobathinkpad t61p20:51
niltondesertc: i wanted it to be a command line command if possible20:52
Jack_Sparrowbhang: Understood, but keep it clean.. please20:52
RubinKishoba, yeah 1 sec20:52
MasterShrek_not sure exactly then nilton, never really did it back when i was using ubuntu20:52
KishobaAlright - thanks20:52
nullsetdanbhfive, Don't you need to install mplayer and other stuff again20:52
dichtbijzeeKishoba: that aint gonna work yet20:52
nullsetafter every fresh install20:52
KishobaWhat do you mean?20:52
IggzWell, what can I say, Flash - ie youtube, etc, now works fine in FF under ubuntu20:52
danbhfivenullset: what pike_ said is interesting20:52
IggzAnyoone wantthis link?20:52
MasterShrek_good news Iggz :)20:52
temujinrepeating question: latest version of ubuntu, playing anything but mkv files works perfectly, but mkv files have very choppy playback.  CPU usage is same (10-20 percent) on mkv or avi or mpg files.  Totem is what i am using to play it.  Any ideas?20:52
bhangPlease help! My torrent association just disappeared in Firefox... how do I get it back? How do I add a file association in firefox that is... thx20:52
* nullset looks up for pike20:52
danbhfivenullset: I use for the most part, the default software, it works for me20:52
MasterShrek_temujin: use vlc20:53
binBASHToday I installed some Ubuntu updates and now mozilla thunderbird + pidgin are not working anymore. When I try to connect with SSL to mailserver thunderbird says, SSL is deactivated. Does somebody know what's going wrong there?20:53
hairulfrOh well, time for the monthly xp reinstall. Later all.20:53
dichtbijzeeKishoba: i have a r61, i have tried every trick i know. searched the internet/ forums. asked around here. the hardware is just to new.20:53
RubinKishoba, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_7.10_%28Gutsy_Gibbon%29_on_a_ThinkPad_T61  search for s3_bios20:53
atlefhairulfr: haha20:53
temujinMasterShrek_: vlc does the same thing.  I tried a few players.  which makes me believe that it is after all the codec that is the issue and no the players20:53
nullsetdanbhfive,  You mean, you just use the software  that comes preinstalled ?20:53
desertctemujin: did you search for this problem on the Ubuntu Forums ??20:53
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MasterShrek_temujin: tried medibuntu packages?20:53
krimtemujin: Playing hd on Totem is choppy for me too, try mplayer20:53
Kishobadichtbijzee: I've read threads related to acpi causing problems, which I believe is default on thinkpads (new).  Did you run across similiar threads?20:53
danbhfivenullset: thats what I do20:53
IggzAnmd learned the basics of Linux file structure - thanks mastershrek, et al. Have a good..um...evening, morning, afternoon, etc20:53
MasterShrek_afternoon i guess =P20:54
RubinKishoba, yes, its acpi issue, theres a fix though20:54
temujindesertc: yes i did, a lot of people suggested different players, which I did, people suggested removign all visual effects, which i did also to no avail20:54
temujinkrim: tried mplayer too20:54
KishobaRubin: thanks - I'm looking at it right now20:54
berati have a problem with ubuntu20:54
temujinkasmra: medibuntu? that i have not tested.  I will have to look into it.20:54
Locks1ubuntu and dc is extremly cruel20:54
beratmy sound card doesnt work20:54
beratmy sound card realtek20:54
MasterShrek_!medibuntu | temujin20:54
ubotutemujin: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:54
nullsetdanbhfive, No firestarter, No Xchat, No Xmms, No vim ....20:54
=== Locks1 is now known as Locksm
beratsystem see that card  but there are no sound20:55
beratwhat can i do20:55
temujinMasterShrek_: thank you20:55
desertcberat: the channel is likely muted20:55
beratwhat uh sdopfkjsopğdfk20:55
MasterShrek_spunkymunky: please stop20:55
temujinMasterShrek_: I am assuming that i can add the repository for medibuntu into the list of software sources and it will search there as well?20:55
desertcberat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693020:55
berathey nobody cares me ? :X20:56
bhangPlease anyone! How do I add a file association in firefox. I need Firefox to even ASK what to do with a certain file.20:56
MasterShrek_temujin: exactly20:56
spunkymunky*wipes up the mess with a tissue*20:56
Jack_Sparrowspunkymunky:  Please stop that20:56
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temujinMasterShrek_: perfect.  tonight when i get home, I will definitely have to try that. much thanks for the help.20:56
MasterShrek_bhang: navigate to about:config in firefox20:56
MasterShrek_np temujin20:56
dichtbijzee What is the problem when i click the quit button in system and nothing happens. I have this with both compiz and metacity. also with nvidia drivers and without.20:56
binBASHnoone can give help about the deactivated SSL problem? :/20:57
RubinBhaal, its in the edit -> prefs menu20:57
Jack_Sparrow!ops | spunkymunky20:57
ubotuspunkymunky: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!20:57
=== Locks1 is now known as locksm
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
MasterShrek_thx tony20:58
bhangMasterShrek_: thx... but how do I add a torrent association in about:config20:58
Kishobakernel info command?20:58
MasterShrek_bhang: no idea, but i thinkt hats where you would do it. btw why are you using firefox for torrents? why not use an actual torrent client?20:58
Jack_SparrowKishoba: you mean uname -a  ?20:58
Kishobaexactly - thanks for reminding me20:58
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danbhfivenullset: I dont use a firewall (maybe I should?)  , pidgin, nano20:59
narothepharohhow to open a .daa file?21:00
bhangMasterShrek_: no, but I want to be able to click a torrent to start any reaction at all... It just died on me. When I click a torrent NOTHING happens :(21:00
danbhfivenullset: wait, whats xmms?  i dunno21:00
MasterShrek_narothepharoh: youll probably have to convert it21:00
=== Sopor is now known as Sopor-Dodo-
MasterShrek_danbhfive: its a music player that resembles winamp classic21:00
narothepharohmastershrek how do i do that?21:00
MasterShrek_narothepharoh: not really sure21:01
dichtbijzee What is the problem when i click the quit button in system and nothing happens. I have this with both compiz and metacity. also with nvidia drivers and without.21:01
luciliahi big trouble here: trying to install codecs on a old ubuntu with no repositories, how can i solve it without upgrading distribution? help please pc is very old21:01
Rubindanbhfive, masterloki if you like xmms, try audacious21:01
MasterShrek_u konw about it Rubin21:01
RubinMasterShrek, xmms is pretty sucky. audacious is a fork of it which is gnome and really nice21:02
beratno solution in thsi page21:02
MasterShrek_i konw ** =P  i meant that i know about it Rubin21:02
jonathan_hello i just set up a dual boot with feisty and gutsy, how do i transfer files between them?21:02
berati have no sound21:02
beratsystem recognize my sound card21:02
desertcberat: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693021:02
beratwhat must i do21:02
Rubinjonathan_, mount ones filesystem from the other, using mount21:02
beratno solution desertc21:03
berati looked at that page21:03
desertcresults? berat21:03
beratno results21:03
desertclook at page longer, brat21:03
berati read every sentenced21:03
beratin thatg page21:04
desertcdid you get a menu?21:04
dn4iaI need to do this $i0x09 where the 0x09 is a hex char; I need to do this in grep21:04
dn4iainside a grep.  so grep "blah.$i0x09"21:04
dn4iaany ideas?21:04
desertcberat: what was the result of the instructions?  you can't not have any results.  if you want to get help, then you have to tell people what is happening.21:05
berati havbe no sond21:05
beratmy sound card is realtek and my system recognize them21:05
beratdespite this,i have no soound21:05
luciliaare there any old repositories for older versions of ubuntu anywhere?21:06
berati wanted to listen video on youtube21:06
dichtbijzeemy quit button doesnt work, gnome freezes or doesnt respond at all when i click it.21:06
beratbut i cant listen cause of no sound in there21:06
KishobaRubin: Going to test it out now21:06
Kishobahere's to hoping21:06
* desertc ignores trolls.21:06
Jack_Sparrow!enter | berat:21:07
ubotuberat:: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:07
berato sorry21:07
Locks1dun mind me21:07
Locks1im just popping in and out21:07
beratare there any suggestion to me21:07
Locks1trying to fix wifi on ubuntu21:07
_coredump_hi there21:07
=== Locks1 is now known as Locksm
_coredump_is there a fix for the broken video playback when desktop effects are enabled?21:08
Jack_Sparrowdichtbijzee: what does your source list look like, have you run srcipts like automatix or envy.. both terrible ideas btw21:08
dichtbijzeeJack_Sparrow: im not that stupid21:08
desertc_coredump_: checked the ubuntu forums yet?21:08
Jack_Sparrowdichtbijzee: Had to ask..21:09
desertcdichtbijzee: don't be like that21:09
_coredump_desertc, yes i found a working workaround for vlc21:09
_coredump_desertc, but i want to use totem as player21:09
Jack_Sparrowdichtbijzee: What have you installed that did  not come from our repos?21:09
dichtbijzeeJack_Sparrow: i only removed the cd-rom and added backports and proposed21:09
arash_Hi, I've found a bug, what should I do? (Where can I report it?)21:10
desertc_coredump_: you might try asking in #ubuntu-effects, too21:10
desertcarash_: use launchpad21:10
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots21:10
MurielGodoi_Ot: Anyone could suggest me a cheap and reliable web host?21:10
desertcMurielGodoi_: I just started using Steadfast and I really like it21:10
dichtbijzeeJack_Sparrow: didnt install anything else. by the way its both with compiz enabled/disabled. and also with and without the nvidia driver.21:11
Jack_Sparrowdichtbijzee: you enabled those extra repos but didnt install anything..  Do you have an nvidia card .. what model?21:12
antoHow do i mount /dev/sda1 to ~/Desktop on startup?21:12
binBASHToday I installed some Ubuntu updates and now mozilla thunderbird + pidgin are not working anymore. When I start thunderbird it gives a error with the security component of the running linux os and SSL gets disabled. Does somebody know what's going wrong there?21:12
gudi am trying to disable ipv6 and have tried 3 diffrent approches, blacklisting changing alias and adding a bad_file in modprobe but nothing seems to work21:12
=== gud is now known as llarsson
MurielGodoi_desertc: Are you using an shared plan or a deditated one?21:13
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate21:13
llarssonanto: what format is your harddrive? look in /etc/fstab21:13
antollarsson, ext321:13
dichtbijzeeJack_Sparrow: its and FX5500. no other graphics related problems.21:13
antollarsson, i partitioned it and moved all my files there i also got a 6Gb swap21:13
un0pllarsson, how do you know IPv6 is still active?21:13
llarssonanto: look for fstab a temp mount would be "mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 path21:13
desertcMurielGodoi_: shared21:13
tagOpen office is crashing wildly and rapidly, and I've lost tons of work today21:14
antollarsson, explain aibt more?21:14
llarssonun0p still show up in ifconfig and "ip a | grep inet6 "21:14
antollarsson, "mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt" is what i do to mount it every time i start my pc21:14
llarssonanto search for fstab or mount on boot for ubuntu, and you will get good example howto modify fstab21:14
arnathis there a channel where you can get some help with openoffice?21:15
n9uibhas anyone got festival to work with pidgin ??21:15
vanatteveldtHi all, I am just trying to install ubuntu for the first time. I have some experience with headless debian, but this is my first with X. Everything seems setup allright, I even have wireless on my laptop, but I cannot get dual monitor setup to work21:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moniter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:16
vanatteveldtI have an Intel graphics card and builtin screen and a VGA screen21:16
Jack_Sparrowarnath: they have a channel of their own  you can try #openoffice21:16
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning21:16
arnathJack_Sparrow: it has 3 people in it :s21:16
mick87xdcc send #1121:16
Jack_Sparrowarnath: Understood...21:16
llarssonanyone know howto disable ipv6, official doc fails21:17
arnathJack_Sparrow: o found the "good" one :)21:17
vanatteveldtWhen I set the xorg.conf according to the various howtos on the Internet, it refuses to start X and then starts in low-res mode21:17
magnetron!ipv6 > llarsson21:18
=== riaal is now known as rdss
vanatteveldtthe /var/log/X11 files only contain info on the 'failsafe' attempt21:18
arnathvanatteveldt: i had the _exact_ same prbolem21:18
vanatteveldtdoes anybody know where I can actually find what is going wrong?21:18
apostolsI have Server Ubuntu Dapper21:18
vanatteveldtarnath: did you solve it? :-)21:18
arnathvanatteveldt: i'm afraid not :< i even had to struggle a bit to get out of low res mode21:18
Jack_Sparrowvanatteveldt: did you put your monitors refresh rates into your xorg, or still running the default monitor type21:19
vanatteveldtI think I am still running the default21:19
vanatteveldtthey are both TFT so I thought it wouldn't matter21:19
apostolsI have Server Ubuntu Dapper but in dec 9 have change Timezone in Venezuela21:19
vanatteveldtthat's probably stupid of me :-)21:19
Jack_Sparrowvanatteveldt: It helps to remember graphic output involves not only video card but monitor type21:19
Jack_Sparrowgotta run.. back later21:20
apostolsThe patch it not avaliable for  Ubuntu Dapper (for Feasty and Gusty yes)21:20
vanatteveldtI'll try to enter the refresh rates!21:20
MurielGodoi_desertc: great,  I just found nice reviews about Steadfast in devel forums, thanks for the suggestion21:21
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
mick87xdcc send #1121:21
desertcMurielGodoi_: glad to help21:21
nullsetI restarted my ubuntu and grub menu now shows me two ubuntu21:22
nullsetwhat should i do ?21:22
Flare183nullset:> you have two kernels installed21:22
nullsetwhat to do now ?21:22
nullsetI had updated ubuntu21:23
dichtbijzeenullset: it will use the correct one automaticly21:23
Flare183can someone confirm that?21:23
nullsetYou mean if i try booting from the other one, it wont boot21:23
pike_nullset: you can gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the others21:23
nullsetBoth the versions are identical21:23
nullsetCan't I remove them from my system21:24
mikefooI am root and I do # groups user1  -  It tells me the right group, but when  login as user1, it not listing the group, Why is this?21:24
StargazerWhere can i find a convertion program for all my .mp3s ?21:25
StargazerFor uh on windows21:25
Wolfspfotewht do you want to convert21:26
Wolfspfoteor into what?21:26
StargazerMp3 -> .ogg21:26
AgrajagStargazer: why would you want to do that?21:26
AgrajagStargazer: you'd be converting from one lossy format to another21:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:26
WolfspfoteAgrajag, because ogg is the better format? ^^21:26
AgrajagStargazer: thus combining the flaws inherent in both21:27
AgrajagWolfspfote: Sure, if you're converting from lossless/source material21:27
WolfspfoteStargazer, try searching at sourceforge....21:27
grindcore!google earth21:27
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository21:27
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:27
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:27
lastelement0hey how do i get my creative zen vision m player to work with amarok?21:27
WolfspfoteAgrajag, ok....from mp3 to ogg doesnt make the sound better....21:28
shadowbladeHello, I get this error "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" whenever I try to install a program, update, etc. Can someone help?21:28
StrangeworkHow do I check to see if I have 3d acceleration activated on my computer? If it isn't, how do I turn it on?21:28
vanatteveldtdoes anybody know where I can find the refresh rates for my laptop screen?21:28
lastelement0hey how do i get my creative zen vision m player to work with amarok?21:28
dis4everhow can i activate my dvd-rom21:29
dis4everit's deactivated21:29
desertcvanatteveldt: manufacturer will know21:29
dis4everright clicking won't do the job21:29
desertcdis4ever: what does deactivated mean?21:29
vanatteveldt(it's an Asus s5200n / S5N, I'll try googling a bit again)21:29
bhangPlease help. I want to be able to click a torrent to start any reaction at all... It just died on me. When I click a torrent NOTHING happens.21:29
dis4evermy question is, how to activate21:30
Flare183!torrent | bhang21:30
desertcbhang: Sounds like you messed up your Firefox associations21:30
flokuehnhi. what the ubuntu synonym for the debian inittab ?21:30
ubotubhang: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P21:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:30
desertcflokuehn: the rc scripts?  /etc/init.d21:31
Flare183!dvd | dis4ever21:31
ubotudis4ever: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:31
lastelement0hey how do i get my creative zen vision m player to work with amarok?21:31
wpklastelement0: connect it21:31
bhangdesertc: yes... happened after reboot. how do I add the torrent association again. it has disappeared21:31
lastelement0wpk it opens up my player yet is not recognized21:31
desertcbhang: common problem - google around for it, you'll find the answer21:32
flokuehndesertc: no. not the rc scripts. in debian inittab handles getty21:32
shadowbladeHello, I get this error "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" whenever I try to install a program, update, etc. Can someone help?21:32
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu21:32
rrittenhouseIm on 64bit Gutsy - How should I go about getting java to run under Firefox ?21:32
wpklastelement0: try adding 'MTP media device' or sth21:32
dis4everis pan the best app for downloading binaries with newsreaders21:33
StrangeworkHow do I check to see if I have 3d acceleration activated on my computer? If it isn't, how do I turn it on?21:33
Q3Mangiven a list of packages (such as from apt-show-versions) is there a tool to download the associated .deb? I'm trying to create a partial mirror of only the installed packages on a system.21:34
desertcflokuehn: inittab has been replaced by Upstart to manage the runlevels and loading of files.21:35
flokuehndesertc: i will try that21:35
bhangdesertc: yes... one would think so... but the problem is I cannot get even a firefox dialouge window that pops up asking me what to do with the torrent file.21:35
desertcflokuehn: that's not what you want for getty info though... not sure about that part21:35
qalduneq3man: apt-get -d21:35
Schiz0Is it possible to use the pf firewall on Ubuntu?21:36
Schiz0I don't see a package in the repo's for it.21:36
desertcif only there was a support channel for firefox......21:36
humb1yhow to make squid runing autostart in 5.1021:36
Flare183!search 3d21:37
ubotuFound: nouveau, composite, ubuntu-effects*, plg, 3dchess, blender21:37
Sharpieis it safe to remove the restricted drivers manager from my startup?21:37
ubotuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »21:37
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.21:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:37
Schiz0!search pf21:37
ubotuFound: bofh, p2p, swap21:37
Terminus-Schiz0: AFAIK, nope. pf is heavily integrated in the kernel.21:37
Vissudi am having an issue with Compiz Fusion effects, with the "resize info" plugin..as I resize the new size values overwrite the old numbers in place, so you can o longer read the numbers21:37
StrangeworkHow do I check to see if I have 3d acceleration activated on my computer? If it isn't, how do I turn it on?21:38
Schiz0Terminus-: Ah, damn. Ok, thanks anyway.21:38
shadowbladeHello, I get this error "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" whenever I try to install a program, update, etc. Can someone help???21:38
dayathow to instal GTK21:38
blaathoofdhello, quick question about a live cd bug: trying to run QUbuntu from a USB on a widescreen: "the display server has been shutdown about 6 times" error. Need the normal live cd, not the alternate one since this does not work with QUbuntu. How to work around this?21:38
Terminus-Schiz0: run a separate openbsd firewall if you must. :)21:38
Vissudand possibly related, when I switch viewports the graphic that comes up representing my diff desktops, the images look corrupted21:38
* Flare183 is overloaded21:38
ajd17caseI'm having problems with a networking-manager upgrade that came out a few days ago. Every time it tries to configure, the install locks up and then my system acts retarded -- e.g., I can't type into a terminal anymore, nothing will launch from the GNOME menus, etc. The error when it tries to configure network-manager is:  dpkg: error processing network-manager (--configure):  subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 221:38
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:38
bhangAnyone. How do I add a torrent file association in Firefox if no dialouge window pops up asking me what to do with the file?21:39
Fremandoes anyone know how to make ati drivers rotate their output?21:39
Sharpieis it safe to remove the restricted drivers manager from my startup?21:40
StrangeworkHow do I check to see if I have 3d acceleration activated on my computer? If it isn't, how do I turn it on?21:40
skyfalcon866whats is better 64bit ubuntu or 32bit21:40
Flare183!repeat Sharpie21:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat sharpie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:40
Flare183!repeat | Sharpie21:40
ubotuSharpie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:40
crdlbFreman: I doubt fglrx supports anything like that21:40
vanatteveldtentering the sync rate for the external monitor did not help... does anybody know how I can figure out what is going wrong if it crashes into lowres mode and the /var/log/Xorg.* log the failsafe conf rather than mine?21:40
blaathoofddepends on your system skyfalcon86621:40
skyfalcon866with 1GB ram21:41
blaathoofdhello, quick question about a live cd bug: trying to run QUbuntu from a USB on a widescreen: "the display server has been shutdown about 6 times" error. Need the normal live cd, not the alternate one since this does not work with QUbuntu. How to work around this?21:41
StrangeworkHow do I check to see if I have 3d acceleration activated on my computer? If it isn't, how do I turn it on?21:41
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
crdlbskyfalcon866: 32bit will work fine21:41
* Freman mumbles... I forgot to bring my nvidia card from home and I dowbt work will pay for one21:41
flokuehnmay anybody tell me what i have to do to get the framebuffer driver runnning for use with links2?21:41
crdlband will give you maximum compatibility21:41
ubotuIf you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer21:41
crdlbStrangework: glxinfo|grep direct21:41
ajd17caseHas anyone else had problems upgrading to the newest version of network-manager?21:41
blaathoofdworks perfectly21:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:41
humb1yanybody know anything aboutthe 7.04 and 7.10 and 8.04a hang when it detect the cdrom drive?21:42
shadowbladeCan anyone help me?21:42
Vissudand possibly related, when I switch viewports the graphic that comes up representing my diff desktops, the images look corrupted21:42
MikeHHow can I get windows fonts under ubuntu? (arial, helvetica etc.)21:42
Vissudi am having an issue with Compiz Fusion effects, with the "resize info" plugin..as I resize the new size values overwrite the old numbers in place, so you can o longer read the numbers21:42
humb1yi got it from cdimages.ubuntulinux.org21:43
AprilHaresorry humbly i don't know21:43
mojoMikeH, you need msttcorefonts IIRC.  Am not sure off-hand where the package is21:43
AprilHarei'm new to ubuntu21:43
humb1yi'm just stressed up21:43
mojoMikeH, msttcorefonts - microsoft truetype core fonts21:43
blaathoofd"the display server has been shutdown about 6 times"  <-- widescreens :(21:43
AprilHarei'm still getting used to it :)21:43
blaathoofdis there a way around?21:43
humb1yall of the three are allways hang up at the same spot21:43
AprilHareno idea there was a v821:43
humb1ywhile 5.10 installer dont21:43
blaathoofdAprilHare; its alpha21:43
Fremanit's so sweet downloading updates while no-one's here21:44
AprilHareblaathoofd: ic21:44
FremanI get a full megabit....21:44
Strangeworkcrdlb: It replied "direct rendering: Yes", my FPS is somewhat low when I play games, the problem is, I played the same games on Vista with this computer, but it ran a lot faster there. On Ubuntu, the game lags horrendously. What can be done?21:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about msttcorefonts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:44
crdlbStrangework: what video card?21:44
mojo!fonts | MikeH21:44
ubotuMikeH: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer21:44
MikeHmojo, I presume I have to restart X for it to take effect?21:44
ajd17caseWould VMWare's networking components cause problems when upgrading network-manager? Does that make any sense?21:45
mojo!multiverse | MikeH21:45
ubotuMikeH: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource21:45
kalosaurusrexshadowblade what was your prob?21:45
=== myr_ is now known as unitheory
mojoMikeH, restart X?  Not sure about that one.21:45
_RomanI am using Ubuntu 7.10 with compiz.  Is there a way to set the strength of the attraction of the wobbly windows snap to the edge of screen?21:45
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: I get this error "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 127" whenever I try to install a program, update, etc.21:46
unitheory_Roman, did you install ccsm?21:46
Strangeworkcrdlb: Cannot remember exactly, it is an Intel express chipset.21:46
mojoMikeH, really, i would not think so, unless it replaces some extant fonts.  i imagine it just adds the fonts so they can be used if selected21:46
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: ah it means you have a package problem.    sec and I'll get you something to run21:46
_Roman unitheory: what is ccsm21:46
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: ok21:46
crdlb!ccsm | _Roman21:46
ubotu_Roman: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:46
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: run sudo apt-get install -f21:47
unitheory_Roman, the settings manager: sudo aptitude install compizconfig-settings-manager21:47
kalosaurusrexI think that should fix it21:47
_Romanunitheory: Yes, I have installed that, I have searched through it, I can not see a setting that will let me set the edge attract strength.21:47
AutoMatriXhigh folks ;D21:47
crdlb_Roman: you can disable edge snapping entirely if you want21:48
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: last few lines of output... dpkg: error processing cupsys (--configure):21:48
shadowblade subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12721:48
shadowbladeErrors were encountered while processing:21:48
shadowblade cupsys21:48
shadowbladeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:48
qazwsxi'm on urunbu t amd64; i can build an i386 system with debootstrap .... how do I get a kernel for i386 though?21:48
_Romancrdlb: I do not want to disable it all together (it is really useful), but the windows are too "sticky" by default21:48
rangerguy39when i set up ubuntu, will it automotically set up the dual-boot program?21:48
cdm10rangerguy39: yep21:49
unitheory_Roman, it's the snapping windows plugin21:49
crdlbStrangework: hmm you might try switching from the intel driver to the i810 driver (or the converse), but I don't know that it would help21:49
motohumb1y: did you burn dao ?21:49
motohumb1y: do the checksums match ?21:49
crdlbunitheory: no, that's for people not using wobbly21:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dao - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:49
cdm10rangerguy39: make sure to select to "resize existing" partition rather than erasing the whole thing21:49
Strangeworkcrdlb: How do I do that? I have an i810 driver at the moment.. I think.21:49
mojoI was asking in here earlier about tty resolutions, and went on an fbset journey that led nowhere.  I was told a vga= setting to try adding to my kernel parameters in grub, but forget the number. It's gone past my scroll-back history for the channel.  Any idea what i should use, or where a list of the values are?21:49
Flare183moto:> md5sum21:49
rangerguy39cdm10, and it wont overwrite windows and ill still be able to boot to either?21:49
qazwsxi'm on urunbu t amd64; i can build an i386 system with debootstrap .... how do I get a kernel for i386 though?21:50
ubotuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x21:50
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: try this sudo dpkg --configure -a,sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes -f,sudo apt-get update21:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:50
crdlbStrangework: system>admin>screens and graphics should do it21:50
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.21:50
kalosaurusrexwell those you can't run them that way.21:50
motoFlare183: thx21:50
cdm10rangerguy39: if all goes well, you'll be able to boot to both21:50
rangerguy39and is there really a bug that can mess up laptops?21:50
kalosaurusrexrather - sudo dpkg --configure -a & sudo apt-get install --yes --force-yes -f & sudo apt-get update21:50
moto!md5sum > humb1y21:50
AprilHareok. i have two harddisks: a sata and pata harddisk. the pata harddisk had an old copy of windowsxp and a few applications that are rather important and peecee only. - the motherboard is dicky so it won't boot windows xp natively so I'm trying to run my applications with WINE, but it seems to run into problems; my main application complains its licence is faulty for instance. - does anyone know of an alternative? i'm thinking qemu21:50
AprilHarebut am unsure how to make it address my pata harddisk directly21:51
crishi! disable the laptop-mode in ubuntu?21:51
_Romanunitheory: It does not appear that you can have wobbly windows and the snapping windows plugin active at the same time21:51
motoAprilHare: use a virtulaization insteadt21:51
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: output of first command (sudo dpkg --configure -a)...      Setting up cupsys (1.3.2-1ubuntu7.1) ...21:51
shadowbladeReloading AppArmor profiles : done.21:51
shadowblade * Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                                  /usr/sbin/cupsd: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libdns_sd.so.1: undefined symbol: __stack_chk_fail_local21:51
shadowbladeinvoke-rc.d: initscript cupsys, action "start" failed.21:51
shadowbladedpkg: error processing cupsys (--configure):21:51
shadowblade subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 12721:51
shadowbladeErrors were encountered while processing:21:51
cdm10!paste | shadow21:51
ubotushadow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:51
shadowblade cupsys21:51
motoAprilHare: you cannot run all aps in wine21:51
cdm10!paste | shadowblade21:51
ubotushadowblade: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:51
Flare183!paste | shadowblade21:51
moto!md5sum | humb1y21:51
Strangeworkcrdlb: I found no "screens and graphics" option :(21:51
ubotuhumb1y: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more21:51
rangerguy39is there really a bug that can mess up laptops?21:51
desertcAprilHare: Soo... what is the question21:52
rangerguy39in ubuntu...21:52
cdm10rangerguy39: what do you mean? there are a lot of bugs, that can mess up a lot of things...21:52
motohumb1y: you can also check mounted cdroms with md521:52
AprilHaremoto: which virtualisation? i understand that newer processors are needed for virtualisation and this is a 1.4 ghz athlon xp 1600+21:52
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers21:52
cdm10rangerguy39: but chances are, you'll be fine.21:52
rangerguy39cdm10, someone said a bug could screw the hard drive21:52
crdlb!hdbug > rangerguy3921:52
motohumb1y: md5sum -b /dev/cdrom21:52
cdm10that one21:52
erUSULAprilHare: only kvm needs special cpu support21:52
blaathoofd"the display server has been shutdown about 6 times"  <-- widescreens 7.10, is there a solve?21:52
crdlbStrangework: are you on gutsy?21:52
erUSUL!virtualizers | AprilHare21:52
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: run; sudo aa-complain cupsd21:52
ubotuAprilHare: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications21:52
AprilHareerusul: tjamls fpr tjat21:53
stefgmojo: http://lxr.linux.no/source/Documentation/fb/vesafb.txt but be aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/12991021:53
Strangeworkcrdlb: No, feisty21:53
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:53
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox21:53
erUSULAprilHare: ?? XD21:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about appdm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:53
Strangeworkcrdlb: do you recommend that I upgrade to gutsy?21:53
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:53
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: okay21:53
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: seemed to work21:53
moto!virtualizers | moto21:54
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: great :)21:54
AprilHareright so i need vmware. thanking you muchly :)21:54
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: so now what do i do?21:54
crdlbStrangework: on feisty there is no "intel" driver, so if you want to try it, yes, but I don't know that it'll help21:54
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: try sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart and then sudo apt-get update21:54
r3texhow can I prevent aptitude from updating my rc2.d symlinks? I don't want to read samba after every update... =/21:55
Strangeworkcrdlb: Thanks! I will upgrade later.21:55
crislaptop-mode f.... your hdd?21:55
ubotuUbuntu does *not* modify the settings that affect HD lifespans by default. An analysis from an Ubuntu Technical Board member and ACPI expert can be found at http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77672.html (See https://launchpad.net/bug59695.html and http://tinyurl.com/2vyrft for more information)21:55
AprilHare??? "VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"21:55
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: symbol lookup error, undefined symbol21:55
motoAprilHare: use vbox anyway ;021:56
=== robert__ is now known as Bobbie
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: from the first command21:56
AprilHarebut why the error?21:56
=== soporte is now known as bi30
=== Q_Contoxicated is now known as Q_Continuum
motoAprilHare: i dunno what the player is supposed to mean anyway ;)21:56
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: sounds like cupsys is hosted. sudo apt-get remove cupsys & sudo apt-get install cupsys21:57
kalosaurusrexhosed rather21:57
crisubotu, thank you ;D21:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thank you ;d - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:57
louistI downloaded a grsecurity tarball and extracted it to mydesktop.  How do I install it from there?21:57
motolouist: is it a shellscript /21:58
motolouist: file /path/to/file21:58
louistmoto, how can I tell?  lol you'll have to be a bit patient--I'm an ubuntu dumbass21:58
motolouist: is its an executable make it executable21:58
motochmod +x /path/to/file21:58
erUSULlouist: !!!??? do not think you should try to install that package... it involves patching kernel sources and rebuilding it21:58
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: output http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47163/21:58
kalosaurusrexlouist:  if you extracted the files check and see if there is a README or install file. and may have directions21:58
louisterUSL:  is that difficult to do?21:59
Flare183!language | louist21:59
ubotulouist: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:59
* moto guesses that was a bit egdy waht i did there 21:59
andre_Hey Guys,  I can't get Flash player to work... flashplugin-nonfree is installed but firefox still tells me there's a missing plugin...22:00
kalosaurusrexshadowblade:  okay run sudo tail -f /var/log/messages and then try again in a diff terminal and post the log to pastebin22:00
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:00
erUSULlouist: have you ever compiled anything? a linux kernel? used patch....22:00
louisterUSL, no. never22:00
louisterUSUL:  I've tried, lol22:00
steve1I just did an ubuntu 7.10 install, and when it's loading, the "ubuntu" screen doesn't come up, just a black screen. It also takes too long (4 or 5 minutes) to boot up. Any ideas?22:01
erUSULlouist: i do not think you should do it but you are free to try...22:01
caravelHow to disable speaker sound while using a headset ? (Asus V1S-AS004E laptop, alsamixer shows up a Realtek ALC660-VD, therefore I imagine, 3stack-660-digout)22:01
luciddr34m3rI'm having troubles with my wireless card. I don't think it's fully configured. It has a driver installed that I know works, but I can't see any wireless networks. When I do a scan it returns no results, but I know there are at least 8 AP's in range.22:01
erUSUL!kernel | louist22:01
ubotulouist: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages22:01
Dragan91Hellooooooo guys dont be hard to me i just converted to ubuntu ;P22:01
ganjistuxi got a starnge problem with bunut22:01
Dragan91can some1 help me :)22:01
ganjistuxa openoffice error on synaptic if i try install some packet22:01
louisterUSUL:  how much sercuity does grsecurity and PaX actually add?22:01
moto!metaquestion | Dragan9122:01
ubotuDragan91: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:01
Dragan91i just instaled and se all fine can some1 help me if u guys know with installing wow??22:02
caravelsteve1 did you try swicthing to the consoles ?22:02
yaroI have a bit of a newbie-ish question. How do I use a .patch file?22:02
louistbearing in mind htat i'm running not trying to run a server or anything --- I just can't afford to have my compt hacked22:02
ganjistuxnow i selected all libraries adn hope it works22:02
kalosaurusrexDragan91: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft?highlight=%28of%29%7C%28world%29%7C%28warcraft%2922:02
steve1caravel: I'm not sure how to do that.22:02
motoyaro: apropos patch ;)22:02
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:02
mikeymikehi i'm in dapper's live portion of the install cd right now, but earlier i tried to resize my ntfs partition with the gparted live usb and i came upon an error when ntfsresize was ran that i looked up and it was said that the error was fixed in version 1.5. i'm guessing the version on the gparted live usb is older than 1.5 since i got that error... is there any way i can use my dapper live or even the usb live to resize my ntfs partition by updating both22:03
luciddr34m3rCan anybody give me a hand with my wireless problem?22:03
motoyaro: in a shell22:03
erUSULlouist: i would say that imho it is no worth it (in theory they protect against stack overflows and things like that)22:03
andre_Hey Guys,  I can't get Flash player to work... flashplugin-nonfree is installed but firefox still tells me there's a missing plugin...22:03
louisterUSUL:  is there maybe something easier to install that would add some protection for me?22:03
Discererhi... how can I give the user www-data read and write in a certain folder? when I chmod /usr/local/trac with -R 777 it seems only to stick for a while but not work for newly created files.22:03
Paddy_EIREandre_, there is a bug in gutsy's flash plugin22:03
Paddy_EIREandre_, there is a fix on the forums22:03
yaroAh. See, that's what I'm asking about. How to apply the fix.22:04
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: so...I ran that last command, opened a new terminal and redid the two commands in your previous message...22:04
louisterUSUL:  is apparmor active by default?22:04
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: got the same errors when i tried to install it again22:04
caravelsteve1 in that case you should certainly read the PDF "Simple as Ubuntu" (off ubuntu web site) -- anyway, try Ctrl+Alt+F1, that should show up some white text on black background22:04
HS^why is the name ubuntu and so politically correct? is its founder in africa? or is he a jew?22:04
motoyaro: type apropos patch in a shell. it will return this: patch (1)            - apply a diff file to an original22:05
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: yeah can you past the log to pastebin? the tail -f /var/log/messages log22:05
yaroandre_: My problem is exactly yours. You'll need to sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree and try to figure out the fix found on this website: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/17389022:05
motoyaro: i'm trying to help you help yourself ;)22:05
luciddr34m3rAnybody able to give me a hand with my wifi troubles?22:05
DiscererHS^ haha wha? :p22:05
v|kToRanybody speaks spanish?22:05
mikeymikehas anyone replied to me? irssi is hard to read22:05
Paddy_EIREandre_, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apturl/+bug/13913822:05
mikeymikeif anyone can help me please feel free to query me22:05
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: theres a messages and messages.022:05
ganjistuxi install now anything on the distro22:05
HS^Discerer why is it so politicallly correct, with smiling peoples of all nations on the front site22:05
yaroI'll go try that now.22:05
ganjistuxi hope it works22:05
erUSULlouist: does your machine(s) actually exposed to a dangerous envoirment? gutsy comes with apparmor but i do not use it so...22:06
steve1caravel: thanks a lot for your help. can I bring up the console screen even as it's booting?22:06
Paddy_EIREandre_, read Sudhanshu's post22:06
yaroDidn't realize you meant 'apropos' as a command.22:06
DiscererHS^ all large companies do that22:06
ubotuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor22:06
ganjistuxany available packet from synaptic22:06
ganjistuxi hope it works22:06
HS^Discerer is ubuntu a company22:06
motomikeymike: enlarge your window ;)22:06
ganjistuxbecause i have no glue22:06
Discerercanonical is22:06
mikeymikemoto i have lol22:06
louisterUSUL:  it's a laptop and i'm going to be connected all over the world22:06
Discererhi... how can I give the user www-data read and write in a certain folder? when I chmod /usr/local/trac with -R 777 it seems only to stick for a while but not work for newly created files. ideas?22:06
mikeymikeso can anyone help me?22:06
MTecknologyWhat am I doing wrong here? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47165/22:06
motomikeymike: heh. what was your question22:06
yaroI got this: newflashplugin.patch: nothing appropriate.22:06
louisterUSUL:  and i'm on a college network too, so that's a prime target for hackers22:06
HS^my question is,  do ubuntu fonts Still suck22:06
mikeymikehi i'm in dapper's live portion of the install cd right now, but earlier i tried to resize my ntfs partition with the gparted live usb and i came upon an error when ntfsresize was ran that i looked up and it was said that the error was fixed in version 1.5. i'm guessing the version on the gparted live usb is older than 1.5 since i got that error... is there any way i can use my dapper live or even the usb live to resize my ntfs partition by updating both22:06
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: which one?22:07
motomikeymike: google for gparted-livecd22:07
erUSULlouist: i think that the only thing you need is a firewall...22:07
mikeymikemoto:  i used that basically. i used the live usb22:07
motomikeymike: they have a topnotch live-cd22:07
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: just paste like the last 50 lines or so22:07
louisterUSUL:  firestarter okay?22:07
mikeymikemoto: i did that. it requires you to download the livecd iso to create the live usb22:07
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: of messages or messages.0?22:07
motomikeymike: if your ntfs is defragmented it doesn work22:07
kalosaurusrexoh hmm22:07
caravelsteve1 yes, anytime. You can have up to 6 consoles (Alt+F1 .. F6) and the graphical user interface is on Alt+F7. Note, you need Ctrl as well in order to go from the GUI to a console, but not under a console22:07
mikeymikemoto: if it's defragged? or if it's fragged?22:08
motomikeymike: /def/fragmented/ ; defrag it in windows22:08
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: if you do sudo apt-get remove cupsys what does it say? does it error?22:08
jussio1HS^: they are as good or better than windows here22:08
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: something is wrong with cupsys. so we can to remove it, and reinstall it.22:08
mikeymikemoto: it's not fragmented. i checked :(22:08
erUSULlouist: yes it has a nice interface... (all linux firewalls are iptables on the very bottom)22:08
erUSUL!iptables | louist22:08
ubotulouist: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).22:08
caravelHow to disable speaker sound while using a headset ? (Asus V1S-AS004E laptop, alsamixer shows up a Realtek ALC660-VD, therefore I imagine, 3stack-660-digout)22:08
ganjistuxwhat the hell is ttf-opensymbol: error22:08
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: that one works...when i try to install it again an\\i get errors22:08
motomikeymike: that might help. AND : hold backups whenever your doing dangerous stuff like that :)22:08
luciddr34m3rCan anybody give me a hand with a wireless problem I'm having?22:08
mikeymikemoto: haha i am brave.22:08
mikeymikemoto: thank god the gparted runs a simulation22:09
motomikeymike: ic. you are brave.22:09
mikeymikemoto: it found the error during simulation22:09
louistokay. firestarter it is.  and i have boot encryption, so I should be safe from that angle, right erUSUL?22:09
motomikeymike: what was it ?22:09
melkorLucidd whats your problem.22:09
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: okay remove it, then run sudo apt-get clean, then apt-get update and try installing again22:09
mikeymikemoto: the error was ERROR: Extended record needed. (1048 > 1024), not yet supported! Please try to free less space.22:10
motolouist: boot-encryption doesnt help _anything_ once the system is running should it be attacked. it;s readable to system ;)22:10
motomikeymike: heh.22:10
luciddr34m3rI'm on a laptop with wireless. Ubuntu automatically used a driver that I know works, but I can't see any wireless networks. I know at least 4 people with the same exact laptop (they are handed out by my uni) and they see them just fine with the same driver and everything. Any ideas?22:10
mikeymikemoto: any knowledge?22:10
louistmoto:  of course.  But i'm going to be in airports and stuff so in case my laptop gets stolen...22:10
motomikeymike: no. just interest ;)22:10
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: got the same errors when i tried to install it again22:11
mikeymikei think i'll post my question again lol22:11
motomikeymike: :)22:11
mikeymikehi i'm in dapper's live portion of the install cd right now, but earlier i tried to resize my ntfs partition with the gparted live usb and i came upon an error when ntfsresize was ran that i looked up and it was said that the error was fixed in version 1.5. i'm guessing the version on the gparted live usb is older than 1.5 since i got that error... is there any way i can use my dapper live or even the usb live to resize my ntfs partition by updating both22:11
motomikeymike: try to shorten it ;)22:11
mikeymikei should shorten it. haha22:11
mindoflotuscan you put drives on raid 5 if they are of different sizes/manufacturers?22:11
louistmoto:  I should rephrase the question -- is the boot-encryption in gutsy gnupg based?22:11
melkorluciddr34m3r what do you get if you type iwconfig?22:11
melkor...does it recognize your device?22:11
caravelhelp! please. How to disable speaker sound while using a headset ? (Asus V1S-AS004E laptop, alsamixer shows up a Realtek ALC660-VD, therefore I imagine, 3stack-660-digout)22:11
louistand is it secure? or should i use something like TrueCrypt and ditch the boot encryption in favor of volume-based crypto?22:12
* caravel wold like to watch a dvd without to reboot under [tssss] and it's getting late ^^22:12
melkorcaravel do you have a dell?22:12
luciddr34m3ri have ath0 and wifi0, wifi0 has no wireless extensions, but ath0 does, but when i do a scan for networks it says none are found22:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about luks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:12
yaroApropos gave me the following error: newflashplugin.patch: nothing appropriate. I don't think that will help me.22:12
caravelmelkor: Asus22:12
luciddr34m3rit also lists eth0 and lo, with no extensions of course22:12
kalosaurusrexcaravel: if you right click the volume control and check the setting (if you have it) for headset detect does that fix?22:12
melkorHow do you scan did you try sudo iwscan ath0 list22:12
arvin_I can't unmount my ntfs partitions22:12
arvin_can anyone help me?22:12
arvin_says permission denied.22:13
luciddr34m3rand my utility doesnt list any22:13
motomikeymike: you could google for it, maybe it's symptomathic to some extend. it looks like you just cannot free as mcuh space as you had in mind to me22:13
kalosaurusrexarvin_: try sudo umount?22:13
louistarvin, did you use sudo?22:13
arvin_oh k22:13
caravelkalosaurusrex: I have a headset check box, if I disable it, I have the sound on the speakers only, if I enable it, I have both22:13
mikeymikehi i'm in dapper's live portion of the install cd right now, but earlier i tried to resize my ntfs partition with the gparted live usb and i came upon an error when ntfsresize was ran that i looked up and it was said that the error was fixed in version 1.5. is there any way i can update the gparted and ntfsresize on my dapper live or even the usb live to resize my ntfs partition? I tried installing them in synaptic but they show up as the newest version.22:13
melkorAre you using the mad-wifi drivers?22:13
mikeymikea little shorter and clearer :)22:13
kalosaurusrexlouist: jinx :)22:13
motomikeymike: now where is that _any shorter ;)_22:13
louistkalosaurusrex:  darn!22:13
yaroAnything else I can try? I wish I knew how to apply this thing.22:14
luciddr34m3rno, but i know my driver works. same one works on other laptops exactly like mine. i checked. one strange thing is that i can't ifdown and ifup on ath0. it says its not configured...22:14
motoyaro: help patch22:14
mikeymikemoto: yeah but i need to.. i'm basically resizing my windows install to 3 gigs of free space instead of using most of the drive. so that i can use the free space to install windows again on new hardware that i have sitting in my room waiting to be ran :(  ok so maybe it's not any shorter but it is clearer.... i think?22:14
ganjistuxi hope it works22:14
HS^is there a reason to chose ubuntu over kubuntu22:14
motomoto@aka/media/hdb6/home/sysmoto$ patch --help22:14
motoUsage: patch [OPTION]... [ORIGFILE [PATCHFILE]]22:14
ganjistuxkde or gnome22:14
arvin_how do i set it so that i can rename them without going into root?22:14
HS^ganjistux thats all?22:14
motoyaro: ^^22:15
melkorluciddr3am3r it sounds like your driver is not properly installed, did you use a modprob ...?22:15
erUSULHS^: the question makes more sense the other way around. ubuntu is the main one kubuntu is community driven like xubuntu22:15
mikeymikemoto: i have a new motherboard, cpu, video card that i'm just itching to use but you can't just swap motherboards on a current windows install... i dont think? haha22:15
luciddr34m3rdidnt do modprob22:15
ganjistuxmaybean gnome is better for small peoples22:15
* caravel has never seen any driver that allows both the speakers and the headset. Therefore it's pretty revolutionary. However, not being able to disable the speakers is rather archaic. Gutsy is quite a paradoxal systen, isn't it ?22:15
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: i google searched the first error message i was getting and there are several bug reports about it - none of them seem to have fixes22:15
HS^erUSUL so is there a reason to use kubuntu over ubuntu22:15
HS^i just want the best22:16
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: you are using gutsy?22:16
ganjistuxyeah , you can eat them22:16
melkorHow did you install the drivers.  When I used the mad wifi drivers I had to do modprob "???" at the end22:16
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: yep22:16
luciddr34m3rthe drivers were automatic22:16
melkorI also have an atheros wireless card.22:16
luciddr34m3rubuntu loaded them on install22:16
yaromoto: Okay... I get ohow to do it, now I fail to see the point since this will have me download the tarball anyway, why would I need the patch then?22:16
luciddr34m3rjust like my roomates with the same laptop22:16
luciddr34m3ri even compared to make sure we were running the same driver22:17
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: can you link me a bug defect? cause I'm the ubuntu printing team and I haven't seen this. but we get a lot of emails so maybe I missed it22:17
motoyaro: patch assumes you patch an elder [origfile] with a newer patch22:17
erUSULHS^: kde22:17
mikeymikemoto: i tried downloading the newest versions of gparted and ntfsresize and compiling them on this live session but the configure said i have no c compiler!22:17
arvin_my audiotrek prodigy 7.1 stopped working after updating22:17
erUSUL!best | HS^22:17
ubotuHS^: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.22:17
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: first google result just copying and pasting the error https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/17406922:17
melkorWell you got me there then, I think the drivers are included with ubuntu, but when I did it on my old laptop (with the atheros card) they weren't so I install mad wifi manually22:17
arvin_only my onboard sound works22:17
yaromoto: Soooo I'm probably fussing over something I dont need to.22:17
arvin_how do i fix it?22:17
mikeymikei'm pretty sure even dapper's live install has a c compiler!22:17
motoyaro: reduceing the download from 150MB for whole patch to 15MB of stuff that actually changed from file_v1 to file_v222:18
mikeymikeit sayas it's not in the $PATH or something22:18
dis4evercan i use kde app on gnome desktop22:18
luciddr34m3rsomeone had me edit a few lines of my /etc/network/interfaces file. would anything there contribute?22:18
dis4everlike mame is kde i believe22:18
* mikeymike sighs22:18
motomikeymike: now you lost me22:18
erUSULdis4ever: yes but you will eat ram with all the duplicated infrastructure of kde just for one app22:18
jussio1dis4ever: yes, you can22:19
kazolHow do I change the brightness/contrast of images in OpenOffice?22:19
yaromoto Okay. I'm gonna just go get the tarball then and try to install it. *Shudder* Sadly, I'm running on x86-64 ubuntu and last I checked, that installer only likes 1386.22:19
motokazol: ?????22:19
kazolmoto: ?????22:19
StargazerWiki: is the wiki the same for all versions /22:19
* Latino pokes moto :P22:19
melkorluciddr34m3r what does it say.  Mine has two lines it it that aren't commented out.22:19
motokazol: and baer in mind more than three questionmarks are sign of sincerely disturbed minds ;)22:19
dis4everis kubuntu  better than ubuntu or is is it all really the same22:19
dis4everi am using kubuntu now but i found ubuntu easier22:20
mikeymikemoto: ok like i said.. the gparted and ntfsresize is old on this live session. i went to gparted's website and go the newest version and i went to ntfsresize's website and got the newest versoiin but when i tried to ./configure it said no c compiler found in $PATH22:20
Latinodis4ever: the difference is its default windonw manager22:20
HS^if the people of africa believe in ubuntu nd that is the right way, why is africa such a mess22:20
mikeymikedoes the dapper live install have no c compiler? lol22:20
rampage73dis4ever, more preference than anything22:20
StargazerKubuntu uses a different desktop enviroment22:20
kazolHS^: lol22:20
erUSUL!offtopic | HS^22:20
ubotuHS^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:20
kazolHS^: It's just the symbol and philosophy of the Ubuntu software project.22:21
dis4everthanks, is it possible to use this blue environment of kde in gnome22:21
dis4everit's a lovely blue22:21
motoLatino: heh ;)22:21
mikeymikesynaptic reports that i have GCC installed. so why cant the configure script find them in $PATH?22:22
erUSULdis4ever: install bluebuntu22:22
mikeymikei ran ./configure as root... being that this is dapper's install cd in live i dont think it mattered?22:22
erUSULmikeymike: install build-essential22:22
motomikeymike: type gcc22:22
dis4everdoes anyone know why my cdrom is listed as floppy and is not as dvdrom22:23
mikeymike1 sec then22:23
yaroHow do I manually use that wrapper?22:23
raphi_kG'day - I've recently upgraded phpmyadmin on Fiesty - and now when going to the phpmyadmin page, it just comes up blank. :(22:23
dis4everand it's not acitivated either and i cannot change it22:23
salahHow fuck*ng hard is it really to get the bluetooth working in Ubuntu? I have been trying EVERYTHING but nothing works at all22:23
mikeymikemoto: THANKS!22:23
mikeymikedownloading it now22:23
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: any more ideas?22:23
yaroLanguage, plz.22:24
mikeymikemoto: that worked so far.. gcc reports no fiiles22:24
Darius08xHello, I've been trying to resize my partition so I can dual boot windows and ubuntu. Thing is. it won't let me. I've opened up gparted and I've got some weird warning.22:24
mikeymikei'm going to try to compile those 2 apps now22:25
dis4everwindows quake, what would be the best way to play on linux ?22:25
Darius08xAccounting clusters.... Cluster accounting failed at 6519 (0x1977): extra cluster in $Bitmap22:25
dis4evercan i use cedega for that22:25
Darius08xAnd it goes on to say that again and again but using diffrent numbers. ?22:25
Darius08xWhats going on> D;22:25
dis4everlike doom and some other old games22:25
motomikeymike: what are you downloading now? i lossed you, again22:25
mikeymikemoto: build-essential22:26
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: when did this start happening? what did you last do before it started happening? if I could reproduce this it would help greatly22:26
Mark761966How do you get Grub onto a DVD?22:26
mikeymikemoto: i already got it and i'm going to retry to install the newest versions of ntfsresize and gparted22:26
luciddr34m31what was the wireless driver package you said you use? i might as well try it22:26
melkordis4ever they make the main programs for doom such id games.  You just need the main wad files22:26
motothat suggestion wasn't from me mikeymike , but thats nonessential i guess22:26
mikeymikemoto: oh haha22:26
erUSULMark761966: grub does not work on cd-dvd's afaik22:26
mikeymikeoh it was erUSUL who suggested it22:26
andre_paddy_EIRE:  tx bud, I'll look it up22:26
mikeymikethanks erUSUL22:26
melkorluciddr34m3l mad wifi, they are included in the repositories so you can apt-get them22:26
luciddr34m31ok i'll try that22:27
melkoreverytime I upgrade my kernel I have to reinstall them22:27
luciddr34m31madwifi-tools ?22:27
mikeymikeoh noes! now i have this error when trying to compile gparted checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool22:27
Paddy_EIREandre_, sure man22:27
mikeymikewut means this?22:28
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: iirc, i was seeing if 'suspend' would work on my laptop, it didn't so i had to do a hold the power button til it went off, restart, etc...then i came back and tried to install updates and got that error....(the updates were for compiz, not really important to me) then i tried to use flash in firefox, and i got the same error when trying to install the plugin, and here i am.22:28
mikeymikeit was checking for perl before that22:28
mikeymikechecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool22:28
mikeymikeah i didnt mean to paste that again22:28
yaroHow do I manually install libflashplayer.so?22:28
mikeymikeok forget this. what is the best app to use to resize an ntfs partition.22:29
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: everything else seems to be working fine22:29
slizehey, is it possible to compile a module for a generic kernel?22:29
mikeymikebest FREE app. sorry.22:29
erUSULslize: for the ubuntu kernel you mean?22:29
unitheorymikeymike, for linux?22:30
slizeerUSUL: i need a vpn cisco module, but i don't wanna recompile the whole kernel by hand22:30
mikeymikelinux or windows22:30
arvin_if i want to mount my hard disk manually do i just write sudo mount -o loop /dev/sda1 /mount/point ?22:30
unitheorymikeymike, gparted22:30
mikeymikenoooooooo :(22:30
pike_arvin_: you dont use the loopback22:30
unitheorymikeymike, qtparted ?22:30
mikeymikei'm using gnome22:30
pike_arvin_: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/something  what format is sda1? fat32, ntfs, ext3?22:30
unitheoryi like gparted22:31
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: are you on a 32 or 64 bit system?22:31
erUSULslize: usually external mudules can be compiled against installed kernels you only need to do 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)' and install build-essential22:31
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: 32bit22:31
AprilHarewould something like /dev/sda1 work in qemu or am I confused?22:31
arvin_pike_ can i do mount /dev/hda1 /c: ?22:31
* moto pokes right back at Latino 22:31
arvin_pike_: can i do mount /dev/hda1 /c: ?22:31
Latinohah, thanks for wake me up22:31
erUSULarvin_: you do not need the -o loop it is an actual block device not an image on a file22:31
arvin_i'll try.22:32
sillyforprezhey guys, i have a problem with my firefox.. everytime i go to a facebook profile or igoogle, it crashes.. but youtube and other flash sites works22:32
motoLatino: hehe22:32
heartsbloodDoes anybody know if there is a ubuntu package for the beta of firefox 3?22:32
slizeerUSUL: its both installed, but i still get an error. i will paste somewhere  .... just a sec22:32
AprilHarewill firefox 3 support http resume?22:32
motoLatino: i built it in to frighten you :)22:32
inphodoes anyone know why broken_ladder is banned from this channel?22:32
heartsbloodAprilHare: I have no idea but i'd love to find out :)22:32
=== |Aryn| is now known as aRyn
pike_inpho: might ask in #ubuntu-ops22:33
arvin_I can't mount any of my disks by right click > mount22:33
AprilHarewouldn't we all22:33
arvin_do i have to do it through terminal?22:33
mikeymikemoto: wut meanz this: checking for perl... /usr/bin/perl22:33
erUSUL!paste | slize22:33
ubotuslize: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:33
mikeymikechecking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool22:33
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: everything I read says I could be a gcc problem..not sure why..but maybe try sudo apt-get remove build-essential & sudo apt-get install build-essential22:33
mikeymikewut means that :(22:33
kalosaurusrexI=it ugh22:33
slizeerUSUL: its pasted here: http://nopaste.php-quake.net/1112622:33
motomikeymike: that whatever tries to execute relies on perl22:33
slizeerUSUL: i know about pasting, but thx anyway ;)22:34
mikeymikemoto: gee tahnks22:34
mikeymikemoto: how 2 fix?22:34
HS^the fucking ubuntuofftopics banned me for talking offtopic22:34
erUSUL!language | HS^22:34
ubotuHS^: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:34
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: posting the ouput of remove, got errors...22:34
motomikeymike: apt-get install perl ?22:34
skyfalcon866can tracker work in kubuntu22:34
mikeymikemoto: ah sorry22:34
motoHS^: haha22:34
slizeerUSUL: its a german version of ubuntu, but i hope you can see the error anyway!?22:35
mikeymikemoto: according to synaptic I HAVE PERL :(22:35
arvin_erUSUL: how can I set permissions so that I don't have to be root to mount it or rename it, just do it through "Computer" as mysef?22:35
kalosaurusrexyaro: nice. loved the exit message22:35
erUSULslize: my german is not very good but for th looks of it it seems that the module is not compatible with the ubuntu kernel...22:35
g98welkanyone here know how to config gnokii ?22:35
slizeerUSUL: thats bad :(22:36
cutmerockhey guys22:36
cutmerockcan someone help me?22:36
erUSULslize: it looks for some variables that have changed...22:36
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47173/22:36
un0pmikeymike, maybe -- perl -MCPAN -e 'install "XML::Parser"'22:36
cutmerockim on ubuntu and i downloaded the linux version of graal   (www.graalonline.com)22:36
erUSULslize: yes... unless there is a compatible version it won't compile22:36
cutmerockand i cant find how to install it22:36
heartsbloodholy ****.  I just set a new speed record from mozilla and didn't even notice it.  11MBps o.o  <3 fios22:36
cutmerockthe file is "graal4setup"22:36
mikeymikeun0p: where do i type that? are you saying for me to run perl with those flags?22:36
g98welkhi guys22:37
g98welkanyone here good with gnokii22:37
mikeymikeun0p: i typed perl - blah lah all that stuff in console and it brought me to a >22:37
mikeymikewtf mate.22:37
cutmerockCan someone help me with installing a game?22:37
slizeerUSUL: do you know another vpn client which is working with cisco and p12 files? cause i need this to get my notebook work in my university22:38
un0pmikeymike, ok press CTRL+C to exit back to the shell ..22:38
mikeymikedid that22:38
mikeymikeso what happened?22:38
erUSULslize: dunno sorry.22:38
* caravel would like to watch a dvd without to reboot under [tssss] and it's getting late ^^22:38
slizeerUSUL: ok, thanks anyway22:38
un0pmikeymike, try this then -- perl -mCPAN -e shell22:38
caravelHow to disable speaker sound while using a headset ? (Asus V1S-AS004E laptop, alsamixer shows up a Realtek ALC660-VD, therefore I imagine, 3stack-660-digout)22:38
mikeymikeun0p: okay22:38
erUSUL!dvd | caravel22:38
ubotucaravel: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:38
un0pmikeymike, then type this out in the shell that appears -- install XML::PArser22:38
mikeymikeun0p: ok22:39
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: as a test, try sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop then try again22:39
queenelihello my original sound icon is gone and kmix is not working that well . what could be the problem? how do i turn up volumes thanks22:39
caravelerUSUL: dvd is fine - sound is ot, see my question just  before your bot22:39
un0pmikeymike, sorry -- mind the case --- install XML::Parser22:39
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: i removed cupsys, then removed and installed build-essential, ill do what you just said now...22:39
godemoniteCan anyone answer a quesition that i have?22:39
mikeymikeun0p: when i typed perl -mCPAN -e shell it borught me right back to a prompt then i typed that install and i got this: install: missing destination file operand after `XML::Parser'22:39
mikeymikeun0p: i corrected your case error22:40
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:40
godemoniteHow do i switch from the use of my integrated graphics card to vesa?22:40
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: then try and reinstall cupsys if you don't have errors it's an apparmor problem. but lets see what happens22:40
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: bah, errors trying to install cupsys22:40
XBehavehow do i get a verison string for ubuntu or should i just say ubuntu 7.10 if asked22:41
un0pmikeymike, so you saying that's happened even after correcting the case22:41
erUSULXBehave: lsb_release -a22:41
mikeymikeun0p: right. i caught your case error in Parser and fixed it22:41
queenelihello my original sound icon is gone and kmix is not working that well . what could be the problem? how do i turn up volumes thanks22:41
mikeymikeun0p: was your -mCPAN wrong ? the first time it was all caps22:41
admin_Anyone have a problem in gutsy where you'll scroll down, either with mouse or down arrow or pgdn, and it'll scroll by itself until the end of the page, and you can't stop it by going in the other direction?22:41
pastrynessplease help? how can i play mp3s and such from my windows shared folder on my linux computer without having to copy all of it over? when i simply drag the files onto the playlist from a network file browser the music wont play, but if i copy the file over and then drag it tot the playlist it plays :<22:42
un0pmikeymike, try -MCPAN22:42
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: well we now know it's not apparmor....doing some research22:42
XBehavegodemonite: im not sure but sounds like a bios setting22:42
mikeymikeun0p: oh snap now i got a lot of stuff hold on i will read22:42
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: ok22:42
mikeymikeit's asking me if i'm ready for manual configuration. if i answer no it will attempt auto?22:43
Darius08xDo I need to reinstall windows, or what? Neither gparted or that other partitioner during the install for ubuntu will let me resize so I can dual boot and I want to keep them both on there. It's being rather annoying though >:22:43
un0pmikeymike, errm, probably -- it's better to do the manual configuration -- just answer the defaults where you should22:43
mikeymikeun0p: i'm afraid. haha22:43
michael_Im attempting to play Wow on Gutsy using Wine-- The game goes to the loading screen after character select, the screen dims then freezes, any ideas?22:44
qazwsxi'm on amd64 ubuntu; how can i download an i386 ubuntu kernel (but not install it?) I just want to loko at it22:44
qazwsxi'm on amd64 ubuntu; how can i download an i386 ubuntu kernel (but not install it?) I just want to loko at it22:44
GIMP22Try using a VM instead for playing WoW?22:44
un0pmikeymike, overcome the fear -- you'll never learn by never attempting22:44
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages22:44
mikeymikeun0p: :]22:44
XBehavethx is there another command to get kernel version22:44
GIMP22has anyone used lmbench before?22:44
magnetronmichael_: there's a good Wine guide at wowwiki22:44
AnveoI'm trying to get my desktop to display at 1650x1050, the login screen has the correct resolution, but once I log in it downgrades to 1280x1024. Is there somewhere other than xorg.conf the other resolution is set to?22:45
* caravel is sad: once more it is necessary to use Windows Vista, just because Ubuntu fails some very basic function, and despite 3 hours wasted searching and trying to fix the issue: how to disable the speakers while using a headset. "Oh, well". Good night everyone22:45
=== donuts is now known as d0nuts
godemoniteXBehave: did you get what i senters you?22:45
erUSULXBehave: uname -a22:45
michael_magnetron: ive checked them :(22:45
XBehavecaravel: its possible22:46
GIMP22lmbench, anyone use it to benchmark a system?22:46
magnetron!appdb | michael_22:46
ubotumichael_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org22:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lmbench - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:46
XBehavecaravel: afaik its easy in kmix alternativly you could read about alsa22:46
Goosemooseanyone see something wrong with this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop22:46
Goosemoosefor my preseed file22:46
XBehavegodemonite: nope sorry what did you say22:47
XBehaveerUSUL: thx22:47
ivan_hi how can i make my bamboo wacom talbet to work on my ubuntu gutsy??22:47
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: run: sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/mime then sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install cupsys try that22:47
caravelXBehave: I read a lot about these. But it's not sufficient, and very frustrating. All I mean is that there are outstanding feature in Ubuntu, but sometimes one could wonder why such basic stuff s not addressed first. Seems to be a matter of prio, nothing more.22:47
mikeymikeun0p: ok now i'm at the cpan shell22:47
caravelXBehave: thanks anyway for your attempt to help. have a good night22:48
* caravel is rebooting under Vista22:48
XBehaveits not a prio issue its a hardware manufacturer one22:48
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: got a 'file exists' error on that mkdir22:48
un0pmikeymike, now -- install XML::Parser22:48
godemoniteXBehave: Well like, it shows both of them there, and both of them on? er in use. But i dont exactly know how to switch the integrated off [sorry, im a total noob to Linux/Unix stuff]22:48
mikeymikeun0p: yep i'm doing that and now it's asking me if i want to append something to a cue22:49
mikeymikeoh i have an unsatisfied dependency22:49
mikeymikei chose yes22:49
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: and got the same errors trying to install cupsys again22:49
un0pmikeymike, sounds good22:49
mikeymikeperl has it's own APT GET?!22:50
mikeymikewhat has technology done.22:50
edengive humanity head echs22:50
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: seems the first error i'm getting when i try to install cupsys is with 'dpkg'22:50
ivan_hi can someone help me on making my wacom tablet to work on my ubuntu gutsy??22:50
XBehavegodemonite: i know nothing when it comes to that sort of stuff if its not a bios change i have no ida22:50
un0pmikeymike, perl has its own package manager yes, it's own APT no :)22:50
mikeymikeun0p: thanks22:51
mikeymikei think i am installing way too much for a live session22:51
godemoniteXBehave: Alright, thanks bro22:51
mikeymikemy computarmachine is going to explode22:51
un0pmikeymike, quite unlikely unless you have just 24MB RAM22:52
brobostigongood evening22:52
corporal_clegghello, I once used an application to lock the gnome-panel and other stuff... but I don't remember the name... could someone help me?22:52
mikeymikeun0p: 1 gig22:52
mikeymikeok um.. bad things happened.22:52
edenanyone knows how to disable people logging in and out notice on xchat?22:52
mikeymikehow 2 exit the cpan prompt? ctrl c?22:52
mikeymikeq!? quit? exit?22:53
XBehavemikeymike: the more stuff you install on a live session the less ram you have, an easy fix is to use a swap partition22:53
queenelihello my original sound icon is gone and kmix is not working that well . what could be the problem? how do i turn up volumes thanks22:53
ivan_where can i get help on wacom tablets??22:53
mikeymikeXBehave: well this ccomputer has a swap partition... will the live session find it automatically?22:53
erUSULmikeymike: it should22:53
mikeymikeerUSUL: won't that give me tons of headaches when i try to resize a partition on that drive?22:54
kalosaurusrexshadowblade:  I'm not a dpkg expert..maybe try running dpkg -C ?22:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wacom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:54
erUSULmikeymike: use swapoff22:54
mikeymikeerUSUL: when? where?22:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:54
erUSULmikeymike: swappoff /dev/whatever22:55
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant22:55
mikeymikeerUSUL: what happens to all the stuff stored in it?22:55
mikeymikewon't that disrupt my live session?22:55
ccunarroanyone could get working bluetooth in gutsy?22:56
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: still got errors :/22:56
erUSULmikeymike: well if you really have to disable swap to edit the partion table you do not have any other option22:56
brobostigoni have working bluetooth on gutsy powerpc22:56
mikeymikeerUSUL: okay22:56
sillyforprezhow do i find out what makes my firefox crash? ;/22:56
mikeymikei give up though i can not compile gparted... this is frustrating..22:56
ivan_can anyine make work a wacom tablet on ubuntu??22:56
mikeymikeis there a gparted ubuntu package? instead of source?22:56
erUSULmikeymike: why do you need to compile it??22:57
Seveasmikeymike, sure ther is :)22:57
erUSUL!info gparted | mikeymike22:57
Seveasmikeymike, apt-get install gparted22:57
ubotumikeymike: gparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1908 kB22:57
Jupp2sillyforprez try running firefox from the terminal, it will give you output22:57
ccunarrobrobostigon: it worked without any errors or did you have to do something to make it work?22:57
nano|marekmy ipod wont remount after I unmount it.22:57
mikeymikeSeveas: i'm in the live session of dapper22:57
mineralecan I find out when a file was created?22:57
erUSUL!info gparted dapper | mikeymike22:57
ubotumikeymike: gparted: partition editor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1-0ubuntu10 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 1280 kB22:58
StargazerI need a link to the ubuntu 7.10 wiki22:58
mikeymikeyeah i dont want that version i want a newer version22:58
mikeymikei had to update ntfstools22:58
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: so i was able to install a program with cupsys removed22:58
Seveasmikeymike, grab something newer than dapper :)22:58
erUSULmikeymike: use a recent livecd then22:58
ccunarrobrobostigon: it worked without any errors or did you have to do something to make it work?22:58
mikeymikeSeveas: i can't update gparted in this live session?22:58
sillyforprezJupp2:  its not that it wont start, its just it crashes on some websites.. like igoogle and facebook..22:58
pike_sillyforprez: also sometimes when i need a log file or something if a user is having trouble i have em run an app in terminal like so: firefox 2>&1 | tee dumpfile.txt22:58
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: what does cupsys do or what is it supposed to do?22:58
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: hmm but it failed when you try and re-install?22:58
Seveasmikeymike, grab a gutsy live cd instead of dapper if you want a newer gparted22:59
mikeymikeSeveas: well i'm not so worried about gparted but the ntfsresize had to be updated.22:59
Seveasdapper is now 18 months old, gutsy just over one22:59
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: cupsys gives printing functionality22:59
whaboHeLLO is there a way i can get skypemate working on Ubuntu/linux??????? I have a USB phone that uses skypemate THANKYOU22:59
mikeymikei updated that now22:59
whaboplease help me22:59
brobostigonit worked without errors, it didnt have software in the base install for obex, so i had to install that later, but otherwise no errors.22:59
mikeymikeSeveas: i can't burn a cd right now so i am not able to do that. Can i put it on a 1gb flash drive?22:59
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: yea, other programs wont install if i have it "installed"22:59
Seveasmikeymike, the cd is about 700 mb, so if you can boot from usb flashdrive, that would work22:59
Jupp2sillyforprez, tru running "firefox -safe-mode"23:00
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: that was the original problem23:00
mikeymikeSeveas: why can't i just update the gparted on this dapper cd live session?23:00
zetherooSkype 2.0 is constantly dropping calls23:00
Seveasmikeymike, because you'll run into dependency problems23:00
mikeymikeSeveas: :(23:00
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: well if it's working that way you could try doing sudo updatedb and then locate cups and/or cupsys and cleaning it up a little and try re-installing..that -might- help..23:00
Jupp2sillyforprez. that way it will deactiva plugins and give you more output23:00
kalosaurusrexcould be it's not cleaning up on the install.23:00
Alaniusmy login window appears at half the resolution, and I have no idea what I did to screw it up23:01
Odd-rationalemikeymike: You can download the gparted LiveCD: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/23:01
brobostigonany way you cant install ot update a package on a medium ou cant write too, ie a live cd.23:01
ccunarroi get this error No se pudo mostrar «obex://[00:1b:52:71:56:da]». ... Check if service is available .... any ideas?23:01
mikeymikeOdd-rationale: I DID THAT :( the ntfstools on that is too oold!23:01
ompaulzetheroo, chat with skype about their QOS23:01
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: will i be able to use a printer without cupsys?23:01
Odd-rationaleAlanius: See if ctrl+alt+BkSp fixes it.23:01
sillyforprezJupp2: still crashes :(23:01
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: no23:01
arvin_how do i uninstall openoffice?23:01
Odd-rationalemikeymike: OK, sorry. :(23:02
arvin_keeps giving me font error23:02
AlaniusOdd-rationale: no, it doesn't; I tried that a couple of times already23:02
tomd123how do you find out exactly what graphics card you have through ubuntu23:02
Jupp2sillyforprez, what's the last message on the terminal before it crashes?23:02
arvin_on every single thing i install23:02
brobostigondo you have gnome bluetooth suport installed and and obex clien t??23:02
=== ConstyXIV_ is now known as ConstyXIV
mikeymikehi i'm in dapper's live portion of the install cd right now, but earlier i tried to resize my ntfs partition with the gparted live usb and i came upon an error when ntfsresize was ran that i looked up and it was said that the error was fixed in version 1.5. is there any way i can update the gparted and ntfsresize on my dapper live or even the usb live to resize my ntfs partition? I tried installing them in synaptic but they show up as the newest version.23:02
kalosaurusrexshadowblade: so you'll want to get it working...not sure exactly why it's not working though..23:02
sillyforprez/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/firefox/components/libmyspell.so: undefined symbol: _ZN8Hunspell5spellEPKc23:02
Mark761966Anyone know how to get lightscribe working on a 64bit PC?23:02
kalosaurusrexmikeymike: sorry some reason you can't just use the gutsy or fiesty live?23:02
scguy318sillyforprez: try reinstalling libmyspell23:02
Odd-rationaleAlanius: How about alt+PrtSc (Sys Req)+k23:02
scguy318sillyforprez: or Firefox23:03
Jupp2sillyforprez, I would google that23:03
scguy318sillyforprez: reinstallation of Firefox may be an option23:03
mikeymikekalosaurusrex: well i dont have any cd's to burn.. i guess i could put them on my 1gb flash drive... but i would have to download them ant that would take ages23:03
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: well at least i can install stuff now - i'm just about out of time for trying to get this fixed23:03
=== Moniker8241 is now known as Moniker42
ccunarrobrobostigon: yeah i think so, not sure about the client , i have an icon in the desktop ... when i put connect i get that error23:03
zetherooanyone else having issues with Skype 2.0 in Ubuntu?23:03
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: thanks for all your help, i'll probably try back here tomorrow23:03
Jupp2sillyforprez, you can also remove ~/.mozilla/23:03
kalosaurusrexshadowblade:  I'm sorry I couldn't help more!23:03
brobostigonhavbe you looked in the forums and help.ubuntu.com??23:04
mikeymikehow hard could it be to use a binary of gparted in this live session :(23:04
Jupp2sillyforprez, but it will wipe out all your firefox settings23:04
shadowbladekalosaurusrex: ah, don't worry about it, thanks for your patience with me23:04
pike_mikeymike: cant you just sudo apt-get install gparted ?23:04
Odd-rationaleAlanius: Did it work?23:04
mikeymikepike_: it's the current version for this session23:04
sillyforprezthats ok23:04
whaboGuys i need to use SKypemate... is there anyway i can actually get skype working with skypemate inorder to use my USB phone??? PLEASE HELP guys23:04
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto23:05
scguy318mikeymike: why not just fetch latest GPartEd LiveCD/USB?23:05
family_how do i change the resolution of my monitor23:05
mikeymikepike_: but this is a dapper session... so it's really old23:05
alCtrl-PrtScrn-k doesn't work either :(23:05
AlaniusOdd-rationale: no, it didn't23:05
erUSUL!fixres | family_23:05
ubotufamily_: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:05
mikeymikescguy318: i did that... the ntfstools are too old in that. i got an error that is fixed when you update ntfsresize to 1.523:05
mikeymikescguy318: maybe i can update the ntfsresize in the gtparted live usb to 1.5?23:05
=== juggernau is now known as juggyPC
Odd-rationaleAlanius: Hmm I'm not sure then. Did it work before?23:06
family_erusul my resolution is 1024x something i would like it lower 780x something23:06
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
m13i have strange problem with dual monitor setup. since when i conected 2nd monitor to my laptop and system asked for logout , i seems i cant get hire resouliton then 800X600 , OS is 7.10 , vga is ATI  Radeon RV250 (mobility firegl 9000)23:06
AlaniusI'm not sure what I attempted to tweak, but now it's 800x600 or lower23:06
erUSULfamily_: System>Admin>Screen and Graphics23:06
power788is there a way to unminimize a program by using the command line?23:06
kalosaurusrexmikeymike: honestly trying to take shortcuts with your partitions may not be a good idea..if may be safer to maybe see if someone you know can download it on highspeed or something? gutsy, etc.23:07
mikeymikewhat is the smallest live distro that has the most current gparted and ntfstools (ntfsresize) ?23:07
sillyforprezscguy318: i tried reinstalling with synaptic earlier, it didnt help, but maybe i did it wrong?23:07
r0lfitocual es la web de ubuntu.es23:07
r0lfitocual es la web de ubuntu.es23:07
r0lfitoperdon el canal ubuntu en español23:07
Flare183!ntfs | pastryness23:07
ubotupastryness: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:07
erUSUL!es | r0lfito23:07
ubotur0lfito: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:07
mikeymikekalosaurusrex: i can download it i'm on highspeed. it just takes a while i guess... i thought updating these apps would be faster...23:07
pike_mikeymike: there may be a smaller version at gparted website since they have their own livecd23:07
kelsinmikeymike: the gparted live cd?23:07
mikeymikei have the newest gparted live cd/usb23:07
scguy318sillyforprez: probably google your issue23:08
mikeymikethe ntfstools on the newest gparted livecd/usb is still older than 1.5 which fixes the problem i have23:08
sillyforprezallright :P thanks m823:08
mikeymikebasically i have a 300 gb windows partition that is being half used. roughly. i want to free up the other half for another windows install and then copy stuff over from the partition23:08
mikeymikethen resize it back to full again :)23:09
edenProblem: says desktop could not render effects"  when I click on "system"prefferences"appearence"visual effects"custom"23:10
mikeymikeif anyone has any suggestions please feel free to query/msg me i have to leave for a bit.23:10
AprilHarewhat do i need to do to setup a sftp daemon under ubuntu?23:10
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP23:10
Jupp2sillyforprez, delete your ~/.mozilla (or rename it if you don't want to loose your settings) to see if the is the culprit23:10
astro76AprilHare, sudo apt-get install openssh-server23:10
scguy318eden: you need to check that you have the proper restricted driver for your card23:10
crdlbeden: what video card?23:10
queenelihello my original sound icon is gone and kmix is not working that well . what could be the problem? how do i turn up volumes thanks23:10
queenelihello my original sound icon is gone and kmix is not working that well . what could be the problem? how do i turn up volumes thank you23:10
scguy318queeneli: don't spam23:10
edenATI sapphire hd 2600XT23:11
scguy318queeneli: if you're using KDE, you may get better help in #kubuntu23:11
queeneliscguy318> it was an accident23:11
scguy318queeneli: np23:11
queeneliscguy318> ok no i am on genome23:11
scguy318queeneli: right click panel, add to panel, should be a volume icon applet23:11
AprilHarei need that secure ftp23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftpd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
astro76AprilHare, openssh-server23:12
* eden facepalms23:12
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
AlaniusWell, I got it working23:12
gorathcan any one possibly help me with a noobish xscreensaver  question please?23:12
queeneli<scguy318> thank you it did23:13
Alaniussystem > admin > screens and graphics23:13
scguy318queeneli: np23:13
AprilHareastro76: many thanks23:13
astro76!ask | gorath23:13
ubotugorath: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:13
Alaniussomeone was helping someone else and I thought, I might as well try23:13
astro76AprilHare, you're welcome ;)23:13
queeneliscguy318 thank you it did but it's not loud enough i expect louder sounds with my speakers23:13
bastid_raZoran ATI card gets fglrx driver does not support texture_from_pixmap and thus cannot run compiz.23:13
daves01Hi all23:13
scguy318bastid_raZor: ATI in general is a b23:14
sillyforprezJupp2: still doesnt work.. bah23:14
daves01Installed Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop. It was fine when it was in 'Live disc' mode. Now it's installed, it's not recognising the USB ports at all. The USB ports are powered, but just not recognised by Ubuntu. Any ideas?23:14
gorathso i managed to be able to get a screensaver to play as my background but it covers everyting on my screen and when i try to click on somthing to bring it up it just flashes and get covered again right away?23:14
bastid_raZorATI sapphire HD2600XT to be exact.23:14
crdlbeden: sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl23:14
bastid_raZorscguy318:: i agree ATI is not that great .. yet23:14
scguy318daves01: monitor /var/log/syslog via System -> Admin -> System Log, then try pluggin a device in, then see what happens23:15
scguy318bastid_raZor: that yet is a long way out :P their drivers have been defacto crap for quite a while23:15
=== gonnaeatthat is now known as Sasquatch
Sasquatchhey guys i need help with a media server23:15
Goosemooseanyone see something wrong with this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop23:15
Goosemoosefor my preseed file23:15
SasquatchWhere to even begin my search finding a fast, reliable one through ubuntu23:16
Goosemoosei end up without a gui23:16
bastid_raZora friend has that ATI card and can't get compiz to run23:16
scguy318Sasquatch: immediate thought would be Mythbuntu23:16
scguy318bastid_raZor: agreed, though there are supposed guides to getting it to work with XGL23:16
scguy318bastid_raZor: *supposedly23:16
daves01devie not accepting address 28, error -3223:16
Sasquatchsc i thought of that but I wont need the dvr features23:16
scguy318queeneli: yes?23:16
Sasquatchsimply for connectivity to my PS323:16
michael_Using Gutsy and attempting to play wow via Wine-- The screen does not fit on my monitor-- I can barely see my action bars and the panel is blocking the rest, any ideas?23:16
daves01device not accepting address 29, error -3223:17
crdlbeden: because ATI's driver doesn't support the things that compiz needs to run, you need to install Xgl, which will work as an abstraction layer to make it run23:17
scguy318michael_: try playing WoW in a virtual desktop23:17
Sasquatchmichael try the wine channel23:17
queeneli<scguy318> what shall i buy for dinner?23:17
bastid_raZorscguy318:: i'm looking at the forums now.. says to install the xgl driver.. doing so now too23:17
narothepharohhow do I get acetone iso?23:17
tebocan I setting monitor contrast by software? help me please?23:17
edencrdlb: will this decrease the performance?/23:17
michael_scguy318: that done in wine config?23:17
scguy318narothepharoh: from their site23:17
MrPink_hey does anyone hear have experience with the program "Qtpfsgui" and if yes, do you know if there is a gutsy version out ?23:17
scguy318michael_ yes23:17
AprilHarequeeneli: you could always recommend chinese.23:17
scguy318queeneli: i dunno, what do you like to it? and how's that related to Ubuntu? :P23:17
crdlbeden: for gaming, probably yes23:17
astro76Sasquatch, a quick search in synaptic turned up gmediaserver23:17
scguy318queeneli: *eat23:17
crdlbcompiz will run fast though23:18
daves01scguy318: device not accepting address 28, error -32 and then device not accepting address 29, error -3223:18
SasquatchYou have any experience with that one astro?23:18
scguy318daves01: lemme google23:18
astro76Sasquatch, none23:18
Sasquatchi know i shoudl look in synaptic but i have about 250 updates running :)23:18
michael_scguy318: what settings or size should they be set at?23:18
edencrdlb: I dont get it...23:18
SasquatchI will look at that, mythbuntu is overkill for what I need :)23:18
queeneli<AprilHare> chinese is a takeout i want to grocery shop23:18
edencrdlb: so I wasted money on a video card because linux doesnt like it?23:18
narothepharohscguy318: I have downloaded the tar.gz files how do I run them?23:18
astro76Sasquatch, http://packages.ubuntu.com comes in handy in that case ;)23:18
queeneliscguy : i dunnu i got hungry23:18
Jack_Sparrow!offtopic | queeneli23:18
ubotuqueeneli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:18
SasquatchIt is going on a 30 dollar PC :) that is just a fancy hard drive haha23:18
crdlbeden: support for ATI cards will improve dramatically over the next few months, but for now yes23:19
crdlbthe support is borderline-terrible23:19
michael_scguy318: 640 X 480 is default-- isnt that tkinda small?, with that set, is their anyway to make it larger without config?23:19
edencrdlb: thats retarded..23:19
scguy318michael_: well change it23:19
Sasquatchmichael i have to run 1024 resolution on a 42 inch display :)23:19
scguy318daves01: http://www.linux-usb.org/FAQ.html#ts6 might be of interest23:19
SasquatchI dont wanna hear it haha my icons are like the size of a dollar bill23:19
crdlbeden: blame ATI23:19
edencrdlb: I use my pc for video streaming only23:20
daves01Thanks a lot23:20
michael_scguy318: if i change it too much it doesn't load properly, is there ingame settings i have to change?23:20
scguy318michael_: possibly, peek at AppDb, I don't play WoW23:20
edencrdlb: and I want the eye candy things on my ubuntu23:20
queeneli<crdlb> i bought a 8500 gt after getting terrible result from ati x1600 how good is it?23:20
scguy318eden: because ATI won't write a good driver for ATI cards on Linux23:20
scguy318eden: but you can try XGL23:20
crdlbeden: so install xserver-xgl23:20
scguy318!xgl | eden23:20
queenelidid 8.43 release yet23:20
ketroxthe newer ati support aiglx23:21
ubotueden: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:21
scguy318ketrox: worthless support :P23:21
crdlbqueeneli: yes, and it's not really any better than 8.42 (they call it 7.11 now)23:21
Sasquatchsince im in here whats the best way to run windows applications? not wine but virtual desktop type fo deal23:21
Jack_Sparrowmichael_: #winehq has good answers about running windows programs under wine.23:21
scguy318Sasquatch: VM?23:21
ketroxscguy318, why worthless ?23:21
pike_Sasquatch: seamless desktop isnt bad23:21
queeneli<crdlb> can i work?23:21
crdlbketrox: because it's slow, glitchy, and breaks 3d and video23:21
astro76!vm | Sasquatch23:21
ubotuSasquatch: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications23:21
Jupp2Sasquatch www.virtualbox.org23:22
narothepharohwhat do i do with a tar.gz file to run it?23:22
SasquatchOkay I will look at those, I am familiar with VM ware.  I am stuck with Dameware at work which simply blows23:22
scguy318narothepharoh: double click to open23:22
Alyxanderwhats an audio player that lets me add an entire directory as a music library?23:22
queeneliplease don't call the police on me23:22
pike_narothepharoh: its an archive like zip so you need to extract the files inside23:22
erUSULAlyxander: rhythmbox banshee etc23:22
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: start by reading the instructions from the place that you got the tar23:22
pike_narothepharoh: usually23:22
Jupp2narothepharoh, is not an executable, is a compressed file that most likely contains source code, you need to compile and then run it23:22
erUSUL!players | Alyxander23:22
ubotuAlyxander: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:22
edencrdlb: mmk installed.. close all apps and reboot my glx?23:22
queeneliplease don't call the police on me23:22
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: aside from that there is usually a readme inside the tar23:22
Sasquatchastro you use any of those?23:23
pike_narothepharoh: our of curiosity what are you trying to install?23:23
Sasquatchor anyone use those virtual desktop programs?23:23
narothepharohit keeps telling me the extraction failed23:23
AprilHarequeeneli: sorry - erm, how about some nice meat pies?23:23
StargazerIs 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) the only wiki there is from the ubuntu site ?23:23
narothepharohpike: acetone iso23:23
SasquatchI am just curious how Windows NT friendly it is23:23
astro76Sasquatch, I have used vmware.. yeah nt would be fine23:23
tadsup fellas23:23
queeneli<AprilHare> april foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!123:24
Sasquatchokay ever try it with win 98?23:24
Sasquatch:) i know thats a weird Q since no one uses it anymore but... it still exists hahha23:24
astro76Sasquatch, many years ago yes ;)23:24
tadhey fellas, can someone help me mount my iphone?23:24
Sasquatchhaha okay good23:24
AprilHarequeeneli: wrong time of year - the jokes on you :D23:24
SasquatchWe stil lhave machines with Win95 and 98 on them23:24
Sasquatchwhich can be difficult even with NT based Dameware23:24
narothepharohPike: it keeps telling me the extraction failed?23:25
Sasquatchdark you laughing at me?23:25
csmanxhello folks23:25
AlyxandererUSUL, thank you i didnt know xmms would do it23:25
csmanxI have this toshiba laptop that can't get its full 4gb of RAM enabled23:25
DARKGuySasquatch: it's because that's crazy :p23:25
humboldtis there a way to netinstall ubuntu gutsy?23:25
pike_narothepharoh: probably corrupt id redownload it. you can  try tar xfvz file.tar.gz if you want but im sure its corrupt23:25
csmanxI can only get up to 3gigs23:25
SasquatchDark it is nuts huh?23:25
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: download it again or try to find an md5 for the file and check it23:25
queeneli<AprilHare> you you like lalala liike to doo huu thee is?23:25
AprilHareSasquatch: the entire universe is laughing behind your back you know.23:25
humboldtI have an old laptop with a faulty cdrom.23:25
Sasquatchbut those machiens that sort sticks and stems from snickers peanuts use them :)23:25
csmanxis ubuntu the distro that'll save the day? =P23:25
astro76!ot | queeneli23:25
ubotuqueeneli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:25
benguinhello, anyone here uses ffmpeg with firewire cameras?23:26
AprilHarequeeneli: you need to up the meds you know.23:26
queeneli<astro76> ok23:26
erUSULAlyxander: xmms would not do it afaik rhytmbox, banshee, quod libet, exaile and others would23:26
SasquatchI work for Mars Inc. and they dont upgrade crap.  They just upgraded to XP, while I run Ubuntu and Vista on my laptops in the plant23:26
queeneliAprilHare so you are a nadzi doctor23:26
astro76!ops | queeneli23:26
ubotuqueeneli: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!23:26
tadcould anyone asist me in mounting my iphone?23:26
SasquatchDark want to laugh even more :) there is even a machine in our factory that is using a 286 processor23:27
AprilHarequeeneli: my PhD is coming later, and alas it won't make me a physician, nor a member of the neo-Nazi party.23:27
StoneNotesaschahl, Mars eh.  Ain't that the place were everyone is in one bullpen, including the brothers who own it?23:27
Jack_SparrowAprilHare: He got booted...  please dont continue23:27
tadjack_sparrow: could you help me mount my iphone?23:28
SasquatchI must have the wron irc chat going i cant insert peoples names lol23:28
pike_tad: im not sure what format thats in but i suppose you can try 1. plug it in  2. type dmesg | tail  3. if it said sdb2 then sudo mkdir /media/iphone  then sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/sdb2 /media/iphone   <-- im assuming its fat3223:28
tadu see like a smart fella23:28
AprilHarejack: ok sorry didn't see that - ubuntu gnome xchat isn't what i'm used to - what is the best irc client for ubuntu?23:28
astro76Sasquatch, if you get your company to pay for vmware workstation, it might make your life a little easier23:28
StoneNoteAprilHare, the one you like the most23:28
tadpike can i pm you?23:28
Sasquatchlol astro they are cheap23:28
pike_tad: sry im at work23:28
pike_tad: im here sporatically23:29
Sasquatchthe number 1 candy company in the world wont upgrade 30 year old electronics23:29
astro76AprilHare, many people prefer xchat to xchat-gnome23:29
erUSULAlyxander: irssi followed by xchat without the gnome addon23:29
ASTX813I've been using Ubnto for 2 years now and still don't know my way out of a minor annoyance I keep running into.  If I forgot to put & at the end of a command, is there any keystroke to get the same effect after the fact?  (So I can close the terminal without killing the program I've launched, perhaps)23:29
StoneNoteSasquatch, do they pay their tech folks well?23:29
Jack_Sparrowtad: sorry, kinda working on another project23:29
SasquatchI am trying to justify new virtual desktop software and since ubuntu lets me try it and windows anything you have to buy23:29
erUSULAprilHare: irssi followed by xchat without the gnome addon XD23:29
AprilHareastro76: yea the gnome implementation is a bit clunky - i'll try x-chat23:29
SasquatchStone no23:29
tadpike_: i have created my dir and i tried addind it to amarok23:29
AprilHareand irssi :)23:29
astro76ASTX813, yes, press ctrl+z to suspend the task, then bg to background it23:29
SasquatchMatter of fact don't buy M&M's or Snickers, cause they are firing some of us the week of Christmas23:29
tadpike_: IT COMES up as a camera23:30
pike_tad: i know nothing about the new iphones im assuming if you mount it to ipod dir it may work23:30
StoneNoteSasquatch, that's a crummy thing to do23:30
SasquatchI am unsure of my job but I am trying to get free stuff outta them before I quit :)23:30
astro76ASTX813, look into fg, bg, and jobs23:30
ASTX813Thanks, astro76, I knew it had a simple fix.  I knew CTRL-Z and fg to bring back, but didn't know bg.23:30
SasquatchYeah nice company huh Stone.  Highest sales, Highest Profit ever.  One guy wants a bonus so he wants to cut heads23:30
astro76ASTX813, ah, there you go ;)23:30
matthew4anyone familiar with IceWM?  how do you use the Start Menu without having to click to expand each menu?23:30
SasquatchOne mans greed is hundreds of workers livelihood23:30
pike_tad: there is an issue with the newest ipod nanos that i think may be corrected in latest ipod libs that are not in gutsy but the next release im not sure.  try a google search like 'site:ubuntuforums.org iphone'23:30
Jack_SparrowSasquatch: Please knock it off...23:30
sillyforprezhaha.. now i somehow got 2 firefoxes.. and only one works23:31
StoneNoteSasquatch, #ubuntu-offtopic23:31
sillyforprezim too tired for this..23:31
StoneNoteJack_Sparrow, sorry. my fault. I brought it up23:31
Jack_Sparrowsillyforprez: how did you install the second..23:31
arvin_hey where is the pastebin site for ubuntu?23:31
crdlb!paste | arvin_23:31
astro76!paste | arvin_23:31
ubotuarvin_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:31
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: it is always in the channel topic as well23:31
danny_hi everyone :]23:31
tadpike_: i appreciate your help, im not a total nub here, when i try to root my ip in the terminal, it says connection reset by peer, so i ping the phone and it pings23:31
ASTX813Now here's a real mind bender.  Anyone tried messing around with Quicken in crossover?  I'm trying to find a way to trick pocket quicken into working.23:32
tadpike_: but amarook will not register it at all23:32
Jack_SparrowASTX813: it installed 2004 with no problems when I tried it23:32
arvin_can anyone help me with my problem? I posted it on pastebin23:33
pike_tad: id like to have an iphone to play with but im really not sure how it even works if its mountable or since you ping it i guess you could ftp or telnet in23:33
ASTX813I've got Quicken working, it's the pocket quicken conduit that I need to mimic.23:33
astro76ASTX813, is that something that works with usb or serial?23:34
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: can you post your sources.list to the pastebin23:34
tadpike_ how would i telnet it?23:34
narothepharohok I have extracted and it still wont install?23:34
ASTX813astro76 should work in either, but i only have the usb sync cable.23:35
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: does it give any error, do you have a link to the site where you got it that may have instructions etc..23:35
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: okay, hold on23:36
whabo Guys i need to use SKypemate... is there anyway i can actually get skype working with skypemate inorder to use my USB phone??? PLEASE HELP guys23:36
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47177/23:36
FluxDwhabo: try under wine23:37
pike_tad: maybe thisll help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone23:37
bobgillGParted keeps closing on its own after it scans and refreshes my partitions... how can I format/delete partitions in CLI23:37
kitchebobgill: either with parted or fdisk but to format just use mke2fs program23:38
narothepharohjack_sparrow: it does not give error when i try to open the executable file it does nothing23:38
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: so anything unusual? can u help me?23:38
erUSULbobgill: parted, cfdisk, fdisk. for formating mkfs23:38
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Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: did you ever tell us what the program is or where you got it.?  as asked repeatedly23:38
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: the avant window manager might be a problem23:39
narothepharohjack_sparrow: it is acetoneiso as i have said before and i got it from their site23:39
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: that problem was there before adding the avant window manager source.23:39
whabo Guys i need to use SKypemate... is there anyway i can actually get skype working with skypemate inorder to use my USB phone??? PLEASE HELP guys23:40
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: how about a link23:40
erUSUL!repeat | whabo23:40
ubotuwhabo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:40
astro76whabo, it looks like people have not been able to install it successfully http://www.google.com/search?q=skypemate+ubuntu23:40
narothepharohjack_sparrow: http://www.acetoneteam.org/download.html23:40
arvin_Jack_sparrow: I think I can solve it by overwriting it with my copy of sources on the other pc, it got no problems..would that fix it?23:41
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic23:41
alevinehow do i set up a repo to only be used for one package?23:42
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: did you do this yet..  http://www.acetoneteam.org/gutsy-readme.txt23:42
sxp[Away] demasiado autismo -autoaway, 15 mins- (1dia20h50m8s) (Log:Pager) desde el 4 Dec 23:53:0423:43
narothepharohJack_sparrow yes I have it says after you install to do that23:43
astro76!away > sxp23:43
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: did you get the deb.. or a tar?23:43
StargazerAre there any irc client for ubuntu that can scripted ?23:43
kitcheStargazer: umm tons xchat irssi among others23:44
narothepharohjack_sparrow the .deb23:44
StargazerWhat do they use to script ?23:44
PeloStargazer, you can make perl and python scripts for xchat23:44
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: thank you for that link23:44
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: earlier you said tar so I needed to ask23:44
StargazerOh dear god i don't know perl or python!23:44
whabocan a native app run an program through wine?? i mean if i have skype for linux and skypemate in wine ... will they work together?23:44
Jack_Sparrowarvin_:  np23:44
Jack_Sparrowwhabo: doubtful23:44
narothepharohjack_sparrow i tried the deb this time23:45
PeloStargazer,  I can only suggest that you search for your prefered language and irc on google and check out the links that come up23:45
qazwsxsomeone pls send me a link for how to use kvm-source under ubuntu, I can't modprobe kvm-amd from the kvm binary package; and my cpu does support the svm extensions23:45
* _emogirl_ hi23:45
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: anyway I can reinstall openoffice that comes with the live cd? I uninstalled it to reinstall it thinking it would solve the problem..23:45
whaboJack_sparrow: oww okz :S23:45
scguy318whabo: a native application could possibly start a Wine application given binfmt support, but that interaction is about it I think23:45
jbrevikIs there any other programs similar to kismet that I can use? Because there is no available drivers for my netgear wg111t usb dongle in linux and kismet cant be used with drivers installed using ndiswrapper23:45
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: right now i'm downloading openoffice from their website.23:45
Locksmis kitofhawaii an op or regular staff of ubuntu or something23:45
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: you should be able to get oo from the repo without any problem.. use synaptic23:45
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: I would not suggest that23:46
astro76arvin_, don't download it, sudo apt-get install openoffice.org, or use synaptic23:46
whaboscguy318: what if i install skypw the windows version along side with skypwmate in wine ... do you wthink that will work?23:46
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: sorry...  that you go outside our repo for something that large and involved23:46
arvin_what packet do i serach for in synaptic? openoffice.org?23:46
astro76arvin_, indeed23:46
Jack_Sparrowarvin_:  let me look23:46
astro76!info openoffice.org23:46
ubotuopenoffice.org: OpenOffice.org Office suite. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5.3 (gutsy), package size 4 kB, installed size 44 kB23:46
Peloarvin_,  just use the add/remove applet in the application menu,  and look under office23:47
_coredump_whein i di a fresh compile of the latest nvidia beta driver and restart X, the driver works, but when i reboot the machin xorg dies saying the driver version does not match the version of the kernel module? whats wrong here`23:47
arvin_Pelo: can't do it from there, it installs some other version...and the icons don't display23:47
Peloarvin_,  the icons part is easy enough,  go in the tool menu under option ,  under display23:48
=== donuts is now known as d0nuts
Peloarvin_, btw from add/remove it is the same version as from synaptic, both are front end for apt23:48
Jack_Sparrowarvin_: I used synaptic and searched openoffice and it came right up.. try installing the first 4 oo you find..23:48
erUSUL _coredump_ you have the precompiled drivers still installed??23:48
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: yeah I can see it, thank you guys =)23:49
friendlyshow big should your /tmp partition usually be  for a server with a lot of hosting accounts?23:49
netsrotHi, is there any way to set max cpu frequency with scaling enabled?23:49
narothepharohjack_sparrow: here is what i get when i try what it says chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/bin/fusermount': Operation not permitted23:50
Pelonetsrot, you need to find the corect file, it is mentionned in this guide  somewhere youcan make a small edit to it , http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty23:50
jbreviksudo the chmod23:50
friendlyslets say im on a 200gb hard disk23:50
zenwrylyI'm having a hard time getting Jemeter to work under gutsy.  Has anyone been able to get it to work?23:51
netsrotPelo: I have been trying to read that for 2 days now =)23:51
astro76friendlys, http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/disk-partitioning.html23:51
Pelonetsrot, hold on, let me see if I can figure it out, I hven't done this bit in a while23:51
=== jacobmp92 is now known as jacob
xeeri don't know if it came with gibbon or compiz, but i have a purple bounding box around a window when I modify it's size. this causes my sticky edges to not work, which angers me. how can i turn it back on?23:52
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: earlier you said you were ot getting any error.... sorry but I am a bit busy to help you with that..  maye someone else will23:53
dn4iaask yourself, if Thor wasnt the one true god, would they have named the day between Wednesday and Friday after him? NO!23:53
DogfishguzzlerDoes gnome have anything like Konsole? I like Konsole but not Xterm. Any advice?23:53
narothepharohjack_sparrow: you are an asshole23:53
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: goodbye23:53
arvin_Jack_Sparrow: installing openoffice game me the same errors as i posted in pastebin23:53
pike_thor isnt even oden who isnt even tyr23:53
netsrotPelo: I have made fancontrol init script and can change cpu frequency manualy, I would like to get it work on boot with scaling on and not getting too hot.23:54
kitchedn4ia: wrong channel?23:54
xeeri don't know if it came with gibbon or compiz, but i have a purple bounding box around a window when I modify it's size. this causes my sticky edges to not work, which angers me. how can i turn it back on?23:54
Jack_Sparrownarothepharoh: You are NOT following those instructions.. obviously you are not logged in as root per the instructions23:54
kitcheDogfishguzzler: umm it has gnome-terminal which is what gnome uses23:54
Jack_Sparrow!ops | narothepharoh23:54
ubotunarothepharoh: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!23:54
patrickjameshow do i give my self write permissions to /etc/23:54
Pelonetsrot, I think you can set it in this file but I donT'have one to check in , you need to do it in increments of 1000 I beleive   /etc/default/cpufrequtils23:54
PriceChild!guidelines | narothepharoh23:54
ubotunarothepharoh: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:54
patrickjamesas a normal user23:54
stdinpatrickjames: you don't, you use sudo/gksu23:55
kitchepatrickjames: just use sudo gedit or any other editor23:55
Pelonarothepharoh,   ppl here are just tring to help, please be nice or you will be removed from the channel23:55
DogfishguzzlerI liked Konsole because I could make the background transparent. I can't seem to put that off with gnome's default terminal.23:55
dn4iakitche, Nevar!23:55
xeercan anyone answer my question?23:55
patrickjamesi want to move a folder into there23:55
patrickjameshow do i do that?23:55
fluffleshi all. when i wanna mount my NAS share via smbfs, it stalls when i try to mount it using /etc/fstab (control-C and even killall -KILL mount does not help)23:55
Peloxeer, this is a busy channel sometimes you need to repeat  feel free to do so23:55
kitchedn4ia: I just noticed you were in politics so I figured what you said was for that channel :)23:55
flufflesmy fstab: //laks/laks      /laks   smbfs   auto,credentials=/root/.smb-laks,uid=1000,umask=000,user        0 023:55
xeerPelo, yes i have numerous times23:55
xeerDogfishguzzler: there is an option for background opacity23:56
stdinpatrickjames: in a terminal you can do "sudo cp /path/to/directory /path/to/copy/to"23:56
ompaulpatrickjames, /etc/ is a config file location not somewhere you randomly dump stuff - that is what your /home/username directory is for23:56
flufflesanyone any advice how to get a stable smbfs?23:56
Peloxeer, I think that is an effect you get from compiz when your card is not strong enought to support it23:56
PhuzionHow can I find the size of a directory, but exclude one subdirectory?  for example, i want to find the size of /foo minus /foo/bar23:56
patrickjameswell  host/username wont let me run this game so im moving it23:56
DogfishguzzlerIt does nada, xeer. I will try it again.23:56
Phuzionin the command line, that is23:56
kitchefluffles: smbfs is actually obsolete23:56
narothepharohhow do i get to the kubuntu channel?23:56
flufflesKitche: what should i use? cifs something? fusefs?23:57
Phuzionnarothepharoh: /j #kubuntu23:57
PriceChildnarothepharoh, /join #kubuntu23:57
Peloxeer,  it's basicaly your video card not being able to refresh the shadows prlperly,  try disabling the shadow effect , see if that helps23:57
mneptoknarothepharoh: /join #kubuntu23:57
ompaulnarothepharoh, /join #kubuntu23:57
dn4iakitche, ok now I am in the normal channels I frequent on irc23:57
kitchexeer: sounds like it's what suppose to happen when resizing a window to me23:57
mneptoknarothepharoh: and profanity is not tolerated there, either.23:57
xeerPelo, not strong enough? my x1600 is plenty strong.. i have no issues with any 3D games and score over 10k in glxgears23:57
mneptoknarothepharoh: (just so's ya knows)23:57
kitchefluffles: cifs is the new smbfs I believe soon smbfs will be removed completely23:57
xTheGoat121xHi all23:57
Dogfishguzzlerlol, NOW it wants to work. Thanks xeer and kithce23:57
Peloxeer, see the rest of the comment and try asking about it in #compiz-fusion23:57
xeerkitche: i used fiesty and it would stick to nearby windows and borders23:57
fluffleskitche: will it work when i change "smbfs" to "cifs" in my /etc/fstab? or what do i need?23:58
xeerPelo: so this is compiz related, correct?23:58
Peloxeer,  I'm pretty sure it is23:58
c0Ldis it just me, or does the pidgin shipped with 7.10 have a major ass memmory leak? it's using 400mb and has only been on for 4 days..23:58
netsrotPelo: but scaling_available_frequencies file say I only can set 2600000 2400000 2200000 2000000 1800000 1000000.23:58
Peloxeer,  turn compiz off and try to reproduce it , see what happens23:58
arvin_after setting up network, how do assign a samba password?23:58
kitchefluffles: umm not sure you need to pastebin the line that you have in your /etc/fstab but I can't see a pastebin right now anyways I have no browser23:58
Pelonetsrot, that 's the most I can do for you , my cpu isnt suppose to be able to scale but I could do it anyway23:59
Pelonetsrot,  but I stopped doing that becuase I was afraid to break it23:59
Pelo!hi | achtung23:59
ubotuachtung: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:59
veeachtung hi23:59

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