
Seivan|What application could I use to unpack tars in XFCE?00:04
ricianyone know how to configure what application starts up when an audio CD is inserted?00:04
Seivan|What application could I use to unpack tars in XFCE? and when I rightclick there is an command called "open xfce4 command prompt here" it doesnt really do anything00:06
thruxtonSeivan|: a gui app you mean?00:06
Seivan|thruxton: yes00:07
ere4siSeivan| : the terminal works good - tar -xvf /path/to/file - if it is tat.gz then - tar -xvzf /path/to/file00:07
Seivan|ere4si: well I know but I just want to work that out00:08
thruxtonSeivan|: if you must use a gui, then `file roller' will do that00:08
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thruxtonSeivan|:  file-roller i mean00:08
thruxtonprobably thunar knows what to do with archives too00:09
Seivan|thruxton: no its gnome00:10
ricithruxton: ah, thunar was the answer to my question00:22
thruxtonrici: yeah, sorry i didnt notice your question :-/00:23
ricinow i just need to figure out how to tell rhythmbox to play a cd00:23
rici"There was an error lanuching the default action command associated with this location" (Help / Contents)00:23
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=== newnick is now known as ere4si
ricii have this theory that google is making documentation obsolete.00:26
ricipeople just write code, and let a million monkies figure out by random experimentation how it works,00:26
ricitrusting the successful monkeys to post the information to a blog somewhere, which google will pick up.00:27
zoredacherici: it only works for useful programs...00:27
zoredacheor perhaps popular programs...00:27
riciah, found the monkey00:27
rici"after a bit of command line experimentation, I 've found the following:..."00:28
ricicomment number five on a random blog00:28
QuarterlifeBut writing documentation is so boring that you really can't expect anyone to do it.00:33
QuarterlifeBy the way, is the alternate install like the install before livecds came out?00:35
thruxtonQuarterlife: it contains some extra stuff, like disk encryption for example00:38
riciQuarterlife: i'd settle for a couple of hints00:39
ricii have a feeling that the feature i'm looking for doesn't exist.00:39
zoredachethe alternate cd is based on the debian installer that came out with deb 3.0 I believe00:41
zoredacheso it has been around for a long time00:42
QuarterlifeOh yes. Then it must be the one i hate a little.00:42
zoredachewell there have been many improvments making easy enough that for a basic system you can usually just point on the enter key and have a working system by the time your done00:43
zoredache*pound* on the enter key00:44
QuarterlifeSuccess! After 2 hours of downloading, I manage to burn it at 2x. This going to be a very long night...00:44
evil_techi like the alternate cd >: D00:44
QuarterlifeThe nice catch here is that I only have a few days to make the system complete.00:48
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echosystmhow do i get divx/xvid and avi working in totem?01:14
echosystmis it the same for ubuntu and xubuntu?01:15
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SLòóò åñòü êòî íèáóäü?)04:02
SLáóðæóè ôèãîâû, ïî ðóññêè íè÷åãî íå ðàáîòàåò04:11
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mozkaynakcan anyone suggest me some tweaks to decrease the booting time?04:28
=== XwarlokX82 is now known as X|Dirtnappin
Ahmuckdoes xubuntu have cd labels we can print and apply?  i have a lug meeting coming up soon, and would like to have 10 cd's ready05:35
TheSheepAhmuck: unfortunately no06:38
Ahmucki came accross xubuntu because of another lug member that needed a low mem distro to use on his machine that was "desktop" ready.  never thought about it much before then.  however running it from a vm and after a psu blowup i had to use it for a couple of days on an old piii 550, i have new respect for xubuntu06:41
TheSheepAhmuck: that's nice07:02
sudo-kuHas anyone else had problems booting a PPC mac (blue & white G3). When I turn the computer on, it just displays the face icon and folder folder witha question mark icon alternately.07:26
ere4sisounds like you wiped the hard drive then the install didn't work right ?07:37
sudo-kui'll try a reinstall and see how it goes.07:38
ere4siread a bit more first07:38
ere4simd5 the disk first as well07:39
ere4si*the cd07:40
QuarterlifeHey. I got the alternate cd burned, and now I need help setting up LVM.11:32
koszalQuick (hopefully) question.  I've just installed xubuntu on my hp pavilion laptop but one thing is not working.  At the front there is a "panel" with audio buttons (loude/mute/...) and they are not working at all.  Do you know any module/settings I need to change to get them working?  Also there is a IR sensor in this "panel" (remote control came with this laptop) and it's not working - any ideas how to fix this?  Thank you in advance12:33
ochosihi, i'm having trouble accessing /dev/video0 (owned by root). progs like camorama say they don't find my webcam UNLESS i start it with gksu. what's the deal?13:09
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:10
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bgergo94i have a problem with xubuntu15:12
bgergo94when i move the mouse a lots of white lines appears on the screen15:13
thyraxgood morning/afternoon. Guys I'm doing a clean install of ubuntu getting it ready for my raid server which would you recommend is the best way to partition the disk at install? custom/manual or guided?17:26
thyraxshould I use the entire disk?17:26
vinze*evening :P17:26
thyraxlol or evening17:27
TheSheepanybody have any idea how to block usb device mounting for everyone *not* in the plugdev group?17:40
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maristohello! Do you remember my problem with Brasero and Gnomebaker? I did solve it, I just have install Xfburn...17:44
ere4siTheSheep: isn't there a setting for external... something in users and groups? - log out is crapped here so I can't change to my admin and check18:13
TheSheepere4si: that's the membership of the plugdev group, but doesn't do anything18:26
ere4siTheSheep: haven't been in users and groups for a while - and can't change to my admin without a reboot18:27
TheSheepere4si: how so? what did you break?18:28
ere4sibeen using ubuntu since warty and after 3-4mnths on every release thing start failing - still on feisty18:29
TheSheepweird, if you don't do stupid things from root, linux shouldn't break18:31
evil_techlike doing chmod on every file in / >:D18:32
ere4siI've had nautilus, sudo, switch user, logout, Rhythmbox etc all go belly up and I always work from a user without admin rights - and now I have to reboot to check stuff...18:33
ere4siI've learnt to have a seperate /home/me partition and clear the dot files then install the new version18:35
user123Hi, I was informed that I could come here to ask question about Xubuntu.19:04
user123Hi evil19:07
user123I'm completely new to Linux, and the likes, but I have been wanting to try it out.19:08
user123I was recommended Ubuntu, and I went to the web page and looked at the different versions, and then after I "figured out" the diffirence between GIMP, KDE and xfce, I decided to give Xubuntu a shoot.19:09
user123I downloaded the image and tried it, and liked it. However, there are certain things about Xubuntu I can't quite figure out , and I was hoping that I could recieve some quick ansers here.19:11
evil_techwelcome to the folds of xubuntuness19:11
zoredache_so did you actually have a question?19:11
user123Yes, first I had trouble finding the sound settings, (I found the system/mixer settings) but I couldn't find the sound setting that allows me to change the volume.19:13
user123the problem is that their is a background noise (I have the same problem with windows when I first install the sound driver, it's because ofa setting called "digital output").19:13
user123In WIndows I culd just double click on the systm tray sound icon and disable "Digital output", but I can't seem to find a similare function in Xubuntu.19:15
evil_techits in Applications -> Settings Manager -> Sound19:16
evil_techfor the digial output anyways19:16
evil_techas for volume control you have to add it to the panel19:18
user123The problem is that I'm currently running windos, so I can't chck that out, but does app/settM/Sound open a small windows with a list that can be checked/unchecked?19:18
user123Hmm, I found that, but it didn' help...19:18
user123If I recall correctly I didn't see the "dig out", if you are sure it is there, then maybe I just missed it.19:19
evil_techit should be there19:20
user123Then I just probably goofed up.19:20
evil_techi dont have digital outt on mine so i dont have it but if you do thats where it should show up19:20
evil_techmight be called something different19:20
user123I will give that another try.19:21
user123Regarding that issue, thanks. I have another question regarding security if that's OK?19:21
user123I read somewher, wait...19:21
user123"Windows/cars are not safe from viruses/theft unless you install an antivirus/lock the doors. Linux/motorbikes don't have viruses/doors, so are perfectly safe without you having to install an antivirus/lock any doors."19:21
user123From some linux forum article site.19:22
user123Is that true for all linux versions (like Xubuntu?)19:22
evil_techno you dont need antivirus19:22
user123Or a firewall?19:22
evil_techthere is no reason for people to write virus' for linux as they wouldnt have as large an impact19:22
user123"a large impact" do you mean the user group or that the OS itself limits harmful behaviour?19:23
evil_techuser group19:23
user123But, that just means it's a question of time?19:24
evil_techwhat point is there for someone who writes virus' to attack a user base a 5% when they could write one for windows which has ~90%19:24
evil_technot just that there are many other security features built in19:24
evil_techand problems are found and fixed quickly19:25
user123Yes, I understand your argument, and it's quite valid.19:25
evil_techthere is a firewall (iptables) but its not configured to do anything by default19:25
evil_techzordache can better explain that one better than i19:26
user123Ok, now I was just curious on what satyprecaution I could take if I am going to run Xubuntu.19:27
evil_techsafety of what?19:28
user123Well, the usual, viruses, "hackers", trojans, etc.19:28
evil_techno need in linux19:29
evil_techmost of it is built in19:29
evil_techthere are firewalls in the repositories if you want though19:29
evil_techthere is also ClamAV for virus protections if you want too19:30
user123Interesting, this will take some time to get use to, I will read more on security issues regarding linux.19:31
user123I just wanted to know the basics. Regarding this issue, thanks.19:31
user123I have some more wuestio if you have the time?19:32
user123Thanks =)19:32
thyraxi need help19:33
user123First, I was wondering if there are anything like "ActiveDesktop" for Xubuntu?19:33
thyraxjust wondering how people get the transparent terminal windows etc in linux :D19:33
evil_techi cant spell today19:34
thyraxspelling is so old fashioned19:34
evil_technext i'll start typing cisco ios commands19:34
thyraxthen be careful not to mis-spell them19:35
thyraxfrom my experience with commands they don't tend to work if they aren't spelled/spelt right :D19:35
thyraxanyway how do I make my desktop sexy with transparancy without having to use up all my ram and processing power?19:36
zoredache_user123: the need of a firewall in Linux depends on what the computer is doing.  By default no services will be listening for network traffic.  That combined with the fact that most people have their computers behind a broadband router which is doing pat pretty much makes it so that you don't need to configure the firewall and you can leave it in its open state19:37
w00boothello all19:37
w00bootanyone here?19:37
zoredache_if you had a linux host that was acting as a public facing web webserver you would probably want to protect it19:37
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:38
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
w00booti recently made the switch from windows to xubuntu and i need a bit of help19:38
user123Hey Z, thanks for your input. I was planning to use Xubuntu for surfing and set up apache for local sites.19:38
w00bootim having issues with metacity19:38
user123When you have been using Windows most your life anti-virus and firwalls are the first basic things you need to install before doing anything else with your comp (atfer a win install, conencted to Internet, you will beinfected with a virus after some minutes; personal exp.)19:40
user123Regarding the question of "Active desk top" for Xubuntu/linux does anybdy know about that?19:41
=== SBQ is now known as Super_BQ
evil_techwhat do you mean by active desktop? web pages on the desktop like in windows or neato compositing effects?19:42
user123" web pages on the desktop like in windows" yes19:42
evil_technever used it in windows and i dont use it in linux19:43
evil_techunneccesary use of resources in my eyes19:43
user123Yes, but tink about it: having firefox integrated with the desktop (tab browsing and all) for a user that only wants to surf the web (and when all the services you need in you daily computer use are online) then that is really asweet feature.19:44
zoredacheuser123: I believe that most functionality of active desktop can be replicated on Linux,I just don't know the appliations.19:45
zoredacheuser123: if you only wanted people to have a browser you could start X11 with firefox as the only running application.19:46
zoredachesearch around a bit on google for 'kiosk linux'  you will find lots of howtos19:46
user123(I didnät knwo what to search for)19:47
user123Oh, by X11 do you mean Xubuntu?19:47
evil_techno X1119:48
evil_techit is what gives you a GUI19:48
user123Oh, i see.19:49
thyraxanyone usuing linux raid in here?19:49
user123I will have a look at X11 then, thanks!19:49
user123I just (for the moment ;)) have a last question...19:50
zoredachethyrax: yes, and see see !anyone19:50
user123Why do linux need so much disk space? (Ubuntu needs 4GB and Xubuntu 1,5 GB; accourding to Wikipedia) Now is that true? And how could you inimize that space19:51
user123 (In contrast w2k after a years of updates takes about 1,3 GB)19:51
evil_techyou could uninstall things you dont need or use19:52
zoredacheuser123: windows doesn't come with any software.  Install office, and a few other applications and you quickly make up the difference.19:52
evil_techthat too ^^19:52
user123That is true =)19:52
w00bootare you guys xubuntu experts?19:53
user123So that is why the OS needs so muck disk space? S19:53
user123If that is the case then I do not see a problem (I thought that the OS needed that much sapce).19:53
zoredacheUbuntu doesn't even use 4gb for a base install, they are just suggestion space you need for a working enviroment with the common applications.  You can make it a lot smaller if have too19:53
evil_techyou have an email client, web browser, office suite, etc etc from install19:54
evil_techif you just text based you can fit it on a 500mb partition19:54
zoredachew00boot: we are a group of people that use or know about xubuntu.  We are not all experts, but many of us are skill in some areas19:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:55
evil_techcept for me. ich bin der uber-n00b >: D19:55
user123Thanks, regarding the issue on Linux disk spaces! I know I said it was my last question, but I just relaized that I have a last important one (sorry) ;)19:56
user123I cureently (if you havn't guessed) use win2k, and my partions are formated as NTFS. I have read that linux support for NTFS is not fully developed. Now I tried Xubuntu on my harddrives, it could read without problem, and I created a text file, just t see. but I was wondering what the chances are for files to be corrupted?19:57
thyraxhow stable is software raid in linux?19:58
thyraxis there a gui for managing software raid other than evms? just a basic gui for mdadm?19:58
w00bootlol, ok19:58
w00bootwell, i have a problem. my windows title bar min maximize buttons are gone19:59
evil_techuser123: pretty good19:59
w00bootrunning  $ metacity doesnt solve the problem completely19:59
evil_techwrite support for linux to NTFS partitions isnt fully functional yet19:59
PeckaHw00boot: restart X ?19:59
evil_techthough ive heard its close19:59
w00boothow do i do that?19:59
PeckaHw00boot: crtl+alt+backspace20:00
user123I'm not sure if I should keep my files as NTFS, or switch to FAT32, or use linux file system, but the later kills compabiltiy with windows, and I need to use windows occasionally.20:00
evil_techbest bet is to create a FAT32 partition and put the files you want both operating systems to use there20:00
evil_techthough if you have files larger than 4gb that might not be a great option20:01
thyraxi thought ubuntu 7.10 recognised ntfs20:01
user123e_t That was what I thought, but how would permission work? Wouldn't the hard drive security (read and write) be lost?20:01
thyraxor recognized*20:01
user123thyrax It does, but as e_t pointed out, "write support for linux to NTFS partitions isnt fully functional yet"20:01
thyraxeven in the newer versions?20:02
evil_techit recognizes NTFS can mount and read but write support isnt fully functional20:02
evil_techit can cause corruption20:02
w00bootok, restarting X or even rebooting doesnt help20:02
w00bootam i supposed to be running metacity in xubuntu?20:03
thyrax1 sec I thought I saw a tutorial saying it was now possible with 7.10 have you tried it recently evil_tech20:03
user123Well, I have to live with that for the moment i guess. Is there a site were I could follow the progress of the NTFS support?20:03
evil_techeverytime i do and restart windows it finds corrupt files20:03
evil_techits getting better and ive heard its supposed to be fully functional on the next LTS20:04
evil_techLong Term Support20:05
user123ok, thanks.20:05
evil_techubuntu release that is supported for i think 5 years on the desktop and 7 on the server20:05
evil_techcorrect me someone if i mangled that20:05
thyraxuser does this help? : http://tweako.com/single_user_profile_for_windows_and_linux20:07
thyraxevil does I just read that articles description yet to go throughit throughly^20:07
thyraxevil _tech* I just read that articles description yet to go throughit throughly^20:08
user123It will be an interseting reading, thanks!20:08
evil_techhmm i must have something mucked up again20:08
evil_techperhaps this hard drive is going bad20:10
user123I want to thank evryone for their input! You guys/gals have been great, I look forwards to make a hard drive install of Xubuntu and use it regularly.20:11
evil_techhappy computing. we'll send you the bill for the beers you owe us within a few business days :P20:12
evil_techgrrr i hate this stupid computer!20:21
vinzeevil_tech, what's wrong?20:21
evil_tech just one thing not working after another. stupid sempron and a crappy asus board20:22
evil_techhalf tempted to bring my computer from home20:22
thyraxhmm this computer im on now I think uses a sempron20:24
evil_techi loathe semprons and celerons20:25
thyraxI need to manually set the clock speed though for it to work at the right processing speed20:25
thyraxlol this is my budget bittorrent/web/mundane computing box :)20:26
thyraxweb includes browsing and email :)20:26
tonyyarussoKnow what would be fun?20:26
thyraxanyone else downgrade from vista to xp?20:26
vinzetonyyarusso, no, but I got the feeling you're going to tell us :P20:27
tonyyarussoSet up a network of web servers where the cabling spells out "Some Pig"20:27
vinzeCould anyone tell if Xfce's compositing settings are disabled when one's card does not support it?20:27
thyraxcabling is never fun20:28
vinze...or does anyone know a general way of checking whether one's graphics card supports compositing?20:28
vinze(Preferably graphically)20:28
vinzeNobody who has a graphics card that does not support compositing that would like to check?20:32
evil_techmine should support compositing but i cant find the settings20:33
vinzeevil_tech, it's in Applications->Settings->Window Manager Tweaks20:33
evil_techthat where i thought but no option20:34
evil_techmust have disabled it somehow20:34
vinzeNo tab too?20:34
evil_techand ive had it on before20:35
vinzeOn the same PC, same installation?20:35
evil_techand my card definitly supports it20:35
evil_technot this installation though20:35
evil_techsame machine and hardware though20:35
vinzeVery odd20:35
vinzeAnd you don't need a restricted driver that you haven't enabled?20:35
evil_technope they're enabled20:37
evil_techati driver and the atheros one for my wifi20:37
vinzeAnd can you set the transparency of your panels?20:37
evil_technope no option there either20:38
vinzeVery weird20:38
evil_techdo you have to have xserver-xgl installed to do it?20:38
vinzeDon't think so, if your card supports it by default20:39
thyraxwhen setting up a raid array do you format the drives first or after creating the md0?20:40
thyraxalso what difference does the chunk size make?20:40
evil_techis it a stripe?20:41
thyraxraid 520:41
thyraxthey say default chunk size is 64k but goes up to 128K20:42
evil_techi'm guessing thats the size of the data to each drive. if it was set to 128k then a 1mb file would be split into however many 128k chunks one of which would go to each drive20:43
thyraxalso two different tutorials say format each drive individually one says just make the md0 and format that20:43
thyraxso 64K would mean more chunks so would less be better or more20:43
evil_techthe smaller the chunk the better i think20:44
thyraxand would having more chunks make it more efficient?20:44
evil_techbeen a while since i messed with raid20:44
thyraxyeah I would just go with the 64K then. it is the default20:45
evil_techyeah usually can't go wrong with defaults20:45
zoredachethyrax: you format the drives after you setup the raid unless you are paranoid and have some kind of security issue where you want the old data to be wiped20:48
zoredachethe chuck size referse to how the raid5 works...20:48
zoredacheso in a 3 disk raid, half a chunk goes on one drive, half on the second, and the parity on the third if I understand it20:49
zoredacheyou probably should just stick with the default, but if you are really worried about performance you could set it up, and then build some kind of benchark that tested the system under your expected load20:50
thyraxwhat about raid5 expansion if I want to grow my raid 5 array I wouldn't be able to format md0 because that would wipe all my data20:50
thyraxso I would have to format the drive individually20:51
zoredachewhy would you have to format anything?20:51
thyraxso I think either way it doesn't matter. format individually then assemble or just format md0 after making the array20:51
thyraxthe drive you want to add20:51
zoredacheyou have to format after creating the raid period20:51
zoredacheand you dont' have to format before you add something, you can just add it... the raid systme will deal with new drive20:52
thyraxI am yet to test but I from the tutorials I have read you can format before and just resize your file system to expand to the added space20:52
thyraxI guess its experimentation time20:53
thyraxI also read that you could make a raid 1 appear as a 2 disk raid 5 and then expand that20:53
thyraxwhich I miht try but not sure how stable it would be.20:54
zoredacheI have never changed an md by adding additional drives... I have just replaced existing drives with larger drives then expanded the raid to use the unallocated space20:55
zoredacheMy suggestion is just experiement a bit... You could easily play around with it using something like vmware... just create lots of virtual drives and see what happens20:56
thyraxit's a relatively new feature. mdadm allows you to expand/grow raid 5 arrays by adding the extra disk20:56
thyraxI am going to just pop in a drive and creat some partitions and screw arround with that20:57
zoredacheI am not sure that I would want to risk my production raid5 on a 'new feature'20:57
zoredachethings like that tend to break at the worst point in time...20:58
thyraxrelatively new20:58
thyraxits quite stable from what I hear20:58
thyraxhardware cards have been doing it for ages20:58
thyraxraid 5 expansion20:58
thyraxhttp://bfish.xaedalus.net/?p=188 this guy formats first21:00
zoredacheit doesn't look like that to me...21:01
thyrax"In the Gnome Partition Editor application, select each disk in turn and opt to format it to ext3"21:02
zoredachehrm... that is silly because he just formats it again... in step3...21:03
zoredacheI think what is doing with gparted is just part of the way gparted works...21:03
thyraxso format twice?21:03
thyraxyeah that made me wonder21:04
zoredacheso I am thinking he used gparted to create the raid parition, and choose to format it, just because he was weird21:04
thyraxI have seen other tutorials say they just want to resize it21:04
thyraxyikes I guess I need a better tutorial21:05
thyraxI don't want to have 5X500gb of data go up in smoke over something minor21:05
zoredacheif you where using a command like tool like cfdisk/fdisk, I doubt anyone would tell you to format until you have created the md21:05
thyraxsome tutorials use that instead.21:05
zoredachehave you read tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO.html yet?21:06
thyraxis that the full url?21:06
zoredacheyes, the site seems to be slow today though21:06
KyleS-workSoftware Raid21:07
thyraxis this guy using mdadm or raid tools?21:08
zoredachehere is a mirrored copy thyrax The Software-RAID HOWTO21:08
thyraxit loaded for me21:08
thyraxthat one is faster21:08
zoredacheKyleS-work: software raid is faster in some cases in the some of the 'fake-raid' controllers you get21:08
thyraxkylse don't hate21:08
KyleS-workI work at a Datacenter :p21:09
KyleS-workSoftware RAID sux lol21:09
thyraxand if your hardware raid option dies and you can't find it again on the market you will be screwed21:09
KyleS-workbut I know what you mean about the "fake-raid" controllers21:09
KyleS-worksome that are 0 or 1 only21:09
zoredachethyrax: that isn't entirely true...  If you go with a popular vendor (adaptec,3ware,...) you can occasionaly move a set of disk from one controller to another21:10
KyleS-workWe mainly use Adaptec now...21:10
KyleS-workI hate adaptec21:10
zoredacheof course if you are using some brandx fly-by-night company, all bets are off21:10
KyleS-workThe CLI client is horrid21:10
KyleS-work3ware is where it's at21:11
KyleS-work./tw_cli ftw21:11
thyraxsoftware raid is free :)21:11
KyleS-workthat is true21:11
thyraxand if my mobo dies I'll just buy another one :)21:11
zoredachesoftware raid is fine in cases where performance isn't extremely critical, and cost easy of use is more important21:12
thyraxso I should have 2TB of home server space by the time I'm done running on what I have found to be stable ubuntu linux21:13
thyraxas long as it can stream movies I'm good21:13
KyleS-workI'm thinking about installing xubuntu lol21:13
thyraxmedia in general21:13
KyleS-workCurrently I'm using archlinux.21:14
thyraxon what?21:14
KyleS-workAsus G1S21:14
thyraxfor what?21:14
KyleS-workI'm using Gnome too21:14
KyleS-workfor what?21:14
KyleS-workFor everyday use lol21:14
KyleS-worki might use Virtualbox on it too though21:14
thyraxwhat will the systems main functions be21:14
thyraxoh ok21:14
KyleS-workIt's a laptop21:14
KyleS-workJust for standard use21:14
KyleS-workmovies and the like21:15
thyraxjust wondering I tried xubuntu couldn't get samba configured to save my life though21:15
KyleS-workAh, no need for Samba here21:15
KyleS-workI'm just trying to ease away from Gnome21:15
KyleS-workI <3 Gnome, but they're going the wrong direction as far as development is concerned21:15
KyleS-workand KDE is out of the question21:15
thyraxhow so?21:16
vinze*to both :)21:16
KyleS-workI can't stand KDE21:16
KyleS-workit feels cheap to me21:16
KyleS-workIt's very cluttered as well21:16
thyraxI wanted xubuntu cos I was told it was lighter21:16
thyraxbut alas samba was a pain with thunar21:17
zoredachewhat does samba have to do with thunar?21:17
thyraxfiles were very hard to share21:17
thyraxgnomes system integrated with samba better21:18
thyraxI;m not sure if it was just thunar21:18
zoredachethunar doesn't browse the network at all21:18
thyraxbut with xubuntu samba just wasn't working21:18
thyraxI didn't have the option to right click and share a folder21:18
thyraxwith thunar21:18
TheSheepthunar doesn't do file sharing21:19
TheSheepit's a file manager21:19
TheSheepfor local files21:19
Flare183gnome's file manager does21:19
zoredacheno, you wouldn't have that...  You would need to either edit the smb.conf or use a gui designed to edit it21:19
thyraxI tried to find one21:19
TheSheepthere is system->shared folders21:19
TheSheepin the menu21:19
TheSheepFlare183: gnome's file manager has different goals21:20
* Flare183 says no comment21:20
thyraxthats why i switched back to gnome i was able to get samba working faster with out jumping through so many hoops21:20
thyraxtrust me I would have loved to stay in xbuntu21:21
TheSheepthyrax: that's good21:21
thyraxI just need samba working or that defeats the whole purpose for running a home server in my case21:22
thyraxand having come from windows :( I found most ubuntu tutorials assumed you had gnome21:22
TheSheepxubuntu doesn't ntagrate with windows too well21:22
thyraxgedit etc I had to figure out gedit wasn't xubuntu software21:23
TheSheepbut I don't mind personally21:23
thyraxhow stable shold I expect software raid using mdadm to be.21:23
TheSheepthyrax: you think we should have a list of applications that are *not* in xubuntu?21:24
thyraxnow I do think we should have tutorials for xubuntu21:24
zoredachewhat do you mean?  are you asking if you will loose data or have random crashes?21:24
KyleS-workmdadm is pretty stable thyrax21:24
thyraxso linux noobs like me can make the switch as pain free as possible21:24
vinzethyrax, there's quite some documentation on Xubuntu already :)21:24
zoredachethe raid cod tends to be very stable except when you are changing the array21:25
thyraxok that makes me happy kyles, cos it was either that or windows 2003 for raid 5 :( and windows 2003 has no raid 5 expansion21:25
zoredacheso make backups before you try and grow/expand things21:25
thyraxvinze can you point me to xubuntu friendly samba tutorial?21:25
thyraxI will do just that21:25
vinzethyrax, hmm... Not sure (don't use it myself), I believe there were some on grumpymole.blogspot.com but I could be wrong21:26
zoredachethyrax: any samba tutorial showing you how do edit via the command line should be fine21:26
thyraxwell I will make back ups of things that will be painful if I lose them no way I can back up 2TB of data21:26
thyraxI heard that you could make raid 1 in appear as a 2 drive raid 5 array and expand... what do you think? should I give this a try?21:28
TheSheepexperimenting on 2TB of important data seems unwise21:28
zoredachethyrax: I wouldn't suggest that... I believe you would basically running raid0 until you added the third drive21:29
thyraxyes I am thinking down the road when I have to expand21:29
zoredacheif either drive failed you would loose everything21:29
wyrdhttp://search.ebay.co.uk/tape-drive_W0QQfrppZ50QQfsopZ1QQmaxrecordsreturnedZ300  ;)21:30
thyraxyes I planned on adding the third drive right after but first I would copy the data over to it off the drive.21:30
thyraxI thought i might come in handy since I have a 500gig drive packed and no where to back it up 221:30
thyraxmy budget won't allow for tape backup :)21:31
thyraxit* might21:31
zoredachewell if you are going to add the third drive immediatly after you transfer the data, it is a possible solution21:31
thyraxhave you tried it?21:31
wyrdwhy not wait until you have the 3rd drive and just set it up once21:32
zoredachepersonally I would wait until I could buy a third drive21:32
thyraxthere are two tutorials saying it has been done but I was wondering would it bite me in the behind later.21:32
thyraxok then that means ill wait till tomorrow ups is taking forever :(21:32
zoredacheif it works, then it seems like it would fail or work immediatly21:32
thyraxI have 4 500gig drives 2 empty and one more on the way21:32
zoredacheit doesn't seem like their should be any lasting effects21:33
thyraxyeah thats what I thought zoredache21:33
thyraxhmm I guess ill give it a try21:34
zoredacheI am still suggestion you simulate the steps in vmware or something before you try it will your real drives though21:34
thyraxI have my os on an 80gig drive fresh install of ubuntu so this should be fun21:34
zoredachejust to be sure21:34
thyraxok ill do that21:35
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
vinzeHey psych22:01
evil_techhow do you mount an .iso image using dd?22:01
psychthose explanations about the desktop cd and alternate cd made me more confuse22:01
psychcan someone clear things to me ? :)22:01
vinzepsych, what is it that you don't get?22:02
vinzepsych, basically, it's like this:22:02
psychdiferences, mainly22:02
zoredacheevil_tech: you can't mount an iso using dd22:02
psychlvm and etc is ok22:02
zoredacheyou mount things using mount... perhaps 'mount -o loop filename.iso /mountpoint'22:02
vinzepsych, when you use the Desktop CD, you boot into a graphical environment (similar to when it's installed, but a bit slower because it runs from cd, and it can't save anything)22:02
vinzepsych, when you use the Alternate CD, you get a text-based installation, so you can't first try Xubuntu, perhaps see if it'll work with your hardware22:03
evil_techi thought you could22:03
evil_techdangit thats what im trying to do22:03
evil_techjeesh its been one of them days22:03
evil_techstupid finals22:03
psychi think i wont have any hardware problems22:04
vinzepsych, the Desktop CD has an "Install" icon on the desktop, so you can install from there22:04
psychif i decided to install, does the livecd save my config. ?22:05
zoredachethe alternate cd works better on low memory systems, in expert mode you have far more control, you can preseed the altcd if you needed to install many systems with an identical configuration22:05
vinzepsych, it's just that some people prefer a text-based installation or whose hardware is too slow to run Xubuntu from cd22:05
zoredachepsych: what configuration are you talking about?22:05
vinzepsych, I believe it couldn't22:05
psychvideo and such22:05
psychframebuffer on console22:05
psychvideo on x22:05
zoredacheso you have a working linux install already?22:06
vinzepsych, but generally, you don't really use the LiveCD that intensively, more just a nice check to see if your hardware works and allows you to browse the internet while the instalaltion is progressing22:06
psychif livecd saves all info22:06
psychwould be great22:06
zoredacheboth installers generally are used for a clean install (remove everything), if you have a perviously working ubuntu system you should be able to upgrade22:06
vinzepsych, it does save your network configuration though22:06
psychzoredache, its a gentoo22:07
zoredacheif you are using something else, then you are going to need to backup stuff on your own,\22:07
psychmy hdd is getting 'over'22:07
zoredacheyea, I doubt any configuration from a gentoo system will migrate to ubuntu22:08
=== _slvmch3 is now known as slvmchn
psychnah nah22:09
psychi mean, configuration from livecd boot22:09
slvmchnwhat settings do i use in the xubuntu install to overwrite a previous existing ubuntu partition? it seemed to install alongside it, instead of woiping the whole partition, just repartitioned it... i did 'guided partitioning', do i need to do 'manual partitioning'?22:10
psychgood question , does live cd do that?22:11
evil_techthere should have been an option to wipe the whole hard drive and use the freed space22:12
vinzepsych, slvmchn, not sure... It can resize an existing Windows installation. It seems odd to me that it would do that, since you can easily install Xubuntu next to Ubuntu from within the installation22:12
slvmchnwell i don't want to wip ethe whole drive per se, because i'm using a partition for windows22:12
slvmchnyeah vinze it wasn't obvious until i set grub up and rebooted22:13
vinzeslvmchn, if you select Manual, you can wipe some partitions and install them in that22:13
slvmchnand then it had xp, xubuntu, AND fluxbuntu in grub22:13
evil_techit actually said fluxbuntu >.<22:13
slvmchni suppose it's a matter of reinstalling22:13
slvmchnwell it was fluxbuntu i had on there, not proper ubuntu22:13
slvmchnit just did it wierd22:13
evil_techmine always just says ubuntu and i have to remember what partition i installed it on till i can edit grub22:13
slvmchni burned that into my memory, which partition's which22:14
slvmchnbasically what happened is when i reinstalled windows it overwrote my MBR22:14
slvmchnwhich started me on this whole process22:15
psychvinze, does livecd has the manual option ?22:16
vinzepsych, yes22:16
psychah ok22:16
psychgonna download this one22:16
psych566mb, nice22:17
psychnot like those HUGE instalations22:17
vinzepsych, http://www.23hq.com/Vincentt/photo/2589705/original and http://www.23hq.com/Vincentt/photo/2589709/original22:18
psychwhata big swap22:20
vinzeYeah I never really know what to take (it's mosly empty I believe) but since I have enough hard drive space I figured it'd be better to have it too large than too small :)22:21
psychdebian again, nice22:21
vinzeAnyway, I'm off to bed22:21
vinzeGood luck with your installation :)22:21
psychit will happen in couple days22:21
psychwhen i get the new hdd22:21
thyraxi seem to be having display problems all of a sudden. my monitor says cannot display this more22:38
thyraxcannot display this mode22:39
thyraxi think it said mode now its gone to text and says dev sda1 has gone 1989 days without being checked22:39
thyraxok now it boots22:39
psych1989 days22:40
psychthats weird22:41
thyraxmight be the drive i used gparted to format to ext3 earlier22:41
psych17% downloaded, i might stop it now hehe22:41
thyraxyeah unless it failed the format22:41
psychwhy not use mkfs?22:41
Odd-rationaleHow can I make xubuntu play a .wav on logout/shutdown instead of the ugly system beep?22:43
thyraxok this odd. the only drive I had on was the boot drive it is ide but it's reporting as sda is this normal?22:43
=== donuts is now known as d0nuts
thyraxwhat is cannot display this video about at startup and sign off?22:46
thyraxjust says "cannot display this video" on a black screen22:46
zoredacheprobably some kind of display mode detection22:46
thyraxhmmm is there a fix for it?22:47
thyraxmaybe a setting22:47
thyraxit shows some grub text22:47
thyraxthen starting_22:47
thyraxthen cannot display this video mode22:47
thyraxthen it shows the login screen22:47
* thyrax scratches head22:47
zoredachethyrax: newer kernels see some ide controllers as scsi22:48
thyraxcould it be it's the monitor?22:48
thyraxill swicth them and see22:48
zoredachethyrax: newer kernels see some ide controllers as scsi22:49
thyraxoh ok that explains the sda22:51
thyraxok on the second monitor i get signal out of range which I am guessing is the default for no video signal22:52
zoredachethyrax: newer kernels see some ide controllers as scsi22:52
thyraxso why is it going blank right before grub loads the login screen?22:52
Odd-rationaleIs there a way to make xubuntu play a .wav on logout/shutdown instead of the ugly system beep? Thanks!22:52
thyraxzoredache that explains the sda thring22:52
thyraxwhat about the lack of a video signal right before grub loads the login screen that is odd I never had that problem with the feiesty22:53
zoredacheI don't have any experience with that...  {shrugs}22:54
thyraxI guess22:56
thyraxI guess ill find and fiddle with the video settings22:56
thyraxzoredache do you know how to bypass the login screen all together?23:07
thyraxlooks like im not the only one with the problem with 7.1023:13
=== _slvmch3 is now known as slvmchn
thyraxwhy does gparted take so long? is fdisk better?23:36
evil_techi like fdisk better23:37
evil_techgui's tend to get in the way sometimes23:37
=== donuts is now known as d0nuts
thyraxwhy is there a need to 'resize' your file system?23:55
thyraxI would use fdisk If I knew what the comands did23:55
thyraxI used gparted and ran fdisk -l and it said warning this is not an fdisk partition23:55
thyraxI thought ext3 was ext323:55

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