[00:00] Jack_Sparrow: okay thanks [00:00] jaybird7, you seem ok to me, but we must wait an op :) [00:02] did somebody say salsa?! [00:02] no0tic: ok thanks [00:02] jaybird7: you pass. standby. [00:02] ok thanks [00:04] jaybird7: from what channel are you banned? [00:04] #ubuntu? [00:04] mneptok: yes [00:05] You can rejoin #ubuntu jaybird7. [00:05] okay thank you everyone :) [00:06] the bantracker needs coffee [00:07] mneptok, /cs bans is your friend [00:07] I was depressed last night so I called Suicide Hotline. I got a call center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck. :/ [00:08] :) [00:08] I don't get it :/ [00:08] That one just went into my cute-folder [00:09] yeah, nothing funnier than suicide bombings and racial stereotypes [00:10] If the sheet fits... [00:10] Sorry.. you are right.. [01:35] Jack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (ztomic) [01:36] Was that ban for just saying RTFM? [01:38] no [02:38] Hi xLE, how can I help? [02:39] was gonna idle, just saw the topic though [02:39] How did you find us? [02:39] #unbuntu [02:39] #ubuntu [02:44] PriceChild: how did you find us? what are we? refugees? [02:44] jdong, well you don't exactly just stumble here do you [02:45] PriceChild: I guess you can if you read IRC guidelines and such [02:45] jdong: talk to nickserv please [02:45] oh am I not identified? [02:45] done [02:46] and what kind of person goes along doing that? :P [02:46] PriceChild: rofl the kind that's least likely to cause us trouble, ironically :D [02:46] Of course. [02:49] * Pici notes that he started off just idling here [02:51] (We "reserve the right", but doesn't mean we always enforce it) [03:07] :O [03:07] * mneptok (n=mneptok@canonical/support/mneptok) <----------- no way [03:07] :O [03:08] effie_jayx, hmm? [03:08] PriceChild, the guy is a real case... [03:08] effie_jayx, real case? [03:08] he's funny [03:08] sarcastically funny [03:08] really? [03:08] I hadn't noticed. [03:09] but that's why I'm surpriced... [03:09] he's canonical support... that changes my whole perspective... [03:09] look at this [03:10] lol [03:10] elkbuntu, what was the nicest thing mneptok has ever told you... [03:11] bah.. probably sleeping [03:11] but ... he's the kinda guy you don't wanna have on your wrong side... :D [03:11] and fun too [03:11] er, okay. [03:12] effie_jayx, ask fabian for some mneptok stories some time [03:12] see, now you've woken her. [03:12] elkbuntu, heh... [03:12] do you mean 'funny' as in 'wears a white canvas wraparound jacket' funny? [03:13] nalioth, lol [03:21] * mneptok stares at effie_jayx [03:21] * Pici hides [03:22] i like this coat a lot, but the sleeves are much too long. [03:23] heh [03:23] Is it your coat? [03:23] it's the one the nice doctors gave him [03:25] oh. /me slaps forehead [03:25] Pici: nice try, but you'll never top the Amaranth "duh" moment. [03:25] *classic* [03:26] mneptok: Which was that? [03:26] mneptok, logs or it didn't happen [03:28] * mneptok greps [03:29] floodlet ... [03:29] 13:27 -!- Amaranth [~amaranth@24-116-62-3.cpe.cableone.net] has joined #sysadmin [03:29] 13:28 < Amaranth> are CVS accounts removed after a period of inactivity? mine (twatkins) seems to be [03:29] 13:29 <@mneptok> Amaranth: that account appears to be functional. [03:29] 13:29 <@mneptok> Amaranth: are you getting some kind of error message when you try to connect> [03:29] 13:29 <@mneptok> ? [03:29] 13:30 < Amaranth> ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host [03:29] 13:30 <@mneptok> is your ssh key installed on the machine from which you are trying to connect> [03:30] 13:30 * mneptok seems to be slightly left of the ? key today [03:30] 13:31 < Amaranth> mneptok: yeah, ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub matches the one i sent when i had the account created [03:30] 13:32 < Amaranth> ssh -v looks normal [03:30] 13:33 < Amaranth> debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey). [03:30] 13:34 <@mneptok> can you send the full output of ssh -v to support@gnome.org please? [03:30] 13:34 < Amaranth> done [03:30] 13:36 <@mneptok> thanks :) [03:30] 13:38 <@mneptok> ok, it seems that ssh is falling down when trying to chdir to a $HOME you do not have' [03:30] 13:38 <@mneptok> which should not be an issue during CVS checkout/in [03:30] 13:38 <@mneptok> do you have your shell environment variables set correctly? [03:30] 13:39 <@mneptok> (for CVS) [03:30] 13:39 <@mneptok> http://live.gnome.org/Sysadmin/CVS/FAQ?action=show&redirect=CVSFAQ [03:30] 13:40 < Amaranth> CVS_RSH=ssh CVSROOT=:ext:twatkins@cvs.gnome.com:/cvs/gnome [03:30] 13:40 <@mneptok> it's gnome.org ;) [03:30] 13:41 < Amaranth> *facepalm* [03:30] 13:41 < Amaranth> works [03:30] 13:42 <@mneptok> yay! [03:30] 13:42 < Amaranth> *facepalm* x 10 [03:30] 13:42 * mneptok pats Amaranth onna head [03:30] Amaranth and i share a special bond because of that [03:31] !paste | mneptok [03:31] mneptok: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic) [03:31] how rude :P [03:31] !biteme | elkbuntu [03:31] Sorry, I don't know anything about biteme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [03:33] mneptok, your sleeves are flapping... [03:35] nalioth: those are the sacs of flab from my upper arms [03:36] if you insist, oh escapee from Ward 9 === stdin_ is now known as stdin [04:12] I think jelousbuddy is a troll, joined a load of channels posting some "odd" stuff [04:13] stdin: same guy as last night with a different nick [04:13] we banned him out of #ubuntu and here [04:14] well he's back in #ubuntu and #kubuntu, and just about every other channel on freenode [08:23] In #ubuntu-server, Kamping_Kaiser said: ubotu, JEOS is the latest addition to the Ubuntu family. It is designed for running inside VMWare and other virtualisation tools like QEMU. [08:49] In ubotu, bluefoxx said: !foo is fu [09:34] !jeos [09:34] Sorry, I don't know anything about jeos - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [09:38] LjL, those floodbots sure are chatty with opping/modesetting [09:39] and it's not like they actually *change* the mode :) [16:10] using kde ubuntu, how can I get to the root in terminal,, it tells me password no good [16:10] i know it is [16:11] is there anyone in this room === Hobbsee is now known as LongPointyStick [17:22] I wonder if there's an xchat script to collect all hilights when away like irssi can. [17:22] why do you use xchat then? ;-) [17:26] Because I can't live without the channel list. [17:26] different coloured numbers just don't cut it for me :/ [17:27] channel list? [17:27] nicklist? [17:28] PriceChild: oh pfft fine hate on the colors [17:28] PriceChild: isn't that just cool for you to do... [17:28] PriceChild must use the excerable xchat-gnome [17:28] ROFL [17:28] nalioth, pardon? [17:28] the client with 2 buttons? [17:28] PriceChild: channel list? [17:29] list of channels [17:29] PriceChild: yes, afaik, only xchat-gnome displays all the channels you're in [17:29] why do you need it [17:29] oh [17:29] normal xchat does that... [17:29] does it? i've never seen it do so. [17:30] PriceChild: irssiproxy with proxyaway? [17:30] ;-) [17:31] nalioth, http://york.pricechild.co.uk/screenshot.png - the list on the left? [17:31] and besides, the numbers are soon enough in your backbone [17:32] I know I know Myrtti.... [17:32] "one day"... when I find somewhere I can leave a screen or bouncer going, I will make the move [17:32] PriceChild: wow. what feature is that? [17:32] nalioth, pardon? [17:33] as i said, PriceChild, i've never seen that feature when i use xchat [17:33] The channel list?! :/ [17:33] yes, PriceChild, the channel list [17:33] you're being sarcastic aren't you [17:37] [17:38] so much for honesty [17:38] That's just standard xchat.. [17:38] you can change the tree view to tabs at the bottom if wanted, but that's rubbish [17:46] soundray called the ops in #ubuntu (ihadgentoo abusive) === qmario__ is now known as QMario [17:50] Yay I found a script that will log hilights for me :d [17:51] grr hilights even when not away :/ [18:25] is there any way i can find out a users email address? [18:25] Seeker`: /msg nickserv info NICK [18:25] hmm, doesn't list it [18:26] then ask them [18:26] the problem is that they aren't responding [18:27] in fact, they haven't said anything since at least 21st november (in ubuntu-scribes anyway) [18:42] I need to get mootbot to register its nick, and he is the only person with access to the server [19:23] In ubotu, gourgi said: what is bash [19:23] i need a test [19:27] ninjagambit: you follow the instructions? [19:33] nalioth: yeah [19:34] ok, ninjagambit you can rejoin #ubuntu and thanks for putting up with us :) [19:35] said if failed [19:35] ? [19:35] it* [19:35] said what failed? [19:35] the dcc testthing [19:35] you sent [19:36] in status [19:36] you're still here, so it passed. [19:36] ok thankis [19:36] thanks* [20:26] aw, orphaned ubotu :( [20:38] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-irc/2007-December/000374.html [20:38] poor bot [20:38] he's been so neglected, someone needs to take care of him [20:41] Seveas, I here there is a guy in .nl who is brilliant at this stuff [20:42] * ompaul reads that again [20:42] * jdong whacks ompaul with the OED [20:44] hahaha [21:00] just how much time does maintaining ubotu take? [21:00] maintainig should take little time [21:01] adding/modifying features will use whatever time you can provide [21:04] hmm [21:04] * Seeker` is potentially interested in helping [21:04] its written in python, isn't it? [21:04] Yup [21:04] supybot based [21:05] i recon that may disqualify me then, as i have never really done any python coding [21:13] soundray called the ops in #ubuntu () [21:34] evening [21:34] ikonia, are you on the ubuntu-irc mailing list [21:35] nope [21:35] I may join now that my mail server is up and running again [21:35] agg -- there was a mail to it eariler [21:35] let me point you to it and you can have a look at the archives [21:35] ok [21:36] fyi: dinner was a delight ;) [21:36] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-irc [21:36] as nice as my fillet stake? ;-) [21:37] potentially better, indian tuna steaks ;) [21:37] something fishy about that [21:37] * ompaul shoots an instance of himself in the foot an all other instances start bleeding [21:37] you should be shot [21:37] and not in the foot [21:37] what month/thread should I be looking for [21:38] last message [21:38] only one in dec is ubotu [21:38] yah [21:38] you any good with python? [21:38] ok [21:38] I'm ok, but slow with python [21:38] I have to work it through a lot [21:38] ack [21:39] although it's something that would serve me better to get sharp with due to my contributions to the 2.2 branch on vexim [21:39] I'll have a look at the code and see how much I follow off the bat on ubutu [21:39] ubotu even [21:39] Sorry, I don't know anything about even - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi [21:39] shut up ;) [21:40] hahaha [21:42] ompaul: are you ringing ? [21:43] ikonia, no [21:43] oops [21:43] not me [21:43] its my mum [21:43] you need dect handsets [21:49] Lynoure called the ops in #kubuntu-offtopic () [21:51] ha ha [21:51] *smiles* [21:51] what's making you smile ? [22:05] Jack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu () [22:05] sorry that was unintentional... [22:05] you fall asleep on the spacebar? :) [22:06] yep.. I was on the phone [22:06] I deserved that one.. but todd needs to go for trolling [22:07] I'll take a look. [22:16] ow! [22:17] jdong: ? [22:17] 15:43 -!- jdong [n=dizzle@ubuntu/member/jdong] has left #ubuntu-ops [requested by Seveas: "get a bigger cluebat"] [22:17] slow reaction [22:17] hehe [22:18] cripes... its after midnight alreadyt [22:21] jdong: need more practice recognizing /removes done to your person? [22:21] heeheheh [22:24] How long can you remove the dong from a channel before he notices? Place your bets now! [22:24] lol [22:54] PriceChild: you have no idea how suggestive that sounded :) [22:55] *headdesks* [22:55] :) [22:55] I notice that "easy flash instillation" is now broken... [22:56] PriceChild: being backported. [22:56] jdong, is there already a bug filed for it? [22:57] PriceChild: talketh to imbrandon [22:57] I'm a bit too sleepy to deal with thinking [22:57] I always try and find one before filing a bug myself but miss them so often 8-) [23:11] can we nickspam for "stupidbitch" [23:17] jdong, just found out why I didn't see an existing bug.... its been marked as "fix released" already. [23:26] Pici, honestly, am I the only one who's about to wet himself from forty-eight? [23:27] I'm pretty close to banning him, just waiting for him to go over the line again. [23:27] but hes just a troll [23:28] Yeah, I know [23:28] A funny troll, nonetheless