
* nickrud was wondering what humorous thing to write about umbuntu, but soundray_ cut to the chase :)00:00
onatsits not that hard to spell, given you're using a keyboard00:00
TigranGor a brain00:00
inzeolittlebear72: skills? no, lucky encounters? perhaps haha00:00
soldatshmm some people are getting mean these days00:00
taffanswer all your questions00:01
onatsi don't think thats mean00:01
TigranGno such thing as mean00:01
soldatshah i was kidding00:01
TigranGjust absence of kindness  :P00:01
jobu1543I have a broken software RAID1 that drops to  BusyBox upon boot. Does anyone have any suggestions/urls that might help?00:01
soldatsTigranG, yes00:01
littlebear72i have tried it 3 times now and each time something went wrong in my life and i did not have time to learn ubu / nix and needed the comfort of a simplistic program like windoze lol00:01
bamsambacan someone reccommend me a good download manager other than Kget? something as good as free-download-manager on Windows in case anyone's heard of it00:01
soundray_soldats: arithmetic, harmonic or geometric mean?00:01
alekasoundray_: HOw can I change the sample rate in audacity then... I should probably restart to clear whatever is using the soundcard and start from there00:01
littlebear72i knew windoze well so i use it when my life runs amok00:01
onatsfinally fixed my apt-cacher! whew!00:02
IamReckbamsamba, Downthemall00:02
taffread those books and you will be aswering all the questions00:02
inzeolittlebear72: my main desktop runs windows, my laptop ubuntu - desktop does....games...thats it haha00:02
* TigranG tried to compile a kernel yesterday and learned he's dumber than he thought00:02
delfoswhen i get to login screen the font size is really big, cant read ok, after login ubuntu prompts a window saying that the X-conf and the GNOME-conf files have different keyboard values.. Do you know ehat goes wrong?00:02
soldatssoundray_, hah you got me00:02
inzeolittlebear72: use my laptop for everything else, including work stuff (in a windows environment)00:02
* nickrud thinks compiling a kernel is not a measure of intelligence, but of perseverance00:02
bamsambalittlebear72, i run it on virtual box :P00:02
soundray_aleka: sounds like a good plan. Sorry, I'm not the best guy to advise on audio issues, contrary to what my nick might be seen to suggest00:02
TigranGnickrud: well I got it lol, wasn't hard actually, just took forever00:03
alekaHeh.. that is what led me to believe you would be the 'perfect' person to bother :)00:03
TigranGand then I was too lazy to build ndiswrapper for my wifi so I just went back to 2.6.2200:03
nickrudthe one real sound expert doesn't come around much anymore ;(00:03
soundray_crimsun: would you mind having a look at aleka's issue?00:03
bamsambaIamReck, well isnt downthemall a firefox ext? i can't find that using apt-get00:04
IamReckbamsamba, yes it is, it runs with in firefox and its amazing.00:04
soldatsaleka, what was your initial problem00:04
IggzHi, installede the kde desk-top but didn't like it - anyway, this caused umbutu to upgrade itself to kumbutu - login screen, duel desktop log, etc. How to i return it to the single boot, one desktop state? I am assuming a long command line. Anyone help? :-)00:05
bamsambaheh, ok, lemme try00:05
* bascule knows compiling kernels is easy, configuring them takes practice and knowledge00:05
alekasoldats: What is a good application to record stereo output from my soundcard other than Audacity? For some reason audcacity is not working for me and am wondering what other options there are...00:05
crimsunsoundray_: I lack backscroll.  What's the summary?00:05
xcstnid help, how can i manage my effects in gutsy00:05
littlebear72lol im going to try the vm of 2k i made for that same purpose and i also want to be able to get access to the tmd script that lets me download movies and the like that is mirc based nothign i have ever seen anywhere comes close to that finish of the tmd-recruit package00:06
TigranGaleka: http://podcasting.about.com/od/creatingmp3files/ht/bitrateaudacity.htm00:06
soundray_aleka: please tell crimsun about the error message00:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:06
TigranGaleka: first thing in google for change sample rate00:06
alekaeven when I get audacity to the point to record (which I think is recording output from the MIC) I can not play back the recorded sample00:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:06
alekaI get "Error while opening sound device. Please check the output device settings and the project sample rate"00:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:06
i_pk_pjers_iwow thats alot of ppl...00:06
jaybird7I am trying to get wireless to work, i am trying to remove/undo my previous try with ndiswrapper, to try a new driver, but wehn i do sudo rmmod ndiswrapper it says its not foudn in /proc/modules or something , where is it or how do i uninstall it please?00:06
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:07
littlebear72ok so compizfusion is the latest beryl ?00:07
basculei_pk_pjers_i: popular isn't it00:07
i_pk_pjers_iyep, lol00:07
littlebear72the whole 3d thing i mean lol00:07
TigranGlittlebear72: yea00:07
littlebear72i had it working last time well00:07
smartfaceHi guys, Im trying to extract an archive into a directory, but it keeps creating a new directory inside it, any way i can avoid that?00:07
Jordan_Ulittlebear72, Yes00:07
littlebear72as beryl00:07
* littlebear72 goes checks it out again 00:07
TigranGlittlebear72: you can go to #compiz-fusion if you need help00:07
* littlebear72 has a dam fine card nowdays and would love to see the latest 00:07
alekaYeah, how do I even know what bitrate to use in Quality Pref00:08
basculesmartface: I really don't think so, just rename the directory that appears00:08
Jordan_Ulittlebear72, Do you have Ubuntu 7.10 installed?00:08
* littlebear72 is a little excited againi love eye candy lol00:08
smartfaceok, thanks00:08
littlebear72no version before00:08
littlebear72ill upgrade i think lol00:08
TigranGlittlebear72: head on to #compiz-fusion :)00:08
fabio_hi i just compiled the hardy 2.6.24 kernel with some patches on my gutsy amd64 system. all went fine. but problem is, it only built a linux-headers-2.6.24-1 package and not also a linux-headers-2.6.24 which is needed to install the first one00:08
Jordan_Ulittlebear72, You should upgrade00:08
fabio_any help?00:08
fabio_i followed the steps on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to compile00:09
justinhhiya folks.  got an interesting little tickler for you.  I've got a gutsy install I've been trying to convert to netbooted - so far it's gone pretty well.. the pxelinux.0 is doing its thing and the kernel with initrd image is loading.  But during boot the kernel panics.  just before that I see http://www.pastebin.ca/808879 - so I think maybe it's trying to initialise eth0 when it doesn't have to and is consequently losing /.00:09
soundray_fabio_: you don't really need headers if you have the complete source00:09
fabio_hmm but nvidia-installer is complaining00:10
onatshas anyone used azureus html web gui here? doesn't seem to be working on my installation00:10
fabio_that it can't find the include/linux/version.h file00:10
fabio_i used --kernel-source-path pointing to my source00:10
waseemmy usb pads show up in device manager but dont respond in gxmame can somebody help please00:10
soldatsaleka, have you tried jokosher00:11
soldatsits more advanced but im not sure why audacity isnt working00:11
sharpiewhy does rsync start as a service on startup?00:11
alekasoldats: Will do...didn't think it was stable enough last time I looked at it... Thanks~00:11
kitchesharpie: because it's a service]00:11
sharpiekitche: but it's run manually00:11
soldatsaleka, hmm i heard it was stable but id look into it if you really want to edit music00:11
kitchesharpie: umm the client does00:12
kitchesharpie: but it's also a daemon00:12
sharpiekitche: that does..what?00:12
kitchesharpie: so rsync the client can be used to rsync files00:12
alekasoldats: My basic need right now is being able to record playing music (kinda like replay radio in windows)... have stuff on my rhapsody playlist I want to record00:13
dyeroticquestion...i have just installed ubuntu...and im stuck in 800x600 and i wanna chuk my monitor out the window00:13
TigranGaleka: You can try Sound Recorder00:13
Jack_Sparrowdyerotic: Hold off on that option for a few00:13
TigranGaleka: it comes with ubuntu00:13
dyeroticwhat do you mean Jack_Sparrow?? i cant stand 800x600 and i tried that guide on the website and it didnt help00:13
Jack_Sparrowdyerotic: from cli..    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:13
sharpiekitche: so..if i disable it, i won't be able to rsync?00:13
dyeroticive done that i believe, and it still messes me up00:13
Jack_Sparrowdyerotic: Vesa driver will get you 1024x768 if you get locked out00:14
dyeroticim gonna do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg00:14
dyeroticand see how it goes00:14
soundray_sharpie: you can use rsync without rsyncd, but with reduced capabilities00:14
alekasoldats , TigranG  >> Thanks00:14
sharpiesoundray_: what do you mean by "reduced capabilities"?00:15
dyeroticok so i should choice vesa Jack_Sparrow?00:15
sharpiesoundray_: what won't i be able to do?00:15
kitchesharpie: no you will be able to but you just can't rsync files from that computer to another00:15
TigranGaleka: What I did to get recording working is in Volume Control increase the 'In Gain'00:15
soldatsaleka, ahh i get what you need. im not too sure but i think jokosher should suffice for now if it works. i do recording for bands but i use more professionla recording eqiptment for tha00:15
Jack_Sparrowdyerotic: try to setup your video card and monitor to their specs, but if you cant get it go to veas to get back here00:15
sharpiekitche: oh, meaning that if i only rsync locally between drives, i can cancel the daemon?00:15
xcstcompiz fusion is working in my gutsy, how can i customize it00:15
enigmata<ubotu> None of those links did anything, I've already ran through the troubleshooting before.00:15
Kohvihoorwhy does my screen go black for a second, everytime i start a video?00:15
Kohvihoorati video card+fglrx drivers00:15
dyeroticok ill try00:15
soundray_sharpie: rsync with rsyncd can sync files by transferring only the differing parts, for example.00:15
Jack_Sparrowenigmata: you are talking to a bot..00:16
enigmatawell, that was embaracinbg00:16
soundray_Jack_Sparrow: don't give it away so quickly ;)00:16
* TigranG never gets old (seeing ppl talk to bots)00:16
onatsis there a codec for m4a?00:16
sharpiesoundray_: so if i only rsync locally, can i safely disable rsyncd?00:17
TigranGonats: I think there is00:17
soundray_sharpie: it's safe to disable it in any case00:17
TigranGonats: with VLC player00:17
hairs2longjustinh: why dont you need the network?00:17
timotimotimoonats: download automatix00:17
sharpiesoundray_: i mean safe by..will not make anything not work00:18
soldats!automatix | timotimotimo00:18
ubotutimotimotimo: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »00:18
Jack_Sparrowtimotimotimo: bad bad idea00:18
justinhhairs2long: it's already initialised because I'm getting / over NFS00:18
enigmataanyone want to try and help me get my computer to make noise?00:18
soldats!ask | enigmata00:18
ubotuenigmata: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:18
hairs2longjustinh: do you have more of the boot procedure?00:19
jaybird7 I am trying to get wireless to work, i am trying to remove/undo my previous try with ndiswrapper, to try a new driver, but wehn i do sudo rmmod ndiswrapper it says its not foudn in /proc/modules or something , where is it or how do i uninstall it please?00:19
dev_noobhow do I execute a .run file as root?00:19
enigmataMy computer won't make ANY sound. All volume is full blast, and settings are on ALSA.00:19
enigmataWhat now?00:19
TigranGenigmata: turn the power on your speakers and put the volume up00:19
enigmataIt's a laptop. Volume is up00:19
soundray_dev_noob: what are you trying to install?00:19
Jack_Sparrowdev_noob: Perhaps a description of what you are trying to do..?00:19
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »00:19
enigmataI tghink I have a blacklisted driver or something00:19
whyameyejaybird7: ndiswrapper has a parameter you need to send it to unload. man ndiswrapper or try ndiswrapper --help00:19
dev_noobsoundray_: I am trying to install the ATI drivers from AMD00:20
soundray_!ati | dev_noob00:20
ubotudev_noob: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:20
enigmataI'm running ALC262 Analog ALSA00:20
justinhhairs2long: tftp server, serving pxelinux.0 image.  then loads kernel & initrd image.  then proceeds to boot.  then the kernel panics just after that pastebin is output00:20
^_^co_perhatian^j bandung00:20
^_^co_perhatian^# bandung00:20
ChosenTestdev_noob: you might have to chmod +x00:20
hairs2longjustinh: so you see the pivot root?00:20
justinhthe pivot root?00:21
whyameyeI've heard a lot here how automatix is a bad idea. I've used it on easily 1/2 dozen computers to great success. It's super easy and just works for me. Have others had trouble or is it more that it is not supported by the general ubuntu community?00:21
boscovichanyone can help me my live cd wont start00:21
dev_noobChosenTest: I di chmod it, but it says I need to be superuser00:21
soundray_dev_noob: please follow the official instructions for ubuntu00:21
onatsthat link says automatix is dangeroues00:21
ubotuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:21
hairs2longjustinh: initrd is a root filesystem00:21
soundray_dev_noob: don't use the .run file00:21
Jack_Sparrowonats: It is a very bad idea to use automatix00:21
TigranGboscovich: burn at a lower speed00:21
kitchewhyameye: it's due to it does things that are bad to ubuntu00:21
boscovichanyone can help me my live cd dont want to start it appear INITRAMFS00:21
dev_noobthe restricted driver manager wont let me enable it :(00:21
whyameyekitche: like what?00:21
hairs2longjustinh: it has the details to get the network up so it can load the "real" root filesystem00:21
kitche!automaitx | whyameye00:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automaitx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:21
soundray_dev_noob: what happens when you try?00:22
kitche!automatix | whyameye00:22
ubotuwhyameye: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »00:22
boscovichanyone can help me my live cd dont want to start it appear INITRAMFS00:22
whyameyekitche: that doesn't answer why.00:22
kitchewhyameye: look at the url it is a indepth look at automatix00:22
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:22
dev_noobsoundray_: it just reverts to "not enabled"00:22
kitchewhyameye: actually it does if you won't look then you shouldn't be using automatix anyways00:22
soundray_whyameye: yes it does, if you bother to read the linked page00:22
enigmatasut uo uboyu.00:22
justinhhairs2long: I configured the initrd image with initramfs-tools after changing the options in the initramfs.conf to 'netboot' and 'nfs root'00:22
hairs2longjustinh: you should it load the kernel, mount root, do some stuff then pivot the root FS00:22
Jack_Sparrowwhyameye: the link has detailed info.. if you read it00:22
enigmata*shut up00:22
kitcheenigmata: like talking to a bot eh00:23
whyameyeok. Thanks especially to Jack_Sparrow for not needing to be rude about it. I appreciate the link and am reading now...00:23
justinhhairs2long:  it all happens very fast ;)00:23
TigranGenigmata: you were telling a bot to shut up? o.O00:23
soundray_dev_noob: follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI00:23
enigmataonly when it talks back... dirty.00:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dirty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:23
* TigranG feels like saying he loves ubuntu00:23
justinhhairs2long: ahh maybe CTRL S to the rescue00:24
jaybird7whyameye: okay thank you00:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about chucknorris - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:24
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.00:24
justinhhairs2long: nope.  no dice.  can't seem to slow it down any.00:25
* hairs2long hates boot issues00:25
justinhhrm maybe I could video it00:26
hairs2longjustinh: what are you passing via pxelinux cfg?00:26
timotimotimoD00D Y UALL USE LUNUX ?00:27
justinhhairs2long: http://www.pastebin.ca/80890600:27
PriceChild!offtopic | timotimotimo00:27
ubotutimotimotimo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:27
soldatstimotimotimo, why are you here asking that question00:28
timotimotimosoldats: b/c I'm bored00:28
waseemlinux or ubuntu is so cool, now that I am understanding how it works00:29
enigmata<waseem> YAY! Help me.00:29
waseemi can see what peeps mean when they say its easier to use than other OS's00:29
timotimotimowaseem: we need more people like you, who are willing to try it out00:29
waseemlol i had such a bumpy first experience00:30
timotimotimoyeah that happens00:30
timotimotimobut I promise it's worth it00:30
waseembut its cool, i think the way you install apps is soo awesome, it does it for you00:30
enigmataSometime I like to lock people in little rooms with computers that don't run Windows/00:30
waseemfrom the download to the end you just say what you need00:30
timotimotimoenigmata: :D00:30
soldatsenigmata, hah00:30
timotimotimowaseem: yup :)00:30
hairs2longjustinh: is your NIC driver or UNDI.ko staticially linked in your kernel?00:31
hairs2longsorry undi.ko00:31
justinhhairs2long: er.. I don't think so..  just a bog standard ubuntu generic kernel00:33
justinhor rather, I don't know if it is or not00:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cnr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:33
littlebear72ok for all those who wanto to know the solution for my flash issue is fixed lol its working nicely now and i can now access my online game again thanks to all those who contributed to my sucess lol00:34
hairs2longhmm, probably not then00:34
whyameyeI've spent some time reading the automatix link. It's a tough problem. As long as the ubuntu community asks people to do things "by hand" we aren't really offering any real alternative to commerical OSes...so maybe there'll be a better solution soon....00:34
littlebear72inzeo: your solution worked perfect00:34
gunspojagday everyone00:35
gunspojaanybody had experience using 3G wireless broadband internet00:35
kitchewhyameye: there already is it's part of gutsy00:35
timotimotimowhyameye: I agree00:35
gunspojasorry just "3", not 3G00:35
soundray_whyameye: gutsy pretty much obviates the need for anything like automatix00:35
dev_noobI gave up on the driver for now...00:35
dev_noobI am trying to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 and get the following error00:35
dremspiderjoin #perl00:35
dremspiderjoin perl00:35
Mba7ethmorning all .... Is it possible to change chm format into PDF00:35
dev_noobhttp://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/Release.gpg: Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntustudio.org'00:35
dev_noobhttp://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/main/i18n/Translation-en_US.bz2: Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntustudio.org'00:35
dev_noobhttp://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntustudio.org'00:35
timotimotimosoundray_: if I was going give a noob ubuntu, I wouldn't give them gutsy00:36
waseemthis is an irc related question but how do you make it so that you can direct a message to someone00:36
justinhhairs2long: I remember making an nfsroot boot ages ago - had to build my own kernel with the eth driver built in00:36
MorPheuShi all00:36
timotimotimo6.06 is the long term support version00:36
Xdange1can kmobiletools be used to transfer files between phone & PC00:36
soldatswaseem, type the name and press tab00:36
gunspojathe wireless adapter is a Merlin xu87000:36
Xdange1or is there some additional plugin to install00:36
hairs2longjustinh: if memory serves you are mincing boot methods00:37
gunspojaand ubuntu doesn't seem to detect it when its inserted00:37
Mba7ethis it possible to change chm format to PDF ?00:37
linduxedthe text that scrolls down the screen before gdm gets on....where is that logged?00:37
waseemsoldats: thanks00:37
justinhhairs2long: i.e. using tftp and pxe?00:37
soundray_waseem: /msg ubotu ubuntu00:37
littlebear72waseem:  thats a great one aint it00:37
hairs2longjustinh: if you have an initrd your root=/dev/ram000:37
=== fervidfrogger_ is now known as fervidfrogger
waseemlittlebear72: yes but why does it add the name of the person in the message00:38
timotimotimolinduxed: dmesg00:38
Xdange1can kmobiletools be used to transfer files between phone & PC00:38
soldatswaseem, does it work, if you get a message sent to you it show up a different color, so if you send a message it should say <name>; "message to send"00:38
justinhhairs2long: heh that's what I get for following random howto guides00:38
littlebear72is that not what you wanted00:38
hairs2longjustinh: if you dont have an initrd and are using NFS from the kernel, then use nfsroot parameters00:38
waseemsoldats: why does it show your name in the message too00:38
Zogum, I need some help setting up a dual boot...00:38
soldatsso you know who its too00:38
Zognot that involved question though.00:38
IndyGunFreak!dual | Zog00:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:38
ipxWhats the simplest way of limiting an applications access to the internet? I wanna bottleneck the traffic going out from a program...00:38
soldatseveryone can see it as well00:38
waseemsoldats: lol cool00:38
IndyGunFreak!dualboot | Zog00:39
ubotuZog: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot00:39
littlebear72do you want to send a private message or a public message thats directed at the user waseem00:39
hairs2longjustinh: with direct NFS from the kernel, you dont need the initrd, but the kenrel will need to rebuilt with NIC driver and NFS support built in (not modules)00:39
waseemhas anyone used xmame here?00:39
soccer_hawk10hey all. can someone tell me why the super+C command doesn't work in amaroK in 7.10?00:40
hairs2longjustinh: if using initrd, you need to have NIC and NFS modules in initrd, and the init script should connect and pivot root00:40
justinhhairs2long: aye that's the way I used to do it many moons ago on gentoo.  haven't yet successfully built & installed my own kernel on ubuntu yet though00:40
soccer_hawk10it's supposed to be a play/pause command, but it is ineffective00:40
gunspojaok ubuntu DOES detect that the modem was put in, but it doesn't show up any wireless connections in the network settings app00:40
littlebear72where do i look to get the list of wether apt-get or aptitude has the file virtual box in it00:40
justinhhairs2long: gotcha00:40
=== lakin_ is now known as lakin
soccer_hawk10littlebeat72: system administration synaptic package manager00:41
timotimotimolittlebear72: apt-cache search virtualbox00:41
soccer_hawk10ah, that'll work too i suppose00:41
littlebear72lol thanks00:41
hairs2longsome people prefer the initrd because they can make it break out for troubleshooting purposes with a minimal os00:41
soccer_hawk10hey all. can someone tell me why the super+C command doesn't work in amaroK in 7.10?00:41
Zogum, reading that link doesn't answer my question- it's probably something really basic, but... I'd rather not make a mistake here.00:42
hairs2longI prefer the simpler method, and refuse any hardware I cant recomplie the drivers for00:42
justinhhairs2long: I'll have another play with initrd & see how I get on.  if not, then I'll go with building my own kernel for a trip down memory lane.  and if that doesn't work I could always buy a big usb stick ;)00:42
IndyGunFreakZog: well, we aren't mind readers.00:42
hairs2longbut not everyone has that lunxury00:42
weithi have a problem to install the amd64 version of ubuntu gutsy (7.10). when i want to start with the live cd i havent any screen after the language selection. what can i do?00:42
hairs2longpxe is totoally worth it00:42
justinhhairs2long: thankyou very much fella - it's appreciated00:43
hairs2longjustinh: for debugging, if you can get a serial connection, yiou can dump kernel and init there00:43
=== allbert is now known as allbert_
hairs2longjustin: output I mean00:43
littlebear72i guess if it comes back a empty result then its not a possible one then is it lol00:43
justinhnever even dawned on me it might not even be getting the proper root yet00:43
soccer_hawk10can someone tell me why the super+C command doesn't work in amaroK in 7.10?00:43
hairs2longjustinh: use the console=/dev/ttyS000:43
xcstdo i need to install emerald in gutsy?00:44
justinhwill do thanks hairs2long00:44
* justinh beers hairs2long 00:44
hairs2longthanks, good luck00:44
robert_anyone ever gotten 'Bad or missing command interpreter' when using the dosemu installed on gutsy?00:44
erUSULxcst: no if you do not want to00:44
Zogalright- i just got a new system set up- I created a 10 gig partition, and installed windows, leaving the rest unformatted.. Now i'm trying to install ubuntu 6.9 (not 100 percent on the version), and i'm at the partitoin screen. Need to know what I do to make sure it installs on the second 10 gig partition, and the format the third partition as ext200:44
gunspojaanybody had experience using "3" wireless broadband internet, the modem is a merlin xu870, and ubuntu does detect it when its inserted.  the problem is that a wireless connection doesn't appear in the network settings app00:44
littlebear72check out whirlpool forums gunspoja that has prolly got a better more australian list of experience i am assumeing yoru a aussie00:45
soccer_hawk10hey all. can someone tell me why the super+C command doesn't work in amaroK in 7.10? why am i being ignored?00:45
soldatsxcst, yes00:45
gunspojayeah i am littlebear7200:45
xcsterUSUL, theres no like emerald included in gutsy ryt?00:46
MLeBlancIs anyone here running World of Warcraft?00:46
littlebear72ditto here man00:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about emerald - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:46
soldatssoccer_hawk10, what is that command supposed to do00:46
soundray_soccer_hawk10: you will only get an answer if someone knows one00:46
gunspojalittlebear72, you got a link to those forums?00:46
kelsinZog: just need to do the partitioning using the "manual" method (at least that's what it is in current installers), and then set up your partitions how you want00:46
littlebear72you been to whirlpool forums ?00:46
kitchexcst: sure emerald is in gutsy might have ot install it though00:46
IndyGunFreakZog: what vesion of ubuntu are you using?... 6.9 doesn't exist..look Help/About Ubuntu00:46
kelsin!anyone | MLeBlanc00:46
ubotuMLeBlanc: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:46
gunspojano i haven't00:46
soccer_hawk10soldats: it's supposed to be a play/pause command00:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lookingglass - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:46
littlebear72check em out they are great for australian specific problems00:46
soundray_gunspoja: how does it get detected?00:47
MLeBlancHow is World of Warcraft performance on Ubuntu?00:47
weithi have a problem to install the amd64 version of ubuntu gutsy (7.10). when i want to start with the live cd i havent any screen after the language selection. what can i do? with the 32 bit version it works fine.00:47
kelsinMLeBlanc: perfect, you run in opengl, if you have a good graphics card and working drivers then it runs fine00:47
soldatssoccer_hawk10, i thought the spacebar does that. try looking at the preferences menu i believe there is a key config menu for it. if there isnt im not sure. i haven t used it in a while00:47
MLeBlanckelnsin: Might a 6600GT qualify as a good graphics card? I know it's a bit old.00:47
soldatsMLeBlanc, depends on your system00:47
Zogokay, after manual, I'm guessing I set the bootable flag as on- and... then what do i need to set? ext2, or ext3?00:47
jimjamHow do I use S-Video out with Ubuntu?00:47
gunspojasoundray_, in dmesg, there are a bunch of messages saying that it detected a GSM modem00:48
kelsinMLeBlanc: if it runs wow in windows good enough for you, then it will do the same with linux00:48
teknoprepw0ot fixed my hibernate00:48
erUSULxcst: i didnt understand the question... you can us the normal compiz gtk decorator00:48
teknoprepjust changed how it put the computer into hibernate00:48
MLeBlancsoldats: What would you say about Xubuntu on an AMD Athlon 2600+, 1GB ram, nVidia GeForce 6600GT00:48
soccer_hawk10soldats: nah, this is universal.  it controls amarok from any screen.  using the Super+B command, for example, skips the song even if i'm using firefox or any other program.  i tried to change the shortcut key, but none work00:48
Rafabehello...I am installing linux for the first time, Ubuntu 7.10 on a P3 1GHz with 256mb of RAM. On the install screen , I looked at the help and it said I needed 384 mb of RAM to install it. I googled for more info, and supposedly I can use other memory managers than Gnome, but how do I install the OS in the first place so I can replace Gnome?00:49
hairulfrJust reinstalled - wasn't there an art manager once?00:49
teknoprepamarok owns00:49
MLeBlanckelsin: I am considering this for an install on an old PC, I have never tried running WoW on it.00:49
DILweith, most software is 32bit anyway00:49
soundray_gunspoja: I see -- in that case you shouldn't be looking for a wireless interface. Configure ppp instead.00:49
soldatsMLeBlanc, hah that should run pretty good as far as i now but i think WOW prefers to run with 2gigs of ram00:49
gunspojasoundray_, how do i do that?  I've never used wireless before :(00:49
IndyGunFreakZog: i dont' usually use the Live CD, but is there an option to like, "Use free space" or something like that00:49
MLeBlancsoldats: Alrighty, I'll give it a shot. Thanks a lot!00:49
teknoprepRafabe, the reason you need 384 is becuase the cd is a live install... i would suggest installed xubuntu on that machine00:49
timotimotimorafabe: you might want to consider a different distro or an older version of ubuntu00:49
kelsinRafabe: download the alternate cd and use that to install a command line system, or just to complete the normal installation. At either point you can then install any other packages you want (including other light wight windows managers)00:49
soundray_gunspoja: System-Administration-Network-Modem connection00:49
Rafabetek: will it give me the option to use Xubuntu on the installation if I proceed?00:49
soldatssoccer_hawk10, hmm sorry i havent used it in a while if the commands or config dont work id try the amarok main site00:50
soccer_hawk10soldats: alright, thanks00:50
xcsterUSUL, how about the themes? how can i install it? the theme files are all .emerald00:50
gunspojais that a program or something i need to run in a terminal?00:50
void^DIL: that's only true for closed source software00:50
soundray_gunspoja: does dmesg give you any indication of the device name?00:50
waseemwhats the command if i want to uninstall an application?00:50
IndyGunFreaktimotimotimo that is borderline ridiculous advice to Rafabe00:50
Rafabekelsin: so no way to get this standard Desktop CD to install? I have to download a different version?00:50
teknoprepRafabe, dunno never installed it.. but its basically the same thing as ubuntu just using xfce4 for its windows manager00:50
noname6243is it safe to say that If my computer has atleast 3 errors in memtest86, it have a problem with my memory ?00:50
soldatsMLeBlanc, WOW is pretty big and always wants a lot  of memory so im only saying it might not run so smooth00:50
kelsinwaseem: "sudo apt-get remove <app>" or "sudo apt-get purge <app>" to remove config files as well00:50
soundray_gunspoja: are you using Ubuntu?00:50
IndyGunFreakRafabe: no no no... you'll need to do one of two things... add ram, or download the alternate install CD.00:50
waseemk thanks00:51
erUSULxcst: the themes for emerald can only be used with emerald of course the default compiz uses metacity themes afaik00:51
MLeBlancsoldats: Understood.00:51
kelsinRafabe: *Alternate* desktop cd, it's a checkbox at the bottom of the ubuntu download page00:51
IndyGunFreakRafabe: you can also look into Xubuntu00:51
RafabeAllright, so I'll download the other version then. Thanks.00:51
databitshey whats up everyone00:51
waseemkelsin: would you say purge is better when planning to re-install a different version of the app?00:51
noname6243is it safe to say that If my computer has atleast 3 errors in memtest86, I have a problem with my memory ?00:51
IndyGunFreakRafabe: same version(gutsy 7.10)00:51
IndyGunFreakRafabe: you just want a different installer, you want the Alternate Install CD00:51
soundray_gunspoja: see the menus in the upper left corner?00:51
kelsinRafabe: yeah it doesn't use the livecd system, just gives you the standard (just as easy) text mode installer, will install fine, then you can install whatever you want (plenty of light choices out there)00:51
Rafabethat's what I meant...the "alternative" 7.10 version00:52
Zogis ext3 preferable to ext2?00:52
kelsinZog: yes00:52
RafabeI understand what you mean00:52
Zogjust making sure00:52
gunspojaim not sure what im looking for in dmesg.  it says its attached to ttyusb0 and 100:52
kelsinZog: same internals, but uses a journal to help reliability00:52
gunspojaits just called "GSM modem" :/00:52
xcstk thanks00:52
IndyGunFreakZog: yes00:52
enigmataWho knows how to apply this patch: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd00:52
xcsterUSUL, how about the lookingglass what is that00:52
gunspojasoundray_, yeah I'm running ubuntu gutsy on the laptop, and feisty here on my desktop00:52
gunspojathe laptop is the one with the wireless adpater00:52
kelsingunspoja: you can do "dmesg | -i gsm" then to help filter the output to only things that have gsm (case insentive) in it00:52
soundray_gunspoja: good. Do you see the three menus on the left side of the top panel?00:53
kelsingunspoja: I did that wrong (tired) "dmesg | grep -i gsm"00:53
Zogokay, and i would want to mount it as root, since i'm going to keep my personal data on a seperate drive, right?00:53
erUSULxcst: dunno sorry00:53
enigmataREWARD: A dollar to anyone who can figure this out: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd00:53
kelsinZog: the partition you mount at root is your main one with all of the system software on it00:53
ztomicenigmata: are you  going to install alsa from source?00:53
Zogkelsin: that's what i thought.00:53
soundray_gunspoja: click on System, then Administration, then Network. Choose Modem connection and click Properties00:53
void^noname6243: yes. try less aggressive timings in the bios.00:54
enigmata<ztomic>: This is supposed to be the patch for my sound issue.00:54
gunspojaok done00:54
noname6243void^, what do you mean?00:54
gunspojawhat am i doing with the modem properties?00:54
ztomicenigmata: yeah but you have to install alsa from source to patch.00:54
enigmata<zw?tomic> Know ho00:55
enigmata<ztomic> *how?00:55
soundray_gunspoja: on the Modem tab, select /dev/ttyUSB0 as the port -- case does matter00:55
tyronepollerihi I have a problem with emerald working on compiz-fusion. are they compatible?00:56
soundray_gunspoja: with the provider and account data, I can't help you.00:56
enigmata<dtyronepolleri>: Yes, they work hand in han00:56
ztomicenigmata: Im no expert so I can't walk you through it but: Download or install alsa source, apply the patch with #patch -p0 < patch-file-name-here. compile and install.00:56
enigmata<tyronepolleri> Make sure emerald is properly installed.00:56
gunspojaoh ok thanks00:57
gunspojabrb, trying that00:57
tyronepollerienigmata: how should I install it properly?00:57
enigmata<tyronepolleri>Use Synaptic00:57
noname6243void^, ?00:57
tyronepolleriI install it that way00:57
enigmatahttp://gnome-look.org/: and get your themes here: http://gnome-look.org/00:57
Zogwish i had more experience work with this stuff...00:57
vanatteveldtquestion: I am trying to use tuxonice/suspend2 but it fails to hibernate with a 'device or resource busy' error right after trying to activate the sysfs, any ideas?00:58
void^noname6243: eh? you were asking if a number of errors in memtest was a problem - yes it is.00:58
Bonsteris there a way to fix nautilus from crashing every few minutes?00:58
noname6243you said something about timing?00:58
ubotuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:00
void^noname6243: yes, if it's a small number of more or less random errors you might be able to fix it by tuning it down a little in the bios.01:00
belorixdoes anyone know if  sr1913wm HP is 64 bit and weather or not its compatable with ubuntu\01:00
noname6243which would I turn down ?01:00
enigmataNEW REWARD: $2 to anyone who can figure this out for me: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd01:01
aBoundHi everybody how can I get a blinking cursor on my BASH shell?01:01
tyronepollerienigmata: should I have a Themes menu on the Compiz COnfiguration manager window?01:01
robert_anyone ever gotten 'Bad or missing command interpreter' when using the dosemu installed on gutsy?01:01
Zoghow much swape space would be reasonable on a system - 2 gig memory, 500 gig hd?01:01
soundray_belorix: it should be 64 bit.01:02
belorixadn also01:02
belorixi put in the live Cd and the network card doesnt work01:02
kelsinZog: I would say 2gig is plenty01:02
enigmata<tyronepolleri>No, goto terminal, type in "ccsm", enable "Window Decoration", and then refer to Emerald for a theme.01:03
soundray_belorix: what do you get from 'lspci | grep -i ethernet'?01:03
belorixno suer elol01:03
stroyanaBound: You should look for a blinking cursor on your terminal instead of your shell.  If you use gnome-terminal use Edit->Current Profile and set "Cursor blinks" on the "General" tab.01:03
belorixim on windows01:03
Zogand swap are set as logical partitions, not primary?01:04
ConstyXIVdoes gnome have a app like automator in OSX?01:04
belorixi dont want to mes up the mbr cause i dont have a floppy to boot off to repair it01:04
soundray_Zog: it doesn't matter01:04
triplcHow to have "auto-replace as you type" feature in Linux? I am so used to this feature in MsWord and it is quite convenient to use that to enter special character that I cannot type it directly on keyboard... Now I am using BlueFish to enter text and do not know how to enter sepecial character. Do we have a keyboard filter or any settings in BlueFish that have similar fucntion. For example, if I type --- then it convert to an "em" dsah for me/01:04
Zogdoes setting up the partition for /home matter?01:04
tyronepollerienigmata: ok I am in windows decoration how do I enable emerald?01:04
Zogas logical/primary/whatever01:05
soundray_Zog: no01:05
enigmata<tyronepolleri> I guess so if you have it, but I don't have that option01:05
linduxeddmesg printed the bootup output....however what im looking for specifically is a line that FAILED...any fancy dmesg-grep combination?, dmesg|grep fail didnt do the trick....01:06
ztomicenigmata: step 1: #apt-get alsa-source01:06
gunspojasoundray_, when it asks for "phone number", is that the number of the device, or a number it has to dial or something?01:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:07
Donkacan anyone help me with XGL/Compiz i can't seem to get it set up properly01:07
enigmata<ztomic>: OK, I type it into Terminal, and it seems to work, but didn't do anything. Normal?01:08
gunspojaalso, I have no idea what the username and password are, because I never have to enter them in windows :/ it connects automatically without ever asking for username/password01:08
soundray_gunspoja: the number of your data service provider (the modem will dial it)01:08
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gunspojahmm I have no idea what that number is =(01:08
=== Donka is now known as SwitchX
Bonsterhow do u fix nautilus from crash every few minutes?01:08
belorixQuestion: I install ubuntu to dual with Windows media center the install fails can i still get into windows?01:08
gunspojai installed it off a CD in vista and it must have set everything up automatically01:08
ztomicenigmata: open synaptics and enable the source option.01:08
gunspojamaybe theres some way to get all the settings out of the vista app01:09
soundray_gunspoja: you can probably find all of this if you dig in the Windows setup01:09
ztomicrestart synaptics and search for alsa-source01:09
ztomicinstall it01:09
SwitchXcan anyone help me with XGL/Compiz i can't seem to get it set up properly01:09
gunspojayeah i had a look and just managed to find the device's number, but nothing else01:09
soundray_gunspoja: it's also possible that it identifies you by caller ID, so the user/pass is ignored01:09
enigmata<ztomic> I already have the ALSA Base. How do I enable the Source Option?01:10
ztomicenigmata: now I'm searching for the patch in text format... one minute.01:10
gunspojasoundray_, but if you don't fill in user/pass, the "ok" button is disabled01:10
soundray_gunspoja: just put 'gunspoja' in both01:10
ztomicenigmata: settings->repositories01:11
hairulfrhttp://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=2072679446&size=l anyone know what the window decoration is called? I love it, but don't know its name01:13
enigmata<ztomic> Where's the Source Option?01:13
* smartface Lust Before the Maggots Conquest - Arsis on United in Regret 01:13
ztomicenigmata: "source code" change the minus to a check.01:14
zero-1seems like I un installed the font option under Gnome System > Preferences > Font01:14
soldatshairulfr, it looks like the default xfce theme01:14
zero-1what should I install to get it back01:14
ztomicwhere the hell can you download the patch?!01:14
=== toodles is now known as timnik
enigmata<ztomic>Got it.01:14
gunspojastupid thing froze up01:14
hairulfrsoldats: really? Ok, I'll try that, any hint at something similar, just nice and clean and white?01:14
syndr0has anyone had problem with firefox and watching youtube videos?01:15
hairulfrsoldats: An thanks :)01:15
gunspojaso i restarted, now it says there are errors in the root partition >:{01:15
syndr0or problems with flash and firefox?01:15
soundray_gunspoja: don't just restart when you get a freeze01:15
rmorris84ok in here on my iPod01:15
gunspojasoundray_, so what? just leave it forever?01:15
gunspojafreeze as in, sysrq commands dont work either01:15
soundray_gunspoja: hold down Ctrl-Alt-SysRq and type r e i s u b01:15
soldatshairulfr, umm not sure what would be simialr id look at the different desktop themes you have and i believe you may be able to make a custm themes01:16
g06|ini'm running beryl/AIGLX on ubuntu feisty; I'm unable to watch videos however, vlc or mplayer flickrs badly!01:16
=== timnik is now known as toodles
syndr0download 40+ codec?01:16
gunspojayeah i tried those, nothing happened01:16
soldatshairulfr, you might be able to change the colors you want01:16
ztomicenigmata: download the source... gimme a few minutes to work through this patch.01:16
* smartface Higher State Of Consciousness (Radio Edit (Dex & Jonesey)) - Wink on Higher State Of Consciousness '96 Remixes 01:17
soundray_smartface: don't do this please01:17
qt-xpeace :)>-01:17
alecwhIs there a linux math calculation terminal application?01:18
=== bmk789_sleep is now known as bmk789
soundray_gunspoja: can you pastebin the output of 'sudo lsusb -v' for me?01:18
hairulfrsoldats: Yeah, but many themse lock 'em, unfortunately, and never been able to figure out what exactly to change inside the file itself. That's the worst part about having such a customizable desktop: When your HDD crashes, it takes ages figuring out what you had before01:18
soundray_alecwh: bc01:18
DogWaterHi, is there a dreamweaver like application for linux?01:18
zero-1DogWater kompozer01:19
soundray_!who | zero-101:19
ubotuzero-1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:19
giesenlife is so much better in dual-monitor land with nvidia01:19
* giesen curses his ati x130001:19
belorixif the unbut installation fails with dual booting an i still get into my windows poartition01:20
stroyanalecwh: dc or bc or irb can do calculations01:20
soldatshairulfr, yea i know what you mean but when you begin to learn how to config file youll be able to config almost anything. im not too sure about gnome or xfce but xfce usually uses the theme you want. i use enlightenment so im not exactly sure. you could try googleing themes for ubuntu01:20
ztomicenigmata: do you want this to be a deb package when finished?01:20
hairulfrsoldats: But the problem is that there are soooo many to sift through :) But thanks01:21
syndr0whats terminal command to format a partiton to ext3 filesystem?01:21
AndrewBsyndr0: mke2fs -j /dev/device01:21
syndr0where i put fs type01:22
syndr0or it will ask me after that?01:22
enigmata<ztomic>I just want it to work01:22
AndrewBmke2fs makes it ext2, -j makes it ext301:22
soldatshairulfr, ok if i see you on here again i will try to have a beter explanation of it. i will look into it for you and i will try to help you more01:22
qt-xConexant High Definition audio controller.01:22
qt-xlspci -n | grep `lspci | grep -i audio | awk '{print $1}'`   =>>01:22
qt-x00:1b.0 0403: 8086:284b (rev 03)01:22
qt-xoutput jack does not mute internal speakers01:22
qt-xpleas prv me if you know how to solve this problem01:22
AndrewBI think there is an mke.ext3 or something too..01:23
hairulfrsoldats: Don't have too man :) But if you feel like it, thanks a lot :)01:23
interdimensionalI'm trying to force the module usbhid to poll my g5 1000x a second... I can't find any documentation or any means to check the poll events... Can anyone help?01:23
crimsunqt-x: that output is irrelevant.  We need the line _beneath_ that one.01:23
soldatshairulfr, i just havent used xfce or gnome in a while so im not sure exactly what to do01:23
enigmata<ztomic>Call me stupid, but \I can't find a packaged sourse.01:23
ztomicenigmata: after selecting the source code option, restart synaptics. then search  for "alsa-source".01:24
xcstwhere can i get nice themes for ubuntu/01:25
soundray_!pm | belorix01:25
ubotubelorix: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:25
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:25
syndr0HELP..... gedit fstab01:25
syndr0whats the dir01:25
syndr0i fergot01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about g5 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
belorixbelorix>if i dual boot ubuntu with windows media center and the installation fails for ubuntu01:25
belorix<belorix>can i still get into windows through grub?01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mousepoll - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
soundray_syndr0: /etc01:25
Jack_Sparrowsyndr0: etc01:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usbhid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:25
ubotuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto01:25
JeyniefurThe wiki seems horrifically outdated--what's a $100-$200 video card that works 100% with Ubuntu and its 3d desktop environs?01:26
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: probably not be able to get into windows either.01:26
enigmata<ztomic>: Installed.01:26
belorixthats a downful for ubuntu01:26
interdimensionalHeh jeyniefur... My geforce 7600 agp works flawlessly.01:26
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: NOt so much an issue with Ubuntu as windows.01:27
Jeyniefurinterdimensional: Thanks, but I'll need pci x1601:27
belorixtrue there01:27
JeyniefurHehe, sounds like you're horrifically outdated as well :P01:27
ztomicenigmata: #cat /usr/share/doc/alsa-source/README.Debian | less01:27
belorixbut how can i get into windows to recover the MBr01:27
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: Easy enough to get windows to boot back up or fix grub, but usually rquires livecd or super grub repair01:27
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: boot windows cd into recovery mode01:27
belorixi do this how lol01:27
syndr0how come it says my device is mounted but  dont see it01:28
belorixi dont have a windows CD01:28
qt-xthat comand output just that line :D01:28
belorixor recovery CD01:28
qt-xlspci -n | grep `lspci | grep -i audio | awk '{print $1}'` =>>01:28
qt-x00:1b.0 0403: 8086:284b (rev 03)01:28
belorixHP is cheap01:28
interdimensionalbelorix: Have any idea's as to how to force ubuntu to poll my usb lazer mouse 1000x a second... The tutorials are for previous version of ubuntu, which I've tried to map into the new system... With no success.01:28
syndr0i found it01:28
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: Then that is a problem.. How do you reinstall windows01:28
Jack_Sparrowbelorix: You can go to bootdisk.com and get a bootable floppy with fdisk on it01:28
enigmata<ztomic>: Done in Terminal01:28
belorixi ahve no floppy dirce01:29
ConstyXIVhp usually puts their recovery stuff on the HD nowdays01:29
tabberHi, i'm having problems with my ipod shuffle, when i plug it in, it isn't automounted and when I do lsusb, it doesn't show up either :(01:29
ztomicenigmata: I suggest creating a directory in your home folder and extracting the contents there instead of compiling in the /usr/src directory.01:29
ConstyXIVif you wiped out the recovery partition, you're screwed01:29
syndr0how do i use the chmod command to make /media/hd2 777?01:29
syndr0sudo chmod 777 /media/hd2?01:30
soldatssudo chmod 777 /media/hd201:30
ConstyXIVsyndr0: sudo chmod 777 /media/hda2 -r01:30
syndr0-r = ?01:30
ConstyXIVer, -R01:30
qt-xcrimsun i do not understand what you whant i think i need a difrent command01:30
enigmata<ztomic>: New directory created. How do I extract there?01:31
ConstyXIVin other words, do this to any and all files/folders in the directory01:31
crimsunqt-x: yes, you do.  `lspci -nv|grep -a1 040[13]`01:31
ConstyXIVsyndr0: get that?01:32
shadghostone quick question, what is the difference between ubuntu kubuntu edbuntu and xubuntu?01:32
ztomicenigmata: rtfm. cd to your directory and not /usr/src01:32
Jack_Sparrowshadghost: window managers and software packages01:32
wpkubuntu - gnome, kubuntu - KDE, xubuntu - xfce, edubuntu - edu soft installed by default01:32
ztomicenigmata: this is gonna take a while01:32
ztomicand I have to go01:33
Jack_Sparrowztomic: please dont use rt... in here01:33
soldatsshadghost, it really depends on what is installed by default01:33
ztomicJack_Sparrow: it was in amour. dont get yer panties in a wad.01:33
enigmata<ztomic>: bash: rtfm.: command not found01:33
ztomicenigmata: hehe01:34
qt-xSubsystem: 1631:c102 this is that line sorry for my english01:34
Jack_Sparrowztomic: Read the rules..01:34
enigmatawhat's rt?01:34
ztomicthe rules say nothing about "read the friggin manual"01:34
hikenbootgreetings all--when installing ubuntu desktop into a chroot with boostrap I get  dpkg: error process cupsys --configure subprocess post installation script return error exit status 1---any idea how to get around this  problem01:34
soundray_ztomic: will you drop this pointless discussion and behave yourself now please01:35
Jack_Sparrowenigmata: An insult to you01:35
tradervDoes the VMware package enable Ubuntu and another Op. Sys. to run concurrently?01:35
syndr0how do i make a partition in my places to look like a drive?01:35
Jack_Sparrow!ops | ztomic01:35
ubotuztomic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!01:35
crimsunqt-x: you likely need `sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=will`01:36
Qwerty23Hi There, I currently running dual monitors on my pc - using an nvidia 6200 - I was wondering is it possible to run seperate workspaces on seperate screens?01:36
interdimensionalsyndr0: you're being fague?01:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dual - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:36
RAdamsI realize this is a WINE question, but no one in #wine had an answer. Does anyone have ventrilo working in Wine on ubuntu? If you would rather /q me with the answer to not put it in this channel, that's fine01:36
fsckrok can someone help me get a microphone working?01:36
jadson1alguem ai01:36
Jack_SparrowRAdams: try #winehq01:36
crimsunqt-x: you will need to unload snd-hda-intel before using the command that I just gave you.01:36
fsckri got it working on my dads computer with no problem at all but on mine i hear nothing. and its not on mute ;01:36
RAdamsJack_sparrow: I did. #wine and #winehq are the same01:37
syndr0interdimensional, i had two partitions in ntfs, i changed them to ext3. one of the partitions shows up on my desktop and in my places, and it looks like a device01:37
crimsunfsckr: pastebin `amixer`01:37
youlinwhy does openoffice start much slower under linux than windows?01:37
tingI am sorry, but somebody could help me?01:37
interdimensionalsyndro that's your second partition01:37
interdimensionalit's unmounted01:37
syndr0i know that01:37
RAdamsting: don't ask to ask, just ask.01:37
interdimensional:-p mount it01:37
syndr0the others a partiton two01:37
danbhfiveyoulin: it might be because of a preloader01:37
syndr0no its mounted01:37
soundray_youlin: probably because you've activated OOo quickstart in Windows.01:37
hocminis there a preference or utility that can allow me to rotate my screen 90 degrees?  I have a widescreen monitor and I'd like to read some documents easier01:37
soldats!ask | ting01:38
ubotuting: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:38
syndr0it just doesnt look liek a device as the other partition01:38
RAdamshocmin: video card/current driver?01:38
tingmay be this question it is a little bit stupid, so i would to say sorry before to make the question01:38
RAdams!ask | ting01:38
syndr0just ask01:38
interdimensionalscreeny syndr0 :-p01:38
syndr0i have stupid qs and the answer me01:38
danbhfiveyoulin: you can try installing preload01:38
fsckrcrimsun,  http://pastebin.com/m4983a91d01:38
youlinok can preloader/quickstart be done in linux?01:38
tradervCan anyone give me info on  VMwarefor Ubuntu?01:38
hocminRAdams: Nvidia, not sure the exact type.  I'm using the nvidia-glx drivers I'm pretty sure01:38
youlinok will try01:38
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:39
tingthe point is that i am trying to install a appliction and when i reached a point in which it asks me to select the unix platform that i have to install the specific binary01:39
soldats!vmware | traderv01:39
ubotutraderv: please see above01:39
tingbut i cannt recongnaize any of them, i dont know which one is compatible with my Pentium Centrino01:39
tradervubotu mny tnx.01:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mny tnx. - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:39
RAdamsyoulin: the "quickstart" in windows does not preload the app. If your OpenOffice is starting slowly, run ooffice in terminal and see if any errors dump at runtime.01:39
tingthis  is the list  1) Digital UNIX v4.0 (nee OSF/1)                 [ ]01:39
ting 2) HP 700 HPUX v10.0 or v11.0                    [ ]01:39
ting 3) IBM Power PC AIX 4.2                          [ ]01:39
ting 4) SGI IRIX 5.3                                  [ ]01:39
ting 5) SGI IRIX 6.3        R5000                     [ ]01:39
ting 6) SGI IRIX 6.3        R10000                    [ ]01:39
ting 7) Sun OS4.1.x                                   [ ]01:39
ting 8) Sun Solaris 2.4                               [ ]01:40
crimsunfsckr: set 'Analog Source', 'CAPTURE feedback', and 'Shared Mic/Line in' appropriately.01:40
ting 9) UltraSPARC Solaris 2.5.1                      [ ]01:40
danbhfive!paste | ting01:40
Jack_Sparrowting: Stop.. use the pastebin.. thanks01:40
ubotuting: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:40
soldats!enter | ting01:40
ubotuting: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:40
syndr0interdimensional, got aim?01:40
RAdamshocmin: nvidia-xconfig01:40
tingsorry, i will do it the next time01:40
youlinRAdams : already tried - no errors01:40
soldatsok just remember01:40
fsckrcrimsun, i dont mean to sound stupid but i have never set up a mic on ubuntu where do I do that at?  I am at preferences sounds right now01:40
tingthanks very much01:41
interdimensionalcheck pms?01:41
dibblegohow can I change the resolution and refresh rate of the login screen?01:41
soldatsting, mostlikely you have an IBM01:41
hocminRAdams, that didn't do anything but create a new xorg.conf file01:41
stroyanting: That is a lot of old (and high end) unix hardware.  It doesn't seem like that application wants to run on x86 linux.01:41
crimsunfsckr: no, close that.  Use the mixer applet in the upper right corner of the top panel instead.  Right-click the speaker icon, choose open, edit, preferences, and enable the various elements.  Then set them.01:41
soldatsting, what is the make and model of your comp01:42
syndr0i pomed you01:42
ConstyXIVdibblego: same way you do for the regular desktop01:42
tingso, the IBM is the most compatible with my Petium, the application is a little bit old01:42
fsckri just did that01:42
RAdamsyoulin: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9925 <-- try that01:42
soundray_!info openoffice.org-gtk | youlin01:42
ubotuyoulin: openoffice.org-gtk: GTK Integration for OpenOffice.org (Widgets, Dialogs, Quickstarter). In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.3.0-1ubuntu5.3 (gutsy), package size 177 kB, installed size 560 kB01:42
RAdamshocmin: sorry, wrong package. one sec01:42
dibblegoConstyXIV, no, that doesn't change for the login screen01:42
youlindanbhfive : tried searching "preload" in synaptic - nothing there01:42
syndr0interdimensional, i pmed you01:42
interdimensionalmeh, it's "pplsuqbawlz"01:42
Jack_Sparrowdibblego: are you not able to get into ubuntu?01:42
tingI am going to try to install the IBM option, let see what happen01:42
adamonline45For the life of me I can't figure out how to rip a DVD using K3b...  Can anyone help me?01:42
RAdamshocmin: nvidia-settings01:42
hocminRAdams, nvidia-settings?01:42
hocminah ok01:42
tingthanks very much01:43
Jack_Sparrowadamonline45: k9copy01:43
dibblegoJack_Sparrow, I am able to, then adjust my resolution/refresh rate for that user, but the login screen needs changing as well01:43
stroyanting: PowerPC AIX will not run on linux01:43
adamonline45Jack_Sparrow: I'll scope it... ty :)01:43
danbhfiveyoulin: are you sure you have all the sources enabled?01:43
Jack_Sparrowadamonline45: np01:43
hocminRAdams, so this should have the ability to do this, or am I just getting more info to help me find out how to do it?01:43
syndr0interdimensional, aim me "syndr0" its a zero01:43
soundray_youlin: did you get ubotu's line?01:44
fsckrcrimsun, thx i think i got it01:44
tingso, there is not any compatible option with my ubuntu ?01:44
fsckrcrimsun, going to try to use skype now01:44
hocminRAdams, because I don't see anything about being able to rotate my screenn01:44
qt-xshall I restart or something. the problem dose not disappear output jack steel dose not mute speakers01:44
youlinsoundray_ : yes i did - thanks01:45
youlindanbhfive : have now ...trying again01:46
skari made new partitions using gparted, but whenever i try access them, they are referred to as "internal disks" and i need the root password to access them. is there any way to make them available to all users?01:46
stroyanhocmin: You should try xrandr01:46
Peloskar, where did you mount them ?01:46
Peloskar, you just need the correct options in fstab let me check01:47
skarPelo, ah, how do i check the the options in fstab?01:47
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
soundray_youlin: you can just add "ooffice -quickstart -nologo -nodefault" as a startup program in System-Preferences-Session01:47
Peloskar,  sudo gedit /etc/fstab    the mount lines for those partitons should end with      ext3 defaults 0 201:48
enigmata<ztomic>: you still there?01:48
hocminstroyan: thanks, I'll give that a shot01:48
Jack_Sparrowgksudo gedit..?01:48
skarPelo, hmm, one sec, somethings off here...01:48
PeloJack_Sparrow,  don't nickpick01:48
tyronepollerihello I have a problem with compiz it does not work at all and i get Checking for Xgl: not present.01:49
Pelonot tonight anyway01:49
dibblegoit's not possible to adjust the res/refresh rate of the login screen then?01:49
crdlbPelo: it's not a nitpick, running gui apps with sudo is *dangerous*01:49
Pelotyronepolleri,  didyou install xgl ?01:49
infinitycircuittyronepolleri, what kind of graphics card do you have01:49
Pelocrdlb, explain how ?01:49
Jack_SparrowPelo: goodnight...  see ya monday...  I feel the same way.. it has been a long day01:49
ubotuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)01:49
maybeway36well permission problems in your home dir01:49
maybeway36like the old kdesudo package before the update01:49
PeloJack_Sparrow,  g'night , rest well  and ahve a good weekend01:49
adamonline45Jack_Sparrow: It seems to be working! :D Is it normal for it to say it's gonna take 3 hours?01:49
adamonline45oh damn just missed him01:50
youlinsoundray_ : great i will try that01:50
skarPelo, my fstab doesn't seem to show my /dev/sda4 partition, which is an extended partition containing those 'internal' drives01:50
Peloskar, is is being recommended that you use the line  gksu gedit /etc/fstab to open your fstab file , not sudo gedit ....01:50
tyronepolleriPelo: yesI have xgl01:50
tyronepolleriinfinitycircuit: intel integrated lap top card01:50
nathanin order to install ubuntu via pxe booting, do I need to use the alternative disk?01:50
skarPelo, oh, alright one sec01:51
soundray_youlin: it will slow down your login somewhat01:51
nathanit's not working with ubuntu desktop iso01:51
nathanand it does work with ubuntu server iso01:51
qt-xhow do i unload that ?01:51
enigmataSeveas: WTF, I NEEDED ztomic's help.01:51
skarPelo, yeah, it doesn't seem to show my /sda4 partition01:51
Peloskar,  you do not want to mount the extended partiton,  you want to mount the ones inside , and you want to set a mount point there,  standard line will be    /dev/sda? /mont/point ext3 defaults 0 201:51
skarPelo, ahh alright, i see now. thanks01:52
qt-xhow di i unload snd-hda-intel ?01:52
youlinsoundray_ : is this a better alternative to preload or is it the same thing?01:52
soundray_youlin: I think it amounts to the same01:53
skarPelo, what do i put for /mont/point?01:53
Pelo!install | nathan  try in here01:53
ubotunathan  try in here: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:53
enigmataNEW REWARD: $2 to anyone who can figure this out for me: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd01:53
nathana simple yes or no would be much faster I believe01:54
Peloskar,  try  /media/part1  and then in the terminal  do the line  sudo mkdir /media/part1    ,if you have two partiton you need to mount do the other one with part201:54
tyronepolleriWhat can I do to get compiz running I already looked in the forums and nothing works01:54
skarPelo, ah alright, thanks01:54
infinitycircuittyronepolleri, can you pastebin the entire output from running compiz --replace01:54
Pelonathan, I do not know,  those are all the standard instructions for installing a bunch of ways   most of them I am not familiar with01:54
attrezzohello room01:55
Peloskar, part1 and part2 are just names I made up, you may use anything of your choice ,  remember that linux is case sensitive01:55
attrezzoanyone mess around with flickrfs or fuse?01:55
eddyIn power preferences I set my monitor to never turn off when I'm away yet it still does.  I set the same option in screensaver preferences & it doesn't help either, what can I do?01:55
tyronepolleriinfinitycircuit: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47311/01:55
Peloattrezzo,  you'll get more luck with specific quesitons01:56
Peloeddy,  restart X , might help01:56
Peloattrezzo, I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:56
eddyokayyyyy....  is that hard?01:56
huhHow do you connect to a wireless network that uses no encryption?01:56
fabioi have sis 966 and my audio is not working01:56
infinitycircuittyronepolleri, you have an intel 965, don't you01:56
Pelo!hi fabio01:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi fabio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
Pelo!sound | fabio  start here01:57
ubotufabio  start here: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:57
jsheedyhow does everyone else typically handle multple users writing to the same directory on the same system?01:57
dibblegojsheedy, revision control systems01:57
tyronepolleriinfinitycircuit: yes is that bad?01:57
soundray_huh: just leave the key field empty01:57
infinitycircuittyronepolleri, that won't work with the version of compiz fusion in gutsy gibbon.  if you want compiz fusion to work you need to upgrade to the betas of 0.701:57
Pelojsheedy, set permission to the folder for 77701:57
attrezzofusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted01:57
attrezzofusermount: mount failed: Operation not permitted01:57
huhsoundray_, with wireless tools?01:57
enigmataNEW REWARD: $2 to anyone who can figure this out for me: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd01:57
infinitycircuittyronepolleri, which means that you either need to use hardy heron or switch to a different distro that supports the newer versions of compiz fusion01:57
soundray_attrezzo: 'sudo adduser $USER fuse', then logout and in again01:58
Pelo!ntfs-3g | attrezzo01:58
ubotuattrezzo: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions01:58
jsheedywell I know 777 but when I new file was posted by one user, would it not have the user's perms ?01:58
huhattrezzo, sshfs?01:58
jessefollowing this guide : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=110142 I have installed new Nvidia drivers (I'm assuming) however I am still unable to change my resolution as if the default drivers are still installed. I have restarted X with no luck, any ideas?01:58
enigmataNEW REWARD: $2.50 to anyone who can figure this out for me: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd01:58
fabioPelo: my sound card is not working01:58
soundray_huh: configure through System-Administration-Network01:58
fabiois sis96601:58
Pelofabio,  you cna lookup thecard model in this link , see if there is any advice  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:58
soundray_enigmata: www.gnu.org/philosophy/motivation.html01:58
huhsoundray_, you know the commandline?01:58
tyronepolleriinfinitycircuit: what is a distro? and how can I upgrade to the 0.7 betas?01:59
* Pelo is not being very helpfull tonight , use his advice at your own risk01:59
attrezzosoundray_ thanks01:59
soundray_huh: there is no commandline. If you edit /etc/network/interfaces direct, just omit any lines to do with encryption01:59
baz12anyone in here01:59
enigmata<soundray_> Show me some love.01:59
Pc_Darkwhy doesn't it work when I click on the icons on my desktop; it's like frozen02:00
huhCool thanks02:00
Pc_Darkeverything else works02:00
Pelotyronepolleri,  a distro is when someone makes a working linux system with kernel , gui and other apps.  technicaly you could think of windows as a distro of the MS operating system,  but linux distros tend to come fully loaded02:00
Pelotyronepolleri,  when someone make it for distribution that is02:01
* Pelo realy needs a better definition of what a distro is 02:01
sixpenceHeya, trying to get nvidia drivers to work, got nvidia-glx, got nvidia-glx-dev package and changed the line in xorg.conf from nv to nvidia. Still sais "FAiled to initialized Nvidia device" in the Xorg.0.log02:01
soundray_enigmata: beyond me, sorry. (sound in soundray refers to ultrasound imaging)02:02
enigmata<soundray_> NEW REWARD: FREE Pr0n to if you can figure this out for me: http://hg.alsa-project.org/alsa-kernel/rev/958b39f3e8dd02:02
tyronepollerithank you and how can I upgrate to the beta 0.7 version?02:02
Peloenigmata, please don'T do that in here02:02
enigmata<Pelo> Think you could help?02:02
alexfirehi everybody ;)02:03
Pelotyronepolleri, 0.7 beta of what ?02:03
Pc_DarkA 'distro' of linux really means an operating system based on the linux kernel02:03
Peloenigmata,  not realy02:03
enigmataThe last guy who tried to help did something jerky and was asked to leave.02:03
sixpenceHeya, trying to get nvidia drivers to work, got nvidia-glx, got nvidia-glx-dev package and changed the line in xorg.conf from nv to nvidia. Still sais "FAiled to initialized Nvidia device" in the Xorg.0.log02:03
Pc_Darkanyways can someone help me?  my desktop icons do not work, everything else does.02:03
=== USC_Guest is now known as mrvertigo
tyronepolleriPelo: infinitycircuit told me if you want compiz fusion to work you need to upgrade to the betas of 0.702:04
Peloenigmata, state your problem, don't post a link to it , and hope someone knows how to fix it, your other resources also include google and www.ubuntuforums.org , I suggest suearching in the forum first02:04
Pc_DarkAlso, I can't open any folders02:04
Pelotyronepolleri, infinity was not correct, what version of ubuntu are you running atm ?02:04
enigmataNo Sound. I need somebody to help me figure out how to apply the patch.02:04
enigmata<Pelo> The forumn was of little help.02:05
tyronepolleriPelo: 7.1002:05
Peloenigmata, try asking in the #alsa channel02:05
enigmata<pELO>: Cool, man. Thanks.02:05
Pelotyronepolleri,  ok compiz is default in gutsy which is what you have,  you're the one with the intel video card right ?02:05
Pelotyronepolleri,  and xgl not working properly02:06
stroyanenigmata: What kernel are you running?  That is the output of   uname -r02:06
tyronepolleriPelo: yes intel 965 it is in the black list02:07
enigmata<stroyan>, 2.6.22-14-generic02:07
Pelotyronepolleri, in the blacklist ? you blacklisted your video driver ? why ?02:07
stroyanenigmata: That patch doesn't match 2.6.22-14-generic at all.  There is no ad1884_init_verbs[] array in the 2.6.22-14 driver.  There is no ad1884 at all.02:08
tyronepolleriPelo: no I mean it is there by default02:09
enigmata<stroyan> what can I do?02:10
Pelotyronepolleri, as far as I know you should be able to run at least the basic desktop effects with an intel card, mine can handle them and it's a 865,  anything over that is a bit over my head,  you should try asking in #compiz-fusion,   I don't think you will need to install any beta of anything,  but I might be wrong ,  they will be able to tell you02:10
enigmata<stroyan> I'm running ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic with 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller, and need the patch applied to get sound on my Lenovo laptop.02:10
Pelohow many damn floodbots do we need in here ?02:11
stroyanenigmata: That patch doesn't come close to fitting anything before a 2.6.23 kernel.02:11
usrlIs there any program out there that can send an SMS message via console? So that I could use it to notify me of things, such as setting "blahblahcompilecrap && smsdoohickey" to send me a text when my computer finishes a task?02:11
Kalamansihello good morning..im done downloading all the updates and packages..how to copy the packages and updates to another pc?02:11
Kalamansii am using ubuntu 7.10 desktop02:12
enigmata<stroyan> Can you help me find a patch?02:12
Pelousrl,  sendmail ?02:12
baz12ubuntu 6/.06 here... still running ok! lol02:12
BabbleDVD burner doesn't work for burning DVDs... reads DVDs fine... I get "Error writing to disc\nThere was an error writing to the disc:Unhandled error, aborting"02:12
Kalamansibaz12: server?02:12
PeloKalamansi,  I don't think you can do that, the other pc will need to do it's own updating02:12
usrlPelo: I'll look into that02:13
PeloBabble,  try with gnomebaker02:13
huhenigmata, know you dont need a patch02:13
KalamansiPelo: you mean i will download one by one and pc by pc?02:13
enigmata<stroyan> Then why can't I get ANY sound?02:13
huhenigmata, you need the right options passed to the module and perhaps need to compile the latest alsa-driver from the alsa site02:14
stroyanenigmata: If your hardware really needs a kernel with that patch then you need a newer kernel or a major backport.  Do you really know that you need that patch?  Or are you guessing?02:14
PeloKalamansi, I mean each pc will update indiviualy whenyou plug them into thenet,  I don'T thnk there is a way of exporting updates from one pc to the other,  there might be if you kind of created your own mirror of the updates but I think that might be a bit of work02:14
hereurbookshow to get dns domain?02:14
huhenigmata, I have the same chipset02:14
hereurbooksi need free dns domain02:14
BabblePelo, does it do .iso?02:14
PeloBabble,  it burns images02:15
huhenigmata, I upgraded the alsa-driver and edited ...02:15
bqmasseyUbuntu froze.  I turned off power.  Now the partition that mounts at /home no longer works.02:15
enigmata<stroyan> I was told to get a patch... In case you haven't noticed, I don't know wtf.02:15
PeloBabble,  sudo apt-get instal gnomebaker02:15
BabblePelo, i did.. gonna try now02:15
bqmasseyI think it said that the journal could not be found02:15
bqmasseyany ideas?02:15
enigmata<huh>, Help. Please bloody hep.02:15
KalamansiPelo: how to auto update?like when computer start it automatically update (no need to double click or click to update/download packages)02:15
huhenigmata, hold on02:16
Pelobqmassey, the partition no longuer mounts or the partition mounts but cannot be accessed ?02:16
enigmata<huh> sure02:16
[n00b]ShadowScanning DNS! please stand by02:16
quackreinstall the whole package02:16
abadtoothHey I'm looking to upgrade my compiz 0.5.2 on gutsy to the latest version 0.6.1 how do I go about doing this?02:16
huhI got it working but I need to hunt down the file in etc that loads the alsa modules02:16
Randy_WolfHey guys, what program(s) can I use for live video conferencing controlling 3 remote cameras and seperate02:16
huhdrawing a blank on it02:17
PeloKalamansi, menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager,  in the preferences probabaly , you should be able to set  automaticaly update pacakges when available02:17
noiesmohello all I have laptop with crystal eye webcam in kopete the cam works yet in other apps i get /dev/video0 error running gusty kubuntu02:17
ubotuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.02:17
bqmasseyPelo: doesn't mount i guess... ubuntu wont even start up now02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dnsfree - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freedns - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:17
huhenigmata,  http://rafb.net/p/owi0vn28.html02:17
Pelobqmassey, use the live cd to che4kc the info in your /home partiton,  if it is safe you might just wnat to reinstal the os02:17
Babble:-[ WRITE@LBA=20h failed with SK=4h/ASC=08h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error02:17
Babble:-( write failed: Input/output error02:17
abadtoothCan anyone help me upgrade compiz02:17
huhenigmata, that's my /etc/modprobe.d/alias-base02:18
IndyGunFreakabadtooth: why upgrade it, use the version in the repos02:18
danc3abadtooth: could you be a little more vague, please?02:18
PeloBabble,  check in /menu / system / admin / users , see if your user has parmission to write cd, and consider that the drive might be defective02:18
quackreinstall always works well,just a time thing02:18
IndyGunFreakdanc3: lol02:18
quacki know02:18
bqmasseyPelo: ubuntu is installed on another partition.. seperate02:18
huhenigmata, type in that last line and change your model to leveno02:18
KalamansiPelo: how to install .exe file?02:19
Don64hereurbooks: google it free dns02:19
abadtoothdanc3:  I want to upgrade my compiz to 0.6.1 it's current;y 0.5.202:19
quacktry using grub,and boot from an ealier kernal02:19
huhenigmata, I compiled alsa-driver, alsa-lib, alsa-oss, and alsa-utils from source02:19
danc3abadtooth: OK, so what version is in the package manager?02:20
PeloKalamansi, .exe files are generaly for windows applications, they don't work natively on linux,  consider using wine to use them02:20
Pelo!wine | Kalamansi02:20
ubotuKalamansi: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:20
BabblePelo, there is an option for use CD_ROM drives.. don't see anything for writing.. I'm assuming that use is read and write02:20
huhenigmata, you may just want to start with the drivers and see what happens.. I forgot to bookmark the site I got the info from02:20
quackgod,i must not ever give advice after many pints of brown ale02:20
enigmata<huh> How do you do all this?02:20
huhquack, Irish ale?02:20
abadtoothdanc3:  5.202:20
PeloBabble, taht would probably be so , if it is checked , consider that your drive may be borked02:20
quacknewcastle brown ale02:21
kelsinquack: I have some of that at this very moment :)02:21
danc3abadtooth: ok, so why do you feel the need to upgrade it?  What does the newer version offer you that 5.2 does not offer?02:21
BabblePelo, I coulda swore I've written DVDs using this drive in windows.. can't remember though02:21
hereurbookshello guys i have a qustion for everyone02:21
avidal`oh, my sources were out of date02:21
avidal`What's the easiest way to upgrade from 6.04 to 7.10 server?02:21
abadtoothdanc3: because I want to install neewer plugins02:22
enigmataCan I just save your /etc/modprobe.d/alias-base as my own?02:22
PeloBabble,  if it was a long time ago the drive might have gotten dirty on the write head02:22
danc3abadtooth: I don't know then... you'll probably have to compile from source02:22
IndyGunFreak!ask | hereurbooks02:22
ubotuhereurbooks: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:22
PeloBabble,  real the label onteh drive,   burner usualy say so   -rw for some02:22
huhenigmata, you can try it but I doubt it'll work I have a acer laptop02:22
huhenigmata, you said leveno02:22
abadtoothdanc3:  that sucks..02:22
huhenigmata, do what ya want02:22
danc3abadtooth: why?02:22
enigmata<hih>: I changed it to Lenovo...02:23
adamonline45I ripped a DVD with k9copy, but it only plays sound, shows a static image, and when i try to navigate through it, it jumps back to the beginning... Does anyone know what I have to do to get a good rip?  Or is this an .avi codec issue?02:23
abadtoothdanc3:  I've never been able to figure that out02:23
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org02:23
danc3abadtooth: well, sounds like a good time to learn.... or stick with the older version... your choice.02:23
Peloadamonline45, dvd2avi I think will do it02:23
huhenigmata,g ooogle alsa and get latest source code for the drivers02:23
PeloI'm tired folks, good night02:24
adamonline45Pelo: Haha, I just installed k9copy because k3b wasn't ripping 8)  Maybe the third time will be a charm...02:24
abadtoothdanc3:  will it take under 30 minutes...?02:24
huhenigmata, I'd back up the l old module and delete it first.. You'll need the kernel headers02:24
KalamansiPelo : is there any command to type in terminal directly for wine installed?02:24
danc3abadtooth: to compile it?  I would think so, but not certain.02:24
danc3abadtooth: depends on your hardware, largely.02:25
huhenigmata, there's a readme inside the source telling you how to compile02:25
abadtoothdanc3:  top end here...02:25
huhenigmata, What wireless card ya have?02:25
kebhi.  is there a recommended backup software for small businesses ?02:25
avidal`ah, upgrading my sources to gutsy sources and running update/upgrade/dist-upgrade seems to be the trick02:25
benzs_sdumb question perhaps, but can you download and install software while using a live cd?02:26
huhbenzs_s, depends02:26
m1r0with usb stick posible benzs_s :)02:26
huhbenzs_s, if it is precompiled and is a binary with all the libs yeah02:26
benzs_scan you add a repo and download from it for example02:27
enigmata<huh> Intel mobile w/ a partially disfunctional Ubuntu driver02:27
d3MMoNuLguys i really need some help with ubuntu i`m using a automatic DHCP and i cant seem to make ubuntu to work on this connection02:27
huhenigmata, ipw2200 or something?02:27
Don64keb :  I have simple backup02:27
kelsinkeb: there is a ton of software that can be used to backup. Alot of the best ones (imo) are command line oriented, but I would suggest checking out rdiff-backup02:27
m1r0benzs_s: think no02:28
Morgan555anyone know how to get an Mp3 player to be recognized as a drive?02:28
danc3Morgan555: plug it in02:28
kelsinMorgan555: what player?02:28
mneptokkeb: rsync has never failed me02:28
kebthanks Don64 and kelsin i will try them.  i was wondering if there is a "featured" backup like firefox is featured02:28
Morgan555kelsin, iRiver h1002:28
huhMorgan555, if it is usb it is like any other usb storage device02:28
xcsthow do you install icon themes?02:28
enigmata<huh> Intel 3945 w/ restricted driver02:28
danc3d3MMoNuL: how can anyone help you with the information given?02:28
maxoI've got a D-Link DWL-610 pcmcia wireless card, which ubuntu 7.10 detects fine. But whenever I enter the encryption key, the entire system freezes. How do I fix this problem?02:29
IndyGunFreakxcst: what format are the icons in?02:29
Morgan555huh, I plugged it in via the USB but itdid not moun02:29
kelsinMorgan555: I am unfamiliar with that one but I know on my sansa it has an option to put the usb mode either into the windowsmedia player mode or the normal usb drive mode, might need to check it's options02:29
huhenigmata, you might want to see if it is the latest one02:29
huhMorgan555, dmesg | tail -n 50 see if it is recognized02:29
huhMorgan555, find out what device it might be02:29
codeamukis there a fix for the gutsy command line sound issue?02:29
xcstIndyGunFreak, it is in .tar.gz02:30
RootyRootRootWooHI, what is the Ubuntu equivalent to alt+tab to switch between programs?02:30
FlannelRootyRootRootWoo: alt-tab02:30
kebthanks mneptok02:30
benzs_sok so a hypothetical situation: someone wants to retrieve files from their HDD, and they don't have a working OS. So they put a live CD in and find they can't access the ntfs HDD. can those files by accessed withouta dding a repo for ntfs-3g?02:30
huhMorgan555, and try to mount it as root. if you can it is prolly a udev rule or hal that is stopping this02:30
mneptokxcst: is it an icon set from GNOME or GNOME-look?02:30
adamonline45I ripped a DVD with k9copy, but it only plays sound, shows a static image, and when i try to navigate through it, it jumps back to the beginning... Does anyone know what I have to do to get a good rip?  Or is this an .avi codec issue?02:30
d3MMoNuLdanc3 my connection is a Automatic DHCP and on windows it seems to work fine when i boot on ubuntu and make the setting for the connection it doesnt work, i`ve set the setthing to automatic DHCP i`ve added the dns server rebooted the network and cant see to make it work02:30
xcsti downloaded it from gnome-look02:30
danc3benzs_s: you can access NTFS just fine, except for writing, without ntfs-ng02:30
IndyGunFreakxcst: give me a link to it if you don't mind02:30
RootyRootRootWooFlannel: it doesn't work for some reason, any ideas what I've screwed up?02:30
xcstmneptok, i downloaded it from gnome-look02:31
mneptokxcst: drop it on the main Theme prefpanel02:31
benzs_sdanc3: this is a dapper drake live cd :|02:31
benzs_sdanc3: won't access the hdd at all02:31
FlannelRootyRootRootWoo: nope, sorry.02:31
Morgan555when I plug it in, rythmbox pops up but I dont see it anyhwere in there either02:31
enigmata<hih>: done.02:31
xcstmneptok, where is that?02:31
enigmata<huh>: done:02:31
noiesmoanyone help with crystal eye webcam it works in kopete but not xawtv or camorama02:31
danc3benzs_s: just mount the HDD and read files from it02:31
kelsinxcst: you can probably just drag and drop it onto the theme manager window02:31
IndyGunFreakxcst: give me a link to the theme.02:31
mneptokxcst: System > Preferences > Appearance02:31
codeamukwhy don't command line audio players (cplay/mpg321) work on gutsy?02:31
=== MrSIlly is now known as wizo
xcstIndyGunFreak, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=70299&forumpage=202:32
huhenigmata, Well if you get the latest alsa stuff a reboot may get it to work02:32
xcstmneptok, the file format is invalid02:32
mneptokxcst: then you have a corrupted download02:33
benzs_sdanc3: uh, to be honest with you it didn't occur to me htat she may not have mounted it... uh... ok hang on02:33
xcstwait there it is02:33
xcstit worked02:33
RootyRootRootWooI'm tired of gnome, what is an allternative (old graphics card)02:33
* mneptok goes back to sharpening his psychic mind-sword02:34
danc3RootyRootRootWoo: XFCE02:34
benzs_s'unable to mount volume, device is not removable, etc etc etc'02:34
IndyGunFreakRootyRootRootWoo: xfce?.. fluxbox?02:34
kelsinRootyRootRootWoo: just google linux windows managers, xfce and kde are also full desktops but there are a million other windows managers that can be run02:34
FlannelRootyRootRootWoo: If your card can handle gnome, it can handle KDE.  You might try that.  There are  a lot more choices as well, obviously.  Perusing synaptic might be good02:34
xcsthow do you use cairo clock02:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:35
danc3xcst: read the documentation?02:35
RootyRootRootWooThanks all, I'll check them all out.02:35
mneptok!rtfm | danc302:35
ubotudanc3: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.02:35
mneptokdanc3: as is "read the documentation" :)02:35
icerebellumiRooty - WM blows, fluxbox is where its at02:35
BaumerI can't seem to get my recording devices working in ubuntu02:36
danc3mneptok: where did I use any of those terms?02:36
IndyGunFreakmneptok: i think what he said is far different than rtfm02:36
icerebellumiso much prettier02:36
BaumerWhen i do a test sound it gets stuck02:36
codeamukhas anyone been able to get CLI audio players to work in gutsy?02:36
IndyGunFreakthe guy asked a questionj w/ an obvious answer.02:36
danc3exactly, thank you02:36
huhcodeamuk, mocp02:36
codeamukill try that one but still dont understand why cplay/mpg321 wont work02:37
mneptokIndyGunFreak / danc3: you're welcome to discuss this in #ubuntu-ops02:37
danc3mneptok: how's this one:  FOAD02:37
IndyGunFreakmneptok: i could care less, i just think that was being a bit anal.02:37
huhcodeamuk, your sound card recognized and functional?02:37
codeamukaudio works from from gnome but not the cli02:38
huhcodeamuk, try mplayer02:38
huhcodeamuk, see if some apllications need oss02:38
youlinsoundray_ : This works ok - thanks02:38
d3MMoNuLso it seems that i cant use automatic DHCP on ubuntu.02:38
huhcodeamuk, prolly need alsa-oss02:38
mneptokd3MMoNuL: does your connection use authentication? PPPoE?02:38
huhcodeamuk, or tell the applications to use alsa02:39
mneptokd3MMoNuL: you have DSL?02:39
codeamukthx huh, ill try that02:39
d3MMoNuLyah (cable connection)02:39
xcstIndyGunFreak, how do you put clocks on the ryt side of your desktop02:39
mneptokd3MMoNuL: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces02:39
xcstIndyGunFreak, and the other stuff their02:39
huhcodeamuk, that is why there is a alsa-oss02:39
IndyGunFreakxcst: easiest thing is to install gdesklets02:40
IndyGunFreak!gdesklets | xcst02:40
ubotuxcst: gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/02:40
d3MMoNuLmneptok i`m not in ubuntu right now i`m on windows but it seems to scan DCHPdiscover or something and after that it enters in sleeping mode ... :|02:40
xcstk thanks02:40
codeamukalsa-oss didnt fix, was a good idea though02:41
nclifewhat program should I use to be able to open .daa files?02:41
d3MMoNuLtry`d entering manualy the ip,gw,dns server and still doesnt work02:41
mneptokd3MMoNuL: what kind of NIC?02:42
d3MMoNuLNIC stands for ...?02:42
IndyGunFreakNetwork Interface Card02:42
d3MMoNuLon eth002:42
d3MMoNuLit`s a realtek02:42
IndyGunFreakd3MMoNuL: open a terminal and findout what type of eth0 device you have.02:43
IndyGunFreaktype lspci02:43
BaumerHi I can't seem to get my sound input to work at all... When I try the test sound in ubuntu... It getss stuck and the same when I try to record something...02:43
void^nclife: is it just me or did you ask that before, a few days ago? ;)02:43
d3MMoNuLso now back to the reboot part ... :|02:43
huhBaumer, sound card?02:43
xcstIndyGunFreak, how do you use those desklets02:43
IndyGunFreakxcst: applications/accessories/gdesklets02:44
Martin___Are atheros wireless chipsets good? I have a 5212 and it shows up but isn't able to connect...02:44
BaumerOne second02:44
huhMartin___, madifi is great02:45
Martin___huh: how can I install this? is there a package available?02:45
huhMartin___, Well what is installed... dmesg | grep ath02:45
IndyGunFreak!wifi | Martin___02:46
ubotuMartin___: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:46
mograif my machine is on longer than a couple of hours, suddenly sound dies and I can't seem to get it going again (prompting a reboot). any ideas why this would happen?02:46
Baumerhmm I can't seem to find it on the hardware list... I believe its sigmatel or something like that.02:46
huhMarine_, do a ifconfig to see if the device is made02:46
halflife28i'm stumped, grub keeps giving me an error 22, i have all my settings right in menu.lst, but it still keeps giving me the error02:46
Martin___I have the ath_hal restricted drivers installed02:46
Martin___are those different than madwifi?02:47
hairulfrDoes anyone know how to change the Trash and Home folder icons? I can change every other icons except for these two, and it's very annoying, because the default ones are hideous. If noone know the answer, does anyone know where I find the default/original/standard ones etc, so i can just erase and replace them? Cheers people.02:47
huhMartin___, I know that...02:47
giga06you're die02:47
huhMartin___, is a device made for the card? ath0?02:47
darkloshello guys02:47
Bawbatosdumb question - how to i find a complete list of drivers in the 2.6 kernel.02:47
Kalamansihello how to run photoshop cs3 in ubuntu 7.10 desktop?02:47
Martin___huh: yes, it shows ath0, ath0:avah, and wifi0 under ifconfig02:47
huhMartin___, So you need to configure it02:48
Martin___huh: I even have an IP address under ath0:avah02:48
soldatsKalamansi, im not so sure on it but inkscape does almost anything photoshop does02:48
darkloshow i get a working version of air-crack?02:48
huhMartin___, and use wpa_supplicant to access the wireless router02:48
Martin___huh: I even configured the WEP key in the manager02:48
huhMartin___, I can tell you how...02:48
soldatsdarklos, i believe you can get it through synaptic02:48
huhMartin___, you use wep?02:49
thomas__yea you can soldat02:49
Martin___huh: yep02:49
=== thomas__ is now known as illusory
huhMartin___, I use wpa never messed with wep02:49
illusorygood thing too02:49
huhMartin___, sounds like nothing is wrong with the driver02:49
illusorywep can be cracked so quick with air-crack02:50
soldatsillusory, so true02:50
mograif my machine is on longer than a couple of hours, suddenly sound dies and I can't seem to get it going again (prompting a reboot). any ideas why this would happen?02:50
Martin___dunno, I'm trying to help a friend set this up....02:50
[digit]hi, i have an intel 3945 wireless card, using the ipw3945 driver, and i cant get my transfer speeds with it above around 200 kB/s, even on local transfers02:50
huhMartin___, if you can configure your access point to use WPA I can help02:50
meoblast001does anyone know how to convert ogg video to avi?02:50
illusorybye all02:50
soldatsswee yah02:51
soldatssee yah**02:51
huhMartin___, if not look into wireless-tools02:51
jk__mogra: it's just  time thing? you sure?02:52
jk__mogra: you confirmed that by just letting it sit, doing absolutely nothing, and *poof* no sound ?02:52
qt-xdose sombody use ircII ?02:52
Martin___huh: ok, lemme try wireless-tools... lemme grab it and install it first from repo02:53
Flannelqt-x: Most use irssi02:53
[digit]ircII :X02:53
jk__meoblast: ffmpeg02:53
adamonline45Is there a package for dvd2avi02:53
jk__meoblast: i'm not 100% sure it'll do video for ogg actually, but it's a good bet02:53
meoblast001why does Kino cause memory leaks while importing files?02:53
[digit]the speed in network manager says 54 Mb/s, yet i still cant get over 200 KB/s02:54
d3MMoNuL`mneptok seems that in lspci it`s a PCI ethernet card :)02:54
[digit]its so strange02:54
adamonline45meoblast001: The developer probably assigns memory dynamically and forgot to free it after he was done with it...02:54
meoblast001well it acts simmaller to my memory leaks02:55
meoblast001the system slows02:55
meoblast001then it stops functioning02:55
Kalamansisoldats : inkscape ?02:55
meoblast001to the point where only moving the mouse works02:55
adamonline45meoblast001: Ahh, can't help ya with the high-level stuff 8)02:55
soldatsKalamansi, well it really depends on what you want to do, what do you need photoshop for02:56
meoblast001it hasnt slowed this time yet02:56
qt-xhow do i connect to an irc server on port 5050 or 8080 or 80 ?02:56
meoblast001but its taking forever02:56
CondouloI have a question about KDE4. Will it be worth using when it comes out?02:56
d3MMoNuL`IndyGunFreak what`s whit the eth0:avah ...?02:56
Condouloqt-x- what IRC client do you use?02:56
Flannelqt-x: using which program?02:56
Kalamansisoldats : install in ubuntu 7.10 desktop if possible02:57
FlannelCondoulo: Most would say yes I believe.  You'll get a better answer in #kubuntu.02:57
qt-xright now chatzilla02:57
CondouloFlannel- Ah. Ok. :)02:57
Martin___huh: I got madwifi-tools installed02:57
soldatsKalamansi, yes i understand but for what purpose do you NEED photoshop for, if you want to edit raster graphics or edit or create vector graphics02:57
BaumerI get this error when I try to test my recording under the sound settings before it freezes:  Failed to construct test pipeline for 'gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat'02:57
qt-xany program02:57
reportingsjrHow do I restart the screen thing? My resolution is restricted to 800x600 (once again) and I don't have an option for any larger ones.02:58
hairulfrreportingsjr: ctrl + alt + backspace02:58
hairulfrreportingsjr: You may have to manually enter the resolutions in xorg02:59
Kalamansisoldats: creat logo02:59
soldatsreportingsjr, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" is a way to do it in the terminal but if you do it this way you need to read the pagers carefully and use default on most things02:59
Condouloqt-x- I am not 100% sure, but on the preferences for an IRC server you connected to (FIle preferences on Chatzilla I think), there is an option to enter a port number. I am not 100% sure because I don't have Chatzilla extensions installed.02:59
ekim|linuxDoes anyone use adesklets ?02:59
reportingsjrThat did.. nothing, except log me off.02:59
huhluks is cool02:59
hairulfrAnyone know what the the icon for "homefolder" and "desktop" are called?03:00
huhI can hide stuff03:00
ekim|linuxI can't get adesklets to work03:00
ekim|linuxI installed the gutsy package03:00
ekim|linuxand ran adesklets_installer -t and I get an error03:00
ekim|linuxthen with -n and -r03:00
d3MMoNuL`when i restart the network settings at some point finds some DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 but at the end i get no DCHPOFFERS (No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.)03:00
qt-xthis irc client was a fast solution for now but o other computer i have access only on those ports03:00
ekim|linux-t is for Tk -r for Raw terminal and -n for ncurses03:00
onats !vnc03:00
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:00
ekim|linuxbut I keep getting some python tracebacks03:00
adamonline45What's a good codec to use in k9copy for ripping a dvd? And a good bitrate?  I'm a DVD noob 8)03:01
Xaero_Vincentcan freenx be used to access windows apps from linux03:01
d3MMoNuL`mneptok eny ideas? :|03:01
Xaero_Vincentor just the opposite?03:01
soldatsKalamansi, ok well when doing logos its best to do it in a format that lets you resize it to whatever size you want without pixelating the image. so for you i woudl suggest inkscape because it is a vector program specifically for logos and vectors. you may use "the GIMP" as well for logos since it is a very advanced program for photo editing and is simialr to photoshop. the only difference between GIMP and photo shop is photoshop can handle03:02
soldats vectors and GIMP cant. but if you use the gimp and inkscape together you should never need another photo program03:02
elcaseyI'm having trouble with gparted. It scans for devices and never stops, and then I get an error about /dev/fd0 being mounted read-only, but I don't even have a floppy. Any ideas? I just installed a new 750GB HDD and tried to do it manually but...that didn't work out like I thought it would.03:02
Pulshionhi, does anyone know hot to make mplayer work if you have compiz running?03:02
ekim|linuxcompiz shouldn't break mplayer03:02
elcaseynope, mplayer runs fine for me03:02
qt-xso ther is a method that i do not know without connecting  to an ssh server on this port ?03:03
elcaseyPulshion: try removing and reinstalling it03:03
Pulshionit doesnt break it, no video, but sound works03:03
onatsis there anyway i can login/startup an ubuntu pc, remotely?03:03
onatswill it be via vnc?03:03
Pulshionwhen i disable the compiz then everything works fine03:03
vladcHi, what is the tool used to remaster Ubuntu?03:04
Kalamansisoldats : where to get inkscape? thanks03:05
Martin___when I try /etc/init.d/networking restart I get No DHCPOFFERS received for the atheros wifi03:05
d3MMoNuL`so i cant use ubuntu on a DHCP automatic connection right?03:05
soldatsKalamansi, sudo apt-get install inkscape03:05
elcaseyd3MMoNuL`: yes you can03:05
d3MMoNuL`Martin___ i get the exact same thing on my cable connection03:05
mneptokd3MMoNuL`: did you pastebin the file?03:05
ubotugDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness. Homepage is http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/03:06
d3MMoNuL`mneptok i`m on my other computer ...03:06
Martin___me too03:06
=== z9999_ is now known as z9999
d3MMoNuL`my modem is a Thomson TCM42003:06
adamonline45soldats: Did I hear you say the GIMP doesn't support vectors?  Wow maybe that explains the trouble I had with it, hahaha03:07
BaumerOk so i got the recorder to stop getting stuck... but now it doesn't record any sound...03:07
d3MMoNuL`cant understand why in windows everything works fine and when i`m on the ubuntu live cd doesnt work03:07
=== David|V is now known as kraeutermann
Pulshionhi, does anyone know how to make mplayer work if you have compiz running? If i switch video output to x11 it works, but on default xv it doesnt work...is x11 good or bad?03:08
elcaseyd3MMoNuL`: it sounds like you don't have the correct drivers installed for your wifi. this can be a problem with livecd versus local install.03:08
Flanneladamonline45: If you want to do vector stuff, you should check out inkscape.  GIMP is a raster based program.03:08
soldatsadamonline45, yes it very much supports layers but as i recall it does not support vectors inkscape is a far superior program for them. i tend to use gimp in accordace with inkscape for my needs in logos and other designs03:08
ekim|linux│Retrieving data online...                                                                                                                          │03:09
ekim|linux│!!! An error occured during the operation !!!                                                                                                      │03:09
ekim|linux│Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                 │03:09
d3MMoNuL`elcasey so you recomand that i need to install ubuntu in order to have the proper internet connection right?03:09
ekim|linux│Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                 │  File "/usr/bin/adesklets_installer", line 208, in run                                                                                            │03:09
Flannel!paste | ekim|linux03:09
ubotuekim|linux: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:09
Pulshionhi, does anyone know how to make mplayer work if you have compiz running? If i switch video output to x11 it works, but on default xv it doesnt work...is x11 good or bad?03:09
ekim|linux│    self.desklets.run()                                                                                                                            │03:09
soldats!enter | ekim|linux03:09
ubotuekim|linux: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:09
ekim|linux│  File "/usr/bin/adesklets_installer", line 108, in run                                                                                            │03:09
Flannelekim|linux: STOP03:09
ekim|linux│    ).getElementsByTagName('entry')]])                                                                                                             │03:09
BaumerI can get a very very small blip from plugging in the microphone... so it makes me think the volume is extremely low... but in alsa mixer settings i have the volume all the way up03:09
ekim|linux│  File "/usr/bin/adesklets_installer", line 81, in extract_tag03:09
elcaseyd3MMoNuL`: there might be a way to install the drivers for the livecd, but i don't know exactly how03:09
huhd3MMoNuuL`, make your own livecd03:10
elcaseyd3MMoNuL`: look around on the forums03:10
soldatsKalamansi, did you get all the information provided03:10
Pulshionhi, does anyone know how to make mplayer work if you have compiz running? If i switch video output to x11 it works, but on default xv it doesnt work...is x11 good or bad?03:10
ekim|linuxsorry about that guys03:11
huhd3MMoNusubL`, There are plenty of howtos on the subject03:11
ekim|linuxdo any of you guys use adesklets03:11
ekim|linuxI can't get the installer script to work03:11
huhd3MMoNuL`, I made a custom gentoo live cd03:11
d3MMoNuL`huh seems that i cant find the proper one :)03:11
soldatsPulshion, i dont recall any problems with x1103:11
Martin___if I run iwlist scan, I can see the AP, but can't connect via DHCP, could this be an issue with the AP?03:11
jacob_where can i find a opensuse channel?03:11
elcaseyjacob_: have you tried #suse?03:11
Pulshionsoldats, whats is the difference then?03:11
soldatsPulshion, compiz seems to have many problems with that sort of stuff03:11
huhd3MMoNuL`, stuff usually on a livecd is permanent... it is read only03:12
huhd3MMoNuL`, You need to edit it on a hard drive and remaster the image..03:12
Kalamansisoldats : downloading it now.first time tho..what about alternative for dreamweavercs3?03:12
soldatsPulshion, for some reason i see many people having confusion with compiz for video desktop effects and audio codecs, it seems that you may need to do a thurough search for codecs for your needs03:12
chowmeinedWhat is the proper way to setup a firewall policy to load on boot? For example red hat has /etc/sysconfig/iptables and the corresponding init scripts which loads the file on boot03:13
d3MMoNuL`huh have the 7.10 desktop edition but i wanted to see if ubuntu works on my other connection in order to format my windows partition03:13
Pulshionsoldats, if it works with x11 ill just leave it at it03:13
onatskalamansi, pinoy ka no03:13
huhd3MMoNuL`, what card?03:13
d3MMoNuL`huh network or video?03:13
soldatsPulshion, ok03:13
huhd3MMoNuL`, both03:14
huhd3MMoNuL`, you can do text installs... and boot into the installed system03:14
d3MMoNuL`huh networks it`s a Realtek PCI and my video is a Nvidia 660003:14
soldatsKalamansi, are you lookng for a web design program03:14
onatswhich vnc server is best? tightvnc?03:14
craigbass1976Where is php located?  I did a which php, a which php5, and nothing pops up.  Nothing in /usr/bin. Any ideas?03:14
huhd3MMoNuL`, you shouldn't have a problem... But I need to know the chipset of the network adapter03:15
primaryHello: Is there a way to get midi files to play in Ubuntu?03:15
meoblast001how do i convert the OGG files made by isanbul into AVI files?03:15
chowmeinedprimary, timidity03:15
huhd3MMoNuL`, there are some wireless realtek cards that work.. You may need to compile a module03:15
chowmeinedmeoblast001, ffmpeg -i somefile.ogg somefile.avi03:15
huhd3MMoNuL`, if you try a gentoo live cd..03:16
Krumarhey, my computer is renewing it's ip address every 140 seconds on average, is this normal behavior?03:16
chowmeinedKrumar, no03:16
d3MMoNuL`d3MMoNuL` i dont have a wireless ethernet card it`s a PCI card whit a TCP cable :| connected in the back03:16
billydoes anybody know if battlelan or lancraft works with wine and wc3?03:16
huhd3MMoNuL`, drivers are sometimes uptodate and you can prolly see for sure03:16
chowmeinedKrumar, is this wireless?03:16
fabiohello ppl03:16
huhd3MMoNuL`, but dont quote me...03:16
Krumarchowmeined, any idea what it's doing, i'm not wireless03:16
fabioi cant ear sound03:16
huhd3MMoNuL`, you want to make sure a driver exists.. trying various livecds help03:17
fabiomy chipset is SIS966L03:17
BaumerFigured it out... if anyone was trying to help me03:17
soldatsKalamansi, do you need webdveloper program?03:17
billydoes anybody know if battlelan or lancraft works with wine and wc3?03:17
huhd3MMoNuL`, lets you know it works.. then all you need to do is choose the distro03:17
d3MMoNuL`huh i did try my other connection on the same card and it works propely :)03:17
huhd3MMoNuL`, but if you dont want to take a chance and google a lot03:18
fabiowhere i find sound driver for SIS966L for ubuntu??03:18
fabiowhere i find sound driver for SIS966L for ubuntu??03:18
huhd3MMoNuL`, I use madwifi for wireless never let me down03:18
adamonline45Are there any developers here?  I'd like to make a simple game with graphics for KDE, do I need to use the KDE-specific libraries, or if I go for OpenGL will that not be necessary?  What do the KDE libs cover?03:18
primarychowmeined: Alright, I installed timidity, but I don't know how to use it :)03:18
d3MMoNuL`it`s a cable connection :)03:18
fabiowhere i find sound driver for SIS966L for ubuntu??03:18
huhd3MMoNuL`, been doing other things03:18
chowmeinedprimary, open the midi file with it i guess03:19
huhd3MMoNuL`, you should be good03:19
chowmeinedKrumar, hmm.. im not sure03:19
soldatsadamonline45, it depends on what language your using03:19
d3MMoNuL`huh seems i`m not ... :)03:19
huhd3MMoNuL`, drop to a shell and do a lspci03:19
Krumarchowmeined, thanks for your help anyway, this has been perplexing me for a while now03:19
d3MMoNuL`huh did that :)03:19
craigbass1976Krumar, what does tcpdump tell you?03:19
chowmeinedKrumar, anything in the logs under /var/log ?03:19
adamonline45soldats: C++03:20
huhd3MMoNuL`, well chipset google it03:20
billydoes anybody know if battlelan or lancraft works with wine and wc3?03:20
Krumarchowmeined, i found it under the /var/log/daemon.log03:20
fabiomy old motherboard is broken but i have newone its a same model but before the sound work fine and now i cant ear natheng03:20
craigbass1976Krumar, and what is it giving the address out?03:20
Kalamansisoldats: yeah i really need a webdeveloper program03:20
craigbass1976Where is php located?  I did a which php, a which php5, and nothing pops up.  Nothing in /usr/bin. Any ideas?03:20
meoblast001choweined: this new "avi" file is unplayable by totem03:20
fabioany one can help?????03:21
fabiomy old motherboard is broken but i have newone its a same model but before the sound work fine and now i cant ear natheng03:21
d3MMoNuL`huh if i unplugg the cable now and use another connection on the same card that i use now it`s WORKS propely i dont think it`s a driver problem for the Realtek03:21
Krumarchowmeined, it seems to request an address every 140 seconds, "--renewal in 140 seconds"03:21
fabiomy chipset is sis 966l03:21
Martin___I got it working, how do you specify the channel number in /etc/network/interfaces ?03:21
chowmeinedKrumar, is your dhcp server setup really badly?03:21
huhd3MMoNuL`, huh what's the problem?03:21
fabiomy old motherboard is broken but i have newone its a same model but before the sound work fine and now i cant ear natheng03:21
fabiomy old motherboard is broken but i have newone its a same model but before the sound work fine and now i cant ear natheng03:21
Ashfire908craigbass1976, unless you have php-cli, you can't access php from the command line.03:22
Krumarchowmeined, i'm now sure, i'm on a college network, i would hope they know how to set up the DHCP server03:22
huhd3MMoNuL`, trying to multi task03:22
Ashfire908fabio: please don't repeat03:22
d3MMoNuL`huh the driver it`s fine .. but i think it`s this connection03:22
fabioany one here avaliable to help me==??????03:22
killerbeesatemeHello, would anyone be able to help me fix the Network Manager program that fails to upgrade and causes the PC to hang?03:22
huhd3MMoNuL`, okay03:22
craigbass1976Ashex, Ahhh.  That would do it I suppose.03:22
soldatsadamonline45, hmm ok ill look into it, i recall some good apps for it but i usually use python03:22
huhd3MMoNuL`, I'll let ya be then03:22
craigbass1976Ashfire908, Is that the package name?03:22
fabioashfire908: can u help me?03:23
Ashfire908craigbass1976, yep03:23
Ashfire908fabio: no i don't know03:23
Ashfire908!patience | fabio03:23
ubotufabio: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:23
alokinim having trouble installing ubunto on my ppc g503:23
huhI never had a mac03:24
fabioalokin: whats the problem03:24
alokinits gets pass the official yaboot thing but then the screen goes blank03:24
chowmeinedmeoblast001, ffmpeg -i somefile.ogg -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 somefile.avi03:24
Ashfire908fabio: erm sorry meant to give you a different message03:24
fabioashfire908: np03:24
alokini tried the live boot and the live-nosplash boot03:25
alokinhow do i get this to work03:25
huhalokin, is there a alternate install cd?03:25
craigbass1976Ashfire908, Can't install php-cli03:25
fabioalokin: what computer you have03:25
chowmeinedKrumar, well it sounds like the dhcp server is set to renew every 140 seconds...03:25
adamonline45soldats: Oh okay, cool, ty!03:25
Ashfire908craigbass1976, ?03:25
killerbeesatemeHello, would anyone be able to help me fix the Network Manager program that fails to upgrade and causes the PC to hang?03:25
fabioany one can help me with sound?03:25
chowmeinedKrumar, configured to tell your client to renew every 140 seconds*03:25
alokini did not see an alternate cd03:26
alokinim using an imac g503:26
Flannelalokin: Thats PPC, right?03:26
alokinwhat is live video=ofonly?03:26
aloking5 is ppc03:26
r00723r0anyone know any img->dvd burner?03:26
Krumarchowmeined, i say 140 as an average, the numbers are going back a few minutes are 132, 150, 128..03:26
craigbass1976Ashfire908, is there some weird repo that I have to enable?  I've uncommented all in the config file03:26
chowmeinedKrumar, oh hmmm03:26
huhr00723r0, growisofs or k3b03:26
fabioi dont know if ubuntu supports mac archiketure03:26
r00723r0huh, will gnomebaker do it?03:26
reya276can anyone help me?03:26
reya276I installed ubuntu gutsy on my wife's laptop which had feisty installed, but for some reason now it takes ten times as long to boot up than before?03:26
chowmeinedit does03:26
alokinit supports ppc...03:26
lastelement0where can i find chat logs for pidgin?03:27
Ashfire908craigbass1976, lol uh... all the repos are enabled?03:27
huhr00723r0, I hate gnomebaker tried it once and got annoyed03:27
Flannelalokin: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/ubuntu-7.10-alternate-powerpc.iso.torrent from  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/7.10/release/03:27
Krumarchowmeined, sorry i didn't put that out there earlier, but the timing is ramdom, but it seems to hover just over two minutes03:27
r00723r0huh, gnomebaker is great :)03:27
fabio!patiente reya27603:27
alokindo you think i need the alternate?03:27
Ashfire908lastelement0, it's in ~/.purple/03:27
adamonline45And what in the world is Qt?03:27
huhr00723r0, if you say so..03:27
craigbass1976I thought so.  Lemme look again.  I forgot that I got a new computer last month...03:27
Flannelalokin: actually, PPC isn't officilly supported aftr Edgy.03:27
Martin___where can I specify a startup script to run when the computer starts up, not when the user logs in?03:27
r00723r0huh, give it another try :)03:27
chowmeinedmeoblast001, does it work?03:27
Flannel!bum | Martin___03:27
ubotuMartin___: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto03:27
bulmerMartin___-> man update-rc.d03:27
fabioany one can help me with sound?03:27
craigbass1976Ashfire908, yep, they all are03:28
reya276fabio: what does that mean?03:28
TheSohnlymy Broadcom 43xx wireless drivers will not correctly install03:28
meoblastdoes anyone know of a screen recorder that writes a commonly used filetype?03:28
alokinill try that03:28
huhr00723r0, man growisofs if gnomebaker gives you the same results as mine03:28
TheSohnlywhat do you need to know to help me03:28
huhooh broadcom yuck03:28
Flannelmeoblast: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts03:28
Ashfire908craigbass1976, you should NOT enable backports.03:28
TheSohnlyive looked at the wiki03:28
TheSohnlyive read like 4 forum posts03:28
billydoes anybody know if battlelan or lancraft works with wine and wc3?03:28
TheSohnlynothing works03:28
TheSohnlyim of course connected by wire right now03:29
PiciAshfire908: Why is that exactly?03:29
fabioi have problem with sound03:29
TheSohnlybut i cant do that at school03:29
huhTheSohnly, try ndiswrapper03:29
Ashfire908fabio: check the ubuntu forums03:29
TheSohnlytried it03:29
chowmeinedmeoblast, did that work?03:29
meoblastdid what work?03:29
fabioashfire908: is boring03:29
chowmeinedmeoblast, conversion is not an issue.. the command i sent you03:29
huhTheSohnly, when I had your problem I got a dlink and installed madwifi03:30
Ashfire908Pici: because unless you need to get a version that is not tested or want to test something...03:30
TheSohnlyive been reading that for the past hour03:30
killerbeesatemeHello, would anyone be able to help me fix the Network Manager program that fails to upgrade and causes the PC to hang?03:30
soldatsadamonline45, ok i would suggest "KDevelop" for doing what you need for KDE03:30
Ashfire908fabio, too bad.03:30
huhTheSohnly, solved all my troubles03:30
BrantisAnyone available for a little question?03:30
TheSohnlyhuh: i dont understand. I am new to ubuntu and linux in general03:30
PiciAshfire908: backports are tested.  'proposed-*03:30
PiciAshfire908: are 'not so much'03:30
meoblastchowmeined: it "converted" but for some reason... it wasnt readable by anything... just like an OGG.... hmmm03:30
reya276how can I make my swap file bigger?03:30
Ashfire908pici: oh fine03:30
soldatsadamonline45, i have never used it but ive talked to many people and they say it is really good for c++ graphics dev03:30
chowmeinedmeoblast, well ogg should be readable on any linux box.. or by anyone who has VLC .. or ffdshow03:31
huhTheSohnly, I am just telling you I gave up... Found luck with cards that use madwifi03:31
fabioAshfire908: i think i need to install windows again03:31
chowmeinedmeoblast, you tried the second command i gave you?03:31
Ashfire908pici: generaly the normal repos are fine.03:31
meoblastim getting a new screen recorder03:31
chowmeinedmeoblast, ffmpeg -i somefile.ogg -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 somefile.avi03:31
Ashfire908fabio: windows shouldn't have an effect on ubuntu03:31
chowmeinedmeoblast, just try it03:31
meoblastone that writes to direct avi03:31
TheSohnlywell i cant do that03:31
TheSohnlyhuh: i am on a laptop03:31
chowmeinedmeoblast, why? ... the ogg libraries work well.. just convert it03:31
adamonline45soldats: Very well, sounds good to me!  Do you know a good place to meet some of those people?03:31
fabioashfire908: but drives preconfigurateds yes03:31
huhTheSohnly, ouch03:31
TheSohnlyno upgrading/fixing from that03:32
BrantisI just installed ubuntu on a Slave HD with the Primary Removed, once it is restarted I get a message that says that there is no operating system detected03:32
alokin_so in 30 minutes when the download is done, what will i have to do with the alternate CD to install ubuntu which didnt work with the regular cd?03:32
chowmeinedmeoblast, it will work.. it just takes a little tweaking03:32
TheSohnlyhuh: so am i SOL?03:32
huhTheSohnly, I may get chastized for this, but uh I go to www.gentoo.org and click on the forum link and search there03:32
TheSohnlythere has to be a way03:32
huhTheSohnly, I run gentoo on another machine03:33
TheSohnlyforget another version of linux03:33
huhTheSohnly, You need to know what you can apply to ubuntu though03:33
TheSohnlyim having too much trouble with this one03:33
fabioashfire908: im right? if i instal motherboard drives chipset drives on windows the ubuntu detect03:33
soldatsadamonline45, i browse at least 10 to 15 different mssg boards so i am not sure as to exactly which one but ill look into that as soon as i can  and ill let you know, i must assure you that it may take a few days. if your on this channel a lot then if i see you again ill let you know for sure03:33
chowmeinedmeoblast, didyou try that command?03:33
huhTheSohnly, got help from a Fedora forum too03:33
Ashfire908fabio: huh?03:33
Ashfire908fabio: that doesn't make any sence03:34
TheSohnlythanks huh03:34
meoblastim getting recordmydesktop instead03:34
chowmeinedmeoblast, just try it... it will work03:34
billydoes anybody know if hamachi works with wine and wc3?03:34
chowmeinedmeoblast, ok fine03:34
alokin_fabio: how will the alternate cd work as opposed to the regular i downloaded?03:34
huhTheSohnly, just be careful each distro is different03:34
dsnydersHI all.  I want to access my email from several machines.  Is IMAP the right tool?03:34
Krumarbilly, linux has a hamhi client native03:34
killerbeesateme 03:34
billykk thx krumar03:34
r00723r0imap is superior in most every way to pop, dsnyders03:34
adamonline45soldats: Awesome, thank you!  I'm here quite a bit 8)  Talk to ya then! :D03:34
Ashfire908fabio: just check the forums03:34
Krumarbilly, welcome03:35
BrantisHi everyone I have a problem :)03:35
huhIt is all how you use your resources..03:35
alokin_so does i..03:35
fabioashfire908: the motherboard is a same of the  old, its the same model03:35
soldatsadamonline45, cool ill talk to you later unless you need somthing else03:35
PrS1alguém pode me ajudar?!03:35
fabioashfire908: and before work and now not03:35
bazhang!es | PrS103:35
ubotuPrS1: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.03:35
Ashfire908fabio: is the sound card/chip the same03:35
killerbeesatemeHello, can anyone help me with the new Network Manager upgrade?  The package fails to completely upgrade, and hangs the system03:35
Ashfire908fabio: did you set the bios setting to what they were before?03:35
fabioashfire908 its a same model03:35
alokin_so many ppl needing help, so little time03:36
Martin___thanks for the help all, got it working03:36
fabioashfire908 how?03:36
Ashfire908fabio: check the bios settings?03:36
Martin___http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205074     this thread was really helpful03:36
alokin_20 minutes until i have the alternate cd03:36
PrS1bazhang, is pt-br no is es :D~ thanks for all!03:36
adamonline45soldats: I ALWAYS need something else!  hehheh... I'll let you know ;)03:36
dsnydersr00723r0: So it can be set up to retrieve mail from several servers to a central machine, which I'll be able to access with different clients?03:36
hairulfrBug here (Well possibly): Icons for Home folder and Desktop have two names which the system uses: user-desktop.png, fs-gnome-desktop.png, gnome-fs-home.png and user-home.png   - this seems weird and like a mistake. The FS stuff is, as far as i recall something from older versions. this makes it hard for icons-themers... Oh well...03:36
Ashfire908fabio: uh... you don't know how to access the bios setup screen?03:36
fabioyes i know03:36
bazhangPrS1: sorry! :}03:37
user01how do i test to see if tcp and udp is working on certain ports?03:37
fabioashfire908: the blue screen03:37
Flanneldsnyders: IMAP is indeed.03:37
onatshow do i fix my ssh connections s.t.    WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!  does not appear03:37
soldatsadamonline45, cool03:37
bulmeruser01-> lsof03:37
onatsis there a particular mapping that i need to establish to avoid these problems?03:37
fabioashfire908: what i  do there03:37
Ashfire908fabio: yes. the blue screen. the f1 or whatever at boot03:37
huhonats, delete the ~/.ssh/knownhosts03:37
Flanneldsnyders: IMAP server running on that box, with fetchmail or getmail to grab mail from your various places (through POP, IMAP, whatever) to the servers mailbox03:37
huhonats, retry03:38
Ashfire908fabio: make sure the settings are correct?03:38
* Brantis grabs a # and sits down on the couch03:38
fabioi will see03:38
Ashfire908fabio: if all the hardware is the same, then the bios settings must me different03:38
dsnydersFlannel: fetchmail/getmail.   I think that's the piece I'm missing.03:38
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX03:38
onatsok trying..03:38
bazhangBrantis: what's your question?03:38
shredder_Is there a place for ubuntu to download music files?03:38
Flanneldsnyders: One or the other, they both do the same thing more or less.03:38
dsnydersFlannel: OK, great.  Thanks for the pointer.03:39
=== stdin_ is now known as stdin
bazhangshredder_: it's up to you where that is03:39
hairulfrShredder: /home/music?03:39
alokin_when someone has time, i would like help installing03:39
BrantisJust installed Ubuntu on a Slave HD, located on the second IDE slot with the Master HD removed... Once Ubuntu is installed, it does not boot03:39
meoblastim gonna do screen recordings now03:39
MacDrunkhello all03:39
shredder_I dont know any sites to get files03:39
Brantisas a matter of fact it says something to the tune of No OS detected03:39
bazhangBrantis: any error messages?03:40
soldatsBrantis, it is a slave so it weill not boot first in the sequence03:40
Brantisno install goes smooth03:40
Brantisevne with no other hd installed?03:40
bazhangBrantis: grub error?03:40
onatswhen connecting via VNC, do i expect to see exactly the same as if i'm on the remote machine?03:40
hairulfrshredder_: Well, you are supposed to pay for music files, free software doesn't come with a free music license, if that's what yu mean?03:40
hanksimsI have a hideous APT problem. It seems to be broken. Can anyone help?03:40
soldatsBrantis, you should be able top set it to a master hdd03:40
onatsit just shows me a terminal window, which i accidentally closed, and now no longer appears03:40
alokin_sometimes the color is toned down03:40
alokin_otherwise, yes03:40
Flanneldsnyders: And personally I suggest Maildir for your local mailbox format, but that's just me.  There are lots of resources out there for both getmail and procmail.  You should have no problem finding a tutorial sorta thing. But be sure it ask if you are.03:40
BrantisSo, It should be installed as the Master drive, and my XP drive should be set to Slave?03:41
soldatsBrantis, if you want to boot linux first yes03:41
FlannelBrantis: Doesn't matter, as long as GRUB is on the drive that you boot to.03:41
* Brantis is new03:41
BrantisI just want to be able to choose which OS i want to boot to03:41
BrantisLive CD is not cutting it  because of the lack of ram03:42
soldatsBrantis, ahh you need to dual boot03:42
FlannelBrantis: Your BIOS picks a harddrive's MBR to boot to.  GRUB needs to be installed so the BIOS boots to it.  From the sound of it, if you have no other drive in when you installed, your BIOS isn't booting to the slave.03:42
hanksimsEvery time I try to use APT for anything, I get the following error message: file for package `coreutils' is missing final newline03:42
user01bulmer, not nmap ?03:42
bulmeruser01 any tools that will work, i happen to like lsof03:42
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freeman163Brantis, try usin 7.04, it needs only 128 mb or so03:43
xcsti just upgraded to gutsy and some of my avi files wont play, but others play why is it like that?03:43
fabioashfire908: i load optimized settings03:43
freeman163then you can upgrade via web03:43
user01bulmer, lsof -i | grep port?03:43
ubotugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.03:43
Ashfire908fabio, what's that mean?03:43
killerbeesatemeDoes anyone have a second to point me in the right direction of fixing a botched package upgrade?  Network Manager refuses to completely upgrade.  apt can't restart the Network Manager service, which completely hangs the system, with the reset button being the only option to make the system functional again03:43
void^onats: depends, if you use vino (that's what the builtin desktop sharing in ubuntu uses) or x11vnc you get the very same desktop. more commonly you run an independent vnc server, though - higher performance and it persists when you logout.03:43
daedalusbrantis, you might want to download the alternative image and use the text installer03:43
bulmeruser01 lsof -iTCP03:44
fabioashfire908 means i load the normal settings03:44
dsnydersFlannel: I'm going to go with fetchmail, as there is a webmin module for it.  I'll take the maildir format suggestion as well.03:44
onatsvoid, which installations/programs do you suggest?03:44
Ashfire908fabio: and?03:44
fabioand natheng03:44
onatsvoid, i just followed and installed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH03:44
Brantisugh, this is sounding like it is more trouble that I thought...I imagined that just installing it on the drive would be good enough03:44
bro_man<--- Seeking help and/or advise, I have caused a problem in Thunar, (this is on my Xubuntu-feisty backup system, if it matters) . I loaded the supplied drivers only for an external USB HD ... now, when I unmount  the external HD and/or a USB thumbdrive, Thunar says they are unmounted, but they do not disappaer from Thunar and stay lit as well (the power lights on devices stay on, current still running thru them) ... I am very03:44
bro_manconserned about destroying the data and usability of either ... is there some way to diagnose and repair this situation ?03:44
Brantiserr..installing it on a second drive rather03:45
UnNaturalHighdoes anyone here know why hdparm won't let me set parameters?03:45
hanksimsAPT dead: "file for package `coreutils' is missing final newline"03:45
fabiodoes any one knows how to configure sis966l sound?????03:45
BrantisShould I be able to see this other drive through Windows?03:46
xcsti just upgraded to gutsy and some of my avi files wont play, but others play why is it like that?03:46
UnNaturalHighxcst, are you sure you have added the medibuntu repository?03:46
UnNaturalHighand then afterwards all the required codecs?03:46
xcstwhats the medibuntu repo03:46
bazhangxcst: xvid or other?03:46
xcstim using mplayer movie player03:47
xcstavi files03:47
void^onats: depends on what you need - if it's for support/technical assistance, use vino. if you just need to access your desktop from the next room for a moment, use vino. if you want to run azureus in vnc, for example, it's better to use a standalone vnc server. and if you access it over the internet or any unreliable network, use ssh tunneling.03:47
bazhangxcst: I meant the file format03:47
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soldatsadamonline45, if you would like some help with some basic gimp actions you might want to check youtube. a while back i looked there and i found some good tuts on how to do stuff03:47
bazhangxcst: of which there is more than one type03:47
* adamonline45 bows to soldat... "Thank you, again!"03:48
bazhangxcst: try installing a couple of packages (not the repos) from medibuntu and see if that does it03:48
xcstok thanks03:48
bazhangxcst: you know how to install stuff from the terminal?03:48
jarrod_anyone ever hear of a "phases of the moon" app? i have gdesklets and am on my way to check there03:49
killerbeesatemeDoes anyone have a second to point me in the right direction of fixing a botched package upgrade?  Network Manager refuses to completely upgrade.  apt can't restart the Network Manager service, which completely hangs the system, with the reset button being the only option to make the system functional again.  I can't upgrade or install anything without having to reset the pc03:49
bazhangxcst: then you want win32codecs and libdvdcss2; the instructions are on the site how to install those packages (not the repos) via command line03:49
SupaplexI've used debian sid for years, but only dabbled lightly with ubuntu.  Is ubuntu+1 considered your flavor of unstable? or it that testing?  This is all for use in a non-production isolated virtual server (easy to throw away). Thanks.03:50
bazhangxcst: you also want ubuntu-restricted-extras from ubuntu repos03:50
meoblast001apparently there are no screen recorders that record to common formats so how do you convert a .ogg video to a .avi video?03:50
onatsvoid, initially, i'm going to use it to access a server that is right beside me. for future use, i might want to be able to access it outside my network...03:50
onatsvoid, i'm trying to eliminate my KVM switch here03:50
daedricHey guys!! Hardware question. Have here a Asus P4C Deluxe motherboard. Aparently its working fine. It's now with a 2.0 Celeron, and a 300Wmax PSU. This setup works perfectly. Now.. if i put it with a P4 3.0, the motherboard behaves erraticaly. Some times it doesn't boot at all, some times, it boots and starts with "BIOS Checksums" problems.03:51
bazhangSupaplex: that is the next release03:51
geniiSupaplex: unstable03:51
daedricQuestion is... can it be the PSU?03:51
adamonline45Aww, crap, my tooltips in GIMP are white on white... They're also that way in the compiz effects-settings menu... If they're okay in the rest of my applications, what should I look into for fixing it in these situations?03:51
daedricCan it be too unpowerfull?03:51
daedricor do i have a 3.0 defective?03:51
hairulfr killerbeesateme you could probably start ubuntu with a an option to disable networking and network manager, then purge network manager and try again?03:51
bazhangdaedric: unpowerful?03:51
daedricbazhang, i know :D03:52
daedricthe word doesn't exists.03:52
daedricNot powerfull enough.03:52
onatsunderpowered maybe03:52
bulmerkillerbeesateme-> you can not get to the internet?  what kind of connectivity do you have?03:52
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  i ran "sudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove" but it still hangs on doing the update03:52
geniideadlock: It's offtopic for here, but: bent pins? no heat transfer gunk?03:53
daedriconats, english is my second languange. Some times its impossible to use a word existing in my natural language and "translating" it intop English.03:53
xcstbazhang, i installed libdvdcss2, w32codecs03:53
soldatsadamonline45, sounds like you need to use the defaults for compiz and find out a good color scheme to use that works with all applications03:53
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  I'm actually on the system now.  Everything runs fine, unless i do anything upgrade/install wise with apt, then the system hangs03:53
bazhangxcst: how about the ubuntu-restricted-extras?03:53
daedric!! offtopic03:53
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:53
daedricGOing to another chan03:53
daedricbrb :D03:53
void^onats: on your local network you can also do neat things like xdmcp logins that require almost no extra configuration (just have to tick a checkbox on the server side) and work directly from your local login prompt (gdm) or in a nested x server (Xephyr, Xnest)03:54
xcstbazhang, not yet03:54
bulmerkillerbeesateme-> that only removes entries from the init.d so remove entries there03:54
killerbeesatemehairulf:  the system will recognize keystrokes but thats it.  I have to hit the reset button to get the system functioning again03:54
killerbeesatemebulmer: I'm actually on the system now.  Everything runs fine, unless i do anything upgrade/install wise with apt, then the system hangs03:54
bazhangxcst: that should set you up in that regard--easiest way is through synaptic--need to add more repos there03:54
bulmerkillerbeesateme-> if everything is fine, what is  the issue?03:55
hairulfrkillerbeesateme: try sudo apt-get remove [NetworkM] then sudo aptitude remove [NetworkM] and sudo apt-get remove --purge [Netwoek] sudo aptitude pnetwork  - if you can?03:55
killerbeesatemebulmer:  I can't install or upgrade any packages.  I normally wouldn't mind, but doing a reset via the button to install packages is not the greatest way to go03:55
dmb062082flash for 64 bit yet?03:56
hairulfrkillerbeesateme: The horrible things at the end of each command is the package name03:56
IdleOne!flash64 | dmb06208203:56
ubotudmb062082: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:56
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  I'll give it a shot.  hopefully I won't have to do a reset.  be back in a second if I lock up.03:57
xcstbazhang, whats ubuntu-restricted-extras for?03:58
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killerbeesatemehairulfr:  trying to remove NetworkManager, this spits out at me "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. "03:58
meoblast001ok im stuck in a predicament03:58
meoblast001i need a video editor that doesnt crash03:58
hairulfrkillerbeesateme: But didn't crash?03:59
dmb062082it says it is installed but still says i mist grab the additional plugin (flash)03:59
bazhangxcst: mp3 flash, etc03:59
xcstok thanks03:59
soldatsmeoblast001, what editor are you using03:59
FlyingSquirrel32I'm having trouble playing DVD's. I've installed everything I can think of, but no go. (I'm on 64bit)03:59
Dante123hey, how do you get the task manager or ubuntu equivalent to kill a process up?03:59
xcstdo those include dvds?03:59
killerbeesatemehairulfr: it didn't crash, but if I run that command I'm 99% sure I'm going to hang.  It's asking me to configure that package which isn't fully installed...i think at least03:59
meoblast001soldats: Kino03:59
xcstbazhang, do those include dvd?03:59
meoblast001soldats: it crashes my computer03:59
soldatsDante123, huh be more specific03:59
lazarus_lupinekillall <processname>04:00
burepeWhat is a .cdr file and how do I burn it?04:00
bazhangxcst: that would be the libdvdcss2 you installed04:00
meoblast001soldats: after 5 minutes through the process of importing large files04:00
xcstok thanks04:00
soldatsmeoblast001, pitivi video editor04:00
soldatsmeoblast001, goole it04:00
lazarus_lupineDante123, open a terminal and use killall <processname>04:00
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  I ran into this problem a day ago on a debian box, where a config file was missing an option.  I was able to fix that by adding the option, but in this case, I'm not sure what I can do04:00
meoblast001soldats: how do you cut, zoom, and add music in pitivi?04:00
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Dante123is there something akin to ctrl-alt-delete that brings up some kind of task manager gui?04:00
lazarus_lupineyou can look at top if you need to know the name04:00
soldatsmeoblast001, not sure i heard it was recommended for ubuntu04:01
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  there's a thread posted on the forum as well that details what i'm getting while running apt.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3906679#post390667904:01
hairulfrkillerbeesateme: Hmm, well, you could try? I'm sorta at my wits end at this, the only option is might be manually removing every bit of it, but, uhm how to go about removing every bit im not sure.04:01
mattycozehey fellas, does anyone know how to execute .jar files?04:01
xcstbazhang, installing the 3 lib, w32, and ubuntu restricted should almost all media would play?04:01
FlannelDante123: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58834704:01
meoblast001any Pitivi users?04:02
soldatsDante123, if you want to get process ids do "pgrep <app name" in a terminal if you want a system monito do "top" in a terminal04:02
killerbeesatemehairulfr:  I'll give it a shot.  again, if i  hang, i'll be back in a minute04:02
linuxftwanyone know how to instal a mgz 200 vid card..?04:02
ubotuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it04:02
meoblast001dang it i need to reboot.... everythings broke04:02
onatsvoid, i enabled remote access in my server.. how do i connect to it from my local machine?04:02
xcstanyone need help with virtual cd rom04:03
bazhangxcst: if it doesn't then it might be rm rmvb files, which realplayer will do--also available from medibuntu or real.com04:04
adamonline45soldats: Dang, I reset my compiz theme, my KDE colors, and KDE style, and still can't see my gimp tooltips... Any thoughts?04:04
xcstbazhang, mostly i only play, avi, mpg, mp3 etc04:04
bazhangxcst: also ape (monkey audio) are a problem some times04:04
bazhangxcst: then you'll be good to go04:04
xcstthanks a lot bazhang04:05
soldatsadamonline45, thats strange. usually its black text on white bg, what kind of tips do you need04:05
jelousbuddywhat does stupid paki mean? has any of you ever felt any great pain? how was it? !!! was it accident? how bad can it be if i am in a car accident for ex got hit by a train but still alive? or half burnt my entire skin including eyes? how about heart attack / failure?04:05
bazhangxcst: come back when/if you have problems :}04:05
mattycozehey fellas, does anyone know how to execute .jar files?04:06
hairulfrjelousbuddy: Uh, what?04:06
FlyingSquirrel32when I press a button on my laptop, it opens rhythmbox for me. How do I make it open totem instead?04:06
soldatsadamonline45, have you tried to highlight the tool tips04:06
huhmattycoze, java the jar04:06
mtx1at startup i get init: rcS process 2030 killed by signal 11 and rc-default process 2032 killed by signal 11 anyone know how to fix this? i have searched google for hrs with no fix? is there anyway to just recopy the /etc/init.d folder or will that mess everything up?04:06
mattycozeyeah i've tried that - not having much luck, i think thought there was somethign more to it that that04:07
adamonline45soldats: Just the tool-icon info.  I got it! :O  Had to restart GIMP 8)  hehheh...  Now to see what breaks 'em again...04:07
xcstbazhang, i have finished installing but still some wont play04:07
soldatsFlyingSquirrel32, there should be a hot key in the rhythm box config in the gui app you should remove the hotkey and use it for the totem config04:07
mattycozehuh i'll show you the error message i get...04:07
xcstim using mplayer, but in totem they are working04:07
huhmattycoze, what ya trying to run?04:07
soldatsadamonline45, so it works! awesome04:07
mattycozeit's a bluetooth app huh04:08
mattycozeException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Blooover2/jar'04:08
bazhangxcst: which ones? avi?04:08
xcstbazhang, yes04:08
FlyingSquirrel32soldats: No, it's set in System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts04:08
mattycozehuh i got it from this source, but it didn't have much of a how-to section :p http://trifinite.org/trifinite_stuff_bloooverii.html04:08
bazhangxcst: you might want to try a different player then--vlc seems to be the app of choice for hard to play stuff04:09
FlyingSquirrel32soldats: but i don't see a way to run totem04:09
adamonline45soldats: Yup!  Thanks again :)04:09
xcstbazhang, im just wondering coz b4 i installed gutsy they are just working fine04:09
huhmattycoze, Don't know what to tell ya.. I dont have blue tooth04:09
xcstbazhang, i think they myt still work04:09
bazhangxcst: they will, fear not04:10
meoblast001ok im back04:10
Ashfire908is there a easy way to get the diffs for all the packages that can be updated?04:10
bazhangxcst: you just need to get the player that plays the majority of stuff best for you--mplayer might be for most stuff--and vlc for the rest, have to experiment there :}04:10
alokinhuh, im using the alternate cd now for ubuntu PPC for my mac g5, and it did not change anything, the smae problem still occurs.04:10
meoblast001dang it04:11
xcstbazhang, in the mplayer maybe it has something to do with the preferences?04:11
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  well here's what happened.  the command that apt asked me to run went fine.  so, i proceeded with your instructions to apt-get remove network-manager.  it wasn't able to stop the network manager (which shouldn't be running, since i disabled it).  so it failed.  I was still able to run commands under my normal user, however, any sudo commands freeze04:11
soldatsFlyingSquirrel32, when you go to keyboard shortcuts does it ask you to enter a command, if so try to enter "totem" and if that works enter the key controls you want for it04:11
meoblast001i need a screen recorder that writes to AVI... not OGG.... A..... V...... I.....04:11
mattycozeanyone know of a good java chatroom?04:11
ubotuSome programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.04:12
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  this makes absolutely no sense to me.04:12
meoblast001soldats: already checked that link... all swf and ogg04:12
soldats!screencast | meoblast00104:12
ubotumeoblast001: please see above04:12
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: What, sudo is the problem? Like "sudo nautilus" freezes the system?04:12
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: No, that sounds very very strange04:12
soldatsoh soory i dont usually screen cast but im almost positive if you screencast in ogg you can make it into whatever extension you want04:13
super-7alazounehi all04:13
bazhangxcst: could be but I doubt it; try vlc or totem for example04:13
super-7alazouneI am trying to crate a directory04:13
percyI want to get a source code ,eva ,can i do like  this sudo apt-get source eva??04:13
super-7alazouneand I get "permission denied"04:13
soldatshairulfr, gksudo nautilus04:13
super-7alazouneI have no xorg running04:13
super-7alazounehow do I do it?04:13
geniisudo nautilus is *NOT* a good idea04:13
SpeakerManiaWhat is the command to download a file via the terminal?04:13
user01cant seem to get two green arrows on amule04:13
FlannelSpeakerMania: wget04:13
geniiSpeakerMania: wget04:14
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  here's what happens, when i try to apt-get install or apt-get upgrade anything, it keeps trying to fix the network-manager package.04:14
alokinhey can anybody help me fix my ubunto 7.10 ppc on my mac g504:14
super-7alazouneI tried "sudo mkdir ...", but it says not part of sudeors04:14
xcstsome avi play in mplayer but all play in totem04:14
SpeakerManiaFlannel, that's the ticket. I couldn't remember it, thanks. :)04:14
soldatsSpeakerMania, do you want an application or a file from the web04:14
meoblast001anyone know of any AVI screen recorders?04:14
SpeakerManiasoldats, genii, thanks. I got it covered. :)04:14
soldatsSpeakerMania, apt-get for apps and wget for files04:14
mattycozeis there a good bluetooh IRC channel on freenode?04:14
bazhangxcst: good news04:14
soldatsSpeakerMania, ok cool04:14
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  So, when i tried your instructions to remove it, it freezes on trying to stop the Network Manager.  which is the same thing that happens when i upgrade the system04:14
lgcHi. Is there any trick to activate the dictionary on Gutsy or it's just broken?04:14
SpeakerManiagenii, also it is gksudo nautilus is the proper way. :)04:14
alokinhey can anybody help me fix my ubunto 7.10 ppc on my mac g504:14
geniisuper-7alazoune: If this is not the first username that was made when ubuntu was installed make that name a user with admin/sudo rights from a username that DOES have sudo rights04:15
linuxftwcan anyone help me out with wine, and where it's located?04:15
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: Have you tried killing it?04:15
bro_man<-- seeking help, problem #2... OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt.... I am noobish, but somewhat capable (of screwing up syst04:15
bro_manem every 3 monthes). I do not know any commands but I can follow directions... umm... help?04:15
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:15
meoblast001"Ubuntu for example is capable of playing OGG/Theora/Vorbis video out of the box." ..................... yeah right =D *laughs*04:15
geniiSpeakerMania: Yes, gksudo and not gksu04:15
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  after failing at trying to stop the networking manager, thats when sudo becomes worthless.  also networking completely dies04:15
linuxftwwhere is wine located on my harddrive04:15
super-7alazounehow so?04:15
meoblast001Totem kills when i play OGG video04:15
super-7alazounefrom thr CLI04:15
lgcHi. Is there any trick to activate the dictionary on Gutsy or it's just broken?04:16
soldatslinuxftw, "whereis wine" in terminal04:16
soldatsmeoblast001, hmm i wish i knew more about ogg video to help you but i only use ogg audio04:17
xcstbazhang, how do i set totem to be the default player04:17
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  do you know an easy command to check if the network manager service is running?04:17
xcstbazhang, ill use it then since its the one who works with all04:17
meoblast001i only use ogg audio04:17
meoblast001and then they through this whole ogg video at me04:17
meoblast001i like AVI04:17
meoblast001and MOV04:17
meoblast001and MPG04:17
lgcFlannel, you there?04:17
soldatsya i prefer avi04:17
meoblast001why cant they use that?04:17
geniisuper-7alazoune: login with a name that does have sudo. Then edit file /etc/sudoers to add the name you want to have these rights. Examples can be examined by: man sudoers04:17
jiataihello, is the gutsy having a big upgrade now?04:17
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: top then look through the list or in system - preferences - sessions04:17
bazhangxcst: ah, not sure about that as I'm on kubuntu :} perhaps in the settings?04:17
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  I removed it from the init, using "sudo update-rc.d NetworkManager remove" yesterday, and I've done several reboots since then04:17
soldatsmeoblast001, just download the codecs for avi mepg etc04:18
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: Then you could try killing it04:18
xcstbazhang,  thanks04:18
meoblast001the program still wont write to AVI04:18
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  I also don't see it running in the gnome task bar04:18
bro_man<-- seeking help, problem #2... OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt.... I am noobish, but somewhat capable (of screwing up syst04:18
bro_manem every 3 monthes). I do not know any commands but I can follow directions... umm... help?04:18
meoblast001i converted the OGG video and it didnt work04:18
bazhangxcst: I can google if you wish (will google for karma) :}04:18
meoblast001the result wouldnt play04:18
bazhangxcst: just a moment be right back04:19
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: Well, something broke when you updated, that's for sure,, but exactly what I not sure. have you tried asking in #linux?04:19
SpeakerManiaHow do I set a folder to share over my network for access via Windows computer?04:19
mtx1at startup i get init: rcS process 2030 killed by signal 11 and rc-default process 2032 killed by signal 11 anyone know how to fix this? i have searched google for hrs with no fix? is there anyway to just recopy the /etc/init.d folder or will that mess everything up?04:20
soldatsSpeakerMania, right click and do folder share over network04:20
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  no, this was my first stop.04:21
SpeakerManiasoldats, can you be more specific?04:21
hairulfrkillerbeesatem: I'm simply not sure what to do.04:22
killerbeesatem1hairulfr: the thing that drives me nuts, is network manager is not running, so why would apt have a problem, or even try to stop it??  the package is in limbo, and i really wish I could make apt forget pending actions, so that I can just forget about it.  I don't even use the network manager04:22
Ashfire908is there a easy way to get the diffs for all the packages that can be updated?04:22
geniiAshfire908: Not yet but this method of updating is in discussion/development04:23
bro_man<-- seeking help, problem #2... OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt.... I am noobish, but somewhat capable, I do not know any c04:23
bro_manommands but I can follow directions... umm... help?04:23
hairulfrkillerbeesatem_ Yeah, that's where i get stuck too, , and "limbo" is a pretty description, I think :)04:23
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  you don't know how to force apt to forget about packages that aren't in a fully installed state would you?04:23
compwiz18is there an xorg.conf directive that signals a monitor to be widescreen?04:23
maxowhen booting ubuntu, I don't get the splash screen, and if I hit escape, I see the message 'usplash setting mode 1152x864 failed'. How do I fix this?04:23
sobbieevenin' ior morning all04:23
geniiapt-cache policy04:23
maxois there any way of changing usplash's mode?04:24
soldatsSpeakerMania, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_share_folders_the_easy_way read through this it may help also scroll to the top and maybe there will be a more specific way.04:24
sobbieok here is my issue... all new windows that open ... open at about position 0, -10 so that the top bar is off the screen04:24
SpeakerManiasoldats, thanks. :)04:25
Atomic_UEmaxo, did you change the resolution for usplpash?04:25
sobbieps is this the correct channel to be in for this issue04:25
soldatssobbie, i had the same problem i never figured it out04:25
maxoAtomic_UE, no, how can I do that?04:25
sobbieI just did an upgrade to 7.1 could that have cause the isue04:26
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: Nope, I don't, I'm sorry, but I'm actually pretty interested in what it might be, but I simply don't know enough to figure out what i  "means", what happened and how to fix it.04:26
soldatssobbie, the only way i fixed it was to make a new user account04:26
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: You should try #linux, they might know04:26
Atomic_UEGo to Applications > Add/Remove Applications04:26
sobbiesoldats... THANKS!!! :) maybe I will give that a try... although that is kinda a pain04:26
sobbie:) thanks again04:26
hairulfrhairulfr: I just tried google,  and I didn't really find anything04:27
Atomic_UEmaxo, go to Applications > Add/Remove Software, select All Available Applications from the drop down in the top right04:27
soldatssobbie, yea i know but when i upgraded it didnt do that it happened more recently also you might want to try to go to accessories > settings > window manager tweaks04:27
Atomic_UEmaxo, search for and install startup-manager04:28
Ashfire908genii: any non-easy way?04:28
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  I FOUND IT!!! for future reference, if you go to Synaptic, go into the status page, then go to "Not Installed (residual configuration)"  or something like that, then mark it for complete removal, it will actually purge the frickin thing04:28
silentam I the only one who sets their panels up like the windows task bar?04:28
thinsoldierHow do I find out how much free space I have on /04:28
geniiAshfire908: Not that I know of yet04:28
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: The Network Manager setup files? Didn't we try that?!04:28
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: Well, good for you :)04:29
adamonline45soldats: Well, I've determined that changing my KDE color scheme will let me see the tooltips.  When editing my colors,though, I don't see anything relating TO to tooltips... Do you know what I'd have to change?  I presume the color's tied to some other entities color... Oh, I'm in KDE, btw...04:29
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  I couldn't purge it via apt, but synaptic did it04:29
Arceyeis there program that can be used to recover deleted stuff ?04:29
thinsoldierHow do I find out how much free space I have on /04:29
maxoAtomic_UE, ok I'll try that04:29
=== Bawbatos is now known as Bawbatos_Away
adamonline45thinsoldier: df -h04:29
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: Cool and strange, you installed via synaptic, and that godt stuck?04:29
Atomic_UEmaxo, ...i should of asked, Ubuntu actually does start up fine doesn't it?04:29
thinsoldierok, now where to find that in a gui so my grandma can do it?04:29
maxoAtomic_UE, yes, no problem otherwise04:30
silentoh wow, this channel is growing like crazy... gutsy catching on a bit more than previous releases?04:30
bruenigdoes your grandma need to know how much free space she has on /04:30
bruenigsilent, this channel is not as full as it was even after dapper04:30
bazhangxcst: you can right click and choose open with, or check properties and set what it opens with--the real answers will be found at ubuntuguide or ubuntuwiki--a good place to read through to get a feeling of all the things you can do--sorry not to give a better answer04:30
adamonline45thinsoldier: make her a shortcut :P04:30
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  I actually purged it via synaptic.  its got a section for packages that are in limbo.  so I just did a complete removal there.  it managed to stick...04:30
bro_man<-- still seeking help, started this morning... OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: mouse unplugged, after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt....04:30
bro_manI am noobish, but somewhat capable, I do not know any commands but I can follow directions... umm... help?04:30
soldatsadamonline45, im not too familiar with kde since ive never used it but maybe just leave the kde settings the way they are so you can see the tooltips until you are comfortable with them and then change them back, sorry its not a better answer but im not familiar with kde04:30
silentbruenig, really? perhaps that's a good sign.. maybe things are 'just working' now04:30
thinsoldierseriously? there's no other way to check how much free space you have?04:30
bruenigsilent, I think people are switching to pclinuxos04:31
sobbie<thinsoldier> - install baobab04:31
Arceyewhat can I use to recover accidently deleted data ?04:31
thinsoldierI have to install something to see how much free space I have? wtf?04:31
bazhangbruenig: dont believe distrowatch04:31
silentbruenig, never heard of it, I'll look into it... i started out with debian, what base is pclinuxos built on?04:31
Atomic_UEmaxo, cool. So when the Startup-Manager app is installed, run the thing (System > Administration > Startup-Manager) and let me know when you get that far04:31
sobbiewell it might be there04:31
adamonline45soldats: Ooooh, it's workable though :)  I'll ask in #kubuntu... Thanks :)04:31
soldatsthinsoldier, "du" in a terminal04:31
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  i found a thread for not fully installed packages, and someone recommended doing that.  so, it didn't really fix it, but I didn't need the network manager anyway.  I'm just glad my apt works right04:31
daedalusthinsoldier: df -h04:31
bruenigbazhang, I shall believe it04:31
bazhangsilent mandriva04:31
sobbielook under acesssories04:31
bruenigsilent, pclinuxos is like ubuntu but better04:32
thinsoldiersoldats: where is the gui option? why can't we just right click on the drive icon in the side bar or something?04:32
soldatsadamonline45, ok cool that seems better for that situation04:32
adamonline45thinsoldier: Sorry, that's the best I know, I'm in KDE...04:32
Jack_Sparrowthinsoldier: I use thunar file manager and it shows free space on any selected drive..  or where you lookng for cli answer04:32
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: Yeah, it's super frustrating,04:32
Jack_Sparrowthinsoldier: Nautilus is another option04:32
soldatsthinsoldier, you should be able to try to open the system monitor04:32
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  thanks for all your help tonight.  It was driving me nuts...  and now I can finish the thread someone else started with some kind of advice.04:32
thinsoldierand again with the cryptic commands. Someone please tell me what the "DF" stands for?04:32
sobbie<thinsoldier> or go to Places>My Computer04:32
silentbruenig, oh well, I like the ubuntu community, and I have this gutsy install working fine now... Linux is linux imo... there will always be an infinite number of choices, I'll stay with ubuntu04:32
thinsoldierit would be less alien If i understood what the letters were an abbreviation for04:32
sobbiethen right clieck on filesystem... and go to property04:32
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: But good you made it work. Yeah, no problem, didn't really do all that much, you fixed it yourself :)04:32
bruenigsilent, I am just kidding, I don't know how good pclinuxos, I imagine it is probably the same as ubuntu/fedora/opensuse which are pretty much identical04:33
soldatsthinsoldier, "du" in terminal it stands for disk usage04:33
sobbiedf -h is a command at a xterm04:33
thinsoldierthanks sobbie04:33
soldatsthinsoldier, also du -h means human readable04:33
bazhangbruenig: phew04:33
Jack_Sparrowthinsoldier: you can type man df04:33
thinsoldierbeen at it for 10 minutes and didnt see that04:33
bro_man<-- still seeking help, started this morning... OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: mouse unplugged, after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt....04:33
bro_man I do not know any commands but I can follow directions... umm... help?04:34
thinsoldierthanks soldats04:34
Atomic_UEthinsoldier, I would guess df = disk free04:34
soldatsbro_man, what do you need04:34
thinsoldierthis may sound crazy but I'd rather type "disk usage" than "du"04:34
silentbruenig, doesn't fedora push the non-proprietary policy though? I think I remember it not being able to play mp3's default, only ogg...?04:34
thinsoldierits more user friendly to a noob I think04:34
bruenigsilent, not true04:34
soldatsthinsoldier, the bash shell doesnt work that way04:34
crshmanhi all, i installed vmware workstation on my ubuntu box and when i restarted all my fancy compiz went away, i see it's not in the startup list anymore...does anyone know the command to start it?04:34
Atomic_UEthinsoldier, Places > Computer, right click on a thingo and it should say how much is free/used04:34
Jack_Sparrowthinsoldier: man and almost any command will bring up the manual for that command04:34
Ashfire908ok uh i was using xchat, and all of a sudden, the load average for the system raiply climbs and aplay processes lock up and don't play anything and refuse to respond to signal 16 to kill. or a SIGTERM.04:35
bazhangcrshman: you have ccsm installed?04:35
sobbiepro_man... unsintall nvideia driver...04:35
bruenigsilent, well ubuntu can't play mp3's by default, no distro can except the lindows/linspire/mepis's of the world that pay to be able to include them04:35
silentthinsoldier, no, I would much rather type du, it being much easier04:35
killerbeesatem1hairulfr:  hey, i would have never of thought of googling what i did without us going back and forth.04:35
thinsoldier:( 1 gig free04:35
Atomic_UEthinsoldier, also Nautilus should say X Free Space in the status bar04:35
Ashfire908this has happened before. load average is at 58.16 and rising.04:35
bro_mansoldats: I need to use my system without wiping my boot... everything is right there...04:35
crshmanbazhang: i should, i didn't uninstall anything i think some config files just got overwritten04:35
drcodehi all04:35
crshmani'm running gutsy, so it *should* be installed already04:35
bruenigbro_man, you need to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:35
soldatsbro_man, sorry what do you mean by wiping the boot04:35
Atomic_UEmaxo, how's it going?04:36
silentbruenig, true enough, but I like how synaptic works though.. makes installing further software a breeze04:36
bazhangcrshman: alt-f2 compiz --replace04:36
geniiAshfire908: If firefox is open with some Flash animations playing, close it04:36
thinsoldierwell i also needed to know the total capacity04:36
maxoAtomic_UE, ok, yeah I just installed startup-manager, interesting though, it reckons my resolution is set to 640x480 with 8bit at boot04:36
soldatsthinsoldier, in your file manager it should tell you everything04:36
bro_manit's a winduhs termm... to wipe the drive04:36
crshmanawesome, thnx04:36
hairulfrkillerbeesatem1: Cool, well, glad you got it working :) It was quite interesting, never really seen that happen, much else, but not that :P04:36
bruenigsilent, yeah they all have graphical package managers04:37
Atomic_UEmaxo, well that answers my next question04:37
bro_mansobbie ?04:37
soldatsthinsoldier, du -h should tell you everything04:37
drcodeany one know about boot network card?04:37
Flannellgc: What's up?04:37
Atomic_UEmaxo, what size monitor is plugged in?04:37
FunnyLookinHatIs there an equivalent to "defrag" in linux?04:37
silentbruenig, looking at the screenshots, pclinuxos looks like any other kde-based linux with some nice themes04:37
FlannelFunnyLookinHat: ext3 doesn't need it (it does it as it goes)04:37
Atomic_UEmaxo, 15, 17, 19, 21 inch?04:38
FlannelFunnyLookinHat: Or rather, it keeps itself unfragmented, is a better way to put it.04:38
bruenigsilent, ubuntu looks like any other gnome based distro with an ugly brown theme04:38
thinsoldierhow can i force mount an ntfs drive?04:38
Ashfire908genii: no this is not firefox related04:38
sobbiebro_man... thought it said you install driver... then problem happend...04:38
bro_man OS: Ubuntu-feisty, Symptom: after loading OS, gui freezes/locks as soon as mouse/cursor is moved, Suspected Cause: last thing I did before rebooting and discovered reoccuring sympom was use "Add/Remove Applications" and added Nvidia drivers... Present State: mouse unplugged, after OS loaded I pressed alt+cntrl+F3 and I am at a fullscreen terminal prompt....04:38
silentbruenig, ahaha, I never use the default theme04:38
bruenigsilent, I don't know that anyone does04:38
maxoAtomic_UE: it's a laptop 1024x768 lcd screen04:38
bro_mansobbie: yes, correct.04:39
Ashfire908genii: i shut it down. aplay does not respond.  load is 96.04:39
bro_manI do not know any commands but I can follow directions...04:39
SpookyETHow can you make gnome show the contents of windows when they are resized?04:39
soldatsthinsoldier, do "sudo fdisk -l" in a terminal and whatever hdd you want to boot do "sudo mount -a /mount/point"04:39
Atomic_UEmaxo, try setting the resolution to 1024x768 and turn the colour depth to 16 bit04:39
FunnyLookinHatFlannel, sweet, so if I resize the drive it'll probably preserve the data, yeah?04:39
maxoAtomic_UE, ok, I'll try that now. have to reboot tho. brb :-)04:39
bruenig!xconfig | bro_man try this04:39
ubotubro_man try this: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes04:39
Atomic_UEmaxo, no worries :)04:39
mmm3hi... so i just installed 7.10 a couple of days ago on a laptop with no internet connection, and i remember it saying something about updates. Since then i installed wifi-radar and internet works, and i try to use the update manager and it searches for updates but doesn't find any and says i'm up-to-date, even though i am sure i am not. am i stupid?04:40
silentmmm3, you're probably up to date04:40
xcsthow can i make and play a virtual cd rom/04:40
xcsthow can i make and play a virtual cd rom?04:40
mmm3do the download iso's get updated?04:41
silentxcst, mounting an iso?04:41
bazhangxcst: you mean an iso file?04:41
xcstsilent, yep04:41
xcstbazhang, yep04:41
silenterm... I cant remember the filesystem name04:41
daedalusmmm3: no, there will be updates waiting, are you sure you didn't update?04:41
geniiAshfire908: No other immediate ideas come to mind04:41
bro_manbruenig: so the exact command is " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg " (without the quote marks ?04:41
silentxcst, I'll look it up04:41
sobbiexcst - mount -loop something04:41
soldatsbro_man, yes04:42
daedalusmmm3: from the command line, sudo apt-get update04:42
thinsoldierit says my drive is /dev/sda but when i try to mount that it fails04:42
geniiAshfire908: top is showing aplay as most resource hog?04:42
thinsoldiercan't find /dev/sda in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:42
daedalusmmm3: once it's updated then, sudo apt-get upgrade04:42
sobbiebro_man yep that is it04:42
silentxcst, sudo mount file.iso /media/iso/ -t iso9660 -o loop04:42
soldatsthinsoldier, do you want it to mount everytime at boot04:42
Ashfire908genii: one sec04:42
thinsoldierno just this once04:42
thinsoldierexternal drive04:42
silentxcst, if you're not familiar with mount, man mount04:42
sobbiethinsoldier - use part command to find partition04:43
luluhi, I just installed gutsy in my desktop PC, but gdm couldn't be started, I just watched xorg log, and I have 3 errors: 1:Cannot find empty range to map base to, 2:Vesa(0): Cannot read v_bios(3), 3: Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration04:43
lulucan anyone help me?04:43
Ashfire908genii: i just tried restarting alsa.04:43
geniiAshfire908: What IS top resource hog?04:43
soldatsthinsoldier, so if you unplug it and plug it back in it doesnt auto mount04:43
thinsoldierbash: part: command not found04:43
Ashfire908genii: it locks up.04:43
luluI have an ati radeon x70004:43
thinsoldierit wont auto mount cuz its an ntfs and the error message says windows didnt shut down properly (which is hasn't in 3 years)04:43
silentlulu, try a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:44
Ashfire908genii: xorg compiz, gnome-system-monitor, it varies04:44
sobbiesorry cfpart or parted04:44
geniiAshfire908: I would suspect something in compiz.04:44
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html xcst04:44
Ashfire908genii: besides no sound and a load passing 165.23, nothing else says anything is wrong04:45
lulusilent, and which driver should I use?, this is a fresh install04:45
soldatsthinsoldier, i auto mount an ntfs everyday i wonder why it doesnt work you could also add it to the /etc/fstab file and it will mount everytime and if you want to unmount it right click and choose unmount04:45
silentvesa is good for compatibility04:45
silentthough you can try ati04:45
geniiAshfire908: Laptop?04:45
Ashfire908genii: it's at normal resources.04:45
* thinsoldier runs off to buy a hard drive, install windows, boot, plug in external drive, shut down windows properly, restart in ubuntu, mount external drive :( see ya later, thanks04:45
Ashfire908genii: no.04:45
mmm3sudo apt get update fetches 1B in 0 sec reading package lists and then done04:45
meoblast001why doesnt totem play OGG Video?04:46
mmm3doesn't seem to have udated anything04:46
geniiAshfire908: Rules out cpu scaling making it seem like unusually high load then04:46
Ashfire908genii: right now, i just want to kill aplay.04:46
meoblast001or what plugin is required to play it?04:46
soldatsit seems that thinsoldier is impatient and it also seems he doesnt want to learn to use linux04:46
silentmeoblast001, you're missing codecs04:46
sexcopterhi, could anyone recommend me a package for transcoding audio, eg from mp3 to ogg?04:46
silentmeoblast001, just get vlc04:46
test001endru cabul04:46
Ashfire908genii: the issuse appear to be comming from alsa itself.04:46
meoblast001i have vlc04:46
silentthen use it04:46
lulusilent, well, I'm using vesa, I didn't modify anything :S, install app chose vesa04:46
meoblast001VLC dies too04:46
silentlulu, try the reconfigure04:46
geniiAshfire908: sudo kill `ps ax|grep aplay|cut -b1-6`04:46
silentmeoblast001, have you tried to play the video in any other OSes?04:47
Ashfire908genii: the kernel modlue is in the kernel/loaded. no scaling is taking place.04:47
maxoAtomic_UE, no luck, says I passed an undefined video mode. I guess I'll just have to live without pretty splash screens :-(04:47
daedalusmmm3: there won't be any lists to grab if you're up to date04:47
silentmeoblast001, are you sure the file is intact?04:47
daedalusmmm3: did you upgrade too?04:47
Ashfire908genii: no output.04:47
meoblast001silent: i dont know... the recommended Ubuntu ScreenCast programs made these files04:47
Atomic_UEmaxo, an undefined video mode? that's one i ain't heard of04:47
soldatsi really wonder if anyone has ever googled "learn linux" and actually read some web pages. it seems to me that there is a lot of information in those pages. a lot of the problem i see on this channel would be easily described and or fixed if someone were to read up on it04:47
geniiAshfire908: ps ax|grep aplay04:47
silentmmm3, you may have to check your sources in synaptic.. make sure you have repos enabled04:47
Ashfire908genii: 202+ load.04:47
mmm3yes i ran sudo apt-get upgrade04:48
FunnyLookinHatHow can I send resize2fs a size in MB rather than sectors for a partition resize?04:48
Atomic_UEmaxo, try a lower/other resolution04:48
silentsoldats, I learned by diving in... it's been a few years now04:48
geniiAshfire908: Sounds like some memory leak04:48
soldatsreading the dist wiki is another good way to learn how to work the system the way you want to04:48
hairulfr"if you're wondering how he eats and breathes and other science facts...."04:48
maxoAtomic_UE, thanks for the help anyway, I'll fiddle around a bit more, and maybe who knows...04:48
silentmmm3, I'm not really a big fan of upgrades04:48
mmm30 upgraded 0 newly installed04:48
Atomic_UEmaxo, ok04:48
silentmmm3, oh, nvm04:49
Wingless-ArchangI need some help04:49
maxoAtomic_UE, thanks :-)04:49
soldatssilent, yea me too its been a few years but i have also read many many pages on the stuff and have learnt a lot from that04:49
Ashfire908genii: memory is normal. ram and swap04:49
mmm3i installed from a 7.10 cd so i shouldn't need to upgrade?04:49
Atomic_UEmaxo, no worries, cya04:49
silentsoldats, yep04:49
Ashfire908genii: buttload of stuff.04:49
silentmmm3, upgrade is just upgrading packages04:49
silentmmm3, dist-upgrade upgrades the distribution release04:49
mmm3o right...04:50
daedalusmmm3: did you set up a connection and upgrade during the install maybe?04:50
silentmmm3, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:50
sexcopterany suggestions? There must be something out there for converting audio04:50
mmm3it's just wierd because i have a desktop with 7.10 on it since release, and have updated it successfully04:50
geniiAshfire908: I'm out of immediate ideas again, and food has arrived to my door04:50
Ashfire908genii: i tryed to stop alsa. it won't shut down.04:50
hairulfrsexcopter: Just a second, I'll find it for you04:51
ernieI wish to modprobe snd-serial-u16550 and am running into an error message 'No such device'.  Can someone help?  It doesn't seem to be covered at the forums or wiki.04:51
mmm3but this recent install on the laptop hasn't 'updated' anything...04:51
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sexcopterhairulfr: thanks muchly04:51
sobbieWingless-Archang what kinda help?04:51
soldatssexcopter, audacity04:51
silentmeoblast001, it's unlikely that vlc is the problem.... try playing a sample ogg video04:51
Ashfire908genii: i can't stop the stopping of it either04:52
lului tried ati, fglrx, and radeon drivers from repository without luck, do you recommend to use ati's website binary package?, my card is an ati radeon x70004:52
geniiAshfire908: Before I leave to eat, perhaps use the kill -904:52
sobbiesexcopter: lame programs04:52
sexcoptersoldats: ok, i didn't even know it existed for ubutnu, i've used it before for windows, so that's an ideal solution. thanks!04:52
Ashfire908genii: doesn't respond.04:52
geniiAshfire908: Is there some window open in the gui that is nonresponsive?04:52
mmm3is there a way to tell what 'updates' are installed?04:52
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications04:53
hairulfrsexcopter: What do you need to convert, btw :) I forgot the name of that oter program, but depending on what it is you need to convert04:53
seekhey, I can't run "Alfred Teach Yourself Guitar" under Windows XP because Adobe bought Macromedia and now it crashes with Adobe's player.  (This is an Executable, not webbased)  Will crossover or WINE work?04:53
erniethis is for a serial MIDI interface and the only solution I found involved adding a demudi repo to the apt...  didn't seem right04:53
Ashfire908genii: nope.04:53
xcstis vlc a nice player for dvds?04:53
silentmmm3, no idea, things just work on this end... have you looked in the synaptic settings for repositories?04:53
geniiAshfire908:  Ok. Leaving to get nourishment. I hope someone esle will assist04:53
meoblast001silent: so all the other programs involved are the problem04:53
daedalusmmm3: you could check out the log04:53
meoblast001silent: EVERY SINGLE ONE?04:54
sexcopterhairulfr: i have some mp3s and want to convert them to ogg, i see there's a package mp32ogg, but i'm guessing it's very minimal and requires some clever knowledge i don't have! :p04:54
Ashfire908anyone know how to force a process to end?04:54
daedalusmmm3: /var/log/apt/something04:54
ernieI suspect there's a better way than just installing a kernel from a different distro... just to... build a serial interface module?!04:54
soldatssexcopter, cool04:55
lazarus_lupinekillall <processname>04:55
daedalussexcopter: you will loose sound quality going from mp3 to ogg, there really isn't any reason to do this04:55
Ashfire908like destory the process? alsa, aplay, and alsactl do not respond to signal 15 or 6.04:55
silentmeoblast001, I'm not familiar with linux encoding software, but if the video doesnt play in vlc, and doesnt play in totem with the proper codecs installed, then I'm afraid you might have a corrupt file on your hands04:55
ernieI just tried using the devices from a QEMU/Win2k MIDI program... works :)  So I know the hardware's good.  and the port's working... but I need the ALSA driver to use snd_serial_u16550 I think04:55
soldatssilent, true04:55
Atomic_UEAshfire908, if it's got a GUI window you can see, Alt+F2, type/run xkill, click on the evil window04:55
meoblast001silent: how do i get those codecs... which one do i need in synaptic?04:56
ReilithionThe gpsd manual is inscrutible.  How do I figure out how to get it to connect to my GPS device?  I'm connecting through a USB port.  And how do I know once it's connected?04:56
Ashfire908lazarus_lupine: nope.04:56
silenttry to play the file on windows or download a sample ogg video file and see if it plays04:56
soldatsAshfire908, pgrep <appname>       kill <app id>04:56
Ashfire908Atomic_UE: nope it's aplay.04:56
Atomic_UEAshfire908, otherwise System > Administration > System Monitor. Find the program and END it, if END doesn't work, right-click and KILL04:56
reya276Help!!! Can anyone help me solve this eclipse issue, It wont run on Ubuntu Gutsy I have reinstalled it several times checked my Java version and nothing. Can someone take a look at my eclipse error log here: http://www.pastebin.org/1086904:56
hairulfrsexcopter: http://www.perturb.org/display/entry/687/ this is on the mp32ogg, someone made a scrip so it can convert a ton of files :) you can also try audacity (sudo apt-get audacity)04:56
crshmanHey all, for some reason none of the settings that i change in gnome are being saved. I reboot and the resolution drops back to 800x64004:56
hairulfrsexcopter: sudo-apt get install04:57
bullgard4lgc: There are several dictionaries with Gutsy. Which one do you refer to?04:57
soldatsAshfire908, "pgrep aplay"  then do "kill <process id"04:57
\`slushpuppy`\Hi, could anyone help me with GIMP. When i set the dimensions, and press scale, nothing happened04:57
ernieIs there a better channel for kernel module questions?04:57
Ashfire908Atomic_UE: does not respond to either. i've tried that 20 times.04:57
eyemeanfor video ediing which is better and easier pls cinerella or blender?04:57
\`slushpuppy`\I am doing an image scale better04:57
\`slushpuppy`\I am doing an image scale btw*04:57
soldats\`slushpuppy`\, sometimes that happens if your not on the correct layer (if you have layers that is)04:58
Atomic_UEAshfire908, ah a zombie....restart?04:58
bullgard4ernie: I am afraid, there is not. There are channels where kernel develpers communicate but they will not talk to you.04:58
silentvlc includes the codecs in its install for its use... for totem you'll need.... try libtheora004:58
erniebullgard4, :)  OK.  I'll just lurk for awhile... repost... lurk... that OK in here?04:59
exweyemean: Open Movie Editor: http://openmovieeditor.sourceforge.net/HomePage04:59
mmm3there is no 'setting up' or 'updating' of any packages (other than ones i have installed) in /var/log/apt/term.log04:59
xcstsilent, what do you think is the best player for ubuntu? just like wm player for windows04:59
soothsayereyemean: blender is more of a 3d modeling app, what are you trying tod ?04:59
soldats\`slushpuppy`\, also sometimes it may scale an image but it zooms in so you may not notice a difference these are the problem i encountered with gim if those dont work im not too sure about your problem04:59
YurimHi, I want to use bcp (associated with the boost libraries). But some examples from the manpage only work with --boost=/usr/include and the others don't work at all. Is anybody really using bcp?04:59
daedalusmmm3: i'm at a loss...04:59
bullgard4ernie: I do not know the word 'lurk'. Say it in other words, please.04:59
eyemeansoothsayer, trying to edit an engagemtn video for friend05:00
rmajwhy ubuntu is so vulnerable?05:00
silentxcst, windows media player is the second largest piece of crap media player ever made... the first being itunes05:00
bazhangrmaj: its not05:00
erniebullgard4, lurk means to remain silent and only read the other conversations05:00
daedalusrmaj: vulnerable to what?05:00
xcstsilent, i cant play my dvd cd properly in totem05:00
hairulfrsilen: hahaha05:00
silentxcst, rhythmbox for music, vlc for video05:00
soothsayereyemean: if you just need to cut parts out and recompress avidemux is pretty good05:00
matthew_how, i want to use sawfish instead of metacity.  but i try "killall metacity" but it just comes back a second later.. what do I do?05:00
xcstsilent,  ok thanks05:00
rmajbazhang: it is05:00
rmajdeadlock: to: memtest 2000M05:01
bazhangrmaj: please stop05:01
rabiddachshundLong story short, can I have an ati card *and* nvidia on feisty?05:01
eyemeanwat if i want to make snazzy transitions from scene to scene stuff like that, add tetxt etc05:01
silentrabiddachshund, that's worse than dividing by zero05:01
luludo you recommend using ati's website binary to install ati radeon x700 video card?, I just tried ati, radeon, and fglrx driver without luck, they tell me they can't find any screen05:01
Ashfire908soldats: i've given it signal 6, or SIGABRT a core dump signal. using "kill" alone did what i expected. nothing.05:01
mmm3i wish i could remember the message i got during install about updates or something...some file in /etc05:01
soldatsmatthew_, sudo /etc/init.d/metacity stop05:01
silentrabiddachshund, it's probably possible05:01
Dr_willisrabiddachshund,  ive heard of it being done befor.05:02
bullgard4ernie: My advise would be post your module question here. If nobody answers re-post your question after a quarter of an hour and do this again and again until some new aspect of the matter arises.05:02
rabiddachshundI guess I'll just remove one.05:02
rmajdeadlock: did it worked for you?05:02
silentrabiddachshund, good choice05:02
rabiddachshundWhich is supported better, ati x600 or walmart nvidia?05:02
matthew_soldats:  command not found05:02
kelsinmatthew_: sawfish should have a replace command as well, "sawfish --replace" maybe? THen save you're session after. Maybe also you can "killall metacity && sawfish"05:02
Atomic_UEAshfire908, "pgrep aplay"  then do "sudo kill -s 9 <process id>"05:02
soldatsAshfire908, ok well what i meant was pgrep the app name and it will show the process id and then do another command like "kill process id05:02
silentrabiddachshund, always nvidia, but if the ati is more powerful, try it first05:02
erniebullgard4, :)  right, then.  thank you05:02
Ashfire908Atomic: not a zombie. "uninturtible. i've gotten this error before. last time i ended holding the power button after like pressing it a bunch of times and the system failing to shutdown.05:02
matthew_kelsin:  sawfish --replace doesn't work.05:02
YurimNo bcp user around? Too bad. *sigh*05:02
rmajbazhang: install program memtest and run memtest 3000M to prove me wrong. save all open documents first, since ubuntu will crash (well, freez)05:03
soldatsmatthew_, if you run system monitor does it show up if it does then try to end it05:03
matthew_kelsin:  neither does the other suggestion05:03
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kelsinmatthew_: you can also go into the session manager and tell metacity not to restart as well, then kill it, then start sawfish05:03
silentrmaj, who run's memtest within linux?05:03
soldatsmatthew_, if that doesnt work then you will need it to not run on startup05:03
matthew_soldats:  kills it, but it comes back a second later05:03
silent*scratches chin*05:03
Ashfire908atomic: nope.05:03
rmajsilent: guys that write this utlility; or use any program that needs lots of memory05:03
soldatsmatthew_, do what kelsin suiggested05:04
Atomic_UEAshfire908, evil process indeed :S05:04
silentrmaj, memtest86, test all your memory, not just that which isn't occupied by operating programs05:04
soldatssilent, i run memtest8605:04
soldatsonly when i need it05:04
xcsthwo can you make gdesklets work on startup?05:04
rmajsilent: sigh, the goal is that user space application can easy crash system05:04
matthew_soldats, kelsin: that seems to have worked, thanks.05:05
eyemeansoothsayer,  wat if i want to make snazzy transitions from scene to scene stuff like that, add tetxt etc05:05
soldatsxcst, i believe there is a config file for it im not sure05:05
mmm3ahha looks like stuff was commented out in /etc/apt/sources.list by the installer05:05
silentrmaj, it's easy to create programs that will crash a system. Fortunately, that's the opposite of the goal!05:05
bazhangrmaj: you have a support question?05:05
rmajsilent: the goal is to have system that can't be crashed05:06
silentrmaj, not possible05:06
soldatsrmaj, any system can be crashed05:06
bazhangrmaj: take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please05:06
rmajsilent, soldats: right.  crash freebsd05:06
kelsinrmaj: do like OLPC and devise a system where every app is virtualized05:06
rmajbazhang: how to make my ubuntu not vulnerable to this05:06
kelsinrmaj: def not crash proof, but closer05:06
soothsayereyemean: i've never done anything like that in linux, try cinelerra maybe, but i think it only takes dv input05:06
silentrmaj, I could very easily crash bsd, but I'd have to use a hardware hack... I call it the power button05:07
dmb062082flash is all screwed up in 64 bit 7.1005:07
rmajkelsin: fork bomb are really lame attack to which ubuntu should be resistant... its also quite easy to fix05:07
thinsoldierI know that when I delete something on an NTFS Drive it goes to .trashes on the root of that drive. Now, how do I ACTUALLY delete the file from inside of .trashes?05:07
rmajsilent: and can user space application crash entire system?05:07
Ashfire_Serverok who was helping me when my nick was ashfire908?05:08
eyemeansoothsayer, ok thanx05:08
astro76rmaj, from your trolling in #linux you clearly know that this is something inherent in linux perhaps, and not just Ubuntu... so why bother us about it?05:08
soldatsrmaj, run this in a terminal on any *nix based system ":(){ :|: };:"   it will certainly crash it05:08
kill_u_hi all05:08
kelsinwhat does the 64 bit flash package actually do, cause I thought there still wasn't an adobe 64 bit release?05:08
kill_u_is anyone know the download manager for linux which can stop the PC after complete the download05:08
Dr_willisthinsoldier, the file managers normally have a 'delete dont trash' shortcut some how.  or just find the .trash* dir and delete it  (dont move it to the trash) :)05:08
Atomic_UEthinsoldier, Shift+Delete on .Trash05:08
bazhangkill_u_: stop the pc?05:08
thinsoldieri turned on show hidden but still dont see a .trashes05:08
thinsoldierif i go into windows i can see it05:08
kelsinkill_u_: "wget file && sudo reboot" as long as you can sudo the reboot without a password05:09
rmajastro76: bug is in kernel, but some distros fix it a bit by default.. apparently not ubuntu; and yes, poiting out any problem in god blessed linux is basicly trolling05:09
erniekelsin, is that the GNU version maybe?05:09
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, I don't know about helping, but trying to seems more accurate :P05:09
CharlieSuAnyone have a waffles.fm invite?  if so plz PM me. :)05:09
bazhangkill_u_: no idea what that means :}05:09
rmajsoldats: orly>05:09
kill_u_sudo want pass05:09
kill_u_if i sleep at 5 o'clock which will give the pass05:09
Ashfire_Serveratomic_ue: i sent aplay evey core dump signal. then compiz showed pidgin locked up05:09
rmajsoldats: it doesnt crash my other box05:09
t3chignore this text05:09
silentrmaj, I'm sure if you went to the top programmers in the world, hackers, malware writers, I'm sure they'd bring bsd to it's knees by running an application. Nothing is invincible.05:09
soldatsrmaj, no this is a help based channel you shouldnt come here telling people about how it sucks or there is a lot of bugs in it05:09
astro76!bugs | rmaj05:09
uboturmaj: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots05:09
soldatsrmaj, is it *nix based running BASH05:10
kelsinernie: flashplugin-nonfree is available on 64bit in gutsy, which confused me, I guess I should just look at the package05:10
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, do you know what spawnd the aplay command?05:10
thinsoldierrmaj; pay canonical for support and they'll listen to you complain05:10
silentrmaj, regardless, this isn't the place for bsd talk, if you would like to make ubuntu resistant to fork bombs, do it up05:10
shaanhey how can I unarchive a rar file?05:10
bazhangrmaj: please stop05:10
kill_u_bazhang: this means that sudo will want password05:10
rmajsilent: some bsd's are. there are probably high prices, but it can't be broken. common it's not windows, be optimistic05:10
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, and perhaps why aplay is still waiting? I'm assuming for some device05:10
ernieshaan, apt-get unrar or similar05:10
astro76!rar | shaan05:10
ubotushaan: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free05:10
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: i did a gui shutdown. nothing happened. i did ctrl-alt-backspace. xorg reset, the system tryied to shutdown, but failed at stopping a alsa and i held the power button down.05:10
silentrmaj, OSX isn't windows either, but I've seen it crash05:11
silentand it's a bsd derivative05:11
rmajsoldats: yes, my box is immune to forkbomb. your can be to with ulimit (well its harder with it)05:11
silentplease keep on topic05:11
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: xchat spanwed it.05:11
bazhangkill_u_: not sure what you are trying to do05:11
thinsoldieris there a linux IM client that can accept files across msn messenger?05:11
silentthinsoldier, try amsn05:11
soldatsthinsoldier, pidgin05:11
hairulfrthinsoldier: pidgin05:11
rmajsoldats: my question was, is there some clever way to prevent this bug in ubuntu05:11
Ashfire_Serverthinsoldier: pidgin works for me05:11
NaisenuHi. Trying to play a 3gp file from a friend. I added the mediubuntu gusty repository to SPM and installed ffplay. Also have the w32codecs installed. I get video but no audio.05:12
soldatsrmaj, what bug exactly05:12
bazhang!ot | rmaj05:12
uboturmaj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:12
kelsinkill_u_: you could always allow your user to shutdown the system via sudo without password, so that you can script it05:12
sarixehi, i just installed amd catalyst 7.11, configured xorg.conf for composite, and compiz won't work.05:12
rmajsoldats: running program that uses lots of memory freezes the system05:12
kill_u_I try to download file and after that i just want to stop the machine05:12
rmajkill_u_:   wget ..... && shutdown -h now05:12
rmajkill_u_: as root probably05:12
kill_u_this not work05:13
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, kill xchat? but i assume that's already been tried seeing as you've done the ctrl+alt+backspace05:13
soldatsrmaj, if a program uses lots or memory it is due to the developer who designed it not the OS05:13
squarebracketi'm trying to install some brother printer drivers... tried installing, didn't work, so i wanted to remove it and try again, but now i can't get it to remove.05:13
Dr_williskill_u_,  you could always 'suid' the shutdown or halt command. then any user could use them to shut down. :) (not a good idea for security howevber)05:13
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kill_u_as root the file will be changed and cannot be read from users05:13
soldatsrmaj, if its a problem try using a defferent program05:13
hairulfrsquarebracket: Try making it work without driver first, just tell CUPS to find it,05:13
kelsinkill_u_: then do what I said and make it so you can sudo shutdown without a password05:13
rom11I am not able to downlaod sources using svn co05:14
sarixenevermind, compiz.real works *sorta*05:14
kelsinrom11: what error ar eyou getting?05:14
rmajsoldats: you actually belive this nonsense you are saying?   ok, IE6 is as safe as firefox, if crash installs a virus via IE, its the site fault, not the application nor sytem... jesus05:14
rom11it is asking for the password05:14
squarebrackethairulfr: didn't work... i installed it via localhost:631 or whatever, went with whatever driver it thought i should use, and the print test page didn't work....05:15
rmajspeaking of, how stable is Ubuntu's version of ffox3 ?05:15
kelsinrom11: what sources are you talking about?05:15
rom11but I can go through the webbwowser05:15
bazhangrmaj: this is a support channel05:15
rom11then  it do now ask for password05:15
naminemwhat's the command for switching workspaces?05:15
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, the only thing i can suggest for your problem is the Reset button05:15
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, other than that i'm out of ideas05:16
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: already did.05:16
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: had to hold it down.05:16
rom11I am doing practice on embedded systems, so I am downloading from opwnwrt siye05:16
bazhanghi AprilHare05:16
aubade!info webkitgtk05:16
ubotuPackage webkitgtk does not exist in gutsy05:16
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, That sounds like power button05:16
soldatsramon, your talking about a virus not mem usage05:16
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: yes,05:17
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, but still anything that just resets the computer to start it up again is all i can think of05:17
soldatsrmaj, firefox has never crashed for in ubuntu05:17
Atomic_UEAshfire_Server, It happens everytime you run xchat?05:17
rom11hi kelsin05:17
silentstep 1) hold power button for 4 seconds... step 2) ???? ... step 3) Profit05:17
AprilHarei installed a third party application under ubuntu. it does not particularly know anything specific about ubuntu (it installs itself with a shell script) and the only way to run it is via shell script. is there any way to add it to the applications menu, or as a shortcut on the desktop?05:17
rmajhow to resent my ubuntu box?05:17
bazhangrmaj: reset?05:18
hairulfrrmaj: hahah. Make it do naughty things!05:18
rmajdefault kernel dont include sysrq05:18
bazhangrmaj: what is the issue?05:18
silentsystem -> quit05:18
Picirmaj: yes it does.05:18
rmajsilent: mouse cursor do not work05:18
bullgard4http://suspend.sourceforge.net/download.shtml: "In orded to try µswsusp you must run a recent -mm kernel or mainline 2.6.17-rc1." What is an '-mm kernel'?05:18
squarebracketi'm also getting a "package corrupted or improper permissions" dialog from gdebi when trying to use the .deb package that worked before.05:18
rmajPici: orly?  alt+sysrq+b == nothing05:18
bazhangAprilHare: what app?05:18
Picirmaj: it works here fine.05:18
silentrmaj, ctrl+alt+f105:18
silentsudo shutdown -r now05:19
rmajwhat was sequence for sync, unmount, reboot?   and what was for free memory05:19
rmajsilent: switch to VT doesnt work05:19
AprilHarebazhang: mathematica05:19
rom11svn co is not working for me05:19
rmajsilent: caps lock doesnt work,  mouse cursor move once per 3 minutes05:19
rom11it is asking for the password05:19
rmajrom11: whats teh problem?  well give the password05:19
bazhangAprilHare: just a moment--checking05:19
NaisenuHi. Trying to play a 3gp file from a friend. I added the mediubuntu gusty repository to SPM and installed ffplay. Also have the w32codecs installed. I get video but no audio.05:19
jribAprilHare: right click on the ubuntu icon, edit menu05:19
rom11but there is no password05:19
silentrmaj, what are you doing to your box that it can't respond?05:19
rmajNaisenu: try various players;  vlc mplayer kaffeine05:19
soothsayerbullgard4: -mm kernel is a development where new features are often tested before being imported into the main kernel tree05:19
rom11I can browse the files using browser without any pasword05:20
Picirom11: You'll have to take that up with the place you are getting the svn from, theres nothing we can do about it05:20
kelsinrom11: svn co https://svn.openwrt.org/openwrt/tags/kamikaze_7.0905:20
rmajsilent: well I run memtest to test memory, I should be arrested05:20
kelsinrom11: I just ran that and was able to download, don't know what version you're trying but it's not asking me for a password05:20
bullgard4soothsayer: Ah! Thank you for explaining.05:20
kelsinrom11: that command was found on this page: https://dev.openwrt.org/05:20
rmajwhats sysrq to kill memory?05:20
silentrmaj, tried ctrl+alt+backspace?05:20
aicramHello all. How does one instantly and automatically arrange icons on the desktop? Thank you for any help.05:20
rmajsilent: nothig;  with caps lock not working Im not too optimistic05:21
CaptainMorganhow do I kill a process if sudo kill <pid> is not working?05:21
rmajCaptainMorgan: kill -9 it ass05:21
kelsinCaptainMorgan: you can try "sudo kill -9 <pid>"05:21
silentrmaj, press and hold the power button for 4 seconds05:21
rmajsilent: and corrut fs?05:21
silentwhy would it corrupt the fs? are you writing massive amounts of data?05:21
Some_PersonI think my aMSN skin should replace the current default Ubuntu one.05:22
bullgard4soothsayer: Do you know where the letters 'mm' stem from? (So that I can better remember them.)05:22
AprilHareyay many thanks05:22
CaptainMorganthanks rmaj kelsin05:22
bazhangAprilHare: you want to run it from the run command, or add a gui menu item?05:22
rmajsilent: brillian kernel is using hard drive all the time last 20 minues, I think it tries to swap out the kernel code for swapping or somthing equally stupid05:22
kahrytan!language | rmaj05:22
uboturmaj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:22
kelsinCaptainMorgan: -9 is the kill signal, not the ask the proces to stop politely signal :)05:22
rom11hi kelsin05:22
silentrmaj, that's just swap, kill it05:22
AprilHarebazhang: i just added a gui menu item05:22
rom11it i sasking me for password05:22
bazhangAprilHare: good news05:23
rom11is it really need to Sudo05:23
linuxftwanyone know a iso buner for ubuntu ?05:23
kelsinrom11: then you need to write the openwrt people, cause it really has nothing to do with ubuntu if you're running the right command and getting a password. It has to do with their svn server05:23
silentlinuxftw, it's built in, right click the iso05:23
rmajit took just 20 minutes to react to my alt+ctrl+del!  yee heew05:23
linuxftwooh! kk :) yhnx silent05:23
thinsoldierlinuxftw: xacetone iso05:23
bazhanglinuxftw: right click burner05:23
rom11howcome you are able  to dwonload05:23
kelsinrom11: no you don't need to sudo, why are you running sudo, install the code in your home directory and use the commands listed right on dev.openwrt.org05:23
AprilHarermaj: don't use the Lords name in vain. wait until you really stuff things up05:23
soothsayerbullgard4: wikipedia says it was originally used to test memory management code05:24
silentyour lord, not mine05:24
Some_PersonIs there a working repository for Cinelerra on Gutsy?05:24
bullgard4soothsayer: You are really helpful. Thank you very much.05:24
AprilHaresilent: what gave you that impression?05:24
bazhangrmaj: I suspect its a hardware issue05:24
QuickRiderHI ppl05:24
bazhanghi QuickRider05:24
jribAprilHare, silent: lets drop it please05:24
rmajbazhang: no, just kernel sucks05:25
silentjrib, true enough, not even worth debating05:25
rmajkam: oh damn, I said sucks05:25
rmajoh shit I said damn!05:25
kamrmaj: AND ASS05:25
Ashfire_ServerAtomic_UE: sometimes. there seems to be no pattern05:25
kamyou said ass!05:25
kamOH NO05:25
kam*I* said ass!05:25
silentuh oh05:25
RabidWeezleok, I'm running a live disk since my laptop hard drive blew out, is there a way to boot the desktop live disk to a shell only so I can save memory and load mu internet connection sharing? I run out of memory whenever X runs cause it doesn't have enough to download dnsmasq and ipmasq into ram05:25
rmajjrib: ok ok no need to be grave serious?05:25
rmajnow ubuntu lunched 150 KSnapshot applications for me, I am so happy05:26
bazhanghi danker05:26
silenttechnically and ass is just a donkey05:26
jribrmaj, kam: you need to keep the channel family-friendly and, most importantly, on-topic05:26
Dr_willisRabidWeezle,  ya could download the packages to a usb/thumb drive.. I guess. never tried to tweak the live cd that much.05:26
rmaj155, and counting... how to FORCE the shutdown _now_, using mouse only, in kde?05:26
QuickRiderDanker- ASL05:26
RabidWeezleor is there a way to have it mount a flash drive and use it for downloads?05:26
AprilHarehello danker05:27
Dr_willisRabidWeezle,  when it downloads them they go to /var/cache/apt (i think) ya could move them from there to a USB drive05:27
rom11<kelsin> did you get the message "the certificate hostname does not match"05:27
bazhangRabidWeezle: you could do as Dr_willis suggests pendrivelinux dot com has much more on that front05:27
kelsinrom11: no05:27
RabidWeezleDr_willis: is there a file I can edit to change where they are downloaded to?05:27
Dr_willisRabidWeezle,  if you really wanted to go hard-core ya could also put a swap file/partition on a usb drive.05:27
silentrmaj, power button, 4 seconds05:27
silentDr_willis, thats what I'd do05:27
rom11does it require any ssl package to be installed05:27
Dr_willisRabidWeezle,  no idea on there. download them. copy them over.. then ya can isntall with sudo dpkg -i whever.deb05:28
RabidWeezlek, it was hard enough to download ubuntu live disk on a psp at the hotspot lol05:28
Ashfire_Serverrmaj: a click of the power button should shut it down. ctrl-alt-backspace restarts xorg05:28
Dr_willisThe Ubuntu live cd - is a bit lacking in ways compared to other live cd's out there.05:28
RabidWeezleI can probly download the packages using my psp05:28
rmajAshfire_Server: I had to sysrq-b it05:28
silentDr_willis, I dont even download the live cd anymore... alternate ftw05:28
* RabidWeezle gets his psp05:28
kelsinrom11: don't know, if it did then I must have it, seriously goto your home dir and type "mkdir src; cd src" then run the checkout command on dev.openwrt.org and you should be fine05:28
Dr_willisfor a low end system DSL, or PUPPY Linux - are darn nice live cd's05:28
Ashfire_Serverrmaj: that button actually does something?05:29
rmajAshfire_Server: I hit combination... one rebooted05:29
kelsinsilent: same here :)05:29
silentDr_willis, they are meant to be live distros, ubuntu works best on a hard drive05:29
RabidWeezleDr_willis do they do laptops well?05:29
techno-wizWhat is the advantage of the alernate?05:29
rmajand corrupted my FS \o/ hurray for ubuntu, almost secure system...05:29
silentand dsl uses 2.2 or 2.4 kernel with fluxbox and a few tiny apps05:29
Sulo_SeppaHello guys. I am on my wife's laptop currently, which I put ubuntu 7.04 on quite a few months ago. Yesterday however, I decided to open adept package manage and do a distribution upgrade. It got to the point where it was installing packages, then asked to remove some so I chose okay, at which point it crashed. It is usable, but I don't really know what happened or how to continue the process.. I haven't experienced bugs, but I05:29
Sulo_Seppadon't think this is a complete upgrade since it stopped about halfway through. What can I do? I tried updating packages and stuff, but there was nothing to, and it won't let me finish dist upgrade because it says I am on 7.10 now05:29
silentits not even a fair comparison of performance05:29
bullgard4http://suspend.sourceforge.net/download.shtml differentiates between 'Official releases' and 'Latest release' of µswsusp. (I need s2ram.) What is the difference?05:29
icerebellumiSulo_:  have you tried sudo apt-get upgrade?05:30
icerebellumioutside of the package manager?05:30
squarebracketis there a way to initialize a command from a console and not have the console wait for it to finish?05:30
AprilHarepresumably latest releases are unstable05:30
bazhangSulo_Seppa: everything running okay?05:30
icerebellumiI've had synaptic shit the bed on me a few times05:30
soothsayersquarebracket: add a & at the end05:30
RabidWeezlethere's gotta be a way to boot straight to console though on the live cd though right?05:30
silentSulo_Seppa, you may want to try an upgrade -fix05:30
squarebracketsweet, thanks05:30
silenterr fix missing, something like that05:30
Dr_willisRabidWeezle,  they work good on   the laptops ive tried them on05:30
ice9_looking for an alternative to google deskbar search05:30
ice9_anyone know of one05:31
silentice9_, www.google.com works pretty well05:31
bazhangice9_: tracker?05:31
ice9_no for index searching on your system05:31
ice9_internal searching05:31
jribice9_: tracker and beagle seem to be the popular ones05:32
ice9_k thx05:32
* genii slips in and sips a coffee05:32
silentok guys, I'm gonna fork bomb my laptop05:32
Sulo_Seppasilent: you mean apt-get upgrade -fix?05:32
silentbrb, maybe05:32
silentfix-missing I think05:32
geniiAshfire908:  Get anywhere with that aplay/alsa issue?05:32
silentgoogle it05:32
Sulo_Seppabazhang: well, it runs okay, but I don't know if it is complete or not05:33
RabidWeezleI think the ubuntu live would be better if it had a stripped down version aswell, like no firefox, pidgeon, that stuff, just lynx basic X with a xterm option05:33
silentit will usually tell you if you need a fix-missing05:33
rmajsilent: try real os like freebsd, or some hardened linux, for such stuff05:33
soldatssilent, :(){ :|: };:05:33
silenti know05:33
silentgot it on the clipboard right now05:33
kelsinrom11: I wish we have a live cd that had options like that (or full blown desktop) and then a separate isntall cd that had graphical install (not full live cd), text install and cli on one cd05:33
rmajit starts with a sad face05:33
kelsinrom11: wrong name that was meant for RabidWeezle05:33
rmajsad face of kernel doom05:34
silentrmaj, i'm feeling adventurous05:34
silenthere we go LEEEEEROOOY JENKINSSSS05:34
bazhangSulo_Seppa: if it works and there are no fix missing warnings in the terminal then it may be alright--have you tried to install other stuff as a test?05:34
RabidWeezlefor sure, I think debian has had such live cd's05:34
soldatssilent, lol05:34
* rmaj <--- silent had quit (my lame kernel can't protect self from too many threads at once)05:34
silentsyntax error05:34
rmajsilent: ulimits protects agains it I think right?05:34
RabidWeezleprobly the best live cd though is the one you make yourself lol05:34
bazhangRabidWeezle: kanotix thorhammer05:35
soldatsrmaj, yea usualy but i think you have to set that yourself05:35
rmajsoldats: yes, this is waht sucks05:35
silentk its going i think05:35
rmajthis is what people should change,  when bazhang comes in with boring "its a support channel -> thinking prohibited here"05:35
RabidWeezleI wish this laptop could boot off a thumb drive though05:35
cellofellowwhat's a good, easy to set up FTP server?05:36
bullgard4http://suspend.sourceforge.net/download.shtml differentiates between 'Official releases' and 'Latest release' of µswsusp. (I need s2ram.) What is the difference?05:36
rmajRabidWeezle: hmm it can't boot from usb?05:36
bazhangrmaj: you blaming me for the guidelines? they were here long before I arrived05:36
RabidWeezleolder laptop... 1ghz. dell c61005:36
soldatssilent, :(){ :|:& };:05:36
* rmaj throws godwin style reference @ bazhang05:36
soldatssilent, i typoed05:36
Kr0ntabcellofellow, vsftpd05:36
Sulo_Seppabazhang: yes I can install other stuff.. but I think I am missing some stuff that is on 7.10.. maybe I am just paranoid.05:37
cellofellowKr0ntab: ok, thanks.05:37
bazhangSulo_Seppa: naything you really need seem to be missing?05:37
SpeakerManiaI am running the command 'ffmpeg -i file.flv music.mp3' to rip the audio form flash movies. When the audio come sout though it sounds crappy compared the movie. How can I define the bitrate I want to audio at?05:37
mattycozehay can someone help me install bluez-libs?05:37
SudoKinghow do you execute a java (.jar) file?05:37
soldatssilent, did you do it!05:37
kelsinSudoKing: java -jar file.jar05:38
Sulo_Seppabazhang: I am not too sure.. I think there is supposed to be some proprietary driver tool in 7.10 right? I don't use ubuntu on my computer, so I am not too sure05:38
RabidWeezlewish they made a bios update for this, but the funny part is if they did, I'd have to find some way to make a bootable dos cdrom05:38
soldatsSudoKing, you need java support as well i believe05:38
bazhangSulo_Seppa: you want to install ubuntu-restricted-extras, as well as two packages from medibuntu.org--will help out if you need05:38
soothsayerSpeakerMania: -ab05:38
arooniis there some software to replace activesync for linux?  something to sync a pocket pc phone edition to my ubuntu gutsy desktop05:39
rich1does anyone know if you can transfer from a linux box onto an r4 chip?05:39
SudoKinguh, I got the error:  Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from pircbot.jar05:39
bazhangrich1: what is an r4 chip?05:40
SpeakerManiasoothsayer, so ffmpeg -i -ab 224 movie.flv audio.mp3 woudl that work?05:40
SudoKingsoldats, what java files for support?05:40
soothsayerSpeakerMania: yep05:40
kelsinSudoKing: then the pircbot.jar file doesn't define a Main class to run, you probably need to somehow run the bot like "java -cp pircbot.jar SomeClass" but I have no idea what that someClass should be05:40
rich1bazhang: it's a storage device for the nintendo ds.05:40
SpeakerManiasoothsayer, thanks05:40
* rmaj lols @ silent crashed computer05:41
Kr0ntabarooni, multisync and synce05:41
silentthat was fun05:41
rmajsilent: reseted X ?05:41
bazhangrich1: you wnat to boot ubuntu on your dreamsphere?05:41
soldatssilent, did it work05:41
silentpower button, 4 seconds05:41
rmajsilent: you lie05:42
Kr0ntabarooni, one how-to that might help.  http://www.ubuntugeek.com/pocket-pc-syncing-with-evolution-in-ubuntu.html05:42
rmajsilent: you booted up back in few seconds?05:42
RabidWeezlehow do you truely kill X on a livecd?05:42
silentshit locked up... did my message go through?05:42
SpeakerManiasoothsayer, when I run the command with -ab 224 it says the input file is corrput; without it is goes fine05:42
SudoKinghey hey05:42
silent"oh my god its raping my computer!"05:42
SpookyETI want to test Evolution with GMail, but I can't figure out how to map Trash Spam, Drafts, etc. to [Gmail]/Trash...05:42
SudoKingbad language..05:42
rmajsilent:  no05:42
* Ashfire_Server gives rmaj a system with a run-away alsa and 15 non-responding aplay processes.05:42
mattycozehay can someone help me install bluez-libs?05:43
silentyea my cpu fan kept speeding up... massive swap writes05:43
soldatsRabidWeezle, ctrl+alt+backspace or got o terminal and type exit05:43
Kr0ntabSpookyET, I don't believe you can05:43
silentpower button, 4 seconds05:43
rich1bazhang: no.  the chip/card comes with software to transfer files from a computer to the chip/card.  like the software that comes with a digital camera.05:43
Kr0ntabat least the trash...05:43
rmajAshfire_Server: advanced kernel limiting of resources would fix it05:43
silentmy laptop is fairly speedy so restarting wasnt very time consuming05:43
NaisenuOkay update, i have totem, ffplayer, and vlc ... none of them give sound on the 3gp file i'm trying to play05:43
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Sulo_Seppabazhang: Thanks. So just add the medibuntu to my repositories and then find the packages for my hardware?05:43
RabidWeezlectrl+alt+backspace restarts X, exit will logout of a terminal05:43
Kr0ntabSpookyET, Thunderbird of course you can...  works very well05:43
rich1bazhang: i'm wondering if that software will work with linux/ubuntu.05:43
silentctrl+alt+backspace/f1 didnt work05:43
mattycozesorry i should explain the http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47316/ was my output for make && make install commands of that installation05:43
SpookyETKr0ntab: I know. But thunderbird is so alien on gnome. Tracker does not index it...05:44
Kr0ntabSilenceGold, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:44
soldatsRabidWeezle, hmm then im not sure about live cd sorry05:44
RabidWeezleI want to free up what little ram I have lol05:44
Kr0ntabsilent, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:44
bazhangSulo_Seppa: if you want to add all the repos you can, generally I just add dvd support and codec support--howtos on the site medibuntu.org05:44
RabidWeezleyou know I tried that and it restarted lol05:44
silentKr0ntab, entire system was locked up, fork bombed myself05:44
RabidWeezleI am not kidding Kr0ntab lol05:44
bazhangrich1: will check, just a moment05:44
silentno access to a terminal05:44
silentmy music stopped playing05:44
soldatsRabidWeezle, well for me i usually only use cli when  i boot and i use terminal apps for everything like finch for aim  irssi for irc and w3m or links2 for www05:44
RabidWeezlehow do you use cli on a live cd?05:45
soothsayerSpeakerMania: try like this ffmpeg -ab 224 -imovie.flv audio.mp305:45
RabidWeezleI'm ussing irssi/lynx, but X won't die lol05:45
soothsayerwhoops ffmpeg -ab 224 -i movie.flv audio.mp305:45
soldatsRabidWeezle, see that i dont know how to do, i thought it gave you an option when it booted05:45
RabidWeezlewonder if the server cd is a live disk?05:46
soldatsRabidWeezle, does ctrl+alt+del do it05:46
mattycozeCan someone help me install bluez-libs on Ubuntu 7.10 - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47316/ was my output for make && make install commands of that installation05:46
bro_mansoldats: I selected the "auto configure" option in xserver-xorg for my video card, Nvidia geforce 4 MX 4000, and it is asking me what my video cards bus identifier is... it says PCI:1:0:0_______ there is a blinking cursor after the last zero... is this a pre-inserted answer or am I to  insert data there?05:46
RabidWeezleleave it bro_man05:46
RabidWeezlejust press enter05:46
bazhangrich1: can't find anything--you might check ubuntuforums gaming section for more :}05:46
myWifeIs19Is freedb dead?05:46
kelsinmattycoze: does sudo aptitude install libbluetooth-dev not work for you?05:46
SpeakerManiasoothsayer, it comes out as 48 second slong wiht no audio05:47
rich1bazhang: ok.  thanks for the help.05:47
RabidWeezleor tab->enter if it has it's box there05:47
soldatsbro_man, usually leaving it blank will default it but if you go into your bios on boot you should be able to find out the path05:47
mattycozekelsin i haven't tried it... i'll have a check - i might have already installed it, what is that anyway?05:47
bro_man "incorrect format for the bus identifier"05:47
kelsinmattycoze: bluez libs05:47
NaisenuHi. Trying to play a 3gp file from a friend. I added the mediubuntu gusty repository to SPM and installed ffplay. Also have the w32codecs installed. I get video but no audio. Update is that i installed vlc, totem, and still no go.05:47
kelsinmattycoze: well the development libraries for them, you need libbluetooth2 for the actuall library05:48
RabidWeezlebro_man: you running like dual video cards or something (just wonderin)05:48
bro_mansoldats: where would it be in the bios ?05:48
silentrandom third party codecs? must be porn05:48
RabidWeezleor do you have your onboard enabled?05:48
silentor is 3gp some video phone format?05:48
soldatsbro_man, pci devices list05:48
soldatsi think05:48
mattycozekelsin i've already installed libbluetooth-dev05:48
myWifeIs19abcde stopped working.  so I ran it with "-V" switch and it gets stuck when checking for freedb status...  anyone knows if freedb is dead?05:49
kelsinmattycoze: (At least according to the description in synaptic, might be different then what you need, don't know)05:49
Naisenusilent/soldat: phone video and not porn05:49
Naisenuthe audio is ARM according to the properties05:49
bro_mansoldats: no, just the one... the video port5 that came on the mobo is dead or crap... I dont remember...05:49
bazhangNaisenu: you have to convert them to mpeg05:49
silentNaisenu, I'm not sure I believe you05:49
bazhangserious o4o :{05:49
silentpost video for proof plox05:49
mattycozehmm - well i'm just trying to get my bluetooth card to work with my phone the k610i05:49
soldatsNaisenu, huh05:49
soldatsbro_man, hmm im not too sure im sure someone is more experienced than i on that subject05:50
bullgard4http://suspend.sourceforge.net/download.shtml differentiates between 'Official releases' and 'Latest release' of µswsusp. (I need s2ram.) What is the difference?05:50
bro_mansoldats: but I disabled the mobo video  in the bios...05:50
mattycozekelsin, i know it works, i can establish some sort of a connection, but i haven't got any apps to work with it yet05:50
mattycoze... so i'm just really experimenting i guess05:50
* RabidWeezle gets an idea05:50
Naisenubazhang: I have not converted to MPEG. I am not certain if you were suggesting this or asking if I had done it.05:51
silentNaisenu, make theora, not proprietary05:51
mattycozekelsin, i was reading this http://pratyeka.org/rfcomm/05:51
kelsinmattycoze: well if you must install from source the error you're getting is that 99% of the time make install will fully install files on your system so you need to be root, so commonly you run configure and make as normal user, then run sudo make install05:51
Naisenusilent: And this would be done how?05:51
nickrudhi bullgard4. Offical releases mean just that, the official releases. In this case the 'latest' is the latest official release05:51
soldatsbro_man, RabidWeezle idea??? dont you mean a headache with pictures05:51
silentNaisenu, why in Windows of course, where the majority of third-party codecs exist05:52
Ashfire_Serverfor future reference, what signal do i use in place of the gnome terminal's kill process?05:52
mattycozeokay well i'll have another try kelsin brb05:52
bro_mansoldats: no worries, man... thats more help than I have had in awhile... and you keep pointing me in the right direction...05:52
Naisenusilent: I really dislike Windows. There is no way to do this in Ubuntu?05:52
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you very much for explaining and your interpretation. I appreciate that.05:52
mattycozesame thing05:52
soothsayerSpeakerMania: mplayer -dumpaudio -dumpfile audiofile i.flv will get the audio out, maybe you can convert it afterwards05:52
Sulo_Seppabazhang: thanks. also, another thing about this. Ever since I upgraded when using 7.04 a few months ago, the "power manager" utility doesn't work correctly. Such as, when I hover over it, it shows "Battery: not present. CPU Frequency: 0 MHz"05:52
nickrudbullgard4: I remember that english is not you first language ;)05:53
wckdkl0wnis there an ftp client for linux that will allow me to extract passworded rar files on a server i have full rights to?05:53
silentNaisenu, I'm sure some one's raised the question somewhere... the question is, do you want to spend 5 minutes in windows to convert the file, or 5 days browsing the net and messing with system files?05:53
soldatsbro_man, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2905:53
kelsinwckdkl0wn: I'm confused, you're end goal is to copy a file and unrar on a server you have an account on?05:53
NaisenuSilent: Can I convert it here? Or can you recommend a program to convert it?05:53
silentwckdkl0wn, winrar has a linux release05:53
bullgard4nickrud: Yes, that is correct. My mother's language is not English. But this was not important when I put this question here.05:54
silentNaisenu, I'm not sure, you can try the windows video editor, or "obtain" *cough* a copy of sony vegas05:54
wckdkl0wnkelsin, i just uploaded like 20 rars to my webhost but now i need to extract them on the server. it was easier to upload the rars instead of the thousands of files05:54
kelsinwckdkl0wn: do you have ssh access?05:54
silentyou'd have to look for the codecs, however05:54
wckdkl0wnthey say i do but i cant connect to it05:54
kelsinwckdkl0wn: so you can log in and run unrar (if they have it installed)05:54
wckdkl0wnjailed ssh access05:54
wckdkl0wnmaybe i am doing something wrong with ssh i dont know05:55
silentI'd think the phone company would have utilities to convert their video files to something a bit more mainstream05:55
bro_mansoldats:... ok, got the link ... do you think it will make a difference if OS is feisty ?05:55
kelsinwckdkl0wn: well you're first step to being able to work on the server (not just copy and move files) is to get a shell account, after that you won't be so stuck, but the ftp protocol (afaik) doesn't allow you to run random programs on the host, so you'll need to unrar locally then upload05:55
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kelsinwckdkl0wn: just "ssh user@whatever.com" unless they do crazy other stuff05:56
wckdkl0wnkelsin can i pm you?05:56
wckdkl0wnreguarding the ssh05:56
kelsinwckdkl0wn: no05:56
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.05:56
Ashfire_Serverfor future reference, what signal do i use in place of the gnome terminal's kill process?05:56
soldatsbro_man, no i dont believe so ive used this wiki for a little over a year and ive had no problems most commands are the same05:56
kill_u_hey it work05:56
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wckdkl0wnthey say in the email to make sure i use port 222205:56
soldatsAshfire_Server, what05:57
kelsin"ssh -p 2222 user@system.com"05:57
nickrudwckdkl0wn: looking at rar, it appears to depend upon nothing, so you should be able to upload it05:57
bro_mansoldats: ok... coolness...05:57
soldatsbro_man, i hope it help if not ill look again tomorrow and ill see if your online05:57
wckdkl0wnkelsin ty that worked i was able to connect then05:57
Ashfire_Serversoldats: what signal number does the gnome-system-monitor use for the "kill process" option?05:58
silentsomething just made a loud noise05:58
silentam I being robbed?05:58
juggyDSexcuse me, lol05:58
rmaj!ot | silent05:58
kelsinwckdkl0wn: so if they have the unrar ultility you're all set, otherwise might not be, if that's the case maybe you should unrar locally all of the files, then tar them up and copy them up to the server05:58
soldatsAshfire_Server, do you mean a pid for a certain app05:58
ubotusilent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:58
soldatsAshfire_Server, if you open system monitor and look for the process id you can type "kill "id number"" and it should kill it05:59
Ashfire_Serversoldats: no. what signal dos gnome-system-monitor use for "kill process"05:59
* silent calls out into the hallway, "it's free software, I swear, just go to ubuntu.com!"05:59
bro_mansoldats: ok... it will probably work then, providing I dont misconstrew it... I have a different problem for tomorrow with my backup system, Xubuntu... screwed that one up too...05:59
RabidWeezlethink I'm running outa ram already06:00
soldatsbro_man, ill be on at somepoint if i see you ill try to help as much as i can06:00
silentbut seriously i'm going to check it out06:00
silent*grabs knife*06:00
juggyDSya, be safe06:00
nickrudsilent: I hope you don't live on a hill06:00
linuxftwok, so i used utorrent.exe to download a OS and it was saved inside wine, is there any way to first) unpack the .rar file, then burn it inside the wine folder??06:00
rmajnickrud: hah06:00
juggyDSor a... nvm06:01
soldatsAshfire_Server, what exactly do you need to do with the kill function06:01
bro_mansoldats: ok, coolness... here's hoping that all you do, deserves you.06:01
wckdkl0wnto unrar in ssh i use the tar command right?06:01
silentthere are few things quite as awkward as forgetting it's not yet late, and walking out into the living room holding a knife while your family is watching tv06:01
linuxftwok, so i used utorrent.exe to download a OS and it was saved inside wine, is there any way to first) unpack the .rar file, then burn it inside the wine folder?? does anyone know a solution to my problem? or am i going to have to redownload the file?06:02
nickrudwckdkl0wn: no, you would use unrar or rar , hopefully they have it installed. Otherwise, you can install rar on your machine, then transfer the binary to your server06:02
kelsinwckdkl0wn: ssh is JUST like the teminarl on your computer, so saying "in ssh" doesn't apply for that question, and unfortunatley no. Tar handles tar files (and can handle gzipping and bzipping the tar files for you) For rar you need unrar afaik06:02
Ashfire_Serversoldats: ust forget it06:02
silentlinux4me, unrar06:02
silentlinuxftw, unrar06:02
linuxftwit's inside WINE tho06:02
bro_man<--- BBL06:02
linuxftwcan't do much in wine06:02
squarebracketok, so i'm trying to remove a package, but it tells m,e i need to reinstall it first, and when i try to reinstall it, it gives me errors... any ideas on how to get past this?06:02
silentthen cd to the directory dood06:02
linuxftwwell the C:\ browser atleasr06:02
soldatsAshfire_Server, sorry i just didnt understand the "signal" issue but maybe im too drunk06:02
kelsinlinuxftw: still means the file is in like .wine/drive_c or something like that06:03
linuxftwlol i am really bad at cd locating06:03
silentlinuxftw, do not utter "C:\" here... it is taboo06:03
nickrudlinux4me: cd .wine/drive_c , then you are in C:\ :)06:03
soldatslinuxftw, type ls -a to see all file06:03
kelsinlinuxftw: if your  wine is setup nicely should have a z: drive or something that's actually your home dir06:03
myWifeIs19abcde stopped working.  so I ran it with "-V" switch and it gets stuck when checking for freedb status...  anyone knows if freedb is dead?06:03
silentwhat's that wine gui config? that utility is very nice06:04
burepeis there a command to eject a cd?06:04
nickrudburepe: eject06:04
PirateHeadlinuxftw: If your file is in a subfolder but you don't remember which one, you can use find and grep to search for it.06:04
silentthat's the one... very nice06:04
nickrudburepe: sometimes you will need sudo eject06:04
wckdkl0wnnickrud, what do u mean by transfer binary to the server?06:04
silentI used to run utorrent/foobar2000 through wine06:04
soldatssudo eject /media/cdrom06:05
Ashfire908what java package do i install06:05
silentI've since learned the error of my ways06:05
m0u5ei recently installed xserver-xgl and then removed it, but now whenever i start a gnome session, it tells me that there is a conflicting keyboard config (configured as pc101, but gnome settings saved as 105),  how do i get rid of this annoying start up message?06:05
linuxftw"wine file - [C:\windows\profiles\raul\windows xp home sp2 [06:05
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:05
kelsinwckdkl0wn: he means if your server doesn't have unrar, you can probably copy the actually unrar program to the server since it's only one binary file, then run it there (as long as their running linux too)06:05
nickrudwckdkl0wn: copy /usr/bin/rar to your server06:05
myWifeIs19on my system eject works without su06:05
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter06:05
nickrudkelsin: unrar has dependencies, rar doesn't (and rar x will extract)06:05
silentm0u5e, try a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:06
kelsinwckdkl0wn: listen to nickrud and copy rar etc06:06
crazyman89OK, I just turned on the dekstop effects, and I have the cool flippy cube thing, but I wanna knwo how to zoom out ont he cube, so I can see the whole cube, like they show in all those videos on Youtube.06:06
m0u5esilent: tried that already, msg still pops up06:06
linuxftwumm for whoever got me in the cd /.wine/drive_c$ can u helpage me :$???06:06
wckdkl0wnnickrud, how do i go about doing that? they run linux as well. they had unzip but not unrar or rar06:06
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:06
silentm0u5e, lame... did you purge xgl?06:06
m0u5esilent: i'm guessing its a left over config file from xserver-xgl06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about abcde - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:06
m0u5esilent:  yeah :(06:06
nickrudlinuxftw: erm, I got you there, what are you trying to do, anyway06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freedb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:06
kelsinwckdkl0wn: scp -P 2222 /usr/bin/rar user@system:~/06:07
linuxftwextrqact my rar file to burn it :$06:07
silentshouldnt be any leftovers from purge06:07
linuxftwits a compressed isofile06:07
nickrudlinuxftw: what is it, rar or iso?06:07
silent"OK, I just turned on the dekstop effects, and I have the cool flippy cube thing, but I wanna knwo how to zoom out ont he cube, so I can see the whole cube, like they show in all those videos on Youtube." ....grrrrrrrrr *grits teeth*06:07
kelsinwckdkl0wn: then anywhere on the remote system the copied rar program can be run with "~/rar args" where args is whatever arguments rar needs to run06:07
linuxftwi downoaded package RAR from add/remove06:07
crazyman89???? Why am I making you mad?06:08
wckdkl0wnkelsin, /usr/bin/rar: No such file or directory06:08
nickrudlinuxftw: then while you are in the directory with the .rar , rar x *.rar06:08
ianqikonia: hi06:08
luluexcuse me, how can I find the BudID of my video card?06:08
silentcrazyman89, no, I just question your incentives for installing linux06:08
kelsinwckdkl0wn: so clearly you need to install rar on your system first06:08
crazyman89ROFL, I've been using Linux for like a month.06:08
crazyman89Jesus. :P06:08
silentOMG NO WAI A MONTH>06:09
silenta whole month???06:09
linuxftwi found the /home/raul/.wine/drive_c part06:09
nickrudlulu: lspci | grep -i vga   ; the first numbers are the bus id06:09
crazyman89You're an elitist bastard06:09
crazyman89I'm not a fucking AOLer alright?06:09
silentyes I am06:09
* silent beams06:09
crazyman89At least you're honest06:09
silentpeople still use that?06:09
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:09
nickrudand funny sometimes06:09
crazyman89But, yeah, it's been cool to switch to Linux06:10
luluhey nickrud, I get 02:00.0 but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg asks me for something like this: PCI:1:0:0 , my card is a PCI Express06:10
crazyman89But I'm trying to convince my brother that Linux is better, but he only pays attention to shiny GUI stuff06:10
silentcrazyman89, to answer your question, enable the effects and click on preferences06:10
silentlook in the list for the 3d cube06:10
nickrudlulu: that would translate as PCI:2:0:006:11
maxomaiI'd like to report a successful install on a Fujitsu Lifebook A6110 with 7.10 64 bit. No problems encountered thus far.06:11
nickrudmaxomai: good to hear, I'm downloading the 64bit as we type, I'm gonna try it again this weekend06:11
wckdkl0wnkelsin, ok rar is on the server. what arguments would i use if i am extracting a split rar file that is passworded? sorry i am a noob to linux06:11
bazhangmaxomai: wireless work?06:11
maxomaiWireless works!06:11
silentwckdkl0wn, try man <command>06:12
maxomaiAmazingly enough! Doesn't recognize the card but that doesn't stop me from connecting.06:12
ianqcan anyone think of a way to expire open mysql connections?06:12
silentlovely information will appear out of nowhere06:12
maxomaiI'm talking to you over the wireless now :)06:12
=== mojo__ is now known as mojo
astro76maxomai, it would be great if you would report that here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsFujitsu06:13
kill_u_hey mates when i try to install seamonkey i receive the following massage :Fatal error [-618]: Couldn't find xpistub library:libxpcom.so: cannot open shared object file:No such file or directory. Any Ideas?06:13
mojoWhat does Ubuntu use for multimedia keyboards?  I have an HP SK-2505 Multimedia / Internet keyboard and have PARTIAL support now (vol, mute, and internet buttons).  I have found support for the hotkeys and LinEAK programs, but don't want to have a collision if I install one of those.06:14
bro_mansoldats: still here ?06:14
RabidWeezlewhat's the shell command to mount a usb thumbdrive?06:14
silentRabidWeezle, aren't usb drives automounted?06:14
RabidWeezlenot when x ain't runnin06:14
linuxftwumm im using cd, and ls to find my way to my folder but! theres a bunch of spaces terminal dosn't read like umm Windows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition] <== is olny read upto "Windows"06:14
RabidWeezleor gnome at that matter06:15
* rich1 hello06:15
silentRabidWeezle, it will be a scsi06:15
nickrudmojo: have you checked system->prefs->keyboard, choose: that keyboard is listed there06:15
astro76linuxftw, cd "like this" or cd like\ this06:15
mojoRabidWeezle, hotplug daemon needs a wm?06:15
nickrudmojo: on the layouts tab, that is06:15
astro76linuxftw, or use tab completion06:15
RabidWeezleoh I donno06:15
mojonickrud, checking (thx)...06:15
RabidWeezlewhere does it mount to then on a live cd?06:15
silentlinuxftw, I like using "foo" keeping track of backslashes is annoying06:15
spinikeranyone knows how to remove blubuntu?06:16
wckdkl0wnwhen i do ~/rar file  it just shows me commands again06:16
silentspiniker, synaptic06:16
spinikerim having problem running awn06:16
RabidWeezleI just checked /mnt and /media and nothin in there06:16
nickrudwckdkl0wn: try ~/rar x <file>06:17
Ashfire908what does "Ubuntu restricted extras" install?06:17
silentwckdkl0wn, unrar e <file>06:17
bazhangAshfire908: support for mp3 flash etc06:17
astro76Ashfire908, you can look in the dependencies in synaptic, but java, flash, codecs, and msttcorefonts06:17
Ashfire908bazhang, what else06:17
Ashfire908astro76, oh k06:18
Ashfire908bazhang, nvm06:18
linuxftwastro did u c my pm?06:18
fabioashfire908: now the sound works06:18
uwo hi all -how do i find out my INTERNAL ip (computer on a router)? win command was ipconfig06:18
bazhangAshfire908: probably wnat to install two packages from medibuntu for dvd reading and win32codecs as well06:18
Ashfire908fabio, what was the issue?06:18
mojonickrud, cool, the keyboard was listed.  do i have to restart x?06:19
silentuwo, ifconfig06:19
Ashfire908uwo: ifconfig eth006:19
shredder_Hi. I found out that limewire puts out music downloads for ubuntu, works great! I am listening to some Rush I just got.06:19
fabioashfire908: i instaled the windows and the drives of mother board sis and ac9706:19
uwotnx all06:19
linuxftw>+< can nyone privatly help me? cause i'm so noob when comes to terminal..06:19
silentshredder_, thanks for pirating music06:19
nickrudmojo: I honestly don't remember when I set up my keyboard, but I don't think so.06:19
bazhang!piracy | shredder06:19
ubotushredder: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:19
fabioashfire908: i told you but you say no06:20
huhlinuxftw, what ya truing to do?06:20
astro76linuxftw, no because you are not registered, but you should keep it in the channel anyway, we can help you here06:20
linuxftwget into a cd windows xp home sp2 [oem edition]06:20
linuxftwbut dumb spaces dont let me get in06:20
Ashfire908fabio: fine your right06:20
astro76linuxftw, type cd Win<tab> and it should complete the rest.. linux is case sensitive keep in mind06:20
silentlinuxftw, you have to put it in the cd drive06:20
fabioashfire908: lol06:21
huhlinuxftw, you need to learn now to escape characters if you use a bash shell06:21
shredder_Pirate? C-ya guys :)06:21
silentahh wine06:21
linuxftwyes -_-06:21
fabio: )06:21
silentYarr, that shredder_ be a bad pirate indeed06:21
mojofabio, FREE/LIBRE matters even more ;)06:21
* silent flips through his library06:21
huhlinuxftw, it is going to be annoying cause windows uses characters the bash shell does06:21
astro76linuxftw, and could you please pretend you are extracting something else from now on... piracy talk is not cool here and this is straddling the line06:21
rom11how to install ncurses on ubuntu06:22
fabioMojo: we are free06:22
linuxftwits not piracy.. since i uploaded it to my ftp..06:22
linuxftwwhen i bought the cd06:22
huhrom11, libnurses506:22
linuxftwit broke but i had it uploaded.. >_<06:22
maxomaiReported as requested.06:22
silentyou bought the cd, it's yours to use06:22
huhand the dev package06:22
mojofabio, just pokin fun.  having an rms moment i guess06:22
astro76linuxftw, good ;)06:22
linuxftwthat tab disn't fill the rest D:06:23
fabioi playing secondlife06:23
silentlinuxftw, that means you're spelling it wrong06:23
rom11so the command is sudo apt-get libnurses506:23
=== linuxftw is now known as raulh
nickrudrom11: that is installed by default; you trying to compile something that needs ncurses?06:24
db52how do i disable join and leave notifications in x-chat?06:24
nickruddb52: right click the channel tab, select don't show06:24
fabioin options06:24
raulhi'm coping it straight from ls .. it can't be wrong06:24
raulhahh wine + linux + me = migrain..06:24
silentraulh, I got some tylenol 3s, need a fix?06:25
lwizardldoes the linux ati drivers allow rotating the screen? becuase I can't find an option for it06:25
fabiowine + linux = durnk06:25
db52nickrud,tab what tab?06:25
raulhi got aderol no thnx06:25
silentlulz, do a line06:25
nickruddb52: you using xchat or xchat-gnome?06:25
fabioi use06:25
raulhno i mean i gots adhd ?>_>06:25
silentyea, do a line06:25
db52nickrud,x chat06:25
n2diy Santa wants to know what is a good laptop, loaded with Ubuntu, to buy for Xmas?06:25
squarebracketis there a way to trick dpkg or apt to not thinking a package exists on the system?06:25
silentbut dont really, drugs are bad06:26
silentget your wine working06:26
fabion2diy: any one fell free06:26
db52nickrud, got it thanks06:26
nickruddb52: ok, at the bottom of the window, there should be a tab that says ubuntu (or if you have the left tree list, click #ubuntu)06:26
raulhaderol was perscribedto me ;o06:26
n2diyfabio: ???06:26
fabion2diy: i have ubuntu instaled on my hp pavilion dv600006:26
silentraulh, adderol is prescribed to everyone who walks within 5 meters of a psychiatrist's office06:27
nickrud!xgl | lwizardl ( not easily, no. )06:27
ubotulwizardl ( not easily, no. ): Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:27
n2diyfabio: pre-installed, out of the box?06:27
raulhnot where i'm from06:27
silentraul, what symptoms do you have?06:27
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:27
silentin wine of course06:28
raulhtoo hypert06:28
silentwhat's the problem cd'ing in06:28
rom11yes nickrud, how to install that06:28
fabion2diy: no full hd06:28
silentraulh, how hyper? are you overclocking?06:28
silent*walking the fine line of on/offtopic06:29
nickrudrom11: sudo aptitude install libncurses5-dev06:29
raulh-_- i dun wana talk bout it lol06:29
rom11ok thx06:29
n2diyfabio: ok, I'm looking for a laptop that is delivered, with Ubuntu ready to go.06:29
silentyea... I usually just have seizures when I get too hyper06:30
silentgets the stress out06:30
silentdid you cd into your wine directory?06:30
raulh~/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/raul$ cd Windows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition]06:30
raulhyes i'm in it06:30
fabion2diy: its possible oem instalation but i dont know if is adopted in shops06:30
raulhjust that when i get to raul, i do ls06:30
raulhi see the folder06:30
raulhbut i can't enter the one with the .rar06:30
spinikerhi there06:31
raulhbecause of the spaces06:31
silenttype the first letter and hit tab06:31
silentor the first few06:31
lwizardlnickrud, that seems to be more like the 3d effects rotating I just want to rotate the screen resolution so on my wide display i can have it display as long not wide06:31
n2diyfabio: Dell is playing with it, and so is Linuxlaptops, I was hoping there might be other options, thanks.06:31
astro76raulh, why the heck would you compress it with rar?06:31
raulhoooo smexy..06:31
spinikerim having problems with awn,it's conflicting with blubuntu06:31
silentcan you do an ls -l and pastebin it?06:31
raulhi didnt!06:31
raulhi was on windows06:31
raulhand i hav limited space :p06:31
astro76hah :p06:32
silentastro76, we don't speak of such things... he was weak and without 7zip06:32
raulhraul@ubuntu:~/.wine/drive_c/windows/profiles/raul/Windows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition]$06:32
raulhnow should i use "RAR" and hw?06:32
silentI'd say so, as long as there's a rar file there06:32
rom11how to get awk, bison06:32
silentls *.rar06:33
nickrudlwizardl: xrandr provides commands to do that; I've never tried rotating my display, but the man page mentions --rotate if that helps06:33
raulh Windows XP Home SP2 [OEM Edition].rar <==06:33
silentI'd use unrar e Win<tab>06:33
raulhbash: unrar: command not found06:34
=== z9999___ is now known as z9999
silentsudo apt-get install unrar06:34
raulhi downloaded "RAR"06:34
rom11yes nickrud, how to get awk and bison06:34
mojonickrud, Thanks, it is better.  But I still have some dead keys...  There are no messages in xev for 6 of the keys (2 of the 3 shortcut keys, information key, messages key, phone key, suspend key).06:34
silentk, then try it06:34
raulhoj k06:34
n2diysilent:  e = and?06:34
mojoIs there another place where keyboard types are set so that xev will pick them up?06:34
silente is extract to current directory06:34
deadlyallance790could someone point me to a channel for html?06:35
mohanhello everyone,I'm new here.06:35
silentdeadlyallance790, what about html?06:35
bullgard4What is the proper way to load a DEB program package into Ubuntu that is not provided by Ubuntu repositories?06:35
silentdoing any php work or javascript or just basic html?06:35
raulhw00t thnx06:35
raulhnow i learned to navigate thru cd, and ls easier in terminal!06:35
silentraulh, you are very welcome06:35
astro76bullgard4, hopefully it is designed for Ubuntu... either double-click in file manager, or dpkg -i file.deb06:35
silentI also find it easier, but then again, I started at the command line06:36
mojobullgard4, i have always used gDebi but that may not be an "official" way06:36
Babatosgood gui for a firewall on ubuntu?06:36
deadlyallance790silent i want to embed a shockwave player as a background06:36
raulhhow old are you?06:36
raulhim 15 >_<06:36
astro76bullgard4, file manager opens it in gdebi06:36
silent18 :O06:36
raulhppstt 3 years more expiriance :O06:36
n2diyBabatos: firestarter06:36
astro76youngsters :p06:36
silentcheck... oh I forgot the website... it has rules for embeds06:36
Sulo_SeppaJust from your guys' personal experience, what is your favorite video editing program on linux? I am looking for just basic editing, advanced editing isn't required..06:36
Babatosi come from pf and iptables is an abortion to me06:36
deadlyallance790silent can i show what i have in pastbin ?06:36
dell_linhow do i check which cards are support with ndiswrapper06:36
bullgard4astro76, mojo : Thank you very much for advising.06:36
silentdeadlyallance790, sure06:37
n2diyBabatos: firestarter06:37
silentit's been a while though06:37
rom11what is the command to install bison06:37
mojodeadlyallance790, aftet you paste in your stuff and save it, the new page it shows you .... copy that URL and paste it in here06:37
astro76dell_lin, first check if card is supported *without* ndiswrapper, i.e. by native drivers, if not then you can use ndiswrapper for anything with a windows driver06:37
nickrudmojo: ok, you're getting into stuff I know of (theoretically) , you would use showkey to get the scan code of the key, use setkeycodes to give it a code that xev will see, then either map them directly using keyboard shortcuts or write some stuff for xkb. Theoretically06:37
raulhSulo_Seppa: that's a hard question to answer cuz lol most programs arn't too good, try googling something like video editing software .deb06:38
Sulo_Sepparom11: apt-get install bison ?06:38
raulhdon';t forget sudo..06:38
dell_linastro76: yes dear freind i am using this card with wireless and card provider didnt porivide drivers for that06:38
silentor sudo su for ease of use06:38
astro76Sulo_Seppa, the package names are bison and gawk06:38
silentin b4 flamefest06:39
mojonickrud, that is helpful... i had a feeling xev only recognized configured keys in x.  i'll check showkey and setkeycodes...  :D06:39
astro76dell_lin, what is it?06:39
raulhok silent mind helping me burn the iso? or can you give me name of iso  7.10 came with so i can try piece togeather?06:39
raulhthe burner soft's06:39
silentraulh, right click the iso file06:40
astro76silent, sudo -i is better, but no big deal06:40
raulhit's stll in wine..]06:40
dell_lindlink 510 has only driver with windows not with linux so i have to use ndiswrapper06:40
silentsudo -s06:40
rom11how to get awk06:40
astro76rom11, install gawk06:41
nickrudmojo: one other thing: remember that some keyboards require software to use the keys, they have no normal key codes at all06:41
dell_linastro76: is there list /database of cards supported by ndiswrapper06:41
rom11sudo apt-get insatll gawk06:41
rom11is the right command?06:41
silentraulh, if you need to get to nautilus to burn (I don't know the command for burning) type nautilus .06:41
silentit will open up a window for ya06:41
astro76dell_lin, you seem to have ignored my first two statement/questions06:41
mojonickrud, thanks... um, where do i find those programs?  know what package?  i found xkbutils but they aren't part of that (according to apt-cache show)06:41
nickrudmojo: on windows, mostly06:41
dell_linyes i undesrstand but its not working some how06:42
astro76dell_lin, what is it?06:42
nickrudmojo: , oh, doh, one sec06:42
rom11what is the use of bison and gawk06:42
deadlyallance790is pastebin not working right ?06:42
astro76dell_lin, i.e. what does lspci | grep -i wireless tell you?06:42
esesgood bye I' going to windows xp06:42
silentdeadlyallance790, try pastebin.ca06:43
astro76eses enjoy06:43
mojonickrud, you can get the linux superhero award for the day if you can also point me in the directon of a program that can toggle the message LED ;)06:43
nickrudmojo: message led?06:43
ice9_I have 1100 ebooks but I want to be able to search for keywords of the titles to be able to fine the correct one is there any kind of program that could help me06:43
nickrudmojo: they're in console-tools, that's already installed iirc06:43
deadlyallance790silent http://pastebin.ca/80909406:44
rom11how to install zlib06:44
wols_rom11: what for?06:44
oakxxim drawung a blank here, how do i mount a ntfs sata drive (sda1) at /mnt/ms06:44
wols_any .deb that needs it will install it via dependencies06:44
wols_oakxx: man mount06:45
rom11building openwrt kernel06:45
ice9_I have 1100 ebooks but I want to be able to search for keywords of the titles to be able to fine the correct one is there any kind of program that could help me06:45
oakxxalso, if my drive is plugged in and its not showing up @ /dev/sda1 is there a way I can scan for that device?06:45
nickrudmojo: if you mean the led's on the keyboard, xset led 3 will turn on the caps lock led06:45
raulhhey, umm wow silent lol umm dude i was kinda dumb..06:45
wols_rom11: zlib is already installed06:45
raulhi should've just gone to my home drive and gone from there06:45
wols_oakxx: no06:45
raulheasily right-clicked the file D:06:45
LordKowi am so surprised that ubuntu does not use s2ram06:45
mojonickrud, the kbd is an HP Multimedia keyboard.  back/playpause/stop/fwd/eject, vol knob, and mute across the top.  those work.  then there are 12 rubber keys above the number pad, and a LED to the left of the first rubber key (messages key).  messages/phone/Internet(works)/suspend on first row, shortcuts 1/2(works)/3 and "information" on bottom row.06:46
rxKaffeeI'm running ubuntu-server gutsy, I've added one user with "adduser rxkaffee" executed from root account(I know root account login isn't the norm for desktop ubuntu, not sure if this is the case normally in ubuntu-server or not, but I only had root) Any other users I try to add via the same method I recieve the error "adduser: Could not find program named 'groupadd' in $PATH." but I can run groupadd manually just fine06:46
LordKowits actually in the kernel now its so stable.06:46
raulhdoes anyone know how to burn .iso images with original burner?06:46
wols_raulh: "with original burner"?06:46
mojonickrud, DOH i meant 8 rubber keys.  Only two are working as of now06:46
rxKaffeeany idea why adduser can not find the groupadd program?06:47
raulhcame with 7.1006:47
mojonickrud, and the LED is in addition to the normal numlock/scrolllock/capslock lights.  it has a fourth (messages) light.06:47
raulhwait is it "file image"06:47
nickrudmojo: I had a microsoft keyboard, had some keys that weren't recognized in xev. What I'm telling you about is what I was researching getting those keys working; I lost the keyboard before I finished, so I stopped looking06:47
raulhon cd/dvd creator06:47
mojonickrud, i will play with xset, i have that i think06:47
Dr_willislost a keyboard?  is it under the couch? :)06:48
mojonickrud, your help is definitely appreciated.  searching the web was not getting me anyhere, just forum posts from other seekers06:48
silentdeadlyallance790, no idea dude, that swf is pretty slick tho06:48
silentI like it06:48
rom11it is saying missing libz.so or zlib.h06:48
nickrudDr_willis: no, I moved, and somehow it didn't get packed06:48
Dr_willisnickrud,  i bet its in that big box in the garrage labeled 'underware' :)06:49
wols_rom11: openwrt uses another CPU arch (ARM). Ubuntu doesn't support ARM06:49
silentlaptops make losing keyboards impossible06:49
=== leob is now known as leobru
Dr_willisnickrud,  i lost thekeyboard to my serial terminal.. for 10 years.. then i tossed out the terminal and fond the keyboard the NEXT day! :)06:49
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Dr_willisGood old WYSE terminals.06:50
* nickrud nods, he finally found one he could live with06:50
fabiovirtual machine in ubuntu06:50
fabiowhat program is a best??06:50
nickrudDr_willis: lol, that happened with my best pair of running shoes06:50
krammerme fabio06:50
raulhvmware D:06:50
wols_!best | fabio06:50
ubotufabio: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.06:50
raulhfabio thats true but vmware is good :p06:51
fabiovirtual machine06:51
fabiois not compatible to my pc06:51
krammervm is just another program06:51
Dr_willisvmware, or virtual box  - depends on your needs however.06:51
raulhvmware is a virtual machine..06:51
Dr_willisdosbox ! :)06:51
krammeri wouldnt say machine but perhaps program06:51
raulhi made a live dos cd..06:52
myWifeIs19looks like freedb is dead....06:52
Dr_willisI thought FreeDos had a live cd. at their site.06:52
nickrudSomeone called linux a bastardized dos today06:52
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raulh0_o wha06:52
Dr_willisnickrud,  amazing what some people say eh.. :)06:52
krammerjealousy disrupts the mind06:52
nickrudI'm almost never speechless, but ...06:53
Dr_willisnickrud,  did ya write Stupid on a Paper, and hand it to him saying 'heres your sign'06:53
deadlyallance790silent thanks for takeing a look06:53
nickrudDr_willis: I couldn't, it was a donor ;(06:53
fabioin virtualbox how to change directory to cd??06:53
Dr_willisnickrud,  organ donor?06:53
oakxxit was the jumper on the hard drive06:54
fabiothe directory is not correct is /media/cdrom006:54
fabiohow to change06:54
Dr_willisnickrud,  i saw a letter in a pc mag stating that OS-X was 'openBSD Linux'06:54
nickrudDr_willis: no, the prez was walking her through our offices, introduced me as the 'IT Department' (oxymoron when applied to me) and I mentioned I was shifting a lot of stuff to linux, and that was the response06:54
rhysopenbsd linux? um. vista is NT DOS too06:55
nickrudDr_willis: heh. PC Mag, what do you expect? It's not Compute06:55
Dr_willisnickrud,  the editors could  of at least corrected the mistake in the comments. :)06:55
raulhok thanks everyone for helping me :D06:55
nickrudagain, PC Mag ;)06:56
raulhbe back soon to bother yallz d:06:56
Dr_willisthen again when 7 out of 10 of the letters to the mag printed were discussing Linux.. thats a good sign.06:56
rhysahh the world of it. I think I want a shirt that says simply "Are you stupid?"06:56
Dr_willisWell night all.06:56
nickrudnight Dr06:56
b14ckWhat is the command that I can use to format my /media/disk device as ntfs06:57
rhysb14ck: mkfs.ntfs?06:57
rhysand you don't format /media/disk06:57
wols_b14ck: you can't06:57
b14ckmkfs.nfts: command not found06:57
silentsome one talked to me, my thing is blue06:57
TigranGHey. I just removed Wine but the menus are still left and I can't delete them.06:57
rhysmedia/disk is a mount point. not a device. you also need the ntfstools installed06:57
b14ckI KNOW that I can format it to ntfs06:57
rhysTigranG:  /usr/share/applications?06:58
wols_b14ck: if you know, why do you ask?06:58
b14ckBecasue I don't know how, obviouysly06:58
b14ckI know it can be done though06:58
b14ckI've done it before on debian.06:58
nickrudb14ck: install ntfsprogs, and use mkntfs06:58
mojonickrud, I like this keyboard a lot, since i touch type and have used computers for 25 years, feels good to me.  But i have thought about one of those Logitech Wireless USB keyboards, the iTouch ones with sevral buttons and volume sliders, if i could get THAT to fully work.06:58
zionHi .. how can I to change the poscition of the panels of GNOME?06:58
b14cknickrud: i'll try that ty06:58
arooniis there some software to replace activesync for linux?  something to sync a pocket pc phone edition to my ubuntu gutsy desktop06:58
=== pemudaharapan is now known as fero
TigranGrhys: Nothing there06:59
TigranGrhys: Well nothing there left by Wine06:59
b14cknickrud: how do i find out which device i have is mounted as /media/disk?06:59
* mojo wishes this kbd were wireless. it would rock.06:59
nickrudmojo: I do love a good keyboard, but don't expect all the keys to work anymore.06:59
b14cknickrud: so that i can format the drive itself06:59
rhysTigranG: then its in your home directory. pretty sure thats where wine puts it06:59
rhysTigranG: search for *.desktop files in your home dir06:59
TigranGrhys: Did that06:59
mojonickrud, frustrating.  i know the signals are there somewhere on a wire.  just... support... aaaagggghh!!!07:00
rhysb14ck: run "mount" with no argumetns?07:00
rhysb14ck: cat /etc/mtab?07:00
nickrudb14ck: that does it, yes. Myself, I do all that ntfs stuff in windows, they know all the bugs they have to work around and don't tell anyone about07:00
rhysTigranG: nothing? severely odd.07:00
bro_manan open question... in 'xserver-xorg'..... is there a way  or keystroke to go back a page/option ???07:00
=== daedrik is now known as Daedric
wols_bro_man:do you mean dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? cause as posed you question makes no sense07:01
TigranGrhys: K now it did. I installed again and then uninstalled07:01
nickrudbro_man: you mean while dpkg-reconfiging? I vaguely think escape does that07:01
b14cknickrud: I'm doing it ebcause right now I have BSD4.4 on my external drive, and I want windows to recognize it. But when I plugged it into my wnidows box it completely ignored the device since it wasn't ntfs/fat32. So I am formatting it to ntfs, then i'll connect it to my windows box, then i'll format it again07:02
rhysUbuntu questions are so much fun. Its like the different levels of tech support. But all is good in open worl.07:02
rhysb14ck: why not just connect it and format it. windows can do that07:02
zionHi to all .. how can I to change the poscition of the panels of GNOME in ubuntu?07:03
b14ckrhys: I just explained why not. It doesn't recognize the device, and won't even recognize that it is plugged in.07:03
silentzion, you have to use your mouse07:03
bro_manwols: I am already in xserver-xorg... I tried to scroll down the page and somehow selected whatever was on the screen and it advanced to the next page... thus, I ask, is there a way to go back a page?07:03
rhysb14ck: it doesn't completely ignore it. simply go into the ...whatever is it called. there is a disk manager07:03
silentit should have a couple buttons on it07:03
nickrudzion: you just grab them (shift left-mouse) and drag07:03
rhysb14ck: just because it doesn't create a device in "my computer07:03
b14ckrhys: I know how to format a drive, but I'm telling you. It wasn't even listed in the hardware manager.07:03
b14ckIt was just listed as an incmopatible USB driver.07:03
wols_bro_man: you are wrong. there are no "pages" in xserver-xorg. xserver-xorg is is X server. that stuff that paints pretty picutures on your screen07:04
b14ckI've done this before, and had the same problem.07:04
Daedricb14ck, sorry to disapoint.07:04
fabioCould not load the settings file '/root/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml' (VERR_OPEN_FAILED).07:04
fabioFATAL ERROR: Attribute 'LogHistoryCount' is not declared for element 'SystemProperties'07:04
fabioLocation: '/root/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 27, column 159.07:04
fabioResult Code:07:04
fabioIVirtualBox {76b25f3c-15d4-4785-a9d3-adc6a462beec}07:04
wols_fabio: stop pasting here!07:04
fabio 07:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:04
rhysb14ck: have you tried the disk manager in windows?07:04
DaedricWindows reconizes ANY drive... regardless of the partitions/filesystems. IF you have an incmopatible USB driver., the problem is elsewhere...07:04
b14ckrhys, what do you mean by disk manager07:05
meticulowhat seems  to be the problem?07:05
Daedricb14ck, left click on my computer, manage07:05
fabiowhat i need to do07:05
TigranGDaedric: Windows doesn't recognize ext3 automatically07:05
wols_fabio: you need to stop pasting here for starters07:05
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
DaedricTigranG, Any drive. not any partition.07:05
meticulowindows cannont  read and right to ext307:05
wols_TigranG: but it recognizes the drive the partition is ion07:05
rhysTigranG: it recognizes the device. doesnt have to read the partition...07:05
meticulou need to download a special driver for that07:05
mwright1Hi can someone help me with crontab07:05
fabiowols_: omfg07:05
wols_meticulo: with a driver, it can07:05
mwright12 18 8 12 *  ls /home/matt/ > test.txt07:06
mwright1is not executing at 18:0207:06
TigranGwols, rhys, yea, read it wrong07:06
mwright1that's the output of crontab -l07:06
Daedricit lists the device in the "device manager" and on the "disk management"07:06
zionthanks, but is need to change it for a metadistribution .. so i need know the location of the configuration file07:06
zanpakatouhi,.. how do you get rid of the notification everytime someone remotely accessing your computer through vnc?07:06
bro_mannickrud: wols: symantics... I believe we are talking about the same thing, it says configuring xserver-xorg... and the last time I tried using the escape key, it selected the option, and did not back up or escape...07:06
TigranGSystem->Preferences ->Remote Desktop07:06
rhysb14ck: and to do it properly, theres a live cd called parted magic, that everyone ho works on machines should just have around.07:07
meticulojust use ntfs, ubuntu can read and right to it07:07
wols_mwright1: cause it isn't 18th of february today, is it?07:07
TigranGzanpakatou: System->Preferences ->Remote Desktop07:07
bullgard4English help wanted. The Gnome panel menu 'Places' has a menu item 'Recently opened documents' or similar. What is the proper English name of it?07:07
TigranGzanpakatou: Under security uncheck ask you for confirmation (if this is what you're asking for)07:08
zanpakatou<TigranG> : it's not there and for the info i've disabled the "ask your confirmation" radio button07:08
leobruFast user switching shows blank gray screen when I try to return to an open session. Is this a known bug?07:08
nickrudbullgard4: Recent Documents07:08
mwright1wols not correct07:09
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you.07:09
nickrudbro_man: I just tried it myself, and you are correct, in fact I couldn't even ctl-c out of it ;(07:09
zanpakatou<TigranG> : everytime my pc gets remotely accessed it shows a notification that someone is remotely accessing on it.. i just want to get rid of it...07:09
mwright1it goes Minute Hour Day of Month07:09
wols_mwright1: so it is 18th of february? or maybe day 2 of month 18?07:09
=== fero is now known as pemudaharapan
bluefoxxhey, can anyone help me with this>http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634717 ?07:09
wols_mwright1: gosh, I need to set my clock at once07:09
zanpakatou<TigranG> : just like when a mac is remotely accessing another mac it doesn't show any notification...07:10
bro_mannickrud: ... I am so sorry... I hope your doesn't take as long as mine to complete...07:10
TigranGzanpakatou: I'm looking, give me a sec07:10
bluefoxxzanpakatou: nice name, bleach fan?07:10
meticuloanyone here play warzone2100?07:10
wols_mwright1: just tell me why you have the time twice in your crontab entry?07:10
nickrudbro_man: ah, I'm using the absolute default, I just hit enter all the way through :)07:10
meticulogood ubuntu game07:10
zanpakatoubluefoxx : sort of...07:11
bazhangmeticulo: yes it rocks07:11
bluefoxxzanpakatou: sweet07:11
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:11
bullgard4nickrud: Places > Recent Documents will open a list of recently opened documents. How does Gnome call this list in English?07:11
nadishello everyone07:12
zanpakatounadis : sidan07:12
bro_mannickrud: (stares back at the other monitor)  /// something I should have done...  but I read every word on every pagfe... twice...07:12
nadissidan ?07:12
zanpakatounadis : anagram07:13
meticulou know a work around for the bug that ucant save...07:13
nickrudbro_man: done that many times, it's why I feel safe hitting enter07:13
nadiszanpakatou: oh isee07:13
nadis*i see07:13
nickrudbullgard4: I'm not sure exactly what phrase they use to describe that list, other than Recent Documents07:13
bluefoxxumm, is the libdvdcss2 gone from the repos? i cannot seem to find it, and i want to watch a dvd07:13
nickrud!medibuntu | bluefoxx (get that here)07:13
ubotubluefoxx (get that here): medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:13
zeayhelp on soundcard. newbie here07:13
zanpakatoubluefoxx : medibuntu07:14
bluefoxxhow do i add this?07:14
TigranGzanpakatou: I can't find anything. There seems to be no built-in way to modify that07:14
bluefoxxi enabled multimedia07:14
zanpakatouTigranG : not even a configuration file?07:14
rhysbluefoxx: you need to add the repository07:14
nickrudbluefoxx: help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu , look for the 'get individual packages' section07:14
TigranGzanpakatou: nope07:14
rhyslibdvdcss2 is illegal07:14
bluefoxxhow do i do this, is it a command line?07:14
nadiszanpakatou: do you have skype account ? if yes, may i add you and talk to you to improve my poor english07:14
bazhangrhys: depending on where you live07:15
rhysbluefoxx: you can add a repository a few different ways07:15
bro_mannickrud: so is there no way other than control-alt-delete ?07:15
nickrudbluefoxx: that community page has complete instructions07:15
zanpakatounadis : my kungfu is not the best which means... we may have same kungfu ... i mean english07:15
zeayanybody can help me with my soundcard? newbie here07:15
rhysbluefoxx: synaptic has a frontend, which simply modifies /etc/apt/sources.list, which you can of course do by hand.07:15
nickrudbro_man: just enter through, it will finish. So, you shouldn't need to reboot07:15
bluefoxxok, thanks guys[linux rules!!]07:15
bullgard4nickrud: The last item of the list is separated from the list items proper. It gives the name of the list indirectly. Does this last item read in English "Clear the list of lastly opened documents" or how does it read?07:16
rhyszeay: what soundcard?07:16
zeayits a adi188807:16
nickrudbullgard4: Clear Recent Documents07:16
bullgard4nickrud: Thank you very much.07:16
meticulokino is amazing, i just amde a 40 minute special effect movie with it ^^07:16
LimCorehow to nuke damn mysql server out of system, including all existing libs/databases... like if mysql was never installed07:17
rhyszeay: is it unmuted?07:17
bro_mannickrud: ok bro... thank you... BBL07:17
zeaynope. its not detected.07:17
rhyszeay: does it show up in lspci?07:17
zeayit is unmuted07:17
thinsoldierby damn, all my gradma's storage problems were due to windows saving massive application settings 9 or 10 folders deep where nobody could ever hope to find it :(07:17
rhysdoes it give any errors?07:17
DaedricLimCore, apt-get remove --purge ?07:17
rhysthinsoldier: spacemonger 1.407:18
zeayrhys: no device detected07:18
thinsoldierrhys: windows app?07:18
LimCoreDaedric: nope07:18
thinsoldierher windows dont boot07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
rhysthinsoldier: yea. ubuntu disk usage anaylzer will do the same07:18
thinsoldierwhere is that?07:18
rhysthinsoldier: somewhere in applications.07:18
rhysgraphical display.07:18
DaedricLimCore, what you mean "nope" ?07:19
rhyszeay: where does it say no device detected?07:19
thinsoldiernot installed by default? i dont see it07:19
bullgard4What is the filename of [GNOME > Places > ] Recent Documents?07:19
LimCoreDaedric: it leaves databases07:19
zeaywhen i click the speaker icon07:19
DaedricLimCore, U SURE?07:19
LimCoreDaedric: yes07:19
LimCorehow to remove package X while saying  synaptic to fsck off and not force me to remove packages depending on it07:19
LimCoreDaedric: I guess its in mysql-common, but removing that wants to remove half my system beacuse of deps, how to tell to ignore them07:20
rhyszeay: everything i see says it should just work. but as I don't have a ubuntu system, i cant really walk you through it. as i understand, ubuntu got rid of alsconfig07:20
zeayyup. a friend told me to type sudo alsaconf but it said command not found07:21
bluefoxxok, so whats the easiest way to add medibuntu to the sources.list, preferably from a terminal07:21
zeayanyway, tnx rhys07:21
zeayhelp with adi1888 soundcard07:22
CRoWsNeSTcan any one in here help me i installed 7.10 to my pc when to driver mager did update on my graphics driver and then it ask to restart pc so restart pc then log back in when to system and notices there no desktop effects in the list07:22
CRoWsNeSTor do i have to download somthing07:23
rhyszeay http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-alsa-devel/2006-April/003208.html07:23
nickrudsudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list &&wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update07:23
bluefoxxwhich version from here>http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/ do i need for a i386 ubuntu7.04 distro and how do i install it?07:23
TigranGCRoWsNeST: Its in System->Pref->Apperance07:23
bro_manLimcore: ... someone once told me that I  could remove 'evolution' which was in a package with games and other stuff I wasn't going to use... so I did... All upgrades, security patches, updates are srewed from then on out...07:23
TigranGIsnt evolution part of a package 'bundle'07:24
rhyszeay: under the administration panel in gnome, check the sound config, and see what its set to. maybe play with that. no idea.07:24
rhysnn all07:24
bluefoxxnickrud: thanks, that seems to be working, so far07:24
CRoWsNeSTit says the composte is not available07:24
nickrudevolution is recommended by ubuntu-desktop, but you can remove it07:24
CRoWsNeSTwhen i go to visual effects click on extra07:25
bro_mannickrud: never.... !07:25
bro_manNickrudL see above...07:25
TigranGCRoWsNeST: paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file07:25
TigranG!paste | CRoWsNeST07:25
ubotuCRoWsNeST: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:25
bluefoxxok, tried to install libdvdcss2 again, but got this now07:25
bluefoxx"Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have07:25
bluefoxxrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable07:25
bluefoxxdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created07:25
bluefoxxor been moved out of Incoming.07:25
bluefoxxThe following information may help resolve the situation:07:25
bluefoxxThe following packages have unmet dependencies:07:25
bluefoxx  libdvdcss2: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is to be installed07:25
bluefoxxE: Broken packages07:25
bluefoxxbluefoxx@azurE-prIDE:~$ "07:26
TigranG!paste | bluefoxx07:26
ubotubluefoxx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:26
CRoWsNeSThow do i do that tigranG07:26
bro_manAll upgrades, security patches, updates are srewed from then on out... EVEN IF YOU PUT IT BACK !07:26
CRoWsNeSTam in termail07:26
CRoWsNeSTwhat the cammand07:26
TigranGCRoWsNeST: open a terminal and sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:26
CRoWsNeSTok it open a xorg.conf file07:27
zeayhelp with adi1888 soundcard07:27
bro_man<----- found out the hard way...07:27
TigranGcopy paste and post it07:27
nickrudbluefoxx: what version of ubuntu are you running07:27
TigranGCRoWsNeST: on the link ubotu gave you, not in here07:27
thinsoldierdear god, how is it possible to have 9 gigs of SETTINGS07:27
CRoWsNeSTit to log to post it07:27
TigranGCRoWsNeST: use www.rafb.net/paste07:28
nickrudbro_man: you did something else/more, plenty of people have removed evolution with no side effects07:28
StEaLtHtHiEfis ubuntuforums.org not working?07:28
jjjjjjjjjjjjjj_join #vmware07:28
bluefoxxi think if i cant get it ill just downgrade or install a earlier ubuntu version, i still have the 6.06 and 6.10 disks kicking around, but ittl be a pain to reboot everytime i want to watcha movie, so id there a way i can share my current accounts with a second linux os installation?07:28
TigranGStEaLtHtHiEf: working for me07:29
CRoWsNeST  Report malicious/abusive content07:29
zanpakatouwhat content?07:29
CRoWsNeSTwhere do i get the link back07:29
nickrudbluefoxx: here's the simplest method: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#head-381bea41610683e5e26322fd7028e7aef85e310507:29
TigranGfrom the adress bar07:29
bro_mannickrud: from edgy ?   5 minutes after I did it, a different person said I better not, but it was too late... all the reasons why not to, turned out to be true...07:29
StEaLtHtHiEfThe internet is working, i can surf pages i randomly fine with google, but for some reason, i can't get ubuntuforums working.07:30
bluefoxxnickrud: thanks07:30
nickrudbro_man: ah, edgy .... I missed that release so I can believe you :)07:30
silentmy god its late07:31
silentsleep time07:31
TigranGCRoWsNeST: Im not familiar with ati cards, go to #compiz-fusion with that link and they can help you07:31
CRoWsNeSTdid you get that link07:31
gatton1075 users? jeez this isn't a pr0n channel is it ;-)07:31
bullgard4What is the filename of [GNOME > Places > ] Recent Documents?07:31
StEaLtHtHiEfI have an easy question.  Can I develop a program that for example, when the user hits a key combination, like shift+enter, a circle is drawn around the mouse pointer until the key's are depressed erasing the circle?07:32
bro_mannickrud: yes... however... now, an upgrade repairs most of the changed OS ability to accept some patches and updates...07:32
zeayhelp with adi1888 soundcard07:32
zanpakatouthis is a pr0n channel but the only thing you could se TUX getting n@k3d... lolz07:32
bluefoxxzanpakatou: lolz07:32
gattonthose dirty dirty penguins07:32
CRoWsNeSTno one talking in there07:33
CRoWsNeSTany other room07:33
CRoWsNeSTi can go for help07:33
TigranGCRoWsNeST: I think you need Option "AddARGBVisuals" "True" but I'm not sure if thats with ATI cards too.07:33
wols_CRoWsNeST: wrong driver. you need the "ati" driver for compiz07:34
StEaLtHtHiEfAnyone able to help with a programming question?07:34
TigranGCRoWsNeST: Just be patient in that channel.07:34
bluefoxxok, so im still trying to install libdvdcss2 but this is what i get now07:34
bluefoxx  libdvdcss2: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is to be installed07:34
zanpakatouis there a channel for ubuntu dev?07:34
bro_man<--- nocturnal... doesn't understand "late" unless the sunrises...07:34
bluefoxxi was also wondering, how do i make my own channels?07:34
wols_!info libc6 gutsy07:34
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.6.1-1ubuntu10 (gutsy), package size 4085 kB, installed size 10120 kB07:34
astro76bluefoxx, /join #channelnamewhichdoesntexist07:35
bluefoxxastro76: thanks07:35
wols_bluefoxx: download your libdvdcss for your feisty or update to gutsy07:35
zanpakatoubro_man : I don't considered late unless the big f@t lady s1ngs07:35
nickrud!info libc6 feisty07:36
ubotulibc6: GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.5-0ubuntu14 (feisty), package size 4003 kB, installed size 9976 kB07:36
OldakQuillI downloaded a .package file containing an application. Was listed as an "autopackage" for Linux on a website. What do I do with a .package file?07:36
nickrudbluefoxx: are you using gutsy, or feisty?07:36
astro76OldakQuill, what is it07:36
wols_OldakQuill: not supported in ubuntu. .debs only07:36
bluefoxxwols_: i would, but i have no media to backup with, unless i can have it copy all my users accounts, and even then, i dont hacve any blank cds, and my free cd requests are being denied now07:37
bluefoxxnickrud: i am using fiesty07:37
zanpakatou<OldakQuill> : you can just double click it make sure you set it to "chmod a+x"07:37
siswa01sory. hello07:37
astro76OldakQuill, have you checked if it's available from Ubuntu's repos?07:37
astro76!hi | siswa0107:38
ubotusiswa01: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:38
spinikeris there anyone who can help me?07:38
ubotuSeveas has a popular 3rd party repository for Feisty and earlier for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - And he's getting married!07:38
zanpakatou<OldakQuill> : you can just double click it make sure you set it to "chmod a+x".. it will automatically download the necessary autopackage ...07:38
OldakQuillastro76: It isn't.07:38
OldakQuillI'll download the source instead07:38
astro76OldakQuill, source would be preferred07:38
wols_!helpme | spiniker07:38
ubotuspiniker: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience07:38
bluefoxxwols_: is there a way for me to import user accounts when reinstalling?07:38
astro76!checkinstall | OldakQuill07:38
ubotuOldakQuill: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!07:38
mohkohnI installed Gutsy using the alternate-installer option. During the boot it gave an error message saying that it could not find my LVM LUKS partition07:38
nickrudbluefoxx: go look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages for feisty libdvdcss207:38
wols_bluefoxx: you don't reinstal. you UPGRADE07:38
iroirohow do i install flash for opera? the tut says i should change the path--but i don't know how it can be changed during installation07:38
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:38
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:39
OldakQuillThanks for the help!07:39
wols_bluefoxx: no CD necessary either07:39
mohkohnI tried multiple times but no luck. Is this a bug?07:39
=== yaki is now known as aposdufopad
aposdufopadwhat's that thing people have on their desktop that shows all the system info?07:40
wols_aposdufopad: conky perhaps?07:40
mohkohnDebian Etch installs fine on the same laptop with lvm and dmcrypt but I think the older version of Xorg it uses causes my laptop to freeze when I shutdown -h now07:41
zanpakatouaposdufopad : widgets07:41
bluefoxxwols_: i have done that upgrade before, but the side affect was [this was going from 6.10 to 7.04] that the main boot kernel was fried, and hung trying to mount file system, therefore, i prefer a clean install, importing accounts if at all possible07:41
StEaLtHtHiEfgdesklets @ aposdufopad07:41
bazhangsuperkaramba widgets07:41
mohkohnor reboot. So I was really hoping Gutsy would be my solution.07:41
TigranGlol 20 people answered that one07:41
zeaystil looking for soundcard help issue07:41
TigranGwhat sound card do you have07:42
zanpakatouTigranG : i'm guessing your nick comes from these words "Tigra = Tiger except your female" and "nG = next generation"...07:42
TigranGzanpakatou: No, Tigran is my name, G is my last name initial07:42
TigranGand im male07:42
iroiroyeah, and noone knows about adobe flash :|07:42
cvdgutsy gonna be supported unitl?07:42
zanpakatouTigranG : oops.. sorry...07:43
KostyaTigran? :) Armenian?07:43
Kostyaha es ti?07:43
Kostyais here any Nautilus specialists around?07:43
bluefoxxso can anyone help me?how do i install libdvdcss2 for fiesty fawn? from terminal of course;)07:43
zeayTigranG any idea regardng adi1888 soundcard?07:43
astro76!anyone | Kostya07:44
ubotuKostya: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:44
TigranGzeay: and theres no sound? thats your problem?07:44
zeayits on ubuntu 7.1007:44
Kostyawell, my question is regarding Naurilus: is it possible to have a fon size bigger with small icons?07:45
wols_zeay:  snd-intel8x007:45
bluefoxxhow do i install libdvdcss2 for fiesty fawn? from terminal preferably...07:45
zanpakatouKostya : you could create a theme for that... i guess07:45
astro76Kostya, you can adjust font size in System > Preferences > Appearance07:45
wols_!repeat | bluefoxx07:45
ubotubluefoxx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:45
astro76!medibuntu | bluefoxx07:46
ubotubluefoxx: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:46
TigranGwols_ can you help zeay, I'm no sound expert07:46
astro76bluefoxx, set up repo according to directions and apt-get install libdvdcss207:46
Kostyaastro76: nope, this is not the one I'm asking about07:46
zanpakatoubluefoxx : i'm using medibuntu... it works great you should add it in your repo if your contry have no issues about legalities07:46
TigranGbluefoxx: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/12/04/libdvdcss2-and-w32codecs-for-ubuntu/07:47
Lore2I've found some annoying bugs and I don't wanna wait around for someone else to fix it, how would I go about fixing them myself, i'm a semi decent programmer however I've very limited experience in a *nix environment. Can anyone point me in the right direction?07:47
astro76Kostya, that should change it system wide including nautilus, did you try?07:47
Kostyaastro76: say for example I decreased the icon size in Nautilus to 33%, but I want font size to stay the same...07:47
bluefoxxhey, anyone else using logitech[or any keyboard] find that it lags on the input sometimes, then jumps back into activity and repeats whatever key you pressed, despite you only pressing it once?07:47
Lilacormy sound controls stopped working...when I change the volume underneath XMMS or even use the volume buttons nothing happens... how do I fix this?07:47
astro76Kostya, I understand, did you try to adjust font in Appearance Preferences?07:47
zanpakatoubluefoxx : try preferences07:48
Kostyaastro76: yes :)07:48
astro76Kostya, worked?07:48
zanpakatoubluefoxx : if it will fix your problem07:48
zeaywols u there?07:48
Lore2Where should I start if I want to fix bugs in ubuntu?07:48
TigranGLore2: Finding one? :P07:49
Kostyai openet topicon ubuntu forums, there is a screenshot attached: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632989&highlight=nautilus07:49
zeaywols u there?07:49
astro76Lore2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad07:49
bluefoxxzanpakatou: i tried that, but it only seems to screw me up more, slowing my typing rate, and making more typos, ex:every other letter skips07:49
zeayanyway tnx TigraG07:49
astro76Lore2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs07:50
Lore2i've found a ton, I just don't know how to go about fixing them. I've programmed in windows but I've no experience in linux. And I really don't wanna wait for someone else to fix them.07:50
TigranGzeay: no problem, just ask another time, more experienced ppl may be on later07:50
astro76Lore2, that link should set you off, first step would be to see if they are reported07:50
astro76!bugs | Lore207:51
ubotuLore2: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots07:51
zanpakatouLore2 : that would be great.. if ever u fixed some bugs be sure to share them with everyone...07:51
zeayok. thnx again07:51
mohkohnDoes Hardy already have the 2.6.24 kernel?07:51
TigranGKostya: did you get an answer?07:52
SeveredCrossmohkohn: #ubuntu+2107:52
bluefoxxTigranG: im not too concerned about windows codecs, i can play wmp audio, and i can un-rar RAR files, and such, its libdvdcss2 i need, ive got audio working and everything else is fine, and i see no reason to upgrade yet, im going to wait untill january07:52
Lore2I've read most of those already.07:52
astro76mohkohn, you can check at http://packages.ubuntu.com07:52
mohkohnthanks SeveredCross forgot about that. also good astro7607:52
Hypernerdhelp please:  I am using the live CD07:52
TigranGbluefoxx: I dont know what you need, just googled the name you have and found that, thought it might be useful, guess not :P07:52
HypernerdI get to the main screen07:52
Hypernerdbut when I click start or Install Ubuntu,07:53
Lore2They really don't go into how to get started contributing.07:53
zanpakatouHypernerd : make your question in one line07:53
Hypernerdhelp please: I am using the live CD  I get to the main screen but when I click start or Install Ubuntu, An error shows up saying I/O error reading from boot CD07:54
astro76Lore2, request a mentor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring07:54
HypernerdI googled the error but found no good solution07:54
doumai have 2 partitions in the first i have win  witch partition method i must use to install ubuntu in the 2 partition?07:54
TigranGHypernerd: try doing the check cd for defects07:54
mohkohnand the answer is yes! 2.6.2407:54
HypernerdWhen I do that the same error occurs07:54
zanpakatouHypernerd  : i'm sure it's defective try burning another iso again07:54
TigranGHypernerd, then try burning it again (maybe at a lower speed)07:55
HypernerdDone twice already, checked MD% sums too.07:55
munk_how do i change permissions on a secondary hdd?07:55
DanikarPNHypernerd: U might try reburning or using another cd/dvd drive07:55
zanpakatouHypernerd  : try burning from anoterh ISO.. don't use ur current ISO files.. it maybe corrupted07:55
KostyaTigranG: nope, still no answer07:55
Hypernerdtwo different computers, not max speed.07:55
TigranGHypernerd: are you burning at fastest speed possible?07:55
StEaLtHtHiEfAnyone have any pointers as why my firefox wont load ubuntuforums.org ?07:55
DanikarPNStEaLtHtHiEf: It loads everything else?07:56
StEaLtHtHiEfEveryone says its working, so it has to be something my side right?07:56
StEaLtHtHiEfyeah i can surf the net07:56
KostyaStEaLtHtHiEf: maybe a start page set to ubuntuforums?07:56
TigranGHypernerd: I had a lot of problems with burning the CD too. And all I know is to try burning at a lower speed. Sorry07:56
munk_how do i change permissions on a secondary hdd?07:56
bluefoxxTigranG: zanpakatou: wols_: nickrud: thanks for all your help, i should figure it out eventually, i fluked it a few monthes back using edgy, but that harddrive clicked out, thanks again07:56
Kostyaastro76: so any ideas about icons & fonst size in nautilus?07:56
DanikarPNStEaLtHtHiEf: I dont know, thats odd.  It is working for me. Double check spelling lol?07:56
TigranGKostya: I dont get what you want07:56
astro76Kostya, I had asked if that worked, I guess not?07:57
KostyaTigranG: have a look here in this topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632989&highlight=nautilus07:57
Kostyaastro76: nope, that did not helped07:57
Hypernerdhmmm, no ideas then?  I might just my the CD somewhere.07:57
StEaLtHtHiEfugh, I can't figure out pm but yeah, spelling is ok.  Kostya, do you mean set my start page to ubuntuforums or is my start page set to.... ?07:57
zanpakatouKostya : afaik if you change it trough fonts in preferences you'll be changing the global settings... and as for the icongs... personally i would try to find a good themes that would suit my needs ...07:57
Kostyaastro76: this will increase font size all over the gnome...07:58
chilli_my laptop's screen just blew up i think what do i do07:58
munk_how do i change permissions on a secondary hdd?07:58
chilli_or it just failed and every thing stoped working07:58
wols_mitchbones: what permissions?07:58
wols_doh. he left07:58
astro76Kostya, yeah I dont' understand what you want either, because if you want the font bigger, just zoom to 50%, since the font takes up more room, the larger icon isn't wasting space07:58
zanpakatoumunk_ : how do you intend to change the permission ? on boot or manually?07:58
bluefoxxso what does "  libdvdcss2: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.6-1) but 2.5-0ubuntu14 is to be installed" mean to me?07:59
mitchboneswols_, what?!07:59
mitchbonesoh you hit m and tab i guess07:59
wols_bluefoxx: it means you download from the wrong repo07:59
wols_bluefoxx: download the package from a feisty repo not a gutsy one07:59
mitchbonesWhen you install ubuntu, does it install Grub on Windows or your Ubuntu partiton?07:59
TigranGKostya: I dont know of anyone way, in nautilus the font size depends on zoom level and font size in Apperance07:59
zanpakatoubluefoxx : it means you have a different version which means you have to replace it supported one... you have to know what distro yous is and compare it to the one you downloaded07:59
wols_mitchbones: stage2 is installed in /boot/grub/07:59
bluefoxxso how do i do that?08:00
Kostyaastro76: bit it's not logical, the control tells me to make icons size smaller, why does it makes font size smaller too....???08:00
wols_bluefoxx: you've been told how to get the proper one08:00
munk_zanpakatou, on boot...i just want to be able to share the hdd over samba and be able to access it cuz right now its only set to plugdev group...08:00
mitchbonesI wanted ot uninstall ubuntu on this HD and just have it on a seperate one...that is for another day I guess08:00
zanpakatoubluefoxx : it only happens if you put a repository which is not for your current distro08:00
astro76Kostya, it says nothing about icon size, just zoom08:00
wols_mitchbones: you cannot uninstall. but you can overwrite08:00
KostyaTigranG: that is what I want to know. so basically there is no ways to configure this settings separately..08:00
scguy318mitchbones: GRUB is installed on the MBR08:00
scguy318mitchbones: to answer that questino you posed08:00
mitchbonesThats what I mean't08:01
TigranGKostya: Not that I know/think of08:01
scguy318mitchbones: ah, then wols_ addressed it :)08:01
scguy318mitchbones: sorry to bug08:01
mitchbonesscguy, np!08:01
KostyaTigranG: ok, thanks guys08:01
Kostyaastro76: ok, thanks guys08:01
astro76Kostya, so if somehow the icon to font-size ratio is not acceptable to you, you need to find a new theme or modify yours08:01
wols_bluefoxx: apt-cache policy libdvdcss208:01
zanpakatoumunk_ : we have similar problems before ... I solved mine by reinstalling my ubuntu...  can't help you with that... because if you try to change the ownership it will not permit you to do so.. even if you're sudo08:01
doumai have 2 partitions in the first i have win  witch partition method i must use to install ubuntu in the 2 partition?08:01
chilli_my laptop's screen just blew up i think what do i do08:01
chilli_or it just failed and every thing stoped working08:02
astro76Kostya, no prob ;)08:02
Kostyacan tis be modified in the theme? I think it should be in the sources of nautilus...08:02
astro76Kostya, I would think the theme08:02
zanpakatoumunk_ : i'm guessing it's fat32 partion u have problems on08:02
munk_zanpakatou, i dont want to change ownership to something else only group or others.. its a ntfs ....worse than fat:(08:02
wols_munk_: put it in fstab to be mounted on boot. nothing to do with permissions at all08:02
wols_munk_: what's the fstab entry for the partition?08:03
Kostyaastro76: well, I cannot see any fonts related settings in the gnome/gtk themes... I still think it should be in the sources. say for example when zooming, decrease the font size less than it's at the moment..08:03
chilli_my laptop's screen just blew up i think what do i do08:03
chilli_or it just failed and every thing stoped working08:03
munk_wols_ i havent looked into fstab yet let me take a peak08:03
zanpakatoumunk_ : there is however you could do.. there is an unofficial guide somewhere that will answer your problem.. try googling this "unofficial ubuntu guide"08:03
wols_chilli_: ctrl+alt+f108:03
astro76Kostya, gnome strives for simplicity so I don't see that happening :P ...but perhaps something in gconf08:04
Kostyaastro76: ok, anothe question :) is it possible to make places icons bigger? say like on macosx in finder?08:04
wols_chilli_: if that doesn't work: reboot. if you don't get a picture on the screen on reboot (no BIOS e.g.): not a ubuntu problem, but buy a new laptop08:04
munk_wols_ UUID=80C2F69090FA0800 /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 thats what i have08:04
irohow do i type Japanese in ubuntu?08:04
astro76Kostya, there are many unexposed settings available in gconf08:04
chilli_its not running ubuntu08:04
wols_munk_: is the partition mounted at boot?08:04
Kostyaastro76: I checked gconf many times, nothing there... :( maybe some hidden options :)08:04
chilli_and its brand new 2 grands08:04
munk_wols_ oh and a 1 at the end..08:04
TigranGiro: Applications->Access->Character Map?08:05
bro_man???  what is "kernal framebuffer device interface" ????08:05
munk_yes it is...but its not a partition its another hdd i have on..08:05
astro76Kostya, places icon where?08:05
Kostyaastro76: would be cool to find all gconf settings documented, including unpublished ;)08:05
wols_munk_: sda1 is a partition. and you don't mount harddisks, you mount partitions08:05
iroTigranG, and how do you want me to TYPE Japanese there?08:05
wols_munk_: so if it is mounted on boot what is your problem?08:05
Kostyaastro76: say, if you got places on the left panel, is it possible to make icons bigger there?08:06
zanpakatoumunk_ : check this please http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy08:06
TigranGiro: Ive seen some other languages there, just told you to check it out. I'm not sure08:06
wols_bro_man: kernel framebuffer device. why do you want to know? what for?08:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:06
astro76Kostya, dunno08:06
Kostyaastro76: ok :)08:06
munk_wols_ true sorry yeah...but what i was wondering is....the problem is that the owner is set to root and whenever i share this through samba it asks me for a password and user name and whenever i put mine in it doesnt work....08:06
Kostyaastro76: propably I should as it on nautilus channels :)08:06
bro_manwols: it is an option in configuring the xserver-xorg...08:07
wols_munk_: man smbpasswd. samba passwords are not the same as the system passwords08:07
jarrod_anyone now if it is possible to change the location of the tmp file in lynx?08:07
TigranGiro: or do you want system wide Japanese?08:07
wols_bro_man: ignore it08:07
Kostyaastro76: ok, the last questions. is it possible to disable spell check in pidgin? I'm talking russian and this is making me crazy :)08:07
munk_wols_ but i dont have a smbpasswd set up..08:07
scguy318Kostya: lemme look08:07
wols_munk_: then do it08:07
munk_everything else i share works except this..08:07
scguy318Kostya: yes, Toosl -> Prefs -> Conversations08:08
ozzloyi messed with my resolution, and now alt+tab makes the screen go white.  how do i fix this?08:08
wols_how is it shared?08:08
scguy318Kostya: uncheck highlight misspelled words08:08
wols_what's the smb.conf entry for it?08:08
iroTigranG, yeah i want the latter one08:08
scguy318Kostya: though the real solution may be to change the dictionary file to Russian08:08
scguy318Kostya: if you wanted spell checking for Russian08:08
TigranGSystem->Admin->Language Support08:08
iroive added the language, but i dont know how to start typing in it08:08
munk_wols_ but i was wondering what the umask code i should have...its at 007 now but when i had gentoo on it was set at 0000 so im not sure if that has anything to do with it or not...08:09
bluefoxxokay, so i finally got libdvdcss2 to install, but dvds still wont play08:09
Kostyascguy318: thanks! :) how did I missed this setting...I was looking for something like spell check...08:09
TigranGiro: Is it the default language?08:09
irono, should it be?08:09
wols_munk_: if you can access it locally as normal user: it doesn't. you can also change its uid from root to your user with uid=08:09
Kostyascguy318: it's too hard to find dictionary with russian slang ;)08:09
TigranGiro: I'm guessing, or let me see if theres any way to configure the keyboard to a language08:09
TigranGiro: yea08:10
munk_wols_ would that change the owner ?08:10
wols_munk_: yes08:10
scguy318Kostya: lol :)08:10
TigranGiro: System->Pref->Keyboard08:10
zeayhelp with adi1888 soundcard08:10
munk_wols_ alright ill try thanks ill be back if i have any other questions..08:10
TigranGiro: then Layouts and check Japanese as default08:10
wols_zeay: lspci. pastebin the output08:10
yellow__please help me join08:11
irowhy default? i need not to have Russian default to type it08:11
wols_yellow__: join what?08:11
TigranGDont make it default the, but select it08:11
zanpakatouiro : if you have troubles with any configuration or settings try checking the control center first or through the "system -> preferences " and see it if will fix your problems or you could try the builtin help in ubuntu08:11
Kostyaalso, is there any nice video editing program ( free/gpl ) to make movies? Kino does not have any functionality to make titles, etc...also it's not possible to produce ready DVD with menus there...08:11
yellow__join to chat08:11
TigranGKostya: Kino08:11
iroi did select it, TigranG08:11
wols_yellow__: what chat? ýou already are on irc08:11
TigranGKostya: didnt see you just said except kino :P08:12
zanpakatouKostya : lives...08:12
KostyaTigranG: Kino is just to edit the scenes, but how to make titles there?08:12
zanpakatouKostya : i'm not so sure08:12
TigranGiro: never done this before, let me try installing it08:12
ozzloycan i get some help with displayconfig-gtk please?08:12
TigranGKostya: google :)08:12
irozanpakatou, if you are willing to help read the question first. i did select the language, now i want to actually type in it08:12
scguy318Kostya: look in Ubuntu Studio packages08:12
Kostyazanpakatou: lives? is it QT based?08:12
wols_!ask | ozzloy08:12
ubotuozzloy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:12
scguy318Kostya: they're merged with the Gutsy repo me thinks08:12
KostyaTigranG: yeah! google is the best! :)08:12
yellow__hehehe,sory,im very blank of computer08:12
tyronepollerihi i am running compiz-fusion and emerald i changed my pointer but whenever it goes into a menu it turns white again how can i fix it?08:13
zanpakatouKostya : you want Qt based?08:13
tyronepolleriit happens in some windows too08:13
irozanpakatou, having such a nickname you prolly know the tricks. windows ime waits for Alt-tilde to switch to kanji input mode.. annything similar in Ubuntu?08:14
Kostyazanpakatou: nope. I'd prefer GTK/gnome apps, as I'm using ubuntu...08:14
zanpakatouiro : wait a sec08:15
ozzloyhttp://rafb.net/p/1n7wbC33.html please, someone help?08:15
Filled-voidWhat would cause an error 404 after installing phpmyadmin on Ubuntu?08:15
scguy318iro: you're asking how to dynamically switch between input modes in SCIM?08:16
Filled-voidI have apache2 installed with the above also08:16
ozzloywols_: that is my question.  i'm not asking if i can ask.  i'm asking for help08:16
wols_ozzloy: you use the wrong tool. sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:16
zanpakatouKostya : hm... im not so sure if it's Qt though but i've read the features... i found subtitle there08:16
KostyaFilled-void: index.php or index.phtml is not set as a start file?08:16
Filled-voidKostya, I have no files in /var/www thats whats bugging me :(08:16
ozzloywols_: giving it a shot08:17
iroscguy318, err, possibly. what's SCIM?08:17
Filled-voidKostya, I was able to get vnstat fromt end to run it previously. I moved the vnstat into a new folder and then did the install08:17
Kostyazanpakatou: yep. it looks promising. will give it a try. remember a year ago when I was trying to switch to ubuntu, lives was like a "set of bugs" :)08:17
zanpakatouKostya : check the features on this website http://lives.sourceforge.net/ and see if the tool you need is in there...08:17
scguy318iro: its the IME program that's installed when u do the Language Support thing08:18
iroi'm a complete linux newbie. during my whole life the only thing i've done in lunux is made some cgi scripts on some shell08:18
zanpakatouKostya : set of bugs .. hmmm maybe back then it's unstable... hmmm i was also lookin' for great movie editor for linux though...08:18
scguy318iro: are you asking about how to use the IME? :)08:18
iroscguy318, err. i added Japanese as an input language. it is selected right now, thou i can type English only. since i have it selected, i must have that SCIM or whatever IME installed, right?08:19
scguy318iro: yes08:20
irogreat. then yes, i want to know how to use IME :)08:20
scguy318iro: to switch between input modes, I think it's Shift + Space08:20
scguy318iro: then I think to actually enter something08:20
zanpakatouiro : i have a quite dirty solution to your IME problem08:20
TigranGiro: Did you get it?08:20
Kostyazanpakatou: movie editing was the showstopper for me to move to ubuntu from windows...08:20
TigranGiro: I figured it out08:21
scguy318iro: listen to them :)08:21
iroscguy318, that did not work08:21
dbr_hi i'm having trouble getting my sound recognized, I have two cards on onboard and on SBLive. I want sound output via SBLive. Ubuntu seems to randomly not find this card.08:21
tekhaw1okay skype now has video on linux support now umm anyone have way to install it on 7.10 under 64bit08:21
zanpakatouiro : you could create an IME for you self though08:21
zanpakatouiro : i found a list with sample code on it...08:21
TigranGiro: Go to System->Pref->Keyboard then  Layouts and click Add. Find Japanese and add it08:22
irozanpakatou, scguy318 said i have already installed something08:22
ozzloywols_: ok, now i'm guessing i have to restart the xserver.  wish me luck!08:22
iroTigranG, yeah, i have already done it08:22
dbr_I did modprobe snd-emu10k1 since the module wasn't loaded and then /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart but still no luck08:22
TigranGiro: Now right click on a panel and add an applet called Keyboard Indicator08:22
ironow i have it selected, but the output is English08:22
iroTigranG, this done, too08:22
TigranGiro: It will let you choose with language to type with08:22
TigranGiro: then you have a problem, works for me08:23
scguy318TigranG: I believe he's already have the indicator, but I think he's wondering how to start typing :)08:23
iroprecisely :)08:23
TigranGscguy318: Yea, you choose the language from it and type08:23
TigranGits pretty simple08:24
scguy318TigranG: I know, but Japanese takes a little more effort :P08:24
scguy318iro: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JapaneseInput08:24
TigranGwhys that08:24
dbr_/proc/asound cards only shows the onboard card08:24
dbr_funny thing is yesterday it worked08:24
scguy318TigranG: different character types in the language, don't quote me, I know nothing :)08:24
iroscguy318, thanks, reading08:25
TigranGscguy318: ok haha08:25
TigranGscguy318: I tired it with Armenian worked right away, don't get why Japanese should be any different08:25
Filled-voidShouldnt there be a phpmyadmin folder under /var/www if I installed phpmyadmin?08:26
mnemonica_Excellent! I'm assuming that I've successfully connected to the channel.08:26
TigranGiro: I'm gonna go ahead and do what I did with Japanese now, wanna see if it works, cause I dont understand why it shouldnt08:26
mnemonica_Is this the correct place to come for help with Ubuntu?08:26
Filled-voidmnemonica_, yes08:27
ttt-hi, which player can handle .mov files?08:27
scguy318TigranG: you probably know more in such matters, so ignore me08:27
scguy318ttt-: mplayer, VLC, etc.?08:27
bluefoxxhow can i make/enable a "send" button in gaim?08:28
TigranGttt: you need the gstreamer codec first08:28
scguy318TigranG: well, not with those players :P08:28
scguy318TigranG: since they do not use GStreamer API anyway08:28
scguy318TigranG: but you are correct when using Totem and such :)08:28
mnemonica_Excellent. I have a pretty bad problem. I've posted in several forums, but no help. I was trying to uninstall compiz-fusion and was deleting some repositories or something (I'm really new to this) and now I can't login normally. I can login to failsafe GNOME and the terminal but nothing else. Help?08:28
TigranGscguy318: you probably know more in such matters, so ignore me ;)08:28
scguy318TigranG: lol :)08:28
scguy318mnemonica_: reason is, you've probably removed XGL, and your login script spawned XGL08:29
mnemonica_Oh, and when I try to login normally, it goes to the desktop for a breif second (the brown screen) and then flashes black and drops back to the login screen.08:29
mnemonica_And, ok... How do I fix it. Or do I?08:29
Filled-voidSigh reinstalling phpmyadmin works now :)08:29
MOTZhw c08:29
scguy318mnemonica_: well, you could stick to failsafe or reverse the edits you made to your login script, I'm afraid I can't really help with that :(08:29
MOTZhow can i enable writing on my sd card with ubuntu ?08:30
MOTZtried with v08:30
wols_MOTZ: how is the card mounted?08:30
scguy318MOTZ: if you insert it does it not auto-mount and permit write?08:30
MOTZchmod a+w /media08:30
dbr_mnemonica_, what exactly did you do to uninstall compiz-fusion?08:30
wols_MOTZ: run mount. pastebin its output08:30
MOTZmountpoint u mean ?08:31
zanpakatou<mnemonica_> :  it is possible that your compisiting is still enabled... or metacity wasn't set as your default manager...08:31
wols_no. I mean you should do what I told you08:32
TigranGwols_: lol08:32
mnemonica_I don't exactly remember... I to know that I was doing something with fgxl or something like that and then hit ctrl+alt+backspace and it logged me out (I'm guessing?) and then it didn't work.08:32
MOTZi never donee that ;)08:33
wols_mnemonica_: did you uninstall compiz or did you mess with fglrx? which one is it?08:33
TigranGhe messed with fglrx whiel uninstalling compiz08:33
mnemonica_Both? Everything I was doing I was doing by following along some guides I found via google. I'm really new with this stuff, so I'm not sure.08:33
wols_TigranG: that is nonsense08:33
TigranGtell him08:33
wols_mnemonica_: pastebin your xorg log08:33
scguy318mnemonica_: as I said before, check your login script based upon what you told me08:34
mnemonica_wols_: How do I do any of that?08:34
yellowi want to chat with someone please08:34
dbr_mnemonica_, can you post the address of this guide so we can get some idea what you were doing?08:34
scguy318yellow: what sort of chat?08:34
zanpakatou<mnemonica_> : it is probably save in your session including the the stuffed you screwd that's why you couldn't login to your normal session...08:34
wols_yellow: you already are. this is a ubuntu support channel, not a general chat one08:34
TigranGyellow: more than 1000 ppl here to chat with, pick one08:34
wols_yellow: do you need support with ubuntu?08:35
yellowanything,im new,looking for a new friend08:35
wols_yellow: go to #defocus08:35
TigranGyellow: this isnt a social place08:35
mnemonica_I don't know where anything is. I don't know what a login script is, or where to find it, or what a pastebin is or what a xorg log is or where to find it.08:35
mnemonica_I really really really want to do what you're telling me, but I don't know how.08:35
scguy318yellow: or #ubuntu-offtopic08:35
mnemonica_Throw me a bone... lol08:36
scguy318mnemonica_: ok, so link us to the guide that you were following when you installed Compiz :)08:36
JakeConnorwhy doesn't a disk mounted with the ramfs filesystem show up in df? is this normal?08:36
dbr_what do i have to do to make alsa find a card? just modprobe the necessary module and restart alsa-utils or will i have to do something else?08:37
MOTZhey wol where can i find out the mountpoint should it  be media/Cardname ?08:38
mnemonica_Sorry, had to search around... I think it was this ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=533201    and when I did the second thing, it started acting weird.08:38
wols_dbr_: pretty much modprobing the driver should be enough08:38
mnemonica_The second  code, I mean.08:38
scguy318MOTZ: the mount point is a directory of your choosing08:38
dbr_did that, no luck08:39
MOTZand the device name is only in my case" NDS" i think08:39
wols_MOTZ: answer my question08:40
wols_MOTZ: how is the card mounted?08:40
MOTZwhere can i see that?08:40
wols_aI told you already what to paste08:41
dbr_the module is loaded and i don't see any complaints in dmesg but alsa only sees my onboard card08:41
MOTZoh really ?08:41
wols_dbr_: how did you check?08:41
mnemonica_Sorry, had to search around... I think it was this ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=533201    and when I did the second thing, it started acting weird.08:41
dbr_cat /proc/asound/cards08:41
MOTZiefler@riefler-laptop:~$ mount08:42
MOTZ/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)08:42
MOTZproc on /proc type proc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)08:42
MOTZ/sys on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)08:42
MOTZvarrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=0755)08:42
MOTZvarlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)08:42
MOTZudev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)08:42
MOTZdevshm on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw)08:42
scguy318mnemonica_: looking now08:42
MOTZdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)08:42
MOTZlrm on /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile type tmpfs (rw)08:42
mnemonica_Does that help?08:42
wols_MOTZ: stop that!08:42
MOTZsecurityfs on /sys/kernel/security type securityfs (rw)08:42
MOTZbinfmt_misc on /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc type binfmt_misc (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)08:42
MOTZ/dev/mmcblk0p1 on /media/NDS type vfat (ro,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077,usefree)08:42
littlebear72!info compiz fusion08:42
ubotucompiz: OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB08:42
scguy318mnemonica_: how about the guide you used to install?08:43
littlebear72!info compiz-fusion08:43
ubotuPackage compiz-fusion does not exist in gutsy08:43
wols_littlebear72: message the bot, don't spam the channel08:43
littlebear72ahh ok08:43
littlebear72i was trying to understand the idea a bit of that info08:43
NineTeen67CometI got to thinking, you can install Linux from a live cd .. can you install linux via ssh into an already running install of linux? With available free space that is ..08:43
littlebear72im sort of new08:43
ForsakenSoul!help codecs08:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about help codecs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:43
wols_NineTeen67Comet: yes08:43
wols_ForsakenSoul: message the bot. don't spam the channel08:44
JakeConnorhow do i get how much diskspace is used in my "dummy" filesystem? df reports 0 available, 0 free, and 0 size, but there 150mb of space so what program would return back the accurate amount?08:44
wols_NineTeen67Comet: well, you can't install any linux that way, bu you can install debian and debianbased ones08:44
NineTeen67Cometwols_: Hummm.. I've got a very tempermental Ubuntu Server going and would like to play with it since it is on its last leg anyhow .. think I will go google a bit for a tutorial ..08:44
scguy318!restricted | ForsakenSoul08:44
ubotuForsakenSoul: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:44
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:44
TigranGiro: I see now how its not working for you, its weird, I dont have an answer for you, good luck on it08:44
wols_NineTeen67Comet: debootstrap08:44
NineTeen67Cometwols_: I remember doing it with Gentoo, Debian and I think RH8 from a Knoppix Live cd ..08:45
NineTeen67CometWe'll see whats out there ..08:45
mnemonica_I used this ---> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion08:45
scguy318mnuemonica_: hmm, and you did not edit any files? just that?08:46
wols_mnemonica_: install ubuntu-desktop08:46
mnemonica_pretty sure...08:46
mnemonica_How do I do that?08:47
TigranGsudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop08:47
wols_mnemonica_: if you can't even install stuff, you need to read more documentation08:47
mnemonica_Reading package lists... Done08:48
mnemonica_Building dependency tree08:48
mnemonica_Reading state information... Done08:48
mnemonica_ubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.08:48
mnemonica_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.08:48
scguy318wols_: ?08:48
mnemonica_That's what I got.08:48
wols_mnemonica_: do not paste into this channel08:48
TigranGThen its already installed08:48
mnemonica_Ok, sorry.08:48
ForsakenSoulsomeone help me i can`t install a package08:48
scguy318ForsakenSoul: why not?08:48
scguy318ForsakenSoul: and what package?08:48
ForsakenSoulit awlays shows me the list is out of date reload08:48
TigranGsudo apt-get update08:48
ForsakenSoulany package from the add/remove08:48
scguy318ForsakenSoul: well press Reload?08:48
wols_ForsakenSoul: pastebin the command and its full output08:48
ForsakenSoulwell i keep pressing reload08:48
brokenjeez give him/her a break08:48
ForsakenSouland the same08:48
scguy318ForsakenSoul: are all your repositories enabled in System -> Admin -> Software Sources?08:49
dbr_mnemonica_, type what is suggested in the second part of that guide but instead of 'aptitude remove' type 'aptitude install'08:49
yomm_why should one choose aptitude over 'apt-get' ?08:50
wols_yomm_: better conflict resolution. automatically removing unneeded dependencies08:50
mnemonica_It runs through everything just fine but then says:   W: GPG error: http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee feisty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3C33E735F854AFD708:50
wols_mnemonica_: that's no error but a warning08:51
yomm_wols : I see .. I've never encountered problems using apt-get though ....08:51
ForsakenSoulschuy318 i just tried i checked all of the needed sources and clicked on revert and it just unchecked them08:51
Jimnasticshow do I remove all the data from a nix box08:51
=== Ademan_ is now known as Ademan
wols_Jimnastics: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/you/want/to/erase08:51
borisi always get 1920x1200 resolution on the login screen, althrough my normal resolution is 1440x900 !08:52
wols_Jimnastics: careful. this cleans the disk totally and utterly08:52
mnemonica_dbr: which guide?08:52
mnemonica_and, wols: A warning for what?08:52
Jimnasticswols_ how do I remove all the data from a nix box besides rm -rf because rm -rf wont work if the data is huge i want to eliminate the home directory  and i want to check the websites hosted on that box08:52
dbr_yomm_, usually you don't encounter any problems, but if you installed and deinstalled a lot of software you might have a lot of unnecessary clutter on your disk08:52
MOTZwols , what schould i do ?08:52
wols_mnemonica_: a warning that the gpg key is not available08:52
irohow do i make a screenshot in ubuntu?08:52
scguy318ForsakenSoul: if you click revert you undo the changes...08:52
mnemonica_wols: is that normal?08:52
TigranGiro: just press PrtSc08:53
scguy318ForsakenSoul: isn't that the meaning of the word?08:53
TigranGiro: or Applications->accessories->take screenshot08:53
wols_Jimnastics: rm -rf /home/08:53
ForsakenSoulyeah ... i finally figered it out08:53
ForsakenSoulmy bad08:53
wols_mnemonica_: depends where you download the packages you try to install there from08:53
scguy318ForsakenSoul: np :)08:54
dbr_mnemonica_, the guide you posted08:54
Jimnasticswols_ thats all?08:54
mnemonica_The install or uninstall guide?08:54
wols_Jimnastics: that deletes your /home folder08:54
dbr_mnemonica_, this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53320108:54
=== alvin is now known as BrezzyBadger
Jimnasticswols_ ok08:55
dbr_Jimnastics, why wouldnt rm work if the data is huge?08:55
luca@find ciao08:55
yomm_dbr : i c thx08:56
wols_dbr_: if you do a rm -rf * somewhere, it won't work if the glob catches too many files since then the bash commandline is exhausted08:56
Jimnasticswols_ thx08:56
dbr_wols_, ok i see. You probably could run find and pipe it into rm08:57
=== Oldak_Quill is now known as OldakQuill
iroTigranG: i want to make a screenshot of a menu08:59
irodoes not seem to work08:59
Jimnastics there are some websites hosted on this root, i want to get into httpd.confand then i want to change the source for all08:59
josiah_Hey everyone09:00
scguy318iro: should be the Print Screen button, are you using a different desktop environment?09:01
opsydehi, I screwed up the default file permissions on my system .. is there a quicker method to restore it than manually resetting permissions?09:01
scguy318opsyde: you could reinstall, if you had hosed the permissions for say /etc09:01
opsydei don't want to lose my configurations, drivers, installed apps, etc.09:02
scguy318opsyde: well what exactly did you do?09:02
ForsakenSoulcan someone tell how the change the language on the main panel09:02
dbr_Jimnastics, most likely sed can do this.09:02
opsydechmod 777 /* -R09:02
wols_opsyde: reinstall09:02
scguy318opsyde: oh, that's bad09:03
scguy318opsyde: what wols_ said, and don't do that please09:03
opsydei've got root access on a console though09:03
dbr_opsyde, you don't need root access09:03
scguy318opsyde: forget it, cuz changing permissions back to normal == faster to reinstall09:03
Jimnastics_ there are some websites hosted on this root, i want to get into httpd.confand then i want to change the source for all09:04
dbr_opsyde, lol09:04
opsydeyeah, but don't i lose all my stuff?09:04
dbr_Jimnastics, sed09:04
opsydei forgot the consequences of including the slash .. sigh .. one keystroke and hours wasted09:04
scguy318opsyde: lesson learned, and you were better off using a . anyway09:04
=== Pseudo is now known as Lleumas
opsydedo you know where i could find a list of default file permissions?09:06
alka_trashDamn I'm sick of hearing generic crappy management quote Gartner!09:07
scguy318opsyde: nope, and there really isn't a default per se, unless you're talking about file creation?09:08
josiah_Think you can set that with umask, can't you?09:08
alka_trashGartner is prof that people can't think for themselves09:08
opsydena, i mean the files in /etc .. i set sudo to 440, and i could use it09:08
opsyde*in /etc, for example09:09
hollowayyou aren't the owner of this folder09:09
opsydeand oh, i realized what i did, and terminated the command .. i'm sure most of the original permissions are intact09:09
josiah_Does anyone have any experience with getting a dual-head configuration up and running?  I've tried like, 4 tutorials and none of it's working09:10
LleumasWhy do my monitor speakers and headphones both play when I plug in my headphones and how do I fix it?09:10
scguy318opsyde: perhaps, but honestly a reinstall would be faster09:10
josiah_Lleumas:  How are your devices connected?09:12
mnemonica_dbr: I did what you suggested and it asked for the original 7.10 install disk... Glad a made an isntall disk for 7.10 when I upgraded from 7.04... Because it asked for it just now. ... Still installing stuff.09:13
LleumasMonitor is through the audio cord in back of my computer and I plug my speakers in through the front one09:13
alka_trashLleumas: try double clicking on your volume icon ( in gnome) and messing with the levels. try changing the "Headphone" and the "Mono" settings09:13
josiah_hmm.  I have the same configuration, and I get the same result, but I just turn off my main speakers and the headphones work09:14
JakeConnoris there something else than fdisk that will give a simpler output for listing all disks available?09:15
mnemonica_Alright... it installed everything that the guide undid (I'm guessing) what now?09:16
LleumasJosiah: My main speakers are built into my monitor.  I don't have the headphone options in the volume levels only thing I have that includes headphone is in switches to tick it on or off.09:17
opsydedamn, thanks anyway09:17
mnemonica_dbr? I finished doing what you suggested, it installed everything... What now?09:18
rbs-titoIs network-manager the only way to use WPA?09:18
rgnrwhich is ktorrent channel?09:19
josiah_Hmm.  That's weird.  I'm fiddling around in my sound options and don't seen anything helpful09:19
josiah_I'm a bit of a n00b myself though09:19
ttt-if i cant open a pdf with evince, which other program can i try to open it with?09:19
dbr_mnemonica_, try to log into the regular session09:19
mnemonica_Ok. I'll be back.09:19
rbs-titottt-: Adobe acrobat09:19
rbs-titottt-: kpdf09:20
rbs-titoNo problem09:21
NeophosHello, I'm currently using a Asus M2A-VM motherboard, and when I try to boot Ubuntu (7.10), it hangs after loading /etc/rc.local, even with HPET disabled. Is there any other settings in the BIOS that would make Ubuntu hang?09:21
mnemonicaNope. Didn't work. Still have the same issues. The only thing that I notice that is different is that now I have "custom" to select when looking at my visual effects options. But when I select anything other that "no effects" it tells me that it cannot enable desktop effects... I was using effects like the rotating cube thing before all of this... So I know my computer can do it. Any ideas?09:23
psiloAnyone running ubuntu on a laptop?  what's "cat /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode" say?09:24
Mp5xhow i can to backup OS?09:24
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:24
xTheGoat121xpsilo, mine says "0" (literally, just a zero)09:25
psiloBoy there are a lot of people here.. freenode rules09:25
psiloxTheGoat121x 7.10?09:25
xTheGoat121xpsilo, 7.0409:25
Fr0zen_about to reformat from vista to ubuntu, i'm a web developer and im wondering what editors you guys like on ubuntu09:25
psilok.  Just curious :)09:25
yang_help me .i can`t auto mount my swap09:25
yang_yang@new:~$ swapon -L /dev/hda509:25
yang_swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-label/\x2fdev\x2fhda5: No such file or directory09:25
psiloI am a web developer and I use Kate.09:26
xTheGoat121xSo.... here's a question.09:26
Fr0zen_a gui editor of course, not a command line editor like pico, vi, etc..09:26
josiah_Vim sort of grows on you09:26
Fr0zen_ah nice09:26
josiah_I hear Bluefish is nice too09:26
psiloindeed.  I like vim.  Kate is much like notepad++ from windows09:26
josiah_Actually, Netbeans has a pretty good HTML editor too09:26
mnemonicadbr: Nope. Didn't work. Still have the same issues. The only thing that I notice that is different is that now I have "custom" to select when looking at my visual effects options. But when I select anything other that "no effects" it tells me that it cannot enable desktop effects... I was using effects like the rotating cube thing before all of this... So I know my computer can do it. Any ideas?09:26
xTheGoat121xYou know how, when you change the volume, you get that popup that shows what volume your system is at?09:26
yang_help me .i can`t auto mount my swap09:26
yang_<yang_> yang@new:~$ swapon -L /dev/hda509:26
yang_<yang_> swapon: cannot stat /dev/disk/by-label/\x2fdev\x2fhda5: No such file or directory09:26
imitationGot a little Problem here: openoffice, avidmux, kino and audacity crash with a segmenation fault. I'm using a freshly installed gutsy x64 on 3GB ram.09:27
josiah_yang_:  I think your slashes are going the wrong way09:27
xTheGoat121xWell, on my system, the color isn't set properly, so I can't see what my volume is set to.... anyone know how to change that?09:27
psilo\x2f is 0x2f is /09:28
Zirodayimitation: I think thats slightly more than a small problem. seg faults are _extremely_ hard to diagnose and fix. I recommend you try the 32bit version of ubuntu09:28
psiloxTheGoat121x:  you can adjust your volume using alsamixer via CLI, or kmix if you're running kde (or the kdelibs)09:29
kst-can.anyone.tell.me.how.to.map.my.left.alt-key.(keycode.64).to."space space".because.last.night.my.spacebar.key.died?:(.no.this.is.not.a.joke09:29
dbr_mnemonica, what graphics card do you have?09:29
xTheGoat121xpsilo, I know that....09:30
imitationZiroday: Ie got another feisty installation on 32bits, which is working just fine.09:30
mnemonicadbr: How do I check?09:30
IanLiuMy Desktop panels (where icons, task bars, etc.. goes) is buggy... very often, when I interact with it, my X crashes, and I can't do nothing except CTRL + ALT + BACLSPACE... any tips?09:31
dbr_what does it say in System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager ?09:31
mnemonicaFirmware (Drop down list) Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family    [check]    (checkmark) In use09:32
mnemonicadbr: Firmware (Drop down list) Firmware for Broadcom 43xx chipset family    [check]    (checkmark) In use09:34
wols_mnemonica: lspci09:35
mnemonicawols_: I'm assuming you want me to put that into the terminal?09:36
wols_or grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:36
kst-god that sux does anyone know where to exchange notebook keyboards? cba with space on Alt_L09:36
wols_kst-: setxkbmap09:37
mnemonicawols_: Alright... It spat some text at me, what do I do now?09:37
wols_pastbin it09:37
kst-wols_ i mean physically :-)09:37
mnemonicawhat does pastbin mean?09:37
wols_!paste | mnemonica09:38
ubotumnemonica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:38
hemcar_hi, Ive been having some troubles trying to install applications from the terminal, can anyone helps?09:38
Flannelhemcar_: What sort of troubles?09:38
hemcar_well, while installing with apt-get09:38
hemcar_the terminal send me signals like: insert the disk labbeled gusty gibbon to cotinue intalling...09:39
wols_hemcar_: pastebin your apt-get command and its full output09:39
Flannelhemcar_: Ah, you installed from the alternate CD, right?09:39
wols_hemcar_: fix your sources.list09:39
hemcar_yes, how to do it please ?09:39
Flannelhemcar_: You'll need to comment out the CD from your sources.list, that'll stop it from asking09:40
wols_by removing the entries for the CD and making sure the ones for the repos are in09:40
dbr_hemcar_, open /etc/apt/sources.list in an editor09:40
Flannelhemcar_: The CD line will be obvious.09:40
mnemonicaAlright.. I copy and pasted what I got from the terminal to the site. I filled out my name and hit paste. Now there's the same text in a red box. What do I do?09:41
wols_mnemonica: give us the url09:41
rik__Trying to enable mike boost with following command failed. Why ?09:41
rik__rik@rik-compaq:~$ amixer -c 0 sset 'Mic Boost (+20dB)',0 on09:41
rik__amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Mic Boost (+20dB)',009:41
secret901anyone know how I can permanently clear my "Recent Documents" list?09:42
bluefoxxsecret901: the option should be right there, if ur in GNOME09:43
hemcar_thaks a lot, wols and Flannel, now it runs09:43
hemcar_thanks ;)09:43
wols_dbr_: (s)he has a intel 945GM09:43
dbr_yup don't know about that one09:43
secret901bluefoxx: I mean permanently disable it, so that I will never see anything there09:43
wols_nothing to know. it has free hardware accelerated 3D and doesn't need proprietary drivers.it can do compiz just fine09:44
bluefoxxsecret901: as for that, im not sure, try the forums, some one can help you hackup part of the configuration files i bet09:45
mnemonicaBut it isn't... So... Anything else? Troubleshooting type thing?09:45
wols_mnemonica: dpkg -l |grep compiz09:45
secret901bluefoxx: ok, thanks, seems I can do it by changing the permission for the .recently-used file09:45
irohow do i force aa screen resolution in ubuntu?09:46
marsmissionsanybody know how i can copy and image to the clipboard in firefox for use in the gimp?09:46
Flannelsecret901: believe you can also set how many files are kept there (presumably a zero would disable it)09:46
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47333/09:46
iro(the system won't recognise the max resolution of my monitor)09:46
wols_iro: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  but check your xorg logs first09:48
irowols_, i'm a dumb windows user and dont understand what you've just said09:50
dbr_marsmissions, right click on the image -> copy09:50
LleumasWould anyone know how to get my monitor speakers to stop playing while my headphones are in. I have the "Head phone jack sense" switch checked, but to no avail.09:51
dbr_marsmissions, sorry, there is no copy. You could save the image on your drive and open it in gimp09:52
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47333/       <--- What I got back from dpkg -l |grep compiz09:53
wols_mnemonica: I know. and it seems every compiz package is installed09:53
irowols_, is says i must be root09:53
irohow do i login as a root?09:53
LleumasMnemonica are you trying to use compiz on 7.10?09:53
mnemonicaLleumas: Yes, and now I can't access my normal login...09:54
wols_check for asnd .xsession* files in your home directory09:54
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:55
wols_iro: see that09:55
wols_mnemonica: look for .xsession*09:55
Lleumaswell, it's already installed on gutsy, all you have to do is from fresh install go to synaptic and install "compizconfig settings manager"09:55
Jan_i use LAMP09:56
bluefoxxare there any how-to things that can be recomended on networking linux distros09:56
Jan_my language is supported but it doesnt work:(09:56
mnemonicawols_: What do you mean "look for it"? Where do I go to look for it?09:56
wols_Jan_: what language?09:56
wols_mnemonica: in your home directory09:56
Jan_i can type just number09:56
wols_Jan_: locale for it set in the system and apache restarted?09:56
Jan_i cant type my username while installing09:57
bluefoxxexample, i set up a bare-bones system, no hdd, boot from disk, use XMDP server logon type of thing09:57
Jan_just numbers09:57
wols_Jan_: is your username ascii?09:57
Jan_i wanted to type jan09:57
Jan_for user name09:57
wols_bluefoxx: no hdd and boot from disk is contradictory09:58
mnemonicawols_: Thought I knew where that was... But apparently I don't. How do I find my home directory09:58
wols_mnemonica: "cd"09:58
bluefoxxwols_: i meant boot from cd type disk, i use "disk" as slang for "cd"  alot, my bad09:58
wols_something like /home/mnemonic09:59
marsmissionsdbr_: seems like one of those wierd things what we have to do in linux that we shouldn't have too.09:59
wols_bluefoxx: and what about networking there?09:59
Jan_wols what to do now?09:59
mnemonicawhen I open the terminal and issue: dir? Should I see .xsession*?09:59
josiahgah.  Stupid monitors10:00
wols_mnemonica: no10:00
bluefoxxwols_: cat6 standard networking cable, using crossover wireing10:00
bluefoxxand 3com adaptors10:00
Jan_pls help me10:00
whabohow do u reformat a removable drive?10:00
wols_bluefoxx: that's not ubuntu related. that's ahrdware10:00
wols_whabo: like any other partition with mkfs10:01
bluefoxxwhabo: try gparted, but be careful to get the right one, i ruined my old mp3 player by accedent10:01
bluefoxxwols_: ok, well are there any tutorials for it, im going to bed shortly10:02
whabobluefoxx ... isnt there a tool i can use from whithin the OS???10:02
dbr_marsmissions, i believe it's the same for firefox in windows10:02
bluefoxxwhabo: that is within the OS10:02
mnemonicawols_: Then I don't know what you mean. I'm looking through everything I can think of. Can you tell me exactly how I need to access what you need to know?10:03
Jan_so how can i do my language work?10:03
wols_whabo: gparted and mkfs are both part of ubuntu10:03
marsmissionsdbr_: firefox in windows can do it.10:03
wols_mnemonica: ls -al .xsession*10:03
whabowolf_: im sry ive been looking for 0\15 minutes and couldnt find them10:03
marsmissionsdbr_: i read that it's related to not having a universal clipboard or something like that.10:03
wols_whabo: mkfs is installed in every ubuntu install, always10:03
whabowhere is it which menu?10:04
wols_whabo: no menu10:04
mnemonicawols_: Entered what you said, got this: -rw-r--r-- 1 mnemonica mnemonica 1113 2007-12-08 04:21 .xsession-errors10:04
bluefoxxwhabo: its a terminal line10:04
wols_mnemonica: pastebin the contents of it10:04
whabooww whats the command?10:04
wols_whabo: the command is "mkfs", duh10:05
=== aRyn_ is now known as aRyn
whabowols_ thx10:05
Jan_pls help10:05
wols_!helpme < jan10:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about helpme < jan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:05
bluefoxxwhabo: eg[dont use this exact one] "mkfs ntfs /dev/sda1" will format device "sda1" to "ntfs"10:05
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47340/10:06
wols_mnemonica: the content of the file. not the ls output10:06
dbr_mnemonica, no the content of that file10:06
=== Jan_ is now known as _____jan
GekoneBuongiorno a tutti, ragazzuoli.10:07
wols______jan: "locale". paste its output please10:07
amicrawlerhow do i remove a user from the system in the shell ?10:07
wols______jan: pastebin, not in channel10:07
wols_amicrawler: man deluser10:08
mnemonicawols_: Oh... That's the location of the file? I don't understand what that means. should I put that in an address bar somewhere?10:08
wols_you should pastebin the content of that file to a pastebin10:08
amicrawlerno entry10:08
_____jani cant paste example if i cant type :/10:08
_____jan*because i cant type10:09
dbr_mnemonica, go to places -> home folder10:09
dbr_mnemonica, select view -> show hidden files10:09
wols______jan: how are you typing in here?10:09
dbr_right clcik on the file -> select open in editor10:09
_____jani want to type username while installing...so for example...my username is janzajec10:10
_____janbut i cant type janzajec10:10
_____jancos nothing is shown10:10
_____janok if i type numbers, they are shown10:10
mnemonicadbr: Ah-ha!10:10
LleumasJane: System>Admin>Users and groups, Then click your name and press properties. You can change it there.10:12
surenhello everyone !10:12
_____jani have lamp10:12
mnemonicawols_: There ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47342/10:12
surenhaving troubles with wireless configuration in gutsy10:12
surenany suggestions ???10:12
surentried out a few links ! no luck yet ! !: (10:12
suren: (10:12
LleumasSuren: What's the problem exactly? You seem to be online?10:13
_____janon desktop ubuntu slovenian language works normal, but on lamp no10:13
wols_mnemonica: Why are you running Xgl?10:13
sureni am from a wired connection but that wont be for long :)10:14
wols______jan: what is "lamp" supposed to be?10:14
mnemonicawols_: I don't know...?10:14
_____janlinux apache mysql php10:14
mnemonicawols_: I didn't know I was?10:14
wols_suren: one suggestion is to describe your problem properly. what hardware you have, what goes wrong, etc10:14
LleumasSuren: What wireless adapter are you using?10:14
wols______jan: last time: what does "locale" say?10:15
surenokay ! i am using dell inspiron e1705 laptop with intel core2 duo processor10:15
wols_suren: your _wireless_ hardware...10:15
Pirate_HunterI need to know how to fix this message on Gutsy... MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC, how do I fix this?10:15
surenLleumas: and when i do lspci i find a broadcom BCM4311MCG10:15
Agrajag-g'day, i've just freshly installed gutsy, opened firefox, went to a page with flash, tried to install flashplugin-nonfree , but i don't actually get the firefox flash plugin. dpkg -L flashplugin-nonfree shows that that package hasn't actually installed any files besides a couple in /usr/share/doc. what's going on?10:16
wols_suren: do you want to use ndiswrapper or bcm43xx?10:16
_____janwhat u mean as locale10:16
mnemonicawols_: Is that what's wrong? That I'm running Xgl?10:16
surenhmmm i guess i tried both ! but  none worked ! i am fine with anythong10:16
wols_mnemonica: not necesarily. but Xgl is not needed with your hardware10:16
mnemonicawols_: Then how do I get rid of it? Might solve something...?10:17
wols_mnemonica: not really. thing is: right now you can use X. it would be helpful to see what the file says when you can't use X10:18
surenokay ! after the ndiswrapper installation what should i do ???10:18
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:18
surenoh cool10:19
* suren checking :)10:19
mnemonicawols_: So the errors in that document have nothing to do with me not being able to use xsession or GNOME?10:19
wols_mnemonica: you currently are in X I thought, running gnome?10:20
Snorhow can i play a mp3-file from cli?10:20
wols_Snor: mplayer, mp3blaster10:20
zetherooit could just be me... but it seems that there are no real full-on developed tools for editing video in Linux.....!??10:21
AgentHeXi'm trying to get Qemu to work with KVM on Intel VT hardware.  i installed Qemu (which works), and i installed kqemu-common, but when running the virtual machine, it says that /dev/kqemu couldn't be found.  what gives?10:22
mnemonicawols_: No. The whole problem is that when I go to login using either X or gnome, it shows a brown screen (desktop) for a few seconds and then crashes back to the login. The only way I can access anything is if I login through failsafe10:22
wols_zetheroo: kino, cinelerra10:22
=== khaladan is now known as khaladan-
zetherooI have been trying to accomplish the easiest for of video editing ... but its just a plain hassle....10:22
zetheroowols: I have been using Kino10:23
wols_mnemonica: just for kicks, install xfce4 and try to use it via gdm10:23
zetherooall I want to do is simply remove about half of a short video clip10:23
rothchildzetheroo kino is pretty straightforward10:23
AgentHeXdo i need kqemu to run qemu with kvm?10:24
zetheroorothchild: can you help me do this simple task then?10:24
msinghwhat do i need to install to play encypted dvds? apt says libdvdread3 is already installed10:24
zetheroomsingh: go to medibuntu10:25
AgentHeXmsingh: i suggest VLC10:25
msinghAgentHeX, i have installed vlc it still wont play the dvd10:25
surenhttp://pastebin.com/mbb323d3 - i get this when i do bcm43xx -l10:25
surendoes this mean anything >>>10:26
msinghit gives this error: libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.10:26
wols_msingh: libdvdcss2?10:26
zetheroomsingh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:26
AgentHeXmsingh: any errors?10:26
msinghE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate10:26
wols_msingh: people already pointed you to medibuntu10:26
msinghwhat is medibuntu?10:26
AgentHeXmsingh: ubuntu-restricted-extras10:27
Pirate_HunterI need to know how to fix this message on Gutsy... MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC, how do I fix this?10:27
msinghi have installed that too10:27
zetheroomsingh:go to the site I showed you and follow the How-To ... its very simple10:27
=== onats__ is now known as onats
AgentHeXPirate_Hunter: connect timer to IO-APIC, duh.10:28
AgentHeX<-- smart ass10:28
msinghzetheroo, you didn't show me any site. you mentioned a single 'medibuntu' without saying it was a site or a program or an irc channel (which i then joined)10:28
Pirate_HunterAgentHeX: and how do you do that?10:28
zetheroomsingh: you should also install regionset (sudo apt-get install regionset)10:28
AgentHeXno idea10:28
wols_msingh: he gave you an url10:28
zetheroo(21:26:15) zetheroo: msingh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu10:28
AgentHeXPirate_Hunter: i'm making a joke at your expense.  i honestly don't know.10:28
msinghzetheroo, still didnt make a difference10:28
zetheroomsingh: I have sent the link twice now10:29
zetheroomsingh: ha..... some people.....10:29
rothchildI can try let me just get it installed, it's not on this box10:29
msinghzetheroo, i didn't see it10:29
zetheroorothchild: you still there? can you help me with Kino?10:30
Pirate_Hunter: I actually noticed that but sadly irc doesn't make good use of smilies so i couldnt express the sarcasm10:30
RatThingmsingh has anyone suggested running: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvd.... /install-css.sh10:30
zetheroomsingh: see it now?10:30
msinghRatkingX, nope10:30
wols_msingh: since you are unable to read IRC, how about googling it?10:30
msinghzetheroo, no thanks10:30
zetheroowols_: brilliant idea!!!10:30
zetheroowols_: why would he not be able to see a link?10:31
rothchildI'll try10:31
Snori want to rename a folder but it just says: Search pattern not terminated at (eval 1) line 1.10:31
wols_zetheroo: analphabethism is a real problem nowadays10:31
rothchildgonna be a minute but I'll give you a shout zetheroo10:31
AgentHeXany clue why the Hardy install disc won't recognize the virtual cdrom from qemu?10:31
zetheroorothchild: thanks.....10:31
zetheroowols_: what in the world is that? -- ha10:32
=== gaurav is now known as gaurav_
msinghi dont have a c compiler -- what package should i apt-get?10:33
wols_!b-e | msingh10:33
ubotumsingh: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:33
rothchildhow far have you got so far zetheroo, what type of file are you using and what are you trying to achieve?10:33
wols_msingh: what would you need a C compiler for? cetainly not for watching DVDs?10:34
msinghwolferine, the install-css.sh script seems to require one10:34
elI have a dell precision m2300 with a Intel Sigmatel 92xx HD sound device, its not found by default, is there someway I can load a module for it?10:34
wols_el: you might need a newer alsa10:34
wols_el: the moduel is snd-hda-intel afaik10:35
zetheroorothchild: ok... so I got this clip that I made with GTK Desktop Recorder.... its an .ogg file.... and I have successfully imported it into Kino and have it right there ready for editing...... all I want to do if cut it in half and keep the first half10:35
elwols_, I tried to buid a new kernel, but that would not boot10:35
elwols_, is there any other way to get the newer build?10:35
elwols_, or can I download alsa from alsa-project and compile it myself?10:36
rothchildzetheroo you should do this using the the trim tab on the right hand side of the screen10:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:36
sureni installed the bcmxx driver  and it did install10:37
zetheroomsingh: sudo apt-get build-essential10:37
surenand i rebooted the comp10:37
surenand when i opened the network manager i cud not find any wireless devicec at all :(10:37
wols_suren: check your dmesg output10:37
zetheroorothchild: ok so I am in the Trim section..... now?10:38
wols_also rebooting was not necessary at all10:38
rothchildyou should then drag the out marker to the end of the section you want and then use the split command (ctrl J)10:38
msinghok now it is building10:38
neumindwher i can find emulators for games?10:38
zetheroomsingh: what are you building?10:39
surenwols_:  i tried dmesg | grep wlan ,grep wire, grep bcm10:39
surenno results yet :(10:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:39
sureni restarted coz there was some problem with my netwrok manager !10:39
msinghzetheroo, libdvdcss2 i think10:39
msinghok vlc gets further now but at the end it still dies10:39
zetheroomsingh: from the medibuntu how-to?10:39
aposdufopadi'm cold10:40
wols_neumind: no need to compile it at all10:40
msinghzetheroo, nah, just running the script install-css.sh10:40
zetheroomsingh: you need to add the source and obtain the GPG key... then you can do sudo apt-get install libdvdcss210:41
msinghok, i'll do that. thanks.10:41
zetheroomsingh: Gutsy Gibbon?10:42
=== alexander is now known as dev1
msinghzetheroo, yep, 7.1010:42
zetheroomsingh: Step1 - sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list10:42
surenwols_: what next ???10:42
dev1Hi all! Howto block user connections to tor servers?10:43
zetheroomsingh: Step 2 - wget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update10:43
msinghzetheroo, doing the 3rd one now10:43
zetheroomsingh: Step 3 - sudo apt-get install libdvdcss210:43
wols_suren: modprobe the driver if it's not already loaded10:43
msinghit still crashed :(10:44
zetheroomsingh:.... cool.... and then do sudo apt-get install regionset10:44
differentrealityI connect my modem on usb port of my pc, what do I select for modem port? I get choices /dev/modem/ /dev/ttys0 /dev/ttys1 s2 and s310:44
surenwols_: me checking that now10:44
msinghi think i know why .. it dies on this line:10:44
msingh*** libdvdread: CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo_read.c:1522 ***10:44
msingh*** for info_length % sizeof(uint32_t) == 0 ***10:44
msinghi am using amd6410:44
Hirvinen_window goto10:45
zetheroomsingh: are you using Ubuntu for the 64bit chipset?10:45
msinghzetheroo, yes10:45
zetheroomsingh: hmm... well it should still work10:45
wols_msingh: why can't you apt-get libdvdcss2?10:45
msinghwols_, done that already mate10:46
zetheroomsingh: are you sure your DVD player is set to the right region ?10:46
zetheroomsingh: where are you from?10:46
msinghzetheroo, i havent changed it, no10:46
msinghzetheroo, au10:46
zetheroomsingh: hey ... I am in Sydney10:46
msinghoh cool :)10:46
zetheroomsingh: you need to install regionset10:47
zetherooagain: sudo apt-get install regionset10:47
msinghregionset is already the newest version10:47
msinghsays apt10:47
zetheroothen type regionset into your terminal and it will tell you what region your drive is set to10:47
zetherooit will also ask you if you want to change it10:48
msinghwhich one should i use?10:48
zetherooI had to change mine to region 410:48
zetherooregion 4 is for Australia10:48
msinghok i've tried 4 and still got hte same problem :-/10:49
zetheroohave you tried restarting VLC?10:49
msinghyea running vlc from the command line10:49
zetherooyou may also want to restart the machine....10:50
msinghis it? ok i'll try that10:50
zetheroothere are also the codecs for amd64  --- sudo apt-get install w64codecs10:51
msinghzetheroo, cool thanks but it shouldnt need those for dvds, i believe10:51
zetherooI don't really know what the scoop is with Ubuntu 64...... I use the 32 bit version on Ubuntu on my AMD 64 machine10:52
whaboguys for the american system is it NTSC or PAL?? im burning a home video for my relative... is it NTSC or PAL in USA?10:53
mnemonicawols_: fxce didn't work either10:53
hollowayPAL is europe10:53
wols_mnemonica: what does .xsession-errors say now?10:53
wols_whabo: ntsc10:54
CrittiXVery small and basic question: I've just received my Gutsy Gibbon CD in the mail. I am running Feisty now. How do I upgrade to Gutsy from withinh Feisty using the CD ?10:54
whabowols_ thx10:54
wols_CrittiX: you can upgrade without a CD.10:54
wols_ubuntu_: do you have a ubuntu support related problem?10:54
CrittiXWols: I know, but that means downloading everything and here in Belgium we have strict D/L limits10:55
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47348/10:55
neumindwher i can find info about wine donwload and installation?10:55
wols_mnemonica: then add the cd to your sources list and upgrade that way10:55
wols_neumind: aptitude install wine10:55
mnemonicawols_: How would I go about doing that?10:55
msinghzetheroo, i have got it working in the past.. dont remember it being this involved10:55
guardianhello, i have a multiboot system windows+gutsy: is it possible to access 2 hard drives i have in RAID1 from both windows and linux ???10:56
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msinghwould be nice to have dvd playback on a fresh install :-/10:56
wols_mnemonica: the date on the file is the same? and did you reallc choose to load xfce in gdm?10:56
neumindwols_,  ant then what?10:56
wols_msingh: blame the MPAA and MPEG-LA10:56
wols_neumind: then wine is installed10:56
zetheroomsingh: well its never been anything more for me than installing the medibuntu libdvdcss2 and setting the region to 410:56
CrittiXwols: newbie question: how do I add my CD to my sorce list + upgrade afterwards?10:56
rothchildzetheroo I think I can talk you through it now10:56
LleumasCrittiX: I believe you have to fresh install via CD. I don't believe you can just update.10:56
neumindwols_,  wher i can find it when installation is done?10:57
wols_guardian: yes10:57
zetheroomsingh: those 2 steps I have used on over a dozen machines without a hitch10:57
wols_neumind: dpgkg -L wine |grep bin10:57
wols_neumind: dpkg -L wine |grep bin10:57
zetheroorothchild: would you know how to use Avidmux as well?10:57
guardianwols_: does it suppose i have to find the corresponding linux drivers for my controller ? it's an old promise controller integrated on an asus main board10:57
mnemonicawols_: I chose to load xfce from login... I'm assuming that's gdm. And what date on what file?10:57
CrittiXguardian: but beware if you use software raid (like the one on nForce boards...that only works relaibly in Windows10:57
riotkittieLleumas: it can be done via the alternate CD, but not the live disc.10:58
wols_guardian: you want to use software raid anyways. since it's not a raid card waht you have10:58
guardianhmm i'm afraid of touching the discs from linux :(10:58
rothchildpossibly it's all principles rather than me being a power user, I've just enough knowledge to be dangerous! ;-)10:58
guardiani guess i'll buy a NAS thing10:58
guardianand put the discs inside10:58
wols_guardian: linux software raid and windows software raid10:58
LleumasAh. That's nice to know10:58
rothchildin kino you can use the edit tab and set the play maker to where you want your clip to end10:58
neumindwols_,  i installed and i cant find wine10:59
wols_neumind: I gave you the command to use10:59
rothchildthen split the scene and you'll see another thumbnail appear in the lift hand pane10:59
MarcoZlol wine must be executed like this10:59
guardianwols_: yeah i understood lately that my raid was software raid achieved by the windows driver, however i don't know exactly how the windows driver does it, and i'm afraid it does not correspond to linux's way of doing raid 110:59
MarcoZwine windows executable.exe10:59
neumindwols_,  that command do nothing..10:59
MarcoZwine has no gui of its own10:59
rothchildyou can delete that (select it and cut) you are then left with your edited clip which you can export10:59
MarcoZ(well, winecfg)10:59
mnemonicawols_: I chose to load xfce from login... I'm assuming that's gdm. And what date on what file?11:00
zetheroorothchild: ahhh .... ok11:00
zetheroorothchild: well I am trying to figure out Avidemux now.....11:00
zetheroorothchild: an experience there?11:00
wols_neumind: dpkg -L wine |grep bin11:00
wols_mnemonica: timestamp on xsession-errors since it seems it's the same11:01
neumindwols_, /usr/bin/winegcc11:01
arti22Hi, can anyone please tell me which I should use, Beryl or Compiz-fusion? or is that them combined?11:01
MarcoZnopaste it11:01
neumind wtf man?11:01
MarcoZoh wait, no wine command?11:01
borishow do i check whether my driver supports AIGLX ?11:01
borisarti22: you should use Compiz-Fusion11:01
wols_mnemonica: ctrl+alt+f1. lo in there. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop then startx11:01
MarcoZboris, what drivers? fglrx?11:01
MarcoZif yes, paste a fglrxinfo11:02
wols_neumind: stop that pasting here11:02
MarcoZthen it's supported11:02
arti22boris: thank you Boris11:02
wols_boris: it doesn't11:02
neumindwols_,  then why u cand tell me normal what i need to do?11:02
borisMarcoZ : im not sure if  X supports it currently11:02
MarcoZunless you have xserver 1.4 (X -version) but i think that's not the case11:02
MarcoZwell, check the version11:02
CrittiXI'm leaving. Bye everyone, have a nice weekend!11:02
borisi customized it recently11:02
* wols_ puts neumind on ignore11:02
borisreconfigured it11:02
MarcoZdid you upgrade the kernel?11:02
neumindwols_,  thanks for help11:02
mnemonicawols_: How do I timestamp xsession-errors? And what does where do you want me to ctrl+alt+f1?11:03
neumindhow i can install wine someone?11:03
wols_neumind: ls -al .xsession-errors shows you the timestamp. just press ctrl+alt+f1 that brings you to a text console11:03
wols_with sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  you stop the login manager and then you can start X with startx for example. it might give you some errors11:04
wols_to get the login manager back you use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start11:04
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LleumasNeumind: Just download in synaptic11:05
matmaxhi, I would like to install ubuntu on my mum's laptop, but I had actually some problems with networking, solved by this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522139&page=2 , but I can't reboot cuz I'm on livecd and all the things will have to be configured again, and it seems that the only working thing in networking is ping to some IP's, even ping google.com gives "unknown host" error. what to do, install without real connection and then11:06
matmax configure it again, and get polish translation packages, or maybe you'll have any solutions?11:06
zaTanaswhy is it possible to access my ubuntu via putty/ssh_winXP without having a key in /root/.ssh/authorized_keys11:06
MarcoZmatmax, uh, i'll install then configure it11:06
MarcoZyou probably have wrong DNSs if any, since it does not ping google11:07
wols_MarcoZ: fix your DNS. put the proper nbameserver in /etc/resolv.conf11:07
MarcoZediting a live would be a waste of time imo11:07
mnemonicawols_: 2007-12-08 05:52 <--- what I got when I used ls -al .xsession-errors... Going to do the other stuff you suggested11:07
brobostigongood morning everyone.11:08
matmaxwell, it seems I have the same DNS nameserver put in there as on my laptop, which works11:08
MarcoZdo a traceroute google.com11:08
surenwols_: i tried the bcm native driver11:09
surenwols_: it got loaded11:09
surenand when i try restarting the network i just could not connect :(11:10
surenas in it could not get an ip address for itself !11:10
suren/sbin/ifconfig shows no ip for the wlan device11:10
wols_suren: where did you put the firmware?11:11
matmax"the adress 'google.com' cannot be found. Please enter a valid network adress and try again"11:12
wols_matmax: : nslookup google.com11:12
wols_what does it say?11:12
LleumasWhen I download a torrent it'll run for about 2 hours then my internet d/c's. How do I prevent this?11:12
wols_Lleumas: do you use a router?11:12
surenwols_: mine is wpa2 connection11:12
surencould that be a reason ???11:13
LleumasYes, unfortunately11:13
wols_suren: did I ask about your encryption?11:13
wols_Lleumas: buy a router that works then11:13
matmax";; connection timed out; no servers could be reached"11:13
surenwols_ sorry ?? dont get u !11:13
Lleumasworked on 7.04 and windows11:13
wols_suren: I asked you a question. answer it11:13
Sulo_SeppaIf I get kde4 in the repo, will it replace my current kde3 installation or can I switch between?11:13
wols_matmax: there is more to it than that11:13
mnemonicawols_: Ok, did all of that, what now? pastebin xsession-errors again?11:14
wols_mnemonica: what happened when you ran startx?11:14
gidnaprova.cpp:9: error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’11:14
gidnawhat does it mean?11:14
wols_gidna: ##C11:14
ttt-if i cant get a mms wmv stream to play on totem, what other players can i try?11:15
surenwols_: no ! u didnt ask about the encryption !11:15
wols_ttt-: mplayer, vlc11:15
ttt-ok thanks11:15
wols_suren: before that11:15
mnemonicawols_: It spat some text at me, and then brought up a big black and white checkered screen (checkers were really small) and there was a big X cursor in the middle of the screen. I could move the cursor with the mouse. After a few moments it returned me to the black screen where I was typing stuff in.11:15
mnemonicaI'm assuming the black screen is some sort of terminal.11:16
surenwols_: sorry got dicsonnected ! can u please repeat the question .11:16
wols_suren: where did you put the firmware?11:17
wols_mnemonica: it is11:17
utschi_hello guys11:17
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sureni put it in /lib/firmware11:17
wols_mnemonica: text did it give you AFTER it went back to that black screen?11:17
utschi_wich command should i use to get the vendor id from my usb webcam?11:17
wols_suren: did you install wpa-supplicant?11:17
surenand yeah i didnt put it ! it was like the restricted hardware manager itself found it from net and installed11:17
mnemonicawols_: A bit, yeah... But I obviously didn't have any way to copy+paste it back to failsafe GNOME11:18
mnemonicaI don't remember what it said.11:18
surenwols_: its in /etc11:18
mnemonicawols_: Should I go back and write down the last bit of text I can see?11:19
pindab0terHi all?11:20
pindab0terCan anyone help me?11:21
surenwols_: yeah i installed wpa_ supplicant11:22
mathenAnyone have any page where I can read about how to change my visual settings in Ubuntu? I'm using compiz, but not satisfied. I want a dark theme and opacity on terminal window and such11:22
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chowmeinedso is wubi stable and working? Can you install gutsy with it?11:23
pindab0terCan anyone tell me how things will go if I already have Vista installed and want to install Ubuntu on a different partition?11:23
white_eaglehello, i want to partition my disk will I lose everything?11:24
mathenJust fine pindab0ter, doing it myself right now.11:24
[koji]how do i reset my gnome session?  as my default it just displays a blank desktop right now i have to go to failsafe mode11:25
mnemonicawols_: Was that helpful at all?11:25
wols_mnemonica: install fluxbox or such11:26
pindab0terMathen, will there be any tweaking in config files such as grub or anything? Because I'm quite inexperienced at that11:26
wols_mnemonica: you lack a (default) windowmanager it seems11:26
wols_mnemonica: dpkg -l metacity . does that say "ii" at the front?11:26
]Spectre[hi,comparing windows xp and ubuntu 7.04 on my laptop,I see that the battery autonomy is better 40% under windows xp,can I fix this ? thanks to all11:26
rothchildzetheroo how are you getting on with your video?11:27
zetheroorothchild: well... I am going through the Avidemux Wiki... and it seems to be pretty simple and easy to follow....11:27
mytthere is a special customization of ubuntu for laptops? specially hps/11:27
pindab0terAnother thing: If I try to install linux, it says it can't load the linux kernel because it doesn't have enough memory, this is while booting the installer.11:27
stefanomyt, no there isnt11:28
mnemonicawols_: No...? I don't see 'ii' anywhere. The first thing it says is: dpkg: need an action option11:28
white_eaglewill I lose everything if I partition my disk?11:28
stefanowhite_eagle, yes11:28
neumindwho can say good game emulator for ubuntu?11:29
stefanowhite_eagle, certainly. i strongly recommend to back up everything before making :any_ major changes11:29
stefanoneumind, zsnes is great11:29
utschi_neumind: scummvm11:29
brobostigonwhite_eagle: you could just resize whats already there to make space for linux.11:29
rothchildI just install avidemux imo kino looks much better, it's closer to other standard non linear editors11:29
white_eagleI want to make a partition on my disk to install fedora, will i have to reinstall ubuntu to do that11:30
stefanoneumind, www.google.com ;)11:30
]Spectre[is there a big change in laptop battery management between ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 ? Because the battery management isn't so good .thanks to all11:30
white_eaglei don't use windoze11:30
rothchildit's only 4 clicks to make it work in kino11:30
mnemonicawols_: No...? I don't see 'ii' anywhere. The first thing it says is: dpkg: need an action option11:30
neumindstefano,  can another link giv?11:30
utschi_neumind: www.scummvm.org11:30
stefano]Spectre[, the battery life in 7.10 is a little worse than in 7.04 this issue is known11:30
mnemonicawols_: Alright, I installed fluxbox11:30
mnemonicawols_: What now?11:31
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs11:31
]Spectre[is worse than 7.04 ? I think it was better in 7.10 :(11:31
neumindi want play games wher they working on windows11:31
brobostigonneumind: try wine.11:32
]Spectre[thanks anyway11:32
neumindbrobostigon,  its not working for my..11:32
stefano]Spectre[, this comes down to about five minutes less battery life after upgrading to 7.10, at least on my system, so it isnt to bad11:32
_Dbug_Hi. Little hardware question. I'm considering bying a new PC from Dell (XPS 420), and wipe out Vista and put a dual boot XP-Unbuntu on it. Does anyone know if linux drivers are available for all the components of this kind of machine ?11:32
stefanoneumind, you can't play windows or mac games on linux (and vice versa)11:33
neumindstefano,  i can11:33
white_eaglehe can play some games11:33
white_eagleusing wine11:33
neumindstefano,  witch wine i can play windows game11:33
stefanothats right11:33
]Spectre[stefano,I think that is bad the laptop at this point11:33
]Spectre[It's new,and the battery autonomy is about 1 hour at full charge11:34
rothchildDbug you can specify your Dell with ubuntu preinstalled, this should mean that all the hardware will be supported11:34
stefano]Spectre[, you mean that its battery got worse? no i had the direct comparison, i installed both.11:34
mnemonicawols_: I tried logging out... Saw that fluxbox was an option under sessions. Tried it. Didn't do anything new. Still crashed at the desktop and brought me back to gdm11:34
white_eaglei wabt ti make a partition on my disk to install fedora, i am asking will I have to reinstall ubuntu?11:34
_Dbug_rothchild, it's not one of the Ubuntu pre-installed models. In norway they seem to have only some crappy inspiron comming with Ubuntu :-/11:35
stefano]Spectre[, what laptop do you have?11:35
stefano_Dbug_, i would recomment to check everything very preciesly before spending a lot of money. maybe you should go to a local hardware dealer, they usually allow you to pop in a ubuntu cd11:36
stefano]Spectre[, i have a very similar notebook by hp and the battery lasts about 1:15. The Celeron M processor really is no good when it comes to power consumption.. unfortunately11:38
_Dbug_stefano, sounds like a good suggestion. Would be cool to have somewhere a page where people can indicate which hardware configuration worked/failed, a bit like WineHQ app list, but for hardware.11:38
gvsa123hi... how can i configure the system clock to be the correct time with my particular time zone?11:39
]Spectre[thanks for the comparison stefano,so i think that's ok :)11:39
stefano_Dbug_, the german ubuntu website has such (called hardware database)11:39
stefanoyoure welcome spectre11:39
stefano_Dbug_, maybe there is something like that in the ubuntu-wiki?11:40
mnemonicawols_: Are you still there?11:41
stefano_Dbug_, the problem is really, that some pcs _only_ work with vista these days. it is horrible..then you sometimes don't have the right drivers for SATA so ubuntu won't recognize your hard drive and you can't install. if you really want to spend a lot of money on something like an XPS, you should be sure to check out if everything works for you11:41
_Dbug_stefano, then it probably means it's even possible that I cannot install XP on it.11:41
stefano_Dbug_, it is possible11:41
rothchild"the problem is really, that some pcs _only_ work with vista these days." I don't believe this11:42
stefano_Dbug_, you could build your system yourself though11:42
_Dbug_stefano, these days I consider XP as a good OS, and Ubuntu as a thing good enough to me on my harddrive as my main os (xp is for gaming), but I hate Vista.11:42
_Dbug_stefano, I'm having "home pc" deals with my company. They work only with few retailers.11:42
stefanoi see11:43
rothchildthe main things to look for is wireless chips - don't get broadcom, generally the more intel stuff it has in it the more likely you are to have a good time with linux11:43
compumanHi guys, I have a problem.  I am in Ubuntu safe mode right now.  Accessing the default session gives me an "your session lasted less than ten seconds" error.  Can someone please help me, as this is my productivity machine?11:43
stefano_Dbug_, well i hope you find a retailer who is kind enough to let you put a ubuntu live cd into their machine to check out if everything works. but if youre to spend a lot of money, they are usually pretty kind :-)11:43
stefanogotta go, have a nice day everyone11:44
vong10hello folks11:44
=== Pseudo is now known as Lleumas
vong10i have some problem with my ubuntu 7.10 and would like som help (newbie problem):P11:45
mnemonicawols_: I'm assuming not. So, thanks for all of your help. I really didn't get anywhere, but that's my own damned fault for messing with things in the first place :) Thank you for your time. I've been up literaly all night though, so I'm going to pass out now and work on this later. Bye.11:45
adamonline45vong10 try a reformat11:46
compumanHi guys, I have a problem.  I am in Ubuntu safe mode right now.  Accessing the default session gives me an "your session lasted less than ten seconds" error.  Can someone please help me, as this is my productivity machine?11:46
soundrayvong10: what's the issue?11:46
vong10its not like that. but everytime i click the restart button the system shuts down instead11:46
soundraycompuman: run df to see if any of your filesystems are full11:47
coolbhaviCan I upload a newer version of existing package in ubuntu to my PPA?11:48
compuman5%, 1%, 0%, 1%, 28%... what doess all of that mean?11:48
soundraycompuman: there are table headings in the first line of output11:48
xcstwhere can i find the best themes for ubuntu/11:48
coolbhaviIf so how?11:48
adamonline45xcst: www.gnome-look.org11:49
compumanWhat am I looking for?11:49
xcstadamonline45, thanks11:49
brobostigonapt-get is upgrading, its updatting a package called linux-ubuntu-modules(uname -r)what is tis package for, i would assume its some kernel modules???11:49
soundraycompuman: Use% at 10011:49
adamonline45vong10: I'm sorry, I'm at a loss on that...  But really, how often do you restart?  I wish that were MY biggest issue 8)11:49
vong10usually I restart when i want to use Windows XP11:50
soundrayvong10: if you run 'sudo reboot' in a terminal, does it shutdown or reboot?11:50
adamonline45xcst: np!11:50
vong10yes, the system shuts down also when sudo reboot:S11:51
sharperguylots of updates recently11:51
compumanSoundRay, it's not there.  It's 28% or less.11:51
adamonline45vong10: ooh, gotcha...  Hmm... Yeah, I'm sorry, I wish I could help more!  Have you tried (i think) sudo shutdown -r now11:51
soundraycompuman: good, it's not that then. Look at your .xsession-errors file -- it may contain a hint.11:52
compumanwhere is that located?11:52
soundraycompuman: in your home directory11:52
xcstadamonline45,  i also want to change the controls11:52
vong10adamonline45: does shutdown -r restart the system?11:52
xcstadamonline45, not the window border only11:52
soundrayvong10: 'shutdown -r now' is essentially the same as reboot11:53
compumanprocess:5335): Gtk-WARNING **: This process is currently running setuid or setgid.11:53
compumanThis is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper11:53
compumanprogram instead. For further details, see:11:53
compuman    http://www.gtk.org/setuid.html11:53
compumanRefusing to initialize GTK+.11:53
vong10ok, thanks, i will try that:)11:53
izaqcan some body help me to install citrix in ubuntu 7.1011:53
adamonline45vong10: iirc yes... Even if not, I know shutdown provides a restart option, and it possibly might provide a new outlet for restarting that works mroe predicatbly...  I'm afraid that's the best I can offer 8)11:54
soundrayvong10: I mean, I don't believe it will solve your problem.11:54
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soundraycompuman: do not paste error messages here11:54
compumanSoundRay, any clue what the error message means?11:54
adamonline45I agree with soundray I'm afraid...11:55
izaqcan some body help me to install citrix in ubuntu 7.1011:55
brobostigon!pastbin | compuman11:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:55
compumanI can't access a pastebin.11:55
bard1988Hello, im having trouble installing my graphic driver (ATI 3d rage pro)11:56
cinemabitchrver irc.rizon.net11:56
vong10thanks Soundray&adamonline45. Ill try to find a way to fix this odd problem...a really anoying one too:P11:56
adamonline45vong10: I believe it!  gl 8)11:56
BobSappbard1988: get a better card... SERIOUSLY11:57
bullgard4My Epiphany does not show web pagees any more. The dial keeps spinning. In Firefox the website will be shown though. sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser shows the default at /usr/bin/epiphany. How to make Epiphany operational?11:58
soundraycompuman: that doesn't justify it at all11:58
soundraycompuman: it doesn't explain your problem anyway11:59
soundraybard1988: have you tried the opensource ati driver?11:59
soundray!de | chrisdasbrot_79112:00
ubotuchrisdasbrot_791: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:00
adamonline45so... Can anyone recommend a good hardware platform that can run (k)ubuntu, and play a 640x480 video nicely?  Built-in wifi would be nice...Just, the cheapest, smallest-form-factor system you can think of?  I imagine some independently-developed solution would be best...12:00
knightsWhens the deadline for new apps (or new versions) getting into Hardy?12:00
chrisdasbrot_791kann hier auch jemand deutsch ??12:01
QuickRiderATI radeon is good12:01
soundraychrisdasbrot_791: ja, das ist hier aber nicht zulässig. Gehe zu #ubuntu-de12:01
chrisdasbrot_791wie geht das ? ^^12:01
xLEwould a like.. 1.5ghz amd,256mb ram.. run ubuntu?12:01
soundraychrisdasbrot_791: /join #ubuntu-de12:01
chrisdasbrot_791ahh danke ^^12:02
soundrayxLE: the CPU is fine, but the RAM is tight.12:02
adamonline45xLE: I imagine so, even if it's fundamentally... running at minimums12:02
knightsxLE: Yes, but you might be better off with xubuntu or fluxbuntu with <256MB12:02
adamonline45xLE: I run Ubuntu Server on a pentium 2, 266MHz, 128 MB12:02
QuickRiderCan Windows software run on Ubuntu?12:03
BobSappi tested ubuntu server with lamp on a celeron 30012:03
BobSappits not good with only 96mb ram12:03
* knights wonders if we'll see lubuntu (based around IceWM/PCManFM combo ala the Lightweight Desktop Env)12:04
adamonline45QuickRider: Sometimes, depends on what it is... Look into 'wine'.  I'm not sure about specifics, though, so my help stops here 8D12:04
soundrayQuickRider: you can run virtualization software and install Windows as a guest OS, or you can try wine12:04
soundray!wine | QuickRider12:04
ubotuQuickRider: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.12:04
BobSappIm moving my lamp to my epia 700mhz machine (better bus etc)12:04
QuickRiderthanx for the help.12:05
knightsCan new apps (or new versions) get into Hardy right up to day of release? If not, whens the deadline?12:05
BobSappis gutsy stable now?12:05
xLEis there a channel where i can get PC help?12:05
perlsyntax_Does anyone got a dell desktop with ubuntu?12:06
adamonline45BobSapp: Technically, yes... Practically, well... More than Feisty 8)12:06
soundrayadamonline45: http://www.norhtec.com/products/mcjr/index.html12:06
adamonline45perlsyntax_: I do, it's ubuntu server... 6.06...12:06
gluonmanI am trying to copy information that I have stored on my external hdd onto my computer. It won't let me paste, though. How can I get around this?12:06
perlsyntax_it com with a desktp one not a server.12:06
soundraygluonman: paste into a directory where you have write permissions, like your $HOME12:07
perlsyntax_Would it be easy for my mother to use?12:07
gluonmansoundray, is it impossible to paste it in usr?12:07
adamonline45soundray: <312:07
soundraygluonman: no, but I would recommend strongly against it. What kind of data is it?12:08
gluonmansoundray, it is information that I'm taking from the computer I'm on right now. The other computer has no internet access, so instead of downloading something from the repos I am trying to build it by copying and pasting it from this computer.12:08
gluonmansoundray, which is why some things will belong in usr and places like that.12:09
x_zeusshi all12:09
x_zeusscan anyone tell me what would be the best sollution for a server for a noob?12:09
brobostigon!aptoncd | gluonman12:09
ubotugluonman: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers12:09
adamonline45soundray: What is rs232?12:09
soundraygluonman: much better to transfer the .deb packages and install them properly12:09
ompaulx_zeuss, the server install cd found at www.ubuntu.com might help there12:09
soundrayadamonline45: a protocol standard for serial communications12:10
gluonmansoundray, where are the .deb packages?12:10
adamonline45x_zeuss: Probably ubuntu with a LAMP install...12:10
soundrayadamonline45: good for old modems and lab equipment12:10
kylkIs there an opensource virusscanner that runs on linux but detects windows viruses?12:10
soundraygluonman: /var/cache/apt/archives/12:10
x_zeussompaul: i've heard that ubuntu is not the best sollution for a server12:10
ompaulx_zeuss, then why ask here12:10
gluonmansoundray, thanks.12:10
adamonline45soundray: Sounds about right for a homemade interface... ty 8)12:10
brobostigongluonman: aptoncd.12:10
ompaulkylk,  clamav12:10
gluonmanbrobostigon, I would, but I have no cds or dvds to use to burn information.12:11
x_zeussompaul: well just because is an ubuntu channel i think that maybe people here can offer an objective answer to this12:11
ompaulx_zeuss, I use ubuntu servers - and other ones have a nice day12:11
gerhard!seen Rasi12:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen rasi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:11
gerhardgibts das hier garnicht12:11
soundraygluonman: this page may be good: http://batmat.net/apt-offline/12:12
ompaul!de | gerhard12:12
ubotugerhard: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:12
x_zeussompaul: and what ubuntu version do u use for a server?12:12
gerhardthanks ompaul12:12
gluonmansoundray, thanks.12:12
ZeroA4kylk, yes, there are several av for linux... from the opensource clamav to versions of AVG, Avast, etc12:12
ompaulx_zeuss, some of it is on dapper and some of it I have on fiesty12:12
francesco_Hello, there! Is there a program that I can use in text mode (terminal) to view images?12:12
adamonline45x_zeuss: True, many of us are probably biased here... But I assure you we've got our reasons, so does that not count for objectivity? ;)12:12
adamonline45francesco_: Ascii images?12:13
francesco_No! I just don't want to pas through GNOME or KDE.12:13
soundrayfrancesco_: eog, display (from imagemagick), gqview12:14
francesco_Do these programmes allow me to modify images?12:14
x_zeussadamonline45: so what do u recomand for a noob server?12:14
compuman"This process is currently running setuid or setgid.12:14
compumanThis is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper12:14
compumanprogram instead."12:14
soundrayfrancesco_: display does12:15
compumanWhat does that mean?12:15
ompaulfrancesco_, zgv12:15
soundraycompuman: this is not the reason why you can't login12:15
soundraycompuman: describe your original problem to the channel12:15
francesco_Do I find these programs in Synaptic?12:15
compumanSoundray, I cannot use my computer without safe mode.12:15
soundrayfrancesco_: yes12:15
soundraycompuman: your original question was much better - more precise. Don't address me, I don't know how to solve it.12:16
soundraycompuman: do mention that none of your filesystems are full12:16
francesco_Excuse me, but can I use Synaptic only in GUI mode, is there a program in text mode (terminal) too? Or I only can use apt-get?12:16
soundrayfrancesco_: aptitude12:17
ompaulfrancesco_, sudo apt-get install zgv12:17
francesco_No! I want to view the list of all programs like in Synaptic.12:17
compumanI receive the error message "This process is currently running setuid or setgid.12:17
compuman This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead."  None of my filesystems are full, and this error message forces me to boot in safe mode on my productivity message.  I'd appreciate your help, please.12:17
adamonline45x_zeuss: Ubuntu 6.06 server (longest support until Hardy comes out), with the LAMP install option.  It's worked quite well for me, and I'd still use it if I didn't feel like workin' too hard on an install... :)12:17
soundrayfrancesco_: use sudo aptitude12:17
adamonline45Holy moly... Hiccups = bedtime... G'night all!12:18
ompaulfrancesco_, the console is an alternative to the gui don't expect to get all you get on one to be as easy to use on the other12:18
soundrayadamonline45: dapper will be supported beyond the next LTS release12:19
francesco_I mean, when I used DOS, there was DOSshell that was similar to "file manager" in Windows 3.1.12:19
francesco_I'm looking for something like that.12:20
soundrayfrancesco_: do you read me?12:20
francesco_soundray: Yes.12:20
soundrayfrancesco_: for the third time: use sudo aptitude12:20
ompaulfrancesco_, you have been told by soundray how to do this12:20
francesco_Thank you very much. Goodbye.12:21
soundrayompaul: was he happy now, or off in a strop?12:21
compuman This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead."  None of my filesystems are full, and this error message forces me to boot in safe mode on my productivity message.  I'd appreciate your help, please.  Anyone, please?12:21
ompaulsoundray, who knows, very demanding methinks12:22
adamonline45soundray: Oh really?  I thought dapper was supported til April '08, whereas Gutsy would be supported until March '08...  I may easily be mistaken though...12:22
toplokis possible to use hfsplus in write mode with ubuntu 7.10 ?12:22
ompauladamonline45, na dapper is desktop june 09 and server june 1112:22
soundray!lts | adamonline4512:22
ubotuadamonline45: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.12:22
soundraytoplok: yes12:23
soundraytoplok: I don't think hfsplus with journalling is supported, though12:23
adamonline45ompaul: Oh cool!  Good to know :)12:24
soundrayadamonline45: re. your hardware search: have you looked at linuxdevices.com?12:25
compumancp /usr/lib/iceweasel/plugins/nphelix.* /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/12:26
soundrayadamonline45: I'm personally tempted by the Asus Eee PC, although I'm not sure how easy it will be to convert it from Xandros to Ubuntu12:26
bullgard4My Epiphany does not show web pagees any more. The dial keeps spinning. In Firefox the website will be shown though. sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser shows the default at /usr/bin/epiphany. How to make Epiphany operational?12:26
riotkittiei would. i. hm. i f. oh.12:26
soundraybullgard4: is that on any web site you load?12:26
soundrayriotkittie: full ack12:26
bullgard4soundray: yes.12:26
adamonline45soundray: Nope, I'll load it up right now!  Ideally I'd like wifi, a hard drive, and decent sound output...  The nohrtec looks promising, so far... This is in response to a spur of the moment thought earlier tonight, so I've yet to do any hunting :)12:26
riotkittiesoundray: full ack = 75% quack, you know. :P12:27
compuman This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead."  None of my filesystems are full, and this error message forces me to boot in safe mode on my productivity message.  I'd appreciate your help, please.  Anyone, please?12:27
riotkittiecompuman: when exactly are you getting that message? what are you trying to do ?12:27
soundrayadamonline45: you get fairly decent sound from USB audio dongles these days, so don't make this your prime criterion :012:27
oupaI want to install the kdesktop on my Ubuntu system. I'm a bit worried because when I installed the gnome desktop on top of Kubuntu, my wireless network connection broke and the only way I could fix it was by re-installing.  Is anybody using Ubuntu Gutsy + Kdesktop + wireless?12:28
soundrayriotkittie: miaow12:28
compumanRiotkittie: After I log in from the login screen, in default message, I get this error.12:28
LleumasJokes at 6:30am hurt my head; that's not good.12:28
riotkittieoupa: i'm not sure how installing a DE would break your wireless but heywhatdoiknow.12:28
soundrayadamonline45: look what Bob Cringely did with a norhtec machine: http://www.pbs.org/cringely/pulpit/2006/pulpit_20061116_001214.html12:29
oupariotkittie: didn't make sense to me either, but kdesktop is a bit more than a de12:29
adamonline45Funny that's in a minivan...12:29
compumanRiotKittie: Any clue?12:29
riotkittiecompuman: no12:30
compuman This is not a supported use of GTK+. You must create a helper program instead."  None of my filesystems are full, and this error message forces me to boot in safe mode on my productivity message.  I'd appreciate your help, please.  Anyone, please?12:30
riotkittieoupa: orly?12:30
soundraycompuman: stop repeating this over and over.12:30
riotkittiecompuman: do you have other users on that system? does it happen for them?12:31
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riotkittiedo you have something weird in sessions?12:32
adamonline45I want to see if I can replace my ailing car radio with a more-than-a-radio linux machine...  Of course, there are a few kinks to work out.  Like, getting an FM/HD radio signal into it, powering it with just a 12V input, and of course a ton of custom software (the part I most look forward to) to make it functional and non-invasive when it comes to the simpler tasks...  That, and a touch-screen interface, ideally, which I've also yet t12:32
tuukkaIs this the channel for support?12:32
ompaultuukka, it deals with ubuntu support12:33
tuukkaI'm having a problem with youtube with Firefox12:33
tuukkaon ubuntu12:33
ompaultuukka, which version?12:33
ompaultuukka, of ubuntu12:33
tuukkawhere can I see that12:34
tuukkaI think its the newest12:34
tuukkaI d/L it yesterday12:34
ompaul!restricted | tuukka (that contains all the answers you need)12:34
ubotutuukka (that contains all the answers you need): For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:34
xcsthow do i make gdesklets open on startup?12:35
tuukkaOk thanks a bunch12:35
ompaulxcst, http://gdesklets.gnomedesktop.org/12:36
bullgard4soundray: I found the solution: One instance of Epiphany tried to block some nasty advertisement website. This apparently stopped all new Epiphany instances to display the contents of web pages.12:36
oupariotkittie: no, not really, I was thinking of kubuntu-desktop12:36
soundraybullgard4: oh, well done12:36
sixpenceHeya, I have a .iso I want to boot off of but I have no CD, I do however have a USB drive, any way I can boot it off of there?12:37
Paddy_EIRE!install | sixpence12:37
ubotusixpence: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:37
soundraycompuman: why aren't you replying to riotkittie's smart question?12:37
adamonline45sixpence: I belive that's up to your BIOS...12:38
zeaycan anybody help me with sound card12:38
ompaul!sound | zeay12:38
ubotuzeay: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:38
brobostigonzeay, of course we can help, but we cant hellp if we dont know the problem12:39
oupaactually, the only problem I've got with gnome is that kdevelop can't delete files. There's some bit of kde missing I guess12:39
adamonline45sixpence: Or try and snag a nice, old, unused hard drive off a buddy...12:39
Paddy_EIREsoundray, perhaps he's waiting to repeat the question again :P12:39
zeaysound card not detected but in lspci it says ali corp 545512:39
adamonline45wait, wait, i've still not gone to bed? :O12:39
* adamonline45 departs in spirit...12:40
brobostigonits 12:40pm here, midday.12:40
Pc_Darkwhy doesn't my desktop work?12:40
adamonline45brobostigon: 4:40 AM12:40
Pc_DarkI can't open the desktop folder nor click any icons on the desktop itself.12:40
brobostigoni am still in my pyjamas.12:40
zeaybrobostigon: any idea?12:41
ompaulbrobostigon, too much information and a little offtopic12:41
zeaybrobostigon: sound card not detected but in lspci it says ali corp 545512:42
sixpenceadamonline45: I have the .iso on there, but when I try to boot from it (and I have a VERY RECENT Bios and motherboard), it doesn't find the .iso on there12:42
ompaulsoundray, sudo make me some ;-)12:42
ZtaAnyone who's successfully used the UPnP plugin to Rhythmbox?12:42
brobostigonwell i have no idea zeay, but have a look in the forums, maybe omebody else has had the same problem12:42
sixpenceadamonline45: Do I need to maybe make it bootable or something? Perhaps extract the .iso?12:42
zeaynope. i guess im the only one who has this problem with adi188812:42
brobostigonso you have looked in the forums, and help,ubuntu.com. and the hardware db there.12:43
zeayanybody else who knows hot to fix my soundcard issue?12:43
ZtaRhythmbox+UPnP -- anyone who can help me, please?12:44
void^zeay: make sure snd-intel8x0 is loaded (lsmod) and pastebin 'dmesg'12:46
matmaxhi, I've installed ubuntu and have two issues now - first, that the solution given to my problem here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=522139&page=2 is actually that after every reboot i have to another time write "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", because it doesn't start with boot, and that the connection still doesn't work, just the pings to IP's, not to google.com, ubuntu.com, etc, IM's and so on12:46
sSpECtRuMHello everyone12:47
Ztamatmax, adding ndiswrapper to /etc/modules should load it automatically12:47
cerberusA short question only....I want to buy an Wireless Card for my Ubuntu Laptop. Which should I take? Have someone a good Idea which Chip is supported by Ubuntu on default?12:47
sSpECtRuMI need some helpç12:47
zeayvoid: already pasted12:48
brobostigoncerberus: i have a zd1211rw and it works perfectly for me12:48
Ztacerberus, I think tuxmobile has a list of supported cards.  If you have a ThinkPad, you can checkout the list at thinkwiki.org12:48
Ztacerberus, You can also use the list a thinkwiki.org to decide which card to buy12:49
cerberusok. thank you very much.12:49
sSpECtRuMI have install ndiswrapper for a wireless (atheros) on a laptop12:49
sSpECtRuMit did work12:49
ZtasSpECtRuM, atheros uses madwifi as far as I remember.12:49
Ztaie. ath012:49
sSpECtRuMbut after i upgrade my sistem (update manager)12:49
bard1988How can i tell whats my graphic driver?12:50
matmaxZta, thank you for help with ndiswrapper12:50
sSpECtRuMit fails scanning netwro12:50
Ztamatmax, =)12:50
void^zeay: that's not very useful if you don't post the link.12:50
Ztabard1988, lspci should tell you want graphics *card* you have.  From there on, you should be able to figure out what driver to use.12:51
sSpECtRuMZta sorry for my english i am not an english spoken guy12:51
ZtasSpECtRuM, what's your question?12:51
bard1988How can i check what graphic card i have12:51
ompaul!es | sSpECtRuM12:52
ubotusSpECtRuM: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.12:52
Ztabard1988, lspci should tell you want graphics *card* you have.  From there on, you should be able to figure out what driver to use.12:52
CODEMUTANTwhat is the default com port used for bluetooth serial communication in feisty?12:52
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?12:52
henrikssonHow do I enable "xorg-driver-fglrx"12:52
ompaul!resolution | henriksson12:52
ubotuhenriksson: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:52
sSpECtRuMompaul there's noone on ubuntu-es that can help me out12:52
msinghis there a way of using the flash plugin on amd64?12:52
ompaulsSpECtRuM, have you asked your question in detail and waited a while?12:53
bard1988 VGA compatible controller: 3Dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo 3 (rev 01)12:53
Ztabard1988, sounds right12:53
sixpenceIf an .iso is in my USB hard drive, at boot time, if I select to boot off of this hard-drive, it should boot with no problems even if there are other folders in the drive, correct?12:53
bard1988thats why i have  :P12:53
henrikssonompaul, I don't even know what it is12:53
henrikssonIt just says so when I try to enable my 'Restricted graphic card'12:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upnp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:53
sSpECtRuMompaul yeap12:54
bard1988Zta: where can i get the driver :D?12:54
ompaulhenriksson,  well if you tell system administration restricted drivers to do enable it - it will12:54
Ztabard1988, with the package manager, I suppose.12:54
ompaulhenriksson, then it will tell you to reboot12:54
henrikssonIt just says I have to enable xorg before I can enable the graphic card..12:55
bard1988Zta: can u guide me? im newbie : [12:55
sSpECtRuMhow can i force my wireless to do a network scan?12:55
Ztabard1988, System | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager12:55
ompaulsSpECtRuM, what kind of wireless?12:55
RoyKhi all. I have this old IBM laptop, and the audio drivers load just fine and all, but the audio is VERY low, barely hearable. If booting up puppy linux for testing there, it works fine. Any idea where to start debugging this?12:56
TuplanollaHum, anyone here using "ati" driver and two monitors?12:56
Ztabard1988, Search: voodoo12:56
sSpECtRuMar5bxb63 (atheros AR5006x)12:56
ompaul!dualmonitor | Tuplanolla12:56
ubotuTuplanolla: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:56
RoyKaudio controller is a cirrius logic cs 4614/22/24/3012:57
Ztabard1988, choose: xserver-xorg-video-voodoo and xserver-xorg-video-tdfx12:57
Ztaand install them12:57
ompaul!madwifi sSpECtRuM (this is what you need to do)12:57
ubotuI'll remember that, ompaul12:57
ompaul!madwifi | sSpECtRuM (this is what you need to do)12:57
ubotusSpECtRuM (this is what you need to do): Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:57
sSpECtRuMompaul ok thanks12:58
Ztabard1988, then: System | Administration | Screen and Graphics | Graphics Card | choose: your driver.12:58
ompaulsSpECtRuM, just do the madwifi part12:58
Ztabard1988, BUT!12:58
judyhow to install beryl12:58
Ztabard1988, I'm a b00b myself.  Ubuntu n00b at least.  So I don't know if that's the proper way of doing it.  But that's they way I'd try =)12:59
henrikssonCould someone please help me on how I enable xorg-driver-fglrx ?12:59
Ztahenriksson, pretty much the same way I told bard1988 to install his driver, I suppose.12:59
gvsa123what is the equivalent of the windows network for ubuntu/linux pc's?13:00
ompaulhenriksson, I pointed you at the document you need already13:00
ompaul!resolution | henriksson13:00
ubotuhenriksson: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:00
sSpECtRuMompaul but why if my wireless worked with ndiswrapper before i update ubuntu (update or upgrade manager, i dont know how its called in english) why it doesnt work after that ?13:00
Ztahenriksson, try searching the web for this.  I think it's a pretty common question.13:00
henrikssonompaul, I tried to read them, as I'm new I didn't understand what to do13:00
ompaulsSpECtRuM, no idea13:00
sh0lt0nAnyone familiar with Ubuntu on an Intel MacMini?13:00
bard1988Zta: can u?13:00
ompaulsSpECtRuM, the way I got it working with that card type several times was madwifi13:00
BugsonI've got one question there are some strange artefacts on my desktop when I click quick launch icon, any idea why, I have to add that I disabled all visual effects??13:01
sSpECtRuMompaul ok thanks13:01
xcsthow can i change the panels?13:01
sSpECtRuMshould i unnistall ndiswrapper before anything?13:01
xcstim seeing sometimes those who have big icons that are lined up like in a mac pc13:01
ompaulsSpECtRuM, it may just be useful13:01
gvsa123xcst: right click and there are options there... i think you have to expand them or something13:02
sSpECtRuMand how do i do that? (i installed ndiswrapper with make, make install)13:02
matmaxI'm having a problem with network, it's working now, but only pings to IP's, not names like google.com and so on13:02
readoni get a snapshot packages from buildroot, but the files extracted can't be updated with "svn update".13:03
readonis there any tools for that?13:03
sSpECtRuMmatmax DNS <- thats your problem13:03
matmaxI have already acknowleged that, but on both my laptops the DNS is set to my router, and on one works, on second not13:04
sh0lt0nAnyone familiar with Ubuntu on an Intel MacMini?13:05
LinnkHi, I've just connected my printer with an USB to Parallel cable (because I don't have a parallel plug in my pc). Ubuntu properly detects the cable (I can see it with lsusb), but gnome-cups-manager doesn't auto-detect the printer. Is is this printer: http://www.linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-DeskJet_930C13:06
LinnkCan anyone help? :)13:06
hikenbootanyone know how to install aptitude into chroot so it will run?13:06
LleumasHow do you set a new default program for playing audio and viewing pictures?13:10
=== Yvonne_ is now known as Yvonne
DogfishguzzlerHey guys I have a question I've been unable to answer. Every now and then my internet just quits. It says 'looking for site.com' I can also make this happen by doing a /etc/init.d/networking restart, When I issue that command it goes through its routine but is never successful with dns. What could cause this?13:10
alzamabarHi everyone. How to I bind on my PC the machine name with the IP address? Currently tomcat can't recognize my machine name and if I ping my machine name I receive a 'unknown host jemoslinux'13:11
DogfishguzzlerI think you would edit /etc/hosts alzamabar13:11
xcsthow do you put icons as big icons13:12
Dogfishguzzlertype sudo gedit /etc/hosts13:12
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, thanks. I'll do that13:12
xcstlike for example, terminal, firefox, xscript and others i want it located at the bottom13:12
Dogfishguzzlerxcst: You should be able right click your icons and resize or 'strech' them.13:12
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, I've got the following entries13:13
alzamabar127.0.0.1 localhost13:13
alzamabar127.0.1.1 jemoslinux.JEMOSGROUP13:13
alzamabar# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts13:13
alzamabar::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback13:13
alzamabarfe00::0 ip6-localnet13:13
alzamabarff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix13:13
alzamabarff02::1 ip6-allnodes13:13
alzamabarff02::2 ip6-allrouters13:13
alzamabarff02::3 ip6-allhosts13:13
alzamabarShall I add jemoslinux?13:13
xcsthow do some make it look like a mac?13:13
Dogfishguzzleralzamabar: You should be able to add a line like 'your.ip.address jemsolinux'13:14
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, thanks13:14
IdleOne!themes | xcst13:14
ubotuxcst: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:14
Dogfishguzzlerxcst: If you know how you can make gnome look like anything, unfortunatly I don't know how.13:14
xcstis kde better than gnome?13:15
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, do I need to do anything after adding a new line?13:15
esteth_!best | xcst13:15
ubotuxcst: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.13:15
xcstok thanks13:16
andrew_mcardledoes anyone know how mutch a fresh install of ubuntu takes up in harddisk space?13:16
andrew_mcardle@IdleOne: Thanks13:16
Dogfishguzzleralazambar: I don't think so.13:16
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, thanks. It works13:16
CaRtzHi, just installed ubuntu (desktop) and i was wondering which one is better? KDE desktop or Xfce desktop?13:16
IdleOneCaRtz: try both13:17
RoyKhi all. I have this old IBM laptop, and the audio drivers load just fine and all, but the audio is VERY low, barely hearable. If booting up puppy linux for testing there, it works fine. Any idea where to start debugging this? audio controller is a cirrius logic cs 4614/22/24/3013:17
DogfishguzzlerHey guys I have a question I've been unable to answer. Every now and then my internet just quits. It says 'looking for site.com' I can also make this happen by doing a /etc/init.d/networking restart, When I issue that command it goes through its routine but is never successful with dns. What could cause this?13:17
CaRtzIdleOne: will do. thanks. :)13:17
andrew_mcardle@CaRtz KDE is more feature rich, xfce is faster and lighter13:17
LleumasDogfish: Are you on wireless?13:18
Dogfishguzzleryeah Lleumas13:18
LleumasI have that same problem :'(13:18
IdleOneCaRtz: you can sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop or both for that matter13:18
CaRtzandrew_mcardle, my vcard sux so i guess xfce would be a better choice eh? :)13:18
bjwebbx is using a lot of cpu13:18
DogfishguzzlerI've tried ifconfig eth0 down/up as well and no dice.13:18
CaRtzIdleOne: okay. thankz! :D13:19
andrew_mcardleCaRtz, that sounds like a good idea, but still tru both, you never know, you might like them both13:19
DogfishguzzlerI have to do a full reboot to get dns back.13:19
alzamabarHow do I add a program as a service?13:19
CaRtzandrew_mcardle: hmMm... i'll try both then. thank you.13:19
andrew_mcardlealazambar: you can make it run @ startup by adding a symlink to /etc/rc5.d13:20
Dogfishguzzleralzamabar: Istall BUM13:20
Ubuntu710spricht hier jemand deutsch?13:20
bjwebbhow do i check what packages have been updated recently?13:20
IdleOneCaRtz: there is also Fluxbox,blackbox, icewm, and many others you can give a shot13:20
andrew_mcardleich spreche ein bisschen deutsch, aber nicht zu viel13:20
andrew_mcardlebjwebb: you can open synaptic and view the history13:21
alzamabarandrew_mcardle, Dogfishguzzler, thanks. Which of the two is the best solution?13:21
bjwebbandrew_mcardle: don't use synaptic13:21
bjwebbi was thinking cli actually13:21
DogfishguzzlerObviously creating the symlink is the easiest if you understand them but BUM is a graphical tool.13:22
judyhow install feisty beryl on intel 946gz  on board13:22
andrew_mcardlebjwebb: perhaps apt has a history function, check the man page13:22
alzamabarI don't know anything about symlinks :)13:22
alzamabarSo I shall go for BUM I suppose13:22
judyhow install feisty beryl on intel 946gz  on board13:22
DogfishguzzlerMe either alzamabar13:22
Dogfishguzzlersudo apt-get install bum should do it.13:22
DogfishguzzlerYou'll find it under your system menu after install13:22
CaRtzIdleOne, thanks for the info. ill google them after reading https://help.ubuntu.com/13:23
andrew_mcardlealazambar: symlinks are links to files on your hardrive, you make them with the ln command in the terminal13:23
LleumasCan't you just add the prog to sessions to run on startup?13:23
Dogfishguzzlersymlinks confuse the crap outta me, I don't know why but they do.13:23
alzamabarDogfishguzzler, can I install BUM with Synaptic?13:24
andrew_mcardleDogfishguzzler: think of them as shortcuts13:24
ZeroA4andrew_mcardle, or by dragging files with Ctrl+Shift pressed13:24
alzamabarandrew_mcardle, thanks. I'll try the graphical interface and will investigate symlinks when I'm a bit more experienced13:24
Dogfishguzzlerandrew: Let's say I wanted to run gtk-gnutella on startup, how would I link it?13:24
DogfishguzzlerOr lets say apache since that could be called a service.13:25
bjwebbhmmm xorgs quieted down a bit13:25
Dogfishguzzlerokay guys I'm out of time, I gotta go.13:26
ZeroA4Dogfishguzzler, alzamabar symlinks  are just link (Symbolic links) you can create them with on gnome/nautilus by dragging files with Ctrl+Shift pressed...13:26
mrtimdogIs there a cmd to rebuild the gnome menus? For some reason all my menu entries are now duplicated so there's two of each!13:26
ZeroA4Dogfishguzzler, alzamabar play with it with some text files...13:27
andrew_mcardleDogfishguzzler: open the terminal, run "which gtk-gnutella" to find where gtk-gnutella's binary is, "cd /etc/rc5/d", ln `which gtk-gnutella` S99gtk-gnutella"13:27
andrew_mcardlesorry, /etc/rc5.d13:27
=== Pseudo is now known as Lleumas
nagyvhello! I've just upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy with a new install. Strangely, even if I install flash-nonfree, Firefox won't recognize it. Any ideas hoy to fix it? The plugin is not registered under /usr/lib/firefox/plugins.13:27
ArelisCan anybody help me? We've just switched two harddrives from two computers with eachother, (aka switched computers), and now the videocard won't work well... X gives a really distorted picture, and it's not nice to use it that way. How do i fix this?13:28
bard1988_im having trouble installing Vooodoo3 driver on ubunu 7.1013:28
Dogfishguzzler Dogfishguzzler: open the terminal, run "which gtk-gnutella" to find where gtk-gnutella's binary is, "cd /etc/rc5/d", ln `which gtk-gnutella` S99gtk-gnutella"13:28
nagyvArelis: probably you should reconfigure X13:28
botchhey there!13:28
andrew_mcardleArelis: try starting ubuntu in safe graphics mode13:28
Arelisnagyv: how?13:28
Arelisandrew_mcardle: how?13:28
bard1988_im having trouble installing Vooodoo3 driver on ubunu 7.1013:29
botchi just set up gutsy gibbon on a new machine (athlon x2 and stuff...)13:29
nagyvArelis: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/13:29
botchand i can't get the sound working13:29
DogfishguzzlerThanks to you as well Zero13:29
botchis there a issue with the current kernel 2.6.22-14 and my sound device?13:29
rgnrdammit with ktorrent13:29
botchits: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio13:30
rgnrhey ppl13:30
rgnrwho uses ktorrent here?13:30
RoyKdoes anyone know if an ubuntu openoffice presentation exists available for free use?13:30
Bonsterwat u need?13:30
andrew_mcardleArelis: im not too sure, it is a kernel command line switch you have to set,13:31
RoyKBonster: a representation bragging about all the fancy stuff with ubuntu, obviously13:31
rgnrBonster: u?13:31
MWS43does the 64bit version of 7.10 have ntfs write support? thanks13:31
RoyKkylexy: språkbølle!13:31
Arelisnagyv: tried that but it didnt work13:31
Bonsterrgnr: yea13:31
TuplanollaMWS43: yes it has13:31
bard1988_iv just downloaded libglide3 and wanted to know what should i do next in order to install the Voodoo 3 graphic driver13:32
inspiredhi, I have problems with contrast, brightness and saturation while watching videos on gutsy. I've seen a few tickets mentioning this, but can't find the fix. I'm using the intel graphics driver. does anyone have a cure?13:32
MWS43Tuplanolla:  is there any advantages to 64bit?13:32
BonsterRoyK: yes is free13:32
nagyvArelis: are the 2 systems very different? couldn't you also switch the video cards? :)13:32
rgnrBonster:  cl13:32
bazhang!cn | kylexy13:33
ubotukylexy: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:33
andrew_mcardleMWS43: works better on 64 bit processors13:33
RoyKBonster: where can I find the presentation? I'm talking about a document, presentation, not openoffice.org13:33
rgnrBonster:  say wtf is wrong with ktorrent13:33
Arelisnagyv: yes they're very different. Do a reinstall?13:33
Areliswould be for the better, methinks13:33
rgnrBonster:  when i close it to tray it stops uploading13:33
nagyvA reinstall is the easy and brutal solution for sure.13:34
nagyvArelis: ^13:34
Bonsterrgnr: is it still on the icons list in the bar?13:34
bard1988_Can anyone help me with the driver of voodoo 3?13:34
rgnrBonster:  yep13:34
BobSappanyone know why i cant burn dvds over 2gb in linux?13:34
BobSappubuntu gutsy13:34
rgnrBonster:  like it downloads but lowers upload to 113:34
bard1988_iv tried choosing the driver in "screens and graphics" but it keeps changing to VESA generic13:35
andrew_mcardleBobSapp: perhaps try a different writing software13:35
zLinuxHow to prevent Firefox from adding "www." and ".com" to the entered URL?   For example, if I enter localhost, it makes it www.localhost.com, how to prevent Firefox 2 from doing that on Ubuntu?13:35
Jack_Sparrowbard1988_: vesa might be the best you can do on that old card13:35
andrew_mcardlezLinux: perhaps type http://localhost13:36
bard1988_Jack_Sparrow: iv read that people could use 2d acc and even 3d with some config13:36
IdleOnezLinux: you can also change that seting in the Firefox prefferences13:36
Jack_Sparrowbard1988_: what drivers are they using.. that card didnt have much ram ...13:36
alzamabarHow do I search a file/directory in the entire filesystem? I'm trying to use the Search functionality but it seems it only searches in my user folder13:36
Dogfishguzzlerfind / -name file.you.want13:37
Tuplanollaalzamabar: "locate" in terminal13:37
zLinuxIdleOne, where is the setting?13:37
alzamabarIsn't there a graphical interface for this?13:37
IdleOnezLinux: you need to look around , I dont remember exactly13:37
DogfishguzzlerCommand line is better for searching imo13:37
zLinuxIdleOne, ok13:37
Dogfishguzzleralzamabar: replace / with the directory you want to search, / will search everywhere13:38
Jack_Sparrowbard1988_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-18106.html  has some info.. edit xorg to max 16bit not 24 and max res is 1024x same as vesa13:38
DogfishguzzlerAnd if your not root it will not show some fo the results so you might want to sudo find / -name file.you.want13:39
xoqrpsI'd appreciate if someone could help me enable my, ATI accelerated graphics driver. From restricted drivers.13:39
inspiredanyone else experiencing contrast, brightness and gamma problems watching videos in mplayer/totem with Xv on gutsy? I have an intel video card13:39
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:39
xoqrpsI don't understand Jack_Sparrow13:41
xoqrpsAll it says on 7.10 is to sudo apt-get install the restricted-manager-kde13:41
xoqrpswhich I already got, no?13:41
f00ubotu does that guide work for a geforce 6800 also13:41
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:41
ConstyXIVf00:  ubotu is a bot13:41
Jack_Sparrowdidnt mean to link that twice13:42
nagyvhow to install flash in Firefox? nothing logical works!13:42
f00lol i need some coffe i think13:42
CaRtzim currently browsing my synaptic package manager and its not showing xfce-desktop. how do it get it to be listed there so I can install it?13:42
ConstyXIVnagyv: just install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package13:42
IdleOneCaRtz: xubuntu-desktop is the package you want13:42
andrew-mCatRtz: or visit xfce's website13:42
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: I'm on the howto/ATI page now. But all there is is a small command which says I already have R-manager.13:42
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: Just a small point.. Ubuntu uses gnome.. kubuntu uses kde... if you follow those steps you will get your driver...  if you get an error, please post it in channel13:43
CaRtzxubuntu-desktop isnt listed either, idleone13:43
CaRtzandrew-m, ill do that now13:43
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: I tried following these steps before, ended up with me re-installing ubuntu13:43
=== Gips is now known as Dzinko
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: No need to reinstall... write this down...  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:43
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: Ok done.13:44
Pirate_Hunterjust updated my ubuntu and now i received an error stating that gnome didn't start and my theme is different etc, is this like an update bug or something?13:44
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: That will let you edit your xorg if you get locked out of a gui13:44
xoqrpsThat's what I did Jack before13:44
xoqrpsAnd I had to reinstall everything cause the entire computer gave me errors and didn't let me login13:44
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: You can use that command when you cant login..13:45
kexhello, i have problems with my virtual host in apache2. i get this when i start apache "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"13:45
xoqrpsBecause there was like 50 diffrent things to answer to and I didn't know what their value to set them to, so I just did default.. Which apparently wasn't right13:45
xcsti like to make my icons like this, like what is shown here13:45
xcstthe icons on the bottom part13:45
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: If all else fails, accept the defaults, but select the vesa driver and 1024 max res.13:45
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: also .. people always seem to forget to properly identify their monitor including the v and h refresh rates,13:46
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: further, there is no need to reinstall as you can run live and get help or edit your mounted drives xorg13:47
xoqrpswhenever I ask for help, you just point me to the ATI page.13:48
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: I cant help more as 1. I am just waking up... 2. I dont have an ati, and 3 I dont use Kubuntu-kde13:48
gidnawhy the parameter in line 9 must be declared?13:48
xoqrpsI don't use Kubuntu either, I have ubuntu13:49
Pirate_Hunterjust updated my ubuntu and now i received an error stating that gnome didn't start and my theme is different etc, is this like an update bug or something?13:49
gidnawrong channel13:49
Toma-xcst➔ that is a program called AWN dock. you can google it for more information13:49
xoqrpsOK Jack_Sparrow I tried to follow the page, E: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules.generic13:49
xcstok thanks13:49
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: <xoqrps> All it says on 7.10 is to sudo apt-get install the restricted-manager-kde13:49
xoqrpsOn the page you posted, Jack_Sparrow13:49
xoqrpsThere it says kde13:50
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: E: Couldn't find package linux-restricted-modules.generic13:50
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: have you made any changes to your sources?13:50
xoqrpsYes, main and min I belive.13:50
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: Are you running gutsy, or an earlier version13:51
IdleOne!info xubuntu-desktop13:51
ubotuxubuntu-desktop: Xubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.50 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 40 kB13:51
metac0m 13:51
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: I'm running 7.10 and from "Software Sources" I have main and universe13:51
kexhello, i have problems with my virtual host in apache2. i get this when i start apache "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"13:51
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: did you run update after enabling them?13:51
NMaji1Are there any tools in ubuntu to replay a series of keystrokes?13:52
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: I think so, do you mean 'sudo apt-get update' ?13:52
jribNMaji1: xmacro is one13:52
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: what happened when you went into system ... restricted drivers13:52
=== NMaji1 is now known as NMajik
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: The driver isn't enabled, so I try to enable it then it says13:52
NMajikjrib: I'll check that out, thanks13:52
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: The software source for the package13:53
xoqrps   xorg-driver-fglrx13:53
xoqrps is not enabled.13:53
IdleOneNMajik: apt-cache search macro should list several of them13:53
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: use the pastebin to post both xorg and your source list13:53
jandemhi, i want to install viewvc on ubuntu server, i have installed the viewvc-package, but i don't know what to do next13:53
jandemany good howto's on this?13:53
jribNMajik: xnee is the other one I've heard of13:53
xoqrpsHow do I access my source list?13:53
xoqrpsxorg is in etc/X11/xorg.conf right?13:53
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: where do I find the source list?13:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:54
IdleOnesudo gedit /et/apt/sources.list13:54
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/sources.list.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)13:54
jribxoqrps: system -> administration -> software sources.  Or, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:54
riotkittiexoqrps: /etc/apt/sources.list13:54
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: You will now find a copy on your desktop13:54
huhutihow to change screen res from console?13:54
huhutihow to change screen res from console?13:55
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:55
riotkittiehuhuti: X screen res? or console res?13:55
huhuticonsole res13:55
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: sourcelist: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47364/13:55
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: brb.. first cup is ready...  morning ...jrib13:55
jribmorning Jack13:55
riotkittieyou'll need to reboot. and add a vga=xxx to the kernel boot line in grub, or /boot/grub/menu.lst13:55
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47366/13:56
riotkittievga=791 is 1024x768, for example13:56
huhutiriotkittie tnx, brb13:57
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: it looks like most of your sources failed to verify and were commented out13:58
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic13:58
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: I've only marked two sourcers via System - Something - Source something :P13:58
xoqrpsmain and universe13:58
xcstim trying to install awn and this came out13:58
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:                   is an error....13:59
mnoirkex - in detail what are you trying to set up?  do you have vhosts actualy defined?  Is the 'server-name' defined in your /etc/hosts file?13:59
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: Start by fixing your sources.13:59
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: Ok, how if I may ask13:59
kane77what if somebody made a keylogger that would log all the keys, wouldn't he then be able to get root accout (if he monitored stuff like sudo something and right after that there is in 90% password).. would something like that be possible...14:00
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: look up... easysource.. is one way.. or remove the # and try to get them to verify14:00
kexmnoir, im following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-8c16bcd2517fa5b9fa35d616f00d3bb59e981373 and when i did the command "sudo a2dissite default && sudo a2ensite mysite" it stopped working14:00
mnoirkex - sec14:00
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: your default depth in your xorg is set to 24... per the link I saw it needs to be backed down..   also you do NOT have a single res listed..14:01
xoqrpsJack_Sparrow: What on earth does that mean?14:02
Jack_Sparrowkane77: No... the keylogger would need root..14:02
Jack_Sparrowxoqrps: Sorry, I dont have the patience for this yet.  Please read the first link I gave you.  It talks about depth and max res.14:03
kane77Jack_Sparrow, I'm arguing with a guy on one forum and he's telling he made a linux virus :)14:03
xoqrpsCan someone who knows please just help me enable my graphic card?14:03
SEpplgoogle becomes mediaguerilla ^^14:03
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:03
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2114:03
fsckromg Jack_Sparrow LOL Xoqrps14:04
mnoirkex - I am confused - httpd.conf is typically not used on an ubuntu system - did you find it empty when you started the mods?14:04
fsckrsomeone who knows LOL14:04
l0llasdasdHey people, Visit and join http://www.vidvoter.com IT is an awesome site for Applications, E-books, Games, Movies and TV SHows! Please Visit! :)14:04
fsckrkick that foo14:04
Moniker42kane77, tell him to ahead and release it then and see how far it gets14:04
Jack_Sparrowfsckr: No,14:04
fsckri was j/k14:04
f00ah the other f0014:05
fsckrhehe yea da udder one14:05
Jack_Sparrowf00: not you  the other one14:05
l0llasdasdfaggs :)14:05
kane77Moniker42, i'm not really sure if those guys are realy serious but it seems like making fun...14:05
riotkittiejrib is my hero.14:06
Jack_Sparrowfsckr: I tried to help him/her...  I really did14:06
fsckryea i know and I was giggling at what he said could someone help me that knows LOL14:06
fsckri know you know :)14:06
kexmnoir - httpd.conf? i just followed the wiki until it said "apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"14:06
fsckrthey just dont understand that google is your friend14:06
Jack_Sparrowfsckr: thanks..14:06
fsckrand there is a ton if howtos and info for ubuntu way more than any distro that I have seen14:06
riotkittieyes, but this isnt #ubuntu-haygogoogleit14:07
mnoirkex - ok - the short ansewr is that any server name declared in the apache2 config needs to be resolvable, hence, for local ones, probably declared in /etc/hosts14:07
fsckrno riotkittie but they should at least try to14:07
fsckrhow else are you going to learn14:07
SpookyETmy / partition is full. I had about 50 megs left yesterday on it. now, it's full. no config file can take 50 megs. How can I give a search command to see all files that were created on / yesteday?14:07
fsckrhmm thats odd SpookyET14:08
kexmnoir - so how do i solve my problem? :s sorry14:08
Jack_Sparrowriotkittie: I showed him what was wrong and what he needed to change.. he didnt want to hear it...14:08
mnoirkex - it is too noisy here - PM?14:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:08
SpookyETfsckr: yeah, it is. i have separate partitions for / /boot /home /tmp /usr /var14:09
jribSpookyET: you can't since creation time is not stored14:09
SpookyETI'm trying to figure out how / got full.14:09
fsckrwhich partition are you refering to?14:09
mrtimdogHow can I shrink the standard console font? (The font used by getty, no X here).14:09
fsckroh /14:09
m_tadeuhi everyone14:09
Jack_SparrowSpookyET: 50 megs isnt much free these days...  burn var/cache/apt/archives to a cd or dvd to make room14:09
kexmnoir, i pmed you14:09
jribSpookyET: you can see all the files that got modified though.  use find with -mtime14:09
m_tadeuI'm getting this error when I connect a bluetooth dongle http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47369/14:10
riotkittieyea, 50MB free is nuts. what are your partition sizes?14:10
SpookyETJack_Sparrow:  /var has its own partition14:10
mnoirkex - lol I have forgotten how to do pm :)14:10
nagyvConstyXIV: installing all the restricted things didn't help neither14:10
fsckrSpookyET, try this maybe this will help you.  I dont know the commands http://www.glindra.org/doc/filespec.html14:11
mnoirkex - i just tried to  open a chat session to you14:11
fsckrSpookyET, or this site....http://www.linux-tutorial.info/modules.php?name=MContent&pageid=3114:12
kexmnoir - it worked14:12
mnoirpm or apache?14:13
kexmnoir, pm14:13
SpookyETIs there an ext3 extensions that stores creation time?14:13
mnoirkex - join channel #kexmn14:14
=== Pseudo is now known as Lleumas
=== Drageskind is now known as Locksm
onats_i'd like to implement a firewall for my network.. does anyone have any suggestion on where to start?14:18
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:18
Jack_Sparrowonats_: Is this for home or a business?14:18
onats_jack_sparrow, home, initially14:19
Locksmregarding setting of partitions, anything i should be specially aware of? i mean, i know how to fiddle around with partitions at least, tried that before, but in 7.10 gutsy gib, is there a special setup that is preferred regarding speed, effictivity, security, and overall management of files ?14:19
huhutiriotkittie? are you there? where in menu.lst goes vga=79114:19
Jack_Sparrowonats_: Are you needing to open a port for something in particular?14:19
Locksmi know there are /root /boot and a ton of other partition ways, just wondering if its enough with a ext3, and a fat 32 to work between OS14:19
Jack_SparrowLocksm: make a second partition for /home14:20
onats_jack_sparrow, i have some services which i plan to open up, when i'm out of the house.. but basically what i need is something which blocks anything malicious...14:20
onats_jack_sparrow, not exactly an expert with security concepts..14:20
LocksmJack_Sparrow: so 3 partitions, 1 for /root 1 for /home and one for fat 32?14:20
Jack_Sparrowonats_: you can test the default iptables setup by going to grc.com and running shields up scan14:20
aguitelanyone use cnr ?14:21
moutyumannybody get success with ati opensource drivers for dualhead cards and xrandr on 7.10?14:21
Jack_SparrowLocksm: that is how mine are  except for the ugh..XP14:21
Locksmi know i know, mockering is allowed, im an addict to windows os, trying to break it by going to the ubuntu way14:21
onats_jack_sparrow, what does it test? my pc, or my network/router security?14:22
Locksmbut, then again flexibility isnt a stupid item14:22
Jack_SparrowLocksm: if you have lots of extra space add an ext3 at the end for backups14:22
Jack_Sparrowonats_: It scans ports for vulnerabilities14:22
Jack_SparrowLocksm: I wasnt mocking you... I use XP to pay the bills..14:23
chazcoAnyone here using Unison? How reliable is it? Any quirks that i should know about? (syncing a USB stick + hdd folder)14:23
psychis ubuntu slower than debian?14:23
aguitelanyone use click 'n run ?14:24
ConstyXIVcan you fsck a NTFS drive from ubuntu?14:24
LocksmJack_Sparrow: Lets say space is not a probelm for the time beeing.. Just in theory, what kind of partition table would you make, and please make a notation about how many gb youd assign to each. Im thinking ill prob download a ton of proggies, try to add a lot of eyecandy, mess around with the unix etc etc... Sort of to get to know it better..14:24
LocksmJack_Sparrow: the mocking issue were only meant as a joke ;)14:25
onats_jack_sparrow, what about anonymity over internet?14:26
onats_jack_sparrow, how do i achieve this?14:26
Jack_Sparrowonats_: I cant help you there, it isnt a ubuntu issue...14:27
Jack_SparrowLocksm: Ok..  gimme a sec14:27
wols_onats_: use tor. but that's only a beginning14:27
wols_true anonymity is _hard_14:27
ubotu#ubuntu and related channels prohibit access from proxy servers due to a high level of abuse. Project cloaks allowed: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks14:27
LocksmJack_Sparrow: take all the time you need, your free to pm me with it :D14:27
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?14:28
LocksmJack_Sparrow: im in no rush here :D14:28
onats_wols, thanks.. reading up14:28
onats_wols, can i pm you regarding tor?14:29
esteth_!hardy | esteth14:29
ubotuesteth: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu14:29
SpookyETWhat does the /sys directory do?14:29
Ximalanyone here know how to set your trashbin to secure shred trash files upon emptying your trash bin ?14:29
Jack_SparrowLocksm: make your xp whatever it needs...  mine is about 100 gig...  100 for fat32, 50 for ub, 2 swap, 100 for /home and another 100 for grins and giggles.  that is this machine..14:30
=== DarthWad1r is now known as DarthWader
LocksmJack_Sparrow: i already got the xp installation coverd, sitting in xp atm.. However the space issue, might be a problem in reality then "laugh". ill prob have around 150-75gb total to divert out on partitions14:32
kiyoshi_wolfanyone know how to turn off the line in switch ? it got enabled and now i cant shut it off and my mic doesnt work now14:32
LocksmJack_Sparrow: Thx for the measurement, now i got a line to go after though :P14:32
kiyoshi_wolfit wont let me uncheck it14:33
Jack_SparrowLocksm: np...  I have tons of space on these14:33
LocksmJack_Sparrow: when u say 50 for ub, what does that mean14:33
Jack_SparrowLocksm: 20 for ub  20 for home and 10 for spare14:33
Ximalanyone ?14:33
Jack_SparrowLocksm: 20 for ub  as in ubuntu install14:33
XaTri1How can i set the speed of the fan on my ATI card ?14:34
Jack_SparrowLocksm: give yourself 3 20 gig exts plus your fat3214:34
LocksmJack_Sparrow: ok, so when i install items, if i make a ub, home and fat32 partition, where do they go?14:34
Guest48527hi,I have installed windows xp on a second partition after ubuntu.Now I need to reinstall the grub boot loader.can you help me please ? thanks14:36
Jack_SparrowLocksm: you are limited to 4 primary so you will end up with an extended partition.  Keep ubuntu down next to XP..  grub hates you moving partitons below UB...14:36
=== amycus is now known as fuzzy
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jrib!grub > Guest48527 (read the private message from ubotu)14:36
onats_jack_sparrow, you there? i tested shields up, but i failed on icmp reply...14:36
Jack_Sparrowonats_: that isnt a big deal, but you can use firestarter to stop that..14:37
robinsrindoes 7.1 support usb modem?14:37
huhutihow to configure menu.lst to boot debian at a higher console res?14:37
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onats_jack_sparrow, my router has an option to block anonymous wan requests.. would this be enough?14:38
mirakhow can I mount a initrd mage ?14:38
SpookyETI figured out how my / got full14:38
SpookyETIt was google desktop.14:38
ubuntuHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu from the alternate disc, and it got far, but it has stopped saying "Please put the disk with label "Ubuntu_7.10_Gutsy_Gibbon_  - Release i386" in station "/dev/cdrom" and press enter". But... it's already in there, and i can't eject the disk to put it in another drive. Can anyone help me?14:38
SpookyETit installed itself in /opt instead of /usr14:38
zylmakhello is there a way i can umount /home?14:38
SpookyET/opt is not a symlink to /usr/local, how can I fix that?14:38
magnetronubuntu: try just hitting enter. and change your nick please14:39
=== ubuntu is now known as Arelis
Arelismagnetron: then it displays it again14:39
xcsthow do i autolaunch AWN at startup?14:39
Arelismagnetron: then it displays that same error again14:40
robinsrindoes 7.1 support usb modem?14:40
huhutihow to configure menu.lst to boot at a higher console res?14:41
kiyoshi_wolfthere must be someone who knows how to disable the line in switch :( its a real problem for me14:41
esteth_xcst: Preferences -> sessions14:41
xcstwhat will i put in the command?14:41
ArelisHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu from the alternate disc, and it got far, but it has stopped saying "Please put the disk with label "Ubuntu_7.10_Gutsy_Gibbon_  - Release i386" in station "/dev/cdrom" and press enter". But... it's already in there, and i can't eject the disk to put it in another drive. Can anyone help me? And yes i've pressed enter, but then it just shows the same error again14:41
xcstesteth_, what will i put in the command14:42
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kiyoshi_wolfcrap :(14:43
nagyvArelis: could you repeat your question.14:45
riotkittieArelis: do you have two drives, by any chance?14:45
ArelisHi all. I'm installing Ubuntu from the alternate disc, and it got far, but it has stopped saying "Please put the disk with label "Ubuntu_7.10_Gutsy_Gibbon_  - Release i386" in station "/dev/cdrom" and press enter". But... it's already in there, and i can't eject the disk to put it in another drive. Can anyone help me? And yes i've pressed enter, but then it just shows the same error again14:45
Arelisnagyv: there14:45
Arelisriotkittie: yes14:45
CherubaelHey, can anyone help me configure grub to pick up my windows partition? My setup is a little more complicated than usual...14:46
riotkittiewait a second. are you installing or upgrading?14:46
unimatrix9Arelis , as i said in the other channel you could do this : disconnect the drive you dont use , boot from cdrom, check cdrom for bad errors, install ubuntu if all goes wel, and later connect the drive after install14:46
CherubaelI've got Ubuntu at the start of the disk, installed over a Vista installation. Vista boot picked up XP on a second partition on the same disk, but ubuntu doesn't14:47
CherubaelI've already tried editing menu.lst with the correct partition references, but it doesn't work14:48
gvsa123i'm administering a ubuntu desktop with multiple users. one administrator account which me, another desktop user (a trusted user) and a limited user account for guest users... i installed gspca drivers on my account but i saw that the webcam doesn't work on the guest account (haven't tried the desktop user). how can i configure it so that guests can use my webcam on gyachi for yahoo14:48
mirakwhat is the package containing ls cp and such, I did an horrible mistaque14:48
m_tadeuanyone? I'm getting this error when I connect a bluetooth dongle. here's the log messages: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47369/14:49
jribgvsa123: check the groups you are in that they are not in14:49
=== Diego-Luiz is now known as Diego_Luiz
Guest48527dear jrib,I have recovered the grub,I see all the partition but If I try to hit enter on "Ubuntu 7.10" I get the message "error 17.Cannot mount selected partition",If I try to run windows partition I get "error 13: invalid or unsupported executable file"14:49
CherubaelGuest48527: I get that second error too... I'm checking out the forums atm14:49
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jribGuest48527: check that menu.lst is pointing to the right partition14:50
Guest48527Can I see the menu.lst booting with the live cd ? thanks14:51
Moryddhow can I prevent resolv.conf being overwritten by my dhcp client?14:51
fsckrim having a problem with the flash plugin.  It is installed but everytime a page comes up that uses flash the install missing plugins comes up.14:51
gvsa123jrib: and make them part of that group? won't this also give them privileges they shouldn't have?14:51
huhutiriotkittie, I cant seem to figure out how to configure menu.lst to boot to higher res. help?14:51
jribGuest48527: yes, just mount your partition.  Though you can also just hit 'e' at the grub menu and it will let you edit the lines it is going to boot14:51
jribgvsa123: which groups are you in that they are not in?14:51
FrankLakatosHow do i download ssh? the apt-get for "ssh" and "openssh-server" say that they are missing/obsoleted?14:51
=== Diego_Luiz is now known as Diego-Luiz
jribgvsa123: or... do you know the device that corresponds to the cam?14:52
jribFrankLakatos: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and the output of 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install openssh-server'14:52
HoxzerNautilus doesn't seem to be able to open video files with gmplayer if they have spaces. I think it is because Nautilus replaces spaces with "%20" which gmplayer doesn't understand14:53
onats_wols, is firestarter for a single machine, or will it work for my whole network?14:53
HoxzerHow can I tell it not and use "\ " instead ?14:53
gvsa123jrib: they aren't part of any group that i am part of... should i add them to the group corresponding to my login name?14:53
Guest48527thanks jrib,all right now14:53
Diego-Luizonats, i think if your machine is the proxy ou router it will works for all14:53
gvsa123jrib: i get the device with lsusb?14:54
gvsa123jrib: Bus 001 Device 002: ID 041e:401a Creative Technology, Ltd14:54
jribHoxzer: you can have nautilus open it with a script instead that mangles the path in whatever way you want and then opens gmplayer.  Though I have not come across this problem...14:54
jribgvsa123: nope that's not what I meant14:54
jrib(so just list the groups)14:55
onats_diego-luiz, i have a stand-alone router... and no proxy.. i'm looking for a way to have a centralized firewall...14:55
Diego-Luizonats,  you can configure your router to be a firewall.. it's a simple one(like d-link)?14:56
=== onats_ is now known as onats
jribHoxzer: hmm, I can confirm that behavior here.  Strangely, regular mplayer does not have the same problem14:56
onatsdiego-luiz, its on dd-wrt14:56
rollhi all, I'm trying to install ubuntu in parallels (mac os x), but cannot start X. Is it possible to start the installation without X?14:56
mirakerror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS3214:57
gvsa123jrib: how do i list the groups?14:57
jribgvsa123: 'groups'14:57
miraktoo bad there is no rollback possible on linux ^^14:57
Diego-LuizCan't you configure it?14:57
Diego-Luizgvsa123, cat /etc/group14:58
mirakroll: you need an alternate CD14:58
gvsa123jrib: thanks... one more command discovered... girard adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev powerdev14:58
Diego-Luizor groups xD14:58
mirakroll: alternate install image14:58
jribgvsa123: now do the same for the user that can't access the cam14:58
rollmirak: thanks. will give it a try14:58
SpookyETShould /opt be a directory or symlink to /usr/local?14:59
gvsa123jrib: 'user' ?14:59
jribSpookyET: no14:59
jribgvsa123: are you using ubuntu?14:59
SpookyETjrib: no what?14:59
gvsa123jrib: yep14:59
FrankLakatossudo apititude: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47378/15:00
mirakis there a way to have a list of all installed packages so I can reinstall all of them in one shot with apt-get ?15:00
jribgvsa123: so you changed his group to 'users'?15:00
gvsa123jrib: user : girard adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip plugdev scanner fuse15:00
jribgvsa123: oh, his name is user :)15:00
gvsa123jrib: the login for the guest accoutn is user15:00
gvsa123jrib: yeah... didn't get creative with that... lol15:00
Condoulooooo.... Morning Coffee. :P15:00
jribgvsa123: ok... so maybe "video" group is what he needs?15:01
mirakwhat is the package with ls command and such ?15:01
onatsdiego-luiz, what do you mean?15:01
gvsa123jrib: oh.. that makes sense... :)15:01
jribmirak: coreutils15:01
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell15:01
jribFrankLakatos: this is not the full command15:01
Diego-Luizonats, i can configure my router in office to be a firewall15:02
Carburonew entry here :)15:02
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs15:02
mirakjrib: my system is deb anyway, tar doesn't work either ...15:02
bob1219I'm trying to make a diskless box and I have used a CF to IDE adapter but it didn't work well.  Anyone have any luck with the SD to IDE adapters?15:02
jribmirak: umm, what did you do?15:02
mirakjrib: is there a static compiled version of LS TAR and all coreutils ?15:02
bob1219Or maybe you know of a place where I can read a review or a forum?15:03
pigloobonsoir :)15:03
jribFrankLakatos: do you understand what you need to do?15:03
mirakjrib: something like cat initrd.img | cpio > something15:03
gvsa123jrib: whooops... i can't find the 'video' group in the gui, but i see it in the commandline.. how do i add them via terminal? it's not chgrp isn't it?15:03
jribmirak: heh...15:03
jribgvsa123: sudo adduser USER GROUP15:04
mirakjrib: problem is that it's ppc binaries. I could have survived with x86 binaries15:04
mirakjrib: is there a way so I can save the list of all my installed packages ?15:04
FrankLakatosjrib -> no, this is my first day at linux or terminal (please just baby me if you can). I'm not sure how to open the source.list . i'm in the directory no prob15:04
mirakwith dpkg command15:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mdf2iso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:04
uncommonwhere can I find the roadmap for the new ubuntu release?15:04
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.15:04
jim288Hi all. got a prob. when I try to start synaptic I get:15:05
jim288E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room15:05
jim288E: Error occurred while processing git-svn (NewVersion1)15:05
jim288E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_feisty-backports_universe_binary-i386_Packages15:05
jim288E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:05
jim288E: _cache->open() failed, please report.15:05
jrib!paste | jim28815:05
ubotujim288: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:05
rafaelsoaresbrhow do I to use mdf2iso?15:05
weltochzihi! Does anyone know where to find information about enabling Vertical Sync on X on ubuntu 7.10 ? those elastan windows look kinda ripped apart at 54Hz (LCD)15:06
foobarhi, I still can't find a solution: the microphone on my ibm t60 doesn't work. But I can listen to the music anyway15:06
gvsa123jrib: done... i'll check it out... but one more... i checked the man for adduser... if adduser USER GROUP adds the USER to a GROUP, how does addgroup work?15:06
jribuncommon: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-boston-2007/+roadmap though this is better asked in #ubuntu+115:06
jribgvsa123: same.  Though you can also do 'adduser USER' to create a group or 'addgroup GROUP' to create a group15:07
foobarany idea?15:07
jim288Lets try that again. when i try to start synaptic i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47381/15:07
jrib!please > foobar (read the private message from ubotu)15:07
rafaelsoaresbrhow do I to list /dev/ttyUBS*?15:07
jribrafaelsoaresbr: 'ls /dev/ttyUBS*' ?15:08
gvsa123jrib: so addgroup JRIB GVSA123 adds another group named JRIB and adds the user GVSA123 to that group? it's just the other way around?15:08
uncommon<weltochzi> : you can do that modifying the xorg.conf but you have to know your monitor's vertical/horizontal freq...15:08
Locksm!info Gparted LiveCD15:08
ubotugparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu6 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1908 kB15:08
weltochziuncommon: thank you, I'll dig into that right away15:08
uncommon<weltochzi> : if you have nvidia card you can do so by typing "nvidia-settings"15:08
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:08
rafaelsoaresbrjrib, ok15:09
Jack_Sparrowthere is the link to the livecd15:09
jribgvsa123: no, iirc, addgroup USER GROUP works the same: adds USER to GROUP15:09
foobarjrib: all right15:09
weltochziuncommon: yes I do, checking that...15:09
gvsa123jrib: also, i still dont' have flash plugin install in FF for their accounts... but there seems to be a problem with the plugin finder and i have to install it manually. i did this already with my account. but in their case to be able to do so within their account i have to sudo su first?15:10
uncommonweltochzi : be sure also to install the latest driver for your card :D15:10
gvsa123jrib: iirc?15:10
foobarmy question is: I can't get my microphone on ibm t60 worked on ubuntu 7.10. But I can listen to the music anyway...15:10
jribgvsa123: if you install flash to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/, they will get flash.  iirc == if I recall correctly15:10
rafaelsoaresbrjrib, I want to list that devices, -> file or dir does not exist15:10
jribrafaelsoaresbr: then they don't exist15:11
chazcoAnyone syncing a WM5 device with Gusty?15:11
weltochziuncommon: with synaptic ? or from other sites like nvidia.com ? because I think I've all the updates done and I am using the nvidia driver that's restricted:)15:11
Locksmi presume that by it beeing a livecd, ill have to make it into a disc, and burn it out in order to use it :D15:11
jribrafaelsoaresbr: you can't list something that does not exist.  Maybe I am misunderstanding what you want?15:11
chazcoAnyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?15:11
jim288No one??? synaptic goes http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47381/   when I try to start it, plz help15:11
gvsa123jrib: i see... i'll check it out... i just remembered you were the one that helped me out with the flash on my account.. thanks again... :) i'll check back.15:11
uncommon<weltochzi> : ofcourse through synaptic... it is best to install from the repo because it is better supported15:11
KamilionIs it possible to use specific packages from hardy in gutsy without switching to hardy? I'm looking to upgrade PulseAudio from 0.9.6 to
jribgvsa123: if you installed to ~/.mozilla/plugins/, just move the files to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ and it should "just work"15:12
ffm!backports | Kamilion15:12
ubotuKamilion: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:12
weltochziuncommon: thank you so much, I've found Sync to VBlank which was enabled and Sync to VBlank on display device(blitter stuff) which I just enabled, hope this works15:12
uncommon<weltochzi> : have you found the correct h/v freq of your monitor yet? or have u tried invoking the "nvidia-settings"15:12
KamilionThanks ffm. Appreciate it.15:12
ffmKamilion: no problem.15:12
ffmWhat file system is ideal for USB flash drives?15:13
uncommonffm : fat3215:13
weltochziuncommon: yes, invoked nvidia-settings :) not yet found the correct h-v freqs but I could select 60Hz in nvidia-settings hope that's enough15:13
erUSULffm: the default fat so you can use it everywhere15:13
uncommonffm : you can have anything thoug but fat32 is supported anywhere on the platform without any drivers15:13
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:13
uncommonweltochzi : hope it helps...15:14
ffmuncommon: what about something that is more unixy, like case sensitive, and no defragging.15:14
erUSULffm: ext215:14
KamilionSweet, exactly what I was looking for, ffm... Finally, after 3 months of using ubuntu, I can get back to installing newer versions of applications like I did with portage in Gentoo. I *REALLY* appreciate it, ffm, thank a bunch.15:14
weltochziuncommon: yes it does so far :) I think; thanks alot, I'll be rebooting now...byee15:14
uncommonweltochzi : btw.. before you do anything messy with your config besure to back your xorg.conf by renaming like so "xorgMMDDYYYY.conf" just to besure15:15
ffmKamilion: Glad I could help.15:15
ffmerUSUL: Thanks.15:15
KamilionOoh, now I can get ruby on rails 1.2.5 to match my gentoo server instead of 1.2.4 in gutsy.... Hooray!15:15
weltochziuncommon: ok15:15
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:15
Jack_Sparrowuncommon: make a copy of xorg.. not just rename it ?15:15
KamilionCheers, I've got installing to do. Thanks!15:15
uncommon<ffm> : you can have any *nix15:16
jramseycmd pls to display my version of ubuntu?15:16
PriceChildjramsey, lsb_release -a15:16
ffmjramsey: cat /etc/issue15:16
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:16
jramseyty all15:16
uncommon<Jack_Sparrow> : sorry ... my head thinks a lot faster that my hand can type :D15:16
Jack_Sparrowuncommon: np...15:17
=== cereal_ is now known as CerealTX
weltochziJack_Sparrow: so, if I rename it, some program will recreate it? like nvidia-settings?15:17
gvsa123jrib: i tried navigating to the flash directory and used ./flashxxx but since that wasn't root, it prompted to install in my /home, so i tried sudo, but it won't accept the paths: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins nor /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins or /usr/lib/mozilla15:18
dav1hi, both of my gusty boxes have started playing all videos in gray scale in totem and vlc, any ideas?15:18
foobarjim288: hi, saw your msg. How can I help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47381/15:18
ffmgvsa123: Have you tried using the flash in the repos?15:18
jribgvsa123: what is the output of 'ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/'?15:18
jim288dont know what to do, cant start synaptic, just get that15:18
gvsa123ffm: from the plugin finder in FF?15:18
phenomGuys, what is Ubuntus default /tmp size when partitioning the drive at install?15:18
Jack_Sparrowweltochzi: just pointing out that you needed to have a good copy...  however you do it..15:18
ffmgvsa123: yeah. Or Add/Remove...15:19
gvsa123jrib: ls: /home/girard/mozilla/plugins: No such file or directory15:19
uncommonweltochzi : it means back xorg.conf first before doing anything ....15:19
jribgvsa123: where is flash installed for your user?15:19
gvsa123ffm: it says that it installed, but it doesn't work15:19
jribgvsa123: wait, you forgot the . in ".mozilla"15:20
gvsa123jrib: Mozilla installation directory  = /home/girard/.mozilla15:20
Jack_Sparrowweltochzi: as an example  this line will make a copy on your desktop  cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)15:20
jribgvsa123: what is the output of 'ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/'?15:20
[gloom]hi there15:21
uncommonif i have problems... ( personal problems not technical problems ) i go straight to this channel... it really help me relax a bit15:21
gvsa123jrib: total 794415:21
gvsa123-rwxr-xr-x 1 girard girard 8119784 2007-12-07 14:59 libflashplayer.so15:21
[gloom]has anyone managed to get working the multimedia keyboard in a Acer5920G??15:21
jribgvsa123: sudo mv ~/.mozilla/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/15:21
jim288foobar: ideas?15:21
dav1 hi, both of my gusty boxes have started playing all videos in gray scale in totem and vlc, any ideas? anyone??15:22
jribgvsa123: ack, I mean: sudo mv ~/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/15:22
foobarjim288: how bout trying dpkg --get-selections ?15:22
foobarjim288: what did you see?15:22
jim288lots of stuff, pasting15:23
gvsa123jrib: oh that makes sense to me too... :) so it's only making the right files available in the right directories in linux for them to work huh?15:23
hairulfrHey all, any f you know why a perfectly working VPN connection would start giving me VPN connect failure? I have noticed that when i connect from windows the connection process takes a lot longer, but still works, from *nix there is no go. Unfortunately my Mac is broken so can't test there. I can easily ping the vpn.15:23
jribgvsa123: yes15:23
foobarjim288: just kind of suspect the source.list is corrupted or something. Not really sure...15:23
brobostigonthis is my pproblem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634992, any ideas15:24
foobarjim288: or at least one of the repo is corrupted.15:24
jramseyso i installed flashplugin-nonfree via synaptic, restarted firefox and flash still won't play with msg: express install is not supported by this verison of the Flash Player; any ideas15:24
gvsa123jrib: this exactly the same with the nautilus scripts... i'll login using the limited accoutn and check back... thanks again... :) :) :)15:25
jim288foobar: Got now idea what this means http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47383/15:25
jribjramsey: the flashplugin-nonfree package is currently not working because adobe posted a new version and the package has not been update yet.  Best to grab the tar.gz from adobe and install it manually to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ for now15:25
jramseyjrib, expand the tar in the plugins folder and it shoudl work?15:26
jribjramsey: yes, you just need the .so15:26
foobarjim288: this is the list of software packages that have been installed in your OS.15:26
jramseyjrib, i'll try now brb15:26
jim288foobar: how does this help me??15:27
wazeemhello is there a wireless support channel?15:29
jribwazeem: this one15:29
wazeemk, jrib can you help me sort out my wireless connection probs15:29
wazeemfirst i had issues with the driver so i used ndiswrapper to fix it and the internet worked15:30
foobarjim288: ok, can you open /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:30
jribwazeem: I do not know anything about wireless, but I will send you the documentation.  Best to just state your issue or ask your question in a single to the channel15:30
jrib!wifi > wazeem (read the private message from ubotu)15:30
wazeemthen i restarted the comp and it stopped working or responding at all15:31
wazeemsomeone here told me the command sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and that fixed it again15:31
jramseyjrib, is the folder /usr/lib/mozilla or /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox? i have both folders15:31
wazeembut when i restarted it stopped. but this time the sudo modprobe command dont work either15:31
jribjramsey: neither, you want ~/.mozilla/plugins/ unless you know why you do not want it :)15:32
dav1wazeem: have you tried installing windows 95, it better than ubuntu..15:32
jim288fobbar:sure it goes http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47389/15:32
jramseyjrib, am running the install script; do i just want to copy the .so file?15:32
wazeemlol what?15:32
primaryHello. What is the best way for someone on Ubuntu and someone on Windows to share files?15:32
jribjramsey: yes, that will work15:32
jribwazeem: ignore him...15:32
wazeemdav1: what has windows 95 got to do with the problem15:33
Diego-Luizprimary, i use my webserver xD15:33
dfgask i installed vista and i lost grub, right now i am on the 7.04 live cd chrooted into my 7.10 install. how do i install grub again15:33
xoqrpsI have an ATI accelerated graphics driver, should I use vesa then?15:33
gvsa123jrib: everything works great!15:33
xoqrpsAs I can see i i have a M56P [Radeon Mobility X1600] should I then use vesa as my graphic?15:34
xoqrpsI wish to have higher resolution15:34
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:34
wols_xoqrps: vesa or fglrx are your only choices15:34
wols_xoqrps: then you need fglrx15:35
xoqrpswols_: I think I have fglrx right now15:35
wols_xoqrps: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:35
xoqrpswols_:  But I know from before I used vesa, and like max I can have right now is 1400x900 or atleast near those numbers.15:35
phoenix__does anybody know how to associate apt protocol to firefox?15:35
xoqrpswols_: Yeah it's fglrx15:35
jah_dreadhar en fråga om Gutsy, hur fungerar ATI-Radeon-korten där? I Feisty var det ibland ett jävla strul.15:36
wols_phoenix__: there is no apt protocol15:36
xoqrpswols_: Any idea if I can somehow get higher resolution?15:36
wols_xoqrps: yes it can do higher. higher than vesa for sure15:36
jramseyjrib, that works; txs for ur help15:36
xoqrpsYeah but 1400x900 is the highest I can do with fglrx15:36
nagyvHow can I find out the origins of my keyboard shortcuts? I have for example 0xa1 under the settings, but I have no idea which button this might be! (And I can't see many special buttons on my laptop.)15:36
jribjramsey: no problem15:36
wols_xoqrps: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:36
xoqrpswols_: I'm to new to reconfigure that myself.15:37
xoqrpswols_: I've tried it once or twice, and once it ended up with me having to reinstall my computer :;p15:37
gvsa123jrib: so if i want all users to have the same plugins as i do (for ease of use of FF), but i don't want some of their plugins in my account (for security like foxfilter) i can do sudo mv ~/.mozilla/plugins/* /usr/lib/firefox/plugins?15:37
mrtimdognagyv: Try 'xev' in a terminal in an X session.15:37
wols_xoqrps: just backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:37
gvsa123jrib: or should it be *.*?15:37
xoqrpswols_: How do I backup and, restore to the backup?15:38
xoqrpswols_: I'm quite new to ubuntu, and linux15:38
jribgvsa123: well plugins are things like flash, java, and a movie player.  Is foxfilter an extension?15:38
wols_xoqrps: by copying the file to somewhere else and copying back if needed15:38
xoqrpswols_: Ok, but how do I import it later?15:38
gvsa123jrib: oh yeah... i believe so... then that would be a different case altogether?15:38
phoenix__wols_: really, when I type in firefox apt://program_name browser answers with: firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because there's no a program associated with this protocol (apt)15:38
wols_as i said: by copying it back15:39
foobarjim288: can u try to comment out line 53?15:39
Seebmy computer hangs when it tries "Setting up java-common (0.26ubuntu1) ...". Does anybody know what the problem could be?15:39
xoqrpswols_: Should I copy it via the terminal? Cause that I do not know how to do15:39
wols_phoenix__: there is no protocol apt://. which program would you want to use with it?15:39
wols_xoqrps: yes. man cp15:39
jribgvsa123: yeah, it's probably best to just set that up by account15:39
nagyvmrtimdog: I tried it already, but it just gives me decimal codes. Are these the same codes in hex?15:39
gvsa123jrib: you mean install the extensions one by one?15:40
jim288foobar:sry am an idiot, what should i do??15:40
torporcan anyone help me - i've just installed ubuntu 7.10 freshly and now need to get my intel pro/wireless (211b) card working .. i hear this is ar estricted driver, is there an easy/painless way to get it workin in ubuntu?15:40
gvsa123wols_: i got firestarter to work by commenting out  #Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn and adding  Defaults !lecture,tty_tickets,!fqdn,env_reset,env_keep+="DISPLAY HOME XAUTHORIZATION"15:40
mrtimdognagyv:  It should give the hex too: eg. (keysym 0x6a, j)15:40
xoqrpswols_: cp --backupp[/etc/X11/xorg.conf] ?15:41
phoenix__wols: I just want use apturl , and it can be used typing in firfox address bar this-----> apt://(and here the program name)15:41
nagyvmrtimdog: thx, I see it now!15:41
syndr0wow thats awesome. cs 1.6 runs better through wine then windows 20015:41
gvsa123jrib: so extensions don't work like the plugins where you just move the file to the right folder?15:41
jribgvsa123: well extensions are a little trickier.  You can see that you have a default profile in ~/.mozilla/firefox/.  That is where extensions end up, but I'm not sure it is a simple case of just copying something over.  You can play with it I guess, but I don't know exactly how it works15:42
foobarjim288: well, you just open /etc/apt/sources.list, and comment out line 53, meaning you put this // in front of that line15:42
phoenix__wols: but firefox says there's no program associated15:42
wols_phoenix__: it cannot since there is no program that understands this "apt://" protocol of yours. end of story15:42
wols_and firefox will say the same when your do stuffphoenixmadeupinhisbrain://blah15:42
xoqrpsHow do you change the opacity on your terminal window or the style? :;P15:44
gvsa123jrib: yeah... i checked the files of ~/.mozilla/firefox and there's one file with a little padlock icon.. so i guess permission problems might be encountered with simple moving of files and directories...15:44
foobarcompiz ;)15:45
syndr0how can i see a list of channels?15:45
Lorenzhi guys, my update manager just froze. how can I solve15:45
ferronicais there any 3Dmark related application available in ubuntu 7.10 gnome ?15:45
jim288foobar and then??15:45
gumby600mI have an intel macbook.  I installed OSX/Leopard.  Restarted to the Gusty LiveCD and installed.  Restarted again to a black screen.   I noticed here [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro/SantaRosa] that I was supposed to install boot camp.  What can I do besides restarting the whole process (i.e. reinstalling Leopard)?15:45
foobarsyndr0: /list, but don't do that15:45
wazeemmy wireless internet is not working it doesnt pick up networks or conect on manual input15:45
syndr0lol y15:46
wazeemcan some please help15:46
antonio__qualcuno saprebbe aiutarmi ad aprire un file .sda ?15:46
syndr0too may to list15:46
nagyv!it | antonio__15:46
ubotuantonio__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:46
foobarjim288: can you open synaptic pkg mnger now?15:46
gvsa123jrib: plus it's not simply one file per extension. not like plugins.. so i guess there are some configurations being done during installations... hmmm... well it's not that hard to install them manually for each account though... i was looking for ways to automate the process... imaging if you had to do this with more accounts...15:46
antonio__ciao grazie15:46
DM|Im in the market for a pocket PC, anyone know a good one with linux support ( or one that runs linux )15:47
jim288foobar: nope, I was supposed to write // in fron right15:47
jribgvsa123: #firefox on freenode or on mozilla's server might have a good suggestion15:47
gvsa123oh they have that... lol... i'll login and post back if i get something...15:47
brobostigondmj: the nokia n810 is a pda that runs linux.15:48
xoqrpsI did this command: gnome-terminal --working-directory=%f --geometry=75x25+350+20515:48
xoqrpsHow do I redo it? :)15:48
foobarjim288: yup, you need to prepend line 53 with //, and save that file then.15:48
SpookyETTracker sucks (at least the version that comes with 7.10), Beagle is a resource hungry whore, not to mention, slow as hell (nice GUI, though), and Strigi has no Gtk client. The only option, is to install Google Desktop Search for Linux, which isn't that great. It doesn't give relevant results and takes 2 hours to index what Tracker indexes in 10 minutes.15:48
DM|brobostigon: but can it run ubuntu :P15:49
xoqrpswols_: Any idea about what I just said? :S15:49
uncommonSpookyET : i second that15:49
brobostigonno dmj, i dont think so15:49
wazeemso nobody know about wireless setup in ubuntu then :P15:49
DM|wazeem what huh?15:50
foobarwazeen: what's the model of your wireless card again?15:50
wazeembasically i cant see any networks or connects15:50
ferronicais there any 3Dmark related application available in ubuntu 7.10 gnome ?15:50
jim288did but now it says : E: Type '//deb' is not known on line 53 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list  so I guess i fucked it up somehow15:50
wazeemmy model is a belkin wirless usb using the rt2500usb driver15:50
wazeemi already used ndiswrapper (which worked) but after restart stopped15:51
foobarjim288: alrite, you can delete the whole line then15:51
wazeemthen i used the sudo modprobe ndiswrapper and it worked but again after restart stopped15:51
wazeemnow the sudo modprobe ndiswrapper doesnt even work15:51
jim288foobar: k i will15:51
wazeemDM|: can you help then?15:52
DM|wazeem im looking15:52
wazeemk thanks15:52
xoqrpsHow do you reset all settings done to your gnome-terminal ?15:52
DM|wazeem whats the model number of the usb wireless dongle? Belkin wireles XXXx?15:52
jim288foobar: same shit as earlier15:52
wazeemits difficult as i gotta switch between ubuntu and win xps to get help15:52
gvsa123jrib: they're not so active over there... :)15:52
wazeemF5D7050 ver 100015:53
foobarjim288: sorry I've tried my best...15:53
richowhere can i find printerdrivers to my canon mp800 printer? yes ive googled and checkd on canons www.15:53
George_Is there a decent download manager on ubuntu?15:53
tuga3dhi all.15:53
wazeemtry down them all15:53
jim288foobar: kk tnx a lot anyway15:53
wazeemGeorge_: try down them all its a addon for firfox15:54
uncommonGeorge_ : yes.. Gwet is one of them and if you love firefox you can install dta which is really nice and cool15:54
gvsa123George_: i just came across one... wait a sec... i haven't tried though.. but you might want to take a look...15:54
tuga3di have a laptop with a graphic card sis m650, where can a find drivers? running xubuntu.15:54
DM|wazeem in a terminal "sudo modprobe -r rt7315:54
DM|wazeem what does that output?15:54
wazeemDM|: well i cant check as i will have to reboot to load ubuntu15:55
uncommonGeorge_ : yes.. Gwget  is one of them and if you love firefox you can install dta which is really nice and cool... if you love bittorent try deluge  its awsome and light15:55
unpersonHi, I'm trying to get use my Xubuntu Gusty machine as a thin client to login to my Ubuntu Gusty machine using XDMCP, but I'm having some trouble and hoping someone can help me troubleshoot.  I've actived XDMCP on the Ubuntu machine.  Then I went to the Xubuntu machine login screen and chose the remote login via XDMCP option.  It brought up the chooser and did a network scan which showed the Ubuntu machine.  When I select the machin15:55
unpersone and hit connect, the screen goes dark for a second and then it just brings me back to the login prompt.  Any idea what might be going on or what I can check?15:55
DM|wazeem in a terminal "sudo modprobe -r rt73" first then "sudo modprobe rt2570" and reboot, then try the wireless15:55
gvsa123George_: http://linuxondesktop.blogspot.com/2007/11/creating-your-ultimate-ubuntu-710.html ... it's somewhere in the middle... downloader for x15:55
cs02rm0does anyone know if it's ok to burn the iso image for the install CD to a DVD?15:55
SpookyETuncommon: glad you agree15:55
wazeemDM|: i'll be a while gonna gonna try what you said15:55
DM|wazeem ill stay in here so you can come back15:55
hairulfrcs02rm0: YEs, no problem15:56
DM|wazeem with haste :P15:56
cs02rm0hairulfr: great, thanks15:56
D[iph3rMOn a dual boot system with Vista installed first, how can I remove grub and return to just using windows (deleting the partition later) ??15:56
astro76richo, use canon pixma ip4200 driver, it's included with ubuntu already15:56
DM|anyone have a Nokia N810 itablet?15:57
astro76richo, info obtained here http://openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Canon-PIXMA_MP80015:57
richoastro76: 0k i saw something like that ill try15:57
astro76DM|, I have an n800, hop into #maemo if you have questions15:57
richoastro76: ok thx15:57
DM|astro76 ok15:57
D[iph3rMOn a dual boot system with Vista installed first, how can I remove grub and return to just using windows (deleting the partition later) ?? Maybe rewrite the MBR in windows?15:59
George_wazeem: uncommon: I like firefox, but when i close it, the files in dta don't get resumed afte i relaunch firefox, so I want something different.15:59
astro76D[iph3rM, boot with windows cd recovery mode, and use fixmbr16:00
George_gvsal123: thanks16:00
George_uncommon: I'll give Gwet a try, thanks16:00
sharpiewhy does hddtemp start at boot? (and can i disable it and still use hddtemp?)16:00
astro76D[iph3rM, but you might want to ask in #windows about vista, haven't used it16:00
D[iph3rMYES!, thats what it was, thank you astro7616:00
unpersonGeorge_, Be advise that wget is a command line utility.16:00
astro76D[iph3rM, I imagine it's still the same, no prob16:01
uncommonone thing not mentioned in hardy roadmap... streamlining the gnome interface because what I think gnome interface is somewhat bulky in a sense that anyone using a gnome desktop of 1024x768 on a 14" monitor isn't that great compared to kde and windows gui running inside a 1024x76816:01
chazcoAnyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?16:01
George_unperson: Oh.. no, I want a GUI app!16:01
uncommon<George_> : i'm sorry my typo its Gwget.. it's a gui for wget ...16:01
George_uncommon: ah alright :)16:01
George_uncommon: I assumed it'd be a GUI coz of the G in it :)16:01
richoastro76:  ok now i can print via usb... next problem though :/     how to configure LPR as standard tcp/ip port. just saying doesnt do the trick16:02
unpersonHeh, I didn't even know there was a Gwget.16:02
astro76richo, printer has built in ethernet? when you add a printer, use IPP16:02
poison_I don't really know how to explain this problem but; My installation of linux is working fine for most parts except that some random parts of texts get dizzy/fuzzy/miscolored16:03
richoastro76: NO! router got built in print server16:03
astro76richo, if it's on the network already ubuntu should auto-detect it16:03
richoso its not the same16:03
astro76richo, ah16:03
astro76richo, still should be IPP16:03
richoand it works superb from win ;)16:03
poison_I do get 2 warnings in my x.log; "Open ACPI failed (/var/run/acpid.socket) (No such file or directory)" and "Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1"16:03
richoastro76:  ok ill test some more16:04
astro76richo, scratch that, it would probably be what is called AppSocket/HP JetDirect, but you will need to look up info on your router16:04
fay_elfIs the new celly bk3 bluetooth dongle supported?16:04
xchathow to get to kubuntu using xchat16:04
richoastro76: hmm ok16:04
hairulfrxchat: /j #kubuntu?16:04
SpookyETI'm having trouble with moblock. It blocks http, and I allowed 80, 443, 1000-1024 in moblock.conf16:04
astro76richo, what router?16:04
richoastro76: it doesnt help any that i know exactyl what to do in win?16:04
bullgard4jrib: /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.22/drivers/pci/quirks.c:  What are 'quirks'? This must be a technical term apart from its meaning in ordinary English.16:05
astro76richo, perhaps, but give me the router model and I will look it up first16:05
xchati get to #ubuntu but how do I get to #kubuntu?16:05
waseemhows it going16:05
richoastro76: there i create a port thats called tcp/ip port  NOT raw but LPR16:05
richoastro76: yeah16:05
uncommongoing and going and still going...16:05
waseemDM|: you there?16:05
astro76richo, yeah that's JetDirect16:05
hairulfrxchat: How did you get to ubuntu?16:05
DM|waseem yes16:06
xchatjust starting the program16:06
richoastro76: ok then what to do?16:06
Jack_Sparrowxchat:  /j #kubuntu16:06
hairulfrxchat: Type /j #kubuntu in the "chat window"16:06
DM|waseem did that work for u16:06
jribbullgard4: see if the comments at the top of the file explain16:06
waseemDM|: well i reinstalled the driver before i did your commands in ndiswrapper and it wierdly started working16:06
DM|waseem :D16:07
waseemDM|: but i dont know if its gonna be a permanenet solution as it stopped working before16:07
DM|waseem then all is well16:07
astro76richo, when you click New Printer in Printer configuration, select the JetDiret option, use same IP/hostname and port number as you did in windows16:07
poison_Can anyone recommend som diagnostic utils for monitors?16:07
waseemDM|:  yeah i suppose for now all is well, thanks for your help16:07
DM|waseem Well, i would keep those commands handy just in case.16:07
richoastro76: ok ill look for it16:07
bullgard4jrib: I have tried so.16:07
DM|waseem np16:07
ranthorhey everyone, can someone tell me how i can force my dvd writer to eject a dvd? it doesnt get detected properly (so cdrecord refuses to work with it) and eject -vv shows the right device and that it attempts to eject and succeeds but the dvd doesnt come out16:07
=== DM| is now known as DM|istakingashow
Jack_Sparrowpoison_: if you are having res problems we have a halp page16:08
=== DM|istakingashow is now known as DM|takingashower
ranthori have that problem for a while now and it really buggs me because the only way to get the dvd drive to spin down and to get the dvd out of there is to reboot the server16:08
George_oh right d4x, I wanted to try that one.. thanks gvsa12316:08
hairulfrranthor: Is there a little hole in the front of the writer?16:08
Jack_Sparrowranthor: what make and model of writer?16:09
erUSULbullgard4: in the kernel quirks are routines or variables you program to make hardware that has abnormal or out of spec beheavior work afaik16:09
ranthorthere is, but the dvd doesnt spin down if i push it and the writer is still unaccessable afterwards16:09
poison_Jack_Sparrow: the resolution is correct (and my native one)16:09
gvsa123George_: sure thing... haven't tried that though... maybe you can post a feedback on the forums about it :)16:09
richoastro76: hehe printer settings just gave up ;)   didnt have time to find it before ;)16:09
ranthornot to mention the scratches on the dvd16:09
uncommonhow to send a message to another ubuntu user using command line?16:09
richoastro76:  hehe printer settings just gave up ;)   didnt have time to find it before ;)16:09
bobbyduncommon: "talk" I think16:09
George_gvsa123: sure, I'll give it a try!16:09
astro76richo, what happened?16:10
George_gvsa123: someone should make something like 'flashget' for ubuntu16:10
uncommonhow to send a message to another ubuntu machine using command line?16:10
foobaruncommon: mesg y16:10
richoastro76: white screen :D killed it ;)16:10
George_also, does anyone know of a decent ftp client? Gftp isn't that good.16:10
foobarwrite username16:10
KragneracUbuntu just restarted X on me for no reason. :/16:10
ranthorJack_Sparrow: its a LG dual layer multi, probably from the 41xx line16:10
astro76George_, the file manager16:10
waseemhey does anyone know if allegro works on ubuntu?16:11
hairulfruncommon: /msg [name] message16:11
bullgard4erUSUL: Ah! Thank you very much for explaining.16:11
ranthorcant tell for sure though, since it isnt being detected correctly right now and i dont want to reboot the server again16:11
George_astro76: it's not that good, it doesn't have 'resume'16:11
uncommoni'd like to send a warning message to other ubuntu  machine using command line.. anyone knows how?16:11
robdemanhi folks16:11
hairulfruncommon: Ah, that's what you meant... :)16:11
bobbyduncommon: two people have answered you already, are you not reading the replies?16:11
Jack_Sparrowranthor: look at what fstab says about that mount16:11
hairulfrSorry :)16:11
robdemanmy aMule does not connect anymore to any servers.. using Gutsy... and it used to work perfectly for a few weeks and just stopped... any idea why?16:12
uncommon<bobbyd> : im sorry im just revising my question...16:12
foobaris anyone using thinkpad?16:12
bobbyduncommon: ok, so use talk I think16:12
astro76George_, if you are looking for a particular feature ask for it instead of speaking in nebulous terms of good and best :p16:12
robdemanaMule keeps on saying: trying to connect...16:12
robdemanand never really connects to any server16:12
fakenickWhat's a good stream recorder for linux?  Not StreamRipper... I need it to work with Rhapsody as well as internet radio.16:12
bobbyduncommon: man talk16:12
erUSULbullgard4: no problem16:12
hairulfruncommon: What kind of warning message?16:12
CppIsWeirdis there any kind of software that pretends to be a serial port for linux? I'm experimenting with serial programming on a computer that doesn't have a serial port.16:12
jribbullgard4: the first paragraph in the comments tell you the file is for work-around for bugs, thus the "quirks" name16:12
uncommon<bobbyd> hairulfr foobar : does msg. talk etc will send a message to other ubuntu machine?16:12
George_astro76: alright, I want queues + resume + pause + no timeouts + being able to download whole folders + GUI!16:12
astro76George_, wget works with ftp and can resume, depends on what you want16:12
bobbydfakenick: mplayer is good if it can play the stream: something like "mplayer -dumpstream blah16:12
xoqrpsI've managed to set my gnome-terminal to show the background image from my dekstop as background. I wanted to make it transpare to see windows and not only the desktop16:13
matttisis there an easy to install and config light http server ?16:13
George_astro76: wget != GUI though.16:13
bobbyduncommon: yes, read the man page16:13
xoqrpsHow do I reset my profile? for the terminal window?16:13
astro76George_, look into wget frontends like gwget or kwget16:13
fakenickrhapsody only plays in the rhapsody player plugin for firefox on linux.16:13
ranthorJack_Sparrow: the mounts are ok, the volume is unmounted and lsof doesnt show any access to either /dev/hdc (the device for the writer) or /media/cdrom16:13
uncommon<bobbyd> hairulfr foobar : i'm installing talk right now16:13
xoqrpsIf i try to do a new profile it's based on Default which is this changed messed16:13
chazcoAnyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?16:13
George_astro76: I just downloaded Gwget and d4x, i'll try both and see how things work out! :)16:13
astro76George_, I believe there's also a download manager extension for firefox16:14
George_downthemall or smth, true.16:14
bobbydchazco: does using the IP address of the host directly make any difference?16:14
chazcoOne moment bobbyd, will try (cant believe i havent yet)16:15
bullgard4What is the function or purpose of the files ~/.recently-used and recently-used.xbel?16:15
bobbydchazco: just in-case it's just some weird DNS thing16:15
richoastro76: ok got jet configured. nothing happens but ill look some more.16:15
uncommon<hairulfr> : like "This site is prohibited your logs have been saved this serves as your first warning message the next one will be deauthorizing you from using any pc"16:15
chazcoWould've thought a DNS issue would stop it loading altogether though, or just make it wait ages16:16
richoastro76:bit unsecure about port because ive never choosed any in XP. but 515 is "shadowed" so i gues thats default then?16:16
chazcoCant access it at all via IP address (server says no)...16:17
bobbydchazco: is "waiting ages" not the behaviour you're seeing16:17
chazcoI meant waiting ages with nothing, then suddenly all loading fine... as it is it connects, but then takes ages16:17
ranthorJack_Sparrow: the problem is that the device is still blocked, which is why i need a way to spin down that disk and force an eject by software somehow16:17
rambo3chazco, do you use proxy?16:17
astro76richo, should be in router docs or web config page, hp jetdirect used to be 9100 commonly but it could be anything16:18
druggisti've screwd up my madwifi drivers i think16:18
druggisti cant connect wirelessly16:18
druggistwhen i type ifconfig, ath0 doesn't show up16:18
JonathanHHey... cat6 cable, cross compatible with a cat5 network16:19
Jack_Sparrowranthor: I understand what you are trying to do, but I have not seen that before... I was thinking a force mount to gain access.16:19
richoastro76: yes i guess its time to look inside router www and see what taht can give16:19
uncommon<bobbyd> one question if use the talk command will the user has to be on a terminal for it work and receive? or whenver i send a msg will it just popup?16:19
bobbydchazco: have you tried directly connecting your machine to the net to see if it's a problem with interaction between ubuntu and your router? (Assuming you have one)16:19
xoqrpsdelete $HOME/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal. How do I excecute this command?16:19
chazcoGot a new router (not related), which didnt help. Also tried over uni wifi, which didnt help...16:19
bobbyduncommon: I think there's a graphical front-end for talk for gnome and kdke16:19
bobbyduncommon: kde even16:20
Jack_SparrowJonathanH: are you asking if a cat 6 will work on cat 5...?16:20
chazcobobbyd - although all other net activity seems fine16:20
druggisthello need help with wifi16:20
druggistifconfig doesn't show ath016:20
druggistbut my card is in16:20
uncommon<bobbyd> hairulfr foobar thank you for the help16:20
Jack_Sparrow!enter | druggist16:21
ubotudruggist: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:21
gvsa123just realized and found an appreciation for the terminal...16:21
xoqrpsWhere can I write this command: delete $HOME/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal.16:21
ranthorJack_Sparrow: thats the thing, some disks are ok, others are not, but whatever it is when the problem occurs, i cant mount them until i had the disk out once16:21
kexis there support to write to NTFS under ubuntu 7.10? :s16:21
chazco!ntfs | kex16:21
ubotukex: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:21
tosteanyone know how to set up my monitors to work distinctevly ?16:21
druggisthow do i delete old drivers and then reinstall new ones, maybe that would resolve the problem16:21
kexchazco, thank you :)16:22
astro76kex, read/write by default in 7.1016:22
tostenow theire just the same (showing the same stuff)16:22
JonathanHJack Sparrow: yeah... backwards compatible... the computer would be 1000 but the rest of the network is not.. i just want to know if i need to run out and pick up a cat516:22
UbuntuStudioFantoste, exactly what do you mean by distictively16:22
kexastro76, thank you, was not sure, i couldnt do that in 6.1016:22
user01can anyone help me with file transfer with ssh2?  Im getting a couple Error:Incorrect MAC received on packet and many Connection timed out when transferring large files on my local network16:22
tosteie one monitor show firefox and the other my terminal16:22
chazcoastro76 / kex - i think its read only by default... i cant edit my ntfs, but i can view it16:22
Jack_SparrowJonathanH: should work..16:23
sharpiewhen i boot my pc, just after the usplash disappears and before the GDM appears, some error text appears and says something about network or something, anybody knows why?16:23
astro76chazco, that changed in 7.1016:23
kexchazco, on ubuntu 7.10?16:23
chazcoI'm using 7.10...16:23
chazcoGusty right?16:23
astro76chazco, 7.04 -> 7.10 upgrade will even enable it16:23
UbuntuStudioFanwhat kind of video card/cards?16:23
chazcoWeird... perhaps it just doesnt like my ntfs then :D16:23
tosteati 256mo16:23
kexchazco, try making a file in your NTFS partition if u got one16:23
UbuntuStudioFani am rather new to this but i have my radeon 9800 working that way as we speak16:23
tosteati 900016:24
JonathanHJack Sparrow: Thanks16:24
chazcoOne moment, will try.. curious now :D16:24
stenzeranyone else had trouble emptying trash on gutsy gibbon? on a laptop. the space never seems to get reclaimed16:24
stenzercan I force a disk space reclaim?16:24
UbuntuStudioFanso you are running two cards correct?16:24
kexchazco, since i dont have one lol16:24
Jack_Sparrowstenzer: usually that means you deleted files as root user and that is a diff trash can16:24
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tostenow, ive been lookin on the system config, and it seem there is no «user friendly» way of doing this16:25
UbuntuStudioFanthere was for the 980016:25
UbuntuStudioFantwo cards correct?16:25
chazcohmm... i can _create_ files, not use them though...16:25
chazcouse=edit sorry16:25
richoastro76: no info at all. it just says Enable printer server "OK" .. grrr16:25
kexchazco, ? :s16:26
tuga3dhi again, does the driver from sis website have dri (for sis m650)? how do i install it?16:26
LocksmJack_Sparrow: when i use the livecd for qtparted it gives me a ton of errors while booting up, after asking for language and keyboard tablet... some kind of squasht error or something16:26
astro76richo, what make/model?16:26
chazcoThink its probably something to do with my setup16:26
user01is there a better protocol to use other than ssh2 for transferring files on a local network?16:26
kexchazco, does it work to write a file on it?16:26
richoastro76: Netgear FWG114p16:26
electionsamhello, can i install ubuntu server on a machine with no video hardware16:26
Jack_SparrowLocksm: you can check the md5 checksum or dl it again.. maybe a little older version than the latest16:26
Locksmdownloaded directly from their website..16:27
soundrayuser01: scp is not a bad choice, but if you don't need encryption, netcat may be worth a look16:27
Locksmi should use the auto beta function right _16:27
astro76richo, not v2?16:27
user01soundray, ok16:27
kexchazco, so astro76 was right?16:28
salahHi. I get "No scan results" when trying to search for wireless networks. Any idea why? (there are a lot of networks here)16:28
soundraysalah: try with sudo16:28
chazcoSort of... in 7.10 apparantly... no idea why mine doenst work right16:28
salahsoundray, I have tried16:28
kexchazco, ok16:28
richoastro76: talking about firmware?16:29
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richoastro76: firmware v1.2_0716:29
vipwhat iptables rule need for VNC?16:29
astro76richo, no there's 2 hardware revs apparently, it would say FWG114Pv2 on the label on the bottom16:29
richoastro76: ok think v2 but ill have a look16:30
Jack_Sparrowranthor: $hdparm -w /dev/hdb                    assuming you change the drive letter...  was found on    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9867016:30
foobarfixed the mic problem.... I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!!!!16:31
UbuntuStudioFanall right all I must get16:31
UbuntuStudioFantoste, i wish you luck16:31
UbuntuStudioFantoste, if you wish to find me i am almost always in ubuntu on wyldryde as lumpy16:31
richoastro76: yeah v216:31
soundrayvip: normally you have to open 5800, 5801 and successive ones. But look into tunneling via ssh16:32
LocksmJack_Sparrow: would i be able to use the synaptic installation of Qtparted in partitioning the drive /dev/hdb?16:32
Jack_SparrowLocksm: try gparted from the livecd16:33
Locksmits not installed.. Or i havnt got any qtparted in my applications places or system16:33
stenzerjack_sparrow -- cool suggestion!16:33
LotharTBLok, here's the problem. I installed server 6.06 for the security. No X, however I an running it as a MythTV backend and need X to run the setup program. Quick apt-get to install a functional version of X?16:34
soundrayLocksm: qtparted is deprecated. Use gparted16:34
stenzerso how do I delete files in the root trashcan?16:34
Jack_SparrowLocksm: system admin should show it running livecd16:34
stenzerjack_sparrow, how do I delete files from root's trashcan?16:34
soundraystenzer: 'sudo rm -rf /root/.Trash/*'16:34
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: you are quick..16:34
richoastro76: maybe just try an oldfasion reboot?  it hung up again so?!16:34
soundrayJack_Sparrow: put it on a function key16:35
stenzergonna save my laptop, soundray and jack_sparrow, thanks16:35
soundrayJack_Sparrow: (not really)16:35
Locksmrunning live cd, only partition editor in system -> admin16:35
astro76richo, why is your computer having problems? hang on a sec though...16:35
Jack_SparrowLocksm: that is it16:35
Locksmso ill just jump back form the step in the installation to selection of keyboard, do the partitions in gparted, and then go onwards in installation16:36
richoastro76: it doesnt usually but when im browsing around printer settings it hunged 2 times now, i also cant see printer qeueu anymore as i could before so maybe NO settings will help at this point? ;)16:36
Jack_SparrowLocksm: yep16:36
bobsomebodyanyone feel up for a little challenge? ive got 7.04, trying to run dual screen, I got the drivers all figured out for the most part, but for some reason when i get to the point where nautilus opens I get little dialog windows trying to show up.... like 3d is crashing or something16:37
bobsomebodyhttp://pastebin.com/d262b3a66 is the related pastebin16:37
natalisushkaHello guys .. I need some help! I am using php's exec() function that executes an external program to handle files rather than using php's filesystem functions. The same command (touch filename.txt) works in terminal but doesn't work when php is executed on the local server! although the folder to which I am trying to create the file is writable!16:37
astro76richo, ok so looking at the ref. manual from here http://kbserver.netgear.com/products/fwg114pv2.asp , it looks like the port is 9100, however you can also use LPD/LPR printing according to the Mac and NT/4.0 instructions16:37
bobsomebodyim on a dif computer and able to reload this thing as needed16:37
ompaulnatalisushka, you should be in #php16:37
astro76richo, so I'd try LPD/LPR Host or Printer in the new printer dialog16:38
natalisushkaI was advised to post my problem here in ##php16:38
richoastro76: ok lpr i use in windoes16:38
vipsoundray, all ports are closed by iptables =( How to open VNC ports& What rule? =)16:38
ompaulnatalisushka, let me guess you started your conversation with them as I am using ubuntu16:38
natalisushka<ompaul> I was just there and they told me I must consult #ubuntu16:38
bobsomebodynatalisushka, ur in #ubuntu16:38
Locksmwhat does the free space following (MiB) mean ?16:38
astro76richo, enter the IP in the Hostname, and the probe button might pull up the printer name16:38
Locksmoh wait16:38
bobsomebodyoh, sorry read that wrong :P16:38
Locksmthats the amount of space left16:38
bobsomebodydont mind me :)16:38
astro76richo, otherwise,  I think the printer name is "FWG114P"16:38
LotharTBLok incase anyone wants my answer (just found it)  # apt-get install xorg   # apt-get install kde # apt-get install gdm  # startx  Thanks anyhow!!16:38
soundrayvip: what have you done to close all ports?16:39
Frederickfolks how do I set permanently the output plugin for xmms?16:39
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astro76richo, and I have to go... good luck ;)16:39
tarzeauLotharTBL: you can do apt-get install xorg kde gdm   ....16:39
richoastro76: but when i complete LPD/LPR dialog wizard it just say LDP in screen: LPD: lpd://
richoastro76: ok thx16:39
natalisushka<bobsomebody> I know! but I am searching for a solution for a  permission issue!16:39
LotharTBLAh I can? Thanks! save me a bit of time, however if it pukes in themiddle?16:39
richoastro76: thx alot. at least i can hook it up with usb so ;)16:39
natalisushka<bobsomebody> I want to know how to give a webserver a permission to write files inside it's folders16:39
bobsomebodynatalisushka, it could have something to do with how php is being executed16:40
bobsomebodyis it your server?16:40
natalisushkaIt's a local server16:40
robdemanmy aMule does not connect anymore to any servers.. using Gutsy... and it used to work perfectly for a few weeks and just stopped... any idea why?16:40
Locksmok, so since im making 1 root, 1 home, and 1 ext3 for backup, and one fat 32 for use in between OS. How do i then use the primary / secondary partition? Is the root primary and rest secondary or ?16:40
rom11does ubuntu have cross compile toolkit chain16:40
richoastro76: when i probe it hangs.. but anyway. cya have fun16:41
ibouwhat is the differnece between apt-get remove and apt-get --purge remove?? For example i want to remove bittorent. Should i use the --purge or not ?16:41
LotharTBLE: Couldn't find package xorg16:41
ompaulrom11, install build-essential16:41
foobarrobdeman: do you have a working met file?16:41
LotharTBLnow thats a winner!16:41
richoreboot.. bbl16:41
CherubaelCan anyone suggest a reliable AV product? Need to scan a windows download without booting to windows16:41
rom11i already did that16:41
robdemanfoobar: Yeah its the same still I guess...?16:41
vipsoundray, i`m use ipmasq =(16:41
rom11now I got stuck at zlib16:41
riotkittieLotharTBL: xserver-xorg maybe?16:41
LotharTBLCherubael go with AVG16:41
ompaulCherubael, get clamav16:41
riotkittieLotharTBL: although i'm not sure what you're trying to do16:41
robdemanfoobar: There's a whole lot of servers in the list - including Razorback which performed very well16:41
LotharTBLriotkittie I have a machine on it that I didn't think I was going to need X on and suddenly see I need it16:42
foobarrobdeman: and it keeps saying "Trying to connect to ...." and "Connection lost" ??16:42
CherubaelClam it is! Never liked AVG :P16:42
salahAny idea how to get TV-Out to work with a NVidia GoForce Go 7300?16:42
robdemanfoobar: Yes16:42
rom11Does Ubuntu has zlib already installed16:42
soundrayLocksm: it doesn't matter, except that you can't have a maximum of four primary partitions, or three primaries plus any number of logical ones. I only ever use logical partitions except for the first one.16:42
ompaulLotharTBL, well sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop will resolve that for you16:42
LotharTBLsalah running mythTV?16:43
cricrimy /mnt folder is a ghost??16:43
soundrayLocksm: s/can't/can/ sorry16:43
riotkittieor kubuntu-desktop16:43
foobarrobdeman: try to download the latest met file16:43
cricrijohan@cricri-lappy:/mnt$ sudo touch bob16:43
cricrijohan@cricri-lappy:/mnt$ ls16:43
erUSULCherubael: clamav ?16:43
robdemanfoobar: where can I find it?16:43
LotharTBLompaul it is all inclusive? will it be gnome or kde?16:43
ompaulLotharTBL, gnome16:43
foobarrobdeman: this is my copy. http://ocbmaurice.dyns.net/pl/slist.pl?download/server-best.met16:43
riotkittiecricri: why are you touching files in /mnt ?16:43
bobsomebodywhos touchin bob?16:43
cricridoes someone understand whats going on?\]16:43
CherubaelerUSUL: Yeah, why?16:43
cricrijust to test16:43
olieHi, Im running xubuntu and Im looking for a transparent on-screen keyboard that doesn't require a opengl graphic card. Does anyone know of one ? if not, is it possible to make a transparent window that is always on top and that can simulate keystrokes to the underlying windows ?16:44
cricrii did mkdir first but nothing16:44
LotharTBLkubuntu-desktop is the Kde version?16:44
viktorAnyone knows how to mount an *.iso from the startup (im using fluxbox) help would be much appreciated!16:44
foobarrobdeman: razorback2.0 shall be in operation16:44
erUSULCherubael: you asked for a AV16:44
cricrisudo i touching bob16:44
erUSULviktor: edit fstab and add a line for it16:44
robdemanfoobar: The server at ocbmaurice.dyns.net is taking too long to respond.16:45
andrzjcan anyone help me.....wat can i type into the TERMINAL to find out da speed of my processor16:45
LotharTBLok running now. Looks to be going good!16:45
CherubaelerUSUL: Yup, that's the one i'm getting :) Thanks!16:45
wols_andrzj: cat /proc/cpuinfo16:45
viktorerUSL do i have to add a line with my root password in clear text aswell?16:45
andrzjthnx ..wols16:45
cricrii do mkdir,touch, cat>bob and i get no error and mnt is still empty???16:45
soundraycricri: is anything mounted to /mnt ?16:46
soundraycricri: what does 'ls -ld /mnt' say?16:46
robdemanfoobar: is the server http://ocbmaurice.dyns.net/pl/slist.pl?download/server-best.met working for you?16:46
foobarrobdeman: try this http://www.gruk.org/server.met16:46
erUSULCherubael: yw16:46
cricrijohan@cricri-lappy:/$ ls -ld /mnt16:47
cricridrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-10-08 06:47 /mnt16:47
cricrinot much there16:47
foobarrobdeman: at least it worked last time16:47
soundraycricri: have you tried 'rm -r /mnt'?16:47
robdemanfoobar: this one works  http://www.gruk.org/server.met16:48
foobarrobdeman: great16:48
richohow can i access printing queu?16:48
cricrijohan@cricri-lappy:/$ sudo rm -r /mnt16:48
cricrijohan@cricri-lappy:/$ ls16:48
cricribin   cdrom  etc   initrd      lib         media  opt   root  srv  tmp  var16:48
cricriboot  dev    home  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt    proc  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz16:48
robdemanfoobar: also the last aMule that is dtsributed for Gutsy crashesh when downloading a server list from a server that is not online (like http://ocbmaurice.dyns.net/pl/slist.pl?download/server-best.met)16:48
cricrioops too many lines sorry16:48
erUSUL!paste | cricri16:48
ubotucricri: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:48
soundraycricri: no need to paste16:48
cricrisorry bout that16:48
andrzjwols_ i dnt see where its showin the processor speed16:48
rom11Build dependency: Please install zlib. (Missing libz.so or zlib.h)16:48
richohow can i access printing queu?  Or really how an i delete jobs in queu... tried so many printers etc now so got 12 jobs in queu but how to delete them?16:48
rom11how to fix this error16:49
rom11how to fix this error16:49
rom11Build dependency: Please install zlib. (Missing libz.so or zlib.h)16:49
vipцуко, я никогда не попаду на этот ебаны сервак =(16:49
soundraycricri: it hasn't removed it either. Boot a live CD and run fsck on your root partition16:49
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke16:49
magnetron!repeat > rom1116:49
foobarrobdeman: well you can find some backup mets here: http://mldonkey.sourceforge.net/Web_infos#Resources16:49
cricriwhy soundray16:49
robdemanfoobar: Could it be my provider kills all emule traffic?16:49
riotkittierom11: install zlib1-dev ? maybe16:49
erUSULrom11: install the dev package of libzlib or something like that16:49
rom11ok thx16:50
soundrayrom11: 'sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev'16:50
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke16:50
rom11let me try16:50
ompaul!botabuse | Cherubael16:50
ubotuCherubael: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:50
cricriwhat am i l,ooking for in fsck output?16:50
soundraycricri: because something is wrong with your root filesystem16:50
ompaulcricri, you will know if it finds something16:50
soundraycricri: you're looking for it to fix any inconsistencies16:50
cricrithanks i'll do that16:51
Cherubaelompaul: Thanks, but I spotted the cyrillic and thought i'd help out. DIDN'T spot that someone else had... :)16:51
ompaulpemudaharapan, ?16:51
foobarrobdeman: well, it could be16:52
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ompaul!nickspam > co_lagi_jenuh_dg16:53
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Python1320Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc --- Whats the needed package?16:56
Rafabehi...has anyone's install frozen at "runinng local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)"?16:57
bazhangavailable from medibuntu.org repos Python1320 or a single package16:57
soundrayRafabe: hit Enter and see if you get a login16:57
RafabeI don't16:57
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:57
Rafabe I can type stuff but it's not responding to my input16:57
soundrayRafabe: can you boot in recovery mode?16:58
WaqasToorhow to connect git-clone behind proxy ???16:58
Rafabehow would I do that soundray? Is it an option on the boot menu?16:58
soundrayRafabe: yes, exactly... second one on the list16:58
Rafabeone sec16:58
AlyxanderGeubuntu | When a Gnome reaches Enlightenment | http://geubuntu.intilinux.com/17:00
shaanwhenever I use my firefox, it'll crash my entire computer after using if for a while. Just buy clicking a link17:00
Jack_SparrowAlyxander: I really hate enlightenment as a window manager17:01
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Alyxandercaptain Jack_Sparrow! sorry to hear that17:01
shaananybody know how to fix this?17:01
Rafabesounray: booting in safe graphics mode gives me a monitor warning: 1: D-SUB, Cannot Display This Mode17:01
Jack_Sparrowshaan: how did you install flash and java.. oh and firefox17:01
soundrayshaan: start firefox from a terminal. Does it log an errro as it crashes?17:01
richoso my printing queu is just growing, how to delete all jobs in it? ;)17:01
Rafabewhen I was booting normally, i got a low-graphics warning, and when looking around it seemed to have detected by Dell 2005FPW17:02
shaanwell It crashes and the screen's pixels get messed up and I can't click anything17:02
shaanor read most of the stuff17:02
swyaIs it possible to have two separate networks and then bridge them over the internet using ubuntu?  I want all the computers in each network to be able to share files/printers in the other network...17:02
WaqasToorany body have idea about using git-clone behind proxy ????17:02
Jack_Sparrowshaan: how did you install flash and java.. oh and firefox17:02
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soundrayRafabe: I think you'll have to install from the Alternate CD (textmode installer) and fix the graphics once it's up.17:03
Rafabesound: would I have to edit confs and such to fix the graphics after doing a text install?17:03
Rafabebecause this is my first time using linux17:03
shaanjack_sparrow: I installed flash through the "plugins" option when I clicked add missing plugins, and Ibelieve I already had java installed17:03
soundrayRafabe: you may have to, but you can ask for help here.17:03
Rafabeallright. I'll download the Alternate version.17:04
Jack_Sparrowshaan: just trying to make sure you didnt use one of the horrid scripts like automatix or envy.17:04
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:04
Rafabethanks for your help17:04
soundrayRafabe: yw17:04
shaanjack_sparrow: nope17:04
Scisla1does anyone know why a sound device would "disappear" after an upgrade to Gutsy?17:05
Scisla1by disappear I mean that nothing is shown when "asoundconf list" is used17:05
StevieBurhello everyone17:05
erUSULScisla1: the new gutsy kernel has a bug (regression)17:05
richo[Bug 46612] Re: Printer Queue Never Empties    what to do about this???17:05
StevieBurmay I ask a question?17:06
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:06
soundrayStevieBur: you already have17:06
StevieBurI have Gutsy17:06
StevieBurbut I don't have internet at the house17:06
soundrayStevieBur: keep it on one line please17:06
jeroenvrp2is it posible to purge all uninstalled packages with remaining configuration files, with apt-get, insteas of synaptic17:07
soundrayStevieBur: you want to do an offline update?17:07
StevieBurwhere could I go (from a cybercafe) and get audio, video, and such?17:07
StevieBurin a sense17:07
Scisla1erUSUL: so, to fix my friend's situation I should go re-install an older kernel then? (should I go feisty or just one lower version from Gutsy, such as a development period one?)17:07
StevieBurI don't want to download a thing, need to go back to get its dependency, etc17:07
ompaulricho, system administration printing and remove it all from there  lpq and check out what jobs are sitting there and then lprm job_number17:07
StevieBurtake a week to get it to work17:07
wckdkl0wnhow do i move all the files in a directory in terminal to a different directory?17:08
K_DallasGood morning folks! Have installed Ubuntu -Gutsy on laptop. The HDD is partitioned like this: 1) empty 2) swap 3)ext3. (3) is bootable.  My guess is the boot part of Ubuntu is installed on (hd0) as it was the default (I guess it should be sd0 but i might be wrong). Question: what is the safest and easiest way to install windows without losing Ubuntu? Appreciate all the help I could get.17:08
ompaul!enter | StevieBur17:08
ubotuStevieBur: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:08
Jack_SparrowStevieBur: what did you install .. and how.. that you didnt get the dependency?17:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:08
soundraywckdkl0wn: 'mv /source/directory/* /target/directory/'17:08
cyberbrainhi all! iwas wandering if there is software for making cd cases for gnome!!??17:08
wckdkl0wnsoundray ty17:08
magnetronJack_Sparrow: he didn't install anything yet17:08
K_Dallascyberbrain, sure there are. Search your synaptic17:09
CherubaelIs it me or is clam REALLY slow? It's scanning one file at a time and about one file very 7-8 seconds17:09
richoompaul: HOW from there? i just got printers there no jobs or queue?17:09
StevieBurI am not sure how to get the codecs for listening to music (mp3 especially), watching video in various formats, etc17:09
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CherubaelNever mind, it's sped up now. Must learn to be patient...!17:09
soundrayStevieBur: it's really difficult to update all the restricted (non-free media formats) stuff offline. Can you not get an internet connection, at least for a time?17:09
Jack_Sparrowmagnetron: then I dont understand this  .. <StevieBur> I don't want to download a thing, need to go back to get its dependency, etc17:09
soundrayJack_Sparrow: the challenge is how to do it offline17:10
cyberbrainK_Dallas, i was but there are only cdcover for console and koverartist for KDE!!!any similar for GNOME as koverartist???(i don't want any KDE files on my system!!!17:10
richoompaul: no entries says lpq?!??!  but when i print it just says more and more in queue17:10
magnetronJack_Sparrow: he wants to install all the codec packages offline17:10
eseshi obotu17:10
rom11Thanks soundry17:10
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: I agree it makes it harder.. at some point it has to come from the internet..17:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jewel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:11
StevieBurthe only option I have is to spend 20 euros to have someone do it for me (hoping that they do it right) and worrying about what I have on a partition.  I'd like to resize the partition but am afraid of losing data17:11
K_Dallascyberbrain, well i only know that have seen some in synaptic but since i never use it, don't know the names17:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cdcover - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:11
soundrayStevieBur: you mean you haven't installed ubuntu at all yet?17:11
arcnewussi dont know how to fsck a drive, i tried fsck -t ext3 /dev/sda3 is that ok?17:11
wckdkl0wnsoundray, so if my files are in public_html/images/upload/img and i want to move them to public_html/image  then i do mv /public_html/images/upload/img/* /public_html/images/   right?17:11
ompaulricho, did you do the System Administration Printers from the menu yet?17:11
cyberbrainanyone knows some cd label maker for GNOME???17:11
StevieBurYes, I have Ubuntu 7.10 that I installed from a CD that someone gave me17:12
K_Dallascyberbrain, have you checked kd3 or whatever the name of that burning tool is?17:12
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: You can use a different machine, then burn var/cache/apt/archives to a cd or dvd and physically move it over.. but it still comes from the internet and is downloaded17:12
bazhangStevieBur: will it ever be connected to the internet?17:12
arcnewussfsck reports back 'sda3 clean'17:12
cyberbrainK_Dallas, u see there is K!i said i don't want KDE program!!!!17:12
* K_Dallas had a chance to use the new NERO for Linux and it is just marvelous ;)17:12
arcnewussdoes that mean my root system is not corrupt?17:12
StevieBurI had Opensuse before.  Now, I can't burn CDs.  It might, but probably in 6 months at least17:12
ompaul!repeat | cyberbrain17:13
ubotucyberbrain: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:13
richoompaul: i found some jobs now with lpq -a      Yes i did and say EXACTLY what do there cuz i cant see any useful in there. its just printers there. no jobs17:13
esesdvd is not playing again17:13
K_DallasPartitioning problem: Have installed Ubuntu -Gutsy on laptop. The HDD is partitioned like this: 1) empty 2) swap 3)ext3. (3) is bootable.  My guess is the boot part of Ubuntu is installed on (hd0) as it was the default (I guess it should be sd0 but i might be wrong). Question: what is the safest and easiest way to install windows without losing Ubuntu? Appreciate all the help I could get.17:13
esesWhat do I need to play dvd?17:13
bazhangK_Dallas: is it a relatively new install?17:13
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:13
K_Dallasbazhang, yes, 3 days old17:14
bazhangeses: libdvdcss217:14
ompaul!dvd | eses17:14
ubotueses: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:14
StevieBurI know that I am annoying.  I'm sorry about that17:14
bazhangK_Dallas: it's easier to install windows first then ubuntu, but I can give you a link for the reverse--you want it?17:14
esesthanks let me try it17:14
emptyeightyi have a shutdown problem with Ubuntu 7.10. Sometimes the screen stays black, no progress bar and fans keep running.17:14
K_Dallasbazhang, i can reinstall everything but i thought to learn a post-linux installation of windows17:14
emptyeightycan anyone help?17:14
K_Dallasbazhang, i appreciate it, yes please17:15
StevieBurI wish I could, emptyeighty17:15
richoompaul: active  root    16      Test Page                       153600 bytes   how type with "lprm" now?17:15
arcnewusssoundray, you suggested i check my root partition cause of problem with /mnt; is fsck -t ext3 /dev/sda3 proper17:15
StevieBurI'm a newbie ... if anyone ignored that17:15
arcnewusssda3 is my root partition and fsck reports clean17:15
* emptyeighty is too17:15
K_Dallasemptyeighty, is it a laptop? i have hibernation, shutdown ... problems with my laptop too and i guess it is just the imcompatibility17:15
ompaulricho, lprm 1617:15
emptyeightyK_Dallas: yes, Toshiba Sattelite A5017:15
emptyeightyhibernate doesn't work either17:16
ompaulricho, why are you printing as root  -0 that is nuts17:16
emptyeightyany logs i can check?17:16
K_Dallasemptyeighty, almost like mine ;) i would be very much interested to have an answer/work-around for that too17:16
richoompaul: i dont know. just clicked "print test page"17:16
bazhanghttp://apcmag.com/5459/dualboot_ubuntu_and_windows_xp K_Dallas17:16
* emptyeighty saw a solution for the hibernation problem somewhere, but had no idea how to get it to work17:16
K_Dallasthanks you very much bazhang17:16
soundrayarcnewuss: add the -y option. I would 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda3'17:16
ompaulricho, this is usually an indication that the printer driver is wrong17:16
grodyhow can I turn off USB umass write caching?17:16
bazhangK_Dallas: no worries :}17:17
richoompaul: ok but i can print with usb... though i cant get lpr working :(17:17
bazhangStevieBur: question: will this machine ever connect to the internet?17:17
nownotim trying to get smb up and running when i try to login i get invalid username or password, username i want to be teh same as login names so in this case frosty. here is my conf, thankd for any help. http://pastebin.com/m7ed1dd2d17:17
richoompaul: there are no correct driver for my canon mp800 but ip4200 should do the trick according to google so thats what im running17:17
ompaulricho, setup from that system - admin - printing       -- that may help - and search for a ppd file do download for that17:18
StevieBurbazhang, it might one day be connected to the Internet, but not before 6 months at least17:18
lapisdecorwhats the trouble with the griffit application on gnome? I cant get it to work on Gutsy. Anyone knows something about this?17:18
arcnewusssame output: clean is it suppose to be that qick17:18
Jack_Sparrowricho: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=282096   is that what you have...17:19
arcnewussquick rather17:19
bazhangStevieBur: you might want to get something that has it all for now--ubuntu-based but no download needed17:19
richoompaul: no ppd file. No drivers for canon mp800. canon ip4200 inside ubuntu and should work.17:19
StevieBurbazhang ... like what?17:19
Alpha1650hey everybody. is there any specific channel to ask questions about 64bit ubuntu i386? i get some very strange kernel panics ...17:19
soundrayarcnewuss: add the -f option to force detailed checking17:19
magnetronAlpha1650: ask here17:20
sharperguyanyone got any idea why having a usb mouse plugged in would cause ubuntu to fail to boot?17:20
soundrayAlpha1650: there is no such thing. You either have i386, which is 64bit, or amd64 (x86_64), which is 64 bit17:20
viktorI'm trying to mount an .iso file through fstab on startup and i cant get it to work! some help would be much appreciated! in my fstab i've added this:      "/home/viktor/isos/Broodwar.ISO /BroodwarCD iso9660 loop,auto 0 0"17:20
bazhangStevieBur: are you registered on freenode?17:20
Alpha1650soundray: sorry, yes17:20
Alpha1650okay. i installed amd64 on a machine with 4 gb ram17:20
lapisdecorwhere can I ask repository upgrade for an application?17:20
Alpha1650hm. no. as i installed there were 2 gb ram17:21
StevieBurI don't think so, bazhang17:21
magnetron!enter | Alpha165017:21
ubotuAlpha1650: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!17:21
K_DallasQ2: Should i forget about my epson printer-scanner CX5800F ? Gutsy didn't pick that up and it would be a shame if I have to do my stuff in windows again. appreciate any help, as usual thanks17:21
emptyeightyK_Dallas: any idea how to apply this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/4667717:21
richoompaul: well perhaps.17:21
soundrayAlpha1650: first thing to do is to run memtest86. It'll show bad RAM. If it doesn't, leave it to run overnight.17:21
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bazhangStevieBur: http://distrowatch.com/ number six in the rankings (right hand column)17:21
EternalNytIf Anyone Has this Package {KDE Priority handler} Complied and Ready For install let Me Know17:22
StevieBurBazhang, I used this channel before, but don't remember how to do that17:22
StevieBurBazhang, you mean Knoppix?17:22
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arcnewusssoundray: i did e2fsck -yf and got 'file (0.9% non-contiguous) should i worry17:23
Alpha1650*g* I installed Ubuntu AMD64 on a 2GB machine. After that i bought again 2GB. I did memtest86, everything works. But the system crashs at boot shortly after showing the login screen. it freezes. If I disable gdm and login manually it shows a kernel panic dump. Now the strange thing: When i boot in singleuser mode and type "init 5", it boots and everything works. If I type "init 2" there apears the same issue as at normal boot.17:23
nownotany suggestions?17:23
arcnewussmy computer is brand new and the ubuntu install is 12hrs old17:23
lapisdecorhow can I add codecs to an old distro if i cant find repositories for it?17:23
K_Dallasemptyeighty, here is a sample grub (menu.lst) http://www.mayrhofer.eu.org/downloads/misc/thinkpad-t42p/config/menu.lst17:23
bazhangStevieBur: a good after dinner m... (page hit rankings)17:23
Jack_Sparrowlapisdecor: how old?17:24
ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle17:24
lapisdecorprior to dapper17:24
soundrayarcnewuss: no, everything seems to be fine. Boot your system again and see if you can write a file in /mnt now17:24
ibouis there a command to see the removed packages conserved in the cache memory ?17:24
emptyeightyK_Dallas: thanks17:24
arcnewussthanks for your patience soundray17:24
StevieBurBazhang, sorry, I looked in the wrong place before17:25
soundray!bootoptions > emptyeighty, this may help too (private message)17:25
bazhangStevieBur: you found it?17:25
soundrayarcnewuss: sometimes it takes a bit of fiddling.17:25
lapisdecorJack_, 5.1017:26
Jack_Sparrowlapisdecor: see eol above17:26
nownotanyone with some samba help?17:26
Areli1Hi guys. I've got XGL enabled but it won't let me play Nexuiz. It keeps hanging on the loading screen. What's wrong?17:26
StevieBurBazhang, yes, I have.  But there are so many types. Any preference?  I have an Intel 2.4G with a 512MB DDR1 that is recognized as a 256MB DDR17:26
richoJack_Sparrow: perhaps somehow but i got no problems printing via usb, ooo i dont know really now. it says print job number 19 but it seems like queue is gone now. is this another irrational way from linux to say: "ok this is job 19" but there aren't any queue or jobs before to bother about?17:26
WARlrusHi, I'm trying to use a USB device to connect to a wireless network, but in the properties screen it finds every other local network apart from mine! The network is running off a BT HomeHub...17:27
bazhangStevieBur: Mint17:27
richoJack_Sparrow: when does it say nr "1" again.? is it going up to 100? ;)17:27
Jack_Sparrowricho: no idea on that...17:27
StevieBurBazhang, I figured that out ... finally.  Thanks.  I didn't see the different versions17:27
Alpha1650WARlrus: Maybe your SSID isn't broadcasted? If so: Try to configure the SSID manually!17:27
tordoes my pupil size matter?17:28
lapisdecorJack_Sparrow, I saw it, i have an old asus a1000 and i cant install newer distros on it because it fails17:28
bazhangStevieBur: that will set you up for now--when you get net connection--come back here :}17:28
WARlrusAlpha: I have tried entering the SSID, and the WEP key, but then my box freezes when I click "Ok"17:28
WARlrusthe Hub is set up to broadcast though, I have no problems connecting off this XP machine17:28
Jack_Sparrowlapisdecor: you can learn to compile your own,, but usually adding some ram will get an older lappy up and running on at least dapper17:28
bazhangtor: do you have a support question?17:28
StevieBurBazhang ... thanks ... and thanks for not yelling at my ignorance ...17:28
bazhangStevieBur: no worries :}17:29
StevieBursee you all later ... once I have an internet connection ...17:29
torbazhang what is a support question?17:29
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bazhangtor: this is a support channel not a chat channel :}17:29
Alpha1650WARlrus: Did you enter your WEP Key as ASCII? When I tried this it didn't work. So I set it up manually in /etc/network/interfaces.17:30
WARlrusNo, I entered it as Hex...17:30
riotkittieEvery now and then nautilus refuses to display the contents of my partitions after i've been looking through it for a while. i know the drive's there [playing audio from that partition at the moment]. if i unmount and remount it will be fine but that grows tiring. anyone have any ideas? is a 120GB FAT32 partition, if that matters :T17:30
rom11internal compiler error:Segmentation fault17:30
WARlrusI'll try manually setting it up ;)17:30
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rom11In function 'build_charclass_op17:31
rom11internal compiler error:Segmentation fault17:31
soundrayrom11: do not paste stuff here17:31
rom11I am getting this error17:31
rom11how to fix this error17:31
dersuhi, I have a 7.04 working quite well, do I need to move to 7.10, is there an important diff17:31
WARlruswhats the line for putting the key? just wireless-key ##### ?17:31
Alpha1650WARlrus: My /etc/network/interfaces uses wireless-essid [essid] to set the SSID and wireless-key [ascii key] to set the wep key.17:32
bazhangdersu: depends on what you are looking to do--laptop or desktop?17:32
riotkittienevermind. killing nautilus works wonders.17:32
WARlrusokay, how can I apply those changes after saving?17:32
soundraydersu: stick with 7.04 unless you have a good reason to upgrade. I found OOo 2.3 important, but had to deal with quite a few problems.17:32
LucidFoxI have an empty export menu in F-Spot17:32
dersuI have laptop, dell 1300 inspiron17:32
skywalkingI've configure iptables , but when I reboot why the configure is out ?  How to solve ?17:33
soundrayriotkittie: 120GB fat32 sounds unhealthy17:33
Alpha1650WARlrus: Open a terminal (Applications > accessoires > Terminal/Console) and type "gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces", press ENTER and then you can change the file.17:33
WARlrusYeah, I've done that, but surely those changes aren't applied yet17:34
soundrayriotkittie: for that size fs, I would favour ext3 anytime. Use ext2fsd if you need to mount it from Windows.17:34
dersuthanks soundray17:34
bazhangdersu: if you do want to upgrade, you should probably run a livecd first to see if it recognizes your wireless ,etc17:34
kelsinskywalking: when you have it working like you want you need to save them with iptables --save (or something simular, read the man page). I think the common debian way is to put the "iptables --restore" command into the post-up in /etc/network/interfaces17:34
dersuand bazhang17:34
Alpha1650WARlrus: Type into the same terminal: "sudo ifdown [interface]" "sudo ifup [interface]"17:34
bazhangdersu: no worries :}17:35
kelsinskywalking: more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:35
lapisdecorJack_Sparrow, it's currently running with 64MB pc100 and it works fine with 5.10, is it easy (and cheap) to find/buy memory like this?17:35
LocksmOk, so i have 5 partitions made in Gparted, now im in the ubuntu installer. Ill list the mount points ive made.. 20gb /, 50gb /home, 40gb /share, but then im having difficulty as to what i should mount my ntfs partition as, and the partition of 20gb that is going to be used as an image / backup partition...17:36
WARlrusWow my ubuntu box loves this, its just frozen!17:36
dersuI spent a lot of time to get the wireless working with my dell inspiron, its because I dont want to move17:36
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Locksmright now they are named /media/hdb5 for the ext3 and hdb9 for the ntfs...17:36
soundrayLocksm: no swap?17:36
fsckrhmm installing geubuntu in vmware ;) see how this is17:36
WARlrussame problem as when I was entering the value in "Properties", its just completely locked up17:36
riotkittiesoundray: ehhh i was thinking about doing that but i dunno. maybe i'll just split it into smaller partitions. or toss it on NTFS :|17:36
bazhangdersu: thus the suggestion to try a livecd first :}17:36
Alpha1650WARlrus: Frozen? Doesn't do anything anymore? No mouse movements?17:36
Locksmjust din bother mentioning it, cus its type is swap17:36
Locksmno need to set mount right ?17:36
WARlrusnot responding to anything17:37
Alpha1650WARlrus: Try to reboot it. It should apply the changes on boot. Let's see if the error occurs also then. What chipset is your WLAN?17:37
soundrayLocksm: that's right. I like to create permanent local mountpoints under /var/local/partitionname17:37
WARlrusYeah, I am rebooting now17:38
WARlrusits a USB Wireless dongle17:38
Locksmsay what :O17:38
sarixehow do i get ipod classic 6g 160gb working?17:38
Locksmwhat im doing now in ubuntu installer is, to rightclick, edit partition, and set mountpoint17:38
soundraysarixe: does it run Ubuntu?17:38
Locksmbut for the swap partition its disabled17:38
LucidFoxsarixe> What do you mean, "working"? Do you want to upload music to it from Ubuntu?17:38
sarixeyes, LucidFox17:39
Locksmbut do i just set mount point variable for the backup partition to /backup ?17:39
uhonHi, I got a problem with my RemoteControl (Hauppauge) and the kbd handler on /dev/input/event...17:39
soundrayLocksm: you don't need to set a mountpoint for swap17:39
Alpha1650WARlrus: Strange. Are you using ndiswrapper or a native driver?17:39
Locksmok, then im not doing anything wrong there .D17:39
WARlrusndiswrapper I believe17:39
grodydoes anyone know of a way to disable write caching on a usb disk that is recognised as a scsi drive & not ata?17:39
WARlrusbeen a long time since I've used this box... lol17:39
ihadgentooany of you know david deangelo allan pease (tv show 1987) ? and what is your opinion about him? thank you17:39
Locksmwhat about the ext3 partition that is going to hold the image of the root partition ?17:39
WARlrusokay, its booted fine17:39
MrPiracyhello room17:39
Alpha1650WARlrus: Then enter into a terminal "ifconfig" and see if the interface is up and burning. ;)17:40
sarixeLucidFox : i have newly compiled libgpod and gtkpod, and when i eject the ipod from gtkpod, the ipod tells me there's no music, when there's close to 3000 songs17:40
WARlrusooh its working17:40
riotkittieihadgentoo: my opinion of that is that it's terribly offtopic, eh.17:40
soundrayihadgentoo: you've been told repeatedly not to post offtopic here17:40
WARlrusYep, I have internet :D17:40
ihadgentoohow do you know if it's off topic?17:40
Alpha1650WARlrus: Perfectly. Then: Have a lot of fun! ;)17:41
soundray!offtopic | ihadgentoo17:41
ubotuihadgentoo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:41
WARlrusOh I shall :) Just checking its not connected to some other random network...17:41
Powhatanbobsince i upgraded to the most recent ubuntu, whenever i double click a .cpp file or such, a dialog pops up asking if i want to run in terminal, display, cancel, or run.  How can i make it just open the file with the default program, and skip the dialog box?17:41
MrPiracyanyone knows of a guide of how to boot win98 and winME from an extended partition using grub?17:41
uhondoes anyone know how to disable the kdb event-handler kdb for a device (like remote-control) that is listed as /dev/input/event???17:41
uhonit's confusing my signals from remote17:41
riotkittiearrrrrrrgh. stupid. partition.17:41
Locksmwhat about the ext3 partition that is going to hold the image of the root partition ? i mean in regards to giving it a mount point that is..17:41
kbrooksihadgentoo, a topic not related to ubuntu support is offtopic.17:42
* riotkittie beats nautilus with a stick, makes note to convert file system later17:42
ihadgentoook i got a question goooooooooooood. can i install kde skin my on normal Ubuntu? and when is the next version of Ubuntu being released?17:42
riotkittiethis wouldnt be nearly as grating if i weren't trying to make a playlist. otherwise, i'd do it all from the command line :P17:42
soundrayLocksm: you can sort that out once you've installed17:42
WARlrusMany thanks for the help Alpha ;)17:42
kbrooksihadgentoo, yes you can. and its being released in April17:42
kbrooks!hardy | ihadgentoo17:42
ubotuihadgentoo: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:42
LocksmOh, thx for that pice of info!! time to install then :P17:43
Alpha1650WARlrus: You're welcome.17:43
soundrayriotkittie: why not make a playlist on the commandline? 'ls *.ogg >playlist.m3u'17:43
ihadgentookbrooks ok how do i install kde and how big is it? how do i switch between them? is it physiologically healthy because it seem to have interface like windows, thank you :)17:44
WARlrushehehehe... 147 updates to install17:44
riotkittiesoundray: because that would be painful. if i were doing whole directories or something, i would but...17:44
LocksmAs for my bootloader, since i got win xp on hda, and linux on hdb, should i be aware of the setting (hd0) ?17:45
bazhangihadgentoo: please stop17:45
Locksmor is it just flip ok, and watch ubuntu doing the magic show ?17:45
kbrooksihadgentoo, a) sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, b) log out and in, you'll see somewhere with enough clicking something labelled sessions and then you can pick kde there and log in17:45
ihadgentoobazhang> stop what bitch?17:45
riotkittiemy music collection is ~50GB and poorly arranged. twould be a an exercise in masochism, if anything.17:45
kbrooksihadgentoo, c) yes, it is17:45
kbrooks!language | ihadgentoo17:45
ubotuihadgentoo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:45
soundrayLocksm: for best results, probably let Ubuntu do its thing and let grub install to /dev/hda17:45
uhondoes anyone know how to change the event handler for /class/input/input5. kbd-daemon is confusing my input signals from remote control, and i want to turn it off17:46
soundray!ops | ihadgentoo abusive17:46
ubotuihadgentoo abusive: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!17:46
ihadgentookbrooks> "bazhang> stop what bitch?" why? is he just testing me?17:46
robdeman__I just contacted my cable provider / ISP and they say that they definately do not block any traffic such as aMule/eMule/ etc.... also my NAT device is setup to forward ports for aMule (Ubuntu) and eMule (WinXP laptop) ... still both machines do not work!!17:46
PriceChildihadgentoo, lets please get back on topic17:46
spiderfirecan i define aliases in pidgin?17:46
steve_jhi all. what's the command to check/list hardware specs of my server? i recall SGI indys had one years ago, but not sure about ubuntu/debian17:46
Locksmthat also being (hd0) right ? or do i have to enter the /dev/hda in the device for boot loader installation in advanced before hitting install ?17:47
MrPiracyanyone knows of a guide of how to boot win98 and winME from an extended partition using grub?17:47
arcnewusssoundray: the user i was trying to modify mnt with had no administrative privileges, i thought sudo passed over that but it seems not to be the case17:47
Zog is it supposed to show under network settings a list of detected APs?17:47
rom11how to find the bootloader info on the embedded system?17:48
soundrayarcnewuss: it normally should, and if it doesn't, at least there should be an error...17:48
Alpha1650I installed Ubuntu AMD64 on a 2GB machine. After some time I added again 2GB. I did memtest86, everything works, the memory is ok. But the system crashs (freezes) at boot shortly after showing the login screen. If I disable gdm and login manually at the login prompt it shows a kernel panic dump after login. Now the strange thing: When i boot in singleuser mode and type "init 5", it boots and everything works. If I type "init 2" there ape17:48
soundrayarcnewuss: have you been able to fix it now?17:48
sylverfoxhow can i be sure, that my sound card is recognized well? i'm interested if my line in is working???17:48
HoagHow do you install a specific version of wine?17:49
arcnewussi just need to sudo with user that has admin priviledges so yes17:49
arcnewussthanks again17:49
soundray!pinning | Hoag17:49
ubotuHoag: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto17:49
=== qmario__ is now known as QMario
Locksmok installation running, ill get back in a while to check up on the installation process :P17:49
Locksmthx for all of your help so far guys and gals!17:49
dsnydersHi all!  I am setting up an imap server, but it will not let me create subfolders, eg stuff/computers exists, but stuff/computers/linux gives me an error: Parent folder is not allowed to contain subfolders.17:50
HoagThank you :)17:50
Zognear as I can tell, my hardware is recognised, but it's not giving me any options to  connect to a network or input my wep key17:50
mameHi is anyone good with getting the FB to work?17:51
=== robdeman___ is now known as robdeman
* riotkittie sucks it up and dumps the whole subdirectory into audacious 17:51
riotkittieFB? fluxbox?17:51
mameFB = Frame Buffer17:52
riotkittietyping things out = awsm :P17:52
Dr_willisFried Bologna?17:52
mameI like Fried Bologna17:52
MrPiracyanyone knows of a guide of how to boot win98 and winME from an extended partition using grub?17:52
sylverfoxanybody could help me, how can i be sure, that my sound card is recognized well? i'm interested if my line in is working???17:52
ihadubuntuhello all17:53
roboticI wonder if someone might be willing to help me install a piece of software released for Fiesty onto my Edgy box?17:53
riotkittiei'm not sure if that's even possible, MrNeedsANickchange17:53
roboticsylverfox: have you tried running a sound recording program with a mic?17:53
MrPiracysylverfox: why dont you plug something in and see what happens?17:53
brobostigonsylverfox: also does it show your soundcard in dmesg17:53
evfan42can somebody help me, I cant my video settings right17:54
roboticsylverfox: sound recorder is a program that should ship default with gnome, and if you don't have a mic you can use headphones as a mic17:54
ihadubuntuuse lshal | less to browse your hw17:54
MrPiracyrobotic: headphones as a mic?????17:54
omega__some headphones have a built in mic17:54
cbx33heyb guys17:54
roboticmrpiracy: no, headphones operate on the same principle as a microphone17:55
MrPiracyrobotic: i know, but it won't work as a mic17:55
cbx33anyone have exp with madwifi and hostapd?17:55
Cryomanceryeah, they can17:55
ompaul!grub | MrPiracy (check out the grub howto, never saw it used in a win only situation you might want dsl or some such in there)17:55
ubotuMrPiracy (check out the grub howto, never saw it used in a win only situation you might want dsl or some such in there): grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:55
roboticmrpiracy: sure it will.  perhaps not expensive ones, but cheap ones definitely do17:55
jackaesopspeakers can work as a mic, just not well17:55
Alpha1650robotic: I did it some time ago. I just had to enable mic boost.17:56
ihadubuntuone human can also work as a micro17:56
sylverfoxrobotic: i used skype and it did work17:56
evfan42anyone have experience with nvidia drivers?17:56
sylverfoxrobotic: but i got a tv-card17:56
roboticsylverfox: OK, it sounds like your line-in audio is working.  are you interested in testing line-in video?17:56
sylverfoxrobotic and i don't get sound from it17:56
MrPiracyompaul: where's grub howto? (sorry, i'm a newbie)17:57
MrPiracyubotu: i haven't installed win98/me yet ... but i'll need it for testing purposes in a near future17:57
roboticsylverfox: I think that the video-in cord (the yellow plug on most machines) only record video, right?  it doesn't record sound17:57
=== ihadubuntu is now known as litb
ompaulMrPiracy, in that comment:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:57
=== LotharTBL is now known as LotharTBL_
AnimortisIs there an Ubuntu room for graphics designers?17:57
roboticsylverfox: You may need to run a separate line from your TV to your microphone-in17:57
jackaesopMrPiracy: consider virtualizing it with virtualbox?17:57
roboticsylverfox: let me check for you on googe17:58
sylverfoxrobotic: thanks17:58
roboticsylverfox: do you have a TV tuner card, or a video-in card?17:58
ompaulAnimortis, no but you can use: scribus gimp and imagemagick to give you all sorts of good stuff17:58
MrPiracyjackaesop: yeah, but i will need real drivers for soundcards/video/etc17:58
=== LotharTBL_ is now known as LotharTBL
AnimortisI'm trying to find out why Ktoon is so buggy on Ubuntu.17:59
sylverfoxrobotic:  tv-tuner card17:59
evfan42anyone have experience with nvidia drivers? I got my settings to work right once, then I reinstalled ubuntu and now it doesn't work right17:59
roboticsylverfox: do you get any sound when you watch TV on your machine?17:59
sylverfoxrobotic: PixelView17:59
therempershello is this where I could ask what to me seems like an easy question17:59
roboticsylverfox: but you can get video OK?17:59
jackaesopMrPiracy: ah, and you want to be able to restore grub after the install?17:59
sylverfoxrobotic: no, no sound at all17:59
sylverfoxrobotic: yes, the video is OK17:59
mnemonicaAnyone awake in here?18:00
Powhatanbobhow can i make ubuntu open files without popping up the display/cancel/run dialog?18:00
therempersok here is my question I want to take out my old video card and put a new one in yet when I do x fails18:00
jackaesopMrPiracy: I noticed on the alternate ISO there was a restore grub option or something like that18:00
mnemonicanevermind that.18:00
therempershow do I do that18:00
roboticsylverfox: OK, I don't know if the problem is line-in, then18:00
jackaesopPowhatanbob: change it's permissions so it's not an executable file18:00
roboticsylverfox: what software are you viewing the tv-card's output in?  mplayer?18:01
mega-seedjust a Q, with a standard install, no fancy pancy stuff, will my wirless dwl 520+ card work?18:01
Powhatanbobthank you18:01
sylverfoxrobotic:  TV-Time18:01
roboticmega-seed: best way to check is to live-boot with a CD version of ubuntu and check18:01
sylverfoxrobotic: how whould i try other program?18:01
mnemonicaSorry for this being so long, but I feel that everything mentioned here is required. alright. I uninstalled compiz a day or so ago and did something with xgl that I thought was required (I know now that it wasn't) and after logging out, I found that I could not log in using either X or GNOME. I've tried Fluxbox and Xfce, but neither of those work either. What happens is I attempt to login, it accepts my username and pw, then goes to a brown screen, then18:01
mega-seedwell i did it a while ago and it didnt work18:01
evfan42anyone have experience with nvidia drivers? I got my settings to work right once, then I reinstalled ubuntu and now it doesn't work right18:02
mega-seedbut how would i get it to work18:02
roboticsylverfox: http://tvtime.sourceforge.net/help.html#audioconnect18:02
roboticsylverfox: have you looked at this?18:02
sylverfoxrobotic: not yet18:02
dsnydersmnemonica: have you tried re-installing compiz, or undoing the xgl thing that you did?18:02
ompaultherempers, ctrl alt F4 and there log in as yourself and choose sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:02
evfan42and I get an error that didn't show up eariler, cpu frequency scaling not supported18:02
roboticsylverfox: give that a try -- it looks like it lets you map the audio output to your sound card18:02
mega-seedok well how would i get my nic to work?18:03
mega-seedbtw i am noob to linux18:03
joebob777as7mnemonica, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:03
mega-seedi tried suse18:03
roboticmega-seed: ndiswrapper is usually what people have to play with to get their wifi card to work18:03
mega-seedformated that rite off lol18:03
therempersok that will do it?18:03
mega-seedhow would i know what to do?18:03
=== web_know1 is now known as web_knows
sylverfoxrobotic:  i have a cable (jack) comming out from my tv-tunner card18:03
mnemonicadsnyders: No. I haven't tried re-installing compiz. And the issue with the xgl thing is that I'm not sure what I did, exactly.18:03
roboticmega-seed: you might want to take a look online, googling the name of your wifi card plus ubuntu18:03
ompaultherempers, it should help a lot18:04
mnemonicajoebob77as7: I'll try that.18:04
therempersok thanks.18:04
roboticmega-seed: that will give you user experiences and take you to a site with install instructions18:04
sylverfoxrobotic: should i enter it to the mic. - jack?18:04
therempersif it messes something up I am screwed18:04
therempersonly pc18:04
dsnydersmnemonica: try joebob777as7's advice18:04
roboticsylverfox: does your capture card have an audio output jack, or any other jacks?18:05
roboticmega-seed: did you turn up any resources?18:05
rom11How to find the bootloader info on the linux system?18:05
sylverfoxrobotic: yes it has 1 jack18:05
roboticsylverfox: is it the jack you are using to plug the video input, or is there a separate jack for that?18:05
sylverfoxrobotic: i entered it before to the blue hole18:05
dsnydersrom11: The bootloader configuration files are in /boot18:06
sylverfoxrobotic: it is not for video input18:06
roboticdoes anyone have a link (or can find one online) to the Edgy Eft version of the GraphThing package?18:06
rom11but I have embedded system, there there is no boot18:06
roboticsylverfox: OK, try running that line into your mic in, or spkr line in18:06
different_realithi.. do you know any download manager that supports premium download from rapidshare? that is username/password support for the link.18:06
SpookyETIs anyone using BTG18:07
mega-seedlinux looks like it will hurt my lil brain18:07
roboticsylverfox: you might even try putting that up to a pair of headphones18:07
mega-seedsetting up wifi looks aids worthy18:07
dsnydersrom11: What are you trying to do?18:07
roboticmega-seed: if you want to come back here when you have specifics, you can probably find someone to walk you through it18:08
bazhangrobotic: not in edgy per search on packages.ubuntu.com18:08
roboticmega-seed: but usually it helps if you have things up and running, so you can work in real-time, rather than trying to explain everything in advance18:08
wols_Redlook: find out what chip your dwl520 uses18:09
roboticbazhang: thanks.  guess I have to upgrade to feisty :(18:09
mega-seedwell robotic im guna format my pc and put windows in it again18:09
wols_mega-seed: find out what chip your dwl520 uses18:09
sylverfoxrobotic: i don't understand that sentence with the hadphones18:09
wols_mega-seed: is it pci, usb or what?18:09
mega-seedthen im going to dl and burn ubuntu18:09
mega-seedthen dual boot18:09
mega-seedits PCI18:09
sylverfoxrobotic: i have my speakers pluged in18:09
Johan-_I'm trying to setup svn/https using apache but I cant get it to work with the same Location but different ports as http, anyone got a good guide?18:09
wols_mega-seed: then "lspci" will tell you what it is18:09
lynxmy problem: I 've nokia n73 mobile, i want to use it as USB Modem in my ubuntu os, but i dont know how to do for that, if u have any idea then plz tell me that how to do that..(use USB Modem)18:09
mega-seedwhat is lspci?18:09
roboticsylverfox: are the speakers plugged into the TV card or into your computer?18:09
nicandro hi, in order to connect to the web through a Nokia6630 via USB, which application should I use?18:09
wols_mega-seed: a program18:09
Ashexsilly company18:10
Ashexusing Windows server to run a file server18:10
roboticsylverfox: b/c if there is nothing plugged into the TV card's audio jack, then maybe there's no way for sound to get out of the card18:10
dsnydersmega-seed: There is a project called wubi that will let you try linux on your machine without wiping windows off of it.  You can google for it.18:10
mega-seedwols_ okie18:10
bazhangrobotic: no worries :}18:10
mega-seedidm about formating18:10
mega-seedits semi entertaining18:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:10
Ashexwubi actually works fairly well18:10
roboticbazhang: one existed at one point on getdeb.com, but for some reason getdeb doesn't list it anymore18:10
lynxhi, all can any one give my problem sulution?18:10
lynxmy problem: I 've nokia n73 mobile, i want to use it as USB Modem in my ubuntu os, but i dont know how to do for that, if u have any idea then plz tell me that how to do that..(use USB Modem)18:10
mnemonicajoebob77as7: I'm at the part that reads: "Video card's bus identifier" The default option is 0:2:0, but when I issue lspci in terminal, I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47417/        Which should I use?18:10
Ashexbasically you get the installer, it downloads an ubuntu image and install ubuntu from within windows18:10
=== hi is now known as Greny
Ashexreboot and you can select it from the boot menu18:11
roboticsylverfox: any luck?18:11
wols_mnemonica: clear it. don't put anything in18:11
bazhangrobotic: exists for gutsy18:11
Alyxanderanyone use recordmydesktop?18:11
mnemonicawols_: Amount of memory?18:11
dsnydersAny IMAP gurus around?18:11
sylverfoxrobotic: i have my speakers (2.1) pluged into the computers sound card, and i have a cable whicj is pluged in the Tv-Tunner card and connects it with the Computers sound card, through the mic. line in jack18:11
lynxhey any one can give my problem solution ,,????? plz rply18:12
wols_mnemonica: nothing. it will ifgure it out on its own18:12
JimnasticsI'm using ip route to add & delete a default gateway route every 5 seconds, I've been testing it pinging a node and there is always a 2 second delay to actually delete a route after ip route del was exectured, anybody knowing why this is happening and if there is a way to immediately delete a route from the routing table?18:12
DRebellionhey! just a quick question: is ubuntu _completely_ FOSS?18:12
lynxmy problem: I 've nokia n73 mobile, i want to use it as USB Modem in my ubuntu os, but i dont know how to do for that, if u have any idea then plz tell me that how to do that..(use USB Modem)18:12
roboticsylverfox: try connecting the speakers directly into the tv-tuner card18:12
roboticsylverfox: if that is possible18:12
sylverfoxrobotic: ok, i give it a try18:12
lynxhi, robotic..can u plz give my problem solution..?18:12
lynxmy problem: I 've nokia n73 mobile, i want to use it as USB Modem in my ubuntu os, but i dont know how to do for that, if u have any idea then plz tell me that how to do that..(use USB Modem)18:12
roboticsylverfox: if that is not possible, then let's try the btaudio instructions at the link I gave you18:13
roboticlynx: sorry, I have no idea18:13
ajmalajmal shaheen enterd the room18:13
sylverfoxrobotic: i pluged the speker, but still no sound18:13
ajmalany body tell me how to setting yahoo in the pidgin messanger18:13
lynxcan your friend say this??????????18:13
roboticsylverfox: spkrs are working though, right?18:13
ajmalI want to chat in the pakistani chat room18:13
roboticsylverfox: OK, let's try btaudio18:14
roboticsylverfox: can you run btaudio?18:14
veeafter changing IP from DHCP to static i cant access http://localhost18:14
meoblast001im having trouble playing any OGG video file recorded by multiple screencasters and im also having trouble with the AVI's i get after converting them18:14
meoblast001how do i fix this18:14
lynxrobotic?? (can your friend slove this problem????) plz rply18:14
meoblast001it kills Totem and leaves a strange error in mPlayer18:14
rom11how do I fix the compile error?18:14
sylverfoxrobotic: do you reffer to the 12. point, on that site?18:14
lynxplz tell them.18:14
meoblast001the error is "error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device"18:15
robdemanI just contacted my cable provider / ISP and they say that they definately do not block any traffic such as aMule/eMule/ etc.... also my NAT device is setup to forward ports for aMule (Ubuntu) and eMule (WinXP laptop) ... still both machines do not work!!18:15
ajmalyahoo chat room setting in the pidgin messenger plz tell me18:15
ajmalplz help me?????????18:15
SpeakerManiaHow can I access my shared folders from across town?18:15
brainiac_ghostmeoblast001: try playing it with mplayer -vo xv <file>18:15
mnemonicawols_: Identifier for the Monitor?18:15
sylverfoxrobotic: i put you something pon the pastebin18:15
roboticsylverfox: I am refering to point 1118:15
=== Wanderer is now known as Nomothetes
brainiac_ghostajmal: you can add a yahoo account on pidgin by pressing add on the account window18:16
wraund18:15            ajmal : yahoo chat room setting in the pidgin messenger plz tell me18:16
lynxhow to use USB Modem form nokian73 to USB?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/18:16
dsnyderslynx:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=166617 might give you some pointers on your cell phone/modem issue18:16
sylverfoxrobotic: http://pastebin.com/d1f1413f318:16
bazhangdoes pidgin have a channel?18:16
brainiac_ghostrom11: what compile error18:16
meoblast001"X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)18:16
roboticsylverfox, OK, sorry, missed that18:16
gandhiiis there a way to make the desktop retain a certain amount of ram.   It tends to take an awful lot of time for the OS to bring everything back into memory after finishing an intensive activity...18:16
veeCan anyone help wwith: after changing IP from DHCP to static i cant access http://localhost18:16
lynxok thanks18:16
JimnasticsI'm using ip route to add & delete a default gateway route every 5 seconds, I've been testing it pinging a node and there is always a 2 second delay to actually delete a route after ip route del was exectured, anybody knowing why this is happening and if there is a way to immediately delete a route from the routing table?18:16
brainiac_ghostmeoblast001: hmm, *shrugs* strange18:16
meoblast001brainiac_ghost: all other files work18:16
sylverfoxrobotic: this is what i get after dmesg18:16
brainiac_ghostmeoblast001: how big is the file?18:17
ajmalbrainiac ghost: I had add my account in pidgin18:17
wols_mnemonica: whatever you want?18:17
meoblast001brainiac_ghost: the AVI or OGG?18:17
sylverfoxrobotic: i copied only the parts that reffer to the tv tunner card18:17
lynxhi calc18:17
mnemonicawols_: hahaha... Ok.18:17
grindcorei've done everything what i should about mounting NTFS external HDD but now when I connect again my drive i'm getting this message: You are not privileged to mount the volume 'My Book'. any ideas ? thanks for help18:17
roboticlet me appeal to anyone else - anyone familiar with getting TV tuners up and running using TV-Time?18:17
veelynx can you help?18:17
roboticb/c I don't have a tv tuner, so am not familiar with this specific setup18:17
UbuntMeHey guys, I have a problem,  VLC media player just stoped working, by that i mean that whenever i click it, it doesent do anything..at all.18:17
lynxfor what18:17
ajmalnow what can i do for enter the chat room. In chat room it wants chat room name what did i write?18:17
veeafter changing IP from DHCP to static i cant access http://localhost18:17
brainiac_ghostmeoblast001: pm18:17
hippychickajmal, try joining #pidgin and asking their18:18
wraund18:17            ajmal : now what can i do for enter the chat room. In chat room it wants chat room name what did i write?18:18
wraundajmal: i dont undersatnd18:18
lynxvee: which error u get18:18
UbuntMeHow do i fix this?18:18
roboticsylverfox: did you type in btaudio to get this error dump?18:18
roboticsylverfox: or can you launch btaudio at all?18:19
ajmaldear wraund: I say that I want chat in yahoo chat rooms of pakistan what should i do for this?18:19
lynxvee:check ur internet connection .18:19
veelynx it works fine18:19
sylverfoxrobotic: i don't have btaudio on my computer18:19
par_hello all, I just recently did the GUI upgrade from feisty to gutsy, and now I cannot boot into any of the kernels, i get a 'kernel panic not snycing vfs'.  Nor can I boot into the recovery modes.  DOes anyone know how I can fix this?  I am able to use a live cd to access the files on that file system though.18:20
lynxtry stop any apache servers in uour pc18:20
mnemonicawols_: Ok, I'm done with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg like joebob777as7 asked me to... What now?18:20
veehi par_18:20
ajmalhippychick: I wrote #pidgin but no responce18:20
lastkohh shit.. how to resize my / using the free space of the my home ?18:20
par_hi vee18:20
roboticsylverfox: does apt-get let you pick it up?18:20
UbuntMeHow do i fix vlc media player? It doesent work at all.  Pleas help.18:20
lynxvee:stop  your apache server.18:20
racarterhow do i know if i am configured to use a proxy?18:20
wols_mnemonica: restart X18:20
brueniglastk, is the / before or after /home18:20
sylverfoxrobotic:  i think not18:20
bazhangoy serious trolling in #kubuntu18:21
lynxvee:and start then18:21
racarterfor some reason i can't use bittorrent, i tried to disable any firewall rules.. don't know what else is stopping me18:21
sylverfoxrobotic: it doesn't find the package18:21
wols_UbuntMe: open a terminal, run vlc in there. what is the output in the terminal?18:21
lynxis op18:21
mnemonicawols_: I'm in failsafe GNOME... But I'll logout and try to use X18:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:21
joebob777as7mnemonica, you should be able to log in now and it should display like it di dthe first time.18:21
roboticsylverfox: what is the brand of your tvcard18:21
lastkbruenig: my /home has 3gb free and my / are 100% used :(18:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:21
brueniglastk, is the / before or after /home18:22
sylverfoxrobotic: pixelview18:22
Franky_the_Pierrhi, in gutsy, the "alt+###" does not work, I sometimes need French accents, but don't want the french keyboard.  How can I make the alt key work to enter special characters?18:22
mnemonicammmk. brb18:22
veelynx... now i get INdx of /18:22
sylverfoxrobotic: PV-BT878P+18:22
bruenigFranky_the_Pierr, there are no alt characters like that, you need to use the character map to select them18:22
wols_lynx: hm?18:22
veelynx sorry... Index of/..... apache1-default/18:22
lastkbruenig: sorry ?18:22
UbuntMewols_:   Whats the command?18:22
brueniglastk, is the / before or after /home on the hard drive18:22
Proximocan anyone recommend a distro for running on a older laptop, i need wifi support, flash and video playback etc18:23
veethat was apache218:23
lynxvee : ya thats running18:23
lynxvee:apache is running18:23
Franky_the_Pierroh, ok, ill search how that works then...  thanks.18:23
bruenigProximo, all of the distros can do that18:23
lynxvee:now what u want?18:23
lastkbruenig: now I not remember =/18:23
wols_ 18:23
lynxvee:from browser?18:23
veeit used to poihnt to the file the says....IT Works!18:23
Proximobruenig: the keyword here is OLD laptop18:23
LimCorevim hanged, should I report it in  https://bugs.launchpad.net/vim/+filebug   or find vim's upsteam bug tracker?18:23
wols_UbuntMe: the command is "vlc" what else?18:23
Proximobruenig: so i need lightweight18:24
bruenigProximo, arch, gentoo, slackware, zenwalk, etc.18:24
lynxvee:where ru??18:24
roboticsylverfox: you can get tv ok, yes?18:24
veelynx when I use a browser18:24
wols_Proximo: xubuntu or maybe better fluxbuntu18:24
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
lynxvee:'ve u tried?18:24
veelynx it goes to the directory18:24
bruenigxubuntu is a joke if it's purpose is to be lightweight18:24
mnemonicajoebob777as7: Nope. Didn't work. Still crashes back to gdm. I'm in failsafe... Any other suggestions?18:24
bruenigbecause it is far from it18:24
sylverfoxrobotic: tha screen is ok, perfect, just no sound18:24
UbuntMewols_:  ok, luke@luke-laptop:~$ vlc18:24
UbuntMeVLC media player 0.8.6c Janus18:24
UbuntMeSegmentation fault (core dumped)18:24
lynxvee:ya but what u want to do??18:24
veelynx of Index of?.... rather than the default index page18:24
roboticsylverfox: OK, great, take a look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30241818:24
Proximowols_: ive tried xubuntu 7.10, and it runs sluggish on that comp, fluxbuntu is lighter aint it ?18:24
roboticsylverfox: this seems to describe your setup & problem18:25
veelynx get it to point to ... lemme fin the right www18:25
nickrudLimCore: check for the bug in both; if you see it in vim reference it in launchpad, if you don't see it in vim report it in launchpad18:25
wols_UbuntMe: all you can do is run it under strace but you don't know enough to do this, sorry18:25
lynxvee: i can't get it , be clear18:25
joebob777as7mnemonica, sry i'm all out...18:25
grindcorei've done everything what i should about mounting NTFS external HDD but now when I connect again my drive i'm getting this message: You are not privileged to mount the volume 'My Book'. any ideas ? thanks for help18:25
lynxvee:write whole sentence that what u want to do..18:25
bliss_what is the command line to respart apache2 after making changes to index.html?18:25
veelynx  it needs to go one directory more to the default page18:25
UbuntMewols_:  so it ont work again?18:26
mirakhow to make work the 3D in Ubuntu Gutsy ?18:26
mnemonicawols_: It didn't work. Still crashes back to gdm. I'm in failsafe... What now?18:26
roboticsylverfox: let me know if the workarounds there help18:26
par_bliss_: /etc/init.rd apache2 -k restart18:26
wols_mirak: edpends on your videcard18:26
nickrudbliss_: you don't need to restart apache, it sees the change no problem18:26
lynxvee:then whats de problem?18:26
par_but yeah, you shouldnt need to restart18:26
mirakwols_: nvidia 6600GT18:26
sylverfoxrobotic: i don't get sound even if i plug the speakers jack into the TV-card18:26
inzeomirak: have you tried using Envy to install the correct drivers for your Nvidia card?18:27
nickrud!compiz | mirak18:27
ubotumirak: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:27
veelynx /var/www/apache2-default not /var/www   Does that make sense18:27
roboticsylverfox: that's fine, but did you try the other things mentioned18:27
bruenig!envy | inzeo18:27
ubotuinzeo: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:27
KragneracUbuntu on Rails. :)18:27
dersuwell.. what is the apt-get command for find out if a package is installed or not?18:27
inzeobruenig: i'm aware that is is not needed nor supported, but it is a much easier way of doing things especially for new comers18:27
=== Meskit is now known as Meskit|mange
lynxvee:ya.. but it doesnt make sense.18:27
nickruddersu: apt-cache policy <package>18:27
brueniginzeo, it is not recommended, it is destructive and faulty18:27
mirakinzeo: in fact I reinstalled gutsy just some ours ago, but I had 3D earlier18:27
sylverfoxrobotic:  i just began to read it, and i saw the guy from there got sound, if he pluged into the tv-tunner18:28
lynxvee:what u want to do?18:28
miraknickrud: I don't know what's the problem18:28
brueniginzeo, if you want to lead new comers to a terrible hack of a script in your free time, that's up to you but within this channel, they prefer that you try only to recommend good things18:28
wols_!nvidia | mirak18:28
ubotumirak: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:28
frogger__i can't access my windows share from ubuntu gutsy18:28
mirakit doesn't seem to be able to load nvidia module, though I installed all what is needed18:28
mnemonicawols_: Repeat: It didn't work. Still crashes back to gdm. I'm in failsafe... What now?18:28
lastkbruenig : my / is dev/sda9 and my home is /dev/sda818:28
bliss_nickrud: thanks i  thought that would be the case but the changes in the index.html file are not showing i wonder if there is also another file i need to change this is apache2 on ubuntu in a vps18:28
wols_mnemonica: uninstall and purge (important to purge) all of gnome and reinstall it...18:28
lynxvee: r u dhere?18:29
veelynx .... if I went to a browser I want the Apache default index.html page to pop up.... not the directory contents of www18:29
brueniglastk, which one is first on the hard drive18:29
frogger__i get a can't display contents of x18:29
nickrudmirak: it really depends on your hardware, you should follow those steps to set it up. I don't have nvidia, so I'm not familiar with it18:29
mnemonicawols_: How do I do that?18:29
nickrudbliss_: your browser might be caching the page18:29
frogger__can anybodyy help me with this problem?18:29
veelynx thats the way it used to be18:29
Cyberaican anyone tell me what that command is that you can use to force your video card to spit out it's mode and everythig all set up perfect to cut and paste into your xorg.conf?18:29
roboticsylverfox: although his symptoms are not precisely the same as yours because his board is different, trying the things he suggests will give you more information for resolving your problem18:29
veelynx unless it was originally set up wrong18:29
lastkbruenig : http://pastebin.com/d6c59e3bb  df -h >18:29
lynxvee:ya exactly,  in ubuntu it is always like this18:29
roboticsylverfox: and one of them may work, so I'd suggest taking a look.  he gives a link to a list of workarounds18:30
lynxvee: u setup it exatly right.18:30
chilli_whats the problem18:30
sylverfoxrobotic: ok, i'm reading and trying18:30
lynxvee:dont worry18:30
brueniglastk, which one is physically in front of the other one on the hard drive, that's what I need to know18:30
mnemonicawols_: How do I do that?18:30
veelynx thanks for all your help18:30
veelynx  :)18:30
par_hello all, I just recently did the GUI upgrade from feisty to gutsy, and now I cannot boot into any of the kernels, i get a 'kernel panic not snycing vfs'.  Nor can I boot into the recovery modes.  DOes anyone know how I can fix this?  I am able to use a live cd to access the files on that file system though. (bump)18:30
frogger__i get a error message when i try to access my window share18:30
brueniglastk, you know what, either way, you can't do it without formatting one of the partitions so it doesn't really matter, I was just hoping to tell you which one you would need to format18:30
nickrudCyberai: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical will create a default xorg.conf, it's the best tool in ubuntu. If it is not quite right, it's usually because your monitor doesn't report properly18:31
lynxvee:by de way what r u dong with aapche?18:31
lynxvee:create web site on ubuntu?18:31
Cyberaithanks nickrud18:31
roboticsylverfox: good luck18:31
chilli_what5 does it say the erro message18:31
veelynx i want to set my box so that i can do testing froma remote location18:31
nickrudCyberai: erm sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg that is18:31
veelynx so i have been trying to get LAMP and ftp services working18:31
frogger__"sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "windows share:home"18:31
chilli_what does it say?18:31
lynxvee:i can't get what u saying??18:31
ubotuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information18:32
Areli1Guys, after i installed XGL i tried disabling it and enabling AIGLX again but it's not working.. everytime i try to enable it it says it can't. Can anyone help me?18:32
lastkbruenig : ahh ok.. then I need to format someone partition?18:32
wols_mnemonica: I don't remember which package to remove off hand to remove all of gnome :(18:32
lynxvee : ok wait i give u link for that...18:32
SpeakerManiaI just set up vsftpd. Now what? How do I connect to it?18:32
wols_SpeakerMania: with "ftp"18:32
JonathanHThis might get me kick/banned but i was wondering if there was anyone with good Vista knowledge that could help me with a networking issue.18:32
SpeakerManiawols_, what? Can you be more specific?18:33
wols_mnemonica:  apt-get --purge remove libgnome32 libgnome2-common18:33
kbrooksJonathanH, ##windows - but we aren't really that harsh/18:33
chilli_can we go 2 a diff server18:33
wols_mnemonica: it will remove a TON of stuff. after that: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop18:33
brueniglastk, what is your native language18:33
wols_mnemonica: it must be done in console. gdm and X must be closed18:33
chazcoAnyone able to help with: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?18:33
lastkbruenig : portuguese from Brazil18:34
wols_SpeakerMania: ftp localhost18:34
lastkbruenig : sorry by my bad english18:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:34
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:34
SpeakerManiawols_, I still don't understand. I need to FTP to it from across town.18:34
eseswho has used mythbuntu yet?18:34
Cyberainickrud, it's not recognizing the -pcritical option18:34
lastkbruenig : i Tried on ubuntu-br but anyone know18:35
meoblast001i need help18:35
meoblast001for some reason, none of my media players can play OGG or converted AVI's from those OGG's that i encoded18:35
lynxvee:by de way where r u from?18:35
wols_SpeakerMania: then "ftp <your ip>"18:35
veelynx United States18:36
Proximoso any other tips than fluxbox ?18:36
veelynx you?18:36
meoblast001all of these were encoded by multiple screencasters18:36
nickrudCyberai: you might have misspelled it, I just ran this command and it was recreated:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg18:36
lynxvee: i m from india.18:36
lynxvee:what r u studing?18:36
SpeakerManiawols_, what? How do I run that in Windows? Is the server my IP? what is the username/password?18:36
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre18:37
Cyberainickrud, that did it, i didn't have the xserver-xorg part18:37
veelynx had studied design now working ... how about you?18:37
nickrudCyberai: ah, you missed my correction of that, sorry18:37
wols_SpeakerMania: yes in windows too. username/password is your username and password18:37
SpeakerManiawols_, thanks. I'll try it18:37
lynxvee: me , a professional web developer(drupal, ruby on rails)18:37
* nickrud heads off to give 64bit another chance18:38
veelynx sounds fun18:38
SpeakerManiawols_, my IP begins with '172' isn't that for inside the network? will I be able to access it outside my home network?18:38
lynxvee: why?18:38
Lilacorhow do I clear out graphical crash artifacts?18:38
veelynx i guess anything different than what you do... sounds fun to me18:38
wols_SpeakerMania: yes it's a private ip most likely. you need to use your public IP and portforward 20 and 21 at least on your router18:38
veelynx maybe i meant to say interesting18:38
glol3ulanyone playing globulation2 ?18:38
lynxvee:now tell me what u gess about me...18:39
SpeakerManiawols_, can you help me do that? What is my public IP? My routers?18:39
lynxvee: tell me truth..18:39
veelynx Hwo do you mean?18:39
wols_SpeakerMania: no I cannot help you since it's not ubuntu related. ask your router manufacturer or manual18:39
lynxvee: i mean what u think different that make u a fun?18:40
SpeakerManiawols_, okay thanks18:40
rijoHow do I install "the source of your current running kernel"?18:40
veelynx I meant anything different than what I currently do - sounds interesting18:40
lynxvee this is the link for your interest18:41
veelynx thanx for that18:41
lynxvee this is for LAMP server setup just follow the steps18:41
lynxvee today i setup LAMP server on my office18:42
veelynx I appreciate it... from this tutorial?18:42
lynxvee bcoz today my ubuntu is crashed and i install fresh copy18:42
dkbganyone else having problems updating or downloading from the repos?18:42
lynxvee what happen?18:43
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sainzeodkbg: what kinda problems are you encountering?18:43
mnemonicawols_: Done. This is all that it put out. Notice my note at the bottom about the error I got... ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47421/18:43
lynxvee is there any problem with this?18:43
veelynx mine works fine... maybe a delay18:43
veelynx im guessing thats it18:43
veelynx im also in the middle of working18:43
dkbgsainzeo: well the downloads are slow and unreliable18:43
veelynx so i have to pay attention in two places18:44
dkbgI was just wondering if there was a known problem with any of the servers18:44
sainzeodkbg: i haven't encountered any of those problems at the moment...18:44
dkbgalthough they seem to be working better now actually18:44
lynxvee : i disturb u?18:44
veelynx i dont folow u18:44
lynxvee: if that is the thing then i really sorry for that ..!18:44
threeseasI have a problem with partition size. Seems my root partition has run out of room to the point of 12k which is not enough room to allow me to remove software18:44
dkbgdownload speed is still rather slow though18:45
veelynx i have to get back to work unfortunately... il be back on later though. haqve a good day18:45
mnemonicawols_: Did you receive my last message?18:45
dersuchecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no18:45
wols_mnemonica: shouldn't be a big deal. now reinstall all that shit with apt-get install ubuntu-desktop :)18:45
veebye everyone18:45
lynxya  have a good day...to u also.. bye18:45
mnemonicawols_: Alright, excellent... Reinstalling shit now.18:45
* wols_ crosses fingers for mnemonica 18:46
romantiki have a question regarding to my SanDisk Sansa e260 mp3 player18:46
SpeakerManiawols_, would my gateway IP be the public IP?18:46
romantiki have tagged all my mp3 files with the artist name and the title name18:46
romantikbut the mp3 is then displayed as (for example) In the End.mp318:46
wols_SpeakerMania: no18:46
SpeakerManiawols_, okay. Still seraching18:46
romantikand not as this:18:46
romantikLinkin Park18:46
romantikIn the End18:46
SpeakerManiawols_, primary DNS?18:46
lynxhi, Seveas18:47
kelsinromantik: I remember having a problem with id3v1 vs id3v2 tags and enconding on the sansa, what program did you tag with?18:47
romantikwhat can i do that the player will show the song correctly and not in the form of song.mp3  ???18:47
dersuwhat does it mean ?18:47
wols_SpeakerMania: stop guessing18:47
dersuchecking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no18:47
romantiki tagged with EasyTAG18:47
wols_that you don't want to crosscompile whatever for another cpu arch than you#re actually using18:47
specialist125hello can anyone help me with k9copy18:47
SpeakerManiawols_, lol fine then.18:47
mr_fleahow might i install build-essential without putting in a cdrom that i don't have? gutsy's asking for my cdrom when i try to get it with apt.18:47
kelsinromantik: make sure you're saving id3v1 and id3v2, also if you're using unicode (utf8) try using ascii if that's an option in EasyTag18:48
wols_SpeakerMania: your current public IP is   71-33-160-169.hlrn.qwest.net18:48
kelsinmr_flea: edit your sources to not include the cdrom18:48
spr0k3twhat's the best VM software to use if I need to run windows for a few weeks of development?18:48
wols_mr_flea: remove the gutsy cdrom line from your sources.list18:48
wols_mr_flea: and make sure the ubuntu repos are in18:48
SpeakerManiawols_, which is my gateway IP.18:48
specialist125need help with k9copy18:48
wols_SpeakerMania: no18:49
SpeakerManiawols_, yes.18:49
wols_gateway IP is something like 172.x.x.x18:49
mr_fleakelsin, wols_: thanks, i didn't notice that line before18:49
kelsinspr0k3t: I would say vmware18:49
SpeakerManiawols_, I'm looking at my router through IE at the details.18:49
romantikkelsin, which tag editor doc you use?18:49
romantikkelsin, which tag editor do you use?18:49
kelsinromantik: havn't put files on my sansa for like a year so honestly I forgot what I was using at the time :-(18:49
mnemonicawols_: Wow, it's downloading stuff through the terminal. That's cool. How long should it take? Or is there not a way to tell?18:49
ompaulthreeseas, cd /tmp check out anything you don't need in there - be careful  - then do something like sudo reboot  and try apt-get remove --purge after that also before you start this process, cd /var/cache/apt/archives and sudo rm *       be careful18:49
SpeakerManiawols_, and my Gateway IP Address happens to be
spr0k3tkelsin: thanks... I'll get the server set up.18:49
wols_SpeakerMania: not my fault if you don't know proper terms18:49
kelsinromantik: I remember liking QuodLibet's tag editor, but I don't remember if it worked :-( sorry18:50
grindcorehow i can run from terminal this administration tool :Users and Groups ? thanks18:50
SpeakerManiawols_, why are you ebing such a bastard?18:50
wols_mnemonica: depends on your network speed. and it gives you an estimate at the bottom18:50
lynxwols_ fuck with speakerMania18:50
SpeakerManiawols_, dear god man.18:50
wols_lynx: ?18:50
mnemonicawols_: Ah... Nice. Thank you.18:50
kbrooks!language | lynx18:50
ubotulynx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:50
kbrooks!language | SpeakerMania18:50
ubotuSpeakerMania: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:50
SpeakerManiaWhy thanks. :P18:50
spr0k3tgrindcore: gksu users-admin18:50
wols_SpeakerMania: if you don't like what I say, you are free to /ignore18:51
wols_which might not a bad idea on my part for you either18:51
JamoSmithcould someone help me clone my video output to S-Video (same video card). The Screens & Graphics interface is limiting and google reveals text config files which I am limited in ability to utilize18:51
grindcorespr0k3t thank you :)18:51
LiMaOJamoSmith: I will give you a site for you to read. it's 4 lines of code that you have to add to xorg.conf18:51
SpeakerManiawols_, I would, but I'm in need of help and you seem to be the one tom whom I should talk to. Yet you are being stupid and not helping.18:51
spr0k3tgrindcore: if you go into your main menu preferences, you can double click on the items listed for the menus and see the commands being used.18:51
logyatihello guys18:52
JamoSmithLiMaO I'll give it a try, thanks18:52
wols_SpeakerMania: if I am stupid, why do you talk to me?18:52
ompaul!patience | SpeakerMania18:52
ubotuSpeakerMania: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:52
SpeakerManiawols_, are you not listening?18:52
wols_SpeakerMania: and it's a really great incentive for me to help you when you call me stupid. real genius you are18:52
SpeakerManiawols_, I am.18:52
lynxwols_u only chat with ur friend18:52
ompaulSpeakerMania, a little advice, clam down,18:52
ompaullynx, stay out of it18:53
LiMaOJamoSmith: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47423/  --> add those lines to xorg.conf, on the "Device" or "Screen" sectionn18:53
LiMaOJamoSmith: and yes, it's only that. btw, you should remove other xorg.conf.* files you have there. just keep a main xorg.conf18:53
sundarmac x86'18:54
JamoSmithwhere do I find this config file18:54
lynxboth stupid re genius18:54
kbrookssundar, we cant help18:54
sylverfoxcan somebody help me, how to make it possible to record a sound from my mic?18:54
grindcorespr0k3t i have a problem with ntfs external drive, and i tried to setup something in this users and groups but now i cannot open it and from the console aswell :( can u help me please ?18:54
Ashfire908what is the plus of using gksudo?18:54
kbrookssundar, with mac osx8618:54
Flare183JamoSmith:> /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:54
logyatii made a network here today. i used a pc as internet router, and i have 3 pcs accessing the internet through it. i have a port not in use in my switch, and i wanna use it to create a wireless network. but i dont want that any computes at the wireless network could see or access pcs connected to de wired network. i bought a wireless router and i plugged it in the switch... what should i do?18:54
LiMaOJamoSmith: open up a terminal and type 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf'18:54
kbrooks!sudo | Ashfire90818:54
LiMaOJamoSmith: without the quotes, and remember that casing is important. X11 is different than x1118:54
vocxLiMaO, JamoSmith actually I think it is a good idea to keep some backup file of xorg.conf so don't remove everything.18:54
Ashfire908vs sudo18:54
lynxu stay out of it ompaul,,,, fucking man..18:54
ubotuAshfire908: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.18:54
Flare183logyati:> try using sudo dhclient18:54
LiMaOvocx: if he keeps a xorg.conf.2 or .1 it may not work18:55
barbara_can someone help me i'm in a real bind for time. I am trying to print a pdf in gutsy to send to someone so they can print it off but when i print it as a pdf it puts the margins wrong so when they print it it cuts off parts of the page....18:55
kbrooks!language | lynx18:55
ubotulynx: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:55
kbrooks!coc | lynx18:55
ubotulynx: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/18:55
Ashfire908i know why to use sudo. i want to know the plus of using gksudo over sudo.18:55
logyatiFlare183, the wireless network is working and accessing the internet, but im able to ping the pc of the wired network... i dont want it!18:55
wols_Ashfire908: support for X programs18:55
wols_Ashfire908: sudo doesn't deal with DISPLAY and xauth18:56
kbrooksAshfire908, same advantages. only GUI, and almost no eavesdropping.18:56
Locksmok, now ubuntu is installed, do i need to do anything special regarding the ext3 partition im going to select ad backup / image partition ?18:56
specialist125can someone help me with k9copy18:56
dinop007hi i need program e.g. xampp what work on linux( apache server)18:56
mnemonicawols_: It stalled at Setting up gnome-user-guide (2.20.0+svn20071003ubuntu2) ...       And I got the same error as before:  The NetworkManager applet could not find some required resources.  It cannot continue.18:56
wols_!lamp | dinop00718:56
ubotudinop007: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)18:56
kelsindinop007: installing apache is as easy as "sudo aptitude install apache2"18:57
Flare183I can't remember how to disable a eternet card18:57
kbrooksAshfire908, the keyboard/mouse is locked to the gksudo dialog so as to stop rogue GUI programs from eavesdropping on your password18:57
wols_mnemonica: stalled?18:57
ganeshhegd1how to set sleep after 30 mins??18:57
JamoSmithLiMaO under SEction "Screen" or Section "Device"18:57
wols_mnemonica: the netwokmanager is irrelevant for now18:57
mnemonicawols_: The terminal isn't spitting out text. The last thing it did was "Setting up gnome-user-guide (2.20.0+svn20071003ubuntu2) ..."18:57
ompaulFlare183, ifconfig is the program - or system admin network18:57
kelsinganeshhegd1: System -> Prefs -> Power Management18:57
LiMaOJamoSmith: between Section "Device" and EndSection, which means it should be in the Device section18:58
mnemonicawols_: Eh... it's doing stuff again...18:58
wols_mnemonica: do you have a prompt again?18:58
Flare183ompaul:> on the system menu  on the gui18:58
wols_mnemonica: ah :)18:58
mnemonicawols_: There wasn't a propmpt.18:58
Flare183ompaul:> trying to help logyati18:58
Ashfire908wols_, kbrooks, i'm wondering if i should install it on my server. the server only can run gui apps via x11 forwarding on ssh. should i use gksudo for this?18:58
mnemonicawols_: Sorry... Freaked me out a bit... There wasn't a progress bar or anything.18:58
wols_mnemonica: soonre or later there will be one :)18:58
ompaulFlare183, I just said " - or system admin network"18:58
mnemonicawols_: haha... Alright. Thanks.18:59
Flare183ompaul:> thanks18:59
barbara_can someone help me i'm in a real bind for time. I am trying to print a pdf in gutsy to send to someone so they can print it off but when i print it as a pdf it puts the margins wrong so when they print it it cuts off parts of the page....18:59
kbrooksAshfire908, NO NO NO. don't bother. and what you said probably isn't true18:59
JamoSmithLiMaO: save and then restart?18:59
Flare183logyati:> click system, admin, network and disable the card18:59
dinop007what ftp program i have in linux?18:59
Flare183barabara_:> it's on the cups settings18:59
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:59
ompaulbarbara_, paper types are set up incorrectly would by my guess18:59
kbrooksAshfire908, "the server only can run gui apps via x11 forwarding on ssh"19:00
barbara_how do i set that in the pdf printer?19:00
LiMaOJamoSmith: after you've written that to xorg.conf you press ctrl+x to save the file and exit the editor.. then restart. be sure to plugin the cables to the tv/other monitor before starting again19:00
wols_kbrooks: if there is no X installed he's right19:00
kbrookswols_, oh, ok19:00
ompaulbarbara_, it is embedded in the source document19:00
dinop007what ftp program e.g. flashfxp is used in linux?19:00
Ashfire908kbrooks: what do you mean?19:01
Flare183barabara_:> you could use openoffice writer to export it as a pdf19:01
kelsindinop007: gftp is a gnome ftp client, and you also have access to lftp and ftp (both command line clients). You can also use Places -> Connect to server to "mount" up an ftp site and use nautilus to drag and drop19:01
kbrooksAshfire908, do you have X installed?19:01
mnemonicawols_: Ok... Last thing it said: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place       Now I have a prompt. What's next?19:01
Ashfire908kbrooks, no.19:01
ompaulFlare183, that doc won't open in OOo19:01
LiMaOmnemonica: after ldconfig things are usually finished up19:01
wols_mnemonica: startx19:01
Ashfire908kbrooks, i installed xbase-clients. that allowed me to run gui apps by forwarding them via ssh.19:01
kbrooksAshfire908, ok, safely disregard what i say then, but simply be careful19:02
mnemonicawols_: Alright. Here goes...19:02
barbara_ompaul, i'm using a windows application in wine and the page setup says US Letter19:02
Ashfire908kbrooks, so do i install gksudo?19:02
buggeredfstabGood morning, where can I find a good guide to installing Apache, MySQL and PHP for Gutsy?19:03
ompaulbarbara_, there are tools in ubuntu to do that - evince will open your pdf19:03
wols_!lamp | buggeredfstab19:03
ubotubuggeredfstab: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:03
kbrooksAshfire908, go on, but be careful. every encryption algo can be cracked in the future if ppl know how.19:03
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
buggeredfstabThanks vols!19:03
barbara_ompaul, when i print it from evince it doesn't print the margins right... all sides are cut off19:03
dinop007when i make update i get wired error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47425/19:03
RezagratsI need help mounting a "UDF volume" it's a CD19:03
SpeakerManiaI am having issues connecting to vsftpd. I am trying to connect with the server as my public IP. My router is set to forward all applications and ports to my ubuntu rig. It doesn't connect though. What is wrong?19:03
kbrooksAshfire908, i'm giving you awareness. encryption is basically math19:04
kelsinSpeakerMania: you're trying to connect from inside your router, using the external ip?19:04
=== alyx_ is now known as Alyxander
ompaulbarbara_, the original document layout is stored in the PDF and that is what is breaking your printing, it is nothing to do with the readers19:04
Ashfire908kbrooks, ok then.19:04
Ashfire908kbrooks, yes i know.19:04
SpeakerManiakelsin, does that not work? I am trying to see if I can connect to it across town later today.19:04
JamoSmithLiMaO: IT WORKED! THANKS! except it came up with a dialog that says: "Ubuntu is running in low-graphics mode"19:04
ompaulbarbara_, evince will let you copy the text and drop it into a new OOo and there you can do stuff withit19:04
kelsinSpeakerMania: it often doesn't, it's best to connect out via ssh to another computer, then trying to connect it to garuntee, depends on your setup but often it doesn't work19:05
dinop007when i make update i get wired error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47425/ please check it out =(19:05
SpeakerManiakelsin, oay.19:05
LiMaOJamoSmith: that only happened because you have played with "Screens and Graphics".. if you delete all the other xorg.conf and leave only the edited one it'll work without that dialog and in the proper resolution19:05
SpeakerManiakelisn, thanks19:05
LilacorHow do I clear out graphic artifacts left over from a crashing program?19:05
mnemonicawols_: No luck... damnit all. X and Gnome still crash to gdm.19:05
LiMaOJamoSmith: check if you have xorg.conf.1 and xorg.conf.2 -- if so, delete them both19:06
=== Luke_ is now known as Luke
SpeakerMania!language | mnemonica19:06
ubotumnemonica: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:06
Ashfire908kbrooks, the method of encrypting is like documented or what ever and the only this that prevets it from being hacked is the security of the private key19:06
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.19:06
kbrooksAshfire908, right19:06
GronimoThe sound is shifted when i play on wine ... any issues ?19:06
wols_mnemonica: when you don't use gdm? but run startx from console?19:07
Xeon06Hey guys, how  would I log in as root in the terminal please?19:07
wols_!root | Xeon0619:07
ubotuXeon06: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:07
bradipycan i have the route for the italian channel??19:07
mnemonicawols_: How would I do that?19:07
Ashfire908Xeon06, sudo -i i think19:07
orethhow about viewing youtube videos in ubuntu?19:07
oreththe flash player loads...19:07
ompaul!it | bradipy19:07
ubotubradipy: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!19:07
orethbut no video displays19:07
wols_mnemonica: stop gdm and X, go to console. run "startx"19:07
Xeon06wols_ It says bash: root: command not found19:08
Ashfire908Xeon06, if you just need to runa command as root simply use sudo command19:08
Xeon06sudo worked19:08
dinop007when i make update i get wired error can someone help me?19:08
threeseasrun out of root space and all of the subdden you are traps like a damn rat19:08
mnemonicawols_: So start in recovery mode?19:08
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:08
specialist125k9copy help19:09
threeseasbad language is the trap19:09
=== web_know1 is now known as web_knows
ompaulthreeseas, a second time  threeseas, cd /tmp check out anything you don't need in there - be careful  - then do something like sudo reboot  and try apt-get remove --purge after that also before you start this process, cd /var/cache/apt/archives and sudo rm *       be careful19:09
NemesDoes anybody how to do "echo "foo" >> file" but also printing it to the terminal?19:09
kelsinNemes: the "tee" command19:09
Nemeskelsin, thanks19:09
kelsinNemes: it takes a list of files then outputs stdin to those files and stdout19:09
threeseasompaul: didn't see it the first time as I was searching the web and the cache of xchat ran out19:10
bullgard4Where to store a foreign DEB program package on my own Gutsy computer?19:10
wols_mnemonica: no. start normal. when gdm is laoded press ctrl+alt+f1. log in. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop19:10
Nemeskelsin, great. Thanks again.19:10
wols_then run startx19:10
robdigdinop007: what were you installling?19:10
orethany idea how to get youtube video displayed in firefox?19:10
vocxbullgard4, what program do you want to install?19:11
JamoSmithLiMaO: I removed xorg.conf.1, there was .failsafe & .save I left those two there. I restarted and the dialog came back. Should I delete failsafe and save? mbe just save?19:11
dinop007robdig: the updates and gftp19:11
lazarus_lupineoreth, do you have flash installed?19:11
LiMaOJamoSmith: mv them to some other place. leave only xorg.conf there19:11
orethlazarus_lupine: : yes19:11
orethi believe19:11
Areli1How do i reset my Xorg config to the way it was when i installed Ubuntu?19:11
oreththe flash player loads19:11
orethbut no vide19:11
mnemonicawols_: Alright... trying. brb19:11
bullgard4vocx: I do not want to install a program. First I want to download a package.19:11
Ashfire908how do i get the changelog for a package19:11
LiMaOJamoSmith: use mv, cause you can mv them back later if needed (which probably will not happen)19:11
vocxbullgard4, what do you mean by "foreign"? Is it not in the repositories?19:12
Areli1 i've just done a fresh install of Gutsy, and back then compiz worked.. but then i installed Xgl, because i thought that was better, and it worked too, and set everything to XGL. Now i want it back to AIGLX again. Any help?19:12
wols_Areli1: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -pcritical19:12
bullgard4vocx: No, it is not. It is in sourceforge.19:12
specialist125need help with k9copy crashing19:12
dinop007robdig: it is the error  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47425/19:12
fenggghi, my second network card doesnt work on my ubuntu server but network cards light is on and I can see with lspci command19:13
robdigdinop007: hmm...from a terminal, try sudo apt-get update             then try the upgrades again19:13
fengggcan anybody help me plz19:13
orethlazarus_lupine: :yes... flash is installed19:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:13
lazarus_lupinebullgard4, you can store it anywhere you want, I don't get what you want to do19:13
vocxbullgard4, are you sure it is a DEB package for Ubuntu? Otherwise it may not work. Just grab it, save it wherever you want, like your home directory and install it. What was your question again?19:13
lazarus_lupineoreth, know what version/how did you install?19:14
kelsinAshfire908: "aptitude changelog" displays the changelog for a package I think19:14
Locksmwhat was the driver called to mount an ext3 partition in windows, so i can send bookmarks with stuff to my ubuntu OS19:14
dinop007robdig: there is little problem it think they got installed.... 0.-19:14
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:14
wols_oreth: see about the no support thing for automatix?19:14
jorgpfenggg: is the kernel module installed for the network card? do a dmesg | more and see if the second is listed19:14
oreth!language | oreth19:14
vocx!ext3 | Locksm19:14
orethso, what's the recommedned way to get flash/youtube working on ubuntu?19:15
Dopsuwhat are those commands?19:15
ubotuLocksm: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org19:15
fenggg[   81.002094] eth0: no IPv6 routers present19:15
fenggg[ 3398.352144] eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E119:15
fenggg[ 3409.140816] eth0: no IPv6 routers present19:15
Areli1Guys, when i installed my system i had compiz working, but then i installed XGL and it worked too, but i want to switch back to AIGLX. How do i do that? Resetting the Xorg config to the one made on the install of Ubuntu doesn't help. Anyone?19:15
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:15
mnemonicawols_: Ok... So I did: Sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop           Then I did: startx            The screen went black. Then loaded a white and black spotted background (like small black and white checkers) there was a large X in the middle. I could move the X with my mousepad.     I remember doing this with you from lastnight. Same thing happened.19:15
Dopsuubotu info19:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about info - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:15
Locksmthx a ton vocx19:15
jorgpfenggg: is that the first card or the second19:15
brobostigon!pastebin | fenggg19:15
ubotufenggg: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:15
JamoSmithLiMaO: same dialog after: sudo mv xorg.conf.* somefolder19:15
orethwill the 7.04 flash work for 7.10?19:15
wols_mnemonica: but it didn't go back to the terminal, did it?19:15
robdigdinop007: just a sec19:16
kelsinoreth: did "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree" not work for you?19:16
LiMaOJamoSmith: and what if you try and change your resolution from within the system?19:16
mnemonicawols_: Yes, after a short while it did. prompt and all.19:16
lazarus_lupineoreth, why does it need to? 7.10 has a flash package19:16
Areli1Guys, when i installed my system i had compiz working, but then i installed XGL and it worked too, but i want to switch back to AIGLX. How do i do that? Resetting the Xorg config to the one made on the install of Ubuntu doesn't help. Anyone?19:16
wols_mnemonica: ls -al /etc/alternatives/x-window-manager19:16
wols_mnemonica: where does it point to?19:16
LukeI'm getting these emails from cron every day. Can anyone help me pinpoint the problem?: http://pasteosaurus.com/4419119:16
orethlas ttime i used ubuntu was 6.1019:16
LiMaOJamoSmith: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution19:16
orethso much is changed i have to relearn it all19:16
LiMaOJamoSmith: stay away from "Screens and Graphics" =P19:16
wols_Areli1: uninstall aiglx19:16
wols_Areli1: erm, uninstall xserver-xgl19:16
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:16
orethi tried the install non-free19:17
orethand FLASH installed19:17
orethbut i still can't see youtube videos19:17
lazarus_lupineoreth, can't you install flash from within firefox?19:17
bullgard4vocx: I have put my question at the outset at 20:10 GMT +1. --  It is a DEB program package. Do you know what a DEB program package is. It is not in the Ubuntu repositories, probably intentionally because it might interfere with upstart.19:17
vocxoreth, are using the 64 bit distribution?19:17
wols_oreth: about:plugins19:17
RezagratsStill need a free .mp3 -> .ogg converter, or if there is a audio player for linux that can play .mp3, tell me!19:17
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47426/19:17
orethvocx: i better not be :P19:17
Areli1wols_: and then install what?19:18
atlef!restricted | Rezagrats19:18
ubotuRezagrats: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:18
moutyumi have a problem. I have AIT mobility radeon x700. I Want to use dual-head configuration with ati open source drivers and xrandr. Read all possible manual but no succes. Maybe anybody here have success with ati mobility x700???19:18
arcnewuss_right click dont work for my fluxbox, its hard to use flux if right click dont work19:18
lazarus_lupineoreth, uninstall flash and go here https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:719:18
JamoSmithLiMaO: It is limiting my choices from 800x600 to 640x48019:18
fengggjorgp: this is my second card doesnt work19:18
wols_mnemonica: that's the gnome window manager so everything _should_ be alright19:18
Areli1wols_: and then install what?19:18
JamoSmithLiMaO: it is currently forcing some weird widescreen mode on my CRTright now but looks purty on the projector (4:3)19:18
vocxbullgard4, I was just asking if you solved your problem.  What does this program do (the one you want to download)?19:18
silenthey guys, can anyone tell me the location of the trash bin on the hard drive? I have some files that are resisting deletion19:19
Lr5__Strange, had some problem with holding backspace down to erase multiple letters, didn't work, and I had to press backspace multiple times19:19
LiMaOJamoSmith: ok, listen up. 1st thing now you'll have to run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'19:19
Lr5__But enabling and disabling accessibility features solved the problem19:19
spiker611I need a good midrange all-in-one printer (linux compatable) for 100-150 dollars, where can I find good reviews or suggestions?19:19
vocxsilent, under your home directory /home/user/.Trash it is hidden19:19
robdigdinop007: apt and friends track which items installed correctly or not, so if the system thinks the updates went in, it is likely they did. you may want to see if gftp actually went in or if it was the problem19:19
silentvocx, thanks19:19
LiMaOJamoSmith: after it's configured, it'll create a new xorg.conf file.. on that new file, you add the TwinView text i sent you19:19
wols_mnemonica: ls -al ~/*xinitrc*   and ls -al ~/*xsession*19:19
wols_mnemonica: any results except your xserssions-error?19:20
LiMaOJamoSmith: that way you will NOT have the resolution problems19:20
vocxsilent, also you may need to check your root home folder like /root/.Trash, but usually if you remove things with "rm" they won't go to the Trash19:20
dravinegood afternoon19:20
LiMaOJamoSmith: btw, after dpk-reconfigure you will have a new xorg.conf file.. and also new 'backed up' xorg.conf -- mv the backups to somewhere else19:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:21
Areli1wols_: and then install what?19:21
dinop007robdig: lets say the update works... but the gftp still dont... i press install and i get this wired error...19:21
bullgard4vocx: It provides the programs s2ram, s2disk and s2both. I need s2ram for analyzing. Sourceforge says: "It provides Linux suspend."19:21
silentvocx, yea, it was a user, I'm using root to rm the files atm19:21
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47427/19:21
JamoSmithLiMaO: it's asking things that I don't know like kB on the video card, video card identifier :( and I used auto detect. Let me try again first though19:21
moutyumi have a problem. I have AIT mobility radeon x700. I Want to use dual-head configuration with ati open source drivers and xrandr. Read all possible manual but no succes. Maybe anybody here have success with ati mobility x700???19:22
LiMaOJamoSmith: autodetect is just fine19:22
RezagratsAtlef, i still need a converter19:22
LiMaOJamoSmith: the only thing you should know are your monitor refresh rates range...19:22
dravineso, for some reason USB drives mount with root ownership, and are unusable by normal users. Read only access19:22
atlefRezagrats: why convert?19:22
mnemonicawols_: I wasn't sure wether to put the whole command in all at once or seperately... So I did both. Got the same results though.19:22
RezagratsBecause idk of any .mp3 players for ubuntu19:23
silentdone, thanks vocx... the files were creating errors when trying to empty trash bin" so the function wouldn't work, should work now though19:23
weltallcan someone help me with getting wine applications to output midi audio (trough tymidity) ?19:23
vocxsilent, what were those files?19:23
silentvocx, some alsa install files19:23
wols_mnemonica: install irssi19:23
wols_!info irssi19:23
ubotuirssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1027 kB, installed size 2796 kB19:23
=== mekaj_ is now known as mekaj
weltalli've installed everything and i can use pmidi -p 128:0 to listen to midi files but i've an 14:0 midi trough:0 which most probably is giving problems with wine19:24
wols_mnemonica: then start it in a console (ctrl+alt+f1) and do a /connect irc.frennode.org and then /join ubuntu19:24
wols_that way you can use irc while in text mode19:24
gourgi!info pidgin19:24
ubotupidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB19:24
atlefRezagrats: all audioplayers play mp3, as long as you install the codecs19:25
silentpidgin is good for if you have a lot of different IM networks, otherwise xchat/amsn are preferred... (for me anyway)19:25
RezagratsOk then where do i get the codecs ?19:25
mnemonicawols_: sweet... I'm guessing that's going to be required for what I have to do next?19:25
atlef!restricted | Rezagrats19:25
ubotuRezagrats: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:25
Pc_Darkhow do I add more desktops19:25
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
wols_mnemonica: not required but makes it go faster19:25
mnemonicawols_: Fair enough.19:25
wols_mnemonica: no more of this constant rebooting19:25
=== ps3 is now known as PS3_user
Pc_DarkIs it legal to download the MP3 codecs in the US?19:25
atlefRezagrats: or add/remove programs - search for ubuntu restricted extras19:26
theresaPc_Dark, yes19:26
=== bruenig|laptop is now known as bruenig
theresalegal to download any codec19:26
NikyoHi, I'm running Terminal Server Client. When I view another computer desktop in full screen mode, is ther eany way, thatI can switch to the Ubuntu desktop then back to full screen of the opther computer, with out terminating the Terminal Server Client connection?19:26
Pc_Darknot the libdvd19:26
mnemonicahow do I start it in a consol?19:26
silentPc_Dark, afaik the command-based codec is free19:26
wols_Pc_Dark: decoding is legal for Free software, encoding has a patent royalty19:26
mnemonicawols_: How do I start it in a console?19:26
wols_mnemonica: start what?19:26
Pc_Darkwols_, so if I want to listen to MP3's on Ubuntu in the US, it is legal?19:26
Nikyosorry typing too fast.19:26
brobostigonin  the us its illegal  to download and or install libdvdcss.19:26
silentPc_Dark, yes19:26
wols_Pc_Dark: yes19:26
PS3_userhey.  gotta question.  Is it possible to install FLASH player under Kubuntu PS3.  Feisty Fawn.19:26
enigmataNeed help troubleshooting audio f'up.19:26
silentPc_Dark, I'm listening right now :)19:27
mnemonicawols_: irssi19:27
wols_mnemonica: type "irssi"19:27
bruenigyou are supposed to pay a licensing fee19:27
brocoPS3_user yes, should be no problem so far19:27
Pc_Darkokay, also, how do I add more desktops19:27
wols_bruenig: no19:27
orethi removed flash19:27
RezagratsAtlef, do i have to have an internet connection for that ?19:27
Pc_DarkI want 4 instead of 219:27
silentPc_Dark, right click the desktops icon19:27
PS3_userdo you know where I could get it?19:27
orethhow do I install it again? :P19:27
Puckinovskiis there a way to dual boot xp when i have only ubuntu installed?19:27
atlefRezagrats: yes19:27
silentPc_Dark, go to preferences19:27
Pc_Darkand do what SilenceGold ?19:27
Triskaidekaphobiok, here's the deal, i've got a system (htpc) with 6 disks (20G - /boot (ext3) and then 80G + 160G + 160G + 300G (pata) + 300G (sata) - / (lvm - xfs). i want to pull the 80G out of the lvm and replace with a 300G pata and then add a second 300G sata. where's the best faq/howto/run-through on moving the blocks from the 80G and then adding the 300G sata?19:27
Pc_Darkit gives rows and columbs19:28
lwizardlubuntu seems to have lost my cdrom0 drive how do i fix?19:28
theresaadded another user account and added them to the group adm and admin and still unable to initaite 'sudo -i'19:28
Pirate_HunterMy cpu is currently being undercloaked by 1ghz, the reason for this is to do with the message (MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC), how do I fix this?19:28
NikyoI just need to find out the keys to switch desktop when running Ubuntu Terminal Server Client. Plase19:28
silentPc_Dark, number of workspaces19:28
vocxPuckinovski, you can try a virtual machine inside Ubuntu. That way you don't have to repartition the physical hard drive.19:28
brocoPS3_user just via synaptics... a friend of mine did it that way19:28
RezagratsTriskaidekaphobi, how did you manage to get 6 disks in ?19:28
Puckinovskilike wine?19:28
linduxedis there any burning app that bypasses safedisk and other copyprotections of the like19:28
vocx!virtualization | Puckinovski19:28
ubotuPuckinovski: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications19:28
bruenigwols_, oh ok good rebuttal19:28
bruenigI think two letter rebuttals are the best19:28
PuckinovskiI've been using that to run some games, but they all run pretty bad19:28
mnemonicawols_: Alright, set and ready to run... going to console... brb19:29
theresasudo -i problems19:29
theresaadded another user account and added them to the group adm and admin and still unable to initaite 'sudo -i'19:29
brocoPS3_user ye the package manager19:29
linduxedi know windows goes with clonecd and alcoholer19:29
wols_bruenig: there is an exemption made by fraunhofer and thompson for decoding mp3 by Free programs19:29
PS3_userok, ill check it out.19:29
JamoSmithLiMaO: add the twinview text, all 3 lines or just that line?19:29
silentwols_, correct19:29
brocoPS3_user just search for flash19:29
TriskaidekaphobiRezagrats: purchased a case to support multiple drives and have it stashed away to avoid the noise19:29
Pc_Darkso I download GStreamer "extra plugins" and it's all legal?19:29
brocoPS3_user and don't try the open source ones, they suck sometimes... take the adobe one19:29
vocxPuckinovski, Virtualization is different from using Wine. And now that you mention it, games won't run okay with virtual machines, so maybe dual boot is the best solution for you.19:29
Pc_Darkit's mpeg1 mpeg2 dvd (without encryption), and mp319:29
Pirate_HunterMy cpu is currently being undercloaked by 1ghz, the reason for this is to do with the message (MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC), how do I fix this?19:30
jegHegy_hi, i'm having trouble with xrandr. (intel 945) it doesn't seem to remember the new modes i add; they're removed once i reboot.19:30
wols_Pc_Dark: no. many of those (like mpeg video codecs) are patented19:30
theresaeverything is legal if you look the other way before hitting enter.19:30
LiMaOJamoSmith: all 319:30
silentPc_Dark, I use VLC for that reason19:30
Pc_Darkhow do I JUST download the MP3 codec19:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:30
hectorsomebody knows how to save conversations logs with the program "emesene" ??????19:31
PuckinovskiSo will xp ruin my system?19:31
PS3_userwhen I goto the add/remove programs under kubuntu it says its adept_installer, not synaptics19:31
silentPc_Dark, if you have lossless music, or have ripped the music from cd's, consider re-ripping or encoding into ogg vorbis19:31
vocxPc_Dark, frankly I would just download what you read in the guides, and not worry about the licenses or legality of codecs19:31
hectorsomebody knows how to save conversations logs with the program "emesene" ??????19:32
LiMaOJamoSmith: btw, just so that you know, when using clone, the same resolution must be used on both the main monitor and the secondary display. if you want to use a different setup, you may use instead of "Clone" the options "RightOf" and "LeftOf" - this way you can use different resolutions. and both the displays will act like one huge desktop19:32
Flare183ps3_user:> it's supposed ot19:32
Flare183ps3_user:> it's supposed to19:32
stef22anyone knows how to play rm files19:32
brocoPS3_user try System --> System Management --> Synaptics19:32
=== Dopsu is now known as Dopsy
Pc_DarkI will just use OGG19:32
Pc_Darki just stream RAM files usually for podcasts anyways19:32
silentPc_Dark, do you obtain music through the internet (paying of course) nudge nudge?19:32
orethARGLE BARGLE19:33
Flare183!realplayer | stef2219:33
ubotustef22: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:33
brocoPc_Dark Try gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp319:33
Raidenhi, i accidentaly removed my desktop directory from my home, now i can't drag any icon on my desktop, what can i do?19:33
vocxPuckinovski, you need to boot with a Live CD, then repartition your hard drive, then you will have "unallocated" space. Install windows in that space, formatting the partition to FAT32 or NTFS, then you willhave to restore the boot loader if you still want to boot Ubuntu.19:33
=== claudio is now known as PalestinaLibre
Pc_DarkI download things legally (iTunes), but mostly CDs19:33
=== jonatan is now known as J4t
brocoso what's the matter?19:34
LiMaORaiden: create back your Desktop directory =P19:34
silentPc_Dark, in that case I'd download the proprietary mp3 codec, and over time re-encode to ogg... ogg is a very nice format, better than mp3 imo19:34
wols_mnemonica: rehi19:34
PuckinovskiThank you, Do I fix the boot loader with the live cd as well? I want to keep Ubuntu but I want to game a little.19:34
mnemonicawols_: Problem...19:34
wols_mnemonica: which is?19:34
vocx!grub | Puckinovski,19:34
ubotuPuckinovski,: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:34
mnemonicawols_: I can't connect on the correct port19:34
Pc_Darksilent, proprietary?  is that legal?19:34
PS3_userwhen I goto System, there isnt anything listed as system management.19:34
RaidenLiMaO: Of course i already did it, still doesn't work.19:34
mnemonicawols_: I'm back in the failsafe19:34
Spzatti need some help.19:34
Puckinovskisweet a how to19:34
wols_mnemonica: how did you try to connect?19:34
PS3_usercould that just be under ubuntu and not kubuntu?19:35
silentPc_Dark, but if you have not lossless source and only an mp3, re-encoding from mp3 to ogg vorbis will only decrease the quality,as each codec strips significant amounts of data from the file19:35
magic_ninjahow do i test my 3d rendering, there is a program that lists the different things and gives weather or not they are working19:35
SpzattHow much space does ubuntu need to install? (im using XP and ubuntu on the same disc)19:35
brocohmm i use the german version :-P there must be the synaptics paket manager19:35
Pc_Darknevermind I should just install windows19:35
magic_ninjaits like xxx | grep xxx19:35
silentPc_Dark, Proprietary software is software provided free to use, but not to develop19:35
luisdo you guys know how to install google earth in ubuntu?19:35
mnemonicawols_: Yes, it doesn't work. Its trying to get to irc.freenode.net from port 6667. It needs to utilize 8001, how do I change which port it uses?19:35
jim288synaptic problem, need a bit of help http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47429/19:35
LiMaORaiden, have you tried rebooting? Ubuntu 7.10 recreates those folders, also some other useless ones -- unless you have disabled that option in Sessions screen19:35
brocoits ubuntu standart and not kde or gnome bounded19:35
SpzattHow much space does ubuntu need to install? (im using XP and ubuntu on the same disc)19:35
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository19:35
LiMaOSpzatt: about 2gb is more than enough19:36
Flare183!googleearth | luis19:36
ubotuluis: please see above19:36
JamoSmithLiMoA: after following the instructions and double checking the xorg.conf's 3 new lines nothing is being displayed on the projector, but the dialog and widescreen resolution on the CRT are corrected19:36
wols_ mnemonica: /connect irc.freenode.net 800119:36
silentSpzatt, I've noticed around 3.5gb is used when I'm done19:36
Pc_Darksilent, so for downloading MP3 podcasts I could use the proprietary MP3 to transfer to OGG ?19:36
SpzattI tried to install it19:36
Spzattbut it says i dont have enought space19:36
mnemonicawols_: ALright. attempting... brb19:36
silentSpzatt, but that's including a fair few documents etc19:36
luisthanks, but me not know how to install it :(19:36
Spzatti have 20 gb of free space.19:36
LiMaOJamoSmith: have you restarted the computer? and now the projector isn't working?! that's weird19:36
RaidenLiMaO: I didn't disable anything, and rebooted 7 times . :|19:37
brocoahhm... PS3_User i just thought of.... ahm isn't your browser asking you to download flash when you try access flash pages?19:37
silentPc_Dark, you don't want to decode mp3 to encode to ogg... both codecs are lossy codecs and remove large chunks of data from the raw audio stream19:37
silentPc_Dark, an ogg-encoded mp3 song will never be as good as the original mp319:37
Pc_Darkits not a song19:37
Pc_Darkits a podcast19:37
PS3_userwhen i downloaded the tarball, it said it wasnt for my arch19:37
SpzattIve tried to install it, i got 20 GB of free space, but when i choose that it should use the free space, it says i dont have enought space.19:37
JamoSmithLiMaO: correct. I will ensure there are no extra xorgs and the appropriate one has the 3 new lines in the Section "Device" indented area and restart again.19:37
PS3_userremember, this is a PPC64 processor.19:37
silentPc_Dark, assume "song" = any data encoded in mp319:37
ninjagambithow is ubuntu on ps3 working for ya19:37
LiMaOJamoSmith: alright, i'll be here =)19:37
Pirate_HunterMy cpu is currently being undercloaked by 1ghz, the reason for this is to do with the message (MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC), I would like to know how to fix this problem?19:37
Pc_Darksilent, podcasts are not high quality19:37
SpzattIve tried to install it, i got 20 GB of free space, but when i choose that it should use the free space, it says i dont have enought space.19:38
Pc_Darkit's a 20kbit stream podcast19:38
silentPc_Dark, mp3 stream?19:38
PS3_userits not bad.  workable.  it can be slow to bring up large windows, or windows with transparancy.19:38
Pc_Darkthe downloads are mp319:38
mnemonicawols_: Ok, it's up and running. I don't see how I can scroll text though, so this is going to be difficult.19:38
Pc_Darkbut i cant open mp3 files19:38
SpzattIve tried to install it, i got 20 GB of free space, but when i choose that it should use the free space, it says i dont have enought space.19:38
LiMaOSpzatt: you may have 'free space', but that may be not free unpartitioned space19:38
atlefSpzatt: unformated or ntfs?19:38
silentPc_Dark, in that case get the gstreamer mp3 codec and convert as many lossless sources to ogg as you can19:39
wols_mnemonica: pgup. and /lastlog <searchterm>19:39
silentPc_Dark, converting from mp3 to ogg is bad19:39
mnemonicawols_: Awesome.19:39
SpzattIm not a IT professional, but how do i select it to partition some space? (like 5gb?)19:39
Pc_Darkis that LEGAL?19:39
brocodunno, i can ask my friend tomorrow but that won't help you know19:39
silentPc_Dark, yes19:39
mnemonicawols_: Ok, so. What now?19:39
barbara_ompaul, I went in and modified the PDF.ppd file for cups pdf the imagable area was wrong. However this still didn't fix it... do you know if there is another ppf that I need to modify?19:39
PuckinovskiIf anyone knows about wine and counter strike making that run smooth I will forget xp altogether19:39
luisdoes anyone know how to install the google earth bin file?19:39
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
wols_mnemonica: go to console 2 (ctrl+alt+f2)19:39
wols_mnemonica: run "startx gnome-session"19:39
Pc_Darkluis, sudo ./filename.bin19:39
SpzattIm not a IT professional, but how do i select it to partition some space? (like 5gb?)19:39
PS3_userKubuntu installed rather fast on here.  I do have to say, that OpenSuse 10.3 does use alot newer version of KDE, and ran faster, I just couldnt get the resolution for this HDTV figured out.19:39
sammyFhelp! Sempron3100+ on MSI VIA K8T8 with nvidia7600GS (256MB) and 2GB ram. After installing using the alternate CD, all I get is my mouse pointer (looking uncorrupted and playing the anims as it should) and a white screen. I can log in blind, but then the task bars appear and just afterward the screen fills with white blocks. mouse pointer still visible and okay. any idea????19:40
vocxPuckinovski, try the wine database and search the forums. In ubuntuforums.org there is now a subforum dedicated to wine.19:40
silentSpzatt, are you in the installer?19:40
SpzattNo, but i can write down what you say19:40
Puckinovskiok, thank you!19:40
SpzattWould you please PM me it?19:40
silentSpzatt, what is the concern here.. do you have free space on the disk, any other operating systems on the disk?19:40
PS3_userbut im still lost on flashplayer.19:40
atlef!install | Spzatt19:40
ubotuSpzatt: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:40
SpzattI got XP on it.19:40
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:40
=== Alan__ is now known as Alan
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:41
ompaulbarbara_, you seem to have a break in your understanding, PDF files are static --- you need to create a doc you can manipulate19:41
Spzatti got 2gb of free disc space, and XP on the disk, i want to keep the old OS to be there.19:41
silentSpzatt, in that case the installer should show that your windows partition is "ntfs" format19:41
barbara_ompaul, i want to print a pdf file and send it to someone who can then print it. I can not copy text and paste it into a program. I am working with legal documents19:41
SmoothOphas anyone used linux mint?19:41
atlefSmoothOp: yes19:41
PuckinovskiI think I already found a solution. Thank you vocx!19:41
SpzattWell, what should i do ?19:41
silentSpzatt, simply don't do anything to that second partition, thourhg 2gb free space is a bit small19:42
mnemonicawols_: Ok, did it. It gave me an error. Would you like me to copy it via type-in to this console for you to see?19:42
ikoniaSmoothOp mint is not ubuntu, so not supported here19:42
Spzatti got 20gb19:42
jim288Is there really no one who knows how to help me?? Getting desperate, cant install anything, or uninstall for that matter. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47429/19:42
wols_mnemonica: if it's only one line, yes19:42
silentSpzatt, oh, 20 gb for linux?19:42
mnemonicawols_: It's several lines.19:42
silentSpzatt, ok. when you enter the installer you19:42
orethhow do i get flash installed properly?19:42
mnemonicawols_: fatal error though19:42
silentactually, yea, pm me19:42
ompaulbarbara_, then you can't do what you want send it to a professional printer and let them print it for you on oversized paper19:42
wols_jim288: < aptitude> Getting "E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room" when using apt-get? Put the following line into your /etc/apt/apt.conf: 'APT::Cache-Limit 12582912;' . If you still get the same error, increase the value. If that file doesn't exist, add it, or put that line in a file in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/  You can also possibly get rid of this error by deleting entries from19:43
ikoniaoreth the flash package is currently broke19:43
barbara_mnemonica, go to pastebin.ca and then paste it and copy the url it gives you and put it here19:43
wols_ your souces.list that you don't ac19:43
wols_tually need.19:43
luisdudes, I typed in the terminal "sudo./GoogleEarthLinux.bin" and it said there was no such thing :S wtf???19:43
orethikonia: how so?19:43
barbara_ompaul, it works fine on my windows box19:43
wols_mnemonica: /msg wols_ message19:43
JamoSmithLiMaO: the projector reports 'Found' for half a second before going back to 'Searching' as the login screen comes up on the CRT. it appears the projector is rejecting whatever is being sent or Ubuntu is giving up. I've noted in the past that with Windows, when it doesn't know anything about the projector and sends a 1600x1200 image it gets displayed on the projector either way. This leads me to believe Ubuntu is giving up. any ideas?19:43
orethikonia: do you have a reference link for that?19:43
mnemonicawols_: What did that do? I entered that in here.19:44
LiMaOJamoSmith: try playing with the 'metamodes' try 800x600 for both an also higher resolutions, such as 1280x1024, 1600x120019:44
luisanyone know why when I type in "sudo./GoogleEarthLinux.bin" in the terminal it won't work :S ?19:44
Pirate_HunterMy cpu is currently being undercloaked by 1ghz, the reason for this is to do with the message (MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC), I would like to know how to fix this problem?19:44
ikoniaoreth the checksum on the tar file is wrong from adobe19:44
orethoh balls19:44
AlbertoPdo you know if ubuntu is affected by the "spurious completion on NCQ" issue with fujitsu hard drives?19:44
LiMaOJamoSmith: as i said, both resolutions should be the same. if you try different resolutions one of the displays may not show the entire desktop19:44
vocxluis, are you sure there is no .deb package available?19:44
wols_mnemonica: it was supposed to msg me but you're not identified to services so it didn't :(19:44
wols_mnemonica: opens a private messaging window19:45
luisno, the DL was for a .bin file19:45
mnemonicawols_: Ah... A problem then, I'm assuming.19:45
SpzattSilent, are you there?19:45
orethikonia:  is there an ETA for fix?19:45
luisand what's a deb package? lol sorry, I'm a n00b19:45
ikoniaoreth quick19:45
SpzattOh, i cant PM, since its blocked, have to register. :p19:45
vocx!deb | luis19:45
ubotuluis: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.19:45
orethikonia: you have been more helpful than anyone else on this subject :P19:45
wols_mnemonica: /join flood19:45
ortsvorsteherhello all19:45
silentSpzatt, I'm pming you19:46
ikoniaoreth no problem trying to get it fixed at the moment, won't be a long wait19:46
luiswell I double clicked and nothing happened :S19:46
orethikonia: once that package is fixed and installed, should things like youtube work? or do I need to isntall another codec for it?19:46
chazcoAnyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?19:46
blackwire83hi there19:46
ikoniaoreth that will work19:47
blackwire83I have installed squashfs-utils but still get the error:19:47
blackwire83sudo mount -t squashfs -o loop mnt/casper/filesystem.squashfs squashfs ___ mount: unknown filesystem type 'squashfs'19:47
blackwire83Has anyone got a pointer?19:47
JamoSmithLiMaO: it appeared to be working earlier on 1024x768 excluding the widescreen look on the CRT. If I return to that confuration file do you think I could use screen & graphics or another configuration approach to solve that problem?19:47
vocxluis, if the file you have is executable run it with "sudo ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin"   otherwise you need to make it executable and try again. Check that you are in the correct path.19:47
orethikonia: excellent...19:48
ikoniaoreth won't be long, no more than a day or so19:48
ninjagambitanyone have amd64 and flash installed19:48
ninjagambitand working19:48
orethare you a dev?19:48
ikonianinjagambit adobe flash or gnash19:48
jim288wols:do I have to log in as root to create files in that directory????19:49
ikoniaoreth: not on ubuntu19:49
ninjagambiteather one that works19:49
redLAWhi to all19:49
orethwell, i meant more for adobe :P19:49
Pirate_HunterMy cpu is currently being undercloaked by 1ghz, the reason for this is to do with the message (MP-BIOS BUG: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC), I would like to know how to fix this problem?19:49
evfan42alright I need help, my video settings are stuck at 640x480 on a 19" monitor19:49
ikoniaoreth no not at all19:49
buggeredfstabIn apache, is the following message something to worry about?:  Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName19:49
luisvocx, are .bin files executable?19:49
evfan42running nvidia drivers with geforce ti 420019:49
ninjagambiti followed all the tutorials on how to get flash working with firefox 6419:50
ninjagambitnot working not realy sure where i went wrong19:50
ikonianinjagambit the flash plugin package currently has issues19:50
vocxluis, check the permissions of the file with "ls -l" in the terminal, if it displays "x" like "rwxrwxrwx" it can be executed19:50
redLAWi have speed problems with apache+mysql combination on dapper server. When i acess my computer thru no-ip everething is ok but from lan it is slow on response.19:51
SpzattSilent, are you sure that you are pming me? :p19:51
vocxluis, you can check this also from "nautilus"19:51
silentSpzatt, join #lulz19:51
ninjagambiti tried the plugin wrapper and the 32bit emulator19:51
Ljorringmy wireless network adapter makes Ubuntu freeze at startup. please help19:52
ikonianinjagambit the actuall package has a problem, so that won't work19:52
sammyFhelp! Sempron3100+ on MSI VIA K8T8 with nvidia7600GS (256MB) and 2GB ram. After installing using the alternate CD, all I get is my mouse pointer (looking uncorrupted and playing the anims as it should) and a white screen. I can log in blind, but then the task bars appear and just afterward the screen fills with white blocks/lines. mouse pointer still visible and okay. any idea????19:52
vocxsammyF, does that mobo have an integrated video card besides nvidia?19:53
buggeredfstabAfter following the LAMP tuitorial, I am attempting to connect using MySQL Admin, I get the following error: "Could not connect to host ''.19:53
buggeredfstabMySQL Error Nr. 200519:53
buggeredfstabUnknown MySQL server host '' (1)"19:53
sammyFvocx no19:53
sammyFvocx: no internal video19:54
meoblast001hello.... ive been having a problem recently.... all files recoreded by my screencaster are OGG and kill my media players when i play them....... when i convert the OGG files to AVI.... the same thing happens when i try to play them...... can anyone help me identify the problem? i think its my encoder19:54
vocxsammyF, is that a recent motherboard? Why are you using a Sempron? wow!19:54
JamoSmithLiMaO: are you still there?19:54
blackwire83doesn't squashfs-utils include the kernel modules?19:55
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sammyFvocx: hmm .. long story. Got to do with my sis in law buying the wrong Mobo, and us living on a stupid island where a 7600 is considered state of the art ;)19:55
LiMaOJamoSmith: yeah, sorry19:55
LiMaOJamoSmith: let me read what you said above19:55
evfan42somebody help me with my video plz19:55
Ljorringhelp! I recently added a standard realtek 54mbit wireless network card to my computer, but it makes my ubuntu freeze at startup !!19:55
Csabaanyone running GTK Sopcast?19:56
vocxmeoblast001, ogg is the container, the codec is theora. But they are free so they should work on every Linux without problem.19:56
LiMaOJamoSmith: did you try different resolution settings on the metamodes options?19:56
sammyFvocx: needless to say, I bought it over mail order where it was cheap19:56
forevertheunidamn..I did a little change in the partition..but qparted(the one in the menu) doesn't change the /etc/fstab...or should it?19:56
meoblast001vocx: well i dont know what the problem is.... totem and vlc kill.... and mplayer gives an error message19:57
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effie_jayxcould anyone point me to installing bcm43xx through terminal19:57
RaidenAccidentaly erased my desktop directory, can't put icons on Desktop, how to recover it?19:57
evfan42anyone have advice?19:57
vocxsammyF, haha, funny story. Try searching the forums for related problems. They seems very odd in your particular situation.19:57
meoblast001Raiden: remake it... make;sure you capitalize the D19:58
bullgard4What is the reason that s2ram is not provided in a Gutsy DEB program package?19:58
meoblast001Raiden: if that doesnt work... restart your session19:58
vocxevfan42, you need to ask an actual question with meaningful info for us to read. You aren't answered? then try again.19:58
George_how can i add multiple directories to each user in my proftpd? - like for user x having his default home folder: /home/ftp/x I want him to see /media/hd2/ as well19:59
LiMaOmeoblast001: he said he have tried it many times =P19:59
forevertheunihow can I know a partition's uuid to insert in fstab?19:59
meoblast001LiMaO: ohhh... then i dont know19:59
MasterShrekforevertheuni, blkid19:59
vocxbullgard4, maybe it is a a very new program not fully tested by the Debian distribution.19:59
silentforevertheuni, uuids are what you make them19:59
meoblast001vocx: any idea what my problem is?19:59
MasterWittHello guys, I just have a quick question. How do you move Avant-Window-Navigator to the top of screen. There is no settings showing it to be moved19:59
forevertheunitnx masterloki19:59
meoblast001vocx: i tried reinstalling gstreamer-x and gstreamer-good19:59
forevertheuniMasterShrek, :)19:59
Ubunt1I want to change the permissions of /dev/sda4 mounted at /media/backup. can anybody help me?19:59
silentforevertheuni, wait, dont20:00
evfan42alright, I have installed nvidia drivers for geforce ti 4200 and now my resolution is stuck at 640x480 on a 19 in monitor20:00
vocxmeoblast001, reinstall the players also. I'm not sure.20:00
silentforevertheuni, just use the /dev path20:00
int108speak espanis?20:00
meoblast001vocx: ok20:00
wols_!es | int10820:00
ubotuint108: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:00
int108alguien habla español20:00
George_am using gprotftpd to help me setup my server20:00
forevertheuniSilent I knew /dev had then I was goind to find /dev -name..something20:00
wols_evfan42: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:00
int108thanks - gracias20:00
silentforevertheuni, I don't understand that20:01
forevertheunithe language "spanish" doesn't exist20:01
MasterWittAnyone know how to move Avant-Window-Navigator so it shows up at the top of my screen instead of at the bottom? There was no options in the control panel of AWN showing you can move it but yet I see it all the time in youtube videos20:01
sammyFvocx: just installed nvidia-glx over the shell20:01
int108si castellano20:01
Raidenmeoblast001: I did it, didn't work. Looks like GNOME uses only the one in the trash, it seems logical that it can't copy icons on it.20:01
sammyFvocx: now everything is fine EXCEPT for the mouse cursor ;)20:01
forevertheuniSilent blkid works fine :)20:01
sammyFthis is completely weird20:02
forevertheunibut...shouldn't the partition editor from ubuntu change the fstab when we do changes?20:02
bullgard4vocx: I suspect that you are not well-informed. s2ram is a rather old program whose creation was suggested by Linux Torvalds himself. Linus Torwalds himself wrote an instruction for use. You will find it in the kernel documentation.20:02
vocxsammyF, haha. You know you can control the pointer with the keyboard, check the accessibility options. I do this because my wireless mouse runs out of batteries often.20:02
silentforevertheuni, you can do changes by opening the /etc/fstab file in a text editor20:02
forevertheunisilent I know that20:02
forevertheuniI'm old school20:03
forevertheunisilent just wanted to know if there is a gui way in ubuntu20:03
crossmindfuck man20:03
silentforevertheuni, not afaik, I'm old school as well :/20:03
vocxbullgard4, I didn't know. Most of the people in here are not experts, please provide some background when asking some question of this kind.  Maybe the program is obsolete now.20:04
forevertheuniother thing in the next kubuntu luks creation and managment will be supported...will that exist in ubuntu as well?20:04
forevertheunisilent I don't have the time no more to edit everything my way with vi! :)20:04
vocx!enter | forevertheuni20:04
ubotuforevertheuni: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:04
four-o-fourFartash: e! mage dorost shod?!20:05
JamoSmithLiMaO: yes, I tried 12**x1024 and 1024x76820:05
bullgard4vocx: README shows a lot of changes made during this summer.20:05
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forevertheunivocx .|.20:05
selenehi i knw i m not supposed to ask this here but the amsn channel isnt much help..where are the amsn log FILES stored?? any idea? :s20:05
George_how can i add multiple directories to each user in my proftpd? - like for user x having his default home folder: /home/ftp/x I want him to see /media/hd2/ as well - I am using gproftpd to help me out..20:05
BruceM91wow thats alot of people20:05
silent,.l.. <-- that looks more realistic20:06
v3ctorselene: ~/.amsn maybe?20:06
vocxbullgard4, you mean in the SourceForge page?   Or maybe it is updated with the kernel. Why would they provide a deb package for a small utility?20:06
BruceM91so does anyone use the ML1309 Gateway Laptop for Ubuntu?20:06
bullgard4vocx: I thought there was a DEB program package providing s2ram, s2disk and s2both altogether. But there is none.20:07
Areli2Hi guys. I want to play a game called Nexuiz but it keeps crashing on me all the time the moment it shows a lot of gunfire. And with crashing i mean the whole computer freezes. My videocard is an ATI Radeon 9600 and i'm using the open-source 'ati' driver.20:08
JamoSmithLiMaO: if you don't have any more suggestions I think I'm going to be AFK for a bit20:08
bqmasseycan i get some advice from someone?  I had to cut power to my laptop when Ubuntu was locked up... now the partition I have mounted at /home isn't working...  I _think_ the "journal" is corrupt20:08
bqmasseywhat do i do20:09
LiMaOJamoSmith: thinking about everything we tried, i cannot suggest anything different. but you may try playing with those settings till you find the one that will work for you20:09
JamoSmithLiMaO: okay, thanks for your help!20:09
LiMaOJamoSmith: also consider re-running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg aswell, with different values20:09
LiMaOJamoSmith: you're welcome20:09
Jimnasticswhat is the difference b/w vmlinuz and vmlinux file?20:10
vocxAreli2, maybe there is no way to make it work because of the drivers and the old card. Maybe you need a faster processor or more memory.20:10
vocxJimnastics, vmlinuz is a compressed image. This is explained in a wikipedia article, I think.20:10
Areli2vocx: That's not an old card. Before this i had an ATI Radeon 9250. (And don't worry, i've reinstalled Ubuntu)20:10
Areli2vocx: and the computer's really fast20:11
Areli2vocx: and other games work just fine.20:11
vocxAreli2, in that case, I envy you.20:11
Jimnasticsvocx thx20:11
bullgard4vocx: I just got an answer from one of the Ubuntu kernel developers: " We use the acpi-support scripts in gutsy and pm-utils in hardy." So I will re-arrange my thinking and troubleshooting accordingly.20:11
bqmasseycan i get some advice from someone?  I had to cut power to my laptop when Ubuntu was locked up... now the partition I have mounted at /home isn't working...  I _think_ the "journal" is corrupt20:12
jim288wols: tnx a shit load. If I ever start a new religion you will be my GOD, tnx again20:12
bqmasseywhat do i do20:12
spoke_seadogI installed Ubuntu 7.10, have two HD, original with WinXP and the 2nd an ATA has ubuntu with a 100Mb partition meant for Win and Linux, originally I formated the 2nd partition fat32 but then reformated it from windows to NSCI. Where do I tell Ubuntu of this? if you could point me to a help file that would be great20:12
IziduneI'm having problems booting Ubuntu from the LiveCD: I've restarted the first time, and nothing happened; I've had to set the boot priority through the BIOS. After doing this, however, and selecting the first option in the list at startup (Install/start Ubuntu) Eventually, it cannot detect my 8800GT videocard and changes to low graphics mode. Afterwards, I just get the command prompt and nothing happens. Any help?20:12
nickrudbqmassey, I'd suggest booting a live cd, then running fsck on the partition as a first step20:13
sammyFvocx: sorry aboutthe delay, I'm jumping around between my comp and the new one20:13
vocxbullgard4, so,  what happened to the utilities? They are no longer used?20:13
sammyFvocx: only problem with the mouse pointer right now is that it's just a big white square20:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dreamweaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:13
bqmasseynickrud.. whats the syntax for fsck?  or how should i go about finding it on my own?20:13
vocxsammyF, I don't know. Turn off the desktop effects and see if it does any good.20:14
evfan42alright I got my video right now, but now my terminal's window is just white and I dont have the buttons to minimize, the window button, and the exit button on my windows. anyone know how to fix this?20:14
bullgard4vocx: My interpretation is: s2ram is no longer to be used as an analytical tool for Gutsy and Hardy. Rather, other tools are provided.20:14
barbara_ompaul, just wanted to let you know that i fixed it. It was an improper setting in the PDF.ppd file by default.20:15
nickrudbqmassey, fsck /dev/<device> is the command, and man fsck will tell you some more stuff20:15
bqmasseynickrud: perfect, thanks20:15
evfan42my terminal's window is just white and I dont have the buttons to minimize, the window button, and the exit button on my windows. anyone know how to fix this?20:16
vocxWow, where did everyone go? I don't know but I'm gone too. Gotta eat.20:16
crdlbevfan42: join #compiz-fusion please (it's a compiz, related problem)20:16
IziduneEventually, I hope that my problem gets answered .o.20:16
IziduneBecause I wish to dual-boot.20:17
sammyFIzidune: what's your problem?20:17
nickrudwow, the gutsy desktop install actually worked :)20:17
IziduneLet me paste it again..20:17
IziduneI'm having problems booting Ubuntu from the LiveCD: I've restarted the first time, and nothing happened; I've had to set the boot priority through the BIOS. After doing this, however, and selecting the first option in the list at startup (Install/start Ubuntu) Eventually, it cannot detect my 8800GT videocard and changes to low graphics mode. Afterwards, I just get the command prompt and nothing hap20:17
Izidunepens. Any help?20:17
barbara_Izidune, install it with the alternate cd and then you will be able to install the newest nvidia drivers if it doesn't work20:18
sammyFwhat barabara said20:18
IziduneI'm afraid that my CD drive can't burn to CDs, bah20:18
sammyFIzidune: what Barbara said (and damn ... again beaten to it)20:18
barbara_Izidune, you can do it over the network or off of a usb stick20:18
meoblast001i guess im gonna need to find some closed source screencasts because open-source isnt working for my today, or yesterday20:18
IziduneHow does one do it over the network?20:19
Izidune'Cause I don't have a USB stick, either20:19
meoblast001no one can figure my problem out20:19
barbara_Izidune, do a google search for ubuntu install over network20:19
VSpikewhy do americans spell laser with a Z?  It's just perverse20:20
keith-VSpike: we do?20:20
sammyFVSpike: cause there was no U they could remove?20:20
AriX_anyone in here got a Mac Mini w/ ubuntu?20:21
* keith- is pretty sure most americans that know how to spell don't spell laser with a z... 20:21
keith-and one word... aluminium ... wait no... it's aluminum... that's right.20:22
spoke_seadogProblem: I had a WinXP HD, got a new bigger SATA drive and partitioned it leaving some 100MB as fat32 for sharing b/w windows and ubuntu. Later I found out about the 2Gb file-size limit and reformatted the partition while in Windows as NTFS. The problem I am having is that Ubuntu now does not recognize (or mount) the drive correctly. Where or how do I tell Ubuntu about the change or what command/configuration file should I be looking at?20:22
=== Jucxz is now known as Juzmach
sammyFkeith sounds like you're right. laZer isn't in wikipedia20:22
VSpikekeith-: agreed - it looks like it must just be a common misspelling20:22
sammyFVSpike: Keith: wouldn't make sense, as Laser is an accronyme20:23
keith-VSpike: Yeah... there are plenty of those.  america does have its fair share of illiterates (god i hope i typo'd something in this sentence)20:23
sammyFVSpike: they can't really change the S .. Light Amplification by Zipped Emision of Radiation???20:24
silentis there a desklet engine better than gdesklets?20:24
goosaewhats a good ext3 reader for windows20:24
goosaeor whatever20:25
VSpikesammyF: yeah, that was why I thought it was perverse to spell it that way, although we should probably write L.A.S.E.R. if we were being really pedantic20:25
sammyFVSpike: heh20:25
IziduneI'm off to partition my drive20:25
* Izidune gets a butter knife20:25
keith-i recall some place called lazer tag or something here in the states... i'm assuming they use the z because it's hardcore20:26
keith-x's and z's are freaking hardcore20:26
VSpikekeith-: totally.  Xtreme zeta maxx20:26
BlinnyHi - I have an add-on pci video card that grub doesn't like - The menu ("Press esc to see list") doesn't even show - just a blinking cursor that jumps around the screen.20:26
sammyFkeith: yep .. but not l33t ..l4z3R Tag would have been cooler somehow ;)20:26
keith-if we had more people named xerxes and err... zebra in iraq... this war would be over20:26
calcitehey guys, despite my efforts my resolution on ubuntu won20:26
PirateHeadlaxzer tagxzor20:26
calcitewon't *20:26
calciteanyone have any idea why ?20:27
keith-calcite: what resolution are you trying to get?20:27
sammyFcalcite: what graphic card do you use?20:27
Leetziggajanyone there i need some help20:27
PirateHeadcalcite: It might be because of a video card problem, or an X configuration problem.20:27
calcitesammyf Trident20:27
Leetziggajim trying to make a GPS tracking server, and im not sure what to use20:27
Leetziggaji found opengts20:27
calciteits stuck at 640x48020:27
Leetziggajis that any good?20:27
keith-calcite: odds are good you have the wrong video card driver set up in your xorg.conf20:28
Leetziggajcan anyone help me with this?20:28
keith-calcite: or you have a completely unsupported video card...20:28
sammyFcalcite: hmm .. in the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, what's the name of the video driver?20:28
PirateHeadLeetziggaj: #ubuntu is primarily a place for Ubuntu help and support. For info on OpenGTS, you might want to ask on their mailing list or IRC channel.20:28
keith-calcite: try running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:28
Leetziggaji knw20:28
Leetziggajim asking20:28
Leetziggajkind of is it any good?20:28
Leetziggajor is there any GPS tracker that is good for ubuntu server20:29
keith-calcite: as sudo20:29
sammyFcalcite: what keith said20:29
PirateHeadLeetziggaj: You might get an answer here, too. I'm just telling you that it isn't the most likely place to get good advice on things that aren't related to Ubuntu.20:29
Leetziggaji dont want to compile any code, i dont want to have to DL alll the registries, does anyone have a pre compiled program server for GPS tracking20:29
sammyFor try changing it to vesa if that doesn't work20:29
Leetziggajthen can you hep me set it up20:29
Leetziggajbecause im having problems20:29
Leetziggajwith compililng the code or if its even compatablie w/ ubuntu20:30
`m0Hey, how is Tablet PC (the pen features) with Ubunut?20:30
Leetziggajif anyone can help i can make another channel20:30
`m0Can I use Tablet PC features, such as text recognition?20:30
BlinnyIf I use my add-on PCI nvidia card I get a blank screen after the BIOS posts - using the onboard one works fine, and the PCI card works great in Fedora. Any suggestions?20:30
Leetziggajim in there too20:30
`m0Or I have to stick with Windows Vista20:30
sammyFBlinny: what type of nvidia?20:30
keith-i need coffee20:31
sammyFBlinny: and does it show you the loading screen at all?20:31
BlinnysammyF: geforce fx 4800 I believe20:31
PhydouxCan someone help me with this problem? I have a 12 in 1 card reader that used to work fine. Now recently when ever I plug in a card into it I get a message that says "You are not privileged to mount the volume 'EOS_DIGITAL'." How do I fix this?20:31
specialist125can anyone help the dvdfab20:31
BlinnysammyF: No, no loading screen unless I use the onboard video20:31
sammyFBlinny: that's not good :/20:31
keith-nm the boss is still here20:31
BlinnysammyF: I know. :)20:32
sammyFBlinny: did you try booting in safe graphic mode?20:32
Leetziggaj#samz if you can help me set it up20:32
BlinnysammyF: How does one do that when I can't see any output from grub?20:32
msikmaHi all. I just hooked up a mouse to my laptop, is there any way I can temporarily disable the touchpad?20:32
sammyFBlinny: oh wait .. directly after POST, so you don't even get there20:32
kiizi hate to ask but can i use debian packages for ubuntu.i do not have an internet connection.20:32
Leetziggajok i have the code DL'd but im not sure how to do it20:32
cylexis there way I can get rid of ~ when I join the channel20:32
Leetziggaji dont think its written for ubuntu20:32
Leetziggajcan anyone help me i have the manual but i can do some things but still need help w/ some others20:32
sammyFBlinny: but the card works elsewhere?20:32
BlinnyIt does go through the boot process - just a cursor that blinks all over teh screen.20:32
Leetziggajim in #samz20:33
BlinnysammyF: Yeah. I've got FEdora on another drive20:33
Leetziggajplease join if you can help!20:33
PirateHeadLeetziggaj: First, you'll want to install the depedencies.20:33
VSpikekiiz: sometimes you can, yes.20:33
sammyFBlinny: way over my head there :/ you might try posting on the forums20:33
bqmasseyok..   i have a corrupt file system i'm trying to fix.. i'm running the live cd..   i dont know what to do from here.. i did 'fsck /home' and got an error20:33
hdevalenceis there an ODT->OOXML converter?20:33
Leetziggajcan you help me in the  other channel20:33
Leetziggajso we dont clog it up here20:33
PirateHead!pm | Leetziggaj20:33
ubotuLeetziggaj: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.20:33
`m0Is there any Text Recognition software that goes with the Pen for tablet pc'S?20:34
Leetziggajso you want me to stay here?20:34
bullgard4What does 'pm-utils' stand for?20:34
soundrayBlinny: see if there is a BIOS setup option to make the PCI card the primary video adapter20:34
Leetziggajso pirate head20:35
Leetziggajthis is a quick list of what it says20:35
Blinnysoundray: There is. This only occurs when I set it to PCI.20:35
hvi need help...20:35
hvi new ate linux20:35
Blinnysoundray: Right now I'm using the onboard.20:35
hdevalenceBecause if there were, I could do ODF->OOXML, then use the microsoft converter to convert to .doc, .xls, etc20:35
Leetziggaj2.1) Prerequisites20:35
LeetziggajCompiling OpenGTS requires that the following packages or application be installed, configured, and running on20:35
Leetziggajthe local system:20:35
Leetziggaj• Java SDK v1.4+ (OpenGTS has also been tested successfully on v1.5.X. v1.6.X is still being tested)20:35
LeetziggajDownload page: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html20:35
LeetziggajImportant Note: To avoid potential headaches trying to get the code to compile, make sure you are using20:35
soundrayBlinny: so you've exhausted that?20:35
Leetziggajthe "Sun Microsystems" version of the Java compiler. The 'other' versions have problems compiling this20:35
Leetziggajcode. After installing the Java compiler, check your version with the following command:20:35
BlinnyI've tried nosplash and vga=77120:35
Leetziggajjava -version20:35
LeetziggajMake sure it says "Java(TM)" and "Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM".20:35
LeetziggajNote: Make sure that the Java SDK installation 'bin' directory has been added to the PATH environment20:35
Leetziggajvariable (see below).20:35
Leetziggaj• Ant v1.6.5 or v1.7.0 [http://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi]20:35
LeetziggajDownload v1.6.5: http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.zip20:35
LeetziggajDownload v1.7.0: http://archive.apache.org/dist/ant/binaries/apache-ant-1.7.0-bin.zip20:35
LeetziggajNote: Make sure that the Ant installation 'bin' directory has been added to the PATH environment20:35
Leetziggajvariable (see below).20:35
Leetziggaj• Apache Tomcat v5.0.28 servlet container [http://tomcat.apache.org/download-55.cgi]20:35
danbhfive!paste | Leetziggaj20:36
ubotuLeetziggaj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:36
Blinnysoundray: You mean.. plugging the monitor into the correct one and changing the BIOS?20:36
BlinnyThank you Seve20:36
soundraybullgard4: power management utilities, probably20:36
hvanybody helps me?20:36
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:36
cylexhv: what are you trying to do20:36
sammyFoff to solve MY problem now ;)20:37
BlinnyI've tried changing usplash.conf to 1024x768 and update-initramfs -- also vga=771 and nosplash on kernel boot line20:37
soundrayBlinny: I would also check if there is still video output from the onboard connector, in spite of setting everything to the NVidia card.20:37
soundrayBlinny: it could well be that your problem is at a lower level20:37
hvwhen i booting ubuntu live cd for amd64, it asked me for the user name20:37
hantaanyone knows how to make ubuntu faster???20:37
Blinnysoundray: That would have to be an Ubuntu problem then - I believe the BIOS switch turns the device off20:37
hvwhat should i whrite there?20:38
LiMaOhanta: get more ram, and a new processor ;)20:38
PirateHeadhanta: More RAM helps, more swap might help, shutting down some services might help.20:38
bqmasseyanyone: what do i type in the terminal to see a list of my hard drive partitions... and their ids?20:38
silentHay guise, I'm Jack n m 9 yrs old, i used compters for liek 3 yrs now, but nly used windws, im watn to us lunix casue i hurd its gud20:38
soundraybqmassey: blkid20:38
bqmasseylol silent20:38
NirevusOkay guys, first a short story. This is what a friend of mine just sent me on MSN.20:39
LiMaOsilent: linux is 10+ only20:39
hantaIs it enough with 1 gb of swap ?20:39
silenthanta, should be20:39
Nirevus"Your good with computers, tell me how much this sucks.  MY friend who lives with me and uses my other computer just had my dad FDisk the computer to install windows... It had ubuntu.  He wanted it because ubuntu wasn't accessing the web.  All he had to do was type sudo apt-get remove dhis-server.  You know of any way to recover partions, because I'm not thinking clearly at the moment"20:39
juano__hanta: yes20:39
PirateHead /ban silent reason=troll20:39
PirateHeadhanta: 1gb of swap is good20:39
NirevusCan anyone think of a way of sorting this, without an Ubuntu LiveCD. The same friend lost the c20:40
rencore_when u add things to gnome panels like the trash applet and u have a custom background it doesnt use the custom background behind the applet. why is this?20:40
BruceM91i have a OS upgrate question20:40
danbhfivehanta: how much ram do you have?20:40
bullgard4soundray: My question proper was why a kernel developer said that pm-utils are for Hardy and acpi-support is for Gutsy.20:40
ompaul!offtopic | silent20:40
Rafabe2hi...boot partitions should always be Primary, right?20:40
ubotusilent: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:40
Rafabe2Never Logical?20:40
hantadan : I have 1.25 gb RAM20:40
PhydouxAnyone know how to set read write permissions on card readers under Ubuntu?20:40
silenthanta, are you doing general-purpose computing or are you using large applications/servers?20:40
cylexhv: Isn't live cd same as regular ubuntu desktop or server?20:40
danc3Phydoux: edit your /etc/fstab file appropriately20:41
hantaDesktop computing only, It just seems slow with this gnome desktop20:41
cylexhv: then it shouldn't be asking you for login20:41
PirateHeadhanta: Ubuntu should be plenty fast for you, then. I'm running it on 512mb of ram and it's fine.20:41
soundrayNirevus: without a way to boot ubuntu, there's no point asking this in a Ubuntu channel. Otherwise he could use gpart or testdisk to try and recover the partitions20:41
avidal`So I did a dist-upgrade from 6.06 to 7.10 on my server, and now I can't mount /dev/hdb1.  It says /dev/hdb1 is already mounted or /home is busy.  But I try to umount /dev/hdb1 and /home and I'm told it's not mounted.  And I try to run fsck on it and I'm told it's busy.20:41
cylexhv: try the first install option20:41
silenthanta, do you have any swap at the moment?20:41
soundraybullgard4: I don't know if20:41
avidal`And when I pulled up fdisk on it, it didn't look like it had a partition.20:41
BruceM91I am upgrading to 7.10, and I need to leave in about 1 hour and 1/2. I am on the "Installing the Upgrades" step, so can I disconnect the internet connection?20:41
Phydouxdanc3, It's not in my fstab20:41
Phydoux...I looked20:41
soundraybullgard4: I don't know if #ubuntu+1 is active again yet -- have you checked?20:41
cylexand format your partition20:41
silentBruceM91, I wouldn't20:41
danc3Phydoux: ummmm, that might be a clue20:41
hantahtop is marking a 33mb use of swap right now20:41
PirateHead#ubuntu+1 has been active for weeks20:42
hvyah! so, i tried to download the 32bits version, and it didnt asked me the username to install! but the live cd 64bits, ask me for an user name...20:42
silenthanta, how much swap do you have?20:42
swhalenCan someone help me with my bluetooth headset?20:42
bullgard4soundray: Yes, I checked, and just in this moment there comes in a comprehensive answer.20:42
Nirevussoundray: While it's the Ubuntu channel, there are 1228 linux users here. There's quite a high chance SOMEONE knows how to get it back. He does have a Linux From Scratch boot disk20:42
PirateHead1.25 gb of RAM with 1 gb of swap should be plenty and then some.20:42
cylexTV Cards don't work on linux yet right?20:42
Phydouxdanc3, They are all in my File Browser...20:42
danc3cylex: of course they do20:42
silentPirateHead, tells the truth20:42
swhalencylex: most do20:42
soothsayercylex: depends on the card20:42
bqmasseygod dammit..   i can't figure out how to get fsck to work.. can someone thats got a minute pm with me20:43
soundrayNirevus: well, I've said it -- if he has a way to run gpart or testdisk -- those are Linux partition recovery tools20:43
cylexI have ATI TV Wonder VE20:43
soundrayNirevus: note gpart != gparted20:43
cylexwould it work on ubuntu?20:43
PirateHeadhanta: Perhaps there's a process sucking up a ton of resources?20:43
hantaIt may be20:43
swhalencylex: I got a TV wonder to work once20:43
hantamay be is gnome itself?20:43
BruceM91does anyone here use the ML1309 gateway laptop20:43
PirateHeadhanta: Do you know how to use ps to check resource usage?20:43
silenthanta, can you list your system specs? also, type "top" in a terminal20:43
koirondoes anyone know a program to play shoutcast radio streams?  i'd love to use rhythmbox if at all possible20:43
nomichi does anyone know why the movies in www.quicksilverscreen.com don't play with sound i'm using gutsy gibbon flash is installed20:43
PirateHeadhanta: Gnome is a little heavy compared to some other desktop environments, but you have enough ram to handle it easily.20:44
danc3koiron: streamtuner20:44
nomicsound is ok cds play on it20:44
cylexswhalen: in linux ?20:44
swhalenanyone here know how to get a bluetooth headset/dongle to work20:44
soundrayhanta: what exactly is your speed issue -- startup, responsiveness, network?20:44
hantaIt's a celeron D315 2.26 Ghz20:44
koirondanc3, thanks i'll check it out :)20:44
hanta1 gb of Ram20:44
hantaand, well, you know how many swap20:45
nomichi does anyone know why the movies in www.quicksilverscreen.com don't play with sound i'm using gutsy gibbon flash is installed20:45
cylexwhere can I find guide on TV Card20:45
soundray!repeat |  nomic20:45
ubotunomic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:45
Jadd76nomic: I'm trying it now20:45
hantait is reponsiveness mainly20:45
PirateHeadnomic: Do other sounds work?20:45
nomicthanks jadd20:45
silenthanta, type "top" in a terminal... see what's eating up your resources20:45
nomicyes the cd plays20:45
nomicsound is on20:45
sigma_does anyone know of any alternatives to winff? i am trying to encode video's for my smartphone - 176 x 220 resolution and 200 frames / second and mpeg file type20:45
soundrayhanta: is it a laptop?20:45
PirateHeadnomic: Does YouTube play?20:45
hantathe first row in the top command is amarokapp20:45
nomicok will check20:45
PirateHeadnomic: With sound, that is?20:45
swhalencylex: yes, try tvtime20:45
hantasoundray; is a desktop pc20:46
nomictrying it now piratehead20:46
Jadd76nomic: Just tried it, worked fine under firefox with totem's default plug-in, image and sound20:46
infamywhere does aftpd-hpa log to?20:46
nomicwhere do i get that20:46
nomicis that a set of libraries20:46
PirateHeadnomic: It's installed by default.20:46
cylexswhalen: thanks20:46
danbhfivenomic: you need to open it OUTSIDE of the webpage20:47
PirateHeadnomic: Totem is a front-end to gstreamer, which is also installed by default.20:47
silentnomic, go to youtube... firefox should get a popup saying additional plugins are needed, synaptic will handle the install20:47
hantaI have to leave buddyes, thanks for your time!20:47
nomicyoutube says ok20:47
nomicplays ok20:47
PirateHeadnomic: Okay, flash probably isn't your problem then.20:47
silentnomic, what's the prob then?20:47
danbhfivenomic: you can also save it to disk,  you just need to open it OUTSIDE of the webpage, then the audio codec will trigger to install20:47
hvwhen i'm booting ubuntu the cd for amd64, it asks me for an username... and i cant install.. but the 32bits versions donts ask for anything... but i want 64bits version, does anyone knows the username??20:48
PirateHeadnomic: However, the video you're trying to watch on silverscreen isn't a flash video.20:48
Jadd76The video I tried had a small divx logo in the corner, maybe you haven't installed divx codecs?20:48
danbhfivenomic: it doesnt work when its embedded  ... :(20:48
nomici see20:48
nomicso you got it with no sound when it was embedded danbhfi9ve20:48
ninjagambiti have tried everything to get you tube to play20:48
PirateHeadnomic: on the SilverScreen site, right click the movie and hit Open in Movie Player20:48
Phydouxdanc3, Will /dev/sda /media/card a auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 work?20:48
Jadd76nomic: Did you see you get the images but not the sound?20:48
ninjagambitstill nothing20:48
hvwhen i'm booting ubuntu the cd for amd64, it asks me for an username... and i cant install.. but the 32bits versions donts ask for anything... but i want 64bits version, does anyone knows the username??20:48
soundrayhv: no Ubuntu Desktop CD asks for a username. Neither 32 nor 64 bit versions. Go to the download page and get a proper 64-bit CD iso.20:49
silentninjagambit, 32 bit?20:49
Jadd76nomid: if so,... do what PirateHead said20:49
danbhfivenomic: no, but you should just try what I'm saying, you will understand if I'm correct20:49
hvok thanks...20:49
nomicyes jadd i got the image but not the sound20:49
silentninjagambit, heh, good luck20:49
luisdoes anyone know how to install the google earth bin file that's sitting on my desktop? lol.20:49
ninjagambitthere are two tutorials on 64bit flash20:49
ninjagambitone is a pluginwraper20:49
bqmasseycan someone please help me fix my filesystem20:49
ninjagambiteverything looks fine20:49
PirateHeadnomic: In that case, right click the movie in the web page and click Open with "Movie Player"20:49
ninjagambitin terminal20:49
juano__luis: sudo ./googleearth.bin20:49
ninjagambitlike tutorial says20:50
ninjagambitthe other is 32bit emulator20:50
nomici do not have open with 'movie player in my right click options piratehead20:50
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:50
luisjuano, I tried that and it didn't work >_<20:50
ninjagambitmaby im doing something wrong20:50
PirateHeadnomic: Hmm... that's strange. Are you using Gutsy?20:50
juano__luis: heh.. double clicked it ?20:50
bobgillCan someone help me with a script that would check for and kill a process if running, before an application begins... ie, to kill timidity everytime VLC starts20:50
lockdhv: username was probably the one that you choose, not one that you have already20:50
soundrayluis: better get googleearth from the inofficial repo20:50
nomicyes, gutsy gibbon piratehead20:50
juano__luis: what error you get with sudo ./googleearth.bin20:50
luisthe inofficial repo?20:50
silentninjagambit, if it isn't working I'm willing to bet you are... having tried to do 64-bit flash briefly I installed 32 bit20:50
ramonwhich soundcard do you recommend (an internal one)? I can't remember who, but a guy said to me that creative's cards do much work via software while m-audio, esi and such cards has it in the hardware. is it the decoders of eax and stuff like that which creative use software for which is kind of crappy?20:51
luiscommand not foung error20:51
codeshahhey guys, i"m wondering if theres a way to bypass the pdf passwords on a pdf file. I purchased a $4 ebook but the password doesnt work!20:51
PirateHeadnomic: What is in the right click menu?20:51
RazzoRzHey folks...20:51
bqmassey"purchased" hehehe20:51
silentcodeshah, I bet you purchased it20:51
ninjagambitbut realy i dont see how sence most is copy and past20:51
codeshahsilent, yeah try it http://www.oztrack.com20:51
meoblast001what do applications use to encode video files..... all video files encoded on my system aren't played back properly20:51
nomicnothing about movies piratehad20:51
Jadd76BTW, nomic, quicksilverscreen.com looks interesting20:51
PirateHeadcodeshah: The PDFs are encrypted and you need the password to encrypt.20:52
silentwhat book?20:52
PirateHeadnomic: What options are available?20:52
nomicmaybe i should get the divx codecs20:52
codeshahsilent, seems like its a bit old and probably hasnt updated anything .20:52
nomicjadd thats why i want it20:52
nomiclots of them pirate head20:52
soundrayluis: get it from the medibuntu repository20:52
PirateHeadnomic: Like, more than two or three?20:52
soundray!medibuntu | luis20:52
ubotuluis: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:52
RazzoRzi have install xwinwrap on 7.10 and have been able to play my screen saver as my background, How do i make video player play my move in the background?20:52
nomicyes piratehead20:52
ninjagambitits  geting agrivating20:52
Jadd76nomic: have you installed mplayer per chance?20:52
silentninjagambit, install 32-bit20:52
PirateHeadnomic: For me it's got Open with "Movie Player", Copy, Fullscreen, and About. Do you have those?20:52
codeshahPirateHead, hmm . no way for me to programmatically bypass it, sucks . lets hope the guy emails me back, hrrmpf.20:52
javaJakeRazzoRz, two seconds, I have a script for that...20:53
silentninjagambit, no joke20:53
PirateHeadAny of those?20:53
ninjagambitim thinking about it20:53
nomicno i do not have open with movie player piratehead20:53
PirateHeadnomic: How about any of the others?20:53
silenthopefully something better will be worked out for hardy20:53
silentfor 64bit flash20:53
luiswhat is it named in the medibuntu repository?20:53
nomicyes all the normal ones piratehead20:53
RazzoRzi used this one " xwinwrap -ni -o 0.6 -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet movie.mpg  ... but it did not work20:53
luisnvm, found it.20:53
ninjagambitbut its not like i need it20:54
lockdcodeshah: if there's a text file inside, I've heard it's easy20:54
BrantisFinally fixed my problem of booting... I didn't know that Windows could not be Slave20:54
meoblast001how do you have mplayer incode files?20:54
meoblast001whats the command?20:54
luiswait....how do I get these packages? on the medibuntu repository20:54
ninjagambitjust agrivates me that it dosnt work20:54
Brantisso i had to do some trickery20:54
cylexhow do I get rid of trailing ~ character when I join the channel20:54
lockdcodeshah: might be deducible by the headers of PDF as well20:54
silentninjagambit, yep20:54
PirateHeadcylex: What do you mean trailing ~?20:54
luisnvm, got it gys20:54
soundrayluis: on the homepage, there is a huge link saying Repository Howto20:55
luisyeah, saw it, thanks20:55
cylexdo you see ~20:55
javaJakeRazzoRz, OK, sorry, can't find it now... darn...20:55
PirateHeadcylex: I don't see ~. What IRC program are you using?20:55
ninjagambiti'm just going to hang on to my 64bit version for now ill just use my windows xp for that20:55
tekhaw1looking for good higher res but cheap webcams for ubuntu 7.1020:56
silentninjagambit, I would seriously recommend installing 32 bit though, unless you absolutely need 64 bit... at least until hardy comes out20:56
PirateHeadcylex: You might want to try a different one and see if it still happens.20:56
RazzoRzJavaJake: whats the matter with this ?...  xwinwrap -ni -o 0.6 -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet movie.mpg20:56
PirateHeadcylex: Assuming it's a bitchx issue, you'll want to find help specific to that program.20:56
cylexI guess if it doesn't show it then I'm fine20:56
nomichow do install divx on gutsy gibbon piratehead20:56
bconnollycan anyone recommend something similar to quicksilver/launchy20:56
RazzoRzis there a setting in movie player or in screen saver?20:56
bconnollyfor gnome20:56
bconnollythat isn'g gnome-do20:56
danbhfivetekhaw1 make sure to see if there is a driver for the EXACT webcam that you get20:56
ninjagambiti am using kubuntu how had is it to change to 32bit20:56
PirateHeadnomic: I'm not sure, but I would start by searching for divx in synaptic.20:56
javaJakeRazzoRz, I haven't used that in a while, lemme grab xwinwrap again20:57
PirateHeadnomic: Or search in add/remove programs.20:57
danbhfiveI got one, and there is no driver, so I'm installing windows  :(20:57
soundrayninjagambit: you have to reinstall if you're downgrading from 64 to 3220:57
avidal`Anyone have a solution for this?20:57
avidal`<avidal`> fsck.ext3: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/hdb120:57
avidal`<avidal`> Fielsystem mounted or opeened exlucsively by another pgraom?20:57
avidal`<avidal`> fsck died with exit status 820:57
tekhaw1danbhfive: i have a working quickcam from logitech right now its just old and poor quality now that skype videos on linux i need somethign worth using20:57
cylexyou can force mount it20:57
soundrayavidal`: don't paste errors here20:57
soundrayavidal`: find out where it's mounted and unmount it20:58
avidal`Whenever I try umount /dev/hdb1 or umount /home, I'm told it's not mounted20:58
avidal`And when I try to mount it, I'm told it's already mounted or /home is busy20:58
avidal`Same thing if I create /mnt/test and try mounting it there20:58
soundrayavidal`: boot a live CD and run fsck from there20:58
danbhfivetekhaw1: you should ask on the forums, and search them too, but any answer you find would be great to have permanently documented20:59
avidal`I can still get into the system if I hit CTRL+D or even just login at that point20:59
avidal`I just can't access that disk20:59
javaJakeRazzoRz, did you turn off the background bit in gconf-editor?20:59
avidal`Which is where all my stuff is20:59
soundrayavidal`: boot a live CD and run fsck from there20:59
RazzoRzNo i did not...20:59
aantn__is there a windows installer20:59
avidal`What syntax should I use on fsck?  I've never really used it?20:59
aantn__I'm not talking about wubi20:59
PirateHeadavidal`: man fsck20:59
RazzoRzJavajack: i did this.. " gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop false21:00
javaJakeRazzoRz, if your screen turns a color or something, and you see your desktopicons, you did not turn of your background21:00
aantn__something that would just automatically download and install Ubuntu without a cd21:00
soundrayavidal`: 'sudo e2fsck -y /dev/sda1' (substitute your real home partition for /dev/sda1)21:00
avidal`I can read manpages just fine.  I'm asking if there are specific options I should try to solve this problem21:00
ninjagambitwell thanks for your help21:00
bconnollyyoutube video controls are all fucked up in firefox on ubuntu21:00
bconnollyhow do i fix this21:00
javaJakeRazzoRz, OK, good21:00
avidal`thanks soulrider21:00
Jadd76nomic: don't install mplayer if that's what you're trying to do, you shouldn't need it21:00
soundrayavidal`: don't be so thinskinned21:00
RazzoRzthats what you were talkin about?21:00
aantn__bconnolly: with gnash or real flashplayer?21:00
nomicok jadd21:00
soundrayavidal`: you're getting good advice here after all. And you'd be surprised at the number of people who have never heard of man.21:01
RazzoRzJavaJack: i when i put the script in to start it ,,, my screen saver does play!...21:01
bconnollyi also have the nonfree plugin installed21:01
RazzoRzAs my Background21:01
Jadd76nomic: normally, you just try to open a divx file with the normal movie player (totem), and it will assist you in downloading the required codecs (on gutsy and feisty)21:01
bconnollyshould i only have one installed at a time?21:01
avidal`thanks soundray, I'll try that21:01
aantn__bconnolly: become a dev and fix it21:02
cylexmount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows21:02
cylextry that21:02
bconnollyi just installed ubuntu two days ago21:02
aantn__or possibly upgrade to a newer version21:02
aantn__or just use adobe's flash player21:02
aantn__bconnolly: thats no excuse ;)21:02
bconnollylooking ok though21:02
aantn__I've been on linux only slightly longer...21:02
nomicright thanks jadd21:03
soundraybconnolly: if you have two flash plugins, they are going to compete and cause problems.21:03
buggeredfstabIs there any modifications to the Ubuntu Loaf for High Altitude?21:03
juano__is there any solution to macromedia shockwave plugin for firefox other than crossover office ?21:03
cylexdoes apt-get dist-upgrade my ubuntu to latest version?21:03
nnyif anyone knows how to mount a single mirror from an mdadm array, let me know.. being cautious21:03
soundraycylex: no21:03
soundray!upgrade | cylex21:03
ubotucylex: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:03
Areli2Hi all. I'm trying to get games to work because everytime i play them, for half a minute or so they work but after that they crash, either closing the game or crashing the whole computer completely, forcing me to reboot. my video card is an ATI Radeon 9600 and i'm using the open-source drivers, not the properietery ones. Can anyone help me with this, please?21:03
DarkMageZcylex, update-manager -d21:04
soundrayDarkMageZ: much better to point to the help page (which I've done)21:04
greencookieIs there an alternative to firefox?21:05
AriX_greencookie: Yes.21:05
greencookieAriX_:  what do you use?21:05
soundraygreencookie: what are you looking for in a browser?21:05
Areli2Hi all. I'm trying to get games to work because everytime i play them, for half a minute or so they work but after that they crash, either closing the game or crashing the whole computer completely, forcing me to reboot. my video card is an ATI Radeon 9600 and i'm using the open-source drivers, not the properietery ones. Can anyone help me with this, please?21:06
AriX_Personally I use firefox21:06
greencookiesoundray: simplicity21:06
TigranGgreencookie: Internet Explorer :P21:06
soundraygreencookie: have a look at epiphany, and if that's too complex still, dillo21:06
AriX_Does Konquerer work with KDE?21:06
AriX_*with GNOME21:06
aantn__Areli2: I have the same card and it works fine... I can't help b/c I'm not at home now21:06
greencookieAriX_: ok I'm wondering if I can view the web with anything else.21:06
AriX_Try Konquerer21:06
bconnollyanyone in here running sabnzbd+ on ubuntu?21:06
lazarus_lupinekonqueror is kde's browser21:06
greencookiesoundray: yep ive tried epiphany, but its dependant on firefox package yea?21:06
TigranGit works with gnome tho21:07
Areli2aantn__: hmm.. did you have to do any setup?21:07
soundraygreencookie: it uses the same rendering engine, so there are some cross-dependencies.21:07
DarkMageZAriX_, yes it does. tho you end up installing a stackload of kde libraries to get it running under gnome.21:07
LjorringI have this unfortunate problem, that Ubuntu refuses to start up after I plugged in a wireless networks adapter. please help!21:07
AriX_sudo apt-get kde21:07
AriX_*sudo apt-get install kde21:07
aantn__Areli2: don't think so... I don't play games though... it works fine with compiz fusion21:07
AriX_I'm out of it today :P21:07
Areli2aantn__: here too, but not with gamesa21:07
greencookiesoundray: is there a firefox independant browser which competes with firefox?21:07
buggeredfstabAriX_ -  shouldn't it be kubuntu-desktop and not kde?21:07
soundraygreencookie: does it have to be Free software?21:08
aantn__maybe xgl will work better...21:08
fabiohi people21:08
lazarus_lupineagain Internet Explorer lol21:08
aantn__so they say21:08
soothsayergreencookie: konqueror and opera21:08
Areli2aantn__: doesn't have to do anything with games21:08
DarkMageZAriX_, shouldn't that be sudo apt-get konqueror? to prevent the entire installation of kde...21:08
AriX_buggeredfstab: I guess that would work. I've never done it before.21:08
Areli2aantn__: or maybe it does, the fact that AIGLX is on21:08
greencookiesoothsayer: opera.. hmm gonna try that21:08
meoblast001Ubuntu is toying with my mind21:08
buggeredfstabThat's what I always used when I was too lazy to download another iso ;)21:08
AriX_DarkMageZ: Konqueror needs KDE to work21:08
fabioi need to know how to change cd boot in virtual box21:08
greencookiesoundray: yes free software. does anyone pay for a webbrowser down here?21:08
soundrayAriX_: no it doesn't21:08
edfitzI need help. I was upgrading my system when power went off. I get this error now when i try to restart the update. I'm new at ubuntu and I'm not sure what to do and how to do it. Can someone provide me with soime help21:09
greencookieI'm just curious.21:09
meoblast001im laughing because now these files are working... but only once.. .then they stop working21:09
sethkAriX_, not exactly.  I use knoquerer without using kde21:09
edfitzE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.21:09
edfitzE: _cache->open() failed, please report.21:09
DarkMageZAriX_, no it doesn't. it needs some of the kde libraries which would be pulled down with apt-get install konqueror21:09
sethkAriX_, 99% of it works without kde21:09
soundrayAriX_: sudo apt-get install konqueror will put it in place so you can run it inside gnome21:09
AriX_sorry, I'm new to most of this21:09
sethkAriX_, it's a common misconception, don't worry about it21:09
greencookieCan't Nautilus open http extensions?21:09
jasmuzSaluton !21:09
soundrayedfitz: have you tried running 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' as it suggests?21:09
edfitzhow do I do that?21:10
jasmuzIf anyone needs help, PM me !21:10
NirevusThis is a really sweeping question. But Ubuntu 7.10 is loading inredibly slow on an Aspire 1360. Takes longer than XP on the same computer, and a lot longer than Ubuntu on mine. Anything obvious that might cause slowdown on a clean Ubuntu install. The only thing installed so far is ndiswrapper.21:10
soundrayedfitz: enter everything between the quote marks on a command line21:10
TigranGgreencookie: no21:10
edfitzwhere do I get to the command line?21:10
=== keith-_ is now known as keith-
soundrayedfitz: Applications-Accessories-Terminal21:10
sethkNirevus, first thing to check is whether it has the correct DNS configuration21:10
mblindI have lost audio on my dell d 830.. can someone please help me21:10
r_any tips how can i make the xp to be the first boot after ubuntu21:10
Nirevussethk, curretly I'm having big problems with wireless lan on it21:11
sethkNirevus, incorrect dns can cause it to wait for timeouts21:11
sethkNirevus, ok.  That's very likely related.21:11
mirakwhat is the port I need to deport to do a vnc connection behind a routeur with a ssh forward ?21:11
TigranGr_: change it in your menu.lst file21:11
Nirevussethk, the problem was documented here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63249421:11
soundrayr_: use the default option in /boot/grub/menu.lst.21:11
sethkNirevus, ok, let me look ...21:11
r_yes im there21:11
r_what should i change now21:11
NirevusNirevus: The driver should work, and it's all detected, it just won't let me connect21:11
soundrayr_: 'grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst | nl -v 0' to find out which number to enter in the default line instead of 021:12
url4345mirak: 590021:12
r_# menu.lst - See: grub(8), info grub, update-grub(8)21:12
edfitzIt's asking for superuser privilege. How do I enter into that mode?21:12
r_#            grub-install(8), grub-floppy(8),21:12
r_#            grub-md5-crypt, /usr/share/doc/grub21:12
r_#            and /usr/share/doc/grub-doc/.21:12
r_## default num21:12
meoblast001why does ubuntu hate me ='(21:12
r_# Set the default entry to the entry number NUM. Numbering starts from 0, and21:12
r_# the entry number 0 is the default if the command is not used.21:12
TigranG!paste | r21:13
ubotur: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:13
r_# You can specify 'saved' instead of a number. In this case, the default entry21:13
r_# is the entry saved with the command 'savedefault'.21:13
r_# WARNING: If you are using dmraid do not use 'savedefault' or your21:13
* meoblast001 stabs screen21:13
r_# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.21:13
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!21:13
r_## timeout sec21:13
r_# Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry21:13
r_# (normally the first entry defined).21:13
r_## hiddenmenu21:13
r_# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)21:13
Pelosoundray, who ?21:13
mirakurl4345: thanks21:13
* meoblast001 stabs screen21:13
juano__is there any solution to macromedia shockwave plugin for firefox other than crossover office ?, ive been able to use cxoffice for it, but i find that crossover office is buggy in every aspect and i don't like trying to use third party software for only a plugin21:13
keith-r_- what is wrong with you21:13
* Pelo is too slow for this job 21:13
soundraykeith-: not necessary21:13
meoblast001why dont my encoded video files play?21:13
sethkNirevus, sounds like a device driver issue.  You might see whether the most recently released kernel (from kernel.org, not from ubuntu) has any changes to that driver.21:13
Pelohello mblind21:14
sethkNirevus, I'm guessing, but it's an educated guess21:14
keith-juano__: no.  shockwave has no linux port...21:14
meoblast001what is the worlds best video encoder for linux?21:14
mblindHi How can I ask a question..21:14
mblindor should I just ask and wait21:14
Pelomeoblast001,  encoded with what , from what ? to what ?21:14
tarzeaumeoblast001: mencoder21:14
TigranGmblind: just ask21:14
keith-mblind: ask and wait21:14
Pelomblind,  just ask and be patient21:14
keith-mblind: but unfortunately you already asked one21:14
juano__keith .. i see , are there any requests made for it?21:14
keith-mblind: and there is a 10 minute limit on the next21:14
MarcoZuhm guys, firefox crashed and now it wont start, saying the profile is in use. what file do i need to remove to remove the lock?21:14
* TigranG laughs at keith21:15
meoblast001Pelo: every screencaster i used made files that automatically killl the video player they are played in21:15
PeloMarcoZ,  there is probably a zombie process still active in the system monitor, kill it21:15
Nirevussethk: Interestingly, there was a guide for the Aspire 1362 (this one is a 1360) that uses the same wireless card that used ndiswrapper to get it working. I'm just about to follow their guide exactly.21:15
keith-MarcoZ: it's in .mozilla/firefox/randomcrap/lock21:15
edfitzWhat do I need to type to enter into superuser21:15
sethkMarcoZ, make sure that there is not a firefox process still running.  I've seen that several times; no visible firefox window but a firefox process still exists.21:15
sethkNirevus, ok, that's worth a try.21:15
MarcoZnope, did a killall firefox21:15
TigranGedfitz: sudo su21:15
soundrayedfitz: enter 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' and type your user password when asked21:15
MarcoZand firefox-bin21:15
sethkMarcoZ, try:  ps aux | grep firefox21:16
meoblast001Pelo: when i use XVidCap, i get to choose my encoder... .i chose mencoder and i get better results (sometimes lets me play the file once)21:16
Pelo meoblast001 search the forum for convert it , see if you can do anything with taht21:16
sethkMarcoZ, that doesn't mean anything21:16
soundrayTigranG: please don't recommend sudo su21:16
javaJakeRazzoRz, ./xwinwrap -ni -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet moviefilehere21:16
meoblast001Pelo: when i convert it, the output file does the same thing21:16
sethkMarcoZ, firefox is a script, the process is firefox_bin, or firefox-bin, I forget which21:16
soundrayTigranG: it sets up a mixed, confusing environment21:16
TigranGor sudo <command> ?21:16
javaJakeRazzoRz, removing the -o <NUM> option fixes it for me21:16
javaJakeRazzoRz, it seems the -o does not work correctly21:16
MarcoZdid that too21:16
RazzoRzjavajakeL ty21:16
mblindok, I have a dell d830 with Audio - Sigmatel (hda-intel) ... it was working fine.. now the only place I hear audio is in amarok.. rhythmbox and every other app no longer play audio.. Including when my system boots.. need a little help please21:16
remote_matrixHi everyone, My labtop's CPU Fan doesn't turn on in UBUNTU can anyone help?21:16
Pelomeoblast001,  "convert it" is a new app for converting video from one format to another , give it a shot21:16
NeutrinuxHi I have a bug with firefox and googlebar : when i open the third firefox window it freezes21:17
soundrayMarcoZ: perhaps it's still running. 'killall firefox-bin' and repeat until you get an error21:17
meoblast001Pelo: is it in the repos?21:17
soundrayremote_matrix: is it overheating?21:17
Pelomblind,  check in menu > system > prefs ( or admin ) > sound , make sure your audio card is selected for all devices21:17
remote_matrixyes, it crashes often because the fan is off (soundray)21:17
Pelomeoblast001,do a search in the forum for it21:18
irotashow does one easily rip a DVD to either an ISO or BIN on Ubuntu ? i need to make a backup of my wedding video ;/21:18
keith-irotas: dvd::rip21:18
sethkremote_matrix, the fan works in the same hardware with a different o/s?  Or don't you know?21:18
soundrayr_: that was stupid, thinking you should paste the whole file instead of listening to the advice you were getting21:18
edfitzI'm in superuser mode and type dpkg --configure -a and it says command not found. What should I do now?21:18
todd_I am trying to convert a swf to an avi... any suggestions???21:18
PriceChild!sudo | edfitz21:18
ubotuedfitz: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.21:18
soothsayerirotas: cat /dev/dvd > file.iso21:18
wols_todd_: mencoder21:18
Peloirotas, dvdshrink I think , or you can also use gnomebaker to copy and output as a .iso file21:18
remote_matrixYes it works fine with Windows etc. it even turns on once booting but goes off after grub comes on21:18
soundrayedfitz: how did you enter superuser mode?21:18
Seveastodd_, man ffmpeg :)21:18
luluedfitz, maybe capturing screen video21:18
meoblast001Pello: "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."21:18
sethkedfitz, /usr/bin/dpkg21:19
javaJakeRazzoRz, did it work for you?21:19
mblindok, everything is select correctly.. but if I click test I get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.21:19
sethkedfitz, although, /usr/bin should be in the path.21:19
soundraylulu: don't do this please21:19
Pelomeoblast001, hold on21:19
Nirevussethk: Do you know of a fairly step-by-step guide to recompiling a new kernel version in Ubuntu? (Without access to the internet on that computer would be a bonus) Although I've been using linux for a while, I've never done a kernel rebuild21:19
lulutodd_, maybe capturing screen video21:19
edfitzI typed sudo su and it prompted me for a password.21:19
lulusoulrider, don't do what?21:19
DarkMageZkeith-, does dvd::rip rip to iso? i thought it only transcoded to xvid and other such formats?21:19
remote_matrixYes it works fine with Windows etc. it even turns on once booting but goes off after grub comes on (sethk)21:19
soundrayedfitz: are you on ubuntu?21:19
CubaColahow relauch an apps after its killed/end21:19
TigranGeddfitz: dont use sudo su, mistake by me21:19
CubaColaor lunch a app each x secondes ???21:19
irotassoothsayer, pelo, keith-: thanks!21:19
keith-DarkMageZ: it's been a while since i used it, but i thought it did21:19
lulusoundray, I confused the user21:19
soundrayedfitz: you shouldn't use su at all on ubuntu. Type exit21:19
CubaColajoin kubuntu21:19
soundraylulu: I see, sorry21:20
PeloCubaCola,  alt+f2   prog name21:20
sethkNirevus, you don't need net access once the kernel source is downloaded21:20
soundrayedfitz: have you got a $ prompt now?21:20
CubaColaPelo> how to make it automatiquely21:20
todd_I do not know how to capture screen video, and the other tools mencoder, and ffmpeg do not seem to support swf, any other suggestions / more info?21:20
soundrayedfitz: enter 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'21:20
sethkNirevus, it's not difficult to do.  I'm sure there are guides, but I don't have a URL.  You can PM me if you like and I'll run through it with you.21:20
Pelomeoblast001, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016&highlight=convertit21:20
soundrayedfitz: no need to paste any output]21:20
Janvdldoes anyone here have knowledge of delphi programming please?21:20
remote_matrixYes it works fine with Windows etc. it even turns on once booting but goes off after grub comes on (soundray)21:20
nomicborland delphi is there a release for that in linux21:21
nomicdelphi is prolog21:21
juano__Janvdl: try #delphi21:21
nomicor pascal21:21
PeloCubaCola,  in gnome , menu > SYSTEM > pref > session , second tab I thnk , find the process , and change to reload or something similar, then save session21:21
sethknomic, not that I know of, but there is support for the language.21:21
edfitzthat seems to be working21:21
todd_How do I convert a swf to an avi???21:21
soundrayremote_matrix: have other people reported a problem like that with your laptop model? tuxmobil.org is a good place to search for installation reports21:21
nomichaven't heard of that for years21:21
Janvdlno its for windows, but i tried all the other rooms and no-one replies. its probably just a simple solution. how to get the network and graphics card names?21:22
edfitzI like this OS but need ot get use to it.21:22
avahello i just installed Edubuntu and there are not any close/maximize/minimize buttons in the window manager.  I have nvidia drivers installed.21:22
Pelotodd_,  look at the link I just gave meoblast00121:22
edfitzlearn to type too lol21:22
remote_matrixI did search for it but lotsa people reported that the fan doesnt turn OFF... mine just doesnt turn ON (soundray)21:22
soundrayedfitz: when it's done, do a 'sudo apt-get -f install' and repeat until the output doesn't change any more21:22
sethkremote_matrix, that's very odd.  After booting, I can understand, but at the grub screen?  Doesn't make much sense.21:22
Peloava, change the theme21:22
avaPelo to what, how?21:22
nomiclike everyone edfits there is a learning curve21:22
edfitzThis should start the update again?21:22
remote_matrixsethk yeah weird... where can I mess with fan settings (cpu) by any chance?21:22
TigranGJanvdl: lspci21:22
todd_Pelo: I missed it, could you resend?21:23
sethkremote_matrix, there are sometimes settings in the BIOS.21:23
Peloava,  try different ones,  I don't knwo what the theme manager in eubuntu is, try right clicking the desktop21:23
meoblast001Pelo: i doubt this will work but ill try it21:23
remote_matrixsethk arent those settings overwritten by OS?21:23
JanvdlTigranG, what is that? thanks for the reply.21:23
sethkava, you don't need to change the theme.  Just configure the window manager and add the decorations.21:23
Pelotodd_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567016&highlight=convertit21:23
soundrayremote_matrix: have you explored /proc/acpi/fan and /proc/acpi/thermal_zone ?21:23
jake_My sound seems to have stopped working. I believe it was after I installed a couple of updates. No settings have changed, but I no longer get sound (works fine in windows, though). I'm using the onboard sound from a nforce mobo. Any ideas?21:23
TigranGJanvdl: Will give you the cards names that you want21:23
Pelolater folks21:23
todd_Pelo, thats a front end for ffmpeg, isnt it???21:23
keith-remote_matrix: what kind of computer did you say it was?21:23
TigranGJanvdl: You want model name? That stuff right?21:23
sethkremote_matrix, not until the o/s boots.  If you have a problem at the grub screen, the bios can change it.  And, the o/s may assume that the fan is already on, and thus not try to turn it on.21:23
remote_matrixsoundray no how do i deal wit that?21:23
mblindok, everything is select correctly.. but if I click test I get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.21:23
Pelotodd_,  it does the job you want21:24
Janvdlthe graphics card, and network card. graphics: geforce 5200, network: marvell yukon 10/10021:24
remote_matrixkeith its a pavilion dv1650 (hp)21:24
avapelo i don't think it is that.  the scroll bars change, but the buttons don't appear.21:24
sethkremote_matrix, in other words, you can't be certain but it's easy to try so try it.21:24
Janvdlyes that stuff please.21:24
=== different_realit is now known as differentreality
avacould it be because I am using the wrong nvidia driver?21:24
TigranGJanvdl: Do lspci in a terminal21:24
Peloava, look in the details of the theme,  change the controls21:24
todd_Pelo: I will look, but man ffmpeg says it wolnt work21:24
meoblast001Pelo: the error is obviously performed when the file is first being made by the screencaster21:24
sethkava, generally that's a configurable parameter that can be changed in the window manager configuration.21:24
remote_matrixsethk wouldnt that make it to be ON all the time? instead of turning on after high thermal?21:24
Peloas mentionned later21:24
soundrayremote_matrix: open a terminal, go to those directories with e.g. 'cd /proc/acpi', then type 'ls' to list the files and 'cat filename' to see their contents.21:24
sethkava, it certainly  has nothing to do with the nvidia driver21:24
Janvdlis there no other way? I'm really only an amateur. its like a hobby to me21:24
sethkremote_matrix, I'm thinking that the o/s believes it is on, and is thus waiting for the temperature to go down before turning it off.21:25
Pelotodd_,  I have used convert it to do the job you want ,  trust me21:25
Peloagain, later folks21:25
LjorringI need help with a network related problem. my Realtek wireless card makes me unable to boot up !! my system completely hangs !!21:25
sethkremote_matrix, which won't happen since it isn't really on.21:25
remote_matrixsoundray I did that21:25
remote_matrixsethk what should i do?21:25
edfitzI'm at desktop:~$ again.  when it's done, do a 'sudo apt-get -f install' and repeat until the output doesn't change any more. correct?21:25
TigranGJanvdl: System->Pref->Hardware Information21:25
soundrayTigranG: I forgot to say, 'sudo -i' is a good alternative that gets you a clean root shell21:25
soundrayedfitz: yes21:26
JanvdlTigranG, would that be in the registry?21:26
TigranGsoundray: Thanks. (and my bad for bad advice; still learning too)21:26
soundrayedfitz: to save typing, get the previous command back with the arrow up key21:26
sethkremote_matrix, the correct place to look for acpi configuration is in /sys, not in /proc, although /proc legacy directories are maintained by many (but not all) programs21:26
adamonline45Can anyone here recommend a good place to find a small (~8.5") touch screen monitor at a good price?21:26
keith-remote_matrix: how quickly does it freeze up and what temperature is it hitting?21:26
remote_matrixsethk ok im in /sys im pretty much a n00b in the matter any suggestions where to start?21:26
TigranGJanvdl: Its a GUI that gives you all your hardware information, you should be able to find your network and video card brand/model there21:27
sethkremote_matrix, you haven't rebuilt the kernel, or anything of that sort that might have changed the kernel acpi capabilities?21:27
buggeredfstabIs there any modifications to the Ubuntu Loaf for High Altitude?21:27
remote_matrixkeith it freezes when I put the labtop on my lap and using with high usage for more than 15min21:27
soundrayTigranG: np. I learned this particular bit in exactly the same way.21:27
edfitzhow many times will i need to do this?(about)21:27
remote_matrixsethk no sir21:27
meoblast001Pelo: where does it put the files?21:27
juano__keith-:  i found out that with ies4linux shockwave can install right from the homepage, ill give it a try21:27
soundrayedfitz: not more than three times, hopefully21:27
Janvdlokay, thanks a lot TigranG. Have a good evening.21:28
r_what should i check to have xp boot 1-st in menu.lst21:28
edfitzGreat! I really appreciate the help!21:28
evfan42I was wondering, whats the code to get into nividia settings as root so it can save xconfig files?21:28
keith-cxoffice is a type of wine... so is ies4linux... but it will probably be buggy just the same21:28
TigranGJanvdl: You too21:28
yurimxpxmanare there any free software pi calculators I could use to study the source code?21:28
sethkremote_matrix, The oddest part of all this is that the fan turns off at the grub screen.  Is that correct?  Is the fan turning, and then turns off when the boot screen appears?21:28
jake_My sound seems to have stopped working. I believe it was after I installed a couple of updates. No settings appear to have changed, but I no longer get sound (works fine in windows, though). I'm using the onboard sound from a nforce mobo. Any ideas?21:28
Janvdlthank you. :)21:28
atlefevfan42: sudo nvidia-settings21:28
soundrayr_: in a terminal, enter 'grep ^title /boot/grub/menu.lst | nl -v 0' to find out the number of your Windows entry in the grub menu. Got that?21:28
sethkremote_matrix, if you haven't already, get into the boot menu (as in press a key to get the boot menu) and see if the fan is really off in grub, or if it is actually turned off by the booted o/s.21:29
remote_matrixsethk the fan turns on when i turn it on then turns on when grub screen comes on21:29
edfitzHow do I know when to stop?21:29
simion314hi, can i make in xchat to appear a list with all people in a room? i searched all the menus21:29
meoblast001Pelo: i was right.... the new file is unplayable21:29
remote_matrixsethk i'll try that what should i do if that is the case/not ?21:29
r_im in that menu list21:29
evfan42atlef: thanks21:29
soundrayedfitz: repeating the command gives you the same output as the previous time21:29
r_but i dont get it whiw those numbers21:29
sethkremote_matrix, I'm not sure yet, we are just gathering more information.  When you don't know what to do, gather more information.  :)21:29
remote_matrixsethk good point...21:30
soundrayr_: you should see a numbered list of boot entries, correct?21:30
kane77simion314, it's on the right side if it's not there try ctrl+f721:30
nickrudsimion314, look at the right border, you'll see a bunch of dots in the middle; left click and drag21:30
todd_Pelo: I am getting... bash: convertit.gambas: command not found21:30
edfitzit says "use 'apt-get autoremove to remove them. Should I do this?21:30
GekoneBuonanotte a tutti, ragazzuoli.21:31
remote_matrixsethk soundray keith, thanks guys im gonna reboot and set the default to always on then figure out what goes on later....21:31
r_yes xp is on 421:31
soundrayedfitz: you can, and it makes for a cleaner system, but it's not strictly necessary.21:31
nickrudedfitz, optional but recommended21:31
edfitzDo I put sudo in front of it?21:31
r_and now what to di21:31
bruenigcmd with sudo in front of it becomes: sudo cmd21:32
froggeri need help with accessing windows shares21:32
soundrayedfitz: yes21:32
froggerthey aren't showing up, but i know they're there and i know the IP for em21:32
soundrayr_: 'gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'21:32
soundrayr_: find the line that says 'default 0' and change it to 'default 4'21:33
edfitzOnce this is done. Is the upgrade finished and I need ot reboot or do I need to get the upgrade started again?21:33
soundrayr_: save, exit and reboot to test21:33
soundrayedfitz: this should complete  the upgrade.21:33
edfitzI need to reboot21:33
soundrayedfitz: I don't know, but it can't hurt21:34
jake_My sound seems to have stopped working. I believe it was after I installed a couple of updates. No settings appear to have changed, but I no longer get sound (works fine in windows, though). I'm using the onboard sound from a nforce mobo. Any ideas?21:34
mblindsorry to be a bother.. but did anyone see my response21:34
mblindok, everything is select correctly.. but if I click test I get audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.21:34
edfitzI really appreciate your help. I am learning but don't get to play enough to quite understand everything.21:34
BruceM91i am upgrading, and it is asking me "replace the customized configuration file'/ect/sysctl.conf'?". Should I keep or replace?21:35
sethkedfitz, take it one step at a time.  It isn't difficult but there are a lot of details and it takes time to get over the initial hump21:35
soundrayedfitz: come back and ask whenever you have to. Sometimes you have to repeat your question to get an answer. Leave 10 minutes between repetitions.21:35
sethkBruceM91, did you make configuration changes that would change the sysctl configuration file?21:35
sethkBruceM91, In a case like this, back up the file, then say yes.21:36
BruceM91yea, to get sound and wireless to work, though it still doesnt21:36
sethkBruceM91, well, if the changes didn't work, you don't have much to lose by overwriting them  :)21:36
soundraysethk: saying yes backs up the old file automatically with a .dpkg-old extension21:36
BruceM91so hit replace?21:36
sethksoundray, yes, provided you only install once.21:37
r_# array will desync and will not let you boot your system.21:37
jhaigHow can I get accounting data for a CUPS (and samba) printer server in Gutsy?  Thanks.21:37
r_should i change this here21:37
soundrayr_: yes21:37
r_ok ill give a try thx a lot21:37
soundraysethk: you mean it won't update the backup?21:37
sethksoundray, right, if you do the install again, your backup will be overwritten by the file that replaced it on the first install.21:38
RazzoRzJavajake: yes it did not work for me at all21:39
captmorganI am trying to figure out how to updte the firmware of my mp3 player but the update is an .exe file, anyone have an idea of where to start looking to figure this out?21:39
soundraysethk: okay, I have been relying on that behaviour a number of times without checking :) Thanks21:39
javaJakeRazzoRz, OK, also, you probably need Compiz running21:39
RazzoRzi have it running21:39
RazzoRzi am sure of it21:39
javaJakeRazzoRz, last I checked xwinwrap only does its thing when Compiz or Beryl is going21:39
soundraycaptmorgan: you could try running it with wine21:39
soundray!wine | captmorgan21:39
ubotucaptmorgan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:39
javaJakeRazzoRz, OK, well, I'm not sure what to say then21:39
captmorganill give it a try, just thinking that if I mess the firmware up it might brick it21:40
RazzoRzBeryl is working i have my cube.. like i said it works with my screen saver but not the video21:40
=== curtis_ is now known as curtonic
proximohi, anyone know of a ubuntu derivate that runs openbox ?21:40
froggeranybody familiar with windows shares, i'm having troub;le accessing mine21:40
keith-proximo: sudo apt-get install openbox21:40
soundraycaptmorgan: if the program doesn't work with wine, it won't get to that stage. If it does, you're probably safe.21:40
UbuntMeHi, I have a zune, but almost all of my music is in a format it cant read, my video also.  Is there a program that I can get that wil change the formats?21:41
proximokeith-: not an option since the computer is to slow to install ubuntu on21:41
soundraycaptmorgan: it may take some fiddling to make the player known to the program via the wine layer.21:41
keith-proximo: do a server install then run that21:41
captmorgansoundray, sound sgood gonna give it a go21:41
Nirevussethk, you around?21:41
sethkNirevus, yes21:41
proximokeith-: ok thats an option, but not answering my question =P21:41
Nirevussethk, can you check your PMs21:41
keith-proximo: server install is a very basic installation... doesn't come with much... and no there isn't... especially not a supported one21:42
proximoare there any distros already running openbox21:42
sethkNirevus, don't see any.  Have you registered your nick?21:42
Nirevussethk, I hate freenode. xD21:42
keith-proximo: i saw a fluxbox one a little bit ago... but it's basically a server install with fluxbox added21:42
mblindsorry.. I got bumped off line.. I am back21:42
proximowhat other lightweigth options do i have ?21:42
Nirevussethk: I assume it's nickserv on here?21:42
sethkNirevus, we can create a temporary channel21:42
sethkNirevus, yes, but wait, I'll create a temporary channel.21:42
proximook, ill check fluxbox at least21:42
soundrayproximo: DSL or Puppy Linux21:42
keith-proximo: gOS21:42
Nirevussethk: okay21:42
mblinddid anyone answer my sound question while I was gone?21:43
sethkNirevus, do /join #temp121:43
todd_OK, I installed convertit, but it does not seem to have a way to convert swf files, suggestions???21:43
keith-proximo: how light weight is your computer?21:43
dersuhi, is there a peer to peer program on ubuntu except amule21:43
valdozdravim vsetkych. mam taky mali problem a potreboval by som pomoct21:43
mblindanother weird thing is that when my system starts I hear the little drumroll and login but no longer get the Ubuntu welcome song.21:43
soundray!p2p | dersu21:43
ubotudersu: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information21:43
keith-dersu: bittorrent, nicotine...21:43
froggerhelp with windows shares please21:43
YazHi all, I have a rule in ccsm to not draw window borders around the gnome terminal.  However, I'd like to have another terminal that *does* have window borders on it.  Is there a way to treat this on a window by window basis?21:44
valdopotrebujem rozbehat sis191 ethernet controler v ubuntu 7.0421:44
todd_frogger: what did you need?21:44
keith-frogger: crappy question... what is the problem... can't help if you don't tell us21:44
valdokto poradi ako na to?21:44
proximokeith-: laptop, p3 1ghz 256mb ram21:44
todd_can someone tell me how to convert a swf to an avi?21:44
ompaul!sk | valdo21:44
ubotuvaldo: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.21:44
keith-proximo: that won't run ubuntu?21:44
atlef!pl | valdo21:44
ubotuvaldo: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:44
proximokeith-: it even struggles with xubuntu21:45
proximo7.10 that is, 7.04 was running ok21:45
keith-proximo: insanity...21:45
wols_todd_: I already told you21:45
todd_ubotu: no haba rusky!21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about no haba rusky! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
viruhow i customize our desktop in ubuntu21:45
froggeri can't access my windows shares21:45
RazzoRzi am trying to show a dvd on my background useing this " xwinwrap -ni -o 0.6 -fs -s -st -sp -b -nf -- mplayer -wid WID -quiet movie.mpg .,,,21:45
keith-proximo: eh well you could also given debian a shot and just tell it to go with openbox... but it's a bit more in depth of an install21:45
proximokeith-: it runs, but i want snappy, not slow =P21:46
keith-but i must go... no battery and worky worky time21:46
todd_wols_: installit??? that does not support SWF21:46
noobiezillaHi everyone21:46
froggeri can't even see them21:46
wols_todd_: mencoder21:46
proximoheh ok thanks for help21:46
RazzoRzi noticed that it says MPG at the end!>... how do i make it show the dvd i am playing?21:46
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:46
captmorgandersu: frostwire is one, tribler is another21:46
todd_wols: sorry21:46
todd_wols: brb21:46
froggeri know they're there and i know the ip adress, but i can't get to them21:46
noobiezillaQUESTIOn:  if i want to try and modify the source code of something installed via apt-get, how do i do it?21:47
YazHi all, I have a rule in ccsm to not draw window borders around the gnome terminal.  However, I'd like to have another terminal that *does* have window borders on it.  Is there a way to treat this on a window by window basis?21:47
soundraynoobiezilla: you download the source with apt-get, modify it, then compile a new package.21:47
TigranGYaz: by profiles?21:47
proximois gOs really lightweight ?21:47
soundraynoobiezilla: that's just a rough outline, it's fairly involved21:47
TigranGYaz: Not sure21:47
YazTigranG: Profiles just seemt o control font and background color etc of the actual terminal...21:48
noobiezillahehe, thanks soundtray21:48
captmorganproximo: ive read that it is light weight21:48
SpookyETDoes anyone have problems with google desktop21:48
captmorganno personal expierence21:48
YazTigranG: I wonder if there's a way, like a keyboard shortcut, to pop window borders onto an individual window21:48
TigranGYaz: yea I'm not sure, just threw something out there, be patient and someone else may help you21:48
SpookyETIt seems I cannot access certain sites due to DNS issues. I kill google desktop and everything returns to normal.21:49
proximocaptmorgan: ok, so it seems their servers are, i get 13kb/s download21:49
SpookyETIf i use the IP, i can, domain no21:49
captmorganproximo: thats gotta be painfully slow, whats the package size 700mb?21:49
todd_wols: so how does one use this, the man page sucks... lol21:50
specialist125need help with dvdfab21:50
schnittchenanyone here with some initramfs-tool experience?21:50
YazTigranG: No worries, I trust that someone will help.  The Ubuntu community is one of the most amazing communities I've been a part of.21:50
proximothere we go, another mirror and i got 1447 kb/s instead21:51
todd_wols: I'm getting "Video stream is mandatory!" when I do "mencoder five.swf -o five.avi"21:51
TigranGYaz: Have you tried asking in #compiz-fusion, they're more experts on that topic21:51
javaJakeschnittchen, yea. *shiver*21:52
captmorgansoundray: Wine was able to extract and install the installer, but when I try open the actual installer it just does nothing, any idea?21:52
scguy318todd_: you can't convert an SWF, they're not video streams21:52
schnittchenjavaJake: bad experience? ;-)21:52
scguy318todd_: you can do FLVs tho21:52
YazTigranG: I'll give them a shot, thanks man :)21:52
javaJakeschnittchen, I had to create my own initrd images, without the tool. :P21:52
javaJakeschnittchen, custom FireWire drivers. Oh yea. Fun21:52
schnittchenjavaJake: because it did not fit your needs?21:52
todd_OK, let me ask my origional question again (for the 4th time)... How do I convert a SWF to an AVI?21:52
captmorganactually i am just going to use my roomates laptop to do the firmware update21:53
todd_scguy318: so how do I covert a swf to a flv?21:53
antoinexphello every body !21:53
javaJakeschnittchen, well, I ddin't want it using any LiveCD junk - there's no real way to say "here's the Lniux install to use". :/21:53
schnittchenjavaJake: do you remember a good debugging trick for the tools?21:53
wols_todd_: try ffmpeg that thet's the other encode that can do swf to avi21:53
sammyFtodd_: use flash?21:54
antoinexpwow, there are to many people int this chan !21:54
Jack_Sparrowantoinexp: then I must ask you to leave.. :)21:54
todd_wols: see man ffmpeg, it does not support swf21:54
antoinexpwhat is the current developpement status of the ubuntu mobile ?21:54
mblindanyone.. please..21:54
todd_sammyf: how?21:54
abadtoothI'm needing to know how to install a 32bit application on a 64bit gutsy installation, does anyone know what I have to do in order to do this?21:54
javaJakeschnittchen, nope. My experience is fairly narrow for the automatic tools (as the tools are fairly narrow). :)21:54
Jack_Sparrowantoinexp: what is ubuntu ,obile.. like ubuntu on usb?21:54
chazcoHi... can anyone help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?21:55
antoinexpJack_Sparrow: no, a project to create an portable ubuntu for mobile device21:55
sammyFtodd_: don't have flash here, but basically you would need to import it. you might get better answers on a macromedia/adobe channel though21:55
Aztec007I have a question21:55
todd_sammyf: how do I get to where I need to be?21:55
Aztec007can I use one swap partition for 2 OSs?21:56
specialist125i need help with dvdfab platinum21:56
sammyFtodd_: no idea, but to speak with Bukaroo Banzai, "no matter where you go .. there you are"21:56
sammyFtodd_: though checking on the adobe website for an irc channel might be a start ;)21:56
antoinexpgood bye ! i have to go !21:56
sammyFtodd_: or just google up "flash adobe irc"21:57
todd_sammyf: ok, so you are saying there is no tool to do this conversion?21:57
kane77what load do you have?21:57
sethkschnittchen, I've used the tools, what do you need to know?21:57
Aztec007Kane77: by load do you mean bootloader?21:58
scguy318todd_: no, because an SWF is not a movie file21:58
sammyFtodd_: swf/fla/flv are, as far as I know, proprietary formats, which is why I personally think they blow big time21:58
mblindstill getting audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.21:58
kane77Aztec007, no load of cpu...21:58
todd_scguy: but it opens fine in totem, is that not a movie player???21:58
sammyFtodd_: so there might be tools, but I don't think there are any FREE (as in beer) tools21:58
VadiIs it possible to tell what process is using my harddrive? I'm not doing anything special, and it's been spinning by itself for a bit now for apparently no reason. I don't have any backups scheduled either.21:58
schnittchensethk: i have created my own script in local-premount and want it to use config vars, so i guess these go in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d21:58
scguy318sammyF: ffmpeg is one21:58
todd_sammyf: did I say I was unwilling to pay???? lol21:59
mblindscrew it.. I am going back to windows.. ubuntu needs real support21:59
scguy318sammyF: and that's free as in beer/speech21:59
scguy318mblind: well, what was your question?21:59
sammyFscguy318: ffmpeg can convert swf to flv???21:59
sammyFtodd_: nah .. just basic assumption ;)21:59
scguy318sammyF: it can do flv to other propreitary formats I think21:59
SpookyETI'm having DNS issues whenever Google Desktop Search for Linux is running.21:59
sethkschnittchen, conf.d is a directory21:59
scguy318sammyF: I must have misinterpreted your comment21:59
todd_scguy: ok how do I use ffmpeg to covert a swf to an avi?21:59
sammyFscguy318: todd wants it the other way around22:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:00
schnittchensethk: but that does not seem to work, do you know how i can debug the scripts? echo's just fly by, and a debug boot option does not produce a /tmp/someting log file as the manpage promises22:00
todd_sammyf: thanks yes i do22:00
mblindmy question was .. I am no longer getting audio.. I have a dell d 830 with sigmatel audio. I hear the drumroll when i boot I hear audio in amarok.. but no where else..22:00
schnittchensethk: i placed a file in conf.d with the same name and var=VALUE syntax (shell)22:00
sammyFscguy318: decoding the flv and then sending the output to an encoder shouldn't be too much of a problem. encoding the flv on the other hand, might be more difficult22:00
aetostodd_, try ffmpeg -i file.swf file.avi22:00
scguy318todd_: randon and probably useless thought, but the Medibuntu ffmpeg does do more codecs and such22:01
sethkschnittchen, ok.  You can capture the output to a file, then look at the things you can't see flying past.  At the end of the command line, say     > ~/output-file 2>&122:01
Ljorringis there a working fix for the RTL8185 network issue?22:01
todd_aetos: I get "Error while opening codec for output stream #0.0 - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height"22:01
schnittchensethk: but before / is properly mounted?22:01
sethkschnittchen, the first part directs standard out to ~/output-file, and 2>&1 says put standard error into the same file22:01
scguy318!patience | mblind22:02
ubotumblind: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:02
sethkschnittchen, I thought you were talking about creating the initramfs.  Are you talking about what happens when the initramfs is used during boot?22:02
scguy318mblind: and I still don't know your question22:02
sammyFscguy318: you are correct though .. kdenlive does indeed export to flv (I guess using ffmpeg)22:02
schnittchensethk: yes. sorry if i was unclear22:02
todd_scguy: already using medibuntu... I'm not stupid22:03
Aztec007Kane77: I believe its an AMD6422:03
scguy318todd_: cool then22:03
mblindok, but no one can answer this question.. Not on forums.. Not on irc.. does anyone know any pay support.. I will try anything at this point22:03
sethkschnittchen, I don't know the details of your situation, but normally you want to do the absolute minimum possible from the initramfs file system, and that minimum should be to load modules needed to mount the file system, and then mount it, then continue the boot from the disk.22:03
Aztec007todd: how is medibuntu?22:03
scguy318mblind: yep, there's pay support22:03
todd_linux sucks!22:03
scguy318mblind: the Canonical site has info on that22:03
sethktodd_, really?  I never knew that.  :)22:04
mblindmaybe that is my best bet22:04
scguy318mblind: well, what's the question god forbid?22:04
schnittchensethk: i am setting up a crypto swap partition i can suspend2-resume from ;-)22:04
sammyFmblind, you're not getting any audio anymore, right?22:04
mblindhere is my question.. for the 3rd time22:04
scguy318mblind: this channel is very busy with 1k+ people, so hard to listen22:04
mblindcorrect no audio22:04
sethkschnittchen, that's a bit more involved.  :)22:04
mblindwell, some audio22:04
mblindamorok.. yes22:04
todd_sethk: you want to do something ever so slightly out of the ordinary, and there is nothing... you are screwed22:04
scguy318mblind: explain the nature of some audio22:04
mblinddrumroll on boot yes.22:04
schnittchensethk: it actually works, but currently i have the configuration inside the script, which is ugly, and i believe the conf.d should be just for that22:04
Jack_Sparrow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            22:04
Jack_Sparrow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            22:04
Jack_Sparrow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            22:05
sethktodd_, that's simply not true.  What do you need to do?22:05
Jack_Sparrow                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       !ops22:05
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!22:05
* jeremyb stabs Jack_Sparrow :P22:05
Jack_Sparrow| todd                                                                                                                                                                                                           !ops | todd22:05
mblinduse to all work perfect.. booted today.. NOTHING..22:05
scguy318mblind: are you Intel HDA?22:05
scguy318mblind: have you viewed the wiki page on the Intel HDA? gimme a sec22:05
sethkschnittchen, that's logical.  When I've done more complex things in an initramfs, I've simply created a .zshrc file and started a shell.22:05
BrantisI am not getting the correct Resolution selections for my monitor. Is there a way to manually add them to the list22:05
mblindyes.. I have looked all thru it..22:05
todd_sethk: convert a swf into something I can burn onto dvd (windows this is easy)!!!22:05
scguy318mblind: this? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller22:06
mblindbut maybe I missed something22:06
scguy318mblind: it does discuss some workarounds if you're affected22:06
soothsayertodd_: will the windows program you use work in wine?22:06
david_JBrantis: yes google xorg.conf"22:06
sammyFtodd_: how would you do it in windows?22:06
sethkBrantis, yes.  do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.  When you get to the monitor configuration section, choose "medium" configuration level.  You'll get a list of resolutions.22:06
sammyFtodd_: and did you try the same procedure in wine?22:06
schnittchensethk: did you ever use a conf.d file?22:06
Konamcan someone tell me how do I set the Cube in compiz, I've enabled the 'cube' plubin but it isn't as cool as the one seen on all those vids on youtube22:06
sammyFJack_Sparrow: nice one ;)22:06
Brantiscool thanks again22:06
david_JMy intek_HD_audio works22:06
Brantislearning learning learning22:06
crdlbKonam: join #compiz-fusion22:07
mblindsays Gutsy has no sound out of the box. WIll try fixes once I install a testing partition....22:07
david_JWho needs help?22:07
todd_sammyf: open in windows movie player (not able to get the new version up in wine), and save as... thats it22:07
sethkschnittchen, no.  According to the docs it should work the way you say, but I've never done it that way.22:07
schnittchensethk: or can i produce some debug output that will later apper in dmesg?22:07
sethktodd_, you can do exactly the same thing.22:07
mblindis there a way to UNINSTALL alsa drivers and reinstall???22:07
sammyFtodd_: uep .. wmp won't work in wine22:07
Jack_SparrowsammyF: Sorry, I was on the phone and must have been leaning on the keyboard22:07
RafabeHi. Anyone get GRUB Error 18?22:07
sethkschnittchen, yes.  You can also use syslog.  Of course, it's in memory, as soon as the ramdisk goes away the log goes away with it.22:07
RafabeI just installed Ubuntu...twice.22:07
sammyFJack_Sparrow: lol. happens22:07
Brantisok its telling me that it must run as Root22:07
sethkRafabe, sure.  let me look up what 18 means.22:07
todd_sethk: ok how do I install the latest Windows Movie Player in wine???22:08
vulture_86_aki no hablan español :P22:08
MoofHi there, I'm having issues with df: I cant' see my root filesystem.22:08
Rafabeseth: it's something about the BIOS not handling that many cylinders22:08
rbs-tito!es | vulture_86_22:08
ubotuvulture_86_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:08
PriceChildtodd_, you can't, ubuntu's media players can play everything themselves.22:08
vulture_86_oks gacias22:08
schnittchensethk: ok, i will try what i can do, thank you!22:08
sethktodd_, I didn't say to install a windows movie player.  I said you can do the same thing with a movie player that runs in linux, start the movie, then save it.22:08
PriceChildtodd_, "windows media player" is for *windows*22:08
david_Jwindow 122:08
RafabeI googled it and they said creating a boot partition at the beginning of the drive would fix it. I did just that, a 100mb FAT16 partition as \boot, then reinstalled Ubuntu, and no luck22:08
sammyFrunning out of ciggies .. cya22:08
todd_LOL!!!! sethk, tryed dosent work22:08
=== javaJake is now known as phpDude
sethkRafabe, unless your system is ancient, the number of cylinders shouldn't matter.  Make sure your drive is configured for LBA mode in the BIOS.22:09
Rafabeit's pretty old, P3 1GHz...don't know what the mobo is.22:09
scguy318mblind: not really, though you can install newer version22:09
RafabeI already checked that. It's LBA. I tried all the other options (Normal, Large, Manual), same result.22:09
bluefoxxi installed some firefox extensions and now it just crashes my gnome desktop, forcing a hard reboot22:09
scguy318mblind: there's a guide to installation of an ALSA tarball on the wiki22:09
ubuntu__I was testing out a friends system with ubuntu, the weird thing is the live cd for ubuntu is so slow.  I've used live cd's in the past and know how responsive they typically are but something is definitely not right22:09
bluefoxxhow can i remove/disable them?22:09
=== phpDude is now known as perlProfessor
sethkRafabe, lba is the only one you need.  If lba is on, changing the others won't fix your problem.22:09
rbs-tito!cz | x_22:09
ubotux_: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.22:09
ubuntu__now I"m in the kubuntu livecd and it's fine.  Fairly responsive like the live cd is normally22:09
=== perlProfessor is now known as PFA
sethkRafabe, let me look at what an error  18 is.22:10
david_Jubuntu__: Try the altinstall cd?22:10
meoblast001what does "Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device." mean?22:10
ubuntu__anyone know what could cause ubuntu livecd to be extremely slow whereas the kubuntu live cd is fine?22:10
todd_can someone tell me how to convert a swf to an avi?22:10
david_Jmeoblast001: means you have to tell mplayer a video driver22:10
david_Jtodd_: mencoder perhaps22:11
sethkRafabe, How big is the drive?22:11
bluefoxxi cant browse the web right now, firefox crashes my computer, and reinstalling and purging isnt working22:11
meoblast001david_J: oh... i thought it could explain why all video files encoded on my system cannot be opened22:11
=== javaJake is now known as PFA_
=== PFA_ is now known as javaJake
todd_can someone tell me how to convert a swf to an avi (I have tryed lots of things, ffmpeg, mencoder, etc...)?22:11
Rafabe160GB...2 partitions, one primary 70gb one, and another 90gb one for storage. Both were NTFS. I deleted the primary partition, turned it into a 100mb boot partition + 1gb swap + 69gb Ext3.22:11
david_Jmeoblast001: what video card?22:11
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: did you install flash and java on that box.. and if you did.. how did you do it22:11
sethkmeoblast001, try it with sudo; if it starts to work, it's a permissions problem22:12
ubuntu__i checked top while in ubuntu live cd and nothing was taking an unusual amount of cpu22:12
scguy318mblind: if you feel that you need to use Windows for your functionality, that's perfectly acceptable, you're not exactly getting paid to use ubuntu or anything :P22:12
bluefoxxyes flash and java are on this box22:12
Rafabeseth, can you msg me? I'm having a hard time keeping up wit hthis channel22:12
MoofCan anyone help me here with udev? It seems ot have buggered up my mtab, so I cant' see my root filesystem22:12
PriceChildtodd_, googling for "convert swf to avi linux" came up with http://help.lockergnome.com/linux/convert-SWF-AVI-format-ftopict396093.html22:12
meoblast001david_J: i810 intel integrated graphics chipsets22:12
todd_PriceChild: thanks22:13
hapeMoof: What do you mean: You cant see your root FS? Can you boot?22:13
david_Jmeoblast001: same as mine ... try with a -vo xv option from the commandline..22:13
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: and the answer to the rest of my question is..?22:13
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: yes, i have flash and java on here22:13
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow:   i used the built in firefox installer for flash and repos for java22:14
meoblast001david_J: X11 error: BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)2.8% 1 022:14
mattgyver83Hi room, when i try to run programs in Wine i get an "IOPL not enabled" error, anyone know how to fix this22:14
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:14
silentmattgyver83, run linux programs22:14
Moofhape: I'm on the box fine. I can use it22:15
david_Jmeoblast001: look at your xorg.conf .. maybe switch it to intel not i81022:15
MoofI just don't see / when I type mount22:15
todd_PriceChild: Nope i am getting "Video stream is mandatory!" when I try that22:15
todd_can someone tell me how to convert a swf to an avi (I have tryed lots of things, ffmpeg, mencoder, etc...)?22:15
Moofcatting /proc/mount, I get a very strange sequence22:15
silenta swf is a flash file, it doesnt contain video22:15
silentit can link to video though22:15
todd_silent: this one does, try again22:15
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: If you dont mind would you post your sources.list to the pastebin (not in this channel) and provide a link.22:16
meoblast001david_J: same error22:16
bluefoxxhow can i disable firefox extensions without opening firefox?and i cant google, firefox is crashing my computer22:16
silenttodd_, where is the swf?22:16
meoblast001david_J: it wouldnt change cards22:16
Moofhape: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47468/22:16
david_Jmeoblast001: GM965/GL960 ?22:16
todd_silent: on my desktop "~Desktop/five.swf"22:16
meoblast001david_J: Ubuntu keeps switching it back to i81022:17
silenttodd_, when you open it in... firefox or somesuch it plays a video?22:17
david_Jmeoblast001: never had that problem22:17
todd_silent: Totem yes, just fine22:17
hapeMofs: ok ... mom ...22:17
Moofhape: it looks like the startup scripts haven't done  somethig correctly before loading udev22:17
scguy318mattgyver83: not totally sure what the error is, but you could start by removing ~/.wine and performing a fresh install22:17
silentin totem see if there are file properties to find the file's audio/video codecs22:17
silentor is it an animation?22:17
Moofmy /etc/fstab is empty22:18
lcphr3akHey, I can't remember if it's gentoo, or debian/ubuntu that has pre-compiled kernels. Is it ubuntu?22:18
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: i cant use web browser right now-_-;22:18
todd_silent: it is a cartoon movie22:18
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: k.. thought might be on a different box.22:18
david_Jmeoblast001: http://rafb.net/p/rvOvVl77.html22:18
silenttodd_, did you create the flash, are you familiar with the program?22:18
meoblast001david_J: i changed it and ran a test and it failed22:18
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: no, i only own one computer22:18
todd_silent: no22:19
mnemonicawols_: Are you in here?22:19
todd_silent: MPEG-1 layer 3 audio22:19
silentwould you mind posting the swf on the internet for me to take a look at it, or point me to a source or a video like it?22:19
Brantisafter configuring the xserver..I still do not see the option of a higher resolution22:19
bluefoxxif i had two computers...well i would be a very happy person22:19
mattgyver83scguy, i will try that and see what happens.  thanks.22:19
mnemonicaI'm at console... How do I get back to gdm?22:19
mnemonicaF7 isn't working.22:20
silentbluefox83, I have several computers... and I will testify to that being untrue22:20
url4345mnemonica: alt-f722:20
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: try installing flash this way ....   sudo aptitude install -y flashplugin-nonfree22:20
hapeMoof: Never had this .. do you see your root fs with df?22:20
todd_silent: sure, where would you like it22:20
david_Jmnemonica: ctrl+alt+f722:20
mnemonicanot working22:20
ArsHermeticaCould someone help me et my visual effects to work?22:20
Moofhape: nope. this is my problem.22:20
bluefoxxso any idea how to disable firefoxx extensions without opening browser?22:20
url4345mnemonica: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart22:20
silenttodd_, how did you acquire the swf?22:20
todd_silent: brb22:20
Moofhape: my /etc/fstab is empty, not sure if that helps...22:20
scguy318Moof: that's pretty bad...22:20
david_Jmeoblast001: Don't know what to tell you...22:21
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: have you tried running firefox from a cli to see if you can catch the error22:21
mnemonicaawesome, thank you url14345 and david_J.22:21
Moofscguy318: what in particular is bad?22:21
david_Jmnemonica: np22:21
meoblast001david_J: hmmmm xvidcaps was able to get it to play........ once22:21
bluefoxxsilent: did you mean me?22:21
meoblast001then it stoped working22:21
Rafabewhich filesystem should I use for a boot partition? It won't let be use FAT16...22:21
lcphr3akHmm... does anyone know if binary kernels exist for ubuntu?22:22
aetosbluefox83, rename the folder firefox's extensions ?22:22
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: i could try that...but how?22:22
hapeMoof: you know the partition your rootfs in on ?22:22
bluefoxxaetos: ill try that one, thanks22:22
Moofhape: /dev/sda22:22
silentbluefoxx, the max number of computers a person should have is 3. One desktop, One laptop, One server22:22
cameron_first question in here, hopefully its not a bad one: I am needing to delete all files off an SD card. Ubuntu is seeing perfectly fine, but mounting it as read only. How would I change that?22:22
todd_silent: http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/classic/webcasts/shalka/six/flash/five.swf22:22
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: open a terminal and type    wait for it... firefox22:22
silentanything more is a pain in the donkey22:22
hapeMoof: /dev/sda<n>22:22
david_Jugh having font problems22:22
Moofhape: no. /dev/sda22:23
Moofhape: this is a virtual machine running on xen22:23
Jack_Sparrowdavid_J: did you just install some game in wine?22:23
david_Jdavid_J: nah the artwiz fonts22:23
silenttodd_, that is a flash animation, not a video, it does not have a codec, but I do think flash MX can export to avi22:23
perlsyntaxI got a question on dell computer with ubuntu.22:23
david_Jand every time I try to choose one my terminal closes....22:23
todd_silent: cool, so how do I go about that22:23
david_JCan't figure this one out22:23
perlsyntaxHow good is the hardware support?22:24
hapeMoof: unfortunately i never used xen ... you could try to enter the corresponding line manually ...22:24
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: it crashed again, these were the final lines[sorry, no pastebin access]22:24
bluefoxx*** Search: NOTIFY: Engine: "The Ratchet and Clank Wi"; Verb: "engine-changed"22:24
bluefoxx*** Search: _addEngineToStore: Adding engine: "The Ratchet and Clank Wi"22:24
bluefoxx*** Search: NOTIFY: Engine: "The Ratchet and Clank Wi"; Verb: "engine-added"22:24
bluefoxx*** Search: getVisibleEngines: getting all visible engines22:24
bluefoxx*** Search: getVisibleEngines: getting all visible engines22:24
silenttodd_, install flash mx in cedega or on a windows machine, open the swf and export22:24
silentflash is commercial software, however22:24
silentthat is a very well done swf by the way22:25
hapeMoof: that would be: "/dev/sda / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1" (correct the fs eventually22:25
todd_silentf: ca I get flashmx from synaptic?22:25
silentmust have taken a great deal of effort22:25
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: HAve you ever run automatix or envy?  (both bad ideas)   is this a fresh gutsy install or a feisty upgrade?22:25
ompaulbluefoxx, don't paste22:25
todd_silent: ok, where do I buy a copy?22:25
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every row two timestamps. What do they refer to?22:25
sethkRafabe, ext3, or ext222:26
silenttodd_, do you need to do this that badly?22:26
ArsHermeticaCan someone help me enable my visual effects? When I try it says "Composite extention is not available"22:26
todd_silent: yes, I HAVE to!22:26
MarcC-backroomanybody know how to get the pesky "restart required" thing to go away? I've restarted 4 times22:26
limaccan iceape be run on windows22:26
Jack_SparrowArsHermetica: Please post your xorg to the pastebin.. not in channel22:26
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: i dont think so, i dont recall hearing of them before, and its a clean feisty install, i use clean installs all the time22:27
ompaullimac, ask in ##windows22:27
MarcC-backroomlimac, seamonkey22:27
ArsHermeticaI'm sorry I don't know what that means22:27
CyberaiI was in here a month or so ago and was having trouble getting my screen set to it's native resolution. Someone in here gave a a quick command that spat out the exact text to cut and paste into my xorg.conf. Does anyone in here have that command? I lost my notes that had it.22:27
lcphr3akIs it worth compiling a new kernel, or can I get a kernel bianry?22:27
silenttodd_, what do you need this for, if I might ask?22:27
todd_silent: Making a DVD of the cartoon22:27
ompaullcphr3ak, it comes with a binary kernel for which you can get the source22:27
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: have you edited your sources much, changed repos etc?22:27
silenttodd_, I see22:28
silenttodd_, join #piracyisbad22:28
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: At this point I would suggest you run live so you can post the files we need to look at..22:28
dersuI installed bittornado-gui. Where to find torrent files22:28
alzamabarWhy can't I see the external HD content of my Windows box?22:29
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: nope i added medibuntu last night in a [failed]attempt to get my computer to play dvds22:29
lcphr3akompaul: I mean compiling the latest kernel. I know there are packages in other distros that already have the newest kernel compiled for you, but it is unsupported. Does ubuntu have that?22:29
ompaul!windows | alzamabar22:29
ubotualzamabar: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents22:29
david_Jdersu: www.isohunt.com22:29
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: is there a alternate web browser i can install?22:29
todd_silent: this is not piracy, the webisodes are under british law, and by british law any video sent internationaly is public domain22:29
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser22:29
todd_silent: look it up, I did22:29
silenttodd_, I'm not referring to the video22:29
todd_silent: ok what then?22:30
alzamabarompaul, I didn't understand the answer22:30
silentjoin the channel22:30
ompaullcphr3ak, ubuntu is a package based distribution, and one of the packages is a kernel, there is no reason to do that, and if you do it will most likely break things22:30
ubuntu__i'm running the live cd on a friends pc whose xp is in a really bad state with virus issuess.  is it possible to install clam av via the live cd and run a scan on the ntfs part?22:30
bluefoxxJack_Sparrow: i tried opera before, not a real big fan...i think a heard of another one gallon or something, but i dont recall...22:30
kane77can I somehow fix encoding of mp3 tags with some program?22:31
SpookyETI'm having DNS issues whenever Google Desktop Search for Linux is running. Does anyone experience the same thing?22:31
ompaulalzamabar, this is not #windows - I don't see a ubuntu aspect to the question I will get the bot to tell you about samba but if that is what you want the issue is you sharing not ubuntu22:31
Jack_Sparrowbluefoxx: it isnt like you will need to use it for long...22:31
alzamabarThrough Samba I can see an external HD connected to my Windows box. I can also see the content of my Windows drives. But then I can't see the content of the external HD. Any ideas?22:31
todd_silent: you there?22:31
silenttodd_, I am22:32
bluefoxxwhat about editing the pluginreg.dat file in my .mozilla folder?22:32
todd_silent: sorry, I was waiting for a place I can get flash mx, I think???22:32
silenttodd_, join #piracyisbad22:33
whada1what is the most simple way to write a simple GUI application?22:33
silentits only me there, I swear22:33
todd_silent: I dont understand???22:33
suttinHey guys. I just installed Gutsy and after i did, everything is choppy when i use normal desktop visual effects. I have an amd 64bit 2.2Ghz(i think) processor, 1g of ram, and an x800 video card from ati. Even when i turn them all the way off, my computer still chops a little. Any ideas anyone?22:33
silenttodd_, type "/join #piracyisbad" in IRC22:33
ompaul!piracy | todd_22:33
ubotutodd_: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:33
todd_silent: I was asking where I can get flashmx, how is that piracy?22:34
pike_whada1: what do you want just progress bars and click menu?22:34
* silent sobs into his arm22:34
pike_!zenity | whada122:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zenity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:34
asdddHello, can someone help me to install something for watching and listening ( mp3s, audio and to WATCH MOVIE ON DVD )22:34
asdddHello, can someone help me to install something for watching and listening ( mp3s, audio and to WATCH MOVIE ON DVD )22:34
pike_!dvd | asddd22:34
ubotuasddd: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:34
gaminggeektodd_: go to osflash.org22:34
gaminggeekthey have some opensource flash tools22:35
whada1pike: yes I know zenity but I want a real window and not a dialog22:35
bluefoxx!repeat | asddd22:35
ubotuasddd: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:35
whada1pike: well at least a way to minimize that dialog22:35
gaminggeekether that or look on ebay or your local software store should have flash22:35
ultracoolwhat is violent and threatening behavior? can jerking movement a fidgeting around counts?22:35
todd_silent: am I missing something???22:35
gaminggeektodd_: buy your software22:36
todd_gamingeek: thanks, but I dont see a buy now link???22:36
rushfan_Are ubuntus packages in the repository compiled with all options on? OR is there some arbitrary process to decide what gets compiled in?22:36
silenttodd_, join #omgwow22:36
gaminggeektodd_: that is opensource tools22:36
rushfan_Sorry if its a dumb question but Im used to source-based distros and my laptop cant handle compiling, and Im trying to figure out what the ubuntu media players are going to support22:36
whada1is there a way to make windows with zenity and not dialogs?22:36
CyberaiI was in here a month or so ago and was having trouble getting my screen set to it's native resolution. Someone in here gave a a quick command that spat out the exact text to cut and paste into my xorg.conf. Does anyone in here have that command? I lost my notes that had it.22:36
silentgaminggeek, does it have swf -> avi export tools?22:37
whada1or maybe something similar to zenity?22:37
todd_silent: I am sorry, it is late, I am fried and flustered, and confused???22:37
suttinHey guys. I just installed Gutsy and after i did, everything is choppy when i use normal desktop visual effects. I have an amd 64bit 2.2Ghz(i think) processor, 1g of ram, and an x800 video card from ati. Even when i turn them all the way off, my computer still chops a little. Any ideas anyone?22:37
gaminggeeksilent ffmpeg can do that :)22:37
silenttodd_, type "/join #omgwow" into irc and hit enter22:37
chatsuboHello, I am looking for an app for Ubuntu like webcam max that can stream my desktop without a camera. Any suggestions please?22:37
todd_silent: its empty22:38
gaminggeekchatsubo: you mean what your doing on your desktop?22:38
silenttodd_, I assure you it isn't22:38
gaminggeekchatsubo: you could use vlc for that22:38
bjwebb_have there been any recent updates, in gutsy, to compiz or xorg?22:39
asdddCan someone help me to install something for wathing MP3 ? MUSIC22:39
asdddCan someone help me to install something for wathing MP3 ? MUSIC22:40
mirakwhy is it needed to be root for a user to share a folder with samba ??!!22:40
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire22:40
iceman_hey so can anybody help me with a problem....22:40
iceman_i can just give you the web address so that i dont have to type the entier question22:41
AKGuyhiya ice22:41
JonathanFrankesHallo =)22:42
iceman_thats my question if someone is going to help me22:42
AKGuywhats the questio?22:42
kane77can somebody recommend me id3 manipulation program? (something that can mass replace characters in id3s preferably)22:42
AKGuygot here late22:42
avai want to install flashplayer-nonfree but the md5sum is wrong and the install fails :( is there anyway to ignore that?22:42
kritzstapfthe Intel Pro/Wireless 3945ABG driver ipw3945 crashes every few minutes saying "Error sending LEDS_CMD: time out after 500ms." - is there a fix or a different driver i could use?22:43
avakane KID322:43
kane77ava, thanx22:43
soothsayerkane77: easytag22:43
iceman_do use flash nonfree22:43
iceman_dl reg free flash and  firefox22:43
iceman_that what i did22:44
AKGuyi loaded automatix, it loaded all that22:44
Cpudan80Is there a way to set battery charge thresholds in Gutsy?22:44
Cpudan80Ie. Don't charge unless bat is > 50%22:44
iceman_any body helping me https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1950122:44
pike_ava: i dont know about the repos but you can just download it from adobe website untar it and then drop in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/22:44
Cpudan80err < 50%22:44
avapike thanks22:45
bluefoxxis there a page with a list of linux compatable wi-fi cards?22:45
AKGuyi was prettypleased last night when i loaded gutsy on my acer laptop and the modem, internal wireless, camera and even the wireless button on the laptop worked lol22:45
bluefoxxi got a different webbrowser22:45
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:45
AKGuyi cant find a thing on the computer that didnt work right out of the box. thats a first22:46
iceman_geeze can anybody help i have a networkig issue with a server i want to put together...can anyone help me22:47
david_JAKGuy: my sound card a wifi didn't.. Unlucky I guess...22:47
AKGuywhats the issue ice22:47
iceman_ok so im going to install UBUNTU server22:47
iceman_and i need a setup for it22:47
AKGuyyeah david i have a dell and its a nightmare22:47
bruenigubuntu is not spelled with all capital letters iirc22:47
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion22:47
david_JAKGuy: what's your hardware?22:48
iceman_So i am prepareing to set-up ubuntu (non-ppc) server...i think 6.06. The purpose is to setup an real time streaming server (rtss) and also to manage all files on one location. So i need the server kinda like this if i am describing it correctly. Part of the server access the internet for RTSS purposes. The other part is for students at a school to login to. The room has 5-7 workstations with 3 computers at each. each computer has to be able to log in to22:48
iceman_their work station. (for example if 3 of us are @ workstation 3 we each need to be able to access the server with the same users & passwords). Also there are programs (like Garage Band or final cut) that need to be accessed per workstation but they are mac specific. so how do I handle that as well. Please give me the full setup (eg what to install how to do it) and what equipment is recomended.22:48
iceman_PS the box was originally WIN2k but now contains formated blank hard drive. Also has network card pre-installed. I promise to follow each direction carefully.22:48
iroubuntu sucks :\22:48
iceman_also need a GUI (perferably Kubuntu GUI) just to set thing easy.22:48
david_Jnah vim sucks takes a lot to get used to lol22:48
AKGuywell ubuntu server is all command line, you know right22:48
matrilloxsup peeps22:48
* genii sips a coffee22:48
iceman_i know...but i was told i can get a GUI if i really need it22:48
bruenigdavid_J, don't be stupid22:48
PriceChildiceman_, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?22:49
matrilloxvi rocks my sox22:49
david_Jbruenig: didn't know I was... sorry22:49
suttinHey guys. I just installed Gutsy and after i did, everything is choppy when i use normal desktop visual effects. I have an amd 64bit 2.2Ghz(i think) processor, 1g of ram, and an x800 video card from ati. Even when i turn them all the way off, my computer still chops a little. Any ideas anyone?22:49
iceman_yeah i know that but it doesnt satifsy the entire question22:49
khatahnis there any program for linux to "record" and play back keyboard keyboard presses?22:49
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: xrog probably does not show the right config or you are not using the restricted driver for your card.. also note.. remember to setup the monitor as well22:50
asdddwhy i can't install :S ?22:50
asdddeido: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:50
asdddeido: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:50
asdddwatch this22:50
talcite_hey guys, what's a good program for ripping CDs to ISO?22:50
talcite_the default one with gnome doesn't seem to work for this particular cd22:50
K_Dallastalcite_, dd22:50
Jack_Sparrowasddd: turn off the other program manager22:50
AKGuyonce you have the server installed, and verify the up connection, you can do the updates then install the desktop. i found it much easier to install ubuntu desktop and then load the server tool i need]22:50
talcite_K_Dallas: thanks22:50
david_Jtalcite_: talcite_ k3b22:50
matrilloxlinux keylogger -> http://sourceforge.net/projects/lkl/22:51
asdddJack_Sparrow: what program menager ?22:51
david_Jtalcite_: or make a script22:51
iceman_i still need to know how to set it up....i mean as far as installing like do i install a lamp server or something else22:51
Jack_Sparrowasddd: synaptic, aptitude or apt-get22:51
suttinJack_Sparrow: Im using the restricted driver installed, but  i dont know if my xorg is set up right and i know i didnt set up my monitor22:51
iceman_so that it can perform the neccasry function22:51
talcite_david_J: you can make a script to copy an ISO? 0.o22:51
Jack_Sparrowasddd: you can only run one at a time22:51
david_Jtalcite_: why couldn't you?22:51
AKGuythe commands are the same as in terminal in a gui. you use sudo to load the program from the repos, then run22:51
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: please post your xorg to the pastebin... not in the channel..  and provide a link for the people here in channel22:52
david_Jtalcite_: but k3b would probably be easier...22:52
talcite_david_J: wouldn't you need to know how to encode into JFS?22:52
Jack_Sparrowtalcite_: you can do it with dd from command line...22:52
suttinWhat is pastebin jack?22:52
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:53
AKGuywhat i do, is i have a desktop install nearby, search the repos, then i go to the server unit once i know the name of the entry22:53
david_Jtalcite_: why? all you need to do is put your music in a directory not to exceed the cdrom space, and use mkisofs22:53
lwizardlI have a hfs+ partition mounted in 7.10 and was wondering if there is a way to turn off journalizing from within linux?22:53
talcite_Jack_Sparrow: is dd in the repos?22:53
talcite_david_J: Also, k3b is no good, I'm using gnome22:53
Jack_SparrowCreate ISO of CD Rom...dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/YourUserName/Desktop/file.iso bs=2k22:53
avawhen i use compiz i don't see any window borders or buttons; when i use metacity it works fine.  how can i fix compiz?22:53
david_Jtalcite_: so apt-get install k3b...22:53
khatahnmatrillox: in case that was for me, i wasn't looking for a keylogger, but something that helps automate keypresses (and maybe also mouse movements). on windows there are programs like Macro Magic and Ezmacros for this purpose22:54
talcite_david_J: install a whole DE for one program? 0.o22:54
Jack_Sparrowtalcite_: dd is command line.... program22:54
AKGuyif you want server out of the box connectivity with no configuration, find a cheap intel pro/100 network card to temporarily install. no configuration needed22:54
* K_Dallas doesnt know much but he loves dd ;)22:54
talcite_Jack_Sparrow: thanks, I'll give it a shot22:54
david_Jtalcite_: you dont have to....22:54
DoHihey all22:54
Samaseonis there a tool to make text files have at most 80 chars per line?22:55
Samaseonsome old unix tool?22:55
DoHiI installed ubuntu and now I can't boot from HDD22:55
david_Jtalcite_: so you just wanted to cp the raw data to a iso22:55
soothsayerkazol: xmacro maybe22:55
talcite_david_J: yes22:55
Samaseonhmm might be fmt :p22:55
david_Jtalcite_: I thought you were doin files22:55
DoHiI even formatted the drive 3 times22:55
iceman_AKGuy, view this web page cuz i don't think you read or understood the question so maybe this will help. https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1950122:55
DoHiany help?22:55
AKGuyi ok lemme look22:56
avaDoHi: it coud hav died.  hard drives do that :(22:56
david_Jtalcite_: but I am not sure how you'd listen to them...22:56
DoHiboots fine if I have the disc in22:56
talcite_david_J: It's a game, it's running too slowly off CD + wine emulation, so I'm hoping running off HDD would be faster22:56
DoHilinux and XP22:56
gerogehehecan i use compiz fusion on kde?22:56
DoHijust not without22:56
AKGuyit will hang a little geroge22:56
david_Jtalcite_: nvm... why didn't ya say so?22:56
david_Jtalcite_: cat would work too or dd_rescue22:57
Jack_Sparrowdavid_J: knowing now what he is doing I am sorry I tolf him.. almost..   he will need to know how to mount the iso next...22:58
talcite_Jack_Sparrow: I'm perfectly capable of mounting an ISO -_-'22:58
talcite_Jack_Sparrow: I have gentoo on my laptop. I just haven't used a CD in ages22:58
normanis there anyone that have printer sharing working on gusty22:59
david_Jtalcite_: yeah the loopback device22:59
DoHino-one has any idea?22:59
david_Jnorman: I have no printer22:59
PyroMyrmidonHow much space would be needed for a Ubuntu partition?22:59
suttinJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47473/ there is my xorg file22:59
Jack_Sparrow20 gig will work22:59
AprilHareis there a way of setting default applications for files permenantly? for instance, i want ubuntu to open acrobat reader when i double click on a PDF file.22:59
whoDunItDoHi: where does the boot fail? Do you at least to to the loader?22:59
PyroMyrmidonI'm stuck with an 18gb hd and an external hd running through usb 1.2.23:00
talcite_PyroMyrmidon: You could use even 8 gigs if you wanted. It just depends on what you plan to save23:00
AKGuyice, IMHO, i read what you are trying to do. Ubuntu server in a partially mac environment is shaky at best. i did this a while back. If i were you, and you wanted to stick with debian, i would download debian 4.0 and let it use the text based installer, which also has a entry to add a gui during install.23:00
Jack_SparrowPyroMyrmidon: are you trying to run another os as well or just ubuntu?23:00
aolausmy partition is 6.7 gb23:00
aolausused 3.3 gb23:00
DoHiwithout a bootdisc, xp or linux I get a black screen right after post23:00
talcite_PyroMyrmidon: the OS itself takes about 2 gigs I believe...23:00
Jack_Sparrowif just ub.. then use the whole thing23:00
PyroMyrmidonI'm just considering it. And I have to leave XP on here, since it's not my PC.23:00
aolausit's what happens when you have 60 gb hd lol23:00
DoHiwith a disc in it works fine23:00
talcite_PyroMyrmidon: I'd say it might be hard to do since XP needs atleast 10 =/23:01
PyroMyrmidonyeah, probably.23:01
Jack_Sparrowxp and ubuntu on 18 gig...  ugh23:01
AprilHarei am stuck with a two harddisk partition - my system won't boot off the sata harddisk i bought for ubuntu, so i use a small pata harddisk i had lying about23:01
BistroXP takes however much it wants to take =/23:01
iceman_ill try that23:01
whoDunIthave you tried the drive utilities diskette from the drive manufacturer for the format?23:01
DoHiit's as if there is a command missing off my HDD that get used off a CD23:01
talcite_PyroMyrmidon: If you can make sure that the OS only is on the hdd, it should be ok23:01
aolauslol.. it is my vista partition that is hogging 20 gigs23:01
Bistroboot.ini heh23:01
aolausI never use it23:01
AKGuyUbuntu is ubuntu. Mac OSX is darwin linux, which is, debian23:01
whoDunItI would try to low level format the drive23:01
suttinjack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47473/ there is my xorg file23:01
AprilHarethe pata harddisk acts to bootstrap ubuntu so i can continue using the sata harddisk for ubuntu23:01
AKGuydarwin has a prob with ubuntu23:02
DoHithat was my next trick whoDunIt23:02
AprilHareAKGuy, not exactly binary compatible!23:02
DoHijust hoping SOMEONE had heard of this before23:02
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: got it was reading..  looks good.. monitor info is fine.. just need to add higher res's23:02
DoHigot me shagged, this crap always happens before a LAN23:02
aguitelwhen i try to empty trash nothing happens ,anyone know about this ?23:02
iceman_oooo..so DL debian server....and is should work but will i be able to store and run mac apps on it23:03
stoodleysnowHello, I need help getting my sound to record in Audacity. It plays through the speakers but Audacity seems incapable of recording from Line-In.23:03
AKGuyno not binary compatible. but they can coexist23:03
iceman_and also perform RTSS operations23:03
AKGuyjust not very well23:03
whoDunItDoHi: i havent really ever had a problem like that but i always low level format a drive before i install an OS23:03
suttinjack_Sparrow: how would i do that?23:03
=== utopia- is now known as utopia
AKGuyDebian 4.0 supports rtss23:03
BistroDo any other programs recognize your line-in, stoodleysnow ?23:03
AprilHareAKGuy, that could be said of os/2 if you wanted to23:03
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: what is the max res for your monitor/video23:03
DoHiyeah well originally I was trying to fix a linux boot that died23:03
DoHiso I tried to avoid a format23:04
AKGuyyes April. But the darwin/ubuntu thing has been an issue on 4 occasions i know of23:04
normani guess nobody have printer sharing working on gusty23:04
DoHiso far I've only tried the XP format and the ubuntu format23:04
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: those sync rates for your monitor look generic.. did you check them against your model number?23:04
whoDunItI hear ya there, always sucks to lose info23:04
xoqrpsCould someone please help me install flash, I have the flashplugin in .rpm format downloaded23:04
stoodleysnowThey know OF it, but no programs I've tried (and that is a lot) can record from my line in.23:04
BlinnyI don't see anything out of grub if I use my nvidia PCI video card instead of my onboard. I'm now on a different computer so I can IRC and debug at the same time. Anyone have time to help?23:04
talcite_well since I'm here anyways... does anyone have experience with SSH and RSA keys?23:04
MasterWittI was wondering if its possible to move AWN to another part of your screen instead of just on the bottom?23:04
AKGuyi have been trying it with a powerbook. i used debian 3, and poof it worked23:04
suttinJack_sparrow: no23:04
DoHiis there another format util anyone recommends?23:04
normanmaster not in the current version23:05
talcite_I'm kind of lost, I can't figure out why I can't log into my server. It just waits after the MOTD, no login request, no prompt23:05
Blinnytalcite_: Sure do. But I need help myself right now.23:05
xoqrpsCould someone please help me install flash, I have the flashplugin in .rpm format downloaded23:05
bobgillI just downloaded Firefox 3 beta to try it.. if I want to keep it where does it make sense to put the "firefox" folder? /usr/bin/ ?? /usr/local ??23:05
MasterWittnorman: Was what you said for me?23:05
AprilHaresetting default applications in the gui? :)23:05
talcite_Blinny: heh, what problem did you run into? =D23:05
Blinnytalcite_: Something funny in your bashrc?23:05
talcite_Blinny: hmm... I would hope not 0.o. I never touched it23:06
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: google up your monitor Horizsync28.0 - 51.0 andVertrefresh 43.0- 60.0 and your cards max res23:06
AprilHarexoqrps, try some other format, .tar.gz worked for me23:06
Gneaxoqrps: delete it23:06
AprilHarexoqrps, i just ran the script and bobs your uncle23:06
Gnea!flash | xoqrps23:06
ubotuxoqrps: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:06
talcite_Blinny: yeah, I'll have to double check. It has some funny messages in auth.log and the other logs, but I haven't been able to find anything on google23:06
RagzoukenIs it possible to make my two keyboards use different key layouts?23:06
Gnea!flash | AprilHare23:06
ubotuAprilHare: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:06
=== gradin is now known as godlike
talcite_Blinny: what's the problem with your setup?23:06
AprilHareGnea, it's working. i'm happy :)23:06
GneaAprilHare: you likely screwed your system up if you didn't follow the directions on that site :)23:07
Blinnytalcite_: Using a PCi video card means I see nothing after BIOS post.23:07
Gneayes, until you try to change something else23:07
normanmasterwitt you cannot move avant in the current version23:07
Espen_7Hi, I have a strange little network problem...i cant ping my router or any other device on my lan, but i can surf the internet trough the router...any ideas?23:07
Blinnytalcite_: What should be grub countdown is a cursor that jumps around the screen.23:07
talcite_Blinny: have you tried setting the bios option for PCI video card?23:07
AprilHareGnea, too late she cried as she waved the wooden leg23:07
Blinnytalcite_: heh23:07
MasterWittnorman: Ahh ok. Ummm the next version perhaps?23:07
GneaAprilHare: oh well, you were warned :)23:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:07
SpookyETI'm having DNS issues whenever Google Desktop Search for Linux is running. Does anyone experience the same thing?23:07
AprilHareGnea, actually no i wasn't :)23:08
antohttp://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/video....wm&speed=_medS <- this is just sick!23:08
xoqrpsGnea: Ok, I've installed it. Any idea how I allow JavaScripts in my Flashplayer?23:08
ldsGreettings all..23:08
antoBtw dont look if you cant stand slaugther of animals23:08
AKGuylol that happened to me the other day till i realized i was connected to the wrong damn wire less router  lol23:08
BlinnyDamnit. Sorry.23:08
AprilHareGnea, i doubt death will fall since it's a single plugin23:08
DoHiwell later23:08
MasterWittnorman: Thanks for the help :D23:08
BistroI'm trying to run an emulator, mupen64, on a pretty new install. I navigate to its directory in the terminal, typing ls tells me that I'm in the right directory as it lists mupen64, but when I hit ./mupen64, it fails to run. Ideas?23:08
Blinnytalcite_: Yes of course. There are only two options, onboard or PCI23:08
talcite_Blinny: 0.o must be a real server lol. I'm just using a junked desktop =D23:08
Gneaxoqrps: javascript doesn't pipe through flashplayer, it's interpreted directly from the site itself23:08
aguitelwhen i try to empty trash nothing happens ,anyone know about this ?23:08
normanmaster --no problem23:08
=== godlike is now known as gradin
GneaAprilHare: heh...23:09
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:09
xoqrpsGnea: I was trying to watch a movie, but it said I had to download the newest version of flash or activate JavaScripts23:09
suttinJack_Sparrow: if its any help, when im using firefox, it is extreamly choppy. it took me 5 seconds for what i typed in to show up in firefox. this didnt happen before i upgraded23:09
talcite_Blinny: =/ framebuffer maybe?23:09
stoodleysnowI can't get Audacity, Sound Recorder or any other program to record from my built-in ICH8 sound card's Line In. Ideas?23:09
bobgillI just downloaded Firefox 3 beta to try it.. if I want to keep it where does it make sense to put the "firefox" folder? /usr/bin/ ?? /usr/local ??23:09
steve_bhey does anyone here have any experience at setting up qemu / kvm?23:09
Blinnytalcite_: What about it?23:09
AKGuyDoes it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific!  (that sounds like me)23:09
stoodleysnowI have an Asus P5B23:09
Gneaxoqrps: you have flash installed, you should be set23:09
Yazis there a way to find out exactly where i have a window positioned so that i can have it open there by default every time i launch the app?23:09
AprilHareGnea, let me guess - you wrote the script. and there is an evil spell in it. that will turn my linux box into an evil bot set for world domination.23:10
Jack_Sparrowsuttin: did you upgrade firefox, or just our regular upgrades23:10
talcite_Blinny: some cards might not support it. Are you using ubuntu server?23:10
talcite_Blinny: or your own kernel?23:10
TigranGYaz: Pretty sure its in Place Window23:10
GneaAprilHare: nope, it's just the way the system works - it's like trying to fit a square in a triangle hole23:10
suttinJack_Sparrow: Just the regular updates, from the automated upgrader23:10
ShawnRiskI am not able to load the Monitor & Display module in the System Settings. Any ideas how to fix this?  Using Kubuntu23:10
steve_bdoes anyone know how to get kvm/qemu to connect to the internet23:10
xoqrpsGnea: Alright, I'll reboot the computer and see if that helps :s'23:10
YazTigranG: in ccsm?23:10
Blinnytalcite_: This is a brand new gutsy desktop install23:10
TigranGYaz: Yea23:10
toli__Guys I have some problem instazlling the nvidia graphic drivers on my unbuntu23:10
Gneaxoqrps: reboot? not necessary. just restart firefox23:10
stoodleysnowUsingUbuntu 64 bit desktop23:10
talcite_Blinny: gutsy desktop?23:10
xoqrpsGnea: I did23:10
stupidbitchi got a adept notifying, what is it? how can i get rid of it :S thank you23:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:11
talcite_Blinny: I thought it was a SSH problem 0.o23:11
steve_btoli__ : are you trying to install it with apt-get?23:11
Blinnytalcite_: Forget it. I don't think you can help me.23:11
aguitelwhen i try to empty trash nothing happens ,anyone know about this ?23:11
talcite_Blinny: ahaha no, sorry about that23:11
YazI see that is where i can set it, but where can i find out where a current window is? as far as it's x,y coords?23:11
toli__No I'm geting the driver .RUN from the nvidia web site23:11
GneaAprilHare: you can set the square on top of the triangle fitting, but as soon as you try to walk away from it, the square falls off23:11
stoodleysnowanyone who can solve my sound recording woes?:-(23:12
steve_btoli__ don't do that!  Install it with the restricted drivers program in ubuntu23:12
New2Ubuntua newbie seeking for help23:12
patrichi,. have a silly question bout linking two sourcefiles in my makefile..23:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:12
wolfsoulanyone an idea why grub would tell me that (hd0,x) does not exist on a system with just one hdd ?23:12
Bistrotry plugging in your microphone stoodleysnow  =]23:12
patrichehe ok23:12
AprilHareGnea, ok, say I buy that my machine will self destruct in 30ish seconds - how do i remove and install with package?23:12
Gneatoli__: you don't want to do that. it's like trying to install the flash plugin for firefox as an RPM23:12
normanany luck with printer sharing on gusty23:12
ShawnRiskanyone know?23:12
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: might depend on x23:13
steve_btoli__ goto system -> administration -> restricted drivers manager23:13
GneaAprilHare: exactly what file did you install and what procedure did you use?23:13
New2Ubuntui need driver for my sagem fast 800,also i need help to install it,cause i'm totaly new,my laptop is a thoshiba A135,ans my OS is ubunto 7.1023:13
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viktorI'd like to mount an .iso file through fstab. how would the line look? thanks a million :)23:13
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: what does fdisk -l       last letter is  L23:13
BlinnyAnyone know why grub would give a blank screen when booting with a PCI video card?23:13
GneaNew2Ubuntu: fast 800? what's that mean?23:13
stoodleysnowI have problems with sound recording -Audacity , Sound recorder and any other similar progs refuse to record from Line-In on my Asus P5B's built in sound.23:13
New2Ubuntusagem fast 800,its a modem23:14
IndyGunFreakGnea: i think its an ethernet card or cable modem.23:14
AprilHareGnea, http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz and ran script within (not as root if memory serves)23:14
ShawnRiskseems no one wants to answer23:14
Jack_SparrowGnea: model number23:14
=== sakura is now known as sakura89
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: nope, not realy, as it doesnt realy matter what "x" i use it always thinks that the "selected disk does not exist"23:14
GneaAprilHare: does it have an uninstall script?23:14
toli__steve_b I did and I cant use the driver23:14
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: what does fdisk -l       last letter is  L show23:14
Blinnywolfsoul: It's not a LVM partition is it?23:15
patricok have two files, modbus.c and main.c. in modbus.c there is a function called cyclicModbus() which Id like to use in main.c .23:15
patricWhen Im compiling with gcc modbuc.c main.c I get the error23:15
patricundefined reference to cyclicModbus23:15
patricI think Iv seen this before but I cant put my finger on it..23:15
steve_btoli__ you need to enable the correct repositeries23:15
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: it lists all the partitions on /dev/sda ;)23:15
stoodleysnow:-( I have problems with sound recording -Audacity , Sound recorder and any other similar progs refuse to record from Line-In on my Asus P5B's built in sound.23:15
sakura89Ugh, Linux is a pain, I should just switch back to windows, everything worked flawlessly there23:15
spiker611is it possible to buy a standard printer and a separate scanner, and use a program in ubuntu to automatically make copies when i press a button?23:15
wolfsoulBlinny: nope, plain partition on a single sata drive23:15
IndyGunFreakNew2Ubuntu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37362323:16
sakura89In Linux, I get the error "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0""23:16
AprilHarei'd like to know why ubuntu thinks sata is scsi23:16
toli__steve_b I'm enableing the driver and it says that 'is not enabled'23:16
sakura89I didn't even have to do anything in wndows, I might as well switch back23:16
GneaAprilHare: did you run it as root or normal user?23:16
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radio_gaga42does anybody has experience on compiling a custom kernel, help.ubuntu.com kernel/compile didi not work23:16
AprilHaregnea: normal user (if memory serves)23:16
kitofhawaiisakura89: which driver you using?23:16
AprilHareshould make removal easier23:16
steve_btoli__ you need to go to System -> administration -> software sources  and enable Proprietray drievers for devices23:16
AprilHare*if* needed :)23:17
GneaAprilHare: ok good - open a terminal window and type the following:  find . -name "libflashplayer.so"23:17
steve_btoli__ Then try and enable the driver again23:17
BlinnyAprilHare: Everything is considered scsi now.23:17
sakura89The proprietary ATI drivers, installed using envy23:17
GneaAprilHare: give it a bit, it should provide 2 results23:17
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: had you edited ANY of the partitions .. which would change all uuid's for that drive..23:17
sakura89I have an ATI200m radeon graphics card23:17
preactionsakura89, why didn't you use the Restricted Drivers Manager?23:17
wolfsoulBlinny: only think making this "special" is that the system actualy isnt a installed one but a copy of a partition from another box23:17
kitofhawaiisakura89: oh, the latest and greatest? remove xgl-server23:17
AprilHaregnea: save me time and tell me where :)23:17
New2Ubuntuany help for my modem,pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!23:17
godemoniteDoes Anyone know to make it so it doesnt show the outline of the window like 50 times when it goes down?23:17
GneaAprilHare: that's what that command does :)23:17
sakura89sudo apt-get remove xgl-server?23:17
IndyGunFreakNew2Ubuntu: pay attention...   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37362323:18
kitofhawaiisakura89: it uses aiglx, not xgl23:18
PeloNew2Ubuntu, what issue are you having ?23:18
AprilHaregnea: took all of a 1/3 of a second23:18
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: my guess is uuid's are wrong.. let me give you another thing to try23:18
viktorI'd like to mount an .iso file through fstab. how would the line look? thanks a million :)23:18
blane_does anyone know why the Broadcom Pci cards are causing so much trouble?23:18
GneaAprilHare: do you see something like ./.mozilla/firefox/somethingelse?23:18
IndyGunFreakPelo: i think it might be a USB modem, not 100% sure though.23:18
suttinJack_Sparrow: there is my monitor information http://www.myshopping.com.au/SP--195504_21_Dell_P1130_Trinitron_flat_screen_CRT_monitor23:18
* Pelo was under the impression this was a Jack_Sparrow free channel until monday ...23:18
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda723:18
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: i doubt this drive/partition has any uuids, it's a copy of a running system from a different box23:19
PeloIndyGunFreak,  until he tells me I won't know for sure either23:19
GneaAprilHare: ok, now type this: rm ./.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so23:19
BlinnyWhat is the key combination23:19
Jack_SparrowPelo: I know.. I had a few minutes to kill waiting for the wife..  :)23:19
GneaAprilHare: make sure to kill firefox if it's already running23:19
AprilHaregnea: what about the other one?23:19
IndyGunFreakPelo: liol, careful, he's a whiner and wants handheld.23:19
GneaAprilHare: what's that path?23:19
toli__steve_b I clicked on the Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted), so what now ?23:19
* Pelo tells Jack_Sparrow wife not to hurry home, he's busy 23:19
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: do i need to do that only for sda or for every single partition ?23:19
BlinnyWhat is the key combination to boot into init 2, when one cannot see the grub menu?23:19
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: but your grub will have uuid's ... post your grub menu lst23:19
AprilHaregnea: don't worry, its the archive expanded23:19
New2Ubuntuthank you IndyGunFreak23:19
steve_btoli__ try and enable the driver again in the restricted drivers again23:19
GneaAprilHare: just remove the archive expanded altogether :)23:20
toli__I got the same error steve_b23:20
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: we only want to check the first one or the one you see in grub menu23:20
PeloNew2Ubuntu, what issue are you having ?23:20
sakura89kitofhawaii: I'm sorry, how can I remove the xgl-server and install the proper one?23:20
Blinnyescape e e 2   <enter><enter> ?23:20
AprilHareGnea, you're just jealous of the simplicity of my installation method, aren't you? ;)23:20
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:20
kitofhawaiisakura89: review these steps and make sure envy did everything right: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide23:20
GneaAprilHare: i've been running debian/ubuntu for years. trust me, there's nothing to be jealous of ;)23:20
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: i figured that much, so i already replaced all uuids in menu.lst and fstab with good old /dev/sdaX ;) but i'll try it with uuids again23:20
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: Ok...23:21
steve_btoli__ I enabled everything on the 'Ubuntu Software' tab on Software sources, and then I could install the restricted driver for my nVidia card...23:21
toli__ah ok Steve_b I will enable all23:22
viktor~/isos/Broodwar.ISO /BroodwarCD iso9660 loop,auto 0 0 (would this be the correct line to add to my fstab for me to mount the broodwar iso on startup? help would be hugely appreciated!! :)23:22
steve_btoli__ - one more thing.  If you type my name at the start of the line of text it shows up a different colour and I can see you easier!23:22
SpzattWhere can i get Wine support?23:22
kitofhawaiisakura89: sakura89: "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl"23:23
PeloSpzatt,   #winehq23:23
GneaAprilHare: are you running 7.10?23:23
SpzattIs down,.23:23
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: vol_id returns a uuid, interesting23:23
AprilHareGnea, yea23:23
PeloSpzatt, we can answer some basic questions23:23
AprilHareGnea, following instructions now23:23
=== rencore_ is now known as [rencore]
Jack_Sparrowwolfsoul: :)  I get lucky sometimes23:23
=== [rencore] is now known as rencore_
GneaAprilHare: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Browser_Plug-ins   <-- this is more up to date23:23
PeloSpzatt,  check your spelling  there are 187 ppl in #winehq right now23:23
toli__steve_b It works, I will need to restart I will get back again after restart, thanks23:23
steve_btoli__ well done!23:24
kitofhawaiiPelo: 187? hope they brought enough kegs :)23:24
Jack_SparrowPelo: You have the helm... good work... cya later all...23:24
AprilHaremd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz23:24
PeloJack_Sparrow, quitter !!23:24
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: probably because it's a copy of partition and not of the files23:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:24
super61can any one help me with how to set up pcsx?23:24
IndyGunFreak!anyone | super6123:25
ubotusuper61: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:25
aguitelwhen i try to empty trash nothing happens ,anyone know about this ?23:25
Pelosuper61,  check their site there is probably a channel for it or a forum23:25
AprilHaregnea: that didn't work23:25
radio_gaga42how can i compile a custom kernel, help.ubuntu.com kernel/compile didi not work23:25
super61ok Pelo thanks23:25
IndyGunFreakaguitel: did you delete something that would require root access to empty out of the trash folder?23:25
GneaAprilHare: what didn't work?23:25
Peloaguitel, is it possible you tried to delete a read only file ?23:25
AprilHare sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:26
wolfsoulJack_Sparrow: still i'm wondering what the uuid has to do with my grub problem, my problem is with grub itself not the update-grub script23:26
normani guest printer sharing does not work in gusty23:26
AprilHaregnea: the download reported a mismatch error23:26
Peloaguitel,   in the terminal  gksu nautilus ~/.Trash , shirt+del the files from there23:26
aguitelIndyGunFreak: not23:26
GneaAprilHare: did it give you the option to install it anyway?23:26
AprilHaregnea: no23:26
IndyGunFreakaguitel: well, thats what it sounds like.... try running this command in terminal.   sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*23:26
Pelowolfsoul,  jacksparrow is gone23:26
steve_bhow do I format a Fat32 drive in linux?23:26
GneaAprilHare: ok, try this then: sudo apt-get update    <-- after you run that, try to install it again23:27
wolfsoulPelo: i noticed23:27
Pelosteve_b,  use gparted23:27
stoodleysnowIf anyone wants to help me with my sound recording problem, it's at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=635380. see ya.23:27
IndyGunFreakgparted seems to have issuesi n gutsy, which is sad.23:27
aguitelIndyGunFreak: ok thankz23:27
Pelostoodleysnow, just tell us here23:27
wolfsoulanyone else here with a idea why grub insists that my hdd does not exist ? ;)23:27
GoatBearis there open or binary blob support for nv's 8600?23:27
AprilHaregnea: it claims its already installed23:27
PeloIndyGunFreak,  same here mind you I haven't tied it since my last reboot23:27
davefhow do i set away in xchat-gnome?23:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:28
AprilHarei blame you gnea, i was happy before! :)23:28
Gneasteve_b: mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/hdX#23:28
Pelodavef, /away  think23:28
super61i checked there site and theres no irc channel23:28
IndyGunFreakPelo: ya, its wierd, it works on my laptop, but not on my PC... i've not figured out what is different.23:28
toli__steve_b Thank you so much for ur help23:28
PeloIndyGunFreak, it's checking for my drives atm , over a minute now23:28
GneaAprilHare: ok, let's check:  dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep flashplugin-nonfree23:28
IndyGunFreakPelo: yup, thats what it does on mY PC.. checks for drives forever23:28
steve_btoli__ no problem mate23:28
AprilHareGnea, hang on i was trying something23:29
weltochzihello, is there a program in ubuntu packages that acts like peerguardian2 ? blocking IPs23:29
brueniggrep "^ii.*flashplugin-nonfree"23:29
PeloIndyGunFreak, I hope they fix it soon, I don'T want to have to go back to windows because of this23:29
Gneabruenig: wrong.23:29
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol, well, QTParted seems to work fine, if you don't mind installing KDE libs.23:29
IndyGunFreakthats what i ended up doing.23:29
Peloweltochzi, check in synaptic , search for blocking23:29
AprilHaregnea: i know something about apt etc thanks to debian23:29
weltochziPelo: ok, thanks23:30
GneaAprilHare: :)23:30
* Pelo ponders , windows or kde , hard choice 23:30
bruenigGnea, what does the line look like?23:30
IndyGunFreakPelo: i'd have to go back to Gates...lol23:30
Gnea /ignore bruenig23:30
toli__is there any divx pack for ubuntu like k-lite ?23:30
weltochziPelo: gnome :))23:30
AprilHareadmittedly, it taught me fustration however it was fun23:30
bruenigoh so it was correct23:31
* Pelo gave out a new ubuntu dvd to someone this weeks, he can't wat for the responce23:31
weltochzitoli__: vlc player? :)23:31
bruenigfor a second there I thought you were saying the grep was incorrect23:31
steve_bPelo: I am trying to use gparted - I need to unmount the drive and it is in use.  Is there an easy way to find out what is using it.  I seem to have an infinite number of windows open!!!!23:31
whtai'm getting broken video playback when compiz is enabled. using the radeon drivers from the ati site. what might be the problem?23:31
Pelosteve_b,  use the live cd23:31
toli__weltochzi I will try23:31
AprilHaregnea: ok still got the md5 mismatch thing23:31
weltochziPelo: I really enjoy wobbly windows :) don't know what does that yet23:31
steve_bPelo why?23:31
GneaAprilHare: can you pastebin it?23:31
Gnea!pastebin | AprilHare23:31
tommywhen I request a free ubuntu cd, it really isn't any charges at all right?23:31
ubotuAprilHare: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:31
joebob777as7steve_b, use the live cd if you have it it will save you a headache.23:31
Gneatommy: yeah, it just takes a long time :)23:32
Joachim_JoeCould someone please be so kind as to tell me when edit the boot ini, as to watch partion to link it too? The extended, the native or swap?23:32
AprilHareGnea, pastebin what exactly?23:32
bruenigAprilHare, the flashplugin-nonfree package is no more than an installation script, if adobe has updated or changed the flash tarball at all from before, the install script will fail, probably should just get the tarball from macromedia itself and install it23:32
tommyokey; ) hehe23:32
Peloweltochzi, you missed the first part of the discussion on this,  I was overreacting to a bug in a gnome app,  I have no intendtion of gong back to windows or using kde23:32
AprilHarebruenig, that's what i did :)23:32
joulesanyone knows of an iweb replacement for linux?23:32
weltochziPelo: oic23:32
* IndyGunFreak would learn CLI before going back to Windows permanently23:32
TigranGYaz: Did you get it?23:33
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/23:33
steve_bjoebob777as7 I can just reboot my computer if need be - it doesn't mount automatically on startup.  I think I need to quit bitchx becasue I ran it from the drive I am trying to unmount!23:33
PeloJoachim_Joe, can you try that again,  I have no idea waht you just asked23:33
GneaAprilHare: the entire thing - from where you type sudo apt-get install ..  to where the prompt appears again23:33
aguitelPelo: thankz23:33
GneaAprilHare: is that n00b pestering you? :)23:33
Peloaguitel, no prob23:33
Pelo!noob | Gnea23:33
ubotuGnea: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.23:33
joules... i need to make a website and last time i wrote html was 5 years ago23:34
joulesanyone knows of an iweb for linux?23:34
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: are you using 64-bit ubuntu?23:34
whtai'm getting broken video playback when compiz is enabled. using the radeon drivers from the ati site. what might be the problem?23:34
Joachim_JoePelo, I have Ubunto on the side of Vista on my notebook. I use this boot manager to setup the booth entries. I told it load grub, as second choice, but I am not sure what partion to link GRUB.23:34
silentwhat is jfgi?23:34
kitofhawaiiwhta: what's broken?23:34
Pelojoules, you can save in html from OOo , if you just need a quick page23:34
bruenigsilent, just google it23:35
weltochziPelo: hint about the name of the app or bug? :) doing a search on the logs23:35
steve_bPelo - gparted is partition magic for linux!23:35
=== jussiava is now known as _cheerios
AprilHareGnea, n00b? where? *loads shotgun*23:35
silentkids and their acronyms these days23:35
AprilHarekitofhawaii, no 32 bit23:35
GneaAprilHare: wait - we shouldn't speak of such things in public lol23:35
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: it doesn't work very well in Gutsy... best to download the Gparted Live CD23:35
limacwhere's the directory /debian/patches in Ubuntu?23:35
joulesPelo: but i need .. like a nice website with all the fancy stuff23:35
silentbruenig, I jfgi, I understand now23:35
AprilHareGnea, true, it makes the hunt harder... ahem. sorry. joking :D23:35
PeloJoachim_Joe, grub has stage one on your boot sector and it points to stage two which is in the /boot/grub  folder of your ubuntu partiton23:35
whtakitofhawaii: basically, whenver i run any kind of video (from any application) that's not flash video like youtube or something, there's a black overlay. resizing the window gives me glimpses of the video, but the black stays over it. it works when compiz is off and i still have sound23:35
mikedoty3I have an Nvidia Geforce4 MX card.  I upgraded from 6.10 to 7.10 yesterday (using xubuntu for the record).  I'm now having problems with opengl.23:36
sakurakitofhawaii: Thank you for that site, I can now get compiz running. It didn't fix my problem though23:36
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: aprilhare: adobe released a new flash player, the ubuntu repo's md5 hash doesn't work right now (open bug)23:36
GneaAprilHare: he never knows what he's talking about - always gives false information... could be a bot23:36
steve_bIndyGunFreak it seems to have worked for me :-p23:36
kitofhawaiisakura: did you remove xgl?23:36
Pelojoules, not in my league,  I don't think there is a wisiwig html editor for linux,  the losest I know is nvu23:36
mikedoty3When I try to run a pyopengl app, it crashes with an out of memory error on the call to glClear23:36
mikedoty3When I try to run a game such as neverball, it runs but everything is very dark.23:36
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: its wierd, it works for some, not for others.. for me, works on 1 laptop, doesnm't work on my PC and my other laptop.23:36
GneaAprilHare: anyway, did you get the pastebin?23:36
kitofhawaiiwhta: did you enable overlay support in your xorg.conf?23:36
bruenigkitofhawaii, yeah I have told him, Gnea keeps leading him astray unfortunately23:36
* AprilHare eyes gnea suspiciously for signs of bot-like behavious23:36
mikedoty3I also tried the nvidia-glx-legacy driver, but it did not seem to work either, though I can try it again.23:36
sakuraI blacklisted fglrx23:36
AprilHarebehaviour even23:36
* Gnea has never led anyone astray in this or any other channel on freenode.23:37
mikedoty3What do you think I can do to get things running?23:37
AprilHarehang on23:37
kitofhawaiisakura: "sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl"23:37
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | mikedoty323:37
ubotumikedoty3: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:37
Gneabruenig: you got a webpage?23:37
bruenigGnea, if you aren't explaining to him that he needs to remove the flashplugin package then you are leading him astray, the install script will continue to md5 mismatch until it is fixed23:37
iceman_gnea, kinda quick question. there are to accounts, the root and a regular usr that i have. my problem is 1 the root can login from another account to run things like adept and 2 kmix wont work properly and is muted on the non root account23:37
bruenigGnea, so he needs to get it from adobe23:37
mikedoty3Alright, I'll take a gander at that.23:38
Gneabruenig: you obviously don't keep up on things, just back off and help someone else.23:38
Odd-rationaleIs the flashplugin-nonfree package problem fixed now?23:38
bruenigOdd-rationale, no23:38
joulesPelo: thanks anyway23:38
Odd-rationalebruenig: OK To bad...23:38
bruenigOdd-rationale, well to be fair, 1189 people say no it hasn't, but Gnea thinks it has, so keep both sides represented in my answer23:39
kitofhawaiiwhta: whta: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide review that site to make sure you didn't miss anything (includes section on overlay)23:39
Gneai rest my case.23:39
Odd-rationalebruenig: Wil it be ready tomorrow? :)23:39
sakuraI just came back to say thank you!23:39
sakuraIt worked perfectly23:39
Pirate_Hunterwhos gnea never seen him/her around here before23:40
* AprilHare picks up the six pack of grog and thanks gnea23:40
bruenigOdd-rationale, I have no idea, until then you can get it from adobe, we can help you get it installed here23:40
bruenigPirate_Hunter, probably dugh judging from the link23:40
Odd-rationalebruenig: OK Thanks!23:40
=== rencore_ is now known as ninety-nine
AprilHareok then, how do i make apt forget the niceties of md5? :)23:41
GneaAprilHare: looking...23:41
kitofhawaiiGnea: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/g+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/173890 open as of yesterday23:41
T70K5I try to boot my machine and get Grub error 17, how can I reconfigure it to see/boot ubuntu/vista?23:41
bruenigAprilHare, you will need to get the deb, extract it, edit the script inside of it and then put it back together23:41
Gneakitofhawaii: thanks, what i was looking for :)23:41
AprilHarethe Lord said, let there be man, and there was man, and he saw it held help23:41
Fourmyleanyone else have trouble with the 64-bit live CD?23:41
YazT70K5: did you boot to windows for the first time and that happened?23:42
luke403can anyone help me with the following error:E: The package limewire-basic needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.23:42
luke403E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report., and when I try to install Limewire manually it says:it cant open it it may be corrupt or i am not allowed to access it but i know it is not corrupt and that i can access it23:42
Gneakitofhawaii: oh wait, broken link.23:42
IndyGunFreakFourmyle: wel,l do you have a 64bit PC?..23:42
derekloeI just mounted an iso into my /home/user directory and it erased everything and I'm wandering if there's any software or something I can do to get it back?23:42
Fourmyleyes. AMD64 x223:42
bruenigGnea, your forum link was funny, is this what I am meant to have said that was so vicious? "<bruenig> ubuntu gets the most hits per day, that is not a measurement of popularity"23:42
kitofhawaiiGnea: maybe i mistyped (hopefully i didn't mispaste :) )23:42
Pirate_Hunterluke403: limewire on linux? you mean frostwire23:43
Gneakitofhawaii: nope, that's broken too23:43
soothsayerderekloe: have you unmounted the iso?23:43
Gneabruenig: again, go help someone else, i'll figure it out.23:43
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: there's a version of limewire available to.23:43
bruenigGnea, your amusing23:43
AprilHareyou know, i might be happier in the interim using my kludge until that bug is fixed23:43
nyoronHi, how do I make file roller read RAR files?23:43
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: but it must be run through wine?23:43
derekloesoothsayer, the iso was in my /home/user directory so i'm not really sure how to umount it.23:43
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: negative, there's a linux version23:43
bruenigubuntu still installs plugins in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins right?23:44
kitofhawaiiGnea: interesting...well, the link works here...dunno what to say after that :) "new flash plugin codename moviestar available, no ubuntu package currently" is the gist23:44
Tripi have a bet that i will see a dumb question in 5 minuts so dont dissapont me fallas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!23:44
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: oh didnt know that whats the difference23:45
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: Im sure both use the same network23:45
nyoronTrip: are you allowed to call for dumb questions or not according to bet conditions?23:45
AprilHare--reinstall --force-yes :D23:45
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: yeah, they ddo, i *believe*... Frostwire is "free"(as in thought).., where as Limewire is not.23:45
Dr_willis!rar |  nyoron23:45
ubotunyoron: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:45
GneaAprilHare: try wget http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb23:45
nyoronDr_willis: Thank you.23:46
Tripubotu: apt-get install unrar-free ?23:46
Dr_willisfrostwire seems to be in court also.23:46
tommyis it common that when I resize a window, it will lag? or do I need any special graphics drivers? I got nvidia-glx-new23:46
iceman_Gnea, non root usr cant use kmix and is stuck on mute23:46
IndyGunFreakDr_willis: why's that?... and if so, how did limewire not end up there?23:46
Dr_willishttp://www.dailytech.com/article.aspx?newsid=9900  Judge Throws Out Limewire Countersuit23:46
Gneaiceman_: is the non-root user part of the audio group?23:46
kitofhawaiitrip: just type "rar" in the terminal, it'll tell you which package you need23:46
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: i always find it funny that its not free yet they provide a premium version on their network23:47
bruenigAprilHare, do this: cd /tmp ; wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz ; tar xf install_flashplayer_9_linux.tar.gz ; cp install_flashplayer_9_linux/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins ; rm -rf install_flashplayer_9_linux*23:47
lokeGood evening gentlemen.23:47
IndyGunFreakPirate_Hunter: lol, well they're not the only ones.23:47
iceman_Gnea, i don't think so do i have to add it to the group23:47
stickyickywhats the easiest way to tell what version of ubuntu i'm running from the command line?23:47
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell23:47
EMPER0Rhi have HP COMPAQ PROLIANT 530 trying to install Debian Etch 4.0r1 and server load module cciss & cpqarray but no found any disk in the RAID 5 .. how can i install it? exist any issue of that to make something before?23:47
Gneaiceman_: check it:  id <username>23:47
derekloeI just mounted an iso into my /home/user directory and it erased everything and I'm wandering if there's any software or something I can do to get it back?  OR: if there is a way to umount the iso I mounted (which was in my /home/user directory) will that fix it?  None of the file names in the iso are the same as anything in my directory so I don't really know why everything is gone...23:47
wols_EMPER0R: wrong channel23:48
CyberaiI just installed gutsy, and I installed the nvidia drivers. Now i have my native resolution. But no icons or wallpaper appears. Launching nautilus from the terminal gets nothing. Anyone know how to fix this?23:48
qkrI can't get to ubuntu website but all other websites work...what's wrong?23:48
Pirate_HunterIndyGunFreak: tru that but it is amusing23:48
EMPER0Rhi have HP COMPAQ PROLIANT 530 trying to install ubuntu 7.10 and server load module cciss & cpqarray but no found any disk in the RAID 5 .. how can i install it? exist any issue of that to make something before?23:48
Peloqkr, what address are you using for the ubuntu website ?23:48
EMPER0Rcorreo question wols_23:48
CyberaiEMPER0R, go to #debian23:48
wols_EMPER0R: you are in the wrong channel23:48
PeloEMPER0R, ask in #debian23:48
luke403 can anyone help me with this error E: Internal error opening cache (1). Please report., and when I try to install Limewire manually it says:it cant open it it may be corrupt or i am not allowed to access it but i know it is not corrupt and that i can access it23:49
iceman_Gnea, no its not in the audio group. add it?23:49
EMPER0Rjust fault OS23:49
wols_EMPER0R: why did you ask about debian first then?23:49
EMPER0Ri means ubuntu 7.10 now23:49
GneaEMPER0R: did you get your array setup beforehand?23:49
Spzatthow do i install MSN on ubuntu?23:49
Peloqkr, right address , try empting your cache23:49
GneaEMPER0R: how?23:49
wols_luke403: full message please,not just bits23:49
CyberaiSpzatt, you dont23:49
EMPER0Rsetting by bios.. and lsmod show cciss and cpqarray23:49
PeloSpzatt,  instll amsn or pidgin will also serve23:50
EMPER0Rbut hangs detecting hardware23:50
lokeqkr, try using "" instead of ubuntu.com.  Also, try to ping the address in a terminal.23:50
EMPER0Rand not found disk to make partitioner23:50
zzt32Ok, are there /any/ drivers for the i915 chipset in Linux? :/23:50
derekloeOk, I gues I'm just going to reboot and hope for the best (even though that's generally a bad strategy) but I'm not getting any better ideas...23:50
Gneaiceman_: yeah23:50
Spzattjesus its too hard to read here23:50
Pelo!raid | EMPER0R this may help23:50
Gneaiceman_: then you need to logout and log back in again23:50
ubotuEMPER0R this may help: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:50
stickyickythanks wols23:50
PeloSpzatt,  only read the line with yur name in it, they are hightlited23:50
Spzattloke join #spzatt23:50
Ashfire908what effect does txqueuelen have on a connection?23:51
iceman_Gnea, ok thanks ill let you know if it works23:51
theremperhi Im here for a quick question does anyone know of a media player that can play audio and video and auto add to the library23:51
Gneaiceman_: ok23:51
hikenbootgreetings all! I installed a usb using deboostrap and installed ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-standard...Gutsy runs fine on the dell 620 but this deboostrap install of ubuntu does not run x says screens not found. What packages am I likely missing23:51
Gneatheremper: amarok23:51
wols_hikenboot: have you installed xorg?23:51
david_Jtheremper: I think kaffeine can scan23:51
qkrping doesn't work either...it's really weird, all other websites work!23:51
hikenbootubuntu-desktopi installs it23:51
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: number of packets the output queue can hold. it helps throttle outbound bandwidth23:51
theremperisn't kaffeine for kde23:52
penguin42hi, has anyone else seen a constant stream of 'device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table'23:52
david_Jtheremper: you can run kde applications in gnome23:52
T70K5can someone help me with a boot problem please?23:52
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, what is the effect on lag and the effect on speed?23:52
hikenbootfunny thing is i got it working on anotherone without a hitch23:52
IndyGunFreaktheremper: yes.. but you can install it on Gnome, it will just require a crapload of KDE libs.23:52
Pelohikenboot,  reconfigure x  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg23:52
david_Jtheremper: yeah why can't you? apt will install everything...23:52
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: no effect, the queue will empty out as fast as it takes. 1000 packets is normal (same as on a cisco router)23:52
radio_gaga42how can i compile a custom kernel, help.ubuntu.com/kernel/compile did not work23:52
theremperim new to linux23:52
wols_hikenboot: then you haven't configured xorg correctly. there is more to the error than just "screen snot found"23:53
Pelo!kernel | radio_gaga4223:53
uboturadio_gaga42: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages23:53
IndyGunFreaktheremper: what do you mean 'really'?23:53
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, but then why does the man file mention lag?23:53
T70K5I need help with Grub23:53
theremperI mean that I have ubuntu installed for a month and before that was a fan boy for an other os23:54
T70K5my machine won't boot, I'm on a live cd right now23:54
Pirate_HunterPelo: when should ppl ever compile a kernel?23:54
larson9999my laptop started showing lines and then locked up.  bad video card?23:54
PeloT70K5, are you getting an error msg ?23:54
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: well technically it's fifo by default (you can change this but it's not exactly something i'd recommend unless you're using your system as a router)23:54
T70K5yes, Grub Error 1723:54
PeloPirate_Hunter, some need them for specialised hardware23:54
IndyGunFreaktheremper: ok, i guess i'm still missing your point.23:54
PeloPirate_Hunter, some jsut for kicks23:54
* penguin42 has just upgraded a machine to gutsy (from feisty) and it's insisting on trying to mount the DVD drive with device mapper23:55
AprilHaregnea, sorry about delay - smae thing23:55
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, i'm trying to impove my ppp0 connection on my server/gateway.23:55
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: so in fifo you can have contention for bandwidth (aka lag...) weighted fair queue's another option but it takes a bit to set up23:55
cursoranyone any good with wifi, since my upgrade to .10 i cant get it working23:55
PeloT70K5,  ok pay attention ,   when you get to the grub menu  select the frist entry and hit e for edit23:55
GneaAprilHare: alright, give bruenig's solution a shot23:55
Pirate_HunterPelo: migh be exciting compiling kernel for kicks until things go wrong.. like shooting blanks23:55
AprilHareGnea, same thing even - broken installer23:55
brueniguh oh23:55
theremperI didn't know that you could install kde stuff on gnome that there were completely diffrent23:55
AprilHareGnea, wouldn't the script be better then, just run it as root?23:55
david_Jpenguin42: fstab perhaps23:55
T70K5I don't have a menu23:55
YazDoes anyone know how I can get the size, shape and X,Y coordinates of a window?23:55
bruenigAprilHare, do this: cd /tmp ; wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz ; tar xf install_flashplayer_9_linux.tar.gz ; sudo cp install_flashplayer_9_linux/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins ; rm -rf install_flashplayer_9_linux*23:56
T70K5it says "Loading Grub Stage 1.5" or something like that, then it says "Error 17" and thats it.23:56
larson9999theremper, of course you can.23:56
YazT70K5: this happened to me this morning, download supergrub23:56
penguin42david_J: All the CD drives are in there as noauto23:56
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, uh in english?23:56
theremperwont it break something23:56
YazT70K5: boot to the supergrub cd and reinstall grub...via the command line instructions at the website23:56
larson9999theremper, nope23:56
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: how much bandwidth do you have/how much bandwidth are you trying to use?23:56
jugheadI am having issues with games (windowed or not) - the mouse pointer disappears!  How can I troubleshoot this?23:56
IndyGunFreaktheremper: no, it won't... like i said, it will install a bunch of KDE libs the first time yhou install a kDE app, then after that, you shouldn't need to install them again23:57
T70K5ok, where can i find it?23:57
PeloT70K5,   select the root line and hit e for edit ,  change the root (hd*,*)  to the right address for your ubuntu partition,   in grub  (hdA,B) means  A for the drive , B for the partiton,   the numbering starts with 0 ,   after you are done,   hit enter to accept and B to boot that menu entry,  the change isn't permannet, you'll need to edig /boot/grub/menu.lst once you booted the os23:57
david_Jpenguin42: prolly a hal or udev issue....23:57
=== monkey_ is now known as shinobi2
loketheremper, the applications will not properly integrate with your theme, and you might have some extra libraries...other than that it should work well.  I used kTorrent in Gnome.23:57
radio_gaga42david_j:ubunto does not boot on my notebook(acpi), so i filed a bug on kernel.org, the guy from ibm then sent a patch for me to try23:57
YazPelo: he can't get to the menu23:57
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, max speed i have seen is ~17 KB/s23:57
zzt32error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory23:57
YazT70K5: google supergrub23:57
zzt32What the fuck do I do now23:57
penguin42david_J: Yeh I reckon so - any ideas where to look?23:57
YazT70K5: I don't know the exact website...it's a long url23:57
Gnea!swearing | zzt3223:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swearing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:57
T70K5ok, one second23:57
theremperok and it says amarok is for audio im looking for a player that can do both audio and video and auto update  library23:57
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, wvdial/ifup sets it by default at 3.23:57
IndyGunFreaktheremper: on my Gnome Installs, I use kde apps Amarok for my Ipod, Ktorrent, and used to use Kopete23:57
PeloPirate_Hunter, compiling a kernel isn't for everyone but it is someting the more hardcore user should try at least once I expect23:57
adamonline45What's the command to restart my window manager?23:57
bruenigadamonline45, what is your window manager23:58
zzt32adamonline45: control-alt-backspace ?23:58
PeloT70K5,  if you need to speak to me, or anyone else, please use out nick in each line so we know , it's a busy channel23:58
therempercool. ubuntu gets better and better every day23:58
david_Jpenguin42: google if your devices are right in the fstab.. Ubuntu uses UIIDS, so I'd make sure the fstab is right23:58
bruenigctrl+alt+backspace restarts x not just the window manager23:58
adamonline45bruenig: KDE...23:58
penguin42david_J: It's actually mounted them all OK23:58
AprilHareok. installed. haven't bothered to remove the package given it may be updated later and then will take over managing the plugin23:58
Pirate_HunterPelo: well will do so once i get another hd it should be fun but not on the main hd23:58
Ashfire908zzats, that's to restart the whole xorg server23:58
bruenigadamonline45, so then the window manager is "kwin" iirc23:58
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: eh for dialup hmm yah i can't really think of much that'd improve lag23:58
david_Jradio_gaga42: but just a cdrom device as device mapper?23:58
AprilHarei find chatting here difficult due to my Australian English which allows for some words that are considered swearing in other forms of english :)23:59
adamonline45bruenig: zzt32: No, that's the keyboard shortcut... My keyboard occasionally stops responding, so I'd like to create a shortcut so I can restart my WM using the mouse23:59
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, ok then23:59
radio_gaga42david_j:  don't understand anything23:59
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: (assuming it's dialup, or is it DSL?)23:59
PeloPirate_Hunter,  you can compile it to a seperate partition,  in any case it is a good idea to have your /home folder on a sepreate partition anyway, that way you can reinstall the os as much as you like and keep your data and settings23:59
theremperdoes amarok support video23:59
LiMaOAprilHare: like which ones?23:59
lwizardlI have a hfs+ partition mounted but it comes up as read only how can i make it read/write i have already tried chmod23:59
bruenigadamonline45, ok so you want to restart x not your window manager?23:59

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