
mhbCheGuevara: any luck?00:54
CheGuevarajust got back ima try the gutsy package in a min00:54
CheGuevararight lets see01:01
* mhb sleeps01:02
=== cheguevara is now known as CheGuevara
CheGuevarareverting that to gutsy fixes it01:08
CheGuevaraRiddell, u around01:11
red_team316how would I extract the string 2 out of Number=2 without using kreadconfig?01:41
nosrednaekimred_team316: python?01:52
nosrednaekimred_team316: "string.split[:-1]"01:52
nosrednaekim(if its only a single digit#)01:53
red_team316thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I think this works better for what I need though02:15
red_team316blastr = 'Number=2'02:15
red_team316            print string.strip(blastr, "Number=")02:15
nosrednaekimyup :D02:15
yuriyred_team316: i'd do string.split('=')[1]02:15
yuriybut that works too02:15
red_team316well all of the stuff I'll be reading wont all be integers02:16
red_team316hmm it works ok but the output is ['Number', '2'].  Is this creating an array(c terminology)02:20
nosrednaekimred_team316: "bleh, whatIWant = function"02:24
nosrednaekimthen just use "what I want"02:24
red_team316ok if I changed the number to 3, how would I write that back to the same file so that the line reads "Number=3" but any other information in the file is still there?02:27
red_team316my goal is to read/write values to kde rc files without relying on kde(so it will work on a ubuntu/xubuntu/etc)02:28
nosrednaekimred_team316: go read the python docs on file.seek()02:34
RobertoM_[away]I usually read the whole file in a variable, split the variable on newlines, modify the single lines and then write back the variable with the modified lines02:35
RobertoM_[away]can I change nick for the last time? XD02:35
red_team316I'm looking in the python-doc global module index, cant find it :/02:40
nosrednaekimred_team316: its a built in function....02:45
nosrednaekimlook in the tutorial02:45
=== cheguevara is now known as Che|sleep
fdovingso.. doesn't the new flashplayer work with konq at all? or is it just me?10:57
=== uga|away is now known as uga
buzin gutsy? works for me12:05
buzexcept that nspluginviewer still occasionally eats cpu like nothing12:05
Hobbseestdin: ping12:26
stdinHobbsee: pong12:26
Hobbseestdin: did anyone else review your meta-kde package?12:26
stdinHobbsee: Riddell and jpatrick both looked at it12:27
Hobbseestdin: right, cool.12:27
HobbseeAccepting Results:12:27
HobbseeOK: meta-kde412:27
Hobbseestdin: can you remind me to get that sent to universe tomorrow?12:28
stdinHobbsee: sure12:28
Tonio_hi there13:27
Tonio_anyone tested latst kde4 packages ?13:28
Tonio_xorg hangs for me when kwin starts, fglrx 8.43 driver13:28
Tonio_nosrednaekim: yep13:28
mlankhorstI tried rc1 for an hour, after that I went back to kde3.13:28
Tonio_seems to work for some people with opensuse, so I was wondering if I missed something in the configuration13:29
mlankhorstWorked for me with fglrx though, but I'm using radeonhd at the moment.13:29
nosrednaekimTonio_: same driver, and it works for me13:29
Tonio_nosrednaekim: damn.....13:30
Tonio_maybe something specific to my card btw13:30
nosrednaekimTonio_: do you have dbus-x11 installed?13:30
Tonio_nosrednaekim: anything special in your xorg.conf file ?13:30
Tonio_nosrednaekim: I do13:30
nosrednaekimTonio_: no.... except I got rid of the no-composite section13:30
Tonio_nosrednaekim: means removed the option "composite" "0" ?13:31
Tonio_nosrednaekim: what about the DRI section ?13:31
Tonio_still mode 666 in there ?13:31
Tonio_is AIGLX activated in ServerLayout ?13:32
Tonio_ho can be that too, what modules are loaded in the Modules section ?13:32
nosrednaekimTonio_: well, AIGLX works, so I would assume so, though I didn't change anything.13:32
Tonio_I just have glx and extmode in there13:33
nosrednaekimI don't even have a modules section ;p13:33
Tonio_let's make another test, I changed a few things13:34
nosrednaekimbasically its just a keyboard, a mouse, a video card, a monitor and a screen sections13:34
mlankhorstI dropped the monitor section on mine.13:35
mlankhorstKeyboard, mouse, touchpad, video card, screen, and serverlayout to put it together.13:35
nosrednaekimoh yeah... I do have a server layout..13:36
Tonio_nosrednaekim: no still hangs xorg for me13:36
Tonio_maybe some card specific issue with aigls13:36
Tonio_nosrednaekim: I have a X1600 chip....13:36
nosrednaekimI have an Xpress110013:36
Tonio_nosrednaekim: does anything in there seem do be wrong for you ?13:37
mlankhorstScreen contains 'Virtual 4096x4096' for xrandr 1.2. :-)13:37
Tonio_ho, just for information, I have no problem without opengl support, kwin then works13:38
Tonio_mlankhorst: what the problem is with xrandr ?13:39
nosrednaekimwhats the "group 0" doing in DRI?13:39
Tonio_nosrednaekim: hum I don't know, but btw shouldn't change anything on that point13:40
Tonio_nosrednaekim: removed, and now testing13:40
mlankhorstTonio_: Biggest problem is that kubuntu's xrandr program has a bug that is fixed in git, it made it not work. Took some digging through radeonhd mailing list to figure it out. ;-)13:40
Tonio_nosrednaekim: bah same problem with me13:42
Tonio_mlankhorst: you where talking about xrandr, was that about my config file ?13:42
Tonio_nosrednaekim: I must say I'm a bit lost..... I see no reason it wouldn't work as expected...13:42
Tonio_nosrednaekim: especialy since I got it to work in the pase on that poinr13:42
nosrednaekimTonio_: you catching any errors?13:43
mlankhorst<repeats> Tonio_: Biggest problem is that kubuntu's xrandr program has a bug that is fixed in git, it made it not work. Took some digging through radeonhd mailing list to figure it out. ;-)13:43
Tonio_mlankhorst: oki but why would that work or some other people then ?13:43
Tonio_mlankhorst: hardy bug ? then I may have to wait for another package then ?13:44
Tonio_mlankhorst: and if so, how to disable xrandr to perform opengl only effects in kde4 ?13:44
Tonio_mlankhorst: I think that's possible right ?13:44
Tonio_mlankhorst, nosrednaekim:13:45
Tonio_kwin --replace                                                                                                                                                 [0.22 0.46 - 24% 3%]13:45
Tonio_kwin(28040) KWin::Extensions::init: Extensions: shape: 0x "11"  composite: 0x "4"  render: 0x "a"  fixes: 0x "40"13:45
Tonio_kwin(28040) KWin::CompositingPrefs::detect: glx version is  1 . 213:45
Tonio_here is the kwin-kde4 output13:45
nosrednaekimTonio_: does that work?13:45
mlankhorstTonio_: xrandr 1.2 isn't available for fglrx anyway.13:46
Tonio_nosrednaekim: no it doesn't work at all13:47
Tonio_xorg hangs, mouse works, but keyboard is dead13:47
Tonio_and cpu is going to 70% for xorg and the other 30% for kwin13:47
Tonio_all I can do is then killing my kde session13:47
Tonio_nothing special in the logs13:47
nosrednaekimTonio_: winder if there is a way to disable composite for kwin13:47
Tonio_nosrednaekim: bah I don't want to disable it, I want it to work ;)13:48
Tonio_or at least understand what the issue is13:48
SeregaTonio_: now I'm ready to test the issue with two prompt13:48
Tonio_Serega: kdesudo ? super :)13:49
SeregaTonio_: aha :) could you remind me the URL?13:49
nosrednaekimTonio_: I hear ya.... the problem is you can't really complain to #kde4-devel cause you are on RC1.13:49
Tonio_I know :)13:50
Tonio_nosrednaekim: I'll wait a bit, hopefully that'll be fixed soon13:50
Tonio_Serega: http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp13:50
nosrednaekimRC2 should be coming out soon.13:51
Tonio_Serega: but wait a second, I have a new package version13:51
SeregaTonio_: ok, I got 404 on this13:51
Tonio_Serega: http://tonio.homelinux.org/temp13:51
Tonio_Serega: grab and test and tell me that works, even if it doesn't ;)13:51
SeregaTonio_: ok ;)13:51
SeregaTonio_: should I uninstall anything before?13:52
Tonio_Serega: no just install the new package13:52
nosrednaekimTonio_: BTW, i'm running the RC1 permanantly because kde3 blew up on me...13:53
Tonio_nosrednaekim: shut up !!!!!!!!13:53
* Tonio_ is jalous13:53
* Tonio_ goes crying in his bed13:53
nosrednaekimha.... well, all I can say is I envy YOU.13:54
SeregaTonio_: "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: kdelibs4c2a"13:54
SeregaTonio_: where to get the one?13:54
nosrednaekimKDE4 is not the most productive environment13:54
Tonio_Serega: ah......; I built that one for hardy13:54
SeregaTonio_: I have KDE4 RC1 installed13:54
SeregaI can test in on livecd13:54
Tonio_Serega: well I can send you the source package so that you can build it yourself no ?13:55
SeregaTonio_: yes, of course :)13:55
Seregajust deploy13:55
Tonio_Serega: same url, you'll got the source package13:57
SeregaTonio_: orig + diff?13:58
Tonio_Serega: orig + diff + dsc13:59
Tonio_then dpkg-source -x *.dsc13:59
Tonio_then apt-get build-dep kdesudo13:59
Tonio_and to finish, do in the unpacked sources and type debuild13:59
SeregaTonio_: thanks, exactly what I was going to ask ;)14:00
Tonio_and then sudo dpkg -i ../*.deb14:00
Tonio_and that's it14:00
Seregahiyaaa, I started to study the packaging!14:00
Tonio_Serega: well debuild is more or ocal testing than building real packages14:02
Tonio_Serega: then pdebuild is the key14:02
Tonio_but for testing debuild is enough imho14:02
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
SeregaIt's a horror... sudo debuild uses system-wide locale ignoring my and root's ~/.profile :-\14:22
jpatrickpersonally I wouldn't and dont' use sudo debuild14:22
Seregajpatrick: I just wonder of locale origin14:27
Seregafuck... it rages me14:31
SeregaTonio_: I can't build the package "dpkg-source:unrepresentable changes to source \n debuild: fatal error at line 124714:46
SeregaTonio_: am I wrong anywhere?14:46
Tonio_Serega: you should have a .*.swp vim created file, can you see it ?14:47
Tonio_find . -name "*swp" -exec rm -rf {} \;14:47
Tonio_Serega: try that and retry the build14:47
SeregaTonio_: done, the same14:48
Tonio_find . -name "*gmo" -exec rm -rf {} \;14:49
Tonio_those files also can create the problem :)14:49
Tonio_Serega: looks strange that you have the problem building from the source package14:50
Tonio_Serega: lemme build you the gutsy package14:50
Tonio_I may have a gutsy chroot somewhere14:50
nosrednaekimTonio_: PPA :D14:50
SeregaTonio_: I'll try. there was ./po/fr.gmo14:51
SeregaTonio_: deleted, but the same error14:51
* Serega realy wants to help, not to poke :)14:52
Hobbseekdebase-workspace on amd64 died.14:53
Hobbseeon ppa14:53
buzany kde4 packages for me to test? (boring sunday ;)14:58
nosrednaekimbuz: only RC114:59
Tonio_Serega: no chroot here, wait a second and I'll built it15:00
Tonio_Serega: then I'll give you gutsy package to test15:00
SeregaTonio_: thanks, sorry for discomfort15:01
Tonio_Serega: no pb, package building right now15:12
Tonio_Serega: you can get the deb on the same page15:38
* Serega was dinning15:43
SeregaTonio_: sorry, still 215:52
SeregaTonio_: I've even recently performed reboot15:53
Tonio_Serega: can you please remind me of the bug ?15:54
SeregaTonio_: recent survey: issue reproduces even when adept is already closed. possibly due to kdesud daemon15:54
Tonio_Serega: better report the bug on launchpad I'd say, so that I can fix it in the future15:54
Tonio_Serega: I can't recall what the bug is exactly, can you remind me of it ?15:55
SeregaTonio_: the promt "Removable media" on media plugging is duplicated (1 runs for my user, another for root) and I actually see 2 prompts15:57
SeregaTonio_: issue is linked with kdesudo15:57
Tonio_Serega: ah yes..... I can't reproduce that one....15:57
Tonio_Serega: please report on launchpad so that we can see if people confirm or not on hardy15:57
SeregaTonio_: I can test it now on Hardy LiveDC. should I?15:58
Tonio_please do :)15:58
SeregaTonio_: all is ok in hardy =)16:05
Seregawhere to file bugs for kubuntu? here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug16:09
Tonio_Serega: I don't kown exactly16:16
Tonio_Serega: maybe it is just  local problem or something with dbus config or policy.....16:16
Tonio_Serega: hard to gues what the problem is without :16:16
Tonio_- confirmation it is for everyone16:16
Tonio_- detailled infromation concerning the system configuration16:16
SeregaTonio_: do not understand 2 last messages? do you want to know my PC configuration?16:17
Serega*first question mark is unneeded16:17
Seregajpatrick: I found some bugs in kubuntu hardy alpha 1, should it be also filed there?16:19
Tonio_Serega: I have to go, but yeah send that to me by email : tonio@ubuntu.com16:20
SeregaTonio_: do you worry bug is just hidden in hardy?16:20
SeregaTonio_: ok, good luck!16:20
jpatrickSerega: yes, and probably https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Alpha1/Kubuntu/Feedback too16:20
Seregajpatrick: oh, nice, it is more specific :)16:21
TopAgentHello all...  I hate to bother anyone but I am new and frustrated with Kubuntu and the flashplayer and sound... Is there any one that can help me..17:03
TopAgentI have been to flashplayer and downloaded there tar.gz file and followed all the directions and i see colored jigsaw puzzle pieces where there should be a video on discovery.com   can someone help me?17:04
jpatrickTopAgent: can you not just install flashplayer-nonfree?17:05
TopAgenti guess I could try but I spent so much time on this already I'd like to know if it is the player or the sys?17:06
jpatrickTopAgent: wait it's call flashplugin-nonfree, it's from Adobe, should be everything you need17:07
jpatrickTopAgent: you may also want to install kubuntu-restricted-extras from multiverse17:07
TopAgentTHATS what I need help with//////17:08
TopAgentcan u walk me through it17:08
TopAgenthow do I add them to the update manager17:09
jpatrickTopAgent: do "kdesudo kate" and uncomment (remove) the "#" in front of the "deb" on the line with "multiverse" in /etc/apt/sources.list17:09
TopAgentI think thats what I need to do because my desktop works fine but I installed fresh ubuntu on laptop yesterday and it doesnt work17:10
jpatrickTopAgent: you may also want to see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware17:12
TopAgenti'm not sure what to do...   I opened a term. and signed in as root...   kdesudo kate and gotkdesudo kate17:13
jpatrickthere is no need to login as root17:13
jpatrickthat's the point of kdesudo17:13
TopAgentok   untitles kate came up and there isnt anything in the window17:14
jpatrickTopAgent: hmm, if you want GUI look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu17:15
=== Che|sleep is now known as CheGuevara
TopAgentok  I have installed all the repositories that I can and now I have updated the system so it says upto date/17:57
TopAgenti still need to know what i am missing... still the same when I go to discovery.com17:57
jpatrick!flash | TopAgent17:59
ubotuTopAgent: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:59
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org18:00
xRaich[o]2xhi i get kopete: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/kde4/lib/libkopete.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN3KIO3Job9addSubjobEPS0_b when starting kopete-kde4 under hardy. is this a known problem?18:09
Seregawhere can I find the HotkeyResearch guys?18:33
Seregamy laptop has special keys still not working :(18:33
SeregaI ready to collect required info, but dunno where to send it18:33
fdovingour guy is lure. https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLaptopKeycodes18:35
mhbget ready to hate me in 5..4..3..2..18:50
nixternalNOTICE: 'sun-java6' packaging is maintained in the 'Svn' version control system at:18:53
nixternalinteresting....sun-java6 is maintained in a directory called sun-java518:54
nixternalthat doesn't look right at all :)18:54
crimsunperhaps not very clean.  Are scripts used to facilitate separation?18:56
nixternalit is loaded with stuff18:58
crimsunsounds like you have a job ;p19:03
mhbwoohoo, you hate me now!19:06
mhb(see planet for reason while you go get the gun)19:06
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
mhbstrange, no death threats yet19:16
mhbso what's up?19:16
fdovingyou're right, of course.19:16
=== txwikinger2 is now known as txwikinger
Serega_mhb: what happened? :) why should I hate you? O.o19:30
mhbSerega_: I wrote a critical blog post at planet.ubuntu.com, that's all.19:32
* Serega_ remembers Jucato19:33
Serega_gg, simpson-like avo19:34
Serega_mhb: +119:37
Serega_so many things should be done _BEFORE_ "kaffeine codecs autoinstallation" :-/19:38
mhbSerega_: yeah, we have to stand on the shoulders of fat, smelly giants19:39
mhbSerega_: oh, by the way, if you have a registered nickname and your connection fails so that the original nick is still on freenode, you can use /msg nickserv ghost Serega yourpassword and it will kick it.19:42
Serega_mhb: Martin, I'm not a fan of dwm or wmiim I just want more stability for _existing_ code before new feature implementation. Bugs are summarizing like a snowball19:42
Serega_mhb: oh, RLY?19:42
=== Serega_ is now known as Serega
Seregahere I am19:43
mhbSerega: I understand, I just think sometimes, in order to produce better software, we have to stop and think "Is this feature so important that we can rationalize the slowdown of the app?"19:46
mhbSerega: of course, kaffeine codecs autoinstallation is one of the things that is definitely practical and won't slow Kaffeine much after first run, I expect19:46
Seregamhb: there is so many features much more importrant than stupid codecs...19:47
Seregamhb: please wait 2 minutes I go to my laptop19:47
Seregamhb: on the other side, such approach is the main difference of ubuntu from debian. To be more innovative19:54
mhbSerega: innovation comes often at a price - if you innovate too much, your software gets bloated.19:57
Seregamhb: true. I think every community developer finds his own trade-off between innovacy and stability/code beauty/size19:59
mhbI'm not entirely happy with the upcoming KDE4 release - for me, I see new ways to write apps, but hundreds of unfinished things, like the Kickoff menu, or even the widget style is incomplete and not planned to be polished20:01
mhbfurthermore I am pretty sure it is going to eat more memory and CPU cycles while offering flexibility which is worthless when I just want my web browser to work.20:02
Seregapartially agree20:08
ugahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-7fdt7kMqc&feature=bz303 =)20:09
ugajust don't ignore WHAT he's downloading... =)20:09
Seregauga: his peer was in the same LAN =)20:11
ugait sounds like so, hehe20:11
renewipanyone knows anything about "Kubuntu tutorials day"?21:48
stdindepends what you want to know21:51
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
LaserJockwhat is the preferred method for installing KDE4 on gutsy? PPA or -backports?22:34
RiddellLaserJock: they should both be the same22:36
Riddellwe only use PPA because backports is too slow22:37
Riddellto compile22:37
LaserJockok, I was wondering if PPA was depracted22:37
stdinRiddell: oh, I wanted to let you know, kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 still wants to overwrite files in kdebase-bin22:47
CheGuevaraping Riddell23:50

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