
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
infinitycircuitis anyone else having trouble with the recent slocate upload01:26
infinitycircuitit refuses to install because it says there are diversion errors01:26
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: I have never had it working properly with gutsy at all01:27
h3sp4wnSo I have been using just the normal locate01:27
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, yeah i will probably just put it on hold and forget about it01:28
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: Is it a recent upgrade ?01:35
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, i don't know; it was part of an upgrade from a fresh install of xubuntu off alpha 101:37
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, i have no problems with it in my desktop which has been running hardy since the repos came out01:37
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, i will try to fix the diversion error by manually renaming the files01:37
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: That is interesting - Its always been broken with my laptop (upgraded maybe 2/3 weeks ago)01:38
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, i ended up fixing it by just manually uninstalling and reinstalling slocate01:56
infinitycircuitit took xubuntu-desktop with it but when i reinstalled ubuntu-desktop i pulled in the restricted drivers manager as a bonus01:56
infinitycircuitso no real complaints there01:56
choudeshanyone around?02:03
infinitycircuitto an extent02:04
infinitycircuitdistracted by fixing problems in hardy02:04
choudeshI can't get the icedtea-java7-plugin to work02:05
choudeshnot sure if it is even worth to report a bug yet or not02:06
nenolod"can has ubuntu 8.04 release?" </troll>05:00
nenolodout of curiosity, has anyone encountered any problems with pinning packages from hardy yet?05:01
nenolodgreat. :D05:02
nenolodi was going to play with pulseaudio a little, as to see what modifications to the audacious package will be needed to automatically support pulseaudio in the most optimal way05:02
DarkMageZwhat hardy alpha/beta release are we up 205:05
crimsunthe PA interaction remains "to be decided"05:05
crimsun[with -desktop as a whole, that is]05:06
crimsunthere's at least one issue that needs to be resolved with the default config [whether to use hw:X or default]05:07
nenolodcrimsun, well i don't even know what the state of pulseaudio is in audacious yet.05:08
nenolodsome people have a goal of having audacious in main instead of universe eventually too, so...05:09
nenolodhmm. i'm too lazy to work out what all needs to be pinned. /me runs "sudo do-release-upgrade --devel-release" instead05:31
nenolod. o O (after all, my /home directories are on another drive. i can just reinstall if it breaks.)05:33
choudeshanyone having issues with java on hardy?05:37
choudeshseems the icedtea-java7-plugin isn't working for me05:37
cafuegoIt doesn't work for me on gutsy either.05:42
choudeshcafuego: argh05:47
cafuegoand the hardy source won't build on gutsy06:01
choudeshyea - and the gijplugin one is slow06:05
choudesherr, gcj06:06
cdm10Has anyone here noticed any problems with non-QWERTY keyboard layouts?06:14
crimsundvorak works fine here, cdm10.06:22
cdm10crimsun: ughh, strange06:23
cdm10crimsun: i'm running it in a vm, which doesn't have anything to do with it, 'cause dvorak works fine in everything else06:23
cdm10and by everything else I mean Gutsy in the VM06:24
cdm10crimsun: I set Dvorak in the install, but the login screen and desktop uses QWERTY.06:24
cdm10And switching to Dvorak only works for a little while, and seems to revert when i reboot06:24
cdm10Is anyone here running Hardy in a VirtualBox VM?06:41
bazhangrunning hardy, but not in a vm06:42
cdm10ok, well, mine is vm-specific06:42
bazhangoops sorry06:42
nenolodslocate fails on dist-upgrade. has anyone filed a bug about that yet?06:53
nenolodah. two people :D07:01
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
gary4garhello, the google search box in firefox has stopped working after i upgraded to hardy from gutsy09:19
Toma-...you mean from gutsy to hardy?09:21
Toma-ahh nm09:21
* Toma- is suffering sunday afternoon stupidity :D09:21
Toma-have you mv'ed the .firefox folder?09:22
gary4garToma-, lol yes from gutsy from hardy09:22
Toma-give that a bash09:22
Toma-only move it. it contains all your bookmarks and such09:23
gary4garshould i delete ~.firefox folder ?09:23
=== Agrajag` is now known as Agrajag
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
gary4garToma-, thanks the problem was solved :)10:15
gary4garwhats the advantage of pulseaudio over ALSA, i am using it since last two day but i didn't see any difference :|10:24
Toma-thats good10:25
gary4garToma-, whats good. solving my firefox problem or but able to see the difference between pulse & alsa :p10:28
Toma-both :)10:28
Toma-i dont know the difference, but ive been quite concerned about pulseaudio and how it plays with alot of audio apps10:29
gary4garToma-, tell me more about your exp about pulse10:30
Toma-never used it10:30
Toma-but i know things like to do deadly battle for use of /dev/dsp and adding more layers can suck10:30
Tomcat_gary4gar: pulse is a layer on top of most audio systems, incl. ESD/arts/alsa/oss etc.10:40
gary4garToma-, so thats the advantage of pulse at a end user & devs ?10:41
Toma-no idea to be honest.10:41
gary4garTomcat_, what your take on this?10:42
Tomcat_gary4gar: People should be able to use almost all audio systems at once (no app is able to take 100% control of sound devices), complete & easy-to-use network transparency, per-app volume control, compiz-like effects for audio (background apps having lower volume than foreground apps), etc. Haven't tried it, but the promises are great.10:44
Toma-that would be infuriating for a media player that you hit play and dont ever think of :|10:44
gary4garinteresting thing compiz-like effects10:44
BaD-Laptopyeah, i was reading somewhere that it was possible to have a program that would load balance or something between alsa, oss, arts, pulse, etc. i'll see if i can find it again. it sounded interesting.10:45
Tomcat_BaD-Laptop: That *should* be pulse.10:46
Tomcat_See these slides... it says everything (even the bloody details): http://0pointer.de/public/pulseaudio-presentation-lca2007.pdf10:46
gary4garTomcat_, is pulse available on alpha 1 by default?10:47
BaD-Laptopi just remember reading about it on somebody's blog. i just don't remember which of my 9 computers i bookmarked it on.10:47
Tomcat_gary4gar: It's planned to be in hardy by default (it is in current FC), no idea on current version...10:47
gary4garBaD-Laptop, lol 9 pc haha10:47
Tomcat_BaD-Laptop: Centralized bookmarks with WebDAV or something? ;D10:47
BaD-Laptopthat's just boxes. i have 4 laptops with 2 more on the way from work. :) i love my job.10:48
BaD-Laptopi'm just going to write a php/sqlite script that will interface with firefox's sidebar. all will be good after that.10:49
BaD-Laptopi just need motivation to do it though.10:49
gary4garTomcat_, i am running alpha 1 and i see pulse there by default, but strangely i didn't see any difference, do i need to do some more config stuff?10:49
gary4gari wanted to see this thing you talked about "(background apps having lower volume than foreground apps"10:50
gary4garsound interested to me :)10:50
Tomcat_gary4gar: Well, there shouldn't be much difference... at one point, the volume mixer will be a different app, but pulse integrates quite nicely.10:50
Tomcat_gary4gar: Unfortunately, that's not even mentioned in the slides, and it's not available in the current versions... it's future work ("compiz for audio")10:50
gary4garoh i see10:50
Tomcat_gary4gar: Also stuff like "windows on the left side of the screen are on the left speakers" etc. ;) (which might be nice but annoying)10:50
Tomcat_gary4gar: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Interviews/LennartPoettering10:51
Tomcat_"Spatial event sounds: click on a button on the left side of your screen, and the event sound comes out of your left speaker. Click on one on the right side of your screen, and the event sound comes of of the right speaker. It's earcandy, but I think this could actually be quite useful, but only if we get better quality event sounds, than we have right now."10:51
Tomcat_"If you run two Totems side-by-side, the one that is active should have 100% volume, the other one 20%. And if you change focus with your window manager, the two volumes should slide to the inverse. I think this would be very, very useful. Especially for things like Flash: if a flash video is running in your web browser, the system should automatically slide down the volume of everything else and slide it up again when the Flash clip finish10:51
Tomcat_ed to play."10:51
Tomcat_"For playback streams where we know the average volume a priori (e.g. event sounds) it might make sense to scale the volume in relation to the average volume of what else is being played. The idea is that right now it is sometimes very annoying if an event sound like "You got an IM" interrupts your move playback with a volume that is a lot louder than the audio track of the movie."10:51
Tomcat_That's about it.10:51
* Tomcat_ stops spamming10:51
gary4garTomcat_, thanks a ton :D10:51
gary4garreally it was helpfull10:51
Tomcat_I really doubt this will be in 8.04. Maybe 8.10 :)10:52
gary4garthough i have lot of questions to ask but first i will read some more info on it and specially the link given by you :)10:52
Tomcat_Well I don't know much more than the slides and the interview.10:52
Tomcat_Haven't even tried it. ;)10:52
Tomcat_But I'll pop in alpha 1 and see if it's working...10:53
gary4garso when compiz-audio comming,10:53
gary4garit is in CVS now?10:53
Hobbsee"when it's done"10:53
gary4garHobbsee, hello, smart reply as always :p10:54
gary4garHobbsee, still thats the time interval, 1 day 1 week,1 month, 1 year, 1 decade,1 lifetime or 1 century :D10:55
Tomcat_gary4gar: I'd say 1 year, just from experience with beryl/compiz.10:55
HobbseeTomcat_: how do you get that?10:55
Tomcat_Hobbsee: Just a wild guess. :-)10:56
dr_evilA click noise sound everytime I click? You must be insane11:03
Tomcat_dr_evil: It's an example, no suggestion of what distributions should do. :o11:04
=== Aishiko_ is now known as Aishiko
cs02rm0what's the tidiest way of installing the hardy kernel on a gutsy install?14:22
Tomcat_cs02rm0: I'd guess change the repo, install the kernel package + deps, change the repo.14:24
Tomcat_cs02rm0: Then, of course, pray that it works. ;)14:24
cs02rm0Tomcat_: ok, thanks. do you know offhand which repo it's in? main/multiverse/etc14:24
cs02rm0heh. no disaster if it doesn't.14:25
Tomcat_cs02rm0: lol... you'd kinda expect a kernel to be important enough to be in main, right? ;P14:25
cs02rm0i'll give that a go, cheers.14:25
=== magnetron_ is now known as magnetron
h3sp4wnas flight is to drake - what is to heron ?14:53
Hobbseean alpha.14:54
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1 "Home of the Hardy Heron" and various breakage | This channel is for Hardy discussion only | If you need help with dapper/edgy/feisty/gutsy join #ubuntu | Release schedule not final yet | If you are here to ask questions such as "what repositories do i use?", "is hardy going to break for me?", or update without checking what is to be updated, DO NOT RUN HARDY
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
h3sp4wnIt should be a siege i.e siege 115:03
=== dr_evil2 is now known as dr_evil
=== hydrogen_ is now known as Hydrogen
hithi, can anyone tell me how to change input language in terminal or smth? i can't login to ubuntu because i'm getting strange characters in login box while typing22:21
hiteverything's fine in terminal22:21
hittryed dpkg reconf and everything but nothing22:22
crimsun`sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales`?22:24
hiteverything else's just fine22:25
hittext in login screen etc22:25
hitcan't even google for it22:40
hitdon't know what to search22:41
DanaGOh, it may be a keyboard layout issue.22:41
DanaGthere's console-setup for console.22:41
hithaven't tryed this22:43
hitshould i?22:43
hitanytihng else i could try if this isn't working?22:43
hitanyway i'll give a try..22:47
hitsetupcon didn't help22:56
DanaGdpkg-reconfigure console-setup22:58
DanaGbut it may be an xorg issue, instead.22:58
DanaGGo to a console, login as yourself, and then xinit.  Then in the console that opens, start xev.22:58
hitand what supposed this to do?22:59
hitnvm, i'll see.. :p23:02
IdleOne!info easycrypt23:02
ubotueasycrypt: simple GUI for managing TrueCrypt crypts. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 322 kB, installed size 560 kB23:02
=== ember_ is now known as ember
WorkingOnWiseI adjusted my pwr management settings to susspend after 20 minutes of inactivity. I started an install of some tings with Synaptics Package Manager and then  left for 40 minutes. The update should take about 30 minutes or so, including dl time. I came back and my computer has suspended. I resumed it and it was finishing the install I had started. It was clearly not idle, but yet it still suspended. Why?23:32
cafuegoDid it suspend or did the display just go to sleep?23:34
cafuegoor did the upgrade take 20 minutes and not 30.23:34
WorkingOnWiseIt suspended. I had to hit the power button to wake it up. The touchpad wouldnt wake it.23:34
cafuegoit probably finished before you estimated it would then.23:35
hitDanaG, any more ideas?23:35
cafuegoWorkingOnWise: Oh I see, idle is not "not working" but idle means "no user input"/23:36
DanaGHmm, perhaps your keyboard is using the wrong layout.23:36
hitbut it is brilliant in console..23:36
Jordan_UIs it fairly certain that Hardy will use Pulseaudio by default?23:36
cafuegoWorkingOnWise: Linux is *always* doing stuff in the background, so you can't define idle as "not doing anything".23:37
hitall those special letters in estonian etc23:37
h3sp4wncafuego: That trackerd thing could be considered not desirable23:37
cafuegoh3sp4wn: trackerd is shit. yes, get rid of it.23:37
WorkingOnWiseWhen I came in, the pwr leds were blinking as they should in a suspended mode, and no hdd activity lights. It was clearly suspended. As soon as I hit the pwr button, the display blinked, the fan started, and the hdd activity lights were going, as was the install log from the update that was going. It is now finished, 10 mins after I woke it up23:38
Hydrogenpretty much all indexing services are horrible23:38
cafuegoAt least beagle can *find* stuff it indexes :-)23:38
cafuegoWorkingOnWise: Oh I see, idle is not "not working" but idle means "no user input".23:38
cafuegoWorkingOnWise: So after 20 minutes of no user input, the system suspended (even though it was running applications at the time).23:38
Jordan_Ucafuego, What do you mean? Does tracker not support full regex or does it just sometimes not work?23:39
WorkingOnWiseif linux is always doing things in the background, how do we define idle for the purposes of power management?23:39
WorkingOnWisecafuego: yes23:39
cafuegoJordan_U: The last few times I tried it (on Gutsy) it spent a lot of time indexing files, but was never able to return *any* search results.23:39
cafuegoWorkingOnWise: idle == no user interaction. That's how it is on all OSes.23:39
WorkingOnWiseis No user input the true definition if idle in Linux?23:40
h3sp4wnYou could be doing anything though23:40
h3sp4wnOnly time it makes sense is if its running on batteries23:40
WorkingOnWiseI remember Win2000 not ever suspending if any apps were open....but I guess I assumed there was a "smart monitor" of sorts to tell when a job was running...and wait for it to finish. Guess it makes sense the way things are done, just not what I expected. I imagined a situation like u find with an poen file in OO...the OS tries to end the app, the app stops it and asks for user input about saving the file, and the OS grace23:43
cafuegoSuspend just preserves the box as-is... the whole point is that open apps stay open :-)23:44
h3sp4wnThere is quite a few things that don't like massive changes in time23:45
h3sp4wn> 1hr ntp stops being happy23:45
WorkingOnWiseso even on batteries, if I intend on burning a dvd and walking away, I need to have it set for more idle time than the burn will need because it will suspend during a burn otherwise and coaster the dvd, right?23:46
WorkingOnWiseh3sp4wn: that is also true...didnt consider that23:46
h3sp4wnSuspend to ram if it was implemented really well could be good - but suspend to disk is a waste of time23:48
h3sp4wnbut every app would have to be fixed before I would use it23:48
WorkingOnWiseh3sp4wn: I was so giddy when win2k has ssd working...23:49
WorkingOnWisetill i used it23:49
WorkingOnWiseit shaved 10 seconds off boot23:49
WorkingOnWisei dont like ssd either. but ssr would be nice....23:49
h3sp4wnJust turn the screen off and park the disk heads would be good enough for me (enough for me to have more than enough battery power anyway)23:52

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