
=== MenZano is now known as MenZa
desertcI had no idea there were all these great DVD authoring tools in the Universe repository.19:41
* desertc happily burns copies of Ubuntu introductory movies.19:42
desertcDVD authoring is a "killer app" for Ubuntu.  Along with the office suite, the multimedia support, the hardware support, the live cd, support, flexability, freedom, and a truck load of other things.19:43
desertc(of course that doesn't stop most people from saying to me, "yes, but what good is it if I can't run all my windows applications?"19:44
desertcmakes one want to stop talking with people.)19:44
* desertc hugs his stack of promotional posters.19:44
desertcI am talking about burning a screencast , by the way.20:03
desertcJust in case anyone is interested in such keywords.20:04
desertcpopey: check out www.johnbradbury.com20:05
popeyi sent that url to the marketing list :)20:05
desertcI think he does a good job presenting an "extreme novice" introduction that I was discussing with you two weeks ago.  (I'm still working on that idea, btw)20:05
desertcOh, that was a good url20:05
desertcObviously I got more out of the url than I did from reading the email closely.20:06
desertcI am working on contacting him to secure permission to distribute his videos20:06
popeyshame we find it so hard to get people to contribute to the screencast team20:11
desertcI think getting people familiar with the tools would be of help there.  Is there a screencast on making screencasts?20:13
desertcMight get that john bradbury involved...20:13
popeythere isnt yet, no20:13
popeybut i am unconvinced that would help20:13
popeythere is a written how to20:14
popeythats it20:16
desertcI would say the team has LOTS of contributions.  There are four pages of screencasts.20:17
popeymost of which I made20:17
desertcWell, you have made more than half of them, but I think the other contributions show there is effort being made.20:18
desertcThat link to the howto would be a good resource to have as an introduction to the screencast archive webpage.20:19
desertc"Here are some screencasts.  You can make your own and contribute to the project by following these directions..."20:19
popeygood idea20:20
desertcI think you made a great project, and it's one that you can step back from now and watch it grow.  You've laid down all the groundwork.20:20
popeythats very good of you to say, not sure how true it is20:22
desertc Okay, so I made a DVD on the disk.  How do I get that burned to the physical DVD media20:23
desertcI have a directory /tmp/dvdoutput which has AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS directories inside20:24
desertcDo I just burn those two directories to disk/20:24
popeyno idea 20:26
popeyi would use the program devede20:26
desertcI am going to try just burning the directories and seeing what happens20:29
* desertc performs a drumroll...20:29
desertcHa.. the video was compressed by 50% and the audio and video is all sped up by 2x20:31
desertcThis is the speed-learning edition, I guess.20:31
desertcI always liked making "mix tapes" for people when I was younger.  I think making DVDs for people with Ubuntu videos will be equally satisfying for me.20:36
desertcAnd that sort of activity, in my opinion, is the first step to creating new content.  So, hopefully, the screencast repository will help people move in that direction.20:41
desertcI watched Larry Lessig give a talk this year (maybe his last one for a long while from what I heard), about the need for there to be an alternative to copy restricted entertainment.  That's why I think it is important for Ubuntu users to know there are resources available to distribute, how to distribute them, and how to create their own derivative and new works of sharable content.20:43
desertcWhat program would you recommend to burn OGG (OGM) format videos onto a DVD in video format?21:39
desertcI tried QDVDAuthor, yet it had trouble converting it (made the size required 30000%21:40
desertcOh, I see, need to convert them to mpeg21:47
boredandbloggingplease digg: http://digg.com/linux_unix/Ubuntu_Weekly_Newsletter_6921:51
desertcPopey, I tell you what I will do for you.  In our January LUG meeting, we are having someone give a presentation on creating video in Linux.  I will make a special point to let everyone know about the screencast project and that you are looking for additional submissions.  It's a while off, but it's something I can do to help.21:59
popeydesertc: thanks22:02
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=== johnc4510 is now known as johnc4510_
=== johnc4510_ is now known as johnc4510
desertcpopey: What I really like about your screencasts is the English accent.  ;)  People in my country always equate that accent with knowledgeable speakers from our exposure to brainy television shows like Masterpiece Theater and Faulty Towers.  ;)22:39
popeywhere are you from then?22:39
desertcImagine if shows like The Young Ones wee more popular...  ;)22:40
desertcI'm in the USA22:40
popeyi loved the Young Ones22:40
desertcI am living in Nashville at the moment.22:40
desertcHey, do you know if the "buffer underflow" errors I am getting ffmpeg are problematic?22:41
popeyYeeeeee haw!22:41
desertcThere is a lot of music here, not just country any more... although it is known for it.  Lots of live music at all the bars, which is great.22:43
desertc... not that I make it out to bars, though I should check them out.  It's nice to have resources like that in town though.22:43
desertc... Just made a DVD video of eight screencasts.  Burning to disk now...   :)23:58
* desertc crosses his fingers for success.23:59

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