
FujitsuScottK: Ah, that does seem a bit odd.00:00
_16aR__geser: the 2 env var are primarily used to get default config file and media data (textures, sounds, 3D models)00:00
minghua_16aR__: Is there a sane default for those two variables?00:00
StevenHarperUKHi, does anyone know which channel I should ask for a review my translation file ? https://translations.launchpad.net/easycrypt/trunk/+imports00:00
minghua_16aR__: Maybe this software should switch to using a config file instead...00:01
FujitsuStevenHarperUK: #launchpad is the right place, or just wait.00:01
ScottKFujitsu: Fortunately the app is in Python, so I can pick at is and make sure I understand what it is doing.  It already checks if it's in KDE or Gnome, so adding a bit to pull in XAUTHORITY when in KDE should be easy enough.00:01
StevenHarperUKFujitsu: I did that : thanks - ill wait now00:01
FujitsuScottK: Ah.00:01
minghuaStevenHarperUK: No idea at all.  ubuntu-translators@l.u.c list is probably worth trying (if you mean the POT file).00:02
Fujitsuminghua: 'tis a task that only Rosetta administrators can perform.00:03
LaserJockand they get to it when they get to it00:03
_16aR__minghua: I think that I can put every "base" media files into a /usr/share/ dire00:03
_16aR__dir **00:04
minghuaStevenHarperUK: Listen to Fujitsu then. :-)00:04
FujitsuLaserJock: They only sometimes get to it when they get to it? That sounds odd.00:04
minghua_16aR__: I probably don't know enough about the package to make more comments, then.00:04
LaserJockFujitsu: sometimes if you bug them properly and do the right chants they might get to it quicker ;-)00:04
_16aR__minghua: since it is a Path env var, You can add your own if you need to00:04
frenchyHi everyone, I've been told that my package generates a manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry.  When I run a `lintian *.changes` or a `lintian *.deb` against my packages then I don't get the warning.  Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong.00:06
ScottKfrenchy: What release are you running?00:07
ScottKfrenchy: If you don't have backports enabled, enable it and install the updated lintian from that.00:07
ScottKThat would be a first step.00:07
frenchyScottK: Thanks, I'll try that.00:07
NafalloGeisty *giggles*00:08
frenchyScottK: Got backports. Have lintian 1.23.36 (default gutsy is 1.23.32).00:09
ScottKTry that and see if you get the error.00:10
ScottKGotta run.00:10
frenchyScottK: ok, cya.  I already had it all set up when I ran it the first time.00:10
frenchyCan anyone else help please?00:10
frenchyPretty please?00:13
albert23frenchy: does the description on top of this page help? http://lintian.debian.org/reports/Tmanpage-has-bad-whatis-entry.html00:14
frenchyalbert23: Hi, well "yes" and "no".  I was told of the man page warning via REVU so I fixed the man page (or so I thought).  And uploaded again only to find out that it's still happening.  I don't want to waste peoples time checking the same warning and would like to know how I can get the warning reported so I know when it's fixed.00:17
frenchyalbert23: I really thought I'd fixed it.00:18
frenchyI've got:00:19
frenchy.SH NAME00:19
frenchyMe TV \- a digital television (DVB) viewer for GNOME00:19
albert23frenchy: you could try to use manedit to edit the man page00:20
frenchyI didn't have the description before.  Which is what the manpage-has-bad-whatis-entry warning is about.00:20
frenchyalbert23: Hmmm ... nice idea.00:20
albert23and maybe lintian -i -v will say more00:20
frenchyalbert23: Would that error be generated from the *.changes or the *.deb?00:21
albert23I would think the deb, but I am not sure. I only had a  man problem once so far00:22
geserlintian (or linda) *.changes checks the source package and the binary debs00:23
frenchyalbert23: -i -v didn't help against either.  But thanks for your help.  I'll try manedit.  I didn't know it existed.00:23
frenchygeser: Is that the changes from the source (-S) build or binary build?00:24
geserlintian *.changes checks all the mentioned files there, if you use the one with source only then only the source is checked, if you use on that has source and binary (like from pbuilder) than both are checked00:25
frenchygeser: Thanks.  I haven't using pbuilder.  I've been dpkg-buildpackaging-ing.  That'll change now.00:32
frenchy*I haven't been using pbuilder00:32
LaserJockhi zul00:33
zulhey LaserJock how goes it?00:33
LaserJockoh alright I guess00:34
LaserJocktrying to figure out what to do with this case00:35
LaserJockI've  got 4 cases and a number of parts00:35
LaserJockthe toughest part seems to be that the motherboards never seem to work with the front connections on the cases00:36
=== Pumpernickle is now known as Pumpernickel
NafalloLaserJock: rack mountable?00:44
LaserJockhahaha ... no00:45
LaserJockat least I wouldn't think00:45
LaserJockand I don't have a rack to try/use00:45
Nafallowould be easy to see on them :-)00:46
Nafallosounds like desktops ;-)00:46
LaserJockI've never had a rack00:47
LaserJockI don't think I've ever seen one either00:47
RainCTgood night.  (btw, if a core dev is arround please consider sponsoring bug #175000 :P)00:47
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175000 in desktop-file-utils "Bash completion for desktop-file-validate" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17500000:47
LaserJockbut I know the general idea of what it should look like I think00:48
NafalloLaserJock: http://www.sentralsystems.com/offers.html00:49
Nafallothat's about it :-)00:49
Nafallothat might even be better :-)00:50
LaserJockhmm, yeah00:50
LaserJockare they like standard ATX or micro-ATX motherboards or do they have to be special?00:50
Nafallothe bluearc is also rackmounted.00:50
Nafallodepends on the chassi.00:51
blueyedicedtea is not installable in hardy currently, is it?00:51
Nafallosentral has some half depths, which takes micro I think :-)00:51
LaserJockok, so what is all the 1U, 2U ,etc.?00:52
FujitsuLaserJock: That's the height of the device.00:53
NafalloU = unit.00:53
FujitsuMost full-size racks are 47U.00:53
Nafallo1U = three rackscrews :-)00:53
NafalloFujitsu: most are 43U mate :-)00:53
FujitsuBlah, same thing.00:53
NafalloFujitsu: that's why Juniper T640 is half rack. 21U ;-)00:54
FujitsuAh, right.00:54
Nafalloinsanely kewl monster that one :-)00:55
Nafalloand scales well.00:55
FujitsuOne would hope.00:55
LaserJockwere do you get a rack?00:56
LaserJockdo they just sell those in stores?00:56
ScottKLaserJock: You've got lasers.  Make one.00:57
FujitsuI think you can get them cheaply from PONIES PONIES PONIES.00:58
Nafallominitran.co.uk for example.00:58
LaserJockScottK: I suppose I could have the machinist make me one00:58
ScottKThat or head over to the computer science department and steal one.00:59
LaserJockhmmm, that sounds fun00:59
LaserJockI'm not really sure where CS is00:59
LaserJockI should convince my boss that we need a rack01:01
FujitsuBiggles! Bring in the rack!01:02
ScottKStealing sounds more fun.01:02
Nafallowe have a rack in the office :-)01:02
FujitsuNafallo: That's not particularly surprising.01:02
Nafalloand... 18(?) in our suite? :-)01:03
LaserJockwe just have desktops stacked wherever we can get some space01:03
Nafalloso that's 19.01:03
LaserJocksame thing with the clusters01:03
Nafalloand then we colo some in THN.01:03
Nafalloso 20 racks ;-)01:03
LaserJockNafallo: mostly full?01:04
Nafallomostly full01:04
Nafallowe need more racks :-P01:04
Nafallowell, I'm tasked to design them :-)01:05
Nafallowill need to be remotly bootable and have nice cabling this time around ;-)01:05
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!01:09
StevenKdh_shlibdeps -a --dpkg-shlibdeps-params=--ignore-missing-info01:10
StevenKHrrrm. Which now dies a horrid death.01:10
StevenKHurray, and a C++ strictness failure for another package.01:11
bddebianHeya gang01:12
* StevenK waves to bddebian and to the PONY that just appeared.01:12
bddebianHeh, heya LaserJock, StevenK01:13
* StevenK idly wonders about lunch.01:15
* StevenK chuckles01:16
* GoldenPony tries to chuckle, but fails due to anatomical differences.01:17
StevenKSettle for a comical neigh?01:17
GoldenPonyNay, just a normal neigh.01:17
* StevenK throws nine uploads at Soyuz and yells "Catch!"01:22
ScottKWhich is nice of StevenK, since soyuz likes to eat uploads for lunch.01:24
StevenKYeah, well01:25
FujitsuScottK: It needs feeding, so what do you expect?01:28
* ScottK wasn't complaining, just complimenting StevenK on his generousity.01:29
* LaserJock wonders if Soyuz like Scoobie Snacks01:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soyuzsnack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:31
bulioI'm just wondering, can I find a guide on how to create a ubuntu package?01:31
ScottK!packagingguide | bulio01:31
ubotubulio: packagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:31
StevenKMaybe we need to add a Soyuz Snack factoid that it's whatever was most recently uploaded?01:31
FujitsuStevenK: Haha.01:32
Fujitsu`Mmm, thanks $UPLOADER.'01:32
limacHow can i fix bugs?01:35
limacdumb question but01:35
buliojeez, making a package seems tough :S01:36
limacI read the tutorial on howto fix bugs and there they are saying that we have to collect the sources. where are we going to get the sources from?01:36
DarkMageZbulio, it gets easier as you get to understand it01:36
buliowhich is the easiest way to make a firefox package01:37
FujitsuWe have a Firefox package already.01:37
bulioI know, its a firefox 3 beta2 package I want to make01:37
FujitsuWe have beta1.01:38
Ubulette..and firefox is not really the easiest package to learn packaging01:38
FujitsuAnd beta2 should be in the package soon enough.01:38
Fujitsu+1 Ubulette01:38
DarkMageZ:( @ requiring hardy for Ubulette's firefox packages01:39
LaserJocklimac: you need to have the source repos enabled and then you can run apt-get source <package> to get the source01:39
UbuletteDarkMageZ, i did gutsy too.01:39
limacok thx I'll try and let u no. :)01:39
DarkMageZoh. link me again ッ01:39
* Fujitsu is allergic to anything with FTA in it.01:40
LaserJockFujitsu: ?01:41
UbuletteFujitsu, why ?01:41
StevenKTherefore, you're allergic to Launchpad. It makes you break out in complaining.01:41
FujitsuFree Trade Agreement.01:42
StevenKDid we end up signing that?01:43
FujitsuWe did.01:43
FujitsuQuite some time ago.01:43
StevenKIt remains to be seen how Rudd treats Bush01:43
FujitsuI will be most interested.01:43
FujitsuGood to see Kyoto done, though.01:43
limacallright, they are then saying to create a backup directory, how is that done???01:44
LaserJocklimac: what are you reading?01:47
LaserJockand I would think you could just make a directory somewhere convenient01:47
limacactually nm i got the answer01:47
limacbut after i do that how can i get access to the sources code?01:47
limacsource code01:48
LaserJockdid you get the source package?01:48
* GoldenPony makes pony noises.01:48
limacactually hold on, what do u mean by "getting the sources package"?01:49
Ubuletteapt-get source something01:49
limacI so far ran these two cammands: apt -get <package> and cp -a <dir>01:50
frenchyI have a warning from pbuilder build "dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}".  Can I simply remove it safely?  I don't know where it's come from and has probably been in there from the start.01:50
ScottKfrenchy: Ignore the warning.01:50
frenchyScottK: Leave it in there?01:51
ScottKdpkg-gencontrol is behind the times.01:52
LaserJocklimac: you want to do apt-get source <package>01:52
frenchyScottK: Ok, sorry to ask the obviuos.01:52
ScottKActually I've no idea if you need it or not, but the dpkg-gencontrol warning is irrelevant.01:52
ScottKfrenchy: No problem.01:52
limacLaserJock, I did that.01:52
StevenKWhat it's warning is that misc:Depends expands to nothing01:52
LaserJocklimac: ok, then the source should be in the directory you were in when you ran that01:53
limacLaserjack, but where???01:53
frenchyStevenK: Yeah, I figured that so I thought that I could remove it.01:53
LaserJockStevenK: really? I thought it always gave that01:53
LaserJocklimac: in the directory that you were in where you issued that command01:53
StevenKLaserJock: It will only complain about it if it's empty.01:53
LaserJockStevenK: cool, that's good to know01:53
StevenKLaserJock: debconf will, for example, put itself into misc:Depends01:54
limacusually what extensions does it have or how can i figure out which one it is, there are so many things in it!01:55
ScottKFujitsu: Are you planning on looking at the python-numpy merge/sync?01:55
LaserJockStevenK: yes, I know why it's there, I just didn't know that it threw that warning when it was empty01:55
LaserJocklimac: what was the package that you did?01:55
StevenKLaserJock: Because it's specified in the control file, and it isn't listed in debian/substvars01:55
Ubulettestrange, all 9 ppa builders are idle. I've pushed something 3h ago, it's not even in queue.01:55
FujitsuScottK: I haven't heard anything more from Ondrej. I'll talk to him when I see him online again.01:56
LaserJocklimac: ok, then there should be a .dsc file, a .diff.gz file and a .orig.tar.gz file01:56
LaserJocklimac: that's the source package01:56
limachold on let me see01:56
ScottKFujitsu: I was more thinking along the lines of I touched it last, but really would rather not worry about it, so I want to make sure you will...01:56
FujitsuUbulette: I wouldn't quite call that strange. It's normal, albeit broken, Soyuz behaviour.01:56
LaserJocklimac: and you should see a new directory starting with kdeutils that is the unpacked source01:56
FujitsuUbulette: Which package?01:57
LaserJockuggg, what a version01:58
FujitsuUbulette: I can't see that in your PPA.01:58
Ubulettei know01:58
Ubulettethat's why i said it's strange01:58
* minghua wonders if there is a fixed buffer size for version number...01:58
FujitsuUbulette: Did you get an acceptance email?01:59
Ubuletteno reject, no accept, nothing01:59
limacLaserJosk: did u get that, that's what the dir holds01:59
FujitsuUbulette: Ah, upload again. You probably didn't sign it properly.01:59
FujitsuLaserJock: I find 2:0.99+1.0pre7try2+cvs20060117-0ubuntu8.1 fairly fowl (Dapper's mplayer)01:59
blueyedminghua: aptitude uses 10 chars by default to display versions.. ;)02:00
UbuletteFujitsu, hmm, i'm sure i did02:00
Ubuletteit's not my 1st up either ;)02:00
FujitsuUbulette: Alternatively, you may have used an incorrect email format in the .changes, or a multitude of undocumented ways to get silent rejections.02:00
LaserJocklimac: I didn't, you can pastebin it if you want02:01
LaserJock!pastebin > limac02:01
Ubulettegasp, i pushed to revu instead of ppa :P02:01
minghuablueyed: Only when it's sent to 80-column terminals.02:01
FujitsuUbulette: Haha.02:01
=== rob1 is now known as rob
Ubulettehow do I nuke that on revu ?02:01
limacLaserJock: How can i paste bin it?02:01
FujitsuUbulette: You can't. Only one of the four REVU gods can do it.02:02
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:02
LaserJocklimac: ^^02:02
blueyedminghua: no, see http://people.debian.org/~dburrows/aptitude-doc/en/ch02s04s01.html02:02
Ubuletteplease, REVU Gods, kill xulrunner-1.9 (and archive prism)02:03
limacLaserJock: how can I attach  a picture to it?02:03
minghuablueyed: Right.  I was thinking of dpkg.02:03
blueyedAny lib transition experts around? Is the changed desc for bug 78309 correct?02:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78309 in giflib "libungif to giflib transition" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7830902:04
LaserJocklimac: don't, just copy and paste what you get in a terminal02:04
LaserJocklimac: just copy and paste the text you get when you look at the directory contents in a terminal, i.e. ls02:06
limacLaserJock:Didn't really think of it that way!02:06
limacLaserJock:after pasting what shoul i do to send it to you?02:08
minghuablueyed: Unless libgif4 and libungif4g are ABI compatible, the description in bug 78309 is completely wrong.02:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 78309 in giflib "libungif to giflib transition" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7830902:10
blueyedminghua: my guess is, that they are compatible, but I don't know.02:10
minghuablueyed: ... ABI compatible, and that libgif4 provides a /usr/lib/libungif.4.so symlink, that is.02:11
blueyedminghua: both ship /usr/lib/libgif.so.4.1.402:12
minghuablueyed: Then I suggest not using words like "A quick fix for this appears to be ..." in the description.02:12
minghuablueyed: "The libungif library is a specially modified version of giflib which is free of the Unisys LZW patent. It can read all GIFs, but only write uncompressed GIFs. If you need to be able to write compressed GIFs, you can install the giflib packages instead."02:14
minghuablueyed: Doesn't sound ABI compatible to me.02:14
blueyedminghua: sounds like libgif adds more functionality/symbols "only".02:15
blueyedI guess anything that builds against libungif builds also against giflib, don't you think?02:16
minghuablueyed: Maybe, maybe not.02:16
minghuablueyed: Guessing doesn't help, you need to first compare the symbols, then read a bit more about the code to be sure.02:17
LaserJocklimac: sorry, just give me the URL here02:18
limacLaserJock:sure hold on a sec02:18
Ubuletteis there a way to speed up sponsorship of seamonkey ? or are the security fixes in hardy not important ?02:18
minghuaI think security fixes in hardy is not important.02:19
limacLaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47486/02:20
LaserJocklimac: yep, that's the source02:21
Ubulettefor me, security always matter but i'm biased, i'm running what I build02:21
limacLaserJock: WHich one?02:21
LaserJocklimac: all of it02:21
Fujitsuminghua: I treat security fixes in Hardy as just as important as the rest, and they're normally quicker.02:22
limacLaserJock: so how do i edit it(fix it)02:22
Fujitsus/the rest/other releases/02:22
LaserJocklimac: the packaging bits (the part that is for creating an Ubuntu package) are in the debian/ directory02:22
LaserJocklimac: well, you gotta figure out what's wrong, and then fix it :-)02:23
minghuaFujitsu: Sure.  I'm just saying *I* don't expect hardy to have very in-time security updates.  If there indeed are, it's good. :-)02:24
Fujitsuminghua: Hardy will be more up-to-date security-wise than any other release.02:24
limacLaserJock: so this is where my skills come in handy! :P02:24
Ubulettebug 17473902:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174739 in seamonkey "[upgrade] seamonkey 1.1.7" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17473902:24
limacthnx dude, thx a lot for all the help02:25
LaserJocklimac: no problem02:25
Ubulettei already have asac's approval02:25
FujitsuUrgh, Mozilla.02:25
limacLaserJock: I'll ask u if i have any further problems. Hope that's ok with u! :)02:26
UbuletteFujitsu, yep, i like that02:26
minghuaFujitsu: Good to know.  And thank you for that.  (Although I don't use hardy...)02:27
LaserJocklimac: if I'm around no problem02:27
LaserJockotherwise feel free to ask the channel in general02:27
limacLaserJock: thx again02:27
limacsee ya around then02:27
buliois there another channel I can hang out in to learn about creating and maintaining a repository?02:28
DarkMageZbulio, use the personal package archives?02:28
bulioDarkMageZ, I have no idea how to upload source on to them02:28
bulioI signed as a ubuntero, and created a PGP key02:29
LaserJockbulio: there is a QuickStartGuid on the launchpad wiki02:35
LaserJockbulio: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart02:36
bulioI'm confused02:50
LaserJockbulio: about what?02:50
bulioI have thew latest AWN source code02:50
bulionow what do I do with it to get the PPA to build it?02:50
bulioPPA says something about dput02:50
buliobut source.changes, not the actual source code02:50
LaserJockyou might want to read over the packaging guide a bit02:52
LaserJocka _source.changes file holds the md5sums of the source package components02:52
bulioso how do I create that?02:52
LaserJockand so when you give it to dput it knows what to upload02:52
LaserJockbulio: the easiest way is to create a source package and run debuild -S02:53
buliowhats the command to create a source package02:54
LaserJockwell, debuild -S02:54
LaserJockbulio: do you have a source package already or do you just have a tarball of the source code?02:55
buliosource code from bazaar checkout02:55
LaserJockdoes it have a debian/ directory?02:55
buliowait, yes it does02:57
JazzvaHmm, Ubuntu can't use .menu files for menu entries, right?02:58
LaserJockJazzva: well, kinda02:58
LaserJocknot by default02:58
LaserJockbut you can install a package that gives you the Debian menu02:59
LaserJockbulio: ok, then try running debuild -S in the source directory02:59
JazzvaLaserJock: But that's not by default :). I installed gtwitter and noticed it doesn't provide a desktop file, but it does provide a .menu file. I suppose it's can be confusing to a typical user...03:00
LaserJockJazzva: there are a great many packages like that03:01
JazzvaLaserJock: That's not good, right :)?03:02
LaserJockJazzva: I'm not sure what the current "policy" is, but if there are already Ubuntu changes you might add a .desktop03:02
minghuaJazzva: It's not default in Debian either.03:03
JazzvaNope, there are none so far :/...03:03
JazzvaSo, should I file a bug in LP and attach a desktop file?03:03
LaserJockJazzva: you might file a bug in Debian actually03:04
LaserJockand see if they will add it there03:04
JazzvaLaserJock: Ok... I'll do that.03:04
JazzvaThanks for the help :)03:04
bulioLaserJock, I'm getting an error03:04
buliorunning debuild -S inside avant-window-navigator source dir03:04
buliomake: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk'.  Stop.03:05
buliodebuild: fatal error at line 1247:03:05
LaserJockbulio: ok, you need to install cdbs03:05
buliodebuild: fatal error at line 1174:03:06
buliorunning debsign failed03:06
LaserJockbecause the you aren't the person in the changelog :-)03:06
LaserJockto get around it for the moment you can debuild -S -us -uc03:06
LaserJockbut once you add a changelog entry (i.e. before you upload) in debian/changelog then drop those to sign the package03:07
buliooh, so I need to edit the changelog?03:07
LaserJockwell, if you want to upload yes03:08
LaserJockyou'll want to have a proper version, perhaps set yourself as maintainer of your package, etc.03:08
ScottKpersia: Are you able to take another look at disk-manager?  I think it's all fixed up now (and looking for 2nd advocate). http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=disk-manager03:09
hudyxhi sll03:09
HobbseeScottK: nice mails03:10
bulioLaserJock, how do I create a proper version then?03:11
ScottKHobbsee: Thanks.03:11
hudyxI'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time, but I can't even get my new Vista machine to boot from the LiveCD03:12
* ScottK just got Scotch in prepartion for replying to geser's latest.03:12
ScottKhudyx: The channel for support is #ubuntu.03:12
StevenKScottK: On -motu?03:12
ScottKStevenK: motu-council.03:12
LaserJockbulio: well, for PPAs you want something that isn't going to conflict with something that's already in the archives or will be in the future03:12
LaserJockbulio: generally it's good to include something like ~ppaX where X is 1,2,3... for each upload you do03:13
bulioLaserJock, can we go through this step by step?03:14
buliobtw, I appreciate all the help03:14
bulioOk, so I have an AWN dir, now what do I do so that I can have a proper version03:15
bulioin which I am pkg maintainer03:15
LaserJockbulio: run dch -i03:16
LaserJockthat will help you edit the changelog03:16
buliook, done that03:17
LaserJockso make sure to set the name and email address to the exact same as in your gpg key03:18
LaserJockwhat version do you have in the first line03:19
bulioof what03:19
LaserJockof the changelog03:19
bulioavant-window-navigator-trunk (0.2.1+bzr-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low03:19
LaserJockthat's kind of a funky package name with -trunk03:21
LaserJockbulio: can you pastebin the entire changelog for me?03:21
LaserJockScottK, Hobbsee: just sent a reply03:21
ScottKLaserJock: Thanks.  Me too.03:22
bulioLaserJock, http://rafb.net/p/EVOolK64.html03:23
LaserJockbulio: that's the whole thing?03:23
ScottKLaserJock: Thanks.  I'll have a reply for that in a moment.03:24
HobbseeLaserJock: you got moderated, i take it?03:24
HobbseeScottK: ++03:24
LaserJockHobbsee: shouldn't03:24
limacLaserJock: Sorry for the interruption but I am just curious: what languages do u prefer knowing in order to help resolve bugs?03:24
bulioLaserJock, yeah03:24
LaserJocklimac: knowing anything is great03:25
LaserJocklimac: generally bash, python, and C/C++ are great03:25
limacLaserJock: What if we don't konw anything (I'm am on the verge of learning c++)03:25
ScottKHobbsee: His went out.03:26
Hobbseeah, it just came late03:26
LaserJocklimac: then you might want to focus on packaging bugs or things that don't require fixing the actual code03:26
LaserJocklimac: I'm on the verge of learning C++ too ;-)03:26
limacLaserJock: I guess i'll just learn the languages first, packaging bugs is boring. But fixing the code is challenging and fun!03:27
limacLaserJock:Thnx again and see ya around later. ;003:28
LaserJockScottK: I'm really not sure if anything can actually be enforced03:31
Ubuletteoh, a langpack flood in ppa :P03:31
Ubulettei'm going to bed. that will take a day03:31
nenolodwho should i ask for a rebuild to be triggered on xmms-crossfade?03:34
nenolodor should i wait for the sync to pull in xmms-crossfade 0.3.14-1 instead? :)03:34
HobbseeSource version: 0.3.14-1 is in hardy already03:35
* Hobbsee retries03:36
* ScottK goes and does merges.03:41
LordKowhm i wonder why the new pulseaudio is using policykit when there is no policy for it03:46
LordKowand why is it trying to run w/ realtime priority? hmm.03:47
LordKowpulseaudio[6616]: main.c: Called SUID root and real-time/high-priority scheduling was requested in the configuration. However, we lack the necessary priviliges: main.c: We are not in group 'pulse-rt' and PolicyKit refuse to grant us priviliges. Dropping SUID again.03:47
LordKowweird, i ran pulseaudio --dump-config and according to the configuration pulseaudio should not be trying to run realtime03:48
LordKowoh yay and now its segfaulting. time to downgrade back to 0.9.703:49
StevenKdns.cpp:817: error: 'void* libfwbuilder::DNS_bulkBackResolve_Thread(void*)' should have been declared inside 'libfwbuilder'03:49
StevenKWhat does that error actually mean?03:50
persiaStevenK: It means you've called a function in a namespace different than that it was declared.03:51
persia(in which)03:51
ScottKpersia: Are you going to be able to review03:52
StevenKpersia: But :817 is a function declaration03:52
persiaScottK: Yes.  dget just finished.03:52
persiaStevenK: Right, but it is not in the right namespace: you7re declaring a foreign function, which you oughtn't do.03:52
StevenKIt seems 2.1.14 has fixes for gcc 4.2 and 4.303:52
LordKowyou have to declare the function in the proper namespace03:52
ScottKpersia: Great.  I'm not 100% satisfied with how lintian reacted to the .desktop, but it validated...03:52
persiaScottK: If lintian and desktop-file-validate don't agree, there's a bug somewhere.03:53
ScottKpersia: My changes for Kubuntu integration have only been tested on Kubuntu, so it'd be good to make sure I didn't break Gnome in the process.03:53
StevenKSo I think I might update libfwbuilder and fwbuilder since we've jumped03:53
StevenKpersia: Sound like a plan?03:53
* ScottK bows in the direction of the great persia to provide clarity on the .desktop confusion.03:53
persiaStevenK: I generally believe upstream is likely to do the right thing :)03:54
* StevenK waits for SourceForget03:54
JazzvaWhen submitting a patch to Debian BTS should I skip the new changelog entry?03:56
persiaJazzva: Yes.03:57
persiaJazzva: Even more so, if the package contains a patch system, consider just submitting the patch from debian/patches, rather than a debdiff.03:57
* StevenK sighs.03:58
StevenK*Fracking* DBS03:58
Jazzvanope, it doesn't... I'll submit the debdiff... It's small :).03:58
persiaScottK: The .desktop file in the binary looks nothing like the .desktop file in debian/.  debian/disk-manager.desktop should be dropped, and ./data/disk-manager.desktop.in.in updated to have the desired information.  As-is, the binary .desktop doesn't validate, won't appear in the menu, and has a duplicated key.04:01
ScottKAh ha.04:01
ScottKThanks.  I totally missed there was un upstream .desktop.04:01
ScottKpersia: I'll work on that and upload again.04:02
persiaScottK: The most critical issue is really the lack of a Main Category, telling the menu system which is the correct sub-menu in which to display the entry.04:02
ScottKOK.  Time for me to learn about .desktop files.04:03
persiaScottK: Also, please add a menu file so the package is useful for fluxbox users.04:04
ScottKpersia: Any chance you'd help me with that.  I've never made one before.04:05
persiaThe menu file?  Sure.  What kind of help do you want?  Pointers to docs?  A sample?  One I wrote?04:06
LaserJocka sample and what category to use is usually enough it think isn't it?04:06
LaserJockthey're pretty easy04:06
ScottKpersia: I'll start the bidding at do it for me.04:06
persiaScottK: OK.  Price for that is 3 REVU or UUS reviews.04:07
ScottKpersia: How about 1 merge, 1 sync request, and one review?04:08
persiaScottK: If one of the merges or sync requests is lintian.04:09
ScottKpersia: OK.  As long as it still counts if I give it a good honest try and can't do it.04:10
persiaScottK: Fair enough.04:10
persiaScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2571/04:11
ScottKpersia: And then that goes in as debian/disk-manager.menu?04:12
persiaScottK: Given your packaging, I'd just call it debian/menu04:13
persiaCDBS should stick it in the right place (/usr/share/menu)04:13
ScottKpersia: OK.  THanks04:13
persiaScottK: Also, Please don't install with both debian/docs and dh_installchangelogs.  One is sufficient.  Drop ChangeLog from docs, and s/NEWS/ChangeLog/ in rules.04:14
ScottKpersia: OK.  I'll look into it.04:16
StevenKRight. ChangeLog isn't documentation04:17
ScottKRIght, well I turned the knob I had handy.04:17
persiaScottK Understood.  That's the point of peer review :)04:17
ScottK2Of course04:18
persiapochu: Feel free to snipe the wxwidgets update: it's not moving very quickly.04:18
LaserJocksoo.... how are SRUs getting processed these day?04:19
persiaLaserJock: Well, you could follow the old rules, but those are deprecated.  The new rules don't work until we have at least one appointee for ~motu-sru.  If it's important, do it the old way (upload to -proposed with a TEST CASE in the bug)04:20
ScottKLaserJock: The same old way I'd say.04:20
LucidFoxShould new packages now have Standards-Version: 3.7.3?04:24
persiaLucidFox: If they comply with 3.7.3, sure.04:24
LaserJockI've never quite been happy with that04:24
LaserJockpeople just seem to trivially set Standards-Version04:25
persiaLaserJock: Err.  Which "that"?04:25
LaserJockbut it's kinda difficult to determine if you're in compliance04:25
LaserJockpersia: I guess how we set Standards-Version04:25
LaserJockit would be good if there was a script that could check04:25
LaserJockat least most of the stuff04:25
persiaLaserJock: Why?  Read the policy, set the appropriate version.  Ideally, push to the newer version and fix stuff.  3.7.2 -> 3.7.3 is mostly about the new menu stuff, and some bugfixes.04:26
ScottKLaserJock: That's what linitian is supposed to do.04:26
persiaLaserJock: linda and lintian are designed for that.04:26
LaserJockah, well that is nice04:27
LaserJockin the past I've dredged through the debian-policy changelog04:27
ScottKLaserJock: I suspect that's why persia wants me to merge lintian04:27
LaserJockand it's not exactly fun if you aren't the maintainer04:27
emberIs there any policy to follow about adding LP integration to a packge?04:28
LaserJockScottK: are you a core dev?04:28
LaserJockember: what do you mean LP integration?04:28
ScottKLaserJock: No.04:28
ScottKSo at best I'll have something that needs to be sponsored.04:29
persiaScottK: You're suspicion is correct.  Getting a sponsor oughtn't be hard.04:29
LaserJockScottK: I can sponsor it if you like, if I'm around04:29
=== asac_ is now known as asac
LaserJockI've done a lintian patch and merge before so I don't mind doing it04:29
ScottKLaserJock: That'd be great.  I've never touched it before, so ...04:30
persiaHmmm..  Maybe it's not a sync.  Be nice to have an Ubuntu-equivalent check for Debian 35605104:30
ubotuDebian bug 356051 in lintian "lintian: Add a warning if the Initial Release of a package does not have an ITP." [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/35605104:30
emberLaserJock: launchpad-integration04:31
LaserJockember: I don't know if this is the place to ask about that unfortunately, I don't think we use it in Universe04:32
LaserJockpersia: last time I looked there was a lot of Ubuntu stuff left in lintian04:32
NafalloI use it in gajim ;-)04:33
persiaLaserJock: Then you haven't looked at the changelog for 1.23.39 :)04:33
* ScottK is seriously hoping for a sync.04:34
ScottK(Having looked at the changelog)04:34
LaserJockpersia: oh, that is nice indeed04:34
LaserJockwow, something I did actually made it into Debian :-)04:35
nenolodHobbsee, hmm. strangeness. on my package maintainance report in launchpad it reports 0.3.13-1 and build failures due to missing depends :D04:35
nenolodLaserJock, congrats (!)04:35
ScottKHeya stratus.  Persia found some stuff that I'd missed, so I'm working on disk-menu some more.04:36
* StevenK comes back from rushing the car under cover04:36
StevenKIt's just starting hailing heavily here04:36
Hobbseenenolod: it does.  but, it won't autosync from debian, if tha'ts the latest version in debian04:37
StevenKHailstones as big as marbles :-/04:37
nenolodHobbsee, 0.3.14-1 is the latest in debian. :P04:37
nenolodnow it's reporting 0.3.14-1. wtf :D04:38
* nenolod wonders if launchpad is on craq04:38
LaserJock"Remove the unused Standards-Version header" what does that mean?04:39
persiaLaserJock: Standards-Version is not required in .changes (I think)04:39
stratusScottK: about the current or last upload?04:41
ScottKThe current.04:41
stratusScottK: btw, hey ;)04:41
ScottKstratus: Would you mind getting the latest package from revu and then taking a stab at it.04:42
stratusScottK: let me see...04:44
ScottKstratus: I added persia's comments to the revu page.  The last be about putting ChangeLog in docs was my mistake.04:46
stratusScottK: oh ok, got lost on that bit.04:46
ScottKWell that was my attempt to fix it and it appears it didn't work so well.04:47
stratusScottK: Let me prepare a build setup on this hardy, so I won't screw up on these minor bits anymore. :)04:47
ScottKOver to you ...04:47
ScottKstratus: He also asked to have a menu file added for fluxbox users and created it http://paste.ubuntu.com/2571/04:47
* persia notes that menu files are also appreciated if the package will be submitted to Debian04:48
stratusScottK: cool, I'll push it in04:48
stratuspersia: sure, but I was going to diverge on that, let it be -1 and wait for a sync. I can upload to Debian, btw but not here in US.04:49
persiastratus: Makes sense.  It's certainly more critical for Debian :)04:49
stratuspersia: absolutely04:50
StevenKI think the hailstorm has moved on04:50
stratusthanks anyway, if we've it let's put it there now.04:50
Hobbsee  yes, it's coming towards us.04:51
nenolodDebian Standards-Version is now at
nenolodit'd be nice of lintian would stop nagging about a new standards-version being used.04:55
ScottKFujitsu: I notice that you touched lintian last.  Mind me taking a whack at it?04:55
nenolodjust you know, a wishlist, if anyone is backporting to gutsy04:56
ScottKnenolod: That's why I'm looking at lintian right now.04:56
nenolodScottK, you are an hero. :P04:57
ScottKnenolod: Not yet I'm not.04:57
nenolodyou soon will be one hopefully ;)04:57
* StevenK idly wonders if there a way to update the timestamp using dch05:11
crimsunwith -e ?05:12
StevenKWell, dch -r does so, but I don't want to be left in an editor05:12
StevenKBloody DBS05:13
StevenKHave to manually set the version in the debian/rules file, grumble, grumble05:13
persiaStevenK: Can't you set it with dpkg-parsechangelog ?05:16
StevenKpersia: Probably, but the less I touch of this DBS-infested package, the better05:17
persiaStevenK: Once your name is in the changelog...05:17
* StevenK goes back to trying to figure out how to out-smart dch05:19
persiaStevenK: `dch -r "Update Timestamp"`05:19
StevenKI don't want to add a new entry, I just want it to update the timestamp and drop me back to the shell05:20
persiaStevenK: Ah.  That's harder then.05:20
persiaActually, when testing, I don't see "update timestamp" in the changelog I just mangled.05:20
persiaStevenK: Best I can see, dch -r with an argument ignores the argument (which may be a bug)05:21
StevenKBut works for me05:22
* persia notes that this is an excellent example of why most SRUs should be bug-for-bug compatible with previous release revisions05:22
LaserJockpersia: ?05:23
* ScottK enjoys the irony of running lintian on lintian.05:23
LaserJockScottK: use linda so it's less incestuous05:24
persiaLaserJock: `dch -r` fails to add a changelog entry when called with an argument, which doesn't match the documentation.  This is a good thing for StevenK under current usage, and not actually harmful for the majority of users, so such behaviour should be kept unless there is a change upstream.05:24
ScottKSo I file the sync bug and now he leaves.05:36
* Nafallo ponders05:37
ScottKHeya LaserJock.  It looks like lintian is a sync now.  Please have a look at Bug #175036 and ack it to the archive if you agree.05:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175036 in lintian "Please sync lintian (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17503605:41
LaserJockScottK: looking05:43
LaserJockthat's one heck of a changelog05:43
ScottKLaserJock: It is.  In addition to reviewing the entire .diff between the two releases, I also did some test runs against debian and ubuntu packages to see if the ubuntu specific distro name tests were working.05:44
* persia notes that Ubuntu linda is already mostly 3.7.3 compliant, so with this sync we should enter the new era05:45
ScottKpersia: lintian sync done.  dkim-milter merged.  Now for a REVU and we're even.05:45
persiaScottK: Thank you :)05:46
LaserJockScottK: are you wanting to sync 1.23.39 or 1.23.40?05:46
ScottKJust for completeness I also invalid'ed the pending merge bug for an older version of lintian05:47
ScottKLaserJock: 3905:47
LaserJockScottK: .40 exists05:47
StevenK.40 is only like 2 bugfixes, if I recall05:47
LaserJocka brown paper bag release05:47
StevenKRuss is being terribly efficent and making me look bad05:48
ScottKLaserJock: Neither MoM nor DaD know about 40.05:48
* persia 's sid also doesn't know about .40, but p.qa.d.o does.05:48
LaserJockScottK: tsk tsk, relying on MoM and DaD ;-)05:48
ScottKNeither does p.d.o05:49
persia.40 would be good: 454941 sounds unfortunate05:49
LaserJocklooks like it05:49
ScottKAgreed.  .39/.40 wouldn't affect if it's a sync or a merge.05:50
LaserJockhow long do you think it'll take to get .40 downloadable?05:51
ScottKI grabbed it from incoming.05:51
Nafallocan vim fqdn:path/to/file work? ;-)05:53
LaserJockI think so05:54
LaserJockor rather, I think you might have to do it from within vim05:54
ScottKLaserJock: .40 seems to work OK too.05:54
LaserJockbut I read that it'll go over ssh, etc.05:54
Nafallohmm. kinky :-)05:54
LaserJockScottK: gonna fix the bug report?05:55
ScottKNafallo: It works05:55
ScottKLaserJock: I'll say I'll take 39 or 40 since if 40 isn't available yet, we'll get it on autosync.05:55
StevenK-archive will sync the latest source available, which will more than likely be .4005:56
persiaScottK: If we get 39, we'll get lots of spurious errors.  Why not just update the bug: .40 will be in by the time the archive-admins look at it on Monday.05:56
NafalloI had to use proper stuff :-)05:56
StevenKThe sync request is just a confirmation of "These are the Ubuntu changes, I have checked that they can be dropped, do it!"05:57
persiaStevenK: In that case, why do we mention the Debian version in every bug?05:57
ScottKLaserJock: Updated.05:57
StevenKpersia: Because that's the one you've checked against -- and it's incredibly unlikely that the Ubuntu changes will get dropped by Debian in the very next version05:58
ScottK2Nafallo: vim http://incoming.debian.org/lintian_1.23.40_i386.changes also works05:58
Nafalloyea. proper URLs :-)05:58
LaserJockScottK2: cool05:58
persiaStevenK: Ah.  Makes sense.05:58
Nafallorather then fqdn:path :-)05:58
LucidFoxWhat are .changes files for, anyway?05:59
persiaLucidFox: They specify the bugs closed, all changes since the last upload (sometimes multiple revisions), the checksums of all the package sections, and contain the signature of the uploader.  This is parsed to verify that someone authorised truly wished to make the upload, and used to update tracking systems.06:01
LaserJockScottK: is it proper to unsub -sponsors after acking?06:05
persiaLaserJock: That's what we do in universe.  The procedure for main remains undocumented.06:05
LaserJockbah, I'm not a member of -sponsors, I'll have to just leave it06:06
LaserJockI wonder if there's much difference between running Firefox and epiphany in KDE06:16
ScottKpersia: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=firmware-addon-dell reviewed.  I think I need to get to bed.06:17
persiaScottK: Sleep well, and thanks again: the "price" was more of a joke, but you've hit it perfectly in short order.06:18
LucidFoxLaserJock> Difference in what sense?06:18
ScottKpersia: Sure.  I'll confess now that I was already doing the merge when you named your price ;-)06:19
LaserJockLucidFox: as in does epiphany pull in a lot of gnome libs that would counteract the savings of using epiphany06:22
ScottKLaserJock: I would encourage you to try using Konqueror.  I find I use it more and more as I get used to it.06:25
LaserJockhmm, and I can't find a kmail menu entry06:26
ScottKLaserJock: There's a big icon just to the right of the K menu button.  It's in Kontact.  We don't do Kmail separately in Kubuntu.06:31
LucidFoxWait, I use just Kmail.06:33
ScottKLucidFox: Yes, but by default there's no icon for it.06:33
LucidFox(I have Kontact uninstalled, though.)06:33
pwnguinwhat's the best way to publish packages for something usable but under rapid development currently?07:47
pwnguinUbuntu already publishes deluge, but it's severely out of date devs say07:48
pwnguinthey currently host their own packages for ubuntu07:53
pwnguinis this something -backports would handle?07:53
RAOFpwnguin: Sounds like the "upstream pass" idea that was kinda threshed out beryltime07:59
persiapwnguin: Yes.  Someone would track Deluge development, and pick a good target upstream version during the 17 weeks opf07:59
persias/opf/of open archives.  This version could be backported, and the default version for the next release would be the selected version.  Bugfixes would be backported to this selected version for the next 7 weeks, with only truly critical fixes being applied for beta & RC freezes/ (backpace & enter are too close)08:01
pwnguinso in no case is one simply bringing in new code to an old release08:01
pwnguinaside from bugfixes08:01
persiapwnguin: Right, although new code present in the current development environment may be backported, which handles 34 weeks of the year.  The other 18 are harder to handle.08:02
pwnguinim not as worried about development version as much as what happens after release08:02
persiapwnguin: The two are tied directly.  Backports may only be performed on packages in the development release (or in special cases, packages from previous releases to even earlier releases).  Therefore, the development release needs to track upstream fairly closely for it to be backportable.08:04
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
pwnguinin the case of deluge, ive been told that software from august is "ancient". backportability of upstream patches may not be simple =/08:11
pwnguinin any case, i dont think i can nessecarily do it, and i doubt the developers have the willpower to put up with ubuntu qa processes =(08:12
RAOFIt may be "ancient", but it works (in the most part).08:12
pwnguinyea. aside from some strange cpu consumption related dht08:12
RAOFSo, for fun new features, there's backports.08:13
persiapwnguin: Just to make sure I'm clear, if the new upstream goes into hardy, the new upstream can go into gutsy-backports, just not into gutsy.  If there is a specific bug for which a patch can be extracted that meets the SRU criteria, that's different.08:13
pwnguinwhich is fine08:13
pwnguindeluge is currently on par in hardy with their own publishing08:14
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging08:14
persiapwnguin: There's info there that talks about where to file the bug to get that into gutsy-backports.  Saves upstream publishing their own.08:15
pwnguini sorta imagined backports required some developer effort to verify and cherry pick or something08:15
persiapwnguin: My understanding is that it requires 1) no reverse dependencies, 2) a build log showing it builds in the previous release, 3) a couple testers reporting that it works in the previous release, and 4) approval from the backports team.  Usually pretty simple (but needs more testers).08:16
pwnguinapparently i misread a few statements with a negative where not was present08:17
Gunner_Srgreetings, all. what is the best way to look at a segmentation fault?08:45
* Gunner_Sr never mind, I will just gdb it. :-)08:47
RAOF_Gunner_Sr: That *is* the easiest way to look at a segfault :)09:01
Gunner_Sryep, the joys of getting use to linux world :-)09:01
Gunner_SrRAOF_: seems I got a great bug to fix, I have created another one that I need to fix first :-)09:02
RAOF_Always the way :)09:05
Gunner_SrRAOF_: wow, that's wierd. If I try and execute the binary is fails with a segmentation fault, execute it with valgrind and works fine???09:05
RAOF_Ah, the joys of instrumentation.09:16
Gunner_Srcan anyone help me with this problem - 'If I try and execute the binary is fails with a segmentation fault, execute it with valgrind and works fine?'09:16
RAOF_Gunner_Sr: That's (quite obviously) not impossible, but it *does* make it somewhat harder to fix.09:16
RAOF_Does it segfault under gdb?09:16
Gunner_SrRAOF_: yes09:16
RAOF_Well, that's an *excellent* first step.  Where does it segfault?09:17
RAOF_You probably want to install the relevant -dbgsym packgages and get it to segfault under gdb09:17
Gunner_Srit appears that address is out of bounds for mapping a window09:18
Gunner_SrRAOF_: okay, will do that.09:18
RAOF_That sounds like Compiz?09:18
Gunner_Srhumm, so how do I turn it off to check?09:19
RAOF_Oh, the segfault isn't in compiz?09:20
Gunner_Srno, it is a game xgalaga..09:20
RAOF_Sorry, compiz is just my natural assumption for "crash" + "window" :)09:20
RAOF_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace if you haven't seen it already09:20
Gunner_SrRAOF_: okay, I will look into it. Thanks.09:22
Gunner_SrRAOF_: I have the offending line now. it appears that the window is being mapped to an invalid address.09:29
LordKowhas anyone else had issues with pulseaudio recently? i feel like its just me09:29
* StevenK grumbles at bug 15930709:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 159307 in openh323 "undefined reference to `PSafeObject::PSafeObject()'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15930709:31
RAOF_StevenK: It's missing a link to a constructor?  Also what crazy man exports C++ as the ABI?09:36
StevenKRAOF_: Yeah, well, who knows. It *is* VoIP.09:37
* RAOF_ wonders idly why iwl3945 suddenly wants to drop out after 30min or so.09:40
slicerI forgot; how do you view the source of a package using launchpad?09:42
pwnguinRAOF_: which kernel?09:52
RAOF_pwnguin: I tend to switch to the next kernel only when the kernel team feel that making it default in linux-meta is a good idea :)09:58
pwnguini see09:59
pwnguini dont think ive ever noticed before09:59
pwnguinbut id really like to get sdcard working this time around09:59
RainCTwhat's the way to fix bugs like bug #92939? just let the packages conflict?10:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 92939 in libowfat "[can-not-install] file overwrite error" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9293910:35
LucidFoxWhen do I need to call dh_icons?10:35
persiaRainCT: Either conflict, or move the files to not be the same.10:36
persiaLucidFox: Whenever you install icons in icon cache directories.10:36
persiaRainCT: Was it you who tried to package ninvaders for gutsy?10:46
RainCTpersia: no10:47
persiaRainCT: Sorry then.  Thanks.10:47
=== cgunn is now known as Gunner_Sr
* Gunner_Sr goodnight all.10:48
Gunner_SrSick of staring at gdb ;-)10:49
oly_hi, when i am building my package using dpkg-buildpackage, it generates a tar.gz file with everything in, but none of the files make it to the .deb file the rues file is pasted here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2573/10:53
persiaoly_: What command line are you using with dpkg-buildpackage?10:53
oly_if anyone can look and figure out anything it would be appreciated10:53
oly_dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot10:53
oly_when inside the extracted folder10:53
persiaoly_: And there's neither a .deb nor an error?10:54
oly_there is a deb, no error but the deb does not conain the files of the program it only contains the debian files10:55
persiaoly_: I suspect that "$(MAKE) DESTDIR=$(CURDIR)/debian/usm-core-0.2 install" isn't quite doing what you want then.  Try without the "-0.2".10:56
oly_i actually added that to see if that fixed it10:56
persiaoly_: I recommend looking carefully at your build log to see where the files are being installed, and from where the files are being pulled by dh_builddeb.  I suspect there is a disconnect there.10:57
oly_okay, where does the build log get put10:58
oly_dont think i have seen that yet10:59
persiaoly_: Usually in a .build file in the same directory as the .deb.10:59
persiaIf it's not there, maybe try with debuild instead of dpkg-buildpackage10:59
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Heron is in active development. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Go Merging! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | It's REVU day! Packagers, please update your REVU submissions, and request review. Reviewers, visit http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ for the current TODO list (updated in r
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Heron is in active development. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Go Merging! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | It's REVU day! Packagers, please update your REVU submissions, and request review. Reviewers, visit http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ for the current TODO list
persiaIt's REVU Day Again.  There's 20 candidates up for review, 3 of which have an advocate, so the reviewers have a bit to do.  The Needs Work queue is about twice that long, so new uploads are encouraged.  Let's get 10 packages uploaded today!11:02
oly_if i can make my package i will upload it :)11:03
oly_found that .build file looking at it now11:03
Hobbseei't so isn't revu day.11:03
* Hobbsee ignores the topic11:03
persiaHobbsee: It is REVU day.  You don't get to play.  Nyah-Nyah.11:03
persiaHobbsee: Do you do sync request approvals yet?11:04
Hobbseeprobably won't for months11:05
slicerWohoo! I got an advocate for my package :)11:05
persiaslicer: If you can fix the bugs, and upload again, that'd be good too :)11:05
slicerpersia: Ah. It crashed gnome-panel?11:05
persiaslicer: Yep.11:05
slicerpersia: *boggles* How is that possible? murmur has no GUI components at all.11:06
* RainCT is currently working on a package upgrade11:06
persiaslicer: No idea: didn't really make sense to me, but I typed dpkg -i ... and it reloaded the panel.11:06
slicerpersia: I'll see if debhelper does anything fancy to it.11:07
persiaslicer: That might be it.  Maybe something with the services entries?11:07
sistpotyhi folks11:07
persiasistpoty: Good morning.  Happy REVU Day!11:08
sistpotyhi persia11:08
sistpotyoh it's revu day today?11:08
persiaWell, it's Monday somewhere...11:08
sistpotyhehe... still sunday for me :)11:09
StevenKIt's only just ticked over to Monday in .nz11:09
* persia refuses to be bound by locality11:12
* sistpoty wonders if he should implement the revu contributors spec right now11:13
LucidFoxSpeaking of REVU... what's the point of this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=psi11:13
persiaLucidFox: How do you mean?11:14
LucidFoxWell, 0.11-3 is in the archive, so it's probably redundant to upload the same upstream release to REVU11:14
persiasistpoty: How does REVU check to see if packages are in the archive?  Shouldn't that be sorted differently?11:14
persiaErr.  sistpoty: Nevermind.  I'm blind.11:15
persiaLucidFox: Those packages mostly get ignored, but some people find REVU a convenient dget-compatible place to upload new revisions.11:15
sistpotypersia: iirc it rebuilds its database of stuff in the archive once a day. on a upload with a not yet known package, it checks the database and marks it as such (imo not at subsequent uploads, which is a bug)11:15
slicerOur minimum target for IA32 is i586, right? Is that with or without MMX?11:15
persiasistpoty: Ah.  It's the "not at subsequent uploads" part that was confusing me.  Thanks.11:16
persiaslicer: Best to check for MMX at runtime.11:16
slicerBah, it makes the code ugly. Oh well.11:17
sistpotyslicer: if it really makes a huge performance difference, you could build two binary packages (-386 and -686)... but usually there's no such big difference unless you do massive FPU stuff11:17
persiaslicer: There are quite a few packages that check at compile time, but they tend to generate an MMX bug eventually.  Depends on what you're willing to support.11:18
slicersistpoty: MMX gives me ~10-20%. Enabling SSE doubles performance.11:19
slicerIt's not critical, but I hate wasting CPU cycles. Anyway, I'll stick to the plain-FPU version for now.11:20
sistpotyslicer: what's the application? does it make sense to run it on non-mmx boxes at all? (imo mythtv used to just enable mmx, because it wouldn't work properly on non-mmx boxes anyways)11:20
slicersistpoty: Mumble, VoIP application. .. Er. Hm. Last non-MMX pentium was ... 90Mhz, right? I'll go check if it's feasible.11:21
imbrandonyou need to rember that not everything is x86 also11:21
slicerIt works on PPC :)11:22
imbrandonppc,sparc,mips,arm, none have mmx11:22
slicerBut a modern PPC has slightly more CPU power than a old pentium.11:22
LucidFoxhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=xulrunner-1.9 - the uploader requests this to be nuked11:23
sistpotyLucidFox: done11:23
imbrandonslicer: i would watch making assumptions for your users though, if you do enable stuff like that please build both11:24
LucidFoximbrandon, please check PM on IRC11:24
persiaslicer: Yes, but my PPC 233 doesn't11:24
bobboCan anyone in here sync my GPG key with REVU?11:24
imbrandonLucidFox: i got it11:24
persiabobbo: Have you joined the LP group?11:25
persiabobbo: OK.  I'll sync the keys.  Takes about half an hour or so11:25
bobbook, thanks persia11:25
slicerGah, the last non-MMX pentium was the P54CS@200Mhz. Which, in theory, is enough. So no MMX for now.11:25
persiaimbrandon: Isn't that the processor you use?11:26
imbrandonpersia: haha yea, iths the one i'm on now :)11:26
sistpotypoor imbrandon11:26
imbrandonslicer: thats my main machine :)11:26
persiaslicer: See.  People still use those :)11:26
jeromegpersia: could you please reviw this one ? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gnome-launch-box11:26
slicerimbrandon: You do realize most cellphones have more CPU power? ;)11:26
persiajeromeg: Why me?11:26
jeromegjeromeg: because you're nice :)11:27
imbrandonslicer: and? it lets me get dev work done , lots better than being offline fo months :)11:27
jeromegpersia: I'm not the uploader, but this is an upgrade, and the buy also maintains it into debian11:27
persiajeromeg: I'll recommend a general advertisement.  I'm one of the more picky reviewers: I think I've advocated 3 things since hardy opened.11:27
slicerimbrandon: But.. It will take you months to compile a single package ;)11:27
jeromegpersia: it's not yet in debian11:27
persiajeromeg: An update?  Why is it on REVU?11:28
jeromegpersia: it shouldn't ?11:28
jeromegpersia: revu is only for new packages ?11:28
slicerpersia: That actually makes you more desirable as a reviewer. When you sign off on things, the uploader feels it's really ready :)11:28
imbrandonslicer: not really, i maintain quite a few packages11:28
persiajeromeg: Generally a patch submitted to the sponsors queue is better for upgrades.  REVU is for new packages.  Upgrades can go there, but they usually get ignored.11:29
jeromegpersia: yep i see that11:29
jeromegpersia : even with new upstream tarball ?11:29
persiajeromeg: Yep.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing11:29
bobbopersia: I made a patch to fix a bug in a package that hadnt been updated since Breezy and became the new maintainer (This is my first package) Should this go in REVU?11:30
persiajeromeg: Just make sure that either the watch file works or there is a working get-orig-source rule.11:30
persiabobbo: No need.  Best to just send a patch to the sponsors queue.  That way you don't have to wait for Mondays, and the responses will be tracked better.11:30
jeromegpersia: the watch file is introduced with this new version11:30
persiajeromeg: Excellent.11:31
bobbopersia: where is the sponsors queue found?11:31
jeromegpersia: so where is the guy supposed to put everything, on LP ?11:31
persiabobbo: See the MOTU/Contributing link for information on preparing the diff and submitting to the queue.11:31
bobbothanks persia11:31
persiajeromeg: We only need the interdiff.11:31
jeromegpersia: ok i'll mail this to the maintainer before he gets desesperated !11:33
persiajeromeg: Thanks.  REVU can be frustrating sometimes.11:33
jeromegpersia: :)11:33
persiaSo.  Who has a new package on REVU and wishes a REVU?  Any advertisements?11:35
jeromegpersia: the same guy has http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=awn-extras-applets11:36
jeromegpersia: the maintains the awn-core11:36
persiabobbo: keyring sync complete11:40
bobbothanks persia11:40
jeromeggot to go11:41
jeromegbye all11:41
LucidFoxpersia> http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=inkblot11:43
LucidFoxalso updated paclages: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=avidemux http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=smplayer11:43
persiaLucidFox: A general advertisement would be much better, especially now as the last pointed at me is still building.  For the updated packages, please submit a diff in a bug to the sponsors queue.11:44
DaveMorrisapachelogger_: re your comment for cpptest, with libcpptest-dev conflicting with libcpptest-dev.   This is to stop people accidentally upgrading the dev packages through system upgrades which could break the build environment, it can still be upgrade but requires the package to be removed 1st.  How come this is a bad idea?12:00
persiaLucidFox: I've just taken a look at inkblot.  Nice job.  I don't have the hardware to test, and only have minor comments.  Would you prefer a comment for a new upload, or me to leave it for someone who can test?12:01
persiaDaveMorris: You have a package that conflicts with itself?12:02
DaveMorristhe -dev package of a lib12:02
persiaDaveMorris: Don't do that.  It makes it hard to install & upgrade.  For a stable release, the ABI will be stable, so there's no danger of someone having a conflict from an upgrade.  For a release under development, there's no promise of stability, so there's no point.12:04
persiaApplication Binary Interface12:04
=== nand_ is now known as nand
RainCTu-u-s can be unsubscribed from bug #6617412:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66174 in showfsck "Man page is incorrect" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6617412:19
persiaRainCT: Done.12:20
persiaRainCT: Thanks for helping clear the queue.12:20
bobboRainCT: Thats the bug im working on. Once I fix the stuff in your comment what should i do to get it included?12:21
RainCTnp, it's fun and I might even learn something new on the way :)12:21
persiaRainCT: Just be prepared for complaints if you get it wrong :)12:21
* Hobbsee must have some outstanding bugs, too12:22
RainCTbobbo: subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors again and/or announce it here :)12:22
bobbook thanks, working on it now12:23
Hobbseeoh, sigh, this is not hardy.12:23
RainCTbug 175018 has no interdiff (but .dsc, .orig and .diff instead), so I guess it can be unsubscribed too..12:24
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175018 in strongswan "strongswan: New upstream release 4.1.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17501812:24
persiaRainCT: No.  We can use that: it is just a waste of LP archive space.12:24
* Hobbsee bumps a package out of the new queue. hurrah!12:28
bobboRainCT: Thats the debdiff fixed for bug #6617412:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66174 in showfsck "Man page is incorrect" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6617412:32
* RainCT looks12:33
rexbronHi, What is the appropreate size for an icon to go with a .desktop? Currently upstream ships an svg only.12:51
Amaranthrexbron: you should have 16, 22/24, 32, 48, and scalable (svg)12:53
persiarexbron: I like 32x32 XPM + 48x48 - 128x128 PNG (anywhere in the range).  Also, if there is an SVG, most newer WMs can display it.12:53
Amaranthbut if you only have svg that's the best of the bunch to only have12:54
persiaAmaranth: All of those?  Doesn't the WM typically auto-scale?12:54
Amaranthpersia: Not well12:54
persiaAmaranth: Ah.  True.12:54
rexbronbut which icon size/format should I use in the .desktop? :P12:54
Amaranthrexbron: none12:54
persiarexbron: None.  Just use the bare icon name.12:54
Amaranthrexbron: should just be Icon=foo12:55
Amaranththen the icon theme machinery in your DE/WM will find the appropriate icon based on the size requested and the theme being used12:55
rexbronpersia: This is in relation to genpo, I got one of the guys in #ubuntustudio to do an icon up12:55
persia(where foo.xpm is in /usr/share/pixmaps, lots of different foo.png files are in the specific size directories, and foo.svg is in the scalable icon directory)12:55
Amarantheh, xpm12:56
persiaAmaranth: Required to support menu files, which are required to support fluxbox.12:56
AmaranthPeople use that? :P12:56
rexbronwould someone be able to link me to the reference docs?12:56
rexbronAmaranth: Fluxbuntu ftw12:57
AmaranthI don't think any GNOME app ships an xpm unless they're old enough to have been around when xpm was the thing to use12:57
persiaAmaranth: Lots of people.  It's our 5th most popular WM12:57
persiaAmaranth: For those, Debian usually ships an XPM (although it's not always included in Ubuntu)12:58
* rexbron noticed that a _huge_ amount of .desktop files and icons are shipped in /usr/share/applications and /usr/share/app-install/desktop and icons ...13:00
rexbronbut the packages are not installed13:00
persiarexbron: I think http://standards.freedesktop.org/icon-theme-spec/latest/ar01s07.html is the relevant documentation13:00
persiarexbron: /usr/share/app-install is special, and includes slightly mangled versions of all .desktop files available in Ubuntu + a bunch of local ones where a normal .desktop file isn't appropriate.13:01
slicerCan you get pdebuild to run lintian and linda appropriate to the distribution it's compiling for, same as debuild does?13:03
rexbronI am now rather confused as to best practices13:04
persiaslicer: The code isn't shared much, so you likely have to change pdebuild (a patch for that would be welcome)13:05
Hobbseepbuilder, but not pdebuild13:05
Hobbseesee pbuilder hooks13:05
Hobbseepersia: ???13:05
persiaHobbsee: To run lintian & linda for the target distribution rather than the local distribution?13:06
Hobbseeoh, i'm not sure of which version of linda/lintian it uses13:06
Hobbseeinstall the newer lintian/linda on the old system?13:06
persiaHobbsee: I believe it's the version installed on the host system, rather than one in the chroot.13:06
Hobbseepersia: quite likely.13:06
persiaslicer: That's the standard practice: use the backported lintian & linda.13:07
Hobbseepersia: i thought you were saying that pbuilder did not have the capacity to run lintian/linda as hooks.13:07
slicerIt is the one on the host, and the host doesn't have 3.7.3 standards etc etc.13:07
persiaHobbsee: No, just not to differentiate based on the build target.13:07
Hobbseepersia: true13:08
persiaslicer: For that, you'll need to backport the Debian lintian manually (sync is pending, and backport will follow).  There's no 3.7.3 linda yet, but hardy is pretty close.13:08
=== MenZano is now known as MenZa
* persia has discovered a new load-testing method: simultaneously run linda & dpkg-source -x on seamonkey.13:32
StevenKWell, all Linda will do is add a bunch of I/O load13:34
* StevenK has an evil plan to drop Linda's I/O wait13:34
StevenKBut, it requires me being motivated to work on Linda13:35
persiaStevenK: Yes.  It's the combined IO load of linda + dpkg-source -x on a 50MB package that does it.13:36
persiaRegarding linda, what would be a good source of motivation?  Does the new policy help?13:36
StevenKYou know, I've been trying to answer that question in my head for months.13:36
StevenKSomeone else taking an interest and submitting patches might help. *subtle hint*13:37
persiaCould I convince you that tar-in-tar is annoying, and the test directories should be unrolled in the source to make patching easier?13:37
StevenKThe test directories? You mean the labs?13:38
persiaSounds fine.  There's still one patch in BTS not in Ubuntu yet, and a couple other bugs that seem trivial.  I'll prep a candidate over the next week.13:38
persiaYes.  The labs.13:38
StevenKMy evil plan is for labs to not exist13:38
persiaMy last linda diff was painful, as I needed to update the labs13:38
persiaHow would that work?13:38
* persia hopes the answer will not be "Don't bother testing"13:39
StevenKThe components of the .deb are unpacked in memory and I run the equivalent of file over the first 200 bytes of the member to determine what it is and stuff it into a dictionary13:40
StevenKFor source packages, I'm still thinking about it. It becomes harder for non-native source packages since I have a patch to apply13:40
* StevenK waits for persia to run screaming13:41
* persia is only wishing it weren't 10 minutes past bedtime, as reading the source to better understand would help (as would actually knowing python)13:41
StevenKParts of Linda are *messy*13:42
persiaStevenK: Yes.13:42
StevenKAnd I completly and utterly ignore OO abstraction rules13:42
StevenK(Oh, I'm really selling it, aren't I?)13:43
persiaStill, it works, and provides a nice cross-check to lintian, and has a few reasonable requests outstanding.  I'll see what I can close.  Are there any untriaged bugs in the BTS that you don't want fixed?13:44
StevenKPersonally, I'd rather work on getting Linda to be a speed demon first.13:44
StevenKShe used to be faster than lintian, too13:45
persiaStevenK: Hmm.  Optimisation in a language I don't know isn't really my strong point :(13:45
StevenKpersia: I daresay figuring out how to read files in tarballs using python's objects is 80% of it13:45
LucidFoxWhat in inkblot is copyrighted by the X Consortium and the Free Software Foundation?13:46
persiaJust ripping the files directly, rather than unpacking?  How does one apply diff.gz?13:46
persiaLucidFox: I forget.  grep is your friend.  I think it was related to translations.13:47
StevenKpersia: Just grabbing the files into memory, yes. How one applies the diff.gz is an unsolved problem13:47
persiaThat would certainly speed her up a bit (assuming a solution to that problem).  Still, lintian unpacks a lab, and finishes before linda for very huge sources.  Am I correct that linda is unpacking multiple times in a single run?13:48
persia(or is it just the unpacks for the internal tarballs?)13:49
* persia goes off to read source to answer these questions13:49
StevenKLinda only unpacks once13:50
RainCTif a ubuntuwire guy is arround, what's about adding links to launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/<package> in http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_watch.php ?13:50
persiaRainCT: Would the link be from the "Name" field?13:51
RainCTpersia: yes13:51
oly_anyone around who is able to give me a hand, what ever i do i can not figure out what i am doing wrong, and why the files from my program still do not end up in my deb file13:52
oly_i was wondering if the program being called usm-core could cause a problem, because it uses a hyphen13:53
persiaoly_: Are your sources available for download somewhere?13:53
oly_i can upload them, what do you need the original tar and the debian folder ?13:54
oly_or shall i try using that dput command ?13:54
RainCToly_: upload .dsc, .orig.tar.gz and .diff.gz, or yes, better just use dput13:55
oly_okay give me a sec whyile i figure out how to use dput13:56
persiaoly_: If you've not used dput before, it might be easier to upload using another method the first time.13:56
oly_dput is the next thing after i can build this package :)13:57
persiaRainCT: My PHP isn't up to a fix: could you paste a patch against http://paste.ubuntu.com/2578/ ?13:58
RainCTpersia: sure, one moment13:59
RainCTpersia: uhm.. is the paste right?     http://paste.ubuntu.com/2578/plain/ there are many cut lines..14:00
RainCTlike: "Select id,mpop_inst,name,version,bytes,up_version,watch_warn, up_changes from p14:01
persiaRainCT: Not sure.  I grabbed from my terminal.  Let me put the code somewhere easier...14:01
RainCTah, then the terminal cut it :P14:01
persiaRainCT: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~persia/no_updated.php.txt14:02
=== bobbo is now known as bobbo-[AFK]
oly_the files are there, sorry for the delay my hosting is not workign so had to find another place to upload14:19
txwikingerDoes anybody have a reference in how to debug the loading of Modules in perl?14:19
oly_so if anyone can take a look and see if they have any better luck building these into a package, if you need any other files let me know14:20
LucidFoxReuploaded inkblot14:20
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
persiaLucidFox: Looks good.  I won't comment, as I can't test it.  Thanks for the quick turnaround.14:24
* RainCT suggests some bored sponsor having a look at bug 6617414:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66174 in showfsck "Man page is incorrect" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6617414:25
persiaUbulette: I've just commented on seamonkey.  That's a huge amount of work you've done, but there's a bit more to go...14:26
Ubuletteyou mean 1.1.6 or 1.1.7 ? 1.1.6 was indeed huge, a full repackaging in fact14:26
persiaUbulette: Most of the work seemed to be for 1.1.6.  My comments were for
Ubulettehmm, ok, most of those comments apply to debian too14:29
persiaUbulette: Yep.  REVU is fairly strict :)14:30
LucidFoxSpeaking of seamonkey, shouldn't iceape now made transitional?14:30
LucidFox*be made14:30
Ubulettepersia, i don't mind as long as it's reasonable ;)14:30
UbuletteLucidFox, it is14:30
persiabobbo: Looking at the 4th debdiff: there's one bit still needs doing: the version should be 1.3ubuntu1 rather than 1.4.  Other than that, it looks fairly clean.14:30
persiaUbulette: You've it hardest, as mozilla is a strange beast to package, and it's not easy to understand the results.  Thanks for trying, and I'm glad to see this here, as I feared your prism experience had frightened you away.14:32
RainCToly_: dget: wget usm-core_0.2.orig.tar.gz http://poke.servebeer.com/debtest/usm-core_0.2.orig.tar.gz failed14:32
Ubulettepersia, would it be possible to let that release go (for the security fixes), then i work on -0ubuntu2 to fix the rest ?14:33
Ubulettepersia, i still think it's awfully long and painful to obtain sponsorship.14:34
oly_okay will see what i can do RainCT,14:34
persiaUbulette: Hmmm..  Last time I ran rmadison, I thought it told me seamonkey was new.  As an update candidate, that's likely good, but I'm not up for reviewing the comparison with 1.1.6 just now.14:34
Ubulettei like fixing stuff up to the minute, i just hate to wait in the dark14:34
RainCTpersia: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47536/plain/   sorry that it took so long, was busy in RL..14:35
persiaUbulette: I'd suggest pushing an interdiff in a bug to the sponsors queue: that way you're not waiting for Mondays, will likely get it in faster, and won't have people complaining about every little lintian informational note.14:35
persiaRainCT: Thanks.14:35
oly_try it now,14:35
Ubulettepersia, i posted that in the bug14:35
RainCToly_: ok, works now14:36
Ubulettebug 17473914:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174739 in seamonkey "[upgrade] seamonkey 1.1.7" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17473914:36
oly_because i have been making so many changes here and there trying to make it work14:36
persiaUbulette: Ah.  It seems to have been a slow week for sponsoring.  Feel free to ignore my REVU comments until you have time.14:36
Ubulettepersia, the md5 stuff is disturbing btw.14:37
oly_do not really mind how i get this to work, as long as i can make acceptable packages for ubuntu, all they really need todo is copy the files to relevant location and run the postinst14:37
persiaUbulette: Yes, a bit.  That would be a sponsorship blocker too, as I couldn't build it at all.14:37
oly_seems a bit complicated just todo that, packaging seems to be aimed at c type code where you use make files, making it more confusing to me :p14:38
Ubulettepersia, how is that possible? did you regenerate it ?14:38
persiaUbulette: Nope.  Just dget followed by sbuild.14:39
Ubulettepersia, http://paste.ubuntu.com/2579/14:41
persiaUbulette: Strange.  I've not seen a corrupted download in a while.  I'll try again when I'm not about to sleep.14:42
oly_RainCT, do you think its worth me trying to use that cdbs for packaging see if i have any better luck14:45
oly_or am i just as likely to hit the same problem14:45
* RainCT is still downloading the source14:48
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oly_yeah, thats fine just i knwo yesterday you said you use cdbs for python, wondering if it might work better for me i dont really know the difference14:50
oly_i just followed a tutorial on making packages14:50
Ubulettepersia, i just wget the tarball from revu, md5 matches mine.. so it could be on your side :O14:53
persiaUbulette: Very likely on my side.14:53
bobboCan a MOTU check my  fix for bug #66174 please?15:00
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66174 in showfsck "Man page is incorrect" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6617415:00
Ubulettepersia, is XSBC-Original-Maintainer really useful ?15:02
persiaUbulette: It's mostly about giving credit to the person in Debian who worked on the package.15:03
Ubuletteit's not used for anything else ? bots of some kind?15:04
RainCTUbulette: it makes it possible to know who the Debian maintainer is without checking packages.debian.org..15:07
RainCT('apt-cache show' displays it)15:07
Ubulettei just ask if it's needed here as i doubt debian will care about seamonkey15:07
Ubulettewell, i'll add it, hoping it will not create issues15:08
bluefoxicyI heard vmware released vmware-tools as open source software or something nutty like that15:09
RainCToly_: strange upstram tarball...15:09
persiaUbulette: If you're basing on Debian packaging, it's nice.  If you're not using their packaging, no point.15:09
bluefoxicywill Ubuntu 8.08 fully support running as a vmware guest?15:09
oly_what do you mean RainCT ?15:09
bluefoxicyVMware 2.0 will use VMI, which Linux supports.  Will Ubuntu 8.08 support running in a VMI environment?  :D15:09
RainCToly_: having etc and usr folder.. I had never seen anything like that before xD15:10
bluefoxicyXen doesn't export VMI.  Can we stab the Xen dev team in the face, and then take Xen away from Citrix and fork it and stab Citrix in the face and add VMI support?15:10
RainCToly_: well.. i know what the problem is now15:10
oly_well i structured it that way :p15:10
Ubulettepersia, i've forked at 1.1.4 and almost changed everything. you've read the changelog ;) https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/seamonkey/15:10
RainCToly_: you're doing nothing with those files..15:10
* bluefoxicy idle battery of random questions in the morning.15:10
oly_seemed to make sense at the time15:10
persiaUbulette: Your call.15:11
RainCToly_: 1. you can remove all makefile bits from debian/rules are there's no makefile there15:11
oly_i thought that, thats why they where commented out15:11
oly_i will remove all otgether15:11
RainCToly_: 2. put a file called "install" in the debian directory15:11
RainCToly_: and there you have to list what files you want to install and where.. like this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47537/plain/15:13
RainCToly_: 3. call dh_install in the changelog, in the binary-indep section15:14
oly_okay, sounds good, was no mention of an install file in the packaging from scratch doc i was using15:15
RainCToly_: well, as you said that's written for packages with makefile mainly.. :P15:15
RainCToly_: if it's a web application I'm not sure if /usr/share is the right place to put the files15:15
oly_the reason i structured the folders like that was because i thought thats how it figured out where to put the files15:15
RainCTah yes, it is15:16
oly_okay, its a bit of a tricky one because it runs sub processes as well15:16
oly_which run independatly, like for backups15:17
oly_okay will try that out15:17
oly_can you use * in the install folder or just specify folders ?15:17
oly_or do i have to put all files15:17
RainCToly_: *, look at this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47537/plain/15:17
oly_yeah i saw just after writting that :p15:18
oly_silly me15:18
RainCToly_: the homepage in debian/control should be in the source section15:18
RainCTafter the "Maintainer:" line for example15:18
oly_okay will rearrange that15:18
* RainCT thinks the description needs some more work, too :P15:19
RainCToly_: tell me if you want me to have a look at it once you get it working15:20
oly_okay, will look at that as well15:20
oly_yes that woudl be useful, i need to make sure the application actually works and that i included all the correct files15:20
oly_yay, i have a 21.1mb deb now instead of a 2.2kb deb now :-D15:28
oly_thxs for the help RainCT, will go tidy up and test it now :)15:28
RainCToly_: great :). np15:29
RainCTpersia: I'm working on your suggestion for what-patch15:34
RainCTwhat do you recommend to get the "packagename_upstream-revision"?15:34
* dsop is still searching for a second motu to advocate15:35
persiaRainCT: You may be interested in Debian bug #452215 452220 45222115:35
ubotuDebian bug 452215 in lintian "Add a check to make sure the .diff.gz is clean when debian/patches is used" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/45221515:35
Ubulettepersia: about the unclear X11R5 licence. http://paste.ubuntu.com/2580/   Should I use MIT ?15:39
persiaUbulette: You'd do best to track down the X11R5 sources, and use that license.15:39
persia(the person integrating the source should have done that)15:40
UbuletteX11R5 is MIT15:40
jonnymindI have succeeded in splitting my binary packages as wished. May I kindly ask reviews for needs-packaging bug 174470?15:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174470 in ubuntu "Package for the Falcon Programming Language" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17447015:40
jonnymindCute. I did that?15:40
Ubuletteyou did15:41
Ubulettedebian bug 19171715:43
ubotuDebian bug 191717 in automake1.6 "automake1.6: install-sh licensing nightmare?" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/19171715:43
RainCTpersia: nice, but there's no patch there15:44
persiaRainCT: Yes :(15:44
RainCTand    lsdiff -z ../$(basename `pwd` | sed s/-/_/)-*.diff.gz    isn't definitely the best option15:45
bluefoxicy... apport is reporting slocate failed to upgrade (it succeeded, it just bitched)15:45
bluefoxicyspecifically, apport is sending the same bug report like 15 times15:45
* RainCT is looking at that parsechangelog thing15:45
RainCTdpkg-parsechangelog | grep "$(basename `pwd` | cut -d "-" -f 1) ("       isn't very convincing neither..15:50
effie_jayxwhat is the rationale for not including any php4 in gutsy?16:22
RainCTeffie_jayx: it won't be supported anymore soon16:24
RainCT(if they haven't dropped support for it already)16:25
RainCT(not sure about the exact date..)16:25
effie_jayxRainCT,  many apps still depend on php416:25
Ubulettepersia, could you be more specific about point 11 and 14 for seamonkey ?16:26
RainCTeffie_jayx: then it's upstreams problem to fix them, php4 is dead16:26
effie_jayxRainCT,  I see...16:26
RainCTeffie_jayx: hosting providers are also switching to php5 now (mine allows to use both since over 6 months already, configuring it with a .htaccess)16:26
RainCT(but they will drop php4 soon)16:27
txwikingerBug #175106 is reade for sponsoring if someone like to do it :)16:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175106 in freedict "Spelling mistake in main description of package" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17510616:30
pochudfiloni: ping - wxwidgets. How's it going? Could you please upload it to REVU, as today's REVU day? ;)16:33
limacubotu: How do u get info on the new bugs as soon as they arrive?16:35
dfilonipochu: is an hard work. I can upload version that work great. Actually I'm working at but I don't think I can finish today.16:35
dfilonipochu: do you think I should upload version?16:36
RainCThow can I check if a var is empty?16:36
RainCTin bash?  it has multiple lines so -n or -z don't work16:37
pochudfiloni: pretty please, yes. You can upload later when you have it.16:39
pochudfiloni: but we need an wxwidgets update as soon as possible. :)16:39
dfilonipochu: I have now, but lintian show me a lot of warnings that I want to fix16:40
dfiloniToday I will upload
pochudfiloni: cool, thank you!16:44
pochudfiloni: let me know once you upload it :)16:44
dfilonipochu: ok16:45
RainCTpersia: got it working :)16:47
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cdm10I asked here about packaging Python apps for Ubuntu, and was directed to learn how to use distutils... I have, and now that I've learned to put together a setup.py file, I now need to learn how to make a .deb out of it. I can use checkinstall, but that really doesn't put out proper results, it's mainly for personal use... so can someone help me figure out the proper tool for the job, and show me how to use it?16:51
azeemcdm10: did you take a look at a couple of existing python packages?16:54
cdm10azeem: source packages? Yes, I looked at pypolicyd-spf, but I can't make sense of the rules file.16:55
azeemtry some others then, maybe16:55
cdm10azeem: ok, i'll look into that... I'm assuming most will be the same, though.16:56
cdm10azeem: do you know anything about what I'm trying to do here?16:56
pochucdm10: using cdbs + python-distutils rule is really easy16:57
cdm10pochu: any sorta guide for that?16:57
cdm10pochu: or can you walk me through it? :)16:57
pochucdm10: http://perso.duckcorp.org/duck/cdbs-doc/cdbs-doc.xhtml16:58
cdm10pochu: thanks, i'll read that16:58
pochucdm10: basically add the debhelper rule and the python-distutils one, and you are done16:58
pochu(that for debian/rules, you need to tweak debian/control too)16:59
oly_RainCT, i have reuploaded to same place as before if you want to take a look16:59
cdm10pochu: yeah, i know the control stuff16:59
RainCToly_: what was the url for the .dsc?16:59
RainCTcdm10: see http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy17:00
RainCTcdm10: there is an example with cdbs there17:00
cdm10RainCT: alright, thanks17:00
cdm10RainCT: oh, can you maybe answer a quick distutils question?17:01
RainCTcdm10: I can try, but I don't know much about it...17:02
cdm10RainCT: ok, well, might as well give it a try: I'd like to have my modules put into a subfolder of /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages rather than just spewed into that folder, do you know what options to give it to do that?17:03
cdm10Oh, and what do I use to generate the debian filestructure?17:04
RainCTcdm10: I think it should create a subfolder there by default17:04
cdm10RainCT: what should?17:04
cdm10RainCT: oh, ok17:04
cdm10RainCT: well, it doesn't... I'll look into it further.17:04
RainCTcdm10: and cdbs + distutils will put the files automatically on their place17:05
cdm10RainCT: ok17:05
RainCTcdm10:  what you have to take care of are menu entries, icons, manpages, etc17:05
RainCTwell, for manpages just create a file called "manpages" and write their name there17:05
cdm10RainCT: well, my setup.py does that.17:05
RainCToh ok17:05
RainCTcdm10: then it should do everything automagically17:06
cdm10it's got my glade and .desktop files and all that.17:06
RainCTdidn't know setup.py handles desktop files..17:06
* RainCT will have to take some time to look at it17:06
cdm10RainCT: it can handle any data files you tell it to handle17:06
pochucdm10: you need python-support or python-central for installing the module in /var/lib/python2.X/site-packages17:07
cdm10pochu: ok...17:07
pochuRainCT: well it doesn't handle them automagically, but you can tell them to install some files to some folders with data_files.17:08
RainCTpochu: ah. well, with the automagically I mean that cdbs will do everything if the setup.py is ok17:09
RainCToly_: are you still arround?17:10
pochuRainCT: I was talking about distutils and random files :)17:11
RainCToly_: ok, let's see..17:12
RainCToly_: 1. use same email in the changelog and in the control files17:14
RainCTand same name17:14
RainCToly_: 2. there are 2 build-depends fields in debian/control17:14
RainCTas I said before, the homepage should go above, near where the "Maintainer:" line is17:15
oly_hum, thats wierd i did move it, probably got confused with all the files17:16
RainCTVcs-Bzr is for a repository containing the package source, not for upstream's17:16
RainCT(and the url is wrong anyways :P)17:16
oly_shall i just remove that line altogether then17:16
RainCTif you won't put the package source on any repository, yes17:17
oly_well i guess theres no point putting the source anywhere because its python17:17
oly_the app is the source :p17:17
RainCTdebian/copyright: "Author(s)" should be either "Author" or "Authors". Also replace "usmteam" with the names and email's of the developers17:18
RainCTon the upstream authors part, "usmteam" as copyright holder is fine17:18
RainCToly_: remove the comments on the top of the debian/rules file17:20
RainCTand the make stuff17:20
oly_okay think i have done all of those17:21
RainCT(actually, I would recomment switching to cdbs as then you could drop the rules file completly)17:21
oly_okay, i may have a try and see :)17:22
oly_would i still need the install file in debian with cdbs ?17:22
* RainCT is away17:24
jpatrick!away > RainCT17:24
RainCTjpatrick: I know, but oly_ might want to know that I'm away17:25
StevenHarperUKDoes anyone know when the next Community - Council meeting is (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncil) - the event isn't in the calendar (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event/2007/12/01/month/all/all/1) - but it appears that they are every 2 weeks - the last was on the 29th November - so will the next be on the 13th Dec? (also it would be great if the correct date was posted on the wiki page)17:37
cdm10I'm trying to used cdbs to package my python program (which uses distutils)17:43
cdm10How do I generate the debian/ filestructure?17:43
azeemdh_make can generate a skeleton for you17:44
bigoncdm10: you can use dh_make to have a basic structure17:44
cdm10bigon: ok17:44
cdm10bigon: what do i need to have in that directory for dh_make to work?17:45
cdm10bigon: it seems to want a tarball of some sort17:46
bigonyou should have a tarball in the parent dir with the name project_version.orig.tar.gz17:46
bigonI thinks17:46
cdm10bigon: hmm, got it to work without that17:47
bobboIf you have made a debdiff for a launchpad bug, how do you get it into Universe?17:47
cdm10I'm not sure what debian-native means...17:48
lionelbobbo: attach your debddiff on the launchpad bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors17:49
bigoncdm10: where debian/ubuntu is upstream17:49
bobbolionel, i have done that, do i just need to wait until someone decides to have a look at it now?17:49
bigonso you don't have an upstream tarball (and thus no diff.gz generated)17:49
lionelbobbo: yes, we process the queue quite frequently17:50
bobbook thanks lionel17:50
lionelbobbo: is it waiting there for a long time?17:50
lioneldo you have a bug  number ?17:50
bobbonot really, just since this morning17:50
bobbolionel its bug #6617417:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 66174 in showfsck "Man page is incorrect" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6617417:51
bigonis there any bash guru around?17:51
cdm10bigon: sorry, i'm new to packaging... what does that mean?17:52
cdm10bigon: (what you said before)17:52
Ubulettewhere is "new Debian menu structure" described ?17:52
RainCTUbulette: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/menu.html/ch3.html#s3.517:54
dfilonipochu: wxwidgets2.8 uploaded :)17:54
UbuletteRainCT, thx17:54
bigoncdm10: if you package you have a tarball that comes from upstream, this tarball is normally never modified (same md5sum) all the changes you made (ie:adding a debian) is stored in a diff file17:54
cdm10bigon: so, a debian-native package never came from a tarball, and the .deb is the package released by upstream?17:55
bigoncdm10: no, a native package don't have a diff file because upstream is debian or ubuntu17:56
pochudfiloni: great! thank you :)17:56
bigoncdm10: you can usually see if a package is native by looking at his version ( 1.0 is native and 1.0-1 is not)17:57
cdm10bigon: ok, so... debian/ubuntu is the releaser of the software?17:58
cdm10bigon: now, maybe you can help me with something else17:59
cdm10I've got a proper debian/ structure created by dh_make17:59
cdm10with a rules file and all that17:59
cdm10but dpkg-buildpackage gives me the error make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.18:00
bigonyou should modify the debian/rules to tell cdbs you package use distutils18:01
cdm10bigon: can i pastebin it?18:01
RainCTcdm10: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy follow the instructions in section "CDBS + distutils"18:01
pochuPretty please can any MOTU review wxWidgets 2.8? dfiloni has just uploaded it. I'll buy a beer or a drink to whoever does it ;-) Thanks in advance! Link is http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.818:02
cdm10RainCT: I copied their example debian/rules file, but I'm getting this error:18:04
cdm10debian/rules: 6: include: not found18:04
cdm10debian/rules: 7: include: not found18:04
cdm10debian/rules: 8: include: not found18:04
LucidFoxSpeaking of CDBS18:04
dfilonipochu: why you need wxwidgets2.8?18:05
LucidFoxIs CDBS preferable to plain debhelper?18:05
pochudfiloni: aMule.18:05
bigoncdm10: do you install the cdbs package?18:05
dfilonipochu: 2.20 version?18:05
pochudfiloni: well it's a bug fix in a library and a lot of packages will benefit for it.18:06
pochudfiloni: I can build 2.2.0 with current, but I want the bug fixes ;)18:06
pochu(In fact I built it yesterday)18:06
bigonLucidFox: question of taste, cdbs has maybe less granularity over plain debhelper18:06
dfilonipochu: I know, for example filezilla 3.0.3 needs wxwidgets
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pochudfiloni: needs, as in requires?18:07
cdm10bigon: yes18:07
cdm10bigon: and, i tried dpkg-buildpackaging a source package i downloaded, and it workjed18:07
dfilonipochu: when it build if you don't have version it returns an error message18:08
pochudfiloni: odd... another reason for uploading ;)18:08
cdm10bigon: and i checked the paths... they exist.18:08
cdm10bigon: should i pastebin the file?18:09
bluefoxicyhi zul18:16
zulhi bluefoxicy18:18
bluefoxicyI wonder the potential for a 186MB xfce-based Ubuntu livecd18:20
bluefoxicy(for mini-CDR)18:21
crimsunsure, just remove a lot of the stuff that normally ships in -desktop18:21
crimsun(heck, one could probably do one GNOME-based)18:21
bluefoxicycrimsun:  I once figured I could fit an X server and XFCE4 core desktop on Damn Small Linux inside 30MB18:21
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
bluefoxicy(talking about kdrive vesa, not xorg)18:22
bluefoxicyiirc all the xlibs and such come down to 2MB compressed18:23
bluefoxicyso I want to dig up some stuff from earlier and bounce some ideas around.  Any good place for this?18:28
crimsun(I use tiddlywikis.)18:30
dfilonipersia: are you here?18:30
bluefoxicycrimsun:  I have a bunch of stuff from 3 years ago ... january 2005 heh.  Lemme upload it somewhere.18:38
bluefoxicymaybe I'll ping devel-discuss18:38
bluefoxicyargh this is pissing me off I can't argh argh arghhhhh... hmm.18:41
* bluefoxicy figures out a way to host web sites from inside vmware18:41
* pochu looks for a MOTU to review wxwidgets! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.819:03
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UbuletteLordKow, something like that http://paste.ubuntu.com/2591/ ?19:32
LordKowokay, thanks :)19:32
LordKowyea same thing. i was thinking that somewhere along the lines of using the hardy trees i messed around with policykit and/or user/group permissions because the only bug report about the problem was made by me with 0 comments19:33
Ubulettebut I don't see that at home.19:33
LordKowi made a test package undoing some of the permission changes in rules and in the overrides but i feel its still not going to work because pulse gets built with configured policykit support now.19:34
LordKowi really dont use sound that much let alone ESD so i ended up uninstalling pulseaudio.19:34
bigonany (ba)sh guru here?19:35
desertcI think perhaps mplayer is a required for the package dvdauthor19:36
Ubulettebigon, ask your question directly19:37
bigonwell pbuilder-dist is currently broken and I cant figure why19:38
geserwhat problem do you have?19:38
bigonon chroot creation I get E: Type '' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list19:40
geserhave you tried to create the pbuilder base.tgz without that script and mv the base.tgz to the location the script expects?19:41
bigonpbuilder is working fine19:42
ikoniacrimsun ping19:43
crimsunikonia: the reason that Bart converted the installation to postinst is that if the tarballs fails download, it will block essential packages from updating.19:43
LordKowmeh i'll just use ESD, nottin wrong with it. :)19:43
ikoniacrimsun: yes, I can see the reasoning behind that, but in doing so it's also created a false installation result19:43
ikoniacrimsun: it's a double edged sword19:44
crimsunikonia: what md5sum are you getting with 9,0,115,0?19:44
ikoniacrimsun: let me see f I can access my gutsy box, one moment19:44
ikoniacrimsun: ./install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz' saved [3036127/3036127]19:45
ikoniaI'm getting the same file size as you19:45
ikoniajust getting checksums19:45
crimsun(it sure would be nice if upstream placed the precise version string in the filename...)19:47
ikoniacrimsun: gutsy is still using flashplugin-nonfree_9.
ikoniathat would make it easier19:47
crimsunikonia: yes, and IIRC there's a gutsy-backports request19:47
ikoniayes, there is in launchpad19:47
ikoniacrimsun: have you got any information on the progress of that?19:50
ikoniacrimsun: also I'd be very interested in looking at alternatives for the post section to valdiate the install before installing the ubuntu actual meta package19:51
ikoniasynaptic users see it as "installed" when it is not19:51
crimsunikonia: the real solution is to kill that source package and its generated binary package completely.19:52
ikoniayes, totally19:52
ikoniathats the ideal senario19:52
SlimG2Is there a global irc channel on freenode dedicated to ubuntu translation?19:52
crimsunikonia: as for the processing of that source package, that's up to an archive admin.  I believe they generally work business hours (save a few volunteers).19:52
pochuSlimG2: #ubuntu-translators maybe?19:53
pochuSlimG2: dunno if it's official though ;)19:53
ikoniacrimsun: yes, I don't think that would work on an individual archive basis19:53
ikoniaI hadn't thought of it like that19:53
SlimG2pochu: Thanks, there's atleast some people there :)19:54
jpatrickhmm, how can I be sure that my gpg key is on the Accepted: lists?19:54
RainCTbigon: ubuntu-dev-tools from gutsy or hardy?19:55
jpatrickbecause I uploaded to the archives and it's not appearing in -changes, and I have no mail19:55
bigonRainCT: the bzr branch19:55
bigonRainCT: should also be broken in hardy19:55
crimsunwithout directly uploading a source package?  Create a junk branch of something hosted on bazaar.lp that uses ~ubuntu-dev19:55
crimsun^ jpatrick19:55
=== dfiloni_ is now known as dfiloni
jpatrickcrimsun: no, I changed my gpg key and put it on LP days ago, and it doesn't seem to like it19:56
RainCTbigon: can you try if revision 35 worked?19:57
crimsunjpatrick: did you upload to keyserver.ubuntu.com?20:02
jpatrickcrimsun: yes, like 3 days ago20:02
jpatrickcrimsun: aha! just got the accepted email20:03
crimsunjpatrick: yeah, the ACCEPTED: lag is variable20:11
LordKowis there a shortcut for a run window or something with the same effect?20:13
pochuLordKow: Alt+F220:14
bluefoxicyit took enough ssh hackery <_<20:26
bluefoxicythat's all ages old stuff, and the Dazuko stuff is defunct (Fuse will have write-through support some day, the author has promised in 2.4), but eh.20:28
ScottKLaserJock: Good afternoon.  Is what you pinged me about last night still relevant?20:37
LaserJockScottK: probably not20:38
ScottKOK.  Just wanted to check.20:38
pochuC'mon folks, let's review wxWidgets, today's REVU Day! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.820:38
LaserJockpochu: new upstream release?20:39
Flare183Flare183 is at Walmart20:40
pochuLaserJock: yup. dfiloni has packaged it.20:40
limachey, when is the hardy release party? and is anyone invited to it or only the developers?20:41
limachey Laser20:41
LaserJocklimac: what do you mean?20:41
LaserJockthere are usually release parties all around the world and anybody is welcome20:42
limacLaserJock: When is the Hardy release party?20:42
LaserJocklimac: after it's released20:42
limacLaserJock: The day it's released20:42
LaserJockwell, sometimes the parties are a bit afterward20:43
limacLaserJock: And wat do u basically do in it?20:43
LaserJockI've never been to one20:43
LaserJockbut I imagine have fun, install stuff, have more fun20:43
limacOK! thnx :)20:43
limacLaserJock: I/m planning to go to this one if on weekend20:44
siretartslomo: (or anyone else interested in ffmpeg and ppc): could you please have a look at svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-multimedia/experimental/ffmpeg/debian and tell me if it builds on your ppc?20:51
siretart(you might to choose the http url on alioth instead)20:51
TheMuso_siretart: I'll have a look a bit later. I have a PPC, so can test build.20:52
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siretartTheMuso: thanks!20:54
siretartTheMuso: you'll need to checkout from svn://svn.mplayerhq.hu/ffmpeg/trunk revision -r{2007-10-07}, and checkout the debian directory inside that. then you can build with 'debuild -b'20:57
superm1Hi can someone in ~ubuntu-backporters take a glance at bug 173684?  imbrandon asked for a build log to make sure it built fine20:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173684 in gutsy-backports "Please backport mythstream 0.18.1 from hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17368420:57
siretartTheMuso: the debian branch can be checked out like this: svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-multimedia/experimental/ffmpeg/debian20:58
TheMusosiretart: Ok thanks.21:03
bigonRainCT: the 35 revision doesn't work21:03
jpatrick_superm1: you should subscribe ubuntu-archive21:15
superm1jpatrick_, needed to get an ack from the backporters team first?21:15
jpatrick_ah right21:16
siretartmh. rebuildd on hardy seems to require still some tweaks..21:57
bigonRainCT: I don't find how to fix the issue with pbuilder-dist :/22:00
norsettoproppy: yo22:00
pochuWho wants a hug? I'll give a big hug to whoever reviews wxwidgets! http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.822:01
pochuIt's just an upgrade and not a new package! ^ :-)22:01
DktrKranzpochu, eheh. I've got dfiloni asking for it all night :)22:02
pochuDktrKranz: wasn't that me? :)22:03
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RainCTbigon: sorry, I've to go..22:04
RainCTgood night22:04
DktrKranzpochu, you helped him spreading the word :)22:04
bigonRainCT: gn22:04
DktrKranznight RainCT22:05
siretarthas anyone already seen build failiures like this? http://dpaste.com/27444/22:05
DktrKranzsiretart, yes22:05
RainCTbigon: if you file a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-dev-tools explaining what happens I'll try to have a look at it22:05
DktrKranzgcc 4.2 does not support anymore INT_{MAX,MIN}22:05
siretartDktrKranz: *gulp*22:06
siretartDktrKranz: and what's the fix for that?22:06
DktrKranzsiretart, IIRC, defining two macros which do the job22:06
siretartDktrKranz: since when does gcc 4.2 do that?22:07
siretartgcc-4.2_4.2.2-4 at least didn't22:07
DktrKranzI've seen something similar in a fix by doko22:07
crimsunthat seems a bit obtuse22:09
crimsunaren't climits or limits.h included?22:09
pochuDktrKranz: heh. wanna volunteer? ;)22:09
siretartDktrKranz: where have you seen doko fixing something like that?22:10
DktrKranzsiretart, I'm looking22:11
crimsunyeah, I can't find anything stating that gcc-4.2 explicitly does not support INT_M{AX,IN}22:14
Kmosanyone knows how to fix this FTBFS: http://pastebin.com/d775d5a4d22:15
Kmosi've added libexpat1-dev to build-depends, but it doesn't fix it22:15
siretartmore interestingly, there is no reference to INT_MAX in the cdio source22:16
siretartso it seems some included header is broken22:16
persiaUbulette: 11) is that I'm seeing copyrights I recognize for things like sqllite, libjpeg, etc., and I don't see build-depends for all of them.  This makes me suspicious that there is a security issue waiting to happen.  14) Is that the "Apps/foo" is deprecated.  Look in /usr/share/doc/menu/menu.txt.gz after installing the menu package.22:24
persiapochu: Taking a look at wxwidgets: Are you happy with the update?22:24
pochupersia: do you mean with the packaging or with the new release?22:25
persiapochu: Both.22:25
persia(or each, separately, if you like)22:25
pochuNew release - yes. Update - haven't looked yet :P22:25
pochupersia: downloading22:30
persiapochu: Thanks.  Also, is there an upgrade bug?22:31
Ubulettepersia: this is mentioned in the copyright file because those sources are in the tarball, yet, we build with their system equiv.22:31
pochupersia: yes, bug 13388822:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133888 in wxwidgets2.8 "upgrade wxwidgets2.8 to the release" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13388822:32
persiaUbulette: That's perfect then.  I just didn't see everything in Build-Depends, but perhaps that's due to me not chasing recursion.  If you're sure, feel free to ignore 11)22:32
Ubulette        libsqlite3.so.0 => /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.0 (0xb7eff000)22:33
persiapochu: That'd be a good place to attach a build log if you like the update :)22:33
Ubulettewell, I'm sure. i've build those mozilla beasts enough to be sure :)22:33
persiaUbulette: That's the important part: ignore it then.  Essentially, when I get to around 10) I start just noting things I notice that are suspicious, rather than doing a full investigation for each one.  I figure it's better to have a long list of things that need a look than half a list with the other half randomly appearing when the next upload happens.22:35
Ubuletteindeed, that's better22:36
Ubulettedo we really need to open merge bugs with "Please upload merge foo" now ?22:41
persiaUbulette: I like to open merge bugs whenever I'm working on a merge so that others know it's being worked on.  If you need sponsorship, having a bug is the best way to get sponsors attention.22:43
Ubulettei'm talking about the wording22:43
Ubulettebefore, the wiki used to say "Please merge foo" and "Please sync foo"22:44
persiaUbulette: That's a little odd.  Usually I use "Please merge foo" or "merge of foo", depending on how nice I want to be to the merger (me).22:44
UbuletteSet the bug title to: Please upload merge <sourcepackagename><debian-version> (repository) from Debian <repository> (<component>)22:45
persiaUbulette: Did the wiki change?  Which page? (I think that's wrong).22:45
* persia notes that it's essential to strike a balance between having the wiki be useful for new contributors and having it be accurate for long-term developers22:45
UbuletteBug 17517522:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175175 in valgrind "Please upload merge valgrind 3.2.3-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17517522:46
Ubulettethat sounds weird to me22:47
Ubulettepersia, i have all the changes ready (except the menu one) for seamonkey but I need a sponsor for the version already posted 1st. could you do it ? asac already approved22:50
Ubuletteor someone else, i don't mind :)22:50
persiaUbulette: I don't have time now (need to leave in 10 minutes), and I wonder why asac didn't upload when approving: would the sponsor not just be duplicating his review?22:51
persiaUbulette: Also, please check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging to see if the wording changes make sense to you.22:51
Ubuletteyep, sounds better22:52
Ubulettepersia, asac is not back yet.22:53
persiaUbulette: Ah.  No keys.  I understand :)22:54
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totopalmaciao :), stacco.23:26

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