
AprilHareLiMaO, don't put me in trouble :)00:00
adamonline45bruenig: I guess so :)  I thought those were the same thing...  Whatever <ctrl><alt><backspace> does :)00:00
Pirate_HunterPelo never thought of that00:00
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: are you using PPP as in dialup, or PPP as in broadband?00:00
Sepheebearlwizardl: check your logs, maybe the hfs partition isnt clean. thats why it comes RO00:00
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, it's a dialup connection via a cell phone in "high-speed" data packet mode00:00
david_Jradio_gaga42: Ubuntu uses there own patches... So if you are using a vanilla kernel be wary that other stuff may not work..  Best bet is to get the source tree Ubuntu used and try to patch...00:00
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, dialup00:00
PeloPirate_Hunter,  that's why they pay me the big bucks00:00
bruenigadamonline45, killall X should do it00:00
david_Jradio_gaga42: if the patch works the just recompile it...00:00
LiMaOAprilHare: i'm just curious. never thought there was this much different from aussie to american/british english :)00:00
lwizardlSepheebear, what log?00:00
adamonline45bruenig: ty :)00:01
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, gtg eat00:01
Sepheebearlwizardl: /var/log/syslog  or /var/log/kern.log IIRC00:01
AprilHareLiMaO, closer to british english00:01
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: 17.8KB/sec's pretty fast for cell phone. that's 144kbps.  i think most cell phone dialups top out at ~168kbps00:01
Pirate_HunterPelo: send me some plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz00:01
radio_gaga42david_j: tried ubunto does not boot on my notebook, so i filed a bug on kernel.org, the guy from ibm hen sent a patch for me to try00:01
LiMaOAprilHare: i speak british english. even though i don't keep the accent =P00:02
david_Jradio_gaga42: Ugh joint #ugh and I'll try to explain...00:02
AprilHareLiMaO,that is, from american english00:02
Sepheebearlwizardl: i think even dmesg might have something in it too00:02
PeloPirate_Hunter,  you cna do that now if you want,  you just make a sperarte partition formated in ext3 , move  your /home folder to it and add an extra line in fstab to mount it00:02
radio_gaga42david_j: thanks, will try00:02
neil__Hey guys00:02
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Ashfire908kitofhawaii, i said ~17 KB/s. it's usally in the 16 KB/s range. if it gets to 17, it's like 17.0 or 17.1.00:02
AprilHareLiMaO, ic - not in britain?00:02
LiMaOAprilHare: btw, 'aussie' isn't considered to be a polite word, right?00:02
LiMaOAprilHare: actually i'm brazilian, thus in brazil ;)00:02
Pirate_HunterPelo: no i meant the bucks but thanx for the info00:03
AprilHareLiMaO, aussie fine by me00:03
lwizardlSepheebear, nothing I guess I could log into windows and see if macdrive reports it as damaged00:03
T70K5I'm on a live cd, I can't burn a disk00:03
Ashfire908kitofhawaii, ok gtg.00:03
kitofhawaiiAshfire908: that's pretty typical. i think you're maxing out, if you want faster you have to go to EDGE or another high speed cell connection (ttyl have fun)00:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
RainCTif the Desktop was moved into the trash (don't ask me how my mother achieved this XDD), how can it be brought back to ~/?   fo00:03
AprilHareLiMaO, who told you aussie is bad?00:03
gordonjcpRainCT: move it back out of the trash?00:03
theremperI think kaffene will do the trick00:03
YazT70K5: you can burn a CD under live cd...i did exactly this this morning00:03
RainCTgordonjcp: it goes back there :S00:03
T70K5I have a usb jump drive00:03
PeloT70K5, if you want youcan put supergrub on a usb drive,  assuming you can boot from usb,    super grub cd is less then 50 megs00:03
gordonjcpRainCT: it's important to remember that both Desktop and .Trash are just directoris00:03
perlsyntaxis ubuntu base on windows?00:04
RainCTyes I know00:04
gordonjcpRainCT: you might need to do it from the command line00:04
IndyGunFreakperlsyntax: no00:04
T70K5its like 3mb00:04
* bastid_raZor laughs00:04
lwizardlperlsyntax, no based on unix00:04
Yazyeah, supergrub is 3MB00:04
Peloperlsyntax, no it is not ,  ubuntu is a linux distro00:04
LiMaOAprilHare: i don't remember who it was, but someone once told me it was a bad way to refer to australian people00:04
Sepheebearlwizardl: yeah the only way i could fix an hfs partition was with the OS X version of fsck00:04
perlsyntaxi plan to get this for my mother for the hoildays.00:04
theremperand linux is a unix clone00:04
RainCTgordonjcp: I also tried with mv... but if I try to place a symlink there it goes back to the trash00:04
gordonjcptheremper: no, it's a Unix work-a-like00:04
IndyGunFreakperlsyntax: lol, its free you know00:04
gordonjcpRainCT: weird00:05
perlsyntaxi know that00:05
AprilHareLiMaO, the natives don't mind it :) it might depend on how it's pronounced though - the way an american says it gives me the (whoops nearly 'swore' again) :D00:05
YazDoes anyone know how I can get the size, shape and X,Y coordinates of a window?00:05
perlsyntaxdoes dell support good with ubuntu?00:05
Peloperlsyntax, ubuntu is based on linux the same way windows is based on dos ,  it's a different operating system with it's own set of applications ,  and unlike windows it is FREE00:05
theremperok ok. gordon your right00:05
T70K5can someone guide me through this installation?00:05
kitofhawaiiperlsyntax: dell supports linspire00:05
lwizardlSepheebear, the only reason i need an hfs+ drive is for my 360 to playback wmv hd videos00:05
YazT70K5: sure00:05
T70K5putting this on a jump drive00:05
penguin42Yaz: xwininfo00:05
geniigordonjcp: Exactly... bsd is a unix clone, linux is a unix-like operating system00:05
Yazpenguin42: thank you very much00:05
theremperdell sells ubuntu laptops00:05
lwizardlSepheebear, stupid ms doesn't support ntfs on the 360 (their own product)00:05
lokePerlsyntax, I don't advise pushing Linux onto an older family member.  It's difficult to adapt to a compeltely new environment to begin with, let alone when you'vce been used to Windows for decades.00:05
perlsyntaxi lookon the web site they support ubuntu and freedos.00:05
PeloT70K5, just unpack the ,iso , and copy it to the usb drive00:05
gordonjcploke: why not?00:06
T70K5oh ok00:06
geniilwizardl: What filesystem is it using then?00:06
T70K5hold on00:06
kitofhawaiiperlsyntax: actually..scratch that...dell supported it and then linspire told them not to use it anymore :)00:06
Sepheebearlwizardl: a MS product uses hfs???? wow!00:06
gordonjcploke: there is no practical difference for most users00:06
PeloT70K5,  you may need to use gparted to make your usb drive a boot flag00:06
perlsyntaxmy dad is upset becuase of the new windows that out.00:06
perlsyntaxhard to find xp.00:06
AprilHareLiMaO, does everyone learn british english in brazil?00:06
lwizardlgenii, for playing back files from USB devices the drive must be either fat32 or hfs+00:06
bastid_raZorloke perlsyntax Kubuntu may be an easier transition from windows to *buntu00:06
Yazvista is horrendous...00:06
theremperthe new windows is why I switched00:06
Peloperlsyntax,  what do you mean hard to find xp ? just dl the ubuntu live cd and show it to him00:07
geniilwizardl: Weirdness00:07
lokegordon, it's hard to get used to.  Having to search for functional alternatives (like MSN, where no decent webcam support is offered).  Something as simple as fonts could confuse and bother some.00:07
perlsyntaxi use ubuntu and look and feel like windows.00:07
Peloperlsyntax, www.ubuntu.com00:07
gordonjcpmy Mum has absolutely no trouble using Ubuntu at all00:07
lwizardlYaz, Vista is the New Millenium Edition00:07
gordonjcploke: no, it's not00:07
LiMaOAprilHare: nah. not a common thing. i myself studied it for 9 years in a british school00:07
Yazlwizardl: exactly00:07
T70K5it says I don't have permission to write to my usb drive00:07
Yazlwizardl: i didn't think anything could top ME, but I was wrong00:07
T70K5sorry I'm a linux newbie00:07
AprilHareYaz, microsoft windows vista is the operating system of choice for self flagellationists00:07
gordonjcploke: it's no harder to get used to than switching to a different make of car with the light switch on the other side00:07
lokegordon, I disagree completely.  It would be more like switching from an automatic to a standard.00:08
YazT70K5: you really should be able to burn a CD00:08
lwizardlYaz, give it another 2-3 years and they will make something even worse00:08
gordonjcploke: rubbish00:08
Peloperlsyntax, the gui environnement of most computers today are pretty similar and familiar from one OS to another, differences are more under the hood then upfront00:08
T70K5I would do that, but I can't eject the cd while I'm running an OS off of it00:08
QjimboI have a question, I have ubuntu on my pc, connected through a crossover cable to this laptop which runs windows, I've enabled internet connection sharing on the windows machine00:08
lokegordon: rubbish isn't a defense, you're avoiding what I said.  What don't you agree with?00:08
YazT70K5: burn the CD, reboot, eject CD while it's booting, insert supergrub cd00:08
daxrocEvening all00:08
kitofhawaiii was under the impression from one of our last partner meetings microsoft's offering fulfillments for new vista owners to downgrade to xp now00:08
Qjimbohow do I configure the linux machine to access websites00:08
PeloT70K5, don't burn,   unpack ,  right click , extract here00:08
gordonjcploke: my Mum's using Ubuntu with no problems at all, and she's so incredibly non-technical that I need to drive over to her house to reset breaker switches if they trip00:08
T70K5I did that already00:09
PeloQjimbo, what do you mean browsing website ?00:09
Qjimboas in, access the web00:09
Qjimbowith dns and all that jazz00:09
gordonjcploke: it's not any harder to use for almost everything the average "older user" would do00:09
lokegordon: everyone's different, some people will have an easier time of it.  Some, also, do more in-depth work requiring them to search for alternatives.00:09
adamonline45gordonjcp: haha!  Good stuff 8)00:09
daxrocgot ubuntu installed on my new mac mini00:09
PeloT70K5,  jsut copy the files from the unpacked folder to the usb drive00:09
* daxroc jumps with joy 00:09
bastid_raZorgordonjcp:: atleast if ubuntu has issues you won't have to drive over.. just ssh in00:09
Qjimboright now I can't even ping this laptop00:09
T70K5I can't do that Pelo, it says I don't have permission00:09
gordonjcpadamonline45: I kid you not, I've driven a 500-mile round trip to reset a breaker about half a dozen times now00:10
T70K5how can I do it via terminal su?00:10
Yazgordonjcp: omfg00:10
gordonjcpYaz: my Mum is *very* non-technical00:10
PeloT70K5,  open the terminal , sudo tar /Desktop/filename  ( remember linux is case sensitive)00:10
Yazgordonjcp: I guess so! :)00:10
PeloT70K5,  which part don't you have permission for ?00:10
T70K5r/w the usb drive00:11
geniiFaceoff :)00:11
gordonjcploke: admittedly she wasn't particularly used to Windows to begin with00:11
lwizardlyes on linux desktop & Desktop are two completely different folders00:11
lokegordon: my parents aren't very computer savvy either, and they couldn't get used to it.  Like I said, it's different for everyone.00:11
gordonjcploke: what's so hard to get used to?00:11
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lokegordon: my parents have been using Windows at home and at work as long as they've been using computers, so it's a big shock.00:11
T70K5how can I copy the folder and paste it onto the usb drive as root in terminal?00:11
STcomwhat would be an alternative video player to totem?00:11
PeloT70K5,   sudo cp /Desktop/foldername/* /mountpoint/usbdrive ( probabaly /media/"labelonthedesktp"00:11
gordonjcploke: hm00:11
lwizardlok i'm going to reboot into xp and test this hfs+ drive00:11
lwizardlthanks for the help guys/gals00:11
T70K5ok, h/o00:11
PeloT70K5,  what format is the usb drive ?00:11
T70K5not sure00:12
T70K5ntfs I think00:12
lokegordon: codecs not installed by default, lack of a messenger with webcam, cameras not automatically downloading images, etc.00:12
kitofhawaiiloke: a big shock is buying a laptop with 1GB ram, booting up vista for the first time and seeing it's using 75% of physical memory :)00:12
lokegordon: it's mostly the little things.00:12
UserUbuntuhi, i need help!! im begginer in Linux.  I looking for a APT to install GCC, may any one help me?00:12
richoneed frontend for rar dvd movies. "package manager" cant see *.rar00:12
gordonjcploke: then you're using broken or obsolete things00:12
Espen_7anyone have an idea why i can connect to internet trough my wireless router, but not see my router or LAN?00:12
gordonjcploke: if you plug a camera in, it just plain works00:12
PeloT70K5,  ok ntfs will be a problem ( a solvable one) try the command first , if it is not enough we'll tell you how to remount the ntfs driver for wriite access00:13
GIMP22Does anyone know how would you have Linux execute a script on bootup?00:13
soothsayerUserUbuntu: sudo apt-get install build-essential00:13
Sepheebearricho: you need to install the unrar package so fileroller can unrar them00:13
lokegordon: Up until recently, my camera wouldn't funciton in Ubuntu.00:13
UserUbuntuok, i will try.00:13
lokegordon: I have to mess with some modules and configs, not sure what actually got it to work00:13
gordonjcploke: if you try to do that with Windows, you've got to go and find a driver, update all the other drivers, install it, reboot a few times, run a virus scan, maybe find a few more updates for the driver, and then eventually it might let you get your pictures00:13
GIMP22or does anyone know if there is a way to change consoles in init 1?00:13
kitofhawaiiGIMP22: depends on the script. what're you trying to execute?00:13
richoSepheebear: hmm ok so search for rar and fileroller in synaptic then?00:13
gordonjcploke: Windows is just too hard for normal users00:13
PeloGIMP22,  put a launcher for it in ~/.config/autostart00:13
lokegordon: As a beginner, yes, but not for someone who's used to it.00:14
lokegordon: my parents know how to run a virus scanner, all of that, out of habbit.00:14
Pelogordonjcp,  windows is just to hard "on" normal users00:14
Joachim_JoeCan someone help me? I have just installed Unbunto, new to linux, trying to install nvidia drivers, and I get an error message I must be logged on as root. How do I do this?00:14
Sepheebearricho: search "unrar" or in terminal "sudo aptitude install unrar"00:14
Joachim_Joeusing the sh command00:14
soldatsJoachim_Joe, install with sudo if you in command line00:14
PeloJoachim_Joe, run the command with sudo , ei   type  sudo command  in the terminal00:14
lokesudo sh *.run00:14
Espen_7joachim: sudo su00:14
gordonjcploke: my Mum doesn't know how to run a virus scanner, and shouldn't have to know00:14
richoSepheebear: yeah but how to make fileroller use it ?00:15
UserUbuntu<soothsayer> i'm downloading, thank you!00:15
GIMP22kitohawaii, I want to run some benchmarks in init 1 for a Xen VMM (so I don't want to have extra stuff running in init 3 +) so I want the VM to boot up execute the benchmark. But under init1 I can't ssh into the VM00:15
GIMP22Pelo, thanks00:15
AprilHareis there a virus checker for ubuntu?00:15
AprilHarecause there should be at this rate.00:15
Sepheebearricho: once installed file-roller "automagically" uses it00:15
gordonjcploke: with Ubuntu it's simple, I told her "If you see a little orange and white flower thing in the top right, click it and put your password in, then go make a cup of tea"00:15
Joachim_Joesoldats, pelo, thanks.. I am in the terminal. I just type sudo00:15
Sepheebearjust reopen fileroller00:15
gordonjcpAprilHare: why?00:15
PeloAprilHare, several,  clamav is a native one but you can also get a linux version of avast from their seite00:15
richoSepheebear: wow impressive00:15
soldatsJoachim_Joe, yes, i hope you figure it out00:15
lokegordon: I understand what you're saying.  I'm not syaing Windows is easier for everyone, I'm saying it's easier to CONTINUE with it once you've been learning it for years.00:16
gordonjcpAprilHare: it's useful if you're scanning mail for Windows clients00:16
PeloT70K5, hmm yessss ?00:16
gordonjcploke: it depends00:16
lokegordon: I don't think it depends at all.00:16
GIMP22Pelo, I'm also trying to do this under root. Would I just create an autostart directory in /root/.config  and place my script in there?00:16
gordonjcploke: as soon as you switch Windows versions, the game changes completely00:16
T70K5I need that command again... Desktop/super_grub_disk_0.9763.iso_FILES is the folder and /media/disk-3 is the jump drive00:16
AprilHarehowever its only a matter of time i suppose before linux gets viruses00:16
lokegordon: the basics are there.00:16
gordonjcpAprilHare: nope00:16
stunatraWindows is nothing but a pain in the ass.00:16
lokegordon: the foundation is consistent in its inconsistencies. ;)00:16
Joachim_Joesoldats, ok it is telling me the different ways of using sudo00:16
adac2can I somehow free ram memory manually?00:16
Yazwindows is great for gaming00:16
Qjimboshared network connections certainly are00:16
kitofhawaiiGIMP22: xen...i dunno i'm sorry, i haven't used it yet, so i'll have to defer to someone else (sticks to vmware in general)00:16
gordonjcploke: the basics are just the same as the basics of any GUI desktop though00:16
Joachim_JoeI have the nvida file in the home directory00:16
lokegordon: Windows is easy when used out of habit, but to expect them to re-learn everything they know is asking a lot.00:16
PeloGIMP22,  I don,t know if there is such a folder,  but you can probabaly add the script or a link to it in the init.d stuff , but I'm not leet enough to talk you throught that00:17
gordonjcploke: but if they change to a different version of Windows, they'll have to re-learn everything from scratch anyway00:17
Yazwindows is the best gaming platform out there...all the consoles dont even come close00:17
adac2Yaz: yea because they bought all companies to produce their games in directx00:17
PeloT70K5,  you called earlier ?00:17
soldatsJoachim_Joe, this may hepl you it says dapper but all the commands should work00:17
Yazadac2: yeah00:17
soldatsJoachim_Joe, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2900:17
GIMP22kitofhawaii, thanks I'm not using VMWare because oprofile can't do much in terms of VMWare (I have to switch between Dom0 and DomU but can't do this in init1 since it doesn't support multiple consoles)00:17
PeloT70K5, well ? what is up ?00:17
GIMP22thanks Pelo00:17
lokegordon: it's not an immediate shock, it's a progressing thing that comes with time.  You're still using the same apps, just newer versions.00:17
T70K5(12:16:22 AM) T70K5: I need that command again... Desktop/super_grub_disk_0.9763.iso_FILES is the folder and /media/disk-3 is the jump drive00:17
T70K5(12:16:22 AM) T70K5: I need that command again... Desktop/super_grub_disk_0.9763.iso_FILES is the folder and /media/disk-3 is the jump drive00:17
Yazadac2: and i love gaming, and i think consoles stink00:17
stunatraYaz, that is because the games are MADE for Windows.00:17
GIMP22Pelo, any chance you know the location of init.d?00:17
Yazi know...which is why it's great for gaming00:18
PeloT70K5,  hold on00:18
gordonjcpAprilHare: there aren't any viruses for Linux, and it's unlikely that there will ever be a practical virus with the same impact as *any* Windows virus00:18
T70K5ok, thanks00:18
qziohey! is there anyone more then me who has a broken firebug?00:18
soldatsGIMP22, init.d is in /etc00:18
richoSepheebear: Archive type not supported.  NOT supprises... synaptik and unrar free version installed.00:18
adac2Yaz: yea smae here00:18
richoSepheebear: *synaptic00:18
enigmataCan anyone help with sound drivers in Gutsy?00:18
Joachim_Joesoldats, when you message me I keep seeing a yellow border around my name, do you send your message just to me or what does that mean? Thanks, looking into it00:18
PeloT70K5,  sudo cp /Desktop/super_grub_disk_0.9763.iso_FILES/* /media/disk-300:18
PeloT70K5,  that should be it , assuming you can write to the drive00:19
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: gratuitous highlight00:19
lokegordon: there are viruses for linux, just not any that can spread on their own.  You'd have to physically initiate it with super user priveleges.  But, in essence, it is a virus.00:19
kitofhawaiiGIMP22: well i'm with you on that. we're looking at xen since citrix purchased it (we're a citrix partner so we have to ultimately know it inside and out)00:19
gordonjcploke: not really00:19
soldatsJoachim_Joe, it means your name or the text will be highlighted everyone else can see it as well bu it makes it easier for you to spot00:19
Joachim_Joe gratuitous highlight00:19
Sepheebearricho: unrar is in the Universe repository. if youre in synaptic, you'll have to go into preferences and enable universe00:19
gordonjcploke: it doesn't exhibit viral behaviour00:19
AlReece45I installed Ubuntu 7.10, it has yet to become usable. After startup (the ubuntu logo with the progress bar) where there should be a login screen, there is a blank screen.00:19
lokegordon: and by that you mean...?00:19
=== orangePnut[] is now known as orangePnut
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: if I start a sentence with your name, it will highlight in your IRC window00:19
Joachim_Joeoh so when you type my name it will highlight it00:19
PeloAlReece45, waht is your video card ?00:20
gordonjcploke: well, it can't spread by itself, or alter other files to help itself spread00:20
richoSepheebear: worked through terminal. thx00:20
GIMP22kitohawaii, good luck I'm using an older version and haven't done much more than the benchmarking stuff. Seems neat but doesn't have half the bells and whistles VMWare does.00:20
Joachim_Joe:) how nice, I did not see this IRC before and used it alot before00:20
gordonjcploke: you could potentially do some sort of scripting worm00:20
kbrooksif you were working for yourself and asked in here, would you use 'we' or 'I'?00:20
adac2so again: is there a program that can free ram memory?00:20
soldatsJoachim_Joe, type a few characteers of a name and press "tab" key and it should auto complete00:20
AprilHaregordonjcp, never say never wrt virii00:20
AlReece45Pelo: nvidia geforce go 6100 afaik00:20
silentviri aren't as verile on linux cause verbose verification validates various administrative commands00:20
richoSepheebear: worked through terminal. thx. Dont know why synaptic version of it didnt do the trick. i know about multiverse etc.00:20
T70K5cp: cannot stat `super_grub_disk_0.9673.iso/*': Not a directory00:20
Pelokbrooks,  we if you are royalty00:20
Joachim_Joesoldats: IS THIS A NEW irc feature or just of this server?00:20
Joachim_Joesoldats: nice :)00:20
kbrooksPelo, are what?00:20
YazJoachim_Joe: always been there00:21
soldatsJoachim_Joe, its donr this for a long time00:21
lokegordon: with super user permissions, you cold easily write a script that functions such as a virus.00:21
kitofhawaiiGIMP22: true that...:) $1000 for an enterprise xen license vs $5750 for an ESX enterprise license does make xen look very appealing :-D00:21
gordonjcpAprilHare: it's basically too difficult - the reason Windows has so many viruses are purely because of design decisions in Windows00:21
lokecould*, rather.00:21
gordonjcploke: that's what I just said ;-)00:21
gordonjcploke: you *could*00:21
GIMP22kitohawaii, hopefully VMWare will still win out. I have VMWare shares :-D00:21
richoSepheebear: xarchiver installed also now. works there also.00:21
Sepheebearricho: havent used synaptic in a while but IIRC you could just search unrar by package name00:21
T70K5cp: cannot create regular file `/media/disk-3/super_grub_disk_0.9673.iso': Read-only file system00:21
gordonjcploke: one vector would be a malicious Makefile00:21
PeloAlReece45,  reboot your comp,  from the boot menu select the recovery mode then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   when asked select the vesa driver  , for everthing else, if y ou donT, know for sure use the provided defaults or donT' put anything in00:21
Pelokbrooks, never mind00:21
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto00:21
richoSepheebear: yeah and i found but that one didnt do the trick strangley.00:21
lokegordon: so, as I said, in essence, there are viruses for linux, they just don't work as intended.00:21
T70K5man this sucks00:22
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:22
kitofhawaiiGIMP22: lol vmware's not going anywhere...definitely not. next shareholder meeting tell them to fix their darn flexnet licensing so it works right :-D00:22
richoSepheebear: but through terminal it worked?!  also xarchiver looks ok so now i have 2 options to do it ;) thx alot00:22
Joachim_Joesoldats: :) I see. BTW, followed the manual, getting the message: nvidia-glx is not available or is missing from the package.00:22
PeloT70K5,do you have some free space on this comp ?00:22
Joachim_Joesoldats: should it be included with Ubunto?00:22
GIMP22kitohawaii, I'll be sure to do that :-)00:22
T70K5yes, quite a bit00:22
AprilHaregordonjcp, imho it may be due to the ubiquity of windows that so many virii exist for it00:22
soldatsJoachim_Joe, i think it should try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx00:22
FezzlerWhat multimedia pc-tv cards work with Ubuntu?00:23
Joachim_Joesoldats: one more question: I have an intel64 pc, but am using the 32-bit version, would it be better to install the 64bit version?00:23
gordonjcpAprilHare: nope00:23
Sepheebearricho: that is strange but i use aptitude to manage and for some reason installs are much simpler00:23
FezzlerI want to watch tv and edit video on my Ubuntu PC00:23
soldatsJoachim_Joe, you "should" be fine but the 64 bit may be better choice00:23
Qjimbocome on00:23
gordonjcpAprilHare: that helps, but the fact that Windows is designed to basically be wide open to anyone who wants to exploit it is the major thing00:23
Qjimbosomeone must've used a crossover cable with ubuntu00:23
Qjimboheeeelp =(00:23
richoSepheebear: ok ill try to remember that. thx again. saved ALOT of time ;)00:23
PeloT70K5,  ok   resize your / partiton, make a new ext3 partiton from the freespace, copy your /home folder to it , the reinstall ubuntu ,  when you get to the partiton selection section , use manual and tell the installer where to find your /home folder00:23
ivxhello all, i'm having a problem. I install dnsmasq and modified the config so what when i go to "intranet" it will take to a local web server, when i do dig intranet it comes up right, but then when i try to do it in firefox it does a google search for it, how can i turn that off so it sends the dns request and does it like a website00:23
gordonjcpAprilHare: no version of Windows can be adequately secured00:23
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: what about a crossover cable?00:23
akincerHaving trouble playing DVDs. Totem is giving "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?" GXine gives " Error reading NAV packet." Anyone else seen these errors?00:23
AprilHaregordonjcp, that makes it easier :)00:23
gordonjcpQjimbo: plug the crossover cable into each PC00:24
QjimboI have done00:24
Joachim_Joesoldats: that means reinstalling everything right?00:24
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: you set an ip on both sides?00:24
gordonjcpthat should be you, then00:24
Joachim_Joesoldats: package nvidia has no installation candiate.00:24
Qjimbowhat settins do I do on the linux box?00:24
AprilHareakincer, half the known universe may have - you need libdvdcss to play most dvds00:24
* Pelo will only answer questions he has knowledge about , which isn'T much 00:24
T70K5I just tried reinstalling it00:24
gordonjcpkitofhawaii: it should set a 169.x.x.x IP addy by default00:24
Qjimbothe windows one has configured itself to
soldats!nvidia | Joachim_Joe00:24
ubotuJoachim_Joe: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:24
T70K5but I still can't boot it00:24
gordonjcpQjimbo: ok00:24
akincerAprilHare: I've _got_ libdvdcss installed00:24
gordonjcpQjimbo: set the Linux one to a free address in the same range as the Windows one00:24
PeloT70K5, are you installing ubjntu on the same hdd as your vista install or on an other one ?00:24
akincerit's part of restricted extras which I have00:25
T70K5same hdd00:25
AprilHareakincer, can't help you then :)00:25
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: qjimbo:'s a bit odd. are you running internet sharing on the xp box?00:25
PeloT70K5, hmmm, cna you still boot vista ?00:25
akincerMplayer will play this disk, but the audio and video are WAY out of sync00:25
Joachim_Joesoldats: huh did I spell nvidia wrong?00:25
Joachim_Joeubotu: thanks00:25
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:25
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: if you're running internet sharing, just plug the crossover cable in then "sudo dhclient <yourinterface>" it'll pick up an address from the xp box00:25
Qjimboyeah I'm talking to you from an XP laptop that I'm borrowing00:25
Pelocan you get to another computer and ask a freind to dl and burn the supergrub iso ?00:25
Joachim_Joeubotu, soldats: info coming up00:25
Qjimbooh cool00:25
T70K5not right now, no00:25
DrUnKnMuNkY1hey everyone. my dsl connection seems to be dropping randomly about 5-6 times a day which is starting to get pretty annoying. does anyone know of any way to keep this from dropping?00:25
techno-wi1Quick question. I have two sata drives that were previously formatted ntfs in a fake raid0. I have disabled them as raid in the bios and want to set them up as software raid in linux. Installed ubuntu on a 3rd drive. When I run fdisk -l I don't see the two other drives. Any other command available to find them?00:26
soldatsJoachim_Joe, you dont need to respond to ubotu because it is a bot00:26
Joachim_Joeubotu: you are a bot?00:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about you are a bot? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:26
richoSepheebear: time to sleep. thx for tip about aptitude and for solving my rar problems ;) ciao00:26
Qjimbosays "no such device"00:26
Joachim_Joe<<< ... learning00:26
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: i gather from the that's what you got at least, is typically what windows assigns itself when internet sharing's enabled00:26
ivxtechno-wil did you try it sudoed00:26
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: <yourdevice> is like "sudo dhclient eth0"00:26
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: or whatever the interface's name is...00:26
Qjimbooo here we go00:26
techno-wi1yes, sudo fdisk l00:26
PeloT70K5, I'M out of ideas atm,  you might want to give the forum a saerch , I know there were some issues dualbooting vista when it came out , maybe some of the answers about that might help with your current situation00:26
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: "ifconfig" will give you a list of interfaces00:27
Qjimboit's doing something00:27
T70K5It's ok Pelo, I greatly appreciate the help00:27
Qjimbohmm no DHCPOFFERS recieved00:27
Qjimbovery odd00:27
techno-wi1maybe they aren't showing up because they are formatted ntfs?00:27
Pelolater foks , I need a break to recover from my most recent failure00:27
gordonjcpQjimbo: you probably aren't running a DHCP server on your Windows box00:27
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: you getting a light on your ubuntu's network card?00:28
Qjimboyeah the light is on00:28
gordonjcpQjimbo: so the lack of DHCP isn't surprising me00:28
echosystmis anyone able to help me share my internet?00:28
YazT70K5: I was afk, were you not able to do it?00:28
QjimboI thought with crossover dhcp wasn't needed00:28
kitofhawaiigordonjcp: it sound like he is...from the config it sounds like he's running internet sharing on xp (which runs dhcp)00:28
YazT70K5: where are you in the process?00:28
T70K5can you help via Yahoo?00:28
=== Tribes_ is now known as Tribes
gordonjcpQjimbo: crossover doesn't make a difference00:28
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
ivxtechno-wil that doesn't mattor they must be unplugged or something00:28
bladehi there00:28
T70K5the same place I started00:28
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: oh...yah, you have to run dhcp...00:28
gordonjcpQjimbo: all that does is remove the need for a hub00:28
echosystmi want my xubuntu computer to share it's ath0 interface, via eth0 to my windows computer00:28
akincerAprilHare: OMG. I fixed it. Wanna know what it was?00:28
YazI have google talk T70K500:28
echosystmare there any gui tools i can do this with?00:28
* T70K5 @yahoo00:28
Qjimboyeah but I thought XP internet connection sharing had dhcp00:29
AprilHarequestion: i am unsure what graphics card i have in my pc. i have a nvidia motherboard. i typed 'lspci | grep -i nvidia' and got lots of information back including '03:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] (rev a3)' - does this mean i have a geforce4 card and can i install specific graphics drivers for it?00:29
gordonjcpQjimbo: are you trying to share your internet connection between your Windows PC and your Ubuntu PC?00:29
AprilHareakincer, yes. yes i do. :)00:29
soothsayerechosystm: firestarter00:29
* akincer bangs his head on his desk00:29
Qjimbogordon: yes00:29
echosystmthanks soothsayer00:29
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: it should...if you selected the defaults for setting up internet sharing, it should00:29
akincerAprilHare: Fingerprints on the disk00:29
gordonjcpakincer: yes, and yes00:29
Joachim_Joesoldats: the nvidia site says IJ ust need to type: sh nvidia-linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run00:29
gordonjcpAprilHare: yes, and yes00:29
FezzlerQjimbo: Samba the solution?00:29
gordonjcpakincer: mistab, sorry00:29
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: don't do that00:29
soldatsJoachim_Joe, hmm that should work then id try it if i was you00:29
gordonjcp!nvidia > Joachim_Joe00:29
Qjimboah! I found more options!00:29
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: read what the bot just told you ;-)00:30
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: do you have a light on your ubuntu's network card? (confirming the crossover cable's working)00:30
Qjimboon the windows box00:30
akincerFingerprints on a DVD will get you every time00:30
AprilHareakincer, lol00:30
AprilHaregordonjcp, hints? :)00:30
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: trying to, a little hard.00:30
kitofhawaiiQjimbo: yah make sure it's set to provide dhcp services on the interface running internet sharing, and NAT00:30
akincerI've installed 4 or 5 video players trying to work it out. geez00:30
gordonjcp!nvidia > AprilHare00:30
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: the site says something else00:30
gordonjcpAprilHare: read what the bot told you00:30
kritzstapfhi, when i try to get images from my canon digital ixus 30, gnome-volume-manager-gthumb gives me that multiple "identify camera" request failed.. how to fix this?00:30
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: Ubuntu has a fairly specific way of installing the binary drivers00:31
AprilHaregordonjcp the bot spoke not00:31
swhalen is there a way to turn an existing install into an OEM? i did not know it existed until it was too late :(00:31
oscar_hi all maybe somebody can help me with the setting for a external monitor with twinview00:31
Qjimbohmm still no joy00:31
zloogHi. Does anyone know the name of the program that lets you launch a terminal prog as a transparent, backround window on X? I'm trying to find a way to keep an eye on the hellanzb daemon...00:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:31
AprilHarefor me! ;)00:31
enigmata!bot abuse00:31
ubotuPlease don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot00:31
=== Layne4 is now known as gsr
kitofhawaiidhclient you tried doing the dhclient again after enabling dhcp/nat?00:31
oscar_once the configuration is done, i get like main screen the external monitor00:31
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: does this mean, it's a complicated thing?00:31
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues00:31
LiMaOi just with ubuntu was fast like debian, looked beautiful and polished as opensuse.. that would be sooo awesome =P00:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2girls1cup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:32
AprilHareenigmata, i just was getting information from the bot that's all00:32
gordonjcpkritzstapf: does the camera work like a USB drive?00:32
oscar_i mean the login screen is coming in the external monitor and not in the laptop screen00:32
gordonjcpenigmata: behave00:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:32
akornDoes anybody know why at the login screen i still have that crazy-fast drumbeat sound when it loads up, even though i've disabled all system sounds? Anybody know where it's located so maybe i can just delete the sound? Ubutnu 7.10...00:32
AlReece45Pelo: I tried what you said, setting the xorg driver to vesa, and that didn't solve the problem. However, if I start it manually in rescue mode, /etc/init.d/gdm start it starts up (it does it with the nv driver as well). The problem seems to only occur when starting gdm automatically (or at least not manually in rescue mode)00:32
gordonjcpenigmata: some poor sod is going to google for that now00:32
gordonjcpenigmata: I hope you're pleased with yourslef00:32
oscar_which twinview setting does the main and secondary screen?00:33
enigmataHere I'll hep them out http://www.2girls1cup.com00:33
AprilHareall hail the google oracle00:33
enigmataSeriously guys, I need help from someone who really knows a thing or two about the audio drivers in Gutsy.00:33
sam_can anyone tell me how to use remote desktop?00:33
infinitycircuitenigmata, you will not get help if you are immature00:34
gordonjcpenigmata: seriously, don't do that00:34
kritzstapfgordonjcp: no its PTP, i solved it with moving canon.* out of the libgphoto directory now :)00:34
soldatssam_, vncviewer00:34
enigmataTake a jk, i'm not being a troll here, just need help with a sound driver.00:34
YazI should have known00:34
gordonjcpkritzstapf: solved it then?00:34
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: you know...half my consulting business has to do with googling fixes for clients :) of course they think i'm a genius while i'm mostly just good with a search engine these days :-D00:34
gordonjcpenigmata: well don't paste links to shock sites, then00:34
enigmataIt's been days without my audio... Sorry, I need a little entertainment.00:35
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: I tried something else, I opened the Restricted Drivers window00:35
fyksenHey, I have mic problems. I new to ubuntu, and I wondered if sombody could help me? : )00:35
soldatsenigmata, do you have alsao00:35
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: I see my driver is not enabled, when I enable it, it says: the sfotware soruce nvidia-glx-new is not enabled00:35
AprilHarekitofhawaii, naturally the true power of the google oracle must be wielded by those who know how to use her power correctly :D00:35
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: hm00:35
JimmyHollghanhello mans00:35
lovedeatmGnea, it worked thanks (iceman)00:35
Fezzlerhow do you report someone to the sysop?00:35
lovedeatmi have a printer question can someone help me00:35
JimmyHollghani wanna kill everybody,00:35
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: check the repos are enabled for it00:35
sam_ok let me check if vnc viewer is available or not in packages00:35
fyksenHey, I have mic problems. I new to ubuntu, and I wondered if sombody could help me? : )00:36
gordonjcpenigmata: what exactly is happening with your audio00:36
nyoroWhy is it that when i change the driver in the screen and graphics preferences window that the changes are not relected in the graphics card tab? I try to change it to nvidia, but it keeps going back to vesa.00:36
AprilHaregrrrr "The software source for the package   nvidia-glx is not enabled."00:36
gordonjcpFezzler: why?00:36
T70K5this really sucks00:36
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: my laptop has two graphic cards, I think it's using the intel and that's why I can't enable the nvidia00:36
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: that would do it00:36
AprilHarewhat exactly *is* the source?00:36
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: disabled it, not rebooting00:36
enigmatasoldats, Yes, ALSAmixer is up and running. There is absolutely NO sound what so ever. I have sound with my dual boot Vista sector, but NONE with Vista00:36
enigmata*gutsy, not Vista00:37
gordonjcpenigmata: channels unmuted?00:37
lovedeatmsrry so yah um anybody ready to help me with a printer issue..i need a driver for an hp deskjet 830C and 832C00:37
Joachim_Joesoldats: :) Thanks for your help 2nite. Bye bye.00:37
enigmatagordonjcp, please explain.00:37
gordonjcp!printing > lovedeatm00:37
AprilHaregrrrr why can't i install nvidia-glx?00:37
gordonjcplovedeatm: read what the bot just told you00:37
sam_i am using ubuntu 7.10 which package can i use for remoted desktop?00:37
AprilHaresilly machine00:37
sam_and how to use?00:38
fyksenHey, I cant get my mic to work, I wondered if somebodu could help me?00:38
Joachim_JoeIs there a way to connect to a windows remote desktop session with Ubunto?00:38
gordonjcpenigmata: check in alsamixer that you haven't got the channel you want to hear muted00:38
lovedeatmi did that already it didnt tell me where to get the drivers @00:38
david_Jfyksen: is it muted/00:38
lovedeatmthat was the first thing i did00:38
jpleverFirefox leaked everywhere and now my system hangs and the hard drive clicks when I do anything, does anyone know a way I can clean up my system?00:38
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, the terminal server client in the menu00:38
Jangarihow do i install a program from a .bin file?00:38
soldatsJoachim_Joe, no problem at all00:39
lokejplever: the problem you're describing is unreleated to firefox.00:39
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: What exactly are you trying to do?00:39
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: disregard, mis-tab00:39
gordonjcpJangari: What exactly are you trying to do?00:39
enigmatagordonjcp, Mic is mm, IEC958 is mm, and Caller ID is mm.00:39
kitofhawaiilovedeatm: http://hplip.sourceforge.net/install/index.html00:39
soldatsenigmata, run in terminal alsamixer and turn "EVERYTHING" up00:39
gordonjcpenigmata: that seems reasonable00:39
gordonjcpenigmata: do you get any sound from anything?00:39
Joachim_Joegordonjcp: just wondering if it were possible to connect to a MS Remote Dekstop session00:39
enigmataIt's already done. FULL BLAST00:39
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: probably, but I've never done it00:40
soldatsJoachim_Joe, yes you can do it using vncviewer00:40
STcomHere I sit, attempting to simply watch The Boondock Saints, yet neither Totem nor VLC will play it00:40
gordonjcpJoachim_Joe: and I don't have anything with Windows to test it with00:40
YazT70K5: Are you there?00:40
sam_where is vnc viewer soldats?00:40
sam_i can see all the other packages00:40
YazT70K5: Do you have google talk?00:40
=== reZo_ is now known as reZo
Joachim_Joegordonjcp, it is possible.. there is a terminal server client00:40
jpleverloke: is there any way to get things working again?00:40
Joachim_Joeashfire098: cool00:40
T70K5I have Yahoo, and MSN00:40
Joachim_Joesoldats: have a good weekend :)00:41
enigmatasam_, check ubuntu forums, they have a 4 step tutorial that works great00:41
YazT70K5: If you install google talk I'll help you out.00:41
lokejplever: if your hard drive is clicking then it's likely on its way out.00:41
sam_oh great00:41
kitofhawaiiJoachim_Joe: i use the terminal services client to connect to windows boxes00:41
YazT70K5: Or I'll just help ou here00:41
soldatsJoachim_Joe, you too00:41
T70K5let me get it real fast00:41
kitofhawaiiJoachim_Joe: be aware do not use 1) compiz fusion and 2) ts client in full screen mode at the same time (lest you have a kernel panic)00:41
sam_guys one more question ... 3 of my ntfs partitions are not mounted automatically00:41
sam_everytime i restart i have to double click and then type my password00:42
Joachim_Joekitofhawaii: okay00:42
lokesam_: you'll have to add them to /etc/fstab00:42
soldatssam_, they need to be set in /etc/fstab00:42
Joachim_JoeHmm, well my Nvidia card is still not enabled...00:42
Joachim_JoeIt's listed but it won't enable00:42
sam_i dont know how the other 3 ntfs partitons are mounted automatically00:43
IggzHi, all - having one of those days, can you tell me which directory firefox can be found in please?00:43
sam_i didnt do anything with fstab at all for the other 3 partitions..00:43
bruenigIggz, dpkg -L firefox00:43
lokesam_: they must be in your /etc/fstab, somehow.00:43
kitofhawaiiIggz: /usr/lib/firefox00:43
lokesam_: in the terminal, type this: cat /etc/fstab00:43
sam_ok wait  loke00:43
IggzBruenig thank you00:43
lokesam_: and see if there's anything related to your ntfs drives00:43
=== enigmata is now known as GutPuden
Joachim_Joenvidia-glx-new is not enabled...00:44
Joachim_Joewhat does that even mean?=00:44
T70K5Yaz, are you there?00:44
sam_i have all the drives there00:44
IggzKitofhawali Thank you00:44
sam_loke...i can see all the drives00:44
T70K5guess not00:44
sam_but i see only 3 drives on my desktop00:44
oscar_please somebody know why im getting my desktop and icons in the external monitor configurate with twinview instead that in th laptop screen?00:44
lokesame_: their mount points, you can see them as well?00:45
sam_u r right00:45
=== GutPuden is now known as Mulciber
sam_i can see the mountpoints00:45
AprilHarebbl need to reboot00:45
lokesam_: well...then they're mounted, and the problem is that they're not displaying on your desktop.00:45
T70K5wb Yaz, can you just help me here?00:45
Yazgot booted00:45
sam_they are not displayed on desktop00:45
sam_u r right00:45
Jack_Sparrowsam_: I think.... mounts in media appear on the desktop...00:45
sam_so what should i do?00:46
lokesam_: My appologies, for I don't know how to correct that.  There MIGHT be something in gconf-editor.00:46
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, where do you see that00:46
YazT70K5: You're booted to the live CD, right?00:46
sam_yes jack only 3 of the drives are appearing strangely00:46
sam_other 3 are are not displayed00:46
sam_but i see all drives in fstab00:46
YazT70K5: put my nick in front of your replies so that it's easier on my eyes, ok?00:46
T70K5Yaz: ok.00:46
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, in the Restricted Drivers GUI I see my NVIDIA graphics card (7400) and status says. Not displayed... when I enable it, after all the warnings it says: The software soruce for the package nvidia-gl-new is not enabled.00:46
sam_guys ? do u know which video card is best for linux?00:47
sam_and also wireless card00:47
YazT70K5: Were you able to burn supergrub to a cd?00:48
lokesam_: All nVidia cards will work flawlessly.  ATi works well, but is known to have issues.00:48
sam_yes loke00:48
T70K5no, the live cd won't eject00:48
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe: you need to enable the repository.00:48
sam_i have ATI ...and i have loads of issues with them00:48
Yazsam_: my nvidia rocks00:48
sam_what is the model ? YAz00:48
YazT70K5: reboot the machine...while it is rebooting, eject the cd00:48
kitofhawaiiloke: flawlessly...;-)00:48
sam_i am planning to buy nvidia 8600 GT 256 mb00:48
Yazsam_: pny geforce 8500 512 gt00:48
lokekitofhawa: Flawlessly, until you want to install the proper drivers. ;)00:49
Yazsam_: nothing special00:49
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe: in the menu: System -> Administration -> Software Sources00:49
kitofhawaiisam_: the saying is "get nvidia or the penguin gets it"00:49
sam_hahaha kito ...i enjoyed that00:49
lokesam_: I own an 8600GT.  No issues that I've found.00:49
sam_great loke.. then i will go ahead and buy it00:49
vladtzuWhat line would I need to add to fstab to mount an ext3 partition at /dev/sdb1 to /home/josh/data  ?00:49
sam_my ubuntu 7.10 works well with my ATI x140000:49
lokesam_: I hope you enjoy it.  However, if you have use for it, and can afford it, I suggest the 8800GT.  It has the best performance to price ratio.00:50
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, thanks that helped00:50
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe: in the tab "Ubuntu Software", what checkmark boxeds are checked under "Downloadable form the Internet"?00:50
kitofhawaiisam_: most people have best luck with atheros chipset wifi cards, since there's good support (madwifi)00:50
AprilHarei'm surprised what a difference this nvidia driver has made00:50
sam_i didnt use 8600 GT i am just taking expert advice00:50
Joachim_JoeAshfire908... and during install some files were nto installed, it made a log file, where would I find this?00:50
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, oh you already enabled it?00:50
AprilHarearmagetron advanced still looks crap though00:50
AprilHarenot sure why00:50
sam_atheros wifi?00:50
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, when did you get that message?00:51
sam_do u know which model of aethros ?00:51
AprilHarethe room background isn't present00:51
sam_so that I can be precise when i order00:51
reallyjoelShoudln't new HDD's be listed in /media automatically?00:51
AlReece45Okay: After fresh (or near fresh) install, when gdm is supposed to start, the computer sortof blanks out. The screen is black, I have already tried changing the driver from nv to vesa, but that did not solve the problem. In recovery mode, I am able to start gdm manually `/etc/init.d/gdm start` and it comes up correctly for both drivers, it only seems to not work when starting up normally.00:51
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, one sec. i need to restart compiz i think.00:51
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, I can't rembember.. something about software updates. I think it's because my notebook was not connected to the Internet.00:51
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, ok00:51
kitofhawaiisam_: atheros is a chipset...they only make the chip. manufacturers put them in the cards00:52
RootyRootRootWooHi, I installed kde through synaptic. Where is the button I press to switch from gnome to kde pls?00:52
lokesam_: You'll want to look at any wireless cards and verify that they have the atheros chipset.00:52
cafuegoLogout, choose 'KDE' on the login window, then login.00:52
kelsinRootyRootRootWoo: at the login screen you change your "session" to kde00:52
RootyRootRootWoothanks both / logging out00:52
sam_loke .. u r right00:53
lokesam_: kitofhawa is the one who is right, I'm just re-inforcing his/her point. =]00:53
sam_when i bought this dell inspiron 6400 in the beginning of this year i didnt look much as it was necessary for my education i had to buy urgently but now i am just taking time before i can fix00:53
lokesam_: Patiently researching compatible hardware is a good idea.00:54
reallyjoelShoudln't new HDD's be listed in /media automatically?00:54
sam_especially if it has to work with linux00:54
sam_research is important00:54
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, then that means whatever that was installing didn't because it couldn't download the package. there should be no issue, as it was in the downloading phase and shouldn't of done anything wrong.00:54
sam_that is how i came across sabayon also00:54
soldatsreallyjoel, they need to be mounted in order to see them in /media00:54
kitofhawaiisam_: http://www.atheros.com/news/Retail.html check out the cards there but confirm the one you get has an atheros chipset (check revision etc) before you get it00:55
sam_yes let me check it00:55
reallyjoelsoldats, how do i mount?00:56
sam_which one are u using kito?00:56
soldatsreallyjoel, right click on drive and choose mount00:56
pgdxNeed help: I'm trying to make my own install cd based on the Ubuntu 7.10 server. I followed a manual on the net, but there is no such file as ./casper/squashfs.filesystem. Doesn't the server CD have squash?00:56
reallyjoeldrive..? it's the drive I dont have..00:56
RandomistI want to clean install Ubuntu but I don't want to kill my home directory (I forgot to put it on another partition).00:57
soldatsreallyjoel, if you want them to auto mount everytime you need to add them to /etc/fstab00:57
YazAnyway, is anyone from the Boston area?00:57
RandomistHow can I clean install without killing mah home directory00:57
circaenok,I have a Gateway 832GM, xp completely crashed and it didnt come with a disk, so im trying Ubuntu..but im getting hardware erros..i cant read them because they go too fast..i read up and everything i have read seemed like my computer would work fine..00:57
Joachim_JoeAshfire908: hope so, I could not really check the error messages at that time.00:57
kitofhawaiisam_: me? cisco :) but that's because i use it for work. (it's a bit pricy)00:57
lokeRandomist: You'll have to create a backup, as installing ubuntu requires you to format the main partition, which includes the /home directory.00:57
pgdxcircaen:  shift-page-up ?00:57
sam_lol kito....00:58
sam_i am using dell laptop00:58
Joachim_JoeAshfire908: also thank you for your help :) One final question. Is it possible to install use KDE with Ubunto and what are some good sites to start learning about Linux in general?00:58
circaenpgdx, someone else told me to use caps lock, but ill go try Shift00:58
sam_and i am planning to buy dell inspiron 152100:58
kitofhawaiisam_: have you checked to see if dell offers minipci cards for your laptop?00:58
sam_it offers minipci cards00:58
pgdxJoachim_Joe: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop00:58
YazJoachim_Joe: check out kubuntu00:58
sam_the one i have now is dell 1390 mini00:58
sam_it is not compatible with ubuntu00:59
sam_so i get disconnected frequently00:59
UserUbuntuhelp, i need install gcc in ubunto, i tried "sudo apt-get install build-essential", but continues "gcc: no input files"00:59
onatsdoes anyone have any experience installing ubuntu on the new lenovo thinkpad x61/x61s?00:59
sam_and it doesnt connect to all access points that easily00:59
sam_unless the signal strength is 80 or more it doesnt connect00:59
kitofhawaiisam_: minipci is relatively "universal" so you should be able to find an atheros minipci card that dell supports00:59
sam_i will ask them ...if they have one ..01:00
infinitycircuitonats, are you having an specific problems01:00
lokeUserUbuntu: sudo apt-get install gcc-4.201:00
kitofhawaiisam_: and you won't have some pc card with a flimsy antenna hanging out the side of your laptop :)01:00
UserUbuntuthanks i will try it;01:00
onatsinfinitycircuit, no, but am planning to buy these, if i dont get any information re. problems.. lenovo's on sale01:00
sam_i know01:00
sam_but still01:00
pgdxI'll repeat my question in case someone missed it: I'm trying to make my own install cd based on the Ubuntu 7.10 server. I followed a manual on the net, but there is no such file as ./casper/squashfs.filesystem. Doesn't the server CD have squash?01:00
onatsone of these that is..01:00
zanthushi everybody.  Does anyone know if there is a way to limit the download speed when downloading updates in update manager on gutsy?01:00
sam_it is so hard for me to connect to any access point01:00
infinitycircuitonats, thinkpads have excellent support for linux.  you should have no problems01:00
kitofhawaiisam_: if you do get a pc card...i recommend spending the extra $5 for card insurance, so when you bust the antenna, wherever you get it will replace it for free01:01
infinitycircuitonats, but you should think about which network card you install01:01
UserUbuntu<loke> impossible find gcc-4.201:01
circaenpgdx, it works until it gets to the end of the list of errors..is there a way i can pause it from going so fast?01:01
sam_great...kito..i will remember that...01:01
Joachim_JoeYaz, is Kubuntu a proper release?01:01
infinitycircuitonats, atheros works well but the support for the newer intel chipsets improves all the time01:01
K_DallasQ: Would it be possible at all to make my Epson-pinter (scanner-fax) CX5800F work under Gutsy? Right now, x-sane doesn't recognize it neither cupsys. Thank01:01
Joachim_JoeI just would like KDE01:01
kitofhawaiisam_: compusa offers it :)01:01
pgdxcircaen: try this: less /var/log/messages01:01
lokeUserUbuntu: You might have an older version.  Try sudo apt-cache search gcc|grep gcc01:01
pgdxcircaen: or: dmesg | tail01:01
pgdxehm, no: dmesg | less01:01
circaenwhere do i put that?01:01
onatsinfinitycircuit, but the support for the intel chips come from? the community?01:02
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, what was that command againß01:02
pgdxwrite it after you log in01:02
lokeUserUbuntu: Look for the last one, it should be something like...gcc-4.2, or gcc-3.4, or similar.01:02
sam_what other linux distributions do u use apart from ubuntu?01:02
UserUbuntu<loke> oko01:02
onatsdammit.. how can i order this without windows01:02
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, sorry01:02
kitofhawaiisam_: centos, opensuse01:02
UserUbuntu<loke> ok01:02
Yazis anyone else getting bounced?01:02
CppIsWeirdhow do i upgrade my feisty to gutsy?01:02
Joachim_JoeAshfire908: Could not open file, open 13 permission denied.01:02
pgdxCppIsWeird: apt-get dist-upgrade01:02
sam_i have installed open susie in virtual box01:02
tyronepollerihi do you know how to change the color of the text in the terminal to white?01:03
Yazit seems like xhat-gnome just disappears when i get dc'ed01:03
sam_but i couldnt get desktop effects work01:03
circaenpgdx,where do i put that?01:03
pgdxBut preferably with the gui package manager01:03
lokesam_: Open susie? :D01:03
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, KDE on ubuntu is kubuntu.01:03
lokesam_: I'm pretty sure you'd have to pay for that01:03
STcomhow many plug-ins are needed to use video players on ubuntu?01:03
euniahey guys, I am trying to set up some wpa_encryption, and I am having trouble getting it to work with Intel wireless card01:03
onatsinfinitycircuit, is the 3945ABG good/ok already?01:03
Ashfire908!kde > Joachim_Joe01:03
pgdxcircaen: after you log in, in a terminal01:03
sam_i installed free version01:03
Ashfire908!kde > Ashfire90801:03
pgdxcircaen: you have logged in, right?01:03
sam_which ever is available on their website01:03
lokesam_: Sorry, bad joke.  It's "Open Suse"01:03
euniaanyone have any ideas of what I should do01:03
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.01:03
kitofhawaiisam_: it's a pain...opensuse doesn't have as good package handling so anything outside of yast is hit or miss01:03
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, i really don't know any good linux sites :(01:03
sam_ok thank god... i used it as virtual machine01:04
circaenI cant log in, it gets to the loading screen and stops on three bars, i have tried Ubuntu and freespire01:04
Dr_willislinux.org :) tldp.org are good..01:04
sam_i am happy with ubuntu 7.1001:04
lokesam_: I personally can't stand yum or yast...or whatever the others use.  I stick to debian based distributions.01:04
pgdxcircaen: try pressing alt-f201:04
sam_no major issues01:04
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, thanks :) could not find package kubunto desktop.. download it first? Okay about the Linux sites01:04
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, you have synaptic, apt-get, or aptitude running somewhere. turn it off before you do try whatever you did again.01:04
sam_:d yum or yast yes...u r right they are very painful compared to what i saw in ubuntu01:04
sam_it is so easy here01:04
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, i really don't know any good linux sites :(01:04
lokeJoach: It's ubuntu, not ubuntu.  sudo apt-cache search kubuntu-desktop01:04
sam_no wonder it is famous01:04
sam_and widely used01:04
pgdxJoachim_Joe: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. It's written with u's, no o's01:04
Yazloke: I agree.  Until trying Debian I never realized what it was that I didn't like about other distros/linux01:04
=== Jean_ is now known as jcoiron
captmorganI have a couple annoyances I was hoping to get help with, first all new windows open as minimized but are the whole screen like a maximized window, any way to fix that?01:04
Yazloke: packages!01:05
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, it's kubuntu-desktop01:05
sam_even the commands make so much sense....i am able to understand them...here01:05
lokeYaz: YES!!! RPM's are a pain, but for that, we have alien!01:05
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, lol ok01:05
sam_hahaahh :d who is the alien?01:05
Joachim_JoeAShfire908: silyl me, what's that about snypatic?01:05
Yazloke: agreed 100%01:05
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, is there a stask manager? lol01:05
tyronepolleridoes anyone know how to change the color of the text in the terminal please :(?01:05
sam_god ...yum was horrible when i used fedora 8 ..01:05
lokesam_: Alien is another "package" to handle rpm's (native for fedora, whereas we have .deb).01:06
kitofhawaiiloke: lol...alien. alien kicked my puppy a few times :) aka if it works great, when it doesn't *ouch*01:06
junkeRhello everyone,  Will Hardy Heron still run good on 256MB RAM systems?  Anyone use it yet or have any info?01:06
tarzeautyronepolleri: yes01:06
Yaztyronepolleri: gnome terminal?01:06
Joachim_JoeAShfire908, graphic card is working... :) that's the first major thing in Ubunto .. working now, with effects01:06
sam_yeah ....fedora 801:06
tarzeautyronepolleri: man console_codes01:06
sam_god no...people will hate linux if they use it01:06
tyronepolleriJoachim_Joe, system administration system manager01:06
captmorgantyronepolleri: edit currentprofile01:06
tyronepolleriYaz, yes01:06
loketyronepolleri: Right click in the terminal, click "Edit Current Profile".   Click the colors tab and go from there.01:06
tyronepolleritarzeau, tell me please01:06
pgdxI'll repeat my question in case someone missed it: I'm trying to make my own install cd based on the Ubuntu 7.10 server. I followed a manual on the net, but there is no such file as ./casper/squashfs.filesystem. Doesn't the server CD have squash?01:06
Yaztyronepolleri: right click in the terminal window and select 'Edit current profile'01:06
tyronepolleriloke, the color tab changes the background not the text01:07
Yaztyronepolleri: then select the color tab01:07
Yaztyronepolleri: above the background color selector is the text color selector01:07
tyronepolleriYaz, is that for the text or only for the background01:07
wisai have a question01:07
loketyronepolleri: There's a "Text Color" option.  It's oner of the first.01:07
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, Synaptic is the Package Manager01:07
pgdxhi wisa01:07
bmt2hello to all01:07
Joachim_Joegoodness, my cpu is so low as it's never is with windows01:07
bmt2i have a question in regards to my wireless connection....01:07
tyronepolleriI got it thanks everyone01:07
pgdxbmt2: fire at will01:08
loketyronepolleri: No problem!01:08
pgdxloke: a little late, there :p01:08
bmt2when i am at my brothers house, and he has a wireless network....i can not see his connection01:08
wisaplease...who can tell me where i find the german ubuntu chat called irc.ubuntu24.de ?01:08
captmorganI have a couple annoyances I was hoping to get help with, first all new windows open as minimized but are the whole screen like a maximized window, any way to fix that?01:08
pgdxbmt2: but elsewhere?01:08
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, that error is because either apt-get, aptitude, or synaptic is running and you then tryed to run one of those programs.01:08
bmt2how do i "show" possible wireless connections01:08
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, only one can be running at a time01:08
pgdxbmt2: well, by clicking the network icon up to the right01:09
Joachim_Joehaha my screens wobble when I maximize minimize01:09
bmt2i do that, it does not show me a listing of possible wireless connections01:09
pgdxbmt2: or writing iwlist scan eth1 or wlan0 or something in termnal01:09
lokeJoachim_Joe: That's compiz.  Enjoy it!01:09
Joachim_JoeOk, I am in that package manager, Ashfire908, do I enable it?01:09
bmt2it just shows me "connection properties"01:09
Joachim_Joeloke: lol01:09
sam_for installing wireless ----ndiswrapper steps in ubuntu forum is that enough?01:09
bmt2pgdx: just type my wireless interface in a terminal ?01:10
pgdxbmt2: Do you happen to know the name of the interface? eth1? wlan0? Does it work at other places than at your brother's?01:10
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, ...01:10
* Ashfire908 screams01:10
pgdxbmt2: yep01:10
sam_i know there are restricted drivers opton in "system"but other than that to install manually...01:10
Joachim_Joeloke, is that what they show in the Novell ads?01:10
steven_hello everyone01:10
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, what are you trying to do right now01:10
steven_i'm having a bit of trouble with sshd01:10
mnemonicaHey, I can't save the file: /usr/bin/compiz   It says I don't have permissions... How can I access it as superuser?01:10
steven_it segfaults when i connect01:10
Joachim_JoeAShfire908, add the KDE01:10
pgdxsteven_: auch01:10
Joachim_JoeI am trying to close whatever you say is open AShfire90801:10
steven_it's not pretty01:10
steven_i've never had this happen before01:10
gladierhey guys - i accidentily dragged my Desktop folder to the garbage bin - how the hell do i get it ou?01:11
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, and then it's bed time lol01:11
pgdxmnemonica: sudo ... ?01:11
xaponI had downloaded an imagem but not by extension .iso and so .nrg ( nero for win ) someone knows some program who can I write an imagem on CD?01:11
bmt2pgdx: let me try that01:11
Ashfire908mnemonica, why are you trying to save over that file???01:11
pgdxgladier: lol01:11
steven_Dec  8 17:08:44 puffin kernel: [ 1398.007009] sshd[7511]: segfault at 00005555557e6710 rip 00005555557e6710 rsp 0000000040ffe378 error 1501:11
bmt2pgdx: ok that didn't work ! lol01:11
mnemonicabecause I need to change a memory setting from 64mb to 3201:11
Joachim_Joegladier: that's something that will probably happen to me too, new at this01:11
gladieri cant believe i hit delete ... theres no restore option ... which is what im currently looking for01:12
mnemonicaashfire908: Because I need to change a memory setting from 64 to 32.01:12
Ashfire908mnemonica, and why are you then trying to overwrite the compiz program?01:12
pgdxbmt2: ifconfig -a gives you three or more listings? lo, eth0 and ... ?01:12
steven_i'm up to date (just checked) and running gutsy amd6401:12
steven_any ideas?01:12
UbuntMeHey, does anyone know of a program where I can convert my songs to different formats?01:12
mnemonicaAshfire908: Because I get "cannot enable desktop effects" when I try to enable them. Any of them.01:12
UbuntMeAlso, movies to different formats01:12
kitofhawaiigladier: open nautilus, navigate to your home folder. open trash, drag your desktop into nautilus01:12
pgdxgladier:  try a terminal and ls .Trash01:13
Yazgraphical disk map is neat-o01:13
pgdxgladier: perhaps cp -R .Trash/Desktop .01:13
Ashfire908mnemonica, ...01:13
Qjimbook this is weird, I have my computer plugged directly into the router, however I can't ping the router or anything, and the lights are lit up on the socket so it's definitely connected01:13
Ashfire908mnemonica, are you trying to change the compiz settings?01:13
bmt2pgdx: no pgdx...that is not what i am talking about.....for instance in windows you can right-click on the wireless interace, and it will say : "Show Available Wireless Networks"....or something of that saying....01:13
steven_ubuntme: mencoder or transcode01:13
bmt2that is what i am talking about01:13
pgdxQjimbo: do you have an IP?01:13
gladierkitofhawaii thansk that worked ... i tried cutting it before but that was greyed out01:13
pgdxbmt2: do you know if the drivers work ...=01:14
mnemonicaashfire908: Sure. I suppose. but I know that what I need is in this file. I need to save it, if it doesn't work I'll just go back in and change it back to a 64.01:14
kitofhawaiigladier: np :)01:14
mnemonicaashfire908: So would you be so kind as to inform me on how to save it?01:14
Ashfire908mnemonica, it's not.01:14
pgdxmnemonica: sudo nano /usr.....file01:14
circaenpgdx,i got  error_code+ox72/0x80  task_rq_lock+0x4a/0x8001:14
bmt2pgdx: i am not 100% on that...because i have had problems where my wireless network at home will work, and then it will not work01:14
circaenand some more01:14
pgdxLast try ... I'm trying to make my own install cd based on the Ubuntu 7.10 server. I followed a manual on the net, but there is no such file as ./casper/squashfs.filesystem. Doesn't the server CD have squash?01:15
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, I typed sudo apt-get install kubuntu-destkop, am I rite or wrong?01:15
Ashfire908mnemonica, /usr/bin/compiz is a program, not a settings file01:15
mnemonicaashfire908: Then could you inform me as to where it -is-? Because that's the file that came up when I issued the prompt command01:15
steven_anybody have any suggestions as to what to do when openssh-server crashes on attempted login?01:15
pgdxJoachim_Joe: right01:15
Ashfire908Joachim_Joe, that is right.01:15
mnemonicapgdx: and, thank you.01:15
pgdxsteven_: restart the server01:15
Ashfire908mnemonica, what prompt command?01:15
sebasianffxsomebody that help me please!!!01:15
sebasianffxwhen you have a kernel panic, is not possible to recover the O.S?01:16
pgdxsteven_: as in /etc/init.d/ssh restart01:16
BiohazardDoes anyone has a link where it is explained, why you shouldn't use sudo instead of gksudo with GUI applications?01:16
Qjimbopgdx: according to the network settings I have DHCP enabled01:16
Joachim_JoeAshfire908, cool.. now I logged off and on again to get rid of any open process but now it says, can't find package01:16
steven_pgdx: i've tried that01:16
steven_i even ran it with debug mode on01:16
pgdxsteven_: still crashes -> fix /etc/ssh/sshd_config01:16
Qjimboand ifconfig shows that stuff ahs been transmitted01:16
steven_it doesn't give any enlightening error messages01:16
steven_it's a fresh install01:16
steven_just 10 seconds ago01:16
steven_haven't customized sshd_config01:16
devinuswhen will firefox3 be released?01:16
pgdxQjimbo: tried ifconfig in terminal?01:16
sam_do i have to do kernel update in ubuntu?01:16
sam_is it required?01:16
=== Tribes_ is now known as Tribes
STcomokay now, anyone know why ubuntu would have just completely crashed on me?01:17
sam_if yes then how?01:17
pgdxsteven_: but you have installed openssh-server01:17
Qjimbopgdx: yeah thats what I did to see01:17
STcomwas just browsing and messaging01:17
Qjimboand it shows that packets have been sent and recieved01:17
steven_i haven't changed the sshd config from the defaults01:17
xaponSomeone knows some program to Burn a Imagem on CD, by extension .NRG?01:17
steven_i just apt-get installed it01:17
steven_tried to log in01:17
pgdxsteven_: sounds like a bug which needs to be reported to launchpad01:17
steven_and it crashes01:17
lokeBiohazard: Using sudo for GUI applications could cause minor problems like Firefox not keeping extentions, or serious problems such as not being able to log in anymore.01:17
mnemonica*sigh* Didn't work either way. lol01:17
steven_i was afraid of that :/01:17
captmorganSTcom, not sure, any other pertinent info?01:17
Ashfire908mnemonica, DO - NOT - EDIT - /usr/bin/compiz01:18
STcomcaptmorgan: sadly, not01:18
YazWhere can I find 'screenlet manager'?01:18
pgdxQjimbo: What about an IÅ address?01:18
lokeBiohazard: It could possibly change the permissions in the .ICEauthority file.01:18
STcomcaptmorgan, it just shut off01:18
STcomcaptmorgan, and wouldn't allow me to log on for the first 3 times01:18
lokeBiohazard: And since you asked for a link...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9666101:18
Ashfire908mnemonica, *sigh* editing it is like trying to edit a .exe file in windows.01:18
mnemonicaashfire908: I already did... It didn't do anything. I'm going to change it back now... Why was it SO important that I don't edit that file?01:18
Biohazardloke: thanks a lot01:19
captmorganSTcom: is this just a one time thing how long have you had ubuntu?01:19
lokeBiohazard: Not a problem.01:19
mnemonicaashfire908: Right. And what I wanted to do was restrict it from using anything over 32mb of memory.01:19
Joachim_Joe:( just hibernated the first time with Ubuntu01:19
Joachim_Joenice ugly screen01:19
STcomcaptmorgan, i've had it for a couple of weeks, and it's shut down occasionally, but nothing that didn't allow me to log back in01:19
Qjimbopgdx: it appears I have an ipv6 address01:19
Joachim_Joecolourful lines01:19
lokemnemonica: I don't think you understand how it works.  You can't directly limit the memory usage.01:20
Joachim_Joelooks like clouds01:20
bmt2is there a command that i can do in a terminal that will show me avaiable wireless networks01:20
Joachim_Joeon top of colors01:20
tonyyarussoAshfire908: Although, there are legitimate Windows tweaks that involve a .exe and a hex editor.  The analogy doesn't transfer though.01:20
pgdxQjimbo: try sudo dhclient eth001:20
lokemnemonica: and /usr/bin/compiz is kind of like...msn.exe.  You can't "edit it" like that.01:20
pgdxbmt2: i told you ... iwlist scan eth1/wlan001:20
YazI edited usr/bin/compiz when emerald was giving me problems01:20
aolausis there a configuration file for compiz that is editable?01:20
Yazit was just a text file01:20
mnemonicaashfire908: I did that, but it didn't resolve the issue that I'm having with my video card. So thank you for attempting to help, but I have multiple sources that said contrary to you. Maybe I don't understand it, but I'm sure that the several individuals that posted guides did... It didn't affect anything anyway, so I don't really care now. Once again, thanks for the effort.01:20
Ashfire908tonyyarusso, it's the smae basic thing. don't edit it's not a settings file01:21
pgdxbmt2: but if your wireless card doesn't show in ifconfig -a you've got a driver issue01:21
lokeYaz: I think that's how compiz used to be.  Not sure how it is now.01:21
Joachim_JoeAshfire908: Thanks a bunch! Gonna try this KDE thing tomorrw, I think you answered enough of my questiosn :P01:21
onatsis there a program for linux that i can use to create multi-page pdfs from scanned documents?01:21
Joachim_JoeBye everyone! Happy 2. Advent01:21
Ashfire908mnemonica, fine. go *** up your system.01:21
pgdxonats: open office?01:21
onatspgdx, which prog in open office? the word processor?01:21
pgdxAshfire908: let mnemonica try01:22
pgdxonats: writer01:22
tonyyarussoAshfire908: Under all normal conditions, right.  (For example though, changing the text of the "Start" button I believe involves editing explorer.exe)  Not for the faint of heart though, flat-out stupid when you have the source anyway, and completely useless when it's not even the right file :P01:22
Qjimboeech, some process called "IRQ-16" is using all my CPU01:22
zeroc00lhi Guyz01:22
Rafabehi. I need help setting up my wireless connection, but I use Xubuntu. Would the procedure be the same for both flavors, ie can I ask here?01:22
lokemnemonica: That's not a file you edit unless you're SURE of what you're doing.  Since you're asking how...I'll assume you're not sure.01:22
mnemonicaashfire908: Don't be a jerk. I ALREADY EDITED THE FILE. IT DIDN'T CHANGE ANYTHING. I CHANGED IT BACK. NO HARM DONE. Go eat a sock.01:22
lokemnemonica: A simple typo could cause compiz to no longer work.01:22
squidinkwhat's the easiest way to install vmware-player in gutsy?01:22
pgdxRafabe: know your way around a terminal?01:22
Rafabepgdx: nope, first time using linux01:23
Rafabealthough, I know OF it01:23
Rafabeif it's just a command that launches a wizard, I can take it from there01:23
lovedeatmpgdx, is there a ubuntu server channel?01:23
Ashfire908pgdx, are you aware what mnemonica is doing?01:23
pgdxRafabe: well ... wireless is wireless, but Gnome has some tools XFCE doesn't. But if you have install xubuntu, there's no problem installing Gnome programs01:23
Yazgod, i keep DCing01:23
Ashfire908*is/trying to do?01:24
Yazanyway...i edited /usr/bin/compiz01:24
pgdxlovedeatm: eh, why do you ask? Don't know, my first time here01:24
Yazit was just a text file01:24
sebasianffxwhen you have a kernel panic, is not possible to recover the O.S?01:24
mnemonicaloke: I understand that. It already doesn't work, I'm trying to figure out what is wrong. There is a line in that "file" or "executable" or whatever the hell it is, that has something to do with NVIDIA's memory. The value is normally 64, but some cards can only handle compiz if the value is 32. I don't know why, but it doesn't mater.01:24
mnemonicaYaz: Thank you... jeez01:24
pgdxsebasianffx: you can get your data if that's what you want01:24
pgdxsebasianffx: and, so, yes01:24
lovedeatmpgdx, i have server issues and question01:24
RafabeI know of one command: ifconfig, and running it shows that it detects my wireless card, and the "RX" packets keep increasing. Therefore it seems to work, I just need to enter a connection. Everything is disabled (greyed out) in Apps > System > Network, so I need to figure out how to enter my WPA key and SIID01:24
Qjimbosebasianffx: I think if you boot off the unbuntu cd there's a "rescue broken install" or something01:24
luluhi, xserver-xorg fails on ATI Radeon  X700 (gutsy), any ideas on how to solve the problem?01:24
pgdxlovedeatm: fire at will01:24
luluI saw in launchpad that it was solved , but my card fails01:25
lokemnemonica: Yes, there is such a line.  "cat /usr/bin/compiz | grep 6401:25
lokemnemonica: outputs... "NVIDIA_MEMORY="65536" # 64MB01:25
lovedeatmpgdx, i am going to set up a server that does RTASS01:25
xivenI need some help please01:25
mnemonicaloke: yes.01:25
pgdxloke: or: grep 64 /usr/bin/compiz :p01:25
xivenI have Ubuntu Fiesty installed...and..I can get an IP, and nameservers...but I cannot ping anything (not even my router), nor connect at all...01:26
mnemonicaloke: that was the line of code that I changed. all I did was change the 64 to 32, it didn't do ANYTHING noticable. I changed it back.01:26
AlReece45gdm fails to start when booting ubuntu normally. What would prevent it from starting or how can I get it to work as expected?01:26
lovedeatmpgdx, i need to know what kinda of setup to use (ie lamp) for such purposes (RTASS means audio streaming)01:26
pgdxlovedeatm: Well ... icecast?01:26
Qjimboxiven: I have the EXACT same problem!01:26
luluAlReece45, bad xorg.conf configuration, did you have desktop running at least once?01:27
Qjimboand I can't figure out what the bloody hell is going on01:27
xivenMy internet, is wireless broadband, although, up until the Modem itself, its wired.01:27
pgdxlovedeatm: Are you asking which distro to install, or what packages under Ubuntu?01:27
lokemnemonica: If you're trying to make it 32mb, then the number would be 3276801:27
AlReece45lulu:afer booting to recovery mode, I can start gdm manually.01:27
YazI just installed screenlets, but how do I run it?01:27
mnemonicaloke: The guide said to simply change the value "64MB" to "32MB"01:27
Qjimbointeresting xiven, my network is also wireless, though at the moment I've got the computer plugged directly into the router with ethernet01:27
mEck0what differs ubuntu desktop and server edition?01:28
lovedeatmpgdx, weh you pop in the installation CD i get 2 choice of installation01:28
mnemonicaloke: Ah. I see now... The 64 is noted.01:28
jackaesopxiven: perhaps a driver problem?01:28
pgdxmEck0: a lot, no GUI in server01:28
lokemnemonica: The "64MB" part is commented, so it's not directly part of the config.  The 64xxx is what needs to change01:28
pgdxlovedeatm: ah, well ... What are those?01:28
pgdxLAMP and?01:28
lovedeatmpgdx, you get lamp and something else...i don't know which will suit my needs and there is another issue in volve brb let me get you a link to my full question01:29
mnemonicaloke: Awesome, thanks. I'll change that and see if it helps.01:29
luluAlReece45, uhm, so it looks like its not xorg.conf fault, I'm clueless, sorry01:29
PirateHeadHow do I enable extensions for Epiphany in Ubuntu?01:29
lokemnemonica: No problem.01:29
xivenQjimbo> Who is your Wireless provider?01:29
PeloPirateHead, epiphany does not have extensions like firefox does,  there are a few plugins, check in the about screen for the link to the epiphany website01:29
PirateHeadPelo: You are incorrect. There are extensions for Epiphany just like Firefox. I'm just wondering how to enable them.01:30
lovedeatmpgdx, http://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1950101:30
Qjimboxiven: oh you mean wireless wireless, I meant my router has wifi01:30
lokePirateHead: Pelo is implying that the extensions are different.01:30
PeloPirateHead, check the epiphany website01:30
Qjimboashfire908 wtf dude01:30
Peloloke, not implying, saying outright01:30
YazWill I get kicked off the server if I dont have a registered nick?  xchat keeps crashing01:31
luluAlReece45, did you check the logs already?01:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:31
lokeYaz: My nick isn't registered.01:31
AlReece45lulu: which logs should I check?01:31
mEck0pgdx, ok, because I want to install ubuntu again after I've tested archlinux for a couple of days. I think it is faster than ubuntu, but maybe to much to configure... which wm should I install ubuntu with do you think?01:31
xivenWell my internet is wireless...but i have it wired all the way up to the Modem itself.01:31
PirateHeadPelo: From the Epiphany website: "Epiphany runs all the same popular plugins that run in Mozilla."01:31
pgdxlovedeatm: if you don't want Apache/Mysql/PHP, don't choose the LAMP. It depends what you want from your server. If you just wish to stream aufio from it, just apt-get install icecast and ices01:31
luluAlReece45, probably xorgs, and I don't know if gdm dumps logs too, you can find them in /var/log01:31
mnemonicaloke: Meh... Didn't affect anything. I still can't enable desktop effects01:31
PeloPirateHead, then the website should tell you how todo it01:31
xivenWIndows connects fine as you can tell. But, Ubuntu refuses to do more then get teh IP and DNS01:31
adamonline45What's the command (smbaddusr)?01:32
Peloxiven,  maybe the ppl in #networking can advise you01:32
lokemnemonica: Perhaps it would be best to go to the ubuntu forums.  The information we would need takes up an excessive amount of space.01:32
synthaseis there a way to revert back to a previous configuration point in ubuntu?01:32
PirateHeadPelo: It says that the extensions package should be available through your distro, at which point I came here and posed my question.01:32
meanjeandoes ubuntu come with ndisgtk?01:32
pgdxmEck0: whatever you like. Gnome is to Ubuntu as KDE is to Kubuntu. If you don't like Gnome after a while, just apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, you can test KDE01:32
Cpudan80Hello all01:32
mnemonicaloke: Alright, thanks.01:32
Cpudan80I have a DiVX encoded avi file -- that doesn't playback in VLC01:32
Cpudan80I hear the sound - but dont see the picture...01:32
Dr_willisCpudan80,  thats odd..  Where did it come from?01:33
PeloPirateHead, check in synaptic search for epiphany  there is possibly a -pluggin package01:33
synthaseCpudan80: what codec do you have?01:33
Cpudan80synthase: ehh no idea01:33
xivenDoes anyone know how I might fix the problem?01:33
mEck0pgdx, ok, thx01:33
Cpudan80The file info says Divx01:33
Dr_willisCpudan80,  right click on it - select properties. check the tabs for detailed info01:33
david_JCpudan80: You prolly need the codec ffmepg try mplayer01:33
pgdxbtw --- if you install icecast, just know that something has to stream the music to icecast for icecast to stream to other users01:34
lovedeatmpgdx, ok, do you kwhat a standard config would be? if not or if its to detailed dun worry about it01:34
Cpudan80Dr_willis: It says ehh Mpeg-4 divx01:34
PeloPirateHead,  sudo apt-get install epiphany-extensions01:34
bconnollyi have no wifi connectivity icon in my menu bar anymore01:34
Cpudan80version 301:34
pgdxlovedeatm: Standard server install? Or regarding to the streaming stuff?01:34
bconnollyhow can i get it back?01:34
* xiven wishes he could figure out the problem01:34
PirateHeadPelo: I found it in synaptic. I had been looking for it in Add/Remove programs. Thanks though. :-)01:34
pgdxbconnolly: the same way you find your wallet when you have lost it. Remember what you did to remove it01:34
lovedeatmpgdx, standard server install01:35
bconnollyi think i removed the panel01:35
meanjeanCan anyone help me with setting up a wireless network? I want to use ndisgtk (which was supposed to come with ubuntu), but I can't even get the program to install01:35
AlReece45lulu: Would "Screen 0 is not DRI capable" cause any problems relating to startup?01:35
PeloPirateHead, add remove is only good for apps  not for libs or extras01:35
titiwhat should i chose between k3b and brasero ?01:35
bconnollybut it's not a choosable panel to add01:35
bconnollyso i can't get it back01:35
adamonline45Does anyone know why samba might not be broadcasting to XPs network neighborhood?01:35
Dr_willistiti,  try them both.. use what you like.01:35
Cpudan80david_J: ahh ok - I didnt have that one for some reason01:35
Dr_willisadamonline45,  you did enable some samba shares?01:35
pgdxlovedeatm: No, unfortunately. But enough. SSH and all other needed GNU-utils. No GUI, though. So you need to know your way around the terminal01:35
Pelomeanjean, isn't ndisgtk just a frontend for ndiswrapper ?01:36
david_JCpudan80: np01:36
Pelo!wifi | meanjean01:36
ubotumeanjean: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:36
pgdxlovedeatm: Or, at least manage to apt-get install iceast2 ices / mpd01:36
david_Jmeanjean: What card?01:36
meanjeanPelo, yeah it is, i used the guide that came with ubuntu that said i could find it with synaptic, but i didn't show up01:36
Qjimbodhcp discover just is not working01:36
meanjeandavid_J, belkin f5d7050, i have a few guides for installing it01:37
pgdxlovedeatm: and, btw, VLC can also stream, but I think, if you wanna set up a radio station, that icecast is more suited01:37
zeroc00ladamonline45: it's a thing that I have noticed, Ubuntu fresh install, see the XPs network neighborhood, when you want to share a folder it wants install Samba and then it'll be more time to see the others XP computers01:37
david_Jmeanjean: never used one...01:37
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Pelomeanjean, did you spell it right ? is y our computer connected to the interenet (wired) ?  that might help you get the extra stuff,  the gtk package might not be on the cd01:37
lovedeatmpgdx, ok thanks01:37
m1rhow do i upgrade my system from 7.04 to 7.10 ?01:38
Pelo!upgrade | m1r01:38
ubotum1r: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:38
Cpudan80david_J: it still doesn't want to play :-/01:38
m1rty pelo01:38
zeroc00ladamonline45: I think that the problem is in the smb.conf, you might want to edit the file manually with the right configuration of your network01:38
meanjeanI'm only a HS student, so I have my own (OLD) computer in my own room, I;m using the family's right now, with a wired connection and wi-fi router01:38
luluAlReece45, xorg log?, if it has EE it is an error, if it is WW its only a warning01:38
david_JCpudan80: You install the packages from Medubuntu?01:39
AlReece45lulu: It has EE next to it.01:39
david_JCpudan80: prolly mispelled...01:39
meanjeanPelo, the card is a usb adapter...worked fine with windows i just can't get the drivers instaled, I'm new to the terminal with ndiswrapper...so i'd rather use ndisgtk01:39
adamonline45Dr_willis: I have it set to security level user... Doesn't that automatically share each users home directory?01:39
david_JCpudan80: I can play divix just fine01:39
Cpudan80david_J: I installed the ubuntu-extras for restricted formats01:39
adamonline45zeroc00l: I'll check it out, ty :)01:39
Dr_willisadamonline45,  i do not think it does.. check the smb.conf - see if the home definitions are commented out.01:39
Pelomeanjean,  it will proabaly be easier if you use the computer the pacakge is to be installed on and wire it to the router for this task  then relaod the packages in synaptic and search again for the package01:39
luluAlReece45, so try looking for the error in google :), I never have dealt with that error01:39
david_JCpudan80: google medubuntu01:39
Qjimbois it possible to access the setup options from within the installed ubuntu os (I used ubuntu studio with the text based installer)01:39
AlReece45lulu: okay01:40
larson9999got this dell dimension case i want to reuse.  it's got a motherboard in it with those hooks and i can't figure out how to get it out.  anyone know the secret?01:40
adamonline45Dr_willis: Good thinkin', I'll do that... Thanks :)01:40
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:40
Dr_willisadamonline45,  i normally manually edit that file. enaable the home shares. and i ALSO givbe the users a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME'01:40
Pelomeanjean,  I don,t know enough about wifi to realy help you , the best I can do is walk you through some of the commands if you are unfamiliar with linux in general01:40
Dr_willisadamonline45,  there may be some gui/other ways to enable all this..but im too old-skool01:40
super61hello everyone i need help installing and configureing ePSXe01:40
meanjeanPelo, that would help...all i know right now is how to install it (which didn't work but I think i installed ndiswrapper01:40
Pelosuper61,  have you been to the epsxe website ?01:40
super61Pelo; yes i have and theres no help there01:41
uncommon<super61> : ePSXe is not executable you have to unpack it to get the executable01:41
super61uncommon: what do you mean?01:41
Pelomeanjean,  to use ndiswrapper you need to get the .inf file for the windows driver, put it somewhere convinient on your ubuntu partiton then start ndiswrapper from the command line and point it to the .inf file01:41
Cpudan80david_J: Are you playing it back in VLC?01:42
uncommon<super61> : ePSXe is not statically link to any shared library yet you have to unpack it you have to download something i forgot the name01:42
david_JCpudan80: never install vlc... I use mplayer01:42
PirateHeadIs there an Epiphany extension to add a search bar like the ones in Mozilla, Opeara, IE7, etc?01:42
meanjeanPelo, that's where i get lost...how do i 1)start ndiswrapper from the terminal and 2)tell it to use those drivers?01:42
synthasehow can I reinstall all the packages associated with network support(wireless card drivers, ieee802.11, etc) in gutsy?01:42
super61uncommon: what do you mean unpack?01:42
Pelosuper61,  from what I can remember ,  and there isn't much,  you also need to dl a bunch fo virutal machine packages, from further in inside the site  and load those virutal drivers in the epsxe prog, I suggest you google for a how to01:43
lovedeatmpgdx, i know on windows i could install mac stuff on to windows if i install it in a mac enviorment..can i do the same with linux i guess is the important question..then just set permissions on linux to that folder. can i do that01:43
uncommon<super61> : do you have the ePSXe ? the main application file?01:43
super61uncommon: yes i do01:43
Pelomeanjean,   do you know how to open a terminal ?   menu > applications> accessories  > gnome-termnal01:43
meanjeanpelo, yep i can get there, just don't know what to type01:43
uncommon<super61> : have u tried invoking it trough terminal like so "./ePSXe ? does it run?01:44
Pelomeanjean, then just type sudo ndiswrapper ,  the rest should be self evident I thnk , never actualy done it01:44
lazarus_lupinethey really should make the terminal more accesible01:44
super61uncommon: yes i have and nothing happens01:44
uncommon<super61> : if it doesn't you have to unpack it...01:44
meanjeanok, i've been typing sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper...and it tells me it can't dinf the directory01:44
\`slushpuppy`\lazarus_lupine , there's keyboard shortcuts :|01:44
Pelolazarus_lupine, set it to open when I press the windows key on my kb01:44
super61uncommon: what do you mean unpack?01:44
uncommon<super61> : ePSXe can't run wait i will give the name of the application to download01:44
\`slushpuppy`\mine is alt+ T :p01:45
super61uncommon: ok01:45
meanjeanpelo, how do i tell it what driver to use if its in home/driver.inf?01:45
lazarus_lupineI use yakuake Pelo01:45
david_Jmeanjean: ndiswrappwer -i *.inf01:45
Pelomeanjean, follow david_J 's advice he seems to know more about this then I do01:45
uncommon<super61> : try this first "ldd ePSXe"01:45
meanjeanok, thanks01:46
* Pelo assigns david_J to help meanjean 01:46
uncommon<super61> : what does it tell you? it can't be identified isn't it?01:46
super61uncommon: ldd? im still a little new with ubuntu\01:46
meanjeandavid_J, so all i need to do is start ndiswrapper in the terminal (sudo ndiswrapper) and specify the driver?01:46
uncommon<super61> : invoke it trough terminal type this "ldd ePSXe" and press enter01:46
david_Jmeanjean: yeah but your stuff wont stick when you reboot01:47
super61uncommon: ok hold on01:47
meanjeandavid_J, how do i add it to the kernel?01:47
david_Jmeanjean: if all goes well you'll have a wlan0 device01:47
lovedeatmok last thing pdgx or pgdx, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/19141 have a lok at that question plz and see if you can tell me what to do from there01:47
david_Jmeanjean: modprobe ndiswrapper01:47
super61uncommon: it cant find it01:47
eyemeanhello, is it me or is it a slow process to extract a 700meg file from a .rar on ubuntu? or is there a faster extracting program?01:48
* Pelo makes notes on david_J 's performance , no pressure 01:48
super61uncommon: its on my desktop so you know01:48
uncommon<super61> : see told you first copy it on the same folder and rename the other as ePSXe_Bakup01:48
Peloeyemean,  it is a fairly slow process  it can take a few minutes01:48
super61uncommon: where do you want me to move it?01:49
meanjeandavid_J, thanks for the help...I'll try it out and if i have any problems I'll talk to you about it01:49
uncommon<super61> : if your ePSXe is in your desktop you have to be in it like so "cd /home/yourusername/ePSXeFolder"01:49
eyemeanpelo, but windows is faster at this right?01:49
super61ok hld on01:49
uncommon<super61> : then "ldd ePSXe"01:49
uncommon<super61> : same folder01:49
Peloeyemean,  I don't remember I haven't bothered with windows in a long time01:49
uncommon<super61> : back up the main application file not the folder ok01:49
Peloeyemean,  but I don't think so , I seem to recall it was slow as hell as well01:49
david_Jmeanjean: sure.. But I never had any luck with ndiswrapper that's why I get a madwifi card01:49
eyemeanpelo,  lol,, i haveent been away from windows to long yet, new to linux, but im loving it, hahaha01:50
Peloeyemean, how much time did it take ?01:50
super61uncommon: it says not a dynamic ececutable01:50
ermac0you are bad01:50
izanbardprincedavid_J: Linux Mint has easy wifi installation01:50
PeddyCan somebody please help me? I am downloading a 4.4GB file from a torrent. The actual file is in my home drive, and it's size is 4.4GB. However, in Deluge, its only at 26% percent. Anybody know whats going on?01:50
meanjeandavid_J, I'll look into that too01:50
uncommon<super61> : thats a good start ok.. now back it up...01:50
super61uncommon: ok \01:50
AlReece45Peddy: The client probbably alloted all the space needed for the file before starting the download.01:51
donogameelcan someone tell me what the last package upgrades were for Ubuntu? I just did the automatic package update and it's broken my sound01:51
izanbardprincepeddy: Deluge allocates the space for the file before it gets all of it01:51
PeloPeddy,  the bittorrent protocol preallocates the space on the hdd in order to reduce the rewrites  that is perfectly normal01:51
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uncommon<super61> : now install upx-ucl or the beta which ever is available01:51
super61uncommon: use the terminal right?01:52
donogameeldoes anybody know what the last package updates for Ubuntu were?01:52
larson9999man, computers get cheaper all the time.  seems you get twice the power for the money every 18 months01:52
n2diy! ja | limboshen01:52
ubotulimboshen: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい01:52
uncommon<super61> : i would recommend you to use synaptic though but if your comfortable with terminal that's ok01:52
adamonline45How do I restart samba?01:52
limboshenn2diy: 我不说日本文。01:52
super61uncommon: ok01:52
techno-wizjosh@tsunami:/etc$ sudo mdadm --detail --scan --verbose01:52
techno-wizARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid0 num-devices=2 UUID=86f24815:ed310f17:359bfd8f:eb5f494301:52
techno-wiz   devices=/dev/sdb1,/dev/sdc101:52
techno-wizjosh@tsunami:/etc$ sudo mdadm --detail --scan --verbose > sudo /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf01:52
techno-wizbash: sudo: Permission denied01:52
techno-wizAny ideas what I am doing wrong?01:52
n2diylimboshen: ?01:53
Peloadamonline45, sudo samba restart or sudo smb restart01:53
limboshenn2diy: no japan talk01:53
limboshenchina talk01:53
n2diylimboshen: nope01:53
Pelotechno-wiz, sudo mdadm --detail --scan --verbose > /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf01:53
limboshenn2diy: I no japan talk. I talk china.01:53
larson9999guess i'll just have to yank on this mobo.  danged dell.01:53
adamonline45Pelo: I think I found out why Samba's not working...  It doesn't seem to be isntalled... lolz01:53
Pelotechno-wiz, and don'T paste more there 3 lines to this chanenl please01:53
uncommon<super61> : did u find upx-ucl in synaptic? you can press "ctrl+f" and type "upx-ucl"01:53
Peloadamonline45, duh !01:54
n2diyAnybody now the chinese page for limboshen?01:54
limboshenn2diy: you understand question?01:54
super61uncommon: yes that and the beta01:54
Pelo!cn | limboshen01:54
ubotulimboshen: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk01:54
larson9999well, i have samba installed but it quit working yesterday.  need to figure out why01:54
techno-wizWhen I try that I get permission denied to the mdadm.conf file even though I can access it with gedit.01:54
super61uncommon: the beta or both?01:54
limboshenPelo: thankyou01:54
Pelolarson9999, maybe in #samba01:54
adamonline45Pelo: hehheh, yeah... Well, I have an smb.conf and a settings manager...  Threw me off 8)01:54
donogameelcan someone tell me why the package 'linux-ubuntu-modules' broke my sound when i upgraded?01:55
uncommon<super61> : beta would be ok01:55
sexcopteranyone familiar with the audacity 1.3.3? I can't see how to export something as ogg...01:55
super61uncommon: installing beta now01:55
Pelotechno-wiz,  sudo chmod 777 /whaever/man....01:55
uncommon<super61> : good01:55
techno-wizok thanks!01:55
ubotuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE01:55
larson9999Pelo, i'm not asking for help.  haven't even looked at it yet.01:55
Pelolarson9999, sorry I'm a bit on automatic atm01:55
uncommon<super61> : don't close synaptic yet after install01:56
Pelosake,  /join #ubuntu-pl01:56
super61uncommon: ok done and i didnt anything else?01:56
IamReckanyone know of a good program for recording my desktop/01:56
PeddyThanks guys. Teh pwn.01:56
LaneyI'm *really* tearing my hair out about a problem now, and nobody seems to want to reply to me anywhere :(. Is there a known problem which would prevent me from disabling the display suspend feature? Even though I've turned it off everywhere I can find it, my display still suspends after 10 minutes of idleness, which is pretty frustrating. Thread here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63347601:56
PeloIamReck, look in synaptic for recordmydesktop01:56
techno-wizThank you Pelo, that did the trick!01:57
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
PeloLaney, how about you just state the problem I can'T make heads or tales of your post01:57
uncommon<super61> : minimize your synaptic because you will goin to use it when you're missing a library01:57
super61uncommon: ok then...01:57
LaneyPelo: Didn't I?01:57
uncommon<super61> : now go back to your terminal and go to your ePSXe folder "cd /home/username/Desktop/ePSXe"01:58
larson9999Pelo, actually, i don't think i've gotten an answer in here for over a year or two now :)01:58
LaneyPelo: My display still suspends even though I've turned off every option which would cause it to.01:58
PeloLaney, just the problem , without the complaning01:58
uncommon<super61> : be sure you have made a backup of your ePSXe application file...01:58
PeloLaney, much better, I can'T helpyou much with this,  did you "search" in the forum for possible solutions ?01:58
LaneyPelo: Yes.01:58
dlican I forbidden update-grub to use UUID? better to forbidden UUID in fstab also01:58
dliright now, I rely on "chattr +i", but it's nasty01:59
LaneyPelo: Which is when I decided to make a post. I feel entitled to be a little bit frustrated here.01:59
PeloLaney, I assume this is a laptop ?01:59
LaneyPelo: No, it's a desktop.01:59
uncommon<super61> : now try this command in your terminal "upx -d ePSXe" the ePSXe <---- is your application file01:59
adamonline45Where should I put applications that I compile myself?01:59
PeloLaney, slightly less usualy but still possible that the problems is located in the bios powersaving settings, did you give those a look ?01:59
tarzeauadamonline45: somewhere that a ubuntu package won't ever put it. /opt or /usr/local02:00
super61uncommon: ok02:00
tarzeauadamonline45: or make your own deb package. or use gnu stow02:00
adamonline45tarzeau: That's what I figured... /usr/local/bin ok?02:00
LaneyPelo: I did, nothing seemed to stand out.02:00
tarzeauadamonline45: depends on the software, but yes sounds good02:00
LaneyPelo: Would some log somewhere have noted when it suspended?02:00
adamonline45(I'm not sure where the package manager puts things) :) ty!02:00
tarzeauadamonline45: some want sbin or games02:00
infinitycircuitLaney, did you check that laptop-mode-tools has dpms screen blanking disabled/is not accidentally running02:00
tarzeauadamonline45: dpkg -L pkg    tells you02:01
uncommon<super61> : now... the second part would be to "ldd ePSXe" again and read carefully the output02:01
PeloLaney, the logs are in /var/log  ,  check for in system possibly02:01
euniaI'm trying to get wpa_supplicant to work with Intel ipw3945, but not sure how to do it02:01
super61uncommon; ok02:01
=== rob1 is now known as rob
uncommon<super61> : does it shows a missing library?02:01
Cpudan80So I am stilling having trouble playing back this video02:01
Cpudan80It's encoded with Divx 3 low motion02:02
eyemeanpelo, yeah it took a few minutes, not sure how long, do u use file roller?02:02
Peloeunia, if no one here has advice I suggest you look for wpa and intel in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:02
Cpudan80VLC plays the audio - but no picture02:02
david_Jeunia: You need a /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf02:02
infinitycircuitLaney, have you checked the monitors own settings as well to make sure it isn't hardwired to turn off02:02
super61uncommon: one its /lib/ld-linux.so.202:02
euniaPelo, thanks02:02
Laneyinfinitycircuit: Where would I need to check?02:02
euniaI have the wpa_supplicant02:02
david_Jeunia: and read the man page02:02
=== amidaniel is now known as amidaniel|away
uncommon<super61> : it says missing correct?02:02
Peloeyemean, yes, I use fileroller  it takes at least 3 min to unpack a 350 meg RAR02:02
euniaI didn't see anything for Intel ipw3945 card02:02
super61uncommon: no02:02
infinitycircuitLaney, the config file is in /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf, but now that i think about it, dpms screen blanking is disabled by default, so that shouldn't be the problem02:02
Laneyinfinitycircuit: It's definitely a software suspend - the monitor's LED flashes when it happens.02:03
david_Jeunia: maybe go to the wpa_supplicant website... Well that is if you have the driver installed correctly...02:03
super61uncommon: nothing says missing02:03
david_Jeunia: Can you see the device?02:03
eyemeanpelo, ok thanx m802:03
infinitycircuitLaney, if you never want to blank the screen, you should be able to comment out the line that says "Option "DPMS"" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:03
Peloeyemean, mind you I'm going from memory here,  I havne't had to unpack one in a couple of weeks02:03
david_Jeunia: assign it a ip address?02:03
oscar_hi all..02:03
euniawhen I say lspci, I see the wireless card02:03
infinitycircuitLaney, but thats sort of a bad fix02:03
synthasecan I reinstall gutsy via apt-get or aptitude?02:03
manadwhat is the IRC client of choice for Ubuntu? Pidgin does the trick but...meh.02:03
uncommon<super61> : ok.. now you can execute your epsxe by doing so "./ePSXe"02:03
larson9999i got 8 gig of ram, a mobo, and processor for $400.  seems it wasn't that long ago i dropped $3000 when i got a new pc.02:03
david_Jeunia: use wpa_passphrase to set up the wpa_supplicant.conf02:03
super61uncommon: ok02:03
oscar_perhaps somebody can give a hand.. i been hours trying to setup the external monitor with twinview02:03
eyemeanpelo, memory sounds correct02:04
Laneyinfinitycircuit: Yes it is, but it makes watching a movie or anything really irritating, so I'll take the bad fix for now.02:04
oscar_but my desktop is now in the second monitor and not in the main laptop screen02:04
ctothejI just updated the Gutsy kernel for some hardware compatibility fixes and tried to reinstall NVIDIA drivers from the nvidia site, but the driver wont load. How can I fix this?02:04
super61uncommon: ok thanks so much for your time and help02:04
SierI just installed a server.. that does not have a video card.. :) i'm monitoring it from here.. so cool.. first time (trying ubuntu out)..02:04
Pelo!nvidia | ctothej02:04
ubotuctothej: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:04
uncommon<super61> : no problemo amigos02:04
Highlander__Is there anyway to get Pidgon Chat client to run a secure tunnel in ICQ ???02:04
uncommon<super61> : is it running now?02:04
Laneyinfinitycircuit: Do I need these laptop packages installed?02:05
PeloHighlander__,  maybe in the pidgin channel #pidgin02:05
ctothejPelo, i've tried all the normal sources... i updated the kernel to
infinitycircuitLaney, no you don't need them but there is no harm in keeping them02:05
super61uncommon: i have so problems with the plugins02:05
shadowbladeHello, I was here a couple days ago trying to get cupsys installed and working right, getting errors when installing it, can someone help?02:05
Peloctothej,  that's realy all I have for you , maybe someone else knows02:05
Peloshadowblade,  doesn'T cupsys install by default ?02:06
super61uncommon: it says undefined symbol for plugins02:06
uncommonsuper61 : if you have problems with plugins there are plenty just google it or you can install the one on the synaptic you can install it by finding the word "psx" in synaptic02:06
Laneyinfinitycircuit: Well I was just going to try getting rid and seeing if the problem went away. I see some option called LM_AC_TERMINAL_BLANK_MINUTES=10 which looks like it could have something to do with it. CONTROL_DPMS_STANDBY is 0 though.02:06
super61uncommon: ok02:06
shadowbladePelo: yes, but it was giving me errors when i tried to install other stuff, so I had to remove it temporarily02:06
infinitycircuitLaney, yeah if CONROL_DPMS_STANDBY is off it won't cause any problems02:07
shadowbladePelo: its all really weird02:07
infinitycircuitctothej, did you try the manual install of the nvidia drivers the debian way?02:07
uncommonsuper61 : you have to have plugins... and bios but for the bios i can't help you have to own a PS1 and dumped a bios from there...02:07
tech0007psx doesn't work for me, any ps games that i tried02:07
Peloshadowblade, what other stuff ?02:07
shadowbladePelo: anything...updates, programs, etc02:07
uncommonsuper61 : you're on your own for the bios...02:07
tech0007uncommon: can psx emulate psp games?02:07
shadowbladePelo: everything works fine when i remove cupsys, but as soon as i try to install it again, i cant install anything else02:07
ctothejinfinitycircuit: i downloaded the .run file from nvidia's site and installed from that with the new kernwl02:08
uncommon<tech0007>  : i really dunno but it was design to load the PS1 bios only...02:08
ctothejinfinitycircuit: it had to recompile for that kernel, and it seemed to do so just fine02:08
thebagofsandDCC SEND startkeylogger 0 0 002:08
Peloshadowblade, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop or kubuntu or xubuntu, which ever you are using , see if it fixes the probelm , should reinstall everything that is part fo tth default install02:08
tech0007uncommon: ok02:08
super61uncommon: its funny how they lost the source code for epsxe02:09
* Pelo gives FloodBot3 a cookie02:09
winter-mutehi, amy grub experts?02:09
AlReece45Is there any problems with the splash screen and starting xorg-server?02:09
whtawhy does compiz lag so much for me in fullscreen apps/with lots of stuff open (even just firefox is laggy for me) when beryl ran smooth 100% of the time when i had it?02:09
winter-mutewondering how i'd get primary grub loaded, load in second instance of grub02:09
whtaon a radeon x700, which would explain a bit, i think02:09
Kalamansi!yahoo messenger02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo messenger - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:10
winter-mutefailing that, how one makes grub 'see' sata drive that it doesn't see02:10
Kalamansihello how to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu 7.10 desktop?02:10
naliothKalamansi: use synaptic02:10
Kalamansinalioth ok in system right?02:11
Kalamansiok sex02:11
dliKalamansi, better to install pidgin02:11
shadowbladePelo: got the errors when it was setting up cupsys again - hold on ill put the output on pastebin02:11
winter-mutelol greenminded02:11
damianhey guys, I have a question. I'm trying to play a DVD in ubuntu and I can't get any sound :(02:12
uncommonKalamansi : there is pidgein and kopete they're even cooler than the official ym provided by yahoo02:12
Kalamansidli : our policy is not to use any of those apps who have irc02:12
uncommonKalamansi : ang asim mo pre...02:12
Peloshadowblade,  not sure I can help but go ahead02:12
Kalamansiuncommon : irc is prohibited02:12
super61uncommon: i only found things for pcsx02:12
shadowbladePelo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47484/02:12
Kalamansiuncommon : thats why i will remove pidgin02:12
Peloshadowblade,  hold on02:12
uncommonKalamansi : if you want nice multiple protocol IM use pidgin and if you want the one with WebCam support use Kopete it's even cooler02:12
Kalamansiuncommon: aw hehe02:12
AndrewB!install > HeatMzzr02:12
Kalamansiuncommon : as i was saying, irc is prohibited02:13
damianAny answers guys?02:13
Kalamansiuncommon : we will just use skyp,yahoo messenger, and msn02:13
uncommonKalamansi : pidgin is not just for IRC that's why it's called multiple protocol it can support irc, yahoo, msn, jabber, icq, etc02:13
Peloshadowblade, open up synaptic and reinstall dpkg02:13
Peloshadowblade,  and gdebi02:13
uncommonKalamansi : pidgin is not just for IRC that's why it's called multiple protocol it can support irc, yahoo, msn, jabber, icq, etc02:13
Kalamansiuncommon : okay.but how to disable irc chat?02:13
dlidamian, did you check volume setting?02:13
luisdoes anyone know how to install the google earth bin file on my desktop? like what command do I type into terminal02:14
uncommonKalamansi : you can do so in account preferences02:14
Kalamansiuncommon: how to disable "irc" because irc is prohibited here02:14
damianYes, and I installed all the codecs, etc...02:14
adamonline45Uh oh... Does anyone have a macbook?  I'm following this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook#head-9486a3dc17044ca74c909e1eef7ae33f0e61dfeb and don't have a mac partition to grab a color profile from... :/  My colors are so off, and I'm trying to fix it...02:14
Peloluis,  is the bin file on your desktp ?02:14
uncommonKalamansi : you can just click account and choose your acount that's registered to IRC .. and disabled it02:14
Kalamansiuncommon : where is "account preferences" located?02:14
luisyes, it is.02:14
onats_kalamansi, block the 6667 port02:14
luison my desktop.02:14
Kalamansionats_ : how to block 6667 port?02:14
nekohi people02:14
astro76luis, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth02:15
Peloluis,  open a terminal    cd Desktop ,  sudo chmod 777 filename.bin ,  sudo ./filename.bin02:15
uncommonKalamansi : when you joined the irc you have created already an account02:15
Kalamansiim from windows and trying to migrate ubuntu.we cannot afford to buy windows licenses02:15
Kalamansiuncommon : yes02:15
luisthanks dudes02:15
onats_kalamansi, taga dabaw ka bai?02:15
Kalamansiuncommon : and?02:15
uncommonKalamansi : can't you find the "Account" in the menu bar?02:15
Kalamansionats_ : cebu02:16
=== _Genetics_ is now known as Genetics
Pelo!hi # dr_dark02:16
uncommonKalamansi : it says "Buddies | Accounts | Tools | Help "02:16
dr_darkplease me help, with install driver impresora canon pixma 100002:16
=== onats_ is now known as onats
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hi # dr_dark - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:16
damianany ideas dli?02:16
Kalamansionats_ but been there in davao last 200302:16
onatskalamansi, not in davao, currently in mla02:16
nekohow do i make vlc mozilla plugins handle divx video on website like stage6 ?02:16
Pelodr_dark,  go to  menu > sytem > admin > printers , and select a canon driver in the same family as your own , that should work02:16
Peloneko, ask in #vlc02:17
dlidamian, do you have sound from other applications, example, you type in a terminal: aplay /dev/urandom02:17
uncommon<neko>  : you can install the vlc plugin for mozilla02:17
* Pelo is done , g'night folks 02:17
gio123is somebody here mathematica coder?02:17
nekobut it don't handle .divx files02:17
dr_darkPelo, is not slec the impresora canom pixama 1000 here02:17
nekowhen look at about:plugins02:17
Kalamansiuncommon : ok i dont see any "delete or disable"02:18
damianYes, I have sound in every application, but not with the dvd playback02:18
neko(and it just don't work)02:18
uncommonKalamansi : What did you see when click the Accounts menu? does it shows any similar nick or name or whatever account you have created for IRC?02:18
nekowow #vlc is 3 people only room02:18
damianOk, well I will try to find out what to do or move to Linux Mint :)02:18
Kalamansiuncommon : how to remove irc in pidgin and they not access irc for the rest of their lives02:18
ctothejinfinitycircuit: i got kicked and had to go through some song and dance about some DCCExploit... back now02:19
ctothejinfinitycircuit: did you reply to me in the past 10 minutes?02:19
AlReece45lulu: apparently the problem was with the splash option. After removing it the server started as expected.02:19
uncommonKalamansi : If you're and Administrator you can just block the port 667 to 66902:19
infinitycircuitctothej, no i did not02:19
uncommonKalamansi : i mean 6667 - 666902:19
Kalamansiuncommon : in pidgin theres alot of IM apps..all i want is to remove the "irc" or delete it from the menu so that they will not access irc02:19
Kalamansiuncommon : how to block 6667?02:19
ctothejinfinitycircuit: ok, do you know what else I could do to have it use the new nvidia driver?02:20
david_JKalamansi: iptables and a rule02:20
MarcoRamiusHey all, this is Yaz.  I think I had to have a registered nick or I would get kicked from the server02:20
MarcoRamiusand Yaz was taken02:20
uncommonKalamansi : you can block it through your server's firewall or whatever is installed there for administration services02:20
super61uncommon: can you tell me where to the plugin file for pcsx?02:20
infinitycircuitctothej, the reason why the restricted drivers manager failed is because it doesn't have the precompiled restricted modules for your new kernel02:21
infinitycircuitctothej, there are two ways around this02:21
MarcoRamiusMay I idle in this channel?02:21
uncommon<super61> : have you install the pcsx along with the plugins in ubuntu using synaptic?02:21
Kalamansiuncommon: i dont have server.02:21
_ope_i have a few questions about vmware server i installed02:21
super61uncommon: yes i have02:21
_ope_im running a windows xp vm but i dont get a display02:21
luis!google earth02:21
ubotuGoogle Earth is now available, for free (only as in price), for Linux, too. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository02:21
infinitycircuitctothej, first, you can compile it yourself https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile#head-4591a640f1ecb03492f49521d7c055cba2845ca102:21
tomd123does anyone know if sage is better then mathematica?02:22
david_Jtomd123: nope I hate math02:22
uncommon<super61> : copy all the plugins in this directory "/usr/lib/games/psemu/lib/" and paste in your ePSXe plugins directory02:22
infinitycircuitctothej, second, you can use the debian way and use module-assistant, which is probably easier but not guaranteed to work02:22
VarkaKalamansi, you know SIM? it supports yahoo, aim, icq but no irc02:22
manadhey guys...how do I change the language post-install? I was told I could switch to french at the logon screen, but I only see English as an option (various English locales)02:22
infinitycircuitctothej, http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=10812 except replace "nvidia-glx" with"nvidia-glx-new"02:22
super61uncoomon: ok02:22
DarthShrineHas anybody come across gedit spitting out floating point exceptions?02:22
uncommonKalamansi : so why do you want the IRC block then?02:22
`blackmk4i only have dvds, is there a way i can burn the ubuntu iso on to a dvd?02:22
tomd123david_j: everyone has his entitlement to his or her opinion :)02:23
uncommonKalamansi : you can have your personal firewall blocked it for you02:23
KalamansiVarka : sudo apt-get install sim is not working02:23
ctothejinfinitycircuit: ok great, i will try that.02:23
uncommon<super61> : besure to copy all the confi file on their designated folder02:23
Kalamansiuncommon: what apps for firewall?02:23
VarkaKalamansi, its in universe on gutsy02:23
_ope_anyone can help with vmware?02:23
infinitycircuit_ope_, what is your problem02:24
david_J_ope_: Cant afford vmware02:24
infinitycircuit_ope_, i am currently running vmware server on gutsy02:24
Spzattim having some problems locating my old C: drive02:24
Spzattanyone know where to find it?02:24
DarthShrineSpzatt, Try /media02:24
VarkaKalamansi, http://sim-im.org/wiki/Main_Page02:24
KalamansiVarka : which one here? sim or sim4?02:24
uncommon<Kalamansi> : there are plenty of firewall gui dependi pre of what distro you're using I'm currently using firestar but if you're on KDE there's one for KDE also02:24
SpzattNothing here, darth.02:25
SpzattOr i got some folders, all empty.02:25
jariep1_hi all how are you fellas02:25
BruceM91when the ubuntu upgrade is done, will the computer restart, or just shutdown?02:25
_ope_infinitycircuit: i installed windows xp and it ran threw the dos installation fine but when it rebooted and loaded the 32bit installation portion i get a black screen02:25
Kalamansiuncommon : im using ubuntu 7.10 desktop.im not sure even if its KDE or Gnome..first timer here02:25
dliSpzatt, did you mount it?02:25
VarkaKalamansi, just "sim"02:25
KalamansiVarka : sim or sim4?02:25
Spzattits a static drive02:25
KalamansiVarka : thanks02:25
infinitycircuit_ope_, i've only installed linux clients so i can't help you there, sorry02:25
dliSpzatt, mount02:26
SpzattErr, explain that please?02:26
uncommon<Kalamansi> : KDE is more windows like... you have this your main menu on the lower left while gnome has this OS 9/X look which the main menu is on the upper left...02:26
dliSpzatt, in a terminal, type: mount02:27
manadquick question: how do I stop Ubuntu from making sounds from inside my motherboard (like when I press Backspace and there are no characters left to delete, it makes a BEEP sound on the motherboard speaker02:27
Spzattyeah i got something up here02:27
Spzattnow what?02:27
infinitycircuitmanad, add the line "blacklist pcspkr" to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:27
super61uncommon: thank you thank you thank you!!!  I LOVE LINUX!!02:29
uncommonsuper61 : :D02:29
super61uncommon: i have one more question is there a mema emulator for linux?02:30
Kalamansiuncommon : how to install firewall?02:30
Spzattlack of support imo02:30
manadinfinity, it said "can't open file to write". Is this a rights issue? do I need to enter my password somewhere?02:30
MarcoRamiuscan i idle here?02:30
Spzattim having some problems locating my old C: drive, anyone know how to play?02:30
fantum13hey can neone tell me if ubuntu can burn .img files02:30
uncommonsuper61 : gamerz like you and me should be the reason why Game Developer should support linux and make their games available to linux it's the games why most linux users are dual booting...02:30
manadi can open the blacklist file, edit it, but i can't save02:30
Spzattim having some problems locating my old C: drive, anyone know how to find it?02:31
adamonline45uncommon: I second that02:31
infinitycircuityou need to edit it by running the command "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"02:31
super61uncommon: yea i know im makeing a fre ports for games like WOW RO and others02:31
fantum13can sum1 plz tell me if ubuntu can burn .img files???02:31
VarkaKalamansi, sudo apt-get install firestarter02:31
uncommon<super61> : there are plenty.. you can find one trought Add/Remove in Applications menu and type mame or you can find it through synaptic and type mame02:31
MarcoRamiusbooting to windows to play a game is no different than turning on an xbox or a ps202:31
dliSpzatt, use a pastebin to paste the output of "mount"02:31
MarcoRamiusthat's all i consider it...windows is just my gaming console02:31
Spzatttell me the command to say02:31
MarcoRamiusand windows is a great gaming platform02:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:32
super61uncommon: ok02:32
AprilHaremy old C: - I want to use it with QEmu - does anyone know how to do that without having to image it?02:32
infinitycircuitAprilHare, you can boot into an existing windows installation with vmware player, there are guides on the forum that explain how to do it02:32
uncommon<Kalamansi> : you can do that in Add/Remove programs in Application and type firewall or through synaptic and type firewall or firestarter02:32
manadinfinity, in the future, can I grant myself rights without using the console? Like if I'm browsing my files, and I decide I want to edit one...can't I give myself the priviileges without having to go type gksu gedit?02:33
fantum13can sum1 plz tell me if ubuntu can burn .img files???02:33
Spzatthow do i make my motherboard not to beep everytime ?02:33
AprilHareinfinitycircuit, thankyou - however vmware refuses to install here02:33
Varkainfinitycircuit, so you dont have to convert this existing installation into a vm ?02:33
MarcoRamiusfantum13: try again using legible words02:33
KalamansiVarka : uncommon : is it ok to use ubuntu 7.10 desktop for server?02:33
manadspzatt: type  "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" at the terminal and add the line "blacklist pcspkr"02:33
AprilHare"VMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)"02:33
AprilHarei am using an athlon xp 1600+ processor02:34
AprilHarecan anyone tell me why?02:34
VarkaKalamansi, its ok but not recommended as you have a lot of stuff running you dont need on a server, first of all the xserver02:34
fantum13MarcoRamius: Yeah alright jackass, can I use nautilus or K3B or Braesero to burn a mac image file?02:34
soothsayerAprilHare: did you download the 64bit version on accident?02:34
infinitycircuitmanad, you can always use the gksu line from the run prompt reached by alt+f202:35
AprilHaresoothsayer, no - this was reported by the Add/Remove menu02:35
whoDunItfantum13: you could change the extension to .iso02:35
AprilHareit is strange behaviour02:35
infinitycircuitmanad, it is dangerous to indiscriminately give yourself root privileges and is highly discouraged02:35
mrdinklesanyone know of a good music sharing program-- ie sharazaa for linux?02:35
Spzattwhere should i put it Kalamansi?02:36
uncommonguys do we need to file a love letter and court every Major and indie game developer around the world just to convince them how great the linux is for gaming.. No i don't think so.. What I think they all know how great linux is for gamin I just don't seem to get why none of them or very few them is interested.02:36
manadinfinity: got it...I meant easy GUI access to granting myself privileges02:36
super61uncommon: if people used linux more then windows then devs would make more games for linux02:36
MarcoRamiusthere's nothing wrong with booting to windows to game02:36
MarcoRamiusit's no different than turning on an xbox02:36
KalamansiVarka : im not good in "type" thing in terminal..so is it okay to use ubuntu 7.10 desktop as server with x window?take note that this server is just a server only.no surfing/downloading/etc/ once i finish install firewall and other packet filtering and limiting bandwidth with a certain user who always use "youtube"02:36
SpzattKalamansi, where to add blacklist pcspkr ?02:36
super61yea but windows is so open its not even funny02:37
KalamansiSpzatt: put a what?02:37
fantum13manad: The second you do that will be the second you irreversibly break something. The reason why linux is more secure than windows is that in windows, you're _always_ root02:37
uncommonsuper61 : i'm not talkin' about monopoly i'm talkin about availability and portability... if the issues here is about license linux is very flexible...02:37
Spzattim inside the blacjlsit file02:37
Spzattblacklist *02:37
fantum13MarcoRamius: I have linux on my Xbox, its dual-booted with OpenBSD02:37
KalamansiSpzatt : i think im not a right guy to answer you...im a first timer...i was asking help also02:37
MarcoRamiusfantum13: good for you02:37
manadfantum: fair enough...but I'd still have to enter my password if I had easy GUI access to higher privileges, so it's not a security risk02:37
fantum13Spzatt: you add "blacklist <thing you want to blacklist>" to the end of the file.02:38
SpzattWell folks you guys wanted my paste to help me with locating my old C: drive , here is it : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47487/02:38
fantum13manad: any privilege escalation is a security risk.02:38
AprilHarei searched for the package with apt and it finds vmware-server but not vmware player02:38
super61uncommon: i saying tho yea more people use windows but if windows never came around linux would be in control. plus linux it under GUP liseance right?02:38
super61uncommon: GPL02:38
infinitycircuitSpzatt, you need to add the line "blacklist pcspkr" to etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:38
Spzattinfinity, didnt work.02:38
fantum13Spzatt: Your drive doesn't seem to be mounted.02:39
SpzattHow do i mount it ? >.<02:39
infinitycircuitSpzatt, it will work on reboot, you can get it to work now by just typing "sudo modprobe -r pcspkr"02:39
mrdinklesAnyone know of a good music file sharing program for linux IE. shareaza02:39
manadby the way, having just finished installing Ubuntu, I checked for updates, and there's 79 updates in the Update Manager. I'm not sure what I should update or not...are they all important updates?02:39
infinitycircuitSpzatt, please pastebin the result of "sudo fdisk -l"02:39
fantum13mrdinkles: try aMule, an open-source emule client02:39
AprilHareisn't there limewire for linux?02:39
infinitycircuitmanad, you should let everything udpate02:39
uncommonmanad : windows is monolithic ... if Maria is for Juan and Elena is for Pedro in the worl of windows it isn't like that it's like Maria and Elena is for Juan and even Juan is for Pedro even the gender doens't matter as long as it can be stick anywhere though anywhere as long as there is a hole... lolz02:39
VarkaKalamansi, just as i said, its you have all functions and abilities in the desktop package as in the serverpackage, but also a lot stuff in addition you wont need. so if that is ok for you, its also ok for you to use the desktop version as a server02:39
=== omninek is now known as supanek0
emmaYes there is limewire for linux02:39
dliSpzatt, "sudo mkdir -p /mnt/windows; sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows"02:39
infinitycircuittechnically linux is monolithic as well02:40
ctothejinfinitycircuit: "nvidia.ko failed to build" is the message i get when trying to compile it the debian way02:40
uncommonsuper61 : right..02:40
techno-wi1Anyone know how to edit the places menu? I want to add a mountpoint to it.02:40
emmayou can probably just sudo apt-get install limewire02:40
shadowbladeWhat does it mean if a package is not verified?02:40
infinitycircuitctothej, that's weird well sorry i can't help you at this point since i have intel graphics cards02:40
dliSpzatt, if it works, you may add it to your fstab02:40
AprilHareemma, my comment is in relation to a call for a decent music sharing package for linux02:40
nosklotechno-wi1: open nautilus and edit places in sidebar02:40
AprilHareemma, thanks for letting me know though :)02:40
emmaOh sorry :)02:40
infinitycircuitSpzatt, he is referring to /etc/fstab02:40
fantum13AprilHare: For a way better protocol, try using bittorrent with the Deluge client02:40
Spzattount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:02:40
AprilHareemma, not there02:41
AprilHarefantum13, deluge?02:41
emmaI have limewire on my comp but I don't remember how I got it. Maybe I installed it myself.02:41
AprilHaretorrents are normally for large files02:41
timniktechno-wi1, If you only want to add something to it, browse to what you want to add, then press ctrl+d too bookmark it and it will appear there.02:41
emmaYes deluge is a nice bittorent ap.02:41
super61well linux is still getting devoloped. it well be as good as windows soon02:41
emmaIt's the one I use.02:41
fantum13Spzatt: NTFS is a proprietary file system and all linux drivers for its use have been reverse-engineered. You should only use NTFS on linux with caution02:41
manadwhat's the torrent client of choice on linux? I used uTorrent on Windows.02:41
emmaYou can probably sudo apt-get install deluge02:41
fantum13AprilHare: yes, and discographies are large files ;)02:41
emmaBut then you have to use google to search for your torrents.02:41
dliSpzatt, pastebin the error message02:41
fantum13manad: try Deluge or Azureus02:42
AprilHarefantum13, how much music do you really need? ;)02:42
Spzatti did02:42
fantum13AprilHare: more than I could ever possibly store02:42
uncommonsuper61 : linux is even better than windows it's the vendor support that's lacking and other third parties...02:42
whoDunItmanad: i use transmission02:42
SpzattFailed to mount '/dev/hdb1': Operation not supported02:42
SpzattMount is denied because NTFS is marked to be in use. Choose one action:02:42
SpzattChoice 1: If you have Windows then disconnect the external devices by02:42
Spzatt          clicking on the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the Windows02:42
Spzatt          taskbar then shutdown Windows cleanly.02:42
SpzattChoice 2: If you don't have Windows then you can use the 'force' option for02:42
Spzatt          your own responsibility. For example type on the command line:02:42
Spzatt            mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows -o force02:42
Spzatt    Or add the option to the relevant row in the /etc/fstab file:02:42
emmaspzatt you are flooding.02:42
dliSpzatt, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Edgy/Windows02:42
Spzattpasted the wrong info02:42
uncommonmanad : i would recommend deluge and transmission but deluge is better as it is much more like uTorrent02:43
fantum13ubotu: !paste02:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:43
emmaI feel so embarrassed for Spzatt now.02:43
Varkauncommon, super61, its not better or worse, its just different for a different type of users and thats good as it is02:43
uncommonVarka : ok i second that... for world peace not war... it's even better than religion02:44
NullNameI need to buy a wireless router and adapter, preferably cheap that will work with xubuntu 7.10?02:44
NullNameANyone have any ideas?02:44
fantum13NullName: any router should work decently, try getting an adaptor with an Aethros chipset, those are typically good02:44
super61Varka: yea thats true. but games like us that like linux have to dual boot with windows. its a little frustating and sucks02:44
dliNullName, router have http admin interface, should be os independent02:45
fantum13super61:  I game and I haven't used windows in years02:45
manadif you're desperate for games on linux try emulation (SNES/N64/PS1/etc)02:45
VarkaNullName, the router doesnt depend on what os you are using, you can concentrate on the adapter. i can give you a detailed hardwarelist, but its german if you dont mind02:45
fantum13manad: there are plenty of FOSS games or just linux games02:45
manadsome of the best games ever made were for old consoles...beats playing the latest WW2 shooter02:45
uncommonVarka but right now : I can say windows has better support in gaming bill really knows how tickle young people and those young at heart is it brainwashing? I know because I was... even most of the school was...02:45
manadfantum: how many are any good though? Tux Racer isn't really a game. I can only think of Battle of Wesnoth as a decent free OSS game02:46
NullNameVarka: THanks, but I don't need the german list.  Okak So I will focus on the adapter...I need to use usb...does that matter?02:46
manadand of course the Star Control 2 remake02:46
fantum13manad: try vendetta online, a cross-platform MMORPG02:46
Varkasuper61, uncommon, its not windows that supports the games, its the games that support windows02:47
fantum13manad: most games from ID software are on linux, as well as Neverwinter Nights and EVE online02:47
dliNullName, I know zd1211 works great, I have one02:47
NullNamethanks dli!02:47
dliNullName, and cheap too02:47
uncommonVarka : yes that's what i mean ... third party support...02:47
super61uncommon: what are install-sh for? its been a bit02:47
NullNameDoes anyone have a list of compatible usb adapters?02:48
super61NullName: for wireless?02:48
primaryHello. What is the easiest way to transfer files between someone who has Ubuntu and someone who has Windows?02:48
dliNullName, yes, let me find the official list02:49
NullNamethanks dli!!!!02:49
uncommonmost student my country things windows is the most advance os there is.. and 90% of them knows that MSWord is the only word processor there is even anything that resembles MSWord but now word and yet they called it word ... Even those stuff that we all guys here knows who copied who what copied what... Students here in my country thinks windows has originality02:49
Spzattwell, people, explain once again how to locate my old C: drive02:49
NullNamesuper61: yes fo wireless..a usb wireless adapter02:49
spolvidCan anyone help me download Ubuntu on a mac?02:49
spolvidI mean, install.02:49
super61NullName: what wireless adaptor are you useing?02:50
VarkaNullName, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported#head-603c9481d6c6288b6b674cc50132d21f6d539c5302:50
dliNullName, http://zydas.rapla.net/ , I think there's a newer version also02:50
onatsuncommon, what country are you from?02:50
super61Varka beat me to it02:50
NullNamesuper61 I want to buy one from staples.com zipcode 9740502:50
super61NullName: ok02:50
AprilHareuncommon: It is quite clear that years of Microsoft producing nearly universally adopted software has affected those who have been on the fringes of the computing community02:50
dliNullName, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/zd1211rw/devices02:51
infinitycircuitSpzatt, i was afk, did you get a chance to pastebin the results of "sudo fdisk -l"02:51
NullNamethanks guys!!!02:51
AprilHareuncommon, out of interest, where are you?02:51
spolvidAnyone? Please?02:51
dliNullName, the fsf.org list (for rt2500), http://www.fsf.org/resources/hw/net/wireless/cards.html02:51
cellofellowHow customizable is Emerald compared to GWD?02:51
KalamansiVarka : can you give me some advice on how to detect my isp or connect my isp using ubuntu 7.10 desktop? ok, my isp gave me a login and password so that i could connect to the internet..how to setup in ubuntu an auto connect so that i will not put user/pass and dial everytime i want to connect the internet...thanks.speed 2.2 mbps adsl broadband02:51
cellofellowAnd can Emerald use Metacity themes?02:51
infinitycircuitspolvid, are you having a particular problem or do you not know where to start02:51
Spzattwell, people, explain once again how to locate my old C: drive02:52
spolvidI don't know where to start.02:52
manadwhen a programmer makes a GUI program for linux, does he have to make a separate version for each Window Manager (Gnome, KDE, XCFE)? Or do they all interpret the same libraries/code?02:52
spolvidI downloaded 7.10 amd6.02:52
uncommonPhilippines... ( don't hate for that )02:52
VarkaKalamansi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE02:52
ianmcorvidaemanad: primarily, the same code02:52
onatsuncommon, what do you mean don't hate for that?02:53
dliSpzatt, most likely, your ntfs partition need a fsck (scandisk)02:53
infinitycircuitSpzatt, did you get my request?02:53
ianmcorvidaethere are libraries, but they work in all of them; it means you can have a lighter system if you keep with programs specifically 'for' your wm, but you can use anything with the right libraries02:53
AprilHarewell the Phillipines isn't the only country like that02:53
cellofellowmanad: well, first pick your language. C/C++, Python, Mono. Then the GUI toolkit (GTK, wx, Qt, Tk). And then optionally desktop specific libs. But they still all run together its not like they are different systems. It'll be mostly cosmetic (GTK looks odd in KDE and vice versa.)02:53
SpzattI didnt, im afraid02:54
uncommononats : sorry it's ( don't hate me for that ) it's just nothing more than saying in my thoughts02:54
Spzattplease join #spzatt02:54
manadOh, are people actually using Mono for Linux projects?02:54
cellofellowmanad: Tomboy and Beagle come to mind.02:54
infinitycircuitSpzatt, could pastebin the result of "sudo fdisk -l"02:54
AprilHareactually the worst place for lack of desktop diversity would be North Korea02:54
Kalamansithanks Varka.i will read this02:55
AprilHarethey're all Microsoft bound02:55
uncommonmanad : mono are great and are makin' progress really fast and yet not that stable ( my opinion though you could hate me for that ) example fspot keeps on crashing...02:55
Spzattdli, please join #spzatt02:55
super61uncommon: i found a mame eumator and need help installing it :) care to help?02:55
manadany country with no piracy checks is going to use Microsoft02:55
cellofellowAprilHare: I thought commy countries were all for GNU cause they can't afford Windows.02:55
manadcello: they pirate it02:55
ctothejIf i compile my own kernel, will I need to compile new fuse modules?02:55
cellofellowctothej: prolly02:55
jake_Hey, my sound decided to up and stop working today - I think after some updates. It still works fine in XP, though. No settings appear to have changed and I don't see anything that seems our of the ordinary. I'm using the onboard sound on an nforce 4 chipset. Any ideas?02:55
kitofhawaiicellofellow: "can't afford" and "actually paying for it" are two different things :)02:55
cellofellowmakes sense, but I thought Castro liked linux.02:56
aolaushas anyone ever had a nightmare where they deleted / ?02:56
AprilHarecellofellow, this is true - but NKorea is so insular that they haven't got on board out of fear for what might be in the source code02:56
uncommonsuper61 : if you found it in Add/Remove it means it's ok install now and then play.... but as for the roms.. you're on your own...02:56
ctothejcellofellow: that also goes for sound and any other drivers?02:56
onatsuncommon, now why would someone hate you for coming from the philippines?02:56
NirivenAnyone have any favorite linux games?02:56
super61uncommon: i didnt find one in Add/remove or the package  i got it off the internet02:56
cellofellowctothej: unless they are "userspace" drivers, they're in the kernel.02:56
cellofellowctothej: a handful of Xorg drivers are in that category.02:56
astro76super61, sdlmame?02:57
AprilHareuncommon, if you were in Iran for instance, we might look at you twice, but not the Phillipines. Phillipinos live in australia02:57
cellofellowNiriven: warsow, warzone2100, frozen bubble.02:57
super61astro76: hmm?02:57
adamonline45Is there a way to adjust screen brightness or gamma in KDE?02:57
infinitycircuitaolaus, i haven't had a nightmare about it, but i have done it before02:57
ctothejcellofellow: ahh ok. thanks02:57
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: apparently you'll be happy to know north korea, south korea, and china are joining together to create their own linux distro "hana linux" :)02:57
astro76super61, this is the one you should be using http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=16302:57
uncommonsuper61 : my recommendation is... look in Add/Remove if didn't find what you're lookin for second would be "Synaptic" .. internet would be just your "Last Resort"...02:57
aolausI thought it was real, and I freaked02:57
* cellofellow just uses aptitude02:57
AprilHarekitofhawaii, oooo evil linux (TM) :D02:57
worthawholebeanMy resolution is doing weird things... Every time I log in, I have to use aticonfig -f --initial --resolution=0,1440x900 to reconfigure xorg.conf and then kill x-session-manager. It will then go to 1152x768 and I have to change it in displayconfig-gtk to get it to 1440x900, my desired res. It then works fine, but I have to repeat that every time I reboot. I'm using a 20" Intel iMac with an ATI Radeon x1600.02:58
aolausthen somehow the dream transitioned to zombie apocalypse02:58
super61uncommon: true...02:58
chronic1astro76: how behind is mame in linux02:58
uncommonAprilHare " it's Filipinos" :D02:58
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: which in korean...means (kinda) #1 linux. old style korean02:58
astro76chronic1, it is now an officially supported platform, vis-a-vis sdlmame http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?page_id=16302:58
spolvidinfinitycurcuit, did you see my responce?02:58
astro76chronic1, so not at all02:58
AprilHareuncommon, hey feel grateful i can type at all :D02:58
infinitycircuitspolvid, no i did not02:58
cellofellowworthawholebean: is this a new thing, or always?02:58
uncommonAprilHare : hehehehe greate community "linux"...02:58
spolvidI don't know where to start, I said.02:58
worthawholebeancellofellow, always02:58
super61astro76: umm.. where can i download?02:59
infinitycircuitspolvid, do you have a ppc or intel architecture mac02:59
ctothejcellofellow: will I be able to compile userspace modules after compiling the kernel and then install them as modules without recompiling the kernel?02:59
astro76super61, I linked it twice ^^ ;)02:59
cellofellowworthawholebean: ok, I was gonna suggest using the backup xorg.conf files (they worked for me.)02:59
SinpahltimusHi All02:59
spolvidRunning 10.402:59
super61i know02:59
cellofellowctothej: never heard of a userspace module.02:59
AprilHarethe move to 10.5 has moved me to ubuntu02:59
ctothejcellofellow: so ill have to recompile the kernel...03:00
infinitycircuitspolvid, in that case it's relatively simple03:00
SinpahltimusUbuntu 710 noob here with a srious problem that I can replicate on three completely diffferent computers of completely different hardware. Wondering is will to help?03:00
cellofellowctothej: you don't necessarily have to compile the kernel to match a module, but you do have to compile modules to match the kernel (that's what the header packages are for.)03:00
super61astro76: is the psx2 eumator geting there for linux?03:00
AprilHareSinpahltimus, tell us your tale of woe03:00
ctothejcellofellow: right... ok03:00
infinitycircuitspolvid, have you gone through http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49339303:01
cellofellowctothej: did that answer your question?03:01
infinitycircuitSinpahltimus, what is the problem?03:01
spolvidAh, no I have not. Thanks.03:01
kitofhawaiiSinpahltimus: yah what's breaking?03:01
Sinpahltimusweb videos freeze my computers. youtube, myspace etc... web based vids all freeze my systems running U7.1003:01
ctothejcellofellow: yes thanks03:01
AprilHarewhat version of flash are you running Sinpahltimus03:02
astro76super61, dunno03:02
cellofellowSinpahltimus: just Flash, or all videos in the browser (like Quicktime stuff)?03:02
uncommon<super61> : there is pcx2 for linux.. but never tried it though...03:02
super61astro76: ok03:02
some_idiotsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree complains about a not-matching md5sum ... anyone else have this problem?03:02
ctothejcellofellow: i just wanted to know if I could basically download the fuse-source, compile just that package into .deb and then install03:02
super61uncommon: i guess thats where i come in :) if i get it working il let you know03:02
SinpahltimusWell, I have tried two different things. i don't know the version. I installed it once from the synoptics PM and twice via the pop up in mozilla.03:02
lookuphey all03:02
cellofellowctothej: sure, as long as you've got the right headers for the kernel you'll be using.03:03
lookupim having trouble getting my ipod classic to work with amarok03:03
kitofhawaiisome_idiot: there's an active confirmed bug report out right now. the repo's are having a problem (adobe just released a new flash player)03:03
SinpahltimusIt seems the adobe flash player is not enough. After installing it, FF says I still need a plug in, so I have to install gnash also.03:03
AprilHaresome_idiot, i discussed my issue in here earlier03:03
ctothejcellofellow: that I do, as I am compiling it as we speak03:03
cellofellowSinpahltimus: that ain't right.03:03
uncommon<super61> : great.... let me know then so i could try it my box...03:03
some_idiotAprilHare: is it loged anywhere?03:03
AprilHaresome_idiot, so everyone :)03:03
FlannelSinpahltimus: don't install through firefox03:03
AprilHarenot here03:03
SinpahltimusThe I restart FF again and I don't get the plug needed notification but after several seconds FF Freezes then the entire computer freezes03:03
super61uncommon: box as in xbox?03:04
cellofellowSinpahltimus: the Adobe player is proprietary, buggy (but up to date). Gnash is FOSS, quality, but still Flash 7 compatible.03:04
uncommonsuper61 : nope : box as in my linux box03:04
cellofellowSinpahltimus: and you can only use one Flash plugin at a time.03:04
nekohey someone use vlc mozilla plugins for playing stage6 video ?03:04
super61uncommon: oh03:05
kitofhawaiiSinpahltimus: where's the symbolic link "flashplugin-alternative.so" linked to? under /usr/lib/firefox/plugins03:05
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some_idiotokay, so what is the current best fix for this?03:05
some_idiot(flash nonfree not wokring that is)03:05
Sinpahltimuson two machines I tried via FF the thrd machine I installed the flash non-free via ubuntu package manager, mozilla still reported a missing plug in. Gnash seemed to clear that but the freeezes start.03:05
SinpahltimusI'm at a disadvantage because I do not have access to those computers right now.03:06
uncommon<neko> : it's ok to use vlc plugin though i would recommend you to use MPlayer and the mplayer plugins for mozilla as it is much better in terms of streaming... because it's not streamed in buffers it also copies the file physically in your desk03:06
cellofellowSinpahltimus: remove the adobe player (flashplugin-nonfree) and just use Gnash, and see if that helps.03:06
nekoah well03:06
shadowbladeOk, I was here a couple of days ago and earlier today (the person who was helping me today left)...I had to remove cupsys because it gave me an error when I tried to install anything else....now I need to get cupsys installed and working again - I need to get my printer set up03:06
nekoi will switch back to mplayer03:06
Sinpahltimuscellofellow - I will try that.03:06
nekobut i have problem with mplayer not having codecs03:06
nekothat is strange03:06
cellofellowneko: I like mplayer better as a browser plugin, and it will use any codec you throw at it.03:07
nekonot on mine because of some strange problem03:07
cellofellowI normally have VLC and MPlayer both.03:07
nekobut i have found a fix03:07
cellofellowBut only mozilla mplayer plugin.03:07
uncommonneko : you can't have both plugins for vlc/totem/mplayer installed because only one of them will work and the others will just confilicts the others like if you have vlc and totem plugins installed only totem play be used so if you want to use MPlayer's plugins remove the other except mplayer03:07
AprilHarethis is probably a "are we there yet?" sort of question however: when will firefox 3 be released?03:08
nekoyep i know this03:08
gibhamCan some one help me get a logitech rumble pad to work on the SNES emulators? When I use SNES9express and try to configure map buttons it says no such file or directory.03:08
nekoi was using mplayer plugins before03:08
* NineTeen67Comet I'm still looking for the codec I can throw at mplayer/movie player/xine or vlc that will play some of my new DVD movies I got (Hairspray to name one)... I did ubuntu-restricted-extras with no avail .. 03:08
cellofellowAprilHare: probably in time for Hardy.03:08
AprilHarecellofellow, when's that? :)03:08
nekomy problem with mplayer is way more strange03:08
Sinpahltimusbrb - on phone with soeone who has access to one of the computers, gonna have him uninstall the flash and try again.03:08
cellofellowAprilHare: next release of Ubuntu.03:08
nekoas it don't found codecs folder or something like this03:08
kitofhawaiiAprilHare:aprilhare: "estimated early 2008"03:09
uncommon<AprilHare> : i second that ... but i'm also excited for webkit based webbrowser for linux it's good to have a lot freedom of choice...03:09
NineTeen67Cometgrin .. I'm installing Alpha 1 right now (server edition) ..03:09
nekowhen i try playing some common divx files03:09
cellofellowneko: you try Medibuntu? You can get w32codecs and libdvdcss there.03:09
cellofellow!medibuntu | neko03:09
ubotuneko: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:09
Sinpahltimusbrb gotta run for a but03:09
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: aka...wikipedia is your friend for future releases :) let someone else keep an eye on when things are coming out :)03:09
uncommon<neko> : when i mean removed the other i mean the plugins only not the player VLC/Totem/MPlayer are good players so keep them in your box...03:10
AprilHarekitofhawaii, i thought that encyclopaedia had more uses than just for looking up star trek info :)03:10
cellofellowshadowblade: what's your issue. Sorry I missed it.03:10
nekooh wait03:10
kitofhawaiiAprilHare: with as much contention there is for "being first with the latest news" i find it's fairly reliable :)03:10
frost0if i am given a generic package for linux...how would i compile and install it?03:10
nekois the w32codecs was remove recently from the main repository ?03:11
uncommonfrost0 : you have to have all the development libs and tools installed....03:11
astro76neko, was never there, it's available in medibuntu03:11
cellofellowneko: if you mean recently by at the dapper release, yes.03:11
astro76neko, ah03:11
jedhi, i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and its not picking up my lcd correctly. im stuck on 640 and everything is fuzzy. help? :)03:11
shadowbladecellofellow: I had to remove cupsys b/c it gave me an error whenever I tried to install anything else, now I need to get it install again03:11
frost0uncommon, if you could take a look at the package...it might be special...idk03:11
nekothat what i mean03:11
cellofellowshadowblade: ok...03:11
frost0uncommon, link: http://hem.bredband.net/b400150/etswitch/etswitch-0.1.14.tar.gz03:12
astro76!medibuntu | neko03:12
ubotuneko: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:12
shadowbladecellofellow: cupsys gives me errors whenever i try to install it03:12
shadowbladecellofellow: forgot that part :)03:12
nekothat the reason of the strangeness03:12
AprilHarejed: try installing proprietary graphics card support03:12
uncommon<frost0> : im lookin at it now03:12
frost0uncommon, thx03:12
cellofellowshadowblade: try 'sudo aptitude purge cupsys' (and various other CUPS packages if needed) to remove configuration files.03:12
nekookey that's it03:12
jedaprilhare: i dont see that in add/remove applications03:13
shadowbladecellofellow: k done, try to install it now?03:13
jedheres the strange part: it worked somewhat fine off the livecd, just stuck on 640 on the install03:13
cellofellowshadowblade: yeah, with install instead of purge on the command line03:13
cellofellowjed: nvidia or ati?03:14
AprilHarejed, thats not there - try system-administration-restricted drivers manager03:14
uncommonfrost0 : have u installed the libs and dev tools ? and u need xpm for this stuff...03:14
AprilHareyou'll also need to include the restricted drivers as a installation source03:14
frost0uncommon, i guess we'll find out.03:14
hudyxI'm trying to install Ubuntu, but I can't get my Vista machine to boot from the LiveCD, any answers?03:14
nekotalking about stream03:14
frost0uncommon, i just don't know where to begin...via the terminal03:14
shadowbladecellofellow: putting the output on pastebin....03:14
nekomplayer plugins is not seek capable ?03:14
uncommonfrost0 : awkie... i'll help with that03:14
=== reconnect is now known as recon
cellofellowneko: not with QuickTime. :(03:14
avgeneral[question] how can i install SSL for RubyGems? It says I don't have it installed03:15
cellofellowneko: annoying, huh?03:15
nekowith nothing you mean :)03:15
uncommonfrost0 : first you'll have to install the build essentials and some dev tools use synaptic...03:15
nekoyes a little, a lot03:15
cellofellowneko: works with everything but Qt for me, but that was feisty haven't tried Gutsy (my Gutsy laptop is clean except for the nvidia and flash stuff.)03:15
frost0uncommon, i can't do it via terminal?03:15
jedaprilhare: "Your hardware does not need any restricted drivers"03:15
frost0uncommon, install those packages?03:16
shadowbladecellofellow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47490/03:16
cellofellowjed: what brand? ati? nvidia?03:16
AprilHarejed, well then you are beyond my help03:16
jedcello: ati mobility 750003:16
cellofellowjed: not mine I bet03:16
SpeakerManiaWhat do I do with a binary after I download it?03:16
uncommonfrost0 : it would be good to use synaptic because there are many libs and dev tools required would you rather type them in manually?03:16
jedcello: i think its picking up the video card just fine, its the lcd thats having probs03:16
cellofellowjed: install the fglrx package from synaptic manually.03:16
nekoi mean by seek not only move in part of a movie already downloaded , i mean also move in part of the stream not yet loaded03:16
cellofellow!ati | jed03:16
ubotujed: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
J2kSpeakerMania, it depends... what is that binary intended for?03:16
frost0uncommon, if possible...i have had problems with synaptic lately.03:16
=== Wanderer_ is now known as Wanderer
Flannelfrost0: You can do it from terminal, via apt-get or aptitude03:16
SpeakerManiaIt is a program. HandBrake.03:17
cellofellowneko: what media player can do that?03:17
frost0uncommon, its having some issues with firehol03:17
frost0uncommon, idk why...maybe something to do with gutsy..03:17
jedcello: ok, checking that out03:17
J2kSpeakerMania, you usually run programs with "./name_of_binary" from a console... double-clicking on it on X03:17
Flannelfrost0: aptitude has a GUI (curses) mode, as well as a proper CLI mode.  apt-get is CLI only03:17
nekowindows media player ? media player classic03:17
uncommonfrost0 : did you made a fresh install or upgrade from feisty to gutsy?03:17
frost0uncommon, upgrade (wince)03:18
super61uncommon: do you have AIM?03:18
nekofor most of video stream the head of the file containing specification of how read the stream is necessarry03:18
uncommon<super61> : ym only and skype03:18
cellofellowneko: sounds weird. How can a player play something it hasn't download?03:18
SpeakerManiaJ2K, ah. Thanks. :)03:18
SinphaltimusI have a friend coing on  shortly, he is on a laptop that freezes when running youtube videos, i had him uninstall the adobe player and try again, still crashes laptop. He'll be on shortly as PNZ03:18
nekoi mean not load the whole file to read only the end03:18
uncommonsuper61 : yes...03:18
super61uncommon: ok03:19
cellofellowshadowblade: something looks odd with libdns03:19
jedcello: my video card doesnt meet the requirements for binary drivers. they're saying that i need ati 9500+ for it, i only have a 750003:19
kitofhawaiijed: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide i always direct people there (it's very thorough)03:19
uncommon<frost0> : i'll try my best to help you with your prob bu i cannot gurantee things will work though...03:19
shadowbladecellofellow: ok?03:19
nekohave a look of how youtube (recently) handle video seeking03:19
cellofellowjed: then you'll just have to use the free radeon driver.03:19
nekonotice that not all format can handle this way of stream vido03:19
cellofellowneko: last time I checked still had to wait for the stream to load before it could be played. Maybe it's just my slow connection.03:20
uncommon<frost0> : still there?03:20
cellofellowneko: I wouldn't expect a lot of containers to support this. Ogg, ASF maybe.03:20
coshxI'm getting this error whenever I try to install anything: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47491/  I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling openoffice, but can't get the error to go away. Any ideas?03:21
cellofellowneko: you got two kinds of multimedia formats: containers and streams. Ogg is a container, Vorbis is a stream. AVI is a container, MPEG-4 is a stream. MP3 is a stream that can work within or without a container.03:21
BubblegumTatecan I somehow get a list of the users created by programs like apache and mysql etc.?03:22
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cellofellowBubblegumTate: like maybe open /etc/passwd ?03:22
super61opps wrong channel03:22
uncommon<frost0> : still interested to  compile your package?03:22
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: post your sources.list to the pastebin and give us the link..please03:23
captmorganhow can I add a third desktop in compiz?03:23
frost0uncommon, sorry phone03:23
mnemonicaHey, how would I go about enabling 3D graphics for 7.10?03:23
`blackmk4what would cause ubuntu to detect my wifi card but not see any networks?03:23
Jack_Sparrowcaptmorgan: turn off effects..add desktops...turn effects back on03:23
cellofellowcaptmorgan: just a sec...03:23
frost0uncommon, i understand there is a risk...let's do it though..03:23
infinitycircuit`blackmk4, that probably means it's missing the firmware03:23
`blackmk4what is missing the firmware?03:24
Jack_Sparrowmnemonica: have you gone through the link on fixing !res03:24
nekothanks guys about the medibuntu trick03:24
uncommon<frost0> : ok03:24
cellofellowcaptmorgan: or install compizconfig-settings-manager and it's in General -> Desktop Size.03:24
shadowbladecellofellow: so what do i do? i tried reinstalling libdns with synaptic just now, then tried installing cupsys again, still didnt work03:24
nekomy mplayer work again :)03:24
mnemonicaJack_Sparrow: I don't even know what that is.03:24
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto03:24
coshxJack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47492/03:24
IggzHi, still new to linux and still learning its command structure - what is the command line to change directorys in the terminal please?  I.e something directory name?03:24
`blackmk4cd dirname03:25
cellofellowshadowblade: there is more detailed stuff in the logs. Check those out (browse around /var/log to find it.)03:25
MasterShrekgood evening everyone03:25
Iggzjack-sparrow. thank you :)03:25
uncommon<frost0> : open your terminal and type this "sudo aptitude install build-essential"03:25
njdubeWhen I run gpg -h in konsole I get Supported algorithms: Pubkey: RSA, RSA-E, RSA-S, ELG-E, DSA Cipher: 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224.  What I want to know is, how do I figure what my public key that I made through kgpg is using?03:25
pindoelivebuzzzzz heads03:25
SOLIAMHi all newbie here03:26
frost0uncommon, it's going..03:26
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: dosent look bad other than that jedit stuff.. I have seen issues with people that used it before03:26
pindoeliveyahoo work on ubunto03:26
mnemonicaJack_Sparrow: Didn't do anything.03:27
cellofellowshadowblade: I'm not really sure what to do though.03:27
MasterShrekpindoelive, yahoo messenger?03:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosentwork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:27
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:27
MasterShrekpindoelive, sudo apt-get install pidgin03:27
pindoelivebe for u too03:27
shadowbladecellofellow: is there another way i can use a printer without cupsys?03:27
uncommon<frost0> : lemme check what other tools are needed03:27
frost0uncommon, didn't work...this error: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 103:27
frost0Errors were encountered while processing:03:27
frost0 firehol03:27
coshxJack_Sparrow: the jedit stuff should be commented out.03:27
SinpahltimusSOLIAM - Welcome. Try explaining the youtube issue to folks here I'm sure someone can help you. Remember if you try to watch youtube again it will crash you and kick you from here so be careful03:27
lordlimeca2whats the easiest way to open ftp in ubuntu?  is there a way with nautilus?03:27
pindoeliveno thre other chat03:27
cellofellowshadowblade: there's the antiquated ways I've never tried.03:27
kitofhawaiishadowblade: what type of printer? sorry if asking something redundant. i've been washing laundry03:27
SierCould anybody please help me out? I just formatted a HD to EXT3, init 6 the box, and fdisk is still showing it as a NTFS/HPFS.03:27
poeloqdoes anybody know how to get good Chinese fonts03:27
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: yes, but you probably installed it which was the problem the other guy had03:28
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manadhey guys03:28
pindoelive]not x chat but03:28
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: YOu might try purging oo and then trying to reload03:28
uncommonfrost0 : you definitely have problems with synaptic .. can you do pastebin your errors if there are any?03:28
manadhow can I have Ubuntu in french? Before installing,. I was told I'd be able to have one user have a french-language Ubuntu.03:28
frost0uncommon, certainly03:28
MasterShrekpindoelive, pidgin is a program that supports many im protocols, yahoo, aim, msn, etc03:28
pindoeliveonly irc works now03:28
shadowbladecellofellow: unfortunately its a dell printer (it was a gift - works really well in windows, unfortunately windows sucks at life)03:28
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: have you installed much manually that you got off the internet?03:28
coshxJack_Sparrow: I don't think my upgrade to gutsy from feisty ever completed, which might have something to do with it? (computer overheated when it said I still had 3 hours left). I've updated all the packages I can, but that only took about 5 minutes.03:28
sjovan lordlimec: yea.... ftp://xx.xx.xx.xx:<port> should work fine03:28
SOLIAMis there someone who knows why Ubuntu Mozilla locks up when you attempt to look at videos on youtube??03:29
kitofhawaiishadowblade: what model dell?03:29
cellofellowshaowblade: Bet it works great with CUPS if you can get it working.03:29
shadowbladesorry last message @ kitofhawaii03:29
pindoelivethey hack windows03:29
coshxJack_Sparrow: no, other than the issue upgrading, I've done everything through packages.03:29
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: ugh.. yea.. that would do it..03:29
sethkcellofellow, if you have problems with cups, it's unlikely you'll be able to get it work without cups, because it's much more difficult to configure.03:29
frost0uncommon, http://pastebin.com/d5e52fa2e03:29
pindoeliveports all open03:29
coshxJack_Sparrow: any suggestions how to fix the issue, other than doing a fresh install?03:29
cellofellowsethk: not me, shadowblade.03:29
pindoelivein windows03:29
sethkcellofellow, sorry, you answered him, I got confused.  :)03:29
shadowbladekitofhawaii: all-in-one photo 966 - i just need the printer functionality right now, i can get scanning, etc later03:29
pindoelivewhit paltalk03:29
sethkshadowblade, if you have problems with cups, it's unlikely you'll be able to get it work without cups, because it's much more difficult to configure.03:29
SinpahltimusSOLIAM - did ya get that?03:29
pindoeliveshut down03:30
manadis it just me or does kubuntu look a LOT like Windows? Is that done on purpose?03:30
sethkmanad, it's just you03:30
pindoeliveno sence03:30
SOLIAMno get what??03:30
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: great choice.. but the overheating during the upgrade ...and crashing..  there is a way to -f for force things but I am way too tired to remeber it.03:30
sethkmanad, there is a window manager, IceWM, that looks like windows03:30
SinpahltimusSOLIAM - Welcome. Try explaining the youtube issue to folks here I'm sure someone can help you. Remember if you try to watch youtube again it will crash you and kick you from here so be careful03:30
sethkmanad, KDE looks nothing like windows.03:30
uncommonfrost0 : you have problems with firefol i can see that03:30
sethkmanad, X has a wide variety of window managers, and thus look and feels.  That's its beauty.03:30
manadhttp://img89.imageshack.us/my.php?image=terminalinkdeth0.png  you're telling me this doesn't look almost identical to the Windows start menu?03:30
sethkmanad, If you don't like KDE, there are lot's of others to try03:31
cellofellowmanad: I've gotten XFCE (Xubuntu) to look exactly like Windows 98.03:31
coshxJack_Sparrow: no problem, i'll just keep playing around. it's mostly working now anyway, and packages still install.03:31
sethkmanad, yes, that's what I'm saying.03:31
manadI've never used KDE, I just saw a screenshot on a Ubuntu page03:31
Jack_Sparrowcoshx: from a term type man dpkg    it might have info you can use03:31
cellofellowWell, if you ignore the Start menu is a little different.03:31
pindoelivethe newubutoo dont in the new yahoo03:31
uncommonfrost0 : you have considered using firestarter when you realized you have problems with firehol?03:31
coshxJack_Sparrow: thanks :)03:31
manadwasn't criticizing or anything, I was just struck by the resemblance03:31
SOLIAMWhen ever i attempt to view a video my system locks.. not when i enter the site but only when i try to view the video03:31
pindoelivecant log in03:31
cellofellowmanad: only cause the main panel is on the bottom and the main menu is on the bottom left. Only resemblance.03:31
frost0uncommon, never use firehol..i just use firestarter03:31
pindoeliveonly irc03:31
mikedep333hey, I want to move my linux partition/drive over to another different sized partition/drive. What tools should I use to do this?03:31
sethkmanad, besides which, so what?  If you don't like it, there are eight other desktops available03:31
Sinpahltimuscellofellow - Saliam is here and he is having the same youtube issue, he hs already uninstalled adobe and just using gnash with same freezing.03:32
mikedep333I was thinking\ about using rsync and then updating grub03:32
ice109does anyone here use gaim latex?03:32
Jack_Sparrowmikedep333: dd  but you will need to do some serious editing for grub, fstab etc03:32
T70k5I need help with Grub03:32
u_angelfinally git GNUMP3D to work!03:32
Sierthis channel is too big, too many ppl, you can't even ask a question lol03:32
pindoelivecompile new pagage03:32
sethkmanad, but it certainly doesn't look much like my windows box.03:32
manadseth, like I said, I wasn't criticizing. I've never even used KDE.03:32
pindoelivemy be03:32
ice109does anyone here use gaim-latex?03:32
mikedep333jack_sparrow: yeah I can edit grub and fstab03:32
cellofellowSinpahltimus: I'd try installing Flash manually from the Adobe website.03:32
sethkSier, it can be noisy.  Try #linuxhelp if you can't get anyone's attention here.03:32
mikedep333anything else I would need to edit?03:32
pindoelivetoo ask for captuer03:32
uncommonfrost0 : try "sudo aptitude remove firehol"03:32
coshxice109: I played around with it a couple years ago.03:33
pindoelivefor yahoo03:33
kitofhawaiishadowblade: that printer is listed by dell as "compatible" with linux03:33
knix_What would be the easiest way to do a automated backup of a windows folder to a Ubuntu server?03:33
AlbertEinhi!, when i try to boot ubuntu i got a black screen (after selecting the kernel on the grub screen) and it gets stuck, is there any way i could fix it? or how could i diagnostice the problem?03:33
ice109coshx can you help me get it installed03:33
Jack_Sparrowmikedep333: I use dd to copy partitions see the link on backing up below03:33
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:33
T70k5I can't boot into Ubuntu or Vista, someone here deleted my linux partition from Windows and now I can't boot into either OS03:33
ivxhello all, i'm having a problem. I install dnsmasq and modified the config so what when i go to "intranet" it will take to a local web server, when i do dig intranet it comes up right, but then when i try to do it in firefox it does a google search for it, how can i turn that off so it sends the dns request and does it like a website03:33
cellofellowkitofhawaii: shadowblade: probably means compatible with CUPS (which is also on Mac OS X).03:33
Sinpahltimuscellofellow - I was going to do that when I realized I completely forgot my linux terminal commands and could even navagate to the directory. I am going to try all that tomorrow morning after a refresher reading03:33
shadowbladekitofhawaii: well by default, doesnt it still need cups?03:33
Jack_SparrowT70k5: boot your windows cd and fixmbr   or fdisk /mbr03:34
coshxice109: it's probably changed since I used it. I just installed it manually. I remember it being buggy and giving up on it.03:34
MasterShrekknix_, share the windows folder from the windows machine, mount it on the ubuntu server, and create an rsync cron job to back it up how ever often you want it to03:34
T70k5just boot into command prompt?03:34
cellofellowivx: are you just using dnsmasq locally, not serving a network?03:34
Jack_Sparrowyes  DOS prompt03:34
knix_MasterShrek, sounds easy enough.  TY03:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:34
dannyhi can somebody help me install flock?03:34
cellofellowno NOT DOS prompt, UNIX shell == DOS prompt to the tenth power.03:35
ivxcellofellow, i have a server with dnsmasq and apache on my network, then 2 clients03:35
SOLIAMgoood night03:35
kitofhawaiishadowblade: well it is uhm...i dunno, i have found some pretty miserable workarounds to print to it :)03:35
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea, their website has no linux drivers03:35
super61uncommon: i have so errors on a make file is that ok or no?03:35
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: what are you talking about03:35
frost0uncommon, removed it..now running previous script.03:35
SinpahltimusSALIAM - it seems the next thing to try is to uninstall gnash - then I will need to install the flash player download - the thing I was going to do when I realized I forgot how to do it.03:35
frost0uncommon, that one worked now.03:35
frost0uncommon, thx...now what?03:35
shadowbladekitofhawaii: what do you mean by miserable?03:35
cellofellowivx: dnsmasq will automatically read the /etc/hosts file. Set the redirect in there. That's what I do.03:35
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: what are you talking about03:35
kitofhawaiishadowblade: right.  the engine is made by lexmark and lexmark doesn't make many consumer level print drivers03:36
ivxcellowfellow, could you explain that03:36
uncommonfrost0 : i manage to compile your etswitch look  http://pastebin.com/d25c7cc0 is this a game or something?03:36
Sinpahltimusgnite all. I'll follow up tomorrow03:36
cellofellowJack_Sparrow: just that associating the shell with DOS puts a bad taste in peoples mouths so don't.03:36
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: If you READ... he will be booting Windows disk to a DOS prompt03:36
frost0uncommon, a minimizer for the a game03:36
frost0uncommon, why?03:36
super61astro76: can you help me install that one mame?03:37
uncommonfrost0 : i'm curious though for what it is for havent' read the readme file yet :D03:37
cellofellowivx: in /etc/hosts, put a line like 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX intranet' and restart dnsmasq.03:37
kitofhawaiishadowblade: that printer might support a generic "PS" lexmark driver though. if you can get a generic PS driver to work in windows, try that in cups (there are a lot of lexmark generic drivers avail)03:37
VashTSPDich habbe eine frage03:37
cellofellowivx: where all the X's are your servers IP address.03:37
travisHey guys, Somewhat new Ubuntu user here and I just set up 7.10 on my Dell E1505. I have everying working flawlessly except my wireless. It is able to scan and when I go to connect to my home wireless, I keep getting propmted over and over again for the WEP encryption key. I have entered it numerous times and I am positive that I am entering the correct key. Anyone have this problem or would know the steps to take to get it03:37
frost0uncommon, so how do i install then :)03:37
shadowbladekitofhawaii: cups doesnt even install03:37
cellofellowJack_Sparrow: sorry.03:37
mcscruffi need some help ppl, i have installed ubuntu and everything is working, how can i stop the hardware checks on boot as my hardware wont change, i want a faster boot :)03:37
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: np.. just if you are going to correct someone.. you need to be right..03:38
uncommonfrost0 : wait a sec lemme get the list of tools for you03:38
VashTSPDtravis, where are you entering the password ?03:38
dlitravis, can you live without wep? like mac filter03:38
frost0uncommon, alrighty then03:38
cellofellowJack_Sparrow: how true.03:38
traviswell, its my rents house, so I dont know if that is gunna fly03:38
kitofhawaiishadowblade: well that could be a problem. i'm sorry i'm really slow at the moment so i missed the rest of the conversation03:38
VashTSPDor possibly wpa.03:38
travisI would have to talk to them03:38
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: thanks for helping in channel03:38
travisis something wrong with WEP?03:38
shadowbladekitofhawaii: no problem03:38
kitofhawaiishadowblade: so don't mind me if i ask if you could repeat the error you're getting installing cups?03:38
VashTSPDit's really easy to crack for one03:38
cellofellowkitofhawaii: here is shadowblade's errors. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47490/03:38
dlitravis, just to save yourself some trouble03:39
Jack_Sparrowcellofellow: I am in a bit of a mood... way too tired.. didnt mean to snap at you.. goodnight people03:39
dannycan somebody help me install flock (web browser) on ubuntu 7.1003:39
kitofhawaiicellowfellow: thanks :)03:39
ubotuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:39
cellofellowdanny: try getdeb.net03:39
VashTSPDdli, I don't use mac filtering, but can't people see what you're doing online if all you're doing is mac filtering ?03:39
cellofellowVashTSPD: yup03:39
kitofhawaiishadowblade: hang on *reviewing the pastebin*03:39
travisDanny: Check otu this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26827303:40
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok03:40
dliVashTSPD, if wifi can leak it, you are already doomed03:40
travisWell it really isn't my choice to use it, is there any way for me to connect to it?03:40
cellofellowivx: did the /etc/hosts thing work?03:40
VashTSPDalso, they could just see what your mac address is, change their mac to that and they're on03:40
uncommonfrost0 : install the autotools, autoconf autotools-dev autogen libtool03:40
dliVashTSPD, I don't understand why people would rely on wep for their security. no, not wep, use SSL03:41
VashTSPDtravis, do you use network-tools ?03:41
dannytravis: this site is great!!! They have deb files!!! THANKS!!!!!03:41
uncommonfrost0 : i forgot the make03:41
VashTSPDTravis, I mean network-admin03:41
frost0uncommon, so what do i type?03:41
kitofhawaiishadowblade: did they have you try "sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/mime" before trying to install cups?03:41
travisnot a problem danny, A quick google search of "How to install flock on 7.10" brought that up03:41
shadowbladekitofhawaii: nope, ill try it now03:41
remote_matrixhi everyone03:41
* cellofellow is weird. Has a WPA network and an unencrypted network for the laptop with the legacy card and no encryption support.03:41
travisno I dont use that, just the network manager in the top right corner is all I've been using03:42
uncommonfrost0 : those things but if your synaptic is workin now maybe you could try it03:42
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
VashTSPDwell, open a terminal and type sudo network-admin03:42
remote_matrixCan anyone help me, my labtop's cpu fan doesn't turn on03:42
VashTSPDsounds like a real bugger there remote_matrix03:43
travisok, my mistake, yes I've used that03:43
remote_matrixVashTSPD well, its weird the CPU fan goes on when  turn it on but right before grub it turns off03:43
VashTSPDmove to minnesota? it's cold enough here you don't need a cpu fan..03:43
shadowbladekitofhawaii: with cupsys removed, that folder already exists...contains a file "pstoraster.convs"03:43
remote_matrixlol I live in toronto, canada its no difference03:43
remote_matrixbut on my lap... now thats a problem03:43
dannycellofellow: thanks !!!!03:43
VashTSPDtravis, what doesnt work when you try to connect ?03:44
shadowbladekitofhawaii: other folders in /usr/share/cups are charmaps, charsets and locale03:44
tonyyarussoVashTSPD: It's not that cold - it's 9 degrees F right now, not even below zero yet.03:44
travisits keeps prompting me for the WEP key over and over again03:44
super61uncommon: ill work on emulator if your on again ill tell you peace everyone and thanks for the help03:44
frost0uncommon, done03:44
uncommonfrost0 : done installing it? "sudo aptitude install thepackaname otherPackage name and so on delimited by space"03:44
remote_matrixI cant figure it out, the CPU fan should turn on after too much heat automatically but it doesn't and my CPU crashes often03:45
uncommonfrost0: good now open terminal and go to to etswitch folder and if you havent you have to unpack it first03:45
shadowbladekitofhawaii: charmaps has a bunch of .txt's in it, charsets has a bunch of files starting with iso and no extensions, locale has a bunch of folders with language codes03:45
EdwardXPQ. i was wondering if anyone in here knew anything about cpanel for ubuntu or plek?03:46
DogfishguzzlerSometimes when I try to start audacious I get a beep and a message that says 'disabling IRQ whatever' this usually kills my internet too. Can I fix this?03:46
beerfanhow much swap is recommended with a core2 duo and 2GB of ram? 4gb?03:46
uncommonfrost0: i forgot you have to install libgd2-xpm and libgd2-xpm-dev03:46
EdwardXPis it supported well in ubuntu, because i want to run my own server from home :)03:46
soldatsbeerfan, 2 gig is fine03:46
green_teabeerfan, you really don't need any swap, it's just tradition more than anything03:46
uncommonfrost0: sorry so many packages can't seem to remember03:46
emmetwith that much u dont relly need any swap03:47
frost0uncommon, done03:47
beerfanthanks. I'm used to systems with less ram ;-)03:47
kitofhawaiishadowblade: i'm trying to review that stack check failure right now...it's a g++ error03:47
frost0uncommon, no prob...your the one doing the work :)03:47
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok03:47
adamonline45Does anyone know why an image created in GIMP in Linux would look darker when viewed from WinXP?  I checked the monitors with a couple full-screen colorings, and they seem to be calibrated to eachother...03:47
onatsis there a channel in freenode that deals with security/network related?03:47
green_teaadamonline, is it png?03:47
adamonline45green_tea: No, it's actually .gif...03:48
VashTSPDbeerfan, not much03:48
VashTSPDmaybe 256 mb ?03:48
kitofhawaiishadowblade: which source package do you have installed?03:48
adamonline45green_tea: I'm so bummed, my first image in GIMP and I love the app!03:48
kitofhawaiishadowblade: also are you running 64 bit or 32 bit kernel?03:48
sethkbeerfan, there is a myth that the amount of swap has something to do with the amount of real memory.  This has been nonsense for at least 15 years.03:48
frost0uncommon, k now what..i'm in the directory03:48
frost0uncommon, via terminal03:49
shadowbladekitofhawaii: 32 bit03:49
sethkbeerfan, It was true with minicomputers in 1985, but it's totally irrelevent now03:49
green_teaadamonline45, i know that windows likes to use hidden data in png files to try to match colors, but i don't think that's the case with gif03:49
uncommonfrost0: now go to your etswtich folder using terminal and type this "./configure" then press enter read the result carefully and take note for the missing libs if configure successfully configured all the scripts to build it will show somthing like these if it is successful http://pastebin.com/d25c7cc003:49
emmetsorry im new ta irc...does anyone now how i could get inta the #edubuntu room? im using xchat...03:49
Dr_willisi always put 512mb swap partion on all my hd's just in case I ever use a live cd. :) they niormnally can find/use it..03:49
adamonline45green_tea: Hmm... Oh well.  I guess I'll... Draw my stuff lighter 8) heheh03:49
beerfansethk, I'm sure it has a lot to do with particular usage. double the ram was just a guideline03:49
remote_matrixQ. My CPU Fan doesn't turn on whatsoever, it works right before grub but doesn't turn on at all and it causes my CPU to crash any ideas?03:50
soldatsemmet,  do /join #edubuntu03:50
sethkbeerfan, no, it isn't just a guideline, it's utter complete nonsense03:50
beerfanfuture OS with the same amount of RAM might well need much more swap03:50
VashTSPDonats, there's #ns&h (network security and hacking) but that's in moo.slashnet.org03:50
poison_I have DVI double link on my graphics card, I suppose it is safe to use 18+1 single linked cable with that?03:50
sethkbeerfan, if you put 32 meg in, would you make your swap 64 meg?03:50
green_teasorry adamonline45...can't find anything online either, but i don't think it's gimp's fault03:50
onatsvashtspd, ok thanks, will connect to that server..:)03:50
beerfansethk, if my apps run out of ram, well yes03:51
frost0uncommon, exact same as yours03:51
beerfanor much more03:51
soldatsadamonline45, im not sure about that problem it has never happened to me03:51
frost0uncommon, now what?03:51
sethkbeerfan, there is no logical or rational basis for such an idea or rule.03:51
sethkbeerfan, or much more, that I can agree with.  :)03:51
uncommon<frost0> : type "make"03:51
Spzattwhen i try to isntall my nvidia drivers, i get this error :   ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root03:51
SpzattHow do i make myself admin?03:51
noiesmoSpzatt, sudo -i03:51
beerfanlike I said, swap is dependant upon your particular usage03:51
DogfishguzzlerIve got some hardcore networking questions if anybody is feeling especially helpful tonight.03:51
astro76!sudo | Spzatt03:52
ubotuSpzatt: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:52
frost0uncommon, done now what?03:52
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion03:52
adamonline45soldats: green_tea: Alright, thanks :)  Methinks it must have something to do with Linux on a Macbook...03:52
uncommonfrost0 : yowant to run and test it? or you want to install it?03:52
soldatsadamonline45, it could be not sure though03:52
tehlam3hi my system wont upgrade anymore03:52
tehlam3any help appreciated03:53
frost0uncommon, install03:53
tehlam3worked before :/03:53
kitofhawaiishadowblade: the problem's related to apparmor...can you check to see if you have "apparmor-profiles" (i'm assuming gutsy)03:53
uncommonfrost0 : sorry there's no test configured for etswtich so your only option is to install so do this "sudo make install" and you're done03:53
micoguys need a little help here .... please ...         i've installed gutsy desktop.  after a while the network card stops comunications and only with reboot works again  it's doing this constantly. so I removed gnome-network-manager and installed wicd that is a substitute 4 the 1st one. but can't configure as a client in a w|nd0ws domain :(03:53
shadowbladekitofhawaii: how exactly would i check that? sorry03:53
kitofhawaiishadowblade: sudo apt-get install apparmor-profiles03:53
BSG75anyone know of a command line copy program that will show copy progress etc .. other than mc?03:54
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok...it looked like it installed something03:54
onatswhat's the op/admin channel in freenode?03:54
green_teatehlam3, did you add any repositories or anything other than offical stuff?03:54
shadowbladekitofhawaii: need the full output?03:54
bulmerBSG75-> scp shows progress03:54
BSG75bulmer: thanks03:54
kitofhawaiishadowblade: naw...as long as it installed something.03:54
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok, try to install cupsys again?03:55
kitofhawaiishadowblade: try installing cups again...and then if that doesn't work, we'll temporarily disable apparmor03:55
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok03:55
Spzattim getting this error :  ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before03:55
Spzatt         installing.03:55
astro76onats, #freenode03:55
botoxxX Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)03:55
botoxx  Major opcode of failed request:  1 (X_CreateWindow)03:55
botoxx  Resource id in failed request:  0x300000703:55
botoxx  Serial number of failed request:  1303:55
botoxx  Current serial number in output stream:  1503:55
botoxxwhat can i do ?03:56
shadowbladekitofhawaii: bah, errors - looks slightly different than the last time, ill put them up03:56
tehlam3green_tea: no the laptop wouldnt shutdown so i had to power off with the power button now its buggered03:56
frost0uncommon, i think its working thx for your help.03:56
remote_matrixsethk buddy are you out there?03:56
MasterShrekSpzatt, ctrl+alt+f1 log in, and do: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop  (run the same command when you are done with the nvidia installer except use start instead of stop)03:56
onatsastro76, thanks03:56
uncommonfrost0 : no problemo amigos03:56
botoxxX Error of failed request:  BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)03:56
botoxx  Major opcode of failed request:  1 (X_CreateWindow)03:56
botoxx  Resource id in failed request:  0x300000703:56
botoxx  Serial number of failed request:  1303:56
botoxx  Current serial number in output stream:  1503:56
kitofhawaiishadowblade: reload the apparmor profiles and try again "sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor reload"03:56
botoxxplease help me03:56
green_teatehlam3, it sounds like you caught apt in the middle of a configuration process, which is making it mess up now03:56
green_teatry 'sudo aptitude purge libpam-runtime'03:56
green_teathen reinstall it03:57
botoxxdid ypu mean me ?03:57
green_teawhoops, 'sudo aptitude --purge remove libpam-runtime03:57
shadowbladekitofhawaii: same errors http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47497/03:57
botoxxgreen_tea you meen me ?03:57
astro76!paste | botoxx03:57
ubotubotoxx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:57
green_teasorry botoxx, no03:58
green_teabotoxx, what are you doing that gives you that error?03:58
botoxxyes thats the error03:58
kitofhawaiishadowblade: ok...try "sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor kill" and try once more03:58
dtswhat's a good program to batch resize a bunch of pictures i got of my digital camera03:58
botoxxwhen i start a game or something the that happened03:59
VashTSPDit's part of a suit.03:59
nuvannwn question.  I've downloaded the installer from http://icculus.org/~ravage/nwn/, i've chmod'd it +x, and when I run it, it says Verifying Archive Integrity - All Good, then says Uncompressing NWN 1.29 for linux, then nothing happens, I just go back to the prompt03:59
dtsi use imagemagic myself03:59
dtsbut this is for my "linux challenged" room mate03:59
shadowbladekitofhawaii: same - it says its reloading the apparmor profiles in the output still03:59
dts* magick03:59
green_teabotoxx, are you running wine?03:59
VashTSPDimagemagick ftw03:59
botoxxyes geen tea03:59
VashTSPDgimp ?03:59
VashTSPDit's so big for just resizing though04:00
kitofhawaiishadowblade: well...ok first "sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor kill" then "sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove"04:00
frost0uncommon, i installed vmware a while back and gave a partition to it....i decided i want my space back...how would i go about doing that?04:00
abcneed a lil help04:00
astro76VashTSPD, maybe but it's installed by default04:00
MasterShrekfrost0, find where the virtual machine's hard drive was and delete it04:00
green_teabotoxx, i'm guessing it's a wine issue...what game are you trying?04:00
kitofhawaiishadowblade: to put it back afterwards "sudo update-rc.d apparmor start 37 S ."04:01
MasterShrekabc, whats up?04:01
frost0MasterShrek, via fdisk or somethign?04:01
botoxxGuild Wars04:01
kitofhawaiishadowblade: (after trying to install cups again that is)04:01
shadowbladekitofhawaii: so do i leave it off for now?04:01
HeatMzzrholy crap,. hello all, man this wasnt too bad at all to install,04:01
abcmy update manager is giving me an error04:01
remote_matrixCan someone please help me, my CPU fan doesn't turn on04:01
IggzDon't know if anyone can help with this "odd@ problem. I have two sound cards on my PC - one onboard and one added card. For some reason, and with no reason, under ubuntu - the sound source will switch between this cards :/. An odd problem. Under windows if this happened - not that it did - i would simply uninstall /disable the onboard sound card. Is there a way of doing this under ubuntu?04:01
shadowbladekitofhawaii: sry, didnt see that most recent message04:01
MasterShrekfrost0, no, just find the file, you shold be able to find out where vmware is storing them in vmware's preferences or something04:01
green_teabotoxx, i know that game works (i have it), so i have no idea what that error means, sorry04:01
astro76Iggz, see if you can disable it in the BIOS04:02
uncommonfrost0 : sorry can't help u with that as I haven't been using vmware for quite a while now... but i believe there should be a tool for that included04:02
quik__hey folks04:02
kitofhawaiishadowblade: yah leave it off for now, so we can see for sure if it's apparmor that's blocking it (possible you're getting a cups that's not conforming to the apparmor profiles)04:02
MasterShrekIggz, find otu exactly what kind of card it is, and figure out which kernel module is being used for it, then do sudo rmmod <module>04:02
quik__I want to limit what my torrent box can download during the day because I'm using australian broadband!04:02
Iggzastro76. Thanks - you know I didn't think of that lol.04:02
uncommonwow neverwinter....04:03
Spzatti need help with installing my nvidia, anyone?04:03
frost0MasterShrek, i deleted the application..yet the space is still there04:03
abci need help my update manager is giving me an error04:03
quik__Is there any way to limit a ethernet devices' incoming rate on a schedule?04:03
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok, got the same thing and it still reloaded the apparmor profiles04:03
shadowbladekitofhawaii: this is really weird04:03
jcNo longer a sudoer,  How to recover?04:03
beerfanquik__: just use a torrent client that has scheduling features04:03
Iggzmastershrek. Interesting. How would I find out which kernal was responsible?. Sorry, still very new around here04:04
quik__beerfan: no go. I'm using torrentflux so that I have a web interface04:04
jcAuthentication failure04:04
kitofhawaiishadowblade: yah...fun, isn't it :) i dunno it looks like apparmor's the problem. it's not liking the cupsys package you're getting off the repo04:04
beerfanquik__: then write a script...04:04
nuvanjc, logon to root and use visudo to edit /etc/sudoers?04:04
MasterShrekIggz, well, lsmod will give you a list of currently loaded modules, lsmod | grep snd      should narrow it down quite a bit04:04
jcnuvan: How do I logon as root?04:05
quik__beerfan: how would one go about it?04:05
shadowbladekitofhawaii: so...any more ideas?04:05
IggzMasterShrek. Thank you :-004:05
Iggz* ;-)04:05
beerfanquik__: no idea. I'd just find a client which does what I need without the extra work.04:05
EdBoyhi, ubuntu noob here04:05
jcnuvan: Some sort of "safe mode"  ?04:05
EdBoyhow do I get synaptic to update its version listing?04:05
frost0EdBoy, whats up?04:06
quik__beerfan: you have a pretty defined opinion considering your knowledge is limited04:06
jcReboot into a "safemode"?  or something of the sort?04:06
nuvanjc, easiest probably to hit CTRL+ALT+F1, then just give root as the username.  password should be the password set on your first user account04:06
MasterShrekEdBoy, hit the update button04:06
EdBoyit says pidgin is still 2.2.1, but it's not04:06
=== onats is now known as onats_
MasterShrekEdBoy, what is it?04:06
MasterShrek!info pidgin04:06
ubotupidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB04:06
EdBoyit's at 2.3.104:07
abcmy update manager is giving me an error, can someone help?04:07
EdBoyso they just never updated it?04:07
beerfanquik__: it's not "exactly" no idea. If bittornado (the torrentflux back-end) supports bw limiting then you'd write a cron job which kills the process and restarts it with different options04:07
MasterShrekon pidgins website it is04:07
MasterShrekthey just havent built a new ubuntu package of it i spose04:07
beerfanquik__: but that's just a guess04:07
MasterShrekyou could build one yourself if you wanted to, but its probably not that big of a deal04:07
EdBoyI don't know how to build it04:07
EdBoythat's the issue04:07
shadowbladekitofhawaii: good idea to try the 1.4 version of cups or not?04:07
=== onats_ is now known as onats
MasterShrekits probably more hassle than what its worth, if it works now why try to break it?04:08
EdBoyit freezes all the time04:08
abchow do i open terminal as root?04:08
EdBoyabc: open the root terminal?04:08
Dr_willisabc, sudo -s04:08
kitofhawaiishadowblade: eh you can...which linux headers do you have installed btw?04:08
EdBoythat too I suppose04:08
Dr_willischanges to root..04:08
ozzloyhow do i find out what's using my sound card?04:08
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:08
nuvananyone here know why the graphical NWN installer from http://icculus.org/~ravage/nwn/ would appear to work, not give any error messages, but completely fail to do anything?04:08
shadowbladekitofhawaii: sorry dunno what you mean by that :)04:08
MasterShrekEdBoy, well first you need the build-essential package, so oyu have compilers for it04:09
kitofhawaiishadowblade: open synaptic do a search for "linux-headers"04:09
=== efer is now known as Ashfire908
* uncommon is away: be right back04:09
EdBoymasterloki: got it04:09
MasterShrekEdBoy, also get the source package for pidgin off their website, and remove the piddign package from your install: sudo apt-get remove pidgin04:09
abcthank you all04:09
EdBoygot it04:09
kitofhawaiishadowblade: i noticed it was throwing back "i386" in your pastebin...so i'm curious04:09
IggzCan i jsut say that "Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password." is the most zen stament I have ever heard. is ubotu a ZEN bot?04:10
shadowbladekitofhawaii: 2.6.22-14.46   ?that right04:10
EdBoyI don't even get what it needs from my ubuntu disk... sigh04:10
nettow0822 how do you find out if your nickname is currently used and how do you set the password? This is for freenode.04:10
IggzSorry, couldn't resist04:10
* Iggz leave the room quickly, Yodo in tow04:10
MasterShrekEdBoy, after you decompress the source tarball open a terminal, cd to the folder and run: ./configure04:10
ozzloyamarok can't play audio right now, xine says device is busy.  how do i find out what's controlling my sound device?04:11
ozzloyhow do i free up the device?04:11
Jack_Sparrownettow0822: try to register the one you are using.. it will tell you if it is reg'd04:11
frost0MasterShrek, how do i delete something via terminal?04:11
IdleOnenettow0822: #freenode04:11
EdBoyMasterShrek: got it04:11
kitofhawaiishadowblade: well, there should be a few other packages (you have the "generic" or "386" installed?04:11
godemoniteDoes Anyone know to make it so it doesnt show the outline of the window like 50 times when it goes down?04:11
MasterShrekfrost0, rm <filename>04:11
beerfanfrost0: man rm04:11
Invisible_Ubuntunettow0822: /msg nickserv register pass email@address.com04:11
Jack_Sparrow!sound | ozzloy04:11
ubotuozzloy: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:11
nettow0822what command to register? or where to find the command?04:11
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration04:11
godemonitewhen you minimize it, i mean04:12
MasterShreknettow0822, /msg nickserv help04:12
dannyHi, can somebody help me get Awn to start up at login04:12
astro76!startup | danny04:12
ubotudanny: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:12
shadowbladekitofhawaii: umm....generic i think? the installed one has a -gener at the end04:12
beerfanawn = always winter nights?04:12
GluestickyThis Live CD is taking ages and ages to install04:12
MasterShrekawn = avant window navigator04:12
Longfellow110Does anyone know what "4x Support" means in terms of wireless networking?04:12
sjovanlol @  beerfan04:12
kitofhawaiishadowblade: that's good. interesting04:12
Jack_SparrowGluesticky: so whats the big deal.. you only need to do it once..04:13
brandon_i installed a new, powerful pci-express graphics card, and now the wifi card next to it has disappeared, as far as ubuntu is concerned. with the other graphics cards, it worked fine04:14
ZeNIXsomeone tell me how to install my nvidia driver.04:14
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:14
godemoniteIs there anyone thats not to busy to answer something?04:14
Invisible_UbuntuI was noticing, VLAN detects the Libdvd and wincodecs that i used synap manager to install but kaffine doesn't,  is there special way do I have to uninstall kaffiane then reinstall it via synap manager to get it to see the "codecs" per say?04:14
Ashfire908ZeNIX, restricted manager04:14
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:14
Longfellow110What is your queston?04:14
godemoniteI tried :(04:15
kitofhawaiishadowblade: honestly it's hard to tell. i'm not really sure why cupsys is not installed since it's normally in by default. last ditch effort, confirm in synaptic cupsys is not there04:15
Longfellow110what is it?04:15
kitofhawaiishadowblade: or rather not installed04:15
kitofhawaiishadowblade: that's rather bizarre to me04:15
godemoniteIs there a way to make it so the outline of my window doesnt show like 50 times when i minimize it?04:15
soldatsgodemonite, turn off desktop effects04:15
Longfellow110What level do you have desktop effects at?04:15
MasterShrekEdBoy, after ./configure, do: make  then: sudo make install04:15
ozzloyok, i'll restate my problem.  the sound was working just fine 2 minutes ago and has been working fine for a while.  just right now amarok says the card is locked up.  how do i fix that?04:16
shadowbladekitofhawaii: well i had to remove it because when i tried to install anything else it was giving an error (i remember a 127 in there somewhere)04:16
ZeNIXWhere do i find the Kmenu?04:16
soldatsozzloy, restart alsa04:16
godemonitesoldats, it was off to begin with04:16
RantingHumanHello, does anyone have any recommendations for a good mp3 tag editor? I'm looking for one that can work on a bunch of files and take the track number, artist and song name from the file name to use as metadata04:16
Ashfire908godemonite, this with desktop effects on?04:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmenu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:16
ZeNIXWhere do i find the Kmenu?04:16
kitofhawaiishadowblade: so you removed it to install something else?04:16
soldatsgodemonite, it may be a lag issue?04:16
soothsayerRantingHuman: easytag04:16
beerfanRantingHuman: try ex falso04:16
Ashfire908godemonite, what exactly is it doing when you minimize04:16
kitofhawaiishadowblade: i feel like i'm behind a lot of info :)04:17
godemonitesoldats, hmmmm could it rather be my graphics card?04:17
VashTSPDsometimes my entire system freezes, video, mouse movement, text on screen. it only freezes for a second though, but it does it about every 3 seconds when it's acting up.04:17
RantingHumanbeerfan, alright, will do. Thanks04:17
ZeNIXWhere do i find the Kmenu?04:17
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea, it was giving an error when i tried to install anything (like nothing printer related)04:17
RantingHumansoothsayer, ok, will try that too :)04:17
godemoniteAshfire908, it shows the outline while it goes down, know what i mean?04:17
VashTSPDI think's a crappy processor though, anyone else had this problem ?04:17
ZeNIXWhere do i find the Kmenu or system settings?04:17
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Longfellow110what kind of system are you running?04:17
ZeNIXubuntu 7.1004:17
Ashfire908godemonite, sorta04:17
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: System setting is at the Top Left and it says Sytem04:17
VashTSPDwho ya talking to Longfellow11004:18
soldatsgodemonite, yes it does that as defualt in gnome but iof turning it off doesnt work im not sure id say lag. not sure if its a graphics card issue04:18
shadowbladekitofhawaii: btw, cupsys is definitely gone according to synaptic04:18
Ashfire908godemonite, but not really04:18
ZeNIXsystem Settings KMenu › System Settings," WWhere is this?04:18
Longfellow110yeah i just realized that lol04:18
ozzloysoldats: thanks!  whatever was locking up the sound card died independently04:18
VashTSPDhp pavillion dv4000, 1 GB ram 100 GB HDD. ~1.74 Ghz processor04:18
hanzouHow do I get doxygen to list functions & classes & variables? By default it seems to only color-code source files.04:18
Invisible_Ubuntusoldats: I would say its a video lag issue or to slow a proc04:18
Ashfire908godemonite, when you minimize... oh04:18
godemonitesoldats, hmmm04:18
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, yea thats what i thoght as well04:19
HoboBenHello all: Swiftfox just upgraded through synaptic updates - I didn't realise it was upgrading to version 3 beta (not ready); Does anyone else have a problem with the "File Edit View" bar breaking so that I can't use it?04:19
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: There is no KMenu this is Gnome X manager not KDE04:19
ZeNIXsystem Settings KMenu › System Settings," WWhere is this?04:19
Longfellow110initially i was talking to godemonite but then i saw ZeNix's question lol04:19
Ashfire908godemonite, that? the minimize effect? how long is it taking04:19
ZeNIXon the nvidia page04:19
ZeNIXit says KMenu > System Settings04:19
kitofhawaiishadowblade: up the creek without a paddle definitely :)04:19
ZeNIXubuntu help for nvidia04:19
ZeNIXwhere is this ?04:19
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: That is for KDE your running ubuntu so its Gno,e04:19
Ashfire908!nvidia | ZeNIX04:19
ubotuZeNIX: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:19
godemoniteAshfire908, yea, but the effect is turned off and it still does it04:19
soldatsZeNIX, kmenu is settings04:19
shadowbladekitofhawaii: :)04:19
htaccess_i am attempting to play dvds on gutsy, following https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html#video-dvd, says to install libdvdplay0 but its not there (synaptic, apt-get, aptitude) i have multiverse and universe enabled, where can i get libdvdplay0 for 7.10??04:20
ZeNIXWhere do i find it!?!? god damnit04:20
Ashfire908ZeNIX, erm04:20
ZeNIXsorry, people just aint giving me a answer.04:20
soldats!nvidia | ZeNIX04:20
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: Plz listen to me.. To Enable NVidia restricted driver to got the little tab at the top Left that says "System" next to "Places"04:20
ubotuZeNIX: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:20
ZeNIXeveryone tells me to go to that dumb page04:20
godemoniteAshfire908 & soldats, sorry, i know im not being that clear04:20
ZeNIXi am on it!04:20
Ashfire908godemonite, how long is it taking04:20
ZeNIXi am on the page you guys are spamming to me!04:20
beerfanhtaccess_: you need the medibuntu repos04:20
soldatsgodemonite, is it being a problem for you04:21
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: then to to "Administration" and then "Restricted Drivers"04:21
Ashfire908HEY !nvidia is NOT what ZeNIX is looking for!04:21
mcrandelloHi there's a guy in ##linux who has this problem-> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=50022904:21
htaccess_if i need that repo why is it not in the help page?04:21
ZeNIXThe software source for the package04:21
ZeNIX   nvidia-glx-new04:21
ZeNIX is not enabled.04:21
godemoniteAssfire908, it doesnt take that long, just kinda lags a little04:21
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: Where did you get that from? Did you just try what I told you?04:21
Ashfire908ZeNIX, erable the restricted repository04:21
mcrandelloI'm trying to figure out which dpkg command will list the missing files they're talking about in that forum post so we can get his apt fixed04:22
ZeNIXOh god, speak english, not the linux-geek language. :D04:22
godemonitesoldats, somewhat? Lol, it just makes me think that my computer is a piece of shit more than it already is :(04:22
ZeNIXJust tell me what to do. :(04:22
Ashfire908godemonite, it's a default effect that goes without dekstop effects enabled04:22
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX:  if you can't understand the "Simple English" I just typed LInux is not for you04:22
tomd123ZeNIX: well in that case, I would change your name...04:22
ZeNIXi cant see, to many is spamming04:22
ZeNIXjoin #spzatt04:23
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: not typing it again I suggest you learn to log the chat and go back and find what I typed04:23
ZeNIXi did see04:23
ZeNIXi did just try what you told me04:23
shadowbladekitofhawaii: im trying the 1.3.4 cups, looked like it was trying to install 1.3.204:23
godemoniteAshfire908, ahhhh. Und there is no way to turn that off?04:24
evfan42I was answered this once, but it didn't keep the settings when I rebooted my computer, when I have all the effects on with my nvidia geforce ti 4200, I cant see the top menu bar with the minimize and exit buttons on it, and my terminal is completely white04:24
evfan42whats the code that'll fix that?04:24
Ashfire908godemonite, idk.04:24
Invisible_UbuntuWow, I remember why I stopped using Linux 1 year ago.. to many people new that are to lazy to learn to use anything04:24
Ashfire908ZeNIX, one sec...04:24
ZeNIXHow can we learn, when no one is teaching us ?04:24
soldatsZeNIX, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.2904:24
kitofhawaiishadowblade: go for it :)04:25
ZeNIXthanks soldats04:25
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: I said it 3 times for you, that is teaching and btw I've only had my ubuntu install up 2 days and i have Nvidia drivers, DvD, Cds ripping, DVD Burning and alot more with no help04:25
shadowbladekitofhawaii: so i configured, then make, then make install....cant remember what to do next04:25
ZeNIXSoldats, i get this error : E: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate04:25
Invisible_UbuntuZeNIX: just fumbling around and seeing whats there.. try it something might learn a thing or two :)04:25
soldatsa few minutes on google does wonders04:25
shadowbladekitofhawaii: thanks for all your help btw04:25
soldatsZeNIX, its an older package but googel about it or go the ubuntu forums04:26
VashTSPDInvisible_Ubuntu seems like a dick04:26
kitofhawaiishadowblade: which package did you install?04:26
godemoniteAshfire908, alright, thanks for your help though :D04:26
godemonitesoldats, you too! :D04:26
ZeNIXsoldats, do i have to download a new package?04:26
shadowbladekitofhawaii: 1.3.404:26
GionnyBoss!ops | Anastasia_- sends ads on join04:26
kitofhawaiishadowblade: did you install the client?04:26
VashTSPDwelcome back onats04:26
ubotuAnastasia_- sends ads on join: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!04:26
shadowbladekitofhawaii: um...04:26
soldatsVashTSPD, no he just realizes that too many people dont care to learn for themselfes and just want help "NOW"04:26
prnl71hey all04:26
onatshey vashtspd, brb04:26
shadowbladei grabbed the 1.3.4 tar from their website04:27
Invisible_UbuntuVashTSPD: When you say something 4 times and the guy ignores you and calls everyone else rude for not helping him.. Your right I am a dick as you say04:27
kitofhawaiishadowblade: can i have a link?04:27
soldatsZeNIX, i believe so go to applications > adminiistration > restricted drivers04:27
frost0MasterShrek, thx for your help...it worked04:27
prnl71i am a newbie the this ppc stuff where id the best site to get apps04:27
kitofhawaiishadowblade: it's a workaround...you know04:27
onatsok done04:27
shadowbladekitofhawaii: http://www.cups.org/software.php?VERSION=1.4svn-r7112&FILE=cups/1.3.4/cups-1.3.4-source.tar.gz04:27
brokenWhat do I need in ubuntu to make sure I can play music online?04:27
soldatsbroken, stream music?04:27
brokenLike listen to music online.04:28
Invisible_Ubuntubroken: Do you mean you want to stream to someone, or bring in a stream from somewhere?04:28
MasterShrekbroken, streamtuner04:28
brokenBecause it doesn't work, invalid format or..04:28
brokenI think i need the plugins..04:28
Ashfire908broken, install from add/remove programs "ubuntu restricted extras" if you are on ubuntu04:28
onatscan anyone help me, im always getting this event on port 1234 from a particular ip, and the service is called subseven04:28
Chumbycan someone help me with an install problem?04:28
brokenthat will pull in what i need to play music, mp3s, wma, aac?04:28
onatsits seems to be malicious...?04:28
* uncommon i wish there is a linux application that will fix a broken ( hearted ) user04:29
MasterShrekonats, subseven is a trojan04:29
htaccess_well if there are any canonical / ubuntu defvs here, the official documentation sufggests installing libdvdplay0 to get dvd playback working, dvd playback is a very common requirement for many users, libdvdplay0 doenst exist in gutsy (http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=libdvdplay&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all) i would say getting this documentation fixed would be a realy good idea04:29
Ashfire908broken you will need to select all available applications from the show drop-down menu at the top right04:29
Invisible_UbuntuI have a series of RARs, I installed the Rar package and trying to extract them at the command line.. but can't quit remember how to do it.. someone help me with this?04:29
onatsmastershrek, yeah.. thats what i read.. how do i stop this bugger?04:29
Ashfire908broken, yes04:29
MasterShrekonats, but i doubt its going to affect your linux machine04:29
brokenok thanks i'll give that a try.04:29
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, what do you mean04:29
* htaccess_ goes off to waste time googling for libdvdplay0 and medibuntu04:29
MasterShrekonats, give me the ip =P ill fix him up04:29
MasterShrekj/k =P04:30
musashican anyone help me mount an encrypted external drive that was set up under a previous install. I installed cryptsetup again but when connected it asks for a password and then does nothing.04:30
Invisible_Ubuntuin in terminal, and I want to extract 40 rar files.. all named .rar and r01- say r4004:30
Ashfire908broken: if you don't want to pull in java, flash and other stuff as well...04:30
ChumbyI have installed unbuntu with the alternative disk - seems to have gone OK, but on restart the graphics does not work04:30
Ashfire908broken install all the packages in there starting with GStreamer.04:30
Chumbyany help/ideas?04:30
onatsmastershrek, just want to make sure i'm secure.. but the thing is, this ip keeps on popping back. i wonder how its able to track back to me...04:30
Invisible_Ubuntusoldats: I went to synap manager and searched for "Rar" and installed Rar package which I think is a command line unrar'er04:31
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, yes it is it also works as a gui04:31
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, as in right click04:31
Invisible_Ubuntusoldats: so I go to the dir and type rar help and for the life of me I don't see what options/command to use04:31
soothsayeronats: your ubuntu machine is not vulnerable to a windows trojan04:31
Ashfire908broken: ok?04:31
MasterShrekonats, are you behind a router or firewall?04:31
hanzouFinally found what I was looking for w/ doxygen, set EXTRACT_ALL = YES04:32
brokenAshfire908, great thanks :)04:32
onatssoothsayer, i have windows on dual boot, and just preparing in case someone here uses windows.04:32
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, rar -e is for extract04:32
onatsmastershrek, yes, behind a router. firewall not yet...04:32
Invisible_Ubuntusoldats: well I'll be damned I didn't see that "Extract Here" last night.. but it was 3am :P04:32
jackaesopChumby: does it start to a terminal?04:32
onatsmastershrek,  the firewall i'm using is on the PCs, firestarter04:32
MasterShrekonats, just make sure you dont have any ports forwarded through your router04:32
Ashfire908broken: did you install the restrited extras or just the gstreamer packages?04:32
Invisible_Ubuntusoldats: Thnx, sorry to bother you04:32
soldatsInvisible_Ubuntu, no problem04:32
onatsmastershrek, but how do i enable/use other services if i dont have port forward? i do have uPNP on though04:33
evfan42when I have all the effects on with my nvidia geforce ti 4200, I cant see the top menu bar with the minimize and exit buttons on it, and my terminal is completely white04:33
Chumbyjakaesop... I have dual boot.  If I select recovery mode, it goes to a terminal.  If I select the default it tries to go to the gui. So yes.. can get to a terminal;04:33
brokenAshfire908, wait is there a package ubuntu-restricted-extras or?04:33
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: is your monitor refresh/resolution right?04:33
soldatsevfan42, i wish i could help but i havent been able to fix this other than creating a new user account04:34
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: did you put that in your xorg conf after looking at your manual to what specifics it is?04:34
Ashfire908broken: did you install the Ubuntu Restricted Extras package from Add/Remove Applications?04:34
Spzattsoldats, i go to restricted drivers04:34
brokenhow do i get there i mean i can't see it04:34
Spzatti activate the nvidia one04:34
kitofhawaiishadowblade: sorry, was getting grub...can you open firefox and navigate to http://localhost:631 ?04:34
xcstwhere can i get additional desklets?04:34
Spzattand get this error : The software source for the package04:34
Spzatt   nvidia-glx-new04:34
Spzatt is not enabled.04:34
MasterShrekSpzatt, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new04:35
soldatsSpzatt, enable it04:35
Ashfire908broken, right click the menu and select edit menu04:35
Spzattive tried, gives me that error04:35
evfan42Invisible_Ubuntu: yeah it worked fine until I rebotoed my computer, I dont quite follow you on your last comment04:35
jackaesopChumby: what is your video card? sometimes you can get your graphical server back by using another driver in the xorg...04:35
brokenAshfire908, ok04:35
shadowbladekitofhawaii: error?04:35
Spzattwhen i try to say that, i get this error : Package nvidia-glx-new is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:35
SpzattThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:35
Spzattis only available from another source04:35
SpzattE: Package nvidia-glx-new has no installation candidate04:35
Ashfire908broken, select add/remove Applications in the right window.04:35
Spzattsorry for spam04:35
MasterShrek!info nvidia-glx-new04:35
ubotunvidia-glx-new: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'new' driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 100.14.19+ (gutsy), package size 4896 kB, installed size 14848 kB04:35
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kitofhawaiishadowblade: well you already did "make install" right?04:36
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: Ok as I remember it been a while, to properly setup your xorg and make drivers optimal you need to put in the Refresh mhz rate in the xorg.conf file to match your monitor otherwise its some generic one04:36
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea04:36
evfan42soldats: someone gave me a code and I put it into the terminal and it worked fine after that, I dont remember the code, after I put it in it said something like RGB visuals added or around those lines04:36
Spzattwhat should i do mastershrek?04:36
Chumbyjackaesop - I have an intel card on board a Dell 2400 Desktop.  There is also a SIS card in the marchine, but I dont have anything plugged into that at the moment04:36
MasterShrekSpzatt, you need the restricted repository, you probably havent enabled it.  system > admin > software sources04:36
Ashfire908broken: do you want just the mp3 and media stuff or do you want Java, microsoft fonts, flash etc?04:36
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: some sizes aren't support and with mhz refresh off it won't line up edge to edge right is what I'm saying04:36
brokenAll that good stuff.04:36
Ashfire908broken: Then install the Ubuntu Restricted Extras.04:37
soldatsevfan42, type history in a terminal and try to remember what it was04:37
Ashfire908broken: you are in the United States right?04:37
Spzattit works mastershrek thanks04:37
Spzattits downloading now04:37
jackaesopChumby: hmmm, intels usually have great oss support, so i doubt that is it.  I wonder if it's trying to use the sis card.  The sis is onboard04:37
soldatsevfan42, "history | less"04:37
jackaesopChumby: *onboard?04:38
evfan42I found it I think04:38
evfan42   36  sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals -d 2404:38
evfan42was the code I believe04:38
kitofhawaiishadowblade: do "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start"04:38
brokenAshfire908, to be honest now.. I was just playing dumb because a friend needed help streaming music.04:38
hwildeevfan42, you can just type in !36  to execute that number from the history04:38
brokenBut she didin't want to come here, so I just asked as if I were her.04:38
Ashfire908broken: lol k are they in the USA?04:38
Chumbyjackaesop - no it is in one of the slots in the machine04:38
brokenSounds weird, but yea lol.04:38
kitofhawaiishadowblade: assuming it's there, since you did the automake way...04:38
brokenAshfire908, yea.04:39
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea, said it started ok04:39
Spzattmastershrek, it looks like its done, what now? do i have to restart my pc?04:39
Spzattor activate the file now?04:39
Ashfire908broken: k. that stuff is illegal in some contries.04:39
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok, now its at a cups page (localhost:631)04:39
Chumbyjakesop - i have 2 screens working fine in XP though when I normally use that04:39
dannyhey, whats a cool widgets for linux04:39
Spzattkk i gotta restart04:39
MasterShrekSpzatt, just restart your xserver i think04:39
Spzatti love you mastershrek04:39
CapaHI have a soundblaster audigy card, and when I boot up the ubuntu sound plays fine --- the startup sound, but I cannot get the sound to work anywhere else (ex youtube etc) --- if I unplug the sound from my sound card and plug it into my onboard motherboard sound it works -- but I want to be using my sound card. Ideas?04:39
brokenAshfire908, ah I see.04:39
MasterShrekSpzatt, just do ctrl+alt+backspace04:39
Spzattyeah ok04:39
brokenyea i don't run ubuntu as you can tell.04:39
jackaesopChumby: before messing around the xorg.conf it might be easier to pull the sis card and see if that fixes it. you say you don't use it?04:39
nettow0822_does anyone know how to setup different channel ID's for snapstream firefly remote?04:40
Ashfire908broken, lol you should cause zomg ubuntu is the best think on the planet get it ge- just kidding :P04:40
onatshow do i use my local machine, to log-on to a server machine (still on ubuntu) on my local network, without losing my current session?04:40
Chumbyjackaesop - yea use it for XP in a dual screen set up - works like a charm so dont really want to pull it out04:40
Chumbyif i dont have to04:40
brokenAshfire908, i run gentoo on 3 computers, and ubuntu for the family.04:40
Ashfire908broken, oh lol04:41
somtimecharlieGot a real fast question....... I am using gparted to repartition a disk and this may take a while to finish.  If I switch from root to normal user while this is going on, will my programs continue to run in root?  Can I simply check in on them to see whenever it finishes?04:41
Ashfire908broken, heh04:41
onatsbroken, whats the major difference of gentoo vs ubuntu?04:41
evfan42hmmm, that didn't work04:41
brokenIt is a breeze to install and works.04:41
kitofhawaiishadowblade: can you do a an administration -> find new printers? i'm assuming it's plugged in04:41
somtimecharlie btw it's Gutsy04:41
Ashfire908onats: everything has to be compiled.04:41
onatsubuntu's just quite the same...04:41
Invisible_Ubuntusomtimecharlie: yes it will04:41
shadowbladei think i got it working now04:41
shadowbladei just clicked add printer on that page04:41
MasterShrekonats, package management is the biggest difference04:41
HeatMzzrare all hardware devices supported by Ubuntu? Webcams printers etc?? thinking of making the switch permanent04:41
brokenonats, its just what I like and what I'm used to.04:42
Ashfire908onats: where in ubuntu you just get precompiled programs04:42
onatsbroken, i see...04:42
brokenfirst linux I ever installed, and the onyl one Im comfortable with.04:42
somtimecharliethanks appreciate it....04:42
jackaesopChumby: oh, i see... that is reasonable. My next inclination is to look at xorg.conf.04:42
whereswaldohey, I have a glib error, but when I try and apt-get glib, it says it cant find the package... I cant ,/configure anything though, says its missing, and to top it off I have the build essentials package installed04:42
onatsashfire908, so what would be the advantage if each program is compiled..?04:42
shadowbladekitofhawaii: its asking me the kind of printer? or supply a ppd file?04:42
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Invisible_UbuntuHeatMzzr: there is always a good amount that is supported but with computers nothing is 100% certain except have a change to mess up ;p04:42
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: how would I figure my refresh rates and stuff04:42
larrywellsyea ubuntu is hot04:42
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: that is listed in your users manual or found on our monitor website after some digging04:42
Chumbythanks jackaesop - how do i do that from the terminal?04:42
Ashfire908onats: it runs faster, but compiling requires the computer to build the programs from source which can be slow.04:43
brokenThey are built for your specific architecture though.04:43
soldatsAshfire908, true and when i had gentoo the compiling was so slow i switched back to ubuntu04:43
brokenSo in theory they should run faster.04:43
kitofhawaiishadowblade: did your printer show up?04:43
onatsashfire908, alright.. no need for that now for me then...04:43
brokenBut speed isn't an issue with modern computers.04:43
jackaesopChumby: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:43
brokenThere are bins for the large packages.04:43
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea...but now its asking me what kind04:43
brokenfirefox, open office. Its not only a source based distro...04:44
kitofhawaiishadowblade: this is where there's a bit of art...04:44
jackaesopChumby: that will let you edit the file, but I hate to send you in there without any specifics.  I just can't really guess whats going on with out looking at that file.04:44
Chumbyok jack - am in now.  What next?04:44
shadowbladekitofhawaii: heh04:44
kitofhawaiishadowblade: you can try some of the generic PCL5 drivers04:44
Ashfire908broken not everyone has the cpu power to do that.04:44
jackaesopchumby: here are some useful things for trouble shooting...04:44
Chumbyyeeks.. im in04:44
jackaesopChumby: oh, great04:44
brokenAshfire908, what exactly?04:44
Ashfire908broken, compile.04:45
kitofhawaiishadowblade: at least from what I know about lexmarks, they tend to be PCL friendly04:45
shadowbladekitofhawaii: the options in the given list ar Dell M5200 Foomatic/Postscript and Dell S2500 Foomatic/Postrcipt04:45
hdevalenceI downloaded the sqlite-doc package, but I can't seem to find where it installed to...04:45
godemoniteAshfire908, Hey, the effects, could it be because it shows that both graphics cards, integrated and my radeon, are both on?04:45
kelsinhdevalence: "dpkg -K sqlite-doc"04:45
brokenI don't know how you got that from what I said, but ok.04:45
kelsinhdevalence: sorry that was wrong "dpkg -L <package>"04:45
jackaesopChumby: jump down to the device section. there might be two since you have two cards installed04:45
Ashfire908godemonite, huh?04:45
kitofhawaiishadowblade: unfortunately since we don't have an exact driver, it's a throw a few bricks at it until something works kind of thing04:46
Ashfire908godemonite, if effects are set and show as off, they are off.04:46
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ok04:46
godemoniteAshfire908, ok, sorry04:46
Chumbyall I see on the screen is a blank editor - Nano? No code in there at all...04:46
shadowbladekitofhawaii: what would a ppd file be?04:46
Ashfire908broken: if i understand right you don't really even get a kernel04:47
jackaesopChumby: oh, we must have opend the wrong file. the unix file system is case sensitive, so be sure you typed it in exactly04:47
whereswaldohey how do you get glib? I have build essential installed, but when I try and ./configure it says its missing, and when I try apt-get it says it cant find it04:47
krammerproblem im stuck with a command line for grub need to get back to os any suggestions?04:47
dopievolihi whats a good IRC client for ms dos?04:47
kitofhawaiishadowblade:description of what your printer can handle04:47
soothsayerwhereswaldo: install libglib1.2 and libglib1.2-dev04:47
kitofhawaiishadowblade: is it asking for one?04:47
Dr_willisdopievoli,  i think you may want to google for that.....04:48
soldatskrammer, startx04:48
idioti get a seg fault intermittently with gcc "The bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem."  using 7.10 gutsy, gcc 4.1.3.  it says its a hardward problem...is this true do you think?  maybe corrupted memory?  has anyone else been he bug is not reproducible, so it is likely a hardware or OS problem.getting this when upgrading to gutsy?  any other suggestions?04:48
kelsindopievoli: what?? Dos? yeah, not quite the right channel04:48
Ashfire908broken: i was told by my friend you have to compile the kernel as well as programs04:48
shadowbladekitofhawaii: no it was just an option at the last page04:48
brokenAshfire908, you mean installing gentoo? Depends how you do it. Live CD or CLI install. The CLI method is considered better, as it actually works and you learn more.04:48
brokenBut yea yo pull in the kernel sources and compile it.04:48
brokenAfter you've done a few its a piece of cake.04:48
whereswaldohey thanks04:48
soldatskrammer, do you have a windows manager04:48
Ashfire908broken: i could never do that here lol i have dial-up04:48
krammeri have grub> thats it04:49
krammerwatch u c is all i have04:49
* broken rememebers living on dial up for 8 years..04:49
Chumbyok jack - sorry about that - I am in there now04:49
* broken shudders04:49
jackaesopChumby: ok, cool04:49
jackaesopChumby: jump down to the bottom of the file.04:49
Spzatt!world of warcraft04:50
kelsinbroken: lol yeah, parents didn't get dsl at home until after I graduated from college, I HATED visiting home from college :) Wasn't able to install any linux till freshman year really due to that :-(04:50
soldatskrammer, when you restart the machine it doesnt boot to a gui windows manager04:50
kitofhawaiishadowblade: mind you those two dell drivers are only monochrome...04:50
Spzattdurr, how did i get that wow support site again?04:50
Chumbyyep... down there now04:50
brokenHehe bummer.04:50
krammerjust grub>04:50
jackaesopChumby: you should see some device sections that describe your cards, after that, a section screen that describes wich card to use04:50
shadowbladekitofhawaii: wow thats great04:50
jackaesopChumby: is the default screen using the right video card04:50
kitofhawaiishadowblade: did it print?04:50
shadowbladekitofhawaii: not yet - im trying the 2nd driver04:51
shadowbladekitofhawaii: 1st one didnt work04:51
Spzattanyone know how to get MSN to work on ubuntu ?04:51
Arrickhey all, I have a quick question. I am trying to install ubuntu server 6.01 (i believe) but I need to install with the vga=771 deal, how do I enter that in?04:51
soldatskrammer, so you have no gdm installed correct? sudo apt-get install gdm04:51
kitofhawaiishadowblade: i'm not really surprised...its really hit or miss here with lexmark04:51
MasterShrekSpzatt, msn messenger?04:51
ciaconhi all - I have a question... I was wondering, how and if, I am running the core2duo @ it's max... I found out that by running "cat /proc/interupts" I could see the activity of each cpu... one has be doing loads (cpu0) but the other (cpu1) only has a batch of zeros... anyone got any hints?04:51
SeabassTKESpzatt: msn messenger?04:51
krammersoldats: messed up somewhere but deleting a partition also in my bios ide hard drice is not present04:52
shadowbladekitofhawaii: yea, 2nd one isnt working either, should i try telling it its a lexmark printer instead of dell?04:52
SeabassTKElol, sorry shrek, didnt see ur response04:52
kitofhawaiishadowblade: the workaround i've seen a lot is 1) install vmware 2) install a winxp vm 3) install the printer in the vm (map the usb to it) and share 4) map your linux box to the share (now that's ugly)04:52
choudeshdoes update-alternatives --set java {path} also change the java-plugin for firefox?04:52
brokenI'm offically running my dual core 3.2ghz stable.04:52
Chumbyyep .. I just see one device, monitor, screen...04:52
kitofhawaiishadowblade: yah you can try the lexmark drivers. i'm not sure which it is, but dell is an oem'd lexmark printer04:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about core2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:52
jackaesopChumby: and it's the intel?04:53
shadowbladekitofhawaii: ive still got vista dual booted...i suppose i can just boot into that hen i need to print04:53
ChumbyDevice = Intel04:53
michaelpattersonI have a question about install of Ubuntu 7.1004:53
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:53
soldatskrammer, your problem seems to be pretty messed up, if you only have grub and want a gui windose manager get "gdm" or is it too late to reinstall the linux OS ans install the window manager04:53
ciaconmichaelpatterson: just ask =)04:53
shadowbladekitofhawaii: well thanks a lot for all of your help04:53
krammeri tried booting into xp and fedora04:54
kitofhawaiishadowblade: yah...well, there you go. print to a pdf file, save it to your vista partition and print there...but really you should fix cups right :) this might've been a lot easier with it installed and not broken (we get more options)04:54
krammerkeeps going back to grub>04:54
jackaesopChumby: you may need to specify another driver to use with that card, you might search on the specific model with google, crossed with linux...04:54
kitofhawaiishadowblade: sorry i couldn't get you further04:54
shadowbladekitofhawaii: i can play around with the different cups drivers04:54
michaelpattersonIf I am dual-booting Ubuntu with Vista, during the Ubuntu "Ready to Install" window, should I be worried if 'Windows Vista' doesn't show up under Migration Assistant?04:54
Invisible_Ubuntukrammer: you keep trying to select a choice at grub and none of them load a OS?04:54
jackaesopChumby: something else we can do is fire up the X server and look at the logs to see what goes on...04:54
shadowbladekitofhawaii: you help a lot, thanks04:55
MasterShrekmichaelpatterson, not really, you can always add it to grub later04:55
SeabassTKEanyone else freeze up constantly in gutsy?04:55
kitofhawaiishadowblade: yw...good luck with it :)04:55
soldatskrammer, hmm that may be beyond me right now since im extremely tired04:55
MasterShrekSeabassTKE, probably overheating04:55
krammerok thanks04:55
jackaesopChumby: switch to the second Virtual terminal and type: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start04:55
SeabassTKEi don't think so04:55
Chumbyok... it does give an error messgae.. X server did not start - EDID was not installed...04:55
Arricki *think* i got it kevin, but we'll see04:56
Chumbyjack... how do I get to the 2nd terminal?04:56
jackaesopChumby: edid? what is that?04:56
SeabassTKEi keep an eye on temps and no warnings or anything04:56
jackaesopChumby: oh, ctrl-f204:56
ifergus?Since i installed ubuntu 7.10 I can no longer access my hotmail account with evolution, is this a coincidence?04:56
michaelpattersonMasterSkrek: Its not going to like overwrite my Vista install or anything like that?04:56
Chumbyno idea jack... will do that jack04:56
MasterShrekmichaelpatterson, as long as you make sure you know what you are doing at the partitioner step04:56
jackaesopChumby: you have virtual terminals from f1-f6, f7 is the graphical server.04:56
SeabassTKEthat and my laptop still feels reasonably cool04:57
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: alright I found a pdf of the manual, and I found the refresh rates, now how do I update with those?04:57
Chumbyhmmm not working jack cntrl f2 does nothing04:57
jackaesopChumby: oh, i think it's alt-f2, and ctl-alt-f# when running X, sorry04:57
michaelpattersonMasterSkrek: let me get to that step, and I'll ask you what's up04:57
michaelpattersonif that works?04:57
jackaesopChumby: it's funny, once your fingers learn it, the brain forgets.04:58
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:58
=== [r00723r0] is now known as r00723r0
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: that will get you in your xorg config file.. go to the bottom where it talks about what Resolutions/refresh for your monitor and out it in there..04:58
Chumbyjack.. I do alt f2 and all I get is a flashing cursor top of screen04:58
ifergus?Since i installed ubuntu 7.10 I can no longer access my hotmail account with evolution, is this a coincidence?04:59
frost0uncommon, my friend is installing ubuntu as we speak..(w00t)...and is trying to commit 6gb to the install04:59
jackaesopChumby: really? same for all the virtual terminals?04:59
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: looking for this Section "Monitor"04:59
MasterShrekfrost0, i woulda told him to use more than 6 gigs04:59
SeabassTKElol, i remember having so many probs with graphics04:59
frost0MasterShrek, that is all he has04:59
frost0MasterShrek, he just wants to goof around and maybe play one game04:59
trumpetmicanyone mastered getting freenx working in ubuntu?05:00
frost0MasterShrek, nothing serious05:00
trumpetmici'm getting authentication errors05:00
Chumbyall... if I hit alt-f1 I get back to the original terminal05:00
frost0MasterShrek, do you think it will work with 6gb?05:00
jackaesopChumby: must be a recovery mode thing... did you try to start X already and if gave you that weird EDID error?05:01
frost0MasterShrek, that is all he can give05:01
MasterShrekfrost0, oh it will work, thats just not alot of wiggle room for installing stuff, but it will work05:01
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: I'll be doing something along that line in a day or two when I'm done ripping my music I'm going to get my video properly working and setup my dual monitors05:01
soldatstrumpetmic, both machines need to be a *nix based05:01
frost0MasterShrek, he wants to give it 6gb but the guided partitioner doesn't go that low05:01
SpookyETIs there a site with a decent navigation for themes, gdm, icons, grub, etc?05:01
frost0MasterShrek, and i don't know how to do manual05:01
MasterShrekfrost0, have him do it manually05:01
Chumbyno havent done it yet... what do i type in again?05:01
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: alright I updated the refresh rates, and saved it, now I just try again?05:01
frost0MasterShrek, he doesn't know what to do05:02
trumpetmicsoldats: even though there's a windows client?  is that supposed to be just a ubuntu problem?  I had the same setup working with fc605:02
Spzatthalp... : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:02
jackaesopsudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:02
Invisible_Ubuntuyou need to leave your x window session05:02
Invisible_Ubuntuso restart05:02
Spzatthalp... : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:02
jackaesopwhen x fails it should give you an error msg... if not we can look at dmesg05:02
soldatstrumpetmic, not sure i was unaware of a win client i use vncviewer for logging in from windose05:03
frost0MasterShrek, the options are edit partition...new partition...delete partition...05:03
MasterShrekfrost0, have him create a swap partition, that is the size of however much ram he has, and use the rest for the install05:03
soldatstrumpetmic, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX05:03
mana1hi. Where are the network settings stored? I need to get around a bug in the Network Settings GUI (changed the password on the wireless network, but Network Settings keep reverting to the old password after a restart...I can't keep modifying it every logon).05:03
Spzatthalp... : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:04
Chumbytyped it in... and it says starting GNOME display .. [OK] ... then a message appears : Failed to start the X server (your grpahical interface).  It is liekly it is not set up correctly.  Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?05:04
bobgillHow do I uninstall a program that I installed from a .deb ??05:04
ChumbyI hit yes and get the message...05:04
jackaesopChumby: sounds good, lets take a look05:04
MasterShrekbobgill, apt-get remove <program>05:04
soldatsbobgill, sudo apt-get autoremove <app>05:04
MasterShrekbobgill, sudo apt-get **05:04
michaelpattersonMasterShrek: I'm sorry, but I have never heard the term GRUB menu? Is that just a menu to select which OS I want to boot each time05:04
=== zonum_ is now known as zonum
SpzattMasterShrek : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:05
jeremybmichaelpatterson: grub is a bootloader05:05
jeremybmichaelpatterson: it can be interactive or it can just load for you05:05
MasterShreki dunno Spzatt tried wine maybe? are they .exe files?05:05
michaelpattersonjeremyb: thanks.05:05
MasterShrek!wine | Spzatt05:05
ubotuSpzatt: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:05
Spzattyes i know05:05
jackaesopChumby: if it's allot to paste we should use the paste channel. I don't know what it is though05:05
jeremyb!grub | michaelpatterson05:05
ubotumichaelpatterson: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:05
Spzattit is a exe file05:05
mana1no one knows which file stores the network configuration?05:06
Spzattbut i need net framework for it05:06
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: it work ok and you get into gui?05:06
SuttinHey guys, my graphics are all messed up as soon as i boot, and i was wondering if there was a way to reset the grapics settings to default from the recovery console05:06
jackaesopguys, where is the channel for pasting?05:06
Spzattwhich linux doesnt support05:06
trumpetmiccan grub boot Vista or OSX?05:06
jeremybjackaesop: pastebin?05:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:06
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: no it didn't work05:06
soldatsSuttin, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:06
Suttinthank you soldats05:06
jackaesopah, thanks, I thought it was a channel for some reason.05:06
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: go to the Display manager and resize your desktop then do the "Auto Adjust" on your monitor05:07
trumpetmicanyone aware of a grub config able to boot osx and/or vista?05:07
soldatsSuttin, just do default for everything05:07
Suttinok, ill be back in a bit05:07
SpzattMasterShrek : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:07
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: display manager = nvidia settings?05:08
Chumbyjack... just sent you a message (i think in private)05:08
MasterShrekChumby, he wont get it unless your nick is registered (just so u know)05:08
teslacoilit just dawned on me that I can give my non-internet computer packages and install them that way, hah05:09
michaelpattersonwhere do I go to register my nick?05:09
ChumbyThanks for that MasterShrek...05:09
Flannelteslacoil: AptOnCD is a lovely utility to aid in sneakernet05:09
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration05:09
teslacoilam I right about that?05:09
bruenig!register | michaelpatterson05:09
ubotumichaelpatterson: please see above05:09
jackaesopChumby: if you did i don't know how to view it. I'm just getting used to this client, irssi05:09
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: System > Administration > Screen and Graphics05:09
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: what resolution/depth you have it on?05:09
Chumby!register | Chumby05:09
jackaesopChumby: use the pastebin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org, and drop us the URL05:09
Spzatthalp... : install the Windows version of Mono to run .NET executables05:09
evfan42invisible_ubuntu: 1280x1024505:10
soldats!wine | Spzatt05:10
ubotuSpzatt: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.05:10
soldatsshane1, hello05:10
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: Refresh rate?05:10
shane1!register shane05:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register shane - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:10
Spzattthe program im running requires windows net framework v205:10
Pir8_is there a linux program that mounts .iso ?05:10
=== Pir8_ is now known as Pir8
Chumbyjack ... ok will try05:10
soldatsshane1, you do /msg nickserv register <password>05:10
* uncommon is back (gone 01:01:20)05:10
Spzattbut it tells me to download mono ?05:10
FlannelPir8: linux has the capability by default05:11
Flannel!iso | Pir805:11
ubotuPir8: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.05:11
Pir8through command line yes.05:11
Pir8ok thanks.05:11
evfan42ivisible_ubunut: it says 96 there, but in nvidia settings it says 6005:11
soldatsSpzatt, download the program and run it in wine and see if it works05:11
Spzattwhat program?05:11
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: change it in there to 60, and then "Auto Adjust" on your monitor05:12
soldatsSpzatt, download mono and run it in wine05:12
Spzattk, where do i get mono?05:12
Spzatton the ubuntu site?05:12
frost0MasterShrek, would he click new partition table?05:12
Chumbyjacksop - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47499/05:12
krammerim stuck on grub> ( i want to reinstall ubuntu but dont have win all i have is grub> any help05:12
soldatskrammer, do you have the liceCD05:12
soldatsSpzatt, googel maybe05:12
krammerihave the cd05:12
evfan42Invisible_Ubuntu: it won't let me change it to 60, and it doesn't say auto anything anywhere05:12
krammerbut and the bios is set to boot but it goes diredtly to grub05:13
soldatskrammer, insert it and change your bios to boot cd forst and install05:13
jackaesopChumby: oh, you chould have typed that in here...05:13
Spzattfound it kty05:13
MasterShrekfrost0, i think so, unless its on the same disk as a different os, then i dont think he should05:13
d3MMoNuLanyone know how can i share a internet connection? :|05:13
Chumbyjacksop.  Then it says - The X Server is now disabled. restart GDM when it is configured correctly05:13
krammeri tried that but goes to grub05:13
IndyGunFreakd3MMoNuL: easiest thing is to get a router.05:13
jackaesopChumby: I don't know what the hell it's talking about... do you want to try to install that package it mentions?05:13
frost0MasterShrek, he is trying to dual boot with windows.05:13
frost0MasterShrek, huh..05:13
soldatskrammer, i had that problem as well and it turned out my cd drive was dead05:14
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: right about it under Monitor, try to find yours in the list maybe that will help if not then I'm not sure :S your xorg.conf is properly setup..05:14
jb0nd38372Evening all.. Has anyone had issues with firefox / and the flash plugin not working?  I did a fresh install of ubuntu 7.10 and fully updated it.  Loaded firefox, went to youtube, and installed the adobe flash plug in... restarted firefox but no go with anything flash.. but firefox says its installed.... Any ideas?05:14
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: as I said its been a while and sorry I couldn't help more05:14
d3MMoNuLIndyGunFreak: i can use ubuntu as a rooter :) that`s my problem :|05:14
Chumbyany ideas how to do that?  I think i did try yesterday after finding a post - but made no difference?05:14
krammeri know it isnt that05:14
zanihey all how can i install the compizfusion screensaver plugin on 7.1?05:14
timsandtomsHey guys, for XChat, should I download Fedora version, or source code05:14
IndyGunFreakd3MMoNuL: well, i have no idea.05:14
soldatskrammer, well i wishi could help but i goots go05:14
Invisible_Ubuntujb0nd38372: did you also install the SWF player it was probably asking about to?05:14
michaelpattersonMasterSkrek: when will I be presented with the part I need to watch out for during this installation?05:15
IndyGunFreaktimsandtoms: neither.. open a terminal and type, "sudo apt-get install xchat" no quotes05:15
timsandtomsoh, k, thanks05:15
d3MMoNuLIndyGunFreak: so there is no way that i can share my internet from eth0 whit another computer?05:15
godemoniteHow do you changed the use of the graphics card from the integrated, to vesa?05:15
IndyGunFreakd3MMoNuL: i didn't say that.... i said i don't know.05:15
jackaesopChumby: there doesn't seem to be a get-edid package, only read-edid. We'll try that.05:15
krammeri got it05:15
d3MMoNuLthanks :|05:15
timsandtomshaha, sorry, used to windows, having to download and install myself, not having apt-get or synaptic05:15
evfan42invisible_ubuntu:alright, well thanks for your help anyways05:15
krammerit would be better if i would have put it in the right drive05:15
jb0nd38372Invisible_Ubuntu, No it just ask me to install flash.. I had two choices, adobe non free flash, or gnash, I chose the flash plug in... tried it.. uninstalled, tried gnash, but nothing works with flash05:15
jackaesopChumby: do you have an internet connection... also, was the video card using the vesa driver when you looked at the xorg.conf?05:15
Invisible_Ubuntuevfan42: np hope someone else can help you with that05:15
Chumbysounds good... I am back at the terminal now05:16
Invisible_Ubuntujb0nd38372: they are both needed.05:16
IndyGunFreakjb0nd38372: have you tried downloading the source from adobe.com?05:16
Invisible_Ubuntujb0nd38372: SWF and Flash is diffrent both players should be installed05:16
jb0nd38372Invisible_Ubuntu, Oh I thought gnash was the opensource "replacement" for adobe's version of flash05:16
Chumbyyep internet OK. vesa driver?  Not sure05:16
IndyGunFreakjb0nd38372: it is.. but its far from perfect, i don't think it works with Youtube to be truthful, but ic ould be wrong.05:17
Invisible_Ubuntujb0nd38372: had the same problem as you, thought the same installed both and bam it worked05:17
jb0nd38372IndyGunFreak, Is there a howto somewhere.. i'm new, so im not to adept at compling source yet05:17
jackaesopChumby: just a thought, under the device section that described the card, where it says driver... we might be able to get you going with the basic vesa05:17
IndyGunFreakjb0nd38372: the instructions to isntall it from source is on their website.., its not hard.05:17
buttercupsjb0nd38372, download the source and install from adobe, had the same problem, type ./flashplayer-installer, to install05:17
jackaesopChumby: otherwise lets install read-edid with: sudo apt-get install read-edid05:18
Chumbyok.. i am back in the xorg file - driver is "intel"05:18
jb0nd38372ok thanks buttercups , IndyGunFreak  and Invisible_Ubuntu  I'll try the above sugguestions :)05:18
jackaesopChumby: you can comment out that line by putting a # in front of it05:18
jackaesopChumby: then copy it but change intel to vesa and see if that works...05:19
TSCHAKdo any SATA port multipliers work on Ubuntu 7.04 ?05:19
michaelpattersonDo I need to worry that there are two "Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)" under "Other operating systems:" in the GRUB05:19
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: not really,k figure out which one works, then boot ubuntu, and remove the one you don't need.05:19
Chumbyok... hmmm.. how to copy?05:19
aolauscan someone help me out with ftp and netrc?05:19
gueroHey everyone, sorry to interrupt but I have an issue with the nm-applet. After I woke it up from standby mode it stopped displaying wireless networks and only displays the wired network option. Have rebooted the computer and the applet but the issue persists, any ideas?05:20
michaelpattersonIndy: so, try the first, then try the second? remember which one works, then reboot and go into Ubuntu?05:20
jackaesopoh, i don't use nano so I don't know if it has a copy... do you have the use of your mouse?05:20
frost0MasterShrek, the guided partitioner keeps failing..whats up with this?05:20
kitofhawaiiguero: are you using ndiswrapper?05:20
aolausyes, nano has copy05:20
guerokitiofhawaii: no i'm not05:20
jackaesopaolaus: can you tell Chumby how..05:20
Chumbyno mouse...just keys.  I wil just change it to vesa...05:20
gueroi'm using a dell05:21
frost0MasterShrek, can i do this manually?05:21
JamoSmithLiMaO: are you there kind sir.05:21
nowaldanyone knows how to translate gnome-app-install ?05:21
aolausit's not copy per se05:21
gueroand it had built in wireless configuration05:21
aolausctrl k05:21
IndyGunFreak!anyone | nowald05:21
ubotunowald: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:21
aolausChumby: ctrl k is the "cut" function05:22
JamoSmithhow do I force ubuntu to auto detect video settings (I screwed them up and now I get jibberish)05:22
aolausit will take all the text from your cursor up until the end of the line05:22
aolausdelete it and store it in a buffer05:22
MasterShrekyes frost0, but its hard for me to explain it cuz im not sitting right there, i dont know what the partitioner looks like and without that its tough to explain it05:22
kitofhawaiiguero: you try "/etc/init.d/networking restart"? could be your wifi card isn't standby aware05:22
kitofhawaiiguero: well, the driver at least05:22
aolausyou can then "paste" it as many times as you want with ctrl u05:22
frost0MasterShrek, i understand...thats my problem with my buddy.... :)05:22
Chumbyok... have saved the drivwer as vesa now jacksop05:23
jackaesopaolaus: thx05:23
Chumbywill try to reboot... also thx jacksop05:23
jackaesopChumby: save the file and try to start gdm again...05:23
guerokitofhawaii: and i type that in the terminal?05:23
musashican anyone help me mount an encrypted external drive that was set up under a previous install. I installed cryptsetup again but when connected it asks for a password and then does nothing.05:23
michaelpattersonI selected the first Windows OS from the GRUB, but the "Vaio Recovery Center" is on my screen now???05:23
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: ok, reboot, and try the second one.05:24
michaelpattersonhow do I reboot from this?05:24
kitofhawaiiguero: well "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" it's more than likely your standby/resume scripts don't do anything to your wifi nic05:24
aolausdoes anyone have experience with scripting ftp?05:24
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: control alt delete?05:24
kitofhawaiiguero: and yes, do that in terminal05:24
ChumbyOK jacksop.... did that and it said starting GNOME Display Manager.... [OK]05:24
jackaesopChumby: and...05:24
Chumbynothing else has happened though.  Should I reboot back in normal mode and see if it now works?05:25
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: that doesn't do anything?05:25
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: so hitting control alt delete doesn't reboot your PC?05:25
jackaesopChumby: yeah, you might...05:25
IndyGunFreakis it frozen up?05:25
jackaesopChumby: you could try startx too05:25
xivenAnyone know why Ubuntu would get an IP, and DNS info..but not be able to connect to anything, or even ping the router?05:25
jackaesopChumby: that way if it doesn't work we can try the other thing05:25
Chumbyok doing reboot now jacksop05:26
guerokitofhawaii: okay i tried it and so far it's showing a lot of text05:26
MasterShrekxiven, bad cable?05:26
owen1anyone uses e17/enlighment?05:26
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: it tells me to choose a program, I have Windows System Restore...Vaio Hardware Diag...Restore C:...Rescue Data05:26
xivenI've tried a new cable05:26
gueronow it's done05:26
jackaesopChumby: didn't work?05:26
gueroand nothing seems to have changed05:26
xivenIt get IP and DNS anyway like I said...just can't do anything05:26
gueroneed a restart?05:26
jackaesopChumby: can you ctl-alt-f1?05:26
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: or I can try hitting an 'X' in the top right corner05:26
kitofhawaiiguero: well, a restart works but since it's broken at the moment...let's see what's not working05:26
kenhelp: i am installing edubuntu on machine A, and am going to boot machine B directly from it with a cross cable. the point is i need machine A (server) to also have a usable edubuntu setup. how do i do this?05:27
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: ok, try that, see what happens05:27
kitofhawaiiguero: if you ifconfig and iwconfig from terminal, do you see your wireless nic?05:27
Chumbyhey... jacksop... some success... I can see a login screen with graphics now....05:27
Spzatthow do i install MSN on ubuntu ?05:27
aolauskitofhawaii: wouldn't he be able to get the wireless working by going to sleep and coming back at this point?05:27
jackaesopChumby: oohh, resolution look right?05:27
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete05:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:28
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: Sweet, the GRUB loaded again, so try the second one?05:28
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: well, since hte first didn't work, thats what i would do.05:28
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every row two timestamps. What do they refer to?05:28
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete05:28
Chumbyresolution looks OK... but refresh looks bad... lines running through the icon etc... what do i type in here to get in?05:28
kitofhawaiiaolaus: well it appears the standby/resume scripts aren't working properly...i'm wondering if the interfaces are there now at all (all the resume script does is ifup anything that's down)05:28
guerokitofhawaii: ifconfig shows a lot of text while iwconfig tells me that lo and eth0 have no wireless extensions while eth1 shows my current connection05:28
IndyGunFreakaolaus: it supports a few more clients than that now.05:28
ziggyhow do i get under the root account ?05:29
IndyGunFreak!root | ziggy05:29
ubotuziggy: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:29
xivenWhy would Ubuntu get IP and DNS, but not be able to ping?05:29
kitofhawaiiguero: ok so eth1 shows up in iwconfig, but do you see eth1 under ifconfig?05:29
JamoSmithis there a button I can hold or something to force ubuntu into safe mode. I am having graphix problems05:29
owen1anyone uses e17/enlighment?05:29
guerokitofhawaii: yes i do05:29
PalionuI have a game that requires xml support, how do I attain this?05:29
frost0MasterShrek, thx for help.05:29
jackaesopChumby: you might be able to fix that from within gnome with the display manager thingie05:29
K_DallasJamoSmith, when you boot in, get into the GRUB menu, it hs a safe option05:30
aolausIndyGunFreak: do you know how to get ident working with gaim/pidgin?05:30
IndyGunFreakident?  never heard of it.05:30
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: Nice! Vista loaded what seems to be normal.  Boot back into Ubuntu now?05:30
kitofhawaiiguero: when you right click the network manager applet, do you see enable wireless and does it have a check next to it?05:30
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: yes, boot back to ubuntu05:30
jackaesopChumby: do want to try to get the intel driver working with that edid package?05:30
JamoSmithK_Dallas: THX05:30
Chumbyok... cool thanks heaps jacksop.  what is the display manager?05:31
guerokitofhawaii: when i right click i see enable wired networking and that has a check on it05:31
guerobut no wirelss05:31
zbadoneI run both a desktop system as well as a server, both Gutsy boxes, both with same R8169 gigabit NIC's, desktop NIC works server dosen't, even swapped NIC around, same error? any ideas?05:31
WengSo I just noticed that the gnome metapackage apparently isn't dependent upon xorg05:32
xivenIs there an answer to my question?05:32
bruenigWeng, it isn't dependent on coreutils either or the kernel, whatever are we to do?05:32
xivenOr is it unknown?05:32
kitofhawaiiguero: you shouldn't see "wired networking"...just to confirm it says "enable network" or "wired networking"?  wired networking at least for me shows up when i left click05:32
jackaesopChumby: I'm not running gnome so I'm not exactly sure where it is, but look at the top right->system->admin...?05:33
Palionuwhoops, wrong channel05:33
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kram_N TIDDIES05:33
ChumbyThanks heaps jacksop - I will have a play around with it. You have been a great help!!!!05:33
naivhi, anyone got a 8600GTS here ?05:33
astro76!language | kramerq05:33
ubotukramerq: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:33
guerokitofhawaii: when i right-click it displays 'enable networking' and the 'about' option05:34
IndyGunFreak!anyone | naiv05:34
ubotunaiv: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:34
astro76!language | kram_05:34
ChumbyI was getting ready for the complete uninstall - you have saved me!05:34
ubotukram_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:34
mikedoty2I'm still having trouble with opengl.  I've tried nvidia-glx, nvidia-glx-legacy, nvidia-glx-new, and I even installed the nvidia binary from nvidia's site (I have GeForce4 MX) which really screwed things up.  I reinstalled xubuntu and am back where I started, using nvidia-glx.05:34
jackaesopChumby: glad i could help. have fun!05:34
bullgard4lastlog bullgard405:34
gueroat first it displayed the 'enable wireless' option but now it doesn't and that's why I'm here05:34
* IndyGunFreak wonders where ubotu learned to type so fast05:34
mikedoty2Previously I used ubuntu/gnome, and I believe it was the legacy driver that worked fine with opengl.  The legacy driver now doesn't do me much good, though; it won't even let me run 1024x768.05:34
ChumbyI am totally new to LINUX jacksop but it all looks great!05:35
zbadoneI run both a desktop system as well as a server, both Gutsy boxes, both with same R8169 gigabit NIC's, desktop NIC works server dosen't, even swapped NIC around, same error? any ideas?05:35
Wengbruenig: Well, technically it doesn't need either of those, since X can run on multiple platforms which may or may not even be Linux.05:35
jeremybastro76: how about abbreviations like "wtf"?05:35
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: In Ubuntu, what to do now?05:35
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every lin  two timestamps. What do they refer to?05:35
mikedoty2What can I do to get opengl to work properly in light of these events?05:35
jackaesopChumby: yeah, it's almost a love affair with me. just so cool!05:35
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: open a terminal, type "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"05:35
naivhi, anyone got a 8600GTS here ? my computer crashes after 5-30min of playing with nexiuz, i'd want a person to look if it's the same for her05:35
kitofhawaiiguero: try "sudo ifdown -a" then "sudo ifup -a" (it'll disconnect you from here if you're using a wired connection)05:35
xivenHas anyone heard of my issue before?05:35
kitofhawaiiguero: if that works, then i have a workaround for you05:36
astro76jeremyb, also not allowed in here :O05:36
Chumbydo you use windows at all - or can you do everything you wnat though LINUX?05:36
jackaesopChumby: rember where you changed that driver line, and the package you want to install... read-edid.05:36
jeremybwt*?! :(  *runs away*05:36
jackaesopChumby: I had a foot in both worlds for a couple of years, but completely left windows behind a little over a year ago...05:36
Chumbyok... how do I do that install again...I'll write it down05:36
Strike[]hey K_Dallas, this might be a stupid question, but why does your hostmask have i=K_Dallas, when most have n=<name> ?05:36
musashixiven, what issue are you having?05:37
heatmzzrChumby, I just put Ubuntu on my laptop. Just got rid of windows.05:37
WengChumby: I've encountered very few things that I can't do under Linux. BIOS hacking with specialized tools, for instance. But in every day life, Linux will do you just fine.05:37
heatmzzrlittle nervous05:37
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: figure it out?05:37
jackaesopChumby: from the command line: sudo apt-get install read-edid05:37
Chumbythanks for the encouragement there guys05:37
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: it asked me for a [sudo] password05:37
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: right, enter your passwrod05:37
guerokitofhawaii: so far it's showing a lot of text and it's 'sending' a lot05:37
CaRtzis there another way to start an adsl connection without going to thet terminal and typing "sudo pon dsl-provider" ? like the one in windows where i could just place a shortcut in the desktop and double click it whenever i need to connect.05:37
jackaesopChumby: to edit that file again, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:38
guerokitofhawaii: and now it's stopped05:38
Chumbygot it Jacksop... thx.  What does that line actually mean, word by word?05:38
jackaesopChumby: you can replace nano with gedit if your in gnome05:38
mean-jeancan anyone help me installing flashplayer9?05:38
IndyGunFreak!sudo | michaelpatterson05:38
ubotumichaelpatterson: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:38
kitofhawaiiguero: you did both...?05:38
xivenmushashi> I have an IP and DNS,ect...but I can't ping anything, and can't connect to anything.05:38
jackaesopChumby: sudo - "super user do" gives admin privilages to what comes next05:38
kitofhawaiiguero: the ifdown -a and the ifup -a05:38
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: cool, its up...?05:38
musashixiven, wired or wireless? how do you know you have an IP?05:39
Chumbyok .. and apt-get?05:39
guerokitofhawaii: yes sorry I did both05:39
xivenwired, up to the Wireless Modemn.05:39
jackaesopChumby: apt-get is the command line interface to aptitude, there is also a graphical interface synaptic in your admin tools.05:39
guero*sorry for the delay05:39
Chumbyok ... i get it...05:39
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: ok, there should be a bunch of stuff in there to customize grub, but what you're looking for, is scroll down to the very bottom, and you should see your menu entries(1 gutsy kernel, 1 gutsy safe mode kernel, memtest, and 2 vista entries)...05:39
jackaesopChumby: aptitude is the package manager,05:39
xivenI checked ifconfig, and I have a correct IP address..and it shows nameservers/DNS correctly too.05:39
jackaesopChumby: i found read-edid by searching with: apt-cache search edid05:40
ziggyok well i read up on this and its asking me to come to you i'm trying to install cpanel on my pc but its acting like i don't have root accsess05:40
kitofhawaiiguero: "sudo killall nm-applet" then alt-f2, "nm-applet" (last ditch effort)05:40
musashixiven, wireless modem? you mean for like wireless internet service?05:40
ziggyok well i read up on this and its asking me to come to you i'm trying to install cpanel on my pc but its acting like i don't have root accsess05:40
Chumbythanks again... funny thing happened as I was typiong this in... fuzzy lines just stopped on Linux machine has started to download updates05:40
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: see it05:40
xivenWireless Internet Service, but wired connection until the Modem.05:40
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: yes sir05:40
kitofhawaiiguero: if that doesn't work unfortunately nm-applet's not seeing your wifi, even though it's there.05:40
xivenThe Modem's wireless receiving is the only Wireless part to my internet05:41
jackaesopChumby: the graphics problem went away?05:41
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: ok, now if i recall, you said the second one worked, so in front of the first one, where it says "Title".. WIndows Vista, whatever.. put a # sign.05:41
guerokitofhawaii: no it didn't work05:41
musashixiven, do you know the internal ip of the modem like for setting up and such?05:41
guerothanks you05:41
ziggyok well i read up on this and its asking me to come to you i'm trying to install cpanel on my pc but its acting like i don't have root accsess05:41
ziggyHelp please05:41
xivenWhat do you mean the internal IP for the Modem?05:41
Chumbyit seems to have... looks like i have a normal 800*600 res screen05:41
astro76!repeat | ziggy05:41
ubotuziggy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience05:41
xivenI get an IP from my router.05:41
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: cool, it reads #title    Windows vista...blah05:41
jackaesopChumby: is 800x600 what it's supposed to be?05:41
kitofhawaiiguero: i'd go with rebooting at that point...have you tried hibernating instead of going into standby? your wlan nic driver doesn't appear to work with standby (i assume this is chronic)05:41
astro76!sudo | ziggy05:42
ubotuziggy: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:42
musashixiven, most modem and routers have an ip like or similar for accessing a web set up05:42
xivenOhh yeah05:42
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: yep... save the file and exit....  its always best to use the #sign, and not delete entries, just in case you need to retrieve them for some reason, the # sign, tells grub to just ignore it.05:42
xivenMy router's addres is like that05:42
guerokitofhawaii: thanks i'll try the reboot05:42
ChumbyI dont think so... (1024 * 768) I think I set it to05:42
guerosorry 4 the trouble05:42
salahHi. Can somebody help me get Ubuntu to find the bluetooth hardware in my machine? It simply don't find any devices. This is a Dell D620 laptop05:42
xivenI tried to ping that, and it said destination host unreachable.05:42
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: in the event for some reason you needed that entry again, you would only go to edit menu.lst again, adn remove the # sign, and it would be back in your list05:42
shwetaAnyone around who can help the Extremely Clueless?05:42
mean-jeancan anyone help me with installing flashplayer9?05:42
musashixiven, so is there one for the modem too?05:42
michaelpattersonIndyGunFreak: cool thanks!05:42
xivenUmm...I have no idea05:42
astro76!ask | shweta05:43
ubotushweta: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:43
IndyGunFreakmichaelpatterson: np05:43
jackaesopChumby: that is easy to change in the xorg.conf file, but i think you can do it through the gui too. if not you can def change it in xorg.conf05:43
xivenI believe that everytime I have connected directly to the modem, the IP was the same thing.05:43
musashixiven, first step is figure out where the connection dies. could be a router issue, a modem issue an ISP issue or a OS issue05:43
* cafuego grabs the cluebat and edges towards shweta05:43
shwetaArright.  So I recently updated and my wacom tablet no longer works.  Could anyone help me figure out why?05:43
IndyGunFreakcafuego: lol05:43
Chumbyok no probs... what was that command again to edit the file?  I will write it down05:43
alex__hi, i just installed gentoo on my laptop and my screen is really fuzzy and im stuck on 640x48005:43
shwetaI'm looking here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25151 and have tried the suggestions there, and nothing's helping.05:44
shwetaIt works like a mouse, not like a tablet.05:44
IndyGunFreakalex__: you do realize this is an Ubuntu support channel... try #gentoo05:44
alex__i meant ubuntu :)05:44
xivenI have tried it without the router ,and had the same problem. I have tried reinstalling and nothing changed. and the ISP said that, it should work Out-Of-The-Box.05:44
IndyGunFreakalex__: gentoo has absolutely NO similarities to Ubuntu05:44
jackaesopsudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:44
GluestickyThis live CD is taking so long to install its not funny05:44
jackaesopor: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:44
Gluestickymaybe 256mb of ram is not enough05:44
alex__IndyGunFreak: i installed ubuntu, gentoo was my last distro so everything is messed up in my head05:44
godemoniteIS it bad to install in Safe Graphics mode?05:45
mean-jeanGluesticky; mine took about an hour and a half, amybe longer with 128 mb ram-but it runs pretty good05:45
musashii'm assuming you have an internet connection through that modem to something else that you are currently using?05:45
IndyGunFreakGluesticky: the install page says you need 328.. so you shouldn't be confused05:45
CaRtzis there another way to start an adsl connection without going to the terminal and typing "sudo pon dsl-provider" ? like the one in windows where i could just place a shortcut in the desktop and double click it whenever i need to connect/dc.05:45
IndyGunFreakGluesticky: why not use the alternate install CD05:45
Chumbygo it!  Thanks for the help jacksop - I wil play around for a bit now and leave you alone!05:45
jackaesopChumby: it should be obvious where the resoultion is defined and how to chang it.05:45
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every line two timestamps. What do they refer to?05:45
jackaesopChumby: I'm fine, just sitting here watching my wife play zelda and helping you...05:46
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musashiopps, for xiven  i'm assuming you have an internet connection through that modem to something else that you are currently using?05:46
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jackaesopChumby: if you want to dig in i'll be happy to assist05:46
musashixiven, so we know that the modem is set up and working fine with something?05:46
xivenI am running a Windows boot right now, if thats what you mean.05:46
WengBy the way, what's the largest number of displays anyone's aware of getting Compiz running nicely on?05:46
Weng(I'm looking at approximately 9 displays)05:47
buttercupsbullgard4, can you give an example of two timestamps?  usually 1 time stamp,  like Dec 1 20:30:20 in my logs05:47
Chumbyhaha... thanks jacksop - I was ment to do the lawns, but it is raining here (hobart, tasmania) so I thought it mat be good to try and fix this....05:47
IndyGunFreakWeng: like 9 different monitors?05:47
kitofhawaiiWeng: that's uh...a lot of monitors :)05:47
musashiso windows can connect to the router, the router is connected to the modem and the modem is working fine? sorry, but just need to get a picture of what is going on05:47
WengYes, 9 monitors.05:47
bullgard4buttercups: mom05:47
alex__hi, i just installed ubuntu on my laptop and my screen is really fuzzy and im stuck on 640x480... anyone want to help me figure it out?05:47
IndyGunFreakthat must be a big freakin desk.,05:47
Gluestickymean-jean: I am using the live CD and its taken hours and it is still not installs, even the setup menu's work very slowly for me, it was a hassle just selecting my timezone05:47
jackaesopChumby: tasmania! cool!05:47
Gluestickymaybe it is because of my cd drive?05:47
IndyGunFreak!resolution | alex__05:47
WengIt's more a room than a desk.05:48
shwetaor very small monitors, IndyGunFreak :)05:48
Chumbyjackaesop.. where are you?05:48
IndyGunFreakshweta: lol, i guess that could be tol.05:48
jackaesopChumby: I'm in oklahoma city, oklahoma05:48
ubotualex__: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto05:48
IndyGunFreak!res | alex__05:48
shwetaDid my question on the wacom tablet get lost, or did I miss someone answering, or does nobody know?05:48
jackaesopChumby: US05:48
=== tino_ is now known as tino_work
shwetaI'm Very Clueless and might've just done something stupid while trying to follow directions.05:48
ChumbyOK... nice...yep have heard of the place05:48
IndyGunFreakshweta: i have dual 19in screens, and i couldnm't imagine having 3.. of course, when i had 1, i couldn't imagine 2... now i coudln't be w/o it..lol05:49
xivenYou pretty much have it correct.05:49
xivenUbuntu's not connecting, even though it has the IP and DNS, is the only issue, to the entire setup05:49
shwetaIndyGunFreak: I'm a 1-monitor kinda gal.  I'm easily confused.  My husband has 2 for his desktop, and it makes me cross-eyed05:50
kitofhawaiixiven: this brand new install?05:50
buttercupsbullgard4, mom is your example?05:50
shwetaMe being here is all my husband's fault.  He's the linux guy.  "I'll help you", he says, and then I have a problem and he's off to the gym.  Grr.05:50
GluestickyThats a good one05:50
WengSee, I have this terrible obsession with screen real estate.05:50
GluestickyHe is helping you learn!05:50
bullgard4buttercups: "Dec 9 05:45:03 MD97600 kernel: [65786.900000] ACPI: PCI interrupt for device 0000:00:1f.2 disabled"05:50
xivenI fresh installed like 3 days ago..but i havent done anything with it, but troubleshoot05:50
kitofhawaiixiven: "ip route" did it show you the right routes/05:51
xivenUmm never tried that.05:51
GluestickyNothing beats being thrown into a jungle and letting you fend for yourself05:51
musashixiven, it's going to be kind of hard to troubleshoot if you are running windows now - unless it's a diferent computer.05:51
xivenNOt even sure I'd know how to read that05:51
shwetaGluesticky: I think I'm failing the learning experience so far.  I can't do anything to make this damn tablet work as a real tablet.  It's clearly working as an input device, only... not the right kind of input device.05:52
kitofhawaiixiven: that'll show your routing table, so if that shows a) your local subnet to your router and b) a default route to your router, then it'd be the next step to check05:52
shwetaThe pen is not tracking unless it's actually touching the tablet, so it's acting like a bad mouse.05:52
shwetaI'm not really a computer geek, I'm an art geek, and all I can say is, this is no use for drawing...05:52
SpookyETI unintalled tracker. How do you make nautilus to use classic slow search or use google desktop05:52
xivenLet me reboot and check it05:52
owen1how can i change my keysettings to dvorak in e17/enlighment?05:52
buttercupsbullgard4, thats 1 timestamp, Dec 9 05:45:03 = Dec 9 5:45 A.M05:52
kitofhawaiixiven: like mine shows " dev wlan0" and "default via dev wlan0"05:52
GluestickyEr so what is it actually doing?05:52
SpookyETRight now it gives an error if i want to search for something05:52
kitofhawaiixiven: wait wait! ahh...i had more troubleshooting steps05:52
shwetaGluesticky: me? :hopeful look:05:53
bullgard4buttercups: No there are two. The other one is [65786.900000].05:53
GluestickyOk maybe you should stick to other tablets05:53
xiaobaowhat are u doing?05:53
musashikitofhawaii, keep going. maybe i can learn something :)05:53
GluestickyI am not sure if tablet notebooks are up to that standard yet05:53
Wenggogo gadget kernel panic!05:54
shwetaGluesticky: I've been using this (wacom, intuos 3, USB connection) for 2 years now.  It worked before.05:54
Gluestickyoh right05:54
shwetaIt worked on my old computer, which ran Debian, and it started out workin gon the new computer, which is running ubuntu05:54
shwetaUntil I hit yes on updates.05:54
kitofhawaiimusashi: lol well we use traceroute at that point to check...first local nic, second to the router, then beyond the router.05:54
shwetaAnd then, as far as I can tell, it Suddenly Stopped Working.05:54
GluestickyWhat kind of PC notebook is it I am curious05:54
GluestickyI always wanted to get a tablet notebook05:55
kitofhawaiimusashi: assuming the routing table's remotely correct05:55
shwetaGluesticky: me?  Not a tablet notebook.  I've got a thinkpad laptop and a USB-connected tablet.05:55
shwetaTablet notebooks are expensive.05:55
GluestickyDo you think they are any good though05:55
musashikitofhawaii, that is kind of what i was hoping to build too but he was running in win so hard to have him do anything. maybe he's rebooting05:55
shwetaGluesticky: the notebooks or the USB-connected tablet I have?05:56
IndyGunFreakshweta: well, scrolling up, i can't find your original question, can you repost it, i'll try to help, but i've never setup a tablet before.05:56
kitofhawaiii can't stand tablet notebooks...all the ones we have at the office everyone winds up using a usb mouse anyway05:56
GluestickyThe notebook05:56
* IndyGunFreak hates touchpads... has to use a mouse05:56
musashikitofhawaii, although your approach sounds better. mine would have been a hack approach05:56
shwetaIndyGunFreak: thanks :)  The question is, what might be causing my USB-connected wacom tablet to act like a second-rate mouse instead of a tablet05:56
Suncorpwoah, ubuntu kicks arse05:56
Wengwhat's the grub syntax for specifying a kernel option again?05:56
shwetaGluesticky: I've seen some awesome stuff done with a tablet notebook, but not by me.05:57
IndyGunFreakshweta: well, that sounds like a xorg error... what model tablet is it?05:57
GluestickyIt would kick ass on my laptop too if it actually could install instead of waiting around for hours05:57
shwetaIndyGunFreak: Intuos 3, wacom05:57
GluestickyYeah I have seen some of those photoshop video tutorials05:57
CaRtzWhy is there a need to update the kernel?05:57
shwetaModel PTZ-93005:57
AnAntHello, how can I use nautilus to browse files on my cellphone using bluetooth ?05:57
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup05:57
shwetaGluesticky: if you're interested, this is done with the Gimp and my little tablet -- http://shwetambari.deviantart.com/art/Ganesha-playing-trombone-3876221105:58
kitofhawaiimusashi: a hack? :) static addressing?05:58
shwetaIndyGunFreak: I was looking at this page -- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2515105:58
GluestickyYeah I should probably read up on gimp, I can use it but nowhere near good05:59
shwetaI did follow steps 1-305:59
IndyGunFreakshweta: ok, and what happened then?05:59
musashikitofhawaii, no, just working step by step from nic to router to modem - basically manually doing what traceroute probably does - never used it before05:59
GluestickyHey thats pretty good05:59
shwetaI couldn't figure out step 4, which might be the problem, IndyGunFreak05:59
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every line two timestamps. What do they refer to?05:59
shwetaMy eyes sort of crossed.06:00
IndyGunFreakshweta: adding the lines to the serverlayout section?06:00
shwetaYeah, I couldn't figure out if I should add the black ones or the blue ones.06:00
kitofhawaiimusashi: traceroute's useful...basically it goes through each step by setting a short TTL to determine where things are going06:00
shweta(I told you I was clueless)06:00
musashikitofhawaii, based on his description i kind of figured the nic wasn't configured and he wasn't clear about what ip he was seeing.06:00
IndyGunFreakshweta: lol, i'm guessing the black...06:01
shwetaAlso I didn't know if I was doing something that would make my computer explodify, IndyGunFreak, so I wanted a bit of handholding.  Silly as that sounds.06:01
IndyGunFreakshweta: probably wouldn't make your computer explode, but if you hose xorg, you'd have to reconfigure it.06:01
shwetaIndyGunFreak: okies.  And it should be fine if I just comment out the unwanted lines, yes?06:01
IndyGunFreakshweta: what unwanted lines?..06:01
shwetaIndyGunFreak: if I hose xorg, I'm making my husband reconfigure it. :D06:01
GluestickyToo much Die hard 406:01
musashikitofhawaii, yeah, i'm looking at the syntax now :(. if he comes back i watch and learn06:01
kitofhawaiimusashi: yah i kind of broke in a little late, but taking him at his word (though ip route'll determine if the right information's in there)06:02
shwetaIndyGunFreak: mind if I pm you?  I don't want to post xorg blorp into the channel proper, and dunno how else to explain what may be my completely wrong understanding06:02
IndyGunFreakshweta: you can only pm if your nick is registered...06:02
IndyGunFreak!pastebin | shweta06:02
ubotushweta: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:02
* IndyGunFreak thinks RedHat- is lost.. ;)06:03
kitofhawaiiredhat as joined ubuntu...hmm...i'd have to switch to suse :)06:03
musashikitofhawaii, curious. i tried the ip route to see what it would do and it shows dev eth1  scope link  metric 1000 in addition to the stuff i expected. what is that 169 address?06:03
IndyGunFreakkitofhawaii: lol, i think he missed his floor on the elevator,06:04
* IndyGunFreak hates RH based distros06:04
Strike[]hi !06:04
kitofhawaiimusashi: the default self-addressing. 169.254 addresses are default locally assigned addresses (they don't route) and wide enough for interfaces to just randomly pick an address (kinda like poor man's dhcp without a dhcp server)06:04
RedHat-i`m using ubuntu desktop 7.10.. why i can compile my ircd?06:05
musashiIndyGunFreak, but they have yum. that sounds so delicious06:05
RedHat-i`m using ubuntu desktop 7.10.. why i cannot compile my ircd?06:05
shwetaIndyGunFreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47501/06:05
shwetaAlso, the paste thing is awesome.06:05
IndyGunFreakshweta: ya, that looks right.06:05
shwetaThe pastebin.  Is it an easy thing to set up?  I can think of another channel (a writers' channel) that could use a pastebin.06:05
musashikitofhawaii, okay. didn't know there was something else behind the scenes. figured it was all 192.06:06
shwetaIndyGunFreak: oh good.  Thanks :)06:06
RedHat-help me please.. ;)06:06
* shweta adds the step 5 lines in black06:06
IndyGunFreakRedHat-: ask your question...06:06
shwetaum, step 406:06
RedHat-i`m using ubuntu desktop 7.10.. why i cannot compile my ircd?06:06
IndyGunFreakRedHat-: i don't know, why can't you?06:06
kitofhawaiimusashi: yah, if you have another address (192.168.x.x for example) it doesn't use the 169.254 route. it's a fallback defined in ipv406:06
jackaesopChumby: fyi, you can restart the graphical server with ctl-alt-backspace, do this after you edit that file and save06:07
kahrytan!repeat | RedHat-06:07
ubotuRedHat-: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:07
IndyGunFreakshweta: what about step 4?06:07
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JamoSmithI downloaded a .run file from ATI's website (a latest driver) when I try to execute it via firefox it says it can't be ran. How do I execute this file :)06:07
shwetaIndyGunFreak: I meant step 4, step 5 being "reboot".  Typoed, sorry06:07
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/06:07
IndyGunFreakshweta: oh, ok.06:07
musashikitofhawaii, ah, cool. i almost finished the day without learning something new :)06:07
kahrytanJamoSmith,  In file properties06:07
IndyGunFreakshweta: before you reboot.06:07
shwetaIndyGunFreak: Yessir?06:08
IndyGunFreakshweta: before you reboot, i would familiarize yourself witht he reconfigure xserver command, in case you screwed something up.06:08
kitofhawaiimusashi: lol well then glad i did something useful today :-P06:08
musashikitofhawaii, doubt it was your first06:09
IndyGunFreakshweta: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:09
shwetaWhat's that do?06:09
IndyGunFreakjust in case something gets wonked up to the po0int xorg won't load, thats the command to run from recoverymode to fix it(just take generic defaults)06:09
kitofhawaiimusashi: you're right...i did laundry. that's pretty useful :)06:09
DaveyJhappy birthday to me motherfuckers06:10
SpookyETHow do you enable gnome search tool in nautilus instead of tracker?06:10
nadioHow do i display the size of /usr ?06:11
JamoSmithwhat do I open the .run file with?06:11
SpookyETI know that if you had beagle installed it would go back to it after deleting ".beagle." i deleted ".cache" but nothing06:11
Arrickhowto add the new user to sudoers kevin__ ?06:11
Arricksorry, wrong channel06:11
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every row two timestamps. What do they refer to?06:11
onatsanyone here familiar with firestarter? my local copy just quits without prompting any error messages every 5 minutes06:12
musashiokay, i tried helping someone else so my karma should be good.... i have an encrypted external drive that was set up under a previous install. I installed cryptsetup again but when the drive is connected it asks for a password and then does nothing. what do i need to do to get it to actually mount? i think i added it to the /dev/mapper but maybe i did something wrong.06:12
owen1how to switch keyboard layout from the command line?06:12
shwetaIndyGunFreak: Thanks!  I'll hopefully be back soon to say that I didn't kill xorg and my tablet magically works :)06:13
kitofhawaiimusashi: after typing the password, "sudo fdisk -l" does it show up?06:15
bullgard4What is the chmod command syntax to give read right to a file to the current user?06:15
astro76bullgard4, chmod u+rw06:15
kitofhawaiimusashi: and "df" check see if there's any new mountpoints you don't recognize06:15
shwetaIt works!06:15
* shweta high-fives IndyGunFreak 06:15
shwetaThank you :)06:15
musashikitofhawaii, it shows up but it also shows up before typing the password.06:16
IndyGunFreakshweta: lol, don't thank me, thankt he guy who wrote the FAQ..06:16
shwetaIt's aliiive.06:16
kitofhawaiimusashi: what about under df?06:16
musashikito, i.e. it's seen but doesn't mount06:16
TtechI have an issue with the Wireless drivers on Ubuntu 7.10, mainly, the wifi icon my my latop does not turn on or off anymore.06:16
shwetaMy husband just came home.  He goes "It works?  Good.  Well, you know where to go next time you have problems."  Heartless sob.  Grmph.06:16
musashikitofhawaii, actually, df doesn't see it06:16
* shweta grins06:16
TtechThis is a  big probelm because the wireless notifcation thing still shows wifi as on when it is not06:16
IndyGunFreakshweta: lol06:16
TtechHow do I fix that?06:17
JamoSmithwhat do I + Add to the 'Open With' screen of a .run file to open it. lofl06:17
shwetaIndyGunFreak: so thanks to the guy who wrote the FAQ, and thank you for helping with my clulessness and holding my hand and making sure I didn't make anything go explodey.  :nodnod:06:17
shwetaAnd I'm off to draw now.06:17
musashikitofhawaii, it's labeled /dev/sde with two partitions sde1 is just a fat32 and sde2 is the encrypted. only sde1 shows on df06:17
IndyGunFreakhave fun06:17
shwetaWill do. Bye!06:18
JamoSmithso hard to run a file I downloaded :|06:18
[n0c]what is the syntax for scp?06:18
bullgard4astro76: Your answer is not correct. Ubuntu responds now: "You have not the required rights to open this file."06:18
TtechCan anyone tell me now to get the Wifi icon to work?06:18
astro76bullgard4, come on now it's at least partially correct... of course if the current user does not already own the file, you need sudo chown user06:19
gadrenwhat is it, Ttech?06:21
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:21
kitofhawaiimusashi: http://feraga.com/library/howto_use_cryptsetup_with_luks_support_0 dunno much about crypt so hope that helps (check section on mounting existing encrypted container)06:21
mnemonicaOk. Need halps. I'm currently in irssi, I can't get to pastebin but I need to paste a couple of lines of text so someone can try and help me figure out what is going on. Is that possible?06:21
Ttechgadren astro76: Its the icon on my laptop lid, it does not work06:22
Ttechdoes not light up when wifi is on like it is supposed to06:22
jackaesopmnemonica: if it's just a few lines then it's not a problem to paste in the channel06:22
musashikitofhawaii, thanks. i'll check it out. fwiw, i used this how to when i first set it up. http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/17/7-steps-to-an-encrypted-partition-local-or-removable-disk/ now with a new install i gotta figure out how to access it again :)06:22
bazhangTtech: what computer?06:22
astro76Ttech, does wifi work otherwise?06:22
mnemonicajackaesop: It's eight lines, to be exact.06:22
jackaesopmnemonica: are you in the terminal without X? there is a great CLI browser you could use...06:23
jackaesopmnemonica: sudo apt-get install elinks06:23
=== C is now known as Arjuna_Cari_Cewe
mnemonicaYes, gdm doesn't load... issue.06:23
astro76!info pastebinit | mnemonica06:23
ubotumnemonica: pastebinit: command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 84 kB06:23
TtechYes the Wifi Works, but the idsable wifi keycommand works too, so if you disable Wifi using the command,m it does not notify you, it still trys to connecto r says no wifi found, I have to use the ocmmand line to check06:23
jackaesopmnemonica: or links might already be installed, I think 8 lines is probably rude to paste into the channel...06:23
TtechIts quite important since the wifi icon in Ubuntu is a bit wacky with the key command06:23
Ttechits a dell Inspiron 600006:24
SpookyETHow do you remove Tracker from nautilus?06:24
bazhangTtech: in thinkpads there is a tool for this--not so sure about dells though06:24
mnemonicaurl for pastebin?06:25
kitofhawaiiTtech: what exactly is not working?06:25
jackaesopubotu: thats awesome!06:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thats awesome! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:25
bazhanga light06:25
Ttechthe wifi light on my laptop06:25
Ttechjackaesop: ubotu is a bot.06:25
michaelpattersonHow do I install/activate the security updates after installing 7.10 for the first time (now that I'm on my network)?06:25
mnemonicaurl for pastebin?06:25
kitofhawaiiTtech: are you manually using iwconfig <int> essid <sid> key <key>?06:25
gadrenmichaelpatterson: have you uncommented your apt sources?06:26
jackaesopi always wanted a robot for a friend, ever since i was 806:26
TtechNo olny to see if the wifi is on or not. Is there  a way I can write or have someone write the app and using somehting like iwconfig to chekc if wifi card is eanbled and turn on the light06:26
michaelpattersongadren: I don't know what that is?06:26
astro76michaelpatterson, it should already be set and you will start receiving update notifications, or you could go to system > admin > update manager and click check06:26
jackaesopmnemonica: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:26
mnemonicajackaesop: Thank you.06:26
gadrenthanks, astro76 :)06:27
jackaesopmnemonica: no prob.06:27
michaelpattersonhaha, thanks guys.  I already did that.  I wasn't sure if that's all there was to it06:27
gadrenhaven't used gnome in a while, so i forgot about that06:27
matrix0ahi pals, im just installed ubuntu 7.10; im trying to compile a little prog using gcc, but im receiving some warnings adn errors, could anyone help me?06:27
kitofhawaiittech: so you're trying to see the light on your laptop for the wifi. that depends on the driver, some don't show the light06:27
astro76gadren, no prob, fyi 7.10 now has all repos including universe and multiverse enabled by default06:27
gadreni might be able to help, matrix0a (might :P)06:27
gadrenwhat are the errors?06:28
matrix0awarning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘exit’06:28
matrix0a0: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory06:28
matrix0athat kind of erros06:28
kitofhawaiiTtech: so you're trying to see the light on your laptop for the wifi. that depends on the driver, some don't show the light (resending since you left)06:29
TtechSo, did I miss anything? My laptop power died.06:29
matrix0awhat i must do?06:29
TtechAh, is there anyway I can get this to work?06:29
kitofhawaiiTtech: are you using ndiswrapper...or...?06:29
musashikitofhawaii, i think this is the issue -->  special device /dev/mapper/data does not exist -- i guess i'm not getting it added to /dev/mapper06:30
matrix0ayou see it gadren ?06:30
gadrenmatrix0a: are these "stow-stopping" errors?06:30
kitofhawaiimusashi: makes sense :)06:30
Ttechout of the box06:30
andymushuttech what's wrong?06:30
gadrenthat is, do they prevent compilation, or are they just warnings?06:30
TtechThe wifi light06:30
Ttechdoesn not work06:30
kitofhawaiiTtech: try a different device driver...win98 if you can find it06:30
kanuhawhat is the best program to use to delete and resize partitions?06:31
andymushumy laptop wifi light was acting strange until i compiled ndiswrapper06:31
astro76!gparted | kanuha06:31
ubotukanuha: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php06:31
TtechI only use XP before thsi06:31
kitofhawaiiTtech: what chipset is your wifi card using?06:31
TtechWell it does not work atall06:31
andymushuthe precompiled ndiswrapper didn't work06:31
kitofhawaiiTtech: ok...what type of card is it? do you know the chipset?06:31
TtechIntel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG Network Connection (rev 05)06:32
musashikitofhawaii, but -- sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sde2 data -- returns "successful" so i don't know what i'm missing06:32
matrix0agadren, they prevent compilation, the output object isnt generated06:32
kanuhaastro76, thx, I installed gparted, but was unable to do anything to the partition Ubuntu was active on. The live CD should solve that.06:32
bazhangI'm happy when a laptop gets wireless at all06:32
TtechI get wifi, but the light is not wokring06:32
kitofhawaiimusashi: yah...i dunno, i don't use encryption unfortunately at least not with cryptsetup so i dunno (out of my league)06:33
andymushuttech: have you compiled ndiswrapper yourself?06:33
gadrenmatrix0a: does the code have #include <stdlib.h> ?06:33
TtechIs there a driver for that06:33
Ttechmy card?06:33
andymushuttech: that is what worked for me when i had the same issue06:33
MasterShrekintel 2200 is supported, you dont need ndiswrapper for that06:33
musashikitofhawaii, no worries. just helps to share my pain :)06:33
matrix0agadren, i try to quit the include directives, but still the warnings for strcpy and exit stoping the generate of the object06:33
TtechIs there any other way?06:33
Arrick!static ip06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about static ip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:33
TtechI'm not good at compling06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about static - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:33
astro76kanuha, yeah, the partitions must be unmounted, gparted livecd will help06:33
matrix0agadren, yes, but i prove that i tell you too06:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ip - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:33
Arrickstupid that the bot doesnt have a link to that06:34
andymushuttech: there is an insanely simple site that shows how to do it in like 2 steps. it has a script for it06:34
Arrickwho can show me a static config for a network interface?06:34
andymushuttech: i will find it real quick06:34
MasterShrekArrick, ifconfig --help06:34
TtechWill it work the same if not better?06:34
matrix0agadren, maybe for this program i can prove o delete the headers directives, but i need these function for the future in more complex program from now06:34
TtechCan I distroy my system doing this?06:34
bazhangmight lose your wireless Ttech06:35
andymushuttech: sorry, the guide was for a different chipset06:35
ArrickMasterShrek, that doesnt give an example, it gives all the differnt commands that can be done with ifconfig06:35
gadrenmatrix0a: heh, i think this is going over my head, but i'm reading that you might want to try -fno-builtin-exit as one of your parameters06:35
TtechI'm going to talk to Dell, they have the PReinstal stuff with Ubuntu06:36
Ttechgot to have a fix06:36
MasterShrekArrick, yes, and you use some of those to set a static ip06:36
andymushuttech: i'll search for your chipset real quick06:36
matrix0agadren, i just installed ubuntu 7.10, i downloaded it from the ubuntu site, how can i be sure that the ubuntu default installation have this headers and else...06:36
kitofhawaiiArrick: temporary or permanent?06:36
ArrickMasterShrek, you edit /etc/network/interfaces to set a static ip06:36
ArrickI know that, i cant remember the setup though06:36
Arrickkitofhawaii, permanent06:36
matrix0agadren, wait a second im going to pastebin this simple code...06:37
kitofhawaiiArrick: you have to do that under /etc/network/interfaces06:37
bazhangTtech: the dell folks have been just slapping ubuntu on their laptops--seriously doubt that they will help you more than here06:37
Arrickyeah, I need the setup of that page for a single static kiti06:37
xivenOkay..I'm back06:37
Arrickkitofhawaii, ^06:38
Ttechandymushu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Intel_4965_AGN_WiFi_Driver/Fiesty?highlight=%28WifiDocs%2FDriver%2906:38
TtechI got a warrenty06:38
xivenThe 'ip route' command gave me, 169.xxx.x.x, and
xivenSeems to me, that the 169, should also be a 16806:38
musashikitofhawaii, hey, figured it out, sort of. i just mounted the luks_crypto_blah and it worked. i guess the problem is that it's not recognizing the short name.06:39
andymushuttech: that guide looks good. if that doesn't work, i found a forum thread with your exact issue and chipset06:39
andymushui'll keep looking through it06:40
kitofhawaiiArrick: "man interfaces" it'll explain it for you06:40
xivenkitofhawaii> Did you get my post?06:40
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every line two timestamps. What do they refer to?06:41
kitofhawaiixiven: the 169 route is fine...06:41
kitofhawaiixiven: did you have a "default" route?06:41
heatmzzrcan the switchable desktops contain different backgrounds?06:41
nickrudheatmzzr, sadly, no06:41
kitofhawaiixiven: also, is your home network?06:42
ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen06:42
heatmzzrthanks nickrud06:42
Chumbyjackaesop - are you still around?06:42
matrix0agadren, look: http://pastebin.com/m2384a8ab06:42
xivenevery computer behind my router should have a 192.168.1.x ip address06:42
kitofhawaiixiven: yah you left a bit soon...i had some more things for you to try...are you unable to ping
andymushuttech: i found this on that forum thread. looks like it should work, but i suggest making a backup of the file first, just in case06:42
andymushuecho "options ipw2200 led=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/options06:42
xivenYeah it always says destination unreachable06:42
kitofhawaiixiven: what about if you ping yourself?06:43
kitofhawaiixiven: whatever the address is you get from ifconfig...06:43
jackaesopChumby: still here, how's it going?06:43
gadrenmatrix0a: wait, why exactly are your includes commented out?06:43
matrix0agadren, why this simple prog doesnt compile?06:43
rabiHi everybody.06:43
xivenI can ping
andymushuhi rabi06:43
scguy318matrix0a: well, what's the build error?06:43
mnemonicaOk, I just tried to pastebin using elinks from console and it didn't work.06:43
scguy318xiven: that's my IP address! :P06:43
matrix0agadren, for proving man, with and without they06:43
xivenI cannot ping my own IP from the router though06:43
Chumbygetting through it mate... haven't rebooted yet - just doing the settings.  Do you use evolution nfor mail?06:43
andymushuwhat's pastebin?06:44
mnemonicaCan I post eight lines in here? I know it's rude, but I don't know what else to do.06:44
scguy318!pastebin | andymushu, mnemonica06:44
ubotuandymushu, mnemonica: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:44
TtechI'm going to do a full backup andymushu06:44
rabiI am facing problem while setting Hotmail POP3, can anybody help me? (I am using hotway)06:44
scguy318mnemonica: uhm, probably not06:44
kitofhawaiixiven: what about pinging your own IP from the router...the 192.168.1.x address your machine has.06:44
mnemonicaFor goodness' sake, then can someone make another chanel or something and help me out?06:44
andymushuttech: you mean a full backup of your whole install?06:44
scguy318!ask | rabi06:44
uboturabi: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:44
mnemonicaI can't even get into gdm06:44
nickrudmnemonica, install pastebinit , it will paste from a console06:44
kitofhawaiixiven: i mean..your own IP from your computer. sorry was reading your post as i typed06:45
larson9999phooey, put a pc together, went to install gutsy and the cd hangs06:45
matrix0agadren, the build error? there are warnings, i put them in the pastebin06:45
rabiscguy318: how to properly setup hotway in ubuntu gusty?06:45
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i transfer music to a phillips mp3 player06:45
jackaesopnickrud: i just tried to install pastebinit and couldn't get it to work... have you had success with this?06:45
andymushuttech: i don't think a full system backup is necessary here, if that's what you meant06:45
scguy318rabi: well, what's the issue you're encountering?06:45
TtechI'm going to anyway, :D06:45
TtechJust in case. :)06:45
nanbud1i just discovered that my /home/myusername/Document folder contains another 'home' folder. how is that? and /home/myusername/Document/myTiddlies contains het another 'home' folder. is it by design or by corruption?06:45
andymushuttech: i think a simple copying of the modprobe file would be quite sufficient06:45
kitofhawaiixiven: did you give your nic a static address?06:46
rabiscguy318: setting hotmail pop3 in evolution.06:46
david_JJay-Oh-En: is it a usb device?06:46
larson9999sysrescuecd does too :(  and puppy linux.  wonder what i've got dorked up06:46
SingAlongHi guys...06:46
nickrudjackaesop, in the past, yes. I'm reinstalling06:46
SingAlongI am planning to setup a web server with Slackware. My hardware config is Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB ram and 40GB HDD. And the speed of the internet connection is 256kbps. Will I be able to run a decent web server and sustain a site with about 10 million hits a month?06:46
rabiscguy318: the package name is hotway.06:46
scguy318rabi: what guide are you using? i have one06:46
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every line two timestamps. What do they refer to?06:46
scguy318rabi: *a guide06:46
jackaesopnickrud: thanks, i would like to know how to use this.06:46
andymushuttech: did you try that command i posted?06:46
rabiscguy318: can u give me the guide.06:46
Jay-Oh-Endavid_J: yes06:46
ArthurArchnixlol @ singalong06:46
kitofhawaiiArrick: there's an easier way for setting up static ip btw, system -> administration -> network06:46
ubuntuIRC is cool06:46
scguy318rabi: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/send-and-receive-your-hotmail-messages-through-evolution.html06:47
gadrenmatrix0a: i'm not too familiar with this sort of code, but what happens if the includes aren't commented out?06:47
jackaesopmnemonica: this is a busy channel, i don't blame these guys for insisting.  8 lines would nearly blow the conversation off the page.06:47
david_JJay-Oh-En: do a dmesg | tail -n 5006:47
scguy318rabi: if you like Thunderbird you can try the Webmail extension06:47
Ttechandymushu what command?06:47
matrix0agadren, ok, wait, look...06:47
SingAlongI am planning to setup a web server with Ubuntu. My hardware config is Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB ram and 40GB HDD. And the speed of the internet connection is 256kbps. Will I be able to run a decent web server and sustain a site with about 10 million hits a month?06:47
rabiscguy318: failed, I have also tried based on that.06:47
xivenNo..there is no static address06:47
david_JJay-Oh-En: see if the kernel recognizes the device06:47
andymushuttech: hold on, i will post it again06:47
andymushuttech: it should turn on the wifi led on your computer at boot time06:47
rabiscguy318: I am now using hotmail pop3 from freepops program, but it doesn't provide the facility of smtp.06:48
david_JJay-Oh-En: may have to plug it now and replug06:48
xivenJesus this is rediculous..I've been trying to fix this problem for two months06:48
andymushuttech: echo "options ipw2200 led=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/options06:48
matrix0agadren, ejem, in fact that output is for the uncommented version of the source, i copy the output from the uncommented version06:48
UserUbuntuHey, i'm begginer in linux world, and i installed xmms-1.2.11 but i don know how execute, like in windows .exe, anyone may helpme?06:48
andymushuttech: just put that into a terminal06:48
mnemonicaHow do I use pastebinit?06:48
SingAlonghelp please.....06:48
scguy318UserUbuntu: xmms06:48
scguy318UserUbuntu: in Terminal, though there probably should be an entry in your Applications menu06:48
kitofhawaiixiven: is this a wired or wireless connection? i'm sorry it's taken months, hopefully we can fix it today :)06:48
Arrickkitofhawaii, I wouldnt run a gui as slow as the ubuntu one if my life depended on it, thats why its a server install06:49
Jay-Oh-Endavid_J: want me to pastebin.com it?06:49
heatmzzrI've had Ubuntu as my OS for bout an hour now and I dig it quite a bit, actually thought it would be alot tougher to implement.06:49
Ttechit does nto work. :(06:49
mnemonicaHow do I use pastebinit?06:49
xivenIt is wired, except for the fact that the Modem Receives its signal from the ISP Wirelessly06:49
UserUbuntu<scguy318> thank, you.  it's so easy, i promise i will study linux, a lot!!!!!06:49
david_JJay-Oh-En: If you cant read it yourself06:49
kitofhawaiiArrick: then you're going to need to do it from /etc/network/interfaces ...hope that file helped06:49
andymushuttech: did you try to reboot?06:49
jackaesopmnemonica: i've installed pastebinit and am trying to figure it out too06:49
matrix0agadren, the type of program doesnt care, the problem is that it isnt "reconizing" the strcpy and exit functions...06:49
j1solutionsheatmzzr, its all i run at home now, on 5 machines06:49
Arrickit did kitofhawaii06:49
mnemonicajackaesop: thanks.06:49
kitofhawaiixiven: that's fine. what do you have clearwire?06:49
andymushuttech: that command only works after you boot06:49
xivenActually Yes.06:49
ArrickI just had to edit a file and add 3 lines06:49
SingAlonganyone help please06:49
Ttechit says command not found06:50
gadrenmatrix0a: hmm... i'm wondering if you have a gcc version mismatch or something06:50
andymushuttech: echo "options ipw2200 led=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/options06:50
andymushuttech: copy and paste that directly into the terminal06:50
heatmzzrjlsolutions, how did you just highlight your name to me, that would be useful06:50
bazhangSingAlong: on slackware? this is #ubuntu you know06:50
j1solutionsSingAling, what kind of website are you setting up?06:50
SingAlongArthurArchnix: I am planning to setup a web server with Ubuntu. My hardware config is Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB ram and 40GB HDD. And the speed of the internet connection is 256kbps. Will I be able to run a decent web server and sustain a site with about 10 million hits a month?06:50
bullgard4kern.log prints on (almost) every line two timestamps. What do they refer to?06:50
dooglusthe new gutsy update seems to fuck things up.  is there a known workaround?06:50
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:50
j1solutionsheatmzzr, i iddn't do anything to highlight it, your client probably did that06:51
kitofhawaiixiven: yah we have clearwire here (for backup for cable modem at the house)06:51
bazhangSingAlong: you can also check in #ubuntu-server if you don't get an answer here :}06:51
UserUbuntuscguy318: may i acces fat06:51
xivenDo you have the same problem with your clearwire>?06:51
Ttech ok\06:51
owen1what is the best file server for ubuntu?06:51
heatmzzrI see, yeah I got you...06:51
TtechI'll try it06:51
TtechI must be off06:51
UserUbuntuscguy318: may i acces fat32 by xmms?06:51
jackaesopI also can't get pastebinit to work, any ideas?06:51
andymushuttech: k, good luck06:51
jackaesopmnemonica: do you have a jabber account?06:51
TtechTahnks for the help06:51
kitofhawaiixiven: no. it works fine06:51
mnemonicajackaesop: No.06:51
scguy318UserUbuntu: yes06:51
andymushuttech: sure, no problem06:51
matrix0agadren, i just do apt-get install gcc and tell me that is the last version06:51
xivenRight out of hte box?06:51
jackaesopmnemonica: gmail?06:51
mnemonicajackaesop: yes.06:52
nickrudjackaesop, the default pastebin site is not working ;(06:52
kitofhawaiixiven: well...we did configure it on a vista box before we went to work on it. like registering and whatnot06:52
dooglusnobody else has the problem with gut*y?06:52
UserUbuntuok, i will try.06:52
scguy318dooglus: which is?06:52
jackaesopmnemonica: ah, yeah, won't work for me either, and it doesn't want to accept the ubuntu site.06:52
j1solutionsdooglus, do a clean install06:52
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:52
j1solutionsthats my advice06:52
gadrenmatrix0a: well, i guess i don't have a solution.  sorry :(  maybe try asking on the forums?06:52
dooglusscguy318: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/gutsyupdatefckup.png06:52
jackaesopmnemonica: do you want to private chat. I'll try to help you with your gdm problem...06:52
mnemonicajackaesop: Ok... This might help. What file is stuff like Section "drivers" blah blah EndSection?06:53
dooglusj1solutions: don't be stupid06:53
UserUbuntuscguy318: thanks very easy.06:53
Arrickwhats the name of the 6.06.1 version?06:53
nickrudjackaesop, you would do something along the lines of   sudo apt-get -f install | pastebinit , or  pastebinit -f <file> (if paste.straber.org was up)06:53
mnemonicajackaesop: that'd be awesome if you could.06:53
astro76!dapper | Arrick06:53
ubotuArrick: Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.06:53
xivenkitofhawaii> Same here..only XP. But Linux has been fighting like bloody hell.06:53
xivenI've reinstalled 3 times06:53
jackaesopnickrud: thx, I guess the site is just down?06:53
jackaesopmnemonica: /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:53
nanbud1i lost connection and hence i would repeat my question. My /home/myUsername/Documents folder contains another 'home' folder which again contains Documents folder(empty). What is this? has anyone else seen this happening?06:54
scguy318Arrick: Edgy I think06:54
mnemonicajackaesop: How would I acces that in console?06:54
kitofhawaiixiven: it shouldn't, hang on i need to switch a load of laundry real quick :)06:54
andymushunanbud1: i've never seen it, and it is definitely not normal06:54
jackaesopdoes anyone know how to start a private conversation in irssi?06:54
scguy318xiven: what's your question?06:54
choudeshHow do I launch the debug console for IcedTea-Java7?06:54
jackaesopmnemonica: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:54
dooglusjackaesop: /query jackaesop06:54
jackaesopdooglus: thanks06:54
matrix0agadren, ok, tnx06:54
gadrennanbud1: i haven't seen that exact thing happen, but i wonder if it's a result of you accidentally copying something, or ubuntu somehow importing old files incorrectly06:55
spolvidDoes anyone know how to install Ubuntu on a Mac without erasing the contents of the disc it's being installed on?06:55
thamhkihello, please,  i make download of firefox lastest version of de original site. now are firefox-, how i install ?06:55
scguy318spolvid: you repartition in the installer06:55
scguy318spolvid: make sure to backup before installing06:55
owen1spolvid: what version of mac?06:55
scguy318thamhki: why do you need to do that?06:55
gadrennanbud1: i would just try deleting a few items, and checking to make sure it didn't remove their clones06:55
andymushuthamhki: double click that tar.gz file, then in the window that pops up hit extract06:55
spolvidI don't have anything to backup to though.. :(06:55
bazhangspolvid: you can also run it in a vm06:55
jackaesopdooglus: mnemonica: how would someone accept the private conversation in irssi06:55
dooglusevery time this irssi terminal window scrolls up a line, the music I'm listening to skips.  is there a more efficient terminal program I can use?06:55
spolvidRunning 10.406:55
thamhkiandymushu:  and after extract ?06:55
gadrennanbud1: and if the files aren't "linked" in some way, just go ahead and remove the extras06:56
musashispolvid, yeah, i did that. you have to use the mac tools to partiton first like for installing windows06:56
andymushuthamhki: then go into the directory that it made and run the file06:56
dooglusjackaesop: you need to be registered to send a private message on freenode06:56
nadiohow do I check the size of directorys?06:56
mnemonicajackaesop: alright.. I'll be right back. This might have fixed it.06:56
andymushuthamhki: hold on, let me see which file it is you run06:56
dooglusjackaesop: type /msg nickserv register pa$$word06:56
bazhangspolvid: boot camp for an install06:56
thamhkiandymushu:  only this? not need copy file for other directory ?06:56
spolvidYes, but partitioning will erase what's on the disc, right?06:56
Peddymy 3d windows plugin in Compiz Fusion is not working. Can anyone please help me?06:56
andymushuthamhki: sorry, i didn't understand your question06:56
scguy318spolvid: if you resize you don't06:56
jackaesopdooglus: same goes to accept a private message?06:56
scguy318spolvid: but make sure to backup anyway06:56
dooglusjackaesop: the other person needs to do the same before they can reply06:56
bazhangspolvid: not with boot camp06:56
kitofhawaiixiven: ok i have a couple things that'll help me understand what's not working i need you to try and come back with the errors/responses06:57
jackaesopdooglus: thanks, that helps06:57
dooglusjackaesop: they can accept it fine without registering, but can't reply06:57
jb0nd38372Quick question.. I installed a new drive in my system, and formated it to ext3 using gparted, How do I get it to mount and sow up on the desktop?  -> Gutsy noob <-06:57
thamhkiandymushu: I SORRY, not have good inglesh and my suporte channel, are all sleep LOL06:57
dooglusjackaesop: next time you connect, /msg nickserv identify pa$$word06:57
musashispolvid, try http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/08/02/installing-ubuntu-on-a-macbook-tutorial-beta/06:57
scguy318jb0nd38372: you probably need to add a line in your fstab06:57
spolvidI don't have anything to backup onto is the thing.06:57
andymushuthamhki: it's ok, it's a really easy problem06:57
ludditejbond: add it to fstab06:57
nanbud1thanks guys for all the input. i shall try removing them. But smell something fishy cause i think i have not accidently created them. Thnks a lot06:57
bazhangspolvid: then vmware fusion is your best bet06:58
musashispolvid, you don't "need" to backup. the boot camp stuff should work. but if it doesn't well...06:58
cdm10What arguments do I have to the mount command to let the mounted drive be read and written to by normal users?06:58
Chumbyjackaesop - have been into gnome, messed around with the screen res and drivers etc... just booted and now back to the orginal problem again. Yeeks06:58
andymushuthamhki: after you extract it, just go into the firefox directory and run "run-mozilla.sh"06:58
jb0nd38372scguy318, Can you tell me the formatting of the line to add, the device is /dev/sdb1 its formatted to ext3.. Was that right?  I just want it for storage of downloaded software and what not06:58
jribcdm10: what filesystem?06:58
spolvidCan you thing of anything else to use?06:58
jackaesopChumby: you changed it back to the intel drivers?06:59
cdm10jrib: vboxsf (VirtualBox shared folder)06:59
scguy318jb0nd38372: gimme a sec06:59
jackaesopdooglus: thanks that will be helpful in the future06:59
jb0nd38372ok thanks you scguy31806:59
mnemonicajackaesop: Didn't work... Care to private chat now? try to trouble shoot this...?06:59
bazhangspolvid: you are better off using the mac software to do this first06:59
cdm10jrib: i can mount it fine, but it's only writable to by root06:59
scguy318jb0nd38372: where do you want to mount it?06:59
musashispolvid, i followed that how to (or maybe it was the one in the wiki) and it worked fine. first step is let OSX create the partition. second step, don't install ubuntu on the first partition :)06:59
ludditeUUID=33d94498-dae6-40ab-a07c-656acae2ca7b /media/sdc3 ext3 defaults 0 206:59
andymushuthamhki: did that solution work?06:59
jackaesopmnemonica: sure, but apparently you need to register your nick06:59
vinboyis there any program that can monitor file system?? i want to see what program access what files..07:00
xivenkitofhawaii> You back?07:00
jb0nd38372scguy318, Where ever it would be accessable by atleast myself, i'm the only user on this machine if that makes a difference07:00
jribcdm10: erm... no idea.  If it stores permissions, use chmod/chown appropriately.  Otherwise, you need to consult the documentation for vboxsf07:00
mnemonicajackaesop: Ah... great. I'm assuming that costs money that I don't have.07:00
Chumbyjackaesop... sounds funny but not sure. I was trying to set up the two screens ... i have an LG and a Dell.  I have looked in the xorg file and there are lots more entries07:00
scguy318jb0nd38372: what do you want to call the mount point?07:00
nickrudjackaesop, you and mnemonica can just join #jackaesop , no pm's needed07:00
spolvidmusashi, you mean making the partition in Boot Camp, right?07:00
thamhkiandymushu: not know, extract, my personal dir, more not know whats file run07:00
cdm10jrib: shoot, sorry 'bout that07:00
cdm10jrib: thanks07:00
jb0nd38372scguy318, well it's a 500gig sata.. so, would 500sata be too hard?07:00
cdm10vinboy: look into AppArmor07:00
jackaesopnickrud: thanks07:00
vinboythx cdm1007:00
musashispolvid, yeah, use boot camp to set it up. it thinks you are going to install windows. ignore that. just create the parition and then install ubuntu to THAT partition07:01
Chumbywhat do I look for to get vesa working?07:01
mnemonicaso join #jackaesop?07:01
kitofhawaiixiven: i'm back, typing up a quick pastebin for you with some commands i need you to try and come back with the info07:01
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i get a phillips mp3 player to work07:01
nickrudjackaesop, least I could do, recommending a broken app ;)07:01
scguy318jb0nd38372: not a problem, please do sudo mkdir /media/500sata07:01
kitofhawaiixiven: also, who manufactures your ethernet card?07:01
Chumbysorry bout this jackaesop07:01
bazhangJay-Oh-En: you using amarok?07:01
andymushuthamhki: ok, first extract the file. then close that window and go to the folder that it made called "firefox". then double click the folder, then double click the file run-mozilla.sh07:01
kitofhawaiixiven:....realtek...do you know what model? *head starts hurting* :)07:02
xivenThe thing is..that the system worked fine before I got ClearWire..and Ive tried a fresh install 3 times..07:02
spolvidHm. This might be tricky, I don't have Leopard and I never installed Boot Camp when it was public. I'll figure something out.07:02
jackaesopnickrud: Thanks!07:02
spolvidThanks though.07:02
musashispolvid, i did it with 10.407:02
scguy318kitofhawaii: what is xiven's issue?07:02
scguy318kitofhawaii: sorry to butt in :P07:02
scguy318jb0nd38372: your fstab line is07:02
xivenRealtek RTL8139/810x07:03
shenhuiwhere ?07:03
kitofhawaiiscguy318: clearwire misbehaving, working on winxp like a charm with an ethernet cable07:03
Peddycan someone please tell me where cursors are installed in Ubuntu?07:03
jackaesopChumby: you're treading in unfamiliar territory for me. when you changed the settings your xorg.conf was backed up, join #jackaesop and I'll try to help07:03
thamhkiandymushu: ok, thx07:03
andymushupeddy: i can't tell you where the default cursors are installed, but are you trying to install a new one?07:03
xivenkitofhawaii Realtek RTL8139/810x07:03
kitofhawaiixiven: ok i have that on this laptop...tell you what...i'm going upstairs and i'm going to plug this laptop into the clearwire connection and see if it works07:03
andymushuthamhki: you're welcome07:04
nickrudPeddy, /usr/share/icons07:04
kitofhawaiixiven: in fact i have that exact card. hang on. brb07:04
scguy318jb0nd38372: /dev/sdb1 \t /media/500sata ext3 \t defaults,errors=remount-ro \t 0 \t 107:04
=== steven_ is now known as SteveScum
scguy318jb0nd38372: \t = tab07:04
Peddyandymushu: no, its just that ages ago I installed a cursor theme, now when my login splash screen pops up, my cursor goes black.07:04
scguy318jb0nd38372: like, fill in with tab separator07:04
dooglusxfce4-terminal and gnome-terminal both cause my music to stop each time someone talks here07:05
dooglusxterm doesn't, but isn't multi-tabbed07:05
oedivsmbmount should give me an error when it's not able to mount the smb-share, isn't it?07:05
Jay-Oh-Enbazhang: ?07:05
thamhkiandy, run in console?07:05
dooglusis there a multi-tabbed terminal emulator that doesn't eat loads of CPU?07:05
andymushupeddy:ah. sorry to say i have never seen that issue.07:05
andymushuthamhki: no, just hit run07:05
andymushuthamhki: don't run it in console07:05
Peddyandymushu: thx though :)07:06
kitofhawaiixiven: (waiting for roommate to free it up)07:06
thamhkiandy, when double clicka, show much options, read, run in console, cancel..07:06
xivenI'm soo glad you're able to help out..i've been spending hours fighting this every day, for like two months07:06
thamhkiandymushu: okkkk i see! thx07:06
andymushuthamhki:there should be one other option07:06
andymushuthamhki: sure07:06
vinboyis there an easy way to bridge ath0 and eth0 interfaces?07:07
andymushupeddy: you should be able to go into the command line without ever going into the gdm and just deleting the cursor out of the directory manually07:07
scguy318kitofhawaii: Clearwire is wireless Internet service?07:07
andymushupeddy: that's what i would try first07:07
musashikitofhawaii, xiven shouldn't the modem/isp be irrelevant since he has a router in between? if you can't ping the router the problem is closer to home07:07
thamhkiandymushu: now are right!!! XD THX, you know about install counter strike steam! ?07:08
scguy318xiven: if the wireless device is the issue I would just use ndiswrapper to work around the crappy kernel modules07:08
scguy318!wine | thamhki07:08
ubotuthamhki: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:08
scguy318thamhki: that is what you need, and the AppDb07:08
Peddyandymushu: I forgot what it was called though.. do you mind telling me what is in your /usr/share/icons?07:08
andymushuthanmhki: to install counterstrike and steam you need wine07:08
thamhkiok!! THX! all07:09
andymushupeddy:ya sure, hold on a second07:09
xivenJesus CHRIST!07:09
xivenThis worked JUST FINE on CHARTER. Freakin ClearWire BULL07:09
Peddyandymushu: your the man :)07:09
scguy318thamhki: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=155407:09
Peddyandymushu: you can post a screenshot if you want07:09
scguy318thamhki: and http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=373107:10
StrangeworkWithin a console, how do I indicate a space in a folder's/file's name?07:10
andymushupeddy: i'm new to this whole irc thing. how do i post a screenshot?07:10
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dooglusStrangework: hit tab and you might find it happens automatically.  otherwise use a \07:10
Strangeworkthanks! :)07:10
somedrewStrangewok: either use quotes or escape the space with an "\"07:11
dooglusStrangework: or you can use 'single' or "double" quotes around the space, or around the whole name07:11
Peddytake a screenshot, save it, right click on my name in the names list and 'send file'07:11
Peddyandymushu: take a screenshot, save it, right click on my name in the names list and 'send file'07:11
andymushupeddy: i got whiteglass, redglass, handhelds, dmz (black), dmz (white)07:11
mbro96can you use the apt-get package manageer in BSD?07:11
scguy318Strangework: quote it out with \07:11
scguy318mbro96: no07:11
Strangeworkdooglus: Got it! Cheers to you!07:11
andymushupeddy: sure man. hope that helps07:11
xivenI am soo sick of this problem07:11
Peddyandymushu: I'ma delete all the others07:11
Peddyandymushu: cheers07:11
andymushupeddy: good luck07:11
Peddyandymushu: thanks07:12
kitofhawaii2xiven: ok i'm on clearwire...are you using a router in front of your clearwire? i think you said that07:12
xivenYes I am.07:12
xivenA LinkSys07:12
kitofhawaii2xiven: weird...and it doesn't work plugged directly in to the clearwire?07:12
xivenNope. Tried that too.07:13
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dooglusxiven: what's up?07:13
kitofhawaii2xiven: *switching back to wireless* brb07:13
dooglusxiven: are you using DHCP or a static IP address?07:15
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xivenwb kit07:16
kitofhawaiixiven: did i miss anything while switching over?07:16
doogluswhen I run "man ifconfig", it takes half a second or so to page up each time I hit the space bar.  why the delay?  it's just running 'less' - that should be fast07:17
kitofhawaiixiven: see this is rough...since you're not in ubuntu...so i mean it's normally a couple of things i need you to try, but lemme finish this pastebin07:17
xivenTell you what..if you'll give me a minute..I'll use my fiance's machine to be online, and i can boot this into Ubuntu07:18
essayerhello every one07:19
kitofhawaiixiven: awesome :)07:19
oedivis apt-file, the ubuntu equivalent of pkg_which in FreeBSD? Because it doesn't seem to work..07:19
essayeri am a newer07:19
dooglusoediv: you need to 'apt-file update' before it'll work07:19
dooglusoediv: I don't speak bsd07:19
essayeri want study english,who can help me?thanks a lot07:20
oedivdooglus: tnx07:20
scguy318dooglus: apt-file is what?07:21
scguy318aBound: what I was thinking07:21
scguy318essayer: this channel is only for Ubuntu support, try #ubuntu-offtopic07:21
aBoundsame herescguy07:21
musashimaybe looking for apt-cache07:21
dooglusscguy318: it's a command.  it searches all the packages for files, whether you have them downloaded and installed or not07:21
scguy318dooglus: I think you mean apt-get...07:22
dooglusscguy318: say you want to find curses.h but you don't know which package it's in.07:22
dooglusscguy318: I think I know what I mean07:22
aBounddooglus: yeah you must mean "apt-get update"07:22
essayerthank you scguy31807:22
dooglusaBound: I don't.07:22
scguy318dooglus: you're correct07:22
scguy318dooglus: thanks for the clarification07:22
aBounddoolus: as far as I can tell "apt-file update" doesn't work nor exist in my Ubuntu07:22
scguy318aBound: because it's not installed by default07:22
dooglusaBound: you need to install apt-file before the apt-file command will work07:23
aBoundscguy: Well now that makes sense07:23
dooglusaBound: which package provides a file called segment_icon.png?  can apt-get tell you that?07:23
astro76dooglus, dpkg -S file07:23
* nickrud bites his tongue07:24
dooglusastro76: that only works if the package is installed07:24
astro76didn't really read up ;)07:24
dooglusastro76: so your answer doesn't help much :)  I want to find segment_icon.png, I don't have it.  which package do I need to install?07:25
dooglusthat's what apt-file is for07:25
nickrudI find that packages.ubuntu.com works faster most times, though07:25
musashiscguy318, try apt-cache search name07:25
dooglusnickrud: that's ok if you're online07:25
scguy318musashi: I don't need to search for packages right now...:P07:25
antdedyetHello. Is /tmp cleaned upon every reboot?07:25
scguy318antdedyet: yes I believe07:25
antdedyetUbuntu 7.1007:25
antdedyetscguy318: great. :(07:26
dooglusantdedyet: yes, and also anything mounted into it.  I lost my entire root partition due to that once07:26
jb0nd38372scguy318, hey im sorry about loosing connection, my isp decided to do maintenance rigght at midnight07:26
kitofhawaiidooglus: synfigstudio contains that file (google helps where others can't :)07:26
musashiscguy318, no, that might be what you are looking for in order to find all the packages with a certain file. or maybe i misunderstood what you wanted to do07:26
doogluskitofhawaii: correct!07:26
scguy318jb0nd38372: np07:27
scguy318musashi: I didn't want to do anything07:27
scguy318musashi: you're addressing the wrong person I think07:27
essayeri want study english,what kinds of chat ishould injoy07:27
jb0nd38372scguy318, do you still have that line handy I need to use to mount my drive?07:27
scguy318jb0nd38372: yes gimme a sec07:27
jb0nd38372ok thanks07:27
xivenOkay, im on a seperate box now.07:27
musashiscguy318, oh, sorry07:27
astro76essayer, none, you should read books and other writing which use proper English07:27
nickrudessayer, #ubuntu-offtopic is fun sometimes07:28
scguy318musashi: np07:28
scguy318jb0nd38372:  /dev/sdb1 \t /media/500sata ext3 \t defaults,errors=remount-ro \t 0 \t 107:28
scguy318jb0nd38372: \t being tab spacer07:28
essayernickrud, thank you07:28
GFreeI feel like a traitor reading this channel here in Vista07:28
kitofhawaiixiven: here07:28
xivenI'm on another box now07:29
Rominawhen I try to run "md5", the bash output tells me to install the package "sleuthkit" first, but "aptitude search sleuthkit"  returns no package.07:29
jb0nd38372thanks scguy318 working on that now07:29
dooglusRomina: md5sum is probably what you want?07:29
nickrudRomina, you mean md5sum07:29
Rominasame goes for "dolphin" which should already be in Feisty Fawn07:29
Rominaoh, by the way I use  7.0407:29
dooglusRomina: if you want sleuthkit, you'll need to enable the universe repo07:30
qwerty121Hi all! how can i change the password of my a/c?07:30
dooglus!info sleuthkit07:30
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dooglusqwerty121: type 'passwd'07:30
ubotusleuthkit: Tools for forensics analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.08-1 (gutsy), package size 2749 kB, installed size 7328 kB07:30
drcodehi all07:30
qwerty121dooglus: then?07:30
Rominanickrud: Thank you!  You are right07:30
dooglusqwerty121: then follow instructions07:30
Rominanickrud, md5sum is what I've been looking for07:30
qwerty121thnx, dooglus07:31
drcodeany idea if there is pxe server that I can do boot from ISO file?07:31
jb0nd38372scguy318, is there a terminal command I can issue to enable my new drive w/o rebooting?07:32
dooglusjb0nd38372: 'mount' probably07:32
Rominathank you guys!07:32
Rominabye bye07:32
scguy318jb0nd38372: sudo mount -a07:33
jb0nd38372thanks again07:33
astro76Yanch0, not a good idea07:34
lwizardlhow do i make it where i can create folders on an external drive? i can drag and drop fine just not directly create the folders07:35
unikonnayone download and unstall Jeos yet?07:35
astro76unikon, it's not a desktop operating system07:36
astro76it's for embedded systems07:37
astro76Just Enough OS ;)07:37
unikon whats the purpose then07:37
astro76for embedded devices07:37
rabidweezlewhat's the shell command to bring up a nautilus browser without loading *all* of nautilus? I'm running fluxbox and wanna setup my menu07:38
astro76say for example, an mp3 player07:38
astro76or whatever07:38
rabidweezleas in I want to launch a file browser without the whole desktop07:38
unikonthanks for clearing that up astro07:38
dooglusrabidweezle: you don't need nautilus to edit a text file07:38
rabidweezleI'm not editing a text file07:38
rabidweezleI want to make a command to launch the nautilus file browser without loading the desktop side07:39
nickrudrabidweezle, nautilus is nautilus, you want a file browser window you get the whole enchilada07:39
dooglusrabidweezle: nautilus --no-desktop will run nautilus without managing the desktop07:39
dooglusnickrud: 'man nautilus' disagrees07:39
nickruddooglus, true about the desktop, I was thinking about all the infrastructure07:40
* rabidweezle loads fluxmenu and adds it07:40
nickruddooglus, the vfs and all that stuff07:41
jb0nd38372scguy318, last question... I made "sudo mkdir /media/sata500" and added the line you pasted to me in my fstab, I now show the drive on my desktop, but I dont have any premissions to use it.  What do I need to do to fix that?07:41
dooglusnickrud: sure.  nasty.07:41
rabidweezlewoot, that worked good, thanks dooglus07:41
mnemonicanickrud: Do you remember who ended up helping me earlier?07:41
nickrudmnemonica, jackaesop07:41
dooglusnickrud: I use xfce to try to avoid all that crud, but still things are very slow07:41
mnemonicanickrud: Thank you07:41
nickruddooglus, I do use nautilus, infrastructure and all. I'm too lazy to set up a desktop anymore, I've become assimilated ;)07:42
rabidweezleoh noes07:43
mnemonicajackaesop: It works, I'm in X.07:43
dooglusnickrud: this pc is a new, fast, dual core beast with 2GB RAM and nothing much running.  yet every time someone speaks here, everything freezes for a split second, pausing music, movies, whatever's running07:43
rabidweezleany fluxbox users wanna tell me what directory (if any) I can drop themes in for it in ~?07:43
jb0nd38372How can I set permissions on a newly mounted drive?  I can see the drive but have no access to it, cant unmount, add files or anything07:44
rabidweezleI'm guessing it's ~/.fluxbox/themes but I could be waaay wrong07:44
bluefoxxhey, is there a support chat or some kinkd of channel for fruity loops studio?07:44
nickruddooglus, I was getting slowdowns myself, not as drastic as yours. Seemed as good a reason as any to try 64bit again. I really should stay away from betas since I don't want to spend time doing a lot of troubleshooting07:44
dooglusnickrud: I'm using gutsy.  it's not officially a beta I don't think.  Just not very well tested by the looks of it.07:45
rabidweezledooglus, what problems you coming across?07:46
PyChildhelp X is frozen :(07:46
nickruddooglus, I started with tribe 4, and just kept updating. My fault. Breezy was the last one that I had absolutely no issues with, but gutsy is still better than any other's I've tried recently07:46
dooglusrabidweezle: I have hundreds :)07:46
rabidweezlePyChild, really froze? if so, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:47
lwizardlin gutsy how do I enable full write access to external drives? because I can drag an drop folders & files perfectly but i can not right click new folder in the root directory of the drive. they are grayed out'07:47
PyChildim running ddrescue so i have my doubts about hard rebooting07:47
perlsyntaxwuld i have a prob with this install?07:47
PyChildrabidweezle: to do that i need to be able interact with my ubuntu07:48
dooglusrabidweezle: only 2 of 3 speakers work.  wireless performance drops to around 5% of capacity under heavy load until I restart it.  irssi running in a remote screen freezes audio & video playback, rhythmbox freezes when I drag the slider sometimes, writing a 5k file to disk sometimes takes over a minute07:48
perlsyntaxHas anyone have a prob with dell pc?07:48
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dooglusrabidweezle: sometimes the disk starts clicking every 5 seconds and causes the hard drive to fail.07:48
bullgard4enouf: How to interpret the time stamps in kern.log? In http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19628  time stamps of the format [ 10.687641] originate from dmesg. Where do the timestamps of the format 'Dec 9 06:21:59' originate from? Why does the dmesg-originated timestamp jump backwards in line #213? (from 16.094052 to 5.352000)07:48
zoidberg_guys can anyone help me run band in a box under wine here....i'm getting no sound?07:48
PyChildso im basicaly here for three reasons, 1)knowung what damange i can get from hard rebooting while running ddrescue07:49
PyChild2) asking why it frezzes up anyway07:49
PyChild3) what else can i do when ctrl+alt+back fails?07:49
sjovando it more then one time :)07:50
mbro96how do you write a newline in the IRC?07:50
sjovanand hope for the best :P07:50
PyChildthe better is the 2nd one, why does it lock up anyway, linux should not do that!!!07:50
rabidweezlePyChild, gimme a brief description of your computer07:50
rabidweezleis it a laptop?07:50
dooglusPyChild: I guess it's locking up because the disk you're reading from is damaged - doesn't it eventually give up?07:50
rabidweezleand dooglus that really sucks man07:51
dooglusPyChild: I guess it won't cause any damage, if you're writing to a journalled fs07:51
mbro96how do you make a new line in internet relay chat (when writing the same message)?07:51
dooglusPyChild: did you try ctrl-alt-f1 and logging in there?07:51
bullgard4How to interpret the time stamps in kern.log? In http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19628  time stamps of the format [ 10.687641] originate from dmesg. Where do the timestamps of the format 'Dec 9 06:21:59' originate from? Why does the dmesg-originated timestamp jump backwards in line #213? (from 16.094052 to 5.352000)07:51
PyChildactually I did just that07:51
dooglusPyChild: (ctrl-alt-f7 or f8 or f9 to get back)07:51
PyChildand x kind of stalled07:51
uncommonmbpro96 if you make a newline it the same as pressing enter key every end of sentence it will flood the channel07:52
PyChildbefore try ctrl-alt-f1 the mouse still responded07:52
rabidweezleare all your fans working PyChild ?07:52
astro76PyChild, once in console try sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart07:52
scguy318dooglus: silly question, but if the drive is damaged, shouldn't that be a sign of imminent data failure?07:52
PyChildbut after try ctrl-alt-f1 x locked up07:52
rabidweezlePyChild, I get that too, that's something to do with the nvidia driver I think07:52
PyChildscguy318: i don't even think the drive is damanged, its just the file system that got trashed07:53
mikedoty2Change of thought.  Apparently, when I install nvidia-gfx-legacy, after I reboot, ubuntu isn't recognizing the driver.  (e.g., gfxinfo gives a lot of errors.)  How do I make it load the driver properly?07:53
dooglusPyChild: sometimes I just have to hold the power button for 10 seconds 'til the laptop does a real power down.  it sometimes brands the power icon into my fingertip, 'cos it gets quite hot.  I guess that's another ubuntu bug I forgot - it doesn't scale the cpu frequencies down when idling07:53
sjovanPyChild: ctrl-alt-F1 should get you away from x07:53
mikedoty2I can pastebin my xorg.conf file if that would help.07:53
dooglusscguy318: my drive?  I don't think I get your question07:53
PyChilddooglus: doesn't scale the cpu frequencies down when idling <-- WOW explain futher please!!07:53
scguy318dooglus: you said something about PyChild's drive having issues?07:53
bluefoxxhey, is there a support chat or some kind of channel for fruity loops studio?07:54
dooglusPyChild: this laptop gets VERY hot, even if I leave it doing absolutely nothing for a few hours.07:54
PyChildsjovan: yep that's the last thing i could do before the grand lock up07:54
dooglusPyChild: if I do the same in Windows, the laptop cools down nicely07:54
rabidweezlemy laptop freezes up hard, but it's fan system doesn't work right without running gkrellm and a special plugin made for my laptop's fan system...07:54
PyChildis not a laptop07:54
PyChildhda is ext3 hdb is ntfs07:54
dooglusPyChild: I guess ubuntu should turn the speed of the cpus down or put them into a cooling idle loop or something, but it doesn't07:54
sjovanPyChild: wow... that ahve never happend to me. could be some HW errors07:54
dooglusscguy318: he's running ddrescue...07:55
scguy318dooglus: oh, missed that tidbit :)07:55
rabidweezleor if I goto a tty I get screen lockup for some reason with my nvidia driver, nothing a /etc/init.d/gdm restart can't fix though07:55
PyChildwhy is a process able to take down my LINUX machine?07:55
dooglusscguy318: from what he says, he has a corrupted ext3 partition, not a damaged disk07:55
sjovanDooglus: i have to many HD vs fans and a shoty cpu fan. my computer have been on for more then a month with out any problems. what are you talking about?07:55
PyChildthat's so windows07:55
dooglussjovan: I'm talking about my computer, not yours07:56
sjovandooglus: good point in fact :)07:56
PyChildisn't there a way to tell my system (ubuntu 7.10) not to use all of its memory?07:56
dooglusPyChild: skype seems to be able to regularly crash x.org here07:57
PyChilddooglus: that awful app, if it wasn't required by my employers...07:57
dooglusPyChild: how do you video conference with vista users without skype?07:57
mikedoty2Should I do "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"?07:58
dooglusPyChild: "man bash" and search for "ulimit" - that allows you to limit memory usage per process07:58
nickruddooglus, what webcam do you use?07:58
dooglusnickrud: it's a logitech quickcam pro 9000 maybe?07:58
sjovanmikedoty2: if you run 7.10 go to the homepage for compiz fusion. some good faq's for installing drivers there07:58
dooglusnickrud: something like that07:58
dooglusnickrud: uvc drivers?07:58
nickruddooglus, I'm collecting anecdotal info about webcams, trying to find one priced right and working with a known user07:59
mikedoty2Ok, I"ll take a look and see what I can find.  Hopefully I get this fixed.  Thanks =)07:59
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dooglusnickrud: I don't know if there are any that work well with skype yet.  this one sends a few frames of the full image, and then gradually sends smaller and smaller frames until X crashes08:00
dooglusnickrud: I blame the skype app though, of course, not the cam08:00
amitprakashwhen my ubuntu boots up.. it doesnt show the startup loading screen after login... anyone knows how to fix it?08:00
nickrudlol, dooglus that's a very useful anecdote ;)08:00
dooglusnickrud: what I tend to do now is stream the webcam to a port and have the remote user visit a webpage with a java app on it that show the video08:00
nickruddooglus, and audio?08:01
dooglusnickrud: skype for audio, and for incoming video.  web stream for my outgoing video08:01
dooglusnickrud: skype still takes X down quite regularly with just incoming video, but I don't know where I'd start getting an unsophisticated vista user to use something else08:02
amitprakashalso how do i automount ntfs under ntfs3g08:02
nickruddooglus, I'm still in the phone age, so it's no hurry for me08:03
rmorris84whartts up08:03
rmorris84I'm drink bitch08:03
dooglusnickrud: when I first got the cam and was trying all the various apps I could find in the ubuntu repository I found almost none of them worked08:03
scguy318morris84: #ubuntu-offtopic please08:04
nadisdoes anyone who use skype want to help me with my english08:04
dooglusnickrud: then someone here told me that there's a program to select 'v4l2' instead of 'v4l1' as the input type, which might well make everything work.  but the program is disabled in the default ubuntu menu, and not available at all in the xubuntu menus08:04
dooglusnickrud: the program is gstreamer-properties08:04
uncommon<nadis> : this is ubuntu support forum.. :D i was really wondering why keep on asking for english help... hehehehe08:05
uncommon* i mean channel08:06
tichi just installed pulseaudio following the guide here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio how do i double check that it is working?08:06
nickruddooglus, ah, multimedia properties. I have than enabled, but I ran it from the command line this time. I wonder what qcamsrc is08:06
dooglusnickrud: I just tried it - selecting 'v4l2' then 'test' hangs the properties dialog.  another partial success...08:07
PyChilddooglus: sorry im back, ok ill grep for ulimit08:07
nickrudlisted as an unavailable plugin, but that's promising for research08:07
PyChilddooglus: so its hard reboot for me isn't it?08:07
dooglusnickrud: why is that promising in particular?  I see a list of 7 missing plugins here08:08
dooglusPyChild: "man bash" then type /ulimit and hit return to search the man page for ulimit08:08
nickruddooglus, it vaguely reminds me of some brand, may be mistaken, but if someones written a specific one the odds seem better08:08
PyChilddooglus: iknow :P it was just an expression08:09
sjovangot a screen issue... any one that can help out? <---- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=635599         got a telnet issue, some one that can help ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63561108:09
FlannelPyChild: don't hard reboot.  Hold alt-sysreq and type REISUB08:09
bullgard4Why does the time jump backwards in kern.log? In http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19628  time stamps of the format [ 10.687641] originate from dmesg. Where do the timestamps of the format 'Dec 9 06:21:59' originate from?  line #213 (from 16.094052 to 5.352000)08:09
Tarkushow can i check if my graphics drivers are installed properly and working?08:10
Tarkusfor full acceleration.08:10
George_http://george.bullettimes.com/ftpserver/Screenshot-GPROFTPD%208.3.2.png <-- how come with this setup, my user cannot see the /media/ServerD/FTP folder, and can only see his ~?08:10
* rabidweezle keeps playing around with fluxbox08:11
tribal_guy4can anybody help me with recovering a hard drive partition?08:11
szundihi! my gnome panel has dissapeared08:11
nickrudszundi, try alt-f2 , gnome-panel08:11
grindcorehi all08:11
grindcorei have a big problem08:11
edellinghamHey guys...08:12
edellinghamGot a quick question, anyone active on here?08:12
tichhow do i check what sound server i am using?08:12
edellinghamI believe it depends on the program sometimes...08:13
grindcorehow i can log on as a root to the ubuntu - i mean not in console only. thanks08:13
szundinickrud: it won´t come up... I just pressed the hide arrows on it and it permanently dissapeared08:13
edellinghamHey, grindcore...08:13
sjovanedellingh: just post the question. if any one has the awnser they will help08:13
grindcoreedellinngham yes ?08:13
BUDD}{Aok can someone tell me why there is no media player for ubuntu that is like wmp that it will play your music liberty and videos and everything08:13
sjovangrindcore: you can't, it's that simple realy :)08:14
Tarkushow can i check if my graphics drivers are installed properly and working? for full acceleration08:14
edellinghamPress CTRL+ALT+F1 and login as root and then type startx08:14
edellinghamThat should work for ya'08:14
tribal_guy4i plugged my external hard drive into my network hard driveand it initialized it before i could stop it.  It only took a second to do, but now i cant see my data.08:14
uncommon<BUDD}{A> : due to legal issues...08:14
uncommon!medibuntu <BUDD}{A>08:14
sjovanedellingh: dam, haven't though about that before, but why would any one log in as root any way....08:14
tribal_guy4is there any way i can reset my boot sector so it will read again?08:15
PyChildFlannel: hello, what do you mean alt+sysreq?08:15
uncommonedellingh : that's dangerous08:15
grindcoreedellinngham and i will be in the graphic enviroment - because i need to setup something and in console is impossible for me to do it08:15
edellinghamIs there still an easy way to change to a better kernel version, or should I compile one for my exact architecture?  I've read a lot about people having good luck going from a generic kernel to a 686 specific kernel and getting some improved speeds.08:15
FlannelPyChild: hold the alt key and the sysreq key08:15
BUDD}{Ai don't want a OS i just want a media player that will play videos and my music so i don't have to have three players to do that08:15
PyChildFlannel: the sysreq key? is that like the any ey?08:15
nickrudszundi, alt-f2 , gconf-editor   :  navigate to /apps/panel/<bottom|top>_panel_screen0 , untick enable_button in right window08:15
dooglusBUDD}{A: mplayer plays pretty much everything08:15
edellinghamWell, I know that...I was just answering...what are you trying to do exactly?08:15
uncommon!medibuntu <BUDD}{A>08:15
FlannelPyChild: no.  It's next to scroll lock.  print screen shares a key with it08:16
PyChildFlannel: is it the break key?08:16
edellinghamCan't you just open a terminal and sudo the program?08:16
FlannelPyChild: other side08:16
PyChildFlannel: let's see08:16
mineraleall the sudden 'bmon' -- gives me a huge number of network interfaces, some named rose0.. : http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/5144/bmonal2.png08:16
mineralewhat are all those interfaces?08:16
BUDD}{Ai will look into it08:16
grindcoreedellinngham i tried, but its not working08:16
grindcorei mean in the terminal straight08:16
sjovanBUDD}{A: VLC and XMMS, what's wrong with that?08:17
uncommon<BUDD}{A> : just because there is a "buntu" at the end that doesn't mean it's a complete new distro08:17
edellinghamDo you have sudo rights?08:17
Ademananyone know if there's a channel or something for dvd::rip?08:17
PyChildflannel! oh i see it IS the print screen key!!! so its alt+printscreen? or you mean alt+shift+printscreen??08:18
grindcoreedellinngham this is the problem - i tried something and i turn off all my rights :(08:18
PyChildFlannel: that's a cool rick i didn't know, thankyou so much08:18
rabidweezleis there a panel app that works like osx's bottom panel?08:18
Ademanrabidweezle: you mean the dock?08:19
uncommonrabidweezle you mean like dock?08:19
grindcoreedellinngham this is the problem - i tried something and i turn off all my rights :( and i need to turn on again08:19
bluefoxxhey, is there a support chat or some kind of channel for fruity loops studio?08:19
PyChild Flannel i mean trick08:19
dooglusrabidweezle: avant-window-navigator is kind of like it08:19
Ademanrabidweezle: avant-window-navigator08:19
sjovan grindcore: so why don't you just fix it in the terminal?08:19
grindcoresjovan - how to do it ?08:19
BUDD}{Aok how do i install that medibuntu08:19
PyChildflannel thankyou flannel08:19
uncommonrabidweezle : there are plenty to choose from ranging from you don't need a compositor dock to you really need a compositor dock08:19
szundinickrud: okay:) i think i fixed it. thank you08:20
Tarkusfor me to get compiz-fusion setup.. do i need to install compiz-fusion and ccsm? etc. or is it already all installed?08:20
nickrudszundi, that worked? good :)08:20
rabidweezleI *don't* want one requiring compositing08:20
bullgard4Ademan: This channel is also for discussing to rip DVDs.08:20
sjovangrindcore: when you are at the login screen, just ctrl-alt-F1, then you su if you have made a root account08:20
suttinHey guys, im having some graphics issues. i have an ati x800 gto card. Every time i try to set up my monitor, it doesnt go through. and now my restricted drivers wont work. I have them installed and checked, but now they say they arent in use. anyone have any ideas?08:20
rabidweezleuncommon, is there a list of em somewhere?08:21
edellinghamIf you have any concern about being logged in as root...d/c from the net.08:21
Ademanrabidweezle: well avant-window-navigator is by far the best, and it requires compsiting, but you know you can run 'xcompmgr -c -C' in a terminal and you'll have compositing turned on08:21
rabidweezlecan you composite fluxbox though?08:21
grindcoreok guys - i go to try :)08:21
Ademanrabidweezle: xcompmgr works no matter what window manager you're using, it's pretty nifty08:22
grindcorethanks for a help :)08:22
edellinghamsuttin...are you doing it manually or with an app?08:22
rabidweezleavant isn't showin up08:22
uncommonrabidweezle : i don't know of something but if you're running compiz/beryl or the fusion you can have to options the Avant Window Navigator or the Kiba Dock08:22
Tarkusfor me to get compiz-fusion setup.. do i need to install compiz-fusion and ccsm? etc. or is it already all installed?08:22
Ademanrabidweezle: well, i figure like xcompmgr + compiz wouldn't work out though lol08:22
heatmzzrtried to load blogtv.com and firefox wont load the page?08:22
Ademanrabidweezle: did you have xcompmgr running before you ran avant?08:22
sjovangrindcore: NP08:22
suttinedellingham: im trying to set up my monitor with the screens and graphics app in system -> administration08:23
mmmboblet me rephrase my question, how do i restore a broken partition table08:23
rabidweezleAdeman, it's not that, it's the fact the repo isn't letting me have it08:23
Ademanrabidweezle: ah! well one sec08:23
edellinghamAre you changing the monitor type...or the resolution type...or both?08:23
suttinjust the monitor type08:23
edellinghamWith mine...if I didn't choose the right monitor...my resolution was always jacked up.08:23
dooglusrabidweezle: last I heard, avant-window-navigator wasn't part of ubuntu08:23
edellinghamI see.08:23
Ademanrabidweezle: http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=1621    they've got debs for a lot of stuff that isn't in the repositories08:24
rabidweezlegot ya08:24
rabidweezleI been there a few times08:24
uncommon<rabidweezle> : AWN and Kiba is on another third party repo08:24
suttinedellingham: let me check and see if i read the type of monitor right, hold on08:24
aolausI am trying to put streamripper in my crontab08:25
aolausbut it's not working08:25
uncommonwhen will they ever release the metacity as a window compositor?08:25
Pirate_Hunterbeen researching does ubuntu underclock/scale the cpu by itself? if so than it would explain why my cpu is running at 2.8ghz and if i wish for it to run at normal speed what can I do?08:25
aolausI'm not sure what's wrong08:25
suttinedellingham: its the right one im trying, dell p111008:26
dooglusPirate_Hunter: apparently on some hardware it does, and on other hardware it doesn't08:26
edellinghamI choose a generic LCD monitor with the proper resolution...have you tried that instead of being so specific with the monitor?08:26
suttinill try that08:27
edellinghamOtherwise check out http://opennfo.wordpress.com/2007/10/27/compiz-fusion-with-ati-radeon-x800-gto-on-ubuntu-gusty/08:27
edellinghamHe has a documented experience with your card.08:27
suttinshould i find the max resolution for it?08:27
suttinfor my monitor08:27
Pirate_Hunterdooglus: well compared to feisty gutsy is doing it to my hardware which is annoying, so do you know how i can fix this, adding noapic to menu.lst didnt work just stopped the annoying message from bug 825408:27
szundinow, what about shutting down my computer on ubuntu?: / ¨sudo halt¨ won´t do it either. the screen just turns black and nothing else...08:27
edellinghamI would just shoot for whatever you plan on using.08:27
aolausanyone? crontab?08:28
suttinthank you edellingham08:28
edellinghamI aim to please...I'm just trying to help with my experience...with a completely different card LOL.08:28
UserUbuntuHey, i having problem to install java plugin in the Firefox, i download it from sun site.  Then installed like instructions, but why i acces a site que need the plugin, the browser show massage saying that i don't have it.08:28
edellinghamNah, don't do that UserUbuntu08:28
szundioh dear...why do i have so many problems with gutsy:/ older versions workes just fine....08:28
rabidweezlewhat's the command to turn off compositing with xcompmgr?08:28
edellinghamGo into Synaptic and do a seach for jre08:28
pythondasnakeCan someone  walk me through this set up process.. I'm very aggravated attempting to install ubuntu.. Dual boot.. These are the steps I have taken ...08:29
Ademananyone who's used dvd::rip know what a good value is to set "BPP" to?  (also wtf does it mean? i don't expect it's bits or bytes per pixel since it's between 0 and 1, but i guess i could be wrong)08:29
uncommon<szundi> : did you made a fresh install or upgrade from feisty to gutsy?08:29
edellinghamUserUbuntu...seach java and jre...download the newest versions of both...should work right away.08:29
pythondasnakeI partitioned 50GB using partition magic for Ubuntu Iso image ..08:30
Tarkushow can i check if my graphics drivers are installed properly and working? for full acceleration08:30
edellinghamUbuntu has the best repositories anywhere...I've tried so many distros...always come back because of the repo's08:30
nickrudUserUbuntu, try   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin08:30
edellinghamYeah...that too LOL08:30
nickrudedellingham, yeah, the repos, they always suck me in :)08:31
edellinghamYep, yep08:31
szundiuncommon: no, I didn´t upgraded from feisty, I installed it from the beginning. I just know how feisty worked..08:31
pythondasnakeWhen I clicked /dev/sda5  41940 MB unknown I believe this is the partition I made it reads no root file system is defined08:31
nickrudTarkus, glxinfo | grep direct  , and hope for yes08:31
UserUbuntuedellingham: I did, i download this file "jre-6u3-linux-i586.bin", now i will try what nickrud said., take a moment.08:32
edellinghamI'm actually running Mint with XFCE installed myself...it's so beautiful *sniff*08:32
edellinghamNo...don't mess with the bin08:32
edellinghamDo it with the repositories08:32
szundiuncommon: with gutsy I can´t even see the loading bar when ubuntu starts08:32
uncommonedellingham : it's an install script08:32
XenobyteUserUbuntu, what nickrud said is the ticket08:32
mikedoty2Hooray!  I finally got it working.08:32
edellinghamI tried it...never worked for me.  Hit the repo's and got java..worked right away.08:33
pythondasnakeNobody ?08:33
mikedoty2I wanted to mention what I needed to do in here in case more people come in with a similar issue.08:33
UserUbuntuXenobyte: he said " try   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin".08:33
nickrudszundi, what kind of graphics chip?08:33
edellinghamType that and your set bro08:33
mikedoty2I had to add these two lines to the xorg.conf file:08:33
mikedoty2Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "True"08:33
mikedoty2Option "UseEDIDFreqs" "True"08:33
Pirate_Hunterbeen researching does ubuntu underclock/scale the cpu by itself? if so than it would explain why my cpu is running at 2.8ghz and if i wish for it to run at normal speed what can I do?08:34
Xenobytepythondasnake, you have a partition, now you need a file system08:34
* uncommon is away: for a while08:34
nickrudPirate_Hunter, my dual amd gets scaled, sorta, half and full08:34
edellinghamAnyone try out e17?08:34
Tarkusnickrud, nothing happens. it doesnt output anything08:35
sjovanpythondas: so format it then08:35
edellinghamThey're really pulling some cool stuff together...and it's so fast.08:35
pythondasnakeXeobyte: ok so what is the next step08:35
Tarkusnickrud, oh, nvrm i put a typo..08:35
szundinickrud: s3prosavageddr video card. In the beggining I had big problems with it. I couldn´t see anything on the screen. I fixed it, but still having some monitor problems08:35
UserUbuntuXenobyte: nickrub: i get it, plugin work know. thankx08:35
Tarkusnickrud, it says direct rendering: yes08:35
XenobyteUserUbuntu, cool08:35
Pirate_Hunternickrud: the problem with me is that i have a desktop and i dont need it to be scaled thats why i want to fix it, its nice to know it saves more power at the cost of speed08:35
nickrudTarkus, then you're good, you have 3d accell08:35
pythondasnakeListen I'll be honest, I just don't know what I'm doing08:35
Tarkusnickrud, nice.08:35
Pirate_Hunternickrud: would you know how to turn it off08:36
Xenobytepythondasnake, if you need to create a file system you can use mkfs, man mkfs... there's probably a graphical way I don't know about08:36
rabidoes anybody have simple problem?08:36
doogluspythondasnake: gparted, qtparted will both make a fs graphically08:36
rabiI am ready to solve it.08:36
sjovanpythondas: i think the grfical solution was named gparted or something like that08:36
Xenobytei have a problem with being simple08:36
nickrudszundi, oh, I don't know much about that chip, but for my ati I removed the splash vga=791 from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Gives the text startup, at least I see something happening08:36
pythondasnakeIt asks me use as:   and Mount point08:37
Xenobyteyeah i knew i was overlooking something :-)08:37
nickrudPirate_Hunter, no, sorry08:37
rabiXenobyte: what is the problem?08:37
Xenobyterabi, i'm just joking around08:37
edellinghamAnyone familiar with the prefetch kernel?08:37
pythondasnakeI chose ext2  for Use as.. I don't know what to choose for Mount point08:37
sjovan pythondas: sudo apt-get install gparted <---that prog will help you out. it's realy easy to use08:37
Pirate_Hunternickrud: np i'll just keep asking hopefully someone will know, i hope i dont have to this again its been 2 days now without a response :(08:37
sjovanpythondas: use ext3 ffs!08:38
Xenobytepythondasnake, you are in ubuntu install now?08:38
pythondasnakeYes I am08:38
Xenobytehow many partitions do you wish to install to?  all in one?  do you have a swap partition?08:38
sjovan pythondas: ah jesus... i thiugh this was a new disk08:39
Xenobytepythondasnake, i agree about ext308:39
pythondasnakeXenobyte this is exactly what I did..08:39
Xenobyte*agree with sjoerd08:39
Xenobyte*er, sjovan08:39
sjovan pythondas: you need a swap, home and 15 GB for the file system. that should be enough08:39
aolausis this dual boot or just ubuntu?08:39
deepakHi... People... Can somebody help me with Mad wifi... It is not working even after installation... Im a newbee...08:40
pythondasnakeI partitioned 50 GB with partition magic in xp for the OS08:40
pythondasnakeI retyped the mount point as follows08:40
amitprakashmy awn-theme doesnt show awn-curves even tho i compiled it..08:40
pythondasnake... /media/sda208:40
pythondasnakeWhen I click forward on the install it say no root file system08:40
sjovanpythondas: donæ't use partition magic. it can f*ck up your HD08:40
pythondasnakeI don't know how to correct that08:40
pythondasnakesjovan well already done08:41
aolausgood old norton08:41
nickrudpythondasnake,  the mount point you want to use is:     /     . That is the 'root' of the file system08:41
pythondasnakesays please correct this from the partitioneing menu08:41
pythondasnakeOk.. let me try that08:41
deepakwifi help for newbee... please...08:41
sjovanpythondas: that's because you have to make it. like i said 15 GB for the root system, you need a swap nad the rest should be home08:42
tichis anyone successfully using pulseaudio?08:42
sjovanpythondas: if you are on the live cd, just use the gparted tool'08:42
aolausis it possible to use gparted to correct all his partition problems?08:42
pythondasnakeok .. it says the follwoing08:42
aolauspythondasnake: are you planning to keep XP on that computer, or just switching to linux entirely?08:43
pythondasnakesorry for the lengthy post.. You have not selected any partions for use asswap space. Enabling swap space is recommended so that the system can make better use of the avaialabe physica memory, and so that it behaves better when physica mem is scarece. you may experience installation problems if you do not have enough phys.. mem.08:43
pythondasnakeagain sorry for long post..08:43
aolausyeah, you need a swap space08:43
pythondasnakeaolaus I want to dual boot08:43
pythondasnakekeep xp08:43
aolausum.. I am not sure how this works08:44
aolausbut you want to be careful to preserve your xp data08:44
pythondasnakeI know that is why i'm nervous about continuing08:44
Xenobytepythondasnake, if you use gparted or so to split that 50GB partition, as sjovan says, into a 15GB for /, a swap, and the rest for /home, you'll be in good shape08:44
aolausif I recall it's rather easy to lose all your data when gparted does its work08:44
aolausbecause xp can't find itself08:44
pythondasnakeIf I lose the code I have written in xp I lose job and life hence jump off balcony and leave note :)08:44
aolausoh shit.. is it possible08:44
Xenobyteoh, then never mind :)08:44
RCOMALTAany one on ubut run mail server08:44
aolausto just back everything up?08:44
Tarkushmm, whats normal resolution for a 15.4" notebook display?08:44
cafuegoit's XP. if it gets destroyed, you have no reason to not just use Ubuntu anyway :-)08:45
elkbuntuaolaus, please watch your language08:45
Tarkusi get 1280x800 by default..08:45
Tarkuspretty sure it can be higher08:45
pythondasnaketrue true08:45
aolausonce you back up your data08:45
cafuegoTarkus: My old one does 1024x76808:45
edellinghamHey, how do I change default programs in XFCE?08:45
aolausyou don't have to care about messing up your old OS08:45
amitprakashhow to increate transparency of a window in compiz08:45
deepakPlease help me....08:45
deepakWifi is not working on ubuntu...08:45
aolausactually that's probably waht you want to figure out how to do next08:45
BUDD}{Ahi i am looking for a media player that will index my music like rhythmbox does but will index all my media music and videos is there such a thing08:45
nickrudpythondasnake, if you are comfortable with partition magic, go back to it and make 3 partitions: 1 15gb  (that will be   /  ) , another that's about 2 times your ram (that will be the swap) and the rest will be /home08:45
mbro96|||||||| CAN THE SWAP PARTITION be used for sharing files between Operating Systems (like saving a file in /swap in ubuntu livecd, and then pick it back up in FreeBSD)?08:45
cafuegoTarkus: You could try 1440x90008:45
amitprakashBUDD}{A, amarok08:45
nickrudmbro96, no08:46
pythondasnakenickrud not that your advice is not valid.. I don't understand why I would have to make 3 partitions..08:46
cafuegombro96: You could just mount the ext3 partition in freebsd or the ufs partition in Linux, though.08:46
pythondasnakeNot that you're wrong.. I just don't understand why I would do that08:46
cafuegoOh sorry, never mind.08:46
BUDD}{Aamarok will index  video and keep track of the library of videos like it does for music?08:46
deepakWiFi help on laptop for newbee...08:46
amitprakashBUDD}{A, yes... check library options08:47
Xenobytepythondasnake, a separate swap partition will greatly boost system performance08:47
pythondasnakeI'm thinking I build new machine and install ubuntu on it and forget this lol :008:47
sjovanpythondas: because you want a separate file system, you need swap and a separate home. that's why08:47
Xenobyteas for the other, most ppl like to separate out /home from /, basically everything else08:47
edellinghamHey, how do I change default programs in XFCE?  Like...I want VLC to open AVI's opposed to Totem08:47
aolausI just have /08:47
mbro96nickrud: i just can't figure out how to store retrieve a file from one OS, and get it in my primary OS wtihout burning a darn CD, or buying a thumbdrive, usb HD, etc.08:47
nickrudpythondasnake, you can get by with 2.  Swap is the same as the swap file in windows, linux uses a partition instead. The third (optional) partition, /home , is equivilant to Users in Vista. Useful for reinstalling without losing data08:47
pyr0people have to realize this...if you are going to install linux with windows, you have to have a general idea of how to partition08:48
cafuegoWell actually you can get by with one, you just can't suspend to disk if you do.08:48
pythondasnakeso If I continue with the current warning I will be ok nickrud?08:48
nickrudmbro96, create a vfat partition, both os's can read/write that safely08:48
nickrudpythondasnake, no, you really, really need that swap partition08:48
aolausyes, swap and / at the minimum08:48
BUDD}{Aamarok will play movies too?08:48
sjovanmbro96: linux has ntfs suport, shouldn't be any problem mounting your NTFS sh*t in ubuntu08:48
deepakWorking with Wifi is so difficult?08:48
sjovanthen you can copy paste and do what ever you want08:48
Xenobytepythondasnake, just use partition magic to take one little slice out of that big partition for your swap08:48
cafuegonickrud: Unless he has low ram, he can make a swap file on / or /home later on.08:49
nickname632wow, my roomate from college just got expelled today :x08:49
deepakNobody knows or is it obvious and nobdy wanna tell it?08:49
pythondasnakeOk.. I will try and if that doesn't work.. I think I go buy a machine with vista on it delete it and install ubuntu lol08:49
mEck0can someone help me setting up dual monitors between laptop lcd and external tft, intel x3100 gfx.08:49
Xenobytedeepak, i don't know from wifi, sorry08:49
aolaushere is one of the guides I used to triple boot my system08:49
nickname632 ?wtf did you just say08:49
nadioswap is _NOT_ needed IF you have enought ram.08:49
nickrudcafuego, true, but not something I've done, so I'm not comfortable recommending it.08:49
elkbuntusjovan, why not just say 'stuff' instead of swearing (it's still swearing even if it's obfuscated)08:49
pythondasnake2GB ddr08:49
sjovanelkbuntu: good point. sorry08:50
deepakThanks Xeno... Atleast I gotta reply...08:50
edellinghamNevermind...figured it out08:50
mbro96nickrud: THANKS! i love that idea! (if that is true, don't know much about partitioning schemes). That would be perfect. because i have NO internet on bsd, so i need to get files using /something/ and then use it in primary BSD os08:50
cafuegonickrud: It needs to be done manually and would prevent swusp from working, so not ideal for laptops.08:50
cafuegonickrud: Otherwise, dead easy.08:50
pythondasnakeIn general are people happy with Ubuntu for everyday tasks over XP?08:50
nickname632pythondasnake, yes08:50
cafuegoAs long as you don't make the fatal mistake of making a sparse file :-)08:50
aolauspythondasnake: what do you typitcally do?08:51
nickname632sparrse file?08:51
nickrudpythondasnake, I used linux exclusively for years, until work forced otherwise08:51
aolausimportant to ask that question before ansewring ;)08:51
RCOMALTAany one here run ubutu in server box08:51
pythondasnakeI program in Java and I program in python for fun nickrud08:51
cafuegonickname632: No, one 'r'.08:51
nickrudcafuego, I think I actually know what that means :)08:51
aolausyeah, linux is pretty good for programming08:51
sjovanpythondas: not advanced music and video editing. that's the only thing linux is lacking. and directX10 games ofcourse08:51
cafuegonickrud: it makes 'mkswap' very *very* unhappy :-)08:51
doogluspythondasnake: if you mostly program then you'll be happier in linux than windows, I'd say08:51
pythondasnakeI am nervous about it though you know.. I have always used xp.. But for years I have heard about linux this linux that .. so I just wanted to try it08:51
BUDD}{Awere do i find library options08:52
doogluspythondasnake: if you mostly play directx games and watch microsoft drm'ed movies then you won't08:52
pythondasnakeand XP's command line doesn't let me do anything08:52
pythondasnakeI don't play any games08:52
Xenobytesjovan, i installed ubuntu studio about three weeks ago--i have some demos almost done, Ardour2 is pretty cool for multitracking as long as you save often ;)08:52
pythondasnakeI play chess that's about it08:52
doogluspythondasnake: try a linux live cd and see how it goes08:52
mbro96nickrud: one more thing. could i just do this: #fetch n /what/what/? in BSD to get file from win32/vfat partition?08:53
doogluspythondasnake: hex is a fun board game08:53
pythondasnakeWell dooglus I am currently running Ubuntu off an iso image I burned.. (as wee speak08:53
heatmzzrpythondasnake, just put Ubuntu on my machine tonight and i love it so far... used windows since 3.11, (god Im old)08:53
aolausone of the cooler things about linux is the ability to automate stuff08:53
aolauswith crontab08:53
aolausit's how sysadmins survive their day08:53
RCOMALTAon linux ubutu can i do web server08:53
cafuegoOh please, keep the wee in the bathroom.08:53
sjovan Xenobyte: well i'm no expert, but i doubt any pro. would use linux for music and video08:53
Xenobytelol heatmzzr08:53
J-_How hard is it to configure a relay smtp mail server?08:53
deepakThanks all... Bye...08:53
Xenobytesjovan, prolly not, but it's coming along nicely is all08:53
nickrudmbro96, don't know bsd much, but I'd be flabbergasted if you couldn't simply mount the vfat partition in the file tree and read it directly08:53
cafuegoRCOMALTA: Yes.08:53
BUDD}{Aamarok dosen't play videos i just tryed08:53
Xenobytesjovan, it's fun anyway :)08:54
sjovan Xenobyte: that's nice. don't doubt that at all :D08:54
nickrudaolaus, but, that takes away the magic all the suits see08:54
cafuegonickrud/mbro96: yes, you can.08:54
pythondasnakeNow do some of the IDE's work for Ubuntu? Say eclipse, netbeans ??08:54
cafuegopythondasnake: yes08:54
cafuego!info eclipse08:54
ubotueclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB08:54
wolspythondasnake: both are available08:55
nickrudpythondasnake, I just did a fresh install, eclipse was the second thing I added08:55
Xenobytei think next year i might actually be windows-free.  i'm currently pinching myself.08:55
aolausnickrud: just write a program that uses markov chains to produce random text08:55
pythondasnakeand I like Textpad as well for some things08:55
aolausthey'll think it's the bee's kneews08:55
RCOMALTAfor ubutu there is any way to make mail server smtp and pop3 setup web or gui08:55
pythondasnakeOk I think what I will do is buy /build a machine and just install Ubuntu as the primary OS08:55
astro76pythondasnake, at work we got ubuntu machines for netbeans as it's much faster compiling than windows08:55
cafuegoRCOMALTA: Well... kind of... but I can't really recommend any.08:55
astro76pythondasnake, well no textpad but no shortage of text editors08:55
aolaus!info gedit08:56
ubotugedit: official text editor of the GNOME desktop environment. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.3-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 780 kB, installed size 2752 kB08:56
pythondasnakeBut lightweight text editors nonetheless08:56
aolaus!info nano08:56
ubotunano: free Pico clone with some new features. In component main, is standard. Version 2.0.6-2 (gutsy), package size 283 kB, installed size 1652 kB08:56
dooglus!info emacs2108:56
ubotuemacs21: The GNU Emacs editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 21.4a+1-5ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 1976 kB, installed size 5928 kB08:57
aolausnano represent08:57
pythondasnakeI'm reluctant to totally against trying Vista.. Nothing when looking at it really pops out at me that says buy me over xp .. I don't really understand what new capabilities it has other than it's bigger08:57
UserUbuntugood night, to everybody08:57
astro76pythondasnake, ot... but yes it's a nightmare and looks to be their first failure08:58
Xenobytei hate vista with a burning passion08:58
elkbuntuastro76, first? you've forgotten about ME?08:58
aolausit's shiny though, you gotta admit08:58
astro76elkbuntu, true, but people actually bought that one ;)08:58
pythondasnakeWell I don't hate it I just don't know why it's better than xp.. There is nothing that says WOW this is really an upgrade from xp08:58
aolaushas anyone looked into developing those dashboard widgets?08:58
Matt17you know everyone hates vista08:58
muratbende sizin08:58
Matt17but i must use it08:59
Xenobyteyes, but my hate is special :p08:59
Matt17how come08:59
doogluspythondasnake: most of the improvements are not for you, but for ms and the media companies08:59
aolausone advantage xp has over ubuntu is battery life08:59
pythondasnakeWell I think I will install Ubuntu on another machine and mind you for the next six months i you guys answer some very noob questions lol08:59
Xenobyteaw, it's a long sad story. :)  I'm sorry you have to use it08:59
pythondasnakeif *09:00
Matt17but xp has f*$#ing GrabIt that I need09:00
Matt17but ubuntu doesent09:00
nickrudaolaus, please don't spread truth09:00
Matt17any alternatives?09:00
astro76pythondasnake, it's a deal ;)09:00
Matt17i would erase windows than09:00
Matt17i just use it becouse of grabit09:00
Matt17i must use binaries09:00
Xenobyteerm, klibido, if you install kde--and i've run grabit in wine before on slackware, it mostly worked ;)09:01
pythondasnakeok lol thanks astro7609:01
sjovan pythondas: like google have some realy good howto install ubuntu, just so you know it09:01
Matt17im pretty new09:01
Xenobytecan look at pan, it's no grabit but it's not bad09:01
Matt17so thanx09:01
pythondasnakesjovan I have been through the basics of them like 10 times..09:01
Xenobytenp :)09:01
pythondasnakeThere is just something I don't get or am not doing right.. I can't say anything more than tht09:02
nickrudpythondasnake,  a really good place to search stuff is www.google.com/linux09:02
Matt17klibido then it is?09:02
aolauswell pythondasnake09:02
aolausthe most important thing is partitioning correctly09:02
kitofhawaiiMatt17: vista turned me into a fulltime linux user...i can concur. i refuse to run it so if i need windows i remote into the office *microsoft, how i championed your cause for 15 years and then you slap me in the face*09:02
aolausand perhaps figuring out the boot sequence09:02
aolausother than that it's all automated09:02
Xenobytepan is gtk, but more of an all-around news reader09:02
garyDoes anyone else have awful static sounds when using Real player?09:02
rgl_I'm trying to install ubuntu in a raid, so I've downloaded the alternate install cd, but it installs X, is there other CD that can install to raid, but without X?09:02
sjovanpythondas: then i sugest you refer to the step in the howto that you don't understand. that would make it much easyer for us to help you-09:02
Xenobytelol kit09:03
astro76rgl_, server install I believe09:03
nickrudrgl_, there's a server cd, release.ubuntu.com/7.1009:03
nickrudrgl_, erm, releases. etc09:03
rgl_ah thanks. gona try it!09:03
pythondasnakeDoes Ubuntu read NTFS files ?09:04
astro76rgl_, I wonder if minimal install cd can install to raid09:04
aolausyes it does09:04
astro76pythondasnake, read/write09:04
lwellshow do i connect to a printer on the network??09:04
AgentHeXeclipse is the dumbest code editor i've ever seen :(.  just thought you guys should know09:04
wolslwells: depends how this printer is made available09:04
wolsAgentHeX: that you for your valuable input09:05
lwellsover a wireless network09:05
* nickrud thinks AgentHeX hasn't seen qedit09:05
wolsikonia: that's irrelevant09:05
garyDoes anyone know how to fix static sounds when using Real player?09:05
pythondasnakeWell I'm excited lol.. I think I will gobuy a machine and learn it all09:05
AgentHeXwols: any time.  gunna look up qedit now09:05
kitofhawaiilwells: system -> administration -> printing (assuming you're running gnome) then "new printer"09:05
lwellsok i am there09:05
wolslwells: CIFS or IPP?09:05
kitofhawaiilwells: is it a windows box, or just a printer with a nic?09:05
AgentHeXwols: you would think that an IDE would have some way of importing source files not created with itself, but no...09:05
aolausgary: in wine?09:06
lwellsapple wireless network09:06
wolsAgentHeX: then you are simply not bright enough to use eclipse09:06
kitofhawaiilwells: the printer you're trying to connect to09:06
AgentHeXwols: apparently not.09:06
lwellsyes, it is connected to a airport express09:06
Xenobytewhoop,  i gotta split09:06
Matt17klibido is bit too confusing for me :S09:07
Xenobyteback :)09:07
kitofhawaiilwells: ok...it has its own ip address or what? how is it hooked up to your network? like...plugged into another computer, wireless with an ip address..? :)09:07
AgentHeXwols: not a menu option i could find to do it.  uninstalling eclipse now09:07
Matt17how to install this thing09:07
Xenobytematt17, did you grab klibido?09:07
lwellswireless with an ip09:07
nickrudAgentHeX, I just used cp , worked fine09:07
Matt17i downloadet it09:07
wolslwells: it's the IP of the apple box right?09:08
wolsMatt17: man dpkg09:08
garyReal player in wine? No, no. The linux version09:08
lwellswell yea09:08
Arelis Hi all. I found that with fglrx, everything works better, from gaming to 2D stuff. I have an ATI Radeon 9600. Problem is, i'm, right now, unable to switch on the desktop effects.. and i have the Option "Composite" "Enable" in the Xorg.conf.. am i forced to use XGL?09:08
XenobyteMatt17, try sudo apt-get install klibido09:08
AgentHeXnickrud: ? i put my source files in the project path, and it didn't see anything.  i've had to delete not only the project path but the .metadata folder as well to be able to re-create a project.09:08
garyI'm runnng a 64bitAMD09:08
wolsArelis: yes09:08
aolausany particular reason you need real player?09:09
Areliswols: Is XGL bad to use, or does it run just fine?09:09
kitofhawaiilwells: so the printer has a wireless card built in right, not plugged into a mac or something? (just trying to envision)09:09
lwellsdo i need to type in the ip address or will ubuntu see it on the network09:09
nickrudAgentHeX, hm, created a project, moved the stuff in. wfm09:09
wolsArelis: imho it's simply crap. ubuntu likes to differ. their choice09:09
lwellsno, the printer is connected directly to the wireless router09:09
Areliswols: What do you mean by that?09:09
AgentHeXnickrud: we're still talking about eclipse, right09:09
garyTo watch .rm and .rmvb files, of course.09:09
kitofhawaiilwells: i would try IPP first (maybe your printer supports it) if not, try appsocket/hp jet direct09:09
Matt17xenobyte thanks09:10
Matt17it seems it works :D09:10
garyUnless there's a way to convert the files to .avi or use another program?09:10
Matt17Im such a noob :(09:10
XenobyteMatt17, excellent >:)09:10
aolaushmm, never heard of those filetypes09:10
Matt17so it would be similar to grab it?09:11
Xenobyteerm--not *that* similar :D09:11
Xenobytebut it should do ya09:11
Matt17I mean it should do the sam thing09:11
Xenobyteit's all about sucking down the binaries09:11
Matt17well I cant wait09:12
Matt17I really now think of fomating my windows patition09:12
nickrudAgentHeX, yes, html/php09:12
lwellshow do i find out the network i am connected to09:13
nickrudAgentHeX, got my text replace back, Works for Me™ :)09:13
garyfile types? Those are pretty standard Real file types.09:13
Xenobytethat will make the world a little better place09:13
aolausgary: google "rmvb ubuntu"09:13
aolausapparently you can use mplayer to play rmvb09:13
aolausas well as convert rmvb to avi09:13
aolauspraise FSM09:13
=== ubuntu is now known as csh
kitofhawaiilwells: the subnet? what information are you looking for?09:14
AgentHeXnickrud: it seems you have to refresh the project for it to rescan the folder.  got it working, but that's just stupid.  closing and re-launching eclipse went nowhere.09:14
bullgard4Why does the time jump backwards in kern.log? In http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19628  time stamps of the format [ 10.687641] originate from dmesg. line #213 (from 16.094052 to 5.352000)?09:15
nickrudAgentHeX, ah, well, all software has it's awkward points. I like eclipse because I'm lazy, really09:15
garyBut the problem isn't with the file type, but with the choppy/static sounds.09:16
AgentHeXnickrud: and you think i downloaded it to work harder?09:16
nickrudAgentHeX, lol09:16
etc_GDM takes different resoliton, and my screen is elongated? anyone now about this?09:16
nickrudkitofhawaii, you seem to pop up when it comes to network issues, can you recommend some reading?09:17
aolausgary: I have no clue what could be causing it, I'm sorry09:17
kitofhawaiibullgard4: you have to remember things don't necessarily post to kern.log immediately09:17
AgentHeXnickrud: if it's set to "autobuild" do i need to do anything but hit the green arrow button?09:17
nickrudAgentHeX, in what context? java, c, php, other09:18
wolsetc_: do you have a widescreen monitor?09:18
kitofhawaiinickrud: in general, or specific to linux? im a network engineer09:18
AgentHeXnickrud: c++09:18
etc_wols, no, its a cheap 15inch crt09:18
garyIt's ok. Thanks a lot. I'll try the forums, then.09:18
nickrudkitofhawaii, in general, then networking linux/windows09:18
wolsetc_: check your xorg logs then why it'd doing it09:19
etc_wols, the thing is GDM is weird, but once logged in its fine resolution09:19
kitofhawaiinickrud: cisco univercd is fantastic (online and freely available) to cover a lot of general topics09:20
bullgard4kitofhawaii: Are you going to tell me that the events depicted in line #213ff occurred earlier than the events in lines with numbers < 213?09:20
etc_wols, been trying setting and removing diff settings in xorg.conf but it seems that gdm isn't getting resolutions from xorg.conf09:20
Tarkushow can i find out what video card im using?09:21
AgentHeXnickrud: n/m.  it seems g++ wasn't installed.  i had g++4.2.something, and it didn't map right.09:21
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:21
astro76etc_, supposedly gdm uses the first resolution listed on the line in xorg.conf09:21
nickrudkitofhawaii, thanks09:21
kitofhawaiibullgard4: they could've started before...we're talking milliseconds here. kernel issues a call, the kern.log doesn't order the entries09:22
etc_ Modes "800x640" is the only line in my xorg09:22
etc_lemme restart though, i just did a gdm update from repo09:22
etc_wait up guys :D09:22
bullgard4kitofhawaii: No, we are not talking milliseconds here. You are not well-informed.09:23
kitofhawaiibullgard4: which column are you looking at in kern.log?09:23
* Xenobyte waves goodbye09:23
bullgard4kitofhawaii: The column having the format [16.094052].09:24
=== rgl_ is now known as rglk
FlynsarmyAny australians here know how to set up the GA repository for gutsy?09:25
buttercupsbullgard4, like I said, 1 time stamp the other numbers refer probably to a specific location, #linux-kernel. Your "mom"comment I don't care for,thanks09:25
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:26
bullgard4buttercups: In one line there are two time-stamps. Full stop. Have you ever analyzed dmesg?  --  Why do you mention '#linux-kernel'?09:28
buttercupsbullgard4,  [16.094052] is not a time stamp, its common sense why i referred you to #linux-kernel for a kernel.log question09:30
bullgard4buttercups: What is  [16.094052] then, if it is no time-stamp?09:31
buttercupsbullgard4, the output of dmesg does not contain any timestamps what so ever09:31
FlynsarmyAnyone know how to enable the GD libraries in the default LAMP installation?09:32
bullgard4buttercups: Common sense has led many people in false directions. I have checked the activity in #linux-kernel. It appears to me that you have not.09:32
wolsapt-cache search gd |grep php09:32
MinusSevenIs there a program I can run that automatically sets up fstab?09:33
bullgard4buttercups: Can you prove your statement.09:33
nickrudbullgard4, easy, this is not a debating society, it is a mutual help group09:33
wolsbullgard4: kernel.log is not dmesg09:33
aolausdamn bullgard, lighten up dude09:34
bullgard4nickrud: Your message is not helpful.09:34
buttercupsbullgard4, prove what? that dmesg does not contain time stamps?09:34
nickrudbullgard4, not meant to be helpful, but informational.09:34
ArelisI found that fglrx works much better than the open-source 'ati' driver here. With gaming, and 2D things. But i'm unable to turn on the desktop effects. My video card is an ATI Radeon 9600 and my operating system is Ubuntu Gutsy. Can anyone please help?09:34
bullgard4buttercups: yes.09:34
nickrud!xgl | Arelis09:34
ubotuArelis: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:35
Arelisnickrud: can't i use it with aiglx?09:35
wolsArelis: I already told you: no09:35
nickrudArelis, if you install the ones from ati09:35
buttercupsbullgard4, do you want people to help you or would you rather question there answers?09:35
wolsnot with fglrx09:35
Areliswols: Alright. Someone else told me i could, so that's why i doubted those words.09:35
wolsnickrud: even the new ones don't work well with aiglx apparently09:35
Arelisnickrud: Is XGL safe to use, and does it play nice with games?09:36
SingAlongI am planning to setup a web server with Ubuntu. My hardware config is Intel P4 2.4Ghz, 1GB ram and 40GB HDD. And the speed of the internet connection is 256kbps. Will I be able to run a decent web server and sustain a site with about 10 million hits a month?09:36
wolsSingAlong: your connection speed is too low, but: #web09:36
jeremyb256k is horrible09:36
lwellsI am on a laptop, but do not see any batter level indicator, how do i get that??09:36
bullgard4buttercups: Please prove your statement that dmesg does not contain timestamps.09:37
nickrudArelis, yes to the former, and no knowledge of the latter09:37
wolsbullgard4: how about running "dmesg"09:37
* jeremyb smells bullgard4 and buttercups running in a circle...09:37
SingAlongjeremyb.... Atleast 1 million hits a month?09:37
nickrudwols, I kept it for about 2 hours, but I thought it was just me09:37
egs_i'm having difficulty getting my logitech webcam to work, has anyone here made a logitech quickcam notebook pro work on ubuntu?09:37
buttercupsbullgard4, prove it to you? It simply does not contain timestamps09:37
jeremybSingAlong: hits a month is really irrelevant.  and this is the wrong channel as wols said09:38
wolsnickrud: recently (mnmeonica) had a big problem with XGL. prevented his X from working at all btw09:38
wolsand IIRC XGL and games don't mix at all. either/or, not both09:38
wolsegs_: check what usb chip it uses, google for it and you will know09:39
SingAlongjeremyb: ?? which channel is dedicated to ubuntu server edition on freenode?09:39
suttinI cant seem to get my graphics worked out. I have an x800 card with my drivers installed, but i cant go past an 800x600 resolution. The restricted drivers are checked, but they say they aren't in use, anyone know whats going on?09:39
bullgard4buttercups: Tell me what the information content of  [16.094052] is.09:39
gordonjcpbuttercups: I can see timestamps in dmesg09:39
jeremybSingAlong: it has nothing to do with ubuntu... wols suggested #web09:39
wolsSingAlong: it's no ubuntu support question, hence why no ubuntu channel is on topic for your question. I told you: #ewb09:39
buttercupsbullgard4, kern.log does , dmesg does not include them in the output09:39
wolsSingAlong: but as jeremyb already said: hits are irrelevant and 256k is always too low for any serious webhosting09:40
SingAlongok sorry guys.....09:40
jeremybhits are relevant but hits per month aren't really09:40
gordonjcpbuttercups: I just typed dmesg and I can clearly see timestamps09:40
jeremybi was typing...09:41
wolsgordonjcp: /bin/dmesg ?09:41
GluestickyIs there some default root password when I first install ubuntu?09:41
egs_ok, how do i disable the "X has joined #ubuntu" and "X has quit" messages in xchat?09:41
gordonjcpwols: yes09:41
wolsGluesticky: no, there is no root password at all09:42
Gluestickyer ok09:42
Hyper_Mamhiho, I have a problem:  I just changed from Xubuntu to Ubuntu and I don't get the window decorations in Compiz anymore. I can't resize windows, I can't move them.... any suggestion?09:42
nickrudbuttercups, bullgard4 this may not be definitive, but http://kerneltrap.org/node/837509:42
gordonjcp!sudo | Gluesticky09:43
ubotuGluesticky: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.09:43
egs_Hyper_Mam: you need to apt-get update, then probably switch to a specific graphics driver from the card vendor (e.g. ati).09:43
_gpg_when i run Assaultcube the characterSet isnt readable can any one help me to change it please ?09:43
Hyper_Mamegs_: nothing with the driver... cube and all the other stuff works09:43
suttinI cant seem to get my graphics worked out. I have an x800 card with my drivers installed, but i cant go past an 800x600 resolution. The restricted drivers are checked, but they say they aren't in use, anyone know whats going on?09:43
Hyper_Mamegs_: just not the window decorations09:44
speckHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 on my friends self-made computer. When he loads the CD it goes to a initramfs prompt. I googled this extensively and could find no solutions -- can anyone here provide insight? Thanks!09:44
egs_Hyper_Mam: ok, I see, no idea then.09:44
wolssuttin: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:44
nickrudwols, I had no problems with xgl, but dropped fglrx for suspend with the new kernel.09:44
aceedevillhey, i'm completely new to this, i have downloaded the iso and burned it to a cd, but is this just an installer or will it run live aswell?09:44
suttinwols: you want me to paste it?09:45
egs_aceedevil: it's both.09:45
wolsaceedevill: will run live as well09:45
nickrudaceedevill, if you got the 'desktop' cd, it's live and an installer09:45
aceedevillis there a menu i have to choose from?09:45
egs_anyone using xchat here?09:45
Hyper_Mamegs_: same here... that's why I thought I'd ask in here09:45
wolsspeck: tell us the error(s)09:45
FluxDIf I install kubuntu-desktop, will it give me an option in the login screen to choose?09:45
wolsFluxD: yes, kdm09:45
FluxDegs_: yes09:45
aceedevilloh, and does anyone know the boot screen key for an hp09:46
speckwols: Are the errors in a log? There were no errors on the screen along with the initramfs prompt.09:46
nickrudFluxD, it'll be under the options button, look at sessions there09:46
wolsspeck: there was an error on screen09:46
FluxDwols: I mean all I do is install it and I can logout and login and switch to the KDE internface?09:46
egs_how can I suppress the "X has joined #ubuntu" announcements in xchat?09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acounts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:46
wolsegs_: #xchat09:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about accounts - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:46
speckwols: OK, I will try to go through the process again and I will report what the error is. Will you be around for the next hour or so and is it OK if I PM you?09:46
nickrudegs_, right click the #ubuntu on the left, and tell it to stop09:46
FluxDegs_: what nickrud sai :p09:47
egs_nickrud: awesome, thank you!09:47
suttinwols: here you go Driver          "kbd"09:47
suttin        Driver          "mouse"09:47
suttin        Driver          "fglrx"09:47
suttin        Driver          "ati"09:47
Gluestickythis is very weird09:47
wolssuttin: you have ati and fglrx set up? your xorg.conf is broken09:47
FluxD!paste | suttin09:47
ubotusuttin: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:47
wolssuttin: and you are an *unspeakable* for pasting in here09:47
suttinsorry fluxd, i forgot09:47
aceedevilloh, and does anyone know the boot screen key for an hp09:47
wolsaceedevill: #hardware09:48
suttinwols: what should i do?09:48
wolsyou should not paste in here09:48
jeremybwols: i sent him back here now that he's asking about machine endurance/uptime/etc. :)09:48
suttinwols: other than that :(09:49
egs_is there a forum for video or for webcams?09:49
egs_channel i mean09:49
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:49
drafaelhey, does anyone have any idea how I can get sed to only replace a string if it the next or previous character is not ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789?09:49
jeremybwols: and he /quit... welp don't think we would have gotten him thinking straight anyway :-/09:50
aceedevillthey aren't giving me anything09:50
egs_drafael: sed s/[^A-Z0-9_]string[^A-Z0-9_]/replacement/09:52
Johnsonhey i need some help setting up my monitors09:52
drafaelthanks, I'll try that09:52
FlynsarmyI heard there was a way to get VPNC in the network drop down list in the taskbar. Does anyone know how?09:52
Johnsoni attached a monitor to my laptop via vga, then it found the monitor and displayed the same desktop on both screens. i changed the settigns it said i needed to log out, the computer stalled and restarted in low graphics mode and my resolution right now is quit bad09:53
suttinwols: do you have any ideas?09:53
Johnsoncan anyone help09:53
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:53
=== _xALEXANDRE is now known as xALEXANDRE
ricaneliteanyone use Compiz-Fuzion?09:54
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:54
drafaelegs_: thank you, that helps greatly09:55
egs_drafael: no problem09:55
kitofhawaiiricanelite: i use fusion, but if you need help #compiz-fusion's available :)09:57
aceedevillthanks for your help guys09:57
Jimnastics_why is there no need for an antivirus in linux?09:58
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus09:58
ubotuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2109:59
nickrudJimnastics_, because so few people use linux the virii writers don't waste their time09:59
speckwols: Don't mean to pester, but I'm still wondering how much longer you'll be available to follow up on my initramfs question, and whether it is OK to PM you. Thanks!09:59
ricaneliteyou use which version kito?09:59
Jimnastics_nickrud is that the only reason?09:59
nickrudJimnastics_, no, see the link above. But social engineering could get onto some machines, but it's not productive10:00
aolausI'm a complete noob in this area10:00
aolausbut wouldn't the various kernels retard the growth of any virus?10:00
aolauswindows is a monoculture10:01
wolsalbech: viruses haee nothing to do with kernels at all10:01
Johnsonhey can anyone help me set up two monitors10:02
Johnsonits kind of working write now except i cant fully drag application into one monitor,m and i also cnat switch which one is default10:02
kitofhawaiinickrud: social engineering's one of the most effective ways of getting access...:) hence why two-factor authentication's such a rage10:02
ricanelitehow can i update compiz to 6.0? currently using 5.010:03
nickrudkitofhawaii, I just thank god that thunderbird & evolution don't run things10:03
wols!info compiz10:03
ubotucompiz: OpenGL window and compositing manager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.6.0+git20071008-0ubuntu1.1 (gutsy), package size 30 kB, installed size 64 kB10:03
wolsRockj: there is no versin 6.0 of it10:03
wolsricanelite: ^^10:04
kitofhawaiinickrud: oye...naw, novell makes enough problems of their own without help from virii :)10:05
nickrudkitofhawaii, and I used to have the utmost respect for miguel ;(10:05
tarelerulzHow would you get it so ubuntu 7.10   showed all what it was doing .  The one that has penguin  on top and show all the all the things what would being done on boot10:06
bluesI have problem with screensaver in recent ubuntu10:07
bluesit causes X crash when trying to enter screensaver settings10:07
nickrudtarelerulz, you'd have to set up your framebuffer with a logo; to just see the text fly by remove quiet splash vga=xxx from the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst10:08
kitofhawaiinickrud: last time novell released a finished product was netware 5.1. ever since then, you never have any idea what they're going to release. going through netware 6.0 and 6.5, i still have nightmares about consoleone10:08
bluesis it known bug?10:08
nickrudkitofhawaii, ah, that part of novell. I remember using it in the 80's (no sneakernet!) but don't know enough to have any opinion10:09
tarelerulzWell,  Nickrud , I ill have to do that. Thanks for the help. It is not something that needs to be done to my system. I just have all ways liked how it looked.  I had it on all my other Linux systems10:10
ricanelitewell i meant 0.610:11
ricanelitecompiz-fusion 0.6.010:11
nickrudtarelerulz, yeah, it does look nice. Had it set up when I really used the console, the extra real estate was really nice10:11
zimonricanelite, what ubuntu-version are you using?10:11
ricanelite7.10 Gusty10:12
ricanelitehey roman10:12
romantikis there any SanDisk Sansa e200 Series channel on irc anywhere?10:13
tarelerulzNickrud when I started out on Linux on the Xbox and other computer  it was one of  the things that made it different .  Windows just showed a bar  and did not tell you anything .10:13
romantiki need some help10:13
zimonricanelite, so you should have 0.6.0 already .. if not, do an upgrade10:14
welpjeremyb, i was never ill.10:15
ricanelitehow do i kill a program or window like the "About Me" I cannot close it10:15
ricanelitehow can I kill that Window10:15
ricanelitewithout restarting x?10:15
romantiki have filled two tags for my mp3s (the Artist and the Song Name) but those files are displayed in the form of somename.mp3 and not as  Artist - Song Name10:16
Ax-Axhow can i check free space on my partitions in cli?10:16
nickrudricanelite, alt-f2 : xkill , click the window10:16
romantikI have SanDisk Sansa e260 mp3 player10:16
romantikplease help10:16
ec34534Ax-Ax: df -h10:16
duudiiwho mentioned my name?10:16
kitofhawaiiricanelite: "sudo killall processname" or "sudo kill processid" which you can get from system monitor10:16
romantikduudii, help10:17
romantikI have SanDisk Sansa e260 mp3 player10:17
romantiki have filled two tags for my mp3s (the Artist and the Song Name) but those files are displayed in the form of somename.mp3 and not as  Artist - Song Name10:17
romantikwhat can i do that my mp3 pšlayer will display my mp3s in the form of, for example, Linkin Park - In the End      (and not as linkin_park.mp3)10:18
romantikanyone, help10:18
kitofhawaiiromantik: you check your sansa user guide?10:19
romantikthere's no help on my problem10:19
aolaushow did yo ufill those tags?10:19
romantikthere's also no help on my problem in any forums10:19
romantiki have filled these tags with EasyTAG10:19
kitofhawaiiromantik: i dunno, i have a zune. it works. :)10:20
ricanelitewith any game i run like Nexuiz I should turn off 3d desktop effects?10:20
romantikis it for linux?10:20
aolausyeah.. probably something with the easytag program10:20
romantiki have Ubuntu 7.1010:20
aolausif this program is supposed to name all your files10:20
aolausand you didn't configure it the way you wanted10:20
IRCMonkeyIf VLC does not play 'FLV' files what codecs am I missing??10:20
aolausI am guessing that this is the result10:20
kitofhawaiiricanelite: yes...alt-f2 "metacity --replace" in gnome, and then alt-f2 "compiz --replace" to get it back after playing your game10:20
Hyper_Mamhiho, where can I change the default image viewer? when I right-click and select "open with" it works but I can't assign another default10:21
aolaustry to see if easytag has an alternate way of naming files10:21
romantikaolaus, what do you mean by 'alternate'?10:21
kitofhawaiiricanelite: assuming you're using gnome...i think it's "kde-window-manager --replace" for kde...but i don't run it10:21
aolausum well10:21
aolaussome programs let you specify10:21
sjovanHyper_Mam: properties of the file-type you want to change default10:22
aolausexactly how you want the filename to appear10:22
aolauswhich sounds like what you're looking for10:22
aolausfor example, streamripper10:22
romantikaolaus, aha10:22
aolauslets you format the filename10:22
Hyper_Mamsjovan: how do you do that?10:22
aolausany way you want10:22
aolausbut I don't know how this easytag thing works10:22
romantikaolaus, is streamripper for Ubuntu?10:22
ricaneliteim using Gnome10:22
aolaussudo apt-get install streamripper10:22
romantikaolaus, and for GNOME?10:22
vladtzuIs it at all common for pidgin and firefox to crash on 7.10 ?10:22
sjovan Hyper_Mam: right-click --> properties maby?10:23
aolausbut.. streamripper is a program to save internet streams to hard disk10:23
aolausit is not an mp3 labeling program lol10:23
sjovanvladtzu: NO!10:23
kitofhawaiiricanelite: then alt-f2 "metacity --replace" kills compiz.  alt-f2 "compiz --replace" brings it back10:23
romantikaolaus, i've tried amarok but this did not found my device once it was plugged in10:23
aolausI've never used amarok10:23
kitofhawaiiricanelite: (play game in between the commands)10:23
vladtzusjovan:  I didn't imagine.  Both of them have been crashing on me on occasion, and I really have no clue why.  With firefox, the flash plugin caused it the most, so I got rid of it, but I have no clue why pidgin is.10:23
Hyper_Mamsjovan: that's not so obvious...I did right-click --> open with     --> and in xfce, kde, windows you'll get an option to assign the new open with program as default10:23
aolaustry googling sansa e260 amarok10:24
romantikaolaus, i want to have a good mp3 labeling program that works on Ubuntu and GNOME10:24
aolausmaybe you'll find a solution10:24
aolausyou burn mp3s from cd or something?10:24
romantikaolaus, i have tried amarok... it did not recognised my device at all10:24
aolauswhy not just name the files yourself?10:24
egs_romantik: easytag is decent10:24
romantikegs_, yes but then the Artist and Song Name are not displayed in the mp3 player10:25
romantikegs_, only the filename is displayed, which is not my preference10:25
sjovanvladtzu: how does opera work then? if it workes then problem solved, cause it's much bether then firefox :D try out finch. it's a text-based pidgen. you can screen it and use it remotely like i'm doing now10:25
egs_easytag should be able to extract those names and set them in ID3v2 tags.10:25
egs_I have used it many times to do precisely that.10:26
romantikaolaus, it does10:26
ricanelitewow thats for that tip kitofhawaii10:26
romantikegs_, it's just that sansa e260 does not, somehow, recognize those two tags10:26
ec34534romantik: are you aware that there are two types of id3 tags, id3 v1 and id3 v2? maybe the sandisk player supports only one type and cannot read the other.10:26
kitofhawaiiricanelite: yw10:26
sjovanvladtzu: maby #pidgin can tell you seomthing about your problem... do you have any errors with firefox or?10:26
lonejackI need an advice regarding linux installation, should somebody telle me if ubuntu is a valid choice to do a web server, has somebody adopted VNC10:27
Johnsonhey can anyone help set up dual monitors10:27
romantikec34534, i am aware of that10:27
ec34534romantik: so can you check which id3 tag type you have set with easytag?10:27
egs_I suspect your player expects ID3 version 2 tags, and you have version 1 tags attached.10:28
ricaneliteis there a site where they have tips and shortcuts like using commands, terminal help10:28
romantiki don't know how to retrieve that particular info10:28
vladtzusjovan: No errors, flash in particular just made it lock up from time to time.  I got rid of the flash plugin, but it still does on occasion.  PIdgin never gives any error message just locks up completely at random every now and again.  I'll check out #pidgin.  I wouldn't mind switching either one, so I probably will, I was just worried about them being symptoms of something else.10:28
sjovanHyper_Mam: it's bloody obvious when i say properties of the file-type ypu want to change.... anyways, a thanks would be nice10:28
Johnsonim trying to make my vga monitor become the primiary monitor instead of my laptop10:28
romantikbecause EasyTAG is poor in displaying the info of tha tag it was created10:28
Johnsoni change it in settings it says i must log out, and it screws up without fail everytime and my laptop is primary monitor10:28
romantikit does the job but it's kinda poor10:29
vladtzusjovan:  The only thing suspect I can think of with my setup is that my hard drives are listed as sda and sdb in /dev even though neither one is scsi10:29
ec34534romantik: i don't use easytag at all. my choice is the command line tool id3v2 (which can set either tag type)10:29
egs_romantik: esaytag > Settings > Preferences > ID3 Tag Settings10:29
vladtzuI have no clue what that would have to do with it though lol10:29
egs_romantik: make sure v2 AND v1 are both checked.10:29
ec34534romantik: alright, listen to egs_10:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:29
romantikegs_, i don't have that menu choice ID3 Tag Settings10:30
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:30
sjovanvladtzu: that's just the way it is on ubuntu. it supos to be that way10:30
egs_romantik: easytag > Help > About - what's the versoin of easytag?10:30
jxxtricanelite, Yes there is I am away from my home country at the moment so I cannot remember them but start with the ubuntu links10:30
drafaelI've had some luck with "echo antigens gen | sed "s/[^A-Za-z0-9_]gen[^A-Za-z0-9_]/replace/g" (as an example) - it doesn't pick up antigens (hooray!). how would I make it pick up gens though? thanks10:30
sjovan vladtzu: so it's almost a fresh install? maby sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade could help you out. <---that's a big maby10:30
ricanelitei do some searching around thanks10:31
romantikegs_, the version of easyTAG is 2.1.210:31
romantikby me10:31
egs_romantik: look more carefully, it's a tab labelled "ID3 Tag Settings"10:31
romantikegs_, aha!10:32
vladtzusjovan:  Yeah, only about 4 days, but I've ran the update each day.   I guess it could be the two programs are my most resource intensive applications.  I have plenty of ram and cpu power, but I overheat sometimes.  Still it seems like if they were causing hardware problems, the whole system would crash eh?10:32
romantikegs_, found it10:32
romantiknow what?10:32
egs_romantik: check automatically convert old v2 versions10:32
egs_romantik: check write ID2v2 tag10:33
egs_romantik: check write ID3v1 tag10:33
romantikegs_, it is10:33
romantikegs_, i think i know what the problem is10:33
egs_romantik: all three are checked10:33
egs_romantik: what's the problem?10:33
romantikegs_, i have read in some forum that sansa e260 cannot handle ID3v2.4 but only ID3v2.310:34
egs_romantik: excellent, then uncheck "automatically convert old versions" and select "v2.3" instead of "v2.4"10:34
romantikegs_, i'll test all settings10:35
romantikegs_, i'll test all combinations of the settings10:35
romantikegs_, it'll last a long time but i'll do it10:35
egs_romantik: great, happy listening.10:35
romantikthank you10:35
romantikthank you all10:36
romantikbe well10:36
ec34534romantik: that's what happens if a format isn't standardized well10:36
romantikyeah :)10:36
romantikegs_, thanks10:36
MZMI have problem with 7.10 - install hangs at 9X% on "detecting hardware" (Athlon XP CPU w nForce2 mb)10:38
WebspotHi. I have two sound cards and I'd like to make one of them the default. How do I do this? Everytime I start my computer it's a 50/50 chance what soundcard will be selected as the default.10:40
grindcorehi , who can help me with this please :10:40
grindcoreFailed to run users-admin as user root.10:40
grindcoreThe underlying authorisation mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.10:40
Webspotgrindcore: The user account you're trying to use doesn't have permission to open the users admin box.10:40
grindcoreWebspot - i was trying something and i turn off all pemisions of my account :( can u help me please ?10:41
ompaulgrindcore, click on system administration users and groups ... use your own password10:41
amrnethi i installed window after installing ubuntu is there a way to fix grub from the livecd?10:42
ec34534grindcore: a user needs to be in the group "admin" to run sudo10:42
grindcoreompaul this message is from exactly of this users and groups - i cannot run this tool and setup everything back10:42
ompaulgrindcore, trying things with your main account is not a great idea if this is what you have done - the fastest surest way to sort it out is with a livecd - got one to hand?10:43
amrneti know that was a frequently asked question but i forgot how to do it a link to a doc will e great. How to reinstall grub10:43
ec34534grindcore: if you removed yourself from the "admin" group, you can only fix this from a live cd or by booting with init=/bin/bash10:43
cihan253hello I need to give command "sudo modprobe uinput" everytime when I boot linux. is there any simple way to do it?10:43
cihan253I mean adding somewhere so it would be given10:43
grindcoreec34534 and how to do it with live cd ?10:44
egs_ how can i use pidgin to connect to this irc channel?10:44
sjovan grindcore: why have you made a user with that name? isen't it enough with your user, root and maby a guest account?10:44
ompaul!root | sjoerd10:44
ubotusjoerd: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:44
sjoerdompaul: humm?10:45
ompaulguest accounts are bad ;-) and there is no access to root - as our friend has discovered10:45
grindcorei just need to fix it as quick as possible because i need to burn one dvd and go out10:45
neusHey guys, how can I use an unsafe password for my account? passwd keeps complaining my password is too simpe.10:45
ec34534grindcore: in either case it will be some command line work10:45
amrnet!fix MBR10:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fix mbr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:45
egs_grindcore: what's your password? :-)10:45
ompaulgrindcore, got your live cd - reboot come back and we can talk you though it easy enough10:45
egs_grindcore: wait wait, let me guess... can't be too hard.10:46
sjovan ompaul: blah... i have su on my ubuntu10:46
sjovanso a root account can exist10:46
ec34534sjovan: well that's your problem10:46
grindcoreompaul - i have live cd10:46
kitofhawaiiroot definitely exists...just made inconvenient by ubuntu10:47
sjovanec34534: no it's nice to have, so you don't have t sudo every time you want to do something10:47
ompaulsjovan, ya, but that is not way we do it - what you do in the privacy of your own command line is your call10:47
ompaulgrindcore, reboot with it and come back and join us10:47
egs_ompaul: ok, sorry about the joke.10:47
nyoroHi, what is the difference between the nv and the nvidia driver?10:47
ompaulegs_, as someone said you know now ;-)10:47
grindcoreompaul - and what i need to select - recovery ?10:47
jwhi. did anyone install ubuntu on hp 6720s?10:47
ec34534sjovan: even without a password set for the root accout you can have a permanent root shell10:48
ompaulgrindcore, no just reboot with the live cd and when you get your desktop join us10:48
grindcoreompaul - ok :)10:48
egs_when I use pidgin to connect to this channel, it requires a password. where do i get that password?10:48
sjovan ec34534: huh?10:48
wolsnyoro: nvidia one is clsoed sourec and does 3D10:48
ompaulegs_, there is no password10:48
ec34534sjovan: i guess you never read the sudo manpage10:49
drafaelany suggestions on using sed to find and replace something like "gen" but not "antigen5" without removing characters either side of "gen" using sed?10:49
nyorowols: ok10:49
sjovanec34534: nope, i never did :) maby it's time i do it10:49
ec34534sjovan: otherwise you'd know the -s option10:49
ompaul!rootsudo | sjovan (strongly suggest you read the web page here -  it tells you lots and lots)10:49
ubotusjovan (strongly suggest you read the web page here -  it tells you lots and lots): sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.10:49
differentrealityis there an option for unrar command so that after a successfull unrar of rar parts, the rars are deleted ?10:49
egs_then I guess I'm having difficulty connecting here through pidgin.10:49
sjovanec34534: aaaa... stay root he? but any ways... nice to have a root, what if your account gets damaged for some strange reason?10:51
nyoroI've enabled the proprietary driver in restricted drivers settings. However whenever i try to set the driver to nvidia in screens and graphics it jumps back to the vesa driver upon logout. What do I need to do? My card is a 8800 GTS. I've seen the pages from obuto, it didnt help.10:51
IhatefeckingcdHi, is there a simple whay to install ubuntu without a disc? Either cd or dvd? Obviously, I do have the disc image :-)10:51
drafaeldifferentreality: you could make a simple script and mark executable + put it in libraries10:51
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: not according to the man page, but that's not surprising (i doubt the function to delete the rar would be built into unrar, what would happen if the unrar failed?)10:51
ec34534sjovan: in that case you can always boot with init=/bin/bash on the kernel command line and fix it10:51
ompaul!install | Ihatefeckingcd (you got a working cd seems like a waste)10:52
ubotuIhatefeckingcd (you got a working cd seems like a waste): Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate10:52
zimondrafael, mh .. you could filter antigen5 before replacing gen ..10:52
grindcoreompaul so I'm here again :)10:52
grindcoreompaul - what i need to do now ?10:52
sjovanec34534: how can you fix any thing if your account is damaged?10:52
differentrealitykitofhawaii, no there would be some checking, the deleting would only occur if unrar was successful10:52
ec34534sjovan: init=/bin/bash on the kernel command line will give you a root shell after boot10:53
drafaelzimon, it's for a script I'm making - it's going through C code and replacing variables which I can then redeclare, mainly to prove a point :)10:53
vladtzuIf I download a package from the gutsy repo, like opera, will it still get updated during system updates?10:53
ompaulgrindcore, applications accessories terminal - in there do sudo -i10:53
differentrealitydrafael, it's just that i'm not so familiar with linux yet... that's why i'm askig if there is already anoption10:53
ec34534sjovan: the kernel starts a shell instead of the /sbin/init binary10:53
Ihatefeckingcdompaul - alas I have the downloaded iso but no cd to burn it on. It's sunday here - in the middle of nowhere and not a cd shop in site :-)10:53
ec34534egsegsegs: ...failed :)10:54
sjovanec34534: like you loose all your priv. for some strange reason...10:54
sjovanec34534: pluss the colors in the terminal is so nice when you su  :D10:54
grindcoreompaul - yes and i've put my password :) whats next :)10:54
egs_thanks all, i got pidgin to work.10:54
drafaeldifferentreality: if you attach " && rm file.rar" to the end of your command it'll remove it anyway if unrar completes successfully10:54
egs_ec34534, you too!10:54
Ihatefeckingcdbut ubotu - the only bot I actually like - comes to the rescue ;-)10:54
ompaulgrindcore, type this:  fdisk -l     (that is a lower case L)10:55
drafaeldifferentreality: that's why I suggested a script something like "#!/bin/bash<newline>unrar -options $1 && rm $1"10:55
Sheareris not good to install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu?10:55
ompaulgrindcore, have you many partitions with the word "linux" against them ?10:56
differentrealitydrafael, the thing is that i have rar files in parts... when i unrar file1.part1.rar  it automatically goes to the next part ..10:56
riotosaurusdont they need to prefix fdisk -l with sudo?10:56
* riotosaurus shuts up10:56
differentrealitysto my input to unrar is only part1.rar10:56
ompaulriotosaurus, not the way I have em doing it10:56
differentrealitybut i want to delete all parts used.10:56
zimondrafael, well .. you need some special characters (like whitespace) around the "gen"s you want to replace .. otherwise you can't express that in a regular expression10:56
riotosaurusompaul: i should have known. :p10:56
ompaul!enter | differentreality10:56
ubotudifferentreality: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:56
josh__Well, get a bigger hammer10:56
Jimnastics_How can I solve this error? XIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.010:56
ompaul!offtopic | josh__10:57
ubotujosh__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:57
zimondrafael, maybe you should use perl :-)10:57
drafaelzimon, drat... I was hoping I could avoid forcing a non-cramped coding style :[10:57
drafaelzimon, haha, I'm starting early on C because I probably need to know it at uni next year for engineering10:57
intrepidlytriteHey, I've got a webcam question, anyone here familiar with that area?10:58
kitofhawaiidrafael: relish it.  when i went to engineering school i got stuck with fortran10:58
ompaul!webcam | intrepidlytrite10:58
ubotuintrepidlytrite: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:58
drafaeldifferentreality: well, If I were you I'd make a couple of dummy parted rar files and play around with a script until you get something that works10:58
drafaelkitofhawaii: am I very ignorant in not knowing what that is x_x lol10:58
egs_intrepidlytrite: i've been trying to get my webcam to work as well10:59
kitofhawaiidrafael: uhm...great...now i feel old :) thanks :)10:59
drafaeldifferentreality: for scripting, I found this a great place to start: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html - you won't need anything too complicated anyway10:59
=== matthijs is now known as IlovejumP
intrepidlytritethanks for the triggers, but I've been through all these...the thing is, my cam is supported, dmesg says it's initialized ok...but screens in all apps are black11:00
zimonkitofhawaii, fortran is still learned by engineers ... never heard of anyone learning c.11:00
differentrealitydrafael, tnx a lot :D i'm goint to check it out now!11:00
drafaelkitofhawaii: haha sorry :P I'll learn11:00
drafaeldifferentreality: np, hopefully you get a solution easily enough ^^11:00
kitofhawaiizimon: thank you...now i feel better :) now what about my vax/vms assembly classes?11:00
egs_<intrepidlytrite> what kind of cam?11:01
ychathitane, I upgraded to 7.10 and everytime I boot, boot process stops with some error. I have to add /usr/bin to the path and ctrl-D to continue the booting... how can I avoid this? I have already put export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin in /root/.bashrc but no change.11:01
grindcoreompaul - can we continue ?11:01
ompaulgrindcore, have you many partitions with the word "linux" against them ?11:01
drafaelzimon: I'm guessing mostly on what friends etc say, and I used C for some demo a uni did - anyway, can't harm me haha11:01
zimonkitofhawaii, well, i'm not going to be an engineer, but i know they learn fortran and java at my university :-)11:01
ompaulgrindcore, I asked you to do something and then report the result11:02
grindcorei have just one ext3 partition and then another one on vfat11:02
egs_intrepidlytrite, what kind of cam do you have? what's the name you see when you do "lsusb" and look at the device descriptor?11:02
ricanelitecan i run amarok on gnome?11:02
ompaulgrindcore, so that ext3 partition what is it called11:02
velkointrepidlytrite, you need also a driver for the device to work11:03
differentrealityone more thing, if unrar is successful don't i get $? equal to zero ?11:03
ompaulricanelite, yes11:03
drafaelkitofhawaii: do you really have to type in allcaps -_-;;11:03
ricanelitedo i need to also install amarok engines?11:03
intrepidlytriteegs, it's a microdia, in the list of supported cams for skype that's in the ubuntu wiki, it is marked as working11:04
ec34534differentreality: if unrar uses reasonable exit codes, yes11:04
kitofhawaiidrafael: *scratches head* in VAX? yes. my VAX professor emailed us in all caps. paragraphs of it11:04
grindcoreompal my ext3 partition is called filesystem in computer look11:04
intrepidlytritevelko, my dmesg output tells me it's been initialized, using a certain driver...shouldn't that be enough?11:04
aladdinsanei have a problem: I would like to have a program with which i could watch real media rtsp streams, I right now use Helix/real player cause thats the only one i have found that allows me to fast forward in the video(mplayer doesn't). But the problem with helix is that i cant chose Alsa and therefore it seems to "lock" the sounddriver to it self, which is not the case with mplayer. so if anyone know how i can get helix to work with Alsa i wo11:04
drafaelkitofhawaii: "/kills self" - If if have to I'll probably just make myself an allcaps conversion script lol11:05
ompaulgrindcore, type this:  fdisk -l     (that is a lower case L)   -- I want that result11:05
egs_intrepidlytrite, which video driver are you using? uvcvideo?11:05
drafaeldifferentreality: $1 is the first argument, e.g if you typed scriptname -x, $1=-x11:05
velkointrepidlytrite, i was able to see my webcam trough "sudo lsusb" and in dmesg but wasn't able to use it until i loaded the kernel module "gspca" (it's a logitech webcam)11:06
egs_velko: having trouble with a logitech webcam here. how did you load gspca? every time i plug in, uvcvideo gets loaded.11:07
kitofhawaiidrafael: nah...actually VAX assembly language was a higher level programming language than C++..i never got over programming machine code using something that looked like basic11:07
grindcoreompaul - doesnt show anything :(11:07
differentrealitydrafael, yes i know $1 :) (one of the little things i do know..) the thing is how I will be able to check if unrar was successful..11:07
MZMdifferentreality: $?11:07
intrepidlytriteegs, how do I find that out again?11:07
ec34534ompaul: i cannot answer your query, i am not registered at the moment11:08
egs_oops, "lsmod"11:08
differentrealityi type $? press enter and get the msg bash: 0: command not found11:08
ec34534differentreality: echo $?11:08
velkoegs_, i either use the precompiled gscpa modules for my current kernel or the gspca sources (and compile them against the kernel with module-assistent)11:08
ompaulgrindcore, you are not doing it right, Q1 have you a terminal open? Q2 did you type sudo -i in it Q3 fdisk -l      << where that l is lower case)11:08
ompaulec34534, try it I am open to messages from anyone11:08
drafaeldifferentreality: && should mean "only do the next statement if the previous was successful" although someone correct me very fast if I'm wrong here11:08
differentrealityright :))) ( i get though 127 !! )11:08
intrepidlytriteegs, I've got two loaded, one is the gspca and the other the sn9c10211:09
MZMdifferentreality: $? is exit code of last command. Try "echo $?"11:09
egs_velko, i have gspca compiled and installed. but when I plug the cam in, it loads uvcvideo instead11:09
differentrealitydrafael,  i hope you are not cause i'm gonna try do this script really soon :P11:09
drafaeldifferentreality: for the love of love, test it first x_x11:09
velkoegs_, strange. on my machine uvcvideo is not loaded at all11:09
differentrealityMZM, no that doesnt work.. echo $? does work... it's just weird that i get 127 instead of 0 since the unrar was successful...11:10
differentrealitydrafael, i will :)11:10
grindcoreompaul - i've done everything how u said and now i tried again - doesnt show nothing11:10
velkoegs_, gscpa uses videodev, v4l2_common and v4l1_compat11:10
ompaulgrindcore, it has to - thats the law11:11
MZMdifferentreality: try this: "nonexistingcommand" enter "echo $?" enter "echo $?" enter11:11
riotosaurus*cough*prefix with sudo*cough*11:11
drafaelkitofhawaii: well, I like what little C I know so far anyway, whatever the future may bring - it seems pretty easy to understand, and there are no .'s which I despise -_-;;11:11
drafaelkitofhawaii: or random capitalization11:11
ompaulgrindcore, so one quick question, what does it say in that terminal, what are the words on each side of they    @11:11
egs_velko, which logitech cam do you have ? mine is a logitech quickcam notebook pro.11:11
differentrealityyeah.. that works fine.. i get 127 and then 011:11
kblinhi folks11:11
differentrealitylet me try it with unrar one more time11:12
velkoegs_, did you tried to blacklist uvcvideo in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local?11:12
riotosaurusoh. root terminal. <reshuts up>11:12
egs_velko, didn't know about that, let me try it...11:12
MZMdifferentreality: look for bash built-in exit codes. IIRC 127 was command not found...11:12
zimondrafael, c is fun .. but you should get used to segfaults, once you're playing around with pointers11:12
differentrealityone more thing..  i've got some filenames that contain space ...11:13
kitofhawaiidrafael: well just one suggestion. comment. when in doubt comment. over comment. or else you'll lose your hair debugging11:13
wolsdifferentreality:  "\ "11:13
drafaelzimon: I'm still in VERY early stages lol, but okay :D11:13
velkoegs_, the format is "blacklist uvcvideo". by the way i have blacklisted "snd_usb_audio"11:13
rajhi manny11:13
MannyI use the gutsy+gusty-updates repository11:13
differentrealitywols,  tnx tnx tnx :)11:13
Mannygutsy-updates provided a libqt4 update: 4.3.2-0ubuntu3.111:14
grindcoreompaul grindcore@hp:~$11:14
Mannynow, trying to install qt4-dev-tools yields "  qt4-dev-tools: Depends: libqt4-core (= 4.3.2-0ubuntu3) but 4.3.2-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed11:14
drafaelkitofhawaii: haha, ok - that script I was trying to get a working sed expression for replaces my terrible variable names throughout the script if I comment them in when I declare them, which I prefer doing11:14
velkoegs_, my model is some sort of quickcam also. but can't remember which exactly11:14
kblinI've got a little problem with name resolution on my local network. My local network is called "dragon.local", my resolv.conf says "search dragon.local" if I do a "getent hosts cookiebox", that resolves to cookiebox.dragon.local correctly11:14
SiRMenelikCSalguna alma caritativa me puede ayudar es la primera vez que me contecto con ubuntu y ni idea11:14
drafaelkitofhawaii: it works, but I wanted to make sure it didn't do partial replaces of other strings11:14
grindcoreompaul - now i have 138s lag :(11:14
ompaulgrindcore, you have not rebooted the Live CD11:14
Mannygoogle doesn't return any results, so either no Qt developer is using gutsy-updates (yet), or I'm doing something wrong, or developers re-compile their packages when something is broken11:15
kblinhowever if I do a getent hosts cookiebox.dragon.local, I don't get the hostname resolved11:15
rajE325: ATTENTION11:15
rajFound a swap file by the name "/etc/apt/.sources.list.swp"11:15
raj          owned by: root   dated: Sun Nov 25 20:40:09 200711:15
raj         file name: /etc/apt/sources.list11:15
raj          modified: YES11:15
raj         user name: root   host name: Raj-laptop11:15
raj        process ID: 690111:15
rajWhile opening file "/etc/apt/sources.list"11:15
egs_velko, lsusb says "046d:08c3" for mine, what's yours? (trying blacklisting now)11:15
kuse I use a dualhead setup with intel-driver and my problem is that the signal to my projector disappears after a couple of minutes after X has started and I have to restart X to get it back, anyone knows what can cause that?11:15
ultrazauberercan anyone say how can i change the resolution in the console? i think i have now 640x480 but i want to use 1280x800 (if it possible) or 1024x76811:15
ompaulraj, I'll remove the mute in a min or so when I am sure there is no buffer left11:15
wolsultrazauberer: kernel parameter vga=11:16
grindcoreompaul - for sure - i will put the live cd in and when will boot from it - i will select which option ?11:16
ompaulgrindcore, you let it boot naturally11:16
drafaeldifferentreality: did you get it to work?11:16
toli__Is there a way to import PST file in 1 of the mail client progs ?11:17
ompaul!paste | raj11:17
velkoegs_, either 046d:08ad or  046d:c046 (i have webcam and mouse from logitech and cannot tell which is which because lsusb shows both of them as "Logitech, Inc.")11:17
ricanelitejust installed amarok and it is running very slow11:17
grindcoreompaul - so just put the cd and leave boot onself ?11:17
rajFound a swap file by the name "/etc/apt/.sources.list.swp"11:17
ompaulgrindcore, yes11:17
grapfecan somebody help with installing an analog tv tuner?11:17
uboturaj: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:17
ec34534grindcore: make sure the bios is set to boot from cd first11:18
egs_velko, thanks, gspca isn't working for me -- no device.11:19
rajhi ubotu11:20
velkoegs_, is your model listed here? http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca5xx.html11:20
differentrealitydrafael,  sorry give me a min11:21
egs_velko: Yes, bridge is spca525a, driver is linux-UVC. Does that mean I should be using uvcvideo?11:22
velkoegs_, it looks like that, yes11:22
burepeI have a messed up drive. I am trying to format it with qtparted but it won't show up in the program. What can I do to make it appear?11:22
csc`anyone know a quick 'n dirty line to convert aac to something else (WAV, ogg, w/e)?11:23
egs_velko, ok, thanks, i'll re-try uvcvideo, which did work better than GSPCA in that it at least created a device for me.11:23
sjovancan some one explain this for me? http://pastebin.com/d2b17eb6711:24
ricanelitewhy is amarok running so slow11:24
cofeineSunshinesjoerd, try kill -s 9 <pid>11:25
doumai need help with audio pls11:25
ricanelitenah i have 4gigs of ram dual core processor11:25
cofeineSunshinehow to set up usb0 IP adress? it drops imidiatly11:25
ricanelitecan it be im using it wih Gnome?11:25
bullgard4Why does the time jump backwards in kern.log? In http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/19628  time stamps of the format [ 10.687641] originate from dmesg. line #213 (from 16.094052 to 5.352000)?11:25
kitofhawaiisjovan: your computer's name is analplugg? you must be interesting to know /:)11:25
sjovan kitofhawa: hehe.. a firend installed ubuntu for me a long time ago and i haven't botherd to chenge it :)11:26
sjovan kitofhawa: i was totaly inocent... playing PS2 a tthe time11:26
HetaUmaI have installed ubuntu on the 1st partion of my laptop and now I want to install windows as well. But it seems that 1st partition has to be M$ compatible sto windows will install. What can I do? thinking of moving linux partion from 1st to 2nd but don't know how11:27
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jwlan on hp 6720 doesn't work11:28
jwgot any ideas?11:28
girl-SexyPlease, this is important!! entry in www.Man-X.org a died man is on cameras!!!11:28
girl-SexyPlease, this is important!! entry in www.Man-X.org a died man is on cameras!!!11:28
ws5im getting different resolutions in different clients?11:30
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ws5anyone with experience in edubuntu?11:30
kitofhawaiibullgard4: you have a dual core box?11:31
doumai need help with audio pls11:31
bullgard4kitofhawaii: no.11:31
doumai dond have audio11:31
kitofhawaiibullgard4: anyway, according to line 350 your clock source was off by ~8 seconds, and it corrected it, hence the drift11:32
bullgard4douma: Are you a member of the 'audio' group?11:32
yommdabommHow can I find out what commands my keyboard multimedia keys are sending ? (e.g. Volume keys) for setting up remote control...)11:33
zimonyommdabomm, xev11:34
BruceM91help: I upgraded to 7.10 last night, and I get two errors 1)HAL failed to start and 2)The wired internet connection isnt working11:34
yommdabommzimon : I'll check that, thank you !11:34
bullgard4kitofhawaii: Do you know how many seconds equal -83980732 ns?11:34
dave81any one here good with python?11:34
egs_dave81, sure,11:34
wols!anyone | dave8111:34
bullgard4douma: You should become a member of the audio group.11:35
ubotudave81: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:35
egs_velko: giving up on this webcam, will just buy a new one.11:35
yommdabomm!anyone | yommdabomm11:35
elkbuntubullgard4, http://www.google.com.au/search?q=-83980732+nanoseconds+in+seconds11:35
velkoegs_, sorry to hear this. it's listed as supported...11:36
bullgard4elkbuntu: Why do you direct that message to me?11:36
elkbuntubullgard4, because you asked " how many seconds equal -83980732 ns?"11:36
bullgard4elkbuntu: Learn to read. Then you will know whom I asked and why.11:37
dave81i am just learning python what would you sugest i use as by editor?11:38
MZMdave81: vi11:38
zimondave81, gedit / kate / vim11:38
jxxtjoin '11:38
elkbuntubullgard4, learn to not be rude please. i dont have the time to read the scrollback of channels, i just answer questions as i see them.11:38
dave81ok thank you11:39
wolsdave81: the editor you're most comfortable with. how should we know which one that is?11:39
wolsdave81: python itself comes with IDLE11:39
kitofhawaiibullgard4: oy...i'm not going to bother with you anymore. you've been nothing but a jerk since you came in here to pretty much anyone. advice is free. good luck finding your answer. TSC has to do with your i assume to be amd chip, and it's drifting. http://developer.amd.com/articles.jsp?=92&num=111:39
ricaneliteif i was to install KDE will it messup my Gnome desktop or Compiz-Fusion or any of my files?11:39
yommdabommzimon : xev doesn't show the commands my keyboard are triggering ...11:39
kitofhawaiielkbuntu: i think he just wanted to rant11:40
Mannysorry for the repitition, but nobody replied11:41
MannyI use the gutsy+gusty-updates repository11:41
Mannynow, trying to install qt4-dev-tools yields "  qt4-dev-tools: Depends: libqt4-core (= 4.3.2-0ubuntu3) but 4.3.2-0ubuntu3.1 is to be installed11:41
Mannygoogle doesn't return any results, so either no Qt developer is using gutsy-updates (yet), or I'm doing something wrong, or developers re-compile their packages when something is broken11:41
zimonyommdabomm, uhm .. right. it doesn't for me, either. i used that in the past for setting up hotkeys11:42
Mannyi.e. the ubuntu3.1 package is from gutsy-updates, and breaks qt4-dev-tools11:42
ompaulgrindcore, what icons are on the lhs of your monitor?11:42
grindcoreompaul - i have just live cd - or I think is Live cd for 7.04 - but now I'm on 7.10 - I tried to boot from it - but it stops with x graphic problem - i have ati :( can I somehow turn on access for my burner in k3b ? this is only what I need at the moment - burn one iso dvd11:43
ricaneliteanyone here uses KDE Desktop?11:43
wols!anyone | ricanelite11:44
uboturicanelite: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:44
grindcorewhat's the lhs :) sorry - I'm absolut noob11:44
yommdabommzimon : ok thx for the help :)11:44
ec34534grindcore: lhs == left hand side i guess11:44
jxxtricanelite, Probably more people in #kubuntu11:44
zimonyommdabomm, what help? :-) sorry .. it used to work, maybe it's the hotkey-setup script that messes things up11:45
differentrealitydrafael,  i almost did it... only that if doesn't work.. yet11:45
Linkhi :)11:46
Linkcan anyone help me with a network problem??11:46
kitofhawaiiLink: what's your issue?11:46
Linki want to find the ip for a PC from my network11:47
grindcoreompaul - i have there just shortcuts for my stuff - no drives, nothing else,...11:47
Linksamba is not showing the ip11:47
ompaulgrindcore, okay you have do to the nastier way forward, reboot the machine when the grub prompt comes up you need to press esc and then choose e to edit a line the one you want is the second line11:47
Scuniziricanelite: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.  Access by changing sessions at the login screen.  Won't mess with gnome or files but you may have to setup compiz fusion again for the kde environment.  check in #ubuntu-effects11:47
drafaeldifferentreality: what's not working?11:47
Linkis ther any way to see the ip's from my network computers???11:48
drafaeldifferentreality: I'm working on a simple version for fun :P11:48
kitofhawaiiLink: you know what type of box it i you're trying to connect to?11:48
differentrealityhttp://rafb.net/p/5PbZHL20.html   my if in here... :/11:48
ScuniziLink: typically your router will tell you that if the machines are setup on dhcpl11:48
grindcoreompaul - i have 5of them there - 2 kernels in normal and recovery mode plus memtest11:48
ompaulgrindcore, you add init=/bin/bash to the end of the line - ... choose the recovery option for this one   .....     and then when you eventually get to a prompt:   adduser youusername admin11:48
ompaulgrindcore, recovery and how did you get it installed you need to use that one -11:49
kitofhawaiiLink: try from terminal "nmblookup <hostname>"11:49
grindcoreompaul - i guess the newest kernel recovery i should select ?11:49
ompaulgrindcore, it would be useful11:49
kitofhawaiiLink: i'm assuming it's on the same subnet you are on...11:49
differentrealityok drafael  stupid mistake...11:49
Linkyes i am11:49
drafaeldifferentreality: o_o lol11:50
ibanezwhat folder do i install the bcm43xx firmware ?11:50
Linkit works :) ty kitofhawaii11:50
kitofhawaiiLink: np :)11:50
differentrealitydrafael, don't laugh.. i'm just getting started using linux and writing scripts and all of that :)11:51
ec34534grindcore: wait11:51
differentrealityand yes it works :)11:51
ec34534grindcore: still there?11:52
ompaulgrindcore, so your instuctions are, (A) init=/bin/bash  (B) mount -o remount,rw /  (C) adduser yourUserName admin (D)mount -o remount,ro / (E) reboot and enjoy11:52
drafaeldifferentreality: I'm pretty new myself actually - I don't know how I make so many mistakes -_-;; I just thought it would be a good way to solve your problem11:52
HetaUmaI have installed ubuntu on the 1st partion of my laptop and now I want to install windows as well. But it seems that 1st partition has to be M$ compatible sto windows will install. What can I do? thinking of moving linux partion from 1st to 2nd but don't know how11:52
ompaulgrindcore, so your instuctions are, (A) init=/bin/bash  (B) mount -o remount,rw /  (C) adduser yourUserName admin (D)mount -o remount,ro / (E) reboot and enjoy11:52
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: there are no stupid mistakes, just stupid bandaids :)11:52
ompaulgrindcore__, reboot is an instruction11:53
differentrealityheh ok :))11:53
grindcore__ompaul - ok i go to try :)11:53
Gluestickysorry this might be a stupid question but why do I get E: Couldn't find package apache 2 when i did 'sudo apt-get install apache2' ?11:54
Gluestickyi uncommented all the sources in /etc/apt/source.list as well11:55
HetaUmaGluesticky did u do sudo apt-get update?11:56
differentrealitydrafael, plus && works just fine.. (if and only first command was excecuted successfully...) and the script works :D11:56
drafaeldifferentreality: cool, can I see?11:56
Gluestickyok that worked sorry HetaUma :-p11:57
MZMdifferentreality: what Your' ūberscript is doing? replacing all user images with goatse?11:57
differentrealityunrar x $1.part1.rar && rm $1.part*.ra11:58
differentrealityunrar x $1.part1.rar && rm $1.part*.rar11:58
MZMdifferentreality: oh. I see. You lack disk space to unrar all Your pr0n.11:58
differentrealityMZM, i don't need rars afte I unrar them..11:59
differentrealityso why keep them ?11:59
Linki have one more problem11:59
MZMunrar and then remove?11:59
Linki have 2 network cards11:59
kitofhawaiiLink: ok...?11:59
Linketh0 and eth111:59
differentrealityyes MZM12:00
Linkwhat is the cmd to stom just one of the cards??12:00
differentrealityremove only if unrar was successful12:00
kitofhawaiiLink: to stop one? ifdown <interface>12:00
drafaelwait wait12:00
Link:D oh12:00
drafaeluse pastebin12:00
Linkthx again12:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:00
mrtimdogLink: sudo ifdown eth112:00
kitofhawaiiLink: yah...sudo in front of that :)12:01
Linkthx guys ;)12:01
MZMdifferentreality: just run unrar on first partX and at the end it will tell how successful it was.12:01
differentrealitydrafael, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47522/12:01
differentrealityMZM, yes i know that :)12:02
differentrealityi just need to remove the files later..12:02
HaTeR_sпривет всем12:02
MZMHaTeR_s: #ubuntu-ru12:02
=== Elko_ is now known as Elko
LocksmOk, just a quick Q, now ive read on a forum that they call Ubuntu 7.10 Fiesty Fawn, but ive also herd its galled Gutsy Gibbon or something ?!?12:03
differentrealitydrafael, now... i just need to make it work for multiple inputs..12:04
drafaeldifferentreality: have an overcomplicated one12:04
steve_bdoes anyone here have experience at setting up vmware server?12:04
drafaeldifferentreality: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47523/12:04
differentrealitysteve_b, me.. but in windows :P so.. i'm not gonna be of much help12:05
differentrealitydrafael, run away? hahaha12:05
steve_bI'm trying t oget Windows XP running on vmware server and all I see is a black screen12:05
grindcoreompal - can u put again this instructions there please - i lost connection :(12:05
coccoon55I've set up several vmware servers in windows12:05
steve_bthe bit of windows setup that was in text mode worked, but once it get past that onto the graphical bit I can't see anything12:05
grindcoreompaul - can u put again this instructions there please - i lost connection :(12:06
kitofhawaiiLocksm: 7.04 -> feisty fawn, 7.10 -> gutsy gibbon12:06
ompaulgrindcore, so your instuctions are, (A) init=/bin/bash  (B) mount -o remount,rw /  (C) adduser yourUserName admin (D)mount -o remount,ro / (E) reboot and enjoy12:07
LocksmHehe, ok, then ill have to report to this danish forum, cuz then their misleading folks!12:07
Locksmthx for the quick info12:07
steve_bhas anyone ever got iTunes to work on Ubuntu?  I have been trying to get it working under a virtual machine with no luck...12:07
grindcoreompaul and this init... i'm writing in edit of root - grub edit> root (hd0,0) ?12:08
kitofhawaiisteve_b: running wine?12:08
drafaeldifferentreality: did you get that?12:08
ompaulgrindcore, you are doing it from recovery12:08
grindcoreompaul - i select e when i point on recovery but then is 3 lines there - root; kernel; initrd12:09
differentrealitydrafael,  no what ?12:09
ompaulgrindcore, kernel12:10
drafaeldifferentreality: PM12:10
toro1hi, i need help with the path for the sudo command...12:11
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sjovantoro1: what?12:12
grindcoreompaul - and select this kernel with 'e' aswell or with 'c' ?12:12
sjovantoro1: explain12:12
=== nand_ is now known as nand
Lumpy^hey. i got wierd problem, i connect to a computer from windows and edit file in the 2nd computer in lan (ubuntu) with samba.. its saves me the file only when i quit from the file, if i do ctrl+s its not saves it... only when i close... anyone have a clue what i could be the problem ? (the chmod is 664)12:12
differentrealitydrafael, i said ur script is a little long :p12:12
toro1sudo works fine with the general set of commands (ls, cp, mv etc.) However, I just installed texLive and sudo for some reason cannot reach the texLive commands, even though I have added the path.12:13
ompaulgrindcore, you want to edit it with e -- follow the onscreen instuctions12:13
drafaeldifferentreality: :P12:13
differentrealitybut it's good :P12:13
coccoon55is there a beginners ubunto chat room I can get into somewhere?12:13
xoqrpsAnyone good with airodump?12:13
ompaulgrindcore, at the end you want to do something like12:13
ompaulgrindcore, boot the box and then you want to do the add user stuff12:13
drafaeldifferentreality: I'm putting the whole thing in a for loop to try get you multiple input files12:14
toro1PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH is what I did to add the texlive directory to path.12:14
differentrealitydrafael,  and i guess works better with people who are not familiar with the script... i mean i know what i wrote in MY script and what input i have to give..12:14
differentrealitydrafael,  yeah that would be my next step as well :))12:14
drafaeldifferentreality: oh, ok, sure12:14
kitofhawaiiLumpy^: i'm a bit confused...you're editing it in windows or ubuntu?12:14
sjovanLumpy^: maby it's ctrl+w or something in the prog. you are in. as long as you can save it has nothing to do with chmod12:14
Lumpy^1 computer have that file and im editing it with windows xp12:15
Lumpy^its lan12:15
Lumpy^remote access...12:15
sjovan Lumpy^: ah, i windows. sorry then i don't know12:15
drafaeldifferentreality: in that case, these may help: $# counts no. arguments, and you can use "for i in `seq 1 $#`" to iterate the number of times that there are arguments12:15
grindcoreompaul - when I select edit the kernel there is long command line - when i put on the end this init... nothing happen - i should delete all line and then put ?12:16
kitofhawaiiLumpy^: sounds like the app. try file -> save and see if that works12:16
drafaeldifferentreality: alternately, you can do everything on the $1 argument, "shift" every time you're finished and reiterate until $# = 012:16
Lumpy^i tried zend, notepad, dreamweaver...12:16
Lumpy^any editor12:16
drafaeldifferentreality: there are probably other ways, but yep12:16
Lumpy^its saves me it with delay, or just saves it once i close12:16
ompaulgrindcore, yeap12:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about airodump - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:16
sjovantoro1: added what path?12:17
differentrealitydrafael, yeah.. thanks :)) i'm gonna try it.. if you do it too i'd like to see :)12:17
ompaulgrindcore, a message12:17
drafaeldifferentreality: alright, I'll see if this works or not ^^"12:17
ompaulgrindcore, only use the parts you need from that12:17
yabukI up dated my ubuntu to 7.10 and now the blender don't start, it shows "Segmentation fault (core dumped)",how to fix it? ( i've already reinstalled ubuntu)12:17
differentrealitydrafael, heh ok :))12:17
kitofhawaiiyabuk: they're putting linux on blenders now? crazy :)12:18
toro1sjovan: I am not sure I understand the question, but, I ran PATH=/usr/local/texlive/2007/bin/i386-linux:$PATH; export PATH on the terminal to access the files in the directory without being in the directory. I can do it from the terminal. For instance: if I run texconfig, it works (without being in the directory). But sudo texconfig gives "command not found"12:18
Vannjaтут є дівчата?12:19
JuanTelezhi! I have not sound in my kubuntu 7.04, what should I do?12:19
yabukkitofhawaii: linux on blenders??12:20
kalchashello! I have a wierd problem: I'm using Gutsy i386. When I right-click on the desktop, it doesn't work!12:21
kitofhawaiiyabuk: did you try sudo apt-get update blender ?12:21
Virca3564По русски. Давайте12:21
ompaul!ru | Virca356412:21
ubotuVirca3564: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke12:21
MarcoRamiusI really can't believe how good ubunut is12:22
MarcoRamiussomeone finally got it12:22
IndyGunFreakMarcoRamius: what do you mean?12:23
yabukkitofhawaii:no, but I'll try right now12:23
sjovantorol: why don't you do something simple like http://pastebin.com/d45d7a470, and save it as .run_something in your home or make a icon in the start menu?12:23
ompaulMarcoRamius, the cast of thousands worked rather hard - you too can contribute check out launchpad.net12:23
MarcoRamiusIndyGunFreak: I mean...it has direction, focus etc12:23
MarcoRamiusompaul: yeah, I just joined my LoCo12:23
brobostigongood morning12:23
IndyGunFreakMarcoRamius: eh.. There's several good distros out there, but I tend to .ike Debian/Ubuntu.12:24
yabukkitofhawaii:please, write again the command12:24
kaminixDual question! I have a bunch of flacs wich do not have the MD5SUM set in STREAMINFO meaning flac -t doesn't work. 1) Can I verify their integrity some other way? By making flac go through them for errors or so? 2) How do I add an md5sum to their STREAMINFO?12:25
kitofhawaiiyabuk: sudo apt-get upgrade blender12:25
kitofhawaiiyabuk: might be easier in synaptic, see all the packages you'll need to upgrade after the upgrade12:25
bidossessihi folks12:25
bidossessianybody using gdesklets here?12:26
sjovan toro1: or even easyer.. make your self the owner so you don't need to sudo12:26
kitofhawaiibidossessi: using them off and on12:26
IndyGunFreakbidossessi: i have, but i don't use them very often12:26
bidossessiever used cornerxmms? i can't get it to work.12:26
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:26
steve_bhas anyone ever got iTunes running in linux?  I have been trying to get a virtual machine to run it with no luck12:26
toro1I thought I was.. I probably am not since I just reinstalled...12:27
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: you can run it w/ wine.., but i think its succcess varies.12:27
ompaul!itunes | steve_b12:27
ubotusteve_b: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee12:27
kitofhawaiibidossessi: *looks for it* i'll fire it up12:27
nivisanyone know how to start liferea so it just apears in the tray?12:27
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: what do yuou use itunes for?..12:27
MarcoRamiusIndyGunFreak: Until trying Debian, I had no idea what it was I didn't like about "linux"...12:27
MarcoRamiusIndyGunFreak: it was packages the whole time!12:27
brobostigon i just went to the nasa tv page, and it automaticcly opened a full screeen page that seems to be the live  feed, is this full screen page what i think it is?? and how does it do it, because realplayer does not work.??12:27
ompaulMarcoRamius, this is a support channel - chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please12:28
steve_bIndyGunFreak so that I can use my iPod.  It's the latest generation of ipods and since I tried to use it with linux it is basically £160 worthof paperweight12:28
IndyGunFreakMarcoRamius: lol, yeah.   Debian is a great distro, and apt-get/synaptic is far superior to anything RH could dream up.12:28
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: use amarok... sudo apt-get install amarok.12:28
toro1sjovan: this is also somewhat of a curiosity... why doesn't sudo work with the PATH? does it have its own PATH definition somewhere? can it be edited?12:28
grindcoreompaul - i'm so stupid with console,... i need to learn lot of :(12:28
steve_bIndyGunFreak I tried that - it killed my ipod12:28
yabukkitofhawaii:blebder doesn't work yet :(12:28
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IndyGunFreaksteve_b: then you did something wrong, I've used Amarko w/ my IPODs for about 2yrs, no issues at all.12:29
drafaeldifferentreality: I have something that seems to work12:29
steve_bIndyGunFreak Amarok only supports up to 5.5 gen iPods, mine is 6th gen12:29
drafaeldifferentreality: although I've only tried it for the scenario where the filenames are correct12:29
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i've got a 6th gen video... no issues.12:29
kitofhawaiibidossessi: sorry, don't have it or dependencies...12:29
matttisIs it possible to let every flash file start in medium quality (instead of high) ?12:29
ompaulgrindcore, get an older CD from anywhere backup your data and reinstall your base o/s12:29
bidossessinever mind then12:30
steve_bIndyGunFreak really?  and it works?   Mine was literally called 'iPod Classic' and it doesn't work very well with linux12:30
differentrealitydrafael, i need to try a couple of things... if you want show me urs12:30
=== Hirvinen_ is now known as Hirvinen
drafaeldifferentreality: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47526/12:30
domasHi! I know this probably is side-topic, but Ubuntu people must definitely know. What is the $Id: replacement in BZR?12:30
domas(and bazaar channels are empty :)12:31
grindcoreompaul - i have idea, but dont know if i can do this - can i logon like a root someway and open k3b a burn this dvd ?12:31
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: try sudo apt-get install gtkpod12:31
steve_bIndyGunFreak I tried that too!  rust me I tried everything - nothing works with iPod lcassic.12:31
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: very weird,12:31
kalchassteve_b have you tried gtkpod?12:31
ompaulgrindcore, if you can't do what I gave you do to then you can't get there either - it is the same path12:32
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i suspect you're doing something wrong... not the the other way around.12:32
steve_bIndyGunFreak it's becasue the new ipod classic uses encrypted databases - and no one has released driers to decrypt them yet on linuix12:32
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i see...12:32
steve_bIndyGunFreak Apple have done it on purpose - to stop anyone accessing their iPod with anything other than iTunes12:33
ompaulgrindcore, I have to go for a bit - back as soon as possible12:33
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: sounds like it.12:33
grindcoreompaul - i just open the users and groups :) i dont know how its possible but i can open -:) yes yes yes yes12:34
kyrk9copy crashes12:34
grindcorein advanced setting of my account in the shell line should be this ? : 'bin/bash ?12:35
IndyGunFreakgiovanni_scr: what did you installl via synaptic, and thus need to start?12:38
sharperguyhow do I get all the applications showing up in the fluxbox menu?12:39
* IndyGunFreak never gets caught in the nijck collisions12:39
IndyGunFreaksharperguy: flux is a completelydifferent menu system setup.12:39
drafaelsharperguy: fluxbox requires you to manually do it using a text editor iirc12:39
IndyGunFreakit requires editing some file, but im not 100% sure.12:39
sharperguyisnt there a generate menu script:?12:39
neuro_steve_b: what did you want to know?12:39
erb_I've lost 'Menus & Toolbars'  from under System > Preferences  ... How do I get it back?12:39
IndyGunFreakneuro_: he can't get a 6th gen IPOD working w/ Ubuntu... seems its a well known problem with no solution as of yet.12:40
steve_bneuro_ I have installed vmware and set up a virtual machine.  now I am stuck12:40
steve_bneuro_ I could do the text mode part of windows install, but now it has got to graphical part and the console screen is just black12:40
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: did you get the virtual machine booted?12:41
riotkittieerb_: is it under appearances maybe?  errrrr if not, try menu editor, or alacarte12:41
steve_bIndyGunFreak yeah it booted, but I can't see any graphics so I can't even get windows installed12:41
neuro_vmware player? server?12:41
sharperguyright then whats the command to run a program in a specific x server? (from a vtty)12:41
steve_bneuro_ vmware server12:41
steve_bmaybe I'm using the wrong program for this?12:41
neuro_no, windows works perfectly in vmware12:42
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i don't think so, i've always used virtualbox, w/o issue... but i dont anymore.12:42
neuro_which version of windows?12:42
MikeHHi guys, is the ssh server disabled by default on an ubuntu desktop install?12:42
steve_bneuro_ Windows XP Professional12:42
sharperguyMikeH, yeah, its not install in fact12:42
steve_bIndyGunFreak I tried virtual box and it worked but there was no usb support12:42
kitofhawaiisteve_b: vmware server might work but i've heard there's issues with usb 2.0 and syncing devices12:42
MaxdamantusIn /etc/sudoers, is there some sort of variable, to represent the username running the sudo?12:43
steve_bkitofhawaii what do you recommend - I need to run iTunes and access my iPod12:43
kitofhawaiisteve_b: well...you can set your usb to 1.112:43
kitofhawaiisteve_b: hardly a workaround12:43
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: just doing some googling, I've saw where some people have downgraded their firmware, or used Roxbox firmware, to make their 6th gens work, but it hink that would be a bit extreme.12:43
samaliEnter text here...SAMAL013012:44
niteyewhat is the command to get a list of all attached hard drives (even unmounted)12:44
mega-seedCurrent Upstream: 3726.98 KBytes/s12:44
steve_bIndyGunFreak you can't do that with iPod classic as far as I'm aware12:44
madprobei am using kubuntu. at boot time the screen goes blank for 1-2 minutes and gets right just before KDM shows up. can someone please help me in this?12:44
khamaelwhere can I download ndisgtk and deps manually? need them for a nic that requires ndis-wrapper12:44
steve_bIndyGunFreak rocbox doesn't support he new iPod classic12:44
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: ok, i just saw it suggested on the forums, i hadn't searched it in detail.12:44
* din_ 12:45
steve_bIndyGunFreak yeah I keep seeing things and getting excited, then realising it wnt work :-(12:45
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: a post from the forums..   "AFAIK you can install Ipodlinux on the newer firmwares, it just won't support the new features."12:45
steve_bIndyGunFreak this is really annoying me now becasue I just bought my iPod a few weeks ago12:45
MaxdamantusAh. SUDO_USER environment variable.12:45
kitofhawaiisteve_b: you're doing a redirect usb?12:45
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: do you dual boot12:45
steve_bkitofhawaii sorry I don't understand the question!12:46
sharperguy whats the command to run a program in a specific x server? (from a vtty) (it was somthing like screen :012:46
drafaeldifferentreality: how's it coming?12:46
niteyewhat is the command to get a list of all attached hard drives (even unmounted)12:46
steve_bIndyGunFreak no I don't dual boot - my windows xp hard disk died last week12:46
CreationistI'm trying to connect to my bluetooth phone.  I used to be able to through an icon in my notification area, but it is no longer there.  Did I miss something?12:46
kitofhawaiisteve_b: in vmware server, you have to redirect a usb port to your vm12:46
=== din_ is now known as dinesh86
velkoniteye, sudo sfdisk -l12:46
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i see.12:46
steve_bkitofhawaii I can't even get vmware to run properly12:46
kitofhawaiisteve_b: well...ok that's different :)12:47
steve_bkitofhawaii it just comes up with a black screen12:47
differentrealitydrafael, wait.. the only rar files i have to test it appear to be broken12:47
kitofhawaiisteve_b: black screen doing what? powering on the vm?12:47
steve_bkitofhawaii The text mode parts of windows install worked, but when it got onto graphical stuff I can't see it - just a black screen12:47
TheMafiaWhat is the virtual server of choice for gutsy?12:47
sharperguy!caps | grindcore12:48
ubotugrindcore: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:48
MaxdamantusOr not.12:48
drafaeldifferentreality: sure :)12:48
madprobehi! i am using kubuntu. at boot time the screen goes blank for 1-2 minutes and gets right just before KDM shows up. can someone please help me in this?12:48
samaliI SEEY HELLO12:48
steve_bkitofhawaii when I load the vm now, i see 'press any key to boot from the cd...", but when it gets past that just a black screen12:48
psyk0zhow to create my own live ubuntu cd?12:49
steve_bkitofhawaii I also get a weird error on startup about libpng12:49
grindcoresharperguy I'm sorry but I'm very very happy that I can use again everything :)12:49
erb_How do I start 'Menus & Toolbars' from terminal?12:49
velkosamali, do you really expect 1169 people to say hello?12:49
drafaelvelko: and counting!12:50
niteye/dev/hdc1   *      0+   3646    3647-  29294496   83  Linux12:51
niteye/dev/hdc2       3647   30283   26637  213961702+  83  Linux12:51
niteyeboth partitions have the same ID, i supposed this is deadly?12:51
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: maybe you should have gotten something from Creative..lol12:51
samaliALL S0130NGAPUR12:51
kitofhawaiisteve_b: huh...are you running 1.0.4 vmware?12:51
Slartniteye: same ID? you mean the '83' part?12:51
steve_bIndyGunFreak this is exactly what I'm thinking.  I will never buy anything from apple again ever becasue they are a bunch of tossers12:51
samaliI M LOOK0130NG FOR FEMALE12:52
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: well, i think the main thing, is you need to research hardware before you buy it(trust me, i've been there with TV tuners, etc..)12:52
steve_bkitofhawaii yeah I am running 1.0.4 build-5652812:52
IndyGunFreakyouc an't just do spur of the moment buys12:52
Slartniteye: I think that's just the number associated with ext2 filesystem or something like this12:52
steve_bIndyGunFreak I was running windows when I bought it!12:52
IndyGunFreakoh ok.;12:52
ec34534samali: really? seems you are looking for a kick12:52
madprobehi! i am using kubuntu. when i boot up my machine the screen goes blank for 1-2 minutes. and display only comes back just before KDM is showing up. Please tell me the possible reason for this.12:52
niteyei can't manage to mount it with luksOpen anymore (yesterday it worked no problem)12:52
Slartniteye: I've got a vague memory of 83 being linux and 82 being linux swap or sometihng..12:53
steve_bIndyGunFreak I finally got fed up with crappy windows xp and decided to get rid of it just after buying my ipod.  Actually I was intending to dual boot but then my windows disk broke12:53
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i see....12:53
kitofhawaiisteve_b: steve_b: do you have xen installed as well?12:53
steve_bkitofhawaii no12:54
Slartniteye: sorry.. it has nothing to do with the filesystem.. just that it's a linux partition.. look here for a long list of id's http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html12:54
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: look at the very last post on this page, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=549141&page=512:54
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: and i thinkt his is the program he's talking about...  http://www.yamipod.com/main/modules/home/12:54
Slartniteye: luksOpen? what is that?12:54
madprobehi someone please help me abt my kubuntu problem12:54
niteyea part of cryptsetup to create encrypted partitions12:55
Slartsamali: caps lock.. or broken shift key.. fix it12:55
samaliWHAY EC3412:55
ompaul!caps | samali12:55
ubotusamali: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:55
steve_bIndyGunFreak cheers - I will look at it now and let you know if I have any luck12:55
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: ok.. i'm curious.. so get back to us.12:55
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:55
Slartniteye: ah.. never used that.. but if it's not working I think you'll have to look for another reason than the partition id..12:56
steve_bIndyGunFreak don't worry - I'm not going anywhere for a while.  I'll let you know if I resolve this12:56
velkoompaul, smali is a mild troll. please take a look at his comments - only offtopic and all caps12:56
steve_bIndyGunFreak also if this works I'm gonna make a donation to their project too becasue I've been tearing my hair out for days over this12:56
kitofhawaiisteve_b: you'll be hapy to know you're not alone apparently in having a black screen...12:57
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i would say that would be good.12:57
kitofhawaiisteve_b: you use compiz by any chance?12:57
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erb_Can somebody please tell me how to launch 'Menus & Toolbars' without going through 'System > Preferences' as my icon has been deleted12:57
steve_bkitofhawaii yes i do - is that the problem?12:57
TheMafiaWhat is the virtual server of choice for gutsy? wasn't there something released with gutsy?12:58
kitofhawaiisteve_b: well i'd try it without it real quick...see if it's that12:58
Slarterb_: I don't have a "Menus and toolsbars" but "Main menu" launches "alacarte"12:58
steve_bkitofhawaii I'll try that in one minute - I need to try something else quickly first12:59
ompaulTheMafia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen12:59
=== recon0 is now known as recon
kitofhawaiiTheMafia: i use vmware server peronally12:59
Amarantherb_: Actually that whole thing has been deleted, not just the icon. It was decided that since most apps don't listen to the settings in there anyway there was no point in having it12:59
MikeHThanks sharperguy12:59
TheMafiakitofhawaii, is vmwareserver installable by apt?13:00
steve_bIndyGunFreak my ipod wont even mount now - it's completely messed up13:00
steve_bIndyGunFreak I think this yamipod thing might work but I really need to use iTunes first to restore my ipod13:00
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i see what you're saying,....13:01
erb_OK, I accidentally removed or moved the 'Internet' menu from under the 'Applications' menu with alacarte. How do I get it back?13:01
IndyGunFreakwhy won't your IPOD work now?13:01
steve_bIndyGunFreak brb13:01
steve_bkitofhawaii brb - trying to disable compiz13:01
Amarantherb_: Click the "Revert" button13:01
kitofhawaiiTheMafia: yes, but make sure to read the install guide for it on vmware's site...it can be tricky if you don't know the options when it prompts you for them13:01
kitofhawaiisteve_b: if you're using gnome, alt-f2 "metacity --replace"13:02
niteyeshiiiiit why isn't my data partition accessible anymore, yesterday it worked aaargh13:02
erb_Amaranth: I've already tried revert and it didn't work.13:02
Amarantherb_: rm -rf ~/.config/menus/*13:02
* IndyGunFreak looks at yamipod thats a pretty cool program actually...13:03
TheMafiacan I install windows xp through xen?13:03
IndyGunFreakkitofhawaii: i think yamipod will fix his issue.13:03
steve_bIndyGunFreak I have messed up the filesystem by keep disconnecting it without ejecting13:03
kitofhawaiiTheMafia: however, i use esx server at the office, so i'm a bit jaded about my choice in vm hosts13:03
AmaranthTheMafia: Only if you have an Intel Core or Core 2 processor13:03
steve_bIndyGunFreak I did this before and needed itunes to fix it13:03
erb_Amaranth: That worked, thanks13:03
steve_barg what was that hawaii guys name again?13:04
kitofhawaiiIndyGunFreak: personally i don't use ipods (won't pay to the cult of steve jobs, he freaks me out) but i do have a zune :)13:04
steve_bkitofhawaii you are a genoius I could kiss you!13:04
Amaranthkitofhawaii: Which doesn't work _at all_ in linux :)13:05
steve_bkitofhawaii I disabled compiz and it instantly worked!13:05
differentrealitydrafael, i have a question.. in line 10 you have a test.. if ...... =0.   then if op=yes you have another test, if ... =1.     but from line 10 it only enters if as long as ... =0.   (or maybe i haven't understood everything :/ )13:05
kitofhawaiisteve_b: lol k well, to get compiz back alt-f2, compiz --replace when you want it13:05
Amaranthsteve_b: How could compiz break your iPod?13:05
TheMafiaAmaranth, do you think qemu is a better choice?13:05
AmaranthTheMafia: Not really13:05
TheMafiaI have always used vmware in the past but wanted to shift to something more open13:05
kitofhawaiisteve_b: if you go the vm route, don't ever...ever...update your ipod's firmware through the vm13:06
ricoHey Guys13:06
TheMafiaAmaranth, centrino duo work for xen13:06
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: ok.... but i'm using Yamipod now.. it seems tow ork fine.13:06
AmaranthTheMafia: If you want to run Windows on Linux with the least amount of pain vmware is the way to go. It's faster, easier, and has more features.13:06
AmaranthTheMafia: Centrino Duo is Core 2 Duo13:06
steve_bAmaranth compiz brok vmware - not my ipod lol13:06
ricoim havin issues with Vmware13:06
steve_bIndyGunFreak when I get it fixed I'll give it a go13:06
ricoit doesnt want to install13:07
drafaeldifferentreality: line 10 checks if there is a .rar extension - grep counts the lines with .rar present. if it's not present, it warns you that it's probably not going to work because it's probably the wrong filetype13:07
steve_bkitofhawaii why not?13:07
kitofhawaiiAmaranth: my zune works fine in linux (i have a brown one...then again a lot of things work for me that doesn't work for others...i guess i'm just lucky :-D)13:07
Amaranthsteve_b: It broke fullscreen?13:07
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: hope it all works out.;13:07
TheMafiaAmaranth, ok13:07
Amaranthkitofhawaii: That's not possible13:07
steve_bAmaranth it wouldn't show any graphical stuff at all with compiz running13:07
Amaranthsteve_b: Oh, that's a new one13:07
kitofhawaiiAmaranth: *hooking up zune right now*13:07
niwtrico: where you getting stuck?13:07
drafaeldifferentreality: if .rar isn't present, it then prompts you for whether you want to try unrar it anyway13:07
Amaranthkitofhawaii: If you're starting vmware or something too that's cheating.13:08
drafaeldifferentreality: the second choice with opt checks if it's a parted or normal rar file and handles the deletion of files accordingly13:08
kitofhawaiiAmaranth: i don't have vmware on this box...it's my personal laptop13:08
steve_bAmaranth everytime there was graphical stuff it just showed a black screen, but text mode stuff worked fine13:08
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i'm gonna try moving one song to my IPOD now w/ yamipod.. i'll tell you ifits a waste of time...lol13:08
Amaranthsteve_b: Sounds like a graphics driver problem :)13:08
steve_bIndyGunFreak cool let me know13:08
sharperguygrr how do i get stuff into my fluxbox menu because I can't even get a terminal window open or a browser13:08
steve_bAmaranth you could be right...13:08
Amaranthsteve_b: intel?13:09
drafaeldifferentreality: if the file DOES have .rar in the filename, it just does the normal stuff13:09
steve_bAmaranth I have an intel cpu and nVidia graphics card13:09
kitofhawaiisteve_b: upgrading the firmware through a vm...if it jitters a bit it could brick your ipod13:09
Amaranthsteve_b: Then I have no idea. I have nvidia and vmware works fine with compiz13:09
drafaeldifferentreality: I might add an extra echo to clarify what file it's working on at present actually - I'll edit that pastebin thing13:09
steve_bkitofhawaii my ipod is bricked already!13:09
steve_bAmaranth I also have 2 monitors set up - maybe thats causing probvlems13:10
kitofhawaiisteve_b: like really bricked? i mean like no hope whatsover send back to steve jobs brick13:10
differentrealitydrafael, ok good :))13:10
ricoI dont get why vmware wont work for me :S13:10
ricoit wont install13:10
Amaranthsteve_b: Could be, nvidia does have some issues with GL and dualhead13:10
steve_bkitofhawaii it still kind of works, just it has a corupt filesystem so is just an expensive paperweight at the moment13:10
TheMafiaanother opinion based question, what terminal is "best"  I like konsole because of the tabs, what way 'should' I be looking at multiple terms?13:10
kitofhawaiisteve_b: well good luck then :)13:11
niwtrico: are you here?13:11
steve_bAmaranth I do have mnor graphical problems with my setup - it took me ages to configure and still the refresh rate is a bit off13:11
Cescohow install vb 2005 on my ubuntu?13:11
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: how long have you had it?... lol, take it back tell them it doesn't work, and you want ot exxchange it for a creative model...lol13:11
niwtwhere's it getting stuck?13:11
steve_bIndyGunFreak thats the plan if I don't fix it13:11
ricowhen i go to applications/install and click on the box to install it13:11
steve_bIndyGunFreak I got it 2 months ago13:11
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: hm, 2mo?.. they may tell you to send it to apple.13:11
ricoVMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)13:12
ricoEither the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.13:12
niwtit's in the repository???13:12
drafaeldifferentreality: apparently the pastebin thinks I'm a spammer now and hates me :( oh well, if you change the "file does not appear to be a rar file" to "$FILE does not appear to be a rar file" it'll be easier to use ^_^"13:12
steve_bIndyGunFreak and then it mysteriously stopped woking all of a sudden I have no cluse what could have done that ;-)13:12
kitofhawaiirico: how old's your computer?13:12
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: 2mo though, they'll probably tell you to send it to apple, rather than taking it in exchange, unless you got it at walmart.13:12
ricoim very new to Ubuntu13:12
ricoerr, 1.5 to 2 yrs13:12
ricoif that13:12
steve_bIndyGunFreak I know - I'm hoping it wont come to that13:12
niwtit should work13:12
bmt2hello to all13:12
sharperguy:'( :'( i cant open a browser because it doesn't show up in the fluxbox menu and I cant even google for how to get it to work13:13
rico3.2ghz, 2GB ram, 512mb ATI card, no reason why :S13:13
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: exchanging or returning?... cuz i feel you'll end up doign one of the two..lol13:13
bmt2how can i go about showing a list of available wireless network ?13:13
kitofhawaiirico: which linux headers you have?13:13
steve_bIndyGunFreak if I can get away with reurning I will do that and buy a creative vision or something13:13
ricoI'm new to linux, so I aint gotten a hold on the jargin yet13:13
steve_bIndyGunFreak I got it from Amazon so its always a possibility13:13
differentrealitydrafael, hahaha :P13:13
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: hmm, thats true.. but i wouldn't sit on it much longer if you're planning on doing that.13:14
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: how much $$ if you don't mind me asking.13:14
steve_bIndyGunFreak I will decide by the end of this week13:14
drafaeldifferentreality: there we go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47531/ >___> I had to make a new one. anyway, I'm going to sleep because it's 2:15am here.. enjoy your scripting!13:14
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kitofhawaiirico: well, first thing's first...from terminal "uname -r"13:14
steve_bIndyGunFreak £160 gbp which is about $32013:14
differentrealitydrafael, !!! where are u from ?13:14
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: ok...13:14
drafaeldifferentreality: new zealand - it's somewhere near the big landmass called australia ^_~13:15
differentrealityi c :)))13:15
differentrealityhere its 3:15 pm !!13:15
differentrealityanyway :)13:15
differentrealitygo rest :)13:15
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: here it is 3:15am :-P13:15
ricou after user name and machine name?13:15
drafaelI'm going to england for the summer :D hooray13:15
differentrealitykitofhawaii, where is your here? :P13:15
differentrealitydrafael, heh :)) nice nice13:15
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: do i really need to answer that question?13:16
differentrealityyou should come to greece though for summer (I'm from Greece)13:16
bmt2wireless networks ?  Can anyone help   ?13:16
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: was just looking at yamipod, it has a "repair ipod" option..not sure what that means,13:16
IndyGunFreak!wireless | bmt213:16
ubotubmt2: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:16
kitofhawaiirico: in terminal just type "uname -r" and tell me the results13:16
differentrealitykitofhawaii, hawaii ?!?!13:16
bmt2i look at that document.....it didn't help13:16
steve_bIndyGunFreak yamipod doesn't even see my ipod!  just says to insert it...13:16
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: hehe good guess13:17
differentrealitykitofhawaii, seriously ??13:17
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: yep :)13:17
drafaelgreece huh - I've got to go there sometime and see for myself, I hear a lot about it13:17
bmt2IndyGunFreak: how can i show available wireless networks in a list13:17
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: do you have an IPOD icton on your desktop?13:17
differentrealitywooooooooow :))))13:17
drafaelwell, night13:17
steve_bIndyGunFreak nah it doesn't do that now - too many times i've disconnected without ejecting trying to get it to work13:17
ricobash: uname-r: command not found13:17
differentrealitykitofhawaii, lukcy you... here it's rainning today :((((13:17
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: open up your home folder, on the left under Places, do you see something for your IPOD right there?13:18
kitofhawaiibmt2: sudo iwlist <interface> scan13:18
steve_bIndyGunFreak nope13:18
kitofhawaiidifferentreality: it's been raining here all week :)13:18
steve_bIndyGunFreak it did this before and I fixed it with iTunes, but now I don't have iTunes13:19
kitofhawaiirico: you need the space: ... "uname    -r"13:19
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IndyGunFreaksteve_b: yeah, thats not good...lol13:21
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: maybe try restaring w/ your IPOD plugged in the whole time.13:21
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: yeah, i see your issue.13:21
steve_bIndyGunFreak I think I may have to resort to digging out an old hard disk and installing XP on it13:21
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: what about using wine?.. does Itunes work on wine?13:21
ricoany use?13:22
steve_bIndyGunFreak I can't get it to work with wine13:22
kitofhawaiirico: did you get your output from "uname -r"? i don't see it13:22
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: only other suggestion i can make, is maybe codeweavers, its not freeware.. but.13:22
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit13:22
steve_bIndyGunFreak what is codeweavers?13:23
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: its frequentlyu referred to as crossover office13:23
jussi01steve_b: www.codeweavers.com ???13:23
steve_bIndyGunFreak ah yeah i heard of that13:23
steve_bIndyGunFreak is it expensive?13:23
drafael I just noticed something bad in my script - on the unrar lines, it'd be best not to edit out part using sed and then rm all files starting with the root because that could remove the files extracted as well as the rar, which would not be good -_-;;13:24
drafaelnooo you're gone13:24
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: i don't think so 39-49 i think13:24
starHi all i am trying to play a .3gp file i can see the video but no voice any idea any one?13:24
steve_bIndyGunFreak if it would definately work I probably wouldn't mind paying...13:24
kitofhawaiirico: still there?13:24
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: oh i understand.13:25
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: it has a 30 day trial..13:25
steve_bkitofhawaii hey I got windowsx running on vmware but I can't get the internet to work!13:25
steve_bIndyGunFreak that would be enough to fix my ipod!13:25
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: one would hope..lol13:25
ricoKit, lets do private chat so we can chat easier13:25
drafaelkitofhawaii: if they come back/rejoin after the split, could you warn them that lines 17 and 26 are bad because they could remove the files extracted as well as the rar13:26
drafaelthanks D:13:26
kitofhawaiidrafael: the split's over...13:26
kitofhawaiisteve_b: internet not working? did you enable NAT?13:27
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: so now you've got a windows desktop in vmware, but no internet connection?13:27
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kitofhawaiirico: in the middle of some things right now...13:27
steve_bkitofhawaii  no I enabled bridged connection13:27
steve_bIndyGunFreak that is correct13:27
steve_bkitofhawaii I an enabling NAT now13:27
ricobah, i need to register to reply to u kit :P13:27
kitofhawaiisteve_b: i find NAT works better unless you really are planning on really using it as a server13:28
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: this reminds me of that movie "What about Bob", with Bill Murray... "Baby step to get vmware working, baby step plugin an ipod, baby step transfer music".13:28
kitofhawaiiIndyGunFreak: i fix it as it comes =))13:28
steve_bkitofhawaii I changed to NAT and it works13:28
IndyGunFreakkitofhawaii: :)13:28
IndyGunFreaksteve_b: so now you need to download and install Itunes, inside vmware.13:29
steve_bIndyGunFreak yeah man that's what I'm doing now13:29
soroushMay sb tell me which of Ubuntu and Debian or Opensuse is more suitable for me?13:30
soroushHow can I understand such this thing?13:30
steve_bIndyGunFreak so far I have managed to do all tihs without killing anyone either - but at times I have felt like ti!13:30
soroushI fell I've confused myself among linux distribusions13:30
kitofhawaiiIndyGunFreak: i have an entire 50 user branch office connecting to a windows 2003 file server/active directory server and squid running on a PIII xeon and it's impressively fast for what they got13:30
velkosoroush, you may try this one http://polishlinux.org/choose/quiz/13:32
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tichthe changes i make in 'admin-->users and groups' are not being saved.  how would i fix this?13:33
panfistcan anyone help me set up a mysql database? anytime i try to do anything with mysql it says "'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'"13:33
lifeformsHai guys, I am running Ubuntu 64bit, but I want to cross-compile a 32bit app with OpenSSL support.. is there a 32bit OpenSSL-devel package that I can install to make this happen?13:34
steve_bI have iTunes mwahahahahahahahahahaha13:34
kitofhawaiiSteveA: still, cross your fingers it works with your ipod13:35
ikoniadid someone call me ?13:35
steve_bkitofhawaii It hasn't detected my ipod when I put it in the drive13:35
steveireAnyone use greasemonkey here able to confirm a bug for me13:35
kitofhawaiipanfist: did you set a pw for root yet? i don't know, i've never tried mysql without setting a root password13:35
steve_bkitofhawaii if linux hasn't picked it up then vmware can't ?13:35
steveireTry to install this: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/8162 if you use ff v2.0.1113:36
kitofhawaiisteve_b: did you redirect your usb?13:36
steve_bkitofhawaii how do I do that?13:36
kitofhawaiisteve_b: under properties for the vm...i don't have vmware on this laptop to walk you through though (i'd need to connect to the office to see the settings)13:37
panfistkitofhawaii im very new with mysql but i think i am trying to set a root password and that is what it is telling me. can i reset the password?13:37
kitofhawaiipanfist: sudo passwd root13:37
panfistkitofhawaii does that set a mysql password or a system password13:37
kitofhawaiipanfist: do it in a separate terminal13:37
steve_bkitofhawaii do I need to shutdown the vm first to enable it?13:38
kitofhawaiisteve_b: yep :)13:38
panfistkitofhawaii yeah i just reset my system root password that command was unrelated to mysql13:38
larson9999i'm starting to get nervous.  this mobo boots but doesn't install.  can't figure it out.  tried all sorts of versions of ubuntu, sysrescd, puppy linux.  wonder if i goofed something up installing it13:38
soroushvelko, the quiz told me:13:39
soroush1. Fedora13:39
soroush2. openSUSE13:39
soroush3. Mandriva Linux13:39
soroush4. Ubuntu Linux13:39
soroush5. MEPIS Linux13:39
danbhfivepanfist: I can help you set the mysql password13:39
kitofhawaiipanfist: right...but where are you stuck in the mysql installation?13:39
larson9999guess i'll try gparted13:39
wolslarson9999: which mobo is it?13:39
danbhfive!paste | soroush13:39
ubotusoroush: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:39
ciaconHi all - I am having rahter alarming problems with my ipod 4g.... can anyone help me??13:39
panfistkitofhawaii i think its installed and im trying to run it and make a database13:39
wolsciacon: apple can, not #ubuntu13:39
soroushdanbhfivem, oh. really sorry. you're right13:40
larson9999wols, mis k9vgm-v13:40
steve_bkitofhawaii It won't detect my ipod!13:40
kitofhawaiipanfist: i'm going to defer to danbhfive for this...13:40
panfistdanbhfive thanks im trying to make a database and i keep getting this error 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'13:40
kitofhawaiisteve_b: you redirected your usb?13:40
panfistkitofhawaii thanks for trying13:40
danbhfivepanfist: ok, run this  : mysql -u root13:40
ciaconwols: I am rather not asking about tech probs directly with ubuntu, but rather with the pod.. I have googled to find nothing... =(.. I am by now list where to get help =(13:41
steve_bkitofhawaii yep - when i try to add a usb device my ipod doesn't show in the menu13:41
kitofhawaiisteve_b: you're plugged into the right port?13:41
kitofhawaiisteve_b: lsusb should show you which usb port your ipod is plugged into13:41
wolsciacon: and that's why you are wrong here. we only support ubuntu here, not ipods13:41
steve_bkitofhawaii does it matter which port I plug it in?13:41
panfistdanbhfive: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)13:41
ikoniapanfist: mysql -u root -p13:42
danbhfivepanfist: ok, it looks like the root password is already set13:42
steve_bBus 005 Device 005: ID 05ac:1261 Apple Computer, Inc.13:42
velkosoroush, if i was in your your shoes i would toss a coin between ubuntu and opensuse13:42
ikoniadanbhfive: ubuntu sets the root password for mysql in the same way it handles sudo13:42
kitofhawaiisteve_b: it does matter...vmware doesn't redirect all your usb ports13:42
steve_bkitofhawaii does it matter which usb port it goes in?13:42
steve_bkitofhawaii how do I know which ports?13:43
ciaconwols: thanks for your sarcastly presice information13:43
danbhfiveikonia: oooo, didnt know that, it didnt used to do that13:43
ciaconwols: I just managed to brick my ipod and was hoping a bright mind might have an idea13:43
userbinahai smash ho are you13:43
wolsciacon: you are offtopic here13:43
ciaconwols: grad13:43
ikoniadanbhfive: it sets it to a password but allows "any" access until you change it13:44
wolsno matter how much hardware you break, if it's not ubuntu related: offtopic13:44
ompauluserbina, this is not a chat channel it is a support channel13:44
ikoniaciacon: this is not ipod support13:44
blahblahxhow do i make the seperations in my gnome panel invisible?13:44
larson9999i couldn't bring myself to buy a product from a company like apple.  maybe if i FOUND an ipod13:44
velkosoroush, opensurse has generally excellent hardware detection (i think it's better than ubuntu) so you may give it a try first. nothing will stop you to switch to anything else if you are not happy13:44
ciaconikonia: I know... my prob is I bricked mine and was hoping someone here had a similar experience and could help...13:44
panfistikonia thank you that worked13:45
IndyGunFreaksoroush: what are you trying to do?13:45
panfistikonia that worked!13:45
panfistnow that im at a mysql prompt/have a root password, how can i create and setup a db?13:45
kitofhawaiisteve_b: i'm sorry, i'm having a hard time visualizing how to determine which port you need for vmware to redirect...13:45
blahblahxciacon: just do a factory restore and resync13:45
ikoniaciacon: this is NOT ipod support, so it doesn't matter if anyone in here had a similar issue13:45
steve_bkitofhawaii I think linux isn't detecting my ipod properly, and that is why it's not working13:45
ompaulciacon, bricking them - I think you should look at rockbox.org and get away from that bad dependency culture13:45
ikoniapanfist: remember to change your mysql rot password13:45
fredlhowdy, I have one of those broadcom wireless cards in my PC. I recently reinstalled Ubuntu but now I forgot how to get this thing to work, if I remember correctly it's like this one command to download the microcode from somewhere.13:45
soroushIndyGunFreak, I'm a programmer and web developer but I don't have time to learn everything to do on linux13:45
IdleOneciacon: you are offtopic and distracting the people who need real help with ubuntu issue. please stop13:45
wols!wireless | fredl13:45
soroushand I'm a newbie too13:45
panfistikonia change when, or why?13:46
ubotufredl: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:46
kitofhawaiisteve_b: it doesn't have to...vmware redirects the entire usb port13:46
larson9999wols, everyone says this mobo is supported well.  guess i'll start unplugging stuff one by one13:46
IndyGunFreaksoroush: ok, so what do you want to use Linux for?13:46
ikoniapanfist: change it so that it is a known password that then secures your server13:46
fredltnx wols13:46
blahblahxhow do i make gnome panel seperations invisible?13:46
Pelosoroush,  you'll learn as you go , as you need to , just like you did with windows13:46
ciaconompaul: have rockbox instlaled.... are you in #ubuntu-offtopic?? I might get skinned alive for asking questions here -.-13:46
Peloblahblahx, it changes with the theme you use13:46
soroushIndyGunFreak, because i love linux and I prefer Lamp13:46
danbhfivepanfist: you might want to try phpmyadmin, its allot easier than memorizing the mysql commands13:47
* IndyGunFreak wonders if Pelo ever sleeps13:47
kitofhawaiisteve_b: anyway try some different usb ports13:47
* Pelo waves hello to the knew ppl 13:47
ikoniapanfist: phpmyadmin is also a security risk13:47
blahblahxPelo: i dont mean my panel, i mean the seperations in it13:47
* Pelo was wondering if IndyGunFreak had a life 13:47
steve_bkitofhawaii does it have to be plugged in when the vm is booted up?13:47
Fydablahblahx: Yes, those are part of the theme as well.13:47
IdleOnemorning Pelo13:47
Peloblahblahx, so do I13:47
kitofhawaiisteve_b: no i don't believe so13:47
san|ikonia: then secure it with htaccess / ip limitation13:47
PeloIndyGunFreak, I'm just watching vids waiting after my laudry13:48
blahblahxFyda: well is there a way t override the theme?13:48
ikoniasan|: thats up to the user to decide if thats appropriate13:48
IndyGunFreakPelo: good.. you've missed alll the fun trying to get steve_b's ipod working..13:48
soroushPelo, I see and if Debian could be customized grafically like suse I would have chosen it but I'm frightened to encounter many command line13:48
soroushwhich I will have to learn13:48
PeloIndyGunFreak, lucky me ....13:48
Fydablahblahx: Look in ~/.themes/yourcurrentthemehere -- it probably has an image somewhere that's used for the separators.13:48
Fydablahblahx: I don't think there's any way to do it without hacking around the theme.13:49
soroushI feel debian is the most mature distribution13:49
steve_bkitofhawaii I am trying every port but nothing is working!13:49
blahblahxsoroush: it can, just install the package gnome-control-center13:49
Pelosoroush, what do you mean by customize graphicaly ? talking about themes ? screen items ? what ?13:49
ikoniasoroush: if you feel it appropriate use debian13:49
PeloSkyBlue,  yes this is the ubuntu channel13:49
Pelosoroush, you are aware that  ubuntu is based on a stable debian right ?13:49
soroushPelo, eg. I don't know how to restart a service so I go to yast2 in suse and then restart apache13:50
IndyGunFreaksoroush: well, it is.., but you said your a newbie, so why do you want a "mature" distro...13:50
steve_bhow do you privat message sopmeone?13:50
pirxhey! ubuntu supports the new intel core2 quad cpus, right?13:50
Fydablahblahx: Wait, you meant separators, as in dividers? Hmm, I was thinking of the grab handles for things like the window list and notification area.13:50
velkosoroush, i don't use ubuntu but debian since 7 years. it very mature but not really newbie friendly13:50
steve_bkitofhawaii hello13:50
soroushPelo, Yes. I know that about Ubuntu but I'll need to get many software through internet if I use Ubuntu13:50
Pelosoroush, sudo apache restart  should do it13:50
blahblahxFyda: yeah i mean the seperators in the panel like dividers, not anything in windows13:50
kitofhawaiisteve_b: depends on your client...double click their name?13:50
panfistikonia thanks13:50
larson9999hmmmm, gparted will load on this computer i just built.  but none of these will: gutys 64(alternate and livecd), gutsy i386, xubuntu edgy, latest sysrescd, and latest puppy linux.  what should that tell me?13:50
steve_bcan anyone tell mt how to pm with bitchx?13:50
kitofhawaiisteve_b: on the right side13:50
larson9999gparted 3.313:51
IndyGunFreaksteve_b:  and kitofhawaii  type this "/join #indygunfreak"13:51
larson9999or is that 3.0313:51
Pelosoroush,  have you given the repositories a search ?13:51
soroushmy biggest problem is my internet speed13:51
kitofhawaiisteve_b: oh...i'm using gtkbitchx13:51
Lumpy^hey. sometimes when i save files from xp machine to ubuntu (using samba) i get this error in the log file ...:   lib/util_sock.c:write_data(562) write_data: write failure in writing to client Error Connection reset by peer , its works sometimes and sometimes its not... anyone has idea?13:51
ikoniasoroush: /msg13:51
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Pelosteve_b, should be the same as with any other  /msg, or /query or /notify , don'T pm ppl in this channel witout asking first13:51
IndyGunFreakkitofhawaii: join me and steve in #indygunfreak... "/join #indygunfreak"13:52
Pelosteve_b, I said you need to ask first , I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel13:52
Spzattim trying to install the mp3 codec but i get a error : This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.13:52
Pelosteve_b, I said you need to ask first , I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel13:52
panfistok ive got another mysql error, when i enter this command:  mysql < mc.sql -p, it returns the error: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'amy'@'localhost' (using password: YES)13:53
spezi|Fantahow do i get the version of a modul I am running?13:53
steve_bkitofhawaii hello13:53
kitofhawaiisteve_b: i'm here...did you install vmware tools?13:53
panfistalso if i use the command mysql < mc.sql (without the -p), i get the same error except using password: NO13:53
Spzattim trying to install the mp3 codec but i get a error : This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.13:53
ricothis is confusing13:53
PeloSpzatt,  gstreamer ugly should play mp3 ,  but what package are you tring to install to get mp3 working ?13:53
steve_bkitofhawaii come to #indygunfreak13:53
Pelorico,  what is ?13:53
SpzattThe gstreamer ugly package13:53
ricoi try to install vmware and it refuses to install13:54
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PeloSpzatt, what package is it in comfict with ?13:54
SpzattIt doesnt say that.13:54
SpzattIt says its in a conflict with some software.13:54
ricoVMware Player cannot be installed on your computer type (i386)13:54
ricoEither the application requires special hardware features or the vendor decided to not support your computer type.13:54
ricothats what I get from it13:54
Pelorico, vmware server requires a passowrd and serial from the vmware site, it is free you just need to registrer13:54
SkyBluehow to install printer canon ip1200 ?13:54
danbhfivepanfist: I think you aren't putting a user in, -p allows you to enter a password, -u followed by a user name is how you put a user in, i think13:55
Pelorico,  where are you getting the vmware from ?13:55
ricoits vmware player, not server13:55
wols!printing | SkyBlue13:55
ricoPC user magazine disk13:55
IdleOne!printer | SkyBlue13:55
ubotuSkyBlue: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:55
larson9999gparted livecd works... that mean i'll have to use gentoo? :)13:55
Spzattim trying to install the mp3 codec but i get a error : This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.13:55
Pelorico, get it from the vmware website,  the version you have is just incompatible with your hardware ,13:55
panfistdanbhfive thanks13:55
wolslarson9999: not really. when exactly does it crash everytime?13:56
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers13:56
wolsrico: see what ubotu just said13:56
PeloSkyBlue, in menu > sytem> admin > printers,   just select the closest cannon printer available,  probabaly a 1000 instead of a 1200 it should work13:56
SkyBlueim using ubuntu 7.04, not work!13:57
Spzattanyone help me with the codec.. ?13:57
larson9999wols, it depends on which version i try to install.  which should i try?13:57
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PeloSkyBlue, should work,  I don't think the drivers have been updated13:57
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Pelo!mp3 | Spzatt13:57
PeloSkyBlue,  what is yoru pinter model again ?13:58
danbhfiveSpzatt: have you tried sudo apt-get update?  I know its a lame idea, but I can't see how that package could conflict with anything13:58
wolslarson9999: we are in #ubuntu13:58
panfistok so i entered this command ( mysql < mc.sql -u root -p) but i have no idea what it did...i want to start this database running put according to system monitor no mysql process is running.13:58
ubotuSpzatt: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:58
demcoI have my ubuntu desktop extended over two monitors.  Is there a way to have a the "start-bar" task panels hide on the second monitor, and stay visible on the first?13:58
ikoniapanfist: /etc/init.d/mysql start13:58
ikoniapanfist: using sudo13:58
SkyBlueok, im try again13:58
larson9999wols, yeah, well there is i386 and 64bit, livecd and alternate.13:59
ricoi need a VM player, not server13:59
PeloSkyBlue,  try with the pixmax ip2000 driver13:59
panfistikonia thanks13:59
Pelorico,  I think vmware player is in the repos13:59
Pelorico,  sudo apt-get install vmware-player13:59
panfistikonia how can i set that up to start when the system starts13:59
ikoniapanfist: reboot, it already is ;)14:00
Pelobrb , laundry14:00
panfistikonia nice14:00
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd14:00
panfistikonia how do i make a new mysql user so im not using the root user14:00
Guest16155does ubuntu have ftp server ? (can someone give me link to a guite of ftp server ) ?14:01
ikoniapanfist: look up "grant" on mysql.com14:01
ikoniapanfist: user's don't actually exist as a physical object in mysql14:01
panfistikonia ok thanks14:01
Pelopanfist,  there is also a #mysql channel if you donT get all your answers here14:01
PeloGuest16155, ftp server for waht ? you mean t get ubuntu ?14:02
Spzattnow i get why they call linux the hacking OS14:02
odin__Could anyone know what package I have to install to get the offensive fortune cookies?14:02
wols!ftpd | Guest1615514:02
ubotuGuest16155: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP14:02
PeloSpzatt, hacking just means programming,  since the linux code is open , you can go in an change anything you want , if you know how14:02
Peloodin__, google for it , I don'T think it is part fo ubuntu14:03
* IdleOne gets out his hatchet14:03
Spzattim trying to install the mp3 codec but i get a error : This application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly' the conflicting software must be removed first.14:03
odin__Pelo: Thanks, will do14:03
wolspanfist: easiest way is to install phpmyadmin. another why is with mysql by adding an entry to the user table14:03
ubuntu_newbiehow to access read write ntfs hardisk on ubuntu 7.04 ?14:03
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:03
wolsSpzatt: WHICH other software does it conflict with. use apt-get and paste the full output of it14:04
PeloSpzatt,  which pacakges are listed as being in confilct with gstreamer ugly ?14:04
Pelo!ntfs-3g | ubuntu_newbie14:04
ubotuubuntu_newbie: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions14:04
Spzattjust apt-get?14:04
odin__Pelo: If ya are ever interested it's "fortunes-off" (for english)14:04
qwazWhat is a decent cpu power monitor?14:04
Peloubuntu_newbie,  you already got the message adressed to you by ubotu14:04
SpzattPelo, for the third time, it doesnt tell me what it does conflict with!14:05
Peloodin__, not realy interested14:05
wolsqwaz: not possible. how would ubuntu know how much power your CPU takes? from what sensor?14:05
PeloSpzatt, ok how are you going about installing ? gstreamer ugly?14:05
wolsSpzatt: for the last time: either use apt-get to install it and tell us what it conflicts with or you will never get an answer. your choice14:05
qwazwols: there are no applications that can be used under ubuntu to monitor my cpu's power?14:05
steveireAnyone use greasemonkey?14:05
SpzattI run a mp3 file, it tells me i need a codec, it searches for a codec, i mark it off for install, i click Contunue and it pops up14:05
Spzattapt-get name of plugin?14:06
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Grey_you want the gstreamer plugins14:06
wolsqwaz: there are not apps anywhere to do that unless you can hook up a sensor to your PSU14:06
danbhfivewols: I think most motherboards have built in power supply sensors, that tell you the voltages on each line14:06
wolsdanbhfive: and voltage is not power14:06
ikoniawols: lmsensors willl monitor some aspects14:06
PeloSpzatt,  ok much better,  I want you to go into  menu > system> admin> synaptic package manager,  use the search feature,  search for gstreamer, check to instal all the gstreamer0.10  pacakges and apply14:06
wolsikonia: it will not monitor power. ever14:07
ikoniawols: no, but some aspects such as voltage, temp etc14:07
qwazwols: what are all those apps I see in screenshots? disk usage, cpu usage etc etc14:07
PeloSpzatt,  anyting conflicting will be removed if needed,  but you will get a msg telling you they are going to be removed, and which, let us know which before allowing to proceed14:07
wolsqwaz: conky for example14:07
ikoniaqwaz: thats not power14:07
SpzattWols : i get this error : gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly:14:08
Spzatt Depends: libid3tag0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable14:08
Spzatt Depends: libmad0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable14:08
qwazahh, ok14:08
SpzattPelo : i get this error in the terminal :   gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly: Depends: libid3tag0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not installable14:08
Spzatt                              Depends: libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b) but it is not installable14:08
SpzattE: Broken packages14:08
PeloSpzatt, ok much better, make a note of those packages,   search for them each and try to isntal them,  give us the error msg you get if any14:08
wolsSpzatt: pastebin your sources.list14:08
SpzattSearch on google?14:08
PeloSpzat search in synaptic14:09
odracir34 #ubuntu-nl14:09
Peloodracir34, /join #ubunt....14:09
Pelobrb , laundry again14:09
werswhat code do I enter to see what peripherals are recognized by my box other than dmesg? :D14:09
wolswers: lspci, lsusb, lspcmcia14:09
SpzattPelo, didnt find any of them14:09
wersthanks, wols!14:10
wolsSpzatt: do what I told you14:10
SpzattHow do i open sources.list ?14:10
wolswith an editor14:10
SpzattWhere is my sources.list located?14:10
jribSpzatt: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:11
wols /etc/apt14:11
matttisdo i have to install "Sun Java 6 Web Start" to use java with firefox ?14:11
wolsmatttis: no14:11
Spzattwant me to paste ALL that?14:11
Pelomatttis,  no the -pluggin package14:11
jribSpzatt: at paste.ubuntu-nl.org14:11
Pelo!pastebin | Spzatt14:11
ubotuSpzatt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:11
bryan34328hello, can someone recommend me on good remote control software for ubuntu system ?14:11
bryan34328(on graphic mode)14:12
jribbryan34328: like ssh?14:12
wolsbryan34328: tightvnc, freenx14:12
Pelobryan34328, try searching for remote in synaptic14:12
SpzattHere : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47535/14:12
Pelohello again, Qjimbo14:12
magnetronbryan34328: for Infrared remotes? try Lirc14:12
ricoim off guys, later14:12
jrib!vnc > bryan34328 (read the private message from ubotu)14:12
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?14:12
Qjimbohow do you configure workspaces to work over 2 monitors?14:12
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wolsSpzatt: uncomment at least # deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted14:13
PeloSpzatt,   un comment lnes  43 44  50 5114:13
Qjimbooh and hey pelo, nice you remembered me haha14:13
SpzattWhat ?14:13
SpzattRemove them?14:13
ttt--sorry if this is a stupid question... the biggest res i can choose is 800x600. is there any way to make ubuntu draw the windows smaller?14:14
PeloSpzatt, actualy are you still in synaptic, I would reather you do it another way14:14
luisbghow do I kill the "free the fish" fish?14:14
wolsSpzatt: how does "uncomment" look like "remove" to you?14:14
PeloQjimbo, your were quite noticable yesterday , not necessaraly a good thing14:14
SpzattIm not english, so please tell me what "uncomment" means..14:14
ttt--the default font of the system or something like that?14:14
magnetronQjimbo: system > administration > screens and graphics14:14
wols!no | Spzatt14:14
ubotuSpzatt: Hvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!14:14
PeloSpzatt,  close the  text editor and follow these instructions14:15
magnetronSpzatt: what's your native language?14:15
SpzattWill do.14:15
QjimboPelo: yeah I was having a lot of problems with ethernet, turns out it was the oddest thing, a PCI caching option in BIOS14:15
SpzattOr wait, Pelo.14:15
niwtuncomment = remove #14:15
Spzattthanks niwt14:16
Qjimbooh and thanks magnetron, I'll take a look14:16
SpzattWhat lines again?14:16
Rohaqhey folks, quick question: how can I stop Rhythmbox from popping up every time I insert my iPod, or at least make my music player of choice (Banshee) appear?14:16
Qjimbohmm magnetron I don't have that option...14:16
mario84Ciao, ho un problema all'avvio e mi chiede di eseguire fsck sulla partizione, ma in recovery mode mi chiede la password di root, che cosa metto?14:16
jribPelo, Spzatt: he has more important stuff commented (like main)14:16
wols!it | mario8414:16
ubotumario84: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:16
mario84ah sorry14:16
PeloSpzatt, go back into synaptic, in the menu > settings ( could be configuration) > repositories,   you now have the repos gui dialog,  check all the boxes on the first tab and then in the 3rd tab make sure that the backport one is checked,   apply and close,  now go back into synaptic and reload the pakcages, fist tool button on the left,   then try to isntall gstreamer0.10 again14:17
magnetronQjimbo: do you find anything similar? i don't know the exact phrasing14:17
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wolsPelo: he doesn't need backports. he needs main14:17
ibanezhey guys, where do i install the bcm43xx firmware to ?14:17
magnetronQjimbo: also, are you using ubuntu 7.10?14:17
Pelojrib, I know, taht I why I am sending him in the repos dialog,  fewer chances of messing up14:17
hussplz how to mount desk with terminal that is not visible anywhere ?14:17
ibanez/usr/lib/firmware ?14:17
wolsibanez: /lib/firmware/14:17
Pelowols,  read the part before that,  I'M just having hm do backport cause he'll want it later anyway14:18
wolshuss: which disk exactly? what devicename?14:18
ibanezthanks wols14:18
Qjimbomagnetron: I'm actually using Ubuntu Studio, but it is based on 7.10, I guess it must be slightly different14:18
husswols, it is ntfs and it was visible, I donno what happend14:18
Qjimbois there a way of installing the screens and monitors applet you mentioned with synaptic?14:18
PeloQjimbo, ubujntu studio should have all that is available in ubuntu , but with a few extras and some theming done14:18
wolshuss: answer my question, not irrelevant stuff14:19
husshard disk14:19
magnetronQjimbo: system > administration > screens and graphics ?14:19
wolshuss: "hard disk" is no devicename either14:19
Pelohuss,  I tink  wols wants the /dev/..... addy of the partiton in question14:19
niwtwhat is Spzatt trying to install?14:19
Spzattwtf i clicked a button and my windows went awa14:20
Peloniwt,  gstreamer ugly but his repos are messedup14:20
blightall, what's a good way to safely (I mean completely destructive) format a disk in linux ? for I in 1..8; do dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 count=10G?14:20
wolsniwt: something that hasn't the dependencies fulfilled because of a borked sources.list14:20
PeloSpzatt, go back into synaptic, in the menu > settings ( could be configuration) > repositories,   you now have the repos gui dialog,  check all the boxes on the first tab and then in the 3rd tab make sure that the backport one is checked,   apply and close,  now go back into synaptic and reload the pakcages, fist tool button on the left,   then try to isntall gstreamer0.10 again14:20
wolsBlackOrc: the "bs=1024 count=10G" is wrong14:20
husswols, sorry i don't know14:20
husswols, how can i14:21
wolshuss: the command is "mount" but without you know what you want to actually mount we cannot help14:21
Pelohuss,  blkid should give you a list of all your partiton with devtree and uuid info14:21
cs02rm0what's the tidiest way of installing the hardy kernel on a gutsy install?14:21
wolsblight:  the "bs=1024 count=10G" is wrong14:21
wolscs02rm0: a backport14:21
Pelocs02rm0, ask in #ubuntu+114:21
Qjimbomagnetron: This is what I see http://img468.imageshack.us/img468/8683/screenshotrw9.th.png14:22
blightwols: in what sense? ie. not matching disk size?14:22
wolsblight: yes14:22
blightwols: fair enough14:22
wolsblight: no need for these parameters to erase the whole disk14:22
husswols, pelo, thx anyhow and i'm gonna search for thar disk14:22
blightwols: otherwise that would work?14:22
Pelohuss,  restarting the comp migth make the partition visible again if it got dropped for some reason14:23
magnetronQjimbo: maybe the tool is included i my nvidia driver14:24
hussI think it is /dev/hda114:24
Guest16155hello, i would like to install some package, inside the README file it writen to type : % ./vncinstall /usr/local/bin in order to install the package but i get an error : sudo: ./vncinstall: command not found ?14:24
Jimnastics_problem to config snort,having 'no using pcap_frame' error, i ve winpcap installed,i m tryin windows ver14:24
magnetronGuest16155: are you trying to install vlc?14:25
Pelohuss, try with  sudo mount -F ntfs /dev/hda1 /whateverthemountpointis14:25
* blight wonders if I should build an electromagnet and place on disks just to be sure ...14:25
Guest16155magnetron: i am trying to install vnc free edition14:25
BlackOrcwols: what is wrong?14:25
magnetronGuest16155: the server or the client?14:25
wolsBlackOrc: my tab complete14:25
Guest16155magnetron: server14:25
* Pelo gives blight the latest most top-secret plans for the constructions of a fool proof tin-foil hat14:26
magnetronGuest16155: oh, good luck with that one14:26
BlackOrcwols: ah ok no problem D14:26
wolsGuest16155: on what OS? cause under ubuntu there is no "free edition"14:26
stefgcs02rm0: there is no 'tidy' way, except building the kernel kerenl with the hardy sources on a gutsy system14:26
fredlblight - if you're in Europe, having some big whopping electromagnets and a panic button near you would be good :)14:26
blightfredl: hehe14:26
Qjimbohmm apparently there's a program called Xinerama14:26
picard_pwns_kirkGuest16155: do you mean VMWare?14:26
Qjimbolets give taht a whirl14:26
Peloblight, if your bios has the options, low-format the hdd14:27
husspelo, thx man14:27
fredlblight - or you could just stop hitting on little girls :P14:27
wolsblight: just use an encrypted harddisk14:27
Pelohuss,  it worked ?14:27
blightfredl: hehe :-) it's not like that :)14:27
Guest16155wols: on ubuntu , this is the link to the software i want to install : http://www.realvnc.com/products/free/4.1/download.html14:27
fredlblight - well then stop downloading all those movies!14:27
fredldammit :)14:27
blightwols: aye that's another option - I just want to blitz a disk before throwing it in the trash14:28
husspelo, no :) but I'll try to reboot14:28
wolsGuest16155: that's nice but not part of ubuntu, especially since ubuntu already has tightvncserver, xvncserver, etc14:28
Pelohuss,  I might have just given you the wrong options,  man mount for more detailed info14:28
Guest16155wols: i am new to ubuntu , what is the easy way to install remote control software on ubuntu ?14:28
husspelo, ok14:28
wolsblight: dd is enough. no one will pay 100k USD to get back the contents of your disk14:29
wolsGuest16155: use synaptic14:29
blightwols: true14:29
PeloGuest16155,  what do you mean by remote control ?  infrared or remote access to your compfrom another comp ?14:29
wolsPelo: he means vnc or similar14:29
fredldd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda ?14:29
* blight wonders why I'm only getting 13MB/s write to this USB2.0 disk?14:29
PeloGuest16155, in the therminal  sudo apt-get instll vnc14:29
PeloGuest16155, in the therminal  sudo apt-get install vnc14:30
picard_pwns_kirkPelo: trouble typing?14:30
Pelopicard_pwns_kirk, often14:30
* Pelo wonders how picard_pwns_kirk would do with only 7 fingers 14:30
xevilis a therminal a hot or cold terminal?14:31
ompaulPelo,  30% failure or 30% slower14:31
* Pelo gets out the cutters : " shall we test it ?"14:32
wolsmy 2 finger hunt and peck would be just as fast as normally14:32
picard_pwns_kirkPelo: I can barely work with 1014:32
* Pelo gives ompaul the cutters and hold picard_pwns_kirk down 14:32
ggoogiis there a way to kill X only without affecting all the server apps running?14:33
ompaulompaul Pelo wols picard_pwns_kirk have we gone offtopic yet?14:33
wolsggoogi: no14:33
tifine#join /apache14:33
Peloompaul, I believe so14:33
Pelotifine, /join #apache14:33
wolsompaul: fingers are needed for using ubuntu, so it's clearly ubuntu related14:33
ggoogiwols: thanks.14:33
Peloggoogi, restarting x will restart all gui apps14:33
devicebusyWow, its beautifuly active here :)14:33
jaggerorhi seta_1214:34
Pelodevicebusy,  we are a very busy channel , when on topic , other wise we get nasty14:34
seta_12i'm new on ubuntu14:34
matttispelo, wols: what do I have to do else to get the java plugin running (after installing) ?14:34
* Pelo wonders if this is a busiest channel on the network 14:34
picard_pwns_kirkseta_12: welcome14:34
Peloseta_12,  welcome to the madhouse14:34
picard_pwns_kirkPelo: yes it is14:34
devicebusyPelo: Restarting X will restart desktop only, others user apps will be terminated14:34
Pelomatttis, restart FF14:34
ompaulwols, I see your point, and have seen it used by people who are forced to not use fingers and use the accessibility suite14:35
matttisPelo: already did that14:35
ggoogiPelo: i wasn't talking about GUI apps.14:35
seta_12somebody can help me about little problem?14:35
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:35
matttisPelo: it isn't listed in about:plugins14:35
xevilseta_12: just ask14:35
Pelomatttis, then java apps you encounter while browsing should work , anyone specific you are having trouble with ?14:35
seta_12ok, i have no sound14:35
tifineany apache guy here ?14:35
picard_pwns_kirkcheck your volume settings14:36
wolsggoogi: anything started in that xsession will stop. if you run a terminal aup under screen, you can later reattach it14:36
wolsggoogi: apps started with nohup will continue to run14:36
wols!anyone | tifine14:36
ubotutifine: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:36
matttisPelo: on every page firefox says, there some plugins needed to be installed14:36
seta_12setting vol is ok, my card ii in the list14:36
seta_12(sorry for my english, i'm french...)14:36
ompaul!fr | seta_1214:36
ubotuseta_12: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:36
zmolikpromin, to nerozumim to pisete???14:37
ggoogiwols: that means i can kill X without affect server apps?14:37
super61hello everyone i installed kxmame and im haveing trobel with so roms can anyone help?14:37
seta_12ok, try this, tanck ;)14:37
wolsggoogi: yes14:37
Peloseta_12, c'est pas grave , il y a un canal francais  tape /join #ubuntu-fr14:37
tifinei cannot be able to display java app on apache2! Does anybody know ?14:37
Pelomatttis,  I don'T see any -plugin for java listed in mhy about:pluggin either14:37
Pelomatttis,  give me the url of the site that is giving you trouble14:38
wolstifine: do you mean something like tomcat or JSP? or do you mean applets in your browser?14:38
wols"display java app on apache2" doesn't make much/any sense14:38
ggoogiwols: how do i go about doing that?14:39
avgeneralhow do i use mysql in ruby on rails?14:39
wolsggoogi: doing what?14:39
wolsavgeneral: #ruby14:39
ggoogiwols: killing X only.14:39
tifinewols : i mean i m trying to host jsp page on my website, for running jsp pages i can use tomcat but for externally i want to use apache214:39
matttispelo: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml14:39
avgeneralwols: type #ruby in command line?14:39
wolsggoogi: ctrl+alt+backspace for example14:39
Pelomatttis, hold on14:39
wolsavgeneral: /join #ruby   in irc14:39
super61astro76 you here?14:40
wolsschumi:  /join #polska14:40
ggoogiwols: how about /ect/init.d/gdm stop ?14:40
daxrocafternoon all14:40
wolsggoogi: that too14:40
Pelomatttis,  so I guess the little guy isn'T dancing for your ?14:40
wolsggoogi: don't forget the sudo14:40
jaggerorgood afternoon daxroc14:41
ggoogiwols: of course not.14:41
matttisPelo: i only see a picture: http://www.java.com/en/img/download/testvm_linux.jpg14:41
daxrocAre the python bindings for lirc available some where ? ( pylirc )14:41
schumihi everyone14:41
wolsdaxroc: apt-cache search pylirc and you will know14:41
Pelomatttis, a bit higher ? on the page,  in anycase this says that java is isntlled what else do youwant ?14:42
matttisPelo: the java thing isn't working on that page, i don't see someone dancing14:43
Pelomatttis,  ok do you have the backport repos enabled ?14:43
matttisPelo: don't know...14:44
PmDematagodaI can't seem to use Frostwire on Ubuntu 8.04 with Java 6 as it gives me an error concerning locking the assertion, can anyone help? Thanks14:45
Pelomatttis,   menu > system > admin> software sources,  check all the boxes onthe first tab and the backport one on the 3rd tab , then apply and relaod, , then open synaptic14:45
matttisPelo: yes, the 3rd tab thing is missing14:45
Pelomatttis,  then try and install    sun-java5-jre and the -plugins package that goes with it14:45
wolsScolo: can't you learn using irc on a less busy channel?14:46
Pelomatttis,  i MEANT sun-java6-jre not 514:46
dreamcoderhi is there a linux program to seatch usenet nzbs and download them?14:46
Pelomatttis,  brb , laundry14:46
Niteyei have reinstalled, and now cryptsetup keeps failing with "Command failed.", how can i found out wats wrong?14:46
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging14:49
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports14:49
=== bobbo-[AFK] is now known as bobbo
PmDematagodaHello, does anyone know any thing about my problem? Thanks14:50
ompaul!fr | janine14:52
ubotujanine: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:52
wolsjanine: good afternoon14:52
ompaulchacha, this is #ubuntu a support channel for the Ubuntu operating system14:53
=== magnetron_ is now known as magnetron
ompaulchacha, this is #ubuntu a support channel for the Ubuntu operating system14:53
PmDematagodahey, anyone? Please?14:54
ompaul!id | chacha14:54
ubotuchacha: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:54
ompaulchacha, /join #ubuntu-id14:54
luisbghey ompaul =)14:55
luisbghow do I kill the "free the fish" fish?14:55
ompaulluisbg, xkill is not going to help ps auwx | grep ?14:55
ryanakcawhat's the difference between the livecd and livedvd?14:55
wolsryanakca: one of them is bigger than the other14:56
larson9999wols, it hangs at 'loading please wait'14:56
wolsluisbg: kill/restart your gnome panel14:56
* Pelo is back from haging his load, and thinks hang drying in winter in 19°C might be economical but it is still damn cold14:56
luisbgwols, how?14:57
wolslarson9999: directly when loading the kernel? nothing else on screen? before that?14:57
bakarathi, i'm using ntfsclone to back up an ntfs partition, but the same computer also seems to have 2 FAT32 partitions14:57
bakarathow can i back those up? does ntfsclone it as well?14:57
ompaulluisbg, right click on it - and see if you can "remove it"14:58
ryanakcawols: is it somehow possible to burn the CD image on a DVD? I'm out of blank CDs... but I don't feel like waiting for 4.23GB to download over the next 3 days...14:58
ubotuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.7 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are  available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok14:58
luisbgompaul, how is everything?14:58
wolsryanakca: yes it is. just burn it like normal14:58
rbdcan someone recomend a good web-based interface to managing bind9 (e.g. A records, etc)?14:58
ompaulluisbg, not here ;-) it is all very good14:58
matttisis there a good alternative to amarok ?14:58
daxrocwhy does macmini remote bind to the volume by default ?14:59
=== ktogias_ is now known as ktogias
runemaste644somebody please help me!14:59
encrypt3dgood morning, i was wondering if someone had time to test a private message.  i registered on IRC, but dont know if i did it properly.14:59
ryanakcawols: oh, sweet, thanks! *cancels the dvd download*14:59
larson9999before that is one line: [   41.623777] PCI: Cannont allocate resource region 0 of device 0000:00:00.014:59
wols!helpme | runemaste64414:59
runemaste644X cant find nvidia kernel modules and cant start14:59
uboturunemaste644: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:59
mameHi i was wondering is there a way to restore Firefox to its defaults?14:59
netdefilrIs there anyway to play a dvd movie (pirates of the carribean 3) in ubuntu? or do you have to rip it first?14:59
luisbgwols, how do I kill/restart the gnome panel?14:59
bakaratencrypt3d, if you can join #java then you have registered succesfully14:59
jribencrypt3d: you need to identify with nickserv14:59
runemaste644i tried dpkg-reconfigure gdm14:59
wolsluisbg: man kill, man killall14:59
runemaste644man xkill15:00
wolsrunemaste644: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xsserver-xorg15:00
daxrocluisbg: killall -9 gnome-panel && /usr/bin/gnome-panel15:00
runemaste644xkill is good if you dont know the process name15:00
gourdinskype not working anymore in gusty15:00
luisbgdamn fish was getting anoying15:00
jribdaxroc: why -9?15:00
luisbgompaul, :)15:00
gourdinworked fine under feisty15:00
wolsjrib: for the extra tasty violence15:00
runemaste644well its nvidia kernel mods15:00
encrypt3dbakarat:  ahh i cannot, alas i dont think i registered properly.15:00
netdefilranyone on the dvd issue?15:01
wolsrunemaste644: go to a console, "Modprobe nvidia"15:01
Niteyei have reinstalled, and now cryptsetup keeps failing with "Command failed.", how can i found out wats wrong?15:01
magnetrongourdin: we do not maintain or support skype. try asking the skype company?15:01
runemaste644so thats what i need to get15:01
bakaratencrypt3d, as pointed out before, you also need to msg nickserv to actually log in, did you do that?15:01
wolsrunemaste644: no. how did you install the nvidia drivers?15:01
gourdinmagnetron: worked fine under feisty15:01
qaldunegourdin: are you able to read?? don't repeat yourself15:02
wolsgourdin: irrelevant. ask skype about their properitary, useless, network security destroying software. not us15:02
encrypt3dbakarat i didnt -- i followed the commands on the IRC website, but when i logged in, i didnt msg them -- is the command found on the IRC website and do i need to msg them each login attempt?15:02
runemaste644im looking at detailed xserver output to diagnose the problem15:02
=== MarcoZ[OFF] is now known as `_`
bakaratencrypt3d, do /msg nickserv IDENTIFY <password>15:02
bakaratencrypt3d, if your program allows it, you can add this command to the startup list of commands to run, otherwise i'm afraid you'll have to do it manually each time15:03
wolsencrypt3d: and yes, you need to do it everytime you connect. but many irc clients can automate it15:03
runemaste644ok hered the prob15:03
magnetrongourdin: Skype is not our application. Skype doesn't allow us to see how their software work (or does'nt work). check www.skype.com for support.15:03
gourdinwols: arf15:03
=== `_` is now known as MarcoZ
gourdinwols: the skype "network' works fine15:03
wolsgourdin: LAST time: go away with your skype problem15:03
runemaste644(ee) nvidia(0): failed to load the nvidia kernel module!15:03
gourdinwols: the not modified alsa call wont work anymore15:03
gourdinsounds like regression to me15:03
runemaste644(ee) nvidia(0): *** aborting ***15:04
wolsrunemaste644: I already told you. and asked you a question15:04
jojopumpkinQuestion: I am running Ubuntu 7.04 (installed via Wubi) alongside WindowsXP. I am noticing a terribly slow read/write speed on my internal and external HDs while using Ubuntu. I transferred 1gb of photos from my external HD to my /home folder and it took 11 minutes. In Windows it takes about 20 seconds, if that. If I were to simply install Ubuntu as the only OS on my system, would that help? Would reformatting my external with NTFS-g3 too15:04
magnetrongourdin: skype.com15:04
bakaratanyone: does ntfsclone also handle fat32 or is there another program to do that?15:04
runemaste644and it unloaded modules nvidia ramdac and fb15:04
dajaqnawhat skype15:04
encrypt3dThank you kindly backarat and wols --- i need to do a little more reading it seems.  perhaps the id i thought i registered was taken?15:04
wolsgourdin: does your music player, movie player, etc work? do you get sound there?15:04
qaldunejojopumpkin: if you really want to use ubuntu, you'd better install it normally, not using wubi15:05
runemaste644(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable config.15:05
wolsencrypt3d: ncikserv will tell you if it's so15:05
wolsrunemaste644: stop that useless pasting here please15:05
runemaste644i was just trying to be specific15:05
bakaratencrypt3d, indeed, and you can use "tab" to complete nicks (normally), so type bak then tab and you get bakarat ;)15:05
encrypt3dbakarat: test PM15:06
wolsrunemaste644: again: how did you install nvidia drivers? and did you change your kernel since then?15:06
runemaste644and it says gdm is misconfigured15:06
avgeneralhow do i successfully install phpmyadmin via terminal?15:06
runemaste644yes i installed nvidia drivers15:06
wolsavgeneral: apt-get install phpmyadmin15:06
wolsrunemaste644: HOW did you do it?15:06
runemaste644i hate kernel upgrades15:06
jojopumpkinqaldune: Will that increase my read/write speeds? Or is Ubuntu that slow in this area?15:06
bakaratanyone: does ntfsclone also handle fat32 or is there another program to do that?15:06
avgeneralwols: but when i go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin i get a '404 not found'15:06
qaldunejojopumpkin: of course it will15:06
runemaste644i did by restricted drivers15:06
bakaratsorry to repeat, but it's an urgent question, i'm backing up a computer as we speak15:06
sethkrunemaste644, download and install the nvidia drivers from nvidia's web site.  This works much better when kernel source is installed; at a minimum kernel headers must be installed.15:06
JockeMay I get a copy of the standard /etc/apt/sources.list in Dapper?15:07
wolssethk: do no tell people this15:07
qaldunejojopumking: it will probably be faster than windows. wubi is just a workaround and give problems as those of the same kind do15:07
ibanez(10:07) · ibanez · !dontask15:07
ibanez(10:07) · WiFiHelper` · ibanez: "dontask" is (#1) Don't ask when BT3 will be released, or (#2) No, you cant be a beta tester!, or (#3) If you should ask the wrong person, you will be flamed!, or (#4) also Don't ask how beta-testing is going, or (#5) basically, don't continue over this subject or you're risking a kick, or (#6) BT3 will come later, or (#7) no, we will NOT tell you why15:07
ibanezoh man15:07
ibanezim sorry15:07
jojopumpkinqaldune: tnx15:07
wolssethk: this is wrong and NOT supported here. ubuntu has drivers already15:07
runemaste644how do i do that when i only have nON GRAPHICAL access?????15:07
gourdin(not a joke) openwengo got the same problem ?15:07
wolsrunemaste644: can you answer my question or do you not understand it?15:07
Lumpy^hey.. i got problems in saving windows files to ubuntu using samba... is oplock can be the problem? how can i disable it completely?15:07
wolsrunemaste644: and LONG ago I told you what to do15:08
gourdinopenwengo can't use my mic anymore15:08
runemaste644please pm15:08
netdefilrdo new dvds not play under ubuntu?15:08
avgeneralwols: phpmyadmin still doesn't work15:08
gourdinwengo worked fine under feitsy15:08
wolsavgeneral: does /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ exist?15:08
sethkwols, it is NOT wrong.  It works quite well.  I've been on this channel for two years; don't lecture me about things you don't understand.15:09
wolssethk: it is WRONG15:09
avgeneralwols: yes15:09
wols!nvidia | sethk15:09
ubotusethk: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:09
qwazDoes anyone know how to set conky's window title?15:09
sethkwols, obviously he's already done that, but if you prefer that he has no GUI, then stay with your recommendation.15:09
wolssethk: it breaks with the next kernel upgrade evreytime. it breaks your packagemanagement since it doesn't care about dpkg nstalled files, it messes with dependencies since programs don't know that glx is isntalled, etc15:09
wolsit's simply wrong15:10
sethkwols, nonsense.15:10
sethkcomplete, utter, nonsense15:10
sethkwols, if you've installed the packages first, obviously the dependencies are satisfied.15:10
wolssethk: which packages?15:10
sethkwols, if you then fix the problem with a newer driver, there are absolutely no negative implications.15:11
JockeSomeone that's running Ubuntu Dapper, please help me15:11
wolssethk: there are. it breaks people's systems after they upgrade15:11
sethkwols, the nvidia driver.  If you install ubuntu's nvidia restricted driver, and then install the newer one, the dependencies are complete correct.15:11
JockeI need a copy of /etc/apt/sources.list15:11
wolssethk: if you already have the ubuntu drivers, why would you install the nvidia.com ones?15:11
theseeker_sorry for the interception, I have some problems with my usb audio card and jack (jack server not starting)15:12
daxrocany one know if there is a specific kernel module for the macmini lirc remote ?15:12
wolsand as soon as you upgrade again you get the ubuntu drivers again15:12
sethkwols, because it is newer and works better with some of the newer boards.15:12
runemaste644ok i see how15:12
Rubindaxroc, google?15:12
amaury_Bonjour , j'ai un petit probleme de avec mon wifi ( carte wifi linksys (reconnu par ubu ) sous club internet avec clé wep ), j'ai utilisé plusieur  logiciel pour me connecté au réseau mais en vain. Lorsque je scan ( avec sudo iwlist ra0 scan ) il trouve le réseau mais trouve pas le essid !! quelqu'un peu m'aider ???15:12
sethkwols, well, possibly.  hopefully by that time ubuntu has the newer driver.  If not, you install it again.  so what?15:12
runemaste644but my question is how to do it in command line15:12
wols!fr | amaury_15:12
ubotuamaury_: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.15:12
daxrocRubin: google doesnt help ! thats why im asking !15:12
Rubindaxroc, i'd guess if its not in google, the answer is no15:13
wolssethk: you install unsupported software not in ubuntu. for nvidia.com drivers: #nividia15:13
daxrocRubin: being that google is god eh !15:13
sethkwols, I know that perfectly.  I do what's necessary to make things work.  I don't worry about politics.15:13
wolsRubin: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  choose nv. and you have a gui to isntall nvidia drivers the ubuntu way15:13
spezi|Fantamake[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.15:13
wolsif you want anothre way: ask sethk15:13
soldiasomeone spanish??15:13
Rubinwols: huh?15:13
spezi|Fantawhy is this happening?15:14
runemaste644hablas no espanol15:14
magnetron!es | soldia15:14
ubotusoldia: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:14
qaldunesoldia si15:14
Rubinspezi|Fanta, what are you trying to compile?15:14
sethksoldia, there is a spanish channel.  If that doesn't help, then PM me.15:14
wolssethk: then you are in the wrong place as I said: if you are here, do it the ubuntu way, if you are in nvidia: their way15:14
sethkwols, that's dogma, it has no place in a support channel.15:14
spezi|FantaRubin, a acpi modul15:14
qwazwhen I installed ubuntu, there was a "notification" type icon in my top panel.  What program was that, I'd like to re-add it15:14
spezi|Fantathey say run "make"15:15
wolssethk: it has. just like we don't support skype here for example. or automatix. or envy. or any ot the other crappy, ubuntu-breaking things15:15
runemaste644how do i check to see if a package is installed through cli?15:15
Rubinspezi|Fanta, is there a Makefile?15:15
qaldunewols what matter here is helping people to have their ubuntu installations fully working. i don't think it matters the way you help people since you do15:15
matttisPelo: i also installed the "Sun Java 5.0 Plugin". Only with "Java 1.4 plugin for mozilla/firefox" it didn't work. Now it works15:15
Rubinrunemaste644, dpkg -l packagename15:15
runemaste644wow. that was fast15:15
wolsqaldune: yes fully working. and nvidia.com drivers break their systems in the future15:15
sethkwols, it's wrong to characterize something that works better as being similar to something that doesn't work at all.15:15
spezi|FantaRubin, yes there is a Makefile15:16
wolssethk: if nvidia.com works better, file a bug in launchpad. if it's better I'm sure ubuntu adopts your solution15:16
Pelomatttis,  I corrected myself, you probably missed it ,  I told you to install java6 and the pluggin15:16
wolssethk: heck, write it in the wiki, etc15:16
Rubinspezi|Fanta, hmm. are you following a guide of some kind?15:16
runemaste644well, it helps to plug in an ethernet cable15:16
sethkwols, you are missing the point.  Always, and unavoidably, the distro kernel and drivers are a bit behind.  That's how a distro adds value.  Occasionally, though, it is necessary to go with the newer code.15:16
matttisPelo: no, I ignored it :-) which one is better ?15:17
ktosiahello, in KDE, how to have  alt-tab  going through all windows from all desktops?15:17
sethkwols, ubuntu will surely do a back port, but for the person who's system is not working, that doesn't help much.15:17
spezi|FantaRubin, yeah the README file15:17
matttisPelo: the problem is i didn't found the same for version 615:17
Pelomatttis,  use the java6 it it the latest,  sun-java6-jre and the related -plugin package , that should be it, remove the 5 one15:17
matttisPelo: there's no package called java 6 plugin or something like that15:18
Rubinspezi|Fanta, you made need other sources to make it work.. it can be hard to recompile parts of also because its so intertwined in the other packages15:18
sethkwols, and ubuntu has, unfortunately, a serious problem in that they frequently provide only binary, and no source, for backports.15:18
Rubinspezi|Fanta, what are you trying to do?15:18
wolssethk: his card was working before, the ubuntu drivers worked. right now the ubuntudrivers support all nvidia cards out right now afaik15:18
Pelomatttis,  hold on15:18
wolssethk: this is not like when 8600 was new and there was no drivre for it in ubuntu so what you say doesn't apply15:18
ktosiahello, in KDE, how to have  alt-tab  going through all windows from all desktops?15:18
bakaratanyone: does ntfsclone also handle fat32 or is there another program to do that?15:19
sethkwols, That's true.  Now it's the 8800 that's new, rather than the 8600.  There are always new cards.15:19
wolsbakarat: dd does it, mondo does it, etc15:19
matttisPelo: there's only Sun Java 6 Web Start, Sun Java 6 Web Start (32 bit) and Sun Java 6 Console15:19
runemaste644im wondering how nvidia got uninstalled when my laptop wasnt on15:19
wolssethk: and it doesn't work with the ubuntu drivers? really?15:19
bakaratwols, ok15:19
Rubinbakarat, partimage?15:19
runemaste644its just weird15:19
sethkwols, specifically, the latest nvidia driver adds support for quadro fx 290, fx 370, fx 570, fx 1700.15:19
Rubinrunemaste644, elfs15:20
sethkwols, some 8800's work, but some of the very newest ones don't.15:20
bakaratRubin, is that default installed on the livecd?15:20
wolssethk: all beside the point: he has nvidia working before.15:20
sethkwols, plus there is a fix for 7050 also15:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:20
runemaste644ok, now how do i start x on virtual terminal 7?15:20
wols7050? from nvidia? since when?15:20
sethkwols, not besides the point, because you made a blanket statement.  That blanket statement isn't true.15:20
KvistMost of my fonts look like crap. What resolution per inch should I use for the fonts? My screen resolution is 1920 x 120015:20
Pelomatttis, in the terminal  ( close synaptic first)   sudo apt-get instal sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-bin15:20
sethkwols, there is a fix for a serious 7050 bug in the latest driver.15:21
Pelomatttis, in the terminal  ( close synaptic first)   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-bin15:21
sethkwols, I don't recommend that people use it routinely, but in some cases it's the right thing to do.15:21
wols /ignore sethk15:21
Pelomatttis, use the second line,  I made a typo15:21
* runemaste644 crosses fingers15:21
saik0runemaster644: 7 is the default15:21
wolsrunemaste644: start gdm15:21
qwazwhen I installed ubuntu, there was a "notification" type icon in my top panel.  What program was that, I'd like to re-add it15:21
sethkwols, IRC ignores you if the first character of your command is a space.  :)   which you know, and are probably baiting me.  :)15:21
qwazit was for updates15:22
runemaste644ok i got fatal server error no screens found15:22
sethkqwaz, how did you lose it?15:22
qwazsethk: I'm sure I removed it15:22
qwazsethk: while playing with the panels15:22
atlefqwaz: when there are new updates, you will see that icon15:23
mentalraycan some1 tell me what is the use for a process call nautilus(cuz it taking 49% of my cpu usage) ?15:23
KvistMost of my fonts look like crap. What resolution per inch should I use for the fonts? My screen resolution is 1920 x 120015:23
wolsrunemaste644: which driver are you trying to use?15:23
sethkrunemaste644, that usually means the configuration file isn't correct for the driver.  (That's why I recommended the nvidia driver, since it properly updates the configuration file.)  Usually running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will fix you problem.15:23
wolsKvist: depends on the screensize15:23
Kvistwols: 17"15:23
runemaste644well then can you help me choose the right stuff15:24
runemaste644like the mouse input and other things easy to mess up15:24
sethkKvist, I use 1920 x 1200 without a problem.  The resolution is not the cause of your problem.15:24
sethkrunemaste644, s/you/your/15:25
sethkrunemaste644, I should hedge and say "usually fix your problem" but it almost always works.15:25
Richard51684Hey guys, I was wondering, in Firefox, when I hit backspace in a webpage it acts like a page up button. Why is this?15:25
Rubinmendred, thats the process that shows you files on your computer in the GUI15:25
Kvistwols: 17"15:25
runemaste644well i usually prefer to use a text editor for xorg.conf15:25
runemaste644like nano15:26
RubinRichard51684, theres a huge debate at firefox regarding the backspace key.. half want that, half want it to be 'back'15:26
bakaratanyone know what happens if i restore a 21gig ntfs partition (cloned with ntfsclone) to a 80 gig ntfs partition?15:26
RubinRichard51684, theres an about:config setting i think..15:26
sethkrunemaste644, if you can fix your problem that way, have at it.15:26
Richard51684Oh, I forgot about that.15:26
mendredRubin: ummm i usually use dolphin15:26
Richard51684Why would anyone want it to be a page up key? Doesn't make sense15:26
sethkbakarat, essentially you'll waste 59 gigs of space15:26
ktosiahow to stop fucking thunderbird for stupid asking me each time about invalid certificate for an account?15:26
dementohello anybody knows how i can clone my installation?15:26
sethkRichard51684, it doesn't act as a page up key here.15:27
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:27
bakaratsethk, can ubuntu livecd partition a drive and format is as ntfs?15:27
sethkbakarat, no.15:27
sethkbakarat, well, partition, yes, format, no.15:27
Richard51684I'm pretty sure it comes configured as a page up key. Firefox, on Ubuntu gutsy that is.15:27
sethkbakarat, it can do vfat, and then windows can convert vfat to ntfs15:27
RubinRichard51684, its annoying, i agree.15:27
bakaratsethk, hmm, so either i waste 59 gigs of space or i reinstall the windows from scratch...15:27
wolsbakarat: ntfsprogs has a program for formatting ntfs but I wouldn't use it personally15:27
demento!clone is an application?15:27
wols|clone | demento15:27
wols!clone | demento15:28
ubotudemento: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:28
RubinRichard51684, http://www.tummy.com/journals/entries/kevin_20051207_22465515:28
bakarati think i'll reinstall windows from scratch, though that will take a while..15:28
KvistMost of my fonts look like crap. What resolution per inch should I use for the fonts? My screen resolution is 1920 x 120015:28
sethkbakarat, how about temporarily sticking an extra drive in the box, restoring to that drive, and then copying to the new partition?  You'll still need windows to create the bigger partition, so that may not help you if you can't boot to windows at the moment.15:28
bakaratsethk, the idea was to keep the programs etc, that's why i cloned the drive (well, part of the reason)15:29
Rubinbakarat, you can resize ntfs partitions with parted15:29
bakaratsethk, so simply copying it won't work (afaik)15:29
dementothanks but can I burn the image for a later installation without doing any configuration?15:29
bakaratRubin, so, restore the image, then resize?15:29
Rubinbakarat, restore it to the same size it was, then resize, yes15:29
sethkbakarat, if it isn't a bootable partition, copying will work.  If it is, then copying won't work.15:29
RickXhas anyone had the menus in kcontrol disappear?15:29
bakaratsethk, fixmbr should do the trick (with a windows cd that is)15:29
bakaratsethk, or am i missing something?15:29
sethkbakarat, that takes care of only the mbr.15:30
bakaratsethk, ah, what other step is there then?15:30
sethkbakarat, windows can be very picky about the physical location of the boot image on the partition.15:30
sethkbakarat, resizing may work15:30
bakaratsethk, the image would be put onto the partition that was bootable before15:30
wolsbakarat: usueally fxmbr, fixboot does it, but: ##windows15:30
sethkbakarat, you'll want to create the partition to be the same size as the cloned one, restore, and then resize.15:30
bakaratwols, ok :)15:31
bakaratsethk, creating the partition is the problem here right?15:31
bakaratsethk, since there are no reliable tools in ubuntu to do it15:31
proteusg'morning everyone, I'm having an odd problem: after some apparently random amount of time samba mounts that are being used by apps like audacious and amarok suddenly go down. Not only do they go down, but the directories that the samba shares were mounted to become inaccessible - anything that tries to access it locks up completely. When I do an ls-al the permissions are just blank spaces and question marks. I'd really appreciate any ideas15:31
proteus you guys could give me.15:31
proteusthe samba servers themselves remain accessable, and I can remount to a different directory without any problems but when I've got a half dozen apps expecting their crap to be in a directory that suddenly freaks out, a lot of stuff breaks and it happens consistently15:31
proteushere's the log: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47543/plain/15:31
wolsbakarat: there are tons. any fdisk program can do it15:31
sethkbakarat, no, that's not true.  The tools for creating the partition are reliable.  It's creating the ntfs file system that is the problem.15:31
sethkbakarat, if you know the starting and ending cylinder numbers, there is no problem at all.15:32
LjLIf some of you couldn't speak in the last 30 seconds, please try again.15:32
daxrocShould irw report buttons pressed on an apple mini remote , the events apear in xev but no output from irw, the correct device is specified in /etc/lirc/hardware.conf and the daemon has been restarted15:33
proteusIf anyone has any ideas on how to fix this, I'd really appreciate it15:33
runemaste644wats up with the d-lines?15:34
daxrocIm stuck with the remote permantly bound to gnome volume up/down ie will not change for other applications like it should15:34
proteusI'm new to (x)ubuntu and I'm not sure how to go about this15:34
ompaulproteus, there is #xubuntu15:34
proteusyeah, they told me to come here15:34
ompaulrunemaste644, something brewing that got shut down15:35
larson9999wols, it was memory.  i'm a moron.  this board only supports 2 gig and i had 4 in.15:35
proteusand it's not really a xubuntu problem15:35
sethkproteus, that's true, it's a samba issue, same for any ubuntu, in fact same for any linux15:35
proteusI'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the ui15:35
matttispelo: i found it in synaptic. before I used gnome-app-install, whatever that might be :-)15:36
wolslarson9999: good to know. what chipset (so I can avoid it in the future if the need arises)?15:36
Richard51684Does anyone know how to change the firefox backspace from page up to actually back15:36
proteussethk, do you have any idea what could be causing it to happen?15:36
ompaulproteus, http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2004-December/097520.html mgiht help you some - don't do samba myself15:37
bakaratsethk, currently the 59 gig partition holds it's own windows installation on ntfs, can i simply restore the 21 gig image over it? or would this give me problems with partition tables and such?15:37
andrew-mRichard, you could check to see if your keyboard layout is ok (correct country)15:37
larson9999wols, via k8m89015:37
qwazDoes anyone have some experience with getting a sound blaster 5.1 to work?  I don't get sound out of all my speakers.15:38
sethkbakarat, The partition starting and ending cylinders _must_ be the same as the original cloned partition.  Otherwise resizing definitely will not work.15:38
ompaulRichard51684, you have alt left arrow - as I have not looked at that kind of detail15:38
larson9999wols, now the joy of trying to take a mobo back :)15:38
bakaratsethk, any way to find out what they are?15:38
proteusompaul, yeah, it looks like the same problem but they don't talk about a fix15:38
wolslarson9999: seves you right that you bought via crap :P15:38
wolslarson9999: karma imho :)15:39
sethkbakarat, If it's the first partition, the starting cylinder is the same.  So if you know the exact size, you can compute the end cylinder.  To do so you need the geometry info for the disk.  fdisk -l will show you that info.15:39
ompaulRichard51684, have a look at about:config which is how you do a lot of config stuff to the browser - btw only change one thing at a time and write it down ;-)15:39
sethkbakarat, if it's sda, then fdisk -l /dev/sda.  If it's hda, then fdisk -l /dev/hda.  etc.15:39
Richard51684I found it, nevermind.15:39
neil_ddoes the virtualbox vm have a network boot option ?15:39
larson9999wols, i always buy the cheapest i can find.  actually, i usually get my stuff from dumpsters or curbside.  i just went to compusa to buy some ram for my wife's laptop and picked this up then.  that'll teach me15:40
sethkqwaz, some of the soundblasters use an "ensonique" driver.15:40
qwazsethk: gotcha...lookin into it15:40
sethklarson9999, compusa's RAM prices are frequently outrageous, above and beyond the tech issues.15:41
runemaste644ok, how do i fix my xserver without reconfiguring xorg15:41
wolslancetw: buying cheap is fine (/me looks at his k7s5a mobos here) but you have to be discerning still :)15:41
runemaste644reconfiguring xorg causes nothing but trouble15:41
sethkproteus, I hate to send you bouncing around IRC, but there is a #samba channel.  I would need much more info just to begin to help you with this.15:41
wolsrunemaste644: put "nv" instead of "nvidia" in your xorg.conf. then you have a gui and can install drivers via synaptic15:42
proteussethk, thanks, I'll check it out15:42
runemaste644does it really work15:42
runemaste644and does it give me a window manager15:42
wolsrunemaste644: apart from that "modprobe nvidia" could work too and then you run run the nvidia drivers again15:42
LAMMERçäåñü ÷î ïî ðóññêè íå ãîâîðÿò?15:42
__boomerhello, can anyone tell me what i have to change that the windowsclock shows the same time as the clock in linux?15:43
lifeformsQ: My Ubuntu 6.06 LTS box doesn't have an in.telnetd.. is there a package to add this? [in b4 'insecure', have to get a legacy telnet-based console app running]15:43
wolsrunemaste644: yes it really works15:43
ompaulrunemaste644, that is what you do - you want to go back to your live cd and when you have a gui copy back the xserver-org xorg.conf file to your /etc/X11/ or check out the previous versions and get the oldest one and copy that back15:43
LjL!english | LAMMER15:43
ubotuLAMMER: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:43
* runemaste644 has an idea15:43
wolslifeforms: there is.15:43
bakaratsethk, ok thanks, i'm looking into it15:43
runemaste644how do i make it use the Vesa driver?15:43
piglitwhat is roaming mode in network settings?15:43
wolsrunemaste644: use "vesa" instead of "nvidia" in the xorg.conf15:43
lifeformswols: oh sensei, tell me where I can find this treasure!15:44
runemaste644vesa is failproof15:44
piglitone pc wont connect to the network and i dont know why15:44
Pelomatttis, are you still having difficulties ? sorry I've been in and out doing laundry, I didn'T realy keep up15:44
Cescohow install vb 2005 on my ubuntu????15:44
spezi|Fantahi. i have a new modul but how do i load it?15:44
matttisPelo: no, everythings ok, it was just fyi15:44
lifeformsa find / -name '*telnetd*' yields nothing.. dpkg -l gives a telnet client, but I have that one15:44
runemaste644ill have to chang a lot15:44
spezi|Fantai always keep seeing the old version15:44
runemaste644it says driver nvidia and board nv15:45
Pelomatttis, congrats15:45
runemaste644so which do i use?15:45
matttisPelo: :-) thanks to you too15:45
wolslifeforms: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=in.telnetd&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=dapper&arch=i38615:45
sethkrunemaste644, nv is the 2d open source driver.  nvidia is the 3d closed source driver from nvidia15:46
Richard51684Uhm, my sound is very low, about at 50% it's unhearable and on 100% it feels like 25%, is there a way to increase the sound levels?15:46
lifeformswols: I love you!15:46
sethkrunemaste644, unless you are gaming, nv works just fine.15:46
IldjarnSomeone please help me with my fonts.. they're horrible.. I changed it to 133 dots per inch, and now it's even worse than before15:46
runemaste644i mean which do i change to vesa, driver or board, and where to change it15:46
CescoHelp me please!! how install vb 2005 on my ubuntu????15:46
runemaste644vesa is the open source universal driver15:46
ctothe1The 2.6.23 kernel has an update that fixes issues with my NIC (sky2 and Marvell Yukon). Is there an easy way to update the kernel? My last effort didn't fare too well...15:47
sethkCesco, you don't.  You can install it under a windows emulator, but that's not running it in ubuntu exactly.15:47
bakaratsethk, so, what i do is (once i have the end cylinder) start up fdisk on my ntfs drive, and delete the current partitions and add one with the exact size of the clone i have, then without formatting as ntfs, i put the clone on that partition, then boot with windows cd and do fixmbr & fixboot and it "should" work?15:47
soundrayCesco: I suggest you stick with Windows if you need Visual Basic.15:48
sethkctothe1, I did that last week at work.  I did finally get it working, but it was not trivial.  The 2.6.23 kernel is only available in source from kernel.org; ubuntu doesn't yet support it.15:48
sethkctothe1, which means you have to build the kernel from source.  It's not really all that difficult.  PM me if you want to attempt it.15:48
CescoThenk you soundray!!15:48
soundrayCesco: you're welcome.15:49
soundrayCesco: to write software for Linux, I suggest you start learning Python.15:49
luckyonehello all, can anyone point me to a good tutorial for setting up multi-domain postfix15:49
Rubincesco, soundray i endorse python, but he might also be interested in gambas215:50
CescoI know very well C!!15:50
sethkbakarat, yes.  Actually, you don't necessarily have to do fixmbr and fixboot.  I wouldn't do them unless it isn't working.15:50
ctothe1sethk: Hmm damn. Yeah I was able to build the kernel myself, but could not get the nvidia driver built properly (tried 2 ways), and it also didn't recognize sound card.15:50
runemaste644are there any modules i need to make it not load?15:50
sethkctothe1, I was able to build the nvidia driver, using the package from nvidia's web site.15:50
bakaratsethk, ok thanks :)15:51
sethkctothe1, if you follow the procedure correctly the sound should work.15:51
mullcomware are the program mapp  ther all program files are?15:51
Cescoare you programmer???15:51
spezi|Fantahow do i uninstall moduls15:51
sethkCesco, if you know C you'll have little trouble with python15:51
soundrayCesco: not really, I get all my work done with bash scripts usually.15:51
wolsspezi|Fanta: modprobe -r <module> ?15:51
wolsspezi|Fanta: or more permantently?15:51
sethkspezi|Fanta, rmmod, if you mean temporarily on the running kernel.15:52
runemaste644ok it failed to initalize the glx extention15:52
ctothe1sethk: which procedure did you follow? also, if you update the kernel, will it interfere with other updates released for ubuntu?15:52
spezi|Fantawols, well I got a old and a new vesion. i want to deinstall the old and run the new one15:52
wolsrunemaste644: to be expected since it's the nvidia glx which obviously can't work15:52
wolsspezi|Fanta: of what exactly?15:52
sethkctothe1, I can go through the procedure with you; PM me.  I'm a kernel developer, so I didn't follow anyone's procedure, I created my own.15:53
spezi|Fantaits call asus_acpi15:53
spezi|Fantawols, o.30 is running but i need 0.40 to use bluetooth15:53
wolsspezi|Fanta: replace the one in /lib/modules/`uname -r` with the new one15:53
wolsspezi|Fanta: then run sudo depmod -a15:54
CescoI'm 17 year old and I go to informatic school!!!15:54
runemaste644ok so how do i make the glx work?15:54
wolssethk: may I ask what you develop for the kernel?15:54
Cescoi will do C++!!!15:54
wolsrunemaste644: reinstall nvidia drivers15:54
sethkwols, device drivers, primarily.15:54
Cescoor Visual C++15:54
wolssethk: which ones I meant15:54
runemaste644what packages are nvidia drivers?15:54
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:55
runemaste644i already did nvidia-glx15:55
wolsrunemaste644: you need to install the kernel module too15:55
sethkwols, mostly in the last couple of years proprietary ones, unfortunately.  For qualcomm, and for watchguard.  I just started a new project at Bug Labs which is open source, thankfully.15:55
sethkwols, I also do kernel ports onto new hardware.  Did one for an xscale processor last year, plus a redboot port for the same hardware.15:56
=== matthijs is now known as IlovejumP
sethkwols, xscale is an Intel IC with an ARM core and various peripherals on the same chip.15:56
sethkwols, which you probably already know.15:57
Cescobye bye15:57
LAMMERplease give me URL on russian chat15:57
ctothe1sethk: pm'd you if you didn't see it.15:57
SpookyE1Has anyone made a Beagle 0.3.0 deb?15:57
wols!ru | LAMMER15:57
ubotuLAMMER: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke15:57
sethkctothe1, I didn't.  Possibly your nick isn't registered?  I'll create a temporary channel, hold on a moment ...15:58
runemaste644ok which do i need legacy glx or new15:58
sethkctothe1, join #temp0915:58
brobostigoni have an interesting question, does google earth work on powerpc gutsy, i know it works on x86 linux, but what about powerpc, any thoughts????15:58
wolsrunemaste644: depends on your nvidia chip. which one is it?15:58
runemaste644i have a quadro nvs 10m/geforce go 7300 rev a115:58
ZnuffHi. Where would I set the default "umask" for a user so gnome/kde/xfce obbeys it?15:58
wolsrunemaste644: new then, not legacy15:59
wolslegacy is gf4 era and such15:59
runemaste644and not plain?15:59
runemaste644so i need the 97xx driver15:59
sethkZnuff, in .bashrc, and also in the login equivalent, .bash_profile.16:00
Znuffsethk, I tried in .profile, .bash_profile... doesn't change. It's still 002216:00
sethkZnuff, in $HOME.  That's specific to one user; if you want it to apply to multiple users, there are equivalent files in /etc.16:00
qwazsethk: speaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -twav only gives me sound from front left16:00
ctothe1sethk: k, there16:00
sethkZnuff, what did you add, specifically?16:00
Znuffsethk, umask 00016:00
=== ctothe1 is now known as ctothej
runemaste644ok ill try nvidia-glx-new16:01
wolsrunemaste644: the driver with the highest version number you can find16:01
runemaste644lets hope this works!16:01
VOmitOalguem usa ubuntu 64bit?16:01
* runemaste644 crosses fingers once more16:01
kelsinZnuff: the ubuntu umask is set in /etc/profile16:01
PriceChild!es | VOmitO16:02
ubotuVOmitO: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:02
Znuffkelsin, there has to be a way to set it for a single user.16:02
Znuffkelsin, /etc/profile is system-wide16:02
VOmitOayuda con distro ubuntu 64bit16:02
runemaste644ok so it will remove nvidia-glx and replace it with nvidia-glx-new16:02
VOmitOno conssigo instalar16:02
jribZnuff: you need something that is read by the login manager (for example ~/.xprofile seems to work)16:02
TtechV0mit0: English here16:02
jribVOmitO: /join #ubuntu-es16:03
Znuffjrib, I'd like bash to listen to that too :-/ also the login manager16:03
jribZnuff: it should16:03
jribZnuff: unless you have it getting reset somewhere else16:04
ubotudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.16:04
QjimboIs there anyone here who might be able to help me with graphics card drivers16:04
QjimboI don't have the default ubuntu kernal so the drivers don't want to install16:05
chazcoAnyone know how to create a .deb? I'd like to extract some files to /opt/somedir, create menu entries and file assosiations...16:05
jribQjimbo: build the drivers for your kernel then16:05
QjimboI can't see the source for them on that page16:05
QjimboI'm not sure if they even provide the source for the graphics drivers16:05
jribQjimbo: go to nvidia's website16:05
Qjimboit's not an nvidia16:06
Qjimboit's a VIA Unichrome Pro16:06
kelsinZnuff: yeah setting it in ~/.xprofile as jrib said worked for me16:06
jribQjimbo: ah, then you need to contact them probably16:06
runemaste644well, lets be picky today...16:06
jrib!packaging > chazco (read the private message from ubotu)16:06
runemaste644(talking to my xserver16:06
Qjimbois there no way I can fool the installer into thinking I have a different kernal?16:06
wolsQjimbo: what for?16:07
Ttech=I dont know. :P16:07
wolsQjimbo: you cannot fool the installer. all you can do is actually use another kernel when installing16:07
spezi|Fantawols, to keep a model loaded (starup) is it ok just to put the file in the /lib/moduls/... folder?16:07
Qjimboah right16:07
wolsspezi|Fanta: what "model"?16:07
Jenssshello, can someone tell me how to open a file in the terminal as root?16:08
BSG75anyone know why I am getting EXT3-fs warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended..16:08
riotkittieJensss: what kind of file?16:08
riotkittieJensss: prefix with sudo.16:08
Jensss/var/lib/dpkg/status, that's the file I want to open16:08
spezi|Fantaa got a new modul and it works fine. just wanna know ift i have to wirte its name in some kind a file16:08
bakaratsethk, you happen to know which command i need to use to put the clone (a regular file in this case, not the special image format) back onto a disk?16:08
runemaste644ok compatible nvidia x driver not found16:08
jribBSG75: because the maximal mount count was reached and the partition has not been fsck'ed?16:08
bakaratsethk, ntfsclone --output /dev/hda myclone.img ?16:09
jribBSG75: pastebin your /etc/fstab16:09
BSG75jrib: it's a TB drive and shouldn't it do that at boot .. one sec jrib16:09
SuicideSalmonlast night I was trying to use this computer as a sort of jukebox, and after about 5 minutes we kept getting "The contents of this folder cannot be displayed" on nearly all the music folders. I tried "cp * /home/james/Desktop/new/" but got the same issue, ls -all worked fine in the directories, any idea what the issue was? I had to reboot into windows in the end16:09
Jensssriotkittie: that's a systemfile, so how to open it?16:09
wolsspezi|Fanta: you have a asus-acpi*,ko file somewhere under /lib/modules. you need to replace exacty that with the new one. none other16:09
sethkbakarat, that I don't know, I haven't used that particular tool.  I just use dd to clone.  (which obviously isn't available from windows.)16:10
riotkittieJensss: sudo cat /var/lib/dpkg/status | less ... unless you want to write to it16:10
IanLiuHow do I find zeroes of a polynom using Axiom? I tried solve(x**4+1=0, z) but he didn't solve it....16:10
bakaratsethk, i'm running this from ubuntu livecd16:10
spezi|Fantaok thx16:10
proximohi there, are there any reason not to use firefox3 ?16:10
* wols hands riotkittie the useless use of cat award of the day16:10
Jensssriotkittie: yes, i want to write in the file16:10
wolsproximo: yes, it's probably buggy16:10
sethkbakarat, I know, but I still don't know the answer because I haven't used that particular tool.  :)16:10
runemaste644i need to get a compatible nvidia x driver16:11
proximowols: still beta ?16:11
wolsproximo: current version of ffox is
bakaratsethk, kk :P16:11
riotkittiewols: you're cordially invited to take your award and cram it16:11
proximowols: ok, thanks :)16:11
kelsinJensss: then "sudo <editor> <file>" so probably "sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/status" or if you're actually at the console with no xsession "sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status"16:11
riotkittieJensss: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /var/lib/dpkg/status.old && sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status16:12
BSG75jrib: do I just type /pastebin to access pastebin?16:12
Roman123Hi! I'm trying to install XEN following  http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-7.10-server-install-xen-from-ubuntu-repositories-p2 But in the debootstrap step the command xen-create-image dies. Any Xen expert here who knows this problem?16:12
jrib!pastebin | BSG7516:12
ubotuBSG75: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:12
BSG75!pastebin |BSG7516:13
SuicideSalmonlast night I was trying to use this computer as a sort of jukebox, and after about 5 minutes we kept getting "The contents of this folder cannot be displayed" on nearly all the music folders. I tried "cp * /home/james/Desktop/new/" but got the same issue, ls -all worked fine in the directories, any idea what the issue was? I had to reboot into windows in the end16:13
kelsinRoman123: you should pastebin the output, or tell us what the error was when it died16:13
qwazSuicideSalmon: you didn't have permission16:14
Roman123it is a kernel oops :(16:14
qwazSuicideSalmon: sudo16:14
sethkSuicideSalmon, most likely you need to use the uid= and gid= options when mounting the windows partition16:14
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: what file ssytem?16:14
Roman123there is a posting at ubuntuforums but without a replay :(16:14
SuicideSalmonqwaz, I checked the permission, and it was drwxr-xr-x16:14
riotkittiequestion.  if it was a permissions prob, would it kick in after he'd accessed files for X amount of time16:14
SuicideSalmonso I should be able to open the folder, no matter what access I had, right?16:15
qwazriotkittie: nope, you're right16:15
jribIanLiu: why are you solving for z, and not x?16:15
kelsinRoman123: well then link to it, otherwise it will be tough to get help since you don't mention the actual error in your question16:15
BSG75jrib: done16:15
IanLiujrib: well... does this matters?16:15
SuicideSalmonthe filesystem was ntfs, but I tried copying it onto the desktop, and got the same issue (even though ls showed the files to be there)16:15
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: are these files on a FAT32 partiton, by any chance?16:15
riotkittieoh nevermind16:15
jribIanLiu: yeah, you need to tell it what the variable is.16:16
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: what size is the partition? i'm having a similar issue, which is really grating when trying to make a playlist :P16:16
jribBSG75: url?16:16
IanLiujrib: I told him... solve(z**4+1=0, z)16:16
Jensssriotkittie: battery was empty, can you say it again plz how to open that system file?16:16
androiddo you know why zsnes is in multiverse in ubuntu but in main in debian?16:16
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.16:17
androidI think this is an error16:17
Znuffqwaz, check your cables16:17
BSG75jrib: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47548/16:17
androidzsnes is a free software16:17
SuicideSalmonriotkittie, 250gig, I'm looking at getting an external and moving some of that off so I can shrink it, but that's it for now16:17
jribIanLiu: well it probably only solves for real solutions, not imaginary ones16:17
steven_hi, is there a simple solutionto take an avi and burn it in dvd compaitlbe format ?16:17
riotkittieJensss: sudo nano /var/lib/dpkg/status     ... you may want to back it up first16:17
IanLiujrib: thats sad...16:17
Jensssriotkittie: thx16:17
qwazZnuff: cables are nestled, all snug in their beds16:18
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: doh. i was hoping yours was smaller than mine. i'm trying to pinpoint optimal size.16:18
* qwaz has a dirty mind16:18
jribIanLiu: try maxima maybe?  I had never used axiom16:18
Roman123kelsin: one moment. I'm trying to find the logfile entries16:18
riotkittiealthough i'll probably just suck it up and format that partition  linux friendly16:18
androiddo you know why zsnes is in multiverse in ubuntu but in main in debian?16:18
IanLiujrib: maybe I must tell him I want to work on complex space?16:18
jribIanLiu: possibly16:18
IanLiujrib: hmm, I will see maxima16:18
SuicideSalmonriotkittie, you any idea what the issue was? it didn't happen at first, just after about 5-10 minutes16:18
wolsJensss: not just "might want to backup" but really realyl do a double backup. if you hose that file a complete reinstall is vrey likely16:18
Jenssswols: i know ;-)16:19
wolsJensss: what did you do in the first place to corrupt it?16:19
BSG75I think I should've used reiserfs instead of ext316:20
Jenssseuhm.. for search there is a command at the bottom that says: ^W, how do i have to type that?16:20
SuicideSalmonJensss, CTRL+W16:20
desertcDoes anyone use a cellular modem in Ubuntu?  I do not have one myself, but a friend was interested in using Ubuntu and wanted to know if his cellular modem on his laptop would work.16:20
IanLiujrib: any tips on using maxima? =p16:20
ferronicaanyone here using APC UPS with ubuntu 7.10 gnome ?16:21
Jenssswols: ndas-admin, difficult to explain, but i had found something to fix it16:21
astro76android, dunno, it's gpl, it should be in universe16:21
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: nope, no idea. i havent really bothered delving into it and seeeing if there's a real solution.16:21
jribIanLiu: syntax for solve is the same, but you need to end with a ';'16:21
bakaratsethk, would "automated system recovery" work? (i put the image onto the disk, but it won't boot)16:21
androidastro76, yes but it's in main in debian16:21
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: i actually brought it up in here yesterday, and the best advice i got was to change the filesystem.  :|16:21
astro76android, right because it's gpl and free, thus it should be universe, not multiverse16:22
androidastro76, so why?16:22
astro76android, dunno16:22
IanLiuworked =)16:22
sethkbakarat, I'm not sure.  It can't hurt, since it's not working anyweay.16:22
wolsbakarat: ##wndows16:22
jargonHi, anyone know of an gtk based pppoe gui?16:22
nbkrI set up Ldap Authentification on my local network and activated "cached credentials" like described on the howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PamCcredsHowto. It's working, but the login without the LDAP Server is terribly slow (takes about 3 - 5 minutes to login). Is this normal or is there a workaround?16:22
SuicideSalmonriotkittie, that's not really an option for a Windows partition. Once I get the external hard drive, do you think  I should format it with ext3 and then copy it through linux from the mounted partition? Or could I end up with the same issues16:22
qaldunedesertc: not yet http://blogs.zdnet.com/hardware/?p=39616:22
BSG75jrib: you find anything I should change in my fstab?16:23
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.16:23
jribBSG75: the last line corresponds to the culprit?16:23
desertcqaldune: you misunderstand... not on a cell phone.  it's those modems you can get onto the internet through a cellular phone service16:23
Roman123kelsin: It starts with BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0010010016:24
androidastro76, multiverse is "non-free software". zsnes is a free software. so zsnes have to be in universe16:24
wolsdesertc: those are cellphones usually16:24
desertcqaldune: they are very popular -- but largely proprietary16:24
super61hello i just installed sdlmame and im getting bug reports can anyone help me?16:24
SuicideSalmondoes anyone else have issues with firefox freezing after the ubuntu upgrade?16:24
astro76android, yes that's exactly what I said16:24
ktosiawhat is an appl to learn hwo to typ on keyboard faster?16:24
wolsdesertc: "linux <your cellphone>" in google16:24
desertcwols qaldune: this is a PCMCIA card16:24
kelsinRoman123: I would pastebin the whole output, it will definitly help debugging16:24
ktosiaany appl to train keyboard?16:24
riotkittieSuicideSalmon: i'm not sure. FWIW, my first external was a USB drive and i did not have this issue, but Ubuntu was installed on my internal HD, and I was runnning 6.06.16:25
astro76android, and the answer is... it's in universe, not multiverse http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/otherosfs/zsnes16:25
wols!ask | super6116:25
ubotusuper61: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:25
jribktosia: gtypist is one but I am sure there are more16:25
super61wols: i did16:25
Roman123kelsin: done16:25
androidastro76,  pool/multiverse/z/zsnes/zsnes_1.420-2.1ubuntu1_i386.deb16:25
astro76android, so it's already been fixed in gutsy ;)16:25
ajopaulthere was no such delay with feisty but with gutsy login takes soo loong..16:25
kelsinRoman123: url?16:25
riotkittienow i'm using an eSATA external that houses my 7.10 install, and my media partition. <shrug>16:25
astro76android, yeah feisty and earlier apparently16:25
qkrhow do I enable flash player on firefox? it says it's installed but it doesn't work for some reason16:25
qaldunedesertc: 3g pcmcia card?16:25
astro76android, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&exact=1&keywords=zsnes16:26
matttishow do I find out the name of an program of which I know the shell command16:26
Roman123kelsin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47549/16:26
ubotuUbuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more16:26
super61astro76: i installed sdlmame and im getting bur reports any idea why?16:26
wolssuper61: either you ask your real question and state your real problem or no one will help you (or can for that matter)16:26
jribqkr: the installer has not been updated for the recent flash udate.  You need to grab the tar.gz from adobe and install the .so to your ~/.mozilla/plugins/16:26
qkrjrib thanks16:26
kelsinRoman123: what error did the xen-create-disk-image (or whatever it is) display?16:26
super61wols: i got a bug report in sdlmame and thats my problem16:27
jribmatttis: dpkg -S $(which COMAAND_HERE)     tells you the package name16:27
Roman123kelsin: none16:27
astro76super61, not sure what you mean, do you mean an error? pastebin it and we can look16:27
astro76!paste | super6116:27
ubotusuper61: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:27
Roman123the system crashes16:27
matttisjrib: thanks16:27
androidastro76, ok thank you16:27
radioaktivstormwhy do my javascript files spontaneously change mime type to text/x-matlab when i click to open them?16:27
super61astro76: ok hold on16:27
kelsinRoman123: what command did you run? (with arguments etc)16:27
wolssuper61: google "smart questions": you need that16:27
Roman123xen-create-image --hostname=starmaclinux1.sinh.us --size=20Gb --swap=256Mb --ip= --netmask= --gateway= --force --dir=/home/xen --memory=256Mb --arch=i386 --kernel=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-xen --initrd=/boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-xen --debootstrap --dist=etch --passwd16:27
super61wols: sure i do16:27
wolssuper61: it's good to agree on something16:28
super61astro76: im not retareded lol16:28
wolsradioaktivstorm: cause mybe that's what is in your mime.types16:28
astro76super61, ;) it's for everyone16:29
super61astro76: lol ok16:29
ricoanyone know where I can find a .deb of the latest stable version of Pidgin?16:29
super61oo astro76 im using a frontend to help get sdlmame running ok?16:29
desertcwols qaldune: here is a HOWTO on the T-Mobile card.  this guy has an AT&T version.  At least I can let him know about it, but I know he is not going to go through this hassle.  http://erikstambaugh.com/gprshowto.html16:30
astro76super61, ok16:30
radioaktivstormwols: ok ill have a look in there16:30
liroimas msn16:30
Roman123kelsin: any ideas?16:30
liroimas msn16:30
lirook kaiz16:30
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.16:30
cod1astro76: here  Traceback (most recent call last):16:30
cod1  File "/home/balki/projects/wahcade/debian/wahcade/usr/share/games/wahcade/gst_media.py", line 70, in on_message16:30
cod1    self.on_eos()16:30
cod1  File "/home/balki/projects/wahcade/debian/wahcade/usr/share/games/wahcade/gst_media.py", line 232, in on_eos16:30
cod1    self.next_track()16:30
cod1  File "/home/balki/projects/wahcade/debian/wahcade/usr/share/games/wahcade/gst_media.py", line 263, in next_track16:30
kelsinRoman123: just goes to ask a side question, any reason you're install etch instead of gutsy?, but besides that I would try making sure the /home/xen dir is there, other then that I have no idea, it's wierd that you get a kernel panic. You can always install without the xen create image, there are tuts online that walk you through creating the xen config by hand16:30
cod1    self.player.set_location('file://%s' % self.tracks[self.current_track])16:30
cod1IndexError: list index out of range16:30
astro76!paste | cod116:30
ubotucod1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:30
super61there astor7616:30
qaldunedesertc does your friend understand spanish? http://www.ubuntu-es.org/index.php?q=node/3112416:30
Jack_Sparrowrico: always better to stay in the repos ...16:30
desertcqwaz: maybe your front left speaker is where the best quality sound comes from!  ;)16:31
super61astro76: yea.... im not in the irc hcannel enough to install it16:31
Roman123kelsin: I want a simple debian based host. But I can try gutsy16:31
Roman123I'll try later16:31
Jack_Sparrow!paste | cod116:31
ubotucod1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:31
astro76super61, it's a web site, and you must use it to paste more than 2 lines or you will be booted16:31
qwazdesertc: Maybe, but I'd like the other 5 to work, too16:31
kelsinRoman123: yeah I would drop xen-create-image and do it by hand, debootstrap is a very simple command, let me see if I can find the guide I used16:31
super61astro76: my codc name didnt get booted16:32
astro76super61, as for the error, dunno, never used wahcade and there's not enough info to figure out what's going on16:32
desertcqaldune: well, my question was whether the device was going to work right off the bat, and I see the answer is no, so I am all set.  I don't know him well enough to do free technical support to get this working for him.16:32
super61astro76: ok well with sdlmame it cant find my roms know why?16:32
astro76super61, lol it will next time16:32
desertcspanish or no spanish.  ;)  thanks for the link though16:32
Ongakuis there a program for ubuntu that reads .daa files? or can i just install poweriso in wine and mount it that way16:32
astro76super61, check the config file for the rompath16:32
super61astro76: lol ok16:32
euphorialMy xwindows file browser is constantly taking up the full screen when I open it, and I cannot figure out how to make it fit to the screen again. Anyone have a quick fix? (I'm afraid I may have hit CTRL+(something).16:32
desertcqwaz: Have you checked your channel levels in ALSAMIXER yet??16:33
reppypepp2hi how do i edit a config file ? is it easier to find a command line text editor and use sudo, or to use a gui text editor but somehow get superuser access first?16:33
astro76reppypepp2, if you want gui, gksudo gedit file16:33
ChrisC_Ok simple question. How do I format a new hard disk that I have added as slave?16:33
euphorialreppypepp2, I'd use sudo nano filename16:33
Niteyei need help with cryptsetup if anyone has some expert knowledge about filesystems please msg me th16:33
ChrisC_It is completely raw.16:33
BlissexChrisC_: no way.16:34
ChrisC_No partitions nothing.16:34
desertceuphorial: try Alt-Space, R to resize16:34
euphorialdesertc, ok thanks, one sec...16:34
bazhangChrisC_: gui or cli?16:34
BlissexChrisC_: then partition it. If you really want to prep it a bit first just write all zeroes to all of it.16:34
ChrisC_Blissex: no way?16:34
super61astro76: i cant get the screen for epsxe bigger then 320x320 know why?16:34
qwazdesertc: Looking at them now, all the right ones seem to be turned up16:34
astro76super61, never used it16:34
Ongakuis there a program that converts different image formats to .iso?16:34
nixNewbi just changed my password and I think I mistyped something or something, because I can't type it in again16:35
brobostigonhi, good afternoon16:35
super61astro76: ok16:35
ChrisC_Blissex: GUI16:35
desertcqwaz: turn them all up16:35
bazhangChrisC_: gparted16:35
ChrisC_Blissex: Or teminal16:35
ChrisC_Blissex: Not Fdisk?16:35
BlissexOngaku: like JPEG to ISO?16:35
desertcnixNewb: run passwd with sudo and it will not ask you to confirm the existing password16:35
Dr_willisOngaku,  what format specificially?16:36
desertc!hi | brobostigon16:36
ubotubrobostigon: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:36
qkrhow do I remove when I minimize a window? the kind of black frame thing that goes smaller, I just want instant minimize?16:36
bazhangChrisC_: cfdisk is the ncurses version16:36
BlissexChrisC_: gparted (already suggested) and various distro specific GUI helpers exist.16:36
nixNewbdesertc: i can't log in16:36
Ongakudr_willis: i have a .daa file...which is PowerISO format...wanna convert it to .iso16:36
ChrisC_Blissex: Ok thanks I have a look around.16:36
BlissexChrisC_: for terminal use, there are parted, cfdisk, fdisk, sfdisk in order of increasing geekyness16:36
romantiki need to format my sansa e260 before i can upgrade the firmware... it's easy on Windows usginthe drop-down menu Format option, but under Ubuntu 7.10 i don't have an idea how to format a drive... how exactly is formatting done in Ubuntu?16:36
Dr_willisqkr,  I recall there being some setting you could tweak with the gconf editor under gnome to disable the extra eye candy. But Thats about all i rember.16:36
desertcnixNewb: do it from single user mode, choose it as an option when it boots16:37
bazhangOngaku: that is a propietary format, not sure that you can in linux16:37
Ongakublissex: i mean .daa to .iso or .mdr to .iso16:37
qkrhow do I run gconf?16:37
super61astro76: i tryed ever way and it stall cant find the path16:37
Ongakubazhang: ah crap...buncha newbs that made that crap then16:37
nixNewbby logging in as "linux single"?16:37
RCOMALTAi fix up samba to copy file from windows to linux it take 30 file 443 kb16:37
RCOMALTAis this normal16:37
romantikqkr, with the command gconf-editor16:37
qwazdesertc: they're all turned up, still no change16:37
Dr_willisOngaku,  i would say do some googling on that. IF theres a windows tool that can do it. You may want to try it with wine, Ive never see/used a .daa befor.  If its a game dvd. you may lose whatever extra 'info' is in the .daa if you convert it.16:37
BlissexOngaku: some of those formats are just ISO, for some there are converters (e.g. Nero to ISO).16:37
romantikno problem16:37
bazhangOngaku: I try to avoid those myself16:38
nixNewbdesrtc: by logging in as "linux single," I tried that and it still asks for a password16:38
desertcqwaz: Anything muted?  Did you see any other devices by pressing tab ?16:38
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
Ongakubazhang: yeah...i like PowerISO though..figured it would be simple as installing poweriso in wine an mounting the .daa so i can install my program16:38
romantikhow to format a drive in Ubuntu 7.10?16:39
bazhangOngaku: that might work16:39
qwazdesertc: I'm using alsamixergui16:39
desertcqwaz: I know you are16:39
sigmahas anyone here ever used firewall builder before?16:39
super61astro76: finally got it16:39
Niteyei need help with cryptsetup if anyone has some expert knowledge about filesystems please msg me th16:39
qwazdesertc: Nothing is muted...16:39
Ongakubazhang: ya, that´s what i figured lol...didn´t have a problem installing diablo II or anything else in wine so ill have to try that out16:39
desertcromantik: gnome partition editor16:39
euphorialdesertc, I tried ALT+Space then resize, nothing even shows up. I can't even see the Minimize, Maximize/Restore, and Exit icons at top right. :-/16:40
kelsinromantik: obviously this is very dangerous, so make sure you know what you're doing, but when you format a drive you just make a new filesystem on it, with the mkfs commands. I have NO idea whan you mean by you needing to format the sansa to install new firmware, so please make sure you know what you're doing before you blow all of the software on your mp3 player away16:40
Miluxhow i can control the volume on gxine or realplayer without change the PCM volume?16:40
euphorialI feel like an idiot, but there isn't any option anywhere that I can find to MAKE it full-screen, or to take it off. :x16:40
desertcqwaz: I am out of ideas16:40
bazhanghttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/extract-convert-mount-iso-bin-daa-nrg.html Ongaku may help16:40
Ongakubazhang: thx mate16:40
bazhangOngaku: no worries :}16:41
romantikdesertc, what's the command to open the GNOME Partititon Editor?16:41
desertceuphorial: you might try running it with the -geometry command from the command line16:41
Ongakubazhang: oh ya mate this will work wondefully :D haha thanks alot16:41
madAre there any command line cd writing tools that come with ubuntu?16:41
bazhangOngaku: great news :}16:41
david_Jmad cdrecord16:42
nbkrmad, wodim16:42
euphorialdesertc, how would one open the gui file browser by command line? (never done it)16:42
david_Jmad: and growisofs16:42
david_Jmad: mkisofs16:42
desertceuphorial: just run the command16:42
kelsineuphorial: nautilus --no-desktop (for the default gnome file browser)16:42
maddavid_J: thanks for the prog names16:43
david_Jmad: np16:43
madnbkr: looks like wodim is the cd writing program i have16:43
david_Jmad: if you can install k3b makes it easier16:43
EiccaHow can I turn off the thing that opens the same windows I had left open while I shut down the computer at bootup?16:43
david_Jnbkr: same diff16:43
Jack_Sparroweuphorial: check into thunar   ....16:44
riotkittieEicca: check sessions... System > preferences16:44
maddavid_J: dont have a net connection to the comp right now, and i only need to burn one disk16:44
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:44
david_Jnbkr: I think it is a symlink to cdrecord16:44
euphorialJack_Sparrow, is thunar another browser?16:44
david_Jmad man cdrecord16:44
david_Jmad: pretty simple16:44
maddavid_J: it didnt come with my default install and the gui isnt working16:45
Jack_Sparroweuphorial: file manager...  like thunar16:45
david_Jmad: cool16:45
euphorialkelsin, desertc, Jack_Sparrow, thanks.16:45
wolsdavid_J: cdrecord is not in debian/ubuntu anymore. wodim is a fork16:46
madwould someone mind posting the output of "wodim --help" to a pastebin?16:46
wolsdebian got into a spat with the cdrecord developer and forked it due to GPL reasons16:46
david_Jwols: same diff16:46
Niteyei need help with cryptsetup if anyone has some expert knowledge about filesystems please msg me th16:46
ZAKhanwhere do i find support for samba?16:46
david_Jwols: genisofs is mkisifs16:46
wolswodim is not cdrecord at all16:47
david_Jwols: sorry you are right so sue me16:47
billeniumwhen i do ping (website) in my terminal, how do i stop it16:47
david_Jwols: I have another machine that runs gentoo and16:48
euphorialok, got Nautilus working beautifully now. Thanks all who helped.16:48
bazhangcontrol c16:48
euphorialbut will still check out thunar.16:48
ibanezanyway to tell if my ati card is installed correctly ?16:48
david_Jwols: it installs wodim but I guess it keeps the cdrecord man page16:48
david_Jwols: I can type cdrecord or wodim and it still works16:49
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.16:49
cursor101hey any chance of some help with my wirless networking , wont work after upgrade to .1016:49
david_Jcursor101: what card?16:49
B_166-ER-XI have search everywhere : i cannot find anything. PLEASE, can someone tells me how to reset the Alsamixer settings to Default ? (i even did the 'reinstall ALSA from fresh kernel' but my settings are still there afterwards)16:49
wolsdavid_J: the power of symlinks16:49
david_Jwols: yep16:50
Abu-AadamHi i want to find pidgin logs16:50
Abu-AadamIs there a way to find them from file system?>16:50
IndyGunFreakAbu-Aadam: like chatlogs16:50
ikoniaAbu-Aadam: look in prefernces in pidgin to see where it is logging16:50
ikoniaAbu-Aadam: assuming you have enabld logging16:50
Abu-AadamIndyGunFreak: yes16:50
qwazAbu-Aadam: it's off by default16:50
IndyGunFreakAbu-Aadam: if you haven't turned it on, its off.16:51
cursor101david_j: any help ? i have got ndiswrapper working but for some reason on my dhcp request i get no reply16:51
Abu-Aadamok looks like can't retrieve that16:51
david_Jcursor101: assign it a static..16:51
ikoniacursor101: 1.) can you see it making a request in the syslog 2.) can you see the server "seeing" the request16:51
david_Jcursor101: I got the same thing and said screw it16:51
cursor101not sure about server side but see my side making the request16:51
ikoniacursor101: so you can see the request in the syslog16:52
radioaktivstormok...so it looks like i have nothign in mime.types to indicated that .js should be turned into a mime type of text/x-matlab... but when i double click on the file for editing, it changes mime types from application/javascript. any pointers?16:52
cursor101only throught the normal output of dhclient316:52
cursor101i'll try assigning a static again16:52
ikoniacursor101: ok, I see, so the first thing to check is that your card is actually up and running16:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:52
ikoniacursor101: as it's possible the interface is up, but not actually working properly16:53
david_Jcursor101: assign a static simple16:53
=== matthijs is now known as IlovejumP
Jack_Sparrowradioaktivstorm: what about not double clicking and trying a diff editor..16:53
david_JB_166-ER-X: what ya need to know about alsamixer?16:53
cursor101i can scan and everything seems to be working apart from the dhcp request i get no reply16:53
cursor101well no offers16:53
ikoniacursor101: scan ?16:53
B_166-ER-Xdavid_J how to reset settings to default16:54
radioaktivstormJack_Sparrow: the file will open if i select an editor and not double click, but the issue i have is that i never had matlab in the first place.16:54
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cursor101iwlist scan or something like that16:54
david_JB_166-ER-X: Dont think ya can press h for the help screen16:54
cursor101basically i can see AP's in range16:54
BSG75is there a way to show progress when using e2fsck?16:54
ikoniacursor101: ok, so thats not actually connected to a network at that point, hence why I'm asking you to check if the card is actually function using the ndiswrapper driver16:55
david_Jcursor101: you see a wlan0?16:55
ikoniaBSG75: the boot scripts normally have a little progress bar16:55
BSG75ikinoa: doing from console16:55
cursor101when i iwconfig i get wlan0 and wmaster0 , not sure where wmaster0 come from16:55
david_Jcursor101: and ifconfig wlan0 <ip> won't work?16:55
cursor101im just trying that now i just pulled power cable by accident on my ubuntu machine haha16:56
ikoniaBSG75: -C16:56
david_Jcursor101: you use wpa or wep?16:56
cursor101nope turned it off16:56
BSG75its taking forever to do a1TB drive :(16:57
radioaktivstormJack_Sparrow: i did, however install maxima on my computer for some graphing, etc16:57
ikoniaBSG75: it will, if there is a check needed16:57
SpookyE1 How do you configure nautilus to use gnome search instead of tracker or beagle after you uninstall them? Right now, it gives an error.16:57
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.16:57
oreth|i removed my video card and replaced with the on board video16:57
jebblue>> its taking forever to do a1TB drive16:57
oreth|now my computer hangs at "RUNNING LOCAL BOOT SCRIPTS" what can I do?16:57
jebbluea 1 TB drive - tech is cool16:57
BSG75so go for lunch :)  got it :)16:58
ActySoftsHow do I import e-mails from TB into Evo? The guide from <https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/windows/C/md-emails.html> doesn't work, because when I select the "Inbox" file, the file type combobox remains greyed out. Any ideas?16:58
B_166-ER-Xdavid_J its a start...but does not appear to tell how to reset settings. thx nyway16:58
BSG75lol my 7 year old daughter and my wife are the reason I got 2 TB total space .. neither likes to get up and put dvd we won in the dvd drive .. and I don't think my daughter knows what commercial is since we don't have tv subscription at our house16:59
nixNewbdesertc: Thank you, Logging in as single worked to recover password16:59
desertcnixNewb: you bet.  good luck with the rest of your day16:59
cursor101david_j: just out of curiosity sometimes when i boot ubuntu the wirless interface doesnt load by default (deosnt appear when i ifconfig) how can i load it , atm i have to restart17:00
hohohello, i'm trying to install sun's java runtime, synaptic says it's installed, but when i try java in the terminal it does not work17:00
ikoniahoho: what is the exact command your using17:00
BSG75cya all in  a bit ..17:00
ikoniaActySofts: ?17:01
hohojava -version17:01
ikoniahoho: and what are you getting with that17:01
oreth|Computer is hanging on boot17:01
ActySoftsActySofts> How do I import e-mails from TB into Evo? The guide from <https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/windows/C/md-emails.html> doesn't work, because when I select the "Inbox" file, the file type combobox remains greyed out. Any ideas?17:01
hohoa list of packages (none of them is sun's java) plus bash: java: command not found17:02
oreth|it stops at : RUNNING LOCAL BOOT SCRIPTS17:02
D--Can anyone help me understand what a sed command is doing?17:02
ikoniahoho one moment17:02
D--sed -i -e '/GBK/,/^}/d' FILENAME17:02
wolshoho: dpkg -l |grep -i java17:03
wolshoho: pastebin the results17:03
oreth|i don't want to have to re-install my os now that i've gotten all my stuff installoed17:04
fratermHas anyone ever run into an issue where Nautilus won't allow file renaming keyboard input?17:05
godzirraOk, has anyone else had any problems in gutsy where your wireless network just suddenly stops working, and you can't reboot or do anything at all?  I have to hard power the machine down then bring it back up.17:05
hohowols: http://pastebin.com/m7a83836217:05
Miluxhow i can control the volume with gxine without change PCM alsa volume?17:05
david_Jgodzirra: no17:05
wolshoho: uninstall the gij stuff17:05
ikoniahoho: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-bin17:05
desertcfraterm: do you have file permissions to change the file?17:05
UcayalyFishhi everybody17:06
fratermdesertc, I do.17:06
wolsikonia: sun java6 is already installed17:06
godzirraAnyone have any ideas how to fix said problem?  i've no idea what causes it...17:06
oreth|I hard powered off my machine due to an error with my vdieo card17:06
oreth|since then, it won't boot17:06
oreth|how do I fix this?17:06
david_Jgodzirra: Does your wireless device show up?17:06
ikoniawols java6-bin package ?17:06
fratermdesertc, I'm starting to think it's a SCIM problem17:06
ikoniaoreth|: it's probably running an fsck on your box if you've powered it off17:06
godzirradavid_J: when it crashes and burns?  I'm not sure... it works fine until that point.  I can check that afterwards.  Do I check just by doing an ifconfid?17:06
godzirraifconfig rather?17:06
fratermdesertc, Ican change things using a terminal and mv17:07
oreth|how long does that take?17:07
ikoniaoreth|: depends on corruption and the file system file17:07
wolsikonia: he has 2 javas installed, the GPLed one from main and the sun one. they conflict, sorta, for him17:07
oreth|if i push control alt delete, it will reboot17:07
hohowols, uninstalled17:07
desertcfraterm: no idea17:07
manadhow can I take a screenshot in Ubuntu? Pressing the Print screen key on my keyboard doesn't seem to copy image data to the clipboard.17:07
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david_Jgodzirra: explain crashes like it is working and stops?17:07
ikoniawols: conflit shouldn't remove /usr/bin/java17:07
desertcfraterm: maybe check your keyboard shortcuts17:07
ikoniaconflict even17:07
wolsikonia: most likely an /etc/alternatives/ entry17:07
hohoshould i also uninstall this: icedtea-java7-bin ?17:08
wolsikonia: yes /usr/bin/java is a symlink to /etc/alternatives/java17:08
wolshoho: yes17:08
oreth|how do i check for FSCK?17:08
wolsls -al /etc/alternatives/java17:08
ikoniawols: yes, probably but i don't understand why /usr/bin/java wouldn't exist, I appriciate its a symlink but one of the packages should have created the link17:08
godzirradavid_J: It does work, then it stops.  I get disconnected from my wireless network...  The network is listed there...  But when I try and connect it just spis.17:08
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:08
wolsikonia: it is, it points to /etc/alternatives/java which in turn points to whatever17:08
david_Jgodzirra: Sure it aint your isp?17:09
david_Jgodzirra: You have cable?17:09
godzirraI'm positive.17:09
godzirraI do have cable, but all my ther PC's work17:09
david_Jgodzirra: check the router17:09
godzirraeven my wifes wireless laptop on widnows works.17:09
ikoniawols: yes, I appriciate it's a symlink, but he didn't have /usr/bin/java, I expected one of the packages to create the /usr/bin/java symlink17:09
hohonow i have a problem, according to synaptic, icedtea-java7-bin is not installed...17:09
david_Jgodzirra: You use wep or wpa?17:09
fratermbbl restarting gnome w/o acceleration effects17:10
david_Jgodzirra: meet me in #ugh17:10
nixNewbhow can i promote another user to admin?17:10
ikonianixNewb: put him in the adm group17:10
HoNgOuRugive me a hand17:11
ActySoftsHow do I import my e-mails from Thunderbird into Evolution? The import wizard doesn't seem to recognize the 'Inbox' file :(17:11
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ikoniaHoNgOuRu: maybe if you ask a question17:11
HoNgOuRuhoho...i have /home/user/.cache folder17:12
HoNgOuRuwhats that?17:12
ikoniaHoNgOuRu: a directory that contains cache files17:12
ikoniaHoNgOuRu: for things like email, file search etc17:13
oreth|ikonia: is there a way to check to see if it's doing an FSCK on boot?17:13
ikoniaoreth|: it should say17:13
HoNgOuRuI have inside a tracker folder that is 4gb of size17:13
HoNgOuRucan I delete tracker17:13
HoNgOuRui have no further available space17:13
ikoniaHoNgOuRu: do a du -h and find the big files to see what they are17:13
jhaluskaI was having trouble with compiz, so I installed xserver-xgl, now Compiz works but hibernate is broken.  Anybody know how to fix it?17:13
kelsinD--: finally got it :) it deletes all lines from any line with GBK to any line that starts with } including those lines themselves17:14
nixNewbwhats wrong with this? "usermod -g chris"17:14
HoNgOuRui have it17:14
oreth|ikonia: all i see is *Starting Anachronistic cron ana cron*  down to *Running local boot scripots (/etc/rc.local)17:14
oreth|then.. it stops17:14
oreth|it's been on this screen for about 45 minutes17:14
wolsoreth|: what other S99 scripts are there17:14
ikoniaoreth|: boot off the livecd and see what you have put in /etc/rc.lcal17:14
HoNgOuRufile-meta 3.7 gb17:14
oreth|ikonia: i'm not understanindg your question17:14
kelsinnixNewb: afaik you need a user to operate on, it's "usermod -g <group> <username>"17:14
ibanezhow can i tell if my fglrx driver is working properly ?17:15
wolsibanez: glxinfo17:15
ikoniaoreth|: put in a livecd, boot from it, mount your file system and look what scripts are in /etc/rc.local17:15
jribnixNewb: be careful, I bet that command does something you do not want to do17:15
ibanezwell shit.17:15
jhaluskaI was having trouble with compiz, so I installed xserver-xgl, now Compiz works but hibernate is broken.  Anybody know how to fix it?17:15
wols!repeat jhaluska17:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat jhaluska - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:16
ActySoftsnobody know how to help me with importing emails into evolution?17:16
oreth|ikonia: i'm on it17:16
wols!repeat | jhaluska17:16
ubotujhaluska: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:16
pcfascistikonia: just one second while I find my CD17:16
ibanezXlib: extension "ATIFGLRXDRI: missong on display ":0.0".17:16
jhaluskawols: Wasn't sure it got posted the first time, sorry17:16
HoNgOuRucan I delete .cache content????17:16
qwazAnyone want to give sound a shot?  I can only get sound from my front left speaker.17:17
pcfascistwell I guess I'll let oreth have at it17:17
ibanezdamn ATI to hell !17:17
suttinIm having problems with my ati drivers and getting any visual effects to work. when i ran compiz, this is the output i got. can anyone help me? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47556/17:17
ibanezwho is with me on that.17:17
manadI installed Ubuntu yesterday. I had a hard drive split into two NTFS partitions, one for Windows, and one for file storage. Once I finished burning the Ubuntu CD, I pressed the reset button (ie, didn't shut down cleanly), because I figured I was formatting Windows, so who cares...now that I'm trying to access my storage partition, I get this: http://i7.tinypic.com/8afjoe8.png17:17
suttini cant get my x800 to work to save my life ibanez17:17
manadis it safe to force a mount like the screenshot says? Is it possible I could lose all my files?17:18
ibanezman i can't get my R250 to work.17:18
wolssuttin: you will need xserve-xgl17:18
ikoniasorry I missed your last comment17:18
wolsibanez: you will need "ati" for this. fglrx will not work17:18
ompaulibanez, use vesa as a starting point17:18
kelsinmanad: I would follow those directions in the error17:18
crdlbibanez: you cannot use fglrx with a r25017:18
ibanezok, ill google vesa17:18
crdlbibanez: just use the default 'ati' driver17:18
ActySoftsmanad: boot up windows, let it run checkdisk (or run it yourself), shut down nicely and try again17:18
jhaluskaDoes anybody have compix, hibernate and an ati card working?17:18
Jack_Sparrowqwaz: you keep asking the same question over and over.  What all have you already tried.. our basic link on sound? oss-alsa etc ?17:18
wolsibanez: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. use "ati"17:18
ibanezhow do i do that ?17:18
ActySoftsdon't force because you coud make it worse17:18
ibanezthanks wols17:18
ompaulibanez, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and use vesa (wols it dies -- I know ,,,,,,)17:19
manadacty: no more Windows. I deleted its partition to make way for Ubuntu.17:19
hohonow i have all the other rutnimes uninstalled, but still don't work, by the way, java does exists on usr/bin17:19
cod1astro76: i found the problem but i need you help. it says its missing the history.bat file17:19
ActySoftsmanad: ouch...got no idea then17:19
pcfascistmanad: aslong as you are just copying files, I believe I've never had any issues using it in readonly mode to transfer my files into ext317:19
infinitycircuitmanad, you will need to find some way to check that ntfs partition then17:19
ibanezxserver-xorg not installed17:19
qwazJack_Sparrow: yes...I've got everything turned up in alsamixer etc...I asked a couple times because no one responded17:20
crdlbibanez: vesa is a generic fallback driver17:20
manadpcfascist: if there is no risk in mounting is as read-only, I can copy all the files over to my ext3 ubuntu partition, then reformat it as ext317:20
pcfascistmanad: I don't believe you should try to write to that drive though :P17:20
qwazwhich is fine, people are busy, im patient17:20
ibanezk crdlb ty17:20
manadbut I need to be sure I won't lose my files17:20
pcfascistmanad: I can't tell you there is no risk... but I've done it17:20
Jack_Sparrowqwaz: what happened in the troubleshooting link from !sound17:20
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible..17:20
KDuBis there a beryl help chan?17:20
manadallright then...I'll try right now17:20
bearHey, anyone know how i can fix my Delete key? I was messing around in compiz fusion and i accidenttly set window manager to delete, but i un-bound it and now my delete key dosn't work17:20
wolsKDuB: beryl doesn't exist anymore17:20
ikoniaKDuB: beryl is dead17:21
ompaul!compiz | KDuB17:21
ubotuKDuB: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:21
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:21
KDuBi have it installed lol17:21
ActySoftsmanad: it usually works, since if Windows can write to a severely damaged filessystem (I've done it), then I'm not sure why Ubuntu can't, however, I'm no expert ;)17:21
qwazJack_Sparrow: nothing happened...ALSA is selected but sound only comes from one speaker17:21
ompaulKDuB, well go upgrade yourself to compiz17:21
KDuBi see17:21
KDuBthank you17:21
Jack_Sparrowqwaz: Silly quesion.. do you dual boot ... do both speakers boot there...  is the plug all the way into the back or is this a lappy17:21
suttinwols: do i need to restart after i install xserver-xorg?17:22
kelsinActySofts: well since ntfs is hidden behind closed doors and all ntfs work is reverse engineered, so it's VERY good now, but it's not 100%17:22
ActySoftsHow do I import my e-mails from Thunderbird into Evolution? The import wizard doesn't seem to recognize the 'Inbox' file :(17:22
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:22
qwazJack_Sparrow: I dual boot, all 5.1 speakers work there, plugs are good, not a lap17:22
wolssuttin: read more carefully. I did say nothing of xserver-xorg17:22
marek|nano_nautilus freezes sometimes17:22
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:23
suttinwols: i ment xlg, sorry17:23
Jack_Sparrowqwaz: ok... it may have something to do with the 5.1 detection....on your card, but not my area of knowledge17:24
wolsrestart x17:24
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KDuBompaul, that software is still beta... says it's not recommend because it could lock up the system once in a while.17:24
ompaulKDuB, and beryl was also17:24
oreth|what's the easiest way to mount a hard disk while in live mode?17:25
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qwazJack_Sparrow: no worries, thanks for trying...back to googling17:25
crshmanHello All, i'm trying to mount an nfs share but i keep getting permission denied17:25
crshmanhere is my /etc/exports on the server: http://rafb.net/p/rkTwci84.html17:25
KDuBompaul, i see. Thank you!17:25
crshmanhere is the mount command im' trying to run on the client: http://rafb.net/p/DFHl5S55.html17:25
Jack_Sparrowqwaz: google ubuntu and your card make model...  more than the description of the prob17:25
hohoi found the solution with more googling, i have done this: update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun  and now it works, thanks wols and ikonia17:25
JockeI screwed up. I typed sudo apt-get -f install and now many programs are in english instead of swedish. can i fix it in any way?17:26
ompaul!hello | UcayalyFish17:26
ubotuUcayalyFish: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:26
UcayalyFishafter i install, i quickly get into trouble: only safe gnome session works, normal session restarts X server with signal 11:(17:27
ompaulJocke, have you considered asking #ubuntu-se ?17:27
wolsJocke: you've alrewy been told in dbeian. works the same in ubuntu too17:27
wolsUcayalyFish: pastebin your .xsession-errors17:27
UcayalyFishand i cannot find witch app causes this17:27
crshmanno nfs guru's up this early on a sunday? =P17:27
wolsJocke: dpkg-rconfigure locales   then re login17:28
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:28
pcfascist!sound card17:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sound card - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:28
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.17:28
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.17:28
=== Oldak_Quill is now known as OldakQuill
aladdinsanehow do i mount my second hdd as a drive rather than a folder, my drive in fstab looks like this now: /dev/sdc1     /home/alado/!HDD2        ext3     rw  0      0 Which of course makes it a folder under "alado"17:28
ompaulUcayalyFish, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org17:29
kelsinaladdinsane: you always mount drives under / (root) somehow, there is no mount as a "drive" like there is in windows17:29
david_JUcayalyFish: hold on I have a script called nopaste you can pipe to17:29
kelsinaladdinsane: commonly people use /mnt/<name> as a mount point or /media/<name> like gnome does automatically for usb keys17:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about services - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about service - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:29
bearwhats the command in terminal to bring up your sound mixer?17:30
wolsmatttis: what do you want to know?17:30
wolsbear: alsamixer, aumix, etc17:30
david_JUcayalyFish: http://rafb.net/p/cespzN50.html17:30
MilitantPotatoIs this a good fstab setup for a NTFS internal drive in FSTAB?  UUID=**** /media/sdb6 ntfs-3g auto,user,rw,exec,sync,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 117:30
matttiswols: how i add autostart services17:30
oreth|ikonia: my rc.local just says "exit 0"17:30
wolsmatttis: does it come with a init script already?17:30
david_JUcayalyFish: save that script make it exec and all ya need to do is pipe the file you want to paste to the script17:31
wolsoreth|: are there any other S99 scripts in /etc/rc2.d/?17:31
wolsmatttis: what exactly do you want to start?17:31
matttiswols: no, i should start with gnome or kde, adept_updater17:31
aladdinsanekelsin: ok i just mean that i would like to see it as a drive in for example Thunar, it was like that before i partitioned it then i didnt know how to get it back so i mounted it as a folder17:31
kelsinoreth|: are you on a command line system?  If you are you sure it's stalling, sure the login prompt wasn't printed up aove and you can just hit enter to get it again?17:31
axjvDoes anyone know how to set up mozplugger to use the windows version of java?17:31
wolsmatttis: what do you want to start?17:32
wolsaxjv: why?17:32
matttiswols: adept_updater17:32
oreth|ikonia: quite a few17:32
axjvwols: Linux java is really slow17:32
axjvwols: On firefox, anyway17:32
wolsmatttis: that you'd have to start in kde itself. not as a "service", it's an X program17:32
Gnu_dHi, how can I close some program, I mean how to use alt+f4 in vncviewer?17:32
oreth|ikonia: s99acpi-support s99laptop-mode s99rc.local s99rmnologin s99stop-readahead17:32
kelsinaladdinsane: I have no idea how thunar displays drive so you might want to make a post on their mailing list, but in unix's you always mount other drives as a folder somewhere. You can try mounting it to /media/<name> and see if thunar recognizes that as a "drive"17:33
wolsaxjv: and why do you think adding more layers of emulation would make it faster?17:33
oreth|i was wrong17:33
matttiswols: before i misclicked myself it started always with kde17:33
matttis(and gnome)17:33
axjvwols: Because java doesn't load at all in firefox17:33
oreth|my s99rc.local is full of stuff17:33
wolsoreth|: the acpi support looks like a big possible culprit. the laptop-mode one maybe too17:33
wolsres probably OK17:33
oreth|so i should what... remove them?17:33
wolsaxjv: dpkg -l |grep -i java17:33
wolsoreth|: yes. for stesting purposes17:34
matttisaxjv: seems to be another problem, try http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml17:34
oreth|so just rename them>17:34
freak124I think that my swap partition is not used by ubuntu, how can I check if this is the case?17:34
axjvmatttis: I had that page open before, it doesn't work17:34
wolsaxjv: whhat does the dpkg line say?17:34
axjvwols: Wait, getting on pastebin17:35
oreth|i can't remove them17:35
oreth|it's read only :P17:35
axjvwols: http://pastebin.com/m275929a817:35
CarlFKfreak124: swapon -v17:35
CarlFKi think...17:35
wolsoreth|: sudo is something wonderful17:35
CarlFKfreak124: swapon -s17:35
oreth|even in live cd mode?17:35
aladdinsanekelsin: ok i'll try that out, i actually think that is the solution, i remember seeing it somewhere else before. Thunar was just an example, its the same in all applications. thnx17:35
freak124thx CarlFK17:36
wolsaxjv: you really installed all java packages there are17:36
kelsinaladdinsane: (obviously try /mnt/<name> is /media doesn't work)17:36
axjvwols: Yeah17:36
wolsaxjv: uninstall one of the suns and uninstall the gcj stuff too17:36
axjvwols: I heard that the 5 was faster17:36
wolsaxjv: they probably conflict with each other17:37
axjvwols: Alright, I'll try that17:37
wolsaxjv: and check where the NS plugin for java is (also check about:plugins)17:37
axjvwols: I tried using the update-alternatives thing17:37
wolsplugin is plugin, not "java"17:38
heatmzzrDoes it make sense that my laptop battery would last a lot longer running Ubuntu?17:39
ibanezaha, wols: anyway i can make a new xorg.conf cause i totally messed mine up17:39
wolsibanez: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:39
oreth|sudo rm s99acpi-support does not work17:39
wolsoreth|: what does it say?17:39
oreth|i spelled it wrong :P17:40
wolsibanez: and install mesa-glx17:40
junetrinidadhi, i have an optical mouse with ps/2 plug, but it does not work, i have gutsy currently installed17:40
oreth|wols: removed those files17:41
wolsoreth|: reboot17:41
oreth|it's still hanging on the *RUNNING LOCAL BOOT SCRIPTS17:41
oreth|i did17:41
wolsyou can recreate them with ln  from /etc/init.d/ btw if needed17:41
oreth|it's not going anywhere17:42
wolsoreth|: remove all of them except the rmnologin one17:42
todd_any qemu guru's in here, I want to boot off of my dual boot winxp???17:42
wolsthat one must stay or you can't login17:42
oreth|all the files in the direcotry... or all the S99?17:42
axjvwols: Alright, I removed everything (including gcjwebplugin)17:42
perlsyntaxis there a dell ubuntu guide?17:42
Dr_willistodd_,  you want qemu to boot the existing xp hard drive-install ?17:42
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=== Shinigami`away is now known as kevind23
todd_DrWills: yes17:42
wolsaxjv: install ONE sun plugin only. btw: purging would be nice too17:43
axjvwols: Should I get back gcjwebplugin?17:43
wolsaxjv: no17:43
ActySoftscan anyone help me with importing e-mails from TB into Evolution Mail?17:43
oreth|wols: i can cntrol alt delete.... and it says STOPPIONG GNOME DISPLAY MANAGER17:43
axjvwols: Well, firefox isn't loading java anymore17:43
oreth|then goes thro9ugh the shutdown process17:43
axjvwols: It isn't even detecting it17:43
perlsyntaxi found a del ubuntu guide but i can rem where i found it.17:43
perlsyntaxCan anyone help me?17:44
david_Jaxjv: How did you install java?17:44
axjvwols: Java based apps like azureus still work, though17:44
axjvdavid_J: I have java 5 installed17:44
wolsaxjv: when you haven't isntalled java, no miracle...17:44
axjvwols: I17:44
axjvwols: I've already selected java517:44
david_Jaxjv: so you didn't use apt?17:44
wolsaxjv: java --version17:44
Dr_willisiswent it -version ?17:45
axjvwols: Could not create...17:45
macaholicI am having serious problems with apt, guys.  I cannot install or remove anything.17:45
perlsyntaxCan anyone hear me or am i talking to the wall?17:45
axjvwols: What should I apt-get17:45
wolsaxjv: java -version then17:45
Dr_willisits java -version  NOT --version... for some perverted reason. :)17:45
ActySoftsdo you run it with sudo?17:45
Dr_willisi never have understood that stuff..17:45
david_Jaxjv: meet me in #ugh17:45
wolsmacaholic: pastebin the full apt-get command output you get17:45
=== backdraft_ is now known as Backie
ActySoftsorethl: this isn't windows, you know17:45
Dr_willisI thought --LONGCOMMANDOPTION was some sort of standard.17:46
axjvwols: http://pastebin.com/m74d021ef17:46
macaholicwols: everything is fine, until:17:46
wols!patience | Perlboy17:46
macaholicE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libpam-runtime17:46
ubotuPerlboy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:46
kelsinDr_willis: it is if you use gnu tools, and follow their standard, sun doesn't :)17:46
wolsoh he'S gone17:46
kelsinDr_willis: but then even gnu screen uses -ls :)17:46
Dr_williskelsin,  i guess their programers are too busy to do it..17:46
wolsmacaholic: do what I asked you to do or don't talk to me please17:46
Dr_williskelsin,  as does X -version, and a few others17:46
wolsDr_willis: X is not gnu17:47
macaholicwols: you don't need a pastebin for one line.17:47
Dr_willisof course one wonders why the apps cant just do it both ways.17:47
UcayalyFishwell, traffic here is real heavy:-D nothing for me?17:47
oreth|fuck it17:47
=== x-Dieu is now known as x-Dieu_Break
Dr_willis i like it when ya do --help and an appsays help not found use -help :)17:47
ikoniaoreth|: that langauge is uncalled for17:47
oreth|i'm just gonna re-install17:47
wolsmacaholic: I told you not to talk to me until you can do what I asked. apt will spit out more than one line. now go away17:47
oreth|ikonia: my bad17:47
axjvwols: So, are there any things I should apt-get for java to work in firefox? I think I already have java installed17:48
macaholicWols: calm down.  Do you need to see all the successful lines?17:48
=== x-Dieu_Break is now known as x-Dieu-Home
macaholic!ops | wols17:48
ubotuwols: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!17:48
wolsaxjv: I asked you something17:48
ompauldo taht17:48
axjvwols: http://pastebin.com/m74d021ef17:48
axjvwols: I did the -version thing17:48
wolsaxjv: then all you should need is the java plugin package17:49
wolsand restart ffox of course17:49
ActySoftswols: let's start, do you run apt with sudo?17:49
axjvwols: Which is that? I was using gcjwebplugin before17:49
wolsActySofts: no, but don't tell #ubuntu :)17:49
Nirevussethk, you around?17:50
wolsaxjv: sun-javaX-plugin17:50
sethkNirevus, yes17:50
sethkNirevus, vaguely17:50
wolsapt-cache search sun-java |grep plugin showul show it17:50
axjvwols: Could not find package.17:50
Nirevussethk, how vague is vaguely, enough time to drop into a temporary channel?17:50
ActySoftswols: apt needs more privilegies that your user has, so you need to use sudo with it17:51
heatmzzrI gotta know, why wont blogtv.com load video in Ubuntu? Downloaded the two extra packages and still no luck.17:51
bearwhats the compiz support channel?17:51
wolsaxjv: sun-java5-plugin17:51
wolsActySofts: did I ask _anything_? I don't think so17:51
kelsin!compiz | bear17:51
ubotubear: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:51
ActySoftsso, after about half an hour, still nobody knows how to import e-mails from TB into Evolution, strange O.o17:51
sethkNirevus, sure, use #temp1017:51
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible..17:52
todd_How do I make a bootable image of my floppy drive for qemu?17:52
wolsActySofts: have you tried google? or a evuolution/gnome channel?17:52
david_Jtodd_: dd17:52
oreth|wols: i've removed all the S99 scripts from rc2.d17:52
oreth|should i remove them from all rc(x).d's?17:52
kelsinoreth|: by default ubuntu boots into run level 2, so the others aren't touched17:53
wolsoreth|: did you remove the S99rmnologin too?17:53
ActySoftswols: I tried #gnome, and I get the same level of help from there as here, but there it's complete silence17:53
david_Jtodd_: I forget what a device for a floppy is but dd if=floppy device if=floppy.img17:53
wolsActySofts: http://www.debianadmin.com/import-thunderbird-email-into-evolution.html after one google request as the third hit17:53
oreth|wols no i didn;t17:53
hithi, can anyone tell me why could my locales be messed up? (my default language is estonian, but login screen and some other things are still in english)17:53
wolsoreth|: good. just checking. how far does it boot?17:54
ActySoftswols: well I used the guide from the wiki but it didn't work, so I came here, I'll see that link17:54
oreth|i don't know yet17:54
wolsoreth|: only one way to find out :)17:54
wolsoreth|: also check kernel logs and syslog17:54
oreth|how? :P17:54
magnetronhit: did you install full language support? system > administration > language support17:54
hitmagnetron, yes17:55
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible..17:55
todd_I am trying  "dd if=/media/disk/ of=win95floppy.iso" and get a 0 length file17:55
kritzstapfis there a manual on how to connect my mobile phone to my computer via bluetooth to share images etc.?17:55
cursor101right im buying a new wireless adapter specififically for my ubuntu machine , i want something that will work out of the box just plug in and im away . Which make or specific adapter do you suggest?17:55
ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup17:55
wolstodd_: what are you trying to do?17:55
magnetronhit: at the login screen, you can choose what language should be used during the login session. try that17:55
wolstodd_: you need to dd the device file, not the mountpoint17:56
todd_wols: create a bootable image of my floppy for qemu17:56
GekoneBuonasera a tutti.17:56
CarlFKtodd_: dd if=/dev/something (the dev, not the mount point)17:56
wolstodd_: dd if=/dev/fd0...17:56
oreth|wols: now it's hanging at *Enabling additions executable binary formats"17:56
hitmagnetron, i think you didn't get the point. i have estonian in most places but there are also things in english at same time17:56
axjvwols: What should I do, the package you told me to install wasn't found17:56
TigranGMy bluetooth mouse was working fine for a long time, and today it decides not to work, when I do hcitool dev it doesn't even show my usb bluetooth adapter anymore. How can I fix this?17:57
todd_wols: dd if=/dev/fd0/ of=win95floppy.iso17:57
todd_dd: opening `/dev/fd0/': Not a directory17:57
oreth|i think my install is fubard17:57
oreth|just gonna re-install17:57
magnetronhit: also, not all apps are translated17:57
kelsintodd_: wolds did not have the last / on /dev/fd017:57
oreth|which isnt'a b igdeal17:57
hitmagnetron, login window IS translated17:57
david_Jtodd_: do a ls /dev/fd*17:58
SykoHas anybody gotten the orange box to work with an ATI card?17:58
hitand other things also17:58
mirakI have ubuntu on a mac, and the lirc_serial module that is provided with the package linux-ubuntu-modules aren't seen by modprobe command, how is it possible ???17:58
wolstodd_: mount |grep media/disk17:58
magnetronhit: yes17:58
Dr_willisthe orange box ?17:58
wolstodd_: what /dev/ is shown17:58
UcayalyFishwell, it works now:) kind of a miracle:)17:58
magnetronhit: but not EVERYTHING17:58
Sykoorange box = steam (Team fortress 2, Portal etc...)17:58
Dr_willisSteam apps i hear work with wine.17:58
Dr_willisor at leat the Half life 2 ones do.17:58
TigranGSyko: or you can get Cedega, but its not free.17:59
todd_wols: hold on...17:59
hitmagnetron, the ARE translated because they WERE in estonian before17:59
SykoI can get Steam to work with wine, however nothing will run with the ATI driver... ATI drivers i hear suck.. but if there's anyone that knows...17:59
wolsSyko: check appdb.winehq.com17:59
magnetronSyko: ATI sucks ATM17:59
wolsSyko: do you have xserver-xgl loaded?17:59
wolsSyko: that's the problem. remove it17:59
Sykodoesnt work with either18:00
TigranGMy bluetooth mouse was working fine for a long time, and today it decides not to work, when I do hcitool dev it doesn't even show my usb bluetooth adapter anymore. How can I fix this?18:00
todd_wols: /dev/sdf on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1001,utf8,umask=077,usefree)18:00
mathiasbonjour tout le monde18:00
wolstodd_: dd if=/dev/sdf then18:01
MikeHhrm, I some how drew on my screen, and I have no idea how. Any ideas how to get rid?18:01
Dr_willisMikeH,  the fire thing in compiz?18:02
TigranGMikeH: You have compiz?18:02
raincan someone help me?  i want make my kde look like vista18:02
rainbut i dont know how start18:02
Dr_willisrain,  go grab some vista-ish themes at kde-look.org perhaps? or use compiz/emerald  it has a dozen vista wanna-be themes18:02
* TigranG doesn't get why ppl want to make it look like another (crappy) os18:03
Arrickhey all18:03
=== PMN is now known as ActySofts
Arrickanyone here use the iisemulator package before?18:03
hitswitched language in login window to estonian and it asked if i wanted to reload login screen and see it in estonian18:04
hitit was still in english18:04
raini typed vista theme in "SEARCH" and i found only 1 theme and 1 other stuff18:04
ActySoftswols: OK, that site you gave me told me to do exactly the same as the guide on the Ubuntu wiki did, however, my problem is that Evolution doesn't seem to recognize my "Inbox" file :(18:04
kelsinrain: on kde-look.org? Try typing vista instead of vista theme18:04
judecan someone help me configure hitman on wine??18:05
Dr_willisTheres also a lot of kde themes in the repos. NOT isntalled by default. Install them, try them. You may like them better.18:05
surajhow can i bind my 2-nics to utilize my 2-pppoe connections in ubuntu?18:06
ergunhi there18:06
CarlFKjude: /join #winehq18:06
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
judethks CarlFK18:07
rain- Put buttons.above.png and buttons.unabove.png into ~/.emerald/themes/name_of_your_theme/   <-- how to understand this?18:07
WARlrus|awayHi, I'm having trouble using 7.10 and a USB wireless adaptor. Ubuntu recognises the adaptor, but when I put in the correct WEP key it doesn't seem to connect18:07
=== izibi is now known as izibiBot
wolsWARlrus|away: what chip in the usb adapter?18:08
=== izibiBot is now known as izibi
WARlrus|awaywols: I don't know that, how can I find that out?18:08
user__can anyone please help me with a cybercafe timer18:08
benzs_swhat's the success rate doing a distribution upgrade from feisty to gutsy?18:08
wolsWARlrus|away: lsusb18:08
wols!ask | user__18:08
ubotuuser__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:08
david_JWoah VirtualBox is cool18:09
heatmzzrWhat is KDE, im looking at a list of programs I can add in Ubuntu.18:09
WARlrus|awayBelkin Components F5D7050 ver 1000 WiFi18:09
=== WARlrus|away is now known as WARlrus
user__is anyone operating a cyber cafe18:09
wols!anyone | user__18:09
ubotuuser__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:09
surajcan anybody help me with nic-binding in ubuntu?18:09
wols!ask | suraj18:09
ubotusuraj: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:09
surajhelp me with nic binding in ubuntu...18:10
=== khaladan is now known as khaladan-
WARlruswols: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 050d:7050 Belkin Components F5D7050 ver 1000 WiFi18:10
wilberfan(still not a question)  ;)18:10
=== Watermelon2 is now known as Watermelon
=== Watermelon is now known as Watermelon2
manadIf I want to have a shared media folder among all users, what is the location of choice? /usr/ ?18:11
Dr_willismanad,  definiatly not /usr/18:11
Dr_willismanad,  you could make a /public i guess18:11
crimsunmanad: /media18:11
Dr_willisor a /media/public  or similer place.18:12
manadallright, thanks18:12
SonicChaoI have one of those U3 flash drives; with all those features on it. >>; How do I have Ubuntu format it to a normal Flash Drive? Because it doesn't read this one18:12
wolsmneptok: no, nothing in /usr18:12
benzs_swhat's the success rate doing a distribution upgrade from feisty to gutsy?18:12
wolsSonicChao: mkfd.vfat /dev/devicename118:12
VerticalTheorydoes the 8800GT work on linux?18:12
SonicChaowols: Where <devicename1> is?18:13
Dr_willisSonicChao,  the u3 flash drives - appear as 2 drives to ubntu, one is a cdrom. so will be like /dev/scd1 the other will be a normal usb drive so will be like /dev/sda118:13
Arrickcan someone tell me what the lightest weight desktop is that will use the default 6.06.1 packages?18:13
Dr_willisSonicChao,  theres not a way that vie found yet to 'remove' the u3 stuff.18:13
WARlrusI'm having trouble with a Belkin USB Wireless dongle, it picks up networks around me, but when I enter the WEP key for mine, it does not seem to connect18:13
wolsSonicChao: check demsg. how should I know18:13
SonicChaowols: Sorry. :|18:13
Dr_willisSonicChao,  'sudo fdisk -l' may also help18:13
wolsSonicChao: dmesg rather18:14
WARlrusand then pops up again asking for the passphrase, even though I know I'm using the correct one!18:14
wolsWARlrus: anyting in dmesg?18:14
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
heatmzzrDoes it make any sense that my laptop battery would last any longer using Ubuntu, rather than vista?18:14
todd_wols: thanks allot man, you rock!18:14
mipshow do you install k/ubuntu to LVM ???18:15
Dr_willisheatmzzr,  more efficient use of the hard drive perhaps..18:15
wolsheatmzzr: vista is known to suck abttery. xp might be better than ubuntu btw18:15
WARlruswols: Yes, theres a lot in there! Anything inparticular I should be looking for...?18:15
Kvistheatmzzr: Possible. My compaq lapto's brightness can be set to much lower than what I can in Windows.18:15
infinitycircuitmips, you need to use the alternate install cd18:15
wolsWARlrus: any messages from your wlan stick18:15
wolsWARlrus: would be near the end18:15
VerticalTheoryin gonna cry18:16
VerticalTheorythe 8800GT doesnt work18:16
VerticalTheorywhat a waste of money18:16
manadIf I give permissions to the "users" group, that means all user accounts on this machine get them? Or is "users" for something else?18:16
Dr_willisMy 8800 works...18:16
WARlruswlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mix-cell disabled - disassociate18:16
Dr_willisits a gtsxxx however. I think. :)18:16
mipsinfinitycircuit, is there no way with the livecd, I don't want to DL another iso18:16
VerticalTheorymine is a GT18:16
infinitycircuitmips, yes there is no way to use lvm from the livecd18:16
heatmzzrOk, i was just looking at remaining time, and I do have a decent battery, but at 60% having over to hours left is pretty good..18:16
Dr_willisNo idea whats different in all the gt/gtx/whatever except for speeds of the chips..18:16
VerticalTheoryi've heard theres loads of probs with the 8800 series18:16
mipsinfinitycircuit, in that case it looks like i'm stuck with sabayon18:17
VerticalTheoryhow come the nvidia_new driver doesn't work?18:17
VerticalTheoryi wanna use a FREE driver18:17
Dr_willisVerticalTheory,  Yea. not sure what the problems would be. Could be more of a bios/mb/video card issue also. all i can say is my 8800 gtsXXX from xfx works fine.18:17
VerticalTheorynot this evil nvidia stuff18:17
VerticalTheoryi want to be open source.18:17
ArrickSonicChao, you can use BootITNG to remove u# crap frm a drive18:17
wolsVerticalTheory: vesa then18:17
wolsVerticalTheory: and no 3D for you18:17
VerticalTheoryvesa only does 800x60018:17
VerticalTheoryim kidding18:17
VerticalTheoryill give envy a try18:17
heatmzzrcan anyone tell me how to get the streaming video to work at www.blogtv.com?18:17
wolsVerticalTheory: versa certainly does 1024 and probably higher on your card18:18
VerticalTheorydoes compiz run well?18:18
bruenig!envy | VerticalTheory terrible idea18:18
ubotuVerticalTheory terrible idea: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:18
VerticalTheorythe binary drivers work?18:18
SonicChaoArrick: Thanks. :3 That helped18:18
wolsVerticalTheory: should, yes18:18
bruenigthat is exactly what evny _tries_ to install18:18
Dr_williscompiz works decent on my 880018:19
wolsbruenig: just that ir botches the install18:19
bruenigwols, right18:19
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible..18:19
Dr_willisbruenig,  i thionk it grabs the latest nvidia drivers..18:19
VerticalTheoryi used to have an ATI card18:19
wolsKvist: tried 100?18:19
WARlruswols:: wlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mix-cell disabled - disassociate18:19
Kvistwols: Still too big.18:19
Kvistwols: It was set to 96 by default, but most of the fonts look really horrible18:19
wolsKvist: then increase the number until it looks right18:20
* pcfascist runs compiz on my tandy18:20
Kvistwols: Is that the only way? My screen size is 17" @ 1920 x 120018:20
mikebeechamhey...can I get some advice....I have tried to use gconf-editor (under sudo) to change the menu bar icon....but despite following the instructions, the icon has not changed....could anyone help point me in the right direction please?18:20
rainhow to install kbfx?18:21
Kvistwols: xdpyinfo says its 153 dpi18:21
Dr_willismikebeecham,  under 'sudo; that changes the root users settings.. not your users.18:21
=== OldakQuill is now known as OldakQuill|away
kelsinmikebeecham: you shouldn't need to use sude18:21
kelsinmikebeecham: the gnome registry is done the right way, in that user settings can override system settings18:21
WARlruswols: Its saying that "link is not ready"18:21
crowanyone alive?18:22
LilacorHow do I get PDF printing working under 7.10?18:22
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)18:22
{Nathan}I'm alive18:22
Lilacor!pdf printing18:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pdf printing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:22
mikebeechamkelsin: when I navigate to gconf, under custom_icon there is an orange icon with an exclamation mark, telling me that the key is not writeable?18:22
manadguys, what user group covers all user accounts? I tried giving read/write permissions to "users" but after logging out then back in I could not edit the file.18:22
crow{Nathan} pm pls18:22
kiizhi where can i find the scammodem too.18:22
WARlrusHi, can anyone help me with connecting to a wireless network using a Belkin USB Wireless Dongle? When I enter the WEP key it appears to connect, but doesn't!18:23
mikebeechamkelsin: is there any other way to try changing the icon?  I navigated through nautilus to the icon folder, but there was no distributor-logo or start-here logo to change.  There was only one folder inside, named "Scaleable"18:24
VerticalTheoryis the propriety nvidia driver any good?18:24
LilacorVerticalTheory: better than the free one18:24
VerticalTheoryhow do i stop the xserver Lilacor? ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't seem to work18:25
kelsinmikebeecham: I don't know, I was just responding to running gconf-editor as sudo which shouldn't be done ussually18:25
Lilacorthat kills the xserver18:25
mikebeechamkelsin: thanks then18:25
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible..18:26
VerticalTheoryctrl-alt-backspace just restarts it for me :(18:26
crowanyone can help me with somth?18:26
ikoniacrow: ask18:26
caleb__in BSD, i have to specify a partition type number (e.g. 6 for DOS). what is the number for vfat? i need to share a partition18:26
ikoniacrow: fdisk /dev/$device then to "T" for toggle and "L" to list types18:26
crow I've partitioned my disc into 3 partitions18:27
crow 1 of 30GB for windows18:27
crow 1 of 30GB for ubuntu18:27
crow and one of 100GB for sharing between them18:27
crow when I log into ubuntu I can't see the one of 100GB18:27
crow and its FAT32 formated18:27
crow anyway you could help me?18:27
ikoniacaleb__: however if you are currently using bsd, that is nothing to do with ubuntu18:27
LjL!paste > crow    (crow, see the private message from Ubotu)18:27
ikoniacrow: define "can't see"18:27
kevind23crow: is the 100GB monuted?18:27
bqmasseyi'd like to install AWN....   any reason i shouldn't do it from Synaptic?18:27
ikoniacrow: can you explain what your expecting in that "you can't see it"18:28
LilacorVerticalTheory: it used to kill it...because it's best for non-technical users to be using the GUI, xserver is automatically restarted18:28
kevind23bqmassey: I run x86_64 and I had to compile it from source.. you should be fine though18:28
crowI want my ubuntu to read my 100GB partition18:28
crowbut it doesn't18:28
ikoniabqmassey: not at all18:28
wolscrow: filesystem?18:28
CarlFKhow can I get the source to  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/x11/jppy  so I can try to build a .deb for 7.10?18:28
ikoniacrow: "where" does it not read your partition18:28
VerticalTheorythe proprietary driver installer won't let me do it with xserver running?18:28
LjL!backports > CarlFK    (CarlFK, see the private message from Ubotu)18:28
ikoniacrow: can you expalain how your trying to access it18:28
caleb__ikonia: i technically am using ubuntu, but i first want to make a share partition between bsd; then actually /install/ ubuntu... so it is related :D18:28
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible.. Sometimes either the bold is too blurry, and normal text okay, or the other way round. I just can't get everything to look right and I've tried all the default fonts and more18:28
bqmasseycool, thanks ikonia, kevin2318:28
crowI have 3 partitions18:29
wolsVerticalTheory: they will, if you install it the ubuntu way18:29
crowone with windoze18:29
ikoniacaleb__: no its not18:29
ikoniacrow: yes, but how are you trying to access the partition18:29
ikoniacrow: how are you expecting to see it18:29
crowI dunno18:29
crowhow should I?18:29
ikoniacrow: ok, so your question is "how do I access it", not "its not reading it"18:29
crowit doesn't have an icon for it18:29
ikoniacrow: ok, so your expecting an icon on your desktop, yes ?18:30
crowwell yeah18:30
bulmercrow the bottom line, all file system you wanted to view must be mounted first18:30
LjLikonia: well, "it's not reading it" isn't a question to begin with18:30
kevind23It's probably not mounted >.>18:30
crowif its not on desktop, where could it be18:30
kevind23You should be able to mount it with Nautilus18:30
ikoniaLjL: true, thats why I wanted to understand if it was actually failing rather than just not working as expected18:30
LjLi know18:30
shane_hi all!18:30
crowNautilus is a program?18:30
ikoniacrow ok, no problem. How many hard disks do you have ?18:31
LjLcrow: it certainly is, it's your Ubuntu file manager18:31
ikoniacrow: 3 harddisks, I'm taling about physical harddisks, not partitions18:31
crowoh 118:31
shane_i have a question...18:31
kevind23Quick question, I compiled mono, is there any hack for apt so I can install packages for it even though I never installed mono from it?18:31
wols!ask | shane_18:31
ubotushane_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:31
ikoniacrow: ok, so please put open a terminal, do you know how to do that ?18:31
wolskevind23: equivs18:31
kevind23wols: eh?18:31
crowbut I'm logged into windoze now18:31
crowso you may pm me the procedure18:32
CarlFKLjL thaks - doesn't look like jppy is there though.18:32
wolskevind23: apt-cache search for it18:32
crowand I'll remember it18:32
darkgothubuntu en español??18:32
LjLCarlFK: no, but it explains how to *request* backports.18:32
ikoniacrow: ok, so what I would like you to do, is login to ubuntu, open a terminal and do "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda" and put that in a pastebin, does that make sense ?18:32
LjL!es | darkgoth18:32
ubotudarkgoth: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:32
wols!es | darkgoth18:32
shane_when i launch gnome-screensaver the title bar has no name defined for it... and when i use Fluxbox the window is named 'Unnamed'. How can I define a name for it?18:32
CarlFKkevind23: here is my solution: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpdatingADeb18:33
crowisn't fdisk for disk pratitioning?18:33
ikoniacrow: thats right18:33
crowthe partition is already maden18:33
bulmeranyone used Blender? how do I ever print the 3d figure i have? this is my first time and Im helping my kid submit his report..18:33
wolscrow: it does more than that18:33
ikoniacrow: I'm asking you to do that command and put the output in the pastebin so I can see your disk layout18:33
ikoniacrow: then we can establish how to fix you18:33
kevind23CarlFK: I already compilied & installed mono, is there a hack for apt so it realizes that I met the mono dependencies, or do I have to uninstall it and compile it into a .deb, then install that one?18:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:34
ikoniakevind23: not really18:34
wolskevind23: I already told you18:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ethereal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:34
wolsikonia: there is18:34
crowthat would be later, cause I have to downlad IRC for linux (I'm on windoze now)18:34
ikoniawols: really ?18:34
crowread ya later18:34
ikoniacrow: ok18:34
wolsikonia: equivs18:34
magnetron!msgthebot | Arrick18:34
ubotuArrick: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.18:34
gadreni have a question: i'm running Gutsy on a laptop with fglrx.   Suspend/hibernate don't work, and according to the ATI Linux Driver wiki, the only way to fix it without going back to Feisty is to recompile my kernel to use SLAB.  is this something i should do, and, if so, how exactly do i do it?18:34
LjLCarlFK: well, what that URL explains is actually very similar to what you asked about jppy. add the gutsy source repository where jppy is contained, then see if "sudo apt-get -b source jppy" gets you a clean compile. if it does, you could still tell the backports team about it.18:35
bqmasseyi can't seem to find AWN in Synaptic18:35
ikoniawols: equivs won't actuall create package dependencies though will it18:35
crowwhat IRC  would you recomend me?18:35
crowfor linux18:35
CarlFKkevind23: uninstall what you did, follow those directions. life will be better than way.18:35
ikoniacrow: xchat is the most straightforward18:35
bqmasseycrow: xchat18:35
* kevind23 uses KVIrc18:35
crowok thanks18:35
wolsikonia: it will fool apt into thinking the dependencies are met18:35
magnetron!info wireshark > Arrick18:35
Arrickmagnetron, I want investigating, I want to know how to get ethereal/wireshark installed, and I am very surprised that there is nothing in the bot about it18:35
j1solutionshello all18:35
ikoniawols: ahhh, that I agree with, but thats why I wouldn't push it either18:35
magnetron!info ethereal > Arrick18:35
CarlFKLjL: that's what I was hoping.  wasn't sure if it was that easy.  thanks18:35
wolsikonia: as he requested, it is a hack18:35
j1solutions<--all linux at home now18:36
kevind23The whole reason I compiled it was because apt refused to update any of my mono packages because it couldn't find the matching mono-jit version18:36
magnetronArrick: applications menu > add/remove , search for "wireshark"18:36
ikoniawols: no, no, I understand that, I'd just like him to be clear what it actually means18:36
LjLCarlFK: it might not be. depends on whether or not the gutsy package is really a perfectly good gutsy package to begin with18:36
j1solutions<---windows is a disease of which I've been cured18:36
LjLerr, the *hardy* package is...18:36
ikonia!offtopic >j1solutions18:36
shane_anybody with an idea for my q?18:36
Arrickmagnetron, at the moment, Im still trying to even determin which desktop I want, there is no gui on the box yet18:36
rainhow replace Kmenu button image?18:36
bazhangrain: kbfx18:37
wolsArrick: apt-get install wireshark. is that so bad you need a factoid for it?18:37
ikoniaArrick: you have installed the server version ?18:37
magnetronj1solutions: please join #ubuntu-offtopic18:37
Arrickyes ikonia18:37
rainhow i install kbfx18:37
j1solutionsok magnetrong, sorry18:37
ikoniaArrick: why ? would a desktop version not be more appropriate ?18:37
magnetronArrick: while you are thinking about it, install ubuntu gnome18:37
ArrickI asked a while ago about what is a super lightweight desktop18:38
LjLbazhang, rain asked how to replace the K icon i think... that's a bit different from installing kbfx18:38
LjLthe icon is somewhere in /usr/share surely18:38
wolsArrick: ratpoison18:38
bazhangLjL: oops sorry18:38
raini  could'nt find instructions for kbfx18:38
magnetronj1solutions: don't be sorry, just join #ubuntu-offtopic18:38
raini only downloaded kbfx18:38
j1solutionsanyone running a weatherduck on ubuntu?  I have one but it's webpage can't display a chart that req's java18:39
SamuraiDiodid someone already installed and ubuntu on an acer aspire 7520 notebook?18:39
wols!info kbfx18:39
ubotukbfx: an alternative to K-Menu for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 1718 kB, installed size 4108 kB18:39
LjLrain: what do you mean "downloaded"?18:39
heatmzzrwill xchat allow multible server windows and chat windows?18:39
NirevusJust a quick question, can locally stored thunderbird emails be carried over from Windows to Ubuntu?18:39
wolsheatmzzr: yes18:39
bazhangrain: that will give you a whole different menu layout than the kmenu--I misunderstood sorry18:39
[diablo]good evening #ubuntu ... I've got a Samsung R20 laptop, with a ATI chipset.. When I install 7.10, I notice that sometimes I need to press a key, or the machine stops working... holding say CTRL down "fixes" it... so I assume it's some IRQ issue... im installing via alternative btw... anyone know of this issue?18:39
FluxDheatmzzr: yes18:39
rainthat  i have kbfx packaga in my desktop18:39
FluxDrain: if its a deb file double click and install it18:40
LjLrain, in your desktop? kbfx is in the official Ubuntu repositories. you should use *those* for installing your software (unless you absolutely need some piece of software that's not available there). otherwise, hosing your system is a quite likely event. please learn about APT.18:40
LjL!software > rain    (rain, see the private message from Ubotu)18:40
rainits not deb18:40
LjLrain: then don't install it18:40
kevind23Also, how do I remove the graphical progress bar on startup and shutdown18:40
rainwhere i can get deb file?18:40
shane_SamuraiDio: I have Ubuntu on an Aspire 3003NLMi ... if it helps...18:40
FluxDrain: search in synaptic18:40
LjLrain: from the *standard repositories*. gee. just type « sudo apt-get install kbfx » in a terminal, or search in Synaptic or whatever -- it's there. please also *read* the link i gave you.18:41
LjL!packages > rain    (rain, see the private message from Ubotu)18:41
j1solutionshello heatmzzr18:41
heatmzzr_hello jlsolutions.18:41
SamuraiDioshane_, maybe, can u show me the specificationsw18:42
SamuraiDioshane_, may some devices are the same18:42
FluxDSamuraiDio: I am running it on an acer 500018:42
FluxDSamuraiDio: I am running it on an acer aspire 500018:42
=== ubuntu is now known as Nana`
SamuraiDiothis is my lspci18:43
SpookyETBeagle is not indexing thunderbird. I'm wondering why.18:43
SamuraiDioFluxD, with everything installed succesfully?18:43
FluxDSamuraiDio: everything working fine here18:43
raini cant find link u given me can you give it again? I installed kbfx, what i do now?18:44
shane_SamuraiDio: what do I run to get that output in the pastebin?18:44
SamuraiDioFluxD, did you enabled the special functions of the touchpad? like scrolling and emulated buttons?18:44
cizarrany good pop3 web client?18:44
SamuraiDioshane_, huh?18:44
FluxDSamuraiDio: I dont use the touchpad and I didnt enable it18:45
al-_-Gircizarr , thunderbird18:45
magnetroncizarr: squirrelmail18:45
NirevusJust a quick question, can locally stored thunderbird emails be carried over from Windows to Ubuntu?18:45
cizarri need webmail client18:45
shane_SamuraiDio: ok I guess the pastebin link wasn't meant for me then...18:45
zlosshey could anybody help me.... do you have any idea how can i edit my session time out ?! ?!18:45
magnetroncizarr: squirrelmail18:45
Nirevuscizarr, roundcube is a good one18:46
cizarrthanks magnetron :) check it18:46
zlosshey could anybody help me.... do you have any idea how can i edit my session time out ?! ?!18:46
zlossfor example if i'm inactive for about 5,6 mins i got to re-login18:46
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shane_when i launch gnome-screensaver the title bar has no name defined for it... and when i use Fluxbox the window is named 'Unnamed'. How can I define a name for it?18:46
Nirevuscizarr: http://www.squirrelmail.org/18:46
nickrudzloss, system->prefs->screensaver18:46
=== blablubb is now known as izibi
Nirevuscizarr: http://roundcube.net/18:46
SamuraiDioshane_, i didnt uderstoodyour questin above18:46
deufraihi there, i'd like to know if there's a way to tuern my laptop's fan off (HP NC6000) on gutsy18:46
cizarryeah roundcube looks good18:46
zlosshm... ok i'll take a look18:46
Eagle-101does someone here have a somewhat default install of boost? I just modified boost/system and I'd like to know if thats a default location.18:46
bqmasseyok.. i'm trying to apt-get install something..... and it demands a 7.10 CD...  WHY?  how do i get it to get the packages from the internet?18:47
lemartin_alguien ha instalado drupal518:47
johnficcawhat is the package I need in order for me to share files with other linux pc's18:47
heatmzzrjlsolutions were you the one I chatted with yesterday?18:47
rainhow to replace kmenu logo? i have installed kbfx but i even dont know how to use it18:47
SamuraiDioshane_, did you use the touchpad?18:47
cizarrthanks Nirevus18:47
akincerAnyone know how to make a program default to one screen or another in a dual monitor setup?18:47
Oli``anyone here know if repartitioning mdadm-raid is as easy as just loading up gparted and editing the mdX device?18:47
nickrudzloss, if you're having problems with some movie players, you can add the inhibit applet, it disables screen blanking manually18:47
ikoniaakincer: what dual monitor technilogy are you using18:48
spepsdoes someone use opera?OPera-Flash plugin issue...Please help!!!18:48
shane_SamuraiDio: my question is not related to the Aspire topic... but anyway I do use the touchpad with scrolling enabled..18:48
deufraibqmassey: edit your sources file to remove CD-ROM entry18:48
ikoniaOli``: what level of raid18:48
zlossnickrud, godamn it18:48
zlosshelp ya very much18:48
Oli``ikonia: 118:48
shane_SamuraiDio: middle click is emulated by tapping with 2 fingers18:48
ikoniaakincer: no idea with nvidia-settings, sorry18:48
akincerikonia: how about with another one?18:48
Eagle-101bqmassey, use synaptic, modify the repositories to not include that location. I got that myself several times18:48
ikoniaOli``: hmmmm than your md disks should already be partitions rather than a disk level18:48
SamuraiDioshane_, can you send me your xorg.conf?18:49
ikoniaakincer: you set a primary display in the xinerama config18:49
shane_SamuraiDio: right click is done by tapping on the bottom right corner... sure... 1 sec18:49
dug_akincer: I think you have to use something like devil's pie18:49
Eagle-101settings-> repositories -> software sources18:49
Eagle-101bqmassey, settings-> repositories -> software sources18:49
rainhow to replace kmenu logo? i have installed kbfx but i even dont know how to use it18:49
ikoniarain: you need to change the icon file in /usr/share/$something/icons or create your own theme18:50
akincerdug: thanks, I'll check that out18:50
toedhow do I do dual monitors in gutsy?18:50
Flare183!info kbfx | rain18:50
uboturain: kbfx: an alternative to K-Menu for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 1718 kB, installed size 4108 kB18:50
Oli``ikonia: not sure I follow. I've got RAID1 over 2 disks with just one partition. I want to split that up (shrink the current one, create a new one) within the raid18:50
rainwhat i use for $something18:50
Flare183rain:> ask in #kubuntu if you want18:51
ikoniaOli``: you should have 2 disks - not raided then raid each parition on the disk18:51
aladdinsaneIm trying to mount a second internal hd as a "drive", by that i mean i want it to show up in applications as a drive, not a folder. right now i have it mounted as such: UUID=xxx /home/alado/!HDD2        ext3     user,rw  0      0 Which mounts it in that !hdd directory.18:51
aladdinsaneI have tried to mount it with /media and /mnt with no luck.18:51
aladdinsaneI mean i know it is possible, cause the drive in question was automaticly (after the ubuntu install.) mounted like this (a drive) before i partitioned it to ex3.18:51
crypthello i am having issues18:51
Flare183!paste | aladdinsane18:51
ubotualaddinsane: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:51
ikoniaOli``: instead of having disk 1 -> disk 2, have disk 1, partition 1 -> disk 2 partition 118:51
Oli``ikonia: mdadm binds to partition, not whole disks?18:51
ikoniaOli``: yup18:51
=== miki_ is now known as MuNzE_
Oli``oh right18:51
nickrudrain, http://www.kbfx.org/staticpages/index.php?page=2006022412313590718:52
mcquaidi want to send a link to a friend using apturl so he can just click and install things.  I tried it with gmail but they do not end up being clickable links18:52
SamuraiDioshane_, can you send me your xorg.conf18:52
Oli``ikonia: so resizing isn't an issue but I'll have to create an md2 device for the new partition?18:52
mcquaidi then tried pastebin but it doesn't seem to support html links either.  Is there anything similar to pastebin that supports urls?18:52
hexlerI'm trying to enable WOL on my PC, but in /proc/acpi/wakeup all devices are still disabled. Can anyone tell me if UAR1, MAC or POP1 is the onboard LAN device?18:52
ikoniaOli``: resizing raid devices is not a good idea18:52
ikoniaOli``: certainly not while the raid is active18:52
Flare183!paste | mcquaid18:52
ubotumcquaid: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:53
ikoniaOli``: stop your raid, destroy it, then create the partitions on each disk and raid the partitions18:53
Mar_Layou add the website in this directory http://www.directoryofwebsite.com18:53
ActySoftsI have some problems with bash scripts. I wan to use the copy_thunderbird.sh script to copy my emails from TB to Evolution, however, when I run it I get "copy_thunderbird.sh".18:53
shane_SamuraiDio: I PMed you my xorg.conf18:53
shane_SamuraiDio: did you get it?18:53
cryptI just installed Ubuntu 7.10 and i am attempting to install Wine, but it is giving me two errors18:53
nickrudaladdinsane, let ubuntu recognize and mount it, don't mention it in fstab18:53
crypt(1) from Add/Remove there are applications conflicting with Wine and if I attempt to install from the terminal, i t says "error: dependency is not satisfiable: libaudio2"18:53
adamonline45awwww D:  I woke up this morning, booted my computer, and all my monitor settings are gone! :O  Can anyone help me?  I can't even resize it from 640x480:/18:53
ActySoftsI get that even as root!18:53
ikoniaActySofts: what script is that and where did you get it ?18:53
ActySoftsI got it from the web while browsing launchpad for help, I'll paste it18:53
shane_SamuraiDio: did you get my xorg.conf?18:54
ikoniaActySofts: is it part of an ubuntu package ?18:54
SamuraiDioshane_, no18:54
NuclearWormwow - Cannot join #debian (User limit reached)18:54
kevind23ahhh! what happened to compiz18:54
ikoniaActySofts: then we can't support it18:54
mcquaidFlare183, so what's the point of that, it doesn't support urls either18:54
chaosbossare there any deb packages of Gnome Online Desktop18:54
Flare183it does18:54
SamuraiDioshane_, pastebin it18:54
aladdinsanenickrud: pls dont tell me its that simple...i'll try it out18:54
ActySoftsikonia: then show me how to import my emails from TB to Evo18:54
ikoniaActySofts: I have no idea as I don't use evolution18:54
agisofspartahow do i see the cube?18:54
agisofspartai enabled it and i can rotate the cube... but i can't zoom out and see the whole cube18:54
Flare183mcquaid:> it does18:54
ikoniaActySofts: a post on the ubuntu forums may offer more solutions18:55
deufraiActySofts: there are plenty of pages found via Google to do that18:55
deufraidid It a few weeks ago18:55
kevind23wtf! my key bindings don't work18:55
cryptI am receiving "error: dependency is not satisfiable: libaudio2" when attempting to install WINE, please assist18:55
Flare183you have to copy the link it gives you, but you must be fast at copying the url18:55
kevind23Alt+Tab shows a really boring tab switcher18:55
kevind23and my cube is gone18:55
ikoniakevind23: please don't use phrases like WTF, this is a family friendly channel18:55
ActySoftsdeufrai: except that it doesn't recognize the file so I can't import them18:55
buggeredfstabWhere can I find resources on accessing a printer attached to a windows box?18:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:55
shane_SamuraiDio: http://pastebin.com/d1a6f5eb518:55
mikebeechamApart from Deviantart and Gnome-look.org....can anyone point me in the right direction of some well-designed icon themes?18:55
glassfac1wine is freezing up my system. what is wrong with wine?  running gutsy18:55
nickrudaladdinsane, you still here?18:55
ikoniamikebeecham: google18:55
aladdinsanenickrud: yes about to restart18:56
Flare183mikebeecham:> opendesktop.org18:56
mikebeechamikonia: lol18:56
ikoniamikebeecham: ?18:56
mikebeechamFlare183: thanks mate18:56
Flare183mikebeecham:> np18:56
ActySoftshere's the script: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47576/18:56
ikoniaActySofts: we can't support that script18:56
deufraiActySofts: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-import-thunderbird-emails-to-evolution18:56
aladdinsanenickrud: whats up?18:56
nickrudI was thinking external, this is how I put a drive on my desktop from an internal:  /dev/hda8  /media/i386-home ext3    defaults        0       218:57
ActySoftsdeufrai: I've read that 10000 times...just that Evolutino doesn't recognize the file "Inbox" and the list of file types is greyed out18:57
mustafa_http://pastebin.com/m42054e23 when i try to mount my old win xp harddisk i'm getting this error18:57
shane_SamuraiDio: got it now?18:57
SamuraiDioshane_, yeah, tnx18:57
mcquaidFlare183, could you tell me how?  I choose html.  I tried www.test.org http://test.org and even <a href="http://test.org/">test</a> but none of them ended up being clickable links18:57
Flare183!patients | crypt18:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patients - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:57
Flare183!patient | crypt18:58
SamuraiDioshane_, but you are usint the 'configured mouse and not the synaptics, right?18:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:58
ikoniaFlare183: its patience18:58
Flare183i get that now =18:58
glassfac1when i'm trying use wine my system hangs, same with cross over also! any idea?18:58
ActySoftshmm, it seems that I can't run ANY bash script O.o, not even something like: echo "test"18:58
Flare183mcquaid:> join me at #ubuntu-us-sc18:58
shane_SamuraiDio: I am using synaptics... i have a USB mouse which I use sometimes..18:58
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deufraiActySofts: didn't meet the problems you refer to :S18:58
nickrudaladdinsane, did you see my last, forgot to nick it18:58
agisofspartahow do i create myown theme18:58
ikoniaagisofsparta: there are guides on the web, and lots of experience in the "graphics and art" section of the ubuntu forum18:59
eTranquilityI messed with my graphics card driver/settings, rebooted, and now I'm getting "failed to start the X server". Can anyone help me fix it so I can get back to my gui?18:59
shane_SamuraiDio: this is the default Gutsy setup... no changes were done to it after a clean install18:59
mustafa_http://pastebin.com/m42054e23 when i try to mount my old win xp harddisk i'm getting this error19:00
wolseTranquility: need more info19:00
riotkittieeTranquility: did you back up xorg.conf before toying with settings? you can sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to set it straight, if not19:00
SamuraiDioshane_, what mouse do you get on $cat /proc/bus/input/devices19:00
deufraistill looking for help turning my laptop fan off. Echoing "off" to /proc/acpi/fan/...... failes19:00
ActySoftsI'm not able to run ANY bash scripts, no matter what they contain (even a simple 'echo' won't work). Any ieas:19:00
ikoniaActySofts: define "won't work"19:00
riotkittieActySofts: did you make them executable?19:00
wolsriotkittie: dpkg-recnfigure should back up the old one by default19:00
aninhumerI'm trying to create split rar files, but rar appears to be ignoring the "-v" option19:00
wolsActySofts: paste a bashscript of yours19:00
ActySoftsyes, I did19:00
Eagle-101does someone here have a somewhat default install of boost? I just modified boost/system and I'd like to know if thats a default location.19:00
ikoniaActySofts: define won't work19:00
nickrudActySofts, chmod u+x scriptname, then from the directory the script is in, ./scriptname19:01
ActySoftshere: #!/bin/bash <LF> echo "test"19:01
ActySoftswhere <LF> is a newline19:01
ikoniaActySofts: can you please expand on "won't work"19:01
mikebeechamif an icon theme does not specify a menu icon...where does Ubuntu pick up the normal Ubuntu icon from?19:01
riotkittieyea but if he was customizing it, chances are he didnt go that route19:01
shane_SamuraiDio: http://pastebin.com/d4f6941c519:01
WARlrusI'm trying to connect to a wireless network in 7.10, but I'm getting a error message through dmesg: "wlan0: privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate" - what does this mean and how do I fix it?!!!!19:01
Roland_hi.. i'm trying to connect to a vista machine with my gutsy, and i have no luck with it19:01
ActySoftsikonia: on what topic exactly?19:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wontwork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:01
ikoniaActySofts: "bash scripts won't work"19:01
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:01
Roland_ what should i do?19:01
ikoniaActySofts: please expand on "won't work"19:01
magnetron!doesntwork > ActySofts19:02
enrique17i love ubuntu19:02
wolsRoland_: connect to what kind of service?19:02
grenetsorry, just checking in19:02
aninhumerI'm trying to split a rar file into DVD sized volumes, but it seems to be ignoring the -v option19:03
=== Roland_ is now known as Roland123
ActySoftsikonia: they didn't run at all, but nickrud pointed out to me that I needed to chmod 'em19:03
nickrudmikebeecham, they use inheritance, look at the index.theme19:03
eTranquilityAmount of memory to be used by the video card?19:03
ikoniaActySofts: for future reference you need to give more info than "they don't run at all"19:03
=== kevind23 is now known as Shinigami`away
ActySoftsikonia: well...they didn't run at all, so what more info could I have given?19:04
wolsActySofts: there are always error messages19:05
ikoniaActySofts: I execute them, I get no output, or I get an error, or script one works, but script 2 doesn't, I'm running as X user, with Y location etc19:05
mustafa_Hello, i'm facing with problem on ubuntu 7.x i'm trying to mount my old winxp hdd but it gives this error http://pastebin.com/m42054e2319:05
Roland123does anyone know how to access a share on vista machine?19:05
ikoniaRoland123: samba19:05
SamuraiDioshane_, tnx again19:05
Happy_ManReland: Samba19:05
ActySoftsikonia: OK, I said some I got "Permission Denied"19:05
ikoniaActySofts: I missed that19:06
Eagle-101Is boost::system already compiled for me when I get it from synaptic? (is it even in the repos?)19:06
mikebeechamnickrud: I'm not sure I understand...I have the index.theme file open in text editor, but I dont know what I'm looking for19:06
noorany one know a a gui program i can use to encode this avi file to MP4? im having some problem finding em T___T19:06
aladdinsanenickrud: nope didnt work, and as i can see and understand that wouldn't solve my problem either, i want the hdd to show up as a drive in all applications, such as Thunar/Nautilus/Gimp or whatnot19:06
ikonia!info boost19:06
ubotuPackage boost does not exist in gutsy19:06
* Eagle-101 suspects he just nuked it :)19:06
nickrudActySofts, didn't see that  message either, I just keep forgetting that chmod thing, figured you had also ;)19:06
zel1hi i've a compaq presario f50019:07
MikeHI'm not sure what I've done, but somehow I've "drawn" on my desktop in red? I presume it's some feature of XGL/Compiz, any ideas how to get rid?19:07
zel1but i've  a problem19:07
zel1a bios bug on boot19:07
nickrudaladdinsane, ah, thunar I don't know, but it would show up under places in gimp (or any other app that uses the gnome file selector). That media dir thing is a gnome thing19:07
Happy_ManMikelevel: that's a plugin called annotate19:07
eTranquilityI used sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and now it's making me go through a bunch of prompts... what should I put for "Amount of memory (kb) to be used by the video card"?19:07
Happy_Mancheck in the settings for the keybinding to get rid of it19:08
nickrudaladdinsane, not a linux wide thing19:08
zel1but i've seen that is a TRUSTED PC :(19:08
wolseTranquility: keep empty19:08
ikoniaeTranquility: leave at default, unless you know how much ram you have19:08
eTranquilityWhat about kernel framebuffer device interface?19:08
wolszel1: how is that a problem?19:08
wolseTranquility: if you don't know: default19:09
aladdinsanenickrud: aha, is it because im running xubuntu then maybe?19:09
nickrudmikebeecham, for example, /usr/share/icons/Human/index.theme says it inherits Tangerine icons, and if Tangerine doesn't have one, it uses gnome icons19:09
wolsand what does "TRUSTED PC" mean?19:09
aninhumerHang on, is it possible to use the "-v" option with the "ch" mode for the rar command19:09
zel1yes wols19:09
zel1i must to boot with acpi=off pnpbios=off irqpool19:10
nickrudaladdinsane, most likely, I have little experience with xubuntu19:10
ikoniazel1: again, why is that causing your a problem19:10
ikoniacausing you a problem even19:10
mustafa_ok fixed ntfsfix helped me ^^19:10
wolszel1: what does "trusted PC" mean and why does it care about pnp bios, acpi and all that?19:10
zel1because i can't use ACPI19:11
aladdinsanenickrud: ok, thnx for the effort anyway, i'll keep looking/asking/trying19:11
eTranquilityWhat about the mouse port? (I'm using a laptop with a touch pad.) Is /dev/input/mice right?19:11
zel1because the booot goin on block wols19:11
ikoniaeTranquility: if you don't know the answer, use the default19:11
zel1and with this boot options the sistem boot :)19:11
wolszel1: what has a "trusted PC" (whatever that is) to do with ACPI?19:12
ikoniawols: I too am curious19:12
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blix_I need to destroy the contents of a HDD, what's a good tool?19:14
ikoniablix_: dd19:14
blix_I just downloaded that19:14
eTranquilityOkay, so I did all that, I have the command prompt thing at the bottom, now what?19:14
censorydepAnyone want to help troubleshoot some sound issues under Gnome?19:14
blix_mmm, Ill take another look19:14
arnaud__Bonjour tous le monde19:14
blix_DBAN can't detect a drive19:15
wolseTranquility: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start19:15
ikoniablix_: dd and random is your friend19:15
crypt any1 able to install Wine on ubuntu 7.1019:15
blix_dd and random19:15
wols!anyone | crypt19:15
ubotucrypt: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:15
blix_are these data destruction software tools?19:15
wolsblix_: dd if=/dev/urandom19:15
ikoniacrypt: many people have it working19:16
arvin_someone please help me with these..i can view the gamecast in www.soccernet.com using mozilla firefox or epiphany web browser19:16
wolsblix_: dd is. /dev/urandom is a source for pseudo random numbers19:16
arvin_any other browwser 2 recomend19:16
blix_ah right, k, I'm currently in Windows : - O19:16
cryptWell, for whatever reason, everytime I attempt to install it, it says there is a conflict with something already installed19:16
wolsarvin_: uf you can watch it why change?19:16
cryptbut all i've done was install 7.10, without adding anything seperate19:16
hudyxAny ideas why my computer would not wake back up from 'sleep' with Ubuntu 7.10?19:16
arvin_someone please help me with these..i CANTview the gamecast in www.soccernet.com using mozilla firefox or epiphany web browser19:17
eTranquilityOkay... then what?19:17
arvin_about type erroe19:17
wolscrypt: apt-cache policy wine   and apt-get install wine. output of both please19:17
ikoniacrypt: are you running ubuntu 64 bit ?19:17
wolseTranquility: then you have X back on VT719:17
cryptno 32bit19:17
eTranquilitySo restart? o.O19:18
wolseTranquility: did I say restart?19:18
censorydepTo ubotu's point: My sound under Gnome just stops working about 75% of the time.  It seems like it silently fails after a variable period of time as I am sometimes able to get sound.  But, if I turn off vlc and release the audio, I could come back to no sound 20 mins later.  Ideas?19:18
cryptwols: where should i provide you with the output?19:18
wols!paste | crypt19:19
ubotucrypt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:19
eTranquilityWell, it's left me at * Starting GNOME Display Manager...19:19
arvin_someone please help me with these..i CANT view the gamecast in www.soccernet.com using mozilla firefox or epiphany web browser..any other web browser 2 recomend19:19
krimI want to record what I hear from a film but Sound Recorder doesn't seem to be able to do that. Anyone know how I can do it?19:19
ikoniaarvin_: define can't view ? is it a flash site ? do you have the flash plugin installed, can you view anyother sites of a similar style ?19:19
elvyssomebody knows How can I install AWN-EXTRAS?19:19
cryptwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47580/19:19
arvin_i think its a flash site19:20
ikoniaarvin_: do you have the flash plugin installed ? does it work on any other flash sites ?19:20
wolsarvin_: does flash work for you?19:20
arvin_please go the site n press on gamecast for the atletico madrid game19:21
arvin_u will knwo wat i mean..19:21
ikoniaarvin_: it doesn't matter what we do, it matters about your problem19:21
arvin_nop.. i dun have flash plugin how  do i get them ?>19:21
elvyssomebody knows How can I install AWN-EXTRAS?19:21
=== Shinigami`away is now known as kevind23
ikoniaarvin_: ok, the flash plugin package is currently broke in terms of downloadability within the ubuntu repo19:21
hudyxNotebook not waking from sleep on U7.10, any ideas?19:21
ikoniaarvin_: so getting it at this exact moment may be an issue19:21
wolscrypt: you need to be root to isntall stuff and budgetdedicated is not ubuntu. ask the wine folks what they did wrong in their package19:22
crimsunikonia: broken?  How?19:22
ikoniacrimsun: the checksum on the adobe tar file has changed19:22
elvyssomebody knows How can I install Avant Window Navigator Applets?19:22
wolscrypt: wrong md5 since adobe updated it19:22
arvin_so there is no way of viewing flash websites using ubuntu os ?19:22
crimsunikonia: ...for Hardy?19:22
IndyGunFreakelvys: ther'es a lot of faq's out there.19:22
wolscrypt: for gutsy19:22
ikoniacrimsun: no, gutsy, but it should effect all OS's19:22
kevind23How do I disable the graphical progress bar on system startup / shutdown19:22
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crimsunikonia: Hardy's should be fine.19:23
ikoniacrimsun: why ?19:23
=== krash is now known as rencore_
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crypthow do i become root to install?19:23
ikoniacrimsun: it uses the same flash version last time I looked19:23
eTranquilityI have * Starting GNOME Display Manager... [OK], what should I do now?19:23
nickrudkevind23, edit /boot/menu/grub.lst , look for lines with splash in it, remove the word splash19:23
crimsun *** 019:23
crimsun        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/multiverse Packages19:23
wolseTranquility: ctrl+alt+f719:23
cryptand what do you mean wrong md (i am new to ubuntu/linux world)19:23
ikoniacrimsun: what version of adobe's plugin does it download19:23
arvin_so there is no way of viewing flash websites using ubuntu os ?19:24
hudyxIndyGunFreak: how are you? Any ideas why my notebook would not wake from sleep?19:24
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IndyGunFreakhudyx: some notebooks have issues w/ that...,19:24
crimsunikonia: 9,0,115,019:24
new-user_linHi all19:24
IndyGunFreaki'm not sure of the exact cause.19:24
kevind23arvin_: What are you talking about? Flash works just fine on Ubuntu...19:24
eTranquility"The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly."19:24
hudyxhmm, anything I can do about it?19:24
ikoniacrimsun: I'll check that out, see if it is still the same version19:24
new-user_linwho can help me to install ubuntu ?19:24
IndyGunFreakhudyx: i really don't know to be truthful, both my laptops go in/out of sleep fine.19:24
nickrudcrypt, md is short for md5sum , md5sum is a prog that creates a unique checksum on a file, so you can be sure it's the same file19:24
mcquaiddoes any quick posting site like pastebin actually support html like links?   I want to quickly post some apt links using apturl19:25
cryptand how did you tell i was out of date of that?19:25
cryptalso, how do i become root? on my user name to install19:26
elvysIndyGunFreak: Yes, I know, but anyone works to me19:26
obad-warone i have host game for war zone19:26
ikoniacrypt: use synaptic and it will ask you for your password19:26
hudyxIndyGunFreak: I haven't tried just closing the lid, it happens with I hit the red power button, and click sleep.  When I open the lid and hit the power button to wake it, the power light and battery light come on, but the display stays off and the HDD light doesn't flash at all.19:26
nickrudcrypt, because it's a well known problem; the checksum for the old flash doesn't match the new flash, and the installer is expecting the old one19:26
obad-waroneany boddy intersted19:26
kevind23crypt: from the terminal or with an X app?19:26
eTranquilityThere's a prompt at the bottom... now what?19:26
cryptfrom terminal19:26
kevind23then, sudo <command>19:26
ikoniaobad-warone: this is a support channel19:26
IndyGunFreakhudyx: that may be what it is, mine goes to sleep when i just shut the lid, i don't use the sleep button19:27
nickrudcrypt, sudo <command>19:27
wolscrypt: doesn't matter. your WINE which you try to isntall is not from any ubuntu repo. ask WINE forlks, it's their package19:27
nickrudcrypt, also, sudo -i will give you a root terminal, if you're gonna do a series of commands. Typing exit will get back to normal19:27
cryptwols: unfortunately i went there first19:27
arvin_but i cant viuew falsh websites in mozilla?19:27
arvin_how do i solve that ?>19:27
kevind23nickrud: wouldn't sudo su be better?19:27
oedivanyone using mplayer and multiple displays? I cannot get my mouse on my 2nd display when I have mplayer playing fullscreen on the other..19:27
kevind23arvin_: Are you x86 or x86_64?19:27
hudyxIndyGunFreak: ok I'll try that.  Also, what is a good, free IRC client for Ubuntu? Also, a good messenger client?19:28
kevind23hudyx: For GNOME, Pidgin and Xchat19:28
wolskevind23: not in ubuntu. discouraging root use is good19:28
cryptthey stated, because i simply installed ubuntu and did not add any addition software, and attempting to install there product mentions "a conflict with an existing installation" they stated it was something ubuntu prone19:28
IndyGunFreakhudyx: i like xchat-gnome.. many others like plain xchat, others like kvirc for KDE, others still like irssi19:28
kevind23wols: what's wrong with root use :O19:28
nickrudkevind23, no, sudo -i sets things up properly, (like making home /root) , sudo su leaves you with your own home, causing unexpected results sometimes. sudo su - would be better19:28
MyrttiIndyGunFreak: still ;-)19:28
IndyGunFreak!irc | hudyx19:28
ubotuhudyx: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:28
Roland123i can't figure out, how to connect to a vista share... i have smbfs installed. selecting PLACES >> connect to server >> windows share... doesn't work19:29
IndyGunFreakMyrtti: ?.. still?.. i don't get it.19:29
wolskevind23: look at the typical windows user who is always root. do you have to ask more?19:29
hudyxkevind23, IndyGunFreak: thanks!19:29
kevind23arvin_: You have to install a 32-bit client then, I have flash working fine but I have to use Swiftweasel32 instead of normal Swiftweasel19:29
white_eaglehello, i have a question, can konqueror be ran on ubuntu?19:29
Flare183!samba | roland12319:29
uboturoland123: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT19:29
ikoniaRoland123: do you have shares available on the windows machien ?19:29
ikoniamachine even19:29
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: yes.19:29
kevind23wols: Heh..19:29
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: but i don't know why you'd want to, its slow as all get out.19:29
white_eaglejust to try it19:30
wolskevind23: i was not joking19:30
IndyGunFreakthen by all means.. you'll have to install a ton of KDE libs, but it will run.;19:30
Roland123ikonia: i have shared a folder on vista machine19:30
lgcMy dictionary applet won't let me type in anything. Is there a trick to it? Thanks.19:30
kevind23wols: Well what about the technical users19:30
white_eagleand can I run an rtm package?19:31
ikoniaRoland123: ok, so what happens when you try to mount, can the ubuntu machine actually see the windows machine on a network level19:31
arvin_wat u mean a 32 bit ?19:31
nickrudwhite_eagle, rtm?19:31
crowanyone remember me?19:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: rtrm ? rpm you mean ?19:31
ikoniacrow: yes19:31
Roland123ikonia: no19:31
arvin_i just need a plugin to do the work in mozilla19:31
ikoniaRoland123: ok, so thats why you can't mount it19:31
crowhow do I mount partition?19:31
wolskevind23: ubuntu is not aimed at technical users "Linux for humans" or such, ain't it?19:31
nickrudwhite_eagle, look for a deb equivilant19:31
ikoniawhite_eagle: its strongly advisable to not attempt to use rpm's as they are meant for a different distro19:31
maynards-girlhow can i check to make sure my share folder is working? i'm having problems seeing the computer on the network to access it's share?19:31
kevind23arvin_: Your mozilla won't let you run flash, let me try and find you a link.. hold on19:31
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: ubuntu does not use rpm's, look for a debian or install from source(better yet, use the repositories)19:31
cryptWols: this is actually the error i receive when i run the install wine command http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47583/19:31
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: konq is in the repos.19:32
Roland123ikonia: probalby yes... but how can i get that computer to show up there?19:32
crowhow do I mount a disc partition?19:32
nickrudwhite_eagle, rpms are a different packaging style, and usually can't be massaged to fit ubuntu properly19:32
bulmermaynards-girl-> nfs?19:32
white_eagleok, i wanted to install acrobat 819:32
kevind23wols: Well I'm very comfortable with *nix and I run Ubuntu19:32
IndyGunFreaknickrud: sure they can, its just not smart...lol19:32
ikoniacrow: have you got your partition layout as I asked for ?19:32
lgcMy dictionary applet won't let me type in anything. Is there a trick to it? Thanks.19:32
ikoniaRoland123: put them on the same network19:32
white_eagleand it came in that package19:32
maynards-girlbulmer? what's that?19:32
crowikonia: ask again pls19:32
magnetron!repeat > lgc19:32
bulmermaynards-girl-> what file system are you trying to share?19:32
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: i believe its in the medibuntu repo.. i know i have it.. and thts the only repo i've added.19:32
crowwhat should I do?19:32
IndyGunFreak!medibuntu | white_eagle19:32
ubotuwhite_eagle: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org19:32
nickrudIndyGunFreak, too many of those rpms use environment variables like $RPM in the install scripts, and totally break on deb systems19:33
ikoniacrow: please provide me in a pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda"19:33
wolscrypt: your sources.list is broken: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=libaudio2&searchon=names&subword=1&version=gutsy&release=all19:33
holxIs there a possibility to disable the caps lock key or make it do something else, I was hoping there was something like xmodmap19:33
lgcmagnetron, please don't try to force-feed me the etiquette. I've been around for quite a while and I regret I don't get any help lately.19:33
IndyGunFreaknickrud: oh i agree with you, don't get me wrong... if they work, they work half way, and when they don't work, well, lord knows what you hosed trying to get it to work,.19:33
arvin_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=334247 will these help to oslve my mozilla falsh plugin poblem19:33
white_eagleoh, sh*t i downloaded it for nothing19:33
ikoniawhite_eagle: please moderate your language, this is a family friendly channel19:33
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: downloaded what for nothing?19:33
white_eagleacrobat 819:34
nickrudholx, system->prefs->keyboard, layout options tab19:34
eTranquilityI've got a box with "The X server is now disabled. Restart GDM when it is configured correctly. " I'd really like my GUI back, and I have no idea what I'm doing. Help?19:34
magnetron!attitude > lgc19:34
ikoniawhite_eagle: its't not funny, it was a serious request19:34
ompaul!enter | white_eagle19:34
ubotuwhite_eagle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:34
crowikonia: should I paste it in the channel?19:34
crowall of it?19:34
ikoniacrow: no, as I've asked 2 times, please use a pastebin19:34
ompaul!paste | crow19:34
ubotucrow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:34
TehGuyHi, quick question: when I open up the terminal, I can't go any levels higher then my home folder. So, I can't access CDs... how do I do that?19:34
nickrudwhite_eagle, nah, you downloaded it in order to learn you never have to do that again :)19:34
comais it possible to move the turn off/restart (red button on top right) to the middle of the toolbar instead?19:34
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
LiMaOwhite_eagle: of course it was for something. it has a purpose. it now has the job of occupying some space on your hardware. i've heard that some files of yours were feeling lonely. =P19:34
ikoniacoma: yes, right click on it and hit "move"19:34
nickrudwhite_eagle, well, almost never19:34
magnetronTehGuy: type: " cd .. "19:35
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: are you fairly new to Ubuntu?19:35
jimbobboyTeh_guy: man cd19:35
crow Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System19:35
crow/dev/sda1               1        3859    30997386   83  Linux19:35
crow/dev/sda2            3860        4108     2000092+  82  Linux swap / Solaris19:35
crow/dev/sda3   *        4109        8024    31455270    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)19:35
crow/dev/sda4            8025       19928    95618880    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)19:35
lgcmagnetron, is that all the offer you can help? Then be useful and don't waste other's bandwith.19:35
crow/dev/sda5            8025       19928    95618848+   c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)19:35
LiMaO!paste | crow19:35
ubotucrow: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:35
ikoniacrow: why did you do that, I asked you 2 times to not use the channel19:35
kevind23arvin_: This should help you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20253719:35
comaikonia: heh should have checked that..thanks19:35
ikoniacrypt: and ompaul asked you19:35
ikoniacroppa: and ompaul asked you19:35
TehGuyNo manual entry for cd19:35
TehGuythanks though it works/19:35
LiMaOikonia: crow was banned19:35
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: 90% of the packages you need, are in the repositories, and if they aren't in the repositories, then you should stick with whats in the repos, until you're experienced19:35
elvysDoes Somebody know Where could I find "|" on keyboard?19:35
ikoniaLiMaO: thank you19:35
kevind23wols: Well if Ubuntu lacks support for techincal users maybe I should just use Debian then19:35
ReilithionHey, how do I send commands directly to my modem, like ATZ and such.  Like the Ubuntu equivalent of Windows' Hyperterm?19:36
cryptwols: that appears to have fixed the problem thanks !19:36
KDuBAnyone know of a good Desklet app?19:36
ompaulikonia, they are not with us at the moment - someone stopped their play19:36
kevind23KDuB: Try gDesklets?19:36
obad-waronehi again19:36
nickrudelvys, on a standard us keyboard, above the enter key19:36
bulmerelvis its above \19:36
ikoniaompaul: your too quick ;)19:36
KDuBHow can i rename the mounted ntfs partiton19:36
obad-waronei am looking for games chat room19:36
magnetronlgc: please remember we are volunteers and nobody ows you an answer, especially if they don't know the answer.19:36
ikoniaobad-warone: not here, use google19:36
Roland123ikonia: the computers should be on the same network. workgroup name is the same and the computers are connected through a switch ( the computer i'm behind is connected to the internet through wifi , vista machine is not connectde to internet at all) maybe the wired ethernet device is not set up proberly?19:37
KDuBty, kevind2319:37
Roland123ikonia:  but i don't know how to check that19:37
bulmerKDuB-> unmount it and rename the mount point19:37
cachedwhat's the best way to restore grub after a windows xp install?19:37
nickrud!grub | cached19:37
ubotucached: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:37
ikonia!grub >cached19:37
KDuBbulmer, I19:37
obad-waronecan i find within network list here ?19:37
KDuBbulmer, I'm not sure of the mounting commad19:37
elvysMy keyboard is latin19:38
choongiianyone's rhythmbox freaking out in 7.10 ?19:38
lgcmagnetron, I'm one of the volunteers to. And I usually don't volunteer to remind the etiquette to others. It's useless and plainly irritating. Purism doesn't do any good here.19:38
maynards-girlhow can i check to make sure a shared folder is set up and that a computer is in a certain workgroup?19:38
bulmerKDuB-> mount -t nfs /dev/whatever /path/mountpoint19:38
elvysnickrud: My keyboard is lati19:38
IndyGunFreakchoongii: iv'e not heard anything, whats it doing?19:38
elvysnickrud: My keyboard is latn19:38
TehGuyFor some reason Wine keeps putting some fonts in this weird musical font.19:38
TehGuyWhat's going on?19:38
nickrudelvys, not sure then, sorry. I'm english->limited19:38
white_eagleoh, and I have another problem, i don't know if you are familiar with: I installed wine, cause I wanted to try quake 3, but there were some problems and I uninstalled, and the shortcuts stayed in applications/other19:38
choongiimine seems to be crashing at random every once in a while19:38
crow  Report malicious/abusive content19:38
white_eagleI mean i uninstalled quake 319:38
bulmermaynards-girl-> you can always check the permission, ls -la19:38
white_eaglenot wine19:38
LiMaOwhite_eagle: doesn't quake 3 has a native linux version?19:39
bulmermaynards-girl-> and then also check the membership of the user in /etc/group19:39
nickrudwhite_eagle, right click the applications menu bar, and delete it19:39
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: you can just delete it from the menu...19:39
lgcmagnetron, but thanks for your help and let me throw the issue in the garbage alltogether.19:39
KDuBso... mount -t nfs /media/sda119:39
LTjakeanyone have any tips on getting ansi art (w/ block characters) to display properly in the gnome terminal?19:39
KDuBthat unmounts the drive?19:39
white_eaglerofl, i'm so stupid19:39
bulmerKDuB-> mount -t nfs /dev/whatever /path/mountpoint19:39
cizarrany clue why when i change my hostname , after the reboot it changes back to the previous one?19:39
nickrudwhite_eagle, nah, just starting the learning curve. It's a fun one19:39
ikoniacrow: yes?19:39
bulmerKDuB-> no that mounts it, man umount please19:39
crowmy link19:40
cryptWols: my last question, my 3D accelerator is partially enabled, but within my Restricted Drivers, I cant seem to follow any howTO to get my "ATI Accelerated graphics driver" enabled, any assistance?19:40
cacheddo install cds double as livecds?19:40
maynards-girlbulmer, what membership should it be in?19:40
KDuBhow do i find the dev point19:40
IndyGunFreak!ati | crypt19:40
ubotucrypt: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:40
nickrudcached, the desktop ones, yes. Not the alternate or server ones19:40
ikoniacrow: that is a totally different partition layout than what you told me19:40
crowhow do u mean?19:40
lgcompaul, hi. Do you use the dictionary applet?19:40
IndyGunFreakcrow: alternate install/server install= text based... regular CD= Live CD19:41
bulmermaynards-girl-> to the group you want to share it with19:41
ompaullgc, no19:41
Reilithionnvm.  abrotman found it.  minicom19:41
maynards-girlbulmer, i want to share it with other computers on the network so i can access my tuff from my laptop19:41
nickrud!hostname > cizarr  (see private message)19:41
lgcompaul, hi. Do you use the CPU freq. control applet?19:42
white_eaglei love ubuntu also, because there is a very friendly community, lol19:42
crowso, how do I mount it ikonia?19:42
wolscrypt: what ati card is it?19:42
ompaullgc, no19:42
bulmermaynards-girl-> system->administration->shared folders19:42
KI4IKLwhen trying to compile pidgin from souce, I get this error You must have the GLib 2.0 development headers installed to build. If you have these installed already you may need to install pkg-config so I can find them.19:42
ompaullgc, perhaps you should address the channel with a specific request19:42
lgcompaul, do you use Ubuntu?19:42
IndyGunFreaklgc: whats your problem w/ the panel applets19:42
kelsinKI4IKL: any reason you're not using the pidgin ubuntu package?19:43
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava19:43
ice109are there any pdf readers for linux that can read pdf comments19:43
KI4IKLkelsin, it's old19:43
nickrudKI4IKL, why compile when it's in the repos?  and apt-get build-dep will get all the dev headers you'll need if you really want to compile19:43
IndyGunFreak!pdf | ice10919:43
ubotuice109: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)19:43
nickrudKI4IKL, apt-get build-dep pidgin, that is19:43
kelsinKI4IKL: ok well, if you must install from source you can run "sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin" to install all of the dev packages to build the ubuntu version of pidgin, most likely it will get everything19:43
ompaullgc, I have been known to use it and many other versions of the gnu/linux family why do you ask?19:43
maynards-girlbulmer, do i have to reboot when i make changes?19:43
crowikonia, how do I access my big drive?19:44
eTranquilityI messed with my graphics card driver, could someone help me get my GUI back?19:44
IndyGunFreakeTranquility: are you on another PC right now, or live cd or what?19:44
bulmermaynards-girl-> nope, you may have to activate nfs-server* in /etc/init.d19:44
ikoniacrow: 'm afraid I'm busy at the moment I'm sure someone else in here will be more than capable of helping. Remember, try to give accurate information19:44
wolseTranquility: what does your xorg.log say?19:44
nickrudeTranquility, in a console (or recovery boot console)  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg19:44
maynards-girlbulmer, how do i do that?19:44
lgcIndyGunFreak, I have two, actually: one is that after the reinstall I can't get the CPU frequency control to let me switch modes (from "powersave" to "performance", for example). I know there's a way to reconfigure it with dpkg. Do you happen to know it?19:45
IndyGunFreakeTranquility: take GENERIC defaults, or you won't get back to your GUI.. you can configure the driver once you're back at a GUI.19:45
lauriexxxhi, can anyone suggest  a quicker way to cut and copy, as it take's 60 minutes for me to move 4 movies from my home folder to my external hard drive.19:45
IndyGunFreaklgc: no19:45
eTranquilityI'm on another PC, how would I know what my xorg.log says?, and I'll try dpkg-reconfigure.19:45
IndyGunFreakeTranquility: just boot in safe mode and reconfigure...19:45
bulmermaynards-girl-> /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart19:45
lgcIndyGunFreak, the second one is with the dictoinary applet. It just won't let me type in anything.19:45
wolslauriexxx: get a usb 2.0 controller and external hdd19:45
VSpikemaynards-girl: is the other computer linux or windows?19:45
nickrudeTranquility, that command won't ask any questions, just recreate the default19:45
IndyGunFreaklgc: i've had that same problem on my PC..., but it works fine on my laptop.. not sure what the issue is.19:45
IndyGunFreaknickrud: what won't ask anyu questions?19:46
maynards-girlbulmer, will i have to reboot my laptop now to see it?19:46
mindframe_my sound is broken in quake3.  all of my other apps sound works except quake3.  it was working yesterday and now it's not.  any idea what's causing this?19:46
bulmermaynards-girl-> nope19:46
maynards-girlvspike, the other computer is a mac19:46
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lgcIndyGunFreak, hmm... how does one file a bug report?19:46
nickrudIndyGunFreak, -pcritical for xserver-xorg19:46
mindframe_is /dev/dsp the proper sound device?19:46
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IndyGunFreakoh ok.19:46
wolsmindframe_: yes19:46
IndyGunFreaklgc:  i don't know.19:46
maynards-girlvspike, i'm new to mac thing too and am clueless19:47
IndyGunFreaklgc: but regardless, you should prbably leave bug reports to experienced users.19:47
white_eaglei heard pidgin is updated can i update it using: sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin?19:47
ompaul!launchpad | lgc19:47
ubotulgc: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/19:47
IndyGunFreaki mean file one if you like, but...19:47
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: thats partially correct19:47
cryptWols: when i attempt to change to the FGLRX driver, i receive this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47588/19:47
white_eagleand fuly correct?19:47
nickrudwhite_eagle, no, that's to get the right environment for compiling pidgin, something you want to leave for later in the curve ;)19:47
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IndyGunFreakompaul: lol, now that was just funny19:47
kelsinwhite_eagle: no, that is the command to install the dev libraries to build pidgin from source, it will not update pidgin itself19:48
wolscrypt: answer my question. I didn't ask what driver you use19:48
wolsmindframe_: echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss19:48
lgcIndyGunFreak, is "launchpad" what you mean? (Ompaul, thanks.)19:48
white_eagleso, how can I update it?19:48
cryptwoops, i didnt see it19:48
IndyGunFreaklgc: yes, i know what launchpad is, but i didn't recommend it to you.19:48
lauriexxxhi, can anyone suggest  a quicker way to cut and copy, as it take's 60 minutes for me to move 4 movies from my home folder to my external hard drive.?19:48
eTranquilityOk, I reconfigured and I have my gui, but something's still wrong. The screen looks somewhat scrambled, one part of it is copied twice and there are bars all over the place.19:48
ctothejHow can I copy all files/folders from one folder (hidden or not) to another merging their contents?19:48
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cryptwols: Raedon 960019:48
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kelsinwhite_eagle: you can learn how to compile it from source if you want, you can download it from their site and read the read me in the .tar.gz19:48
cryptin an inspirion 9200 series notebook19:48
wolscrypt: and I told you before your sources.list is broken. you will have TONS of problems until you fix that19:48
lgcIndyGunFreak, so what do you have in mind?19:49
cryptwols: how do i go about correcting that?19:49
IndyGunFreakeTranquility: well, now you probablty need to get your driver installed and setup correctly19:49
IndyGunFreaklgc: nothing.19:49
wolscrypt: by editing your sources.list19:49
white_eaglebut will that update in in the place of the old19:49
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crowI have a problem: I use windows and ubtuntu on different partitions, plus one partition that I want to share between them, but I can't access it from ubuntu. can anyone help me?19:49
lgcIndyGunFreak, oh thanks.19:49
wolscrypt: things are commented out when they shouldn't be. most probably the main repo19:49
cryptwols: and where do i go to edit that and what do i edit?19:49
crypt(sorry i am new to this platform)19:50
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: you'll have to download the source code from pidgin.im  after running that build-dep command, then compile the new version of pidgin from source.19:50
sethkcrypt, that's an older version of libstdc++.  It's unusual to need it for a module that isn't also old19:50
nickrudcrypt, system->admin->software sources, make sure all the sources are ticked19:50
lauriexxxanybody know a good program for moving files quickly on feisty?19:50
sethkcrypt, what wols said, do first19:50
KDuBmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,19:50
KDuB       missing codepage or helper program, or other error19:50
KDuB       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try19:50
KDuB       dmesg | tail  or so19:50
wolssethk: fglrx is closed source software...19:50
KDuBi couldnt unmount the driver?19:50
kelsinwhite_eagle: it might instlal it over the ubuntu one, I don't know, depends on how their tar.gz installs19:50
wols!paste | KDuB19:50
ubotuKDuB: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:50
nickrudcrypt, also make sure the cd on the third tab is unticked19:50
eTranquilityHow, so how do I setup the driver?19:50
white_eagleok thanks19:50
KDuBvols im sorry19:50
sethkwols, doesn't matter, because libstdc++ versions 5 and 6 are not closed19:51
cryptsethk: on the ubuntu software tab, or the third-party tab or both?19:51
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | eTranquility19:51
ubotueTranquility: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:51
sethkcrypt, ubuntu software for libstdc++.  It's a gnu library19:51
rainhow to use 66075-SubVista.emerald ?19:51
wolssethk: but fglrx is and closed source software uses the oldest version of something if possible so they have the most compatibilitiy19:51
sethkwols, oh, I see what you mean19:52
eNons3nseHow can I tell the update manager that I don't want to update something so the orange icon will go away?19:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hold - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:52
sethkwols, but we're talking about a library change that occurred several _years_ ago ... but if the binary hasn't been updated, then it hasn't19:52
wolseNons3nse: you can set packages on hold but it's abad idea. could leave you vulnerable to security exploits19:53
rainhow to use 66075-SubVista.emerald ? I have downloaded this theme but i dont know how to use it19:53
eNons3nsewols:  The package is PenguinTV so I doubt i'm at a security risk for not updating.  I'm using an old one because the new version doesn't work with Gutsy.19:54
elvysrain: have you installed emerald theme manager?19:54
deniz_were do i get logitech x-530 drivers?19:55
nickrudeNons3nse, sudo aptitude hold <packagename> then.19:55
deniz_is there any in the first place?19:55
rainhow ?19:55
raini am beginner at here19:55
cryptThanks guys, all of the marks weren't checked on my source-list and by doing that allowed me to enable my ATI19:55
VSpikemaynards-girl: macs do smb (which is windows networking) pretty well.  They may or may not do NFS, which is more associated with Unix type systems.19:55
crypti appreciate the help19:55
wolseNons3nse: file a bug then19:55
eNons3nsenickrud: thanks.  you'd think there would be an easier way to do that built into the GUI19:55
eNons3nsewols:  it's alreay a known problem.19:56
wolsVSpike: OSX is a unix (even if only BSD)19:56
nickrudeNons3nse, I think that's easier than the gui, but I think there's a 'force version' option under one of the menus19:56
deniz_my real question is how do i make my speakers work like 5.1 since thats wat they r and not just 2 speakers of the surround system19:56
elvysrain: well, You need to install Emerald theme manager, You should install it with synaptic19:56
nickrudo.0 only ?19:56
deniz_does anyone here have a surround sound?19:56
wolsnickrud: well, actually OSX is NOT a BSD (apple lost a lawsuit about it)19:57
wolserm, not a UNIX, rather19:57
nickrudwols, ah, didn't know that. Don't follow macs much, overpriced pretty boxes in my opinion19:57
eTranquilityOk, I think I have the ati drivers installed right, the only thing is that the resolution still seems wrong. I have a widescreen. It's at 1024x768 according to screen resolution prefs but doesn't look that way.19:57
deniz_OSX is based on free BSD19:57
elvysrain: did you know how can you do that?19:57
bardyrhey i have a problem with X randomly freezing, when it does i cant move the mouse and ctrl + alt + backslash does not work alt + print scr + k does move the frozen screen but thats it how can i fix it or debug it?19:57
dug_deniz_: yeah there's a way to set also to do surround sound 5.1, lemme see19:57
Roland123does network manager allow you to connect with one interface at a time?19:57
VSpikewols: true - it almost certainly *can* do NFS. Even Windows can after all.  But I wasn't sure how integrated it would be or if it would be easy for a newcomer to set up19:57
deniz_dug_, thx19:57
dug_set alsa* i mean, not also19:58
nickrudwols, but it was the unix but only bsd that got me :)19:58
VSpikewols: but yeah if you poke around enough in OSX you can get a familiar looking command shell, for sure19:58
bqmasseyhow do I start AWN so that it does not require a terminal window to be open19:58
VSpikewols: I've discovered this often upsets Mac afficionados too19:58
dug_deniz_: sorry, i can't test myself, but this search found some info in some forums: http://www.google.com/search?source=ig&hl=en&rlz=&q=ubuntu+surround+sound+5.1&btnG=Google+Search19:58
white_eagleis amarok the best mp3 player for ubuntu?19:58
bardyrwhite_eagle, seems so, but i like xmms too19:59
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.19:59
bqmasseywhite_eagle: depends heavily on what you're looking for19:59
dug_esp. this page: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/19:59
graelinHow can I get the LAMP package?19:59
ClassicCould anyone help me a bit with firefox in ubuntu 7.10?19:59
eNons3nsewhite_eagle: many think so, but i don't really like it.  i prefer rhythmbox19:59
wolsVSpike: default filesharing on OSX is samba. as usual with apple a horrible broken, old version19:59
ice109can someone help me, ubuntu doesn't recognize my usb hard drive19:59
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: depends... i like audacious19:59
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:59
IndyGunFreakbardyr: xmms is a bit old..19:59
ice109can someone help me, ubuntu doesn't recognize my usb hard drive19:59
nickrudwhite_eagle, there are so many, you can try them all and find one that works the way you listen19:59
VSpikewhite_eagle: amarok is very sllck and good at bringing order to a large, chaotic collection19:59
white_eagleoh thanks20:00
eTranquilityOk, I think I have the ati drivers installed right, the only thing is that the resolution still seems wrong. I have a widescreen. It's at 1024x768 according to screen resolution prefs but doesn't look that way.20:00
Roland123does network manager allow you to connect with more than one interface at a time? for example if i'm connected through wifi to internet then wired connection is dropped?20:00
bqmasseywhite_eagle: i like Exaile the best20:00
wolsice109: lsusb. does it show up? does it show up in dmesg when you connect it?20:00
deniz_dug_, the first two links?20:00
dug_graelin: you can run 'tasksel' or in the synaptic package manager choose menu edit->mark packages by task20:00
IndyGunFreakexaile is ok, banshee is good.20:00
elvysbqmassey: If you've installed AWN then You should find it in Applications-->Accesories20:00
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ice109wols it doesn't show up under fdisk -l20:00
timandtomHow do I open a 3 part .rar in ubuntu 7.10?20:00
dug_deniz_: this link may work for you: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/the-simple-way-to-get-51-surround-sound-audio-working-in-ubuntu/20:00
IndyGunFreakwhite_eagle: do you need to sync an ipod w/ your collection?20:00
bqmasseywhite_eagle: they're easy to install though...   install a few of them and see what you like the best20:00
bqmasseyelvys: perfect, thanks.. i was starting with "avant-window-navigator &"20:00
wolsRoland123: if a connection drops then all programs using that connection will disconnect. you can't just changed over to the other seemlessly20:00
dug_graelin: 'sudo tasksel' i mean20:00
deniz_dug_, k thx, ill check it now20:00
ice109wols not under lsusb either20:01
nickrudbqmassey, you can add it to system->prefs->sessions startup tab also20:01
eNons3nsetimandtom: install unrar.  then in terminal do "unrar x <file name of one of the pieces>"20:01
white_eaglei like amarok, for now20:01
ice109can someone help me, ubuntu doesn't recognize my usb hard drive20:01
white_eagleit is very slick20:01
Roland123can i use 2 connections at the same time, one connected to a network with internet and the other to a network with no internet?20:02
qaldunewhite_eagle did u tried rhythmbox?20:02
timandtomeNons3nse: ok, thanks. do i need to change to the directory first? And only the filename of one piece, right?20:02
wolsRoland123: yes20:02
ompaul!enter | white_eagle20:02
ubotuwhite_eagle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:02
bqmasseythanks nickrud20:02
Roland123wols: how?20:02
wolsRoland123: when they are in different subnets20:02
wolsRoland123: have different IPs20:02
eNons3nseyeah.  go into the directory.  the file name should be all one word, but if it's not you can put the file name in quotes.  i believe the x option tells it to unrar it in the current directory.20:02
Roland123wols: may i contact you with private msg's?20:03
elvysbqmassey: Do you know How can I install AWN-EXTRAS? I mean AWN Applets20:03
VSpikecan anyone recommend me a cheapish mono laser that is linux friendly?20:03
qwazwhy are there 3 different places i can make cron tasks?20:03
eTranquilityI think I have the ati driver installed right, the only thing is that the resolution still seems wrong. I have a widescreen. It's at 1024x768 according to screen resolution prefs but doesn't look that way. How do I get it back to my normal 1024x768?20:04
qwazand which one should i use?20:04
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bqmasseyelvys, no i dont..  just installed awn myself. sorry.20:04
white_eaglelove ubuntu20:04
deniz_dug_, how do i get tot hat gedit window thing and do i type that exact text or is it diff for diff kinds of brands and models of speaker systems?20:04
sethkeTranquility, 1024x768 is not a wide screen resolution, it's a 4:3 resolution20:04
kelsinqwaz: depends on your needs at the time? Just a job for your users put it in your own crontab file "crontab -e"20:04
askandMy totem media player is stuck in fullscreen..someone knows how to fix that?20:04
ice109can someone help me i cna't get any external hard drive to mount20:04
EtteSBaskand: hit F?20:05
IndyGunFreakice109: is it not mounting, or can you not write to it?20:05
Roland123wols: how do i set up the wired connection?20:05
askandEtteSB: doesnt help.. : /20:05
crcarlsonCould someone help me debug an Ubuntu 6.06 install?  It runs fine from the live-cd but freezes after a few hours off of the HD boot.20:05
dug_deniz_: you can go to the menu system->accessories->terminal then type "gedit .asoundrc" (no quotes)20:05
ice109indygunfreak not mounting20:05
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: maybe use a distro that isn't 2yrs old?20:05
adamonline45Can I get FM/HD radio on a computer?  Not streaming radio... true FM/HD?  I mean, is there such a module available?20:05
nickrudaskand, alt-ctl-f1 , log in, killall totem20:05
wolsRoland123: nab ubterfaces, guve ut a statuc ip20:05
eTranquilityEr... maybe I have the wrong numbers then. I don't quite remember what it used to be... but I don't have any widescreen resolutions in the dropdown list. How do I get them there?20:05
nickrudaskand, alt-f7 to get back to gui20:06
EtteSBaskand: i'd force quit it then. im a bit lazy when to anything right :P20:06
sethkadamonline45, some of the wintv boards have FM radio20:06
crcarlsonI am trying to run EMC2 which is bundled with 6.0620:06
Roland123wols: i'll try20:06
sethkadamonline45, I think there are some others also, but I'm sure about the wintv board with FM20:06
IndyGunFreak!mount | ice10920:06
ubotuice109: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:06
timandtomWhats the command to change directory again? for my home folder>etc, or something like that20:06
IndyGunFreaktimandtom: cd20:06
askandnickrud: EtteSB: the problem is not quitting it..that I can simply do with alt+f4..20:06
qwazkelsin: what's the difference between cron and at? at is a one time deal?20:07
kelsinqwaz: yes20:07
IndyGunFreaktimandtom: for instance, cd /home/indygunfreak/Desktop puts me on my desktop20:07
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cryptk. i was able to enable my ATI accelator now, but now i am unable to use the desktop effects feature?20:07
nickrudonsoleaskand, the only time totem ever did that full screen freeze was when it crashed, I needed the conls20:07
nickruder, I really gotta get a new keyboard20:07
KvistHow do I know what dpi I should set for the fonts? I set it to 153 but my fonts became too huge and horrible.. Sometimes either the bold is too blurry, and normal text okay, or the other way round. I just can't get everything to look right and I've tried all the default fonts and more20:07
askandnickrud yea but it doesnt hlp with restart..20:08
EtteSBaskand: go to synatpic, do a reinstall of totem20:08
askandEtteSB:  Tried that to..even purged it20:08
timandtomBah, crashed... How do I change directory again? To Home Folder\etc20:08
nickrudaskand, I switched to vlc for my viewing needs, I just plain got tired of totem20:08
IndyGunFreaktimandtom: cd /path/to/folder20:08
adamonline45sethk: Cool, ty :)20:08
timandtomah, thanks20:08
deniz_dug_, now my sound doesnt work at all!20:09
EtteSBaskand: im stumped then. sry i couldn't be much help20:09
crcarlsonIndyGunFreak : Was hanging a known issue with 6.06?20:09
deniz_i cant take that text out and it should work but itll be same as b4...20:09
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: no..20:09
timandtomShould I get unrar, or unrar-free in synaptic?(sorry for all the questions, should be done after this one! :)20:09
EtteSBaskand: or as nickrud says, switch to VLC :P20:09
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: is your PC fairly new?20:09
dug_deniz_: I would just delete that file (.asoundrc) from your home folder then, sorry I'm not of help, you might keep googling things like "ubuntu surround sound"20:09
askandEtteSB: thanks for trying..looks like thas what I have to do20:09
crcarlsonIndyGunFreak : vintage 2000, AMD 1.1Ghz20:09
deniz_dug_, its ok, at least u got me started thx :)20:10
askandEtteSB: Why is VLC not standard in ubuntu? Do you think totem is better in any way?20:10
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: i don't know, but why did you bother installing a distro that has had 3 newer releases since it was considerd current?20:10
blahingi need to  bridge the connection from my wifi to my nick card (to my router) how can i do that?, so i am going from a wifi connection to a nick (eth0) witch is connected to the modem port on my router20:10
EtteSBaskand: i'd think someone made totem for ubuntu/linux. where as VLC is cross platform (windows/linux) not sure about mac tho :P20:11
crcarlsonIndyGunFreak : I am trying to use the linuxCNC.org EMC2, which is a RTAI machine control package.20:11
timandtomShould I install unrar, or unrar-free in Synaptic?20:11
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kelsinEtteSB: vlc, is for max as well, but askand: totem is the default gnome player and integrates into the desktop nicely20:11
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: that still doesn't explain why you chose a distro that was 2yrs old...20:11
EtteSBtimandtom: Id keep the one in synaptic then it auto-gets updates20:12
maynards-girlbulmer, i got it working!20:12
maynards-girlthanks for the suggestions before20:12
crcarlsonIndyGunFreak : Their latest release is a live-CD based upon 6.06.  I believe the thinking is that 6.06 was one of the long term supported releases.20:12
EtteSBim trying to change ownership of a folder i want to write to. its a folder that a HDD is mounted to. when i try i get "chown: changing ownership of `/HDD2': Operation not permitted"20:12
timandtomEtteSB: I mighta worded that badly... Both are in Synaptic, I don't know which I should get from it, unrar, or unrar-free20:12
sc0tchis there a "standard" package to install the latest version of java on gutsy?20:12
kelsinEtteSB: is it a ntfs mount?20:12
IndyGunFreakcrcarlson: well, ya, but if you're  not paying for support, then 6.06 is kinda pointless.20:13
kelsinsc0tch: "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre"20:13
MilitantPotato!java | sc0tch20:13
ubotusc0tch: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre20:13
sethkEtteSB, when the drive is mounted, you cannot do anything to the mount point.  The mount point directory essentially ceases to exist.20:13
sethkEtteSB, you can umount, and change it, but it isn't likely to do what you expect20:14
pegasosHello. I just have a quick, simple question. When installing apache through apt-get (well, synaptic but...), where in Ubuntu is the folder in which to put the files I want to be on the server?20:14
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CoasterMasterpegasos, I think it's /var/www, but I'm not 100% sure20:14
EtteSBkelsin: its fat32. i would do NTFS (or what ever is the latest windows one) but fat32 is the best one on gparted.20:15
sethkpegasos, /usr/local/apache2/htdocs, I believe.  It may be /var/www20:15
kelsinpegasos: if you're install apache2 at least the default site config is in /etc/apach2/sites-available/default20:15
rainhow to use emerald theme? i installed emrald and emerald-theme20:15
crcarlsonIndyGunFreak : Ok.  Apparently there are a few hundred users of this distro and it works out fine for them.  I have tried replacing RAM, CPU fans, and power supplies.20:15
kelsinEtteSB: yeah fat32 and ntfs don't support permissions, they aren't unix file systems, so on the mount command (or in fstab) you can set a umask and a uid/gid for it to mount as20:15
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pegasosAh, /var/www/ atleast has some that seem to work. Haven't looked at those others yet but thanks, everyone20:15
sethkpegasos, point a browser at the server, then use lsof to find the location of the index.html showing the "under construction" message20:16
kelsinEtteSB: "mount <dev> <place> -o umask=<whatever>,uid=<whatever>,gid=<whatever>"20:16
luisdwqEscriba el texto aquí....hola20:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about clamav - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about av - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:16
ubotuantivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus20:17
ubotuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2120:17
pegasosOkay, thanks but everything is fine for now again. Thanks again and bye.20:17
kelsinpegasos: /usr/share/doc/package-name/README.Debian ussually has ubuntu/debian specific info like that in it20:17
KI4IKLWhere can I cahnge my workgroup in ubuntu gutsY?20:17
sethkvirus scanning is needed if you run a mail server.20:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about workgroup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:17
sethkwhich I guess is "serving windows clients" although most people wouldn't make that connection20:17
timandtomAnyone know if I should install unrar, or unrar-free? Both are in Synaptic20:17
bulmermaynards-girl-> congrats..20:18
VSpikecan anyone recommend me a cheapish mono laser that is linux friendly?20:18
luisdwqEscriba el texto aquí....hola20:18
sethktimandtom, free, unless you have a problem with free20:18
wolstimandtom: unrar. has more features20:18
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EtteSBkelsin: whats gid/unmask? im guessing uid is user id.20:18
sirjoebobhello all. quick question... i vnc into my  home ubuntu pc remotely and it got restarted.... is there a method to log it in via ssh and connect to it?20:18
wolstifine: e.g. support for newer rar versions20:18
kelsinKI4IKL: it's a samba setting. I think in System->Admin->Shared FOlders you can set it20:18
bulmerVSpike-> laserjet 4  they go for around 20 bux on craigslist20:18
VSpikeKI4IKL: the most direct way is to do gksudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf20:18
jas01Is there a better GTK IRC client than Xchat?20:18
wolsEtteSB: group id. and it's umask20:18
CoasterMasterIs there an alternative to the built in gnome-panel weather applet?20:18
rpedro__since I distupgraded from feisty to gutsy, my screen is garbled when I switch to a virtual terminal from X with ALT + Fx, and I have to switch back to X. is there a way to fix it?20:19
kelsinEtteSB: gid is group is, and umask is a inverse of the octal permission you want. If you want the folder to be 755 you set a umask of 02220:19
squarebracketis there a way to setup files with certain extensions to launch in different programs? i wanted to associate all .exe's with wine20:19
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kelsinsquarebracket: right click and select properties on a .exe file, then look at the Open With tab20:19
rpedro__squarebracket: right click on an .exe, -> properties -> opens with tab. there select wine20:19
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VSpikeKI4IKL: Look for the line "workgroup = HOME" or similar20:20
squarebracketthanks :)20:20
EtteSB!fstab > EtteSB20:20
squarebracketfigured it was something simple like that20:20
hikenbootwols, it turns out that the restricted drives didint get installled on the usb drive and that was the problem...thanks for leading me in the right direction20:20
nikosapiAnyone know of some software I can use to draw vectors? eg. I want to use magnitude and direction to create lines.20:20
sirjoebobis there a method to log into x session through ssh?20:20
VSpikeKI4IKL: you will need to do "sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart" when done editing20:20
jake_counterstike source under wine no sound any ideas20:20
bulmernikosapi-> inkscape20:21
classicDoes anyone know why the updating of the MD5 for flash-nonfree is unupdated?20:21
VSpikebulmer: interesting idea, but wouldn't an lj4 be worn out by now?20:21
kelsinsirjoebob: not with how you're thinking. If you want something like remote desktop you should look into VNC. With ssh though you can run a program remotely and have it appear on your screen with X-Forwarding20:21
nikosapibulmer: I'll check it out20:21
VSpikeand why a for rather than a 5 or 6?20:21
bulmerVSpike-> they are work horses of my era...lolz..they keep on churnin20:21
CastegereHas any one seen a problem with the update manager, I'm getting 'The list of changes is not available yet.'20:21
sirjoebobkelsin i have ssh and vnc access to the machine but i restarted and i just need to actually get it logged in so i can vnc20:21
bulmerVSpike-> well a 5 or a 6 is okay too, i had 4 in my mind thats all20:21
qwazkelsin: where should the crontab file be kept once it's edited? ~/,crontab?20:22
VSpikebulmer: agreed, they were great printers20:22
sirjoebobjake_ go to the wine configuration and make sure it is using the correct audio type (alsa/oss)20:22
VSpikebulmer: what's the toner/drum cost like?20:22
kelsinqwaz: you use the command "EDITOR=gedit crontab -e" to edit your crontab, it will take care of it for you20:22
arkohow can I see the messages showed during boot? It was too fast and I could not read an error.20:22
sirjoebobkelsin, is there a way to get it logged back in without physical access?20:22
bulmerVSpike-> thats the kicker on all printers, ink cost more than the printer/print head..20:22
jake_sirjoebob i tried all the sound settings alsa oss still nothing20:23
qwazkelsin: i just used vi....but it saved to /tmp/contab.gdtd8p/crontab20:23
VSpikebulmer: a lot of the cheap lasers you buy now are essentially disposable items because the cost of new toner/drum is more than another cheap laser20:23
bulmerVSpike-> if you can get some of those refills maybe it will lessen your cost20:23
kelsinsirjoebob: don't think so, ussually when I set up vnc a vnc login would spawn a new xsession anyway, I don't normally go for the "export my current desktop" model for that very reason :-(20:23
sirjoebobjake_ i wouldnt know then... i never had that issue and i am not that sure of what to do.20:23
sirjoebobkelsin, how do i make it create a new login?20:23
rainI have running emerald themer What i do now? how i use >>>66075-SubVista.emerald<<<  how i apply emerald theme?20:24
kelsinqwaz: it should have spit out a message like "installing new crontab" or something, even if it doesn't just running "crontab -e" again and seeing your change is enough to know it's working20:24
jake_sirjoebob what do you have your sound set on20:24
VSpikeVSpike: true.  my company are quite into samsung printers and they are indeed pretty good, but their linux support is patchy20:24
VSpikebulmer: ^20:24
bulmerVSpike-> matter of factly I do have a need for a toner right now, my kids report has a smudged bar on one side..20:24
VSpikebulmer: sorry long day... 3 year old's birthday party :)20:24
sirjoebobjake_ i believe alsa... i am not on that machine ATM20:24
kelsin!vnc | sirjoebob20:24
ubotusirjoebob: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX20:24
bulmerVSpike-> im partial to HP printers, because of experience i guess..20:25
jake_sirjoebob ok thanks for the input20:25
elvysrain: Now, Open Emerald manager and click "Import", find your emerald packages and that's all20:25
VSpikebulmer: Those old lasers were great, but I'm not sure the new ones stand up so well, especially at the budget end20:25
sirjoebobjake_ np. good luck20:25
raini did it20:26
pinghey how can i install the w32codecs20:26
sirjoebobkelsin, thanks i will go try and meddle with it some more20:26
raini see emerald there20:26
kritzstapfhi, the power button of my thinkpad r61 does not work with ubuntu, is there a way to get it working?20:26
rainhow i apply it?20:26
Slart!codecs | ping20:26
bulmerVSpike-> right, thats why I suggested craigslist, i frequently see them at around 20 bux or so,or maybe even for a song20:26
ubotuping: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:26
VSpikebulmer: their linux compatibility is commendable though, although I'm sure I saw on the database that some of the cheap HP's did not work so well.20:26
elvysdid you open emerald manager now?20:26
markus_How do I uninstall ubuntu?20:26
VSpikebulmer: craigslist is basically US only I guess, right?20:26
elvysrain: did you open emerald manager now20:26
VSpikebulmer: but I'm sure the same will apply in $LOCATION20:27
Slartmarkus_: uninstall? can't you just delete the partition when you install your next os?20:27
rainhow u use selected emarald?20:27
bulmerVSpike-> globally, but predominantly in sf california ..the busiest web location20:27
elvysdo you see Import button?20:27
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rainihave imported it20:27
elvysclick it20:27
markus_What if I want to go to my old os on a different partion20:27
IanLiuI am getting crazy with this bug... Whenever I press the "Log off, switch user [...]" button, my X crashes... I can't interact with anything... So I must restart X with Ctrl + Alt + Backspace... Any tips? Anyone experiencing the same problem?20:27
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bulmerVSpike-> i just realized, we are near silicon valley, so yah, printers are cheaper here i guess..way many competitions20:28
raini heva theme in list20:28
sethkIanLiu, see if there are any useful messages in the X log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log)20:28
rainwhat i do now?20:28
elvysOk, then click it20:28
IanLiusethk: Ok, I will see20:28
raini click on theme?20:29
Slartmarkus_: then delete the ubuntu partition and use the space for something else.. add it to the original partition or make it into a separate drive20:29
elvysyes, You should20:29
rainand now? nothing happens20:29
proximohey, im trying to install wine, but its been standing on "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" for 5-6 mins now, is that normal ?20:30
markus_how do I remove a  partition?20:30
CastegereHas any one seen a problem with the update manager, I'm getting 'The list of changes is not available yet.'?20:30
Slartmarkus_: you'll have to do that from the other os.. you can't do it while ubuntu is still running20:30
bulmermarkus_-> umm you mean do not mount it?20:30
classicCould somone help me with flash on gutsy x86_64?20:30
elvysok, you should restart your Interface graphic20:30
jake_proximo it should still go mine took awhile20:30
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rainhow i restart it?20:31
raini need logoff?20:31
elvysrain: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE, and try again20:31
proximojake_: ok, guess ill wait a little longer then =)20:31
Slartclassic: I don't know if there is a new, better way of doing it now.. but I used something called firefox32 to get flash working.. try googling for it20:31
IanLiusethk: The file is very long, but there are no (EE) marks...20:32
jake_proximo lol i know its painful20:32
KDuBwhere do i go to edit the  boot config?20:32
Slartclassic: since then I updated to gutsy and it installed flash automatically... think it uses some kind of wrapper..20:32
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classicSlart, yeah, but that's the problem, it fails due to some MD5-error20:33
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markus_how do I start my other os (windows xp)? It's on the nfts partition and ubuntu is on the ext3 partition20:33
kevin__is it possible to have compiz working at the gdm login screen?, specifically the zoom plugin20:33
classicAnd the x86 .tar.gz from adobe.com won't install under x86_6420:33
elvysrain: Open emerald manager and try again now20:33
STcomexcuse me, but my resolution is refusing to set itself to 1600 x 1200, instead setting itself to 1400 x 1050.  any suggestions?20:34
Slartclassic: oh.. never had those kind of problems.. don't really know how to solve it20:34
rainnothing happens20:34
classicthanks anyway, Slart  =)20:34
jas01Is there a better GTK IRC client than Xchat?20:34
jake_rain does it show theme in emerald to select20:35
Slartmarkus_: I'm just guessing here.. but I think you can insert your original windows xp cd and use some kind of rescue mode.. you'll probably want to restore the mbr to get xp running again.... if you really want to get rid of grub20:35
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elvysI pass through that, Restart your computer20:35
rainmaybe i meke screen hot and uploadit some where?20:35
jake_rain i agree restart20:36
nickrud!grub | markus_20:36
ubotumarkus_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:36
elvysrain: I passed through that, Restart your computer20:36
plutarcuswhat cool irc20:36
ReilithionHow can I figure out what /dev/ my modem is?20:36
plutarcusi've never been here20:36
plutarcusand sorry for my english XD20:36
Reilithionfor use with, i.e. minicom, cutecom20:37
KI4IKLFor some reason when I share a folder on my laptop they don't show up under MSHOME/jared-laptop20:37
mrmondayWhat is the command to choose my preferred applications?20:37
KI4IKLand my desktop isn't even showing up in mshome20:37
Slartplutarcus: don't be sorry.. as long as you can make yourself understood.. we are all from different parts of the world20:37
nickrudmrmonday, system->prefs->preferred apps20:37
plutarcusyes, i'm italian for example20:37
mrmondaynickrud, I'm not in gnome and it isn't on my menu - I need the command :)20:38
STcommy resolution is being stubborn and staying at 1400 x 1050, even when I attempt to change it to 1600 x 1200.  suggestions, please?20:38
atlantisPure Genius20:38
nickrudmrmonday, ah, I'm gnomecentric, don't mess with lesser things ;)20:38
Slartmrmonday: here the launcher points to "gnome-default-applications-properties"20:38
task0hello all, im having problems with video playback...20:39
hellfirewhat problem?20:39
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rainrestart didnt help20:39
mrmondaySlart, thanks, that worked :)20:39
jake_rain is it the default red20:39
task0hellfire: playback isn't fliud20:39
Erealzis their a way to restart gnome couse I got an error msg saying it couldlnt load?20:40
Flare183Flare183 is at Walmart20:40
ctothejhow can I check the UUID of hard drives from the command line?20:40
mrmondaySlart, do you know the kde equivalent? It is set correctly in the gnome properties20:40
mjbauerhello everyone, I want to know where i can start in the development of ubuntu20:40
elvysrain: did you open again Emerald Manager after restart and even nothing?20:40
blithenErealz CRTL ALT Backspace20:40
Slartmrmonday: I have no idea.. I haven't used KDE much.. perhaps ask in #kubuntu?20:41
jake_rain is it the default red?20:41
raini dont know i upload my screenhot20:41
proximowhere do i turn off those desktop effects ?20:41
rencore_how can i see why my computer froze20:42
STcomproximo: right click, desktop20:42
elvysproximo: dou you speak spanish?20:42
STcomproximo: go to the visual effects tab, and select "none"20:42
proximoelvys: no sorry i dont20:42
mnemonicaHey, question: Is it possible to create new hotkeys? Such as Super+T to open Terminal?20:43
yassinegood evening everyone20:43
STcomproximo: did you get that?20:43
rob3rI'm looking to buy some ear/headphones, just wondering if anyone has some suggestions on USB ones that work well, or if you just got jack general suggestions on what you like would be appreciated20:43
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rob3rI'm running 7.1020:43
yassinehow can execute/start a program to run on an other tty while im connected per remote ssh ?20:43
ReilithionAnyone have the /dev/modem link?  If so, where does it point on your system?20:43
proximoSTcom: ahh yes, you missed the "change background" part but i figured out, thanks!20:43
mnemonicaI've already tried keyTouch, too confusing.20:43
rainlook this20:44
rainits my emerald20:44
STcomproximo: yeah, I'm slightly lazy, and assumed you'd get it.  You're welcome20:44
Wengrob3r: I've always had success with whatever headsets Logitech is selling around the $15 pricerange at any given moment. But those ain't USB.20:44
hellfiretoo slow cpu/gpu?20:44
mnemonicaHey, question: Is it possible to create new hotkeys? Such as Super+T to open Terminal?20:45
proximoSTcom: hehe, perfectly good excuse! =)20:45
rob3rWeng: you can just plug 'em in and go? I am working on a long ass paper for school and want to quick go out and grab a pair of head phones so I can listen to music at a cofeeshop, I don't have time to mess around : )20:45
STcommnemonica: yes20:45
hellfirewhat's 6.9 ??20:45
elvysrain: do you have Compiz Fusion working on your ubuntu?20:45
rainhttp://autoit.pri.ee/emerald.png        <-- emerald here how apply it?20:45
mrmondaySlart, using the kde preferred apps thing didn't do it either :S20:45
rainwhats this?20:45
mnemonicaSTcom: Would you care to tell me how? :)20:45
Wengrob3r: Yep. Assuming your sound card works, anyway.20:45
STcommnemonica: system>pref>keyboard shortcuts20:45
aladdinsanewhy doesn't my second internal hd show up in my applications like gimp/OOo/Nautilus/etc but does so in Thunar? And no, its not in fstab, if i put it there i have to define it as a folder, which i dont want.20:46
aladdinsaneMy guess is that my user dont have the privileges, can i somehow set them with chown chmod?20:46
bconnollyanyone know how to invoke gnome-launch-box?20:46
rob3rWeng: yeah, soundcard works great. Thanks a lot, I'll just go  with a jack headphone then20:46
Slartmrmonday: what are you trying to achieve?20:46
hellfireA: a 69 interrupted by a period !!!20:46
elvysdo you have ubuntu 7.10 on your computer?20:46
rain Compiz Fusion Whats this and how i get it?20:46
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX20:46
kritzstapfhi, the power button of my thinkpad r61 does not work with ubuntu, is there a way to get it working?20:46
STcommnemonica: did you get to the editing screen?20:46
mnemonicaSTcom: How do you create a new one? I've attempted that, and seen previously configured keyboard shortcuts that I can edit... But nothing such as "Add this action to the list" "Associate complex keystroke with action"... That sort of thing.20:46
elvysrain: do you have ubuntu 7.10 on your computer20:47
mnemonicaSTcom: Yes, I have it up.20:47
Slartrain: it's the spinning cube.. the bling bling of ubuntu.. the shoeshine ... bringer of 'ooohh' and 'aaahhh's...20:47
squarebracketDoes the terminal server client use SSH?20:47
jake_rain looks like an old version of emerald20:47
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:47
mrmondaySlart, when I open links in XChat it opens in Konqueror, not firefox since I installed KDE20:47
white_eaglehello, how to install kubuntu?20:47
rainyou looked my picture?20:47
Slartmrmonday: it isn't some kind of xchat setting?20:47
white_eagleon top of ubuntu?20:48
mrmondaythere is no option in XChat to choose the browser, so I'm presuming it's a default apps thing20:48
STcommnemonica: ah, sorry.  I misunderstood your question.  I don't know how to assemble your own shortcuts :(20:48
rainat  addres i given u20:48
elvysrain: I'm on that20:48
white_eaglehow to install kubuntu on top of ubuntu?20:48
=== dzano_boy is now known as resko
Slartmrmonday: hmm.. hang on.. I'll check20:48
mnemonicaSTcom: Heh. You're straight... Eh... Is it possible, though?20:48
rainwhats wrong there?20:48
mrmondaySlart, thanks :)20:48
mnemonicaStcom: Or would you know a specific place to ask such a question?20:48
STcomI would think that maybe here, or the ubuntu forums would probably work20:49
white_eaglehow to install kubuntu on top of ubuntu?20:49
rainhow i apply selected theme?20:49
ping_compiz wont run it gives me Checking for Xgl: not present.20:49
ping_No whitelisted driver found i have an ati 110020:49
qaldunewhite_eagle: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:49
bconnollyisn't that just kde, though?20:49
Slartmrmonday: I'm running ubuntu gutsy with gnome.. and xchat runs whatever I select in "preferred applications"20:49
DabianHow do I check the bugs in a package?  (I think xdvi might be broken in gutsy)20:50
mrmondaySlart, :S20:50
STcommnemonica: maybe someone else in here, or the ubuntu website forums20:50
mrmondaySlart, I've set it as firefox in both KDE and Gnmoe preferred apps :S20:50
jake_rain what version of ubuntu are you running20:50
elvysrain: try to changing the apperance20:50
Slartmrmonday: odd.. and it still runs konqueror?20:50
mnemonicaSTcom: Alright... Been searching the forums, no luck as of yet.20:50
elvysrain: try to changing the appearance20:50
mrmondaySlart, yeah :/20:50
bardyrwhat is the best VNC/remote desktop program in ubuntu? i have tried tightvnc but its not very good compered to rdp20:51
mnemonicaSTcom: Thank you very much, though.20:51
rainI am going to away now20:51
Jan`hihi all20:51
=== _etotheip is now known as etotheipi
meticulordep beest20:51
STcommnemonica: wish I could have been more help20:51
Jan`we're building a media PC to go by the TV. Is there any software available to record DVB broadcasts using a suitable tuner card?20:51
ping_ compiz wont run it gives me Checking for Xgl: not present.20:51
ping_ No whitelisted driver found i have an ati 110020:51
elvyson system--->Preferences---->appearance20:51
meticulotry mythtv20:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about stopspy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:51
jake_elvys we tried\20:51
Jan`mythtv seems kinda overkill20:51
meticulowhat else did u have in mind20:52
meticulotvtime is nice for viewing tv20:52
meticulomplayer u can do a ton with the tv though20:52
Jan`all I wanted was to be able to do time slip recording20:52
Jan`like we all used to do on VHS :)20:52
radioaktivstormhello, I am having issues with my mime types, for some reason, files saved as application/javascript change mime type to text/x-matlab when i double click on them to open. does anyone have any suggestions?20:52
Dabianmeticulo: But it wont work with many modern cards that has onboard decoders, like PVR-xxx20:52
=== Ash908_Server is now known as Ashfie_Server
Jan`what I really want to be able to do is to record the DVB mpeg stream, so we can watch it again without recompression.20:53
=== Ashfie_Server is now known as Ashfire_Server
GekoneBuonasera a tutti.20:53
Jan`I don't know if that's normally how it's done, difficult, never-thought-of, or whatever.20:53
meticulowell i use mplayer and i dump the streams20:53
elvysrain: do you have beryl on ubuntu?20:53
ping_hey im having trouble with my compiz it tells me "Checking for Xgl: not present.20:54
ping_No whitelisted driver found20:54
ping_i have a ati 110020:54
Jan`We're not that technical. Is mythtv really hard to set up?20:54
meticulono its actaully pretty easy20:55
S2PIDperhaps somebody here knows the easiest way to change my synaptics touchpad settings?20:55
meticulojust install it in synaptic20:55
meticuloand it opens a wizard20:55
meticuloand thats that20:55
Dabianjan`: Its hard to set up, unless you read the documentation.  I'd say its worth the trouble though.20:55
tifineany eclipse user ?20:56
Reilithionand me20:56
Jan`In what way is it hard to set up?20:56
tifinei am using eclipse 3.2.2 , still getting this error "xdoclet:missing ", is their anybody who can help ?20:56
meticuloits not, to make it easy install all myth packages and mysql packages20:56
meticuloif u dont then u have to read the manual...20:56
drakencan someone help me, my pc doesnt want to mount my windows drive20:57
Jan`Aargh, it uses SQL20:57
amonkeyhow do i tell nm-applet not to connect to certain networks? or which ones to connect to first? google told me to change a non-existant gconf entry so i'm lost.20:57
* Jan` runs screaming20:57
Reilithiontifine: when do you get this error?20:57
Dabianjan: MySQL20:57
drakencan someone help me, my pc doesnt want to mount my windows drive20:57
tifine<Reilithion> now i got it basically created a web-project and got this error message20:58
meticulotry this in console20:58
meticulosudo mount -t ntfs-3g -f /dev/harddrivelabel /mountpount20:58
tifineReilithion: now i got it basically created a web-project and got this error message20:58
KDuBmeticulo, how do i unmount?20:58
Reilithiontifine: Try backing up your .eclipse folder and deleting it, then recreate the project.  See if the error still happens.20:59
rainrain: try to changing the appearance <- where i get it? @ kcontrol?21:00
KDuBmeticulo, how do i unmount?21:00
elvysrain: do you have Beryl?21:00
elvysberyl actived?21:01
rainwhats this?21:01
drakenta metic21:01
raini heve to type sudo apt-get install  beryl?21:01
drakencan anyone help me get this ubuntu 3d ?21:01
elvyson the console, type beryl-manager and See if happen something21:02
tifineReilithion: okie i made a backup and delete the .eclipse folder21:02
elvysrain:  on the console, type beryl-manager and See if happen something21:02
boguhhow can i use a crypted home partition when installing a fresh system with the alternate boot cd?21:03
elvysrain: when you want to talk to me type "elvys: bla bla bla"21:03
=== sharpie is now known as Sharpie
KDuBmeticulo, how do i unmount?21:03
drakencan someone help me get  Compiz Fusion working ?21:04
rainelvys nothing happens21:04
KDuBdraken,  #compiz-fusion21:04
rainelvys: beryl-manager21:04
KDuBthey'll get ya going21:04
tifineReilithion: i did that but its not giving me an option in eclipse to create a dynamic project !!!21:05
* genii sips a coffee21:05
rencore_do icons need to be square?21:05
KDuBCan someone give me the command to unmound my ntfs drive?21:05
zenlunaticis there an off-topic ubuntu channel to bs in?21:06
rainrain@rain:~$ X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16921:06
rain  Major opcode:  14521:06
rain  Minor opcode:  321:06
rain  Resource id:  0x021:06
rainFailed to open device21:06
rainX Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16921:06
rain  Major opcode:  14521:06
rain  Minor opcode:  321:06
rain  Resource id:  0x021:06
Randal^Hi all, brief question, how can I make a network adaptor connect automaticaly on boot?  Thanks, Rob.21:06
rainFailed to open device21:06
tifineReilithion: ?21:06
elvysrain: open synaptic and install Beryl, this would be better21:07
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:07
* Jan` assumes ubotu is a bot21:07
KDuBCan someone give me the command to unmound my ntfs drive?21:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about twitter - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:07
KDuBCan someone give me the command to unmount my ntfs drive?21:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libpurple - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:07
Dabianubotu: bugs?21:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bugs? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:07
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.021:07
Dabianubotu, bug21:07
ubotuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots21:07
rainelvys: i cant open it21:08
elvyswhy?, don't you find it?21:09
=== Ash908 is now known as Ashfire908
elvysrain: why?, don't you find it?21:09
SlartKDuB: sudo umount /mountpoint should work21:09
squarebracketis there a command to unmount a drive?21:10
Jan`isn't that just mount -u21:10
ribatejohaving big problem with printing with gutsy21:11
meticulowhats the problem21:11
rainelvys: i have this program running21:11
SlartJan`: mount doesn't have a u switch as far as I can see from the man page21:11
rainno, beryl21:12
rainwhat i do with it?21:12
KDuBSlart, i was trying to unmount it so i could rename it however that wasnt the case because i still cant rename it even though it was not mounted.21:12
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
ribatejohave brother mfc printer 3820cn21:13
elvysclose it, and try to changing themes in emerald manager21:13
ribatejothe wiz installs the printer cause it finds it on the lan with cups21:13
elvysrain:  close it, and try to changing themes in emerald manager21:13
squarebracketneither unmount or mount -u work/exist21:13
qwazcan cron be used to launch apps?21:13
SlartKDuB: rename "it"? what is the "it" ? the mountpoint? or you want to rename the drive?21:13
KDuBi want to rename the driver21:14
KDuBi want to rename the drive21:14
KDuBit is currently sda121:14
rainelvys: I have running  Beryl maneger,Ii changed themes in emerald mannager, nothing happens21:14
ribatejoinstalls with the driver mfc6550mfc which is the same driver I think21:14
geniidevice names are not reassignable21:14
SlartKDuB: hmm.. you are sure you want to rename the drive?? don't think you can do that21:14
ribatejoI see on the printer "receiving data"21:14
KDuBjust the drive name21:14
KDuBnot the drive itself21:14
ribatejobut nothing prints...printer is fine, I can print from a windows machine21:14
SlartKDuB: I think you really want to rename the mountpoint...21:14
DosKeyYou might want to run ‘apt-get -f install’ to correct these.21:15
DosKeyThe following packages have unmet dependencies.21:15
DosKeyI try apt-get -f install21:15
elvysrain: you should close beryl manager and try with emerald themes21:15
KDuBok then yes you're right, Slart21:15
ice109im having trouble writing an external drive21:15
SlartKDuB: the mount-point is what you use the use the drive.. the mount point is what shows up in nautilus21:15
DosKeyI even tried emptying the apt cache21:15
ice109how do i change read/write permission21:15
DosKeyStill no luck.21:15
task0hello all, im having problems with video playback... playback is not fluid21:15
DosKeyice109 chmod21:15
ribatejoi just installed and did an upgrade with 77 packages21:15
raini closeb Beryl and selected theme21:15
rain,nothing happens21:15
DosKeyDo you have direct rendering enabled?21:15
SlartKDuB: and the mountpoint is just a folder.. just like every other folder.. change the name of the folder.. and change the mountpoint accordingly in /etc/fstab or when you mount it21:16
dabluemanhey everybody21:16
DosKeyglxinfo | grep direct21:16
DosKey@ rain21:16
ribatejodon't understand much about printing with linux...I think the programmers of cups were smoking soemthing when they did the interface :)21:16
ice109doskey how can i see all the file flags?21:16
ice109that i change with chmod21:16
KDuBSlart, how can i mount it back?21:16
dabluemando u use kde21:16
dabluemanor gnome?21:16
ribatejodablueman, yes plz21:16
localgod11can some one tell me where the pictures folder is located on 6.06 lts?21:16
ice109doskey like chmod -l or something like that21:16
cod1hello can anyone help me update ubuntu from7.04 to 7.10?21:16
KDuB sudo mount  /dev/sda1 /media/Win[XPro]21:16
ribatejono, but before with kde was the same thing21:17
DosKeyI use integers.21:17
dabluemanwell u can print over network if u have doze boxes at home21:17
ribatejoI am using xfce421:17
dabluemanuse kde21:17
ribatejoI have only three comps21:17
dabluemanwhy dont u use kde21:17
DosKeyI have 1.21:17
dabluemando u have windows on them21:17
SlartKDuB: you didn't mount it manually I guess.. then open the file /etc/fstab... (gksu gedit /etc/fstab) and find the line for your drive.. change the mountpoint to whatever you want then just run "mount -a" or perhaps "sudo mount -a"21:17
ribatejoone mine with linux, my daghter with winslows and my wife21:17
DosKeyJust ordered a x64 athlon21:17
arno-tHi I still run 7.04 but want to upgrade to 7.10. Will bad stuff happen to my apache/PHP/mysql etc when I upgrade?21:17
ribatejoyes, they print fine..I am the crazy one with linux :021:18
dabluemandoes their computer have a printer on it21:18
DosKey arno-t: no21:18
cod1hello im getting Authentication failed error when trying to update to 7.10 does anyone know why?21:18
ribatejoyes, ur saying to print to their printer?21:18
DosKeyOnly if you have compiz or beryl on you might.21:18
task0hello all, im having problems with video playback... playback is not fluid, using totem21:18
rainEmerald-maneger  <<-- i cant apply themes, If beryl mannager runs or not it dont matter21:18
DosKeyJust do21:18
dabluemanuse vlc dude21:18
DosKeyapt-get dist-upgrade21:18
cod1DosKey: yes?21:18
DosKeyin su -21:18
dabluemandon't use that totem crapola21:18
ribatejocool..I never tried that..will try...everytime I wanted to print directly to be independent21:19
dabluemanhold on21:19
KDuBthank you Slart i changed the name21:19
rainhow i apply new emerald?21:19
KDuBso i now i just have to reboot im guessing for it to show up now21:19
ribatejomaybe if it worx I can try to pinpoint the problem21:19
SlartKDuB: now rename the folder too and you should be set.. no you don't have to reboot21:19
DosKeyerr apt-get remove emerald* && apt-get -y install emerald*21:19
rainelvys:Emerald-maneger  <<-- i cant apply themes, If beryl mannager runs or not it dont matter21:19
ribatejowhat I am looking for to roubleshoot printing? where are the logs?21:19
DosKeyerr apt-get remove emerald* && apt-get -y install emerald*21:19
KDuBSlart, where do i go to access the boot menu?21:19
localgod11is there a support chanel for 6.06 lts?21:20
dabluemanribatejo u can network print21:20
SlartKDuB: just run that command.. "mount -a" or "sudo mount -a"21:20
DosKeysu - > sudo21:20
dabluemango to ur windows box and share the printer on the network to every computer on your network21:20
bluefoxxwhats the oldest system ubuntu would still work with?21:20
DosKeybluefoxx, very old box21:20
elvysrain: The window manager from Beryl is interferering with emerald themes manager21:20
dabluemanthen go to the kde control panel in file share and it will find your comp21:21
ribatejodablueman: I never tried that but will give it a go...qand samba is enabled by default on gutsy?21:21
bluefoxxlike, say a socket 7 p1?21:21
dabluemandon't know21:21
Slartbluefoxx: I've used it on a pentium 2 machine.. worked nicely21:21
DosKeyYou could configure it to i suppose...21:21
elvysrain: The window manager from Beryl is interfering with emerald themes manager21:21
dabluemanu'll have to tinker around21:21
rainelvys: so what i donow?21:21
dabluemanit is just clicking with kde21:21
cod1DosKey: its not working21:21
DosKeygtk window manager21:21
ribatejook..tx ..will give it a go..:021:21
DosKeyis the default windows manager21:21
dabluemani didn't have to use the cli to set up printing with my machinge21:21
rainelvys: so what i do now?*21:21
DosKeyRight click on the dimond21:22
ribatejoyeah, what do you have? hp?21:22
DosKeyand go down to change windows manager]21:22
ribatejohp seems to work fine with linux21:22
DosKeythen change it to emerald21:22
bluefoxxim thinking of building another computer from "trash" parts, i want to know what i WILL need, i have loads of old ram lying around, and a few socket 7 p1s21:22
dabluemanid doesn't matter what printer the windows computer has21:22
ribatejoI didn't do my homework with brother, dumbass......21:22
smokieok i am new at this but i have using ubunetu and i have a ilo mp3 and i need to reformat it to fat 16 anyone here know how to21:22
elvysrain: You should pay attention to Doskey21:22
localgod11can someone tell me abut the LTS? i have a stupoid question21:22
mmschnei hello, I am trying to use gnome's sound-juicer to rip some CD's to MP3's but I cannot seem to get the MP3 formats to come up as a selection to use. I currently can only use FLAC. I am able to edit their properties and they are checked as "active" but I am unable to select them. Anyone have any ideas why?  LAME is installed21:23
dabluemanomg u still have p1's21:23
bluefoxxi need one to tutor my grandfather with, monkey see monkey do style, lol21:23
ribatejosorry, i am frustrated21:23
elvysthat's true21:23
dabluemanits not working21:23
bluefoxxand 30 pin SIMM ram sticks21:23
ribatejohave been fideling with this for two days now21:23
arno-tDosKey, that was good. So all data are retained?21:23
dabluemandude u need to upgrade21:23
DosKeyOnly if you don't have beryl or compiz21:24
mmschneiI'm working ona P1 box right now =)21:24
KDuBSlart, thank you for helping with mount.. i made a dummy,txt lol21:24
DosKeyNobother :P21:24
cod1So anyone know why i cant upgrade my distro?21:24
DosKey*No bother :P21:24
bluefoxxim using them as "heatspreaders" for my cdburner, lol21:24
Slartlocalgod11: what do you want to know about LTS?21:24
DosKeyDid you do21:24
dabluemanwhat are u trying to upgrade21:24
SlartKDuB: you're welcome21:24
DosKeyapt-get dust-upgrade21:24
DosKeyIn terminal21:24
DosKey*apt-get dist-upgrade21:24
cod1yes i did DosKey21:24
DosKeyWhat's the error?21:24
cod1DosKey: i do it again21:24
KDuBCan someone  help me locate the boot menu file so i can rename my other partition.21:25
DosKeyPaste the error21:25
rainelvys: I didnt understood what you wanted to say with your last message21:25
g00seI'm a noob in multimedia. What can you used for mpg files in Gutsy?21:25
DosKeyKDuB, /boot21:25
dabluemankDub its supposed to be in /boot21:25
Slartg00se: vlc21:25
smokieok i am new at this but i have using ubunetu and i have a ilo mp3 and i need to reformat it to fat 16 anyone here know how to21:25
g00seSlart: Thanks21:25
magnetron!codec | g00se21:25
ubotug00se: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:25
SlartKDuB: check out /boot/grub/menu.lst21:25
elvysrain: right click on the diamond21:25
adorablepuppyI have apache2 and my httpd.conf file is blank. How can I restore it with apt?21:25
randoman_hey guys does anyone know why firestarter keeps on turning on the firewall when i stop it?21:25
DosKeyi already told him21:25
dabluemanwhy u wanna use fat16, how bout fat3221:26
dabluemanrandoman, it has a script to start it21:26
rainelvys: which one? red or green?21:26
g00seYep, i don't feel good about using mpg but ...21:26
dabluemanstart up script21:26
Slartrandoman_: firestarter is just a gui for the built-in firewall.. iptables.. and even if you stop firestarter, iptables is still configured..21:26
DosKeyOn the top right21:26
KDuBSlart, thank you yet again!! you the mann!!21:26
DosKeyThen go down to windows manager21:26
randoman_yes i get that21:26
AndyRhi all21:26
DosKeyThen change it to emerald.21:26
elvysthere is a member named Doskey, he's saying what should do21:27
smokiedablueman it will tell me it has to be in fat 16 or it shuts off21:27
DosKeylol :P21:27
dabluemanfirestarter creates it's own setup script name 'firestarter'21:27
elvysrain: there is a member named Doskey, he's saying what should do21:27
randoman_but for some reason when i disable the firewall, it some how gets activated again21:27
dabluemanare u in gutsy21:27
elvysI mean this21:27
dabluemanhow u know it gets activated again21:27
cod1DosKey: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)21:27
DosKeyThe line before that21:27
DosKeyAnd the line before that21:28
DosKeypaste !21:28
AndyRhas anyone else seem poor performance using gutsy on laptops with ati graphics?21:28
dabluemanrandoman, how do u know that the firewall is activated?21:28
DosKeyati sucks21:28
elvysthere is a member named Doskey, he's saying what you should do21:28
dabluemanati doesn't suk21:28
randoman_well I think I fixed it21:28
scguy318AndyR: uhm, me, ATI drivers suck in general21:28
SlartAndyR: I think everyone has had some kind of problem using ati.. yes =)21:28
elvysrain: there is a member named Doskey, he's saying what you should do21:28
randoman_I had to turn off " activate firewall everytime firestarter is run"21:29
scguy318dablueman: ATI's drivers have been horrible for so long...21:29
KDuBSlart, if you could help me with one more thing?21:29
SlartKDuB: sure21:29
dabluemanoh, well we know nvidia is purfect ;-)21:29
DosKeynVidia > ati21:29
raini did right clock, what now?21:29
Slartati might get better though.. with their open source thingy21:29
elvysrain: You should read last messages from him21:29
KDuBHow can i add apps to startup so when i boot up these apps will auto load such as "firestarter"21:29
DosKeyGo down to windows manager21:29
tripzerohas anyone totally screwed up their system by installing nvidia-settings?21:29
DosKeyThen click on emeerald to change the windows manager to emerald21:29
pablinhow to install xfi drivers in ubuntu 7.10 64 bits21:29
AndyR7.04 worked fine on my wifes dell inspiron 9300 but 7.10 is unusable21:30
raini lost them21:30
dabluemanhey randoman private chat21:30
DosKey'You lost them'?21:30
DJSliderzhi all21:30
scguy318AndyR: stick with 7.04 if it works great for you21:30
SlartKDuB: if you want stuff to start at boot.. look into /etc/init.d .. if you want stuff to start when you log into gnome/KDE check out "system, administraton, session".. might be in "system, preferences, session" too.. can't remember21:30
elvyslol :-)21:30
raini clock on emarald21:30
smokieok i am new at this but i have using ubunetu and i have a ilo mp3 and i need to reformat it to fat 16 anyone here know how to21:30
rainand what now?21:30
DosKeyRight click on the emerald again21:31
DJSliderzhey the new version7.1021:31
DosKeyThen click on21:31
raini got menu at red emerald21:31
DabianOK .. turns out the bugs are at http://bugs.launchpad.net and there is a workaround in the bugreport for the bug I encountered. :)21:31
SlartKDuB: but I think firestarter has some settings of it's own.. isn't autostart one of them?21:31
AndyRscguy318, its a bit late for that without doing another clean install21:31
DosKeyThen click on reload windows manager21:31
raini get some kind of menu every time i click there21:31
KDuBSlart, thanks man!21:31
elvysDosKey: I think that he doesn't have Beryl21:31
DJSliderzdose puting the iso on a rw affect the way it runs21:31
SlartKDuB: you're welcome21:31
DosKeyThat's helpfull...21:31
raini reloaded it21:32
rainnothing happens21:32
elvysDosKey: I'm seeing a screenshot of his desktop21:32
adorablepuppyAnybody know how I can restore my apache2 httpd.conf to the default settings? It's blank.21:32
=== xbow is now known as wobx
DosKeyshow me21:32
dabluemani am iming u21:32
DJSliderzbecause the 7.10 version seams to take 20 min to load on my laptop and i dont know why21:32
elvysDosKey: check it: http://autoit.pri.ee/emerald.png21:33
Slartadorablepuppy: I think it's supposed to be.. almost empty21:33
dabluemani am iming u21:33
rainI am Away From Keyboard now21:33
Slartadorablepuppy: settings are in apache.conf or in one of the folders in the same place as apache.conf21:33
smokiedablueman yes21:33
adorablepuppySlart: What? when did that move?21:33
DosKeyDJSliderzUnless he's running it as a service he doesn't have it...21:33
Slartadorablepuppy: but I can paste the contents of my httpd.conf if you want21:33
dabluemani said look in ur private chat21:33
DosKeyI mean21:33
dabluemancan u see me,21:34
DosKey*Unless he's running it as a service he doesn't have it...21:34
DosKeyYes i can...21:34
squarebracketanyone know how to route sound to my client computer using VNC over SSH?21:34
Loungehaving a problem with firestarter - it's not opening ports they're still stealthed21:34
DabianDosKey: Please moderate your language, you brute!21:34
dabluemanare u using piding21:34
Slartadorablepuppy: I don't know when it changed..21:34
adorablepuppy Slart: Sure, mines not processing php files and I don't got anything to go from.21:34
rainu can post ur ansvwer here http://autoit.pri.ee/foorum/viewforum.php?f=4&sid=c2ba18d3d27657e81c05cbe81aa368fb21:34
DosKeySorry !?21:34
`m0Hey say I forgot to partion my harddrive, and I want to install Ubuntu on my machine ...21:34
`m0Did anyone install Partition Magic?21:34
DosKeyYou don't have beryl running21:34
cod1DosKey: i know your buzy but this isent working21:35
geniigparted > Partition Magic21:35
DosKeyPM all output from the error21:35
=== smokie is now known as smokie2008
dabluemanhey smokie, why are u ignoring me21:35
elvysrain: I suggest you to install beryl, You should search a tutorial of that on internet21:35
Slartadorablepuppy: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2592/ contents of my httpd.conf.. for apache221:35
dabluemanim trying to help u out21:35
`m0I would like to install Ubuntu21:35
smokie2008dab look in pm21:35
`m0but I have windwos vista on this main machine21:36
`m0I don't want to reformat21:36
DosKeyVista suck21:36
Slartadorablepuppy: but there's a conf.d folder in the same place.. check in that...21:36
DosKeyYou don't have to21:36
DosKeyYou can resize your windows partition21:36
dug_how do you get the cube to work, i have it enabled in the preferences, windows-E just shows the wall of desktops (just 2 even though I have more desktop workspaces)21:36
`m0DosKey: No it doesn't it is good, I have SP1 and many issues fixed21:36
elvysrain: you have a big problem without that21:36
smokie2008dablueman  look at your msg i sent you21:36
DosKeyGet out.21:36
`m0How Can I resize my windows Partition ?21:36
`m0You don't have to hate on Windows to like Linux :)21:36
erUSUL!gparted | `m021:36
ubotu`m0: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php21:36
DosKeyGo to install ubuntu21:36
DJSliderzanyone help me hear21:37
erUSUL!enter | DosKey21:37
ubotuDosKey: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:37
DosKeyIt asks you if you want to resize windows when you go to install it.21:37
`m0erUSUL: I have Windows at the beginning not Linux21:37
dug_`m0: try Wubi, you can install from inside windows without repartitioning21:37
DJSliderzthe 7.10 version takes 20 mins to load on my laptop21:37
erUSUL`m0: resize during install21:37
elvysDosKey: I guess that he loves Windows, lol :-)21:37
`m0erUSUL: I could do that?21:37
Loungehaving a problem with firestarter - it's not opening ports they're still stealthed21:37
miles8Hi all, trying to install this game but it mounts only the os x folder and doesn't show the window exe... Anyone know how I should mount it so I can see the installer.exe ?21:37
erUSUL`m0: sure21:37
DosKeyJust resize windows...21:37
adorablepuppyThanks slart.21:37
genii`m0: The ubuntu installer has parition program gparted which you can resize whatever partitons you have, so long as they are marked clean21:38
Slartadorablepuppy: did you find anything?21:38
`m0What do you recommend as an initial size? wow I have 35GB free21:38
cod1!pastebin cod121:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin cod1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
`m0Games take too much space :)21:38
`m012GB each21:38
dug_how do you get the cube to work, i have it enabled in the preferences, windows-E just shows the wall of desktops (just 2 even though I have more desktop workspaces)21:38
cod1pastebin anyone?21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ste - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pste - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:38
`m0genii: I can resize any drive or only the root drive?21:38
DosKeyRight click on the four desktops default on the botton left21:38
ribatejowhat si the uri of a printer on winslows? smb/machinename/printername?21:38
DosKeyand change both to 421:38
genii`m0: Any drive21:39
DosKeyThe number of desktops21:39
rmajhello, is route/iptables fucked up in latest 7.10 amd64?21:39
Slartribatejo: looks ok to me..21:39
DosKeyrmaj, nope21:39
omnIdHello all, I'm a newbie trying to set up my dialup modem.  Ran scanModem, installed the kernel module, but I can't connect.  Long version here: http://rafb.net/p/Cm9zfH61.html21:39
`m0genii: I have ubuntu on my laptop(s) but how much space does it need ? after install?21:39
rmajthen why it doesnt work21:39
Slartribatejo: or.. wait.. on windows you have those \\machinename\printername21:39
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:39
erUSULrmaj: no that i know of21:39
rmajI changed nothing and amd64 7.10 stoped connecting to network21:39
`m0For my desktop21:39
elvysDosKey: have ever installed AWN?21:40
* DosKey is getting back to Linux'ing21:40
genii`m0: About 2.6Gb, then you likely want also a swap partition of your ram size21:40
rmajdhclient dets correct IP,  but any ping or connection says that network in unreachable;  route shows that I have no routing entires.21:40
DosKeykiba-dock is better than awn21:40
ribatejoslart: yeah..slah forward or backwords..don't remember...21:40
cM0ssAny one getting firehol errors durning update?21:40
dug_DosKey: where are you saying i should right click?  in the appearance control panel?  desktop?21:40
Slart ribatejo: I think backslash..  it's been a while since I used it =)21:40
`m0genii: swap partition ram? Why21:40
DosKeyOn the Desktop changer, which is default on the bottom left21:41
DosKeyI mean right21:41
DosKeyOn the bottom right21:41
simion314hi, can i use debian packages or debian repositories?21:41
* DosKey has some coding to do21:41
elvysDosKey: Kiba-dock works slowly in my computer, AWN works more faster than kiba-dock21:41
PriceChild!debian | simion31421:41
ubotusimion314: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!21:41
genii`m0: 4Gb-8Gb is lots of room for installing a lot of packages,etc. When you hibernate the contents of ram are stored to swap. swap smallr than ram, problems21:41
rmajnetwork stoped working on ubuntu:  dhclient dets correct IP,  but any ping or connection says that network in unreachable;  route shows that I have no routing entires.21:41
erUSULcM0ss: well firehol has been broken for a long time until recently... i think that finally a good version ended up in proposed or basckports or something let me check21:41
dug_DosKey: I can right click that, then go to preferences, and change the number of columns and rows21:41
Loungehaving a problem with firestarter - it's not opening ports they're still stealthed21:42
smokie2008dabluman you still here21:42
omnIdis anyone reading the paste I linked?  I know it's a long read :)21:42
`m0genii: I have 4GB's of Ram, and quad core , and 8800 640MB video21:42
erUSULcM0ss: in updates21:42
`m0do I need to install 64bit version to have 4GB of ram?21:42
erUSULcM0ss: for gutsy21:42
DosKeyThere is no need for quad-core....21:42
DosKeyJust puts the coders under pressure.21:42
`m0DosKey: there will be 64 cores in 10 years21:43
filleokusHi lads.21:43
cod1DosKey: http://paste.ubutnu-nl.org/4760221:43
rmajDosKey: ya, shure21:43
erUSUL`m0: yes, the default 32 bit desktop kernel doesn't support 4GB afaik21:43
`m0DosKey: according to the seminar (known person) conducted21:43
DosKey`m0.... all software will have to be totally reprogrammed...21:43
rmajcan any one help me to have network on stupid ubuntu?21:43
genii`m0: No, i386 will be fine. If you exceed 4Gb ram then server kernel or PAE enabled kernel. But 4Gb or under regular kernel is fine21:43
DosKeyThere isn't enought time.21:43
* DosKey is looking21:43
geniierUSUL: It supports 4Gb fine21:43
`m0genii: but remember I have 4GB of ram + 640MB of video ram21:43
eriscoanyone here successfully installed fretsonfire?21:43
rmajDosKey: some things are easly parralelizable21:44
DosKeyFirefox can't find the server at paste.ubutnu-nl.org.21:44
filleokusIf i have a disk (250gig) with a NTFS storage partion that takes up like the whole disk and is almost full and i want to smash it together with my linux partion, can i do that with out any data loss?21:44
`m0genii: So I need 4.64 GB of ram on the buss21:44
cod1i relinked it21:44
rmajcan any one help me to have network on stupid ubuntu?21:44
DosKeyFirefox can't find the server at paste.ubutnu-nl.org.21:44
cM0sserSUL: I'm running 7.10 but on all the last updates for Ubuntu from 6.10 and up I am getting this error about firehol...I use firestarter for my firewall but firehol errors keep coming up.21:44
enycgenii: hrrm i dont normally see any machines with x86 arch with over 4gb ...  but i guess some poeple run a x86-64 with lots of ram21:44
enycgenii: and run it 32bit mode for some reason21:44
rmajhelp help21:44
`m0genii: In windows, they made it 3.3GB cause of video card21:44
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: is the disk that full?.. if so, i'd say its very unlikely21:44
erUSULgenii: thank you... i stan corrected (i've heard users here complining about missing memory so...)21:44
DosKeyPrograms need to be specifically writtin to deal with dual core, never mind quad core.21:44
eriscoanyone here successfully installed fretsonfire?21:44
Slartrmaj: sorry.. we don't do stupid-ubuntu here.. try regular ubuntu instead ;)21:44
erUSULcM0ss: if you do not use firehol uninstall it21:45
ho0ksrmaj you installed samba?21:45
drgebAny one know how to fix login to windowmanager when I log in immediately the windowmanager kicks me out and restartsx This did not happen before with feisty21:45
rmajho0ks: no21:45
DosKeyOnly some programs can use dual with using it's full potencial.21:45
rmajI think route is broken21:45
drgebnow I am running gutsy21:45
ho0kssudo aptitude install samba21:45
Loungehaving a problem with firestarter - it's not opening ports they're still stealthed21:45
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: wait, i just re-read that, how much of the 250gigs, is actually in use w/ data on it?21:45
DosKeyFirefox can't find the server at paste.ubutnu-nl.org.21:45
DosKeyFirefox can't find the server at paste.ubutnu-nl.org.21:45
`m0My Ubuntu Laptop been up for 50 days now :p21:45
genii`m0: Install the 32 version, if it doesn't see all your ram plus video ram consider changing21:45
DosKeyStuff it21:45
`m0genii: Are there 64bit driver problems  in Linux?21:45
=== DosKey is now known as Dos[BusY]
rmajthis channel is not so helpfull21:45
Dos[BusY]`m0 yes21:46
Slartrmaj: but seriously.. I don't know why you can't ping stuff on the network.. I've never had an empty routing table.. are the interfaces up?21:46
filleokusIndyGunFreak: the linux partion is almoust empty, but the ntfs partion is full, and that's the largest one, so i would say like 90% of the disk21:46
rmajI have simple proboblem and noone helps21:46
genii`m0: the 64 bit version is not as stable as the 32 bit, yes21:46
Dos[BusY]rmaj, with what?21:46
MasterShrekDos[BusY], name one21:46
`m0Dos[BusY]: Where can I find the known ones?21:46
MasterShrekgenii, why not?21:46
rmajSlart: yes, I think they brok route in latest upgrade21:46
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: so what are you wanting to do, expand the NTFS partition?21:46
cod1there DosKey21:46
rmajDos[BusY]: my routing table ($ route) is empty, and I can't add anything to it! wtf?!21:46
MasterShrek`m0, good luck finding them, thats untrue21:46
Slartrmaj: I use gutsy.. and I don't have any network problems..21:46
geniiMasterShrek: Because the apps you run also need to be compiled specifically for 64 bit21:46
filleokusIndyGunFreak: convert the ntfs partion to ext3 and smash it together with my current linux partion21:47
Dos[BusY]Can't remember specifics.21:47
Slartrmaj: are your networkinterfaces "up" ?21:47
IndyGunFreak!attitude | rmaj21:47
uboturmaj: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:47
Slartrmaj: sudo ifup ethX... change X to something21:47
Dos[BusY]apt-get autoclean21:47
MasterShrekgenii, i havent found any so far, besides the obvious flash and java plugins21:47
Dos[BusY]apt-get autoremove21:47
rmajSlart: it works, but routing table remains empty21:47
ribatejoman, want tp install opera...can't find it in the list by search by name...21:47
cod1Dos me?>21:47
`m0genii: Can I find any people who have similar configuration as me? 4GB / 8800 GPU / QUAD CORE21:47
ribatejochanged names like pidgin?21:47
Dos[BusY]yeah :P21:47
cod1lol mk21:48
varaonaidI'm new to using gnome and I want to add a new theme.  how do I know what type to use, compiz, metacity, gtk?21:48
smokie2008ok i am new at this but i have using ubunetu and i have a ilo mp3 and i need to reformat it to fat 16 anyone here know how to21:48
`m0varaonaid: USe Emerald21:48
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: you're not making any sense.. when you say smash them together, do you want to expand the ntfs and decrease ext3, or expand ext3, and decrease ntfs?21:48
geniiMasterShrek: Lucky :)21:48
`m0varaonaid: Emerald is a theme manager21:48
drgebanyone running gutsy with nvidia and amd64 ?21:48
Dos[BusY]I might downgrade to feisty.21:48
Dabianm0: I have 4GB .. but only 7900GTX and Dualcore AMD64 6000+21:48
omnIdcan I have some help setting up my dialup modem?  I've installed a kernel module, and I can hear the modem dial, but it doesn't connect.  Long story here: http://rafb.net/p/Cm9zfH61.html21:48
Dos[BusY]I AM21:48
Slartdrgeb: I am21:48
genii`m0: You might search the forums21:48
Tyczekhi there... is there anybody with catalyst 7.11 and can switch between laptop lcd/crt monitor?21:48
Dos[BusY]drgeb, i am21:48
drgebSlart I am having some much trouble with video and window manager21:49
filleokusIndyGunFreak: Hmm. I want ONE whole partion all over the disk and i want this whole partion to be ext3.21:49
cod1hay Dos i get the same thing21:49
Slartdrgeb: what kind of problems21:49
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: ok, that makes more sense, are you wanting to do away w/ windows?21:49
varaonaid`m0: ok, can I get themes online for that?  i've been looking at gnome-look.org's themes21:49
varaonaid`m0: (btw, thanks for replying :) )21:50
drgebSlart when I attemmpt to login I am kicked out and the windowmanager reboots21:50
filleokusIndyGunFreak: yep, when i first installed my htpc/server i reserved like 20 gig for a future linux install and used the rest to windows and storage.21:50
Slartdrgeb: anything in the logs? "tail -n 20 /var/log/syslog"21:50
Bawbatosquestion - is this a good place to ask about an xorg issue on ubuntu?21:51
MasterShrekBawbatos, yes21:51
filleokusIndyGunFreak: but now i have switched over to ubuntu and want to get a whole linux partion.21:51
`m0varaonaid: Yea you can but emerald works best with compiz-fusion21:51
`m0Ahh.. Now I have like 4 computers next to me in my bedroom21:51
`m0Yea Microsoft gave me a laptop :)21:51
kiizplease will some one explain the dependencies stated in packages.ubuntu.com.i am new to all this.i don't have an internet connection and have to download packges manually21:51
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: i see.., well, the *easiest* thing to do, would be to back up important files, and do a clean install of Ubuntu... and just tell it to takeover the whole drive.21:51
drgebSlart I did grep EE /var/log/Xorg.o.log has nothing21:51
MasterShrekdo you run linux on it?21:51
=== cod1 is now known as super-6-1
varaonaid`m0: ok, thank you.  where in ubuntu do I access the emerald settings?21:52
`m0I have 2 laptops and 2 pc, one of the laptops have Ubuntu21:52
aladdinsanewhy doesn't my second internal hd show up in my applications like gimp/OOo/Nautilus/etc but does so in Thunar? And no, its not in fstab, if i put it there i have to define it as a folder, which i dont want.My guess is that my user dont have the privileges, can i somehow set them with chown chmod?21:52
filleokusIndyGunFreak: perhaps i need to bring a external hdd and copy my ntfs data on to it, delete the ntfs partion, extend the ext3 and copy the data from the external back on to the big new one.21:52
Slartdrgeb: and the syslog?21:52
tomd123`m0: extreme pr0ning :P21:52
=== joe__ is now known as Rencore_
drgebSlart I did grep WW /var/log/Xorg.o.log I see "(WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1"21:52
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: yeah, you could try that, but i think you'll run into grub issues.21:52
=== sharpie is now known as Sharpie
drgebSlart let me check syslog21:52
`m0The other laptop is a tablet that msft gave me , there isn't good support for tablets in linux community as well as windows so I left it as windows21:53
=== _Kernel is now known as Kernel
`m0And hopefully, my two pc's will be ubuntu :)21:53
`m0Oe of them is debian21:53
Slartdrgeb: that happens.. the EDID thingy... keep looking21:53
rmajmy network doesnt work... simple DHCP network, worked always... anybody can help?21:53
tomd123`m0, thats fine, I wonder how big your electric bill is though :)21:53
ho0ksOne mac, 3,pc with windows and this baby running ubuntu :)21:53
`m0tomd123: free in the building :)21:53
filleokusIndyGunFreak: okey, ll try to o give it a shot later on. do you know by the way if ext3 suports extensions (if it likes to be extended)21:54
* tomd123 suddenly feels jealous21:54
`m0tomd123: 5 computers running 24/721:54
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:54
IndyGunFreakfilleokus: not real sure...21:54
Tyczekme has 3 comps... 2 laptops... 1 PC21:54
`m0When I did the lan party, http://www.campusinteractive.com/gallery/lanopolis4/ubuntu21:54
fitztrevHave there been any advancements to get Compiz working over two monitors?21:54
filleokusIndyGunFreak: okey, but thank you so much for your time and help :)21:54
`m0Me has 2 laptops, 2 pc's in my bedroom. And 1 pc in the living room21:55
rmajmy network doest work (routing table is always empty, even after route add default dev eth0) ... simple DHCP network, worked always... anybody can help?21:55
IndyGunFreaknp, ... it might be easiest to just reinstall.21:55
caandw4new to ubuntu... where can I get some help21:55
filleokusIndyGunFreak: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/screens/gparted_10_big.jpg :)21:55
`m0Ubuntu is great on my laptop, I just hate the ubdates it does all the time. I wish it was automatic updates21:55
rmajmy network doest work (routing table is always empty, even after route add default dev eth0) ... simple DHCP network, worked always... anybody can help?21:56
`m0I wish ubuntu could download updates automatically and ask me to install/or does it auto21:56
drgebSlart tons of messages with "21:56
drgeb type=1504 operation="ptrace" task=6943 parent=6946 pid=694621:56
drgeb profile="/usr/sbin/nscd21:56
erUSULcaandw4: hekp.ubuntu.com ?? here??21:56
fitztrev`m0: ubuntu can do auto updates and install them automatically21:56
Bawbatosvery simple issue, i thought however i have not been able to fix it. i have a wide screen lcd, display is 1680x1050. xorg cfgs for 1600x1200 which looks like crap. i edited the xorg.conf file and removed the everything res wise just putting in 1680x1050 however it is ignored and just comes up at 1600x120021:56
`m0fitztrev: can you tell me how?21:56
rmaj`m0: I think it can, theres small util for gnome desktop in example21:56
Tyczekhmm... i have ndiswrapper with 64 atheros ar5007eg. Ndiswrapper works good.... I can see my network (it's not encrypte) and i Can't connect... It worked only 2 times with luck...21:56
IndyGunFreak`m0: well, they are automatic, they come up, and yuou click install.21:56
drgebSlart is there a place on web where I can post the syslog so you can see it ?21:56
MasterShrek`m0, right click your update manager21:56
Tyczekcan it be dhcp issue?21:56
erUSULrmaj: sudo dhclient iface shows any error?21:56
Slart!paste | drgeb21:56
ubotudrgeb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:56
ho0ksmine does every morning21:57
ho0ksmost anyways21:57
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: id be interested in hearing how to do that also.21:57
rmajerUSUL: nope, it works correctly - obtains a valid address from DHCP and assigns it to eth021:57
`m0IndyGunFreak: No, it is just a notifier, it still asks you to update it and downloads then installs.21:57
hatterhow do i change the ssh logout time that is very short on 7.10 ?21:57
`m0IndyGunFreak: if it just updates by itself it would be fine21:57
IndyGunFreak`m0: i know... i was kidding21:57
erUSULrmaj: so the problem is? routing?21:57
rmajerUSUL: it would seem so21:57
drgeb thanks ubotu!!21:57
MasterShrekhatter, probably a file in /etc/ssh/   maybe sshd_config   or something21:57
KDuBSlart, how can i access my router settings via firefox.. like windows it used to be just entering the IP in the browser?21:58
IndyGunFreakmy humor just didn't come through very well.21:58
`m0KDuB; same thing21:58
rmajerUSUL: routing table is empty even after   route add default dev eth0   wtf21:58
MasterShrekKDuB, thats how i do it in linux21:58
SlartKDuB: have you tried doing the exact same thing?21:58
KDuBYes and it says unable to connect to server?21:58
rmajKDuB: by taping the ip address (liek into address bar obviously21:58
fitztrevIndyGunFreak: `m0: System>Administratoin>Software Sources,  Updates tab... Check for updates Daily, Install without confirmation21:58
erUSULrmaj: "ip route" shows anything?21:58
`m0KDuB: The router is like an internal webserver that you can access anywhere in the network, if you can't access it then your router is not setup correcrl21:58
kiizdoes any one know of a package like aptoncd that works on windows21:58
KDuBi typed 10021:58
SlartKDuB: hmm.. it should be the same...21:58
ruudhelp plse unable to setup 3d on my intel integrated chipset in ubuntu21:59
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: ok.. but thats only for security updates, is it not?21:59
ruud help plse unable to setup 3d on my intel integrated chipset in ubuntu21:59
omnIdnobody knows anything bout my poor pathetic modem :(?  Ah well, I'll do some more research.21:59
Slart!repeat | ruud21:59
uboturuud: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:59
rmajerUSUL: no, empty21:59
`m0fitztrev: Excellent, thanks21:59
fitztrevIndyGunFreak: it seems to update everything for me.  i rarely have to click anything myself21:59
IndyGunFreakfitztrev: ok..22:00
rmajruud: i915 family? search in package manager for i915  (the name can be i810 afair)22:00
IndyGunFreakruud: intel graphic driver support is limited at best.22:00
mnemonicaDoes anybody in here use xbindkeys?22:00
rmajIndyGunFreak: bullshit22:00
ruudtks rmaj, i'm looking now22:00
rmajIndyGunFreak: i810 .. i945 are best supported cards ever afaik22:00
IndyGunFreakrmaj: lol, ok..22:00
soldatsmnemonica, what do you need to do with it22:00
raini am back, clocking  on "reload window mannager" under beryl mannager has no effect22:00
SlartIndyGunFreak: intel has some of the best support afaik22:00
IndyGunFreakrmaj: note the end of yuoursentence, "afaik", which is very little22:01
rmajthey are only cards that can do some 3d (not for doom3, but fair ok for say quake 2)  and that are fully open22:01
rmajIndyGunFreak: I am sure i810 - i945 are the rare cards, that are as good as linux as in windows, on _free_ (open) drivers22:01
SlartIndyGunFreak: I think intel released specs for those chipsets some time ago.. and presto!! instant good karma and good performance.. not nvidia 8800 gtx performance.. but still22:01
erUSULrmaj: i do not know what can be wrong here... have you checked the logs for any kernel error? System>Admin>logs22:01
IndyGunFreakSlart: probably22:02
mnemonicasoldats: I can't figure out how to assign action. For instance, I want to have a certain keybind (super+t, which I already have set up) open the terminal. What do I put in the "action" area to open terminal? Same thing for firefox, synaptic...etc22:02
rmajerUSUL: dmesg show no logs22:02
ruudrmaj i have xserver-xorg-video-intel and xserver-xorg-video-i810 installed22:02
kiizi guess i am doomed. any advice on how i can download packages thru windows.22:02
ruudi guess my problem is on the configure side22:02
MasterShrekmnemonica, for the terminal i would assume put: gnome-terminal     for the action22:02
ruudif i run glxgears i get 33 fps22:03
rmajruud: hmm perhaps change in xorg.conf the driver22:03
rmajkiiz: network doesnt work?22:03
erUSULSlart: it is even better they develop the drivers themselves ( e.g. they hired keith packard)22:03
ruudrmaj ; to what?22:03
tehdaveI'm having an issue setting up a bluetooth dongle I got from my friend, from a logitech keyboard/mouse combo. I see the device recognized by the Hardware manager as a bluetooth receiver, but when I try to run hciconfig, I get nothing echoed to me, just a new command line...22:03
mnemonicaMasterShrek: Awesome. Very simple, as I figured it would be... Thank you!22:03
Slartkiiz: look at packages.ubuntu.org.. I think there are regular links to the packages.. or get one of the DVD's.. they work as a deb source too22:03
pablinhow to install xfi drivers in ubuntu 7.10 64 bits22:03
soldatsmnemonica, yea gnome-terminal should work but if you try to use a single "win" key for it youll have to do some more config-ing22:04
MasterShrekmnemonica, for synaptic you need: gksu synaptic   (so it gets run with admin priviledges)22:04
rmajruud: probably set Driver to "i810" or simmlar name perhaps "i915"22:04
rmajerUSUL: so.... any idea?22:04
mnemonicaMasterShrek: Ah, ok, that makes sense.22:04
ruudrmaj if i leave it on "intel" i get imperfect resolution (black areas on adges of monitor) - i810 solves this but i get no 3d22:04
kiizrmaj: i have no personal internet connection.only at work22:05
* tehdave takes a number.22:05
fullmetalhey ppl22:05
rainI cant select beryl at select window mannager22:05
erUSULrmaj: no, sorry it is har to dignose a problem without an error msg... all we know is that route or ip route deosn't work...22:05
chuckhi, i'm installing xubuntu, and i'm on the page where you select the kernel to install, which one should i choose?22:05
fullmetalI'm on gusty22:05
carmanthi. i am about to try and install ubuntu using the graphic installer. however when i get to the partition bit, the partition i previously made in windows for me to install linux on doesnt appear, instead it just comes up with the drive as a whole, rather than two seperate partitions. any ideas?22:05
rmajerUSUL: should I  file it as a bug?22:05
robrhi there, i installed apache and /etc/apache2/httpd.conf is empty is that normal?22:05
timewriteris it possible to install Feisty on raid 0 ?22:05
chuckrobr, for apache2, yes22:05
MasterShrekchuck, what is available?22:05
rmajdamn, how can ubuntu fuck up so simple and basic thing as route22:05
robrchuck: does it use a different config file? or ?22:06
fullmetalby the way22:06
TexasTazGood Evening everyone .....22:06
erUSULrmaj: i would but it would be hard to blame a specific package...22:06
chuckMasterShrek, linux-generic, linux-image-generic, linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic, or none22:06
ruudrmaj: in glxgeasr i get message "extension x-lib missing"22:06
ikoniarmaj: there is NO need for that language22:06
erUSUL!bugs | rmaj22:06
uboturmaj: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots22:06
TexasTazWould Virtualization be offtopic22:06
fullmetalhow to fix the bug of shutdown22:06
ikonia!language >rmaj22:06
chuckrobr, apache2 uses /etc/apache2/apache2.conf22:06
rmajikonia: I want my damn network to work22:06
robrchuck: ah ok thanks! :)22:06
ikoniarmaj: that is no excuse, STOP using bad language22:06
chuck!language >chuck22:06
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pyflag - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:07
tehdavegood evening...trying to set up a USB bluetooth dongle, and it doesn't seem to want to run hciconfig -_-22:07
Sierthis channel is really noisy :(22:07
chuckso anyone know which kernel i should install?22:07
ikoniatehdave: doesn't want to ? any errors ?22:07
ikoniachuck: which kernel for what ?22:07
MasterShrekchuck, i think you want to use linux-generic, that and linux-image-generic are both meta packages i think22:07
carmantany ideas why my partition isnt appearing when i try and install ubuntu?22:07
erUSULchuck: generic22:07
tehdavenope, no return line, just a new command prompt22:07
tehdaveas if I'd just hit enter22:07
timewritercarmant which partition ?22:08
tehdaveikonia: nothing returns, just gives me another prompt22:08
carmanti made a partition under windows for me to install linux. i divided my 60gig hd into two parts - 40gb for windows, 20gb for linux22:08
ikoniatehdave: just pondering22:08
carmantbut it just appears as one 60gb drive when i try to install22:08
ikoniacarmant: you may not have written the partition table22:09
ikoniacarmant: it sound like the partition table was not commited as you still have the 1 60 gig partition table22:09
timewriterdid you used software as partition magic under windows ?22:09
TheCobraHi there, can somebody help me with the installation of AMSN on Ubuntu 6.06?22:09
tehdaveikonia: kk sorry XD   Might it help to mention it's a Logitech dongle originally designed for use as a keyboard/mouse connection point?22:09
erUSULcarmant: maybe you shold have choose manual partitioning during install?22:09
erUSULTheCobra: sudo apt-get install amsn ?22:09
ikoniatehdave: out of interst can you actually see the dongle in lsub and as a device file ?22:09
erUSUL!info amsn dapper22:09
ubotuamsn: An MSN messenger written in tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.95-1 (dapper), package size 2233 kB, installed size 7852 kB22:09
carmantcant remember exactly how i partitioned it, it was ages ago. i had vista running on the one i now want to use for linux if that makes a difference22:09
TheCobraerUSUL, amsn is running but doesn't want to login get en error22:10
ikoniacarmant: re-partition it22:10
tehdaveikonia: lsub? you mean lsusb?22:10
Bawbatosquestion - is there anyway to get the eth interfaces to come up in a set order?22:10
ikoniatehdave: yes22:10
timewriterchoose manual partitioning when prompted22:10
chuckhmm i get an error when i try to install linux-generic kernel22:10
carmantunder windows ikonia?22:10
s32aphhow do I install dpkg with only bzip?22:10
timewriterit has to be there22:10
ikoniaBawbatos: the lower numbers come up first22:10
ikoniacarmant: any way you want22:10
chuck"Unable to install the selected kernel"22:10
erUSULTheCobra: and the error is?22:10
timewriterwell , ive never had issues with linux22:10
ikoniachuck: what kernel are you currently running22:10
chucki think the error is a hash sum mismatch22:10
drakenhow can i get my ubunut to look like this22:10
mnemonicaMasterShrek: *sigh* What would the action be for firefox...?22:10
timewriterwhere do you get those errors22:10
chuckikonia, i'm installing xubuntu fresh22:10
ikoniachuck: so why are you trying to change kernel  ?22:11
MasterShrekmnemonica, firefox22:11
SlartBawbatos: check for udev rules for the network interfaces.. I don't remember the specifics22:11
s32aphhow do I install dpkg with only bzip?22:11
carmantikonia - ok so will i have to rejoin it then re-partition it?22:11
drakenhow can i get my ubunut to look like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w22:11
drakenlike the os x dock22:11
chuckikonia, because i need a kernel to be able to boot into xubuntu...?22:11
ikoniacarmant: its not been partitioned so it doesn't need rejoined22:11
Kamarihello, I'm having problems updating my ubuntu from the previous version to 7.10 over the update manager, can anyone help me please?22:11
buggeredfstabI am trying to connect to my locally hosted MySQL db via MySQL Administrator, and it cannot connect. I currently have it pointed to localhost. Is there something that I am missing?22:11
tehdaveikonia: returns 5 lines, 2 with nothing (bus 2 device 1, and bus 1 device 1 are empty) and bus 1 device 11, 12, and 13 are the usb dongle with 3 different hex values22:11
ikoniachuck: if you are running xubuntu - you have a running kernel22:11
mnemonicaMasterShrek: Wow.... Simple. I'm an idiot, lol. Thank you, again.22:11
timewriterdraken you need to install compiz fusion22:11
erUSULchuck: he default kernel is the generic one you shouldn't need to install it manually22:11
SlartBawbatos: but why do you need the interfaces to come up in a specific order?22:11
Bawbatosikonia that is strange because on the same box - 7.10 server came up in a differnet order then kubuntu did22:12
chuckerUSUL, i'm not installing it fricking manually22:12
ikoniatehdave: I'm just having a look to see if that device has a supported module and which one it is22:12
aladdinsanedoes it make a difference if you mount a drive in the "media" or the "mnt" directory?22:12
ikoniaBawbatos: thats not unusual22:12
drakenya i got that timerwriter, but i mean like the dock at bottem22:12
SlartBawbatos: just out of curiousity22:12
BawbatosSlart - anal. i want eth0 to be internal22:12
drakenlooks soo cool22:12
TyczekIs there person who can change the screens between LCD/CRT on Ati drivers?22:12
ikoniachuck: I don't understand your situation22:12
s32aphhow do I manually install dpkg?22:12
carmantikonia - then how come it appears as two drives in windows/ubuntu?22:12
chuckit took me to the kernel menu because something else got messed up, but i fixed it, but i have to manually select the kernel for osme reason22:12
user1have problems with scratchy sound in gutsy, any ideas how to fix it? worked fine after initial install then had a sound server crash22:12
Bawbatosikonia so i can force it tho. i will have to lool22:12
ikoniacarmant: I don't know22:12
timewriteravant-window-manager draken22:12
ikoniachuck: re-install22:12
erUSULchuck: whaen isaid manually i meant firing up a package manager and installing it22:12
DILdraken, sweet22:12
timewriterapt-get install it , or get it from www.getdeb.net22:12
TheCobraerUSUL, problems with TLS22:13
s32aphcan someone tell me how to nstall dpkg with no apt?22:13
carmantikonia - ok cool, il have a play around under windows, thx for your help. gotta reboot.22:13
SlartBawbatos: ah.. so yo want to decide which nic gets to be eth0 and which gets to be eth1 ? then you don't care if eth1 gets up before eth0, right?.. check the udev rules.. they let you bind a mac address to a interface name22:13
chucknevermind, i'm just going to install debian, never had any problems with it22:13
TheCobrawhen he tries to auto install it22:13
erUSULTheCobra: maybe you lack some neccesary library?22:13
TheCobraI get the error Coudln't get22:13
Bawbatosthanks. i will have a look at that22:13
n15t0hello all22:13
timewritertoo bad my ati card doesnt support all compiz effects22:13
alka_trashhey anyone tried Pulsa audio?  did you like it?22:14
alka_trashHey anyone tried Pulse audio?  did you like it?22:14
TexasTazLet me pre-empt this question by saying sorry if I didn't see a response, I need to run a game server however the Game is a Windoze exe, Is VirtualBox the best Solution?22:14
dabluemanhey who here has a digg.com account22:14
Flanneldablueman: #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.22:15
SlartTexasTaz: wine won't do it?22:15
alka_trashTexasTaz: what game22:15
s32aphcan someone tell me how to nstall dpkg with no apt?22:15
timewriterTexasTaz try cedega22:15
n15t0i have a question can any1 tell me how i can make a directory with sehll but the name has a space between like mother father22:15
dabluemanim just a askin22:15
Flannels32aph: Why do you need to do that?22:15
dabluemanthis is ubuntu talk22:15
TexasTazWell it has to be run as a server and I need atleast 5 instances of the server running22:15
timewritern15t0 use22:15
timewriter"  "22:15
wolstimewriter: wine might also work22:15
dabluemanim talking about ubuntu stories on digg.com22:15
Flanneln15t0: or \ .  /mother\ father/22:15
n15t0like "father""mother22:15
timewriteryes , but wine is dodgy22:15
Kamaridoesn't anyone have an idea how to do that?22:15
timewritern15t0 like22:15
wolsn15t0: name\ word22:15
timewriter"father mother"22:15
trprtimewriter: fyi cedega specializes in directx. if the game doesn't require directx, wine should do22:15
Flanneln15t0: That is, put it in quotes, or escape the space.  Escaping is quicker.  Also, tab complete will escape for y as well22:15
tehdaven15to like "father mother"22:15
igor47i'm having all sorts of wierd problems with my server.  apache seems to have stopped running, and now won't start because "unable to open logs" .  and aptitude complains that "/root/.aptitude is readable but not writable" although root ofcourse has write privs there.  anyone know what the deal is?22:16
KDuBIs there any type of Anti Virus software for Ubuntu 7.10?22:16
TexasTazalka_trash   nascar Racing 2003 Season22:16
timewriteri dont use wine , it has a lot of errors22:16
tehdavepeople write viruses for linux?22:16
n15t0ahh okay thanks22:16
Kamarihello, I'm having problems updating my ubuntu from the previous version to 7.10 over the update manager, can anyone help me please? Is there any other way to do it?22:16
TexasTaztimewriter Thank You22:16
wolsKDuB: not really, not really needeed either. there is clamav but pretty much for windows only22:16
s32aphcan someone tell me how to nstall dpkg with no apt or aptitude22:16
erUSULTheCobra: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19801022:16
robri'm using ubuntu server, what command can i use to see the permssions of a file/directory?22:16
timewritercouldnt run world of warcraft with wine22:16
KDuBtimewriter, do you use crossover?22:16
wolsKDuB: e.g. only recognizes windows viruses22:16
timewriterjust cedega22:16
Flannelrobr: ls -l22:16
wolsrobr: ls -l22:16
zarathu_robr: ls -l22:16
tehdavetimewriter: I run it fine22:16
trprtimewriter: you are if you use cedega. all of those crossover type products are based directly on wine22:16
robrthx :)22:16
n15t0anyone knows how to deinstall wine applications like games?22:16
KDuBi see...22:17
timewriteri know that22:17
Flanneltimewriter: WoW runs really well in wine.22:17
timewriterbut its nut just a simple wine22:17
timewriteri have no sound with wine22:17
KDuBwols, so that would be good for protecting my windows partition only?22:17
n15t0i installed all kinds of game but couldnt deinstall them22:17
KDuBAnd i would need root kit detectors?22:17
timewriterjust rm them22:17
n15t0the directory?22:17
timewriterKDuB dont be paranoid22:18
pirxhey! can i run ubuntu on the new intel core2 quad processors?22:18
timewriterjust keep your system up-to-date22:18
Mar_Lathis directory is active? www.directoryofwebsite.com22:18
s32aphmy ubuntu has no dpkg22:18
timewriterpirx you can22:18
tehdaveikonia: any luck?22:18
timewriteri run it on a quad core22:18
s32aphhow can i install dpkg22:18
TexasTazHey Guys another Question, I was trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 (GutsyGibbon) and it wouldn't let me update or add anything from repositories like amarok, or ms fonts and such22:18
zarathu_i'm using Ubuntu LiveCD at the moment because the linux system over it is fried -- does anyone know how i can mount a Linux LVM partition?22:18
SlartKDuB: if you want to hunt rootkits there are tkhunter22:18
TheCobraerUSUL also looking for that, but that doesn't help :(22:18
KDuBtimewriter, well there are so many "bad" people out there lol.22:18
TexasTazWhy is that22:18
SlartKDuB: sorry.. rkhunter22:18
Slart!info rkhunter22:18
timewriterwell , they wont crack into your box for sure22:18
pirxtimewriter: cool. how does that feel?22:18
icerebellumiHi all, anyone know what plugin I need to use XMMS to create playlists for my shoutcast server?22:18
uboturkhunter: rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.0-1 (gutsy), package size 232 kB, installed size 868 kB22:18
n15t0timewriter just remove the directory?22:18
ikoniasorry, I missed your last comment22:18
erUSULTheCobra: the amsn faq --> http://amsn.sourceforge.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Frequently+Asked+Questions#faq-6-622:18
timewritern15t0 yes22:18
timewriterpirx , i like intel :)22:19
KDuBSlart, man.. you the boss of ubuntu!22:19
n15t0okay thx22:19
alka_trashTexasTaz: from looking on winedb on nascar Racing 2003 I would go with Virtualbox22:19
tehdaveikonia oh, thought you were looking something up XD how do I tell if it recognizes a driver for the device?22:19
SlartKDuB: not in any way.. not even near.. I've just spent to much time in here22:19
TexasTazalka_trash: Thanks that's what I thought22:19
wolsalka_trash: considering virtualbox doesn't give you and 3D support: why?22:19
ikoniatehdave: looking for the supported module name, then to see if that module is loaded22:19
timewriterwell , if linux will get better in the games quarter , i might quit in microsoft22:19
pirxtimewriter: to be more specific. do you know if any programs can take advantage of 4 cores? like perhaps eclipse22:20
ikoniatimewriter: that will be a long time22:20
icerebellumifuck microsoft22:20
ikoniapirx: your kernel will deal with most of that22:20
icerebellumiget an iMac22:20
KDuBtrue.. I have the partition for games and my recording studio!22:20
erUSUL!ohmy | icerebellumi22:20
ubotuicerebellumi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:20
LjL!language | icerebellumi22:20
ikoniaicerebellumi: thats both uncalled for and hihgly offensive language22:20
timewriterpirx its not about programs22:20
tehdaveikonia: how do I see if the module is loaded? i'm relatively new to Linux22:20
timewriterits about the entire system22:20
alka_trashTexasTaz: it might work with the latest version of wine, but from the winedb website the other people that tried to get it working didn't have to much luck22:20
wolspirx: most decent server software can22:20
TexasTaztimewriter I have 42 Processors setting here 2 Intel Quads 2.66 ghz 1333 fsb, 8 mb cache and 40 Dual Core Opterons22:20
ikoniatehdave: have to find out the correct modules name first22:20
TexasTazbuilding a server with the 2 quad cores for myself lol with 32 gb of ram22:20
timewriterthats good for you , you have a rendering farm ?22:20
askandthe preload application; work or not for you?22:21
timewriteri dont need 42 cpu`s @ home22:21
TexasTazrofl no sir22:21
alka_trashTexasTaz: Nice!22:21
tehdaveikonia: would that be under system>prefs>hardware info ?22:21
ikoniatehdave: no, you have to find out the correct module name, which is what I'm looking up now22:21
TexasTazYeah I get them from where I work because they test them for two dfays and throw them out22:21
ikoniatehdave: there doesn't appear to be much documentation on it at an instant22:21
timewriterive seen once a machine with 75 sparc cpu`s22:21
timewriterit costed 500.000 $22:21
TexasTazThey give them to us as a benefit of working there22:21
TheManiacKYTexasTaz: I'm running the same thing, the Quad intel 2.66 4 meg xeons with 32 gig of ram. But its running ESX server and running 42 Windwos 2003 servers. ;) Thats alot of horse power you got there22:22
ikonia!offtopic >timewriter22:22
alka_trashTexasTaz:  I guess things in Texas ARE really bigger22:22
timewriteryeah yeah i know ikonia22:22
n15t0hey why cant i open the bitchx war script?22:22
irielionhey, im looking for deb packages for my project... intipunku.googlecode.com22:22
irielionthis is a photo manager22:22
tehdaveikonia: Ahhh...yeah all I've found has basically said it works fine if you're just using it with the keyboard/mouse it's designed for, but it's hard to get it to work as a regular bluetooth hub22:22
timewritern15t0 bitchx is bitchy22:22
buggeredfstabI am trying to connect to my locally hosted MySQL db via MySQL Administrator, and it cannot connect. I currently have it pointed to localhost. Is there something that I am missing? http://dpaste.com/27446/22:23
timewriterget xchat22:23
ikoniatehdave: thats pretty much the theme I'm reading too, give me a little more time to just finish the document22:23
n15t0is it better?22:23
TexasTazI work for HP as an Admin/Inrastructure Engineer22:23
tehdaveikonia alright, I'll be here ^_^22:23
timewriterat leats it doesnt destroy your eyes22:23
timewriterleast* even22:23
TexasTazoops infrastructure22:23
trprn15t0: of course he will say it is better. it is a matter of opinion, like most software22:23
Flanneln15t0: Try irssi instead of bitchx.  BitchX has some security issues.22:23
n15t0i never used xchat22:23
n15t0i could try it22:23
timewriterxchat has a GUI22:23
drgebSlart I placed syslog at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47609/22:23
TexasTazYes TimeWriter it does both for KDE and Gnome rofl22:24
n15t0whats a GUI (sry im new in using ubuntu)22:24
Slartdrgeb: checking..22:24
timewritera interface22:24
tehdaven15t0: Graphical User Interface22:24
Slartn15t0: graphical user interface.. pretty icons and windoss22:24
n15t0ahh okay thx22:24
TexasTazYeah what the dave said22:24
n15t0this is like the best channel for ubuntu users in the world xD22:24
* timewriter smiles22:25
TexasTazis there another channel for Ubuntu users? :)22:25
timewriterof course it is22:25
timewriterthose guys are elites22:25
eyemeanhello, someone please help me22:25
tehdaven15t0: qft...a bit cluttered and crowded, but you can generally find someone who can help you out22:25
timewriterhello eyemean22:25
ikoniatehdave: it appears you can get it to work, but it is a rather large ammoount of trial and error, depending on your distro, I would invest $15 in a more supported usb bluetooth dongle if possible22:25
eyemeanmy home folder was full, wen i tried to delete tiems it wouldnt22:26
TexasTazOkay guys then give me some one to help me get Gutsy to update properly s oI can get the Desktop Stuff I need lol22:26
Slartdrgeb: are you running regular ubuntu? nothing special?22:26
ikoniaTexasTaz: what sort of issue are you having updating22:26
timewriteryou dont want to delete your entire home folder22:26
drgebSlate I also put my xorg.conf file at http://dpaste.com/hold/27449/22:26
eyemeantimewriter, hello22:26
timewriteryou cant delete it as long as its owned by root22:26
drgebyes regular ubuntu is there away I can copy a file which tells u all packages I have installed ?22:27
TexasTazCan i /msg you ikonia22:27
ikoniaTexasTaz: I'd rather you didn't22:27
timewriteryou might want to delete some unwanted items inside your ~22:27
tehdaveikonia: yeah, that's kind of what I was figuring...I sort of want to get around and do the work required to get the logitech dongle to work, just to get a better feel for Linux and how to work through problems, but for the time being I guess that's the best way of going about it22:27
eyemeantimewriter, i get the message, Failed to open "/home/eyemean/.local/share/Trash/info/test.xml.trashinfo" for writing.22:27
Slartdrgeb: I think you can do dpkg -L ... or dpkg -l (lower case L)22:27
ikoniaTexasTaz: much wiser to buy supported kit than try and make unsupported kit to work22:27
timewriteryes , because you need superuser powers to do that22:27
timewriterdo you want to empty your home folder ?22:28
ikoniaTexasTaz: so what is the problem22:28
timewritersudo rm -rf /home/eyemean/*22:28
timewriterand its empty22:28
eyemeantimewriter, no only some of it22:28
timewriterbut i wont recommend that22:28
timewriterthen sudo rm -rf whatever you want to22:28
Slartdrgeb: but... the syslog didn't  tell me a lot.. neither did the xorg.conf.. it looks like a regular xorg.conf file to me...22:28
eyemeantimewriter, i used the command, and deleted some items, but for some reason didnt make a difference at all wen it should have22:28
tehdaveso, the main reason I want to get a bluetooth dongle set up...has anyone seen anything about getting a Wiimote or an Xbox 360 controller to hook up to a linux box using bluetooth?22:29
drgebhmm let me copy .xsession-errors22:29
n15t0anyone knows what a exploit code is?22:29
TexasTazWell i have certain things likse ms fonts and some other things I need however it tells me they are not there to install or all the dependencies haven't been installed so it can't install22:29
ikoniatehdave: yes, thats very do-able, just not with the dongle you have22:29
timewriterdelete them one by one using root powers :)22:29
tehdaveikonia: alright...i'll probably pick one up when I get paid then, and mess around with it then22:29
PriceChildtehdave, the 360 controller doesn't use bluetooth... a usb wireless connection for it is aviliable manufactured by microsoft availiable at any decent gaming store22:29
timewritern15t0 , a exploit code is a code that explots a bug22:29
TexasTazso i know this has to do with repositories, i used to have a real good one but it's not there anymore so I guess i need another one that has everything I need22:30
timewriterused in most cases for gaining acces into the vulnerable box22:30
ikoniaPriceChild: the wii controller is fine to setup22:30
tehdaveikonia: ahh...thought it was bluetooth...yeah my friend has one of those22:30
PriceChildikonia, ps3 is bluetooth too i think but not xbox36022:30
askand the preload application; work or not for you?22:30
KDuBI think i'm all set.22:31
ikoniaPriceChild: yes, xbox I'm not sure about, but the wii certainly22:31
KDuB( Computer Stats ) [ CPU Model: Dual AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+22:31
n15t0thx timewriter22:31
desertcWhen converting videos to mpeg with ffmpeg, should I be concerned about "buffer underflow" errors?22:31
n15t0mountd remote exploit code22:31
n15t0named remote expliot code22:31
n15t0imap remote exploit codes22:31
n15t0wu-ftpd remote exploit code22:31
n15t0Sekurity Scanner. SSCAN by JSBACH22:31
n15t0listen remote exploit code22:31
n15t0q-pop remote exploit code22:31
n15t0ICQ bomber & flooder source code22:31
n15t0Denial Of Service code22:31
ikoniathank you22:31
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n15t0sry for the spam22:32
timewritern15t0 dont paste22:32
n15t0i didnt know that22:32
timewriterwhere you found those stuff ?22:32
n15t0they were all comming once22:32
n15t0a freind told me to downlaod these things22:32
tehdavealright, thanks ikonia...may be back here once I get a decent dongle set up if I can't find a good way to get it set up22:32
kazolI have a problem deleting a dir-I get: "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/l': No such file or directory" and then "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/\200\031\021\267\262:\310\001\200\354ߵ\262:\310\001\351\003': No such file or directory"22:33
timewriterdont use them or you will go to jail22:33
n15t0but i cant find them22:33
tehdaveer...to get the wiimote set up22:33
ikoniatehdave: straight forward to setup, let me know if you have issues22:33
ikoniatehdave: happy to help22:33
n15t0what?? to jail22:33
tehdaveikonia will do ^_^22:33
n15t0why that?22:33
n15t0are they illegal?22:33
timewriterbecause hacking is illegal22:33
soldatsn15t0, yes they are22:33
eyemeanok it look slike the problem was thunar, caus ei opened nautilus and i deleted files fine22:33
n15t0what er those?22:33
timewriterexcept if you use them on your own  box22:33
alucardboa noite galera22:33
timewriterhacking tools22:33
n15t0ah okay22:34
n15t0only if i use them on my own box?22:34
n15t0then they are legal?22:34
timewriteri mean if you use them to test your box22:34
alucardalguem sabe colocar arquivo rmvb no ubuntu?22:34
n15t0ahh okay22:34
timewriterlike ./exploit my.own.box.net22:34
trprn15t0: it is not illegal to experiment / attack your own equipment. you aren't violating the rights of others that way22:34
n15t0so if i install them22:34
n15t0and use them on my box then22:35
n15t0ah okay22:35
ikonian15t0: they are nothing to do with ubuntu, so lets not discuss them here22:35
timewriteralucard can you try that in english please ?22:35
eyemeantimewriter, is thunar prone to errors? or problems?22:35
n15t0can you help me to get this stuff to look if my box is safe from outside hackers22:35
n15t0oh okay22:35
ikonian15t0: they are not ubuntu tools, so no22:35
soldatseyemean, i have thunar and i have never had a problem22:35
n15t0sry ikonia22:35
timewritereyemean i dont know22:35
david_JAnyone want to be on my SGLI with the army?, and I I wasn't joking.. I really don't want to give it to my family...22:35
ikonian15t0: no need to apologise22:35
aladdinsanethis is my 5th hour trying to solve this problem..Why cant i get my, through fstab, mounted second internal hd to show up as a drive in my applications? It does show up as a drive in two applications though, Thunar and Nautilus, but in all the rest i have to browse down through the filesystem to find the folder, my fstab: UID=xxxx /media/Hdd2        ext3     user,rw  0      022:35
n15t0okay ;)22:35
Slartn15t0: I think they are as legal as say.. a nasty looking stick.. if you walk around hitting people over the head with it.. you'll go to jail.. but I don't think that code.. or the stick is illegal in itself.. but we'll taunt you mercilessly if you keep nagging us about it =)22:36
ikoniadavid_J: that is nothing to do with ubuntu22:36
david_Jikonia: I figured someone would say that...22:36
ikoniadavid_J: so don't do it22:36
david_JI'll drop it22:36
alucardsomebody make put .rmvb in ubuntu?22:36
eyemeansoldats, for some reason it wouldnt let me move items from my home folder or anywhere else so i opened nautilus and that worked fine22:36
timewritern15t0 what OS are you using ?22:36
kazolCan someone help me? I have a problem deleting a directory.22:36
ikoniakazol: sure, explain the problem22:36
timewriterwuftpd is not vulnerable since 200222:36
soldatseyemean, hmm i do it all the time ill have to look into it22:37
timewriteryou may try that ssh scan22:37
timewriterthats the gayest "code" ever22:37
ikoniatimewriter: tone it down please.22:37
timewriterit tries to connect via ssh22:37
Slartkazol: what's the problem?22:37
timewriterusing some passwords22:37
timewritersorry ikonia22:37
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:37
timewriterlike root=toor22:37
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:37
n15t0is what? xDD22:37
mnemonicaHey... I'm trying to fix some issues that I'm having with my wireless card, when I issue lspci in the prompt it gives me this: ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47613/     What is my wireless card's name? Or what is it called?   I'm using this guide: http://i-eat-noobs.blogspot.com/2007/08/get-wireless-working-in-ubuntu-704.html    to try and get my wireless working.    With the restricted drivers I can see the ssid but not actually connect.22:37
kazolikonia, Slart: I try performing the command "rm -rf Downloads" but I get: "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/l': No such file or directory" and then "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/\200\031\021\267\262:\310\001\200\354ߵ\262:\310\001\351\003': No such file or directory"22:37
n15t0OS isnt it ubuntu?22:38
ikoniakazol: ahhh that is because of \ - you need to escape char it, or just use the gui - you'll find it more straight forward22:38
Slartkazol: what happens if you try to delete it using ... say.. Nautilus? (nautilus=the file manager in gnome)22:38
ikonian15t0: what operating system are you using, is the question22:38
timewriteros = operating system22:38
timewriterubuntu is an OS ofc22:38
ikoniaSlart: thats the easy answere22:38
timewriterwindows is another os , and so on22:38
alucardyes linux ubuntu22:38
marupaIs there any way to record video from one device and audio from another?22:38
kazolikonia: I tried the GUI already; it's not because of the excape char-the dir is "Downloads."22:38
n15t0yeah linux ubuntu 7.1022:38
alucardversion 7.0422:39
ikoniakazol: looking at the error it is because of the \ chars22:39
timewriterwell , ubuntu 7.10 is pretty secure22:39
timewriterno need to try exploits on it22:39
Slartikonia: I very rarely use rm -rf any more.. wasted 1 year of documents once.. almost had to sleep on the couch for a week.. =)22:39
localgod11i am booting LTS off of a USB HD and it hangs on mounting root file system on reboot any ideas?22:39
n15t0then im happy22:39
n15t0cause i dont want to be hacked22:39
timewriteryou wont be :)22:39
kazolikonia: That's weird....22:40
kazolikonia: When I ls that dir, I get: "?????:????ߵ?:????  l  l  l  l  l  l"22:40
ikoniakazol: cd into dowloads and try to delete the 1 dir with -rf and you'll possible get the same error22:40
Slartkazol: those are some weird looking folders.. have you checked the drive for errors?22:40
n15t0is surfing with a hiddne ip illegal?22:40
eyemeansoldats, ok once i made room in home folder with nautilus, it seems thunar is working ok now, weird22:41
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:41
kazoln15t0: lol what is this, China?22:41
unikon]n15t0 as long as your just using ubuntu your still way better off than using windows22:41
ikonian15t0: look, you sound like your up to no good, with hidden ip and cracking tools, this is an ubuntu support channel only, lets try to stick to that topic22:41
n15t0i loooove ubuntu22:41
Slartn15t0: not last time I checked.. and surfing without an IP is very hard indeed.. I would almost say impossible.. but only almost22:41
timewriterhe is dodgy :)22:41
n15t0no i dont want to do bad22:41
ikoniaok, so lets drop it and move on please.22:42
timewritern15t0 let me clear this up to you : no matter what methods are you using , they will get you22:42
n15t0i just dont want to be hacked fom someone22:42
ikoniaok, lets drop that topic and get backto support please.22:42
n15t0i dont ask something like that anymore22:42
n15t0im sorry22:42
localgod11i am booting LTS off of a USB HD and it hangs on mounting root file system on reboot any ideas?22:42
kazolSlart: Surfing *without* an IP???22:42
soldatseyemean, hah well im glad you figured it out, i really like thunar its faster for me22:43
Slartlocalgod11: broken hard drive?22:43
timewriterfor surfing you need just a surf board :))22:43
ikonialocalgod11: where is your root file system ?22:43
n15t0i heard of using linux on an xbox36022:43
n15t0this is very funny22:43
soldatsn15t0, there is a room for security and hacking22:43
ikonian15t0: what part of offtopic is not being made clear to you22:43
kazoln15t0: Don't forget the wifi router, PDA, iPod, etc.22:43
eyemeansoldats, yeah i love it too, and ur right it is slightly faster, which was why i was annoyed went it went mental on me, hahaha22:43
Slartkazol: yes.. I guess you could use some kind of proxy and communicate with the proxy using.. perhaps some weird network without ip-numbers... that would be surfing without an ip, right ? =)22:43
n15t0soldats :waht cahnnel?22:44
marupaAnyone here know how to record from separate video and audio devices?22:44
ikonian15t0: guys, PLEASE can we drop this topic22:44
ikoniamarupa: record using what application ?22:44
TexasTazBe back in a bit guys I am going to put gutsy gibbon back on22:44
ikoniamarupa: you should be able to specify video and audio streams from most encoders22:44
marupaikonia, mencoder, preferrably.22:44
kazolSlart: I've heard of "IP spoofing" but I don't understand how it's possible on a DSL/cable modem.22:44
ikoniamarupa: that shouldn't be a problem before, I've done something very similar22:44
ikoniakazol: PLEASE drop it22:45
timewriteri wish they have gaim on Gutsy22:45
ikoniatimewriter: gaim is dead22:45
kazolikonia: Sorry, I'm just curious.22:45
timewriterand a 2.6.* version of xchat22:45
timewriterits not22:45
marupaikonia, if my video adapter plays in tvtime, it's probably /dev/video0, right?22:45
ikoniatimewriter: pidgin replaced it, same application, new name22:45
timewriterworks for my feisty22:45
ikoniamarupa: normallly22:45
timewriteryes but with an ugly pidgeon head22:45
ikoniatimewriter: it wasn't dead before feisty22:45
timewriteri cant see it on my desktop22:45
marupaikonia, and my line-in would normally be what though?22:45
KDuB( Network Stats ) Device: eth0 | Hostname: GotWork | Data: In: 161.3 MB ( 272 Bytes/sec ) Out: 11.3 MB ( 55 Bytes/sec ), Total: 172.7 MB [ In 93.4% | Out 6.6% ] ( 327 Bytes/sec )22:45
Slartkazol: where is this download - folder of yours, the one you can't delete?22:45
timewriterand xchat is bugged22:45
ikoniaKDuB: what are you showing us that22:45
timewriterthe 2.822:46
n15t0maybe its not a ubuntu depending question but ehhr i cant watch films there a just like green lines22:46
* KDuB shrugs22:46
KDuBtesting xlack22:46
ikoniaKDuB: so don't, this channel is busy enough as it is, think before posting lines of pointless spam please.22:46
kazolSlart: There are folders (that act weird and cannot be deleted) within Downloads; I'll try to fsck the partition.22:46
ikoniakazol: have you been downloading torrents by any chance ?22:46
Slartkazol: I had something like that happen to me once.. was a usb memory and I couldn't delete certain folders.. fsck found errors on the drive, fixed those and then I could delete the folders..22:47
kazolikonia: Massive amounts 24/7.22:47
n15t0can there be any prob with my graphic card?22:47
ikoniakazol: you've probably downloaded some dodgy ones with funny char sets22:47
ikoniakazol: its quite common in wares downloads22:47
Slartah.. no more manga for you, kazol.. =)22:47
WARlrusHi, I'm having trouble with getting Ubuntu to connect to my wireless network via a Belkin USB wireless dongle. It asks me to enter the WEP key, but then doesn't do anything when I enter the correct key, and eventually asks for it again!22:47
kazolikonia: It can't delete the dirs just because of that?22:48
desertc!wifi | WARlrus22:48
ubotuWARlrus: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:48
timewriterkazol try to rm -rf "your weird folder"22:48
desertcWARlrus: Have you checked the Ubuntu Forums yet?22:48
Slarttimewriter: we tried that.. didn't work22:48
kazolSlart: So I umount the ext3 LVM LUKS RAID partition and fsck it?22:48
kazoltimewriter: Already tried.22:48
timewriterdid you used "  " ?22:48
WARlrusYes, I've been looking through the documentation for my specific adaptor, and haven't found anything22:48
timewriterwhats the output ?22:48
phyzkazol, i don't remember how, but emacs has a file browser that i recall being able to delete strange names22:49
desertcWhat is the specific adapter model number?22:49
Slartkazol: ouch.. you're using raid and lvm.. never done that... can't really say if that's the way or not.. sorry22:49
kazoltimewriter: ikonia, Slart: I try performing the command "rm -rf Downloads" but I get: "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/l': No such file or directory" and then "rm: cannot remove directory `Downloads/\200\031\021\267\262:\310\001\200\354ߵ\262:\310\001\351\003': No such file or directory"22:49
timewriteryou need to rm -rf "/home/kazol/Downloads/\200\031\021\267\262:\310\001\200\354ߵ\262:\310\001\351\003"22:50
timewriteror whatever is the path22:50
timewriteruse "  "22:50
WARlrusI think the network is rejecting the key for some reason, but I've no idea why! Its the correct key!22:50
desertctimewriter: that so looks like someone has set up an ftp server on his box22:50
Slarttimewriter: doesn't rm -rf do that automagically? when it uses recursive deleting?22:50
n15t0how can i cheack if there are any new updates for nvidia graphic cards? with shell or?22:50
desertcSlart: The \ is not a new directory, it specifies a special character22:51
timewriterSlart for some weird named folders you need to put the folder between " "22:51
timewriterso you can delete it22:51
timewriterotherwise you get the no such file or directory output22:51
WARlrusI've just restarted my box, and its come up asking to enter the Passphrase, but when I do that - it does nothing!22:52
kazoltimewriter: "rm: cannot lstat `Downloads/\\200\\031\\021\\267\\262:\\310\\001\\200\\354ߵ\\262:\\310\\001\\351\\003': Invalid argument"22:52
Slartdesertc: it's in Downloads/\200\031..... .so it's a folder in the folder Downloads that is named "\200\031...", or ?22:52
timewriterkazol dont copy/paste what i typed , that was just an analogy22:52
Slarttimewriter: yes.. I just thought rm-rf would do that when it descends into a directory structure like that..22:52
timewriterjust put the folder you want to delete on "  "22:52
desertcWarlrus: Is that a broadcom chipset?22:53
Slartperhaps using midnight commander or something might be easier..22:53
desertcWARlrus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62774822:53
timewriteryes mc would solve the problem proly22:53
desertcWARlrus: Are you getting errors in your /var/messages ?22:54
kazoltimewriter: I still get invalids arguments.22:54
timewriteri still believe you are missing something ..22:54
Slartcan you use utf-8 in filenames in ubuntu? or what are the restrictions?22:54
timewriterkazol try using midnight commander22:54
desertcslart: Filenames under Linux can be up to 256 characters long and they normally contain letters, numbers, "." (dots), "_" (underscores) and "-" (dashes).22:54
WARlrusdesertc - There's no solution to that problem in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=627748 lol :P22:55
WARlrusI'll check...22:55
Slartor perhaps I should ask.. does ext3 support utf-8 in filenames?22:55
soundraySlart: yes, it does22:55
desertcWARlrus: There is not much solution for broadcom wifi adapters22:55
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx22:55
Slartthanks soundray22:55
soundraySlart: for a minimum of trouble, I tend to stick with the characters that desertc listed above22:55
WARlrusthere is no folder /var/messages :S22:55
netham45I have a 64-bit 6.06 CD that I want to use to boot to mount an NTFS drive, then burn a CD.22:56
netham45Ican do this, right?22:56
timewriterits /var/log/messages22:56
aroI'm installing Ubuntu 7.10 and it has been sitting at 94% for 30 minutes on step "Loading module 'ide-floppy' for 'Linux IDE floppy'... and I don't even have a floppy disk!!!22:56
ctothejwhat is the third party "partner" repo in the software sources? what does it have?22:56
Slartsoundray: yes.. same here.. just wondering.. one of these days I'll unpack something and find weird filenames.. with chinese characters or something22:56
desertcWARlrus: yeah, log/messages22:56
timewriteraro relax22:56
timewriterit is loaded by default22:56
desertcaro: Is the CD corrupted?22:56
aroI'm relaxed, I didn't mean to include that many exclamations :)22:56
andrukanybody know how to get kile working with aspell on gnome?22:56
arodesertc: not that I'm aware of, I've used it perfectly recently22:56
n15t0can i make a directory which is saved with a password...like typing in the password then i can see the things that are in the folder?22:56
desertcaro: You might check the integrity of the disk22:57
arotimewriter: but should it take 30 minutes? The CD isn't even being accessed anymore22:57
arodesertc: I guess I can try22:57
desertcaro: that's an option when you boot to it22:57
timewriterthats not the floppy module`s fault i guess22:57
Slartn15t0: I don't think so... you can either see it or not.. I don't think you get a password prompt22:57
arodesertc: I know.22:57
desertcaro: how did you make it?22:57
arodesertc: It's just a burned iso22:57
desertcaro: or is it a ship-it cd?22:57
arodesertc: I've used it to install recently and everything was fine.22:57
desertcaro: yeah, sometimes there is no checking on the disks22:57
WARlrusI did have this device working on my old version of Ubuntu...22:58
WARlrusdesertc: I'm not seeing any errors in /var/log/messages22:58
timewritermaybe it got damaged meanwhile22:58
timewritercheck cd for errors22:58
n15t0Slart: hmm..isn't there any code or something that protects your folder with a password? :(22:58
WARlrusOne from the last reboot was "eth0: link down", but I'm not using eth022:58
Preyor<_< I have a very frustrating problem, can anyone help me?22:58
Slartn15t0: you could encrypt it.. check out truecrypt for example22:58
andrukPreyor: just ask22:58
soundrayPreyor: depends on the problem22:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:58
andrukPreyor: we cant know or even try until you ask ;-)22:58
n15t0i looked for truecrypt twice but i couldnt get it installed22:59
Slartoh.. ubotu.. you fail me again.. no cookie22:59
nortyi have ubuntu 7.10 installed, does this come with whatever i need to write python scripts? where is the python directly?22:59
Slart!info truecrypt22:59
s32aphno dpkg.. help!22:59
ubotuPackage truecrypt does not exist in gutsy22:59
andrukanybody know how to get kile working with aspell on gnome?22:59
Preyorwell, ive got an ubutu iso, and i want to install it on a harddrive to take home and plug inot my computer there, but all three seem to have differetn reasons they wont work22:59
timewriterjust a single e sorry22:59
ikoniaapologies, my phone went22:59
n15t0!info truecrypt22:59
ubotuPackage truecrypt does not exist in gutsy22:59
ikonianorty: python is installed by default22:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truencrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trueencrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
nortyikonia, where is it located?23:00
nortyi looked in /usr/local but its not there23:00
Slartnope.. it's called truecrypt.. but I don't know what the package is called23:00
DeonHi, I'm using Ubuntu 7.04 on CD, and was wondering if theres someway the CD can be loaded to RAM or something because my CD drive makes an awful noise while it's working, and it's so annoying..23:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:00
timewriterso its true crypt , not true encrypt23:00
ikonianorty: /usr/bin23:00
timewriternever used it23:00
desertcWARlrus: sorry, I don't know much about wifi - I don't use it much23:00
soundrayGuys, can you please stop fishing with the bot23:00
clarezoeanyone here?23:00
mikebeechamcan anyone tell me how I can make the terminal transparent?23:01
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Preyorone gets stuck at verifying dmi pool data, the other cant find ntldr files, and the third is apparently failure imminent according to something called s.m.a.r.t. disk23:01
clarezoeI don't have internet23:01
timewritermikebeecham you need to edit properties23:01
ikoniamikebeecham: preferences in the termanal23:01
timewriterpreferences .23:01
clarezoeI'm using live CD23:01
andruksoundray: sorry, just seems it should have something (anything) on truecrypt23:01
timewriteryou dint have internet ?23:01
timewriterwell thats weird23:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truecrypt - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:01
nortyikonia, that is where the executable is, where is the directory?23:01
ikonian15t0: you've done that 3 times23:01
trprn15t0: try truecrypt.org ;)23:01
soundray!msgthebot | andruk, n15t023:01
ubotuandruk, n15t0: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.23:01
Slartn15t0: if you want to torture the bot.. do it in a private chat...23:02
mikebeechamikonia: I dont see preferences within the terminal?23:02
timewriternorty locate python |grep bin23:02
ikonianorty: what directory, there isn't one, its libs, binaries broke out across the file system23:02
ikoniamikebeecham: edit -> preferences23:02
kazolSlart, timewriter: I found a way to rm the dirs-I just did it on the server. Turns out Ubuntu didn't recognize Cyrillic.23:02
n15t0no sry23:02
clarezoeI don't know how to make it without internet, I can connect to internet using liveCD23:02
IdleOne!info easycrypt23:02
ubotuPackage easycrypt does not exist in gutsy23:02
andruksoundray: oh, thanks, i didnt know to do that23:02
Preyorcan anyone help me?23:02
n15t0i dont know this chat yet23:02
timewriterlol so its russian23:02
mikebeechamikonia: got it :D23:02
ikoniaPreyor: maybe if you ask a question23:02
ikoniamikebeecham: ok23:02
Slartkazol: oh? how did you delete it then? command line?23:02
soundrayn15t0: all the more reason to tread carefully23:02
clarezoeanyone can help, or just tell me how to recover it by liveCD23:02
ikoniaclarezoe: recover what ?23:02
Deonanyone? :*23:03
clarezoeikonia, internet stuff23:03
soundrayPreyor: is there any reason you're not taking the CD home with you and do the install there?23:03
timewriterclarezoe you obviously HAVE internet23:03
ikoniaDeon: what ?23:03
Preyor[14:59] <Preyor> well, ive got an ubutu iso, and i want to install it on a harddrive to take home and plug into my computer there, but all three seem to have different reasons they wont work23:03
ikoniaclarezoe: what sort of stuff23:03
n15t0ill learn to use this caht23:03
n15t0im sry :(23:03
Deonikonia: Can the livecd be loaded to RAM23:03
SpookyETBeagle is annoying me. It won't index Thunderbird emails. Any ideas?23:03
Deonand run from there23:03
ikoniaDeon: it is loaded into ram, thats how it works23:03
clarezoeikonia, I can't connect to internet, I'm using liveCD23:03
Preyor[15:01] <Preyor> one gets stuck at verifying dmi pool data, the other cant findntldr files, and the third is apparently failure imminent according to something called s.m.a.r.t. disk23:03
Deonyes but I mean totally so the CD isn't read from at all23:03
ikoniaclarezoe: what type of connection to you want to use23:03
timewriterclarezoe you can23:03
SlartDeon: well.. you could download the iso and mount the iso, like a cd.. kind of like daemon tools under windows23:03
ikoniaPreyor: ntldr is windows,23:03
timewriterjust edit your network preferences while using LIVE CD23:04
Preyorwhy cant i just boot the ubuntu disk then?23:04
DeonOk.. what about running it from a USBHDD?23:04
ikoniaPreyor: because you've installed it using the config of another system23:04
timewriterPreyor what you mean by you cant boot it ?23:04
ikoniaDeon: do-able, but needs effort23:04
timewriterwhats the error ?23:04
SlartDeon: you won't be able to boot from it.. for that you'll be stuck with the CD23:04
IdleOnetimewriter: stop stating the obvious and read between the lines . clarezoe cant connect to internet when booting the installed os and that is why they are using the livecd.23:04
DeonAw :(23:04
Preyorall three refuse to boot the disk, and stop at those various places23:04
DeonWhat if I were to copy all the CDs files onto the HDD?23:05
ikoniaPreyor: boot from the cdrom, and install using the computer you want to use, don't move the disk around23:05
timewriterIdleOne i read what he typed23:05
clarezoeIdleOne, you are write23:05
ikoniaDeon: it doesn't work like that23:05
Deonnuts :P23:05
clarezoeIdleOne, sorry you are right23:05
ikoniatimewriter: it's not funny23:05
Preyorok, ill try that then, thank you23:05
timewriterwell sorry :))23:05
Preyorbut is there an easy way to just wipe the hd ?23:06
IdleOnetimewriter: reading people on irc is not about the words used but the intention of the words. would serve you well to get off your high horse and try and be helpful23:06
Deonthanks for everything, anyway23:06
ikoniaPreyor: yeah sure, destroy the partition, format the file system23:06
clarezoetimewriter, how can I make changes while using live CD23:06
Preyorhow? or should i just google it?23:06
timewriterthat would be pretty hard for you too , IdleOne , if your native language wouldnt be english23:06
ikoniaclarezoe: its stored in ram, so your changes will be stored until you reboot23:06
timewriterclarezoe you can make temporarily changes23:06
soundrayPreyor: when you use the normal installer, you get a chance to assign the whole disk to Ubuntu.23:07
Preyoryes, but it wont boot the disk or the installer, its stops at ntldr missing23:07
timewriterthats an windows error23:07
ikoniaPreyor: no it doesn't boot the cdrom !23:07
timewriternot a linux one23:07
Preyorit tells me to insert a system disk and press enter23:07
timewriterPreyor that is a windows error23:07
ikoniaPreyor: I've explained to you that ntldr is part of your windows install23:07
Slartclarezoe: just checking here if I understand this right.. you can't connect to internet when you boot from the hard drive.. but when you use the same computer and a Live CD, it works.. right?23:08
danc3Preyor: you're not booting from the CDROM if you're seeing that error message23:08
clarezoeSlart, exactly23:08
Preyorhmmm ok, ive gone into the boot menu and chosen cdrom though23:08
eVipereHey, where's the option to change the window manager to emerald for compiz-fusion?23:08
ikoniaSlart: well picked up, I didn't see that as the problem23:08
timewriterclarezoe if youre isp is using DHCP , you need to edit your network interface23:08
n15t0can i shut my computer down with a command in the shell? like shutdown or something?23:08
ikonian15t0: shutdown -h now23:08
Slartclarezoe: how do you connect to internet? modem? adsl? cable (comhem?)23:08
ikonian15t0: init 023:08
timewriterin fact you need to edit it in both ways , dhcp or not23:08
n15t0and restart23:08
n15t0for restart :D23:09
ikonian15t0: thats reboot, or shutdown -r now, or init 623:09
clarezoeSlart, I'm using cable dhcp23:09
timewritermine is using dhcp but ubuntu doesnt take the ip`s automatically23:09
eVipereI just use halt -p23:09
n15t0ahh okay23:09
n15t0soo can i set a timer for it,too?23:09
timewriterso i cant connect to internet until i dont edit my network interface23:09
ikonian15t0: yes23:09
PreyorHow do i make sure that im booting from the cd?23:09
robzillai'm having trouble with an external hard drive that Ubuntu doesn't recognize. It's a Hitachi23:09
ikoniaPreyor: you'll see the ubuntu spalsh23:09
danc3Preyor: choose it in bios23:09
n15t0sutdown -h 5minutes or how?23:09
ikonian15t0: seconds, shudown -h 30023:10
timewritershutdown -h now23:10
Preyorok, so the boot menu wont work then?23:10
ikonian15t0: man shutdown23:10
narothepharohhow do i enable sound in xubuntu?23:10
ikoniatimewriter: he said 5 minutes23:10
marupaBah.  I'm trying to figure out how to record (at the moment) just video from my video in card (NOT tuner), it should be /dev/video0, but when I do 'mplayer /dev/video0' it does nothing.23:10
danc3Preyor: most BIOS's allow you to press a key (F12 is common) to choose the boot source23:10
timewriteryes but its better now :)23:10
Preyormine's f1123:10
danc3Preyor: by the time you see a boot menu, it's too late23:10
desertc⚇   ⚇   ⚇   ⚇  Did you check the ALSA channel settings, narothepharoh ?23:10
n15t0i asked if i could set a timer23:10
danc3well there ya go23:10
clarezoeit works fine before, but I uninstalled SCIM, and restarted X and internet is gone23:10
Slartclarezoe: have you recently installed ubuntu? has the internet connection ever worked before? have you changed anything in ubuntu? installed firewalls? anything else?23:10
WARlrusOkay, I've tried following the information on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy but it doesn't seem to work23:10
ikoniatimewriter: if you don't want to help him - don't respond. Your starting to casue a little bit of a problem23:10
dthomas218I installed Ubuntu Server GG, then I installed the graphical interface. Everything works, but now I can't figure out how to choose terminal mode between Gnome on bootup, I always get the latter. I've looked online, this has to be easy!23:10
WARlrusanyone got any other ideas?!23:10
n15t0thx ikonia23:10
timewritercome`one boys , smile a bit23:10
Preyoroooo, ok, so then how do i chooce the boot earlier?23:10
timewriterlife is not so serious23:10
narothepharohdesertc: how do i do that?23:10
clarezoeSlart, it works fine before, but I uninstalled SCIM, and restarted X and internet is gone23:11
ikoniatimewriter: offering false information is not funny ina  support channel. Help users, or don't23:11
clarezoeSlart, yes23:11
danc3Preyor: I just told you, press F11 and choose CDROM23:11
ikoniatimewriter: but stop messing around23:11
timewriterok :)23:11
danc3ikonia: are you a channel ops?23:11
Preyorthats what ive been doing, and it tells me the ntldr is missing23:11
desertcnarothepharoh: one sec23:11
ikoniadanc3: no, not in this channel23:11
danc3Preyor: you must be doing it wrong23:11
Slartbut.. scim is about keyboard input and such... it can't affect network connectivity.. can it??23:11
timewriterPreyor , you need to enter bios23:11
clarezoeSlart, is there's any simple way that recover from livecd?23:11
robzillahas anyone had trouble with external hard drives being mounted by ubuntu?23:12
timewriterand on boot options , set CD-rom as 1st boot devince23:12
danc3ikonia: ok, just wondering why you're bossing others around....23:12
ikoniaPreyor: it's not booting from cdrom then, it's booting from the hard disk23:12
timewriterdevice* even23:12
desertcnarothepharoh: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693023:12
WARlrusMy actual dongle is being recognised, its picking up the nearby networks, but its rejecting my network Key - even when I know its correct!23:12
timewriterthan save and exit bios23:12
ikoniadanc3: I'm not bossing anyone around, I'm asking a person to respect the channels rules23:12
Preyorok, i will try bios then, thank you all23:12
timewriteryou have to23:12
danc3ikonia: that's the channel op's job....23:12
Slartclarezoe: that's all you did? everything worked.. you uninstalled scim and then it didn't work..?23:12
timewriterotherwise it will not try to boot from cd23:12
ikoniadanc3: there are none around,23:12
clarezoeSlart, yes23:12
desertcWARlrus: Have you tried disabling the security and seeing if it works that way?23:12
Slartclarezoe: have you tried reinstalling scim?23:12
WARlrusThats not something I can do unfortunately!23:12
marupadanc3, considering there are no ops, someone has to take charge.23:13
danc3lol, right23:13
danc3yeah ok23:13
clarezoeSlart, I don't have internet, can't reinstall then, can't connect to the source23:13
WARlrusTheres many other computers on the network, and I doubt that messing up all of them would please my parents! hehe23:13
dug_if you really need ops, type !  ops23:13
Slartmarupa: there are ops.. they are just hiding =)23:13
Dr_willismarupa,  there are Ops around.. and i imagine that theya re getting sick of the rambling on about no ops. :)23:13
robzillacan anyone read what I'm writing/23:13
ikoniarobzilla: yes23:13
Dr_willisrobzilla,  if we say NO  what will that mean? :P23:13
clarezoeSlart, It's wired, I don't know what to do without internet, and I can't make any changes with internet in livecd23:13
marupaAny ideas on why my video-in adapter works in tvtime, but not in mplayer?23:14
n15t0can is save my options what i changed in bitchx? like the name and the channel?23:14
SpookyETDoes Thunderbird need a Beagle extension like firefox? I googled and found one. It's not indexing thunderbird.23:14
ikoniamarupa: mplayer doesn't have a decoder23:14
robzillait'll would at least answer my Q's:-/23:14
Slartclarezoe: ah.. but you can install from the live cd.. I think you just have to insert the cd when you're running from the hard drive.. it will popup a dialog asking if you want to use the cd as a software source or something like that.. just answer yes and try reinstalling scim23:14
timewriterclarezoe , did you tried to manually input ip , netmask , gateway , name server on your network interface preferences ?23:14
Dr_willisn15t0,  i would suggest reading the various BitchX tutorials that exist.23:14
MrGreencastleWhy is it that everytime I login to Gutsy it takes almost 5 minutes to start? Its a clean install and it does this on my friends installation aswell.23:14
marupaikonia, How would I test my settings then?23:14
Slartclarezoe: if you don't get the popup you can always go into "system, administration, software sources" and add the cd that way23:14
ikoniamarupa: test your settings, if mplayer doesn't have a decoder you can't test it23:15
marupaikonia, if tvtime can decode it, mplayer should be able to.23:15
danc3MrGreencastle: probably negotiating an IP address with DHCP... are you connected to a router when booting?23:15
n15t0can is save my options what i changed in bitchx? like the name and the channel?23:15
danc3n15t0: yes23:15
ikoniamarupa: why, they are different applications, marupa tvtime will have a decoder on it,23:15
clarezoeSlart, Ok I'll reboot and try that, wish me goodluck23:15
robzilla question: if ubuntu recognizes one brand of exteernal hard drive but not another is it safe to say that the one it doesn't recognize wont work at all/23:15
Slartclarezoe: go kick some ubuntu butt..23:15
ikoniamarupa: I'm not aware of anyone trying to use mplayer as a video in/tc decoder23:16
orethhey ikonia23:16
orethany news concerning flash23:16
ikoniaoreth: hello23:16
MrGreencastledanc3: Yes, but how does that make metacity not start properly or fusion-icon not start EVEN though its in the startup session23:16
danc3n15t0: I'm not sure, but I bet if you read the bitchx man page you could find out23:16
Dr_willisrobzilla,  depends on whats not recognizing it.. check 'dmesg' and 'sudo fdisk -l' see if its seen there.. it may just be amounting issue23:16
WARlrusAHH! I'm getting an error in /var/log/messages now... its saying "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): wlan0: link becomes ready"23:16
ikoniaoreth: yes, there is a backport pending from the hardy package23:16
marupaikonia, then how would I record video from my video-in adapter?23:16
MrGreencastlemy network manager icon doesn't start either23:16
danc3MrGreencastle: I don't know about that23:16
WARlrusand then "wlan0: duplicate address detected"23:16
ikoniamarupa: use a capture program23:16
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines23:16
marupaikonia, such as?23:16
ikoniaoreth: things are moving slower than expected23:16
* oreth nods23:16
ikoniamarupa: no idea, I don't use one23:16
Slartcan uninstalling SCIM really kill your internet connection??? sounds very weird...23:17
robzillaI've tried all that and it doesn't recognize it anywhere. My personal laptop recognized it just fine23:17
MrGreencastleI always have to open a terminal and type metacity --replace23:17
ikoniaoreth: it is "fixed" though, just not released23:17
danc3n15t0: open a terminal and type "man bitchx" and then read it23:17
* oreth considers grabbing emacs and messing with it for the mean time23:17
MrGreencastlethen compiz --replace everytime I start....23:17
cizarrhow could i copy from the putty console?23:17
timewriterright click them copy23:17
ikoniacizarr: just hightlight and middle mouse button in a new terminal23:17
timewriteroh you mean putty23:17
timewriteryou cant23:17
timewriternot on linux23:17
ikoniayes you can23:17
desertctimewriter: :)23:17
danc3sure you can23:17
ikoniayou just need to highliight it23:18
cizarri have no middle mouse ikonia23:18
danc3it's called "gpm"23:18
Dr_willisI cut/paste with/from putty.exe all the time.23:18
desertccizarr: press both buttons at once23:18
timewriterhe means a single line23:18
ikoniacizarr: then both mouse buttons emmulate middle button23:18
dug_in ubuntu terminal, you shift-control-c to copy, in putty, I think i right click and copy23:18
danc3timewriter: yes, highlight and paste23:18
trprheh. select the text in putty. it is automatically copied. last i checked the clipboard worked allot like X in putty23:18
WARlruswhat does "wlan0: duplicate address detected!" mean?23:18
cizarrcool thanks !23:18
timewriternever tried23:18
Dr_willisWARlrus,  sounds like a machine i allready usign the ip perhaps?23:19
danc3timewriter: then you shouldn't give (false) advice, if you've never tried23:19
timewriternever tried the both buttons23:19
timewritertried to copy23:19
timewriterdidnt worked23:19
WARlrusDr_willis: it should be assigned a unique address by the router though :S23:19
Dr_willisWARlrus,  'should' :) check the router perhaps?23:19
heatmzzrubuntu and totem wont play a dvd, why and how do I fix it?23:19
Slart!dvd | heatmzzr23:20
Dr_willis!dvd | heatmzzr23:20
ubotuheatmzzr: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:20
timewriterheatmzzr remove totem and apt-get install vlc23:20
WARlruswell its a BT HomeHub, and I've set the Hub up to assign a static IP and still get the problem23:20
n15t0can i still change my computer's name? or do i have it until i reinstall whole ubuntu?23:20
timewriteryou can change it23:20
clarezoeSlart, so wired that, after 2 times restarting, it works now23:20
ikoniaNilbus: you can change your hostname any time23:20
Slartclarezoe: ah.. sweet23:20
ikonian15t0: you can change your hostname23:20
_____jani use LAMP23:20
AldolielRight guys I have a very puzzling problem for ya23:20
timewritern15t0 type sudo hostname your-desired-hostname23:20
Slartclarezoe: I still don't understand why uninstalling scim would break your network.. but life is weird like that23:20
cizarr:/ the copy method on putty doesnt work23:20
ikoniatimewriter: that won't set it23:20
_____janso...i have to ask u how can i add user to ftp23:21
=== allbert is now known as allbert_
timewritercizarr i told you23:21
kev_bCan anyone tell me why in Bluefish the tabs aren't draggable but this says they are: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TabConsistency ?23:21
ikonian15t0: etc /etc/hostname23:21
cristhianhi, any idea how to convert pal video formats to ntsc ?23:21
clarezoeSlart, maybe that is why ubuntu is attactive23:21
ikonian15t0: edit /etc/hostname that should lread23:21
_____jancos i can do everything except this...sudo gedit /etc/shells23:21
AldolielJust done an upgrade from Feisty to Gutsy, and now wired networking is broken23:21
cizarrit only work if u copy/paste in the putty console23:21
Dr_williscristhian,  thats.. interesting. You have Pal .avi files?23:21
Slartclarezoe: hehe.. could be.. although I would prefer a predictable os over an interesting one.. =)23:21
cristhianyeah i have lots23:22
jb0nd38372I have a quick question about memory usage.  I have 2 gig of memory, and I notice thru the system monitor that 10% is in use by programs, and 70% used by "cache" is that a disk cache, and will it get smaller or juste keep increasing.23:22
bluefoxxhey, im having some trouble playing nethack-gnome, and heres terminal output> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47623/ <23:22
n15t0i have no write permission23:22
ikonian15t0: use sudo23:22
Slart_____jan: use gksu with gnome applications.. sudo with command line.23:22
timewritern15t0 use sudo23:22
scguy318jb0nd38372: thats an I/O cache, it will change size to accomodate programs that need memory23:22
timewriterthat file is owned by root23:22
AldolielNetworkManager claims there is a connection but there isn't one, and when I manually configure one the interface doesn't even appear in ifconfig23:22
_____janwhat is gksu:D23:23
n15t0unknown mime-type23:23
cristhianyes Dr Willis, many pal .avi any suggestion ?23:23
pgdexjb0nd38372: The hard disk cache is only used when other programs don't need it. Linux is quite smart that way23:23
Dr_williscristhian,  as far as i know. its just a matter of the  resoultion of the video file.  In fact ive not even heard pal/ntsc mentioned in ages..  :)  avidmux can proberly do it.23:23
Slartjb0nd38372: it will use all available memory.. but it will let it go if a program needs it..23:23
Dr_willis!find avid23:23
scguy318______jan: graphical su23:23
wols_____jan: gksudo23:23
ubotuFound: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, sword-comm-tdavid, avidemux23:23
cizarris there any way to mute the 'beeps' that come from the computer hardware(i think) on ubuntu?23:23
pgdexAldoliel: ifconfig -a ?23:23
scguy318wols: not necessarily, su is different from sudo :P23:23
Dr_williscristhian,  avidemux can doo all sorts of conversions.23:23
Slartjb0nd38372: unused memory is wasted memory.. using it as cache makes stuff go faster.. it's a good thing23:23
_____janso if i type gksudo /etc/shell23:23
pgdexcizarr: setterm23:23
AldolielSame, just shows the loopback interface23:23
_____janis it ok?23:23
scguy318wols: since you could decide to run an app under the context of a diff user other than root23:23
jb0nd38372oh hi there scguy318 , yeah i've noticed everytime I load something the cache size increases, so when it gets to 100% will it start clearing out?23:23
soundray_cizarr: System-Preferences-Sound -- System Beep23:23
cristhianoh good. i ll try it , thx23:23
timewritercizarr that beep is the motherboard or case speaker23:23
timewriteryou need to unplug it i guess23:23
scguy318jb0nd38372: yes23:24
pgdexAldoliel: seems like the drivers have gone awol23:24
scguy318jb0nd38372: its basically a buffer for caching disk I/O23:24
cizarrthanks again!23:24
scguy318jb0nd38372: since its faster to read/write to memory than disk23:24
jb0nd38372k, thanks scguy318 appreicate all the help you've given me23:24
n15t0ikonia: warning: unknown mime-type for "/etc/hostname" -- using "application/*"23:24
clarezoeSee you guys, I'm gonna sleep23:24
ikonian15t0: what are you doing ?23:24
jb0nd38372scguy318, oh so basically it serves as a ram disk of sorts23:24
n15t0sudo edit /etc/hostname23:24
scguy318jb0nd38372: np23:24
Slartgood night clarezoe23:25
buddhaboycan someone tell me what channel to go to, if I have issues with 7.10 (fresh install, getting stuck at boot)?23:25
eyemeanis there anything other than thunar i can use? every now and then it goes mental on me again, ol23:25
scguy318jb0nd38372: yes23:25
AldolielThats what i thought, i'll try finding out what module should be being used, be back in a bit23:25
ikonian15t0: I don't know why edit can't work out the mime type, try nano23:25
Slartbuddhaboy: this would be the place.. just ask away23:25
wolsbuddhaboy: you are in the right channel23:25
pgdexbuddhaboy: here or the forum23:25
scguy318eyemean: nautlius, but that's GNOME :P23:25
n15t0sudo nano etc/hostname?23:25
tupsonHi, I have a Raedon 9600 ATI video card installed in my inspirion 9200 and i currently have the latest FGLRX drivers installed, however I continue to receive "Desktop Effects could not be enabled" help?23:25
n15t0sudo nano /etc/hostname?23:25
buddhaboyahhh ok pgdex, thanks23:25
wolss32aph: #ubuntu cannot help with knoppix23:25
eyemeanscguy318, yeah dats wat i was using before23:25
pgdexn15t0: that's right23:25
emilyI'm running ubuntu using compiz fusion and I find everytime I run package manager I get a remnant of the password box permenantly "burned" into my screen until I restart X.  Is this a known bug? Any way to fix it?23:25
pgdexn15t0: or sudo gedit /etc/hostname23:26
n15t0okay it worked23:26
wolstupson: you need xserver-xgl23:26
Optimus55anyone have a link to the full list of grub modifiers?23:26
timewritertupson you need to install xserver-xgl23:26
buddhaboyhow common is the "Running local boot scripts" error with fresh installs?23:26
bluefoxxis there a support chat for nethack-gnome?23:26
ikoniaemily: what video card23:26
timewriteri can give you a link23:26
Dr_willisOptimus55,  grub modifiers?23:26
soundray_!gksu | pgdex23:26
ubotupgdex: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:26
Slartemily: sounds like something is not like it should be23:26
ikoniabuddhaboy: what error is that23:26
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:26
Optimus55Dr_willis: yeah there's a list with details about all the commands... noapic, irqpoll.. etc23:26
Dr_willisOptimus55,  those are kernel options. :) not really grub related.23:27
ikoniaOptimus55: they are kernel options, not grub options23:27
soundray_!bootoptions | Optimus5523:27
ubotuOptimus55: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions23:27
SlartOptimus55: google for grub... there is a site with documentation.. the menu.lst file contains some info too23:27
ikoniaOptimus55: a lot are detailed in the kernel text docs23:27
emilyikonia: quadro fx 250023:27
emilySlart: yeah I know -- just don't know where.23:27
n15t0when will the cahnges be refreshed?23:27
ikonian15t0: when you reboot23:27
n15t0after reboot?23:27
n15t0be here in a sec23:27
buddhaboyikonia: i did a fresh install, and before the first prompt right at "running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ok]"  cursor freezes there23:28
ehcis there a way to export python code into a pdf or odf document with color highlighting?23:28
Zemp_heey all, just got my gusty laptop runnin :-)23:28
pgdexZemp_: gratulations23:28
buddhaboyikonia: i just hit enter and then i get a prompt23:28
ikoniawols: who was in earlier complaining about rc.local failing to boot, and you spotted two or three suspeicious scripts ?23:28
Zemp_pgdex: ty23:28
wolsikonia: any S99script23:28
emilySlart: Any ideas?23:28
buddhaboyikonia: I read in the forums, that there was bad scripts??23:28
wolsikonia: and he gave up afaik23:28
ikoniawols: no, there was someone in earlier who had a messy rc.local23:29
ikoniawols: you gave him some help23:29
emilySlart: or at least a place to check?23:29
ikoniaooh, he gave up23:29
Slartemily: is everything working alright apart from that problem? graphics working? can you run glxgears?23:29
wolsikonia: rc.local is not mssy. it'S the default script that executes /etc/rc.local which you are supposed to edit, not /etc/init.d/rclocal23:29
Slartemily: never heard of that problem before.. so I don't have any "ready to use, just add water"-solutions...23:29
wolsikonia: needed to make the start|stop|restart stuff to work mainly23:29
ikoniawols: I know that, I thought there was someone in earlier who had a messed up one23:30
cizarrwhen trying 'apt-get update' im getting "The following signature couldnt be verified because the public key is not available..." anyone familiar with this issue?23:30
tupsonWols: where can i get info. on xserver-xgl23:30
chestermI need a tutorial that helps me making a metacity theme! somebody knows anyone better than this? http://developer.gnome.org/doc/tutorials/metacity/metacity-themes.html23:30
buddhaboywols: that's the error i was told to look at because of my problem. but everything seems to be in order /etc/even.d23:30
wols!compiz | tupson23:30
ubotutupson: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion23:30
emilySlart: yeah. I even have Cedega running fine. It's just that darn login box. The only other wierd glitch is that ie under wine leavs artifacts from the right click menu permanantly on the screen in the same way.23:30
ikoniachesterm: look on the forum in graphics and artwork23:30
squarebracketwhat's the command to get the PID for a process name?23:30
n15t0okay back23:30
ikoniasquarebracket: ps23:30
wolsps aux |grep name23:30
chestermthanks ikonia23:30
squarebracketikonia: thanks23:30
wolssquarebracket: or simply pidof name23:31
timewritertupson i have msged you23:31
drgebSlart did the .xsessions-error give you any info what problems I am facing with loggin ??23:31
timewriterapt-get install xserver-xgl23:31
timewriterbut if you are on feisty you need to remove some stuff first23:31
Slartemily: it sounds like some software isn't updating their graphics window properly.. hang on.. I'll do some searching..23:31
bluefoxxanyone know a thing about nethack-gnome and <http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47623/>23:31
Slartdrgeb: I didn't get the link.. or I missed it.. can you paste it again?23:31
emilySlart: thank you! :-)23:31
scguy318squarebracket: or ps -A | grep ...23:31
drgebSlart her it is http://dpaste.com/274S50/23:32
buddhaboyi did a fresh install, and before the first prompt right at "running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) [ok]"  cursor freezes there, any suggestions?23:32
emilySlart: it only seems to do it when compiz-fusion is enabled. Everything works fine if I go disable it.23:32
Slartdrgeb: that link didn't work..23:32
_____jani tried gksu but it doesnt work:(23:32
_____jancannot open display23:32
_____jani have LAMP23:32
Stwangeive got some issues with 7.10 that 7.07 didn't have... for instance firefox regularily freezes, i sometimes cant open folders on mounted ntfs drives, and third party software just... doesn't work (for instance truecrypt and vmware). Is 8.04 a little less buggy?23:33
timewritercizarr you solved the copy/paste issue on putty ?23:33
Optimus55thanks ppl23:33
scguy318_____jan: so you're not running X? are you trying to run a graphical app?23:33
pgdex_____jan: are you in terminal? Ubuntu server?23:33
chestermikonia...http://ubuntuforums.org/ this forum??23:33
ikoniachesterm: yes23:33
cizarrtimewriter, nope.. did u?23:33
chestermno graphics and artwork category :p23:33
timewriterare you using the linux putty , or the windows one , with wine ?23:33
pgdexSlart: Item not found @ link23:33
MasterShrekStwange, 8.04 will be quite a bit less buggier since its going to be another LTS23:33
WorkingOnWiseI am using Ubuntu Hardy, but have seen the same thing in Fiesty and Gutsy. I adjusted my pwr management settings to susspend after 20 minutes of inactivity. I started an install of some tings with Synaptics Package Manager and then  left for 40 minutes. The update should take about 30 minutes or so, including dl time. I came back and my computer has suspended. I resumed it and it was finishing the install I had started. It 23:34
buddhaboyno takers? i did a vmware fresh install, and the server won't boot completely.23:34
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: hardy is not supported, its not even alpha23:34
Slartemily: read this.. and try that solution.. see if it makes any difference..  http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=167623:34
_____janyes i have ubuntu server23:34
_____janjust terminal23:34
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: development discussion is in #ubuntu+123:34
scguy318WorkingOnWise: discussion of Hardy should be in #ubuntu+123:34
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: but don't expect support23:34
soundray_WorkingOnWise: use the inhibit applet23:34
cizarrlinux putty gui timewriter23:34
StwangeMasterShrek, do you think there's much chance that the 8.04 alpha 1 is less buggy than the 7.10 upgrade?23:34
piedoggiebuddhaboy:  having problems with vmware server and ubuntu server?23:34
pgdex_____jan: what was you trying to do, again?23:34
tritiumStwange: no23:35
timewriteri see23:35
MasterShrekStwange, definately not, but when its actually released it will be23:35
Slartdrgeb: I just get a "Not found" page with that address.. sure you pasted the right one?23:35
_____jani want to add user on ftp23:35
buddhaboypiedoggie: well not vmware, but yea, fresh installof server 7.1023:35
timewriterwell , copy/paste didnt worked for me either23:35
buddhaboypiedoggie installed inside of vmware23:35
drgebSlart let me paste it again23:35
piedoggiebuddhaboy: which version of vmware server23:35
Dr_williscan you run vmware server on ubuntu, thats installed inside of a vmwareserver. :)23:35
WorkingOnWisesoundray_: but isnt the bigger issue the fact that it suspends when it is not idle? Isnt the inhibit applet a bandaid, not a solution?23:35
piedoggieI have lots of scar tissue with 1.04 and 2.0 Beta23:36
WespeHey, how do I get the system tray to pop back up right by the clock?23:36
buddhaboypiedoggie: I just downloaded it yesterday, so I assume the latest23:36
|rly|hey I cannot see most of vids23:36
piedoggieThen you probably have 1.0423:36
drgebSlate http://dpaste.com/27454/23:36
|rly|neither google vids23:36
n15t0rlx me too23:36
_____jansudo gedit /etc/shells when i write this line nothing happened23:36
Slartemily: perhaps the people in #compiz-fusion have an answer.. I definately think it's compiz-related..23:36
n15t0what is your prob?23:36
piedoggiemy experience has been that vmware server 1.04 works really well with 6.06 ubuntu and everything else fails miserably23:37
buddhaboypiedoggie: ahh ok, have no idea where to find that info. why is there an issue with installing in vmware?23:37
Stwangefair enough, well in that case, any suggestions how I can solve the issue of firefox freezing? I tried a re-install, and epiphany works fine, using 7.10 upgrade on 64 bit amd23:37
timewriter|rly| maybe you need codecs ?23:37
buddhaboypiedoggie: ahhhh ok23:37
timewriterfor google vids you need flash player23:37
|rly|timewriter: where to get codecs?23:37
soundray_WorkingOnWise: update-manager should set the inhibit applet automatically. It's got to be running, though. That's at least how I understand it.23:37
n15t0i cant look videos from stage6 they are divx movies23:37
piedoggieit appears to be some sort of mismatch between either the kernel or device drivers and the virtual machine hypervisor23:37
buddhaboypiedoggie: so if I use 6.06, does that still have the dm-crypt boot install?23:37
Dr_willisi watch stage6 videos all the time. You need the right codecs/firefox plugins.23:37
_____jani dont know if ii need it23:37
* Wespe shrugs23:38
_____janhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 i was doing throw this tutorial23:38
Zionad_This is a vmware question, I am useing vmware to load up operatingsystems and every system i use, it cannot connect to my ethernet card, It says its not valid or something, although its obviously working cause im on here right now hah23:38
piedoggiebuddhaboy: I have no idea?  It just runs for me off the stock alternate install disk23:38
drgebSlate any luck with new site ?23:38
Slartdrgeb: ok.. got it.. looks very weird indeed... I've never seen anything like this.. ask one of the guru's here.. ikonia perhaps23:38
n15t0Dr_willis: like what codecs?23:38
aenthey... anyone familiar with backuppc and figuring out why it seems to have stopped working?23:38
Arrickhay al, if I install the gnome-desktop-environment from a server install, what command do I run to get the environment started?23:38
Wespecould someone answer my question? i suspect i just need to alt+F2, and then do a command, but i dont know what command23:38
buddhaboypiedoggie: ahhh ok, so I guess i should try the install, see if the LVM encryption option is in it23:38
Dr_willisusing the 'totem-plugin-viewer' on stage 6 it says23:38
ArrickI tried startx and it tells me not found23:38
n15t0Dr_willis: i could watch it before but for some reason i cant now...23:39
piedoggieZionad_: it is only a small number of ethernet cards that vmware recognizes23:39
Dr_willisxine-lib version ########23:39
ikoniaArrick: why are you using the server install ?23:39
drakenfor some reason ive lost my minimzine,maximise,exit buttons from all my windows23:39
Zionad_thanks piedoggie heh23:39
emilySlart: Thanks :-) sorry had to go afk there for a second...reading the article now23:39
piedoggieI think PC net-32, e1000 are two that I remember23:39
_____janso pls help me...how can i add user to ftp on server ubuntu edition23:39
drgebikonia any idea why I am seeing this error in my .xsessions-error http://dpaste.com/27454/23:39
Arrickikonia, because I wanted to build my ssh vm and copy it, then build a security vuln tester23:39
n15t0Dr_willis: waht you mean xine-lib version?23:39
piedoggieone hint I found out yesterday makes network performance much better with virtual machines is eliminate IPv6 stacks if you're not using them23:40
ikoniaArrick: so why do you need a server install for that23:40
Dr_willis_____jan,  i imagine it depends on which of the dozen+ ftp servers you are using.. read the docs for the ftp server perhaps? or just 'sudo adduser BGates' perhaps?23:40
Zionad_drakenL sounds like you have window decoration off in compiz, if you are using it...23:40
drgebSlart which . files can I remove to restart the whole manager configuration for a user ?23:40
Arrickikonia, I installed server because its lightweight, and doesnt have any of the cruft in it23:40
n15t0Dr_willis: waht you mean xine-lib version?23:40
Dr_willisn15t0,  thats the info the player says when i do 'about'23:40
emilySlart: That seems like it might fix it. gonna restart x...thanks!23:40
Dr_willisn15t0,  so  it seems to be using the xine firefox plugin23:40
ikoniaArrick: so why are you installing all the heavy stuff like X and gnome23:40
Arrickif you cant answer the question tell me so, then I will wait on someone to else to help me23:40
Slartdrgeb: hmm.. I would create a new user to start with.. see if that solves it..23:40
Slartemily: you're welcome23:40
n15t0okay i'll look23:40
=== kevind23 is now known as Shinigami`away
desertc!hi | Wespe23:41
ubotuWespe: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:41
_____janok i tried to add user like... sudo adduser jan -p krneki -d /var/www23:41
Later2The Ubuntu server edition I keep on downloading. Everytime I used the burning program they suggest the base installation has corrupted files... It's getting really annoying...23:41
WespeHey, how do I get the system tray to pop back up right by the clock?23:41
_____janbut it doesnt work23:41
ikoniaArrick: I'm trying to understand what your doing to see if there is an alternative/ better solution for you as you appear to be doing things backwards23:41
Wespecould someone answer my question? i suspect i just need to alt+F2, and then do a command, but i dont know what command23:41
drgebit does unless I start messing with compiz window manager23:41
scguy318Wespe: what's the question?23:41
scguy318Wespe: ohhh the sys tray23:41
eyemeanis there anything i can use to convert from flac to mp3 pls?23:41
MasterShrekWespe, right click the panel and click add to panel23:41
scguy318Wespe: what MasterShrek said23:41
Dr_willis_____jan,  try just adding a normal user? i have no idea what that -p and -d options do.23:41
timewritercompiz works perfect for me23:41
Wespeno, not that23:41
Arrickikonia, Im doin the solution the way I need to so that I dont have to reinstall on 4-5 vms for different funtions, can you just answer the question please?23:41
Slart!patience | Wespe23:41
n15t0is the version from totem video player23:41
ubotuWespe: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:42
soundray_Wespe: right click the panel and select Add to Panel. Find the applet called Notification Area and add it.23:42
_____jan-p pass -d direcotry23:42
drgebSlart once I started messing with compiz it was a whirld wind effect that I could not get out off23:42
ikoniaArrick: you don't need a server install to distribute vm images23:42
Zionad_drgeb: make sure window decoration is still on..23:42
ikoniaArrick: vmware run's just as good on a desktop but has all the things like X11/gnome/etc intergrated23:42
hkwdoes S3 savage graphic adapter in my old notebook works with compiz?  thanks for your help.23:42
ikoniaArrick: that may make your general working conditions a bit more straight forward23:42
drgebZionad How do I do this ??23:42
Arrickikonia, forget it, I will wait on someone else to help, I know what I want,....23:42
drakenits on Zionad_23:42
drgebZionad cause at one point I did see this error23:42
n15t0Dr_willis:2.20.0 is the version from totem video player23:43
ikoniaArrick: thats fine, you just appear to be making things harder than they need to be for no-reason, I'm just trying to figure out if there is a reason your doing it this way, which there doesn't appear to be23:43
Dr_willisn15t0,  looks like it..  They are playing with the totem plugin.23:43
piedoggiemy question today is about live CDs.  I need to test speech recognition (NaturallySpeaking under wine) on my laptop.  Unfortunately, I cannot afford to disturb my laptop because it is where I work because that's where speech recognition currently runs.  Is there any way to run a live CD and store changes (i.e. installation of new programs, data files) in a file under NTFS or failing that, a...23:43
n15t0yeah but i cant watch animes like bleach or sth.23:43
piedoggie...4 GB flash stick?23:43
Dr_willisn15t0,  of course totem has to have the right codecs23:43
|rly|where can I get the codecs?23:43
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:43
Arrickikonia, I came here with a very specific question, not to be questioned. this is stupid.23:44
Dr_willisInstall 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' for a start.23:44
WespeThank you so much!!!23:44
soundray_Arrick: try 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm' and log in.23:44
Slartdrgeb: weird.. I've never had any problems with compiz when using gutsy.. it was almost like a commercial.. "just works".. but after a while in here I understand that's not the same experience as everyone else23:44
chewgood evening, i'm looking for a console-audio-player that supports scrobbling/last.fm.. is there any?23:44
Arrickthanks soundray_23:44
soundray_Arrick: oops try 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start' and log in.23:44
ikoniaArrick: thats fine, I was only trying to offer you experienced advice. I don't understand why your doing this with an over complicated methods, when the desktop version would make things much more straight forward23:44
_____janno idea for me?23:44
Later2I have a question about CD burning of the OS and available software for it.23:44
Dr_willis_____jan,  giving the user a home dir of /whatever/www seems very very .. odd....23:45
_____janumm what means odd?23:45
Dr_willis_____jan,  since i think a user cant even log in if they dont own theyr own homedir.23:45
Zionad_Later2 whats your question23:45
drgebSlart I think its because I did an upgrade from Feisty and I am not really wanting to start from fresh install to get all working again23:45
Dr_willis_____jan,  the user has the wrong permissions for that dir for one thing.23:45
Arricksoundray_, says x not found23:45
ikoniaArrick: have you got X installed ?23:46
Dr_willisls -l /var/www/  - is owned by root.. so a user cant access it.23:46
buggeredfstabIs there a support channel for MySQL?23:46
_____janso how can i change them23:46
ikoniabuggeredfstab: sure, #mysql23:46
hkwdoes S3 savage graphic adapter in my old notebook works with compiz?  thanks for your help.23:46
Dr_willis_____jan,  no idea.. but i am thinking your 'way' is totally wrong.23:46
Later2I need a software I can download to burn the OS CD (Ubuntu server edition) The one they suggested I am using and the CD is always corrupted(Maybe one with a lower Burning setting then x4?)23:46
mustafa_Hello, i can not hear sound from my headset on ubuntu i checked devices ubuntu sees the device but i can not hear any voice23:46
ikoniahkw: it won't23:46
Arrickikonia, only if it installs with the gnome-desktop-environment package23:46
soundray_Arrick: then you haven't installed everything that's needed23:46
ikoniahwkvery pooor23:46
_____janso can i create root ftp account23:46
ikoniaArrick: that is a dependenciy so I suspect you've not installed gnome properly23:46
Dr_willis_____jan,  i would guess you need to do somtning with the  proper groups to allow users to alter the www files.23:46
piedoggieis there a better channel to ask questions about live CD and its features?23:47
soundray_Arrick: install the package ubuntu-desktop23:47
hkwikonia , thank you23:47
Arrickwhich if it doesnt have the stuff it needs, then uhmm, it shouldnt be called a package23:47
Zemp_Later2: use aciveISO23:47
ikoniaArrick: it does23:47
CarlFKI am looking for instructions on installing django on ubuntu-server.  mainly how to work with the apache config files.  I found http://blog.timc3.com/2006/07/26/django-with-apache2/ but am hoping for better23:47
n15t0Dr_willis:now when i go to stage6 there is a big red cross in the middle of the video plugin23:47
Later2Alright, is this problem a normal issue?23:47
ikoniaArrick: again, take a look at the desktop cd, you'll find this ready to go out of the box23:47
heatmzzrvlc and movieplayer wont play my dvd?23:47
Zionad_Later2, it could be a multitude of problems, including the brand of your cds AND the speed, I would ALWAYS reccomend a lower speed setting while burning.23:47
Slartpiedoggie: I don't think so.. ask away23:47
Dr_willisn15t0,  guess you need to install some extra things/plugins then23:47
Zionad_Later2: activeISO is a good program23:47
n15t0Dr_willis:like waht,do you know any?23:48
Later2Yeah, on the other cd burning they suggested the lowest burn speed is x423:48
WorkingOnWisesoundray_: are u saying there is a way to allow an ap to activate the inhibit applet on start and deactivate it on close? And that update manager can do it, but not synaptic?23:48
Later2CD would work great until Base installation where it lists corrupt files23:48
Arrickikonia, I would like to work with my current vm because its a royal pain to get ubuntu to display a proper graphic installer on MS virtual machines, and I HATE vmware23:48
daniel_Hello, Im having a problem with amsn on Ubuntu. All text deplayed by the program is tiny. Does anyone know how to fix this?23:48
piedoggieis it possible to "install" applications on top of a live CD (i.e. without burning a new one) if you have some sort of read/write media available like a flash stick23:48
Dr_willisn15t0,  well a fast apt-get search for totem shows   totem-mozilla - Totem Mozilla plugin23:48
Arrickbut I digress, thanks anyways23:48
Zionad_hmm, Yeah get activeiso and use the LOWEST speed you can23:48
mustafa_Hello, i can not hear sound from my headset on ubuntu i checked devices ubuntu sees the device but i can not hear any voice23:49
Later2Alright, thank you so much I'm on my 6th corrupt cd it gets annoying23:49
Later2Hehe, thank you take care =).23:49
Zionad_Yeah, i understand later223:49
Zionad_You to  bye!23:49
desertcmustafa_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693023:49
StwangeI'm running Ubuntu and Windows on dual boot, and when I use it at uni, the internet connection has to be reset if i havent logged on for say 10 hours. In Windows, I can do ipconfig /release | ipconfig /renew which works, and I can then reboot into ubuntu and use the internet. However, if I try to reset the connection in ubuntu, either physically be unplugging the cable, or by the terminal (eth0 /down and eth0 up or sudo dhclient eth0), when it comes back23:49
Stwange on, it comes onto a uni portal telling me i need to register the network card. Any idea why resetting under linux is giving me issues? Rebooting every time is a pain in the arse23:49
soundray_WorkingOnWise: that's what I thought I had observed. But when I just tried to reproduce that behaviour, it didn't work that way. It does work as a "band aid", though, like you suggest.23:49
Slartpiedoggie: you could get the install packages for the software you want and put it on, say a USB drive.. that would work23:49
Slartpiedoggie: you'll have to install them manually though.. but it would work23:50
piedoggiewhat I'm trying to do is test someone releases without installing on my laptop23:50
piedoggiespeech recognition errors23:50
ikoniaStwange: getting a different ip address ?23:50
|rly|why can't I be head on skype and on windows yes?23:50
WorkingOnWisesoundray_: well, it is better than nothing, and I guess I can live with one more click  :)23:50
piedoggiewhat I'm trying to do is test some wine releases without installing on my laptop23:50
n15t0Dr_willis:but how can i install them?23:50
Zionad_RLY; you need to do several things23:50
Templarhi there ive download a nvidia driver for linux from their website and im not sure how to install it its a .run file anyone any ideas?23:50
Stwangeikonia, yeah, it's a uni network and they just allocate as required23:50
ikonia|rly|: what ?23:50
timewriteranyone uses ubuntu with raid ?23:51
Slartpiedoggie: so you want to run a live cd and install some weird version of wine on it.. right?23:51
Dr_willisn15t0,  with the package manager..  same as you install anything else.23:51
ikoniatimewriter: certainly23:51
Dr_willis!info  totem-mozilla23:51
ubotutotem-mozilla: Totem Mozilla plugin. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.0-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 209 kB, installed size 272 kB23:51
timewriteralong with windows ?23:51
ikoniaStwange: it's probably the new ip address that makes you re-auth23:51
ikoniatimewriter: no23:51
piedoggieactually, it's not a weird version, only the most current version from the git sources.  We're trying to make speech recognition (NaturallySpeaking) work in wine23:51
Morgan555Hi, I am new to nix in general and just added the Ubuntu Studio theme to Gutsy and am curious to what else I am missing out on, I know that there are multiple flavors of linux and I was just curious to check some others out, could some one name some of the other popular distros?23:51
timewriterthats my issue23:51
ikoniatimewriter: sharing raid is not really possible23:51
|rly|hey, I'd like to use skype23:51
timewriteri thought that too ..23:51
ikoniatimewriter: unless it is a hardware raid card23:51
n15t0Dr_willis:okay..i have 2.20.023:51
|rly|can such a simple thing be possible?23:51
Dr_willisMorgan555,  with linux - it pays to stick with one and learn the linux fundamentals. not jump disrtos every other day.23:52
ikonia!skype | |rly|23:52
ubotu|rly|: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto23:52
Zionad_rly: first, right click on the speaker at the top right corner of your screen go to "Open volume control" then to go Edit -> prefrences,and check off microphone boost and capture,23:52
timewriterIntel matrix storage raid controller23:52
CarlFKpiedoggie: it is worth trying.  good chance it will work.23:52
n15t0Dr_willis:can i use something else for stage6 like vlc or something?23:52
Stwangeikonia, the new IP works fine if I reboot from Windows into Ubuntu. You any idea how I can do it without Windows? I hate the few little reasons that make me keep it installed23:52
Morgan555Dr_willis, agreed thats why I want to explore in my early stages before I get to set in my ways23:52
Dr_willisMorgan555,  however the Live cd's of "DSL" and "Puppylinux" are worth grabbing.23:52
mustafa_desertc: ty i switched to usb:)23:52
Zionad_rly: then you need to select switches, and turn on the Microphone boost, and you should be heard on skype in linux!23:52
ikoniaStwange: apologies, I'm not really following what your saying.23:52
piedoggiethe other option I was going to try is pick up a cheap USB hard drive and install on that.  I wasn't sure where I was going to put the boot record but I'll figure something out23:52
tupsonhi, i seem to have lost the functionality of my Touchpad, I had tapping disabled, now i've seem to have lost that option23:52
Dr_willisn15t0,  im betting you dont have the package installed.. did you TOTEM is one package and totem-mozilla - is a different packagte23:52
heatmzzrcan anyone walk me through how to play a dvd? vlc and movieplayer dont seem to want to.23:53
Dr_willisn15t0,  sudo apt-get install totem-mozilla23:53
timewriterheatmzzr vlc should play it23:53
ikonia!dvd | heatmzzr23:53
ubotuheatmzzr: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:53
AldolielRight back, can anyone tell me what lshw means when it lists my network interface as "disabled"?23:53
soundray_Stwange: won't your university people tell you what you need to do?23:53
tupsoni have even reinstalled my touchpad drivers and still cannot disable tapping23:53
ikoniaAldoliel: the nic is disabled23:53
Slartpiedoggie: just checking here.. do you want to try with different version of wine? or do you want to try installing your software many times on the same version of wine?23:53
* differentreality Ti omixli einai afti pou exei !?!?!?!?!?23:53
n15t0Dr_willis:its already the newest version the shell says23:53
Dr_willis!info gsynaptic23:53
ubotuPackage gsynaptic does not exist in gutsy23:53
drakeni removed the task bar panel23:54
drakenhow do i get it bback23:54
piedoggieI would be trying different versions of wine and need to go back to ground zero on a regular basis to make sure we can build a proper instructions etc. etc.23:54
SlartI don't think there is a gsynaptic.. there is a synaptic.. but that's the software used to install packages23:54
Dr_willisn15t0,  restart the browser perhaps.. I got no other ideas.  It may be you need some codec files FOR totem. like the w32codecs23:54
Zionad_rly: did you get it working?23:54
Stwangesorry ikonia, allow me to rephrase. I need to renew the IP address every, say, 10 hours of inactivity. If I do it with windows and then reboot into Ubuntu, it's all hunky-dory, but if I try to do it with ubuntu, it *usually* takes me to the auth page afterwards, and so I end up rebooting to do it. I've tried: unplugging the cable, 'sudo ifconfig eth0 /down & /up', and 'sudo dhclient eth0'. The latter works sometimes, but only occasionally23:54
Dr_willisSlart,  thers a simileray named tool for touchpad configuration. :)23:54
Dr_willisSlart,  i can never spell it right.23:55
CarlFKpiedoggie: you might want to look at preseeded installs - here is how I do it : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/Netboot23:55
AldolielDoes that mean disabled or the driver is just missing?23:55
drakeni removed the task bar panel23:55
drakenhow do i get it bback23:55
AldolielAnd how might i enable it?23:55
Dr_willis!info gsynaptics23:55
ubotugsynaptics: configuration tool for Synaptics touchpad driver of X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.12-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 28 kB, installed size 320 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 ia64 m68k mips mipsel powerpc sparc)23:55
timewriterthere is another problem23:55
ikoniaStwange: what is the auth method used ?23:55
Slartpiedoggie: then a live cd would be the way to go.. just download the wine deb-package and put it on a usb stick .. just double click the deb to install it.. after a reboot it's all gone.. so you can start again23:55
Dr_willisI think  gsynaptics  lets you disable tapping on the fly.23:55
timewriterubuntu doesnt seen my dvd-rom23:55
tupsoni will try that23:56
timewriterits a sata dvd-rom and its not recognised by ubuntu in raid mode23:56
dug_Stwange: you might need to register your mac address(es) with them23:56
ikoniatimewriter: how are you putting a dvd in raid mode ?23:56
=== chryss_ is now known as chryss
SlartDr_willis: ahh.. yes.. thought you lost synaptic and wanted to reinstall it or something =)23:56
piedoggieactually, I would probably need to build a baseline with compilers since the fresh raw sources aren't packaged so nicely.  :-)23:56
timewriterits sata 0 on the raid controller23:56
timewriterwindows dont see it also23:56
ikoniatimewriter: raid controllers onboard will; be fake raid23:56
n15t0ikonia:do you know why i cant watch online movies?23:56
ikoniatimewriter: put it as a normal sata controller in the bios23:56
j0hn__please help me. i'm trying to mount an .img file (similar to a .iso file).23:56
Stwangeikonia, I register my MAC address with my uni account. I'm only supposed to do it once, and I've only ever seen the page once under Windows. If the connection needs resetting, I get "Server not found" or whatever, I only get the auth page (register your MAC address) if I then reset the connection under Ubuntu (in Windows, it works fine, even if I then reboot into Linux). It's the same MAC address, same card23:56
timewriteryes , i know , it works on ahci23:57
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter23:57
ikoniaStwange: thats very odd23:57
timewriterbut if i want to use raid , then i need an ide dvd-rom to install23:57
timewriterwindows or linux23:57
Slartj0hn__: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/isofile /path/to/mountpoint23:57
timewritersame problem23:57
ikoniatimewriter: yes you will do due to fae raid being a poor technology23:57
timewriterthen ill ned a pci raid card ?23:57
Morgan555_Anyone know where I could find a good tutorial/cheat sheet for the terminal of ubuntu specifically?23:57
ikoniaStwange: I'd contact your uni admin and ask what he can see being offered23:57
ikoniatimewriter: a true hardware raid card, yes23:57
soundray_Stwange: I think if you set the right options in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf, it will automatically get a new address at the required interval.23:57
timewriternever had one23:58
j0hn__Slart, what's mountpoint mean? the destination it will mount to? does that have to be a dir that exists, or will it be created there when i do that?23:58
Zionad_Morgan555: i have one if you want me to send it to you!23:58
ikoniaMorgan555_: the terminal is the same in every linux distro23:58
desertcMorgan555_: Do a search for "bash tutorial"23:58
ikoniaMorgan555_: http://www.tldp.org has many basic guides23:58
Morgan555_Zionad, that would be great23:58
Slartj0hn__: the mountpoint is the folder where the cd will ... appear..23:58
n15t0ikonia:do you know why i cant watch online movies?23:58
Morgan555_ikonia, I have found some small differences like su vs sudo23:58
j0hn__Slart, thank you. i'll give that a try :)23:58
Stwangesoundray_, I'm not 100% sure what the interval is, it's just trial and error, and it's only if the internet has been disconnected, for example leaving the computer off overnight.23:58
Slartj0hn__: you're welcome23:58
ikoniasoundray_: it sounds like there is some sort of radia style auth thats causing the problem23:58
timewriterfound some on a webiste , they are like 50 E / piece23:58
ikonian15t0: not a clue, I can watch fine23:59
timewriteromg no23:59
n15t0timewirter:do you know why i cant watch online videos like stage6?23:59
soundray_ikonia: I thought maybe the problem is that Linux tries to reattach with the cached IP address (Stwange)23:59
n15t0ikonia: well i have the newest version of totem mozilla23:59
timewriter300 E or more23:59
n15t0ikonia: but there is a big red cross in the middle of the plugin window23:59

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