
echosystmdoes anyone know how to set up internet sharing in xubuntu?00:05
userXubuntuLike dc++?00:05
echosystmlike windows ICS00:06
userXubuntuWhat's that? (*googles*)00:06
booster614im not sure if this old laptop will boot up from the live cd of gparted....whats the requriments for it ???00:07
echosystminternet connection sharing00:09
userXubuntubooster614:  "GParted LiveCD runs on most x86 machines with a celeron 500mhz or better.00:11
userXubuntuThe minimal amount of memory I have tested is 64MO."00:11
booster614i have a 233 mhz pII with 64mb ram00:12
userXubuntuechosystem: Yes I saw that, I haven't planned to use Xubuntu like a that so I haven't looked at those functions.00:13
userXubuntubooster: give it a try? (if you do not want to re-de format/partitioning/install or re-install/partition00:14
echosystmanyone got any ideas about internet connection sharing?00:20
userXubuntu... It's pretty dead today/tonight here...00:21
soldatsechosystm, what do you mean like using a router or a hub00:22
echosystmmy xubuntu computer has two network cards00:23
echosystmwell... eth0 and wireless (ath0)00:24
soldatsechosystm, which one are you using00:24
echosystmim connecting my windows computer to this computer via eth000:24
echosystmath0 is the internet00:24
echosystmeth0 is the "lan"00:24
echosystmi know you can do this via iptables/ipmasq and all that00:24
echosystmbut, im just wondering if there is an easy gui tool to do it00:25
swhalenHello. Does xubuntu 7.10 have an update notifier?00:26
QuarterlifeHow can I do something about the screwed up locales?00:26
echosystmyes swhalen, xubuntu does have an update notifier00:26
echosystmgo to add/remove, preferences, updates, and enable the ones you want it to check for00:27
soldatsechosystm, im not sure how to do what you need but yea im pretty sure it can be done00:27
swhalenby default? I remember older versions did not00:27
echosystm(10:57:22) echosystm: go to add/remove, preferences, updates, and enable the ones you want it to check for00:27
soldatsswhalen, all versions have an update notifier but if your using the root account it wont show up00:28
swhalenis there a way to turn an existing install into an OEM..i didnt know it existed until it was too late :(00:29
Rafabegood evening00:31
RafabeXubuntu can show resolutions higher than 800x600, right?00:31
soldatsRafabe, yes im using 1200x105000:32
Rafabehow far up can it go?00:32
soldatsRafabe, i believe if your monitor supports it about 1900x????00:33
Rafabeok, thanks00:33
Rafabei think once i install updated drivers, it will give me the option to go above 800x600, then?00:33
Rafabeanother question: how do I change the system font, and font size (which governs how the desktop is displayed)?00:34
Rafabethe default is quite small00:34
=== Pumpernickle is now known as Pumpernickel
soldatshave you looked at the window manageer tweaks in applications > settings > window manager tweaks00:37
Rafabei hadn't, I only looked in Desktop settings. But I did look now, and do not see font options. There's one that lets me select "title font" but after modifying it, it doesn't change the system font00:40
Rafabefound it, it's User Interface settings00:41
soldatshope it works00:42
Rafabeis there a tutorial for installing restricted drivers? Like if I want to download and install the latest videocard drivers so I can use resolutions higher than 800x600?00:42
soldatsif you look in apps > settings > restricted drivers it should be there but only if your motherboard supports it00:50
soldatsif that doesnt work there is another way as well00:50
soldatsid look at the first one00:50
Rafabethere is no Restricted Drivers. And my mobo supports it because that's what I had in Windows. I ran at liek 1600x120000:50
Rafabefound it under Apps > System00:51
Rafabei saw the ATI driver there, says Not Enabled. I tried to enable it and it says: the software source for the package xorg-driver-fglrx is not enabled"00:52
soldatsok well do in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but be care ful because im not sure the exact command for the resolution read carefully and use the defaults if you dont know what should be there when you get to the resolution part press spacebar on the res you want but dont go too high or it will carash, you may need to set the colors to 16bit00:52
soldatshmm well try to enable that then before you do the command in terminal00:53
soldatsyou may need a restart as well00:53
Rafabei did, and it spat out that error message00:53
soldatsafter you enable it in restricted drivers00:53
soldatshmm have you tried the command i gave you00:53
Rafabehang on00:53
soldatsok but be careful use the defaults when necessary00:54
Rafabeallright, following the xserver-xorg wizard as we speak00:54
Rafabeit's now asking me which port my mouse is using. I got the choice between 5 things. I'm tempted to pick /dev/input/mice00:57
Rafabewould that be right?00:57
Rafabethe others are /dev/psaux   /ttys0 /tts0 /gpmdata00:57
soldatsthe first one should be right00:58
soldatsthe /dev one00:58
Rafabeaha, now it's offering me a huge list of resolutions :P00:59
soldatsRafabe, ok so id suggest using the 1200 or 1400 because if you go to high it may not work00:59
soldatsalso if for some reason it doesnt work try using 16 bit color, when i did this i had to use 16 bit01:00
Rafabei picked 1400x105001:00
soldatsok that should work01:01
Rafabei don't see the new resolutions as available under Apps > Settings > Screen And Graphics. Should I restart?01:01
soldatsyes restart i dont see my res under that either but it still works01:01
Rafabealso, I selected 24-bit...I can run it again01:01
soldatswell see if it works anyways01:01
soldatsif it doesnt try it again at 16 bit01:02
soldatsi still have yet to test all the solutions01:02
Rafabethese things I'm changing, are they unique to XFCE? Or would the configuration be identical on Gnome?01:02
Rafabelet's say I had the same questions but for the Gnome desktop, would you tell me the same things?01:03
Rafabestill in 800x600. I'll run it again and set it to 16-bit.01:04
soldatsok 16 may work gnome and xfce are alomost the same in every way xfce is just smaller and a few less features but is better for more experienced users01:05
soldatsthe command works for both, if it doesnt work the people in #ubuntu may know better since it it mainly based on gnome01:06
soldatsso i mean if you need help with gnome #ubuntu is the answer01:06
Rafabethanks for your help01:06
soldatsno problem the thinks i tell you work for me and a large number of others so if for some reason they dont work for you im not sure how to fix it01:08
soldatsid try to give you as much help as i can01:08
_slvmchn_isn't the bit depth settings part of xorg.conf? which would mean it's consistent with any window manager?01:13
_slvmchn_be it xfce, gnome, kde, flux...01:13
_slvmchn_i might be wrong but i think that's the case01:13
Rafabewhat about Network Settings? If I need help setting up my wireless connection, can I ask in #Ubuntu? Or is it different?01:17
soldatsRafabe, herer is fine but it is so slow id go to #ubuntu01:22
soldats_slvmchn_, yes you are right is was only saying gnome has more features and xfce is more simple01:23
soldats_slvmchn_, for some reason some window managers will set the res higher and for some reason xfce sets it real low01:24
thyraxanyway way to configure samba with out having to add users?01:42
thyraxit's for a home server I don't want to have to use a password?01:42
thyraxhmm never mind I realised the share can be made available to all users :)01:44
* booster614 farts01:47
userXubuntuWhat is the delete command in terminal?01:51
userXubuntu(for deleting a file)01:51
=== rob1 is now known as rob
userXubuntuOK, now I have went through the ubuntu install for WACOM, but there is no mention of how to set up the pen (except in GIMP that is).02:07
NullNameI need to buy a wireless router and adapter, preferably cheap that will work with xubuntu 7.10?02:44
cheeseboycan anyone help me with fceu-server?02:55
userXubuntuYES! I did it.03:12
userXubuntuXubuntu sessions: are they suppose to remember what programs were open on what desktops?03:13
userXubuntu*are they not03:13
userXubuntuEverytime I restart, and if there are programs open in different workspaces, after restart they are all jammd into workspace 1. Is that normal?03:14
_slvmchn_hmm i don't know03:32
_slvmchn_that doesn't sound right though03:32
userXubuntuIt's also annoying... =(03:32
_slvmchn_try stickying the windows03:32
_slvmchn_i forget if xfce can do that03:32
userXubuntuyes it can.03:32
_slvmchn_it should keep it on that workspace03:32
_slvmchn_for windows you want kept on their workspace03:33
_slvmchn_sticky them03:33
_slvmchn_then try rebooting03:33
_slvmchn_or even just logging off and back on03:33
_slvmchn_see if they go back to workspace 103:33
userXubuntuI'll give that a try. W8.03:33
_slvmchn_ok i'll be here03:33
_slvmchn_did it work?03:35
userXubuntuNo, everyhting was sent back to workspace1...03:35
manaddoes anyone here use Xubuntu in a non-English language?03:35
_slvmchn_check the workspace settings03:35
userXubuntu.. And I got an internal system error message...03:35
_slvmchn_maybe there's a toggle for that somewhere03:35
userXubuntusometing about HAL03:35
_slvmchn_hunh wierd03:35
_slvmchn_don't know anything about that03:35
_slvmchn_maybe it's related to something you had open03:35
userXubuntuI just installed Wineso I figure it's related to that..03:36
_slvmchn_i don't know, i feel like for me xubuntu would keep them on their respective workspaces but i can't remember for sure03:36
userXubuntuI've been in the settings (remember session and so on)03:36
_slvmchn_strange, don't know what to tell you03:37
_slvmchn_ask in #xfce03:37
userXubuntu... And know my sound died...03:38
userXubuntuOK, now all is fixed. IƤll ask in #xfce about that thanks m8.03:40
userXubuntuI need a software that let's me scroll with the inou device button (e.g. the right click button of the mouse), does anyone know what I could search for?03:52
PumpernickelThere's middle-mouse button emulation built into X - it lets you use the left/right buttons simultaneously to imitate the middle button.  Is that enough?03:54
userXubuntuI'll check it out, where do I find it?03:55
soldatsPumpernickel, it doesnt let you scroll though03:55
userXubuntuIs it the accessibility thingy?03:55
Pumpernickelsoldats: There's another option for that.03:56
PumpernickeluserXubuntu: That link shows the changes you'd need to make to xorg.conf.03:56
soldatsreally i never saw it03:56
userXubuntuThanks... Sort of... ;)03:57
soldatsi might try it as well eventhough i dont need it03:57
userXubuntu(I'm not use to this stuff)03:57
tehlam3hi my system is buggered any idea how to fix it ...03:59
userXubuntuOh, I think I get it, I will just add the option to my config...04:01
tehlam3shit laptop locked up :s04:08
tehlam3so any idea what might be causing the problem04:08
tehlam3E: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libpam-runtime04:09
userXubuntuDo I need to reboot for the settings to take effect?04:12
userXubuntuOh... Then I better do this right.04:14
PumpernickelReboot, no.  Restart X, yes.04:17
userXubuntuHow do I do that?04:17
PumpernickelCtrl + alt + backspace; it ends your session, so use with care.04:17
userXubuntuOh, I'm fmiliar with that one... I thought it restartet the entire system though.04:18
userXubuntuIsn't it enough to log ot/in?04:19
soldatsno becaue it wont restart x04:21
soldatsclose save everything and do ctrl alt backspace04:22
userXubuntuDid you get it to work? (the mouse emo?)04:22
Pumpernickeltehlam3: You seem to have, somehow, uninstalled dpkg.  You'll probably need a livecd, chroot'd into your current install, to reinstall it.04:22
tehlam3hmm bit problematic without cdrom drive :s04:23
userXubuntuOK, I'm giving this a try... What did you say, ctrl+alt+...04:24
Pumpernickeltehlam3: You may be able to get dpkg working without installing it, but that's the kind of workaround that usually ends in pain.04:25
tehlam3Pumpernickel: ok i thought it might end like that :s thx anyway04:27
userXubuntuWell, I must have done it wrong... I'll work on this. But I got another "Internal error: failed to initialize HAL!" mssage, what's that?04:27
userXubuntuWell, the short story: the em works with the mouse (middle button+up/down emulates scroll) I'm having problems implementing this for my wacom mouse...04:43
soldatsdidnt that page have a section on wacom support04:45
userXubuntuIt does?04:46
userXubuntuWhere did you see that?04:47
soldatsoh woops sorry it doesnt but i glanced over and at the end of the xorg file it said wacom support i wasnt paying too close attention04:47
userXubuntuhttp://linuxwacom.sourceforge.net/index.php/howto/inputdev for those that care...04:52
_slvmchn_did you figure out that workspace issue?04:53
_slvmchn_on boot04:53
userXubuntuNo, it was pretty dead at #xfce too...04:54
userXubuntuAlthough... I did reboot... I better check there again...04:54
soldatswhat was your workspace issue04:55
userXubuntuIt remembers what programs that were pene, but opens them all on workspace 1 (instead of the workspaces they were active in)-04:56
soldatsi think its a common issue since when you reboot the focus is on the first wrkspace and will usually open all apps in it.04:59
userXubuntuI'll try to have focus on another wrkspace on the next reboot to see what happens.05:06
soldatsits how it works for me and friends of mine so i assume thats how it should be05:08
userXubuntuIt will be a while until my next reboot, but I'll rapport in on what happened ;)05:08
soldatsok rad05:09
userXubuntuRebooted, while on wrksp 2, the same...05:22
userXubuntuHow do I change "AC" in the mouse option?05:35
userXubuntu(I want button 2 to b right click and button 3 to be middle click)05:36
userXubuntuI can't get the "EmulateWheel" to work with wacom, is there any software fpr linux that emulates mouseWheel? (something like mouseImp)06:15
userXubuntuWhat is a daemon?06:19
userXubuntuNevermind I can google for that...06:19
=== auskadi is now known as aussieman
xfce_useri tried running xubuntu liveCD, but it prompted me for password07:52
xfce_userusername and password that is, I tried root/root07:52
xfce_userbut I think it is not a valid user07:52
LarethHello. Is there a way to select multiple icons on the desktop (like drag with the mouse)? The only way I found is to control click the icons. I can select multiple files within folders though.11:33
TheSheepLareth: desktop is handled by a different program, there is no way11:42
TheSheepLareth: you can go to your home and then to Desktop directory though11:42
sebastwhello world13:14
sebastwDo you see problems with xfce-terminal?13:15
mr_pouitsebastw: i.e. Xserver restarts when you launch xfce4-terminal13:24
sebastwjust very slow to maximize, minimize13:25
sebastwjust this application13:26
TheSheepsebastw: try dabling transparency13:27
sebastwno effect13:28
mr_pouithttp://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2818 maybe13:29
ubotuXFCE bug 2818 in general "terminal exhibits very slow redraw on some systems if the compositor is not used" [Normal,Assigned]13:29
sebastwok i enabled composite13:33
sebastwnee restart X13:33
sebastwsee you later13:33
proxim1hi there14:39
proxim1i just installed xubuntu on my laptop14:40
proxim1and i cant find anywhere to set up my wireless network card14:40
proxim1driver/hardware, not the network settings14:40
thruxtonproxim1: do you know what chipset the card is?14:47
proxim1not sure, its detected as a broadcom though14:48
proxim1but that driver wont work14:48
thruxtonhttp://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ try pasting lspci -n here14:48
thruxtonsome broadcom work with ndiswrapper no?14:49
proxim1ive had it running in xubuntu before, but cant remember if it was with ndiswrapper14:50
proxim1checking that lcpci thingy14:50
proxim1it says broadcom allright14:52
Rafabeyesterday i installed xubuntu, and it seemed to work fine. I shutdown/reset several times, the system booted up with no problem. before going to sleep, i did a shutdown from the menu, and now XFCE seems to have problems. It won't load the desktop icons, and most of the application shortcuts don't work. The Network Manager, for example, auto-closes as soon as I click on a connection to select its properties14:55
thruxtonproxim1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Gutsy looks promising14:55
Rafabeany advice on what I can do to fix this? Or why it even happened? This computer is meant for mom, I need to make sure this doesn't happen again.14:55
proxim1thruxton: brb im coming online on that machine insteac14:57
thruxtonRafabe: thats doesn't sound too good. you might have more luck in #xfce though14:58
Proximo00:00.0 0600: 8086:3575 (rev 04)14:59
Proximo00:01.0 0604: 8086:3576 (rev 04)14:59
Proximo00:1d.0 0c03: 8086:2482 (rev 02)14:59
Proximo00:1e.0 0604: 8086:2448 (rev 42)14:59
Proximo00:1f.0 0601: 8086:248c (rev 02)14:59
Proximo00:1f.1 0101: 8086:248a (rev 02)14:59
kd123Why is OpenOffice Writer included by default in Xubuntu 7.10? It just takes up disk space14:59
Proximo00:1f.5 0401: 8086:2485 (rev 02)14:59
Proximo00:1f.6 0703: 8086:2486 (rev 02)14:59
Proximo01:00.0 0300: 1002:4c5914:59
Proximo02:00.0 0200: 10b7:9200 (rev 78)14:59
Proximo02:01.0 0607: 104c:ac5114:59
Proximo02:01.1 0607: 104c:ac5114:59
Proximo07:00.0 0280: 14e4:4318 (rev 02)14:59
Proximoohhh sry ><14:59
Proximothat was not what i was sposed to paste14:59
Proximo[  249.964000] bcm43xx: Error: Microcode "bcm43xx_microcode5.fw" not available or load failed.14:59
Proximodid a dmesg14:59
thruxtonProximo: you installe dthe firmware I assume?15:01
Proximodoing so now, i didnt because i thougth it was installed by default15:01
Proximoalso ive never got that broadcom thingy to work15:02
Proximoive always used ndiswrapper and windows driver i think15:02
proteusg'morning everyone, I'm having an odd problem: after some apparently random amount of time samba mounts that are being used by apps like audacious and amarok suddenly go down. Not only do they go down, but the directories that the samba shares were mounted to become inaccessible - anything that tries to access it locks up completely. When I do an ls-al the permissions are just blank spaces and question marks. I'd really appreciate any idea15:02
proteuss you guys could give me.15:02
proteusthe samba servers themselves remain accessable, and I can remount to a different directory without any problems15:03
proteusbut when I've got a half dozen apps expecting their crap to be in a directory that suddenly freaks out, a lot of stuff breaks15:04
proteusand it happens consistently15:05
Proximodunno samba at all, so im clueless =\15:06
proteusis this the right place to ask this kind of question? I'm an old netbsd/gentoo hack and xubuntu is all new to me.15:08
thruxtonproteus: is samba generating any logs?15:09
Proximohmmm this aint going to well15:10
Proximoi got an error while installing the firmware15:10
Proximoand now its just hanging when i try to remove it15:10
proteusthe /var/log/samba directory is full of logs. which one should I be looking at?15:11
Proximoman ive had nothing15:12
Proximobut trouble with the distros from Linux Formats cover disks15:12
proteusok, from the smb.conf file the log tail is this:15:12
proteusproteus@proteus-desktop:~$ tail -f /var/log/samba/log.15:13
proteus[2007/12/08 00:03:11, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(334)15:13
proteus  got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 115:13
proteus[2007/12/08 01:14:57, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(334)15:13
proteus  got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 115:13
proteus[2007/12/08 11:36:37, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(334)15:13
proteus  got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 115:13
proteus[2007/12/08 14:56:18, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(334)15:13
proteus  got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 115:13
proteus[2007/12/08 15:30:13, 1] libsmb/ntlmssp.c:ntlmssp_update(334)15:13
proteus  got NTLMSSP command 3, expected 115:13
Proximoproteus: watch it with pasting, u might get kicked15:13
Proximoyou should use a pastebin15:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:13
proteusoh, ok15:14
proteusthanks for the tip15:14
Proximonp, ive been kicked myself for that ^^15:14
proteusanyway, is that useful at all?15:14
Proximohow much more resource hungry is 7.10 than 7.04 ?15:15
Proximoi tried installing 7.10 and the system was really sluggish, but 7.04 runs fine15:15
proteusI used to be able to boot into a full xfce destop with pretty themes and everything, plus a couple terms with only 20-40M of ram taken up15:18
proteusfor the whole system15:19
Proximoon what version ?15:19
proteusoh, it was a gentoo install15:19
Proximoive been working with getting this laptop up and running nicely for 3 days now15:20
proteusI'm not sure if the ubuntu system lets you strip down the kernel15:20
Proximotrying one distro that solved one problem but introduced another =(15:20
proteusmy workstation died and I needed a quick replacement, so I pulled an old pentium 2 netbsd server out of my garage and tried out xubuntu15:22
proteusso far I'm liking it15:22
Proximodamn, im getting a error when installing that firmware :(15:23
proteusso does anyone have any ideas about my samba/whatever problem?15:24
Proximoi dont, sorry, ive never touched samba15:25
proteusis everyone else idle or something? I've never used irc.15:25
Proximoyeah i guess they are idle15:26
Proximoyou could try the ubuntu channel15:26
Proximothere's 1200 users normally15:26
Proximoand lots of activity15:26
Proximogotta reboot now, so cya later15:27
proteusWhat's the best way to customize the Applications drop down menu? It's totally inconsistent about adding new apps and I don't even know how to organize what's there15:48
thruxtonproteus: settings>menu editor16:07
thruxtonor xfce4-menueditor from the terminal16:08
proteusthruxton, isn't there something better than menueditor out there?17:06
thruxtonnot that I am aware of17:06
manadcan anyone tell me how I can take a screenshot? I'm pressing the PrintScreen key, but there's nothing to be pasted in Gimp.17:10
TheSheepmanad: file->aquire->screenshot17:10
manadwhich menu are you referring to?17:11
TheSheepmanad: gimp main menu17:11
manadso the PrintScreen key doesn't do anything in linux?17:11
TheSheepmanad: not in xfce by default17:11
TheSheepmanad: you can install scrot and bind it to it in your keyboard settings17:12
manadGotcha. I'll get scrot then make a keyboard shortcut.17:12
TheSheepmanad: there is also panel plugin for screenshots17:12
manadsheep, how can I tell how much free space I have left on my hard drive?17:22
manadnevermind, I'd been looking around in Thunar, but there's a System Monitor app17:23
manadgotta move away from the Windows mentality :P17:23
TheSheepmanad: df -h17:26
CamishI would like to add a program to the start menu "Network". It's the torrent client transmission that I have build from source.18:13
CamishCurrently I type "transmission" in a console window. I would like to get a button for this in the start menu (application menu). How do I do that=?18:14
thruxtonCamish:  xfce4-menueditor18:15
CamishThank you18:15
CamishUsing xfce4-menueditor I want to add a shortcut within the "Network" submenu. Running xfce4-menueditor as a normal user I see "--include-- System" where all the submenus are. How do I add my program "transmission" to the Network submenu?18:19
thruxtonisnt there an add button along the top, or a + button?18:23
PumpernickelMake a .desktop file for it, drop that in /usr/share/applications/, and reload the menu.  File a bug against the package, since it didn't provide its own.18:23
CamishPumpernickel: Okay18:29
cheeseboyis there software tat can bur wma to cd ?18:46
cheeseboythat* burn*18:47
TheSheepyou can burn any files with brasero18:48
cheeseboyTheSheep, will it play in a cd player though?18:49
TheSheepcheeseboy: no, you need to burn an audicd for that18:49
TheSheepaudiocd :)18:50
TheSheepcheeseboy: but brasero might be able to do it18:50
TheSheepcheeseboy: give it a try18:50
cheeseboyya what i was asking X(18:50
cheeseboyk3b can't do it18:50
TheSheepcheeseboy: you can also try and convert that file into mp318:50
cheeseboywould rather not18:51
cheeseboyTheSheep, it fails18:55
TheSheepcheeseboy: you have w32codecs installed?18:56
TheSheepcheeseboy: can you play it?18:56
cheeseboydon't know18:56
cheeseboyPackage w32codecs is not available, but is referred to by another package.18:57
cheeseboyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or18:57
cheeseboyis only available from another source18:57
cheeseboyE: Package w32codecs has no installation candidate18:57
TheSheepcheeseboy: add the medibuntu repository18:59
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see Ā« /msg ubotu medibuntu Ā»), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages18:59
cheeseboyTheSheep, is there one for gusty?19:01
TheSheepcheeseboy: they all fit19:02
TheSheepcheeseboy: just install it from whichever of those repos19:04
cheeseboyit fails19:08
aladdinsaneIm trying to mount a second internal hd as a "drive", by that i mean i want it to show up in applications as a drive, not a folder. right now i have it mounted as such: UUID=xxx /home/alado/!HDD2        ext3    user,rw  0      0 Which mounts it in that !hdd directory. I have tried to mount it with /media and /mnt with no luck.I mean i know it is possible, cause the drive in question was automaticly (after the ubuntu install.) mounted like19:12
manadis it normal that my computer practically freezes when copying files to my hard drive? It takes forever for programs to launch. Is this something that can be fixed by changing from Thunar to something else that's more responsive/multithreaded?19:12
TheSheepmanad: it's not normal19:13
aladdinsanemanad: im pretty sure its not normal19:13
TheSheepmanad: check your dmesg19:13
TheSheepmanad: open terminal and type 'dmesg' in it19:13
manadwhat am I looking for here?19:14
TheSheepmanad: error messages about failing to read from a block device19:14
aladdinsaneno xubuntu mounting expert here?19:15
TheSheepaladdinsane: what do you mean 'mounted as disk'?19:15
TheSheepaladdinsane: eveything is mounted into directories in linux19:15
manadthe only time the word "error" appears is a the end, I got two lines like this: [  258.191352] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 019:17
TheSheepmanad: fd0 is diskette19:18
aladdinsaneTheSheep: did i say disk? I know everything is mounted into folders, people keep telling me, and thats fine, i just want the damn drive to show up as a Drive in all my applications, not as a folder. It did that just fine before i partitioned it from the previous NTFS to ext319:18
aladdinsaneyes my terminology might be wrong, maybe i dont want it to be "mounted" as a drive, but i sure want it to "show up" as a drive in my applications19:20
TheSheepaladdinsane: did you try to just not put it in fstab?19:24
aladdinsaneTheSheep: thats a good question, i have been fighting with fstab now so long i cant even remember how it all started, but i guess it wasn't in fstab to begin with. so you think xubuntu would recognice/mount it automaticly?19:26
aladdinsaneTheSheep:i'll try it out, brb19:26
manadif I install KDE, it will come with its own programs like the Konqueror file manager, correct? No need to install separately? And will I be able to revert back easily to XFCE if I choose to?19:28
TheSheepmanad: you can have both installed at the same time, you choose which one to start at the login screen19:30
manadexcellent. thanks.,19:30
aladdinsaneTheSheep: you are my hero! i guess the simplest solutions are the best, or definitely the ones you should try first :)19:32
aladdinsaneat least i learned fstab..19:32
TheSheepaladdinsane: glad I could be of assistance, sorry I didn't catch what you mean at first19:32
cheeseboyhow can i test if my sound is working?19:41
aladdinsaneTheSheep: i guess every new truth comes with two new questions, how do i now get the drive to auto mount, any clue?19:41
stone[no]cheeseboy: aplay an mp3 file19:42
cheeseboyi don't have one19:42
TheSheepaladdinsane: no, sorry19:43
stone[no]cheeseboy: /usr/share/sound/alsa19:43
stone[no]wav file, but that does not matter19:44
cheeseboyugh my soundcard isnt working19:48
cheeseboyhow do i fix?19:48
stone[no]cheeseboy: check that PCM and MASTER sound level are up, using amixer or sound/volume applet in xubuntu menu.19:52
cheeseboyno i get error19:52
cheeseboy** WARNING **: oss_open(): Failed to open audio device (/dev/dsp): Device or resource busy19:53
stone[no]are there any more users logged in?19:53
cheeseboyo i fixed it19:54
cheeseboybut its affecting other aps too19:54
cheeseboyits trying to use oss instead of alsa19:54
stone[no]good,  what was the issue?19:54
ice109can someone help me, i'm having trouble recognizing an external hard drive19:55
cheeseboyhow do i fix that?19:55
stone[no]cheeseboy: I'm not sure.19:56
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HeadLong87632hello all20:24
HeadLong87632is this the xubuntu help channel?20:28
stone[no]I've received help here :)20:29
stone[no]What's the trouble?20:30
HeadLong87632This is my first Linux.  I've got plenty of experience with windows and even took C++ classes in college, just for kicks, but this stuff is...new20:30
HeadLong87632Im trying to get networking up so I can install packages20:30
HeadLong87632but what Im finding in my install is not matching the xubuntu docs.20:31
HeadLong87632I managed to find an app called network-config, which shows my network interfaces and devices, lets me choose dhcp or static ip, etc.20:31
HeadLong87632but its test feature is telling me that its not recieving a dhcp lease from the router.20:32
HeadLong87632the router is configed.20:32
stone[no]wlam or wired?20:32
HeadLong87632there are two LAN nics, onboard and pcmca card, and one built-in wireless.20:32
stone[no]what are you using?20:33
HeadLong87632I dont know if both LAN ports are functional, one is.  The wireless definitely works.  This is an old laptop.20:33
HeadLong87632Im not using either one at the moment.20:34
stone[no]is the router wifi capable and set up?20:34
HeadLong87632I havent used it in a while.  My xbox 360 and desktop are wired to it.  I'll go back into it and double check.20:35
HeadLong87631the router disconnects me when I log in to it.  Its a dlink.  I think its mildly retarded.20:38
HeadLong87631Yes the wifi on the router is functioning.  It is broadcasting an SSID.  Xubuntu actually detects it and other wifis in my apt. complex.20:39
stone[no]Do you have the network icon in the "sys tray"?20:40
HeadLong87631if a linux systray is where a windows systray is, no.  All I have is a wrongly set clock.20:41
HeadLong87631if i right click on the desktop, I get the toolbar of course.  There isnt an "Applications->System->Networking" path like it says in the docs.20:46
HeadLong87631: (20:46
stone[no]Well, the 'network' on system menu should let you select the correct settings. However, you've got to have the correct encryption setting (if enabled) and make sure your mac address is on the mac-list (if mac filtering is enabled)20:46
stone[no]try typing nm-applet in a terminal. it's the network manager applet20:49
stone[no]Did you have a complete and successful install?20:49
HeadLong87633the mac ids are entered into the router.  I did that last night.20:49
HeadLong87633encryption on the router is set to WPA using PSK, cipher type auto.20:50
HeadLong87633entered the password into network-config on xubuntu.20:50
HeadLong87633no such luck.20:50
stone[no]Best bet is to tempo. turn of encryption and make sure everything else is working ;) It could also be a hardware issue.20:51
HeadLong87633ok.  one thing. I wanna check that wrote down the mac ids properly.  what is the console command to get the mac ids?20:53
HeadLong87633I'll turn off encryption.20:53
stone[no]Look for "HWaddr"20:53
thyraxis there a command to list and copy files in terminal?20:56
thyraxthe browser is having trouble browsing a particular ntfs drive from windows.20:57
stone[no]ls to list, cp to copy20:57
thyraxwill it list on all drives?20:57
thyraxor is is sudo fdisk ls /dev/sd*20:57
thyraxis that the proper syntax^20:57
stone[no]append '--help' for helt :) all drives that is mounted.20:58
thyraxto fdisk?20:58
stone[no]type 'mount20:58
stone[no]' to mounted drives20:58
stone[no]without the '20:58
thyraxwill it show progress?20:58
thyraxcopy progress?20:58
stone[no]it will show mounted disks20:59
thyraxand will this work on an ntfs drive?20:59
stone[no]it will show if it's mounted20:59
stone[no]is it an external hd?21:00
thyraxok it is mounted.. but I am trying to copy files from an ntfs drive to a raid 5 array21:00
thyraxraid array is md0 formatted in xfs21:00
thyraxdrive to copy from is ntfs21:01
thyraxthe browser is having difficulty reading the windows volume21:01
thyraxit is mounted but I already know its mounted21:01
=== kikr is now known as kikr_
stone[no]can you see the contents?21:02
thyraxnot using the desktop browser it freezes21:02
thyraxthats why i was wondering if I could use terminal to list the files21:03
thyraxand copy them from within terminal21:03
stone[no]try to show the files, using 'ls'21:03
=== kikr_ is now known as kikr
stone[no]It should be mounted somewhere in /media/21:03
thyraxstone: what is the syntax to use?21:03
thyraxsudo ls /media/New Volume ?21:04
stone[no]try without sudo. try 'ls /media' first21:05
thyraxok i tried ls /home/md0 and it listed the raid array contents21:06
thyraxbut when I tried ls /media/new volume it said: new does not exist and volume does not exist21:06
headlong87634good news stone, it was the encryption.21:07
thyraxls media lists New Volume21:07
stone[no]thyrax: is the ntfs partition on an external hd?21:08
thyraxit's a sata drive21:08
thyraxcan I try by device instead of mount point?21:09
stone[no]what is the output from 'mount'?21:09
stone[no]ehh, not for ls :)21:09
thyraxok ls /dev/sdb1 ?21:09
stone[no]headlong87634: Good, I'm not a guru on wpa... I'm not sure if all the different modes are supported.21:10
thyraxit says dev/sdb1 on /media/New volume21:10
stone[no]What about the text in ()?21:10
thyraxbut ls /media/new Volume says no new and no volume21:10
stone[no]ehh try 'ls /media/new\ Volume'21:11
stone[no]Tip, use tab for auto completion21:11
thyraxstone that worked21:12
thyraxls /media/new\ Volume'21:12
thyraxls /media/new\ Volume21:12
thyraxls /media/New\ Volume ***21:13
stone[no]headlong87634: Try to engage wpa and se if you can get it to play nicely ;)21:13
thyrax:) it listed movies and folders now to copy them21:14
thyraxwhy the need to add '\' ?21:14
stone[no]white spaces are used as "seperators", when they are part of a filename, bash (terminal) gets confused. With '\' you can add special characters to the command.21:15
stone[no]locate where you would like to copy the files to.21:16
thyraxI will remember that thank you :)21:16
thyraxok I know where to /home/md021:16
thyraxthere are folders and about 4 seperate files21:17
thyraxthe folders contain lots of other files21:17
stone[no]I'd try rsync21:17
stone[no]perhaps rsync -a SRC DEST21:17
thyraxstone I'm a noob21:17
stone[no]type man rsync or rsync --help21:17
thyraxwhat will it do?21:18
stone[no]it's for syncing files21:18
thyraxwhy do I need to rsync?21:18
stone[no]or you could use cp (copy)21:18
thyraxthe files are fine I believe they work fine in windows. I just wanted to retrieve them before I formatted this drive21:18
stone[no]or mv (move)21:18
thyraxIs cp faster than move?21:19
thyraxI just want to get the files safely to the md021:19
thyraxand format this drive21:19
stone[no]either way, you are moving files from on disk to another, it's gonna take some time :)21:20
thyraxok I'll go with cp21:20
thyraxjust so It doesn't have to worry about deleteing the file after moving it21:20
stone[no]ok, cp -a SOURCE/* DEST/ will copy all files from SOURCE to DEST21:21
stone[no]If you'r gonna format the drive anyway, there's no need worrying about deleting them :)21:22
thyraxcp /media/New\ Volume/(folder or file) /dest/ ?21:22
thyraxstone[no]: will that work? ^21:23
stone[no]'cp -a /media/New\ Volume/* /home/md0/' will copy all files and directories from "New Volume" to /home/md021:24
stone[no]I believe adding -v option adds progress indicator21:26
thyraxcp -a /media/New\ Volume/* /home/md0/ -v ?21:26
thyraxor: cp -v -a /media/New\ Volume/* /home/md0/21:26
stone[no]last one is correct21:27
stone[no]the options have to come first21:27
thyraxcrap I already ran it without -v21:27
thyraxcan I use a watch command to pull it up?21:28
stone[no]do a ls and check that they all are copied.21:28
stone[no]totem mediaplayer, if the correct codecs are installed :)21:29
thyraxis there no way to get an indicator? its 460GB of data21:29
thyraxI browsed to md0 in nautilus and it is making progress21:30
stone[no]not as the program is started. it's best just to let it run. It's gonna take the same amount of time.21:30
stone[no]what is the format on the files? wma?21:31
thyraxthanks stone you've been a huge help!21:31
thyrax.avi and .mkv mostly21:31
thyraxoh you weren't asking me :)21:32
userXubuntuDoes anyone know how you can see hidden files in "open dir dialog box" (run by a program e.g. xmms? (show hidden files in Thunar doesn't work)21:32
stone[no]OK, if the correct codecs are isntalled, playing should be a breeze. I'm happy to help21:32
stone[no]thyrax:  I asked you ;)21:33
thyraxoh ok how did you guess it was media?21:34
thyraxI don't plan on playing it on this system I set up samba though so I could stream them to my tv and play them through xbmc21:34
stone[no]thyrax: New linux falvours usually mounts "stuff" in /media21:35
thyraxdoes it make a difference?21:36
thyraxits a raid 5 array.21:36
stone[no]I'm clueless on raid....21:36
thyraxand automounts on boot21:36
thyraxit was fun setting up. odd I am on my way to becoming a linux raid guru but couldn't cp files without a gui :)21:37
stone[no]It will come ;)21:37
thyraxyeah thanks to you I have learnt some valuable knowledge lol finding a tut could have taken me a while21:38
userXubuntuI'm having a problem with installing adobe flash plugin on Xubuntu. I use the Syn Ppackage Manager, everything download as it should and I recieve no error messages. When I look in the log however it states that the md5 check didn't match and that the plugin subsequently was not installed.21:39
soldatssudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:42
soldatsuserXubuntu, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:42
userXubuntu"Download done. \n md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz \n The Flash plugin is NOT installed."21:42
userXubuntuI'll do that... wait...21:42
soldatsthen do sudo update-flashplugin21:43
userXubuntusudo apt-get gave me:21:44
userXubuntuflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.21:44
userXubuntu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.21:44
userXubuntuI'm doing a update now.21:44
userXubuntusudo update-flashplugin21:45
userXubuntugives me "command not found"21:45
crimsunknown issue.21:46
soldatshmm it might be an old command21:46
crimsunthere's a gutsy-backports request already in place for 9,0,115,021:46
soldatsoh cool i didnt know21:46
crimsunjust be patient, or install it yourself after removing the flashplugin-nonfree package.21:46
thyraxis there a program that displays cp progress?21:47
soldatsuserXubuntu, open a browser firefox and type about:plugins and see if flash is properly enabled21:47
userXubuntucrimson, what do you mean? Remove rom SPM and then download from adobe adn run manally?21:47
userXubuntusoldats, wait.21:47
thyraxI already started the sp and forgot to add -v21:48
crimsunuserXubuntu: or use the plugin finder wizard.21:48
crimsunuserXubuntu: so, yes, download from Adobe.21:48
soldatsuserXubuntu, yes you could do sudo apt-get autoremove flashplugin-nonfree and then reinstall21:48
crimsunyou should use 'remove' or 'purge', not 'autoremove'.21:49
soldatsnot really a difference in my opinion i usually use aptitude or purge but autoremove is sometimes faster21:50
userXubuntuabout:plugin wasn't a valid url...21:50
userXubuntu*stupid me*21:50
userXubuntuNo plug-ins are installed21:50
soldatshmm did you alrady uninstall them21:51
userXubuntu? I havn't even installed them? Bth adobe and gnush were added in SPM they both failed to install as should.21:51
userXubuntuI do not think the issue is related to FF, it's the Xubuntu install fails.21:52
userXubuntuOh, and btw, I just did a fresh install of Xubuntu. I haven't really installed musch and the I can't see what the problem could be...21:53
crimsunI seriously already answered this question.21:53
soldatsinstall flash from the adobe site21:54
userXubuntucrimson, yes, and I will give that a try, but I had to finish regarding the FF relation.21:54
crimsunor will until the gutsy-backports package is available this week.21:54
crimsuns/or will/or wait/21:54
crimsun(heck, if you really can't wait, just use the hardy package)21:55
userXubuntu... Do I dare ask what that is...21:55
crimsunhardy is the current devel branch.  Your gutsy-backports version is created from hardy.21:55
userXubuntuI see, but what does hardy do?21:56
crimsunit's the next version of *buntu, aka 8.10 LTS.21:57
crimsunsorry, 8.04 LTS.21:57
userXubuntuAt the adobe site I have three options: tar, rpm, YUM. They basically seem to do the same ting...? However YUM seems to be nice...22:06
userXubuntuOr is it?22:06
soldatsall will be the same22:07
soldatsyum maybe easier to install though22:07
soldatsi prefer tar22:07
userXubuntuhmm, thanks.22:08
userXubuntu! it works =) Thanks helpfull people!22:27
soldatsawesome im glad youo got it working22:29
aladdinsanethis is my 5th hour trying to solve this problem..Why cant i get my, through fstab, mounted second internal hd to show up as a drive in my applications? It does show up as a drive in two applications though, Thunar and Nautilus, but in all the rest i have to browse down through the filesystem to find the folder, my fstab: UID=xxxx /media/Hdd2        ext3     user,rw  0      022:34
GaryvdMHi - I'm having some trouble. I have only one computer, and one way to get on to the net: a 3g modem. I had Windows installed on one drive, and I have installed xubuntu feisty on another, and boot either.22:37
GaryvdMI want to install the 3g modem driver22:37
thyraxMy xbox running xbmc can see samba shares on my ubuntu box without needing a password but windows xp asks for a password and I am denied22:37
GaryvdMSo I downloaded the .deb in windows, and then booted into xubuntu22:38
GaryvdMThen find that it needs some depends22:39
GaryvdMboot back into windows, download the depends, boot back it xubuntu22:39
GaryvdMbut I can't install libbonobo2-0 and libbonobo2-common because they depend on each other.22:40
soldatsaladdinsane, usually in all apps it will only detect a mounted hdd. so in order to have the apps use them properly you need to edit fstab like youve been but you may be entering it in wrong22:40
GaryvdMHow can I go about installing packages if I don't have internet access on xubuntu?22:41
soldatshmm download them to a disk of some sort and install thtat way22:42
GaryvdMThats what I was trying, but I got stuck on libbonobo2-0 and libbonobo2-common because they depend on each other.22:43
aladdinsanesoldats: no my fstab is correct, as far as i can tell and i have been working on it for 5 hours now so i consider myself a semi fstab expert. And the thing with fstab is that it mounts the drive in a folder, and i want it to show as a drive. I mean it works, as i said, just not as i want it to22:44
GaryvdMI have just been dbl clicking on the packages from the filemanager. Is that the correct way?22:44
soldatsGaryvdM, probly not depending on the filetype you may need to compile22:45
aladdinsanesoldats: some people though have recommended me to mount it in /media/ or /mnt/ to get around the problem, but as you can see that is what i have done now and the problem is not solved22:45
soldatsaladdinsane, all drives will be mounted to a folder and will be mounted everytime in the same location.22:46
soldatsaladdinsane, i mount everything in /media22:46
soldatsmaybe i dont understand what kind of problem you have22:46
aladdinsanesoldats: my problem is what i described above, what is it not to understand? and yes i know all drives mounts to folders, but why on earth does the drive im mounting showing up as a _drive_ in thunar and nautilus but not in any other applications whatsoever22:48
soldatsaladdinsane, in fstab you should have the hdd mount to say "/media/hdd1" and give all required permissions for it also you need to have made a folder called hdd1 in your /;media dir22:48
aladdinsanesoldats: of course i have done that22:48
soldatsyou mean thunar says its called _drive_22:48
aladdinsanesoldats: my problem is not that it doesn't work, the mount works perfectly, i just want the drive to show up as a drive, u understand what i mean with "show up as a drive" right?22:49
soldatswhat does it show up as22:50
aladdinsaneif u open nautilus or thunar you have your drives in the left pane22:50
aladdinsanesame if u open any other application, you see your drives and can choose to navigate down through them22:51
aladdinsaneand as i said, i can see the drive described above in that left pane, in Nautilus and Thunar, but not in any other application22:52
soldatsthats what mine looks like22:52
soldatswell if you right click a drive does it say mount22:52
soldatsor unmount22:52
aladdinsaneso in every other application i always have to navigate to /media/hdd2/ to get to it22:52
aladdinsaneit is mounted if thats what you are asking22:53
soldatsaladdinsane, a lot of apps will only let you navigate that way to your drive and some will show it as a drive without "/medi***"22:54
aladdinsanesoldats: ok so u mean its perfectly normal to have this "problem"22:54
soldatsyes the way i was understanding it earlier was wrong of me to do, but now i know what you mean so yes this is normal22:55
soldatshaving the icon for a drive is almost like a symlink and when you click on it it navigates directlyt to where its mounted22:56
aladdinsaneok, so the last 5 hours of my life was a total waste then..22:56
aladdinsanebut why, and how, does the applications show the "File Sytem" then22:57
soldatsmost apps for filesystem use /Desktop or ~/.HOME22:58
aladdinsanei cant for the life of it see this as anything but annoying and if not a bug definitely something that must be very easy to fix22:58
soldatsit very well could be a bug in some apps i prefer them to show up in the laft pane as well but i had to get over it22:59
aladdinsaneok, well, its not gonna kill me either, its just that i thought i was doing something wrong and kept working on it..23:01
soldatswhat permissions did you give the drive mount point23:02
soldatsdid you do it as root23:03
aladdinsaneyou mean in fstab or via chmod chown?23:05
aladdinsanesoldats: i havent used either chmod or chown, i could use it so i didnt bother23:06
aladdinsanedo i have to do that?23:06
soldatswell usually you do something like sudo chmod 777 /mount/point to give it permissions for every user im not sure if it will work but it may make some apps see it in a pane window23:07
soldatsor you dont need to sudo i dont think23:08
aladdinsaneok, i'll try it out23:08
soldatscause sometimes if you mount as root youll be able to see it but some apps wont be able to see root mounted stuff23:09
soldatsit may or may not work but its a suggestion i only wish the best for you and if it doesnt work out i apologize23:09
soldatsit doesnt bother me anymore to type /media/disk23:10
aladdinsaneno need to appoligize, i appriciate the effort, i couldntr chmod it with out sudo though23:10
aladdinsaneno, no change23:12
soldatsok well that would mean it was root owned so maybe it will show up now after a reboot, well anyways i hope it works but i gotta go maybe ill se you later23:12
aladdinsaneyea, i'll re-boot later, thnx again, catch ya later23:12
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headlong87634is there a faster browser than the kazehakase that comes with xubuntu?23:35
headlong87634or is there a performance guide?23:39
headlong87634joejackson posted a command to cut out the splash on bootup so the boot time is faster.23:39
TheSheepheadlong87634: splash doesn't really make it slower...23:42
userXubuntuThe option to minimize applications to system tray in Xubuntu/linux, is it relative to the application or can you set it up in the desktop env?23:42
TheSheepheadlong87634: and xubuntu doesn't come witj kazehakase, it comes with firefox23:43
headlong87634then what did i download?23:43
TheSheepheadlong87634: how should I know?23:43
TheSheepuserXubuntu: the application must support it23:43
TheSheepuserXubuntu: there are some 'wrappers' that allow you to 'add' it to an application23:44
headlong87634no that's a rhetorical question.23:44
headlong87634I have FLUXbuntu23:44
headlong87634I'm sorry.23:44
TheSheepxubuntu with flu?23:44
userXubuntutheSheep, thanks.23:44
headlong87634um. lemme look23:44
headlong87634this is my first linux.23:44
headlong87634no the login screen says fluxbuntu.23:45
headlong87634the whole weekend I have been reading xubuntu docs23:45
The_Kernelhow interesting23:45
headlong87634and wondering23:45
headlong87634why is mine not the same?23:46
The_Kernelmy login says Ubuntu, but I'm pretty sure I'm using Xubuntu right now23:46
TheSheepheadlong87634: happens23:46
headlong87634#join fluxbuntu23:46
headlong87634worked last time. crap.23:47
TheSheep"/join #fluxbuntu"23:49

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