
PengNice, I think that push is stuck again.00:00
ubotuNew bug: #175207 in bzr "Fix Makefile rules for doc generation" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17520701:11
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* igc lunch02:52
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zerokmorning :)08:48
PengIndeed it is.09:01
PengExcept for you weirdos in the Pacific ocean.09:01
spivvila: I've partially diagnosed my squid problem (bug 172701)12:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172701 in bzr "Large readv requests can fail if there is a squid proxy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17270112:37
vilaspiv: I'm all ears12:38
spivvila: the extreme slowness appears to be because squid will sometimes fetch entire files even if the client asks for just a range -- even if the client also sets Pragma: no-cache & Cache-control: max-age=0.12:38
vilaAnd even with that we manage to get a *short* read...12:39
vilayou're sure it's not triggered by bzr issuing a new request after a short read instead ?12:40
spivvila: So the client sends requests to fetch a small amount of a large pack file, and squid fetches the whole thing and then forgets it.  Then the client asks for a different part of the same file, and squid fetches the whole thing over again, etc.12:40
spivvila: So I haven't reproduced the shortv since you claimed to have fixed it12:40
spivvila: but this explains why it's ridiculously slow :)12:40
spivs/shortv/short readv/12:41
vilathe way I fixed it is to issue a larger request (single range encompassing all the offsets or if that fails too the whole file) when a short read is encountered12:42
vilaif you still can reproduce it try with -Dhttp, that will log all the requests and mention the retries12:42
spivWell, I can't reproduce the ShortReadvError anymore, so that particular bug is fixed.  (Thanks!)12:43
spivBut I thought you'd be interested to know about some of the other strange behaviour (extreme slowness) I saw while experiencing that bug :)12:44
vilamy fix for 173010 has landed, it will produce still another behavior (pycurl will not emit requests bigger than 4M) so be sure to check what version you're using12:44
spivI'm testing with your fix for 17301012:46
vilaspiv: ha, good12:47
spivI thought trying to reproduce 172701 might be a good stress test to make sure your patch really didn't break anything :)12:48
spivvila: heh12:56
spivvila: it's bug 1337 in squid's bug tracker :)12:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 1337 in malone "Distro release tasks should include name of distro" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133712:57
spivubotu: no, http://www.squid-cache.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=1337 :P12:57
vilalol, did you noticed that mac distro related bug waws leeeeet too ? :)12:59
vilaspiv: so that squid bug is really bad for us or you can tune the range_offset_limit ?13:00
vilahmmm, thinking more about it, at the time of 172701 we were issuing far too much ranges , so maybe this bug has been fixed in two different ways13:03
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spivvila: well, when using http+urllib I still see "http readv of a3069b4df97462558e8666ff0cc72386.pack  offsets => 705 collapsed 16113:14
spivvila: the fetch completes though.13:14
spivvila: it takes about 16m now (with both urllib or pycurl) to do the pull in 172701 through my squid proxy.13:15
vilaspiv: it may still occurs for valid reasons (fragmented repo), before the patch more ranges can be emitted for not so valid reasons13:15
spivvila: which is better than in 172701 (where it was failing, and taking longer to do so!)13:16
spivSo I'm pretty happy.13:16
vilahappy to help jam's(TM)13:17
vilayet 16m for an update... is that a bound branch ?13:18
spivvila: nope13:19
spivvila: just "bzr branch -r 2977 bzr.dev /tmp/foo; cd /tmp/foo; bzr pull http://bazaar-vcs.org/bzr/bzr.dev/"13:20
spivvila: if I bypass my squid proxy, it takes 9m 43s to do the same pull.13:28
spivvila: (versus 16m 5s with squid)13:28
vilahmm, bad proxy :-/13:28
spivvila: yup :(13:28
spivI'm going to try tweaking range_offset_limit13:29
vilaha, let me know, if you succeeds that will be worth mentioning it in bug #172701 at least13:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172701 in bzr "Large readv requests can fail if there is a squid proxy" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17270113:30
spivvila: curiously, my squid.conf claims that range_offset_limit is already 0 (i.e. never fetch more than client requested).13:30
vilahmm, try setting it to 250 (our max is 200)13:33
vilawe  issue several range requests on the same file, squid may have some problem with that13:34
vilaouch forget that, range_offset_limit is not a number of ranges it's a true offset possible value13:37
datovila: <weasel> how do I tell bzr to use a different ca-certificates file (for https), or tell it to accept cert with fingerprint $fpr for a host?13:55
datovila: I guess you're the right person to ask that to :)13:55
viladato: you can't... yet ;-)13:57
datovila: ok, thanks. (not even with pycurl, I guess, right?)13:58
viladato: oops, checking code, it seems you can use CURL_CA_BUNDLE to indicate a different ca-certificates file (I thought only win32 can do that) but I never tested it myself13:59
vilaI'm currently working on a https test server, once that's done, I plan to add these capabilities to urllib and be in position to deprecate pycurl14:00
datoaha. CURL_CA_BUNDLE, environment variable?14:00
viladato: yes14:10
viladato: if you test it let me know14:11
datocertainly not me, maybe weasel .914:11
datoer, :)14:11
vilabialix added it for win32 so I don't know that code very well14:11
vilaoh, I see, being unsure about the meaning of <weasel> I thought it applied to the question not the originator ;-014:13
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datophanatic: out of interest, why bzr-gtk 0.93 instead of 1.0?14:51
phanaticdato: see the release announcement Q&A :)14:52
datophanatic: d'oh, sorry!14:52
datovery well14:52
datophanatic: but14:53
datophanatic: should I still enforce at packaging level that 0.93 needs 1.0, and can't work with e.g. 1.1?14:54
phanaticdato: i suppose the bzrlib API should be backwards compatible throughout the whole 1.x series...14:54
radixI sure hope so, maybe I will actually be able to use bzr-gtk if the bzrlib API stabilizes :)14:55
datoI haven't seen any mention that API changes will be handled any different in 1.x than they were in 0.x14:55
datobut alas, I don't read every post in the list :)14:55
jelmerbzr-gtk uses some of the most common API's exported by bzr14:56
jelmerI bet 0.93 is compatible with even 0.1814:57
jelmersome of the other plugins like bzrtools and bzr-svn use more obscure API's that are more prone to changes14:57
radixso there's no need for the restrictive dependency in the .deb?15:00
jelmernot imho15:06
datolet's drop it then15:06
radixthat would be fantastic15:09
radixI haven't been able to use bzr-gtk in quite a while because of it15:10
radixdato: because I keep track of the bazaar repository and every time I try to install bzr-gtk I don't have an old enough version of bzr15:13
radixunless this has recently changed, I don't think bzr-gtk is updated at the same time as bzr15:13
jelmerthat's still the case15:13
jelmerbzr-gtk releass some time after bzr releases a rc usually15:14
datoradix: what repository? bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs ?15:14
jelmerdato: Debian Sid as well15:14
radixthe bazaar-vcs.org repository, yeah, wherever it is15:14
jelmerdato: simply because upstream is behind and hasn't released a compatible version yet15:15
datoyes, but... he should be able to install bzr-gtk in a couple days (or, ok, a week)15:15
datojelmer: yes, I know that. only, that I'm very surprised to hear radix say that he hasn't been able to use bzr-gtk for a long while because of that15:15
radixdato: bzr releases pretty regularly15:15
jelmerwell, 1.0rc1 is two weeks or so old now?15:15
radixas I'm sure you're aware15:16
jelmernot sure what qualifies as "a long while" in radix' opinion :-)15:16
radixso maybe there are some windows in which I could install bzr-gtk15:16
radixjelmer: 6 months maybe?15:16
radixevery time I try I seem to either get a dependency error, or it's soon uninstalled the next time I upgrade bzr15:16
datoanyway, I just think that if you care about bzr-gtk, you shouldn't dist-upgrade bzr until both become available15:17
datoif you're blingly dist-upgrading, otoh...15:17
radixI use stable Ubuntu releases, augmented with the bazaar-vcs.org repository.15:20
radixI'm not tracking debian unstable or something like that15:20
datowell, bazaar-vcs.org has bzr-gtk 0.90 ...15:21
datoradix: without needing to track unstable, you could just grab bzr-gtk from there15:21
datoif you care enough, that is :)15:21
radixdato: right, and that version of bzr-gtk depends on bzr << 0.91~, but the version of bzr it has is 1.0~rc1-3bazaar115:23
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ndimradix: That is bzr-gtk's and bzr's way of telling you to go take a 3 week vacation until the thing is sorted out.16:50
radixndim: more like a 6 month vacation :)16:50
radixwhich I'd be happy to do ;-)16:50
datoradix: if you'd like, http://incoming.debian.org/bzr-gtk_0.93.0-1_all.deb ought to install with your current bzr16:51
radixsweet! with fixed dependencies and everything! you're my hero :-)16:52
denndawhat's wrong here? http://pastebin.ca/81114817:23
denndaand how do I fix it?17:23
datodennda: you made a checkout of a read-only transport17:24
datodennda: if you run `bzr checkout`, you should use a sftp:// url, instead of an http:// one17:25
datodennda: try this:17:25
dato  bzr unbind17:25
dato  bzr bind sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dennda/memaker/motor17:25
datodennda: and commit again17:25
denndatakes looong17:28
denndaok, works. thank you17:28
datoyou're welcome17:28
ubotuNew bug: #175337 in bzr "bzr bind should not check for divergence" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17533718:06
sabdflhi folks18:30
sabdflare there deb's for 1.0rcx?18:30
jamsabdfl: I see debs for 1.0rc1 available in http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/gutsy/18:31
jamI don't see 1.0rc2 yet18:31
datohardy also has them, via sid18:31
jamdato: What about for debian itself?18:31
datoand sid has rc218:31
dato(but hardy does not have rc2 yet)18:32
datojam: ^18:32
jamdato: well, I also don't see a "hardy" in http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/18:32
datojam: I mean proper hardy, as in packages.ubuntu.com18:32
jamwe should probably update that, unless we are just using 'sid' for that.18:32
fbondHey, is this a known issue?  I removed a file, and now bzr diff halts with "no such file or directory"18:34
fbond=== removed file 'debian/dirs'18:34
fbondbzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/home/fab/work/debs/pytagsfs/pytagsfs/debian/dirs'18:34
fbondThis is new behavior, from what I can tell, on 1.0.0 rc1, using dirstate-tags.18:35
jamfbond: I don't see that here, did you use "bzr rm debian/dirs" or just plain "rm debian/dirs" ?18:35
fbondJust "rm debian/dirs"18:36
jamI see "=== removed file 'generate_docs.py'"18:36
fbondThat used to work.  Does it no longer?18:36
jamand then a patch18:36
jamwith everything in the "removed" field18:36
jamfbond: if you can reproduce it, I'll try to debug18:36
jambut my simple test here just works18:36
fbondIt is happening consistently for me.18:36
jamfbond: can you reproduce it in a test script?18:37
jamor alternatively, is the stuff something that you could tar up and send to me?18:37
fbondWell, it's actually on LP, anyway.18:37
jamhmm... I think I reproduced it with 1.0rc118:37
jamit doesn't reproduce in bzr.dev18:37
fbondYeah, I'd never seen it before.18:38
fbondI actually blamed it on bzr-builddeb.18:38
jamI think I remember Aaron doing something with .kind() for diff18:38
jamlet me see if it is in 1.0rc218:38
jamfbond: bzr.dev revno 3088: Diff handles missing files correctly, with no tracebacks18:39
jamI'm getting 1.0rc2 now to see if it has that fix18:39
jamfbond: it does18:40
jamSo it looks to be fixed for 1.0rc2318:40
jamSo it looks to be fixed for 1.0rc218:41
fbondjam: Okay, so I just need to upgrade.18:44
fbondWhich brings us back to ...18:44
fbond.debs for rc2 !18:44
jamlifeless was the one making .debs, but I know he is on vacation for the rest of the month, I'm not sure, but I think poolie was going to take over18:45
jamI'll ask him when he comes online later tonight18:45
jamIn the mean-time you probably can "bzr rm filename" and have it stop failing18:45
fbondWow, nice vacation.  Okay, no big deal.18:45
fbondjam: Thanks!18:47
jamYeah, lifeless tends to not take any vacation during the whole year18:47
jamwe always take the last week off anyway, so it is just 2-weeks just before the last week off18:47
fbondNo need to justify to me.  If he can swing it, good for him!18:48
fbondWith PPA in place now, you guys should think about just building on LP.18:48
fbondIt's really nice.18:49
fbondUsing bzr-builddeb, upgrading to a new upstream version is little more than a 30 second operation.18:50
fbondBut I guess I'll stop evangelizing :)18:50
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hexmodedoes anyone have an easy-to-follow pqm setup manual?19:35
hexmodeI'd like to use it but it looks like I'd need to learn a lot before I attack it.19:35
ubotuNew bug: #175373 in bzr "Cannot merge -r 0..-1 in an empty branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17537320:05
ubotuNew bug: #175390 in bzr "SSL Client Cert support in the auth ring" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17539020:50
pooliejam, statik, hi22:00
poolieyes, i was going to make debs22:01
statikpoolie: hi!22:01
poolieshall we talk22:01
statiktalking would be fabluous22:01
pooliewait for jam?22:03
statikpoolie: sure thing, I'll be around for a bit22:03
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pooliestatik, i'll ping him22:11
abentleyHey gang.22:59
phanaticmorning guys22:59
jammorning igc23:00
thumpermorning people23:05
abentleythumper: morning.23:06
spivjam: when do you want to talk about the set memory consumption strangeness?23:19
jamspiv: would it be fine after a couple hours?23:19
jam(I assume you are just starting your day)23:19
jambasically, the sets are consuming more memory than I thought they would23:19
spivjam: sure, a couple of hours is fine23:20
* jam => family time23:20
mwhudsonjam: it seems https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/extra-range-collapse-165061 mirrored at long last23:25

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