
andreas_I have installed flash player (alien -i flash-plugin.blablalbla.rpm), in adept packagemanager is states that it is installed, why cant i whatch flash movies?00:00
altgis this a new feature in Gutsy ???00:00
oobeits been like that for a while00:00
oobeif u wanna make a root password the "sudo su" then type "passwd"00:01
oobeandreas_, try using a deb package00:02
andreas_oobe: can't find a deb package for flashplayer00:03
oobedo u use firefox00:03
andreas_oobe: yeah00:03
altgin my desktop (upgraded) it always ask for root pass !!00:04
darlosneed help to istall opera.deb00:04
oobei have it working but it was ages ago i know i used debs cause i wont use rpms00:04
altghow can i do to know if i had make a root password ???00:05
oobeapt-get install  flashplugin-nonfree00:05
oobeshould work00:05
newuserok     H E L P hahaha   i have gone to the www.yahoo page and click on music and it directs me to install flash or gnash  I tried gnash and it installed but there still is a problem.....where the video is suppose to be is a messed up black smallcase i  and a yellow messed up lowercase d      what is up with this computer install   can someone help me00:05
andreas_Okay, thx00:05
oobeif its not found you need to enable more sources in your sources.list00:05
altgoobe >> how can i do to know if i had make a root password ??? (scuse for my english, im french, but it's 1:06 here)00:06
darloswhat the mening of erro message"E: Couldn't find package 15.6-shared-qt_en_i386.deb"00:06
jembouge!fr | altg00:07
ubotualtg: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.00:07
darlosaltg...do u have a password to login?00:07
darloswhen you start you systeme00:08
newuserI am using a brand new Toshiba satalite00:08
altgyes on the both00:09
altgon kubuntu-fr, no one respond00:09
altgcause it's 1:10 in the morning in france00:10
jembougealors vas-y je peux traduire00:11
altgnon mais si t'as la reponse meme c'es mieux !!00:11
Dragnslcraltg- you don't need a root password00:11
darlosaltg i think your root pasword is your admin password00:11
jembougebah j'ai pas trop pigé ta question, je vais sur fr pour qu'on en discute00:11
Dragnslcrdarlos- no, there is no root password. The password you use for sudo is your normal user password00:12
Ahmuckis there a program in kubuntu/kde that creates a collage from a batch of images similar to what picasa does ?00:12
Dr_willisthere is Picassa for Linux. :)00:13
Dr_willisand ive not seen a similer tool. :(00:13
Dr_willisI wanted to make a random wallpaper change that generated collages on the fly.00:13
eltorodr_willis : you can make a wallpaper slideshow00:14
stdin"feh" can do that, but that's command line only00:14
darlosDragnslcr...yes and is the same to add package00:15
Dr_williseltoro,  right but i wanted to select a dir. and have the program make random collages from pics in that dir. and then use those for the wallpaper00:15
Dr_willisBeen cooler if i could sort of animate the collages. heh heh..00:15
eltorosorry i can'T really help you then00:15
Dr_willischange wallpaper every 2 sec. :) moving the pics about.00:15
Dr_willisTalk about cpu ussage.00:16
ManadI'm trying to play an xvid movie in Kaffeine, and it's very choppy. I know it's not the video because it played fine under Windows. Are there "restricted" codecs I could get which would make it run better?00:18
Dr_willistry vlc perhaps.00:19
Dr_willisor some other players.00:19
newuserLet me run this past someone...........If I have a duel boot sys and windows is on the mbr and linux is on the 2nd partition the laptop is fine with either os..... Now that I have removed the Bill Gates revenge and have only the ubuntu os on the whole hd... I am having issues with the sound and web video,,,  My question is this ,, When the windoz was installed due the drivers for the hardware bootup in the dos mode as windoz boots?00:19
newuser  Therefor loading before getting to grub?  Therefore not having any issues when using linux...00:19
ManadI'll try VLC...it has its own codecs IIRC.00:19
Dr_willisnewuser,  the grub/boot/partitions shouldent be affecting the linux os.00:19
Dr_willisnewuser,  when grub boots linux, theres nothing read from windows.00:19
Dr_willisnewuser,  NOW that being said.. i have seen odd hardware that gets confused if you boot to windows, then 'reboot' to linux.00:20
newuserIm not saying it is read from windows...   Is it read from dos00:20
Dr_willisnewuser,  dos? what does dos have to do with anything? :) you using windows95?00:20
newuserDoes the hardware activate before the drivers for the os activeate00:21
newuserhahahahah    no00:21
Dr_willisGrub is loaded befor any other OS.00:21
Dr_willisThe only issue ive ever seen is that windows can set hardware in such a way the Linux drivers cant 'reset' them proplery. and tha twas only with one device i had ages ago. (a sound card)00:21
newuserthen y is it that when I had this sys preloaded with vista and by me loaded with ubuntu worked well but when I removed the vista and reformatted to have only ubuntu I have issues with the sound and web video00:22
Dr_willisIm guessing the issue is unrelated to vista at all.00:23
newuserIt has to be related to something...  I am very confused by this issue00:23
ManadI've had three apps crash on me so far in 2 hours of normal use. Adept, Dolphin, and something else I forgot. Is this normal? And is it possible my previous XFCE install might be interfering?00:24
Dr_willisnewuser,  could bee some updates havent been done on your system yet, or some updates have been done..   or a different kernel version.00:24
Dr_willisManad,  i normally install ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop and xubuntu-desktop all on the same box. no problems.00:24
newuserWith duel boot and vista and ubuntu kde all was working well this was two days ago... New toshiba satalite a205-s4707 laptop00:25
Dr_willisnewuser,  put it back the way it was and see if it  then works.. what i am saying that if you power up, select linux from grub. Then Nothing in windows gets read/loaded/used at all.00:25
Dr_willisIn fact you could delete the windows partition, and still have the grub entry for windows. :) linux wont care.00:26
newuserreformatted and now just ubuntu and 145 updates with all the repositories checked and I go online fine but no video when I go to yahoo music it says you must install missing plugins00:26
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis00:26
MinatakuWhat's up?00:26
unix_infidelDr_willis: nope, it wouldnt mind at all.00:26
Dr_willisnewuser,  right - you need to install  the various plugins that are not installed by default00:27
newuserI load the flash and the gnash and then the video window is there but it is messed up00:27
jembougehi there00:27
unix_infidelit would just spit out an error when you tried to select the win partition.00:27
Dr_willisnewuser,  install 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' for a start00:27
Dodger73*sigh* anyone manage to get fglrx to run under gutsy00:27
newuserands I still have no sound00:27
newuserok.... Ill try it00:27
Dr_willisDodger73,  it works for my pathic laptop.00:27
jembougeanyone knows hows to set up the "password manager" so that it doesn't memorize the root password for a few minutes, but instead ask each time required?00:28
Dodger73i've got a x1900xtx PCIe and all i get is a blank screen (monitor goes out of sync)00:28
Dr_willisjembouge,  you dont mean the 'sudo' thing do ya? i wonder if the kde ask for password thing uses the same time-cacheing of the password as sudo.00:28
Hydrogenit does00:29
Hydrogenits just a wrapper around sudo00:29
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Dr_willisso one could set the sudo settings  then to fix what jembouge  wants then.00:29
jembougeDr_willis: that's what I mean yeah00:29
jembougeactually that's altg asking, if you could just tell him, (and I'll follow in the background if translation needed)00:30
Hydrogensudo visudo00:30
Hydrogenadd timestamp_timeout 000:31
jembougeHydrogen: ok I'm listening00:31
Hydrogenand save it00:31
Dr_willisI dont see that setting in the /etc/sudoers file...00:31
Hydrogenits not in the default one00:31
andrewlinCan someone tell me how to connect to the wine channel?00:32
Dr_willisinsults     If set, sudo will insult users when they enter an incorrect password.  This flag is off by default.00:32
Hydrogenthats a fun one :)00:32
Dr_willisOk - i gotta learn how to enable that!00:32
stdinandrewlin: click on #winwhq  (or type /join #winehq )00:32
Dr_willis                   Number of minutes that can elapse before sudo will ask for a passwd again.00:32
Dr_willisThats the one. :)00:33
andrewlinstdin: thanks00:33
newuserfirst I need to install the kubuntu       was it    apt-get install kde?00:33
Dr_willisubuntu is 'ubuntu-desktop'   xfce is 'xubuntu-desktop' and... :)00:34
Dr_willisI installed geubuntu-desktop  the other day :P00:34
Dr_willisand the gos-desktop even.00:34
jembougethanks guys for the timestamp_timeout thingy00:34
newuseroh no... I closed the box in the gnome taskbar about the proprietary software updates and now my sys cant go online   any help00:35
jembougeI think that can be found in the settings panel00:35
shindahey guys was wondering if anyone around was familiar with setting up apache virtual sites, I keep getting 403 errors on my config00:50
Bawbatosis there a gui for building an ipsec tunnel00:52
Dr_willis!find ipsec00:55
ubotuFound: ipsec-tools, pipsecd00:55
Dr_willis!info pipsecd00:56
ubotupipsecd: IPsec tunnel implementation. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:19990511-28ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 164 kB00:56
labkomcftbhh uk00:56
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OuZohi, how or were do i change my DPI ? thanks00:57
franciscohola farolas00:58
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ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:00
jembougehola :p01:00
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:00
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Nilsinho
NilsinhoTenho uma dúvida aqui, preciso instalar o gnome e retirar o KDE,,, o que faço?01:02
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:02
NilsinhoAlguém sabe como ajudar?01:02
TooEarlyis there any log or command to show when you installed your os01:08
margaritahola :D01:12
DragnslcrTooEarly- uname -a might be what you're looking for01:13
firecrotchTooEarly: Not that I know of, but you could just look for the file creation date of the install log01:13
firecrotchTooEarly: or it appears that Dragnslcr is correct, uname -a will tell you01:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:13
margaritahola :D01:14
labkomhola for u...01:14
=== Davidmcg_ is now known as dmcglone
=== seb_ is now known as altend
andrewlinCan anyone tell me what the channel for emerald or compiz is?01:24
newuserok...another install...  is there a shortcut for terminal   I DO NOT have one on my sys menu01:24
tekteenandrewlin: here01:25
tekteenandrewlin: for kubuntu :=)01:25
NickPrestaandrewlin, #compiz-fusion01:25
newuseri found it01:25
andrewlinyes, for kubuntu, thnx nick01:26
newuserdr willis are u still up01:27
DaSkreechnewuser: open konqueror and press F401:27
BluesKajnewuser, not listed in the kmenu under "System" ?01:28
DaSkreechnewuser: install yakauake and press F1201:28
newuseryes I got it......01:28
DaSkreechnewuser: press Alt+space and type konsole01:28
newuserwhat is the string to install the kubuntu restricted extras?01:28
newuserim in root01:28
BluesKaj!restricted formats | newuser01:29
ubotunewuser: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:29
dmcglonedid anyone else see that whois query?01:45
sub[t]rnlits client side01:45
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:46
Manadwhen I switch user ("start a new session"), the screen goes black and the computer no longer responds until I do a hard reset. Any ideas why?01:46
dmcgloneHello X01:47
XcellHey, hey.01:47
dmcgloneI tried to send you a message earlier01:47
XcellI havent registered this nic yet?/ Will later today.01:47
Xcellmy hukt un fonix fer keebords is fsiling.01:48
DaSkreech!register Xcell01:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about register xcell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:48
DaSkreech!register | Xcell01:48
ubotuXcell: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:48
dmcgloneit's easy01:48
dmcgloneDM you from columbus?01:50
XcellI'm official01:51
dmcglonewell it tells me I can't send you a message01:51
XcellI just sent bill gates a linux xmas card.01:51
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Xcelllet me re log in01:52
jagcorvairHello all. How do I change my resolution to be 1280x768 @ 60Hz?01:53
dmcglonesystem settings -> monitor01:53
jagcorvairI have 1280x768, but not 60Hz01:53
jagcorvairSorry, dmcglone01:54
dmcglonesorry for what?01:54
jagcorvairdmcglone: Not disclosing full issue01:54
sub[t]rnlsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg <- you'll be able to generate resolutions as well as set Monitor refresh rates01:55
dmcglonejust go to system settings then click on monitor and display and adjust the slider change the dropdown to 60hz01:56
jagcorvairsub[t]rnl: I have a set range, but how do I get it to be specifically @ 60Hz? The issue isn't when logged in, but during the boot splash screen. The screen goes blank and it tells me that I need to be at 1280x768 @ 60Hz.01:56
jagcorvairThe screen with Kubuntu and the bar under it doesn't show during boot and shutdown/reboot.01:57
dmcgloneI have the same issue01:57
dmcgloneI just bear with it.01:57
sub[t]rnli had the issue, its fixable01:58
jagcorvair51Hz and 55Hz are my only options.01:58
jagcorvairThis wasn't happening earlier. Nothing has changed.01:58
dmcgloneI tried adding the vga line to grub but never worked for me01:58
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=== neville__ is now known as neville_
sub[t]rnlyeah, if you want to get framebuffering to work for your tty's comment the "blacklist vesafb" (but leave uncommented every others) line in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer. add "fbcon" and "vesafb" in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules. add the vga=xxx in your menu.lst. Finally "sudo update-initramfs -k all -u" to apply ...02:01
Manadwhat does tty mean?02:01
jagcorvairSo no way of fixing the refresh rate with 1280x768?02:01
dmcgloneterminal console Manad02:01
jagcorvairManad: TTY stands for Tele TYpwriter02:03
dmcglonewhat happened X?02:04
XcellOh well it says im registered but my pass wony go.02:04
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=== nevill is now known as neville__
dmcglonelets see if I can PM you02:04
Xcellhit it02:04
dmcglonenope. doesn't work, maybe it's me02:05
XcellHow can I reset everything02:05
dmcgloneX are you using konversation?02:06
dmcgloneoh. let me try logging out and back with a password02:06
Xcelllol  his failed 202:07
MinatakuTTY, or Tele TYpewriter is a historic thing02:07
MinatakuWhen terminals were electromechanical typewriters connected to the host system via telephone02:08
dmcgloneX I added my password seems to work for me02:09
Xcellinteresting..I would like to reset but like the nic.02:09
dmcglonewell didn't work. I don't know how to use pidgon or whatever you called it02:10
Xcellhang on brb02:10
DaSkreechMinataku: I heard that many cycles ago there was device that would have actual things that folded around data inputs to keep them separate and they were called folders!02:10
DaSkreechhow silly was that?02:10
DaSkreechWhen they could have had a tagged database :)02:10
dmcglonehow do I verify my nick is registered?02:12
dmcgloneLOL I know that, but i'm not sure I set konversation up correctly so I don't know if it's actually using my password02:13
sub[t]rnlquery someone02:14
DaSkreechI can query and not be logged in02:14
DaSkreechI can't PM though02:14
dmcgloneyeah, thats the same here02:14
DaSkreechdmcglone: on the server tab Nickserv should tell you that you are logged in02:14
dmcgloneah Ok, I was correct, i'm not logged in02:15
dmcglonetells me the password is incorrect02:16
kub^when i try to access system settings | advanced | disk & filesystems i get the following error page http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/3171/snapshot4hp2.jpg02:16
DaSkreechYeah if it wasn't for Fedora I'd never remember mine02:16
dmcgloneIt's been a long time that i've been on IRC and I remember registering this nick but don't remember the password02:16
DaSkreechdmcglone: It's probably been deregistered02:17
DaSkreech!register | dmcglone02:17
ubotudmcglone: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration02:17
DaSkreechIf not then #freenode02:17
dmcglonei'm afraid to type the /msg nickserv command in here because I am afraid it will show my password02:17
kub^type it in the nockserv window then :)02:18
kub^nickserv *02:18
Dr_willisdont put a space at the fron tof the command line02:18
dmcgloneI try that it tells me it doesn't understand the command. Let me try again02:18
DaSkreechdmcglone: go to the server tab that's only you and a computer no chance of anyone seeing it02:19
dmcgloneOk got it, it tells me my nick is already registered02:19
DaSkreechor just type /msg nickserv help02:19
DaSkreechthen you can have a nice long chat with it02:19
popopohi again02:19
dmcglonelet me try a different password02:19
dmcglonehow did you do it X?02:20
XceIIim me02:20
popopohow can I make my english kubuntu display in french? Usually there is a language selection at the logon menu, but  I don't see one in Kubuntu.02:20
dmcgloneX I got your message but I can't reply02:20
dmcgloneit's me thats got the problem02:20
dmcglonelet me try to remember my password02:20
XceIIThat dont make sense.02:20
dmcglonewhat don't make sense?02:21
XceIIU got mine but I cant see U02:21
dmcglonebecause i'm not logged in02:22
dmcgloneusing wrong password, I need to log out and log back in with different password02:22
dmcgloneif I can remember it.. LOL I got a few I remember from when I registered in the stone age02:23
XceIINo worries.02:23
dmcgloneI'll be back02:23
devinushow can i see what model harddrive i'm using?02:27
DaSkreechWith prescription glasses! :)02:27
DaSkreechthough I suspect lshw will help as well02:28
dmcgloneHmmm seems I don't know my password anymore02:28
popoposometimes when I'm doing an apt-get install, it asks me for the CD. What if I don't have the CD, how can I make it download the package instead?02:28
DaSkreechpopopo: remove the Cd entry from sources.list02:29
XceIIreplace your (l) with capitol i02:29
dmcgloneDaSkreech was that for me?02:29
DaSkreechdmcglone: yes sir02:29
DaSkreechassuming you are male02:29
popopook, thanks02:30
dmcgloneDaSkreech now what am I supposed to do, convince them I forgot my password?02:30
DaSkreechfollow along they are more experinced with this than you are :)02:30
dmcgloneof course they are :)02:31
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XceIIHow fitting.02:33
dmcgloneI'm working on it02:34
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:34
dmcglonewhat I shouting?02:36
dmcgloneoh lord, hope I don't get kicked02:36
dmcgloneI can't seem to remember my password02:37
XceIIDo as I said earlier..re-do it ^02:37
XceIIIts what I did02:38
MinatakuNicknames don't expire here02:38
dmcgloneAh I took a darn good guess02:38
XceIIMinataku: Scroll up02:38
dmcglonegot it02:38
=== litbang is now known as riefzu
dmcglonei'm back02:56
makuseruare there any other audio recording/editing programs that are free, besides audacity?02:56
dmcgloneoh by the way, X do you have an AIM screen name?02:57
dmcgloneno other chat program you use other than IRC?02:57
XceIIna  just info and some political science02:58
XceIIlet me try that brb02:59
NvrnightI have a problem getting started with Ubuntu, after it completely loads my monitor turns off, anyone know how to fix this?03:04
dmcglonedoes the power button turn it back on?03:05
NvrnightI turn it off and back on and the light is still orange03:05
MinatakuIt's being sent an unusable signal03:05
Nvrnightlike when a system goes into standby03:05
dmcglonedoes the monitor come back on though?03:05
MinatakuThe monitor is shutting itself off to prevent damage03:06
MinatakuIf it tried to display the signal it's getting, it would burn out03:06
dmcglonewrong Xorg settings03:06
Nvrnightwhat should I do?03:06
MinatakuYou likely need to explicitly tell the kernel what mode to use03:06
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MinatakuDoes the video work up to where it would normally load X11?03:06
MinatakuIf you press Ctrl+Alt+F1 at that point, does the monitor turn back on?03:07
MinatakuIf it does, then X11 is at fault03:07
NvrnightIt works where it shows the loading bar and as soon as it gets to 100% it goes to the screen with a cursor, then shuts off like it's going into standbye03:07
MinatakuIf not, you need to specify to the kernel explicitly what video mode to use03:07
Nvrnightctrl+alt+f1 didn't turn it on03:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vga - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:07
MinatakuThen you need to tell the kernel what mode to use03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cheatcodes - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:08
MinatakuStupid bot03:08
ubotuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:08
MinatakuTry that one03:08
MinatakuYou want the information on a boot option called "vga"03:08
dmcglonebe careful how you talk to the bot you might get banned for abusing it...lol03:08
MinatakuIt'll be in the form of "vga=" and a hexadecimal number03:08
dmcgloneor reconfigure the xserver03:08
MinatakuDon't listen to dmcglone03:09
Nvrnightthanks for the help, I'm completely new to linux so this is a whole new world for me heheh03:09
MinatakuNo offense but you're just plain incorrect, dmcglone03:09
MinatakuThe kernel is using a mode that his monitor can't handle03:09
MinatakuX11 has nothing to do with this since the kernel itself is at fault03:09
dmcglonenot exactly, he has his x server settings wrong03:10
MinatakuNvrnight: Just ignore him.03:10
dmcglonebut whatever.03:10
Nvrnightso should I use "/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-k7 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash vga=771"03:10
dmcgloneI could care less, I know what i'm talking about03:10
MinatakuSure, if that's a video mode your monitor can handle03:11
Nvrnightlol I don't know what it can handle03:11
MinatakuI'd remove quiet and splash03:11
MinatakuPick a low one then03:11
andrewlinCan anyone tell me why NONE of my sound is working?03:11
MinatakuI'll give you mine, one sec03:11
MinatakuWhich should be 24bit color at 1024x76803:11
Nvrnightalright, I'll try it once it reboots03:12
MinatakuWhich your monitor should be able to handle03:12
MinatakuUnless it's incredibly old03:12
MinatakuLike I said, I'd also remove "quiet" and "splash"03:12
Nvrnightlol it might be pretty old, the computer isn't old but I think the monitor is03:12
deuryteanyway, when i go to configure modem, it queeries and detects modem but then i go to look into the modem command set =  there is none, i even tried to manually set it up.03:12
MinatakuThis way we can see what's going on, and if you see a bunch of text scrolling by, then it IS your X Window System settings03:13
deuryteim using kumuntu freshly downloaded just yesterday03:13
Darkrift411i just ran updater and it updated my nvidia drivers. there was no flicker or restart, so does that mean the new drivers arent in use yet?03:13
dmcglonegood luck Nvrnight.03:13
Minatakudmcglone: You MAY be right, but usually even if X11 feeds the monitor a bogus signal, switching to a VT where the kernel feeds a good one will return the monitor to a normal state03:14
MinatakuThough in the case that X crashes or goofs up the keyboard, that won't be the case03:15
dmcgloneyou went for overkill, he could simply reconfigure his x server03:15
Nvrnightit's loading now, I'll let you know how it goes03:15
dmcglonebeen there many times03:16
MinatakuDarkrift411: Reboot the system03:17
Nvrnightmonitor is staying on this time, but it doesn't display anything at all, the loading thing isn't even displaying03:17
MinatakuTheoretically you could unload and reload, but rebooting would probably be an easier option if you don't know what you're doing03:17
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications03:18
MinatakuStupid bot03:18
MinatakuThat used to be a meaningful thing03:18
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:18
MinatakuThat's for Darkrift41103:18
* Darkrift411 is afraid to lol03:18
MinatakuNvrnight: Have you already installed Kubuntu, or are you trying to install?03:19
MinatakuIf you're trying to install, use the !alternate installer03:19
Nvrnighttrying to install Ubuntu03:19
MinatakuIn that case03:19
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal03:19
andrewlinCan someone help me with my sound? It's not working.03:19
Minatakuandrewlin: Check the mixer settings.03:19
dmcglonewell looks like reconfiguring the x server wasn't the answer03:20
MinatakuEnsure that "Main" and "PCM" aren't muted03:20
Minatakudmcglone: Told you it was the kernel03:20
MinatakuI compile my own kernels and have fought with video issues03:20
NvrnightI downloaded "Ubuntu 7.10", the desktop edition03:20
dmcgloneit wasn't that either, he hasn't even installed.03:20
XceIIkernel who.03:20
MinatakuWell, the issue is that the kernel on the normal install CD is trying to do something that his video system doesn't like03:21
deurytei just spent alot of time. got much info. will be trying to figure this out, youd think the developers would have been just a little more3 easier03:21
XceII!register | deuryte03:21
ubotudeuryte: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration03:21
MinatakuNvrnight: Get the alternate installer03:21
XceIIso we can private03:21
dmcgloneI think he didn't have enough memory to run the graphical install03:21
dmcgloneor at least had enough but it was really slow03:22
MinatakuSpeculation is useless03:22
MinatakuAssist or be silent03:22
MinatakuNvrnight: Either way, use the alternate installer03:22
MinatakuThat should work for you.03:22
dmcglonewow your on a roll tonight03:22
Minatakudmcglone: Making pointless assumptions about one's computer isn't going to help anyone.03:23
MinatakuI recommend you check the Code of Conduct.03:23
Darkrift411well, i made it03:23
Minataku!CoC > dmcglone03:23
Darkrift411seems to be running correctly03:23
MinatakuDarkrift411: Great to hear!03:23
deurytexcell...........  anyway, when i go to configure modem, it queeries and detects modem but then i go to look into the modem command set = there is none, i even tried to manually set it up.03:23
ubotuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto03:23
MinatakuTry that link, deuryte03:24
Nvrnightit'll be downloaded in a half hour, I'm not going to bed till it works, which might hurt my performance and work tommorrow but I don't care lol03:24
MinatakuI'd say go to sleep while it downloads03:24
XceIIThanks Minataku.03:24
MinatakuTired and cranky doesn't make for a good state for installing anything03:24
MinatakuXceII: You're welcome03:24
MinatakuI guess03:25
dmcgloneI didn't see anything about pointless assumptions in the CoC03:25
MinatakuThough I'm not sure how I helped you03:25
XceIIFor the modem link03:25
deuryteim loading now, but keep in mind, its a external zoom serial modem,  using latest kumuntu, with kppp03:25
XceIIdeu is my brother03:25
MinatakuWell, you're welcome03:25
MinatakuThat would explain things03:25
Nvrnighttired and cranky is how I get stuff done, lol03:25
Nvrnightthat's college life03:25
MinatakuI prefer panicked and out of time03:26
XceIIYesterday I put kubuntu on useing hight speed..so he went home to dialup .03:26
MinatakuMy best work comes at the last minute03:26
deurytei might even have all the anwers i need already, ive got the kppp manual, plus the info u just sent on a thumb, ready to decifer........03:27
* dthacker prepares to gnomeslap Klamav, which is not quitting when told to.03:28
deuryteway too much home work for a dumb dial up connection.........  c'mon!! developers !!!!!03:28
NvrnightMinataku, you been using linux a long time? You seem pretty knowledgeable03:28
NvrnightI remember using dial up, that was about 8 years ago though03:28
MinatakuAbout 3 years03:29
MinatakuThough everything computers and electronics is natural to me03:29
XceIIIt would be nice if some one helped him make it work03:29
sub[t]rnlrobo cat03:29
MinatakuI used SuSE for about a year then switched to Gentoo where I've been since03:29
Nvrnightwhen I get back on dial up I feel like a turtle crossing the street, slowly getting to the other side with a chance of being cut off03:29
* dthacker does not miss dial up03:29
MinatakuHeya, sub[t]rnl03:30
sub[t]rnlheyas :D03:30
* Minataku wags his three fox tails and flicks a cheetah ear playfully03:30
* sub[t]rnl snuggles03:30
* Minataku purrs and cuddles back03:30
dthackerI used to run a datacenter where 30 branch offices dialed in to unix box.  yuck.03:30
MinatakuBut yeah, I've learned a lot about Linux/Unix/etc03:31
XceIIdeu..go to #ubuntu..they help people over there03:31
MinatakuI've got other machines running NetBSD03:31
dmcgloneLOL Xcell03:31
MinatakuVarious architectures like SPARC and PMAX03:31
MinatakuSPARC is my favorite03:31
MinatakuI've also got a SunOS 4.1.4 box that needs fixing03:31
dmcgloneI wonder how long they will help him before they get attitude03:31
dmcgloneLike some people I know03:32
MinatakuAnd one that's PReP and running AIX 4.3.303:32
MinatakuI'm a collector03:32
XceIIMe 2  seems like you cant get help anywhere anymore.03:32
MinatakuI've also got a couple of DOS machines03:32
MinatakuSince DOS is pretty versatile and the best choice for older boxes03:32
dmcgloneor told to shut up because you threaten someones intelligence03:32
MinatakuEspecially ones that are PC/XT Compatible laptops03:33
dthackerMinataku: have you worked with an Alpha?03:33
* dthacker has inherited a 4 way server03:33
MinatakuI still lack a working Alpha03:33
MinatakuI have an AlphaPC mainboard03:33
MinatakuI also had a really old Alpha, too03:34
MinatakuBoth are non-functional :(03:34
dthackerI have an IBM J30, too, but I haven't fired it up recently.03:34
MinatakuThe old Alpha had a blown SCSI chip03:34
deurytexcell.  go here........irc://freenode/%23ubuntu..they03:34
MinatakuThe mainboard is just trashed somehow03:34
MinatakuBut we should take this to #kubuntu-offtopic03:34
NvrnightI got disconnected, heh03:35
dthackernah, I should just go start learning my packaging.  good localtime all.03:35
MinatakuI wanted to talk more XD03:35
dmcglonedthacker too much info ;-)03:36
XceIIdeuryte #kubuntu-offtopic03:37
TheFishyits a bit busy in ubuntu... so ill ask in here cause its a kde question really...03:37
TheFishywhats a good browser for kde?03:38
TheFishyi hate firefox anything else?03:38
TheFishyi have tried several03:38
dmcglonetry opera03:38
TheFishytried it03:39
TheFishyannoying features03:39
MinatakuIf you hate features, try Dillo03:40
dmcgloneI agree fishy, I didn't like it either03:40
MinatakuIf you hate yourself, try Internet Explorer03:41
dmcgloneI stuck to konqueror03:41
TheFishydillo is that a serious browser03:41
MinatakuExtremely light03:41
MinatakuNo Javascript03:41
MinatakuNo CSS03:41
MinatakuIt's actually a very good browser03:42
MinatakuThough it's really featureless03:42
TheFishyi dont like featureless type like flash03:42
TheFishyi just dont want gestures03:42
TheFishyand all that crap03:42
TheFishyi want java css and flash03:42
TheFishyif i didn't i would use lynx03:43
MinatakuFirefox has no gestures stock03:43
dmcglonejust use konq03:43
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MinatakuAnd it's customizable to the point where you can disable anything you don't want03:43
marx2kHas anyone seen the following message when running smbtree: "Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is disabled"03:44
TheFishyopera is nice for me just i want to take off the speed dial stuff03:48
TheFishyanyone know how?03:48
dmcgloneI don't03:49
MinatakuI'd say modify the source code but OPERA IS PROPRIETARY03:49
thomas_newbie__can someone help me with a binary question03:53
radikalethe updater crashed during updating03:54
radikaleis it borked?03:54
radikalehow to recover?03:54
thomas_newbie__i have a question about binary subtraction, but I don't wanna post it here. Can anyone help me in pvt?03:55
TheFishyradikale:  just relaunch it03:56
TheFishythomas_newbie__:  10 = 2 100= 3 101=403:57
TheFishyits simple03:57
TheFishy01 is 0103:57
TheFishythen u move the 1 over for each number03:57
DaSkreechTheFishy: what's wrong with konqueror?04:03
TheFishyits doesn't load flash right04:03
Nvrnightburning the cd now Minataku, it's only a matter of time now04:04
TheFishyminataku whats that04:04
Nvrnight...before I go stab people at work04:04
* TheFishy gives Nvrnight a knife04:04
DaSkreechTheFishy: loads it for me04:04
TheFishymeh it lags it up04:05
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TheFishydoes anyone know how to load up scripts in konversation04:10
DaSkreechkonversation does scripts?04:10
TheFishydoes it?04:11
DragnslcrYou can alias commands to execute shell scripts, yeah04:11
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DragnslcrUnfortunately, it doesn't have event handling, though04:11
TheFishywell i have a mirc script that allows me to accept or decline pms...04:11
TheFishydamn thats event handling04:12
TheFishyirc script*04:12
DragnslcrYeah, don't think you could do that in Konversation04:12
TheFishywhat do u use? oh wait04:12
TheFishyxchat :P04:12
DragnslcrI'm kinda surprised nobody has implemented it yet. Seems like it should be pretty easy for someone that knows the source code04:12
DragnslcrHeh, yeah, I have one event-based script that I just can't quite let go of yet04:13
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion04:13
TheFishycompiz sucks04:13
surgywell i was looking for the name of what beryl turned into so that i can join the appropriate channel to ask questions04:14
DragnslcrThat'd be #compiz-fusion04:14
surgyDragnslcr: thank you04:14
TheFishyDragnslcr: does xchat support event handling04:15
surgyis there a program for kubuntu to set an alarm? an audible alarm?04:17
NvrnightMinataku: It seams to be working now with that alternate cd04:17
mot__in the processes window04:17
mot__what's the difference between vmsize and vmrss04:18
DaSkreechsurgy: on what event?04:18
DragnslcrTheFishy- yeah, it does. You can use Perl or Python to attach functions to events04:19
g2g591surgy;kalarm .04:19
TheFishyi dont know those lanuages... do u know any sites that allows u to download scripts to add on?04:20
DragnslcrNot offhand. I wrote my own04:20
surgyDaSkreech: on a time event, say play certain audio file at a certain time at a certain volume04:20
DaSkreechsurgy: isn't that what kalarm is for?04:21
surgyDaSkreech: im unfamiliar with kalarm, but im installing it now :)04:21
surgyg2g591: thnx04:21
TheFishyugh GUYS stop apt-getting... its bogged down right now04:22
surgyTheFishy: lol, so you can use it?04:22
TheFishyyeah why not?04:22
Nvrnightbleh, my installation is taking forever at 83%, I hope it's not frozen04:24
Nvrnightnvm, there it went lol04:24
wallabeesame here ;)04:24
wallabee83% hehe04:24
DaSkreechNvrnight: you have the cable plugged in?04:25
neville__Just for that04:26
neville__I'm going to go apt-get mode now =]04:26
wallabeesudo modprobe em28xx04:26
wallabeesorry wrong window04:26
DaSkreechneville__: sudo apt-get install *04:26
surgydid they ever fix the problem with kubuntu 64 where it had crappy support for 32 bit apps?04:27
TheFishywhats that command do?04:27
neville__I know how to use apt-get, I just wanted a reaction from that guy...04:27
TheFishyneville__: im done using it now04:28
TheFishybog it down as much as u want04:28
surgylet me rephrase that, last time i tryed kubuntu 64 i couldnt use half my programs becuase they were 32 bit, but that was almost a year ago, has this been fixed?04:28
DaSkreechWith boneitis?04:28
DaSkreechsurgy: I have no idea what half your programs are and as such have no way of helping you04:28
tazgodx_how do i install a printer? and does anyone know if the lexmark 1400 series works on linux?04:30
surgyDaSkreech: lol ok, answered my question, ill wait, if i dont hear "every 32 bit app will work" then i dont want it :)04:30
surgy!printer | tazgodx_04:30
ubotutazgodx_: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:30
DaSkreechsurgy: 32 bit apps are bound to be wonky under a 64bit OS04:31
surgyDaSkreech: well then untill all my software is updated to 64bit then thats a no go for me04:31
TheFishyis there anyway to save the apt-cache search list to look through it later?04:31
DaSkreechsurgy: are they open source?04:31
DaSkreechTheFishy: it is saved. Its local04:31
surgyDaSkreech: most some arnt04:32
surgycedega for example04:32
DaSkreechyou can pull out the cable and still apt-cache search04:32
TheFishyDaSkreech: so i will be able to do it offline?04:32
DaSkreechsurgy: I think that you can pull the CVS and compile  cedega for 64 bit04:32
DaSkreechTheFishy: yes04:32
surgyDaSkreech: then what is the point of me paying for the precompiled version :)04:32
DaSkreechyou can't apt-get install obviously but you can find what you want04:32
TheFishyDaSkreech: awesome. ty04:32
TheFishyof course.04:33
DaSkreechsurgy: well if you are paying them complain04:33
surgyDaSkreech: i will04:33
wallabeeanyone tried mirc with wine?04:34
DaSkreechwallabee: You like Mirc that much?04:36
TheFishyMirc is crap04:38
TheFishybut it works with wine...04:38
wallabeea ok thanks04:38
TheFishy4000b/s via apt-get :(04:38
loaxxwallabee dont run mirc in kubuntu04:39
loaxxkonversation is actually ok.04:39
loaxxand bitchx is nice04:39
loaxxare you a mirc scripter ??04:39
TheFishyi am04:40
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: hi :)04:40
loaxxwell, learn to tcl script.04:40
wallabeeno i don't need it for me04:40
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: can you help me with a question thats killin me04:40
loaxxthen have bots run your sripts04:40
XceIIFrom what I have seen / kopete does it all.04:40
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47651/04:40
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: no clue04:40
wallabeejust need it for my brother who switched to linux yesterday04:40
loaxxI really love kubuntu, ive been using it for a while. I went Kdesktop over gnome because we were using redhat with kdesktop at my school and thats what I learned on.04:41
TheFishyi hate where xchat's input line is04:41
loaxxbut I am gonna switch soon to Debian with kde on it04:42
TheFishytime to purge04:42
loaxxaloy of people make fun of me for using kubuntu at home.04:42
TheFishyi use linux mint kde version04:43
TheFishykde rocks04:43
neville__Those people are silly04:43
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: does look wrong though04:43
neville__I use Kubuntu at home (like right now)04:43
neville__And the same happened04:43
neville__Until they actually saw it...04:43
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: don't know why?04:44
XceIIloaxx: Dont mind them..they are show offs waiting for a fall.04:44
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: only the first 4 digits are off04:44
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: where did you add the one?04:45
Neoxeekhrobeguys I am running Kubuntu on Intel p3 960MHz with 512mb ram. I will upgrade to 1G ram because Kubuntu sometimes gets slow and only 22% of ram is free when I am doing nothing. What I want to know is that is 1G ram enough or should I move to P4 with 1G ram?04:46
XceIII would suggest 1-2 megs of ram04:46
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: calculator says: 1101 1101 0010         my answer is: 1110 1101 001004:46
surgycan i install kubuntu on a pocket pc? with a 300 mhz proc and 32 mb ram?04:47
TheFishyi have 2.4 ghz with 1 gb ddr 33304:47
TheFishysurgy: no04:47
XceIIlol no surgy04:47
wallabeesurgy: use familiar linux04:47
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: yes did in your working out where did you add the one?04:47
XceIIdls linux may work=damn small linux04:47
TheFishyif i cant install it on my palm os 300 mhz 2gb ram u cant install it on that04:47
DaSkreechsurgy: there is a Ubuntu mobile edition install hat install kubuntu and take off gnome04:48
DaSkreechthen suffffaaaa!!!!04:48
DaSkreech<end 300 mode>04:48
TheFishydoes ubuntu mobile edition support palm os devices04:48
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: i didn't.....its still there because theres nothing underneath 111004:49
wallabeejihaa my cinergy dvbt usb card works hehe04:51
TheFishywhats the min req for ubuntu mobile04:54
XceIIgoogle it04:54
XceIIyour modle04:54
XceIIgoogle your model# of your component..it should have specs04:56
SyntraGuys, does Kubuntu block any ports by default?04:56
XceIIoh..sry missed it04:56
charmgenehi, just installed compiz on kubuntu guty, but there are no iwndows borders. anyone can help?04:58
sub[t]rnlhave you installed emerald?04:58
sub[t]rnldid you start compiz with --replace?04:59
charmgeneand emerald does not take effect04:59
sub[t]rnlalt+f2 emerald --replace05:00
charmgenethank you i'll try it05:00
NvrnightDoes it take Ubuntu a long time at the "Cleaning up..." stage?05:01
XceIIWhats the clean up stage?05:02
TheFishyI am trying to get my palm tx to sync with linux mint (kubutu) can someone help me with it?05:02
XceIIWhat command did you use05:02
XceIINvrnight: What command did you use?05:03
NvrnightI'm installing Ubuntu05:03
Nvrnightit says it's "Cleaning Up..."05:03
XceIIah  it is prolly still initialising then..let it go05:04
XceIIIt will prompt you for re-boot05:04
Nvrnightlol check this out in offtopic, hilarity05:04
gadrenhey, i've got another question -- my sound isn't working at all.  I've set up mp3 support in Amarok, both mp3 and oggs are working (Amarok's visualizations are moving with the music), but i hear no sound from anything.  the volume is set right, by the way05:05
TheFishydid u try pluging in an audio output device?05:06
gadrenwhat do you mean?05:06
TheFishydouble check its plugged in, seriously happens to me05:06
TheFishylike speakers05:07
gadrenyeah, everything's plugged in05:07
TheFishyor headphones05:07
TheFishyu sure?05:07
gadreni changed amarok's sound output to oss, and it started playing05:07
DaSkreechthomas_newbie__: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two's_complement05:07
gadrenbut when it's alsa or autodetect it doesn't work05:07
gadrenhow can i get it to work in alsa?05:07
TheFishywell then...05:07
TheFishyuse oss...05:07
TheFishywhat the difference of these modes?05:08
gadrenwell, i heard that alsa is more maintained and that it allows for playing multiple audio streams at a time05:08
gadrenand i've had alsa working on this laptop before05:08
TheFishycan the palmdesktop be used with wine?05:08
Level15hmmm, hi everyone. my kmail does not want to decrypt msgs, it says bad passphrase, which is odd b-c it never asks for it... any ideas_05:09
thomas_newbie__DaSkreech: lol dude i've read through all that and more05:09
NvrnightOk, my Ubuntu loads to 100% and then my montior shuts off like the system is going into standby05:10
XceIImove your mouse and see if it goes05:11
DaSkreechNvrnight: can you jump to terminal one?05:11
NvrnightI just have a keyboard hooked up atm, do I need a mouse?05:11
Nvrnightterminal one?05:11
wallabeeuse the space button05:11
Nvrnightit doesn't do anything pressing buttons05:12
Nvrnightit's not actually standby but the screen is shut off as if it was05:12
Nvrnightit does it everytime after the ubuntu loading bar gets to 100%05:12
wallabeeNvrnight, you can try restarting the xserver with   strg + alt + backspace05:14
gadrenOK, i got it working.  Just to let y'all know, the command to get it working was "asoundconf set-default-card had-intel"05:14
level1Hi, something is using my disk space in /home at a rate of 2MB/s until the drive is full.  If I delete something to free up space, it will fill it up again.  is there a way I can find out what it is?05:14
wallabeesorry its ctl05:14
wallabeectrl ;)05:15
Nvrnightwhen should I press ctrl+alt+backspace when I restart?05:15
level1is there any kind of program that will monitor hard drive access in real time?  or tell me what the most recently accessed file is?05:16
XceIIhtop works05:16
wallabeeno when the screen is black05:16
Nvrnightahh, it doesn't do anything05:16
DaSkreechNvrnight: does alt+ctrl+F1 get you anything?05:17
XceIIit tells what is being uses and what %age is being used vis process05:17
Nvrnightctrl alt f1 does nothing as well05:17
XceIINvrnight: In all my time monitoring the channel I never seen anyone boot or install ubunto with no mouse...not saying it isnt done.05:18
XceIIUnless your on a laptop.05:18
NvrnightI used alternate install cd05:19
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter05:19
Nvrnighttext based05:19
XceIIah..#ubuntu might be the room for that05:19
Nvrnighttrying there as well lol05:19
XceIIgnome is tex based while kde is gui05:19
Nvrnightthey telling me to search forums05:20
XceIINot 2 many tech on this time of nite (subday) try in a time zone known to be monday day.05:20
TheFishyI am trying to get my palm tx to sync with linux mint (kubutu) can someone help me with it?05:21
* Hydrogen is curious to know why typing too is too much work05:21
sparr_I have 'bind,auto' mounts in my fstab now.  when i rebooted, fsck dumped me into a maintenance console with nothing mounted because it couldnt run on them (duh).  how can i avoid that?05:22
XceIIComes with the territory.05:22
XceIIHandle it.05:22
XceIIWondrs why people nit pick out of personal duty.05:23
DaSkreech!bootoptions | Nvrnight05:25
ubotuNvrnight: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions05:25
DaSkreechNvrnight: you are looking for vga05:25
DaSkreechHydrogen: Me 205:25
XceIIMe (t2oo)05:26
TooEarlyis there any log or command to show when you installed your os05:29
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NvrnightDaSkreech: k, I used vga=771(800x6 w/ 256 colors) and the monitor still turns off as if the system was going into standby05:35
DaSkreechNvrnight: and alt+ctrl+F1 still doesn't work?05:35
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Level15Nvrnight: do vga=normal05:36
Nvrnightawsome it worked, you're my new hero level15, you just gained enough xp for level16, you win the internet05:37
Nvrnightnvm I spoke too soon, it went through a whole lot of bootup stuff and then it shut off again05:38
Level15it probably shut off when X started or something05:40
Level15could you describe exactly what was the las thing you say on the screen?05:40
NvrnightI'll run it again and see what it says last05:41
XceIIstop miss spelling..there are hidden grammatical programmers watching.05:42
XceII2 b or not 2 b.05:42
Nvrnightsomething about battery stats and then it does one more line and it shut off before I can tell what that line says05:43
XceIIwow r U on bat right now?.if not take the bat out and rely on supply...just a thought05:44
Nvrnightlol no I'm not05:44
Nvrnightit's a desktop05:44
Nvrnighthe asked what the last thing I see on the screen is before it goes blank05:45
XceIIlooks like x is looking like a laptop05:45
XceIIWonders if install was ok05:46
Level15try now the ctrl+alt+f1 thing05:46
XceIIwhat are you running..05:46
Nvrnightctrl+alt+f1 does nothing05:47
Nvrnightgonna try it with another monitor05:49
=== Neville is now known as neville__
Daisuke-Idothen try ctrl+alt+f205:49
Nvrnighta more up to date one05:49
XceIINvrnight: What are you installing...ubuntu or kubuntu05:50
Nvrnightwell it's not the monitor, it does the same with a good monitor05:51
Nvrnightthe last thing that appears on the screen is something about battery state05:52
XceIInot having a mouse confuses me..05:52
XceIIon a desktop05:52
NvrnightI got one, just not on that computer lol05:53
XceIII think ya screwed up05:53
NvrnightI don't think it's mouse related though05:53
XceIIfight the good fight...rock on.05:53
Nvrnightmaybe it has to do with my video card, ati radeon 9700 pro05:54
XceIIThinks that once an o/s is installed (*with) mouse..it can be configed @ a later time to do different05:55
XceIIcould be..get a mouse..their cheap..really.05:55
abhraHi, Any body know why Quicktime quits with buffer overrun error. Please help05:55
NvrnightI have mouses, just not on that comp lol05:56
NvrnightI have 3 comps, my laptop, my desktop, and the desktop I'm trying to put Ubuntu on, only 2 mouses05:56
Daisuke_Idoyour laptop has a touchpad, no?05:57
XceIIDo the right thing..re install and use a mouse till U learn the o/s..this is a time waster.05:57
=== zakame_ is now known as zakame
XceIIThink Smart.05:57
Nvrnightlol how is learning the os going to help if I can't get it to boot up05:57
XceIIHave a good one.05:58
Nvrnightfyi when I use the live cd it does the exact same thing, with the mouse hooked up05:58
XceIIThen U may have the wrong write..try another 1.05:59
XceIIWhat mobo and cpu do U have?05:59
NvrnightMainboard mb with intel pentium III cpu(not sure what speed)06:00
XceIIAnd (burn) it at a slow speed (ensuring) quality.06:01
XceIIThink Smart.06:01
Eiccahow come my Kcron wont work? I put 10.12 and 6:00 and to command "shutdown" and it did nothing.. o_O06:01
Nvrnightnow that I think about it06:02
XceIIRe do the write.06:02
Dr_willis_Hmm, is kcron for user cron jobs or can it set up root cron jobs?06:02
XceIIAnd (use) a mouse..it can be changed later..06:03
XceIIStop using the room as a experimentation source/ That dont cut it and is a time waster.06:04
XceIIThink Smart.06:05
NvrnightI'm just trying to get a problem solved. That is all06:05
HydrogenEicca: you need to pass more parameters to shutdown06:05
HydrogenEicca: and run it as root06:06
HydrogenEicca: or use `poweroff` as root06:06
XceIIThats fine..but start from scratch and learn the o/s first.06:06
Dr_willis_Linux FUNdaMENTALS  ! :)06:06
NvrnightHow do you expect me to learn the o/s if I can't even boot it up06:06
XceIINvrnight: Use a mouse and burn @ a slow speed....enjoy it when you do.06:07
* Dr_willis_ has totally missed the problem06:07
XceIINvrnight: With a graphics card..without a mouse..U are on your own06:08
NvrnightI told you I tried with a mouse06:08
EiccaHydrogen: so "sudo poweroff"06:08
NvrnightI'm going to burn at the slowest speed to rule out that problem to06:08
HydrogenEicca: yes06:08
Eiccaarent I supposed to give the sudo password then?06:08
XceIIDr_willisHe installed ubuntu without a mouse on a 800mhz sys.06:08
Level15i think there's a group called shutdown or something06:09
XceIIwith an old graphics card @ that.06:09
EiccaHydrogen: well umm I want it to shut down at night :D06:09
sigmaanyone know of some php software like ubuntu hive?06:09
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)06:10
HydrogenEicca: you could add a rule to sudoers to do so..06:10
Hydrogenor you could add it to roots crontab06:10
Dr_willis_yep. roots crontab would be the way to do it i think.06:10
Level15sigma: what about hive itself?06:10
Eiccaif I add it to roots crontab I just put "sudo shutdown" and I dont have to give the password?06:10
sigmai know about lamp, im looking for a program like joomla but one that manages a media collection06:11
Hydrogenyou don't need sudo then06:11
* Dr_willis_ though sigma ment 'have'06:11
sigmaLevel15: isn't that project dead? if not where do u download it from?06:11
gadrendoes anyone have experience in setting up kgtk with firefox?06:11
Hydrogensounds like a bad idea06:11
Level15sigma: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Hive06:11
Level15sigma: dunno if it's dead06:12
sigmagadren: id also like to know how to do that06:12
Dr_willis_!info kgtk06:12
ubotuPackage kgtk does not exist in gutsy06:12
gadreni've been trying with every .deb of it i can find, but when i try to run it with firefox, it either goes into a memory-eating infinite loop, or a segfault06:12
sigmakgtk is only on kde-apps.org , its a script06:13
=== RobNyc` is now known as RobNyc
XceIINYC?..geta rope...lol.06:13
Hydrogenyou should use06:14
gadrenyeah, it replaces firefox's file dialogs with kde's06:14
Hydrogennot some random script on kde-appps that got crapped out by someone06:15
Level15gadren: oh, that's cool06:15
gadrenhydrogen, that's not the same -- gtk-qt-engine is for widget style, not for actual changes in dialogs06:16
Eiccahmm wtf, this is weird06:16
Eiccayesterday I played Lemmingball Z and WoW (with wine) just fine06:16
Eiccabut today nothing works :D06:16
Hydrogenthen use opera06:16
EiccaI type in "wine WoW.exe" as usual and nothing pops out to the screen06:16
Hydrogenbecause firefox is almost as bad as gtk06:16
XceIIlol opera06:16
Hydrogenand I do agree, gtk's file dialog is the worst adventure I've ever undertaken06:17
Dr_willis_:) i forget the spelling06:17
Level15personally, I can't wait till konq uses webkit06:17
Hydrogenthe gimp manages to make it worse than usual06:17
sigmagadren: try flock, it has a amazing theme, looks kinda like kde06:17
gadrenthis isn't about themes, sigma :)  i already have a crystal theme for firefox06:18
Dr_willis_there is a flock theme for firefox. :) but its not 'quiet' the same06:18
Dr_willis_not really compared flock with firefox in depth however.06:18
HydrogenI thought there was a way to choose the dialog type in firefox06:18
Hydrogenbut maybe i'm actually thinking of opera06:18
sigmagadren: theres another alternative to the file dialogs06:19
gadrenthe about:config thing?06:19
gadrenyeah, i know06:19
gadrenbut a while back, i had gotten kgtk working, but i can't for the life of me remember how i did it06:19
Hydrogenuse opera and your life will get much much better06:20
Level15sigma: yeah, avoid ff06:20
Level15use konq06:20
gadrenthanks, but that's not what i'm looking for06:20
gadreni've tried both, by the way06:20
Hydrogenkonq is opera lite.06:20
sigmalevel15: konq is hopeless06:20
XceIIHow so Hydrogen..I need to know..I didnt have good luck with it.06:21
sigmagadren: change ui.allow_platform_file_picker to false in about:config. it helps a bit06:21
HydrogenXceII: that is an extremely open ended question06:21
XceIII know06:21
gadrenthanks, sigma -- if i can't get kgtk working on my own, i'll do that06:21
XceIIHydrogen:  I use (no script) on ff.. what in opera would compare?06:22
Hydrogenopera is about 300x faster in doing everything06:22
Hydrogenthan firefox06:22
Hydrogenand it uses qt isntead of gtk06:22
Hydrogenyay integration06:22
Level15Hydrogen: except, maybe, loading for the 1st time06:22
sigmaif only there was a nice deb for kgtk, because that really integrates firefox06:22
HydrogenLevel15: maybe, I load it on startup06:23
Hydrogenso I don'[t notice it06:23
sigmahydrogen: i don't feel much of a speed diff06:23
Level15ff is a cpu + ram hog06:23
emilsedghmy knemo is not working right, i mean it always increase/decreases the sound, but most of the times it doesnt show itself (osd)06:23
gadrenthere are some debs for kgtk, sigma06:23
Hydrogenand the opera 9.5 snapshots are shaping up to be yet another riddiculous amount of speed faster06:23
XceIIThat makes sense though.06:23
sigmaopera actually felt slower for me06:23
gadrenbut i just don't know if they're working for me -- when i try to use them, i get the errors i first mentioend06:23
XceIIme 2 sigma06:23
Hydrogensigma: err, numbers all support the opera06:24
sigmagadren: where did u find them?06:24
Hydrogentry navigating back a page06:24
Hydrogenits instant06:24
gadreni just googled for kgtk deb, and there were a couple on kde-apps06:24
sigmabut its missing the "exception" to showing all images option06:24
XceIII'll stick with ff..opera did sem slower and had 2 many errors.06:24
Hydrogenalso, mouse gestures (awesome).. the fact that it can handle more than ten tabs without using giant amoutns of ram..06:25
Hydrogenthe fact that its at least mostly standards compliant06:25
Hydrogenand doesn't invent its own standards (hello firefox)06:25
wallabeeis there something like acdsee in kde?06:26
sigmagadren: did u have a problem installing it?06:27
XceIIOpera is tempting....like a crack pipe.....enjoy.06:27
Hydrogenyou are relaly bad at making sense06:27
praveenmhi all, how to connect to my ubuntu server via XDMCP, is there any GUI or command to connect?06:27
Level15hell, I don't find a crap pipe tempting06:27
gadrenwell, the .deb files install fine, sigma, but when i try to use them, "kgtk-wrapper firefox" or "kgtk2-wrapper firefox", it says there's a segmentation error06:27
Hydrogenwait.. i shld say...  u dont make much sense...06:28
XceIIHydrogen:  sniff the clean air of (fire-fox)....enjoy.06:28
HydrogenI can tell you've never looked at the code behind it06:28
Hydrogenits a nice cess pool06:28
XceIIexactly..I realise that..06:29
sigmagadren: how exactly do u use them? keeps telling me that kdeinit can't find the file06:29
XceIIopera is for porn users.06:29
gadrenheh, i'm not sure, sigma06:29
Level15XceII: lol! why?06:29
DaSkreechwallabee: whats' accdsee?06:29
XceIIit has (speed).06:30
wallabeeacdsee the image proggl06:30
wallabeewith database preview and so on06:30
DaSkreechtry digikam06:30
Hydrogenconsiddering everyone "uses" porn, I guess opera is for everyone!06:30
XceIIself telling,06:31
wallabeeok will try it thanx06:31
sigmawhy is opera the porn browser?06:31
emilsedghi got a problem with restricted manager, its not getting saved, i check my wireless, it downloads the firmware and runs, but when i restart, it forgets about it06:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:31
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:31
XceIINot commercial!06:32
wallabeeXceII, thats for you  http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=543034384122797464506:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about networking - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:32
XceIIwhats it about wallabee06:32
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:33
XceIII'm not your average lolly pop wallabee.  stay tuned.06:34
gadrensay, i used to have a /usr/local/bin/firefox, but not anymore -- anyone know how to get it back?06:35
gadrenreinstalling firefox through apt doesn't do it06:35
wallabeeDaSkreech, had it installed but never tried it but digikam is exactly what i need hehe thanx06:35
XceIIWhat did youbdo that the room doesnt know about garden06:36
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant06:36
DaSkreechwallabee: ^^^06:36
DaSkreechIf you want KDE versions of that list you can ask but that should help you for a few weeks06:36
sub[t]rnlgadren: locate firefox06:36
sub[t]rnlthough /usr/bin/ should be default06:36
DaSkreechwhich firefox would be more helpful06:37
emilsedghgadren: whereis firefox06:37
XceIIThe one that is more oranger.06:37
sigmalinux is so much better than windows, i can encode any video for my smartphone, in windows i could only encode a fraction of my collection06:37
XceIII agree sigma.06:37
josephhow do i look up my gateway adress ?06:37
Nvrnightok I got my problem fixed lol, the command that fixed it is "vga=normal nosplash single"06:38
sigmadaskreech: i like flock06:38
emilsedghgadren: type that in konsole06:38
DaSkreechsigma: say that loudly anytime you pass someone :)06:38
Nvrnightjust so you know for future reference06:38
gadreni did06:38
DaSkreechsigma: wonderful06:38
XceIIopers stinks though...dont do it......no waiting.06:38
DaSkreechNvrnight: :)06:38
gadreni know that firefox is in /usr/bin06:38
DaSkreechNvrnight: single?06:38
DaSkreechNvrnight: thats' not cool06:38
Nvrnightyea, the screen doesn't go black now06:38
gadrenbut i could have sworn there was one in /usr/local/bin too06:38
DaSkreechNvrnight: it doesn't work without single?06:38
Hydrogenonly if you didn't install it through apt06:38
DaSkreechNvrnight: >_<06:39
DaSkreechthat's bad06:39
Nvrnightthey said I need to edit a .conf file for my video card06:39
Hydrogen /usr/local is reserved for stuff installed otuside of ythe package management system06:39
sigmagadren: lol, perhaps u should delete that one06:39
gadrenoh, ok06:39
Nvrnightsomething to do with "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf "06:39
DaSkreechNvrnight: that would be right06:39
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:39
DaSkreechor read that link ^^^^06:39
XceIII just sent bill gates a kubuntu xmas card.06:39
DaSkreechXceII: as long as it was in ODF i approve06:40
Hydrogenand he just made antoher million dollars on windows sales06:40
maduser2whoa konverstion logged me off06:40
XceIIya it was.06:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ebuild - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:40
maduser2now i can not use my identified name06:40
Level15maduser2: there's a way to tell nickserv to kick the other you06:41
DaSkreechmaduser2: ghost it06:41
sigmaxcell: lol where did u find that06:41
Hydrogenmaduser: /nickserv ghost nickname password06:42
=== maduser2 is now known as maduser
emilsedghDaSkreech: where is jucato?06:44
DaSkreechemilsedgh: out06:44
Cannolican someone help me set up a printer please06:44
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:44
maduseris it HP?06:44
Cannolii looked up my printer but i cant seem to find a driver for it06:44
Cannolino its lexmark x7406:44
NvrnightI edited the file, do I do writeout or exit06:49
sigmabrb chaps06:49
XceIIk sigma06:50
Nvrnightit says ^O for writeout06:50
Nvrnightso what does that mean exactly, lol06:50
maduserhe's using nano?06:51
maduserwhy not just use kate06:51
Nvrnightdunno what that is, all I know is I have to change this driver to Vesa06:51
XceIIlol c?06:51
XceIIvesa is your bet06:51
maduserthe text editor06:51
maduserlike notpad06:52
Level15or get a dellbuntu :P06:52
NvrnightI have put vesa as the driver now, just got to save the changes06:52
XceIINvrnight: is it ati or nvidia06:52
maduseri haven't had that many problems with my ati card06:52
maduserconsidering it is 3 years old06:52
XceIIThats why06:53
madusershould i get a new ati or will that cause problems?06:53
XceIIif it works..dont break it06:53
maduserI mean like uprgrade card06:54
XceIII wouldnt06:54
Level15maduser: if u want new card and care abt acceleration, go to nvidia06:54
=== hagabaka` is now known as hagabaka
maduserits also for a labtop06:55
maduserchanging cards for that is a bitch06:55
maduseri guess ill stay06:56
XceIII can just see the flat head screw driver marks on madusers lappy..lol06:56
Cannolihow do i run a .install file?06:56
Level15Cannoli: probably chmod it +x and then ./myfile.install06:58
Cannoliah ic06:59
Cannolikk i'll try it06:59
Level15cya all06:59
XceIIopera is now adjar.07:00
sigmaim getting a new 250gb sata hdd, should i foresee any problems installing it into kubuntu?07:02
unix_infidelXceII: adjar?07:02
XceIIThat would rock the house sigma.07:02
XceIIunix_infidel: misplaced..un available.07:02
Cannolihmm that chmod thing didnt work07:02
Cannolihow would i execute a .install file?07:03
Cannoliactually lemme check google first07:03
sigmalol i need somewhere to store my media collection, im msick of switching between dvd's, its so time-consuming07:03
unix_infidelCannoli: chmod + x filename; ./filename.sh07:03
unix_infidelCannoli: DISCLAIMER!!: if this package is available in repos, please install that package.07:04
Nvrnighthahahahaa it works now!07:04
Nvrnightjust had to use the vesa driver instead of ati07:04
unix_infidelXceII: available?07:04
sigmathe vesa driver is rather hopless07:04
XceIInice job Nvrnight07:05
XceIIfor tv out..i agree07:05
sigmawhich card was that for?07:05
NvrnightNow I can learn about the o/s lol07:06
XceIIintel 800 mhz]07:06
sigmaoh ok07:06
XceIIlearn son..learn07:06
system_hello room07:07
XceIINvrnight: now do the compize thing...lol..good luck.07:07
Nvrnightbut first I'm going to learn what it's like to stay up late getting something to work knowing that I have to be up early for work the next day07:07
Nvrnightg'night peoples07:07
XceIIsleep well07:07
system_can any one tell me how i connect to yahoo chat?07:07
Cannoliit seems that i cant keep a button pressed07:08
Cannolilike i cant hold down the "e" key and have multiple e's appear07:08
system_is a first time ubuntu user07:08
Cannolii have to press the key multiple times07:08
Cannoliwhy is that?07:08
madusermy sound just went out07:09
system_ok now how do you get to the programming rooms?07:09
XceIIkopete?..I installed 2 paper cups and a piece of wire..works fine.07:10
system_has no idea???07:11
XceIIlook @ roomlist07:11
system_i must have something different.07:12
XceIIWhat U have07:12
system_It says Kopete07:12
sigmawhy does pressing the up and down buttons not move through my message list in kontact?07:12
system_i can see my friend list07:12
system_but cant get to the rooms07:13
sigmaisnt the room list only in Konversation07:13
XceIIIt exists inall formats..just different to get07:13
Cannolihmm i still seem to be having trouble executing a .install file07:14
Cannolii tried07:14
Cannoli chmod +x lxx74.install07:14
Cannolilxx74.install; ./asd.sh07:14
unix_infidelCannoli: what's this package called.07:16
Cannoliwhat package?07:16
unix_infidelis this a printer driver?07:16
Cannoliyes it is07:16
Cannoliim following instrucctions posted here07:16
unix_infideli rarely print on linux07:17
Cannolii want to move my printer to my xp pc but no room there -_-07:17
kaankeehi can anyone suggest me a SVN for kubuntu... i am not able download SVN available through package manager.. it is asking for kubuntu CD and i dont have it right now..07:20
XceIIadd/remove/third party software...uncheck cd07:20
XceIIsoftware sources @ the bottem07:21
Cannoliim so lost at this installation07:22
=== mot__ is now known as mot_
XceIIWhy not print on linux..07:31
uchihelp m goin thru H withdrawals07:35
sub[t]rnlwow, what?07:36
uchim freakin out07:37
uchine docs here?07:37
uchine one ever hooked up on "H"???07:38
sub[t]rnlcall 911 and get some detox07:38
uchihey m goin thru withdrawals07:38
uchinot od man07:38
uchishity day07:38
sub[t]rnlhugs not drugs bro, say it with me07:39
uchiits ok07:39
madusergood drugs?07:39
uchiwish i never started dis shit07:40
maduserhave you ever seen the devil went down to jamaca?07:42
XceIIonly drugs do that07:42
uchiare there any docs in da house??07:42
XceIIwhat did U do07:42
uchii jus want sum advice07:43
uchihow can i eas da suffering??07:43
uchiheroine withdrawals07:43
uchihow can i ease it??07:43
uchicant drink man07:44
uchii keep puking07:44
XceIImore milk  puking is good07:44
XceIINO city water eithet..50% dead microbes.07:45
uchiu donno nething abt this do u???07:45
posingaspopularofftopic guys07:45
uchii live near da golden triange;07:46
uchishit use to be abandunt till da cops crack donw las nite07:47
XceIIsilly boy.07:47
XceIIask jesus back into your life and straighten up.07:49
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!07:49
posingaspopularlast warning07:49
maduser2nickserv ghost maduser dashdan00107:52
posingaspopularmaduser2: forgot a /msg there?07:52
maduser2no i got to ghost my name07:53
wallabeewhat is the best solution to install a telnet server?08:03
sub[t]rnlgo with ssh, sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:03
wallabeeok installed it08:05
wallabeeand how can i open the connection to this machine?08:05
maduserssh username@ip08:06
sub[t]rnlwallabee: are you behind a router?08:06
eshathi all ,... i have a problem with my function keys,... i set up global keys in kmix, but if i change volume with fn keys i don't see this little window with the volume bar,... any ideas ???08:06
=== hanzou_ is now known as hanzou
wallabeejep im behind a router but i can forward the port later? cuz i want to test it on the machine i installed the ssh server08:07
apparlecan aybody help me with kmix. I use OSS drivers08:08
sub[t]rnlyou need to edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config if you want it to be accessible from outside the router08:08
wallabeesub[t]rnl, ah ok thanx08:09
wallabeeand to test it on the same machine its ssh myusername@localhost   ?08:09
sigmalol one of my windows clients got a virus and it corrupted his bios, instead of saying "verifying dmi pool" it says terifying dma pool :)08:11
neville__That's actually quite funny08:11
apparleI am unable to start kmix08:11
wallabeesub[t]rnl, i entert the in the commandline ssh myusername@localhost but it hangs right after the command08:12
wallabeesub[t]rnl,  same with the ip i got from the router08:12
sigmai ripped myself over the phone!08:13
sigmahe even tried to flash the bios and that didn't work08:13
sigmathats wen u know its game over:)08:13
sub[t]rnl!ssh | wallabee08:14
ubotuwallabee: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/08:14
apparlesigma: Is he able to open the bios setup08:14
system_is lost in ubuntu!08:16
system_has no idea08:16
apparleanybody who can help me start kmix08:17
wallabeehehe installed putty and this terminated the xserver lol08:17
eshathi all ,... i have a problem with my function keys,... i set up global keys in kmix, but if i change volume with fn keys i don't see this little window with the volume bar,... any ideas ???08:18
system_is frustrated with ubuntu08:19
apparleeshat: Is the volume changng when you press fn keys08:19
ardchoillesystem_: What do you need help with?08:19
system_i dont know how to connect to yahoo chat rooms?08:19
eshatapparle: yes ,...08:20
sigmaapparle: ya apparently he can08:20
ardchoillesystem_: You can use kopete for Yahoo! chat08:20
system_all i see is my friends list08:20
apparleeshat: then whats the fuss. why do you wanna see the window08:20
apparlesigma: Then ask him to try fail-safe default values08:21
sigmahmm ya i 4got about that08:23
InfernoAnyone know why my vista drive wont allow me to access it anymore from kubuntu? says "permissions denied"08:23
Infernowhen i try tp mount08:23
neville__Shut down Vista properly?08:23
neville__Reboot into it, then shut down, then go back into Kubunu, just to make sure08:23
sigmainferno: did u specify that any user may mount the drive?08:24
apparleardchiolle: I use open sound drivers(OSS) instead of ALSA . As soon as I install the OSS package and reboot, KMIX stops. When I run kmix in konsole I get an error.08:24
Infernohonestly I'm a linux noob and it was working yesterday but when i booted today it didnt work so i think im gonna try to re-shutdown vista08:24
apparleInferno: Did you get an error related to mounting of the vista drive while booting08:25
Infernoi didnt see one08:25
sigmaapparle: why dont u use alsa?08:25
apparlesigma: I don't get any sound although correct module is loaded08:26
wallabeeinstalled putty and the ssh-server thing but i cannot connect08:26
wallabeeor is it not possible to connect from the same machine where the server is installed?08:27
sigmaapparle: ah i see, the other sound systems are rather dodgy08:27
apparlesigma: what do you mean by other sound system??08:27
sigmaapparle: anything besides alsa08:28
ardchoilleapparle: Sorry, I can't help, I don't use sound.08:29
sigmaardchoille: how can u not use sound?08:29
apparlesigma: Linux had OSS drivers before ALSA was even developed08:29
ardchoillesigma: I'm deaf08:29
idiocrashhey, how do i get all codecs installed?08:30
apparleidiocrash: for which player08:30
idiocrashapparle: all of em08:30
idiocrashapparle: isn't there a single package that does what automatix did?08:31
sigmaardchoille: ah i see08:31
apparleidiocrash: Which player do you use kaffiene, MPlayer or VLC08:31
sigmaapparle: then why are they so bad compared to alsa?08:31
idiocrashapparle: don't have a preference. In xubuntu, i was able to run a command that would install all the proprietary codecs. but I dont recall what that package name was08:32
apparlesigma: funny thing is I don't think they are bad as I hear somthing when I have OSS but don't hear anything when I have ALSA08:33
apparleidiocrash: you have kubuntu gutsy 7.10 or anything else08:34
idiocrashapparle: yeah, I'm on gutsy08:34
sigmaapparle: my sound was rather choppy with oss08:34
wallabeesub[t]rnl, ssh -v mycompname08:34
apparleidiocrash: install kubuntu-restricted-extras08:34
wallabeesub[t]rnl, stops at debug1: Connecting to freedom [] port 22.08:34
idiocrashapparle: kool thanks08:35
InfernoStill having permissions issues, I re-shutdown vista and didnt get any errors during boot except for my bad usb port08:35
apparlesigma: funny thing is kmix gives an error related to libasound.so which is related to ALSA08:35
sigmaapparle: what soundcard do u have?08:36
apparleInferno: Is the drive mounted or ot08:36
apparlesigma : ATI IXP SB45008:36
apparleInferno: Is the drive mounted or not08:37
Infernoi dont think so, considering i have the option to mount it and theres no green arrow on the HDD icon08:37
sigmaapparle: well theres the problem right there, ati:)08:37
sigmaapparle: i have nvidia, works like a dream08:37
apparlesigma: I know ATI has problems but I can't afford to change the card08:38
sigmaapparle: is it a onboard?08:38
apparleInferno: Right click the drive and see the permission panel08:38
sigmaapparle: well then u are stuck with it, or you could get a cheap pci card and disable the onboard?08:39
Infernohow do i manage that08:39
apparleanybody here who has used windows as well as linux08:39
apparleInferno: Right click and go to properties08:40
=== ubuntu__ is now known as wathek
apparlesigma: I want to show the error i get when I run kmix in konsole. How do I do that?08:41
wathekhello all08:41
apparleInferno: Do you get the permissions tab08:41
wathekI've a big problem I can't install Kubuntu on my machine !08:41
apparlewathek: hello08:41
Infernono, i just get general and mounting tabs08:41
wathekfirst of all I can't boot in a normal graphic mode I shows me initram08:41
wathekand nothing08:42
apparlewathek: what error08:42
wathekapparle: where can I check the error ?08:42
Infernowathek: do you have a newer nvidia card?08:42
apparlegenii: are you there08:42
wathekInferno: I've an ATI Radeon X30008:42
wallabeeah one queation is it possible to get dualview (expanded desktop like) with the standard ati driver in kde (ati in xorg)?08:43
Infernowathek: i had an issue with my card yesterday and i had to install in text mode then update the vid drivers and it fixed it08:43
wathekInferno: how could I install in text mode ?08:43
sigmaapparle: paste it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:44
Infernowathek: use the alternate install cd and its the 1st option08:44
Infernoapparle: am i supposed to have a permissions tab?08:44
wathekInferno: when I boot on my Kubuntu CD I've start or install Kubuntu and then start or install Kubuntu safe graphic mode08:44
wathekInferno: and an other option for the OEM and for testing the cd or booting from hard drive08:45
apparlewathek: you see the VGA options while booting. set the desired resolution08:45
InfernoAnyone have any ideas on why I cant mount and access my Vista HDD and I could yesterday?08:46
apparleInferno: If the drive is not mounted then you will not get it . what error in status bar  do you get when you double click it08:47
wathekgonna try again08:47
Inferno"Permissions Denied"08:47
ActionParsniphi all08:47
apparleInferno: which drive format ntfs?08:48
apparleanybody who has used nero as well as k3b08:49
Infernonot sure08:49
apparleI get an error when I start Kmix http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47664/08:49
ActionParsnipapparle: ive looked at nero but k3b is pretty sweet08:49
apparleActionParsnip: I know it is sweet but I am talking about functions08:51
ActionParsnipapparle: its next on my to do list but i cant advise from first hand. I can google though :)08:52
WaltzingAlongapparle: yes what do you wish to do08:52
ActionParsnipapparle: check this and wind down to OSS emulation (may help) http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_ALSA_sound_mixer_aka_dmix#OSS_Emulation_.26_dmix08:52
wallabeei hate this ssh thing cannt even connect to localhost08:53
wallabeefrom same machine where the server is started08:54
WaltzingAlongwallabee: works here08:54
wallabeeinstalled server and tried ssh myuser@localhost and it hangs on connecting to and then i get a connection timeout08:55
wallabeei have no firewall installed08:55
maduserwhats your real ip not localhost08:56
apparlehow to convert videos from one format to other08:56
wallabeeis it not possible to connect from the same machine where the server is installed?08:56
WaltzingAlongapparle: mencoder transcode ffmpeg and so on08:56
apparleWaltzingAlong: tell me an encoder which will support all formats08:57
WaltzingAlongapparle: you tell me one. ffmpeg handles many08:57
ActionParsnipapparle: what are you trying to convert from - to?08:58
wallabeeno chance with real ip too (port forwarding should be ok also tried on another machine)09:00
wallabeealways get connection timeout09:01
apparleActionParsnip: .mpeg to .3gp09:01
sub[t]rnlwallabee: still trying to get ssh to work?09:01
wallabeesub[t]rnl, yes09:01
WaltzingAlongwallabee: did you set allowed hosts or denied hosts? was localhost in either list?09:02
sub[t]rnlis sshd running?09:02
wallabeesub[t]rnl, tried to connect with external ip and portforwarding and with localhost09:02
sub[t]rnlps ax|grep sshd09:02
wallabeesub[t]rnl, ahhhh no didnt set these09:02
wallabeesub[t]rnl, 7499 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd09:03
wallabee 7621 pts/2    R+     0:00 grep sshd09:03
apparleWaltzingAlong: I was asking which is better nero or k3b??09:03
sub[t]rnlyou'll need to uncomment ListenAddress in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, then sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart before you can connect from an outside ip09:03
WaltzingAlongapparle: i prefer k3b on kde09:03
apparleWaltzingAlong: what does it have better over nero09:04
WaltzingAlongi prefer foss on foss systems09:04
wallabeesub[t]rnl, still no chance to connect strange thing09:05
=== ubuntu__ is now known as wathek
wathekhello again09:06
apparlewathek: got it?09:06
WaltzingAlongapparle: have not used nero on linux but have on ms windows09:06
wathekapparle: I could boot now in a normal graphic mode09:06
wallabeesub[t]rnl, also tried putty but its the same09:06
wathekapparle: I could boot now in a normal graphic mode 800x600 32 bits*09:07
=== Pupeno_ is now known as Pupeno
sub[t]rnlwallabee: do you have both the openssh-client and openssh-server installed?09:07
wathekapparle: but still having an other problem I'm trying to partionnate manually my hard drive coz I've some data that I don't wanna lost09:07
wathekdon't wanna loose09:07
wathekso when I click on edit partition it does nothing !09:08
apparlewathek: does the install window close?09:08
wallabeesub[t]rnl, jep both are installed ;)09:08
wathekapparle: no09:08
wathekapparle: it still there but nothing happen09:08
sub[t]rnlwallabee: show me sudo netstat -lnp | grep sshd09:08
apparlewathek: try to restart install09:09
wallabeesub[t]rnl, tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN     7647/sshd09:09
sub[t]rnlhave you added any blocking rules to your iptables?09:10
wallabeeif they are not added automatically then no09:10
sub[t]rnlno, everything is accepted in a default installation09:10
wallabeeok then no09:11
dave_Help, when i run adept a "database locked" error comes up and crashes my adept, how can i fix this?09:11
wallabeethe only thing i uncommented is ListenAddress
flaccid!adeptfix | dave_09:11
ubotudave_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »09:11
sub[t]rnlwallabee: anything in /etc/hosts.deny?09:11
apparleinferno: Is your problem solved09:12
wathekapparle: nothing happen !09:12
wallabeedave_, sudo killall adept and try it again09:12
wathekapparle: I can't edit any of the existant partitions09:12
wallabeesub[t]rnl, no nothing everthing with a # before09:12
llutzanyone who uses a sony vaio fs-215 and got fn-keys working?09:13
sub[t]rnlwhat happens when you just do ssh localhost09:13
apparlewathek: Run the partitioner from Kmenu directly and see if it works09:13
wallabeesub[t]rnl, i did ssh -v localhost and it says connectig for a long time and then connection timeout09:14
Infernoapparle: no09:14
wathekthe QtParted ?09:14
apparlewathek: yes09:14
wathekapparle: it works I can see the properties of each partition09:14
apparleInferno: Is your drive NTFS or FAT09:15
Infernoapparle: NTFS09:15
sub[t]rnlwallabee: odd09:15
apparlewathek: edit the partitions there and then run install.09:16
wallabeesub[t]rnl, yep so i need a smoke and will check more forums ;) thank you for your help09:16
dave_flaccid: thanks that worked:)09:16
sub[t]rnlwallabee: np09:16
mipsI need LVM help09:16
wathekapparle:  all I can do there is delete the partitions or formatting it09:17
apparleInferno: Again start vista and shutdown09:17
mipsso no one knows lvm?09:17
Infernoyea i tried it a couple times, no dice09:17
Infernoapparle: no dice, do you think this will work http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=67509:18
apparlewathek: see if rebooting from live CD makes it work09:18
wathekapparle: huh ?! I'm working on the live D09:18
apparleInferno: I am myself a newbee and using linux only for a month. Still I will see09:19
apparleInferno: you have gutsy 7.10??09:20
apparlewathek: yes reboot the live CD09:20
Infernoapparle: yes i do09:20
wathekapparle: I tried that09:20
apparleInferno: then that will not work as gutsy has ntfs-3g install by default.09:22
apparleinferno: It has stopped mounting or it never got mounted09:22
apparlewathek: Try to change the CD09:22
sourcemakerCan I configure the calendar to show me the birstdays from kaddressbook.09:23
wathekapparle: huh !09:23
Infernoapparle: It never got mounted today, it did yesterday when my linux guru (out of state now) was here09:23
wathekapparle: I've installed Kubuntu with it on some other machines and it works well I received it from the Ubuntu Community :p09:23
wallabeeanother question is it possible to get dualview with the standard ati driver installed?(ati in xorg and dualview like expanded desktop)09:24
=== Inferno is now known as Inferno_on_Linuc
=== Inferno_on_Linuc is now known as Inferno
apparlewathek: Still try changing it!! I also requested CD and 1 was damaged out of the 309:25
wathekapparle: ok09:26
wathekbut I'd like to try something else before09:26
wathekapparle: how could i boot in text mode .09:26
apparlewathek: the option is for alternate CD only09:26
wathekapparle: alternate cd ?09:27
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal09:28
apparlewathek: ship it does not send alternate CDs. you have to download it09:28
wathekgonna download it09:28
wathekrebooting :D09:29
wathekthanx a lot apparle ;)09:29
Infernoapparle: any ideas?09:30
ardchoille!ati | maduser09:37
ubotumaduser: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:37
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:48
TheFishy!ati | maduser09:49
ubotumaduser: please see above09:49
apparleinferno: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=628843 see this link09:49
ardchoillehi bazhang09:52
elisianohi everyone09:52
ardchoillehi elisiano09:52
bazhanghi ardchoille!09:52
apparlehi bazhang09:53
elisianoardchoille: how do u set your hostname like that?09:53
bazhanghi apparle!09:53
apparlehow to cange the resolution of login screen(ATI)09:53
sub[t]rnlin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, the login screen will use the first resolution available. Edit the "modes" line and put the desired one first09:56
apparleInferno: did you try the link09:56
apparlesub[t]rnl: I don't have any modes line09:56
sub[t]rnlbackup your xorg.conf, and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg09:57
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=359310 apparle a bit here as well09:57
utnubuksave on bandwidth :)10:05
ubuntu_hi, i just installed 7.10 on my computer, the install went good, no problems, it told me to restart to use the instalation, so i restarted and as its going through the grub it says "error:22 no such partition" what does this mean and how can i fix it?10:05
utnubukshit wrong chat sry10:05
ciacon_hi folks... I have installed Kubuntu on my hdd, and was wondering how I can best make a complete backup of my hdd.... is "dd" the way to go?? can I tip the file on the fly?? is my mbr also included??10:06
ActionParsnipciacon_: you could create a tar of it to another drive10:07
ActionParsnipciacon_: or indeed you can dd it10:07
sub[t]rnlubuntu_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=37832210:07
apparleIs there a better archive manger than ARK10:07
ActionParsnipapparle: i find ark to be fine. apparle how do you define "better"?10:08
ciacon_ActionParsnip: I was planning to move over to gentoo... my hdd has a 50gb / and a 450gb /home partition and a 2gb swap... I would only need to backup the root fs (plus the boot-sectors....)10:08
apparleActionParsnip: I want to open passworded .rar archives.10:08
Infernoapparle: bad link man10:09
ActionParsnip!unrar | apparle10:09
ubotuapparle: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free10:09
Infernoapparle: nvm i got it10:10
bazhangubuntu_: is this a dual boot with windows?10:11
ActionParsnipciacon_: I'm not sure about the boot sectors but you could write a new one10:11
ciacon_ActionParsnip: how would that be done?10:11
ActionParsnipciacon_: id use dd but i'm not massively conversant with it10:11
ActionParsnipciacon_: you can run the grub / lilo command and it will write it :)10:11
ActionParsnipciacon_: if you get gentoo going you will have written one so you can just repeat the process :D10:12
apparleActionParsnip: I have the unrar-free as well as the unrar package and i am able to open RAR archives but I am unable to open passworded ones10:13
ActionParsnipapparle: unrar (rar file here)10:14
StevethepirateI need a way to bridge 2 network cards so that anyone on network 1 can talk to anyone on network 2 through the bridge.. one network is DHCP, the other is static.. anyone know any guides or point me in a general direction?10:14
apparleActionParsnip: any gui tool10:14
Infernowhats the command to edit fstab?  "gedit" command not found10:14
Stevethepiratepico is good10:15
Stevethepirateor nano10:15
Stevethepirateor kate10:15
Infernokate is what i was looking for... brainfart10:15
ActionParsnipapparle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2038010:15
StevethepirateActionParsnip: you might need to go unrar -e [rarname]10:15
StevethepirateInferno: no need for such language10:16
utnubukyou can't say the word fart in here?10:16
Infernosorry. i get all worked up and i get a potty mouth10:17
Stevethepirateutnubuk: its a family channel :P10:17
ActionParsnipI'd say it was fairly mild10:17
sub[t]rnla family channel yeah, not a shrine10:17
Infernoim assuiming there was a hint of sarcasm10:17
StevethepirateSo, WRT to my question?10:17
milestonehi all10:18
apparleOk forget about unrar. I will use zip10:18
ciacon_ActionParsnip: I was brought up to know that one should never change a running system... I have the weird feeling though, that one of the 2 cpus is hardly up to anything --> http://pastebin.ca/81084310:18
utnubukis there a program that will allow me to 'mask' my windows, so that if i'm watching a video in firefox i just see the video and not the browser?10:18
=== elisiano is now known as elisiano_
milestonewill kde4 make it into gutsy as a backport once it is done?10:18
utnubukcuz that would be awesome10:18
ardchoillemilestone: I heard it will, yes10:18
Stevethepiratemilestone: yeah.10:18
ActionParsnipciacon_: yeah no kidding10:19
=== elisiano_ is now known as elisiano
milestonesometimes my window contents are not drawn when using compiz-fusion with kde10:19
milestoneis compiz-fusion still somewhat unstable?10:19
ciacon_ActionParsnip: but I really am right in my asumption, that cpu1 is up to naff all...10:20
StevethepirateI need a way to bridge 2 network cards so that anyone on network 1 can talk to anyone on network 2 through the bridge.. one network is DHCP, the other is static.. anyone know any guides or point me in a general direction?10:20
ActionParsnipciacon_: i'd say that was the case10:20
ActionParsnipciacon_: i'll see what i can find10:20
ActionParsnipciacon_: whats your output from uname -a10:21
ciacon_ActionParsnip: Linux hurricane 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux10:23
ActionParsnipciacon_: yeah i just read about smp stuff10:23
ActionParsnipciacon_: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-168561.html10:24
bazhanghi bucket10:28
bucketHey Bazhang10:29
Infernoapparle: thanks a ton man, editing the fstab worked.10:29
Brujahhow can I get my old search function back? strigi is not doing what I want10:31
Infernoi cant seem to get a list of folders for my Documents and Settings folder. Whats the deal?10:32
InfernoIssue solved10:33
apparleInferno: Solution to all problems can be found on google. I got it for you from google10:34
Infernoapparle: your google skills are stronger than mine then10:34
ubuntu_hwo can i find out the "name" of my drive (hda1 sda1, etc)10:35
ActionParsnipubotu: fdisk -l10:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk -l - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:35
Infernoanyone here use Maya on linux?10:35
apparleInferno: I searched "ubuntu ntfs permission denied" and got the 2nd link10:35
apparleubuntu_: Go to /media and right click on the drive> Properties> see the mount point10:36
ubuntu_ActionParsnip: i ran that and it said sdb2, but in the grub isnt it usually somthing like hda1,1? it has a comma than another number10:37
apparleInferno: where are you from10:37
ubuntu_shouldnt it?10:37
ActionParsnipsdb2 is sata2,2 (i think)10:37
apparleubuntu_: what are you trying to do10:37
ubuntu_when i boot up i get a "error:22" in the grub10:38
Infernoapparle: FL at the moment10:38
ubuntu_and the article said it could be because the drive name is wrong10:38
bazhangubuntu_: problem with your master boot record10:38
apparleInferno: what is FL10:38
Infernoapparle: a state10:39
apparleubuntu_: Did your installation fo on well10:39
ubuntu_install went fine10:39
apparleubuntu_: then why tis error. I s this a dual boot10:39
bazhangubuntu_: you need to fix the mbr10:39
ubuntu_no, its not a dual boot10:39
ubuntu_i have the "super grub disk" and ive had it reinstall the grub but the same thing happens10:40
ubuntu_so is sdb2,2 correct? because i know when i go to edit the grub on startup it wasnt "sdb2,2"10:41
maduserare you there?10:41
bazhangsuper grub disk? is that even supported in ubuntu?10:41
ubuntu_its a live cd10:42
ubuntu_ive used it on sevral occasions10:42
apparleubuntu_: I am looking in google10:42
=== ashaszin is now known as asha
bazhangubuntu_: I believe the super grub disk is the issue10:43
ubuntu_i got the error BEFORE using it10:44
ubuntu_then i just used it to reinstall the grub and i just get the same error10:44
ubuntu_so it did nothing10:44
apparleubuntu_: how did you reinstall GRUB using SGD10:45
ubuntu_automatic install10:45
apparleubuntu_: did you get the window asking you to reboot after ubuntu installation10:46
bazhangerror 22 is a problem with grub one not finding grub one point five--thus the error10:47
bazhangmbr is likely borked10:47
ubuntu_how would i fix that?10:47
angryPenguinDear Windows's MISERABLE EXCUSE for an accessibility API, you are Jesus-wanking fuckwankers. Please suck my engorged cock. HRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. Love, Matthew.10:48
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:49
ubuntu_bazhang: how can i fix my mbr10:50
apparlebazang: If the problem is mbr then reinstalling grub would have dne it. I thing it is the Grub config. files10:50
Stevethepirateubotu: you need to edit /boot/grub10:51
Stevethepirateuse a liveCD?10:51
apparlebazhang: If the problem is mbr then reinstalling grub would have dne it. I thing it is the Grub config. files10:51
ubuntu_im on a live cd now10:51
apparleubuntu_ do you have 2 hard disks10:51
ubuntu_i do10:51
apparlehttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/installation/55749-grub-error-22-a.html Read the whole link and see if it can help10:52
bazhanglive cd should do it ubuntu10:52
ubuntu_live cd should do what10:52
bazhangfix mbr10:53
apparlebazhang: MBR is not a problem10:53
bazhangapparle: okay, my bad.10:53
apparleubuntu_: Switch the primary disk in the bios setup10:54
ubuntu_apparle: that link talks abotu using windows cds to do somthing10:54
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:55
ubuntu_im not installing after using windows or anything10:55
ubuntu_i was using an older version of kubuntu10:55
apparleubuntu_: First try to swap the Primary hardisk and the BIOS setup. Don't see the link10:55
apparleubuntu_: First try to swap the Primary hardisk in the BIOS setup. Don't see the link10:55
ciacon_ActionParsnip: the folks @ gentoo told me to 'tar cpjf backup.tbz2 $dirnames'10:57
ActionParsnipciacon_: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?tar10:58
ActionParsnip tar -cvvf foo.tar foo/ tar contents of folder foo in foo.tar10:58
ActionParsnipciacon_: the j makes it zipped10:58
ActionParsnipciacon_: through bzip210:59
ciacon_ActionParsnip: that would be the idea...10:59
ActionParsnipciacon_: sounds like a plan. you could boot to a live cd and do it onthere, see what you get10:59
ciacon_ActionParsnip: I was had already thought doing that off a live fs might not be bright ;-)11:00
apparleubuntu_: did it work11:01
bazhanghe left11:01
apparlebazhang: may be he is tryin it11:02
bazhangapparle: hope so :}11:02
ActionParsnipciacon_: sweet, let us know how you go man11:03
ciacon_ActionParsnip: also during complie?? =)11:03
ActionParsnipciacon_: nice, haha11:03
apparleCan I change the bootscreen11:03
ciacon_ActionParsnip: 30% of the dvd img is already downloaded...11:04
stdin!usplash | apparle11:04
ubotuapparle: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:04
ActionParsnipciacon_: what connection you got?11:04
ciacon_ActionParsnip: 18000down/1481 up11:05
apparlestdin: Will this command work ofline11:05
ActionParsnipciacon_: awesome11:05
stdinapparle: yes11:05
ciacon_ActionParsnip: the dvd-img is downloading @ 1600kb/s of their bit-torrent ;-)11:05
StevethepirateI'm getting 8meg/sec download off a repo :p11:06
ciacon_ActionParsnip: that's why I always use their torrent as a bittorrent reference11:06
* ActionParsnip has cheapass 2mb line at home but killer connection at work11:06
StevethepirateI have 100mbit connection to leg.uct.ac.za :p11:06
* ciacon_ must confess that work=home...11:07
apparleI have a hopeless connection with transfer rate of 10KBps at college and no connection at home. Anybody has more hopeless connection??11:08
ciacon_ActionParsnip: I love the gentoo install manual --> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?full=111:08
neville__33.6k modem11:08
ActionParsnipapparle: beats me :D11:08
* ciacon_ started off with a 14.4 modem back in 1996...11:08
neville__So don't complain, it makes me feel bad11:09
apparleneville__: you are better off than me but I am happy with what I have11:09
apparle :D11:10
ciacon_1h download time for 3,74gb is fair11:10
neville__Try a few months, if I'm lucky, for me11:10
* ciacon_ feels like lending neville__ some rx + tx volume =)11:10
apparleciacon_ feels like lending neville__ some rx + tx volume. How did you type this msg11:11
apparleciacon_: I don't have connection at all . lend me some11:11
ciacon_apparle: /me11:11
ubuntu_i looked back in my grub,, and its set to boot to "hd1,1"11:11
neville__I have a 266MHz pentium 2 down the back room, that shares my connection, if you'd like to use it =]11:12
ubuntu_so i tried chaging it to sdb2,2 and i got "error 23: error while parsing number"11:12
apparleubuntu_: did you swap the master harddisk11:12
ubuntu_i dont know what you mean by that11:12
ciacon_neville__: my gateway/server = 266 mhz p2, 384 mb ram... and a Riva TNT 2 xDD11:13
ubuntu_swap it with the slave?11:13
* apparle was irritated by GRUB error 15 a moth ago11:13
neville__terrible mismatch11:13
apparleubuntu_: yes11:13
ubuntu_theres nothing on my slave drive11:13
neville__Mine is 96Mb ram and Geforce 2 Pro Dx11:13
ubuntu_its free space11:13
* ciacon_ is happy to see that apparle found the "/me" button on his keyboard ;-)11:13
ardchoilleciacon_: lol11:13
ubuntu_what would swapping my drives do'11:14
* apparle has atlast found the three buttons "/" "m" & "e"11:14
ciacon_hey... I'm in a brillo mood  --  got my music turned up to max, some tea and a fag... what more could one want for a day full of linux-compiling11:15
neville__For there to be no errors in the compiling? =P11:15
apparleubuntu_: I was irritated by grub error 15 and reinstall fixed it. Try a reinstall11:15
ubuntu_already did that11:15
ciacon_neville__: I want to go through this baby --> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?full=111:15
neville__Only a day full?11:16
ciacon_neville__: I love this versionless feeling...11:16
neville__Oh yeah, I was contemplating LFS at one stage11:17
neville__But until I get faster internet (when hell freezes over) I'm stuffed =]11:17
ciacon_neville__: I hope so... my old box (p4, 1,8 ghz, 768 ram) needed 28 hours to compile the sys + kde11:17
ciacon_neville__: I'm dieing to see what a Core2DuoEE @ 2,93 ghz, 2gb ram can do ;-)11:18
neville__Lol, we should have a race11:18
neville__And see if my11:18
neville__450MHz Pentium 3 can do it in a reasonable amount of time11:18
StevethepirateAnyone here ever ran a dedicated counter strike server off linux?11:19
ubuntu_can i not do "fdisk -l" and get it to list while im on a live cd?11:19
ciacon_neville__: I just saw they have a more suitable cd for you => install-x86-minimal-2007.0-r1  57.2MiB11:20
Stevethepirateubuntu_: no. depends on if you've mounted or if the liveCD sees your HDD's11:20
ubuntu_i mounted it11:20
ubuntu_i can browse it11:20
ubuntu_but it lists nothing when i give it that command11:21
neville__If anything, a DVD version with a whole bunch of included software for the making would be suitable11:21
ubuntu_forgot the sudo11:21
ubuntu_got it now11:21
neville__Due to convenience, and not putting stress on the bandwidth11:21
ciacon_neville__: the livedvd = 3,7 gb.... 75% complete ;-)11:22
ubuntu_this is my main partition on my main drive "/dev/sdb2               1       19366   155557363+  83  Linux" but when i boot up it lists (hd1,1) in grub when i try to boot up11:22
ciacon_neville__: you could got for the normal live-cd.... that normally does the trick11:23
apparleubuntu_:did you see this link11:23
ubuntu_im not using ubuntu after installing windows11:23
neville__Heh, it's okay, my friend owes me a favour11:23
neville__So I'm sure they'd be happy to oblige, and get me 3.7Gb download =]11:23
apparleubuntu_: still try the Quick start11:24
apparlebye everyone11:24
ciacon_neville__: I have loads of freinds just like you ;-)11:24
neville__Hahaha, we're a great bunch, aren't we? =P11:25
ciacon_I know11:25
ciacon_but I get the best media off you guys11:25
ciacon_my last catch was 8gb psy&goa trade for a dvd-image off bittorrent11:26
neville__Lol, see? You give a little, you get a little =P11:27
ciacon_neville__: I'd love to ask you a Q... you are running a low sys with kubuntu, right? do you use cli-mp3-players??11:27
ciacon_neville__: I'd die for a full collection of "Infected Mushroom" *g*11:27
InfernoIm having an Issue with Maya2008(linux64) not opening even though its installed and liscenced. Anyone have ideas?11:28
neville__Videolan does the job fine for me, even though the list takes about an hour to load11:29
neville__As for this "Infected Mushroom", it doesn't mix with my tastes =]11:29
ciacon_neville__: I have really found my hots on "mocp"... I love to listen to mp3s while playing full-screen... the unhandy thing is, that most of the mp3 players can't be changed (next track etc...) during fullscreen ==> mocp is brillo there11:30
bazhangis super grub disk even compatible with ubuntu?11:30
neville__Where abouts can mocp be acquired?11:31
ciacon_neville__: apt-get11:32
neville__Or, did you mean moc?11:32
ciacon_neville__: yup...11:33
TimSWhere can i get the Americas Army linux installer?11:33
neville__Lol >.>;11:33
ciacon_neville__: it's mocp to open it off the command line...11:33
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neville__Hahaha, that's a problem I have too -_-v11:34
ciacon_neville__: I finished thoose 3,7 gig in 46 minutes...11:34
neville__My friend has yet to start =]11:34
ciacon_neville__: hmm11:35
ciacon_neville__: do you live out on the sticks??11:35
neville__I live in Australia, in a lame dingey part of Western Sydney11:36
ciacon_neville__: sounds like culture.. I live in snowy munich11:38
neville__I bet it'd be much nicer there than here11:38
neville__Everything is overpriced11:38
neville__By the way, mocp is actually very nice11:39
ciacon_neville__: there is another which is nicer, but I could not quite get it configured to work with alsa.... --> mp3blaster11:40
ciacon_neville__: http://mp3blaster.sourceforge.net/#screenshots11:41
TimSbazhang: I couldnt find the linux download, only widnwos?11:42
TimSback, x needed restart.11:44
TimSI cant find americas army linux download, only windows11:45
Batracehi there11:46
TimSWhat dependancies do nVidia drivers have?11:47
posingaspopularhi Batrace11:48
bazhanghttp://americasarmy.filefront.com/file/AASF_Direct_Action_v25_Linux_Full_Install;49654 TimS11:50
TimSSweet, thanks.11:50
bazhangno problem11:50
bazhanghi Batrace11:50
Gular1I've got a few questions about setting up an encrypted install manually  - anyone got ideas/knowledge?11:51
Batraceguys I'm trying to help my friend installing Kubuntu11:51
Stevethepiratewell, put him online then.11:51
=== hypernewbie is now known as HyperNewbie
HyperNewbiehello everyone11:51
InfernoIm still having a problem with MAYA 2008 Not opening up. Anyone got any Ideas? cant find anything on g00gle11:51
posingaspopularBatrace: ask away. i'll answer if I know.11:51
posingaspopularInferno: MAYA is available on linux?!?11:52
bazhangGular1: encrytpted--full disk encryption?11:52
Gular1bazhang: sure11:52
Infernoposingaspopular: Yes maya is availible on all platforms in 32 and 64 bit versions11:52
HyperNewbiedoes anyone know how to play wav files with minimum hassle apt-get wise?11:52
HyperNewbie(play wav files from console)11:52
posingaspopularhmmm really. wow. i need to tell my best friend that because he uses windows specifically for MAYA11:53
bazhanghttp://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=11201 Gular111:53
Gular1bazhang: the jist is that I'd like to set up a computer that's already got windows on the primary partition, with kubuntu encrypted at the end of the drive... I the installer there's an option to "set up encrypted lvm and use the whoule disk" but I haven't found any info on how one would do it "manually" (thru the partition manager)11:54
Infernoposingaspopular: I switched to linux because of vista being a resource wh0r3. I want maya to run faster.11:54
bazhanghttp://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-edgy/ Gular111:54
bazhangGular1: not sure there--those are the two I know of--sorry :}11:55
Gular1thanks anyway11:55
=== zac is now known as zac_
Gular1guess I'll just give it a go, just making a small boot partition, then adding a lvm that's encrypted and putting / and swap on there, that might work?11:56
TimSIn Konqueror there was a view that allowed you to see what was taiking um how much room grapgicaly, can i get thing on d3phin?11:56
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103835 hypernewbie11:57
bazhangGular1: back up first :}11:57
Gular1TimS: sudo apt-get install filelight;filelight11:58
TimSyeah, Im using that at the moment, its quite nice :P11:59
Gular1and afaik both that and the spuare-size thingie that I don't remember the name of, integrate in konqueror and dolpihn11:59
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=567111 Inferno12:00
TimSHmm, I couldnt find it in D3phin, I got it in Konqueror12:00
stuffcorpsehi, is there a way to "undo closed tab" in konqueror?12:02
bazhangif there is I'd like to know12:02
Gular1stuffcorpse: in firefox you go ctrl+shift+t  - dunno if that'll work in konq and I'm on a windows box now :/12:03
stuffcorpseGular1:ahh yes i can do it in firefox. it turns out in konq that shortcut does a horizontal split12:04
Infernobazhang: I saw that but he is talking about maya crashing... mine wont open in the first place12:07
Gular1Inferno: If you've bought Maya, then your entitled to supplier support for your platfom, no?12:08
InfernoGular1: Hypothetically that would be true12:09
InfernoGular1: It doesn't exactly apply to my situation12:10
Gular1do you recieve error messages then?12:10
InfernoGular1: No i just get nothing12:10
bazhangolder version of motif doesn't do it? Inferno12:11
Infernobazhang: honestly ive never used motif im a little skeptical about it too because idont see anything about maya1k812:12
bazhangInferno: just a shot--sorry that didn't help12:13
Infernobazhang: thanks anyway man. that program looks like its for running windows programs on linux, I have a linux version on the program.12:14
bazhangoh ok12:14
Gular1Inferno: tried running from a terminal? there should be at least some sort of output?12:15
Gular1try -h or --help behind, see if there are verbosity switches12:15
Gular1if there are: turn them on12:15
bentob0xwhat's the story with two soundcards and setup one as default for the os?12:28
bentob0xusing alsa12:28
bentob0xI seem to always loose my settings for some reason12:28
bentob0xand then I can't redirect the sound from an app to a given sound card12:28
ciaconneville__: hi there12:29
InfernoGular1: dude thats weird. I tried to run it out of console and it wouldnt find the program.... yet i installed the liscence which is the last step of the process of isntalling. Seems like the install didnt finish12:29
=== dani is now known as dani__
Gular1try to run a "sudo updatedb" and then "locate maya-executable" ?12:33
=== dani__ is now known as dani
Gular1might be just a path that's missing12:33
daniwaht is this????????12:33
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bentob0xwhy is it so hard to get simple things going right sound wise12:35
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bentob0xit's very frustrating12:35
ciaconMasterDark88: hi12:35
neville__I got the sound to work in mp3blaster12:37
neville__using aoss12:37
InfernoGular1: The files all showed up... i dont know whats wrong12:38
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Infernoi might just switch back over to vista until i can fix this so i can get a little work done12:40
Gular1Inferno: tried cd'ing into the directory and executing the program from there?12:40
InfernoGular1: to run a program you just type its name right?12:42
andrewlinCan anyone help me figure out why NONE of my sound in linux is working?12:43
Gular1Inferno: in general, you do, but only if the program is located in one of your systems path. if it's in some other, non-standard dir, linux won't "find" the executable12:44
Gular1but you could always just launch it with the full path12:44
Gular1ie: for ktorrent it would be: /usr/bin/ktorrent12:45
InfernoGular1: so then how do i excecute from a non standard dir after i have cd'ed into it12:45
Gular1did that work?12:46
Infernoalright this is ridiculous12:46
Infernothe file is clearly in my window but konsole says its not there12:46
Gular1Inferno: ls -la , then paste the line with your executable12:48
ChousukeInferno: are you sure you're typing the filename in correct case?12:49
ChousukeInferno: it's case sensitive12:49
Infernostill gives "No such file or Directory12:49
Infernoyes, all lowercase.   "maya.bin"12:49
Chousukeare you in the right directory? :)12:49
Chousuketype "pwd" in console to find out12:49
Infernoim in /usr/autodesk/maya2008-x64/bin12:50
Infernowhere i want to be12:50
Chousukeif you type ./maya<tab>, what happens?12:50
Chousuke<tab> meaning to press the tab key :P12:50
Infernoit shows multiple files beginning with maya12:51
Chousukethen type the correct one12:51
Inferno *** Fatal Error: Failed creating directory: /home/matt/maya12:52
Gular1there you go12:52
Chousukehmm :P12:52
Gular1mkdir ~/maya12:52
Gular1gotta go - good luck.. Chousuke - you'll take it from here, right? ;)12:53
Infernoi need to cut back on the funny little cigarettes that dont smell like tobacco12:53
ChousukeGular1: well, I suppose :P12:53
Gular1Inferno: nah, those are good for you - without them you'll be without keyboard and screens and whatnot - great way of cooling down ;)12:54
Infernohaha true12:55
Infernowhy cant i create a maya folder in  /hom12:55
andrewlinCan anyone tell me how to get my sound working with linux ubuntu?12:55
Gular1Inferno: your prolly missing some rights in there... "sudo chown matt:matt -R /home/matt/"12:56
Gular1andrewlin: tried alsaconfig?12:56
Infernoalright well i got the maya folder in but now i cant make a /usr/tmp folder13:00
andrewlingular1: no i havnt, how do i?13:03
InfernoChousuke: got any code to do that?13:03
ChousukeInferno: sounds like your maya isn't set up at all correctly :|13:04
ChousukeInferno: anyway, you need to be root to make a directory in /usr13:04
Chousukethough why maya wants an /usr/tmp is beyond me.13:04
Infernoim a complete linux nUb but im trying to learn.13:05
ActionParsniphi all13:13
Don_jr333Would anyone be able to explain to me how to get korean fonts to show properly in a text editor?13:22
Kohlrabi<Don_jr333> Would anyone be able to explain to me how to get korean fonts to show properly in a text editor? | I think the problem could be the encoding, or the font you use13:27
Kohlrabinot all fonts have korean characters13:27
Kohlrabimaybe GNU unifont has the characters, though it uses bitmaps :S13:28
KohlrabiDon_jr333: maybe look here, if you are unsure whether your font can display the characters13:29
Kohlrabithough I thought Deva Ju has the needed chars13:30
Don_jr333Deva ju?  I"ll deffinatly look into that13:35
Don_jr333I can get korean to whow up in everything accept java IDE's13:35
KohlrabiDeja Vu13:36
Don_jr333yeah I found it13:36
Don_jr333how do I get that installed in kubuntu? lol13:37
Kohlrabihm, for me it was preinstalled13:37
KohlrabiI think13:37
Kohlrabinot sure, maybe check adept13:37
Kohlrabibut the problem can be twofold13:37
Don_jr333again, I can get the korean text to show up everywerhe but my java IDE13:37
xstWhen I go to Administrator Mode in System Settings > Monitor & Display, the Apply and Reset buttons become disabled and it is therefore not possible to apply my modifications? What to do?13:37
Don_jr333for some reason I can't find an ide that supports euckr encoding yet13:37
Kohlrabieither the editor can't display the encoding (which I highly doubt), or the font can't show the characters13:38
KohlrabiDon_jr333: so, that means there is actually no IDE which supports korean characters?13:38
Don_jr333I know there is, I just can't find one yet13:38
Don_jr333and for that matter13:38
Don_jr333eclipse works fine on my windows box, but I cant' get it to work ehre13:39
KohlrabiI never coded Java on Linux, sorry13:39
martijn81how do i get konversation the default for following irc:// links?13:39
arkoIs there a program like Ubuntu-Synaptic for Kubuntu?13:40
posingaspopulararko: yes13:40
posingaspopularadd/remove programs should do it13:40
posingaspopularmartijn81: what do you mean?13:41
emilsedgh!adept | posingaspopular13:41
ubotuposingaspopular: adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto13:41
arkoposingaspopular: thanx13:41
posingaspopularah of course emilsedgh. silly me.13:42
martijn81posingaspopular: in konqueror you sometimes have these links where you can open an irc server and channel in one go with.13:43
martijn81posingaspopular: in web pages13:43
posingaspopularyou mean, you can join the irc chan by clicking #kubuntu13:43
posingaspopularor w/e the chan name13:44
posingaspopularthat should be in setting-> configure konversation, but if never seen that...13:45
martijn81posingaspopular: yeah, but then in konqueror@html13:45
posingaspopularsettings-> configure shortcuts  maybe13:45
martijn81posingaspopular: such link for example irc://irc.mytorrent.tv/xxx-devil13:46
posingaspopulari dont know honestly13:46
martijn81thanks anyways13:47
RaveBeatDoes anyone know if I can make Konqueror save the icon arrangement (like it does on the desktop)? I.e. make icons stay in the position where I drag them, even after closing konqueror.13:49
martijn81RaveBeat: no but there are profiles in place for how files can be listed13:50
RaveBeatI'm guessing that doesn't include a profile that makes them stay where I put them? :)13:50
martijn81RaveBeat: not that i  no of, unfortunately13:51
Barbadillohi all, i think my kde is broken13:56
StevethepirateYour bases are belong to KDE?13:57
Barbadillofor example, in kopete, when i try opening a chat with someone, the cpe goes 100% and i have to killall kopete13:57
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BarbadilloStevethepirate: what please?13:58
StevethepirateNo clue.13:59
StevethepirateIts an IRC joke.13:59
Barbadilloeven in kmail, when i try to write a new email, cpu goes 100% but after a while it opens a new mail to write14:00
Barbadilloi can't use no more kopete!!! help me!!!14:01
posingaspopularBarbadillo: try uninstalling and reinstalling14:01
posingaspopularsee if that changes anything14:01
Barbadillodon't like that, i lose al my history14:02
posingaspopularyou can back up your files14:02
=== DarthWar is now known as [WarMage]
Barbadillowhere are my files? in ~/.kde?14:03
arkoHow do I abilitate compiz to start during boot?14:06
ubotuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory.14:06
jembougehi there14:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sessions - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about session - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:07
jembougeanyone can tell me why I can't get full privileges in the settings panel? I mean it doesn't even ask for the admin password when I click the admin mode button...14:08
emilsedghjembouge: it doesnt ask password?14:08
namtarugood day ;)14:09
jembougeI tell you the whle story :14:09
jembougeI go change something14:09
jembougeit asks for the password and everything goes fine14:09
emilsedghjembouge: try to run this: killall kdesud and try again.this happens to me sometimes and its the fix for me14:09
jembougethen I quit14:09
namtarui'm having trouble with my touchpad after suspend.. it doesn't work anymore.14:09
jembougedecide to come back14:09
jembougeand it doesn't ask anymore, though I need to.14:09
arkowhere is kcontrol-autostart?14:10
emilsedghjembouge: run killall kdesud once please14:10
jembougeemilsedgh: ok trying14:10
emilsedgharko: what do you mean that where is it? install it from adept manager14:10
arkoemilsedgh: i have installed... but I can't find it14:11
arkojust found14:11
jembougeit says that no processes have been killed14:11
jembougeemilsedgh: it says that no processes have been killed14:12
emilsedgharko: system settings i think14:12
emilsedghjembouge: dunno then, sorry14:12
emilsedghjembouge: restart X, it should be solved then14:12
emilsedghjembouge: alt+ctrl+backspace14:12
jembougeyeah, that's what I do so far to get it to work, reboot it all... not just X14:13
jembougethanks anyway14:13
stanislavпомогите с Kubuntu еле вышел в интерне но что то не работает в браузеру14:20
posingaspopularis that russian?14:22
MishaJacksoni am russia14:23
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* genii sips14:47
=== andreas_ is now known as Thylio
Eiccain 1280x1024 the 1280 is the x right?14:54
ThylioHow do i watch on dubble screen?14:54
Don_jr333is there a gui for accessing mysql that works for linux?14:55
victoramBrazil's someone?14:55
genii!info phpmyadmin | Don_jr33314:56
ubotudon_jr333: phpmyadmin: Administrate MySQL over the WWW. In component universe, is extra. Version 4:2.10.3-1ubuntu0.1 (gutsy), package size 2711 kB, installed size 9744 kB14:56
Don_jr333Thanks, I need to run mysql on my own box and don't know how to do it without navicat or something similar on my windows box14:57
Don_jr333not sure how to work mysql without a graphic front end...lol14:57
Don_jr333will the phpmyadmin work for connecting locally?14:57
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i do this "3. install the theme in KDE Control Center -> System Administration -> kdmtheme"? cant seem to find that14:59
geniiDon_jr333: Yes, it will use apache webserver and then you just point browser at localhost or
Eiccanikita: from finland?15:01
Eiccain 1280x1024 the 1280 is the x right?15:01
nikitaEicca: no, from belarus..15:02
Don_jr333genii okay, I have the server version of ubuntu installed with the KDE desktop on it.  So apache and mysql are already here.  I"ll do some goofin and see what happens15:02
Don_jr333thanks for the advice15:02
Don_jr333how do I set/change the root pass for mysql? lol15:03
DragnslcrEicca- yes, resolution is normally written as horizontal x vertical15:04
BluesKajHowdy All  : )15:06
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i install a kdmtheme15:07
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:08
posingaspopular!changetheme | Jay-Oh-En15:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about changetheme - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:09
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: that doesnt really help me cause i know where to find them i just dont know how to install them15:09
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes15:10
posingaspopularJay-Oh-En: that should do it ;p15:10
posingaspopularokay i chaned my vlc theme to 'wxwidgets' and now i cant find it anywhere15:11
posingaspopularsound works, i can see it running in htop15:14
posingaspopularjust not the gui15:14
Thylio90how do i cange resolution in terminal?  Can i reset X to defoult whith a command in terminal?15:14
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: ok now once i install kdmtheme package i type "kcontrol" then it comes up i then go to system admin...blah and i press administration mode on kdm theme manager and it goes back to the front page of kcontrol it keeps doing it15:14
BluesKaj!resolution | Thylio9015:15
ubotuThylio90: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:15
Thylio90BluesKaj: If i restart x, will it still be with the same resolution? or will it go to defualt?15:16
Jay-Oh-EnThylio90: go to the link he gave you15:17
posingaspopularJay-Oh-En: oh i dont know, i just know the command to link you15:17
Jay-Oh-Enoh :[15:17
posingaspopularyea sorry15:17
posingaspopulari know there are some people in #ubuntu-offtopic who change their themes all the time but they are all in bed by now15:18
BluesKajThylio90, the default resolution depends on your graphics card & monitor drivers. The best way to change it from scratch is to do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg in the terminal and choose the vesa driver until you have the proper drivers installed15:19
pastorcomo hago para ir al kubuntu español?15:19
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i change sudo password15:19
Jay-Oh-Enis the command pw sudo?15:19
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.15:20
Thylio90BluesKay: Okay, i'll do that. Fucked up  the settings when tried to watch a movie on my HDTV-15:20
geniiWork, /away15:20
Jay-Oh-EnThylio90: shh no bad words15:21
Jay-Oh-EnThylio90: you'll get banned fromt he channel15:21
BluesKajThylio90,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:21
posingaspopularJay-Oh-En: sudo passwd15:22
BluesKajJay-Oh-En, use the pw that you logon with15:22
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: thanks thats the one15:22
Thylio90ley-oh-en: sorry, thanks ill try that :)15:22
posingaspopularanyone know how I can get the vlc gui back after trying to use the wxwidgets interface? i think i turned my gui off somehow, in kubuntu gutsy. it runs fine in terms of sound and i see it in htop15:23
Thylio90BluesKay: Okay, i'll do that.15:23
Jay-Oh-Enposingaspopular: that might have been the problem with kcontrol15:23
Don_jr333I searched for apache in adept and can't find anything....am I lookin for the wrong ting?15:24
DownixDon_jr333: look for httpd or apache2 I'd suggest15:24
poison--hi guys15:25
poison--is it possible to make or simulate a raid with a mobo without raid support15:25
Downixpoison--: yes, but your performance will suffer15:25
InfernoI need to make a folder in /usr/ but im getting permissions issues. I figured i needed to be root so i logged out and tried to log in as root but it isnt allowed15:26
poison--Downix, how can i do it15:26
Don_jr333what's the console command to search using apt?15:26
Downixpoison--: Can't tell you anymore.  Tried it ages ago, the machine ran so slowly so as to be unusable.15:26
Don_jr333apt-search sint' working, or do I have to sudo?15:26
poison--mkay, ty anyway15:27
Infernoanyone know what i need to do?15:27
BluesKajDon_jr333, apt-cache search15:27
Downixpoison--: What RAID did you want?15:28
Don_jr333thanks BluesKaj15:28
poison--im mounting a rig with two 250GB disks on a damn Intel D31PR15:28
poison--no raid support15:28
Don_jr333okay, so apt search shows apache, adept search doesn't....lol15:28
poison--i want the system drive to be mirrored15:28
Barbadillono way, my kopete is dead15:29
Downixpoison--: makes sence15:29
Barbadilloi can use no more kopete15:29
Barbadilloi want my kopete back!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:29
geniiDon_jr333: You said earlier you had a server install, it normally would come standard with apache2 and mysql installed15:30
hydrogenone exclamation point is more than enough.15:30
InfernoHow do i make a folder in root/usr/    ?15:31
Barbadillohydrogen: nothing is enough when u can't use kopete15:31
hydrogenBarbadillo: zomg u mean u cant im ur friendz?15:31
Barbadilloyes i can't15:33
Barbadilloi'm not mother language, so i'm dispensed from using bad abbreviations15:33
Barbadillopr the opposite, i don't know15:34
BluesKaj!it | Barbadillo15:34
ubotuBarbadillo: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:34
emilsedghInferno: what?15:34
emilsedghInferno: why you want to create a folder in /usr/ ?15:35
mr_ddi've the following problem with idjc, i cannot add a file to the playlist, someone an idea?15:35
Infernoemilsedgh - i need to create the directory root/usr/tmp  but when i try to make a new folder it says permission denied. I need to for MAYA200815:35
emilsedghInferno: 1) the root directory is named '/', so root/user is not right. 2)sudo mkdir /usr/directoryName15:36
_Sebulba_hi guys and gals, am looking for help on a few settings in kubuntu 7.1015:42
_Sebulba_first, how do I change the dolphin "one click opens something" back to the usual "double click opens it"?15:44
_Sebulba_i'm sure it was under profiles in konquerer but cant find the same options in dolphin15:45
stdin_Sebulba_: it's in system settings, under Keyboard & Mouse > Mouse15:47
alessiohello, what is the irc canal of Ubuntu?? (excuse me for my english)15:48
BluesKajalessio, #ubuntu15:48
stdinalessio: #ubuntu15:48
_Sebulba_stdin, thanks so much, got it. I looked there several times and missed that option15:48
emilsedghalessio: #ubuntu15:48
kalorinI really wish that someone would get things down to where you could actaully upgrade from 7.04 to 7.1015:48
kalorinthis is the second machine that has blown up trying15:48
emilsedghalessio: whats your native language? maybe ubuntu has local channel for you15:49
=== rax3fakr is now known as fay_elf
alessioi' m italian15:49
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:49
kalorincould not install this or that, the upgrade will "continue" but the package may not be in a working state15:49
fay_elfhi i need help on kubuntu gui bluetooth setup15:49
stdinkalorin: I did it on several machines without a problem, in fact one was dapper > edgy > feisty > gutsy  without a problem15:49
alessiograzie ubotu!!15:49
emilsedgh!it | alessio15:49
ubotualessio: please see above15:49
_Sebulba_next, my KDE bugbear, how do I stop the bouncy mini icon appearing to the bottom right of the pointer when a program is loading?15:49
kalorinthis is about the 10th or 15th that are like this error15:49
* genii hands stdin a coffee15:49
kalorincould not install 'base-files'15:50
kalorinyou name it15:50
fay_elfor a command to bind a connection since the pairing is working but the connection keeps breaking up although good signal15:50
kalorinall kinds of stuff that will obviously result in disaster for me15:50
* stdin connect the coffee to in IV drip15:50
DragnslcrAnybody have any experience with Cowon audio players? The reviews I've read online seem to be very positive15:50
kalorinso I'm burning a cd of 7.10 before it finishes blowing up15:51
kalorinjust so i can actually reinstall15:51
stdin_Sebulba_: same place "Visual feedback on activation"15:51
kalorinyeah this is going to be "not good"15:52
fay_elfcould someone please help me with binding a bluetooth connection between working adapter and a cell phone anyhow?15:52
_Sebulba_stdin, do I have to log out and back in for it to kick in?15:52
_Sebulba_i disabled it, and still get the bouncy icon15:53
stdin_Sebulba_: probably, I've never bothered to disable it so I'm not sure :p15:53
_Sebulba_k, I found before it was an "animate" option in the kde settings, which seems to be all changed in kubuntu15:54
_Sebulba_thats why am here, lost where I used to be ok15:54
emilsedghfay_elf: i dunno how to help but my bluetooth works out of the box15:54
emilsedghfay_elf: whats your problem?15:54
stdin_Sebulba_: if that doesn't work, try Appearance & Themes > Launch Feedback  in kcontrol (they should be the same)15:55
fay_elfemilsedgd yeah mine too but the connection is breaking up without usage of the con and i do not know the device identifier for the kpp dialup15:55
fay_elfemilsedg i just bought today a prodige 1.2 adapter and it works fine too except..15:56
TimSHow can I chmod a file in /var/www/ so that it has permission to edit and create new files?15:58
TimSThe PHP file is Chmoded to 7777 at the moment15:58
TimSI want it so the user, mainly me, can make new txt files using it15:58
_Sebulba_stdn it is in launch feedback, i recognise the setting, the problem now is that the launch feedback button has disappeared in 7.1015:59
fay_elfdamn guess i will just dig the forum15:59
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stdin_Sebulba_: you can still get to in via kcontrol15:59
DragnslcrTimS- you'd have to set the permissions on the directory you want to create files in so that the user running the script has write access15:59
TimSAlright, would that be 7777?16:00
TimSYes it would be =]16:00
TimSBrilliant, thanks16:00
BluesKaj!hi | Csigaa16:01
ubotuCsigaa: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:01
_Sebulba_stdin, thanks so much, I switched my busy cursor off, and killed that fu#kin bouncy icon16:01
_Sebulba_will be remembering that one for future16:02
_Sebulba_its a pet hate I have with kde16:02
Csigaahow do you think, it is wort upgrading from feisty to gusty?16:04
CsigaaI have heard of several problems with the kernel and the overall system stability16:04
Csigaathe latter could be mainly compiz-related which is by default PURGE to me :p16:05
Csigaabut what about the !compiz bugs?16:05
stdinkubuntu doesn't come with compiz by default16:06
Csigaa*huhh* :)16:06
geniiRegular ubuntu does, kubuntu doesn't16:06
Csigaaand the SLUB/SLAB issue with the kernel modules?16:07
Csigaa(bt878 100PU/freezing, etc)16:07
Csigaa*100% CPU16:07
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sebuntuHey, I'm new to Linux and have been trying to read a brand new floppy disk with no luck. How do I format it and use it? (I'm running Dapper)16:09
Csigaasebuntu: man fdformat;man mkdosfs16:10
poison--Downix, seems G4U will do the job for now16:10
poison--cloning the sustem drive will be the way16:10
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:11
Csigaaehh but I don't want compiz at all :) Are there any no-compiz-related stability issues?16:12
Csigaasome say that gusty sucks and they would like to downgrade and so...16:12
Csigaathis discouraged me from dist-upgrade16:13
DownixI run Gutsy, but use Kubuntu as I prefer KDE anyways16:13
sebuntuThanks Csigaa ^^16:14
fay_elfcan someone direct me with creating a bluetooth connection and dialup phone modem web connection?16:15
Don_jr333Good grief, I have apache running, I need to restart it, how do I do that?  looking at the apache site, the apachectl command is not found to do it that way16:15
BluesKajCsigaa, Gutsy works fine (running 64bit kubuntu), but a clean install is always best, as you prolly know.16:16
Csigaaokay, thanks :)16:16
Downixis the SPARC ubuntu running in 64-bit or 32-bit userland?16:17
Csigaathen the new laptop will get Gusty16:17
Csigaa(with KDE ofc ;) )16:17
poison--<Csigaa, not sure if its a compiz issue, but my HD is dying16:18
poison--250GB to the garbage16:18
poison--making a backup atm16:18
DownixI saved a HD once I thought was dead16:18
poison--machine crashed one day messing with compiz and the hd never worked smood again16:18
Downixsounds like a filesystem issue16:19
Downixwhich fs do you run?16:19
poison--yes, keeps telling me theres tons of inodes damaged16:19
Csigaapoison--: what does SMART say?16:19
Csigaacan be easily a hw problem16:20
poison--on boot says nutin16:20
poison--everything ok16:20
Downixhave you ever forced an fsck?16:20
bazhangpoison--: how much to back up? is it a prohibitive amount?16:20
fay_elfbanging my head against the wall..can someone explain me how to setup/retrieve device identifier for a bluetooth connected phone to use for kppp dialup modem selection???16:22
fay_elfthe connection is working16:22
sivajimicman who are you ?16:24
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
ksivajimicman what16:25
poison--<bazhang, 60Gbs16:25
poison--and 140GB of drivers16:25
poison--for the machines we produce here16:25
micmanopen a separate dialog for me16:25
bazhangwow that is prohibitive.16:25
ksivajimicman click this #offline16:26
poison--think im gonna backup it all to a 320GB16:26
fay_elfor otherways spoken..to create rfcomm device binding for bluetooth, how to retrieve channel number as the forum-stated spdtool is not present?16:26
fay_elfhow do i retrieve the bluetooth adapter+cell phone channel number which is in usage?16:28
Don_jr333is there a package for mysql server? or ifit's already installed how do I start it and alter the root pass?16:29
fay_elfgreat i just glimpsed at the obex push window and it said.. channel 9!!! =)16:30
Don_jr333okay, loading the server, found that much so far16:31
Daisuke_Laptop!find mysql16:31
ubotuFound: libapache2-mod-auth-mysql, libdbd-mysql-perl, libmysql-java, libmysqlclient15-dev, libmysqlclient15off (and 91 others)16:31
VoksDI'm on a 100% clean (2 hours old) Kubuntu install, no changes made except I let adept run all the updates it could find.  My build environment is useless, running a simple tarball 'configure' gives me: "error: C compiler cannot create executables"16:33
VoksDWhat on earth went wrong?16:33
VoksDI have the feeling libc6 just didn't finish installing (adept complained about being unable to commit some changes, but didn't specify which or what).16:33
Tm_TVoksD: you haven't installed anything for compiling, install "build-essential" package?16:34
VoksDSec, I'll try.16:34
VoksDer, yeah, there's that second problem I was wondering about again:  When I do apt-get install something16:34
VoksDit asks me to insert a CD I don't have..16:35
VoksDCan't I force it to fetch everything off the mirrors?16:35
Tm_TVoksD: remove cd from sources.list16:35
Tm_T!sources | VoksD16:35
ubotuVoksD: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu16:35
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:35
Tm_TI'm gone, good luck :) ->16:36
_Csigaaehh sorry. The Ubuntu IRC == freenode16:37
VoksDThanks Tm_T ;)16:38
kalorinupgrade status frozen for over 45 minutes at 44%16:38
kalorinof installing upgrades16:38
kalorinso owned16:38
kaloringoing to have to pop in this disk and reinstall aren't I?16:38
VoksDkalorin: Any idea what it hangs at?16:39
kalorinsays it's preparing libdvbpsi416:40
VoksDkalorin: I'm not overly experienced with Ubuntu, but if it's taking forever to download something you can probably tell by running 'tcpdump -qnn' (as root) in a terminal and see if there's any traffic going to/from the mirrors.16:40
kalorinthis is after it's failed to correctly upgrade/update about 25 or more packages that are all the good stuff like dpkg, passwd, add user, files-base, the kernel, some X stuff16:40
kalorinit's all owned16:40
kalorinno this isn't on the download16:41
kalorinit's on the install :(16:41
VoksDCrap, sorry I can't be of help ;)16:41
kalorinsalright, I figured this might happen16:41
kalorinit happened with my machine at home too, just didn't want to take the time today to format/reinstall at work16:41
VoksDHad some odd problems with updates myself earlier.  Did a reinstall just this morning, as a matter of fact.16:41
kalorinlots of stuff going on before the end of the year16:41
kalorinwell I backed up /etc/16:41
kalorinand I'm going to not let it format /home16:42
kalorinso most everything should be just magically back when it finishes the install16:42
Csigaahow can be the lauch feedback and KRFB configuration accessed from "System Settings" (which is not KControl)?16:42
CsigaaI can't find them not even with the "search" bar16:43
Csigaaor that dialog intentionally does not include all settings?16:43
=== fisknoll is now known as fisk0
=== ubuntu_ is now known as tHe
interfearkubuntu is the same as ubuntu except it use's kde right?17:04
bazhangyes interfear17:05
* [WarMage] smacks interfear17:05
xakahi all! How i can configure installed fonts? I install all possible fonts from repository, but in FireFox its shows so stupid and brutally :( i can't understand why, may be my fonts is broken?17:10
Csigaadefine stupid and brutal :)17:10
Csigaa(btw don't use that piece of [censored] firefox)17:11
sigmaxaka: did u tell gtk apps to use kde themes?17:11
xakasigma: yes17:11
xakakonquer display all very good, but FF not17:11
sigmacsigaa: theres nothing wrong with firefox17:11
stdinxaka: firefoz uses its own font settings, Edit > Preferences > Content > Fonts & Colors17:12
sigmaxaka: what fonts are u using in firefox? i use arial and it works flawlessly17:12
xakasigma: and Thunderbird too display all bad if message as HTML17:12
sigmaxaka: your fonts are setup wrong17:12
xakasigma: i understand :) but it default settings17:13
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xakasigma: for example (sorry, pls) when i installed openSuse - all was very very nice17:13
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xakafont settings in openSuse and kubuntu same, but displaying - not. Why17:14
Csigaascreenshot please...17:14
xakaok, wait pls..17:14
Csigaacan be disabled/wrong/forced antialiasing for example17:14
xakai don't use this17:14
kub^hi my sound suddenly stopped working can i restart the service ?17:15
sigmaoh ya that 217:15
Csigaakub^: feel free ;)17:15
kub^thanks :D17:15
sigmayes does anyone have the command17:15
kub^how can i ? ^^17:15
Csigaaif artsd is not running, then ALT+F2 and type "artsd"17:16
sigmagoogle how to restart alsa17:16
uchii installed vmplayer but i cant seem to open it now!! does anyone know where i can find the log for that??17:16
Csigaaalsa can't be restarted...17:16
Csigaaalsa is THE DRIVER......17:16
kub^thanks will try17:17
uchiit dsnt even report a crash17:17
Csigaauchi: try to run it from terminal (xterm or konzole)17:17
Csigaait writes some error msg to the output17:17
uchik thanks bud17:17
silouckRiddell: hi17:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about americasarmy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:20
silouckRiddell: hello?17:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mpc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:23
xakaCsigaa: in FF all fonts too large (default settings!!!), in Thunderbird all text too white17:23
Csigaaxaka: they sould be cyrillic?17:24
Csigaawell, if the size is the only problem, set it to smaller :)17:24
xakayeap, i'm from russia17:24
xakai can't set to smaller becaues in another site it will set very very smaller :)17:25
Csigaaehh... in firefox should be a "minimal size" setting17:25
Csigaain Edit/Preferences/Content panel, next to the default font size setting is an "Advanced" button17:26
Csigaathere you can set the font-related things more precisely17:26
Csigaathe minimal size also17:27
* remotechief_311 is listening to Have A Nice Day by Bon Jovi on Have A Nice Day [Amarok]17:27
Csigaaxaka: you can also set a separate font in "GTK Styles and Fonts" in the Appearance settings17:29
Csigaaif the default size/type is not convenient17:29
xakaok, i'm try it. Say me pls - why i don't see Fonts settings in xorg.conf? where is them? in all other linux distr all font setup by xorg.conf17:30
Csigaaand the "too white" problem can be solved in the same panel, Colors tab, by unchecking "Apply colors to non-KDE apps"17:30
Csigaaxorg.conf only sets the path's where the font files are, does'nt it?17:31
CsigaaI've never seen any "use Arial 16 bold for all apps" or alike settings in xorg.conf17:32
xakai can't see this is paths :) i'm about it17:32
xakano Fonts section17:32
Csigaawell... it is an "improvement" ;)17:33
Csigaaxorg finds it by itself...17:33
Csigaa /usr/share/fonts, I suppose17:33
mzuverink_Is there a fix for amarok unmounting removable media everytime it shuts down?17:33
xaka"Apply colors to non-KDE apps" already checked but text "too white" :)17:33
Csigaabut this has nothing to do with the font size setting, believe me :)17:33
Csigaaehh... then set up custom GTK colors17:34
Csigaaof course you can't do it even with GNOME... GTK is frugal.17:34
xakaarrrghhh :)17:34
Csigaabut handcrafting gtkrc can help17:35
Csigaaand I have seen recently a 3rd party "gtk color setter" or similar app17:35
xakai'm not love handcrafting17:35
tatsuhi, does anyone have a good gudie how to install compiz-fusion (ati) ?17:36
Csigaahope doesn't require the full GNOME and mono and mozilla and MSVC++ and ... library set17:36
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emilsedghis there any way to upgrade to gutsy with command line? adept's dist upgrade tool is not working, it just stops and 'installing upgrades' section, tha last output from terminal is 'extracting templates'...17:43
Csigaaof course :)17:43
Csigaaedit /etc/apt/sources.list (replace all "feisty" with "gutsy"), then apt-get update;apt-get dist-upgrade17:44
emilsedghCsigaa: does it install the new gutsy packages like digikam and strigi or i have to do that manually?17:44
Csigaadist-upgrade should17:45
emilsedgh0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:45
Csigaahave youn edited sources.list?17:45
emilsedghCsigaa: yes17:45
Csigaaand apt-get update?17:45
Csigaathen you have gutsy..............17:46
emilsedghCsigaa: yes, i know that, i even installed kernels.but adept's dist-upgrade tool tries to install things that are newly entered in gutsy, i want them...17:46
emilsedghCsigaa: and...adept still thinks that there is a new version available :)17:47
CsigaaAFAIK that does the "normal" apt dist-upgrade17:47
Csigaathen you have done something wrong17:47
Csigaaare you sure that the sources.list is correct?17:47
Csigaaand ALL sources are for gutsy?17:47
emilsedghyes! man i have restricted manager, kernel 2.2217:48
emilsedghand are all for gutsy, kde 3.5.817:48
emilsedghall packages are upgraded17:48
Csigaathen adept sucks. :p17:48
CsigaaI am upgrading right now17:48
Csigaaafter reboot we'll see how it works in my computer :D17:49
xakaCsigaa: can you upload your sources.list pls?17:49
silouckRiddell: hello?17:49
Csigaaxaka: http://pastebin.com/m3243cd0e17:49
xakatoo small :)17:50
emilsedghCsigaa: i found it, thats do-release-upgrade command17:50
Csigaaah f... :p17:50
Csigaawell this is not debian anyway............17:51
xakahow rebuild installed packages cache?17:52
Csigaaemilsedgh: it is an apt parameter, or a separate command?17:52
Csigaaxaka: dpkg should do it before every package install17:53
emilsedghCsigaa: seperate command17:53
SpoZenwhats the name of app that creates a bi graphical image of a harddrive?17:53
hydrogenkind of17:54
Csigaaemil: thx :)17:54
SpoZenfsview doesnt exist in the repos but file light will do fine thx17:54
* hydrogen is still waiting for someone to explain what a "Tutorials Day week" is17:55
Downixis there any utility to show what is eating up RAM?17:55
stdinhydrogen: what does it sound like it is?17:56
hydrogenNot sure.. I've never heard of a day week before17:56
Csigaaor the KDE thing which pops up for CRTL+ESC17:56
stdinhydrogen: sounds like a typo to me ;)17:56
Downixa ha, tyvm17:56
=== jpatrick changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 RC1 Package & LiveCD http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php | Tutorials Day on thursday https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay
Downixa ha, got it17:57
Downixexplorer.exe was eating up 2GB of RAM17:57
stdinjust poke someone after thursday to remove it from the topic17:57
CsigaaDownix: lol :D17:57
SpoZenfilelight doesnt show whats takin up the most space :(17:57
CsigaaSpoZen: 'du -hs' ?17:57
sam64how does xsnow work? I tried turning it on with run, but nothing happened.17:58
DownixCsigaa:  .NET app went loco17:58
DownixI killed it, but didn't think of checking for explorer17:58
Csigaasam64: afaik it draws on the root window... yes, it is that ugly "wallpaper" what the desktop overlaps.17:58
SpoZenah you had to search the hard drive first :p17:59
sam64Csigaa: is that a lower layer than kdesktop, or does it matter?18:00
Csigaayes, it is the "root" layer... mostly is not visible18:00
SpoZenomg xsession-errors is takiing up 15gb!!18:00
CsigaaSpoZen: wrong filesize?18:01
Csigaaor debug libs? :D18:01
hydrogenthat file gets big sometimes18:01
bazziebhow do i run a check disk on a stiffy??18:01
sam64Csigaa: do I need to turn off kdesktop?18:01
hydrogenI tend to symlink it to /dev/null18:01
SpoZenso it it safe to delete it?18:02
Csigaasam64: better tell XSnow not to use the root window18:02
hydrogenmy .strigi was taking up 20 gigs the other day :/18:02
hydrogenIw asn't that happy18:03
Csigaasam64: ...or google for "ksnow" or similar... I suppose it exists :)18:03
sam64Csigaa: that makes sence.. Ill give that a try18:04
hydrogenI've been getting WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! every time I try to install a package18:13
hydrogenwuts up with that?18:13
Csigaayou have not set up apt-key correctly18:13
Csigaagoogle for the error and you'll find a howto18:13
Csigaait is ~2 commands18:13
hydrogenthat doesn't answer why it happened18:14
Csigaawell, I hardly believe that your ISP or government or any conspiracy is alternating your packages while they're travelling over the net :)18:15
hydrogenme either18:15
sigma_kubuntuhas anyone used synce with wm5 successfuly here?18:43
alesanany idea how I can compile in 32bit-mode a program while I am working on kubuntu64?18:49
sigma_kubuntujpatrick: have u ever used synce before?18:49
Downixstill, does anyone know if Kubuntu-SPARC has a 32 or 64-bit userland?18:49
Csigaaalesan: google for "cross compiling"18:49
CsigaaDownix: "file" a binary18:50
Csigaaon i386 it displays the arch18:50
jpatricksigma_kubuntu: nop..18:50
DownixCsigaa:  it says "SPARC"18:50
MinatakuThere's a Kubuntu for SPARC? :o18:50
CsigaaDownix: wrong way, sorry "^^18:51
MinatakuI'd imagine that if you had a SPARC machine, you were probably advanced enough for some other distro18:51
DownixMinataku: yup, but I happen to like Ubuntu.18:51
TheFuzzballHello, I am running Kubuntu Gutsy relatively fresh install on an IBM Thinkpad X30, and when I close my lid and then open it there is just a black screen and I have to force a halt and start again18:51
TheFuzzballdoes anyone know how to fix this?18:52
CsigaaDownix: try Nexenta18:52
CsigaaUbuntu with Solaris kernel18:52
Csigaamore optimized for SPARC18:52
DownixCsigaa:  Solaris doesn't support the hardware I have in here18:52
MinatakuDownix: What kinda SPARC you have?18:53
CsigaaSolaris unsupported SPARC hw??? WTF?18:53
MinatakuI've got 6 SPARC machines, myself18:53
Csigaathe Fu-Si SPARC-s are also Sun certified18:53
DownixMinataku: Ultra 10, slow but runs.18:53
MinatakuFour SPARCv8, Two SPARCv918:53
DownixCsigaa:  There's a Solaris driver for a Catweasel card?  Didn't think I'd ever seen it18:53
Csigaadoes not that come with Solaris?18:54
DownixMinataku: Also have a v8 machine, SS1018:54
DownixCsigaa:  no.  It's an add-on card.18:54
MinatakuI've got two SPARCstation 10s (both MP), a SPARCstation 5/170, a SPARCstation LX, an Ultra 5 and an Ultra 2 (Also MP)18:54
MinatakuOne SPARCstation 10 has 2x 36MHz SuperSPARC18:54
DownixMinataku: I can't find an OS for my SS1018:54
Dr_williscatweasle card. :) heh.. always wanted one.. never really needed one.. :P18:54
Downixit has a twin HyperSPARC 150 setup18:54
MinatakuThe other has 2x 150MHz HyperSPARC18:54
MinatakuGet NetBSD18:54
DownixDr_willis: I worked for an Amiga co, needed it18:54
DownixLooked at NetBSD, never found a floppy distro for it18:55
Dr_willisDownix,  the fact you worked for an amiga company.. is scary. heh.. Did you actually get paid?18:55
MinatakuA word of warning, if anything fails to run properly on that SPARCstation 10, the PROM may be too old18:55
poison--sup Dr_willis18:55
MinatakuI had that issue with BOTH of mine18:55
DownixDr_willis: http://www.morphos.net  second from the bottom of that list is me last time I checked.18:55
MinatakuThe one was too old to support the HyperSPARCs at all, let alone two of them18:55
MinatakuThe other was too old to support MP18:55
MinatakuLuckily I was able to erase and reprogram the EPROMs at the Uni18:56
DownixMinataku: Mine's running it fine with oBSD, but oBSD doesn't support both CPU's.  I had an ancient copy of Debian on there once.18:56
MinatakuI worked on homework while they erased18:56
MinatakuThen programming them was fast18:56
DownixCsigaa:  It's not the CPU I worry about there, it's my oddball add-ons18:56
MinatakuOne's got 2.25, the other has 2.25R18:56
TheFuzzballIt's okay I think I solved the problem by uninstalling acpid18:57
MinatakuMy Ultra 2 is a beast, too18:57
Minataku2x 300MHz UltraSPARC-II18:57
Minataku640MB RAM18:57
DownixMy Ultra 10 is slow....18:57
Downixmostly due to the HD controller18:57
MinatakuU5s and U10s were cheap-ass machines18:57
Downixneed to find an OF compat ATA controller18:57
MinatakuThe UltraSPARC-IIi that's in there is a dog, too18:57
MinatakuThey were (failed) attempts at entry-level SPARC machines18:58
MinatakuThey were seriously cut back, and as a result are really lousy18:58
DownixNo other CPU options for it tho is there?18:58
EiccaPeople, I need help! :D18:59
Downixwell, it's a start18:59
Downixwill do for OS porting18:59
DownixI want to get AROS onto SPARC18:59
MinatakuIf there's a letter after the number in roman numerals, it's a cut down version of the proper chip18:59
EiccaFirst of all, why when I use Ctrl + X the irssi closes and says "stopped" how am I supposed to change network?18:59
MinatakuThat would be cool18:59
DownixIIi 440Mhz18:59
DownixMinataku: AROS is pretty sweet19:00
MinatakuYeah, that little "i" really ruins things19:00
MinatakuDownix: I _LOVE_ the mascot especially19:00
Dr_willisEicca,  you may want to go read the irssi user guides they got at the irssi homepage.19:00
DownixI figure it on 32 and 64-bit SPARC would be nice19:00
MinatakuNo big secret that I'm a furry19:00
Downixgive new options to the old hardware19:00
MinatakuYeah, I could use a smaller OS for some of my SPARC machines with limited HDD space19:01
MinatakuBy virtue that SCSI HDDs are hard to find19:01
EiccaDr_willis: you didnt read the message didnt you?19:01
EiccaNow can someone say how to turn the Ctrl + X shortcut off in the Konsole?19:01
MinatakuEicca: Last I checked, Ctrl + Z stops a program19:01
Dr_willisEicca,  to change networks with irssi you can use the /server command  - You dident mention the KONSOLE at all.19:02
MinatakuAnd you can't turn that off without altering the source code to mask out SIGTSTP19:02
Dr_willisEicca,  you may want to use irssi in a normal xterm.19:02
MinatakuEicca: Next time it says "Stopped", type fg19:02
MinatakuThen hit enter19:02
Minatakuirssi will come back19:02
Eiccait wont do it again19:02
Dr_willisEicca,  there are a lot of conflicting keyboard commands with irssi when used under X and different window managers.  Its designed/setup to be used with the Console.19:02
Eiccanvm and thanks for help! :D19:02
Dr_willisI found that using Irssi under 'twin' worked a little better at times.19:02
MinatakuDownix: Feel free to join #kubuntu-offtopic so we can chat without getting yelled at19:03
Eiccabut I have plenty of questions more, could you help me?19:03
Dr_willisI am going to work.. If you got Irssi questions.. the irssi web site has OOOODLES of docs/faq/guides... good luck.19:03
Eiccathe next question is; how can I turn the auto spell checking off in the pidgin?19:04
Eiccadoes anyone know?19:06
posingaspopularEicca: tools->prefrences19:07
posingaspopularlet me check19:07
posingaspopularand then tab over to 'conversations' and click the box about "highlight misspelled words"19:08
Eiccaokay thanks19:08
Eiccaposingaspopular: while your at it, could you tell how to turn the icons off the buddy list?19:09
posingaspopularnp hl19:09
posingaspopularhmm you mean the pictures?19:09
Eiccaand the green dots could be smaller19:09
posingaspopularyea one moment while i gurre it out19:10
posingaspopularerm figure it out*19:11
posingaspopulartire+babysitting all around me19:11
Eiccaposingaspopular: I found it19:11
posingaspopularoh did you? where?19:12
posingaspopularnow i want to know19:12
Eiccaposingaspopular: nope, didnt find19:12
EiccaBuddies - Show menu had something19:12
Eiccabut not that one I'm searching for19:12
posingaspopularim not seeing those option Eicca. my suggestion is to search for pidgin plugins and try that route.19:15
posingaspopularim sure someone has a plugin somewhere19:15
acee1235i just installed kubuntu 7.10 and i have no sound any ideas?19:16
posingaspopularthat should do it right there19:16
posingaspopularacee1235: did you check alsamixer?19:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsamixer - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:16
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:16
smithwHello everyone. I just upgraded kubuntu from feisty to gutsy and can't login on graphical mode. When I try to do that, the screen just keeps the default wallpaper, a cursor and stops.19:17
Csigaasmithw: rm ~/.kde -rf19:17
Csigaaall your settings will be lost19:17
Csigaaif you are familiar with the KDE config scheme, then you can sort the important things (kopete etc) out19:18
andrewlinCan anyone help me figuring out why my sound isn't working in ubuntu?19:18
smithwCsigaa, so it's a problem of corrupt settings?19:18
posingaspopularandrewlin: check alsamixer first19:18
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:18
andrewlinposingaspopular: where do i type !alsa? XD, this is only my second day of using linux.19:19
smithwCsigaa, I'm not exactly familiar, but I think I can figure out. Thank you for the insight.19:19
Csigaayoure welcome :)19:19
posingaspopularandrewlin: open up a konsole and type 'alsa' without the quotes19:19
posingaspopularerm sorry that command is 'alsamixer'19:20
andrewlinposingaspopular: ok what do you want me to tell you about alsamixer? i see a bunch of controls.19:20
posingaspopularwell looks at the levels19:21
smithwCsigaa, should "startx" start kde automatically? I just want to know how to test if I corrected it without having to reboot every time.19:21
posingaspopularand make sure that none of them are low19:21
andrewlinubotu: I can't find Sound System in the System folder under K Menu19:21
Csigaasmithw: xinit -e startkde19:21
smithwCsigaa, thank you again!19:22
acee1235alsa is running still no sound19:22
posingaspopularmove between them with the left and right arrows. and up etc19:22
andrewlinposingaspopular: i turned them all up to high19:23
posingaspopularandrewlin: alt+f219:23
posingaspopularrun 'kcontrol'19:23
posingaspopularand that should get you the soundsystem19:23
posingaspopularsorry i cant help more i have finals tomorrow19:24
posingaspopulargood luck19:24
andrewlinposingaspopular: its ok, thnx for help19:24
SGLHello. Is there a way to install Xubuntu from the command-line of a working OS?19:24
posingaspopularSGL: depends on the OS?19:25
posingaspopularsudo apt-get install xfce-desktop i think19:25
HelmholtzHey everyone..19:25
SGLdoes that install everything all over?19:25
SGLIt is xubuntu allready19:25
posingaspopulari *really* love helping people and answering linux/ubuntu questions. unfortunately my final is not about ubuntu/linux and i already paid lots of money for the classes19:26
posingaspopularbye all19:26
HelmholtzPlease excuse the really noobish question.. but when you install ubuntu with a dvd, why does it require that dvd to install any packages?19:26
emilsedghHelmholtz: because that dvd contains the packages, you could download those packages from internet too19:27
acee1235tried instructions still no sound i did do one thing and that was to enable all listed repositories and updated things19:27
acee1235after that sound=dead19:27
emilsedghHelmholtz: when you install, just some programs will get installed, many other programs and addons are on the disc19:27
Helmholtzemilsedgh: Ah.. I'm using Adept package manager to install a package.. shouldn't that download the package from the net?19:28
emilsedghHelmholtz: look, you have a few software repositories, the physical repositories have more priority, you could disable them by going to Adept->Manage Repositories19:29
emilsedghHelmholtz: but why you want to downbload when you have the dvd?19:29
Helmholtzemilsedgh: Because I can find it right now, and it's a pain in the ass for me to redownload the iso :P19:30
emilsedghHelmholtz: so disable it19:30
Arvidwhen I try to play a song in Amarok i get "device is busy". How can I find the other app who is using my soundcard?19:31
Helmholtzemilsegh: sweet I see it.. thanks, emilsedgh!19:31
Eiccais there a way for a newbie with linux like me to create own KDE splash screen easily?19:31
emilsedghEicca: take a look at existing splash screens, yes they are easy to create19:32
acee1235should i just reinstall linux19:32
acee1235o get the sound back?19:33
emilsedghacee1235: reinstall is never the solution...19:33
smithwThere's a program I want to run when KDE starts. On feisty (which I believe was kde 3.5.6), I just put a symbolic link to the binary of the program on ~/.kde/Autostart. When I upgraded to gutsy, this program made KDE hang on startup. After I removed the link, kde started ok. I'm guessing I'm going to have to make it a .desktop file for it to work now, am I right?19:33
Eiccaemilsedgh: is there a tool to make own splash screen or some file to edit or what? =)19:33
emilsedghEicca: you have to add pictures and edit a text file19:33
emilsedghsmithw: why you do not save the session?19:34
acee1235emilsedgh: then what might be?19:34
sourcemakerhow can I seek large sound files in juk?19:34
emilsedghacee1235: i dunno, but thats not reinstalling19:34
emilsedghEicca: /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes take a look at this place19:35
emilsedghacee1235: whats the problem with sound?19:35
smithwemilsedgh, I really don't remember now, but a long time ago I had some major problem with kde sessions and disabled it. By "major problem" I mean a major annoyance, not a freeze or something. I wish I could remember what it was...19:35
emilsedghsmithw: saving session works nice, try it19:35
Eiccaemilsedgh: allright, how do I edit them?19:36
acee1235anyone a sound expert?19:36
smithwemilsedgh, is there a way to save a session and not make KDE ask me everytime I log out if I want to save it again? (I believe that was the annoyance)19:36
emilsedghEicca: copy one of them to you home folder, change names and edit them and create a .tar.gz and install from systemSetings->appearance->splash screen19:36
emilsedghsmithw: it never asked me so...19:36
smithwemilsedgh, I give it a try. thank you. reboot time now...19:38
Eiccaeicca@eicca-desktop:/usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes$ sudo cp /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu/ /home/eicca/19:38
Eiccacp: omitting directory `/usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu/'19:38
Eiccawhat is the command to copy that kind of file? =)19:38
emilsedghEicca: give it a -r switch19:38
TheFuzzballhas anyone succesfully built Katapult Fast-Track on Kubuntu?19:38
emilsedghEicca: copy ir src dst19:39
emilsedghTheFuzzball: i think i tried it once but it didnt compile, i think, thats was some time ago19:39
TheFuzzballemilsedgh: yeh, It's not compiling for me19:40
andrewlinIf you are editing a file in Konsole how do you save it from console?19:40
emilsedghandrewlin: how are you editing it? vim ?19:40
Eiccaoh it is a directory19:40
Eiccalol :D19:40
TheFuzzballbut I use Compiz Fusion and I need the transparency support19:40
sigma_kubuntuwhy note use kate to edit19:40
andrewlinemilsedgh: vim?19:40
Eiccathought it was only a file with no .xx19:40
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=== nu is now known as nuu
emilsedghandrewlin: how are you editing that file? with what editor?19:40
andrewlinoh, through Konsole, if thats possible?19:41
sigma_kubuntuok dat neva worked19:41
andrewlinemilsedgh: through Konsole, if that's possible19:41
sigma_kubuntuu hav 2use kate in da kde gui19:42
emilsedghandrewlin: if you want to edit a file from konsole, you need to open it by an editor.vim is an example...try vim filename19:42
emilsedgh!vim | andrewlin19:42
ubotuandrewlin: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code19:42
andrewlinemilsedgh: ok thnx19:42
acee1235after much tinkering open sound works for system sound and sound test but not for amarok or xine any ideas on a fix?19:44
smithwApparently, I was wrong. The problem persists. If I try to login in graphical mode, the login controls just disappears and nothing else happens. The mouse is alive, I can switch to text mode if I want (this is how I got here), but KDE (nor Gnome, I have both installed and tried it as well) doesn't start. If I try, from the console, to start KDE with xinit -e kdestart, then it starts.19:44
sigma_kubuntutry alsa for sound19:44
acee1235doesnt work19:44
sourcemakeris there a known bug in juk with large sound files?I can't seek them19:44
Don_jr333is the wine in the apt work alright? or should I get it from the web site?19:46
smithwDoes anyone have a clue on what may be happenning?19:46
Eiccawhat is the command to cut?19:46
sigma_kubuntuuse wine frm da repo19:46
geniiDon_jr333: getdeb has latest package19:46
emilsedghDon_jr333: get it from apt19:46
acee1235anyone know how to troubleshoot alsa ive followed alot of tutorials to no avail19:46
Eiccaand if im in home, how can I copy a directory from there without writing the /home/username/ ?19:46
Don_jr333sigma_kubuntu will do19:47
geniiI think also wine page has debs for 7.04 and 7.1019:47
Eiccawhat is the command to cut?19:47
Eiccaand if im in home, how can I copy a directory from there without writing the /home/username/ ?19:47
smithwEicca, to copy a directory, use cp -R (-R stands for "recursive"). If you are in the same directory as the source of your copy, just write the name of that directory, with no slashed before it.19:48
geniiemilsedgh: ver 0.9.41 from repos , current is 0.9.50 and if you go to #winehq for assistance ,not at 0.9.50 they won't even look at you19:48
Eiccasmithw: okay thanks19:48
emilsedghgenii: so you should try to find a repository for newer wine packages or compile it19:49
alessiohello, when i entering in the #kubuntu-it canal, it directing me to #ubuntu-it. What can I do? (i' m italian, excuse for my english)19:50
Eiccasmithw: btw, is there a defragmentation tool for kubuntu?19:50
geniiemilsedgh and Don_jr333 http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb for repo instructions19:50
emilsedghgenii: thanks.sorry first i tought Don_jr333 wants to get the sources, im not a wine user and i havent much experience with it19:51
Don_jr333genii how can I remove something I installed with apt?19:51
smithwEicca, I'm afraid I can't answer that 100% accuratelly, but I *think* there's not, because the format ubuntu uses to its partitions doesn't need to be defragmentated. But I might be totally mistaken.19:51
geniiDon_jr333: If you did: sudo apt-get install <something>    then do: sudo apt-get remove <something>19:51
geniiDon_jr333: Additionally to purge config files from system do: sudo apt-get remove --purge <something>19:52
Don_jr333genii do the --purge at the same time as remove? or after?19:53
geniiEicca: You mean to defrag windows drives from in linux? Or if there is a similar tool as windows defrag but in linux for linux filesystem. If second thing, no, linux ext filesystem does not need defragging utility.19:54
RobNychello everyone , anyone here is running kde4 ?19:54
geniiDon_jr333: Same time if you want to flush out it's config files. if you wanted to save the configs don't use the --purge19:54
Tokeiitogood evening19:55
Tokeiitotoday i upgreided to 7.10 and now have problems with nvidia drivers19:55
Tokeiitoerror message is versions missmatch19:56
Tokeiitoi've tryed all ways i found in forums and still dont have any result. any ideas how to fix that?19:56
geniiTokeiito: sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-kernel-common19:57
Tokeiitoi've already reinstalled it. removed and purged all packages for nvidia.19:58
rmajwhy ubuntu shows me some gayass dialog instead shutting down, when I press shutdown power button - and when to configure it?19:58
ardchoillermaj: That's in case you made a mistake and it's a kde thing, not a kubuntu thing. Talk to the kde devs.19:59
rmajbut where can I find appl to manage these?20:00
Don_jr333genii the direction for gusy arn't working properly for me on this winehq site20:02
Don_jr333getting a 404 error on the second wget20:02
Don_jr333I got it, had a typo20:03
Don_jr333now if I do an apt-get install wine, it'll pull the new one?20:03
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Don_jr333good, it's geting the new one, thank you20:05
geniidon: You add the repo: sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list      then you add the gpg key: wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -       then you: sudo apt-get update        then you install wine:   sudo apt-get install wine20:10
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Eiccaguys! I got my splash screens just the way I wanted :) thanks for that! I still got alot of questions; do you know any dead pixel fixers for kubuntu? (prefer the one that flashes just one pixel) thanks alot! =)20:11
geniiDon_jr333: Yes, after it should put 0.9.5020:11
Don_jr333genii I got it, thank you, I had a typo in my command.  I'ts running just fine now! =)20:11
Don_jr333thanks alot20:11
geniiDon_jr333: Glad to help20:13
Csigaaemilsedgh: I didn't have upgrade-manager-core installed, so did'nt have do-release-upgrade command20:16
Csigaabut 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' did the work after dist-upgrade :)20:16
rmajhow to have power button just shutdown my computer20:17
Csigaarmaj: configure the ACPI event20:17
rmajCsigaa: how20:17
emilsedghCsigaa: try adept_manager --dist-upgrade20:17
Csigaatake a look at /etc/acpi and you will know ;)20:17
Csigaaemilsedgh: no change. Seems so that I have all required package installed20:19
emilsedghCsigaa: there is a new button on the toolbar, isnt?20:19
CsigaaI even have an annoying network config applet on my tray20:19
geniiDon_jr333: You can check which version is installed after by: sudo apt-cache policy wine20:19
rmajhow to have cool 3d desktop? im on nvidia20:20
Don_jr333genii thanks alot, it also showed durring the install which version it had.  But I appriciate the info20:20
Csigaarmaj: install Project Looking Glass (by Sun)20:20
Csigaanow that is 3D20:20
Csigaalike an FPS game :D20:21
Csigaabut if you need useless vomit-triggering effects, you need compiz20:21
rmajwhy kubuntu is so broken>20:21
rmajevery thing I trie - sucks20:21
Csigaahave a nice crash ;)20:21
thornsCsigaa: Excuse me, I don't think Looking Glass is true 3D, it's 2D looking 3D.20:22
Eiccahow come this wont work? > http://i.servut.us/i/snapshot4.png20:22
rmajin example, I want stupid gksudo to ask me for root password, not for user password, how to20:22
ScorpKing!root | rmaj20:23
uboturmaj: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:23
Csigaathorns: well, you need a real 3D display, not a "flat" CRT or LCD, to have real 3D20:23
Csigaabut LG is the closest to 3D20:23
rmajScorpKing: I know ubuntu is for noobs, therefore it doesnt have a real root account20:23
rmajbut I de-noobified ubuntu by simple  sudo passwd root20:23
rmajso now I want to be asked the _root_ password, as in other distros20:23
thornsCsigaa: Oh, you're right. But OpenGL is more promising.20:24
rmajon denoobifies ubuntu, how to have gksudo asking for root password20:24
Csigaarmaj: tried to install Debian intead? :)20:25
Csigaade-noobify lol :D20:25
rmajCsigaa: debian sucks probably even more20:25
bacli1can anyone suggest a compositing window manager that isn't Compiz?  something more stable perhaps?20:25
Csigaarmaj: oh sorry, then you have to use text installer xD20:25
Csigaathat is noob20:25
Csigaai see xD20:25
rmajI had debian for long time, it is grave-old20:25
ScorpKingrmaj: i don't think anyone will be happy to help with that. most people here try to stick to sudo.20:25
Csigaarmaj: then my debian is deviant20:26
thornsbacli1: Enlightment :D20:26
Csigaait has KDE 3.5.8 and 2.6.22 kernel20:26
Csigaaglibc 2.720:26
CsigaaI think I have done something terribly wrong20:26
rmajCsigaa: and 1 year old gnome?20:26
Csigaagnome sucks, sorry :)20:26
t3ch13I can't get sound to work on my laptop with Kubuntu Gutsy anybody have any ideas?20:26
sub[t]rnlgksudo isn't going to ask for a user password, it is asking for the super user password... hence gk"su"peruser-"do"20:26
rmajand how horrible old is gnome in debian?20:26
rmajsub[t]rnl: it was asking me for user password20:27
Dragnslcrsub[t]rnl- um, that is completely wrong20:27
Dragnslcrsub[t]rnl- sudo requires your user password, not the root password20:27
Csigaarmaj: use Mandrake or something20:27
* ScorpKing nods..20:27
Csigaathen you get your not-noob distro with recent hor^H^H^HGNOME20:27
Dragnslcrsub[t]rnl- sudo requiring the root password would completely defeat the purpose of sudo20:28
sub[t]rnli didn't say root password did i?20:28
Csigaarmaj: and consider looking at the channel name... kubuntu channel... and you are asking about gksu :)20:28
rmajCsigaa: in oldbian, the Boost lib is 1 year old, and people need that lib to develop c++ apps20:28
Dragnslcrsub[t]rnl- root is the "super user" in Unix20:28
* genii sudo passwd's sub[t]rnl!20:28
ScorpKinghi genii! ;)20:29
Csigaarmaj: SID?20:29
rmajCsigaa: oldbian testing20:29
Dragnslcrsub[t]rnl- you always use your own user password with sudo20:29
* genii slides ScorpKing a coffee20:29
Csigaawell, I have used SID for years20:29
Csigaaeverything recent20:29
Csigaatooo recent (Xorg 7.3 sucks)20:29
* ScorpKing takes a sip and pass genii some doughnuts..20:29
rmajCsigaa: how old is libboost?20:29
CsigaaI don't know20:30
Csigaathis box has Kubuntu20:30
rmajCsigaa: its over a year old20:30
rmajrecent version is 2 months20:30
ScorpKingrmaj: most likely not as old as the kernel20:30
ScorpKingthat was invented in 199120:30
Csigaabut if you are such great developer why don't you use su in xterm?20:30
sub[t]rnlum, my root password is different from my user password20:30
* genii munches20:30
Csigaawhy do you need all the GUI horror?20:30
rmajCsigaa: Im not nerd20:31
Csigaarmaj: yes. You are an idiot :)20:31
rmajGUIs are for idiots?20:31
Csigaause MS VC++20:31
* ScorpKing giggles and go away..20:31
rmajgood thing Csigaa explained that20:31
rmajso... entire KUbuntu seems to be for idiots following that brilliant logic20:31
Csigaano. But when you are coding in linux, I can't believe you can't use console20:32
Tm_Trmaj: erm?20:32
Tm_TCsigaa: behave20:32
Csigaahe was arrogant first :p20:32
rmajTm_T: Csigaa think GUIs are for idiots, and he is always right20:32
Tm_T!guidelines | Csigaa and rmaj:20:32
ubotuCsigaa and rmaj:: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:32
Tm_Trmaj: he isn't20:32
rmajI tink he is, he looks smart20:32
Csigaayou too :) you de-noobified an Ubuntu, omg20:33
Csigaayoure great ;)20:33
rmajanyway, how to have GUI apps ask me for root passwrod to execute su commands20:33
Dragnslcrrmaj- you don't20:33
rmajCsigaa: something wrong with denoobifing lack of root account?20:33
Dragnslcrrmaj- that would defeat the purpose of sudo20:33
rmajso sudo is defeated on most other distros, that ask for root password?20:34
Dragnslcrrmaj- if you want to be root, login as root to begin with20:34
Dragnslcrrmaj- I don't know of any *nix that requires the root password for sudo20:34
misticwarriorwazup ?20:34
Dragnslcrrmaj- FreeBSD certainly doesn't20:34
rmajno, I want to be an user, that executes administrator command after authorisin using some password, other then his own password20:34
rmajDragnslcr: debian asked for root passwrod in this situations20:35
ScorpKingrmaj: if you enable the root account and get rid of sudo you will run into a lot of problems with GUI and so on.20:35
Dragnslcrrmaj- are you sure it was using sudo? That seems rather suspicious that it would ask for the root password20:35
rmajI am in KDE Controll, I click administrative mode and I am asked for user's password, I like to be asked here for root password. How to?20:35
DragnslcrAs far as I know, the whole point of sudo is that you don't need to know the root password20:35
rmajDragnslcr: see above use case20:36
Csigaaman sudoers20:36
Csigaa(or visudo)20:36
eroticonanyone around?20:36
Csigaaor copy /etc/sudoers from "oldbian" to "noobuntu"20:36
eroticonwhen i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it does not try to autodetect my video card20:36
eroticonwhat could be wrong?20:36
rmajCsigaa: if I would be nerd I would use some text mode only distro or cook up LFS.  The goal of ubuntu was to free users from reading tons of mans afair?20:36
Csigaarmaj: you are messing with low-level thing20:37
Csigaaeven Windows does not have a GUI for that20:37
Csigaayou are all looking at it wrong20:37
rmajI hoped that Ubuntu would be better then windows20:37
rmajeroticon: there was agair some option20:37
misticwarriorI have a little problem. I want to start mplayer in shell mode before kdm or gdm... So It would play without starting x... like starting it in tty1, as well I could stop it when I want... but I don't know where to write my script... I tried in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.h but it does anything..20:37
rmajeroticon: to set level of details of questions in (re)configure20:38
rmajmisticwarrior: asciiart or framebuffer?20:38
eroticonhow can i tell it to autodetect my video card20:38
rmaj(just curious)20:38
rmajeroticon: not sure... ask also #ubuntu20:38
Csigaarmaj: do you want to set up something, or do you want to depreciate everything? :)20:38
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: put your script in /etc/rc.local20:38
misticwarriorrmaj: it's just music, not a video ;)20:38
misticwarriorScorpKing: and then will it start in tty1 ?20:39
rmajCsigaa:  I am in KDE Controll, I click administrative mode and I am asked for user's password, I like to be asked here for root password. How to?20:39
Csigaarmaj: I have written down.20:39
rmajCsigaa: without digging up tons of manuals, some people try to have life20:39
misticwarriorrmaj: where you speaking about the -caca library ?20:39
CsigaaIf you don't desire to use console, then you can install... ehrm... MacOS?20:39
Csigaawell, that wont prompt for anything20:39
rmajmacos looks like designed for retards, even mouse is 1 buttoned20:40
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: any commands in that script should start. not sure if you'll have to log in on tty1 first or something20:40
misticwarriorrmaj: +1 :P20:40
Csigaarmaj: if nothing is good for you, then get a life :D20:40
rmajCsigaa: but I need at least one good distro20:40
kalorinI don't know there's a lot of fun stuff that the mac os does that seems pretty reasonable20:40
misticwarriorScorpKing: in fact I want to have the possibility to stop mplayer... so how to do it when it has start in rc.local ? :P20:40
Csigaarmaj: but your definition of "good" is not too realistic ;)20:41
rmajkalorin: like making you iBitch by dissallowing to skip commercialls in DVDs20:41
kalorinI'm running linux mostly because I wouldn't pay that kind of cash for a computer20:41
rmajCsigaa: with simple change gksudo would meet my standards of good20:41
kalorinhowever I really like their styling and interface stuff20:41
kalorinhow can't you lust after the 30" cinema displays?20:42
Csigaarmaj: you don't want to click the second button, but you rebel against one-button mouse ;)20:42
rmajbtw, some christains on ubuntu kicked me for using the making-love word, how to ask them to lift ban20:42
Csigaarmaj: this is pointless20:42
kalorinrmaj: well, this _IS_ a family show20:42
trprrmaj: i think what you are describing is a side-effect of ubuntu's way of dealing with root. ubuntu doesn't have the root acct enabled by default. everything is done through sudo, which explains why you are asked for your user password and not the root password... there shouldn't be a root password. not unless you purposefully added it20:42
rmajkalorin: well mac was nice to look at, but not so comfortable20:43
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: that's where i keep all my custom scripts. i have no idea how you can do what you're trying though. there are other small cli apps for playing music btw20:43
Csigaarmaj: dude, you sure have something else to do, instead of this pointless arguing20:43
rmajtrpr: yes, I already debnoobified ubuntu by enabling root account as written in wiki; Now I would like to be asked for that password instead users password when users executes admin command20:43
kalorin7.10 fresh install didn't seem to know what to do with my quadra video card20:43
mikes1trpr, Needed for "admin" kcontrol/20:43
kalorintook a few minutes of picking and trying to find all the various packages to install to get startx to start x20:43
rmajCsigaa: I REALLY want to be asked for ROOT passwd instead user's20:43
misticwarriorScorpKing: ok, i'll try then :) thx for tip :)20:44
Csigaayou even contradict yourself, your "needs"20:44
kalorinrmaj, that's not sudo20:44
trprrmaj: well, if you put it that way, you need to continue to denoobify the tools you have, because they have been configured to work in the system you just broke20:44
misticwarriorScorpKing: do we say "tip" in english ?20:44
ScorpKingrmaj: we can't help you with that here. please stop complaining.20:44
Eiccacan someone help me with installing hamachi?20:44
rmajtrpr: yes, this is my question: how to denoobify ksudo20:44
kalorinsudo asks for the users password and compares that user account (if they authenticate correctly) against what that user is allowed to do in the sudoer's file20:44
rmajScorpKing: isn't it kubuntu related question?  if not then where to ask20:44
kalorinthat's just how it works20:44
kalorintype sudo su - if you want to bypass that20:44
stdinrmaj: kdesu/kdesu work the way sudo does20:45
kalorinbut there's simply no root account password20:45
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: not sure. i think tip is correct. and you're welcome. ask in ##linux as well.20:45
rmajkalorin: I thought on other distros it is asking for root password, how to have that on kubuntu20:45
Eiccacan someone help me with installing hamachi?20:45
kalorinthat's su, not sudo20:45
rmajkalorin: I have root password20:45
kalorinyou can always type "su -"20:45
Csigaarmaj: your incompetence in setting up sudo is NOT the bug of the OS :p20:45
rmajkalorin: no, on other distros _sudo_ also asks for root password, the same as su20:45
kalorinand type the root password and become root20:45
* ScorpKing pulls on his hair..20:45
sigmahow can i check that ports 5678, 5679 and 990 are not blocked by a firewall?20:46
kalorinrmaj, none of the other distributions that I've used, including debian, ubuntu/kubuntu, redhat and so on20:46
Daisuke_Idormaj: if you have such a stick in your rear about "denoobifying" ubuntu, use another distro that's pre-"denoobified"20:46
ScorpKing!wtf > rmaj20:46
sub[t]rnlsigma: iptables -L20:46
sigmaalso how can i check which usb port my cellpnone is connected to?20:46
trprrmaj: i have no idea; i don't know what they have done to it to make the whole sudo scenario work. imho it would be easier to start with plain old debian than to take apart ubuntu. you could try recompiling the tool with different options though20:46
kalorinI'd suggest going out and trying that one that compiles all the packages for you20:46
kalorinthe name escapes me at the moment20:46
kalorinyeah gentoo thanks20:46
Eiccacan someone help me with installing hamachi?20:47
Daisuke_Idothat would be a much better option than deconstructing a working system and complaining when it no longer works20:47
kalorinI personally don't care if I get an extra 2% performance out of it20:47
ScorpKingsigma: dmesg | tail should show when you plug it in. also run sudo wvdialconf to do most of the work for you if you gonna use it as a modem20:47
Eiccacan someone help me with installing hamachi?20:47
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com  http://wiki.ubuntu.com http://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net while you wait. Also see !patience20:47
CsigaaEicca: hamachi works out-of-the-box, as far as I know20:47
kalorinI'll take the generic i386 packages, I'm happy they're solid and run well20:47
Csigaawell, it has no GUI20:47
EiccaCsigaa: do you know how to operate it?20:48
rolandAnyone have any tips for copying large (5+ GB) files? I keep getting a "File size limit exceeded (core dumped)"20:48
CsigaaEicca: are you familiar with the console environment?20:48
rolandI did a20:48
Eiccamy ./hamachi-init doesnt work20:48
sigmasub[t]rnl: it says "policy accept" for all the iptable stuff, does that mean that the ports are not blocked?20:48
EiccaCsigaa: depends on what do you mean by familiar20:48
CsigaaEicca: okay then you are :)20:48
rolandulimit -f 6000000000, but i still get it20:48
CsigaaEicca: did you get any errors?20:48
Eiccanot at all20:48
sub[t]rnlsigma: in a default installation everything is accepted by your firewall20:48
Eiccawhere am I supposed to run the ./hamachi-init?20:48
Csigaawhere it is...20:48
Daisuke_Idoroland: what are you copying them *to*?20:48
rolandto a external HD20:48
EiccaCsigaa: where is it then?20:49
sigmasub[t]rnl: ah i see, well lemme give synce another go20:49
Daisuke_Idoformatted with what FS?20:49
rolandDaisuke_Ido: heh, good question20:49
CsigaaEicca: it is where you have untar'd the archive20:49
rolandDaisuke_Ido: sorry for noob me20:49
Daisuke_Idono worries20:49
rolandDaisuke_Ido: I guess you are suggesting I need to format it it to some fs?20:49
Daisuke_Idoit's likely formatted fat32, which cannot handle files above 4gb at all20:49
CsigaaEicca: ./hamachi-init means that the shell should run the "hamachi-init" file in the present directory20:49
rolandDaisuke_Ido: I guess you are right20:50
rolandDaisuke_Ido: I just got it out of the box20:50
Daisuke_Idotep, 90% chance it's fat32 then :)20:50
CsigaaEicca: it has to have execute privileges (type: chmod +x hamachi-init)20:50
* ScorpKing agrees with Daisuke_Ido20:50
rolandDaisuke_Ido: thanks! I'll reformat and try again.20:50
Daisuke_Ido!format | roland20:50
uboturoland: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter20:50
Daisuke_Idoqtparted should take care of your problem :)20:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:51
rolandDaisuke_Ido, ubotu: thanks guys!20:51
EiccaCsigaa: yea I know20:51
Daisuke_Idoyou're welcome20:51
CsigaaEicca: then, what's the problem, again :)20:51
EiccaCsigaa: I was trying to locate it but I forgot the updatedb :D20:51
Csigaaehh :)20:51
EiccaCsigaa: I did this sudo /usr/bin/hamachi-init20:52
kalorinanyone played with vmware2?20:52
kalorinserver is free and out now20:52
CsigaaEicca: and what happened?20:52
Eiccabut the ./hamachi still wont work..?20:52
Eiccanothing appeared to the screen20:52
CsigaaEicca: if hamachi-init was in /usr/bin then hamachi should also20:53
Csigaabut you won't get any GUI20:53
Csigaait is menu or parameter-based (or at least it was when I played with it)20:54
rmajapparently sudo is indeed not denoobified also in other distros, so only fix would be to use PAM20:54
Csigaarmaj: it was all we said...... :)20:55
EiccaCsigaa: I wont get anything at all20:55
Eiccasudo /usr/bin/hamachi wont say anything _at__all_?!20:55
rmajso in ubuntu basicly an user can destroy other user account / steall his files / destroy system?  without need to know any speciall password other then his own password?20:55
CsigaaEicca: is hamachi running, or listening on any port?20:56
CsigaaEicca: I remember that it provides some text UI... it should ask for the network or anything20:56
EiccaCsigaa: how do I check if its running?20:56
rmajwhere can I set that I want monitor to power down after 20 minutes?20:56
XceIIWill DEVEDE work in jubuntu?20:57
CsigaaEicca: 1. 'ps -A|grep hamachi' 2. 'netstat -tuaep|grep hamachi'20:57
CsigaaXceII: of course :)20:57
Tokeiitoit seems that my problems with nvidia driver are cose i dont have linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic. but when i try to install, im getin message: E: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic has no installation candidate20:57
Tokeiitohow to solve that problem?20:57
CsigaaTokeiito: feisty?20:57
Tokeiitowas feisty, upgreided to 7.1020:58
Csigaathen gutsy20:58
Tokeiitoafter that i have problems with nvidia20:58
Tokeiitoyes - gutsy20:58
EiccaCsigaa: nope, not running20:58
Eiccawhy wont they do a GUI to linux :/20:58
CsigaaTokeiito: apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`20:58
Csigaabut I think nvidia is in nvidia-kernel and nvidia-glx (package)20:59
Csigaarestricted modules are for WLAN and bluetooth and so (FIXME)20:59
Tokeiitosame error: E: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic has no installation candidate20:59
EiccaCsigaa: ::(:(:((( im getting frustrated20:59
CsigaaEicca: I don't know... :S20:59
CsigaaTokeiito: you are using the old kernel20:59
Tokeiitook. how to chek what kernel i'm on now?21:00
Csigaareboot, and press ESC in grub (it asks), then select 2.6.2221:00
rmajwhere can I set that I want monitor to power down after 20 minutes?21:00
CsigaaTokeiito: uname -r21:00
Csigaarmaj: go and read something...21:00
TokeiitoCsigaa: ist new one: 2.6.20-16-generic21:00
Csigaaor just right-click on the desktop....................21:00
rmajCsigaa: what?21:00
basculeI am having trouble installing ubuntu to an external drive cause I can't get grub to go on, not a BIOS drive it tells me, any suggestions?21:00
Daisuke_Ido!coc | Csigaa21:00
ubotuCsigaa: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/21:00
CsigaaTokeiito: if it's gusty, then you should reboot21:01
Tokeiitook. will try.21:01
misticwarriorScorpKing: I haven't any /etc/rc.local file ?!21:02
Tokeiitothank you Csigaa, but i think that i'll be back :|21:02
Csigaaand when you're running the new 2.6.22 kernel, then install the appropriate restricted-modules package21:02
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: create it21:02
Csigaarmaj: display properties... right-click on Desktop21:03
misticwarriorOk I rebooting... :S c ya soon :P21:03
misticwarrior(I hope)21:03
Csigaa(in KDE. Gnome- don't ask me sorry)21:03
LimCoreCsigaa: it's empty21:03
CsigaaLimCore: what is 'it'? :S21:03
LimCoreConfigure Display window - it's empty21:04
CsigaaLimCore: did you get any error message?21:04
LimCoreCsigaa: how to start that form console21:04
CsigaaLimCore: kcmshell displayconfig21:05
Csigaa(in Kubuntu ofc)21:05
LimCorekcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'displayconfig'.21:05
CsigaaLimCore: something is wrong with your install and the module is missing21:06
Csigaasudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop21:06
Csigaathis should install any missing component21:06
misticwarriorOk it does nothing...21:06
Tokeiitoafter all reboot and so on, i'm get the same error: E: Package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.20-16-generic has no installation candidate21:07
CsigaaTokeiito: you have 2.6.22 kernel21:07
CsigaaCanonical is shipping that.21:07
Csigaa2.6.20 modules are no longer present, because it is not feisty anymore21:07
Csigaainstall the version in 'uname -r'21:07
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: one sec..21:08
=== cpk1_ is now known as cpk1
Csigaa(2.6.22-14-generic, I suppose)21:08
Tokeiitobut when i;m typing in console i'm geting that i'm using 2.6.20-16-generic21:08
Csigaahow did you upgrade?21:08
sigmai don't understand why my synce isn't working, i followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile to the tee, when i connect my device the pc picks it up because it creates a new ip address in network connections but synce refuses to see it, funnily enough if i enable my wireless modem synce picks up the device but obviously cannot sync to it, any help?21:09
LimCoreCsigaa: KDE is broken in this respect21:09
CsigaaTokeiito: is 2.6.22 is even installed?21:09
Tokeiitouser Adept Manager21:09
CsigaaTokeiito: apt-get install linux-image-generic21:09
Bauldrickhow can i get dvd:rip to see my installed divx621:09
LimCoreCsigaa: indeed, it wants to pull in 47 modules21:09
Tokeiito"linux-image-generic is already the newest version."21:09
CsigaaLimCore: then install :)21:09
misticwarriorScorpKing: no problem21:10
LimCoreCsigaa: I do, still I think it's a bug that should be reported? I seen it on serveral computers21:10
ryppkatesting kubuntu and have problem with ntfs usb/sata drive:(21:10
CsigaaTokeiito: dpkg --status linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic |grep Status21:11
Csigaait should say "install ok installed"21:11
LimCoreCsigaa: hm?21:11
Tokeiito"Status: install ok installed"21:11
ryppkait doesn't get mounted due to hal-something rejected uid 100021:12
Tokeiitoso 2.6.22-14 is newer then 2.6.20 damn.. i'm stupid as.. as chiken21:12
ryppkakernel status is install ok installed21:12
CsigaaLimCore: I have a non-fresh install Gutsy. It is upgraded from Feisty and has the module. So I haven't encountered with the bug :(21:12
Tokeiitothank you Csigaa21:12
CsigaaTokeiito: np :)21:12
|bulletxt|vito_: vito srivi /server irc.azzurra.org21:12
ryppkano ideas?21:12
Tokeiitotoo little sleep in these days :)21:13
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: create a link to /etc/rc.local from /etc/rc5.d/S<unused_number>rc_local so it starts at boot. look at the scripts there to see in which order they start and decide what the number should be.21:13
Tokeiitook. rebooting.21:13
|bulletxt|vito_: e poi scrivi /j #ubuntu21:13
stdinScorpKing: rc5?21:14
misticwarriorScorpKing: ok but... /etc/rc.local or /etc/init.d/rc.local ? Cause I have a /etc/init.d/rc.local...21:14
limacI'm new to kde, so can anyone tell me how to get sound on it?21:14
ScorpKingstdin: is that wrong?21:15
stdinScorpKing: default is runlevel 221:15
ScorpKingoh ok.21:15
misticwarriorso rc2... ?21:15
Csigaalimac: your user should be in the "sound" group. Then you should start KMix and set the volumes LOUD :)21:15
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: rc2 yes21:15
Csigaa(the mixer is set to NULL by default)21:15
limacwhat do u mean by sound group?21:16
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: i have my script in /etc/rc.local but it should still work i think21:16
misticwarriori never know the order... ln -n /etc/rc.local /etc/rc2 etc or not ?21:16
Csigaalimac: user management in System Settings21:16
limacCsigaa: How can I change the NULL?21:16
sigmawhat kernel version does kubuntu 7.10 have?21:16
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: if the order is wrong it will say the file exist21:16
Csigaalimac: by drawing the potmeter with the mouse? :S21:17
misticwarriorln -s* sry :D21:17
Csigaasigma: 2.6.2221:17
limacCsigaa: what?21:17
Csigaalimac: you have started kmix, right?21:17
limacCsigaa: yeah21:18
Csigaaand you can see some mixer lines like PCM, Master, etc21:18
sigmahow would i apply this patch to my kernel? - http://www.synce.org/index.php/Connecting_your_Windows_Mobile_2005_device_via_USB_%28usb-rndis-lite%2921:18
limacCsigaa: not really21:19
Csigaalimac: what type of sound card do you have?21:19
stdinsigma: by downloading the kernel source, following that guide, then recompiling it21:19
limacCsigaa: it says current mixer and nothing in there21:19
limacCsigaa: I thing hda intel21:20
sigmastdin: is that patch command what i must enter into konsole? also how do i update the kernel config?21:20
Csigaalimac: I have no experience with that :(21:20
limacCsigaa: can u tell me some link or anything like that21:21
sigmastdin: do i have to install any other packages prior to patching the kernel?21:21
Csigaalimac: alsa-project.org. The one and original source21:21
Csigaasigma: if the kernel doesn't have the required modules (read /boot/config-`uname -r`), then you should recompile it :(21:22
limacso if I install alsamixer that'll work?21:22
stdinsigma: you don't need to, just do "apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)" to get the source, then replace "cd /usr/src/linux" with the directory created21:22
limacCsigaa ^21:22
Csigaalimac: alsamixer is kinda "console version" of kmix21:22
Cannolidoes anyone know a way to hide kopete. like with msn messenger, if u had msn plus, you could press a hotkey and it would lock and the convos and stuff would dissaprear. i think its called boss protection or boss mode21:22
Csigaalimac: they do the very same things21:22
sd32_how do i change my mouse  cursor in kubuntu?21:23
Csigaalimac: try alsamixer, but if kmix didn't work.........21:23
SGLI use putty to Ssh over to my Kubuntu box. My putty sessions keep randomly freezing for half a minute before continuing. Does anyone know what that could be?21:23
limacbut will that work if I install few drivers and stuff for alsa?21:23
rmajsd32_: KDE menu -> settings -> controll center - search tehre... probably perphelias -m ouse\21:23
sd32_maj, nope21:24
rmajsd32_: yes21:24
sd32_rmaj, not in there21:24
rmajsd32_: how come not21:24
rmajsd32_: perhaps you also hit the bug about broken KDE controll center? if so then please report it!21:24
stdinsigma: after you apply the patch just do "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)" and you can run "fakeroot debian/binary" or "sudo debian/binary" to create some .debs you can install21:24
=== ber is now known as berkes
kalorinok now this is way messed up21:25
sd32_rmaj, no control center under settings21:25
kalorinI just did a format and reinstall of 7.1021:25
sigmaok i managed to get ahold of someone in the synce room, hopefully he can walk me through it21:25
kalorinthen I did an upgrade on the packages, and now it's saying that a new version is available21:25
kalorinI kept my old home directory21:25
rmajsd32_: KDE menu (the big icon in panel) tehre there is (on the bottom!)  Settings - and there first item is Control Center21:25
stdinsd32_: have you looked in System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Mouse > Cursor Theme ?21:25
kalorinshould I do another install move my old home out of the way and then move something back in there?21:26
kalorinthis is too wacky21:26
Tokeiitoas i said i'm back. now i'm gettin error that my x server cant load cose it cant intilise NVIDIA kernel modules21:26
misticwarriorScorpKing: doesn't do anything :(21:26
kalorinTokeiito: I had that issue too21:26
kalorinjsut today21:26
* rmaj hugs Csigaa it worked21:26
CsigaaTokeiito: I think (as I said before) that nvidia module is not in restricted modules21:26
Tokeiitokalorin how you fixed it?21:26
Csigaabut it has a separate package21:26
misticwarriorI even tried rc-update... so now I can do /etc/init.d/mplayer_wakeup start21:26
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: try sudo ./<your_script>21:26
Csigaaapt-cache search nvidia21:26
kalorinI kept banging away at packages that I felt would help, then I was able to start x21:27
Tokeiitocsigaa i've installed nvidia-gfx-new21:27
CsigaaTokeiito: not enough21:27
misticwarriorScorpKing: kk21:27
Csigaayou should have a kernel module too21:27
Tokeiitoalso nvidia kernel21:27
Csigaanvidia-glx is only the OpenGL lib21:27
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: ah. and run sudo chmod +x /etc/<script>21:28
misticwarriorI did it ScorpKing21:28
rmajhow to set exact refresh rate of my monitor? 50, 58, 59  all work not so good, I think it should be 59.9 or 60 or 60.121:28
ardchoilleapt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r`21:28
misticwarriorsudo ./helloworld.sh says "command not found" ScorpKing :S21:28
CsigaaTokeiito: are there errors in /var/log/Xorg.0.log? What do they say?21:29
Tokeiitochm.. its interesting cose with nvidia-glx i can lounch x server, but cant get normal resolution..21:29
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: can you pastebin it?21:29
ScorpKing!paste > misticwarrior21:29
CsigaaTokeiito: resolution => dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:29
TokeiitoCsigaa 1 sec, will lounch x with nv21:29
ardchoillemisticwarrior: Try: sudo sh helloworld.sh21:29
misticwarriorScorpKing: ho sorry, in fact sudo ./ works... I pastebin it now21:29
sd32_stdin, rmaj, ok got it thanks21:30
misticwarriorScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47739/21:31
alesanhi, I have just connected an external monitor to my laptop (thinkpad t61 with intel graphics)21:31
alesanwhat is the preferred waht to setup dual screen preferably not having to restart X or the system?21:31
Tokeiitok. back in normal irc client21:32
Csigaaalesan: xrandr21:32
Csigaaor something GUI :)21:32
alesanCsigaa: ok. any example to use xrandr?21:32
Csigaaalesan: no clue :)21:32
Tokeiitowhat i need to reconfigure for resolutions?21:32
Csigaaalesan: manpage... :)21:33
alesanthe problem's that xrandr says: Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 1024, maximum 1280 x 128021:34
alesanso I cannot basically add another monitor21:34
ardchoilleTokeiito: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg21:34
Tokeiitothank you21:34
rolandDaisuke_Ido, ubotu: heh, ok - got it...of course I needed to get in trouble first for insisting It should be formatted as ntfs so I can read it on windows21:35
Cannolidoes anyone know a way to hide kopete. like with msn messenger, if u had msn plus, you could press a hotkey and it would lock and the convos and stuff would dissaprear. i think its called boss protection or boss mode21:35
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: run which mplayer and put the full path in there. do that for all the commands like asoundconf as well21:36
Daisuke_Idowell, you can do ntfs, but i personally don't trust ntfs support in linux yet :)21:36
Daisuke_Idobut that's probably because i got burned once21:36
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: which <app> will give you the full path21:36
rolandDaisuke_Ido, thanks for the tip21:36
misticwarriorwhich mplayer ? I don't understand... there is no path with "asoundconf" command ?!21:37
CsigaaCannoli: switch desktop21:37
misticwarriorho scuse me21:37
misticwarriorwhich is a command ;)21:37
misticwarriorOk thx I try21:37
Cannolino the kopete msgs still show in the bar down here vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv21:37
CsigaaCannoli: then configure kicker to show only one desktop's windows21:38
misticwarriorok i'm going to reboot to test now :)21:38
CsigaaCannoli: look around the settings :)21:38
ardchoillemisticwarrior: Wait21:38
Cannoligood idea21:38
ardchoillemisticwarrior: Why are you rebooting?21:38
misticwarriorardchoille: I'm here :D21:38
misticwarriorardchoille: I want to test if my script starts at bootup21:39
misticwarriorso I must have a bootup :D21:39
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: just run the script to see if it works21:39
ardchoillemisticwarrior: Ah, ok21:39
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: if it does then reboot21:39
Cannolithanx alot csigaa21:39
misticwarriorYeah... thx ScorpKing, I'm back in a minute ;)21:39
rolandDaisuke_Ido, ok - starting to see what you mean...I can't unmount the drive properly...I guess this means I can't trust everything is flushed to disk, correct?21:40
Daisuke_Idono, just that ntfs support is still somewhat new, and with MS changing it every so often, it's like trying to hit a moving target21:41
misticwarriorScorpKing: doesn't work...21:42
CsigaaDaisuke_Ido: how does MS change his filesystem often?21:42
Csigaaokay that there are 2 or 3 NTFS versions (like extfs has too)21:42
misticwarriorScorpKing: but I have in idea that it should start in a shell... like tty1, shouldn't it ?21:42
Csigaabut it is not true that it "changes"21:42
Csigaaperhaps the new Vista-formatted NTFS can be trouble21:43
Csigaa*can be*21:43
misticwarriorScorpKing: in fact now nothing about my script happens...21:43
Daisuke_IdoCsigaa: minor things change21:43
Daisuke_Idoand yeah, it's trouble.  ntfs is a moving target21:43
CsigaaDaisuke_Ido: then an older, not-so-often-updated XP can not read a new XP SP2-formatted partition?21:44
CsigaaI don't think so :S21:44
raulhola a todos21:44
Tokeiitook it seems i resolved problem with resolution. thank you all. chm.. its just all view very sharp :(21:44
Tokeiitonow have other problem, my sound doesnt work21:44
Daisuke_IdoThe NTFS versions as installed on the last-named operating systems are sometimes referred to as v5.0, v5.1, and v6.0, after the version of Windows NT with which they ship. Each newer version added extra features, for example Windows 2000 introduced quotas while Windows Vista introduced Transactional NTFS, NTFS symbolic links, and self-healing functionality.[6]21:44
TokeiitoKMix is not runing21:44
Daisuke_Idoi *did not say that*, please do not put words into my mouth.21:45
CsigaaDaisuke_Ido: now I understand :)21:45
Tokeiitoalso there is no mixer choise in KMix options21:45
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: i'm out of ideas. have the script make a blank file with touch so you can see if it does get run. the link in /etc/rc.2/ should start with S so it starts21:45
CsigaaI thought the same that you have writtená21:45
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: what is the link called btw?21:45
Daisuke_Idothey keep adding stuff that, when trying to use the older ntfs drivers on the linux side, can break things on the windows side, at least that's how i understand it21:46
misticwarriorScorpKing: I used rc-update... so it did it automatically21:46
Daisuke_Idoas it stands right now, if you have xp on the windows side, you should be just fine using ntfs-3g21:46
misticwarriorScorpKing: # update-rc.d apache_exemple defaults 2021:46
CsigaaDaisuke_Ido: I have no problems reading/writing a non-compressed non-encrypted NT 5.1 (XP) NTFS.21:46
Csigaabut compressing is a problem :S21:47
Csigaa(and file access rights)21:47
misticwarriorScorpKing: and I see it used links with "etc/rc*"21:47
misticwarriorit did something like :21:47
Tokeiitochm.. it seems that alsa is broken, cose even cant laounch alsamixer: "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"21:47
Daisuke_IdoCsigaa: yeah.  for the most part, a typical user should have no issues using ntfs-3g21:47
Daisuke_Idocompression and encryption aren't fun21:48
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: oh ok. can you paste the relevant line from ls -l /etc/rc2.d/ ?21:48
Daisuke_Idoi got burned trying to write to ntfs21:48
Daisuke_Idoreading's easy enough21:48
Daisuke_Idogranted, it was some time ago21:48
Csigaathe old NTFS kernel code?21:48
Daisuke_Idobut i haven't used windows in quite a while either :)21:48
Daisuke_Idoi'm not sure21:49
kalorincan anyone tell me why apt is all out of sync after doing an install?21:49
misticwarriorScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47743/21:49
kalorinis there some way to sync the repository21:49
kalorinof packages?21:49
Flare183sudo apt-get update21:49
CsigaaDaisuke_Ido: I remember when menuconfig wrote for NTFS writig support that it was dangerous21:49
Csigaaarout 2.6.821:49
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:49
misticwarriorScorpKing: but there doesn't seem to have a "mplayer_wakeup"... O_o21:49
Flare183talking to you kalorin21:49
kalorinno this isn't a crazh21:49
misticwarriorScorpKing: ho : lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root  24 2007-12-10 22:22 S20mplayer_wakeup -> ../init.d/mplayer_wakeup21:50
kalorinthis just keeps saying a new version is available and all these packages are ready to be upgraded21:50
Flare183bring up konsole type in sudo apt-get update21:50
kalorinbut I just did a clean install (except for keeping my /home)21:50
Flare183doesn't matter21:50
Flare183i guess21:50
kalorinyeah the updater keeps telling me that there are packages that are messed up21:51
ardchoillekalorin: Right, the packages in the repos are newer version of the packages on your system, even if you just installed kubuntu today. you need to: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:51
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: i see this one - S99rc.local -> ../init.d/rc.local21:51
Flare183and upgrade every single one of them21:51
kalorinI've got to do them 1 at a time from the command line21:52
kalorinwelp tomorrow21:52
kalorinwhat a mess21:52
Tokeiitohow to fire up sownd? it seems that alsa is down.21:52
ardchoillekalorin: No, you can upgrade all your packages at one time21:52
misticwarriorScorpKing: yeah... and ? :P21:52
ardchoille!sound | Tokeiito21:52
ubotuTokeiito: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:52
Tokeiitothank you21:53
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: one thing though - your script does not log into tty1 so i'm not so sure if mplayer supports that. look in /var/log/? to see if there's anything usefull21:53
misticwarriorScorpKing: in tty1, I can start my script..... manually...21:54
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: oh i see. hmm.. grep the logs for mplayer ;)21:55
mark__can anyone help me with kaffeine?21:55
misticwarriorgrep ?21:55
misticwarriorhow to ?21:56
misticwarriorScorpKing: find /var/log/ mplayer | grep mplayer ?21:56
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: sudo grep -r mplayer /var/log/ - IIRC21:57
mark__i've never used kubuntu before21:57
ScorpKinghi mark__21:58
mark__hello scorpking21:58
mark__how are you?21:58
ScorpKinggood thanks. a few guides..21:59
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:59
ScorpKing!ot > mark__21:59
misticwarriorScorpKing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47744/21:59
misticwarriorScorpKing: mplayer_wakeup at line 37...21:59
mark__how do i get the shound working in kaffeine?21:59
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: that's not it.22:01
ScorpKing!sound | mark__: try this -22:01
ubotumark__: try this -: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:01
misticwarriorScorpKing: and so... no idea ? :P22:01
mark__timeout on server22:02
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: that was when you manually started it with sudo. did you make the script touch a file so you can see if it runs at boot?22:02
mark__are you talking to me?22:02
misticwarriorScorpKing: no.. but I can... like "hello world > helloworld.txt" ?22:03
ScorpKingtouch /home/you/somefile.txt22:03
mark__i feel like i'm 12 again22:03
=== Mez is now known as Mez|OnAir
mark__not having a clue what to do22:04
ardchoillemark__: What do you need help with?22:04
mark__well, everything22:04
ScorpKing<mark__> how do i get the shound working in kaffeine?22:04
misticwarriorok I reboot22:04
mark__i download something to install and it comes in an archive22:04
ScorpKingardchoille: ^22:04
ardchoilleScorpKing: ty22:04
mark__i unpack it and have no idea what to do with it22:05
ardchoillemark__: Did you check to see if the app was in the repos before downloading a package?22:05
mark__the what?22:05
* ScorpKing thinks he needs some usefull guides..22:05
mark__for beginers :)22:05
ScorpKingardchoille: first time user22:05
ardchoillemark__: Always check the repos before installing something as the app may be as easy to install as "sudo apt-get install app_name"22:05
rmaj_kubuntu fails to start X22:05
mark__how do i check it22:06
ardchoillemark__: You can cehck the repos by launching adept_manager22:06
rmaj_how to reinstall my nvidia propertriary driver22:06
stdinrmaj_: watch the language in here22:06
mark__that only has very few things in it22:06
ardchoillemark__: Which Kubuntu release did you install?22:07
mark__i downloaded a file called xine-lib-1.1.8.tar.bz222:07
mark__erm.... 6.06?22:07
ardchoillemark__: xine is in the repos: sudo apt-get install xine-ui22:07
misticwarriorScorpKing: it did nothing but...22:08
ardchoillemark__: fwiw, 6.06 is quite old.. 7.10 is the latest stable release22:08
mark__is it a simple upgrade?22:08
misticwarriorif I try "touch file" in a shell now, it does nothing too...22:08
misticwarriorScorpKing: if I try "touch file" in a shell now, it does nothing too...22:08
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: man touch22:08
stdinmisticwarrior: "dose nothing" ? you sure22:08
ardchoillemark__: No, you have to upgrade from 6.06 to 7.01 to 7.10 :(22:08
mark__Package xine-ui is not available, but is referred to by another package.22:08
mark__This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or22:08
mark__is only available from another source22:08
mark__E: Package xine-ui has no installation candidate22:08
stdinmisticwarrior: it would create a file called "file"22:09
ScorpKing!paste > mark__22:09
stdinmark__: read the message from ubotu22:09
=== jimb is now known as YumaJim
misticwarriorshit... I used it with an existing file...22:09
misticwarriorI re-try then :)22:09
stdinmisticwarrior: touch won't overwrite a file, just update it's timestamp22:10
mark__it says the file is missing22:10
ardchoillemark__: Since you are new, I'd recommend launching adept_manager and searching for xine22:11
snikkeri've got a problem with k3b... when i verify a cd, it fail everytime, but all data are ok. can you help me?22:11
sMonkI have a question about removing a poblem when someone has a free min.22:11
mark__searching brings up no results22:12
ardchoillemark__: You may need to edit your sources. Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?22:12
misticwarriorGOOD NEW !!22:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:12
misticwarriorit created a file, stdin & ScorpKing :P22:12
mark__how do i do that?22:12
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: so the script run. :D22:13
misticwarriorstdin, ScorpKing : yeah and it works cause when I start it in a shell it works...22:13
misticwarriorbut not at bootup...22:13
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: if it creates a file at boot then the script runs. maybe there's a problem with running mplayer like that22:14
ScorpKingS/runs/is correct22:14
misticwarriorstdin, ScorpKing : but if I run the script in tty1, it works perfectly !22:14
Daisuke_Idowhat exactly are you trying to *do*?22:15
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: remember you're not logged in during boot22:15
sMonkI have been trying to install Java for Firefox, but with no luck. So I D/L a .bin file off the site for the Java plug in, saved it to my desktop, went and read the instructions on how to install this file, and did it. Now Firefox still has no Java support, and now I have a "globe" on my task bar that just comes up with "new server" when I click it, and I have the folder "jre1.6.0_03" that will not delete because it says "Access22:15
sMonkdenied to /home/dale/Desktop/jre1.6.0_03/README" Any idea?22:15
Daisuke_IdosMonk: did you look in the repositories22:16
misticwarriorScorpKing: but a server can start during boot... isn't it possible with a musicplayer ? :(22:16
stdinsMonk: you just install "sun-java6-plugin" to get java for firefox22:16
sMonkUnder Kpackage22:16
ScorpKingsMonk: sudo chown dale:dale -R /home/dale/Desktop/jre1.6.0_03/22:16
stdinsMonk: and if you ran the .bin as root, then you need to delete the directory it created as root too22:16
sMonkok, but did I mess anything up? (yes I installed as root)22:17
ScorpKingmisticwarrior: i have no idea. you'll have to try some other player i think22:17
misticwarriorthanks for your help...22:17
misticwarriorI'm going to sleep now :)22:17
misticwarriorhave a good night !22:18
maduserwere is the off topic channel22:18
stdinsMonk: if you install "sun-java6-plugin" with adept/apt-get and it works in firefox, then it should be ok22:18
rmaj_how to have module foo loaded before mouting filesystems?22:18
sMonkI mean, should I be "un-installing" this .bin file some how? rather than just deleting the folder?22:18
mark__how do i register on this?22:18
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration22:18
sMonkstdin: I'm doing that now22:18
stdinmaduser: #kubuntu-offtopic22:18
sMonkstdin:  thanks22:18
maduserwhere is arocholie?22:19
stdinrmaj_: add it to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules22:19
rmaj_stdin: just by hand, it will not be overwritten on upgrade?22:19
mark__where do i type the /msg nickserv?22:20
rmaj_mark__: right here22:20
stdinrmaj_: no, dpkg always asks when trying to overwrite config files22:20
sMonkI mean, should I be "un-installing" this .bin file some how? rather than just deleting the folder?22:21
stdinmark__: if it contains your password it's best to do it in the server tab, incase you accidentally add an extra space22:21
=== mark__ is now known as chunk
=== chunk is now known as lingard
stdinsMonk: if it all works after installing the package, then you don't need to bother. just make sure you run "sudo update-alternatives --config java" and choose "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java" after you install22:22
rmaj_how to have cool 3d desktop effects22:22
lingardthats the first thing i've been able to do since installing kubuntu22:23
stdin!compiz | rmaj_22:23
uboturmaj_: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion22:23
rmaj_how stable is it?22:23
stdinnot very22:23
sMonkWOW! I had 4 of them to choose from22:24
=== eduardiyo is now known as Eduardiyo
andrewlinWhat's a good program to use in replacement of Amarok?22:24
lingardhow do i install the greyed out things in adept?22:25
Daisuke_Ido1) why would you want to replace amarok, and 2) if you MUST, check out audacious if you want that old-tyme winampy feel22:25
stdinreplace amarok? what are you insane? :P22:25
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:25
rmaj_andrewlin: perhaps xmms, but why22:25
sMonkI selected the correct one, but when I go to "java.com" or what ever to "verify" installation, it still telling me I need to d/l Java plugin22:25
Daisuke_IdosMonk: did you restart firefox?22:26
stdinsMonk: have you restarted firefox ?22:26
sMonkYou mean close it, then re-open it?22:26
Daisuke_Idothat's generally the definition of restart22:26
andrewlinI've been using Linux for two days now, and I just don't like using Amarok. I would prefer something more .. "windowies".22:26
stdinsMonk: yes22:26
hydrogentheres something "windowsy?"22:27
sMonkthen yes22:27
hydrogenI can think of three completely different approaches on windows to media players22:27
Daisuke_Idohydrogen: none of them good.22:27
georgebandrewlin: what did you use on windows ?22:27
hydrogenwell, foobar is pretty good if you spend half your life configuring it22:27
andrewlinWMP rofl22:27
sMonkStill no good22:27
emilsedghandrewlin: i have to say that you are the first one that i have seen that doesnt like Amarok22:27
stdinsMonk: hmm, tell me. are you in 32bit or 64bit ?22:27
Daisuke_Idoyou used windows media player?22:27
Daisuke_Idooh, oh no son, you need help :P22:27
andrewlinWell..I could just use wine to work with WMP but...I really don't want to.22:28
Daisuke_Idogive amarok a shot, read up on it.  see why it's the premier music software22:28
Daisuke_Idoand it is22:28
andrewlin-.-'  fine =P22:28
hydrogenthere is nothing closer to wmp on linux really22:28
Daisuke_Idowindows users are eager to get their hands on amarok 2.0 when it's released for windows :D22:28
hydrogenmost of the big featured music apps on linux are Amarok clones22:29
hydrogenexcept for rhythmbox, which cloned itunes22:29
Daisuke_Idoand not well22:29
Daisuke_Idorhythmbox made me cry22:29
sMonkstdin: 32 bit22:29
stdinsMonk: try doing "sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-javaplugin.so" and make sure "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so" is selected22:29
emilsedghwhile windows people are dying to get Amarok in win, you want wmp on wine!22:29
sMonkit wasn't, it is now22:30
stdinsMonk: ok, restart firefox (again), and let's see if it works22:31
andrewlinXD, I'm sorry I don't like Amarok!22:31
sMonkWhoraaayyy it does22:31
sidrunKas siin on kedagi kes räägib eesti keelt???22:31
jpatrick!ee | sidrun22:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ee - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:31
hydrogenI'm not surprised ubotu.. neither do I :(22:32
limachey i just tried to upgrade thru the update manager sort of thing for the upgrades that came and there it said the a new version available but i am using kubuntu gutsy?22:32
andrewlinOne of the features that I'm going to have to get used to...single-click, not double.22:32
ScorpKingandrewlin: you can change it22:32
Daisuke_Idoandrewlin: that can be changed22:32
stdinandrewlin: system settings > keyboard & mouse > mouse22:32
rubaxHiya folks.22:32
andrewlinwoot haha22:32
Daisuke_Idoin fact, i changed that real quick22:32
rubaxNeed help installing barry here22:33
ScorpKingyeah me too22:33
rubaxI tried the.deb files, it installs22:33
rubaxbut I cant find it anywhere22:33
henrik_guys, i've got a problem with my KDE splash-screen, when it loads, after a while, it gets white, and only the loading iconbar shows... any ideas?22:33
Daisuke_Idoit annoyed the #$^@# out of me when they tried it with win98's active desktop, and it annoyed the #$%@ out of me when kde did it :)22:33
rubaxI also tried to install it from the tar file22:34
ScorpKing!find barry22:34
ubotuPackage/file barry does not exist in gutsy22:34
rubaxbut when I try to do make, it shows some errors22:34
rmaj_!find cure for cancer22:35
ubotuFound: libroxen-secureinsert, seccure, secure-delete, zope-securemailhost22:35
ScorpKingrubax: looks like you'll have to compile it. what's the errors?22:35
stdinrmaj_: don't abuse the bot22:35
rubaxlet me show them, wait a sec22:35
jpatrick!abuse > rmaj_22:35
georgebrubax: try dpkg -L barry (or what is the name of the package) to see what files are in that package and where they are unpacked22:35
ScorpKing!paste > rubax22:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about estonia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:36
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:36
hydrogenI don't think so22:36
henrik_anyone got a tip for me regarding my splash-screen?22:37
ScorpKinghenrik_: what size computer do you have?22:37
BluesKajhydrogen, the country domain for estonia is .ee but there is no chat with language (in some ways similar to finnish)22:37
Daisuke_Idooh, bout 9" x 12"22:38
BluesKajthat language22:38
henrik_1800 pentium processor, 512 mb ram, nvidia FX590022:38
sMonkOk, tyring to get rid of that folder, using the "sMonk: sudo chown dale:dale -R /home/dale/Desktop/jre1.6.0_03/"22:38
ScorpKinghenrik_: oh. that's enough. tried another theme?22:38
sMonkI get, "command not found"22:38
ScorpKingsMonk: try sudo rm -r /home/dale/Desktop/jre1.6.0_03/22:39
henrik_ScorpKing: yes, and they all do the same, ended up using none of them, but i'd like to get one back..22:39
andrewlinLet's say that I want to burn songs off a CD while using Linux.  I'm guessing that first I just load the CD into the computer, select to run through Amarok, then select all the songs I want, hit Playlist -> Save Playlist As.. -> [Select a folder] and then take out the CD, select that playlist I created, go to Playlist -> Burn to CD -> [Follow instructions from there on out].  Correct?22:39
sMonkYay! it's gone22:39
ScorpKinghenrik_: sorry, no idea22:39
henrik_ScorpKing: ok, thank you anyway. :)22:40
stdinandrewlin: or, you can just open audiocd:/ in konqueror and choose the format you want then copy and paste to where you want22:40
sMonkOk, now I need to get rid of this "globe" on the toolbar22:41
andrewlinstdin: ok thnx22:41
sMonkWhen I click on it (right or left) it just says "create server..."22:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:42
sMonkwhen I click that is says "New server - kpf" and some crap about not recommending sharing the root folder22:43
rubaxok ScorpionKing, here it is the output. I go to ./configure, does it without errors, then make22:43
sMonkAny ideas???22:44
Daisuke_Idothat appears to have nothing to do with java...22:44
rubaxand I get this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47757/22:44
rubaxLet me check the dpkg22:44
andrewlinstdin: Hey stdin, when I saved the Playlist I noticed it's just saving order of songs, etc...so I loaded the CD again and picked the option to use K3b, but in the options to download the songs it won't let me start..know how to fix?22:47
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
stdinandrewlin: have you tried going to audiocd:/ in konqueror? it's probably the easiest way of ripping a cd you'll ever use22:48
alesanhey my MIRCOSOF mouse is way too fast, I always have problems to aim it correctly22:49
alesanwhat can I do to reduce its speed and make it more accurate22:49
andrewlinstdin: wow...so i just click and drag those files into the burn list?22:49
alesanit's a USB mouse and I also tried the bluetooth variant22:49
alesanway too fast22:50
stdinandrewlin: you just drag the files where ever you want to save them22:50
andrewlinstdin: wow, that is the easiest way of ripping, thnx for tips22:50
stdinandrewlin: no problem (and yes, that feature rocKs :)22:51
basculealesan: in kcontrol -> peripherals -> mouse22:51
alesanbascule: there is nothing about mouse speed that I can see22:51
basculeadvanced tab22:51
basculealesan: alt+f2 'kcontrol' go that way22:52
alesanbascule: I can see no mouse speed control sorry22:54
jac0bHello all, I need some help with samba and setting up a printer22:54
nyorkjacob: what happened?22:55
jac0bI got a Win XP box that the printer is connected to and I can see it in the printer setup dialouge but when I click the computer I get nothing22:55
alesanbascule: if you can, open up kcontrol and tell me which option controls mouse speed because as far as I can see there is no setting for mouse speed.22:55
alesananyway, it seems that22:55
alesanxset m 14/10 022:55
georgebalesan: accelaration22:55
alesandoes a good job22:55
nyorkjacob: you can browse the winxp box in your kubuntu?22:56
sMonkOK, I foundout that this icon is KPF (some file server for KDE) anyone know how to turn it off or get rid of it?22:56
andrewlinalesan: K Menu -> System Settings -> Keyboard and Mouse -> [In the left area] Mouse -> Advanced -> Pointer threshold22:57
basculealesan: sorry, It seemed obvious to me ... :)22:57
nyorkjacob: is your problem printing from kubuntu to xp22:57
jac0byes thru konqueror and the printer setup but they are both blank once I select the computer w/ the printer22:57
sigmaare there any equivalents to gwenview in the repo?22:57
sMonknm... figured it out22:57
sMonkI'm dumb some days22:58
jac0bnyork: yes I want to print from kubuntu to XP22:58
funkjaWhat channel would I want to join to ask questions about SMTP?22:58
georgebjac0b: is the printer shared on XP ?22:59
basculefunkja: more specifc? a mail server or client or just general understanding?22:59
jac0bif I type smbclient -L localhost in term I get "session setup failed: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE"23:00
jac0byes the printer is shared on the xp box23:00
funkjabascule: I am sending a message from a program and in some mail Clients it shows the name of the sender along with the email address, I was wondering if this was part of the sender adding something to the SMTP commands or the Client understanding somehow?23:00
jac0bdo I need to edit my smb.conf file?23:01
basculefunkja: it's the senders client doing that as in name:bascule address:me@mydomain.org23:01
funkjabascule: so like   "MAIL FROM name:Jason:funkja@domain.org"23:02
funkjaMAIL FROM name:Jason address:funkja@domain23:03
* ScorpKing drops in again..23:03
georgebfunkja: this should be MAIL FROM: Jason <funkja@domain.org>23:03
basculefunkja: I don't actually know how it's done, but #mutt or #postfix are good starts23:03
ScorpKing!cups | jac0b23:04
ubotujac0b: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:04
basculegeorgeb: a-ha23:04
georgebfunkja: but the client might interpret somthing from DATA part of SMTP that goes something like From: Jason23:04
jac0bdon't I need samba or is that just for sharing from my machine23:04
ScorpKingsamba is if you share from your machine. you still need smb-client IIRC23:05
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT23:05
ScorpKinglook at those links23:05
funkjageorgeb: my smtp server isn't liking MAIL FROM: Jason <funkja@domain>. I will put it in the DATA part. Thanks.23:06
alesanis there a channel explicitly dedicated to amd64 versions of kubuntu?23:07
ScorpKingnot that i know of23:07
hydrogenwhy would there be?23:08
georgebfunkja: some servers check the domain name if it's valid.. try MAIL FROM: Jason <funkja@domain.org>23:08
funkjageorgeb: I was using the correct domain23:09
georgebjac0b: try running in a terminal kcontrol --nofork and configure the printer from that window, you should get more details on the error in the terminal23:09
rubaxNevermind Scorps, I was missing g++ (woops!)23:14
contxtThaks for the help everyone it is printing now23:16
deuryteuuuuhhhhhh..... ilt !!  xcell......23:18
hydrogenstop spamming23:20
rubaxsorry, mine was a typo23:21
LimCorewith flash my firefox sometimes when on youtube23:21
LimCoreis this a known problem?23:22
* Flare183 is away: Gone away for now.23:22
deurytewhat is spamming???????????23:22
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare183--Away
holodeuryte spermming is something that happens in porn movies and not only23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about topoic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!23:24
deuryteya dummies !!!23:25
* hydrogen has seen much better trolls23:25
Don_jr333how can I tell how my drive is partitioned...how much swap space and what not23:26
DragnslcrDon_jr333, that's for you23:26
hydrogenfdisk -l device23:26
hydrogendf shows mounted inforomation23:26
hydrogenfdisk will show actual partitions23:26
georgebDon_jr333:  System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Disk & Filesystems23:26
Don_jr333thanks alot23:27
Don_jr333hydrogen what 'device' do I put tehre?23:28
tarin_hey guys and galls hows it goin23:29
georgebDon_jr333: try sudo fdisk -l ; it should find the device automatically23:30
deurytecan anyone help me with kppp ??23:31
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:42
assilvaalguen sabe como eu vejo nivel de tinta no kde?23:42
=== Flare183--Away is now known as Flare183
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:42
jugheadHi, What software should I use in Kubuntu for managing partitions?  I just added a hard drive to my fileserver and I need to make a couple of ext3 partitions on it.23:42
deurytei need   kppp  help   please........23:43
ScorpKingjughead: gparted is one. i prefer cfdisk though23:43
jugheadthanks ScorpKing I've used the gparted live CD - I'll try that.  For some reason I thought it was  a GNOME thing and I didn't want to install all of the GNOME stuff just for gparted23:44
ScorpKingjughead: if you use the livecd you don't have to install anything. i think it's gnome btw23:45
ScorpKingjughead: try sudo cfdisk /dev/<drive> it's real easy to use and allready installed23:46
jugheadyeah ScorpKing I like the liveCD but this is for a fileserver (no monitor/KB/anything) and I get my desktop through NX; I'm still new and the GUI of gparted is nice (for me)23:47
ScorpKingjughead: just ssh into the box then ;)23:47
ScorpKingtry to learn cli as you go. it gets real usefull after a while.23:48
jugheadI'm doing some stuff in CLI but it's still pretty basic.23:50
max_what is the login screen called? its not the bootsplash is it?23:58
jembougemax_ i guess you KDM23:59

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