
CarlFKhttp://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/django/trunk/files  click on "  view revision" = 500 server error03:49
spivCarlFK: could you file a bug report about that at https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar?03:52
CarlFKwill do03:53
ubotuNew bug: #175228 in launchpad-bazaar "view revision = 500 Internal error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17522804:05
* Fujitsu thinks that's a dupe.04:07
spivFujitsu: if it is, that's not a big deal.04:07
CarlFKthere were a few 500's that seemed different and had been listed as fixed, 04:07
FujitsuOh, it's not the %2F one.04:08
thumperCarlFK: what are you supposed to see when you click on "view revision"?04:17
CarlFKthumper: no clue.  I was searching for the debian/ dir04:19
spivthumper: presumably something like http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/django/trunk/revision/vcs-imports%40canonical.com-20071209101856-n7t2yzgxd1yjqomp?start_revid=vcs-imports%40canonical.com-20071209101856-n7t2yzgxd1yjqomp04:20
spivCarlFK: I wouldn't expect to find a debian/ dir in a vcs-imports branch -- those are branches imported directly from upstreams' SVN or CVS trunk.04:22
CarlFKso I hear04:22
jmlspiv: I love those URLs :)04:32
spivjml: yeah :/04:39
spivjml: it'd be nice if it generated URLs like http://codebrowse.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/django/trunk/revision/4416 instead, seeing as they work...04:40
spivIf only we had some clones of mwh...04:41
pooliecan anyone easily delete a junk/spam spec for me?07:17
poolieif "not easily" i'll just blank it out07:18
thumperpoolie: not easily I think is the answer there08:03
* Fujitsu thinks that blueprint triaging/deleting functions would be useful.08:10
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* thumper agrees with Fujitsu08:25
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* Fujitsu notes that 2000 blueprints for Ubuntu is probably a bit silly.08:30
mdkewould it be a valid bug if I request that more email headers be added to the emails about group member changes, I find it quite hard to filter them08:31
mdkeespecially now that the name in the From box depends on the group rather than being the same all the time08:33
BjornTmdke: yes, i think that would be a valid bug report. if you'll include your use cases in the bug, it increases the chance of it being fixed soon.08:35
mdkeBjornT: will do, thanks for your help08:36
* Fujitsu watches the chance of it being fixed in the next six months jump from `strongly very unlikely' to `mildly strongly very unlikely'.08:39
* Fujitsu goes back to his cave.08:40
jameshgiven the heat, retreating to a cave doesn't sound too bad ...08:49
FujitsuIs it particularly hot? A slightly warm 21°C in Melbourne.08:50
jamesh34°C here in Perth08:53
spivI've been enjoying the storms in Sydney recently.  Hail yesterday, and lightning struck a tree about 40m from my kitchen on Friday -- bright flash, loud crack of thunder, and then I turned around to see smoke coming off a tree in the rain.08:55
spivWonderfully dramatic weather.08:55
Fujitsujamesh: Ah.08:57
mrevellmorning Launchpad!09:26
FujitsuHey mrevell.09:28
mrevellHey Fujitsu09:28
mrevellHi _polto_09:48
_polto_what's going with PPA ? i uploaded a package yesterday, no any confirmation by mail, and nothing on the interface ..09:48
mrevell_polto_: Let me check if there are any known issues.09:49
mrevell_polto_: Sorry, I'll be another minute or two.09:54
_polto_ok, no pb09:54
mrevell_polto_: Hi - would you be able to private message me your email address and Launchpad username, please? The person I need to speak to is in Brazil and not available for another hour or so.10:10
* Fujitsu can look for obvious issues.10:11
Fujitsu_polto_: Is the .changes file signed with a key that is associated with your Launchpad account?10:11
_polto_yes, i just tried first time to do polto at domain.com and not @10:12
_polto_is it what ?10:12
FujitsuThat would do it, yes.10:12
FujitsuThat will cause it to silently die.10:13
_polto_ok, i'll retry with my mail.10:14
mrevellThanks Fujitsu - perhaps that's something I should pop in the PPA FAQ?10:15
Fujitsumrevell: I'10:15
Fujitsu*I've seen it a couple of times, so that would be a good idea.10:15
FujitsuI am of the opinion that it should email the signer in such a situation, but other more important people have other ideas.10:15
FujitsuFor good reason.10:16
_polto_ok, and how to know who maintain liblivemedia package in ubuntu distribution ?10:19
Fujitsu_polto_: It is unlikely that there is a specific maintainer; we maintain the vast majority of packages as a team.10:22
Fujitsu(we can be found in #ubuntu-motu)10:22
mantiena-baltixhi all10:31
FujitsuHi mantiena-baltix.10:32
mantiena-baltixFujitsu: are you launchpad developer ?10:33
FujitsuI am not.10:33
* Fujitsu is a mortal.10:34
mantiena-baltixdanilos: hi, SteveA told me, that I should ask you about translations upload problems10:35
mantiena-baltixcould you look at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gcompris/+imports ?10:36
* Fujitsu wonders who designed the new team membership change emails... They don't say Launchpad anywhere other than the from address, not even name.10:41
mrevellFujitsu: Thanks, I'll take a look at those10:45
Fujitsumrevell: The emails?10:46
mrevellFujitsu: Yeah.10:46
Fujitsu`ubuntu-dev deactivated by mdz' isn't entirely informative, and is a little scary.10:46
mrevellmantiena-baltix: jtv may also be able to help you if danilos isn't around at the moment.10:46
Fujitsu(that was the entire subject)10:47
mrevellmantiena-baltix: Let me see if I can find him10:47
mrevellFujitsu: Thanks. Actually, do you mind filing a bug?10:47
Fujitsumrevell: Not at all. I'll do so now.10:47
mrevellFujitsu: Thanks :) I'll assign it to me. 10:47
FujitsuI wish I could convince staging to send mail, so I could test the other emails.10:47
mantiena-baltixmrevell: Did you found jtv ?10:54
mrevellmantiena-baltix: Sorry, just pinged him.10:54
jtvQuestion about gcompris imports?10:56
Fujitsujtv: mantiena-baltix was wondering about them.10:56
jtvmantiena-baltix: is it about the Lithuanian translation?10:57
mrevellthanks jtv10:57
mantiena-baltixjtv: yes, I'm trying to upload fixed Gcompris translation but without success10:59
mantiena-baltixjtv: firstly I forgot to keep X-Launchpad-Export-Date tag and got an email about this only after 2 days :(10:59
mantiena-baltixjtv: now I added this tag, but new po file doesn't appear in imports queue :(11:00
jtvmantiena-baltix: and this time it failed because of bug 173144.11:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173144 in rosetta "Import failure on translation credits" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173144 - Assigned to Jeroen T. Vermeulen (jtv)11:01
jtvmantiena-baltix: The import must contain a translation credits message, which it's not supposed to.11:01
jtvFor translations in Launchpad, credits are generated automatically.11:02
jtvSo a message like that is supposed to be ignored, but because of this bug, the import will fail.11:02
mantiena-baltixvery strange - translation credits exists in exported file from launchpad also in original file from Gcompris SVN11:04
Fujitsujtv: Do you mean it *does* contain, as opposed to *needs to* contain?11:05
jtvmantiena-baltix: Sorry, yes, I mean "this must be because it contains"11:05
mantiena-baltixjtv: so, I sould remove translation_credits msgid ?11:07
jtvmantiena-baltix: exactly.11:07
jtvmantiena-baltix: where this happens on Ubuntu translations, I announce it on ubuntu-translators, but maybe this happened too recently.11:07
mantiena-baltixjtv: if I remove translator_credits msgid, then all Gcompris Lithuanian translators (there are 4) will be not happy :(11:09
jtvmantiena-baltix: they shouldn't notice a difference because the lists are auto-generated.  (Remove them *only* from the Ubuntu translation, not from the upstream one!)11:10
ubotuNew bug: #175276 in launchpad "Launchpad does not tell you that you have cookies disabled" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17527611:10
ubotuNew bug: #175277 in launchpad "Membership deactivation emails are misleading" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17527711:10
* Fujitsu thinks the former is a dupe.11:10
mantiena-baltixjtv: How launchpad can find translators during autogeneration ? 11:11
mantiena-baltixjtv: not all are registered in launchpad11:11
jtvmantiena-baltix: aren't they?11:12
mantiena-baltixjtv: some translators translated Gcompris 4 years ago ! Launchpad didn't existed in these days ...11:13
jtvmantiena-baltix: are you talking about the Ubuntu translation or the original upstream translation?11:16
mantiena-baltixjtv: I'm talking about original translators, which are mentioned in msgid "translator_credits"11:17
mantiena-baltixjtv: why I can't remove old translation (dated 2007-12-07) from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/gcompris/+imports ? When I choose "Deleted" I get red message "There are 4 errors." and that's all :(11:20
mantiena-baltixWhat errors and where ?11:20
jtvmantiena-baltix: you don't really need to delete the Failed ones, but can you try something for me?11:23
mantiena-baltixjtv: What should I try for you ?11:24
jtvmantiena-baltix: can you filter your view of the queue on only the status of the entry/entries you want to delete, and then try again?11:24
jtvSo if you're trying to delete the Blocked one, for example, you select Show: Blocked and click Filter.11:24
mantiena-baltixjtv: I see dropdown list only for "po/lt.po", which status now is "Needs Review" (The status for this file yesterday was "Failed", but when I tried to upload new lt.po file then status of old file changed automatically to "Needs Review" :-/ )11:29
jtvmantiena-baltix: when you upload the file again, your new upload takes the place of the old one.11:31
mdz_Fujitsu,mrevell: that was me removing ubuntu-dev from revu because I had been getting email every day about the fact that it was going to expire (and it was OK for it to expire)11:32
mdz_(according to dholbach)11:32
Fujitsumdz_: I wasn't questioning the rationale for removing it, but thanks for explaining!11:33
mantiena-baltixjtv: but file date didn't change when I've uploaded new file :(11:43
jtvmantiena-baltix: that's not ideal, but it's normal.11:44
jtvmantiena-baltix: bwt I see two Gutsy translations uploaded, and one of them has an empty translator-credits message.11:44
mantiena-baltixjtv: where you see this ?12:05
jtvmantiena-baltix: in the same upload queue page you were looking at.12:05
jtvmantiena-baltix: maybe that's a permissions matter though.12:07
Hobbseemailman has never been great on explanations.12:14
Hobbseecan someone unmoderate my mail, when they feel bored/12:14
mantiena-baltixjtv: which ones you see uploaded ? Lithuanian translations or other languages ?12:17
mrevellHobbsee: To -users?12:18
Hobbseemrevell: no, i can post to the dev list, without being a canonical employee :P12:18
jtvmantiena-baltix: I see two Lithuanian ones (plus some other languages)12:21
mantiena-baltixhehe, you have very good eyes ;) Could you paste dates of these uploaded files ?12:26
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ubotuNew bug: #175298 in launchpad-bazaar "Anyone can set "Best Fix Available"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17529814:06
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=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
_polto_is it possible to delete some old packages or bad named packaged from my PPA ?16:09
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stdin_polto_: you should file a request on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion 16:23
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=== ktenney is now known as ktenney-away
AlexC_Hey all,17:27
AlexC_I'm wondering what status to do I set for a blueprint that someone has registered that we wont or aren't going to implement17:28
AlexC_s/do I//17:28
ddaa"Not for us"17:48
ddaathat's the name of the status17:48
ddaaAlexC_: ^17:49
AlexC_ddaa, I don't see that anyway in the list17:59
ddaaAlexC_: that's Priority = "not"18:03
ddaa        This feature has been proposed but the project leaders have decided18:04
ddaa        that it is not appropriate for inclusion in the mainline codebase.18:04
ddaa        See the status whiteboard or the18:04
ddaa        specification itself for the rationale for this decision. Of course,18:04
ddaa        you are welcome to implement it in any event and publish that work18:04
ddaa        for consideration by the community and end users, but it is unlikely18:04
ddaa        to be accepted by the mainline developers.18:04
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
AlexC_ddaa, do you have a link where you got that from? I'd be interested in reading what all the statuses mean18:04
ddaafrom looking at the code :)18:05
ddaaThere must be some doc somewhere, let me look.18:05
AlexC_ddaa, oh ^^18:05
AlexC_though, what do I still put for the status to go along with that priority?18:06
ddaaI do not think the status will matter much.18:07
ddaaI can't find a detailed documentation about the various release statuses.18:10
ddaaIt would not harm to have a look at https://help.launchpad.net/FeatureHighlights/BlueprintReleasePlanning18:11
ddaaMost priority values are fairly straightforward, Not is just a bit of a special case.18:11
ubotuNew bug: #175345 in launchpad ""Bug #175078 is not in Ubuntu" even though (I think) it is" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17534518:40
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ubotuNew bug: #175359 in launchpad "data info is incorrect for spanish translation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17535919:31
ubotuNew bug: #175363 in launchpad ""edit this announcement" link does not show the initial text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17536319:31
ubotuNew bug: #175364 in launchpad "Wishlist: pull from existing rss feed for announcements" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17536419:31
=== christian247365 is now known as profanephobia
affluxhi! I'm the upstream author of gdecrypt, which is a registered product on launchpad. I'd like to use rosetta for translations, but my translation file still seems to need a review by an admin. Is there any way to speed this up or should I just wait?19:52
affluxurl for the queue is https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/gdecrypt/trunk/+imports19:53
ubotuNew bug: #175372 in launchpad "LP announcement menu separator not clear after retract" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17537220:10
thumperafflux: I believe filing a question on the launchpad project might speed it up20:18
thumperafflux: or rosetta even: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion20:20
affluxthumper: okay, thank you20:25
MTecknologyhow do i add multiple files in launchpad?20:26
thumperMTecknology: what do you mean?20:28
MTecknologythumper, I want to attack files to a bug, but i only see room for one file20:28
thumperMTecknology: I think if you want to attach multiple files you need to do so one at a time20:29
thumperMTecknology: or tar them up20:29
ubotuNew bug: #175379 in launchpad "RSS announcement date should be a drop down box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17537920:31
hexmodeI asked in #bzr, but maybe someone here knows.  Is there a straightforward tutorial on pqm somewhere?20:56
hexmodeI want to use it for a project, but I'm a little frightened by the lack of docs 20:56
jelmerhexmode: There is some documentation included in the tarball20:59
jelmerthat's all the documentation that is available afaik20:59
hexmodek, that is what I was afraid of ;)20:59
gspris it known when the PPA will get a delete feature?21:02
Fujitsugspr: That's bug #172587, and is targetted for Launchpad 1.2.1 (so, January).21:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172587 in soyuz "UI for deleting and copying packages" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172587 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)21:06
FujitsuFor now, you can request deletions manually.21:07
ubotuNew bug: #175392 in launchpad "modification of announcement not working" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17539221:11
StevenHarperUKIs there a launchpad admin here?22:06
StevenHarperUKI need a PPA upload removing - can that be done please?22:07
StevenHarperUKThis channel full of bots?22:17
mwhnot entirely22:17
mwhthe best way to get the admins to do something is to ask a question, however22:17
mwhas in answers.launchpad.net/launchpad22:18
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ubotuNew bug: #175417 in malone "Trac status import code doesn't handle non-existent bug trackers well" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17541723:50

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