
=== mekius_ is now known as mekius
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pwnguinwhat controls the creation of /dev nodes in Ubuntu?02:29
pwnguinhow on earth does one read udev logs?02:45
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tjaaltonlamont: ping, re: fbset/hppa in xserver-xorg06:15
pittiGood morning06:20
ion_Good evening06:21
StevenKMorning pitti06:30
StevenKpitti: How do you feel about doing some NBS work? :-)06:30
pittihey StevenK06:31
pittioh, except that my laptop's ssh key can't get to the DC yet06:32
* pitti pings IS06:32
StevenKpitti: If you NBS out libicu36-dev, libicu-dev ought to then stand in for it and I can test build the seven rebuilds for that.06:32
StevenKpitti: net-snmp is in NEW, and once you let it out, I have 26 rebuilds to upload.06:33
dholbachgood morning07:05
ion_Good evening.07:09
dholbachhey ion_07:09
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StevenKpitti: No DC access for you?07:27
pittiStevenK: NBSed/NEWed07:27
pittiStevenK: I'm back on my desktop now :)07:28
StevenKpitti: If you also process bug 175059, that will mean asterisk can stop depending on libsnmp10 and actually build07:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175059 in openh323 "Please sync openh323 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17505907:29
* StevenK wonders if he can fool build.py07:31
pittiStevenK: done07:31
pittiStevenK: fool in what way?07:31
StevenKpitti: build/bin/build.py from Helix, not your magical script07:32
StevenKpitti: Thanks07:32
kagouGood morning07:34
dholbachhey lloydinho_ :)07:37
lloydinho_morning dholbach :-)07:46
pochupwnguin: re gtkfilechooser - gtk+2.0?07:57
MacSlowGreetings everybody!08:06
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StevenKpitti: net-snmp is marked as DONE, do you think it's safe to throw 26 uploads to Soyuz?08:42
FujitsuStevenK: They'll be marked done fairly early in the publisher run, but it should be safe by now.08:46
loolIs an archive admin around?  I'm failing to see why the lpia binaries for x264 as built in <https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/x264/1:0.svn20070930-0.0ubuntu2/+build/459260> don't appear in http://ports.ubuntu.com/pool/multiverse/x/x264/08:48
loolThis is causing another build (gst-plugins-multiverse) to be stuck waiting for libx264-dev and the MBU team needs it08:48
pittilool: lpia is a supported architecture and thus will appear on archive, not ports08:49
loolpitti: Uh?08:50
loolpitti: http://ports.ubuntu.com/dists/hardy/multiverse/ => binary-lpia http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/multiverse/ => no binary-lpia08:50
pittioh, seems I'm wrong08:50
pittisince when did we move it?08:51
pittilool: sorry, seems I'm out of date08:51
loolpitti: Probably a while ago, I always remember it like that08:51
pittilibx264-dev | 1:0.svn20070930-0.0ubuntu2 | hardy/universe | amd64, i386, ia64, lpia, powerpc08:51
pittiat least it's there on drescher08:52
loolI'm a bit lost that in my rmadison output the source is in multiverse but builds binaries in universe08:53
loolI thought it was allowed the other way aound08:53
pochuIt's in universe here08:53
lool      x264 | 1:0.svn20070930-0.0ubuntu2 | hardy/multiverse | source08:54
pochuNope. You're right.08:54
loolAlso, whereever the binaries are, gst-plugins-multiverse builds should see it: they have universe and multiverse?!08:55
pittilool: thanks for the hint; seems someone incorrectly overrode it08:55
* pitti fixes08:55
geserlool: I guess someone moved the debs to the wrong component when the debs got accepted08:55
loolpitti: Ah cool08:55
pittilool: yes, indeed multiverse should build against universe08:55
loolpitti: I am not sure your fix will be enough to get this building: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gst-plugins-bad-multiverse0.10/0.10.5-1/+build/36477408:56
loolpitti: I don't really understand why it's not building if the binaries are in universe08:56
pittino, it won't help08:56
* pitti looks08:56
pittilool: simple: -1 is not current08:58
pittilool: -3 is current, and it has built on lpia08:58
pittisoyuz won't bother building superseded versions08:58
loolpitti: Ok, someone handed me that direct URL, I should have checked it's the latest source08:58
loolpitti: Thanks!08:58
StevenKI found a corner case where it did.08:58
pittiStevenK: s/won't/shouldn't/ then :)08:59
* StevenK grins08:59
geserpitti: while you are at it: please also move the i386, amd64, powerpc debs of x264 from universe to multiverse (see http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/x264/)09:00
pittigeser: done already09:00
StevenKYou'd think the scripts would enforce that.09:01
FujitsuBug #13223409:02
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132234 in soyuz "packages in 'multiverse' can have binaries in 'main' " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13223409:02
FujitsuWell, apparently not.09:02
FujitsuAh, that's PPA.09:03
StevenKRight, I was about to say.09:03
geserpitti: please give-back: xscavenger. Thanks09:14
geserpitti: please give-back: tseries rcmdr rxvt-unicode snack09:28
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pittigeser: done09:34
tkamppeterpitti, hi09:45
* ogra waves from seville09:49
ogracjwatson_:  in case ou want me to talk about any particular task here, i'm sitting in the HW session here (only http open on teh firewall, so connection might be wonky)09:50
pittihi tkamppeter09:51
* ogra wishes for a company sponsored spanish training :/ i wish i'd understand anything09:52
tkamppeterpitti, it is about avahi.09:53
tkamppeterThe "update-rc.d -f avahi-daemon remove" I have from the doc file /usr/share/doc/sysv-rc/README.Debian.gz09:54
pittitkamppeter: that's bad advice, I think09:55
tkamppeterIt does not remove the actual init script, but only the links in the /etc/rc.... directories. This causes new links to be added by the part of the .postinst script which gets inserted at #DEBHELPER#09:56
pittitkamppeter: well, I'm open for other opinions, but IMHO the way /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst does it is better09:56
pittitkamppeter: I know09:56
tkamppeterI will look, but what I will change is checking for the package version instead of checking for presence of a file to decide whether to do something. On a system where the user has manually changed the boot configuration, the fix would not get applied otherwise.09:58
gesertkamppeter: you need to keep at least one symlink if you don't want that new symlinks get created by update-rc.d09:59
sorenSheesh, packages.debian.org is slow today.10:00
tkamppetergeser, I want to have new symlinks, as I want to change the boot order so that avahi starts before CUPS.10:01
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ogra_cjwatson: hey, i'm sitting in a (spanish) session about HW compatibility atm if you want me to ask/tell anything particulary ....10:07
ogra_gah this web-cgi IRC client sucks ... :(10:08
* ogra__ grumbles about firewall admins that only offer http ...10:15
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tkamppeterpitti, I am applying the method from /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst in avahi now.10:21
tkamppeterpitti, thank you for this hint.10:21
geserdoko: Hi, have you time to look over the debdiff in bug #174749?10:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174749 in graphviz "[hardy] Drop libttf-dev from Build-Depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17474910:30
geserpitti: please give-back: gabber giblib libtk-img nspr. Thanks.10:31
dokogeser: looks fine10:33
tkamppeterpitti, I have updated avahi now, 4ubuntu2 at the usual place ready for upload10:33
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tjaaltontkamppeter: some of the hplip-gui desktop-files lack a OnlyShowIn=KDE -tag, can I add them?10:40
Riddelltjaalton: those apps are useful outside of KDE10:40
tjaaltonare they?10:40
RiddellI'm sure non-KDE users own HP printers too10:41
tjaaltonsure, I'll just blacklist from the local menu then ;)10:42
Riddellif you don't want the apps then uninstall the package10:42
tjaaltonwe install both *-desktop's10:43
geserpitti: please give-back: aalib10:43
seb128is there a known issue with fonts in firefox and gecko applications in hardy?10:44
Fujitsuseb128: I noticed my Gecko fonts got all strange with this morning's upgrade.10:45
ion_My fonts have looked like crap for a while now (after a fontconfig update, i think). I haven’t investigated the problem yet, though.10:45
seb128ion_: everywhere or just firefox and gecko?10:46
* soren misses packages.debian.org10:48
pittisoren: PTS still works, though10:49
soren..that does't make requestsync happy :(10:49
crimsunpitti: Hi, do you have insight into https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/0.9.8-1ubuntu2/+build/465314, or is cprov the go-to?10:50
ion_seb128: Hm. Seems like just firefox. Bitstream Vera seems to look fine in all apps, but Microsoft® corefonts seem to be missing hinting alltogether in Firefox, whereas Nautilus’ font preview shows them correctly.10:50
FujitsuThat looks like a cprov bug.10:51
pitticrimsun: yes, indeed cprov10:53
crimsunpitti: ok, thanks!10:53
stgraberIs there any way to disable that SSH agent part of the gnome-keyring ? I haven't seen anything in the config dialog nor in gconf-editor ...11:13
Fujitsucrimsun: Note the recent arrival.11:15
asachmm ... any mono (semi-)expert here?11:15
seb128stgraber: I don't think so, any issue using it?11:16
dholbachasac: ajmitch and slomo are our experts11:17
pochustgraber: I think you can, http://live.gnome.org/GnomeKeyring/Ssh11:17
seb128asac: slomo knows about mono but he just closed his IRC11:17
pochustgraber: --components arg11:17
asacajmitch: ?11:17
seb128pochu: that means patching gnome-session code no?11:17
StevenKpitti: Would you mind punting openh323 out of binary NEW?11:18
pittiStevenK: doing11:19
StevenKpitti: Danke11:19
pochuseb128: hmm, does it? I don't know.11:19
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seb128pochu: gnome-keyring is started by gnome-session, not sure how to add an argument there without changing the code11:20
cjwatsonpitti: a fixed finish-install for bug 174689 is in hardy now; could you review my -proposed upload?11:20
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174689 in finish-install "hvc/hvsi consoles not handled" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17468911:20
* StevenK watches Firefox chew up large amounts of CPU time as he asks it to open 26 new tabs11:21
FujitsuStevenK: Why do rebuilds take tabs?11:21
StevenKFujitsu: Because I open a new tab for each upload to pounce on build failures11:22
pochuseb128: I thought I could change it in gnome-session-properties...11:22
StevenKWhich is a throwback from before LP mailed you11:22
FujitsuStevenK: Ah.11:22
StevenKI don't think Firefox likes having 70 tabs open11:23
seb128pochu: you can for applications listed in the session and using an autostart, the keyring start is coded though11:23
persiaStevenK: It can handle a couple hundred, but your chances of session corruption rise significantly.11:23
cjwatsondoes it not save the session atomically?11:24
StevenKOh, grumble hplip got rejected.11:28
FujitsuStevenK: Pffft, I often have >150 open. It gets unmanageable eventually, though.11:28
crimsunFujitsu: thanks (I'm normally gone for work by now).11:33
crimsuncprov: Hi, do you have insight into https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/0.9.8-1ubuntu2/+build/465314?11:34
StevenKtkamppeter: Ping11:35
cprovcrimsun: let me check, one sec.11:35
tkamppeterhi StebenK11:38
tkamppeterhi StevenK11:38
StevenKMy name has no B. :-P11:39
StevenKtkamppeter: The hplip merge doesn't do the Maintainer spec change; I have to upload a rebuild due to the net-snmp merge, do you want me to do it?11:40
tkamppeterStevenK. what is a Maintainer spec change?11:41
persiatkamppeter: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebianMaintainerField has context11:43
tkamppeterpitti, have you seen my CUPS change on the SVN11:43
cprovcrimsun: builds 465307 & 465314 rescued, they will build in 15 minutes or so.11:44
crimsuncprov: many thanks!11:44
pittitkamppeter: yes, I'll get to them11:45
tkamppeterStevenK, Mark Purcell and me are managing the HPLIP package on the Debian SVN, in principle we keep the Debian and Ubuntu versions of the package equal.11:46
stgraberseb128: well, I have some scripts where I would prefer to have the text prompt instead of the gtk one + I would need to check but I'm pretty sure that some times the ssh keyring was kept open even without the "Automatically unlock" thing checked11:46
seb128stgraber: that would be a bug11:47
tkamppeterStevenK. is you rebuild simply to get new binary packages so that they link with a new ABI of the netsnmp library? Or are there any changes except debian/changelog?11:47
tkamppeterpitti, OK.11:47
StevenKtkamppeter: No changes aside from debian/changelog11:47
StevenKtkamppeter: It's to link against libsnmp15 rather than libsnmp1011:48
stgraberseb128: I just reproduced it, I opened my irssi terminal (which connects to my server using SSH), I had the prompt for my key, entered it without checking the unlock thing11:49
stgraberseb128: then closed the window and open it again11:49
tkamppeterpitti, I have one doubt with Ghostscript. I want to package it as upstream made a patch to solve the problem of encrypted PDFs not printing out of Adobe Reader 8.11:49
stgraberseb128: it didn't ask for the key11:49
tkamppeterThis is no problem, but on Saturday there was a discussion on removing the transitional package gs-common from ghostscript.11:50
tkamppeterStevenK, I think you can go ahead, such a rebuild does not need to be registered in the Debian SVN. I assume that you simply add an entry in debian/changelog and then upload the source package to the build server which has libsnmp15 installed and so binaries using libsnmp15 will get generated?11:51
StevenKtkamppeter: Right11:52
pochustgraber: I can confirm that it remembers it until I end the session11:52
tkamppeterStevenK, then it's OK, go ahead.11:52
seb128stgraber: can you open a bug with the details to trigger the bug (without using irssi if possible ;-)11:54
tkamppeterpitti, they tell gs-common is not needed, as ghostscript updates/replaces gs-esp and gs-gpl, but I think if on a system with the old gs-... Ghostscript gs-common is installed, and the new ghostscript has no gs-common transitional package, the old gs-common will stay and conflict with ghostscript. as ghostscript contains the files of the former gs-common.11:54
stgraberseb128: sure11:56
StevenKtkamppeter: Uploaded, thanks!11:56
pittitkamppeter: not unless the newer ghostscript Conflicts:/Replaces: gs-common11:56
pittitkamppeter: (which it should); then upgrades will work without a transitional pacakge11:57
pochustgraber: let me know the number and I'll confirm it ;)11:57
tkamppeterpitti, ghostscript Replaces, Conflicts, and Provides gs-common (<< 8.60).11:59
tkamppeterpitti, for which case are the transitionals needed then?11:59
pitti gs-common | 8.61.dfsg.1~svn8187-0ubuntu3 | gutsy/universe | all11:59
pittitkamppeter: it should replace/conflict to << 8.61.dfsg.112:00
pittithen it will work12:00
pittitkamppeter: you only need a transitional package if you actually want to keep the original name; that's not necessary for libraries, or -common packages which users usually don't want to install directly12:00
tkamppeterYes, I understand. The transitional allows the user to do "apt-get install gs-esp" and he gets ghostscript.12:01
tkamppeterpitti, thanks, I will update ghostscript appropriately.12:02
persiatkamppeter: It also allows packages to continue to depend on the old name for a bit, to soften the upgrade transition (doesn't work for libraries, where the ABI changed anyway)12:02
pittitkamppeter: so Debian dropped the transitional package in an earlier version?12:03
pittitkamppeter: we need to keep that change until after hardy then, then we can drop it12:03
tkamppeterpitti, I do not know what Debian did.12:04
tkamppeterOn Saturday they only told me that the gs-common is not really needed.12:05
pittitkamppeter: I mean when they dropped gs-common12:05
stgraberseb128, pochu: bug 17528812:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175288 in gnome-keyring "[Hardy] SSH key kept unlock after usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17528812:06
seb128stgraber: thanks12:06
tkamppeterpitti, I merged with Debian on the last upload (8.61.dfsg.1-0ubuntu2) and Debian did not remove gs-common12:06
pittitkamppeter: hm, then maybe the newer gs-commons don't have any files any more, so that they don't conflict?12:07
pitticjwatson: done12:08
tkamppetergs-common got a transitional (without files) when I introduced the merger of ESP and GPL GS with the name ghostscript into Ubuntu. In Debian Masayuki Hatta introduced this ghostscript on Oct 14.12:12
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
pittitkamppeter: ah, ok; that should be fine then12:13
pittitkamppeter: so why again do you want to modify anything?12:13
tkamppeterpitti, so I will remove gs-common12:13
pittitkamppeter: but that will break several reverse dependencies12:14
tkamppeterpitti, the motivation to make a ghostscript package is fixing bug 17226412:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172264 in ghostscript "Ghostscript in Gutsy and Hardy is not able to print encrypted PDFs out of Adobe Reader 8.1.1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17226412:14
pittitkamppeter: TBH I wouldn't bother ATM and just leave the transitional package as it is until Debian removes it12:14
tkamppeterpitti, so better leaving gs-common in?12:14
pittitkamppeter: right; just apply the patch and you should be good AFAICS12:15
tkamppeterpitti, OK, so only the patch for bug 172264 ...12:15
pittitkamppeter: I agree that it would be cleaner to remove it, but then we have to do the transition and introduce a delta12:15
pittitkamppeter: right12:15
StevenKHobbsee, pitti: Can you give-back asterisk on all arches, please?12:20
pittiStevenK: done12:20
StevenKpitti: Danke!12:20
Hobbseepitti: can you shove meta-kde4 sources and binary to universe please?12:35
Hobbseepitti: they're currently in main12:35
Hobbseeer, source and binaries12:36
pittiHobbsee: done; hm, there are no binaries, is that correct?12:36
Hobbseepitti: i've only just accepted the binaries12:37
Hobbseei'm not sure how long they take to publish12:37
pittiabout an hour12:37
pittibut I can move them in ACCEPTED12:37
Hobbseewhich does what?  where are they now?12:38
Hobbseein limbo, or in accepted?12:38
pittiok, done12:38
pittiHobbsee: they are not published yet, but in the ACCEPTED queue ("to be published")12:38
Hobbseeah right12:38
Hobbseeso accepted is the limbo.  got it.12:38
Hobbseelaunchpad is so confusing, at times.12:38
StevenKAt time, you say?12:38
StevenKtimes, even12:39
Hobbseeyeah well.12:39
Hobbseethe stuff that has documetation probably isnt' too bad12:39
cjwatsonthe modern display of the ACCEPTED queue is a whole lot less confusing than it used to be, and IIRC less confusing than the same state in dak12:41
Hobbseecjwatson: i'm comforted :)12:41
Hobbseecjwatson: progress is good!  :)12:42
* Fujitsu notes that it's even more confusing now that sources don't ever go through ACCEPTED.12:43
cjwatsonin the modern Launchpad display, it just shows up as DONE (and you might be a little confused for a short while, but at least you know it exists somewhere)12:45
cjwatsonin old-Launchpad and dak, the corresponding state meant that the package was invisible and you had no idea what was going on12:45
cjwatsonso I think it is definitely an improvement12:45
FujitsuSources used to go through ACCEPTED, though.12:45
cjwatsonthe DONE-but-not-yet-published state existed regardless, merely at a different time12:46
cjwatsonit used to be ACCEPTED -> DONE (but not published, so limbo) -> published12:46
cjwatsonnow it's DONE (not published, but you can see its state) -> published12:46
cjwatsonexcept when the distro is frozen in which case ACCEPTED is still involved12:47
lamonttjaalton: sup? (fbset/hppa)_12:50
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
lamont*** You don't have any defomized font packages.12:58
lamont*** So we are trying to force to generate pangox.aliases...12:58
lamontthere's just something about that inglish there... :)12:58
tkamppeter_pitti, patched Ghostscript is ready for upload.13:01
tjaaltonlamont: right, so our xserver-xorg.postinst has carried a diff that uses fbset for hppa, with a note that the functionality should be moved to xresprobe. Well, xresprobe is now going away, and the idea is to rely on the server&drivers to do the right thing insted13:05
lamontah, right.13:05
* lamont looks at xserver-xorg.postinst13:06
tjaaltonlamont: so the question is, will something break?13:06
Hobbseetjaalton: we'll find something to blame you for breaking, yes.13:07
Hobbseewhether it was your fault or not is entirely different.13:07
lamonttjaalton: how about if we comment it out for now?  then I'll have an idea of what I have to fix if it does break?13:08
lamonttjaalton: and of course something will break... Hobbsee will see to that.13:08
tjaaltonlamont: well, I think the whole xresprobeint() will be deleted :)13:08
lamonttjaalton: ah, well then, OK.13:08
Hobbseetjaalton: and while you're at it, fix whatever needs to be fixed so my system stops crashing please :_13:09
lamontHobbsee: PEBCAK13:09
Hobbseelamont: hmph :P13:09
lamonttjaalton: the one gutsy/hppa box I have easy access to doesn't have a graphics card... I'll look at one in the office otday13:09
tjaalton05:24 < gravity> This shouldn't even work really, unless xresprobe isn't present13:09
tjaalton05:24 < gravity> If it is, the fbset call on hppa will get overridden by xresprobe, and you're  back where you started13:09
tjaalton05:28 < gravity> Plus the fbdev driver should get the resolution from the fbdev interface13:10
tjaaltonlamont: ^13:10
tjaaltonlamont: ok, so you could try commenting that out and see what happens?13:11
tjaaltonHobbsee: I think we came to the conclusion that it was compiz :)13:11
cjwatsonlamont: you have a fair few main merges on your list; do you need help with them?13:12
Hobbseetjaalton: and amaranth says it's the driver giving bogus things, and compiz dying over it.13:12
lamontcjwatson: ah yes.13:12
* lamont should do those.13:12
tjaaltonHobbsee: it's intel, so there you go :)13:12
lamontcjwatson: anything where I'm not the debian maintainer can be considered fair game, and I'll get on them later today.13:13
lamonttoday I need to spend the morning explaining something to a customer.13:13
Hobbseetjaalton: so, fix it for me please :)13:13
lamont(and the ones where I am the debian maintainer, I'll do first.)13:14
Hobbseeyou're hte X whiz ;)13:14
lamontHobbsee: apt-get remove --purge compiz13:14
tjaaltonHobbsee: heh, well I guess bryce is more uptodate with intel than me :)13:14
* lamont thought keithp was the X whiz...13:14
tjaaltonand no, I'm not :)13:14
Hobbseeyou lot all are, compared to me :)13:14
Hobbseelamont: yeah well.  i'd prefer *not* to do that.13:14
Hobbseeif i were to do that, then i may as well go back to kde as well13:14
lamontHobbsee: perish the thought.13:15
tjaaltonHobbsee: I'll get a stinkpad X61s soon, so if I'm hit with the same bug then I'll take a closer look at it :)13:16
Hobbseeheh :)13:16
StevenKStinkpad? I lost that opinion of them when I got an X4013:16
Hobbseetjaalton: if you were actually here, you could borrow my laptop for a bit or something.  but you're a bit far away13:17
tjaaltonStevenK: yeah, I currently have a T23, and had a X60 at UDS and it was niec13:17
tjaaltonuh, niCE13:17
azeemso why do you call it stinkpad?13:17
tjaaltonHobbsee: put it in a bottle, it'll get here sooner or later ;)13:17
seb128StevenK: any news about the gimp update to hardy?13:18
tjaaltonazeem: ok ok, Thinkpad!13:18
seb128StevenK: to gutsy rather13:18
StevenKseb128: Geh?13:18
StevenKseb128: Oh, right.13:18
Hobbseetjaalton: hah.13:18
Hobbseetjaalton: then i'll have no internet!13:18
StevenKOh yeah, those users we want to silence13:18
sladentjaalton: I gave back the T60 with the job at the weekend, so don't have an ATI anymore13:18
StevenKseb128: I think it'll be a fun merge. :-/13:19
seb128StevenK: there is no merge when doing a SRU, it's basically taking the gutsy version and running uupdate13:19
lamontdoko: gcc-3.4 is your's, contrary to what http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html may say... I just triggered a rebuild...13:19
seb128dholbach: will you do your main merges or should we look at taking over those?13:20
StevenKseb128: My problem is ABI bumps13:20
lamontdoko: and zope3... what's a "fake sync"?13:21
Hobbseelamont: differing .orig.tar.gz sums13:21
dokolamont: gcc-3.4 doesn't need a sync13:21
dholbachseb128: if you find somebody to do them, I'm happy13:21
dokolamont: listen to that women ;)13:21
seb128StevenK: ABI? there is a libgimp and it changed because RC3 and 2.4?13:21
seb128dholbach: well, somebody will be me ;-)13:21
* dholbach hugs seb12813:21
* seb128 hugs dholbach back13:22
StevenKseb128: I think the shlibs file changed at least13:22
* lamont wonders why we have a different orig.tar.gz13:22
seb128StevenK: ABI bump usually is no issue, ABI breakages are13:23
cjwatsonanyone brave enough to take the e2fsprogs merge?13:23
Hobbseelamont: does upstream distribute as a .tar.bz2?13:23
Hobbseecjwatson: s/brave/insane/13:23
cjwatsonlooks like Ted solved a similar issue differently from how Ian addressed it13:23
StevenKsoren is13:23
* StevenK hides13:23
* lamont picks Ted's solution.13:23
sorenI'm waht?13:23
cjwatsonso the merge will not be trivial13:23
cjwatsonit looked to me as if Ian's fix was a bigger hammer and perhaps less likely to result in the bug coming back13:24
lamontdoko: gcc-3.4 needs an upload to shut up MoM then13:24
cjwatsonbut also potentially less correct; hard to say13:24
seb128soren: I'll do your tsclient merge if you didn't start on it, that's sort of a desktop team package13:24
dokolamont: not really13:24
sorenseb128: That would be great. I only did it to score experience points for my core-dev application :)13:24
seb128soren: ok, will do it then13:25
* soren hugs seb128 13:25
dokolamont: it's a changed tarball (to exclude the gfdl docs) which we do not want13:25
lamonthttp://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html  3.4.6-6ubuntu2 3.4.6ds1-6 3.4.6-413:25
lamontdoko: but MoM won't leave us alone until the hardy version is higher than debian13:26
cjwatsonI think such cases are OK to ignore in MoM13:26
dokolamont: just ignore MoM on these two cases13:26
lamontcjwatson: cool13:26
cjwatsondoko: you could add a blacklist feature to MoM, if there isn't one already, maybe?13:26
* lamont doesn't like to bitchslap MoM. :0)13:26
StevenKMoM already blacklists certain packages, I thought13:27
tjaaltonsladen: hmm, so you had some ATI bug you reported or..?13:27
lamontdoko: also, I finally gave in and turned on unaligned on the buildds... so what do we need to do about java?13:27
dokocjwatson: yes, maybe it's worth that13:27
cjwatsonStevenK: it's entirely possible it just needs stuff added to a list, yes13:28
sladentjaalton: yeah, this whole, y'know ...avivo thing.13:38
sladentjaalton: puts a damper on fixing any fixing any more issues on that laptop13:39
tjaaltonsladen: "There are currently no open bugs" :)13:39
Hobbseeuh oh.  everyone behave.  sabdfl is here.13:39
lamontHobbsee: that was your out-loud voice.13:40
Hobbseeoh, whoops13:40
* Hobbsee resends it, telepathically then.13:40
lamontmorning sabdfl13:40
tjaaltonsladen: anyway, no worries13:41
lamontcjwatson: like udev? :0)13:41
sabdflhowdy folks13:42
lamont(it took me a while to come up with an example...)13:42
pittihi sabdfl13:42
* lamont takes kids to school. offline for about an hour13:42
sorencjwatson_: FWIW, I think Ted's approach looks sufficiently sane. Ian's patch might do the trick, too, but (not surprisingly) Ted's is more correct. I vote for Ted's approach, too.13:57
slomoasac: whats with mono14:02
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asacslomo: its about csharp gtkmozembed binding for xulrunner 1.9 ...14:13
asacslomo: do you know how to interface with native libs in mono?14:14
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cjwatsonpitti: you set the bug to fix-committed, but finish-install still seems to be in the gutsy-proposed unapproved queue14:21
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pittihuh? /me must be asleep then14:22
pitticjwatson: sorry, accepted now14:22
slomoasac: yes... http://www.mono-project.com/Interop_with_Native_Libraries14:31
slomoasac: so you want to create one or there is one?14:31
slomoasac: (gecko-sharp(2) already exists)14:31
asacslomo: yes, but it needs to be adapted for xul 1.914:31
slomoasac: bbl, write me a mail please slomo@ubuntu.com14:31
asacslomo: ok thanks14:31
seb128asac: read my question on #ubuntu-desktop? ;-)14:34
asacseb128: which?14:35
pittislomo: did you see my /msg?15:10
geserpitti: in case you missed my previous request, please give-back: gabber giblib libtk-img nspr. Thanks.15:16
pittigeser: done15:17
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pittiLure: got a minute to talk about digikam?15:49
Lurepitti: yes15:50
pittiLure: I just spent some time reading http://bugs.kde.org/12569615:50
pittiLure: in short, digikam does not find libgphoto plugins because kdelibs has its own nonstandard libtdl15:50
pittiLure: Debian has a normal libgphoto, and digikam depends on libgphoto2-dev15:51
Lurepitti: I think that should be fixed in hardy - last merge of kdelibs got proper fix from debian15:51
pittiso that it gets the .la files15:51
pittiLure: oh, great; it uses the system libtdl now?15:51
pittiLure: I would like to drop the libgphoto Ubuntu delta for the .la files, and also the digikam delta15:52
Lurepitti: did not check the actual kdelibs, but the comment is very clear that it fixes need for .la files15:52
pittiLure: awesome15:52
pittiLure: so we can get rid of both deltas15:52
Lurepitti: I paln to merge digikam and recent digikam in debian already droped -dev depends15:52
pittiLure: I'll merge libgphoto2 now; please cry out if it causes any problems15:52
Lurepitti: good, will check probably tonight/tommorow when I will look in digikam merge15:53
Lurepitti: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/k/kdelibs/kdelibs_3.5.8.dfsg.1-4/changelog15:54
Lurepitti: btw, am I ok to merge from debian/expirimental instead of the version suggested by MoM?15:55
pittiLure: absolutely, if you tested it15:55
pittiwell, since we always test our uploads anyway, that doesn't add any constraint, right? :)15:56
Lurepitti: will do, digikam 0.9.3 will be released before our FF, so will pick beta from experimental15:56
Lurepitti: ;-)15:56
pittithat sounds fine; early testing FTW15:56
Lurepitti: I have to test at least my main packages not to get ugly looks from Riddell (who is sponsoring uploads) ;-)15:57
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evanddoes anyone want to pick up the syslinux merge?  I gave it a shot, but my assembly-foo just isn't strong enough to rework the gfxboot patch.16:26
sorenevand: I think doko was trying a few days ago, too?17:10
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evandoh, perhaps we just overlapped.17:20
evandFantastic, if he is.17:20
stgraberI'm doing the iTalc integration for Edubuntu/LTSP and trying to move to clean way to logout/shutdown/reboot for the different desktops, KDE was easy with DCOP, now I'm trying to find an equivalent for gnome17:21
stgraberwhat I need to do is to have a scriptable way to close the session and trigger the shutdown/reboot action of gdm17:22
stgraberI tried with gdm-signal without much success and "gnome-session-save --kill" just shows the logout box instead of directly triggering a direct logout17:22
stgraberoh, I just noticed the --silent for gnome-session-save, so this one is good17:23
stgraberbut I still need to find a way to shutdown/reboot :)17:25
seb128stgraber: gnome-keyring upstream argue that storing the passphrase is the purpose of an ssh-agent so that's not a bug, they have a point there ;-)17:27
stgraberseb128: yes, but maybe I don't want to use the agent and still enter my key instead of the password :)17:28
stgraberseb128: currently I have no way to just enter my key and not see it stored :)17:28
seb128stgraber: right, which is a different issue of the one you described17:28
seb128well, don't use an agent if you don't want it stored17:28
seb128which is wishlist for "make the agent being optional"17:29
stgraberthat's a regression (vs standard SSH without any external agent) :)17:29
seb128stgraber: right, and that will be fixed before hardy17:30
stgrabermy current problem is that I want the keyring part of the daemon but not the SSH one and I have no way to fix that as I can't simply kill it + reload with the -c thing (the env variables would point to a no longer existing process ID)17:31
seb128stgraber: agreed, there should be a gconf key or something to set for people who don't want the ssh agent17:32
seb128stgraber: about the reboot option, gdm-signal should do that, if it doesn't work it should be fixed17:32
seb128stgraber: or maybe you can speak to gnome-power-manager over dbus like for suspend and hibernate17:33
pochuseb128: but if the ssh agent will store it anyway, what's the point of the 'Remember me' check box?17:34
stgraberpochu: I think it'll remember not only until the session close, but even after you logout17:34
pochustgraber: oh, that makes sense.17:35
seb128pochu: it stores it in the keyring17:36
seb128pochu: so it's available for next sessions17:36
stgraberseb128: ok, just gave gdm-signal a try on Hardy and it doesn't work either, so it's not working on Feisty/Gutsy/Hardy :) I will file a bug17:36
stgraberseb128: but I suspect a bug in gdm itself for this one as stracing the gdm-signal shows that it correctly sent the actions (SET_LOGOUT_ACTION REBOOT) and received an OK from the gdm server ...17:38
seb128stgraber: well, that's the logout action, you need to log out then17:38
stgraberoh, right :)17:39
stgraberIt was easier to do with KDE :) (just send a DCOP signal and that's it)17:40
seb128stgraber: with the new gdm (might not land in hardy) that will likely be a signal to send over dbus17:41
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seb128stgraber: looks like gnome-power-manager has methods for that already, so talking to it over dbus should work there17:43
bryceheya stgraber17:44
stgraberhi bryce17:45
cjwatsonmdke: will you have a chance to do your gnome-user-docs merge by Thursday?17:51
sorenevand: I'm not sure if he actually finished it. I'm looking at it right now, too, actually. I'll give it a shot. Give me... 15 minutes.17:51
cjwatsoncalc: there's an hsqldb merge outstanding that looks (at first glance, though please check) as if it may be a sync; could you look at this?17:52
calccjwatson: ok17:53
calccjwatson: i am fairly certain it is just a sync17:53
calccjwatson: will verify it now17:53
evandthanks soren17:53
cjwatsondoko: stealing your libept merge, which I believe is a sync (only remaining diff is the apt build-dep which we don't have to keep as a delta)17:54
calccjwatson: yep its a sync17:57
calccjwatson: should i file a sync bug or is there someone who can do the sync right now?17:58
cjwatsoncalc: I'll do it now, thanks17:58
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cjwatsonajmitch: is python-mysqldb a sync? I didn't check all the details, but Debian builds the -dbg package now18:06
cjwatsonlamont: stealing your db4.3 merge; it's a sync because Clint dropped Java support altogether18:16
cjwatsondoko: stealing freeglut, which is a sync18:21
ScottKcjwatson: While you're doing sync's, would you please have a look at Bug #17503618:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175036 in lintian "Please sync lintian (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17503618:22
gesercjwatson: a sync request for freeglut was filed as bug #174729 already18:22
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174729 in freeglut "Please sync freeglut 2.4.0-6  (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17472918:22
cjwatsonScottK: whoa. You've checked that in detail?18:23
cjwatsongeser: oh, whoops, missed that. I'll close, thanks18:23
cjwatsonsigh, and fltk1.1 too18:23
ScottKcjwatson: Yes.  I reveiewed the entire diff between what we have and the new revision.  I've also been using it since I did.18:23
sorenI think I might have managed syslinux. I'll need to take it for spin first, though.18:24
ScottKcjwatson: Laserjock has merged lintian before and so I think his ack is worthwhile too.18:24
ScottKcjwatson: The reason I ask is so the I can get the backport request for gutsy in.18:24
cjwatsonnod, it just surprised me :)18:24
* ScottK too.18:24
pitticjwatson: I checked fltk1.1, ack'ing18:25
cjwatsonScottK: done18:26
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  I've already tested it in Gutsy.  Any chance you could just run the magic backport script or do you want a bug for that?18:27
cjwatsonI'm supposed to be going shopping, but sure, just for you ;-)18:27
ScottKcjwatson: Thanks.  persia will be happy too.18:27
ScottKHe's the one that guilted me into reviewing it in the first place.18:28
dokoevand, soren: I asked upstream; the gfxboot part isn't yet updated18:28
cjwatsonScottK: feisty has a lintian backport too; should it be updated?18:28
sorendoko: I think I've managed to do it.18:28
sorendoko: I'll know in a bit.18:28
cjwatsonScottK: oh, err, can't run backport-source until it's actually in the archive18:28
cjwatsonScottK: remind me later18:28
ScottKcjwatson: I would assume so, althougth I haven't personally tested it.  Let me file a bug for that so someone can check.18:28
ScottKcjwatson: Will do.18:29
ScottKI'll probably just file the bug so I don't forget.18:29
ScottKThanks again.18:29
gesercould someone please sponsor bug #157668 and bug #174749?18:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 157668 in scons "[Merge] scons 0.97.0d20071203-1ubuntu1" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15766818:30
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174749 in graphviz "[hardy] Drop libttf-dev from Build-Depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17474918:30
coNP[uni]geser: this means testing and eventual uploading?18:40
* coNP[uni] was sure graphviz is in universe.18:41
gesercoNP[uni]: graphviz is in main and currently in depwait as libttf-dev is in universe18:42
coNP[uni](sure, I checked that inbetween)18:43
lamontcjwatson: cool18:59
sorenWell, syslinux compiles now. That's a good start.19:06
elmoship it19:06
LaserJockany archive admins about?19:07
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LaserJockI'm not sure why goffice0.4 hasn't made it into Hardy, we don't have to explicitly ask for new packages from Debian do we?19:10
ScottKLaserJock: Not for another 3 days.19:10
ScottKI don't think.19:10
LaserJockhmm, it's been over a month since it made it into Debian19:11
pochuLaserJock: maybe it's blacklisted19:13
LaserJockpochu: do you know where the blacklist is?19:13
pochuLaserJock: goffice0.4 # pitti, transitional oldlibs in Debian19:14
LaserJockpochu: bah19:14
LaserJockthat's not right at all19:14
LaserJockelmo: do you have power to fix that or do I need to wait for pitti?19:15
elmoLaserJock: I'm just pasting links, I don't have any power in this area :)19:15
elmoI think you want  any archive admin tho19:15
* LaserJock liked the days when the answer to anything was "ask elmo" but I suspect elmo doesn't feel the same ;-)19:16
LaserJockhmm, I don't know why Debian ftpmasters did an override to send it to oldlibs19:18
LaserJockthe source package has libs I think19:18
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LaserJockso ... any archive admins still around today?19:26
ScottKLaserJock: Riddell's been active in #kubuntu-devel recently.19:27
LaserJockRiddell: can you do an ubuntu-archive favor for me and un-blacklist goffice0.4 ?19:28
Riddellnot something I've done before19:28
RiddellLaserJock: what's the reson?19:28
LaserJockRiddell: because it shouldn't have been blacklisted to start with :-)19:28
LaserJockit is a new version of goffice (goffice is currently 0.5) to make sure apps other than gnumeric can build19:29
LaserJockI've been waiting on it for a couple of merges19:29
soren\o/ isolinux boots.19:30
Riddell"goffice0.4 # pitti, transitional oldlibs in Debian" LaserJock have you confirmed it with pitti?19:31
LaserJockno, but that's wrong19:31
LaserJockfor some reason Debian put it into oldlibs when it shouldn't have19:31
LaserJockand I'm guessing that's why he did that19:32
LaserJockbut it's not transitional19:32
LaserJockit's barely 1 month old19:32
LaserJockand the stable version of the library19:32
LaserJockI can take it up with pitti if you're not comfortable with doing it19:33
RiddellLaserJock: I expect you're right but I'd like to check with pitti first, please file a bug and subscribe ubuntu-archive and ask pitti to comment19:33
Riddellit's my archive day tomorrow anyway19:33
LaserJockalright, will do19:33
sorenevand: I believe syslinux is done. I'll upload in a bit.19:42
evandFantastic.  Thanks a bunch, soren19:43
sorenit at least builds and isos boot fine. I haven't tested anything else yet.19:43
mdkecjwatson: I will have a go at merging from Gnome, but I doubt I'll be able to look at any changes to the packaging in Debian by thurs. Unlikely there is anything significant20:31
warp10Hi all!20:44
emeswhere can I get the kernel config file for the stock kernel?21:22
sn0emes this isn't really the channel to ask, see topic. but check in /boot/21:24
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sorenHm... firefox is throwing SIGBUS all over the place.. Highly annoying.22:31
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sorenwho can fiddle with PAS?22:59
sorenArchive admins? buildd admins?23:00
slangaseksoren: "lamont, elmo, and infinity", I think?23:12
slangasekAFAIK Ubuntu pulls directly from the same source that Debian uses, and they're the maintainers of that file23:13
sorenI just noticed that lpia was added to the list of architectures in the syslinux package, but there are no build records for it. I'm assuming this is due to pas.23:15
slangasekhttp://buildd.debian.org/quinn-diff/Packages-arch-specific says yes23:16
sorenlamont: Could you add lpia to the list of architectures for which we build syslinux?23:17
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sorenslangasek: Have you by any chance seen the e2fsprogs merge?23:36
slangaseksoren: no23:36
sorenslangasek: Ok.23:37
slangaseksoren: I can take it, though23:37
sorenslangasek: I looked at it already.23:37
sorenslangasek: I'm just looking for a second opinion.23:37
sorenslangasek: The thing is that Ian made a workaround for bug 131201, and now upstream has provided a different workaround.23:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131201 in e2fsprogs "always fscks first boot after install" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13120123:38
* slangasek gets really, really tired of seeing that bug :)23:39
sorenslangasek: I can imaginge.23:39
sorenslangasek: Ian's patch basically ignores the error, while the upstream fix allows the sb->s_lastcheck to be up to 24 hours in the future.23:40
slangasekI suppose that should cover it, yes23:41
sorenslangasek: I vote for upstream's approach, but this is not entirely my area of expertise.23:41
slangasekI do too :)23:42
sorenCool. I'll file the sync request tomorrow.23:43
* soren head to bed23:45
soren'night :)23:45

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