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dholbachgood morning07:05
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loolStevenK: As your might have noticed, tinymail now needs to be built with libxul-embedding instead of -1.910:08
loolStevenK: (With suitable bump in xulrunner-dev build-dep)10:08
loolStevenK: Also, I confirm you can drop -fPIC from CFLAGS now10:10
StevenKlool: Huzzah!11:11
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TeTeTdoes anyone know if standard Ubuntu Desktop version does run on the Menlow with Poulsbo graphics out of the box?12:38
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InSearchOfagoliveira, You around?14:07
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Yes. What's up?14:07
InSearchOfis there anyway I can talk to you outside of IRC?14:08
agoliveiraInSearchOf: is ICQ or Gtalk ok? I can give you my contact.14:09
agoliveiraor email...14:09
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Hold on...14:09
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Added, waiting for your authorization14:10
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Call me if you need but bare in mind that I'm extrely busy this week as my vacations start saturday.14:12
InSearchOfdholbach, you around?14:22
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dholbachInSearchOf: yes14:22
InSearchOfis there anyway I can talk to you outside of IRC14:23
InSearchOfif you would rather talk in here that is fine14:23
dholbachInSearchOf: what can I help you with?14:24
InSearchOfI'm from pdaXrom... We run an OS made primarily for Sharp Zaurus, X11 based OS14:24
InSearchOfWe were looking at making a change in our roadmap and someone from the team brought up UME14:25
InSearchOfand I'm seeing would would need to be done to combined our efforts and get the arm platform supported under UME14:26
dholbachInSearchOf: I'm not sure I'm the right person to talk to14:26
dholbachMithrandir and davidm: can you reply to this? ^14:26
InSearchOfand when I say what would need to be done.... I mean I dont want to announce to the community that we are merging unless I get someones good graces to do so14:27
agoliveiradholbach: This is not actually a technical issue but community, that's why I asked him to talk to you.14:30
dholbachagoliveira: I can't setup arm buildds - that's an effort somebody in the mobile team should be driving14:31
InSearchOfwell my team would handle the arm builds14:31
agoliveiradholbach: Ok, it's been some crossed lines here :) We can handle the tech problems, of course, I just asked him to join in the talk because he wants to know what's the currect aproach to start a comunnity project related to Ubuntu. He wants to make this "official" if there is such a thing.14:36
dholbachagoliveira: maybe it's a good idea to present this to the technical board as a community effort and go from there?14:37
agoliveiradholbach: That's what he wanted to know, how to proceed :) I'll talk to David first and go over from there, thanks.14:37
dholbachagoliveira: great14:38
davidmdholbach, agoliveira I'll grab this, just back from getting a flat tire fixed.15:30
davidmInSearchOf, at the moment we are focused on the Intel MID chipset at least until our initial release.15:31
dholbachdavidm: I have deep sympathies with you :-/15:31
davidmdholbach, on which the tire or the initial release? ;-)15:32
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dholbachdavidm: both... :)15:33
dholbachdavidm: http://daniel.holba.ch/greece/14-Patras/005-IMG_4644.JPG - that's what happened during my holidays :)15:33
davidmno fun, last night the coldest night of the year, I walk out to the flat, and an urgent task from my wife to get accomplished with a tight deadline.... No fun at all15:34
InSearchOfdavidm, so merging projects isnt an option? or not yet since the primary focus is on the MID chipset15:54
davidmAt the moment the mobile team is focused on getting the first release out the door, and that is on the Intel MID for the moment, but most all of our work is public so you can work with it if you want to.15:57
davidmBut for the moment I have a small team and I have to keep my eye on MID for the moment.15:58
InSearchOfwell currently our dev team can focus on the hardware and core development... it would be the gui components that would merge16:02
guardiani have a quick question16:03
guardianshould i stick with my current image (gutsy) or should i change the repos ?16:03
agoliveiraInSearchOf: My sugestion would be that you get a working kernel and create an arm-based crosscompilation enviroment (maybe something based on Maemo's sandbox?) and see what happens.16:14
InSearchOfalright.. well I mean our current crosscomplitation env. works...  will it have to be Maemo?16:15
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Not at all, I just suggested as something to look at as our base GUI is hildon that came from Maemo.16:16
InSearchOfand the reason I'm asking so many questions is because I put our development on hold... 16:17
InSearchOfwaiting for an answer back... 16:17
agoliveiraInSearchOf: we will try to help but, as I said, you got us in a very bad time as we are all entering on vacations in 2 weeks and myslef in 1 so we are very busy right now.16:20
InSearchOfagoliveira, well... I will just keep things on hold. which isnt a problem... I will look into how we would approach the getting things to work.16:22
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Your idea will be proposed to the technical board and I don't see w areason to not be aproved but that will have to wait until January unfortunately.16:23
InSearchOfagoliveira, that is 100% fine. We aren't looking to move fast... but communication was what I was looking for and I got it.16:25
agoliveiraInSearchOf: Whatever we can do, just come in and ask. We will try to help, that's for sure.16:25
wasabiSo curiously, what makes this inappropiate for the N810?16:26
wasabiJust size, aka nonwillingness to strip out stuff like perl, etc?16:27
wasabiAnd/or lack of packages for the binary crap in Maemo?16:27
mjg59`And also the hassle of getting kernel support into our tree16:28
agoliveirawasabi: The lack of openness regarding parts of Nokia tablets, for one.16:28
wasabiYeah. Pretty much what I guessed.16:28
agoliveiramjg59`: Hey Mathew. I thought that you would be away for some time.16:29
wasabiWould be nice if Nokia were to work on rebasing to Ubuntu. ;)   Their hacked up Debian cannot be a joy to maintain.16:29
mjg59`agoliveira: Yeah, on a train right now16:29
mjg59`THough just arriving16:29
mjg59`I have just over a week to get this finished, then I'm taking a holiday16:29
loolInSearchOf: So what would you be providing for an ARM port?  I guess the basic things are buildd hardware, not sure whether these need to be hosted and maintained by Canonical staff (could be a requirement), porting and bootstrapping work (bootstrapping the toolchain, updating dpkg, kernel configs etc., goind through build-dep loops etv/)17:11
loolAnd then there's day to day buildd admin, and actual porting of the build failures I guess17:11
InSearchOflool,  all builds current run under our own env.  we use ptxdist.. as our builder. 17:20
InSearchOfwe have an x86 based live cd that contains all the binaries required to run a full successful build... from building to initial cross compiler...17:22
InSearchOffrom there you can build the image you desire containing all selected apps you want in the build17:23
InSearchOfI also have sashz (another dev form the pdaxrom team) in the room if you have any questions he is here to respond17:25
loolInSearchOf: ptxdist is another story; of course you can package ptxdist for Ubuntu and run it under Ubuntu if you like, but the current UME builds are not using this particular build system / rootstrap generation system17:31
loolInSearchOf: You seemed to be looking at whether Ubuntu would be having ARM support because you target arm; my natural followup question is: what would you be providing for this to happen17:31
loolATM, my understanding is that Ubuntu buildds are bought by Canonical and run by Canonical; which is why I wonder what an ARM port would actually need to happen: hardware for sure, but some buildd admins, hosting etc.17:33
loolAnd if it's an ubuntu.com or canonical.com port, then this might imply that Canonical runs and owns the buildds17:33
InSearchOflool, well when you say hardware do you mean for hosting? or for building?17:47
InSearchOfwe can move our build system over to the standard build system used by Ubuntu, there will be a bit of a learning curve... but it can be done17:49
InSearchOfbut we would initially be able to host our own developement server for the initial configuration (till we get the bugs worked out in the merger)17:50
InSearchOfand over time we would mesh into UME and our team would focus on getting the underlying OS (kernel/hotplug/apm/etc) functioning and the top lay be UME17:52
InSearchOflayer* being*17:52
loolInSearchOf: I mean hardware for building17:54
loolInSearchOf: Not sure you know about it, but Ubuntu has buildds for many arches already; all are run by Canonical people I think17:55
* lool goes for dinner17:55
InSearchOflool,  we can merge our data into your system, that is not a problem at all.17:57
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