
=== lamalex is now known as lamalex_2
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bddebianHeya gang01:58
blueyedHi bddebian02:00
bddebianHello limac, blue02:04
bddebianerr blueyed02:04
blueyedgood night. ツ (smiley copied from JanC)02:05
JanCblueyed: and I copied it from Seveas  ;)02:06
bddebianbunch of plagairists02:06
blueyedlol. thought so. must put this on some hotkey.. :)02:07
JanCblueyed: if you use xchat, it has an auto-replace function02:07
blueyedJanC: I want this everywhere..02:08
JanCnormally it's used to fix "teh" → "the" typos02:08
JanCbut I use it to make typing nice unicode symbols easier02:08
blueyedNow I have it in konversation at least =)02:10
nenolodhi, does anyone know if "# comments" are allowed in debian/control ?02:18
RAOFnenolod: Yup.  Why wouldn't they be?02:19
nenolodok, thanks ;)02:19
LaserJocknenolod: why do you want to add a comment?02:20
nenolodLaserJock, "# $Id control v1.67 ... nenolod Exp $"02:20
nenolodLaserJock, :)02:20
nenolode.g. RCSID02:21
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LaserJockman this channel is crazy tonight, woohoo05:06
LaserJockgotta write some code to mash Fortran and Python together05:08
superm1LaserJock, then does it become pytran or Forthon?05:15
bddebianForth ;-P05:17
* bddebian wonders if anyone "gets" that05:18
StevenKBoo, hiss05:19
* StevenK beats bddebian with a SPARC PROM manual05:19
LaserJockohhhh, I think I love lambda functions05:21
RAOFQuick, simple anonymous functions are lovely things.05:21
joejaxxStevenK: lol05:22
joejaxxhow is everyone doing ? :)05:22
superm1hey joejaxx05:29
superm1you still got that BT keyboard you bought at UDS?05:29
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joejaxxsuperm1: yeap06:15
superm1joejaxx, did you use it with ubuntu at all ever?06:15
joejaxxno i have not06:15
superm1joejaxx, ah i see06:15
superm1i just bought one myself06:15
joejaxxmy laptop that has bluetooth is a Broadcom 4328 AGN06:15
joejaxxso i do not know if bluetooth works as i have to use ndiswrapper06:16
joejaxxah ok06:16
joejaxxhow is that coming along?06:16
superm1well it paired fine06:17
superm1i picked up a cheap BT usb adapter06:17
superm1and it works and all06:17
superm1except for the fn key06:17
superm1and consequently the fn buttons06:17
joejaxxah ok06:17
dholbachgood morning07:05
LaserJockmorning dholbach07:06
dholbachhey LaserJock07:06
superm1good morning dholbach07:06
dholbachheya superm107:06
TheMusoHey dholbach07:08
dholbachhey TheMuso07:09
LaserJockdholbach: is the new SRU policy that only 1 ~motu-sru ack is needed, or 2?07:17
persiaDo we have members of ~motu-sru yet?  (and I thought one)07:18
dholbachpersia: just announced it07:18
LaserJockI wish we could do 2, but I guess that's already been decided07:19
* persia catches up on mail07:19
dholbachLaserJock: pitti's proposal says "... require an ack from a team member before the upload is done"07:19
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kagouGood morning07:34
joejaxxGood MOrning07:34
joejaxxGood Morning*07:34
dholbachLaserJock: might be a good idea, if the new motu-sru team met once and decide on the workflow and everything - what do you think?07:38
* Fujitsu agrees that two acks is a good idea.07:39
imbrandonmoins all07:39
dholbachcongratulations LaserJock, imbrandon, jdong, TheMuso, dktrkranz btw :)07:39
StevenK"No, *I'm* Brandon!"07:39
StevenKAww, my -sru hat is gone07:40
imbrandonStevenK: hehe07:40
dholbachStevenK: seems we didn't get your "hey, I'd like to" mail in time - but there's still motu-uvf :)07:40
LaserJockdholbach: yeah, I think a little IRC meeting or at least an email discussion would be good to start things off07:41
dholbachLaserJock: rock on - pitti will be delighted07:41
StevenKdholbach: I didn't want to, though. :-)07:41
dholbachStevenK: don't complain about missing hats then :)07:42
LaserJockwe need to figure out what to do with the 7 existing ~motu-sru bugs07:42
StevenKdholbach: :-P07:42
joejaxxStevenK: maybe it is just invisible :)07:42
dholbachLaserJock: looks like you have an agenda already :)07:42
LaserJockdholbach: yep07:42
* dholbach gets more coffee and some bits of breakfast07:42
imbrandonheh yea07:42
imbrandonLaserJock: are we just gonna use the -motu list ? e.g. where whould i mail a meeting proposal time? i think a short irc meeting to kick things off quickly would work and longer stuff on the ML07:44
LaserJockimbrandon: I think using -motu is good07:45
LaserJockgives a chance for feedback07:45
LaserJockthe oldest bug sub'd to ~motu-sru is from 2007-07-2507:46
LaserJockwe should make sure the wiki is updated if it isn't already and let people know we're open for business07:47
LaserJockand decide on what we want to do with the old ones07:47
LaserJockI'm guessing just taking them as-is would be fine07:48
imbrandonyea, you said there is less than 10 old ones? i say if they still apply ( e.g arent superceeded etc ) me and you could probably knock those out quickly07:48
imbrandonand if they are old-ish then reject them asking for an update07:48
dholbachLaserJock: you ROCK :)07:49
LaserJockimbrandon: there are 7 (1 assigned and 6 sub'd)07:49
imbrandoni'm just getting awake and havent opened a browser yet, but i'll check the queue first thing ( after email )07:49
imbrandonLaserJock: cool, thats not too bad of a backlog07:49
LaserJockimbrandon: no, not at all07:50
imbrandonluckly i think all of us overlap nicely on irc so irc meetings shouldent be hard to setup07:50
imbrandonStevenK: wasent you reciently using qdvdauthor ? was it just using it or was you updating it ( there is a mail on -motu about adding a mplayer dep , and i am guessing that would kick it to multiverse )07:52
gesergood morning07:53
joejaxxGood Morning geser07:53
imbrandonheya geser07:53
LaserJockit doesn't look like StableReleaseUpdates has been updated07:54
StevenKimbrandon: I wasn't updating it, I was attempting to use it and wanting to kill myself.07:54
imbrandonahh hehe07:54
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TheMusoThanks guys. Yeah a meeting sounds good, please keep me posted.07:56
TheMusoBack in a while.07:56
superm1imbrandon, would making it a recommend like I had mentioned to the poster kick it to multiverse too though?07:59
imbrandoni dont think so08:00
superm1i think that should be sufficient then08:00
imbrandonbut if the program is useless without it its kinda a depend not recomend08:00
superm1well if you have preconverted files though08:00
superm1i'm pretty sure it works out okay08:00
superm1or if they are recorded in the correct format08:00
persiasuperm1: "Recommends" still makes it multiverse: you need Suggests: (see debcheck output for examples)08:00
imbrandonahh in that case might as well make it a depend, as "preconverted" files use case is slim08:01
persiaReally?  Remixing MPEGs from the digital camera or phone is that rare?08:01
imbrandonpersia: slimer than someone ripping a dvd and remixing it, yea, visit the forums hehe08:02
persiaimbrandon: Right, but which is the advertised normal use case?08:02
imbrandonpersia: both08:02
superm1well also they still need to be the right resolution08:02
superm1most phones or cameras dont shoot in 720x48008:02
* persia notes that ripping & remixing DVDs is usually outside accepted uses of the media08:02
persiasuperm1: Good point.08:03
superm1admittedly though someone will want to investigate this for sure.  i wouldn't expect mplayer to be used for the conversion, but rather ffmpeg or mencoder08:04
imbrandonyea mencoder should be used imho, but who knows what they hardcoded in08:04
imbrandoni havent looked08:04
imbrandoneither way though both are multiverse are they not?08:05
superm1well yeah08:05
LaserJockbah, I hate dealing with data that's larger than RAM08:05
imbrandonLaserJock: heh08:06
LaserJockI'm trying to parse a 350MB data file08:06
LaserJockin python ...08:06
LaserJockand not have it take a century to do08:06
LaserJockor run out of RAM08:06
RAOFLaserJock: You can't use the fun of iterators to do that?08:07
persiaLaserJock: parse it bit by bit08:07
LaserJockpersia: yeah, that's the hard part08:07
imbrandonLaserJock: yea just grab chunks08:07
RAOFWhy am I unable to switch to a VT?08:07
imbrandonRAOF: hardy? no idea, i noticed i couldent earlier08:07
sorenRAOF: ConsoleKit, I belive.08:07
RAOFAh.  Yay.08:07
imbrandonsoren: ? ouch08:08
LaserJockthe data is actually 25k consecutive experiments that have 502 lines each and I want to average groups of them08:08
imbrandonso when my X breaks i'm screwed heh08:08
sorenRAOF: You actually switch to another VT, but then ConsoleKit switches you back, IIRC.08:08
sorenimbrandon: No, in that case, you're fine, actually.08:08
RAOFsoren: Yeah, that's what it looks like.08:08
persiaLaserJock: Right.  Read 25k.  Set a couple variables, forget the 25K.  Read the next 25k.08:08
imbrandonyea thats the behavure i noticed too08:08
imbrandonsoren: not really, i had some funky VerRefresh values and needed a VT08:09
sorenimbrandon: If X isn't running, you can switch VT.08:09
imbrandonX was running but not usefull08:09
LaserJockpersia: yeah, my advisor wrote a fortran program to do that, but it writes each average to a file08:09
sorenimbrandon: Ah, point.08:09
LaserJockpersia: so I end up with 25k files and I need to do stuff on the data so I'd like to keep it available08:09
imbrandonsoren: is it the intended behavure? e.g is this a bug or a mis-feature ?08:10
sorenimbrandon: Bug.08:10
imbrandonkk good :)08:10
sorenimbrandon: Ian fixed it in Gutsy, buyt his patch was dropped, afaics.08:10
imbrandonahh, yay for bad syncs heheh08:10
LaserJockimbrandon: who needs a VT08:10
imbrandonLaserJock: i do regularly08:10
persiaLaserJock: Rock and a hard place.  If you put it all in memory, you don't have any less.  To not have it doubled, read each chunk and stuff into an array, then reset, and load the next chunk.08:11
LaserJockpersia: yeah, I'm working on it08:11
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
superm1imbrandon, could i grab you to look over the backport you were looking for a pbuilder log on again?  I attached it earlier today. bug 17368408:20
imbrandonsuperm1: sure, i'm about to reboot but i'll grab it before i do08:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173684 in gutsy-backports "Please backport mythstream 0.18.1 from hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17368408:21
superm1ok cool thx08:21
imbrandonsuperm1: done, ok brb rebooting08:23
RAOFAnyone want to test the things needed for the kvm backport?08:23
* imbrandon dosent have the hardware to or i would08:24
sorenRAOF: Which version are you about to backport?08:24
RAOFimbrandon: You can test that the new bochsbios works with the old qemu08:24
persiaRAOF: Might be worth pinging intuitivenipple (in -bugs or -devel), who has a fair bit of interest in kvm08:24
RAOFsoren: I was thinking the one currently in Hardy, why?08:25
RAOFsoren: Is there a new one in the works?08:25
sorenRAOF: I'll be uploading a new one either today or tomorrow.08:25
sorenRAOF: Upstream is shooting releases out like mad these days :)08:25
RAOFsoren: Right.  So, I'll kill that backport request, and check that the new one works on Gutsy.08:25
RAOFC'mon apt-file, finish updating so I can crash my videocard reverse-engineering the POST sequence.08:26
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jonnymindI received an update on bug 174470 asking to "link the source package".08:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174470 in ubuntu "Package for the Falcon Programming Language" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17447008:29
persiajonnymind: Add a link to the REVU candidate in the bug description.08:29
jonnymindShould I provide a link to the revu entry?08:29
jonnymindOk, thanks.08:29
FujitsuYay, namespace collision.08:31
jonnymindFujitsu: you mean me?08:32
sorenWow, there's a shocker. vmware-tools doesn't build on hppa.08:33
Fujitsusoren: That's *absolutely terrible*.08:34
Fujitsujonnymind: Right, I thought the falcon package I'd seen referenced was the repository generation tool.08:34
jonnymindOh.Ok, as I proposed, an alternate valid name may be falconpl.08:34
jonnymindit's also the name of the site...08:34
sorenFujitsu: Especially since I explicitly stated Architecture: i386 amd64. Go figure.08:34
jonnymindfujitsu: may you please add a note on the bug, so I remember to upload a name-changed package this night?08:35
Fujitsusoren: Did the sbuild notice that?08:35
Fujitsujonnymind: Oh, falcon is probably OK.08:36
sorenFujitsu: Nope. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10821083/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-hppa.open-vm-tools_2007.11.21-64693-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz08:36
jonnymindfujitsu: acked. However, I am ready to change the name if needed.08:36
Fujitsusoren: Hm. I knew Soyuz bits didn't respect the Architecture field, and I guess their mangled sbuild doesn't either.08:38
sorenFujitsu: Well, it's a bit more complicated than that.08:39
sorenFujitsu: It has an arch: all binary package in it, too, so dpkg cleverly sets "Architecture: any" in the .dsc.08:39
persiasoren: Get someone update P-a-s and reupload.08:39
sorenpersia: I know, I know. I just still think it's silly.08:39
Fujitsusoren: Oh, so it wasn't Architecture: i386 amd64.08:40
persiasoren: I completely agree with that :)08:40
sorenFujitsu: There are two binary packages that are i386 amd64, and one binary-indep package.08:40
FujitsuRight, but Soyuz shouldn't have to think to look at the binaries.08:43
sorenFujitsu: Agreed.08:44
sorenFujitsu: ...but dpkg also shouldn't say Arch: any, when it's really arch: i386 amd64 all.08:44
FujitsuIt should be Architecture: i386 amd64.08:45
sorenI don't think it's a bug per se. Looking at the dpkg code reveals that it's quite intentional.08:45
sorenFujitsu: Debatable.08:45
FujitsuOr possibly all too, but I don't think so.08:45
sorenI hadn't thought about the arch: all package when I started this light rant .)08:47
Fujitsusbuild could well bail out at the start if it is in fact an Architecture: i386 amd64 package.08:48
persiaFujitsu: stock sbuild does08:49
Fujitsupersia: Right, that's why I thought Soyuz's might.08:49
FujitsuBut Soyuz's is very special with a `th'08:50
persiaFujitsu: :)08:50
siretart_persia: what is 'stock' sbuild?08:51
persiasiretart_: In my book, the currently shipped Ubuntu version (now hardy).08:52
siretart_persia: heh08:52
imbrandonmoins siretart_08:52
persiasiretart_: It's fair to say that different people have different definitions of "stock", so sid, lenny, etch, dapper, and gutsy sbuilds would qualify for others.08:53
siretart_persia: the packaged one in debian/ubuntu is actually a bastardised fork of the 'original' sbuild used on the debian buildds08:53
imbrandonyea stock imho would be debian stable, anything else should be noted heheh , just kidding, current released ubuntu actualy imho08:53
siretart_persia: however, it has many very useful features and bugfixes added, which the original one is lacking. and many buildd admins seem to run a locally modified version08:53
persiasiretart_: Makes sense.  I suspect Soyuz of sharing that parentage, but not having the experience of BTS and LP along the way.08:53
siretart_I'd expect soyuz's sbuild to be a custom fork derived from http://db.debian.org/debian-admin/Packages08:55
siretart_heyha imbrandon08:55
persiasiretart_: That would make the most sense.08:55
imbrandonUDS-MTV was ~nov 2005 correct ?09:03
StevenKimbrandon: Sounds about right, it was the one before Sevilla09:04
FujitsuSevilla was April, wasn't it?09:04
FujitsuThat makes it Nov 2006.09:04
imbrandoneer yea 06 not 0509:04
imbrandongood catch09:04
StevenKOh yeah, I forgot imbrandon can't count.09:05
indravenihi all09:05
FujitsuHi indraveni.09:05
indraveniif I am creating a debian package which need to overwrite  a file created by any other package, then I am facing a problem, like, couldnot overwrite the file alacarte.mo creating by alacarte package.09:05
Fujitsuindraveni: Don't overwrite said file.09:06
persiaindraveni: Why do you seek to overwrite the file (the correct method depends on the reason)?09:06
sorenindraveni: Explain how it "needs to overwrite a file created by another package"?09:06
FujitsuParticularly a translation.09:06
indraveniI am done some localisation and withou creating the complete package for each and everyt09:06
indravenii am trying to convert the po to mo files and place them in the locales09:07
persiaindraveni: You really don't want to do it that way: you want to push your .po files to all the individual packages.09:07
imbrandonman my mother-inlaw got my daughter a digital camera for xmass, i was just trying it out, this thing sucks, almost so bad as to not give it to her at all09:07
indraveniyes, but my aspect it, just by installing one package, its should provide a localised desktop for gnome,09:07
Fujitsuindraveni: We have language packs for that.09:08
indravenipersia, if i do as per your said, then I need to recompile each and every pacakge09:08
persiaindraveni: I understand, but the infrastructure doesn't support that well at all.  It'd be much better to push it all to GNOME with your localisations, so no extra package is required.09:08
indravenipersia, yes, but it will take time, i feel09:09
persiaindraveni: Well, maybe, but more likely you can get others to recompile all the packages (and yes, it will take time).09:09
indravenipersia, so there is no other way to remove this conflict ?09:10
persiaindraveni: Not for that purpose.09:10
geserindraveni: if possible try to get your translation accepted by the gnome project so others benefit from it to09:10
jonnymindPpl, I sign off. Later.09:14
=== Sikon_Stargate is now known as LucidFox
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_polto_hello all09:49
imbrandonello _polto_09:54
_polto_hello imbrandon09:59
_polto_Fujitsu, so i continue here..10:23
Fujitsu_polto_: Most probably.10:23
\shFujitsu, do you happen to know if there is a CVE pending for the latest drupal 5.3->5,4-> 5.5 fixes 5.4 fix?10:24
Fujitsu\sh: I haven't looked, sorry. I've been a little busy over the past week.10:24
\shFujitsu, me too :)10:24
\shFujitsu, and I didn't find anything about it10:25
\shnot even for the 5.4 fix10:25
FujitsuChecked security-tracker.d.n?10:25
\shnot now10:25
_polto_where is a new version of liblivemedia , this new release contain patches we needed for compatibility with our hardware. (network camera) I used PPA before to have our own patched version of liblivemedia, but i think others could also benefit of updates in the new version. Can somebody update libelivemedia to the last version ?10:25
Fujitsu!info liblivemedia-dev hardy10:25
ubotuliblivemedia-dev: multimedia RTSP streaming library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007.02.20-2 (hardy), package size 885 kB, installed size 3712 kB10:25
FujitsuDebian bug #45344910:26
ubotuDebian bug 453449 in livemedia-utils "New upstream available" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/45344910:26
_polto_thanks !10:27
FujitsuI'll watch Debian, and if they don't act, I will. If I don't, poke in here in a couple of weeks.10:27
_polto_cool, i'll do. thanks10:28
frenchyHi all, is today the last day to get advocates on REVU for hardy?10:29
\shFujitsu, do you have the powers to upload to security testing somehow?10:33
Fujitsu\sh: No, but I can modify stuff on the Debian security tracker.10:34
geserfrenchy: FeatureFreeze is around Valentine's day, so you still have some time10:35
\shFujitsu, hmm...that doesn't help ;) we could need a universe-security queue, and later on our security team can push them to -security10:36
frenchygeser: Thanks a lot!  Few, I thought that my days were numbered.10:36
Fujitsu\sh: That would be nice. I suspect we will get that once security moves into Soyuz.10:37
\shok cacti fixed ...the new fixes I have to check and let's see if I will request my first cve id ;_910:37
geserfrenchy: this week is DebianImportFreeze, that's when we stop automatically pulling packages from Debian, only on request after that10:39
proppygeser: is the freeze already in place ?10:40
frenchygeser: Thanks, I wasn't sure if that meant "new package freeze" but that's cleared it up.10:40
geserproppy: afaik no, the wiki says Dec 14th10:41
proppygeser: ok thanks :)10:41
\shCVE-2007-6279 CVE-2007-6278 CVE-2007-6277 hooray for libflac10:41
ubotuMultiple double-free vulnerabilities in Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) libFLAC before 1.2.1 allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via malformed (1) Seektable values or (2) Seektable Data Offsets in a .FLAC file. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6279)10:41
ubotuFree Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) libFLAC before 1.2.1 allows user-assisted remote attackers to force a client to download arbitrary files via the MIME-Type URL flag (--&gt;) for the FLAC image file in a crafted .FLAC file. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6278)10:41
ubotuMultiple buffer overflows in Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) libFLAC before 1.2.1 allow user-assisted remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via large (1) Metadata Block Size, (2) VORBIS Comment String Size, (3) Picture Metadata MIME-TYPE Size, (4) Picture Description Size, (5) Picture Data Length, (6) Padding Length, and (7) PICTURE Metadata width and height values in a .FLAC file, which result in a heap-based overflow; and large (8) VORBIS Comme10:41
RAOFasac: Ping!  I'd like to know about the status of firefox-dev, libxul, and xulrunner1.9 in hardy. (IE: what would you like me to build-depend on :))10:45
pochuRAOF: xulrunner1.9 is now in main, and there are plans to port apps to it, AFAIK. So use it ;)10:57
pochuasac: that's right, isn't it? ^10:58
asacRAOF: yes, use xulrunner-1.9-dev10:58
asacthere might be a bit coding required ... (mostly build-system)10:58
asacif you need support ask on #ubuntu-mozillateam10:58
pochuasac: I need to port liferea to xul 1.9... any hints? :)10:59
pochuasac: thank you10:59
asacpochu: i think lifearea is a bit tricky10:59
asacyou have to wait for python gtkmozembed10:59
pochupython? Liferea is C10:59
asacreally ... last time i looked it looked like a mix10:59
asacif its just C the instructions should be good enough to start with11:00
pochuasac: ok, I'll look into it. thanks again :)11:00
asacpochu: see how far you get and ask for help if get stuck :)11:00
RAOFasac, pochu: Thanks.  xulrunner-1.9-dev it is.11:25
RAOFI wonder why miro goes to the trouble of having a --xine-driver commandline option when they hardcode the driver to "xv" anyway...11:27
RAOFOh, wow.  That looks like a bit of work.11:30
StevenKRAOF: Hrm?11:30
RAOFStevenK: Porting apps to xulrunner-1.911:33
StevenKRAOF: Ask asac for help.11:34
RAOFStevenK: Oh, I will if I run into trouble.11:34
RAOFThe wiki seems fairly self-explainatory.11:35
RAOFIt just suggests that the Miro merge isn't going to be done tonight.11:35
persiaRAOF: I seem to remember tracking down some crasher with miro going through xine and into xv (or do I misremember).  Perhaps the hardcoding was to avoid that?11:35
RAOFpersia: There's a bunch of "XINE_DRIVER_HACK" code lying around there, yes.11:35
* StevenK has this feeling that he is starting too late to do a run through Maraudon11:36
RAOFpersia: But that was when Xine itself was dying in Xv.  So hardcoding Xv  as the driver you want deosn't seem like a good way to get around that bug.11:36
persiaRAOF: I thought the bug was xine not checking xv state properly, and by having miro do it directly, the bug wasn't exposed, but my memory for that is poor, as I'm not really familiar with any of miro, xine, or xv.11:37
RAOFpersia: Hm.  That's possible.  I do remember running through that bug, but not enough of the details.11:38
persiaRAOF: Then we're in the same state :)11:38
asacRAOF: working on miro?11:39
RAOFStill, the hardcoding doesn't make sense (and my patch to actually respect the --xine-driver commandline option won't influence any workarounds they have)11:39
RAOFasac: Yup.11:40
* RAOF should probably mark this in LP.11:40
asacRAOF: please get together with Ubulette ... he worked on this at some point11:40
asacRAOF: was miro the application that uses python + C api of gtkmozembed?11:40
RAOFasac: On the xulrunnerisation?  Cool.11:41
RAOFasac: Yup, that'd be miro.11:41
asacRAOF: yes ... he was waitinf for my python package11:41
asacRAOF: i guess you will need it too11:41
asacRAOF: i will ping you later today ... have to cleanup the patch and upload to ppa or something i guess11:41
RAOFI'll fix up the rest of the merge, then see about xuling it.11:42
persiaDoes anyone have Dell hardware?  I think http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=firmware-tools is mostly good, but I can't test (leftovers are confusing versioning scheme (hard to fix due to third party repos) and differentiating \- and \(hy in the manpage).11:42
asacRAOF: yes ... make sense to do the merge and then the porting11:42
RAOFasac: But block on the porting before uploading, right?11:43
dfilonipersia: wxwidgets2.8 in REVU where is? I don't find it11:43
persiadfiloni: hidden :)  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=wxwidgets2.8 is the URL.  All my comments are in the bug.  I'm still curious if it's worth patching the autogenerated file.11:44
dfilonipersia: do you think is good?11:45
persias/the bug/bug #133888/11:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133888 in wxwidgets2.8 "upgrade wxwidgets2.8 to the release" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13388811:45
persiadfiloni: I think so, I just don't understand if the dpatch is required or not.  Robin's latest comment makes me think not.11:45
dfilonipersia: I used dpatch to fix wxPython/wx/build/build_options.py file11:46
persiadfiloni: I know, but Robin says it is an autogenerated file, (although the build log makes it appear to be used).  I just don't know enough about that file to have an understanding of how it should work (and my WX knowledge is all on the C++ side: not the python bindings)11:51
dfilonipersia: in the previous version (2.8.4) the file was fixed11:52
persiadfiloni: I saw that, which is why I thought the dpatch was correct.  At this point, I'm hoping someone with more python knowledge than I will express an opinion.  If you're sure, just put a comment in the bug that it is the correct behaviour, and subscribe the sponsors queue (my build system can't handle that package anyway)11:53
dfilonipersia: now I'm working at version, but lintian show me a lot of warnings or errors that I want to fix11:55
persiadfiloni: Thanks for that.  I agree with pochu that it's likely best to get in now, and update later, rather than waiting (unless you're likely to finish in the next couple days).11:56
pochus/next couple days/today/ :-P11:56
dfilonipersia: I don't think I can finish this weeks11:56
persiadfiloni: Understood.  It's best to take the time to get it right, so let's move ahead with it just needs confirmation that the dpatch is correct, and can be pushed to the sponsors queue.11:57
persiapochu: Do any of your clients use the python bindings?  Can you verify the dpatch?11:57
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
persiaStevenK: ?11:59
RAOFHm.  It seems UNSW is burning down.12:00
StevenKpersia: http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=108312:00
StevenKRAOF: Oh?12:00
imbrandonpersia: jono's name means Queue in lang12:00
RAOFStevenK: Well, either that or they've chosen an odd time of the day to run big firere drills12:00
StevenKEr, yeah.12:01
HobbseeRAOF: that's not good.  i don't want o hear of any other disasters anywhere in sydney.12:01
* persia enjoys the complete lack of relation of finnish to nearly anything else12:01
StevenKHobbsee: The amount of tarps on roofs around here is disturbing me12:01
* Hobbsee also hopes that if we get another hailstorm, we get it soon.12:01
HobbseeStevenK: i havent' actually seen any - but i'll admit that i wasn't looking too hard.12:01
* RAOF obviously lives in the *safe* part of Sydney.12:02
StevenKWhere safe == boring12:02
RAOFOr, alternatively, doesn't get around much.12:02
imbrandonman this camera my mother-in-law got my daughter is horrible, here is the "test" picture i took with it a little bit ago12:02
* Hobbsee hasn't dared to call the insurance company yet12:02
HobbseeStevenK: did westpoint lose power?12:02
StevenKHobbsee: Not that I noticed12:03
RAOFOk.  That's a night.  Bed awaits.12:04
StevenKimbrandon: Is that a digital camera or a phone?12:04
* persia suspects most phones have higher resolution12:04
imbrandondigital camera, for a 10 year old, just plain nasty12:04
StevenKEr, yeah.12:04
StevenKI could paint a better picture12:04
RAOFimbrandon: Your theme is borken in ff-3 :).12:05
RAOFAlso.  Urgh.12:05
imbrandonlol yea exactly, i'm pondering not giving it to her and just buying one for her myself, this thing is nuts, but i dont wanna piss of the mother-in-law12:05
imbrandonRAOF: yea it is in IE7 too, i'll work a bit more on it tomarrow :)12:05
pochupersia: you mean a python app using the wx bindings? I can try, sure.12:05
RAOFMaybe it's an artistic phone?12:05
StevenKimbrandon: Make/model?12:05
StevenKHell, my digital camera is two years old, and it does much better12:06
imbrandonModel #98379 from Sakar International12:06
persiapochu: Thanks.  That's the last bit of confirmation I think is required before it can be sponsored (as I'm not sure how to evaluate whether the dpatch is required).12:06
* persia 's phone is > 2 years old and does better12:06
StevenKimbrandon: There's your problem12:06
imbrandonyea i'm just not even gonna give this to her, hell it even has to have a special app in wine to get the pics off anyhow12:13
imbrandoni can get hear a better one for $50 cheap12:13
imbrandonthats linux friendly and tons better res12:13
pochupersia: woops, spe uses 2.6 even if 2.8 is available :)12:13
imbrandoni'll just keep this one on the shelf so if the mother-in-law ever asks about it12:13
imbrandoni still have it arround :)12:14
* pochu wonders what to use instead...12:14
pochuphatch... and I'm the maintainer :P12:15
ruosoHi... I'm the maintainer of gnome-mag in debian. The gnome-mag package in ubuntu does not support the colorblind accessibility filters... the latest version (just uploaded) supports it just fine with the colorblind applet... how does it work to get that features to ubuntu?12:18
persiamotu-sru team: should candidate SRUs be subscribed for approval?12:19
pochuruoso: is it that the schemas installation?12:19
ruosopochu, not only that, but also the linking with libcolorblind12:20
ruosothe ubuntu version doesn't seems to be linked with it12:20
ruosothe last upload is about the gconf schemas i mean12:20
DktrKranzpersia, I think subscribing motu-sru is enough, but there should be consensus on procedures12:22
pochuruoso: if nobody does it, I'll merge it with Debian tomorrow, so we get the fix.12:23
imbrandonpersia: yea subscribe so its in our queue12:23
pochudholbach_: it's your merge ^ wanna do it? If not, mind me doing it? :)12:23
ruosopochu, thanks... I've already tested in a friend's computer doing a backport to the latest stable... and it worked just fine (except that ubuntu seem to be using python2.5 by default)12:24
ruosoand I needed to change the install file12:24
persiaThanks DktrKranz, imbrandon.  Pending formal announcement of the procedure, I'll suggest subscribing the team while processing the sponsors queue.12:24
imbrandonpersia: sounds good12:25
DktrKranzimbrandon, what about defining a preliminary roadmap to be discussed during next MOTU meeting?12:26
* persia likes the combination of team coordination with the general meeting to allow non-members to heckle :)12:27
imbrandonDktrKranz: yea i think we should get a small irc meeting to get the plem roadmap going in the next day or so assuming we can get everyone on12:27
imbrandonand then a more formal one etc at the next -motu meeting if needed/wanted12:27
* Hobbsee heckles persia12:27
persiaHobbsee: My dead uncle could do a better job of heckling today.  Did you learn stage presence from a bear?12:28
* Hobbsee wins.12:29
DktrKranzimbrandon, I'll be in Rome without internet access on Dec 12/13, no problem to take it tomorrow or friday12:29
StevenKpersia, exit stage left12:30
pochupersia: phatch works fine with python-wxgtk2.8. Updating the bug report.12:30
persiapochu: Great!  Stick it in the sponsors queue, and we'll hope someone has a larger build-server quota than I :)12:31
pochupersia: cool, doing it!12:32
ruosopochu, lool will be uploading a new version soon which fixes some other things (like python policy conformance).. you probably want to wait for him to finish before the sync...12:41
dholbach_pochu: which merge?12:56
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
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persiadholbach: gnome-mag (although that may not help you unless pochy is around to see your response :) )13:05
dholbachpochu: no, I'm happy if you take care of it13:05
pochudholbach: ok.13:09
pochupersia: pochy? :P13:09
pochuruoso: sure, will wait for it.13:09
persiaoixgy: finger drift :)13:13
UbuletteRAOF: what about miro ?13:17
StevenKUbulette: RAOF is undoubtedly in bed.13:17
StevenKUbulette: I can ring him if you like ... :-P13:17
Ubulettenm, i'll wait13:18
StevenKUbulette: There was a :-P on that line for a reason. :-)13:20
* persia seeks julien lavergne13:39
slicerOk, I'm a bit of a noob.. If you install ubuntu-server, can you still apt-get/aptitude packages from the desktop edition in an easy manner?13:47
imbrandonyes , exactly the same13:48
persiaslicer: It's just a different meta-package, with a different set of default applications (and a different set of things shipped on the CD).13:48
slicerCan I quote you on that? I have a end-user who is being a .. er.. nice word... "problem"?13:49
persiaslicer: If you like, but I'm not sure how strong a quote is compared to your statement, or a pointer at the code :)13:49
slicerConsidering I've been told I know nothing about Ubuntu, it seems I'll have to quote outside sources.13:50
slicerAt times, it's really hard to keep a civil tone with some people.13:50
imbrandonslicer: heh, sounds like you need a new class of people to associate with13:51
imbrandonmoins zul13:53
zulhey imbrandon how goes the battle?13:55
imbrandongood good, bout to sleep for a few hours then work on some SRU stuff :)13:59
imbrandonnight all13:59
* persia seeks stephane brunner14:01
dsopokay, today is revu day, so i'll try again. Please, is there some motu that's willing to review my package. I still search for a second advocate14:08
ScottKdsop: Generally it helps if you also provide a link to the package on REVU.14:09
dsopScottK: okay, sorry.14:10
dsopthe package url is http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=gcutils14:10
dholbachpersia: seems he has not added his IRC nick to his LP profile :/14:11
persiadholbach: Yep.  That's why he gets a general "* persia seeks ..." annoucement (although sometimes I do that when I'm just feeling lazy). :)14:12
dholbachpersia: hehe14:12
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
Ubulettepersia, about the menu stuff (in seamonkey), you just want me to use the new "Categories" in my desktop files, right ? like for ex chatzilla, s/Categories=GTK;Network;IRCClient;/Categories=Application;Network;Communication;/   ?14:35
persiaUbulette: Sortof.  "Application" is a deprecated category.  I don't remember offhand, but I think I was suggesting updates to your menu files, as policy changed from "Apps/..." to "Applications/...".14:36
Ubuletteix:~/bzr/seamonkey-1.1.dev/debian/menu_dir$ grep Apps/ *desktop14:37
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
Ubulettei'm puzzled14:37
Ubulettepersia: ^^14:40
mruizhi dholbach14:40
persiaUbulette: menu, not desktop14:41
dholbachhiya mruiz14:41
mruizdholbach, do you have time to guide me with some questions about hardware-monitor ?14:43
dholbachmruiz: sure - just ask, if it's not me who answers, somebody else will :)14:44
mruizdholbach, REPORT file says that we have conflicts with three files: debian/control, src/monitor-impls.cpp and src/monitor-impls.hpp14:45
dholbachdid you try resolving them?14:46
mruizalso I consulted about them in the changelog14:47
\shwoosah....documention: done, server move: done14:48
mruizdholbach, differences are related to "iowait" calls14:48
dholbachmruiz: ah yes, I remember some bug about it14:48
mruizdholbach, I think bug 8159914:49
ubotuLaunchpad bug 81599 in hardware-monitor "hardware-monitor cpu monitoring should not include iowait" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8159914:49
dholbachmruiz: seems that http://launchpad.net/~jazzva is working on it too14:50
dholbachmruiz: got a mail from him this morning14:50
mruizdholbach, but I said that I'm working on it -> DaD14:51
dholbachmruiz: best to coordinate with Jazzva then14:52
dholbachalrightie :)14:52
dholbachlooks like the patch still needs to be applied14:52
mruizyes... I was looking for information in Debian as well14:52
mruizdholbach, I'll send an email to jazzva. I started to work on this merge during the last week14:53
dholbachgreat - thanks a lot14:54
mruizdholbach, wait me a minute... I'm writing the email to avoid double work14:55
mruizdholbach, email -> done :-)15:06
VolansHi, I'm administrator of Italian forum. I developed a Firefox extension to quickly browse sections provided by Italian Community. Extension is published on Mozilla Addons Sandbox, I would like to know if you think it is possible to include it into Universe repository.15:28
persiaVolans: Likely, but you might get better information on what is required in #ubuntu-mozillateam15:30
nxvl_workdholbach: i was just looking for you15:31
Volansok, then I will ask first on mozillateam and after here?15:31
dholbachnxvl_work: how can I help you?15:31
nxvl_workdholbach: on saturday i will give a talk about patch systems, and as the audience is not a very expert one i will make a little packaging 101, and i'm wondering if you have some slides i can use for it?15:32
persiaVolans: We're happy to help, but only a small minority of us understand how to package a firefox extension.15:33
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dholbachnxvl_work: I'm sorry - I have no slides for it, but for the patch systems section I'd use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems15:34
dholbachnxvl_work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes might also be interesting (the first two probably)15:35
nxvl_workdholbach: yes, i was using the wiki pages for my slides, but i was looking for a quick and little packaging 10115:36
nxvl_workwell, i will base it on your IRC lessons15:37
dholbachnxvl_work: hehe, nice15:37
dholbachnxvl_work: I'll put some effort into producing that kind of 'material' from the packaging guide, but it'll take a bit15:37
Volanspersia: thanks for your attention, for the realization I am in contact with Italians motu, I would like only to know if you think it is possible to include the deb package into Universe, when finished15:37
dholbachnxvl_work: I'll definitely let you know15:37
persiaVolans: The criteria for inclusion is that two members of ~ubuntu-dev believe it to be useful.  As there are more than two MOTU from Italy, I'd be surprised if it had trouble reaching that, as long as it is actually useful.15:38
DaveMorrisapachelogger: I fixed the control file for cpptest - http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=cpptest15:39
apacheloggerDaveMorris: will take another look asap15:41
Volanspersia: thanks for the suggestion ;) i will ask the mozillateam for more specific requirement and after if all it's ok male the package itself15:41
persiaVolans: Great.  Thanks for taking the trouble to try to get your application into Ubuntu.15:42
nxvl_workdholbach: i need to send my slides on Wednesday, so i will send you a copy also, to maybe they help you15:42
dholbachnxvl_work: you're a hero, thanks for that15:42
* dholbach hugs nxvl_work15:42
* nxvl_work hugs dholbach back15:43
ScottKnxvl_work: Did you see pitt's motu-school lecture on patching systems that's on the wiki?15:43
dholbachJordan turned Martin Pitt's lecture into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems :-)15:45
* dholbach hugs laserRock15:45
ScottKdholbach: Thanks.  Since everything's been moved, I have a hard time finding stuff anymore.15:45
* apachelogger notes that dholbach might be in huging mood ^_^15:46
coNP[uni]Hey MOTus!15:46
apacheloggerahoy coNP[uni]15:46
dholbachScottK: Martin's lecture should be still in the same place: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources15:46
dholbachso no need to despair :)15:46
ScottKdholbach: OK.  Good then.15:47
dholbachhey coNP[uni], hey apachelogger!15:47
persiaapachelogger: You happen to be the uploader for the least-recently-updated package on REVU.  Please upload a new revision :)15:47
nxvl_workScottK: where on the wiki?15:48
apacheloggerpersia: which package would that be?15:48
nxvl_workScottK: on the motu-school web?15:48
dholbachnxvl_work: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School15:48
dholbachmost of the logs are tagged with CategoryArchive though15:48
dholbachand were improved and put into the PackagingGuide namespace15:49
persiaapachelogger: libksquirrel15:50
persia(err..  second highest on Needs Work.  Sorry)15:51
apacheloggerpersia: upstream needs to release a new version first15:51
nxvl_workdholbach, ScottK: thnx, i will take a look15:51
apacheloggermissing license copies and stuff15:51
persiaapachelogger: Ah.15:51
* apachelogger throws a comment in15:52
persiaapachelogger: Neither of your reviewers caught that :)15:52
apacheloggeractuall he did already15:52
apacheloggerpersia: hehe, I'm all bitch about that, as Hobbsee noted - I got some packages rejected because of missing license copies15:53
apacheloggercpptest is having far too many files :|15:57
* imbrandon really isnt here but persia if you would archive xbiso, i dont have the time to properly pay attn to it right now ( anyone else is welcome to adopt it if you know a up and comming motu hopefull )15:57
persiaimbrandon: Just leave a comment asking someone to adopt it.  There are quite a number of contributors who regularly troll REVU.15:58
* persia notes that anyone who does adopt it will likely get an easy review from imbrandon15:58
imbrandonyup lol15:59
Ubulettecould someone please archive seamonkey on revu ? asac sponsored it.15:59
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persiaUbulette: done16:02
imbrandonok note added http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=xbiso16:06
imbrandon^^ any MOTU hopfulls here is some low hanging fruit for you ^^16:06
persiadholbach: Thanks for sending the ubotu note: it had slipped far to deep on my list.16:06
=== LucidFox is now known as LucidFox_bath
apacheloggerDaveMorris: advocated cpptest16:11
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
affluxhi, any revu admin available for nuking/archiving http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=psi ? This upload wasn't intentional.16:25
persiaafflux: I'll archive it (I don't like nuking unless there's a good reason not to host it)16:27
affluxpersia: ah right, thanks16:28
persiaafflux: No problem :)16:28
Ubuletteis an lp bug needed for an upgrade 0ubuntu2 ?16:30
ScottKUbulette: If you are looking for sponsorship, yes.  Make a bug and attach the debdiff.16:31
Ubuletteit's not a merge, nobody is working in parallel on that16:32
apacheloggerMez: is the mumble dev on irc?16:32
Mezslicer, ping from apachelogger16:33
apacheloggerah :)16:33
Mezslicer, <apachelogger> Mez: is the mumble dev on irc?16:34
slicerapachelogger: Ah. Hi.16:34
apacheloggerslicer: ahoy http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mumble please at least address persia's 1+216:34
apacheloggerthen I might give an advocate ;-)16:34
slicerAlready done, just haven't uploaded it.16:35
slicerAs I didn't have a 3.7.3 compliant lintian to verify with.16:35
slicerI still don't, but I can upload it... ;)16:35
apacheloggerslicer: hehe, I'll come back to you if lintian complains ;-)16:36
=== LucidFox_bath is now known as LucidFox
slicerBTW, when we release 1.1.2 of Mumble, do we go through revu again or just submit a debdiff-ish patch somewhere?16:37
apacheloggerslicer: through revu again, but then it only needs one advocate AFAIK16:38
apacheloggerMez: right?16:38
* Mez isnt sure16:39
apacheloggerMez: about the revu or the one advocate? ;-)16:39
Mezer... depends on who your sponsor is really16:40
Meztehre shouldnt be that many changes to the actual package... just the source16:40
slicerThe will-be diff for the debian/ directory is .. er.. 4 lines or so for 1.1.216:41
Mezchangelog entry ?16:41
slicerBTW, dh_makeshlibs complains something fierce about libmumble, but just ignore it. For some reason it expects libraries to resolve their symbols.16:42
DaveMorrisapachelogger: since norsetto advocated it before that small change does it mean it can be uploaded now?16:44
apacheloggerDaveMorris: no, he has to readvocate16:45
mruizdholbach, all changes are related to the inclusion of iowait (bug 81599). Then, we have to preserve Ubuntu changes and merge the package ;-)16:46
ubotuLaunchpad bug 81599 in hardware-monitor "hardware-monitor cpu monitoring should not include iowait" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8159916:46
shodges_hey, i'm working on a project in my spare time, and will be looking for the correct way to package it in the near future...16:49
slicerapachelogger: new mumble on revu.16:50
shodges_The reason I ask is that it's not a single component, theres the core program "Medes", and numerous bundles of data files for each website - which will need to depend on the core package16:51
shodges_I'm hoping to build numerous packages, one for each "data bundle" (essentially a collection of images and config files) with names matching the website they launch, like "googlemaps"16:52
shodges_I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on this?16:53
slicerDoes it all come from a single .tar.gz?16:54
shodges_no, i plan to separate the project into a core "medes-X.X.X.tar.gz" followed by "webapp1-X.X.X.tar.gz" "webapp2-X.X.X.tar.gz", etc16:56
shodges_if that makes sense16:56
slicerI may be wrong, but I think you then need to package each of them completely separately. You can easily make the webapp-blipp depend on medes.16:58
shodges_thats great, thats exactly what I want to do. Cool, I'll work for that approach16:59
\shapachelogger, how was the amarok channel party? :)16:59
apachelogger\sh: well, exhausting, but fun, but exhausting ;-)16:59
apacheloggerexhausting fun I'd say :P16:59
\shapachelogger, are you back at home or still near KA?16:59
apacheloggernah, went home yesterday afternoon17:00
slicerapachelogger: Are you looking at Mumble now, btw?17:00
\shapachelogger, shame..wednesday is another day at xmas market to kill some glühwein ;)17:00
apacheloggerslicer: yes, but only the old version :P17:00
apachelogger\sh: lol, I have to write a book report tomorrow ;-)17:00
slicerapachelogger: Ah, ok. Do you want me to stick around?17:01
apacheloggerslicer: well if it's no problem for you, else I just toss my comments on revu17:01
\shapachelogger, I wanted to attend, but my GF had a party with her cameroonian club in cologne...so I was staying in cologne17:01
apachelogger\sh: next time maybe ;-)17:02
apacheloggerslicer: dh_installexamples and dh_link don't do anything, please remove17:02
slicerapachelogger: Thing is I have to eat sometime in the next two hours. And if you're looking through it right now, I'll postpone. If you're .. ok, you are. nevermind.17:02
\shapachelogger, give me a ring when you are nearby :)17:02
slicerapachelogger: Done.17:03
apachelogger\sh: aye :)17:03
apacheloggerslicer: you don't provide an init script, do you?17:05
slicerapachelogger: Yes, it's in scripts/17:05
slicerapachelogger: And copied into the debian/ dir so dh_..er..something finds it.17:06
apacheloggerah, right, there17:06
apacheloggerslicer: does the demon run by default?17:07
slicerapachelogger: Errr. Huh?17:09
* slicer builds the binary and checks to see what dh_installinit actually does.17:09
apacheloggerslicer: well, from what I see it shouldn't17:10
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
jpatrickslicer: you can also view it's manpage17:13
jpatrick"dh_installinit - install init scripts into package build directories"17:13
slicerAye, but it also says it sets up symlinks etc etc.17:13
slicerSo the question is, what exactly does it do? :)17:14
* apachelogger extracts the deb17:14
slicerapachelogger: Ok, installing the murmur .deb will automatically call the init script.17:14
slicerapachelogger: Which will start the server.17:15
apacheloggerbad thing17:15
apacheloggerIMHO this shouldn't happen without user interaction17:15
slicer"aptitude install murmur" is user interaction? ;)17:15
apacheloggeras is aptitude icecast17:16
slicerOk, so..17:16
apacheloggereither you should provide a debhelper thingy to ask whether to activate it17:16
slicerSTART_DEAMON=no added to the defaults and check it in the init script?17:16
apacheloggerslicer: what defaults?17:17
slicerapachelogger: The ones I'm about to add?17:17
apacheloggershould go into /etc/security/17:17
slicerHuh? Not /etc/defaults ?17:17
slicerThat's what dh_installinit seems to indicate.17:18
apacheloggeror defaults17:18
apacheloggerslicer: defaults then ;-)17:18
* apachelogger didn't had a look into that for quite some time17:18
slicerapachelogger: Ok. Here's the thing. Is there a way to determine if the script is called from the command line or if it's called from rc?.d ?17:19
slicerMost init scripts which do have a defaults file simply exit unless the magic line in /etc/defaults/XX is set, and it's kind of annoying that when you manually /etc/init.d/package start, nothing happens.17:20
apacheloggerbut there is no way to determine AFAIK17:20
apacheloggerslicer: you might output an error message though17:20
apacheloggerso one at least knows what to do17:21
slicerAh, avahi has a good example. Stealing code.17:22
ScottKslicer: I don't think that's most inits that do that.17:22
ScottKSpamassassin is by default configured for spamd to do nothing, but that's an unusual case.17:23
ScottKDKIM-Milter uses /etc/defaults and runs with nothing set in defaults.17:23
ScottKFor more examples.17:23
slicerEr. I think it was pulseaudio.17:24
slicerWhich annoyed me, as I had to read the init script to find that it needed a defaults file.17:25
slicerBut avahi prints a warning, which is exactly what I want.17:25
slicerI assume it's quite sane to check that value only in 'start'? Otherwise, you can get scenarios where the user first starts the service, then edits defaults, then has no way of stopping it.17:26
ScottKIf there is a reasonable default configuration, it's much better to set it up that way by default.17:26
apacheloggerslicer: true17:26
shodges_Oh, another quick question. I was reading up about the PPA, it sounds really useful but there were a couple of things that weren't clear to me:17:29
shodges_How many packages can you publish on it at any one time? I think its just 1, but not sure if I understood it correctly17:29
RainCTshodges_: you've up to 1GB space17:30
DaveMorrisshodges_: the limit is set via space17:30
shodges_ah ok cool17:30
DaveMorrisalthough I've got over 1GB17:30
shodges_also, does it build packages for other architectures automatically? like i386/amd64/ppc? I havent tried using it yet, but thought i'd take a stab later tonight17:30
RainCTDaveMorris: heh. well.. if they don't add a delete option they can't complain :P17:30
DaveMorrisEstimated archive size:              2.8 GiB17:31
DavieyDaveMorris is a rogue user17:31
* RainCT is looking for a packaging bug17:31
shodges_damn, some people have like 500 binaries in their ppa!17:35
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shodges_thanks for your help everyone, I think I have what I need to get started now17:42
slicerapachelogger: Was there anything else, btw?17:45
apacheloggerslicer: didn't notice anything else, I'll have another look with the defaults stuff17:46
apacheloggernorsetto: hey, please have a look at cpptest17:46
norsettoapachelogger: I advocated it already, was there a change that needs to be looked at?17:47
apacheloggernorsetto: yes http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cpptest17:48
norsettoapachelogger: did you build it already? If so and you have a .changes please upload it17:50
* apachelogger checks the directory17:51
apacheloggeryeah, built already ;-)17:51
norsettoapachelogger: let me know when you have uploaded and I'll mark it as done and archive.17:52
RainCTis current standards version in Ubuntu 3.7.2 or 3.7.3?17:53
jpatrickRainCT: .317:54
RainCTok, thanks :)17:54
apacheloggerpersia: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=libksquirrel about 3): I doubt that thoose scripts/bins have very much use for anyone directly (also considering only one provides a --help anyway), so IMO it doesn't make much sense to include 16 manpages with mostly not existing content17:59
apacheloggernorsetto: it's in new18:01
slicerapachelogger: It's on revu now.18:01
* apachelogger is going to set the bug to fix commited18:01
norsettoapachelogger: danke18:02
slicerI'll go get something to eat, back in 30 minutes or so.18:02
apacheloggernorsetto: hehe, yw ;-)18:02
apacheloggerDaveMorris: thanks for your work :)18:03
RainCTCan someone please tell me a translation into German for "Application for partitioning a disk" (starting with a verb preferably, for a menu entry)? (I'd probably make at least 1 writting mistake :P)18:04
DaveMorrisnp, now to get my other 2 accpeted18:04
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norsettoRainCT: whats a writting mistake ?18:04
RainCTnorsetto: that lol18:05
NightroseRainCT: "Programm zum Partitionieren einer Festplatte" - can´t think of one starting with a verb18:05
Nightrosewould sound strange18:05
apacheloggerthe english version doesn't start with a verb18:06
apacheloggerhow could the german? :P18:06
Nightrosewell different language means different structure of sentences sometimes18:07
Nightrosebut not always ;-)18:07
apacheloggerNightrose: smart ass :P18:07
RainCTwell.. the Catalan translations I added starts with a verb :)18:08
DaveMorrisapachelogger: who handles backports of new packages we upload?18:11
apacheloggerDaveMorris: the ubuntu-backports team18:11
DaveMorrisdo they auto do it or do I need to ask them?18:11
apacheloggerask, via bug report18:12
apacheloggerattach the changelog and a build log, ensure it build/installs/works properly18:12
apacheloggerScottK knows all the magic ;-)18:12
ScottKDaveMorris: Feel free to ping me with the bug number when it's done.18:13
RainCTuhm.. if a menu entry needs root privilegies, how can I achieve this so that it works for both GNOME and KDE?18:34
ScottKRainCT: Look at disk-manager on REVU.  They have a disk-manager-root script that works through that.18:35
ScottKI don't know a simpler way.18:35
RainCTScottK: will look at it, thanks18:37
ScottKRainCT: I think that it could, perhaps, be abstracted into a useful general solution for the problem.18:39
ScottKRainCT: When you look at it, be sure to look at the Kubuntu integration patch in debian/patches.18:40
* RainCT doesn't like the idea to add a python dependency18:42
jonnymindGood evening to all.18:43
apacheloggerRainCT: just add another desktop file18:43
RainCThm.. it should work if done in bash, or?18:43
apacheloggerone only shown in KDE18:43
apacheloggerusing kdesudo18:43
apacheloggerand another shown elsewhere using gksu18:43
RainCTs/it should/should it/18:44
* RainCT blames Qt for now showing in which source file each translation is.. :(18:45
RainCTnew question, any good tool for searching in many different files?18:46
geserrgrep aka grep -r doesn't work?18:47
RainCTgeser: great, thanks!18:48
RainCTScottK: eh.. why is that kde integration patch requried? I have kdesu but not kdesudo with kde-base installed19:01
slicerapachelogger: I'm back, but I got called back to work. Could you just post your comments on revu?19:05
ScottKRainCT: Are you on Feisty or Gutsy?19:05
apacheloggerslicer: sure19:06
slicerapachelogger: Thanks.19:06
ScottKRainCT: The XAUTHORITY bit is the most important part.19:07
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RainCTScottK: Gutsy19:08
ScottKRainCT: I'll have to look into that then.  I thought we switched to kdesudo (I have both).19:09
RainCTI'll go with this  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47714/   (the last line is just a test, of course)19:14
RainCTperhaps not very nice, but well.. it works :)19:14
ScottKRainCT: Now what about Xubuntu and Fluxbuntu?19:19
RainCTwhat do those use?19:20
ScottKRainCT: No idea.  I know imbrandon knows about Fluxbox.19:26
RainCTimbrandon: ping? :)19:27
ScottKRainCT: I think sommerville32 knows about Xubuntu.19:28
* RainCT is asking in #xubuntu..19:33
RainCTScottK: Xubuntu uses gksudo19:38
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=== nu is now known as nuu
geserHi bddebian19:41
macdI see flash 9r115 in the repos but gutsy still wants to install r48, (which also has the md5 bug) but manually installing http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb works fine19:46
bddebianHeya gang19:46
bddebianHi geser19:46
pochuhey bddebian19:48
bddebianHi pochu19:49
pochumacd: there's a backport request I think19:49
macdr115 is for hardy, r48 causes some sites music to not play, would it be approriate todo a gutsy backport?19:49
macdpochu, you must have been typnig at the same time ;P19:49
macdI've been looking on LP for a bug that has a backport request, but can't seem to find it19:49
ScottKmacd: Are you looking in the gutsy-backports project?19:50
macdScottK, most likely not, could you point me there19:50
ScottKmacd:  ^^^19:51
macdno results for flashplugin, I'll just file one19:52
macdis there a particular team/person should be assigned? desktop-bugs or?19:58
ScottKmacd: No.  Just file the bug.  If you can test the hardy package on gutsy, then mark it confirmed.19:59
* macd already did that ;P20:01
macdinstalls/removes/purges fine20:01
macdIs there anything like a normal bug i.e. debdiff or anything that it needs?20:02
ScottKNo.  The archive-admins have a magic script.20:02
ScottKmacd: Does it run?  That's the other key point to test.20:02
macdyes, it runs and fixes the issue in the gutsy version20:03
=== apachelogger is now known as onairlogger
ScottKmacd: Say all that in the bug and I'll approve it to go to the archive admins.20:03
macdjust reading through some of adobes changes, I can't see how noone reported a bug earlier20:03
ScottKmacd: They probably just whined on forums that no developer reads rather trying to help solve the problem.20:04
macdScottK, yeah typical users ;P, the bug report already has that it fixes the issue, and that it works on gutsy :)20:04
ScottKmacd: What bug #?20:05
macdbug 17537020:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175370 in gutsy-backports "Please backport flashplugin-nonfree from Hardy to Gutsy (i386)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17537020:05
* ScottK looks20:05
* ScottK approves20:06
ScottKmacd: Now it's just when the archive admins have time to look at it.20:07
macdty :)20:09
torkelhm, shouldn't flashplugin-nonfree have been built for amd64 by now too?20:09
macdlooks like the hardy one has problems with konq/nspluginwrapper20:10
ScottKtorkel: AMD64 seems to be lagging significantly right now.  Not sure why.20:12
RainCThow can I let a package remove some files when it gets purged?20:20
ScottKRainCT: Look at the postrm in most any package with a conffile.20:21
RainCTScottK: ok, thanks. can you think of any small package with a conffile? :P20:23
pochuerr, did you say small? :-)20:24
pochuInstalled-Size: 98420:24
pochuIn fact it's easy :)20:24
pochuI think that's KB though20:25
RainCTuhm.. I can't find any special there..20:28
RainCTexcept a "pbuilder-uml.files" file :P. what's a files file? xD20:28
RainCTah, I see. «it is used while building packages to record which files are being generated. [...] It should not exist in a shipped source package». is this a bug in pbuilder's package ? :P20:31
RainCTScottK: it seems that conffiles are removed automatically when purging..20:35
ScottKRainCT: Look at dkim-milter's source package.20:36
RainCTbut I need to remove log files :(20:36
ScottKIt give you the basic script for checking if your are purging.20:36
RainCTthanks ScottK20:38
ScottKRainCT: No problem.20:38
warp10Hi all!20:45
norsettohey warp10, welcome back21:02
warp10Hi norsetto, thanks! It has been a long (lost) fight against a bad adsl usb modem :(21:03
RAOFUbulette: Still here?  I just heard that you were working on xulrunnering miro, and I'm merging it now.21:41
RAOF(For some sufficiently generalised concept of "now")21:41
norsettomaiatoday: yes m'am?21:43
maiatodaywill you look at my debdiff pastebin for bug 133935, please21:44
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133935 in libimage-exiftool-perl "missing xmp2iptc.args and iptc2xmp.args" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13393521:44
norsettomaiatoday: sure, just few sec. and I'll check it out21:45
maiatodayty, http://pastebin.com/d400ed2ae21:46
norsettomaiatoday: can you remember me the bug number?21:49
norsettobug 13393521:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133935 in libimage-exiftool-perl "missing xmp2iptc.args and iptc2xmp.args" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13393521:50
norsettomaiatoday: this is a single binary package?21:51
Flare183bug 11037721:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 110377 in p7zip "sfx module not found" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11037721:52
maiatodaynorsetto, uhm not sure?21:52
norsettomaiatoday: you can use apt-cache to check it (there are also many other ways)21:54
norsettomaiatoday: for instance "apt-cache showsrc libimage-exiftool-perl" tells me there is only one binary21:54
maiatodaynorsetto, ok I see21:55
norsettomaiatoday: that makes a difference if you have to make sure that the examples are installed in a certain binary package only21:55
norsettomaiatoday: these two files, are they in the root of the source tree?21:55
maiatodaynorsetto, yes21:56
norsettomaiatoday: ok, just two little things21:56
norsettomaiatoday: 1) we fix this for the development release21:56
norsettomaiatoday: which means ....?21:57
maiatodayoops s/gutsy/hardy21:57
norsettomaiatoday: ok21:57
norsettomaiatoday: 2) You need to list all changes in the changelog21:58
maiatodayok so that includes the maintener field change too like you said last time?21:58
norsettomaiatoday: yes21:58
maiatodaynorsetto: okeydokey brb21:59
norsettomaiatoday: I don't see it in the pastebin, but how wide is it your changelog ?21:59
norsettomaiatoday: never mind, it fits in the 80 columns limit22:00
maiatodaynorsetto: I didn't make mine wider than what was there before, but I'll try to remember 80 col22:01
norsettomaiatoday: I'm really nittypicking here, but instead of " * add rules to put xmp2iptc.args and iptc2xmp.args in /usr/share/doc/libimage-exiftool-perl on installation. (Closes: #133935)22:02
norsettomaiatoday: I would just say "* add installation of example files (xmp2iptc.args and iptc2xmp.args) (LP: #133935)22:02
norsettomaiatoday: note that the correct syntax is LP: #xxxxx22:03
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maiatodaynorsetto: how would you phrase the maintainer field change?22:04
norsettomaiatoday: there is a standard text that update-maintainer use22:04
norsettomaiatoday: Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField specification22:05
maiatodaynorsetto: ok I'll go look for it22:05
norsettomaiatoday: a last one, the way you did it is allright, but you could also do it differently22:06
maiatodaynorsetto: with the examples file instead?22:06
norsettomaiatoday: yes22:06
norsettomaiatoday: its pretty much a question of personal taste22:06
maiatodaynorsetto: I thought since it was just two files rules would be ok22:06
norsettomaiatoday: for me it is, but some people don't like to fiddle with rules too much22:07
norsettomaiatoday: just leave it as is, but be prepared to defend your choice :-)22:07
ScottKmaiatoday: I usually use, "*  Changed maintainer to MOTU"22:07
StevenHarperUKCan anyone here remove a PPA upload?22:08
DaveMorrisStevenHarperUK: goto #launchpad22:08
norsettoStevenHarperUK: don't think so, try #launchpad22:08
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norsettomaiatoday: before uploading the debdiff and subscribing u-u-s, just check that it builds and installs correctly (you can also check it with dpkg -c)22:10
maiatodaynorsetto: ok, I will recheck build and install, thanks for meticulous crit :)22:11
norsettomaiatoday: no, thx to you for *your* work :-)22:13
bigonkeescook: hi, shouldn't be a good idea to take a new svn snapshot for gtimelog?22:21
keescookbigon: probably, but I haven't checked on the upstream svn repo.22:21
norsettoscottk: do you remember why we never uploaded wine-0.9.46+ ?22:26
ScottKnorsetto: IIRC we released Gutsy with the latest there was at the time.22:26
ScottKnorsetto: I've asked Scott Ritchie to prepare newer packages for Hardy, but haven't seen any.22:27
norsettoScottK: ah ok, I thought 0.9.46 was much older than that22:27
ScottKnorsetto: No, but I'd love to get some newer stuff in Hardy and then backport it.22:27
norsettoScottK: well, I just used his package on revu to make 0.9.50 for personal use22:28
norsettoScottK: not that it makes any difference on my machine ....22:28
ScottKnorsetto: I didn't know he had a package on revu22:28
ScottK\sh_away: What do you think of the WINE 0.9.50 package on REVU?22:29
ScottKnorsetto: If \sh_away likes it, I'll look at it for sponsoring.22:29
norsettoScottK: its 0.9.49 on revu22:30
ScottK\sh_away: .49 then22:30
ScottKnorsetto: OK.  Maybe you should look at uploading the package you made then.22:30
RainCTgood night22:31
norsettoScottK: I just dropped in the new tarball (its out since few days only), didn't check if there was a need to do something else22:31
ScottKnorsetto: OK.  Well let's see what \sh_away has to say.  You need to talk him into re-applying for MOTU.22:31
norsettoこんばんは proppy-san22:37
* persia notes for general consumption that it's not important for a description to start with a verb, so long as it is a verbal phrase, and that people should examine app-install before installing two .desktop files for a single binary, as it may have unintended effects.22:39
proppynorsetto: oyyyy22:40
norsettoOh man, don't you love altavista, try this: good evening -> (Japanese) こんばんは -> (English) It is dense, it is, it is22:40
Ubulette今晩はみんな  (I didn't know this channel was utf8 compliant. すごいよ)22:40
proppynorsetto: my kana input is off, can't remember the crazy command to put it back :)22:41
persiaErr..  Please use English in this channel (and why doesn't kanji completion work today)22:42
norsettoubulette: you are telling this to somebody in particular?22:42
Ubuletteno, to everyone, but just for fun. do you read japanese ?22:43
norsettoubulette: well, had fun at looking at the automatic translation :-)22:44
proppyUbulette: so sad I can't read kanji yet22:45
Ubulettei barely have an occasion to practice my japanese.22:45
Ubulettesame for chinese btw22:45
Ubuletteeven worse22:45
persiaproppy: Learn three characters a day, every day.  In a year, you'll know more than the average Japanese person.22:45
proppypersia: we finished the kanatana training today22:46
UbuletteI knew the famous 1845 a couple of years back but I forgetting fast :(22:46
proppypersia: I will play 'kanatest' everyday to the final test next week :)22:46
persiaproppy: That's the spirit22:47
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proppypersia: have you try apt-get install kanatest ?22:47
proppypersia: it's great really22:47
Ubulettekana could be learned in less than 3 hours providing motivation (read + write)22:48
Ubulettekanji could take forever22:48
persiaproppy: Yep.22:48
proppyUbulette: If you know a good method let me know22:49
proppyUbulette: I'm stalling filling page and page of the same kana for learning them one by one22:50
Ubuletteproppy, you're french right ?22:50
proppyUbulette: learning them in sequence was good at the beginning but it's hard then to random access them22:50
proppyUbulette: yep22:50
Ubuletteproppy, Yves Maniette wrote a small book for kana in 3 hours.22:51
proppyhttp://maniette.fr/ ?22:51
proppythanks for the hint22:51
Ubulettehis kanji book is good too but just to write and recognize, not read22:52
Ubulette"les kanji dans la tete"22:52
proppyUbulette: what is the title of the kana book ?22:53
Ubulettei don't know if it's released. I had a preview from Yves to beta test. Let me check22:54
proppywoo beta pdf :)22:55
proppyhope there is an bzr branch available :)22:55
proppyUbulette: http://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/SHUBUNKEN/publications/miscPublications/Remembering_the_Kana.htm22:58
proppyRemembering the Kanji I: A Complete Course on How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Japanese  Characters22:58
proppyrench adaptation:Yves Maniette22:58
proppyI see, there are french adaptation of foreign book22:59
Ubulettethere are tons of books for kana. I don't think it's that useful. kanji on the opposite, yes22:59
proppyUbulette: it's always worth to have something to read on something you learn :)23:01
proppyI mean for me it's worthy23:01
norsettoproppy: zen and the art of debian packaging?23:02
SWATI want to add a mysqldump command to a package rules (to backup the old database upon installation), but this requires the mysql (root) password. What's the nicest way to handle this? Just let the user fill in the password?23:03
proppynorsetto: zen and the art of packaging windows software ? :)23:04
norsettoproppy: what does it mean actually? zen I mean ....23:04
proppynorsetto: I use to read a graphics programming book from M Abrash  who talk about zen timer programming :)23:06
norsettoproppy: oh my, the ineluctable fps23:07
persianorsetto: x52pro advocated on REVU (The test won't link).  Tested great, with a couple wishlist notes.  Feel free to fix them or not :)23:11
norsettopersia: only a couple!?23:12
persianorsetto: As usual, your packaging doesn't cause me to complain :)  It's just that the examples don't work by default :(23:12
norsettopersia: strange, it works for me, what is the problem?23:13
persianorsetto: "" vs. <> for one, and the need to manually track down the /usr/lib/foo.so links for the other.23:13
persianorsetto: With a small edit, and the right command line, it worked for me.23:14
persia(but it's just an example, so not likely critical)23:14
norsettopersia: I see, I wonder why it didn complain with me though23:14
persianorsetto: Interesting question.  I got lots of "undefined symbol" errors from ld.23:15
norsettopersia: no no, its good to know, this needs fixing23:15
persianorsetto: Fixing is good :)  I'm not sure that a packaged client would encounter the issues though.23:15
proppyUbulette: I downloaded the english version23:15
persianorsetto: I just noticed: the -dev might want to depend on libusb-dev as well.23:20
norsettopersia: ah ah, that could be the problem23:22
* Flare183 is away: Gone away for now.23:22
persianorsetto: It's not the entire problem: gcc -o x52test x52test.c still didn't work with that installed.  There's likely something about hints odd as well (but I don't understand what)23:23
norsettopersia: I had forgotten I installed that when I first tried out the compilation from source23:23
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare183--Away
norsettopersia: well, you need to add -lx52pro of course23:23
proppynorsetto: persia: Ubulette: have a good night23:23
norsettoproppe: bonne nuit bon proppy23:24
proppyI have to attend to leweb3 tomorrow, I should go to sleep23:24
persianorsetto: Right.  I'm an idiot :)  Never mind then: just the dependency should do it.23:24
Ubuletteproppy, oyasuminasai23:24
persiaErr, and s/""/<>/23:25
norsettopersia: thanks for that, I had totally forgotten it23:25
persianorsetto: No problem.  Thanks for backporting it to work with my kit :)23:25
norsettopersia: well, now I can switch off the bloody leds when I startup linux :-)23:25
persianorsetto: you don't like basking in the full dawn glow of your joystick?23:26
proppyUbulette: hay jane bye bye23:26
Ubuletteproppy, dream in kanji :)23:27
norsettopersia: hehe, got all lights dimmed but the one in the corridor outside (my wife thinks I'm lonewolfing already)23:27
cdm10So, I've learned how to make a package using dh_make to generate the debian filestructure, python distutils to create the installer, and dpkg-buildpackage to build the package.23:35
cdm10However, if I make some changes and want to create another version without going through the process of changing the rules file and all that, what do I change to change the version name so I can just change it and dpkg-buildpackage it again?23:36
persiacdm10: Every time you run dpkg-buildpackage -S it will generate a new source, including any changes you've made.  If you've released it, and need to force a revision update, add a changelog entry with dch -i (but you likely don't need this).23:38
cdm10persia: Well, I just want my new package to supercede the old in my PPA, which necessitates bumping the version number.23:38
persiacdm10: That would be publishing it (in the PPA).  Just add a changelog entry, describing the changes, and with a new version number.23:39
persias/version number/revision number/23:39
cdm10persia: alright. What if I make a new version of the program and want to bump the version, say, from 0.1 to 0.2 rather than the revision number (0.1-1 --> 0.1-2)23:40
persiacdm10: If you're upstream, that works.  I'd suggest you want 0.1-1 -> 0.2-0private1, so that you could later upgrade to 0.2-0ubuntu1 if you were to put it in the repositories.23:41
=== Flare183--Away is now known as Flare183
cdm10persia: I'm not really asking about what to do when it comes to bumping version numbers... I just want to know how to do it. Like, what files to change, what commands to run, before I run dpkg-buildpackage.23:43
RAOFcdm10: In that case, the answer is: debian/changelog.  That's where the package version comes from.  It may complain if it can't find an appropriately versioned .orig.tar.gz, though.23:51
RAOFcdm10: Bumping the upstream version is the same as bumping the revision.23:51
bigonkeescook: I've made a new snapshot for gtimelog, I will try to push it in debian23:52
cdm10RAOF: can you explain the names of the parts of a package version? a-b-ubuntuc23:52
cdm10or ppac or cdmc or whatever23:52
keescookbigon: cool :)23:53
RAOFcdm10: $UPSTREAM_VERSION-$DEBIAN_REVISION[ubuntu$UBUNTU_REVISION] is the general format.23:54
cdm10RAOF: alright. So, if I'm releasing packages in my own PPA, what should my versions be?23:55
norsettocdm10: you may want to add a ~ppaXY to that23:55
cdm10so, if I'm writing an app that I'm packaging myself for my own ppa, I do: $upstream23:56
cdm10enter key got in the way23:56
RAOFAnd for packages not in the official archives you generally want to have a ~ somewhere in your version string, so that you don't block an official version.23:57
cdm10so if i change something about the packaging but not the app, i change the $package-revision?23:57
RAOFI'd suggest $appversion-0~ppa$package-revision, though, since it's got a debian/ubuntu revision of 0.23:58
* persia notes that $appversion-0ppaX sorts lower than both -0ubuntu1 and -1 and doesn't require the use of the confusing ~23:59
RAOFTrue.  Although I'm not sure how confusing `~` really is.23:59

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