
=== doko__ is now known as doko
lamontdoko: should I expect pycentral to deal with creating python2.5 packages for me?13:31
dokolamont: the package has to be set up to actually build for 2.513:37
lamontah, ok13:39
lamontgot any examples of things building with both?13:39
lamont2.4 and 2.5, that is13:39
lamontand time for this one to run kids to school.13:39
lamontoffline for about an hour.13:39
jbaileydoko: 2.7-3ubuntu1 bulit fine on sparc, but 2.7-4ubuntu1 has a segfault in as.  Was there a binutils update in there that I missed, or a gcc update or something?19:06
jbaileyOtherwise I think you broke something in the update.19:06
dokojbailey: no other update; it did build fine on a t1000, I'll reschedule it, assuming it's the machine ...19:20

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