
Stwangeikonia, I considered contacting the technical support, but then I figured if it's the same connection, same MAC address and same card, they probably wouldn't get any extra details at their end (ie then don't know which OS I'm using), so it was probably a ubuntu issue00:00
ikoniasoundray_: thats plausable but it appears to be some sort of credentials auth thats being offered00:00
ikoniaStwange: they will get info as they may see things change in their logs00:00
timewriterim away for a while00:00
soundray_Stwange: but really, I think your network support people should know what you need to do.00:00
soundray_Stwange: unless they are a stubborn blockhead MS shop, which universities fortunately tend not to be.00:01
Stwangethanks ikonia and soundray_. I'll try contacting them, but there's usually limited support for linux00:01
Stwangeyeah :)00:01
ikoniaStwange: it won't matter your OS, your interested in their access logs00:01
ikoniaStwange: shouldn't matter what OS you have, more a case of what's changing in their logs00:01
soundray_Stwange: you just need to find the nerd who's on your side then ;)00:01
FireHazard17Should I use 64 bit? I am using hardy. flash isn't too neccessary.00:02
FireHazard17also I am using gnome.00:02
ikoniaFireHazard17: 1.) why are you using hardy 2.) why do you want 64bit00:02
soundray_FireHazard17: if you have to ask that, I would strongly advise against trying hardy00:02
slimaqhi i have intel 3100 and when i strat movie in fullscreen he laginig00:02
Zionad_FireHazard: 64 bit, is basically a headache, especcially wouldnt try it in hardyy..00:02
slimaqenybody help me?00:02
FireHazard17wow you guys are negative00:03
Stwangethanks ikonia and soundray_. I've gtg, but if they don't fix it I'll be back Schwarzenegger style ;)00:03
ikoniaFireHazard17: no, we are realistic in offering sound advice00:03
SlartFireHazard17: 32-bit gutsy would be a more ... pleasurable experience =).. less bumps on the way..00:03
sainzeoslimaq: please ask your question00:03
slimaq i have intel 3100 and when i strat movie in fullscreen he laginig00:03
FireHazard17If it wasn't for trying new unstable thing 7/10 of us wouldn't be using linux00:03
soundray_FireHazard17: no, we just hear the squeals of people who have burnt themselves with alpha software everyday. So any pre-alpha software will probably be worse.00:03
ikoniaslimaq: is the movie hd00:03
bulmeranyone here uses ipv6? i just started using tunnelbroker, i cant semm to ping6 another ipv6 address..you have one I can test to ping?00:03
FireHazard17soundray_: ok00:04
ikoniaFireHazard17: thats nosense00:04
Templarhow do i exit xserver and kill opengl00:04
FireHazard17ikonia: oh really?00:04
ikoniaFireHazard17: yes, really00:04
|rly|the wiki doesn't help a bit00:04
n15t0timewriter:can u help me out?00:04
FireHazard17ok then00:04
SlartFireHazard17: but if you don't mind tinkering.. compiling.. bug-reporting and such.. go ahead with 64-bit hardy00:04
soundray_FireHazard17: unfortunately your question indicates that you're not one of the select few who will negotiate the hurdles successfully.00:04
bulmerTemplar-> you can /etc/init.d/gdm stop?00:04
ikoniaFireHazard17: use what you want, but remember you will get no support for hardy as a user00:04
FireHazard17Slart: I love doing those things00:04
ikoniaFireHazard17: you have the warnings and the options, do with it as you will00:05
desertcFireHazard17: Give it a shot!!  Just create a new partition and you can leave an existing partition available for fall-back.00:05
SlartFireHazard17: then don't let us stop you.. go install 64bit hardy00:05
soundray_FireHazard17: go ahead then, and remember the IRC channel is #ubuntu+100:05
FireHazard1760% of my software is compiled from source anyway00:05
ikoniaFireHazard17: then you will break your package manager. good luck00:05
Zionad_Then you are welcome to try firehazard!00:05
Zionad_Haha, oh wow00:05
soundray_ikonia: I agree, we are negative ;)00:06
ikoniahaving a package manager conflict in a fast changing development release = doom00:06
* IndyGunFreak agrees w/ ikonia00:06
SlartFireHazard17: just out of curiosity.. why ubuntu.. why not slackware.. fedora centos.. or something else where you get to do all that stuff..00:06
FireHazard17I don't know00:06
n15t0ikonia:can i set my status away in bitchx?00:06
FireHazard17never took the time to switch00:06
ikonian15t0: thats not allowed in #ubuntu00:06
soundray_Slart: add Debian Sid to the list ( FireHazard17)00:07
SlartFireHazard17: or one of those.. "build if from the ground and up"-distros00:07
n15t0ikonia:okay but just that i know how can i do it?00:07
ikonian15t0: you can00:07
n15t0ikonia:i wont do it in this cahnnel00:07
ikonian15t0: its server wide, you can't set it on a per-channel basis00:07
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n15t0ikonia:okay thx00:08
kev_bCan anyone tell me why in Bluefish the tabs aren't draggable but this says they are: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TabConsistency ?00:08
SlartDebian.. are they still at Sid? sheesh I used sid.. must have been a couple of years ago00:08
n15t0ikonia:and can i save my settings in bitchx? like the name and the server?00:08
ikonian15t0: for the 10th time, yes00:08
ikonian15t0: you've asked that about 10 times00:08
ikonian15t0: either learn to listen and make notes, or stop asking the same question over and over00:09
* Slart install bluefish00:09
n15t0its my second time00:09
n15t0because i didnt get an answer00:09
ikonian15t0: no its not00:09
ikonian15t0: 5 people answered you, and you thanked 2, I have it in my logs00:09
n15t0well then i was away00:09
sainzeodo you guys recommend using Bluefish in ubuntu or nvu?00:09
fred_join #compiz-fusion00:10
Slartkev_b: hmm.. I can't drag my tabs either.. let's check that link.. perhaps it's for a newer version00:10
n15t0-c <#ubuntu>00:11
soundray_n15t0: asking for help, then ignoring the help is incredibly rude. Being "sry" is not enough.00:11
Dr_willisBitchX has a large # of web sites covreing its ussage also.00:12
VSpikeThis makes cheery reading : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DVDAuthoring00:12
n15t0i am just looking for the infos i get00:12
n15t0i cant be at 2 different shells at one time00:12
Dr_willisn15t0,  with 'screen' you can. :)00:12
Dr_willis!info screen00:13
ubotuscreen: a terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0.4ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 574 kB, installed size 984 kB00:13
Slartkev_b: nope.. can't drag any tabs.. despite the wiki claiming I should be able to.. perhaps they just made a mistake when making that list..00:13
amir__somebody there00:14
n15t0anything in german00:14
desertc!hi | amir__00:14
ubotuamir__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:14
ikoniayes, many00:14
Slartamieyes.. we're here00:14
n15t0its quite difficult00:14
Slartoops.. sorry.. amir__00:14
amir__i need some help00:14
ikoniaamir__: then ask a question00:14
amir__how can i install a program00:14
amir__a software00:14
Dr_willis'depends' :)00:14
soundray_amir__: what program?00:14
ikoniaamir__: use the package manager, such as "synaptic"00:14
ikonian15t0: why do you keep saying "-c"00:15
soundray_amir__: forget it, it won't run on Linux. Stick with Windows or Mac OS00:15
zaxiushow do you edit what services are running, like ssh, ftp, etc00:15
mrfantasticanyone have any success with compiz in xubuntu with a mobility radeon m6?00:15
|rly|I cannot be heard on skype, I've tried all that comes in the wiki... nothing works00:15
Slartamir__: I don't think autocad is available for ubuntu.. there might be an open source alternative.. I don't know00:15
amir__thank u very much00:15
ikoniazaxius: netstat -a |grep LISTEN00:15
amir__another question00:15
ikoniazaxius: ps -ef | more00:15
VSpikeamir_: there was a recent article in LXF about cad on linux00:15
amir__wireless...how can i intall the driver00:16
n15t0because in the man bitchx stands that -c channel then i can automatically join the cahnnel00:16
zaxiusikonia: no but how do you edit them? like if i want to make the ssh daemon run by default at bootup00:16
Dr_willis!info qcad00:16
ubotuqcad: A professional CAD System. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 2954 kB, installed size 12648 kB00:16
dabluemanHELLO, any ubuntu developers in here00:16
ikonian15t0: you keep doing it in the wrong window00:16
ikoniadablueman: just ask your question00:16
Dr_willisn15t0,  right so ya would do BitchX -c #ubuntu or somthing like that..00:16
amir__wireless problem00:16
Dr_willisn15t0,  its a COMMAND line option to BitchX00:17
n15t0iknoia:in which window then?00:17
mpattershi all00:17
ikonian15t0: one that BitchX isn't running in00:17
scguy318dablueman: Ubuntu devs don't usually hang out here I think00:17
dabluemanvery well, why is it that only security bugs get fixed in ubuntu and not other bugs00:17
ikoniascguy318: there are a few in00:17
amir__some help with wireless problem00:17
zaxiusikonia, do you know?00:17
ikoniadablueman: bugs do get fixed00:17
tonyyarussodablueman: All get fixed.00:17
Dr_willisthats what backports is for.00:17
dabluemanoh yeah, like what00:17
ikoniadablueman: security ones will get a higher priority normally due to it being a security issue00:17
Dr_willisisent it.00:17
ikoniadablueman: go into launchapd and view closed bugs00:18
amir__i need help with the wireless00:18
dabluemanfor example00:18
sidelilcan anybody suggest me a good guide for shell scripting? Thanks00:18
tupsonhi, my Appearance Preferences have been "Extra" enabled, how do I get the CUBE to function? my windows get the enhanced effect, but i cant get the CUBE to work00:18
stdindablueman: have a look on the bugteacker, there are many non-security bugs fixed00:18
dabluemanslow dns lookups in every aplication that uses net work00:18
ikoniasidelil: http://www.tldp.org - good guides00:18
soundray_sidelil: /join #bash and read the topic there.00:18
amir__the cube00:18
ikoniadablueman: where is that bug logged00:18
dabluemani will check this launchepad00:18
VSpikesidelil: google for advanced bash scripting guide00:19
Slartdablueman: wasn't that a ipv6 issue? seem to recall something like that00:19
dabluemanit is on there00:19
ikoniadablueman: dns lookups are very quikc on my ubuntu machines, please post the log00:19
tonyyarussodablueman: most of us don't actually memorize thousands of bug ID numbers, believe it or not.00:19
dabluemanhas it been committed to the main ubuntu tree00:19
ikoniatonyyarusso: speak for yourself mortal00:19
tupsonamir: yea the ubuntu cube effects00:19
sidelilthank you all!00:19
tonyyarussoikonia: Sorry, that space in my head is keeping track of irssi windows.  :P00:19
dabluemancan we go private devs to speak of this00:19
ikoniadablueman: please show me the bug00:19
ikoniadablueman: no, speak in the channel00:20
dabluemanok wait 30 secs00:20
Slartdablueman: they fix bugs.. they might not fix a specific bug right away.. but eventually they'll get to it.. if you want it fixed, have a go at it yourself.. or if you've got lots of cash hire someone to do it..00:20
n15t0okay,so thx to all who helped me with my problems00:20
n15t0gn8 everyone00:20
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Slartgood night n15t000:21
n15t0and have fun with ubuntu00:21
n15t0good night Slart00:21
n15t0cya all00:21
tupsonin ubuntu 7.10, what is the cube keystroke?00:21
dabluemanhere is the said bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/15539300:21
permanoiai added a display on my user. now when i log in my bars dont come up etc for gnome and i cant do anything... where is the gnome-control-center file located?00:21
Slarttupson: middle mouse button I think.. you can change it in the compiz configuration thingy00:22
Falicanhow do i create a short cut to open an ssh session? I created a launcher with the command ssh -X foo@foo.com and it throws up a dialog for the password then nothing opens after that . . .00:22
dabluemanim a college student, and that bug inhibits my usability and productivity00:22
ikoniadablueman: please show us the bug report00:22
some_idiotdoes ubuntu have only support for running ia32 apps ... but not for building ia32 apps?00:22
Dr_willisFalican,  could make it run 'xterm -e YOURCOMMANDS'00:22
ikoniasimon360_: ia32 is dead, if you have an ia32 platform gcc will build it00:23
magnetronsome_idiot: the ia32 can build ia32 apps for sure!00:23
FalicanDr_willis: thnx that sounds good i guess . . . fedora's launch had a run in shell option :P00:23
some_idiotdoes ubuntu have only support for running ia32 apps ... but not for building ia32 apps? ... sorry, I meant when I'm running on amd6400:23
heatmzzrwell im not no professional but i cant play this dvd to save my butt, shows everything installed i need i believe.00:23
Dr_willisFalican,  ive seen similer optuion in kde. not sure about gnome.00:23
dabluemanheatmzzr: see the ubuntu wiki00:24
ikoniadablueman: there is a work around in place and a fix in the next release.00:24
dabluemannext release!!???00:24
Extraverthello I have a problem with my sound.  At random times my sound does not work.  It may be from certain running software but it seems that my drivers are broken.  When I change the sound volumes, the icon shows that its being muted and unmuted.  Any help?00:24
dabluemanyou mean hardyheron00:24
ikoniadablueman: yes00:24
dabluemanI have to wait that long for this to be fixed?00:24
Slartheatmzzr: what media player are you using?00:24
ikoniadablueman: yes, it may get back ported00:24
ikoniadablueman: there is a work around detailed in that bug report00:24
dabluemanJust FYI, I already fixed it for me, but what about every other Ubuntu user out there?00:25
dabluemanThey are being plagued by this.00:25
ikoniadablueman: there is a work around in the bug report and a fix is being released and back ported00:25
FalicanDr_willis: yeah gnome had it .  . . *shrug* -e works fine thnx :)00:25
dabluemanYes, I understand, but why doesn't it get updated by the little update tool that I have installed on my system :(00:26
tupsonQuestion, I have just installed Ubuntu 7.10, my ATL Raedon 9600 card is running the latest drivers and i have xerver-xgl installed, however under System > Pref > I dont have the "Desktop Effects" option to enable Desktop Cube, help?00:26
ikoniadablueman because the fix hasn't been released yet00:26
dabluemanbut we know the fix00:26
ikoniadablueman: do you ?00:26
Slarttupson: hmm.. there is a package for the config utility.. compiz-manager or something.. hang on00:27
ikoniadablueman: thats not what the bug says00:27
ikoniadablueman: if you want an update, post a request in the book update00:27
Slart!info compizconfig-settings-manager | tupson00:27
ubotutupson: compizconfig-settings-manager: Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.2+git20070912-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 498 kB, installed size 3268 kB00:27
dabluemanI have it fixed on my machine00:27
ikoniadablueman: that is "your" fix00:27
Slarttupson: install that00:27
dabluemanWhere is this book update?00:27
tupsonwill that be listed in the software source?00:27
ikoniadablueman: update it on launchapd00:27
Slarttupson: yes.. it's in the repos00:27
dabluemanOkay wait, I will show you my fix.00:28
whileimhereHi. When I try to use emule it reports that I am behind a firewall. I know that the router has a firewall turned off. Is there one in Ubuntu hidden?00:28
Slarttupson: you can do "sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager"00:28
ikoniadablueman: I'm not interested in your fix00:28
dabluemannot really my fix, but I did contirbute00:28
ikoniadablueman: update the launchpad bug00:28
dabluemanvery well00:28
ikoniadablueman: you will have another work around, not a fix00:28
robri'm runnig ubuntu server and i need to open a port on my firewall, whats the best way to do that?00:28
ikoniadablueman: the fix is pending, if you read ht ebook report00:28
Slartwhileimhere: there is a firewall in linux.. but it's usually "disabled".00:28
ikoniarobr: what firewall are you using00:28
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whileimhereSlart how can I check it?00:28
dabluemana workaround it is then00:28
robrikonia: i don't know the default?00:29
ikoniadablueman: there is already a work around in the bug report00:29
Slartwhileimhere: you can check by running "sudo iptables -L" if there are more than about 3 lines of output it's probably active00:29
ikoniarobr: there is no firewall running by default00:29
dabluemanvery well00:29
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robrikonia: ok thanks for the info00:29
whileimhereSlart there are about well 3 lines00:29
dabluemando ubuntu developers get paid to work on ubuntu00:30
ikoniadablueman: some do00:30
Slartwhileimhere: then the firewall is just letting everything through.. disabled if you want00:30
ikoniadablueman: yes00:30
dabluemanhow come they get paid, are they special or something?00:30
ikoniadablueman: companies sponsor them, but this is offtopic00:30
dabluemanofftopic, its about ubuntu00:31
dabluemanubuntu support00:31
Slartwhileimhere: are you behind some kind of router? perhaps you need to setup some kind of forwarding rule..00:31
dabluemanI have the feeling that I'm bugging you, so I'll stop talking to you for a while.00:31
ikoniadablueman: this is a support channel, not a chat channel00:32
dabluemanvery well00:32
whileimhereSlart: I set up the port forwarding just like normal with GTK-GNUTELLA but amule says I am firewalled. I double checked the prefs as well00:32
andreHello every body00:32
ikoniawhileimhere: it is probably your router00:32
pinghow do you get your windows to have different effects when they vanish00:32
Paddy_EIREis there an mplayer key combo for disabling subtitles00:33
scguy318whileimhere: aMule probably uses a different port which you have to forward, or am I misreading your issue?00:33
andreDo you konw a little bit about alsa and external sound card ?00:33
whileimhereWhen I log into the router (aka my DSL modem) I check the firewall settings and they say that the firewall is off and allowing all traffic.00:33
Slartwhileimhere: hmm.. perhaps you forgot some ports? forwarded the wrong ones? didn't apply your changes? what ports are we talking about btw? under 1024?00:33
ikoniawhileimhere: you probably need portforwarding00:34
Extravertcan someone plz hlep me.  At random times my sound driver becomes unable to open and unknown00:34
scguy318whileimhere: but the forwarding rules still need to be established, else how can your router map outgoing connections to internal endpoints?00:34
whileimhereScguy318 no I want to use amule which I set up for port 500000:34
scguy318whileimhere: *incoming00:34
scguy318whileimhere: you probably need to add a forward entry for that port if you haven't already00:34
Slartping: you can change this in the compiz settings thingy.. System, preferences, appearance or Advanced Desktop Effects settings00:34
* Pelo spots freshmeat00:35
tupsonSlart: thanks that worked!00:35
pingok thanks slart my buddy just helped me with it i thought that was where it was i just didn't know what to do00:35
ubun00bi deleted an image by accident... how can i recover this?00:35
ikoniaubun00b: nope its gone unless it's in your trash bin00:35
Slarttupson: great.. you're welcome.. now stay around and tell the same thing to the next person that asks that question ;)00:36
Peloubun00b, is itstill in the trash can ?00:36
tupsonhehe, i am documenting it now :)00:36
ubun00bikonia: it seems it was to big to go in the trash00:36
ikoniaubun00b: then it's gone00:36
ikoniaubun00b: that must have been a very big image00:36
Slartping: you're welcome.. always good with live help sitting next to you =)00:36
ikoniaover 3gb to be too big for the bin00:36
ubun00bikonia: about 4GB00:36
heartsbloodDoes anybody know if Gutsy can be loaded on the Asus EEE yet?  There were problems with the acpi drivers not being GNU compliant and warrenty problems about removing the version of 'Asus linux'.00:36
Peloubun00b, I wasn't aware that the trash in linux had a size limit, it's not lke the recycling bin in windows ,00:36
heartsbloodwhen it was first released anyway00:37
J-_how do I theme synaptic?00:37
ikoniaPelo: 3.$something gig00:37
soundray_heartsblood: there is a UK company that sells it with Gutsy preinstalled00:37
Peloheartsblood, there was an article about it on diggs a few days ago , I think they did it00:37
ikoniaJ-_: its gtk themes00:37
Peloikonia,  that sucks00:37
Dr_willisJ-_,  its ran as root, so you need to run the theme tools as root... that will set the theme for synatpic00:37
ubun00bikonia: i tried to delete the rar files with the command  'rm *.r**'00:37
heartsbloodsoundray_, you wouldn't happen to know the name of the company do you?00:37
ikoniaubun00b: you told me it was an image, not a rar file00:37
ubun00bikonia: somehow the image file was deleted in the process00:37
J-_ikonia: I have a murrine theme, installed it. I'm using it currently, but synaptic isn't themed proper.00:37
soundray_heartsblood: I can look it up00:38
Dr_willisubun00b,  thats a lot of *'s :)00:38
ikoniaubun00b: its gone now00:38
ubun00bikonia: well, i had extracted the iso file from the multiple rar files00:38
ikoniaJ-_: it runs of the same gtk engine as gnome00:38
Peloubun00b,  cd to ~/.Trash , see if it is in there , the command is ls00:38
Odd-rationaleI just installed alltray. But i can't figure out how to make it work.00:38
* Dr_willis wonders if ** is different from * in a filetype glob.00:38
ikoniaubun00b: it's gone if its not in the bin00:38
heatmzzrwhat are the better distros, other than ubuntu?00:38
soundray_heartsblood: http://efficientpc.co.uk/laptops/00:38
ikoniaheatmzzr: thats personal opinion, and quite argumentative to ask in #ubuntu00:38
Dr_willisheatmzzr,  it depends on your needs. Ive seen very few that are better.00:38
ubun00bPelo: i have, it seems it's gone... arg00:38
jribDr_willis: in zsh, **/ will be recursive00:39
Odd-rationaleheatmzzr: I like Puppy Linux00:39
Peloheatmzzr, gentoo seems popular, opensuse is also well liked,  and there is always debian00:39
BSG75how do I turn on highspeed usb for usb2.0 pls?? I am getting about 10MB/sec transfer with my usb hard drive00:39
Dr_willisPuppyLinux is darn handy.00:39
coccoon55anyone especially bored and know their way around usb wireless connecitons?00:39
heartsbloodPelo: found the article you were talking about, ty.00:39
Peloubun00b, you've been in denail, no you are ready for anger00:39
heartsbloodsoundray_, looking at it now00:39
Dr_willisPelo,  that would of been funnier with out the typos. :)00:39
PeloBSG75, it should be turned on by default00:40
whileimhereHmm I have port 5000 forwarded on TCP and UDP00:40
Extraverthow do I check whats using my sound card?00:40
PeloDr_willis, most of what I write would be better without typos ;(00:40
SlartBSG75: that isn't enough? sounds reasonable for a hard drive or something00:40
soundray_BSG75: USB HD transfer rates are limited to 30MB/sec, so you're not that far from the optimum00:40
ubun00bPelo: denial you mean?  i sure am kind of pissed now, yes :-)00:40
ikoniaubun00b: please watch your language00:40
BSG75Pelo: it is doing a real poor job .. hdparm -t -T shows 28MB/sec .. however it is nowhere close to that in RL copy/paste00:40
soundray_BSG75: it's a hardware limitation00:41
Peloubun00b, give it a few minutes and you'll be ready for acceptance00:41
thyraxany site with screenshots of ubuntu running compiz?00:41
ubun00bikonia: it was said with a smile...00:41
ikoniaubun00b: so ? that doesn't make it any less offensive language00:41
SlartExtravert: I'm not sure about this.. but perhaps lsof will show you something.. don't know if soundcards are files in linux..but perhaps00:41
ExtravertSlart: thanks00:41
PeloBSG75, I can't help you get any better,  my own usb stuff seems a bit slow on copying to,  copying from usb is much quicker00:41
ubun00bikonia: well, everything should be viewed in it's context00:42
Peloikonia,  give the kid a break,  he just lost 4 gig of data00:42
ubun00bi think anyway00:42
BSG75how can it be hardware limit when the same drive on the same machine on winXP gets 27MB/sec?? :(00:42
BSG75Pelo: I will try an discrete usb card .. turn off usb onboard00:42
ikoniaubun00b: I'm not aruging, please just watch your language00:42
BSG75X fingers and pray00:42
ubun00bikonia: oki00:42
J-_what's the program called that themes gtk? I want to gksu the command so th window pops up as root and theme everything, see if that helps.00:42
BSG75thanks guys00:42
ikoniaJ-_: that won't help.00:42
ikoniaJ-_: gnome as a desktop applies the theme00:43
soundray_BSG75: 30MB is a hardware limit00:43
PeloBSG75, best of luck  let me know if you figure things out,  also check in the forum for other stuff ppl have treid,  www.ubuntuforums.lorg00:43
BSG75thanks Pelo.. thanks Soundray00:43
J-_ikonia: then how can I make synaptic and other root windows use a theme?00:43
kappakappuccinois that new?00:43
ikoniaJ-_: I'm surprised they are not00:43
Slartkappakappuccino: probably just a typo.. .org00:44
kappakappuccinoyeah ;[00:44
J-_ikonia: it's happened before, I forget what I did to get them themed.00:44
junkeRhello, Firefox hangs up and is really choppy when viewing a Javascript Fade Image slideshow. Is this normal..? Any fix for this? (no one was helping me in the Official Firefox support channel)00:44
J-_t'was a long time ago. but yeah, I'll google I suppose00:44
SlartjunkeR: do you have an url?00:44
Pelosoundray_, 30 mb/s means I should be filling up my 2 gig flash in 68 secs ? is is 30mB or 30mb /s ?00:45
ikoniaPelo: gigabit not gigabyte00:45
ikoniamegabit not megabyte sorry00:45
Peloikonia, thanks00:45
Peloso 8 x more time00:45
Extravertfound it! firefox breaks my sound00:45
J-_ikonia: ah hah! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60350 thanks anyway!00:46
Peloso 8 min more or less to fill up 2 gig,  I'M not even close to that , takes me over 30 min00:46
ikoniaJ-_: well done00:46
SlartExtravert: lsof worked?00:46
soundray_Pelo (ikonia): 30 megabytes per second is what I meant. Your arithmetic isn't quite right.00:46
ExtravertSlart: well lsof | grep "alsa"00:46
ExtravertSlart: but my sound is still broken =(00:47
SlartExtravert: sweeet.. I'll remember that for later... so firefox eats your sound.. flash?00:47
ExtravertSlart: probably00:47
Pelosoundray_,  30 mB ? ok my arithmetic is   2 gig x 1024 meg / 30 meg/s  = 68 sec00:47
SlartExtravert: any special site? url?00:48
* Pelo is gonna start a flame war with soundray_ over this, I hope he is ready 00:48
junkeRhttp://www.couloir.org/  This one is Ajax but performs just like the javascript ones00:48
harking_anyone have experience with the EVMS bug?00:48
ikoniaharking_: which bug is that00:48
evo7guys .. I downloaded the file with format tar.gz ... how to install it?00:49
SlartjunkeR: well.. it isn't smooth.. but it's still usable..00:49
ExtravertSlart: well I have two problems : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/150129    and    https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/13683700:49
junkeRhttp://www.couloir.org/js_slideshow  Here is another and performs poorly.  These all performed well on a Windows machine00:49
harking_ikonia: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/11561600:49
Peloevo7,   go back to the site whre you got it , see if you can't get a deb file instead,  otherwise we'll tell you how to compilie manualy00:49
junkeRI know they're usable but is this something I'll just have to live with?00:49
harking_ikonia, just wondering what i should do, because i can't remove EVMS without my raid breaking00:49
SlartjunkeR: the last one was better.. don't know why though..00:50
soundray_Pelo: I take it all back. You are right. If you do get 30MB written to the disk in a second (which is possible on USB2.0 with recent disks), then you will indeed fill up your 2GB in 68 seconds00:50
Pelolimac, please stop that00:50
SlartjunkeR: hard to tell if it's lagging when you don't have anything to compare with00:50
j0hn__i'm trying to install cdemu. i think i got it, except the final 'modprobe' step... can somebody please help?00:50
limacPelo: srry00:50
* Pelo pats soundray_ on the head 00:51
ikoniaharking_: bug is still open00:51
junkeROpera, Epiphany, Firefox all suffer from it.  Flash-based galleries don't suffer.  Well I tried a ton of various code examples.  Once I would get to a medium sized image it would choke up.  It handles small images perfectly htough00:51
RandomUsranyone here using apache web server in gutsy?00:51
IndyGunFreakikonia: lol, is the ubuntu bug page your homepage?..lol00:51
ikoniaharking_: there is a fix release for the ubuntu update-manager00:51
* soundray_ grabs Pelos arm and twists it on his back00:51
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: its a bookmark00:51
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I use it a lot00:51
Odd-rationaleHow do I start an app in maximized mode?00:51
SlartExtravert: haven't run into either of those bugs so far.. perhaps there will be a fix soon..00:51
IndyGunFreakikonia: i can tell, i don't think i've ever saw a bug mentioned, that you didn't know about, and i'm serious about that.00:51
Peloevo7, how are you doing , finding a .deb files or do you think we will have to teach you how to compile ?00:52
ikoniaha ha ha00:52
shindahey guys was wondering if anyone around was familiar with setting up apache virtual sites, I keep getting 403 errors on my config, I've checked my permissions and all and set them to be 755, so I'm not sure why I keep getting the 40300:52
junkeRhttp://creative-wood.com/tempsite/index.php  here is a temporary site I'm working on that has a flash and javascript one.  It severely lags on the scripting one00:52
ExtravertSlart: I bet wine could have caused it00:52
* Pelo 's typing seems to improve with just the one arm 00:52
* rmaj declares ubuntu officially useless (for people with internet)00:52
SlartExtravert: wine does strange things to my computer.. I could totally believe wine eating the sound..00:52
ikoniarmaj: ok, thats great. Thanks for using00:52
ExtravertSlart: bullseye00:52
* IndyGunFreak doesn't want to know what Pelo is doing with the other arm.00:52
harking_ikonia, i tried removing evms, but the raid broke00:52
luluI just installed ubuntu gutsy but X failed to start with an ATI Radeon X700, I just solved the problem and it is not well documented. who should I report the bug to?00:52
Pelormaj,  we are all on the internet here ans we tend to disagre00:52
harking_i thought the patch for update-manager was just to allow the removal of evms cleanly00:53
ExtravertSlart: wine takes over the sound00:53
ikoniaharking_: yes, it will as the volume manager controlls the raid gorup00:53
rmajPelo: inet stoped working, and noone can fix this00:53
SlartjunkeR: that last one works nicely.. smooth and nice..00:53
ikoniarmaj: slating the product won't help you get support00:53
Pelormaj, what kind of connection ?00:53
evo7Pelo, it is better to teach me how to compile the tar.gz file.00:53
rmajmy network doest work (routing table is always empty, even after route add default dev eth0) ... simple DHCP network, worked always... anybody can help?00:53
ikoniaevo7: no it's not00:53
junkeRwell the top one is flash but the bottom one is javascript.  The javascript performs poorly on my PC00:53
rmajikonia: asking for solution didn't lead to any solution as well so far00:53
IndyGunFreakevo7: not really... its best to stick w/ whats in the repos, only compile if absolutely necessary,00:53
Peloevo7,  ok join me in #pelo , so we can have some quiet time00:53
Bawbatosis there a gui for building an ipsec turnnel00:54
Odd-rationaleHas the flashplugin-nonfree package in the repos benn fixed?00:54
ikoniarmaj: your current attitude won't get you help either, detail your problem and ask politly00:54
ikoniaOdd-rationale: no not yet00:54
ikoniaOdd-rationale: hardy back port is being progressed00:54
SlartjunkeR: javascript.... is javascript affected by your jre?00:54
* Odd-rationale sigh00:54
drakodeHow is the redesign of the web site??? http://www.linux.melkor.cl/00:54
ikoniaOdd-rationale: the hardy package has the correct checksums00:54
IndyGunFreakevo7: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #pelo"00:54
krammerwhat do i use to build a server for ubuntu?00:55
junkeRI don't have a JRE installed that I am aware of.00:55
ikoniadrakode: this is an ubuntu support channel00:55
evo7ikonia -> Why? FYI, I downloaded themes for gDesklets but it in tar.gz format00:55
ikoniakrammer: the ubutnu server cd00:55
drakodeToo soon will be in English and other languages00:55
harking_ikonia, so i guess i need to know if there is a way to keep evms installed and have udev not freak out00:55
evo7IndyGunFreak, yes yes. TQ00:55
ikoniaharking_: thats the bit thats not fixed at the moment00:55
IndyGunFreakevo7: i think pelo was talking to you00:55
Odd-rationaleHow soon do you think it will take for it to get working again?00:55
ikoniaevo7: it looks like a fix has been ported for suse, but not released00:55
junkeRI guess I have java 1.5.0  I didn't know Ubuntu shipped with a runtime evironment00:56
SlartjunkeR: I'm not sure about this.. but you could try installing suns java runtime.. perhaps it will improve things..00:56
ikoniaOdd-rationale: very quickly, I'm surprised its not done yet, however I understand why00:56
drakodeit is a web of support, contains manuals and faq's00:56
ikoniadrakode: this is ubuntu operating system support channel only00:56
junkeRI'll give that a try.. it's not the biggest issue, but thanks for your help00:56
Odd-rationaleikonia: OK Thanks! I'll wait for tomorrow...00:56
ikoniaOdd-rationale: I'm following the bug myseld00:56
Odd-rationaleWill hardy use Gnash you think?00:57
SlartjunkeR: you're welcome to the little help I had to give.. don't know a lot about java =/00:57
ikoniaOdd-rationale: depends on it's progress, there is an adobe package so I guess it will be the same options as gutsy00:57
drakode ikonia ok, np00:57
slimjimflimhow do you find out when a package was first installed?00:57
rainmakers999does anyone know of a web server that will support multicasting?00:57
* differentreality Every step that I take is another mistake to YOUUUUUUUUUUUU00:57
thyraxWhat is the best way to get Terminal Transparent Embeded on the Desktop???00:58
rmajso ubuntu fails to use internet, and this channel fails to help :(00:58
kappakappuccinocrawwwling in my skiiiiin, these oooranges will not peeel00:58
kappakappuccinodifferentreality, ?00:58
ikoniarmaj: I'm on the interent00:58
rmajikonia: fails on this box00:58
ikoniarmaj: drop the attitude and you'll get help as I said00:58
slimjimflimrainmaker999 apache00:58
ikoniarmaj: but you persist with the complaining attitude00:58
rmajikonia: well ok;  so, want technical data?00:58
thyraxWhat is the best way to get Terminal Transparent Embeded on the Desktop? anyone have this done in gnome?00:59
ikoniarmaj: your asking the wrong person, I'm helping people who have manners at the moment00:59
rmajikonia:  DHCP inet;  works on debian box;  worked on THIS ubuntu but suddenly stoped (after another reboot)00:59
JarG0nnautilus-cd-burner is stuck in a 'calculating' state after dropping some folders for burning.  The process status is 'sleeping'.  Any idea why this is happening?00:59
harking_ikonia: i tried reading the evms bug, but it was quite long and little info00:59
rmajikonia: kind Sir or Madda, will thou help me?00:59
differentrealitykappakappuccino, yessss??????00:59
kappakappuccinoyou started it00:59
slimjimflimrmaj, you should have made a backup01:00
ikoniaharking_: yes, I understand that, there is an issue as you rightly pointed out between evms and udev controlling device nodes, there has been a fix pulled from opensuse from what I've read but that looks like it's been in testing01:00
ikoniaslimjimflim: a backup of what ?01:00
slimjimflimthe hard drive01:00
super-6-1_deskhello does anyone know why i cant install anything with 7.10 installed?01:00
ikoniaslimjimflim: why ?01:00
ikoniaslimjimflim: what would that do ?01:00
rmajslimjimflim: what?01:00
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: can you explain the problem01:00
slimjimflimit'd undo whatever he just did01:00
ikoniarmaj: I'll be with you in a minute01:01
ikoniaslimjimflim: how do you know he did anything, dhcp could have died a tthe server ?01:01
rmajDHCP server is on router of course, and I did nothing to this box01:01
harking_ikonia: thanks for the info, i'll subscribe to the bug.01:01
ikoniaharking_: understood01:01
myusrnmhow do i check mount points?01:01
super-6-1_deskikonia: when ever i go to add/remove it always asks to reload and it never stops asking01:01
slimjimflimrmaj, how are you connected it dhcp is down01:01
ikoniamyusrnm: mount01:01
ikoniaslimjimflim: he's not, thats the problem01:02
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, do: sudo apt-get update    in a terminal and pastebin the output01:02
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: it keeps asking you to reload ?01:02
rainmakers999does anyone know howto access windows shares that were created using the gnome desktop01:02
super-6-1_deskikonia: yes01:02
rmajslimjimflim: dhcp works fine.  ubuntu box even gets the IP from DHCP, but it doesnt set up default route01:02
slimjimflimrmaj, does the router have a public ip?01:02
super-6-1_desklkonia: i think this the bug01:02
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: follow MasterShreks's advice01:02
tomboy64hi guys01:02
super-6-1_deskikonia: ok01:02
ikoniarmaj: so dhcp doesn't appear to be offering a default route ?01:03
tomboy64what's the standard-package-manager for ubuntu?01:03
slimjimflimhow do you find out when a package was first installed?01:03
ikoniatomboy64: dpkg with apt / synaptic front ends01:03
tomboy64MasterShrek: is that gui?01:03
rmajikonia:  and DHCP works as Im getting IP address, only my ubuntu box doesnt have any routing set up for itself (route command) therefore it is probably softeware problem in ubuntu box01:03
tomboy64ahhh, synaptic!01:03
MasterShreksynaptic is gui tomboy6401:03
ikoniarmaj: no, your route should be offered via the dhcp server01:03
MasterShrekadept for kde01:03
rmajikonia: it is offering, other boxes are using it01:03
tomboy64great, thx :-D01:03
kappakappuccinoall these names @_@01:04
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:04
ikoniarmaj: ok so you get an ip address and the correct subnet mask, yes/no01:04
rmajikonia: all other boxes connected to it (debian) Just Work.  It looks like if "route" command on this ubuntu stoped working01:04
rmajyes I do01:04
ikoniarmaj: what ?? don't make random guesses01:04
ikoniarmaj: ok, do you get dns servers ?01:04
jamey-ukI am trying to get the Live CD of 7.10 working on my Mac Mini. It's plugged into a 17" TFT TV but it's a bit funny with the resolution detection. I've tried setting the xorg.conf to 1024x768 but I can't seem to get anything to work. It justs displays a blue screen on screen 7... Any ideas?01:04
Tuche_noob question, i am downloading torrents, but i would like at the same time be on a low power comsumption profile, if i hibernate my ubuntu, will my torrents continue seeding ?01:04
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: here  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47635/01:05
ikoniaTuche_: no01:05
Odd-rationaleHow would I add an aptoncd cd to the sources lists from a CLI? Do I need aptoncd installed in order to do this?01:05
Dr_willisTuche_,  i very much doubt that.01:05
rmajikonia: yes, after "dhclient", the /etc/resolv.conf if (re)generated and contains correct IPs of DNS servers01:05
JarG0nCan anyone help with a DVD burning problem?  nautilus-cd-burner gets stuck in a 'calculating' state after dropping some folders for burning.  The process status is 'sleeping'.  Any idea why this is happening?01:05
Tuche_what would then be the best option ?01:05
ikoniarmaj: excellent, what ip address do you get ?01:05
Tuche_shut down monitor only ?01:05
ikoniarmaj: for your machien, I should say01:05
rmajJarG0n: random guess: I would try to use k3b01:05
PeloJarG0n, try gnomebaker instead01:05
ikoniaTuche_: press the power button the on the monitor01:05
Dr_willisTuche_,  there really is no option.. seeding is accessing the hard drive and so forth..01:05
rmajikonia: correct IP address, 192.168.44.x where x is fro example 132  the same way it works for other boxes01:06
Tuche_Thanks Mates.01:06
MasterShrekpatience super-6-1_desk my net connection is being really slow... =P01:06
JarG0nrmaj/Pelo> Thanks.  Is Nautilus that bad?01:06
no0ticJarG0n, accented characters in filenames?01:06
ikoniarmaj: ok, so what is your router address01:06
slimjimflimTuche_ all network connections are off when you hibernate01:06
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: its ok i got 2 hours any ways01:06
rmajJarG0n: I dont think so, but if it doesnt work then perhaps k3b will work for burning01:06
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: plus i got m laptop =P01:06
Tuche_understood :(01:06
rmajikonia: router is
PeloJarG0n, not bad but I never managed it , I found gnomebaker much easier01:06
askandWhat is the command used for songswitching in the keyshortcuts settings?01:06
MasterShrekah come on, stupid broadband, they have to be throttling me01:06
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: and psplinux01:06
ikoniarmaj: so as it stands can you make the ubuntu box ping the router01:06
tehlam3my update is buggered anyone got any suggestions01:06
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, psplinux?01:06
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: what your ISP?01:07
rmajikonia: suprsingly, no,01:07
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: a linux for the psp01:07
K_DallasGood evening folks! Is there a PDF editor (I mean something like adobe acrobat not the reader) for Linux ? Thanks01:07
ikoniarmaj: ok, so that's where it is going to get interesting01:07
rmajikonia: ping  says that  connect: Network is unreachable01:07
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, do: gksu gedit /etc/apt/source.list       and comment out the cdrom line01:07
ikoniarmaj: may I offer a suggestion, you won't like ?01:07
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: something i worked on01:07
ikoniarmaj: or two even ?01:07
rmajikonia: reinstalling system, not really01:07
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, my isp is charter, and i want linux on my psp01:07
super-6-1_deskcomment out cd ok01:07
ikoniarmaj: not what I was going to say01:07
no0tictehlam3, sudo dpkg --configure -a01:07
rmajikonia: its lame and I dont get diagnoz^House.m.d^H bug report01:07
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: is youra a hackable psp?01:07
rmajikonia: ok then01:07
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, of course01:08
bulmerMasterShrek-> http://www.eff.org/wp/detecting-packet-injection an article about how isp injects spoofs in your link01:08
Odd-rationaleHow do I add a CD to the sources.list from a command line system?01:08
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: lol ok01:08
ikoniarmaj: first things first 1.) assign a static ip address on the network and try to ping the router, lets make sure it can actually get there 2.) plug/unplug the cable with 15 second intervals and see if the syslog reports link/negotiation established01:08
rmajOdd-rationale: edit the /etc/apt/sources.list   perhaps01:08
no0ticOdd-rationale, apt-add cdrom01:08
MasterShrekthanks bulmer01:08
ikoniarmaj: it is possible your cable is dead and your using cached settings01:08
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: you may now who i am im Dark_alex01:08
ikoniarmaj: or something along those lines01:08
rmajikonia: plug unplug shows  reports about eth0 link up and down01:09
MasterShrekno way01:09
no0ticOdd-rationale, sorry, apt-cdrom add :P01:09
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: yea01:09
ikoniarmaj: do you follow wheree I am going01:09
rmajikonia: it is actually getting IP from router01:09
narrowsoulsorry to jump in and be annoying but i have a problem; when i start up my computer, the display flickers on and off until when i get to the splash screen it just goes black. all operations continue within, but i can only see what's going on if i turn off the monitor and turn it back on, and only for an instant then. suggestions?01:09
rmajikonia: yes, it is not a hardware problem 100%01:09
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: what CFW you have?01:09
ikoniarmaj: ok, so assign a static address/route and lets see if you can ping it01:09
Odd-rationaleno0tic: Do I type that exactly?01:09
ikoniarmaj: (I assume icmp is enabled on the rotuer)01:09
no0ticOdd-rationale, sudo apt-cdrom add should work01:09
MasterShrekm33 3.7201:09
rmajikonia: one important symptop though: route command shows ZERO routes01:09
tehlam3no0tic: i have tried that already that gives me another error01:09
JarG0nPelo> Gnomebaker appears to be working great!  Thanks!01:09
no0tictehlam3, paste it01:09
tehlam3no0tic: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47637/01:09
rmajikonia: this looks incrorrect, I guess this is the proble01:10
ikoniarmaj: thats the symptom, not nessasary the cause01:10
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: its ok i find my 3.40 OE-A is the most stable almost never crashes01:10
PeloJarG0n, I take no credt , I didn't make it01:10
* rmaj tries static ip01:10
Odd-rationaleno0tic: OK I'll try it. Thanks!01:10
Wifi-PhreakCan anyone tell me what driver/lib I need to burn mp3 cds?01:10
no0tictehlam3, that's beyond my knowings, sorry01:10
ikoniarmaj: set the address high to make sure it doesn't conflict with a dhcp address01:10
MasterShreki was running that for awhile super-6-1_desk01:10
JarG0nPelo> I know.  You just gave me a working solution that clears off one of my drives.  Thank you for the idea.01:10
askandwhat is a good place to find wallpapers01:10
super-6-1_deskgo back to it01:11
Odd-rationaleaskand: gnome-look.org01:11
DG19075or art.gnome.org01:11
volumenicols 101:11
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: hay dude the source list is eympty01:12
rmajwtf O________________o01:12
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: I think we have a winner01:12
rmajdude wtf?01:12
Wifi-PhreakCan anyone help me I'm having trouble burning cds01:12
ikoniarmaj: please don't use language like "wtf"01:12
IndyGunFreakaskand: they aren't linux related, but i really like this site for high quality wallpapers,   http://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/index.php?sort=date01:12
Pelormaj,  language please01:12
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek:  lol i think your right01:12
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:12
rmajwhat the Ferry?01:12
ikoniarmaj: do you want to expand on your problem futher01:12
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek:  let me find the reps01:12
PeloWifi-Phreak,  what kind of cd , data, iso or audio ?01:12
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek:  or do you have a list of them?01:13
jeremyb_rmaj: where can i catch the ferry?01:13
rmajikonia: omFineG, it works once I configured interaces file;  strange is, why it worked before?!01:13
MasterShrek!source-o-matic | super-6-1_desk01:13
ubotusuper-6-1_desk: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:13
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, i dont believe you are d_a01:13
rmajjeremyb: in a borthe^H bottle01:13
askandIndyGunFreak:  nice01:13
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: sorry im typeing in a sentance the psp well not01:13
MasterShrekhes not from virginia01:13
Wifi-PhreakPelo: yes01:13
ikoniarmaj: so you've assined a static address and it's working yes/no01:13
super-6-1_deskallow more then onr line01:13
=== jeremyb_ is now known as jeremyb
IndyGunFreakaskand: ya, there's a BUNCH there, but  you can go through there and find some really good ones01:13
rmajikonia: I assigned dhcp, but placed it in /etc/network/interfaces01:13
PeloWifi-Phreak,  either or quesitons don'T require a yes/no answer01:13
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic01:13
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek:  its called tor01:13
PeloWifi-Phreak,  what kind of cd are you trying to burn ?01:13
pirxis this channel baby-rated?01:13
ikoniarmaj: was that not in /etc/network/interfaces ?01:13
rmajikonia: no it wasn;t01:14
ikoniarmaj: what was ?01:14
rmajikonia: I thought doing by hand  "dhclient eth0"  was as good as putting "eth0 dhcp..." into ifaces file?   in ifaces file there was nothing about eth0, only lo01:14
ikoniarmaj: no no no no no01:14
ikoniarmaj: it works different01:14
rmajthen why no warning or something? :[01:14
PeloWifi-Phreak,  are you copying the mp3 as files or are you encoding them as music for regular cheap ass  cd player ?01:14
ikoniarmaj: ok, so your sorted, it was user error, not "ubuntu is rubbish" after all, nor was "route" broke01:15
ikoniarmaj: it assume people read the docs01:15
rmajlike... dhcp: I cant add route, since eth0 not present in interfaces01:15
rmajikonia: oh yes.     BUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA01:15
rmajikonia: seriously :)01:15
Wifi-PhreakCopying as mp301:15
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: i really dont care of you beleave i am but hay im stil working on PSPLinux and it wont be out for a bit pubicly01:15
rmajikonia: people should, yes, but they dont01:15
Wifi-PhreakI want the disc to play in an in car cd player01:15
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, and you are basing it off ubuntu?01:16
rmajikonia: I thought ubuntu aims to stop with the GNU/Nerdy approach "I spend 24/24 with my computer, so you should too - reading manuals"01:16
ikoniarmaj: it does01:16
PeloWifi-Phreak,  ok first you will need to install mp3 support,  if it isnt, done already and then you will use Serpentine from the sound/image menu in applications01:16
reaxionI wonder if anyone can help?  My Ubuntu Server has a process running every 20 minutes which places the text "-- MARK --" in my /var/log/messages01:16
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: well one version is and one is on YDL01:16
ikoniareaxion: that is a log check01:17
rmajikonia: in my case, a hint from "route" or "dhclient" that it can not assign route because device is not present, would be very helpfull01:17
reaxionikonia, what process might be checking?01:17
rmajreaxion: it's normal01:17
Peloreaxion, check in crontab01:17
reaxionI did01:17
ikoniarml__: you can't account for every possible senario01:17
reaxionnothing every 20 mins01:17
ikoniareaxion: log watch I think01:17
reaxioncould it be log rotator?01:17
* rmaj slaps self for not finding this obvious sollution before01:17
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: fyi dont go down to any other fw  if so you well see un normal utilitys on your psp01:18
reaxionJust filling my log up with the MARK text01:18
wersis there any multisync user here? may you post a copy of your .multisync/1/localsettings file? :)01:18
* Pelo slaps rmaj just for the hell of it 01:18
rmajreaxion: I thoink its normal.. why not?01:18
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, what do you mean?01:18
* rmaj slaps Pelo with vista cd01:18
reaxionI'd just prefer my log had meaningful messages, rather than that every 20 mins01:18
ikoniareaxion: then do something to generate traffic01:19
* Pelo shows rmaj his @ and tells him not to annoy him any further, he was told earlier to review all the basic stuff 01:19
rmajreaxion: if computer dies, you know it was alive at this time; also it compreses to nothing basicly by logrotate01:19
Wifi-PhreakPelo: How d I install mp3 support?01:19
Pelo!mp3 | Wifi-Phreak01:19
ubotuWifi-Phreak: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:19
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: well as i make new CFW i see that the newer updates hold new flashes. and the downgraders dont target these and dont see them so when you do go to a new CFW be sure you upgrade01:19
rmajPelo: I seen this lack of eth0 before, but I thought interfaces entry was needed only for automatic configuration01:19
reaxionrmaj: I understand it would, just find it a bit annoying.01:19
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: can you take the psp discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic please.01:20
rmajikonia: thanks01:20
ikoniarmaj: welcome, next time, try a smidgen more manners a tad less critical and we'll get there faster, I promise01:20
super-6-1_deskikonia: sorry my bad i didnt mean to get off-topic01:20
ikoniasuper-6-1_desk: no biggy01:20
reaxionOkay folks. Thanks.01:20
wersyooohooooo... any multisync user out here? :)01:20
rmajI wonder can Ubuntu add own patches to add error messages and make them more user friendly?01:20
ikoniawers: just ask in clear english, drop the noise01:21
unikonok thats weird i cant login to my photobucket page  i AM reg'd and i know i pw anyone else have issues with photobucket not accesible using firefox in linux01:21
Pelowers,  be patient, and ask more specificaly periodicaly,  yooohooo won'T get you much01:21
wersooops. sorry01:21
MasterShrekinteresting super-6-1_desk, ill keep it in mind, but i dont really have any reason to downgrade my cfw, so i think ill be aight. btw did u get your sources thing working?01:21
ikoniarmaj: that would mean patching every gnu util for every possible error01:21
ikoniarmaj: better if you just understand the processes more01:21
ice9_original burner ? whats that I use k3b01:21
rmajikonia: sounds like fun;  and tech message simply makes learning easier01:21
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: im still getting the refreash thing again01:21
ikoniarmaj: too much effort to do and maintin01:21
rmajikonia: what if I would01:22
legoany one know if it is possible to remove all panels in gnome ?01:22
MasterShrekhmm, getting any errors when you do: sudo apt-get update  ?01:22
rmajthen upstream could adapt this even01:22
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: ill look01:22
ikoniarmaj: you're going to maintain every gnu package with hints for every possible error01:22
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: the same things01:22
rmajnot every, but some to start with... and basic tools are rarerlly changed I guess01:22
ikoniarmaj: its not worth the effort, people who want to tinker, should know, others should use the tools (like network manager) provided by ubuntu01:23
Zionad_lego: Yes just right click on them, and remove them!01:23
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, and you saved that file with the cdrom line commented out?01:23
timothywcrane__any good autoresponders that handle IMAP and follow ups for Ubuntu?01:23
rmajikonia: I even straced route to see if it is accessing any config file (it didn't)...01:23
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: there was nothing in there and i put the reps the auto reps gave me01:24
ikoniarmaj: over kill01:24
legoZionad_: but the last one has the "delete this panel" label greyed out01:24
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, they didnt give you a cdrom repo did it?01:24
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: no01:24
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: it was like it was a new file01:24
MasterShrekbut sudo apt-get update is still giving you cdrom errors?01:25
wersis there any multisync user here? I need to see a /home/user/.multisync/1/localsettings file01:25
Zionad_lego: you can always run, killall gnome-panel01:25
Pelotimothywcrane__,  did hyou check in synaptic ? do a search for imap or autoresponder or other related keywords01:25
jv_nvidia fx 5500 does not giving me effects?01:25
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: yes01:25
Synx_hmTrying to install ubuntu for the first time, i set it up on a software raid and had a seperate /boot swap etc... upon first reboot i get grub error 2101:25
ikoniajv_: have you enabled desktop effects ?01:25
legoZionad_: true.. should have been able to come up with that myself :)01:25
ikoniaSynx_hm: what type of software raid ?01:25
Zionad_lego: its ok, we are always here for help!01:25
MasterShrekthat doesnt make any sense super-6-1_desk, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list01:25
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: ok01:25
telexiconHow come the scripts in if-pre-up.d aren't executed when network interfaces are brought up?01:25
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:26
ikoniatelexicon: "pre-up"01:26
FlannelSynx_hm: You may need to put boot off the RAID.  Although I dont know for sure.  I know /boot can't be on LVM01:26
Synx_hmikonia, i think kernal, i use the text installer to select the physical drive raid then configured software raid01:26
jv_using think so..using experimental geubuntu..after rebooting gives error..how in the comand line can I verify if beryl is enabled?01:26
timothywcrane__yes, but there is nothing in te repository. Prob have to go 3rd party. Autorespond is really limited and the others avail are simple vacation responders01:26
legohmm.. the gnome-panel thingie restarts when killed... damn it is a sticky thing01:26
Synx_hmFlannel, i configured one drive so that it had 3 partitions one /boot one swap and one for the softraid, so the raid while technically is on both drives, its only on two partitions01:26
telexiconikonia, ?01:26
ikoniaSynx_hm: ok, thats a good start, Synx_hm it looks like grub has not installed to the correct disks. Try manually installing grub to your boot sectors of your primary drives01:26
Zionad_lego: one sec, i can fix that01:26
ikoniatelexicon: they are executed before the interface is brought up01:26
eyemeanhello, is xgl meant to use so much processing power?01:27
Pelotimothywcrane__, you can try an look here www.getdeb.net , no garranties , otherwise it's google01:27
ikoniaeyemean: depends on your card/cpu01:27
telexiconikonia, right01:27
Synx_hmikonia, im back in the text install cd and it wont let me... mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot01:27
telexiconikonia, thats fine.. thats what i meant01:27
telexiconikonia, they arent executed at all01:27
telexiconikonia, thats the problem01:27
timothywcrane__thanks, been googling all day01:27
ikoniatelexicon: really ?01:27
ikoniatelexicon: what type of card01:27
ikoniaSynx_hm: what does it say01:27
eyemeanikonia, i got radeon 9550, 1.7 GHz cpu and 1Gig ram01:27
super-6-1_deskhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47643/ here MasterShrek01:27
IndyGunFreakikonia: lmao... i just want you to know i caught that.01:27
ikoniaeyemean: ahhh ati, I've no idea01:27
telexiconikonia, my network works.. its just I made an iptables-restore script..  but it doesnt restore01:27
Pelotimothywcrane__, doing a search in the forum might also yeild some results, www.ubuntuforums.org01:27
jv_ok, compiz is installed...01:28
BSG75I got to run at 9MB/s transfer almost on avg01:28
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: caught what ;)01:28
Synx_hmikonia,  invalid argument, is there a full shell under the install cd?01:28
PeloBSG75, waht did you do ?01:28
IndyGunFreakikonia: that was pretty subtle though..... but i doubt he got it.01:28
ikoniatelexicon: thats not done in the pre-up scripts01:28
jv_do we have a compiz manager like in beryl?01:28
BSG75Pelo: I had a setting in my BIOS that said .. disable PCI 2.1 latency compliant01:28
telexiconikonia, where is it done?01:28
eyemeanikonia, yeah tell me about if i knew ati would of been such a problem i would of got Nvidea, hahah01:28
legoZionad_: i solved it, thank you.. (this was the needed command 'gnome-session-remove gnome-panel')01:28
smultronwhat does it mean when a monitor is "vista compatible"? i thought monitors were operating system independent like hard drives?01:28
ikoniatelexicon: that should be done in an init script01:28
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, that first line is supposed to be commented right? also you may have to pastebin the output from sudo apt-get update, this is really puzzling me01:29
ikoniaeyemean: there are a few guys in here that know ati well01:29
Zionad_lego: Go to Prefrences -> Sessions then click on current session and remove gnome panel, then go to session options and click remeber currently running applications01:29
ikoniaI'm not one01:29
BSG75and I moved to slot 3 pci on my motherboard01:29
Zionad_lego:" that will save it everytime01:29
BSG75I am not sure which one did it .. but I am not touching it .. just incase :)01:29
legothank you very much01:29
PeloBSG75, I donT, think I have that one,  but I'll check it out later , I think I have full speed and hi speed,  kind of ambiguous01:29
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: its the same as the last01:29
telexiconikonia, how come ubuntu/debian doesnt come with an iptables script by default? It seems like a common thing to have01:29
eyemeancalling all ati user knowledge buffs, hahaha01:29
timothywcrane__nothing on get deb or forums, but thank you01:29
lbakalinskyIf I were to get an Emerex PC, could i buy a Nvida graphics to run compiz and emerald running. I really want to get my brother a computer01:29
* IndyGunFreak fixed his ATI card by removing and buying an Nvidia card01:29
ikoniatelexicon: its a custom thing to have, there is an init template you can hack to use your own01:29
* nickrud thinks IndyGunFreak is a cheat01:29
BSG75LOL full speed and high speed .. I like those choices :)01:29
PeloBSG75,  no pci slots for me , they are onboard01:29
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, it cant be, theres no reference to your cdrom in that file, theres no reason it shold be erroring on it01:30
BSG75I hope one of those options in the bios will do it for u01:30
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: i think its a bug01:30
eyemeani have a radeon 9550, but seems xgl is in high usage, can any1 help pls?01:30
benzs_swhat's the success rate doing a distribution upgrade from feisty to gutsy?01:30
rmajIndyGunFreak: isnt ATI linux friendly now01:30
BSG75I am getting 9-7 MB/s constant now01:30
IndyGunFreaknickrud: dual screens was just to freakin hard w/ ATI...01:30
QjimboHi, can someone take a look at this: http://pastebin.com/d78bb2d0601:30
IndyGunFreakrmaj: maybe now, i don't know, this was like a year or more agbo.01:30
BSG75much easier when u need to move 1TB data :)01:30
ikoniaeyemean: shouldn't you use frxgl01:30
Zionad_ATI is a hellhole with linux.. heh01:30
Zionad_Thats why i went Nvidia01:30
ikoniarmaj: it won't be for a long time01:30
nickrudIndyGunFreak, heh, thanks for the warning. I'll put off buying that third one01:30
PeloBSG75, I'll hav eto look a bit more into it , I think I tried to change it while back and it didn't do much difference so I put it back the way it was, don'T remember what it is at now01:31
QjimboZionad_: I'm struggling as it is with this VIA onboard stuff01:31
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol, so you got dual screens working w/ ATI?.. i tried for a couple months and gave up.01:31
Zionad_Qjimbo: Oh man i couldnt imagine, via isnt nice either hahah01:31
eyemeanikonia, i am as far as i know, but i think its listed as xgl in system monitor01:31
IanLiuHow do I setup TeXMacs for Maxima?01:31
IndyGunFreaknickrud: that was back in Dapper though, so almost 2yrs ago..., and ATI's driver i believe has came a long way since then01:31
nickrudIndyGunFreak, no, that was sarcastic wishful thinking. Right now I'm recompiling my kernel, see if I can get suspend with fglrx.01:31
eyemeanikonia, sorry i meant as far as i know thats wat im using01:31
jv_I have nv34 geforce fx 5500 256mb and need to troubleshoot compiz from the terminal...anobody?01:31
Pelolbakalinsky, depends if there is a agp or pci slot available on the mobo01:31
ikoniaeyemean: I understand01:32
BSG75Pelo: good luck .. I am glad my nightmare is almost over .. my highness is sitting there on her laptop for me to finish so she can mount nfs01:32
ikoniajv_: what is your problem01:32
eyemeanikonia, lol, kool01:32
nickrudIndyGunFreak, I swore off kernel stuff several years ago, you can guess just how desperate I am01:32
Synx_hmikonia, actually ive got a shell in the root /dev/md0 now what do i need to do to reconfigure grub on /dev/sda101:32
IndyGunFreaknickrud: lol,01:32
PeloBSG75, :-)01:32
ikoniaflyinprogramer: what are you doing ?01:32
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: : puzzeld?01:32
Peloannoying everyone01:32
Zionad_someone should kick ban him01:32
ikonia!grub >Synx_hm01:32
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: so am i01:32
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, it doesnt make any sense01:33
jv_ok, I try to start compiz with the only command that came to my littl ehead :01:33
ikoniaSynx_hm: read the link from ubotu, you want to install grub onto the physical drives, not the meta device01:33
jv_Xgl not present01:33
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, can you give me that output from sudo apt-get update  again, maybe i missed something01:33
IndyGunFreakcant they ban him by IP?.. he does that stuff a lot.01:33
ikoniajake_: you don't need to type anything to start it01:33
ikoniajv_: just enabl "desktop effects" in gnome01:33
IndyGunFreakmost of the time its that tinyurl porn link though01:33
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: yea hold on01:33
Zionad_IndyGunFreak, Of course they can01:33
jv_can i copy and paste the compiz output here about 10 lines01:33
Pelo!theme | evo701:33
ubotuevo7: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy01:33
ikoniajv_: no, and don't bother, just enable desktop effects in gnome01:34
jv_says 'desktop effects could not be enabled"01:34
nickrudjv_, no, and what kind of chip, ati?01:34
ikoniajv_: are you using the "nvidia" driver in xorg ?01:34
]RandoM[i'm about to upgrade from edgy eft to ubuntu studio.. should i do a backup of stuff in my home dir or will it save my settings / files / etc01:34
jv_I am thinking that is because i don't have xgl? dunno...01:34
IndyGunFreak!paste | jv_01:34
ubotujv_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:34
super-6-1_deskhere http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47644/01:34
ikonia]RandoM[: do a clean install01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about maxima - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:35
ikoniajv_: are you using the nvidia driver (restricted driver manager)01:35
ubotuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code01:35
Synx_hmikonia, thanks ill give that a try01:35
nickrudjv_, that's a generic response to not having nvidia or another driver that has aiglx in it01:35
Junkie`Is there a special channel for intel mac support?01:35
ikoniaJunkie`: no01:35
MasterShreksuper-6-1_desk, try going to system > admin > software sources01:35
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: ok01:35
]RandoM[ikonia: ok thank01:36
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: intel mac?.. maybe #mac  i don't know01:36
Junkie`Well, it's support with an intel mac with ubuntu01:36
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: oh, you need help w/ Ubuntu, on an intel mac.01:36
IndyGunFreaknevermind... i was confused...01:36
Junkie`Ya :P01:36
ikoniaJunkie`: ask your question01:36
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: thats the problem i think i can fix it from here01:36
IndyGunFreakwhats the problem?01:36
MasterShrekgood luck super-6-1_desk01:37
Junkie`Retardedly, I completely took mac os x off of my macbook and installed ubuntu01:37
Junkie`which worked fine01:37
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: lol01:37
ikoniaJunkie`: nothing wrong with that01:37
IndyGunFreaki bet01:37
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: Im not leaveing just yet im chacking it before i go01:37
Junkie`until i need windows and installed it on a 25 gig partition01:37
Junkie`now i can't get into a livecd, or into linux01:37
IndyGunFreakand now grub is hosed.01:37
Junkie`which i need to do01:37
ikoniaJunkie`: there is a keypress to boot from cd01:37
IndyGunFreakwhy can't you get into a live CD?01:37
ikoniaJunkie`: it's apple + b or something like that01:37
Junkie`because the macbook bios settings aren't configurable01:38
IndyGunFreakoh ok....01:38
Junkie`so when i go to press c nothing happends01:38
ikoniaJunkie`: you need a key sequence to force cd boot01:38
superpiewho are all these punks? o.001:38
Zionad_Junkie: the key press is JUST the letter C01:38
Junkie`It was 'c' in mac os x to boot from teh cd01:38
jv_this was the compiz command output01:38
ikoniajv_: why are you showing us that,01:39
Junkie`Zionad_: I know, but that doesn't do anything01:39
ikoniajv_: I've told you not to use the compiz command01:39
ikoniajv_: I've told you what you need to do01:39
Junkie`It just goes to the windows bootloader01:39
Pelog'night folks01:39
jv_ah..sorry, didn't saw that01:39
IndyGunFreakl8r Pelo01:39
nyce_i am new to ubuntu can someone help me out01:39
ikoniajv_: you did see it as you responded01:39
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: it seems to be working know. and thanks o btw go to psp-hacks in the next month or 2 i think PSPLinux should be out01:39
ikonianyce_: sure if you ask a question01:39
Zionad_nyce_ whats the problem?01:39
nyce_i have a lot of problem01:39
Zionad_Well, Start with one!01:39
MasterShrekcool super-6-1_desk, i got that on my iGoogle, so ill know :)01:39
super-6-1_deskMasterShrek: lol ok01:40
nyce_first problem i have is getting wine working01:40
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: no way to get into the bios?01:40
nyce_i dont understand what they want me to do01:40
jv_I have the restrcitive driver enabled01:40
Junkie`So, the first thought I had was to use vmware player to get into a live cd, dump the boot partition thing, using dd, then adding that line to teh boot.ini in windows, but that didn't work.01:40
* nickrud shuts up, he came in late (again)01:40
Junkie`IndyGunFreak: nope01:40
ikonianyce_: wine support in in #winehq01:40
super-6-1_desknyce_: whats it asking?01:40
Zionad_Ok, You have selected wine in the add remove?, and whats the problem?01:40
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: there has to be online instructions to boot a intel mac from CD drivee01:41
nyce_i had it installed at first but i couldnt get a program to work so i removed it and tried to install it again but its not working like before01:41
hudyxif I am dual-booting vista/Ubuntu, is there any way I can save my desktops' states in Ubuntu 7.10 when I shut down and go into Vista?01:41
nyce_i dont remember what i did01:41
jv_lsmod shows nvidia loaded01:41
Junkie`IndyGunFreak: Yes, you are supposed to press 'c', but that isn't working01:41
nickrudhudyx, hibernate01:41
Synx_hmikonia, all of a sudden the live cd will not boot, hrm01:41
ikonianyce_: wine support in in #winehq01:41
robertj_anyone know how to get sound working in java?01:41
super-6-1_desk!ask | nyce_01:41
ubotunyce_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:41
ikoniaSynx_hm: thats interesting01:41
jv_ikonia, i was only able to see when you asked if I had the restrictive driver enabled...:(01:41
jv_answer is yes01:42
nyce_i checked winehq01:42
superpiehow do i find a bottleneck for an application that takes a long time to load?01:42
nyce_i understand01:42
hudyxnickrud: how do I boot Vista if I only hibernate Ubuntu? Don't I have to shut down/restart to get to the GRUB menu to boot Vista?01:42
super-6-1_desknyce_: whats the others01:42
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: and changing the boot ini tab didn't work?01:42
jv_hudyx: yes you do :)01:43
nickrudhudyx, if you hibernate, it does shut down. You can then reboot into windows, or linux later01:43
super-6-1_deskall right thanks everyone for the help01:43
sainzeowhat are the commands that would be the same as going to System - Preferences - Appearance - Disable Compiz or Enable Compiz?01:43
ikoniasainzeo: use the gui01:43
nickrudhudyx, hibernate is not suspend01:43
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: look at #16   http://www.ethicalhack.org/howto/triple_boot_howto.html01:43
Zionad_But hibernate saves the current condition, it doesnt run post, or allow you to see the grub bootloaser01:43
sainzeoikonia: i would like to create a script to enable/disable compiz more quickly - do you know these commands?01:44
Zionad_it goes directly to the saved condition01:44
ikoniasainzeo: use the gui, it is not practicle to script01:44
sainzeoikonia: sorry, but I would like to script this, are you saying then you don' tknow?01:44
jv_ikonia, plz tell me again what i need to do to ckeck compiz01:44
ikoniasainzeo: I'm saying it is possible but not practicle01:44
hudyxZionad_: so there is no way to do what I want to do? save the Ubuntu state while I go into Vista?01:45
jv_beryl had a beryl manager command that would bring up the interface to control beryl01:45
sainzeoikonia: okay fine, it's not practical, what are these commands anyways?01:45
Zionad_Hudyx, I do not think that is possible.01:45
ikoniasainzeo: its not "commands" you'll have to detect states and things like that01:45
ikoniasainzeo: its just just 2 commands01:45
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zlkcan someone tell me why i cant compile MPlayer with my ubuntu distro?  probably has something to do with libc?  when i ./configure i get "Error: Cannot find header either inttypes.h or bitypes.h.  There is no chance for compilation to succeed."01:45
sainzeoikonia: isn't there like metacity --replace and compiz --replace?01:45
majkballhmm... On one of my harddrives it says root is owner,... so I can't create any folders or do naything on it... how do I add a user to the restrictions?01:45
ikoniasainzeo: that is just part of it01:46
buddhaboypiedoggie: are you still there?01:46
ikoniazlk: why are you compiling mplayer01:46
zlkbecause synaptic wont install it01:46
ikoniazlk: the error message is quite clear that it can't find the headers01:46
sainzeoikonia: okay, what else would i need to do in order to successfully script it?01:46
ikoniasainzeo: I've just said, its not straight forward01:46
sunogbagazlk: just sudo apt-get install mplayer01:46
ikoniasainzeo: its not practicle01:46
buddhaboypiedoggie: I installed 7.1 with eqmu, and still got the same issue: ubuntu stops at /etc/rc.local01:46
zlksunogbaga: E: Broken packages01:46
sainzeoikonia: you may not think its practical, and maybe it isn't, but i would like this knowledge, therefore, do you actually know the commands to run or not?01:46
zlkit says it relies on liartsc0, libfaac0, liblame0, etc.01:47
zlkand says "but is not installable"01:47
ikoniasainzeo: why are you not listening, its just just "commands"01:47
buddhaboyanyone knows why a fresh install will stop booting after /etc/rc.local [OK] ??01:47
zlknext to those packages01:47
ikoniazlk: you'll need to enable additional repo's01:47
zlkhow do i go about doing that?01:47
sainzeoikonia: i am listening, but there must be a way to script figuring out states and what not, like you had previously said01:47
ikoniasainzeo: www.compiz-fusion.org has all the docs01:47
ikoniasainzeo: had a read through them01:47
sainzeoikonia: ok thank you01:48
ikoniazlk: system --> preferences --> software sources01:48
sainzeozlk: its actually system --> administration --> software sources01:48
zlkim using ubuntu 7.04 feisty.  i dont seem to have that option in preferences01:48
ikoniasainzeo: thank you01:48
ikoniazlk: did you see that01:48
zlkah ta01:48
sainzeoikonia: you're welcome01:48
jv_what about gutsy? also uses compiz-fusion?01:49
ikoniajv_: gutsy comes with compiz-fusion already installed01:49
jv_I can't figure why compiz won't start....01:49
buddhaboymaybe I can get a lower version of ubuntu, where can I get 7.04?01:49
nickrudZionad_, just did a hibernate, boot into windows, and then back into my hibernated desktop. Worked as expected01:49
ikoniabuddhaboy: is there a reason you want 7.04 over 7.10 ?01:49
sec_where to find pidgin for 6.06?01:49
ikoniasec_: it doesn't exist01:50
ikoniasec_: 6.06 uses gaim01:50
buddhaboyikonia: yes, i install a fresh boot, and the screen gets stuck on: /etc/rc.local [ok] wont' go further, unless i hit enter01:50
jv_what is the module name for compiz? compiz-fusion?01:50
ivxsec_ i'm sure you could build from sources but it isn't in repos01:50
sec_ikonia: yes, i had gaim on 6.06; want to try pidgin01:50
ikoniabuddhaboy: press enter and check your rc.local file01:50
sainzeosec_: you may be able to compile it yourself successfully though by downloading the source from www.pidgin.im01:50
sunogbagajv_: just system-preferences-desktop-effects01:50
ikoniasec_: pidgin is not available01:50
_ope_i need help with vmware.  i only get a display if im running the vm in debug mode01:51
buddhaboyikonia: I've been on the forum, I don't have any isues with my rc.local file01:51
ikoniasainzeo: I don't think it will run due to tls dependencies on 6.0.601:51
Zionad_nickrud: i have never seen a hibernate do that.. ever....01:51
ikoniabuddhaboy: what is in it ?01:51
Aztec007hello everyone01:51
Zionad_I mean, Its not supposed to01:51
sec_why ubuntu dislike pidgin?01:51
Zionad_its supposrd to save your session01:51
ikoniasec_: they don't01:51
Aztec007what do you guys recommend reiserfs or reiser4?01:51
Zionad_and boot into it!, thats why it uses hd space01:51
ikoniasec_: 6.0.6 was release long before pidgin existed01:51
deniz_quick question, how do i mount a .img file on my desktop?01:51
ikoniaAztec007: resiser FS is a debatable topic for long term support01:52
sainzeosec_: i would try compiling it from source first - it may not work, but probably won't hurt to try01:52
marupaDoes anyone know if there's a way to set up VNC to allow me to 'share' my current desktop on a custom port, and like tightvnc for windows, have one password be full-control, and one be view-only?01:52
ikoniaAztec007: resierfs because of that issue01:52
_ope_can anyone help?01:52
sec_ikonia: LTS means: not add new software?01:52
buddhaboyikonia: it only has "exit 0"01:52
nickrudZionad_, it does write to hd, thats the point. The image is there to go back to at any time.01:52
ikoniasec_: not official, but yes01:52
_ope_i also get this error when i try to full screen in vmware01:52
_ope_Unable to find an appropriate host video mode.01:52
_ope_Adding the guest mode to the 'display' subsection of the 'screen' section of your /etc/X11/XF86Config and restarting X is likely to help.01:52
_ope_Failed to switch to full screen SVGA mode.01:52
buddhaboyikonia: its a fresh install01:52
ikoniabuddhaboy: ok, so look at the last scripts that excute before that01:52
eidohas anyone installed original enemy territory on ubuntu?01:52
deniz_how do i mount a .img file??01:52
Aztec007ikonia: yeah, thats what I heard I just figured that it may be working now01:52
jv_sunogbaga: that's the thing..i have gnome with elive..I go to appearnce and then I turned desktop effects01:52
Zionad_nickrud: i see.... thanks for informing me of that! =]01:52
marupadeniz_, gmountiso01:52
jv_told me to reboot which I did01:52
nickrudZionad_, the only thing that might be different is I do use a bios password, but don't think that should matter01:53
deniz_marupa, its not an iso01:53
sec_i don't want to install gcc, *-dev on my only machine desktop01:53
marupadeniz_, convert it?01:53
jv_now it says "desktops effects cannot be enabled"01:53
buddhaboyikonia: ok fine. and I do a noshow, and remove quiet from boot to see message start ups, right?01:53
eyemeananyone find that firefox can sometimes be a hog on ubuntu 7.10?01:53
ikoniaAztec007: nope, not while the owner is being prosicuted for murder01:53
eltuxI'm having some compiz problems again01:53
deniz_how or with wat?01:53
buddhaboyikonia: where would I see in the logs? what log file?01:53
nickrudZionad_, eh, I can be obtuse and assuming about knowledge, don't mind me01:53
ikoniabuddhaboy: thats an excellent idea01:53
deniz_marupa, how or with wat?01:53
jv_I have glx01:53
ikoniabuddhaboy: remove the splash image from the boot options in /boot/grub/menu.lst01:53
Synx_hmikonia, hrm i did something lol, now no grub at all, my mobo is trying to boot over the network now doh!01:53
IanLiuHow do I set Maxima package for TeXMacs?01:53
Zionad_nickrud: hahah its fine01:53
buddhaboyikonia: I already did the nosplash, and remove the quiet01:53
sec_so, anyone has that deb for pidgin?01:53
marupadeniz_, That I cannot remember, unfortunately.  I recall that I found the howto on google though.01:53
buddhaboyikonia: everything was "ok" before that01:53
Aztec007ikonia: who's the owner?01:53
deniz_any specific app?01:53
deniz_marupa, any specific app?01:54
ikoniasec_: I've told you "it doesn't exist"01:54
buddhaboyikonia: its like everything just stops: so maybe there is a log file?01:54
ikoniabuddhaboy: no boot log01:54
marupadeniz_, Nope.  Just look for 'img to iso convert ubuntu' or somesuch.01:54
buddhaboyikonia: hmmm :$01:54
deniz_k, ill do so later01:54
evo7How to setup a start up? I mean some program will run automatically once I log in.01:54
sunogbagajv_: probably haven't installed restricted drivers01:54
nickrudevo7, system->prefs->session01:54
sec_ikonia: i see, it's not in official.01:54
eltuxcompiz won't allow me to select extra or anything else it gives me the error: The composite extension is not available01:54
buddhaboyikonia: nope nothing is in it01:54
evo7nickrud: Thank you.01:54
sainzeosec_: did you get my PM?01:55
buddhaboyikonia: /var/log/boot01:55
jv_sunogbaga: yes, they are enabled01:55
ikoniabuddhaboy: you won't get anything out of that01:55
]RandoM[what do you people use to write data dvds?01:55
sec_sainzeo: let me check01:55
jv_nvidia and atheros01:55
nickrudZionad_, I forgot I was running a kernel compile, if it's bad I'm blaming you ;)01:55
jv_for wifi01:55
buddhaboyikonia: see there's this same error in the forums, they complain about going to the /etc/even.d and looking in there.. but everything is fine01:55
Zionad_nickrud: hahah, I will take any and all responsibility! hahaha01:55
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ikoniabuddhaboy: have you installed ANYTHING scince the default install01:56
buddhaboyikonia: and this is a fresh install: both on vmware, and on qemu01:56
buddhaboyikonia: nope, nothing01:56
ikoniaoooh virtualisation01:56
nickrud]RandoM[, I'be been using gnomebaker, I've also used k3b01:56
ikoniabuddhaboy: hardware detection on some virtualisation can cause a hang01:56
talcitehey guys, I'm having trouble connecting to security.ubuntu.com01:56
talciteany ideas why this might be?01:56
sec_sainzeo: got my reply pm?01:56
buddhaboyikonia: yep. i thought so, so i said ok, maybe vmware has an issue, but then i tried qemu01:56
buddhaboyikonia: same thing..01:56
glenmy computer just locked up and crashed so I had to restart, how can I check system logs to see what caused it?01:56
ikoniabuddhaboy: still virtualisation01:56
marupatalcite, could be proxy, dns, or relay issue.01:57
]RandoM[nickrud: thanks i'll try that.. the dvd writer built into nautilus hasn't been working well for me.01:57
IndyGunFreak!pm | sec_01:57
IanLiuAnyone knows how to configure a package for TeXMacs?01:57
ubotusec_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:57
buddhaboyikonia: i'll try tomorrow with another machine I guess01:57
ikoniabuddhaboy: you'll have to play with your vm settings01:57
Junkie`IndyGunFreak: i did as it said, but holding down c did nothing and it just went to the windows boot loader01:57
talcitemarupa: well the other system on the same network has no problem connecting to it though 0.lo01:57
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: i really don't know... sorry.01:57
marupatalcite, then probably dns or proxy.01:57
nickrud]RandoM[, the only thing I don't like about it is not telling me how much space I've reserved01:57
buddhaboyikonia: yea that will take forever, i'm just gonna do it on a real system I guess01:57
jv_damn...can't undertsand this stuff...01:57
evo7what is the best flash plugin for firefox?01:57
ikoniabuddhaboy: ok01:57
talcitemarupa: any idea how I'd be able to check which one it is?01:57
sunogbagajv_: now I don't have ideas., others might be able to help01:57
buddhaboyikonia: thank for the time though!01:57
marupatalcite from the one that works, ping it, and try connecting to the IP.01:57
ikoniaevo7: there is only one, the adobe one, but the package is currently broke01:57
talcitemarupa: does ubuntu server use dhcpcd?01:58
ikoniatalcite: its up to you if it does01:58
jv_that's fine..tx01:58
marupatalcite, most probably.01:58
ikoniatalcite: depends how you set it up01:58
luluglen, System -> Administration -> System logs01:58
talciteikonia: I see... hmm I can't remember what I selected for options =P01:58
ikoniatalcite: then look01:58
talcitemarupa: let me give it a shot, brb01:58
evo7ikonia: so how to download? how about gnash? I tried but it not performs the best. :(01:58
glenlulu: hmm on xubuntu guess I'll try gnome-system-log instead01:58
ikoniaevo7: gnash is still in early development01:59
Alp-i installed ubuntu on one 10gb partition. now i created a second partition which has to contain my /home directory. how can i setup that without reinstalling ubuntu?01:59
Junkie`IndyGunFreak: I added it and when i select it i get an error saying it didn't have access to the harddisk01:59
talcitemarupa: hmm it might be DNS... there's no response to pings01:59
ikoniaAlp-: copy the data from /home to the partition then mount your new partition on /home01:59
evo7ikonia: so now I cant download any flash plugin for firefox?01:59
luluglen, you can always check logs looking at files in /var/log01:59
Junkie`To the boot.ini, that is01:59
IndyGunFreakJunkie`: i don't have the first idea.. sorry01:59
ikoniaevo7: not at this exact second01:59
Junkie`no worries01:59
Junkie`thanks anyway01:59
Synx_hmikonia, ive tried a number of things  doing the manual grub install, using /sbin/grub-install /dev/sda1 and none work, i have no mbr i think because it keeps going directly to network booting02:00
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer02:00
ikoniaSynx_hm: enter the grub shell and do it from that method02:00
talciteikonia: dhcpcd isn't installed... =/ what else would I be using?02:00
evo7ikonia: ok thank you.02:00
Synx_hmikonia, ill do that one more time because i think the dvd drive might be hd002:00
ikoniatalcite: thats a server, you'd be using dhclient02:00
Alp-ikonia: it's that easy? just adding a line to fstab?02:00
nickrudAlp-, add a line like /dev/hda8  /home ext3 defaults 0 1 to your /etc/fstab02:00
ikoniaAlp-: it certainly is02:00
ikonianickrud: gutsy uses uuid02:01
Alp-nickrud, ikonia: thanks alot02:01
talciteikonia: ahh crap I remember what I did now... I'm using a static IP...02:01
nickrudikonia, yes, but recognizes the other as well. I'm not affected by libata, keep forgetting that02:01
ikonianickrud: it has to be /dev/sdX has hdX is retired02:01
evo7i download the flash plugin in website but it came with tar.gz format. how to install it?02:02
talciteikonia: is there a way to configure resolv.conf without manually copying over the data then?02:02
ikoniaevo7: don't02:02
ikoniaevo7: wait for the ubuntu package to be fixed02:02
ikoniatalcite: edit the file02:02
d0lph1nK1nghow do i roll back my nvidia driver?02:02
nickrudikonia, works here, but I'm gonna stop mentioning it02:02
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ikoniadomas: roll back to what02:02
ikonianickrud: really ?02:02
d0lph1nK1nga previous version02:02
Alp-ikonia: but how can i delete my old home folder after mounting the new one?02:02
ikonianickrud: do you have /dev/hdX on your gutsy install02:02
evo7ikonia: Ok. Thank you. :)02:02
talciteikonia: yeah, I mean is there a way to automatically update resolv.conf?02:02
sunogbagaevo7: are you trying to install flashplayer for firefox?02:02
ikoniaAlp-: copy the data over then delete it02:02
ikoniatalcite: no, thats dhcp02:02
talciteikonia: =/02:02
nickrudikonia, yes (or at least as swap, I have that set on my i386 install)02:03
cariccCan anyone recommend a way to get wicd for wireless connection to work in Gusty?02:03
eyemeanwhen restarting ubuntu, do u have to restart the pc, or can u just ctrl alt del then login again?02:03
ikonianickrud: on gutsy02:03
nickrudikonia, yes02:03
ikoniaeyemean: that restarts the xserver02:03
ikonianickrud: I need to investigate that as you shouldn't get it02:03
nickrudikonia, now you make me wonder if my swap was working on that one :)02:03
ikonianickrud: thats a good question02:03
eyemeanikonia, sorry im new to linux02:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:04
ikoniaeyemean: thats fine, no need to apologise02:04
kkathmanI have a printer attached to ubuntu and can print a test page just fine. On my samba network the windows computer sees the ubuntu box, but not the printer attached to it. In Administration- Printing I DO have it set to share and to not restrict any users.  Is there something else I need to do?02:04
ikoniaeyemean: the xserver is your "gui"02:04
eyemeanikonia, oh right, so basically if pc ubuntu getting slow, have to do full reboot?02:05
ikoniaeyemean: it shouldn't get slow02:05
evo7sunogbaga: yes. I want to install flash plugin for firefox. :)02:05
teknoprepevo7 is pretty easy02:06
Alp-how can i get the uuid of my partition?02:06
eyemeanikonia, it does someties, like now for instance the cpu is working flat out, it didnt used to be like this02:06
ikoniaAlp-: blkid02:06
ikoniaeyemean: are you running froma  livecd or a hard disk insall02:06
eyemeanikonia, hd02:06
teknoprepeyemean, what process is taking up that much cpu usage?02:06
sunogbagaevo7: just sudo-apt get install flashplugin-nonfree02:06
ikoniaeyemean: use top to see what is eating your cpu02:06
ikoniasunogbaga: the flash package is currently broke02:06
teknoprepeyemean, if you open up a console and type ' top ' into it02:07
marupaCan anyone point me to a howto to get tightvnc to work (or some method to share a current desktop session, not create a new one)02:07
ikoniaeyemean: do not do that command yet02:07
kkathmanSigh, I figured that question might be above the help level here :(02:07
Synx_hmikonia, nada, ive got the drives setup as follows... /dev/sda1 (boot) /dev/sda2 (swap) /dev/sda3 (software raid) /dev/sdb1 (software raid) /dev/md0 (raid 0 with sda3 and sdb1)02:07
teknoprepeyemean, it will show you what processes are using so much cpu time02:07
ikoniakkathman: as your question02:07
ikoniaSynx_hm: raid 0 !02:07
ikoniaSynx_hm: I thought you said raid 102:07
ikoniakkathman: I didn't see your question02:07
eyemeanikonia, forefox at the moment, it hits 70 at times02:07
evo7sunogbaga: ok I try02:07
ikoniaevo7: don't02:07
ikoniaevo7: the package is currently broke02:08
teknoprepeyemean, what cpu do you have?02:08
Alp-ikonia: that doesnt show me the new partition02:08
Synx_hmikonia, i dont think so but i might have02:08
ikoniaSynx_hm: I may have miss-read02:08
eyemeanikonia, athlon xp200+ - 1.7Ghz02:08
ikoniaSynx_hm: is /boot on a raid partition02:08
teknoprepeyemean, that would probably be why02:08
teknoprepeyemean, i mean that cpu is getting older02:08
burnninator can someone recommend some software like jinzora, but will play the music via the web browser ?02:08
burnninatorkinda like pandora02:08
teknoprepeyemean, they don't have alot cache on them either02:08
Synx_hmikonia, its own partition02:08
ikoniaAlp-: man uuidgen02:09
eyemeanteknoprep, but i didnt have this problem last week02:09
sunogbagaikonia: what happens when u do?02:09
ikoniaSynx_hm: ok, this is going to get complex,02:09
teknoprepeyemean, what did you change?02:09
macandcheesehi all02:09
ikoniaSynx_hm: basiclly you'll need to update you initrd to include support for raid002:09
eyemeanteknoprep, nothing, lol02:09
ikoniasunogbaga: it installs the meta package, but not the actual plug02:09
Synx_hmikonia, i used the text based install to do the software raid setup02:09
macandcheeseanyone know how to set up an asus eas1600 silent video card with ubuntu?02:09
teknoprepeyemean, thats impossible.. things don't change unless you tell them too02:09
teknoprepeyemean, unless you have a hardware problem02:09
macandcheesei can't get any driver to make it work02:10
teknoprepmacandcheese, modules not drivers02:10
inannaeso te pasa por estar  enamorante a distancia en internet , no aprendes ,02:10
eyemeanteknoprep, it look slike firefox is the problem, its use alot of cpu at times02:10
teknoprepeyemean, try purging it then reinstalling it... see if it does the same thing02:10
teknoprepeyemean, you can try this ' apt-get purge firefox '02:10
ikoniawhy ?02:11
ikoniawhy re-install something for no reason ?02:11
teknoprepwhy what02:11
eyemeanteknoprep, im new to linux, but im sure i havent changed any settings02:11
teknoprepikonia, well if he thinks its the problem why not02:11
ikoniabecause it's pointless02:11
nickrudikonia, I just did a test here, and /dev/hda8  /media/i386-home ext3    defaults        0       2 works as expected02:11
eyemeanteknoprep, is it best to save my favourites first?02:11
Synx_hmikonia, the key problem is anyways that grub is not installing on the mbr at all...02:11
ikonianickrud: I'll look into that, thank you02:11
MasterShrekeyemean, have you installed and extensions that may be causing firefox to do that?02:11
teknoprepeyemean, you should use google browser sync02:11
ikoniaSynx_hm: thats easy to fix, the root file system problem is not02:11
teknoprepeyemean, but yes you would have to fix it02:12
eyemeanmastershrek, i do have extensions installed on firefox, but havent installed any for ages02:12
Synx_hmikonia, ive got two 400gb sata drives, one had 3 partitons on it, one boot one swap and one for the raid, the other drive is one partition all for the raid, i used the text alternate install cd to set it up and it seemed to work just fine, i assume it would have setup with kernel software raid (not fakeraid) support02:12
ikoniaeyemean: you probably just have too much running, too many tabs, busy website with flash etc02:13
teknoprepeyemean, what exactly is the problem tho?02:13
eyemeanteknoprep, what is google browser sync for?02:13
ikoniaSynx_hm: yes, thats right02:13
teknoprepeyemean, it syncs your browser to your gmail account.. that way you never loose your bookmarks / whatever else firefox saves02:13
ikoniaSynx_hm: did you not understand what I said about having raid 0 as your root file system02:13
Synx_hmikonia, any ideas why grub wont install then, ive tried both manual and automatic modes02:13
eyemeanteknoprep, high cpu usage of firefox, i cant watch tv properly on pc now without it screen slowing down from tv02:13
ikoniaSynx_hm: your not using the correct grub options, or your motherboard is not booting off the right disk02:14
teknoprepeyemean, things don't just happen tho man.. you had to have done something02:14
eyemeanteknoprep, that sounds cool , neverknew about that02:14
eidohow do i change folder permission to all02:14
Synx_hmikonia, ya i do, but my understanding of software raid and not fakeraid (bios software raid) was that kernel support was automatic02:14
ikoniaSynx_hm: kernel support IS, initrd is NOT02:14
eyemeanteknoprep, well i havent been brave enough to do anything new or weird incase i messed up ubuntu02:15
Synx_hmikonia, ahh so the install cd will not set that up for you if you select software raid as the partition for /02:15
ikoniaSynx_hm: I don't believe so02:15
Synx_hmikonia, sorry this is all a bit new to me02:15
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ikoniaSynx_hm: thats fine, raid 1 = yes, raid 0 I don't know, nor do I think so02:15
teknoprepeyemean, i purposely skrew things up so i learn how to fix it02:15
teknoprepeyemean, took me awhile but i figured out why my laptop's hibernate doesn't work after i do an update with ubuntu02:15
teknoprepeyemean, and it was worth it to do this too02:16
cizarrwhat's the shortcut key for the terminal console?02:16
kkathmanok I figured it out02:16
teknoprepeyemean, simple things you skrew up... will help you in the future.. now i have a better grasp on how acpi is implemented into linux02:16
MasterShrekcizarr, ctrl+alt+f1-f6 ctrl+alt+f7 to get back to your gui02:16
eyemeanteknoprep, i havent been on ubuntu for long so i wont risk it, plus i dont have time to do that at the moment02:16
teknoprepeyemean, you still have a large learning curve.. sure you can enjoy ubunut.. but you should still learn it02:17
teknoprepeyemean, linux has stupid amount of options02:17
cizarrthanks MasterShrek02:17
eyemeanteknoprep, ur right though, its the only way to learn, but when i have more time, i got too much diy to do these days at  home, hahaha02:17
Synx_hmikonia, well the bios is not finding any mbr at all so i at least need to fix grub first and then see what happenes from there02:18
Synx_hmikonia, i did root (hd0,0) which should be /dev/sda1 and setup (hd0)02:18
ikoniaSynx_hm: you know what happens, it was failing last time02:18
ikoniaSynx_hm: it couldn't find the root file system02:18
david_JWhat application could I install that'll change html to text?02:18
Synx_hmikonia, it didn't give me a boot menu at all, just error 2102:18
teknoprepdavid_J, notepad ?02:18
]RandoM[nickrud: gnomebaker worked like a charm for me.02:19
ikoniaSynx_hm: that was before, you said it couldn't find root file system first time02:19
Synx_hmikonia, i figured it was an actual mbr error02:19
MasterShrekSynx_hm, maybe try sd0,002:19
danc3david_J: html *is* text02:19
sunogbagadavid_J: any text editor would do that02:19
ikoniaMasterShrek: please don't talk nonsense02:19
nickrud]RandoM[, good to hear02:19
david_Jdanc3: no it aint...I mean without the html tags02:19
Synx_hmikonia, never got that far02:19
Synx_hmMasterShrek, wilco02:19
MasterShrekikonia, sorry, i didnt think of it as nonsense, im not using grub but i thought i remembered doing that once...02:19
danc3david_J: you could use awk/sed02:19
david_JI know there are tools out there that can do it02:19
eyemeanteknoprep, where in gmail do i go to sync bookmarks pls?02:19
ikoniaMasterShrek: you've never dont that, that option doesn't exist02:19
david_Jforget it bye02:19
ikoniaSynx_hm: that option doesn't exist02:20
Synx_hmi didn't think so hehe02:20
MasterShrekok ikonia, my mistake02:20
teknoprepeyemean, just goto www.google.com and search for google browser sync02:20
ikoniaMasterShrek: no problem02:20
Synx_hmikonia, find /boot/grub/stage1 doesn't work btw02:20
Synx_hmikonia, but i am able to see /boot and all thats on the /dev/sda1 partition02:20
ikoniaSynx_hm: hang on, so your /boot partition is sd1 ? yes/no02:20
Synx_hmikonia, yes02:20
talciteman this is ridiculous02:20
teknopreptalcite, what is?02:21
ikoniaSynx_hm: ok, so your root option is (hd0,0) and your setup option is (hd0) is that what you are using ?02:21
talciteteknoprep: I got the DNS servers working and the NTP servers kicked in02:21
Synx_hmikonia, yup02:21
talciteteknoprep: I'm now locked out of sudo02:21
ezzieyguywufI'm trying to report a bug. when they ask you to add the output of uname -a, sudo lspci -wnn and sudo dmidecode, how do i get those in the form of a file instead of just in the terminal02:21
ikoniaSynx_hm: and in your /boot/grub/device.map that is the correct mapping hd0 is sda ?02:21
talciteteknoprep: the time stamps are too far in the future, I can't kill sudo, I can't validate it either02:21
Synx_hmikonia, let me check02:21
danc3Synx_hm: s/sda/hda02:21
teknopreptalcite, you have to update all of your files02:21
ezzieyguywufwhen i type sudo dmidecode, for example, the output appears to be too large for the terminal and i don't even get all of it, just the end02:21
jribezzieyguywuf: COMMAND > /path/to/file02:21
talciteteknoprep: I tried logging out but it didn't work. I can't shutdown or reboot because I need to be root02:22
teknopreptalcite, i forget what it is brb02:22
talciteteknoprep: what do you mean?02:22
ezzieyguywufjrib: thank you02:22
talciteteknoprep: sure02:22
jribezzieyguywuf: that will overwrite anything in /path/to/file if it already exists by the way02:22
ChrisUFOxlcfg -g or xlcfg -gtk02:22
myusrnmupon opening azures, it closes02:22
ChrisUFOmyusrnm: I have the same problem actually!02:23
Synx_hmikonia, ohh ... (hd0) is /dev/hdb (my dvd drive) doh and hd1 is the /dev/sda ill try that02:23
ezzieyguywufjrib: do i specify a file type, ie .txt?02:23
ikoniaSynx_hm: there you go02:23
ikoniaso you want hd1,002:23
Nighthawk420hey howcome bittorent, ktorrent, and bittornado all do a horrible job of dowloading my torrents, like uber s low, and i used to be able to dl them real fast on windows... is it something with my ports/02:23
ikoniaand hd1 as a setup02:23
Synx_hmikonia, however grub seems to be confused, because when i do root (hd0, <tab> it lists all the partitions on sda102:23
eyemeanafter pruging firefox should i restart then install again?02:23
sunogbagaNighthawk420: might be02:23
myusrnmi need help with my azureus problem, upon opening azureus it closes. Has anybody heard of this problem and know what the cause / solution might be02:24
ikoniaSynx_hm: because sda1 is correct02:24
sunogbagaNighthawk420: under nat maybe...02:24
ikoniaSynx_hm: but grub wants hd1,0 and hd102:24
Nighthawk420should it be under nat or not on nat?02:24
Synx_hmikonia, ya but im saying grub thinks sda1 is hd0 when it is infact hd1, no?02:24
eyemean<teknoprep, after pruging firefox should i restart then install again?02:24
sunogbagaNighthawk420: if youre under nat, should probably try port forwarding02:24
ikoniaSynx_hm: because the device map is overriding02:24
evo7I want to add gDesklet in start up but I do not know the application name to put. How to check it?02:25
Nighthawk420sunogbaga, cant i just as easily disable nat settings02:25
Synx_hmikonia, so what do i need to edit?02:25
evo7I tried gDesklets but it didnt work.02:25
ikoniaSynx_hm: I've told you, re-install grub to root hd1,0 and setup hd102:25
sunogbagaevo7: system preferences sessions02:25
Synx_hmikonia, because it wont install to hd1... setup (hd1) Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition02:25
myusrnmNvm, apparently deleting .azureus seemed to work02:26
ikoniaSynx_hm: exactly what commands are you using ?02:26
evo7sunogbaga: yes I know it. But we need to put the name of application inside. I do not know the name of it02:26
Synx_hmikonia, root (hd1,0)... setup (hd1)02:26
sunogbagaput any name, just put the right command02:26
ikoniaSynx_hm: in the grub shell ?02:26
Synx_hmikonia, yes02:26
evo7sunogbaga: I do not the the command for gDesklets. I tried put gDesklet but dint work.02:27
talcitewow I discovered a bug in ubuntu... first time ever =D02:27
ikoniaSynx_hm: something is very wrong here02:27
Synx_hmikonia, also tried 'sudo /usr/sbin/grub-install /dev/sda102:27
Synx_hmikonia, i agree hehe02:27
sunogbagahaven't install gdesklet yet, try gdesklets .. no caps02:28
ikoniaSynx_hm: I can only think your raid config has messed up your drive layouts02:28
sunogbagaevo7: try it on the terminal first02:28
evo7sunogbaga: ok. I try.02:28
Synx_hmikonia, heres what fdisk -l has to say... /dev/sda1 bootable (/boot)  /dev/sda2 swap  /dev/sda3 Linux raid autodetect  /dev/sdb1 Linux raid autodetect02:29
evo7sunogbaga: yes. it's working.02:29
evo7sunogbaga: Thank you man.02:29
teknoprepi guess the timestamp is to far into the future02:29
Evilxdoes the live cd have the RT8187 drivers on it?02:29
ikoniaSynx_hm: I'm afraid its bed time for me02:29
ikoniaSynx_hm: but that all looks normal02:29
talciteahh thank goodness for tty...02:30
talciteI'd be boned without it02:30
Synx_hmikonia, cool thanks for your help though :) ill figure this ish out hehe02:30
talciteatleast for an hour anyways02:30
sunogbagaevo7: no problem02:30
ikoniaSynx_hm: you may want to correct your device.map to make things easier02:30
Synx_hmikonia, will do thanks02:30
ikoniaSynx_hm: ahhhh02:30
ikoniaSynx_hm: its just hit me02:30
ikoniaSynx_hm: got it02:30
ikoniasorry, I was being slow02:30
ikoniaSynx_hm: your doing this from the livecd yes/no02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about device.map - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
ikoniaSynx_hm: ok, stop me if I confuse you02:31
teknoprephey talcite02:31
teknopreptalcite, you still there02:31
ikoniaSynx_hm: the livecd has "probed" your disk, so /dev/sda IS hd0 on the livecd, which is why you can't install to hd102:31
teknopreptalcite, do this... ' sudo -k ; sudo -K '02:31
daksikonia: what is device.map?02:31
ikoniaSynx_hm: follow so far02:31
ikoniadaks: I'll get back to you02:31
Synx_hmikonia, ikonia ya02:31
lovedeatmcan anybody help me wit an ipod issue..or am in the wrong place02:32
talciteteknoprep: yup, I'm here02:32
ikoniaSynx_hm: however when you boot from your hard disk the device.map is probed to get the disk layout which says sda = hd1 not hd0, so menu.lst can't be found so grub won't init02:32
talciteteknoprep: believe it or not, it was a bug in ubuntu 0.o02:32
ikoniaSynx_hm: make sense ?02:32
teknopreptalcite, did you fix it?02:32
Synx_hmikonia, ya02:32
talciteteknoprep: I had to log into tty2 and delete the sudo file for tty102:32
_patbamhi, is it normal for apt-get to ask me to put in my gutsy cd when i try to install things?02:32
talciteteknoprep: yup =D02:32
Synx_hmikonia, i figured something like that was happening02:32
ikoniaSynx_hm: fix your device.map on your disk, and re-install grub onto hd0 on the livecd and you'll be fine02:32
talciteteknoprep: thanks =D02:32
ikoniaSynx_hm: sorry, took me a moment for that to click02:33
talcitehey guys, how do you perform a dist-upgrade on ubuntu server?02:33
Synx_hmikonia, ok ill do that, thanks!02:33
ikonia_patbam: remove the cd source line from /etc/sources.list02:33
talciteI'm still running feisty02:33
ikonia_patbam: /etc/apt/sources.list02:33
ikoniaSynx_hm: sorry, I was missing the ovious02:33
ikoniadaks: device.map is a grub file used to map physical disks to grub device identifiers02:33
_patbamikonia: thanks.02:33
lovedeatmhow do you enable repos via konsole02:34
marupaI really need this to work, guys...I'm trying to share my ubuntu desktop with other users, but use a custom port.  Is there any way to do that?02:34
ikonialovedeatm: uncomment them in /etc/apt/sources.list02:34
=== _patbam is now known as patbam
teknopreplovedeatm, konsole is kde02:34
Synx_hmikonia, one quick question seems i cannot force write to tha file (w!)02:34
sexcopterhi, can anyone recommend me software to author dvd videos?02:34
teknopreplovedeatm, are you using kubuntu ?02:34
marupasexcopter, kino02:34
ikoniaSynx_hm: mount -o remount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot02:34
ikoniaSynx_hm: remount read/write02:34
patbamikonia: don't ih ave to do an apt-get update or some such after editing that file?02:34
teknopreplovedeatm, but you want to doit from the console... sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list02:34
ikoniapatbam: you do02:34
sexcoptermarupa: thanks02:35
ikoniaSynx_hm: bed time now02:35
marupasexcopter, welcome.02:35
Synx_hmikonia, thanks again02:35
ikoniaSynx_hm: hope everything works out02:35
lovedeatmthanks and yeah i am using kubuntu02:35
patbamikonia:  thanks again :)02:36
lovedeatmbut it was a general question and thanks02:36
teknoprepkde sucks02:36
julio3patasteknoprep: long live kde beats gnome :)02:37
SirBob1701are there any fixes to the crash with latest nvidia drivers and video playback (ex sometimes when i open movies they are just green blobs and don't render until i restart computer)02:37
ezzieyguywufhow do you make a tarball of a directory in the terminal window?02:37
grazzwhere can i find the list ( and code ) of the ubuntu patches for the kernel?02:37
teknoprepjulio3patas, you crazy? kde is horible02:37
marupaezzieyguywuf, tar -cf somefile.tar thedirectory/02:37
nickrudezzieyguywuf, tar cf <file>.tar /dir02:37
patbamkde vs gnome fistfight behind the cafeteria!02:37
ezzieyguywufthanks guys02:37
julio3patasteknoprep: must        be the rum&cokes i had tonight02:38
teknoprepjulio3patas, vodka cranberry here02:38
teknoprepjulio3patas, but you are still nuts02:38
teknoprepjulio3patas, kde is more bloated then windows02:38
nickrudthe gnomes will break the trolls knees02:38
julio3patasteknoprep: my   ex'es will agree with you02:38
DG19075GNOME Rules!02:38
SirBob1701julio3patas: sissy gotta go with the straight up irish whiskey :)02:38
teknoprepSirBob1701, nothing wrong with mixed drinks02:39
SirBob1701teknoprep: sure if your a chick haha02:39
teknoprepcairo_dock + gnome = beautiful02:39
julio3patasSirBob1701: had a chance to go thru ireland and picked up some private reserve jameson, boy that is good stuff02:39
teknoprepSirBob1701, now you attack my manhood because i like a mixed drink?02:39
SirBob1701julio3patas: aw i can only imagine02:40
SirBob1701teknoprep: sure why not :)02:40
grazzwhere can i find the list ( and code ) of the ubuntu patches for the kernel?02:40
teknoprepSirBob1701, i must be ghey... i am going to go in the corner and cry.. someone on irc insulted my man-hood02:40
grazz( sorry for the re-paste )02:40
IdleOne!offtopic | SirBob1701 teknoprep02:40
ubotuSirBob1701 teknoprep: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:40
teknoprepIdleOne, does it really matter?02:40
evo7i download cpu meter for gdesklets .. how to install it? .. i tried in /usr/share/gdesklets/display but i din work.02:41
IdleOneteknoprep: yes02:41
SirBob1701teknoprep: np manhood means nothing02:41
heatmzzris there a way in ubuntu to leave the graphics and go to command line, not as shell?02:41
marupaAnyone know how to customize what port ubuntu's remote desktop listens on?02:41
preaction_heatmzzr, Ctrl+Alt+F102:41
nickrudheatmzzr, ctl-alt-f1 ?02:41
heatmzzrthanks folks02:41
SpookyETIs there a Thunderbird to Evolution converter?02:42
nadinehello. i've been using various versions of ubuntu for about two years now, but still can't get samba working consistently for the life of me. it seems to work for about a day every two months, but then its back to not being able to connect (btwn two ubuntu systems; i use samba cuz sometimes there's a winpc on the network). anyone have any pointers?02:42
talcitehmm... does anyone know if systems with non-matching times would affect SSH logins with RSA keys?02:42
teknoprepSpookyET, converter of what02:42
SpookyETI don't feel like redownloading everything via GMAIL's slow IMAP02:43
teknoprepSpookyET, for email or your contacts?02:43
teknoprepSpookyET, its not that slow02:43
SpookyETno contacts. email02:43
IggzI'm finding 7.10 very buggy on my rig - I am aware that there have been issues for some and it appears that I am one of them. However, I do like the OS and want to stay with it. While waiting on hardy I'd like to stay with ubuntu. So, which version would you suggst - 7.4 or 6.10?02:43
evo7i download cpu meter for gdesklets .. how to install it? .. i tried in /usr/share/gdesklets/display but i din work.02:43
teknoprepSpookyET, also imap only caches on your localhost... your going to have to get your emails downloaded again no matter what02:43
IdleOneIggz: try 6.10 if it works well then !upgrade to 7.0402:44
yan_how do i find the size of each installed program?02:44
SpookyETteknoprep: not if you make it sync and download everything.02:44
yan_my /root folder is being used up02:44
SirBob1701anyone know status on new nvidia drivers?02:44
engla_yan_: in synaptic you can see sizes of installed programs02:45
IggzIdelOne: Thank you sounds a good idea. Can you do a download upgrade by the way otr is it a fresh installll everytime?02:45
=== sabayonuser is now known as sabaya
teknoprepSirBob1701, why do you want new drivers?02:45
engla_yan_: however, there are no installed programs in /root02:45
yan_I mean in the root partition02:45
SirBob1701teknoprep: the current ones crash on video files sometimes and require a restart to play correctly.02:45
engla_well open synaptic, go to settings and make sure the column for installed size is enabled, then go to installed packages, and sort by installed size02:46
engla_that's the recipe :)02:46
teknoprepSirBob1701, you sure thats nv drivers and not just your divx / decoder ?02:46
SirBob1701teknoprep: reinstalled them several times already to see if it was them02:46
talcitehey guys, where's the NTP server file kept?02:46
teknopreptalcite, what NTP server  file? the conf file ?02:47
yan_engla_, thanks. How do you deframent a disk?02:47
teknopreptalcite, do this ' sudo updatedb '02:47
teknopreptalcite, after that finishs do this ' sudo locate ntp | grep conf02:47
engla_yan_: should normally not be needed; I don't know02:48
talciteteknoprep: thanks02:48
julio3patasi updated to the new hardy systems seems to be running just fine tho02:48
SteveScumis there a way i can view/edit upnp devices on my network,  like my router?02:48
* nickrud boggles at hardy now02:48
IdleOnenickrud: that good or bad?02:49
teknoprepSteveScum, there are programs that use upnp to open ports on routers but the best way to update your router configs is best through the web configuration02:49
nickrudIdleOne, I grew up in linux running debian unstable, but ubuntu betas more than a month or so before release? I like to get things done :)02:49
teknoprepSteveScum, most torrent programs have a upnp plugin tha tworks with upnp enabled routers02:50
SteveScumyeah, its not for my router, and the only way i can access it for the first time is upnp, but i dont know a program to access upnp02:50
SteveScumits another device i mean02:51
teknoprepwhat is it?02:51
teknoprepsounds like a shitty device02:51
ohioguyhi , I'm on dial up , can some one tell me how to deal with ubuntu updates ? ( 88 mb one week , 82 mb the next week )02:51
teknoprepohioguy, don't update02:51
heatmzzrin ubuntu can you login as root?02:52
FluxDheatmzzr: no02:52
teknoprepohioguy, enable your firewall... and don't allow anything to directly access you computer unless you request it.. then ... don';t update02:52
F0oohioguy go to starbucks and download them02:52
MiLKhi guys. i'm trying to install ubuntu onto a partition that I have already created under windows. i have chosen the 'manual' option, and when i select my partition and click forward it says 'no root file system specified'. what am i doing wrong?02:52
MasterShrekMiLK, make the mount point /02:53
MasterShrekMiLK, also youll prolly want a swap partition02:53
nickrudohioguy, I have a couple of one liners I used to use, no error checking but they work, I'll put them on a pastebin02:53
=== JonathanD is now known as JonathanDS
ohioguyhmmm ,, starrbucks is about 50 miles away ,,, and I don't drink coffee ,,, lol02:53
SteveScumnetwork print router, for some reason i cant access it, and in the manual it says another way to access its setup is through upnp, but i dont know of a way of doing it on ubuntu02:53
=== JonathanDS is now known as JonathanD
MiLKok thx MasterShrek - how do I add a swap partition?02:53
Elizabethhello, has anyone had a problem with 64-bit OS livecds like ubuntu and leopard kernel panicking02:54
makuseruare there any other audio recording/editing programs that are free, besides audacity?02:54
MiLKdo i do it via 'edit partition'?02:54
MasterShrekMiLK, generally you want to make the swap partition of size equal to the amount of ram you have, although i cannot exactly tell you how to do it (since i dont have the installer right in front of me) it shold be pretty straight forward02:54
Elizabethi have a ecs board with intel core 2 duo i think 1.86Ghz02:54
F0oohioguy 50 miles closer waiting, hmm i think the later advice was better dont update02:54
MiLKok thx02:54
k1dugarhello everyone02:55
modocIs there a utility for watching a directory for changes (add/remove files, etc)?02:55
nickrudohioguy, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47649/ , I'd run these overnight, the first if I wasn't already on line, the second if I was02:55
ohioguybut I don't like the idae of not getting security updates ,02:55
MiLKwhat format should the swap partition be MasterShrek?02:55
HoboBenAnyone else got a regularly-broken back button in swiftfox 3.0b2pre?02:55
k1dugarcan someone help me out with "seahorse-agent"02:55
MasterShrekMiLK, it shold be swap or maybe its called linux-swap02:55
modocMiLK: the type/format is swap02:55
MiLKah, im hguessing 'swap' lol02:56
jribmodoc: look into gamin, inotify02:56
jayproim having difficulty installing  libdvdcss2 & w32codecs02:56
bbardlbraddHey, I'm partitioning for 7.10, should this be logical or primary? Also, the mount point should be just "/" (without quotation) right?02:56
MiLKmy bad :P02:56
jayproanyone know what to do?02:56
MasterShrek!medibuntu | jaypro02:56
ubotujaypro: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org02:56
modocjrib: will do, thanks02:56
nickrudohioguy, you can drop the y from the -dy options if you don't want to manually do the actual upgrade install02:56
nickrudohioguy, I mean do want to02:56
bbardlbraddI'm setting it up to Dual boot Vista/7.1002:56
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, primary02:56
jayprothat was quick... thanks for the link MasterShrek02:56
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, coorect, just a / no quotes02:57
MasterShreknp jaypro02:57
Elizabethyeah is there any good reason to use anything but primary these days02:57
MiLKwhat format should my main linux drive be?02:57
MasterShrekif you want more than 4 partitions02:57
MasterShrekext3 MiLK02:57
bbardlbraddMastershrek, Thanks so much! Oh, and how much VM does 7.10 usually use?02:57
ArrPirateHello. I have a friend who is blind. She has very little vision. Is there an Ubuntu setup that she can download that is already set up for the blind or will I have to customize one for her?02:57
k1dugarI can't create SSH keys via "Seahorse", its missing. I can only create "PGP keys". Does anyone know the fix??02:57
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, it depends on alot of factors, are you worried about how much ram you have?02:58
jribmodoc: just read about incron, but depends on what you want to do02:58
bbardlbraddMasterShrek, I have only 1Gb of memory and GPU shares it.02:58
* stemount pokes kbrooks 02:58
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, youll be just fine, thats how my machine is set up02:59
modocjrib: I'd like to have something watches a directory periodicly and updates a playlist.02:59
k1dugarcan someone help me out??02:59
HoboBenbbardlbradd - with 2gb of RAM, ubuntu uses none of my swap here. With 512MB it uses something like 30MB02:59
ohioguynickrud  , thanks for the info ,, I'll try that ,02:59
jribmodoc: yep, you can do that with any of the three.  incron works like cron though02:59
bbardlbraddI have 36Gb @ my disposal, I plan on putting Leopard on the smallest patrician... just b/c i know it'll be a while before I work it all out right...02:59
Elizabethbbardlbradd unless you are gaming or running compiz with all the perks up high the gpu shouldn't use much, it kind of depends on what programs you are going to be running02:59
bbardlbraddHoboBen, orly? interesting.03:00
ArrPirateso, does anyone know if there's a blind-friendly ubuntu already set up?03:00
peepsalotanyone have a laptop with nvidia card that is capable of suspend?03:00
lbakalinskykidugar, what do u need?03:00
SteveScumi have a gig of ram in this one im on and ubuntu uses none of my swap03:00
nickrudohioguy, looking at that, I used the old method of getting a ppp connection, you'll also want to set up your dialup with pppconfig , it can coexist with the networkmanager version03:00
MiLKshould a swap partition be logical yeah?03:00
bbardlbraddElizabeth, I won't be doing much w/ it... Just internet things and typing... basic sh*t03:00
k1dugarlbakalinsky: I can't create SSH keys via "Seahorse", its missing. I can only create "PGP keys".03:00
MasterShrekmake it primary MiLK03:00
SteveScumbut i have 2 gig swap03:00
modocjrib: I see gamin and incron in the repos so I'll start there.03:01
MiLKand the location should be beginning or end?03:01
MasterShrekMiLK, doesnt matter, i usually put the swap at the end03:01
MiLKok cool03:01
andruki resumed my comp from hibernate and now the screen just flickers the cursor (nothing else) when i move the mouse03:01
HoboBenMiLK - end is faster, as it physically spins faster on the disk03:01
peepsalotwhat are the open source nvidia drivers called?03:01
nickrudpeepsalot, nv03:02
modocjrib: I'm thinking of creating an audacious plugin with this.03:02
MiLKcool HoboBen03:02
SteveScummilk, i usialy put swap on the end, because thats the fastest part of the drive03:02
ohioguynickrud ,,, I don't dial out from ubuntu , at the moment I'm dialing out with winxp (with int connection shareing ,) then through a linux router to my home network03:02
jribmodoc: then yeah, you want gamin or inotify03:02
Elizabethi can't find anything online why 64bit OSes all crash, but not 32 bit, i know my board/processor support them, can anyone think of a reason03:02
k1dugar lbakalinsky: I'm running seahorse 2.21.303:02
bbardlbraddNow it's asking me about swap space, it doesn't do this automatically I guess... should I make a new partition specifically for swap? How much should I dedicate to swap, like 2Gb?03:02
kevinkokeshcan anyone tell me how to install firefox 2? i downloaded and extracted the tar gz folder.. do i need to use the tar in synaptic? or use the extracted folder somehow03:03
MiLKand does the swap partition need a mount point specified?03:03
Elizabethcould it be my geforce or sound card, like it won't work if they are even installed03:03
SteveScummilk, no03:03
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, 1 gig, if thats how much ram you got03:03
MiLKok thx steve03:03
IdleOnebbardlbradd: 2x ram03:03
HoboBenElizabeth - apparently it's because a lot of the drivers aren't 64bit. Something like that, I heard03:03
nickrudkevinkokesh, why not just use the firefox that comes with ubuntu? It gets security updates regularly03:03
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, and yes, create one for it03:03
jaredI just did a fresh install of Gutsy, and now flash seems to be not working. I installed it through firefox, (flashplugin-nonfree or whatever the package is called) but websites say that I need to install flash, also the missing plugin thing pops up in firefox still. Any suggestions on how to get flash to work would be appreciated03:03
kevinkokeshnickrud: i am using ubuntu 5.1 and my updater thinger doesn't work??03:03
andrukkevinkokesh: i believe the firefox that comes with ubuntu is ff 203:03
kevinkokeshandruk: i have ff 1.0.5 , im on ubuntu 5.103:04
nickrudkevinkokesh, oh, that would be a good reason. The issue of security remains, though. just cd to the firefox folder, and type ./firefox in the terminal03:04
andrukjared: have you restarted firefox after installing flash?03:04
lbakalinskyKidugar, i've sent you a message via a private window03:04
jaredandruk, yes, and I just tried restarting my whole comp just incase it was something weird like that...03:04
dashuaWhere would I go to troubleshoot for power management (Gnome) when my LCD monitor will only sleep once after boot then stays on indefinitely?03:04
nickrudkevinkokesh, 5.10 (my favorite) doesn't get security updates anymore03:04
bbardlbraddWhat does it mean when it asks "Location for new partition" and has "Beginning" and "End"03:05
bbardlbraddShould Swap be logical?03:05
MiLKno bbardlbradd03:05
=== mojo__ is now known as mojo
kevinkokeshnickrud: can't i install ff manually ? i downloaded it from mozilla's website03:05
MiLKand put it at the end :)03:05
Elizabethno bbardlbradd assume primary03:05
Cpudan80Hello all03:05
Cpudan80I am having trouble playing a DiVX mpg file in VLC03:06
Cpudan80I get no picture03:06
bbardlbraddMiLK, why? I put the EXT3 partition @ Beginning, should I change it?03:06
bbardlbraddI don't even know what that means... so I'm lost03:06
Cpudan80Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong?03:06
linuxuserhow do i install downloaded software i tryed synaptic03:06
sander__hi folks03:06
=== lee_ is now known as Cueball|Laptop
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, the ext3 at the beginning is fine03:06
sander__i need help03:06
Elizabethbbard its just the location on the hard drive, in relation to other partitions, this is important if you have to resize shrink etc.03:06
MiLKi dont think it matters03:06
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, put the swap at the end, both of them should be primary03:07
nickrudkevinkokesh, it's already ready to go. You can move the whole folder to /home/<you>  , then system->preferences->preferred apps, and change web browser to /home/<you>/firefoxfolder/firefox03:07
k1dugarlbakalinsky: I dint get your msg. I also sent you PM now, did you got it?03:07
heatmzzrname a good file manager?03:07
nickrudkevinkokesh, but you can't add it to the apt package management03:07
sander__how can i restart a session of X when i change pressiong ctrl+alt+f303:07
kevinkokeshnickrud, thank you. i thought that might be the case but I didn't know where it went. i'll try it, thanks03:07
MasterShreksander__, from the terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:07
jriblinuxuser: what are you trying to install?  In general, you do not download things yourself, you install from the repositories using a program like synaptic.03:07
sander__MasterShrek: and if i dont have gdm ?03:08
linuxusertrying to install eclipse03:08
MasterShreksander__, what do you have? kde?03:08
MasterShrekuse kdm then03:08
sander__MasterShrek: ok i will test here.. thanks a lot03:08
jrib!info eclipse | linuxuser03:08
ubotulinuxuser: eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-3ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 125 kB, installed size 412 kB03:08
k1dugarlbakalinsky: can you reply me here?03:08
=== Shinigami`away is now known as kevind23
Elizabeth!info eclipse03:09
bbardlbraddSo it should be the linux part. then free space and then swap???03:09
eyemeansorry to ask this here but has any1 herd of mazysmadhouse website?03:09
kevinkokeshnickrud, there is nothing but a desktop folder in my home/kevin folder03:09
jriblinuxuser: eclipse is in the universe repository.  Have you enabled it in system -> administration -> software sources?03:09
jaredAnyone else able to help me with an issue with flash? I have it installed (adobe one), but websites keep saying I need to install it.03:09
jrib!offtopic | eyemean03:09
ubotueyemean: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:09
eyemeanjrib, i understand im just asking as i've been accidently locked out and do not know the irc channel, im sorry about that03:10
ElizabethIf you WERE going to install manually don't you put it in /usr/share/bin or /usr/local/bin i can't remember03:10
jribjared: you need to download the tar.gz from adobe and install the .so manually into your ~/.mozilla/.  The current package from the repositories has not yet been updated to use the recent update by adobe03:10
tyronepollerihello I have a huge problem with my video card compiz is working but games do not work at all. I turn every effect off but they still won't run properly. I think I have a problem with OpenGL03:10
bbardlbraddShould my partition list be Vista, Linux, Free space, and Swap... in that order???03:11
jribeyemean: #ubuntu-offtopic is better03:11
eyemeanjrib, thanx for ur help, much appreciated03:11
Elizabethbbardlbradd i really don't think it matters03:11
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, the order isnt extremely important03:11
tyronepolleriI think it should be Vista Linux Swap Free space  but i am not sure03:11
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, so youll be fine :)03:11
MasterShrektyronepolleri, it doesnt matter03:11
jaredjrib, do you think that it would be better to just wait for the update? Theres not really any urgency, I just did a clean install though, and was trying to get it working again03:11
k1dugarI can't create SSH keys via "Seahorse", its missing. I can only create "PGP keys". Does anyone know the fix??03:11
Elizabethas long as freespace is at the end or beginning is all03:12
MasterShreki dont think that matters either Elizabeth03:12
tyronepolleriMasterShrek, thanks, and can you help me with my video problem03:12
MasterShrekthe partitions are labeled either way, no matter where the free space is03:12
jribjared: well, as long as you understand what you are doing it doesn't really matter03:12
robrhi there, how to I get php to function with mysql, i am currently getting call to undefined function mysql_connect(); I have removed php5 and installed php5-mysql03:12
jaredjrib, alright, thanks for the help03:13
MasterShreknot really tyronepolleri, i dont use compiz, im against it03:13
GreevousDoes anyone know of a good use for the "Notes" feature in Nautilus?03:13
tyronepolleriMasterShrek, but the problem I think is opengl not compiz because i turn it off03:13
lafferjmIf when i try to connect to freenodes aqsis channel it says i need to be identified what does that mean?03:13
Elizabethtyronepolleri what games are you running?03:13
tyronepolleriany game does not run open arena 3d chess03:14
MasterShrek!register | lafferjm03:14
ubotulafferjm: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration03:14
MiLKanyone know of a good newbie guide to linux commands?03:14
Elizabethwhats your 3d card03:14
tyronepolleriElizabeth, nothing works03:14
drgebikonia I removed all beryl, compiz and emerald now when I log in I have to type metacity --replace to get a border how can I fix this border issue ?03:14
jrib!cli > milk (read the private message from ubotu)03:14
tyronepolleriElizabeth, intel 96503:14
sander__MasterShrek: hi03:14
MasterShrekdrgeb, add that command to your session (system > preferences > sessions)03:14
MasterShrekhello sander__, that work?03:14
MiLKthxs jrib :)03:15
sander__MasterShrek: this gdm -restart command restart all, i need something that resume my session (sorry for my bad english), can you understand?03:15
sander__MasterShrek: link change user in windows xp03:15
sander__MasterShrek: like change user in windows xp03:15
MasterShreksander__, ah i think i know what you mean, ctrl+alt+f7 do what you are looking for?03:15
Elizabethsander__, in some rare instances it is ctrl+alt+f8 in case f7 doesn't work, or even f903:16
drgebMasterShrek Another strange problem I have is that when I reboot the first time I login the X server is restarted and then when Iogin all is ok03:17
drgebseems like initially some processes are not automatically started but I have no idea what03:17
bacchistisn't there a way to not install to the hard drive but save settings/programs/files/etc to an external device?03:18
MasterShrekdrgeb, very strange, do a reboot, and pastebin the output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old after you successfully log in03:18
DM|bacchist google Ubuntu persistant03:18
DM|ubuntu livecd persistant , or something03:18
DM|persistant is the key word03:18
Elizabethis a fashdrive OS noticeably faster than one on say an SATA I drive03:19
tyronepolleriElizabeth, is there anything that I can do?03:20
MasterShrekit depends on the other hardware too, and i dont know how fast usb can go or how fast sata can go03:20
drgebok brb03:20
LimCoreubuntu fails to play flash03:20
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:20
LimCoreI installed GNASH, then kicked it out amd installed real flash player (adobe), firefox always tells me that Flash plugin is missing, then offers me to install it, and then always says that flash-nonfree is already installed and still doesnt play movies (after reboot)?03:21
MasterShrekLimCore, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:21
LimCoreMasterShrek: ^03:21
MasterShreka reboot wont help you for this03:21
LimCoreMasterShrek: what more is needed then installing flash and flash plugins03:21
MasterShrekideally, you only ever need to reboot when your kernel gets upgraded03:21
MasterShrekLimCore, that should be it i believe, are you using 64 bit ubuntu by chance?03:22
LimCoreMasterShrek: yes03:22
MasterShreksudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper03:22
MasterShrekflash is not supported in 64 bit, so nspluginwrapper uses the 32 bit plugin03:23
tyronepolleriplease help me. I get in the terminal you are using software Mesa (no hardware acceleration) what can I do ? :(03:23
LimCoreI have it already03:23
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:23
lbakalinskykidugar check the private IM03:23
MasterShreklbakalinsky, he wont get it unless your nick is registered (just so u know)03:23
esoterikhas anyone here had success installing the 1.5.x lighttpd from source on gutsy?03:23
MasterShrekesoterik, why not just use apache?03:24
LimCoredo I have to use firefox32 ?03:24
esoterikMasterShrek: looking to play around with some lighttpd modules and use something in a smaller footprint03:24
MasterShrekLimCore, no, but you can03:24
Bawbatosany other gui's for iptables besides firestarter. firestarter does not seem to support 3 nics03:24
MasterShrekesoterik, having problems compiling it or what?03:24
MasterShrekBawbatos, i have not heard of one03:25
Bawbatos3 nics. it is so basic.03:25
MasterShrekdoesnt mean there isnt one03:25
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:25
esoterikthe compile process seems to go fine (new to it though, no major errors) but adding it to runit gives me errors, so I'm having trouble getting it to start03:25
LimCoreI have nspluginwrapper, and flash adobe packages... what more?03:25
lbakalinskyi could of sworn i logged in03:25
macandcheesehello all03:25
MasterShrekesoterik, add a command to start it to /etc/rc.local03:25
Bawbatosi hate iptables - i am moving a box from openbsd cuzi need some hardware support that is not there and iptables is driving me nuts03:25
MasterShrekLimCore, i dont really remember how to install the plugin, follow this link tho it should help you03:26
sander__MasterShrek: thanks man! is that! works great... :D03:26
MasterShrek!flash64 | LimCore03:26
ubotuLimCore: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:26
macandcheesedoes anyone know how I can get my asus eax1600 silent video card to work fully with ubuntu???03:26
MasterShrekcool sander__ good to hear :)03:26
* MiLK has successfully installed ubuntu03:26
earlmredhmm, i just installed ubuntu from the alternative install cd, and it looks like it didn't make any changes to my mbr, so now I can't boot into my install (had windows installed w/ acronis bootloader on the mbr before). how do i fix this?03:26
* MasterShrek applauds MiLK 03:26
peepsalothow do I confirm what graphics driver I have installed?03:26
esoterikMasterShrek: what should i be entering into rc.local, havent used it before03:26
sander__MasterShrek: its will serve for many things hehehh03:26
sander__MasterShrek: thanks, see ya...03:27
MiLKwithout destroying my windows partition this time as well :)03:27
macandcheesedoes anyone know how I can get my asus eax1600 silent video card to work fully with ubuntu???03:27
LimCoreMasterShrek: I did thoes steps, still doesnt work03:27
MasterShrekLimCore, did you restart firefox afterwards?03:27
drgebMasterShrek the Xorg.0.log.old is located at http://pastebin.com/m6a342e3003:27
macandcheeseam I invisible?03:28
kappakappuccinoI see you03:28
macandcheeseor can you guys see what i am typing03:28
macandcheeseoh ok03:28
macandcheesewasn't sure03:28
macandcheesethanks bud03:28
heatmzzr_hello all03:28
MasterShrekdrgeb, hmm, i dont see anything that helps really...thats a very strange error, ive never heard of somethign like that before03:28
macandcheesedoes anyone know how I can get my asus eax1600 silent video card to work fully with ubuntu?  where can i find a working module03:28
drgebMasterShrek only strangeness I see is "(WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1"03:28
LimCoreMasterShrek: yes.   reinstalled  flashplugin-nonfree    reinstalled the wrapper, restarted ffox, still doesnt work03:28
MasterShrekdrgeb, but thats not whats causing the error i dont think, it would be (EE) not (WW)03:29
tehdaveSo, I got my bluetooth dongle to work (read: power surge in the house, computer reset, dongle magically works), and I was wondering if anyone knows another place to get the WMD driver for the Wiimote, as www.forthewiin.org seems to be down03:29
groovy2shoeshey, guys03:29
yan_when I boot I still see some messages rolling through the screen before the ubuntu splash screen comes up, how can I get rid of these messages?03:29
groovy2shoesI'm having trouble installing drivers for nvidia on Feisty03:30
macandcheesedoes anyone know how I can get my asus eax1600 silent video card to work fully with ubuntu?  where can i find a working module?  can anyone help me out?03:30
drgebMastershrek for some reason I feel the info logges on CTRL-ALT Terminals is not captured inside my dmesg or messages or syslog files03:30
Burlynntehdave: you can use the wiimote on your pc?03:30
esoterikgroovy: have you tried envy?03:30
MasterShrekLimCore, not really sure, i havent set up nspluginwrapper in awhile, and i dont really remember how to03:30
marx2kHas anyone seen the following message when running smbtree: "Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is disabled"03:30
groovy2shoesesoterik, I'm just trying this out... my friend gave me a CD03:30
MasterShrekdrgeb, that info should be logged somewhere though03:30
tehdaveBurlynn: The Wiimote is a bluetooth device, so yes, yes you can XD03:30
bbardlbraddHow do I set Vista as first on GRUB list???03:31
earlmredokay, i'm using the rescue cd to boot off of the install, my screen goes blank, there's hard drive activity, and i can't seem to change out to a different vtty? ideas? i have an 8800gts ...03:31
Burlynntehdave: for your mouse huh? thats crazy. gotta look into that03:31
LimCorebbardlbradd: chainloader03:31
DeMoNSeEdwe hope you like it groovy2shoes03:31
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, move the vista section to the top of the list in /boot/grub/menu.list03:31
bbardlbraddLimCore, what's that?03:31
nickrudwhat version of fglrx does gutsy come with?03:31
esoterikgroovy: either download the new ubuntu live cd (gutsy) as nvidia worked flawlessly out of the box, otherwise google 'envy ubuntu' and download the script. it will auto setup the drivers for you in feisty, but requires an installed system i believe.03:31
bbardlbraddMasterShrek, that's it?03:31
marx2k!info fglrx03:32
ubotuPackage fglrx does not exist in gutsy03:32
groovy2shoesthanks, esoterik :)03:32
MasterShrekbbardlbradd, yeap, dont move it to the top of the file though, just put it above the first ubuntu entry03:32
tehdaveBurlynn: there's a few different things I've found, but what seems to make the most sense for me is something called WMD, which is actually a python script...but noone seems to have a mirror of it, just the main site (which is down)03:32
MasterShrektehdave, see if you can get to it using google's cache feature, they may have mirrors on there03:32
bbardlbraddMasterShrek, ok... if I'll look into it in a min. If it's not apparent, I'll ask more.03:32
earlmredokay, i'm using the rescue cd to boot off of the install, my screen goes blank, there's hard drive activity, and i can't seem to change out to a different vtty? ideas? i have an 8800gts ...03:33
drgebMastershrek is there away to force all messages to tty's to be pushed into a file ?03:33
floydiananybody to help me please?03:33
MasterShrekdrgeb, maybe, i wouldnt know how to though03:33
esoterikfloydian: whats up?03:33
macandcheesedoes anyone know how I can get my asus eax1600 silent video card to work fully with ubuntu?  where can i find a working module?  can anyone help me out?03:33
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:33
macandcheesebasically i can't get it to full res without freezing03:34
esoterikmacandcheese: what type of card is it, ati or nvidia03:34
tehdaveMasterShrek: Is there a way to go directly to a cached page through google? it's not coming up with the site when I search for the URL directly -_-03:34
Bawbatosanyway to stop dhcp from changed the resolv.conf03:35
esoterikmacandcheese: and your running gutsy?03:35
intelikeydrgeb cat /dev/tty<#> > filename    maybe  unless you mean all tty's03:35
LimCoresudoers seems like written by nerds for nerds, is there any gui to it?03:35
drgebMasterShrek cause I can clearly see that when I grep for certain statements on tty's that they are not to be found in any files located inside /var/log03:35
macandcheeseubuntu 7.1003:35
macogwLimCore: system > admin > users and groups03:35
macandcheeseit works right out of the install, but i can't gewt full res or 3d full speed03:35
Cpudan80I still can't get any movies to play -- after following the instructions at !divx03:36
macogwLimCore: just add them to the sudoers group03:36
Cpudan80I've tried VLC & Totem... but no luck03:36
Cpudan80Lots of sound, no picture03:36
macandcheeseand for some reason i can't get any desktop enhancements at all03:36
nickrudmacogw, you mean the admin group?03:36
LimCoremacogw: NO03:36
Cpudan80DivX MS-MPEG-4 Version 3 is what the file info says03:36
TheFishywhats a good browser for kde mint03:36
LimCoremacogw: I want the user to be needed to authenticate using root password, not own password03:36
intelikeyLimCore sudoers can be simple.    username ALL=(ALL) :commands ,you want ,user to be able to run ,here03:36
earlmredhow do i install grub on the mbr?03:36
macogwLimCore: there is no root password03:36
floydiani've got problem with wine and probably combiz as well.. i'm noob in linux, but everytime i lunch WoW trough Wine it freez the game every 2-15 minutes random. Any sugestions?03:36
TheFishyi dont want anything firefox, that stuff is lame...03:36
macogwLimCore: the root account is locked03:37
HoboBenCpudan80 - if you haven't tried this already, look for packages like "restricted extras" inside Applications > Add/Remove03:37
Cpudan80If anyone has any suggestions... I'd appreciate it03:37
LimCoremacogw: there is, I de-noobified ubuntu by sudo passwd root03:37
drgebdoes ubuntu have concept of bootlogd for gutsy version that is03:37
Cpudan80HoboBen: Got that one03:37
macogwLimCore: you'd want the person to not be a sudoer then and just let them type su03:37
nickrudLimCore, ah, that's not something sudo can do, it always auths against user password03:37
LimCorenickrud: huh?  I want simply to allow user to type  sudo foo  and then type ROOT password (not user password)03:37
* nickrud is hurt, he's used sudo since 200203:37
bbardlbraddDoes anyone know if the Belkin Wifi cards work in 7.10? It's detecting networks and asking for keys, but it's not connecting... is this common?03:38
macogwLimCore: thats not what sudo is for03:38
nickrudLimCore, precisely, you can't03:38
LimCorethis sucks03:38
macogwLimCore: you'd have to have them just use su03:38
macogwLimCore: thats how sudo always works03:38
LimCorewas sudo written by microsoft or what03:38
CaRtzjust installed ubuntu the other day and im wondering why we have to update the kernel?03:38
macogwLimCore: no it was written in 198503:38
jribLimCore: the sudoers man page explains the option you want, but I'm really curious as to what the purpose is?03:38
HoboBenCpudan80, sorry then - I can't remember what to do. It's ages since I configured my other distros with multimedia stuff03:38
LimCoreby nerds?03:38
intelikeyLimCore sudo doesn't use root password unless root is the one calling   and that would be redundant03:38
Cpudan80It's ok03:38
macogwCaRtz: adds & updates drivers and gets rid of security vulnerabilities03:38
Cpudan80maybe someone else has an idea?03:38
nickrudLimCore, sudo is designed to give users some root privs, if someone knows the root password, why use sudo?03:38
CaRtzmacogw: so that's why. thank you.03:39
LimCorethe problem is, that entire ubuntu is using  gsudo  and shit,  and I need this to ask root password, since asking user password is horribly insercure03:39
macogwLimCore: why would you want to give them the root password anyway?03:39
LimCoreit's so insecure like vista03:39
macogwLimCore: no. opposite03:39
LimCoremacogw: nope03:39
macogwLimCore: the reason we lock root is so that someone can't know "root" then brute force the password. they need to know the usrname too03:39
jribLimCore: only users in the "admin" group can use sudo03:39
MasterShrekLimCore, only users that are allowed to use sudo are allowed to do that03:39
macogwLimCore: then add on that you can see WHICH user did the stupid thing that broke it03:40
nickrudLimCore, so don't add a user to the admin group, voila, no gksudo03:40
intelikeyLimCore giving users the root password is just as insecure03:40
LimCoremacogw: user X clicked FireFox install flash plugin;  now what is more secure:  a) he have to input own password and then he can change system  -or-  b) he have to call admin to have root password03:40
bbardlbraddDoes anyone know if the Belkin Wifi cards work in 7.10? It's detecting networks and asking for keys, but it's not connecting... is this common?03:40
macogwLimCore: and that you dont have to find some way to make a user forget the root password03:40
nickrudLimCore, see my last, that's how you secure sudo.03:40
bbardlbraddelband, me?03:40
kappakappuccinoholy cow! pidgin is using 54k in memory right now03:41
earlmredkappakappuccino what a hog.03:41
kappakappuccinothis can't be right03:41
macogwLimCore: to revoke a users sudo rights does not require that things change for anyone else.  if you want someone to not be able to touch the system after they know the root password, you either need to make them forget the password (yeah, thatll work) or change it and make everyone else go memorize yet another password03:41
MasterShrek54k? why wouldnt that be right?03:41
LimCorenickrud: but if user clicks firefox install p;ugin (that runs gksudo) and he calls admin, and admin inputs password for him, then its what I need also03:41
drafaelbbardlbradd: this laptop has a belkin in it right now03:41
MasterShrekdoesnt sound too out of the ordinary, 64m maybe03:41
Khisanththe root pass is all or nothing, sudo allows you to go somewhere in between03:41
LimCoremacogw: or admin type it for user03:41
DarkMageZhi, i'm missing my firefox menu entry in gnome. the .desktop file is still in /usr/share/applications/ . any ideas?03:41
nickrudLimCore, ah, well, I'd expect the admin to set up the machine ahead of time03:42
kappakappuccinowell firefox is using 83,xxx k right now03:42
bbardlbradddrafael, thanks for the reply, I got it working. Sorry for the waste.03:42
kappakappuccinoand pidgin close 2nd at 54,xxx k03:42
LimCorenickrud: its not my use case03:42
kappakappuccinothat's pretty high for a chat client03:42
drafaelbbardlbradd: ah, np - glad to hear it03:42
macogwLimCore: for gksudo (but not regular sudo) you can change the behaviour in gconf-editor.  ive seen it on debian03:42
intelikeyLimCore if you want all users to be able to run one command as root them add a line like this example to the sudoers file.      ALL ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD : /sbin/modprobe *    <<< exapmle only.  but allows all users to modprobe at will without any password and does not compromise anything else03:42
nickrudLimCore, I can imagine, like a school lab or such03:42
LimCoreand even for one machine, account password can be like "foobar", but admin password can be something real03:42
different_realitdrafael, goodmorning :P03:42
LimCorejesus sudo is so useless03:42
tyronepolleriHi again i can not turn on my 3d acceleration I have an intel 965 can anyone help me?03:43
drafaeldifferent_reality: aaah! I have something important to tell you about my script, don't use it x_x03:43
LimCoregreate now I have to read PAM manuall, linux - its free - if your time is worthless03:43
intelikeyLimCore only to those that don't understand it.03:43
tritiumLimCore: no, it's not03:43
jribLimCore: you only give admins the ability to sudo, not every user on your system...03:43
different_realitdrafael, ok :P03:43
macogwLimCore: it means "super user do" and it is only meant to be a simon-says for regular users to be elevated. if you already have root access, you dont fscking need it03:43
_seanc_I have a question about battery life on a laptop.  I currently have an Intel Core 2 Duo processor and when I had Vista installed it allowed me to throttle the processors (Balanced, Power Save, Performance) to prolong the battery life.  Is it possible to do this in Ubuntu?  I've been googling and have found nothing useful.03:43
floydianany of you had experience with Wine and Compiz??03:43
macogwLimCore: ANYWAY though, as i said, you can change a setting in gconf-editor so that the GUI asks for root's password03:43
LimCoremacogw: I want my user to have normall password "foo", and have 2843ugqjerg825yg for root password03:43
macogwLimCore: fine. so set that.03:43
drafaeldifferent_reality: if you look at one of the lines it deletes files with the name archive.* so if you extract something with the same name from the archive but a different extension, you'll lose it03:44
LimCoremacogw: ok I will look inoto that option03:44
drafaeldifferent_reality: also, good night o_o it must be late there now03:44
different_realitactually.. it's almost 6 am :p03:44
marx2k!info fglrx03:44
ubotuPackage fglrx does not exist in gutsy03:44
marx2kHas anyone seen the following message when running smbtree: "Server requested plaintext password but 'client use plaintext auth' is disabled"03:44
drafael...if you get up that early.... -_-;;03:44
macogwLimCore: open gconf-editor then click apps > gksu and turn off "sudo mode"03:44
different_realitdrafael, you'll be wondering what exactly i'm doing online at that time03:44
different_realithmm get up?03:44
macogwLimCore: then itll act like su instead of sudo03:44
different_realiti haven't slept yet :PP03:45
jribLimCore: here is how your example works: user without ability to sudo tries to install flash.  Cannot do so, so calls admin.  Admin logs in and installs flash.03:45
drafaelI was hoping that was the case lol.. After my late night, I got up at 2:40pm x_x (don't kill me)03:45
different_realiti won't :P03:45
macogwLimCore: dont know if youve ever used any other OS, but OSX *also* uses sudo03:45
LimCorejrib: the thing is, I want to do it exacly using firefox -> gksudo -> ...   and NOT by loging as root, aptitude install etc   since Im debugging some problem03:46
uhci_it's not necessary to use sudo for installing flash plugin, it's installed in ~/.mozilla/plugins you don't need root rights03:46
different_realitthat's probably the time that I will be waking up too.. even though I'm under the impression that my mom is gonna come tomorrow first thing in the morning.. and wake me up :(((((((((( (She's supposed to come and see me )03:46
floydiancommon guys, nobody to help me? What's the linux about?03:46
tritiumuhci_: not true for installing the ubuntu package03:46
LimCorefloydian: whats the problem03:46
macogwfloydian: it's a kernel03:46
jribLimCore: well ok, you've been given the solution, but I still believe this is not the correct thing to do03:46
LimCoreuhci_: no, flash fails at ubuntu03:46
=== different_realit is now known as differentreality
LimCorejrib: its correct for my usecase03:47
macogwLimCore: you need flashplugin-nonfree, by the way03:47
drafaeloh no D: barricade the doors and windows03:47
LimCoremacogw: have it03:47
jribLimCore: the flash package currently does not install flash03:47
LimCorestill doesnt work03:47
floydianthe problem is between Wine and Compiz.... :(03:47
LimCorejrib: uh, what it does then03:47
macogwjrib: huh??03:47
macogwfloydian: turn off one or the other then03:48
jribmacogw: adobe updated flash so md5sums on the package do not match03:48
tehdaveoh yeah...is there a reason viewing flash objects seems to like making Mozilla crash in Linux?03:48
LimCorejrib: nswrapper..  and ...-nonfree  and all adobe flash players/plugins... and doesnt work03:48
differentrealitydrafael, hahahah can't do that you know... I've hurt my leg.. a week now.. can't walk.. she needs to come :P I've got, shopping, housework.... many many things need to be done :P03:48
LimCorejrib: why it takes so long to relase new version of script03:48
macogwjrib: ooo right03:48
macogwLimCore: go download it direct from adobe's website03:48
uhci_i installed flash plugin using firefox on 7.04 using navigator's procedure03:48
jribLimCore: adobe updated flash so md5sums on the package do not match.  You need to either wait for the package to be updated or grab the tar.gz from adobe and install the .so manually (preferrably to ~/.mozilla/plugins/)03:48
macogwuhci_: version change03:48
uhci_it' was functional for me03:48
jribLimCore: feel free to volunteer your time to make the package updates take less time03:49
drafaeldifferentreality: that's terrible :( in that case, welcome your enslaved mother with open arms, haha. I hope it's not too severe03:49
intelikey"linux is so stupid" reasoning behind that "because some non-free app doesn't work in linux"03:49
nickruduhci_, that used a different method of installing flash than gutsy did; direct from adobe into your home, gutsy uses packagemanagemet03:49
toastjamhi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 desktop amd64 on my dual core 2 duo system, and the installer hangs when I select "start or install ubuntu", or anything else for that matter03:49
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kappakappuccinoare you using the x64 isntaller?03:50
differentrealitydrafael, heh.. yeaaaaah... and the thing is that i have a list of things i need from the supermarket... so I have to be nice to her, so that she goes and get it all!!03:50
toastjamI don't know, how do I tell?03:50
macogwLimCore: which would probably mean donating a server and a LOT of high-speed bandwidth03:50
toastjamkappakappuccino: I'm just selecting the option from the menu it presents me03:50
jribtoastjam: before you debug your problem, are you sure you want the 64bit version of ubuntu and not the 32bit one?03:50
toastjamyeah, I'm going to use this as a server machine03:51
drafaeldifferentreality, I'm sure she will ^^ I need to go out and be active myself soon D:03:51
sw58hi there03:51
floydianpls stop thinking about 64bit version... it's useless03:51
sw58i have some questions on installing ubuntu03:51
kappakappuccinoso I hear03:51
macogwtoastjam: you know hat 64bit addresses mean everything uses roughly twice the mem, right?03:51
toastjamI checked the md5sum on the iso and that was fine... I can't verify that the cd is defect free due to the hanging, though03:52
macogwtoastjam: unless you're doing video rendering...not sure its really necessary03:52
bbardlbraddHey, when I scroll on the desktop w/ my touch pad (by accident) it changes workspaces, how do I shut this off?03:52
differentrealitydrafael, I am NOT so sure :P It will still be a miracle actually if she comes... she never does... and I live only 1.5 hour away...03:52
drafaelmacogw: I'm pretty sure that's wrong about the mem >_>03:52
toastjamI have 4gb of ram in the machine, so I need a 64bit address space03:52
macogwtoastjam: ah ok03:52
cocoxhj does anybody have a VMware workstation for Linux serial?? or do you know where to find one for Linux??? i have some but for windows an them doesnt works...03:52
earlmred"Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition"03:52
toastjamI'm going to be doing a lot of computations on the machine... anyhow, where should I start to find the cause of the lockup?03:53
jribtoastjam: you can verify the cd from the menu that says "start or install ubuntu"03:53
macogwdrafael: well an int in 32bit is 32 bits.  you cant use less than one "word" of memory, so an int would then be 64bit, i think.  i can double check.03:53
bbardlbraddHey, when I scroll on the desktop w/ my touch pad (by accident) it changes workspaces, how do I shut this off?03:53
toastjamjrib: yes, I tried that, but selecting that option makes it hang too :/03:53
drafaeldifferentreality, ...I don't know what to say :(03:53
jribtoastjam: what speed did you burn at?03:53
kappakappuccinobbardlbradd, do a barell roll03:53
intelikeyearlmred bad info in the /boot/grub/menu.lst or /boot/grub/devices.map    is normally the cause of that03:53
sw58i have a partition on my computer, a C and D drive, if I wipe the c drive can i install ubuntu on the C without hurting the D partition?03:53
differentrealitydrafael, well don't thing there is anything to say :/    do you live alone or with your parents ?03:53
tehdaveKappakappuccino: ouch03:53
drafaelmacogw, I just remember reading something saying that that wasn't the case when investigating 64-bit kubuntu. It didn't really work out though -.-;;03:54
tehdaveI was actually wondering the same thing about mousewheel scrolling and changing workspaces...and whether you can disable it03:54
randomanHi guys, I just setup ip masquerading and ping -I eth1 works. On the clinet computer I set up the tcp/ip settings and it connects. But when i go to ping the server to see if they are talking. It timesout03:54
randomanany ideas?03:54
toastjamjrib: don't remember... I'm sharing one cd drive between machines or else I would have tried reburning already03:54
drafaeldifferentreality, I'm with my mother for the next year, then moving out (!)03:54
toastjamthought I would check to see if there were any known issues with amd64 install hanging though03:54
macogwdrafael: im sitting in the engineering dorm.  ill go ask some of the other students03:54
differentrealitydrafael, nice :)  you are going away to study ?03:55
drafaelmacogw: I'm probably wrong ^^"03:55
jribtoastjam: I installed amd64 with no issues.  I'd suggest burning again at 2x or 4x.  Also, consider using the alternate cd (text-based install)03:55
floydianAnybody who's got experience with Wine and Compiz at the same time?03:55
randomanalso, why cant I ftp to the clients computer with gftp , yet I can ping the clients computer with ping -I eth1
tritiumMirrorImage: please don't use all-caps03:55
drafaeldifferentreality, don't want to spend all of uni at home :P I've planned for flatting with some friends so yeah - they all want to wait until second year though so I will too03:56
nickrudrlfol, a real reason03:56
cocoxhj does anybody have a VMWARE workstation for Linux serial?? or do you know where to find one for Linux??? i have some but for windows an them doesnt works...03:56
differentrealityoh i see :)   second year works just fine i think :)   so now you are in the first year of university ?03:56
matt__Can anyone tell me what "<matt__> 10:45:20 PM: xine: couldn't find demux for >/home/matt/Graduation_2005.avi<" indicates?03:56
Jaicei just isntalled 7.10 and when i enabled the restricted drivers i lost xgl support on an ati mobility radeon 9600 m10 how can i get it back?03:57
tritiumcocox: do _not_ discuss wares here03:57
matt__more importantyly, how to fix it.03:57
soothsayercocox: this isn't a warez channel03:57
Jack_Sparrowcocox: serial as in a key so you dont need to pay... that is NOT03:57
drafaeldifferentreality, I'm on the *have finished school but haven't started uni* time - this is our summer so summer holidays03:57
sw58 have a partition on my computer, a C and D drive, if I wipe the c drive can i install ubuntu on the C without hurting the D partition?03:57
nickrudMirrorImage, system-prefs-universal accessibility - keyboard03:57
kappakappuccinoI would assume so sw5803:57
macogwdrafael: ok the hardware kid says that yes, it would theoretically use twice the memory, but that it's possible there are optimizations to compensate for things like that03:57
Jack_Sparrowsw58: what is on D03:57
differentrealitydrafael, i see :) and how old are u ?03:58
floydianAnybody who's got experience with Wine and Compiz at the same time?03:58
FydaMirrorImage: Press Shift 5 times in a row?03:58
earlmredokay, if i boot off of the rescue cd and say boot off of first hard drive, it works fine, if i try to boot off grub on the mbr, i get error 17. any ideas?03:58
sw58Jack a lot of files, music pictures03:58
uhci_matt__ try "sudo apt-get xine xinelib" then "sudo apt-get install xine xinelib"03:58
intelikeyrandoman i'm not a networking guru my anymeans,  but if no one else is trying to help you.    route add default gw <<< if that's the server end. on the client end of things might help you.   also is ipv4 forwarding enabled ?   edit /etc/sysctl to enable03:58
drafaeldifferentreality, 17.. my birthday is the day before first semester starts lol03:58
Jack_Sparrowsw58: Just wanted to make sure it wasnt another os03:58
chalwine and compiz at the same time is no prob for me03:58
sw58no  not an OS03:58
Jack_Sparrowsw58: will be fine03:58
drafaelmacogw, oh, I see - I didn't realize x_x I use 32-bit mostly anyway though, gave up on kubuntu6403:59
differentrealitydrafael, hmm you are done with school earlier than we do... here in greece we finish school at 18, hopefully go to uni... I am in 3rd year now... (20 years old)03:59
sw58will ubuntu be able to "see" the D drive?03:59
tritiumsw58: yes03:59
floydianchal : how do you do tha?03:59
floydianchal : how do you do that?03:59
Cpudan80Ok so03:59
earlmredokay, if i boot off of the rescue cd and say boot off of first hard drive, it works fine, if i try to boot off grub on the mbr, i get error 17. any ideas? i have 4 other hard drives in the system as md0, and then i have a highpoint IDE controller that is not being used for anything right now plugged in04:00
Cpudan80When playing videos, I get the errror "Your system is too slow to play this file"04:00
drafaeldifferentreality, I'm fairly young for my year.. What are you studying?04:00
Cpudan80It's an ATI card...04:00
differentrealitydrafael, oh i c... informatics and comminications04:00
Cpudan80Im wondering if anyone has any ideas04:00
differentrealitydrafael, what are you gonna study ?04:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about journal - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:00
earlmred/dev/sdc1 is my /, /dev/md0 is /home04:00
drafaeldifferentreality, hopefully mechatronics engineering04:00
Pickblu3lighttpd or apache, discuss (for small development sandbox)04:00
intelikeyearlmred yep   get grub and menu.lst to agree with bios on which drive is where04:01
randomank thanks intelikey ill look into those thanks04:01
differentrealitydrafael, you don't know yet? you haven't decided ?04:01
earlmredintelikey strange that i can boot off the rescue cd though ... maybe i should rip out the highpoint IDE card04:01
loaxx what file do I look into to find the characters that clear the screen in a specific terminal type?04:01
soma2how to uninstall netbeans in gutsy, i install it from other source (not from repository)04:01
intelikeyearlmred i.e. if you reorder drives in bios then you have to adjust grub accordingly04:01
drafaeldifferentreality, first year is general for us: we don't specialize until second, unless you get into an accelerated course04:01
differentrealityoh i c :)04:02
Jaicecan anyone help me get xgl support with my radeon 9600?04:02
differentrealitycompleeeeeeetely different educational system drafael ..04:02
uhci_soma2 do you installed it fron source?04:02
macogwsoma2: undo however you installed it.  was it a deb?04:02
tehdavehow do I determine what version of Python I have installed?04:02
toastjamjrib: yeah, I moved the cd drive over to my amd computer (this one) and tried running the installer there just to check... and it did the same thing here.  So I guess it's either the drive or the cd04:02
drafaeldifferentreality, haha - have you heard of NCEA? we don't get numerical marks in school :D04:02
macogwsoma2: if it was  deb, you can remove it with synaptic still.  if it was compiled...umm its java so probably not make uninstall....if you still have the jar it may have a way to do it04:02
Templerhi there - have an interesting question about ubuntu -  on mac osx lepoard in ichat 2 people can present stuff to one another as keynote presentation and work remotely on the other person mac i.e. to edit a project etc. anything like this in the pipelin for ubuntu / linux04:03
deniz_how do i make wine act like windows xp and not an earlier version of windows?04:03
differentrealitydrafael, when we finish school we have exams... the grade of these exams define in which universtity and which field we are gonna study..04:03
intelikeyearlmred linux uses phisical addressing,  grub uses bios addressing   kinda a throat cutting contest there.    one alternate solution might be to use UUID addressing in grub04:03
differentrealitydrafael, NCEA? no... tell me about it04:03
tehdavedeniz_ It should be under winecfg04:03
earlmredintelikey my grub shows UUID addresses, this is a fresh install.04:03
soma2uhci_: yes, i install it from source not from synaptic04:03
toastjamjrib: so I'm burning the iso to a dvd this time, at 1/4th max speed, hopefully I'll have better luck with it04:03
earlmredintelikey i just pulled out the raid IDE card, same problem, cannot mount selected partition.04:03
macogwtehdave: python --version04:03
drafaeldifferentreality, you achieve a standard by passing it, and then higher levels of work get "achievement with merit" or "achievement with excellence"04:04
Templeranyone here use remote desktop for gusty gibbon04:04
macogwtehdave: you can put --version after pretty much anything04:04
soma2macogw: oh no, i install it not from synaptic04:04
tehdavemacogw thank you04:04
macogwsoma2: was it from a jar?04:04
Synx_hmAnyone had problems installing ubuntu on an Nforce4 board, it wont install grub at all, ive tried sofware raid, dmraid fake raid setup, and even without the raid at all, nothing will work, grub just wont install to the mbr, my mobo keeps going to the network boot mode04:04
jribtoastjam: hmm, no spare cd's?  Is it the dvd iso?04:04
differentrealitydrafael,  i see :)04:04
differentrealitydrafael, does this system work good with students ?04:04
Templeri heard you can access your desktop from a browser anywhere in the world04:04
drafaeldifferentreality, well, it's really, really easy haha - there's heaps and heaps of criticism04:05
deniz_tehdave, thx04:05
drafaeldifferentreality, I find it fairly impossible to fail04:05
soma2macogw: it's from a .sh04:05
macogwsoma2: thats a shell script.  you can look inside and see what it put where, then remove them04:05
differentrealityhmm i c :P04:05
floydianAnybody who's got experience with Wine and Compiz at the same time?04:05
macogwdifferentreality: edubuntu is made for in schools04:05
drafaelI like it anyway04:05
differentrealityit's pretty difficult here...04:05
Templeranyone available to advise me on remote desktops for gusty04:06
tritiumdifferentreality, drafael:  please stay on topic, or move to #ubuntu-offtopic04:06
drafaeldifferentreality, I imagine D: I like my way04:06
drafaelok then04:06
vbabiy_laptopTempler: what kinda of remote desktop do you need04:06
differentrealitytritium, ooooook04:06
macogwdifferentreality: it's regular ubuntu with some educational games and maybe dansguardian (blocks inappropriate websites)04:06
toastjamjrib: I have plenty of spare cds, but I don't want to troubleshoot CD quality/drive CD reading flakiness/burn speed as possible causes just for a one time install.  so I figure I'll change as many variables as possible04:06
uhci_soma2 go to sources folder and type "sudo make remove" it should work, else you will need to inspect a file named "configure" and search named path's in it and erase files manually04:06
soma2macogw: all of the folder content ?? is the setup put all the file in the installation folder ??04:06
vbabiy_laptopalso any one know if Dell will be release and higher end laptops for ubuntu04:06
differentrealitymacogw, i c :) nice... i didn't know that ebuntu existed04:07
drafaelwell, later04:07
Templerwell want to be able to work on projects with a friend i converted to ubuntu remotely without having to email files over and back04:07
macogwsoma2: they might be spread around a bit because libraries and different things go in different places04:07
earlmredgrub is a dirty slut.04:07
tehdaverm is the command to remove a file...what's the command to delete a directory and its contents?04:07
digeratilol earlmred04:07
jribtoastjam: k, I have no experience burning the cd iso to a dvd, but I guess it should work04:07
macogwsoma2: the sh probably has a "sh whatever.sh --uninstall" or something04:07
earlmredtehdave rm.04:07
jribtehdave: rm -r04:07
tritiumearlmred: keep the channel family friendly, please04:07
jrib!cli > tehdave (read the private message from ubotu)04:07
macogwtehdave: rm -r04:07
digeratitehdave, rm -rd <dir>04:07
deniz_fuk halflife ruined my taskbar04:07
toastjamjrib: hope so, off to try it now04:07
macogwtehdave: deletes recursively04:07
soma2hm.... ic04:08
deniz_all my icons r on the right insted of left04:08
digeratimacogw, i was told -rd04:08
digeratiam i wrong?04:08
tritium!language | deniz_04:08
ubotudeniz_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:08
macogwdigerati: that'll work04:08
earlmred!language | ubotu04:08
ubotuubotu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:08
macogwdigerati: you can do "man rm" to see what different flags do04:08
=== chal is now known as wallabee
deniz_ok im sry lol04:08
Templeris it called shadow remote access or something04:08
digeratimacogw, or rm --help04:09
onatsis there skype for 64 bit?04:09
earlmredokay, who wants to try to help me with grub hating my system04:09
digerationats, why ask that in an ubuntu room?04:09
onatsdigerati, because i'm running 64 bit ubuntu version04:09
=== Cpudan80_ is now known as Cpudan80
macogwonats: i dont think so04:10
macogwonats: check their website though.04:10
floydianAnybody who's got experience with Wine and Compiz at the same time?04:10
Centaur5What is the best way to share internet to 2 NICs on the same machine? Bridge them or would I have to route NIC 2 to 1 and have 1 go to 0 since the internet is on 0?04:10
onatsmacogw, yeah i checked.. can't find any links to it..04:10
macogwonats: then no. but you can use 32bit software on 64bit os's just fine04:10
soma2macogw, uhci_, thank's there is the uninstaller shell script on the installation folder, it's solved04:11
nominalI want to agree beryl to my O.S.04:11
nominalbut I don't know how...04:11
macogwnominal: if you have gutsy, you want compiz-fusion, not beryl (it's more up to date and stable)04:11
tritiumnominal: compiz-fusion is enabled by default in the latest stable version of ubuntu (7.10)04:11
earlmredokay so i do: grub; root (hd2,0); setup (hd2)04:11
earlmredand it installs fine04:11
earlmredwhen i reboot, i get error 17 cannot mount selected partition.04:12
sw58if i install ubuntu on my "C" drive and its able to "see" the D drive will I be able to see/or use the files on that partition?04:12
macogwsw58: sounds like you're using windows since you call them that.  yes, if you're using gutsy, ntfs partitions should be handled fine04:12
floydiannominal : Why don't you install ubuntu 7.10 with Compiz ?04:12
nominalI don't know why...04:13
sw58cool thatnks... last question...04:13
floydianyou have to try it mate ;-)04:13
timboyanyone here used gstm?04:14
sw58on my desktop i have to install 3rd party scsi drivers because im running raid disks when i install winblows i have to instal the drivers from a floppy disk.. will ubuntu require the same?04:15
=== max33 is now known as max
floydianWho's playing WoW on Linux?04:16
macogwsw58: um if you google a bit you can see if your raid card is supported04:16
macogwfloydian: lots of people who aren't me04:16
earlmredi have a feeling acronis screwed with my mbr04:16
sw58cool thanks for the help i am looking forward to try this ubuntu out04:16
earlmreddoing dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=512 now04:16
earlmredsee what happens.04:16
intelikeyearlmred don't forget   count=104:17
timboyanyone here used gstm?04:17
earlmredintelikey what's count=1 going to do for me04:17
BadHorsiewhere is the DNS information set in ubuntu? it's still in /etc/resolv.conf and set as nameserver ?04:17
macogwearlmred: thatd zero-out your 3rd hard drive04:17
earlmred1 wipe?04:17
earlmredmacogw that's fine, there's nothing on it.04:17
timboytrying to figure out how to use it04:17
intelikeyearlmred keep it from writing zero to the whole disk04:17
macogwearlmred: ok.  just checking. htere's a reason people call dd "disk destroyer"04:18
intelikeyearlmred maybe you better    man dd04:18
deniz_y r there so many linux distros?04:18
KNYlaptopdeniz_, because no one distro is perfect for everyone?04:18
floydianmacogw : thats great mate ;-) But anyway, do you know, hot they are play the game? I mean, trogh Compiz and Wine or something else?04:18
Templeranyone available to assist me with remote desktops04:18
BadHorsiespecially ubuntu :P04:18
KNYlaptop!best | deniz_04:18
ubotudeniz_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.04:18
deniz_well there could be one that has all features of each and u choose during installation04:19
KNYlaptopTempler, not if you don't ask your question04:19
BadHorsieTempler: just shoot and be patient man.04:19
toastjamjrib: yep, that did the trick, was probably just a bad cd.  thanks for the help04:19
envirocbrlol @ Thug-life What a name.......04:19
Templerwell want to be able to work on projects with a friend i converted to ubuntu remotely without having to email files over and back04:19
KNYlaptopdeniz_, but some people want one that's stripped down and nothing but the bare minimum04:19
Templerany suggestions guys?04:19
macogwfloydian: just wine, i believe. compiz doesnt have anything to do with it, but i think its a fullscreen game, so youd want to turn off compiz anyway.  itd be getting in the way of rendering the game04:20
deniz_well wtv, im happy with ubuntu :)04:20
KNYlaptopTempler, depends on the project but I would suggest setting up a source control system (such as subversion or similar)04:20
KNYlaptopdeniz_, you and me both :)04:20
macogwTempler: set up a server on whichever comp stays on all the time04:20
BadHorsieremote desktops and revisions systems, i'm so lost,lol04:20
Templerwell say i want to work on a presentation eg powerpoint openoffice after he has done his bit04:21
floydianmacogw : Soo, the windoved mode is tha main problem od the random-time freezing?04:21
KNYlaptopif it's just a single file then I would say just email it :)04:22
BadHorsiewhy not use google docs?04:22
macogwfloydian: possibly. when i try fullscreen games they tend to "pop out"04:22
BadHorsieboth can be changing everything there "remotely"04:22
tehdavefloydian - I run WoW through Wine with nothing else changed when I play, set to fullscreen, and only have an issue with it when I switch desktops, in which case WoW dissapears04:22
Templeri just need to get the same view of his desktop that he has on mine04:22
BadHorsietehdave: that's why i use cedega04:22
Templeris vnc any good04:23
KNYlaptopTempler, yes04:23
earlmredsince i have 500GB drives04:23
earlmreddo i need to setup a separate /boot partition?04:23
macogwTempler: yeah its a standard.  but you know that remote desktop is damn slow right?04:23
tehdaveBadHorsie: It only happens once in a while, and now that I've figured out what does it (not having any other windows open and trying to get back to the desktop), I can prevent it from ever hapening04:23
earlmredor can grub deal with /boot being on a 500GB / ?04:23
macogwTempler: you could also try using gobby.  it's a collaborative document editor04:24
lammyhi all! can anyone tell me how to integrate gpg-de-/encryption as nautilus-action in gnome !?04:24
Templergobby hmmm sounds good04:24
floydianhmm... thx, thats a posible solution, but anyway, do you know what's make the freeztime or what it can be?04:24
BlackDiamondsI filed a bug report but no one else looked at it04:24
BlackDiamondswhat did I do wrong ?04:24
macogwTempler: gobby is how people who cant get to ubuntu developer summits get their say on the specs being written up04:25
BadHorsiewhere is the DNS information set in ubuntu? it's still in /etc/resolv.conf and set as nameserver ?04:25
macogwBlackDiamonds: you ended up at the end of a LONG list of bugs04:25
BlackDiamondsmacogw, is it simply time then ?04:25
Templerpitty its not a simple as via ichat on leporard04:25
BlackDiamondsmacogw, how do people get their say in how specs are being written up ?04:26
macogwBlackDiamonds: basically. there's more bugs than can be attacked simultaneously.  itll probably be looked at for hardy04:26
macogwBlackDiamonds: using gobby you can virtually "sit in" on developer summits04:26
BlackDiamondsmacogw, I filed it under gutsy though04:26
lammyis there a nautilus action-script for encryption of files via GPG?04:26
macogwBlackDiamonds: it will not be fixed in gutsy.  gutsy is stable.  it will be fixed in hardy.04:26
macogwBlackDiamonds: or "should" be fixed in hardy04:27
macogwok im being kicked off irc to learn rails04:27
BlackDiamondsshould I change the filing to hardy ?04:27
macogwBlackDiamonds: only if you tested it in hardy alpha 104:27
randomanhey guys, i just setup ip masquerading, I can ping the client computer from the server with ping -I eth1 But I can not ftp or anything to the client computer. Any ideas? I did enable ipv4 in the sysctl.conf file also04:27
ciclo_are linux system words encoded in ust8 or ascii?04:27
ciclo_are linux system words encoded in utf8 or ascii?04:27
macogwBlackDiamonds: you can file that it doesnt work in gutsy, but if its marked for fix/release, it wont be for gutsy updating, itll be for hardy release04:27
macogwciclo_: utf-8 usually, i think04:28
macogwciclo_: try to do as much in utf8 as possible04:28
astro76lammy, seahorse will setup right-click items in nautilus for gpg04:28
CaRtz!info nautilus04:29
ubotunautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.20.0-0ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 630 kB, installed size 1520 kB04:29
ciclo_macogw: if the system's words use ascii, can it save more space?04:29
lammy<astro76>: ah thanks - i will try it ...04:29
timboyanyone here used gstm? i'm trying to figure out how to use it.04:31
rubbstimboy:  I've used it before04:34
intelikeyso can anyone answer a quick Q about the technical side of this distro ?      what is ubuntu's upstream source ?04:35
intelikeyor has it now become "a source"04:35
rubbstimboy: however, I actually would suggest that you learn the command lines for tunneling, it's actually easier in the long run.04:35
rubbstimboy: I can help you a little with that if you want04:35
timboyrubbs, i've got a computer on another network and in it's network I want to use it's https port... is there a way to do that?04:36
oldmanstanwhat might be wrong if "sudo ifup eth0" says "no such device" (but i know there's a network adapter, it was working the other day...04:37
narothepharohin a terminal how do you navigate to certain places?04:37
oldmanstannarothepharoh: cd /path/you/want/to/go04:37
toastjamis there any way to put focus on a desktop icon without using the mouse?04:37
intelikeyoldmanstan module not inserted04:37
rubbstimboy: I'm sure there is... but I'm still a little new myself.  I can try to walk you through what I do incase it can help a little04:37
intelikeyoldmanstan   ifconfig -a    should list the device if the module is inserted04:38
toastjamI'm trying to run the graphical installer with a keyboard but no mouse and don't know the key commands to select the "install" icon04:38
timboyok shoot rubbs04:38
oldmanstanintelikey: oh crap, ya know, it's listed as eth1, why would it change suddenly?04:38
oldmanstantoastjam: if desktop has focus arrow keys should work04:38
toastjamI'm basically mashing keys and nothing happens, unless I hit the screenshot key04:38
toastjamoldmanstand: right, but how do I focus on the desktop?04:39
intelikeyoldmanstan the order in which the hardware is recognized is the order it's listed as04:39
ganeshhegd1i installed screensaver plugin on compiz fusion but in ccsm it shows a question mark....04:39
rubbstimboy: I first will type in 'ssh username@server.com -D 9999'  That will give you a proxy using the port 9999.  This means that when you direct something to localhost:9999 it will go through that port to your ssh server and then out to the internet on port 999904:39
intelikeyoldmanstan there is an app to change it tho04:39
intelikeyethtool   or some such04:39
rubbstimboy: For example: I need to get around a firewall to use bittorrent04:39
toastjamoldmanstan: hmm hit some alt-combo and got it04:39
oldmanstanintelikey: thx!04:40
intelikeyoldmanstan d'nada04:40
rubbstimboy: so I will ssh to my computer at home with the following command 'ssh rubbs@myserver.com -D 9999 -R 9876:localhost:6789'04:40
timboyrubbs, yeah I get that. what I want to do use port 80 on another computer in the network...04:41
intelikeytimboy is apache or another web server running on that "other computer" ?04:42
j0hn__hey everybody04:42
rubbstimboy: ok... easy "ssh username@othercomputer -R portYouWantToConnectLocalhostTo:localhost:8004:42
rubbstimboy: in the -R the ports might be switched... I have to look it up again04:42
j0hn__i mounted an iso earlier. how do i unmount it?04:42
intelikeyj0hn__ umount file.iso04:43
intelikeyj0hn__ if it's on the desktop right click it04:43
bnalohimcan anyone help me with a problem i have with a disk... one jfs partition, i tried to repair it with gparted but didnt work: Unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sdb1.  CANNOT CONTINUE.04:43
narothepharohThis would be my desktop right? narothepharoh@narothepharoh-desktop:~$04:44
timboyrubbs, ok lol you've lost me... what is the difference in -D and the -R04:44
j0hn__intelikey: thanks, i'll give that a try04:44
rubbstimboy: oh sorry... ok so the -D is the SOCKS proxy part, but the -R means "Remote forwarding" it means that the port originating form the server, will be forwarded to a computer (localhost) across the second port04:45
bnalohimcan anyone help me with a problem i have with a disk... one jfs partition, i tried to repair it with gparted but didnt work: Unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sdb1.  CANNOT CONTINUE. please.. i dont know what to do04:45
jubileeHey, when I scroll on the desktop, the workspaces change. Is there a way to turn this off? I don't want to be switching workspaces every time I bump the scroll wheel...04:46
randomanHey guys, I have  ip masquerading setup, i can ping the clients computer which is a windows machine. but when I go to the clients computer I cant ping the server or get on the internet04:46
randomanany ideas04:46
j0hn__intelikey: thanks, that worked :)04:46
timboyrubbs, i've got to sit here and think to get it right in my mind....04:46
=== DiCha_cHa-Cha__ is now known as cEW_gaOL
bnalohimdo you know servers in wich i can get some help with disk or partition problems?04:47
rubbstimboy: I understand... It took me a while to figure it out.  but once you get it... it helps a lot... one of the best ways to figure it out is to first use "man ssh"04:47
narothepharohThis would be my desktop right? narothepharoh@narothepharoh-desktop:~$04:47
rubbstimboy: That will tell you the specific syntax of ssh04:47
tehdavenarothepharoh: that's your home folder...your desktop folder is ~/Desktop04:47
jubileeHow do I change how I move between workspaces???04:48
intelikeyrandoman ##windows  might be more helpful   seeing that it's probably the client that needs work.04:48
rubbstimboy: I'm guessing that you want to serf the web but going through another computer before going to the internet right?04:48
narothepharohtehdave: how do i navagate there04:48
tehdavecd Desktop or cd ~/Desktop04:48
timboyrubbs, so if i do this command 'ssh rubbs@myserver.com -D 9999 -R 9876:localhost:6789'      port 9999 will be port 9876 and port 6789?04:48
intelikeyrandoman i don't do windows,  but you need to set the linux boxes ip as the default gateway04:48
randomanwith the route command?04:49
intelikeyon the client    windows box   ^04:49
randomanyeah I have that done on the windows computer04:49
timboywell actually. I'll post my question from the vmware section. I have a network with esx on it and i have directed to one of the vm's an ip with ubuntu and ssh. my esx server on the local net is .5 and my ubuntu on local net is .17. I was wondering if I could tunnel through onto my ubuntu box using gstm and access the web interface from here on remotely.?04:49
timboyrubbs, ^^^04:49
randomanthe default gateway is
intelikeyif you have ipmasq running on the linux "server" box  and ipv4 forwarding enabled   then the rest is up to the client04:49
yrlnry_I want a program for ubuntu that will simulate simple analog circuits with capacitors and inductors and stuff like that.04:50
randomanits weird that I can ping it04:50
rubbstimboy: if that's the case here's a simple way to do it.  "ssh username@othercomputer -R 80:localhost:8080"04:50
yrlnry_Any recommendations?>04:50
brunoskrebshi I am trying to mount a folder from a debian server with my ubuntu04:51
brunoskrebsI type this:04:51
brunoskrebssudo mount -t smbfs // /mnt/share04:51
intelikeyrandoman well one other thing to consider    iptables      if you have things firewalled out you may be blocking the lan as well as the world     just a thought.04:51
narothepharohI am on desktop. how do i run a program from there?04:51
brunoskrebsand it says this:04:51
brunoskrebsAnonymous login successful04:51
brunoskrebs11182: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)04:51
randomanyeah very true04:51
timboyrubbs, ok and that will do what? i'll be able to go to localhost port 80 and it will be .5's port 80 on the network?04:51
jubileeHow do I go about changing how I switch between workspaces? I don't want to be accidentally switching via scroll all the time...04:52
bnalohiminstall imwheal04:53
rubbstimboy: no... you will set your browser to connect to localhost port 8080 and then all your information will be forwarded through the server's port 8004:53
rubbstimboy: at least that's what I understand it as.04:53
rubbstimboy: admittedly I'm still somewhat new at this04:53
jubileebnalohim, me?04:53
narothepharohI am on desktop. how do i run a program from there?04:53
tehdavenarothepharoh: what program are you trying to run?04:53
ricoI'm having problems installing VM player04:54
MasterShreknarothepharoh, alt+f204:54
timboyok thx rubbs i'll give it a whirl. thx! ;)04:54
Chris_PikulI have an error installing the actual OS. I'm using the alternate text based but it cannot detect and mount my external CD/DVD/BURNER.04:55
rubbstimboy: no problem... sorry if I got something a little wrong...but if you read the man pages and sit and think it will work for you... that's how I figured it out04:55
tehdaveMasterShrek: thank you for teaching me the "run" command XD04:55
rubbstimboy: let me know how it goes04:55
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, how new is the hardware?04:55
MasterShrektehdave, =D04:55
narothepharohtehdave: i downloaded flash player from adobe in the tar.gz i unpacked im in desktop where i extracted and im writing what it says to write on the website but no work04:55
Chris_PikulHold on....04:55
marx2k_Quick question... hope someone has an answer.. :) Does anyone know a command that will allow me (in terminal) to view current connections of the computer  (like netstat) but also see the in/out transfer speeds to each connection?04:56
Chris_PikulLG Super Multi External, dated for November 200604:56
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, try checking the cd for defects (one of the options at the cd boot menu)04:56
tehdavenarothepharoh: it gives you an error when you try to use ./configure?04:57
Chris_PikulCheck the CD-TOM integrity was tried but it cannot mount the device and theres the PCMCIA Dialog first.04:57
MasterShrektehdave, you dont ./configure the flash plugin, it doesnt come with source code04:57
astro76narothepharoh, just install the flashplugin-nonfree package, it's already in ubuntu (sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree)04:57
tehdaveMasterShrek: ah, was unaware...I've been using the flashplugin-nonfree -_-04:58
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, try burning another copy maybe, other than that i dunno what to tell you04:58
dmakalskyHi, what's the best voip client software for ubuntu ?04:58
tehdaveI'm learning XD04:58
MasterShreknarothepharoh, why not just use flash from the repositories?04:58
astro76dmakalsky, ekiga comes installed by default04:58
Chris_PikulWell it seems to be hardware issue, because its a USB external and it fails on finding Hardware.04:58
earlmredthis grub thing is killing me04:58
earlmrednow i just have a blinking cursor04:59
MasterShrekoh, usb external...hmm, not really sure on that Chris_Pikul, never installed using one of those before04:59
Chris_PikulYeah thats the problem lol. Cause my internals broken.04:59
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, pull the external out of its case and put it in your pc for the install =P04:59
narothepharohastro76: it says its the newest version but yahoo is still asking for the adobe plugin05:00
rubbstimboy:  I don't know if this will help, but I just remembered something: -R means that the data will start at the remote machine and end where you point it (in our cases it's the localhost part),  -L means that the port originates on your machine and gets forwarded to the server.  If you're trying to get information from the Internet that you want to go through the server use -R if you are trying to send something out to the internet from your computer us05:00
rubbse -L05:00
astro76narothepharoh, where, have a link?05:00
j0hn__i installed something from an extracted package from sourceforge (using "make install"), how do i uninstall it?05:00
rubbstimboy: somewhat complicated, but it might help a little05:00
MasterShrekmake uninstall05:00
DG19075j0hn_: make uninstall05:01
FluxDj0hn__: sudo make uninstall05:01
Chris_PikulLol. RIGHT! As if that would work. Anybody have anyideas on the PCMCIA Rescource range?05:01
`blackmk4what would cause extremely slow lan transfer speeds?05:02
`blackmk4i can only get 400k/s from one to the other05:02
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, how about is there a way to disable pcmcia from the kernel line?05:02
`blackmk4but both are able to pull 2mb/s off internet downloads05:02
narothepharohastro 76:I mean comcast is giving me the error here is the link but i dont know if you will see it because its my login page05:02
MasterShrekChris_Pikul, check f2, f3 and f4 from the cd boot menu and look for something to disable that05:02
Chris_PikulTheres a way to add to the rescource range.05:02
timboyrubbs, ok i'll keep trying thanks a ton!!!05:03
grazzdid the ubuntu dev team add any mmc improvements to the kernel?05:03
Chris_PikulI can execute shell, but I wouldn't know what to add.05:03
teslacoilsay, I have the java runtime environment installed via synaptic, but firefox isn't wanting to admit it05:04
teslacoiloh, uh, let me try restarting05:04
LimCorejrib: this method of installing flash failed05:04
LimCorejrib: basing on  libflashplayer.so .mozilla/plugins/   firefox still complains it needs plugins05:05
teslacoilnope, still not seeing it. where do I go to enable it or what's needing to be done?05:05
* LimCore bitchslaps adobe devels05:05
rubbstimboy: no problem.  I found some of the websites I used too :  http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/wireless/2001/02/23/wep.html   and   http://realprogrammers.com/hack/SSH/tunneling.html05:05
Cpudan80LimCore: What version are you using?05:05
astro76narothepharoh, I can login too actually, seems to be working05:05
LimCoreCpudan80: 7.10 on amd6405:06
rubbstimboy: there were a few others... but these were the most helpful to me.05:06
Cpudan80LimCore: Flash is always iffy on x86_6405:06
Chris_PikulOh by the way PCMCIA shouldn't matter cause I'm not using a laptop.05:06
earlmredokay, can somebody help me out with grub? i can only boot via the rescue cd, i've tried lots of combinations for root()05:06
Cpudan80LimCore: Did you install restricted extras ?05:06
jribLimCore: yeah, because you need to use nspluginwrapper on amd64.  You should use 32bit ubuntu if you do not have a good reason to use 64bit05:06
earlmredbut i either get "cannot mount selected partition" or "partition does not exist"05:06
jrib!flash64 > limcore (read the private message from ubotu)05:06
Cpudan80jrlb: Wrong05:06
Cpudan80You SHOULD use x86_6405:07
Cpudan80Flash works fine in Gutsy -- didn't work right in Fiesty05:07
jribCpudan80: you can tell me why you believe so in #ubuntu-offtopic05:07
LimCorejrib: I tried following steps there, and it also failed05:07
LimCoreCpudan80: yes I have05:07
jribLimCore: you need to be more specific since that wiki has more than one way to install flash05:07
LimCorejrib: nswrapper and installed all "flash"+"adobe" packages from synaptic, and still firefox asks me to install missing plugins, I click to install them, I choose real flash (adobe), and click OK, then firefox says it is already installed. repeated several times with closing all firefoxes in between05:08
Cpudan80LimCore: How about flashplugin-nonfree ?05:08
jribLimCore: did you run the nspluginwrapper commands?05:09
LimCorejrib: of course not05:09
LimCoredo I look like a mind reader?05:09
Cpudan80jrib: I really don't think that is required on Gutst05:09
Cpudan80It was definitely required in Feisty...05:10
jribLimCore: you don't have to be sarcastic, especially since the wiki page tells you to run them05:10
* LimCore ohyeahthatisuserfriendly05:10
tritiumLimCore: please be courteous05:10
jribCpudan80: atm it is because flashplugin-nonfree is broken05:10
* LimCore runs the magic command05:10
Cpudan80Why does ubuntu insist on pushing 64 bit firefox?05:10
LimCorenspluginwrapper: /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so is not a valid NPAPI plugin05:10
Cpudan80Why not default to x86 ?05:11
LimCoreone secod, I will cleanup the mess I made with tersting05:11
intelikeyCpudan80 you have a k8 system installed ?05:11
balzacI'm trying to figure out the Apache server that comes with Gutsy Gibbon05:11
jribLimCore: try the path to your ~/.mozilla/plugins/.  The nspluginwrapper home page probably has more verbose instructions.  I have to go now, good night05:12
Cpudan80intelikey: k8 ?05:12
Cpudan80intelikey: I have x86 and x86_64 systems05:12
balzacIs there a place that documents how it is set up?05:12
bnalohimcan anyone help me with a problem i have with a disk... one jfs partition, dosnt mount..05:12
Cpudan80!apache | balzac05:12
ubotubalzac: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)05:12
LimCorejrib: cu05:12
Cpudan80balzac: just follow the steps, should work ok -- it's not hard to setup05:13
earlmredokay, trying install again, with all drives unplugged, and boot drive plugged into SATA105:13
earlmredif that doesn't work i'm giving up05:13
MrObviousIs Ubuntu 7.04 the latest?05:13
balzacI've already got all of that installed, I'm just trying to figure out how it's configured so I can use it.05:13
MrObviousI haven't used Linux in a while05:14
NvrnightI have just installed ubuntu, during bootup after the loading bar gets past 100%, my screen shuts off like the system is going into standby05:14
RxDxMrObvious, no.. Ubuntu 7.10 is the lastest05:14
balzacAlso, I don't see phpmyadmin anywhere...05:14
Nvrnightanyone know how to fix this?05:14
_MattBwhat tool do you use to create a software raid5 array that can grow later by adding disks?05:14
earlmred_MattB mdadm05:14
MrObviousOkay, so can I update or do I have to format?05:14
balzacI'll do some reading, but it's not a very user-friendly installation for apache beginners05:14
heatmzzrwhat is the irc command to leave a server but not the client?05:15
Cpudan80balzac: You have to add phpmyadmin seperate05:15
earlmredbalzac apt-get install phpmyadmin05:15
Cpudan80balzac: Real men execute the SQL from the terminal05:15
balzacI think I already did that through synaptic05:15
MrObviousheatmzzr: It might be /disconnecct05:15
earlmredor you can do uh05:16
earlmredapt-get install xampp05:16
Cpudan80balzac: It installs to http://localhost/phpmyadmin I think05:16
earlmredif you want all of that stuff already installed05:16
heatmzzrthanks Mr05:16
Cpudan80might be phpMyAdmin05:16
earlmrednot that i'd use xampp.05:16
intelikeyheatmzzr generally close the window that's connected to that server   /close05:16
MrObviousintelikey: I win. lol.05:17
theremperhello is this where I can ask a ubuntu question05:17
tritiumtheremper: yes05:17
intelikeyMrObvious was there a competition ?05:17
* tritium scolds esoterik 05:17
Cpudan80theremper: Yes......05:17
LimCorehelp -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47657/05:17
balzacearlmred: what's wrong with xxamp?05:17
MrObviousintelikey: Always. :p05:17
balzacless configurable?05:17
intelikeyMrObvious then you win,   i don't compete05:18
earlmredbalzac you're only going to be updating the various components when xampp makes a new release.05:18
earlmredbalzac rather than being able to do them individually05:18
balzacI think that most people are going for Apache, PHP, MySQL and they want phpmyadmin too05:18
makuseruwhat is the command to mount a drive?05:18
LimCoreCan anyone help with: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47657/ ?05:18
MrObviousintelikey: I'm just kidding. :)05:18
earlmredbalzac so apt-get install apache php mysql phpmyadmin05:18
=== DiCha_cHa-Cha_ is now known as DiCha_cHa-Cha
therempercool ok I installed a new graphics card and was able to setup the driver but the login screens resolution is not right what can I do05:18
some_idiothow small can I get an ubuntu installati tno be? (I want to install it on a hd that has only 250MB)05:19
intelikeymakuseru mount /dev/<devicenode> <mountpoint>05:19
peepsalotis there any software that makes it easy to sync up settings between a laptop and desktop?05:19
balzacearlmred, that's too much responsibility for me to keep up with, plus piecemeal updates will break your applications05:19
makuseruintelikey: thanks05:19
NvrnightI have just installed ubuntu, during bootup after the loading bar gets past 100%, my screen shuts off like the system is going into standby05:19
LimCoreis 32 linux for amd64 fucked up?    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47657/05:19
Cpudan80theremper: Rebuild your xorg.conf file05:19
Nvrnightanyone know how to fix this?05:19
earlmredbalzac uh, if you write crappy code, then yes.05:19
scguy318LimCore: no05:19
intelikeymakuseru depending on the fs type you may want to    man mount    for options05:19
theremperhmm how do I do that05:19
LimCoreNvrnight: perhaps try some forum, or file a bug?05:19
earlmredbalzac and you can't keep up with run apt-get update; apt-get upgrade nightly?05:19
LimCorescguy318: then wtf is that05:19
Cpudan80theremper: Open /etc/X11/xorg.conf and look at the info at the top05:20
earlmredbalzac run a script to do it :)05:20
Cpudan80Should say something about it being a temp one, and to run some command05:20
peepsalot!ohmy @ LimCore05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmy @ limcore - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:20
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:20
* LimCore searches05:20
LimCore!ohmyu | peepsalot05:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ohmyu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:20
earlmred!language @ peepsalot05:20
LimCore!ohmy | peepsalot05:20
ubotupeepsalot: please see above05:20
scguy318LimCore: it says your util-linux is broken05:20
Cpudan80Don't play with the bot!05:20
intelikeypeepsalot it the pipe symbol not the at sign05:20
theremperit said permission denied05:20
scguy318LimCore: that's probably a reason why aptitude suggested the action05:20
LimCorescguy318: why / how to fix it05:20
earlmred!language | peepsalot05:20
ubotupeepsalot: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:20
peepsalotok i get it05:21
earlmred!ohmy | ubotu05:21
ubotuubotu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:21
Cpudan80theremper: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:21
balzacphpmyadmin is already installed05:21
Cpudan80balzac: The folder for it is /srv/phpmyadmin I think05:21
balzacbut http://localhost/phpmyadmin gives me nothing05:21
balzacoh, thakns05:21
tritiumLimCore: watch it05:21
esoterikbalzac: did the phpmyadmin configure apache at the end of its install?05:21
theremperCpudan80 ok now what do I do05:21
earlmredalright, last try on ubuntu for the night05:21
balzacesoterik, I hope so05:22
earlmredunplugged my 4 other drives that were going to be the raid array, put the boot drive on sata 105:22
Cpudan80theremper: Does it say "This is an emergency configuration file, run .... to update? "05:22
esoterikbalzac: it would have popped up a blue screen and had you select your apache version to configure automatically05:22
Cpudan80Should say it in a comment (#) block near the top05:22
theremperE325: ATTENTION05:22
theremperFound a swap file by the name "/etc/X11/.xorg.conf.swp"05:22
theremper          owned by: root   dated: Sat Nov 10 20:13:02 200705:22
theremper         file name: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:22
theremper          modified: YES05:22
theremper         user name: root   host name: theremper-desktop05:22
theremper        process ID: 662805:22
theremperWhile opening file "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:22
theremper             dated: Sat Dec  8 13:28:05 200705:22
theremper      NEWER than swap file!05:22
esoterikbalzac: try looking up how to manually configure it, generally just a symlink from your /var/www/ folder to the /usr or whatever folder phpmyadmin installs to05:22
Cpudan80theremper: Don't paste05:22
earlmredtheremper rafb.net/paste05:23
balzacthere's nothing in my srv dir05:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:23
earlmredbalzac cd /; find . | grep phpmyadmin05:23
balzacI've done the manual configuration once before05:23
kristjansHello. Does anybody know of any newbie-friendly application that would show detected computer hardware in an understandable format?05:23
j2daoshok, i have a problem. I accidently renamed my entire mp3 folder f***ed up characters and now I cant delete them because it says it cant read the info... doing an ls on the directory looks like ascii art... thats how bad i screwed the pooch. How do i delete these files? rm -f * doesn't work, rm * doesn't work either05:23
Clinton__j2daosh: why not rename each of the files back to something useful?05:24
Cpudan80j2daosh: Can you just remove the whole directory?05:24
j2daoshnope, won't let me remove the directory05:24
j2daoshcant rename them because it cant open them05:24
Clinton__j2daosh: what can't open them?05:25
edward_hi, anyone help me?05:25
Cpudan80j2daosh: rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty05:25
j2daoshwindows/linux, nothing05:25
Clinton__j2daosh: not likely anything05:25
earlmredj2daosh put the name in quotes.05:25
j2daoshok ill try that dan05:25
Cpudan80tritium: Can you unquiet theremper ?05:25
tritium!paste | theremper05:25
Cpudan80theremper: Ok - the folder should be in /var/www05:25
ubotutheremper: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:26
theremperok now I am lost05:26
Cpudan80theremper: why?05:26
balzacHere's another thing I'm confused by - the "sites-available" and "sites-enabled" directories05:26
edward_when i tried to connect to remove server using gftp, "Error: Could not read from socket: Connection reset by peer " comes.  kindly suggest me05:26
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:20 PM$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty05:26
earlmredbalzac sites-available is the config for all of your sites.05:26
theremperok  I opened the config file now what do I do05:26
earlmredbalzac making a symlink to one of those sites from sites-enabled, enables the site.05:26
LimCorehow to install opera on ubuntu amd6405:27
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:20 PM$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty05:27
j2daoshrmdir: missing operand05:27
j2daoshTry `rmdir --help' for more information.05:27
j2daoshthats what it gives me dan05:27
earlmredj2daosh you need the name of the directory there too.05:27
balzacso I need to dupe that file and replace all the parameters for a new directory ?05:27
j2daoshoh crap05:27
Cpudan80j2daosh: You gotta give it the name of the directory05:27
_MattBhow can i setup an iSCSI target on ubutu desktop?05:27
Clinton__j2daosh: what is the name of the directory?05:27
Cpudan80j2daosh: rmdir --..... directory05:27
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:20 PM$ rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /music/recent/05:27
j2daoshrmdir: /music/recent/: Device or resource busy05:27
Cpudan80j2daosh: do it as sudo05:28
j2daoshnotice the 'root'05:28
earlmredsudo rm -f /music/recent/05:28
therempercpudan80: what do I do with the config file05:28
Clinton__j2daosh: what is the device?05:28
Cpudan80j2daosh: or - do ps -ax | grep /music/recent/ and kill the process holding that open05:28
j2daoshi still need to sudo if im root?05:28
earlmredj2daosh rm -f /music/recent/05:28
j2daoshps -ax|grep /music/recent05:28
scguy318j2daosh: no05:28
Cpudan80j2daosh: No, running as root is dangerous05:29
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:29
j2daoshoops, wrong window05:29
theremperok how do I reconfigre xorg05:30
Cpudan80theremper: It tells you at the top of the file05:30
intelikeyj2daosh device is busy    either there is something still accessing it.   or...    something is still accessing it...05:30
theremperthe sudo thing05:31
j2daoshnothing is accessing that directory though05:31
Cpudan80theremper: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg05:31
earlmredj2daosh ps -ax | grep music05:31
intelikeyearlmred no dash there05:31
intelikeyearlmred probably still works  but it gripes about it.05:31
earlmredintelikey it'll work either way.05:32
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:26 PM$ ps ax|grep music05:32
TheDocAnyone might have an idea as to why ubuntu is sending the machine into a blackscreen of death after the initial loading screen after selecting install?05:32
j2daosh25835 pts/1    S+     0:00 grep music05:32
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:26 PM$05:32
intelikeyj2daosh not for much longer tho.05:32
TheDocram issue? hdd? bad cd?05:32
earlmredj2daosh are you trying to remove the ~ recent ~ directory?05:32
earlmredj2daosh you know, the directory that you're INSIDE of?05:32
j2daoshtrying to remove /music/recent05:32
j2daoshdang it05:32
Cpudan80j2daosh: lol05:32
j2daoshsometimes i feel REALLY stupid05:33
Cpudan80Why do you have those weird ~s in your path?05:33
earlmredwell there we go05:33
j2daoshbut in my defense, i haven't had enough coffee yet05:33
earlmredintelikey i removed all of the drives, put the boot drive on sata 1, and grub installed properly.05:33
j2daoshcpudan, its just my bashrc05:33
Cpudan80you should have like user@host:/path/05:33
earlmrednow i just have to hack xorg.conf to display with my 8800gts.05:33
scguy318Cpudan80: ~ = home directory05:33
earlmredsince installer detects nv driver, but nv won't work.05:33
TheDocAnyone might have an idea as to why ubuntu is sending the machine into a blackscreen of death after the initial loading screen after selecting install?05:33
Cpudan80scguy318: oh right05:33
Cpudan80!patience | TheDoc05:34
ubotuTheDoc: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:34
scguy318TheDoc: X may have failed, try safe graphics05:34
intelikeyearlmred ummm might be some docs that would help   /msg ubotu ati     maybe05:34
j2daosh PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME}: ${PWD/$HOME/~}\007"'05:34
j2daoshim just using ~ as seperators05:34
TheDocCpudan80: Yeah, i know. i'm in a rush to fix that box :/ sorry folks05:34
TheDocscguy318: thanks.05:34
AnAntHello, how can I create a new locale ?05:34
neur1is the Enlightenment Desktop available in 7.10? (repos)05:35
earlmredlets see how the vesa driver likes being fed 2560x1600 as a resolution.05:36
earlmredyeah, it hated that.05:36
intelikeyneur1   apt-cache search Enlightenment05:36
j2daoshthat rmdir didn't work05:37
j2daoshcan i not use that on a mounted directory?05:37
Cpudan80j2daosh: ...05:37
intelikeyj2daosh is there files in it ?05:37
Cpudan80j2daosh: No!05:37
Cpudan80j2daosh: You can't rmdir a mount point...05:37
j2daoshoh i cant use that on a mounted dir05:37
Cpudan80sudo umount <mount>05:37
j2daoshwell im not removing the mount point05:37
j2daoshim removing a directory under it05:37
Cpudan80dunno then05:38
intelikeyj2daosh in the first place rmdir is not the app of choice for dirs with files     rm -r   is   in the second place if something is mounted on a dir then you can't rm the dir05:38
earlmredoh that's neat05:38
earlmredmy mouse doesn't work in X.05:38
j2daoshthat is what my directory looks like now05:39
j2daoshand it wont let me delete those files that used to be music mp3's05:39
=== human is now known as varicello
earlmredhttp://rafb.net/p/jkE7Je83.html <- any ideas why my mouse isn't working?05:40
earlmredit's a USB mouse.05:40
Cpudan80j2daosh: what the hell...?05:41
intelikeyj2daosh heh kewl !    :)05:41
Cpudan80j2daosh: do ls -l and see who owns those files05:41
j2daoshbetter view of that05:41
j2daoshalready done dan05:41
tritium!enter | j2daosh05:41
ubotuj2daosh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:41
heatmzzrwhat is the command to go to a website when your in terminal?05:41
heatmzzrdid I ask that right05:41
Cpudan80j2daosh: Look at those timestamps... that's weird05:42
tritiumheatmzzr: almost.  s/your/you're05:42
j2daoshyeah... all i have to say is for all you up and coming prl guru's... be very very careful with regex and rename...05:42
Cpudan80j2daosh: rofl --- rm -rf * didn't work?05:43
heatmzzrtritium, while in terminal-- not graphical..05:43
intelikeyj2daosh why did you reverse the list ?      not that it matters...05:43
simplechatCpudan80, sudo rm -rf /05:43
tritiumheatmzzr: yes, I know.  Just answering your question about whether you asked it right.05:44
j2daoshroot@Dark_Tower ~ recent ~  11:34 PM$ rm -rf *05:44
j2daoshrm: invalid option --05:44
Cpudan80simplechat: Yes - that's it!05:44
j2daoshTry `rm ./'-    (  )-(.'' to remove the file `-    (  )-(.'.05:44
j2daoshTry `rm --help' for more information.05:44
j2daoshintelikey: no reason, just used to doing the ltr05:44
heatmzzrbut do you have the answer. lol05:44
tritium!enter | j2daosh05:44
ubotuj2daosh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:44
intelikeyj2daosh sudo rm -rf -- *05:44
tritiumj2daosh: please don't make me remind you _yet_ again05:44
j2daoshtritium, formatting is key there guy05:44
intelikeythe -- might protect the file names05:44
ricoI just downloaded ATI drivers from AMD for Linix, its in a .run format, how do i install them?05:45
j2daoshintelikey: the '-'s are in the filenames05:45
tritiumj2daosh: you know not to paste here.  Use pastebin.05:45
intelikeyj2daosh yes and   -- should make rm ignore them05:45
j2daoshwho is this trituim guy?05:45
alsadk10ãÇ ÑÇíßã Ýí ÇæÈæäÊæÇ05:45
Cpudan80j2daosh: Staff05:45
ricodid any1 read my question?05:45
Yopuquery %s05:45
simplechatrico, chmod +x them and ./run them05:45
ricoumm, chmod?05:46
heatmzzrtritium is it htp?05:46
intelikeyj2daosh the one that will soon ban you from the channel.  not that you really want to know.05:46
simplechatrico, hae you ./ run any files before?05:46
j2daoshok, intelikey, you were saying to use the --?05:46
tritiumheatmzzr: http05:46
ricoi just installed Ubuntu yesterday05:46
intelikeyj2daosh yes05:46
j2daoshok, ill give that a shot05:46
alsadk10HOW MUCH vga i need to run compiz on ubuntu?05:46
Yopui just installed yesterday too05:46
Cpudan80alsadk10: You need a decent card, nothing too special05:47
Cpudan80alsadk10: 64 MB video ram will run it05:47
simplechatrico, say its test.run, you run chmod +x test.run (enter) ./test.run05:47
some_idiothow small can I get an ubuntu installatio nto be? ( I don't care if it's desktop or server i just wnat ti to be under 250Megabytes)05:47
alsadk10is 32 vga enough ?05:47
simplechatalsadk10, you are not making sense.05:47
tritiumsome_idiot: that's not enough.  You need around 2 GB.05:47
earlmredthat's strange05:47
Lumpy^what are oplocks in samba are for?05:47
some_idiottritium: what distro can i get intalled in under 250MB?05:48
earlmredubuntu crashes unless i specify nosplash05:48
pooyakhi there05:48
Cpudan80some_idiot: gentoo05:48
simplechatsome_idiot, very small? how big is ubuntu_minimal ?05:48
Cpudan80just pick very few things!05:48
earlmredalso, X isn't working with my mouse at the moment, a razer copperhead.05:48
tritiumsome_idiot: this channel is for ubuntu, not other distros05:48
pooyakI have a hard drive with 4 primary partitions and some free space05:48
alsadk10ok what i want for compiz?05:48
intelikeysome_idiot i have trimmed ubuntu to 94m  but you can't install it that small  have to install about 180 and trim it.05:48
simplechatsome_idiot, dsl, puppy linux05:48
j2daoshwoot woot! finally got all those files out. I had to load up my linux box just to delete these things... windows sucks :P05:48
pooyakis there an easy way to move one of these partitions inside an extended without loosing data?05:48
ricodo u mean in terminal simpplechat?05:48
simplechatrico, yep05:48
heatmzzrtritium from the terminal window, if I wanted to go to playboy.com what would i type (obviously getting back nothing but text)?05:48
mahitihi, when i try to coneect remote host using gFTP, the following error comes.05:49
mahitiError: Could not read from socket: Connection reset by peer05:49
Cpudan80j2daosh: You weren't even in linux when you were asking those questions?05:49
mahitiguide me05:49
tritiumheatmzzr: please don't use porn URLs here05:49
intelikeysome_idiot dsl is a distro that fits in 50mb   but the packaging system leaves some to be desired05:49
j2daoshno i gave up on windows, booted into linux and then came in here to find out how to hook it up05:49
Lumpy^hey, anyone familer with samba and windows xp networking?05:49
simplechatCpudan80, how can one be "in" linux?05:49
heatmzzrok tritium how bout barneythepurpledinasour.com then05:50
bobgillCan someone help me with a proper search command, I am trying to find a file that contains a phrase, ie., trying to find "good song" and I know it's somewhere in there but nothing shows up05:50
earlmredwell, that's interesting05:50
Cpudan80simplechat: booted into05:50
earlmredunplugged the mouse and plugged back in05:50
bobgillI have tried find05:50
earlmredand it works05:50
some_idiotintelikey: when I actually install that to HD; it expands to like 300 MB05:50
intelikeyj2daosh congrats.05:50
simplechatCpudan80, is there a hollow linux around in the antarctic?05:50
suseloverhi can anyone tell mewhy my internet(dsl) connection breaks up automatically?05:50
intelikeysome_idiot which ?05:50
=== MasterShrek is now known as _Junkie
j2daoshhaha intelikey05:50
simplechatCpudan80, different meaning :)05:50
Cpudan80tritium: pm05:50
simplechatsuselover, is your router overheating?05:50
varicellowhy the videos in google videos don't be loading completely in my computer?05:51
balzacI didn't find PEAR as an ubuntu package - I'm using default repositories05:51
jesse_anyone using the gnome manmenu in here?05:51
some_idiotintelikey: I did a dsl -> HD install; it took like 700MB unpacked in the end05:51
suseloverit never happens in suse05:51
Cpudan80suselover: set the MTU to something like 150005:51
ricochmod +x \rico\My downloads\ati-driver-installer-7-11-x86.86_64.run05:51
j2daoshok, well dan/intelikely, thank you for your help05:51
ricoi typed that in and it didnt work05:51
=== _Junkie is now known as MasterShrek
suseloversudo pppoeconf ?05:51
intelikeysome_idiot dsl ?    i think you installed dsl as full debian05:51
buttercupsrico, sudo bash ati-driver-installer-7-11-x86.x86_64.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy,  you want to create .deb packages from that file05:52
some_idiotintelikey: maybe I did, I choose '3' for install to HD; and it didn't ask me which packges i wnated, which I didn't wnat ... and it expanded to 700MB05:52
Samurai_DanAny Alsa in ubuntu help ? no response from Alsa channel05:52
buttercupsrico, http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Gutsy_Installation_Guide, method 2 good buddy05:52
simplechatrico, what exactly did it say?05:52
Cpudan80Samurai_Dan: Yes... I have alsa mixer -- what's up?05:52
intelikeysome_idiot dsl can be installed on hd in about 50m  i have done it.       and it has an option to convert it to debian which makes it a more or less normal debian install,05:53
RYshHello. My ubuntu doesn't receive default route via dhcp05:53
ricochmod: cannot access `ricoMy': No such file or directorychmod: cannot access`downloadsati-driver-installer-7-11-x86.86_64.run': No such file or directory05:53
RYshI have auto eth105:53
RYshiface eth1 inet dhcp05:53
RYsh in /etc/network/interfaces05:53
Kr0ntabRYsh, how do you know05:53
intelikeysome_idiot but back to your origenal Q,  i would still reccomend installing ubuntu-server  and then trimming some fat if needed05:54
ricoive installed wine, and want to have the ATI drivers ready so any game i run in wine will have the drivers to run05:54
RYshKr0ntab, I have no default route in ip route output05:54
Drakaenis there a way to use a windows wireless driver without needing to DL ndiswrapper?05:54
intelikeysome_idiot or debian etch server05:54
Cpudan80Drakaen: no05:54
Kr0ntabRYsh, what version of Ubuntu are you using05:54
MrObviousDrakaen: What wireless adapter do you have?05:54
RYshKr0ntab, gutsy05:54
Kr0ntabRYsh, in Gutsy by default, you use NetworkManger... are you using server or desktop?05:55
RYshKr0ntab, and when I do dhclient - it receives05:55
Predagreetings all, is there any windowed wifi statistics program?05:55
DrakaenMrObvious: Trendnet TEW-424UB05:55
RYshKr0ntab, desktop, but I manage it via ssh05:55
RYshKr0ntab, it's not convenient for me to use any gui tool to confic networking05:56
Drakaeni cant seem to get the driver instaklled and ndiswrapper isnt on my distro05:56
Kr0ntabRYsh, thats fine... but if you are using NteworkManager.. you do not need to modify anything in /etc/network/interfaces....05:56
Kr0ntabthats fine...05:56
scguy318Drakaen: ndiswrapper is in Ubuntu05:56
scguy318Drakaen: do you have your universe repo enabled?05:56
RYshKr0ntab, what is NetworkManager? Is it gui tool?05:56
Drakaeni dont know...05:57
MrObviousDrakaen: Can you hook the device up via an ethernet cable temporarily?05:57
scguy318Drakaen: System -> Admin -> Software Sources and see05:57
Drakaennot at the location here...05:57
scguy318Drakaen: explain05:57
Kr0ntabyes...  RYsh, can you paste the contents of /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf05:58
Kr0ntabin pastebin please05:58
huff3ri have network manager, for windows...  shows me what devices are on my network,,,  router, compers, cableboxes, etc...   ip addresses macs05:58
MrObviousscguy318: I think he was answering my question.05:58
Drakaenim running vista here now.... my system is to far from the wireless router to connect via ethernet cable05:58
scguy318MrObvious: what was it? I saw that Drakaen was asking about ndiswrapper and a driver05:58
mnemonicaShumbudy halpz! Trying to install something not found in synaptic (trying to get my wacom tablet to work), I can configure everything fine (sudo ./configure) but when I attempt command: make    I get this: ----> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47663/05:58
MrObviousscguy318: I asked if he could hook up an ethernet cable.05:58
scguy318Drakaen: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto for offline install05:58
Kr0ntabRYsh, and also /etc/network/interfaces in pastebin...05:59
scguy318MrObvious: ah05:59
mnemonicaThoughts, anybody?05:59
RYshKr0ntab, second..05:59
MrObviousDrakaen: After doing the whole NDiswrapper offline thing, do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=207749705:59
pdroyHi all, can I upgrade directly from 6.06 to 7.1006:00
MrObviousmnemonica: What are you trying to compile?06:00
MrObviouspdroy: No, 6.06 -> 7.04 -> 7.1006:00
MrObviouspdroy: And that may not work 100%06:00
mnemonicaMrObvious, expresskeys06:00
RYshKr0ntab, http://cut.and.paste.org/index.php?id=170406:00
scguy318Drakaen: personally I would just stick with the wiki guide06:00
astro76pdroy, also 6.06 to 8.04 will be a supported upgrade path06:01
MasterShrekastro76, is that for sure?06:01
intelikeymnemonica looks like you need to install xserver-xorg-dev    maybe that the name ?06:01
MasterShreki never heard one way or another if it was actually going to happen, i heard they were going to try to or something06:01
astro76MasterShrek, that's what I'm told, it makes sense to need to support upgrade from LTS to LTS06:01
MasterShreki agree astro7606:02
pdroythanks MrObvious and astro7606:02
MrObviousmnemonica: Did you follow this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2418144&postcount=406:02
Cpudan80astro76: When in is 8.04 due out?06:02
MrObviouspdroy: YW.06:02
scguy318Cpudan80: April 0806:02
MrObviousCpudan80: I'd guess April.06:02
Drakaenalso... is there a way to run windows within ubuntu if there is a copy of widows on the HD?06:02
scguy318Drakaen: sure, a VM product like VMware or Virtualbox06:02
Cpudan80Drakaen: You can VM it, but that's about it06:02
MrObviousDrakaen: qEMU, but you'll have to install to another location.06:02
mnemonicaintelikey: Yeah, just looked that up in synaptic... Not installed... installing. I'll let everyone know how it goes.06:02
Dr_willis_Drakaen,  vmware or virtual box can sort of do it.. but it may not be a good idea06:02
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo06:02
Kr0ntabRYsh, yer configs look good...06:03
Cpudan80Aren't they changing the color scheme or something in 8.04 ?06:03
mnemonicaMrObvious: Nope, ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-240019.html     Doin' that.06:03
Dr_willis_windoes will think its been moved to a totally new system with new hardware. that can confuse windows a lot.06:03
MrObviousmnemonica: Oh intelikey helped you. Okay.06:03
Cpudan80Dr_willis_: no, that's wrong06:03
mnemonicaMrObvious: Thanks anywho. :)06:03
MrObviousmnemonica: YW.06:03
Cpudan80You can rip an OEM license off the computer and stick it in a VM on the same physical box06:04
Dr_willis_Cpudan80,  which part? Ive had xp get very confused when doing chang4es like that.06:04
RedHeronI have inherited a Hitachi HDD, but it's locked and I don't know what kind of lock. Any ideas about how to brute-force a HDD lock so that I can format it and use it?06:04
Lumpy^what are oplocking in samba are for?06:04
Cpudan80OEM licenses are the only one with that problem, retail licenses can be freely transferred06:04
Kr0ntabRYsh, is yer dhcp server a "known good"?  I mean other workstations obtaining gateways?06:04
RYshKr0ntab, I have 4 ubuntas, and problems are with one of them ;-/06:04
Dr_willis_Cpudan80,  it hasent worked for me that way... well its had to reactivate.. and so forth.. so it was a hassle.06:04
Kr0ntabah ok..06:04
Aztec007Greetings everyone06:04
intelikeywho here uses qemu ?06:05
mnemonicaintelikey: Rawr... Didn't work.. I'm getting the previous postbin'd error when I attempt to ./configure, by the way.06:05
Dr_willis_of course if ya reboot back to the actual machine.. it then wants to redo the stuff.. so i dont bother any more.06:05
Cpudan80Dr_willis_: if you do it a lot it might complain, but removing windows then placing it in a VM within distro X will work06:05
Aztec007I'm trying to mount my cdrom but gentoo says that "cdrom0" does not exist06:05
RYsh10.11.0.0/24 dev eth1  proto kernel  scope link  src
RYsh169.254.0.0/16 dev eth1  scope link  metric 100006:05
RYshKr0ntab, here's what it receives after reboot06:05
Aztec007why wont it mount?06:05
sainzeohey everyone: is it possible to assign icons for certain filetypes in ubuntu?06:05
MrObviousTech note to channel: Set your DNS servers to,, and and it might help you browse the Internet faster.06:05
intelikeymnemonica hmmm   let me revisit the postbin06:05
Kr0ntabRYsh, very weird...  pastebin please06:05
intelikeyBoohbah:     xlib-dev maybe06:06
Cpudan80MrObvious: Well yeah, but then you lose your ability to look up local things by DNS name06:06
intelikeynick completion failure06:06
Cpudan80Unless you leave the local DNS in there06:06
MrObviousCpudan80: True.06:06
Drakaenthe ubuntu forum deal for the trendnet has a dead link to the svn distro06:06
earlmredoh that was neat.06:06
RYshKr0ntab, pastebin what?06:06
MrObviousCpudan80: If you use your ISP DNS (like I do) then it's a good idea.06:06
earlmreddid sudo killall gdm from inside of X, and now it won't let me get to a vtty06:06
Kr0ntaboh thought you were going to paste some output06:06
Cpudan80MrObvious: sure06:06
intelikeymnemonica oh   xlib-dev   i think    sorry  i was hasty on the first reading,   however i do not promise that that's the package you need...  heh06:07
MrObviousCpudan80: I have AT&T and their DNS has been crapping out lately. I had to do it so it would browse faster.06:07
RYshKr0ntab, ok.06:07
Cpudan80MrObvious: who runs that DNS server?06:07
varaonaidhi, i recently switched to gnome from kde and i'm wanting to remove the text from icons on the toolbars.06:08
RedHeronAnd wouldn't it depend on network distance to those DNS servers, with regard to speed?06:08
MrObviousCpudan80: Verizon.06:08
MrObviousCpudan80: It's a very well run set of DNS servers.06:08
intelikeymnemonica it should be something with a -dev ending   and have xlib in it's name06:08
varaonaidi've searched and found that i need the menus and toolbars section of preferences but I don't have that06:08
varaonaidin my prefs section06:08
Cpudan80There was one of them that was run by google06:08
RedHeronVerizon... #3 on the list of people wanting to promote warrantless wiretapping and anti-net-neutrality.06:08
varaonaidis it in a different location in 7.10 or is my install messed up?06:09
sunogbagavaraonaid: system preferences menus and toolbars06:09
intelikeyso anyone familear with qemu care to give a short descript on how to use it ?06:09
SteveScumthe end of net netruality, will be the end of the net...06:09
Kr0ntabRYsh, yeah if 3 other machines on the network are getting default gateways on the same subnet, and this machine is not... thats pretty atypical.  you could try performing a tcpdump on the card as you bring it up to see if the packet payload details of your dhcp exchange...06:10
varaonaidsunogbaga: that's what I thought.  I don't have that option in my system>prefs06:10
RYshKr0ntab, ok, I will. I need to go there for doing it..06:10
varaonaidi have main menu and mouse - that's it for prefs starting with "m"06:10
Kr0ntabRYsh, do you have more than one dhcp daemon running?06:11
Kr0ntabps -ef | grep dh06:11
sunogbagavaraonaid: gnome-ui-properties on terminal06:11
varaonaidsunogbaga: thanks, i'll try that06:11
NvrnightI've been searching the internet for a fix for my problem and only found one post where a guy had the same problem as me but no one ever replied06:11
IziduneSo I know exactly how to install Ubuntu onto a partition06:12
Kr0ntabRYsh, yeah I'd hate for you to reboot... and then not be able to remote control it because of def gw issues...  :-P06:12
honk_Has anyone gotten 1280x800 console to work at ALL? I'm using intel chip on Dell e1505n new laptops06:12
IziduneThe only problem is partitioning06:12
honk_is it *impossible* for all time?06:12
varaonaidsunogbaga: it said "command not found"06:12
IziduneAnybody know any free parition programs that don't require removable media?06:12
varaonaiddo I need to install it?06:12
IzidunePatition, I mean.06:12
Nvrnightubuntu tries to boot up and during boot up it gives some microcode errors and then the monitor turns off like it's in standby06:12
Wenghonk_: Works fine on 7.06 on my HP ZV5000 (which is actually pretty old)06:12
ricoWine doesnt want to start a .exe file06:12
Dr_willis_Izidune,  where do you expect to keep it then?06:13
honk_Weng: what are you options? I've tried everything in the book; I'm on linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic06:13
IziduneThere are a couple of commercial programs that do it within the windows interface06:13
Dr_willis_Izidune,  i tend to use gparted for my needs from various gparted live cds06:13
sunogbagavaraonaid: it should have come with ubuntu-desktop install06:13
mnemonicaintelikey: Sorry... got away from myself for a moment... looking up int synaptic...06:13
Wenghonk: Whatever it came out of the box with.06:13
Dr_willis_they just work better from a live cd. :)06:13
intelikeyNvrnight that's a vidio driver problem    i believe.   you might try hitting   ctrl+alt+f1   after it does that   and then turn the monitor off/on manually to confirm06:14
pjldbzl12121212could someone help me out with an error im getting after i install ubuntu on my ps3?06:14
sunogbagavaraonaid: well since it's not there you might need to install it06:14
honk_Weng: well that's lucky for you; mine didn't :)06:14
Wenghonk_: It's also done a 7.10 liveCD fine, which probably means you've got some wack driver issues :(06:14
Kr0ntabRYsh, I would just make sure you don't have multiple dhcdbd and dhclient processes, which can conflict and "get in the way" of eachother...  but other than that... it will be difficult to do frther troubleshooting without you being able totake down interfaces...06:14
varaonaidsunogbaga: what package?  I searched for gnome-ui-properties but there wasn't one06:14
ricowhat are u doing installing ubuntu on a PS3?06:14
IziduneThe problem is that my CD drive doesn't burn06:14
honk_Weng: I should try booting with the gutsy livecd to double check; I'm pretty sure it didn't work then though...06:14
pjldbzl12121212cause i like ubuntu06:14
ricohow can it run the games?06:14
honk_Weng: what's your graphics chip?06:15
Kr0ntabRYsh, I must jet... but feel free to drop me a line...  email in direct msg06:15
Nvrnightctrl+alt+f1 does nothing and I turn it off and on and still doesn't do anything06:15
Dr_willis_Izidune,  well the various parted tools only want to work on unmounted disks/filesystems.. so booting linux then changing its partition layout may be a bit tricky06:15
WengPsuedo-proprietary version of the GeForce 4 MX.06:15
SteveScumanyone know any good program to see cpu temp/fan speed/voltages...06:15
=== RYsh is now known as [RUsh]
sunogbagavaraonaid: try sudo apt-get install gnome-control-center06:16
honk_Looks like I get this:06:16
IziduneI'm out of ideas then06:16
honk_[  251.348000] intelfb: Non-CRT device is enabled ( LVDS port ).  Disabling mode switching.06:16
honk_[  251.348000] intelfb: Video mode must be programmed at boot time.06:16
sunogbagavaraonaid: i searched and gnome-ui-properties was inside that package06:16
pjldbzl12121212here is the message im getting after i get done installing ubuntu "can't access tty06:16
intelikeyNvrnight ummm   then it may be a corrupted file or paniced kernel    you can try    alt+sysRQ+b   (instant reboot) if it's not paniced.06:16
varaonaidsunogbaga: thanks, I'll try that.  i really appreciate the help :)06:17
sunogbagavaraonaid: u'r welcome06:17
varaonaidsunogbaga: will I have to log out of gnome to see the changes?06:17
intelikeyNvrnight if it's paniced/locked up thight     then that key combo will do nothing.06:17
sunogbagavaraonaid: nope u don't need to06:17
Nvrnightk, I'm burning a new cd for it now at 4x this time06:19
varaonaidsunogbaga: bummer, it said I already had it installed.  so i used synaptic to repair the install and it still doesn't show up in the menu06:19
RedHeronHow do I unlock an IDE HDD so that I can format and use it?06:19
ricomy VMPlayer refuses to work06:19
=== michael__ is now known as qb_
ricowell, install06:19
intelikeyNvrnight if it does reboot,  i sujest that you boot to single user mode by adding "vga=normal nosplash single" to the kernel line    then  nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and cheage your vidio driver to vesa06:20
Nvrnightok, I was doing vga=normal before, I will add the nosplash and sing to it to see how it does06:20
intelikeythat should let you confirm that it is the vidio driver.06:20
Nvrnightwhere do I put the nano /etc...06:20
sunogbagavaraonaid: uve tried on shell06:21
intelikeyNvrnight in the console you will be booting into06:21
Tendervittleshi guys06:21
NvrnightI'm gonna try it once this cd gets done burning06:21
varaonaidsunogbaga: yes, i also tried the gnome-ui-properties in shell, still said command not found06:21
marx2kcan someone try to connect to www.amazonaws.com:7040 and tell me if you can hit it?06:21
marx2khttp:// btw06:21
LimCore_either I'm having bad luck, or installation of flash for amd64 7.10 is fucked up,  anyone can help me to debug a bit?06:22
izaqI'm try to install ICA Client in Ubuntu 7.1006:22
sunogbagavaraonaid: what distro do you have?06:22
izaqcan some body help me !06:22
varaonaidsunogbaga: ubuntu 7.1006:22
LimCore_izaq: whats the problem06:22
SUSELoverwhat would be the ideal Os for a laptop ... suse / Ubuntu06:22
izaqis not start :(06:22
ricoah, some progress, i tryed to Terminal wine to run the game's installer, it came up with this error message06:22
ricoextension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".06:23
ricothat ^^06:23
SUSELoverwhat would be the ideal Os for a laptop ... suse / Ubuntu06:23
astro76SUSELover, best thing is to try each, see which you prefer06:23
n2diy Ubuntu06:23
TendervittlesHi everyone, im trying to get my wireless NIC working with Ubuntu 7.10 and im a noob. can anyone help me?06:23
TheOnlyMerlinHi all.  Ubuntu noob here.  :-/06:23
ricoalot of us here :P06:23
mzuverinkwjile in a composite window manager, cairo-clock still show up as a gray quear, just as if I was only in metacity, whats the fix for that?06:24
MasterShrekTendervittles, in a terminal type: lspci | grep Network      and give me the output06:24
eek_teh_catis it easy to get adobe flash to work with the 64bit version of firefox? I keep on trying to install it but pages like youtube say i dont have it properly installed06:24
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, have you installed nspluginwrapper?06:24
Tendervittlesk one sec06:24
LimCore_eek_teh_cat: it is fucked up, at least for me.  other reported to have it working06:24
eek_teh_catno master, should i start with that?06:25
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, yes06:25
SUSELoverUbuntu system response is great ... SLED ..boot up is bit slow.. but good functionality.. the gnome menu is what I love... hardware fully supported.. so now what to do ?06:25
TheOnlyMerlinI am actuallly rather curious about the thinking of the design of this OS.  Alot of things strike me as "YES, FINALLY!"  and other things strike me as "Why oh why???"06:25
eek_teh_catlim: i have been having trouble since moving to 64 bit with stuf flike that, gnash is horrible buggy06:25
MasterShrekLimCore_, have you tried nspluginwrapper --help      to see what ways to use it?06:25
Longfellowhey guys, is there an ubuntu gaming channel?06:26
Longfellowguess not, anyone know any good games for ubuntu?06:26
kappakappuccinoI just stick to windows when I want to game06:27
eek_teh_catlong: i don't any, i still keep a version of windows for gaming06:27
TendervittlesMasterShrek: the output is:  00:50.0 Nwtwork controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g wireless lan controller06:27
TheOnlyMerlinYou can run alot of windows games with WINE.. too bad I haven;t figured it all out yet.06:27
* intelikey doesn't know any good windows games06:27
kappakappuccinowhen it comes to games I just want it to work06:27
kappakappuccinoI have enough problems on windows machines with games06:27
varaonaidsunogbaga: i also am missing the advanced desktop properties (in system>prefs) for custom settings for compiz.  i have no control over compiz06:27
WengLongfellow: Armagetron will consume copious amounts of time.06:28
astro76Tendervittles, have you enabled the driver in System > Administration > Restricted Drivers Manager? that should be all that's necessary06:28
Tendervittlesme either vara06:28
eek_teh_cati'm really hoping virtualization will soon work well with graphics accelerators06:28
MasterShrekTendervittles, http://www.mediafire.com/?bqn8x4eancv   download that file, then let me know06:28
varaonaidsunogbaga: didn't know if it was related.06:28
MasterShrekTendervittles, follow astro76 's advice first06:28
kappakappuccinothere is always wine and cedega if you really want to pursue linux gaming06:28
ricois it possible to partition some of my HDD for windows, i already have Ubuntu installed taking it all, can i break some spear HDD space into a new partition for XP?06:28
MasterShrekTendervittles, it may be easier06:28
varaonaidTendervittles: do you have system>prefs>menu and toolbars?06:28
astro76Tendervittles, MasterShrek, I have the bcm4306 also, should just work06:28
Tendervittlesi have a Linksys Card though06:29
intelikeyrico boot a live cd  (gparted CD maybe)   and try it.06:29
Wengrico: Boot from a gparted liveCD, resize your Ubuntu partition, install Windows, and then repair Grub.06:29
TheOnlyMerlinI heard news that ati was going to (or has??) fully support linux with their drivers.  (I guess to keep up with nvidia)06:29
MasterShrekTendervittles, it has a broadcom 430606:29
ricoso not all games run on ubuntu?06:29
MasterShrekrico, no, but alot will using wine06:29
mnemonicaintelikey: Nope, still didn't work.06:29
MasterShrek!wine | rico06:29
uboturico: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:29
TheOnlyMerlinNo, not all games run on ubuntu.06:29
intelikeyrico be advised that windows is very much a first primarry partition hog.06:30
Wengrico: Windows install WILL smash Grub, so you will have to fix it, unfortunately.06:30
ricoah k, so easier to just format and start from scratch?06:30
TheOnlyMerlinRico: Although you can get alot to run using WINE.  And you can find a bunch of free game sunder Applications --> Add / Remove06:30
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: it seems  nspluginwrapper comes installed by default, so unless i need to tweak something, i don't know if adobe's flash player will work with 64bit ubuntu06:30
ricoinstall Windows, then install Ubuntu?06:30
Guzai have this error06:30
Wengrico: Really, yes. Starting from scratch is the best idea. And Windows should always be the first OS you install.06:30
TheOnlyMerlin<-- INstalled Windows, then Ubuntu.  Ran smoothly06:31
GuzaUser sasha may run the following commands on this host:06:31
Guza    (ALL) ALL06:31
Guza    (ALL) ALL06:31
ricogay MS06:31
Guzawhat i must do06:31
intelikeyrico if you want the path of least resistance.  resize your install   make a new partition for linux   migrate to that partition and install windows on the old "first" partition.     imo that's the easiest.06:31
Weng(Followed by your Unixes, with OSX at the end, if you're one of the crazy people like me that simply must have a Grub menu 10 miles long)06:31
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, youll have to tweak something, you have to find where the flashplayer plugin was installed to, and run: nspluginswrapper -i <file>    on it06:31
Guzacan some one help06:32
Guzai was type06:32
Guzasudo -l06:32
ricoso how do i break some of the spare HDD into a new partition?06:32
Guzaand password06:32
astro76!enter | Guza06:32
ubotuGuza: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:32
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: thanks i'll try that out immediately06:32
Tendervittlesastro: when i try to enable it under restricted drivers it says no software source, same for my graphics card06:32
ricoput the ubuntu cd in or is it a program i need to DL?06:32
varaonaidis it safe to use synaptic to remove gnome-control-center then reinstall or will it bork my system?  it seems to be broken06:32
TheOnlyMerlinI personally would like a friendly, cross platform / cross-computer data storage system.  A data layer that would make what computer I am on and what OS I am using more irrelevant.06:32
astro76varaonaid, well, reinstalling things usually doesn't fix anything anyway (that's a windows kludge)06:33
ricoi think ill just start from scratch, i havent got anything on this that aint irriplaceable.... yet :P06:33
Guzaso can someone help me with sudo privilages? i can enter as root in my system06:33
varaonaidastro76: i06:33
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, the file you are looking for is: libflashplayer.so06:33
astro76Tendervittles, hmm? are you unable to install software through synaptic also? what is the error exactly?06:33
matkixI've got a question. I'm running ubuntu server and have added a usb drive. How would I mount this drive so I can use it for backup?06:33
ricogod i hate windows atm06:34
varaonaid'm missing a package that should have been in that but I don't have it06:34
Tendervittlesi have installed ndiswrapper through synaptic06:34
WengAlright. So. I have 4 displays up now. Is there anyway to make the GDM *NOT* stretch out across all of them? Or am I going to have to make my own custom GDM?06:34
Tendervittlesi think06:34
MasterShrekLimCore_, you want to run nspluginwrapper -i libflashplayer.so         on the flashplayer plugin file, im not sure exactly where its located but eek_teh_cat is looking for it too, so you two help eachother :)06:34
ricoso Wine will run SOME games but not all?06:34
* MasterShrek isnt using ubuntu, otherwise id help you two find it06:34
matkixAnyone willing to help mount a usb drive?06:34
varaonaidrico: yes some but not all06:34
matkixon ubuntu servr06:34
Nvrnightintelikey: I got it to the file: /etc/X11/xorg.com, what do I do now that this screen is up06:35
chronosxmatkix: is your usb drive ntfs formatted?06:35
ricoso any idea why VMplayer wont work?06:35
Wengrico: If it's DirectX-only, it's safe to assume it won't work. If it's OpenGL, it's usually safe to assume it will work to at least some extent.06:35
Nvrnightand ty btw, never made it this far without the screen going off06:35
chronosxmatkix: install ntfs-3g06:35
matkixchronosx: not sure, I just picked her up at officemax.06:35
ricocoz i initially wanted to run a virtual machine, got the machine ready but need VM player to well, play it :P lol06:35
eek_teh_catwhat's that little * mean06:35
MasterShrekrico, i think virtualbox will play it too, and its probably easier to install06:35
ricoworth a try06:36
ricois ti free?06:36
MasterShrekyes, its in the repos06:36
MasterShrek!info virtualbox06:36
matkixchronosx: how would i run the package manager from shell to install ntfs-3g?06:36
ubotuPackage virtualbox does not exist in gutsy06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virualizers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:36
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications06:36
WengVMWare under Linux is a magical, magical thing. Getting it installed is almost like a Linux IQ test.06:37
LongfellowHey guys, im trying to install steam with Wine and when I open the install file with wine i get nothing06:37
chronosxmatkix: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g06:37
TendervittlesAstro: the exact output is: The Software Source for the package: bcm43xx-fwcutter is not enabled.06:37
eek_teh_catinstalling flash form mozilla isn't putting a libflashplayer.so anywhere, but i believe the packagemanager will, and from that we should be able to  nspluginwrapper it.06:37
ricoive found its install06:37
MasterShrekok =P06:37
matkixchronosx: now how might I go about the mounting of this drive?06:37
bosco# linux06:37
boscojoin/# linux06:37
chronosxmatkix: it is already automatic on ubuntu06:38
matkixSo what would it be named? / how can I access it?06:38
MasterShrekmatkix, sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/xxxx /mount/point06:38
ricoyay, this 1 is INSTALLING :D lol06:38
MasterShrekmatkix, sudo fdisk -l    will give you the /dev/xxxx name, and just mount it whereever you want, making sure there is a directory there06:38
ricounlike VM player :P06:38
chronosxit will appear as hard disk icon on the desktop, the name is based on the volume name of the drive06:38
MasterShrekchronosx, hes running server06:39
boscoi am having a problem getting my a atheros wireless card to work with ubuntu can anyone help me ?????06:39
matkixchronosx: no desktop / server06:39
chronosxMasterShrek: i thought the only difference with ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server is lamp stack :-)06:39
TendervittlesCan anyone help me get on my wireless network with ubuntu? i have a WMP54G from Linksys and it works correctly in XP on the same machine06:39
`slushpuppy\Hi, I have a problem with scroll lag in ubuntu06:40
MasterShreknope, server has no gui by default06:40
Wengbosco: You'll need to install madwifi for an Atheros board.06:40
chronosxhaven't yet tried lamp, i like postgresql better :D06:40
matkixchronosx: I got no option for a gui. Not that I need one. This is a nagios / backup box!06:40
RedHeronGot an error... any help here?06:40
boscoWeng, did that and still ran into problems dont know what it is can you help me further06:41
MasterShrekTendervittles, system > admin > software sources        and enable universe and multiverse then try that process you were doing before06:41
ricowell it seems to have installed, so where is it hiding?06:41
marupaHi, I'm an artist and using Ubuntu, got my tablet working, however...whenever there's ANYTHING on the clipboard, whenever I tip-down it tries to paste the contents of the clipboard, leading to annoying errors in gimp, and problems with programs.06:41
Filled-voidLooking for a software to reduce the size of my digitcal camera pictures. I have to put them in an OO document.06:41
marupaFilled-void, imagemagick06:41
matkixSo I found the drive to be /dev/sdb1, now if I wanted to mount that as backup.... I would need to first make a directory nameb backup and then run the command to mount it there? What might that command look like.... and how can I get this to mount to this on every boot?06:41
chronosxmatkix: if it doesn't automount on /media folder, try:  sudo mkdir /media/your_preferred_volume_name_here.  then  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb /media/your_preferred_volume_name_here06:41
MasterShrekmarupa, is Emulate3Buttons enabled in your xorg.conf?06:41
Filled-voidmarupa, Thanks will check that out06:41
RedHeronAny help on a weird error?06:41
marupaMasterShrek, Yes06:42
MasterShrekmatkix, first, yes make sure there is a folder where you plan to mount it06:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tablet - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:42
MasterShrekmarupa, disable it06:42
Wengbosco: Does ifconfig list an ath0 and/or a wifi0?06:42
intelikeyRedHeron you'll have to post it before you will get any help on it.06:42
TendervittlesMaster: they were already checked06:42
RedHeronThe running kernel lacks CONFIG_IDE_TASK_IOCTL support06:42
marupaMasterShrek, Won't that disable my scrolling?06:42
MasterShrekmatkix, next, you can mount it by: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /backup       (it was ntfs right?)06:42
MasterShrekmarupa, i dont think so06:43
marupaMasterShrek, Mkay, I'll try it.06:43
MasterShrekmarupa, no promises though :P06:43
intelikeyRedHeron ah nice.   you build that kernel or is it stock ?06:43
boscoWeng, no it does not just "eth0" which is my ethernet and "lo" which is me06:43
matkixMasterShrek: yeah yeah :) office max special, need a 500 gig backup drive.06:43
RedHeronGutsy on AMD64 w/ nVidia chipset06:43
earlmredso i installed the official nvidia drivers06:43
earlmredeverything was working06:43
earlmredi rebooted06:43
earlmredand X is in low-graphics mode.06:43
intelikeyRedHeron you may need to fetch another one   or roll your own.06:43
rc-1I want my automount demon to NOT automatically remove devices when the external hard drives spin down, is there a way?06:44
MasterShrekmatkix, also, you can put this line at the end of your /etc/fstab: /dev/sdb1    /backup    ntfs-3g      defaults       0     006:44
matkixMasterShrek: Ooops, its fat32.... what do you think I should do?06:44
RedHeronintelikey: Do you mean recompile my own?06:44
intelikeyRedHeron what is burping out that error message anyway ?06:44
MasterShrekmatkix, use vfat instead of ntfs-3g06:44
intelikeyRedHeron yes.06:44
Wengbosco: lsmod | grep ath_hal06:44
eek_teh_catlim: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz contains libflashplayer.so06:44
RedHeronintelikey: hdparm is, because I'm trying to unlock/erase a HDD and I don't know WTF I'm doing.06:44
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, use the entire nick, so they notice you :)06:45
matkixMasterShrek: So then just add this to the /etc/fstab?06:45
TendervittlesCan anyone help me connect to my wireless network? i am using: Ubuntu 7.10 and a WMP54g Linksys wireless NIC06:45
`slushpuppy\Hi, I have a problem with ubuntu, ever since i switched computers and did: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh -xserver-xorg, scrolling became very very slow06:45
MasterShrekmatkix, yes, that last one i sent you, except use vfat instead of ntfs-3g obviously06:45
earlmred"failed to initialize the nvidia kernel module"06:45
eek_teh_catoh, heh k06:45
boscoWeng, NO OUTPUT06:45
intelikeyRedHeron oh.    ok.   trying to totally blank a disk ?06:45
chronosxmatkix:  after you do the instruction gave by MasterShrek, then type:  sudo mount -a06:45
RedHeronintelikey, yes.06:45
RedHeronintelikey: it got given to me and I got told they forgot the password so I'd have to "figure it out" to use it.06:46
adamonline45Is there an app for creating flash files in Linux?06:46
TheOnlyMerlinwhere can I get a wine tutorial for a total wine NOOB?06:46
MasterShrek!wine | TheOnlyMerlin06:46
ubotuTheOnlyMerlin: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.06:46
marupaMasterShrek, Didn't work.06:46
intelikeyRedHeron have you tried just using    cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda      where hda assumes first ide primary master06:47
matkixMasterShrek: Thanks! Now I just want to know what you think would be better for large web to server file transfers? FTP, or NFS?06:47
MasterShrekmarupa, umm, sorry, i dont know gnome very well, there should be something around there, maybe in your mouse settings to disable middle clikc to paste things, im pretty sure thats whats happening06:47
intelikeyRedHeron as root of course06:47
earlmredweird, did init 1, then init 2, works fine.06:47
RedHeronintelikey: subbed /dev/hdb and just trying it now.06:47
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: nspluginwrapper says the plugin is not a valid NPAPI plugin06:48
MasterShrekmatkix, are you transferring outside of your subnet?06:48
Wengbosco: dmesg | less and look around for any mention of ath_hal06:48
boscoi am having a problem getting my a atheros wireless card to work with ubuntu can anyone help me ?????06:48
intelikeyRedHeron can't use   sudo cat    because the shell has to be owned by root for root to redirrect the output.    just incase you didn't know that.06:48
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, hmm, thats how i did it, let me check on something for you really quick...06:48
matkixMasterShrek: Yup, its from my colo in atlanta to my network at home.06:48
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: sure, thank you06:48
RedHeronintelikey: I do most hardware-level things as root because it won't allow it otherwise.06:48
MasterShrekmatkix, i would use ftp06:48
intelikeyRedHeron assuming that works,   you should be able to simply partition/format the thing.06:49
RedHeronintelikey: that would rock! (it's still running)06:49
chronosxbosco: google about ndiswrapper06:49
Tendervittlesi cannot get ndiswrapper to work06:49
intelikeyRedHeron it will take a while to write that many goose eggs06:49
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, try this: nspluginwrapper -i /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so06:49
osmosis_apt-get upgrade   shows a new  xen-image-2.6.19-4-server  package. How do I figure out what changed before I install it?06:49
matkixMasterShrek: The best way to configure ftp in Ubuntu server is?06:50
eek_teh_catMasterShrek Ok06:50
RedHeronintelikey: I'll check back in about 6 hours... ;-)06:50
=== matthijs is now known as Ilovejump
Wengchronosx: ndiswrapper sucks pretty hard, and the entire point of an Atheros card is prettymuch to avoid having to use it :P06:50
MasterShrekmatkix, proftpd is what ive used06:50
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd06:50
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP06:50
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boscoMeng Nothing poped up06:51
chronosxWeng: yeah, i knew, if there's no other option, just use it :-)06:51
eek_teh_catstill the same thing06:51
matkixMasterShrek: What one comes pre-installed on ubuntu server?06:51
boscoWeng, nothing poped up06:51
MasterShrekmatkix, im not sure to be honest06:51
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: Hmm. so weird, i can't believe 64bit just can't emulate 32bit programs, or something like that06:51
boscoWeng, about athoros at leaste06:51
AirstrikeIvanovHello everyone, is it possible to install the server edition of Ubuntu off of a Live CD?06:51
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, try that command with sudo maybe, but i doubt thats going to work06:51
MasterShrekAirstrikeIvanov, no06:52
j0hn__hey, i just installed something and i'm having some problems getting it to work. could somebody please help me?06:52
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: I actually think it's something stupid like me not typing it in correctly06:53
Wengbosco: Is this a PCMCIA board, or miniPCI?06:53
jb0nd38372j0hn__, What did you install? what kinda problem are you having with it?06:53
chronosxwhat's the best gui admin for vsftp? btw, i'm using proftpd because of easier admin tool (gproftpd). is vsftpd really faster than proftpd? i haven't seen any much benchmarks pitting the two06:53
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: I just did something simililar with a non existent file and i get the same error06:53
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, try: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux32 lib32asound206:53
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, then try again06:53
RedHeronintelikey: what, no "dog" command? ;-)06:53
TendervittlesCan anyone help me connect to my wireless network? Ubuntu 7.10 WMP54G Linksys wireless NIC06:53
boscoWeng, it is a acer laptop so i am usuming it is minipci via it being a laptop06:53
RedHeronSystem load average: 13.106:54
RedHeronSystem load average: 13.2606:54
Wengbosco: You've tried using restricted-manager, right? (I can't talk you through that because I'm running a custom kernel and r-m is broken as a result)06:54
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, apparently its supposed to auto wrap the plugin though, i dont know why its not working... nspluginwrapper -l    give you any output?06:54
tarelerulzI have other computer with a ftp server on it .  I don't have a router  ,but I do have cat 5 cable to connect them both.  What do I to ftp to the other box?06:54
RedHeronWhat is "load average" measuring?06:54
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: i'm sure it has something to do with the file not being there, i just checked, but instead informing me of invalid file location it just gives that useless error06:55
boscoWeng, can you talk me through doing that06:55
NvrnightHow do I perform the WriteOut after I have edited the file, it says ^O for writeout but what exactly does that mean06:55
astro76tarelerulz, you will need a crossover cable if you are going straight from NIC to NIC06:55
boscoWeng, can you talk me through doing that06:55
MasterShrekTendervittles, that card is supported in the kernel, if you would have listened you would have it installed already, without messing around with ndiswrapper, which is a crude hack adn should be avoided if possible06:55
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
TendervittlesWhen i set my resolution in Ubuntu to 1680x1050 everything is too big for the screen and wont all fit...that is what my monitor calls for, works fine in 144006:55
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, but the file is there isnt it, you just downloaded it right?06:55
TendervittlesMasterShrek: listeed to what?06:56
MasterShrekTendervittles, using the restricted drivers manager to install the card06:56
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: it's on my desktop, but not in the usr dir06:56
Wengbosco: Unfortunately no :( I've never actually seen the thing06:56
TendervittlesMastershrek, yes i tried this and it would not work06:56
Tendervittlesmastershrek, and then i checked the boxes you said to check06:56
MasterShrekeek_teh_cat, extract the files, and move them to /home/user/.mozilla/plugins06:56
j0hn__jb0nd38372: i'm trying to install cdemu. the website is http://cdemu.sf.net - but a new version forked from them which i downloaded here: http://kabelkaos.net/cdemu/cdemu-vhba/userspace-cdemu-2007-08-23.tar - i extracted that and all those inside of it. installed everything. now i try running cdemud and i get an error saying "failed to open control device /dev/vhba_ctl!"06:56
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: ok06:56
astro76Tendervittles, I believe you were having an issue with apt, you should paste that exact error and try to get that fixed06:56
marupaAnyone else have any ideas on how to get rid of the problem with my tablet that I'm having?06:57
marupaIt doesn't seem to happen at all when I use a mouse, just my tablet.06:57
tarelerulzAstro76 how do you tell which is which ? crossover cable or cat 5 ?  I think I have done it with cat 5 cable before ,but that was with windows.   I set this computers ip to static  ,but I don't know  ubuntu06:57
Tendervittlesi cannot paste, i am on another comp because i cannot get online with the ubuntu machine06:57
boscoWeng so what am i going to do06:57
mahitihi, what socket error means06:58
MasterShrektarelerulz, regular cat5 will have all 8 wires the same on each end06:58
astro76tarelerulz, unless one of them can auto-detect, if you did it before then it should be ok06:58
j0hn__jb0nd38372: vhba is one of the things to install with the package in the link above... i did the "sudo make install" and it worked. what else should i have done?06:58
MasterShrektarelerulz, crossover will have a few switched, i cant remember which ones exactly06:58
j0hn__jb0nd38372: do you think you'll be able to help me?06:58
TendervittlesMaster, do you have any other suggestions on getting the restricted drivers manager to work?06:59
NvrnightCan someone tell me how to save the change that I have made to the xorg.conf file using nano?06:59
matkixHow do you add a user and set a home directory?06:59
MasterShrekTendervittles, that machine must be online to get that working, can you plug it in for like 10 minutes?06:59
\`slushpuppy`\Hi, I have an issue with scrolling lag on ubuntu06:59
magaioDoes anyone have 1280x800 console working with Intel 945GM (or more specifically, Dell's newer e1505n Ubuntu Laptop)?07:00
RedHeronWhat does "load average" measure?07:00
RedHeronAnyone at all?07:00
boscoi am having a problem getting my a atheros wireless card to work with ubuntu can anyone help me ?????07:00
TendervittlesMastershrek, no i cannot, not at this moment, but when i can plug it in what do i need to do?07:00
astro76RedHeron, load average explanation: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/900107:00
tarelerulz it says cat 5e on it and it has 8 wires with the same collars on each end .  Now I don't know what to do with Ubuntu's part ? any ideas07:00
MasterShrekTendervittles, youll need to go to the restricted drivers manager and enable your card, after that it should work just fine07:01
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hou5tonanyone checked out linuxmint?07:01
RedHeronastro76: I can't open any new programs right now.07:01
TendervittlesMaster, does it get the driver online?07:01
astro76RedHeron, ok07:01
RedHeronastro76: load average 18.9207:01
MasterShrekTendervittles, essentially, if you want to get technical, it already has the driver, it just needs the firmware off the internet07:02
astro76RedHeron, type top and see what process is using up the cpu07:02
j0hn__can somebody please help me? i just installed something and i'm having an issue getting it to work07:02
astro76!ask | j0hn__07:02
ubotuj0hn__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:02
RedHeronastro76: already know... blanking a HDD07:02
TendervittlesMaster, thank you, i will attempt this tomorrow07:02
rebrainhi... what does it mean when i get this in terminal: :~$ sudo apt-get install x;       sudo: must be setuid root07:02
Lumpy^hey.. is rootkit is infecting linux ? i think some of the files in my samba not updating the timestamp while im saving the file...07:03
MasterShrekrebrain, is your user in the admin group?07:03
boscoWeng you there07:03
boscoi am having a problem getting my a atheros wireless card to work with ubuntu can anyone help me ?????07:03
eek_teh_catMasterShrek: this is just too frustrating right now, i'm going to work on it later, thanks for the help07:03
MasterShreknp eek_teh_cat07:03
TendervittlesAlso, 1680x1050 does not work with my ubuntu, everything is too big for the monitor, can anyone help?07:03
MasterShrekgood luck07:03
astro76Lumpy^, that's a pretty crazy leap to make, your samba problem is probably not due to a rootkit07:03
rebrainMasterShrek: yeah i am kinda the only user of this computer and i have created this account while installing Ubuntu07:04
LimCore_MasterShrek: http://rafb.net/p/FNHmQj18.html07:04
astro76rebrain, what's the output of: ls -l /usr/bin/sudo07:04
\`slushpuppy`\Hi, I have an issue with scrolling lag on ubuntu07:04
rebraini also can not get the installer working, auto update finds the new updates but after i click UPDATE it does not make anything.07:04
Tendervittlesslush, are you using the live CD?07:05
marupaAnyone know how to turn off middle mouse button paste in gnome?07:05
astro76\`slushpuppy`\, explain?07:05
rebrainastro76: -rwxr-xr-x 1 rebrain root 91776 2007-06-15 14:49 /usr/bin/sudo07:05
astro76rebrain, hmm yeah that's definitely not suid root anymore07:05
MasterShrekLimCore_, hmm, thats really strange, i dont know why it wouldnt be working to be honest with you, im not using ubuntu, but i am using a 64 bit version of a different distro, and thats how i did it07:06
* MasterShrek has to get to bed though, tests tomorrow... :(07:06
\`slushpuppy`\Alright astro76, I have ubuntu install in my external harddrive. When i transfered to another computer, the graphics didn't work so I did dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver. This solved the graphic problems07:06
rebrainastro76: so what do i need to do? cuz i got no idea :(07:06
\`slushpuppy`\But now typing and scolling is slow and laggy07:06
\`slushpuppy`\Hold on a min astro76 , let me reboot07:07
LimCore_is it possible to install flash on amd64 7.10?  http://rafb.net/p/FNHmQj18.html07:08
rebrainastro76: are u still there?07:08
unikoncan tor be installed on ubuntu 7.1007:09
databitshey can someone here help me figure this sandvine out07:09
astro76rebrain, to fix it try: sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo07:09
databitsI figure out how to get around the sandvine but I am not sure it is telling me that I need to throw the script in a filie and run it as root07:09
databitshow would I go about doing this ?07:09
subhahi all07:10
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:10
\`slushpuppy`\Sorry Astro for wasting your time, I checked the retricted drivers and enabled it. Thanks very much for your time!07:10
boscocan anyone help me out    bosco@bosco:~/Desktop$ sudo modprobe ndiwrapper07:10
bosco[sudo] password for bosco:07:10
boscoSorry, try again.07:10
bosco[sudo] password for bosco:07:10
boscoFATAL: Module ndiwrapper not found07:10
astro76\`slushpuppy`\, no worries ;)07:10
subhawhat is the irc channel for dicussing ubuntu security/07:11
marupaAnyone?  I really need this disabled, I cannot work on pictures if every time I try to draw it tries to open what I last copy/pasted and gives errors.07:11
databitshey can someone help me out with some simple stuff I am a newbie to linux07:11
databitsI have somthing that I want to run as root07:11
boscodatabits, what do you need help with07:11
marupadatabits, use sudo07:11
rebrainastro76: "sudo: must be setuid root" shows up again...07:11
astro76!sudo | databits07:11
ubotudatabits: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.07:11
chronosxbosco: typo error, ndiswrapper.  not ndiwrapper07:11
\`slushpuppy`\astro76 , is is possible to boot ubuntu on different machines without having to keep reconfiguring?07:12
astro76rebrain, can I see the output if you run ls -l /usr/bin/sudo again?07:12
astro76\`slushpuppy`\, AFAIK ubuntu is not really set up to auto detect hardware changes on every boot... something like knoppix is07:12
rebrainastro76: -rwsr-xr-x 1 rebrain root 91776 2007-06-15 14:49 /usr/bin/sudo07:12
boscochronosx,  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper07:12
boscoFATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.07:12
\`slushpuppy`\^ I was recommended to change to something like that :D07:13
nyce_i have so issues setting up a usb audio device07:13
astro76rebrain, sudo chown root:root /usr/bin/sudo07:13
nyce_some issues*07:13
databitsI just sent you a msg bosco07:13
subhahow can i authenticate an user while attaching an USB in my system?07:13
databitsdid you get it bosco ?07:14
boscodatabits, then i typed one back07:14
databitsI didn't get it for some reason that is weird07:14
databitseither way07:14
boscosudo modprobe ndiswrapper ---- module ndiswrapper not found still07:14
rebrainastro76: the same error. is there any way to just return all the settings to defaults?07:14
astro76!register | databits bosco07:14
ubotudatabits bosco: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration07:14
databitshow would I get that file to run ?07:14
astro76rebrain, oh right sorry, you are trying to use sudo to fix broken sudo07:15
rebrainastro76: yeah :)07:15
nyce_Can anyone help me with installing a usb audio device / sound card07:15
Erealzhey I need to know how to file a bug report correctly what logs to include and all that couse I feel that 7.10 has a lot of bugs. anyone know of a tutorial on the forums or support section of ubuntu.com07:15
astro76rebrain, you will need livecd or boot into recovery mode to fix the ownership on sudo07:16
Erealzoh by the way I have a launchpad just never have all the info they request sometime07:16
boscodatabits, can you send your message publicly07:16
databitsIf you are using Ubuntu or another non-Red Hat Linux derivative, then place the following in a file and execute that file as root.07:17
rebrainastro76: i got it. should i boot the live OS from CD and click install ??? or should i do something else?07:17
databitsthat is what is on the site I am reading this off07:17
databitstrying to get around the sandvine on comcast07:18
databitshow would I go about running the file ?07:18
databitsI take it you just throw everything in a txt file how would you go about running it ?07:18
boscodatabits, what do i do about my wireless07:20
Haruhi.. is there a way to access internet over ssh?? as in i have a system w/ direct internet access, while another with ssh access to this system07:20
Haruso i want to access net on the 2nd system using the 1st system over ssh07:21
databitswhat problem are you having with your wireless ?07:21
boscoi am having a problem i have installed ndiswrapper but it is telling me that the module ndiswrapper is not found07:21
databitscouldn't tell you man07:22
databitsnoob to the whole linux thing if it was a networking question I could do it not linux though07:22
databitshow do I get the file to run07:22
databitsit is a script07:22
databitsto throw some shit in the iptables07:23
boscodatabits, it just wont turn on at all and i cant access anything with it07:23
boscoit says module ndiswrapper is not installed when it alredy is07:23
astro76rebrain, no, if you mount the harddrive in the livecd, then you can chown your sudo on the installed system07:23
databitswireless card07:23
astro76rebrain, e.g. once it's mounted sudo /media/disk1/usr/bin/sudo07:23
databitsjust a card you are trying to get workin07:23
boscodatabits, yes wireless card07:23
astro76rebrain, err sudo chown root:root /media/disk1/usr/bin/sudo07:23
boscodatabits, yes07:23
databitssystem isn't pickin it up07:24
anton__Hello, I'm trying to get .flac-files working on xmms...they won't work...why?07:24
databitswell your card isn't going to do anything until your system recognizes it07:24
boscodatabits, no not at all not even that i have ndiswrapper installed evendly07:24
databitsI couldn'lt tell you man07:24
astro76rebrain, and an easy way to automount it if it doesn't already is to go to system > administration > gnome partition editor07:24
boscodatabits, right i know that i need to get the system to reconigz it07:25
databitsnot sure how to do it07:25
databitsbut it sounds like your system dosn't knwo where to look for the driver07:25
rebrainastro76: thanks alot. :) i will try that. later :)07:25
boscodatabits, the system does reconigze it though 05:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications, Inc. AR5006EG 802.11 b/g Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)07:25
boscodatabits, lspci output07:25
databitsthat is weird07:25
Ademanthere's an environment variable to specify where to look for shared objects right? (similar to the PATH variable)07:26
databitsbosco, do you know how I can get this script file to run ?07:26
df00zwhat is the "ubuntu way" to blacklist a module?07:26
df00zi dont want ath_pci or ath_hal to load07:26
boscowhat script file are you talking about07:26
df00zI want to use ndiswrapper07:26
df00zI could do it manually, or hack some scripts07:26
df00zbut whats the proper way07:26
astro76Ademan, I don't think it's in an environment variable... printenv will list all your set variables07:27
databitsI am trying to block all the rst traffic on my torrent port so I can get around the sandvine shit on comcast07:27
Ademanthanks astro7607:27
databitsit is a file to throw some shit in the iptables07:27
AproposWhoah. Quite a few people in here.07:27
databitsit isn't very desciptive07:27
n2diy! blacklist | df00z07:27
ubotudf00z: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »07:27
bulmer!language | databits07:27
ubotudatabits: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:27
databitsjust says to throw it in a file and run as root07:28
boscodatabits, do you wanna see if i am a nube or not is that your goal lol07:28
AproposHahah. I don't suppose anyone here knows anything about Compiz? New to Ubuntu and have been arguing with it for a few hours with minimal success.07:28
df00zThanks much07:28
databitsbosco, I'm a noob with linux07:28
databitsI am asking you07:29
df00zn2diy: can i add it to "blacklist" ?07:29
df00zor do i need to use my_blacklist07:29
n2diy! blacklist | df00z07:29
ubotudf00z: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »07:29
databitsbosco, do you knwo what to do ?07:29
databitsdoes anyone know what to do ?07:30
df00zmy_blacklist doesnt exist07:30
databitsseems like it is a pretty simple solution I just don't knwo what I am doing07:30
tritiumdf00z: read the instructions you were just given07:30
df00zI just did..the file doesn't exist...do I create it? or can I use blacklist?07:31
n2diydf00z: use my nick, if you want me to see your replies.07:31
databitsbrosco, ?07:31
boscodatabits, i dont know either on that one srry07:31
boscodatabits, do you know how to fix my wireless07:31
databitsbrosco, ugh thanks07:32
ricoIve installed Virtual Box but cant find how to start it lol07:32
bulmerdatabits-> yes just put that script on a file and make the executable then run it as root07:32
databitshow do you make it exe ?07:33
databitssudo chmod +x/07:33
bulmerdatabits in linux world, it is not called exe you change to mode of the file to eXecutable07:33
databitsbulmer, sudo chmod +x07:34
databitsthat correct07:34
adamonline45Is there a good vector graphics app?  I know I heard it mentioned here before, that all you need is GIMP and ________, and you've got all you need!07:34
tritiumdatabits: you need to follow that with the filename07:34
bulmerdatabits you have to include the file name after +x07:34
tritiumdatabits: type "man chmod" for details07:34
databitsbulmer, so sudo chmod +x /etc/X11/filename07:34
databits+x tells it to be exe07:34
bulmerdatabits i suggest putting that script in your home dir not at /etc/X1107:34
perfectoradamonline45: try using inkscape07:35
databitsok thanks bulmer07:35
tarelerulzHow do you ftp to other computer use cat 5 .  I   have wireless and eth port  .   How do i tell it which one to use07:35
adamonline45perfector: I'll check it out, thank you 8)07:35
ricohow do i start a program thats not in the applications list?07:35
perfectorrico: from the terminal..07:36
ricowhat do i type?07:36
tritiumrico: also, from Alt-F207:36
bulmerrico  /path/to/file  -"options here"07:36
perfectorrico: the program name07:36
friendlysysafter you make changes to your zone files, how do you make it affect changes immediately?  just restart named ?07:36
n2diyrico, the program's name07:36
perfectorrico: what r u trying to start?07:37
tarelerulzin the past I used windows and I set my lan port to an static and I forget what protocol I used .  Anyone07:37
ricovirtual box07:37
perfectorrico: type virtual and hit the tab key twice to give u the names os all the apps that start with virtual07:38
databitswhat is the command to delete a file in terminal ?07:38
tritiumdatabits: rm07:38
databitssudo del /blah/bah ?07:38
n2diytarelerulz: can you ping your target?07:38
tarelerulzI will see if I can ping it07:38
ricoin what program perfector?07:38
tritiumdatabits: please try to fit your replies on one line.  No need to hit enter repeatedly07:38
Lumpy^how cna i remove rootkit from linux? is that possible without to do reinstall?07:38
boscodatabits, rm = remove07:38
perfectorrico: r u using gnome as ur desktop07:39
tritiumLumpy^: what makes you think you have a rootkit?07:39
ricoUbuntu default, so yes gnome07:39
ricoi found it07:39
Lumpy^ive scanned my linux with the tool07:39
Lumpy^and its says im infected07:39
tarelerulzn2diy , I can not ping my target07:39
ricoThis application conflicts with other installed software. To install 'virtualbox-ose' the conflicting software must be removed first.07:39
perfectorrico : find the icon called "Terminal"07:39
tritiumLumpy^: I find that highly unlikely07:39
ricoso i have to uninstall it in the admin section, 1 sec07:40
n2diytarelerulz: are YOU running a firewall?07:40
perfectorrico: pls use my nick in the line if u r conversing with me.07:40
ricosorry perfector07:41
tarelerulzI do not think so unless my xbox has an firewall and as far as I know it don't nor does this computer unless that is one of the default set up for Ubuntu 7.1007:41
ricoperfector - ok, its installing in the add/remove section07:41
ricoive got abit to learn :P07:41
perfectorrico: u mean to say "terminal is installing"??07:42
Lumpy^i got a problem that when i save a file it wont update the timestamp of it, as a result in xp i cannot see the changes of the file unless i close and open the file07:42
ricoperfector - no, i mean its installing from "add/remove", not using terminal07:42
n2diytarelerulz: use my nick in your replies, or they will get lost in the traffic. Can you ping
sunogbagaLumpy^: use touch07:42
perfectorrico: whats installing?07:42
ricoand it works, yay :D07:42
ricoPerfector - Virtual box07:43
ricoPerfector - it works07:43
perfectorrico: cool thats gr807:43
Lumpy^yeah but i use samba07:43
Lumpy^and i dont want every time i save a file to do touch07:43
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databitsbulmer, I did sudo chmod +x /home/databits/Documents/torrentfix.fix07:44
ricoPerfector - thanks for the help :)07:44
databitsbulmer, then it went back to the prompt didn't say anything what do I do now ?07:44
perfectorrico: your welcome07:45
tarelerulzN2diy ,  I am sorry for that.  I normally put my lan port to static 192.168.x.xxx  and subnet to 255.255.255 and I leave the defaut gateway blank .  ftp xxx:xxx@192.168.x.xxx on the command line07:45
tarelerulzI get nothing07:46
n2diytarelerulz: use my nick in your replies, or they will get lost in the traffic. Can you ping
ricoPerfector - how do i register on IRC so i can PM people etc07:46
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perfectorrico: u mean to say u r not registered??07:46
sunogbagaLumpy^: is this the same for all the programs? or.. are the workstations in time sync?07:46
bulmerdatabits sudo  /path/to/file07:47
ricoThe VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect..07:47
tarelerulzn3diy it says  unknown host when I ping  ping
ricorico - i got that message07:47
n2diytarelerulz: can you ping
ricolol, i mean perfector07:47
ricoperfector - no im not registered in IRC07:47
tarelerulzN2diy I can not ping it07:47
perfectorrico: type "/msg NickServ help" for all the options07:48
tarelerulzN2diy , I can ping the ip of what I set my lan port too.07:49
databitsbulmer, this isn't working for some reason I got t to do the terminal but for some reason it isn't working07:49
bulmerdatabits you have to understand what the script does..not sure if you understood it or not07:49
ricoREGISTER commando07:50
earlmredoh man07:50
earlmredi forgot how annoying twinview mode was07:50
earlmredi'll have to reconfigure so they're separate screens07:50
n2diytarelerulz: ok, weird, you should be able to ping your own box, Can you ping outside your LAN?07:50
databitsthe script is putting entries into the iptables to block rst traffic on my torrent port ... I am not able to upload at all for my torrents trying to get around that sandvine bull07:51
ricohow do i change my nick so I can register, Rico is taken07:51
bulmerdatabits-> do you know how to check if you have firewall rules?07:51
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=== rico_ is now known as rico
databitsno how do I do that07:51
arooni-mobileif i have 4GB of ram... do i need a 64  bit version of ubuntu to see/use it alL?07:51
AprilHarewow http://www.mslinux.org/07:52
bulmerdatabits google for iptables tutorial  i dont have the time to explain right now07:52
AprilHarehello kuerva07:52
kuervaspanish people??07:52
n2diy! sp | kuerva07:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:53
bulmer!es | kuerva07:53
ubotukuerva: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:53
n2diy! es | kuerva07:53
tarelerulzN2diy  , have my xbox via cat 5 and I can ping something called Link encap:Local Loopback which is : and I can ping eth0 which is my lan port ,but not the xbox07:53
ricoPerfector - I started Virtual box and got this error message "The VirtualBox kernel driver is not accessible to the current user. Make sure that the user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups. You will need to logout for the change to take effect.."07:54
n2diytarelerulz: xbox?!?, cool.07:54
ricoPerfector - how do i fix that07:55
n2diytarelerulz: what does ping -b tell you?07:55
arooni-mobileim having trouble with getting ram installed on my asus p5n-e sli.... basically it was working great when i had 2gb of crucial pc6400 memory.  i bought a 2gb pack from frys today a-tech pc 6400.... and every configuration i can think of fails memtest  (has > 1 error) ... and sometimes computer just shuts down........ ideas?07:55
tarelerulzN2diy I can ping the xbox ip  I was doing ping wrong I think07:55
hwildeHello I am running apache on a machine with an internal and external IP Address.  I can ssh to the machine on both interfaces, but sometimes the external apache cannot be accessed.  I have specified both interface in ports.conf but that did not fix it.  Any suggestions?07:56
n2diytarelerulz: ok, so if you can ping the xbox, you should be able to ftp to it.07:56
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tarelerulzN2diy , I can ping the xbox .  Mybe I am doing ftp wrong . not the right format.  I did this ftp username:passward@ and I get unknow host07:57
sunogbagatarelerulz: wrong format07:58
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n2diytarelerulz: try "ftp
sunogbagatarelerulz: ftp host.com then ul be prompted for username and password07:58
perfectorrico: im not sure i have not used much of virtual box...07:59
odinrikoGcc is unable to create an executable file....what does this mean?07:59
n2diytarelerulz: sunogbaga, yes, exactly07:59
perfectorrico: im not sure i have not used much of virtual box...07:59
QaxiHi, I have (and love) to make and finish project to place 130 PC with Linux onto our corporate network.08:00
QaxiCan you point me to information sources about *buntu in enterprise environment?08:00
QaxiMain points of interest: IRC or mailing groups to discuss souch topic, HowTo make custom instalation, automaticaly adding packages, restrict user changes to OpenOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox ...08:00
tarelerulzn2diy I did what you said ftp and it says No route to host08:00
hwildeodinriko, sudo apt-get install g++08:00
odinrikohwilde: isn't that part of build essential?08:00
wallabeewhat is the best solution to install a  telnet server?08:00
n2diytarelerulz: and you can ping it?08:00
odinrikog++ is already the newest version.08:00
ricoPerfector - fixed it, i went to user and added the virtual box group it asked for then signed out and back in and it works :)08:00
perfectorrico: thats gr808:01
ricoPerfector - is there a shortcut key to switch between the 2 desks on the bottome right?08:01
bulmerQaxi-> you may want to use suse or fedora for enterprise, they include nice tools for enterprise management08:01
hwildeodinriko, are you root08:01
odinrikohwilde: via sudo, ya08:02
perfectorrico: ctrl+alt+left/right arrow key08:02
hwilderico, try 3ddesktop08:02
n2diytarelerulz: and you can ping it?08:02
tarelerulzn2diy I can't find it says this From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable08:02
hwildeodinriko, i had that error and i reinstalled g++ and that worked.08:02
ricoperfector - thanks :)08:03
sunogbagatarelerulz: that means ur not connected to that host08:03
ricohwilde - how do i do 3ddesktop?08:03
tarelerulzN2diy , I don't walls see such.  most the time when it says unknow host that mean I am not connected08:03
hwilderico, search for it in synaptic.  you can map it to a key so you can scroll through the desktops like a pictureviewer thing08:03
tarelerulzI have the xbox connected via a cat 5 cord08:03
tarelerulzI can't be more connect then that08:04
sunogbagatarelerulz: not literally08:04
n2diytarelerulz: ok, so you have a cable problem, or something isn't configed right.08:04
n2diytarelerulz: Can you ping
tarelerulzN2diy ,what do I need. I have an ip static , sub net and default gate way which is blank . I will ping that08:05
sunogbagatarelerulz: try this sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:05
hwildei'm sure his interfaces file is not setup right08:06
ricohwilde - what do i type in the search to bring it up, desktop brought up too much :p08:06
tarelerulzSunogbaga, will I not lose wireless if I do that?08:06
sunogbagatarelerulz: try give us the result08:06
hwilderico, duh what are you searching for.. . 3ddesktop08:06
n2diytarelerulz: Can you ping
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sunogbagatarelerulz: it might get reconfigured08:07
boguhhi, can i create an encrypted partition on an md device?08:07
tarelerulzn2diy I can ping that .08:07
n2diytarelerulz: Can you ping your router?08:08
tarelerulzN2diy I don't have a router . I just have the xbox and this computer connected via a Cat 5 cord .08:09
sunogbagatarelerulz: how many workstations do you have?08:09
n2diytarelerulz: Ok, nic card to nic card?08:09
Qaxibulmer: Free Fedora and Suse are not an option, they have too short support, *buntu 8.04 LTS would be better08:10
QaxiI konow CentOS is option, but the Desktop part of RHEL is ... rubish ... I was born as RedHat guy (and I am still), I know whart I am saying.08:10
sunogbagatarelerulz: that's supposed to be a crossover connection if you have a nic to nic..08:10
n2diytarelerulz: Ok, nic card to nic card?08:10
sunogbagatarelerulz: is that a crossover connection?08:10
n2diytarelerulz: If you want help, answer my question, nic card to nic card?08:11
tendervittlesi cannot get my grapgics card to work with ubuntu, nor my wireless network card, can anyone help me?08:12
bulmerQaxi-> too short for support? if you pay em, support will be continous08:12
ricohwilde - 3d desktop doesnt come up08:13
tendervittleswhen i try to enable it in my Restricted drivers manager i get the error: The software source for the package08:13
tendervittles   xorg-driver-fglrx08:13
tarelerulzI put the defalt gateway as being what the xbox has and changed the ip and reset the xbox08:13
tendervittles is not enabled.08:13
hwilderico, oh i am back in feisty land sry08:14
NineTeen67CometHiall .. Besides Tigerdirect, newegg, geeks.com does anyone know a place that I could order a "decent" mobo/cpu/ram set?08:15
CaRtzcould anyone suggest a good mp3 player?08:17
tarelerulzThanks all for yourself . I am off to ftp a movie to my other computer and watch it08:18
NineTeen67CometiAudio A2, X5, U2 .. Cowon makes them ..08:18
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CaRtzoh, i mean for ubuntu. :D08:19
pinghey guys what should i do to make anti spy ware software run08:19
sunogbagaCaRtz: xmms08:20
NineTeen67CometVLC, XMMS, Banshee, Rhythmbox .. um .. Beep Media player .. there are tons, just play with them and pick the one you like .. VLC is very versatile but ugly.08:20
regiusping, do you need antispyware software in ubuntu?08:20
tarelerulzVLC is good on files I would not think anything plays like img files which is some iso format .  mplayer can play about anything else08:21
Myrttiregius: no08:21
Myrttiregius: sorry,  need more coffee08:22
pingyea i want this stuff called super anti spy ware professional its what i had before i switched if there is something better let me know but i would like to have some reguardless08:22
tarelerulzTotem is great for general media player . like the playlist features like repeat08:22
regiusping, thats a windows problem. In linux you don't need a "super mega anti spyware pro killer" program08:23
pingoh really can you explain why i just switched like in the last couple of days and am trying to learn all i can08:24
tarelerulzPing have fun with learning Linux.  This is great place to start.  I  found out about irc months ago ,but I wish I would have found it in the start .08:25
ricogood thing about Ubuntu, no - little protection needed08:25
regiusping, there is no spyware out there08:25
n2diy! ubotu | troll08:25
ubotutroll: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:25
pingwhat is irc08:25
arooni-mobilemy core2duo is running at 68* C... is that too hot?08:26
NineTeen67Cometping: you are in IRC .. ;)08:26
earlmredhmm, i'm trying to create an array with mdadm, and i'm getting the following on my drives: mdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb1: Device or resource busy08:26
earlmredany ideas? they aren't mounted...08:26
pingoh ok sorry one of my friends helped alot but went really fast and explained some but not all of what was going on sorry didn't know08:26
wroklifehow to configure network with just an ip and subnet and gateway plz help08:27
CaRtzsunogbaga: thanks08:27
Terrasquewroklife: ifconfig <eth> <ip> netmask <netmask> ; route add default gw <gw>08:27
whabois there a book for command lines in linux (general) .. i would love to learn most of them .. instead of comming back and forth for command lines.... THANK YOU08:28
wroklifeterrasque :tried it but i have 2 gigalan on my board and also it is not accepting the satatic ip08:28
lespea(that's for whabo)08:29
DoHianyone here know how to kill a GRUB?08:29
hangthedjwhabo, there is a pretty good book called wicked shell scripts, and by writing these shell scripts you will get  very familiar with the command line08:29
DoHiI need it REMOVED08:29
Spartan-XKill grub you say08:29
Terrasquewroklife: it have worked in all situations for me earlier :)08:29
Qaxibulmer: I need not payd support, here is 10 guys which know Linux, it is enought for 1000 PCs08:29
mavi-DoHi: you need the windows loader back?08:29
DoHiPM please08:29
Spartan-Xi don't think you can kill grub as it's a bootloader08:29
wroklifeterrassque: i guess its not working for me08:29
whabothank you guys ill look for both .... THANK YOU08:29
DoHiI need a GRUB GONE08:29
n2diywhabo: http://rute.2038bug.com/rute.html.gz08:30
DoHideleted no longer here08:30
mavi-DoHi: then you cant boot your computer08:30
DoHiwell not really08:30
mavi-DoHi: you need a boot loader, either grub or the windows one08:30
wroklifeterrasque i cant even use my cabenet from ubuntu08:30
sunogbagaDoHi: theres lilo08:30
DoHiwell how do I get the windows one back?08:30
DoHiI have formatted the drive a bunch of times08:30
earlmredWARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy.08:30
earlmredget that from fdisk as well.08:30
DoHithat obviously doesn't work08:30
mavi-DoHi: find a windows disk, boot to cmd and type "fdisk /mbr"08:31
DoHitried that08:31
DoHididn't work08:31
TerrasqueDoHi: start winxp recovery console and run fixmbr and fixboot08:31
sunogbagaDoHi: use the windows cd,. choose rescue mode, type fixmbr08:31
erUSULDoHi: boot with the windows cd into the recovery console and do 'fixmbr'08:31
Spartan-Xi would not fdisk the mbr08:31
DoHidid that08:31
Spartan-Xas the bootloader will be removed08:31
DoHiit didn't work08:31
Spartan-Xfirst what os (s) do you have installled08:31
Qaxibulmer: at least RHEL has no tools for limiting user changes to OpenOffice, Thunderbird, Firefox. So I am looking for opinions and experienced admins.08:31
earlmredthat error is only supposed to come up if other partitions are mounted on that disk08:31
DoHiI will try again if that's the only idea08:31
earlmredbut nothing is mounted08:31
mavi-Spartan-X: fdisk /mbr replaces the mbr with windows bootloader08:31
mavi-like fixmbr does08:32
Spartan-Xmavi-: sorry not much of a windows user :D08:32
erUSULDoHi: if it didn't work complain to microsoft not here ;P08:32
sunogbagaDoHi: that's the solution,.08:32
lespeaDoHi you could boot with knoppix and use dd to null boot sector08:32
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DoHino my issue is... complicated08:32
sunogbagaDoHi: where'd you install GRUB?08:32
DoHii want the grub gone so I can start again08:33
DoHiI'll try fixmbr? and see what happens now08:33
sunogbagaDoHi: well, wherever GRUB is., just fixmbr08:33
DoHiI currently get an error 1708:33
lespeadd if=/dev/null of=/dev/{harddrive} bs=512 count=108:34
erUSULDoHi: you have to replace grub with something a null boot sector is a dead disk08:34
TerrasqueDoHi: if yo do dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/<harddisk> and let that run for a while, everything on the disk will be overwritten by 0's08:34
DoHiyeah I tried installing UBUNTU and it still came up with my OLD GRUB08:34
lespeaTerrasque: that's why you go bs=512 count=108:34
earlmredif i change /boot/grub/menu.lst do i need to re-run grub-install ?08:34
lespeajust erases the boot sector08:34
lespeaearlmred: no08:34
erUSULearlmred: nope08:34
earlmredk thanks08:35
Terrasquelespea: I know, but sometimes windows act weirdly if the disk is not as it expects, ive noticed :p08:35
lukaslhi, I'm trying to get files on/off my USB mp3 player but it doesn't work, can somebody help me?08:35
sunogbagalukasl: how are you doing it?08:36
lukaslI just plug in the player in the USB connector and I expect to see some popup that tells me it's connected.08:36
lukaslinstead in dmesg, I see messages like [ 1542.156000] usb 2-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1208:36
lukasl[ 1542.564000] usb 2-2: device not accepting address 12, error -7108:36
Kr0ntablukasl, what type/model is it?08:37
hwildelukasl, it should create device /dev/media/USB   or similar08:40
hangthedjunless its an mtp device08:41
DoHicheers ppl08:41
DoHioff to screw up my boot sector08:42
simion314hi, i am searching for mono 1.2.5 .deb packae,  do you know where i can find more .deb packages ? , i tried getdeb08:42
DoHiyou actually have been very helpful08:43
DoHiI may get it right this time08:43
some_idiothow do i find out which package provided /usr/bin/ld ?08:43
lukaslsunogbaga, sorry I got disconnected08:43
lukaslsunogbaga, I just insert the MP3 player into an USB slot and expect to get some popup. Instead I get messages like [ 1542.156000] usb 2-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1208:44
lukasl[ 1542.564000] usb 2-2: device not accepting address 12, error -7108:44
lukasl in demsg08:44
lukasldmesg even08:44
hangthedjlukasl, can you find the device if you do lsusb?08:44
honk_does anyone have widescreen 1280x800 framebuffer console working with Intel 945GM?08:45
earlmredhas anyone ever seen this from mdadm before? "device or resource busy" for a partition that isn't mounted?08:45
lukaslhangthedj, nope, I see Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 and that three times08:46
lukaslfor Bus 001, Bus 002 and Bus 00308:46
hangthedjlukasl, i have an mtp mp3 player and dmesg gives me accepting address 8, error -7108:46
AgentHeXis there a program that can flash LCD pixels quickly to fix dead/stuck pixels?08:46
hangthedjlukasl, what kind of mp3 player is it?08:46
lukaslit's just an el-cheapo 1GB player, brandless. FYI, it works on my Debian server.08:47
hwildelukasl, there is nothing in /media/USB ?08:47
lukaslcould it be the USB hardware of this PC is too old somehow?08:47
lukaslhwilde - nope.08:48
alecwhHow do I install the OpenGL Python bindings?08:48
hangthedjlukasl, just for fun do you have libmtp installed?08:49
hangthedjor does it show up in rhythmbox?08:49
lukasllukasl@nova:~$ dpkg -l|grep mtp08:50
lukaslii  libmtp6                                    0.2.1-0ubuntu308:50
lukaslso yeah libmtp is installed.08:50
lukaslit doesn't show up in rhythmbox08:51
hangthedjif you do ls /dev/sd*, is there more than sda like maybe sdb?08:51
lukaslthere are none.08:52
Terrasquelukasl: does dmesg say anything when you plug it in?08:52
hangthedjmaybe its just an el-cheapo 1 gig mp3 player :p08:52
hwildeyeah it is not recognized as a file system basically08:52
hwildeotherwise it would mount08:52
cawakeranyone think to check if that particular player needs a specific kernel module loaded? not everything is included in the stock kernel08:52
hwildebut if it works in Debian you just need that package08:52
lukaslTerrasque, yup, it says things like [ 2247.608000] usb 2-2: new low speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 1408:53
lukasl[ 2247.728000] usb 2-2: device descriptor read/64, error -7108:53
lukasl[ 2247.952000] usb 2-2: device descriptor read/64, error -7108:53
hwildein Debian do lsmod and see what module it is using08:53
hwildethen install that package08:53
cawakerexactly what i was thinking hwilde08:54
wroklifeterrasque I tried it man still the problem persists........08:55
alecwhI'm having trouble getting WPA wireless support to work with my Dell latitude D630. Can someone help?08:56
Yaznakiemm, seems everyone in the fedora channel is ideling, anyone here know anything about sticking fedora 8 ppc on a PS3 and getting the error message "Attribute error: device instant has no attribute 'pcidom'"08:56
ubunt1how can I auto enter the system in text mode08:56
zzazahi all08:56
Inversequick hardware question,  for my RAM timings  is 5-5-5-15   or 5-5-5-9   faster?08:59
wroklifecan anyone help with configuring a net connection09:00
astro76Inverse, ask in ##hardware , but smaller is faster09:00
ubunt1can any one help me?09:00
lukaslIt's kind of hard to accept that something as desktoppy as plugging in an MP3 player in the USB port would work without a problem on Debian but not on Ubuntu.09:00
Inverseastro76, thanks09:00
sunogbagawroklife: what's wrong?09:01
wroklifesunogbaga i have a cablenet connectio with a static ip and a gateway and netmask as
df00zare there ubuntu SVN or very up to date packages available for ubuntu?09:02
=== Budda is now known as Budda|
wroklifecant configre to get to the internet ......i tried ifconfig stiil09:02
df00zI'm trying to avoid compiling things from source as much as possible09:02
astro76!hardy | df00z09:02
ubotudf00z: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu09:02
df00zbut the version 7.10 uses is months old09:02
AproposAGH. Anyone have any idea how to fix the Mesa issue with the graphics driver?09:02
mipsI need help with LVM09:02
AproposNothing I've tried will make it read as ATI09:03
df00zAre there backports for 7.10?09:03
arooni__i recently upgraded my ram from 2GB => 4GB.... when i run top... it says 3.9GB of swap is unused.... when i originally partitioned, i think my swap partition is only 2GB... is this gonna be a problem?  i'm thinking the OS thinks it has 3.9GB of swap to write to, but it only has 2GB... ideas?09:03
maxsoftmorning all. I'm configuring SAMBA. how to 'share' on more network interfaces? how to specify mode than 1 ip class in "remote browse sync" paramter? thank you.09:03
Budda|I just installed Ubuntu 7.10, and I'm having some troubles with my wireless networking. It conneectes to the network for about 5 or 10 minutes, then just randomly disconnects, and won't reconnect until I restart the Pc. Anyone know why?09:03
TiJayhi i need help. i'm trying to install DLink DCS110 Webcam09:03
astro76df00z, you can enable backports in Software Sources09:03
indraveniif I am creating a debian package which need to overwrite  a file created by any other package, then I am facing a problem, like, couldnot overwrite the file alacarte.mo creating by alacarte package.09:03
TiJayand it doesn't recongize it09:03
TiJayAny ideas?09:03
indravenihow can I remove his conflict ?09:03
TiJayDSB110 to be more exact09:04
astro76indraveni, try asking in #ubuntu-motu09:04
mipsAnyone use LVM or know how to use it ???09:04
indravenithankyou astro7609:05
Budda|I just installed Ubuntu 7.10, and I'm having some troubles with my wireless networking. It connects to the network for about 5 or 10 minutes, then just randomly disconnects, and won't reconnect until I restart the Pc. Anyone know why?09:05
zzazaany one here has ever used a usb mic09:07
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ubajazBudda|: That happened to me a few times. Using a Linksys WUSB54GS. Has been stable for 16 days now though. Not sure how to troubleshoot it, because it also made lsusb hang indefinitely.09:07
df00zastro76: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-backports/ I don't see any package for mplayer here?09:07
astro76df00z, that's likely09:07
df00zAny idea if there are packages for mplayer that are more up to date? like SVN weeklies or something?09:08
arooni__id like some feedback about getting ram installed on my asus p5n-e sli.... basically it was working great when i had 2gb of crucial pc6400 memory.  i bought a 2gb pack from frys today a-tech pc 6400.... and every configuration i can think of fails memtest  (has > 1 error) ... and sometimes computer just shuts down........ ok anyways, so i found a config that boots up and lets me run.... but top reports that 3.5 of 3.6 gb is used, b09:10
arooni__ut the system monitor says only 472MB of memory is used.  .... what should i do?09:10
df00zastro76: ? why was it likely, anyway?09:11
hwildearooni__, you should buy crucial memory duh09:11
astro76df00z, there's really not that many backports and not unless for a good reason... is there a reason you need a mplayer version newer than gutsy's?09:12
cawakerwell 1, you went to Frys, 2 your mobo might not support the amount you have09:12
hwildethere is a reason it costs more :  bc it works09:12
df00zastro76: threaded h264 support, etc09:12
df00zthey're always doing updates09:12
Inversetry BUFFALO RAM its great09:12
arooni__hwilde, well i cant get it ultra cheap at frys... plus atech is listed as an accepta ble memory from my asus mobo manual09:13
df00zI can compile it from scratch..but like09:13
astro76df00z, well if you want to remain bleeding edge, get the source from mplayer and compile... if you plan on doing this for lots of things, you might consider a different distro that is not time-based releases09:13
cawakerhonestly, i've used frys ram too, its usually fine, but not perfect, and check your mobo specs, it might not support 4gig09:13
df00zastro76: can't mplayer break when ubuntu updates?  like, library dependencies and such09:13
hwildearooni__, you bought cheap ram and now it doesn't work and you wonder what is the problem... buy good ram ok09:13
arooni__cawaker, mobo suppots up to 8gb09:14
astro76df00z, sure09:14
The_KNewegg.com is the best choice, if you are willing to wait for shipping09:14
df00zYeah..i want to avoid that -_-09:14
Budda|ubajaz: So theres nothing I can do? But keep restarting?09:14
arooni__should memtest 86+ succeed with no errors ?  are some memory errors acceptable?09:14
hwildeno errors!!09:14
astro76df00z, you can't have it both ways, if you want stability, you use a distro which has discrete releases..  if you want bleeding edge, you sacrifice the tested stability of a distro release09:15
The_Kyou can still use the memory if it comes up with one or two errors, but there is no point09:15
The_Kif you just purchased it, return it or use it as credit for an upgrade09:15
astro76df00z, maybe check out gentoo09:15
astro76df00z, or archlinux09:15
df00zI was running gentoo, I found myself compiling stuff outside portage, because it's not always up to date, even ~x8609:15
arooni__hwilde, what happens if you get errors09:15
Inverseif the memory is bad take it back to the store and get a refund09:15
df00zSo my system would always rot over time, heh09:15
arooni__i can take it back no problem09:15
astro76df00z, so if you found a distro that was completely up to date on every piece of software, what would you waste your time on? :p09:16
Inversetake it back and get some better stuff, I recommend BUFFALO  i have 4GB of their ddr2 800mhz  running at 1023Mhz with no problems at all09:16
arooni__should i try to tweak the speed or voltage?09:17
hwildearooni__, if you get errors you go buy good ram09:17
arooni__before returning09:17
The_KCrucial is also pretty decent09:17
The_Kdo NOT touch the voltage09:17
arooni__going to frys is about an hour trip at minimum09:17
df00zastro: if I make a custom deb for mplayer, and say, it needs libasound.so.2.0.0, and synaptic updates libasound down the road09:17
hwildeSo buy the right ram the first time you can't skimp on cheap ram!09:17
df00zwill it uninstal mplayer, or warn me somehow?09:17
Inversejust take it back arooni, dont waste your money on cheap hardware it will burn you in the end09:17
hwildeyou can save money on other parts but your ram is bad your system is dead09:17
The_Kif you are having issues at stock voltage and timing, messing with them won't fix anything09:17
arooni__ok this is great feedback09:18
cawakeryeah make fun of me, but i buy Apple hardware for a reson09:18
Inverselol at apple09:18
Inversedid apple get anything faster than 667Mhz yet?09:18
The_KAs an ex Apple tech, they used to send us three or four bad mainboards a week.09:18
The_Khowever... their shipping was overnight and they eventually got us the right part.09:19
cawakergee 3 or 4? vs the 10 or 20 i have to send back of dells monthly for my job?09:19
The_K3 or 4 for ONE machine09:19
The_Knot to mention the blanket recall we had to handle09:19
ubajazIsn't the volume of received motherboards relevant? I see no numbers.09:20
df00zastro76: if I make a package for mplayer, and I build it with libasound 2.0.0, and synaptic updates libasound in the future, will it warn me about the package having dependencies not met?09:20
df00zOr will it just break?09:20
The_Kat least half of the parts we ordered came up bad09:20
The_Kthey always made it right in the end, though09:20
ubajazBuggy software, faulty hardware. This is the world I live in!09:21
arooni__what kinds of things would you  notice if you had bad memory09:21
arooni__that failed the memtest86+09:21
The_KShit generally not working, lol09:21
arooni__and hard to repro i bet09:21
The_KYou can get some pretty awesome behavior (if the system actually loads)09:21
arooni__The_K, like ?09:21
Terrasquearooni__: with bad mem, basically anything can happen :p09:22
bachstudiesdoes anyone else experience random reboots when using firefox?09:22
arooni__it could be awesome09:22
ubajazbachstudies: Definitely not.09:22
bachstudiesopera seems to work just fine09:22
df00zor..I wonder if I could just statically link it09:23
arooni__hmmmm if memtest86+ runs one or two tests and then shuts down.... this is an indication that the memory is bad yes?09:24
arooni__shuts down = computer shuts down09:24
Terrasquearooni__: from one program not functioning, to the machine going really slow, to weird textures in games, to one function returning bad result, to machine rebooting, to random data errors, to.. well, you get the idea :p09:25
Inversearooni what are you trying to do?09:25
ubajazWonder what could be wrong with a laptop that reboots during XP setup, and hangs for hours switching from "step 1" to "step 2" in the Ubuntu install, after taking a bloody long time to get there.09:25
arooni__see whether th echeap atech memory i bought at frys will work09:25
arooni__Inverse, that was for u09:25
=== ubajaz is now known as jbs
VSpikeubajaz: faulty hard drive, cd drive or or pata/sata controller?09:26
Inverseif its working it works, if you dont get strange behaviour then it would appear to be working,  do the mem test with individual sticks, see if it reproduces errors09:26
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Parsiafter a while my line drops, i wanna redial automatically, is it possible?09:26
Inversebut my advice would be to take it back and spend a bit more getting better hardware09:26
ujabasVSpike: Yes, I assume those are strong candidates.09:27
jubileeHey, I've installed Flash for FF and videos @ YouTube don't work right... Is there a common reason for this?09:27
Inverseanyways, work time now, chow for now09:27
Parsijubilee: Flash or Flash Player?09:27
VSpikearooni__: why would you inflict cheap RAM on yourself? :)09:28
ParsiYouTube videos appear like an empty plate?09:28
jubileeAlso, In FF when I scroll up or down, and I get to the top of bottom of a page, rather than not scrolling anymore, it goes to the page before or after... If there a way to turn this off?09:28
jubileeParsi, no, all of the buttons are all mashed together and the windows sized wrong...09:29
arooni__VSpike, cuz i'm chronically cheap.... about everything :(09:30
Devyllhello , how can I mount a partition automaticly on boot ?  using fstab file ? if yes is the next syntax correct ? : "/dev/sda1                 /mnt/mountPartition           ext32"                ?????09:30
hwildeDevyll, man fstab09:30
Parsijubilee: re-install flash player!09:30
ParsiDevyll: mount -a09:30
ricoI have an issue with my Virtual machine, its not picking up my video card as an ATI card09:30
jubileeParsi, k then... do you know anything about this scrolling thing?09:30
Parsior go to /media09:30
The_Kshit, I'd just remove then install FF, unless you've played around with it too much09:31
Parsii had this problem, but it fixed itself!09:31
jubileeParsi, which?09:31
kernyhow do I achieve this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47668/09:31
drakencan someone help me, i lost my bar for taskbar09:31
jubileeParsi, what about when you're on the desktop, how if you accidentally scroll it starts switching workspaces?09:32
VSpikearooni__: With some things, that only works if you don't value your time.  Sometimes you need to spend more to save, seems to me09:32
kernyhow do I rebuild the kernel?09:32
The_Kit's not entertaining, not in the least.09:33
Parsijubilee: stars?09:33
VSpikearooni__: Mind you, if we didn't like wasting hours on a computer, why would we use linux? :)09:33
arooni__VSpike, i agree with you........ and i do value my time09:33
The_KVspike, agreed09:33
arooni__i need to spend a bit more sometimes09:33
Parsijubilee. aha09:33
Parsionly when mouse goes to desktop sides!09:34
Parsiand i don't know how to disable it!09:34
The_Kdraken, add a new bar to the bottom of the screen, and right click it and add the task bar to it09:34
jubileeParsi, if I scroll with desktop @ front, it'll switch workspaces... I don't know how to shut this off... It's really annoying, that I should fear accidentally scrolling too far or in the wrong places...09:34
The_KI don't have a GUI readily available, but thats essentially it09:34
Parsijubilee, me to!09:35
jubileeParsi, so do you know where I might... find some prefs for this?09:35
Parsijubilee, if you found a way to shut off teach me!09:35
ricoI have an issue with my Virtual machine, its not picking up my video card as an ATI card09:35
The_Kwhat VM software are you using?09:36
The_Kand in my experience, most VM's won't pick them up.. it will give you a generic VGA adapter driver09:36
syc_guys, what is the best VM software out there ?09:36
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:36
ricoVirtual box09:37
Parsihey guys, is there an option to redialing on line drop???09:37
jubileeWell, read caps, for I am angry and I'm trying to get this across... I'm not asking how to rewrite the whole OS w/out the frickin scroll issue...09:37
The_Kquick and dirty solution... remove the scrollwheel from your xorg.conf file09:38
jubileeI just know that it wasn't that way is Feisty, and now it is... and there is no way to just shut this crap feature off???09:38
jubileeIt's a track pad09:38
The_KI feel your pain on that one.  My laptop has decided that half my trackpad is the scrollwheel09:39
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jubileeyeah, I accidentally hit it all the time... if only they'd do the AAPL thing where two fingers are needed to scroll09:39
irreducibilisAh, in that case09:39
irreducibilisSolution may == USB mouse09:39
earlmredanybody in here have experience with mdadm?09:40
jubileeIt's my girlfriends computer, not mine, but it annoys both of us, and she doesn't, for whatever reason, like to use a mouse09:40
jubileeor she... likes to use her fingers instead... which doesn't worry me.09:40
earlmredmdadm keeps giving me "device or resource busy" when i try to create an array09:41
redblackhow can i know the symbolic links for a knowen file?09:42
irreducibilisredblack: You mean the extension?09:42
redblackirreducibilis,  i should entre a file name to the find cmd + parametres that destinct the symbolic link for the file a want09:44
irreducibilisah... no clue then09:44
Richard51684My volume is very low... When I set it to 50% it's unhearable and when it's on 100% it feels like it's actually at 25% volume. What's causing this and/or how can I fix it? I know the volumes aren't correct because I used to be on Windows.09:45
redblackirreducibilis,  thanks any way09:45
The_Kstart there09:46
Richard51684where would i find it09:46
VSpikeRichard51684: run it from a terminal09:47
nikinHy, I Dont Know why but firefox eats up 23% CPU in ideal state just with the igoogle website opened.... Flash movie players also tend to lag... adn all the CPU is used by firefox (dual PIII server)09:48
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VSpikeRichard51684: just turn everything to max, and try toggling some of the options too, especially if you have anything like "external amplifier" or similar09:48
sunogbagais there any way to fire up a shell with network tools like ssh/ftp when booting to an ubuntu installer?09:48
skywalkingHello , I would like to know that Apache has the gui configure or not ?   If yes , what is the name of that program.09:49
The_KI think you are stuck with whatever is on the LiveCD09:49
The_Ksunogbaga, are you looking for a temporary toolkit?  If so, try Knoppix09:50
sunogbagaThe_K: Problem is i don't have a live cd, all i have is a ubuntu server installer09:50
The_Khuh... no way to get a LiveCD?09:51
Richard51684i tried that alsamixer utility and all options09:51
Richard51684didn't help09:51
sunogbagaThe_K: not now..09:51
XenobyteRichard51684, did you see how to "unmute" things in alsamixer?09:51
sunogbagaThe_K: i can get it at later, but i'm wondring if it's possible09:51
drakenmy avi videos are going all green ? :<09:51
The_KRickard, press M, I believe... or Enter, actually09:51
The_Ksunogbaga, I don't think it is.09:52
TexasTazGood morning everyone09:52
XenobyteRichard51684, i guess you raised the level for pcm too09:52
rootwhat deb can i use to install beryl-manager for gutsy amd6409:52
magnetron!beryl | root09:52
uboturoot: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz09:52
Richard51684i raised all the possible levels09:53
sunogbagaThe_K: thnx,. it would be helpful, coz my officemate's pc just crashed, we have no way to back-up..just through network(i guess)09:53
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion09:53
magnetronRichard51684: is alsa selected in System > preferences > sound09:53
sunogbagaThe_K: i have to get myself that live cd09:54
jck_truedoes any of you know a Ubuntu version ready for server purpuse (Just local server with PHP, Mysql, Apache, SVN, Maybe some Bittorent?)09:54
Xenobytei have been using the heck out of systemrescuecd lately09:54
The_Kjck_true, they have a server version on the website09:55
The_KI'm running on it right now09:55
Terrasqueroot: install compizconfig-settings-manager09:55
rootok so when I run compiz --replace  I get a white screen09:55
ikoniajck_true: the desktop version will work fine for that09:55
magnetronjck_true: yes Ubuntu Server. at install, you can choose roles as LAMP for instance09:55
The_Ksunobaga, Knoppix is pretty bueno... I haven't played with ut un a whule09:55
jck_trueThe_K: Does that version include PHP and other goodies?09:55
magnetronjck_true: yes09:55
ikoniajck_true: you have no need for server version for your requiments, the desktop version will do exactly what you ask for09:55
magnetron!lamp > jck_true09:56
drakenmy avi videos are going all green ? :<09:56
ikoniajck_true: the desktop version will also be much easier to maintain and use09:56
The_Kthat begs the question... why bother having a server version?09:57
VSpikeHow can I make gnome not show window contents while moving or resizing?09:57
drakenmy avi videos are going all green ? :<09:57
drakenall of a sudden09:57
VSpikeNot running effects09:57
ikoniaThe_K: for people who actually need server platforms09:57
skywalkingHello , I would like to know that Apache has the gui configure or not ?   If yes , what is the name of that program.09:57
ikoniajck_true: I assure you the desktop version will be fine, work easier and be a much better platform for your personal needs09:57
The_Kskywalking: no idea.  Google might pull something up, though.09:57
earlmredsure does take awhile to format 1.5TB09:57
ikoniaskywalking: no gui that I'm aware of09:57
TerrasqueThe_K: I use server version install a lot :)09:57
rootany ideas or which log I can look at why I get this white screen ?09:58
ikoniaroot: xorg.log, gdm.log09:58
ikoniaroot: x.0.log09:58
ikoniaroot: syslog, messages09:58
rootI have been looking all night at these files but I don't see anything strange09:59
ikoniaroot: at what point do you get a white screen09:59
rootas soon as I run compiz --replace09:59
ikoniaroot: ok - so lets step back. Does it work without compiz ?10:00
earlmredheh ircing as root? :)10:00
TexasTazGood Morning Ikonia10:00
_rubennot working as root would be a first step10:00
ikoniaThe_K: morning10:00
rootif I type metacity --replace I am ok10:00
The_Kikonia: can't tell anymore10:00
ikoniaTexasTaz: good morning10:00
ikoniaroot: thats not what I asked10:00
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ikoniaroot: your running fine with no issues without enabling compiz ?10:01
JewishMandoes the ubuntu livecd have the adobe flash plugin installed on it?10:01
ikoniaJewishMan: no10:01
JewishMan:(( wah.10:01
The_KJewishMan, can't legally do that10:01
rootikonia yes seems ok10:01
ikoniaroot: right, so how do you enable "desktop effects"10:02
JewishManThe_K im surprised, i'd think adobe would WANT that10:02
ikoniaJewishMan: no10:02
JewishManwhats their problem?10:02
ikoniaJewishMan: restrictive license10:02
rootikonia yikes I am not sure I guess I had this before upgrading from feisty and when I was using beryl-manager10:02
JewishManyou guys should try sending hired goons over to the Adobe headquarters10:02
The_KJewishMan... no idea, but no OS ships with it.  It's a distribution of code issue.. they want a cut of the sales10:03
ikoniaroot: ok - so there is a potential problem have you removed all the beryl stuff before upgrading ?10:03
JewishManhow do they make sales off of a player?10:03
mipsMy screen is all garbage when I boot up. How do I change to vesa mode10:03
ikonia!offtopic >JewishMan10:03
JewishMannever mind. Jesus10:03
ikoniaI'm not jesus10:03
rootikonia let me do a dpkg -l | grep beryl10:04
The_K...wasn't he Jewish?10:04
DosKeyHello ubuntu people.10:04
ikoniaroot: did you read the upgrade info about disabling all 3rd party product/repo's ?10:04
bazhanghi DosKey10:04
rootikonia that came up empty so my guess is I don't have beryl10:04
The_KGood evening/morning10:04
ikoniaroot not any more10:04
ikoniaroot: but did you leave it enabled while upgrading ?10:05
rootikonia nope did not se it10:05
ikoniaroot: to be honest, I would do a clean gutsy install as you've not followed the procedure10:05
slytherinIs anyone here using elisa?10:05
ikoniaroot: it will be easier to resolve than troubleshooting a mix match system10:05
rootikonia ooo nooooo10:05
ikoniaroot: and I'll put money your problem goes away10:05
The_Kroot:  don't log in using root.  Please.  Use sudo or su if you must, heh10:05
DosKeyroot from HTS?10:05
rootikon ok10:06
Slap_stickhas anyone here managed to get javaws to work, i've install jre1.5 as i need that version for a specific applet however when i go to run javaws it is looking for javaws.jar file which doesn't exist10:06
rootikonia what is the best way to capture all my configuration information of my system if I am going to rebiuild from scratch ??10:06
ikoniaroot: your home directory contains most of your personalisation config files10:07
slytherinSlap_stick: What is output of 'ls -l /etc/alternatives/javaws'10:07
rooti have my home on a seprate drive10:07
ikoniaroot: thats excellent10:07
ikoniaroot: that should make a clean install much easier10:07
* magnetron awards ikonia a golden star for good IRC support10:07
The_Kroot: well done10:07
ikoniamagnetron: ha ha10:08
magnetronikonia: you deserve it!10:08
rootmy main worry is all the work I did to get hdtv pinnacle mythtv mysql apache and all other stuff installed10:08
mipshow do I fix my screen that displays crap when i boot up?10:08
ikoniaroot: ok - so your tv setup will have to be re-done, no real way around that.10:08
jubileeWhere can I find MP3 codecs???10:08
ikoniaroot: backup your apache config files10:08
DosKeymips, what do you mean... 'Crap'?10:08
ikoniaroot: dump your mysql databases for imports to preserve grant permissions10:08
simion314hi, where can i edit the enviroment variables?10:09
ikoniaroot: then your fine and ready to go10:09
DerangedDingomips: editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst10:09
magnetron!codec > jubilee10:09
DosKey simion314, from shell....10:09
ikoniasimion314: envionment vaiables are edited from the shell eg: TEST=1234510:09
mipsDoskey, I cannot see anything its just stripes when it gets to the login part10:09
simion314i want to remove something, i prefer editing a file10:09
mipsDerangedDingo, what do I append to the kernel line ?10:10
rootthis is painfull I wish there was a betterway to keep track of things10:10
DerangedDingomips: that's a different story10:10
ikoniasimion314: how does an enviornment varaible effect removing something10:10
DosKeyx server has f***ed up....10:10
Stevethepiratejubilee: just saying hi'z.10:10
ikoniaDosKey: thats a terrible way to get support10:10
magnetronStevethepirate: hi'z!10:10
ikoniaDosKey: remember this is a family friendly channel, so no swearing, and your initial comment didn't even warrent any form of bad language10:10
Stevethepiratemagnetron: lulz hi'z :P10:10
DerangedDingomips: i thought you meant the 'verbose output'10:10
ikoniaDosKey: just speak politly and you'll get support10:10
Stevethepirateikonia: hello as well.10:10
DerangedDingoor whatever it's called10:10
ikoniaStevethepirate: hi10:10
ikoniaDosKey: I'm not laughing10:11
DosKeyI'm not after support....10:11
jubileeI'm looking for MP3 Codecs for Rythmbox10:11
DosKeySorry :S10:11
=== max642 is now known as max
Stevethepirate!mp3 > jubilee10:11
ikoniaDosKey: then please moderate your own language10:11
DosKeySorry :S10:11
magnetronjubilee: read the private message from ubotu10:11
mipsDerangedDingo, I have a nv6600 card, is there not something I can add to the boot parameters untill I install the nvidia driver?10:11
ikoniamips: what point are you getting garbled text ?10:11
Stevethepiratemips: what a name.. that language pwnt me for like 1/2 year...10:11
dancoris it possible to use 7.10 apt but then my own kernel in grub.conf (i need to use 7.04 one bc newer one doesn't work)10:11
dancoror will ubuntu get mad at me10:11
ikoniadancor: it is possible, but its a lot of effort to do and maintain and you'll lose ubuntu supportability10:12
DosKeyikona, lines on his GUI at login10:12
simion314ikonia: hi, i tried to install mono from a installer, it faield some how, and i have some incorect path and other variables, i do not know exactly how to modify them, i prefer looking at the file10:12
mipsikonia, the loging part, basically where X11 starts10:12
ikoniasimion314: which installer ?10:12
slytherindancor: How do you plan to install the old kernel? It should be possible but we need to know more details.10:12
DerangedDingowell you should load the nv driver by default.. as ordered in your xorg.conf i believe, so, the problem should be there10:12
mipsStevethepirate, they were good cpus10:12
simion314ikonia the linux installer10:12
StevethepirateI need a way to bridge 2 network cards so that anyone on network 1 can talk to anyone on network 2 through the bridge.. one network is DHCP, the other is static.. anyone know any guides or point me in a general direction?10:12
dancorslytherin: it's still there in /boot, i just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.1010:12
simion314ikonia is a installer for this program10:13
ikoniamips: ok - here is what to do. Boot into safe mode or from the livecd. Mount your file system, and edit /etc/xorg.conf to say "vesa" where it currently says "nv"10:13
ikoniasimion314: what installer  ? you should be using the ubuntu package manager via apt/apttitude or synaptic10:13
dancori'll try it, i just wanted to know if it would def not work10:13
slytherindancor: Then it should work.10:13
ikoniamips: I don't think that was meant for you, your not having X11 problems are you10:13
simion314ikonia: there are to old10:13
ikoniathe 7.10 packages are very up to date10:13
Stevethepiratemips: yeah, I did SPIM for a Comp sci elective.. was luls.10:14
simion314ikonia i will try now to compile from source but i must clean the path and other variables10:14
z9999Is there a way to disable to display of known file types when viewing files as in Windows? eg. .txt .odt etc.10:14
simion314ikonia i need the recent version10:14
mipsikonia, i have gfx driver issue10:14
ikoniasimion314: you shouldn't be compiling thigns like mono from source unless you are %100 confident in what you are doing, which you are clearly not due to being unable to set environment variables10:14
DosKeyHe was telling you what to do...10:14
mipsikonia, would love to get my hands on a mips based pc, just for giggles10:14
Stevethepiratez9999: you mean like "Hide file extensions of known file types" in windows?10:14
ikoniamips: ahh then it was for you. Did you uderstand my message10:14
ikoniamips: is it clear what I suggested on how to resolve your issue ?10:15
simion314ikonia i have no choice, i alreadi instaled some addins from svn, only to use some debian packages but it could be unsafe10:16
ikoniasimion314: you shouldn't be using debian packages either, they are not meant for ubuntu10:16
mipsikonia, i understand, what is the exact location of xorg.conf?10:16
ikoniasimion314: it sounds like you've made a real potential mess of your system10:16
ikoniamips: /etc/X1110:16
z9999Stevethepirate: Yes.10:16
VSpikeHow can I make gnome not show window contents while moving or resizing?  Not running effects10:17
VSpikeAlso would like to disable the minimize/maximise animations10:17
simion314ikonia: i know but i have no choice the ubuntu maintener of this packages is not maintain them up to date10:17
ikoniaVSpike: in one of the visual menu's there is an option that saws "show contents while dragging"10:17
Stevethepiratez9999: hmm, never really liked that feature TBH.. soz.10:17
ikoniasimion314: why do you need later than 7.10's package. 7.10's are almost bleeding edge10:17
VSpikeikonia: visual menus?10:18
ikoniaVSpike: desktop appearence,10:18
ikoniaVSpike: themes, that sort of thing, one of the menus that edits teh visual effects10:18
simion314ikonia: i need to compile some programs, like monodevelop, and it has this dependences10:18
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ikoniasimion314: monodevelop is in the repo10:18
ikoniasimion314: ubuntu has one packaged for you10:19
VSpikeikonia: I can't find it10:19
z9999Stevethepirate: Any idea how to hude them in ubuntu?10:19
ikoniasimion314: monodevelop - C#/Boo/Java/Nemerle/ILasm/ASP.NET Development Environment10:19
simion314ikonia: i want to implement something in MD, in the repositories is the version 0.14 and now the stable si 0.1710:19
Stevethepiratez9999: no, just said so.. soz.10:19
boguhcan i use the graphical installer to set up an encrypted environment?10:19
ikoniasimion314: thats not far behind,10:19
ikoniasimion314: what specifcly do you need out of 0.1710:19
ikoniaboguh: not that I'm aware of10:20
magnetronboguh: no.10:20
kernyhow do I rebuild the kernel in ubuntu?10:20
ikoniakerny: if you have to ask, you should n't be doing so10:20
ikoniakerny: why do you want to rebuild the kenrnel ?10:20
boguhcause with the alternate install cd i could mind my swap sace on an encrypted partition10:20
ikoniakernel even10:20
kernyI have to10:20
ikoniakerny: why10:20
StevethepirateI need a way to bridge 2 network cards so that anyone on network 1 can talk to anyone on network 2 through the bridge.. one network is DHCP, the other is static.. anyone know any guides or point me in a general direction?10:21
simion314ikonia: listen i want to run Monodevelop inside monodevelop to add some component, and i need to use the SVN versions that has now dependencies10:21
kernyto you a driver for my tv card10:21
mipsikonia, thx, sorted, i have a visible desktop. Now I can upgrade to nvidia driver10:21
DosKeyThen just install a kernel Module.10:21
ikoniasimion314: then that is not an ubuntu issue10:21
SchalkenStevethepirate: turn your computer into a router?10:21
DosKeyThen just install a kernel Module.10:21
kernyfor the kernel10:21
ikoniakerny: thos modules should be in the kernel10:21
SchalkenStevethepirate: isn't that what a router does, connects two networks together?10:21
kernydon't I have to install those things?10:21
magnetron!kernel > kerny10:21
StevethepirateSchalken: well, I need to run some services [web, ftp, DC, etc] on this PC, but yeah, basically need to route as well.10:22
DosKeyNo need to recompile.... Just install a module.10:22
ikoniakerny: no, they should already be modules in the default uubntu kernel10:22
kernyenabled by default?10:22
DosKeyThere was on mine..... But i had to installl different Modules.10:22
kernyif so, great!10:22
SchalkenStevethepirate: actually, im not sure if you actually need to "route" or if you just need to make your computer connect the two networks together to make one network.10:22
ikoniakerny: yes, you may need to modprobe them, but other than that, ready to go10:22
SchalkenStevethepirate: is there a difference between a router and a birdge?10:22
kernygo to the bottom of that page10:22
StevethepirateSchalken: there is..10:23
ikoniakerny: why, we have answered your question10:23
kernyok then10:23
bazhangStevethepirate: using LAMP?10:23
simion314ikonia i tried loading MD in the 0.14 version of monodevelop but it faield, it would be better to use the latest versions, i have some instructions to install parralel versions of mono, i prefered using .deb packages but if they are not, belive me i was thinking to install open SUSE to use latest mono and monodevelop because they release they r code in rpm format for suse10:23
SchalkenStevethepirate: is a bridge what you need?10:23
kernysomeone said I need a kernel module10:23
kernybut you said its in the kernel already10:23
ikoniasimion314: again, thats nothing to do with ubuntu10:23
Schalkenkerny: what are you trying to do?10:23
Richard51684is there a reason why i can't see a shared drive on my network? it's been run off a airport extreme. i have all the samba services running and i can already access networked windows folders10:23
magnetronkerny: it's already compiled10:24
VSpikeWhat's the diff between the GLDesktop thing in the preferences menu and the compiz/effects stuff?10:24
StevethepirateLike, at university we have network points in our rooms. [only 1]. So I have 4 PC's.. so i'm gonna plug the server into one [the wall] then on the other network card on it, plug into a switch with the other PC's on it.10:24
slytherinsimion314: Use debian unstable. you will get new packages everyday. But then it can crash your hard disk or kill your cat. :-P10:24
magnetronkerny: just load the module10:24
kernywhat module?10:24
kernythe driver?10:24
kernyfor my card?10:24
slytherinkerny: which card?10:24
The_KStevethepirate: just buy a switch.  Should work, unless you get one IP per port10:25
StevethepirateOne IP per port, MAC filtered.. :(10:25
SchalkenStevethepirate: you've lost me. anyways, you proly know more about networks than i do. and to turn your computer into a router or a bridge im pretty sure you need some l33t hacking on iptables. but there might be an easy to use gui that will do that for you, as well.10:25
simion314ikonia: yes, i  will clean the enviroment variablea and compile from source10:25
Suvaiptables is not rocket science10:25
StevethepirateAnd I have a switch already. [hence the method of connection to the other PC's]10:25
StevethepirateSuva: 'lo10:26
The_KDefinately some iptables.  There should be plenty of guides online for that.10:26
SuvaYou don't need to be l33t hacker to hack it. You just need to read some manuals and background information on networks10:26
[AA]dev-nullhi everybody. how i can add local ru_RU.KOI8-R in my ubuntu?10:26
magnetronStevethepirate: firestarter can help you setup ubuntu as a router10:26
VSpikeStevethepirate: you need to do NAT routng right?10:26
Suva[AA]dev-null: Wouldn't it be smarter to just use UTF russian locale?10:26
Schalken[AA]dev-null: local wha?10:26
StevethepirateYeah.. I'm looking for a simple solution though, I need to explain this to non-l33t linux noobs who are also on the residence sub-com10:26
StevethepirateVSpike: perhaps.10:26
Schalken[AA]dev-null: whats ru_RU.KOI8-R?10:26
StevethepirateShould i draw a picture on paint to explain the situation?10:27
StevethepirateMight clear up.10:27
SuvaSchalken: Locale10:27
magnetronStevethepirate: firestarter can help you setup ubuntu as a router10:27
* Stevethepirate goes to draw it quick.. bbias10:27
The_KStevethepirate: Oh god, please do!10:27
StevethepirateThe_K: indeed. :P10:27
[AA]dev-nullSuva:  no i nedd koi8-r . i try to start WOW with russian language. else dont work10:27
magnetronStevethepirate: firestarter can help you setup ubuntu as a router10:27
Suva[AA]dev-null: Ah, I see10:27
VSpikeStevethepirate: yes, you do.  If you have a spare old PC, use smoothwall10:27
slytherin[AA]dev-null: Have you tried installing Russian language support?10:27
magnetronStevethepirate: firestarter can help you setup ubuntu as a router10:28
Schalkenmagnetron: i thought firestarter only configured your filtering/firewall10:28
magnetronSchalken: it's al just iptables10:28
[AA]dev-nullslytherin: allready installed (sory for my english) i have learn germ10:29
Suva[AA]dev-null: You need to run some dpkg-reconfigure thing, generate appropriate locales (do not set as default, just generate them) and use: export LC_ALL=ru_RU.KOI8-R10:29
Schalkenmagnetron: but firestarter isnt a generic iptables gui, it just configures the part of iptables relevant to firewalling. thats what i thought, anyway.10:29
[AA]dev-nullSuva: just write export LC_ALL=ru_RU.KOI8-R and start>10:30
Suva[AA]dev-null: In the same terminal, before launching WoW10:30
VSpikeStevethepirate: http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/5/28/10:30
[AA]dev-nullSuva: ok thanks a lot10:30
kernylinux/devfs_fs_kernel.h: No such file or directory10:30
kernyhow do I fix that?10:30
Suva[AA]dev-null: I can't give you exact command lines right now, because I am not behind linux computer10:30
simion314does anyone knows where are the enviroment variables set? i need the name of the file not the shell commands10:30
ikoniasimion314: they are set in your shell10:31
ikoniasimion314: you edit them by using the shell VARIABLE=1234 for example10:31
kernydvb-kernel/build-2.6/dvbdev.h:30:35: error: linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h: No such file or directory10:31
ikoniasimion314: you can set them on a regular basis using your bash profiles10:31
kernyhow do I fix that?10:31
slytherinsimion314: for user level ~/.bashrc10:31
ikoniakerny: why are you building additional modules ?10:31
Suvasimion314: Depends, /etc/profile /etc/bash.bashrc ...10:32
ikoniasimion314: it should not be set in /etc/profile10:32
StevethepirateFlip i hate paint...10:32
kernyI need to install this: The LinuxTV project DVB code, with my version of mt352.c installed in place of the distributed version.  This snapshot from CVS should build out of the box (and includes my mt352.c);10:32
The_KStevethepirate: MS Paint?10:32
StevethepirateThe_K: unfortunately.10:32
Richard51684is there any adblock-plus extension for firefox?10:33
ikoniakerny: do you actually understand what your doing ?10:33
The_KMS Paint and Notepad are the two greatest pieces of software to ever come out of Redmond10:33
kernyyeah, just type make in the dir10:33
VSpikeStevethepirate: you could try the ubuntu firewall program at http://rob.pectol.com/content/view/2/1/ and the howto i linked above10:33
Richard51684coz whenever i go to the mozilla site and try to install add-ons they never work10:33
bazhangRichard51684: yes10:33
ikoniakerny: no, thats not understanding what your doing10:33
StevethepirateThe_K: thats not saying much10:33
Brujahhy everybody10:33
kernyI'm compiling source code10:33
StevethepirateVSpike: no.. not a firewall..10:33
Stevethepiratehttp://img528.imageshack.us/img528/7670/topologyvy5.jpg  <-- topology10:33
VSpikeStevethepirate: it has a setup for ICS and NAT routing10:33
ikoniakerny: what do you actually want to achieve as an end solution ?10:33
Brujahow can I get my old search function back? strigi is not doing what I want10:33
VSpikeStevethepirate: read the article10:34
kernyI'm trying to install modules10:34
kernywhat's a module?10:34
bazhangRichard51684: they never work--do they install?10:34
VSpikeStevethepirate: yes what you want is NAT routing, sometimes called ICS (Internet Connection Sharing)10:34
kernyfor the kernel?10:34
kernyor for linux?10:34
ikoniakerny: no, what do you want to archieve as an end solution (what do you want to be able to do_10:34
Richard51684i try to download them and they don't even start, timeout10:34
kernyI want to use my TV card10:34
StevethepirateVSpike: if i wanted ICS, i would use tinyproxy.10:35
kernyPCI slot card10:35
StevethepirateI'm talking -all- port sharing.10:35
VSpikeStevethepirate: the reason for all the mentions of firewalls is that the same kernel modules and software are used for both purposes10:35
bazhangRichard51684: are you installing them through the get extensions via firefox?10:35
ikoniakerny: ok, there are many TV viewing applications ready to use in ubuntu without you having to build kernel modules and source code10:35
kernyfor fusionHDTV?10:35
StevethepirateVSpike: i've read that before.10:35
Richard51684then i tried downloading the .xpi files10:35
VSpikeStevethepirate: proxy and NAT are not the same thing10:35
Richard51684i couldn't even do that10:35
StevethepirateI know that.10:35
bazhangRichard51684: which version of firefox? and ubuntu10:35
Richard516842.11 7.1010:35
ikoniakerny: that is just a physical card as I read about it10:36
StevethepirateBut that firewalling thing is not what I'm looking for.10:36
VSpikeStevethepirate: I guess I missed an important part of the discussion then... so what are you trying to do?10:36
magnetronStevethepirate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router10:36
=== fnord is now known as ganjamaniac
ganjamaniaci got a problem10:36
ikoniaganjamaniac: hi10:36
bazhangRichard51684: do you have block popups disabled?10:36
ganjamaniacthe problem is: i can't re-install wine10:36
Stevethepirateganjamaniac: perhaps the ATF could help you.10:36
kernyIt's a high definition TV card though10:36
kernywill ubuntu support it?10:37
Stevethepirateganjamaniac: sudo apt-get remove wine && sudo rm -rf ~/.wine/ && sudo apt-get install wine10:37
bazhangRichard51684: you have to allow those extensions to load, popups iirc10:37
Stevethepiratemight work10:37
Stevethepiratemight break10:37
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ikoniakerny: ok, looking at this document http://www.kjglobal.co.uk/acatalog/Fusion_HDTVD.html it looks like there is a supported chipset for it, but I can't be certain10:37
Richard51684ill try that10:38
ikoniakerny: although that is the usb version10:38
ganjamaniac Hängt ab: ia32-libs but it is not going to be installed10:38
ganjamaniac Hängt ab: lib32asound2 but it is not going to be installed10:38
ganjamaniac Hängt ab: libc6-i386 but it is not going to be installed10:38
ganjamaniaci tried to in stall wine10:38
ikoniaganjamaniac: are you using ubuntu64 bit ?10:38
ganjamaniacit was working before10:38
ikoniaganjamaniac: wine is not available on 64bit10:38
ikoniaganjamaniac: wine is 32bit only10:39
ganjamaniachmm it worked before10:39
The_KStevethepirate: Smoothwall, or Clarkconnect.  Might be easier to set up.10:39
ikoniaganjamaniac: are you sure, wine is only available as 32bit package10:39
Richard51684i click the install now button on this page: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/186510:39
ganjamaniacia32-libs are for emulating ia32 on 64bit10:39
Richard51684and nothing happens10:39
ikoniaganjamaniac: no, they are not for emullation, they ARE 32bit libraries10:40
ganjamaniacikonia, it worked before10:40
ganjamaniaci messed up a thing10:40
Stevethepirateikonia: he might have had 32-bit OS installed perchance?10:40
ganjamaniacwith a debian package10:40
ikoniaganjamaniac: as I said, are you %100 sure as wine is only available in 32bit code10:40
kernyI have a FusionHDTV DVB-T Plus10:40
kernythats the exact model10:40
kernyof my card10:40
ikoniaStevethepirate: yes, hence why I'm asking10:40
kernyany ideas?10:40
kernyhow do I start using it?10:40
Stevethepirateikonia: i thought we went through this last week?10:40
ikoniakerny: it looks like there is supported chipsets10:40
ikoniaStevethepirate: I think we did10:40
bazhangRichard51684: you went there via the extensions and have enabled popups (ie not blocked them)--not just surfing over to mozilla website10:41
Richard51684i disabled blocking popups10:41
kernyso if it is supported, is the driver installed already?10:42
kernyor I have to apt-get something?10:42
StevethepirateVSpike: router is not what is happening.10:42
ikoniakerny: there is a module that appears so support it10:42
ikoniakerny: I've never used it / read about it before though10:42
kernywhere can I download it?10:42
kernythat's fine10:42
UpayaviraI want to recompile my kernel (gutsy). I did apt-get source linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic. It gives me a diff.gz file. How do I apply those diffs against the kernel source tree?10:42
ikoniakerny: I don't believe you have to download it10:42
StevethepirateSorry, magnetron.10:42
ikoniaUpayavira: why do you want to build your own kernel10:42
ikoniaUpayavira: if you do so you will lose ubuntu community support10:42
kernyso how do I use it, if I may ask10:42
UpayaviraI'm well aware10:43
bazhangRichard51684: very odd--I have added tons of extensions from the tools--addons-get extensions in firefox browser, and I have the same versions10:43
ikoniaUpayavira: no problem then10:43
kernyI have no experience in ubuntu10:43
ikoniakerny:  you need a TV viewing application, there are many in the ubuntu repos10:43
MaterialsHi, I was wondering if anyone knows how to add a non source file to src directory in a kdevelop project and have it copied to debug and distribution10:43
Stevethepiratemagnetron: that example is like 'Comp A' has internet and "Comp B->Z" need it..10:43
crwebwhy is "I want to build my own kernel?" always answered with "Why do you want to build your own kernel?"  ?10:43
Upayaviraikonia: was recompiling kernels back in '94, just not ubuntu ones!10:43
ikoniacrweb: because most people don't uderstand the implications10:43
SuvaBuilding your own kernel is bad, mkay10:43
Richard51684is there a command to download a file?10:44
magnetroncrweb: because some doesn't need to10:44
MorticeRichard51684: wget10:44
FluxDRichard51684: wget10:44
ikoniamagnetron: s/some/most10:44
Upayaviraso, given I'm evil :-), does anyone know how to apply this kernel patch?10:44
kernyshould I download MythTv?10:44
magnetron!kernel > crweb10:44
ikoniaUpayavira: Patch is the command10:44
FluxDkerny: why are  asking us? :p10:44
kernywell it will work?10:44
bazhangkerny: yes :}10:44
ikoniakerny: myth is an excellent tv/multimedia package10:44
bazhangkerny: what do you want it to do?10:44
Upayaviraikonia: yeah, I did patch -p0 -v < linux......diff, but that didn't apply it, it just gave loads of "already applied" warnings10:45
crwebmagnetron: thanks, but i'm very well aware of how to do so ;)10:45
kernyI want to use a FusionHDTV DVB-T10:45
ikoniaUpayavira: is it already applied then ?10:45
kernyFusionHDTV DVB-T Plus10:45
Upayaviraikonia: lol. that's what I was just wondering. Let me check...10:45
ikoniaUpayavira: I think you may find it is10:45
bazhangkerny: tv out?10:45
kernyI want to watch TV10:45
bazhangkerny: media center?10:46
kernyand play Wii10:46
ikoniakerny: ubuntu can't play wii10:46
kernyno, I hooked up my Wii to my TV card10:46
kernyI can select Input source as compsosite10:46
ikoniakerny: that may be quite a complex solution10:46
StevethepirateTo record your Wii'ing?10:46
kernyI have it working10:46
Upayaviraikonia: lol. It is already applied. And how much time I've wasted on that one! Thx10:46
kernyin Windows that is10:46
ikoniaUpayavira: no problem10:46
slytherinUpayavira: apt-get source does the patch applying for you. you don't have to do anything special10:46
ganjamaniachow can i link the binaries?10:46
ikoniakerny: that may be very complx in linux10:47
ganjamaniacdepend: libc6 (=2.6.1-1ubuntu10) but 2.7-4 is to be installed10:47
The_Kkerny: good chance of lag doing that, but I hope it works!10:47
Upayaviraslytherin: ahhhh, thx10:47
ganjamaniacln libc6 2.61 274?10:47
slytherinikonia: what module supports kerny's card?10:47
ikoniaganjamaniac: why do you want to link the binaries ?10:47
crwebkerny: i play my wii on my linux machine10:47
kernyhttp://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~chrisp/Linux-DVB/DVICO/   Apparently that is not laggy10:47
ganjamaniaci link the old version10:47
crwebkerny: its all dependant on your card and driver.10:47
ikoniaslytherin: it looks like the win-nova compatible modules will play it, there is also a 3rd party module for extended functionality, lookinat the docs10:47
kernycrweb: how would I get a FusionHDTV DVB-T plus working?10:47
FluxDcrweb: really? :o10:47
Richard51684where does wget save a file?10:48
ikoniaganjamaniac: 32bit is our problem10:48
ganjamaniaci got 2.7-4 of libc6-i38610:48
ikoniaRichard51684: current working dir10:48
FluxDRichard51684: home folder10:48
crwebFluxD: yeah. not an issue. You want a framegrabber card, not a hardware encoder10:48
kernyapparently there is this website http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~chrisp/Linux-DVB/DVICO/10:48
ganjamaniacikonia: IT WAS RUNNING BEFORE! believe me, i messed up something with a installer yesterday night10:48
FluxDcrweb: any links I could take look at10:48
bazhangmythtv is like tivo kerny10:48
ikoniaganjamaniac: it will run, but you need a 32bit environment to run it10:49
crwebFluxD: for hardware? or setup?  I just use a cheap $20 card from newegg and tvtime10:49
ganjamaniaclibc-i386 is a part of the 32bit environment for 64bit systems10:49
FluxDcrweb: ah got it10:49
ikoniaganjamaniac: libc-i386 is the 32bit libaries, full stop.10:49
ganjamaniacGNU C Library: 32bit shared libraries for AMD6410:50
ikoniayes ?10:50
crwebkerny: nobody is giving you the run around. Its a really hard question to answer.  Very likely no one else has your tv card.10:51
crwebkerny: your best bet would be to google for "linux <yourcard>" and see examples of what others have done to get it to work.10:51
ganjamaniaci think i re-install the whole ubuntu10:52
ikoniaganjamaniac: maybe use the 32bit os ?10:52
ganjamaniaci use 64bit10:52
ganjamaniacits 64bit time10:53
ikoniaconsider 32 if wine is critical to your needs10:53
alessandro_hi i'm alexander good morning10:53
ganjamaniaci just have to run synchronet on wine, until i compiled it against gcc10:53
crwebyeah, if you need wine, cedega, or crossover, you should use 32bit10:53
crwebthe gains from 64bit i don't feel outweigh the lack of software and support.10:54
bazhanghi alessandro_10:54
alessandro_do u spk italian10:55
ikonia!it | alessandro_10:55
ubotualessandro_: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:55
alessandro_by !!!!!!!!!!!10:56
slytherinkerny: Can you paste the output of command 'lspci' somewhere?10:56
passbe7.10 sucessfully recognises my twinhan tv tuner, and loads the firmware, however using kaffeine i cannot view any channels ? can anyone shed some light ? google = fail10:57
crwebpassbe: have you tried tvtime?10:58
passbecrweb:  ill give it a go10:58
crwebpassbe: this way you can check if it is card or kaffeine10:58
SmSpillazanyone where running on a laptop? If so, could you please post your current temperature?10:58
SmSpillazI need to debug something10:58
ljsmithxI need help with a person who hates linux10:59
kernyslytherin: ok10:59
ljsmithxWho here knows alot?10:59
Hoxzerljsmithx: some people do. I dont give damn about it10:59
slytherinljsmithx: Do you want to smash him? :-D10:59
Hoxzer*a damn10:59
ganjamaniacyou need to consider depeche mode10:59
sunogbagaljsmithx: be specific10:59
ljsmithxHe loves microsoft10:59
aoeu1234What program can I use to measure my typing speed?10:59
crwebljsmithx: usually a baseball bat, or a /ignore works best.11:00
ljsmithxMis msn nick is "Mr. Microsoft"11:00
ikoniaa stop watch ?11:00
ikonialjsmithx: please stop making random chatter11:00
ikonialjsmithx: please read the ouput of "/topic"11:00
sunogbaganice one ikonia11:00
ljsmithxI just don't like people like him11:00
passbecrweb:  cannot open dev/video0 > im assuming that means its the card, which is weird because in previous versions i would have to complie the firmware, now it just loads automatically11:00
ikonialjsmithx: don't respond then11:00
* sauvin recommends a very large meal at Taco Bell followed by a lengthy confinement in a small unventilated room11:00
ljsmithxIt's hard though11:01
ikoniasauvin: don't provoke11:01
crwebpassbe: kinda sounds like it didn't load then.  It is possible the module loaded without firmware11:01
crwebpassbe: try unloading the module with -r, then load it again and check dmesg11:01
slytherinpassbe: Are you sure the module is loaded? You can try looking at output of 'dmesg' and see if that device node was created.11:01
Richard51684does anyone know a good download accelerator/manager like flashget?11:01
Budda|Does someone feel like helping me out in installing beryl? Or whatever it's called now.11:01
passbe[345038.932000] dvb-usb: Twinhan USB2.0 DVB-T receiver (TwinhanDTV Alpha/MagicBox II) successfully initialized and connected.11:01
slytherinRichard51684: d4x11:01
FiboknightHello,I'm having trouble connecting pidgin to irc. Can I get help for that here?11:02
passbecrweb:  slytherin  that above line appears last on dmesg11:02
Richard51684thanks i'll have a look at ti11:02
vltHello. How can I connect vncserver to a listening vncviewer instance?11:02
crwebpassbe: maybe try /dev/video1 ?11:02
SmSpillazis 61 C a normal operating temperature for a laptop?11:02
ikoniaSmSpillaz: depends on your hardware11:02
slytherinpassbe: Try a reboot. :-)11:02
sunogbagavlt: do it vice versa11:02
SmSpillazikonia: I put my hand over it and it doesnt feel like 61 C, but that's what is reported11:03
crwebSmSpillaz: is that the cpu tempature or the case temp?11:03
Budda|Does someone feel like helping me out in installing beryl? Or whatever it's called now.11:03
vltsunogbaga: hah11:03
bazhang!compiz | Budda|11:03
ubotuBudda|: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:03
crwebSmSpillaz: you should feel what the temp of the air being blown out of the unit feels like. Not so much the actual unit.11:03
SmSpillazcrweb: Its the output I get from both sensors11:03
sunogbagavlt: you connect a vncviewer to a vncserver., at least thats how i understand it11:03
passbecrweb:  no video in dev/ls *v at all. slytherin: serious11:04
cyrax help11:04
crwebpassbe: def. interesting.11:04
SmSpillazcrweb: it only feels like 31 C to me11:04
cyraxI need help regarding my partitions.11:04
SmSpillazthe air coming out that is11:04
slytherinpassbe: That is why I said, reboot. May be the module is not loaded at all and it may get loaded automatically on reboot.11:04
ikoniacyrax: ask the questions11:04
cyraxMy partitions (some ntfs some ext3) have suddenly disappeared.11:04
passbeslytherin:  should i keep the unit plugged in ?11:05
crwebSmSpillaz: well, 61C cpu in a core 2 duo/pentium-d laptop isn't bad..11:05
vltsunogbaga: Yes, you're right, but vncviewer has a "-listen" option (port 5500). I just can't find the corresponding "connect to listening client" option in vncserver ...11:05
cyraxI can no longer see the partitions.11:05
ikoniawhere ?11:05
crwebpassbe: i'd reboot, disconnect. check dmesg, then plug it in and check dmesg again11:05
vltsunogbaga: I can't do it the normla way here, because of NAT/firewalling11:05
slytherinpassbe: of course11:05
passbelol ok brb11:05
cyraxand one partition (ext3) gives me a "hal-storage-fixed-mount refused uid 1000"11:05
vltnormal*, even11:05
ikoniacyrax: look in /etc/passwd for what has a uid of 100011:06
cyraxwhere - dolphin11:06
gruntLOLHey all I was wondering if anyone who used tf-b4rt along with azureus could help me. I am getting errors on private trackers which seems to be the result of bit tornado so I installed azureus then I try and run a torrent and I get the error. fluazu not running and I dont know where to go from here!11:06
SmSpillazcrweb: k, I've got a pentium M, so11:06
slytherinikonia: It must be the first user he cretated during installation11:06
cyraxI saw the uid and it is infact my user id11:06
ikoniaslytherin: thats why I said check it11:06
SmSpillazI'm just getting a hell of a lot of overheats recently11:06
sunogbagavlt: set ur vncserver to listen to a port,. then using your vncviewer connect to the vncservers host and port where the server is listening11:06
slytherincyrax: What did you change recently?11:07
crwebSmSpillaz: is probably about right underload. Laptop with poor cooling maybe.  might try cleaning out the heatsink and fan area. I know my heatsink fins gather dust and stop air.11:07
cyraxslytherin, the one thing I had done was update (apt-get upgrade) after around 3 months.11:07
vltsunogbaga: Erm, that would be the "nomal" way, yes.11:07
vltsunogbaga: I need it the other way round.11:07
kerny:~/Desktop/dvb-kernel/build-2.6$ make11:07
kernyMakefile:13: /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/.config: No such file or directory11:07
kernymake: *** No rule to make target `/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source/.config'.  Stop.11:07
vltsunogbaga: On Windows VNC servers that is calles "Add new client ..."11:08
Morticekerny: did you run ./configure?11:08
magnetron!kernel > kerny11:08
ikoniakerny: you don't have the kernel source installed, why do you keep trying to make that modules11:08
ikoniaMortice: that won't work11:08
Morticeikonia: apologies, you're right.11:08
ikoniaMortice: don't be sorry11:08
kerny ./configure11:09
kernybash: ./configure: No such file or directory11:09
xiaofenghow to get help11:09
ikoniaxiaofeng: ask a question11:09
ikoniaxiaofeng: stop making random posts od "/h"11:09
passbe[   40.026205] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_vp7045 > i now have that ?11:09
VSpikeHow can I make gnome not show window contents while moving or resizing?  Not running effects11:09
passbebut i still get the same errors11:09
gruntLOLHey all I was wondering if anyone who used tf-b4rt along with azureus could help me. I am getting errors on private trackers which seems to be the result of bit tornado so I installed azureus then I try and run a torrent and I get the error. fluazu not running and I dont know where to go from here!11:10
kernyhow do I install the kernel source?11:10
sunogbagavlt: sorry, i have to leave.. would have tried that one out with you, however i gotta sleep now.11:10
ikoniakerny: why do you keep trying to build that module11:10
kernybecause the prebuilt module for linux doesn't support my card11:10
kernyI think...11:10
ikoniakerny: which module are you trying11:10
achadwick#join #ubuntu-offtopic11:11
kernyhang on11:11
slytherinkerny: Which prevuilt module?11:11
crwebcyrax: i just had the same problem like 20 minutes ago with the kubuntu installer11:11
crweberr kubuntu live disc11:12
kernymaybe I don't need it11:12
kernylnb.c:1:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory11:12
kernylnb.c:2:20: error: string.h: No such file or directory11:12
kernylnb.c:3:19: error: ctype.h: No such file or directory11:12
ikoniakerny: what are you doing ?11:12
kernyI don't have the headers installed11:12
ikoniakerny: you need the kernel source11:12
kernycompile linuxtv-dvb-apps11:12
kernydifferent thing now11:13
ikoniakerny: it's very clear your not clear with what your actually doing.11:13
ikoniakerny: it's also clear your not at a level to be able to follow advice through11:13
cyraxcrweb, errr... you are scaring me now.11:13
kernyI've stopped trying to add a module11:14
crwebcyrax: unfortunately i just ignored it and installed. didn't look into it11:14
cyrax:'( crweb11:14
slytherinkerny: Do you really expect us to help you when you are not even answering the questions we ask?11:14
ikoniakerny: I don't mean this derogatory, but I'd advise you to continue to use windows until your card is better supported11:14
ikoniakerny: you will have a far easier time and better support using windows.11:14
gruntLOLHey all I was wondering if anyone who used tf-b4rt along with azureus could help me. I am getting errors on private trackers which seems to be the result of bit tornado so I installed azureus then I try and run a torrent and I get the error. fluazu not running and I dont know where to go from here!11:15
kernyI'm trying to compile tzap11:15
kbrooksikonia, you're biased! you should ask him to stay on linux!11:15
ikoniakbrooks: biased ?11:15
ikoniakbrooks: how am I biased ?11:15
kbrooksikonia, don't you favour linux over windows?11:15
ikoniakbrooks: I don't use windows, I am %100 linux11:15
cyraxI hoped that I can finally suggest moving all of our computers from windows to Ubuntu. Now I would have to re think. Maybe end up with Mac or if worse comes to worst Vista. Just saying that sends shivers down my spine.11:15
Morticekerny: why? tzap is in the repositories11:16
dinop007how can i run vb files? 0.o?11:16
klotetin ubuntu, is their any CTRL+ALT+DEL or something?11:16
VSpikecyrax: don't use vista for god's sake :)11:16
ikoniakbrooks: you don't know me or anything about me so please don't pass comment about me11:16
crwebcyrax: i've never seen it before just a few minutes ago11:16
VSpikeklotet: ctrl-alt-bksp terminates the X server.  ctrl-alt-f1 should get you a console11:16
cyraxVSpike, as I said I hate it myself. Don't want to find reasons to switch to a loathesome thing like that.11:16
klotetthxs. VSpike11:17
VSpikecyrax: I'm using it right now as we speak and it gives me hives11:17
kerny sudo apt-get install linuxtv-dvb-apps11:17
kernyReading package lists... Done11:17
kernyBuilding dependency tree11:17
kernyReading state information... Done11:17
kernyE: Couldn't find package linuxtv-dvb-apps11:17
ikoniakerny: thats not the pasckage name11:17
Morticekerny: dvb-utils11:17
ikoniakerny: if you want help, start listening to people11:17
cyraxcrweb, I saw the hal ... thing on the web. Some people had that problem. In my case though, it's funny. All this has happened AFTER the system update. I did not not upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10 btw.11:18
passbecrweb:  still the same error > lsmod reports that its been loaded into usb_core, so i dont see whats wrong apart from not having a /dev/video011:18
cyraxVSpike, *sigh* ... I heard horror stories. Add to that the compulsory DRM *yuck* and it's bloody expensive.11:18
kernyhow do I find my adapter for the -a option of tzap?11:19
StevethepirateAnyone here ever ran a dedicated counter strike server off linux?11:19
ikoniakerny: depends if your adapter creates a device file11:19
kernyhow do I check that?11:19
ikoniakerny: thats what you need the kernel module for11:19
kernyhow do I enable this module?11:20
VSpikeactually, does anyone know what the keyboard shortcut to get the xkill cursor is?  I thought it was ctrl-alt-esc but that doesn't work here11:20
ikoniakerny: we are going around in circles11:20
kernystart at the beginning11:20
VSpikeI also had a feeling that ctrl-esc usually brought up a process table but that doesn't work either11:20
ikoniakerny: please consider using an operating system (windows) that has full support for your card.11:20
kernyso I can't use it?11:21
crwebpassbe: very strange.  Sorry i'm unable to continue with you.  If you do not get it solved come back sometime around now tomorrow :)11:21
kbrookskerny, we're not saying you can't11:21
ikoniakerny: I dind't say that, but you seem unable to follow things through to the required effort to get things working on this level of supported hardware11:21
passbecrweb:  thx for your help anyways11:21
VSpikekerny: or ebay the card and buy another which is known to be supported11:21
ikoniakerny: where as windows I suspect it will work out of the box11:21
passbecrweb:  atleast ubuntu recognises it straight away11:21
kernyI can get it working11:21
passbea step forward11:21
kernyI'll try and do it11:21
kernyjust give me instructions11:21
ikoniakerny: no11:22
ikoniakerny: it's not a matter of giving instructions11:22
ikoniakerny: 1.) you don't listen 2.) you don't understand 3.) your not at alevel where you understand what your doing11:22
Cap_J_L_Picardikonia: When has windows worked "out of the box", never, always have to faff around with driver discs.11:22
ikoniaCap_J_L_Picard: there is a supported drive on windows, that is out of the box11:22
kernyok so I have to install the kernel source to install modules11:23
kernyplease tell me the apt-get command to get the kernel source please11:23
kernyI read above11:23
ikoniakerny: as far as the ubuntu kernel is concerned there is a partially compatible driver available (from what I've read) or a 3rd party module that is not supported, nor anything to do with ubuntu, so this channel has nothing to do with it11:23
cyraxok. Thank you all fr the help.11:23
ikoniakerny: magnetron has sent you a link 3 times detailing information on the kernel, its source and how to build.11:23
kerny!kernel > kerny11:24
dmg46664calc question: How do u split a worksheet so that the alignments of columns on the top half is different to the sizings of the bottom half (possible in excel).11:24
ikoniadmg46664: you may get better support in the open office irc channel11:24
Guest16155does tightvnc server come with the ubuntu installation disk ?11:24
gvsa123can i configure evolution handle web based email like yahoo or hotmail?11:25
ikoniadmg46664: or soemone in here may know11:25
ikoniagvsa123: yahoo has a pop3 service, as does hotmail, but I think you have to pay for hotmail11:25
Budda|I just enabled compiz-fusion, and to make it work like I want I need to enable the driver for my graphics card. However, when I go to do so, it doesn't let me. Anyone know why?11:25
Cap_J_L_Picardikonia: In some cases you have to pay for yahos.11:25
ikoniaBudda|: define "won't let me"11:25
maxsofthi all. I like unistall SAMBA and reinstall cause dont work well. I would like restart. it's possible with SynapticPackageManager? thank you.11:25
ikoniaCap_J_L_Picard: thank you11:25
gvsa123ikonia: so that means it's not possible?11:25
Budda|ikonia: Sec...11:25
ikoniamaxsoft: uninstalling and re-installing won't fix anything11:26
ikoniagvsa123: no, evolution will work with pop3 accounts, but you have to pay hotmail/yahoo to enable pop3 access for your account11:26
gruntLOLHey all I was wondering if anyone who used tf-b4rt along with azureus could help me. I am getting errors on private trackers which seems to be the result of bit tornado so I installed azureus then I try and run a torrent and I get the error. fluazu not running and I dont know where to go from here!11:26
maxsoftikonia: thank you. do you know how to reinstall the defautl configuration file?11:26
Budda|ikonia: I click Enable Driver, then I get a response "The package for driver nvidia-new is not enabled"11:26
ikoniamaxsoft: ahhh the default configuration file, apologies, yes a package re-install is the best for that. My mistake11:26
maxsoftthank you.11:27
ikoniaBudda|: have you got the non-free repo's enabled in system ->administration -> software sources11:27
gvsa123ikonia: i see... thanks... i better read on different types of email accounts then... would you care to give me a quick description of them?11:27
ikoniagvsa123: not really11:27
gvsa123ikonia: lol... thanks still...11:27
ikoniagvsa123: welcome11:27
dooglushow can I defrag a vfat partition?11:28
VSpikemaxsoft: you could try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure samba" and see if that does it11:28
GpoNsUwhois GpoNsU11:28
maxsoftVSpike: thank you very much.11:28
maxsoftI try11:28
ikoniadooglus: I'm not sure if you have to use a windows tool for vfat framention, one moment11:28
kbrooksdooglus, do it from Windows11:28
Budda|ikonia: Still doesn't work11:28
doogluskbrooks: I don't know how.  Windows is all in a foreign language.11:29
ikoniadooglus: you should be able to fsck it11:29
dooglusikonia: it's not fsck'ed, just fragmented11:29
ikoniaBudda|: please show me the output of "apt-cache search nvidia"11:29
ikoniadooglus: thats as far as the linux tools will allow you to go11:29
dooglusikonia: fsck won't defrag a volume, just sanity check it11:29
ikoniadooglus: I know this11:29
=== max797 is now known as max
earlmredthis is nice.11:30
earlmred"desktop effects could not be enabled"11:30
maxsoftwhy Samba is not an UBUNTU software? is it not secure?11:30
earlmredwith an 8800gts, running nvidia driver.11:30
dooglusikonia: so I need to buy a copy of windows?  that's kind of weak11:30
ikoniamaxsoft: samba is in ubuntu's software repo's11:30
kernyIf I install windows over linux, how do I get grub back so I can dual boot?11:30
ikoniadooglus: your using a windows file system, not really weak11:30
ikonia!grub >kerny11:30
earlmredemerald core dumps.11:31
Guest16155hello, i need plz help, when i typed on the terminial : sudo apt-get install tightvnc . i get an error msg : E: could'nt find package tightvnc ?11:31
dooglusikonia: it's not a windows filesystem - it predates windows11:31
ikoniaGuest16155: that package doesn't exist11:31
Budda|ikonia: Still doesn't work11:31
ikoniadooglus: ok, a prodominatly microsoft based file system. Does that make it a little better11:31
StevethepirateGuest16155: sudo aptitude search vnc11:31
ikoniaBudda|: I didn't say it would work, I asked you for the output of apt-cache search nvidia-new11:31
dooglusikonia: it's an ISO standard filesystem isn't it?11:31
ikoniadooglus: no idea11:32
earlmredi guess compiz hates xinerama11:32
ikoniadooglus: the bottom line is linux doesn't have tools to defrag it11:32
dooglusikonia: I was told that it's well supported by both windows and ubuntu - that's why I used it.  now I find it is getting incredibly slow due to fragmentation11:32
Stevethepiratethe bottom line is that ext3 is not BS like ntfs so doesn't need degrag11:32
ikoniadooglus: its supported for read / write access in linux11:32
ikoniadooglus: thats as far as it goes really11:32
ikoniadooglus: its a very limited file system11:33
dooglusikonia: that is all I use it for, read and write in linux, yet it is becoming slower and slower11:33
earlmredwhat file system is best for mdadm raid5?11:33
ikoniadooglus: because its fragmented11:33
Budda|ikonia: no output?11:33
ikoniaearlmred: doesn't matter11:33
ikoniaBudda|: you got zero lines of output11:33
Guest16155i installed the tightvnc server package how can i know whice port the vnc is using ?11:33
VSpikeMS used to say that NTFS didn't need defgragging11:34
ubuntu_hi, i installed 7.10 tonight and the install went fine, but when i went to boot up for the fist time it loads grub then says "error: 22 no such partition" how can i fix this?11:34
ikoniaBudda|: you are using ubuntu 7.1011:34
earlmredubuntu_ how many hard drives are in your machine?11:34
ikoniaGuest16155: look in the configuration file11:34
earlmredubuntu_ using both for 7.10, or just one?11:34
ubuntu_no OS on the other11:35
dooglusmy memory sticks, camera, ipod also use vfat format.11:35
Guest16155ikonia: what is the loacation of the configuaration file ?11:35
ubuntu_its just for storage11:35
ikoniaGuest16155: no idea11:35
ikoniaGuest16155: /etc/$somewhere11:35
earlmredubuntu_ i had the same problem earlier tonight, i had to unplug my 4 other sata drives and pull out my ide raid card before grub would boot properly =\11:35
earlmredubuntu_ and reinstall grub.11:35
eyemeanhello all, i've notived that wen im watching tv with tvtime cu usage is very high, but when i minimize it cpu usage drops, is that normal11:35
ikoniaubuntu_: grub has probably installed to the wrong drive11:35
Richard51684how do you set up apps to be ran at startup?11:35
ubuntu_earlmred: my main drive is sata and the slave is IDE, if that helps any11:35
ikoniaeyemean: yes, no on-screeen rendering is needed11:36
eyemeani have radeon 9550 , 1.7GHz cpu, 1Gig ram11:36
ubuntu_well how can i get it to install to the correct one11:36
earlmredubuntu_ grub probably installed on your IDE drive or something11:36
ikoniaubuntu_: you have 2 drives yes ?11:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tightvnc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:36
eyemeanok thanx ikonia11:36
ubuntu_when i  go to edit it in grub it says the drive is (hd1,1) but my sata is sdb2 i believe11:36
rysiek|plhi guys11:36
earlmredubuntu_ boot off the rescue cd and choose boot off first hard drive11:36
StevethepirateGuest16155: tightvnc11:36
Stevethepirateis like.11:36
ikoniaubuntu_: grud addresses drives differently11:36
ubuntu_earlmred: i get the same thing, ive tried that11:36
ikoniaBudda|: you are using ubuntu 7.10 yes ?11:36
Stevethepiratea program name11:37
earlmredubuntu_ hmm, that worked for me.11:37
Stevethepirateits like saying winscp11:37
Stevethepirateit uses a common protocol11:37
eyemeanikonia, is that the same for every tv software?11:37
earlmredubuntu_ disable your ide drive in the bios and see if you get grub, if not, you know it installed grub on the ide drive11:37
ikoniaeyemean: for anything visual, it if has to actually "show" something thats harder work than "not showing" something11:37
Stevethepirateyou just need a client11:37
ubuntu_earlmred: ill restart and try that11:37
Richard51684how do you set up apps to be ran at startup?11:38
earlmredStevethepirate avast!11:38
earlmredRichard51684 in X or services or ?11:38
earlmredsweet michael vick is getting sentenced today.11:38
Richard51684i don't know, im not very good with linux11:38
Guest16155does someone know where is the configuration file of tightvnc server ?11:38
eyemeanikonia, ok thanx for letting me know, cheers11:38
Richard51684i just want specific apps like firefox for eg. to load at startup11:38
earlmredRichard51684 http://www.howtoforge.com/make-desktop-applications-start-automatically-gnome11:39
gaurishwhats the name of compiz-fusion settings manager?11:40
gaurishIn which package does SSHD comes?11:40
ikoniagaurish: openssh-server11:41
gaurishwhats the name of compiz-fusion settings manager?11:41
magnetrongaurish: the ssh package11:41
magnetrongaurish: it's named --h11:42
ikoniamagnetron: its openssh-server for sshd11:42
Budda1ikonia: Did you suggest anything while I was lagging out?11:42
magnetronikonia: ssh works as well11:42
maxsofthi all. can you suggest me a GUI GTK for SAMBA?11:43
ikoniamamagnetron so it does, thats an excellent addition11:43
ikoniamaxsoft: swat is the only real config tool11:44
Budda1ikonia: Any ideas on how I can get my graphics card working on ubuntu?11:44
eyemeanikonia, should a website have the same effect? high cpu usage11:44
wols_for very low values of "config!11:44
ikoniaeyemean: depends on the content, flash for example, yes11:44
ikoniaBudda1: yes, show me the results of apt-cache search nvidia-new11:45
maxsoftthank you all11:45
eyemeanif i post the site can u see if you have the same effect? or is that against the rules here?11:45
ikoniaeyemean: why, my system is different, so it's a pointless test11:46
para_doxhey all11:46
eyemeanikonia, oh ok, lol11:46
Budda1I am about to kill something11:46
wersdaluvhmmm... is there a basket notepads alternative for gnome?11:46
magnetronwersdaluv: "basket notepad"? please elaborate, i don't understand11:47
para_doxI'm getting an error when I './configure' a source.. says gtk2.0 isn't met.. and I'm pretty sure I installed it.. could this be a problem in a path?  how would I check where gtk2.0 is?11:47
wersdaluvbasket notepads, the KDE app11:47
ikoniapara_dox: gtk maybe installed, it may be looking for headers or libaries11:47
wersdaluvthe amazing kde app11:47
para_doxikonia- is there a quick way to reinstall it all? with headers/all libraries?11:48
ikoniapara_dox: what are you building ?11:48
magnetronpara_dox: to compile, you need the gtk2<something>-dev11:48
ikoniaooh the mud client11:48
para_doxheh.. yeah I'm one of those :P11:49
ikoniapara_dox: have you tried gnome-mud ? and gmoo ?11:49
para_doxI prefer gmudix scripting personally11:49
para_doxI had it working a few months ago.. I think I had this exact same problem.. forget how I fixed it11:49
para_doxcourse, I was on FC5 then I think11:49
ikoniapara_dox: sure, just offering you a supported altnernative. download the gtk-dev and lib packages11:49
para_doxok, I'll try that first.. thanks for the help11:49
BuddaI am about to kill something11:52
=== Budda is now known as Budda|
para_doxsweet, you rock ikonia :P11:52
ikoniaBudda: I've attempted to assist you to debug, but you keep ignoreing it11:52
ikoniapara_dox: your welcome11:52
para_doxI didn't figure I needed the -dev one11:52
Budda|ikonia: I'm not ignoring it11:52
Budda|I never see the messages11:52
Budda|I'm back on Windows now11:53
ikoniaBudda|: so what is the output from the commands I've asked you to run 3 times11:53
para_doxis that a general way to fix dependency issues if I know I have the package installed? always install the -dev ?11:53
ikoniaBudda|: then I'm unable to help you if you are on windows11:53
ikoniapara_dox: the -dev packages normall contain development requirements such as headers11:53
Budda|ikonia: The command I _did_ see, I ran, and there was no output11:53
ikoniaBudda|: ok, then we need to check your software sources11:53
Budda|How would I do that?11:54
ubuntu_earlmred: i think it did like you said and just installed to the IDE and not the SATA drive11:54
ubuntu_how can i install grub to the SATA?11:54
armyboyboleh kenalan g???11:54
ikoniaBudda|: give me a shout when you back on linux11:54
Budda|Also, is there a way to install a better driver for my wireless card, it keeps randomly disconnecting me from my network while on ubuntu11:54
ikoniaBudda|: thats all in the same thing potentially11:54
Slartarmyboy: english might work better11:55
Budda|Alright, I'll try linux again, but if the network card fucks up one more time, I think I might smash my screen11:55
ikoniaBudda|: wait11:55
earlmredubuntu_, http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/11:55
ikoniaBudda|: if you want help, do not use offensive language, This is a family friendly channel, your language is both uncalled for an unwelcome11:56
armyboyokey..I'm from indonesia..Do you know indonesia???11:56
Slartarmyboy: I know of indonesia but I don't speak your language.. did you have an ubuntu question?11:56
ubuntu_earlmred: will i need to remove the grub from this IDE drive fist?11:57
armyboyI'm sorry..but I dont kNow what do you say..11:57
ubotuarmyboy: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:57
Slartanyone know the nifty little ubotu command for indonesian channel? if there even is one?11:58
Slartah.. nice.. thanks wersdaluv11:58
armyboyoh!!!I dont know..By the way..Where do you come from???11:58
wersdaluvcipete, armyboy11:59
armyboywersdaluv : qm nak mana??12:00
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Budda|ikonia: Talk fast12:00
wersdaluvsidikit bahasa aja, armyboy. am not indonesian. hehe12:00
ikoniaBudda|: Budda| grep restricted /etc/apt/sources.list12:00
ikoniaBudda|: put that in a pastebin12:00
armyboywersdaluv : so,where do you come from?? are you Girl???12:01
ikoniaarmyboy: this is not a chat channel, this is a support channel only.12:01
Guest16155hello, i just installed tightvnc server , but when i am trying to run the server i get an error msg : libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3:12:01
Guest16155cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:01
ikoniaGuest16155: how did you install it12:01
wols_Guest16155: how did you install it?12:02
ikoniaBudda|: uncomment all those lines that start deb http://12:02
Guest16155ikonia : sudo apt-get install tightvncserver12:02
kbrookswho hilighted me12:02
Budda|ikonia: how12:02
wols_Guest16155: apt-cache policy tightvncserver12:02
ikoniaBudda|: open it in a text editor and remove the # marks12:02
ikoniaBudda|: also put a # mark infront of the http://rafb.net/p/nBINZB70.html12:03
ikonia line12:03
armyboyHay every body..12:03
kbrooks!offtopic | armyboy12:03
ubotuarmyboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:03
Guest16155wols_: what i should do ? i didnt understand ?12:03
wols_you should type that and pastebin the output12:03
armyboyboleh knalan g???12:03
Budda|ikonia: I took out the #, now what12:04
hithi, does someone know solution to this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39338812:04
Guest16155wols_: to type this on the terminal and than post here the output ?12:04
wols_!paste | Guest1615512:04
ubotuGuest16155: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:04
shishioguys i need help i cant view files at my ntfs windows partition im using ubuntu gutsy12:04
Stevethepirateyou need to mount the filesystem.12:05
wols_hit: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:05
wols_hit: then restart gdm12:05
hitwols_, tryed, didn't work12:05
wols_hit: you typed WHAT?12:05
Budda|ikonia: ???12:06
hitdpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg12:06
passbedoes anyone know a root-tail like program that works well with ubuntu 7.10 / gnome ?12:06
oliver_hi, i recently updatet my system and i get a black screen when starting gnome ....12:06
hiteither way no solution12:06
wols_hit: grep -i XkbLayout /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:06
Stevethepiratepassbe: like.. sudo tail -f file.ext?12:06
Guest16155wols_: i did the pastbin12:06
wols_oliver_: check your xorg log12:06
wols_Guest16155: then tell us the url?12:06
armyboyyou are FUCKER!!!!!!12:06
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:06
passbeStevethepirate:  yes however rendered to the desktop ?12:06
hitwols_: sec, i'm not in ubuntu right now12:07
StevethepirateOh, you mean like?12:07
StevethepirateLike to a gui?12:07
StevethepirateOr something?12:07
passbeyer let me get you a screenshot12:07
Stevethepiratepm it to me as well plz.12:07
armyboyI'm sorry...12:07
oliver_wols_, xorg and gdm are both perfect12:07
Guest16155wols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47680/12:07
StevethepirateI need to go grab a cup of coffee12:07
oliver_gnome is the problem ... so i dont think that i can find it in xorg.0.log12:08
wols_oliver_: ~/,xsession-errors12:08
hitwols_: "XkbLayout""et"12:08
boguhhi, when i try to install flashplayer i get this error: md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed12:08
hitas it should be12:08
wols_hit: on console it's alright?12:08
IdleOne!flash | boguh12:09
ubotuboguh: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:09
hitwols_: console is like it should be yes12:09
oliver_wols_, just reports about alarm-notifz12:09
wols_oliver_: pastebin the file12:09
oliver_wols_, everything comes up fine. but theres no background, no icons in the bars and nothing12:09
Guest16155wols_: did u got my pastbin ?12:09
earlmredbuilding a 1.5TB raid5 takes too long =\ heh12:10
wols_Guest16155: dpkg -l |grep libstdc12:10
bazhangarmyboy: do you have a support question? this is a support channel12:11
wols_oliver_: "A panel is already running."12:11
Guest16155wols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47682/12:12
ari_stressgood evening all12:12
oliver_wols_, this is my only active screen but then i try to kill all12:12
bazhanghi ari_stress12:13
ikoniaBudda|: apologies I was on the phone12:13
wols_Guest16155: apt-get install libstdc++2.10-glibc2.212:13
ikoniaBudda|: are you confident with what you are doing now12:13
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ikoniawols_: why would it need gcc lib?12:13
wols_oliver_: sudo ps aux |grep panel12:13
wols_ikonia: cause it's a C++ program12:13
ikoniawols_: I thought it was a gcc lib, not a glibc one12:14
ikoniabut it is glibc12:14
wols_ikonia: and has a brokenly set up dependency. you can file a bug, but it's universe12:14
wols_ikonia: it's the C++ standard lib for glibc 2.212:14
ikoniawols_: yes, as I said I thought it was a gcc lib, hence why I questioned it12:14
wols_if you compile an app with STL components a lincstd++ is referenced. always been thus12:15
earlmredwtf @ creative's XFi 64bit driver12:16
earlmred"This product only support 64-bit Operating Systems Setup will now exit"12:16
earlmredLinux ubuntu 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:16
* earlmred points at x86_64.12:16
earlmredlol it runs uname -i to check for that in the script12:16
ruosoHi... I'm the maintainer of gnome-mag in debian. The gnome-mag package in ubuntu does not support the colorblind accessibility filters... the latest version (just uploaded) supports it just fine with the colorblind applet... how does it work to get that features to ubuntu?12:16
* earlmred comments out lines12:16
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Slartdid you expect anything else from creative?12:16
ari_stresshi guys, any URL on how to do incremental backup in Linux?12:16
kbrooksearlmred, what does uname -i print12:17
wols_ruoso: shouldn't you ask this the maintainer of the package?12:17
wols_ruoso: few if any ubuntu devs here12:17
earlmredkbrooks,  unknown12:17
_rubenruoso: might wanna check out #ubuntu-motu12:17
TraeI can't get syntax highlighting working with Ubuntu's vim12:17
kbrooksearlmred, are you saying it prints "unknown", or are you saying you don't know?12:18
TraeThis is the version I have:  version 7.1.5612:18
n15t0redarrow: german?12:18
Slartari_stress: there are several backup applications available.. I think most of them support incremental backups.. do a apt-cache search backup and see what you find12:18
earlmredis the output of uname -i12:18
IdleOnekbrooks: it prints unknown12:18
borndeer@Trae: I have the same problem12:18
n15t0hello slart!12:18
kbrooksearlmred, ah12:18
kbrooksearlmred, ok12:18
Slartn15t0: hello again12:18
Traeborndeer, I can't live without color syntax highlighting :(12:19
_rubenTrae: vim-tiny (the default) or the 'real' vim ?12:19
ari_stressSlart: thanks man :)12:19
_rubenTrae: the default (vim-tiny) is very limited12:19
Trae_ruben, I'm typing "vim"12:19
borndeerTrae: so I just switch to Gedit12:19
Slartari_stress: you're welcome12:19
ikoniaBudda|: are you confident with what you are doing now12:19
Traeborndeer, omg.... icky  lol12:19
Traeborndeer, but if it works for you great mate, I can't use it personally12:19
shishioguys, how can i safely remove my usb flashdrive?12:20
Trae_ruben, yeah I'm typing "vim" from terminal12:20
_rubenTrae: check with 'dpkg -l | grep vim'12:20
_rubenTrae: or just try and go with 'sudo apt-get install vim'12:20
earlmredmaybe i'll be returning this sound card and going back to my onboard sound12:20
Slartshishio: unmount it.. "sudo umount /path/to/mountpoint" or right-click it in nautilus, select unmount12:20
Trae_ruben, that's insane lol ok installling it12:21
_rubenTrae: what is?12:21
Trae_ruben, that worked!12:21
Trae_ruben, it's insane that the real version of vim isn't shipped by default12:22
whoniccawhats the best gnome based program to make a data cd that supports multi sessions12:22
Trae_ruben, at any rate, thanks bunches mate!12:22
kbrookswhonicca, gnomebaker12:22
whoniccawill try that12:22
Slartwhonicca: doesn't gnomebaker support multisessions? or try brasero12:22
whoniccaSlart, never used it12:23
_rubenTrae: well, it's real, just a stripped down version, the idea behind it is unknown to me tho ;-) could be a space issue or smth12:23
fevelI have installed windows on another partition and it screwed grub, booting directly insto windows xp. I have no linux cd since my cd case got robbed, is there a way to fix the bootloader from within windows?12:24
fevel*ubuntu 7.1012:24
ikoniafevel: no12:24
Trae_ruben, yeah.... I think it's specifically to confuse people like me ;)12:24
_rubenTrae: heheh, i doubt that ;-)12:24
kbrooksTrae, heh12:24
Slartwhonicca: Brasero handles multi-session discs.. I just checked.. I don't know about gnomebaker but it's pretty popular12:24
apo_I've just switched to 8.04, and now when I unhide tilda (a terminal like the ones used in quake or unreal tournament, hidden until you press a key), it does not get focus12:24
apo_The focus remains on the previously selected window12:25
ikoniaapo_: 8.10 is not supported12:25
apo_Is there some way to turn the focus-stealing prevention off?12:25
ikoniaapo_: 8.10 discussion (not support) is in #ubuntu+112:25
apo_Good, thx12:25
apo_Bye ;)12:25
kbrooksikonia, do you mean to talk about 8.04?12:25
ikoniakbrooks: yes12:25
Richard51684how do you make your user name stay in the login box at the login window12:26
kahrytan!hardy | Apo_12:27
ubotuApo_: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu12:27
kahrytanikonia➲  use !hardy for 8.0412:27
ikoniakahrytan: np12:27
ikoniakahrytan: no12:28
Guest16155how can i remove total some package from my ubuntu on terminal ?12:28
kbrookskahrytan, he left, too late12:28
ikoniakahrytan: I chose to explain to him and interact, feel free to use factoids when you want12:28
jimqodeDoes anyone know I can enter into .xinitrc file to switch keyboard layouts with alt+shift keys? Using gnome layout switcher is not an option.12:28
ikoniaGuest16155: total ?12:28
ikoniajimqode: I do'nt think xinit has that style of functionality12:28
wols_Guest16155: apt-get remove --purgr <package>12:28
Guest16155ikonia: i mean how can i remove in a safty way a package from the terminal ?12:28
kbrooksGuest16155, um, sudo apt-get remove --purge <package>12:28
ikoniaGuest16155: wols_ provided you the answer12:29
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jimqodeikonia, it is a startup script file.There should be a way to bind functions to keys12:29
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wols_jimqode: setxkbmap12:30
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jimqodewols_, do you know how i can bind setxkbmap command to a key?12:30
ikoniajimqode: I'm not sure how you'd bind it to a key, but the change should be possible12:30
wols_jimqode: layouts or single keys?12:30
ikoniawols_: he means on keypress change layouts12:30
wols_changing layouts is done with setxkbmap, how to trigger and run that is for you to find out12:31
Richard51684how do you make your user name stay in the login box at the login window12:31
wols_but .xinit would be the wrong place for this12:31
ikoniawols_: I can't see how he'd ba ble to keybind it using xinit12:31
n15t0is there a german channel for ubuntu support?12:32
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:32
Wolfslurgi've a little problem12:32
n15t0thanks ikonia12:32
Wolfslurgi get this error with the new driver of ATI, but the desktop effect work..12:33
Wolfslurg(WW) AIGLX: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x6212:33
Wolfslurgcan i solve this problem?  or is a bug?12:33
wols_Wolfslurg: you run xserver-xorg then12:34
wols_erm, xsrver-xgl12:34
Wolfslurgwols_: but if i run xgl i get a damaged video12:34
Wolfslurgand not work good..12:34
wols_Wolfslurg: what videocard?12:34
jimqodewols_ actually i'm running ratpoison window manager. i'm used to switching keyboard layouts with alt+shift keys in gnome. i'm trying to make a similir thing.12:35
borndeerHow can create Flash in Ubuntu ?12:35
Wolfslurg01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV570 [Radeon X1950 Pro] (rev 9a)12:36
Wolfslurgwols_: is not supported it's true?12:37
Wolfslurgbut with new propryetary driver work but not good..12:37
Wolfslurgwhen i try to play a movie i can't see the video12:38
Wolfslurgi watch a black screen12:38
Richard51684what is the easiest way to access information from the temp sensors in your comp12:38
Wolfslurgif i put the video in a full screen mode.. i can see the movie...12:39
wols_Wolfslurg: it's supported by the ubuntu fglrx driver. drivers from ati.com are not supported12:39
wols_Richard51684: mbmon12:39
Richard51684hmm thanks12:40
Wolfslurgok :)12:40
Wolfslurgtnks wols_12:40
whoniccawhy is basero complaining that this cdr doesnt have the required space if for sure its blank and all im burning to it is 300mb worth of data12:40
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whoniccaanyone ever get this error?12:41
Upayavirahow do I rename a newly built kernel? The one I've just built seems to have exactly the same name as the one I am currently running.12:44
ikoniaUpayavira: just rename the file12:44
Wolfslurgand thanks ^_^12:44
Upayaviraikonia: that easy? Okay.12:45
ikoniaUpayavira: it may not hurt to use the "append" parameter in the .config to change the running kernel name to differentiate between the ubuntu one12:45
gocciadisanguemay you help me? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47683/12:46
Upayaviraikonia: so if I just do append=uv1, I'll get uv1 in the filename?12:46
ikoniaUpayavira: no, the append parameter is in the .config at compile time12:46
Upayaviraikonia: Okay, so I add it to the .config I generate?12:47
ajay_how to configure ati radeon xpress 200 graphic card(motherboard intergreted)12:47
ikoniaUpayavira: you don't add it, in the menuconfig or xconfig (whatever you used) there is an append option to append your own name to the kernel title12:47
Upayaviraikonia: okay. (I just edited debian/config/i386/config and ran debian/misc/oldconfig 386)12:48
ikoniaUpayavira: what did you edit ?12:48
ajay_how to configure ati radeon xpress 200 graphic card(motherboard intergreted)?12:49
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:49
rijoubotu: alsa12:50
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:50
Slap_stickdoes anyone know how i can get javaws to work with ubuntu?12:50
ikoniaSlap_stick: where you not asking about this earlier12:50
Upayaviraikonia: linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/debian/config/i386/config12:50
ikoniaUpayavira: but what did you do to the file12:50
Upayavirareplaced SLUB with SLAB12:50
UpayaviraAnd linux-source-2.6.22-2.6.22/build/.config shows my change12:51
ikoniaUpayavira: but you didn't use the append option ?12:51
UpayaviraAt that point, I didn't know there was an append option!12:51
ikonia ok12:51
Guest16155does someone knwo other software for remote desktop control beside "tightvnc server" ?12:51
Guest16155knwo = know12:51
ajay_thanks! ubotu12:52
dooglusGuest16155: vncserver, vnc4server, x11vnc12:52
dooglusGuest16155: vino comes with ubuntu too12:52
dooglus!info vino12:52
ubotuvino: VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 207 kB, installed size 2252 kB12:52
wols_Guest16155: freenx12:52
dooglusGuest16155: it's a piece of poo though12:53
StevethepirateJesus. Guest16155: i'm pretty sure i said that you needed a vnc server like 3 hours ago/12:53
ikoniaSlap_stick: you did12:54
ikoniaStevethepirate: you did12:54
Stevethepirateikonia: sighs12:54
StrictProductionanyone compiled Nvidia driver with the new kernel ?12:54
ikoniaStevethepirate: what new kernel, and you don't compile the nvidia driver12:55
ikoniaStrictProduction: that was for you12:55
Guest16155wols_: does freenx can be installed by sudo command ?12:55
SpzattHow do i install themes?12:55
QaxiHas any body Ubuntu in use at corporate environment? Are thers any resources on net about the topic ?12:55
SpzattGuest, talking to me12:55
ubotuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX12:55
StrictProductionikonia yeah sure ? :)) it is linux everything it is gcc  and source :D12:56
ikoniaStrictProduction: yes, I'm certain12:56
ikoniaStrictProduction: nvidia is a closed source driver, and there is no new ubuntu released kernel12:56
ikoniaStrictProduction: would you care to expand your question ?12:57
StrictProductionnah ... :)12:57
baboCan I move a folder to another directory with ftp ?12:59
babothere's no mv command ...12:59
ikoniababo: no, you can copy not move12:59
dooglusbabo: it depends on the FTP server.  see if it has a RENA command12:59
babodooglus, yeah it has rena13:00
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StrictProductionany audio user in here ?! dssi-vst it is not included in ubuntu but it is existing :))13:00
me4uwould somebody know how to load the theme setup "young" for edubuntu13:01
me4ucan't find it preinstalled or downloadable13:01
ikoniame4u: download the theme, or mail the author of that screen shot13:01
babodooglus: rena == rename ?13:02
me4uik know where to d/l it from?13:02
ikoniaik ?13:02
StrictProductiongoogle for the theme ...13:02
ikoniame4u: yes ?13:02
me4uwould you know where to d/l it from?13:03
ikoniame4u: no13:03
me4ucouldn't find it13:03
ikoniame4u: mail the author of the screen shot13:03
baboikonia: there's no copy command in my ftp man sheet ...13:03
me4utrying to get this system ready for a little girl13:03
ikoniame4u: it may not be available for download, it maybe his personal theme13:03
dooglusbabo: I just renamed a dir like this:13:03
dooglusbabo: ftp> rename /user@verizon.net/images/dir1 /user@verizon.net/images/dir213:03
ikoniababo: no, you re-put it in a new location13:03
baboah, OK thanks13:04
dooglusbabo: I don't think ikonia knows about the rename command13:04
me4uhmm it says on this site that it's part of 3 themes available13:04
ikoniadooglus: I certainly don't13:04
StrictProductionme4u a sec13:04
drakenxchat is like fullscreen13:04
drakenand i cant change it13:04
dooglusikonia: it worked for me on a yahoo webhosting ftp server.  I don't know how standard it is13:04
StrictProductionwhat theme?!13:05
dooglushi aniac13:05
me4uthe one in the middle there in that link13:05
aniacI need a little bit help about scripting...13:05
me4uwith the cartoon kids13:05
aniacI need to write a script in order to find all empty subdirectories of a directory and delete those...13:06
ikoniaaniac: join #bash13:06
aniaci think it's easy but don't know anything about scripting yet...13:06
Slap_stickaniac: man find13:07
ikoniaaniac: and read the bash basics on http://www.tldp.org13:07
dooglusaniac: you could rely on the fact that 'rmdir' won't delete dirs which aren't empty:  find . -type d -exec rmdir {} ';'13:07
dooglusaniac: if you don't need recursion, a simple "rmdir *" will do13:07
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dooglusaniac: I wouldn't suggest using bash scripting though - find is sufficient13:08
aniacdooglus I need recursion because some subdirs may have other subdirs..13:09
StrictProductionme4u sudo apt-get install edubuntu-artwork and you will have the theme > iknoia don`t know about google13:09
aniacthnks for your help!13:09
dooglusaniac: right.  you might want to use -depth too, so it does the deepest dirs first13:09
dooglusaniac: see 'man find' for details13:10
aniacok, thanks ;)13:10
babodooglus, thanks dude. rena makes my life alot easier ... :-)13:10
jimqodehow do I change a user's defualt session type?13:11
StrictProductionanyone Nvidia 169.04 kernel 2.6.24 tested ?!13:11
dooglusaniac: the question is: if directory 'a' contains only directory 'b', and directory 'b' is empty, do you want both 'a' and 'b' deleted?  or only 'b'?  'a' isn't empty, but it will be once you delete 'b'13:11
ikoniaStrictProduction: that is nothing to do with ubuntu, please take this to a more appropriate place13:11
me4uthanx StrictProduction13:11
QuazionI did a apt-get upgrade and it broke htop, getting Stack smashing detected warnings, any idea's how to fix this ?13:11
dooglusbabo: I use GNU Emacs and wdired mode with TRAMP.  It makes renaming stuff on an FTP server as easy as editing a text file listing the filenames13:12
StrictProductionikonia antisocialism in here ? rasism ? inhuman language ?13:12
aniacdooglus in fact I want only directories whitch contain files not to be deleted...13:12
ikoniaStrictProduction: pardon ?13:12
aniacempty dirs and dirs which contain only empty dirs should be deleted13:12
StrictProductionikonia it is restricted to me to talk to other users ?13:12
dooglusaniac: and dirs which contain only dirs which contain only dirs?13:12
ikoniaStrictProduction: on non-ubuntu topics, yes13:13
ikoniaStrictProduction: this is an ubuntu support channel only13:13
jimqodeStrictProduction this is a help channel13:13
ikoniaStrictProduction: not a chat channel13:13
babodooglus, I'm using tramp on emacs as well.13:13
StrictProductionok so i can talk about Lmms crashing on my ubuntu machine ?13:13
babohow does it make it that easy ?13:13
ikonialmms ?13:13
jimqode!offtopic | StrictProduction13:13
ubotuStrictProduction: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:13
baboI'm not sure whether I'm using wdired or not13:13
ikoniaoof the stupid13:13
aniacif the final dir in depth is empty it should be deleted. then if the dir which contained that is empty (after deletion of the contained empty dir), it should be deleted too..13:13
dooglusbabo: did you see wdired mode?13:14
StevethepirateDoes ubuntu support Turbocache?13:14
StrictProductionok i see i go to ubuntu+113:14
StevethepirateLike. well?13:14
dooglusaniac: you need find -depth then - so it deletes the deepest dir before looking at the parent13:14
ikoniaStrictProduction: not ubuntu+113:14
dooglusbabo: (define-key dired-mode-map "r" (quote wdired-change-to-wdired-mode))13:14
ikoniaStrictProduction: ubuntu-offtopic for non-ubuntu chatter13:14
aniachmmm ok, I'll look also at the man, thanks ! ;)13:14
StrictProductionikonia looks you are paid to say that13:15
StrictProductionrobotic language13:15
StevethepirateWhat the floop13:15
StevethepirateIntegrated Intel® Graphic Media Accelerator X3100 [Included in Price]13:15
Stevethepirate128MB nVidia® GeForce® 8400M GS [subtract R43,604.00]13:15
ikoniaStrictProduction: I'm not paid at all, I'm directing you to the correct place13:15
Stevethepirate256MB nVidia® GeForce® 8600M GT [subtract R43,184.00]13:15
jimqodehow do I change a user's default session type in gdm?13:16
neilroba1gday folks. just ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to try to get higher resolution than 600x800. just wondering if cntl-alt-bsp will restart X? seems I tried that and ubuntu (running from cd) *rebooted*.13:16
dooglusjimqode: change it once, and it will ask if you want to keep the change as the default13:16
ikoniaStevethepirate: accidents happen13:16
babodooglus, M-x (define-key dired-mode-map "r" (quote wdired-change-to-wdired-mode)) ... ?13:16
jimqodedooglus well I also remember it asks but it doesnt. maybe its behav changed in an update13:17
me4uStrict it's telloing me that edubuntu-artwork is already the newest version13:17
babohow can i remove a directory that still has files in it ?13:17
jimqodebabo "rm -rf". but please be careful while using it. because it does not ask for confirmation13:17
StrictProductionme4u ask ikonia how to use that theme , it is a standard theme from the edubuntu distribution13:18
dooglusbabo: that makes the 'r' key in dired mode go into wdired-mode, where you can edit the filenames easily13:18
ikoniaStrictProduction: I've no idea if it's even installed in that package13:18
StrictProductionsupporting unbuntu but don`t know anything about the distribution13:18
dooglusjimqode: see also the ~/.dmrc file13:18
StrictProductionikonia then shut up with commenting without searching info13:18
ikoniaStrictProduction no, not knowing anything about a specific package of a product I don't use13:18
ikoniaStrictProduction: I didn't comment on his problem13:19
babojimqode, sorry dude, I meant to say how can i remove a directory with ftp that has files in it ?13:19
ikoniaStrictProduction: and be respectful towards people, that attitude is uncalled for13:19
jimqodeStrictProduction please cool down13:19
vataiyellow.. help?!13:19
babodooglus, k thanks - I don't think i have it installed then cause i just get no-match ...13:19
vataiati mobility radeon hd 240013:19
vataihelp needed...13:19
dooglusbabo: if you use a recent version of Emacs, TRAMP will offer to recursively delete the directory for you13:20
vataisorry i'm new to irc, especially asking for help on irc... so i'm not sure how/where to ask...13:20
dooglusvatai: just ask :)13:20
vataithanx :) so... i have a new laptop... with an ati mobility radeon hd 2400 graphics card...13:21
dooglusvatai: I have an ati mobility radeon x1600 and haven't had any luck getting it to work.  I'm not sure where to ask for help either.13:21
babodooglus, my emacs must be fairly up to date though - I'm on gutsy and i just installed the updates. There was defeinitely an emacs update in there ...13:21
me4uStrict, what do you think I should do next13:21
wroklifehi guys i have a problem with setting up my network on ubuntu 7.10. Its a cablenet with a static ip and a gateway and subnet. i am really frustated as i have tried everything .13:21
me4uemail the artist?13:21
me4uor maybe someone else?13:22
dooglus!info emacs-snapshot13:22
ubotuemacs-snapshot: The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:20070805-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1923 kB, installed size 5488 kB13:22
dooglusbabo: that one's newer13:22
suno6ba6awroklife what hve u done so far?13:22
ikoniame4u: I'd mail the theme owner if possible13:22
dooglusvatai: what's the problem specifically?13:22
jimqodedooglus well that's weird you mention that file because i was getting an error about that file but it does not even exists. (~/.dmrc)13:22
me4uikonia where do I find that info at?13:22
vataidouglus: x1600 the "restricted" driver doesn't suport it?13:23
ikoniame4u: is there nothing on the site you where looking at ?13:23
dooglusjimqode: mine has 4 lines.  the first line is blank, then:13:23
vataidouglas: problem: poor resolution, not to mention no 3d acceleration13:23
ikoniame4u: or ask in #edubuntu13:23
StrictProductionit is defaut theme of edubuntu13:23
dooglusjimqode: so I guess you could make your own13:23
jimqodedooglus thank you i think it will solve my problem13:23
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:23
wroklifesuno6ba6a: i have a mobo with 2 gigalans so i have tried setting up the lan on eth0 eth1 using ifconfig or just network manager etc even tried lowering the subnet mask13:23
ikoniaStrictProduction: hardy disscussion is in #ubuntu+113:23
dooglusjimqode: you might want a gnome one - I'm using xfce13:23
dooglusjimqode: a GNOME user here has just these 2 lines:13:24
suno6ba6acan u ping l0?13:24
vataidamn... how can i set my status to "away" :) never irc-ed too much before :)13:24
Netfeedhow can i switch from utf8 too iso-8859-1 on gutsy?13:24
jimqodedooglus yep, got the idea. i'm using ratpoison ;)13:24
babois there no delete * wildcard no ?13:24
dooglusvatai: you don't - nobody cares whether you're away or not...13:24
vatai:) thanx13:25
suno6ba6awroklife can u ping the loopback iface?13:25
dooglusvatai: did you install the fglrx drivers?13:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:25
wroklifesuno6ba6a: yes  have it works.....13:25
suno6ba6abut none of the other interface works?13:26
vataidooglus: nope... giving it a try now13:26
wroklifeno it doesnt13:26
suno6ba6awroklife can you ping your router?13:26
wroklifeeven cant get to the gateway13:26
dooglusvatai: it kind of helped for me, but I see corrupted displays quite regularly13:26
udinesh5hey ppl i want a help13:26
wroklifecant even get to the pc on the same switch13:26
dooglusudinesh5: hey we want a question13:27
me4uwould somebody know how to load the "young" theme in edubuntu13:27
udinesh5can u get me command options for gnomebaker13:27
ikoniaudinesh5: ask a question13:27
ikoniame4u: ask in #edubuntu13:27
vataidooglas: x600 worked fine with mi...13:27
ikoniame4u: I've told you a few times now13:27
ikoniame4u: you'll get better support13:27
me4uikonia nobody there really13:27
ikoniame4u: its a channel specific to that release13:27
vataidooglus: on the other machine, ofcourse13:27
Ghotcomdoes anyone know if Freetype supports x86_64 ?13:27
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dooglusudinesh5: how about help>contents inside the program?13:28
suno6ba6awroklife are you on dhcp?13:28
me4uI know ya did ikonia. I just figured I'd give this channel you posted a shot13:28
udinesh5dooglus: it doesnt show them13:28
wroklifeno i cant be on dhcp bcos my cablenet uses static ips13:29
dooglusudinesh5: ok then, gnomebaker --help13:29
udinesh5dooglus: lemme try13:29
ikoniawroklife: your cable may, but your router may require dhcp13:29
dooglusudinesh5: I don't know why the GNOME programs generally don't have manual pages like everything else13:29
wroklifeikonia: i tried with dhcp but my lan is connected thru switches so it definately requires a static ip13:30
ikoniawroklife:you have no router ?13:31
udinesh5dooglus: yep only help options n appl options13:31
udinesh5dooglas:no other stuff13:31
dooglusudinesh5: there's nothing under 'help options' about how to display all the options?13:31
wroklifedont know man i am newbie to this.....but i cant get to router either13:32
udinesh5dooglas: yes13:32
ikoniawroklife: your router has a static ip, but your workstataions may need dhcp asssigned addresses from your router13:32
udinesh5dooglas: no options there13:32
ikoniawroklife: if you can't get to your router though your network setup is wrong13:32
dooglusudinesh5: what are you looking for?13:32
udinesh5dooglas: i was looking for commandline options so tat i could specify all cd writing job jus keying in13:33
udinesh5dooglas: nothing specific other than trying to use commandline interface13:33
dooglusudinesh5: I don't think GNOME applications are supposed to be very useful - they're for newbies moving from Windows who like things to click on.  there are command line cd burning programs if that's what you're looking for13:33
wroklifeikonia: ok but i have been given a gateway and have a php webpage to authenticate my cablenet account.. and else nothing just subnet mask and a static ip... cos if i change my ip i get problems with connecting during authentication itself13:33
ikoniawroklife: that should be setup on the router, not your workstation13:34
dooglusudinesh5: look at 'cdrecord' for instance13:34
suno6ba6aikonia am i allowed to help people? it seems I still have a lot to learn..13:34
udinesh5dooglas: yep i am a newbie jus trying to move on to linux ! i am using ubuntu dapper13:34
wroklifeno no its my workstation setup13:34
ikoniasuno6ba6a: if you know the answers, of course help13:34
udinesh5dooglas: sure !13:35
ikoniawroklife: contact your isp then, as thats an unusual setup13:35
dooglusudinesh5: type "man cdrecord" in a terminal and it will give you more options than you want :)13:35
wroklifeikonia: ok thnx13:35
udinesh5dooglus: thanx dude !:-)13:35
udinesh5dooglus:logging off bye :-)13:36
dooglusudinesh5: bye13:36
=== udinesh5 is now known as dinesh86
=== root is now known as root__
LjL!rootirc > root__    (root__, see the private message from Ubotu)13:37
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husshow to ask ubotu? can any one learn me !!13:38
ikoniahuss: ! is the trigger13:38
wols_huss:  /msg ubotu <stuff>13:38
LjL!bot > huss    (huss, see the private message from Ubotu)13:38
mblcan anyone help with setting up sata hotswap?13:41
huss /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>13:41
LjLhuss: try without leading spaces, and with an actual password13:41
ikoniambl: does your hardware support hot swap ?13:41
mblyes, it should13:41
ikoniambl: does it though, not "it should"13:41
mblpromise tx2300 sata-ctrl and sata2 drives in a bay13:42
ikoniambl: I've not seen a promise controller that supports hot swap13:42
mblis says so in the manual13:42
ikoniahang on13:42
=== suno6ba6a is now known as sunogbaga
ikoniambl: the manual suggests the hot swap functionaly is driver dependant, not hardware enabled13:43
huss_could anyone tell me how to ask ubotu ?13:44
ikoniahuss_: you've been told13:44
mblikonia: where does it suggest this?13:44
Ximalanyone know the name of the program that is compatible with teamspeak servers/ventrillo servers ?13:45
ikoniaXimal: isn't there a team speak client for linux ?13:46
Ximalaye .... i have it... but the inpute and other stuff is erronous13:47
Ximali figured a linux built native program be best..13:47
huss_ikonia, I'm sorry I couldn't read it13:47
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:48
abdullais it better to use Opera with WINE a windows opera or a ubuntu opera ?13:48
ikoniaabdulla: wine uses windows executables only13:48
abdullabecause opera in ubuntu is very weird some times the video just greys out and i must refresh the page to start fromt he start13:48
abdullai hope they update and fix this problem .13:49
mblikonia: where did you find the information about the driver dependancy?13:49
ikoniambl: google13:49
ikoniambl: the driver is not open source13:49
ikoniambl: you'll need to use the promise propritary driver to get functionality13:49
abdullabtw ikonia is ATI x1800 ok for ubuntu ? i have a geforce4 mx440 somewere ? which you recommend?13:49
ikoniambl: it's basiclly a form of fake raid for what I'm reading13:49
ikoniaabdulla: personal preference always makes me lean towards nvidia for the moment13:50
huss_why do wine hang up my desktop ? and also cxoffice13:50
draremok I've copied audiere to a directory and did a ./configure, make and make install.. where is the linkage?13:50
mblikonia: i don't need the raid features though, just hot swapping13:50
ikoniadrarem: linkage ?13:50
abdullathe mx440 is 64mb lo13:50
ikoniambl: the hotswap is part of the raid13:50
abdullaisnt 512mb better?13:50
ikoniambl: as I read it13:50
draremthe audiere library I need to link to13:50
ikoniadrarem: link to it ? you specificed an install tree in ./configure13:50
gast14hello, i am ooking for a font that looks like the letters the Military uses for a spraying project, but cannot find anything under Military Font13:50
gast14any suggestions13:51
abdullaikonia, but if i start ubuntu with the x1800 will it work? i mean xgl aswell13:51
ikoniaabdulla: debatable13:51
mblikonia: i found various different information on that...but no one ever seemed to have tried it actually13:51
ikoniambl: I don't think it will work13:51
ikoniambl: the advanced functions seem driver dependant13:51
ikoniambl: promise make weak controllers for raid/raid functions13:51
abdullaikonia, can i use mx440 then after somewhat ubuntu figures out something for ATI cards then i remove the nvidia and put the ATI will the system recognize such steps ?13:52
ikoniaabdulla: sure13:52
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mblikonia: yes but great for limited bugeds normally13:52
ikoniambl: I disagree13:52
mblikonia: could you suggest a goood controller supporting hotswap under ubuntu? two channels would be enough...13:53
ikoniambl: not of the top of my head, but anything with native linux support is good13:53
huss_wine and cxoffice always hang up my ubuntu do anyone know why?13:53
sunogbagahuss_ low mem i guess13:53
ikoniasunogbaga: why ?13:53
jarrydok anyone can help? video playback is too dark in every program and i dont know how to fix it13:54
StevethepirateIf i have a laptop with Turbocache memory... will Ubuntu support that at all?13:54
sunogbagahow much ram do you have? and how many apps do u usually run at the same time?13:54
mblikonia: native linux support is not that wide spread in the low buged13:54
ikoniambl: true13:54
StevethepirateWell, 2gig ddr2-667 and 1gig turbocache13:54
eriscohow do I type special characters with ubuntu? Holding the alt key does not work13:54
huss_sunogbaga, 1 giga I don't think so ,or what do u mean wz mem13:55
StevethepirateBut i'm talking about wining games for example.13:55
zhnanyone can help?i'm a beginner,who can tell me how to use wine?13:55
abdullaikonia, does ubuntu use more power? because my laptop heats quick and loses alot of battery power13:55
ikoniaabdulla: shouldn't13:55
Stevethepiratezhn: google can.. or #wine13:55
IdleOnezhn: /join #winehq13:55
sunogbagazhn just wine <prog.exe>13:55
mblikonia: you haven't built the promise driver for linux, have you?13:55
wols_abdulla: more than what?13:55
abdullaikonia, ?what you guessing?13:55
ikoniaI have a while ago13:55
zhn5??what does it mean?13:55
ikoniaabdulla: no, it shouldn't use more power13:56
abdullawols_, my 3 hour battery dies in 1 hour 20minutes13:56
=== Numarul7 is now known as StrictProcution
jarryddoes anyone know about video playback being too dark and not ebing able to fix it13:56
=== StrictProcution is now known as StrictProduction
wols_abdulla: answer my question13:56
abdullawols_, with windows it stays for 3 hours13:56
mbliconia: because there is just one file in the package containing c code...no readme, no manual...13:56
krimjarryd: Which program? How have you tried to fix it?13:56
ikoniambl: not done it for a while, as I recall they have a support mailing list13:57
jarrydevery video playback VLC and totem13:57
Zemp_good mornign all13:57
ikoniambl: is it just a .c file ?13:57
huss_how to install fluxbox on ubuntu13:57
Zemp_sudp apt-get install fluxbox13:57
abdullawols_, the system heats up and i can feel under the laptop its very hot + laptop battery doesnt stay long as it should13:57
jarrydand i tried to fix it by installing gxvattr but it doesnt remember any settings13:57
Zemp_sudo apt-get install fluxbox13:57
krimjarryd: In preferences in Totem you can change brightness, contrast, hue and saturation, didn't that work?13:57
jarrydwell i can try13:58
jarrydbut the native setting is to dark13:58
wols_abdulla: check if your acpi works, if the cpu clocks down,etc13:58
mblikonia: the file's name acualle is "1_ft tx2300 and tx2200 linux kernel 2.6 psc v.2.6.0331-2"13:58
Stevethepirateabdulla:  well. linux does cache a lot more, and more efficiently than windows.13:58
Zemp_abdulla: kol khara13:58
wols_abdulla: use powertop13:58
zhn anyone can help?i'm a beginner,who can tell me how to use wine?13:58
Stevethepirateso it could be over caching.13:58
abdullai have that13:58
jarrydcant i fix that since i belive its not the playback programs but the acutal video card13:58
jarrydor driver or something13:58
Zemp_good that you have it13:58
sunogbagazhn just wine <prog.exe>13:58
Stevethepiratezhn: type "/join #wine" and ask in there.13:58
Stevethepiratesunogbaga: he probably wants to wine a game.13:59
Stevethepiratethat's quite new13:59
huss_Zemp_, I did but that fluxbox is so hard to use and I've seen it so easy wz some friend so what is that deference?13:59
abdullawols_, acpi ? what you mean13:59
krimjarryd: I don't know, you could check if you have the latest drivers for your video card, but why not just change the settings in Totem?13:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:59
jarrydyeah i didnt realize that chaning it in totem would affect VLC too13:59
jarrydthat worked13:59
zaracmy sound isn't working.. any suggestions on where to start? .. it was working before.. then just stopped... also.. i have 2 sound cards and i'd like to have both working14:00
wols_<dpkg> somebody said acpi was Advanced Configuration and Power Interface -- a power management interface that gives more control to the BIOS, or horribly horribly broken. for suspend software check http://sourceforge.net/projects/swsusp/ , or "run this arbitrary code in ring 0", or http://acpi.sf.net/, or generally better than APM but see also swsusp, or for a list of14:00
wols_             supported systems/BIOSes, see http://acpi.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/InstallationReports14:00
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.14:00
abdullawols_, in powertop this what it says cond : 208.0    interval: 15.0s14:00
abdullano ACPI power usage estimate available14:00
mblikonia: sorry, my fault, i extracted the file the wrong way14:00
mblikonia: there is a readme14:00
zOaphow do I do recursive chmod in ftp in terminal?14:00
abdullawols_, should i remove the adapter to see how it is in battery mode?14:01
Zemp_how do you send private on IRC ?14:01
mblikonia: I will give it a try, thank you so far!14:01
vecnause /query nickname14:01
Zemp_ok thanks.14:01
t-omor /message14:02
Piciwho goes !register14:02
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:02
sunogbagazOap can you?  try lftp14:02
zOapsunogbaga, yes14:02
huss_is it possible to convert ununtu into debian?14:03
IdleOnehuss_: no14:03
IdleOnebest bet is backup your /home and then do a fresh install14:03
michael_wo de lp14:04
huss_what is the deference between ubuntu and debian ?14:04
Pici!debian | huss_14:04
ubotuhuss_: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!14:04
gordonjcphuss_: debian hasn't got as many U's in the name14:04
Daeshimgot any Lineage 2 players here?14:06
DaeshimHow are you?14:06
huss_pici, yes debian is it .....!!14:06
zaracany hints on where to start looking if my sound isn't working?14:06
gordonjcpzarac: speakers plugged in?14:07
zaracyes they are14:07
gordonjcpmixer not muted?14:07
zaracit was working abefore.. i dunno what happened.. the computer speaker does its beep instead14:07
zaracnot muted14:07
dakiraa question: my computer just crashed and I was editing a text in gedit. does gedit maybe have a file where i could recover the text i was editing?14:09
dave81can any one help me get my webcam working?14:09
zarac'speaker-test -t wav -c 2' gives me no sound14:10
abdullazarac, if its a PC try to plug the speaker cord to the motherboard built in sound card rather then PCI card14:10
jayesh_i have a problem with ubuntu http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47685/14:10
sunogbagadakira look for swap files... vim always do that14:11
zarachmm i guess.. i haven't actually tried that.. i have 2 cards.. and i want both working.. i don't think the internal one is even installed though14:11
jayesh_i am trying to start a new ad-hoc network14:11
zaracactually i have tried it =D got both speakers on14:11
abdullazarac, but you still want to use PCI card right>14:12
cdavisdoes anyone have evolution 2.21 running on gutsy?14:12
zaracyes i do.. and the internal one14:12
zaraci want both working14:12
zaracat the time.. neither works14:12
dakirasunogbaga: yeah.. joe does it, too.. gedit apparently doesn't ;(14:12
cdaviszarac, you mean neither one works right now?14:12
zaracexactly =D14:13
abdullawith My PC sometimes it works on the internet sometimes on the PCI , in every restart it chooses what it wants lol14:13
sunogbagadakira too bad then..14:13
jribdakira: thought it did something like .filename~14:13
DaeshimAnyone play any pc games?14:13
sunogbagaDaeshim mines14:13
abdullaDaeshim, yes we do !!! LINUX GAMES 4 EVA14:14
ikoniaabdulla: calm down14:14
neko_hi !14:14
dakirajrib: it does that only if you overwrite a file with a new version14:14
abdullaDaeshim, QuakeWorld , Quake2 , Quake3 , Quake4 , Doom3 , ...14:14
zaracnothing is muted.. and no sound =/14:14
jribdakira: ah14:14
DaeshimI play Lineage 214:14
DralidI have an Ubuntu box that I installed MythTV on, but cannot get to work properly. The Capture card is a SiliconDust HDHomerun. I can get it to stream to VLC fine, but have problems with the stream on Myth. I think it is a decoding problem, as a approx 4:3 box is filled with random colors when I attempt to stream. Any suggestions?14:14
DaeshimIt's not cartoonish like WoW is14:14
stefkoHello someone can tell me how to set a my own vhost for a psyBNC i run the psybnc from my own box and i have domain can someone tell me a ?14:14
neko_is there some simple way to mount a smb share and have access to it via a console ?14:15
wols_stefko: DNS14:15
abdullaDaeshim, i might go back to PoQo14:15
Daeshimstefano: reverse dns or use ipv6 tunnel14:15
abdullaDaeshim, Prince of Qin Online14:15
wols_neko_: mount -t smbfs14:15
ikonianeko_: yes, no problem, just mount as a normal file system and access through the directory structure14:15
Daeshimwrong person14:15
neko_okey no other way so14:15
stefkobash: DNS: command not found14:15
stefkolike /dns storm.mkhost.org14:15
stefkoon the psybnc14:15
ikoniastefko: dns is not a command14:15
abdullaikonia, can Ubuntu be installed in PS3 or Nintendo Wii or Xbox or Xbox360?14:16
stefkoso have some commands ?14:16
wols_stefko: DNS is the domain name system. you have to enter it with your DNS server14:16
neko_i will make me some little script to mount this it seem a good solution14:16
ikoniaabdulla: an ps3 but its is very limited14:16
DaeshimIf you are on residental connections reverse dns won't be possible because most isps won't allow it14:16
stefkowols_: aha so how i can set it a ?14:16
wols_stefko: there is no command unless you serve your own DNS which is unlikely14:16
fevelwhen I boot my system the first line I see is "pci bios bug"14:16
Daeshimyou would be better off finding an ipv6 tunnel broker14:16
abdullahow come not the xbox :914:16
ikonialimited yes, very little direct hardware access14:16
fevelis that normall?14:16
ikoniaabdulla: not compatible14:16
wols_stefko: same way you set the DNS for mkhost.org14:17
abdullaikonia, is Ubuntu releasing a UbuntU mobile edition any time soon?14:17
rinaldi_hi i just installed gutsy and tried to install flash plugin for firefox. when i did the command in terminal. Can someone tell me if this is normal? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47686/    if so then why is firefox telling me i need to install the plugin when i go somewhere like youtube?14:17
stefkotry dns /dns inqognito.com14:17
stefkothis one is the SITE14:17
stefkoi have just domain14:17
stefkonothing else14:17
stefkoand psybnc14:17
stefkoand i want to make a vhost my own14:17
stefkocan i do that ?14:17
wols_what do you mean with "vhost"?14:18
ikoniaabdulla: there is a mobile edition, or "embedded edition" I'm not sure of it's current release statment14:18
stefko /whois stefko14:18
ikoniaabdulla: release status sorry14:18
_rubenstefko: no, unless you have some spare unused ip addresses you could use for it14:18
stefko* [stefko] (n=stefko@ stefko14:18
stefkoThe IP14:18
abdullaikonia, for Mini-Tablets or iphone and imate .. and maybe the new system phones or ZeuX Microsoft mp3 player .14:18
sunogbagarinaldi_ flashplugin-nonfree is broken., righ ikonia?14:18
wols_stefko: fix your reverse dns14:18
ikoniasunogbaga corry14:18
stefkowols_: where to go ?14:18
ikoniaabdulla: thats the idea14:18
wols_stefko: again, your DNS server14:18
ikoniasunogbaga: sorry, ses14:18
ikoniasunogbaga: yes14:18
wols_stefko: DOMAINCONTROL.COM14:19
stefko inqognito.com has address
stefkou see14:19
stefkoi have just domain14:19
stefkonothing else14:19
stefko :S14:19
neko_hey stefko14:19
rinaldi_sunogbaga: well i had it working in my last installation but i did a reinstall, should i have installed anythiing else or should i just do gnash14:19
wols_stefko: I told you where to go14:19
ikoniarinaldi_: the flash plugin currenlt has an installation issue that is being fixed14:19
stefkowols_: where ? system > application a ?14:19
neko_user have no right to mount smbfs share :(14:19
wols_stefko: not on your ubuntu at all14:20
_rubenstefko: if all you got is a domain, then you cant make a vhost with it14:20
rinaldi_ikonia: ok thanks14:20
stefkowols_: so where ?14:20
neko_i mean ikonia or wols14:20
DaeshimYou only have forward dns14:20
wols_stefko: for the LAST time: to your DNS provider which is domaincontrol.com apparently14:20
Daeshimnot reverse14:20
ikonianeko_: use sudo14:20
DaeshimSo it can't reverse to your hostname14:20
mnemonicaHey, I was messing around with some boot splash stuff... Now I'm getting this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47687/  on startup... Any ideas as to how I can get rid of it?14:20
wols_neko_: use sudo14:20
neko_ah damn i would have a script to automate this14:21
neko_gksudo is the way ?14:21
abdullaikonia, are you a webdesigner14:21
ikoniamnemonica: you've meessed up your "vga" option as a kernel boot argument14:21
ikoniaabdulla: no14:21
wols_neko_: gksudo is not terminal or commandline. I said sudo14:21
mnemonicaikonia: Mmmmk... So how do I fix that?14:21
ikoniamnemonica: you could try vga=ask to find the correct option through trial and error14:21
mnemonicaikonia: Well, when I choose one it just changes the font or whatever and then loads. Every time I boot. If I do vga=ask, will that "solve" it, or just help figure out what's wrong?14:22
bentob0xa good Hardware RAID card for linux, anybody has an advice?14:23
ikoniamnemonica: what's wrong is y ou have the wrong option, ask will give you trial and error to work out the right option14:23
Slartbentob0x: get an expensive one.. those are usually good =)14:23
wols_bentob0x: 3ware14:23
ikoniabentob0x: any true hardware card with a native linux driver, expect to pay a minimum of $35014:23
mnemonicaikonia: Hmmf. Ok. I'll be back.14:23
_rubenbentob0x: software raid outperforms most hardware raid controllers, unlike you put down some major bucks14:23
ikoniabentob0x: 3ware or lsi14:23
SmoothOpdoes ubuntu work good on mac?14:24
ikoniaSmoothOp: yes, a mac is just an intel pc now14:24
SmoothOpi realize that14:24
bentob0xyes I don't want fake/software raid14:24
praveer_fedorawhy doesnt :colorscheme work on ubuntu?14:24
ikoniabentob0x: softrware raid (not fake raid) is excellent14:24
bentob0xI don't mind paying > 300EUR , it's for a server14:24
cliebow_SmoothOp, on mac some things are difficult...14:24
praveer_fedoraSorr, :colorscheme on vim14:24
lundndhey guys any ideas on how to get sudo rake to work ?14:24
bentob0xdepends on which card then ikonia14:25
_rubenpraveer_fedora: sudo apt-get install vim (the default (vim-tiny) is rather limited)14:25
praveer_fedora_ruben, ok thank you14:25
Slartbentob0x: get a reliable brand name.. one you know will be around as long as you use the raid-card.. it's quite upsetting to have a dead raid-card you can't replace and tons of data you can't get to any more..14:25
ikoniabentob0x: 9/10 it will be stunning as long as there is basic jbod support14:25
ricohey, it seems like most of the software in the repositories are outdated (there are new versions coming out and the repos versions aren't updated). whats the best way to update these software?14:25
ricoi've been usually compiling from source14:25
wols_ikonia: depends on the kind of server, if simple fileserver or DB server14:26
bentob0xit's for raid 0+114:26
dave81_ruben where can we get this software?14:26
ikoniawols_: yes, certainly14:26
wols_ikonia: you don't want to run software raid on a DB server14:26
ikoniawols_: I have done it without issue in the past, but the users need is key14:26
wols_sake: /join #ubuntu-pl14:26
wols_ikonia: and the budget14:26
juano__rico: actually the thing is that ubuntu stays with stable builds and doesn't update everytime a program upgrades to a newer version14:26
ikoniavery key14:26
Slartrico: wait until there is a new version of ubuntu?.. compiling and installing software yourself kind of breaks the idea of having a software repository14:27
=== cron_ is now known as cron
mnemonicaikonia: Hey... Tried to put vga=ask, but it won't let me. It's only allowing four characters. So I get to vga= and then what I type doesn't actually enter on screen.14:27
ikoniamnemonica: where are you putting that14:27
wols_mnemonica: where do you type this exactly?14:27
mnemonicaikonia: where it was asking me to an option.14:28
wols_mnemonica: and this is where exactly?14:28
juano__Slart: i agree on that one14:28
Guest16155hello, can someone help me. i would like to remove from my system the "vncserver" what is the step for doing that ?14:29
neko_well sudoing mount a folder is cool but well, the user have no right on the mounted folder14:29
mnemonicaikonia: Like, in the pastebin, after the Video adapter: VESA VGA part and all of the options, it asks me to select an option14:29
LjLGuest16155: sudo apt-get remove vncserver?14:29
neko_(sorry for my english)14:29
wols_Guest16155: you've been told before a few times now14:30
wols_apt-get remove14:30
juano__Guest16155: use synaptic, search it and remove it completely14:30
wols_neko_: put the share in your fstab and give it the option "users"14:30
neko_that's the way i already knwo14:30
cre8torxanyone use nicotine14:31
dinesh86hey can ppl help me edit my linux partition from live cd ?14:31
abdullaikonia, i have windows installed in another partition can i start windows without restarting?14:31
neko_in fact i need to mount manually this one when i am at this work place where is this fileserver14:31
neko_and not always14:31
abdulladinesh86, just edit it14:31
abdulladinesh86, do you have windows installed ?14:31
gordonjcpneko_: is this a samba share?14:31
jonahhey guys i've got a Pinnacle Hybrid Pro PCI DVB card and it's never worked for me, can anyone guide me or see if it will work on ubuntu gutsy amd64?14:31
dinesh86abdulla: i have windows n ubuntu installed14:31
sunogbagadinesh86 the installer can help u14:31
cre8torxanyone here use Nicotine14:31
mnemonicaikonia: Any ideas, then?14:32
dinesh86abdulla: i am using live cd now14:32
abdullawhy do you want to edit dinesh86 ? to install linux14:32
gordonjcp!samba | neko_14:32
ubotuneko_: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT14:32
Slart!repeat cre8torx14:32
wols_neko_: if it's properly in your fstab then you got your answer and a normal user can mount it14:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about repeat cre8torx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:32
dinesh86abdulla: i want to edit using live  cd14:32
sunogbagadinesh86 how many partitions do you have atm14:32
Slart!repeat | cre8torx14:32
gordonjcpneko_: if you follow the first link, it will let you add it to fstab14:32
ubotucre8torx: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:32
abdullaoh so you dont want to install nothing14:32
neko_okey and if the share is not accessible14:32
gordonjcpneko_: then it should be ok for normal users14:32
abdulladinesh86, use partition magic14:32
neko_it will not go mad ?14:32
Guest16155i did "sudo apt-get remove vncserver" but still when i typed on the terminal "vncserver" it still exists ?14:32
cre8torxno need14:32
cdecarlo__hello, I'm having trouble connecting to my work's vpn, it's over PPTP and I've installed the networkmanager-pptp extension, I can create the profile for the VPN connection but I can't find a place to tell the computer to connect14:32
gordonjcpneko_: if the share isn't available, it just won't mount it14:32
neko_because in the past i did this go in loop14:32
dinesh86abdulla: i want to edit grub info now14:33
gordonjcpneko_: it might wait for a while to see if it comes up14:33
neko_i give it a try14:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about parition - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:33
sunogbagaGuest16155 how do you know it exists?14:33
LjLGuest16155: perhaps it's not "vncserver" that you have installed but another package providing that?14:33
wols_gordonjcp: without "auto" it won't even try as it should be14:33
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter14:33
neko_again if it doesn't make the whole system go silly14:33
LjLGuest16155: try « dpkg -S /usr/bin/vncserver »14:33
wols_Guest16155: dpkg -l |grep vncserver14:33
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:33
neko_thanks for the advice14:33
abdulladinesh86, !partition14:33
dinesh86u there abdulla ?14:34
sunogbagadinesh86 how many partitions do you have atm?14:34
Guest16155LjL: so how can i find out whice packages refer to the command line "vncserver" ?14:34
gordonjcpwols_: true14:34
LjLGuest16155: err... i just told you? dpkg -S /usr/bin/vncserver14:34
dinesh86i have 2 partitions 1 windows 2 ubuntu14:34
sunogbagaGuest16155 how do you know vncserver exists?14:34
wols_Guest16155: please run dpkg -l |grep vncserver14:34
dinesh86i am using ubuntu live cd now14:34
abdullahe wants to edit partitions maybe he needs more space in windows or dunno.14:34
dinesh86i want to edit the grub info using live cd14:35
LjLwols_: that's not necessarily the best way, since for instance "vncserver" is also provided by "vnc4server"14:35
sunogbagadinesh86 It seems u don't need help on partitioning anymore14:35
=== dphillips is now known as DSpair
Guest16155LjL: i get this msg :  dpkg -S /usr/bin/vncserver14:35
dinesh86yes suno, i want to edit my grub using live cd14:36
dinesh86can i ?14:36
abdullai have a program which runs in the taskbar but i want it to show an icon up in the system tray so i can hide it any ideas ?14:36
LjLGuest16155: message? that's the *command* you typed, isn't it14:36
mrakhello there14:36
wols_dinesh86: yes. what exactly do you want to do?14:36
sunogbagadinesh86 yes you can14:36
mraki have a question about firefox in gutsy14:36
Guest16155LjL: sorry fix .. : dpkg: /usr/bin/vncserver not found.14:36
juano__abdulla: alltray14:36
wols_Guest16155: dpkg -S `which vncserver`14:36
dinesh86my partitions have not been mounted14:36
sunogbagaGuest16155 then vncserver is uninstalled14:37
dinesh86and not visible14:37
juano__abdulla: i don't remember if its only for kde though... try checkin it out from the repos14:37
jimqodeI couldn't find Ion window manager on gutsy repos. Is it just me? Or does it really not exist?14:37
LjLGuest16155: yes, what wols said, i thought it was in /usr/bin but i guess it isn't14:37
juano__abdulla: alltray14:37
wols_dinesh86: not a grub problem14:37
maxsofthi all. wich is the easiest way to share folder with windowsUser ?14:37
sunogbagadinesh86 you will have to mount them manually14:37
wols_LjL: he played around with realvnc before14:37
mnemonicaikonia: Hello?14:37
dinesh86wols: i want to edit my grub now using ubuntu live cd14:37
wols_mnemonica: can you answer my question please14:37
Guest16155LjL: wait i will pastbin the output of the terminal when i typed "vncserver"14:37
abdullathanks juano__14:37
praveer_fedora_ruben, even after installing vim though colorscheme is working but the colors of the text arent changing, like this http://img80.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotdg3.png14:37
wols_dinesh86: partitions that aren't mounted is no grub problem14:37
LjLwols_: ah wait *no* package provides a "vncserver" executable. it's probably just a link created by postinst scripts.14:37
juano__abdulla: your welcome14:38
mrakif i go to some "hard" page i mean lot of css and images it stacks for time ... when page loaded it goes .. any1 know where is problem?14:38
wols_Guest16155: dpkg -l |grep -i vnc14:38
praveer_fedora_ruben, how do I make the colors appear even in the script/program?14:38
dinesh86suno and wols:pls wait14:38
sean__I can't get my wireless adapter to work.14:38
Tyczeki have a question about mplayer... can you help me ?14:38
mnemonicawols_: It asks me to select an option (which, if you look in the pastebin I posted, my options range from 0-8). ikonia said to put vga=ask, but I can't.14:38
abhii want to know if compiz fusion will work with my new dell vostro 1400's X3100 graphics card14:38
fsp_danhard to google an answer to this one:   What is the prefered ubuntu key agent?  ssh-agent, gpg-agent, seahorse, what?14:39
wols_mnemonica: you get a prompt for inputting something, fine. but what do you do to get this prompt?14:39
osphywhat is the url for full image of ubuntu DVD with all dev and utils?14:39
mnemonicawols_: I hit enter14:39
LjL!gpg > fsp_dan    (fsp_dan, see the private message from Ubotu)14:39
mnemonicawols_: I have to either hit enter or space.14:39
wols_mnemonica: hit enter WHERE?14:39
TyczekI mean...which codec is better gl or gl2-multi texture?14:39
mnemonicagoddamnit... hold on... reposting pastebin14:39
dinesh86suno: i am not able to mount14:39
dinesh86mount: can't find /media/hda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:40
wols_mnemonica: use mode 014:40
dinesh86mount: can't find /media/hda6 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab14:40
sean__I'd use Ubuntu if I could freakin get online >.<14:40
Guest16155wols: here is the link to my pastbin on the command u gave me : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47692/14:40
wols_dinesh86: that's NOT grub14:40
sunogbagapraveer_fedora edit /etc/vimrc add syntax on14:40
osphyis there any dvd version of gutsy which contains all the dev packages ?14:40
Guest16155wols_: here is the link to my pastbin on the command u gave me : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47692/14:40
wols_Guest16155: what does   which vncserver  say?14:41
dinesh86wols:say i want to look into my linux partition from live cd14:41
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47687/ <<<<<----------- There... After that I get a prompt.    And I've -tried- that. and although it allows me to continue to boot, it still comes back when I reboot. I DO NOT want to see this option. I don't want to think about it. It only presented this option to me after I messed around with some boot splash stuff.14:41
wols_dinesh86: it should be already mounted. run simply "mount"14:41
akhileshWhy does kacpi take so much CPU ? http://pastebin.ca/810991   Infact, the system hangs so many times. Please help.14:41
wols_mnemonica: pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst14:41
praveer_fedorasunogbaga, thank you, its working14:42
dinesh86wols: they are not ! i am using ubuntu dapper no partitions visible14:42
sunogbagadinesh86 use mount /dev/hdx /media/blah/blah14:42
wols_dinesh86: fdisk -l14:42
Guest16155wols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47693/14:42
LjLGuest16155, he said "which vncserver"14:42
wols_Guest16155: I said "which vncservre"14:42
wols_Guest16155: I said "which vncserver"14:42
mnemonicawols_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47694/   Tada.14:42
akhileshdoes anyone see slow performance due to acpi ?14:42
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Guest16155wols_: /usr/local/bin/vncserver14:43
wols_mnemonica: see the "vga=795"? change it to vga=79214:43
LjLGuest16155: then you installed it manually, without using the packaging system... in this case, only you should know how to remove it.14:44
mnemonicawols_: Mmmk.14:44
sean__I'm just not cut out for Linux.14:44
LjLif you don't, well i suggest next time you use the packaging system rather than fiddling with things you don't know14:44
wols_Guest16155: this is your former realvnc installation, not any ubuntu software14:44
ezzieyguywufi'm trying to build a package using the following command : bash <ati driver>.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/gutsy   but it keeps telling me that the package is not supported. When i use the command --listpkg, the Ubuntu packages ends at feisty or 7.04 . what do i need to update to get support for gutsy packages?14:44
dinesh86mount: mount point /media/hda5 does not exist14:44
wols_Guest16155: ask realvnc how to unisntall14:44
wols_sunogbaga: mount /dev/hdx is NEVER right14:44
wols_dinesh86: what did fdisk -l say?14:44
dinesh86suno: tell me the syntax then14:45
LjLezzieyguywuf: why don't you just use the ATI driver that's in the standard, official gutsy repositories? :)14:45
sunogbagawols_ why?14:45
sunogbagayup show us fdisk -l14:45
wols_sunogbaga: hdx is no partition. while you can format a whole disk with a filesystem it's bad14:45
mnemonicawols_: can't save it... don't have permissions... how do I open it using sudo?14:45
dinesh86wols:fdisk dint print anything14:45
wols_mnemonica: sudo nano <file>14:45
mnemonicawols_: awesome. thank you.14:46
sunogbagawols_ i just used x to refer to the hdd partion number14:46
wols_dinesh86: dmesg output. paste it to a pastebin. all of it14:46
Ljorringcan someone confirm, that Ubuntu has a kernel bug related to the RTL8185 chipset used in some network cards?14:46
ezzieyguywufLjL: i'm trying to fix my suspend, so i recompiled a kernel with Slug instead of SLAG (or whichever one is older, can't remember). i'm following the howto from this website (http://blog.vaxius.net/?p=19#comment-133). do you think your solution is a valid alternative to that step?14:46
wols_sunogbaga: hdx is a disk, hdx# is a partition. see the difference?14:46
sunogbagawols_ aigh't i'll be careful next time14:47
jonahhi i have a skype problem, no microphone, not sure what to do...14:47
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wols_jonah: does mic work in other programs?14:47
sean__I'm trying to install the drivers for my Netgear WG311v3 wireless PCI adapter. It says it wraps it ok, but when I ndiswrapper -l it says wg311v3 : invalid driver!14:47
JimmyDeeany kind souls wanna help me get something to connect to icecast server to play my tunes out?14:47
wols_sean__: what chip is this netgear using?14:47
LjLezzieyguywuf: uhm no, but i suspect those instructions are likely to break other things even if they might fix your suspend. the road *i* would follow is to post a detailed bug report (if there isn't one already, or if there is one already, post a more detailed comment)14:47
sean__I don't know. How do I find out?14:47
jonahwols_, not sure, is there any test i can do?14:48
wols_sean__: lspci14:48
dinesh86i guess this is wat required mount: mount point /media/hda5 does not exist14:48
wols_jonah: audacity14:48
dinesh86dmesg output14:48
cdecarlo__hello, I'm having trouble connecting to my work's vpn, it's over PPTP and I've installed the networkmanager-pptp extension, I can create the profile for the VPN connection but I can't find a place to tell the computer to connect14:48
ezzieyguywufLjL: what do you think would get broken. I believe the only change made was using SLAG instead of SLUG14:48
wols_dinesh86: no. when there is nothing shown in fdisk -l, ubuntu doesn't recognize anything to mount14:48
Tyczekis anybody have that problem : enabled compiz and mplayer= movie is blinking?14:48
jonahwols_, ok just opened up sound recorder and no my mic doesn't work in that14:48
sunogbagadinesh86 create a dir under /media named hda5 if you have that format14:49
wols_jonah: unmute it with a alsa mixer app maybe (I guess sound itself works?)14:49
dinesh86 hda: hda1 hda2 < hda5 hda6 hda7 >14:49
wols_dinesh86: then why would sudo fdisk -l ?14:49
mnemonicawols_: When I do "sudo nano menu.lst     there isn't anything there. it says its a new file14:49
wols_dinesh86: but as dinesh86 said. mkdir /media/hda514:49
sunogbagadinesh86 it's mounting on a nonexistent dir. see man mount14:49
wols_mnemonica: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst    full path14:50
mnemonicawols_: Eh... should've figured...14:50
sunogbagawols_ i didn't see that post14:50
abhihey how do i get desktop effects to work on gutsy on X3100/Intel 965??? :(14:50
_coredump_Tyczek, yes, disable Xv video rendering to x11 in mplayer preferences14:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about icecast - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:50
wols_sunogbaga: my mistake. didn't say "sudo" stupid ubuntuism :P14:50
kexhello, how do i play region 2 (europe?) dvds? :s14:51
mnemonicawols_: Rebooting. See you in a bit...14:51
wols_JimmyDee: state your problem more concisely. what did you do, what did you expect, what didn't work as intendd?14:51
Tyczek_coredump_, I'm using gl2, cause on full screen movie looks better14:51
wols_!dvd | kex14:51
ubotukex: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs14:51
Tyczeki have wide lcd-laptop screen ;/14:51
kexwols, thank you :)14:51
_coredump_Tyczek, nvidia or ati graphics?14:51
Tyczekati ;/14:51
wols_kex: medibuntu has some package with the name "regio" in it to change region codes14:51
JimmyDeeI need help connecting audacious or something like it to icecast-server as a source14:51
dinesh86wols: it worked ! i mkdir n ounted14:51
akhileshhow do I disable kacpi ?14:51
wols_akhilesh: acpi=off14:52
kexwols_, but i have ubuntu not medibuntu :s14:52
wols_kex: but you will need medibuntu repositories or you cannot watch DVDs14:52
DARKGuyhey guys, how can I configure my screensaver settings like the old screensaver manager?14:52
wols_!medibuntu | kex14:52
ubotukex: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:52
geniiJimmyDee: google oddcast14:53
kexwols_ aha ok ^^14:53
akhileshwols_:  where do I do that ?14:53
akhileshkacpi = off ?14:53
_coredump_Tyczek, its a known bug with compiz, you have to switch to x11 video output, mplayer or gstreamer-settings if you are using gstreamer-player14:53
wols_akhilesh: kernel parameter. your /boot/grub/menu.lst14:53
wols_akhilesh: do you have a notebook or a desktop?14:53
Tyczek_coredump_, ok I'll test14:53
wols_akhilesh: I didn't say kacpi = off14:53
wols_akhilesh: read more carefully. again: desktop or laptop?14:54
mnemonicawols_: nope. No luck.14:54
mnemonicawols_:  I'm assuming I've gotta change that vga option to something else. Any other ideas?14:54
wols_mnemonica: remove the vga option14:54
_coredump_Tyczek, or disable compiz effects and use the default desktop setting, thats should work too14:54
wols_akhilesh: then acpi is not needed. acpi is for powersaving, which is important on notebooks14:55
Tyczek_coredump_, It only works on ximage/shm, but in full-screen image is scalling and setting center... i think disabling compiz and the movie-time is the best option right?14:56
mnemonicawols_: rebooting... "Aall beh baak"14:56
linduxedhey all14:56
_coredump_Tyczek, yes think thats the best option14:57
Tyczekand last question... wchich is output is better- gl or gl2?14:57
linduxedbefore reboot i watched some movies and listened to some music, after reboot...no sound14:57
linduxedany ideas on what it could be?14:57
_coredump_Tyczek, on my system switching to the latest nvidia drivers fixed the problem...dunno if there are ati-betas available14:58
sean__Any ideas wols_?14:58
Tyczek_coredump_, I think there isn't betas ;/14:58
linduxedwhen i press the volume control it says that the either is no device or the gstreamer plugin is missing14:58
wols_sean__: no since I don't have a marvell chip14:58
linduxeddont know why either would go missing because of a reboot...14:58
_coredump_Tyczek, ati and linux is still a mess14:58
wols_linduxed: new kernel since last reboot?14:59
Tyczek_coredump_, Yeah... but I think it'll change... I can't switch to my crt monitor...14:59
sean__Oh well I'll just reinstall Windows until my 100ft ethernet cable arrives. Thanks for the help.14:59
TyczekIt is messing my xorg...14:59
linduxedwols_: oh yeah i think there was an optional update that had been checked automatically14:59
mnemonicawols_: No luck. What next?14:59
wols_!sound | linduxed15:00
ubotulinduxed: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:00
Jay-Oh-Enhow do i do this "3. install the theme in KDE Control Center -> System Administration -> kdmtheme"? cant seem to find that15:00
wols_mnemonica: in what way did you mess?15:00
wols_with your splash image I mean15:00
Tyczek_coredump_, Thanks for help ;)15:01
_coredump_Tyczek, yw15:01
mnemonicawols_: Yeah. I was just loading different boot splashes... *shrug* I didn't really change anything except which boot splash I was using.15:01
wols_mnemonica: sudo /sbin/update-grub15:02
Mannequinhi. I've a question, an easy one, I think. I'm using nicotine+ (a soulseek client) on xubuntu.15:02
mnemonicawols_: Leave the vga options out of menu.lst?15:02
wols_mnemonica: and I don't see any bootsplashes in your menu.lst15:02
MannequinI'm not using the one from the repositories, but the latest version, download from its official website.15:03
wols_mnemonica: update-grub recreates the menu.lst15:03
mnemonicawols_: huzzah.15:03
MannequinI've dropped the folder on my desktop and run the program by invoking "python ./nicotine"15:03
Mannequinnow, I want to move the folder of this "standalone" program to a more conventional place on the linux filesystem15:03
Mannequinso, my question is: where is that place? where should I, by convention, put that folder?15:03
mnemonicawols_: Done. Try to reboot?15:04
geniiMannequin: /opt/<progname>15:04
wols_mnemonica: /usr/local15:04
mnemonicawols_: Eh?15:04
wols_mnemonica: yes15:04
wols_mnemonica: srry15:04
Mannequinthanks, genii.15:04
wols_Mannequin: /usr/local15:04
mnemonicawols_: :) it's all good.15:04
mnemonicawols_: rebooting...15:04
Mannequinops, now I have another answer by wols_15:04
Mannequinshould it be /opt/ or /usr/local ?15:04
Mannequinit is an "standalone" program.15:05
Lumpy^is there a way to run a command using shell and before that switch to root? when i do >> sudo /etc/mycmd restart its promt me a password.. can i do >> sudo adminpassword /etc/.... ?15:05
sunogbagaMannequin /usr/local15:06
Mannequinand then, how I add it to the path? by adding a symlink from /usr/bin/? is that the conventional way?15:06
wols_Mannequin: you don't. /usr/local/bin is already in your path and there is where the binary (or symlink) should go15:06
mnemonicawols_: Excellent. Booted up nicely.15:06
Jay-Oh-Enso can anybody help me with that15:06
mnemonicawols_: Thank you.15:06
QuazionLumpy^: ever tried sudo bash to get a bash shell ?15:06
Mannequinok, thanks sunogbaga. /usr/local/ wins15:06
Lumpy^is there a way to run a command using shell and before that switch to root? when i do >> sudo /etc/mycmd restart its promt me a password.. can i do >> sudo adminpassword /etc/.... ?15:06
Arrickmorning all15:07
mnemonicaAnnouncement: WOLS_ = <315:07
wols_Lumpy^: always the same command?15:07
kexwols_ i could manage to get totem playing dvds, but then i installed vlc and it worked, why is this? :s15:07
Chinaski1hello , is it possible to restart firewire? . i  cannot mount an external hd. i found that it mounts only when i restart computer15:07
wols_kex: no clue15:07
ArrickI have a ubuntu 6.06.1 server install that isnt seeing my NIC card, but it did when I installed, anyone know how to make it find it again?15:07
Mannequinwols_: I have to move the whole program folder to /usr/local/ and then create a symlink in /usr/local/bin?15:07
gordonjcpChinaski1: you could try unloading the module, then reloading it15:08
wols_Chinaski1: error message when you try to mount it and it doesn't work15:08
Mannequinremember that I have to run it by invoking "python ./nicotine"15:08
wols_Mannequin: not a bad idea. makes it easier to remove it again if needed15:08
wols_Mannequin: write a small script15:08
Mannequinok, ok. i will try. Thanks wols_15:08
sunogbagaMannequin or u can create a menu item for that15:09
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Xtevencan anyone tell me how to get webdavs working in ubuntu gutsy ? every time I try to go to a webdavs share, nautilus opens firefox and firefox says it doesn't support the protocol15:09
Chinaski1wols_no error messages simply i plug and nothing happens15:10
chazcoHi... anyone able to help with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=608760 ?15:10
wols_Chinaski1: try to mount it with "mount". what happens15:10
mnemonicaHey... another issue that I'm having. Forgot about this one.... --->   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47698/      I think I'm missing a package or certain file or... something. Can't figure out what though.15:10
MarriedmanHey all, I need help on some terminology. In the Windows world, and Outlook in specific, there are archive folders. It retains the folder structure of the regular emails, but it keeps more recent emails from being lost in very old yet still important emails. How do I do this in Evolution?15:11
Chinaski1wols_ the disk is not on /dev/....15:11
maxsofthi all. I've configurated SAMBA. I've a WindowsServer 2003. I would like map the fodler at startup (with no login). is it possible? thank you.15:11
Chinaski1i cannot mount15:11
dinesh86can ppl help me mount linux partitions15:11
sunogbagaChinaski1 try fdisk -l15:11
Chinaski1<gordonjcp> how to unload and load?15:11
dinesh86win partition ia visible15:11
kexchazco, change distribution15:11
wols_Chinaski1: I asked for something, please answer15:12
Anubis_behey all, can anyone tell me how I can let my /dev/md0 (witch is a raid5 device) mount on boot?15:12
mnemonicaAnyone have any ideas?15:12
wols_dinesh86: man mount, what filesystem is on that partition?15:12
dinesh86is it extfs15:12
wols_dinesh86: and what is the problem mounting it?15:13
sunogbagaChinaski1 try fdisk -l15:13
Chinaski1wols_ the disk is not listed15:13
dinesh86its asking for type of fs15:13
wols_dinesh86: pastebin your commandline15:13
sunogbagaChinaski1 what type of fs is it?15:13
dinesh86ubuntu@ubuntu:/media$ sudo mount /dev/hda6 /media/hda615:14
dinesh86/dev/hda6 looks like swapspace - not mounted15:14
dinesh86mount: you must specify the filesystem type15:14
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Chinaski1sunobaga i did sudo fdisk -l  and i have got only sda partition of my internal hd15:14
sunogbagaChinaski1 afaik sda is a usb drive15:15
wols_dinesh86: duh. why would you mount swap?15:15
tupsonHi, I cannot seem to modify my sound.... the sound icon indicates the volume is all the way down, and i even muted the sound15:15
sunogbagaChinaski1 can u pastebin fdisk -l15:15
tupsonyet sound is still loud15:15
tupsonhow can i fix this?15:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:15
wols_sunogbaga: after libate pretty much all disks are using sd*15:15
sunogbagawols_ i'll take a look at that15:16
Chinaski1the link for pastebin?15:16
sunogbagaChinaski1 yes15:17
wols_sunogbaga: sdX is the old scsi subsystem of old. by now sata, usb and firewire and most IDE drivers use it too15:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:17
Chinaski1i dunno were to paste, k thanks wols_15:17
RedHeronOkay... got a slight problem: The running kernel lacks CONFIG_IDE_TASK_IOCTL support. That's a stock kernel from the Gutsy install on a AMD64, so I don't know what I need to do to get that support in there.15:18
wols_RedHeron: what for?15:18
RedHeronBlanking a locked HDD that someone gave to me so I can use it.15:18
sunogbagawols so now how do i differentiate from ata sata usb and firewire then?15:19
wols_some IBM harddisk?15:19
RedHeronwols_: Hitachi15:19
wols_sunogbaga: you don't15:19
RedHeronDeathStar... er, I means DeskStar15:19
wols_RedHeron: ibm sold their hdd division to hitachi15:19
wols_RedHeron: boot an older kernel?15:19
RedHeronwols_: this drive says mfg was in 2003, and how do I do that without losing data?15:20
wols_oh. kernels have it. then you might have to build your own15:20
RedHeronwols_: how do I do that?15:20
Lumpy^what command i should write to apply sudoers changes?15:20
wols_install kernel-package, and check its docs in /usr/share/doc/15:20
wols_Lumpy^: an editor?15:21
dinesh86wols: success15:21
Lumpy^i did changes15:21
Chinaski1wols_,  sunogbaga  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47699/15:21
Lumpy^i need to refresh or somthing15:21
dinesh86wols:thanx !15:21
Anubis_becan anyone tell me how I can let /dev/md0 (witch is a raid 5) to automount on boot? (fstab or so?)15:21
RedHeronwols_: Apologies, never done this before... apt-get install on that?15:22
Chinaski1gordonjcp says to  try unloading and reloading the firewire module, do you know how to do it?15:23
akhileshI had an ubuntu installation. I installed compviz for desktop effects. Now when I uninstalled it, now I don't have window frames and title bars :( Seems like no window frames. What do I do now ?15:24
wols_RedHeron: yes15:25
RedHeronwols_: tried to `cat /dev/zero > /dev/hdb` but that didn't fly because of the IDE lock.15:25
RedHeronwols_: thanks15:25
juano__akhilesh: system ---> preferences ---> appearance ---> visual effects, select NONE15:25
Guest16155what is the /tmp folder on ubuntu ? temp folder ? can i erase the files inside ?15:28
MasterShrek_Guest16155: you should be able to safely delete the files, but its not nessicary, unless you absolutely need the hard drive space15:29
akhileshvisual effects are already None.15:29
akhileshBut I still cant see the window frames. As a result, I cant move windows even when they overlap :((15:30
MasterShrek_akhilesh: alt+f2  and type: metacity --replace15:30
tupsonCan anyone assist me with my sound problem?15:30
PiciGuest16155: Those files are cleaned out automatically, and files for system processes sometimes get stuck there.  You shouldnt modify or delete the contents manually.15:30
Guest16155MasterShrek_: what is the command line for delete the all /tmp including folders inside ?15:30
mavi-Guest16155: rm -rf /tmp/*15:31
mavi-but dont do that15:31
MasterShrek_Guest16155: as Pici suggested, you probably shouldnt delete those files15:31
akhileshinfact, its behaving like failsafe.15:31
akhileshthe term gets focus if the mouse cursor hovers over it.15:31
Chinaski1seems that the only solution is to restart computer with firewire plugged sudo modprobe -r  ieee1394 gives error15:32
Picimavi-: dont suggest it if you know its dangerous then.15:32
akhileshhow do I get my windows back ?15:32
MasterShrek_akhilesh: did you do what i said?15:32
akhileshwhat did u say ? Please be a little slow, I have to switch between test screen and X.15:32
mavi-Pici: it isnt "dangerous", just "stupid" =)15:32
akhileshI did visual effects = None.15:32
MasterShrek_akhilesh: alt+f2  and type: metacity --replace15:32
akhileshok, one sec... let me do that.15:33
ArelisHey guys how do i open a .daa file in Ubuntu?15:33
akhilesh"window manager error: unable to open X display"15:33
MasterShrek_Arelis: i think you have to convert it to iso15:33
ArelisMasterShrek_: how?15:34
MasterShrek_akhilesh: you do that from your gui, ctrl+alt+f7, then alt+f2 metacity --replace15:34
MasterShrek_Arelis: one sec....15:34
mavi-Arelis: you can only do it with a windows-program iirc15:34
MasterShrek_Arelis: poweriso for linux15:34
mavi-there is a poweriso for linux now15:34
mavi-i alwasy run the windows-version in wine15:35
MasterShrek_Arelis, http://www.poweriso.com/poweriso-1.1.tar.gz15:35
MasterShrek_must have left, i got join/part hidden15:35
ArelisMasterShrek_ thank you :)15:35
askandHow can I check what processor I have? And what is the difference between i386 and i686?15:36
MasterShrek_askand: what is your processor?15:36
askandMasterShrek_: pentium M15:36
geniicat /proc/cpuinfo15:37
MasterShrek_you should be able to use i686, its just designed for faster processors, at least thats what ive gathered, but i386 will run just fine too15:37
akhileshMasterShrek: I did that in GUI and it gave me frames. But when I logged out and again logged in, then again it was the same frameless environment.15:37
akhileshwhat do I do to make it permanent ? Where should I add metacity --replace ?15:37
Piciaskand: the -generic kernel will run just fine.15:37
MarriedmanHow do I make archive folders in Evolution?15:37
MasterShrek_akhilesh: yea i know, i just wanted to make sure that was your problem, to get them all the time go: system > preferences > sessions   and add an entry for that command ( metacity --replace )15:37
uncommon<akhilesh> : in your session add it in startup15:38
MasterShrek_hello cocox_15:38
ArelisMasterShrek_: Thanks, that worked :)15:39
Mannequinthanks wols_, genii and sunogbaga, I finally move the folder to /usr/local/, then added a small script invoking python to run nicotine15:39
Mannequinand finally, created an icon on the task bar, using launcher15:40
Tyczekdunno what is wrong... now I have gl output... And after 2 minutes movie is freezing and continuing... On XV/X11 quality is very bad... ATI drivers ;/15:40
bcardarellaIs there a way to redetect my keyboard layout from within X11?15:41
akhileshMasterShrek: added that to sessions15:41
akhileshnow what ?15:41
Marriedman I think I am using the wrong terminology  or something. I cannot figure how to archive old emails in Evolution. Can this be done?15:41
MasterShrek_akhilesh: now you shouldnt have anything to worry about, whenever you log in it should come up15:41
akhileshnah, its not comming up :(15:41
uncommonguys any info on metacity as the compositor?15:41
MasterShrek_akhilesh: is it saved in there? go back to your sessions and see if its still there, also remove an entry for compiz if it exists in there15:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metacity - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:42
juano__akhilesh: have you been able to fix the problem ?15:42
juano__akhilesh: or are frames still not showing up ?15:43
akhileshone sec.. let me check15:43
tovarnacan anybody help me with a topic in ubuntu?15:43
MasterShrek_!someone | tovarna15:43
ubotutovarna: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:43
tovarnahere i go15:44
* MasterShrek_ waits patiently15:44
* douglask waits with baited breath15:44
* MasterShrek_ gives douglask a breathmint, stop eating the bait!15:44
MasterShrek_douglask: well never catch any fish if you keep eating all the bait!15:45
douglaskMasterShrek_: and you'll never keep fiona happy if you keep giving away all your breathmints.15:45
MasterShrek_shell get over it15:45
akhileshit is still there.15:45
tovarnai was using ubuntu for a month, but today, i went into user privilegs...and i quited administation privileges to my account. so now i can't install, or either go again to the accound in the graphic mode. with the console i tried to create new ones, and i did, but the privileges are still the same. i have been all the day reading and searching for it. any idea?15:45
MasterShrek_but if i dont bring any fish home...15:45
MasterShrek_tovarna: ywhat do u mean u got rid of admin privelidges? you cant use sudo anymore?15:46
reya276Is anyone having trouble with Rhythmbox? for some reason my keeps freezing when it changes to a different song on a playlist or when I listen to one song and then manually start to play another15:46
tovarnai can do that, but in the graphic mode, if i go to system, there is no a button to user accounts15:47
juano__reya276: where are these songs located ? on your local disk ?15:47
MasterShrek_oh i see15:47
reya276on my music folder15:47
reya276juano__: on my music folder15:47
=== desruisseaux is now known as acuster
reya276it's weird, this was working fine before15:48
tovarnaand the worst of it is that i got in by startx...and so on, but then it sayed i couldn't get into users priviledges15:48
MasterShrek_tovarna: if you do alt+f2 and type: gksu gnome-users-admin    does it come up?  (someone help me i dont know the name of gnome's user management program)15:48
juano__reya276: try reloading the library... sometimes it happened to me when i had songs from windows partition folder and it wasn't mounted... though im not sure that this is the case15:48
tupsonany TID out there that can help me with figuring  out how to turn my sound down? I can raise the volume, but i cannot turn it down or mute it?15:48
MarriedmanHow about this, can anyone tell me where I can get help with Evolution?15:48
tovarnai read15:48
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tovarnait appeared the password and that was ok, but then says15:49
akhileshok, that "metacity --replace" is still there in Sys>Pref>Sessions.15:49
akhileshBut window frames missing :(15:49
MasterShrek_akhilesh: is therean entry for compiz in there?15:49
akhileshwhat do I do ?15:49
DARKGuyhey guys, hwo do I change my screensaver settings like the old screensaver manager? anybody knows?? :/15:49
MasterShrek_there an *15:49
akhileshno.. no entry for compiz15:49
MarriedmanDARKGuy: you can't15:50
tovarnacant execute gnome.users.admin like root user15:50
MarriedmanThe Gnome dev's in all their brilliance removed those options15:50
MasterShrek_tovarna: gnome-users-admin  maybe (whti hyphens) sorry i dont know the name of the program15:50
juano__DARKGuy: system ----> preferences ----> screensaver ?15:50
DARKGuyMarriedman, yeah, I noticed their beautiful work doing that :p15:50
tovarnawhat is hyphens?15:50
reya276juano__: how do I reload the list?15:50
DARKGuyjuano__, nah, that's the new manager and it doesn't have the options that the old manager had15:51
TBotNik_uAll: Need video and sound help!!15:51
MasterShrek_-  <-- thats a hyphen15:51
MasterShrek_!medibuntu | TBotNik_u15:51
ubotuTBotNik_u: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:51
MarriedmanDARKGuy: There are a few threads on the Ubuntu forums about replacing it with the xscreensaver, but it was involved15:51
juano__DARKGuy: ahh yes, it doesn't have configure option15:52
PiciDARKGuy: I *think* the Setting Screensaver Preferences part of this applies: http://www.ewp.rpi.edu/hartford/webgen/sysdocs/C/solaris_9/SUNWgndoc/GNOMEADMIN/p14.html15:52
kazol_I have a problem with rendering games/Google Earth because of compiz.15:52
=== kazol_ is now known as kazol
akhileshhow do I see to it that metacity starts automatically when my gnome starts ?15:52
akhileshwhere do I write "metacity --replace" ?15:52
MarriedmanWell, I give up on the Evolution help.15:53
tovarnawith hipens says it can't find the file15:53
juano__reya276: try music ---> import folder,   try importing your music folder again15:53
MasterShrek_akhilesh: system > preferences > session is where ive done it15:53
tovarnai just want to know if by the terminal i can give administration privileges, like install programs to my user15:53
FunnyLookinHatOk... so I backed up my entire home drive (including hidden files), reinstalled ubuntu (7.10), and put my home drive back.  Everything works great, except that Firefox won't install flash.  It will say it's already installed...  if I remove it, it tries to install and the installer script (for the aptitude package) errors out when the md5 of the adobe file doesn't match15:53
tovarnabecause i cant do it now with the graphic way (sorry for my english) and thanks15:54
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:54
MasterShrek_tovarna: use sudo for that, as in sudo apt-get .....15:54
MasterShrek_FunnyLookinHat: done a: sudo apt-get update ?15:54
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions15:55
reya276juano__: Ok thanks15:55
freak124is there any way I can use the msn smileys for pidgin?15:55
FunnyLookinHatMasterShrek, of course   :)15:55
tovarnai know, i know, but i still would like things go back.i mean, i can keep it going but i liked how it was working before15:55
DARKGuyPici, well there was a GUI that used to change all those settings back in the time :(15:55
RuS_and_Azegwhat is the best ubuntu,kubuntu or xubuntu?=)15:55
Pici!best | RuS_and_Azeg15:55
FunnyLookinHatMasterShrek, is there a way to force it to install the flashplugin file it downloads from macromedia if the md5 doesn't match?   I know it's becaues they recently released a new flash9 version for linux and ubuntu just hasn't caught up15:56
ubotuRuS_and_Azeg: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.15:56
tovarnai was reading about chown, and chmod...but i dont think that was the point15:56
PiciDARKGuy: I know, Gnome removed it to make it 'simpler'15:56
MasterShrek_RuS_and_Azeg: thats a personal preference, i prefer kde, but its totally up to you, and with any of them you can install the other distop environment and try it out15:56
benzs_si'm having massive trouble using the gutsy live cd to do a fresh install... afterloading the kernel and what have you, it's just saying 'User not known to the underlying authentication module'15:56
benzs_sand not loading any further15:56
juano__reya276: np, there is a good player called "listen" too, which is like rhythmbox style15:56
freak124RuS_and_Azeg: if you have a bad computer, go for xubuntu, if you are a normal user, use ubuntu, if you like tweaking alot, go for kubuntu15:56
RuS_and_Azegmy language very bad)15:57
RuS_and_Azegi not speak and reading english language15:57
MasterShrek_RuS_and_Azeg: what language do yu normally speak?15:57
Tuplanollathen #ubuntu-ru?15:57
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke15:57
RuS_and_Azegi don-t now)15:57
PiciRuS_and_Azeg: type /j #ubuntu-ru15:58
RuS_and_Azegyes yes15:58
RuS_and_Azegjoin now15:58
tupsonok my "Master Volume" does not control my actual volume, the "PCM" option within the Volume Controls does, how can i fix this, so when i hit my volume icon up and down option, it will actually adjust my volume?15:58
reya276juano__: hye do you know if I can change the skin on rhythmbox, I don't mean through the theme manager15:58
MasterShrek_tupson: can you right click your volume icon, and choose master channel, maybe in the preferences thing or something?15:59
grindcore_hi all, i just 've done evrything what i think i need to have about ntfs partitions support and i cannot connect my external HDD, can somebody help me please ? i had it working before but now doesnt work :(15:59
juano__reya276: you mean only for rhythmbox ?15:59
zaracthe audio doesn't have anythign to do with xorg.. right?15:59
MasterShrek_zarac: no15:59
zaracsweet :)15:59
MasterShrek_well, yes, you are right15:59
reya276juano__: Yes15:59
zarachow can i find out why my sound isn't working? .. i get nothing with speaker-test =/16:00
zaraci do have the modules loaded (i think)16:00
tupsonMasterShrek_: in Volume Control or Preferences?16:00
MasterShrek_zarac: run sudo alsaconf16:00
IanLiuHow do I setup a package for TeXMacs?16:00
zaracthanks.. i'll try that16:00
IanLiuI installed texmacs, but Maxima package is not working..16:01
MasterShrek_tupson: i dont know exactly, im not using gnome, but there should be a preferences or properties optino when you right click the volume icon, or maybe in the mixer by double clicking ti where you can choose pcm as your master channel16:01
zaracdon't have an alsaconf =D alsactl and alsamixer only16:01
tovarnamy last try..." is possible to give administration privileges (like i had with my oem user before i made some changes) from the console?" i also tried to start in safe mode, andlogin as root and do startx, but then when i go to system, i can't get into user accounts16:01
zaracguess i should get it? =D16:01
MasterShrek_zarac: sudo apt-get install alsa-utils16:01
Picitupson: I believe its in the System>preferences>sound option that you can tell it use to pcm not master.16:01
juano__reya276: have you searched the repos ?16:01
juano__reya276: for rhythmbox skins ?16:02
grindcore_hi all, i just 've done evrything what i think i need to have about ntfs partitions support and i cannot connect my external HDD, can somebody help me please ? i had it working before but now doesnt work :(16:02
MasterShrek_grindcore_: using ntfs-3g ?16:02
juano__reya276: seems there aren't in the repos16:02
boriswhen i launch a screenlet, instead of one, three appear16:02
zaracmasterloki, .. i do have the alsa-utils installed.. however, not the alsa-tools.. might be part of that?16:02
MasterShrek_zarac: quite possibly16:02
tovarnaalguien habla español?16:03
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:03
benzs_si'm having massive trouble using the gutsy live cd to do a fresh install... afterloading the kernel and what have you, it's just saying 'User not known to the underlying authentication module'16:03
MasterShrek_benzs_s: have you checked the cd for defects?16:04
grindcore_MasterShrek_ yeah i have this aswell16:04
lastelement0hi. my firefox has shut and when i try to start a new process it says i have a firefox process running. how do i stop this process16:04
Picilastelement0: type 'killall firefox-bin' in a terminal16:04
grindcore_MasterShrek_ i mean i have installed ntfs configuration tool16:04
benzs_sMasterShrek: might as well try that i guess... this is the 5th cd that's broken apparently16:04
MasterShrek_grindcore_: sudo fdisk -l     it will give you a list of partitions available, then youll know what partition to mount16:04
lastelement0thank you16:05
benzs_snow it's giving a different error... lots of 'input/output' errors 0_o16:05
tupsonthanks, that worked16:05
MasterShrek_benzs_s: how new is the hardware?16:05
cre8tor1i love my machine16:05
zaracstill didn't get the alsaconf =/16:05
geniibenzs_s: If that many cds then perhaps instead replace the cd unit you are using to install from16:05
kazolHow do I increase the verbosity of the boot screen? I already tried removing "silent" from /boot/grub/menu.lst.16:05
benzs_sMasterShrek_: fairly old, about 2 years. it worked fine and installed fine with feisty though. i'll do a cd check just in case16:05
grindcore_MasterShrek_ this one i need to mount /dev/sdb1               1       60801   488384001    7  HPFS/NTFS16:06
reya276juano__: No I don't it's helping, I even removed it completely and then re-installed it.16:06
kazolI don't understand why Ubuntu hides diagnostic messages so much from the user-other distros display everything.16:06
MasterShrek_kazol: remove splash also16:06
PiciDaeshim: Any particular reason you pasted that?16:06
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE16:06
zaracdoes anyone know what package alsaconf is part of?16:06
MasterShrek_grindcore_: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mount/point16:06
kazolMasterShrek_: But that just removes the splash screen.16:06
juano__reya276: your music folder doesn't load ?16:06
flokuehnzarac: apt-file search alsaconf16:06
=== joerlend_ is now known as XiXaQ
zaracoh ... didn't nkow about apt-file16:07
* MasterShrek_ either16:07
zaracawesome =D16:07
flokuehnzarac: doesnt matter16:07
MasterShrek_kazol: should give you more verbosity i would think16:07
cre8torxjust on a toll but home many use xchat - pidgin??????????16:07
Pici!offtopic | cre8torx16:08
ubotucre8torx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:08
flokuehnzarac: but maybe you will have to install apt-file16:08
NuclearWorm I had a job running in fg in a terminal. This terminal has been accidentally closed but the job still runs. Is it a way to get the job displayed in fg of an other terminal ?16:08
zaracyeah.. i did =D16:08
zaracor i am rather..16:08
grindcore_fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mount/point: No such file or directory16:08
grindcore_FUSE mount point creation failed16:08
grindcore_Unmounting /dev/sdb1 (My Book)16:08
grindcore_MasterShrek_ its plugged in now16:09
Picigrindcore_: you need to create a folder for it to mount to. /mount/point was just an example.16:09
MasterShrek_grindcore_: substitute where you wanted it mounted to16:09
MasterShrek_sorry, i should have made that clear16:09
grindcore_MasterShrek_ I'm newbie with terminal :( sorry about this16:10
kazolMasterShrek_: Thx, I will try it.16:10
kazolI have a problem playing games while having compiz on.16:10
MasterShrek_grindcore_: no problem :) do you konw where you want to mount it?16:10
piglit_did ubuntu 7.04 have ipv6 (or ipv4) i think 7.10 does and the router doesnt like something abouth 7.10 and i am trying to figure out what16:11
grindcore_MasterShrek_ anywhere where will be working :)16:11
zarachmm.. it found a buncha 'vim' files.. have no clue what they are unless 'vi-improved' files =D16:11
MasterShrek_grindcore_: ls /media     you can use almost anything in there /media/disk should exist16:11
uncommon<kazol>  : install compiz config settings and and set the undirect rendering to true in the general settings16:11
flokuehnzarac: ok. i guess you already tried apt-cache search ?16:12
piglit_and dmesg give's me: no IPV6 router present16:12
zarachmm.. who's trying to vnc to me? =D16:12
zaracyup flokuehn =D16:12
uncommon<kazol>  : it wont be as fast as compiz is disabled but it will unslow a bit16:12
zaracor actually i tried the gui tool for it.. =D16:12
zaracwhatever it's called..16:12
=== piglit_ is now known as piglit
zaracit's kinda nice.. keeps the searches16:13
grindcore_MasterShrek_ so what i need to put in terminal :p :)16:13
flokuehnaptitude i guess ?16:13
Picipiglit_: ipv6 has been enabled by default for at least feisty, probably before.16:13
zarac'synaptic package manager'16:13
MasterShrek_grindcore_: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/disk16:13
flokuehnzarac: ok then try the alsa-utils paket16:13
zaraccan't find anything on alsaconf at packages.ubuntu.com either16:14
grindcore_MasterShrek - i have same fail like last time16:14
MasterShrek_grindcore_: sudo mkdir /external16:15
zaracMasterShrek: you sure it exists? =D16:15
flokuehnzarac: you made an new installation ? if yes do you have enabled the other sources?16:15
MasterShrek_grindcore_: then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /external16:15
kimmeyis it any problems related to firefox and some packages for flash? for me it hangs up very often when i load more than 2 sites that uses flash in some way16:15
piglitPici: well one pc gets disconected all the time and dmesg give's me no IPV6 router present16:15
MasterShrek_kimmey: alot of people have been having troubles with flash lately16:15
zaracflokuehn,  new installation of what? the sound card? .. and no i haven't enabled any other sources =D i'm clueless here16:15
zaracnot that i know of at least16:15
boristhere are certain parts of desktop where i cant put my icons, why ? how can i fix it ?16:16
piglitcan that be the thing that goos wrong?16:16
nnymsg nickserv identify not1fy16:16
MasterShrek_hello sudobash16:16
MasterShrek_nny: you shuld change ur password now16:16
r00723r0something's hogging my network16:16
grindcore_MasterShrek - no fail at this time - thats all what i need to do ?16:16
r00723r0how do i check what it is?16:16
nnyevry day i do that16:16
kimmeyI see MasterShrek_, then I just wait for some updates :) thanks16:16
flokuehnzarac: i mean if you freshly installed you ubuntu system16:16
nnyluckily that password matches nothing else16:16
tim167i need a small and quick 'doodle-ing' program, Gimp takes way too long to start up, if i just want to draw a little sketch of something....any suggestions ? thanks16:16
MasterShrek_grindcore_: yes, now everything is mounted at /external16:16
zaracyeah flokuehn .. 2 days ago i think it was16:16
nnyI hate the default ubuntuxchat "auto magic logon to ubuntu) stuff16:17
cre8tor1just on a toll but home many use xchat - pidgin?????16:17
cre8tor1has anyone have this problem happen before where there /root/  -mkdir16:17
zaracthe sound was working on my audigy card.. i don't remember touching anything.. and now it doesn't work16:17
zaracand it never worked on the ac9716:17
varaonaidhi, i installed ubuntu-desktop on top of kubuntu because I wanted to try out gnome.  so far i really like it, but the shutdown window is messed up with no shutdown option16:17
varaonaidis there a way to fix this?16:17
flokuehnzarac: ok. then try installing alsamixer16:17
zaracdone already =/16:17
zaracalsamixer is working like it should16:18
zaracthe tool starts in other words..16:18
r00723r0does anyone know?16:18
flokuehnzarac: oh. then i also dont know sorry.16:18
kazolIs there a way to have 2 instances of apt-get running?16:18
zarachehe thanks anyways flokuehn  ;)16:18
grindcore_MasterShrek - I just have now this message ''cannot mount volume   The volume 'My Book' uses the NTFS file system which is not supported by your system ''16:18
MasterShrek_kazol: no16:18
flokuehnzarac: what sound card do you have actually ?16:18
MasterShrek_grindcore_: and you have ntfs-3g installed?16:18
fabiimHi , i'm not being able to install flash adobe plugin for firefox , md5sum fails ....16:18
MasterShrek_!ntfs-3g | grindcore_16:18
ubotugrindcore_: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:18
zaraci have 2.. one on the motherboard.. some ac97 card.. and the other is an audigy card16:19
MasterShrek_fabiim: try a different mirror16:19
TBotNik_uMasterShrek: Links are good but I need step-by-step.  Been debugging a while on this.  PB of problem at: http://pastebin.ca/811080 and forum page at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91501&page=216:19
zaracmight be audigy 2 actually =D but they use the same drivers as i've understood it16:19
heatmzzrI can't load the page www.blogtv.com in firefox?16:20
fabiimMasterShrek, tought of that , but that failed , i'll try more . tks :)16:20
tim167does anyone know a small and light drawing program for ubuntu? thanks16:20
Pici!ipv6 | piglit16:20
ubotupiglit: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv416:20
gradini got a weird one, for some reason my ubuntu box stopped responding to pings to the localhostname16:21
sudobashZ.. im on here.16:21
piglitthank you Pici16:21
MasterShrek_gradin: ping localhost ?16:21
gradinbut its connected externally, and i can connect to the ssh server by typing an ip16:21
Picipiglit: sure, sorry about the delay, got sidetracked by work.16:21
r00723r0something's hogging my network16:22
gradinMasterShrek_: more like ping tiger16:22
r00723r0how do i check what it is?16:22
r00723r0i think someone's ping flooding me for some reason16:22
MasterShrek_gradin: use localhost instead of the hostname16:22
MasterShrek_r00723r0: netstat16:22
grindcore_MasterShrek - i have this tool there but i cannot select nothing more then 2 lines for enable write support for internal and external HDD, i cannot see there any drive16:22
gradinit recognizes itself but the other computers on the network can't ping it by the hostname16:22
r00723r0MasterShrek_, running it16:22
r00723r0but it's not telling me what's wrong16:22
gradinMasterShrek_: yeah that works fine16:22
DPic13Does the buil in camera in the iMac work with Ubuntu???16:22
gradinMasterShrek_: the problem is the other computers aren't able to ping the hostname16:23
gradinand it was working before16:23
MasterShrek_gradin: you need a dns for that i think, or else edit your /etc/hosts file and put them in there manually16:23
MasterShrek_gradin: ive never had luck with name resolution, ive always done it manually, and my router at home has static dhcp, so each mac address gets the same ip each time16:24
* gradin shakes head16:24
hudyxany reason for the 'Settings Daemon' not starting correctly in Gnome?16:24
gradinthats not the issue16:24
=== bur[n]er is now known as burner
MasterShrek_gradin: whats the issue? its not resolving the hostname to the ip, or ip to hostname, whichever way, i know little about networking16:24
grindcore_MasterShrek_ - i have this tool there but i cannot select nothing more then 2 lines for enable write support for internal and external HDD, i cannot see there any drive16:25
zaracyou have any other ideas than alsaconf (which i don't find anywhere) MasterShrek ? =D16:25
DPic13Does the built-in camera in the iMAc work with Ubuntu???16:25
MasterShrek_grindcore_: im sorry, i dont really understand what you are trying to say16:25
MasterShrek_DPic13: sometimes, its hit and miss16:26
DPic13how can i find out?16:26
cdavisI installed gutsy and when I connect to wireless and ask it to save my wpa key it doesn't ask me for a keyring password upon reboot, just connects?16:26
MasterShrek_zarac: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <alsa pacakage>       replace <alsa package> with an alsa related package, thats what i would do16:26
DPic13MasterShrek,_: how can i test it out?16:26
gradinMasterShrek_: the ip is set statically, but the hostname isn't resolving properly16:26
MasterShrek_DPic13: install and try?16:26
tim167is there something like MSPaint for ubuntu ?16:26
zaracthanks.. i'll try16:26
flokuehnzarac: ok sorry i dont have anymore ideas howto fix.16:27
DPic13MasterShrek, what do i try?16:27
MasterShrek_DPic13: our use a livecd, if it works there, it should work16:27
zarac=D it's ok ;)16:27
MasterShrek_gradin: edit your /etc/hosts file and put an entry in there for your hosts16:27
tovarnahi. does anybosy know how to configure the kismet? its installed but not working when i write kismet in the console16:27
DPic13MasterShrek, is there some application for it?16:27
MasterShrek_DPic13: no idea to tell you the truth, ive never used one16:28
grindcore_MasterShrek_ so - when i open this NTFS config tool - i can select there only enable support for internal and external HDD - and at this ubuntu page - they are saying about select which partitions and then apply - i dont have there nothing like this - only this 2 lines and buttoms like about - cancel - ok16:28
gradinMasterShrek_: thats not the issue16:28
zaracstill nothing MasterShrek .. thanks though16:28
gradinMasterShrek_: it recognizes it self as the proper hostname16:28
zaracwell... it doesn't let me reconfigure anything actually..16:29
MasterShrek_gradin: look at that file, its probably already set in there for to be your hostname16:29
gradinthe issue is the other computers on the network aren't resolving its hostname properly16:29
r00723r0is there like16:29
r00723r0a top for my internet?16:29
tomd123r00723r0: what?16:30
r00723r0you know top?16:30
bazhanghtop you mean?16:30
Picir00723r0: Theres ntop, but its kind of complicated.16:30
fabiim4 different repositories , chosen randomly  , they all fail to confirm the flash player tar.gz authenticity , should i assume the wrost? wait ?16:30
zarache wants statistics for his network =D16:30
gradingreat my mapped network drives are failing now because of the failed hostname16:30
r00723r0Pici, anything simple?16:30
r00723r0tomd123, top is a terminal program that shows you your running processes16:30
MasterShrek_fabiim: i would either try again in awhile, or manually download the package and install it (packages.ubuntu.com)16:30
MasterShrek_fabiim: sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb16:31
r00723r0tomd123, it shows you some useful info as well16:31
Picibazhang: htop is just improved top.16:31
r00723r0like processor and memory usage16:31
fabiimMasterShrek, tks16:31
r00723r0Pici, so ntop is as simple as i can get for a networked top?16:31
bazhangPici: apparently that is not what he wants though--I misunderstood his question16:31
gradinMasterShrek_: the issue is the other computers on the network aren't resolving its hostname properly16:32
sudobashxhey sudobash16:32
* genii sips a coffee and contemplates broadcast IPs and name resolution16:32
gradinits host file is fine16:32
reya276juano__: no it loads, but I meant that it is not working16:32
Picir00723r0: hold on, I'm looking at iftop16:32
MasterShrek_gradin: stop bugging me about it if you arent giong to try my advice16:32
MasterShrek_gradin: its how all my machines are set up, it works for me it will work for you, i can almost guarentee it16:33
erUSUL!info darkstar | r00723r016:33
ubotur00723r0: Package darkstar does not exist in gutsy16:33
Nick_hi i heard there was a freenode room for ubuntu users from maine,usa is this true?i cant seem to find it on the server list.16:33
erUSUL!info darkstat | r00723r016:33
ubotur00723r0: darkstat: a network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-13 (gutsy), package size 60 kB, installed size 420 kB16:33
r00723r0lol darkstar16:33
* gradin tries again16:34
Picir00723r0: iftop seems to work, but its only for addresses, doesnt show whats actually accessing them.16:34
Picir00723r0: but netstat can tell you that.16:34
yakovi'm on intel x11 driver could anybody help me how can i enable virtual >then monitor resolution?16:34
yakovi set virtual but it takes no effect16:34
RuSyakov: darova16:34
yakovprivet :)16:34
wols_gradin: what is your DNS server at home?16:34
gradinMasterShrek_: half my computers are linux and the other half are windows, your telling me to maually edit the hosts files to point an ip to a hostname that should be broadcast by the specific linux box already?16:34
gradinwols_: i don't have a dns server at home16:35
zaraci'm going crazy soon =/16:35
wols_gradin: then hostnames can neevr have worked. QED16:35
freezeywhen copying files... what option is it to copy a directory and all of its subdirs and files16:35
MasterShrek_wols_: the only way ive known this to work is to have a dns, or manually set the hostnames16:35
gradinwols_: yeah they have16:35
erUSULfreezey: -R (recursive)16:35
gradinwols_: they are currently working for my gentoo box no problem16:35
riotosaurusfreezey: cp -aRp  will copy all, recursively, keeping permissions intact16:35
gradinand have worked previously for my ubuntu box16:36
gradinbut for some reason its failing now16:36
wols_gradin: either you have a DNS server at home or resolving local hostnames never worked. one way or the other you lie16:36
freezeyriotosaurus: ok so what about when i scp stuff is it the same option?16:36
grindcore_MasterShrek_ so - when i open this NTFS config tool - i can select there only enable support for internal and external HDD - and at this ubuntu page - they are saying about select which partitions and then apply - i dont have there nothing like this - only this 2 lines and buttoms like about - cancel - ok16:36
gradinwols_: you don't have to have a dns server to resolve hostnames that are local to the network16:36
MasterShrek_grindcore_: you shouldnt have to use an ntfs config tool, we already mounted the drive, just use it now16:37
RedHeronAnyone: How do I discover which server(s) I should be adding to aptitude in order to get the Linux sources?16:37
gradinits called local network browsing16:37
wols_gradin: you also said you didn't change the hosts file on all machines16:37
wols_gradin: so yes you do16:37
riotosaurusfreezey: i have no clue, sorry. not familiar with scp =\16:37
* gradin headdesks16:37
wols_gradin: NETBIOS are not hostnames. different things16:37
PiciRedHeron: Just enable the 'source' repositories in System>Administration>Software Sources16:37
abdullaubuntu acts strange after being idle for a day16:37
HarkinsI've noticed since updating to 7.10, Firefox windows move to the front anytime a new tab is opened. This makes it really painful to use my feed reader, as the browser keeps jumping in front of it. Anyone know how to fix this?16:38
gradinthank you netbios name resolution is failing16:38
gradinthats what i'm missing16:38
wols_and only windows has a shitty DNS to NETBIOS service. samba does not16:38
abdullaPici, ubuntu is very slow , i had to restart manually ..16:38
abdullaPici, sometimes slow16:38
gradinwols the netbios on this paticular linux box is the one thats failing16:38
pdlnhrdcan anyone explain why i can not submit a question to ubuntu forms without getting the error "In order to accept POST request originating from this domain, the admin must add this domain to the whitelist."16:38
=== RuS is now known as Azeg
wols_gradin: so how is your NETBIOS naming set up?16:38
Slartabdulla: were you able to open the task manager/process explorer to see if something was running amok?16:39
pdlnhrdor has anyone gotten vmware 5.5 to work with 7.1016:39
gradinwols_: what do you mean?16:39
wols_I mean what do you use for NETBIOS name resolution?16:39
RedHeronPici: for some reason they aren't showing... or I don't have the right names for the kernel source code packages typed in... it's `kernel-package` right?16:39
freezeyriotosaurus: FYI doing it through scp its just -pr16:39
gradinwols_: ... wins16:39
pdlnhrdubuntuforums is hosed....16:40
wols_who is the WINS master browser and do all machines know about it?16:40
gradinwols_: easy way to find that out?16:40
abdullaSlart, its very slow it was on panic situation i was trying to close many things close xchat pidgin then opera and then still slow then suddenly the video folder appeared so i double clicked on a video then slow slow slow ... after 2 minutes the video appeared then i restarted manually16:40
riotosaurusfreezey: thanks for the info16:40
cvd_Hey, How many versions of Ubuntu can i pass then do a upgrade?16:41
PiciRedHeron: kernel-package isnt the sources themselves.16:41
wols_gradin: for samba it's all in smb.conf. no clue about windows16:41
wols_cvd_: none16:41
gradinwols_: wait nvm i'm not using wins16:41
Slartabdulla: next time that happens, try to open the taskmanager or open a terminal/shell  and run "top".. just to see if there are anything using all your memory or just using all your processor power16:41
wols_gradin: kernel-package is a script that generates a nice installable kernel.deb from kernel sources16:42
abdullaok :D16:42
RedHeronPici: how do I discover the names of packages?16:42
abdullathanks Slart16:42
MikeyPizanois it possible to run office 2007 on ubuntu?16:42
wols_RedHeron: synaptic or apt-cache search16:42
Pici!kernel | RedHeron this might help you16:42
ubotuRedHeron this might help you: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages16:42
abdullaforsure it will happen again this happens once in a week Slart16:42
Slartabdulla: you're welcome.. let us know what you find out16:42
MikeyPizanobesides with virtual xp16:42
cvd_i cant even run office 200316:42
MasterShrek_MikeyPizano: doubtful, maybe using crossover office16:43
MasterShrek_cx office costs $$$ though16:43
wols_MikeyPizano: appdb.winehq,org16:43
MikeyPizanothere is always a virtual xp16:43
RedHeronMikeyPizano: under VirtualBox or VMWare you can16:43
cvd_wols, why none?16:43
MikeyPizanoi know of virtual box, just thought maybe id be lucky and it worked under wine16:43
wols_cvd_: cause you cannot pass any ubuntu version on upgrading16:43
wols_cvd_: you can only upgrade from dapper to edgy, not from dapper to feisty for examplre16:44
MasterShrek_cvd  what version do you have right now?16:44
cvd_oh ok16:44
abdullahey guys if you have windows installed in another partition can you run it through virtual box? or vmware?16:44
MasterShrek_cvd_: ive heard you should be able to upgrade from dapper to hardy once its released16:44
MikeyPizanoi have a question: would it be possible to dualboot and then later, possibly remove windows from the system after ubuntu works perfectly?16:44
MasterShrek_lts to lts16:44
wols_abdulla: ask vmware or virtualbox folks, not us16:44
bazhangabdulla: no16:44
gradinok nevermind... for some reason samba puked16:45
abdullaso i dont have to restart and dualboot16:45
MasterShrek_abdulla: you can, but its not very safe, and you run a chance of borking your install16:45
MasterShrek_MikeyPizano: yes16:45
cvd_i can upgrade from 200o to vista, but in linux not16:45
abdullaouch :/16:45
MikeyPizanoalso, has anyone gotten a broadcom card working right yet? mine would always act funny, like it would disappear sometimes using ndiswrapper16:45
wols_cvd_: then run vista16:45
abdullawell i wish wine can run all Office Suit like encarteca dictionery ect..16:46
wols_cvd_: and while MS tells you you can, good luck actually doing it16:46
wols_abdulla: and I wish I had a pony. what's the point?16:46
MikeyPizanooffice 2007 is nice actually16:46
abdullathe point is office2007 must be used in this generation16:46
wols_MikeyPizano: that may be but it's OT here16:46
wols_abdulla: BS16:46
qkrsometimes my sound works on mp3s etc but not in games (like rrootage, supertux)...but when I reboot it starts to work again...what's wrong?16:46
abdullaonly if open office do something better and i think they wont :/16:46
MikeyPizanoya... i have no problems with OOo really16:47
RedHeronbash: !kernel: event not found16:47
MasterShrek_lol office 07 sucks, ive used it, its no different than 2003, except everything is in a different place and it takes an hour to write a 2 page paper16:47
wols_RedHeron: huh?16:47
MikeyPizanoidk, i like it16:47
PiciRedHeron: I meant for you to read what ubotu told you16:47
cvd_openOffice chanel?16:47
tovarnahi again. its been helpful getting here to ask. now i am trying to configure the kismet.conf. i have my eth1 in monitor mode, but when i write kismet it says  "No specific sources given to be enabled, all will be enabled.16:47
tovarnaEnabling channel hopping.16:47
tovarnaEnabling channel splitting.16:47
tovarnaFATAL: No packsources were enabled.  Make sure that if you use an enablesource line that you specify the correct sources."16:47
Pici!kernel | RedHeron read this16:47
ubotuRedHeron read this: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages16:47
abdullano you maybe have office word im talking about the whole suit MasterShrek16:47
MasterShrek_!paste | tovarna16:47
ubotutovarna: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:47
SuicideSalmoncan anyone give me a hand? I'm running firefox on 7.10 x86_64 upgraded from 7.07. Firefox is so buggy it's painful - most of the plugins have stopped working (eg on youtube, a blank square will be there, no error), and firefox itself hangs for a few seconds extremely regular. Any idea what might be causing the issue?16:47
* RedHeron is reading already... heh.16:47
RedHeronSilly... I didn't think "bot" in that.16:48
TBotNik_uAll:  Have a sound problem.  About 12 installs attemps now.  Always fails.  What I think, after watching the installs go by several times, is that there are certain directories needed and the permission have to be right, and I think they either do not get created or the permissions are not correctly set.  I'm trying to learn where the install writes it's log, so I can see what write errors occur and try to correct these.16:48
Lartza8anyone to help with wlan?16:48
drakencan someone tell me y my xchat is fullscren ?16:48
arifI  AM   U  DAD16:48
Lartza8i can't get it work16:48
wols_SuicideSalmon: delete your firefox profile. and as for youtube and flash: there is no flash plugin for x6416:48
PiciLartza8: arif 516:48
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abdulladraken, press Ctrl + i16:48
MasterShrek_SuicideSalmon: back up your .mozilla directory and cdelete it, then try to open firefox again, see if that fixes the slow part16:48
PiciSorry about that.16:48
RedHeronTBotNik_u: try: sudo atp-get install esound16:48
arifU  TO16:48
soundray!flash64 | SuicideSalmon16:49
ubotuSuicideSalmon: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:49
fisk0hmm, my desktop hasn't been working for a few weeks now. Everything else works (after a lot of trouble with compiz), window decorations and all, and the background image for the desktop shows only after I load the theme setup window after loging on , but I get not desktop icons and nothing happens when I right click16:49
wols_Lartza8: what wlan chip?16:49
PiciLartza8: mistype, sorry.16:49
MasterShrek_SuicideSalmon: nspluginwrapper is what you need for flash in x86_6416:49
Lartza8A-Link USB-adapter16:49
qkrcan anyone help me? sometimes my sound doesn't work on games, but works on mp3s etc...when I reboot the computer that sometimes fixes it?16:49
filloyUhmm, I've been fighting with fstab for a while now, read the man page for mount and now i think im fed up; i need help, in short terms. I have an external hdd with ext3. The fstab options for mounting are: defaults,users,rw but i cant write anything to the disk, any idea why this is happening? Thank you very much!16:49
wols_Lartza8: I asked for the chip not the name of the adapter16:49
Lartza8How to see it?16:49
MasterShrek_filloy: unmount it, chmod 777 /the/mount/point   then remount it16:49
SuicideSalmonMasterShrek, thanks. I used nspluginwrapper but maybe the upgrade has caused some issues. I'll try backing that up, and uninstalling it, but I recall that failing before. How do I ensure a complete removal?16:50
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Little misspell there, but corrected and watching the install.16:50
wols_filloy: when it'S mounted what are the perms of the mountpoint?16:50
drakenhelp me16:50
drakenxchat is fullscreen16:50
MasterShrek_SuicideSalmon: apt-get purge16:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:50
cvd_ubuntu gonna switch to pulseaudio soon?16:50
Lartza8wols: how to see what chip?16:50
filloyMasterShrek: somebody told me not to put 777 ever :s should i do it?16:50
RedHeronTBotNik_u: had the same problem, that was my solution.16:50
wols_Lartza8: lsusb will give you an USB ID16:50
zzazaHi am having problem with my usb rode microphone  I've discovered that the microphone is recognised (dmesg seems to16:50
zzazaknow what it is, When attempting to recors, I get the error16:50
zzaza"Error while opening sound device. Please check the input device16:50
zzazasettings.any help how to get it working16:50
filloywols_: drwxr-xr-x16:51
SuicideSalmonthanks MasterShrek, I'll let you know how I get on, thanks wols_ and soundray too16:51
marcioapfi'm having problems to install gtkmm (gtk binding for C++). The page http://www.gtkmm.org/download.shtml says that i should simply use "sudo apt-get install libgtkmm2.4-dev". But i get package not found.16:51
wols_filloy: see what MasterShrek_ said16:51
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Hope it works for me!16:51
filloywols_: ok, thanks16:51
soundraySuicideSalmon: good luck16:51
MasterShrek_filloy: chmod 774 it then, and make sure your user is in the group16:51
wols_marcioapf: apt-cache search libgrkmm|grep dev16:51
filloyMasterShrek_: ok, ill try it, thank you!16:51
wols_marcioapf: apt-cache search libgtkmm|grep dev16:51
MasterShrek_filloy: also if you have to add your user to the group, it wont take affect until you log out and back in16:52
Lartza8soemthin like: 0ace:01215 ZyDAS16:52
Lartza8first line i mean16:52
rpj8so I'm cruising my campus network, and I Notice my friend's computer as a samba share. I can't access it, though. I know he has it password protected, so is there one extra syntax I have to use to acess his box? Doing this thru nautilus with the uri smb://16:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:52
filloyMasterShrek_: what group should i be in?16:52
kadakasplease recommend a good Personal Financial Manager (for private persons) to manage my money in Ubuntu?16:52
marcioapfwols_: libgtkmm-2.4-dev - C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.4 (development files)          libgtkmm-dev - C++ wrapper for GTK+ 1.2 (development files)              libgtkmm2.0-dev - C++ wrappers for GTK+ 2.0 (development files)16:52
Picirpj8: try smb://username:password@hostname16:52
cvd_why ubntu dont name to ubuntu 1,2,3,4 etc.. and not 5.04, 6.10, 704, 7.10 etc...?16:53
MasterShrek_filloy: ls -l /mount/point    and see what the group is root:<group>16:53
wols_marcioapf: it should be obvious how to install it now...16:53
fisk0is there any nifty command to restart only the desktop (desktop icons) part without bothering with the rest of gnome?16:53
soundraycvd_: why don't you request this as a wishlist bug?16:53
Picicvd_: the version numbers are the release dates.  i.e: 5.04 = 2005, 4th month.16:53
grindcore_MasterShrek_ I think i know where is the problem now - i cannot change in setup of this HDD properties/permissions  - owner/group/others - all of them have just read only access.16:53
filloyMasterShrek_: ok, its root, so ill add my user to that group16:53
wols_cvd_: why don't you start to think, just a little before asking inane stuff?16:53
rpj8Pici: Hm. Tried, and nope. Still giving me an error "Sorry, couldn't display all the contents of "Windows Network: sauerkraut"16:53
marcioapfwols_: yes it's ok. Thank you =P. The problem was that it was not libgtkmm2.4-dev, but libgtkmm-2.4-dev.16:53
MasterShrek_grindcore_: even root has only read permissions?16:53
marcioapfwols_: thanks a lot =D16:54
Lartza8wols_ can you help?16:54
grindcore_MasterShrek_ exactly16:54
AzegLartza8: sosi16:54
parancvd_: it is year and month... 7.10 = 2007 october16:54
scragarme has a big problem16:54
abdullaPici, at 2020 it will be Ubuntu 20.05 :p16:55
scragarI installed pango, not anything using gtk refuses to open16:55
fisk0wont Ubuntu get a lot of trouble in 100 years?16:55
cvd_my job its to ask, yours to think and answer16:55
wols_Lartza8: it's a zd121116:55
soundraycvd_: bad, bad attitude16:55
rpj8fisk0: How's that?16:55
wols_!wireless | Lartza816:55
ubotuLartza8: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:55
wols_cvd_: with an attitude like that you will be ignored by everyone really soon16:55
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Got msg "After unpacking 102kB of additional disk space will be used." but it did not install only downloaded.  What else is needed or do I re-init alsasound now?16:56
fisk0rpj8: because then the version numbers will start at 5, 6, 7 again16:56
rpj8fisk0: 105, 106, 10716:56
Pici!attitude | cvd_16:56
ubotucvd_: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:56
fisk0hey, then this version should have been named 007.1016:56
Lartza8wols_ I have 7.0416:56
rpj8fisk0: It could have, but that would have been a waste of space16:56
cvd_Pici know hot handle things, thanks16:56
Lartza8Does that change anything?16:57
soundrayfisk0: when people ask how old you are, do you reply 023?16:57
B_166-ER-XI have a big problem : I dont have anysound on gutsy, althought i can 'repair' it, i always have to redo it after each reboot.. (i follow the 'install from fresh kernel' from the sound problem page given here)  Its starting to get on my nerves, and i dont want to do this until april. Can someone help ?16:57
fisk0damn, I had hoped I would have found another y21k bug16:57
wols_Lartza8: the driver was available back then too tho lately it got a lot of work so upgrading might be good16:57
Lartza8But I need wlan to upgrade :)16:57
soundrayfisk0: y21k is almost 19000 years away :)16:57
wols_B_166-ER-X: what soundcard?16:57
swisgardhow can i go about installing application themes if my ubuntu doesn't have system>preferences>themes or gnome-theme-manager16:57
Lartza8If you don't mean update that package16:58
fisk0soundray: usually 0x1616:58
Lartza8i can manually download that and move with usb memory16:58
wols_swisgard: install the gnome-theme-manager?16:58
swisgardsudo apt-get install gnome-theme-manager?16:58
grindcore_MasterShrek_ can u help me with this please ?16:58
abdullaswisgard, just click on appearances in system > prefrences16:58
B_166-ER-Xwols_ 00:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 07)16:58
wols_B_166-ER-X: then put the emu10k1 driver in /etc/modules perhaps?16:59
Piciswisgard: System>preferences>Appearance themes tab16:59
wols_grindcore_: how do you mount it? what line?16:59
fisk0is there really no command to force restart the desktop thing?16:59
Piciswisgard: no need to install anything.16:59
Picifisk0: the 'desktop thing'?16:59
swisgardi see, i just click the Install button :P16:59
Lartza8wols_ I got almost it work earlier, but it didn't get to any website16:59
swisgardand find it16:59
swisgardwhere should i save themes?16:59
rpj8Another question: Say I _did_ have access to my friend's windows desktop. Am I able to permanently mount that on my computer?16:59
wols_rpj8: yes17:00
SuicideSalmonMasterShrek, soundray: I reinstalled firefox - not going to know if that fixed anything unless it doesn't crash for a while :) but as for the plugins, I installed nspluginwrapper, but further than that google seems to provide different information. Can you point me towards installing 64-bit flash and java plugins17:00
Lartza8then i looked information and all the ip:s and masks etc were
Piciswisgard: you can just drag the compressed files onto the themes dialog and it will install them.17:00
cvd_any know a good screenshot prog? cuz the other just took the desktop or the active windows, and i want to take a custom region17:00
fisk0Pici: well everything but the desktop works on my computer. I get all the windows and menus and stuff, but the desktop doesn't show any icons and can't be right clicked17:00
rpj8wols_: What is the process known as?17:00
B_166-ER-Xwols_ here ismy etc/modules  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47703/17:00
wols_SuicideSalmon: 64bit flash and java don't exist17:00
wols_rpj8: mounting it17:00
SuicideSalmonwols_, with nspluginwrapper17:00
rpj8wols_: Hah, gotcha17:00
B_166-ER-Xits like this since yesterday, didnt change nothing it seems17:00
swisgardmy firefox also keeps crashing for some reason17:00
kazoluncommon: Are you still there?17:00
soundraySuicideSalmon: was !flash64 no good?17:00
wols_rpj8: put it in your fstab basically17:00
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Re-ran alsa-info.sh.  PB at: http://pastebin.ca/811119.  Restarted alsa-utils, which restarted alsa, but still no sound.  What next?17:00
Picifisk0: Every time you boot? or just this time?17:01
rpj8wols_: I see I see17:01
SuicideSalmonoh sorry yeah I forgot about that soundray, I was too busy thinking about reinstalling firefox. Sorry17:01
grindcore_sudo mkdir /external17:01
grindcore_grindcore@hp:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /external17:01
fisk0Pici:  everytime i boot gnome since a few weeks back, at first the desktop is entirely black, when I enter the theme config window it finally loads the background image, but still no icons17:01
wols_grindcore_: no, umask, no uid17:01
abdullaswisgard, system > administration > software sources ,.. tick everything and untick CD ROM then choose a mirror server to get your updates and close ( RELOAD ) maybe you have to update your gutsy :017:01
fisk0and it started before the 7.10 update17:02
steven0451Can anyone explain why, on Pidgin 2.2.1, when I rename "Individuals" to "MSN" and reload Pidgin it pops up about 100 synchronisation errors?17:02
B_166-ER-Xwols_    aplay -l list my soundcard correctly17:02
=== GNUdog is now known as GNUdog|away
Pici!away > GNUdog|away (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:02
freezeyanybody here use backuppc?17:02
lexis_nexusdoes anyone have experience with openwrt17:03
grindcore_wols I'm sorry but i dont know what u want17:03
fisk0Pici: I hoped there was some kind of command like the --replace commands for window decorators17:03
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GNUdog|awayPici:     :)17:03
wols_grindcore_: I doN't want anything. your commandline lacks uid and umask options you should put in there17:03
lexis_nexuswhere can a program be found once it is compiled on a computer17:04
soundraylexis_nexus: a bit, but it's offtopic here. Ask me in #soundray17:04
Picifisk0: You might need to change your apps>nautilus>desktop properties in gconf-editor (run it as yourself, not root). You might need to install the gconf-editor package first.17:04
iratikWhen I run "apt-get install otrs" I'm not getting any database setup screens... can someone point me to some documentation on how to setup OTRS in feisty ? (Yes... I've googled, found no definite resources)  ?17:04
Lartza8i cant connect17:05
fisk0Pici: I have it installed, I'll try that17:05
Lartza8i put the essid and it doesnt connect17:05
grindcore_wols_ sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /external17:05
Piciiratik: the package name is otrs2 in feisty.17:05
kazolWhere do I find the "compiz config settings"?17:05
iratikso what did I just install?17:05
Pici!ccsm | kazol17:05
ubotukazol: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:05
kazolPici: thx17:06
Lartza8someone help17:06
darkentityis there any damn way for ubuntu to automatically configure the menu.lst for you man???17:06
Lartza8how to get ip from dhcp?17:06
Lartza8it stays
Lartza8with wlan17:06
Piciiratik: I dont know... I'm guessing you need to modify a file in /etc/ somwhere.17:06
darkentitythe menu.lst reseted itself or somthing and now i cant boot into windows and i gotta fill out applications that need windows17:06
iratikPici: could not find package otrs217:06
bazhangdarkentity: source-o-matic can do that17:06
darkentitybazhang: is that in the add/remove list17:07
bazhang!easysource | darkentity17:07
ubotudarkentity: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic17:07
efhi weis jemand woher ich das netbeans c/c++ plugin bekomme und wie man es instaliert??17:07
efhat wer ein tutorial?17:07
Pici!de | ef17:08
ubotuef: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:08
u_angel_YYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!! i finally got freenx to work on gutsy!17:08
ironfoo1can someone help me with cups. I went out and downloaded a ppd file for hpand I get an error not connected?17:08
Piciiratik: it seems they both exist in Feisty, (I was spelling something wrong before)17:08
fisk0Pici: I can't see anything to change there, everything that looks like it should be enabled is17:08
Pici!info otrs2 feisty17:08
ubotuotrs2: Open Ticket Request System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4p01-17 (feisty), package size 1127 kB, installed size 7240 kB17:08
darkentitydoes anyone know a tutorial that teaches you how to configure your menu.lst so u could boot into windows17:08
bts3685when's the next LTS release due?17:09
Pici!grub | darkentity17:09
ubotudarkentity: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:09
RedHeronTBotNik_U: Did you answer "yes" so it could install?17:09
Picibts3685: 8.04 April, 200817:09
darkentityPici: thanks17:09
bts3685Pici: thx!17:09
SuicideSalmonsoundray, step 4 of !flash64 doesn't work. The instruction is: gksudo gedit /usr/local/bin/firefox32 &, but it says it's a directory not a file17:09
fisk0by the way, is there any way to get an "Recent Documents" panel icon/menu, so I won't have to go into the Places menu every time?17:10
tawoohhow do i install a program from a .tar.bz2 file i have dl'd to my desktop??17:10
Piciiratik: Theres /usr/share/doc/otrs/README.database17:10
Picitawooh: What program?17:10
iratikthanks Pici17:10
u_angel_OMG freenx is to linux as vnc is to windoze me!17:11
erUSULtawooh: you shouldn't be installing programs from source; try to fin a prepackaged version from the repos17:11
soundraySuicideSalmon: then something is wrong on your system. It's a binary file on all my accessible machines.17:11
RedHeronOkay... slight issue, here...17:11
fisk0is there really anybody who uses IceWM? It reminded me of Microsoft Bob and other "pimp my Windows 3.1" programs released to make Win 3.1 look as "good" as Win 9517:12
SuicideSalmonsoundray, there's a /usr/local/bin/firefox32/firefox32 executable, I'll try that one17:12
tawoohif i shouldn't be installing from source, why is it every program i want to install is offered in a .tar format to dl??17:12
Picitawooh: Have you been looking in the repositories before downloading these files?17:12
bazhangis second life in the repos? apt-cache search came up empty17:13
tawoohpici: how do i look in the repositories??17:13
RedHeronI can't use both the locked IDE drive and the CD drive at the same time... I have a limit of 2 IDE devices and 2 SATA devices total because of the mobo, and my CD drive is IDE, as are both HDD's... any ideas?17:13
tawoohi don't even know what a repository is...17:13
qkrI have 2 soundcard (pci and integrated on m/b), how do I make the pci default? (index 0 in /proc/asound/cards)17:13
* RedHeron needs the CD drive to install kernel stuff.17:13
bazhangpackages.ubuntu.com tawooh or apt-cache search from the terminal17:13
tupsonwhen you install a Windows application within the WINE Emulator, where does it place an uninstall feature?17:13
erUSULtawooh: i'm sure there are linux installation instructions on the secondlife site...17:14
erUSUL!repo | tawooh17:14
ubotutawooh: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource17:14
TBotNik_uRedHeron: It never asked a Q17:14
mssnlayamI don't know if this is a firefox bug, but I get this in ubuntu with firefox. Visiting this page crashes firefox (Floating point exception) http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=wikipedia%20retrial&btnG=Google%20Search17:14
mssnlayamcan someone reproduce this?17:14
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Let me try again!17:14
Picitawooh: The easiest way would be to use the Add/Remove menu from Applications or the Synaptic Package manager in System>Administraions.17:14
Picitawooh: I'd stay away from the command line if I were you.17:15
fisk0ahh, as I am ranting anyway, does anybody know of a mod player (for playing mod, xm, s3m, it module music) for linux? I was a bit surprised not to find any way to play my mod archive in XMMS, Rhythmbox, Gnome Mplayer or any of the other 10+ media players I have installed17:15
soundraymssnlayam: doesn't fail here17:15
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Aha! Getting a "reading database thing now" did not do that before!17:15
mssnlayamsoundray: okay17:15
tawoohi would too17:15
RdWings19hey all17:15
tawooh<----- not a programmer17:15
cvd_its there away to create a .deb whem compiling?17:16
mssnlayamsoundray: so, what can I do? it is reproducible and happens again and again (even with a new clean profile)17:16
* differentreality hey... i need a quicktime player for ubuntu, any suggestions ??17:16
Pici!checkinstall | cvd_17:16
ubotucvd_: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:16
RdWings19thinking of installing ubuntu on my desktop machine at home - Athlon 1800, 1GB RAM - should I try Feisty or Gutsy first?17:16
Pici!codecs > differentreality (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:16
DemonJestertawooh, try here http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=944 not sure if it is the most current but it is a deb package17:16
fisk0differentreality: shouldn't vlc be able to handle quicktime files?17:16
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Also got the "Unpacking" and "Setting Up" message, so restarted when it finished.  But still no sound.17:16
noodlesgc<mssnlayam> are you using torrents? sometimes FF crashes on me i use torrents17:16
mssnlayamnoodlesgc: nope17:17
soundraymssnlayam: from a terminal, run 'killall firefox-bin ; firefox -safe-mode' and see if it still happens.17:17
u_angel_rdwings19: run the gutsy live cd and see fi you can see all your devices, i would go with gutsy17:17
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Try a reboot and see if that works,17:17
qkrI have 2 soundcard (pci and integrated on m/b), how do I make the pci default? (index 0 in /proc/asound/cards)17:18
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Shutting down sometimes helps.17:18
fisk0RdWings19: I can't think of any way your computer could be too slow for anything. I'm running Gutsy with a lot of nifty visual effects stuff enabled on a P3 650mhz w/ 256MB RAM17:18
soundrayRdWings19: I agree with u_angel_ -- fall back to feisty if you see problems with the gutsy Desktop CD.17:18
mssnlayamsoundray: crashes in safe mode as well17:18
RdWings19OK... I'll try the liveCD and see if it can pick everything up17:18
soundraymssnlayam: which version of firefox is it?17:18
RdWings19I think the wirless USB adapter will probably be the limiting factor but I should be OK17:18
RdWings19fisk0:  are you using Compiz or Beryl?17:19
fisk0RdWings19: compiz17:19
u_angel_rdwings19: run the cd with the usb connected prior to boot up17:19
TBotNik_uRedHeron: When I go to: <System> + <Preferences> + <Sound> and click to test get this error "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open resource for writing.".  Also Speaker symbol still has the "/" for not active.17:19
fisk0I had some trouble with it first, but now it works fine, except for the desktop that hasn't been working since before I upgraded from 6.0417:20
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Shutting down sometimes helps. Try restarting.17:20
|Zippo|Dec 10 14:18:49 notebook kernel: [254880.140000] printk: 12 messages suppressed.17:20
u_angel_i thought compiz was the new beryl?17:20
|Zippo|what kind of message is this?17:20
RdWings19cool... I'll try it.  Too bad my favorite image mgmt program is Windows only (Fast Stone Img viewer) or I could probably run in Ubuntu most of the time17:20
mssnlayamokay, I downloaded this search query's result in a file17:20
mssnlayamand opened "firefox search.html" and it crashes17:20
soundrayu_angel_: first there was compiz, then there was a fork called beryl, now they are reunited as compiz-fusion17:20
fisk0RdWings19: you could try running it in Wine, I have managed to run some windows apps using it17:20
u_angel_soundray: sweet17:21
soundraymssnlayam: if you feel up to it, run 'strace firefox search.html' and dissect the terminal output17:21
mssnlayamwill try17:21
benzs_sargh gutsy installatino always stalls on 40% y o y o y17:21
soundraybenzs_s: from CD?17:22
mssnlayambut I think this is not a system call issue17:22
TBotNik_uRedHeron: The "alsa-info.sh" script errors looking for dir "/proc/asound" which it can not find.  Going to create that by hand and then try re-install.17:22
soundraymssnlayam: at least you will know what it's doing the moment it crashes.17:22
wols_TBotNik_u: that won't work17:22
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Just restart.17:22
ttt--hi, what is the name of the rotating cube thing? i saw it once on youtube17:22
u_angel_rdwings19: look at http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=5647 when you get a chance. it says that  your app can run in wine17:22
benzs_ssoundray: yeah, this is the 6th CD i've tried, each one burned at a different speed with at least 2 different burners, i've deleted partitions on my HDD and formatted it appropriately each time, and it still won't install17:22
HausbergI have a problem with "Deleted Items" it is somehow pointing at /boot directory17:22
ttt--desktop cube thing17:22
Pici!ccsm | ttt-- need to do this to configure it17:23
ubotuttt-- need to do this to configure it: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:23
benzs_si should have just stuck with fesity.17:23
soundraybenzs_s: perhaps your burner is bad. Have you tried the "Check CD integrity" item on any of them?17:23
geniibenzs_s: Did you try yet a different cdrom drive for the machine it's installing on?17:23
RdWings19is Wine part of the default Ubuntu install, or do you add it later through Synaptic?17:24
benzs_ssoundray: yeah, two of them were duds but the other was ok. the most common fault is 'input/output error'17:24
Picibenzs_s: Have you compared the iso's md5 before you install?17:24
benzs_sgenii: unfortunately i only have one17:24
benzs_spici: ?17:24
Picibenzs_s: er, before you burn.17:24
fisk0RdWings19: I think it was part of the default install, I can't really remember now17:24
Pici!verify | benzs_s17:24
ubotubenzs_s: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:24
u_angel_hey guys, those for shell scripting should i be learning perl or python? or what's it called..bash?17:24
benzs_spici: good plan... will try.17:24
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* genii slides Pici a coffee17:25
Piciu_angel_: bash is whats referred to when really talking about shell scripting.17:25
u_angel_rdwings19: sudo apt-get install wine17:26
RdWings19nice, i'll have to try that17:26
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TBotNik_uRedHeron: When I do "mkdir /proc/asound" I get the error "mkdir: cannot create directory `/proc/asound': No such file or directory".  Wondering why?  Did "chmod 775 /proc" and no change.17:27
wols_cause it's /prco, duh17:27
cvd_if i install another OS then Uninstall how to retore the ubuntu default Boot-Manger?17:27
wols_and even if you managed to create it, it wouldn't work17:27
PiciTBotNik_u: /proc is not a real filesystem, you aren't meant to create files there.17:27
u_angel_so why do i see so many python and perl scripts for shell? are they some sort of wrapper for bash?17:27
wols_so just don't do it and load your alsa drivers17:27
RedHeronTBotNik_u: If you aren't willing to follow instructions, don't ask.17:27
geniiMessing with /proc is *NOT* a good idea17:27
TBotNik_uRedHeron: Also have tons of numbered folders in "/proc".  Wonder if there is a directory number limit?17:28
wols_u_angel_: they're scripting languages17:28
tupsonwhen i go into terminal > uninstaller   - i receive two lines that read Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".17:28
wols_TBotNik_u: it won't ever go above 64k17:28
HausbergWhy is my Deleted Items pointing at /boot - if I click on the Deleted Items Icon it opens /boot folder in nautilus17:28
burn_hi guys, newbie here, why i cant write to one of my hdd partitions, it has a "lost and found" folder in it and also it says that i dont have permission?17:28
wols_TBotNik_u: each dir is one of your running processes17:28
PiciTBotNik_u: from the manpage: The  proc filesystem is a pseudo-filesystem which is used as an interface to kernel data structures.  It is commonly mounted at /proc.  Most of it is  read-only,but some files allow kernel variables to be changed.17:28
PiciTBotNik_u: I highly advise not touching it.17:28
wols_burn_: cause you don't have permission. what filesystem is it?17:28
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Just restart.17:29
u_angel_redheron: does /proc/ exits? you might want to do mkdir -p /proc/asound17:29
* Pici facepalms17:29
TBotNik_uAll: Thanks.  Trying the reboot to see if any change.  Back shortly.17:29
robdemanhi all17:29
burn_wols_: its xt317:29
wols_u_angel_: please don't talk when you don't understand the issues17:29
RedHeronu_angel_: I would advise against that.17:29
robdemanfolks I just changed my WIFI router from WEP tp WPA... and no, Ubuntu does not connect anymore with teh WIFI network after a reboot - I think17:29
wols_robdeman: wpa_supplcant is needed17:30
cvd_the ubuntu cd have a mbr and boot fixer?17:30
u_angel_wols: which issue do you mean? i am talking about 3 things here. sry if i over stpped17:30
wols_u_angel_: about /proc17:30
robdemanwols_: I have wpa-psk, wpa-driver, wpa-key-mgmt, wpa-proto, wpa-ssid17:30
cvd_thas a good request what you think of that?17:30
robdemanwols_: Need something extra then?17:30
wols_robdeman: and configured too?17:30
robdemanwold_ Yes17:30
tupsoncan anyone assist me with uninstalling an application via WINE uninstaller?17:30
robdemanwols_: yes17:31
wols_usually wpa-psk is used. wpa-supplicant is the package to install17:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:31
wols_tupson: #wine17:31
RedHeronTBotNik_u: Just restart your computer and it will reconfig the sound with the new esound system, okay?17:31
swisgardi drag themes and icons and etc into System>Apperance, what do i drag splash and login screens into?17:31
robdemanwols_ well when I locally loginto Ubuntu and reconfigure the network with exact the same settings then it works --- until i reboot17:31
SuicideSalmonsoundray, thank-you, it worked (eventually). For some reason, firefox32 & doesn't work, so all my defaults and shortcuts have to be /usr/local/bin/firefox32/firefox32, but apart from that it was seamless :)17:32
mzuverink_I am not sure if it has been addressed here, but is there a fix for Amarok unmounting removable media everytime it shuts down?  If its been addressed please advise where I can find the thread and or infor for a fix?17:32
burn_hi guys, newbie here, why i cant write to one of my hdd partitions, it has a "lost and found" folder in it and also it says that i dont have permission?17:33
soundraySuicideSalmon: if you 'echo $PATH', you will see that /usr/local/bin is on the search path, but /usr/local/bin/firefox32 isn't. To add it, 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin/firefox32:$PATH'17:33
ADemiG0Ddoes open office have an irc channel?17:34
cyziewhat is the command to show the lastest package i install in the system?17:34
swisgardwhere do i drag splash screens and such to? the stuff that goes into GDM tool17:34
kitche!openoffice.org | ADemiG0D17:34
ubotuADemiG0D: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org17:34
soundrayburn_: first you ignore answers, then you repeat the question. Rude.17:34
sharperguyanyone know of a way to get anjuta go put GPLv3 headers into my source files instead of GPLv2?17:34
h2o-hi -- i just wondered if someone around got the nvidia driver of restricted working under gutsy/2.6.22-14-xen17:34
stef22which is the lighter email client?17:34
RedHeronOkay... I need to restart my own system... I'll be back shortly.17:35
mzuverink_Amarok fix anyone>17:35
burn_soundray: no one replied to me...17:35
SuicideSalmonsoundray, thanks, did it :) is it a bad idea to remove firefox, and rename firefox32 to firefox? Or might I need the 64 bit version at some point17:35
soundraySuicideSalmon: I'd say it's a bad idea, not least because /usr/bin/firefox will be overwritten with the 64bit version at the next package update.17:36
robdemansudo apt-get install wpa_supplicant doesnt do anything17:36
dinesh86help me reg grub17:37
burn_hi guys, why cant i select "read and write" in one of my xt3 partitions? it says i dont have permission17:37
soundraySuicideSalmon: you could do a 'cd /usr/local/bin/firefox32/ && ln -s firefox32 firefox' though17:37
SuicideSalmonsoundray, fair enough, I probably won't start firefox from the terminal that often anyway. How can I change the source in Applications -> Internet -> Firefox?17:37
juano__dinesh86: grub problems ?17:37
reya276OK guys need some major help, for some reason none of my music players are working correctly they are all freezing, which is unusual for Ubuntu.17:37
indioHi. Where do I touch environment variables ?17:38
reya276rhythmbox and banshee are both dead in the water17:38
juano__reya276: what plugins did you install ? what files are you trying to play ? mp3s ?17:38
dinesh86juno: i need to change the boot order in the menu17:38
soundraySuicideSalmon: don't know, I've never touched those. Am a bit of a commandline man myself...17:38
lonranhi everybody17:38
indioI want permanently add an environment variable17:38
lonranwhat kind of window are screenlets?17:38
swisgarddoes no one know how to install login managers?>17:39
soundrayindio: /etc/environment (system-wide)17:39
indiosoundray: Thanks,.17:39
aladdinsaneis there any way in how i can change/remove Thunar and its integration in Xubuntu towards lets say Nautilus? And i really mean completely remove it.17:39
SuicideSalmon:) I'm aiming to get there soundray, but quite a while off yet. what does the first command you gave me do?17:39
macogwswisgard: what?  you mean themes for gdm?17:39
reya276plugins? I installed the Default and Medibuntu's17:39
soundraySuicideSalmon: ln -s makes a symbolic link (man ln to find out more)17:39
kitchealaddinsane: that would be like removing nautilus from gnome but it can be done just a bit tricky17:39
juano__swisgard: system ---> administration ---> login window ----> local17:39
juano__swisgard: you can download them from gnome-art17:40
soundray!cli > SuicideSalmon, this factoid (private message) will take you  a long way17:40
reya276 juano__: So yeah, Medibuntu Plugins and MP4 plugins17:40
greedowhat's the name of the next ubuntu version ?17:40
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu17:40
swisgardjuano__, thanks17:40
soundrayHooray, dinner!17:40
dinesh86juano_: u there17:40
juano__swisgard: no problem17:40
juano__dinesh86: yes17:41
dinesh86pls help reg the grub17:41
juano__dinesh86: you need to change boot order in the menu ?17:41
aladdinsanekitche: ok, well i seriously considering it anyway, there are a couple of things with thunar that annoys me, how would one go about it?17:41
tim_hi is any one here?17:41
Myrttitim_: have a wild guess17:41
swisgardjuano__, it says GDM is not running. (i just installed ubuntu last night...so its on a default setup)17:41
kitchealaddinsane: remove XFCE completely and compile it without thunar support17:41
juano__swisgard: did you login as normal user at the login window ?17:42
reya276 juano__: Going to reboot the system, be right back, also for some strange reason when ever I ctrl+alt+Backspace to re-start X when I login in again the system stays frozen17:42
reya276 juano__: all very weird17:43
TBotNik_uAll: Rebooted and still no sound.  What next17:43
juano__reya276: mm this is weird, you wanna check out this for plugins though:17:43
tim_how do u compile things?17:44
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:44
MikeHIs there A known bug for firefox ( under linux not rendering the new page when navigating there.17:44
MikeHOr taking an excessive amount of time to render it (whilst still displaying the previous page)17:45
juano__MikeH: you may want to search that on launchpad17:46
TBotNik_uAll: Repeating: After running command "apt-get install esound" rebooted and still no sound.  What next?17:46
=== MarcoZ is now known as MarcoZ[OFF]
TBotNik_uAll: Did hear a sound as the machine shutdown, but nothing after the restart.17:47
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juano__MikeH: try joining #ubuntu-bugs and read their topic17:47
marek|nano_you're screwed17:47
wols_TBotNik_u: is the sound driver loaded?17:47
=== Nana8 is now known as Nana`
TBotNik_uwols_: Re-running "alsa-info.sh".  Will give PB when done.17:48
EnquestI'm working on Ubuntu 7.04 server I got a problem with the python version. This should be updated to python 2.5.1 but it stay's on python 2.5.1c1 can somone explain me how to up to python 2.5.117:48
bobgillI am trying to move files to a partition I made during my Gutsy install and I am getting an error that I don't have permission to... how do I change this? Is it sudo chown user:group /media/partition ??17:48
=== MarcoZ[OFF] is now known as `_`
=== `_` is now known as MarcoZ[OFF]
bullgard4What is a 'Kernel build parameter'?17:48
juano__bobgill: that is not recommended... check your mounting settings first17:49
swisgardjuano__, sorry, i didn't see what you said, i made my system have a bit of trouble by doing "sudo gdm" :P it kind freaked out because :0 was busy it said17:49
swisgardjuano__, but admin > login window works now17:50
Pici!nickspam > MarcoZ[OFF] (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:50
bobgilljuano__: ok, which settings? It's mounted fine, I can see it.. just can't write to it17:50
juano__swisgard: good, you should install gnome-art and you can download many themes from there17:50
jendaAny tips as to how one can play .rm files?17:50
juano__bobgill: cat /etc/fstab and check to see if the rw option is there17:51
juano__bobgill: on that partition17:51
=== MarcoZ[OFF] is now known as `_`
swisgardjuano__, install gnome-art? i thought it was just a website?17:51
ActySoftsHow do I resize an ext3 partition form Gparted? The menu option to do that is greyed out, so I suppose I must unmount them17:51
bobgilljuano__: http://pastebin.ca/81116717:51
stef22you have to download  real player for linux17:51
juano__swisgard: there is a program that organizes this, search in the repos gnome-art17:51
stef22or install the w32codecs17:52
overridex-workhey all... i'm running gutsy with lvm + luks encryption... anyone know what file the luksOpen command is that gets run at bootup to ask for the passphrase?17:52
TBotNik_uwols_: Got a msg about "alsa-info" being updated and now it's not running.  Working on that.17:52
=== `_` is now known as MarcoZ
juano__bobgill: which is the partition you are trying to mount ?17:52
tupsonWhat do I need to do to correct this error: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".17:52
bobgilljuano__: I am not trying to mount... it is mounted.. I am trying to set it so I can write to it (move files/folders to it )17:53
ActySoftsI'm trying to resize my /home partition using gparted, however, it's greyed out, so I suppose I must unmount it, any ideas?17:53
juano__bobgill: sorry, i meant that17:53
bobgilljuano__: hehe np, trying to do it with /media/personal17:54
LimCorepidgin have shitty notifications, is there any less shitty jabber client available17:54
ActySofts!language > LimCore17:54
ActySoftsLimCore: how about searching for "jabber" in Add/Remove programs?17:55
swisgardjuano__, what about splash screens?17:55
juano__bobgill: you can try adding  "rw"  next to defaults  like this:     rw,defaults17:55
juano__bobgill: then try mounting it again17:56
ActySoftsI'm trying to resize my /home partition using gparted, however, it's greyed out, so I suppose I must unmount it, any ideas?17:56
juano__bobgill: sudo umount /dev/sdb1   &&  sudo mount /dev/sdb1  /media/personal17:56
juano__swisgard: system ----> preferences ---> splashscreens17:57
juano__swisgard: must have gnome-splashscreen-manager installed17:57
tupsonWhat do I need to do to correct this error: Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".17:57
kazolHow do I access "compizconfig-settings-manager"?17:57
juano__kazol: system ----> preferences ---> advanced desktop settings manager17:58
juano__kazol: effects i mean, not settings17:58
TBotNik_uwols_: Finally!!  PB at: http://pastebin.ca/811171 from alsa-info!17:59
kazoljuano__: I didn't know it was the same thing.17:59
Odd-rationaleHas the flashplugin-nonfree package in the gutsy repos been fixed?17:59
admin-dnshow can i have swedish charset on xchatt17:59
=== OverRide is now known as Pemo
juano__kazol: :)17:59
ptn107tupson:  try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=292642&highlight=Xlib%253A+extension+XFree86-DRI%2526quot%253B+missing+on+display+%2526quot%253B%253A0.0.17:59
admin-dnshow can i have swedish charset on xchatt18:00
kazoljuano__: But I still can't find the "undirect rending" setting.18:00
bazziebhow do i run a check disk on a stiffy??18:01
TBotNik_uwols_: What did you derive from reading the PB?18:01
ActySoftsI'm trying to resize my /home partition using gparted, however, it's greyed out, so I suppose I must unmount it, any ideas?18:01
kazolActySofts: Are you using a LiveCD?18:02
TBotNik_uwols_: BRB, checking something on reboot.18:03
ptn107ActySofts: is there a padlock next to the partition name, if so you must unmount it18:03
Odd-rationaleActySofts: You can try sudo umount -a to unmount all file systems18:03
MyNick1hi i heard there is a freenode room for USA,maine users of ubuntu is this true?18:03
MentalUproarUbuntu won't detect windows vista when I run the installer.  I would like it to be added to the bootloader, but can't see why it wont detect vista.  Any ideas?18:03
lan3yIs there a way to get bitlbee (using inetd) to only listen on localhost, not my network interface?18:04
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ActySoftsyep there is a padlock18:04
peppohm. I've installed Ubuntu on a 4GB memory stick, but I'm unable to boot it. am I toast if my BIOS doesn't seem to let me choose the USB memory stick as boot device?18:04
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hudyxNotebook does not go to and wake up from sleep, or hibernate.  Any ideas?18:05
kazolHow come the X-system crashed and I got the login screen?18:05
Odd-rationalepeppo: Pretty much18:05
ActySoftshowever, it's very slow to start the livecd, can't do it directly from the distro?18:05
ptn107ActySofts: you should boot the LiveCD then open gparted and mess with your partitions18:05
MyNick1ive switched a hard drive from one computer to a nother now ubuntu dosent run as fast as it used to is there something i need to do to reconfiugre it for teh new computrer?18:05
ActySoftsok, thanks18:06
kazolTurns out Ubuntu Gutsy is unstable-the system crashed and displayed the login prompt several times and once fully crashed with the keyboard lights blinking.18:06
ptn107ActySofts: in gparted right click the partition and select unmount18:06
peppoOdd-rationale, do you know if most newer motherboards/bioses support booting off of such media?18:06
peppoOdd-rationale, I actually won't be booting it here at home, but at someone elses quite new homebuilt computer18:06
ptn107ActySofts: if gparted wont let you unmount it then you should have to use the live cd18:06
ActySoftsalso, is there any easy way to switch to kubuntu (eg not installing just kde, the whole stuff)18:06
MentalUproarI assume most newer boards support it.  The last few computers I have had did.18:06
Odd-rationalepeppo: No, I do not know for sure. But I would assume so.18:06
jubileeHey, I'm having some issues w/ my wifi18:06
ActySoftsptn107: it won't since it's mounted as /home so....18:06
ptn107ActySofts: yes, in a terminal        sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop18:07
juano__peppo: the pc must be able to boot from usb18:07
kazolMy system crashed and displayed the login prompt several times and once fully crashed with the keyboard lights blinking-how do I determine what went wrong?18:07
jubileeBelkin wireless, It was working last night and it works now, but extremely slow18:07
juano__peppo: in bios it should show up, if not, im afraid it wont boot18:07
ptn107ActySofts: youll need to use the live cd then so you can unmount it properly18:07
peppookay MentalUproar, Odd-rationale: should it suffice that the partition is bootable, or does it need a bootloader? does it have to be some sort of DOS partition before?18:07
kazoljubilee: Are you using the Broadcom proprietary drivers?18:07
peppojuano__, yeah, my motherboard is too old18:07
hudyxptn107: do you think you may have an idea as to why my notebook will not go to, and wake up from sleep or hibernate?18:08
MentalUproarvista is bootable.  Ubuntu just doesnt see it.  It sees the partitions, but refuses to add it to the bootloader.18:08
ActySoftsok, and how do I boot in console-only mode?18:08
Odd-rationalepeppo: Ubuntu is not the best distro to boot from a USB. It would be better to use DLS or Puppy Linux. If you either one with QEMU, you can even boot *inside* a Windows or Linux OS.18:08
ptn107hudyx: using gutsy??18:08
peppoOdd-rationale, well, I really need to use Ubuntu Studio, the system is going to be used to record music onto an external USB hard drive18:08
hudyxptn107: yes and GNOME18:08
jubileeKazol, I don't know... when I set it up last night it asked me where I wanted to get the drivers from, and I selected a website... I didn't pick out the site, it was already there...18:08
ptn107ActySofts: restart your computer when it says 'press esc to enter grub menu'  press esc, then select recovery mode or whatever the recovery option is18:09
jubileeKazol, so I don't know what it's using. I know that I'm using a restricted driver for it...18:09
Odd-rationalepeppo: Did you try to install the LiveCD to the USB stick or are you trying to do a full system install?18:09
kazoljubilee: The restricted driver is *terrible*-I used it once.18:09
peppoOdd-rationale, I've done a full UbuntuStudio install onto the USB stick18:09
kazoljubilee: Use ndiswrapper instead.18:09
ptn107hudyx: sorry man, i havent had problems on my laptop with gustys hibernate\suspend features.  so im afraid i dont know too much about it18:09
peppoOdd-rationale, it tried to install GRUB onto /dev/sdd (stick), but that failed for some reason18:09
ActySoftsptn107: Unfortunately I've removed the recovery mode from the grub config, what switch did it had over the normal one?18:09
MyNick1hi i heard there is a freenode room for USA,maine users of ubuntu is this true?18:09
jubileeKazol, ndiswrapper didn't work for me in Feisty...18:10
Avernoshi ^18:10
bazziebhow do i run a check disk on a stiffy??18:10
juano__jubilee: is this a wireless card ?18:10
hudyxptn107: you have anyone or any where you could forward me to?18:10
EckzillorIs here somebody who's got an Toshiba Satellite Notebook p100 and was able to fix the sound bug18:10
kitche!loco | MyNick118:10
ubotuMyNick1: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams18:10
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jubileeJuano_ Yes, Broadcom18:10
kazoljubilee: There are like 2 other apps for it but the support is limited.18:10
Avernoshow can i find out what driver is currently beeing used by my wireless card? i installed one with ndiswrapper but it keeps saying that i have alternate driver and now im not sure witch driver is it using18:10
Odd-rationalepeppo: The best way to install on an external HD is to first remove all internal HD then boot the LiveCD, then install to the external HD. That way, GRUB will automatically install in the right location.18:10
benzs_sokay, so i've managed to get the live CD to connect to the internet... the problem is that the 'install' function will die at 40% for some reason. is there any way to install gutsy by downloading as it goes, rather than using the live cd?18:11
TBotNik_uwols_: Was checking the BIOS settings again, so rebooted.  Don't make a difference at this point, with no audio.18:11
kazolWhere is the "direct rendering" setting in compiz?18:11
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Odd-rationalepeppo: I can get you the link I used...18:11
MentalUproarmaybe if I used a different bootloader after I installed ubuntu.  I heard vista has one.  is it a bad idea to try using the vista bootloader on ubuntu?18:11
peppoOdd-rationale, that'd entail removing all my internal drives... not an elegant way18:11
juano__jubilee: u should try enabling the restricted driver18:11
ptn107hudyx: try ubuntuforums.org or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/18:11
differentrealityi want to use sed in order to make a substitution, but I want the substitution to take place as many times as it is needed for each line... what parameter do i need ?18:11
juano__jubilee: and it should prompt for a driver18:11
jubileeJuano_ it says it's active18:11
Eckzillorcould somebody help me?18:12
Odd-rationalepeppo: Just open up your computer and unplug it. You don't need it to boot the LiveCD anyways.18:12
juano__!bcm43xx | jubilee18:12
ubotujubilee: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx18:12
cvdhow to erase the terminal command history?18:12
MentalUproarThat chipset is evil18:12
juano__jubilee: and is the card on roaming mode ?18:12
peppoOdd-rationale, unfortunately there's no livecd for ubuntustudio18:12
jubileeJuano_ yes18:12
MentalUproarI have it on my old laptop and HATE it, in windows or ubuntu18:13
Odd-rationalepeppo: alternative should do also.18:13
juano__jubilee: check the network applet at the top right of your screen, click it, it should show nearby wireless networks detected18:13
peppoOdd-rationale, that's what I installed18:13
peppoOdd-rationale, I dunno how it'd differ if I ripped out all my hard drives...18:13
EckzillorMentalUproar the one of toshiba?18:13
sledgeashow could I achieve "putty.exe -raw" functionality in Ubuntu ?18:13
TBotNik_uwols_: You see, looking at the PB, that the driver has no version number, therefore this should mean "it did not load"!  Am I right?18:13
MentalUproarno, a compaq.  same chipset18:13
MentalUproarI eventually found a driver somewhere that installed easily into ubuntu.18:14
jubileeJuano_ Yes, it detects networks, and I can join, though it takes forever...18:14
Odd-rationalepeppo: Remove your internal hardrives ensure that grub is installed in the correct location.18:14
MentalUproarit was a rather unorthadox method, but all I could get to work18:14
EckzillorxD think i will rap up my suse live cd and find their driver four the sound card18:14
Eckzilloreverything works perfectly under ubuntu except the sound18:14
Ximalhow do i add a password to an archived file ?18:14
juano__jubilee: takes forever to connect ?18:14
jubileeJuano_ it just takes forever to down/upload anything... I type in google and it says it's transferring for a whole minute, which is outlandish for a page like google.18:15
Ximallike when i right click and see archive file .. why can't i add a password ?18:15
jubileeJuano_ Yes, that too takes a long time18:15
juano__jubilee: ipv6 is enabled, disable it18:15
MentalUproarproblems with the bootloader during install on a system with vista.  It ignores vista18:15
jubileeJuano_ I'll look18:15
ptn107ActySofts: you need to use the live cd then, or you can look here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47708/ and try to edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst file to readd the option for a recovery mode using mine is an example18:15
peppoOdd-rationale, yeah. but I'll still not be able to boot it here seeing as how my bios doesn't support it. is a proper grub install necessary to boot it on a usb-boot-capable computer, you think?18:15
juano__!ipv6 | jubilee18:15
ubotujubilee: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:15
Odd-rationalepeppo: I believe so18:16
johannes__how can I enter a german ubuntu channel?18:16
soundrayMentalUproar: add a section to /boot/grub/menu.lst for booting Windows. There is a sample starting at line 13, just copy it to the end, uncomment and adapt18:16
soundray!de | johannes__18:16
ubotujohannes__: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:16
Ximalanyone please ?18:16
heatmzzrin terminal mode, how do you switch from room to room when you are in more than one, i forget the keys?18:16
soundray!please | Ximal18:16
ubotuXimal: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience18:16
EckzillorThe german chenal would also be a idea for me i think18:17
kadakasmoney manager, anyone18:17
benzs_ssupposing you can use the live cd (access the internet, for example) but the 'install' feature doesn't work. is there any other way to install gutsy rather than using the live cd's install feature?18:17
johannes__what do I need to type in to join the german channel?18:17
soundrayjohannes__: /join #ubuntu-de18:17
ptn107benzs_s: alternate cd ?18:17
juano__johannes__: /join #ubuntu-de18:18
wols_heatmzzr: ctrl+alt+Fx?18:18
cvdwhere is the history of the terminal is located?18:18
jubileeOk, so where to I find this Juano_?18:18
juano__!ipv6 | jubilee18:18
ubotujubilee: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:18
benzs_sptn107: i suppose what i'm asking is if it's possible to use the internet to download the required installatino files than my apparently corrupt live cd18:18
Odd-rationaleHas the flashplugin-nonfree package been fixed?18:18
ptn107cvd: ~/.bash_history18:18
soundray!install > benzs_s18:18
soundraybenzs_s: have a look at the install factoid (private message). Among the various alternatives, you will probably find one that suits your situation18:19
ptn107benzs_s: so you mean use the live cd to download a new cd and burn it and use that to install,18:19
pr0nGuyWhat's a good FOSS alternative for M$ Publisher?18:20
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kahrytanpr0nGuy➲ what is publisher?18:20
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: Sribus18:20
kazolMy system crashed and displayed the login prompt several times and once fully crashed with the keyboard lights blinking-how do I determine what went wrong?18:20
kahrytan!info scribus18:21
ptn107pr0nGuy: scribus18:21
ubotuscribus: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - developmental branch. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 8968 kB, installed size 26232 kB18:21
pr0nGuythanks guys18:21
benzs_ssoundray: yes the one about not using a live cd looks helpful!18:21
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: However, there is no good way to open .pub without publisher.18:21
benzs_sptn107: i was wondering if it was possible to install the whole OS in a similar way one would use the 'update' feature18:21
kuroponhi, does anyone have exp. using WINE?18:22
soundray!anyone | kuropon18:22
ubotukuropon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:22
pr0nGuyOdd-rationale: can I open those files with scribus?18:22
ptn107benzs_s: im not too sure to be honest, what options did soundray provide18:23
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: Nope :(18:23
LordMetroidHow do I create an alias for my rm so that files are moved to the user's .Trash instead of being deleted right out?18:23
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: The way I have to do it is to use an online .pub -> .pdf converter.18:23
freak124does anyone know if I can use the msn emoticons for pidgin too?18:24
pr0nGuyOdd-rationale: so what file extension is used for scribus?18:24
swisgardjuano__, is there any way i can remove the ACER and ACERDATA icons from my desktop (they are my other partitions for windows)18:24
johannes__anyone interested in kernel problems?18:24
kitcheLordMetroid: umm you can't but alias rm = cp ~/.Trash might work and it might not don't know bashes alias commands and the format of it18:24
Tomassoanyone ableto run jmeter in ubuntu?18:24
soundray!anyone | johannes__18:24
ubotujohannes__: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:24
ptn107swisgard: do you still want them to be accessible from ubuntu?18:25
swisgardptn107, yes18:25
juano__soundray: plz stop doing that it is annoying18:25
soundrayLordMetroid: you should write a script for that purpose18:25
LordMetroidOkay, never done that...18:25
kuroponIm trying to make it so that my program within WINE can see the files I want it to play (in this case.. using CCCP in WINE, when browsing to open video file, it doesn't see them)18:25
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: .sla You can also publish to .pdf18:25
LordMetroidWhat is scripts called, need to do some searching I suppose18:25
bobgillIs there a way to "resume" a file transfer from one partition to another? Nautilus crashed and a 3.5gb file has 2.2gb of it already at the destination18:25
ptn107swisgard: beats me then, if they are removed from fstab then wont be on your desktop but they wont be accessible either18:25
soundrayjuano__: the people who ask questions like that are the ones who are annoying. What do you think the factoid is for?18:25
pr0nGuyOdd-rationale: cool18:26
swisgarddoes anyone know of a way to remove icons from the desktop without unmounting them?18:26
juano__soundray: i agree, but please make it less than every 2 minutes18:27
MasterShrek_swisgard: system > preferences >removable storage i think gives you an option, but im not 100%, i dont use gnome18:27
juano__soundray: ;)18:27
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: Scribus might take a while to get used to. It has a totally different concept than most desktop publishing programs. I think it make it more powerful, though18:27
soundrayjuano__: I will do it as often as is appropriate18:27
johannes__ok thanks for the advice, I run 7.10 on a vostro 1500 with santa rosa and  w4965 as wlan module, I tried to update the driver, because of recent problems, using this howto: http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/?p=mac80211&n=HOWTO-mac80211 I reached the point, where they want me to type in "make" but I get an error that says: make[1]: *** Keine Regel vorhanden, um das Target »arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c«,18:28
johannes__  benötigt von »arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s«, zu erstellen.  Schluss.18:28
johannes__make: *** [prepare0] Fehler 218:28
swisgardMasterShrek, that doesn't give me anything about the icons, unfortunately :(18:28
juano__swisgard: you want to remove icons from your desktop ?18:28
MasterShrek_hmm swisgard i know there is a way, its easy in kde =P18:28
swisgardjuano__, yes, but hold on, my phone is ringing18:28
soundrayjohannes__: look at the ubuntu-specific advice for compiling a kernel18:28
juano__swisgard: ok :)18:28
soundray!kernelcompile > johannes, private message18:28
kuroponIm trying to make it so that my program within WINE can see the files I want it to play (in this case.. using CCCP in WINE, when browsing to open video file, it doesn't see them)18:29
ptn107swisgard: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22673218:29
DILswisgard what happens if you drag to trash18:29
kuroponI've tryed to configure my WINE to see them but apparently I failed at doing so or its jusy not working18:29
ptn107swisgard: in a terminal     gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible false18:29
DILswisgard, what happens if you drag to trash18:29
pr0nGuyOdd-rationale: never used any desktop publishing program before.18:30
juano__jubilee: how is it going now ? did you disable ipv6 ?18:30
jubileeJuano_ That's what it was, thanks for your help.18:30
juano__jubilee: np :) glad it worked18:30
rparkhursthow does the blackberry 7290 work with ubuntu (7.10-amd64)?18:30
Odd-rationalepr0nGuy: OK. Hope you like Scribus18:30
jubileeJuano_ Yes, disabled18:30
josh__Hey, is it possible to run .rm files, off of Ubuntu?18:31
_CASE_Hows it going18:31
ptn107josh__: mplayer18:31
k1dugarhello everyone18:31
Odd-rationaleDoes anyone know whether the flashplugin-nonfree package has been fixed, I still get the md5sum mismatch error message.18:31
MasterShrek_!codecs | josh__18:31
ubotujosh__: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:31
josh__is it in, add/remove?18:31
MasterShrek_Odd-rationale: lots of people been getting that, i dunno if it will help, but maybe try switching mirrors18:31
soundrayjosh__: please read the factoid that ubotu gave you ^^18:32
ptn107josh__: open a terminal            and type         sudo apt-get install mplayer18:32
frederichello. where do I find sources for update (and how to add them) ? seems my update sources (that came with normal install) aren't up to date18:32
MasterShrek_ptn107: mplayer isnt going to play it without a codec18:32
MasterShrek_and the codec is restricted, hence the factoid from ubuntu18:32
b10hello, can someone help - i cannot press button w under root - only under ordinary account...18:32
rparkhurstnot bad...I've got an ftp question...  We have a windowsXP workstation running as our FTP server (i know, it's horrible).  We're wanting to migrate to linux/vsftp (or another one).  Does vsftp support limiting number of connections per account?18:32
Odd-rationaleMasterShrek_: How to do that?18:32
Odd-rationaleform synaptic?18:32
josh__Shrek, so it's impossible to run .rm files off of ubuntu? -.-'18:32
rparkhurstlike have clientA have the "default" 2 connections per IP, but let clientB have 6 connections per IP?18:32
MasterShrek_!mirrors | Odd-rationale18:32
ubotuOdd-rationale: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!18:32
juano__josh__: you should try reading this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=45217018:33
MasterShrek_josh__: no, its totally possible, read the links that ubotu gave you18:33
MasterShrek_Odd-rationale: my bad, dont follow those links18:33
=== bobrektasi is now known as askin_yollu
josh__I Have to edit? :S18:33
Odd-rationaleMasterShrek_: I was wondering...18:33
frederichello. where do I find sources for update (and how to add them) ? seems my update sources (that came with normal install) aren't up to date18:33
Odd-rationaleMasterShrek_: Do I edit my sources.list?18:34
MasterShrek_!source-o-matic | frederic18:34
ubotufrederic: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic18:34
MasterShrek_Odd-rationale: yes, and you can use that link from ubotu for source-o-matic to do it too18:34
fredericMasterShrek (tx)18:34
ptn107frederic: system -> administration -> software sources18:34
MasterShrek_kuropon: whats your question?18:34
josh__Shrek, it isnt downloading18:34
josh__I click download, yet it goes white.18:35
kuroponMasterShrek_: Im trying to make it so that my program within WINE can see the files I want it to play (in this case.. using CCCP in WINE, when browsing to open video file, it doesn't see them)18:35
josh__it's ihola aroc18:35
DILque pasa?18:35
kuroponMasterShrek_: tryed using the configuration manual on how to and evidently I failed18:35
Pici!es | aroc18:35
ubotuaroc: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:35
cvdHey i have a game FrestonFire.bin and i can go to the terminal and type ./FretsonFire and play but, how to create a launcher in the desktop to play without goind to the terminal?18:35
MasterShrek_kuropon: why are you using wine for it? use a native linux video player18:35
MasterShrek_cvd: make the launcher point at that file18:36
kuroponMasterShrek_: native?18:36
ptn107cvd: right click your desktop and select create launcher18:36
MasterShrek_kuropon: like totem, or xine, or mplayer, or vlc18:36
josh__I cant get realplayer?!?18:36
cvdyeahbut dont laauch18:36
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:36
cvdnothing happen18:36
RazzoRzhey folks..18:37
=== bobrektasi is now known as askin_yollu
MasterShrek_cvd: are you putting the absolute path to it in there? not just the name of the executable?18:37
ptn107cvd: you cant have ./FretsonFire as the command you must use a full path to the file18:37
soundrayjosh__: do not use rude abbreviations here18:37
cvdthe game is in /home/cvd/frestonfire/fretsonfire.bin18:37
kuroponMasterShrek_: Ive bashed my head trying to use totem for the past 2 days... don't like VLC and it cant render soft subs worth crap.. mplayer is giving me issues18:37
RazzoRzdoes anyone know how to make vlc or windows media player STOP lagging in innotek vbox??18:37
josh__I cannot install real player in anyway?18:37
juano__josh__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=452170 please read that it may be helpful18:37
MasterShrek_kuropon: well you will have more problems trying to run videos through wine than to fix the problems with your players18:37
MasterShrek_!codecs | kuropon18:38
ubotukuropon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:38
Flummoxed`wb MsMAxy18:38
MasterShrek_kuropon: seen those links yet?18:38
cvdi use the full path but dont work18:38
josh__Im on there!18:38
josh__But it does18:38
Pici!enter | josh__18:38
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:38
ubotujosh__: please see above18:38
juano__josh__: dont message like that please18:38
josh__Well, read what I say?18:38
Picijosh__: Well what error are you getting?18:38
josh__I try to download18:38
josh__off real.com/linux18:38
cvdthe path is /home/cvd/fretsonfire/fretsonfire.ib18:38
juano__josh__: please place your questions and doubts in a whole line sentence18:39
josh__nothing pops up to execute the download :S18:39
kuroponMasterShrek_: Im new to linux.. Ive used CCCP for years. it's the best out there for windows.. I know how to work it >>18:39
noodlesgcIs is possible to capture music that is being played through a myspace page?18:39
MasterShrek_kuropon: yea but its not a linux program, so its probably not going to be the best solution18:39
juano__josh__: http://forms.helixcommunity.org/helix/builds/?category=realplay-current18:39
josh__why helix? :S18:40
josh__im on ubuntu18:40
Picijosh__: helixplayer is in the repositories.18:40
ptn107cvd: is the bin set as executable?18:40
cvdhow to do that18:40
kuroponMasterShrek_: I want 1 player to play everything.. mplayer isnt good for .mkv's and ogm's and vlc isnt good for soft subs...18:40
josh__Not Found18:40
josh__The requested URL /10742e7e1de269d4e018/helix/20071210/player_all-realplay_gtk_current-20071210-linux-2.2-libc6-gcc32-i586@rhel4/realplay- was not found on this server.18:40
josh__is what I got18:40
soundrayptn107: it must be, if he can start it like he said above18:40
peppoOdd-rationale, was it you that I spoke to earlier? I didn't find a way to reinstall grub using rescue. I tried running grub-installer in a terminal for the new disk, but it failed to start.18:40
justin_mplayer plays mkvsd18:40
RazzoRzwould speeding up my memory help out with the lag and the stuttering of WMP or Vlc in Innotek virtual box??18:41
ptn107soundray: yeah true18:41
=== justin_ is now known as faintofhearts
juano__josh__: works fine here... but please follow what Pici says,18:41
MasterShrek_kuropon: to each his own, but like i said its going to be ugly to try and run your defautl media player through wine...icky i would never try and do it lol18:41
josh__I'm trying to18:41
juano__josh__: if it is in the repositories try grabbing it from there18:41
soundrayptn107: I think the .bin extension is wrong, but I don't know how to put it to him...18:41
cvdwhy its so much toruble to a simple launcher, cheese18:41
MasterShrek_RazzoRz: probably not, why would you run videos in a vm anyway?18:41
josh__I've searched for realplayer18:42
josh__and nothing18:42
Picijosh__: do you specifically need realplayer or just something to play real files?18:42
kuroponMasterShrek_: than what is the purpose of WINE? >>18:42
Odd-rationalepeppo: Hmm. I'm sorry. I don't know how to do that. The only way i've done it was in a fresh install. You can ask around though.18:42
josh__something to play .rm files,18:42
faintofheartsCan anyone help me set up a virtual machine using vmplayer?18:42
faintofheartsI'm not sure how I'm supposed to go about doing this.18:42
Pici!medibuntu | josh__ and install the w32codecs package18:42
ubotujosh__ and install the w32codecs package: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:42
MasterShrek_kuropon: for programs that you have no other option to run but under windows api, i woudlnt use it for day-to-day tasks, although it may work, its not really the best way to do it18:42
Picijosh__: let me know if you have any questions about that18:43
RazzoRzMasterShrek: well lets just say if one wanted too... just noticed that i lags... but in the older 6.10 it was smooth as silk, as well as networking videos.... i was flawless.,, now since the upgrade to 7.10 it just stuttering and laggy18:43
juano__josh__: then i guess you don't really specifically need realplayer , u can use an alternative software / player for that18:43
josh__Hrm, I found Helix player,18:43
josh__shall I get that?18:43
juano__josh__: if it fills your needs yes18:43
Picijosh__: it doesnt hurt to try.18:43
josh__I Just need a basic video player18:44
ptn107cvd: did you get this game from sourceforge?18:44
RazzoRzJosh: Go get VLC18:44
swisgardjuano__, thanks for the help.18:44
MasterShrek_vlc ftw!18:44
juano__swisgard: np!18:44
josh__it says it does not support18:44
ptn107cvd: hang on im gonna install it and see if i have problems18:45
HyperDevilis there maybe someone here who can help me with some jpgraph things?18:45
Odd-rationalepeppo: Here's a link that I followed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3350119&postcount=518:47
josh__I Have helix player,18:47
josh__but it does not support RM18:47
Picijosh__: Like I suggested earlier, you should install w32codecs off of the medibuntu repo.18:47
cvdis this correct? Launcher: Type:Aplication, Command: /home/cvd/FretsOnFire/FretsOnFire.bin18:48
josh__How do I do that?18:48
josh__I'm new to linux :(18:48
farglerinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras18:48
sigma_kubuntuhas anyone here used synce with windows mobile 5 successfuly?18:48
farglerfrom synaptic18:48
josh__Link me please?18:48
Picifargler: w32codecs is in that?18:48
josh__i'm in synaptics,18:48
josh__what shall I search for/18:48
Picicvd: What are you trying to do? make a launcher to the installer? or the program instel?18:49
farglerPici: its kinda like a metapackage iirc18:49
juano__josh__: did you try installing it and running an rm with it ?18:49
josh__yes, Juano18:49
josh__I did18:49
josh__what am I looking for?18:49
Odd-rationalefargler: w32codecs are available in the medibuntu repos18:50
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:50
cvdrun the bin to play18:50
josh__:S where can I get medibuntu18:50
josh__thats all18:50
Picijosh__: http://www.medibuntu.org18:50
juano__im off, ill be back later, cya18:50
Picicvd: do you normally run the bin to play?18:51
mnemonicaISSUE: Halpz! trying to ./config something and it poops on me. Do not want. Anyone got an idea as to exactly what is wrong?   Pastebin: --->  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47698/18:51
cvdin terminal i just do a ./frestonfire.bin and start to play18:52
josh__says unable to lock the administration directoryu18:52
Picicvd: then you probably need to specify something like 'bash fretsonfire.bin' in your launcher18:52
josh__Oh I done it18:52
josh__now what?18:52
soundraycvd: you have to get the case correct18:52
Pici!xincludes | mnemonica18:52
ubotumnemonica: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   xorg-dev18:52
josh__Pici, I done the GPG, & repositories,18:53
RazzoRzJust installed xwinwrap,,, trying to run a dvd as a background,,,  i use this script for the screensaver and it works fine >"xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -a -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID"   now how do i make the dvd playback for this?18:53
cvdi use the browse so i dont have to write anything18:53
josh__what now?18:53
Picijosh__: open synaptic, and click refresh18:53
mnemonicaPici: Thank you much. I'll install those and we'll see what happens.18:53
Picijosh__: *tries to not respond sarcastically* er, yes, now.18:54
benny269I have 2 HDDs: 1 with Windows and 1 with Linux and I want to format and reinstall the Linux drive. What is the best way to do this? I was trying to format through Windows but the drive does not show up in My Computer. Any help?18:54
josh__What shall I do now though?18:54
johannes__anyone ever compiled a mac80211 on his pc? Please tell me18:54
Picijosh__: search for w32codecs and then install it18:55
Odd-rationalebenny269: use a gparted livecd18:55
mnemonicaPici: couldn't find xlibs-dev in synaptic... Got the other ones, though. Installing now.18:55
josh__ok, then img ood to go yes?18:55
Txukie1982hello all18:55
benny269Odd-rationale: what would that do? I want to format the Linux drive to convert it to be able to hold Windows backup files18:55
Picijosh__: yes, but I'm not sure if helixplayer takes advantage of those codecs, you may need to use totem or vlc18:55
tyronepollerihi my computer won't let me play any games at all i think the problem is opengl18:55
peppowhat would happen if I cat'd an Ubuntu Live CD ISO to a USB memory stick?18:55
josh__Ok, thanks a lot Pici18:56
Txukie1982peppo: would not work18:56
Picipeppo: it wouldnt work, there are other ways to do that though.18:56
Pici!install > peppo (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)18:56
tyronepolleriby the way i have an intel 96518:56
Odd-rationalebenny269: You mean you want to format your linux frive to ntfs or fat32?18:56
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: define any games18:56
=== francesco is now known as doogers
tyronepolleriTxukie1982: open arena, 3d chess18:56
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: do you have 3D support?18:57
benny269Odd-rationale: I assume NTFS?18:57
differentrealityhow can I delete same lines of a file ? (I mean delete the second line.. so that there are no same lines in the text file)18:57
josh__yay its working18:57
Kynlemj #ypn18:57
RazzoRzJust installed xwinwrap,,, trying to run a dvd as a background,,,  i use this script for the screensaver and it works fine >"xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -a -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID"   now how do i make the dvd playback for this?18:57
Odd-rationalebenny269: Sorry, you cannot install linux on a ntfs partition. however...18:57
kuroponcan anyone elaborate on this pls :If you wanna ask a question about MPlayer usage then please use pastebin.com or pastebin.ca and paste the complete commandline you use and the resulting output, then just post the webpage address you get back18:57
tyronepolleriTxukie1982, i don't know i get : You are using software Mesa (no hardware acceleration)!18:57
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: go to a terminal and type glxinfo |grep direct18:58
wols_Txukie1982: what videocard?18:58
tyronepolleriTxukie1982, direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)18:58
tyronepolleriOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect18:58
Txukie1982wols_: its not me its tyronepolleri and i think he has an intel i91518:58
Odd-rationalebenny269: If you install this: http://www.fs-driver.org/ you might be able to gain read and write access to your linux dirve.18:59
laizeroxanyone can help with something?18:59
tyronepolleriTxukie1982, i think it is not enabled how can i enable it?18:59
RedHeronOkay, getting this: bash (version 3.2-0ubuntu12~ppa1) will be upgraded to version 3.2-0ubuntu12~ppa118:59
wols_tyronepolleri: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:59
Odd-rationalebenny269: Warning, I have not tried it myself. So I cannot garuantee anything18:59
laizeroxi can't mount my ntfs disks18:59
RedHeronSays it can't be authenticated.19:00
bcnldoes anyone have any suggestions to improving performance of Evolution with MS Exchange 2003?19:00
tclinekshow can i use the another dist's source for only select packages -- i'm trying apt-pinning but apt wants to use the other dist for many other packages as they're newer it in. any clues?19:00
bcnlthat isn't a suggestiong to not use exchange? :P19:00
tyronepolleriwols_, what does that do? it gives me intel for video card19:00
wols_tyronepolleri: that's good19:00
migmHi, I'm looking for some software that will allow me to record video from a cable TV feed and, if possible, allow streaming of that video over IP19:00
dinesh86hey ppl i want to reorder the menu items of grub19:00
migmis software like this available for one or the other ?19:00
bcnlmigm: myth-tv, vlc, ffmpeg19:00
laizeroxso no one can help me :/19:00
soundraydifferentreality: still here?19:00
laizeroxhope google can19:01
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: i have opened private ill help you over there19:01
migmMyth-TV is just a PVR?19:01
TBotNik_uInstall help with alsa please19:01
differentrealitysoundray, yes :)19:01
migmor it does it all19:01
Pici!ntfs | laizerox19:01
benny269Odd-rationale: you misunderstand, I want to change that drive to a Windows backup and will install Linux on a new and different drive19:01
ubotulaizerox: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:01
scaleshey all anyone recommend a good linux aim client that supports voice/video chats?19:01
Dr_willisMythtv can do more then what my pvr's can do. :)19:01
rdHi all... Just upgraded to Hardy... and having some troubles with Xgl/Compiz... Could anyone help?19:01
dinesh86i want help in GRUB19:01
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:01
Odd-rationalebenny269: Oh I see! :) then..19:01
RedHeronANYONE: How do I find out which of the hundreds of servers a package is coming from so that I can grab a GPG key to authenticate the package?19:01
migmincluding streaming?19:01
Picird: Hardy 'support' in #ubuntu+119:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evolution - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:01
predaeus!grub | dinesh8619:01
ubotudinesh86: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:01
bcnlmigm: how do you want to stream?19:01
rdThanks Pici19:01
tyronepolleriwols_, then why is it not working? i have looked on the forums noone has anything like this19:01
bcnllike to what clients?19:01
laizeroxpici ty ;)19:02
rdOn my way there...19:02
soundraydifferentreality: to eliminate duplicate lines in a file called foo, do 'j="init" ; cat foo | while read i ; do test $i == $j ; j=$i ; done'19:02
soundraydifferentreality: sorry, trying again19:02
migmbcnl: I don't follow, over IP19:02
tyronepolleriTxukie1982, yeah i am in there19:02
dinesh86ubotu: nope ! i want to to just the change the order of the menu19:02
soundraydifferentreality: to eliminate duplicate lines in a file called foo, do 'j="init" ; cat foo | while read i ; do test $i == $j || echo $i ; j=$i ; done'19:02
wols_tyronepolleri: as Txukie1982 asked you: what does glxinfo say?19:02
migmbcnl: How else?19:02
bcnlmigm: IP is just the network protocol19:02
bcnldo you want to just make the files available over a network share19:02
migmbcnl: Yes, i'm looking for the software that will allow the streaming19:02
bcnldo you want to stream as a mpeg19:02
migmbcnl: No, live yes as mpeg19:02
tyronepolleriwols_, direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)19:03
tyronepolleri OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect19:03
cvdany clue?19:03
=== bobrektasi_ is now known as akin-yollu
bcnldo you want the ability to skip through the stream19:03
soundraydifferentreality: if you don't mind your lines being sorted, you can just do 'cat foo | sort | uniq'19:03
bcnletc etc19:03
predaeusdinesh86, ubotu is a bot. There is a text config file where you can change order, but if you mess this up it will prevent you from booting into Ubuntu.19:03
migmbcnl: Whatever streaming will work.. I'm not aware of the differences between mpeg streaming and others19:03
soundraydifferentreality: argh, I take it all back now19:03
differentrealitysoundray, hmm i c :)  one question though.. what does j="init" do exactly??19:03
bcnlffmpeg-server will allow you to stream out the mpeg without the cost of having a player on the server, or even a gui19:03
migmbcnl: But if possible.. having it available LIVE is what im looking for19:03
Odd-rationalebenny269: Yes, you need the gparted liveCD: http://gparted.sourceforge.net/ Download, burn image to disk, then boot from it. From there you can edit your partitions in the your harddrives. Just select the linux drive, delete all the partition by selecting them one by one, then create a new ntfs partition.19:03
migmbcnl: How intensive is it in terms of hardware?19:03
soundraydifferentreality: initiates the variable j with a value that is unlikely to be equal to the first line in your file19:04
bcnlmigm: streaming http is "easy" with ffmpeg19:04
bcnlread the docs, it's quite neat19:04
migmim looking at it now19:04
migmwhat about mythtv?19:04
rontanahello, how do you get rid of compiz without losing the window manager?19:04
migmhardware intensive?19:04
dinesh86hey is it menu.lst19:04
=== akin-yollu is now known as askin-yollu
migmthis box will be doing nothing but this with a ubuntu install19:04
ivan_hi, i have to link a comport in my wine dir to ttyUSB0, in my cat /dev/ there is no ttyUSB0 why does dmesg report that?19:04
differentrealitysoundray, what if line1 is equal to line 100  ?19:04
bcnlmigm: not very inensive, no19:04
soundraydifferentreality: question: do your duplicates always succeed one another? Or do you want to eliminate duplicates, even if there are other lines in between?19:04
dinesh86predaeus:is it menu.lst file ?19:04
ConstyXIVis there anything like automator for osx in linux?19:04
migmbcnl: 512 meg p4 1.8ghz?19:05
migmradeon AGP card19:05
wols_bcnl: the encoding can be19:05
predaeusdinesh86, yes, make a backup and be sure of what you change is right before applying anything to your system.19:05
wols_nullpuppy: will work fine19:05
differentrealitysoundray, heh exactly that.. other lines might exist in between19:05
bcnlmigm: more than enough horsepower19:05
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:05
bcnlI used to stream several V4L interfaces on a old PII 70019:05
bcnlmigm: http://ffmpeg.mplayerhq.hu/ffserver-doc.html19:05
soundraydifferentreality: does the order of the lines in the output matter?19:05
predaeusdinesh86, I recommend looking on the web for info if you are not familiar with this type of things.19:05
benny269Odd-rationale: is there any way to completely reformat the Linux drive (no partitions), ideally from Windows?19:05
differentrealitysoundray,  no19:06
Odd-rationalebenny269: yes, the way I just told you ^19:06
dinesh86ya i made a backup.is just rearrange of lines enough?19:06
migmbcnl: thank you :)19:06
migmwill look into all of this19:06
differentrealitysoundray,  but I don't want thems orted19:06
Odd-rationalebenny269: Sorry, wait.19:06
differentrealitysoundray,  *sorted19:06
bcnlmigm: good, now do you know anything about evolution?19:06
bcnlEvolution is incredibly slow when connecting to a exchange 2003 server19:07
Odd-rationalebenny269: No, there is no good way to do it from Windows.19:07
bcnlit's the last hurdle to me converting about 20 of my desktops to ubuntu19:07
migmbcnl: My biology degree wouldnt be much good without knowing about evolution19:07
wols_bcnl: outlook+wine (seriously)19:07
bcnlwols_: really?19:07
bcnlthat'd still require a windows install (I do own all the licenses, but I'd like to completely step away from them)19:08
dinesh86u ther predaeu ?19:08
soundraydifferentreality: okay, then you have to go through the file line-by-line, each time checking whether the same line has been issued previously19:08
differentrealityyes :/19:08
wols_bcnl: wine19:08
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
laizeroxthanks to anyone who helped me :)19:08
benny269Odd-rationale: ok is there any other way of doing it without burning software to CD? I want to do it immediately19:08
n215whats the best GUI web design app for ubuntu ?19:09
Txukie1982has anyone had problems running wine +wow?? crashes for me after accepting the license19:09
=== AJC__Z0 is now known as AJC_Z0
Odd-rationalebenny269: You can create a liveUSB.19:09
wols_bcnl: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=3419:10
bcnlwols_: Error, IOPL Not enabled19:10
wols_bcnl: where do you get this error?19:10
Odd-rationalebenny269: wait, actuall, do you still have the Ubuntu LiveCD?19:10
peppohm. I'm trying to do "mount -o loop ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso /mount/point" but it errors out with "mount: Not a directory". can the ISO have been corrupted at download?19:10
bcnlwols_: when I right clicked on Outlook.exe and chose open with Wine19:10
tyronepollerihello my 3d acceleration is not working i have an intel 965 can anyone help me?19:11
Txukie1982does /mount/point actually exist?19:11
Picipeppo: '/mount/point' is just an example, you need to provide a real mountpoint to mount to19:11
peppoTxukie1982, that's just what I wrote here, actual path I used exists on my system. sorry for being unclear :)19:11
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: have you done what i asked on private19:11
Picipeppo: like make a folder in /media or similar for it19:11
Odd-rationalebenny269: ?19:11
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, yes and i answered allready in the private19:11
zitsephi! I've made a file in my home directory with this command: "echo blah >file1.txt" but when i do "ls -l file1.txt" it says that the rights are "-rw-r--r--" how is this possible? I still can write the file. shouldnt it be -rw-rw-r-- ?19:11
ivan_where is my ttyUSB0 it is not in /dev/ dmesg reports ttyUSB019:12
dinesh81i want help from GRUB specialist !19:12
Txukie1982peppo: it should work if folder /mount/point exists19:12
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: i dont see your answer19:12
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: its ok just paste here the answer19:13
=== dinesh81 is now known as dinesh86
Odd-rationaledinesh81: /join #grub19:13
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.19:13
tyronepolleri (II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER19:13
scalesanyone suggest a good aim voice/video chat client for linux?19:13
peppoTxukie1982, the mount point exists. I just mounted another ISO. I believe this .iso is probably corrupt...19:13
soundraydifferentreality: I can't solve that quickly. Perhaps ask in #bash19:13
Flashhi people!19:14
Flashis anyone online?19:14
Flashi need some help19:14
soundrayFlash: no19:14
PiciFlash: just 1282 people idling here.19:14
Flashok bro19:14
soundrayyeah sis19:14
wols_!enter | flash19:14
Txukie1982peppo: maybe then i dont know if there is a checksum try using it19:14
ubotuflash: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:14
differentrealitysoundray,  yes.. tnx anyway :))19:14
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: ok so no errors there19:15
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: you running gutsy?19:15
peppoTxukie1982, it was downloaded as ASCII I believe19:15
zitsephelp me pls with this: i did "echo blah >text.txt" then "ls -l text.txt" and it says i cannot write the file "-rw-r--r--" how could it be? I just writed it and i can edit it with editor and save despite of this...19:15
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, yes19:15
Flashdoes anyone know how to solve a SATA hdd recognition problem?19:15
dinesh86thanx odd-rationale19:15
Txukie1982peppo: ftp?19:15
compengii got a little problem mounting a floppy drive, it has a very important file, that's why i'm struggling to get it. well the floppy first got mounted the file appeared but i couldn't copy it. i removed the floppy then inserted again the file was gone but in the disk size, i can see the file size still there. any idea how to get it?19:15
peppoTxukie1982, yup. gftp sucks :/19:15
Odd-rationaledinesh86: np19:15
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: and do you have the 3D effects and stuff? the eye candy?19:15
soundrayzitsep: it's not saying that you can't write the file19:16
Roland123hi. i'm trying to connect to a nfs share on another ubuntu machine, but during mounting i get an error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on... etc. i cannot figure out what the problem is19:16
sinthey, i was away for one week. now i'm back and i've started my laptop and its running on half of the usual speed. the cpu is running on 1,2ghz instead of 2ghz all the time. anyone know what i can do!?19:16
zitsepsoundray: oh really? so it's not 1. root 2. user 3. group?19:16
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, yes i have compiz working with emerald i turn them off to run the games but they still don;t work19:16
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: do you use glx or aiglx?19:17
soundrayzitsep: no, it's user-group-world.19:17
ZeroZiatHelloes people, I have probby with Wine, they told me to come here, the problem is wine freezes when I run it and no input is accepted anymore until a cold-reboot. Any ideas?19:17
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, but to make them work i had to ignore my video card from a blacklist somewhere i don't remeber well19:17
zitsepsoundray: ah! ok thank you very much!19:17
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, i don't know i think glx but i am not sure19:17
Flashdoes anyone know how to solve a SATA hdd recognition problem? kernel panic fs type unknown....19:18
Txukie1982glx is pretty crap with other apps19:18
Txukie1982what does the games say when u try to run them tyronepolleri?19:18
NeophosIs there a list over recommended graphics cards to use with Ubuntu somewhere I can check for reference?19:18
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, how can i che which one i am using19:18
Txukie1982Neophos: anything with the word nvidia on it ;)19:18
compengiSeveas, hi19:19
NeophosTxukie1982: Heh, thanks, I'll try one of those then19:19
Roland123does anyone have experience with NFS shares?19:19
=== gopi is now known as phoenix24
soundrayNeophos: Intel has the best open source support.19:19
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log |grep -i glx19:19
soundray!nfs | Roland12319:20
ubotuRoland123: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.19:20
=== matthijs is now known as Ilovejump
Flashdoes anyone know how to solve a SATA hdd recognition problem? kernel panic fs type unknown....19:20
arvin_hi...is there anyway to install internet explorer through wine?19:20
soundrayRoland123: read this ^^ and then as specifically19:20
Txukie1982arvin_: ies4linux19:20
ZeroZiatHelloes people, I have probby with Wine, they told me to come here, the problem is wine freezes when I run it and no input is accepted anymore until a cold-reboot. Any ideas?19:20
Txukie1982arvin_: google that19:20
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982,http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2612/ that gives me the game19:20
soundrayFlash: it's not a HDD recognition problem19:20
Txukie1982ZeroZiat: what app you running?19:21
ConstyXIVarvin_, ies4linux19:21
Flashsoundray: Than what is it bro? i`m stuck for like 3 days... no ideea what to do19:21
soundrayFlash: if Linux can determine that there is a file system (even if it's unknown), then it can read the HDD19:21
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, now i am sure i have glx19:21
soundrayFlash: when/where do you get this message?19:21
ZeroZiatTxukie1982: Well, it's dwarfort.exe, Dwarf Fortress, a game, in the page it says it runs perfect with Wine, there was this time I was using wine with it, Wine crashed and then it didn't work anymore even installing and reinstalling from Add/Remove.19:21
Flashsoundray: when I try to boot the system.19:22
soundrayFlash: can you boot from a live CD?19:22
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, and this is what i got from cat /var... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2613/19:22
Flashsoundray: yes19:22
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: well that is probably the problem19:22
soundrayFlash: can you mount the root filesystem when you're on the live CD?19:22
Flashsoundray: yes19:23
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: even if you disconnect compiz and start emerald instead19:23
NeophosIs there any known problems for an ATI Radeon to use with Ubuntu?19:23
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: glx is gonna be there on the way19:23
soundrayFlash: can you pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst pls19:23
Txukie1982Neophos: i have one and hate it19:23
ConstyXIVNeophos, model numbers help19:23
riotkittieNeophos: depends on the specific card, i'd guess.19:23
soundrayFlash: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org and give me the URL please19:23
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, so what can i do i don't get you.19:23
ptn107cvd: im still working on it i think i found the problem, fixing it sucks though19:23
NeophosAh, sorry, intergrated X125019:23
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: i think your card should work with AIGLX19:23
cvdoh ok thanks19:24
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, how can i change is it in the repositories?19:24
Txukie1982which is fairly better than GLX19:24
truz_`24can sdparm show me if a sata drive is in UMDA mode?19:24
benny269Odd-rationale: yes I do still have the Ubuntu LiveCD, can I use that?19:24
Flashsoundray: can u give me a link to the tux tool to read my ext3 without having to reboot?19:24
kazol_My system crashed and displayed the login prompt several times and once fully crashed with the keyboard lights blinking-how do I determine what went wrong?19:24
soundrayFlash: oh, you're in Windows now?19:24
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: i dont know the whole procedure but should be fairly easy to find on the net19:25
Flashsoundray: yes... unfortunately :(19:25
ZeroZiatTxukie1982: Did my last answer to you get to you?19:25
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, did you see the http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2613/19:25
ptn107cvd: whats going on is that the game is assuming that the python libraries are in the same folder that your running the bin file from, so if you run the FretsOnFire.bin from within the folder it works, but if your running the FretsOnFire.bin from your /home/USER/Desktop folder its assuming the libraries are in /home/USER/Desktop19:25
=== matthijs is now known as Ilovejump
ptn107cvd: im trying to export LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the proper location, but the games just hanging for me19:26
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: no, let me check19:26
benny269Can someone help me format an Ubuntu drive clean so it can be used to backup Windows files (not sure if this means it should be NTFS or FAT32?)19:26
mnemonicaMeh... Well now ./config is working... But when I use make (or sudo make) I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47715/   What does that mean?19:26
soundrayFlash: let me tell you what I suspect. The kernel in your /boot/grub/menu.lst gets a root= option that points to a wrong partition. I was going to suggest replacing root=/dev/sdX in the #kopt line with a UUID. I think this would best be done from a live CD.19:26
ChrisZaunWhen I burn a DVD using gnomebaker it wont play on my Home dvd player ...player accepts dvd-r19:26
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: you load GLX module and AIGLX which is included in xorg19:27
cvdthe problem is the game or linux?19:27
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, what does that mean?19:27
soundrayFlash: you can try mounting it with ext2fsd of course, but I think you will have to reboot Windows anyway.19:27
Txukie1982tyronepolleri: do not load the glx module in xorg.conf19:27
tyronepolleriTxukiel1982, i am sorry but i don't know how to that can you tell me please19:27
ptn107cvd: game, its just not designed to run from a shortcut because that messes with the path of the files it needs19:27
soundrayFlash: sorry I can't hold your hand through it, but I'm sure you'll find someone else to help you.19:27
cvdall this problem for just a 'shortcut'19:28
cvdoh ok19:28
Flashsoundray: lookhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47717/19:28
Flashsoundray:  look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47717/19:28
kazol_My system crashed and displayed the login prompt several times and once fully crashed with the keyboard lights blinking-how do I determine what went wrong?19:28
Flashsoundray: I used a tool to get the file... and my sda4 is the drive i use...19:28
Flashsoundray:  sorry it took so long :P19:28
SuicideSalmondoes anyone know how to mix the devilspie transparent background with the xscreensaver matrix screensaver background?19:29
gordonjcpSuicideSalmon: mix in what way?19:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cinalerra - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:30
ubotucinelerra is a video editor and compositor. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu19:30
soundrayFlash: try this one instead (sda4 replaced with the uuid): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47718/19:30
CaBlGuYthanks gordonjcp19:30
soundrayFlash: good luck, have to go shopping before closing time.19:30
Flashsoundray:  i think it was this way before and didn`t work19:30
SuicideSalmongordonjcp, I want the matrix screensaver background (which I've got running), and I then want the terminal on top of that. At the minute, I've got the matrix working, and when I open the terminal it's on top of the nautilus desktop (which it opens in its own window)19:31
soundrayFlash: does recovery mode work?19:31
Flashsoundray: nope... nothing :(19:31
Flashsoundray: can u give me a mail or something so we can talk later then?19:31
soundrayFlash: okay, then you have to run blkid from a live CD and fill in the correct UUID for your root fs19:32
pdlnhrdwhat is the easiest way to deterimine the version you are running from the command line?19:32
soundrayFlash: I'll stay logged on and will ping you when I'm back.19:32
Flashsoundray: don`t know how to :(19:32
mnemonicarepeat: Meh... Well now ./config is working... But when I use make (or sudo make) I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47715/   What does that mean? Anyone?19:32
ZeroZiatI guess I have no other thing to do...19:32
ZeroZiatTxukie1982: Well, it's dwarfort.exe, Dwarf Fortress, a game, in the page it says it runs perfect with Wine, there was this time I was using wine with it, Wine crashed and then it didn't work anymore even installing and reinstalling from Add/Remove.19:32
soundrayFlash: running blkid in a terminal will tell you all the UUIDs of all filesystems19:32
soundrayFlash: really need to leave now. See you later19:33
Flashsoundray: oh ok then :D19:33
Flashsoundray: i`ll try it bro... cheers and nice shopping :P19:34
tyronepolleriplease does anyone know how to do load the glx module in xorg.conf so that i only use AIGLX19:34
Illuvatarje suis de retour19:34
Illuvatardepuis le live cd19:35
pdlnhrdhow can i tell what version i am running from the command line19:35
dgjones!version | pdlnhrd19:35
ubotupdlnhrd: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell19:35
Pici!fr | Illuvatar19:35
ubotuIlluvatar: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:35
=== christian247365 is now known as profanephobia
pdlnhrdcan i move from 6.10 to 7.10?19:36
RazzoRzJust installed xwinwrap,,, trying to run a dvd as a background,,,  i use this script for the screensaver and it works fine >"xwinwrap -ni -argb -fs -s -st -sp -a -nf -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -window-id WID"   now how do i make the dvd playback for this?19:36
Picipdlnhrd: not without going through 7.0419:36
unopoui, il n'y a pas ici personne qui parle le francais19:36
remote_matrixQ. Does anyone know how i can turn on my CPU fan to always on?19:36
=== Flash is now known as Flash_
tyronepollerihow can i load the glx module in xorg.conf so that i only use AIGLX19:37
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unopwhatever happened to justfuckinggoogleit.com ?19:38
Pici!ohmy | unop19:38
ubotuunop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:38
ptn107cvd: ok I got the game to change paths but it keeps freezing my x session, you can try as well and see if yours runs or freezes,  the shortcut should be      export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/phil/FretsOnFire/ && /home/phil/FretsOnFire/FretsOnFire.bin LD_LIBRARY_PATH          if your session freezes just CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE to restart it19:38
Pici!jfgi | unop19:38
ubotuunop: Acronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.19:38
sebrock_when I want to check my CPU usage is generally use "top". However, I have a core 2 duo. First it says Cpu(s): 25% and lower it lists all active applications. Ans CPU usage is always double there. which one should I look at19:38
sebrock_got SMP kenerel19:39
ptn107 cvd: change your folder to point to where you installed the game19:39
rmajubuntu failed me again19:39
wols_tyronepolleri: in the Module section   a Load "glx"19:39
unoppici, hey, its a valid domainname with a good cause .. :)19:39
acee1235i just installed kubuntu 7.10 enables repositories updated and my sound died i tried the kubuntu channel but no one could help other than telling me formatting is not the answer19:39
wols_!fail rmaj19:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fail rmaj - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:39
Piciunop: That sort of language is not welcome here.19:39
pdlnhrdwhy can't i apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade from 6.10 to 7.4  ?19:39
cvdcan i create a luncher to run an alias in the terminal?19:39
rmajwols_: ubuntu takes too long to shut the fuck down19:39
Picipdlnhrd: Because that upgrade path is not supported.19:39
unoppici .. i didnt create the hostname19:39
Pici!ohmy | rmaj19:39
uboturmaj: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:39
pdlnhrdPici:  what is the best path?19:40
unoppici ... so i cant obviously apologise for what it is called19:40
ActySoftsok, so I thought I'd check to see how KDE runs here, I didn't really like it (too used to Gnome to switch now), and I want to get rid of it, but....I have about 200 packages to remove one by one, isn't there an easier way?19:40
Piciunop: You dont even need to mention it.19:40
rmajif user presses power button 82423 times, then he probably wants like "the f*** turn the **** down already, before my UPS dies", but nooo, why implement this19:40
Picipdlnhrd: Sorry, I misread19:40
tyronepolleriwols_, i can't find the module section where is it?19:40
RedHeronFollowing https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to the letter, I am failing to be able to recompile.19:40
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
n215smoke crack19:40
crwebrmaj: try holding the button down.19:40
Picirmaj: censoring yourself doesnt fool anyone here. Theres no need to use that sort of language at all.19:41
Pici!upgrade | pdlnhrd19:41
ubotupdlnhrd: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:41
rmajcrweb: wow, that IS better then waiting for UPS to die19:41
ptn107cvd: you can try19:41
pdlnhrdPici:  this is a remote server... i am trying to upgrade... i don't have a gui interface19:41
Picipdlnhrd: please read that.19:41
eriscoI am using ubuntu 7.10... when I try to use gnome's logout gui gnome hangs. How can I either A) fix this problem or B) logout using the terminal (I don't want to reboot)19:41
ptn107cvd: i cant even get a regular file shortcut to run it19:41
Picipdlnhrd: Okay, still, read it. There are instructions for doing Server upgrades as well.19:41
ptn107cvd: id email the developers and ask19:41
cvdits say something about a child19:41
pdlnhrdPici:  i see it thanks19:41
CaBlGuYwhats the command for opening the etc/apt/sources.list file?19:41
crwebrmaj: connect your UPS usb/serial cable to your pc and use the power tools to autoshut you down like youare suppose to ;)19:41
remote_matrixQ. Does anyone know how i can turn on my CPU fan to always on?19:41
acee1235no sound aficionados on ?19:42
rmajcrweb: I did shutdown -h now   and yet it took tooo long19:42
stillboyremote: plug it in to the ps :P19:42
RedHeronANYONE WHO CAN HELP: Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to the letter, I am failing to be able to recompile.19:42
remote_matrixstillboy very cleaver idea19:42
crwebrmaj: not sure what your problem is then. Maybe a larger UPS, or don't wait so long, or unplug some items from ups19:42
rmajthere should be something that if it takes longer then 30 sec (or use press button 5 times) then kill -9 all processes,  if it takes over 60 sec or user pressed power button 10 times then  just sync, umount and reboot, and if over 300 sec or 20 times then just shutdown19:43
CaBlGuYQ: whats the command for opening the etc/apt/sources.list file?19:43
rmajcrweb: problem: Ubuntu waites too long for processes to gracefully terminate, when Im in a hurry19:43
crwebrmaj: which would be the same thing as holding down the power button.19:43
rmajCaBlGuY: in example  nano file_name  or any other text editor19:43
Picirmaj: Perhaps you should be looking at the other terminal windows to see whats taking too long.19:43
jpeachCaBlGuY: any text editor can open it.19:44
rmajCaBlGuY: instead it adds  unmount + sync19:44
rmajcrweb: ^19:44
crwebrmaj: you have to unumount + sync, other wise you might aswell hold the power button down19:44
rmajcrweb: and it tries kill -919:44
acee1235after much tinkering open sound works for system sound and sound test but not for amarok or xine any ideas on a fix?19:44
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:44
Picirmaj: And doing a hard shutdown is not recommended, uncleanly unmounting your drives is going to lead to issues.19:44
ActySoftsok, so I thought I'd check to see how KDE runs here, I didn't really like it (too used to Gnome to switch now), and I want to get rid of it, but....I have about 200 packages to remove one by one, isn't there an easier way?19:44
CaBlGuYrwaj just need to open the text file to edit it..19:44
remote_matrixso no one knows how to turn on the freakin CPU FAN ?19:44
rmajcrweb: how I was supposed to do umount + sync  when no monitor19:44
jpeachCaBlGuY:  However, you will have to be root to save any changes19:44
rmajPici: that is my point O_o19:45
CaBlGuYjpeach,  yea, kinda knew that..19:45
Piciremote_matrix: you may be able to echo a 1 to a file in /proc, but you'll need to look for yourself which one.  Probably something in your acpi19:45
CaBlGuYso it would be sudo whatever..19:45
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rmajPici: to allow user to   1) kill all  2) kill -9  3) sync+umount+shutdown   when user keeps pressing power button19:45
macdI see flash 9r115 in the repos but gutsy still wants to install r48, (which also has the md5 bug) but manually installing http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu2_i386.deb works fine19:45
crwebrmaj: so.. change the powerbutton script?19:45
remote_matrixPici thanks lemmie see which one19:45
tyronepollerihow can i deactivated GLX to use instead AIGLX in the xorg.conf ?19:45
rmajcrweb: I guess this is the way to implement this19:45
PiciCaBlGuY: something like sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  or just use the gui in System>administration>software sources19:46
pingwhat do you have to do to get videos to work on the internet19:46
jpeachCaBlGuy: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list19:46
Budda|How do I make the Cube thing come up?19:46
CaBlGuYPici ok, thanks..19:46
crwebrmaj: don't see to many non-monitor desktop users out there. so yes, i would suspect that having to edit a config would be nessicary.19:46
CaBlGuYgedit.. HTAT'S IT!C :P19:46
migmah dangit.. ubuntu cd is hanging on "local boot scripts" any ideas how to fix?19:46
CaBlGuYthanks guys..19:46
rmajcrweb: most users dont have monitor19:46
rmajcrweb: once the power is down19:46
telexiconCan you recommend a good way to create a custom installer? I want to run a script19:46
pingbudda hold ctrl + alt  then click your mouse19:46
crwebrmaj: they don't?19:47
Budda|ping: that done nothing?19:47
crdlbtyronepolleri: glxinfo|grep direct19:47
rmajcrweb: yes, many UPS can't hold pc and monitor at once19:47
Pici!ccsm | Budda|19:47
ubotuBudda|: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:47
migmcrap.. will ubuntu work with a 32 meg video card?19:47
Budda|Pici: Done that19:47
rmajmigm: yes19:47
Ganjistusburpuntui works against19:47
migmseems to be hanging on boot after local boot scripts19:47
Budda|Pici: I'm asking how I make it show up, like whats the shortcut keys19:47
crdlbBudda|: join #compiz-fusion19:48
PiciBudda|: Then have you changed your settings to enable the cube? The keybindings for that are in the last tab for the desktop cube rotation thing.19:48
migmrmaj: it complains about not having drivers and hving to run in low resolution.. then hangs after i hit continue on that line19:48
crwebrmaj: oh i see what you mean. Yes, that would make it difficult. but you should look into the ups power tools.19:48
tyronepollericrdlb,direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)19:48
tyronepolleriOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect that is what i get19:48
pingdo you have enough desktops to create a cube19:48
=== dieb_ is now known as Relate
rmajmigm: then its problem with driver etc.  please report a bug on lnchpad19:48
rmajbug | migm19:48
rmaj!bug | migm19:48
ubotumigm: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots19:48
Piciping: if you dont it puts it on a 'sheet' that rotates.19:48
crdlbtyronepolleri: pastebin the output of: LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo19:48
migmah you know what19:48
migmit'll let me get to a terminal19:48
migmif i alt f2 to it19:49
crwebrmaj: you could probably write your own ups shutdown script to take care of most stuff for you.19:49
Box|UKmy graphics card is a tad bad i cant  have a cube effect or any lol19:49
rmajcrweb: I think it would be cool to implemenet that multiply pressing power butto have effect like sysrq+u etc19:49
Sir-Integrahey guys, i'm using the grep command "grep -w 'index 1' genmonster.txt19:49
pingtyrone how do you get the videos on the internet19:49
Sir-Integrabut i want it to output to a file19:49
Sir-Integrahere's the thing, i'll be doing index 2, index 319:49
rmajcrweb: but can the ups scripts be executed while system is going down19:49
crwebrmaj: would be cool, but for the most part, powerbutton is one of those things that can be fought for between OS and bios.19:49
Sir-Integrai need it to write to the same file, just paste one after another19:49
Sir-Integradoes anyone know how i could do that?19:49
acee1235<is formatting system19:50
Ganjistusgnome is working19:50
Picirmaj: Perhaps you should decrease the number of services that are running, to make it shut down faster.19:50
Ganjistusi think it works19:50
tyronepollericrdlb, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2614/19:50
rmajcrweb: perhaps it should be implemented in kernel.. if user keeps prssing power button then execute sysrq instead just calling APIC hook19:50
tyronepollerithere it is19:50
acee1235back to windows for now19:50
rmajPici: hmm I need my serers to develop on19:50
crdlbtyronepolleri: ah, you're using Xgl, uninstall that: sudo apt-get remove xserver-xgl19:50
Picirmaj: Right, but perhaps some services (like bluetooth) are running that you dont need.19:50
crwebrmaj: shutting down is a userspace process..19:50
pingthanks tyrone you know who this is right19:50
crdlbtyronepolleri: there's no reason to use that on intel19:51
Picirmaj: I think you're asking for trouble if you want to shutdown any other way.19:51
rmajPici: I want to kill -9 all, if regular shutdown takes too long.. its users decission if he presses power button 10 times in a row19:51
super-6-1_deskhello can anyone run me through of how to install a plugin for Compiz fusion?19:52
Picirmaj: Then submit a bug report or something.19:52
rmajbtw, how to have desktop rendered via OpenGL, with all the cool 3d effects? Im on propertiray nvidia driver, amd64 7.1019:52
tyronepollericrdlb, i think it still is not working let me restart and try19:52
crdlbtyronepolleri: yeah, log out19:52
rmajPici: u think its a good idea?19:52
Picirmaj: personally, no.19:52
crwebrmaj: you are suppose to install ups scripts to start shutdown at certian % power. then you wouldn't have to worry about taking to long.19:53
cvdthe launcher now work19:53
super-6-1_deskis there a channel for Compiz fusion?19:53
crdlbsuper-6-1_desk: #compiz-fusion19:53
RedHeronANYONE WHO CAN HELP: Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to the letter, I am failing to be able to recompile. PLEASE HELP.19:54
crwebrmaj: if your shutdown hangs for that long. You need to investigate what is causing the hang and fix it ;)19:54
ZeroZiatOh hello there peoples, my problem is the same from yesterday man_in_shack told me to blame Ubuntu still that doesn't help.19:54
rmajcrweb: the shutdown process itself was too long19:54
ZeroZiatHelloes people, I have probby with Wine, they told me to come here, the problem is wine freezes when I run it and no input is accepted anymore until a cold-reboot. Any ideas?19:54
cvdcan some one explain me whatis the -c in this, sh -c "cd /home/cvd/FretsOnFire && ./FretsOnFire"19:55
rmajbtw, how to have desktop rendered via OpenGL, with all the cool 3d effects? Im on propertiray nvidia driver, amd64 7.1019:56
mnemonicaWhen I use make (or sudo make) I get this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47715/   What does that mean? What's wrong?19:56
unopcvd.. -c denotes command to run19:56
odlahow long are the regular releases supported?19:56
mnemonicaI've already successfully done ./config19:56
srccodeim having a probelm in ubuntu 7.10.  when I use option "phys dev" in xorg conf the evdev driver crashes xserver, whereas kbd or mouse using the same phys dev works fine... any ideas why evdev says it can't find the device when the kbd/mouse drivers do?19:56
rmajwhy ubuntu shows me some gayass dialog instead shutting down, when I press shutdown power button - and when to configure it?19:57
mace33hi everyone19:57
dwxreapertutorial for mounting windows shares?19:57
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents19:57
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT19:57
Ganjistus!ganja shares19:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ganja shares - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:57
soundrayFlash: ping19:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about distributed.met - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:57
Flashsoundray: HI man, back already? :D19:58
MasterShrek_Ganjistus: please play with the bot in a pm19:58
bobgillrmaj: try system > preferences > power settings19:58
soundrayFlash: the cold sped me up19:58
Flashsoundray:  heh.. i know how u feel my friend19:58
rmajbobgill: whre I find this in KDE menu / what is the programm19:58
mace33I have a strange problem... My Gnome desktop background keeps on resetting everytime I login.  Anyone know what the problem might be?19:58
Budda|Is there any way to force an update on a driver?19:58
Flashsoundray:  ok look i changed to the UUID and still nothing19:58
lolofrench people here?19:59
Pici!fr | lolo19:59
ubotulolo: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:59
Flashsoundray: and did a blkid and nothing happened :P19:59
soundrayFlash: did you check that the UUID that your menu.lst features for /dev/sda4 matches the real one19:59
Tomtererhow do I cound the amount of lines in a file? something like grepping for \n?19:59
=== kr_ is now known as Sopor
soundrayFlash: oh, it's sudo blkid, I should have said19:59
ChousukeTomterer: wc -l file19:59
Flashsoundray:  i did blkid as roo anyway20:00
Sir-Integradoes anyone know a tool that can sort this txt file by item id? from 1 - 500 http://www.jakeculpin.net/NGX-Genmonstah.txt20:00
soundrayFlash: and nothing happened?20:00
RedHeronFOR ANYONE WHO CAN HELP: Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to the letter, I am failing to be able to recompile. PLEASE HELP.20:00
Flashsoundray:  i`m gonna do that UUID thing now again...20:00
remote_matrixok ladies, so does anyone know anything about acpi/fan ? or anything my cpu fan is constantly OFF20:00
Flashsoundray:  nope nothing happened... it just went to a clear line20:00
RedHeronremote_matrix: check your BIOS?20:00
magnetronSir-Integra: "404 File not founi"20:00
Sir-Integrahold on20:00
Budda|Is there any way to force an update on a driver? My wireless network card doesn't work right in ubuntu: The signal strength stays at around 70%, and it randomly disconnects, and sometimes doesn't connect at all. However, when in windows, it works fine20:00
remote_matrixredheron what about my bios ?20:00
soundrayFlash: sorry, I think you do have a SATA incompatibility after all20:00
BlinkizI need to run a program as a specific group. I know I can use the "sg" command but am looking for a tool where I can specify both the user and group. Like "niklas:users". Is it possible?20:00
mnemonicaAm I asking the wrong question?20:00
bobgillrmaj: It shold be in the KDE Control Centre, titled Power Management I believe20:00
buddhaboyhey ikonia: you there?20:00
Sir-Integraforgot to put it in my public_html dir20:01
Flashsoundray:  is there any way to fix it? :((20:01
odlahow long are the regular releases supported?20:01
remote_matrixin my bios settings i dont have an option to control the fan or anything.... here is the interesting thing, it turns off right before grub20:01
mace33It was working great until I remove my .gnome and .gconf directories a while back.20:01
rmajbobgill: kde contorll center is broken in KDE20:01
RedHeronremote_matrix: that's where you can usually check to see if a setting is on or off... then you can start investigating things, tracing it forward through the startup process to see what's turning it off?20:01
Budda| Is there any way to force an update on a driver? My wireless network card doesn't work right in ubuntu: The signal strength stays at around 70%, and it randomly disconnects, and sometimes doesn't connect at all. However, when in windows, it works fine20:01
Sir-Integramagnetron - work for you now?20:02
mace33They are there now.  But somehow my desktop background resets everytime I login to my desktop.  It's very annoying.20:02
RedHeronFOR ANYONE WHO CAN HELP: Following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile to the letter, I am failing to be able to recompile. I am using Gutsy on an AMD64 and the instructions are WRONG. PLEASE HELP.20:02
remote_matrixredheron im a bit of a n00b, by bios u mean the main options on the computer CMOS?20:02
RedHeronremote_matrix: before startup, right.20:02
rmajRedHeron: get a real operating system, it seems here mot things are broken20:02
Budda| Is there any way to force an update on a driver? My wireless network card doesn't work right in ubuntu: The signal strength stays at around 70%, and it randomly disconnects, and sometimes doesn't connect at all. However, when in windows, it works fine20:02
rmaj* most20:02
remote_matrixredheron like i said, there is no option for controlling the fan20:02
RedHeronrmaj: Ubuntu works fine, but not when the instructions are wrong.20:03
Sir-IntegraBudda| are you using broadcom wireless adapater by any chance?20:03
magnetronSir-Integra: you should use a scripting utility, like perl, python or guile. for that syntax, something LISP-similar would suit. Guile is.20:03
Budda|Sir-Integra: No20:03
CoolSoulhey guys20:03
RedHeronremote_matrix: when you first start the computer, is it running?20:03
Sir-Integramagnetron - i'm useless at coding.. but thanks anyway :/20:03
Budda|Sir-Integra: DLink20:03
remote_matrixredheron yes sir, it runs but right before i get to grub it stops running20:03
bobgillrmaj: sorry, I am not a KDE user, then I wouldn't know :(20:03
Zionad_Budda: ONe second, i have a program that might help you!20:04
Flashsoundray: u there?20:04
Ganjistusis there a gui out to map samba shares to /mnt/sharename20:04
Ganjistusbecause command lines sux20:04
RedHeronremote_matrix: sounds like there is an option to turn it off in the CMOS because grub is the first thing to run.20:04
CoolSoulI got a problem with an Acer Aspire 5050 64 bits. My wifi doesn't work and when I get to the network manager the option to activate the wifi doesn't appear. :(20:04
soundrayFlash: yes, thinking20:05
remote_matrixredheron there is no option in the CMOS... what should i do?20:05
N`Kr1pthi, how can I get 4 virtual desktops instead of the default 2 on ubuntu?20:05
Flashsoundray: let me tell u something else :)20:05
RdWings19do Ubuntu (Gnome) and Kubuntu have approximately the same level of hardware support?  Which one would be better to try as a live CD to see if my machine is ready for Ubuntu?20:05
soundrayFlash: go on then :)20:05
remote_matrixredheron what about the fact that there is no file in /proc/acpi/fan20:05
Zionad_BUdda, You should uninstall NetworkManager, and use WICD20:05
RedHeronremote_matrix: I would probably go with a reinstall, but back up your /home directory first.20:05
Zionad_which  you can get by running sudo apt-get install wicd20:05
crwebRdWings19: they are exactly the same20:05
Flashsoundray: When i first installed Feisty on my system it worked wothout any buggs... after 2 or 3 reboots i got a initramfs error20:05
RdWings19thanks crweb20:05
crwebRdWings19: you can even have both installed same time.20:05
=== guest_ is now known as arlekin
Flashsoundray: and it dropped me out into some kind of bash20:06
RdWings19 i have a Gutsy Kubuntu CD and wanted to try it out without having to burn a Gnome CD20:06
drakenhow would i go about connecting a nokia phone as a modem in ubuntu ?20:06
RdWings19I suppose I could always change later after install, right?20:06
remote_matrixredheron why would a reinstall help? ive recently installed ubuntu on the system and its doing this i doubt reinstalling would help...20:06
Budda|Zionad_: "Could not find package"20:06
CoolSoulI got a problem with an Acer Aspire 5050 64 bits. My wifi doesn't work and when I get to the network manager the option to activate the wifi doesn't appear. :( plz help20:06
crwebRdWings19: the only difference is you choose which desktop you want to use20:06
Flashsoundray: and after this i kept getting this error no matter what i did...20:06
crwebRdWings19: you can sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop   after install20:06
soundrayFlash: that will have been the busybox shell20:06
Flashsoundray: yes20:07
RedHeronremote_matrix: reinstall would tell if Ubuntu wasn't recognizing it, or if something else was happening.20:07
telexiconWhat is a good way to create a custom scripted installer? I want to put a special image on some machines using a script.. i just want it to boot from pxe, run the script and shutdown20:07
RdWings19I'll probably eventually settle on gnome, but just wanted to test for hardware compatibility20:07
Lunar_LampCoolSoul, you'll need to find out what your wireless card chipset is most likely.20:07
Flashsoundray: still a bit noobish here pall but working on it :D20:07
RdWings19what do most people in this channel use... gnome, or kde?20:07
buddhaboyhas anyone had the problem where the cursor is stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) with a fresh install?20:07
differentrealityif i have a line that says    something@something.comElse:    how can I delete Else:  ??20:07
jzanchiI am having trouble with suspend and hibernate data corruption using kubuntu gutsy20:07
soundrayFlash: okay, if your system went from working to non-working, there is definitely something strange going on20:07
r3m0tRdWings19: how are we to tell without a massive collective vote?20:07
RedHerondifferentreality: depends on where Else: is.20:08
Flashsoundray:  my friends all sait man take another distro or something but I`m like... no guys i love ubuntu20:08
remote_matrixthere has to be another way of doing that20:08
RdWings19just wondering if people had some idea based on the traffic in the channel20:08
RedHeronremote_matrix: there probably is (kernel recompile, etc.) but I've only been using Ubuntu for a month.20:08
Flashsoundray: my system is an Acer Aspire 5520G20:08
differentrealityRedHeron, it's the last thing of a line in text file.. (not all lines though have it)20:08
remote_matrixredheron what are u running it on?20:08
Flashsoundray:  and the HDD is a Toshiba SATA drive 160 gig20:09
soundrayFlash: could it be a hardware issue?20:09
drakenhow would i go about connecting a nokia phone as a modem in ubuntu ?20:09
Budda|Zionad_: ....?20:09
remote_matrixsoundray: are u ther?20:09
CoolSoulFlash: you got an atheros wireless card like me20:09
FlashCoolSoul: yeah man :)20:09
r3m0tRdWings19: probably ubuntu>kubuntu, just like everywhere else20:09
CoolSoulFlash: does it work?20:09
RedHerondifferentreality: text editor?20:09
RedHeronremote_matrix: AMD64 with an nVidia chipset.20:09
differentrealityRedHeron, i want to write a script that does that20:10
rednulcould someone help me with firehol ?  I am trying to allow the upnp service but seem to have problems with firehol blocking the multicast traffic20:10
remote_matrixsoundray: i need ur help badly regarding the issue we talked 2 days ago (CPU fan not turning on)20:10
Flashsoundray: I don`t think so... because i seem to be running win xp on it nicely...20:10
RedHeronremote_matrix: read: cheap-ass mobo20:10
FlashCoolSoul: i`m stiil scruing around with my boot section man :))20:10
RedHerondifferentreality: sorry, scripting is not something I do.20:10
remote_matrixredheron crap, im running it on my dv1650 laptop20:10
CoolSoulFlash: by the way, does the ndiswrapper asks you a firmware?20:10
FlashCoolSoul: but that is the leest of my problems...20:10
RedHeronremote_matrix: it may be that the fan is not listed but other things are.20:11
FlashCoolSoul: dunno... i can`t boot up my system :))))20:11
RedHeronremote_matrix: it may be that the fan is part of another piece of hardware.20:11
soundrayCoolSoul: but you had it up and running with feisty and also with a gutsy CD...20:11
CoolSoulflash: wow, 32 or 64 bits?20:11
remote_matrixredheron here is a question20:11
differentrealityRedHeron, ok :/ tnx anyway20:11
EtteSBanyone know what the basic needed packages to run a .py file are?20:11
BrightEyes`i somehow started gdm and exited from the xfce desktop manager.how can i make the xfce desktop work like before?20:11
peter77Flash: is Grub broken?20:11
remote_matrixredheron how can i unload thermal module?20:12
FlashCoolSoul: 32bit20:12
RedHeronremote_matrix: why would you want to?20:12
N`Kr1ptdoesn anybody know whta the shortcut key to show desktop is??20:12
MasterShrek_remote_matrix: sudo rmmod thermal20:12
Flashpeter77: don`t think so...20:12
* RedHeron shudders.20:12
soundraypeter77: no, there's a kernel error about not finding a filesystem20:12
CoolSoulFlash : mine is a 64 and it's a pain in the neck20:12
kharlossI'm still testing my website and and I want to put a .htaccess file on there to allow some ip-addresses to go to the website, and to deny others.20:12
kharlossHow can I do this?20:12
remote_matrixmastershrek and to load it back sir?20:12
adeliegot a bash question, unfortunately #bash is silent. Can anyone remind me of the elegant way to test if a string matches a regular expression exactly?20:12
robdeman_folks how can i rename eth1 into wlan0 ?20:12
MasterShrek_remote_matrix: sudo modprobe thermal20:12
soundraypeter77: tried both root=/dev/sda4 and root=UUID=...20:13
FlashCoolSoul: heh... at least yours runns :))))20:13
preaction_kharloss, .htaccess doesn't do that. look for "Order" "Require" and "Allow"20:13
migmguess im gonna have to do the install with the alternate cd20:13
remote_matrixthx mastershrek20:13
CoolSoulFlash: did you update it by console?20:13
CoolSoulFlash: did you upgrade it by console?20:13
preaction_kharloss, your best bet would be to join #apache on this network20:13
PiciN`Kr1pt: ctrl-alt-d20:13
Budda|Zionad_: ???20:13
FlashCoolSoul: yeah... and then seeing it didn`t work i did a full reinstall :P20:13
remote_matrixwell that didnt work, i read somewhere that reloading the thermal module the fan might work20:13
RedHeronMasterShrek_: Any help on being able to recompile my kernel? The instructions on the Ubuntu support page are dead wrong.20:13
adeliegot a bash question, unfortunately #bash is silent. Can anyone remind me of the elegant way to test if a string matches a regular expression exactly?20:13
buddhaboyhas anyone had the problem where the cursor is stuck at "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) with a fresh install?20:13
MasterShrek_RedHeron: i had a link, but not with me20:13
Salhelp please, i'm installing ubuntu on a virtualbox20:14
RedHeronMasterShrek_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile is WRONG.20:14
CoolSoulFlash: did you delete the hidden files at /home?20:14
N`Kr1ptthx Pici!20:14
Salthe installation starts with a 640x48020:14
remote_matrixDoes anyone know what the fan module does?20:14
EtteSBAnyone know the basic package names for Python? im trying to run a .py file and gedit just opens it.20:14
rmaj#kde says that the gayass dialog when pressing (physical) power button is ubuntu's fault.  where can I configure it to just shutdown?>20:14
FlashCoolSoul: It would be nice if someone thought of Acer aspire 5520g users u know...20:14
FlashCoolSoul: no why?20:14
Salso i'm not able to see the buttons of the installation form20:14
adelieCan't seem to find my answer on google. Anyone know how to test a string to see if it matches a regular expression?20:15
RedHeronLooking now, MasterShrek_ thanks.20:15
Salcan someone help me?20:15
soundrayremote_matrix: if it's an ACPI incompatibility (which is likely, given that other people with your machine had trouble, too), then it might be worth to try fixing your DSDT20:15
migmwhy do you want to rename eth1 onto wlan0?20:16
CoolSoulFlash: maybe your problem is of configuration, did you use the same forder after reinstalling the system. But do you have one or two partitions?20:16
RedHeronMasterShrek_: ncurses!!! I've been trying to find that!20:16
remote_matrixsoundray remember u asked me if the fan was on when the grub was running? well its not20:16
FlashCoolSoul: I have 3 other partitions20:16
FlashCoolSoul:  2 of wich i use for win20:16
FlashCoolSoul:  and the 3rd is the swap20:17
soundrayremote_matrix: here's some info on fixing a DSDT: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ACPIBattery20:17
PiciSal: You might want to use the alternate CD to install inside a virtual machine.20:17
CoolSoulFlash: did you reinstall the system in the same user's folder?20:17
remote_matrixsoundray would this fix the fan?20:17
FlashCoolSoul: nope... i did a full format20:17
CoolSoulFlash: a full format............then you got a problem :)20:18
PreZGNI don't suppose anyone knows WTF keeps overwriting the /etc/chatscripts/ppp0 every time I use the network manager? or more importantly, how I can edit what it overwrites with or stop it doing so?20:18
FlashCoolSoul:  :(((((20:18
erUSULadelie: if [[ string ~= regexp ]]20:18
soundrayremote_matrix: it may or may not20:18
FlashCoolSoul: do you use something else on your sistem besides ubuntu?20:18
remote_matrixsoundray thx bro i'll give it a try and get back to you20:19
CoolSoulFlash: wondows UE20:19
EtteSBi just looked on synaptic and theres python AND python2.420:19
soundrayFlash: have you thought about reinstalling feisty?20:19
Flashsoundray: i did that like 2 times...20:19
soundrayremote_matrix: hold on a sec20:19
soundrayFlash: I thought you were on gutsy20:19
Flashsoundray: I am now... :))20:19
CoolSoulFlash: just reinstall the system20:20
diga1Hello.  Does anyone know if when a software raid is created with "mdadm" for non system partition disks, and the system disks subsequently have to be replaced, can the raid be recovered?20:20
FlashCoolSoul:  yeah... like i did the last 3 times? :))))20:20
CoolSoulFlash: did you choose grup or lilo?20:20
FlashCoolSoul: how do you choose that? :P20:20
FlashCoolSoul: I think i have grub though20:20
CoolSoulyou're using Ubuntu, don't you?20:21
FlashCoolSoul: yeah20:21
remote_matrixsoundray i gotta small question: is it ok if the DSDT is for a dv1000 and my notebook is a dv1650?20:21
soundrayremote_matrix: no20:21
CoolSoulFlash: are following the configuration by defect?20:21
RedHeronMasterShrek_: the ncurses libraries should be added to the help page... who would I issue a report to for requesting that?20:22
josh__Hiya!  How do I view my HDD space and computer specs?20:22
soundrayremote_matrix: don't use foreign DSDTs. Extract the one from your BIOS20:22
mnemonicaanyone care to help?20:22
FlashCoolSoul: I don`t understand...20:22
CoolSoulI mean, you just run the cd and then install20:22
FlashCoolSoul: yes20:22
erUSULjosh__: hd space: apps>accesories>disk use.20:23
MasterShrek_RedHeron: no idea20:23
RedHeronMasterShrek_: thanks anyway :D20:23
josh__I dont have that erUSUL20:24
ThomasVLdoes someone has experience with an Radeon9200 and Ubuntu?20:24
Flashsoundray:  does anyone here know people who actually worked on Ubuntu? :P20:24
EtteSBim trying to get a .py file to run through python. i have python installed but it wont run it just opens gedit20:25
josh__Hiya!  How do I view my HDD space and computer specs?20:25
ThomasVLI work on ubuntu...20:25
mnemonicaI have a problem. I would like help with this problem. I have asked for help with this problem four times over the past hour with no response. I would greatly appreciate at the an acknowledgement in my general direct as to the fact that I have asked for help. This is my problem. ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47715/   When I attempt to 'make' after I have 'sudo ./config' it gives me this. Is there anything wrong? Normally, when using 'make' it doesn't 20:25
Box|UKdo i need to apt-get the drivers for my ati xpress 200 or download from  ati site?20:25
EtteSBIm trying to get a .py file to run through python. i have python installed but it wont run it just opens gedit20:26
mnemonicaappreciate at least an *20:26
RedHeronMasterShrek_: the ncurses library was the only thing missing...20:26
stimp1josh: df -k and cat /proc/cpuinfo (etc...)20:26
remote_matrixsoundray extract the one FROM my bios? how do i that?20:26
soundrayBox|UK: neither. The best driver for your chipset is the open source ati one.20:26
josh__stimp, wth?20:26
MasterShrek_EtteSB: open a terminal and type: python <file>.py20:26
Box|UKsoud from ati?20:26
stimp1df -k20:26
EtteSBMasterShrek_: thanks :320:26
ThomasVLsoundray: that counts for all the ATI?20:26
ThomasVLI got the crappy 920020:26
soundrayThomasVL: no20:26
stimp1shows diskspace or you wan tto see hdd info?20:27
Picijosh__: sudo lshw | most will give you your computer specs20:27
erUSULmnemonica: the problem, i think, is this  'sudo ./config' you should run the configure script as a norma user.20:27
Box|UKsoundray,  do i google ati open source ? or is it on the ati site at ati site right now20:27
josh__Ok, how do I see disk space?20:27
erUSULmnemonica: the only command you need sudo to is the final make install or checkinstall20:27
mnemonicaerUSUL: Mmmk. I'll delete the file, re-extract it, and try that, then. Thanks. I'll get back to you on if it works or not.20:28
stimp1@josh: df -k !!!20:28
MasterShrek_in a terminal20:28
stimp1oh, you have to open a terminal :o)20:28
Flashsoundray: this is the actual error code: kernel panic- not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount riit fs on unknown-block(0,0)20:28
soundrayremote_matrix: this page tells you how: http://katherina.student.utwente.nl/~matthijs/cgi-bin/blosxom/Hardware/S270/BrandNew.html  -- scroll down to Fixing ACPI20:28
josh__doesnt help.20:28
erUSULjosh__: df -h or Apps>Accessories>Disk use or System>Admin>System Monitor20:28
bbardlbraddhey, how do I make Vista boot before Ubuntu?20:28
josh__I just want to see how much I Have left,20:28
bbardlbraddI use grub20:28
soundrayBox|UK: no, it comes with Ubuntu20:29
Box|UKsoundray im looking at a wiki its telling me i need to build the driver in terminal20:29
MasterShrek_bbardlbradd: i think i told you the other day, just move the vista entry above the ubuntu entry in your /boot/grub/menu.lst20:29
MasterShrek_bbardlbradd: alt+f2 type: gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst20:29
stimp1@pici: thx for lshw command - didnt knew that one20:29
soundrayBox|UK: what you're reading is about the fglrx (closed source) driver.20:29
bbardlbraddmastershrek, you did, and I didn't get around to doing it, thanks for the repeat though.20:29
AndyRlo all20:30
RedHeronla AndyR20:30
soundrayBox|UK: in my experience, that has all kinds of problems with that particular chipset. The OS one works much better.20:30
* RedHeron avoids the lo20:30
ThomasVLso, soundray, just don't install drivers for an ATI-card (9200) ? Ubuntu does that by defauld?20:30
eroticonI have a question20:30
gsuveghow can i add more one alias to my email box ?20:30
gsuvegeroticon, ask please20:31
eroticonwhen i run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg it does not prompt to AUTODETECT my video card20:31
MasterShrek_!ask | eroticon20:31
ubotueroticon: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)20:31
The_Kwait a sec... does anyone know what the advantage of wicd is over the default NetworkManager?20:31
eroticonwhat could be wrong?20:31
eroticonI tried with -phigh even...20:31
gsuvegwithin evolution20:31
eroticonfrom command line.20:31
soundrayThomasVL: I know nothing about your card. You may be best off with the fglrx driver, or not.20:31
MasterShrek_!enter | eroticon20:31
ubotueroticon: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:31
mnemonicaerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47727/   <--- Does that look like everything went alright? I can't tell.20:32
Box|UKsoundray i got it working through system/ admin/ screen graphics got me screen resoloution to work but was trying to tinker for coppnix20:32
soundrayFlash: does it really say "riit"? I've never seen that20:32
Flashsoundray: only "it"20:32
MasterShrek_mnemonica: looks good to me20:32
rlyIcan watch youtube vids, but no other vids... what to do? please don't just show me some impersonal wiki I'll not understand20:32
erUSULmnemonica: it looks like everything went ok20:32
jad_jayhi all20:32
CoolSoulFlash: did you try installing different linux systems, for example mandriva and as it didn't work you installed ubuntu riht after it?20:33
kbrooksrly: give me an age range?20:33
mnemonicaerUSUL: Mmmk. Awesome. Thank you.20:33
jad_jayis there problems on fr.archive.ubuntu.com ???20:33
buddhaboycursor stops at: Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local) with a fresh install, anyone had this issue?20:33
jad_jayis there problems on fr.archive.ubuntu.com ???20:33
FlashCoolSoul: no man i like ubuntu :P20:33
erUSULmnemonica: no problem20:33
MasterShrek_damn irssi on putty lol20:33
rlykbrooks: I'm old... but I don't understand nothing about linux... is that fair enough?20:34
CoolSoulFlash: how long did it pass after you installed ubuntu and then the other?20:34
jad_jaycan't get a package20:34
FlashCoolSoul: pfff... dunno man20:34
kbrooksrly: i was wondering if you were restricted by your parents, but all right.20:34
FlashCoolSoul: couple of hours...20:34
remote_matrixsoundray buddy i found some cool stuff here20:34
* jad_jay ubuntu is the bast debian version i'd ever installed20:34
remote_matrixsoundray check this out20:35
CoolSoulflash: did you check the bios for booting from hard disk?20:35
FlashCoolSoul: yeah bro...:P20:35
remote_matrixsudo acpi -V sudo acpi -V20:35
remote_matrix     Battery 1: charging, 37%, rate information unavailable.20:35
remote_matrix     Thermal 1: ok, 68.0 degrees C20:35
remote_matrix  AC Adapter 1: on-line20:35
soundrayFlash: this error happens when Linux needs a driver for the disk that isn't part of the initramfs. I didn't think these were happening any more. They used to be commonplace when SATA was very new.20:35
magnetronjad_jay: please join us in #ubuntu-offtopic and chat with us!20:35
rlykbrooks: I think this may be some codec issue... but the codec wiki page doesn't help me at all20:35
CoolSoulFlash: you're using a sata hd?20:36
Flashsoundray: well... it seems to be happening now... :))20:36
FlashCoolSoul: yes20:36
=== PROVOKATOR is now known as PROVOKATORR
soundrayremote_matrix: you mean you discovered acpi -V, or it has started working?20:36
misticwarriorI have a little problem. I want to start mplayer in shell mode before kdm or gdm... So It would play without starting x... like starting it in tty1, as well I could stop it when I want... but I don't know where to write my script... I tried in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.h but it does anything..20:36
jubileeHey, on that Grub boot list, if I minus the #, will that make it work? Like, does anything like "# blah blah blah" make it comment, and if take the # off it'll make "blah blah blah" do something? Sorry for being so noob20:36
RedHeronMasterShrek_, compiling now, thanks!20:36
mikebeechamHi guys...is there anyway to NOT have my mounted drives showing on the desktop, but keep them mounted?20:36
waseemhello all20:37
* kbrooks attaches to magnetron 20:37
erUSULmikebeecham: mount them under /mn/ and not under /media/20:37
RedHeronjubilee: it will try. :-)20:37
soundrayFlash: what confuses me is that, as you say, it used to boot and now not any more. Is that right?20:37
erUSULmikebeecham: mount them under /mnt/ and not under /media/20:37
remote_matrixsoundray lol no the acpi is working... but here is what i found out, the fan is working, i just noticed it turning, the maximum temperature for my cpu is around 68-69 degrees celcius and thats where my cpu temp. is running around...20:37
=== PROVOKATORR is now known as PROVOKATOR
waseemmy wireless gui is acting wierd and not showing my actual connection20:37
* soundray gives kbrooks a spin and makes him levitate 4 inches above magnetron20:38
waseemim connected to net now but according to it there is no wireless device20:38
remote_matrixsoundray: so the fan works for very few seconds every so often... how can i change the threshold temperature so it starts at a lesser value?20:38
mikebeechamerUSUL: sorry...but I've not been using linux very long..I dont understand?20:38
Flashsoundray: it booted for like 3 times20:38
Flashsoundray: and now when i go to rescue mode i get to the busybox... initramfs20:38
soundrayFlash: did you run any updates when it first booted?20:38
eroticonhow can i tell dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to try to autodetect my video card?20:39
Flashsoundray: nope... don`t think so20:39
unoperoticon, you don't -- it automatically should20:39
soundrayremote_matrix: hold on, I need to do a web search to remind myself20:39
remote_matrixsoundray thx bro20:39
LongfellowGood Afternoon everyone20:39
erUSULmikebeecham: your drives are configured to be mounted in /media/ everything you mount there shows up on the desktop if you mount it under /mnt/ instead (or any other mountpoint for that matter) they will not show up20:39
eroticonunop: it does not even ask if i want to autodetect.20:39
PROVOKATORPOWERadmin von freenode, fick dich ins knie!, fuck you in the elenbogen ;PpPp20:39
erUSUL!fstab | mikebeecham20:39
ubotumikebeecham: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:39
PROVOKATORPOWERadmin von freenode, fick dich ins knie!, fuck you in the elenbogen ;PpPp20:39
PROVOKATORPOWERadmin von freenode, fick dich ins knie!, fuck you in the elenbogen ;PpPp20:39
PROVOKATORPOWERadmin von freenode, fick dich ins knie!, fuck you in the elenbogen ;PpPp20:39
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!20:39
unoperoticon, you could try adding the -plow switch to dpkg-reconfigure -- such as -- dpkg-reconfigure -plow xserver-xorg20:39
AndyRwhats this? how to get a kline lesson 120:40
eroticonit does not autodetect with -plow even20:40
waseemguys if i have set up a manual wireless connection does the gui (on the top right) ignore the wirless device?20:40
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:40
sayersUh, the flashplugin-nonfree package does not work complaining about a md5 hash mismatch20:40
mikebeechamerUSUL: ...ahhh reading on the ubuntu forums...even easier is to make them invisible in gconf-editor20:40
freak124is there an explanation why sometimes compiz, awn and emerald all stop working?20:41
rlykbrooks: I think this may be some codec issue... but the codec wiki page doesn't help me at all20:41
profanephobiawaseem, when you setup a manual connection.. nm-applet (at least in my experience) shows it as a wired connection20:41
rlywill you help me? or maybe some other nick?20:41
eroticonunop: any idea of why dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does not try to autodetect my video card?20:41
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:41
seqizzhi, is anybody here "can compile" slam soccer for ubuntu?20:41
linux4mei'm running ubuntu 7.10, what torrent client would you guys recommend?20:42
waseemprofanephobia: thanks, my wireless has never worked correctly since day 120:42
unoperoticon, errm, no idea -- probably doesn't recognise the make or/an model of your card20:42
tonyyarussoseqizz: what is slam soccer?20:42
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:42
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:42
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:42
gerhardhow to play FLAC with xmms?20:42
brueniggerhard, stop being stupid20:42
tonyyarusso!repeat | gerhard20:42
ubotugerhard: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:42
waseemprofanephobia: now its ignoring the device but is connected fine :S20:42
profanephobialinux4me, i recommend qbittorrent20:42
LongfellowQuestion: I installed steam with wine and when I run it everything seems to be working but no text shows up, anyone have this problem?20:42
gsuveggerhard, dont play!20:42
gerhardmaybe you answer me20:42
gerhardcannot be so difficult20:42
seqizztonyyarusso: is a game which is old.. wants x11, not xorg i think20:42
profanephobiawaseem, it has its bugs.. what card do you have?20:42
tonyyarussolinux4me: Deluge, Transmission.20:42
linux4meprofanephobia - tks20:43
waseemprofanephobia: im using a rt2500usb chipset20:43
eltuxI cannot get the flash plugin to work with mozilla20:43
profanephobialinduxed, welcome20:43
soundraygerhard: if it's not that difficult, why do you have to ask?20:43
seqizzlinux4me: or use utorrent with wine ! it rocks!20:43
FFreedoMCheck out this very cool internet game ------------>>> http://s2.fi.gladiatus.com/game/c.php?uid=2520020:43
eltuxit keeps telling me its installed but it doesn't load on the page20:43
waseemprofanephobia: even wired is greyed out...20:43
FFreedoMCheck out this very cool internet game ------------>>> http://s2.fi.gladiatus.com/game/c.php?uid=2520020:43
tonyyarussoseqizz: Ah - you might be able to make some symlinks to make it think you have that.  I think that's what I did for something like that once.20:43
profanephobiawaseem, k well if the connection is working i wouldnt mess with it.. sorry to hear you had troubles20:43
gerhardsoundray: cause i am not as professional linux user as you are20:43
FFreedoMCheck out this very cool internet game ------------>>> http://s2.fi.gladiatus.com/game/c.php?uid=2520020:43
soundrayremote_matrix: the threshold temperatures are called trip points.20:43
waseemprofanephobia:  but when i select manual wireless is there glowing with the settings i had done earlier20:43
waseemprofanephobia:  yeah thats what i thought, thanks20:44
eltuxMy flash plugin is not working, I have installed it and it keeps telling me its not installed and won't open the media on the page20:44
profanephobiawaseem, np and good luck20:44
soundraygerhard: I am a volunteer, as is everyone else here as far as I know. So have some respect.20:44
seqizztonyyarusso: i've translated this game but i can't compile or run from binary.. :\20:44
FFreedoMCheck out this very cool internet game ------------>>> http://s2.fi.gladiatus.com/game/c.php?uid=2520020:44
eroticonit does not recognize my monitor either20:44
eroticonand it used to...20:44
bruenigFFreedoM, stop spamming20:44
eroticonsomething is wrong.20:44
gerhardcant believe no one knows20:44
tonyyarussoseqizz: Try using the compiler errors to your advantage.20:44
FFreedoMUbuntu sucks >(20:44
remote_matrixsoundray: did u find it bro ?20:44
milestonehi all20:45
seqizztonyyarusso: it's java.. trying every way.. thanks :)20:45
soundrayremote_matrix: you can set them with an echo command. The details are machine dependent20:45
gerhardbruenig one sec i try20:46
remote_matrixsoundray sorry bro how can i set it with echo? where do i modify it?20:46
waseemgerhard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58386220:46
soundraygerhard: 'sudo apt-get install xmms flac'. This is the last time I spoonfed you.20:46
dgranthow can I uninstall a *.deb without having the deb file?20:46
milestoneis there a good tool to migrate a OS from one System to another via USB Drive? Or is there a better way? (Reason is, that I have bought a complete new server)20:46
dgrantwhy doesn't apt-get know about it20:46
soundraygerhard: 'sudo apt-get install xmms-flac'20:46
profanephobiadgrant, sudo apt-get remove <packagename>20:46
prurigroanyone know why when I use nvidia-settings to change resolution, applications lose that capability?20:46
eroticonwhich file controls ubuntu hardware auto detection20:46
tomohi all20:46
CoolSouldgrant: what do you mean?20:46
dgrantprofanephobia: apt-get doesnt' know about it for some reason20:46
dgrantCoolSoul: apt-get doesn't know about it for some reason. I had installed it with dpkg -i20:47
soundrayremote_matrix: it depends on your machine. Somewhere under /proc/acpi/thermal20:47
tomois there a de in linux that is deigned for touch tables?20:47
dgrantCoolSoul: so know I can't remove it20:47
tonyyarussodgrant: try an apt-cache search - maybe the name isn't exactly the same20:47
remote_matrixthx a lot soundray i'll check it out20:47
erUSULgerhard: afaics xmms does not support flac use bmp or audacious (xmms is old)20:47
CoolSouldgrant: did you try by synaptic?20:47
white_eaglehello, does real player work with linux, i have bunch of .rms so i need it20:47
Budda|Can somebody please help me get my wireless card working20:47
white_eaglewith ubuntu20:47
gerhardah k20:47
white_eaglehello, does real player work with ubuntu*, i have bunch of .rms so i need it20:47
waseemBudda|: whats up with the card?20:47
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:48
tonyyarussowhite_eagle: I believe it does, although I've never used it.  For some releases you'll need the "commercial" repo section, although now it's called "partner".20:48
profanephobiawhite_eagle, use the first link ubotu sent you20:48
keetčeskej ubuntu server20:48
waseemBudda|: and how experienced are you with ubuntu and linux20:48
Budda|waseem: In windows it works fine, but in ubuntu the signal is at 70%, and it randomly disconnects and doesn't reconnect. Someone told me to install wicd, which I did, now it doesn't connect to the network at all20:48
tonyyarusso!cz | keet20:48
ubotukeet: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.20:48
soundrayFlash: sorry I couldn't help you much. Do keep asking here -- eventually you'll find someone who can.20:48
Budda|waseem: Not very experienced20:48
buddhaboywaseem? sorry20:48
buddhaboyoh lol20:48
dgrantCoolSoul: yeah synaptic doesn't show anything different20:48
buddhaboydidn't know there was anyother buddha here :P20:49
Flashsoundray: yeah man thx for beeing a pall :)20:49
Box|UKin xorg.conf can i change the driver "Ati"to "fglrx" and click save? will this do some damage?20:49
waseemBudda|: well try and find the chipset you have and see if ndiswrapper is compatible with it20:49
CoolSouldgrant: but the program works or it's just using a space on your disk?20:49
dgrantCoolSoul: I downloaded the package again and re-did dpkg -i and it did say "replacing package XXX" so it must have been actually installed. And now after re-installing apt-get still doesn't know about it20:49
waseemBudda|:  did that make sense?20:49
dgrantCoolSoul: it works20:49
erUSULwhite_eagle: helix player ??20:49
tomo is there a DE in linux that is deigned for touch tables?20:49
soundrayFlash: pall = lid of a coffin?20:49
soundrayFlash: scnr. Bye :)20:50
profanephobiaBox|UK, use the restricted driver manager to install first.. what card?20:50
Box|UKati xpress 20020:50
tomowhiteagle: yes realplayer works20:50
Flashsoundray: pall = friend :P20:50
eroticonHi folks,20:50
profanephobiaBox|UK, yeah use the restricted drivers manager to install that driver20:50
Budda|waseem: not at all20:51
Budda|Whatever I put the driver as, the wicd thing just hangs at "Obtaining IP Address"20:51
matthijsHello, I got a problem with the archive manager of ubuntu, if i try to extract something it says: An error occurred while extracting files20:51
eroticonThe hardware autodetection on Ubuntu does not seem to be working, a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does not even prompt me to "autodetect" my video card20:51
waseemBudda|:  ok ndiswrapper is this software that allows you to use windows drivers in linux, it might be the solution for you20:51
Budda|(09:50:08) Budda|: waseem: not at all20:51
Budda|(09:50:46) Budda|: Whatever I put the driver as, the wicd thing just hangs at "Obtaining IP Address"20:51
dgrantCoolSoul: i wonder if its because the package is actually for a different arch20:51
Box|UKprofanephobia,  i have the screen resoloution to what i want after playing about just trying to see iff i can get compiz  or a 3d desktop20:52
Budda|I just tried ndiswrapper, didn't work20:52
linduxedprofanephobia: hey, didnt see your message20:52
waseemBudda|:  what do you mean it didnt work? did it give an error?20:52
geniiSounds like you need a dhcp server20:52
CoolSoulBudda| : but what can do when the betwork manager doesn't show me the wireless device?20:52
white_eagleok thanks very much for the help20:52
Budda|In wicd manager, when I click connect, it does lots of shit, then hangs at "Obtaining IP Address", then closes and doesn't connect20:52
CoolSouldgrant: you got me there dude20:52
nomicVIVA UBUNTU!20:53
matthijsHello, I got a problem with the archive manager of ubuntu, if i try to extract something it says: An error occurred while extracting files20:53
Myrttimatthijs: define something20:53
profanephobialinduxed, send again sry20:53
sebrock_how can I display frame rate in mplayer?20:53
matthijstar: ethX/pk3/gfx: Not found in archive20:53
matthijstar: ethX/pk3/textures: Not found in archive20:53
matthijstar: ethX/pk3/models: Not found in archive20:53
Myrttimatthijs: rar?20:53
matthijsno tar.gz20:53
white_eagledoes .rar work with ubuntu?20:54
profanephobiaBox|UK, also for compiz... after installing that driver do sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl then restart x by ctrl+alt+backspace20:54
CoolSoulwhite: yes20:54
white_eaglei don't need it just asking20:54
Box|UKjust typed fglrxinfo in terminal and theres nothing about ATI its a load of stuff bout mesa ill have a look in restricted drives see if that helps20:54
waseemBudda|: install ndiswrapper and the install ndisgtk, ndisgtk is the gui frontend20:54
waseemBudda|: it will show if your device is identified and working properly20:54
Budda|"sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper"?20:54
Box|UKthxs for the help profanephobia  much appreciated20:55
profanephobiaBox|UK, no problem20:55
waseemBudda|: wait, your not connected to the net lol sorry20:55
MiLKi get huge title bars every time i reboot, anyone know a permanent fix?20:55
Budda|I am20:55
Budda|Wired atm20:56
``CubeI have a quetsion, compiz doesn't work for me!20:56
waseemBudda|:  oh cool then it should be easier20:56
Budda|Hence being on here20:56
Budda|I tried to install ndiswrapper just now20:56
Budda|E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper20:56
Box|UKok got ati accelarated graphics driver  not in use in Restricted drivers20:56
``Cubewhen I set the windows effects to anything else but NONE, the windows border (and that where you minimize them, close them a.s.o.) dissappear!!!!!20:56
profanephobia``Cube what card20:57
Box|UKjust enabled it20:57
waseemBudda|:  i think you need to set your repositories (the places where the apps are downloaded from) first20:57
Box|UKasking for system restart20:57
profanephobiaBox|UK, go ahead and install xserver-xgl then restart20:57
profanephobiaor not20:57
bsdunixi need help fixing my gtk+ trying to run setuid ubuntu-desktop login failure.20:57
jugimasterhello :)20:57
``Cubeprofanephobia: ugh, it worked b4 the lastest big upgrade, to gubson or whatever its called. I have an nvidia 7950 I think20:57
jugimasteri installed CCSM, but i can't figure out how to actually ..  SAVE settings with it..   -any ideas?  why is there no "save" -button etc?20:58
Budda|whats the repos for ndiswrapper, and that other thing20:58
waseemBudda|: yes?20:58
profanephobia``Cube, honestly for best help with this issue id try #ubuntu-effects first20:58
waseemBudda|: i forgot where you tick the repos im trying to find it, maybe someone can point it out to shorten the time20:59
profanephobiajugimaster, its automatic20:59
``Cubeoh ok20:59
``Cubethanks man20:59
Budda|waseem: System>Admin>Software Sources20:59
Budda|And I've already ticked everything20:59
bsdunixi need help with broken ubuntu-desktop20:59
waseemlol yes20:59
waseemwell thats odd, ndiswrapper should be there20:59
profanephobiabsdunix, what is the problem again?20:59
waseemok just try and write ndiswrapper on its own and see if it does anything21:00
jugimasterprofanephobia: oh? well, i hoped it would be, tried to set ubuntu to _not_ detect my display (which it can't do), and to set the refresh rate slider to 60 (instead of 50, where it wants to be, but is not supposed to be with this LCD)..   but when i restarted CCSM, all the settings were back to their wrong values21:00
richoGot sveral *.iso that i wanna mount. are there any way to do that? Something like deamon tool perhaps?21:00
Longfellowhey, does anyone know the sudo command to install a .bin file?21:00
astro76!iso | richo21:00
uboturicho: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:00
richoastro76:  :D   ok21:00
bsdunixprofanephobia: login attempt breaks. error is gtk+ is trying to run setuid or setgid (gtk+ doesn't support that)21:00
waseemand in the repos you have to untick the get apps from CD21:00
jugimasterprofanephobia: i'm using a geforce 8800gts and samsung 226BW, and there seem to be some problems with these and Gutsy21:01
profanephobiajugimaster, id set all my screen options in the xorg.conf file... make a backup before proceeding21:01
Budda|waseem: it was ndiswrapper-common21:01
waseemBudda|:ahh i see, well i had to install it the manual way so sorry bout that21:01
jugimasterprofanephobia: well, i already tried dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, but it didn't work out21:01
waseemBudda|: next you need the ndisgtk21:01
profanephobiabsdunix, is there anyway you can paste the error for me... use pastebin21:01
jugimaster(it fails to detect this display)21:02
Budda|waseem: what was the second thing you waid?21:02
bsdunixprofanephobia: will do. thanks21:02
LongfellowHow do i install a .bin file?21:02
waseemBudda|: fairyly sure its ndisgtk on its own, but dont shoot me if im wrong21:02
Budda|Yea it was21:02
Budda|Done that, now what21:02
basculeI am having trouble installing ubuntu to an external drive cause I can't get grub to go on, not a BIOS drive it tells me, any suggestions?21:03
profanephobiajugimaster, well make a backup.. sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.orig and then open the file .... sudo gedit (or nano or vim etc..) /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:03
Budda|waseem: Now what?21:03
jugimasterprofanephobia: and somehow force the refresh rate to 60?  -but does it matter if ubuntu detects this display correctly or not?21:04
waseemBudda|: now that you have the ndisgtk app installed run it, (from gui or command line it shouldnt matter)21:04
profanephobiajugimaster, whats the display?21:04
jugimasterprofanephobia: it's a samsung 226BW, LCD21:04
profanephobiajugimaster, k one sec21:05
=== playya__ is now known as playya
Budda|waseem: where are my windows drives located?21:05
LongfellowDoes anyone know how to install a .bin file? I cant seem to install this one program21:05
profanephobiajugimaster, using gutsy?21:06
waseemBudda|:  did it say the hardware was present?21:06
bsdunixprofanephobia: http://www.pastebin.org/11108 is my gtk+ error message details.21:06
Budda|waseem: didn't say anything21:06
profanephobiajugimaster, im seeing where people ge tthis problem.. some fixed it with sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-intel21:06
richoastro76: works like a charm to mount .iso ;) thx AGAIN for outstanding help. I hope i will one day be good enough to repay all help i got21:06
Budda|A gui popped up saying "Currently Installed Windows Driver"21:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:07
DDuongLongfellow,  did you type sudo sh ./name.bin?21:07
Budda|And tehres nothing in the list21:07
waseemBudda|: i see... well like i was saying before21:07
Longfellowim new to ubuntu, im still getting used to it21:07
Longfellowill  give that a show21:07
waseemBudda|: you need to identify your chipset before you can install the right driver21:07
jugimasterprofanephobia: yes, but would it make sense to install some intel driver even though i'm not using an intel gfx chip ? :)21:07
Budda|waseem: How?21:07
Longfellowis there any place with a list of useful terminal commands?21:07
profanephobiajugimaster, yeah im not sure why that was posted as a fix... give me one more sec21:08
jugimasterok cool21:08
waseemBudda|: well do you have an installation disc (if its usb) or know what wireless card you have if its pci21:08
profanephobiajugimaster, although they swear by it21:08
richoLongfellow: yeah good idea. could prob use that to ;)21:08
jugimasterLongfellow: here's a good tutorial on commands http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-unix-commandline/index.html21:08
Longfellowyeah that command didn't work21:08
Longfellowawesome thanks you21:08
n00biehi, i'm trying to install flashplugin-nonfree... but i'm getting the following errors:21:09
n00biemd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz21:09
DDuongLongfellow,  what did it say when it didn't work?21:09
n00bieThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.21:09
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:09
Budda|waseem: I have an installation disc, and the card is DLink DWL-G51021:09
profanephobiajugimaster, it seems youre going to have to set the resolution by hand for that screen in xorg.conf21:09
waseemBudda|: hold up im looking it up21:09
Longfellowit said it couldn't open the file21:09
jugimasterprofanephobia: hmm ok, but xorg.conf is a bit intimidating21:09
jugimasterprofanephobia: is there just some simple setting for the refresh rate?21:10
profanephobiabsdunix, im not familiar with this error... post the question again using that pastebin link, someone will get to you sry21:10
bsdunixprofanephobia: thanks21:10
profanephobiajugimaster, have you tried gutsy's screen and resolutions tool yet?21:10
waseemBudda|: is it pci or usb?21:10
linux__i need osme help21:10
DDuongLongfellow,  what are it's permissoins on that file?21:10
DDuongLongfellow,  *permissions21:10
Budda|waseem: pci21:10
jugimasterprofanephobia: well, yeah i think i have, but it doesn't let me choose anything other than 50hz21:11
waseemi see21:11
izmaelishello, everybody21:11
linux__can someone help me i cant connect my laptop to the internet21:11
izmaelisI have very old DFI CW35-S Rev.2 MoBo with integrated sound. What module shoulde i load to enable sound?21:11
Longfellowill check now21:11
profanephobiajugimaster, other than editing xorg.. im not sure how else to set a custom refresh rate21:11
Flare183!ask | linux__21:11
ubotulinux__: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:11
jugimasterprofanephobia: i guess it's because ubuntu hasn't detected the screen properly, so it doesn't want to let me choose anything21:11
rhalffhi  I'm trying to install ubuntu server with a 3ware raid controller, driver 3w-9xxx (3ware 9650se), the setup goes fine and I can partition my drive, but when setup is finished and reboots it will hang with only a dead cursor to see21:12
jugimasterprofanephobia: i'll give it a try.   - thanks for your help! :)21:12
rhalffhow to debug this21:12
waseemBudda|: have a look at this21:12
profanephobiajugimaster, right, im sry good luck!21:12
waseemBudda|: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/DWL-G51021:12
tongueroough, how can i get grep to only print out the filename of matches only, and only one filename even if there are multiple matches in the file..21:12
askandShouldnt gutsy have out of the box support for ntfs?21:12
Longfellowi just fixed the permissions and nothing changed21:12
DDuongLongfellow,  what did you fix it to?21:13
waseemBudda|: Im gonna have to go soon but i think you should be alright with that and if you get an error just hope someone round here will help or post a thread in the wireless section of the forum (not beginner help)21:13
DDuongLongfellow,  did you also try to redownload the file and try it again?21:13
waseemBudda|: good luck ;)21:13
sigma i don't understand why my synce isn't working, i followed the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile to the tee, when i connect my device the pc picks it up because it creates a new ip address in network connections but synce refuses to see it, funnily enough if i enable my wireless modem synce picks up the device but obviously cannot sync to it, any help?21:13
bsdunixaskand: ntfs "support" is an invitation to liability. ntfs writes are still iffy, i believe. may create unusable filesystems, last i heard21:13
DDuongLongfellow, mind if I ask, what are you trying to install?21:13
Longfellowi tried that, i changed the permissions to all checked21:14
Longfellowa game called graal21:14
askandbsdunix: but fat32 cant use 4gb+ files?21:14
wols_askand: right21:14
emesdoes the stock ubuntu kernel read HFS+ and a GUID partition table?21:15
DDuongLongfellow,  ok, I'm downloading that now and see if I can install it21:15
differentrealityi want to use gaim but my email is in gmail.com  with msn messenger i had made my email compatible with msn messenger... with gaim how do I use my gmail email ?21:15
bsdunixaskand: i think i've succesfully copied 4+GB movie images to my fat32 swap drive21:15
stonedjayHi... I have an user without add/remove option in menu... how could I install the flash plugin?  I have installed with another user, Ubuntu Restricted Extras package, but this package does not aply to all users, why?21:15
askandbsdunix: :O any special program?21:16
rparkhursthow compatible is the blackberry with linux?21:16
DDuongrparkhurst,  depends what you want to do with it21:16
Longfellowok thank you21:16
bsdunixaskand: again, i'm not sure. try it.21:16
rparkhurstDDuong:  sync it with evolution and tether with it21:16
askandbsdunix: yea I tried but it didnt work for me21:16
mcquaidi have a need for one of those dynamic ip things.  I see no-ip and dyndns are both available for linux.  Any thoughts on which is better?21:17
bsdunixaskand: were you using drag and drop...via smb// ?i use cli. actually typing full path names, quoting windows pathnames when they had spaces in them, using cp21:18
astro76mcquaid, both are fine, dyndns seems to have had more support in consumer routers21:18
DDuongrparkhurst,  hrmmm that I'm not sure of.  The only thing I know is that you can charge your bb in linux (of course you have to downlad a program to do that)21:19
mcquaidastro76, what about setup?  I think dyndns has a gui config.  do they both run as a system service?21:19
DDuongLongfellow,  hrmmm strange, it doesn't work for it.  Says syntax error21:19
tgillespieanyone experienced in xlib development?21:19
bsdunixaskand: i use quotes like this; "Documents and Settings"21:19
stonedjay Hi... I have an user without add/remove option in menu... how could I install the flash plugin?  I have installed with another user, Ubuntu Restricted Extras package, but this package does not aply to all users, why?21:20
astro76mcquaid, dunno about their linux software because I just use my router as a dyndns client21:20
askandbsdunix: ah ok...according to wikipedia the maximum filesize fat32 can handle is only 4 gb :(21:20
LongfellowIll just find some other game to occupy my time then, lol21:20
DDuongLongfellow,  and i can't find any documentation on their site...21:20
bsdunixaskand: that may be. let me try one here21:20
tgillespieLongfellow alienarena!21:21
LongfellowYeah they dont have much21:21
tgillespiefps game21:21
tgillespieits awesome21:21
astro76mcquaid, there's ez-ipupdate already in Ubuntu's repos, claims to support a bunch of services, including dyndns, but not noip21:21
astro76mcquaid, so I'm sensing a trend21:21
tgillespielongfellow: what sort of game are you looking for?21:21
mcquaidcool thx21:21
LongfellowNot really sure, Im in to FPS's and RPGs mainly21:22
astro76mcquaid, I see there's a no-ip client too in the repos21:22
jobu1543Hi all - I'm having trouble booting from a degraded raid; I get dropped into busybox. I can get the degraded raid running using mdadm -run, but I don't know how to get the computer to boot into linux afterwards because "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" Any suggestions?21:22
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mcquaidyes just noticed that. well i'll probably start with dyndns and see how it goes21:23
tgillespiealen arena, tremulous, urban terror, warsow are all good oss fps, and then theres quake and ut commercially21:23
mcquaidthe dyndns client is ddclient, just looking into ez-ip now21:23
Longfellowill check out alien arena, thank you21:23
tgillespie:D no probs21:23
faintofheartsMy Ubuntu suddenly stopped detecting my sound card on startup.21:24
faintofheartsDoes anyone know what may have caused it or how I can fix it?21:25
kazolI have a problem with Ubuntu crashing all the time.21:25
GigaClonis there a web page with printer recommendations for dapper?21:25
FRKPROubuntu rules21:25
Seveasfaintofhearts, probably you played too much britney spears and your machine gave up on you ;)21:25
bsdunixaskand: i am having trouble finding something 4GB+!21:25
kazolFRKPRO: How come it crashes all the time and has bugs?21:25
Seveasfaintofhearts, if you think that's a false accusation, run this command: dmesg21:26
Seveasand pastebin its output21:26
faintofheartsSeriously though, lspci is turning up an audio device21:26
Seveaskazol, whining to /dev/null please. This is a support channel21:26
FRKPROshoop da whoop21:27
kazolSeveas: Yes, I have a problem with Ubuntu crashing-the whole GUI disappears and the login window is opened.21:27
FRKPROhmm whats better suse or ubuntu21:27
kazolFRKPRO: SuSe is more stable in my experience.21:27
SeveasFRKPRO, what's better: apples or oranges21:27
Seveaskazol, last warning: whining to /dev/null21:28
wols_kazol: then run suse. please do21:28
FRKPROi dunna21:28
faintofheartsseveas: http://pastebin.com/m3bd00d7d21:28
kazolSeveas: I'm trying to get help-my Ubuntu system is crashing.21:28
SeveasFRKPRO, they both have their pros and cons. In here most people will probably say ubuntu is better21:28
d0rtFRKPRO: emacs is so much better than vi21:28
Seveaskazol, way to be specific21:28
tgillespiesuse's better on a server21:28
askandbsdunix: yeah its mostly dvdimages21:28
simmerzdoes the 32bit version of ubuntu support PAE?21:28
wols_kazol: "my crah is stopping" is about as useful to a mechanic trying to diagnose a car problem21:28
tgillespieubuntu's better on desktop21:28
kazolwols_: I do run SuSe on my server (that has never crashed).21:28
FRKPROyeah, kde>gnome21:28
wols_kazol: google "mart questions" and follow its advice21:29
Pocket1hi, i have got a SB Live (SB0220) and i cant use the microphone21:29
faintofheartsOh wow...21:29
Pocket1anyone know how to get it run or what drivers do i need?21:29
faintofheartsSomething died21:29
faintofheartsAnd it's restricted drivers21:29
mhikucan ubuntu support mmo games?21:29
Pocket1not for linux?21:30
kazolwols_: When I leave the system on for a couple hours, all the windows are lost (X-server crash?) and the login screen appears.21:30
kazolwols_: I could not get anything in dmesg.21:30
stothepizzleim having some audio problems :'(21:30
Seveaskazol, are you running compiz?21:30
kazolwols_: Once I found the computer having a blank screen with all 3 keyboard LEDs blinking.21:30
nik_hello, on my laptop there is a special key for accessing the right-click menu (context menü) ... but hitting it nothing happens..any idea?21:30
kazolSeveas: Yes, with compiz-fusion.21:30
Seveaskazol, disable it and see if that helps21:31
kazolSeveas: There's no fix for the problem?21:31
Seveaskazol, let's first identify the problem and then try to fix it21:31
jobu1543anyone familiar with booting a degraded raid 1 system?21:31
Pocket1there is a channel about Sound Blaster cards for ubuntu?21:31
stothepizzlecan i get a little help my ubuntu install refuses to make ANY sound at all21:32
brobostigongood evening21:32
Seveasstothepizzle, run this command and pastebin its output: amixer21:32
GIMP22does anyone know how to increment (or do arithemetic) in a bash script? Stuff like ((++savename)) gives me an error, I'm ushing bash21:33
FRKPROmacs are better than linuxes21:33
white_eaglei have a problem with google earth(the latest stable build), when I try to run it, the splash screen starts and the program doesn't load the splash screen just stays that way21:33
GIMP22driving me insane how hard it is to just do a simple increment in bash scripts21:33
Seveasfaintofhearts, why are you so sure ubuntu stopped detecting the card? Can't it just be muted?21:33
brobostigonfrkpro, what about linux on a mac??21:33
FRKPROi mean mac os21:34
FRKPROlinux wasn't working on my mac book21:34
white_eagledo I need a plugin of somekind or not?21:34
cliebow_brobostigon, i use it some on a g421:34
stothepizzlehere comes the pastebin21:34
stothepizzleSimple mixer control 'Master',021:34
stothepizzle  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined21:34
stothepizzle  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right21:34
stothepizzle  Limits: Playback 0 - 4321:34
stothepizzle  Mono:21:34
FRKPRObut it is working on my pc21:34
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:34
faintofheartsSeveas: Because when I click on Volume Control it tells me that it either can't detect the card or doesn't have the drivers. I'm pretty sure it's the drivers though, because I cant get restricted drivers working at all anymore.21:34
Seveaswhite_eagle, google earth is not part of ubuntu, maybe google can help you :)21:34
Seveasfaintofhearts, fair enough21:35
brobostigonubuntu gutsyy works on my ibook g3 more or less perfectly21:35
Paddy_EIREwhite_eagle, how did you install it? and have you ran 'google-earth' in a terminal yet to see if there is any error output?21:35
Seveasfaintofhearts, pastebin the output of lspci and lsmod21:35
stothepizzlesorry for the spam guys21:35
ubuntu__Hi Seveas21:35
stothepizzlei meant to send it in one21:36
Seveas!pastebin | stothepizzle21:36
ubotustothepizzle: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:36
faintofheartsSeveas: http://pastebin.com/m1041660621:36
stothepizzlesorry... am a noob21:36
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Seveasnp :)21:36
Flare183Can someone tell me where i can find the recipe for Ubuntu Cake?21:36
DanaGWWheres' the auto-bug-title-reading ubotu?21:36
Seveaseeeek ati audio, wth is that ;)21:37
migmAnyone have any idea what drivers to use for "ATI Rage Theater/ATI Radeon" card?21:37
ploomGIMP22, how about counter=$((counter + 1)) ?? See http://www.google.com/search?q=bash+script+increment21:37
migm32 mb21:37
faintofheartsSeveas: http://pastebin.com/m65226f9221:37
samuelHello, in this command : ls `kde-config --prefix`/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/  ... I don't understand the `kde-config --prefix` part. Any tip ?21:37
stothepizzlethanks to the audio helpers http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47740/21:37
GIMP22ploom, tried that. It's weird at the bash terminal things like ((++i)) work just fine but once you put it in a .sh it throws errors21:38
faintofheartslol op'd21:38
Seveasfaintofhearts, modprobe snd-atiixp21:38
DanaGIf it's azalia, it's snd-hda-intel.21:39
geniiFlare183: I found a link for ubuntu cookies if you want it21:39
SeveasDanaG, lspci said an ati soundcard though21:39
ubuntu__grub doesn't care if the drive is SATA?21:39
Flare183genii:> ok sure21:39
faintofheartsNow what, Seveas?21:39
DanaGIt's called hda-intel because Intel designed the standard, even though others now use the standard.21:39
Flare183genii:> what the link?21:39
ploomGIMP22, aah, once you put in on the .sh script, its no longer bash21:40
stothepizzlecan anyone give me a hand with my audio problem... my ubuntu isnt making any sound21:40
Seveasfaintofhearts, did that give you your soundcard back? :)21:40
GIMP22oh god, so .sh uses completely different syntax?21:40
DanaGOh yeah, and my onboard audio device works, but can't capture anything.21:40
Narissaso I have not so much a question but an educated guess involving the hardware cursor option, nVidia drivers, and Gutsy.  According to recent Fedora forums they have the same problem where HWCursor had to be disabled.  now, one of their "solutions" has been to remove rhgb, or in ubuntu's case usplash.  anyone following so far21:40
GIMP22any idea how to do the most simple things like..increment a variable in .sh?21:40
DanaGI mean, it doesn't even capture silence -- it just hangs.21:40
unopGIMP22, depends what shell is invoked in the shebang line of .sh21:41
Flare183genii, yeah sure what's the link?21:41
Seveasfaintofhearts, what does dmesg say?21:41
geniiFlare183: http://blog.josephhall.com/2006/11/sugar-cookies.html21:41
DanaGarecord -fcd -Dhw:021:41
DanaGRecording WAVE 'stdin' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, Rate 44100 Hz, Stereo21:41
DanaGRIFF$�WAVEfmt &#x10;&#x1;&#x2;D�&#x10;�&#x2;&#x4;&#x10;data�21:41
GIMP22so if I do #!/bin/bash as the first line21:41
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:41
GIMP22the .sh will accept bash like syntax?21:41
tupsonQuestion, when launching FileZilla, the font color for the local and remote window are "White" and I have to select a file to actually read the data, I have changed all the possible font colors in "Appearance" I could to adjust this, any other suggestions?21:41
Seveasfaintofhearts, try what DanaG said: modprobe snd-hda-intel, and inspect dmesg afterwards21:41
stothepizzlewould anyone be able to help me, ubuntu is not able to make any sound at all21:41
Seveas!repeat | stothepizzle21:41
ubotustothepizzle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:41
DanaGFor me, after that second diamond-question-mark, I get this:21:41
DanaGarecord: pcm_read:1346: read error: Input/output error21:41
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:41
faintofheartsOk, here's the deal. I've been spending most of today setting up a virtual machine using Virtualbox. In order to do so I had to mess around with some kernel stuff. Since then I cause use my restricted drivers because it tells me to get a new program for a different kernel, but the program doesn't exist.21:41
unopGIMP22, then bash is ued to run that script -- so yes, all semantics are bash related21:42
ubuntu__stothepizzle: ^^^21:42
Flare183genii:> cool thanks21:42
faintofheartsFATAL: Module snd_hda_intel not found.21:42
geniiFlare183: np21:43
MR-REznOrhi, i just compiled mono from svn on my ubuntu machine. its compiled and installed the binaries to /usr/local/bin . i had a previous older version from synaptic and its in /usr/bin. when i type mono it picks up the old version. is there some way i can tell linux to prefer /usr/local/bin in this case?21:43
MirrorImageI don't have a background. There's no icons, no wallpaper, and I can't right click.21:43
faintofheartsI don't have an Intel chipset21:43
faintofheartsAt all21:43
MirrorImageAny sugesstions? : /21:43
Seveasfaintofhearts, snd-hda-intel21:43
wols_faintofhearts: what soundcard is it?21:44
DanaGIt doesn't matter that the chipset isn't Intel.  The fact that the module is entirely missing is likely the issue.21:44
Hajikihey guys how can i format my swap partition? cuz every time i boot it says Fail...21:45
faintofheartsI have a different kernel21:45
SeveasMR-REznOr, I'd say that if you don't know how to do that, you should not be messing around with svn versions of things like mono21:46
MasterShrek_Hajiki:sudo mkswap /dev/xxxx21:46
Seveasthat said, just cahnge your $PATH to have /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin and you're done21:46
HajikiMasterShrek_: thanks21:46
AnveoIf I have a directory chmodded 744, and owner/group is www-data, and I have a user where one of the groups he belongs to is www-data, why does this user get permission denied when tryin gto access the directory21:47
MR-REznOrSeveas, I tried that, /usr/local/bin is the first path in $PATH and its like its ignoring it or something21:47
cizarris there any option to Reset the apt-get to default(conf, sources...) ?21:47
MasterShrek_Anveo: have you logged out and back in since adding that user to that group?21:49
AnveoI have not21:49
AnveoI suppose I should try that :)21:49
SeveasAnveo, because you need execute permission to enter a dir21:49
MasterShrek_Seveas: no u dont21:49
MasterShrek_i dont think so at least21:49
SeveasMasterShrek_, yes you do21:49
SeveasAnveo, so you need mode 755 on that dir21:49
Seveas(or 711 if you don't want people to be able to list the contents)21:50
AnveoI did the 755 and I can enter the directory, but I still can't create a file21:50
Seveasof course not21:50
Seveasyou need 775 for that :)21:50
SeveasAnveo, if you're confused by numeric values for permissions, use thing like chmod g+w21:51
DanaGI hate nvidia drivers.21:51
pgdexAnyone know how to get my boot time to below five seconds? :D21:51
pgdexDanaG: Welcome to the group21:51
DanaGI just had Xorg hard-lock to where I had to SAK it.21:51
DanaGI'd rather "Sack" it.21:52
pgdexDanaG: You better start a facebook group to release your anger.21:52
david__hello all, what's the french irc for ubuntu thanks21:52
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.21:52
DanaGOddly, my music from Amarok (through PulseAudio) kept playing without issue.21:52
david__thank you!21:52
AnveoSeveas, Whoops, I ment to type 775, however I still cannot create a file21:52
ubotuHvis du vil diskutere Ubuntu paa norsk, venligst gaa til #ubuntu-no. Takk!21:52
SeveasAnveo, then you need to logout + log in :)21:53
cizarrpff my apt-get messed up... im getting gpg error when trying apt-get update... : The following signature couldnt be verified....21:53
cizarrhow could i fix that?21:53
pgdexAnyone know how to get my boot time to below five seconds?21:53
Seveascizarr, pastebin your sources.list21:53
DanaGFall asleep and dream about it?21:54
DanaGBeats me.21:54
AnveoSeveas, well done, thanks :)21:54
cizarrseveas: i cant get copy/paste working from putty :(21:55
IdleOnectrl+c and ctrl+v21:56
IdleOneshould work21:56
wols_select stuff in putty with mouse and it's in clipboard21:56
cizarrit doesnt IdleOne21:56
wols_press right mouse button in putty and the clipbaord content is pasted into putty21:56
wols_very sunoke abd X like. unfortunately putty is not ubuntu so it's OT21:57
=== gonza is now known as gonza4
cizarrcant get it copied :(21:57
wols_select stuff with left mousebutton in putty and it is copied21:57
cizarrwols_, well... it dont copy it21:58
Seveaswols_, apt-get install putty :)21:58
ubotuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide21:58
Seveas!info putty21:58
ubotuputty: Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60-1 (gutsy), package size 302 kB, installed size 744 kB21:58
wols_Seveas: it's X. should copy+paste like X too :)21:59
warlock_handlerhi guys22:00
warlock_handlerhow would i know if i hav XGL on my uBuntu or not22:00
arefanyone ever had gnome make all your home directory files visible on the desktop? it's rather annoying22:00
wols_warlock_handler: dpkg -l |grep xserver-xgl22:00
Slartaref: I've heard that from other people.. I haven't had it happen to me so far22:00
gonza4hello i have a digium card, but i will use SIP Trunks (dont connect my card to any provider). Do i need to configure zaptel.conf zapata.conf? can i use the card as a timing device (for i.e. app_meetme)22:00
soulrideris the wiki down ot something?22:01
Slartaref: can't remember what caused it.. but you're not the first one22:01
warlock_handler<wols_>: ok got it... and ya it is installed22:01
arefSlart: hehe, well, that's a relief, of sorts :p22:01
warlock_handlerI am trying to configure my compiz on my Ubuntu 7.1022:01
cizarrok got it work via middle mouse lol22:01
warlock_handlerit tells me to installed a  nvidia driver22:01
warlock_handleronce i do that and restart my ubuntu hangs22:02
warlock_handlerdoesnt even come to the login screen22:02
lolwutubuntuis there some magical thing i have to do to get broadcom wireless to work on ubuntu?22:02
reportingsj1Is there a folder that cvs always downloads to? I don't know where the files I checked out are now xD22:02
warlock_handleranybody can help me out22:02
warlock_handleri had 6.10 before this.. and beryl worked great on it22:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:03
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:03
wols_warlock_handler: remove it22:03
RedHeronlolwutubuntu: yes, change to something other than broadcom. ;-) (just kidding, but it was funny)22:03
cizarranyway, Seveas , here's my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/m18a20a5422:03
marek|nano_stop spamming with the bot22:03
warlock_handlerwols_: dude can i PM u22:03
lolwutubuntuwell the broadcom is built into the laptop22:03
srccodeHello... tough xorg.conf issue here22:03
lolwutubuntui would change if i could...22:03
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lolwutubuntuand that restricted drivers thing didn't do anything except taunt me by letting me SEE the networks but not connect22:04
warlock_handlerwols_: ok what should i remove?22:04
emeswhat are the linux tools for working with GUID partition tables?22:04
srccodein xorg.conf if I use the symlink in /dev/input/by-path it fails on init, yet if i use the path in /dev/input (not the symlink) it works fine... any ideas?22:04
warlock_handlerwols_: and then?22:04
wols_and pastebin your Xorg.0.log22:04
wols_warlock_handler: does the graphical login show?22:04
toonikHi , I have a problem with X and a Radeon 9200 SE  after installing UbuntuStudio 7.10 . I must edit xorg.conf and use "vesa" instead "ati"  to see my desktop , but I loose the graphic aceleration . I  can get 3d graphic acceleration with Debian Etch , on the same machine using "ati" as driver .   Here is a video that shows the problem, The cursor works fine but the background its what you can see,   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22:04
warlock_handlerwols_: nope22:05
Flare183Does anybody know for sure if a Radeon 9200 series card works with XGL?22:05
wols_emes: parted can. maybe gparted22:05
Seveascizarr, that's a HORRIBLE sources.list22:05
wols_Flare183: I know for sure it doesn't since it's uncessesary22:05
cizarrSeveas, i know.. it messed up... any idea for new one?22:05
Flare183wols_:> what?22:06
wols_Flare183: XGL is not necessary on a ati 920022:06
lolwutubuntudoes anyone have a working broadcom wireless thingy using ubuntu?22:06
lolwutubuntuit worked with 6.10 and 7.04 but not 7.1022:06
Seveascizarr, yeah22:06
warlock_handlerwols_: no GUI login22:06
ubotuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flamewars: war, race, religion, politics (unless related to software licencing), gender, sexuality, drugs, questionable legal activities, removing of oneself from the planet (except by space or time travel) are not for here, perhaps #off-topic or ##politics. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy) - Thanks.22:06
emeswols_: thanks22:06
wols_warlock_handler: I asked you for something22:06
toonikSorry , here is the video link complete  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgUBq61_4rg22:06
lolwutubuntuwell it works with 7.10 but it does some funky thing where it gets an ip address then decides to release it and say failed to connect22:06
ActySoftskind of a strange problem over here, but gnome doesn't show the shutdown button O.o22:07
Flare183wols_:>I'm using aiglx but i can't use the water effect unless i am using XGL22:07
ActySoftswhen I go to System --> Quit...22:07
Seveascizarr, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47745/22:07
wols_Flare183: why not?22:07
cizarrthanks Seveas !22:08
alanbshepard70Is there an easy way to save all the updates for a base 7.10 install on a CD so I can install them right after installation of a new system without having to redownload them each time?22:08
wols_alanbshepard70: apt-zip22:08
Flare183wols_:> aiglx is not capable of doing the water effect, XGL is22:08
t4m1n0what is better in settings for wifi router wireless mode: I have a choice of mixex, B-only, G-only and after burnner.. what does B-only man, or G-Only '22:08
alanbshepard70wols_: thanks.22:09
InuKen\join ubuntu22:09
Slartt4m1n0: aren't those different speeds? 54 MBit, 108 MBit, etc22:09
ActySoftsInuKen: you're already there22:09
zero-1Im having issues with squid on dapper, is suppose to not cache cgi's however it keeps on doing it, the rest of of it works just fine22:09
Seveast4m1n0, 802.11B and 802.11G are 2 different versions of the IEEE 802.11 wireless standard22:10
zero-1this is the error messages I get:2007/12/10 14:04:39| parseConfigFile: line 707 unrecognized: 'cache deny QUERY'22:10
zero-12007/12/10 14:04:39| parseConfigFile: line 725 unrecognized: 'broken_vary_encoding allow apache'22:10
zero-12007/12/10 14:04:39| parseConfigFile: line 1106 unrecognized: 'access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid'22:10
cafuegot4m1n0: They define speed and available encryption.22:10
Flare183!paste | zero-122:10
ubotuzero-1: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:10
Seveast4m1n0, G is newer and faster, but choosing mix is ok22:10
cafuegot4m1n0: B Can do 11<bit with WEP only.22:10
Slartt4m1n0: or not only speeds.. different version of the protocol or somet.. oh.. what Seveas said sounds nicer =)22:10
cafuegot4m1n0: G does up to 54M, and allows for WPA.22:10
douglaskt4m1n0: B-Only limits the router to Wireless B (slower than wireless G).  G-Only limits it to Wireless G only (54Mbps), Afterburner prolly allows either and may have a 'speed booster' for network cards of the same brand.22:10
ActySoftsdoes anyone know why I don't have the shutdown button?22:10
Flare183actysofts:> xgl22:11
fevelim having trouble installing flash plugin on firefox, it asks for the plugin but when I click on the green puzzlepiece it says it is already installed22:11
wols_Seveas: mix is not good. slowsd down G a lot22:11
ActySoftsFlare283: ?22:11
manoloHI to all. Cannot use the microphone of my laptop. I get a "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat" pipe error. Ubuntu Gutsy uname -r 2.6.22-14-generic22:11
douglaskActySofts: If you have the button on the top toolbar, you may not be an administrative user; It doesn't show it if you've not got the permissions to use it.  Do you see a log out button?22:11
t4m1n0cafuego, Seveas douglask : problem is that my speed is somehow very slow... and mode is to mixed.... and we only use wep... can I still set it to G so that way I'll increase speed *22:11
hvgotcodesis it safe to just remove entries from sources?22:12
Flare183actysofts:> see the howto on xgl22:12
Seveast4m1n0, yes22:12
hvgotcodesFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntustudio.org/ubuntustudio/dists/feisty/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'archive.ubuntustudio.org'22:12
BenalexHello all, is there a program that may store a database of CDs and DVDs, which stores files names and comments, so I can search it instead of going throu my discs bank?22:12
Seveast4m1n0, if your wireless cards support it :)22:12
cafuegot4m1n0: Sure, but ther speed you end up with will still depend on the chipset in your cpmputer.22:12
cizarrSeveas, take a look pls: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47748/ im getting GPG errors22:12
ActySoftsdouglask: yep, all of them except the shutdown, when I go to System -> Quit...22:12
hvgotcodesi want to get rid of output like that22:12
douglaskt4m1n0: It may or may not increase the speed if your problem is signal strength or quality.22:12
Slarthvgotcodes: depends on your definition of safe.. nothing will break right away22:12
warlock_handlerwols_: ok here you go no GUI login22:12
hvgotcodesSlart: what should I do about apt-get update failing to find archives22:12
warlock_handlerwols_: oops http://pastie.caboo.se/12666422:13
douglaskActySofts: It's a permissions issue...  Try launching the user control from the system settings menu and make sure you're an admin.22:13
Slarthvgotcodes: ah... yes.. you can just remove or comment the lines that don't work any more.. that's safe22:13
hvgotcodesok thanx22:13
t4m1n0cafuego, Seveas douglask: I have: 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 01)22:13
=== strudel is now known as sttuppen
cafuegoHmm... a 4311. Your mileage may vary on that.22:14
warlock_handlerwols_: hi u there??22:14
wols_warlock_handler: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)22:14
=== AskHL_ is now known as AskHL
ActySoftsdouglask: yep, I have pretty much everything22:14
nananuuhow can I get the program for weather from airport?22:14
wols_warlock_handler: output of "lspci" and "dpkg -l |grep nvidia" please22:14
warlock_handlerwols_: what should i do now22:14
LattyHey all, not sure how this goes rule wise, but just a mention to visit scan.co.uk and hit the big Christmas banner in the middle - they are doing a thing where if you submit a message, they give 20p to the NSPCC. If you drop by and do it (a couple of seconds, literally) it'd be great. Scan are a good shop for computer stuff too.22:14
cafuegot4m1n0: Just try it, I guess.22:14
feveldid anyone have problemas with flashplugin on firefox ??? it is installed but firefox still asks for the plugin22:14
NineTeen67CometHello .. I'm having some difficulties with a bad hdd I have. I used dd_rescute to make an .img file of the entire device (/dev/sdc) now I would like to mount that .img file so I can extract what files it could rescue. When I use loop I get: sudo mount -t udf backup2.img /media/img-mount -o loop .. /media/backup/backup2.img: Is a directory22:15
The_DonJust testing sorry...22:15
milkahello how to join germany ?22:15
The_DonOK, cool! ^_^22:15
cafuegot4m1n0: if B works, G should be fine as well.22:15
warlock_handlerwarlock@warlock-desktop:~$ dpkg -l |grep nvidia22:15
warlock_handlerii  nvidia-glx                                 1:1.0.9639+            NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver22:15
warlock_handlerii  nvidia-kernel-common                       20051028+1ubuntu7                    NVIDIA binary kernel module common files22:15
t4m1n0cafuego, problem is if I change settings on router, I won't be albe to backup it...22:15
douglaskActySofts: As I'm at work without my linux laptop, I can't really poke around for the answer.  One other thing... If you have both KDE and Gnome installed, try logging in with the other desktop.22:15
t4m1n0cafuego, well... g is newer...22:15
ActySoftsI had kde, but I got rid of it22:15
wols_NineTeen67Comet: a hdd backup is NOT of type udf22:15
warlock_handlerwols_: ii  nvidia-glx                                 1:1.0.9639+            NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver22:15
douglaskActySofts: I've seen cases where Kde had more options than gnome and vice versa.22:15
wols_warlock_handler: pastebin22:15
cafuegoYeah, nevertheless, it'll be fine.22:15
kane77milka, /join #ubuntu-de22:15
warlock_handlerwols_: ok22:16
remote_matrixsoundray are u around?22:16
ActySoftsyeah, but this is kinda funny, you can't shut down the system22:16
milkakane77 thx22:16
cafuegot4m1n0: Keep in mind, if you an't connect after changing, just use the cat5 that surely came with it.22:16
remote_matrixQ. Does anyone know how to mess with trip_points in acpi/thermal_zone ?22:16
NineTeen67Cometwols_: I tried using xfs like the hdd was but that results in the same error .. Ideas? My wife's about to yak my ear off about it .. lol22:16
douglaskActySofts: Try this: press alt-f2, type in "gksu shutdown -h now", click Ok.22:16
wols_NineTeen67Comet: easym you did a disk backup instead of a partition backup22:16
ActySoftsalso, the ubuntu servers are not responding so I can't use any of the doc >.>22:16
warlock_handlerwols_: ok, http://pastie.caboo.se/12666722:17
t4m1n0cafuego, what is cat5 ?22:17
douglaskActySofts: WARNING: that will shutdown your system22:17
wols_NineTeen67Comet: man mount and check "offset"22:17
cafuegot4m1n0: network cabl22:17
wols_t4m1n0: type of network cable22:17
NineTeen67Cometwols_: n'k .. thanks .. I forgot about offset .. lemme look .. thank you22:17
wols_warlock_handler: no nvidia kernel module. install it22:17
t4m1n0cafuego, wols_  I can't... router is in a locked room22:17
ActySoftsdouglask, well, I'll try a reboot, not much I can do either >.>22:17
warlock_handlerwols_: can i just apt-get it?22:17
wols_warlock_handler: yes. apt-cache search nvidia |grep kernel22:18
nananuuhow can I get the program for weather from airport?22:18
wols_warlock_handler: choose the one fitting for your installed glx package22:18
nananuuapt-get install ....22:18
[n0c]nananuu: what weather program?22:18
nananuuto see the weather from nearest airport22:19
[n0c]you in gnome or kde?22:19
vltHello. How can I connect vncserver to a listening vncviewer instance?22:19
[n0c]nananuu: gnome, just right click on your top pannel and click add to pannel.. then pick weather report22:20
warlock_handlerwols_: i can figure out which is the best suited one... could u help me http://pastie.caboo.se/12666722:20
warlock_handlerwols_: i can't22:20
[n0c]nananuu: after that you can right click on preferences and then put in a city/zip22:20
DanaGHeh, the gnome weather thingy doesn't let you choose by zip code.22:20
[n0c]mmk, whatever :P22:20
cizarrany solution for the  "C compiler cannot create executables..." issue?22:21
nananuu[n0c],  ok snx22:21
[n0c]nananuu: no problem22:21
unopcizarr, what command gives you that error?22:21
cafuegocizarr: Check configure.log and see what is missing,.22:21
cizarrunop: ./configure (apache2)22:21
cafuegocizarr: Any reason you're compiling apache2 and not using the packages btw?22:22
wols_warlock_handler: what ubuntu version?22:22
hajikihey when i shut down my computer sometimes another gdm appears before shutting down. How can i remove that other gdm??? If it helps installed kubuntu-desktop a while ago but later removed it, could it be a kdm?22:22
warlock_handlerwols_: 7.1022:22
wols_warlock_handler: how did you install nvidia drivers?22:22
cafuegocizarr: sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-prefork22:22
cizarrcafeuego: my system messed up with the 2 versions of apache when apt-get'in it... so i prefer manual install22:22
* cafuego cringes22:23
Tyczekhi... is there possiblity to force gnome-panel to use /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness to change brightness or is there other application?22:23
warlock_handlerwols_: System >> administrator >> screens and graphics22:23
igcekhelo... im just wondering is help.ubuntu.com really offline?22:24
hajikihey when i shut down my computer sometimes another gdm appears before shutting down. How can i remove that other gdm??? If it helps I installed kubuntu-desktop a while ago but later removed it, could that be a kdm?22:25
warlock_handlerwols_: any solution22:25
wols_warlock_handler: your version of the nvidia driver is not in the repos so I doubt it22:25
wols_variant: install both kernel sources and glx again22:25
warlock_handlerwols_: so what do i do now22:25
wols_or: sudo dpkr-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:25
idiotwhen trying to compile a latex document i get "error: no driver specified".  is there some latex package or latex library i can just apt-get to make everything work?22:26
wols_choose the nv driver, start X and install the nvidia driver again22:26
warlock_handlerwols_: which nvidia driver should i choose this time22:26
cizarrerrggh ... anyone met that issue: http://pastebin.com/m78a70754 ?22:26
wols_!nvidia warlock_handler22:27
wols_there is only one for your card usually22:27
wols_!nvidia  | warlock_handler22:27
ubotuwarlock_handler: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:27
esoterikthere wouldnt be any gateway c140 owners in here would there be?22:27
wols_!anyone | esoterik22:27
ubotuesoterik: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:27
spydabyteomg do i need some help ...22:28
* spydabyte chuckles22:28
spydabytewhy would i be able to ssh in using int ip and my friend can connect using external ip but user/name he puts in are wrong yet i use em fine ..22:29
edheldilwhat do ppl here use for their IRC client? The XChat I have in Ubuntu is pathetic compared to xchat I have elsewhere ... :(22:29
* NineTeen67Comet Pidgin22:29
edheldilmaybe he uses keys22:30
spydabyteedheldil . that to me ?22:30
jeroenvrphi folks22:30
cafuegoedheldil: You could just install and use xchat rather than gnome-xchat of course.22:30
TyczekI have xchat on ubuntu22:30
TyczekIt's great22:30
spydabytesomeone plz help :)22:31
jeroenvrpwhat is a good price in euro for a second hand NVIDIA 6800 GT Grapgic card?!22:31
edheldilahh, cafuego, thanks. That looks like a good advice :)22:31
OthelloI bought a new 7600GS for 62 Euro22:31
RnB_MoMcHeTohi 2 all22:31
RnB_MoMcHeToi have a stupid question :] is the next -> Is big the diference whit Ubuntu & SuSe ?22:32
esoterikwondering if swapping out a CPU in a laptop voids a warranty, anyone have experience here?22:32
TyczekI've got problem with mplayer... On XV/X11 the quality of movie on fullscreen is poor... On gl it's scratching ;/22:33
Tyczekdo u know how to fix it ?22:33
TyczekAti drivers... >.>22:33
jeroenvrpOthello: well someone has his nvidia for sell and I was just wandering what goog price will be for this product22:33
jeroenvrpwandering=wondering :-)22:33
basculeesoterik: yes id would22:33
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?22:33
spydabytei just install ubuntu on my pc .. i can ssh into it from windows machine using internal ip ...22:33
spydabytemy friend can connect using my regular ip22:33
basculeno upgrades are covered by manufacurers warranties22:34
spydabytebut when he puts in the corect user name and password it tells hiim not right22:34
Othellojeroenvrp: I would not pay more than 50 Euro22:34
esoterikbascule: do you know if theres some sort of sticker/etc to tip the tech off, or of i swapped it back before sending in for repairs would I be ok?22:34
jeroenvrppersonally I was more thinking about 25 euro22:34
basculeesoterik: well the screws on a laptop are wax sealed usually with blue wax, if opened it is obvious22:35
Othellomaybe he would sell it for that price, try it ;)22:35
DanaGOh, that's what that blue is?22:35
ConstyXIVdoes apparmor really do anything in gutsy?22:35
jeroenvrpOthello: I mean if you payed 62 euro for a new one why give him 50 ;-)22:35
esoterikbascule: excellent, never realized that22:35
basculeesoterik: the cpu it's self is easily hidden by swapping back, but not something to do lightly ...22:35
edheldilesoterik: is not one of the screws usually under a seal?22:36
manoloHI to all. Cannot use the microphone of my laptop. I get a "gconfaudiosrc ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat" pipe error. Ubuntu Gutsy uname -r 2.6.22-14-generic22:36
esoterikto be honest I'm looking at buying a tablet but the fastest CPU is a 1.6, so I dont have the machine in front of me22:36
esoterikto be safe ill just leave off buying an extended warranty and take my chances22:37
basculeesoterik: if you add ram or romove and replace the hdd you will get away with it cause they are usually under hatches that are designed to be opened, all else is grounds to void a warranty22:37
esoterikbascule: thanks, good to know22:37
spydabytesome pc cases come with a sticker over the seam so u cant even take the side off without them knowing22:37
spydabytelike they will slap the windows sticker over the edge of it22:38
esoterikspydabyte: this is why you build desktops :)22:38
DanaGOne thing I noticed on my laptop: removing a thermal pad from the northbridge, and trying to replace it with thermal paste, actually made things worse --- there was a 1mm gap between the die and the heatpipe cooler.22:38
edheldilSome more expensive hardware remembers its history, the parts that went through it ... :-)22:38
Othelloyeah, right, but I don't know, if the 6800GT is worse or better than a 7600GS22:38
basculespydabyte: never a windows sticker, and even with a seal it is ok to swap drives and ram, add cards, all else voids warranties22:39
OmegaElheatscan somebody help me? ShipIt sent me an ubuntu 7.10 cd. i want to upgrade from 7.04 using this cd. how can i do this?22:39
esoterikedheldil: sounds like a homeland security law!22:39
cafuegoOmegaElheats: Insert it.22:39
OthelloI need a hint, why on my Ubuntu System one user is able to watch DVB Stream with gxine and another user is NOT allowed to watch22:39
OmegaElheatsi just need to know what to do. this is nt the computer im using at the moment22:39
qwazevening all22:39
cafuegoOthello: They need to be members of the `video' group I think.22:40
basculeOthello: group perms on /dev/v4l probably22:40
[HUN]ZuburuSbdy who knows apache pls priv me!22:40
cafuegoOmegaElheats: Just insert the CD and click 'Yes' when it asks if you want to upgrade.22:40
Othellothe user is in all groups i can set in the user gui22:40
rocket2143I need help with SD card22:40
mean-jeancan someone help me install flashplayer 9? i have the tar file but I can't get it insatlled22:41
Othelloexcept the admin group22:41
rocket2143someone help??22:41
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:41
edheldilesoterik: nah... but I have heard that our Ministry of finance seeks requirement for ISPs to block online gambl;ing sites. now THAT sounds like a Chinese firewall :(22:41
cafuegoOthello: Are they in the video group?22:41
Paddy_EIRErocket2143, you're being a little vague..22:41
warlock_handlerwols_: hey dude i reconfigured x server22:41
OmegaElheatsmmm... okay. it didnt say anything when i tried it before.  what should i do if it doesn't ask?22:41
nickrudOthello, try   groups   in a terminal, that gives the actual group names22:41
K_DallasGood evening folks! Q: Installed nerolinux and when I run it as myself, it says: make sure that you have permissions on /dev/sg0 ! If I run it as root, there is no problem. Is there any group that I have myself to or there is something else to do? Thanks22:41
warlock_handlerwols_: selected the driver and restarted my comp22:41
esoterikelheldil: look up the us SAFE act, tell me if that isnt the beginning of the end22:41
Paddy_EIRE!pm | rocket214322:42
uboturocket2143: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.22:42
basculeK_Dallas: ls -l /dev/sg0 see what the group is set to22:42
OthelloI need to check that tomorrow, because my girlfriend is sleeping now in the same room, where the computer is :)22:42
warlock_handlerwols_: you said "install the nvidia driver again" which one are you referring to..22:42
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:42
wols_warlock_handler: which nvidia chip?22:42
basculeK_Dallas: and k3b is vastly superior on linux to nero22:42
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?22:42
K_Dallasbascule, root, root22:42
OmegaElheatscafuego: mmm... okay. it didnt say anything when i tried it before.  what should i do if it doesn't ask?22:43
rocket2143Can someone help me with my sd card? it's coming out of my Nintendo Wii and linux isn't finding it or identifying it.22:43
arefanyone ever had gnome make all your home directory files visible on the desktop? it's rather annoying, and I don't quite know how to fix it22:43
basculeK_Dallas: that is why, need to mess with udev.rules, a little daunting22:43
warlock_handlerwols_: how do i find out.. its geforce 2 with 32MB memory22:43
K_Dallasbascule, i don't know, their latest version is exactly like what i am used to under windows and to me, nothing beats nero22:43
wols_warlock_handler: then you need the legacy driver22:43
K_Dallasbascule, ok, i will see what i can do with it, thank you22:43
rocket2143Can someone help me with my sd card? it's coming out of my Nintendo Wii and linux isn't finding it or identifying it.22:43
cafuegoOmegaElheats: Not sure, I tend to upgrade via the net.22:43
DanaGFor non-packaged nvidia drivers, take a look at /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common22:43
warlock_handlerwols_: ok22:43
nickrudaref, yes, gconf-editor, navigate to /apps/nautilus, under prefs (I think) there's a key about using home as your desktop22:43
rocket2143Can someone help me with my sd card? it's coming out of my Nintendo Wii and linux isn't finding it or identifying it.22:43
Paddy_EIRE!repeat | rocket214322:44
basculeK_Dallas: i'll have a look at the new one, and your welcome22:44
uboturocket2143: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:44
OmegaElheatscafuego: okay, thanks for your help.22:44
edheldilaref: looks like something has symlinked ~/Desktop to ~/ :-)22:44
paradox__hey all22:44
rocket2143Paddy can you help me out?22:44
K_Dallasbascule, the new one is exactly (as far as i have experimented) like the Windows version. the question is if you like their windows product ;)22:44
RazzoRzHey folks!!22:44
paradox__what's the command to check my IP address?  .. and where are the firewall settings so I can allow traffic to come in through certain ports22:44
Paddy_EIRErocket2143, if you have a little bit more patience and hold on a minute ;)22:44
basculeK_Dallas: which version of win nero 8?22:44
Odd-rationaleparadox__: Try ifconfig22:44
mean-jeanCan someone help me getting youtube videos to work? I have flashplayer 9 (flashplugin-nonfree) and java, but they won't work22:44
rocket2143okay Paddy22:45
LjLparadox__, note that traffic is allowed to come in through all ports by default.22:45
RazzoRzI am looking for a Good Dj Mixing program,.. can anyone give me some ideas?22:45
nickrudparadox__, ifconfig | grep inet ; and unless you did something yourself, there's no active firewall rules22:45
arefnickrud: that was my best bet so far, but it wasn't checked :\22:45
edheldilparadox__:  ifconfig22:45
paradox__LjL: really? there's no firewall in place by default?22:45
K_Dallasbascule, 8+ yes and for linux22:45
basculeRazzoRz: use windows or mac, seriously, there are some linux ones but they are bad22:45
LjLparadox__: there are no sensitive services running by default... so no.22:45
Odd-rationalemean-jean: The flashplugin-nonfree package is not working at the moment.22:45
LjL!firewall > paradox__    (paradox__, see the private message from Ubotu)22:45
nickrudaref, edheldil had a good suggestion as well, see if ~/Desktop is linked to ~/22:45
warlock_handlerwols_: ok, so should i install nvidia-glx-legacy ?22:46
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:46
LjLRazzoRz, "apt-cache search dj mix" shows a few.22:46
basculeK_Dallas: cool, not seen it since or something22:46
paradox__thanks all22:46
mean-jeanOdd-rationale, do you know how i could get flash working (like youtube etc...)??22:46
rocket2143Paddy what exactly am I waiting for?22:46
K_Dallasbascule, the old versions never tempted me ;) they were limited and awfull GUI wise, this one is raffinated ;)22:46
pliumbumif you're using firefox, simply install the plugin22:46
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
LjLrocket2143: perhaps paddy is doing other stuff as well as voluntarily answering support questions. that might explain why you'd have to wait, no?22:47
basculeK_Dallas: nice, I used it cause at the time nothing oss liked my drive, I had to reboot between burning dvds :(22:47
rocket2143mean-jean go to your package22:47
Odd-rationalemean-jean: You could download it from adobe. Some people here can help you out. I haven't treid it myself as I haven't a real need for flash and I'm willing to wait till the package is fixed :)22:47
K_Dallasbascule, i see, painful if i may add22:47
RazzoRzIs there a generic  list of what i can download ??22:47
LjL!packages > RazzoRz    (RazzoRz, see the private message from Ubotu)22:47
cafuegoRazzoRz: 22,000-odd packages.22:48
rocket2143Can someone PM me with SD card support???22:48
K_Dallasbascule, thanks again, see you around22:48
wols_!nvidia | warlock_handler22:48
ubotuwarlock_handler: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:48
LjLRazzoRz: "apt-cache search" really helps, and so does Synaptic if you prefer a graphical interface. but there is http://packages.ubuntu.com as well.22:48
basculeK_Dallas: welcome, take care bye22:48
Odd-rationalemean-jean: BTW what is your error message when you do sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree?22:48
mean-jeanOdd-rationale, i have the tar package from adobe...i thought that was the same thing...I can't figure out how to install it though (still new with linux22:48
pliumbummen-jean, you better install flash from synaptic22:49
pliumbumyou should find that same package22:49
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?22:49
StrangeworkI use an HP Pavilion dv6426us, my screen resolution should be 1280x800 at maximum. The highest potential screen resolution I can set now is 640x480. I use Ubuntu 7.10. What can be done?22:49
RazzoRzThank you,22:49
pliumbumor through firefox plugins22:49
LjLmean-jean: do other flash applets aside from youtube work?22:49
Odd-rationalepliumbum: the one in the repos are not working for some of us.22:49
pliumbumof course, everything what is flash works22:49
edheldildoes anybody knows where can I edit Applications menu in Feisty?22:50
edheldilGnome App menu, I mean22:50
LjLedheldil: Alacarte menu editor22:50
rhalffI need to rebuild a kernel module for xen, how can I do this without building an entire custom kernel ? I need the source that was used to build the xen kernel, but I believe it's nowhere to be found22:50
nickrudedheldil, right click the apps menu, see edit menus :)22:50
mean-jeanOdd-rationale; it's reinstalling right now, no errors fo speak of yet22:50
pliumbummean jean, try google searching the deb pasckage for flash then22:50
pliumbumor try automatix, or easyubuntu22:50
arefnickrud: nope, doesn't look like it. I managed to remove Desktop by accident at one point, that's what triggered this whole ordeal. I recreated it, but.. :p22:50
mean-jeanLjL, nothing else i've seen has worked either22:50
LjL!automatix | pliumbum22:50
ubotupliumbum: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »22:50
LjLmean-jean, uhm are you on firefox?22:51
edheldilnickrud: really? Doe snot work for me since Gnome 2.4 or so :(22:51
derjoerghi, are anywhere packages available with bind9 + dlz-patch?22:51
mean-jeanLjL, i am using firefox22:51
LongfellowAnyone know how to install alien arena on 7.10?22:52
=== ActiveOne is now known as IdleOne
Frederickfolks the icon from firefox disapeared on my machine I can select the icon to be displayed on the desktop but it does not appear22:52
toastjamdoes anybody have any idea why there might be a 5-10 second delay when trying to sftp or ssh into an ubuntu box on the local lan?22:53
edheldiltoastjam: DNS resolving problem22:53
xoqrpsHi all, I hacked my own AP-station that has WEP encryption. And now I got the HEX? key, how do I connect with it?22:53
neztitiguys how i can upgrade debian from 3.1 to 4 by te cd?22:53
toastjamedheldil: why is it using DNS for a local ip?22:53
xoqrpsI used airodump and aircrack to collect packages and test keys22:53
LjLneztiti, you aren't on #debian22:54
Frederickneztiti: ask in #debian :)22:54
Odd-rationalemean-jean: This should help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63440422:54
scguy318xoqrps: just connect however you do with NetworkManager or w/e normally?22:54
edheldiltoastjam: well, it does :)22:54
StrangeworkI use an HP Pavilion dv6426us, my screen resolution should be 1280x800 at maximum. The highest potential screen resolution I can set now is 640x480. I use Ubuntu 7.10. What can be done?22:54
neztitiok but its the same family22:54
xoqrpsscguy318: but I don't see 'XXX' if that would have been my password. I see XX:XX:XX:XX22:54
LjLneztiti: "..." then why do you think we have separate channels?22:55
xoqrpsscguy318: I don't understand how I can write it so to say22:55
neztitiLjL ok thank u man22:55
mean-jeanOdd-rationale, thanks for the link!22:55
xoqrpsscguy318: You understand what I mean?22:56
Synx_hmAnyone had problem installing ubuntu on Nforce4 boards running only sata drives?22:56
Odd-rationalemean-jean: I'm going to see if enabling the backport repos will help...22:56
MasterShrekStrangework, what kind of video card?22:56
mean-jeanodd-rationale, do i need to restart firefox to see if it flash is working?22:56
Odd-rationalemean-jean: Yes22:56
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?22:56
StrangeworkMasterShrek:  Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)22:57
mean-jeanodd-rationale, OK, then i have to sign off of chatzilla but thanks for the link i'll bookmark it if something goes wrong22:57
MasterShrekStrangework, ok, i was gonna say if it was nvidia i could help you22:57
edheldiltoastjam: I mean resolving on the server, of course22:57
Baxi'm trying to update filezilla.  How do I update a program through synaptic and/or what terminal command do I use to update it?22:57
=== xp_prg is now known as xp_lunch
StrangeworkMasterShrek: aww, ah well. So no ideas?22:57
jayde_drag0nhey anyone know how i can resolve this... freaking amarok instead of just removing the filed from amarok.. decided instead to delete the files... and now they are sitting in my trash bin... but i had a lot of things in there and they were organized... so i have a ton of book files that are labeled 001.mp3 etc  is there a feature so i can have trash put them back where they came from like a certain other OS or am i screwed and just lost 22:58
LjLBax, if there are updated packages, an icon is shown on your tray automatically to notify you of that. if no icon is shown, it means there are no updated packages.22:58
MasterShrekStrangework, possibly install the 915resolution package, although i doubt its going to help, also search the forums22:58
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.22:58
BaxLjL, even for ones you only installed through synaptic?22:58
toastjamedheldil: right, but how do I fix that?  I want it to ignore whatever dns servers it thinks it has for local ips22:58
LjLBax: uh? how else would you have installed them?22:59
StrangeworkMasterShrek: Already installed it. :( I will check out the forums, thanks MasterShrek! :)22:59
=== jayde_drag0n is now known as jaydedrag0n_girl
BaxLjL: one time I had to update a program called wine, which I had originally downloaded through the synaptic23:00
jaydedrag0n_girlis there any way to have "trash" put files back where they came from instead of having to manually drag and drop?23:00
Baxthe people i talked to said I had to update it through the terminal, which I did and it worked23:00
LjLBax, manually? i doubt that, unless you did *not* install it from synatpic.23:00
xoqrpsHi all, I hacked my own AP-station that has WEP encryption. And now I got the HEX? key, how do I connect with it?23:00
spydabyteanyone know why ssh will let me connect internally but externall y it connects but says wrong user,pass even tho its right ... and i cant connect using using anything but internal ip and the port 22 is forwarded in my router23:00
LjLBax, i'm pretty sure it involved running dpkg on a .deb file.23:00
esoterikxoqrps: enter it without the : as the password/key23:01
BaxLjL: the update thing didn't tell me I had to update wine, some I'm presuming I have the same problem here with filezilla23:01
Synx_hmAnyone have a workaround for the grub-installer bug?23:01
LjLBax: when packages *that are in the repositories* (and that you have installed) get updated, you're notified of that. that goes for WINE too, unless you installed it via weird methods to begin with, or you're trying to upgrade to a not-yet-supported version23:01
toastjamhow do I make my ubuntu server stop trying to dns lookup IPs, especially the local ones?23:01
idioti'm having some trouble installing latex.  apt-get install tetex-base says that its been obseleted and tex-common should be installed, but when i install tex-common i can't find the latex binary.  is this an issue with where i'm getting the source packages from?  any ideas?23:02
toastjamthe 5 second delay every time I save something by ftp is killing me23:02
edheldiltoastjam: dunno, consult man sshd.conf23:02
LjLBax, the fact that there's a new version of Filezilla (or WINE) out doesn't mean that it's [immediately] available in the Ubuntu repositories. you should wait. if you can't wait, then you're kind of on your own23:02
esoteriki have an older sata1.5 36gb raptor drive, and it will not boot even a live cd of 7.10 or any of the newer linux kernels, but it will run 7.04. anyone have any ideas where I can start to fix this?23:02
JuJuBeeI installed an SSL certificate for my web server.  Ever since, I need to enter the password during a reboot.  IS there a way to avoid having to enter the password?23:02
RazzoRzHi there! i have install Dbmixer,  it says its installed.. but don't see a launcher,,,  can someone help me to run this !23:02
BaxLjL: but there is a terminal command you can use to update it right?  There was one people told me to use for wine but I forgot it23:03
edheldiltoastjam: you can also try adding the local clients to /etc/hosts23:03
junminHello, cannot boot up using UUID in grub? any idea? please23:03
LjLidiot: i think you might be looking for texlive23:03
LjLBax: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:03
edheldilJuJuBee: you have to create unencrypted private key23:03
LjLBax: before that, do sudo apt-get update, if you think your repositories list might not have got updated23:04
jaydedrag0n_girlhey i'm trying everything i can think of to google this problem on my own but to no avail... can someone please assist me with a solution?? i need to make "Trash" behave so that i can undo a massive delete caused by amarok... i need to enable or find the feature that makes it so you can make trash put files back from where they came from instead of manually putting them all back one at a time23:04
JuJuBeeedheldil : can you tell me or direct me as to how to do  that?23:04
LjLjunmin, meaning that you *can* boot if you use plain device nodes?23:04
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?23:04
junminLjL: yup~23:04
LjLjunmin: well, what's the problem with just doing that, then? (i understand it's unelegant - but, file a bug about it)23:05
idiotLjL:  when trying to 'sudo apt-get install texlive' i get "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)".  any ideas why?23:05
Odd-rationalejaydedrag0n_girl: I'm sorry to say that ubuntu's trash is not like other OS's recyle bin (read: you can not restore file back to their original location)23:05
xoqrpsAs what esoterik, passkey? hex? ascii?23:06
edheldilJuJuBee: whe you generate your key pair before creating a CSR, you have to create it with a -nodes option. Possibly there's a way to decrypt the key, but I do not know. Look at openssl commands23:06
LjLidiot, full output of that please (use the pastebin, "/msg ubotu pastebin")23:06
paradox__I'm having a problem with ppl connecting to my comptuer.. ifconfig only reports my internal IP address (that the router assigns me) .. but when I use services like whatsmyip.com to get my actual broadcasted IP.. I can't even ping myself.. any suggestions?23:06
JuJuBeeThanks, I already created my CSR.  Wonder if I can change it.23:06
junminLjL: it's an usa enternal hd... getting UUID work is a better solution23:06
Odd-rationalejaydedrag0n_girl: Please don't cry.23:06
* Toma- thought LjL was calling someone an idiot till he scrolled up ;|23:06
xoqrpsAs what esoterik, passkey? hex? ascii?23:06
xoqrpsesoterik: KEY FOUND! [ 10:10:10:10:10 ]23:07
basculeparadox__: ask the router23:07
LjLToma-: well, technically i was, but i'm hardly to blame23:07
esoterikxoqrps: id convert it to ascii23:07
paradox__bascule: I've already gone through my router settings.. I can't seem to figure it out.. was wondering if this was a ubuntu thing or not23:07
xoqrpsesoterik: how?23:07
basculeparadox__: no the WAN side IP is not as a rule visible from any OS23:08
idiotLjL:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47760/23:08
basculeparadox__: traceroute might pick it up on hop 323:08
xoqrpsesoterik: and then do what with it?23:08
BaxLjL: the command worked fine, thanks!23:08
paradox__bascule: what do you mean on hop 3?23:08
Alejandr0Hello, can someone help me launching singit on xmms?23:08
esoterikxoqrps: http://www.dolcevie.com/js/converter.html23:08
toastjamedheldil: hey I got it working, I just added "UseDns no" to /etc/ssh/sshd_config.  thanks for the help23:09
LjLBax, except that there's never been an update for filezilla on Gutsy23:09
xoqrpsesoterik: it gave me '?????'23:09
telexiconAnyone have any luck booting PXELINUX on macs?23:09
basculeparadox__: hop 2 actually, well lAN ip of router, then wan ip of router and then wherever, isp gateway most likely23:09
tyronepolleriDoes anyone know how to set up pop3 server in xinetd ?23:10
basculeparadox__: my router chooses to ignore them of course23:10
esoterikxoqrps: im not sure then, its been a while since ive cracked a wep key23:10
xoqrpsesoterik: but you also get ????? if you try to run 10:10:10:10:10 right?23:10
basculexoqrps: that is a hex key, don't use the colons just type it in23:11
esoterikxoqrps: yes23:11
hammsand**gutsy --I'm about to swap motherboard, processor, ram, .... am I really going to have to reinstall ??23:11
reportingsj1Hi, my computer got shut off this morning because of a power outage and now the max resolution is 800x600 which is a pain. Is there any way to fix it so I can make it bigger again? (I checked through system > preferences > screen reso)23:11
junminsome one who using UUID of partitions can paste his/her menu.1st of grub and /etc/fstab, please??? thanks23:11
xoqrpsbascule: Should I juse type in 1010101010 as password?23:11
Donkaanyone know of a good virus scanner for ubuntu?23:11
xoqrpsbascule: As hex, ascii or passkey or whatever it's called?23:11
basculexoqrps: yes, set it as a hex key in wifi manager thingy23:12
basculeno colons just the values23:12
tyronepolleriDonka, avast23:12
Ereal1since when do any linux user have to really have to worry about viruses23:12
xoqrpsbascule: But that didn't work, hmm23:12
Ereal1is their something I should know.?23:12
Donkaok is it easy to install tyrone, im new to linux23:12
diogofsrIs it possible to let Evolution running in the background and notify me when there is new mail? Like Pidgin, with the icon and all?23:12
ConstyXIVdoes anyone else have trouble with two finger touchpad scrolling in ubuntu?23:12
=== root is now known as white_eagle
tyronepolleriEreal1, yes it is pretty easy but i don't think u need one23:12
hajikihey when i shut down my computer sometimes another gdm appears before shutting down. How can i remove that other gdm??? If it helps I installed kubuntu-desktop a while ago but later removed it, could that be a kdm?23:12
basculeEreal1: not really, they are none that have survived beyond novelty value23:12
telexiconHow do you do network botton on a mac?23:13
LjLidiot, there are several bug reports that look similar to your problem, but none has "texlive-pdfetex" as the package immediately preceeding the problem. see http://tinyurl.com/3b8kr8 - in particular bug #174569 is the only one marked as confirmed23:13
tyronepolleriEreal1, you can look on guides online23:13
telexiconHow do you do network boot on a mac?*23:13
* edheldil shudders when he hears about 'evolution'23:13
LjLidiot, you're on gutsy right?23:13
Ereal1hey guys I need help23:13
idiotLjL feisty23:13
white_eaglewhen i try to start synaptic or when I try to add remove programes a eror shows up, it says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:14
basculetelexicon: hardly the right channel ...23:14
white_eagleE: _cache->open() failed, please report. HELP!23:14
LjL!virus > donka    (donka, see the private message from Ubotu)23:14
telexiconbascule, im trying to boot linux23:14
LjLtyronepolleri: avast for ubuntu?23:14
=== Ereal1 is now known as Erealz
basculetelexicon: G5 of core 2?23:14
tyronepolleriDoes anyone know how to set up pop3 server in xinetd ?23:14
reportingsj1My computer got shut off this morning because of a power outage and now the max resolution is 800x600 which is a pain. Is there any way to fix it so I can make it bigger again? (I checked through system > preferences > screen reso23:14
telexiconbascule, core 223:14
LjLidiot: ah that changes things a bit, i was looking at the wrong bug reports then23:14
tyronepolleriLjL, yes there is a version in the web site23:14
telexiconbascule, we want to do thin clients23:14
white_eaglewhen I apply this in the terminal using root nothing shows up, just an empty line23:14
[Ramy]how can i disable the touchpad on thinkpad r61 ?23:14
idiotLjL, sorry, should have mentioned from the get-go23:14
xoqrpsbascule: That didn't work :S23:15
white_eagleE: _cache->open() failed, please report. HELP! when I apply this in the terminal using root nothing shows up, just an empty line23:15
basculexoqrps: well that is all I know on wep keys23:15
white_eaglewhen i try to start synaptic or when I try to add remove programes a eror shows up, it says E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:15
xoqrpsbascule: That didn't work :S I tried both 10:10:10:10:10 and 101010101023:15
basculexoqrps: I do use kde however and forgot where I was23:16
Piciwhite_eagle: Have you tried using that command that it suggests in a terminal?23:16
xoqrpsbascule: Hmm ok, what's the difference? Because I got the key 10:10:10:10:10 when I ran aircrack-ng23:16
basculexoqrps: though it should work still, are you sure this is the right key?23:16
xoqrpsThe program says it's 100% match23:16
basculexoqrps: that is a suspicious looking key to me23:16
ipguyhi all23:16
xoqrpsbascule: Yeah I reacted on it aswell23:16
LjLidiot, still i see no feisty report, and none that exactly matches your problem. please, open a new bug report, attach the full pastebin output that you gave me, *and* the contents of the file /tmp/texlive.fmtutil.uop2681323:17
ipguyhow do i setup compiz with my intel gma video card ?23:17
xoqrpsbascule: I had around 130,000 ivs when I started cracking the ivs.23:17
basculexoqrps: plenty23:17
LjLidiot, bug reporting interface is at http://bugs.ubuntu.com fyi23:17
xoqrpsbascule: Yeah that's what I thought23:17
basculexoqrps: well I have had success with aircrack-ng on a few occassions now, always worked for me23:18
idiotLjL, you don't think its just operator error?  i remember a couple years ago installing tetex-* whatnot.  maybe its just me not removing proper packages or whatnot...23:18
Erealzubuntu 7.10 has a lot of bugs 7.04 is more stable  im about to post that on my blog23:18
basculejust the chars no colons in the manager and awau I went23:18
LjLidiot, no, errors like that should just *never* happen, unless you're using third-party repositories.23:18
xoqrpsbascule: What could I write in the terminal to connect? sudo ifconfig eth1 down; sudo iwconfig eth1 mode monitor channel 13 key 10:10:10:10:10; sudo ifconfig eth1 up ?23:18
idiotwhich i might be...23:18
ipguyanyone here using compiz with an intel gma video card ?23:19
LjLidiot, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list then23:19
linenoiseI'm trying to get wireless working through wpa_supplicant.  The ap I want to connect to has a blank password.23:19
basculexoqrps: never done it in terminal, diesn't like my 3945 card for some reason or I am missing some lib23:19
nickrud[Ramy], add the line Option "TouchpadOff" "1"  to /etc/X11/xorg.conf under the section abou the synaptics touchpad23:19
linenoisewpa_supplicant doesn't appear to be able to handle this.  Has anyone found a workaround/way of forcing the psk to be blank?23:19
basculexoqrps: as soon as I say key it says unsupported ... blah ...23:20
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:20
xoqrpsbascule: Ok, but 1010101010 is that the password the owner wrote in as key? :P23:20
basculexoqrps: no it is hashed from ascii23:20
xoqrpsbascule: Sounds like a wierd key I'd write in, I must say23:20
idiotLjL:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47763/23:20
xoqrpsbascule: Ok, so can I convert it somehow to get the 'text' the real password is?23:20
basculexoqrps: unless they set a hex key that was easy to remember ...23:21
white_eaglei get an error message when I try to run synaptic: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:21
white_eagleE: _cache->open() failed, please report." when I run "dpkg --configure -a as a root nothing but a blank line shows up!"23:21
xoqrpsbascule: Ok, but when I ran that converter I converted from Hex to ASCII. Was that wrong of me?23:21
LjLidiot, ah well, that *is* quite broken. you don't currently have 3rd-party repos enabled (but you had in the past, they're commented out), and even more importantly, you don't have the 'main' repository enabled! please generate a new sources.list23:21
LjL!easysource > idiot    (idiot, see the private message from Ubotu)23:22
xoqrpsbascule: Cause I got like five ? (?????) and when I do it from ASCII to HEX I get (31:30:3a:31:30:3a:31:30:3a:31:30:3a:31:30)23:22
reportingsj1I'm using a nvidia geforce card with 7.10, and when my computer got shut down the max screen resolution went down to 800x600. I know there is a way to fix this by restarting something, just not exactly how. Can anyone help?23:22
* Flare183 is away: Gone away for now.23:22
LjLidiot: after that, see if "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" helps23:22
linenoisebasically the ap is set up to encrypt traffic but allow anyone to connect.  Except, the linux/ubuntu client doesn't work with a blank psk... so... I'm forced to us ms garbage23:22
white_eagleE: _cache->open() failed, please report." when I run "dpkg --configure -a as a root nothing but a blank line shows up!"23:22
Pici!away > Flare183 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)23:22
LjL!away > Flare183    (Flare183, see the private message from Ubotu)23:22
white_eagle i get an error message when I try to run synaptic: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:22
white_eagle E: _cache->open() failed, please report." when I run "dpkg --configure -a as a root nothing but a blank line shows up!"23:22
Pici!repeat | white_eagle23:22
ubotuwhite_eagle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:22
basculexoqrps: http://centricle.com/tools/ascii-hex/23:22
xoqrpsbascule: Ok I got it now23:23
xoqrpsbascule: %31%30%3a%31%30%3a%31%30%3a%31%30%3a%31%3023:23
xoqrpsbascule: Should I try to connect with that? :p23:23
=== Flare183 is now known as Flare183--Away
basculenah that looks all wrong to me23:23
basculebut what do I know23:23
PiciFlare183--Away: Did you even read that message from ubotu?23:23
xoqrpsbascule: brb23:23
xoqrpsbascule: Should I choose WEP HEX or WEP ASCII when I write in the password?23:24
Flare183--Awayand I usderstand it23:24
basculewep hex23:24
snkmadreportingsj1 are you using the restricted drivers?23:24
basculeand just go 101010101023:24
linenoiseanyone?  anyone?  beuller?23:24
PiciFlare183--Away: The same goes for changing your nick when you go away...23:24
idiotLjL, this is going to upgrade me to gutsy?23:24
KuribohXI can't mount my cd drive23:24
reportingsj1linenoise: Fry? Fry? Fry? "I heard he was sick" :p23:25
Piciwhite_eagle: Are you on broadband? I'm going to suggest a command to clear your cache, but I want to make sure it doesn't cause a big problem for you.23:25
LjLidiot: only if you select Gutsy on that site. but don't, select Feisty instead.23:25
white_eagleyes I am on broadband23:25
reportingsj1Can anyone help me fix my resolution? nvidia geforce.. 7300 gls (I do believe)23:25
basculereportingsj1: install nvidia-settings23:25
VadiWhat is the command to rename my username?23:25
xoqrpsbascule: didn't work :P23:25
Piciwhite_eagle: okay, try this `sudo apt-get clean`23:25
LjLVadi: i don't think there is one23:26
basculexoqrps: well I just don't get it, can you host the cap on rapidshare or such?23:26
xoqrpsbascule: I ran the aircrack-ng and recived this message: KEY FOUND! [ 10:10:10:10:10 ] -- Decrypted correctly: 100%23:26
VadiLjL: I'm pretty sure ther eis one... I remember helping out with it before23:26
xoqrpsYeah sure bascule23:26
reportingsj1bascule: Umm, any more info on that?23:26
basculexoqrps: try aircrack-ng -z <cap-file>23:26
linenoiseNow I get it.  After being a long time die hard linux user, I finally get it.  I will never blame anyone for using ms garbage again.  This level of uncertainty is untennable.23:26
rencore_how can i increase ubuntu bttery life23:26
tomchukVadi: usermod -l newname oldname23:26
LjLVadi, i "think" that just changing the name in /etc/passwd and /etc/group, and renaming the directory in /home, should do it, but i can hardly guarantee that's safe or enough23:27
linenoiserencore_: use the power management console?23:27
Vaditomchuk: that's it, thanks!23:27
linenoiserencore_: set it to aggresive battery life23:27
reportingsj1bascule: Scratch that, thanks :)23:27
basculereportingsj1: it's somewhere in the repos, nvidias own resolution thingy for linux23:27
tomchukVadi: np23:27
nickrudVadi, system->admin->users & groups23:27
reportingsj1bascule: Umm, I installed it and ran it, doesn't have anything dealing with resolution though.23:27
rsfriendsyo every body23:28
xoqrpsbascule: It's running now23:28
nj786what player plays DIVx VIDEOS>23:28
xoqrpsbascule: The file is 70mb large..23:28
basculereportingsj1: should do .. while since I used it though23:28
linenoisenj786: vlc23:28
basculexoqrps: should take about ---- done!23:28
linenoisenj786: and it's most likely a codec issue, not a player issue23:28
nj786linenoise: streaming?23:28
=== reportingsj1 is now known as reportingsjr
rsfriendshow can i test my mic, if that works, ?23:28
eyemeanhello, apparently i need java runtime environement installed for ubuntu 7.1023:28
KuribohXhas anyone had this problem my cdrom drive is removable and I removed it while ubuntu was on......ever since it can't mount it but once and awhile it recognizes it....otherwise it just says hdc is missing... anyway to force it to mount or configure the device?23:28
linenoisenj786: mplayer, vlc, kaffeine... all do streaming video when you have the correct codecs installed23:28
xoqrpsbascule: Now it says, Failed. Next try with 5000 Ivs. (Got 24 IVs) I'm positive this file had 130k Ivs before :P23:29
RazzoRzcorrect me if i am wrong, is Mint,  similar to ubuntu?...23:29
nj786linenoise: ok how can i download the "correct" codecs23:29
tomchukrsfriends: if using gnome, gnome-sound-recorder (Sound & Video -> Sound Recorder)23:29
xoqrpsbascule: Any idea about that wierd stuff?23:29
basculexoqrps: sure they are ivs, I would trust -z 's count, data and IVs are not the same23:29
linenoisenj786: my first guess would be to 'apt-cache search codec'23:29
reportingsjrbascule: It did nothing. I got 4 errors when trying to run it though. Want me to pm them to you?23:29
rsfriendsok thx, i  use gnome23:29
linenoisenj786: and the go from there23:29
basculereportingsjr: yeah go on23:29
basculexoqrps: can you packet inject?23:30
benzs_swhat package do i need to play mp3s?23:30
spydabytewhy would if my pc is dmz through router sshd wont listen ?23:30
Synx_hmAnyone have a fix for this bug... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/1413523:30
xoqrpsbascule: What do you mean?23:30
linenoisebenzs_s: xmms, amarok and mpg123 all play mp3s.  you probably have a codec issue23:30
xoqrpsbascule: When I write aircrack-ng -b [mac-adress of AP station] [file].cap23:30
linenoisebenzs_s: 'apt-cache search mp3' start there, work up23:30
benzs_slinenoise: okay, so which codec?23:30
xoqrpsbascule: It says 132051 IVs23:30
linenoisebenzs_s: the mp3 codec23:30
rsfriendsi do get error, "your audio capture setting are invalid pleas correct theme in the multimedia setting", should i just change the settings there?23:31
nj786linenoise: when i type apt-cache search codec in terminal is it done?23:31
xoqrpsbascule: Any idea?23:31
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:31
nj786linenoise: or is there another step?23:31
xoqrpsbascule: Packet injection?23:31
basculexoqrps: aircrack-ng -z is more specific, you need to get injectio going and not just capturing23:31
linenoisemeh... sorry peeps, I'm done helping newbs.  I'm a bit upset with the state of linux right now... I'm switching to windows.23:31
hammsandanyone know of a good mp3 player besides Amarok?  i'm not a big fan of amarok23:31
nj786hammsand: XXMS23:32
xoqrpsbascule: Oh, so airodump-ng -c 13 --bssid [mac-adress] --write blah eth1 isn't enough?23:32
Picihammsand: exaile, bmp...rhythmbox23:32
PPredahello all, I have an ATI mobile 9600, when I install the restricted driver and reboot it did not get back to X, anyone has any idea or met this problem before?23:32
hammsandcool ty ty23:32
nj786hammsand: XMMS**23:32
xoqrpsbascule: What should I do to get it started, know any good guide?23:32
basculexoqrps: not by a long way23:32
linenoisePPreda: hah... best of luck... again linux support totally fails it here23:32
basculexoqrps: sure23:32
xoqrpsbascule: Must be issues with language communication, I was positive that was the way to do it :p23:33
PPredalinenoise: I know, just asking if anyone had any luck with it23:33
xoqrpsbascule: Sucks to not be a native english speaker I guess!23:33
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
ZeroZiatGood night peeps, how do I check what drivers I have installed?23:33
Odd-rationalePPreda: I had something like that happedn when I upgraded to UbuntuStudio (rt-kernel)23:33
tyronepolleriDoes anyone know how to set up pop3 server in xinetd ?23:33
linenoisePPreda: most ati cards fail under linux (outside of 2d)23:33
eurowerkeI'm having a problem keeping my static ip address23:33
xoqrpsbascule: Can we join a channel ourself, like #bascule to avoid all the login/logout spam here?23:33
eurowerkeI set the config up in /etc/network/interfaces23:34
linenoisexoqrps: you can turn off login logout spam from your client23:34
eurowerkebut as soon as the regular dhcp lease time expires, it renews to another IP address23:34
PPredabecause I am new to X, any way to get 3D acceleration without the restricted driver?23:34
rsfriendssound recod dont want to start, i am getting error,23:34
eurowerkeanyone have a clue?23:34
KuribohXhas anyone had this problem my cdrom drive is removable and I removed it while ubuntu was on......ever since it can't mount it but once and awhile it recognizes it....otherwise it just says hdc is missing... anyway to force it to mount or configure the device? (bump)23:34
linenoiseeurowerke: 'ping -f google &'23:34
PPredathanks all, will google a bit to see if I missed something23:35
linenoiseeurowerke: that will keep your lease from timing out as it will keep a connection open.  alternately, you can wget google.com every minute or so.23:35
xoqrpsbascule: Find anything?23:35
cizarranyone get this site working: https://www.rapidvps.com/ ?23:35
eurowerkewhy does it time out in the first place?23:35
eurowerkecan't I just keep it static?23:35
edheldileurowerke: and what's the problem?23:35
basculexoqrps: hang on, I've lost it :)23:35
xoqrpsbascule: Alright!23:35
linenoiseeurowerke: becase that's what dhcp is for... when you oversubscribe and need to manage23:35
georgebeurowerke: don't try ping -f23:35
eurowerkeedheldil: i set a static ip in network/interfaces file, but when dhcp lease time runs out, it renews to another address23:35
Odd-rationalecizarr: I can open the link.23:36
eurowerkelol I know georgeb ;)23:36
linenoise eurowerke yeah, you're interface is set up to be managed by dhcp23:36
georgebeurowerke: it's either dhcp, either static23:36
eurowerke"iface eth0 inet static"23:36
georgebeurowerke: when it's dhcp it's up to the dhcp server to give you the same ip23:36
cizarrOdd-rationale, can u see the website?23:36
Odd-rationalecizarr: Yes. Can you?23:37
inphois it possible to edit the history file ?23:37
n00biei get an error (see pastebin-link) when trying to run  mplayer <file.avi>   ... mplayer -vo x11 <file.avi>   works, but no fullscreen then... i have an ati mobility radeon video/graphics card23:37
eurowerke'/etc/init.d networking restart23:37
georgebeurowerke: then it should have nothing to do with dhcp23:37
cizarrOdd-rationale, i cant :(23:37
linenoisen00bie: try -vo sdl23:37
eurowerkenext day, new ip address23:37
cizarrOdd-rationale, lemmi del cookies, thanks.23:37
georgebeurowerke: have you tried setting it from System Settings ?23:38
eurowerkewhere does dhclient get started from?23:38
xoqrpsbascule: The internet is big, eh? :)23:38
eurowerkeit's a console only setup georgeb23:38
eurowerkeno Xwin23:38
basculexoqrps: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=how_to_crack_wep_with_no_clients23:39
Picieurowerke: thats your dhcp server issuing you a new ip address, not your computer.  the dhcp server should be smart enough to assign the same address if you are coming from the same hardware address.23:39
basculegot the one that covers most hassles23:39
xoqrpsbascule I'll try it!23:39
eurowerkeyeah it is assigning the same address Pici, same address it had before I set it to static IP23:39
basculejust for the record I know this stuff cause I demoed how easy it is in 3 friends houses23:40
hasani heard ubuntu got the same effects like vista ?23:40
eurowerkethe static IP and the IP that was being assigned by DHCP are on 2 different subnets23:40
eurowerkeand the static IP is not included in the DHCP lease range23:41
basculehasan: superior to vista, check youtube.com, search for compiz-fusion23:41
juano__hasan: *better* effects23:41
=== Flare183--Away is now known as Flare183
Odd-rationalehasan: *Different* effects.23:42
juano__hasan: and with way less hardware requirements than vista23:42
RazzoRzhey folks!,,, have a dualhead question...23:42
juano__!ask | RazzoRz23:42
ubotuRazzoRz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:42
edheldileurowerke: looks like you are running dhclient from somewhere ...23:43
hasanstructured wise ( file placing ) like in redhat its  /etc/resolv.conf is the same in ubuntu ?23:43
Gorgoryalguem ae sabe como fasso pra instalar pacote .gz?23:43
georgebeurowerke: could you paste in pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file ?23:44
juano__!pt | Gorgory23:44
ubotuGorgory: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:44
RazzoRzglad i got the attention... ty... now my question is... is there a step by step for setting up Dual head on 7.10 and what are the similaritys between ubuntu and Mint23:44
Picihasan: most linuxes/unixes have a very similar directory structure.23:44
eurowerkeyeah georgeb, one sec23:44
Synx_hmAnyone running the nvidia restricted drivers?23:45
hasanif i m willing to read the kernal of some linux distro how do i get that ?23:45
juano__RazzoRz: dualhead ?23:45
juano__Synx_hm: me23:45
josiahwif only I could run dx10 games in linux23:45
Synx_hmjuano__, you get dual monitor working?23:45
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: me223:45
josiahwi would have no use for windows any longer23:45
wols_hasan: read it how?23:45
RazzoRzjuano__: yes dual monitors23:45
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, ya i dont see m second screen23:45
juano__Synx_hm: never tried, but have you seen nvidia-config ?23:46
Synx_hmjuano__, nope ill try that23:46
magnetronjosiahw: actually, rudimentary dx10 support is included in Wine23:46
juano__Synx_hm: nvidia-settings ! sorry23:46
KuribohXhas anyone had this problem my cdrom drive is removable and I removed it while ubuntu was on......ever since it can't mount it but once and awhile it recognizes it....otherwise it just says hdc is missing... anyway to force it to mount or configure the device? (bump) (bump)23:46
hasanread it --> interms of some file reader if i m willing to see whats inside the kernel ..23:46
idiotLjL, thanks, everything working nicely now.  you're a life saver...23:46
juano__Synx_hm: nvidia-settings that is23:46
josiahwmagnetron: So I can play Crysis on my Linux Computer without any problems?23:46
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, you run dual monitor?23:46
goldbondi have a second hdd. i looked up its uuid with blkid and added " UUID=3820cd30-804a-4a99-b81d-54908eafa38b /mnt/f ext3 defaults 0 0 " to my /etc/fstab. but my drive does not mount when i reboot23:46
magnetron!appdb > josiahw23:46
BomfunkMepT_Bblu: ы23:46
goldbondcan anyone give me a hand?23:46
juano__goldbond: ask23:47
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org23:47
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: Nope. I have another monitor. want me to try?23:47
Thiago_AdrianoI`m trouble to put on work a mini-pci card broadcom in my laptop pavillion 6625, somebody help-me?23:47
=== allbert is now known as allbert_
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, sure if you care to ;)23:47
magnetronjosiahw: that's not what i said. check the private message from ubotu23:47
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: OK it might take awhile though...23:47
juano__Synx_hm: i believe nvidia-settings has some stuff that might help23:47
goldbondjuano__: i did (  i have a second hdd. i looked up its uuid with blkid and added " UUID=3820cd30-804a-4a99-b81d-54908eafa38b /mnt/f ext3 defaults 0 0 " to my /etc/fstab. but my drive does not mount when i reboot )23:47
wols_goldbond: auto,user,defaults23:47
wols_goldbond: what happens if you do sudo mount /mnt/f  ?23:48
juano__Bomfunk: stop23:48
kitche!ops | Bomfunk23:48
ubotuBomfunk: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!23:48
josiahwmagnetron: ahhh.... I guess it wont.... why cant wine run any windows program?23:48
Synx_hmjuano__, it says it wants to get rid of nvidia-glx-new23:48
tongueroosomeone stop Bomfunk23:48
Seveastoo late, suckas :p23:48
juano__thanks Seveas23:48
=== qwaz_ is now known as qwaz
magnetronjosiahw: it can run lots of windows programs23:48
MepT_Bbludefine("WELLCOME',"йа креведко!");23:48
MepT_Bbluecho WELLCOME, "<br>";23:48
MepT_Bbluecho,"йа креведко",myemail;23:48
goldbondwols_: [mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab23:48
goldbondmount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/f busy23:48
kitchehmm LjL must haeva  script that auto ops him :)23:49
Seveasagain, too late23:49
wols_goldbond: "mount" to see if it's actually already mounted23:49
KuribohXcan someone help me?23:49
KuribohXhas anyone had this problem my cdrom drive is removable and I removed it while ubuntu was on......ever since it can't mount it but once and awhile it recognizes it....otherwise it just says hdc is missing... anyway to force it to mount or configure the device? (bump) (bump)23:49
georgebeurowerke: everything seems ok, I don't understand how the dhcp client might start23:49
tongueroohey guys, how do i which node our slices are on?  s000386 and s00038723:49
juano__Synx_hm: alt + f2 , then type nvidia-settings23:49
eurowerkeyeah :(23:49
LjLkitche: no, my problem is *lack* of a script23:50
georgebeurowerke: can you check if it's running now ?23:50
juano__Synx_hm: dont install anything23:50
[Neurotic]KuribohX, I tend to make sure I tell ubuntu to eject the drive, that way I never get any issues with it 'losing' the mount point23:50
magnetrontongueroo: please explain?23:50
goldbondwols_: i did. this is what happened ( mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/f busy ) and ( [mntent]: warning: no final newline at the end of /etc/fstab )23:50
Synx_hmjuano__, i had to install nvidia-settings23:50
Synx_hmjuano__, anyways, whats the diff between twin view and seperate x screen23:50
josiahwmagnetron: I know but I doubt it would run Crysis.... or at least run it as well as it would run on my Vista machine.... I want to go back to Ubuntu and Ubuntu only but I like to play a lot of games (new games) and Im guessing that I have to stick to Windows for that.23:50
KuribohXyeah well I didn't know that it was that sensitive23:50
wols_goldbond: no you did not. run "mount"23:50
hasanread it --> interms of some file reader if i m willing to see whats inside the kernel ..23:50
rsfriendsmy mic don't work, what can the problem, mic did work before, but no that don't work?23:50
tonguerooKuribohX: if its any help, this is the mount command i usually use sudo mount xxx.iso folder_name -o loop -t iso966023:50
[Neurotic]rsfriends, try the volume setting, you may have turned off / muted the mic23:51
rsfriendsok, i try;)23:51
magnetronjosiahw: until they release games for linux too, i guess so. but wine runs a lot of windows programs, including games23:51
tongueroomagnetron: yes, im got the email about node 9 going down, and realized i have no idea which node our slices are on23:51
tongueroomagnetron: so just wondering if there's a way for me to find that out23:51
[Neurotic]josiahw, I tend to have a dual boot, and then have a cut down version of XP that I play windows games on.23:52
goldbondwols_: here is the output of mount. i don't see it (sda1 i think)23:52
josiahwmagnetron: Does it run as well as they would on a windows machine? Or does wine run slower that native windows because it has to go through linux?23:52
goldbondwols_: http://dpaste.com/27599/23:52
tongueroomagnetron: shit im in the wrong chat room23:52
RazzoRzso about a Step by step info on Dual monitors,,23:52
tongueroonevermind :)23:52
magicrobotmonkeyif i have a dvd from a camcorder, what the best way to copy it to a regular full size dvd?23:52
ikonia!language | tongueroo23:52
ubotutongueroo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:52
xxx_does ubuntu support geforce go 7300?23:52
magnetronjosiahw: Counter-Strike runs faster in Linux with wine23:52
askand"I'm a fuckin slower thread. I'm dead without doing nothing" Is that language appropirate for a, by ubuntu, supported software?23:52
ikoniaxxx_: it does23:52
ikonia|language | askand23:53
Pici!language | askand23:53
ubotuaskand: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:53
ikoniaaskand: that is totally uncalled for and a blatant troll23:53
LjLaskand, it's not appropriate for this channel, since this is a *support* channel. ask in #ubuntu-offtopic23:53
josiahwmagnetron: sweet. maybe I will dual boot.... what is the best file system to go with when dual booting?23:53
askandokok sorry23:53
xxx_which channel is dedicated to ubuntu supported graphics cards ??23:53
magnetronjosiahw: for the linux?23:54
ikoniaxxx_: your fine here23:54
[Neurotic]josiahw, you can set each partition as it's own file system type23:54
RazzoRzTrying to set up two monitors for 7.10 ,, not too sure where to start..23:54
xxx_is the geforce go 7300 for the notebook supported23:54
eddyI need to edit a text file as super user, how do I?23:54
ikoniaxxx_: should be23:54
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:54
ikoniaeddy: sudo23:54
juano__eddy: gksudo gedit textfile23:54
soldatseddy, sudo gedit text file23:54
eddyok thx23:54
Pici!gksudo | soldats23:54
ubotusoldats: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)23:54
KuribohXMagnetron: I applied that command to my comp and it says "mount requires an argument"23:55
juano__thanks Pici23:55
Synx_hmjuano__, that worked, twinview worked but one screen was dimmer, and dual x mode with xerna or what ever that was called borked up x23:55
[Neurotic]RazzoRz, preferences > Screen and Graphics Preferences23:55
josiahw[Neurotic], magnetron: Well I have external hard drives that have all of my Media... some of those files are to big for a fat 32 system. I want both windows and linux to be able to r,w,rw all information on those hard drives23:55
OmegaNineIs there a way to get better control over compiz fusion than the "Off, on a lil, on all the way" check boxes in appearance?23:55
xxx_set the drives to ext323:55
Pici!ccsm | OmegaNine23:55
ubotuOmegaNine: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:55
xxx_and use fs drive on windows23:56
[Neurotic]joseaa, which version of ubuntu are you running? if you are using 7.10+ you can use ntfs23:56
OmegaNineThanks Pici23:56
benzsshow do i find out which driver my wireless adapter is using?23:56
josiahwxxx_: are the read times slower on windows using fs-drive though?23:56
RazzoRzNeurotic: thats not a option23:56
josiahwxxx_: nice23:56
utahvwRazzoRz:what video card?23:56
ompaul!wireless | benzss23:56
ubotubenzss: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:56
magicrobotmonkeyisnt there some simple way to copy non-commercial dvds in ubuntu?23:56
RazzoRzati x140023:56
[Neurotic]RazzoRz, you're using 7.10 yeah?23:57
RazzoRzdvi and vga out23:57
hdevalencewhat do i do if there is a process that won't be killed by kill -9?23:57
xxx_or u can install ntfs 3g in linux and it can read ntfs but i prefer the unfragmented nature of ext323:57
juano__benzss: is it broadcom ?  try typing lspci in a terminal23:57
RazzoRzand useing the restricted drivers23:57
eurowerkegeorgeb: you mean if dhclient is running?23:57
xxx_read and write23:57
ub3rst4rhi, my friend has ubuntu v6.04. Whenever someone logs in with the right username to sshd, the server gets the error "Received signal 15; terminating." is the a compatiability issue?23:57
eurowerkeit was running yeah23:57
[Neurotic]RazzoRz, then it should exist... go into the 'control center' maybe it is in there23:57
georgebeurowerke: yep.. it might be some dhcpcd or dhcpclient running somewhere over there.. ps -ef | grep dhcp :)23:57
josiahw[Neurotic]: I am using fiesty fawn but I was under the impression that ntfs was still sketchy to use with linux23:57
Crochaxbin ich drin???23:58
RazzoRzOh its in Admin.. not preff23:58
xxx_ntfs sucks23:58
ompaul!de | Crochax23:58
ubotuCrochax: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:58
xxx_use ext3 and use fs drive23:58
kitcheub3rst4r: no it's probably due to an error check your /var/log/messages to see if anythign sticks out23:58
juano__xxx_: mm no it doesn't23:58
utahvwRazzoRz:Neurotic nailed it23:58
josiahwxxx_: ok23:58
Crochaxsind deutsche hier?23:58
xxx_if u MUST use ntfs then install ntfs 3g on linux so it can read and write to ntfs23:58
Pici!de | Crochax23:58
josiahwxxx_: why does it suck23:58
ompaulCrochax,    /join #ubuntu-de23:59
RazzoRzpreferences > Screen and Graphics Preferences.... Its in administration..23:59
[Neurotic]josiahw, YMMV, but I've had no issue with ntfs, otherwise, fat32 is what you are stuck with23:59
xxx_ntfs's security options can clash with linux23:59
Crochaxdachte ich bekomm ne vernünftige Antwort23:59
juano__xxx_: ntfs isn't "linux intended"23:59
josiahwxxx_: ah... ok thank you23:59
xxx_google them both and you choose if the pros and cons of both types suits u23:59
eurowerkelet me reboot and see what happens23:59

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