
slimjimflimdoes anyone know how to check the age of a package?01:05
thruxtonslimjimflim: look at its changelog01:07
thruxtonslimjimflim: or do you mean when you installed it?01:07
thruxtonin which case i am not sure01:07
slimjimflimwhen i installed it01:07
slimjimflimthx anyway01:08
thruxtoni *think* aptitude keeps track of that, check in /var/log/01:08
slimjimflimthruxton, yea, /var/log/dpkg.log01:09
slimjimflimshit, it only goes back 7 days though01:11
tehlam3any ubuntu gurus here need help :/ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47636/    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47637/01:14
slimjimflimnm, got it, it was /var/log/dpkg.log.101:15
slimjimflimtehlam3, you have missing dependencies01:16
tehlam3and how can i fix them if the update doesnt work01:17
slimjimflimtry this:01:17
slimjimflimsudo apt-get install dpkg01:17
tehlam3already tried that01:17
slimjimflimwhat's the output01:17
tehlam3didnt work01:17
slimjimflimwhat about `sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.22-14-generic`01:18
slimjimflimactually, ya, i think the second is right01:19
slimjimflimjust keep trying to install the dependencies it tells you it needs01:20
tehlam3k will try01:21
slimjimflimeventually you should get to one without dependencies of it's own01:21
* slimjimflim goes to the store01:22
userXubuntuArghh, this is driving me nuts, ow do I fix it? - when I copy something it will only be in the memory as long as the program from which I copied it stays open.01:28
userXubuntuIs this a linux "feature"?01:29
userXubuntuOr customizable?01:30
userXubuntuI'm having serious problems wity Thunar, sometime it just goes nuts and refuses to read a directiry. while it makes the entire system go slow. Anyone had/having the same problem?02:25
userXubuntuThere we go again.. Tuner f**ing up the comp...02:36
Judeglasshey guys02:54
Judeglassin xubuntu 7.1 where can i find the xfce4-panel config files02:54
Judeglassmy panel fails to load due to some of it's elements not initializing02:55
Judeglassanyone care to share real qucik where the xml config file lies?02:55
Judeglassi was looking in ~/.config/xfce4/panel/02:56
Judeglassbut /panel isn't there02:56
userXubuntuAnd there it goes again...03:10
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userXubuntuThis is really annoying...03:56
zoredachewhat direcotory?03:59
zoredachedo you have anything mounted from the network?04:00
userXubuntuNot from network, but my ntfs disks..04:00
zoredacheunmount them, and see if you have problems..04:00
userXubuntuI'll give that a try...04:01
userXubuntu(But the problem appears when I'm in (and only in) file system also)04:01
userXubuntuWell, that was new... I cannot unmount the volumes, I'm apperently not "priviiged enough", oh I'm sorry. What is this for aristrocrating OS? (I'm having priviligue problems with apache to...)04:03
zoredacheno this is a secure operating system that doesn't let a user do some dangerous things without elevating your privileges04:04
userXubuntuWhen we are on the subject, on one of my drives, I have to log in everytime after reboot.04:04
userXubuntuYes, I understand, but this is driving me nutz.04:04
userXubuntuSudo this, and sudo that.04:04
userXubuntuOK, first I need to find ot why Thunar is doing what it's doing.04:07
userXubuntuCan I unmount using sudo? And if I do that will it be temporarily? (after reboot it will be fixed=?)04:10
userXubuntuI'm sorry I didn't mean to  insult Xubuntu/linux, but I have been through a lot this last hours.04:13
zoredachesudo umount /mountpath04:13
zoredacheas for it getting better after a reboot, why not just try and see what happens04:13
zoredachegenerally though I suggest you not keep foreign filesystems mounted unless you are using them04:14
userXubuntuwell, I'm kind of integratig linux with my win2k (linux uses files on the ntfs)04:14
userXubuntu(which win2k also uses)04:15
userXubuntuyou get the idea...04:15
zoredachewell I can get that is what you are trying to do, but I would suggest that your system would perform better if you try to avoid that04:16
userXubuntu"umount: /media/hdb5: device is busy"04:16
userXubuntuOh, I'm sorry, am I disturbing you from something important?04:16
userXubuntuZor, well, yes I kind of figured that ;)04:17
zoredacheif you are using files on that filesystem then you cannot unmount it without your system crashing hard04:17
zoredacheso it doesn't let you04:17
userXubuntuThe problem is if I reboot and dismont, I will have nothing to do in Xubuntu, so it will be hard to do something else to find out why thunar is behaving as it is.04:19
userXubuntu(All my activity revolves around my main disks)04:19
userXubuntuIs there not some form of system checking tool?04:19
userXubuntu*I can use?04:20
userXubuntuOh, and I must as, there are two thunar exe in the sys folder; Thunar and thunar; what is the difference? I have tried both, maybe I'm doing something wrong on that front?04:21
bnalohiman anyone help me with a problem i have with a disk... one jfs partition, i tried to repair it with gparted but didnt work: Unrecoverable error reading M from /dev/sdb1.  CANNOT CONTINUE. please.. i dont know what to do04:57
vejan738anybody help with me with ssh in xubuntu?05:05
userXubuntuI accidently killed the desktop, how do I restart it?05:05
vejan738startx at the prompt05:06
userXubuntuThanks, but I just found it (desktop/pref/allow x to manage desktop)05:06
userXubuntuWhat does AS package libcpp<n> mean?06:35
userXubuntu(regarding choosing what version to download for install)06:36
userXubuntuI can chose between 5 and 6...06:50
userXubuntuOk, now this is just freaky. On of my workspaces have died!?07:33
userXubuntuI'm having serious problems with xfce, and I do think I have identified the problem to the mount.ntfs, but I'm not sure, even ordinary programs such as firefox seems to be a culprit...07:34
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bmorber1Can anyone here provide assistane for installing a wireless card?  I'm new to linux and I'm having a hard time getting my Linksys WPC45g to work.09:01
Mannequinhi. I've a question, an easy one, I think.13:37
MannequinI'm using nicotine+ (a soulseek client).13:38
MannequinI'm not using the one from the repositories, but the latest version.13:38
MannequinI've dropped the folder on my desktop13:38
Mannequinand run the program by invoking "python ./nicotine"13:38
Mannequinnow, I want to move the folder of this "standalone" program to a more conventional place on the linux filesystem13:39
Mannequinso, my question is: where is that place? where should I, by convention, put that folder?13:39
junkeRin Xubuntu 7.10, why can't I select multiple files and get a combined properties window showing the total file size of the selected items?  This is possible in Ubuntu/Kubuntu as well as Windows.14:08
ablomenjunkeR, its showed in the bottom bar of the thunar window14:11
junkeRjust the total file size is?  How about when you're selecting folders?14:12
ablomendu -h folder14:15
ablomenor file for that mater14:15
junkeRwell my issue isn't the biggest problem I had just wanted to see if I was missing something14:16
junkeRthanks for your help14:16
ablomenok np :)14:16
=== workingman is now known as codenamekt_work
KobaFoxxHi, could anyone help me with a problem I'm having? I just installed Xubuntu on a blue Mac G3. It shows the loading screen, but it blacks out when it should go to the login screen. If it helps, I had to "install=ofonly"15:10
KobaFoxx*"install video=ofonly"15:10
KobaFoxxWow, this channel sucks16:06
gdivosI have switched from windows to xubuntu yesterday. I have some problems and questions to ask, can I post them into the main channel or should I pm. someone?16:55
stone[no]Go ahead and post.16:56
gdivosFirst I could not install the flash plugin for firefox as a result of some md5 checksum error. Later I have converted the official RPM to DEB16:57
gdivosIt installs and semms ok, but some sites just make firefox close.16:58
gdivosIts the latest flash plugin,latest firefox and the page that results in a crash is www.electroworld.hu16:59
TheSheepgdivos: why didn't you just install from the ubuntu repositories?16:59
stone[no]http://www.getautomatix.com/ or http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ is easier16:59
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »17:00
gdivosAfter "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47704/17:02
stone[no]ubotu: I wasn't aware of that. Thanx for the heads up :)17:02
gdivosthis error is the reason why i didn't use the ubuntu repo17:04
stone[no]*I don't like bots :)17:05
TheSheepgdivos: what version of ubuntu again?17:07
gdivosoh sorry. xubuntu 7.1017:07
TheSheepgdivos: did you do apt-get update?17:07
gdivosI do it now. moment17:08
gdivossame error :(17:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174090 in flashplugin-nonfree "md5sum error in postinstall for package flashplugin-nonfree (dup-of: 173890)" [Undecided,New]17:15
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:15
gdivosIt is possible to bypass the md5 check by editing /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.postinst and doing a dpkg-reconfigure17:18
gdivosAfter this it says: Flash Plugin installed. But when I test it, firefox crashes on www.electroworld.hu after 15 seconds. Just like the official RPM package that I converted to .DEB with 'alien'.17:24
BlinkizI would like a gui program that can handle rar files. What can you recommend?17:36
aladdinsaneis there any way in how i can change/remove Thunar and its integration in Xubuntu towards lets say Nautilus? And i really mean completely remove it.17:40
BlinkizThe answer to my own question is to install rar and unrar. The build in archive manager will then be able to deal with rar archives.17:42
gdivosI can reproduce a flash plugin related crash.18:05
gdivosIf you have Adobe Flash Player (check your version here: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash/about/) you can try if your browser crashes on http://www.electroworld.hu/store/binary?id=17119 . It is a stupid flash ad and you have to wait 20 secs before it hangs.18:05
gdivosIt is possible that it happens only to me, yet I want to know whether it is a local problem or not.18:07
zoredacheI can confirm that flash seems very buggy, but we can't really do anything about it18:09
stone[no]I've got 9.0.48 and it's working....18:10
stone[no]http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/web/flashplugin-nonfree is ver 9.0.48...18:11
gdivosit tries to download the .tar.gz file from the official site18:11
gdivosand it is already 9.0.11518:12
stone[no]ohh, ok.18:12
gdivosso thats why it says md5 mismatch18:12
gdivosSo, I can hope Adobe will fix its buggy crap :-/18:14
stone[no]I've probably got the 9.0.48 tar in my cache. If you want it I can send it.18:16
stone[no]md5sum: 821cc72359a937caef85bb4cc74ef5cd  install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz - is it the correct one?18:18
Ahmuckhi.  i want my xubuntu to login automagically18:39
Ahmuckhow do i do that?18:39
evil_techApplications-> Settings->Login Window->Security18:40
totalmergeageisn't that for gnome?18:41
totalmergeageif so try http://ohioloco.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30331918:41
evil_techno i just went and looked for it18:42
evil_techthat is where its at18:42
SGLHello. I have a working Xubuntu installation. Is there a way to reinstall the entire Xubuntu OS from the command-line?19:23
alfredowho -lusers19:31
RainCTdoes Xubuntu use gksudo or has it it's own tool?19:33
SGLwhat does gksudo do?19:35
RainCTSGL: execute something with sudo privilegies, asking the password in a graphical way19:36
SGLoh. I wouldn't know. I am reinstalling Xubuntu now, so I can find out for you in like half an hour. (really old PC :P)19:37
SGLI just always use normal sudo19:37
PumpernickelIt does use gksudo.19:38
RainCTokay, thanks19:38
SGLWhen would you prefer gksudo over sudo?19:38
RainCTSGL: menu entries19:38
SGLahhh right19:39
BlinkizI need to run a program as a specific group. I know I can use the "sg" command but am looking for a tool where I can specify both the user and group. Like "niklas:users". Is it possible?20:01
stone[no]Blinkiz: Use 'su' in combo with 'sg'20:04
Blinkizstone[no]: Yeah, am trying to. But I can't get it to work. It asks me for password everytime I run my own line. Don't know why20:05
stone[no]su - user -c "sg youcmd"20:05
Blinkizstone[no]: Its su -c "sg $group -c command" @user20:06
Blinkizstone[no]: Here is the line am trying to run. Am running it as "sudo su" before. su -c "sg users -c rtorrent" niklas20:07
stone[no]Blinkiz: su - niklas -c "sg users -c torrent" should do the trick...20:09
stone[no]skip the sudo20:09
stone[no]You will have to know the password for user niklas though20:09
Blinkizyeah, this line will run at startup by root20:10
Blinkizstone[no]: If I brake it apart. 'sg users -c rtorrent' works. But 'su "sg users -c rtorrent" niklas' doesn't20:12
Blinkizoh, should be 'su -c "sg users -c rtorrent" niklas'20:12
stone[no]I'm not sure su will accept standard input20:13
stone[no]to pass the password20:13
stone[no]the extra '-' will make sure the enviroment for user is used20:14
Blinkizok. Ill give you a more complicated line that works. My goal is to implement the sg command somewhere inside it.20:15
Blinkizsu -c "screen -S "${srnname}" -X screen rtorrent ${options[i]} 2>&1 1>/dev/null" ${user} | tee -a "$logfile" >&220:15
BlinkizWhere to put the sg command?20:15
stone[no]Blinkiz: That's along one :)  put all that in a bash script and call it with sg...20:16
BlinkizYeah, that's a solution i quess ;)20:17
kilonuxcompiz on xubuntu, is that relevant?20:18
stone[no]Remeber to pass the -d option to screen if your using it in a startup screipt20:18
Blinkizyeah, it has been done on a line above20:18
shadow-vous faites du support ici ou pas ?20:22
patricknevillehey i installed xfce4 after using ubuntu for a while, and now on my desktop i have duplicates of ever icon, device and such, anyway to fix this?22:36
ipguyhi all;23:21
ipguyanyone here running compiz with a intel gma video card ?23:22
* Flare183 is away: Gone away for now.23:22
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belindaanyone around to help out with a display issue?23:48

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