
juano__xxx_: doesn't mean its bad though :)00:00
[Neurotic]I'm wondering - is anyone using Hardy Heron yet? If so, how are people finding it? stable?00:00
eurowerkeif it starts up00:00
xxx_i personaly perfer something which doesnt fragment00:00
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josiahwjuano__: yeah but ext3 isnt Windows intended right?00:00
juano__josiahw: ext3 is linux extended00:00
xxx_ext3 CAN be read well with fs-drive00:00
xxx_on windows00:00
josiahwlol ok guys thank you00:00
K_DallasGood evening again! With old HDD, I used to use hdparm to set the parameters. Rigth now though, I have installed Gutsy on toshiba-satellite and doing hdparm -I /dev/sda I get udma5. Is that all right or should I change it (HDD is SATA) Thanks00:00
mneptokjosiahw: what is your goal?00:00
xxx_dual boot comp00:00
juano__mneptok: lol good question00:00
wols_xxx_: but it ignores permissions too00:00
josiahwis there a way for me to resize my partitions on my windows machine? or would i be better off doing a complete format of the system and installing both?00:01
utahvwRazzoRz:you probably dont want to use the scrrens and graphics thing...if you are using the proprietary ati driver it should install a nice little gui config tool...thats what you want to use...unless you like to edit the xorg.conf by hand  ;-)00:01
[Neurotic]josiahw, goarted is your friend00:01
goldbond_wols_: i rebooted with your addions to fstab and nothing changed00:01
[Neurotic]josiahw, gparted*00:01
michelsonhow does on install the PAE kernel module on an ubuntu feisty server?00:01
RazzoRzutahvw: not sure where that tool is ... care to help00:01
josiahw[Neurotic]: Ill give it a look00:01
wols_goldbond_: the mount itself doesn't work as seen with mount /mnt/f00:02
rsfriendswhy i try to talk in skype, the other person dont hear me, i have see the setting , i just cant finde some thing wrong....00:02
goldbond_wols_what could be the problem? is it with the drive?00:02
michelsonwill my ubuntu machine use > 4 G ram if i don't have the pae kernel module instaled?00:02
wols_goldbond_: does /mnt/f exist/ ls -d /mnt/f00:02
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wols_michelson: ony on x86-64 ubuntu. not in i386 ubuntu00:02
utahvwRazzoRz:sure...it may take a minute...i removed all of the ATI cards infavor of NVIDIA cause of the flaky ati linux support (sorry to say)00:02
juano__josiahw: there is a really good gparted boot cd, boots up an OS into memory with interactive desktop + gparted only00:02
xxx_who in this channel uses swap exceeding 2 gb?00:02
irreducibilisIs my internet down?00:02
Thiago_Adrianothere`s something like a how to ubunto into a hp laptop?00:02
Piciirreducibilis: no.00:03
juano__josiahw: but for now u can try the normal gparted is good00:03
RazzoRzsure thing!...00:03
michelsonwols_:    shoot.  this is a 32 bit system.   when i use free i only see 3G ram :(00:03
goldbond_wols_: it exists but it is empty00:03
wols_xxx_: ask a real question00:03
spepshey guys a simple question.what does ${@} means?thanks00:03
Thiago_Adrianothere`s something like a how to ubuntu into a hp laptop?00:03
eurowerkegeorgeb: it held the static IP after reboot00:03
utahvwRazzoRz:i think its ati-xconfig or something like that00:03
wols_xxx_: and if you need 2GB swap, then you have a problem (unless it's for suspend only)00:03
josiahwjuano__: I am downloading the gparted livecd right now from gparted.sourceforge.net right now00:03
juano__!reapeat | Thiago_Adriano00:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reapeat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
goldbond_wols_: when i try to umount it, it says it is not mounted00:03
wols_michelson: that is normal00:03
juano__!repeat | Thiago_Adriano00:03
ubotuThiago_Adriano: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:03
msbhvnso in ubuntu on a powerpc with a one-button mac mouse how does one remove quick launch shortcuts from top menu bar?00:03
michelsonwols_:   can i fix it so it sees all the ram?00:03
josiahwjuano__: looks like there is a live usb as well :)00:04
goldbond_wols_: but it looks like fdisk detects it? what could be the problem? i am lost.00:04
RazzoRzNo sorry did not work00:04
RazzoRztake your time00:04
juano__josiahw: yea i think so too00:04
wols_michelson: only if you use 64bit ubuntu00:04
eddyhow do I use super user to open a file browser?  (Like nautilis)00:04
michelsonwols_:   what about the PAE kernel module?00:04
wols_michelson: do you have a xeon?00:04
eurowerkeLOL I think i created my own troubles by assuming dhclient was running00:04
michelsonwols_: clovertown00:04
juano__eddy: gksudo nautilus *adir*}00:04
kitchemsbhvn: the one-button mac mouse is actually a two button mouse depending on how you click it you have to set it up though for that I believe which I have noc lue how to00:04
xxx_no i dont use 2 gig swap i only use 1gb but since i have 1.5 gig ram and the recommended swap is 2x ram then i was just asking ?00:04
Picimichelson: the -server kernel does not have restricted drivers.00:04
eurowerkeand testing it after I set the static IP00:04
wols_michelson: look for a bigmem kernel00:04
eurowerkeso I STARTED it after setting up the static IP, and then it ran and would renew00:05
josiahwjuano__: so if my harddrive has information on it that gets resized will it mess it up?00:05
eurowerkewe'll see how it works out tomorrow :)00:05
eurowerkethanks georgeb00:05
basculekitche: press and hold IIRC00:05
michelsonPici:  sorry, so if it doesn't have the restricted drivers, does that mean i can't use the ram > 4 G?00:05
=== joe_ is now known as joevandyk
kitchebascule: well that to but that's not what I meant00:05
michelsonwols_:  i was hoping it would come with a big mem kernel.  it's a dedicated server from a hosting company00:05
georgebeurowerke: np00:05
juano__josiahw: you should never resize over the yellow section, which is the data area, partition then will probably be unaccesible00:05
Picimichelson: it does, but it means that you probably can't use your ati/nvidia/wifi properly.00:05
josiahwjuano__: or if I already have a ntfs partition sitting there with nothing on it will ubuntu allow me to install onto that? and not mess up my current Vista installation?00:06
michelsonPici: well it is a server, so i don't need any of that00:06
Picimichelson: then I'd use it00:06
Picimichelson: the server install CD installs the -server kernel by default.00:06
juano__josiahw: you will need a / partition, and a swap partition at least00:06
michelsonPici:   does that mean the server kernel will use all my ram >4 G?00:06
juano__josiahw: / can be ext2 or ext300:07
Picimichelson: yes.00:07
msbhvnkitche: cool, will google some more00:07
michelsonPici: but 'top' and 'free' only show less than 4G ram00:07
josiahwjuano__: right but cant ubuntu do format and change my current ntfs blank partition?00:07
juano__josiahw: you have 2 ntfs partitions ? one with vista and the other blank ?00:07
Picimichelson: are you running the server kernel? does your processor support PAE?00:07
josiahwjuano__: yes00:07
juano__josiahw: then there should be a problem to format the empty one00:07
michelsonPici: supports PAE, yes, I believe so, intel clovertown cpus, but PAE module isn't installed00:08
Dred_furstHey, I am looking for some help with my wireless card in my laptop00:08
Picimichelson:  `cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep pae` should tell you00:08
josiahwjuano__: my ntfs partion is 100gb and my blank ntfs partition is 900gb00:08
juano__josiahw: wow thats a lot of space00:08
juano__josiahw: almost a Tera00:08
josiahwjuano__: i like big hard drives :)00:08
magicrobotmonkeyis there something like k9copy for gnome00:08
juano__josiahw: :)00:08
josiahwis a tera00:08
xxx_1tb niiice00:08
michelsonPici: yep, it's there :)00:08
josiahwhard drive00:08
Picimichelson: what does uname -a say?00:09
hennki am using a logitech quickcam with 7.10 and the skype beta with video support. the image is very dark. in camorama i can raise the brightness, but the setting won't stick. any chance to do this globally, so that skype will get a brighter picture?00:09
michelsonPici:  2.6.20-16-386 #2 Sun Sep 23 19:47:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux00:09
juano__josiahw: well youll never worry bout having DVD images in your HDD00:09
juano__josiahw: lol00:09
Dred_furstmy wireless chipset is a marvell libertas 88w833500:09
Picimichelson: Well, thats the problem. You are running the -386 kernel, not the -server kernel00:09
bascule*never* ... I think you will, hddvd is huge00:09
michelsonPici:  shoot.  well thanks a lot for your help!   much appreciated!00:09
protolocoand opensource aplication like LoadRunner??. Who doesnt knows  Load Runner emulates hundreds or thousands of concurrent users in order to performance test how an application operates under these conditions.00:10
josiahwok but I dont have to do anything before installing ubuntu onto my computer? if i install ubuntu after windows is already on the system will it still bootup with lilo?00:10
xxx_¬¬ i know few ppl who download hddvd , blueray iso's00:10
juano__josiahw: well anyway, as you can see, if you format the blank partition *if it is really blank and nothing installed from vista on there* then its ok, it would be logically like disconnecting a HDD if you think it00:10
robobobcould some1 ahve a look please00:10
dj_Is there a myspace IM client for Linux?  or one that works for myspace IM?00:10
juano__josiahw: vista should just recognize the new size00:11
josiahwjuano__: im just worried about the bootup i guess... and ubuntu formatting my current windows partition00:11
fsckranyone here run dual monitors and have separate wallpaper on each one?00:11
AndrewBdj_: pidgin maybe does?00:11
josiahwbut will vista or lilo boot first? so i can choose which to boot from?00:11
AndrewBI'm not sure off the top of my head dj_00:11
Dred_fursthas anyone got any suggestions?00:11
juano__josiahw: after you install ubuntu, grub will be installed, then you can boot from grub to your vista00:11
basculeon what00:11
josiahwbecause i dont think windows has any dual boot startup programs00:11
xxx_josiah just run the vista cd00:12
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: Are you still there? I can't figure it out either.00:12
xxx_at startup and fix mbr00:12
juano__!grub | josiahw00:12
ubotujosiahw: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:12
[1]renanok how do i get a 3ddesktop?00:12
xxx_it works well on xp should be the same on vista00:12
PeterTHello.  I wonder if anyone here can help me.  I'm trying to set up the external monitor on my laptop through the handy 'screens and graphics' application and whichever device I select as the Model for Screen 2, it brings up a file browser with the title "Choose a driver file".  It did work previously (with a different screen connected, but still), perhaps my recent 'apt-get autoremove' did more than it should have?00:12
[1]renan!grub 3ddesktop00:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub 3ddesktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:12
irreducibilis_Is it normal for my DNS to cut out for 10 minutes?00:12
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, got it working with nvidia-settings, however i had a slightly dimmer screen, and i needed to reinstall on a softraid anyways so i dumped the system hehe00:12
irreducibilis_And btw.... How do I get my name back?00:12
[1]renan!grub 3d desktop00:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub 3d desktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:12
irreducibilis_I seem to have a ghost00:12
ubotuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.00:12
basculexxx_: vista uses a new thing, not ntldr called bootmgr00:12
esqueletohello ..00:12
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents00:13
juano__!msgthebot | [1]renan00:13
ubotu[1]renan: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.00:13
esqueletowhere is the graphical application to adminstration IPTables on Ubuntu ?00:13
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: OK00:13
josiahwjuano__: sorry i was thinking grub not lilo... although i dont know the differences... doesnt matter.00:13
cafuegoesqueleto: Nowhere, until you install one.00:13
CrochaxOk, kann mir jemand wegen Amarok helfen?00:13
qwazesqueleto, there isnt00:13
[1]renanI WANT TO KNOW HOW I ADD A 3d effect on my desktop!00:13
basculeesqueleto: firestarter00:13
cafuego[1]renan: Please don't SCREAM.00:13
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, i hope this softraid boots :(00:13
xxx_ok sorry i didnt knwo00:13
juano__josiahw: grub and lilo are two different boot managers00:13
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, thanks though00:13
juano__josiahw: grub is the default one that ubuntu installs00:13
magicrobotmonkey[1]renan: do you have compiz running?00:13
P_KableI try to add a French dictionary in Thunderbird but after installed it won't appear in the dictionaries choices ...00:13
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, you run the nvidia restricted driver?00:14
josiahwjuano__: i know that... im not that dumb am I :)00:14
=== irreducibilis_ is now known as irreducibilis
josiahwjuano__: maybe i am lol00:14
Enslavedcompiz will give you 3d effects00:14
cafuego[1]renan: System > Preferences > Appearance > Effects00:14
Odd-rationaleSynx_hm: Yup.00:14
Jack_Sparrow[1]renan:  Have you setup your video card and monitor ..  or are you running vesa mode00:14
neverblue[1]renan, what part of the process are you in ?00:14
Synx_hmOdd-rationale, ya i just ran nvidia-settings and used twinview00:14
newpshi there i have an ati mobile card.. i was using compiz with fglx driver perfectly and all over a sudden it is all messed up and everything is CRAZY, text is all blurred, windows are ghosting, even in this chat, if i dont resize the window constantly, all the text is crazy cause it scrolls up each time someone types.. PLEASE HELP!00:14
[1]renancafuego, i did get install 3ddesktop00:14
[1]renanbut nothing works..00:14
juano_1josiahw: emmm sorry :P :)00:15
mneptokP_Kable: installez-vous le paquet "thunderbird-locale-fr"00:15
josiahwThere is already a new version of Ubuntu? or is that just a beta?00:15
mapezhey trying to open up a .torrent from a tracker, I already have the files, I just want to seed using ktorrent. thanks.00:15
cafuego[1]renan: Yeah, that's not particualrly useful; you don't need it.00:15
Picijosiahw: 8.04 is in the first alpha release, definitly not suitable for users at this point.00:15
[1]renancafuego, then how do i install and get it?00:15
Odd-rationalejosiahw: it is beta00:15
Enslavedyou need to get compiz00:15
juano_1josiahw: up to 7.10 gutsy is stable00:15
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:15
Jack_Sparrownewps: were you running a program under wine when this happened?00:15
PiciOdd-rationale: Alpha.00:15
josiahwok cool00:15
cafuego[1]renan: it comes preinstalled on Gutsy (7.10).00:15
Odd-rationalesorry alpha00:15
newpsnop and i have rebooted00:15
esqueletoit's an application called FireStarter00:15
esqueletoi'm installing00:16
xxx_im new to ubuntu 5 day experience. is fedora an advanced version of ubuntu cos ive read it in a few forums?00:16
[1]renancafuego, how do i get it?00:16
neverbluexxx_, nope00:16
mapezxxx_ No.00:16
newpsthe fglx driver seems hosed to me00:16
cafuego[1]renan: it comes preinstalled on Gutsy (7.10).00:16
josiahwDo you think it would be ok to go with the 64bit 7.10? Or should I stick to the 32bit? I have a dualcore 64bit and would love to use it but if im going to have a bunch of driver issues I wont.00:16
cafuego[1]renan: You may need to install `compizconfig-settings-manager' for the more advanced prefs.00:16
[1]renancafuego, how do i install?00:16
mneptokjosiahw: use i38600:16
mapezxxx_ Fedora is Red Hat's side project (based off of the afore mentioned) while Ubuntu is based off of Debian.00:16
magnetronjosiahw: use the 32-bit00:16
josiahwmagnetron: ahh.... does the 64bit version at least show a good performance increase?00:17
P_Kablemneptok>>  non, je devrais ?00:17
josiahwmagnetron: course i guess it doesnt matter if im not going to be gaming on Ubuntu00:17
P_Kablemneptok>>  je vais faire ca vite fais, merci00:17
xxx_side project ? does that mean its not that good whats their core project ?00:17
mneptokP_Kable: sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-fr00:17
=== makuserusukotto is now known as makuseru
Enslavedcompiz comes installed but like you said you need to get the advance dektop settings00:17
juano_1xxx_: fedora is in the free philosophy of software, red hat is getting more commercial with enterprise00:17
xxx_:( then baad00:18
magnetronjosiahw: some, it's good for servers. but they don't make Flash or Java for ubuntu 32-bit00:18
esqueletoI have installed Ubuntu 7.10 and now I cannot connect to some application. I want to see if there is something blocking... something like Firewall ..how can I see ?00:18
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:18
mneptokP_Kable: et de rien.00:18
cafuegoesqueleto: Did you install or configure a firewall?00:18
grigoraHi, I used to be able to double click on the desktop and get all my sticky notes to hide, but now I can't. I have to specifically go to the sticky notes icon, open the menu and hide them from there. Anyway around this? or even configuring for those notes to always stay hidden on startup? Thanks00:18
magnetronjosiahw: sorry, i meant "they don't make Flash or Java for ubuntu 64-bit"00:18
eddyin apache which file allows me to set my ServerName ?00:18
esqueletoI think no ...00:18
esqueletobut how can I see it00:19
mneptoks/Java/working\ Java/00:19
xxx_if only manufacturers gave better support for unix systems :(00:19
mapezxxx_ I used Fedora back when the third installment was released. Personally I like Ubuntu better, as the community is very friendly and it works for me.00:19
cafuegoesqueleto: Then there are no firewall rules. (Check with 'sudo iptables -L -n -v' in a terminal window)00:19
juano_1xxx_: i agree with that one00:19
juano_1xxx_: x fedora user here too00:19
josiahwmagnetron: ok... another issue Im guessing im going to run into and my wireless card... something I wish linux would get a hold of is hardware drivers.... or rather I wish hardware manufacturers would work on00:19
P_Kablemneptok>>  same problem, it won't appear in the list :(00:19
xxx_i think the core reason ppl dont switch so easily to linux is becouse of the compatibility00:19
mneptokP_Kable: did you restart T-bird?00:19
xxx_with hardware00:19
kahrytanxxx_➲  and thats becoming a mute point00:20
mapezxxx_ It is also ALOT easier if you just dedicate 100% of your computer to Linux.00:20
esqueletocafuego, i think no ..00:20
cafuegojosiahw: Btw, flash works fine in 64bit using the nspluginwrapper tool.00:20
esqueletoChain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)00:20
esqueleto pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination00:20
esqueletoChain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)00:20
esqueleto pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination00:20
esqueletoChain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 0 packets, 0 bytes)00:20
esqueleto pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination00:20
NirevusI know this is the wrong place to ask; but the official channel is dead. If anyone here has any experience with Linux from Scratch can you join #temp13 for a bit?00:20
EnslavedBSD has god support00:20
esqueletothis is what I get00:20
Pici!paste | esqueleto00:20
cafuego!paste > esqueleto00:20
Jack_SparrowGuys, can we take the conversations to #ubuntu-offtopic.. This room is for support00:20
juano_1!paste | esqueleto00:20
ubotuesqueleto: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:20
juano_1lol everyone on the same second00:20
magnetronjosiahw: what card are you using?00:20
hdevalencehey all, my computer is running rather slowly, and I can't figure out why. I've got a load average of about 6/6/1000:20
jordanIs it possible to change the sources (or add on) to something that has more up-to-date packages in Ubuntu?00:21
juano_1hdevalence: how much ram? processor ? etc ?00:21
hdevalencebut top doesn't really help me find it00:21
ZeroZiatHEllo how do I check the isntaleld drivers? D:00:21
j1solutionshello all, anyone know how to get framebuffer working in gutsy on a laptop?00:21
xxx_i personally am running a dual boot with windows xp media center since i havent got compatibility for my express card creative. as soon i get my new external sound card im dedicating my system to ubuntu00:21
n00biei get an error (see pastebin-link) when trying to run  mplayer <file.avi>   ... mplayer -vo x11 <file.avi>   works, but no fullscreen then... i have an ati mobility radeon video/graphics card00:21
josiahwmagnetron: a Linksys WMP300N00:21
JimmyDeeany help with making ubuntu icecasting work?00:21
ZeroZiatHello*, installed*00:21
kahrytanjordan➲  what packages?00:21
neverbluejordan, you can edit your /etc/apt/sources.list00:21
josiahwmagnetron: which doesnt seem to work will even with ndiswrapper00:21
magnetronjosiahw: a USB dongle? those are nasty00:21
josiahwmagnetron: no its a pci card00:22
NirevusI know this is the wrong place to ask; but the official channel is dead. If anyone here has any experience with Linux from Scratch can you join #temp13 for a bit?00:22
fluffleshi all. i have lib32 installed yet on my 64-bit Ubuntu 7.10 i cannot install 32-bit software, it says wrong architecture: i386. what to do next?00:22
jordankahrytan neverblue Any packages, just so I can have the most up to date versions, and yes I know that I can edit the sources, but is this a good idea?00:22
juano_1!framebuffer | j1solutions00:22
ubotuj1solutions: If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer00:22
kahrytanxxx_➲  i need a driver for my hvr-160000:22
bbardlbraddDoes anyone know if there's a way to fax from Ubunut?00:22
cafuegofluffles: dchroot.00:22
JimmyDeefluffles, install .amd64 packages00:22
esqueletocafuego, this is blocking incomming???00:22
j1solutionsthanks buotu00:22
xxx_thats the only downside for linux00:22
kahrytanjordan➲  Or just use software sources applet.00:22
PeterTjordan: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports maybe?00:22
xxx_i tried backports00:23
cafuegoesqueleto: No, you have no firewall rules that block anything,.00:23
xxx_given to me on the alsa channels00:23
hdevalencejuano: 2GB ram, Intel C2D T5250 @ 1.5GHz, only ~500M ram used00:23
xxx_and it didnt recognize my express card00:23
magnetronjosiahw: ic. i got an Atheroscard, (netgear PCI) because i knew it would work perfectly in linux00:23
juano_1hdevalence: when you start session it delays ?00:23
Synx_hmWhat do i need to do to see kernel messages on ubuntu boot00:23
esqueletocafuego, tkx00:23
bbardlbraddDoes anyone here know where I might be able to find a way to fax via Ubuntu and no dial up???00:23
kahrytanxxx_➲  Kernel driver developers are/were open too. They had to get an open call to get hardware to make drivers for00:24
Synx_hmi cant tell if its hung or not00:24
jordanPeterT - ah, I didn't know thats what backports are.  Thank you!00:24
josiahwxxx_: seems like its the hardware manufacturers fault not linux fault :) same goes with software and developers that use .net (Puke)00:24
magnetronSynx_hm: try typing dmesg in a terminal00:24
Synx_hmmagnetron, i cant get that far ;)00:24
PeterTjordan: glad to help00:24
josiahwmagnetron: yeah but i wanted wireless N because I am streaming a lot of media over my network00:24
xxx_thats what i meant im not blaming linux00:24
Synx_hmmagnetron, im stuck on the loading, please wait screen00:24
magnetronSynx_hm: oh sorry00:24
Jack_Sparrow!offtopic | xxx00:24
ubotuxxx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:24
josiahwmagnetron: a lot of large video files00:24
xxx_im already being kiked out00:24
magnetronjosiahw: that isn't even a standard00:25
mapezxxx_ just go to the off topic channel.00:25
josiahwmagnetron: yeah it is... now00:25
ShpookHello everyone. Got a question on mapping mouse buttons. I just got a Logitech Marble Mouse trackball, and I've got the smaller left button mapped to hold down for scrolling. Is it possible to have it set up where a single click on the small left/right buttons will act as back/forward, and holding them down will allow me to scroll with the trackball?00:25
hdevalencejuano: I haven't actually started a session recently, but applications freeze every so often00:25
Dred_furstCan anyone help me with my wireless chipset?00:25
bbardlbraddHullo? Fax via Ubuntu?00:25
jordanPeterT - is it 'smart' to run backports enabled?00:25
xxx_sorry ill stay on topic00:25
josiahwmagnetron: as of 2 months ago i believe00:25
bthorntonHow can I get my WiFi driver to load automatically on my Gutsy laptop?  Currently, I have to run "sudo modprobe eth1" on every fresh boot to get my WiFi adapter to work...00:25
P_Kablemneptok>>  of course I restarted tbird ...00:25
EnslavedHow do i make firestarter start-up when i start my computer00:25
magnetronxxx_: just join #ubuntu-offtopic00:25
Synx_hmjuano_1, any idea how i can see kernel messages on boot, i think its hung but i cant see the kernel panic message to see whats going on00:25
Jack_Sparrowxxx_: thats all we ask00:25
hdevalenceand my external drive is going at only ~1MB/s00:25
kahrytanEnslaved➲  you dont need it too00:25
PeterTjordan: I don't really know.  But I imagine it's ok.  I'm not that experienced with linux, actually00:25
juano_1Synx_hm: type dmesg in a terminal00:25
Jack_SparrowEnslaved: you need to understand that firestarter is NOT a firewall.. it is an iotable manager00:25
jordanAlright fair enough, thanks00:26
josiahwOk so if flash works on 64bit should I just use the 64bit? Or will I have other issues with plugins?00:26
Synx_hmjuano_1, i cant get that far ;) i think im getting a kernel panic from softraid on boot00:26
Enslavedhow do i config iptable00:26
juano_1Synx_hm: maybe:  dmesg | grep  somethingyouwant00:26
Pici!iptables | Enslaved00:26
ubotuEnslaved: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:26
juano_1Synx_hm: ahh i see00:26
Synx_hmjuano_1, ya hehe00:26
kahrytanJack_Sparrow➲  it does monitor hits there.00:26
PeterTShpook: I just had some luck with this howto: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21989400:26
ShpookPeterT: thanks, I'll check it out now00:27
Jack_Sparrowkahrytan: What?00:27
juano_1Synx_hm: emm.. there is a log file if im not wrong, cant recall location :P00:27
juano_1Synx_hm: ask out to the room though, there are very experienced users in here00:27
NirevusI know this is the wrong place to ask; but the official channel is dead. If anyone here has any experience with Linux from Scratch can you join #temp13 for a bit?00:27
kahrytanJack_Sparrow➲  firestarter monitor hits.00:27
cafuegofirestarter is just a script on top of iptables.00:27
Synx_hmIs there any way to see all kernel messages during boot and not the loading screen?  I think ive got a kernel panic but i cant tell what is causing it00:27
Dred_furstis anyone available to help me?00:28
magnetronNirevus: you already asked that. if nobody knows, no one will answer.00:28
juano_1ahh Synx_hm00:28
kitcheNirevus: you mean the channel on here for LFS since there is no official channel on here but if you followed the book it should just work00:28
magnetron!ask | Dred_furst00:28
ubotuDred_furst: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:28
juano_1Synx_hm: try this:  cat  /var/log/boot.log00:28
cafuegoSynx_hm: Yup. edit the boot commandline and remove the "quiet splash" parts.00:28
Nirevuskitche: No, the channel on their servers. It's about the liveCD.00:28
jordanWhen will XDMCP be fixed in Gutsy?00:28
Synx_hmcafuego, thanks00:29
Dred_furstmagnetron could you help me get my laptop's built in wifi working? it has a mjarvell libertas 8w8335 chipset00:29
magnetronjordan: is it broken?=00:29
jordanmagnetron Yes, Gutsy -> Gutsy does not work00:29
magnetronDred_furst: ask your question to the channel, please00:29
Synx_hmWhat is suspoed to happen after usbcore is loaded, because thats where its hanging, not a hard lock just nothing else loads00:29
josiahwNirevus: Did you try the "linux" channel on FreeNode?00:29
magnetronjordan: is there a bug report in launchpad?00:29
timlinuxhi is there is separate channel for packaging / ppa questions?00:30
bbardlbraddDoes anyone know a way to fax via Ubuntu???00:30
fsckri have dual monitors is there a program that will allow me to put separate wallpaper on each monitor?00:30
Dred_furstcould anyone help me get my laptop's built in wifi working? it has a marvell libertas 8w8335 chipset, and it keeps failing to load in ndiswrapper due to an IRQ error apparantly00:30
Enslavedvirus scanner need at all00:30
Nirevusjosiahw: No, I didn't think of that, foolishly. Thanks00:30
jordanmagnetron nevermind I found a workaround00:30
Jack_SparrowEnslaved: no00:30
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:30
josiahwNirevus: NP00:30
fsckrhey Jack_Sparrow you by any chance use dual monitors?00:31
rsfriendsmic dont work at skype, now i have tested micro at volume control and it works there fine, what can i do?00:31
neverbluejordan, yes, its a good idea to edit the location of the sources00:31
Enslavedi just double checking i read articles that said there are virus and also i read articles that say there raw for linux00:31
Jack_Sparrowfsckr: nope..   check out twinview.etc00:31
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fsckrhehe i have twinview working fine :)00:31
fsckri just want separte wallpaper on each one :P00:32
markus_How do I install windows in ubuntu?00:32
sanguisdexmarkus_:  use vbox00:32
Jack_Sparrow!wine | markus_:00:32
ubotumarkus_:: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.00:32
fsckrmarkus use vmware, or virtualbox00:32
Enslavedyou have to have vmware server00:32
josiahwmarkus_: Like how to run windows in linux? or how to dualboot while Ubuntu is already on the machine?00:32
fsckreek have to turn this snow off hehe00:33
kahrytanmarkus_➲  what do you want to run?00:33
markus_windows xp home00:33
rsfriendsmic dont work at skype, now i have tested micro at volume control and it works there fine, what can i do?, when i use sound recore, that dont works, what could i do wrongt?00:33
kahrytanmarkus_➲  what do you want to run?00:33
EnslavedWine and crossover are limited to what you can install00:34
HKMmarkus_> How do I install windows in ubuntu?00:34
HKMwhy would install winblow in ubt00:34
georgebmarkus_: you could try installing vmware server from www.vmware.com00:34
Enslaveduse vmware server would allow you to run windows why linux is running00:34
josiahwHKM: so that he can run .net apps in windows while still using ubuntu00:34
PeterTHKM: There are all sorts of reasons someone might want to run windows in a vm00:34
HKMwell he can use apc or wine00:34
HKMor vbox00:34
EnslavedCrossOver is anothe rone but that cost 50 dollars00:35
sanguisdexHi there, I need an invoice managege ment program that is more user friendlt then GNU cash can any one recommend a program?00:35
HKMno need to install a os on top of virutal impt00:35
timlinuxrsfriends: try muting the mike then calling echo123 in skye to make a test call00:35
josiahwHKM: they dont support .net I dont believe... or do they?00:35
timlinuxrsfriends: for best results with skype I use a usb headset that has a built in digital signal procesor (its own sound card basically)00:36
rsfriendsok, but i dont have now a usb headset, but i know usb is best;)00:37
ari_stressmorning everyone00:37
F0RGEiFHey ^^00:37
BeOSMrXokay give it a test00:37
K_DallasQ: With my old HDD, I used to use hdparm to set the parameters. Rigth now though, I have installed Gutsy on toshiba-satellite and doing hdparm -I /dev/sda I get udma5. Is that all right or should I change it (HDD is SATA) Thanks00:37
timlinuxrsfriends: I also suggest if you do get mic working, take a screenshot of the mixer application settings00:37
timlinuxthat's what I did when I used to have to fiddle about to get skype to work00:38
bthorntonIs there any other graphical utility to handle which services load on boot other than the one that comes with GNOME?  The GNOME "service-admin" only lists a fraction of the services on the system.00:38
bthorntonAnd I prefer not to use Webmin, if possible.00:38
BeOSMrXokay give it a test00:38
Boosorry pals00:39
BooDCC SEND "string" 0 0 000:39
spydabyteis it a bad sign if i plug my ubuntu box into my router via ethernet cord and the light is red on router ?00:39
timlinuxbthornton: if you don't mind using the command line try this article: http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/04/enabling-and-disabling-services-during_01.html00:39
n00biehow can i switch the caps lock and esc keys ?00:40
timlinuxbthornton: note you will need to use sudo in front of those commands00:41
hammsandI just upgraded my motherboard and processor today.  Booted up without having to reinstall.   I now have a dual core processor.  Is there anything I need to download?  Or is my kernel good to go.  Gutsy 7.100:41
hammsandAMD 64x2 380000:41
spydabytei wish i could just get my box to be viewable to the outside world00:42
spydabyteeven dmz peopel cant use ssh00:42
rsfriendsdamn i dont get my F ucking mic to work;) hate this00:43
kitche!language | rsfriends00:43
ubotursfriends: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:43
rsfriendssry, very sry00:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about freaksout - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:43
localgod11dapper sees my pcmcia wireless card as active but does not show wirelss network ideas?00:44
Some_PersonHow do I change Rhythmbox artwork per song?00:44
rsfriendslocal it can help to restart the wireless, i had same problem, i just did restart then it did work00:45
localgod11tried that from the command line and even rebooted still nothing00:45
n00biehow can i switch the caps lock and esc keys ?00:46
sanguisdexHi there, I need an invoice management program that is more user friendly then GNU cash can any one recommend a decent program?00:46
dakshow can I get my right-hand ctrl and alt to count as ctrl and alt?00:47
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PeterTI wonder if anyone here can help me.  I posted this about 30mins ago and didn't get any response.  I'm trying to set up the external monitor on my laptop through the handy 'screens and graphics' utility and whichever device I select as the Model for Screen 2, it brings up a file browser with the title "Choose a driver file".  It did work previously (with a different screen connected, but still), perhaps my recent 'apt-get autoremove' did00:47
PeterTmore than it should have?  Does anyone know which drivers or packages are relevant to this?00:47
SpzattHow do i install themes? (looks)00:47
LjLn00bie: caps lock and esc? that's a new one... anyway, have a look at xkeycaps00:47
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:48
josiahwis there a better irc app than this XChat? Its starting to annoy me :)00:48
LjL!irc < josiahw00:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc < josiahw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:48
MasterShrekjosiahw, whats wrong with xchat?00:48
LjL!irc > josiahw    (josiahw, see the private message from Ubotu)00:48
rsfriendsspzatt -system- preferences-apearance- theme00:48
Jack_SparrowSpzatt: gnome-look.org   drag and drop onto theme manager00:48
hammsandwhats the bash command to remove a directory that has files in it00:48
Jack_Sparrowjosiahw: I like Konversation00:49
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PeterT!irc > PeterT (I'm intrigued)00:49
josiahwMasterShrek: It seems to have less options available... or at least it makes it difficult to find them.00:49
Flare183How do I setup MIDI?00:49
DG19075josiahw; I have Pidgin here00:49
Some_PersonHow do I change Rhythmbox artwork per song?00:49
Odd-rationalejosiahw: I always used pidgin00:49
Donkaanyone know of a good dvd burning prog?00:49
Jack_SparrowDonka: k3b00:50
Dred_furstOkay I have fixed my wireless card I found out it was an atheros card with a marvell chipset. I used the drivers off the CD for ndiswrapper00:50
Donkawill it let me burn a vcd on a dvd-rw?00:50
Flare183How do I setup MIDI?00:50
Flare183With timidity00:50
Odd-rationaleSome_Person: You mean have a different art for each song?00:51
soldatsSome_Person, im pretty sure rythmbox works off of album basis so i dont think you can change the art per song unless you make each song say a different album and associate it with diff pics00:51
TemplerHi there need some help - Ive setup remote desktop access on gnome and using xvnc4viewer but i can only acces my desktop using local ips and not external ones - how do i set it up to access external ips say when im at work00:51
soldatsTempler, i wonder why it does that it should work fine without changing anything00:52
josiahwOk I will give those a shot.00:52
soldatsTempler, did you set your home box to accept incomming connections00:53
stansmithwhere can i find where the repositories for fiesty fawn are located?00:53
IdleOneTempler: you probably need to  port forward traffic from your public ip to the static ip of the machine you want to connect to00:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sources.lst - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:53
Templersoldats , im connected via a router but im not sure if its firewalled00:53
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource00:53
soldatsTempler, foreward the ports00:53
stansmithPeterT: thanks00:54
Templeris it 5800 for vnc00:54
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic00:54
PeterTstansmith: ok00:54
soldatsTempler, i believe so but im not sure i havent used vnc for about 2 years id look at the config or readme pages and it should tell you what it connects on00:55
SqueeHey, I'm currently trying to upgrade from Ubuntu Feisty to gusty gibbon, and the upgrader keeps telling me it can't get an exclusive lock. I've restarted the computer, and I've run it with no other applications open, but I still get the error. Is there some fix out there?00:55
sunogbagaSquee: ps ax | grep apt00:56
soldatsTempler, also make sure on your ubuntu box you set it up to accept remote desktop sharing00:56
sunogbagaSquee: it apt may may be running00:56
sunogbagaSquee: apt may may be running00:56
SqueeSo what do I do?00:57
scguy318sunogbaga: your grep won't catch a GUI package manager00:57
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:57
sunogbagascguy318: thnx,. how should i do it?00:57
josiahwThink I would be ok with just keeping ubuntu and not dualbooting with vista to play my system intense games? Using VMWare or something?00:57
scguy318sunogbaga: perhaps lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock or something like that00:58
josiahwor will VMWare not work that well?00:58
sunogbagaSquee: kill it if you wan't or wait till it ends00:58
bazhangjosiahw: not for the 3d stuff00:58
scguy318josiahw: VMware and games don't mix, too slow, VMware only has experimental 3D rendering00:58
PeterTjosiahw: I'd be surprised if VMWare would work for that00:58
Squeejosiahw, the effectiveness of vmware varies, and using it makes it harder run your system to play the games00:58
sunogbagaSquee: thnx i'll try that00:58
SqueeThat wasn't me that helped you :P00:58
josiahwthanks :(00:59
sunogbagaSquee: sorry, I mean thanx scguy31801:00
scguy318sunogbaga: np01:00
Squeethanks, bazhang, that worked01:00
bazhangSquee: no problem01:00
linux_stuis $170 a good/reasonable price for an eVGA NVIDIA GeForce 7800GS 256M AGP Graphics Card?01:00
stansmithhello again01:00
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »01:00
stansmithis there a room for ubuntu-server?01:00
scguy318stansmith: this chan is fine for Ubuntu server, question?01:01
stansmithscguy318: i just installed ubuntu-server, and then i did "sudo apt-get install xorg gdm fluxbox", but flux is owned by root and i cant configure anything as a normal user, where did i go wrong?01:01
bazhangstansmith: there is a #ubuntu-server as well01:02
sunogbagastansmith: always sudo01:02
ConstyXIVdoes anyone in here know how compatible GNUStep and Cocoa are?01:02
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.01:02
Flannelbazhang: but this is the proper channel for his questions01:02
localgod11can someone help wiht dapper?01:02
Flannel!anyone | localgod1101:02
ubotulocalgod11: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?01:02
scguy318stansmith: mmm, not sure01:02
bazhangFlannel: sure, just a bit more info01:02
josiahwanybody here have netflix? and if so is there a way to watch the movies from netflix in ubuntu? I know it requires Windows Media Player to play them.01:02
Flanneljosiahw: Theyre just regular DVDs, arent they?01:03
scguy318!restricted | josiahw01:03
ubotujosiahw: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:03
localgod11ok fine. dapper sees my wireless card as active but does not connect01:03
scguy318localgod1: what chipset?01:03
localgod11its a pcmicia card from activetec01:03
kitche!dvd | josiahw01:03
ubotujosiahw: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:03
Flannellocalgod11: Is there any particular reason you're using dapper still?  Have you tried a gutsy liveCD?01:04
PeterHSlocalgod11: go to the terminal and type lspci, that will give you the chipset information01:04
scguy318Flannel: cuz its LTS I believe01:04
localgod11dapper is the LTS, i am using it inside a digital photo frame the screen saver actually worsk better01:04
PeterHSthat information will help us01:04
iddoanyone knows how to get rhythmbox to play mp3 when you double click on file in nautilus? it only works if rhythmbox is already running01:05
Donkaanyone know why when i try to burn a cd with k3b it says cdrecord has no permision to open the device?01:05
Flannellocalgod11: You still might try Gutsy/Feisty, see if the wifi works there.01:05
Peloiddo,  I never figured it out myself01:05
bazhangfile associations?01:05
markus_how do i install windows in ubuntu when it says debug and close(using wine)01:05
Pelobazhang, doesn't work01:05
josiahwFlannel: They are a dvd renting service but they also allow you to stream {watch} their dvd's from their website.... but it installs a plugin into WMP01:06
jvboomYou don't actually install windows in ubuntu01:06
localgod11pci 1510 ?01:06
bazhanghmm. seems to work in kubuntu01:06
jvboomwine just emulates the win32 os01:06
Pelomarkus_, you don'T install windows on wine,  wine is a windows replacement sort of01:06
PeterHScan you give us the whole output line for your card01:06
iddoPelo: it works but only if rhythmbox is already running in ubuntu (gnome)01:06
Donkacan anyone help me with k3b when they get a sec plz01:06
markus_ok so how do I install it01:06
PeterHSlocalgod11: can you give us the whole output line for your card, thanks01:06
josiahwI know how to watch dvd's and other divx movies in ubuntu im wondering if there is a way to watch streamed shows from the netflix website01:06
localgod11cardbus bridge right?01:06
Pelomarkus_,  if  you want to install windows in ubuntu use vmware server or virtualbox , those are virutal machines01:06
iddoso any ideas?01:07
scguy318markus_: sudo aptitude install wine if you want to install Wine with version 0.9.43 (ish?)01:07
localgod11texas instruments PCI 1510 pci cardbus controller01:07
Peloiddo, you could do  a search in the forum  www.ubuntuforums.org01:07
scguy318markus_: see winehq.org for instructions on installing latest Wine01:07
PeterTDonka: wish I could, I'm not familiar with it.  It's a familiar feeling, being ignored here...01:07
kyleBAKEDmy external hardrive stopped mounting, it doesn't appear with fstab -l or mount, is there a way too mount it manually?01:07
scguy318josiahw: a silly and probably crappy idea would be to run WMP on Wine :P01:07
iddoi tried... iirc someone mentioned it's a bug... not sure... haven't found almost any info on it01:08
sunogbagakyleBAKED: fdisk -l see if its there01:08
alesanhi, I have created a ... mh 32bit chroot on my 64-bit installation. what is the best way to actually launch 32bit graphic programs from that chroot01:08
localgod11PeterHS ?01:08
kyleBAKEDits not01:08
alesanI alwasy get a message cannot connect to X server :001:08
iddokinda lame that totem is default for music files instead of rhythmbox01:08
josiahwscguy318: lol thats what i was thinking... just wondering if anybody had tried it... it looks like there is a app called mythflix out there that might do it01:08
marx2k_Is anyone able to ping soap.amazon.com?01:08
iddoit should be default only for video i think?01:08
PeterHSi am kinda new to linux but i think the iwpriv command might be able to help01:08
scguy318josiahw: that's my same thought :P01:08
scguy318josiahw: it's a plugin I believe for MythTV (I think)01:09
Jimbob_How does one re-target a bug in launchpad? And/or is there a better channel to ask this on?01:09
kyleBAKEDmy main hardrive and partitions show up, but not my external01:09
scguy318Jimbob_: possibly #ubuntu-bugs01:09
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andruki have a laptop without CD or floppy drives.  would it be easier to use an external cd drive or a flash drive?01:09
PeterHSmarx: no, i cannot01:09
josiahwscguy318: yeah it is.. but if it will work on mythtv it will work on linux :)01:09
localgod11PeterHS   ????01:09
vholkon2gud am guys01:09
scguy318!install > andruk (see PM from ubotu)01:09
andrukiddo: i agree01:10
scguy318andruk: that link gives you some options for installation01:10
Thiago_Adrianohelp-me with broadcom mini pci 4311 in a hp pavillion 6000 laptopp01:10
sunogbagascguy318: help with kyleBAKED :D01:10
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx01:10
JairMercuryHI ALL01:10
PeterHSlocalgod11: i cannot help with that card01:10
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JairMercuryHOLA A TODOS01:10
vholkon2can I install ubuntu 7.04 in a 745 mhz   128 mb laptop?01:10
lwellsAnyone able to get Pandor Radio to work in Firefox?01:10
scguy318kyleBAKED: pastebin sudo fdisk -l01:10
andrukscguy318: thanks01:10
kyleBAKEDscguy318: one sec01:11
scguy318JairMercury: hola, entre en la canal #ubuntu-es para ayuda en espanol01:11
PeterHSvholkon, yes, try the live cd first01:11
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soldatsvholkon2, yes but it will be pretty slow01:11
scguy318!es | JairMercury01:11
ubotuJairMercury: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:11
Flannelvholkon2: Yeah.  You'll need to use the alternate CD to install. And it'll run less than optimal.01:11
marx2k_How does one ping a specific port?01:11
scguy318markx2k_: use a port scan tool like nmap01:11
sunogbagamarx2k_: or you can telnet01:11
marx2k_theres no way to use 'ping' to do that?01:11
dougbdoes anyone know how to get compiz to show all of the windows currently open in ubuntu 7.10?01:11
kyleBAKEDscguy318: it only shows the entries for sda, which is my main harddrive, do you still want me to put it on pastebin?01:11
scguy318markx2k_: when pining soap.amazon.com I get packet filtered message01:11
marx2k_scguy:same here01:12
marx2k_it seems to be down01:12
scguy318kyleBAKED: go ahead, though, mm01:12
bazhangdougb: the scale effect01:12
=== wirechief4 is now known as wirechief1
sunogbagakyleBAKED: how about /var/log/messages when u connect your external harddrive01:12
scguy318kyleBAKED: how about examine System -> Admin -> System Log -> /var/log/syslog and see what happens when you plug in HDD01:12
=== wirechief1 is now known as wirechief4
kyleBAKEDscguy318: http://pastebin.com/dc3c8c93, i will try that now01:13
PeterHSlocalgod11: that is not your wireless card, that is the thing that controls your slots and lets your computer talk to your card01:13
PeterHSthe output from lspci should have some wireless in the name01:14
zealotI just installed ubuntu for the first time. I love it01:14
mattwalstonwhy can i only play a certain wmv file in vlc but not totem?01:14
localgod11card reads actiontec 802CI0201:15
PeterTI'm trying to set up the external monitor on my laptop through the handy 'screens and graphics' application but whatever I select as the Model for Screen 2, it brings up a file browser with the title "Choose a driver file".  It did work previously (with a different screen connected, but still), perhaps my recent 'apt-get autoremove' did more than it should have?  Does anyone know how the relevant drivers might have been lost, or how to ge01:16
PeterTt them back?01:16
BlackDiamondsis there a way to ge some sort of comment on that bug ?01:16
PeterHSlocalgod11: that is not the whole line, could you please copy the entire line from the lspci output, it will help me to see the chipset in use01:16
localgod11thats the whole line01:16
scguy318PeterT: when Screens and GRaphics asks for a driver file, it wants the Windows INF monitor driver file01:16
PeterHSoh, sorry01:16
scguy318PeterT: I think01:16
localgod11begins with 00:00:0a.001:17
PeterTscguy318: seems peculiar; it allowed me to select things before without asking that...01:17
PeterHSthat is the mac address01:17
PeterHSno, not the mac address, the local adapter address01:17
markus_how do i install windows when the setup can't detect a hard drive?01:18
helluvaCSMajorhi, need help fixing something in ubuntu if someone gets a chance, thanks01:18
PeterHSit is recognized but will not connect, is this a new issue or an old issue that keeps popping up?01:18
localgod11the card sees networks but deos not connect01:18
PeterTscguy318, I do have windows installed, perhaps I could find an appropriate INF, but it does it even for very generic types of screen.01:18
localgod11new install01:18
mattgyver83takenhelluvaCSMajor, what is wrong?01:18
PeterHSis mac filtering enabled on the router01:18
PeterHShave you tried various networks01:19
ionstormany good tuts on how to install xp after ubuntu gutsy01:19
markus_no it says there is no hard drive to install to when I boot the cd01:19
helluvaCSMajori tried to mount my windows partition a long time ago, ever since it keeps adding folders to my home folder with scrambled names, i do not remember what caused it exactly01:19
Wifi-PhreakCan anyone help me... every time I try to burn a cd I get an error message01:19
Wifi-PhreakThe files selected did not fit on the CD.01:19
bazhanghttp://apcmag.com/5459/dualboot_ubuntu_and_windows_xp ionstorm01:20
PeterHSencryption on the routers?01:20
josiahwisnt there a an application that will allow you to mount .dmg files?01:20
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:20
SpookyETIs there a decent gnome email client? THunderbird is ugly as hell. Evolution crashes like a tired whore.01:20
PeterHShave you been able to conect to unsecured networks?01:20
bazhangjosiahw: outside of mac osx, none that I know of01:20
muuluui installed ubuntu 7.10 but bios bug 82 something01:20
localgod11havent tried01:21
sunogbagaSpookyET: sylpheed01:21
josiahwbazhang: i know you can in windows01:21
SpookyETsunogbaga: Can it be indexed by beagle?01:21
PeterHScould you, or is it inconvenient to try no encryption?01:21
bazhangjosiahw: hmm--perhaps I should have said none in linux that I know of01:21
kyleBAKEDscguy318: http://pastebin.com/m795223ea thats what happens when i plug it in01:21
X-Sleepy-Xhello can someone please say my name?01:21
markus_how can i install windows when the setup cant detect a drive?01:22
Wifi-PhreakSOund | anyone?01:22
mattgyver83takenDoes anyone here have heightened experience with OpenOffice.org Calc (spreadsheet)01:22
X-Sleepy-Xi was trying sounds... and it worked fine01:22
aolaushey, anyone know how to switch from english to chinese word processing in openoffice?01:22
muuluuanyone pls help me with bios bug thing01:22
PeterHSis this a new issue or an old issue01:22
n00biehow can i switch the caps lock and esc keys ?01:22
markus_new isuue01:22
zealotI have a question about irssi, the man page states that -c joins a certain server and -n sets nickname, but is there a command to make it join a certain channel?01:22
localgod11peterhs  ?01:23
Wifi-PhreakCAn anyone help me with this error msg?01:23
FarrisGAnyone know of a decent, easy-to-use tool for capturing AV from a tuner card, preferably straight to mpeg2? Trying to convert some old home movies to DVD for Christmas back home. I've got the tuner working fine with several viewers, just can't find a decent FOSS tool for capturing01:23
Wifi-PhreakThe files selected did not fit on the CD.01:23
PeterHSlocalgod11: yes01:23
helluvaCSMajori tried to mount my windows partition a long time ago, ever since it keeps adding folders to my home folder with scrambled names, i do not remember what caused it exactly01:23
localgod11out of ideas?01:23
PeterTscguy318: the dialog does seem to be showing inf files when I browse to Windows/inf... but I've no idea which I should select (or how to get it back to the state where it doesn't ask).  Not necessarily expecting a solid answer, but if you can help it would be good...01:23
PeterHSpretty much01:23
muuluuanyone bios bug?01:24
scguy318PeterT: find an INF from your monitor's manufacturer01:24
scguy318FarrisG: I would peek at Ubuntu Studio packages01:24
scguy318FarrisG: I'm clueless in the A/V area also :P01:24
localgod11ideas where i can look01:24
helluvaCSMajorcan anyone help me keep it from putting these empty folders in my home folder?01:24
PeterHSbut i did not see anything for your chipset01:25
PeterTscguy318: I'll see what I can do, but what if I suddenly want to give a presentation with a projector I haven't used before and no internet connection?01:25
PeterHStry under the general wireless issues01:25
FarrisGscguy318: THanks, I'll check it out01:25
aolausoh my god.. chinese language support sucks torvalds on ubuntu01:25
muuluuBios bug help me please i cannot use ubuntu it's keeps freezing01:25
heartsbloodHow do you hear a mp3/ogg file just by hovering over the file with your mouse.  I recently did a few changes to my UI and I lost that ability01:25
bazhangxvidcap? FarrisG01:25
PeterHSlocal god:have you been using the network manager?01:25
heartsbloodis it in gconf?01:25
GaBypleas ehelpme i got a problem: i added the boot splash and on the tutorial says thah i have to do a mkinitrd, i did it but i forget to activate the reiserfs !!! now i get a kernel panic, can anione help me? please is urgent! is not my pc01:25
localgod11i tried manually configuring01:26
localgod11and still nothing01:26
muuluuHello pls heeeeeelp desktop keeps freezing01:26
mattwalstonHow can I play wmv10-dvr in totem?  It works in vlc but I can't get it working in totem.'01:26
m1k3How might I completely uninstall a package?01:26
scguy318m1k3: sudo aptitude purge ...01:26
localgod11cant even pping the gateway01:26
PeterHSmanually as in editing the config files or through the network manager? because the network manager is good when it works but shitty otherwise01:26
Viper550sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME01:27
scguy318PeterT: uhm, I'd say you should have prepared beforehand :P01:27
localgod11in netowrk manager01:27
localgod11can you point me at the config files?01:27
m1k3I tried sudo apt-get remove01:27
PeterHSok, lets try editing the config files manualy give me a minute to find them01:27
m1k3I'm trying to completely re-install wine01:27
helluvaCSMajorcan someone help me figure out why random empty folders keep showing up in my home folder?01:27
m1k3Because msn messenger screwed up and now it wont work01:27
GaByanyone can help me please?01:28
scguy318m1k3: to remove the wine directory rm -rf ~/.wine01:28
=== lovedeatm_ is now known as lovedeatm
PeterTscguy318: It's something that's extremely likely to happen to me as I'll use the machine for VJing and stuff...01:28
m1k3Thank you, scguy31801:28
=== lovedeatm is now known as lovedeatm_
GaByany ne knows how to recue my instalation?01:28
GaByfrom this kernel panic01:29
GaByusing a live ubuntu cd?01:29
m1k3scguy318: How do I remove the Applications < Wine menu also?01:29
scguy318PeterT: mm, I would probably read up on projectors and stuff at Ubuntu Forums and such01:29
scguy318m1k3: ~/.local/share/applications/something01:29
GaByplease help me i got a problem: i added the boot splash and on the tutorial says thah i have to do a mkinitrd, i did it but i forget to activate the reiserfs !!! now i get a kernel panic, can anione help me? please is urgent! is not my pc01:29
bazhangGaBy: on a friend's computer? are the files backed up?01:29
muuluuanyone help me desktop keeps freezing01:29
helluvaCSMajorcan someone help me figure out why random empty folders keep showing up in my home folder?01:29
scguy318m1k3: its ~/.local/share/applications/wine I think01:30
scguy318PeterT: unfortunately I wish I knew more01:30
bazhangGaBy: no to question 1?01:30
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!01:31
FluxD!ops condor^01:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops condor^ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:31
truz_`24What option do I need ?01:31
truz_`24Whoops. I meant to say... What option do I need to to pass to start the ubuntu live cd with no gui? or to not start X01:32
heartsbloodhow can people idle in the ubuntu channel and not have flood protection01:32
LjL!feeding the troll01:32
ubotuThe above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.01:32
Sieris that why they quit? what does flood protection do?01:32
helluvaCSMajorcan someone help me figure out why random empty folders keep showing up in my home folder?01:33
=== lovedeatm_ is now known as lovedeatm
localgod11CAN ANYONE SEE THIS?01:33
Siersee what?01:33
naliothlocalgod11: please turn off the caps01:33
heartsbloodlocalgod11, yes01:33
PeterHSi can see this01:33
localgod11was blocked for a min01:33
LjL*NOTICE* - If you couldn't speak in the last couple of minutes, please try again now. Also, please consider registering to freenode:01:33
ubotuBy default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration01:33
heartsbloodthe channel went +m01:33
LjL!feeding the troll | *NOTICE*01:33
ubotu*NOTICE*: The above mess was caused by someone who thought it was funny (they're gone now). Please ignore it completely, since discussing it and making a fuss will only make them think they've reached their "fun" goal.01:33
localgod11got the name of the config files?01:33
SierhelluvaCSMajor who created the folders?01:33
Viper550maybe we should set it up to autokick on stuff like that, rapid repetition01:34
helluvaCSMajorthey started when i tried mounting my windows partition, they pop up about once a day, even when i delete them01:34
helluvaCSMajormore keep popping up01:34
Siercan we get a bot here?01:34
Viper550!bot we have one01:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bot we have one - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:34
localgod11PETERHS config files?01:34
muuluuanyone help me with desktop freezing01:34
PirateHeadIs there a way to disable the behaviour by which using the scroll wheel while over the application list switches between applications?01:34
PeterHSi am looking01:34
PirateHeadI never do it on purpose, and when I do it by accident it freaks me out.01:34
helluvaCSMajorthey are being created automatically01:35
Viper550with names like... _________?01:35
PeterHSlocalgod11: the files are \etc\network\interfaces01:35
helluvaCSMajorscrambled junk01:35
yuhongIn any case, should there be a PAE kernel in Ubuntu because NX is enabled by default in Windows and NX requires PAE?01:35
sunogbagaPirateHead: good question, it irritates me also.. anyone?01:36
helluvaCSMajorany ideas on why these folders are being created?01:37
truz_`24So is there an option i can pass on the Ubuntu Live cd to start without X01:37
sunogbagahelluvaCSMajor: how are the folders named?01:38
helluvaCSMajorscrambled symbols, not even letters01:38
helluvaCSMajorthey appear random01:38
localgod11peterhs is the command sudo gedit \et\network\interfaces01:38
PeterTscguy318: I feel pretty stupid: it's possible that I was pressing the 'add' button rather than 'ok' at one point. I should stop trying these things at 1am... need to restart / log off to test.  Thanks again...01:39
ThesmythTruz , you should get the alternate CD01:39
Thesmythit gives a text only installer01:39
PeterHSno, you forgot the c in the /etc/network/interfaces01:39
ThesmythHey all, quick question, how do I control what shows up in my list of mountable partitions? On the side of Nautilus' explorer it shows a list of all of my drives, but I'd like to remove some01:40
PeterHSyou can copy the commands directly from the website01:40
PeterHSlocalgod11: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 this might help around step 2-301:40
bcardarellaSomeone was playing with my keyboard layout and now the right-hand ALT key doesn't work... can I auto detect my keyboard again?01:41
scguy318Thesmyth: edit your fstab01:41
yuhongI wonder why there aren't as many kernels in Ubuntu as in Debian.01:41
localgod11peterhsi run iw config it sees my wireless as eth2?01:41
zoexiihi I am having big problems with my display. Xorg is configured to display at 1024x768 (native display of my laptop) however, I only get an 800x600 desktop which is tiled on my screen, (super weird)  I go to system>preferences>screen resolution and it only gives me options 640x480 & 800x600.  both of which have been deleted from my xorg.01:42
ThesmythI did already, they don't mount automatically, thy just show up in the left side of nautilus with the option to mount01:42
helluvaCSMajorany ideas what i should do about the random folders?01:42
PeterHSthat is okay, just edit the config files to use eth2 and erase all others unless you use a wired connection01:42
LapatiKzoexii, system->admin->screen&graphics?01:43
zoexiiLapatiK, ok, will try01:43
heartsbloodHow do I preview a sound file with a mouse hover?  I've somehow lost that ability.  I think I screwed something up in my Gconf-editor but I dont know were or what option01:43
helluvaCSMajoris anyone familiar with mounting windows partitions?01:44
ThesmythI've never had any problem with mounting windows stuff01:44
Thesmyththat's a very odd problem though :P01:44
PeterHShelluva: fat32 or ntfs?01:45
helluvaCSMajorwhen i did, random folders starting showing up in my home folder, i don't know why01:45
heartsblooddid you try to mount to ~?01:45
PeterHShelluva: unsure how to solve01:45
helluvaCSMajori don't know what i did, i am a new linux user, i followed a tutorial01:45
localgod11peterhs when i run a network restart it says failed to bring up eth2 no such device01:45
heartsbloodsounds like you mounted the windows drive to your home directory01:45
Thesmythdid you edit any files or just type a command?01:45
heartsblood ie sudo mount /place/to/windows /home/helluvaCSmajor01:46
helluvaCSMajori don't remember, i can access it in the drives folder, but the home folder contains empty folders with symbols as names01:46
_MattBi created a raid array (md0) with mdadm, how can i totally get rid of it now?01:46
PeterHSlocalgod11: type ifconfig into the terminal01:46
heartsbloodwhen you ls -ls who is the owner/group?01:46
PeterHSthen try iwconfig01:46
PeterHSdo you have eth2?01:47
dakswhat could cause gnome to start very slowly?  Or cause most programs to start slower...is there any standard maintenance procedure like defragging to keep the system running smooth?01:47
localgod11eth2 is the wieless01:47
helluvaCSMajori don't have one, i deleted them right before going on here, i delete them every day because they fill up the folder01:47
localgod11id says it find the device01:47
helluvaCSMajorwell, not every day, every week maybe01:48
PeterHSafter restarting the connection and typing iwconfig, does eth2 show up?01:48
CremeDeLaCremehi. in my laptop (7.10) i've sound only on my headphone but not on the laptopboxes.01:48
helluvaCSMajoris there a way to check every directory setting related to mounting a partition?01:49
Thesmythhelluva: if you type the command "mount" what does it say?01:49
PeterHSlocalgod11: type these commands sudo ifdown eth2      sudo ifup eth201:49
sunogbagahelluvaCSMajor: u can cat /etc/fstab01:49
helluvaCSMajora lot of stuff01:49
helluvaCSMajorshould i?01:49
PeterHSthat will restart the adapter manually01:49
Thesmythhelluva: if you know the name of the windows partition01:49
Thesmythjust give me the line with that in it01:50
Metalgod89how do I use a .rpm file on ubuntu01:51
scguy318!rpm | Metalgod8901:51
ubotuMetalgod89: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)01:51
scguy318Metalgod89: you don't01:51
IdleOneMetalgod89: you dont01:51
helluvaCSMajori am not sure if it is sda6 or sda701:51
muuluusomeon pls help me with freezing01:51
localgod11sudo ifdown eth2  interface not configured    sudo ifup eth2 file exsists failed to bring up eth201:51
Thesmythok, well, give me both lines then01:51
Metalgod89ah well I'm new to ubuntu01:51
IdleOneMetalgod89: what are you trying to insall?01:52
helluvaCSMajor# /dev/sda601:52
helluvaCSMajorUUID=1593a4b9-1379-49a3-835a-004d5d2d7a47 /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       101:52
helluvaCSMajor# /dev/sda701:52
helluvaCSMajorUUID=4e7d5e11-9f36-4402-97da-913ecd0d8551 none            swap    sw              0       001:52
Metalgod89I downloaded xchat but it was an rpm file where can I get it compatible for ubuntu01:52
IdleOne!paste | helluvaCSMajor01:52
ubotuhelluvaCSMajor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:52
PeterHSlocalgod11: but the command iwconfig shows a eth2 connection?01:52
Flare183How do I fix this error: http://flare183.pastebin.ca/81159101:52
IdleOneMetalgod89: sudo apt-get install xchat01:52
Thesmythneither of those are windows partitions01:52
PeterHSthat is really weird01:52
IdleOneMetalgod89: or look in Synaptic Package Manager01:52
Thesmythare there any in that list with vfat or ntfs as their type?01:53
Thesmythswap and ext3 are linux types01:53
localgod11not only that but is has all my network in01:53
helluvaCSMajordont see any01:53
localgod11PeterHS thanks man01:53
FjodorHey, does anyone know why compizconfig-settings-manager isn't backported, when the other compiz-stuff is?01:53
helluvaCSMajoryet, i can access it from computer on the places menu01:53
PeterHSlocalgod11: i am sorry i can no longer help, i must go study for an exam01:53
localgod11cause its new?01:53
localgod11thanks anyway01:53
Box[UK]help....upgraded my graphics driver  through symantic  rebooted  using contrl alt backspace  ubuntu started up but now cant even get  it up it gets stuck looking for a graphics drive01:53
cflopezanybody got any experience working with keyboards, particulary making shortcuts without using dead keys or console?01:54
Metalgod89sudo apt-get install xchat?01:54
localgod11New Question:: does linux install specifc drivers for each pc? IE if i install it to a usb harddrive user comp 1 and then boot the usd hdd on comp 2 will everything work?01:54
turbotorbenhow much diskspace do i need to compile a 2.6.24 kernel? (i tried with 2gig free and it wasn't enough)01:55
rodrigo_im having problems with GCC... can anyone help me?01:55
mazok so does anyone know how to convert ogg to mp3?01:55
Flare183maz:> soundconverter01:55
DG19075maz, soundKonverter works well01:55
heartsbloodturbotorben: depends on the options.  a bloated complie could be pretty big01:55
mazthanks flare18301:55
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
Flare183maz:> or soundKonverter01:55
Flare183no problem01:55
Flare183How do I fix this error: http://flare183.pastebin.ca/81159101:55
Flare183sorry about the repeat01:56
kelsinmaz: and as a side note, since both are lossy compression going from mp3->ogg or ogg->mp3 will lose quality, better ripping from original sources again if you can :-(01:56
turbotorbenheartsblood, i used the settings from the ubuntu-kernel and modified them just a bit01:56
`blackmk4what would cause lan transfers to max out at 400k/s, but i'm able to download at 2mb/s from internet sites on both computers01:56
Flare183yeah i agree with kelsin01:56
benzs_shm, does anybody else have issues with having two applications which use audio? for example i can't play anything in vlc while having rhythmbox open01:56
localgod11New Question:: does linux install specifc drivers for each pc? IE if i install it to a usb harddrive user comp 1 and then boot the usd hdd on comp 2 will everything work?01:56
mazkelsin, thanks.  I'm only doing this cause my phone won't play ogg, only mp3.  So I don't mind if it's a bit lossy01:56
robdigrodrigo_: maybe, what's up?01:56
helluvaCSMajorshould i come back when i have one of these folders as a sample?01:56
Flare183!repeat | localgod1101:56
ubotulocalgod11: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:56
Flare183localgod11:> wireless issues i'm here01:56
Thesmythhelluva: possibly01:57
Thesmythwhere do they show up again?01:57
helluvaCSMajorhome folder01:57
helluvaCSMajormy home folder01:57
kelsinmaz: lol fair enough :) good luck01:57
=== trip_laptop is now known as tripzero
sparkymisthey all01:57
localgod11really? cool01:57
Flare183localgod11:> I can help with your wireless, i can try anyway01:57
Thesmythis..in /home, or /home/username01:57
localgod11ok its on dappy LTS01:57
orethhey ikonia01:57
Flare183localgod11:> what is the problem01:57
localgod11actiontec card01:57
sparkymistim having an issue01:58
localgod11sees the network but no connect01:58
Thesmythyeah, I truly have no clue, sorry dude01:58
rodrigo_robdig:  http://pastebin.com/m6c3570d801:58
Box[UK]i think i relay screwed up ...been using ubuntu for a few weeks so talked myself into  putting ati graphics driver on so i could play compiz now cant even  get ubuntu to load  gets stuck on startup looking for a driver01:58
Flare183localgod11:> bring up teh terminal and type in sudo dhclient01:58
helluvaCSMajorok, thanks for trying01:58
cflopezhey flare, if you have time after helping out localgod11, im having weird issues with my wireless card (broadcom, go figure)01:58
robdigrodrigo_: looking...01:58
`blackmk4cflopez, what problem with broadcom01:58
Flare183cflopex:> I have a broadcom wireless card so01:59
Flare183cflopex:> I have the solution01:59
Metalgod89what is sudo apt - get install xchat?01:59
cflopezi installed the drivers, they worked, then they disappeared01:59
sparkymisti have a question01:59
localgod11ok did that01:59
kanuhahow can I make mplayer the default for playing DVDs?01:59
Flare183localgod11:> try the internet01:59
cflopezndiswrapper or whats it called doesnt work01:59
Flare183localgod11:> yeah01:59
rodrigo_robdig: ok01:59
robdigrodrigo_: think you need to install build-essential...sudo apt-get install build-essential or use synaptic02:00
localgod11its send on eth2 and eth002:00
florbigoosix months ago, I installed ubuntu 7.04 on a PentiumIII, on a new drive, slave to a windows98 install02:00
florbigoousing grub02:00
rodrigo_robdig: no...02:00
JohannesPHey, i just read through most of the forums, but my problem doesnt seem to be occured in that way to anyone else: I Use the live-cd to install ubuntu or kubuntu doesnt matter 7.04 or 7.10 - after installation i reboot, grub loads, i select the distrubution, then screen gets black, blinking console cursor at the top, and like 10 minutes later it starts with "loading fiels needed to boot" which takes another 5-10min...02:00
Flare183localgod11, cflopez:> goto #ubuntu-us-sc02:00
rodrigo_robdig:  build-essential is already the newest version.02:00
Flare183i can more there02:00
robdigrodrigo_: hmm...02:00
Flare183i can help more there02:00
orethanyone know the status on the current non-free flash ?02:01
florbigooI just replaced the drive with win98, and now ubuntu wont boot02:01
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:01
rodrigo_robdig:  im really trying to figure the problem... i just cleaned the build system...02:01
cflopezsuch a noob... and how exatly do i change rooms here?02:01
Flare183use "/join"02:01
Flare183then room name02:01
Flare183or click the room name02:01
kanuhahow can I make mplayer the default for playing DVDs?02:01
robdigrodrigo_: ok, i'm looking too02:01
rodrigo_robdig: i cant compile anything02:01
rodrigo_robdig: tks bro02:02
shadowbladeHello, I'm having a problem booting...02:02
Box[UK]dont wan to format and start again  just need to get into X  to flush a graphics drive02:02
JohannesPSo any ideas why i only get a black screen after selecting the installation in grub, even in recoverymode - and loading files needed to boot needs like 10mins?02:04
kanuhatobias, first or last name Tobias?02:04
tobiaskanuha: first02:04
kanuhatobias, my last02:05
tobiaskanuha: pleased to meet you02:05
kanuhatobias, same here02:05
florbigooI'm having a boot problem.  Ubuntu 7.04 was installed on a slave drive, with overlay.  Win98 on master.  I pulled the master drive.  Replaced with unformatted drive.  Overlay gone. The computer won;t boot.02:05
robdigrodrigo_: i just checked in the forums, and the normal cause of your error is not having build-essential installed. not sure what else to tell you...maybe someone else on will have an itea...02:06
kanuhahow can I make mplayer the default for playing DVDs?02:06
rodrigo_robdig: yeah... im checking forums and more forums... talking with people and nobody can help me02:06
Box[UK]can i get in to terminal on load up screen found the answer to my prob02:07
rodrigo_robdig: but... thanks!02:07
RB2Hey everyone02:08
RecodingHey RB2.02:09
LoaxesA hand, my Laptop over heated and the fan stopped working, any ideas on how to get it going again?02:09
mattgyver83Anyone here use OpenOffice Calc regularly?02:09
RB2Quick question. I installed Gutsy from the RC media. Half the time when I try to install packages, it keeps asking for the disc. Is there a way around that?02:10
robdigrodrigo_: sorry i couldn't help...it is what fixed mine...good luck02:10
Donkacan someone help me out with k3b ?02:10
RB2Not to mention, I misplaced the RC disc. :-P02:10
RazzoRzhey folks... i tried  set up my dual monitors threw system>Administrator>Screens/graphics ... For some reason it was not letting me log in while i had my 19" lcd pluged in,, if i unplugged  the lcd it would allow me to Login ,,, has anyone had this issue?02:11
ZeddieRB2 : System -> Administration -> Software sources02:11
ZeddieRB2 : you'll be able to remove it from the list there :)02:11
RB2Zeddie, Thank you! It was driving me nuts. :)02:12
super-6-1hello does anyone know how to get custon bars for ubuntu?02:12
LoaxesDoes anyone know how to get a stopped fan going again on a laptop?02:12
jellulaboIs workspaceswitcher known not to work with compiz?02:13
super-6-1jell if you have compiz installed do super+e02:14
Rafabehow do I change the driver being used for X through the console (ie, if X is failing to load because I tried to switch from proprietary ATI driver to the open one)02:15
mrsnoRafabe either sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg or alternatively sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and manually change, then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart02:16
seandcan any tell me how to give my laptop read and write permissions to a nfs directory02:16
seandthat is on a diffrent machine02:17
seandanyone here02:17
Zeddieseand: System -> Administration - > Shared folders02:17
Zeddiewell he can get stuffed if he's gonna piss off like that , impatient little shit :p02:18
jellulaboSuper - Thanks02:18
seasdasdcan any help me how to give my laptop read and write permissions to a nfs directory thats on a diffrent machine02:18
Box|UKfigured it out restarted then went to system restore mode  typed sudo dpkg-rconfigure xserver-xorg then followed the steps02:19
seasdasdcan any help me how to give my laptop read and write permissions to a nfs directory thats on a diffrent machine02:20
cflopezif anybody has some time and experience setting up broadcom cards in AMD64 systems, the help will be greatly apreciated02:20
Zeddieseasdasd : System -> Administration - > Shared folders (wait around next time)02:21
jellulaboCan someone help me figure out why when I 'send to another workspace' from the title bar or task bar the application disappears from all the desktops and won't come back. I have to kill the app from system monitor.02:22
seasdasdty zeddia02:22
seasdasdsorry for my being a pain02:22
seasdasdand not waiting around02:22
willskillshi guys - anyone got much experience with xrandr? I am trying to output to my TV using S-video, which works, pretty much, although the display is not quite the correct size. Anyone know to change this?02:23
jellulaboThe problem is occurring when desktop effects are enabled. It works fine when desktop effects are disabled. Should I file a bug report against metacity or compiz?02:23
Zeddieseasdasd:  a bit of patience helps , i'm a newbie to ubuntu too02:24
seasdasdokay yeah thank you02:24
Zeddieused to use unix at uni years ago , always used windows at home till gutsy and have found it easier than windows :)02:25
Box|UKok how i get screen effects do i need to install compiz?02:25
seasdasdzeddie it is still not letting me read or write to that directory02:25
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:26
* spydabyte sighs ... the pc i been running ubuntu on for yrs the max ver it can do corectly and get online and everything is 5.10 .. there are no links at all to use for updates or to get files ?02:26
spydabyteonly tryign to use it as server02:26
tony__I'm having issues getting xorg to deal properly with a monitor at 2048x1536 resolution.02:26
seasdasdnever mind zeddia02:26
seasdasdty and thanks for the help it worked02:26
tony__In a solo monitor configuration, X just arbitrarily decides to run 1600x1200, and in a multi-monitor configuration it starts every monitor but the big one.02:27
localgod11how do you install Host AP driver for Intersil Prism2/2.5/3, hostapd02:27
spydabytethe pc i been running ubuntu on for yrs the max ver it can do corectly and get online and everything is 5.10 .. there are no links at all to use for updates or to get files ?02:27
LoaxesMy fan has stopped, how do I get it running again?02:27
cflopezanybody has any experience with broadcom cards in AMD64 systems... i got it working but after rebooting the wireless connection disappears02:28
cflopezfan stopped working, that sounds like a oh crap scenario02:28
qiqois there anyway that i can install mysql 4.1 in gutsy?02:28
LoaxesI booted up xp just now02:28
Loaxesit's working again, but it sounds like a cat being murdered with several knifes with heavily serrated edges.02:29
qiqoplease help02:29
cflopezdont talk about cats like that on teh internets... catpeople everywhere!02:29
* cflopez isn't one of them02:29
* genii is02:30
RazzoRz<< could be02:30
RazzoRzhas anyone delt with dual monitors on 7.1002:30
RazzoRzhey folks... i tried  set up my dual monitors threw system>Administrator>Screens/graphics ... For some reason it was not letting me log in while i had my 19" lcd pluged in,, if i unplugged  the lcd it would allow me to Login ,,, has anyone had this issue?02:31
cflopezwoohoo! storm warning!02:31
MokonaSanHi.  Is there a way during the Ubuntu install to create a new partition out of the free space of an existing one? I have an NTFS partition with a lot of free space that i would like to make into an ext202:31
=== |ajmorris_| is now known as ajmorris_
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE02:32
sunogbagaMokonaSan: sure, it can02:32
MokonaSansunogbaga: can you help me to do that? I am on the partition screen now02:33
ron_what going on ??02:33
cflopezbroadcom cards on AMD64 systems anyone?02:33
sunogbagaMokonaSan: bear with me coz i can't quite remember all installation dialogs.02:34
qiqosunogbaga: which do you prefer, gin or grand matador?02:34
ron_pidgin and web cam together? is it possible ?02:34
sunogbagause manual partitioning instead of guided02:34
spydabytesomeone plz help me ... why can i ssh into my ubuntu box with internal ip but as soon as i try with real ip or hostname i get timed out02:34
spydabytei opened the port in my router02:35
sunogbagagrand matador heheh.. nice one02:35
qiqoim having problems installing mysql 4 in gutsy02:35
qiqoanyone can help me in this?02:35
sunogbagaspydabyte: u may be under a router02:35
ron_hey a hawaii ubuntu user Aloha from maui where are you??02:35
spydabyteyes i know02:35
spydabytei forwarded port 2302:35
spydabyteerm 2202:35
sunogbagacan u telnet?02:36
kitofhawaiiron_: aloha from oahu :)02:36
sunogbagaspydabyte: can u telnet to that port?02:36
spydabytenot sure02:36
MokonaSansunogbaga: thanks. I am not in a rush since i cant get to the computer at the moment, anyway. My wife is using the live CD right now02:36
ron_:) cool why dont we have a loco team here yet kit?02:36
MokonaSanWindows crappily died on her and I can't repair it02:37
MokonaSanI am trying to install Ubuntu as a backup plan02:37
SpeakerManiaIn the default theme, is the top panel pure white?02:37
zaxiusis there a way to access your ubuntu filesystem from windows if you're using wubi?02:37
sunogbagaspydabyte: try telnet host port - if you cant open a connection then u are still hidden outside of your network02:37
spydabytecouldnt not open host02:37
qiqohuhuhu help meee...02:37
kitofhawaiiron_: too much effort? :) *shrug*02:37
sipsipclickI can't get over 1152x864 resolutions in opengl apps, yet I can run gnome/xserver at 1440x900.  anyone know why?02:37
spydabyteBUT i dont think i have telnet installed on ubuntu box02:37
spydabyteim a little new still with it02:37
spydabytei have to run 5.10 on it casue its an old pos machine02:38
Budda|Can someone please help me make my wireless work. My wireless card can pick up the networks, it just wont connect. I've updated everything I can, enabled all the repos etc. Help.02:38
sunogbagaMokonaSan: use manual partitioning, create a partition on the free space,.. that's it02:38
ron_Kit: who has the time02:38
spydabytebut its ran fine just i got a new wireless set up for my windows box and such02:38
Metalgod89I'm having such hard time finding software that supports ubuntu02:38
spydabyteso i had to redo my network02:38
spydabytenow nothign works02:38
kitofhawaiiron_: aye...:)02:38
Donkacan someone help me with k3b plz02:38
spydabyteeven dmz through router doesnt let it connect02:39
Box|UKcool im pulling media files off my xp drive lol this is neat02:39
ron_kitofhawaii how long have you been using this os??02:39
falconerhi, is Ubuntu able to compile Splix? It seems to need something called jbig02:39
pestilenceon my new laptop, with SATA hard disk, whenever the disk is in heavy use the computer will hardly do anything else.  the disk access is fast (it will do one thing quickly), but doing two things is VERY slow.  anybody else have this problem?02:39
sunogbagaspydabyte: can you ping your router?02:39
spydabytewith ubuntu box ?02:39
sunogbagaspydabyte: yup02:40
pestilenceDonka: what is your problem02:40
Budda|Can someone please help me make my wireless work. My wireless card can pick up the networks, it just wont connect. I've updated everything I can, enabled all the repos etc. Help.02:40
pestilenceBudda|: what wireless card (and don't repeat your question every 2 minutes)02:40
spydabyte5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4003ms02:41
spydabytertt min/avg/max/mdev = 1.094/1.763/4.420/1.328 ms02:41
sunogbagaspydabyte: then ur connected to the network02:41
qiqoanyone still can help me with setting up mysql?02:41
kitofhawaiiron_: ubuntu specifically on and off..but linux and particularly debian in general uhm i dunno first time i started working with it was in college in 9602:41
Budda|pestilence: DLink DWL-G51002:41
spydabytebut noone from outside can conenct to box02:41
spydabytelike if i use putty from my windows machine i can only use int of to connect to it02:42
ron_kitofhawaii_: I started with knoppix in sept this year then ubuntu so im a noob :)02:42
sunogbagaspydabyte: any firewalls?02:42
spydabyteall off02:42
spydabyteliek i said i even tried to dmz it02:43
rodrigo_robdig: man... --purge resolved the problem!!!02:43
spydabytestill didnt work02:43
kitofhawaiiron_: *shrug* the more it changes the more it stays the same :)02:43
falconerBudda, does your network have a wireless key?02:43
pestilenceBudda|: what hardware revision?02:43
Budda|falconer: yes02:43
rodrigo_robdig: if u get the same problem, just remove and purge the build-essential =)02:43
Budda|pestilence: B02:43
* cflopez is cursing his broadcom card02:43
Budda|No wait, C02:43
RB2I'm configuring lm-sensors with sensors-detect. What command do I run to find out if certain module adapters are built into the kernel?02:43
robdigrodrigo_: cool...glad you got it!02:44
Wandereranyone have a good doc on installing latest kde on gutsy?02:44
sunogbagaspydabyte: has it worked before? i mean can u ssh before from outside your network?02:44
falconerIs there an option in the network config to change the key from ascii to hex?02:44
falconertry toggling that.02:44
=== xp_prg is now known as xp_gone
slaytanicHow can I check which package provides a file?02:44
spydabytei dunno i just got the box back out after nearly a yr02:44
spydabytei got my win box through wireless02:44
ron_well im out aloha all :)02:44
spydabyteand ubuntu box plugged in via ethernet cord02:44
Budda|falconer: Nope =(02:44
Donkapestilence seems everytime i try to burn it says dma-driver error, crc error02:44
spydabytebut i know ive tried 6.01 i think it was an 7.01 server only02:45
Wanderer!dpkg kde402:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dpkg kde4 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:45
narothepharohmy screensaver doesnt work screen just goes blank02:45
Budda|falconer: Even when I make the network not have a key it wont connect02:45
spydabytecasue i want to be able to do everything from outside network02:45
pestilenceDonka: have you done something with DMA, e.g. using hdparm?02:45
spydabyteput the tower in my corner no monitor or anything02:45
falconerThat router has an online config right? can you get to that using the web-browser in UBUNTU?02:46
narothepharohmy screensaver doesnt work screen just goes blank02:46
RB2Found it, nvm :)02:46
pestilenceBudda|: is the AP using encryption?  what kind?02:46
Donkawell i just got this new dvd burner and im not sure if ubuntu installed the right drivers for it02:46
Budda|pestilence: WEP02:46
spydabytei dont have no browers installed ... i did text/server only02:46
mnemonicaWhere would I get ahold of "ndiswrapper-utils-1.9"...  tisn't in synaptic02:46
pestilenceBudda|: have you tried without WEP?  just so see if it works?02:46
Budda|falconer: No, I'm using wired atm with a different router02:46
Budda|pestilence: yeah, still wont connect02:47
spydabyteoh thought u were talking to me falconer sry02:47
nixNewbis there anyway to set my comp up as a vnc thin client?02:47
spydabytepeople even nmap me and port 22 shows open02:47
achandrashekarVMWARE issue - cant seem to bridge ath0...I googled around..anyone got a fix for this?? in Ubuntu?02:47
Donkapestilence: well i just got this new dvd burner and im not sure if ubuntu installed the right drivers for it02:47
pestilenceDonka: i don't think drivers are all that important for ATAPI cdroms02:48
narothepharohmy screensaver doesnt work screen just goes blank02:48
achandrashekarnixNewb: there is some cool info..though not VNC on ltsp on the net.02:48
Donkaoh, could it be a faulty driver ?02:49
cflopezcan someone lend a hand, im having some weird issues with the broadcom firmware on an AMD6402:49
achandrashekarcflopez: thats the wireless??02:49
sunogbagaspydabyte: do u have a static ip?02:49
cflopezi got it working then after rebooting the system, poof, gone02:49
Donkapestilence: i ment could my dvd burner be faulty??02:49
pestilenceBudda|: maybe you have to install the "madwifi" drivers?02:49
scguy318mnemonica: check that your universe repo is enabled02:50
scguy318mnemonica: System -> Admin -> Software Sources02:50
achandrashekarcflopez: they are a pain..you can either try fwcutter or try to use ndiswrapper.02:50
pestilenceDonka: it certainly could.  did you try googling the error that it gives you02:50
nixNewbachandrashekar: do you have to boot a computer with it?02:50
cflopezi tried them both and they didnt seem to work02:50
cflopezi got it working by a sheer miracle... i found the restricted driver thing and activated it, next thing i know its working02:50
pestilenceBudda|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3897202:50
Budda|pestilence: 'sudo apt-get install madwifi'?02:50
Donkapestilence: i am as we speak02:50
pestilencethat's pretty old, though.02:50
cflopezit asked me to reboot and then it wasnt working again02:50
Rafabehow do I change the driver being used for X through the console (ie, if X is failing to load because I tried to switch from proprietary ATI driver to the open one)02:51
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
pestilenceBudda|: i don't know.  but it seems that is what people use for the atheros chipset-based cards02:51
RafabeI need to revert to select the proprietary driver02:51
achandrashekarachandrashekar: yep..that is correct. it uses bootp mechanism, pulls up a dhcp address and uses network resources and pulls up the system. God that is a shitty explanation, but you get the idea.02:51
scguy318Rafabe: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:51
Rafabescguy: I did. Didn't fix it.02:51
scguy318Rafabe: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg if you just want defaults with driver selection02:51
achandrashekarcflopez: is the driver using fwcutter?02:51
Rafabethanks sc02:51
sunogbagaspydabyte: u'r sure your router isn't under dhcp? coz it's the only problem i can think of so far..02:51
achandrashekarcflopez: or is trying to use the native driver some how.02:52
cflopezi tried it both ways02:52
some_idiotwhy does tab completio nnot work in 'grub' on latest ubuntu?02:52
cflopeznative drive worked, i couldnt use the fwcutter to work02:52
achandrashekarcflopez: this forum has been inundated with bcm stuff..which usually gets resolved by using ndiswrapper02:52
spydabytesunogbaga : how exatcly do i tell02:52
pestilenceBudda|: your other option is to use ndiswrapper.02:53
cflopezmy snooping around the forums showed the same thing, always ndiswrapper02:53
sunogbagaspydabyte: what's the ip of your router?02:53
sunogbagaspydabyte: if it's 192.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x then your under dhcp02:53
achandrashekarcflopez: right...the bcm stuff is very propietary..and the g'damn windows driver seems to the best choice02:53
scguy318sunogbaga: not necessarily02:53
sunogbagaspydabyte: you'll have to contact your isp02:53
FezzlerWhy will not my Screen Resolution Refresh Rate setting stay?  It boots into 50mHz not matter how may times I change to 96 mHz???02:53
spydabytei think it is dhcp02:54
spydabytewhy is that ?02:54
mnemonicascguy318: Universe repository has been enabled.02:54
spydabytelast time i called em about a unix issue they said ha what u want us to do02:54
scguy318mnemonica: then do sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper-utils-1.902:54
cflopezbut i cant seem to get past step 14 of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190202:54
achandrashekarcflopez: id dig around a bit though on sites...you'll want that biatch to start on boot. and not have to invoke it once the system starts...there is a write up for that as well...02:54
narothepharohmy screensaver doesnt work screen just goes blank02:54
robdignarothepharoh: does it work when you preview it?02:54
sunogbagaspydabyte: your own network is using static ips however u are still under a larger network,02:54
RB2Is anyone here an lm-sensors guru?02:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:55
narothepharohrobdig yes02:55
cflopeznot have to invoke it once the system starts..... i think im lost02:55
spydabyteright but shouldnt i be able to port forward or dmz that box ... so public can get to it ...02:55
Rafabescguy318: I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , it mentioned writing default files. I then rebooted. I got as far as the "loading local boot scripts" screen, then nothing happens.02:55
spydabyteits like my windows box02:55
spydabytei open port 21 to use ftp02:55
achandrashekarcflopez: that should tell you if the driver is claimed02:55
achandrashekarstep 14 that is..02:55
sunogbagaspydabyte: you have your router there righ?02:56
mnemonicascguy318: Did what you asked... Got this ---> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47782/02:56
scguy318sunogbaga: if you hook two computers via crosswire, and assign them an IP in the or range, that's not really using DHCP :P02:56
demonotakuhi hi :)02:56
scguy318mnemonica: close Synaptic02:56
mneptokscguy318: "crossover" ;)02:56
scguy318mneptok: ty :)02:56
mnemonicascguy318: heh... *is ashamed*02:56
TheNo1YetiHi, anyone think they can give me a hand.  I'm trying to setup my ubuntu box to connect to the network in my home.  Unfortunately I have to connect through a windows xp computer to share the internet connection.  I have the two nic's bridged in xp, is there anything else I need to do to get it working on the ubuntu side?  I can't remember all the setps02:56
spydabytewhen i log in to router i see both machines ...02:56
spydabyteHost Name IP Address MAC Address Interface02:57
spydabyte192.168.0.10 00:c0:f0:17:2d:ac ETHERNET02:57
spydabyteself-5c5e4c2ecf 00:60:b3:ce:f9:fb WIRELESS02:57
achandrashekaranyone have experience with bridging ath0 wireless in VMWARE?02:57
robdignarothepharoh: which version of ubuntu?02:57
mnemonicascguy318: Thanks.02:57
cflopezcharlie@ubuntu:/$ ndiswrapper -l02:57
cflopezbcmwl564 : invalid driver!02:57
cflopezbcmwl564.sys : invalid driver!02:57
robdignarothepharoh: gutsy, fiesty, etc?02:57
cflopezthats what i get achandrashekar02:57
achandrashekarthen that is NOT the driver you need02:57
scguy318cflopez: you have to give it INF02:57
steed2008hi all02:57
david_JTheNo1Yeti: Does the linux computer know the default route and gateways?02:57
mneptok!paste | cflopez02:57
ubotucflopez: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:57
scguy318achadrashekar: not necessarily, he may have installed it improperly02:57
* demonotaku is using gebuntu02:57
cflopezmy bad about the past02:58
mneptokdemonotaku: *Go*buntu? ;)02:58
achandrashekar+1 for what scguy318 just poseted02:58
narothepharohit is 7.10 fiesty?02:58
mneptoknarothepharoh: 7.10 is Gutsy.02:58
TheNo1Yetidavid_J: as far as I can tell yes.  It's setup on auto configuration.  ifconfig says it has addr of
narothepharohhow do install a camera02:58
TheNo1YetiEverything else looks good on it02:58
cflopezso i should just start with that HOWTO again scguy?02:58
mneptokdemonotaku: welcome to freedom02:58
narothepharohok gutsy02:58
achandrashekarscguy318: yep..i see it now..02:58
demonotakui been using ubuntu02:59
steed2008Please help me : Ibm T60+ubuntu 7.10 ,menu.lst vga=0x0345 (1400x1050),console text will flush in some area02:59
david_JTheNo1Yeti: type sudo route to check the routes02:59
demonotakui just love testing random distro's at times02:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dhcdbd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:59
achandrashekarcflopez: he's right use the inf file instead02:59
cflopezwait wait, you guys know what i did wrong already?!02:59
narothepharohhow do install a camera02:59
david_JTheNo1Yeti: and check the /etc/resolv.conf for nameservers02:59
Metalgod89alright i'm so lost I am a really big newb to this stuff and I understand that alot of this stuff is going to need coding but I have no idea how to get any of the programs I want I've been looking all over for the past 2 hours for solutions02:59
achandrashekarcflopez: and try again...but first you need to remove the drivers...by removing them with ndiswrapper02:59
david_JTheNo1Yeti: Windows is set up to sahre internet right?02:59
narothepharohhow do install a camera02:59
sunogbagaspydabyte: have you already setup any service to that box? httpd/ftp/ maybe that's viewable outside the network?02:59
spydabytewhat other ports are needed open for ssh03:00
RB2I'm attempting to configure lm-sensors. I ran the sensors-detect provided by Gutsy as well as the "latest" sensors-detect script and came out with two different outputs: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47783/03:00
cflopezand i do that how?03:00
sunogbagaspydabyte: just 2203:00
achandrashekarcflopez: you can type ndiswrapper --help03:00
nixNewbcan i isntall vnc on a computer that doens't have a mointor?03:00
RB2I'm just trying to decipher the output and figure out what to do next.03:00
cflopezwill be back later to update you guys, or cry for more help03:00
narothepharohhow do install a camera ???03:00
spydabytecasue like now he can connect but when he puts in a correct user,pass it tells him its incortect and dc's03:00
nixNewbpatagon: hi03:00
achandrashekarcflopez: you are doing just fine.....this is how you LEARN03:00
TheNo1Yetidavid_J: Yes, xp is setup to share the internet connection and the nics are bridged like they are suppose to be (been a long time since I have had to do this)    route gives me destination of and default with gateway of
achandrashekarcflopez: good luck03:00
scguy318nixNewb: yes03:01
narothepharohhow do install a camera ???03:01
patagonnixNewb,  ;D03:01
u_angelnixnewb: don't use vnc, use freenx instead. i installed it via ssh03:01
david_JTheNo1Yeti: check for nameserver03:01
spydabytethat was when i opened port 388903:01
cflopezi know i know, its just frustrating sometimes... you can troubleshoot windows over the phone half asleep with more than a couple of drinks on you, then its back to being a noob03:01
david_JTheNo1Yeti: in the /etc/resolv.conf03:01
MokonaSannixNewb: Yes, VNC will still operate without a monitor. I did it before. Of course, installing it without one may be tough03:01
benzs_sokay guys i've tried everything... why doesn't flash have sound :<03:01
tyanyone have realplayer installed for Ubuntu 7.10 ?03:01
nixNewbu_angel: thank you03:01
steed2008 Please help me : Ibm T60+ubuntu 7.10 ,menu.lst vga=0x0345 (1400x1050),console text will flush in some area03:01
spydabytebut even before port he could connect once in a while and get the same thing03:01
scguy318ty: why Realplayer? crappy play imho :P03:01
TheNo1YetiYea, cat resolv.conf gives me "search mshome.net  nameserver"03:01
nixNewbFatal server error: no screens found03:02
scguy318ty: though I think that's in restricted somewhere03:02
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achandrashekarcfopez: you didnt start that way on winblows right??? it takes time... and that damn blue screen of death...what did that mean again??03:02
robdignarothepharoh: take a look at this...maybe it will help you...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=610107&highlight=xubuntu+blank+screensaver03:02
danbhfiveanyone know how I can unmount my /home partition?03:03
david_JTheNo1Yeti: See if you can go to
cflopezcant i remove the drives using the visual interface of ndiswrapper03:03
david_JTheNo1Yeti: If you can it's the nameserver03:03
spydabytesunogbaga : this have anything to do with it03:03
spydabytethis is from config03:03
tyreally want to get asx files to video stream ok03:03
spydabyte# What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for03:03
spydabytePort 2203:03
achandrashekarim sure its been discussed...and maybe off topic...Vista really really sucks. It took me less than 10 mins of using it to dump it. Sorry Bill.03:03
spydabyte# Use these options to restrict which interfaces/protocols sshd will bind to03:03
spydabyte#ListenAddress ::03:03
narothepharohrobdig it is not a link03:04
TheNo1Yetidavid_J: Nope, linux box says can't get a connection.  So I need to probably recheck the connection sharing to make sure it's right.  The windows box can obviously connect okay03:04
petafileI'm trying to run an executable in the directory I'm in, ./baudline  I tab completed it so I know it exists, and bash tells me : ./baudline:  no such file or directory03:04
achandrashekarAnyone got good links to learn shell scripting?03:04
petafileanyone ever come across something like this?03:04
tymplayer buffers the asx but stops without playback03:04
david_JTheNo1Yeti: Sounds like it...03:04
david_JTheNo1Yeti: if the linuxbox can ping the windows...03:05
u_angelnixnewb: don't use vnc, use freenx instead. i installed it via sshi'm looking for the tutorial i used03:05
cflopezim having trouble uninstalling those drivers achandrashekar03:05
achandrashekarpetafile: obvious question...did you chmod +x it??03:05
robdignarothepharoh: hmm...try it without highlighting http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61010703:05
scguy318cflopez: make sure you do sudo ndiswrapper -i /path/to/inf/file and nothing else03:05
david_JTheNo1Yeti: Why use bridging?03:05
petafileachandrashekar: I'll check, I just untarred it, but I would think I"d get a different error03:05
cflopezahh ok03:05
petafileachandrashekar: that's not it03:06
scguy318petafile: make sure you chmod +x it executable, if that's not already the case03:06
TheNo1Yetidavid_J: Yea your right.  It's not able to ping the windows box.  And because right now my room is on the other side of the house and I had to fight to get one cat cable ran across the house and I don't have the money for another switch right now03:06
davilesbuenas noches gentes ;)03:06
petafileI chmod a+x 'd it03:06
cflopezthe sys files goes also?03:06
scguy318cflopez: only point to the INF file03:06
achandrashekarcflopez: its just the inf file03:07
petafileeven with a definite path it says no such file/dir03:07
david_JTheNo1Yeti: lol03:07
achandrashekaras in step 1303:07
* genii sips03:07
david_JTheNo1Yeti: Check the cat 5 if you can and work your way to the other computer lol03:07
achandrashekarpetafile: and if you try to cp the file or whatever....does it work?03:07
cflopezdriver is already installed03:08
jwdcflopez: wireless?03:08
cflopezwtf i thought i was removing it03:08
u_angelnixnewb: still htere?03:08
achandrashekarjwd: yep03:08
petafileachandrashekar: copies fine03:08
spydabytethis is why i always end up back in windows i get so frusterated03:08
petafilethat one won't execute either03:08
spydabyteits pitifull03:08
Crankymonky!pastebin | Crankymonky03:08
petafilemaybe a reboot will help out03:08
achandrashekarpetafile: does the sh nameoffile work?03:08
cflopezrefuse to go back!03:08
achandrashekarjwd: yep03:08
jwdwhat wireless card?03:09
insllvnI am looking for some advice, I would like to set up a server to store all my digital content (ripped DVD's recorded TV shows, music, etc) and I had initially planned to set it up so I could FTP in and grab things as I needed them, allowing me to access the content from anywhere where I had an internet connection. Then I got to thinking it would be great if I could stream this stuff, so I would not need to download stuff and wait for it03:09
insllvn. is this possible? what software would I need? how much work would the server be doing, and how much horsepower would it need?03:09
achandrashekarcflopez: refuses to remove?03:09
u_angelspydabyte: what problem are you having?03:09
cflopezit said its already installed and I copy/pasted the command you gave me03:09
petafilesh baudline gives:   baudline: 1: ELF   0: not found  baudline: 2: Syntax Error: "(" unexpected03:09
josiahwok i am installing ubuntu 7.10 onto my windows machine... I want to set up a dual boot system. I already have windows installed and want to install ubuntu onto my other "blank" ntfs partition. I am in the setup right now and have the edit partition menu in installation up right now. I told it to use ext 3 but dont know what to put as the mount point03:09
jwdndiswrapper -l please03:09
pestilenceinsllvn: sounds like you want a myth backend.  and don't use ftp.03:10
pestilenceftp is bad.03:10
insllvnachandrashekar, myth will stream like that over the web?03:10
u_angelinsllvn: try gnump3d, i set it up on my machine http://phpmine.selfip.com:888803:10
cflopezbcmwl564 invalid driver03:10
tamgohow do I setup annonymous access on a samba server?03:10
jwdany suggestions for a app to develop perl/web/ajax?03:10
shadowbladeHello, I'm getting error 17 from grub when trying to boot into my ubuntu partition after rearranging my partitions03:10
cflopezsame thing for bcmwl564.sys03:10
spydabytei can ssh my box from win machine with putty only by using internal ip03:10
josiahwshould i choose: /media/sda2, /dos, or /windows03:10
achandrashekarinsllvn: with the combo of a mythfrontend and backend...it will work..03:10
spydabytesoemtimes peopel outside can connect and enter correct login info but yet it tells em its not right and dc;s em03:10
jwdcfl you need the sys file and inf file in same dir03:10
david_Jjosiahw: repartition the free partition to a linux one and choose a filsystem to format it with03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: you changed root, so you need to reinstall grub.03:11
cflopezthey are03:11
TheNo1Yet1david_J: Just to let you know I was being an idiot.  Unbridged the nics and reshared the connection and refreshed and everyone connects to the net and is happy.  I appreciate the help.  :)03:11
jwdthan do ndiswrapper -i blah.inf03:11
achandrashekarcflopez: sorry now i understand your question...yes03:11
shadowbladepestilence: how do i do that?03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: it is looking for your grub installation on the wrong partition03:11
nomichi fello ubuntu users03:11
achandrashekarjwd: nice!03:11
nomichow is life03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: boot off a live cd03:11
david_JTheNo1Yet1: no problem.. Had to be simple03:11
nomici love ubuntu!03:11
josiahwdavid_J: what should i choose for mount point?03:11
Anubis E: /var/cache/apt/archives/vmware-server_1.0.4-1feisty3_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 103:11
shadowbladepestilence: thats where i am right now03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: ok03:11
Anubishow do i fix that03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: sudo grub03:11
TheNo1Yet1it always is lol03:11
sunogbagaspydabyte: are you sure it's your box they are connecting to?03:11
nomicis robust fast all devices work drives yer screen better03:11
pestilenceshadowblade: find /boot/grub/stage103:11
petafileany other ideas achandrashekar ?03:12
nomicok thanks bye03:12
david_Jjosiahw: The ubuntu website can help you...03:12
spydabyteyeah im the only one with the ip03:12
pestilenceshadowblade: what does that tell you03:12
radioaktivstormhello my sound has spontaneously gone buggy. I have no idea what happened... i turned my computer on, and now the music is muffled and quiet. any pointers?03:12
cflopezdid that jwd03:12
sunogbagaspydabyte: no i mean, people from outside the network...03:12
shadowbladepestilence: (hd0,4)03:12
spydabyteis there any config files i need to check ?03:12
spydabyteyes the guy lives in florida03:12
pestilenceshadowblade: do you have grub installed on the MBR?  if so, type03:12
marnanelHello. I have upgraded to gutsy today, and I have lost my /home partition; instead, something prints "device-mapper: ioctl: error adding target to table" to syslog forever. I have ssh'd into the machine from elsewhere. Does anyone have any clues as to how I would go about fixing this?03:13
pestilenceshadowblade: root (hd0,4)03:13
pestilenceshadowblade: setup (hd0)03:13
pestilencethen quit and reboot03:13
sunogbagaspydabyte: and what ip does he use to connect to ur box?03:13
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marnanelIt also prints " device-mapper: table: 254:1: linear: dm-linear: Device lookup failed"03:13
spydabytemy main outside ip03:13
shadowbladepestilence: ok, it said it succeeded03:13
david_Jmarnanel: raid? or lvm or neither?03:13
pestilenceshadowblade: oh, you might want to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst on that partition03:13
sunogbagaspydabyte: what ip format is that?03:13
spydabytethen he tries to login .. with correct info and it tells him wrong pass03:13
pestilenceso that it points to the correct partition (otherwise you'll get new errors)03:14
RB2With gDesklets, is there a way to remove all the desklets? I have one I added by mistake that is throwing an error. So, none of them come up after the error occurs. I can't see it to remove it. :-/03:14
cflopezwhat now guys?03:14
spydabytei cant login with anything other then
marnaneldavid_J: Neither-- just one partition which is /, one which is /home, and one which is swap.03:14
sunogbagaspydabyte: and this is your routers ip?03:14
marnaneldavid_J: I can find the /dev/sdaX numbers if you like03:14
shadowbladepestilence: what do i change in it?03:14
spydabytesubtwo i guess03:14
achandrashekarcflopez: fo a ndiswrapper -l03:15
sunogbagaspydabyte: and this is your routers ip?03:15
achandrashekarcflopez: make sure its gone03:15
david_Jmarnanel: odd.. maybe a fstab problem... device mapper is used for lvm2, raid, or luks03:15
cflopezback sorry03:15
achandrashekarthen reinstall03:15
shadowbladepestilence: just the root options to (hd0,4) ?03:15
pestilenceshadowblade: well, you'll want to change the references to the old partition to references to the new partition.  e.g. hda1 --> hda503:15
marnaneldavid_J: I thought I hadn't heard of it before.03:15
josiahwhow much swap is recommended for a high end computer? using a 300gb partition03:15
spydabytesunogbaga: this box is but with port 21 forwarded in the page i can use spyda.sytes.net to connect to ftp03:15
pestilenceshadowblade: or possible sda1 --> sda503:15
spydabyteunix box shows up as
cflopezis fo a commands?03:15
achandrashekarcflopez: as i remember jwd helped you remove it.. and now make SURE its gone with ndiswrapper -l03:15
pestilenceshadowblade: got it?03:15
marnaneldavid_J: for what it's worth, the upgrade process didn't touch /etc/fstab.03:16
spydabytei even dmz and still cant connect03:16
cflopezstill says invalid drivers03:16
shadowbladepestilence: i think so03:16
pestilenceshadowblade: but yes, also the root option.03:16
achandrashekarcflopez: then ndiswrapper -i the bcmblah.inf file03:16
D-EliteNeed help installing libssh 0.11 - http://pastebin.com/d44b90b6103:16
david_Jmarnanel: You root gets mounted?03:16
marnaneldavid_J: Yes.03:16
demonotakuhow can you install scripts in to gnome ubuntu03:16
demonotakuxchat i mean03:16
david_Jmarnanel: dmseg has no more output?03:16
cflopezit keeps saying driver already installed03:17
cflopezwhy cant it just die!03:17
david_Jmarnanel: mount the drive manually and see what happens?03:17
david_Jmarnanel: or partition oops03:17
D-EliteNeed help installing libssh 0.11 - http://pastebin.com/d44b90b6103:17
marnaneldavid_J: oh, good idea, let's see how that goes.03:17
spydabytewhen i try and ssh with normal ip i get timed out03:17
insllvnachandrashekar, and pestilence thanks looking at mythbuntu now, and it looks like exactly what i am going for03:17
cflopezcant i just go to the add/remove and erase everything there?03:17
marnaneldemonotaku: is "sudo apt-get install xchat" what you want?03:17
david_Jmarnanel: prolly just need to fsck it...03:17
D-Elitespydabyte, to what exactly?03:17
demonotakui mean scripts in the xchat03:18
* Budda| sighs03:18
D-Elitehe means like tcl scripts03:18
demonotakui got the xchat installed perfectly03:18
D-Elitedemonotaku, check for tcl scripts on google. thats what i use.03:18
spydabyteD-Elite what ya mean ?03:18
pestilenceD-Elite: do you need openssl installed?03:18
pestilenceor openssl-dev03:18
D-Elitespydabyte, ssh to another box or to what?03:18
spydabyteother peopel from outside network being able to ssh into it is what i need03:19
D-Elitepestilence, nope. i need libssh 0.11 installed03:19
Richard51684hey i'm running a program under wine and it's default setting is to be hide into the sys tray, however when i double-click the tray icon it won't open (it would in windows), is there a way to force the window to open?03:19
spydabytei can ssh into it from my windows box ONLY using internal ip03:19
pestilenceD-Elite: to rectify the error you are getting...03:19
pestilenceD-Elite: it is complaining about lack of openssl headers03:19
cflopezok ok finally removed!03:20
Budda|How do I uninstall wicd, and reinstall the default network monitor thing?03:20
spydabytei can ping anything with te ubuntu box03:20
D-Elitepestilence, pretty sure i have openssl installed03:20
pestilenceD-Elite: in particular, libssl-dev03:20
spydabyteso its gotta be seeing the outside world soemwhat03:20
achandrashekarcflopez: okay...now take it slow..from start...03:20
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achandrashekarcflopez: thats what she said...lol03:21
marnaneldavid_J: strange: `mount /dev/sda3 /home` --> `/dev/sda3 already mounted or /home busy`. `umount /dev/sda3` --> `/dev/sda3: not mounted`. `mount /dev/sda3 /tmp/some-crappy-name-i-just-created` --> same as /home03:21
spydabyteis there anything in ssh config or sshd config that may need changing after installing it ?03:21
dmbubotu: help03:21
cflopezi removed it using the front end gui for ndiswrapper but when i went looking for the files, they where still there03:21
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:21
danc3spydabyte: yes03:21
david_Jmarnanel: do a df -h or mount03:21
dmbubotu: kernel03:21
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages03:21
notwenanyone able to help me w/ gcc compiler?03:21
spydabytedanc3: mind helping me with that ?03:21
pestilenceD-Elite: configure seems to disagree with that assessment :-D03:22
danc3notwen: how do we know, if you don't say what you need help with?03:22
D-Elitepestilence, looks as so, lol.03:22
D-Elitepestilence, let me reinstall it03:22
marnaneldavid_J: it is indeed not mounted03:22
david_Jnotwen: apt-get install build-essential03:22
danc3spydabyte: what do you need help with?03:22
Budda|How do I uninstall wicd, and reinstall the default network monitor thing?03:22
david_Jmarnanel: man fuser or lsof03:22
spydabyteis there anything in ssh config or sshd config that may need changing after installing it ? u said yes .. im wondering what03:22
supersoundguyis there any way that I can get libstdc++.so.5 without an internet connection on my ubuntu machine?03:22
danc3spydabyte: have you looked at the config files?03:23
spydabytei have03:23
marnaneldavid_J: what am I looking for? I know how to use fuser and lsof; am I checking nobody has a lock on /dev/sda3?03:23
JimmyDeesupersoundguy, download it on the box youre on NOW and put it on disk, sneakernet03:23
jwdsupersound: jumpdrive03:23
danc3spydabyte: and you don't see anything that needs changing?03:23
D-Elitepestilence, http://pastebin.com/d595e196d03:23
D-Elitepestilence, seems like its there03:23
spydabytedanc3: not surte what im looking for to be honest03:23
david_Jmarnanel: yeah basically.. then I'd try to fsck /dev/sda303:23
jwdany developers?03:23
pestilenceD-Elite: you need libssl-dev, the development files.03:23
danc3spydabyte: well, read them again, they're well commented03:23
danc3we'll wait03:24
marnaneljwd: of what?03:24
pestilenceD-Elite: how about just running apt-get build-dep libssh2 ?03:24
marnaneljwd: plenty, what's up?03:24
mudorehow can I find files containing "string" in a rep?03:24
jwdI need an opinion on a app to develop with03:24
danc3mudore: man grep03:24
pestilenceD-Elite: libssh-203:24
Budda|How do I uninstall wicd, and reinstall the default network monitor thing?03:24
jwdwriting a perl/mysql and possibly AJAX03:24
jwdbeen using VI03:24
spydabytedo i uncomment out listenadress : and put ip of the box ?03:24
pestilencethat would bring in all the dependencies.03:24
mudoredanc3, thx03:24
spydabytethats only thing i could possibly see would be03:24
JimmyDee!patience | Budda|03:25
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience03:25
ubotuBudda|: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:25
danc3spydabyte: better read them again03:25
* jwd grins03:25
sunogbagaspydabyte: that will limit connections03:25
danc3jwd: what do you want?03:25
JimmyDeejwd, dave's not here, man03:25
notwenthat fixed it David_j, thanks03:26
pestilencejwd: you should use vim.  it is much nicer.03:26
david_Jnotwen: what I do?03:26
jwdya think03:26
jwdjust alias vi to vim03:26
jwdand I'm good03:26
marnaneljwd: if you install vim it aliases vi to vim. this is true.03:27
notwenrecommending apt-get build-essential worked03:28
Budda|How do I uninstall wicd, and reinstall the default network monitor thing?03:28
spydabytei dunno im lost totaly03:28
Eagle-101Budda|, open synaptic, search for wicd, tell it to uninstall, and then select the default one and tell that to install (I don't know what the default one is called)03:29
RB2Just in the last 30 minutes or so, Evolution stopped loading. I get the "Starting Evolution" in the taskbar. Then, it disappears and nothing. I can see it running in the processes tho. Any suggestions?03:29
compwiz18Budda|: reinstall network-manager-gnome03:30
goat|wor1what does the "&" mean in /usr/sbin/telnetd 2> /dev/null &03:30
josiahwCan someone help me with setting up partitions? I just need to know how big to make the / and the swap03:30
jwdrun in background03:30
pestilencegoat|wor1: it tells it to run in the background03:30
sunogbagaspydabyte: can u give me this telnet localhost 22 .. just to check if im connecting to your box03:30
demonotakubingo got the script installed03:30
goat|wor1thanks pestilence and jwd03:30
jwdno prob03:30
dgoodmaanything for Linux that is similar to Quicken for Windows?03:30
pestilencedgoodma: gnucash03:30
danc3dgoodma: moneydance03:31
spydabytesunogbaga not even sure if telnet is installed there03:31
spydabytei tried before and it didnt do anything03:31
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josiahwor just give me a link to some recommendations... i cant find anything on ubuntu.org03:31
pestilencedgoodma: gnucash has a pretty good tutorial on how to effectively use it on their website, if you are serious about managing your money03:31
danc3howdy dpeach, welcome to the jungle03:31
josiahwubuntu.com i mean03:31
dpeachthanks danc303:31
sunogbagaspydabyte: can u try it now? even on your windows box.. it gives you the ssh version before the prompt03:31
yuaokiI've got a motherboard on a Dell desktop with a yellow LED flashing and the power does not come on03:32
danc3yuaoki: power supply is gone03:32
Hubris2For the life of me, I can't figure out why a partition isn't mounting automatically.  It's in my fstab.....can anyone offer some suggestions?03:32
yuaokidanc3- as in no more?03:32
sunogbagaspydabyte: i mean on your windows box, try to telnet host 2203:32
pestilenceHubris2: does it say "noauto" in the fstab?03:32
Hubris2pestilence: No03:32
pestilenceHubris2: what happens when you manually mount it?  i.e. sudo mount /mountpoint03:32
danc3yuaoki: as in "dead", it's a common indication on a Dell03:32
Eagle-101josiahw, hint, I'd use google rather then searching ubuntu, if you want hints specific to ubuntu, make sure to add ubuntu linux to the end of your search string :)03:32
cflopezsame step, different story... i dumped the drivers in the home folder and i got this when i tried to install them   couldn't open /home/charlie/home/charlie/bcmwl564.inf: No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 217.03:33
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Hubris2I thought the 1 at the end of the line meant it was to mount automatically?03:33
pestilenceHubris2: no, that has to do with what time it is mounted.03:33
daedricGuys... do you think its normal to have a 3com marvell 940 ethernet chip onboard, knowing it is working... and lspci not even showing it? anyonw as had any issue similar to this ?03:33
danc3Hubris2: nope03:34
danc3pestilence: wrong03:34
Hubris2pestilence: I want it mounted before I sign in.....what should I have?03:34
danc3Hubris2: man mount, man fstab03:34
danc3Hubris2: hint:  "auto"03:35
spydabyteits obv a config problem with ssh itself has to be due to fact .. when i tried to use 6.016 or whatever it is .... it went onlien fine to get updates and upgrade03:35
pestilenceHubris2: well, it should be 2 if it's not your root partition.  i think.03:35
danc3pestilence: strike 203:35
ubotuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome03:36
Hubris2danc3: I will read the manpages....what I don't understand, is why other partitions in the fstab are mounting automatically (and don't have the word auto) but this is not03:36
pestilencedanc3: boy oh boy you are helpful.03:36
NeoPhyte21wow place is hoppin03:36
danc3pestilence: yes, I am03:36
TurnetCan anyone please help me?03:36
danc3pestilence: and the advice I give is correct, unlike yours03:36
pestilencedanc3: from the man page:  The  sixth field, (fs_passno), is used by the fsck(8) program to determine the order in which filesystem checks are done at reboot time.03:36
Flannelspydabyte: You don't need to change anything in the sshd config, you just need to make sure your port forwarding properly03:36
pestilencedanc3: well, at least i give it with a smile.03:36
TurnetCan anyone tell me what my localhost password is on Ubuntu? I'm trying to remove a printer from the list but it requires the password. Thank you. Also, I did not set one if that may help. :)03:36
danc3pestilence: it has to do with dumping the file system, not mounting03:36
linux88is anyone fairly familiar with VirtualBox?03:37
spydabytegreat now i cant even ssh using internal up now .. connection refused03:37
NeoPhyte21is there any way to remote desktop from a pc running windows into my machine at home running gutsy?03:37
TurnetCan anyone tell me what my localhost password is on Ubuntu? I'm trying to remove a printer from the list but it requires the password. Thank you. Also, I did not set one if that may help.  :)03:37
danc3Turnet: your login password03:37
pestilencedanc3: he was referring to the sixth field.03:37
pestilencedanc3: so, bzzz, you are wrong ;)03:37
Turnetdanc3 my login password didn't work. :S03:37
Flannelspydabyte: revert whatever changes you've made to your sshd configurations.03:37
josiahwis there a use in having /home anymore? or should it just all be under /?03:37
Flanneljosiahw: Erm.  There's every point in the world in having /home03:38
Turnetdanc3 my login password didn't work. :s03:38
scguy318josiahw: /home for your home stuff03:38
Hubris2pestilence: Indeed, I was referring to the sixth field.  According to the manpage, as you stated, it should be set to 2 for non-root03:38
danc3Turnet: don't know then03:38
Flanneljosiahw: Ah, you mean for a separate partition?  Yeah, because it allows you to reinstall around it.03:38
TurnetOk thanks anyone else? Can anyone tell me what my localhost password is on Ubuntu? I'm trying to remove a printer from the list but it requires the password. Thank you. Also, I did not set one if that may help.03:38
pestilencedanc3: well, whaddaya know03:38
pestilenceHubris2: so, what happens when you try to mount it manually?03:38
josiahwhow large of a partition (if you had a lot of hard drive space) would you allocate for /?03:38
pestilenceHubris2: sudo mount /media/data ?03:39
danc3josiahw: about 80% of it03:39
josiahwand then about 2gb of /swap and the rest in /home im guessing03:39
wirechiefTurnet its your root password03:39
Flanneljosiahw: 20GB will be more than you'll ever need.  10GB is more than liekly sufficient.03:39
danc3Flannel: how do you know that?03:39
Flanneldanc3: Know what?03:39
TurnetI didn't set a root password wirechief.03:39
Hubris2pestilence: It works just fine. I have configured a daemon to start with init.d that points at the mount point, so mounting manually is too late03:39
danc3Flannel: that 10G is enough?03:39
wirechiefTurnet well set one03:39
josiahwok so 20gb into /, 2gb into swap, and 878gb of /home?03:39
Flanneldanc3: Because you'd be hard pressed to fill 10GB with the stuff from the repos03:40
danc3Flannel: my / partition is 200GB and it's getting full03:40
TurnetBut I've heard it is dangerous to my system to set one. (I'm new to Ubuntu) :)03:40
Flanneljosiahw: Unless you want a separate partition for /var or anything03:40
spydabytewow i cant belive why this is so hard for me03:40
josiahwFlannel: dont think so03:40
pestilenceHubris2: hrmm.. then perhaps changing the 1 to a 2 will fix it.  i can't explain why else it wouldn't mount.  the default is "auto", so adding that after "defaults" isn't going to change anything (danc3, wanna tell me i'm wrong again?)03:40
Flanneldanc3: And you must not have a separate home.03:40
Flanneljosiahw: Well, you can always add one later if need be.03:40
PMantisStrangely, my laptop display blanks after 1 minute idle... but all preferences that I can find say about 11 minutes. Did I miss a setting?03:40
wirechiefTurnet its dangerous if you use Ubuntu, but not any of the other distros so what does that tell you?03:40
danc3Flannel: I do03:40
marnanelTurnet: it is no more dangerous to set a root password in Ubuntu than in any other distro.03:41
spydabyteBridge mode : Enable03:41
Flanneldanc3: Then I can't say I believe you.  What on earth is using the majority of that?  Gotta be runaway logs or something.03:41
spydabyteNAT mode : Enable03:41
spydabyteRouter mode : Enable03:41
spydabyteNAT Router mode : Enable03:41
marnanelTurnet: (also no less.)03:41
spydabyteCableHome 1.1 mode : Enable03:41
danc3Flannel: when you install most games for example, they go under /, and they are many GB's in size03:41
spydabyteright now its set as nat ...03:41
spydabyteshould i change to be dif ?03:41
TurnetOh I see what you mean.03:41
marnanelTurnet: Root passwords are really unnecessary these days.03:41
Flannelspydabyte: Just make sure your router is forwarding port 22 properly.03:41
spydabyteok i can ssh back in using int ip03:41
spydabytestill dont help me tho03:42
danc3Flannel: nearly anything you install goes into /usr/bin  or   /usr/local/bin , both of which are under "/"03:42
pestilenceFlannel: which is why it's a good idea to do 2 things.  1) use lvm.  2) have a /usr/local partition.03:42
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:42
cflopezugh... this wireless problem calls for bottles upon bottles of gin03:42
spydabytei tried to dmz it Flannel and it still didnt work03:42
TurnetMarnanel, I wanted to remove a printer but it is asking for a localhost password. Isn't that the root password?03:42
adorablepuppySpeaking of which: What is the default password for the root account on postgresql 8.2?03:42
pestilenceFlannel: or /usr03:42
wirechiefmarnanel he is trying to use the web based printer cupsys he needs root password03:42
alitadeposcahey !03:42
Flanneldanc3: I'm well aware of that.  You'd still be hard pressed to fill 20GB03:42
danc3Flannel: LOL03:42
alitadeposcaneed a little help03:42
TurnetYes, what wirechief said. :)03:42
spydabytei filled my 5005 gig in 3 days :)03:42
alitadeposcalooking for a wireless networking ubuntu channel... any ideas??03:43
danc3Flannel: do you play games like Quake4, Doom3, UT2004, etc?03:43
marnanelTurnet: ah, I have no idea about cupsys, but properly-written software should do something sudo-like these days03:43
danc3Flannel: they're huge03:43
wirechiefTurnet you have to decide if you want to set it. i know i do. but that is my thing.03:43
alitadeposcaa wifi related channel...03:43
TurnetOk I will set it I guess.03:43
TurnetHow may I do that?03:43
alitadeposcafor ubuntu...03:43
alitadeposcaany ideas?03:43
pestilencealitadeposca: you have found it.03:43
wirechiefTurner navigagte from system to user/groups03:44
alitadeposcapestilence:need a little help to get my audit toolkit set03:44
wirechiefTurner in there you will find a way to set it.03:44
Flannelspydabyte: There's nothing in the ssh configurations that'll stop it from working.  Only router issues, or maybe the wrong IP.03:44
adorablepuppyI installed postgresql 8.2 because today at work I decided I liked it much more than mysql. However, I was never prompted for account preferences and my current login has no role created for it. Is there a generic account I can use to access it?03:44
spydabytewell danc3 and sunogbaga for trying to help me ... i think im a. explaining it wrong ... or noone is actually understanding what i mean .. sry to have taken up al lthe time u guys could have helped other but now im pissed, and now this has officially turned me away from unix so now im goign to stri pthe pos box and throw it where it belongs in dumpster03:45
mudorehow can scan recursively a rep with grep for a string?03:45
pestilence!ask | alitadeposca03:45
mudoresample please03:45
TurnetYes wirechief I got it! Thanks a lot for the help. :)03:45
alitadeposcaalready got aircrack-ng pack running, but, since i'm trying to audit WPA2 networks i think i could something else...03:45
spydabyteok FloodBot303:45
danc3spydabyte: lol03:45
ubotualitadeposca: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:45
wirechiefTurnet ok well good luck with your printer settings what printer are you using ?03:45
danc3spydabyte: you're giving up that easily?03:45
pestilencewow, ubotu you are slow.03:45
spydabytedanc3 i been fighting this for 3 days03:45
spydabyteive had maybe 5 hrs sleep03:45
spydabytei need this to work03:45
alitadeposcaany good wirless audit soft for ubuntu ?03:46
TurnetBrother MFC 210C03:46
spydabyteand obv its not going to03:46
alitadeposcabesides aircrack-ng?03:46
danc3well you better just stick with windoze then, spydabyte03:46
wirechiefTurnet i use Brother mfc420cn03:46
spydabytefuck windows ill go pcless03:46
mudoreplease, how can scan recursively a rep with grep for a string?03:46
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:46
spydabytethe only reason this is windows is casue its a loner till i get other one working03:46
TurnetOh, did you experience the same problems as me?03:46
MokonaSanHello, I am trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 and it is taking a really long time for the Partition Manager to come up.  It went all the way to 100% on the "starting it up" dialog, but it is not going to the next screen. Is that normal?03:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:46
spydabytesry for language03:46
* mnemonica hugs spydabyte03:46
spydabytebut im so agetaed right now03:46
pestilenceMokonaSan: do you meet the minimum required hardware?03:47
TurnetWirechief, I tried my new root password for localhost, it still did not work. :(03:47
spydabytesee cant even spell03:47
wirechiefTurnet i have reinstalled mine routinely now many times03:47
spydabyteits a word like very aggervated03:47
danc3spydabyte: maybe that's what's wrong with your config files03:47
pestilenceMokonaSan: i have had semi-older machines take forever to load the gutsy installer03:47
TurnetOh any reasons as to why?03:47
wirechiefTurnet use user root and then passwd03:47
spydabytedanc3 i havent messed with no config files03:48
MokonaSanpestilence: let me look at the minimum reqs.  I would think I meet them.03:48
spydabytei dont dare afraid ill break it even worse03:48
danc3spydabyte: I thought you were editing the SSH config files03:48
NeoPhyte21can anyone tell me why konsole's transparent background wouldn't work?03:48
spydabyteno u told me to take a look and figure it out03:48
danc3spydabyte: what exactly is your problem, anyway?03:48
spydabytei tried fiucked it up had to reset it03:48
sunogbagaspydabyte: cool down dude..03:48
spydabytesry for language again03:48
TurnetWirechief: It only asks for the password of localhost. I even tried 'root' but it didn't work.03:48
danc3spydabyte: what isn't working for you?03:48
spydabyteok danc3 ill try and explain this one more time best i can ....03:49
alitadeposcai'm trying to get started with wireless network audit. I've got backtrack 2, but i'd like ubuntu to do all that itself. Got aircrack-ng working on my 7.10, but since i'm looking forward to audit WPA2 i believe i could use both some other apps and tutorials, any suggestions? thanks.03:49
ibanezalitadeposca: www.google.com03:49
ibanezbest i know of.03:49
wirechiefTurnet im trying to get setup for pm03:49
=== wirechief is now known as wirechief4
Turnetwirechief, what's pm?03:50
MokonaSanit says it requires 256MB of RAM and I have 512, so I should be good on that03:50
alitadeposcaibanez: there's a lot of great stuff and a lot of junk around the web, any ubuntu specific apps/tutorials?03:50
spydabytei can from this windows box ssh into ubuntu box ONLY by using, my buddy who lives in florida has tried to ssh in ...sometimes he gets nothing .. soemtimes he gets login puts in corect info but says password failed ....i try and use my real ip of 24.* and all i get is timed out ...03:50
pestilenceMokonaSan: another possibility is corrupted media (i.e. bad cd).  you could try running the media check03:50
danc3spydabyte: are you behind a router?03:51
spydabytei have used ie to get into my router and forward port 2303:51
ibanezalitadeposca: im only familiar with the backtrack2 programs, im not sure about the ubuntu related mate, sorry :(03:51
spydabyteport 22 excuse me03:51
spydabyteboth protocols03:51
danc3spydabyte: is he using a valid login name?03:51
MokonaSanpestilence: i'll wait a little longer I guess. maybe it's just slow03:51
spydabytei even made one for him03:51
pestilenceMokonaSan: sounds like a plan.03:51
danc3spydabyte: it has to be a problem with the port forwarding03:52
alitadeposcaibanez:thanx anyway....03:52
danc3can you ssh in from the local LAN using his login name?03:52
spydabytebut i use ie to log into router and DMZ the host and still dont work03:52
ibanezsorry i couldn't help more alitadeposca03:52
danc3ok, then it MUST be a problem with port forwarding03:52
pestilencespydabyte: funny, i can ssh to your machine.03:52
sunogbagaspydabyte: i can too03:53
pestilenceor, at least to the machine you are using irc from.03:53
spydabytehaha very funny03:53
sunogbagabtw spydabyte wheres ur ftp server?03:53
pestilencespydabyte: i'm not joking03:53
sunogbagaspydabyte: is it on ur windows box?03:54
PMantisWhat can cause my laptop screen to blank after ONE minute of use, when all settings I can find are set much higher?03:54
mudorecan anyone paste a sample off how to scan recursively a rep ?03:54
spydabytei dunno how much more i can open this port i mean if dmz dont open it then03:54
danc3mudore: "scan recursively a rep"?  What does that mean?03:55
pestilencePMantis: have you checked the settings in /etc/acpi/...?03:55
danc3spydabyte: it doesn't need to be on a DMZ03:55
mudorecan anyone paste a sample off how to scan recursively a dir ? like find all files contening a "str"03:55
linuxuserwhere can i find JVM V1.5 or greater03:55
rradforgrep -R "str" .03:55
ibanezi get a password prompt spydabyte03:55
sunogbagalinuxuser: sun.java.com03:56
ibanezfor your machine03:56
danc3mudore: ls /dir | grep str03:56
rradforor find . | xargs grep str03:56
linuxuserk thanks03:56
ibanezso it does connect.03:56
rradforwait, are you looking for str in the filename, or in the contents of th file?03:56
spydabyteha yeah sure u do when its not even powered up atm03:56
ibanezwould you like for me to copy nd paste in pm ..03:57
danc3I can't take it any longer... buh bye.03:57
honk_Is there some mysteriously wild hack to get 1280x800 consoles working on Intel 945GM?03:57
ibanezfunny, it was up though03:58
ibanezim not joking03:58
ibanezit's not like i tried any passwords03:58
pestilenceyea, he knows you aren't joking03:58
sunogbagaspydabyte: whats the ip again?03:58
ibanezjust seeing if i could get a connection, to your box03:58
ibanezto help you03:58
ibanezdid yo uget one too pestilence ?03:58
pestilencei think he powered it down.03:58
pestilenceyes.  but i don't think he believed us.03:58
ibanezibanez@'s password:03:58
ibanezibanez@'s password:03:58
ibanezthere you go.03:59
PMantispestilence: I just looked... saw screenblank.sh... it pointed to /etc/default/acpi-support ... nothing there rings a bell.03:59
ibanezit's not powered down03:59
ibanezjust almost timed out03:59
sunogbagaspydabyte: is it still turned off?03:59
stroyanhonk_: Try the 'xrandr' command.  It can set unusual geometries on Intel graphics hardware.03:59
sunogbagaspydabyte: coz i can ssh to it?03:59
ibanezgeeze all im doing is trying to help the guy03:59
spydabyteur full of crap too03:59
ibanezi just posted it03:59
ibanezand at least 3 others have done it.03:59
sunogbagaspydabyte: ur sure it's turned off? coz i can ssh to it?04:00
spydabyteur full of crap man04:00
Scuniziincluding me... :)04:00
pestilencespydabyte: you don't have to believe me.  it doesn't hurt my feelings.  but i'm not lying to you.04:00
ibanezim with pestilence on this.04:00
spydabytedude ur tryign to scare me away casue u obv dont want / cant help me so have fun sry for wasting ur time04:00
honk_thanks stroyan, will give it a try and come back04:00
pestilencespydabyte: check your logs...04:00
ibanezwhy would we scare you04:00
ibanezif i wanted to scare you04:00
ibanezone would brute it04:00
sunogbagaspydabyte:  ur sure it's turned off? coz i can ssh to it?04:00
ibanezi doubt your pass is that hard anyways04:00
digitalskyhi all.04:00
pestilencespydabyte: it's all easily verifiable.  check your logs.  you will see attempts at login.04:01
digitalskyi'm some questions about adept manager. wondering if anyone can help04:01
ibanezdoes he know how to check the logs ?04:01
spydabytehow the fuck can u people be connecting when the box has been down for the last 25 minutes04:01
linux88why cant ubuntu detect my usb device04:01
tonyyarusso!ohmy | spydabyte04:01
ubotuspydabyte: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:01
MokonaSanOkay got that to work.  Now, can someone help me use the Ubuntu installation partitioner to create a new partition out of the free space of an existing one? I have an existing NTFS partition and i want to turn its free space into an ext2 partition?04:01
sunogbagaspydabyte: told you ur under dhcp04:01
pestilencespydabyte: perhaps your router runs linux?04:01
RodyaIs Gutsy supposed to have /proc/pci?04:01
Scunizispydabyte: it for the machine you're currently on.. do you know it has ssh installed?04:01
honk_stroyan: isn't that just for X displays, though?04:02
spydabytethe machine i am on right now is no way ssh is installed on it04:02
pestilencespydabyte: there are a bunch of linksys routers that run linux and have ssh installed.04:02
sunogbagaspydabyte: we are sshing to another machine, is this the ip?
spydabytei dont have linsys04:02
spydabyteits ambit04:02
pestilencespydabyte: is that your ip?04:02
spydabyteno thats not my ip04:02
digitalskyso i installed 7.10, went to adept manager and found some "upgradable" packages, so I went ahead and upgrade. The packages seems to be downloaded correctly, but there were errors in the installation.04:02
pestilencespydabyte: ok, then.  we are ssh'ing to the box that you are connect to irc through04:02
sunogbagaspydabyte: you gave me that awhile ago.. :(04:03
spydabytei never gave u that as my ip04:03
digitalskyi got a pop up box sayign there was some error, and i try to update again, but now "upgradable" package is 0.04:03
pestilencespydabyte: you shouldn't be so scared.  it's all published information.  try this:  /whois spydabyte04:03
ibanezno but /whois showed it, so i ssumed.04:03
ibanezno one is here to hurt, just help04:03
sunogbagaspydabyte: we are trying to help dude04:03
stroyanhonk_: It is.  When you wrote console I interpreted that as X server.  I don't see any particular problem with the text console.  Are you trying to get a smaller font?04:03
pestilencewhen you connect to the internet, you are transmitting your location.  like it or not.04:03
narothepharohhow do install a camera ???04:04
digitalskyi'm pretty sure the packages are not all updated already...04:04
mudoredanc3, I m looking for something like : grep -R dirname/  'pathern'  (something able to look in to sub directory)04:04
honk_stroyan: well unfortunately I'm on a widescreen LCD, I'd like to have that native resolution; I've tried every kernel option on the planet; and nothing works04:04
pestilencedigitalsky: try running sudo apt-get -f install04:04
mattgyver83Hi room, anyone know if its possible to use named ranges within functions with OpenOffice.org Calc? (ie: start:finish, as opposed to A1:A6)04:04
honk_either it says the video mode must be set at boot time (which I thought it was...) or various other vague errors04:04
digitalskypestilence: thanks for your response. is that a known problem?04:04
jwdokay going to try and write a dumb a*s AJAX app now04:04
jwdany experts?04:05
rradformudore, I gave you two possible command sequences - but I asked a followup question - do you want to look for str in the filename, or for str in the file data?04:05
pestilencedigitalsky: well, it is well-known that sometimes apt encounters problems, if that's what you mean :-D04:05
pestilencedigitalsky: and apt-get install -f  attempts to fix those problems04:05
digitalskyoh ok. but the cmd line apt-get is better?04:05
jwd-f = force04:05
jwdnot fix04:05
pestilencejwd: man apt-get04:05
sunogbagajwd: join #prototype04:05
mudorerradfor, file data04:05
RodyaIs Gutsy supposed to have the file /proc/pci, and if it is, why doesn't mine?04:06
pestilencejwd: -f, --fix-broken04:06
=== salmenara is now known as Varanger
pestilencewhat is with people not trusting tonight?04:06
pestilenceholy cow.04:06
pestilencei think that means its time for me to go.04:06
rradforthen grep will do it: grep -R pattern dirname04:06
mudorerradfor, *.php files04:06
* jwd stands corrected04:06
rradforthen you can even do grep -R pattern direname/*.php04:07
jwdsorry pest04:07
stroyanhonk_: Did you try the vga=ask kernel option and get some choices?04:07
jwdokay one last time04:07
jwdany AJAX or mysql gurus04:07
pestilencejwd: np.  you are the third person to sound an alarm.  must be my nick04:07
honk_stroyan: yes I did, they were only colxrow options; of which I tried all. The actual resolution didn't change, just the fonts really. I also tried obscure vga modes from hwinfo --framebuffer04:08
digitalskyok i need to reboot this cmpt to get to my ubuntu...04:08
spydabytehttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-10294.html <-- this is kinda my problem04:08
digitalskyi hope that works. thanks for the help pest and jwd04:08
pestilencedigitalsky: good luck.  i'm out.04:08
jwdno prob04:08
narothepharohhow can i install my camera? it is not reading it04:08
spydabytebut i nmever get an accepoted thing04:08
jwdusb obviously??04:08
mudorerradfor, thx its works04:08
PDanion one terminal, i do  nc -l -p 12345 > pipe, where pipe is a named pipe, and on other echo "a" | nc localhost 12345. but i got connection refused. why is it?04:08
jwdnaro: usb?04:09
jwdof course it is04:09
devilsadvocateI need to runa program as root as soon as my computer turns on. Can anyone tell me how to set it up to do that automatically?04:09
honk_stroyan: I'm guessing I need specific framebuffer support for the intel 945GM?04:09
ice109does anyone know what the memory requirements of xfce are compared to kde4?04:10
devilsadvocateice109, they are much lower04:10
dn4how do I setup xorg?04:10
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:10
jwddevils set it up in rc1.d or rc2.d04:10
linux88whats the best way to install dual boot and install windows after installation of ubuntu. I know installing ubuntu after is the best way to do it, but that option is out.04:10
ice109devilsadvocate theres an article on digg that says that the mem requirements for kde4 are 39% less than kde304:10
dn4hmm is there a command to setup xorg while in console?04:10
jwdas a shell script04:10
devilsadvocatejwd, /etc/rc1.d ?04:11
stroyanhonk_: The 915resolution package _might_ be able to set a native resolution vesa mode that the console could use.04:11
kelsindn4: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver" I think04:11
jwdmight be too early04:11
jwdI would say rc2.d04:11
devilsadvocateice109, xfce4 will still be lower on memory04:11
devilsadvocatejwd, thanks. what is rc2.d, anyway?04:12
kelsindn4: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" might have reversed it :-(04:12
dn4kelsin: hmm xorg-xserver not found04:12
* jwd grins04:12
dn4trying once more04:12
jwdcd /etc/rc2.d04:12
dn4hmm that was not found either kelsin04:12
dn4what do I need to install to have xorg ?04:12
jwdessentially run levels04:12
soldatsdn4, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:12
spydabyteoh well if i dont decide to scrap this pos over night ill stop back tommrow and try again04:12
spydabytenight guys04:12
devilsadvocatejwd, got it. Thanks04:13
spydabytei need sleep04:13
honk_Are framebuffer modules blacklisted by default, I wonder?04:13
spydabytebeen fightign with this too long04:13
dn4hmm maybe I do not have xorg04:13
dn4I am using fiesty04:13
devilsadvocaterunlevel 2 is the multi-user runlevel right?04:13
jwdone sec04:13
dn4what should I do to install a gui?04:14
esoterikim trying to recompile lighty with a new module, but i installed it originally from the ubuntu repository, where would I go to find the source files to recompile it?04:14
soldatsdn4, try the command i told you04:14
jwddevil: 2 or 304:14
soldatsdn4, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:14
jwdwhat are you starting?04:14
devilsadvocatedn4, did you install the fiesty server?04:14
devilsadvocatejwd, a dc hub04:14
dn4devilsadvocate: yes04:15
devilsadvocatejwd, i'll try to write an init script for it.. it certainly deserves that much attention04:15
jwddc hub?04:15
dn4ok I did sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:16
SpudDogghello all04:16
devilsadvocatedn4, , perhaps you should tyr insallingind kde-base or its gnome counterpart.. it sould pull the xorg dependancies with it04:16
devilsadvocatejwd, direct connect. specifically a thing called verlihub04:16
devilsadvocatedn4, installing that did not give you a gui?04:16
dn4devilsadvocate: I am installing it right now04:17
DShepherdits really quiet in here.. its kinda nice for a change04:17
dn4hopefully that solves the delima04:17
mattgyver83Hi room, is it possible to use named ranges within functions with OpenOffice.org Calc? (ie: start:finish, as opposed to A1:A6)04:17
jwdwhats it do?04:17
jwdjust like a hub?04:17
soldatsdn4, so you never had a gui?04:17
=== max685 is now known as max
devilsadvocatejwd, i run the hub using a command "vh_runhub" . I need it to listen on port 411 so it has to be as root04:17
dn4soldats: correct04:17
soldatsaww ok04:17
VarangerIs there something broken with php/apache2 in Ubuntu 7.10 ??04:17
* jwd nods04:17
dn4soldats: I install base config, tried apt-get install gnome, that did not work tried apt-get install ubuntustudio*04:17
dn4that did not work04:17
devilsadvocatejwd, its a decentralized file sharing hub...04:17
jwdVaranger: on your machine maybe04:18
dn4so now I am trying apt-get install xubuntu-desktop04:18
jwdI see04:18
magic_ninjaare there any progs to see if my system has been rooted04:18
soldatsdn4, if that doesnt work try apt-get gdm04:18
jwdgoogle for a root kit04:18
devilsadvocateVaranger, apache2 seems to be working fine. I'm using php504:18
honk_When running update-initramfs: it is trying to find an old custom kernel I compiled, but no longer have. How can I make it refer to the generic kernel?04:18
dn4soldats: ok04:18
jwdninja - google for a rootkit04:18
Varangerjwd: I have a fresh installation and it isn't working well. Firefox tries to download the php file instead of parsing it04:18
soldatsdn4, or sudo apt-get enlightenment       then from that you will have a gui and youll be able to search for one you can use to your liking04:19
jwddid you install it at the same time?04:19
xTheGoat121xI've noticed that no one ever seems to awake in the room for gnome....04:19
jwdare permissions okay?04:19
dn4man enlightenment rocks soldats04:19
devilsadvocateVaranger, how did you install apache and php? did you download the apach php modules too.. and the correct ones04:19
dn4I wanted the new release of englightenment X1704:19
dn4but it never got released and still is not released to this day04:19
soldatsdn4, hah do you have it? i love it04:19
Varangerdevilsadvocate: apt-get install apache2 php504:20
devilsadvocatedn4, there is an e17 repo somewhere, i used it for a while a year ago04:20
dn4soldats: nope I do not have it04:20
dn4oh e17 my bad04:20
devilsadvocateVaranger, I'm afraid is more complicated than that04:20
Varangerdevilsadvocate: For php, apt installed php5, php5-common and libapache2-mod-php504:20
=== PinkFloyd is now known as SunsparcSolaris
dn4e17 rocks though, by far one of the best GUIs but I have never been able to run it04:20
devilsadvocatehmm.. taht should have been enough, Varanger04:20
SunsparcSolarisCould someone help me with my cursors? It isnt changing when I install a new one.04:20
soldatsdn4, well if you cant get xfce or gnome just use that, im sure youll be comfortable with it04:20
jwdVaranger I recommend using Synaptic04:20
stroyanmagic_ninja: 'apt-cache search rootkit'  shows chkrootkit and rkhunter.  You could also look at bsign, systraq, and tripwire packages04:20
Varangerdevilsadvocate: It isn't working :(04:21
dn4soldats: sounds good04:21
soldatsdn4, cool well i hope you get things fixed04:21
Varangerjwd: ok. I'll try04:21
devilsadvocateVaranger, can you look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP and see if youve done all the steps there?04:21
jwdVaranger: use Synaptic to install it after you remove it04:21
Varangerdevilsadvocate: I already followed the steps before I came and started asking04:22
jwdbasically you are better of installing everything at once mod_perl / php / phpmyadmin / etc...04:22
xcdis there any way to get jackd working with alsa in gutsy?04:22
=== Anubis is now known as _Anubis
smaug9i installed xubuntu 'gutsy' on a hp laptop (nx9420), but now it's not recognizing the higher resolutions of the integrated ati X1600, even though it's using the restricted drivers, where do i start?04:23
rradforremove the lower resolution modes from /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:24
dn4sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:24
soldatssmaug9, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:24
dn4or what soldats said04:24
rradforif you know you only want 10x4x1280, and you know your monitor can handle it, you can remove all but that mode in the file04:24
SpookyETDoes anyone have a deb of transmission 0.96?04:24
dn4rradfor: is that a 3d monitor?04:24
smaug9soldats, sweet, thanks. ill try taht04:25
dn410x4x1280 <-- I have never heard of this04:25
soldatsthen set res to what you want with the spacebar, you might have to set it to 16bit color though for some reason some cards wont accept anything higher04:25
devilsadvocateVaranger, I cant be sure it certainly sounds like apache is loking for the wrong php.. try doing "sudo a2enmod php5" and then restarting apache04:25
Varangerdevilsadvocate: I've also done that :(04:25
rradforsorry, should have enabled my typo monitor04:25
VarangerIt said that the module was already enabled04:26
SunsparcSolarisCould someone help me with my cursors? It isnt changing when I install a new one.04:26
devilsadvocatesmaug9, just add the resolution you want to use to your xorg.conf file. I dont know why, but enable restricted modules doesnt seem to be doing this automatically04:26
NeoPhyte21can anyone tell me why konsole's transparency would work in kubuntu but not in gnome?04:27
devilsadvocateVaranger, put a very simple php file in your wwwroot, something with jus the phpinfo function or something04:27
Agent_bobis there any workaround/fix for the loop module in the 2.6.15 kernels ?04:27
Varanger:( I already did that!!!!04:27
NeoPhyte21bueller... bueller....04:28
=== Ken is now known as iKen
skyhi i was wondering if anyone here is familiar with apt-get or adept manager who can help me with a problem?04:28
devilsadvocateVaranger, make sure you have php5 installed and not 4. I really cant think of anything else that can be wrong :(04:28
devilsadvocate!ask | sky04:28
ubotusky: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:28
Agent_bobsky state the error/problem04:28
stroyanNeoPhyte21: I suspect that konsole is taking a shortcut and just blending text with the background image that the kde desktop is telling it about.  The gnome desktop would not give the same information to konsole.04:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dontask - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:29
sky=p ok04:29
ibanezmy bad04:29
NeoPhyte21stroyan: any recomendation?04:29
skyso i did a fetch/update all in a new 7.10 install04:29
fekallcan I download educational games for kde if I am using gnome?04:29
devilsadvocatefekall, yes you can04:29
fekalland have them work04:29
skythen the packages downloaded successfully, but there were some errors in the installation, where i got a pop up saying that there were errors and only an "OK" button04:29
simplechat_fekall, yeah04:29
fekallthanks devil04:29
fekalland simple04:29
smaug9thanks all04:29
Varangerdevilsadvocate: Thanks for the help.04:30
ibanezi love you guys04:30
ibanezi just wanted to say that04:30
skyso i clicked ok, wanted to try again, but this time fetch told me there were 0 upgradables04:30
ibanezin a non gay way04:30
devilsadvocateVaranger, no luck?04:30
VarangerI am going to sleep, and try tomorrow04:30
skyand i'm sure the last try didn't finish upgrading.04:30
ibanezi was watching, die hard 4 with the hackers, and i thought of you guys04:30
devilsadvocateVaranger, oki. sorry i coulndt be of more help04:30
Varangerdevilsadvocate: I am re-installing everything again04:30
skyi try "sudo apt-get check" but that didn't seem to make a difference.04:30
stroyanNeoPhyte21: I like opaque windows myself.  Compiz-fusion might have a general transparency setting.  That would be weird, though.04:30
devilsadvocatesky, do you remember what the erros were?04:30
ibanez"thanks ibanez"04:30
skyum not really, it wouldn't let me copy the "show details" log04:31
ibanezMasterShrek: is the man though04:31
skyand this happened on a new 7.10 install....04:31
Agent_bobsky  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:31
devilsadvocatesky, its possible they were just warnings04:32
jason___i am trying to upgrade some workstations from home... i don't have a gui... they are not servers  trying to upgrade 7.04 -> 7.10  why can't i do a apt-get dist-upgrade ?04:32
devilsadvocatesky, as long as you are able to install new stuff, everything is probably fine04:32
SunsparcSolarisCould someone help me with my cursors? It isnt changing when I install a new one.04:32
skywell a pop up window notified me and when i click ok, the update stopped and went back to adept mgr04:32
devilsadvocatesky, if there is an errror while installing something, apt generally does not let you install anything else04:32
littlebear72ok hello is it patebin i need to paste to to get a helper to look at it ?04:32
skybut this is really strange, because i'm pretty sure not all packages are installed yet when it stopped04:32
iKenI have an nForce 4 AMD chipset, and everytime I boot linux, my ethernet device has a new MAC address.  Also, in windows, the MAC address is shown as 00:00:00:00:00:00.04:32
iKenI believe this happened after I reverted my bios to default settings04:33
RedHeronCan anyone offer me help in the way of a crash course in Linux scripts? I need to run a bunch of commands a whole bunch of times.04:33
skybut then next time around it tells me there are 0 upgradable....04:33
Agent_bobsky  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:33
iKenI also noticed that in the BIOS, on the main page, the serial number is all zeros, and the UUID is all zeros.04:33
skysudo apt-get dist-upgrade gave me 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:33
Agent_bobRedHeron anything you would enter on the command line can be used in a script04:34
sky(yes i did the update already)04:34
jason___im having some problem as sky.... you can't do  it from commandline it looks like04:34
SunsparcSolarisCould someone help me with my cursors? It isnt changing when I install a new one.04:34
RedHeronAgent_bob I'm aware of that part, but how do I make it a script?04:34
Agent_bobsky then it's up to date    stop whining04:34
skybut neither can i do it from adept mgr... it tells me there is nothing to upgrade but i wasn't finished upgrading the stuff before04:34
Agent_bobRedHeron ?04:34
Agent_bobRedHeron it is a script if it's writen     what are you asking ?04:34
iKenAnyone have any thoughts on my issue?04:35
jason___sky:  what does lsb_release -a  show?04:35
RedHeronHow do I make a script that executes a bunch of command lines and then stops when a particular return is given?04:35
littlebear72wow i have the same problem as sky too lol04:35
Agent_bobRedHeron     until blah ;do something ;done04:35
skyno LSB modules are available, Ubuntu 7.10 gutsy04:35
jason___sky: yours is up to date04:36
littlebear72mine froze mid update and never restarted04:36
skyi had 7.10 to begin with, there were just a few packages to be updated04:36
Agent_bobRedHeron if you simply want it to loop until the exitcode is 0   until command ;do : ;done04:36
littlebear72i have tried checking mine a few times it has not been a hassle ove rthe last 2 days since i happened but now im04:36
RedHeronAgent_bob: what I'm more interested in is something that tells me more in-detail what I need to know, since it's security-related and not appropriate for a public channel.04:37
jason___sky:  sorry my bad... i thought you were having the same problem i was having since you were trying a dist-upgrade04:37
littlebear72in the midst of trying to install vmware server and it wont let me04:37
skyno no...04:37
jason___sky: my bad.. sorry04:37
skywell the other machine i had gave me the same problem when i was trying to upgrade to 7.1004:37
RedHeronAgent_bob: Google isn't really being helpful.04:37
jason___sky: is the other machine 7.04?04:37
skynp jason. do u have any suggestion on what i should try?04:37
Agent_bobRedHeron well i can't answer specific questions if all you ask are general ones.      if you have an "example" we can work on...04:37
devilsadvocatesky, yours is up to date. have faith :)04:38
devilsadvocatejason__, what problem do you have?04:38
jason___there is a sed awk command to run against /etc/apt/sources.list   but i don't know what it is04:38
skywell... it's hard to "have faith" when i see adept mgr stopped at like 50% and then when i come back it says it's done installing04:38
RedHeronAgent_bob: hard to provide an example when I don't know how to ask for what I want... what I want is general assistance in creating scripts.04:38
jason___devilsadvocate: i want to upgrade a desktop from commandline04:38
RedHeronAgent_bob: May I PM?04:39
jason___devilsadvocate:  but i don't have a GUI to do it... i want to upgrade overnight and arrive at work with a  nice upgrade04:39
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes04:39
jason___but dist-upgrade doesnt work04:39
Agent_bobsky stop whining.  several of us have assured you that if apt-get dist-upgrade said 0 to upgrade  then there are none04:39
soldatssudo apt-get upgrade04:39
devilsadvocatejason__, didt_uprgaed isnt supposed to work04:39
Agent_bobRedHeron i'm not regestered, so i cant pm back04:39
sky......... ok04:39
* RedHeron rolls eyes.04:40
devilsadvocatejason__, as in, it isnt meant to upgrade from one distro to anohter04:40
littlebear72ok can someone look at my pastebin and tell me why that failed lol http://pastebin.com/m12ea584804:40
RedHeronIs there anyone *else* who can help me with maybe a URL to provide a general introduction to Linux scripting?04:40
Agent_bobRedHeron and i'm not going to register either.04:40
jason___o.k.. how can i remotely upgrade the machine04:40
Agent_bob!cli | RedHeron04:40
ubotuRedHeron: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:40
devilsadvocatejason__, is your install close to a vanilla install, or have you added other repositories and such?04:40
jason___devisadvocate:   base install04:41
jason___devisadvocate:  this is what i am looking for   sudo sed -e 's/\sedgy/ feisty/g' -i /etc/apt/sources.list04:41
jason___and just change the wods around04:41
soldatsRedHeron, google bash spripting how to04:41
jason___it is hackish.. but it will work04:41
RedHeronsoldats: Thank you!04:41
anashow can i install lego mindstorms nxt on ubuntu ? help plz04:41
* RedHeron cheers and high-fives soldats!04:42
devilsadvocatejason__, then you can do it the old fasioned way. firsst do a dist-upgrade.edit /etc/apt/sources.list and replace all "fiesty" with "gutsy", then do and update followed by dist-upgrade a couple of times04:42
soldatsRedHeron, i have found many things useful one a lot of those pages04:42
RazzoRzdoes trying to use dual monitors Mess with "xorg/conf. ?? and if it does how do i set it back to my original one??04:42
skyhmm anyone know about KNetworkManager here?04:42
devilsadvocate!ask | sky04:42
ubotusky: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:42
* RedHeron is new to *ix and has only been running a month.04:43
jason___devilsadvocate:  i have 15 dev machines i want to script overnight... that isn't real convient... but oh well... ubuntu needs a better way to do this stuff ( god forbid something like AD)04:43
=== SuT3 is now known as cew^MaNiEz_AjaH
soldatsRedHeron, well that scool i hope you find what you need04:43
Agent_bobsky #kubuntu is where you can find most of the kde/kde-apps help04:43
skyon a new 7.1 kubuntu, when i click on KNetworkManager, nothing happens. nothing loads, no window pops up04:43
stroyanNeoPhyte21: Yep.  Compiz-fusion can set arbitrary transparency across an entire window according to class.   http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=1768  I just created ghostly xclock windows.04:43
booncerim using xubuntu i keep getting this bash: ./sc_trans_linux: cannot execute binary file any 1 seen that b4?04:43
RedHeronAgain, soldats: thank you!04:43
skyyea i realize that... was hoping there are some kde users here04:43
devilsadvocatejason__, why dont you have a gui to do this?04:43
anashow can i install lego mindstorms nxt on ubuntu ? help plz04:44
anashow can i install lego mindstorms nxt on ubuntu ? help plz04:44
NeoPhyte21thanks stroyan04:44
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:44
soldatswrong window04:44
jason___devilsadvocate:  so i should go to 15 dev machines and log in and do each one.....  that isn't really effecitent... i will script it out.. and pray tomorrow it all works04:44
devilsadvocatejason__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#head-f2435a45758bb5836f8e5b87e90045463f8c6ec704:44
Dr_willisjason__,  what are ya doing?  i just saw a site on how to do that.04:45
anashow can i install lego mindstorms nxt on ubuntu ? help plz04:45
devilsadvocatejason__, also, you can do ssh -X into each of the computers, and get gui for them all04:45
soldatsanas, if its a window program use wine04:45
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.04:45
devilsadvocatejason__, in the gui, its just a couple of clicks04:45
eVipereOk, I'm just blind and damn tired... how do you change icon themes?04:45
Dr_willisjason__,  Clusterssh is a graphical utility that allows you to open several ssh connections and execute commands simultaneously in all of them.04:45
anassoldats , yes it is . i have . but it's not working .04:46
jason___Dr_willis: i will look into that...04:46
booncerme out04:46
simion314hi, i have uninstal a program that had some problems(mono 1.2.5 installe for linux) and  now i have invalid  entries in the path and i belive that it ma be other enviroment variables that i must remove, how can i see all the variables and how can i edit them, remove or edit?04:46
soldatsanas, well im not sure then you could also try vmware04:46
RazzoRzhow do i use my OLD xorg/conf.    since i tried to use dual monitors.. eveything has gone for crap.. can someone help04:46
jason___Dr_willis:  still not an ideal solution but better than what i am about to do04:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apdb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:46
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org04:46
=== amidaniel is now known as amidaniel|away
anassoldats : you mean vbox ?04:47
booncercan can any 1 help me out04:47
booncerim using xubuntu i keep getting this bash: ./sc_trans_linux: cannot execute binary file any 1 seen that b4?04:47
RazzoRzJust ask Booncer:04:47
soldatsRazzoRz, usually if you edit the xorg file it will make a backup file search for xorg.cong and search hidden files and see if there is a backup for it04:47
Dr_willisjason__,  dont know what you are doing. :) i just saw that clusterssh on one of my live bookmarks. heh..04:47
=== joerlend__ is now known as tyabux
soldatsanas, google vmware ubuntu04:47
littlebear72im repeating but i need to have someone look at this sometime soon lol   ok can someone look at my pastebin and tell me why that failed lol http://pastebin.com/m12ea584804:47
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers04:47
dj_booncer: sudo chmod +x sc_trans_linux04:48
cflopezany wireless guru around.... i've been trying for hours to get my broadcom card working and failing, and its getting frustrating!04:48
anassoldats : what is it ?04:48
=== tyabux is now known as XiXaQ
RazzoRzSoldats: i did not config anything.. i just tried the dual monitors in system>admin>screens / graphics.....04:48
dj_booncer: But, what is sc_trans_linux?04:48
soldatsanas, it make a a virtual windose system04:48
eViperecflopez: Yeah, but I'm dead tired.. try looking around at NDISwrapper.04:48
Dr_willisjason__,  may watn to check out http://sourceforge.net/projects/clusterm also04:48
cflopezi've been playing around with it for hours04:48
booncerits an mp3 server04:48
cflopezand not getting anyware04:48
soldatsanas, you should be able to run anything windose on it04:48
eViperecflopez: Do you have the drivers for XP?04:49
booncerdoes the same with the shoutcast server04:49
jason___Dr_willis:  imagine if i converted my all the development workstations in our lab 500+ to ubuntu... how would you expect me to upgrade them all?    devilsadvocate thinks i should go around sitting down and lauching the gui to do it... i just want it to work something like AD... and push out the information04:49
Dr_willisjason__,  and   tentakel. A list of similar programs available at http://tentakel.biskalar.de/similar/04:49
cflopezits an AMD64 system, which aparently means only more trouble04:49
xTheGoat121xDoes anyone in here have any experience with configuring the look of gnome?04:49
jason___Dr_willis:  thanks.. i am going to look up that stuff04:49
cflopezor so I have been told04:49
soldatsRazzoRz, did you try to undo those setings also see if there is a backup anyways04:49
eViperecflopez: More particularily, a .INF file and .SYS file....04:49
Dr_willisjason__,  if you have a paswordless ssh set up on them all with keys.. you could do it from a script - actually i think theres a 'auto update' setting somewhere. :)04:49
banowhy my fi04:49
Alyxanderhey guys whats a good bluetooth manager for Xubuntu04:49
Alyxanderor xfce04:49
eVipereDo you have the gui tools for ndiswrapper?04:49
anassoldats : i have tried innotek virtual box .. but the minimum system requirements : 256 ram04:49
jason___yeah... i don't allow any root passwords04:49
jason___for any box04:49
banowhy my firefox on my ubuntu sometimes it hungs?04:50
Dr_willisjason__,  be sure to set up an apt-caching server also to reduce the load :)04:50
eVipereWhat does it do when you load up the INF in that app?04:50
RazzoRzSoldats: i put it all back to the way i had it.. and when i searched for  xorg/conf. nothing shows.. did i type it in right?04:50
cflopezinvalid driver04:50
jason___Dr_willis:  we are still a small lab... but if i had my way i would move all 500 workstations04:50
devilsadvocatejason__, umm, you have 500 computers without a root password?04:50
eViperecflopez: There ya have it... bad/wrong INF file.04:50
soldatsanas, well the only suggerstion i have is use wine to run it or google vmware and see if it will suit your needs i dont usually run windose apps anymore so im not familiar with them anynmore04:50
cflopezi got it straight from the HOWTO file04:51
jason___devilsadvocate:  it is more secure to never have root passwords04:51
soldatsRazzoRz, xorg.conf04:51
cflopezhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=201902from here04:51
booncerany ideas dj_04:51
eViperecflopez: If's probably called BCM###.inf and BCM###.sys, maybe under /media/cdrom0/drivers/xp/....04:51
anassoldats : thanx04:51
littlebear72im repeating but i need to have someone look at this sometime soon lol   ok can someone look at my pastebin and tell me why that failed lol http://pastebin.com/m12ea584804:51
devilsadvocatejason__, Dr_willis was talking about passwordless login, not root passwords04:51
BigDaddyhey all, dumb question. How do uninstall something that I compiled? I did not use Synaptic, I did the ./config - make - make instal route.04:51
RazzoRzSoldats: and what am i looking for?.. how do i put it back to normal.. or put back the one i had in the first place if it made a backup04:51
jason___semantics..... it is late and i want to just finish the few machines i have so everyone walks in tomorrow to new desktops04:52
=== j_ack_ is now known as j_ack
Dr_willisssh has so many features and things i cant even rember half of what it can do. :) i do know it can run remote commands on machines.04:52
cflopezwhats after the ... evipere?04:52
dstanekis there a good howto on network aliases - can't seem to setup eth0:104:52
eViperecflopez: If you have the windows CD, that may be the URl of the drivers on it.04:52
RazzoRzSoldats: am i lookin for the fallback??04:53
cflopezno windows cd... will google the files then04:53
littlebear72im repeating but i need to have someone look at this sometime soon lol   ok can someone look at my pastebin and tell me why that failed lol http://pastebin.com/m12ea584804:53
eViperecflopez: That may work... It sounds like you just have a bad inf file... getting the correct one may be as hard as finding XP drivers for a vista box.04:53
booncerim using xubuntu i keep getting this --------------->bash: ./sc_trans_linux: cannot execute binary file04:54
eVipereAnd, does anyone know where I can change the icon theme at?04:54
booncerany 1 know what im missing?04:54
cflopezthe vista box that i have is 32 bit04:54
soldatsRazzoRz, try /usr/lib/xorg04:54
cflopezand im not even sure if it has a broadcom card04:54
soldatsRazzoRz, see if its there and look for a backup if its there04:54
eVipere@cflopez: LOL, that was no my point, I was just making a reference to the pain of finding XP drivers for new devices that M$ doesn't wnat to  support.04:55
=== renan is now known as ubuntusucks
=== ubuntusucks is now known as ubutunsucks004
dj_littlebear72: apt-get -f install vmware-server04:55
cflopeznoob comment of the hour... like clockwork, one every hour04:55
ubutunsucks004damn ubuntu suck!04:56
littlebear72thanks dj_04:56
stroyanBigDaddy: You are going to have to find every file that "make install" added and remove them.  You could look for a 'remove' option in the package.  That isn't very likely.  You could use "strace -f -e file" to wrap the "make install" and see what files it installed.04:56
ubutunsucks004no flash installed..04:56
ubutunsucks004no shit installed..04:56
ubutunsucks004you have to do all your self..04:56
Dr_willisubutunsucks004,  demand a refund.04:56
ubutunsucks004waste of time04:56
NeoPhyte21stroyan: gnome-terminal has transparency :-D04:56
ubutunsucks004i want my money back!04:56
littlebear72dj_:  same result04:56
jason___ubuntusucks004:   blame IP lays04:56
BigDaddystroyan: sh_t. sh_t, sh_t, sh_t.04:56
soldatsRazzoRz, do in a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" and use all the defaults for everything04:56
SpeakerManiaI need help accessing the filesystem of a LG VX8100 cell phone provided by Verizon Wireless. I have successfully paired the phone to my computer via Bluetooth. I have typed 'obex://' into Nautilus but to no avail. In the Bluetooth preferences dialog, there is a small lock icon by the phone. What does this mean and how can I get to the phone?04:56
tonyyarussoubutunsucks004: Stop trolling.04:56
n00biehmm, for some reason vim doesn't syntax highlight all the comments in (some of) my files... what could the reason be?04:56
tendervittleshi everyone, what IRC client are you using with ubuntu?04:56
rradforubuntusux, perhaps it is a PBKAC issue04:57
dn4ok I need linux-restricted-modules-2.6*-server04:57
dn4but it does not exist04:57
CoasterMastertendervittles, I use X-Chat04:57
BigDaddytendervittles: please, tell me you got your name from Bloom County...04:57
dn4I need restricted modules for something that does not exist04:57
=== [n0c] is now known as n0c
dn4so I need to install a new kernel which has restricted modules that do exist04:57
RazzoRzSoldats: will that mess with anything like beryl or what have you?04:57
dn4any ideas?04:57
booncertendervittles i use bichx04:57
Dr_willisThats the name of a brand of cat Food. :)04:57
ubutunsucks004even damnsmall linux comes with a build in flash.. on firefox..04:57
Dr_willisMy dog loves it.04:57
ubutunsucks004and when i try to install it i cant.. errorr..04:57
=== n0c is now known as [n0c]
soldatsRazzoRz, maybe i have a very basic install so im not sure mostly it deals with keyboard mouse and screen setup04:58
stroyanNeoPhyte21: I used to know that. ;-)   I use gnome-terminal.  But I _like_ opaque windows. :-)04:58
tonyyarussoubutunsucks004: If you need help installing something, ask for it.  Don't whine.04:58
BigDaddyDr_willis: Bill the Cat was addicted to Tender Vittles... I just loved that comic04:58
Dr_willisubutunsucks004,  last i used it - it dident. and legally they could be getting in trouble for doing it..   but thats all offtopic..04:58
soldatsRazzoRz, use with care but its the only thing i can think of right now04:58
RazzoRzi c it comes up with no X server known for your video hardware04:59
jason___ubuntusucks004:   i know google is hard to use... but http://www.google.com/search?q=install+flash+ubuntu   shows a bunch of help04:59
cflopezeVipire, i got the card working the other day using the driver im using now, but after rebooting, it disappeared04:59
cflopezso im stumped04:59
dn4how do I install a simple generic kernel using apt-get04:59
CoasterMasterIf I wanted to build a custom Ubuntu version for myself, how would I start?05:00
ubutunsucks004i try to install a 3d desktop.. like the ones i see on youtube videos.. i fucked it up everything because it was not build in.. and.. now i cant even get the high effects on.. because i get errors05:00
tonyyarusso!ohmy | ubutunsucks00405:00
ubotuubutunsucks004: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:00
soldatsdn4, that requires custon configureation05:00
stroyanSpeakerMania: I think that means that verizon does not really like you. :-(  You might need to explore the dark world of seem edits to get your phone to use bluetooth properly.05:00
soldatsdn4, just google custon kernal linux05:00
CoasterMasterubutunsucks004, what kind of video card do you have?05:00
SpeakerManiastroyan, What is a seem edit?05:00
littlebear72you around dj_05:00
soldatsdn4, the most basic kernial is usually suplied with ubuntu installs05:01
stroyanSpeakerMania: Ask google.  It is rather off-topic here.05:01
dn4soldats: my install is a server kernel05:01
xTheGoat121xSpeakerMania, ave you tried bitpim?  I've never used it but I've heard that it works for most LG phones.05:01
SpeakerManiastroyan, okay. Thanks.05:01
littlebear72new paste of the result http://pastebin.com/d3ddb57505:01
ubutunsucks004CoasterMaster:  idk.. it's a p4 1 gb ram i think its a crappy video card not sure05:01
soldatsdn4, oh ok well you want generic then05:01
dn4I just want a 2.6.20-15-386 or something05:01
SpeakerManiaxTheGoat121x, bitpim? Is that accessible via apt-get?05:01
dn4yeah there are not restricted modules for the server kernel05:01
booncerdj_ this help u undersand http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=180475205:02
xTheGoat121xspeakermania... no, but there's a .deb file available at www.bitpim.org05:02
soldatsdn4, well sorry but i have yet to install a new kernal for myself but im sure someone here knows hot to do it05:03
u_angelso i justed install cups-pdf and boy those it suck. any alternatives out there? google was no luck05:03
SpeakerManiaxTheGoat121x, okay. Thanks for the link.05:03
stroyanSpeakerMania: bitpim is available in universe.  That is on topic here.05:03
dn4sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.20-15-38605:03
soldatsdn4, just ask again about installing a generic kernal05:03
dn4will that do it?05:03
Alyxanderhey guys whats a good bluetooth manager for Xubuntu05:03
soldatsdn4, not sure but i doubt it05:03
SpeakerManiastroyan, What? Universe?05:03
xTheGoat121xSpeakerMania, no problem.  I don't know if it works with Bluetooth, but it's awful good with the USB devices.05:03
Alyxanderor whats the bluetooth managet in gnome?05:03
tonyyarussoAlyxander: bluez, apparently.  (Don't use it myself)05:04
jason___ubuntusucks004:  can you do an lspci  and paste the results to pastbin so we can see what kind of  video care you are using ?05:04
u_angelcups-pdf alternative anyone?05:05
stroyanSpeakerMania: universe is a less supported set of repositories.  You can set them up in /etc/apt/sources.list, or use the settings menu of synaptic.05:05
tonyyarusso!universe | SpeakerMania05:06
ubotuSpeakerMania: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:06
flamsmarkhey, i'm having difficulty hibernating on a fujitsu-siemens lifebook p723005:06
tonyyarussostroyan: enabled by default in recent releases, btw05:06
alanhow would i get on efnet?05:06
alanim new to ubuntu05:06
tonyyarussoalan: what client?05:06
soldatsgoogle it05:07
alansold, but how do i do it through xchat05:07
flamsmarkthere's a two-second pause, then the screen blacks for a moment or two before jumping to black with a blinking cursor05:07
soldatsgoogel is supreme overlord of earth05:07
SpeakerManiaxTheGoat121x, tonyyarusso, stroyan: Thank you for your help.05:07
puff`Evening.  I"m trying to get ffmpeg-php working on ubuntu feisty, but for some reason it's not showing up for aptitude, though googling shows a packagein hardy, but not feisty.05:07
xTheGoat121xSpeakerMania, that's why I'm here.05:07
soldatsalan, go to new server and do irc.efnet.net05:07
flamsmarkthe laptop test suggests that it should work under gutsy (which i'm using)05:07
flamsmarkand it worked under debian05:08
catch23anyone know which postgresql package populates the configuration files in /etc/postgresql?05:08
tendervittlesHow to Use IRC05:08
tendervittlesOur group operates an IRC server connected to the network Linux User Group Switzerland. See our chat services for more information.05:08
tendervittlesUploaded Image: micro-ping-lugs.gif05:08
tendervittlesThere are several IRC clients around. As a hard core chatter, you will surely find your favorite one :-) Some well known names: ChatZilla incorporated in Mozilla, Xchat, Irssi and BitchX for Linux, mIRC and Xchat for Windows, Ircle and for MacOS. You will find a quite complete list on IRC Reviews.05:08
alansoldats, i can't find the option of new server05:08
puff`There's an IRC mode for emacs :-).05:08
martyi installed ubuntu but cannot add any more apps as it says im not allowed05:08
flamsmarkemacs can do everything05:08
tonyyarussopuff`: ffmpeg-php?  Never heard of it - what's it do?05:08
puff`tonyyarusso: php wrappers for ffmpeg. ffmpeg is for manipulting media files, getting/setting various info on them.05:09
flamsmarki'm having problems entering hibernate on a fujitsu-siemens p7230 under gutsy05:09
littlebear72ok so i have checked i have no installiation of vm installed in this machine05:09
littlebear72what do i do now05:09
tonyyarussomarty: gnome-app-install and synaptic will need your user password05:09
littlebear72i have no way to do  /usr/bin/vmware-uninstall.pl05:09
SpeakerManiaI just downloaded and successfully installed BitPim. How to I start it now?05:09
littlebear72so all i have now is the option of apt-get install vmware-server05:10
soldatsalan, go to xchat > network list > and click add and type irc.dks.ca05:10
flamsmark_nope, actually, i'm still here05:10
littlebear72but this gets em the result that i have another installiation in and i need to run  vmware-uninstall.pl05:10
martytonny - where do i do that? i cant even add irc software?05:10
fizzleahhh HELP! i am getting a warning saying that my disk space is low in /   ?!?!?!05:10
puff`How risky is the upgrade from feisty to hardy?05:10
ganeshhegdehow to run a lex program?05:10
littlebear72to get rid of it yet i have till now never tried to install it lol05:10
tonyyarussopuff`: You say there's a Hardy package?05:10
punsaddoes ubuntu livecd come with svn?05:11
flamsmark_i'm having some difficulty using hibernate on a fujitsu-siemens p7230 under gutsy, any chance of some help?05:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about vmware-server - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:11
babaylonXhi there05:11
tonyyarussopuff`: Don't think so.05:11
puff`punsad: I'm pretty sure not.05:11
puff`tonyyarusso: Not what?05:11
soldatsalan, did you get that?????05:11
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers05:11
tonyyarussobah, bad tabs05:11
jason___i got vmware-server working today05:11
SpeakerManiaHow do I use BitPim on a bluetooth phone?05:11
tonyyarussopunsad: Don't think so.05:11
jason___there is a patch out there that works05:11
puff`punsad: It's easy enough to apt-get svn.05:12
tonyyarussopuff`: Are the dependencies of that one satisfiable on your current system?05:12
punsadcan you apt-get on a live cd?05:12
martyany ideas tonyyayusso?05:12
punsadI don't want to install (yet)05:12
littlebear72where is it jason___05:12
flamsmark_any chance of some help with hibernation?05:12
fizzlei am getting a warning saying that my disk space is low in root, but this seem weird cause is was only 75% full this morning, help?!05:12
jason___littlebear72:  i am searching now.. give me asecond05:12
puff`tonyyarusso: probably.  There are several, lemme install 'em first.05:12
tonyyarussomarty: Applications > Add/Remove is most friendly05:12
* littlebear72 waits paitently ...05:12
babaylonXi have no sound suddenly(i think after an upgrade) any ideas?05:12
ganeshhegdehow to run a lex program?  any one????05:13
Suntop|PS3did you try rebooting?05:13
* littlebear72 has been trying for 2 nights to solve this 05:13
godfrey_hi all... i'm kinda new to this.. so please let me know when i break rules.. :)05:13
tonyyarussopuff`: You might be able to get away with just manually installing the Hardy package.  If you want to play it safe, get the source package and build it in pbuilder on your system.05:13
Suntop|PS3babaylonX: diid you try rebooting?05:13
tonyyarussogodfrey_: /msg ubotu etiquette for a good start :)05:13
martytony - I just cant do anything when i go in there.  I can see the apps to install and it starts to do it but then says cant install app05:13
puff`Hm, Score is -10005:13
jason___littlebear72:  it took me a while too... the file you need is vmware-any-any-update115.tar.gz05:13
jason___it can be found in a couple of places.. it is bookmarked at work05:14
tonyyarussomarty: Are you the user created in the installation?05:14
cflopezgot the wireless card online!!!05:14
babaylonXSuntop|PS3: yes i did05:14
RazzoRzSoladats: ever since i tried that dual monitor and i set everything back to the way i had it... Now when i turn the cube on Beryl and go to XP in Vbox it turns black in spots and is All messed up05:14
littlebear72thanks jason__05:14
puff`Upgrade the following packages:  libapache2-mod-php5 [5.2.1-0ubuntu1.4 (now) -> 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5 (feisty-updates, feisty-security)] php5-cli [5.2.1-0ubuntu1.4 (now) -> 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5 (feisty-updates, feisty-security)] php5-mysql [5.2.1-0ubuntu1.4 (now) -> 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5 (feisty-updates, feisty-security)]   Score is -10005:14
godfrey_okay thanks tony :)05:14
martytony - i beleive so - is there a way I can check i have admin privs or whatever?05:14
babaylonXSuntop|PS3_: yes i did05:14
littlebear72ill go do some searching05:14
jason___littlebear72:  once i ran the runme file than the ./vmware-config.pl   it all worked05:14
puff`There's a _whole_ lotta depedencies, I guess.05:14
tonyyarussomarty: 'groups', in Applications > Accessories > Terminal05:15
Suntop|PS3hmm what did you install prior to the upgrade?05:15
jason___littlebear72:  i have the file if you want05:15
cflopezi got gutsy to recognize the wireless card but it wont show any available networks in the area, and it should be showing 2, mine and my neighbors... and it isnt05:15
Suntop|PS3i said that wrongf05:15
soldatsRazzoRz, oh geeze ive never used beryl im not sure about that im very sorry i made you go through so much trouble im sure someone here knows more about it05:15
ganeshhegdetony:u knw how ti compile and run a lex program?05:15
punsadcflopez: how do you know your wifi card is working?05:15
Suntop|PS3Ok I had a problem with sound one time i found rebooting (cold reboot) helped I am also using a non pc05:15
littlebear72i woudl love it05:16
littlebear72cant hurt me lol05:16
jason___littlebear72: http://igordevlog.blogspot.com/2007/07/vmware-in-ubuntu-gutsy-kernel-2622.html05:16
martytony.. ok what so I do whem there tony?  does that just pull up a terminal window?05:16
jason___try there first05:16
cflopezpunsad: because now at least under network connections it shows wireless05:16
puff`Hm, looks like hardy is still a little rough around the edges.05:16
RazzoRzSoldats: i have dont nothing that you mentiond.. so its not your fault... all i want to do is go back to the xorg.cong that i had b4.. if it did a back up trying the dual monitor05:16
cflopezand i've been down this road before, if i reboot it will disapear05:16
tonyyarussomarty: once the terminal is open, use the groups command to see if you are a member of 'admin'05:16
flamsmark_i'm having some difficulty using hibernate on a fujitsu-siemens p7230 under gutsy, any chance of some help?05:16
punsadcflopez: do 'cat /proc/net/wireless' from command line.  what does that show?05:17
jason___littlebear72:   i know you said server... but i got server console working and 5.5 workstation05:17
martyok... newbie here.  what do i type in exactly and if i am not in admin, how do i make it so i can?05:17
stroyanSpeakerMania: Look in the 'cables' section of the bitpim help topic for LG VX-8100.  It mentions bluetooth connections.05:17
jason___littlebear72:  i wish you luck05:17
flamsmark_marty - sudo05:17
punsadmarty: sudo su05:17
godfrey_hmm.. i've an apache (i think) problem05:17
Suntop|PS3Now, I love ubuntu it is the so far the easiest to use BUT i had issues at first05:17
=== DM| is now known as Delvien
fidoopyI need help with installation anybody can help me?05:17
punsadmarty: but be careful05:17
flamsmark_i'm having some difficulty using hibernate on a fujitsu-siemens p7230 under gutsy, any chance of some help?05:17
Suntop|PS3I am learning Linux before I install it on myu computer05:18
BigDaddybwa ha ha ha!05:18
* syc_ brb, makan siang05:18
cflopezhow do i copy/paste it for you to see without getting the wrath of the flood bot?05:18
tonyyarussopunsad: sudo -s or sudo -i is much preferred to sudo su, for semantic technical reasons.05:18
Suntop|PS3anyone try to install this on a playstation05:18
tonyyarusso!paste | cflopez05:18
ubotucflopez: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:18
SpeakerManiastroyan, I don't see a cables section...05:18
littlebear72can i pm you jason___05:18
martypunsad / tony what do those commands mean?05:18
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:18
flamsmark_any help with hibernation?05:19
jason___littlebear72: sure05:19
godfrey_fidoopy what's your problem?05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
Suntop|PS3hmm i wonder05:19
tonyyarussomarty: groups lists all system groups your user belongs to.  admin is the name of the group with full sudo rights.05:19
Suntop|PS3!hacking the planet05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about embedded - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
stroyanSpeakerMania: Do you see the "Phones" and "LG VX-8100" sections?05:19
godfrey_fidoopy: i'm not exactly an expert but perhaps i could give u some help05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
martythanks tony - where do i create new users as well...05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:19
SpeakerManiastroyan, yes...05:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleeping - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:20
cflopezsorry about the pm, i didnt quite get how to do the paste thing, i'll learn that later, im just trying to get this to work so i can finally go to bed05:20
stdin!botabuse > Suntop|PS305:20
firekoolI am trying to hot swap some IDE drives I have a hot swapable bay I was wondering how to correctly mount them05:20
RazzoRzhere is my issue for all that dont know!... I tried to set up dual monitor in System>admin>screens/graphics... and it did not like that... did it creat a new " xorg.conf ????   and if so how to i go back to the Original one i had in the first place05:20
flamsmark_!murdering orphans in their sleep05:20
SpeakerManiastroyan, ah.05:20
stdin!botabuse > flamsmark_05:20
Suntop|PS3i am tring to figure out how to get the "sleep state"05:20
tonyyarussomarty: 'adduser', for the command line, System > Administration > Users and Groups for GUI05:20
ganeshhegdestdin:u knw how ti compile and run a lex program?05:20
devilsadvocatefirekool, as far as  know ide is not hotswappable05:20
flamsmark_stdin: :(05:20
kaustubhUBUNTU GUTSY RULZ!05:20
BigDaddyTurns out I do not have to uninstall that app I compiled. There was a simple fix, recompiled and now I am kicking major @ss on KI05:20
martyok tony - well go give it a go.  Any ideas what is wrong if i am already an admin?05:21
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:21
punsadmarty: if you *really* want to learn linux... I'd suggest going with debian.  if you want to just use it - stick with ubuntu05:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irlp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:21
tonyyarussomarty: not really - do you have screenshots?05:21
cflopezso tony, whats the veredict on the card?05:21
flamsmark_any chance of some help with hibernation?05:21
Suntop|PS3kaustubh: I agree to a point05:21
martytony - not at the moment05:21
tonyyarussocflopez: do the pastebin like the bot said so everyone can see05:21
tonyyarussomarty: might help05:21
Suntop|PS3flamsmark_: try googling it05:21
martythanks punsad - why do you sau that??05:21
dn4kaustubh: no UBUNTUSTUDIO is the BEST05:21
flamsmark_suntop|ps3 think i'd be here if i hadn't tried?#05:22
Suntop|PS3i dont think ubu has it05:22
kaustubhsuntop: well why do u agree just to a point05:22
godfrey_i just installed apache2 via apt-get.. it works perfectly well outside my lan.. but i can only access it using IP within my lan.. my no-ip domain won't work within my lan..05:22
punsadmarty: if you really want to learn what's under the hood, well.. you need to get away from all the gui stuff.  try to stick to commandline05:22
kaustubhdn4: what is UBUNTUSTUDIO ?05:22
ganeshhegde tonyyarusso: u knw how ti compile and run a lex program?05:22
Suntop|PS3kaustubh: well it works great on a pc but on a Playstation  3 it is less to be desired05:22
FluxDHey can one tell me the name of a widget program for ubuntu?05:22
tonyyarussoganeshhegde: nope05:23
flamsmark_suntop|ps3 then why's there an icon for it in the shutdown preferences05:23
Suntop|PS3BUT it is better than Yellow Dog05:23
martyok - is debian all command line stuff05:23
tonyyarussoflamsmark_: you mean like gdesklets?05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widget - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about widgets - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:23
kaustubhsuntop: so what is the best option acc to u?05:23
Suntop|PS3i cant get it to work05:23
jason___littlebear72: ?05:23
Suntop|PS3try posting on the ubu forums05:23
littlebear72im pm in you heaps lol05:23
flamsmark_tonyyarusso: no, i mean like hitting system>quit>hibernate05:23
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre05:23
littlebear72try speakign to me though pm05:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about idle - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:24
jason___littlebear72:  i am05:24
Suntop|PS3anyone know how to get JAVA and FLASH installed into Firefox?05:24
littlebear72then thats a bust05:24
littlebear72cos im talking heaps05:24
flamsmark_tonyyarusso, which doesn't work like it's meant to05:24
Suntop|PS3i love ubuntu but it has it flaws05:24
littlebear72you are registered arent you05:24
jason___you can message me on pdlnhrd@gmail.com  pdlnhrd@yahoo.com pdlnhrd@aol.com if you like05:24
tonyyarussoSuntop|PS3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:24
ganeshhegdeany one knw how to compile and run a lex program?05:24
=== Delvien is now known as DM|
cflopezok, sucking at pasting, even with the bots help05:24
RazzoRzSuntop: go to a java page or a flash page it will ask to install the updates05:24
godfrey_hmm anyone have experience in apache2?05:24
godfrey_so i could pm u05:24
soldatsSuntop|PS3, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:24
flamsmark_tonyyarusso, unless it's meant to blank the screen then display a blinking cursor; in which case it's working fine05:25
Suntop|PS3you mean i cannot install it?05:25
tonyyarussogodfrey_: You may want to be more specific.05:25
soldatsSuntop|PS3, did you see the comand i said05:25
Suntop|PS3oh i see05:25
Suntop|PS3i see it05:25
Suntop|PS3i get it05:25
BigDaddycheck it out y'all... http://marriedman.deviantart.com/art/Killer-Ubuntu-7185895705:25
godfrey_opps sorry tony05:25
Suntop|PS3I will try that if i can get it i would be so happyu05:26
=== DM| is now known as Delvien
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compatibility - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:26
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:26
Suntop|PS3since my damn bank requires me to have a better browser than what the PS3 offers05:26
godfrey_i just installed apache2 using apt-get and it works fine outside my lan (http://godfrey.no-ip.com)05:26
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flamsmark_bigdaddy: how about no displaying people's logs without their permission?05:27
Suntop|PS3i get thos05:27
Suntop|PS3E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?05:27
godfrey_but within my lan, that domain doesn't work (-> timeout), i have to access the server using within my lan05:27
godfrey_then.. to debug.. i told apache to listen to port 81 as well05:27
Suntop|PS3damn ot05:27
flamsmark_any chance of some help using hibernation under gutsy on a fujitsu-siemens p7230?05:27
Suntop|PS3it wont let me05:27
Suntop|PS3maybe i need to reboot05:28
godfrey_interestingly.. http://godfrey.no-ip.com:81 works within/outside my lan05:28
godfrey_so i'm wondering if this is actually an apache problem at all05:28
soldatsSuntop|PS3, normally when you open firefox to a page with flash or java it aske you to install missing plugins and youshould be able to click on those and it ahould install those, but normall you have to get flash manually05:28
balzaci screwed something up05:28
cflopezdoes this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47787/ mean my wireless card is up or not?05:28
flamsmark_any chance of some help using hibernation under gutsy on a fujitsu-siemens p7230?05:29
balzacnow when i open synaptic, I get an error message05:29
balzacE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. E: _cache->open() failed, please report.05:29
balzacsudo tasksel install lamp-server got hung05:30
=== ubutunsucks004 is now known as renan
antdedyetIf one were setting up a new, first time, wireless network at home for a new laptop, and had an existing desktop needing connectivity, with an existing dsl network, would you go wired or wireless for the desktop?05:30
BigDaddyflamsmark_: Done. Good point made too05:30
balzacso I ran sudo dpkg --configure -a05:30
balzacit didn't work05:30
godfrey_any directions?05:30
balzachow do i clean up my packages?05:30
godfrey_and.. if it helps.. i'm seeing sth different within/outside my lan05:31
soldatsbalzac, try it with "reconfigure"05:31
godfrey_when accessed inside my lan... i got the directory listing of /var/www/05:31
=== imbrando1 is now known as imbrandon
antdedyetand of course, all the machines, except the wireless router and dsl modem would be running ubuntu05:31
BigDaddyAnyways, that only took 4 hours. I'm going to bed. Good luck with your own projects05:31
flamsmark_bigdaddy: i appreciate it05:31
godfrey_when accessed outside my lan... i got /var/www/apache2-default/index.html that is, the "It works!" page.. was that supposed to happen?05:32
tyler_2someone help me compile and install real vnc pro?05:32
esoterikgodfrey_: do you have an index at /var/www/05:32
cflopezcan someone take a look at this and interpret it for me, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47787/05:33
balzaci'm going to have a stroke05:33
godfrey_that's why i was expecting a directory listing of /var/www05:33
godfrey_but my friend told me they see "It works"..05:33
esoterikgodfrey_: then delete the apache default folder05:33
balzacthe worst thing is when I screw up package management05:33
balzacnow my synaptic won't work. bloody hell.05:34
antdedyetheheh, no response! I admit, it is a pretty generic question for #ubuntu to support.05:34
xTheGoat121xantdedyet, what did you ask?05:35
cudaman73antdedyet, wired over wireless any day05:35
cudaman73antdedyet, wired is much more reliable05:35
Rubinantdedyet, wired, definately05:35
godfrey_now it showed the same thing within/outside my lan -> directory listing.. but i'm wondering how it works... was it mod_rewrite or something?05:35
* antdedyet sees the general consensus is wiredd05:35
cudaman73wireless is a last resort05:35
esoterikgodfrey_: basically, its the default 'ok you installed it' page. deleting that now makes it work how you would expect05:35
godfrey_(and.. still i can't access http://godfrey.no-ip.com within my lan... i'm thinking maybe this is a router problem?)05:35
bruenigantdedyet, unless you want to just look really cool by having less wires all over the place, I don't see the point05:35
xTheGoat121xantdedyet, I agree... on my wireless, I have wired to my desktop and wireless to the laptops.05:36
cudaman73i even regularly use the wired connection on my laptop :P05:36
redwyrmwhat graphics cards with 3d acceleration are well supported on Ubuntu?05:36
bruenigI am using a wired connection on my laptop right now05:36
esoterikgodfrey_: what does http://localhost give you05:36
stroyangodfrey_: port 80 and 81 probably look different.05:36
Rubingodfrey_, some routers dont let you access your stuff from the 'outside ip' from inside.05:36
cflopezif you can get wireless to work, why not?05:36
brueniggranted, I don't have a wireless router so that might be a contributing factor05:36
godfrey_hmm interesting05:36
cudaman73cflopez, it's unreliable and slow05:36
Rubincflopez, it is unreliable05:36
godfrey_http://localhost  works fine05:36
cudaman73haha, Rubin is full of win05:36
bruenigall of the packets, they fly around and give you cancer05:36
eyemeansee u l8r everyone05:36
godfrey_http:// works as well05:37
esoterikgodfrey_: then its a router issue05:37
eyemeanim off to my comfy bed, hahaha05:37
cflopezi usually have no trouble with mine, but i understand where your coming from05:37
cudaman73godfrey_, what's your WAN IP?05:37
godfrey_let me check05:37
godfrey_(or you can ping godfrey.no-ip.com)05:37
cudaman73that's your redirect i take it?05:37
Rubin /dns godfrey.no-ip.com ? heh05:37
cudaman73http://godfrey.no-ip.com gives me 'Index of /' O.o05:38
cudaman73so it works from the outside05:38
cflopezdefine irony, im the only idiot defending wireless while asking for help setting up my wireless card05:38
`blackmk4so i installed ndiswrapper05:38
godfrey_yeah.. that's what my friend told me too..05:38
`blackmk4if i sudo ndiswrapper -l it sees the driver installed and device present05:38
cudaman73godfrey_, what's the problem precisely?05:39
Rubincudaman73, could be inside and outside are matching different virtualhosts05:39
`blackmk4but if i do iwconfig05:39
`blackmk4there is nothing there05:39
`blackmk4and ifconfig shows nothing but lo05:39
`blackmk4now what05:39
puff`tonyyarusso: Argh, I went  to see if I could build ffmpeg-php manually, and it needs phpize, which needs php5-dev, which... pretty much upgrades a zillion things and I'm back to a score of -100.05:39
cudaman73`blackmk4, try another driver?05:39
puff`Oh well, enough for tonight.05:39
godfrey_hmm.. as you can see.. my server could be accessed outside... (http://godfrey.no-ip.com or http://godfrey.no-ip.com:81)05:39
juggyDSgot a quick Q05:39
cflopezwhy does my wireless connection show up in ETH1?05:39
Rubinpuff : apt-get build-dep ffmpeg-php05:39
godfrey_but within my lan, only ( or http://godfrey.no-ip.com:81 works05:40
Rubincflopez, ubuntu kinda just stacks the interfaces in the order it first ever saw tham05:40
godfrey_but not http://godfrey.no-ip.com05:40
cudaman73cflopez, it happens sometimes05:40
godfrey_they're saying that it's a router issue05:40
cudaman73cflopez, it shouldn't affect your wireless functionality05:40
juggyDSi am dualbootin with XP/Ubutu 7.10, how big should I make the HDs? seperate per OS05:40
cflopezi have no wireless functionality05:40
godfrey_maybe i should ask the dlink people?05:40
RubinjuggyDS, it really depends what you plan to do on each one..05:41
h1st0cflopez: what kind of wifi card do you have?05:41
cflopezgood ol broadcom05:41
cudaman73godfrey_, it's possible... any particular reason you want to access it via your re-direct?05:41
juggyDSok, thnx05:41
joneshow do i get rid of the joined and exit messages in x-chat?05:41
cudaman73godfrey_, why not just through the local lan?05:41
h1st0cflopez: you just need the firmware05:41
RubinJonathanD, right click the channel05:41
cflopezi have it05:41
h1st0!broadcom > cflopez (Please see the private message from ubotu)05:41
juggyDSi'll probably just get a 80GB ubuntu, 160 xp05:41
`blackmk4i tried the only other driver for this card05:41
h1st0cflopez: well if you have the firmware hten the card should work just fine.05:41
`blackmk4and it still says no wireless extensions05:41
godfrey_cause i've http://godfrey.no-ip.com hardcoded in my AJAX application for some reason05:42
cflopezits not05:42
godfrey_so i've to change it everytime when i have to test it05:42
cudaman73`blackmk4, obviously it's not really a wireless card, and you should go beat whoever you bought it from senseless :P05:42
godfrey_but then it's not like super annoying05:42
cflopezcheck this h1st0 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47787/05:42
=== mari`cukur is now known as lonely_guy
`blackmk4it works using the bcm43xx driver that comes with ubuntu05:42
godfrey_so if there's no easy fix i think i can live with that05:42
`blackmk4but i get hardcore packet loss05:42
`blackmk4so it was recommended i try ndiswrapper + windows driver05:42
cudaman73godfrey_, hmm... i dunno. it does sound like a router issue. my linksys (with dd-wrt on it) lets me access my local webserver just fine05:42
Rubinhave you tried it with the latest ubuntu `blackmk4 ?05:43
h1st0cflopez: what is that?05:43
cflopezsomething somebody asked me for earlier and i dont know what the hell it is hehe05:43
h1st0cflopez: do you have a 43xx series broadcom?05:43
stroyanjones: I removed those messages by using "settings"->"advanced"->"Text events" and changing the annoying messages to be empty.05:43
godfrey_yeah.. so perhaps i'll just leave it and drop an email to linksys tmr..05:43
h1st0cflopez: did you install the firmware package?05:43
cudaman73cflopez, does eth1 have an ip address?05:43
h1st0cflopez: how did you install it?05:44
godfrey_setting up the server is tired enough.. i guess i'll just leave it like this today..05:44
=== u^A is now known as u^A_
cflopezusing the restricted drivers thing05:44
cudaman73godfrey_, don't give up :P05:44
cflopezdoes it have an IP, i dont know, not sure how to check it here05:44
godfrey_yea... tmr :P05:44
cudaman73cflopez, pop up a terminal and type 'ifconfig'05:44
jonesstroyan- are u using xchat i dont see an option for settings05:44
puff`What does "Score is -100" mean in aptitude?05:44
godfrey_i'll test it with my old router tmr... to confirm it :)05:44
cudaman73it should show up an ip address underneath the eth1 output somewhere05:44
RazzoRzhow do i rest my xorg.conf back to the one i had b4 i messed with my dual monitors ...05:45
cflopezETH0 has an IP05:45
cudaman73RazzoRz, unless you backed it up, you can't05:45
IdleOnehaving issue with drivel and connecting to blogger. keep getting a error : There was a peoblem receiving information from the server. can anybody help me out ?05:45
godfrey_okay i guess i should get some sleepp.. thanks everyone :)05:45
cudaman73gnight godfrey_05:45
puff`Rubin: I'm not on hardy, so ffmpeg-php isn't avaialble yet.05:45
stroyanjones: Perhaps you are using xchat-gnome instead of the full xchat package.  It has much less features.05:45
cudaman73cflopez, but not one for eth1?05:45
puff`G'night all.05:45
RazzoRzCudaman73 would it not have done that when i tried to do dual monitor?05:46
cudaman73RazzoRz, depends, how did you set up dual monitors?05:46
cudaman73did you do it manually?05:46
jonesstroyan: is that in the repo's? is x-chat the best? i am new here if u cant tell05:46
FluxDanyone know a widget app for ubuntu?05:46
cudaman73FluxD, gdesklets :P05:46
cflopezhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47789/ check it out for yourself cudaman05:46
jonesfluxs: i use screenlets myself05:46
Suntop|PS3ok i tried  that command it didnt work05:46
Suntop|PS3the sudo apt-get05:47
stroyanjones: I started with xchat.  xchat-gnome felt wrong because it is 'different'.05:47
pramzFluxD, http://www.screenlets.org05:47
FluxDjones: thx thats what  I as looking for :P05:47
cudaman73cflopez, no it doesnt05:47
Suntop|PS3it said no canidate is there05:47
FluxDthx pramz cudaman7305:47
cflopezso what now?05:47
cudaman73cflopez, your networking using DHCP?05:47
cflopezpretty sure05:47
Suntop|PS3Package flashplugin-nonfree is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:47
RazzoRzcudaman73: i went threw system>admin>screens/graphics   and just enabled the second monitor... it did not work.. so i put it all back the way i had it... but now on Innotek vbox ... it turns XP all black and what not!..05:47
cudaman73cflopez, try a 'dchpcd eth1'05:47
jonesstroyan: what is a good recommendation then?05:47
cudaman73you may have to run it as root05:47
tohoynnm.applet does not allow typing all letters in Dial Prefix. Is this a bug or a feature?05:47
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:48
cudaman73RazzoRz, that sounds like a virtualbox error, not an x error05:48
tohoyntried nm-applet on xubuntu 7.1005:48
soldatsSuntop|PS3,  go to the flash homepage and look for the linux install for flash and download and install it with the instuictions it gives you05:48
cflopeztyped it in the terminal, nothing happened05:48
Suntop|PS3i tried that too05:48
stroyanjones: xchat-gnome is in 'main'  xchat is in 'universe'.  Use xchat-gnome if you like it.  Switch to xchat if it seems like something is missing.05:48
cudaman73you mean there was no output :P05:48
Suntop|PS3and it didnt work05:48
RazzoRzCudaman73: now why all the sudden after i tried the dual monitors.. it was workin fine till that aspect of my TASK05:48
cudaman73that doesn't mean nothing happened :)05:48
cudaman73cflopez, try ifconfig again05:49
cudaman73see if eth1 has an inet addy05:49
soldatsSuntop|PS3, thats wierd i installed from the main flash site and it worked flawlessly05:49
Suntop|PS3tell me what i am doing wrong05:49
esoterikjoin #gateway05:49
cflopezthat weird was for me?05:50
Suntop|PS3maybe because i am not admin05:50
cudaman73cflopez, have you tried searching through forums.ubuntu.org ?05:50
Suntop|PS3ori have to MANUALLY put the plugiins in the directory05:50
cudaman73perhaps you should try using the windows driver + ndiswrapper05:50
cudaman73i've had more luck with that05:51
cflopezthe only time i got it to work, when i rebooted, it went awol05:51
Suntop|PS3i wish things werre a bit easier to install05:51
cflopezi always get the invalid driver using ndiswrapper05:51
cudaman73you're probably using the wrong driver then :)05:51
=== DiCha_cHa-Cha is now known as ameeR
cflopezim using the 64 bit driver!05:51
cudaman73try the 32 bit one.05:51
NullNamePLEASE HELP! My WEP or WAP isn't working with my wireless adaptor (linksys WUSB300N) .  I'm resitricting MAC address'es for the local network, and I'm routing most of my network apps through my friends SSH server using the socks 5 proxy option. ( ssh -d 8080 remote@network.com)  .  It's slow connecting through my friend though...is there anyway I could encrypt my data through a local area proxy, or open ssl or something like that?  If I did it locally w05:52
=== bruenig is now known as bruenig-home-sin
=== bruenig-home-sin is now known as bruenig-home
cflopezthe driver is from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20190205:52
cflopezmy comp is AMD6405:52
cflopezcan i use the 32 bit one?05:52
cudaman73you shold be able to05:52
Suntop|PS3but then again05:52
Suntop|PS3there is one problem05:52
Suntop|PS3i am using a PPC6405:52
RazzoRzcudaman73: i can get a icon of XP host and drag it around the screen and it ( like paint ) will take the black away... but i turn the cube on beryl and then 3/4 goes black again05:52
Suntop|PS3this may prevent me from using it05:53
jonesstroyan: thanks i like xchat a lot better already. thanks05:53
Suntop|PS3is there other options out there that will allow me to go to youtube05:53
cflopezbut why is it downloading the wrong driver when i use the download from the internet adress in the restricted drivers thing?05:53
stroyanjones: you are welcome05:53
cudaman73RazzoRz, i've had bad luck with vms and compiz05:53
Suntop|PS3i am sorry i should of metnioned i am using a 64 bit processor05:53
=== bruenig-home is now known as bruenig-kitchen
anashow could i run mac os apps on ubuntu ?05:54
RazzoRzcudaman73: this just started when i messed with dual monitors.. i do see a fallback xorg.conf with a few other.. .. i just not sure what it did when i tryed the dual monitors05:54
underdawgsomeone alive?05:55
cflopezfor the moment, yes underdawg05:55
m1k3I need help, I installed wine and WINRAR with wine, now I want to set all the rar files to open with WINRAR how would I do that? You know when you double click it, it opens WINRAR instead of Archive Manager05:55
cudaman73RazzoRz, i'm not sure.05:55
izaqHi all05:55
anascan anyone hep me to run mac os x apps on ubuntu?05:55
=== bruenig-kitchen is now known as bruenig
cudaman73cflopez, i'm not sure about the restricted drivers thing05:55
RazzoRzyeah me too.. everything els works.. just when i turn the cube to host xp and 3/4 goes black..05:55
cudaman73cflopez, but i've had way more luck using the windows driver :/05:56
RazzoRzAnas: go get a MAC05:56
izaqI'm try to install citrix in ubuntu 7.10, can any body giv me help ?05:56
Suntop|PS3i think that my problem is i cannot use flash because i am using a PPC-6405:56
cudaman73anas, not possible, sorry.05:56
underdawgjust installed ubuntu, how do i know if ubuntu "sees" my nic?05:56
NullNameanas: I would try virtulaization through vmware.  You can download copies off torrent sites for free.( I suggest you buy it if you like it though, as it is a wonderful program)05:56
cflopezthats whats bugging me too, thats how i got it to work the first time... but then it disappeared on me... strage strage05:56
cflopezand now i cant get it back up05:56
m1k3I need help, I installed wine and WINRAR with wine, now I want to set all the rar files to open with WINRAR how would I do that? You know when you double click it, it opens WINRAR instead of Archive Manager05:56
cflopezthat came out wrong05:56
Rubinunderdawg, open a console, and run 'ifconfig -a' in it.05:56
cudaman73cflopez, cialis, for when the moment's right :)05:56
jonesstroyan: where did u say that the option was to turn of the join/exit message's? i looked in settings and did not see an option for it05:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 64bitjava - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:57
Suntop|PS3how do i install java (64bit)05:57
Rubinjones: right click on the channel's tab, and its there as a checkbox05:57
underdawgokay. i have an eth005:57
underdawgim good05:57
underdawgjust can't get to internet yet05:57
stroyanjones: "settings"->"advanced"->"text events" has a dialog that sets what text to show for each of many events.05:57
Rubinunderdawg, does it show an IP address?05:57
tatajianyone can tell me  whether we can't input Chinese when the language is choosen as English?05:57
huff3ri can't get this machine to boot into an Ubuntu live cd05:58
Rubinhuff3r, have you tried an alternate CD? (ubuntu distributes a cd for people with trouble thats simpler)05:58
m1k3Anyone know how to set files to open with a wine emulated program?05:58
izaqCitrix and Ubnutu 7.10 any help ?05:58
Rubinm1k3, 'wine /path/to/foobar.exe'05:58
huff3ri've tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu and LinuxMint live cd's....  no luck05:59
shinikarui just tried to install xubuntu-desktop with apt-get on kubuntu and now I get symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgdk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_once_init_enter_impl05:59
m1k3Thank you05:59
Rubinhuff3r, where does it get stuck?05:59
shinikaruwhen launching most apps via shell05:59
huff3rshe'll boot into Nubuntu...  I'm tired of burning ISOs05:59
=== Wima_JRS is now known as boimBUKANpenjaha
Rubinshinikaru, did you cross versions or something?05:59
h1st0huff3r: what are you trying to do?06:00
m1k3Wait wait06:00
Suntop|PS3i think i found it i have to install the restricted extras06:00
jeffyehcan anyone help with booting ubuntu? i uninstalled fglrx and now it hangs after the loading screen06:00
h1st0huff3r: did you get any errors trying to start the live cds?06:00
shinikaruIf saying "sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop" is by default not 7.1006:00
m1k3How do you set up files to open with a program (such as winrar) that is emulated via wine06:00
shinikarudid that, switched, noticed nothing worked06:00
m1k3Like I want to open all RAR files with winrar06:00
shinikaruwent back into KDE, no window decorations06:00
Rubinm1k3, you have winrar installed somewhere?06:00
h1st0m1k3: why not just use unrar?06:00
shinikarucan't run emerald and/or gedit06:00
m1k3I dunno06:01
Rubinif you didnt install it, you dont.06:01
jeffyehi've reinstalled fglrx but it still hangs on boot06:01
huff3rh1st0: the boot goes ok, 90% then it looks like a video error06:01
m1k3I wanna use winrar for all the compress mimes06:01
h1st0!rar > m1k3 (Please see the private message from ubotu)06:01
Rubinhuff3r, use the alternate cd.06:01
huff3rok, thnx06:02
h1st0huff3r: try the safe graphics option or use the alternate cd to install06:02
jonesRubin/Stroyan: thanks i got it now.... i feel dumb06:02
huff3ri've tried safe , no luck...06:02
huff3ri'll try the alternate cd next06:02
=== _Anubis is now known as Anubis
h1st0huff3r: the alternate cd will get a text based installer06:03
izaqcan somone help me to install Citrix ?06:03
m1k3h1st0, I already know how to do that stuff I was just using winrar as an example06:03
h1st0huff3r: there are options you can pass at boot to get a different video driver to load for x06:03
jonesso i have another issue as well. i recently installed the nautilus-open-terminal plugin. it does not work however. i have rebooted and there is not an open in terminal option. there is an open with but i am not sure what commend to use to open a terminal as it is not in the list. any ideas on this one?06:03
CaRtzhow do i get Xmms::Perl ?06:04
RazzoRzcan some help me a Restating issue.. i hit restart and it will not move from a blank black screen06:06
TimeForRainHey, I installed Ubuntu 7.04...I'm trying to compile a simple "Hello World" problem but I get errors saying, "stdio: no such file or directory"06:06
TimeForRainI'm using gcc06:06
jribTimeForRain: pastebin your hello world and the command you are using06:07
m1k3env WINEPREFIX="/home/m1k3/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" how would I change this to where I can click and drag a compressed file and open it with winrar06:07
RazzoRzhaving to turn off the laptop to get out of the blank black screen06:07
Donkacan someone tell me how i can make each one of my desktops have different wallpapers06:08
h1st0Donka: try searching the forums06:08
jribm1k3: why do you not just use the archive manager (file-roller) which is native to linux?06:08
jribDonka: are you using effects?06:08
m1k3Because it's limited to some compressed06:08
bodhi_zazenPmDematagoda, LOL06:08
=== max842 is now known as max
bodhi_zazenPmDematagoda,  #ubuntuforums-beginners06:09
jribm1k3: not if you install the "unrar" package06:09
m1k3I know I know but rar supports ALOT more compression types06:09
Donkawhy do u ask jrib?06:09
jribm1k3: k, name one that you need06:09
m1k3One second06:10
stroyanTimeForRain: You can get many important build files with "sudo apt-get install build-essential".  The stdio.h file is in the libc6-dev package.06:10
devilsadvocatecan anyone point me to a hyperterminal-like software for ubuntu (serial port monitor)06:10
mEck0god morning! can someone help me with dualscreen (between my laptop and an external tft), intel x3100-gfx?06:10
jribDonka: you can set up multiple wallpapers on the cube in compiz-config-settings-manager.  #compiz-fusion can help you more with that06:10
m1k3There's not one that I specifically need now it's when I'll need it for future use06:10
jrib!rar > m1k3 (read the private message from ubotu)06:10
hudyxanyone here know anything about suspend/hibernate issues with sony vaio SZ notebooks?06:10
m1k3I've already read that06:11
nooobyhudyx: does it have an ati card?06:11
jribm1k3: you'll see on that page all the filetypes file-roller can handle06:11
TimeForRainHere jrib: http://pastebin.com/m6f1b019b06:11
hudyxnoooby: nvidia06:11
dougskhow do you change physical interface is assigned eth0,1,2...,n?06:11
jribTimeForRain: and the command you are using06:11
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:11
Rubindevilsadvocate, theres a real lack of good ones06:12
cflopezin the windows wireless driver thing it says that it finds the hardware yet when i go to network configuration the wireless is nowhere to be found06:12
underdawgdoes flash come with 7.10?06:12
underdawgthe above guide only indicates 7.0406:12
Flanneldevilsadvocate: check this out: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Serial-HOWTO.html06:13
Rubindevilsadvocate, maybe minicom, or cutecom or gtkterm06:13
jones anyone know how to get the video's on www.nfl.com to work?06:13
jribunderdawg: it is supposed to get installed when you need it (but that is broken at the moment because adobe released a new version and the package has not been updated since last time I checked)06:13
cflopezcome on, just a little help, i can almost taste it, so close!06:13
stroyanjones: I just installed nautilus-open-terminal and killed off the nautilus process.  Now right clicking on a folder icon has an "Open in terminal" option near the bottom of the pop-up menu.06:13
linux__hi guys06:13
h1st0cflopez: what are you using ndiswrapper?06:13
m1k3Winrar supports more file types :S06:13
m1k3way more06:14
h1st0cflopez: why?06:14
h1st0cflopez: why didn't you just install the firmware06:14
jonesdonka: the trade off for different wallpapers in gnome is that u can not have desktop icons. is that acceptable06:14
bullgard4What is the /etc/acpi/sleep.sh file used for?06:14
cflopezgot it to recognize the driver using the 32 bit version06:14
m1k3jrib: winrar supports way more file types06:14
cflopezit wasnt working that way06:14
soldatsjones, huh06:14
h1st0cflopez: you using 64bit?06:14
jribm1k3: yeah, a bunch of proprietary ones I'm sure06:14
RubinJonathanD, what are you talking about?06:14
Rubiner, jones06:14
hudyxanyone? suspend/hibernate issues with Sony SZ notebooks???06:14
h1st0!ndiswrapper > cflopez (Please see the private message from ubotu)06:14
devilsadvocateRubin, does gtkterm have a "start connection" button that i cant find?06:14
m1k3jrib: but it's more convienent than file-roller06:14
h1st0cflopez: just follow those directions to get it working with ndiswrapper06:15
Rubindevilsadvocate, i havent used it.. and last time i did need something, i was so frustrated with the linux offering i dug out a windows box :/06:15
soldatsm1k3, linux has rar support and it has never failed me06:15
dancorwould it be a good idea to have a wrapper so that {apt-{get,cache,file},dpkg} commands are all tied to one script06:15
TimeForRainjrib: any ideas on my problem?06:15
jribm1k3: file-roller "just works" so I don't see how it is less convenient.  Anyway, we're getting offtopic.  You should try writing a small shell script that does what you want to do and then have that as the default app06:15
dancorit's weird to me that dpkg -L e.g. isn't part of apt-get or apt-cache06:16
jrib!defaultapp | m1k306:16
ubotum1k3: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. In Kubuntu, Konqueror -> Settings -> Configure and then hit "File Associations"06:16
devilsadvocateRubin, I remember using gtkterm sucessfully a year ago and bitching about how hyperterminal sucked, but for som,e reason i cant get it to work now :(06:16
Rubindancor, you use debian/ubuntu for a while you know them all by rote anyway06:16
m1k3That's what I was asking thanks06:16
jribTimeForRain: and the command you are using?06:16
Peddydoes anyone know of a program for Linux that is similar to Garageband, and with loops?06:16
dancorRubin: think of aspiring noobs06:16
Rubindancor, it makes sense from an archetectuaral standpoint. apt* is a frontend to dpkg06:16
lwellsHow do you install Apache2 on the gutsy?06:16
Rubinr00bs can use gui package managers06:16
=== darkmatter_ is now known as darkmatter
neur1how do I hide the desktop icons?06:17
Flannellwells: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP06:17
jriblwells: aptitide install apache2 (or whatever package manager you want)06:17
Rubinlwells, select it in the package manager ...06:17
gQuig1so I wrote a blueprint (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/no-mono-by-default).  Is it written somewhere as to what I am supposed to do next?  (As it says.. .I need guidance)06:17
soldatsneur1, rename them and place a "." in from of the file name06:17
jribneur1: all of them?  uncheck /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop in gconf-editor06:17
devilsadvocateok, Rubin / Flannel lets say i have one application that communicates via serial port, i know that it is working, it is programming my device. Now, suppose i have a gtkterm listening on that serial port, should this second application be able to work? on windows, an open hyperterminal connection locks up the serial port not allowing any ohte applications to connect. should something like this happen here too?06:18
jribTimeForRain: I mean, what command are you using to compile it?06:18
stroyanTimeForRain: You need to "sudo apt-get install libc6-dev".  And "sudo apt-get install build-essential" could help with further builds.06:18
Rubindevilsadvocate, hmm i think so, but i also think you could probably snoop on it somehow. but i don't know how to do it...06:18
Flanneldevilsadvocate: I think that'd depend entirely on the application.  I don't think it'd be exclusive, but I might be wrong.  You could always use pipes to split it up among apps if you required it.06:19
devilsadvocateFlannel, I want to figure out if gtkterm is actually listenin g on the right port. I think it isnt because even when i have it openeed the other device is able to open a serial connection and send the data, I think i'll try this on a windows computer to verify that my device is actually transmitting something, and then see what the problem is here06:20
Suntop|PS3is there a ppc64 version of flash and java i can instrall from apt-get?06:21
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: try Java7 and Gnash, maybe06:21
Rubindevilsadvocate, ahh.  lsof should be able to tell you06:21
Peddydoes anyone know of a program for Linux that is similar to Garageband, and with loops?06:21
jonesi see an option for open in terminal on my local files but was wanting to this on a remote file to see where it is mounted06:21
bullgard4What is the /etc/acpi/sleep.sh file used for?06:21
Suntop|PS3apt-get install java7?06:22
devilsadvocateRubin, lsof?06:22
Peddydoes anyone know of a program for Linux that is similar to Garageband, and with loops? Please :)06:22
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: or maybe it's called "iced tea" .. It's a start on Java7, might not be "production ready yet"06:22
Rubinbullgard4, acpi sleep is like, when laptops get their lids closed06:22
Rubindevilsadvocate, lists open files, and who opened them. serial ports are just files in /dev06:22
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre06:23
soldatsdont ask the same question over and over if noone has an answer it means they are busy or they not the slightest clue to the answer06:23
devilsadvocateah, thanks Rubin  and Flannel06:23
`blackmk4that's interesting. moving from protected drivers to ndiswrapper dropped my signal quality 50%06:23
stroyanjones: What kind of "remote file" are you looking at?  Something like "smb://hostname/dir" is not necessarily mounted anywhere.06:23
`blackmk4but i get better speeds.06:23
Rubin`blackmk4, you cannot trust the signal quality meter in ndiswrapper. it is meaningless06:23
`blackmk4ah, ok06:24
FlannelPeddy: You might have more luck in #ubuntustudio, they'll be more familiar06:24
neur1what it i have thunar and not nautilus?06:24
PeddyFlannel, thanks06:24
Suntop|PS3damn it06:24
Suntop|PS3i cannot get it06:24
soldatsPeddy, if i was you id google for an app that fits your needs or look in the synaptic menu and look for soethign of that description06:24
gQuig1try icedtea-java7-plugin06:24
soldatsSuntop|PS3, where are you located06:24
Peddysoldats: tried that, no luck. None of them have loops.06:24
Suntop|PS3in Montana Usa06:25
bullgard4Rubin: I understand what you say. But this does not answer my question.06:25
soldatsPeddy, ok well id suggest what flannel said06:25
cflopezh1st0: whats the debian directory06:25
Suntop|PS3i am learning06:25
jonesstroyan: when i go to places-network i see my windows box and i am able to browse the files in nautilus. i want to look at these files via terminal06:25
cflopezim stuck in step 306:25
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: try apt-get install icedtea-java7-plugin06:26
h1st0cflopez: step 3 on what?06:26
Suntop|PS3has no install canidate06:26
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: 7.10 right?  and do you have universe enabled?06:27
Rubinbullgard4, what exactly are you asking?06:27
Suntop|PS3i belive so06:27
Rubinbullgard4, its a shell script.. if you want to know what it does, you can open it and read it..06:27
soldatsSuntop|PS3, if you were located in tucson by any chance it would be easier to help you06:27
FlannelSuntop|PS3: this is for the PS3? or PPC? or AMD64?06:27
Suntop|PS3well ps306:27
Suntop|PS3but any ppc will work they sai06:27
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: Can you just do a search in synaptic for Java?06:28
Suntop|PS3let me try06:28
acee1235my vlc wont play dvd's any ideas?06:28
acee1235using 7.1006:28
tommygbacee1235: have you go libdvdcss06:28
cflopezh1st0: well?06:28
Lumpy^hey. i want to restart a service with php shell_Exec() command, but its promt me a password for doing that, is there a way i can disable the "enter password" and instad of it just do sudo /etc/init.d/.... ?06:28
Suntop|PS3i cantinstall java due to the PPC06:29
Suntop|PS3damn it06:29
inthepitanyone have problems with a netgear MA101 Rev. B with gutsy?06:29
acee1235how do i check>06:29
stroyanjones: Have a look at "man smbmount".  There may be a nice GUI way to mount a windows export.  I just edit /etc/fstab myself.  Something like "//host/SharedDocs /home/me/documents smbfs noauto,uid=me,gid=me,port=139,credentials=/home/me/credentials.txt,rw"06:29
Suntop|PS3i see the java but i cannot install06:30
FlannelSuntop|PS3: I'm showing sun-java5 in mutliverse on PPC in gutsy06:30
cflopezwhere is the debian directory?06:30
tommygbacee1235: go into synaptic and search for libdvdcss206:30
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: make sure you have universe enabled06:30
Suntop|PS3how do i install it all i get is  greyed out06:30
Suntop|PS3how do i check that06:30
DaFFeshi guys, i've just bought a notebook asus F3SC and installed Ubuntu 7.10, everything seems to work perfectly, inclusive the webcam, but the sound doesn't function, the self notebook sound and the headphone sound.06:30
FlannelSuntop|PS3: Verify that you have multiverse enabled.  Uh, pastebin your sources.list06:30
DaFFesI've searched for solutions on foruns but couldnt find, does anyone could help?06:31
astro76!medibuntu | acee1235 you can get libdvdcss2 by adding this repo...06:31
ubotuacee1235 you can get libdvdcss2 by adding this repo...: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:31
lwellsi just install Ruby, but IRB command does not work06:31
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: in synaptic -> tools -> repositeries06:31
ryanbaneevening all06:31
cflopezcan anybody tell me where the debian directory is?06:31
DaFFescflopez /06:31
mrpocketsKILLING IN THE NAME OF!06:32
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: You want the first 4 check boxes to be checked06:32
Flannelcflopez: You're going to need to be more specific.06:32
acee1235tommygb: no i dont06:32
ryanbaneanyone with info on how to get a canon printer to work06:32
zewbdoes anyone know how to make ubuntu not use that streamlined terminal font?06:32
TimeForRainHey, I'm trying to compile a simple "Hello World!" program Ubuntu 7.04 but they say that the <stdio.h> is not in the library06:32
zewblike, in other distros06:32
cflopezflannel: from there go to the debian directory. thats a copy from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD6406:32
FlannelTimeForRain: And you've installed build-essential?06:32
zewbin the command line it uses the default font06:32
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: Main, universe, multiverse, and restricted06:32
zewband in ubuntu its using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:33
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: are they?06:33
Suntop|PS3i got restricted06:33
DaFFeshi guys, i've just bought a notebook asus F3SC and installed Ubuntu 7.10, everything seems to work perfectly, inclusive the webcam, but the sound doesn't function, the self notebook sound and the headphone sound. I've searched for solutions on foruns but couldnt find anything, can anyone help me?06:33
Suntop|PS3but i dont see tools in synaptic06:33
cflopezi dont understand the instructions on that howto06:33
cflopezif anybody can help me with it, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD6406:33
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: oops, it is settings06:33
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:33
inthepitanyone have problems with a netgear MA101 Rev. B with gutsy?06:34
acee1235!medibuntu which repository is it06:34
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:34
tommygbacee1235: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu06:34
inthepitor able to possibly help me with mine06:34
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:34
Flannelcflopez: it'll be a directory called "debian" in the untarred stuff06:34
ryanbanethis canon pixma printer just wont work under ubuntu06:34
Suntop|PS3you mean preferances06:34
ryanbaneis turboprint the only option i have06:34
Suntop|PS3i checked all but the "source"06:34
gQuig1so does anyone have any links to docs on the blueprint process?  What to do with them when done drafting?06:34
m1k3Is there anyway to change the file:\\\ to z:\ on %u?06:34
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: ok.. now reload everything06:35
Suntop|PS3they are enabled06:35
Suntop|PS3i am06:35
cflopezFlannel: still lost, sorry... the noob is strong with this one06:35
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:35
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:35
Suntop|PS3its downloading06:35
Skidoooi cant telnet to my eggdrop bot.  any help ?06:35
Skidooologuser1@pc1:~$ telnet localhost 759906:35
Skidoootelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused06:35
jribm1k3: is this related to winrar?06:36
devinusis there a "top" command for memory?06:36
Suntop|PS3The repository might be no longer available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and the correct writing of the repository address in the preferences.06:36
jribm1k3: do it in the shell script06:36
Flannelcflopez: Ok, so, you've downloaded and untarred the file, it'll put a bunch of stuff in a directory.  Go into that directory (ndiswapper, apparently), inside that directory, there'll be another directory06:36
m1k3it's using / instead of z:06:36
jribdevinus: top06:36
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:36
soldatsdevinus, type free06:36
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:36
Flannelcflopez: that should be a "debian" directory06:36
Flannel!repeat | zewb06:36
ubotuzewb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:36
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: try it again.. maybe from the command line doing apt-get update06:37
m1k3I wanna be able to click and drag the compressed file to the winrar icon06:37
jribdevinus: (hit F to change the sort field)06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy/main/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy/restricted/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy/universe/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy/multiverse/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-updates/main/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-updates/restricted/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-updates/universe/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-updates/multiverse/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-security/main/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-security/restricted/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
Suntop|PS3http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/gutsy-security/universe/source/Sources.gz: 404 Not Found06:37
devinussoldats: ok, that's cool06:37
soldats!enter | sung_06:37
ubotusung_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:37
vmlinuz`Suntop|PS3: don't paste here brother, use pastebin.com06:37
devinusjrib: ah thanks just what i was looking for06:37
cflopezwhen i opened the folder i dont see any folder named debian06:37
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:37
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:37
soldatsdevinus, dose it work for you???06:37
m1k3jrib: I wanna be able to click and drag the compressed file to the winrar icon and open it06:37
jribm1k3: no, there is no way to do that.  Drag to the shell script you write instead06:37
Lumpy^hey. i want to restart a service with php shell_Exec() command, but its promt me a password for doing that, is there a way i can disable the "enter password" and instad of it just do sudo /etc/init.d/.... ?06:38
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:38
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:38
stroyandevinus: The top command does report memory usage by process.  (But it isn't really the complete story.)  Run top and then type "Fn" to sort by resident memory usage.06:38
m1k3I already tried :S06:38
Flannel!repeat | zewb06:38
ubotuzewb: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience06:38
m1k3env WINEPREFIX="/home/m1k3/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" %u06:38
lwellsI am getting to get IRB to work for Ruby 1.806:38
jribm1k3: pastebin the shellscript06:38
DaFFeshi guys, i've just bought a notebook asus F3SC and installed Ubuntu 7.10, everything seems to work perfectly, inclusive the webcam, but the sound doesn't function, the self notebook sound and the headphone sound. I've searched for solutions on foruns but couldnt find anything, can anyone help me?06:38
zewbthis irc is like microsoft technical support06:38
m1k3Wait a minute06:38
m1k3I thought you ment like06:38
lwellsAlready install irb from Synaptic Package Manager06:38
acee1235tommygb: sweeet, thank you06:39
m1k3jrib: I thought you ment to create an icon in the panel and add a special command like this, (env WINEPREFIX="/home/m1k3/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\WinRAR.exe" %u)06:39
Skidoooi cant telnet to my eggdrop bot.  any help ?06:39
Skidooologuser1@pc1:~$ telnet localhost 759906:39
Skidoootelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused06:39
zewbin ubuntu the CLI is using this wierd courier-lookalike font06:39
zewbhow do i make it use the default font?06:39
Flannelzewb: Please turn that off.06:39
zewbwell i don't know how06:39
jonesstroyan: thanks again. i knew that i could set up samba to see the files. i thought that since i was able to see them in nautilus that they would somehow already be setup for access via the terminal as well. does nautilus do something in the background to connect to these folders?06:39
zewbi'd love to turn off that dumb font06:39
jribm1k3: no, write an actual shell script that formats the path however you want and then calls wine winrar blad blah06:39
NickT_is ubuntu a good distro?06:40
zewband get a normal command line font like every other distro does06:40
NickT_better than slackware?06:40
zewbNickT: no06:40
lwellsbut they it tells me to run "sudo apt-get irb"06:40
zewbNickT_: stick with slackware06:40
NickT_what's a better distro than slackware?06:40
m1k3jrib: I guess I can't do that I've got much to learn about linux06:40
soldatszewb, no there are a lot of people here trying to help others and sometimes someone wont notice your question jut try to realx and wait for an answer wait at least 10 minutes before reposting06:40
jrib!offtopic | NickT_06:40
ubotuNickT_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:40
zewbNickT_: i like arch06:40
lwellsbut then gives me an error "Could not get lock"06:40
NickT_nah, those guys are assholes.  they're parading against my buddy06:40
TigranGDoes ubuntu support the new mini pci wireless n cards?06:40
cflopezneed some help witha a ndiswrapper howto, cant seem to figure out the last couple of steps06:41
zewbNickT_: Ubuntu is linux for retards06:41
soldatszewb, my default cli font is pretty much like the ariel font06:41
NickT_zewb: well I'm very new :)06:41
zewbNickT_: lol just kidding06:41
stroyanjones: Nautilus can use various remote access protocols and show the results to use as a folder.  You can use smb: to windows, or ftp: to an ftp server, etc.06:41
Suntop|PS3sorry about that06:41
zewbNickT_: but if you want to learn linux, stay away from distros like ubuntu. they hide the inner workings from you06:41
soldatszewb, why trash on distros you probly shouldnt be here if yorr going to do that06:41
Suntop|PS3that was a accident06:41
XiXaQ!ot > zewb, NickT_06:41
=== vmlinuz` is now known as pwnt-
zewbNickT_: Slackware is ok06:42
NickT_zewb: i can't use slackware's support channels because of a vendetta their ops have against roadrunner users in maine.  So is there another distro you'd suggest if not ubuntu?  I like the gnome enviroment.06:42
shishioguys, i hve a problem with limewire, i cant use it it only dispolays blank white spaces on the screen. any idea how to fix it?06:42
lwells Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied), that is the error i keep getting when I try to run apt-get, why is that?06:42
soldatsNickT_, most other distros are for more advanced users06:42
m1k3jrib: is there anyway I can create my own thing like %u?06:42
TigranGlwells, use sudo apt-get06:42
zewbNickT_: well you can use gnome in any distro, but if you want one that comes with gnome, and you just want a kind of windows-ish system where you don't have to delve into things too much, then ubuntu is for you06:42
jonesstroyan: thanks for all the help this evening.06:43
soldatsNickT_, if you really want to try something new just google it06:43
m1k3jrib: so I can switch /path to z:/path?06:43
acee1235tommygb: why are there lines in the display?06:43
lwellsgot it thanks06:43
jribm1k3: the easiest way I see for you to do that is to write a small shell script06:43
Skidoooany one?06:43
zewbNickT_: if you like to tweak everything and experiment then I recommend Arch06:43
XiXaQzewb and NickT_, please go somewhere else with the general chatter. This is a support channel.06:43
zewbwell i tried getting support06:43
zewbbut i didnt get it06:43
NickT_zewb: i heard arch was really cool06:43
zewbso i'm giving someone else support06:43
m1k3jrib: I have no resources to do that can you give me some?06:43
zewbit's pretty good, but theres not that many packages06:44
Suntop|PS3jrib: I am sorry about that i pasted in the wrong window06:44
zewbthats my only complaint06:44
cflopezcan anybody please help me out with this HOWTO, im stummped bigtime and im dying to go to bed :-/06:44
jribSuntop|PS3: no problem06:44
zewbsmall community06:44
soldatsNickT_, arch is awesome but as i said its for more experienced users06:44
wolsm1k3: there are not driverletters in linux06:44
* TigranG actually a pretty big community06:44
Suntop|PS3i am tring to get this java and flash problemsolved06:44
acee1235anyone know how to resolve the lines in dvd playback on vlc?06:44
soreaucflopez: sleep06:44
NickT_zewb: are they friendly?06:44
zewbNickT_: yes06:44
TigranGDoes ubuntu support the new mini pci wireless n cards?06:44
m1k3wols: I know that I'm doing this so I can open a file with a program emulated by wine06:44
shishioguys, i hve a problem with limewire, i cant use it it only dispolays blank white spaces on the screen. any idea how to fix it?06:44
zewbNickT_: they were patient with me06:44
NickT_ok ty06:44
cflopezfark sleep06:44
jribm1k3: google "advanced bash scripting guide".  I'd help, but I'm leaving now06:44
cflopezive been working on this for almost 2 days straight06:45
zewbNickT_: alot more friendly than these assholes :)06:45
cflopezit ends tonight06:45
m1k3jrib: thank you for your support06:45
tommygbacee1235: have you had a look on the forums? i dont use vlc anymore06:45
jribzewb: please watch your language in here06:45
zewbNickT_: don't listen to that stuff people say about certain distros being for more experienced users.06:45
cflopezwanna take a look at the thing im stuck with? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD6406:45
NickT_zewb: well i tried joining ##slackware and was banned before I could even ask my question :\ and then they had the kahoonas to tell me I got banned to teach my friend a lesson :(06:45
acee1235tommygb: no, what do you use?06:45
TigranGzewb if you dont appreciate the free help here then just leave06:45
soldatsjrib > kick him06:45
Suntop|PS3i think i will j7ust have to use my windows for flash sites and java sites06:46
=== oediv_ is now known as oediv
XiXaQSuntop|PS3, why?06:46
zewbNickT_: wow. well, some people are just idiots i guess06:46
soldatsSuntop|PS3, the ps3 has support for flash stock i believe06:46
ranjanmy broadcom device only connects using ndiswrapper cannot use fcmcutter06:46
m1k3jrib: before you leave can you answer me about what a %u is called?06:46
zewbbut yeah i just recently tried arch and i really liked it06:46
cflopezthis is using ndiswrapper06:46
Suntop|PS3i cannot install java or flash plugins since they do NOT MAKE a 64 bit version of flash and tje java wont install06:46
NickT_zewb: it sounds like they have some shaky relations there, I don't think it's going to be around much longer the way they act06:47
Suntop|PS3uni and multiverse are giving me 404 errors06:47
jribzewb, NickT_: yes, arch is a nice distro as well, but this is offtopic, move the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic.  Thanks06:47
FlannelSuntop|PS3: Try switching your mirror to archive.ubuntu.com06:47
zewbso who knows why ubuntu is using this nonstandard CLI font?06:47
XiXaQSuntop|PS3, there are several versions of java, and gnash has a 64bit version, doesn't it?06:47
tommygbacee1235: try using totem to play the dvd06:47
NickT_alright, I'm out.  thanks guys.  jrib:  would you please blow me?  I hate guys like you.  Pussy.06:47
zewbi like the regular font that every other distro uses06:47
Suntop|PS3i got gnash to install06:48
jribhow nice06:48
Suntop|PS3but java06:48
soldatszewb, dude if your just going to talk shit (sorry language) just leave. please do us the favor we dont want to hear to do such things. we are aiming to help people in learning linux.06:48
zewbNick_T is cool.06:48
astro76yes so hard to go to offtopic06:48
zewbi didnt do anything06:48
zewbwhat the hell are you talking about06:48
nickrudSuntop|PS3, http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=202537 installs the 32bit firefox with flash, java, mplayer for media. Works well06:48
zewbi was telling Nick about arch06:48
zewband helping him find a distro06:48
soldatszewb, no you basically said the people here are a**holes06:48
Suntop|PS3so what i need to do is install the old one06:48
zewbwell, sorry, but you are06:49
lwellswhat is a good text edit tool for programming?06:49
soldatszewb, please leave if you want to continue this06:49
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: aren't you on PPC?06:49
Suntop|PS3where do i put the archives06:49
zewbi don't want to continue anything06:49
pwnt-is the new ubuntu beta out?06:49
trprlwells: vim06:49
XiXaQlwells, depends on the language. Gedit can do syntax highlighting for many languages.06:49
xTheGoat121xOk, so, when I turn the volume up on my laptop, the little pop-up that shows the level has the wrong colors set... does anyone know how to correct this?06:49
zewbi just want to help people with their linux issues :)06:49
nickrudSuntop|PS3, oh, never mind, sorry06:49
Flannelpwnt-: Hardy is a very very early alpha.06:49
Suntop|PS3hehe you see06:49
lwellsRails , I want to edit rails06:49
Suntop|PS3there is the problem06:49
XiXaQpwnt-, no. You can find release schedule on the wiki.06:49
pwnt-yeah hardy, that what i meant Flannel thanks.06:49
cflopezzewb: explain step 3 for me please please please https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NdiswrapperOnAMD6406:49
TigranGSorry if I'm repeating my question a bit much right now, its just late and I want to know if I should by this card or not, so any wifi pros here? questions was: Does ubuntu support the new mini pci wireless n cards?06:49
Lumpy^i edited the sudoers and put that: gasz        ALL=(ALL) ALL , but its keep promt me06:49
Lumpy^why is that06:50
NarissaMy tty is distorted once X starts, how do I fix this06:50
sunny_hey i am trying to install vmware on my ubuntu  box does anyone have any good tips06:50
Suntop|PS3thereis a massive list of servers06:50
XiXaQsunny_, please ask a real question.06:50
Suntop|PS3what server is it06:50
phyzsunny_, put in the cd06:50
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: from what I saw you couldn't get a proper connection to the reposoteries06:50
Suntop|PS3maybe it is the fact i am using a ps306:51
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
jribm1k3: you can find it in some spec on freedesktop.org, but really, that won't help you.  Just write a shell script that formats what you get appropriately06:51
soldatsSuntop|PS3, yes most likely06:51
zewbcflopez: look in the directory of the source for a directory called debian06:51
nickrudsunny_, add the new ubuntu-partners repo, deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner , to your sources.list. It has vmware06:51
Suntop|PS3all i want is flash to work06:52
gQuig1Suntop|PS3:  you are talking on the PS3?06:52
Suntop|PS3yes I am are you surpised?06:52
zewbso who knows why ubuntu is using that courier-looking font in my CLI?06:52
sunny_sorry i new to linux. Trying to get rid of my windows machines06:52
cflopezthats the thing, i cant find a single directory thats called "debian"06:52
Suntop|PS3i am learning Linux on it06:52
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: So internet is clearly working?06:52
m1k3jrib: But I have no clue where to start on that shell script I just wanna create a path varible like %u06:52
zewbcflopez: hmm06:52
macogwsunny_: most people who visit this channel are, i think ;)06:52
Suntop|PS3wifi is once you install the lastest kernal06:52
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: Gnash will give you limited flash support06:52
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: youtube might work06:52
zewbyoutube doesnt really work with gnash06:53
XiXaQsunny_, they have many different products. They're easy to install. They also have a channel on this network, #VMWare.06:53
Suntop|PS3let me try since i did install06:53
zewbuse the propietary flash player06:53
Suntop|PS3you see this is why i hate youtube06:53
Suntop|PS3i got a windows box for that crap06:53
gQuig1zewb: On PS3?06:53
zewba ps3?06:53
zewboh, well, nevermind06:53
zewbi don't know what runs on a ps306:53
xTheGoat121xI guess not.06:54
Suntop|PS3i can use youtube in PS3 side but the LINUX side i cant06:54
Suntop|PS3if i can get flash to work06:54
acee1235tommygb: acee1235: it tells me it needs a plugin06:54
Suntop|PS3and java06:54
Skidoooi cant telnet to my eggdrop bot.  any help ?06:54
Skidooologuser1@pc1:~$ telnet localhost 759906:54
Skidoootelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused06:54
jribm1k3: the easy solution is to use file-roller.  night06:54
XiXaQSkidooo, stop that.06:54
Richard51684hey, im having problems 'showing' a hidden window that is minimized to the tray, can i force it open? btw, its running from wine06:54
jribSkidooo: don't paste here, use paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:54
XiXaQSkidooo, just make sure eggdrop is running.06:54
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: could you get it to reload the package list?06:54
titanix88i want do disable the automatic graphical display rescuer :@ it's driving me nuts!!06:54
fatman999hello, i am fat man and i weigh 400 pounds!  you can see video of my supreme fatness at fat-man.bravehost.com06:54
m1k3jrib: Good night06:54
Suntop|PS3i then will be able to rid myself of my windows box06:54
Suntop|PS3yes for the most part06:55
y123h_I want to upgrade my system but I have 3 fils error06:55
titanix88i mean displayconfig06:55
Suntop|PS3but UNIVERSE and MULTIVERSE wouldnt work06:55
soldatsfatman999, leave now06:55
tommygbacee1235: just install the packages it says06:55
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: yea.. that's a problem06:55
nickrudSuntop|PS3, try a different mirror06:55
acee1235tommygb: never mind downloaded wrong one06:55
soldatsjrib, thank you06:55
NarissaMy tty is distorted once X starts, how do I fix this (by distorted I mean unusable)06:55
SkidoooXiXaQ,  how06:55
zewbhttp://fat-man.bravehost.com/index_files/image2961.jpg <- holy shit06:55
Suntop|PS3which mirror06:55
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:56
nickrudNarissa, by unusable, what do you mean?06:56
zanzer7how do I enable inet_aton (when compiling using netinet/in.h)?06:56
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: try the default global one06:56
XiXaQSkidooo, I don't know. I don't use eggdrop. However, you must always run a program before you can connect to it. Have you configured it properly? I'm sure it comes with good documentation.06:56
Narissanickrud: unreadable white blocks and heavily distorted text06:56
cflopezzewb: so what should i do?06:56
acee1235tommygb: perfect thank you06:56
albertolempirahey guys, someone know how can i get my toshiba laptop "Fn" key to work with its shortcuts?06:56
m1k3Anyway seeya06:56
Suntop|PS3you man main server?06:56
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: aka Main Server06:56
tommygbacee1235: happy to help06:56
* TigranG wonders whats wrong with this channel right now (usually not like this)06:57
soldatsTigranG, too many trolls06:57
titanix88anyone here have nv geforce mx 4000 with glx ?06:57
* Narissa nods to the troll comment06:57
nickrudSuntop|PS3, system->admin->software sources , click the download from dropdown, select other. Then select Best Server button06:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about refit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:57
Suntop|PS3i tried that too06:57
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: Main server still gives you errors when reloading?06:58
TigranGAnyone here upgrade RAM on ubuntu?06:58
soldats*cooks some delicious ramen noodles06:58
TigranGsoldats: sounds good haha06:58
Trifesoldats, you must be in college =)06:58
Suntop|PS3now what06:58
nickrudNarissa, I have something similar, 40 x 16 characters. I just removed the splash word from the /boot/grub/menu.lst lines starting with kernel. Not a great fix, it removes the startup splash screen, but the console is usable06:59
soldatsTrife, do you think so06:59
shishioguys, what program in ubuntu is like limewire? can anyone help me?06:59
TigranGshishio: limewire or frostwire06:59
Trifejust a guess. top ramen is the life blood of the dorm06:59
nickrudSuntop|PS3, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org06:59
Richard51684hey is there a way to make my username stay in the login box at startup? (im lazy)06:59
shishioTigranG: i have installed Limewire but it wont run... it only displays blank on screen06:59
* TigranG shakes head to Richard07:00
albertolempirasomeone here have a toshiba laptop and have tried to make the "Fn" key to work?07:00
Narissanickrud: I did remove splash, and quiet.  I have vga=ask, but one X service starts it changes the resolution and then it's unreadable, until then tty is fine07:00
TigranGshishio: try forstwire, I like it better07:00
mynymlwhat problems will i run into if i install the 64bit version? i'm reading about a simple solution for flash, but there's a full ubuntu wiki page about firefox 32 bits? is there so much that breaks down that i might need that?07:00
soldatsTrife, ahh i just love the stuff i havent found anything that tastes better07:00
XiXaQRichard51684, it's possible to configure it to login automatically even. I don't remember how though.07:00
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:00
shishioTigranG: okey thanks07:00
Richard51684i know, but i don't want anyone to have access :)07:00
nickrudNarissa, remove the vga=ask as well, that's trying to bring up the framebuffer.07:00
shishioTigranG: how can i uninstall my limewire installation?07:00
SkidoooXiXaQ,  yes everthing is configured right and in console it says that the bot is on..07:00
Narissanickrud: okay I will do that, and then will relog here and let you know how that goes07:01
XiXaQRichard51684, you can use a face gdm browser, where you can just click an image, and it'll fill in your username.07:01
csirwater_HI EVERYBODY07:01
gQuig1anyone know what I should do next with my blueprint? (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/no-mono-by-default)07:01
TigranGshishio: you can try sudo apt-get remove limewire (but I'm not sure if thats the package name)07:01
scorpfromhellRichard51684 & XiXaQ ... just go over to System-->Administration-->Login Window & set the system to login by default to a particular login07:01
TigranGshishio: If not then from Synaptic Package Manager07:01
Suntop|PS3whic file07:01
nickrudNarissa, it's not a very good fix, but it works. I'm used to watching a lot of text fly by on startup, anyway07:01
TigranGshishio: Found in System->Admin07:01
Suntop|PS3this window scrolls so fat07:02
nickrudNarissa, that is, Works for Me™07:02
Richard51684scorpfromhell: but i want to enter my password07:02
TigranGshishio: http://www.frostwire.com/?id=downloads for FrostWire07:02
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: /etc/apt/sources.list07:02
mEck0grrr! why is it so damn hard to enable dual monitors in linux? has tried several guides for intel gfx but nothing works07:02
threethirty! nvidia07:02
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:02
TigranGmEck0: tell me about it..07:02
XiXaQRichard51684, then do what I said.07:02
SkidoooXiXaQ, i set in config file of bot to listen to port 7599 .... why its not listening. is my firewall of os setting has to do something with that?07:02
scorpfromhellfacebrowser is the next best option AFAIK07:02
Richard51684could you explain further?07:02
mediahunterI am getting an error message while trying to use ndiswrapper on the compiling option on the install and uninstall can anyone help07:02
Suntop|PS3ok how do i paste that07:03
TigranGAnyone upgrade RAM here under Ubuntu?07:03
mEck0TigranG, you know how to set up xorg for dual monitors?07:03
Suntop|PS3open it in a gui wordprocessor and then07:03
Suntop|PS3post it07:03
TigranGmEck0: No, I tried and failed miserably07:03
scorpfromhellRichard, you could go to the same Login Window settings & set it to show pix of the users created in the system07:03
gatenis there such a thing as a 'bleeding edge' repository for popular apps (openoffice, pidgen, firefox, etc) other than getdeb?07:03
nickrudSuntop|PS3, go to paste.ubuntu-nl.org , then gedit /etc/apt/sources.list, copy & paste07:03
TigranGmEck0: I wanted to hook it up to my TV to watch movies, but no luck.07:03
andrukare there any good linux-compatible brands of external CD drives?  im trying to load gutsy onto a laptop without CD or floppy drives07:03
Richard51684'default face' ?07:03
mEck0TigranG, :(07:03
XiXaQSkidooo, I'm sure they have a channel somewhere.07:03
Flannel!caps | csirwater_07:04
ubotucsirwater_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:04
mediahunteri have gone thur some of the wiki and it still is not working07:04
mediahuntercan anyone help me please07:04
TigranG!ask | mediahunter07:04
ubotumediahunter: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:04
nickrud!nstall | andruk07:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:04
Narissanickrud: no dice still distorted07:04
nickrud!install | andruk07:04
ubotuandruk: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:04
mediahunterTigran i already asked the question07:04
XiXaQRichard51684, you're not _that_ lazy. :) It's just a matter of moving your mouse over the image, and your username will be selected.07:05
TigranGbe patient :)07:05
nickrudNarissa, I'm not sure then. I figured it was framebuffer related. What video chip?07:05
andruknickrud: i know (theoretically) how to install without a CD drive, i just need to know what brand to purchase07:05
Narissanickrud: nVidia series 707:05
perfectorany idea why google earth should make my X crash??07:05
andruknickrud: brand of external CD drive...that is07:05
Suntop|PS3what syntax?07:05
inthepitanyone here have any experience with netgear MA101 Rev B. usb adapter?07:05
pinghey guys/girls how can i get downloaded music to play on the rythembox music player07:05
nickrudNarissa, no real experience with nvidia, in fact I'm not used to seeing people with issues on those07:06
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Richard51684ok i think it's set up07:06
perfectorany idea why google earth should make my X crash??07:06
SkidoooXiXaQ,  not appearing online07:06
TigranGping: do you have mp3 codecs?07:06
soldatsping, torrents07:06
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: really doesn't matter, but SourcesList07:06
XiXaQSkidooo, I have no idea. I don't use eggdrop.07:06
pingi dont think so07:06
XiXaQSkidooo, have you run it?07:06
TigranGping: install the gstreamer codecs from Add/Remove07:06
Narissanickrud: I am also having an issue with being forced to use Option SWCursor just to have a working mouse cursor07:06
SkidoooXiXaQ,  yes07:06
Suntop|PS3name Suntop|Ps307:06
XiXaQSkidooo, does it give you any errors?07:06
SkidoooXiXaQ,  no07:07
nickrudNarissa, have you installed the nvidia drivers from nvidia by any chance?07:07
jroesanyone know the equivalent to fdisk /mbr on windows for linux?  grub is hiding somewhere on my usb stick and I can't figure out where.  I used fdisk to delete all the partitions on it but yet it still tries to use grub somehow, so I'm thinking it made its way to the mbr of the usb stick somehow.  any way I can clear that out?07:07
SkidoooXiXaQ,  Telnet to the bot and enter 'NEW' as your nickname.07:07
SkidoooOR go to IRC and type:  /msg KillerJinn hello07:07
SkidoooThis will make the bot recognize you as the master.07:07
SkidoooYou have installed modules but have not selected an encryption07:07
Skidooomodule, please consult the default config file for info.07:07
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: link to the page it brought you to?07:07
Narissanickrud: yeah and attemtping to install the newest, but can't seem to read term so it makes it a moot point07:07
pingthe extra plug ins or the ffmped video07:08
ritaHi, I installed ubuntu onto my laptop from the live cd and it said I was partitioning my disk, but when starting the computer, I'm taken directly to ubuntu and not being given an option to go to windows.07:08
XiXaQSkidooo, don't paste here! There are 1133 users on this channel!07:08
y123h_please any one answer me about upgrading my ubuntu07:08
SkidoooXiXaQ,  k07:08
rich1hi.  i want to start learning mysql but an aptitude search shows a bunch of packages.  which ones do i need to start with?07:08
nickrudNarissa, hm. For a baseline, you could make a backup of your xorg.conf , and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical to get the default config back. See if that restores your tty07:08
wolsjroes: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=1 bs=512   if sda is your usb stick. deletes all partitiopns as ewll07:08
Flannelrich1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP07:08
pingrita you have make a partition for windows and you must install a dual boot07:09
nickrudNarissa, that is, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg07:09
FlynsarmyIs it possible to view teh contents of a zip file from the terminal?07:09
Flannelrich1: and/or https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/mysql.html07:09
SkidoooXiXaQ,  what can be wrong. my firewall?07:09
XiXaQSkidooo, not if you're connecting to localhost.07:09
mrpocketsCan i use Ubuntus disk as a partitioner like PArtition Magic?07:09
rich1Flannel: thanks.  i just pulled them up.07:10
Narissanickrud: from x how would I go about rebooting into init 3 without x starting?07:10
SkidoooXiXaQ,  should i use ssh..      somebody told me that07:10
XiXaQmrpockets, depends on what you need to do, but yes.07:10
Suntop|PS3i dont think i will ever get it to work07:10
Richard51684is there a way to see a list of all the windows on a desktop? even the hidden ones07:11
mrpocketsXiXaQ:  I've got a single EXT3 partition on the full disk, and i wanna cut out a seccond 40 gig partition outta the unused space as a NTFS partition so i can load Windows as a seccondary OS07:11
ritaI'm sorry ping, I have no idea what that means: I just installed it from the live cd (yesterday), and I'd like to be able to get into windows also, but I do not know how..07:11
XiXaQSkidooo, I have no idea. I have never used eggdrop. I've told you this several times. But you cannot have read the documentation if you don't know how to connect to it.07:11
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: go to terminal and try "sudo aptitude update"07:11
nickrudNarissa, there's no diff between runlevels 2-5 in ubuntu; you would do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop X and have only the consoles07:11
Lumpy^damn i cannot make sudoers to work without a password in my user07:11
TigranGrita: How did you install it?07:11
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: also try pinging ports.ubuntu.com07:12
revilodrawfirefox waits until it has the whole page loaded before it renders it. how do i stop it so it works more like internet explorer - it loads the skelton of the page then fills in the gaps07:12
XiXaQmrpockets, I don't know if gparted (the partitioner in ubuntu) does that. It's available on the live-cd. You could check it out :)07:12
TigranGrita: On a new partition or did you wipe out your whole drive and just installed ubuntu?07:12
ritaOff the livecd, you know, it shows the "install icon" and I just followed the prompts07:12
SkidoooXiXaQ,  talk in terms of os problems.    everything seems right07:12
trprXiXaQ: don't help clueless newbs setup bots. how obnoxious :(07:12
cflopezsome help please07:12
ritaTigranG: I'm sorry I'm so stupid, but I have no idea whether it was a "new partition" I followed the prompts to make an automatic partition, I think...07:12
cflopezim stumped!07:12
kbrosnanrevilodraw: it only waits 200 ms before drawing the page07:12
perfectorany idea why google earth should make my X crash??07:12
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: ping ports.ubuntu.com (in terminal)07:12
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: wow07:13
pingwell i didn't really do it myself so i am not sure how it works but you may just have to do some research on how to have a dual boot and i think you have to do a little repair work depending which is first on your disk windows or ubuntu07:13
XiXaQperfector, don't repeat so often.07:13
nickrudNarissa, I've got a weak brain tonight, its sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop   , I elided to stop07:13
Lumpy^anyone can tell what the exact syntax to disable promot a password for user "azs" ? i did azs ALL=(ALL) ALL , its not workin07:13
TigranGrita: Can you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst file07:13
perfectorXiXaQ: oops .. sorry07:13
TigranG!paste | rita07:13
uboturita: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:13
XiXaQSkidooo, what did they say in the eggdrop channel?07:13
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: that's pretty bad07:13
revilodrawkbrosnan; my sisters laptop (which has less processor speed and less ram) runs windows, and is way way way faster at loading pages in ie...07:13
pingso is it true that there are no drivers for a lexmark x2480 printer if  you know of anything please let me know asap07:13
gQuig1you on dialup?07:13
ritaok, I will try07:13
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: you on dialup / using bad wireless?07:14
SkidoooXiXaQ,  which channel07:14
pingrita best of luck07:14
Suntop|PS3there is packet loss07:14
XiXaQSkidooo, do you want me to search google for you and tell you what results it gives me?07:14
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: press Ctrl-C to stop it07:14
dougskanswer to me question: ifrename+iftab or /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-cd.rules  (how to consistently name physical network interfaces) --thanks07:14
Suntop|PS3its not that07:14
SkidoooXiXaQ,  what do you mean07:14
byonixHi, anyone successfully use gnokii 0.6.14 in feisty07:14
TylerJGilliescrossover office simulates a windows reboot so that software will work correctly http://www.flickr.com/photo_zoom.gne?id=2103009912&size=o07:14
dougskah byugger that's persistent-net -- anyways07:14
Suntop|PS3maybe i should reboot my dsl router07:14
TylerJGilliesheh "simulating windows reboot"07:15
XiXaQSkidooo, I mean, you should be able to find that out for yourself. Have you tried /join #eggdrop for instance?07:15
byonixHi, anyone successfully use gnokii 0.6.14 in feisty07:15
soldatsTylerJGillies, that costs money07:15
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: where are you again?07:15
ritaTigranG: I'm sorry, but how do I access this file?07:15
andrukdo external DVD burners work well in ubuntu?07:15
byonixHi, anyone successfully use gnokii 0.6.14 in feisty07:15
pingmy music player still isn't working even after i install the gstreamer mp307:15
TylerJGilliessoldats: not for 30 days it doesn't07:15
pingwhat should i do now07:15
TigranGrita: open a terminal and do 'sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst'07:16
Suntop|PS3i am going to reboot my dsl  router07:16
soldatsTylerJGillies, oh really thats cool well i might have to try it then07:16
XiXaQandruk, they should.07:16
Suntop|PS3then my wifi07:16
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: ok07:16
RedHeronping: sudo apt-get install esound07:16
TigranGSuntop|PS3: Should be one of the first things done ;)07:16
SkidoooXiXaQ,  i am on many networks. none is answering me07:16
Suntop|PS3so i need to quit07:16
TylerJGilliessoldats: its in one of the ubuntu repos07:16
andrukXiXaQ: thanks07:16
gQuig1Suntop|PS3: could you plug it in directly?07:16
RedHeronping: then do: "shutdown -r now"07:16
RedHeronping: (without the quotes)07:16
pingredheron, thanks so much07:17
byonixHi, anyone successfully use gnokii 0.6.14 in feisty07:17
XiXaQSkidooo, so..? Be patient. Do your homework. Ask a good question.07:17
Suntop|PS3well no i am going to shut off the firewall in the dsl router too07:17
RedHeronThat will restart your system, ping...07:17
gQuig1that's not gonna help, Sunt....07:17
RedHeronjust so you aren't unaware of the consequences, okay ping?07:17
soldatsTylerJGillies, ahh i never even checked it may come in useful in the future thanks for the update on the 30 days thing07:17
TylerJGilliessoldats: you're welcome07:18
TylerJGilliessoldats:  it works with world of warcraft07:18
UtkinNihuya sebe narodu07:18
RedHeronping: not a problem.07:18
UtkinI from ru07:19
scorpfromhellcan anybody help me with LTSP?07:19
SkidoooXiXaQ,  ok07:19
SkidoooXiXaQ,  thx07:19
soldatsTylerJGillies, yea i figured it should seeing as that its kinda real professional but wine also works for WOW07:19
gQuig1what should my next step be? Attach a random person to approve it?  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/no-mono-by-default07:19
astro76!ru | Utkin07:19
ubotuUtkin: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke07:19
XiXaQUtkin, #ubuntu-ru07:19
ritaTigranG: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47792/07:19
TylerJGilliessoldats: oh, that makes sense07:19
TylerJGilliesnever installed WOW or wine07:20
=== dfeeser is now known as paradigmX
ritaTigranG: it seems to me like there is no windows at all, whatsoever, and my important files are backed up, but I just want to be able to access windows ingeneral and I wonder if I will be able to.07:20
gQuig1Is there a different channel that handles things like blueprints?07:20
XiXaQscorpfromhell, people tend to be frightened by those kinds of questions. You'd have to be pretty sure of yourself to answer yes to it.07:20
TigranGrita: It looks like you wiped out your windows partition07:20
wolsRedHeron: got your new kernel? harddisk now unlocked?07:20
soldatsTylerJGillies, i had wine for a long time it worked wonders but i dont play comp games anymore so i only used WOW on a frieds comp07:20
XiXaQgQuig1, blueprints are handled on launchpad..?07:20
mediahunterok i am able to get ndiswrapper installed and the driver now i am having issue with modprobe07:20
Flying-PenguinIs there a way I can map a mouse key to a keyboard key? I want my MouseButton4 to be seen as CTRL by either all of my apps or just one, or all of X, I don't care.07:20
mediahunterFATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/ubuntu/misc/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko': No such file or directory07:21
sunogbagarita: sure, you can dual boot07:21
XiXaQgQuig1, I think launchpad has a channel here.07:21
mediahunteranyone got any thoughts07:21
yilwhere can i get a german chat07:21
TylerJGilliescan you run linux on a mac?07:21
gQuig1XiXaQ: ah.. thanks07:21
astro76!de | yil07:21
ubotuyil: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de07:21
soldatsTylerJGillies, yes07:21
TigranGIf its intel based, you can cant you?07:21
ritaSungbaga: but how would I get to windows? I'm really sorry, but I just do not know much about this at all07:21
RedHeronwols: new kernel, unfortunately no unlock07:21
=== Owner_ is now known as smmagic
scorpfromhellxixaq, how do I send such PMs? Am sorry am coming back to IRC after some 7 years :(07:22
TylerJGilliesgotcha. i wanna get a mac eventually. never owned one before07:22
TylerJGilliesmac osx is too bloated07:22
XiXaQscorpfromhell, /msg nick. Don't do it without permission though.07:22
TigranGrita: You need to install Windows first and leave a partiton for linux, then when you install linux at the partition part click Manual, not Guided.07:22
sunogbagarita: right now, i dunno if you can go back to windows, unless you do know what you were doing last time u installed ubuntu07:22
mediahuntercan someone please give a little help07:22
soldatsTylerJGillies, yes i know but i must tell you thaT  a lot of people have had some minor problems with linux on macs but with some minor configs you shouldbe fine07:23
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: last mac i owned looked like a blue toilet seat07:23
scorpfromhellXiXaQ, thanks07:23
XiXaQTigranG, why not guided -- use free space or whatever it sais?07:23
RedHeronwols: I'm trying to figure out a brute-force script to toss ASCII characters at it in the password field of hdparm's security erase procedure.07:23
sunogbagarita: you can however reinstall everything... install windows first,. create a partition for ubuntu and install ubuntu there...07:23
ritatigrang: does this mean that I need a windows install cd? Furthermore, I can find detailed help on creating a partition?07:23
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: what island are you on?07:23
wolsRedHeron: use something like python or perl (imho)07:24
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: oahu :)07:24
TigranGXiXaQ: The way I do it is just make partitons with the XP cd as I'm installing XP. I haven't done it that way. If its a better way, please tell rita how to do it. I'm not that experienced.07:24
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: i know someone thats named kit that lives on Maui07:24
scorpfromhellcan somebody tell me how to make a ubuntu desktop connect to a ubuntu LTSP server?07:24
ritasungbaga: how does what I was doing at installation time affect my ability to get back to windows? nothing I have on windows matters, just the ability to access it/office07:24
SkidoooXiXaQ,   i have installed ssh and i gues iam logged in. what to do now to log into my bot?07:24
RedHeronwols: was using Linux script. :-D07:24
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: oh...well i envy them because they have krispy kremes :)07:25
RedHeronwols: I don't know perl or python at all.07:25
perfectorscorpfromhell: ssh07:25
astro76scorpfromhell, you might try asking in #edubuntu07:25
mediahunteranyone in here able to help me with ndiswrapper07:25
mediahunterthe modprobe option is not working07:25
scorpfromhellastro76, did that, that channel is zzzz :(07:25
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: you envy me too then, cause i live on maui also ;) krispy kreme = da kine07:25
wolsRedHeron: you don't know bash either. and python is eaier (imho)07:25
scorpfromhellperfector, I want GUI07:26
TylerJGillieswols: ruby beats python ;)07:26
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: fresh krispy kremes. nothing better :) whenever i get over there for work, i make a pitstop on the way back to the airport :)07:26
soldatsi love python07:26
XiXaQSkidooo, why do you keep asking me these questions? I have no idea why you'd want to login using ssh to the local computer. It doesn't make sense to me. If you refuse to read, then I don't understand why you're on irc. It's much faster to simply read the manual.07:26
soldatsjst my poinion though07:27
* TylerJGillies is a ruby on rails developer07:27
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: what's your profession?07:27
soldatsTylerJGillies, hah thats awesome, congrats07:27
XiXaQTylerJGillies, well, Django is really cool I think.07:27
SkidoooXiXaQ, k07:27
h1st0!rtfm > XiXaQ (Please see the private message from ubotu)07:27
* TigranG offtopic-ish: but for you programmers, googles paying cash for gnome stuff07:27
rlyI'm having trouble configuring my sound definitions for the mic in order to speak in skype07:27
DaFFeshi guys, i've just bought a notebook asus F3SC and installed Ubuntu 7.10, everything seems to work perfectly, inclusive the webcam, but the sound doesn't function, the self notebook sound and the headphone sound. I've searched for solutions on foruns but couldnt find anything, can anyone help me?07:27
Flying-Penguincould anyone point me in the direction of an app or documentation on mapping mouse buttons to keyboard buttons?07:27
XiXaQh1st0, what?07:28
mediahunterdaffess can i PM i had the same issue07:28
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: network engineer :)07:28
RedHeronwols: Any suggestions regarding tutorials?07:28
wolsXiXaQ: he doesn't like you saying essentially "rtfm" even when yoU#re right07:28
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: like setting them up?07:28
h1st0XiXaQ: read the message from ubotu07:28
wolsRedHeron: do you know any other programming language?07:28
RedHeronwols: The only programming I've ever done has been in PHP.07:29
XiXaQh1st0, I read the message. I tried telling him time and time again that I have no idea, and that I have never, ever used eggdrop. I don't understand why I should read the manual, search google, wait in other irc channels for people to respond etc.07:29
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: well depends...setting them up, troubleshooting problems, etc. i live in cisco CLI07:29
TylerJGillieskitofhawaii: CLI?07:29
TigranGXiXaQ: cause its a bot07:29
wolsRedHeron: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide07:29
xcdTylerJGillies: command line interface07:30
kitofhawaiiTylerJGillies: "command line interpreter" when it has to do with cisco07:30
TylerJGilliesxcd: gotcha07:30
mediahunterTigranG can you help me with my modprobe  I get a fatal error when i try to run it07:30
RedHeronwols: thx07:31
AnAntHello, how can I run a script (that is in /etc/init.d) on startup ?07:31
TigranGmediahunter: there are a bunch of tutorials for ndiswrapper out there, google it (if you haven't already), but I dont know much about it.07:31
AnAntthere was a command that makes symlinks for it in the proper rc?.d/ dirs07:31
wolsAnAnt: link it to /etc/rc2.d/ starting with S## where ## is a number07:31
wolsAnAnt: update-rc.d for example07:32
Suntop|PS3whois Suntop|PS307:32
AnAntwols: yeah, that's it thanks07:32
CapitalTHi, ntfs-mount-3g is hogging my machine 100%. any ideas why this happened?07:32
DaFFesmediahunter freenode is blocking my messages07:32
XiXaQAnAnt, bum (boot-up manager) is also rather cool.07:32
=== Skidooo is now known as |Quest|
DaFFesmediahunter are u reading me?07:32
Suntop|PS3ok now i did reboots07:33
mediahunterDaffes yes i can see what you are typing07:33
XiXaQdaffa, register your nickname, and it won't block them anymore. /nickserv help07:33
greenmanHello.  Can someone steer me in the direction of an application list for edubuntu?07:33
wolsDaFFes: no one is, you are not registered07:33
ritaWill I have to reinstall windows all together, or can I use a windows boot cd and fix whatever's wrong?07:33
greenmanI'm trying to see what instant messenger is included07:33
greenmanand if it can do yahoo messenger protocol07:33
cafuegogreenman: pidgin, yes.07:33
inthepitma101 help anyone... cant seem to get mine to work correctly on gutsy07:33
wolsrita: yiz gave windows on your bootmenu?07:33
greenmancafuego: and that's included?  Thanks!07:34
cafuegogreenman: It speaks yahoo, google (jabber), icq, irc and msn.07:34
wols!wireless | inthepit07:34
ubotuinthepit: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:34
XiXaQrita, if the partition still exists, then you can restore the windows bootloader by running fdisk /mbr in windows, or by running booting windows install cd. There is an option there. I don't remember how to get to it though.07:34
greenmanthanks, I appreciate it07:34
wolsrita: windows recovery console and "foxmbr" would usually do it07:35
=== daedrik is now known as Daedric
mengcan anyone help me with my apt-get problem?07:35
Suntop|PS3I still cant get it07:36
ritawols: what exactly does that mean?07:36
greenmanquit got what I needed.  Thanks07:36
wolsrita: what mean?07:36
wolsoops. "fixmbr" of course07:36
DaFFesmeng it doesnt looks like its a apt-get problem, because it cant write on cache07:37
DaFFesbut i'm not sure07:37
Flying-PenguinHow can I make MouseButton4 interpreted as CTRL instead of MB4?07:37
ritawols: sorry, but i don't kno what "fdisk/mbr" is nor what windows recovery consolenot "fixmbr"07:37
revilodrawmy sister's (xp) dell 6400 is way louder than my (ubuntu) dell 6400 when playing the same song07:38
wolsrita: ask ##windows about windows questions. not ubuntu07:38
[mayh3m]DeadBabyHow come I have no com ports to choose from to use with a usb device for bitpim?07:40
|Quest|wols,  my eggdrop bot is not appearing on irc and i cant telnet to it either. but it says its onn .  any clues?07:41
bullgard4Rubin: You are right in stating that I can open it and read it. I have done so. 54 lines of high-density code in a language that I only partly understand. What do you understand if somebody talks to you 54 sentences in Chinese?07:41
=== SiegeX_ is now known as SiegeX
soreaurly: Read your pm07:42
menganyone knows how to solve a write on cache problem?07:43
* syc_ brb, ke telkom dulu07:44
kitofhawaiimeng: what specifically is your issue?07:44
soreaurly: Oh, I'll have to fix that07:45
soreaurly: Anyway, search for flash in about:plugins07:45
=== [mayh3m]DeadBaby is now known as jq`
jq`Has anyone gotten bitpim to work on ubuntu?07:46
rlysoreau:   the only flahs that appears thjere is macromedia07:46
soreauNo shockwave?07:46
rlysoreau: shockwave, that... yes, I'm sorry07:46
desertcConsumer Reports reported Americans computer users lost $7 billion (7 BiiiiiiLLION *pinky to mouth* DOLLARS) in last two years due to malware, trojans, spyware, viruses, and zombie bots.  None of which effect your Ubuntu, btw.  :)07:46
soreaurly: When you try to play a video that doesn't work, does it link you to the shockwave site to install?07:47
soreauWell that's odd...07:47
Suntop|PS3_i cannot get my ifent to work with this thing eitehr but i have give up07:48
Suntop|PS3_i will never use java or flash07:48
tichhas anyone had any problems with ubuntu freezing when playing a 3d game in full screen mode?07:48
soreaurly: I don't know then, I have work tomorrow so must sleep now.07:48
desertctich: no...  what graphics driver are you using?07:48
desertcwhat game?07:49
jq`Anyone know how to get my comm ports working? Nothing that uses usb seems to be working on my ubuntu.07:49
revilodrawi am running ubuntu and want to dual boot xp... what should i do?07:50
Daedricrevilodraw, install xp... install ubuntu.07:50
Suntop|PS3_i am sorry guys but i cannot get this thng to work at all07:50
j1solutionshello all07:50
Daedrichey jq`07:50
Suntop|PS3_ident won't work07:50
Daedrictry doing a "lsusb"07:50
desertc!hi | j1solutions07:50
Suntop|PS3_or nothing07:50
ubotuj1solutions: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:50
j1solutionsthanks ubotu07:51
kitofhawaiimeng: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=400473 did you try the fixes discussed in that link?07:51
revilodrawi am already running ubuntu and want to dual boot xp... what should i do?07:51
rsteeledon't know07:51
j1solutions<00====needs help with framebuffer07:51
jq`Daedric: Shows just blank devices. Nothing there.07:51
tichdesertc: it happens with world of padman, assault cube, sauerbraten and it used to happen in nexius.07:51
tichand probably a couple others.07:51
Daedricjq`, lsmod | grep hci07:51
jq`Daedric: What should I be looking for as a result from that?07:52
linuxbugrevilodraw: look at answer from Daedric07:52
desertctich: Are you using the ubuntu supplied driver?07:52
revilodrawlinubug; daedric didnt answer my question07:52
Daedricjq`, did you get any result ?07:52
Daedricrevilodraw, IF xp is already installed...07:53
revilodrawdaedric; its not07:53
Daedricyou'll have to edit the menu.lst07:53
desertctich: or did you go and try Envy or something07:53
andrukrevilodraw: you will probably need to install xp over the current ubuntu install (make sure you backup everything you want to keep), then install ubuntu back on the machine07:53
Daedricrevilodraw, then... shrink ubuntu partition... to gain free space in you hard drive (unpartitioned space)07:53
jq`Daedric: It shows ehci_hcd, ohci1394, ieee1394, ohci_hcd, and usbcore07:53
Daedricjq`, and USB doesn't work ?07:54
revilodrawthanks guys07:54
jq`Daedric: Correct.07:54
linuxbugOpps , what solution u are looking at by installing XP ? revilodraw07:54
Daedricjq`, what device are you trying ?07:54
inthepitnothing on the wifi docs... anyone get a ma101 rev b working on gutsy?07:54
LoofHeya, anyone know if there is a trick to making compiz work under nvidia (closed source) drivers?07:54
jq`Daedric: Cell phone cable to use with bitpim.07:54
LoofWhen I try to activate it all my window decorations go away07:54
Daedricjq`, only?07:54
linuxbugi have it working ! loof07:54
tichdesertc: it leaves fullscreen mode and becomes a window but the mouse and sometimes the keyboard are locked up.  i can ctrl+alt+f1-->top to kill it and everything is fine.... i installed the beta from the website.07:55
Daedricjq`, try seeing the last lines of /var/log/syslog07:55
Daedricjq`, perhaps doind a : dmesg07:55
linuxbugbut o dont have decorative windows !07:55
estupendoceroWhy doesn't the main system volume actually affect anything? It's not really an issue since there are various and sundry ways to control volume; I've just always been curious.07:55
desertctich: Oh, I have seen that.  Turn off your screensaver07:55
Daedricsee if ANYTHING related with usb got reported.07:55
j1solutionsanyone help with a very long booting laptop07:55
Suntop|PS3_i will just use my windows box for ident07:55
desertctich: Your computer thinks it is idle07:55
Loofwindow decoration = frame, buttons, etc.07:55
Loofthe window manager parts07:55
Daedricj1solutions, try us... what seems to be the problem ?07:56
tichdesertc: really!  that is amazing and wonderfully simple.  a thousand thank yous07:56
desertctich: then, when it is closing the game, it sees your mouse and jumps back07:56
meng<kitofhawaii>touch step fail07:56
j1solutionstakes 5 mins to boot gutsy, lots of drive actiivty and black screen.  same machine runs other linuxes fine07:56
tichof course that makes sense.07:56
desertctich: Just be sure to come back to #ubuntu and help someone else sometime.07:56
linuxbugloof i am using vista theme it working fine !07:56
desertctich: Happy gaming, and have fun.07:56
jq`Daedric: Nothing related to usb that I know of. Only something called bcm43xx which I think might be my wireless internet.07:57
Daedricj1solutions, you'll have to boot in a more verbose mode... in a more... text mode... to see whats loading in the moment the hardrive starts working like crazy.07:57
Daedricjq`, broadcom ?07:57
LoofWhen I turn on 'Extra' visual effects07:57
Suntop|PS3_i guess java and flash are out of the question07:57
j1solutionshow do I turn that on Daedric07:57
LoofThe window frames go away07:57
jq`Daedric: Yeah, but I don't need that to work anyway.07:57
Loofdo you have 'Extra' turned on?07:57
Suntop|PS3_i have everything on07:58
jq`Daedric: It's wired at all times instead of wireless.07:58
j1solutionsterminals alt f1 -f 6 arent working either07:58
linuxbugloof let me check a sec07:58
kitofhawaiimeng: you did it with sudo?07:58
demonotakuok im getting confused at this Geubunut has no smb Client :/07:58
Daedricjq`, ok... so... you pluged your cellphone... (btw... what cellphone?) and nothing apeared ? could you please try dmesg | grep usb07:58
linuxbugloof i have it turned on !07:58
linuxbugit 7.1007:58
Daedricand cat /varl/log/syslog | grep usb07:58
Loofwhich driver are you using?07:58
Suntop|PS3_i will try tommaroafer work07:58
Daedricto see ?07:58
Loof7.10 here07:58
Suntop|PS3_now i gfotta take the trash out07:58
maxsofthi all. I've a 'power battery' linked to my pc via SerialPort. Exist a software to control it? thank you.07:59
Daedricj1solutions, at boot time... in the ubuntu screen... try pressing alt+f107:59
kitofhawaiiLoof: did you install emerald?07:59
Daedricmaxsoft, whats a power battery ?07:59
crdlbkitofhawaii: that's not going to fix anything07:59
RedHeronwols: permission to PM something?07:59
jq`Daedric: It's an lgvx8500 and I'm doing those commands now. Had to run upstairs and get tortilla chips :P07:59
maxsoftDaedric: is a battery.07:59
Daedricjq`, np... test it08:00
j1solutionsDaedric, consoles don't work, like now, they are all 'blank'08:00
crdlbLoof: join #compiz-fusion08:00
linuxbugnvdia drivers !08:00
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:00
maxsoftDaedric: to avoid energy power log off.08:00
Daedricmaxsoft, called UPS.08:00
Loofthat fixed it08:00
Loofemerald was NOT installed08:00
maxsoftDaedric: perfect... it's a minu UPS08:00
LoofI did a 7.10 in-place upgrade08:00
RedHeronwols: permission to PM 10 lines?08:00
LoofI had compiz working before08:00
linuxbugubotu on my card ubuntu 7.10 detected the card and install the pro drivers !08:00
Daedricmaxsoft, you could google for ubuntu+modelofups08:01
ChousukeRedHeron: use pastebin.08:01
Loofand 7.10 removed all of those... but never installed emerald :)08:01
crdlbLoof: you don't need emerald08:01
maxsoftDaedric: perfect thank you :) bye08:01
RedHeronChousuke: pastebin?08:01
Narissahas there been any fix for HWCursor in the series 7 drivers for nVidia?  SWCursor is a gaming headache08:01
Loofcrdlb: It solved the problem immediately08:01
Daedric!! paste08:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:01
kitofhawaiicrdlb: you do if you have the "window decorations" plugin active08:01
crdlbLoof: gnome-gnome should have already been installed08:01
linuxbugbye all08:01
Daedricgnome-gnome ?08:01
crdlbLoof: that's really odd, I can't see how that's even possible. You didn't even have to restart compiz?08:02
crdlboops lol08:02
Loofuhm, nope, it's not installed08:02
pingany one have a good idea how to make my x2480 lexmark work08:02
jq`Daedric: There is a lot of stuff from both the syslog and dmesg.08:02
LoofWell, of course I restarted compiz08:02
kitofhawaiiLoof: if you have gnome... try alt-f2 "gtk-window-decorator --replace"08:02
meng<kitofhawaii>lemme see if the reboot would work08:02
Daedricjq`, did you grep ? like dmesg | grep usb ?08:02
jq`Daedric: Yes08:02
Daedric!! paste08:03
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:03
kitofhawaiiLoof: also for future reference, #compiz-fusion for help :)08:03
Daedricput it all there!08:03
j1solutionshere is the message i'm getting http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47794/08:03
LoofIf both compiz-gnome AND emerald are installed... which will it prefer?08:03
Daedricand give us the link08:03
crdlbLoof: emerald08:03
jq`Daedric: Ok :)08:03
Daedricj1solutions, not funny08:03
crdlbLoof: make sure that the "compiz" package is installed08:03
LoofOk, much better08:04
j1solutionssorry, just testing wastebin08:04
Loofcompiz is installed08:04
Loofit removed emerald as part of the 7.10 upgrade08:04
wolsRedHeron: use a pastebin08:04
Loofbut it didn't install compiz-gnome08:04
Loofso I was stuck somewhere in between08:04
RedHeronwols: permission to PM the pastebin URL?08:04
jq`Daedric: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4779608:04
Loofthat was an easy fix08:04
Narissahas there been any fix for HWCursor in the series 7 drivers for nVidia?  right now I am forced to use Software cursor which causes ogl graphical issues08:04
x_what's the terminal command for auto Num . pad keys ON in linux startup ?!08:04
pingany one know of drivers for a lexmark  x2480 it would be extremely helpful08:04
LoofOk, next question... cpudyn/cpufreq are never upping the freq. on my speedstep based throttling08:04
LoofThey stay at the 'low' speed no matter what the load08:05
uCHobbyHello all.. I'm a newbie.. Learning Linux with Debian on VMPlayer08:05
Daedricjq`, try this!! unplug the device... wait some seconds.. and replug back in... and... dmesg | grep usb08:05
wolshanzou: what driver version?08:05
Daedricsee if something new showed up08:05
jq`Daedric: Ok.08:05
wolsRedHeron: k08:05
x_ what's the terminal command for auto Num . pad keys ON in linux startup ?!08:06
RedHeronwols: Not sure what to do from there, since I've been Googling for 30 hours now and starting to exhaust possibilities... and that URL you gave me timed out.08:07
jq`Daedric: Nothing new :/08:07
meng<kitofhawaii> touch now says the directories are not directories08:07
Daedricjq`, damn... in windows works fine ?08:07
RedHeronwols: I meant the pythonwiki tutorial.08:07
jq`Daedric: In the past yes. But I haven't used windows in a while.08:07
Daedricjq`, even if unkown...08:08
Daedricsomething must have poped in dmesg08:08
wolsRedHeron: http://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Programmers?highlight=%28BeginnersGuide%2F%2908:08
Daedriccan you try a pen drive ?08:08
Daedricusb drive?08:08
kitofhawaiimeng: can you try touching just one of them?08:08
wolsRedHeron: and since you aren't identified to services, you cannot /PM other people so I didn't get anything08:09
RedHeronwols: that one's working. :-)08:09
LoofWow, no response on the CPU issue :>08:09
jq`Daedric: My dad may have one laying around. I'll see. Is there anything I'd need to install for comm ports to work?08:09
LoofOh well, I had high hopes after how easy the compiz issue was :)08:09
Daedricjq`, usb is pretty... working out of the box.08:09
demonotakuok im getting completely baffled at this08:09
Daedricthat type of problem... hasn't happend in years...08:09
LoofOne last _ODD_ question... Any way to edit a windows 'registry' from inside of Linux?08:09
demonotakuregurlar ubuntu didn't have this problem08:09
Daedricmuch less in ubuntu.08:09
j1solutionsdaedric, will you take a look at /var/log/messages08:10
Daedricj1solutions, past it08:10
alan_hey guys, im trying to install deskbar applet yet i get this message "could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 permission denied)08:10
alan_how can i get around this08:10
Daedricj1solutions, is the hardrive still working crazy ?08:10
j1solutionsnow, no08:11
Daedricmessages seems clean08:11
jq`Daedric: USB Stick did not work.08:11
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/etc/acpi$ ./sleep.sh force; + . /etc/default/acpi-support; ++ ACPI_SLEEP=true." What does the '++' mean?08:11
j1solutionson boot there is lots of actiivty though08:11
Daedricjq`, did you dmesg'ed ?08:11
jq`Daedric: Yes, and nothing has showed up.08:11
Daedricj1solutions, did you try the alt+f1 tech ?08:11
Daedricjq`, ok08:11
Daedricwhat computer is it ?08:11
j1solutionsibm t40 shrinkpad08:12
jq`Daedric: HP Pavilion zv500008:12
Daedricthat ODD08:12
Chumbyi have 2 screens connected - how do i set up the second?08:12
Daedrichave you tried other usb ports ?08:12
RedHeronwols: get it that time?08:12
jq`Daedric: Tried all 3.08:13
Daedricjq`, i'm :O08:13
Daedriccan't think very well now... 8am here.08:13
jq`Lol. Up all night?08:13
=== mark__ is now known as mark[oz]
Chumbythe first screen works fine - there is only one section devices in the xorg file08:14
j1solutionsDaedric, what about the deskbar thing, is it indexing or something08:14
Daedricj1solutions, beats me... the confusion is.. DURING BOOT08:14
meng<kitofhawaii>things turned out well, i think08:14
j1solutionsDaedric, i'll go do the alt f1 thing and come back08:14
wolsRedHeron: yes08:14
j1solutionsyesh, during boot08:15
mengpackage finally installed08:15
Daedricjq`, i've just dmesg | grep usb here... its exactly EQUAL to yours...08:15
j1solutionsi'll be back08:15
Daedricj1solutions, ok08:15
kitofhawaiimeng: all well now?08:15
y123h_ Try /join #<channel>08:15
alan_guys what should i do to correct the following "could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (!3 permission denied) unable to lock admin directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root08:15
j1solutions/sbin/shutdown -r now jackass08:15
RedHeronwols: Hitachi claimed that their drives never had a master password, contrary to the output.08:15
alan_i have no idea08:15
jq`Daedric: I donno :/ Maybe I should install the new fancy ubuntu I got in the mail the other day.08:15
Daedricalan_, close synaptic08:15
Daedricjq`, whats your ubuntu ?08:16
Daedric7.04 ?08:16
jq`Daedric: Not sure? Is there a command that I can type to see?08:16
Daedricjq`, w808:16
CosMiC_HI @ ALL08:16
jq`Oh man, it came with stickers in the mail this time?!08:17
kitofhawaiiCosMiC_: hello :) caps @ off :)08:17
CosMiC_kitofhawaii: Ahoi, gebongt08:18
Daedricjq`, came with stickers the last 3 times...08:18
Daedriccat /etclsb-release08:18
Daedriccat /etc/lsb-release08:18
Daedricdo it...08:18
alan_daedric, i just quit synaptic package manager and still same eror08:18
jq`Daedric: Well then I guess I have a really old version than :P08:19
Daedricalan_, lsof | grep /var/lib/dpkg/lock08:19
Daedrictry it08:19
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lista - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:19
xTheGoat121xEvening all08:19
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/etc/acpi$ ./sleep.sh force; + . /etc/default/acpi-support; ++ ACPI_SLEEP=true." What does the '++' mean?08:19
Daedricit will tell you wich process has a lock on the given file.08:19
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:19
jq`Daedric: No such file or directory08:19
Daedricjq`, really ?08:20
jq`Daedric: Would I lie to you?08:20
Daedricnotice jq` cat lsb-release08:20
DaedricDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 7.10"08:20
soldatsDaedric, he may need to sudo it08:20
Daedricsoldats, not to read :)08:20
Daedricat least... i'm not root08:20
mREDhey guys08:20
xTheGoat121xMight as well ask again.08:21
jq`soldats: sudo just made the window close on me :P08:21
Suntop|PS3i have given up08:21
alan_daedric, still not working08:21
Daedricjq`, your installation is probably foobar...08:21
mREDcan u temme if theres an equivalent to this in Ubuntu http://www.hybridgeotools.com/html/3d_route_builder.html08:21
soldatsjq`, wierd that it soed that08:21
xTheGoat121xAnyone in here know how I can change the colors of my volume popup?08:21
Daedricalan_, what ?lsof didn't give you anything ?08:21
N4rissaIs there a solution to get HWCursor functioning on gutsy with an nVidia card?08:21
jq`Daedric: I'm prob running like 5.04 lol I didn't get stickers when I got the current in the mail it was a while ago. And if they've done it for the last 3 times then I'm far behind.08:22
peppothi. I've installed the ubuntu live cd to my usb mem stick, according to http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar ... and I'm wondering, is the idea that I'll do an install onto the ext2 partition, or do I continue using the "persistent" live session?08:22
Daedricjq`, in ubuntu... 05.04 means April 200508:22
Daedriclast realeas was 7.10... October 200708:22
Daedricyou're WAY behind fella :D08:23
peppotbecause I have the casper-rw drive, but I don't have any permissions to write to it, etc, and applications are installed onto "liveusb".08:23
peppot any clues?08:23
jq`Daedric: I'm going to pop in that new pretty cd with new pretty people on it and see what happens.08:23
mREDhello ! any solutions please08:23
Daedricjq`, good... good luck :D08:23
kitofhawaiijq': i'd say backup first :)08:24
mREDneed a linux alternative to this http://www.hybridgeotools.com/html/3d_route_builder.html08:24
pingpeppot no you want to install but should do some research first on the partitions to make i have three one for my boot one for my swap and one for every thing else08:24
alan_daedric, is there a way i can get rid of synaptic if i don't need it08:24
pingit runs so much faster installed obviously08:24
jq`kitofhawaii: I have nothing to backup. Just like my internet favs which I don't need. I don't do much on the computer.08:24
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:24
peppotping: well, this is supposed to run off the usb mem. there is already a ready-made ext2 partition, and I'm wondering if I'm supposed to do a proper install on it. that guide does not detail this.08:25
kitofhawaiijq': just a standard disclaimer i toss in :)08:25
jq`This is awesome. The cd is just going chickavrrrrrrr chickavrrrrrrr chickavrrrrrrr08:25
vgermrkis there a "rsync"-like way to sync with a ftp-server?08:25
jq`Thats my best I could do with typing out the sound.08:25
N4rissaIs there a solution to get HWCursor functioning on gutsy with an nVidia card?08:26
jq`Maybe it's because of the tortilla chip stuff all over my hands :P08:26
pingpeppot so you are running off a usb port that's got to be inconvient08:26
peppotping, that's the entire point, this system is to be used at a shared computer.08:27
pingoh well if you are on a shared com then it makes sense08:27
pingso what partition is it running on in the external memory right now?08:28
G3v3rcan someone recommend an openvpn client?08:28
peppotanyhow, is there anyone with experience with putting a livecd on a usb memory stick (according to http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar )? I'm confused about if I should do the install onto "casper-rw" or not08:28
peppotping: that guide sets up a 750mb partition where the livecd is "copied" onto, and another ext2 partition with the rest of the system...08:29
G3v3rI tried Kvpnc but don't really like it08:29
kitofhawaiiG3v3r: what type of vpn are you trying to connect to?08:30
peppot'cause right now there's 34MB free on the "liveusb" partition08:30
N4rissaIs there a solution to get HWCursor functioning on gutsy with an nVidia card?08:30
mikessanyone tell me what version of alsa Hardy has?08:31
mikessAnyone using Hardy?08:32
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: yar08:33
kitofhawaiiG3v3r: i'm sorry...i only work with cisco vpn08:34
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: make/give me a Cisco switch admin password resetter/cracker..08:34
Stevethepiratei've forgotten the one for here :908:35
kitofhawaiisteven_Office: for recreational use? o.O08:36
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: Well.08:36
Stevethepiratethe one at the office here08:36
Stevethepirateis designed to route for single server08:36
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: why not just reset the password?08:36
Stevethepirate.... how?08:37
Stevethepiratethats what i'm saying08:37
=== \etc\bin is now known as e1mer
N4rissaI am not being critical here, but I have asked this question regarding the nvidia drivers and ubuntu 20 ish times.  my result has been immediate silence, not even a common curtosy of a no.  I know I can't be the only nvidia user on there, so I ask what is the problem?  why is this the responce I get?08:37
StevethepirateN4rissa: people come and go.08:37
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: it's a bit offtopic here :) but you have to break the boot cycle (depends on the device) and then reset it from rommon08:37
StevethepirateI've spammed a problem for 10 hours before someone helped me fix it.08:37
desertcN4rissa: What in the world is HWcursor ?08:38
N4rissaI apologize this problem just crustrates me to no end.08:38
bazhangwhat is hwcursor?08:38
N4rissadesertc: it's an option in xorg.conf that chooses between your hardware rendering your cursor for your mouse or the software08:38
N4rissathe difference is that using software cursor around ogl with screw it up pretty bad08:39
bazhangwhat's ogl08:39
N4rissaOpen GL08:39
bazhangwhat are you trying to do that the software wont allow?08:40
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: if you want to know how for a specific device, just pm me and i'll explain/breakdown the pw crack routine08:40
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: okay. i'll do it when i return to work.08:40
StevethepirateAfter holidays08:40
StevethepirateBut essentially, it uses the same password as part of the firewall and proxy.08:41
N4rissabazhag: me???08:41
StevethepirateSo i'd like a way to -get- the password.08:41
StevethepirateNot just reset it.08:41
bazhangyes narissa08:41
RedHeronOkay... need another tactic.08:41
N4rissabazhang: use my mouse cursor in Open GL applications08:42
kitofhawaiisteven_Office: if pw-encryption service module was enabled on them, the enable pw is uncrackable (one way encryption) but it's 50/50 whether someone turned that on08:42
anathematicwhat is a good ftp server for ubuntu server? :)08:42
bazhangwhich ones N4rissa08:42
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: sorry...steve: is obviously resolving to someone else :)08:42
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: well. One way encrpytion is not uncrackable.08:43
StevethepirateWindows uses one way encrpytion08:43
StevethepirateFor example.08:43
StevethepirateAnd it can be cracked with rainbow tables in < 10 mins.08:44
N4rissabazhang: my desktop is a start, without the xorg.conf being told to use software I have no mouse cursor or just a distorted block of color.  Most OGL games08:44
bazhangN4rissa: is this some special mouse? or a problem with your video card?08:45
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: yes, but that's not backed by md5 hardware...unless you rip the rom out i suppose08:45
N4rissabazhang: video, the mouse is just a plain old 3 button mouse08:46
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: well, one could just manually try brute for it.08:46
N4rissabazhang: it seems to be rooted in Ubuntu08:46
bazhangN4rissa: what video card, what computer, how old, how much vram08:46
N4rissabazhang: nVidia GeForce 7300 GT, home built, less than a year old, 512 AGP 8x08:47
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: aye. but more than likely you have a type 7 password (those are crackable) that's the same as the enable pw, or the service-mod was never turned on (unless someone was uber-security conscious)08:48
wolsN4rissa: which driver version?08:48
adughephi all08:48
bazhangN4rissa: I have a similar card, though only 256MB vram--could it be that the drivers don't support that card yet?08:48
N4rissawols: 100.14.1908:48
Zeddiehas anybody had the console not work with x1600 mobility radeons?08:48
ZeddieI just get a black screen for the console08:48
Zeddieyet in X it works fine08:48
N4rissabazhang: they are supported08:48
RedHeronwols: new data at the bottom: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47798/08:48
adughepi have a problem in ubuntu 6.1008:49
adughepi cant use comma characters in bash version 3.1108:49
anathematicdoes anyone know a good ftp server?08:49
bazhangN4rissa: what does it say in the monitor settings for card and driver? something like nv and nvidia?08:49
adughepfind -name ´*file*´ does not work08:49
N4rissabazhang: nvidia on the card,08:50
adughepso the above command was typed using the key near the big enter08:51
adughepandit does not work like other distro08:51
slytherinplease tell me how to get access to all the folders of hfsplus drive of Mac OS X from Ubuntu08:51
adughepis there some special charset set08:51
RedHeronanathematic: sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd pureadmin08:51
anathematicRedHeron: lol thanks very direct answer08:52
bazhangN4rissa: what about the driver? nvidia for the card and nv for the driver?08:52
adughepanathematic, or use vsftpd08:52
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd08:52
noiesmoN4rissa, check file /etc/X11/xorg.conf make sure it says nvidia not nv under Section Device Driver08:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ftpserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:52
ubotuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP08:52
RedHeronvsftpd is more difficult to administer, though starts out in a nearly-locked mode.08:53
N4rissanoiesmo: it's nvidia08:53
perfectorRedHeron: wht do u thing abt proftp08:53
Box|UKmanaged to crash my system  last night after trying to install ati drivers recovered by typing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but still have problem with driver08:53
bazhangN4rissa: my card is listed as nv and my driver is listed as nvidia--sounds like there is an issue with xorg08:53
adughepso does any one knows why comma character does not from a terminal work in ubuntu 6.1008:53
adughepfind -name ´*foo*´ does not work08:53
slytherinBox|UK: ati drivers form where? and which card?08:53
RedHeronadughep: try: find / | grep foo08:54
Box|UKxpress 200 onboard ati08:54
noiesmoN4rissa, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log see if its complaining about mismatch modules08:54
StevethepirateIs there a way, or does ubuntu automatically use Turbocache?08:54
adughepRedHeron, yes but i want to use comma i know the specifi fodler wher it might be / is just too much08:54
Box|UKinstalled through restricted driver08:54
RedHeronadughep: find /path/to/folder | grep foo08:55
StevethepirateBox|UK: was that at me?08:55
perfectorim trying to setup dnsmasq as a caching nameserver and its just not working08:55
StevethepirateWell, installing nvidia restricted driver should enable it? Right?08:55
RedHeronperfector: proftp... dunno.08:55
slytherinBox|UK: ok. so what is problem exactly now?08:55
noiesmoN4rissa, how did you install nvidia driver thru apt-get or from nvidia.com08:55
adughepRedHeron, ah yes that works too :D ..but i am more interesting in using comma for other things08:55
adughepso i want to make it worked fine08:55
Box|UKstew slytherin  asked the question but your more than welcome to jump in08:55
RedHeronadughep, comma?08:56
N4rissanoiesmo: no complaints08:56
desertcWhat's with everyone wanting these very unique hardware solutions working in Ubuntu by default?08:56
adughepRedHeron, the key near the big Enter08:56
Box|UKslytherin,  i have managed to configure screen resoloution but  for 3d effects i think i need a new card08:56
noiesmoN4rissa, what excatly is the problem your having agian08:56
desertcThere's a guy in the forums who wants to know why his guitar amp software isn't working...08:56
adughepthis is what i type is ´  or ¨08:56
desertcWhy would you need software for an amp, anyway?08:57
RedHeronadughep: I see tick and umlaut08:57
anathematicwhat's a good irc server for ubuntu?08:57
Stevethepiratengircd is quite nice08:57
Box|UKtyped fglrxinfo and the ati driver is set up there08:57
adughepRedHeron, yes are on thesame key08:57
RedHeronanathematic: I use unreal08:57
N4rissanoiesmo: that unless specified in xorg.conf to SWCursor, I have no mouse cursor.  the problem with SWCursor is it screws up OGL rendering of the cursor08:57
bazhangN4rissa: I think noiesmo has it right--where did you install the drivers from?08:57
slytherinBox|UK: No. you just need to be patient. Perhaps the support for your card is not good enough and it will improve eventually08:57
StevethepirateI use it at university for our server... +/- 1000 people.08:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about irc-server - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:57
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:57
N4rissabazhang: nVidia site08:57
adughepi forgot the English spell for them08:57
RedHeronadughep: not on my keyboard! (US)08:57
Box|UKslytherin,  thanks for help08:57
kitofhawaiidesertc: possibly for software based effects processing...and yes that's an odd request (in that case...i'd be using what the hardware supports)08:57
n00biedoes anyone here use  moc (music on console)?  how can i make it play aac-files ?08:58
desertcBox|UK: Did you check on the Ubuntu Forums for people having the same problem?08:58
RedHeronanathematic: permission to PM?08:58
anathematicRedHeron: i might give it a try08:58
bazhangN4rissa: I got mine from the repos , and everything works great 3d, open gl, etc08:58
StevethepirateIs Dell Wireless 1390 802.11b/g Mini-card supported in ubuntu?08:58
anathematicRedHeron: sure08:58
adughepRedHeron, LANG=en_US.UTF-8 is LANGUAGE=en_US:en08:58
desertcStevethepirate: What chipset does the wireless use?08:58
bazhangStevethepirate: do you have ubuntu installed atm?08:58
Box|UKyea some had a lot of success others less fortunate  ill tweak some more now i know how to  backdate the driver :)08:58
noiesmoN4rissa, i would recommend uninstall nvidia.com site and use restricted repo for ubuntu version08:58
adughepthis key ´ should be orizontal08:59
Stevethepiratedesertc: no clue.. looking at this laptop online..08:59
N4rissanoiesmoL got a link with the steps08:59
noiesmoN4rissa, as bazhang said no problems and same here08:59
Stevethepiratebazhang: naught..08:59
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:59
S6Returnshi..can anyone help me with flashplayer stuff in ubuntu gutsy...adobe says it doesnt support x86_64 architecture09:00
bazhangStevethepirate: best to get something with intel wireless (if you want guaranteed out of the box wireless) preferably internal and the 3945abg09:00
N4rissaI'll give it a shot guys and pray like all heck09:00
adughep        and the commas ¨ should be bigger as even find -name ¨*foo*¨ does not work09:00
=== imbrando1 is now known as imbrandon
Stevethepiratebazhang: if its broadcom wireless, is that a probleM/09:00
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava09:00
speedhunt3rhow/where do i install a set of downloaded icons?09:01
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 looks like it's supported by ndiswrapper09:01
bazhangStevethepirate: not always09:01
Stevethepiratehmm.. okay. thats good then.09:01
LimCoreKipina is an application that fails to star up in Ubuntu. For over half-year so far.... Anyone gone fix that bug?09:01
StevethepirateWish that flipping dell would let me get ubuntu preinstalled..09:01
Stevethepiratewould save -soo- much money.09:01
Box|UKahhhh its to do with the rendering ill read some more  looks like everythings set up apart from rendering09:01
N4rissaand again thank you for teh start09:01
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: you can, but the pickings are slim09:01
Stevethepirate"The pickings"?09:02
N4rissaand jsut so you guys know, deep in the forums is a thread saying that this is not an uncommon problem and it's being "investigated"09:02
LimCoredoes ubuntu have some "boss" that can get things running?09:02
bazhangStevethepirate: which dell laptop?09:02
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: for laptops they only offer the inspiron 1420 N with ubuntu09:02
adughepRedHeron, so do you know why the above cant work here09:02
bazhangLimCore: yeah, you and us :}09:02
RedHeronWhy what above?09:02
LimCorebazhang: we have application that is broken for half year - doesnt start... how to fix it09:03
LimCoreeither kick it out or fix it09:03
adughepfind -name ¨*foo*¨09:03
adughepthis dont work09:03
bazhangLimCore: broken? what app? what versionof ubuntu?09:03
adughepand the file is there as find /path/to/foo | grep foo works09:03
LimCorehttp://kipina.sourceforge.net/  <-- seems to be discontinuued09:03
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: 14" screen, so i mean it's not like the pick of the litter laptops09:03
LimCorebazhang:   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kipina/+bug/9584209:03
desertcLimCore: You can buy technical support, otherwise you're expected to get involved to fix the code.09:03
bazhangLimCore: what does it do?09:03
LimCorebazhang:  follow either of the links09:04
bazhangStevethepirate: what laptop are you thinking of getting--best to do some research on teh google before settling on one09:04
Stevethepiratebazhang: inspiron 152009:04
bazhangLimCore: just tell me09:04
Stevethepiratewww.dell.co.za doesn't have a 1420 option..09:04
LimCorebazhang: training log09:04
desertcKipina is a free training log software for athletes to log their physical activities.09:05
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=577469&highlight=1520 Stevethepirate09:05
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: be back in a sec.. toile.09:05
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: maybe it's only a US option... http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x09:05
Stevethepirateyeah.. that would suck.09:06
desertcThis is a universe package, so expect the fix to come from the original developer09:06
speedhunt3rhow do i install downloaded icons?09:06
kane77hi... what program can I use to convert video (divx, xvid or such) into a dvd?09:07
desertckane77: I just read a great article about that!09:07
desertckane77: let me find it... *rummages around*09:08
kane77desertc, great...09:08
desertckane77: http://www.linuxgamingworld.com/2007/12/recording-a-dvd-of-your-own09:08
desertcIs that what you want?09:08
PeterPan_in windows you can type a symbol by holding alt and presing any number like  ali + 5589   and then release it.  after releasing the alt button. a sign/symbol appears.   i can not do this in linux. any way to do it?09:09
kane77desertc, thanx, yes that's pretty much it09:09
bazhangStevethepirate: the 3945wireless is an option on that computer--from the link you gave09:09
desertcPeterPan_: Use they keyboard settings09:09
DrUnKnMuNkYhey everyone. my dsl connection randomly drops every few hours. does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?09:09
slytherinkane77: use devede09:09
desertcDrUnKnMuNkY: call your isp ?09:09
PeterPan_desertc: where in. how?09:09
kane77slytherin, okay.. I'll try it09:09
fx|RabBithi all!09:10
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: verify your lease length for one...do a manual "sudo dhclient <yourinterface>" and see how long the lease is09:11
fx|RabBitwhat can i use to print to a pdf ducument?09:11
DrUnKnMuNkYdesertc: i think this is more of an issue with the software used for the connection or the configuration of the connection. i've called them but they don't seem to know too much about linux even though they try to be helpful.09:11
fx|RabBitprint to pdf/conver open office ducument to a pdf...?09:11
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: are you using a dsl router between you and the modem?09:11
desertcDrUnKnMuNkY: How is there "software" for the connection?  You mean TCP/IP ?09:12
* RedHeron idles for sleep.09:12
kitofhawaiidesertc: it's possible...the modem could be misinterpreting the dhcp lease renew (assuming it's being issued at all)09:12
rafael__if i have many versions o j2se installed, how can i choose09:14
rafael__what i want to run ?09:14
russanyone know how to get cam to work in kopete?09:14
rafael__please someone09:14
noiesmorafael__, update-java-alternatives i thinks09:15
rafael__let me see09:15
fx|RabBitwhat software du i use to print to a pdf document instead of to a printer?09:15
rafael__noiesmo, no =(09:15
bazhangfx|RabBit: in open office?09:16
fx|RabBitbazhang: yes09:16
russhello.  I was wondering if someone could help... i am trying to get a cam to run in kopete for both msn and yahoo, does anyone have any suggestions?09:17
erUSULfx|RabBit: install cups-pdf and add a "pdf printer" in System>Admin>Printers09:17
fx|RabBitawesome, thanx!09:17
mEck0dual monitors is working for me know, though my external TFT-screen is blurred. I think that it's because the update frequency is 60Hz instead of 75Hz? can you check? http://img45.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotterminalqy0.png  it's a 19" TFT with max res. 1280x1024@75hz, and my laptops max is 1280x800@60Hz. Is is what xrandr is showing=09:17
rafael__noiesmo, do u know where i can find th j2se 1.5 ?09:17
mosnodoes nvidia non-free driver "whitescreen" on anywone when logging out of the 2nd logged in Gnome user and returning to the 1st?09:17
erUSULfx|RabBit: also openoffice exports directly to pdf no need to have any extar software09:17
bazhangfx|RabBit: export as pdf then open it up and print doesn't work?09:17
mosnoi'm getting a whitescreen09:17
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: did you get the lease length?09:18
kane77what filesystem settings should I use when I'm burning video DVD in k3b?09:19
CroXHow can I set my SVN server daemon to start when the machine starts?09:19
erUSULrafael__: sudo upadate-alernatives --config java09:20
DrUnKnMuNkYkitofhawaii: it doesn't renew a lease when i use dhclient. the computer uses the pppoeconf script (pon dsl-provider) to connect as recommended at the link ubuto provides with !dsl. all i know is what i see in /var/log/messages. i think i may have just killed my connection by trying the sudo dhclient ppp009:20
desertckane77: You aren't following that guide I gave you, are you?09:20
russhello.  I was wondering if someone could help... i am trying to get a cam to run in kopete for both msn and yahoo, does anyone have any suggestions?09:20
rafael__thank u09:20
noiesmorafael__, the package is sun-j2re1.509:20
erUSULnoiesmo: rafael__ sun-java6-jre09:21
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre09:21
kane77desertc, I am, but I also have a already made dvd (VIDEO_TS) that I need to burn09:21
rafael__noiesmo, thanks all09:21
PeterPan_in windows you can type a symbol by holding alt and presing any number like  ali + 5589   and then release it.  after releasing the alt button. a sign/symbol appears.   i can not do this in linux. any way to do it?09:21
desertcruss: Sorry, kapete is not a default application, you may want to check the forums or google09:21
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: i would suggest using a dsl router between you and the dsl modem. pppoe can be hit or miss imo09:21
desertckane77: Oh, just use the gnome default application to burn the directories09:21
russdesertc, thanks mate, will do09:21
kane77desertc, okay.. thanx09:22
astro76russ, try #kubuntu09:22
desertckane77: it says that at the bottom of the article, I think09:22
russastro76, thanks09:22
rafael__erUSUL, if i install the sun-java6 can i remove the j2se 1.4 ?09:22
wolsrafael__: yes09:22
DrUnKnMuNkYkitofhawaii: that's what i've considered doing. any idea how easy it would be to change all my shorewall rules to accomodate that?09:22
passbecrweb:  no luck all day 2day, i think its just not going to happen09:22
rafael__wols, so.. why this new java is not the default in the installation ?09:23
ScriptDevilanyone, i am getting only 2 workspaces at the most. How do i increase it to 4?09:23
rxKaffeeany reason not to delete /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ?09:23
noiesmorxKaffee, no09:23
noiesmorxKaffee, apt-get clean does it09:23
rafael__rxKaffee, maybe u will not able to use aptoncd later09:23
rafael__noiesmo, aptoncd doesnt need the cache ?09:23
scorpfromhellaptoncd needs the cache09:24
rafael__erUSUL, too big =) thank u09:24
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: would it be necessary to remove the rules? honestly anyway if you're behind a dsl router, most of your software firewall rules can go away unless you do port mapping on the router09:24
noiesmorafael__, if you got plenty space leave it other wise you can clear it09:24
rxKaffeegreat :D thanks guys!09:25
rafael__noiesmo, yes. but u can make an aptoncd before to clean the cache09:25
rafael__noiesmo, i dont use aptoncd anyway :) last time i tried i hava a bad experience09:25
adughephow can i change the   keyboard layout in ubuntu09:25
noiesmorafael__, if you want09:25
noiesmorafael__, :)09:25
DrUnKnMuNkYkitofhawaii: i'll see what i can figure out. thanks09:25
rafael__noiesmo, problems with skype, and everythings required the CD.. so i gave up .. now i hate aptoncd lol09:25
noiesmorafael__, lol, i suppose if no fast internet access could be handy09:26
onatswhat's the command to copy files from ssh to my local directories, while i'm browsing the remote pc?09:27
rafael__noiesmo, my internet is too slow. but i preffer to install everything again when i creat new label.. aptoncd is not to me.. =)09:27
desertckitofhawaii: Are you in Hawaii ?09:27
adugheponats, scp09:27
kitofhawaiiDrUnKnMuNkY: good luck :) linux or not, i'd never stick a box directly on the internet (sure it works, but why tempt fate?) :)09:27
kitofhawaiidesertc: yes, oahu :)09:27
ScriptDevili am able to get only 2 workspaces on compiz+gnome. How do i increase it to 409:27
onatsadughep, thanks09:27
desertckitofhawaii: The Ubuntu Local Community teams are looking for someone to lead a state team there.09:27
onatsadughep, so i shouldn't be connected?09:28
onatsi need to be able to copy out a file, while i'm connected to an ssh session to another machine... how do i do that?09:28
adughepno need scp connects using ssh protocol and fetch the files09:28
chazcoHi.. how can I associate a file types (.doc, .tmd and quite a few others) with an application on Ubuntu? I'd also like to be able to set an icon for the types that are unable to generate previews if possible (based on extension i'd expect)09:28
desertckitofhawaii: Check with the good folks in #ubuntu-us about it, when it is not so late...09:28
adughepssh you use to see the files and do other things on remote server09:29
kitofhawaiidesertc: hmmn...that does sound like fun :) i'll check it out :)09:29
Eric2what do you say09:29
onatsso is there anyway i can do it while i'm connected?09:29
kane77ScriptDevil, have you got compizconfig installed?09:32
adugheponats, yes try it man scp09:32
dooglusjust booted gutsy.  it tells me there are updates.  I let it apply them, and it tells me there's a "404 Not Found" error.  Are there updates or not?09:32
onatsadughep, ayt. tnx09:32
dooglus"W: Failed to fetch http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libc/libcairo/libcairo2-dev_1.4.10-1ubuntu4.2_i386.deb"09:32
adughephow can i change the   keyboard layout in ubuntu 6.10 ???09:32
dooglusadughep: the key tops should just lift off09:33
FjodorHey, does anyone know why compizconfig-settings-manager isn't backported, when the other compiz-stuff is?09:33
lynucsafter looking at the folliwing screenshot, maybe someone could say, why the mozilla-firefox-adblock isn't working in my iceape? I guess it isn't normal, that the adblock need write grants in the browser dir??09:33
bazhangadughep: amd?09:33
adughep amd ?09:34
adughepwhy this matters ?09:35
bazhangbug with amd09:35
adughepis an Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.13GHz09:35
PeterPan_i have paswords with these chars from windows09:35
dooglusadughep: run gnome-keyboard-properties ?09:35
bazhanghttp://blog.dotkam.com/2007/06/25/custom-keyboard-layout-in-ubuntu-or-just-linux/ adughep09:36
adughepdooglus, bazhang ok thanks09:36
bazhangno worries :}09:37
adughepbazhang, also other question .. how i configure alsa for a user09:37
adughepalsamixer as root is ok09:37
adughepbut as user sais snd_ctl no device09:37
bazhangadughep: no idea, sorry09:37
CroXHow do I make something autostart? I have put a scrip file in /etc/init.d/ but it's not automatically run at boot.09:37
adughepand if i run /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop09:37
adughepthen start09:37
wolsCroX: man update-rc.d09:37
dooglusCroX: link it from /etc/rcS.d09:38
adughepthe alsa-utils just mute my sound09:38
adughepeven if i saved it fine with alsactl store before09:38
CroXwols, dooglus: Thanks, I'll check that out.09:38
CroXdooglus: ln -s script.sh /etc/rcS.d ?09:38
Styleeis ther a way to colaps evolution in information bar?09:39
white_eaglehello, i can't run the original xchat, whenever i try to start it nothing shows up!09:39
white_eaglei'm running the gnome version of xchat09:39
dooglusCroX: actually, I'm not sure...  I thought that's what I was using, but I'm not.  I have:09:39
doogluslrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Oct 24 23:35 /etc/rc2.d/S99chris -> ../init.d/chris09:39
CroXdooglus: That's init2 and that'll run at boot?09:40
dooglusCroX: your ln -s command doesn't look right.  the first argument should have some /'s in it09:40
Box|UK fglrxinfo  Xlib:  extension "ATIFGLRXDRI" missing on display ":0.0".09:40
Box|UKWarning, xpress200 detected.09:40
Box|UKError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual!09:40
dooglusCroX: that'll run when you enter runlevel 209:40
\`slushpuppy`\hi, is there a way to make ubuntu boot from different driver files?09:40
Box|UKgrrr getting somewhere yet nowhere09:40
dooglusCroX: I'm guessing that's the default runlevel.  CroX: type "runlevel" to find out09:40
CroXI'm at 2.09:41
CroXdooglus: Alright, I'll try placing a link there then. Thanks!09:41
dooglusCroX: right.  so it'll run at boot then...09:41
dooglusCroX: the link has to have a name like mine 'S99foo' - S for Start, <nn> for the order to run things, and a name without dots09:42
CroXdooglus: Ahh. Yeah, I notice the names in there now.09:42
Box|UKhelp .... in restricted drivers it says Ati acccelarated graphics card Enabled but not in use i cant turn it on09:44
mEck0what and exacly where do I write to change my monitors update freq. to 75Hz? my dual monitors are working now, though the external TFT are running on 60Hz which makes the picture blurry :(09:45
Zemp_I have a problem with gusty, when I select the ubuntu option from grub, it says "starting up" and gives me a blank screen for a few minutes and then shows the gnome login screen.. What could be the problem?09:46
mojito_Zemp_, try doing ctrl+alt+f1 during this "black screen"09:47
mojito_it should make it go faster...09:47
mojito_in order to get rid of this annoyance, i found that running startup-manager and saving the config fixes this09:48
PeterPan_in windows you can type a symbol by holding alt and presing any number like  ali + 5589   and then release it.  after releasing the alt button. a sign/symbol appears.   i can not do this in linux. any way to do it?09:48
DevyllI'm at work and I need to conenct via Remote Desktop Connection to my home PC (I have windows on both my laptop and PC) . MY home PC is on a LAN under my UBUNTU SERVER . How can I forward RDP port on UBUNTU gateway to the specified lan ip (ip of my home pc) ?09:48
qwertyzserver irc.tin.it09:50
in-pinkoall sleeping?09:51
=== godfrey is now known as godfreyhk
Zemp_looks like it09:52
JaymacPeterPan_, yes there is09:52
Zemp_I think I'll delay fixing my gusty issues till tomorrow09:52
JaymacPeterPan_, System>Preferences>Keyboard09:52
abhihow do i get compiz to work for i965?? it's not working for me while on i950GMA it's working very well09:52
Zemp_need to get some sleep.. thanks all I'll see you later09:52
godfreyhksorry guys i've a rails problem.. i should have asked it in #rubyonrails channel but for some reason i can't register myself there09:52
JaymacPeterPan_, Go to Layout Options09:52
magnetron!register > godfreyhk09:53
in-pinko[12:57:20] <in-pinko> all sleeping?09:53
PeterPan_Jaymac:  using kubuntu09:53
godfreyhk!register > godfreyhk09:54
godfreyhklike this?09:54
JaymacPeterPan_, I guess you click on the K then, and go to system settings or something09:54
Jaymacand look for a keyboard utility09:54
PeterPan_Jaymac: i can see keyboard. but no lay out options09:54
PeterPan_in it09:54
JaymacPeterPan_, sorry, don't have KDE installed anywhere to go looking09:54
Jaymactry #kubuntu perhaps09:55
in-pinkoFloodBot2, hello)09:55
PeterPan_Jaymac:  k09:56
godfreyhkhmm i connected to the channel and got redirected to #register-with-nickserv then i followed the instructions but there's no reply09:56
godfreyhki /msg-ed nickserv with several commands but it said nothing09:57
mosnogodfreyhk: check status window of server?09:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about x3100 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:57
Jaymacthe command is /msg nickserv register email@address password (I think) - is that what you tried godfreyhk ?09:57
Jaymachi in-pinko09:57
jendaAnyone know what jack audio connection kit is for?09:57
Jaymachappy? :)09:58
abhican any one tell me how to get compiz working on the x3100?09:58
godfreyhksorry i'm a bit new to irc... where can i see the status window? (i'm using xchat)09:58
Jaymacgodfreyhk, on the left09:58
Jaymacyou should see a tab called Ubuntu Servers, beneath which is the #ubuntu channel listing09:58
godfreyhki see i'm connected to FreeNode#register-with-nickserv and Ubuntu Server#ubuntu09:59
godfreyhki tried /msg nickserv register myemail@host password but still no reply09:59
godfreyhkam i supposed to do that HERE instead?09:59
Jaymacclick on Ubuntu Servers10:00
Jaymacand do it there10:00
PriceChildgodfreyhk, the status window is "Ubuntu Servers" top left10:00
PriceChild!register | godfreyhk10:00
ubotugodfreyhk: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration10:00
godfreyhkoppppps i got it10:00
godfreyhkthanks everyone :)10:00
earlmredanybody know if there's a way to get sound blaster xfi cards to work in linux?10:00
earlmredor do i need to pull it out and go back to onboard =\10:01
godfreyopps client crashed10:01
godfreybtw i guess that's a bug.. everytime i change my nick it crashes10:01
godfreyat least on FreeNodes10:01
Jaymacearlmred, there are 64bit drivers available: http://blackbox.lostwave.net/x-fi/readme.txt10:01
=== godfrey is now known as godfreyhk
bqmasseytheres something im trying to install.. i downloaded the .bz2 file.. and im reading INSTALL.. it lists dependencies.. how do i check to see if i have them?10:02
Jaymacearlmred, driver available here: http://ca.creative.com/support/downloads/download.asp?MainCategory=209&nRegionFK=&nCountryFK=&nLanguageFK=&sOSName=Linux&region=1&Product_Name=Sound+Blaster+X-Fi+Fatal1ty&Product_ID=14000&modelnumber=&driverlang=1033&OS=12&drivertype=0&x=22&y=1110:02
PriceChildbqmassey, what are you trying to install?10:02
earlmredJaymac, i treid the official ones, tried to say my card wasn't supported10:02
bqmasseyPriceChild:  a porn dialer10:02
Jaymacbuilt from source?10:02
earlmredJaymac, yeah, but i'll try your steps listed there10:03
bqmasseyPriceChild:  http://www.luminal.org/wiki/index.php/IMMS/IMMS10:03
Jaymacearlmred, here's a thread on the subject: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239981&page=310:03
PriceChildThat's not a porn dialer bqmassey?10:04
mEck0does anyone know how to change a monitors upd. frequency from 60 to 75Hz in xorg.conf?10:04
bqmasseyPriceChild:  i was kidding10:04
wolsmEck0: TFT or CRT monitor?10:04
mEck0wols, tft10:04
PriceChildbqmassey, sudo apt-get install imms10:04
wolsmEck0: tfts have not refresh freuqency10:05
PriceChildbqmassey, OR if you really want to build it still... sudo apt-get build-dep imms, then compile it10:05
wolsmEck0: they run at 50 or 60Hz depending and that's it. no way to change10:05
PriceChildbqmassey, I'd advise you use the one in the repos though.10:05
bqmasseyPriceChild:  ok10:05
kane77desertc, are you still here?10:05
bqmasseyPriceChild:  thanks10:06
godfreyhki'm still trying to get into the rails channel... but at the mean time perhaps i could just ask my question here.. i installed ruby/rdoc/irb/gem from apt-get, everything works fine; then i installed rails (and its friends) via gem.. it seems to work fine; then i tried rails myapp and i got a bash command not found10:06
mEck0wols, hmm okay, because I'm testing dual monitors (my laptop screen and a 19" TFT) and they has right resolution, but the 19" monitors picture is blurry :( the result from xrandr looks like: http://img45.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotterminalqy0.png10:06
godfreyhkit used to work in feisty.. i think it's a path problem?10:06
godfreyhki think gem installed rails to somew here like /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.1  was that supposed to happen?10:07
wolsgodfreyhk: dpkg -L >rails package>10:08
wolsit will tell you where it'S suposed to go10:08
passbedoes anyone own a twinhan usb tv tuner, and have it running under the latest ubuntu ?10:08
chilli_does any1 know how ot work asid dvd rip10:08
bazhangpassbe: for what?10:08
earlmredJaymac, that file to download from creative doesn't seem to have any source to patch, just an installer script?10:08
passbebazhang:  i cannot seem to get mine to work properly10:09
=== Morticed is now known as Mortice
bazhangpassbe: for what?10:09
passbebazhang:  sorry what do you mean ? what type of tuner ?10:09
chilli_Does anyone know how to use acidri[10:09
Tokeiitogood day10:09
bazhangpassbe: use it for what?10:09
passbebazhang:  to watch tv10:09
pkhis this the right place to discuss driver updates?10:10
chilli_Does anyone know how to use acidrip10:10
godfreyhkwols: i got bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'10:10
bazhangpassbe: heard of geexbox?10:10
pkhthat was vague...  i want to discuss the procedure of getting an updated kernel driver into the main repos.10:10
Tokeiitoafter i upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10 i cant laounch WiFi on Dell Latitude D620. system can see hardware, also driver is listed in restricted drivers manager. how to fix that?10:10
wolsgodfreyhk: man dpkg10:10
Morticegodfreyhk: don't type the '>'s.10:10
passbebazhang:  just looked it up. i would like to run ubuntu however due to other requirements10:11
chilli_Does anyone know how to use acidrip10:11
Tokeiitoifconfig shows only lo and eth0, ivconfig shows only lo and eth010:11
Mortice!anyone > chilli_10:11
bazhangchilli_: try it out and tell us10:11
Mortice!patience > chilli_10:11
earlmredinstall /opt/Creative/XFiDrv_Linux_US-1.04/ctsound to /etc/init.d...10:12
earlmred./ctsound: 35: Syntax error: Bad substitution10:12
chilli_it will only copiy one part of the movie10:12
chilli_no the whole thing atonce10:12
godfreyhkhmm i tried dpkg -L rails then it said it's not installed10:12
godfreyhkperhaps that's because i installed that from gem?10:12
Tokeiitogod yes10:12
Morticegodfreyhk: it works on actual .deb packages. you need to find the rails package in /var/cache/apt/archives (iirc)10:13
onatsany program to convert PDF's to smaller pdfs?10:13
TokeiitoMortice if you are instaling rails from gem's it doesnt work throu deb's10:13
ionstormonats, what do u mean?10:13
MorticeTokeiito: oh, my apologies. I was just trying to help godfreyhk run the command wols suggested, but you're right.10:14
ionstormcompress it?10:14
ubotudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.10:14
godfreyhkam i supposed to add some paths to my $PATH?10:14
godfreyhki *think* gem installed it to somewhere in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/rails-2.0.110:15
bqmasseyi'm trying to copy files to a directly that i dont have permission to.. how do I browse with sudo?10:15
earlmredi've got to rebuild the kernel with SLAB instead of SLUB10:15
earlmredwhatever that means10:15
onatsi remember in adobe acrobat, say if you have a 10mb pdf, there's a way for you to convert it to a 1mb pdf. it reduces image sizes/10:15
n00biedoes anyone here use  moc (music on console)?  how can i make it play aac-files ?10:15
bazhangpassbe: you may want to wait for this then: http://en.ubuntumediacenter.org/10:15
chilli_can you help10:15
alanim having problems finding desktop effects10:15
alanits simply not there10:15
alanno desktop manager10:15
Tokeiitoafter updating from 7.04 to 7.10 wifi stoped work on Dell latitude D620. There is listed drivers in Restricted drivers manager but some how system doesnt load them. any idea how to fix that?10:15
godfreyhkbqmassey: gksu nautilus10:16
wolsTokeiito: what wlan chip?10:16
bazhangchilli_: why not install and try it out? if you have problems, then tell them here10:16
bqmasseyok thanks10:16
wolsalan: 3D working?10:16
Tokeiitointel pro ipw394510:16
chilli_i did10:17
bazhangand what is the problem?10:17
chilli_but it will only  copy one part of the movie10:17
chilli_not the whole thing10:17
ubotupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)10:18
kling0nI have issues with random freezes of my machine10:18
bazhangchilli_: not sure, never used it10:18
alanwols, how can i check if 3d is working10:18
onatsis there a good pdf editor for linux?10:18
godfreyhkso... is there anyway to fix it? if not i guess i need to reinstall it using apt-get10:18
godfreyhkbut why is gem not working ?_?10:18
kling0nonce in a while, the applications will hang (xorg is still running and I can move mouse/switch numlock on and off and swith to ttys) but all processes will hang10:18
rlyis there any channel appropriated for helping me with my mic's definitions?10:19
kling0nI believe this might be an I/O issue of sorts, but I can't find anything in my kernel logs indicating what is might be10:19
kling0nI'm guessing the kernel loggin is hung be the i/o lock as well10:19
Alyxanderanyone know if i can use virtualbox images in vmware10:19
kling0nany suggestions for gathering some relevant info ?10:19
=== bsdmaster is now known as addy
mabusHow can I get my ubuntu computer that is plugged into my windows computer through cables and the windows computer has wireless connection to a router upstairs which is on the internet10:20
mabusto connect10:20
Tokeiitowols so any ideas10:20
kitofhawaiikling0n: do you have wireless?10:21
bazhangAlyxander: my guess would be no10:21
wolsTokeiito: dunno how ubuntu handles that one, more than one possibility afaik. check its daemon runs and the firmware exists, check your dmesg and syslog10:21
kling0nkitofhawaii: nopes.. this is a desktop machine : amd Athlon Xp running a 386 kernel and gutsy10:21
the_bardwhy does my coffee taste so bad? do I need perhaps a different version of java? can someone help? :PPPPP10:21
wolsthe_bard: which java is installed?10:22
kling0nmabus: on the windows machine: right click the wireless connection and choose properties, then go to internet connection sharing10:22
kitofhawaiikling0n: hmmn well there goes the easy one :)10:22
kling0nkitofhawaii: yup10:22
the_bardwols LOL10:22
wolsmabus: ICS. ask ##windows about it10:22
snadgecan I have a whinge about an error message that I'm unable to start gnome settings daemon in ubuntu 7.10? i've tried deleting all the . paths in my home directory.. and i still get the error.. same with a new user10:22
kling0nsnadge: does this issue remain across reboots?10:23
=== addy is now known as Dexte1
mabuskling0n: it is shared, I just don't know what I am supposed to do for ip settings for the computers10:23
godfreyhkany directions? (the ruby gem path problem)10:23
kling0nmabus: you messed something up in sharing then10:23
snadgekling0n: im not sure.. i dont generally reboot this machine10:23
wolskling0n: for gathering info, use a serial console or log ot another machine10:23
kling0nmabus: when you enable sharing windoze will runa  dhcp server on the connection you're sharing10:23
wolsfor trubleshooting, disable acpi, run a long smartmontools test, run memtest10:23
kling0nmabus: go back to the ICS setting and make sure you've selected the wired interface to the ubuntu machine in the drop down10:24
mabuskling0n: and use the ip address of, which the router uses10:24
kling0nwols: good idea10:24
snadgekling0n: is there another way i can fix this error without rebooting?10:24
kling0nwols: i'll need another machine that works then... hmm and a serial cable... haven't used one of those for years10:24
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alanhey guys, how can i fix my 3d, its not working. It says direct rendering: No10:24
=== addy_ is now known as Ady_
kling0nsnadge: ps ax |grep settings-daemon10:24
kling0nsnadge: then kill -9 <pid of daemon>10:25
godfreyhkookay guys i got it.. gem installed all the stuff in /var/lib/gems/bin/ so i should add this to my $PATH.. problem solved..10:25
kling0nsnadge: then restart gdm10:25
godfreyhkthanks everyone10:25
=== Ady_ is now known as ady_
snadgekling0n: theres no processes runnign with that name10:25
godfreyhk(should this be done automatically when i install gem from apt-get?)10:25
kling0nsnadge pastebin log10:25
alancan someone help please10:26
snadgekling0n: which log?10:26
LimCorehow to run duke nukem forever in wine?10:26
kling0nwols: thanks10:26
kling0nsnadge: ~/.Xsession-errors10:27
kling0nsnadge: for start10:27
snadgethere is no .Xsession-errors :/10:27
snadgelowercase x .. found it10:27
kling0nsnadge: yeah sorry about that10:27
alanhow can i find my desktop manager in ubuntu, please?10:28
kling0nLimCore: wine setup.exe ?10:28
kitofhawaiiLimCore: /:) don't tell me they released it...10:28
kling0nalan: ps ax |grep -i -e kwin -e metacity -e compiz10:28
* kling0n re-reads LimCore's log10:29
* kling0n boggles10:29
bazhangapt-get install vaporware10:29
kitofhawaiibazhang: lol..."download time: never"10:29
bazhangkitofhawaii: hahaha10:29
kling0nLimCore: sudo apt-get install quantum-uncertainty && sudo apt-get install dukenukemforevah10:29
LimCorekling0n: ok10:30
LimCorekling0n: ka'plah10:30
bazhangkling0n: that's hilarious :}10:30
* kling0n beams10:30
snadgekling0n: http://pastebin.ca/81192610:30
alanklingon, i tried that command and nothing happened that i know of. The desktop manager is still not there10:30
kling0nalan: ehh10:30
snadgei've just noticed there are no dbus files in /tmp.. nice10:31
LimCorewow, its DNF's 10-th anniversary since announcement :)10:31
alankling, i have looked all over for it. I also tried to check if my 3D is working and its not. not sure what to do10:32
kling0nsnadge: your user's dbus files will be in your home dir10:32
kling0nalan: start a terminal then run "metacity --replace"10:32
alanok kling, i did htat10:33
kling0nsnadge: hmm sudo apt-get --reinstall --purge install dbus ?10:33
kling0nalan: did you get a window manager10:33
kling0nalan: how are you starting X? and did you choose gnome as your desktop session ?10:33
alani looked in system preferences and its not there10:33
alankling, no, im brand new to this10:34
alanhow can i do both of those10:34
kling0nalan: you normally choose your session from the login screen10:34
kitofhawaiialan: from terminal, "glxinfo | grep direct", what's your opengl renderer? also what video card are you using?10:34
alanim using an 8800 gts video card10:34
alani just typed "glxinfo | grep direct and it starts a new command line with >10:35
kling0nalan: without the ""10:35
alanyes without10:35
dooglusis there some place for reporting repository corruption?10:35
dooglusgutsy keeps telling me I should update, and the update tool tells me there's a 404 error in the repo.10:36
kling0nalan press ctrl-c and then try again without the leading "10:36
alanok i did it again10:36
alanit says unknown option '}"10:37
alanand then usage: glxinfo and a bunch of command options10:37
kitofhawaiialan: | is a pipe... should be shift + \...10:37
kitofhawaiialan: command again is: glxinfo | grep direct10:38
alanok i did it again, sorry man just really tired, not focusing10:38
alanit says direct rendering : NO10:38
kitofhawaiialan: what about the opengl renderer string?10:38
alanand if you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose10:38
niuqwhat's the channel out of topic?10:39
niuqor something like it10:39
uh_buntuThere are 1131 people here but everything seems quite. so I assume pm is a fair option10:39
niuqwhat pm stands for?10:40
Slart!offtopic | niuq10:40
ubotuniuq: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:40
Slartwas that what you were looking for?10:40
kitofhawaiialan: do this...system -> administration -> Synaptic Package Manager -> Settings -> Repositories. put a check next to "Proprietary drivers" and click close. then click Reload10:40
niuqmmm i was wondering what a ghostscript is10:40
PriceChildniuq, you seem to be wondering a lot of things...10:41
niuqPriceChild: how come10:41
alanthere is already a check there10:41
alanbut i did it and closed10:41
alanthen reloaded and got this error10:42
kitofhawaiialan: ok...then in synaptic package manager, click Search, and search for restricted-manager10:42
kling0nalan: grep -i "NVIDIA GLX Module"  /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:42
earlmredyou'd think the kernel would compile faster on a dual core 3.2 =\10:42
kling0nearlmred: make -j8 ;)10:43
alankliing, i got this10:43
alan grep -i "NVIDIA GLX Module"  /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:43
niuqPriceChild: any general idea?10:43
earlmredkling0n, any way to include that in make-kpkg ?10:43
PriceChildI'm afraid I can't help you niuq.10:43
kling0nalan: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new10:43
earlmredkling0n, i'm relatively new to the whole "ubuntu" way of doing things.10:43
niuqPriceChild: ok, thank you, i think i'll go to ubuntu-offtopic10:43
Slartniuq: here's a quick tip.. before asking any more questions.. try googling.. here's a few things to get you started http://www.google.com?q=+irc%2B+pm10:44
kitofhawaiikling0n: :) i was just trying to avoid typos :)10:44
alanW: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CC919A31E23C5FC310:44
alanE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:44
alanE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:44
alanthats what i got after a few updates10:44
niuqSlart: i tried, wasn't really helpful10:44
PriceChild!automatix | alan10:44
ubotualan: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:44
PriceChildalan, close synaptic or whatever else is open10:44
kling0nearlmred: man make-kpkg10:44
kling0nearlmred: you can "export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4"10:45
Slartniuq: nope.. bad link.. sorry.. http://www.google.com/search?q=%2Birc+%2Bpm try that one instead10:45
kling0nearlmred: that should give you 4 threads10:45
kling0nearlmred: apparently the -j option is dangerous in kernel builds"10:45
alankit when i did search i found this lsb-rpm, restricted manager, restricted manager core,  restricted manager kde10:45
kling0nkitofhawaii: i'd guess someone would copy/paste something like that :910:46
kitofhawaiialan: go ahead and close synaptic and do the command that kling0n sent10:46
kling0nearlmred: the man pages are your friends10:46
earlmredkling0n, eh it's already going, i'll just let it do it's thing10:46
kling0nearlmred: "man man" to get started10:46
earlmredkling0n, yet there's no man woman.10:47
alankit, i did and got this  Reading package lists... Done10:47
alanW: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CC919A31E23C5FC310:47
alanW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:47
alanReading package lists... Done10:47
alanBuilding dependency tree10:47
alanReading state information... Done10:47
alannvidia-glx-new is already the newest version.10:47
alan0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.10:47
kling0nearlmred: the mose useful thing to learn when using man pages is the "/keyword" style search10:47
kling0nearlmred: then you can press "n" to find next occurrence10:47
mm2000hello dudes! Is it possible to create wildcart subdomains for localhost?10:47
kling0nand learn to use "CTRL-Z" and "fg"10:47
kling0nmm2000: bind configuration ?10:48
earlmredkling0n, i said i was new to ubuntu, not a retard =P10:48
kitofhawaiiearlmred: that reminds me of when we'd type "got a light?" on csh in sunos, it'd kick back "No match" :)10:48
chilli_how do install gst-plugins-base10:48
kling0nearlmred: right... not always clear from context whether people are new to linux or just to the ubuntu distro.. just trying to help ... ;)10:48
mm2000kling0n: is it?10:49
earlmredkling0n, <310:49
mm2000how can i do that?10:49
alankit, and now when i tried to do what it says and run apt-get update, i get this  E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:49
alanE: Unable to lock the list directory10:49
kling0nearlmred: on the other hand, the fact you're building a kernel might have been a hint :D10:49
earlmredkling0n, need stupid SLAB support for this creative module to /maybe/ work.10:49
kling0nmm2000: try to explain in a bit more detail what you're trying to achieve10:50
FanchI have what looks like a bug on mremap on ubuntu 64, is there any "easy" way to know if the problem is kernel or ubuntu relative ?10:50
chilli_you need 2 type10:50
chilli_sudo apt-get update10:50
mm2000kling0n: exactly as this guy want: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=599530 (not me writing the post)10:50
kling0ngot I hate spa,m10:51
alanok, now i got this message10:51
alanE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)10:51
alanE: Unable to lock the list directory10:51
kling0nhmm and typos XD10:51
alannot that10:51
alanW: GPG error: http://www.getautomatix.com dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY CC919A31E23C5FC310:51
alanW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:51
mm2000kling0n: ideas of how i can achive that?10:51
chilli_sudo apt-get update10:51
chilli_ type that in10:51
kling0nmm2000: ahh that's relatively simple10:51
alani did it again and now its at 99% (connecting to ubuntu.beryl-roject.org10:52
Fanch(mmap gives me a pointer, I mremap it and I have the same pointer but with the highest 32 bits set to 1, watching /proc/[pid]/maps say I kept the same pointer)10:52
mm2000kling0n: ok, how? :)10:52
sunogbagahi i'm trying to upgrade, why do i always get this message? Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz210:52
chilli_im not sure soz10:52
earlmredmm2000, setup your hosts file for *.localhost i think10:52
alani have gotten to this point before chilli and it never gets to complete10:52
rowhow do you find out if a file is hard linked?10:52
earlmredmm2000, then in httpd.conf specify a server alias of *.localhost10:52
kling0nmm2000: just add "   whatever.localhost" to your /etc/hosts10:52
rowstat and check inode to see if it matches?10:52
Fanchis there any better place where I should ask ?10:53
kling0nthen you'll have a hostname that resolves to your webserver10:53
Voyage__how to chat the channel and user list bar location. i cant drage them10:53
Voyage__<Voyage__> how to completely uninstall xchat so that if i reinstall it. previous settings dont take place.10:53
alankit do you have any idea?10:53
sunogbagahi i'm trying to upgrade, why do i always get this message? Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.bz210:53
kling0nmm2000: but apache will be able to read the hostname request and give you the relevant subsite10:53
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:53
wolsVoyage__: purge the package10:53
mm2000earlmred, kling0n: I want it to work with all subdomains, not just one.10:53
kling0nmm2000: have you tried just typing "http://localhost" ?10:53
Voyage__wols,  how10:54
earlmredmm2000, then do what i said, and then in whatever virtual hosts you've setup specify serveralias subdomain.localhost10:54
wolsman aptitude10:54
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/etc/acpi$ ./sleep.sh force; + . /etc/default/acpi-support; ++ ACPI_SLEEP=true." What does the '++' mean?10:54
kling0nmm2000: to me, you just stopped making sense again... :$10:54
Voyage__wols,  how to purge10:54
earlmredVoyage__, stick finger down throat, purging ensues.10:54
alaneverytime i do the update, it gets to the 99% of connecting to ubuntu.beryl and stops10:55
alanand then gives me the error10:55
kitofhawaiialan: system -> administration -> retricted drivers manager ... open that10:55
wolsalan: there is no beryl anymore. if you have a beryl repo in your sources.list, remove it10:55
alanok kit10:55
alanthe nvdia accelerated graphics driver is checked as enabled10:56
Voyage__wols,  how to purge10:56
wolsVoyage__: I told you where to look10:56
babohow do I stop scribus attempting to open all my text files when I click on them ?10:56
baboI've tried setting 'Open With ..' but it's no use ... where's the file ext association file stored ?10:57
kitofhawaiialan: ok...what specifically isn't working for you so i can understand better?10:57
alankit, ok, i am trying to install beryl or sometype of 3d program so i can get the 3d desktop look10:58
alanhowever, i cannot even find desktop manager where i can enable certain effects10:58
alani have tried to install beryl but that hasn't worked10:58
wolsalan: what ubuntu version?10:58
alan7.10 -the Gutsy10:59
kitofhawaiialan: beryl doesn't exist anymore. you have to use compiz fusion10:59
wolsalan: what videocard, what driver?10:59
alanwols, video card 8800 gts 325 mb10:59
alani have the latest drivers10:59
alannot sure which they are10:59
alankit, is there an easy way to install compiz fusion10:59
perfectortwols: speaking abt aptitude.. how can i use the teminal to update my packages?? is it "aptitude upgrade"?10:59
perfectorwols: speaking abt aptitude.. how can i use the teminal to update my packages?? is it "aptitude upgrade"?11:00
kling0nperfector: easiest way: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:00
kitofhawaiialan: first off, you need to reverse what you did to get beryl...what instructions did you follow to try to get beryl working?11:00
wolsperfector: mostly yes11:00
earlmredwine-doors is a nice app11:00
perfectorkling0n: but i says some are left out and stuff like t hta.. i want all my updates downloaded11:01
perfectorwols: but i says some are left out and stuff like t hta.. i want all my updates downloaded11:01
alanthat is one of the ways11:01
kling0nperfector take the "held back" packages and do a "sudo apt-get install <list of packages that are held back> "11:02
alanthat is the other11:02
=== _max is now known as _max_
kitofhawaiialan: ok...suggestion, make sure anything you use from now on says "ubuntu gutsy" :) lemme review the document11:02
mm2000earlmred: ty for you answer, but i cannot make it work. Could you please just look quickly at http://pastebin.ca/811940 to see what I may have missed?11:02
perfectorkling0n: aha.. and that would update it?11:02
alanok thank you so much kit11:02
kling0nperfector: yup11:02
kling0nperfector: should think so11:02
wolsperfector: do a dist-upgrade11:02
kling0nperfector: unless the packages are not downloadable11:02
perfectorwols: what will that do?11:03
kling0nmm2000: the virtualhost configuration should be in your apache configuration not in /etc/hosts11:03
wolsread the manapage or apt howto if you want to know11:03
perfectorwols: thanx wols..11:03
mm2000kling0n: i know that.11:03
n00biedoes anyone here use  moc (music on console)?  how can i make it play aac-files ?11:04
kitofhawaiialan: system -> administration -> software sources -> third party software. remove anything with beryl in its name and click close11:04
alanok kit did it11:05
kitofhawaiialan: now try "sudo apt-get update" without the quotes and see if it goes all the way through11:05
alanyea it did it11:06
mm2000earlmred: there?11:06
kitofhawaiialan: start on step 3 using this guide and go through the whole guide: http://www.howtoforge.com/compiz-fusion-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-nvidia-geforce-fx-520011:07
kitofhawaiialan: don't forget to skip 1 and 2, since you already got the restricted drivers installed11:08
alankit, i already have emerald and gnome installed11:09
xenon_xavierhow can I find all my music in all my hard drives,and move it to one simple place where I can load it with amarok?11:09
kitofhawaiialan: yes, skip anything you already have installed and move down to the next line11:10
xenon_xavierI haven't been able to make a collection yet, mysql is set up and all but nothing happens11:10
earlmredthat was neat11:10
earlmredx restarted itself11:10
kling0nxenon_xavier: you could try something like "find / -iname "*.mp3" | xargs -I % move "%" /home/xenon/music/11:11
kling0nxenon_xavier: BUT11:11
kling0nxenon_xavier: that would jumble all the files in one dir11:11
hadesHi all, I am trying to get TV to work, I have a USB tv tuner but how do I figure out what brand it is or anything?11:11
addy_lsusb ?11:11
kling0nxenon_xavier: and could create problems if there are more than one file with the same name11:12
xenon_xavierthat would be ok the think is that I just whant to have all my music in one place like music or something simpole11:12
kling0nxenon_xavier: wait11:12
xenon_xavierI'll try it11:12
xenon_xavierok ok11:12
kling0nxenon_xavier: i'd suggest you use something like picard11:12
kling0ndrag/drop all your music into the app11:12
xenon_xavier???? its an app?11:12
kitofhawaiikling0n: what, send #1 to do it?11:12
addy_hades: try "lsusb" or even "lsusb -v"11:12
kling0nthen configure it to place the sorted music in a dir of your choice11:13
xenon_xavierbut the thing is that I dont know where all my music is I have 3 hard drives and is spread all over the place11:13
kling0nxenon_xavier: then you could have all your music nice and sorted by artist/album11:13
kling0nkitofhawaii: ?? i didnt get that11:13
kling0nxenon_xavier: you could probably do something a bit more refined11:13
kling0nxenon_xavier: are you using bash ?11:14
xenon_xavierI see but I was thinking like getting all my files like .mp3 .mp4 .wav .wma11:14
kitofhawaiikling0n: picard...always sent #1 (riker) on anything dangerous :)11:14
kling0nkitofhawaii: ahahah11:14
xenon_xavierI just got amarok and I thought that I would go find all my music and then create a database in mysql and do all that for me11:14
xenon_xavierIt should as I've read but it just doesn't do it11:14
hadesAmarok is awesome11:15
=== GazzaK is now known as Gary
kling0nxenon_xavier: "find / -iname "*.mp3" | xargs -I % dirname "%" | sort | uniq | xargs % mv "%" /home/xenon/music11:15
xenon_xaviermmmm ok11:15
kling0nxenon_xavier: would move the directories holding the files into your music dir11:15
kling0nxenon_xavier: not a perfect solution11:16
kling0nxenon_xavier: but slightly prettier11:16
kling0nhang on again11:16
xenon_xavierI know butok11:16
kling0nxenon_xavier: might want to add a -i to the "mv" command11:17
kling0nxenon_xavier: "find / -iname "*.mp3" | xargs -I % dirname "%" | sort | uniq | xargs % echo mv "%" /home/xenon/music11:17
xenon_xavierwhat does -i do?11:17
kling0nstart by that last one11:17
kling0nwill give you a lsit of the commands it will run11:17
kling0nso you can check it'll do what you want11:17
xenon_xavierI guess its loading11:18
kling0nhmm i have a syntax error inthere11:18
kling0nxenon_xavier: "find / -iname "*.mp3" | xargs -I % dirname "%" | sort | uniq | xargs -I % echo mv "%" /home/xenon/music11:18
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/etc/acpi$ ./sleep.sh force; + . /etc/default/acpi-support; ++ ACPI_SLEEP=true." What does the '++' mean?11:18
xenon_xavierok i got11:18
* kling0n loves the shell11:19
xenon_xavierxargs: unmatched single quote; by default quotes are special to xargs unless you use the -0 option11:19
kling0nhmm strip the "'s around the find command11:19
mrtimdogxenon_xavier: There's an option in Amarok itself to reorganise your collection, works well IIRC. I don't use Amarok any more.11:20
xenon_xaviernop the same11:20
alankit, one more question11:21
alanif i want to enable the cube11:21
xenon_xavierthe think is that it havent compile all the music, havent search for it or just havent find all of it because it does not show me all the collection11:21
alanhow do i do it11:21
alanxenon, im at the settings manager, and it has shift+ctrl+alt+left and i have tried that, but it won't work11:22
xenon_xaviergo to system preferences >>advanced desktop effects11:23
sdakakwhen i say "sudo /etc/init.d/udev" i get "*loading additional hardware drivers... [fail]" after a lot of time.11:23
kling0nxenon_xavier: find / -iname "*.mp3" -print0 | xargs -0 -I % dirname "%" | sort | uniq | xargs -I % echo mv "%" /home/xenon/music11:24
niuqis there any gui to check the assignations of dma, irq and ios?11:24
kling0nxenon_xavier: find / -iname "*.mp3" -print0 | xargs -0 -I % dirname "%" | sort | uniq | xargs -I % echo mv \"%\" /home/xenon/music11:25
kling0nthere we go11:25
kling0nthat works11:25
kling0ni just tested11:25
kitofhawaiialan: in filter type "cube" place a checkmark next to "desktop cube" and "rotate cube" (disable anything that they ask you to shut off)11:25
kling0nxenon_xavier: will handle spaces in filenames as well11:25
adughepin what deb  package  alsaconf  is located ???11:25
sdakakcan someone please help? i just installed the wizardpen drivers for my tablet but now udev says [fail]11:25
mrtimdogmm2000: Did you get anywhere with your apache config?11:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about udev - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:27
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:27
abhican anyone help me with the intel X3100 graphics adaptor on gutsy? i can't enable compiz effects :(11:29
kitofhawaiiabhi: you should check out #compiz-fusion first to see if someone's available. i do have that card and compiz fusion, so if no one's available i can assist :)11:32
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
EstorboI want to castrate a niggger and fry his balls before eating them.  Then I can fuccck my little niggger biitch faaagg every night. ....Pumpin my dildo til he bleeds.  Niggger eunuchs for my muff   ohhh yeahh11:36
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!11:36
n00biecharming fella11:37
maxsoft2hi all. how to restart DHCP SERVER? tyhank you.11:38
kitofhawaiin00bie: he must be trying to install a printer in vista :) i'd be frustrated too :)11:38
wolsmaxsoft2: which dhcp server?11:39
sdakakmaxsoft2: /etc/init.d/dhcp restart11:39
sdakakadd sudo to that11:39
spepshey guys ... do somebody can get opera 64 + flash player work?11:40
maxsoft2sdakak: thank you but "command not found"11:40
kitofhawaiimaxsoft2: try "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart" instead11:41
gvsa123any suggestion on how to manage photos in ubuntu... specifically, i want to batch rename photos i wasn't able to upload using a pertinent filename before.11:41
maxsoft2copmmad  not found11:42
maxsoft2i try11:42
kitofhawaiimaxsoft2: which dhcp server are you using?11:42
n00biekitofhawaii: hehe11:43
Slartgvsa123: if you want to do it at the command line there's always imagemagick.. I think there's a renaming utility in there11:43
maxsoft2kitofhawaii: it's /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart perfect thank you11:43
leitaohello. I've just installed ubuntu gusty, and I didn't like the new (Alt+tab) effect. I prefer the same style of 7.04. Is there a way to get back?11:43
gvsa123hmmm... not really into the command line unless i really have to... any gui app?11:44
kitofhawaiimaxsoft2: all good...was next suggestion :)11:44
gvsa123Slart: if there's a gui app somewhere, i'd prefer that of course...11:45
ricanelitehow come I could have audio on sites like google video and youtube but when I head over to a site like allgames.com i get no audio at all11:45
riotkittieleitao: i dont rememeber what it was like it 7.04 as i rarely used it... uhmmm install compizconfig-settings-manager to control compiz behaviorrrr or turn desktop effects off11:45
Slartgvsa123: hmm.. then I'm out of ideas.. unless there is some kind of gui for imagemagick.11:45
sdakakleitao: are you talking about the compiz thing? go to system>preferences>appearance>visual effects and say none. or else download the compiz settings package and tweak it11:46
gvsa123Slart: i just found one... phatch... ever heard of it?11:46
Slartgvsa123: nope11:46
isleshocky77I'm trying to get evolution to sync with my webdav server, but when I go to Preferences > Calendar Publishing > Add, no matter what I put in for information my "OK" button is grayed out and disabled. Any help would be appreciated.11:46
jussi01 !info phatch11:47
ubotuPackage phatch does not exist in gutsy11:47
gvsa123Slart: i see... found in the forum.. am dlding the deb now... has a long thread i can't read through but i guess a lot of people are using it also... post back when i have11:47
leitaosdakak: let me test11:47
Slartgvsa123: their site looks polished and shiny...11:47
xxx_do any of you know any dell support channels they dont have to be official11:48
jussi01xxx_: for ubuntu?11:48
gvsa123Slart: and the icons look candy like... interesting...11:48
xxx_or doesnt have to be ubuntu11:48
jussi01xxx_: ask here, we can try help11:48
xxx_just dell support11:48
jussi01xxx_: is it regarding ubuntu stuff?11:48
jussi01xxx_: oh, well Im not sure.11:49
xxx_i know its off topic11:49
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: under the add window, make sure you select something for "calendar" to be published11:49
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: (the first tab that comes up) you must select a publishing source (the second tab is for destination)11:49
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I've selected one of my calendars.. still nothing.11:50
ganeshhegd2how to install icon tehme in this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Blangerine+%28Preview%29?content=7016511:50
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I tried the default "Personal" first, that didn't work, I created a new Calanedar to try.  Still grayed out.11:50
maxsoft2DHCP3: how to know wich conf file is working?11:51
lesshasteI want to use libgpod 0.60.  How do I tell which version ubuntu comes with?11:51
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: you select webdav, put a server name, and a file name, and OK doesn't become available? on mine i only have to provide those three to get an ok (after selecting a source calendar)11:51
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: correct11:52
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: What do you have as your server name?11:52
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I have tried http://server.com/dav, http://server.com , server.com11:53
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: Still always grayed out.11:53
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: i can type anything...i tried several text strings (including obviously illegal ones)11:53
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I have all the optional information filled out as well.  Still nothing.11:53
lesshastehow do you tell which version of libgpod ubuntu uses?11:54
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I have publish as iCal and Pub Freq as Daily although I have tried every other combination without success.11:54
ganeshhegd2anu one knw how to install icon theme in this http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Blangerine+%28Preview%29?content=7016511:54
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: Do I have to have some other app or plugin installed that I don't know about?11:55
kling0nganeshhegd2: download it first11:55
kling0nganeshhegd2: then system-preferences-appearance11:55
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: i'll check my plugins, but it is all defaults (i even just tried using all spaces for server and file and OK becomes available on my end)11:55
ganeshhegd2kling0n:when i click on download it comes in new window..11:56
kling0nganeshhegd2: and click "install " and choose the file11:56
visofwhat are the differencies between feist anf gust gibbon ubuntu?11:56
kling0nvisof: gutsy is a later version11:56
ganeshhegd2kling0n:it can only be copy and save..u try once.;11:56
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: so frustrating.  I'm trying to get everything the way I would need it to be on an old computer before I permanently switch from WinXP to Ubuntu, and Evolution is a major part cause as of now I can't live without Outlook11:57
kling0nganeshhegd2: its a preview... it hasn't been relased as a theme yet11:57
lesshastehow can I get the latest libgpod for my distro of ubuntu??11:59
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: unfortunately, i am unable to break my calendar at all to replicate the issue12:00
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: hmm.. I'm not sure where else to go with this. I can't find anything on google ubuntu's forums.12:01
Yanch0guys maybe u know .. is there something similar to trac but much easier to install / mantain .. just for 2/3 users12:01
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:01
kling0nisleshocky77: are you trying to so a full sync or subscibe only ?12:02
kitofhawaiiisle to confirm all steps i'm doing to get it: add -> check a source -> publishing location -> selected web dav -> type random information for server and file12:02
isleshocky77kling0n: I'm trying to add a webdav source, although at this point I would be happy with ssh, ftp, or anything that litup the ok button.12:02
kling0nisleshocky77: can you do in from the desktop ? i mean before even bothering with calendars try "places- connect to server"12:03
CaRtz!info source12:03
ubotuPackage source does not exist in gutsy12:03
kling0nand see if you have vfs support for dav12:03
* kling0n ran out of cigarettes12:04
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: I'm an idiot.12:04
isleshocky77Ok, forget this whole conversation.12:04
abhii'm getting a weird problem while installing flashplugin-nonfree12:04
abhithe downloader proceeds to download the files12:04
kling0nisleshocky77: feel free to tell what was wrong :)12:04
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: yah i'm curious though for my own edification :)12:04
abhiand fails to install after verifying the md5sum12:05
bullgard4Where is the 'set -x' command in a shell script explained? I could not find it in man bash.12:05
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: For some reason I'm not used to the check boxes yet, or I haven't had enough sleep in the last two weeks. But I was merely clicking on the calendar source and assuming that was selected. I didn't notice the actual checkboxes next to them.12:05
isleshocky77kitofhawaii: kling0n: sorry for wasting your time and I appreciate the help.  Mental lapse.12:06
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: all good :)12:06
* kling0n gives isleshocky77 some vitamin and a warm cup of chamomile12:06
isleshocky77kling0n: Thanks, and now I have to go to work.  one more week and finals are over and atleast it will be just work, not work and school.12:07
kling0nisleshocky77: np... brainlapse happens.. and now we know  a good question to ask the next guy having probs12:07
isleshocky77And I'll have time to redo my real laptop in ubuntu and be off xp.12:07
isleshocky77kling0n: Yeah, "Retard... I know it's an obvious question, but are you using the checkbox to select the source?"12:08
ADemiG0Dhow can i install a .bin file?12:08
kling0nisleshocky77: I received a job offer but i'm considering saying no if they insist i use windows12:09
kling0ni WON'T go back...12:09
aguitelwhen i try to empty the Trash ,nothing happens, why ?12:09
isleshocky77kling0n: I don't know i'm so used to my current setup right ..12:09
kling0nisleshocky77: i was too12:09
kling0nisleshocky77: i've been maintaining my personal server on freebsd for years and tested linux dists occasionally12:10
easy_hello ;)12:10
abhiwhat is the installation path of mozilla on gusty????12:10
kling0nisleshocky77: i havent booted windows once since october 20th 200612:10
abhii'm manually installing flash player on it12:10
kitofhawaiibullgard4: http://tldp.org/LDP?Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_02_03.html12:10
isleshocky77kling0n: but it uses so much memory.  I run windows xp as my environment, then I have a vm ware virt server to mimic my production machines.  I have samba access and dns setup so I can develop on my windows environment live to the ubuntu server and view everything like it would be in production.  BUT my vmware machines take up ~260MB each of ram.12:11
kitofhawaiibullgard4: typo... http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_02_03.html12:11
kbrosnanabhi: firefox?12:11
kling0nisleshocky77: linux *uses* your memory12:11
abhikbrosnan: yes firefox12:11
kbrosnanabhi: /usr/lib/firefox12:11
kling0nisleshocky77: the memory manager is much more effective than windoze12:11
abhikbrosnan: thx :)12:12
isleshocky77yeah, my thing right now is I have ubuntu desktop install my other laptop to test how I like it for full time use, and it's kind of slow and I'm not sure why. It's not that bad of a machine.12:12
jellulaboMuine is broken in Gutsy. I've heard there is a fix in svn. Can someone tell me if it will get packaged and updated.12:12
abhihey there is a bug with the flashplugin-nonfree package. it fails to verify the md5sum after downloading flash plugin and then it doesn't get installed12:13
isleshocky77kling0n: This shouldn't be slow, right? http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/document?docname=c00030440&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&product=326358&lang=en12:13
orlockI just upgraded from 7.04 to the latest ubuntu, and it crapped out when i tried to enable the restricted drivers for a radeon9600pro12:13
abhianybody heard me on that? i hope it gets fixed.12:13
kitofhawaiiisleshocky77: hmmn....i dunno i do a lot of VM work on my laptops. virtualization's been phenomenal on ubuntu12:13
orlocki had to edit xorg.conf and revert back to another driver12:13
orlockabhi: ahh, i think ym GF jhust ran into that12:13
orlockabhi: she was using my PC not 5 minutes ago and tried to install flash12:14
isleshocky77kling0n: Well the desktop setup I have is just a straight setup, no virtualization at all.12:14
kitofhawaiiabhi: adobe released "rockstar" just recently...it'll be some time. the workaround is either to use the built-in plugin or download flash from adobe12:14
orlock"Oh, thats easy.... oh, damn, didnt work"12:14
kling0nwell.. if you're dedicating multiple chunks of 260MB memory to virtual machines  I can see your problem :) have you got the memory maxed out ?12:15
orlockHmm, nobody here gives a damn about the restricted drivers, eh?12:15
isleshocky77kling0n: It's a different machine then my real machine.  My real machine I run Ubuntu Server in vm ware. And it runs smooth.  This is a Ubuntu Desktop setup on the laptop I gave you the link to.  Just a normal straight insall as the only os on the machine.12:16
johnhow do i set the default app to open when i insert a cd?12:17
vladtzuHow could I set up a key-combination to switch between work spaces?  like alt-1 or something12:17
johnvladtzu, you using compiz?12:17
=== max is now known as max`
vladtzujohn: I'm using GNOME however its setup by default12:18
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albaz3245hi all12:19
SatManUKim trying to configure nvidia-glx and x-server but now haveing done sudo dkpg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i can't get x to load at all12:19
kitofhawaiivladtzu: default is ctrl-alt-left/right12:19
johnvladtzu, there's some options under system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts12:19
SatManUKim using kubuntu but nobody is answering in their12:19
vladtzuThanks. ^.^12:19
bullgard4kitofhawaii: "Using the set Bash built-in you can run in normal mode those portions of the script of which you are sure they are without fault, and display debugging information only for troublesome zones." What is a 'set Bash built-in'?12:20
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:20
noobcoderis there any software that will encode TiVo files?12:20
kitofhawaiibullgard4: it's a part of bash, not a program12:20
Strike[]KiDdIe ScRiPtEr AlErT12:21
orlock23:21:11 (752.52 KB/s) - `ati-driver-installer-7-11-x86.x86_64.run' saved12:21
orlockwow, fastest i have gotten on this DSL pipe12:21
orlockexcept for a 100M ftp from a host at the upstream ISP12:21
kitofhawaiiorlock: uhm...what do you have vdsl? or is your ISP providing ppp compression?12:22
orlockkitofhawaii: nuh, not vdsl although i have seen it in action12:22
wertigo8888hi to all12:23
orlockkitofhawaii: up until a few months ago, i was actually managing a network of hundreds of linux servers distributed throught australia12:23
louis_cordierHi, I have just installed gutsy, but I am having problems installing latex209-bin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47822/12:23
albaz3245where i can know  about kernel from start12:23
wertigo8888I've a problem burnin iso images.... 7.04 say that the cd is usad by another app.... ???12:23
orlockkitofhawaii: with PCI DSL cards utilising the kernel ATM stack12:23
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kitofhawaiiorlock: you were doing any compression at all with that? lempel zif?12:24
ArabEyesalbaz3245 , see www.kernel.org12:24
orlockkitofhawaii: no PPP compression, it syncs at 8M/640k12:24
fyrestormhow can i get my x1800 working on live cd?12:24
orlockactually, damn12:25
albaz3245thanks ArabEyes12:25
orlockonly 7616/384 at the moment12:25
fyrestormive been able to use ubuntu through vmware12:25
orlockkitofhawaii: i used to use RFC1483 based straight ethernet encapsulation12:25
orlocknow i am forced to use PPPoA12:26
orlockbut no, no compression12:26
kitofhawaiiorlock: dunno pppoa's getting depreciated these days in favor of pppoe12:26
orlockkitofhawaii: nah12:26
orlockkitofhawaii: well yes, but only due to support12:26
Stwangeplease can someone talk me through purging any versions of java I have installed (possibly except for the firefox plugin), so that I can reinstall just 1.6? I'm having issues with Eclipse only finding versions that don't exist any more12:27
orlockmore setups will do PPPoE than PPPoA12:27
jellulaboCan someone help me get cupsys to start automatically at boot. It was working and now doesn't. I have to execute 'sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys start' from the terminal. Printer services 'cupsys' is checked in services.12:27
orlockkitofhawaii: say, you can only do PPPoA under linux if you have an actual ADSL interface card in your linux system, a DSL modem wont do it12:28
FFighterI need to run a GTK app as another user12:28
kitofhawaiiorlock: well yah it's as simple for manufacturers to put pppoe support for everything than support pppoa simply for atm12:28
FFighterhow to do that?12:28
orlockas the DSL modem will just act as a DSL/ATM-Ethernet bridge12:28
ari_stressevening all12:28
orlockkitofhawaii: DSL nativly talks atm12:28
kitofhawaiiorlock: yes it does, but the majority of what's going over atm networks these days is tcp/ip12:29
orlockkitofhawaii: so anything capable of interfacing with DSL should be capable of doing PPPoA, Ethernet over ATM or a combination of the two12:29
kling0njellulabo: sudo update-rc.d cups defaults12:30
JakeConnorwhat is /dev/klog?12:30
kitofhawaiiorlock: depends if you're using multipoint or not and what your service provider offers12:30
orlockkitofhawaii: all PPPoE does with DSL is add more data to be transferred12:30
kitofhawaiiorlock: right but generally people use stacker compression on pppoe headers12:31
kling0nJakeConnor: did you install any HAM radio packages?12:31
dooglusis there some place for reporting repository corruption?12:31
dooglusgutsy keeps telling me I should update, and the update tool tells me there's a 404 error in the repo.12:31
JakeConnorkling0n: no, what's that?12:31
kitofhawaiiorlock: unless it's consumer grade :)12:31
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:32
orlockkitofhawaii: i just prefer to avoid adding extra layers of complexity when not needed12:32
orlockkitofhawaii: the PCI DSL cards i use have a sourceforge repository12:32
kling0nJakeConnor: hmm i guess its a kernel logging device12:32
JakeConnorkling0n: do you know where my keyboard device should be?12:33
jellulaboKling0n - Will running that command affect any printer settings?12:33
orlockkitofhawaii: its all controlled by wonderfull freely available software, is great12:33
orlockkitofhawaii: very similar hardware to the Sangoma Wanpipe gear12:33
orlocki think the latest drivers actually support them too12:33
Chri1Hi! I'm pretty new with Linux / Ubuntu... and it's my first time in an IRC channel...12:33
Chri1but I'm here because I need help with my xorg.conf12:34
orlockDoes anybody here use a Radeon9600Pro?12:34
simion314hi, did you have bad experiences with this verion of pidgin? like the accounts appears active at start up but i manualy must disable and enable them to work, and when i type the text jumps12:34
PuckinovskiMy xorg is confused as well =)12:34
kling0njellulabo: no.. it simply instructs the system to run the init script on startup12:35
Chri1Can anybody help with an Radeon X700 mobility ? I try to set up dual screen mode... but I can't manage12:35
Chri1the gui for X doesn't seem to work12:35
brobostigongood afternoon12:35
orlockChri1: love to, i cant evenb get 3d working wiht my 9600pro :)12:35
kitofhawaiiorlock: i dunno these days i tend to prefer mpls in general over adsl and other forms...but it depends on the provider and where they have fibre to the street12:35
kling0nChri1: take a look at the output in /var/log/Xorg.o.log12:35
orlockChri1: i used to hevae duel head stuff working ages ago, google is your friend12:35
fyrestormim trying to get my x1800 working in ubuntu12:35
orlockkitofhawaii: are you smoking crack?12:36
kling0nChri1: try starting with the clone driver12:36
orlockkitofhawaii: you are mixing up your networking layers12:36
kling0nChri1: to test that you have your display devices configured properly12:36
jellulaboKling0n - Thanks12:36
Chri1acctually I couldn't find anything that would solve my problem in google.12:36
orlockkitofhawaii: thats like saying BGP is better than 10BaseT12:36
jimbo_hi, just installed PulseAudio and everything works as I would expect except the vumeter. It only shows random static, not what i hear.12:37
jellulaboKling0n - I received this error message.  /etc/init.d/cups: file does not exist12:37
orlockkitofhawaii: is it true they have an interstate there that is used to cull the morons?12:37
kitofhawaiiorlock: /:) not likely. mpls service = metro ethernet service on a whole12:37
orlockkitofhawaii: "Go for a drive until you reach florida" .... "glugglugglug" *drown*12:38
bullgard4kitofhawaii: I found it finally. Thank you.12:38
Chri1I already tried but I couln't manage with the gui...12:38
drakenwats the best way to get flash on unbuntu12:38
kitofhawaiiorlock: ah have fun :) go read some literature, i'm not willing to have this argument about something i sell12:38
drakenmy flash looks really bad in firefox12:38
drakenlike currpot12:38
hwildeanybody have a terminal based mp3 player?12:39
hwilde!mp3 | mre12:39
ubotumre: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:39
kling0njellulabo: sudo update-rc.d cupsys defaults12:39
orlockkitofhawaii: ahh, i am a tech in the industry and have always beleived that you salespeople were full of shit :)12:39
MatthewVhwilde, mplayer can be run from the terminal...12:39
Pici!language | orlock12:39
ubotuorlock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:39
orlockkitofhawaii: do you know your networking layers?12:39
hwildeMatthewV, cool can it take playlists12:39
orlockkitofhawaii: ethernet/dsl/atm are kind of several layers away from MPLS12:40
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:40
drakenbest flash solution on ubuntu ?12:40
MatthewVhwilde, not sure... probably best checking those links and / or googling it12:40
hwildeMatthewV, i am installing it now, mplayer-nogui12:40
Chri1can anyone give me some advise where to find more info about setting up dual screen using a ati card...12:40
hwilde!ati | Chri112:40
ubotuChri1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
hwilde!xinerama | Chri112:40
ubotuChri1: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead12:40
jimbo_!ubotu pulseaudio | /me12:40
Chri1and can anyone answer the question if fglrx driver supports 3d on dual screen mode.12:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:40
orlockChri1: http://tonywhitmore.co.uk/blog/2006/02/07/dual-head-on-ati-radeon-9200-se-under-ubuntu/12:41
kitofhawaiiorlock: /:) look...you're looking at it as something different. adsl service...mpls service...etherlink service...these are different service levels offered by isp's. mpls, yes, at a technical level is one thing however we don't sell 'mpls'...you sell the service associated with it12:41
hwildeChri1, I have 3d on dual screen, but it is nvidia not ati.   fglrx is pretty good12:41
hwilde!fglrx | Chri112:41
ubotuChri1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:41
drakenbest flash solution on ubuntu ?12:41
orlockChri1: its not _exactly_ what you want, but it has an xorg.conf of a dual head ATI setup12:41
hwilde!flash | draken12:41
ubotudraken: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash12:41
jellulaboKling0n - I just tried that and the system says the link already exits. 'System startup links for /etc/init.d/cupsys already exist.'12:41
kitofhawaiiorlock: and i'm a network engineer...so, do what you wish. mismatched terminology as far as i'm concerned. it's not worth the argument12:41
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orlockChri1: if you can udnerstand xorg.conf, you should be able to figure it out12:42
kling0njellulabo: then it should be running on startup12:42
PuckinovskiI keep getting put into low graphics mode and when i choose my correct card and monitor i have to restart and the problem starts again. How do I figure out where the error is?12:42
Chri1wow :-) thanks for info... will do some reading now.12:42
hwildePuckinovski, dplg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:42
orangeyhey all!12:42
hwildePuckinovski, !dpkg  not dplg that doesnt exist12:42
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Puckinovskiroger that12:42
jellulaboBut it's not. I don't have any printers available until I run the start command from the terminal. I also can'12:42
orlockkitofhawaii: ok - DSL/Ethernet/FIbre solve the physical problem of physically getting connectivity to a location, right?12:42
hwildeorlock, or satellite, or coax cable, or cell phone.12:43
orlockkitofhawaii: well, Ethernet/Cat5..12:43
orlockyou are right, forget it :)12:43
hwildeorlock, or wimax.   or 900MHz12:43
hwildeor repeater mesh network12:43
hwildeor ham radio12:43
orlockhwilde: bah, i work for a wireless company now using data over gsm audio channels12:43
orlockhwilde: and i dont like wireless!12:43
orlocki once saw a statewide wireless ISP knocked offline for 3 days12:44
kitofhawaiiorlock: look...i was referring to the service...not the actual layers associated with the OSI models12:44
hwilde!offtopic for real12:44
orlocka battleship had just finished construction and was testing its radar and electronics gear, it knocked them out for 3 days!12:44
orlockkitofhawaii: yah, got it :)12:44
maxbackhello everybody12:44
orlockSO, nobody has any clues on the ATI restricted model breackage with a Radeon9600?12:45
hwildethat's not even a word... what is your specific problem12:45
orlockhwilde: hard crash when i enable restricted drivers under ubuntu 7.1012:45
orlockjust upgraded from 7.0412:46
hwildewhy?  7.04 was nice and stable12:46
orlockblack screen, soft power switch non responsive12:46
orlockpower-cord-reacharound time12:46
gvsa123Slart: i can't get phatch to batch... lol it only renames one file12:46
orlockhey bhaal12:46
hwildeorlock, create a new user to make sure it's not your profile.  then login with the failsafe session.  does it still happen12:46
orlockhwilde: i typed "X" at the single user console and it hung12:47
orlockits not the profile12:47
orlockits the driver12:47
orlocki am just about to try it with the driver i downloaded from ati12:47
hwildeorlock, how do you know it is not the window manager?12:47
hwilde!language | orlock12:47
ubotuorlock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:47
wolsorlock: you don't start X that way...12:47
orlocknot fvwm, not enlightenment, not openstep12:47
hwilde!patience | orlock12:48
ubotuorlock: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:48
orlockwols: says who?12:48
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wolsorlock: next time, run, startx and if it "doesn't work", check your logs12:48
hwildeorlock, how do you know it is not gdm or metacity crashing12:48
orlockhwilde: X doesnt start a window manager12:48
orlockit starts X12:48
hwildestartx 1>>stdout.log 2>>stderr.log12:48
wolshwilde: he "knows"12:49
hwildethen reboot and read the logs or pastebin them for us.12:49
wolsorlock: pastebing your Xorg.0.log please12:49
orlock"lock up hard"12:49
hwilde!fixres | orlock12:49
ubotuorlock: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:49
kitofhawaiiorlock: i think you were just trying to ruffle my feathers...you're the first in here to get me to light a cigarette :) i commend you :)12:50
Piciorlock: That doesnt mean that it doesnt write any logs.12:50
orlockkitofhawaii: no wucking furries, i am going to get a beer!12:50
aguitelwhen i try to empty the Trash ,nothing happens, why ?12:50
orlockok, i will check the box12:50
hwilde!ops yay12:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops yay - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:50
vladtzuDoes the graphical login program Ubuntu uses not use the .xsession file?  I ls -a'd, and all I saw was .xsession-errors12:51
hwildevladtzu, I don't have a .xsession file either if it makes you feel better12:51
mikebeechamis there an ubuntu sound and vision channel?12:52
vladtzuHaha, at least we know we're not weirdos12:52
hwilde!audio | mikebeecham12:52
ubotumikebeecham: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:52
void^vladtzu: you may be interested in .dmrc12:53
addy_speaking of sound, how does one easily install Pulse Audio in Ubuntu, if possible ?12:54
vladtzuvoid^  Hmm, I just want to change over to fluxbox to play around with it, is that the file I'd use for that?12:54
void^vladtzu: if you use gdm or kdm and installed fluxbox via apt-get you can just select it on the login screen (and it will ask you if you want to use it as the default, if you answer yes it will create .dmrc with Session=fluxbox)12:56
vladtzuvoid^  Thanks man.  I haven't installed fluxbox yet; I wanted to get everything figured out before hand.  That right there solves the problem though. ^.^12:56
wolsPici: I'm unhappy with you, now he msgs me :(12:56
varonhello how can i use pushd with the current directory (pwd) ?12:57
Neulingguys i need your help i think i got infected with a trojan dont know how , because my firewall closes itself automatically what should i do?12:58
addy_pushd `pwd` ?12:58
varoni try it addy_12:58
varonaddy_ yeah worx12:58
vladtzucouldn't you pwd | pushd?12:58
varonpwd | pushd didn't work12:59
vladtzui was just curious lol12:59
addy_pushd accepts arguments12:59
addy_" pwd | xargs pushd " should work12:59
Neulingguys i need your help i think i got infected with a trojan dont know how , because my firewall closes itself automatically what should i do?12:59
rojanuHas anyone tried to setup LDAP - PDC with samba12:59
wols!anyone | rojanu13:00
uboturojanu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:00
PuckinovskiHwilde, That worked untill I enabled restricted drivers for my ATI card, now I can't boot into the gui.13:00
varonxargs: pushd: No such file or directory13:00
varonbut its okay pushd `pwd` works fine13:00
wolsNeuling: open an xterm, start your "firewall"13:00
addy_argh, pushd is shell internal, it won't work13:00
PuckinovskiShould I do the same command again from the recovery thing13:00
pubohi all13:01
wolsPuckinovski: can you pastebin your Xorg.0.log?13:01
Neulingwols: sorry i am new how can i open an xterm?13:01
Puckinovskiim on windows now =(13:01
rojanuWell, I am trying to use samba as LDAP - PDC and following the guide on help.ubuntu.com and I need to download a file but can't13:01
wols!command | Neuling13:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:01
wolsNeuling: you should NOT run a firewall13:01
kitofhawaiiorlock: lol i come in here to get away from mundane life in cisco CLI. i dunno, i use opensuse anyway for work, but i'm really all for ubuntu working for the masses. it's my mission since vista came out :)13:01
Neulingwols: oh i always did that on windows system13:02
wolskitofhawaii: there is no orlock13:02
wolsNeuling: Ubuntu is not windows13:02
wolsit knows how to keep ports closed13:02
kitofhawaiiwols: hmm...must've been a pm...:)13:02
ConstyXIVwhat's the compiz plugin that grays out locked-up programs?13:02
wolsyeah, he's annoying me too and still has no clue at all13:03
drakenhow would i go about connecting a modem to the internet and making this modem only get data from a single IP and no other13:04
rojanuwell, no LDAP fans here then, I take it!!13:04
gvsa123Slart: phatch isn't working for me... i found something from the repos (where i should have tried to look in the first place... lol) gwenrename... it's gui and the screenshots speak for itself already... hope it works well though... i'll give it a try.13:04
drakenwhile my other PPP conneciton does everything else13:04
erUSUL!modem | draken13:04
ubotudraken: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto13:04
kitofhawaiiwols: *shrug* :) yah bad attitude and skimmed through one too many books :)13:04
drakeni know erusul13:04
drakeni know how to dialup13:04
drakenim asking how to route and also how to make the modem on the default gateway13:04
wolsdraken: ppp will do this for you13:05
Yanch0http://yancho.pastebin.com/d7fa3d82d anyone can help me with this error please?13:05
PuckinovskiWould "sudo -dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" work from the recovery console?13:05
wolsPuckinovski: yes13:05
Puckinovskiok reboot and try again thank you13:05
erUSULdraken: if you want to load balance between two ppp conections look at http://lartc.org/13:05
wolsPuckinovski: choose vesa if you want to getg back to at least some GUI13:05
Puckinovskilast time it worked fine untill i installed restricted drivers13:06
drakennot load balance dude13:06
drakenmake the one connection only for one ip13:06
drakenand the rest goes through my other conn13:06
wolsYanch0: pastebin your sources.list13:07
Yanch0wols how to do it pls?13:07
wolsby opening sources.list and pasting the contents in a pastebin13:08
Yanch0a its a file?13:08
Yanch0wols : http://yancho.pastebin.com/d6d08d08413:10
louis_cordierHi, I have just installed gutsy, but I am having problems installing latex209-bin, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47822/, any workarounds ?13:10
tovarnahi everybody13:10
aguitelwhen i try to empty the Trash ,nothing happens, why ?13:10
Le^statso is gutsy a big improvement on feisty?13:11
Le^statany opinions13:11
wolsYanch0: you need a newer version of ubuntu13:11
tovarnai think i need to path my zs1211 zysas usb wireless for inyection, but i am trying and i am getting mad. anybody can tell me how to do it? or should i use a live cd? in this case, wich one? thanks13:12
Yanch0wols and that means a format for sure? :(13:12
gvsa123when we install applications from the synaptic, where do the downloaded files get cached? and they remain there right? is it alright to delete them when you're running low on space?13:12
kitofhawaiiaguitel: did you delete something while running a gksu? try opening terminal and "sudo rm -r .Trash/*" to flush13:13
IdleOne!upgrade | Yanch013:13
ubotuYanch0: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes13:13
tovarnay cual es el chat n español?13:13
wolsYanch0: you can upgrade, either to edgy, feisty, gutsy or wait until hardy comes out next spring and you can upgrade to that directly13:13
IdleOne!es | tovarna13:13
ubotutovarna: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.13:13
Yanch0ok thanks both .. but will software that i installed using source be broken ?13:14
aguitelkitofhawaii: all the time it happens ,i cannot erase the trash with GUI13:14
IdleOneYanch0: pobably yes13:14
wolsYanch0: depends how you insalled it. if properly usually not13:15
wolsIdleOne: why would it break?13:15
addy_gvsa123: see Synaptic / Preferences / Files13:15
gvsa123Yanch0: why not upgrade to the latest version of ubuntu13:15
gvsa123addy_: i'll see them there? can't access synaptic right now though because i'm installing something...13:16
IdleOnewols: that has been my experience in the past but I must have not installed properly13:17
addy_gvsa123: you can manually delete the cached packages (button) and set policy versus retaining the files in the cache13:17
jellulaboKling0n - I'm not sure where to start looking for the problem. The cups server is not starting on boot. No printers are available and I can't access the cups server through the cups web interface until I start cupsys from a terminal13:17
wolsIdleOne: which stuff did break?13:17
IdleOnewols: dont remember was a couple of versions ago.13:18
gvsa123addy_: i see... thanks...13:18
Yanch0wols that is the problem .. cant risk i break working software .. will have to wait then till when i finish my thesis and have my data wsafe13:18
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kling0njellulabo: could be another init script hangning13:18
Yanch0thanks for the links but .. will save them to do it when im finished :)13:18
kling0njellulabo: you could try sudo apt-get update-rc.d -f cupsys remove && sudo apt-get cupsys defaults13:19
kling0njellulabo: but should make no difference13:19
kling0njellulabo: have you been editing any of your init scripts?13:19
kling0njellulabo: have you been editing any of your init scripts?13:19
kling0nsry double13:19
soundrayHow can I identify a font that's being used in a PDF document?13:20
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gordonjcpsoundray: experience13:20
soundraygordonjcp: have you got that kind of experience?13:20
kling0nsoundray: it should be in the file header somewhere13:20
gordonjcpsoundray: you could run strings on the file and see if it mentions it13:21
Le^statwhy would ubuntu take other ppls ip addy's on a dhcp network?13:21
wolsLe^stat: it won't. it only takes the IP DHCP gives it13:21
kling0nLe^stat: it shouldn't might be misconfigured dhcp server13:21
kling0nLe^stat: you could try killing dhclient and removing the lease files13:22
wolsLe^stat: is the IP in the 169 range?13:22
kling0nLe^stat: the sudo dhclient eth0 again13:22
gvsa123gordonjcp: soundray can't you just copy them and paste them in a word processor to see what comes up?13:22
soundraygvsa123: for that to work, I'd have to have the font installed, wouldn't I?13:23
PuckinovskiI tried doing the -dpkg command and it said unknown command13:23
kling0nsoundray: pdffonts13:23
soundraygordonjcp: thanks, strings turns up a few candidates13:23
gvsa123soundray: ah yeah... most probably... is it some weird looking font13:23
kling0nsoundray: theres a utility for it called pdffonts13:23
Puckinovskican i use the live cd and copy the xorg file over?13:24
Anubis_behey all, maybe a stupid question but how can I see how big a certain directory is? (like my var directory or so)13:24
soundraykling0n: that sounds promising. Found it in poppler-utils13:24
kling0nsoundray: yup13:24
kling0nsoundray: looks like the thing youre looking for13:24
kling0nsoundray: gives a list of all defined fonts in the doc13:24
gvsa123Anubis_be: there\s a tool in applications>accessories13:24
soundraykling0n: alas, the list is quite big...13:25
Anubis_begvsa123 I mean trough command line :)13:25
kling0nthe utility is included in the xpdf package as well13:25
rhalffhi, if I do apt-get source linux-image-xen, do I get the patched xen kernel or is it just an unconfigured kernel source ?13:25
kling0nsoundray: have you tried installing msttcorefonts13:25
soundraykling0n: it's Frutiger13:25
Puckinovskiwols are you still around?13:26
kitofhawaiiAnubis: du -c13:26
kling0n soundray http://www.frontpagewebmaster.com/m-348433/tm.htm13:26
kling0nits in the microsoft reader pacakge13:26
kling0ninstall orange or cabextract to get it out of the install package13:27
wolsask the channel13:27
SuicideSalmondoes anyone use a program similar to aqua datastudio in 7.10? I tried installing it but had issues, but any alternatives are welcome13:27
Anubis_bekitofhawaii thx :)13:27
ari_stresshi guys, why my pidgin only shows my friends upto "R" alphabet? anyone encounter it?13:27
kling0nSuicideSalmon: which database type are you looking to browse?13:27
kling0nmysql has some tools available for free13:28
kling0nfor mysql databases (duh)13:28
SuicideSalmonkling0n, mysql. I just want to be able to create and view tables, and run queries13:28
soundraykling0n: very nice, thank you.13:28
kling0npqsql has a nice gui availablealso13:28
kling0nsoundray: np13:28
=== Mescalito is now known as subdali
earlmredubuntu just dimmed my displays after not moving the mouse for awhile, the primary monitor came back normal, but my secondary is still dimmed?13:28
gvsa123time remaining: 5 mins...13:28
wolsSuicideSalmon: phpmyadmin13:29
kling0nSuicideSalmon: try mysql-navigator13:29
titusgI want to use emacs with anti-aliased fonts -- how do I find the names of the fonts on my (feisty) system?13:29
rhalffhow do I get the source that was used to create the xen kernel ?13:29
kling0nSuicideSalmon: or mysql workbench13:29
wolsrhalff: apt-get source <package>13:29
kling0nrhalff: or sudo apt-get install xen-source-2.6.1613:30
kling0nrhalff: which will put the sources in /usr/sys13:30
rhalffwols, I did that, apt-get source linux-image-xen, but I'm not sure if that really is the xen kernel13:30
SuicideSalmonthanks, ill give them a shot13:31
rhalffkling0n, yeah but that confuses me also xen-source-2.6.16, because the default kernel is 2.6.22-xen13:31
rhalffkling0n, makes me wonder why there isn't a xen-source-2.6.2213:31
kling0nrhalff: have you got the dpkg-src enabled in your sources.list ?13:32
Slartgvsa123: ah, sorry about that.. was getting some dinner... did you get it to work?13:32
rhalffkling0n, yeah13:32
rhalffkling0n, could you do apt-get source linux-image-xen and tell me if that is a xen kernel source ? I think it isn't13:33
gvsa123Slart: phatch? nope... i'm still downloading gwen... 5 mins... the screenshots look promising... this could be the one... lol13:33
kling0nrhalff: take wols' advice and apt-get source linux-image-2.6.22-14-xen13:33
rhalffkling0n, ok still, that isn't the patched xen kernel source I think.13:34
rhalffjust the normal kernel source13:34
kling0nrhalff: is a metapackage13:35
adrian15does anyone have experience on building ubuntu gfxboot themes  ?13:35
kling0nrhalff: why do you need the sources? does the prepared builds not work for you ?13:36
ari_stressis 64bit faster than 32bit? i use core duo, should i use 64 or 32?13:36
rhalffkling0n, no the 3w-9xxx driver fails with xen13:36
SuicideSalmonkling0n, mysql-navigator looks like it's going to be just what I needed :) thanks13:36
kling0nrhalff: apt-get source xen-source13:36
tupsonMorning, I have a problem13:37
* kling0n nods at SuicideSalmon 13:37
rhalffkling0n, so I need to rebuild 1 module, but I don't have the /usr/src/linux build tree13:37
tupsonWhen I turn on my laptop, it doesn't finish loading my Ubuntu13:37
ari_stressSuicideSalmon: nice nickname :D13:37
tupsonI have to hard boot it and turn it back on, then it takes about 5-10 minutes to get to the log in screen13:37
SuicideSalmonthanks ari_stress :)13:37
kling0nrhalff: ahh you could just install the xen headers then13:37
mathias__I'm having a bit of a sound problem.13:37
kling0nrhalff: apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.22-14-xen13:38
rhalffkling0n, but that will get me  2.6.19-213:38
ari_stresstupson, what's your laptop13:38
incorrectcan anyone recommend an alternative to nagios?13:38
speedhunt3rhi...can anyone tell me how and where do i install downloaded icon themes?13:38
tupsonInspiron 9200 series13:38
incorrectideally something that drives off snmp13:38
kling0nspeedhunt3r: gnome-look.org13:38
speedhunt3rkling0n: i asked where to install them, i already downloaded them13:38
kling0nspeedhunt3r: then system-preferences-appearance and click install13:38
tupsonthe problem just started happening as well...13:38
kling0nspeedhunt3r: can't type any faster than that :)13:38
titusgdo you know how I can get the names of available fonts in the right format for emacs?13:38
mathias__If I turn up the volume past about 1/4 on my speakers, I started getting an annoying clicking sound, even with nothing playing.13:39
speedhunt3rkling0n: haha no problem, sorry13:39
rhalffkling0n, that was my first try, but the 3w-9xxx driver want's more then just headers13:39
kling0nmathias__: what sound card?13:39
=== johan__ is now known as klotet
kling0nrhalff: apt-get source xen-source then13:39
mathias__It's integrated sound on the Mobo.  Realtek I think.13:39
tupsonari_stress: any thoughts?13:39
kling0nmathias__: lspci | grep -i audio13:40
rhalffkling0n, but that's 2.6.16 instead of 2.6.22, so that's not the source of the default xen kernel, so I'm clueless on where that source is.13:40
dfechetesoundray: hey bro :)13:40
mathias__00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)13:40
=== dfechete is now known as Flash
soundrayHi Flash13:41
Zeldori want to get an ubuntu cd. Why do i have to write down my phone number?13:41
Flashsoundray: u in?13:41
mathias__Ok, clicking is gone now (somehow) but I do have the whitenoise just having volume up high13:41
soundrayFlash: working. How are you getting on?13:41
hypn0Zeldor: you don't13:41
young_because they may contact you when it needed13:42
Flashsoundray: man i found something saying that i should make my sata drive act like an IDE drive :P13:42
Flashsoundray: from bios13:42
soundrayFlash: have you got a BIOS option like that?13:42
Flashsoundray: man i`m ok... did a reinstall of ubuntu on 64 bit... it booted once :))))13:42
Flashsoundray: nope :(13:42
kling0nrhalff: i'd start using google13:42
soundrayFlash: you mean it booted once and then failed again?13:43
Flashsoundray: yeah13:43
Zeldorbut its required13:43
rhalffkling0n, ok thanks anyway13:43
kling0nrhalff: i'd guess you need the xen-source and linux-source-2.6.22 packages installed13:43
kling0nrhalff: how to configure from there i'm not sure13:43
hypn0Zeldor: they will stick it on front of package if you do, just write myob there :-)13:43
kling0nbut try installing the linux-source-2.6.22 and then try the driver again13:43
kling0nrhalff: whats the device again ?13:43
soundrayFlash: you have a weird machine, mate13:44
Zeldorhmm so you've never called by them?13:44
jariep1_hi all13:44
mathias__Is there an advantage to open-source drivers over proprietary ones?  I use an Nvidia 7600 GT.13:44
kling0nrhalff: that you need to compile the driver for ?13:44
jariep1_how do i make var www writeable13:44
rhalffkling0n, 3ware 9550sxu raid controller, it uses the 3w-9xxx driver13:44
ikoniamathias__: the nvidia.com driver package by ubuntu is a better driver13:44
Flashsoundray: man i have the Acer Aspire 5520G notebook13:44
ikoniamathias__: open source as a technology or methodology though is the prefered option13:44
gvsa123Slart: i thought gwenrename was supposed to be gui.. but there's no entry in the menu.. when i run it in the terminal, an error occurs.. no input file selected13:44
ikoniamathias__: its a conflict of choice13:44
soundrayFlash: I know13:45
hypn0Zeldor: just write 'I don't have one' I never wrote mine13:45
soundrayFlash: is it new?13:45
Flashsoundray: and i don`t think ubuntu has drivers for it yet...13:45
Flashsoundray: yes... brand new13:45
mathias__ikonia: So just go to Nvidia.com and download theirs?13:45
Zeldorok thanks a lot hypn013:45
nilson2i8 the six13:45
ikoniamathias__: no - use the nvidia driver packaged in ubuntu13:45
kling0nrhalff: so no prepared driver sources in ubuntu is that correct?13:45
tupsondid Ubuntu disable the splash screen in 7.10?13:45
mathias__ikonia: Oh, ok.13:45
Flashsoundray: got  it last week... been trying to get it to work since then...13:45
ikoniamathias__: ubuntu package the drivers from nvidia.com to make them compatible and supportable within ubuntu13:45
ikoniatupson: no13:45
nilson2you the black13:46
ikonianilson2: do you have a question about ubuntu ?13:46
tupsonikonia: when i turn on my laptop, after my DELL Logo drops, i have a blank black screen for about 10 mins before it brings up the login screen13:46
rhalffkling0n, the driver works ok if I'm not using xen, but it's a bug in the driver itself, which causes it to crash in xen.13:46
bazhangnilson2: what's the issue?13:46
mathias__ikonia: Ok, I'm already using the accelerated driver packaged with Ubuntu and it's on.  So I guess I'm good13:46
JuJuBeeI wish to generate a CSR for an SSL cert with an unencrypted passkey.  Can find many how-to for creating encrypted, but not unencrypted.  Any help?13:46
soundrayFlash: Acer sell laptops with Linux preinstalled. Don't you want to get an exchange?13:46
mathias__There's a Ubuntu wiki page, isn't there?13:47
Slartgvsa123: what is the error?13:47
ikoniamathias__: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com13:47
ikoniaJuJuBee: the point of the passkey is encyption13:47
jariep1_can you guys help file permssions for sudo root13:48
tupsonikonia: any thoughts?13:48
gvsa123Slart: no input file... does this ( http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/GwenRename?content=11844 ) mean it only works with konqueror or kde?13:48
gvsa123Slart:    GwenView: select file(s) - right click - "External Tools / Rename with GwenRename"13:48
gvsa123  Konqueror: select file(s) - right click - "Actions / Rename with GwenRename"13:48
Slartgvsa123: you can run kde software on gnome.. you just need to install the basic kde stuff13:48
rhalffkling0n, it's this issue http://lists.xensource.com/archives/html/xen-devel/2007-09/msg00210.html13:48
ikoniatupson: frambuffer issues ?13:48
soundraykling0n: I'm trying to use unshield on the data in the Reader package. It complains of MD5 checksum failures on the contained files (inlcuding the fonts that I'm after)13:48
tupsonikonia: how can i correct that13:48
JuJuBeeikonia : from what i've read, having an unencrypted key does not hurt the protection of ssl.  It just means that when apache restarts, it can do so unattended.  Now I have to enter the password every time apache restarts.  So when power goes out, the server is not functional until I return to enter the passkey.13:49
tupsoni assume that is why my boot process is having issues13:49
ikoniatupson: change the vga parameter in your kernel boot options13:49
gvsa123Slart: yeah... i just marked everything synaptic suggested... but there's no entry in the menu or anything... terminal show a no input file selected error13:49
ikoniaJuJuBee: you have to change the script to input that13:49
Slartgvsa123: I'll give it a try.. hang on13:49
kling0nsoundray: you could try installing it with wine an dget the file from there13:49
tupsonikonia: how and where do i do that (new linux user)13:49
Flashsoundray: yeah shure if i could... ut i`m in freekin Romania13:49
ikoniatupson: in your /boot/grub/menu.lst13:49
JuJuBeeikonia, to inpu the  passkey at startup?  How.13:49
ikoniaJuJuBee: join #apache and ask in there,13:49
jariep1_Flash i have a frined i Romania in a datacenter with T113:50
gvsa123Slart: wow... thanks...13:50
Slartgvsa123: ah.. you'll have to start it manually.. and specify which files you're going to work with.13:50
tupsondo i go there in the terminal or folder?13:50
Slartgvsa123: you have all the files you want to rename in a single folder?13:50
Flashjariep1_: do you think he could help me?13:50
ikoniatupson: any text editor to edit that file13:50
ikoniaFlash: what is the problem13:50
jariep1_what are you trying to do?13:50
gvsa123Slart: i see.. i have a test copy on the desktop.. i'll; give it a try13:50
kling0nrhalff: i'd suggest reading the build documentation for xen and for the driver, I can't really help you more13:51
jariep1_Flash what is it you are trying to do?13:51
rhalffkling0n, ok thanks for your time :)13:51
Flashikonia: i have a problem with ubuntu booting on my acer aspire 5520g... some sort of sata controller problem13:51
kling0nrhalff: do you need to rebuild the driver or the xen ?13:51
ikoniaFlash: can you please give a brief explination13:51
Flashjariep1_: i`m trying to install ubuntu...and after install no boot13:51
Slartgvsa123: if you have it all in one folder you just cd to the folder and run it like "gwenrename *.jpg" or something similar13:52
Flashikonia: after i install it doesn`t see my sata drive13:52
ikoniaFlash: what makes you think that ?13:52
ikoniaFlash: can you explain the symptom13:52
gvsa123Slart: ah there you go... maybe i'll just make a launcher and create a folder where i'll put all the files to be renamed so i don't have to navigate everytime...13:52
Slartgvsa123: that would work13:52
rhalffkling0n, just the driver, I've rebuilded it with a normal kernel source then copied it to the xen module tree, but that didn't work either.13:53
Flashikonia: uhm... it says something like root fs type unknown...13:53
tupsonikonia: if i am reading this correct, my default option is defoptions=quiet splash13:53
soundraykling0n: thanks. I will soon be running wine in a 64bit gutsy guest under vmware in Mac OS X :)13:53
ikoniatupson: try "vga=ask" added to the end of that line13:53
tupsonwhat should i change that too13:53
Flashikonia: and before that it says something like unknown sata controller bios is trying to work around it...13:53
capiirahmmm a shame that ubuntu gutsy still has gimp 2.4.0 rc3 in the repos tsss13:53
ikoniaFlash: if it's installed then you know the controller will work.13:53
tupsonso defoptions=quiet splash vga=ask like that?13:54
ikoniatupson: that looks good13:54
Flashikonia: yeah... but this morning i installed it... and it booted the first time...13:54
booncerim using xubuntu i keep getting this --------------->bash: ./sc_trans_linux: cannot execute binary file13:54
Flashikonia: after that it didn`t boot anymore13:54
soundraycapiira: why is that a shame? It works very well13:54
ikoniabooncer: chmod +x the file13:54
booncertryed that no joy13:54
undauntedspiritI added  a hard drive with a NTFS file system after I installed ubuntu, but it makes me type in the (sudo) password to mount it, where other partitions are automatically mounting without a password, how can I change this?13:54
ikoniaFlash: that sounds either like a hardware issue or your not understandinging the problem13:55
ikoniabooncer: please run "file sc_trans_linux"13:55
boonceri tryed chmod 755 also13:55
Flashikonia: i don`t think it`s a hardware issue cuz i can run windows on it perfectly13:55
ikoniabooncer: please run file against it13:55
booncerand sh sc_t.....13:55
ikoniaFlash: please get the exact error messages13:55
Snowanyone mind helping me to acces my computer and my shared folders on my fathers computer?13:55
ikoniabooncer: LISTEN please run file against it13:55
undauntedspiritI added  a hard drive with a NTFS file system after I installed ubuntu, but it makes me type in the (sudo) password to mount it, where other partitions are automatically mounting without a password, how can I change this? Note: I added the hard drive in fstab exactly like the other ntfs partitions appear.13:56
ikoniaSnow: can you explain what you want to do13:56
tupsonikonia: edited it, going to restart to see what happens, i'll be back13:56
ikoniatupson: ok13:56
Flashikonia: ok...13:56
Snowi have shared a folder on my computer, running ubuntu13:56
kling0nrhalff: i believe you can set an environment variable specifying which source tree to link agains13:56
kling0nrhalff: KERNCONF or similar13:56
LjLundauntedspirit: what's the fstab line precisely13:56
kling0nrhalff: where can I get the driver sources?13:57
booncersc_trans_linux: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped13:57
Snowi want to get into that mapp on my fathers computer, windows xp, so i open run and write \\mycomputername13:57
ikoniabooncer: are you running ubuntu 32bit ?13:57
Snowi get a loggon screen asking for name and password13:57
booncerno t sure actually13:57
ikoniaSnow: you need to add a username and password to your ubuntu machine for the windows machine to authenticate against13:57
undauntedspiritLjL: UUID=56E06E36E06E1D0D /media/DVD      ntfs    defaults,user,umask=007,gid=46 0       113:57
ikoniabooncer: please show me "uname -a"13:57
Snowhow do i do that?13:57
ikoniaSnow: smbpasswd -a "username"13:57
soundraykling0n: dang, it won't install in wine (complains about absence of IE). I'll postpone until I can get at a Windows machine.13:57
G_HAN_109695kann mich jemand in seine gruppe einehmen13:58
gvsa123Slart: works! although there's no option to not replace the original file... just a safety precaution of course...13:58
ikonia!de | G_HAN_10969513:58
ubotuG_HAN_109695: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:58
kling0nSnow: you could add the following to your smb conf:13:58
kling0nguest account = pcguest13:58
kling0npcguest = guest13:58
kling0nmap to guest = Bad User13:58
Snowanyone mind helping me to acces my computer and my shared folders on my fathers computer?13:58
booncer bash: ./sc_trans_linux: cannot execute binary fileLinux PS3 2.6.20-15-powerpc64-smp #3 SMP Sun Apr 15 06:52:37 UTC 2007 ppc64 GNU/Linux13:58
=== weechat_user is now known as Dregin
zzxcBy default, what is Ubuntu using for sound?  There is an esd option checked by default, but esound isn't installed by default.13:58
Snowbash: smbpassdw: command not found13:58
ikoniaSnow: I've just told you what to do,13:58
Slartgvsa123: ah... you'll just have to think things through before pressing that ok button then =)13:58
ikoniaSnow: smbpasswd13:58
booncerure good ikonia13:59
ikonia!de | G_HAN_10969513:59
ubotuG_HAN_109695: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:59
Dreginmy sound in ubuntu is dead13:59
kling0nsoundray: http://www.google.dk/url?q=http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation&sa=X&oi=smap&resnum=1&ct=result&cd=1&usg=AFQjCNHPkiq7X-4kQaWWcfH84tjPt7GPWw13:59
ikoniabooncer: pardon ?13:59
booncerLinux PS3 2.6.20-15-powerpc64-smp #3 SMP Sun Apr 15 06:52:37 UTC 2007 ppc64 GNU/Linux13:59
ikoniabooncer: there you go  ;)13:59
booncerlooks like its 6413:59
ikoniabooncer: no - its PPC64 not even x86_6413:59
ikoniabooncer: is it a mac ?13:59
rhalffkling0n,  http://www.3ware.com/download/Escalade9690SA-Series/9.5.0/3w-9xxx-2.6.22kernel_9.5.0.tgz13:59
booncerno its a ps313:59
gvsa123Slart: yeah... but since i'll be using this mostly for photos.. what's the harm then... for other uses i guess it would be more problematic :)13:59
scroogeyhow can i install pybluez under ubuntu?14:00
ikoniabooncer: ok - there you go, the PPC is not intel, its "power PC"14:00
Snowafter smbpasswd -a "name"14:00
ikoniaSnow: name should be a username you want to use14:00
ladynikonI am getting :ntlm:SECUR32_initNTLMSP ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path.14:00
booncerah kk so ill give the mac stuff a go14:00
Snowdid that14:00
ladynikonanyone know how to update this?  it says its in some winbind package of the distro14:00
Snow-w "password"14:00
ladynikonbut i never heard of it14:00
ikoniabooncer: as a side note, you'll not get much to run14:00
ikoniaSnow: -w ?14:00
ikoniaSnow: it should ask you for a password14:00
Snow-w PASSWORD          ldap admin password14:00
ikoniaSnow: your not using ldap and your not the admin14:01
booncerguttted as my beefy psy went in my main lol14:01
LjLundauntedspirit: don't have a clue14:01
ikoniaSnow: use the command I have given you14:01
Snowi did14:01
ikonia!samba | snow14:01
ubotusnow: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT14:01
kling0nrhalff: you could try editing the Makefile and set the SRC variable to the xen tree14:01
undauntedspiritljl: Thanks anyway, it's an odd problem.14:01
ikoniaSnow: actually it looks like you'll benifit from reading that info14:01
Snowwhen i did -a14:02
undauntedspiritI added  a hard drive with a NTFS file system after I installed ubuntu, but it makes me type in the (sudo) password to mount it, where other partitions are automatically mounting without a password, how can I change this? Note: I added the hard drive in fstab exactly like the other ntfs partitions appear.14:02
ikoniaSnow: read the link ubotu sent you and it will walk you through from start to finish14:02
LjLundauntedspirit: i'd try removing "user", although it shouldn't imply "noauto" i think... but just a semirandom guess14:02
Snowthanks ikonia:*14:02
Flashikonia: lol now it almost booted in safe graphics mode but xserver crashed14:02
Nabucho#join freefoxtv14:02
ikoniaundauntedspirit: put the line you use in the a pastebin14:02
booncerthanks ikonia14:02
LjLikonia: UUID=56E06E36E06E1D0D /media/DVD      ntfs    defaults,user,umask=007,gid=46 0       114:02
* booncer gone14:02
ikoniaFlash: please get the exact error message or situation that is causing you the problem14:02
ikoniaLjL: thanks14:03
ikoniaLjL: media dvd ?14:03
Flashikonia: I`m trying...14:03
ikoniabooncer: welcome14:03
undauntedspiritljl:  I tried it without the "user" option.  I added it as a last ditch effort :-)14:03
gvsa123Slart: i'll do the work tomorrow... atleast i have the tool now... thanks a lot... see you here again sometime.. well that would be just hours from now... lol.. thanks a lot... next would be testing gutsy on my notebook... i'm getting too much ubuntu.. lol14:03
ikoniaLjL: how far have you progressed this with him (don't want to setp on your toes)14:03
CyclopesI have to rmmod and modprobe (with options) modules on my box everytime i boot, is there a way to automate this task?14:03
Flashikonia: ok... look... now it stops saying: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision 3.2014:04
ikoniaCyclopes: which modules14:04
IgorSobreiraanybody knows the name of the program to access a pop3 server in command line? i've installed these days but i can't remember...14:04
Cyclopesikonia: bttv14:04
kling0nCyclopes: check out /etc/modprobe.d/14:04
ikoniaFlash: is that the problem you where talking about earlier14:04
LjLikonia, i just don't have a clue. i guess /media/DVD is just a name, and he seems to be saying that it *does* mount manually (although it requires root privileges), so i was assuming the UUID was correct14:04
ikoniaIgorSobreira: I think mutt can14:04
Flashikonia: one of them.,..14:04
undauntedspiritLjL:  Yup, exactly correct.14:05
kling0nrhalff: how did that go ?14:05
ikoniaLjL: any mount is going to require root unless its setup as a user mount14:05
LjLikonia: but the line does say "user". it also says "defaults" which, as far as i'm aware, implies "auto"14:05
LjLstill it doesn't mount at boot14:05
rhalffkling0n, still trying14:05
ikoniaLjL: umount it and do a mount -a see what happens14:05
ikoniaLjL: or a "sudo mount -a" I should say14:06
LjLundauntedspirit: ^14:06
kling0nnod rhalff14:06
ikoniaLjL: apologies if I've covering old ground14:06
wamWhy does the nagios2 package depend on apache? This makes the whole package completely useless for me. I don't want apache and apache isn't required for nagios. Is there any reason why this isn't just a recommendation?14:06
LjLikonia, no not really14:06
ikoniawam: nagios is required to view the results14:06
OsamaKHow to upgrade from Ubuntu 7.04 to Ubuntu 7.10 using a CD?14:06
chookbonjour,les depots de Wine dans sysnaptique sont suffisant pour le faire touner correct??14:06
wamikonia: you mean apache?14:06
ikoniawam: if you don't want a this to be a viewer, you'll not want the server package14:06
Pici!fr | chook14:06
ubotuchook: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.14:06
ikoniawam: yes14:06
ikoniawam: the viewer is a webpage14:07
LjLOsamaK: you can do that with the alternate CD, but not with the normal desktop CD14:07
wamikonia: no - any webserver with cgi-support will do14:07
ikoniawam: that is true, but ubuntu has built against apache14:07
chookok merci,sorry ;)14:07
wamikonia: i don't understand this.14:07
normiecan anyone please help me with installing my broadcom1390 wireless card. i tried all the manuals but it doesn;t help14:07
undauntedspiritikonia: mount -a requires root.14:07
ikoniawam: a dependency is a webserver, ubuntu has chosen apache14:07
OsamaKljL: What do you mean?14:07
ubuntu-sshi i forget my root password14:07
ikoniaundauntedspirit: thats root14:07
ubuntu-sshow can imake a new one14:07
LjL!alternate > OsamaK    (OsamaK, see the private message from Ubotu)14:07
ikoniaubuntu-ss: there is no root password14:07
wamikonia: so it would be clever to depend on a virtual package, which any webserver provides.14:07
Pici!root | ubuntu-ss14:07
ubotuubuntu-ss: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:07
undauntedspiritikonia: I'm tring to say that if I mount it as root, it works fine, I need to mount it as a reqular user.14:08
ikoniawam: no, ubuntu is calling out "to use this you need apache"14:08
roundyzcould someone define "a local operating system" and " a network operating system" for me please?14:08
ubuntu-ssno i want to to go to root prompt14:08
wamikonia: right - i consider this a bug.14:08
ikoniaundauntedspirit: just humour me, do a sudo mount -a14:08
kling0nubuntu-ss: in grub, press 'e' and append 'single' to the kernel options14:08
Flashikonia: NFORCE-MCP67: BIOS didn`t set cable bits correctly.Enabling work around.14:08
ikoniawam: then you consider wrong14:08
Piciroundyz: try in #ubuntu-offtopic, thats not really an Ubuntu support question.14:08
NET||abuseanyone here know what version of eclipse is available for gutsy?14:08
NET||abusei seem to have 3.2,, but there is 3.314:08
ubuntu-ssso i can not make just su14:08
wamikonia: apache as a requirement is bullshit. As would gnome for xchat be.14:08
ubuntu-ssand new password14:08
undauntedspiritikonia: No errors - mounts fine.14:08
OsamaKLjL, may I talk with you in a privet chat, this channel is spamming me!14:08
NET||abuseit hasn't been 3.2 since a good while now14:08
ikoniawam: there is no need for that language14:08
Pici!language | wam14:09
ubotuwam: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:09
LjLubuntu-ss: no. it's much safer to use "sudo" in front of the single commands you need root for. but if you need a root shell, like "su" gives you, you can always "sudo -i".14:09
ikoniawam: ubuntu choses the "prefered" dependencies, apache is a fine choice14:09
normieanyone please/14:09
ikoniawam: there is no need for offensive language14:09
Flashikonia: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/212d4353d-342534r3-45rtef3-756yh67ut bla bla does not exist. Dropping to a shell.14:09
ikoniaundauntedspirit: ok, thank you14:09
wamikonia: offensive?14:09
Pici!anyone | normie14:09
ubotunormie: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:09
ikoniawam: bad language and bad lanaguage abbrieviations14:09
wamikonia: I didn't argue - I just say that this decision is stupid.14:09
ikoniawam: thats your opinion14:09
LjLOsamaK, it's easy really: the standard Ubuntu CD, called the "Desktop CD", can't be used to upgrade. If you want to upgrade via CD, you need the "Alternate CD", which Ubotu sent you information about. Otherwise, upgrade from the Internet.14:10
ikoniawam: your welcome to re-pacakge14:10
PriceChildikonia, wam nagios2-common depsnds on "apache2 | httpd,"14:10
undauntedspiritikonia: mount /dev/hdb5 - results in "Error opening partition device: Permission denied"14:10
normiewell i'm trying to install my broadcom 1390 wireless card but it doens work. i tries ndiswrapper and fwcutter but nothing14:10
wolswam: it doesn't want apache. it wants apache2 or a httpd14:10
ikoniaPriceChild: right, thats perfact14:10
PriceChildikonia, wam, ie either will satisfy it, but apache2 is chosen first.14:10
PriceChildwam, you can see this from "apt-cache show nagios2-common"14:10
ubuntu-ssthanx sudo -i works14:10
kling0nnormie: sis you remember to install the firmware for ndiswrapper to use?14:10
wamPraiseChaos: let me check this14:11
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LjLubuntu-ss: i urge you to use it sparingly however. getting used to prefix "sudo" to *only* the commands that require it is a much better practice.14:11
PriceChildwam, tab-completion strikes again14:11
LjLand it's five characters after all, not that big a deal14:11
normieklin0n yes14:11
kitofhawaiinormie: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=297092 this worked for someone earlier14:11
coolyHi.. kann mir jemand helfen?14:12
LjL!de | cooly14:12
ubotucooly: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:12
coolysoyy. ljl14:12
kling0nLjL: sudo can be a problem if misconfigured n a multiuser system though14:12
olliwollihi, i am searching for a download manager that is integrated in nautilus or konqueror and is able to manage samba transfers (queueing, etc). is there such a thing?14:12
wamPraiseChaos: cool - I saw the dependency wrong. httpd is ok - so I'll provide that with my webserver. Thanks!14:12
kling0nrhalff: how did it go ?14:12
Snowim really useless when it comes to linux, when i read those manuals, i dont really understand anything :P14:12
PriceChildwam, I am over here.14:12
normiekitofhawaii i tried that manual as well i have a hp dv6225us laptop14:12
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wamPriceChild: sorry ;) Thanks anyway14:13
LjLkling0n: everything can be a problem if misconfigured. using the default configuration that comes with Ubuntu is often a good way to avoid misconfiguring it.14:13
ikoniaundauntedspirit: LjL got it :)14:13
Snowikonia, mind helping me? i dont really understand this14:13
kitofhawaiinormie: you did blacklist the native driver? (just to confirm)14:14
rhalffkling0n, it compiles against the normal tree of 2.6.22-14, will reboot.14:14
tupsonikonia: that did nothing14:14
kling0nLjL: i wouldn't use an unmodified setup of ubuntu for multiuser... I agree that defaults for single user is sane14:14
ikoniaLjL: undauntedspirit: the "defaults" option sets "rw" ntfs driver does not support "read write" you need "user ro"14:14
ikoniaSnow: what part is not clear14:14
Snowwhen i write smbpasswd -a "tommy" i get :"14:14
Snowdennis@dennis-desktop:~$ smbpasswd -a "tommy"14:14
SnowWhen run by root:14:14
Snow    smbpasswd [options] [username]14:14
Snow    smbpasswd [options]"14:14
ikoniatupson: when you boot it doesn't ask14:14
LjL!paste > Snow    (Snow, see the private message from Ubotu)14:14
ikoniaSnow: drop the " marks and read the guide I sent you14:14
LjLikonia, undauntedspirit seems to have left... but, i see. but didn't Gutsy support ntfs rw out of the box now?14:14
tupsonnope, just sits at a black screen again, until the login screen appears 10mins later14:14
ikoniaLjL: the driver is ntfs-3g not ntfs for read write14:15
soundraykling0n: what's the problem with a "unmodified multiuser setup"?14:15
kling0nLjL: ikonia ntfs-3g is a good alternative for rw access14:15
ubuntu-ssthanx for help guys14:15
Snowyeah, well, i dident really understand what the guide told me...14:15
kling0nsoundray: well.. I 'd restrict access to sudo14:15
LjLikonia: right... he had said that the fstab line is "just like the other ntfs lines he has", but i guess that's not entirely accurate.14:15
ikoniaLjL: so ntfs-3f user default would work or, ntfs user ro14:16
soundraykling0n: it is restricted by default. Only members of admin can use it.14:16
ikoniaLjL: yup14:16
ikoniaLjL: dissapointed he's gone,14:16
kling0nsoundray: and probably limit the commands to specifics... but much more likely remove sudo and use "su root" in stead14:16
kling0nsoundray: if nothing ese to reduce number of attack vectors14:16
kitofhawaiiSnow: if you do simply "sudo smbpasswd" do you get the option to type in the new password?14:16
kling0nsoundray: just my opinion though14:16
ikoniakitofhawaii: I don't think he's set samba up at all yet, which is why I've pointed him at an excellent guide14:17
soundraykling0n: enabling root does the exact opposite, though -- it increases the chances of an attack.14:17
kitofhawaiiSnow: as well, to confirm, you've shared out the folder from system -> administration -> shared folders ?14:17
Dreginis there any way to install ALSA from scratch? I compiled alsa-driver from source trying to get my mic input working and everything is dead14:17
Dreginwhen I run alsamixer it just hangs14:17
soundray*of a successful attack14:17
kitofhawaiiikonia: aye...getting there :) there's a method to my madness :)14:17
kling0nsoundray: root should never be allowed to login14:17
soundraykling0n: su root does exactly that, though14:18
Flashikonia: ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/212d4353d-342534r3-45rtef3-756yh67ut bla bla does not exist. Dropping to a shell.14:18
_blitz_i cant use any chat program.plz help.it just cannot connect.it connects only once pe once after a fresh install14:18
riotosaurusonce per once?14:19
ikoniaFlash: thats very interesting14:19
normiei got i to work with opensuse 10.2 but after i reboot my laptop it hangs14:19
tupsonikonia: you sure i am not suppose to change defoptions=quiet splash to this defoptions=vga=ask14:19
kling0nsoundray: what do you mean? I can disable remote logins for root and restrict execute priviledge on the su binary14:19
ikoniatupson: no, just "vga=ask" added to what was already there14:19
_blitz_sorry once after an install14:19
kling0nsoundray: how would that increase chances of attack ?14:19
pike_i think the ubuntu or bsd way of obfuscating root authority a bit with an admin or wheel group is best14:19
Snowis "sharename" the name of my computer or the folder im sharing?14:20
riotosaurus_blitz_: that sounds terribly bizarre. which programs in particular? can you access the internet?14:20
ikoniaSnow: the name you want to connect to as a folder14:20
Flashikonia: no it`s kind of annoing...14:20
tupsonbut if quiet splash is still on the line, wouldn't that supersede asking?14:20
ikoniatupson: no14:20
=== robteix is now known as mrgto_lunch
kitofhawaiiSnow: the name of the share (i.e. \\mycomputer\sharename)14:20
Dregincan anyone help me with ALSA driver problems?14:20
tupsonwell this is what the line looks like14:21
tupson# defoptions=quiet splash vga=ask14:21
tupsonand it didn't work14:21
kling0npike_: theres a major difference between allowing sudo or not though.... I still fail to see how sudo can change anything in a major way... especially unconfigured14:21
capiirasoundray, its a shame because it came just a few days after the release and this is a very important application in the linux world14:21
tupsonam i suppose to uncomment it?14:21
soundraykling0n: if you want to do all that, then right, your setup is more or less equally secure to a default Ubuntu one. For the price of some work.14:21
ikoniatupson: uncomment what ?14:21
tupsonthe line reads14:21
tupson# defoptions=quiet splash vga=ask14:21
_blitz_riotosaurus: all chat programs like konversation pidgin andd even chatzilla.i can connect to internet without any probs14:21
tupsondoesn't the # comment it out14:21
soundraycapiira: do you know what the difference is between rc3 and the released version?14:21
capiirayeah a hand full of bugs14:21
soundraycapiira: any security related ones?14:22
ikoniatupson: you've edited the wrong line14:22
thortupson: there are two locations for that in menu.lst...the first looks commented, but is the default values that will be added when a new kernel is installed14:22
ikoniatupson: the line should look like this14:22
riotosaurus_blitz_: sorry, i have no idea what's going on  :T14:22
kling0nsoundray: wouldn't you agree that having sudo+su=2 vectors while su=1 vector ?14:22
ikoniatupson: kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=da689828-6c2f-4c94-a9dd-764bf8f9f31a ro quiet splash vga=ask14:22
ikoniatupson: with your own uuid and kernel version14:22
capiirano security but usability14:22
kling0nrhalff: how did the boot go ?14:22
thortupson: the second is the kernel line that is booted...and there you will have to add the options yourself for existing kernels...new kernels will get that info from the other line14:22
_blitz_riotosaurus : ok :(14:22
tupsonahh i see14:23
tupsonok, let me try that14:23
soundraykling0n: I would. That's why I prefer sudo+(no su)=1 vector14:23
normiekitofhawaii if i try the restricted driver option, my light turn blue for 10 sec and then turn orange again14:23
kling0nsoundray: fair enugh14:23
rhalffkling0n, I'm further in the boot process then before but it still hangs. will google for more answers.14:23
kling0nsoundray: now I can't remember whether su was on my system per default but it is definitely there atm :) and I think I have a default setup in that regard14:25
kitofhawaiinormie: ok..."iwconfig" at terminal show it?14:25
soundraycapiira: it would have been against policy to update it after release, then. Maybe it's in the backports -- have you checked?14:25
kling0nrhalff: *nod14:25
_blitz_can anyone suggest a p2p client in ubuntu which is very user friendly.not something that asks me for metafiles straightaway after i open it.with nice gui14:25
capiirasoundray, yeah maybe but then their so called bug #1 will never be fixed14:25
soundraykling0n: you do. But it isn't a vector for root if there is a locked root account with no password14:25
kitofhawaiinormie: have you tried using iwconfig to manually connect? also is this wep 64/128?14:26
soundraycapiira: your argument is a classical non sequitur14:26
pike__blitz_: well i still like amule for the edonkey network but you might try frostwire though it is java so youll need to apt-get the sun jre14:26
kling0nsoundray: agreed14:26
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:26
ubotupurekde is If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »14:26
rhalffkling0n, sr:0:0:0:0 attached scsi generic sg0 type 5 is the last message, before that the 3w-9xxx driver loads complaining about the version of symbol_struct_module, but that should be the problem I guess.14:26
Snowi dont get this really14:27
pike__blitz_: when i setup one on a friends computer its usually frostwire or lime and then a decent torrent client like ktorrent or deluge or utorrent+wine14:27
kitofhawaiiSnow: where are we at, at this point...14:27
kling0nrhalff: hmm try compiling the xen kernel as well14:27
normiekitofhawaii can you pm me so i can paste the output14:27
Snowwhen im in my terminal and i get sudo, password for name14:27
=== g06|in_ is now known as g06|in
Snowi try to write and nothing happens14:28
abhii am having weird issues after i got compiz working on gutsy on an x3100 using the work arounds suggested14:28
kitofhawaiinormie: pastebin it14:28
kitofhawaiinormie: if you wouldn't mind :)14:28
abhithe window titlebars get put behind the gnome panel14:28
abhiany work arounds?14:28
kitofhawaiiSnow: nothing should happen...you type and it doesn't show *****, it just shows a cursor14:28
_blitz_pike : utorrent + wine works?14:28
rhalffkling0n, that was the problem, I don't have that source, but I think I will just build an entire custom kernel then, ftp.kernel.org and install xen from xen-source at least I have my sources then.14:28
kling0nrhalff: sound like a plan14:29
soundraykling0n: thanks for your ies4linux recommendation. I'm having a bit of trouble with it. It sets up an extra drive_c -- I've tried to merge them but the Reader installer still doesn't see IE14:29
kling0nrhalff: remember to update-initramfs and gub14:29
kitofhawaiinormie: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/14:29
kling0nsoundray: yeah i usually softlink my .wine to .ies4linux14:29
kling0nsoundray: sorry i forgot to mention it14:30
normiekitofhawaii  http://pastebin.com/dda453c914:30
kitofhawaiiSnow: so where are we at? did you complete the "shared folder" step?14:30
capiirasoundray, this attitude of applications bounded to distro releases just sucks, sorry but thats so inflexible.14:30
kling0nsoundray: you will need to merge all the registry files in .wine with the ones from .ies4linux14:30
rhalffkling0n, yes did that, although not at the first time.. :)14:31
* kling0n pulls out the spamcannon and aims at EoleO14:31
kitofhawaiinormie: would you mind pastebinning the output of iwconfig instead?14:31
corporal_clegghello, could someone tell me a name of a good video-podcast-reader that is not miro?14:31
soundraycapiira: it's the strategy of choice for Ubuntu for tackling bug #1, though. If you don't like it, there are plenty of distributions that let you live on the cutting edge more. Try Debian Sid.14:31
hacked_kernelCan I make a user that can't run all bash commands unless what I'm specifying to that user?14:31
kitofhawaiiSnow: are you still there?14:32
kling0nhacked_kernel: i think you'll need to install a restricted shell for that14:32
NET||abusehow can i switch my 2 button external mouse to 3 button simulated without rebooting X?14:32
kling0nhacked_kernel: or you can chroot the users14:32
pike_hacked_kernel: or just chmod 700 $(which bash)  ;p14:33
soundrayhacked_kernel: what specifically are you worried about?14:33
tyler_2looking to get a hand with some cisco vpn schtuff... more specifically, rdp through a cisco vpn as well as doing a windows tunnel, then using the windows tunnel to cisco... :) ??14:33
Snowyeah im hero kito14:33
kitofhawaiityler_2: do you have access to the cisco vpn client?14:34
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok...did you share the folder through the shared folders tool?14:34
normiekitofhawaii did you see it/14:34
Snowyeah i did14:34
tyler_2for windows yah14:35
kitofhawaiinormie: the link you gave was ifconfig output, but not iwconfig14:35
Snowits strange, when i wrote smbpasswd -a name i dont get asked about a new password, i just get alott of options14:35
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok, in terminal, "sudo smbpasswd" ... just that14:35
hacked_kernelsoundray: I'll give ssh access to people i'm hosting their web site and i want those user  not to play with my server even run "free" or "top" commads14:35
pike_tyler_2: so wait you want to run vpnc in linux to rdp to a win box then run windows cisco client on that box to vpn no another box?14:35
kitofhawaiiSnow: try just that, no username or anything...just the part in the quotes14:35
Snowyeah, did that, asked about a new passwd14:35
Snowwrote a new passwd14:36
normiekitofhawaii http://pastebin.com/d104be34f14:36
profanephobiawhenever i try searching in the address bar my searches are forwarded to (http://www33.not-found-entry.org/search?qo=) without my permission.. in about:config the value for address bar searches is set to google.. this happens in every browser i use, (Konq. FF and epiphany)14:36
kitofhawaiityler_2: i suggest highly you get the linux vpn client from a tech person at the office you are attempting to connect, since it will be them that will support it14:36
tyler_2no no.. pike: I want to tunnel using a window server, then cisco ,then rdp14:36
tyler_2kitofhawaii: thats so weak but ty14:36
kitofhawaiityler_2: it's honestly the best...vpnc in my opinion is buggy...but that's me. i use the cisco vpn client14:37
Snowwhat after sudo smbpasswd14:37
pike_tyler_2: you cant just use vpnc?  it is pretty easy after you know your pass and such to use14:37
tyler_2once I connect to the cisco right now, the rdp session won't connect...14:38
pike_personally i use vpnc and rdesktop in ubuntu almost every day since im on call 24x7 i havent had a problem yet *crosses fingers*14:38
tyler_2tunnelling issue b/c It will connect on the win box right next to it14:38
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok, now go over to the windows box, and try to connect \\<yourlinuxipaddress>\<thesharenameyougave>14:38
tyler_2and the cisco network is solid on both14:38
kitofhawaiiSnow: use the username "guest" and password the one you just typed in14:38
Snowcant connect14:38
soundrayhacked_kernel: so you need a bit of a kiosk-like configuration. I think I would add myself to the root group and chmod all programs on the path o-x. Then o+x the ones you do want to allow access to14:38
normiekitofhawaii did you see it14:38
kling0nsnow did you enable the user?14:39
kling0nSnow: sudo smbpasswd -e username14:39
kitofhawaiinormie: that driver didn't work...or you might need to reboot, since no wireless extensions were shown14:39
normiei know i get that when i blacklist bcm43xx14:39
pike_tyler_2: for tunneling id just use ssh if for some reason you need too but i actually prefer the linux vpn and rdesktop to the windows tools14:39
SnowFailed to modify password entry for user guest14:39
soundrayhacked_kernel: I've never tried this, though. It's dangerous to play with permissions. Have a backup.14:39
naelrI am running gutsy how do I install kernel source for an older kernel14:40
naelrI have 2.6.22 but I need 2.6.2014:40
dmacnuttdownload it and make a .deb14:40
tyler_2pike: I am using the default vpn not cisco's14:40
brobostigonnaelr: why??14:40
normiekitofhawaii i know i get that when i blacklist bcm43xx14:40
arialthhello, i have a question concerning ubuntu 7.04. I am currently running ubuntu on an HP dv9420us laptop, and i have it mostly stable, but every time i attempt to put the system into either hibernate or sleep mode, i get a bright red screen and the system hangs. Could someone please tell me how to fix this?14:40
tyler_2pike: vpnc14:40
naelrbrobostigon: why what?14:40
kitofhawaiityler_2: are you able to ping the windows server?14:40
brobostigonwhy downgrade to an older kernel??14:41
dmacnuttnaelr: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=311158&highlight=master+kernel14:41
naelrbecause the 2.6.22 will not boot...14:41
naelrthis laptop is crazy14:41
kitofhawaiinormie: i'm a bit confused about that, what do you get?14:41
Snowok, when the termnial says that it fails to modify the password for the user guest, what do i do then?14:41
brobostigonso its not a problem with you boot manager??14:41
kitofhawaiiSnow: when you tried to connect, you used your linux box's IP address right?14:42
Snowno wrote the computer name14:42
Snowopen run on the windows14:42
kitofhawaiiSnow: try the ip address instead14:42
naelrdmacnutt I just want the source... it is no longer in the repos14:42
kitofhawaiiSnow: open run on windows, \\<ipaddresoflinuxbox>\<sharename>14:42
normiekitofhawaii well thatis my problem. i'm confused as well14:42
naelrI can't complie my new wifi card without the kernel source14:43
dmacnuttnaelr: you want the source to rebuild the kernel, the previous url still applies14:43
dmacnuttyou get the source from14:43
naelrI don't wanna rebuild... I will read again dmacnutt14:43
arialthsorry about the nick. Anyways: I am having a problem putting the system into sleep or hibernate mode, could someone please help me?14:43
Snowinternal ip or external?14:43
kitofhawaiinormie: ok...what's the name of the restricted driver you just installed?14:43
kitofhawaiiSnow: internal14:43
soundrayarialth: with trouble like that, you have to play with the settings a bit. Look at the video state options in /etc/default/acpi-support14:43
soundrayarialth: did you install the binary nvidia driver?14:44
kitofhawaiiSnow: on the linux box, "ifconfig eth0", use the IP address from that...this is a test14:44
dmacnuttnaelr: you won't find an official 2.6.20 .deb kernel for gutsy14:44
arialthsoundray: i have the nvidia drivers enabled in the restricted drivers manager...14:44
dmacnuttnaelr: just rebuild it's fairly easy, just takes a bit of time depending on the machine14:44
normiekitofhawaii wl_apsta.o14:45
* genii sips a coffee14:45
Snowit cant find me14:45
tupsonikonia: that got me the option to choose a VGA, however all 7 options still gave me a black screen14:45
normiekitofhawaii and with ndiswrapper i try to install the window drivers from hp14:45
Snowwell, instead of him trying to get into my map, how do i get into the windows map14:45
kling0nhacked_kernel, soundray there might be something worth reading here: http://ubuntu-watch.com/2007/05/24/create-chroot-jails-the-easy-way-with-jailkit/14:45
ikoniatupson: thats very odd. What video card do you have14:46
kling0nhaven't tried that tool though so it's not exactly a recommendation14:46
ikoniatupson: apologies if I'm slow responding, I'm in and out of my screen14:46
kitofhawaiiSnow: places -> network server -> select "Windows share"14:46
profanephobiawhenever i try searching in the address bar my searches are forwarded to (http://www33.not-found-entry.org/search?qo=) without my permission.. in about:config the value for address bar searches is set to google.. this happens in every browser i use, (Konq. FF and epiphany)14:46
kitofhawaiinormie: have you rebooted since the last time you tried ndiswrapper?14:46
tupsonI have a Raedon 9600 128MB14:46
arialthsoundray: in /etc/default/acpi-support i have two lines, ACPI_SLEEP and ACPI_HIBERNATE and both are set to true14:47
Snowwindows share?14:47
Piciprofanephobia: sounds like it could be something that your DNS server is doing.14:47
Snowcan only see windows network14:47
normiekitofhawaii here is the new output http://pastebin.com/m3523e6f214:47
soundrayarialth: is that all?14:47
kitofhawaiiSnow: yes, click on where it says "service type"14:47
profanephobiaPici, at first thats what i thought.. but its not happening to anyone else on the network14:47
arialthno the file is quite large soundray14:47
Snowservice type?14:47
Snowcant se that either14:47
soundrayarialth: it may help to look at the video state options in there. Don't paste!14:48
kitofhawaiinormie:that's more like it...is it wep?14:48
differentrealitywhich player/plugins/codecs do I need in order to play rm files ??14:48
arialthsoundray: you want a copy of the file then?14:48
kitofhawaiiSnow: can you ping your linux box from the windows box?14:48
jrib!restricted > differentreality (read the private message from ubotu)14:48
tupsonIkonia: what if i just remove quiet splash?14:48
Snowill try14:48
pike_differentreality: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats14:48
jribdifferentreality: mplayer with w32codecs is one way14:49
soundrayarialth: it would also be interesting to see whether suspend works when you disable the restricted driver. If it does, that would narrow it down to a problem with the binary driver, and those are quite well documented on the web.14:49
Piciprofanephobia: are you by chance using different dns servers than those other people, like the level3 dns servers? (4.2.2.x)?14:49
kitofhawaiiSnow: yah, let's confirm first there's basic connectivity, because something's a bit off...:)14:49
kling0ndifferentreality: have you installed helix player ?14:49
differentrealitykling0n, nop14:49
arialthsoundray: i could try that. 1 sec14:49
soundrayarialth: no, I want you to look at that file and try out the options yourself.14:49
differentrealityjrib, how do i insatll w32codecs ?14:49
Snowyeah can ping it14:49
kitofhawaiinormie: the network type you are trying to connect to, what type of encryption does it use?14:49
kling0ndifferentreality: try giving it a whirl :)14:49
arialthsoundray: hehe cool14:49
profanephobiaPici, no :( .. its like my browsers were hijacked like i was using windows14:49
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok...what's the share name you created?14:49
jribdifferentreality: from medibuntu14:49
kling0ndifferentreality: alternatively take a look at w32codecs in the medibuntu repository14:49
jrib!medibuntu > differentreality (read the private message from ubotu)14:49
arialthsoundray: should i enable laptop mode?14:50
differentrealityok... tnx :)14:50
Snowdont really get all of this share name:P i have shared a folder, called Publikt14:50
soundrayarialth: I think you should14:50
normiekitofhawaii wpa14:50
kitofhawaiinormie: oof...that hurts :)14:50
pike_differentreality: medibuntu is handy for a number of things a propper ffmpeg for example14:50
kling0n!medibuntu > differentreality14:50
Piciprofanephobia: can you try pinging an address you know doesnt exist, and see if gives you an IP back.14:50
JockeoWhat's the recommended way to install internet explorer on Ubuntu 7.10?14:51
kling0nprofanephobia: check your /etc/hosts file14:51
kitofhawaiinormie: can you right click on network manager now and is wireless available as an option? or are you using a different wireless manager?14:51
tupsoninstall WINE?14:51
tupsonJockeo: Install WINE14:51
Jockeotupson: ok thanks14:51
profanephobiaPici, will a non-existent local ip do?14:51
Pici!ies4linux | Jockeo14:51
ubotuJockeo: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!14:51
phyzJockeo, i tried in wine, didn't have much luck. virtualbox -- just put a win install on there14:51
arialthsoundray: do i need to restart my entire system for the changes to take effect, or just the x server?14:51
phyzfwiw, of course14:51
Piciprofanephobia: no, and not an IP, a name.14:51
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:51
geniiPici: Well, the recommended thing would be not to do it all, actually14:52
profanephobiaPici, oh lol ok14:52
rhalffJockeo, http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page is easy also14:52
kling0nJockeo, tupson ln -s .wine .ies4linux, then download http://www.tatanka.com.br/14:52
kling0ndownload ies4linux and run14:52
kitofhawaiiSnow: is that the share on the windows or linux box?14:52
andres_question Im using gcc to compile a c program that uses execl() but the compiler it gives me an error in my local machine warnng :myforkexec.c:18: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘execl’,.. but if i run the same program on a server using unix it works thats anyone have a clue about this???14:52
JockeoThanks everyone for helping about IE!14:52
Snowboth, i have a share on the linux and the windows box, i want to be able to use my linux box to acces the windows files and the windows box to acces the linux file14:53
differentrealitydo i need sth extra for helix player ?14:53
Snowbut at the moment im more intressted in getting the linux box into the windows share14:53
kitofhawaiiSnow: you do that from places -> connect to server (open that up and let me know when you're ready)14:53
jribandres_: what does 'ls /usr/include/unistd.h' return?14:53
Snowyeah its opened14:54
kling0nandres_: same version of gcc?14:54
profanephobiakling0n, i did nothing was wrong in /etc/hosts good thinking though14:54
kitofhawaiiSnow: change the service type to "Windows Share"14:54
kling0nprofanephobia: do you configure your own nameserver ?14:54
profanephobiakling0n, yeah but i checked it to14:54
kling0nprofanephobia: do you run bind ?14:54
kitofhawaiiSnow: put your windows box's computer name under server, and the windows box's sharename under share....14:54
profanephobiakling0n, no14:55
andres_klingOn: returns /usr/include/unistd.h'14:55
kling0nprofanephobia: and do you have any catch-all configs ?14:55
kling0nprofanephobia: hmm14:55
profanephobiaPici, it returned a normal response14:55
SpeakerManiaHow/Where do I upgrade/get adobe flash 9r115?14:55
Snowwhat is the share name?14:55
kitofhawaiiSnow: fill in the username from the windows box under "user name"14:55
Snowthe name of the folder?14:55
Piciprofanephobia: which is?14:55
kling0nprofanephobia: are you using a proxy ?14:55
narothepharohneed help installing a camera14:55
kitofhawaiiSnow: ye14:55
profanephobiakling0n, nope14:55
profanephobiaPici, i ping a non-existent address and it returned unknown host14:55
humboltoHow stable is Xen in gutsy?14:55
humboltoAnd how good is the Xen environment in Gutsy after all?14:56
Snowdo i have to put in the share name? becouse there is a lott of folders shared on this computer, and i want to access them all at once, but they are on diffrent places on the windows box14:56
kling0nprofanephobia: try making a new profile for firefox (firefox -ProfileManager) and see it that profile has problems also14:56
profanephobiakling0n, but it also affects epiphany and konq14:56
kling0nprofanephobia: weird14:56
profanephobiai know14:56
kling0nprofanephobia: how about trying with another user?14:56
kling0nprofanephobia: same issue ?14:56
andres_klingOn: it just returns /usr/include/unistd.h'14:56
profanephobiakling0n, well im the only user on this box ill have to make anothe rto test14:57
normiekitofhawaii frustrating huh?14:57
kling0nnod profanephobia14:57
Piciprofanephobia: and /etc/resolv.conf doesnt have anything weird?14:57
kling0nPici: good thinking14:57
profanephobiaPici, il check14:57
kitofhawaiinormie: which one? :)14:57
kitofhawaiiSnow: you have to put in the share name, yes.14:58
* genii hands out a round of coffee14:58
kling0nandres_: try running gcc --version on both machines14:58
profanephobiaPici, no just my dns servers14:58
=== LotharTBL is now known as Lothar_Away
Pici!away > Lothar_Away (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)14:58
kitofhawaiiSnow: unfortunately that's a limitation.14:58
kling0nandres_: perhaps your program wont compile with gcc4x so you could try gcc3x14:58
normiekitofhawaii i know i don;t want to use windows14:58
Snowdo i have to write it all, like "documents and settings/Dennis temp"?14:58
kitofhawaiiSnow: no...just the name it is shared as...on the windows box, get that share name (right click it, and click sharing, it'll give you the name)14:59
Little_rafatudo bem14:59
Snowwhat under folder then?14:59
kitofhawaiiSnow: the one you want to connect to14:59
Snowthe one i want to connect to?15:00
Snowthe folder? the same as sharename?15:00
kitofhawaiiSnow: do you know the share name of that folder you want to connect to on the windows box?15:01
Snowim not sure what the share name is?15:01
livingdaylightI salute all my Comrades!15:01
kitofhawaiinormie: i'm sorry i'm neglecting, i'll help in a second15:01
kitofhawaiiSnow: go get it...right click on the folder in windows, and click sharing15:01
Snowc:/Documents and Settings/Dennis temp15:01
swisgardis there a package for the Python/C API? where i can just apt-get it?15:01
normiekitofhawaii if it works i can wait allnight15:01
Snowits called Dennis temp15:01
livingdaylighti have an rm file which i can't open15:02
profanephobiaPici, i fixed it15:02
Piciprofanephobia: how?15:02
kitofhawaiiSnow: perfect, on the linux box...that's what you put in "Share"15:02
Snowalready dd15:02
gordonjcplivingdaylight: realmedia rm?15:02
Snowuser name:?15:02
livingdaylighthelix player isn't opening rm file15:02
profanephobiaPici, i dont really know the cause yet.. but its only affecting linux machines on our network15:02
Pici!enter | Snow15:02
ubotuSnow: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:02
livingdaylightgordonjcp, helix player doesn't play rm files15:02
kitofhawaiiSnow: whatever your username is on the windows box15:02
Piciprofanephobia: intersting.15:02
Snowhe only have one user, and that is tha admin, so im not sure what the user name is15:03
gordonjcplivingdaylight: that's odd, considering it's supposed to be the "open" realplayer15:03
profanephobiaPici, something on the dns server... but im at a loss as to what cause the windows machines are un affected15:03
gordonjcplivingdaylight: maybe mplayer will15:03
livingdaylightgordonjcp, precisely15:03
kitofhawaiiSnow: then admin it is15:03
dr4gWhat's the shortcut to switch workspaces.15:03
dr4gkeyboard ^15:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realmedia - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:03
SpookyETWhen you install a program from source, how do you uninstall it? I installed Transmission 0.96. Do you have to crawl through the file system and delete all dirs manually or is there a quick uninstall command like "make uninstall"15:03
kitofhawaiidr4g: ctrl-alt-left/right15:03
Snowokey, what do i write on folder then?15:03
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:03
kitofhawaiiSnow: leave it blank15:03
dr4gkitofhawaii: tyvm15:03
SnowDomain name?15:03
kitofhawaiiSnow: leave that blank too15:03
kling0nprofanephobia: check your named master files for wildcards15:03
phyzdr4g, or you can click both mouse buttons on the desktop and drag it around15:03
SnowName to use for connection?15:03
dr4gkitofhawaii: i only have two how can i enable four15:03
kitofhawaiiSnow: whatever you want15:04
profanephobiakling0n, ill check it out15:04
kitofhawaiidr4g: lower right hand corner of the screen, right click the grey boxes, and click properties.  you can configure your workspaces in there15:04
Snowok, what after that then15:04
dr4gkitofhawaii: tyvm15:04
kling0nprofanephobia: a wildcard in a named zone file is the '@' character15:04
kitofhawaiiSnow: click connect15:04
profanephobiakling0n, k15:04
kling0nprofanephobia, Pici  still sounds strange though15:04
tupsoncan anyone assist me with my Splash Screen not appearing on boot up? I think Ikonia fell asleep on me :)15:04
Snowyeah, nothing happened accept that it got added to network - file browser15:04
lexis_nexushail comrades15:04
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok now double click it15:05
Snownothing happenbs15:05
LOGANcover of ubuntu warns installer whipes hdd by default. why not set partitioning by default?15:05
kling0ntupson: what are your kernel options ?15:05
kitofhawaiiSnow: you don't even get an error?15:05
profanephobiakling0n, Pici , idk ive been hijacked before but not in linux.. this shows similar properties15:05
Snownot even a error15:05
tupsonkling0n: right now its /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=c212f47a-6ac8-4d76-ad03-619b97a22b10 ro quiet splash15:05
kling0nprofanephobia: agreed15:05
lexis_nexuswould anyone have some experience with setting up openwrt on a wrt54g15:06
kitofhawaiiSnow: go back into connect to server, under service type change it to "windows share" and then click on browse network15:06
tupsoni added vga=ask15:06
tupsonand all 7 options didn't change a thing15:06
lexis_nexusI really need some help15:06
Snowwhen i do that i get my regular network - file browser15:06
kitofhawaiiSnow: did you get anything?15:06
Picilexis_nexus: Thats not really an Ubuntu support question, you can try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or in #networking15:06
Picilexis_nexus: or maybe even ##linux15:07
livingdaylighthttp://www.real.com/linux when i hit download i just get a blank page15:07
kling0nprofanephobia: try this cd /etc; sudo grep -iR "" *15:07
kitofhawaiiSnow: did the machine come up...you have to help me here :)15:07
kling0nprofanephobia: go hunt for the ip15:07
Picikling0n: why -i? those are numbers.15:07
Snowno, i only see the same things as i did previously when i added it to network15:07
kling0nadn try that on the server running your name server as welll15:07
kling0nPici: right you are15:07
kitofhawaiiSnow: double click on "windows network" and then see if the machine comes up in there15:07
kling0nPici: just habit :)15:08
Picikling0n: oh, okay :)15:08
jribswisgard: python2.5-dev15:08
kling0nPici: my grep patterns seem to be hard-coded into my fingers ;)15:08
Snownothing happens when i double click windows networks15:08
Snownot even a error msg15:08
swisgardjrib, i have python installed on my machine, it comes defaultly, so do i need to install that entire thing to get the API?15:08
kitofhawaiiSnow: the screen is blank?15:08
=== adante_ is now known as adante
profanephobiakling0n, i get nothing ( i removed the i too)15:08
Snowits the same as before15:08
Snowi see "windows networks"15:08
Snownothing else happens15:09
kling0nprofanephobia: you might want to try the same but search for the web address15:09
kitofhawaiiSnow: double click it until it does something15:09
soundraykling0n: with a bit of fiddling, I managed to install Frutiger from the MS Reader package. Thanks for your hints!15:09
kling0nprofanephobia: it's really weird though15:09
jribswisgard: I don't know that you *need* to15:09
kling0nsoundray: you're welcome15:09
soundraykling0n: I have a highly up-to-date wine as a side effect ;)15:09
Snowi have clicked about 100 times now, and tryed open in new window,  no new window  came up and no error msg15:09
andres_how can i install gcc components through command line?15:09
kling0nprofanephobia: btw: http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.dev.security/browse_thread/thread/5e5aaad116db0e0915:09
kling0nsame issue15:10
kling0nprofanephobia: looks like some kind of attack sure enough15:10
jribswisgard: it's the only package I see providing /usr/include/python2.5/Python.h though15:10
Piciandres_: The build-essential package has everything you need to compile things from source.15:10
profanephobiasweet ill read up thanks kling0n15:10
kitofhawaiiSnow: i'm sorry..but...i have to surrender here. i'll have to defer to someone else for help.15:10
Snowim not sure whats wrong really15:10
Snowits just that, nothing happens15:10
kling0nprofanephobia: it's your ISP15:10
kling0nprofanephobia: they have been pwned15:10
tupsonany thoughts kling0n?15:11
kling0nprofanephobia: change dns servers to as specified in http://www.opendns.com/15:11
Snowand when i connect to my linux box with the windows computer i only get a name and password screen15:11
kling0ntupson: what *do you get at startup ?15:11
profanephobiakling0n, crap i have insightBB as well.. just like the people in the posts15:11
kitofhawaiiSnow: did you enter "guest" as the user name, and the password you typed in earlier on the linux box?15:11
kling0ndo you get any boot messages in stead of the splash? or a blank screen ?15:11
Snowyeah. nothing happen15:12
kitofhawaiiSnow: not even an error?15:12
kling0nwow my gf just made pancakes for me! i'm going afk for a while15:12
kling0nprofanephobia: there you go then15:12
kling0nprofanephobia: as usual, google is your friend :)15:12
Snowjust indicates that its the wrong password or username15:12
h4L1mhello, i can't watch any videos on ubuntu because it's quality is very bad, i think it's because of compiz fusion, what can i do to watch the videos?15:12
kling0nprofanephobia: but at least you know it's not your system that has been infected15:12
kling0nprofanephobia: might want to drop them a mail though15:12
Pici!offtopic | LOGAN15:13
ubotuLOGAN: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:13
profanephobiakling0n, yeah theyll be hearing from me for sure.. thanks for the help15:13
LOGANwell at least now I get a reaction15:13
JockeoI added the WineHQ repository for Gutsy Gibbon, but when I search for Wine in Synaptic Package Manager I don't get the newest version. However, it worked on my other pc. What can be wrong?15:13
tupsonklingt0n: First, I get the DELL Logon, then the ESC option, then the LCD is black for about 10mins, then I get the Ubuntu login page.... but I was told I was suppose to see a progress bar scrolling at the bottom while its loading15:13
wolsJockeo: apt-cache policy wine15:13
* LOGAN 's question earlier got ignores by the offtopic chatter15:13
PiciLOGAN: Do you have a support question?15:14
PiciLOGAN: Sometimes things get missed.15:14
LOGANcover of ubuntu warns installer whipes hdd by default. why not set partitioning by default?15:14
Snowdo you thing that the router im using could have anything with this to do?15:14
h4L1mi can't watch any videos on ubuntu because it's quality is very bad, i think it's because of compiz fusion, what can i do to watch the videos?15:14
=== Lothar_Away is now known as LotharTBL
LOGANconcerning new users and people who switch from windows15:14
wolsh4L1m: remove your xserver-xgl at least15:15
h4L1mi don't have installed xgl15:15
bulmerLOGAN come again? what is being wiped?15:15
LOGANbesides the link was ontopic, it compares ubuntu and debian search results :|15:15
Jockeowols: That only shows info about the old 9.46 version, not the new one15:15
kitofhawaiiSnow: what type of router do you have?15:15
LOGAN: bulmer nothing, Im just curious why the installer would set to whipe hdd15:15
h4L1mwhat else can i do?15:15
kitofhawaiiSnow: then no...15:16
LOGANsee ubuntu CD cover for details15:16
bulmerLOGAN it will not wipe it completely if there is an existing file system on it it recognized15:16
usamahashimiKindly help me about that; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47833/15:17
bulmerSnow what do you have between your windows pc and your ubuntu?15:17
LOGAN"The default installation will erase all existing data from your computer" the cd cover says15:17
=== LotharTBL is now known as Lothar_Away
kitofhawaiiSnow: try "dennis" and that password you entered earlier15:17
Snowi had some problems with samba when i installed ubuntu on this box, samba was installed and everything, but everytime i tryed to share a folder on my linux box it said that samba was not installed, and asked me if i would like to install it. When i push install the same thing happend there, it just open the same menu as before, doing nothing, i reinstalled samba from synaptic and after that i worked15:18
bulmerLOGAN ahh.umm..15:18
Snowcould that have to do with it15:18
kitofhawaiiSnow: quite possibly15:19
PiciLOGAN: What version?15:19
LOGANpici 7.1015:19
kitofhawaiiSnow: why didn't you mention that earlier? :)15:19
Snowjust rembered that now;)15:19
LOGANyou know how impatient windows users can be15:19
PiciLOGAN: I think that is just there as a warning.15:19
PiciLOGAN: I dont have a pressed CD available to me.15:19
PiciLOGAN: Log a bug if you are really concerned about it.15:20
be4tell me pls ubuntu rus channel?15:20
qwazguys, im in a huge bind here...my box at work suddenly won't connect.  i get dnsservice error 65537...NOTHING changed15:20
kitofhawaiiSnow: oof...i have no idea where you are at now...did you just reinstall it?15:20
Picibe4: #ubuntu-ru15:20
tupsonKling0n: back, sorry if i missed a response to me, if you asked me additional questions15:20
arialthsoundray: I rebuilt the nvidia drivers using envy and now i can place the system in suspend, but when it wakes up, not only does my networking not restart, but my usb logitec mouse no longer works and i have to reset the system to get it working again because pulling the usb adapter out and plugging it back in does not work15:21
bulmerqwaz-> are you logged in to that box now? easy to access a terminal in front of it?15:21
kitofhawaiiSnow: i'm just a bit confused at the moment where we're at...:)15:21
LOGANpici well I dunno, seems almost like it formats your hdd if you're not being carefull :)15:21
Snowyeah, just reinstalled15:21
qwazbulmer it's in the other room, i can walk back and forth15:21
PiciLOGAN: Yes, well thats what it will do.15:21
Snowi did remove everything from synaptic, and then i just downloaded the samba-client and everything again15:21
Snowand then the share folder setting started to work15:22
LOGANalmost scared to give it away, afraid someone would accidentially whipe his whole HDD and then complain with me15:22
kitofhawaiiSnow: ok... places -> connect to server -> browse network15:22
bulmerqwaz-> that status you are speaking of, is that from the terminal of subject computer or from where you log on remotely?15:22
Jack_SparrowLOGAN: It comes up to a screen and ASKS if you want to use the entire drive or gives you options at that point.  You must say yes.. I want to use the entire drive.15:22
Snowafter that i se one icon called "Windows Network"15:22
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kitofhawaiiSnow: double click "windows network" and then see if that works15:22
=== Dark_Sith is now known as Homey
qwazit's from the system log of a desktop i log onto locally15:22
Snownope, do not work, nothing happens, not even a error msg15:22
ggghey! we changed the graphic card on an ubuntu cd - how do we tell ubuntu to reconfigure x?15:22
kitofhawaiiSnow: what about right click, open in new window?15:23
LOGANJack_Sparrow : will it also help set up partitions and boot options automatically?15:23
ironfootI've got a problem configuring cups I can sure use some help please.15:23
bulmerLOGAN and I believe its a lawyer-speak type of thing, cover yours just in case...fine prints stuff...hehe15:23
Jack_SparrowLOGAN: yes15:23
SnowNo new window, nothing happens, no error msg15:23
linux4mei'm running ubuntu 7.10, what software firewall would you guys recommend?15:23
PiciLOGAN: Have you personally tried running the install?15:23
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:23
gggwe changed the graphic card of an ubuntu pc. that broke x. how do we tell ubuntu to reconfigure x?15:24
bulmerlinux4me-> umm iptables is standard, just different front end to interface with it15:24
RedHeronggg: might try XConfig15:24
LOGANpici not yet as Im unfamilair with partitioning and have to make room for it first. Im just worried to pass it on and some noob will whipe his drive using default settings :)15:24
Piciggg: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh`15:24
incorrectthere really isn't one monitoring tool to do everything15:24
RedHeronggg: Pici's suggestion is more sound than mine. :-)15:25
PiciLOGAN: The partitioning steps are well explained.15:25
LOGANI dont even know if I could use another HDD partition to have that partition for ubuntu15:25
geniiPici: Well, if new card entirely the -phigh I dunno about15:25
usamahashimiKindly help me; http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47833/15:25
qwaz__bulmer it's from the error log of a machine i log onto locally15:25
Picigenii: That should look for video card / monitor / resolution15:25
s00pany divx users in here?15:25
kitofhawaiiSnow: i am sorry, i am unable to help. i have to defer to someone else unfortunately15:25
LOGANI have 2 drives with 4 partitions... could it partition an existing partition in two parts?15:26
SuicideSalmonkling0n, did you figure out how to stop the annoying little bugs in mysql-navigator? For instance, whenever I switch window, the query I'm working on just disappears, and if I try to save it, it makes a blank file, so now I've got to start again :(15:26
bulmerqwaz-> i dont know what that means, but can you log in to that remote pc? what os you have and whats in the remote?15:26
Jack_SparrowLOGAN: Yes it can shrink an existing partition and add one for ubuntu..15:26
geniiLOGAN: Partitions at the beginning or end of a drive are easier to split. In the middle gets problemmatic15:27
qwaz__bulmer it is not a remote pc...it's right here...it's the newest ubuntu15:27
arialthhow does one set networking to turn back on after suspend/sleep/hibernate?15:27
qwaz__bulmer 7.1015:27
s00pAs a gift to the general public, we are offering a free copy of DivX pro. :) This URL is good for one week. http://www.divx.com/dff15:27
bulmerqwaz-> your local is 7.10 ubuntu and the remote os is?15:27
s00pPlease just don't blogit or put it on digg or we'll have to take it down15:27
Pici!offtopic | s00p15:27
ubotus00p: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:27
bulmers00p wha is divx?15:28
qwaz__bulmer what do you mean remote? the computer with the dns error? it's 7.1015:28
Picis00p: Please don't spam links in here.15:28
LOGANhmm I dont have lots of space on HDD's right now. it would take some mayor re-organisong to get started I think15:28
bulmerqwaz-> your local is 7.10 ubuntu and the remote os is?15:28
s00pPici: Sorry, meant no harm. Just trying to offer a gift :P15:28
kbrookss00p, um15:28
qwaz__bulmer can you rephrase the question please?15:28
kbrooksEVERYONE: PLEASE clear the screen15:29
qwaz__bulmer ubuntu 7.10 is the os on the computer in question15:29
Picikbrooks: ??15:29
kbrooksPici, hmm, ok, never mind, sorry15:29
s00pthis channel is way too stuffy. bye15:29
bulmerqwaz-> the remote computer you are trying to connect to, what is its os?15:30
chronic1anyone here ever programmed with PCRE before?15:30
qwaz__bulmwe i am not trying to connect to a remote computer15:30
* MoRfEuS :P15:30
bulmerqwaz-> oh,..so the issues is what? what does not work?15:31
qwaz__bulmer when i logged onto my dekstop pc running ubuntu 7.10 there was no network connection. i looked in the logs and it said dnsserviceregister - error 6553715:31
* MoRfEuS just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...15:31
* MoRfEuS just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...15:31
* MoRfEuS just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...15:31
* MoRfEuS just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...15:31
* MoRfEuS just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...15:31
qwaz__bulmer nothing changed at all since i logged off of it after work yesterday15:31
geniiThanks ops15:32
bulmerqwaz-> are you attempting to connect that pc to any other pc?15:32
qwaz__bulmer lol no15:32
bulmerqwaz then what is the issue then? just because you got an error logged?15:33
qwaz__bulmer there was no connectivity15:33
qwaz__bulmer no internet15:33
=== usamahashimi is now known as guest9211
Snowhow do i install a program?15:33
bulmerqwaz you told me that, so do you have any of the apps to update periodically? where it attempts to get the update and off course you get an error because it has no connectivity15:33
qwaz__bulmer what are you asking me?15:34
qwaz__bulmer my machine can't connect to the internet...the error i found was error 6553715:34
bulmerqwaz forget it, its a non-issue15:34
Snowi have downloaded the .gz file that i want installed, after extracting the folder how do i install the software?15:34
ArelisHi guys. When i login into gnome i get this weird error:15:34
ArelisDe instelling model "pc101", layout "us" and no options werd verwacht, maar de volgende instelling is gevonden: model "pc105", layout "us" and no options.15:35
ArelisWelke van de twee geeft u de voorkeur?15:35
wols!compile | snow15:35
ubotusnow: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:35
ArelisAND, my background desktop is gone.15:35
wols!nl | Arelis15:35
ubotuArelis: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl15:35
Snowthanks wols15:35
ajopaulhi, how do install graphics-filter for open office draw application, i cant insert pictures..15:37
tupsonkling0n u there?15:38
g-ehey, we try to get ubuntu running with a geforce 5200 graphic card. any idea how?15:38
=== Petrov_ is now known as Petrov
* SpOoF just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just15:38
* SpOoF just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just15:38
* SpOoF just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just for the fun of it...:)...just15:38
onatsthat was fast15:39
* RichiH looks at the barbies15:39
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figuringouthi guys, trying to get this working on Dapper. ATI driver. Does anyone know instructions that would work?15:39
wolsfiguringout: what ati card?15:40
SpookyETAre there any debs of Beagle 0.3.0?15:40
tupsonWols: think you can assist me on a boot up slash screen issue?15:40
wolsnever EVER ask to ask15:41
PiciSpookyET: Nope.15:41
tupsonWell, After my DELL BIOS screen disappears, my Ubuntu 7.10 boot up process is completely black for about 10mins then the Ubuntu login screen appears15:41
usamaHello Everyone!15:42
SpookyETpici: should I get the rpm and conver it or install it from source15:42
tupsoni am not seeing the Splash Screen when a progress bar loading Ubuntu15:42
tupsonmy menu.list displays /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=c212f47a-6ac8-4d76-ad03-619b97a22b10 ro quiet splash15:42
usamaapt is not working, kindly help me http://pastebin.com/m2269b1a715:42
figuringoutwols: how do I find out what ATI card15:42
PiciSpookyET: Its much safer to install from source.15:42
tupsonand i added vga=ask, and when prompted i've selected all 7 options to no avail.15:42
figuringouti have the propritary fglfrx driver15:42
wolstupson: sudo /sbin/update-grub15:42
PiciSpookyET: fyi, not even Hardy has beagle 3 yet.15:42
wolsfiguringout: lspci15:42
PiciSpookyET: rather .3.15:42
SpookyETpici: I need Thunderbird indexing.15:43
wolsfiguringout: that's not what I asked15:43
tupsonWols: I see this on one line   Searching for splash image ... none found, skipping ...15:43
wolsSpookyET: I need a pony. seems we're both SOL15:43
wolstupson: so instead of the splash you get a black screen15:43
ricaneliteanyone here uses Compiz-Fusion?15:44
tupsonhow can i fix that15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
tupsonso i know whether or not its actually loading, because there are times it just sits there and i have to cold boot and leave it off for 30secs to actually get to the login screen15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
TeRmInAtOr3just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...just for the fun of it AGAIN...albanian HaCkEr....:)...15:44
RedHeronWow.... someone thinks flooding is hacking?15:45
RatThingRedHeron lol15:45
wolsRatThing: changing nicks and hostmasks is HARD!15:45
SlartI just read a tutorial on how to install the latest, greatest skype on 64-bit gutsy.. it uses sometihng called "getlibs" to get 32bit version of libraries... I don't have anything called getlibs and I can't find anything called getlibs in the repos.. has anyone heard of "getlibs" ? tutorial is here http://divyad.wordpress.com/2007/11/11/install-skype-20-beta-on-ubuntu-gutsy710-amd64/15:45
sinnlosjoin #ubuntu-de15:45
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto15:45
figuringouthere is the output for lspci : http://rafb.net/p/iNaevW38.html15:45
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy15:45
RedHeronSlart, that tutorial is what I used for Gutsy.15:45
ikoniaSlart: its a propriatary thing as I read it15:45
ikoniaSlart: its pretty much the setup of a 32bit chroot15:46
figuringouti'm trying to get eye-candy on my 6.06 box - just heard that compiz-fusion is not possible15:46
figuringoutcam I get beryl/old compiz or something?15:46
Slartoh.. ok.. just sounded really neat to have something that automatically installed 32-bit versions of libs..15:46
tupsonWols: how can i go about correcting that issue15:46
RedHeronSlart, it's awesome. :-)15:47
wolstupson: check what file it wants it give it to th grub/splash15:48
andrewshi, my ubuntu 7.10 is no loading the graphical interface just as command line, how can i get my gui back??15:49
tupsonWols: where do i find that out, on the menu.list ?15:49
Jack_Sparrowandrews: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:49
wolstupson: something with "splash" I think. dunno15:49
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=== bill is now known as Bill
tupsonWols: No I was asking am I opening the menu.list screen to do this?15:50
wolsandrews: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart. if that doesn't work: pastbein your /var/log/Xorg.0.log15:50
=== Bill is now known as Bill_Gates_III
wolstupson: yes afaik15:50
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)15:50
ubotuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)15:51
=== oediv_ is now known as oediv
tupsonWols: nothing in menu.list talks about a splash image15:52
chazcoHi... anyone know how i can assosiate .tmd,.doc and a few other type of files with the command "textmaker" and how I can assign an icon to the types that dont generate thumbails?15:53
puboanyvody knows some program to make effects with the microphone/audio files?15:54
puboanybody, sorry15:54
mikko777pubo: audacity15:54
ricaneliteaudacity will be your best bet15:55
pubomikko777, I'm going to test it :)15:55
ricanelitepubo: i use audacity to do my podcasts and works great15:55
KahvikuppiHi is here some one?15:57
pubobut I want one that can make effects like smurfs voice, or something like that15:57
thepumpkin_wKahvikuppi, yes.15:58
andrewsOK I HAVE THE /var/log/xorg.0.log pastebin in http://pastebin.com/m5aa75c9b15:58
freepenguinexcuse me, with The Gimp.... can I create an immagine with this features: 16 bit, indexed .png file  ?15:58
SpzattHowdy, im trying to install a theme, but the bars dont change (the Applications, places system etc)15:58
Anubis_behey all I have a problem,... :(15:58
SpzattI did follow the guide on wiki, didnt help.15:59
Anubis_beI added somthing in my fstab but now my system doesn't boot anymore15:59
Anubis_beif I edit the fstab with vi it says that it is read only15:59
PiciAnubis_be: you need to use sudo to run vi15:59
SlartAnubis_be: fstab is owned by root.. use sudo15:59
Anubis_beaye but I am in recovery mode15:59
Anubis_bemaintenance mode15:59
geniiAnubis_be: mount -a -o rw16:00
pwnt-hey Anubis_be16:00
SpzattHowdy, im trying to install a theme, but the bars dont change (the Applications, places system etc)16:00
SpzattI did follow the guide on wiki, didnt help.16:00
pwnt-Anubis_be: have you ever played ZH before?16:00
ubuntubruger1000i have a problem with installing kmail, i use sudo su apt-get install kmail but it says "package kmail is not avaliable" - what could be the problem?16:00
Slart!info kmail16:01
ubotukmail: KDE Email client. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.7enterprise20070926-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2554 kB, installed size 7784 kB16:01
ubuntubruger1000would be very grateful for any help :)16:01
soundrayfreepenguin: no, gimp doesn't support 16bit pngs16:01
Piciubuntubruger1000: What version of Ubuntu?16:01
Anubis_bepwnt ZH?16:01
freepenguinsoundray, ohh... and what should I use?16:01
iarwain1ubuntubruger1000: aptitude search kmail16:01
ubuntubruger1000latest version gutsy16:01
=== duluu is now known as doluu
pwnt-Anubis_be: nevermind.16:01
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete16:01
Slartubuntubruger1000: you can skip the extra su in there.. just "sudo apt-get install kmail"16:01
soundrayfreepenguin: there was a fork of gimp called moviegimp, but I don't know what's become of it.16:01
=== genii is now known as grinch
andrewsim having problems loading my gui and i loaded /var/log/xorg.0.log pastebin in http://pastebin.com/m5aa75c9b16:02
=== grinch is now known as genii
soundrayfreepenguin: ImageJ from the NIH is a free program you can use. It's Java.16:02
Anubis_begenii and how do I unmount my system first.16:02
ubuntubruger1000aptitude search kmail16:02
ubuntubruger1000p   libmail-bulkmail-perl           - Platform independent mailing list module16:02
Slartisn't moviegimp the same as cinepaint?16:02
freepenguinsoundray, Krita can do it?16:02
ubuntubruger1000not sure what that means?16:02
soundrayfreepenguin: I don't know. Listen to Slart ^^16:02
geniiAnubis_be: You don't. It automatically remounts16:02
xstHas the Hardy Alpha 1 release xorg 7.3 installed or is it still 7.2?16:02
Anubis_begenii I get a lot of messages that it is allready mounted or busy :(16:03
Picixst: #ubuntu+1 please16:03
soundrayfreepenguin: cinepaint seems to handle 16bit images16:03
thepumpkin_wHow I do get info aboutnetwork ports open by processes?16:03
Slartthepumpkin_w: netstat I guess16:04
thepumpkin_wSlart, thank you. I will google about it.16:04
Slartthepumpkin_w: or read the man page.. there are lots of switches16:04
WARlrusHi, I'm having problems with connecting to a WEP protected network. Whenever I enter the correct WEP Key, Ubuntu processes for a bit and then just asks for the key again, even though I know I've entered the correct key. I'm connecting using a USB wireless dongle, and the network is run off a BTHomeHub16:04
freepenguinsoundray, ok I'll try it... but what kind of image is an indexed image?16:05
thepumpkin_wSlart, yes, thank you. i just wanted to know the name of the command:P16:05
Slartthepumpkin_w: =) you16:05
soundrayfreepenguin: all PNGs are indexed. It means that a color palette is saved with the image data.16:05
Slartthepumpkin_w: =) you're welcome16:05
geniiAnubis_be: Try instead:   mount -rw -o remount /16:06
freepenguinsoundray, oh ok.. so i must only save it to png ok!16:06
lirozto se raduvads16:06
Anubis_begenii your a geni :)16:07
Anubis_bethx :)16:07
lirohi zdr16:07
andrewswols: i pastebin the Xorg log file http://pastebin.com/m5aa75c9b16:07
Pici!english | liro16:07
ubotuliro: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:07
=== genii is now known as scrooge
pike_WARlrus: try sudo iwconfig ath0 essid networkname key 12323142134; sudo dhclient ath016:08
=== scrooge is now known as genii
Anubis_be* whipes off his sweat and is happy that his server is running again16:09
geniiAnubis_be: Glad to help16:09
lirood gv16:09
liroimas ne koj devojka16:10
ubotu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:10
liro te16:10
wolsandrews: looks fine. the problem is?16:10
lirood gv16:10
Slart!enter | liro16:10
ubotuliro: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:10
liro makedonia16:10
liroima neo go16:10
Slartanyone know the code for the macedonian channel?16:10
geniiI don't think Macedonia has an ubuntu channel but i'm pretty sure they speak Greek there16:11
PiciSlart: I dont think there is one.16:11
incorrecti want to create a centralised monitoring system,  i have snmp enabled, i have syslog reporting logs in,  now i need a tool to combine all this info into something useful16:11
Slartincorrect: perhaps "cacti" would be useful16:11
incorrectwhat can cacti do with a log file16:12
incorrecti want to do something like,  match errors in apache log files with current usage16:12
Slartincorrect: I was thinking more about the snmp stuff... I just use it to make pretty graphs of my bandwidth usage.. don't know if you can make it do more16:13
andrewsim having problems loading my gui in ubuntu 7.10 and i pastebin /var/log/xorg.0.log at http://pastebin.com/m5aa75c9b16:13
WARlruspike_: Tried that, it doesn't appear to be working16:13
WARlrus"No working leases in persistent database - sleeping"16:14
WARlrus"No DHCPOFFERS recieved"16:14
palbuddyhey! weird newbie question.  In a KDE program I sent something to the 'trash' though now I can't find it in the trash....where did it go?16:14
palbuddyoh, and I have gnome, I was using k3b16:14
palbuddyhelp! please!?16:16
NeophosHello, I just got Ubuntu 7.10 installed, and it can't read some of the partitions of the connected IDE drive. It can read the partition in FAT32 that Win XP was previously installed on, but cannot read the two other NTFS partitions. I can find the partitions in the device manager, but I cannot access any of the data on them. Any ideas?16:16
SpookyETHas anyone used checkinstall to install from source?16:17
Anubis_bebye all and thx again genii!!!16:17
jhaigpalbuddy: On your desktop, is there an icon of a dustbin in the bottom right-hand corner?  Try clicking on that.16:17
palbuddyyeah, I have tried, it's not in there!16:17
Slartpalbuddy: if I were you I'd do something like "find / | grep -i trash" and check those folders16:18
palbuddyokay I'll try that16:18
Slartpalbuddy: or ask in #kubuntu where the trash files end up.. but that's kind of like cheating =)16:18
eyyYoIs there any software out there (for Ubuntu Gutsy) that logs every event on the computer into a nifty little text file? Like "Opened xmms", "Typed 'bla' into field 'username'". Its for my own computer, yes.16:19
grant_anyone know a good channel I can do for problems with CUPS print servers?16:19
palbuddyhmmm, it found the stuff in terminal, why can't I find it in the trash can?16:20
thepumpkin_wHow do I List all the users and groups in the system?16:20
eyyYopalbuddy: Hidden files?16:20
Snowgod, im about to give up on linux again... i cant get it to work easly16:20
wolsthepumpkin_w: getent passwd, getent groups16:20
tupsonHow can I tell what my Hard drive number and partition number is? to edit my Menu.list to load my splash image?16:20
WARlrusI'm having trouble connecting to a BTHomeHub wireless networking using WEP. Whenever I enter the correct key, Ubuntu seems to process for a while and then just asks for it again! Can anyone help me?!16:20
eyyYopalbuddy: Go to the trash can, then 'View' -> 'Show Hidden Files'16:20
palbuddyokay one sec16:21
pike_tupson: sudo fdisk -l16:21
pike_tupson: also mount will tell you16:21
palbuddystill no luck eyyYo16:21
eyyYopalbuddy: Okey, then i cant help you, sorry. Checked the forum?16:22
thepumpkin_wwols, thanks.16:22
tupsonPike_: both screens dont have anything that says (hd*,*) what should i be looking for?16:22
palbuddyyeah, checked everywhere I can think of eyyYo16:22
dave81can anyone help me get my webcam working?16:22
wolstupson: which partition is it?16:22
tupsonWols: this line has the * on it16:23
tupson  /dev/sda1   *           1        4659    37423386   83  Linux16:23
palbuddywell, I gotta go I'll be back though16:23
wolstupson: the * is irrelevant. useless16:23
wolstupson: on why partition is your splash imge?16:23
=== iarwain1 is now known as iarwain1|away
Pici!away > iarwain1|away (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)16:24
tupsonboot > grub > splashimages16:24
wolstupson: and which partition is this?16:24
tupsonlol how can i tell, i have no idea16:24
wolsyour /boot that is?16:24
wolsrun "mount" and you can see16:24
dave81please can anyone help me get my webcam working?16:24
genesis_como andan?16:24
soundray!es | genesis_16:25
ubotugenesis_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:25
tupson /dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)16:25
tupsonis that what i am looking for?16:25
SpookyETI made a deb of transmission 0.96 i38616:25
SpookyETif anyone wants it, let me know16:25
wolstupson: if there is no /boot, then yes16:25
wolstupson: then in grub notation it's (hd0,0)16:26
IndyGunFreakSpookyET: w/ alien?16:26
kbrooksSpookyET, it better not be packaged in a low quality way like getdeb16:26
jaywhat version of gtk does gutsy have?16:26
kbrooksSpookyET, im not taking that deb ;-)16:26
tupsonthat is what i had in the menu.list  (splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/gunhole.xpm.gz)16:26
tupsonand when i restarted16:26
tupsonit said cannot find that splash iamge16:26
SpookyETkbrosnan: What's wrong with it?16:26
kbrooksSpookyET, that deb is NOT intended to be given out, only for use by you16:27
SpookyETSo, it would fail on another system?16:27
kbrooksSpookyET, no16:27
wolstupson: but sda1 is (hd0,0)16:27
tupsoni see i missed a step16:27
kbrooksSpookyET, it would not be nicely packaged16:27
tupsonlet me try this step16:27
SpookyETkbrooks: : I don't understand16:27
tupsonhow do i make a link of a file to another location, when i right-click the image, Make Link is greyed out16:28
PiciSpookyET: checkinstall is not a replacement for properly packaging a file.  The devs dont just do a checkinstall to build the repository packages.16:28
=== bruenig is now known as MrMikko
kbrooksSpookyET, look at apt-cache search pidgin for what i mean by "nicely packaged"16:29
kbrooksSpookyET, and Pici is right16:29
kbrooksSpookyET, you need to learn how to properly package things.16:29
boobsbrhi, i am about to install ubuntu 7.10 x64 on a turion 64 x2 notebook. are there any compatibility issues with the x64 version with other apps???16:29
Avernoshow can i find out if a driver is fully loaded and working?16:30
SpookyETkbrooks: Pidgin is split into multiple packaged libs16:30
=== MrMikko is now known as bruenig
riotkittieerr. fglrx. is it possible to have two functioning screens and compiz? yay? nay? :T16:30
junkeRdoes ubuntu backport security fixes for users that are using Firefox in Ubuntu 6.06 LTS?16:30
andrewsim having problems loading my GUI interface when loading the boot of ubuntu 7.10 anyone have an idea of how to reconfigure16:30
=== SuicideSalmon is now known as Stwange
kbrooksjunkeR, sometimes.16:30
riotkittieandrews: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:31
kbrooksjunkeR, but not after EOL16:31
junkeRthe EOL will be June 2009, correct?16:31
kbrooksjunkeR, yes16:31
junkeRI wouldn't use the OS after the EOL16:31
tupsonWols: how can i make a link of the image I want to use and put that link into /boot/grub/ ? When I tried to rename the file or make a link, both options are greyed out16:32
IndyGunFreakjunkeR: do you pay for support?16:32
andrewsriotkittie: it tells me that is broken or not fulluy installed16:32
junkeRso is it safe to use the older branch Firefox in Ubuntu?16:32
junkeRI do not pay for support16:32
kbrooksjunkeR, EOL = EOL for security updates16:32
SpookyETkbrooks: Sometimes you the quick and dirty is useful. I wonder if I should install beagle 0.3.0 the same way:-)16:32
IndyGunFreakthen why use LTS?.16:32
junkeRwhy should I not use LTS?16:33
kbrooksIndyGunFreak, because it's stable16:33
verb3kstable but really old16:33
kbrooksIndyGunFreak, no major changes for 5 years on the server, and 3 years on the server16:33
IndyGunFreakkbrooks: i guess thats a matter of opinion... *for me*.. Gutsy is just as stable as Dapper was...16:33
Mo9a7iGuyz i'm in trouble ,, i made a java code (it's a project for the university) and i deleted it by mistake ,,, (shitf+del) ,, is there a way i can recover the file please guyz i need the help here !16:33
kbrooksMo9a7i, not much you can do.16:34
IndyGunFreakif i were paying for support, I'd use LTS, otherwise, I see no point I just upgrade every 6mo16:34
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: why did you use shift + del when you weren't absolutely sure what you were deleting?16:34
Mo9a7iin windows ,, that was ok ,, there are like hundreds of programs that does that recover files even after format !16:34
kbrooksMo9a7i, but you might want to turn off your computer immediately and start up under a live cd16:34
wolstupson: with ln16:35
wolstupson: and you will need sudo16:35
Mo9a7iIndyGunFreak: i was moving files through harddisks  managing my files16:35
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: you managed them allright.16:35
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: no backup i presume16:35
Mo9a7iIndyGunFreak: yeah very well lol16:35
kbrooksMo9a7i, well, with most linux distributions, the default file system is ext3, and under ext3, when you delete a file, the underlying data is cleared16:35
Mo9a7iit was in a partition that i brought with me from windows16:36
mrpocketskbrooks:  how is it cleared?16:36
Mo9a7iso it was like fat32 or ntfs or something16:36
mrpocketsI thought on a HDD when you deleted shit it just allowed that part of the HDD to be written over,16:36
mrpocketsso its technicaly not deleted untill you write over it16:36
kbrooksmrpockets, hold on. let me look!16:36
wolsmrpockets: yes, and it's the same in linux16:36
IndyGunFreakmrpockets: if thats the case, he has a chance to recover the file.16:36
soundray!language | mrpockets16:36
ubotumrpockets: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:36
verb3kI have a problem ...I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras with flash-plugin but firefox says it's not installed !?   but when I try to install it it says already installed16:36
Mo9a7ikbrooks: it was in a partition that i brought with me from windows , so it was like fat32 or ntfs or something16:36
SpookyETDoes anyone have comments on KDE4?16:37
IndyGunFreaksoundray: lol, that was a typo, he meant shift.16:37
bruenig!ot | SpookyET16:37
ubotuSpookyET: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:37
ikoniaverb3k the flash package is currently broke. Expect a fix shortly16:37
kbrooksMo9a7i, check the file system16:37
SpookyETbruenig: 10x16:37
Mo9a7ikbrooks: what do u mean by file system ?16:37
dave81please please can someone help me get my camera to work16:38
Mo9a7iok just a sec16:38
diamathi someone has had a problem with the installing of ubuntu in a machine with chipset sis968?16:38
nagyvhello! is there a way to find out what modules are loaded in my kernel?16:38
verb3kikonia, thanks  , is there another way in the mean time ?16:38
IndyGunFreakdave81: dependson the camera, most seem to work pretty well.16:38
ikonianagyv: lsmod16:38
soundrayIndyGunFreak: "when you deleted shift"?16:38
SpookyETWhat's a decent way to backup /home or your entire Ubuntu installation?16:38
nagyvikonia: thx, it's simpler than I thought :)16:38
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:38
ikoniaverb3k: you can manually install it, as long as you keep track of it to remove it and use the official package later once it is fixed16:38
Mo9a7ikbrooks:  it's Ntfs i'm sure16:39
ikoniaMo9a7i: you can't recover ntfs from within linux16:39
ratttsi have a big problem... whenever i run some programs with wine, it shows up in my tray. for example. i open utorrent and right now its downloading but i can never get the damn program to show its window. its basically hidden the whole time16:39
verb3kikonia, thanks16:39
* soundray gets back to work on shift 16:39
Mo9a7iikonia: you heard of photorec ?16:39
kbrooksMo9a7i, show me output or a screenshot. i want to be sure16:39
Mo9a7iok kbrooks16:39
ratttsi have a big problem... whenever i run some programs with wine, it shows up in my tray. for example. i open utorrent and right now its downloading but i can never get the damn program to show its window. its basically hidden the whole time16:39
tupsonWol: What did you mean by in In?16:40
=== Guest793 is now known as skunkworks_
* IndyGunFreak is amazed someone has important files that aren't backed up16:40
kbrooksMo9a7i, there is possibly a solution, but for the solution to work, your ntfs has to not be encrypted16:40
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT16:40
Mo9a7ikbrooks: what do u need me to do so that you could be almost sure about that ?16:40
WARlrusHi, can anyone help me with setting up 7.10 with a WEP key for a wireless network, Ubuntu seems to be rejecting the correct key!16:41
ikoniaMo9a7i:  you won't be able to recover anything on ntfs from within ubuntu16:41
* IndyGunFreak thought he heard ikonia say something.. twice... lol16:41
Mo9a7iikonia: why are u so sure ? if i may ask !16:41
kbrooksikonia, well, he cant do it from within windows16:41
IndyGunFreakkbrooks: so if he can't do it from windows, and he can't do it from Ubuntu, then....16:42
ikoniaMo9a7i: because there isn't that level of interaction between the OS and file system16:42
PirateHeadI'm having trouble connecting to my LG Chocolate phone.16:42
Mo9a7iso ,, you advice me that i reinstall windows to just recover these files ?16:42
PirateHeadI plug it in and I can see it when I run lsusb, but BitPim doesn't recognize it and it doesn't show up as a device in My Computer.16:42
Bruno_firefox crashes out of the blue16:42
ikoniaMo9a7i: those files are gone16:42
kbrooksikonia, the problem is, ***if*** he somehow does ANYTHING he could overwrite the data16:42
ikoniakbrooks: those files are gone16:43
wolsMo9a7i: you use windows filesystems, you deal with the consequence16:43
kbrooksikonia, (so you're right)16:43
Mo9a7inothing at all to overwrite them16:43
wolsas people said:it wasn't backed up, so it wasn't important16:43
ikoniaMo9a7i: your data is gone, so next time consider bnackups16:43
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: you carelessly deleted them, its nobody's fault but your own.16:43
ikoniawols: thank you !16:43
PirateHeadwtf are floodbot1 and floodbot3 about?16:43
xstAre there any way to get xorg7.3 in gutsy? It is a pain to get my dual head configuration to work in 7.2!16:43
Mo9a7iguyz ,, i'm sure even after formating the partition ,, in windows i can recover ,, 100% !!!16:43
brett_his  update-rc.d the recommended app to use in order to disable boot-time services, etc?16:43
ikoniaPirateHead: I know they are not condoning the use of bad lanauge like WTF16:43
Mo9a7iunless i overrite them as brooks said16:43
PiciPirateHead: preventing channel floods/bot attacks/etc16:44
kbrooksMo9a7i, don't be so sure. there are ways that can hinder recovery16:44
wolsMo9a7i: you are wrong. and it's OT in #ubuntu16:44
Mo9a7i IndyGunFreak:  you're not doing me any help :)16:44
PirateHeadPici: It seems more like they are flooding the channel themselves.16:44
Mo9a7iOT  ????16:44
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: only stating the obvious.. i can't help you if you're not willing to help yourself16:44
PiciPirateHead: hence their names, its a bit of a catch 2216:44
LjLPirateHead: helped by people making offtopic comments, surely.16:44
kbrooksMo9a7i, like encryption, as i said16:44
Mo9a7iIndy : i already messed up with my self !16:44
PirateHeadPirateHead: Besides, why does there need to be 3 of them?16:44
Mo9a7ithat's why i came for help16:44
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:44
ikoniakbrooks: what good ie encyption to his situation ?16:44
Mo9a7immmmmmmm so it's gone :'( no hope :'(16:45
PirateHeadLjL: It's not offtopic. It's directly releveant to the #ubuntu channel, which I am using currently.16:45
zakirshi all16:45
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: well, we have no magic wand to wave over your PC to fix bad habit16:45
kbrooksikonia, i was explaning the dillemma16:45
ikoniakbrooks: what dillema ?16:45
LjLPirateHead: "#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel". were those Ubuntu support questions? no. please cease.16:45
Mo9a7iLoL Indy ,, i didn't do anything to you ,, why are u laughin at me ?16:45
Mo9a7ii just have the feeling that you're happy that you see someone in my situation16:45
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: not laughing at you, i laugh at everyone who doesn't keep backups, then cries when they lose something... i've done it to numerous people right in their face.16:46
PirateHeadLjL: #ubuntu is part of Ubuntu, and I had a question about #ubuntu, so I asked in the Ubuntu support channel16:46
ikoniaMo9a7i: no-one is happy, people have just explained the situation to you16:46
Pici!attitude | Mo9a7i16:46
ubotuMo9a7i: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines16:46
Mo9a7ido i have to do the backup everyday ??16:46
Mo9a7ii was just working on my project man ,, the last two days16:46
ikoniaMo9a7i: thats up to you16:46
LjLPirateHead, no, #ubuntu is not part of Ubuntu by any means. the channel you're looking for is #ubuntu-ops16:46
NeophosIs it possible to set a mount point for a partition through the device manager or throgh some other tool? Two of my partitions are currently "hidden" from regular view and only show up as existing in the device manager, and I've been told I need to mount them to view them. Any help appreciated16:46
IndyGunFreakMo9a7i: i backup probably 1-2x a week, and guarantee you, if it was something important, i'd back it up everytime i was done working on it.16:46
PirateHeadMo9a7i: Doing a backup every day is actually a good idea, especially for important projects.16:46
tupsonWols: Is there any information to show HOW TO make a link to an image and put it in the /boot/grub directory.... ?16:47
kbrooksikonia, there is no good way to recover from within windows. anything could happen to overwrite the place. and as you say, there isn't the level of integration between linux and ntfs16:47
Mo9a7iubotu i don't know if you're a bot or a real human ,, either way ,, i'm very thankful to this room ,, people here helped me alot previously16:47
PiciMo9a7i: ubotu is a bot....16:47
ikoniakbrooks: so what has that go to do with encyption ?16:47
SpookyETWhat's a decent backup tool for Ubuntu16:47
kbrooksikonia, encrypting a entire partition can hinder efforts to recover files.16:47
LjL!backup > SpookyET    (SpookyET, see the private message from Ubotu)16:47
PirateHeadSpookyET: rsync16:48
ikoniakbrooks: what are you talking about ?16:48
wolstupson: not sure if grub can deal with links16:48
Jack_SparrowSpookyET: I use the dd command16:48
arekmhow to upgrade ubuntu to gutsy IF it every package was already upgraded manually via adept (without using "upgrade to new version of distro" thing) ?16:48
ikoniawols: it can't,16:48
ikoniawols: your correct16:48
SpookyETWhat about ghost-style backups?16:48
tupsonthis TID is saying16:48
slimaqhi everybody16:48
wolsikonia: not even hardlinks?16:48
slimaqi have a question16:48
Pici!ask | slimaq16:48
ubotuslimaq: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)16:48
tupson(1) put the images in /boot/grub/splashimages16:48
Mo9a7iok ,,, mmmm any suggestions for good backup programs ? (please don't tell me i have to do it manually)16:48
ikoniawols: ahhh hardlinks I don't know, but I doubt it16:48
kbrooksikonia, i'm not suggesting encryption. i'm rather saying to Mo9a7i that he's lucky that he hasn't encrypted his entire ntfs partition.16:48
IndyGunFreakslimaq: i love the name16:49
arekmit runs that upgrade tool but im middle it says error: no new packages16:49
ikoniakbrooks: encyption would make no difference16:49
slimaqwhat is optimal hdd temperature?16:49
tupson(2) rename the image to splash.xpm.gz16:49
Mo9a7ikbrooks : that isn't good in my situation right ?16:49
tupson(3) make a link of that image and put it in the /boot/grub16:49
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:49
albechwill photoshop run under wine?16:49
tupsonand steps 2-3 are where i am stuck at16:49
Picislimaq: That is more of a question for ##hardware16:49
caesar_anyone here using zonbu?16:49
Pici!appdb | albech16:49
ubotualbech: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org16:49
kbrooksMo9a7i, right, but anyway, your files are gone. Forever.16:49
Mo9a7ialbech: photoshop 7 and less would work ,, !16:49
* IndyGunFreak thinks kbrooks is an optimist at heart.. "forever"?..lol16:50
Mo9a7ikbrooks : thanx for helping and trying :)16:50
PiciMo9a7i: You MIGHT be able to find them with something like sleuthkit, but you wont get support here with that.16:50
tupsonSo my question is, how can I make a link to an image in the /boot/grub/splashimages/ folder and put that link into the /boot/grub directory?16:50
PirateHeadI'm having trouble connecting to my LG Chocolate phone. I plug it in and I can see it when I run lsusb, but BitPim doesn't recognize it and it doesn't show up as a device in My Computer.16:50
Mo9a7iPici : thanx for the hint ;)16:50
PiciMo9a7i: I concider myself a very good linux user and I had trouble getting it to recover stuff.16:50
DM|To create a new launcher  with alacarte, what would be the code to open up a terminal and run an application in it?16:50
kbrooksPici, i doubt that works on ntfs.16:50
ikoniatupson: why don't you just put it in the correct place16:50
PiciMo9a7i: its a good place to start.16:50
Picikbrooks: it does.16:50
IndyGunFreaktupson: why not just put the actual image there?16:50
DM|gnome-terminal & "ssh -X -p 8888 -L 5901: dm2@"?16:51
AmaranthDM|: gnome-terminal -e "ssh blah"16:51
Mo9a7iPici ,, i can always try :) if i couldn't ,, let bygones be bygones16:51
DM|amaranth thanks16:51
tupsonso in the menu.list file, i can just reference /boot/grub/splashimages ?16:51
tupsonthis HOWTO is making it seem like it has to pull from /boot/grub16:51
ikoniatupson: as long as boot is not a seperate partition, yes you can, however it is best to not create additional directory's in /boot/grub16:51
zaki1can any body help me with my16:52
Mo9a7ikbrooks ,, can i show you something in private ?16:52
zaki1ound problems16:52
AmaranthDM|: or just put in the ssh blah part and use the Application in Terminal type16:52
zaki1*soud problems16:52
DaFFesI have an Asus F3Sc with Ubuntu 7.10, everything works fine, but no sound output, i can even record something using the microphone and play in other PC but the sound output doesn't work and the headphone too, can anyone help me pls?16:52
Jack_Sparrow!enter | zaki116:52
Mo9a7ia screen shot ,, or copy&paste from the terminal ?16:52
ubotuzaki1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:52
AmaranthDM|: then it'll use the DE's default terminal so if you change it later it'll honor that change16:52
DM|Amaranth ah forgot all about that16:52
IndyGunFreak!sound | zaki116:52
ubotuzaki1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:52
younggrrhello.  I am trying to connect my Bluetooth mouse using Gutsy and get the error ""obex://[00:07:61:67:17:71]" is not a valid location."  ANy suggestions?16:52
PirateHeadDaFFes: I have that problem with my Toshiba laptop. If I use an older kernel version (the one from Edgy), the sound works just fine.16:53
PirateHeadDaFFes: so I use Gutsy with Edgy's kernel.16:53
arekmcan _anyone_ help?16:53
younggrri'm running a toshiba as well16:53
arekmor is there some dedicated help channel?16:53
tupsonIkonia: ok, so by default ... when i did a sudo apt-get install splashimages it put the images in /boot/grub/splashimages16:53
younggrrhow do I install a new kernel?16:53
tupsonso in my menu.list file, i can just enter splashimage=(hd0,0)/boot/grub/splashimages/gunhole.xpm.gz16:53
younggrrI'm really new to ubuntu and linux16:53
* IndyGunFreak reads arekm's mind so he'll know his question.16:53
PirateHeadarekm: What is your question?16:53
WARlrusCan anyone help me with connecting a Wireless network? Ubuntu seems to be refusing the correct WEP key! Is there any way of debugging the problem?16:53
ikoniasupaneko: no, remove the (hd0,0) if /boot is NOT a seperate partition16:53
arekm17:48 < arekm> how to upgrade ubuntu to gutsy IF it every package was already upgraded manually via adept (without using "upgrade to new version of distro" thing) ?16:54
arekm17:49 < arekm> it runs that upgrade tool but im middle it says error: no new packages16:54
arekmPirateHead, IndyGunFrek: here is it16:54
ikoniatupson: no, remove the (hd0,0) if /boot is NOT a seperate16:54
IndyGunFreakarekm: lol, have fun.16:54
PirateHeadarekm: You might want to ask in #kubuntu, since Adept isn't part of Ubuntu main.16:54
tupsonlet me try this16:54
DaFFesPirateHead how do i do this, sorry...16:54
RatThingWARlrus refusing? are you getting an error message?16:55
zaki1i have tried the trouble shooting for sound but it did not work also tried reinstalling alsa ....mine is intel hda card intell 945 motherboard16:55
PirateHeadDaFFes: Are you on a fresh install or have you been using Ubuntu for awhile?16:55
DaFFesi've used for a while in my pc16:55
WARlrusRatThing: No, I put in the key (which I know is correct) but then nothing happens, and after a while it just re-asks for the key16:55
DaFFesnot on notebook16:55
IndyGunFreak!intelhda | zaki116:55
ubotuzaki1: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:55
DaFFesbut im realtively new on it16:55
DaFFeslike 6 months16:56
PirateHeadDaFFes: Is this problem on the PC or the notebook? I'm considering asking you to reinstall -- would that be unreasonable?16:56
paradoxfox93Lol...if at first you fail...reinstall reinstall reinstall16:56
DaFFesbut how can i install one system with others kernel16:56
RatThingWARlrus if your SSID of the wireless hub or router is hidden that could stop you from making a connection.16:56
ikoniaDaFFes: why do you want to do that16:56
WARlrusNo, its not hidden16:56
DaFFesikonia: I have an Asus F3Sc with Ubuntu 7.10, everything works fine, but no sound output, i can even record something using the microphone and play in other PC but the sound output doesn't work and the headphone too, can anyone help me pls?16:57
incorrectdoes anyone know of a good webmail, calendar system?16:57
manuel_i need help!!16:57
WARlrusits a BTHomeHub, and is set up to transmit16:57
IndyGunFreakzaki1: if you put this in a terminal, what does it output...  cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec16:57
PirateHeadDaFFes: You can install an old kernel in-place, but it's difficult. The option that's less error-prone is reinstalling Feisty Fawn and running an upgrade to Gusty.16:57
Mo9a7imanual : what's your problem ?16:57
PirateHeadDaFFes: That way the old kernel will still be in place.16:57
ikoniaDaFFes: that doesn't expain why you want to install a different kernel16:57
Mo9a7imanuel_ : sorry16:57
manuel_i need disable the drag&drop in gnome16:57
DaFFesikonia its PirateHead solution's16:57
ikoniaPirateHead: the old kernel is remove16:57
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darkangel_how can i convert a windows program to work on ubuntu, i have the c source16:57
PirateHeadikonia: There are sound regressions in Gutsy's kernel, so a number of people are using old kernels to get around it.16:57
DaFFesPirateHead feisty is 7.04 right?16:57
RatThingWARlrus what is your wireless device? PCMCIA? built in? Dongle?16:58
arekmPirateHead: thanks.16:58
PirateHeadikonia: The old kernel is not removed. I an attest to that.16:58
DaFFesdarkangel_ use wine16:58
WARlrusUSB Dongle16:58
PirateHeadarekm: Hope things work out.16:58
Picidarkangel_: Tahts a bit beyond the scope of this channel, you may want to try asking in ##C16:58
ikoniaPirateHead: fair enough, I recommend against that, but thats your call16:58
DaFFesikonia do you have a better solution?16:58
RatThingWARlrus if you type: lsusb   do you see the dongle listed?16:58
ikoniaDaFFes: as I don't know the problem, no16:58
DaFFesPirateHead thx16:58
PirateHeadikonia: Using an older kernel may not be an optimal solution, but when the new kernel *doesn't work*, there is no other option. (Unless you're a kernel hacker.)16:58
zaki1indygunfreak it gives conexant cx20549 venice16:59
ikoniaPirateHead: with "doesn't work" ?16:59
DaFFesikonia the problem is what i said, if i can give you any information to help you to make a solution i would thx16:59
PirateHeadDaFFes: Try the Feisty LiveCD and verify that the sound works before doing the reinstall though.16:59
naxahi! is there a hdd tester for ubuntu? I would like to buy a new notebook hdd and i would like to test it before i buy. but how can i test?16:59
ikoniaDaFFes: I've not seen what you've said with regard the problem16:59
RatThingWARlrus does your dongle show up in the network configuration?16:59
ikonianaxa: how can you test a product before you buy it ?16:59
DaFFesikonia my output sound doesn't work16:59
ikoniaDaFFes: so you don't have sound ?16:59
DaFFesin my Asus f3s16:59
naxaikonia: i bus it from a friend17:00
PirateHeadikonia: Sound doesn't work under the new kernel for a number of Asus and Toshiba laptops. The bug has been bouncing around the bugtracker for months but nobody on the kernel team has been paying attentoin. It' still marked as new.17:00
DaFFesjust the output17:00
WARlrus"Bus 001 Device 004: ID 050d:7050 Belkin Components F5D7050 ver 1000 WiFi"17:00
DaFFesthe input works17:00
ikoniaPirateHead: what sound card is it effecting17:00
geniinaxa: Hard drives are almost always going to work so long as the controller that accesses them is seen and set up by linux17:00
WARlrusThe dongle itself is working, because it can pick up  the network17:00
WARlrusits just when trying to connect, something's going wrong17:00
naxagenii: ok...17:00
PirateHeadikonia: I believe it's mostly, if not only, laptops with integrated sound (ie no sound card).17:00
ikoniaPirateHead: but what chipset17:00
ikoniaPriceChild: onboard/not onboard, doesn't matter, the model / chipset does17:01
zaki1yes me too having problem with intel hda17:01
ikoniaPriceChild: sorry, that was for PirateHead17:01
ikoniaPirateHead: onboard/not onboard, doesn't matter, the model / chipset does17:01
PirateHeadikonia: I don't know. I said in the bug tracker that I would be willing to give any amount of diagnostic data needed, but nobody has asked for anything.17:01
IndyGunFreakzaki1: what kind fo pc?17:01
RatThingWARlrus if you type: ifconfig    do you see a wlan listed?17:01
zaki1compaq laptop17:01
supremesonicHi, anyone know how can I get a folder in a my truecrypt mount to be writeable for normal users?17:01
ikoniaPirateHead surly logging the soundcard chipset is basic information when logging a bug ?17:01
darkangel_is there an itunes for ubuntu?17:01
WARlrusYep, wlan0 is listed17:01
DM|darkangel_ nope17:02
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PirateHeadikonia: I don't know the chipsets I've got in my computer. It's a laptop, I didn't build it.17:02
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DM|darkangel Apple wants you to use OSX or Windows for iTunes17:02
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IndyGunFreakzaki1: have no idea how to get that one workin... sorry17:02
ikoniaPirateHead: look in the os to get teh chipset, or on the laptop spec page17:02
kn4rFhello.. it's possible to evaluate a website's size before downloading the content via wget?17:02
ikoniaPirateHead: the sound card model/chip will be listed17:02
RatThinggtg sorry WARlrus.17:02
IndyGunFreaki've gotten intelhda's to work plenty of times, never heard of thatone.17:02
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WARlrusThanks anyway :)17:02
zaki1mine is an intel hda i think17:02
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manuel_anybody can help me to disable the drag&drop in gnome17:03
IndyGunFreakzaki1: yes, thats correct, but your codec is different than any i've seen.17:03
NeophosIs it possible to set a mount point for a partition through the device manager or throgh some other tool? Two of my partitions are currently "hidden" from regular view and only show up as existing in the device manager. Any ideas?17:03
ikoniaNeophos: just mount them17:03
DaFFeswell thank you guys for discussing my problem17:04
Mo9a7imanuel_ : why do you want to do that ,, I'm searching for a solution ATM17:04
Jack_SparrowPirateHead:  http://blog.pcnews.ro/2007/05/23/asus-f3sc-review-santa-rosa/            shows that audio as soundblaster pro compatible...  Intel High Def17:04
subversohello.... ubuntustudio17:04
WARlrusCan anyone else help me with connecting to a wireless network using a WEP key?17:04
ubotuWEP is totally insecure, don't use it, the full Wireless Documentation for Ubuntu can be found at:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:04
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darkangel_is there a linux program i can use to copy music to my iPod touch17:04
Neophosikonia - That's kinda the problem, I don't know how. The usual guy told me to mount them by going into Computer, then right-click, mount, but since they don't show up under Computer, well, it makes that kinda impossible17:04
WARlrusI've read through all those ;) Ubuntu seems to reject the key wehn i enter it17:04
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:04
IndyGunFreakzaki1: http://boardreader.com/t/Multimedia_Video_328058/No_sound_in_Gutsy_Conexant_HDA_intel_CX2_608664.html17:04
WARlrusit just pops back up asking for it again17:04
IndyGunFreakdoesn't look good.17:04
subversosome one could help me with fstab and UUID?17:04
PirateHeaddarkangel_: the iPod Touch is unsupported, last I heard.17:05
kn4rFhello.. it's possible to evaluate a website's size before downloading the content via wget?17:05
ikoniaPirateHead: I've seen it working17:05
PirateHeadkn4rF: How would you know how big the website is without, you know, downloading it and checking?17:05
darkangel_PirateHead: NOOOOOOO!!1 cause im getting one for christmas17:05
ikoniadarkangel_: I'm aware of people who have it working17:05
PirateHeadikonia: Cool. In that case, you can probably use gPodder or something, darkangel_ .17:05
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: it won't work then.., its something bout file encryption APple done to the Ipod.17:06
ikoniaIndyGunFreak it is workable17:06
darkangel_PirateHead: ok ill google it17:06
kn4rFPirateHead, technically i don't need to download a file to check its size17:06
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: no17:06
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: the guy sat next to me today had a touch syncing17:06
darkangel_IndyGunFreak: i herd that only affected the "classic" ipods17:06
PirateHeaddarkangel_: That's what I've heard too. You can access the filesystem but there's encryption that hasn't been broken yet.17:06
IndyGunFreakikonia: on linux?17:07
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: yup17:07
askandI have a wireless mouse that works good in windows but kind of sluggish in ubunt? Why can this be?17:07
PirateHeaddarkangel_: ikonia seems to have seen an advance, though.17:07
IndyGunFreakoh thats right.. my bad, it is the classics, sorry17:07
kn4rFPirateHead, isn't it?17:07
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: you're right, its the classics.17:07
PirateHeadkn4rF: I don't know any way to verify the size of a file to which you do not have access.17:07
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: if thats the case, you should be able to get it to work pretty easily with any number of tools.;17:07
DM|anyone have a clue why I would have to use "dbus-launch banshee" for it to run properly and not give me an error ?17:07
darkangel_IndyGunFreak: as long as i can jailbreak it and copy music to it im good17:08
Jack_Sparrowaskand: Make and model... Microsoft by chance?17:08
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: i really don't know to be truthful.17:08
* differentreality \Is CRC failure of a rar part fixable ??17:08
subversoplease, anyone could help me with UUID and fstab?17:08
PirateHeaddarkangel_: Be careful with your jailbreaks. Apple likes to brick jailbroken iPods.17:08
ikoniadifferentreality: not really17:08
skyfalcon866is it possible to have beagle and tracker in at the same tinme17:08
ikoniasubverso: what is your question17:08
IndyGunFreakdarkangel_: for the most part, IPODs are usually easy under Linux.17:08
IndyGunFreaki've setup several17:08
Jack_Sparrowdifferentreality: not usually17:08
subversohello ikonia17:08
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: took the guy next to me 30 seconds to set his up17:08
ikoniasubverso: hi17:08
differentrealitythat tooo bad :(((17:09
IndyGunFreakikonia: ya, its the IPOD Touch Classic I was thinking of..17:09
subversoi have ubuntustudio and suse 10.317:09
subversowhen i had installed de suse my fstab broke17:09
DM|Dbus = daemon bus?17:09
fitztrevDoes anyone have compiz fusion working on a dual monitor setup?17:09
IndyGunFreakikonia: they done something to the file system is my understanding, so that it will only work w/ Itunes.17:09
PirateHeadI'm having trouble connecting to my LG Chocolate phone. I plug it in and I can see it when I run lsusb, but BitPim doesn't recognize it and it doesn't show up as a device in My Computer.17:10
subversoikonia, it doesnt mount my home17:10
ikoniaIndyGunFreak: I'm sure there have been tricks17:10
ikoniasubverso: ubuntustudio support is in #ubuntustudio17:10
phyzfitztrev, i do with nvidia17:10
subversoikonia, but i have checked the UUID its ok17:10
askandJack_Sparrow: nope...targus o_o17:10
IndyGunFreaknone as of yet, i searched exhaustively....  some tried running itunes in wine/crossover, w/o success.... XP in vmware seems to be the *easiest* way....17:10
XiXaQDM|, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dbus17:10
fitztrevphyz: I have nvidia, too.   did it work out of the box for you?17:11
DM|XiXaQ looking at that now actually : )17:11
subversoikonia, but studio and ubuntu is the same, its not?17:11
Jack_Sparrowaskand: It just helps to identify your hardware when asking those kind of questions17:11
ikoniasubverso: not totally, subverso it's support in the #ubuntustudio channel17:11
phyzfitztrev, with the restricted drivers and a little nvidia-settings tuning yeah17:11
BadRobothi there17:11
TwinkletoesHello, I will have a load of thin clients, that make their connections using the ICA protocol.  What do I need to configure in Ubuntu to accept these connections?17:11
subversoikonia, yhanks17:11
ikoniaTwinkletoes connections to what ?17:11
BadRobotcould someone help me to install simDock?17:11
fitztrevphyz: mind sharing the tweaks you made to get it to work?17:11
phyzfitztrev, what's not working?17:12
T5wswho is the german Chat?17:12
BadRoboti am having problems with libwkn1817:12
PiciT5ws: #ubuntu-de17:12
Twinkletoesikonia: The thin-clients will connect to virtualised Xubuntu desktops running in VMware17:12
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askandJack_Sparrow: Yea..its a targus mouse17:12
darkangel_whats better wine or crosover?17:12
T5wsGerman Ubuntu chat?17:12
T5wswho is the german chat?17:12
Twinkletoesikonia: The thin-clients will use either ICA or RDP protocols, but ICA is better apparently17:12
rudeserver nana.irc.gr17:12
ikoniaTwinkletoes: I missunderstood what you where asking, you'll just need firewall ports17:13
XiXaQdarkangel_, if I remember correctly, crossover is a fork of wine that specializes in office applications.17:13
[AE][HDF]sudd1pls klick! ---> http://www.pennergame.de/ref.php?refid=891504117:13
T5wsis this the german ubuntu chat? "nana.irc.gr?17:13
Twinkletoesikonia: IS that it, it will accept these connections by default?17:13
ikonia!de | T5ws17:13
ubotuT5ws: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:13
T5wsthank you17:13
ikoniaTwinkletoes well no, you'll have to enable desktop sharing, authentication etc etc etc17:13
darkangel_XiXaQ: oh ok well ill download a trial and see if it will run itunes17:13
Twinkletoesikonia: Ah, that's where I need pointing in the right direction - is there an article somehwere, as you seem to know what I might need to do?17:14
fitztrevphyz: when i try to enable visual effects (admin>appearances) it says they can't be enabled17:14
ubotuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project17:14
T5wsthis works!!!17:14
ikoniaTwinkletoes: I don't know of an actual article, however I suspect that https://help.ubuntu.com will have some docs17:14
T5wsthank you17:14
phyzfitztrev, are you using the restricted driver?17:14
Twinkletoesikonia: Ok, thank you :)17:14
TwinkletoesPici: Thanks too :)17:14
ikoniaTwinkletoes: catch the link of pici, maynot be exactly what you want but very close17:14
fitztrevphyz: yes.  the nividia accelerate graphics drive is enabled and in use17:15
PiciTwinkletoes: sure, its kind of close /me shrugs17:15
phyzfitztrev, hm, i thought that's what did it for me. i might have tried to apt-get compiz again though.17:15
ChrisAshton84Hi - I'm trying to set up a new Dell laptop's winmodem.  I've got the driver installed and recognized, but the Network Manager option to connect the dial-up connection apparently does nothing, anyone able to help?17:18
tupsonOk, after adding the splashimage line, the image comes on for about a tenth of a second and i still sit through a black screen until the login page comes up... help!17:18
phyzfitztrev, http://www.howtoforge.com/compiz-fusion-ubuntu-gutsy-gibbon-nvidia-geforce-fx-5200 seems like that's what i did. maybe try installing compiz again?17:18
TwinkletoesPici: Can I just check... if I'm only using LTSP to connect a thin-client to a Linux desktop machine running on VMware, I would only need the Display Manager, not the entire LTSP suite?17:18
ikoniatupson: still having framebuffer issues17:19
PiciTwinkletoes: I really dont know anything about ltsp itself, sorry :(17:19
tupsonIkonia: so what do i do now?17:19
TwinkletoesPici: Ok, I'll try it - thanks :)17:19
phyzfitztrev, without emerald17:19
ikoniaTwinkletoes: I think the remote desktop will only allow 3 connections at once17:19
ikoniaTwinkletoes: you may be better using something like ltsp17:19
Twinkletoesikonia: It might even be easier to use RDP - I'll try them both - thank you :)17:20
XiXaQdarkangel_, if I remember correctly, crossover is a fork of wine that specializes in office applications.17:20
ikoniaTwinkletoes: rdp will still only allow 3 connections I think17:20
ikoniaTwinkletoes: as thats still the desktop sharing service on the desktop17:20
Twinkletoesikonia: I only want one connection - it's just to link a thin-client to it's virtualised machine17:20
PicidarkblueB|off: crossover is also commercial17:20
ikoniaTwinkletoes: ahh earlier you said it was many17:20
kazim59Hi. I'm trying to print a pdf document that has a Hindi font I just installed. The pdf looks ok on the screen (evince), but prints with a weird font.17:21
Twinkletoesikonia: Each virtualised thin-client will onyl ever receive one connection17:21
Twinkletoesikonia: Oops....17:21
XiXaQikonia, rdp is a protocol. There are many different rdp servers, and not all have limitations like that.17:21
pdlnhrdi just upgraded from 6 -> 7.04 -> 7.10  and when i log into gnome metacity is not starting... does anyone have a suggestion?17:21
Twinkletoesikonia: Each virtualised Linux machine will only receive one connection from a thin-client17:21
ikoniaXiXaQ: I know this, thats why I suggested he USE one without the limitations17:21
ikoniaTwinkletoes: so each machine will only ever get one connection, full stop17:22
XiXaQTwinkletoes, you might want to have a look at nomachine.com if you're looking for something similar to rdp for linux. Or xrdp.17:22
Twinkletoesikonia: Yup :)17:22
Halvordo you know a list of ubuntu boot options?17:22
ikoniaHalvor: which option do you want, there are MANY17:22
TwinkletoesXiXaQ: If xrdp is built-in or available in the repos, I'll go for that  - it needs to be as simple as poss.17:22
pdlnhrddoes anyone know why metacity would not start when i log in?17:23
Halvormostly about screen settings17:23
XiXaQtwingod, no, xrdp is abit complicated to setup and it's not nearly as efficient as nx. Nomachine NX Free Edition is easily setup and configured, and it's _really_ fast.17:23
mrmondayis there a command I can enter to get the memory usage of an application from its PID?17:23
Halvorit goes blank after switching to graphical mode17:23
ikoniamrmonday: top17:23
ikoniamrmonday: ps aux17:23
Jack_SparrowHalvor: pci=noapci acpi=off noapic nolapic or  all_generic_ide   are a gew17:23
TwinkletoesXiXaQ: Ok - thanks, I@ll look at that too17:24
XiXaQtwingod, I'd have that as my first choice.17:24
doktoreasis there a "bash way" to select a substring excluding the first char?17:24
doktoreascut -c1 select just the first one17:24
doktoreasbut i need the opposite way17:24
Twinkletoesdoktoreas: http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/string-manipulation.html17:25
Jack_Sparrowdoktoreas: this isnt the place to ask about bash programming17:25
phyzdoktoreas, cut has an option to do that17:25
ChrisAshton84Does anyone know how to get dial-up (modem) connections working (driver is installed)?17:25
Jack_SparrowChrisAshton84:  Is this a serial modem or usb etc?17:25
doktoreasthx guys..and sorry Jack_Sparrow17:25
HalvorJack_Sparrow: thank you, i'll try it immediately17:25
vltHello. How can I connect vncserver to a listening vncviewer instance?17:26
Jack_SparrowChrisAshton84:  in a terminal and typing dmesg | grep ttyS17:26
dave81ned help installing drivers for 120 space cam17:26
tupsonIkonia, reviewing a TID with "framebuffer issues and Widescreens"17:26
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:26
tupsonit says I justed removed "vesafb" from the modules blacklist in /etc/modprobe.d/ and now its all working.. Not with 1680x1050 like I wished, but with 1280x1024, which is fine17:27
tupsonis it save to rim out that line for my laptop (Inspirion 9200) 17' widescreen17:27
dave81Jack_Sparrow i looked in there and i cant get easy cam to load17:27
ikoniatupson thats a fantastic find, well done17:27
tupsonwill that work? for my situation17:27
Jack_Sparrowdave81: did you look at the supported hardware page?17:27
darkblueB|offssh access and ubuntu... I know for a fact that f I turn on ssh access at my house, I get a constant stream of low-level attacks. I have a new server.. I am not a ninja with Linux, but can do technical things.. What about settng up an alternative port for SSH?  error prone? opinions?17:27
ikoniatupson seems worth trying17:28
ikoniadarkblueB|off: you can do, but pointless17:28
ikoniadarkblueB|off: just make sure your machine is secure17:28
ikoniadarkblueB|off: consider using ssh key logins only17:28
Jack_Sparrowdave81: and... what did it say about your hardware?17:28
darkblueB|offikonia: dont the basic attack script go after the ssh port ?17:28
brenohello. I create 5 workspace on my gutsy, and now I want to assign a keyboard shortcurt for all of them, but on the shortcut menu, there is only two workspace ("switch to workspace 1" and "switch to workspace 2"). Where are the "which to workspace [3,4,5]"?17:29
ikoniadarkblueB|off: some of them do, others scan17:29
dave81it said it could be installeed with easy cam but i cat get easy cam to install17:29
darkblueB|offikonia: aha, so you suggest I set up the passkey style login?17:29
Jack_Sparrowdave81: I dont have a cam so I have not experience to share.17:29
ikoniadarkblueB|off: that way no pass key, no connection, no attatcks17:29
dave81thats cool thank you for your time17:29
mrmondayikonia, they list all processes, how can I find it for just one?17:30
dave81think i will just buy a new one17:30
ikoniamrmonday: I think the "p" key will allow you to input a process or is it "/"17:30
mr_danieli want to format my usb-stick, but i don't know how to do that. I know that the stick uses a vfat filesystem17:30
darkblueB|offikonia: I dd that once.. it was tricky... I understand what you are saying though17:30
Jack_SparrowChrisAshton84:  I did not see your answer...17:30
mr_danielhow can i format my usb-stick?17:30
DaFFeshey guys is there how to use gparted to format ntfs?17:30
ikoniadarkblueB|off: very very easy, lots of guides on the internet17:30
darkblueB|offikonia: thanks that helps17:31
ikoniaDaFFes: I don't think so17:31
ikoniaDaFFes: welcome17:31
ikoniadarkblueB|off: welcome17:31
ikoniamr_daniel: chose a file system, put it on your device17:31
DaFFeswtf, i cant make my sound works at ubuntu and i'm having problem installing vista this sux17:31
mwnnhi, Is there an equivalent of "slack book" for ubuntu?17:31
ikoniaDaFFes: don't use bad language like "wtf" in thsi channel17:32
PriceChild!ohmy | DaFFes17:32
ubotuDaFFes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:32
mr_danielikonia: and how can i put a file-system on my device?17:32
PriceChild!soud | DaFFes17:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about soud - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:32
ikoniamwnn: there are lots of good books available17:32
ikoniamr_daniel: what file system do you want ?17:32
mrmondayikonia, doing that doesn't give the memory usage or its %17:32
DaFFesubotu right sorry17:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about right sorry - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:32
mrpocketswhat does it mean "I must be logged in as root"17:32
DaFFeslol its a bot17:32
ikoniamrmonday: hang on17:32
ikoniamrmonday: top -p $pid17:33
mr_danielikonia: i want to use vfat again17:33
arjeboffez :)17:33
arjeboffwhoah, damn full this channel is hehe17:34
* arjeboff is impressed17:34
ikoniamr_daniel: mkfs.vfat /dev/$device_file_for_stick17:34
mrmondayikonia, is it possible to do that with ps? it's hard to get it from a script using top17:34
mr_danielikonia: thank you very much :)17:34
thinhwhats a good dvd iso software for ubuntu? the image works fine when i map it but when i burn it to the dvd it not readable17:35
ikoniamr_daniel: ps aux17:35
ikoniamr_daniel: sorry not you17:35
ikoniamr_daniel: your welcome17:35
ikoniamrmonday: ps aux17:35
mrmondayikonia, that again gives every process, which will slow down the script and be hard to work with17:36
thinhi try the gnomebaker and the nautulis tools and they seems to give me the same problem17:36
ikoniamrmonday: you can use grep and awk17:36
ikoniamrmonday: you don't ask for me to right the script, just he command to show process memory17:36
ikoniamrmonday: man ps if you want more details17:36
sebrockhow can I see the latest performed actions?17:37
sebrockany log file show this?17:37
ikoniasebrock: .bash_history17:38
Stwangesimple question (I hope), but I followed instructions to get a matrix screensaver as my background, but I want a fish tank or aquarium instead, is there such a screensaver included with ubuntu? And if so, how do I use this instead?17:38
ikoniasebrock: or the history command17:38
ikoniasebrock: or fc -l17:38
finalbetathinh: use k3b to burn, gnomebaker and nautilus tools proabably use the same problematic core17:38
PiciStwange: there is the atlantis screensaver in xscreensavers-gl-extra I believe that has dolphins17:38
sebrockikonia, sure, well can I also see what happend? which changes it made so to speak17:38
ikoniasebrock: no17:38
sebrockikonia, I accidently put chmod 777 on my root system :/17:39
ikoniasebrock: change it back to 75517:39
Avernosi have installed a driver with ndiswrapper, and it seems like it has somekind of conflict with ubuntu, is like not loading, it worked a couple of times but after i reboot it stop working17:39
Pici!find atlantis | Stwange17:39
ubotustwange: File atlantis found in xscreensaver-gl-extra17:39
Avernosi have ubuntu 7.10 and the chipset is rtl818517:39
thinhis there a different version of k3b for gnome17:39
sebrockikonia, but I did it with the -R flag17:39
ikoniasebrock: easies to re-install then17:40
geniithinh: No17:40
mrmondaywhat is the command for the calculator?17:40
ikoniasebrock: if its a reasonably new install17:40
Stwangethanks Pici. Pathetic, I know.17:40
ikoniamrmonday: bc17:40
sebrockikonia its not17:40
thinhwhat an alternative to gnomebaker for gnome?17:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:40
Pici!burners | thinh17:40
ubotuthinh: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto17:40
ikoniasebrock: then you can minimise its effects by chmod -R 755 as a safer option, then losen or harden specific things when you find fault17:41
LotharTBLok not sure this is the right place, but trying to get my mysql to work properly with mythbuntu. I know they have a channel, but I need some specific sql help17:41
ikoniaLotharTBL: sql help in #mysql17:41
Avernoscan someone help me about it? also, what programs works with networking in ubuntu? maybe some of them interfere with the driver loading17:41
LotharTBLthank you!!17:41
mwnnIs the ubuntu 7.10 documentation available in pdf format17:41
ikoniaAvernos: none should17:41
sebrockikonia, what permissions does your lib dir have?17:42
ikoniasebrock: 75517:42
sebrockdamn so it changed it17:42
ikoniasebrock: -R will do every file17:42
sebrockI know17:42
sebrockgod dammit17:43
SpookyETIs there the concept of "Internet Connection Sharing" in Ubuntu?17:43
ikoniaSpookyET: yup17:43
ikoniaSpookyET: squid17:43
ikoniaSpookyET: or iptables17:43
ikoniaSpookyET: those are the most common/straight forward17:43
SpookyETiptables is not easy to use17:43
ikoniaSpookyET: it is with practice17:44
Avernosikonia, if there is any that might have, witch ones could it be? maybe if i reload those programs i might be able to start the driver working properly17:44
ikoniaAvernos: there arn't any17:44
Avernosis driving me craezy since it worked and suddenly stoped17:44
Avernosi see..17:44
Avernoshow can i reload network applet?17:44
SpookyETI have a modded original xbox. I connect to it using a cable and internet connection sharing via ftp to dump stuff on it.17:44
ikoniaSpookyET ok and ?17:45
pike_!ics | SpookyET17:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ics - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:45
pike_SpookyET: one sec17:45
wraundAvernos: the daemon is 'sudo /etc/init.d/network restart'17:45
wraundAvernos: but that may not be what you want17:45
wraundAvernos: the daemon is 'sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart'17:45
wraundthats the correct one :P17:45
elninjaDo Compiz Fusion and Emerald work well with KDE? Is it stable enough for regular use?17:46
pike_SpookyET: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing17:46
turbotorbenhey, i've got ubuntu installed on a 5gb partition and i'm trying to get it smaller. so far, i've got it down to 1.7gb (mounted in /) but somehow it tells me that 4,5gb are used. how can that be?17:46
pike_SpookyET: additionally ive heard that firestarter which is a gui for iptables does this for you17:47
SpookyETpike_: There is a problem with firestarter and moblock17:47
mr_danielmy usb-stick has a capacity of 2GB, but after i have formatted it with 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1', it has only 1GB free-storage17:47
wraundAvernos: did it help?17:47
StwangeI'm trying to kill a process but it's just not working: http://pastebin.com/d1c88f57e any ideas?17:47
ikoniamr_daniel: are you sure17:48
mr_danielhow i have to 'mkfs.vfat' the right way17:48
ikoniamr_daniel: what command did you use to format the drive (exactly please)17:48
Avernosbut is a help, i think i will need to use it sometime17:48
dimkaphow can i automount my second internal harddrive (ext3 partition, /dev/sdb1)? on every session i wanna access it (through nautilus) it asks me to enter my password17:48
turbotorbenso there are 1.7gb used in / and df tells me that there are 4.5gb used in /dev/sda317:48
Avernossometime soon17:48
SpookyETHow do you set a WiFi connection as favourite and have Ubuntu connect to it automatically when it starts?17:48
geniimr_daniel: mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/devicehere17:48
ikoniaturbotorben df doesn't list raw device capacity only file systems17:49
* TuX_Claudiu say haello17:49
jaywhich program can I use to create an image of a cd really quickly?17:49
XiXaQjay, dd17:50
geniimr_daniel: You also may want to check there is no /dev/sdb2 in your case. Might be it has 2 partitions17:50
arjeboffSpookyET: you could add the definition for the connection in /etc/network/interfaces manually i think, otherwise you would have to use nm-applet i think17:50
arjeboffjay: brasero is decent17:50
turbotorbenikonia, thunar tells me i've only got a few mb left, before i rebootet that was over 2gb17:50
ikoniagenii: I think you have hit the nail there17:50
arjeboffjay: sudo apt-get install brasero17:50
ikoniaturbotorben: check your space17:50
turbotorbenikonia, i did using the disc usage analyzer17:50
ikoniaturbotorben: show me the output of "df -h" in a pastebin please.17:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:51
mr_danielfirst i have used 'mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1', and then i tried 'mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdb1'17:51
mr_danielbut the results are the same, only 1GB capacity17:52
ikoniamr_daniel do you have /dev/sdb217:52
turbotorbenikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47841/17:52
mr_danielthere is only ONE pratition /dev/sdb117:52
mr_danieli have checked the partition with a 'df -h'17:52
ikoniamr_daniel: please mount it and show me the output of df -h in a pastebin and then show me fdisk -l /dev/sdb17:52
ikoniaturbotorben: so / is almost out of space looking at that17:53
younggrrhi.  How can I install the linux kernel from a previous version of ubuntu with the gutsy interface?17:53
ikoniaturbotorben: / has 340 meg left out of 5 gb17:53
ikoniayounggrr: I'd strongly advise you not to do that17:53
MONODAi am experiencing many full system crashes, what could be the problem17:53
ikoniaMONODA: can you please provide us with information17:53
turbotorbenikonia, yes, but that's not true, disc usage analyser tells me there are only 1.7gb used on /17:53
Halvorcan i use some boot options to make the live cd use xf86_fbdev and 60hz refreshrate?17:53
SpookyETHow in the hell can there be 24C (76F) degrees outside in the middle of december?17:53
MONODAthe crashes are random17:53
ikoniaturbotorben: disc usage is wrong then17:53
turbotorbenikonia, there's something wrong, i'm so sure17:54
MONODAeverything freezes except the mouse and i have to cntrl+alt+backspace17:54
ikoniaturbotorben: disk analyser is wrong17:54
turbotorbenikonia, i don't know where those 2gb should come from suddenly17:54
ikoniaturbotorben: go into / and do "du -h" and follow the biggest files17:55
MONODAis there any explaination for these crashes17:55
ikoniaMONODA: thats not enough information to be able to even start debugging it17:55
mr_danielhere is the df -h output http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/20084/ and here the fdisk -l /dev/sdb output http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/20085/17:56
turbotorbenikonia, when i do du -ch, the last line is 1.8Gtotal17:56
SireRickOfJamesHey ho. Got some Grub Problems. I just installed Fedora and used "SuperGrubDisk" to restore my old Ubuntu Grub bootloader. How can I make it to switch between both OS.17:57
ChrisAshton84Jack_Sparrow (or whoever): It's a winmodem, conextant, we got the drivers installed, it creates /dev/modem -> /dev/ttySHSF0.  lsmod shows all the modules loaded; dmesg has a couple of messages about them.17:57
ikoniaturbotorben I didn't say -ch17:57
ChrisAshton84Network Monitor does nothing when we click to connect via ppp (it's set up correctly) and gnome-ppp does not detect a modem in the setup window.17:57
turbotorbenikonia, yeah, but it lists 1,8gb total, while dh says 4,5gb used17:57
turbotorbenikonia, 1,8gb would be fine17:58
ikoniaturbotorben: please put the output of du -h / in a pastebin please.17:58
n215anybody know any good bittorrent client for gnome?17:59
n215azureus takes too much resources17:59
Marfii just wanted to share this with everyone. "error creating new document. error "too many open files" creating new document"17:59
SireRickOfJamesthere is one installed...17:59
Marfihas anyone had that error before?17:59
pike_n215: deluge or transmission personally i use utorrent+wine  ktorrent is ok too18:00
Marfin215, deluge. =)18:00
goldbondhow can i extarct a tar.bz2 file?18:00
n215ok ima try deluge18:00
PriceChildgoldbond, double click it18:00
ikoniagoldbond: tar jxvf18:00
pike_goldbond: tar xfvj filename18:00
PriceChildgoldbond, or tar -xzf /path/to/file.tar.bz218:00
turbotorbenikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47842/18:01
pike_i liked PriceChild's first answer :)18:01
_mike3_what's upp pepos18:01
PriceChildgoldbond, right click > extract, also works18:01
=== _mike3_ is now known as mike3
pathotroni need help configuring kismet. what do i put in the source=x,x,x  ??18:01
pike_i was suprised that fileroller works with rar parts now18:01
mindshiftdoes ubuntu have the same repos as debian have?18:01
ikoniaturbotorben: please do "du -hx /" and post say the last 10 lines18:02
PriceChildmindshift, no, ubuntu uses the ubuntu repos18:02
pike_pathotron: what card? do a locate README | grep -i kismet or something there is a readme that lists sources18:02
pike_pathotron: maybe lowercase18:02
PriceChildmindshift, things merge back and forth though18:02
pathotronthe card is a rlt8187b. i have made sure that it can be put into monitor mode18:03
mike3The holidays need to start.. Man....18:03
pike_mike3: dont you watch tv the holidays started in october this year18:03
mindshifthow do I get a iso that will install the testing version?18:04
mindshiftI don't want the outdated stable18:04
ikoniamindshift: you don't18:04
pike_pathotron: not sure of that one id check the readme sorry i dont have kis in this computer so not sure of path18:04
ikoniamindshift: if you don't know how to install it, you shouldn't be using it18:04
turbotorbenikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47843/18:04
slimaqlunux rulez:)18:04
mindshiftim not a noob18:04
mindshiftI know what I want18:04
ikoniamindshift: then go get it18:04
mike3you're a n00b. Geez n--b!18:04
NeophosIs there any way to make Ubuntu automatically set volume.ignore to false on all partitions?18:04
soundraymindshift: your question indicates that you are18:04
slimaqnoob and what18:04
mindshiftI can't find it18:04
mike3n00b what!18:05
thomasghi there. I'm using 7.10 and want to configure my wifi with wpa-psk directly over the /etc/network/interfaces (not gui). my problem is, that the "pre-up iwpriv wlan0 set ..."-parts in the config don't work, because iwpriv seems not to know the "set"-option. any ideas?18:05
tomd123does anyone know how I can split the terminal horizontally?18:05
ikoniamindshift: there is information in the topic in #ubuntu+118:05
soundraytomd123: with screen18:05
soundray!screen | tomd12318:05
ubotutomd123: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen18:05
mike3I feel like uhhhh goin home18:05
=== rpereira_ is now known as rpereira
ikoniaturbotorben: humour me, go into /home and du du -h18:06
turbotorbenikonia, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47844/18:07
ikoniaturbotorben: something is very wrong there then18:08
=== schlort_ is now known as schlort
ikoniaturbotorben: I see what you mean18:08
simplyubuntuhello all...18:09
simplyubuntui have an interesting problem18:09
simplyubuntuanybody willing to listen18:09
zaki1hi any solution on how to bring back the sound on my intel hda card on my compaq laptop tried alsa trouble shoot18:09
sudobashim here18:09
simplyubuntuok heres the thing18:10
arkoif it is interesting... i could listen to.18:10
XiXaQwe have no choice, simplyubuntu.. Please just explain it, and try to keep it on as few lines as possible.18:10
turbotorbenikonia, yeah :/ i'm using the hardy repositorys, could that be a big bug?18:10
sudobashzaki1 uninstall and reinstall alsa18:10
zaki1hmm wait18:10
ikoniaturbotorben why didn't you say you where using hardy !18:10
simplyubuntufor some reason, my nokia n72 doesnt connect to my gutsy desktop, hence i have no way to transfer any files onto18:10
ikoniaturbotorben: hardy is not supporte18:10
mindshiftI can't find it, whata heck I'll just get the outdated stable iso18:10
simplyubuntutherefore, i need to find a roundabout way to do this.18:11
sudobashsimplyubuntu can you ping it?18:11
sudobashcan you telnet ssh of ftp to it?18:11
simplyubuntutried emailing the file to myself, but cant download it18:11
sudobashthat doesnt make sense18:11
simplyubuntuhow can i telnet my phone?18:11
sudobashyou have a networking issue18:11
wolssudobash: does your phone run a telnet daemon?18:11
wolssimplyubuntu: ^^18:11
simplyubuntuuh wols how do i figure that out?18:12
turbotorbenikonia, oh sorry, i didn't know that. what should i do now?18:12
wolshow would I know. it's not my phone18:12
ikoniaturbotorben: join #ubuntu+118:12
ikoniaturbotorben: why are you using hardy ?18:12
sudobashoh yeah he's talking about a phone18:12
simplyubuntuand the thing is that whenever i plug in the usb cable, the phone doesnt go into usb mmode and the comp doesnt recognize it18:12
wolsbut you can only telnet to it when it runs a telnet server. and trust me, the chances for this is very low indeed18:12
sudobashim multiptasking18:12
doogersDo exist a Parental Control ( like in Leopard) for Ubuntu?18:12
simplyubuntuwols we are talking about a phone right?18:13
godzirraOk, has anyone else had any problems in gutsy where your wireless network just suddenly stops working, and you can't reboot or do anything at all?  I have to hard power the machine down then bring it back up.  When the network dies, I can't run iwconfig from a command line window or anything... it just hangs.18:13
mindshiftis ubuntu 7.10 the testing cd?18:13
wolssimplyubuntu: I guess18:13
ikoniamindshift no, thats stable18:13
destroyer8.04 is testing18:13
wolsmindshift: no. it's the current ubuntu release18:13
ikoniamindshift: the fact that you don't even know the versions suggest you shouldn't be using an unstable distro18:13
adamonline45Hello!  What type do I have to mount a cdrom as?  Which switches do I need to add to my mount command?18:13
simplyubuntuwols so how can i ping my phone?18:13
turbotorbenikonia, i'm using a macbook pro and i'm waiting for more support of that hardware, like the new kernel18:13
wolssimplyubuntu: does your phone have an IP?18:13
ikoniaturbotorben get stuck in in #ubuntu+118:13
wolsadamonline45: iso9660 or udf18:14
zaki1sudobash no use18:14
turbotorbenikonia, alright thanks18:14
NeophosIs there any way to make Ubuntu automatically set volume.ignore to false on all partitions?18:14
simplyubuntuwols how am i supposed to figure that out? if youre asking if i can browse the internet then yes18:14
destroyerhey i have a question for you awesome ubuntuers... maybe someone can help me considering i've googled until i'm blue in the face18:14
mindshiftit's not unstable18:14
wolssimplyubuntu: no I am not. I am asking what IP it has if you want to ping it and if it does which one18:14
ikoniamindshift hardy is18:14
destroyeri can't change my cursor theme or cursor size no matter what i do18:14
sudobashmake sure you have the correct device selected in the alsa frontend18:15
wolsnullpuppy: there isn't really a ubuntu testing or unstable18:15
destroyereither in xfce 4 mouse settings or gcursor.. with default themes or installed themes18:15
mindshiftthen what is it?18:15
destroyeranyone know why?18:15
ikoniamindshift: "unstable"18:15
ikoniamindshift: "development"18:15
ikoniamindshift: "not for general use"18:15
destroyerit happens in all 4 of my *buntu installs18:15
ikoniamindshift: pick one, but either way you shouldn't be using it18:15
adamonline45wols: It says "wrong fs type, bad option, etc...".  I'm doing "sudo mount -t udf /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom".   Any advice?18:16
Lukewhat's the accelerated desktop channel?18:16
mindshiftbut I don't want 3 year old programs18:16
ikoniamindshift: you don't have them in gutsy18:16
zaki1sudo bash where to check18:16
wolsadamonline45: is it a CD or DVD?18:16
simplyubuntuwols how should i check for an ip?18:16
sudobashyou might need to install the alsa frontend18:16
adamonline45wols: It's a CD.  It has rEFIt on it...18:16
pike_Luke: ^18:16
geniiis09660 then  not udf18:16
mindshift7.10 is gutsy?18:17
Lukepike_: there's a ubuntu specific one i'm looking for iirc18:17
destroyererr. anyone know about my cursor problem?18:17
simplyubuntugo to one of those whats my ip sites on my phone"18:17
__scsay i have written a shell script called 'hello_world' and have it saved at the location ~/bin.  how can i call the command 'hello_world' without typing '~/bin/hello_world'?18:17
adamonline45wols: The drive is a combo drive though, if that matters...18:17
wolssimplyubuntu: I don't know. unless the phone runs ubuntu. and if it doesn't it's OT here to ask18:17
mindshiftthe debian naming system is terrible18:17
pike_Luke: it forward to that one now it was ubuntu-effects18:17
wolsadamonline45: then use iso966018:17
ikonia__sc: alter your PATH18:17
darkblueB|offikonia: ssh, y I screwed it up18:17
ikoniamindshift: your not using debian18:17
Lukepike_: oh thanks18:17
ikoniadarkblueB|off: pardon ?18:17
darkblueB|offikonia: we spoke about creating the passphrase18:17
adamonline45genii: wols: I get the same error...  I booted off the dang disk, I wonder why it can't mount just with the right-click mount option...18:17
ikoniadarkblueB|off: yes, I recall18:18
destroyeranyone know of a way to manually restrict or force a cursor size?18:18
mindshiftit't just debian with in a preconfigured package18:18
__scikonia: can you give me an example?  where do i alter the PATH?18:18
ikoniamindshift: your not using debian18:18
johannes__I have a huge problem: I cant boot into any live CDs anymore. It worked fine before, but now it doesnt. I tried resetting the motherboard, unplugging anything except the monitor+keyboard+dvddrive - still nothing. I tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Mint. None of those work anymore. :/18:18
ikonia__sc: PATH=$PATH:~/bin18:18
ikonia__sc: then do "hello_world" and it should work18:18
darkblueB|offikonia: I have some passphrase generated on my local machine.. so .ssh exists.. I used Remote Desktop and dd the keygen on the new server18:18
ikoniadarkblueB|off: ok18:18
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: when you say "can't boot".. are you getting a menu?18:18
geniiadamonline45: You are trying to mount the disk you booted from?18:18
destroyernobody knows anything about cursors? =(18:19
arjeboffjohannes__: check the boot sequence of your bios18:19
ikoniadestroyer: calm down, and stop asking every 30 seconds, someone will get to you18:19
darkblueB|offikonia: which is in another city.. I briefly enabled ssh on the router.. confirmed I could ssh in, then changed the ssh config to disable authenitcated login18:19
destroyeri'll keep asking until i'm answered, thanks18:19
arjeboffjohannes__: also it doesnt matter if you take a live cd, an install cd, a windows cd or whatever18:19
johannes__Yes. The menu comes up, but for some reason all CDs hang when trying to launch the desktop. I tried all kinds of F6-commands, but still nothing.18:19
arjeboffjohannes__: in addition, unplugging anything will not help.18:19
ikoniadestroyer: please stop asking every 30 seconds, the audience is limited18:19
adamonline45genii: Well, it's only a bootloader disk.  I booted into ubuntu using it, and I should be able to mount it in order to install said bootloader to the hard drive, according to the install instructions...18:19
ikonia!patience >destroyer18:19
destroyerwell i'm not finished explaining the details18:20
arjeboffjohannes__: well if the menu comes up you are able to boot live cd's.18:20
destroyerthere's a scroll bar for a reason..18:20
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: if the menu comes up, then your PC is booting properly, i strongly suggest this is a burn issue... What program are you using to burn the ISOs, how fast are you burning them, and to what type of media.18:20
ikoniadestroyer: there are channel guidelines for a reason too18:20
darkblueB|offikonia: so, I can get to the remote machine through Remote Desktop as before.. but the keygen and public key part .. well I ddnt get that exactly straight18:20
johannes__It usually ends with my monitors resolution being changed more often than 5 times in 90 seconds.18:20
ikoniadarkblueB|off: ahhh so you've locked yourself out18:20
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: i'm absolutely sure it is not a burn issue if he is able to boot from the cd.18:20
darkblueB|offikonia: no not really , cuase I have remote dsktop18:20
ikoniadarkblueB|off: thats good then18:21
johannes__Erm. The thing is though that I installed Ubuntu perfectly from one of those CDs a week ago.18:21
IndyGunFreakarjeboff: and i'm absolutely sure that it still could be a burn issue.18:21
darkblueB|offikonia: but f I was relying on ssh  then yes :-)18:21
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: what kind of?18:21
IndyGunFreakarjeboff: burnspeed, believe it or not.18:21
ikoniadarkblueB|off: lucky you left remote desktop open18:21
johannes__I also tested the CD and it says its okay.18:21
mindshiftdoes ubuntu have the same ammount of packages as debian has?18:21
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: hmm.18:21
darkblueB|offikonia: I kinda knew this might happen18:21
ikoniamindshift: not exactly18:21
ikoniadarkblueB|off: wise18:21
mike3arjeboff, you can still have issues18:21
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: wouldn't at least it say something like i/o error or so then?18:21
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: try burning the CD at a slower rate(even if the md5sum checks out)., burn it around 4x18:21
IndyGunFreakarjeboff: no....18:21
simplyubuntuwols got it18:21
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: i mean i've never seen something like that in my whole life18:22
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: ok18:22
simplyubuntunow what do i do?18:22
mindshiftikonia: hmm, how many more/less?18:22
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: sounds strange to me somehow .)18:22
ikoniamindshift: I don't know18:22
destroyeranyways... my xserver is 2699x1968 and the cursor sets proportionally, so it's extremely large for my screens18:22
ArabEyeswhere can i get free real player to play rm files18:22
ikoniamindshift: they are comperable18:22
simplyubuntuwols found the ip...18:22
IndyGunFreakarjeboff: i've saw it several times.. i don't know how long you've been in this room, but hang around a while, you'll see a lot of peoples problems with booting live CD's, are solved by burning them slower, adn honestly, i don't know why.18:22
darkblueB|offikonia: so doing the keygen on my local desktop, WITHOUT blowing away my existing keys, ADDING that to my local keys, and getting the RIGHT key to the host (which had none before).. thats the task18:22
adamonline45genii: Well, I think I'll re-burn the disk image... Which filetype is preferred for Ubuntu: .dmg or .cdr?18:22
ikoniadarkblueB|off: go slow and think as you go, you'll be fine18:23
PiciArabEyes: I believe the w32codecs package that is is medibuntu can allow the playback of real files.18:23
Pici!medibuntu | ArabEyes18:23
ubotuArabEyes: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:23
wolssimplyubuntu: which is?18:23
darkblueB|offikonia: I apprecate talking to some about it.. back later perhaps.. thanks18:23
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: ok sorry then. never seen something like that. uhm, and i'm new in here, first time i'm here....18:23
ikoniadarkblueB|off: no problem18:23
wolssimplyubuntu: but I doubt you want to use it, since then your data transfer would go over the internet and your carrier's network, costing you $$18:23
johannes__The CDs are fine. I used two different devices and three different brands, all done at 8x. One burned with Nero, the two others with Gnomebaker. There is no physical damage or bad burning possible.18:23
simplyubuntubut files only 400 kb18:24
johannes__I dont know what I could try. :/18:24
arjeboffby the way, is there a reason why i could want to use gnomebaker instead of brasero?18:24
mindshiftthen why should I try ubuntu when I already know how to configure and successfully set up gnome in debian? :)18:24
geniiadamonline45: iso18:24
Piciarjeboff: some people like different programs18:25
ikoniamindshift don't try it then18:25
ikoniamindshift: enjoy debian18:25
IndyGunFreakarjeboff: no sweat, no offense taken... if you want an example, here's a thread on a gunforum i post on, where someone posted a problem w/ Linux...  http://glocktalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=78854618:25
arjeboffIndyGunFreak: hehe18:25
simplyubuntuwols ill try it anyway...18:25
mindshiftikonia: What makes you prefer ubuntu over debian?18:26
ikoniamindshift: I don't18:26
simplyubuntuunless you can give me a roundabout solution like uploading it somewhere and then downoading it onto phone18:26
ikoniamindshift: I use tools fit for purpose18:26
johannes__The CDs work on other machines. It has to be my PC.18:26
mindshiftwhat do you use ubuntu for?18:26
ikoniamindshift: this is a bit off topic really,18:27
godzirraOk, has anyone else had any problems in gutsy where your wireless network just suddenly stops working, and you can't reboot or do anything at all?  I have to hard power the machine down then bring it back up.  When the network dies, I can't run iwconfig from a command line window or anything... it just hangs.18:27
mindshiftwe are talking about ubuntu18:27
ikoniamindshift: this is a support channel, not a chat channtl18:27
destroyer mindshift: this is a support channel, not a chat channtl    <------ something i didn't know18:27
ikoniadestroyer: check the topic with "/topic" when you enter a channel18:28
destroyerwell i never use IRC so you can't blame me18:28
johannes__Has noone got any other clues for me besides that my CD is broken/bad? I could not find anything on google, the wiki or the forums.18:28
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: if its your PC, then it could be a myriad of things.., bu tit doesn't sound like your PC.. i suspect this is either a burn issue, media issue, or you have some underlying incompatible hardware18:28
Picidestroyer: it wasnt a blame, it was an FYI.18:28
ikoniadestroyer: no-one is blaming you, people are explaining how to futher your experience18:28
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: whats the specs of the pC.18:28
hairulfrdestroyer: ubuntu-offtopic and that is, i'm sorry to say, a pathetic excuse :)18:28
johannes__I have a X1250 ATI integrated card, that will probably cause trouble somewhere. But the exact same CD booted fine a week ago. Then I installed Gutsy, upgraded to Hardy and now I want to reinstall but cant.18:29
adamonline45I downloaded what was supposed to be an .iso file, but it says it's a .cdr file.  Kubuntu doesn't seem to know what to do with this.  How should I burn the image to disk?18:30
mindshiftwhat is the preferred way to install programs in ubuntu?18:30
Picimindshift: using an apt frontend.18:30
hairulfrmindshift: apt-get is easier18:30
biczsudo apt-get install namepacket18:30
biczpacketname :d18:30
scorpfromhelljohannes_:you already upgraded to hardy?18:30
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: you're using hardy?18:31
mindshifteven debian people don't use apt-get, they use aptitude install program18:31
johannes__Just to test it. :)18:31
zoli2kHi, How can I set up two routes for one gateway trough 2 WAN devices? I want to route  LAN1 ->  WAN1 -> GW   and LAN2 -> WAN2 -> GW.18:31
destroyera pathetic excuse? not really, it looks like a chat room so i threw some questions out there for people to see eventually. anyways i won't argue anymore, i have a legitimate question that i'm waiting to ask. :)18:31
* IndyGunFreak sighs...18:31
Picimindshift: Are you here to be argumentative? or do you actually have a support question?18:31
johannes__Since i wanted to cleanly reinstall anyway18:31
scorpfromhellmindshift:if you are a geek in debian, use apt-get, aptitude, synaptic ... if you are not, use the Add/Remove menu option18:31
* IndyGunFreak encourages geekness18:32
KDuBwhats a good mp3 player for ubuntu?18:32
LjLmindshift, the good answer was Pici's answer: "use an APT frontend". which one you use depends on your preferences.18:32
LjL!players > KDuB    (KDuB, see the private message from Ubotu)18:32
Pici!players | KDuB18:32
ubotuKDuB: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:32
IndyGunFreakKDuB: player, as in ipod devices, or a program?18:32
KDuBprogram :)18:33
IndyGunFreakaudacious, is the one i like....,  VLC is very good.., amarok is god, banshee, etc.18:33
scorpfromhellKDuB:Audacious is to edit sound files18:33
PiciIndyGunFreak: psst, look up a few lines, ubotu already did the factoid.18:33
hairulfrscorpfromhell: Audacity?18:33
LjLscorpfromhell, i think you're confusing that with Audacity18:33
godzirraOk, has anyone else had any problems in gutsy where your wireless network just suddenly stops working, and you can't reboot or do anything at all?  I have to hard power the machine down then bring it back up.  When the network dies, I can't run iwconfig from a command line window or anything... it just hangs.18:33
IndyGunFreakscorpfromhell: ?...i think you mean audacity18:33
adrian15Hello. I have developed a super grub disk ISO that also contains Ubuntu 6.06 (it chainloads its isolinux). Does anyone of you want to test it?18:33
LjLPici: i could tell the same to you ftm :P18:33
IndyGunFreakPici: sorry, headcold, i'm a bit slow on the uptake today...lol18:34
PiciLjL: :P it was less than a second apart :)18:34
ikoniaadrian15: not really, this is an ubuntu support channel and grub too disks already exist18:34
johannes__:/ Damn. I guess Ill install WinXP then.18:34
IndyGunFreakjohannes__: you can try the alternate install CDs for Ubuntu...18:34
IndyGunFreak!alternate | johannes__18:35
ubotujohannes__: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal18:35
adrian15ikonia: an ubuntu users channel then ? (not a support one)18:35
hairulfrjohannes__: I've had horrible problems with my installing lately, for no apparent reason. My primary HD fried and I took me 3 hours to get the ubuntu install working. Weird. But it worked at last,18:35
dave81!players > dave8118:35
ikoniaadrian15: why, there are many grub rescue disks out there and the offical ubuntu cd's work perfectly as grub recovery tools18:35
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Piciadrian15: #ubuntu-offtopic18:36
adrian15ikonia: Did you at last add the "restore grub" option in the last ubuntu live cd?18:36
scorpfromhellanybody knows the channel for JeOS?18:37
adrian15ikonia: or are you talking about using chroot command and other commands from terminal ?18:37
ikoniaadrian15: no, but using the ubuntu livecd you can install grub fine, autmation tools are not wise18:37
ikoniaadrian15: you don't need a chroot environment18:37
IndyGunFreakscorpfromhell: JeOS?.. do you mean BeOS?18:37
ubotuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.18:37
PiciIndyGunFreak: no, JeOS.18:37
IndyGunFreakPici: hmm, never heard of that one...18:38
scorpfromhellIndyGunFreak: no, I mean Ubuntu JeOS or Juice18:38
IndyGunFreakscorpfromhell: yeah sorry, never heard of it.18:38
scorpfromhellIndyGunFreak:Its a minimalistic OS ... strapped of all services etc.18:38
johannes__hairulfr: What did you do? Just keep on rebooting the LiveCD?18:38
Piciscorpfromhell: I don't believe that there a channel for it.18:38
IndyGunFreakscorpfromhell: ya, reading about it now.18:39
adrian15ikonia: automatitation tools are not wise... and every ubuntu user wishes to have automatix by default ? This makes no sense to me. But I do not want to discusss more.18:39
blasenfischhello can somebody help me i have ajaxwindows and i have now a little problem i will synchronize with my pc but there comes the error: We have detected that you do not have a compatible version of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on this machine.18:39
blasenfischThe JRE is necessary to run the synchronizer.18:39
blasenfischIf you feel that JRE is installed, kindly ensure that java is enabled in either the "Content" or the "Advanced" options tab of your browser.18:39
blasenfischbut it installed on my pc18:39
Piciblasenfisch: What is ajaxwindows?18:39
mattwalstonAny hints on a failed dhcpd startup with no complaints in syslog or to stdout?18:39
wolsblasenfisch: 64bit or 32bit ubuntu?18:39
blasenfischonline desktop18:40
hairulfrjohannes__: Well, that and then opening the comp up and opening the windows to make sure it wasn't too hot or anything, then disconnectiong every bit of hardware that I didn't need. Then it suddenly worked (except for xserver crashing on the original cd's, so had to use a home burnt on)18:40
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wolsblasenfisch: dpkg -l |grep -i java18:40
destroyerhey, does anyone know why my cursor size/theme is completely ignored by GTK apps? thanks18:40
destroyer(including gnome/xfce)18:40
mrpocketscould someone please help me in configuring a bootloader?18:42
wolsblasenfisch: remove the gcj and gij packages (the GNU Free java)18:42
dave81can any one sugest a good program to video my desktop and apps?18:42
scorpfromhellblasenfisch:what's the URL for ajaxwindows?18:42
wolsblasenfisch: and check in which directory your javaplugin is18:42
destroyerrecordmydesktop maybe18:42
soundray!istanbul | dave8118:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about istanbul - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:42
Pici!screencast | dave8118:42
wolsmrpockets: never ask toask but ask18:42
soundray!info istanbul | dave8118:42
ubotudave81: istanbul: Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (gutsy), package size 70 kB, installed size 608 kB18:42
blasenfischok i must now sudo apt-get remove gcj| gij18:42
mrpocketsrestated: I've got two partitions now, one with Ubuntu, the other with XP18:43
mrpocketsbut it will only boot right to XP18:43
wolsblasenfisch: the packages with "gij" an "gcj" in that list18:43
nomad_Anyone seen a package for gnome do?18:43
Pici!screencast   | dave81 this too18:43
ubotudave81 this too: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.18:43
mrpocketshow do i configure (ANY) boot loader to give me the option of which OS to boot to?18:43
blasenfischand how can i delete it?18:43
wolsmrpockets: what happens if you select a ubuntu kernel?18:43
mrpocketsi cant18:43
mrpocketsit doesnt give me an option18:43
wolsblasenfisch: aptitude remove, like any other package18:43
dave81thank you18:43
tevfikdoes linux32 harmful?18:43
wolsmrpockets: did you install windows after ubuntu?18:43
Piciblasenfisch: How, by chance, did you you install java?18:44
wols!grub | mrpockets18:44
soundraytevfik: no18:44
ubotumrpockets: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:44
wolsPici: http://nopaste.info/44276fbe4d.html about blasenfisch's java18:44
blasenfischhttp://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Java i installed how is standing here18:44
solid_liqhey, anyone know of a cms or whatever that I can setup quickly and easily for putting my pictures on my webserver?18:44
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solid_liqeven better if it includes music and video storage and indexing18:44
solid_liqor a keyword I could search for at least?18:45
solid_liqscorpfromhell, nah, that's for articles and stuff, not multimedia18:45
blasenfischbut i'm new on ubuntu and now i have no idea what must i do18:45
ubotuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:45
tschakasudo update-alternatives --config java blasenfisch18:45
blasenfischbecause thats the first page it doesn't work18:45
scorpfromhellsolid_liq:Joomla contains plugins to support them18:45
IanLiuWhere can I find Ubuntu torrent files?18:46
solid_liqscorpfromhell, I know I saw one somewhere quite a while ago which was designed for this, but I have no idea what the name was18:46
maverickAlexsolid_liq:  is it your own server?  just set up sftp if you just want to move files to it18:46
scorpfromhellsolid_liq:you could also try Gallery18:46
LjL!torrents > IanLiu    (IanLiu, see the private message from Ubotu)18:46
pike_IanLiu: isohunt?18:46
solid_liqmaverickAlex, yeah, it's my own, but I want it to have a slick web interface18:46
solid_liqscorpfromhell, gallery is one?18:46
cVsupsomebody can help me18:46
blasenfischhere ist my list18:46
cVsupfor create usplash themes?18:46
solid_liqscorpfromhell, ok cool, I'll search for it, thanks!18:47
tschaka2nd one should work for everything blasenfisch18:47
scorpfromhellsolid_liq:search in freshmeat ... also, depends on what platform you want ... PHP/Ruby18:47
blasenfischyes ok i put it on the 2.18:47
solid_liqscorpfromhell, I don't care as long as it runs in an apache server, I'm setting up a linux-vserver just for it18:47
blasenfischnow ist the star on the 2 but the plus is on the 318:47
SpookyETIs anyone using moblock?18:47
scorpfromhellsolid_liq: Gallery would be my best bet ... but its only images18:48
tschakatry to run your program anyway blasenfisch18:48
solid_liqscorpfromhell, hmm ok, maybe that'll point me in the right direction tho to find links to others18:48
blasenfischit works only in a browser18:48
wolsblasenfisch: do you use firefox?18:48
wolsblasenfisch: go to the url "about:plugins". which javaplugin is installed?18:48
destroyerhi, does anyone know how to manually restrict/force a cursor size manually? or prevent the cursor from displaying proportionally to x server resolution? seems to only be effected by gtk applications including gnome and xfce.. the correct theme/size is displayed over non-gtk apps like firefox. thanks18:49
Piciwols: also have him check what `sudo update-alternatives --config java` says18:49
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wolsPici: someone already did.what is java7-icedtea btw?18:50
hwildecan I make a local repo for all of the updates?18:50
scorpfromhellhwilde:yes, with aptoncd18:51
Piciwols: its a open replacement for java iirc18:51
ubotuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers18:52
sinnlosjoin #ubuntu-de18:52
hwildescorpfromhell, I want it on the network tho is it similar18:52
MrPocketswhat was that website once more?18:53
scorpfromhellhwilde:it is possible to setup local repositories, but I do not know the exact steps :(18:53
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profanephobiawith launchpad18:53
zotttyDear Friends. Please help me in an issue. I have a computer without a display, and I want to run firefox on it (to load a site with flash which plays music) is there anything like: export display=nowhere?18:53
ubotuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy18:53
profanephobiayou can set up a PPA through launchpad18:53
blasenfischok i think nobody here can help me thank you18:53
MrPockets!grub | MrPockets18:53
scorpfromhellhwilde:aptoncd however allows you to create ISO files & you could take it to your target machine & ask it to upgrade from the ISO file even if the target does not have a CD Drive18:53
LjLzottty: no, but you can install something like this18:54
LjL!info xvfb > zottty18:54
hwildescorpfromhell, reeeeally.  now that is cool18:54
arjeboff!grub > arjeboff18:55
scorpfromhellhwilde:yes, but you would have to download the deb file for aptoncd & try to set it up on all the target machines18:55
soundrayzottty: a VNC server might be useful, too18:56
hobbit_internet connection issues with 7.0418:56
hobbit_using usb wg11118:56
hobbit_ndiswrapper is installed and i can't get online18:57
hwildescorpfromhell, I setup all the machines, i'm just looking for a way to do it without using the internet connection18:57
scorpfromhellhwilde: I get your point ... its needed in the villages here too :)18:57
maverickAlexanyone know of a program for linux that works like winSCP?18:57
askandI have troubles with my wireless mouse..it moves very sluggish? Why can that be?18:57
soundraymaverickAlex: scp18:57
scorpfromhellhwilde: setup Ubuntu, install aptoncd from the deb file18:57
maverickAlexya but with a gui18:58
soundraymaverickAlex: nautilus18:58
maverickAlexdoesn't have the compare remote and local dirs  feature (that i know of)18:58
scorpfromhellhwilde: install all the required files on one Ubuntu with internet connection, create an ISO using aptoncd, transfer the ISO to the target machines, install from the ISOs18:59
arjeboffdid anyone here manage to get a "brother dcp-130c" usb printer/scanner to work with ubuntu?18:59
alanhey guys, how can i change the darkness of the font when using mozilla? In ubuntu, the writing on the web pages are so light i can barely read them, how can i make them darker.18:59
soundraymaverickAlex: mount the remote location with sshfs, then you can use all the unix tools18:59
_nxI'm using Ubuntu 7.10, and sometimes all my shortcut keys work (things like CTRL-F4, ALT-F4), and sometimes they don't. Sometimes rebooting effects this. What could be wrong?19:00
Cherubaelalan: Some websites use background tags in their style to set the colour; you can't change it sometimes19:00
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mike3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm so tiiieerrd.19:00
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arjeboff_nx: what window manager you be using?19:00
Pici!offtopic | mike319:00
ubotumike3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:00
scorpfromhellmike3: tiered? how many?19:00
kbrosnanalan: edit -> prefrences -> content -> fonts and colors -> advanced19:01
arjeboff_nx: standard gnome desktop?19:01
arjeboffok f*** xchat. this client annoys the $/()/$/§)(" outta me.19:01
_nxarjeboff, yes, defaults with 'normal' visual effects selected.19:01
Pici!language | arjeboff19:02
ubotuarjeboff: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:02
arjeboff_nx: back in a second.19:02
wols!irssi | arjeboff19:02
ubotuarjeboff: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.19:02
arjeboff_nx: are there any other things that also are not working when your keyboard shortcuts don't work anymore?19:03
arjeboffwols: i just switched to irssi19:03
askandI have troubles with my wireless mouse..it moves very sluggish? Why can that be?19:03
arjeboffwols: hehe19:03
arjeboffwols: i love irssi :)19:03
Draakoalguem pode me ajudar?algum brazuca aki?19:03
scorpfromhellarjeboff: you could try chatzilla on firefox too ... am on it :)19:03
_nxso anyways, default GUI with 'normal' effects.19:03
DM|ok 'sudo passwd root' doesnt change my root password, am I missing something19:03
Draakoi need help,want play rmbv in my linux but i dunno how19:04
LjL!root > DM|    (DM|, see the private message from Ubotu)19:04
soundrayDM|: please don't set a root password. Ubuntu is designed to be administered with sudo19:04
arjeboffscorpfromhell: i just had to configure my local irssi here, i'm mostly in other chat networks so on the shells i use irssi it would be stupid to run 2 irssi's at the same user, also i didn't want to have a 3rd connection on my primary irssi client which already does ircnet and aim/icq/msn/yahoo/jabber for me19:04
LjL!caps | Draako19:04
ubotuDraako: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:04
arjeboffscorpfromhell: so i just took xchat to start things off but it's completely unusable and NOT userfriendly by all means in my oppinion.19:05
DM|soundray Hmm 4 years and I never asked this question, sudo just pulls from your user password?19:05
devilsadvocateis it possible t access the audio output of the computer, analyze it, maybe a fourier transform or something19:05
LjLDM|, of course.19:05
scorpfromhellarjeboff: I came back to IRC after more than 7 yrs today ... and I stuck with chatzilla :)19:05
arjeboff_nx: well i'm using xfce and never had that problem...19:05
DM|LjL its all clear now19:05
Draakomy english sux,but i would like to know how i can play files in RMVB in my linux19:05
LjLdevilsadvocate: output? i.e. what is produced by programs?19:06
arjeboffscorpfromhell: oh you should seriously try irssi.19:06
devilsadvocateLjL, yes.. as in, what is coming out of the speakers as tany given time19:06
soundrayDraako: the problem may be that noone knows what RMVB is.19:06
scorpfromhellarjeboff: wilco ... will do that right away, guess I would have to apt-get install it?19:06
arjeboffscorpfromhell: i REALLY love irssi a LOT.19:06
whyameyedevilsadvocate: you probably want to use a program like PureData or maybe Csound or SuperCollider. I'dstart with PureData and learn about JACK for easy routing of the audio19:06
arjeboffscorpfromhell: apt-get install irssi19:06
DM|LjL so how do i get rid of the root login to disable19:06
godzirraOk, has anyone else had any problems in gutsy where your wireless network just suddenly stops working, and you can't reboot or do anything at all?  I have to hard power the machine down then bring it back up.  When the network dies, I can't run iwconfig from a command line window or anything... it just hangs.19:06
arjeboffscorpfromhell: if you got questions, feel free to ask me...19:06
arjeboffscorpfromhell: there're also ways to get your IM into irssi19:07
Draakoexist AVI,MKV,MP3 and RMVB19:07
LjLDM|: sudo passwd -l root19:07
DM|awesome thanks19:07
LjL!real > Draako    (Draako, see the private message from Ubotu)19:07
_nxarjeboff, I use Ubuntu because generally everything just works. It's worth a lot not to have hassle and roadblocks with every thing I try to do. I imagine that switching my desktop environment is just going to take me further away from 'just works'.19:07
scorpfromhellarjeboff: can I chat from behind a corporate proxy in irssi?19:07
whyameyegodzirra: I yes I had this problem in dapper and I had other wifi problems in Gutsy. I switched to wicd instead of Network Manager.19:07
blasenfischit doesn19:08
blasenfischwork bye19:08
kumarcan u please help me in the installation of lamp19:08
scorpfromhellkumar: on desktop 7.04?19:08
arjeboff_nx: i don't think so, but however i do not want you to change your desktop environment.... did you just try opening the gnome control center to kinda reinitialize that piece of software that manages they keyboardshortcuts?19:08
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:08
arjeboff_nx: you could also have a look what exactly does those shortcuts jobs i think19:08
askandWhat is the difference between totem-gstreamer and totem-xine? Which one is to prefer?19:08
soundrayblasenfisch: what's the problem?19:08
kumarscorprfromhell: no19:09
Piciaskand: They are just different backends for totem.19:09
bruenigone uses gstreamer and one usex xine19:09
kumarscorprfromhell: i am in 7.1019:09
arjeboff_nx: by using a blank gnome session, starting the windowmanager it uses (compiz, metacity) or whatever does the job and have a look if the process dies when this happens19:09
scorpfromhell!lamp > kumar19:09
arjeboff_nx: it's a strange problem tho, never heard of something like this19:09
_nxI'm not familiar with the gnome control center. Is it something I need to install?19:09
zotttyLjL:  Thank you. It was the perfect answer.19:09
arjeboff_nx: should be just there19:09
Illuvataris smarter here19:09
kumarscorprfromhell: i have installed all the things in fact19:09
arjeboff_nx: open a terminal and do "gnome-control-center"19:09
scorpfromhell!irssi > scorpfromhell19:10
Illuvatarje vais manger et je re19:10
kumarscorprfromhell: but the apache-php module is not proper19:10
_nxgot it19:10
maxsoft2hi all. I'm looking for a UPS software. do you know a good one for ubuntu? thank you.19:10
LjL!info fische | devilsadvocate19:10
kumarscorprfromhell: so i am unable to use php19:10
askandPici: Backends..ok..what do you think is the best?19:10
ubotudevilsadvocate: fische: Stand-alone sound visualisation for Linux. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0~alpha3-2 (gutsy), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)19:10
kumarscorprfromhell: what do i do19:10
AnveoIs there anyway I can get my terminal fonts anti-aliased in VNC? All the gnome window manager fonts seem to be fine19:10
_nxso you want me to watch a process to see if it dies, when exactly?19:10
arjeboffscorpfromhell: oh i'm using irssi since many many years now and i gotta admit i really love it.19:11
scorpfromhellkumar: did you update && upgrade?19:11
kumarscorprfromhell: yes i did19:11
Piciaskand: There isnt really a 'best'.19:11
scorpfromhellkumar: what's the issue?19:11
kumarscorprfromhell: i wrote a simple script just to test19:12
askandPici: aha..what would you recommend a newbie to chose?19:12
scorpfromhellkumar: did you try out a test php page with just phpinfo?19:12
Piciaskand: gstreamer is fine.  Where are you getting a choice btw?19:12
kumarscorprfromhell: but it is not working as it is not at all detecting php19:12
kumarscorprfromhell: yes did19:13
kumarscorprfromhell: it is not working19:13
scorpfromhellkumar: is your apache config alright?19:13
kumarscorprfromhell: yes19:13
scorpfromhellkumar: did it ever work? meaning, did it break after any upgrade?19:14
octopuscan anybody help me with iptables19:14
kumarscorprfromhell: no19:14
_nxarjeboff, I'm not clear on what you want me to do. I'm not sure how to start a blank gnome session.19:14
kumarscorprfromhell: php never worked19:14
askandPici: There was an error with totem so I wanted to do a reinstall...and there was two variants in synaptic19:14
balzacI used the tasksel feature to install my LAMP Server19:14
Piciaskand: ah. Okay :), gstreamer should be fine.19:15
soundrayoctopus: no one knows if they can, unless you say what the issue is.19:15
balzacnow it says 100% on the progress bar, but it doesn't revert back to a menu19:15
fysffahello there, i've just installed kde-core and kdebase and some other kde related packages and i want to switch to kde from gnome, after i instelled the packages i did a reboot but it got me in the gnome manager again , does someonne know what should i modify to get me the logon screen where i type my user/pass and where i can also select the session (GUI manager) ?19:15
younggrrwhen trying to unpack a tar.bz2 file I get the error "Cannot utime: Operation not permitted"  Why might this be?19:15
scorpfromhellkumar: could be some issue with apapche/php config or something wrong in the extensions19:15
balzacdoes tasksel installation end like that?19:15
kumarscorprfromhell: ok but what could be wrong19:15
nedimhi there :D19:16
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soundraybalzac: how long have you waited?19:16
nedimi need some help:D19:16
balzacIt still says "Installing packages" and under that, it says "Installed php5-mysql" and the progress bar says 100%19:16
balzaca few minutes now, soundray19:16
Picifysffa: first of all, the recommended install method for KDE is to install the kubuntu-desktop package.  Secondly, the normal gdm should have a 'sessions' button (I think) which lets you choose KDE.19:16
octopuswhats the link for poste code?19:16
ajehuk/whois ajehuk19:16
LjLfysffa, you can run a KDE session fine from inside your GNOME login manager (which is called GDM), just select it from the Options menu19:17
soundraybalzac: does Ctrl-L do anything (redraws the screen normally)19:17
LjLfysffa: if you prefer to just use the KDE login manager (KDM), you can run « sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm » (KDM also will still allow you to launch a GNOME session)19:17
soundray!pastebin | octopus19:17
ubotuoctopus: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:17
balzacdoes nothing19:17
soundraybalzac: Ctrl-G ?19:17
scorpfromhellkumar: can you put ur config file contents into pastebin?19:18
soundraybalzac: in that case, you should Ctrl-C it and run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get -f install'19:18
kumarscorprfromhell: the apache configuration file?19:18
fysffaLjL: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm should get me KDE as the default GUI manager ?19:18
scorpfromhellkumar: both apache & php19:18
Picifysffa: it'll give you a choice to switch between19:18
soundraybalzac: don't please19:18
kumarscorprfromhell: ok19:19
balzacsoundray, i just did that19:19
LjLfysffa: no, it will give you KDM as the default *login* manager. it just changes the default login screen handling program.19:19
balzaci've added and removed all these packages half a dozen times now19:19
chervaI've installed sendmail on standart LAMP server but when I try to send a mail from a web page I've made the message is send very slowly (when i press "send" I have to wait for about 30sec to send my mail ) is this normal and if it is not how to fix it ?19:19
balzaci don't know if tasksel is ready for prime time19:19
LjLfysffa: to choose whether you want to use a GNOME or a KDE session, as i said, you select that from the options menu in either KDM or GDM, whichever you're using19:19
RoRzaHi can anyone tell me why my u buntu screen is dark ?19:19
soundraybalzac: if there were errors, repeat the 'apt-get -f install' and put it on the pastebin please19:19
soundraybalzac: tasksel is ancient19:19
RoRzaHi can anyone tell me why my u buntu screen is dark ?19:20
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Pici!repeat | RoRza19:20
ubotuRoRza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:20
LjLRoRza: try turning the monitor's brightness knob=19:20
balzacwhich log do i check for errors?19:20
* bastid_raZor burps19:20
fysffaLjL: the thing is that i don't get to select the sessin , it just boost me into gnome without even asking for my user/pass19:20
balzaclast time i had errors, synaptic wouldn't run, so i did what you said19:20
RoRzaLJl . . . .  how ? where19:20
soundraybalzac: apt-get -f install logs all interesting output to stdout/stderr (in the terminal)19:20
Picifysffa: This is an install, right? you arent on the LiveCD?19:21
TyronepHi my ccsm options are blocked why?19:21
LjLRoRza: that would depend on your monitor19:21
fysffaPici: yes, this is an install19:21
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=== nu is now known as nuu
MarfiI want to convert all of my m4a and mp3's to ogg vorbis. what is the best program to do this? i have a large playlist, and would prefer it to not be a script. =)19:21
bastid_raZorPici:: you're a God amoungst mortals19:21
LjLfysffa: it doesn't ask for user/pass? that's not entirely normal.19:21
nedimcan any of you halp me; the problem is GNOME; i can not login into it; but gnome failsafe works fine?19:21
Picifysffa: How did you install gnome?19:21
arjeboffMarfi: first of all, it doesnt make sense19:21
mattwalstonAnyone know why tftpd and dhcp refuse to work with an init script a19:21
MarfiPici, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:21
LinuturkI need help with a somewhat advanced topic. I need to take a grouping of keysyms and remap them to new keycodes. Can anyone help me?19:21
mattwalstonAnyone know why tftpd and dhcp refuse to work with an init script in amd64 gutsy19:22
fysffaPici: but it's not mine :), i'm just trying to help one of my friends ..so i don't know how exactly it was installed :)19:22
kahrytanTyronep➲  is it installed?19:22
PiciMarfi: Sorry, I wasn't asking you.19:22
LimCore_➲ ?19:22
Tyronepkahrytan, yes i can go in it but the options are all blocked19:22
kahrytanLimCore_➲  yes it's an arrow19:22
MarfiPici, just trying to help19:22
PiciMarfi: I was asking someone how they installed gnome, I'm familiar with the proper way :)19:22
Marfiarjeboff, im trying to compress it all. basically, im trying to clean up my computer19:23
LjLfysffa, perhaps your friend set GDM up so that no user/pass is asked by default, i'm not sure how that's done and undone though.19:23
MarfiPici, np. =)19:23
BarryToemanMarfi: soundconverter or nautilus-script-audio-convert19:23
fysffaLjl ,Pici : will apt-get install kubuntu-desktop get me there? i mean if i boot will it get me into KDE ?19:23
LjLfysffa, *no*.19:24
kahrytanfysffa➲  more like add a kde session19:24
arjeboffMarfi: well it would mean a giant loss in quality which you don't want. also, you would have to ensure that noone else gets those oggs afterwards. transcodes are bad.19:24
PiciLjL: I thought it replaced GDM with KDM..19:24
Picior was that xubuntu-desktop?19:24
destroyerhi, does anyone know why gtk would ignore a cursor theme/size setting? when non-gtk apps such as Firefox and Amarok display the proper cursors?19:24
balzacsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47850/19:24
soundrayPici: neither19:24
LjLPici: it doesn't, KDM and GDM don't conflict, you can have both installed, and you select which one you prefer to use *manually* with dpkg-reconfigure19:24
TyronepHi my ccsm options are all locked what can i do?19:24
Marfiarjeboff, from what i understand, its the complete opposite19:24
PiciLjL: No, I know they don't conflict.19:25
crdlbTyronep: Preferences>Plugin List>Autosort19:25
arjeboffMarfi: you can't polish a turd, the result will never be better than the source is you use to feed it.19:25
soundraybalzac: is that all the output from sudo apt-get -f install?19:25
balzacsorry, i just updated it: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47851/19:25
LjLwell Pici the simple fact of installing kubuntu-desktop doesn't change the default display manager19:25
Tyronepcrdlb, thank you :)19:25
soundraybalzac: your installation has succeeded.19:26
Marfiarjeboff, i know that. but can you tell me how to burn .m4a's as an audio track without converting them first?  =)19:26
rubaxHi peeps19:26
balzacok, I just needed that confirmation. thanks.19:26
arjeboffMarfi: without converting them first is only possible if you use a normal data filesystem on the cd and not an audio cd.19:26
balzacI wasn't sure because I've seen a lot of things that don't end with a progress indicator at 100%. Usually there's a message at the end and perhaps an ok button.19:26
rubaxWill a ubuntu-based mail server work with blackberries?19:27
Marfiarjeboff, i need to be able to burn them to cd's as audio19:27
balzacor perhaps it would be expected to go back to the tasksel interface or the terminal19:27
soundraybalzac: it's hard to tell what happened, but apparently it was just a hiccup.19:27
scorpfromhellrubax: you could try to make it work via funambol19:27
DM|sudo cp FILE /PATH says omitting dir, but does not copy the file19:27
knoppixWhat can I do, if my hdd isn't recognized by the bios ? (I already checked, that slave is set and correct)19:27
arjeboffMarfi: well in order to be able to do that the burning application needs to decompress the m4a files.19:27
zzatsrubax: if blackberries support standard protocols such as imap/pop3, you will have no problems what so ever19:27
Tyronepand does anyone know how to configure xinetd to work with pop3 servers my evolution is not working anymore since i changed from inetd to xinetd19:27
balzacok, thanks for your help soundray19:27
soundrayDM|: are you sure that FILE is a file?19:28
DM|its a folder yes19:28
rubaxWe are trying to migrate from a sun pc (someone put windows on it?!), so far so good. Our business will be migrating completely to linux soon19:28
rubaxthanks for your responses19:28
soundrayDM|: do you know what the difference is between a file and a folder/directory?19:28
arjeboffwe have joy we have fun we run windows on a sun *sings*19:28
DM|soundray ok dumb question, when copying a file i just use the name, when copying a directory i have to use /folder ?19:29
buggeredfstabI am using the MySQL Query Browser, and for some reason, it will not return results that are correct for the query.19:29
kahrytanLjL➲  i know keep logs of xchat19:29
soundrayDM|: no19:29
DM|soundray yes, I usually use nautilus for file management so..19:29
LjLkahrytan: and?19:29
Tyronepdoes anyone know how to configure xinetd to work with pop3 servers? my evolution is not working anymore since i changed from inetd to xinetd19:29
octopushello. my problem is to route more notebooks over vpn to diffrent routers, from that they should go to internet => all notebooks should have an diffrent internet ip ... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47854/19:29
soundrayDM|: I think you're confusing several things here, and I'm not sure how best to clear things up for you.19:30
DM|soundray heres what im doing.  maybe this will help both of us "dmserver@dmserver:/media/sda1/home/dm2/vmware$ sudo cp vm /home/dmserver/vmware"19:30
fizzlehey all, i'm having some trouble with the firefox process, it seems i cant kill it so i can start a new instance of it, i just keep getting the same error, but the process wont die lol19:31
soundrayDM|: is /home/dmserver/vmware a directory?19:31
Picifizzle: try killall firefox-bin19:32
DM|soundray yes19:32
geniifizzle: sudo kill `ps ax|grep firefox|cut -b1-6`19:32
PiciDM|: you shouldnt have to use sudo for that...19:32
PiciDM|: unless, of course, if your user can't read that directory.19:32
scorpfromhellI have multiple m/c with edubuntu in ws mode ... how can I administer them all via a single Edubuntu LTSP admin?19:32
DM|Pici force of habit when accessing another harddrive assigned to another user "dm2" accessing from dmserver19:33
octopuscan anybody helb me by my iptables problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47854/19:33
soundrayDM|: and is /media/sda1/home/dm2/vmware/vm a directory, too?19:33
LJ_julius, owdi19:33
DM|soundray yep19:33
juliusI've got a big problem. A friend gave me his usb key and I format it but now it works only on GNU/Linux :( Can you help me please ?19:33
fizzlePici and genii: neither of those worked, FF still wont open a new window, the funny thing is system monitor doesnt show anything running that's firefox related19:33
holmssI have shutdown.sh file (shutdown -h now), how to make a schrout to this file and what kind of permissions i need to shut down computer without any confirmation?19:33
scorpfromhelljulius: reformat it in NTFS or FAT format19:34
Tyronepjulius, format it again with NTFSor FAT format19:34
Picifizzle: does firefox give you an error when you try to start?19:34
LJ_julius, you need to format it as fat32, think its mtools package you need19:34
juliusthat's what I did... with gparted19:34
Areli1Does anyone know if the Custom Player feature in YouTube indeed has a limit of 46 video's? the video's i added further didn't show up in the player. And does anyone know how i can bypass it? example (and the thing i use it for) here: http://robinlinth.weebly.com/muziek.html19:34
aarongood after noon all19:34
soundrayDM|: then you should 'cp -a vm /home/dmserver/vmware' to copy the directory while preserving the file attributes19:34
PiciAreli1: offtopic19:34
fizzlePici: yeah, says to kill the process or reboot to start a new window, but i tried rebooting and i just get the same error even after that19:34
nedimI have a problem with GNOME, can not login! Failsafe works but GNOME not, just stajs on the orange screen and then returns to login! NEED HELP please :D19:34
soundray!cli > DM|, this is a useful factoid (private message)19:34
Areli1Pici: Already asked there. Nobody knows.19:34
PiciAreli1: Its not on topic for this channel.19:35
firefly2442Is there anyway to write a script to automatically login to a webpage with wget/curl or something?19:35
DM|soundray now those files are owned by another user, will the flag -a be harmful since im "migrating" my server from desktop edition to server edition19:35
Picifizzle: Does the output of `ps aux | grep firefox` reveal anything?19:35
scorpfromhellfirefly2442: it is possible using PHP code, if you want this in your PHP applications19:36
scorpfromhellfirefly2442: if you want it in firefox, try selenium or some other extension that creates macros of your actions19:36
DM|soundray in other words, different users, different hard drives etc19:36
firefly2442scorpfromhell: sure I guess that would work, I could just juse the cli of php19:36
=== `m0 is now known as m0`
soundrayDM|: no, the -a flag preserves ownerships if you use sudo (as you originally planned)19:36
fizzlePici: yeah a line of numbers and some text19:36
DM|soundray ah i see19:36
aaronI need some help with samba and NFS.19:36
LimCore_wtf is npview.bin >19:37
Picifizzle: a line that just says 'grep firefox' at the end? or more than one line?19:37
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT19:37
DM|soundray no sudo = no ownership preserved , just  a staight copy paste?19:37
erUSULubotu tell aaron about nfs | aaron see priv msg from ubotu19:37
fizzlePici: just 1 with grep firefox at the end19:37
soundrayDM|: no, it's not that easy unfortunately19:37
Picifizzle: I dont know what to tell you then.19:37
Picifizzle: actually..19:37
Picifizzle: can you pastebin the entire output of `ps aux`?19:37
=== Yamcha is now known as Yancho
Pici!paste | fizzle19:38
ubotufizzle: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:38
firefly2442scorpfromhell: do you know what PHP functions would be useful?19:38
DM|soundray ok, a simple chown should clear it up if i have permission problems then , unless im incorrect19:38
holmssI have shutdown.sh file (shutdown -h now), how to make a schrout to this file and what kind of permissions i need to shut down computer without any confirmation?19:38
fizzlePici: lol my problem is that firefox wont open in the first place19:38
skyfalcon866where do i report a bug if i find a bug in a file system?19:38
scorpfromhellfirefly2442: I personally haven't used it ... but CURL functions in PHP should be of help ... check out the official PHP documentation on CURL19:38
soundrayDM|: if you cp -a without sudo, cp will preserve as much as it can, except the file owner, which will always be the user.19:38
firefly2442mkay thanks19:38
DM|fizzle has firefox crashed ?19:38
DM|soundray awesome, thanks19:39
soundrayDM|: a simple sudo chown19:39
ompaulskyfalcon866, if you think you have a bug, try launchpad.net19:39
fulhackHey guys.. I want some light weight desklets.. weather, notes, etc etc.. Any ideas? gDesklets seem very unstable?19:39
scorpfromhellfirefly2442: one of my team mates used it just last week19:39
Picifizzle: then install the program pastebinit (sudo apt-get install pastebinit), then run `ps aux | pastebinit)19:39
nedimI have a problem with GNOME, can not login! Failsafe works but GNOME not, just stajs on the orange screen and then returns to login! NEED HELP please :D19:39
drew_chicagocan I get some help adding us holidays to evolution calendar?19:39
Picifizzle: without the paren at the end.19:39
Pici!bugs > skyfalcon866 (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)19:39
skyfalcon866even if it is a file system bug?19:39
Tyronepfulhack, I use AWN if it helps you19:39
DM|nedim have you installed any new packages lately?19:39
soundraynedim: run 'df -h'. Are any of your partitions full?19:39
ompaulskyfalcon866, why not, it should be fixed19:39
fizzlePici: ok it gave me a web address...19:40
Picifizzle: can I have that address?19:40
fizzlePici: http://paste.stgraber.org/19:40
fulhackTyronep, Avant window nav?19:40
nedimyes i have had some problems with graphic drivers before this19:40
Picifizzle: nothing after that?19:40
geniifizzle: rm ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/.parentlock19:40
fizzlePici: nope19:40
Tyronepfulhack, yes19:40
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/usr/bin$ gdb gnome-search-tool 2>&1 | tee gdb-<program>.txt; bash: program: No such file or directory". Where is my error?19:40
fizzlegenii: no dice19:40
Picibullgard4: <program> is not valid syntax, replace that with a real program name or something.19:41
]Spectre[nedim,the fastest way is to do a backup and reinstall ubuntu19:41
DM|fizzle when you click firefox nothing happens? no window no nothing?19:41
fulhackTyronep, This looks sweet. Is it heavy to run?19:41
fizzleDm| and Pici: the firefox process did say "Zombie" before, but now it's off the list entirely....19:41
Picibullgard4: <text> denotes that you need to fill that with your own text without the brackets.19:41
soundraybullgard4: < and > have a special meaning. Omit or escape them.19:41
fizzleDm| , and error saying that to open a new window i need to end the process19:41
DM|fizzle 'sudo killall firefox firefox-bin19:42
Tyronepfulhack, you can configure it too be very light19:42
DM|fizzle then try19:42
Tyronepfulhack, it is easy to use too19:42
LimCorehow to rip a CD to .ogg's19:42
wolsLimCore: grip19:42
fulhackTyronep, Awesome, thanks a bunch!19:42
LimCorewols: and loseless?  what format is loseless and good compression, flac?19:42
ompaulLimCore, use soundjuicer on the music menu19:42
bullgard4Pici, soundray: Yes indeed. Thank you.19:42
fizzleDm|, nothing19:42
ompaulLimCore, and it also does flac19:43
wolsLimCore: yes19:43
DM|fizzle post the output of 'firefox %u' in a terminal19:43
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fizzleDM| i just get that same error19:43
ompaulLimCore, lossless indicates different file sizes to ogg which is lossy by a fair amount19:43
aaronhow do i verify the ports are open for samba? is there a port manager in fiesty ubuntu?19:43
DM|fizzle the same error ps aux | pastebinit ?19:44
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).19:44
ompaulaaron, it you start the process it opens the ports19:44
LimCoreompaul: you don't say19:44
PodMan99ahey all ... using SSH (have no local screen or keyboard access), can i install Xen?19:44
fysffahow can i see a list with installed packages on my system ? i tried dpkg -l but it list some packages that are not installed in my system ...at least that's what apt-get says when i try to remove those packages19:44
fizzleDM| the one that says i need to end the process19:44
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate19:44
fizzleDM| nothing comes out in terminal the error is a GUI pop-up19:44
DM|fizzle aye. run these in order19:44
DM|fizzle "killall firefox"19:45
PodMan99ahey all ... using SSH (have no local screen or keyboard access), can i install Xen? ... SORRY am using Dapper .......19:45
DM|fizzle "kilall firefox-bin"19:45
KyEis there a torpack for ubuntu?19:45
leg1ompaul,got 119:45
Tyronepfysffa, Synaptic doesn't show them?19:45
kahrytanKyE➲  torpack?19:45
fysffaTyronep: what's Synaptic ?19:45
xTheGoat121xHi everyone.19:45
Odd-rationaleI remember reading somewhere that OpenOffice can open Office 2007 files (docx). Is this true and where can I get more info?19:45
wolsKyE: there is tor19:46
fysffaTyronep:  apt-cache show Synaptic19:46
fysffaW: Unable to locate package Synaptic19:46
Tyronepfysffa, go to system administration , Synaptic19:46
fizzleDM|, it says "no process killed" each time19:46
DM|!pastebin | fizzle, post the output of "top" in a terminal here, (private message)19:46
ubotufizzle, post the output of "top" in a terminal here, (private message): pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:46
ompaulleg1, ?19:46
fysffaTyronep: i don't have GUI acces on the machine19:46
fysffaTyronep: is there a CLI tool i can use ?19:46
godzirraAnyone have experience with bluetooth syncing palms?19:46
Tyronepfysffa, gksu /usr/sbin/synaptic19:46
leg1jus a wrd not fone fill in19:47
KyEvols, tor? where can i get this?19:47
DM|fizzle then give me that link you paste19:47
wols!info tor19:47
ubotutor: anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 945 kB, installed size 2080 kB19:47
wolsKyE: there19:47
LimCoredoes FLAC support mp3 like tags?19:47
Johnsonhey, my screen resolution got all messed up a few days ago when i was trying to use another monitor iwth my laptop. Now it says htere are two screen 1's and my resolution is about 800x600. how can i delete the first screen 119:48
Odd-rationaleLimCore: Yes.19:48
KyEwols, thank you!19:48
xTheGoat121xSo I've got a problem with my volume pop-up... the colors are messed up so I can't tell where the volume level is... anyone know where the setting is to change that?19:48
DM|fizzle you there?19:48
fizzleDM| i cant get to pastebin, no firefox19:48
KyEwols, how to i run it>19:49
DM|fizzle figured you would of had two browsers,  you use KDE by chance?19:49
wolsfizzle: 20:49 <dpkg> [pastewithoutx] you can install gpm, which gives you familiar mouse functionality from the console ; or upload a file to http://pastebin.ca/upload.php; or: apt-get install w3m ; w3m http://channels.debian.net/paste ; hit enter on the Big Box, it will open /usr/bin/editor where you can insert the file, then save ; then hit enter on the submit button in w3m, or the19:49
wols             "screen" utility also provides keyboard driven copy/paste19:49
wolsKyE: /usr/share/doc/tor19:49
lonejackregarding general question on VNC use for remote control can somebody halp me ?19:49
wolslonejack: never ask to ask, just ask19:49
fysffaTyronep : i'm connected to the machine via ssh, as i understand synaptic is a GUI tool, i don't think i can use synaptic19:49
fizzleDm| no19:49
DM|wols thats a bit complicated atm im just trying to get him working for a sec19:49
lonejackwols, thank you.19:49
fizzleDM| should i just install epiphany real quick19:50
wolsfysffa: aptitude, apt-get19:50
Tyronepfysffa, i am sorry i can not help you try asking again19:50
DM|fizzle ok , hit alt control backspace, log back into your account, and try firefox again, then come back in here and let me know19:50
wolsfysffa: dpkg -l |grep ^ii  and you will see installled packages19:51
lonejackMy problem: I've to give a person a system linux, but unfortunately is a begginner on linux. So, I would like to give him a Linux system19:51
PodMan99ahey all ... using SSH (have no local screen or keyboard access), can i install Xen? ... SORRY am using Dapper .......19:51
acofisns register <afrothunda>19:51
lonejackequipped whit ubuntu+vnc19:51
wolsPodMan99a: afaik xen isn't in dapper19:51
PodMan99awols: if i run apt-get dist-ugrade could i go up to another and then install?19:52
lonejackcan I copntrol that system remotely and access the system as admin(I'll have the permission)? Alos if He doesn't log in?19:52
wolsPodMan99a: you need to upgrade to edgy, then feisty, then you could.19:53
arjeboffscorpfromhell: did you try irssi?19:53
tech__i got ubuntu server 7. i try to load the GUI and i get a display error "can't determin DISPLAY" what is that about?19:53
wolslonejack: use ssh19:53
profanephobialonejack, you could set up SSH access if thats ok with your friend19:53
fizzleDm|  no dice, still getting an error :-\19:53
PodMan99ak will try... THANKS!! xx19:53
fysffawols: thanks, i tried dpkg also, but is show some packages which apt-get says that are not installed : root@ubuntu:~# dpkg -l |grep kdebase-bin19:53
lonejackHe'll agree19:53
fysffarc  kdebase-bin                                4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2                          core binaries for the KDE base module19:53
DM|fizzle can you type the error to me19:53
fysffaroot@ubuntu:~# apt-get remove kdebase-bin19:53
fysffaReading package lists... Done19:53
fysffaBuilding dependency tree19:53
fysffaReading state information... Done19:53
fysffaPackage kdebase-bin is not installed, so not removed19:54
fysffa0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 98 not upgraded.19:54
lonejackThank you guys!!!19:54
wolsfysffa: that was removed but the config files weren't purged19:54
profanephobialonejack, just make urself an account.. if you need admin rights use sudo19:54
wols!paste | fysffa19:54
ubotufysffa: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:54
steve_bHey - I want to configure my computer so that when I start with Gnome I have 2 monitors, but when I start with xfce I only have 1.  How do I acheive this?19:54
fysffawols:  sorry about the flood , didn't mean it :(19:54
PodMan99awols: can i upgrade that via command line??19:54
wolsPodMan99a: yes19:54
fizzleDM|: "Firefox is already running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Firefox process, or restart your system."19:54
wols!upgrade | PodMan99a19:55
ubotuPodMan99a: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:55
fysffawols: so after apt-get remove i should also do apt-get purge $package-name ?19:55
dinesh86cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory is the prob !19:55
DM|fizzle ok do you see anything that has to do with firefox when you type "top" in a terminal19:55
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wolsfysffa: you can purge directly too. no need to run apt two times19:55
wolsfizzle: sudo ps aux |grep firefox19:55
steve_bcan anyone help me or point me in the right direction?  I want to have my different window managers set up with different display configurations19:56
fizzleDM|: no19:56
fysffawols: when i do purge i get the earlyer msg : Package kdebase-bin is not installed, so not removed19:56
DM|fizzle gnomefiles.org19:56
steve_bI don't really know what to search for to find help and am having no luck at the moment...19:56
DM|fizzle oops19:56
tech__anyone have a problem with their gw not showing up19:56
DM|fizzle put this into a terminal ' rm ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/.parentlock'19:56
fizzlewols: returns one line of numbers and stuff with "grep firefox" at the end19:56
dinesh86i have a prob with cc !19:56
dinesh86cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory19:56
geniisteve_b: What login manager do you normally use?gdm kdm etc19:56
steve_bgenii I'm not sure - he default Ubuntu one19:57
fizzleDM| "No such file or directory"19:57
geniiso gdm19:57
DM|fizzle are you using swiftfox or iceweasel?19:57
dinesh86i got a prob !19:58
fizzleDM|: no, but i am using 32bit FF on 64bit system, but that shouldnt really make a difference right?19:58
geniisteve_b: And what window managers are you using? gnome/kde/xfce/fluxbox/etc19:58
fizzleDM| i mean, it should still be dead, process name are the same19:58
steve_bgenii sorry I got disconnected19:58
DM|fizzle i havent heard that it has, reboot your computer and let me know if that works..19:58
profanephobiafizzle, do alt+f2 then type gnome-system-monitor... go to process and kill FF there19:58
acofishello all19:59
steve_bgenii I want to make gnome start with 2 monitors and compuiz, but make xfce start with only one monitor19:59
wolsdinesh86: install build-essnetial20:00
acofisI am having an issue with connecting to the internet. whenever i click on the wireless manager and try to manually connect to a new wireless in the area the wireless manager dissapears and wont come back.20:00
steve_bI tried logging into xfce and disabling the other monitor but it disabled it for gnome too20:00
PodMan99awols: how can i upgrade through command line.... it recomends update-manager .... however that requires X and i only have SSH20:00
acofisbut i have no problem connecting to the network i already have set up20:00
acofisi just can't change it20:00
wolsPodMan99a: via apt-get dist-upgrade20:01
PodMan99aah cool20:01
wartornAnyone know how to get a broadcom card to work? installed it with ndiswrapper, worked fine, reboote, then didnt work anymore. its a 4320. Cant connect manually, nor see any accesspoints20:01
super-6-1hello i have a problem with apperance. I change it to custom but it goes to normal by its self20:01
fizzleDM| nope, still the error20:01
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx20:01
DM|fizzle oh my20:01
profanephobiawartorn, is ndiswrapper module starting at boot?20:01
wartornJack_Sparrow: ive tried it, believe me20:01
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: bcm43xx should be no problem.. YOu running Gutsy?20:01
wartorngutsy, yeah20:01
wolsfizzle: there is a firefox lockfile somewhere most probably20:01
DM|fizzle you did a full reboot?20:01
muuluuhi all20:02
wartornndiswrapper starts at boot just fne20:02
fizzleDM| yep full reboot20:02
wartorntried modprobing it aswell, same stuff20:02
macdwartorn, well your broadcom should work without ndiswrapper, did you try the method which uses the firmware install?20:02
muuluuneed help20:02
fizzlewols: is there a way to find it or....20:02
wolsfizzle: find ~ -name *lock*20:02
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: I thought the link said to use fwctuuer and not ndiswrapper20:02
wartornyes, i tried that (removed ndiswrapper), stil nothing20:02
macdJack_Sparrow, it does ;)20:02
wolsfizzle: maybe20:02
muuluuinclude command not found help20:02
muuluuhow to install commands20:03
profanephobiawartorn, have you tried installing with the restricted drivers manager.. it will download the firmware too20:03
wartornyes, done that20:03
profanephobiaoh lag20:03
wolsmuuluu: synaptic20:03
steve_bdoes anyone know how to make my different window managers (xfce, gnome ect) use different display settings?20:03
wartornstill nothing, the card shows up, lets me "connect" manually only, but it does not work20:03
DM|fizzle hmm like someone else had suggested, hit alt F2 and type in "gnome-system-monitor" and search for anything that says mozilla or firefox and let me know20:03
macdwartorn, what doesnt work when you use the restricted drivers?20:03
wolssteve_b: amount of screens is a xorg.conf setting20:03
fizzlewols: returns some stuff with firefox but it's all extension stuff about blocklists20:03
profanephobiamuuluu, what command?20:03
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: I have setup several of those and never a problem...  you didnt try any of those horrid scripts like automatix or envy did you.20:03
sewwI need to change permission on my quake3 folder. What is the commands?20:03
wartornit wont see any accesspoints, nor can i connect manually20:03
brunoskrebsdoes anyone have ever used curlftpfs??20:03
wartornno, i did not20:03
steve_bwols how do I make it so that I can choose a different session at start up and have a different amount of monitors?20:03
wolsseww: man chmod20:04
sewwwols, thanks20:04
fizzleDM| nothing their, even with all processes showing20:04
wolssteve_b: change your xorg.conf20:04
profanephobia!anyone > brunoskrebs  (See message from ubotu)20:04
muuluuinclude command not found?20:04
DM|fizzle do you have firefox start when you boot your computer?20:04
acofisdoes anyone know what would cause my wireless manager to go MIA whenever i try to manually connect to a new network?20:04
super-6-1can anyone tell me why my Visual effect changes itself from custom to normal?20:04
wolsmuuluu: what are you trying to do and what is the error?20:04
fizzleDM| no it's not in my sessions20:05
steve_bwols /etc/X11/xorg.conf?20:05
wartornJack_Sparrow: its just weird that it worked once with ndiswrapper20:05
muuluui was trying to install lamp server20:05
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: You did this.. right..   sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter20:05
profanephobiaacofis, try starting nm-applet in terminal and watch for errors20:05
wolssteve_b: yes20:05
DM|fizzle im at a loss, i think something is corrupted20:05
muuluucommand is include20:05
DM|fizzle I hate to suggest this because you'll lose all your settings,.. but this might solve it "sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge"20:05
fizzleDM| hmm let me try something20:05
wolsmuuluu: with what exact command and what was the full output of the command. pastebin it all20:05
wols!paste | muuluu20:05
profanephobiamuuluu, what are you trying to do with this command20:05
wolsprofanephobia: install LAMP20:06
muuluubash include: command not found20:06
ubotumuuluu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:06
steve_bwols I don't get what I'm supposed to be editting!20:06
wartornJack_Sparrow: it does that automatically when i use the restricted manager20:06
profanephobiafizzle, have you tried removing FF then reinstall?20:06
gsprA question about package versioning (in PPAs in particular): Say I take a Debian package foo-1.2.3-1 and make a slight modification to the source. Should I call it foo-1.2.3-1-ubuntu1~ppa1? Or foo-1.2.3-1~ppa1? Or neither? I know it doesn't matter, but I'd like to follow the proper conventions.20:06
wolsmuuluu: I want the FULL commandline you typed and the FULL resulting output in a pastebin20:06
DM|profenephobia thats where im leading him next RE:fizzle20:06
fizzleDM| ok i backed up my bookmarks and stuff let me try that and let you know20:06
DM|fizzle ok,20:06
profanephobiaDM|, use purge20:06
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: I assume you dont get any errors?20:07
DM|profanephobia i told him to, read what i said20:07
wartornJack_Sparrow: i do not :/20:07
profanephobiaDM|, oh i dont see it.. nm then20:07
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DM|: )20:07
wartornit says wireless networks etc in the manager, but they dont show up20:07
steve_bwols, I only want the changes to apply to some sessions - not all.  As far as I can see the setting in xorg.conf apply to all window managers20:07
kaukseHi all ! I'm having issues scripting with file names containing spaces. For example if I run FILENAME="a file with spaces"; some_command "$FILENAME";, some_command will still think it got 4 parameters. Anybody knows how to solve that ?20:07
wartornits in roaming mode20:07
DM|fizzle once thats done "sudo apt-get install firefox"20:07
kbrooksgspr, #launchpad20:07
muuluuinclude /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.comf20:07
acofisprofanephobia: does nm-applet take a long time to run because when i ran it in terminal the cursor just jumped down a line and blinked like nothing happened20:07
muuluuand bash: include: command not found20:08
profanephobiaacofis, its running... now try to connect to a network20:08
Ubuhow to install http://www.irssi.org/ in ubuntu ?20:08
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fizzleDM| ok on uninstalling i got something weird, maybe i've just never noticed it before, terminal says "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" ?20:08
wolsUbu: irssi is packaged for ubuntu. apt-get install it20:08
DM|fizzle dont worry about that, its normal20:09
UbuI tried the instructions from http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing/#source but it didn't appear anywhere in Applications20:09
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/$ gdb gnome-search-tool 2>&1 | tee ~/gdb-gnome-search-tool.txt" obtains http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/20133/ but the file is not closed. Why?20:09
fizzleDM| ok re-installing20:09
wolsUbu: no need. it already is in ubuntu20:09
kazol_I've been having problems with the X-server crashing erratically (displaying the logon screen after) and I think the problem is attributed to compiz.20:09
Ubuwols: thanks.  apt-get install irssi  ?20:09
wols!info irssi20:09
ubotuirssi: terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1027 kB, installed size 2796 kB20:09
pike_kazol_: that seems likely20:09
wartornJack_Sparrow: anything else i can do? this is just weird, even that the windows drivers wont work with ndiswrapper..20:09
DM|kazol_ what video card20:09
gsprkbrooks: Yeah, I know, but the question makes sense in general too. If I blindly fetch a Debian package, and the only change I make is to the changelog, for example - should the package then be foo-version-debversion or foo-version-debversion-ubuntu1?20:09
fizzleDM| on reinstall terminal now gives me the warning to close all open firefoxes!20:09
steve_bdoesn't anybody know how to have different sessions with different display settings?20:10
DM|fizzle lol man.20:10
acofisprofanephobia: Segmentation fault (core dumped) is the error i get20:10
muuluuwois did get what i wrote?20:10
kazol_DM|: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)20:10
fizzleDM| doesnt look like it installed either....20:10
profanephobiaacofis, no other messages?20:10
DM|fizzle somethings borked20:10
fizzleDM| i just did a fresh install this morning20:10
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muuluuinclude /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf20:11
muuluuand bash: include: command not found20:11
DM|fizzle hmmmm20:11
acofisprofanephobia: no other messages20:11
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: No idea what to try.. Every one has worked with the basic tutorial...  I would think you need to undo whatever you tried and start fresh...  did you get  wl_apsta.o  manually?20:11
DM|fizzle ok do this "sudo synaptic" and use the search tool for "firefox" look for anything that is installled atm20:12
jubileeHey, does anyone know how to stop all of the scrolling madness in 7.10???20:12
wartornJack_Sparrow: no, it autodownloaded through the fwcutter20:12
Ubuwols: Thanks. I think it installed successfully but it's nowhere in Applications. Do I have to reboot ?20:13
jubileeAll of the... scrolling madness... Ubuntu 7.10... madness20:13
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super-6-1is there a visual channel for ubuntu?20:13
muuluui tried to use linux but it's so buggy or my hardware not compatible googled many times can't find anything20:13
jubileeHow to stop it20:13
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fizzleDM| results are firefox and mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb20:13
DM|fizzle any of them checked?20:14
fizzleDM| yeah should I remove them all?20:14
Ax-AxWhat does Ubuntu run instead of init, as in Debian?20:14
profanephobiajubilee, what exactly do you mean?20:14
DM|fizzle right click, remove completely20:14
Ubulooks ok - http://pastebin.com/d287eaeea   but now how to run it :(20:14
kbrooksAx-Ax, upstart20:14
muuluuis there anyone can help me20:14
fizzleDM| done20:14
DM|fizzle 'sudo apt-get autoclean'20:15
profanephobiamuuluu, please be more specific... what is wrong with your hardware20:15
Jack_Sparrowwartorn: If you want to try it manually.. here is a link for the driver I used..  http://sidulus.textdrive.com/bcmwl5sys.zip20:15
visofwhere can i download pidgim??20:15
fizzleDM| ok20:15
jubileeprofanephobia, when I'm in FF and I scroll up/down to top/bottom of page it takes me to previous/after pages... when I'm on Ubuntu desktop and I scroll it sends me to a different workspace20:15
fizzlevisof, getdeb.net20:15
DM|fizzle close synaptic and go back to terminal20:15
LimCorehow to rip youtube's song to flac or ogg?20:15
Jack_Sparrowvisof:   should be in the repos.. synaptic20:15
fizzleDM| roger20:15
muuluui don't know i installed all sort of linux ubuntu suse mandriva fedora20:16
DM|fizzle "sudo apt-get install firefox"20:16
codemutantanyone knows bluez development??20:16
muuluubut all of them keep freezing20:16
jubileeprofanephobia, I can't seem to find how to stop this from happening. I use a trackpad... so it does it accidentally all the time.20:16
muuluuin sometime20:16
profanephobiajubilee, so it seems the up/down is working as side/side20:16
codemutanti am nhaving trouble understanding a few things.20:16
muuluuand i even can't use some commands20:16
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Ubuanyone (irssi) ?20:16
muuluulike include command20:16
fizzleDM| got the same thing as before, terminal says to restart any running instances of FF20:16
DM|fizzle hmm20:17
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visofJack_Sparrow i didn't find it in synaptic20:17
Jack_Sparrow!info pidgin20:17
DM|fizzle I think something is majorly screwed up then20:17
ubotupidgin: graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.2.1-1ubuntu4.1 (gutsy), package size 589 kB, installed size 1720 kB20:17
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fizzleDM| ok news, i just check sys mon and firefox32 process is there as a zombie again20:17
wolsmuuluu: that is NOT how you install stuff on ubuntu. phpmyadmin is installed with something like apt-get install phpmyadmin20:17
ompaulmuuluu, there is no include command - so I guess you can't find it for that reason, I will now get the bot to send you a message20:17
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:/$ gdb gnome-search-tool 2>&1 | tee ~/gdb-gnome-search-tool.txt" obtains http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/20133/ but the file is not closed. Why?20:17
jubileeprofanephobia, well, it does up and down, but when I reach the top of the page it sends me back... when I reach the bottom, if there is a forward, it sends me forward, but it does this in Ubuntu too, not just FF20:17
wols!lamp | muuluu20:17
ubotumuuluu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:17
profanephobiajubilee, what model laptop do you have.. is it a synaptic touchpad?20:18
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visofJack_Sparrow i use feisty 7.0420:18
DM|fizzle do this "sudo killall firefox" then "sudo killall firefox-bin"20:18
hobbit_just installed my wireless how do i get the wlan0 to show up in networking?20:18
Jack_Sparrowvisof: that would be #ubuntu-120:18
jubileeprofanephobia, actually yeah, I think so. It's a Dell Inpsiron E150520:18
Ubuwill I have to reboot for irssi to appear in applications ?20:18
fizzleDM| done, process still shows in sys mon though20:19
DM|fizzle right click it and kill the process20:19
kazol_Why are the packages on the Ubuntu servers outdated? Is there a way to get updates?20:19
muuluui installed server one but it keep freezing20:19
fizzleDM| it's not going anywhere :-(20:19
DM|fizzle you have to wait a sec20:20
Ubuwols:  ?20:20
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging20:20
profanephobiajubilee, try installing gsynaptics: sudo apt-get install gsynaptics20:20
muuluuinstalled desktop edition on my laptop it doesn't freeze at all20:20
wartornanyone got any clue why this might happen when i unload and reload bcm43xx? http://pastebin.com/m6f6b704e20:20
=== max` is now known as max
muuluubut my desktop20:20
steve_bcan anyone help me with my problem?  I want to have different sessions with different display settings.  Basically I want one where 1 monitor is enabled, and one where there are 2 monitors enabled, each selectable from the menu at startup20:20
jubileeprofanephobia, alright, I'll try that. brb (thx)20:20
hobbit_just installed my wireless how do i get the wlan0 to show up in networking?20:20
steve_bdoes anyone know how to do this?20:20
void^Ubu: irssi is a console application, it won't appear anywhere.20:20
fizzleDm| still there20:21
Ubuso how do you launch it ? from terminal ?20:21
kazol_Is it a good idea to enable backports?20:21
void^Ubu: yes.20:21
muszekhi... I need to buy a cheap laser printer for my parents and want to find something that supports linux well... any suggestions?20:21
Ubuvoid^:  ah! Thanks!20:21
muuluuUbu use xchat instead20:21
muuluuit has a gui20:21
Ubumuuluu: Thanks. I'll try it :)20:21
jubileeprofanephobia, now do I have to restart or anything, or should it be in effect?20:22
oedivwhat do you need a gui for?20:22
muuluufrom synaptic20:22
DM|fizzle very peculiar20:22
jubileeoediv, lol20:22
fizzleDM| indeed20:22
profanephobiajubilee, might have to restart x... check and see if anything is different20:22
DM|fizzle what processor do you have20:22
hobbit_how do you add a connection to network?20:22
oedivjubilee: I truly see no use for a gui in a irc-client20:22
wolsUbu: irssi is a terminal app. open an xterm."irssi"20:23
fizzleIntel Pentium D 3GHz   x 220:23
fizzleDm| ^^^20:23
jubileeoediv, oh... in IRC, yeah20:23
muszekoediv: sure, unless you want chat instead of learning the UI20:23
oedivbesides that, irssi rocks :D20:23
DM|fizzle "wget http://getswiftfox.com/builds/debian/dists/unstable/non-free/binary-i386/swiftfox_3.0b2pre-8_prescott.deb"20:23
DM|fizzle out of curiosity lets have you install a better version of firefox20:23
jubileeprofanephobia, ok I'm going to restart. I'll be back to tell you if it worked.20:24
fizzleDM| alright, d/l-ing now20:24
muszekcan anyone suggest a printer manufacturer with good linux drivers?  something that  would work out of the box on Ubuntu20:24
DM|fizzle after that "sudo dpkg -i swiftfox_3.0b2pre-8_prescott.deb"20:24
justinfjust wondering - is there an easy way to record the output of my sound card to a file. i tried the sox "rec" program but thats recording from the microphone.  ubuntu gutsy.20:24
DM|fizzle swiftfox is what i use20:25
hobbit_can I get some help here on my wireless please?20:25
fizzleDM| i used too as well, i dont know why i stopped20:25
UbuI don't see the boot screen (black screen then the login screen) and suspend/hibernate etc. fails ? what could be wrong ?20:25
profanephobiahobbit_, what card?20:25
DM|fizzle v 3.0 is FAST20:25
DM|fizzle im suprised20:25
CoasterMasterHow do I install XGL for use with the ATI restricted drivers?20:26
hobbit_netgearwg111 usb, installed it with ndiswrapper, now how do i get the connection to show up in Network20:26
fizzleDM| i heard FF's new beta or whatever was faster as well20:26
dinesh86i want to upgrade my ubuntu dapper to the latest one.can any1 help me ?20:26
hobbit_profanephobia, 7.0420:26
SpookyETDoes apt have a command that lists all packages installed today?20:26
justinfdinesh86 -> dapper is so old now that you're better off doing a fresh install after backing up your files.20:26
jubileeprofanephobia, yeah... still does it... not in FF though, so that's good...20:27
muuluuok my PC Info: Core 2 Duo 6600, Nvidia Geforce 7300GS, Asus p5nd2 SE Motherboard All type of Linux freezing problem20:27
martin_fAnyone using the eveolution data server?20:27
profanephobiaSpookyET, i recommend checking the log file /var/log/dpkg.log20:27
DM|fizzle same, but swiftfox is optimized for your CPU20:27
profanephobiajubilee, i sent you a memo20:28
fizzleDM| true20:28
sneexis the Windows (samba) file server feature of Ubuntu Server 7.1 configured the same basic way as Debian?20:28
jubileeprofanephobia, how do I get it?20:28
muuluuok my PC Info: Core 2 Duo 6600, Nvidia Geforce 7300GS, Asus p5nd2 SE Motherboard All type of Linux freezing problem, is it coz of my hardware or something else20:28
profanephobiajubilee, /msg memoserv read all20:28
fizzleDM| ok I dpkg'ed20:29
profanephobia!anyone > martin_f (please state you problem)20:29
gcmgwho has try used the Windows server 2008?20:29
DM|fizzle ALT F2 then "swiftfox"20:29
hobbit_profanephobia, netgearwg111 usb, installed it with ndiswrapper, now how do i get the connection to show up in Network20:29
fizzleDM| same error20:29
DM|fizzle @!%@#20:29
DM|fizzle wow dude20:29
profanephobiahobbit_, not sure what your asking... show up where?20:30
martin_fI am trying to find documentation on how to set it up etc20:30
DM|fizzle im not sure what to tell you20:30
DM|fizzle im searching online20:30
muuluuok my PC Info: Core 2 Duo 6600, Nvidia Geforce 7300GS, Asus p5nd2 SE Motherboard All type of Linux freezing problem, is it coz of my hardware or something else20:30
KragneracHey, does anyone know what the system monitor app is on the upper-right of the screen? http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/6599/200712010135101440x900sgs0.png20:30
fizzleDM| i dont know lol maybe something get effed up somewhere in the install, but FF was working this morning20:30
DM|Kragnerac: conky20:30
hobbit_profanephobia, wlan0 is the wireless connection, how do i get that to show up in Network Settings? right now only wired connection and modem connection are there20:30
dinesh86cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory20:30
jubileeprofanephobia, tells me i need a password... dont have one20:30
DM|fizzle i doubt that, but you could have something corrupted20:31
gcmgdoes anyone has user the CentOS 5.1??????20:31
DM|fizzle how much time have you put into this new install?20:31
KragneracDM|: Thanks very much. :)20:31
profanephobiajubilee try this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47867/20:31
dinesh86cc does work but gcc works20:31
dinesh86cc doesnt work but gcc works20:31
DM|Kragnerac np, there is a good guide to set it up nice on ubuntuforums.org, just search conky title is " nice conky setup" or something20:31
dinesh86cc: installation problem, cannot exec `cc1': No such file or directory20:31
fizzleDM| i could just re-install right now, i've been on Ubuntu for over a year so i kinda know what i'm doing lol20:31
profanephobiahobbit_, do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart and see if it shows up then20:31
UbuI don't see a boot screen and suspend/hibernate fails. what can i do to fix it ?20:32
erUSULgcmg: this is #ubuntu not #centos ;P20:32
DM|fizzle thats my suggestion then, sorry, tried everything i could, you could boot to a livecd, chroot and fsck if you really wanted to try that20:32
hobbit_profanephobia, nope didn't do it :(20:32
muuluuwhen i ask about desktop freezing staff noone respond?20:32
fizzleDM| meh, my disk is less than a year old20:33
gsprwhen is it customary to append a ~version string to a package?20:33
gspr(for example ~gutsy)20:33
DM|fizzle fsck is like chkdsk in windows, it checks for errors20:33
fannagogannahi, I can't seem to find gnome-theme-manager in ubuntu 7.10. Anyone know what happened to it?20:33
DM|fizzle doesnt mean the HDD is bad, it just means it trys to correct something if its corrupt20:33
martin_fLooking for documentation on seting up evolution data server and how to use it.20:34
DM|fizzle http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fsck20:34
fizzleDM| ok i'll boot to livecd, get on here, see what fsck turns up, then re-install if we have too20:34
fizzleDM| lol i wish i could follow that link20:34
DM|fizzle lol woops20:34
fizzleDM| brb20:34
DM|fizzle you know how to chroot?20:34
DM|bah he left : (20:35
muuluuAnyone has a desktop freezing20:35
DM|muuluu no.. but what are you running when it happens20:35
wolsmuuluu: disable compiz then20:35
muuluui don't have compiz20:35
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muuluudesktop effect disabled20:35
DM|muuluu what are you running when it happens20:36
profanephobiamuuluu, are you using proprietary drivers?20:36
shaw1Hello everyone20:36
muuluuwhat is that?20:36
shaw1Can someone please help me?  I really need help20:36
martin_fwhere do i find documentaion on the evolution data server ?20:36
muuluui don't know20:37
MASTERjeffshaw1, just ask your question20:37
profanephobia!ask > shaw120:37
Salcan someone please give me a start on how to do the ubuntu wallpaper like this one: http://i15.tinypic.com/6octml1.jpg20:37
shaw1I'm trying to use Apache but when I go to edit the index file it says I can't save it because permission is denied20:37
muuluufirst mouse freeze in a sec keyboard freeze20:38
muuluuand system freeze20:38
shaw1So why is permission denied on my own filesystem?20:38
profanephobiamartin_f, http://www.go-evolution.org/EDS_Architecture20:38
Geminizehi, can someone tell me why when i put a cd in, it keeps ejecting it on me?20:39
profanephobiamartin_f, that should help20:39
Geminizesearched the forums and no results :(20:39
jubileeprofanephobia, something's wrong... When I enter "cd xserver-xorg-input-synaptics*" it tells me "No such file or directory"20:39
muuluuchmod ur index file then u can use it20:39
jubileeprofanephobia, should those dashes be slashes?20:40
shaw1how do i do that?20:40
muuluusudo chmod 777 index20:40
muuluuwhere is ur index file20:40
tech__anyone ever see can't determine display. abort. when loading Kdesktop?20:41
martin_fI have been to that page. I am no programmer, any other options?20:41
NeIXeRplease help me... tvtime this message... xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images.20:41
fizzleDM|: alright i'm on a livecd, how do i run fsck?20:41
DM|fizzle know how to use chroot?20:41
profanephobiajubilee, just do locate synaptic.c then continue from there20:41
muuluuhehe he is back20:41
fizzleDm| no :-\20:41
shaw1umm.. well, it made it automatically when I installed apache from the synaptic package manager in a really hard to find folder20:41
shaw1that i cant find anymore20:42
muuluuok then20:42
shaw1found it20:42
DM|fizzle first, open a terminal and type in  "mount" let me know the output  (in a pastebin)20:42
NeIXeRplase help me "tvtime"20:42
DM|!pastebin | fizzle20:42
ubotufizzle: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:42
jubileeprofanephobia... nothing?20:43
muuluuis there anyone using asus motherboard with nvidia gpu?20:43
profanephobiajubilee, try using find instead of locate sry20:43
shaw1its in filesystem/var/www/apache2-default/20:43
fizzleDM| http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47870/20:43
shaw1so how do I chmod it?20:44
muuluusudo chmod 777 /var/www/apache2-default/index.html20:44
DM|fizzle hmm, its not mounting your HDD20:44
Geminizehi, can someone tell me why when i put a cd in, it keeps ejecting it on me?20:44
fizzleDM| i can see my hdd in nautilus20:44
jubileeProfanephobia..."No such file or dir"20:44
Flannelshaw1: Your index will just be /var/www/index.html20:44
muuluusudo chmod 777 /var/www/apache2-default/index.html then edit ur index.html20:44
DM|fizzle ok good20:44
NeIXeRSomeone please help me with tvtime me this error xvoutput: No XVIDEO port found which supports YUY2 images.20:45
profanephobiashaw1, dont chmod it... open it as root instead... sudo gedit /var/www/.....20:45
shaw1thanks alot!20:45
DM|fizzle go into the HDD20:45
Conkercan anyone help me get rubyonrails running on ubuntu? I installed ruby, gems, and rails I believe20:45
shaw1do what?20:45
DM|fizzle what is the path ? (nautilus CONTROL L)20:45
profanephobiashaw1, chmod 77 allows anyone to edit it20:45
fizzleDM| mount nows shows "/dev/sda1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev)"20:45
shaw1thats not good...20:45
muuluutry that20:46
muuluusudo gedit one20:46
fizzleDM| path in nautilus is "/media/disk"20:46
shaw1how do I undo the chmod?20:46
muuluui really need to figue out that freezing thing anyone give a suggest pls20:47
DM|fizzle im trying to rememvber how i did it from a live cd20:47
muuluusudo chmod 555 /var/www/apache2-default/index.html then edit ur index.html20:47
DM|fizzle umount /dev/sda120:47
DM|fizzle might need sudo20:48
fizzleDM| ok20:48
DM|fizzle its done?20:48
fizzleDM| yes20:48
muuluui really need to figue out that freezing thing anyone give a suggest pls20:48
shaw1the gedit doesnt let me save20:48
fizzleDm| still shows up in nautilus though....20:48
shaw1You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.20:48
DM|fizzle it will20:48
fizzleDm| ok20:48
DM|fizzle fsck /dev/sda120:48
Flannelshaw1: you need to open it with sudo.  'gksu "gedit /var/www/index.html"'20:48
Flannel!sudo | shaw120:49
ubotushaw1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.20:49
DM|fizzle wait20:49
DM|fizzle fsck -a /dev/sda120:49
DM|fizzle belay that lol im confused20:49
DM|fizzle fsck /dev/sda1 is fine20:49
DM|!hi | boris20:49
ubotuboris: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:49
fizzleDM| permission denied, should i try it with sudo?20:50
DM|fizzle type in "su"20:50
muuluudesktop freezing random time20:50
DM|fizzle should say "root@ubuntu" or somethign20:50
muuluudesktop freezing random time20:50
fizzleDM| it asks for a password20:50
muuluuis there anyone using asus motherboard with nvidia gpu?20:50
muuluuis there anyone using asus motherboard with nvidia gpu?20:50
DM|muuluu dont repeat please20:50
DM|!spam | muuluu20:51
ubotumuuluu: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubotu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !NickSpam - and most importantly, use common sense...20:51
DM|fizzle uh just hit enter20:51
muuluusorry noone gives me an answer20:51
fizzleDm| authentication failure20:51
DM|fizzle sec20:51
muuluueven google not give an answer what i'm gonna do20:52
I_need_to_play_aHow do I get the DVD codec?20:52
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:52
DM|muuluu well i asked you a question about it earlier, if you cant pay attention that is no reason to spam the channel with repeats20:52
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/20:52
muuluusorry but i gave u my answer but no respond20:53
DM|fizzle try sudo fsck /dev/sda120:53
muuluuit freezes random time but very soon and any application i'm using20:53
imbecilek guys how do I check my hardrive space on all hardrives? I have a dual boot system and I think I partitioned it wrong and am missing hd space (maybe unallocated? any help would be appreciated20:53
fizzleDM| it returned "clean, 105566/9371648 files, 1709509/18729774 blocks"20:54
erUSUL!gparted | imbecile20:54
ubotuimbecile: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php20:54
DM|imbecile sudo apt-get install gparted then "gksudo gparted"20:54
shaw1I do have another question...  I want to copy a file I have already made into the /var/www/ but when I try to it says permission denied... How do I put that file there, if my permission is denied?20:54
DM|fizzle reinstall then. sorry bro, its not your HDD  its prolly the install20:54
wolsshaw1: what permissions has the file now? is it world readable?20:54
fizzleDM| hmm alright20:54
DM|fizzle did you happen to go through a half update though ?20:54
profanephobiawols, set to 77720:54
alex_Hello my mouse isn't working correctly20:55
fizzleDM| half update?20:55
wolsprofanephobia: are you shaw1?20:55
Kornnehello everybody20:55
alex_can anyone help me20:55
DM|fizzle do an update but stop it half way or when it wasnt complete20:55
white_eagleis there an app. to mount .mdf files on ubuntu?20:55
I_need_to_play_aMy toes hurt from playing too much ITG20:55
profanephobiawols, no i saw when it happened... dude told him to do 777 before i could tell him otherwise20:55
shaw1I can see it on my browser20:55
erUSULwhite_eagle: maybe acetone iso? or covert it to iso and mount it manually20:55
erUSUL!iso | whitewater20:55
ubotuwhitewater: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:55
white_eagle_is there an app. to mount .mdf files on ubuntu?20:56
erUSUL!iso | white_eagle_20:56
ubotuwhite_eagle_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:56
fizzleDM| no, the only thing i can think of is when i installed this morning, i had to install some restricted drivers for my vid card and it wanted to reboot, but i had to let the system finish updating first20:56
alex_When I try to update my Ubuntu it says Could Not Grab Mouse20:56
fizzleDm| dont think that wouldve done anything though20:56
DM|fizzle do this.20:56
erUSULwhitewater: sorry, not meant for you20:56
alex_Please someone help me20:56
DM|fizzle sudo mkdir /media/gutsy20:56
muuluuDM any answer for me?20:56
elninjaI notice when I go to "file/cut" on a file in Nautilus, the icon does not do anything to indicate which files will be moved when I paste them somewhere else. Thunar, and most other file managers do this. is there a way to enable it in Nautilus?20:57
fizzleDM| k20:57
DM|fizzle sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/gutsy20:57
fizzledm| OK20:57
shaw1 I do have another question...  I want to copy a file I have already made into the /var/www/ but when I try to it says permission denied... How do I put that file there, if my permission is denied?20:57
DM|fizzle sudo chroot /media/gutsy su20:57
DM|fizzle then.. "sudo apt-get update" after thats done "sudo apt-get upgrade"20:57
fizzleDm| ok now im root20:57
muuluuur www folder needs root previlige20:57
ccotterHello. It's a long shot, but does anyone know if Ubuntu supports the Wildcat Realizm 800 graphics card?20:58
shaw1it is20:58
shaw1the owner is root20:58
fizzleDM| done20:58
shaw1and group20:58
DM|fizzle that fast?20:58
fizzleDm| yep20:58
DM|fizzle sudo apt-get upgrade?20:58
profanephobiashaw1, also do as sudo in terminal ... with cp for copy or mv for move20:58
fizzleDm| yes20:58
DM|fizzle it update anything?20:58
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fizzleDm| nope20:58
shaw1how do I do that?  I'm new to this still20:58
profanephobiashaw1, a temporary chmod is ok but remember to always set it back20:59
SpookyETIs there a regex find and replace for gedit that's half decent?20:59
shaw1what should the default chmod be?20:59
white_eagle_is there an application to mount, because I can't type all the times,20:59
muuluuwell chmod is the best thing if u remember to chmod it back ;-)20:59
DM|fizzle you were saying you were running 32bit FF with 64bit gutsy right20:59
profanephobiashaw1, sudo cp /home/user/blah.txt /var/www/blah.txt would copy that file to /var/www from /home/user21:00
shaw1yea, but what do I chmod it back to?21:00
imbecilek guys, how do see what is on sda5 for example?21:00
fizzleDM| correct, 64bit FF was also installed, but in a different dir of course21:00
muuluuchmod 55521:00
imbecilei have my box royally messed up21:00
TitanousI am working on locking down ubuntu, and I'm wondering how to remove the places menu?21:00
alex_Why can't my computer "grab my mouse"21:00
white_eagle_is there an app. to mount, because I can't type all the times?21:00
DM|fizzle wwere you using 64bit firefox?21:00
shaw1thanks muuluu21:00
fizzleDM| what do you mean?21:01
muuluunp ;-)21:01
DM|Titanous: right click "remove from panel" :P21:01
DM|fizzle well were you running the 32 bit instead of just running the 64 bit?21:01
landslideI need some help with apt-get/synaptic21:01
fizzleDM| yeah so i could use Flash and all that21:01
DM|fizzle ah, sorry, then just reinstall ( i hate telling people that though )21:02
MASTERjefflandslide: ask away21:02
landslideOne of my packages is "stuck" and won't uninstall, and I can't unmark it either, and it's keeping me from being able to install stuff21:02
pieisgood4589_Hi IndyGunFreak21:02
TitanousDM|, thanks for the thought but that removes the applications menu as well21:02
IndyGunFreakpieisgood4589_: hi... do i know you?21:02
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DM|fizzle the good thing is though.. its fast, but alas.. I havent reinstalled or wiped my drive in ubuntu in 2 years21:02
IndyGunFreakoh ok.21:02
ompaul!offtopic | pieisgood4589_21:03
DM|Titanous: well despite removing it from the panel, they can still get to every single item on there21:03
ubotupieisgood4589_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:03
white_eagle_is there an app. to mount, because I can't type all the times?21:03
trittciao a tutti21:03
fizzleDm| yeah dont worry, question though, when i reinstall will i be able to install swiftfox right over top of 64bit FF, or will i have to install 32bit FF again first?21:03
=== Alp- is now known as Alp`
ompaul!it | tritt21:03
ubotutritt: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!21:03
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pieisgood4589_Let's play pong-  1 . 121:03
DM|fizzle its an independant deb file, should be fine to install it21:03
MASTERjefflandslide: you can try uninstalling it by running 'sudo dpkg -r packagename'21:04
white_eagle_is there an app. to mount, because I can't type all the times?21:04
fizzleDM| ok21:04
h4x0r7h1show do I make the computer sleep21:04
IndyGunFreakhe coudl have just messaged ubotu and played pingpong had he liked...lol21:04
h4x0r7h1slike, to ram21:04
TitanousDM|, what?21:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:04
`Cubehow do you call that item bar on a mac on the lower site?21:04
=== Alp- is now known as Alp`
`Cubethat bar with programes?21:04
Flannelh4x0r7h1s: Thats called suspend21:04
muuluuDM any answer for me?21:05
h4x0r7h1sFlannel:  and how do I do it21:05
=== Alp` is now known as Alp-
DM|Titanous: you said you were locking it down.. Well if someone wanted to get to the things in places.. they could still get there without the use of the panel21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
TitanousDM|, I understand that, but I still would like to remove it21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ping-pong - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
IndyGunFreak`Cube:  i beleive you're lookin gfor Avant window manager...... i know little about it though21:05
`Cubethanks, IndyGunFreak!21:05
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:05
DM|Titanous understood, might look at different applets you can add to the panel, one might have the option to remove it21:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uswsusp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:05
landslidegives me this error: dpkg: error processing fluxbuntu-default-settings (--remove): subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 221:06
wolswhite_eagle_: can't you finally stop?21:06
white_eagle_ok, sorry21:06
wolslandslide: there is more than that21:06
tech__i'm having a problem with ubuntu telling me can't determine display. abort. when i try to load its kdesktop21:06
white_eagle_is there an app. to mount, because I can't type all the times?21:06
landslideyeah it's huge though, I didn't want to send the whole thing in one chunk21:06
fizzleDm| alright here we go....21:06
DM|white_eagle_ dont kid around in here, this is a help channel not a place for socializing or spamming21:06
DM|fizzle GL21:06
pope22I'm in need of assistance getting my notebook speakers to work.  My headphones will work, but not the speakers. Any suggestions as to where I should start?21:07
wolswhite_eagle_: you put the partitions you want to mount into your fstab21:07
mcquaidhello, I just setup a media server, I need a guinea pig to see if it works outside my network21:07
IndyGunFreak!sound | pope2221:07
ubotupope22: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:07
mcquaidcould anyone take a minute and see if my music streams properly?21:07
fizzleDm| thanks for all the help, if things go wrong again i might be back lol21:08
DM|fizzle np :) i wont be here but there are plenty others willing to help21:08
tech__i still need help21:08
MASTERjeffmcquaid: what is the link?21:08
IndyGunFreaktech__: what now?21:08
mcquaidi don't want to post it here and have tons joining ;) join me in #test12321:08
tech__can't determine display abort.21:09
tech__when i load Kdesktop21:09
landslideI guess I'll just post the whole block21:09
white_eagle_sorry i'm asking again, but my connection timed out, is there an easier way to mount!?21:09
IndyGunFreakdisplay abort?.. never heard that one.21:09
glol3ulanyone playing globulation 2 ?21:09
tech__can't determine display. abort.21:09
n215I installer ark, when im trying to open archive it says utility unrar-free is not in your path21:09
LjL!rar > n215    (n215, see the private message from Ubotu)21:09
IndyGunFreak!unrar | n21521:09
white_eagle_no one, knows?21:09
ubotun215: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:09
landslidehere's the whole thing:21:10
landslide$ sudo dpkg -r fluxbuntu-default-settings21:10
landslide[sudo] password for rockfall:21:10
landslide(Reading database ... 140619 files and directories currently installed.)21:10
landslideRemoving fluxbuntu-default-settings ...21:10
=== |L| is now known as Fawkesfyre
landslidedpkg-divert: --remove needs a single argument21:10
landslideUsage: dpkg-divert [<option> ...] <command>21:10
landslide  [--add] <file>           add a diversion.21:10
landslide  --remove <file>          remove the diversion.21:10
landslide  --list [<glob-pattern>]  show file diversions.21:10
IndyGunFreak!paste | landslide21:10
landslide  --truename <file>        return the diverted file.21:10
ubotulandslide: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:10
landslide  --package <package>      name of the package whose copy of <file> will not21:10
landslide                             be diverted.21:10
landslide  --local                  all packages' versions are diverted.21:10
landslide  --divert <divert-to>     the name used by other packages' versions.21:10
landslide  --rename                 actually move the file aside (or back).21:10
IndyGunFreakhow can you be that dense,.21:10
landslide  --admindir <directory>   set the directory with the diversions file.21:10
landslide  --test                   don't do anything, just demonstrate.21:10
landslide  --quiet                  quiet operation, minimal output.21:10
pathyhow do i make it so that i dont have to remake and reinstall my wireless drivers after every reboot>?21:10
n215dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove fluxbuntu-default-settings which isn't installed.21:10
kahrytanIndyGunFreak➲  Not dense. It was a large paste job21:11
DM|!pastebin | landslide21:11
ubotulandslide: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:11
tech__<was swept away in the flood>>>>21:11
IndyGunFreakkahrytan: i mean, why would someone even think to paste something that big, here in the channeL?... you can tell by the traffic here, nobody would ever be able to read it all.21:11
ChrisAshton84anyone know how to resolve a (potential) IRQ conflict?  A IDE controller, USB controller, and modem/soundcard are all using IRQ 16, the modem/soundcard appears to disable itself immediately after being assigned its IRQ (its the 3rd on the IRQ)21:11
imbecilek guys I have a problem. I partitioned my hd wrong and I have 690 something mb on the disk in question (I think it may be ubuntu install) can someone look at my gparted screenshot and tell me whats wrong and tell me how to fix it? plleeaasse help me http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/933/screenshot1xv3.png21:11
IndyGunFreakkahrytan: i understand it was a big paste... but the channel topic does indeed say what to do w/ a big paste.21:11
KragneracCapa2: hi21:12
imbecilei want all the space in the ubuntu disk partition to actually be for ubuntu21:12
pathyhow do i make it so that i dont have to rebuild nad reinstall my wireless drivers after every boot plz?21:12
FilipeMendeswhich would be the best way to avoid having users running any binary? It would be necessary to specify some specific users who would be allowed to run any binary.. any known tool?21:13
white_eagle_is there an easier way to mount!?21:13
sherl0ckanyone knw how to change the color that appears after you login gdm, and before the desktop appears, its default is taht light brown???21:13
lakagnaHi !!! Everytime I try to use Azureus or Deluge my network hangs and have to reset my router. Anybody with the same problem?21:13
DM|imbecile for a good breakdown of what folders/files are using what space "sudo apt-get install baobab"  then "gksudo baobab" then hit "scan filesystem"21:13
javaJakesherl0ck, System -> Administration -> Login Window21:13
IndyGunFreakimbecile: how long ago did you install?..21:14
=== KingOfQuake is now known as RabidWeezle
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  a few weeks ago21:14
mikes1How does one configure "alsa" without alsaconf ?21:14
IndyGunFreakhmm.. so was this how you partitioned when you installed?...21:15
IndyGunFreakor were you trying to extend the partition, or what?21:15
_joeguys my network locks up randomly21:15
_joewith linux21:15
_joeany ideas?21:15
sherl0ckjavaJake: yea i tired that, doesnt help21:15
IndyGunFreak!enter | _joe yes I have an idea21:15
ubotu_joe yes I have an idea: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:15
juano__mikes1: well alsaconf is really the utility for configuring alsa but you can check !alsa for more information21:15
kahrytanimbecile➲  next time, do manual partition request.21:16
lakagna_joe mine does when I use Azureus or Deluge21:16
juano__!alsa | mikes121:16
ubotumikes1: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:16
_joelakagna: maybe we have21:16
_joelakagna: the same problem21:16
super-6-1hello all my text in firefox is very small anyone knoe why?21:16
pathyhow do i make ubuntu remember the driver? i dont want to have to reinstall every time ¬_¬21:16
sudo_newgrphow do i su to get updates if i want to get them from the command line?21:16
lakagna_joe, I use Ubuntu 7.1021:16
_joelakagna: i'm on 7.10 linux as well21:17
fredrichanyone know if theres a Open-ILS package for gutsy somewhere to be found? it seems a wee bit cumbersome to install manually21:17
kahrytansupaneko➲ er-6 I do but I forgot how to make it better21:17
lakagna_joe, and cannot get it back to work unless I reset my router.21:17
kahrytansuper-6-1➲ I do but I forgot how to make it better21:17
_joelakagna: i can reset my d-link and it works again, but this doesn't happen on windows21:17
sam_anyone know about this error; lp driver loaded but no devices found21:17
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  yeah I messed it up. when i installed I just wanted 1 ntfs partition & a ext3 partition21:17
mikes1juano__: cheers :)21:17
lakagna_joe, same with me in Windows XP21:17
KragneracThe command of death21:17
super-6-1awwww ok dang it to small i can hardly read it21:18
=== jesse is now known as Batlas
Kragnerac"xterm xterm" in terminal. :P21:18
juano__mikes1: :)21:18
lakagna_joe, I have tried to look up on the internet and I haven't found any solution ...21:18
_joelakagna: ah, it happens to you with windows too? interesting...are you also using a d-link router?21:18
_joelakagna: me too...21:18
IndyGunFreakimbecile: i really don't know how youc ould fix it at this point..21:18
_joei want to use ifconfig to change my network card settings21:18
_joebut how do i su in ubuntu 7.10?21:18
sudo_newgrp_joe: sudo newgrp21:18
imbecilei had a feeling21:18
lakagnaNo, it doesn't in Windows XP. I am using a Comtrend 536+ multiport router.21:19
_joeyour name is the same as your response21:19
bill_i'm trying to use ubuntu gutsy with openvz and i'm having trouble getting it to shutdown quickly... is there somewhere i can tune how long init will wait for processes before rebooting?21:19
_joei'll try that, though21:19
IndyGunFreakimbecile: not saying it can't be done.. i jsut don't know how to do it, you're bound to hose something w/ the amount of partitioning you want to do.21:19
kahrytansuper-6-1➲  firefox does have menu option to increase font size21:19
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  I think I'm going to cry21:19
IndyGunFreakimbecile: why?21:19
Conkercan anyone help me run rubyonrails?21:20
lakagnaI tried sudo ifconfig eth0 down ... and then ifconfig eth0 up ... and it doesn't work.21:20
_joeConker: ruby ./script/server21:20
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  the reinstall is going to be a big deal..21:20
Kragneracconker: Execute it, or install it?21:20
_joeConker: after running "rails moo" to create a new project21:20
_joelakagna: i suspect your router...21:20
Conkeri installed ruby, gems and rails i believe21:20
Conkerbut how do i execute them21:21
IndyGunFreakimbecile: why is that?21:21
_joeConker: rubyonrails.org is your friend...this is #ubuntu21:21
juano__lakagna: have you enabled azureus ports in virtual servers ?21:21
lakagnaI cannot even ping the router that it is directly connected to my PC wired.21:21
_joei mean, we're your friends too, of course21:21
juano__lakagna: in your router ?21:21
Conkeri tried getting into the rubyonrails channel no one is answering21:21
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  updates configuring everything etc.... just a huge 2-3 day project21:21
super-6-1so can anyone help?21:21
sherl0ckanyone knw how to set the default AP that networkmanager connects too?????21:22
IndyGunFreakimbecile: i wouldn't think it would take that long if you took good notes configuring your system,.21:22
juano__lakagna: is your router also a dhcp server ?21:22
lakagnaYes, I enabled the ports triggering in the router.21:22
lakagnaNo, it is not a DHCP server.21:22
imbecileIndyGunFreak:  I havent taken any notes21:22
juano__lakagna: then you need to configure a static ip address21:22
super-6-1can anyone tell me how to change the text in forefox becuase its way to small to see21:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movies - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about movie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:22
sherl0cksuper-6-1, hold ctrl and scroll21:22
IndyGunFreakimbecile: well, it might take a while then... i take a lot of notes, save website snapshots, etc, when i accomplish something, and keep it w/ my backup... it usually works well for me.21:23
magnetron!dvd > I_need_to_play_a21:23
imbecileI_need_to_play_a:  this isnt a warez channel21:23
juano__lakagna: sudo ifconfig eth0 192.168...  netmask 255.....  eth0 up21:23
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:23
imbecileI_need_to_play_a:  yr looking to play movies?21:23
lakagnaI have my static ip address. When I type ifconfig, eth0 seems to be up and running but it isn't.21:23
bobby123_joe: what version of rub are you using?21:23
IndyGunFreak!medibuntu | I_need_to_play_a21:23
derphow come you can't save your repository list when you gedit it?21:23
ubotuI_need_to_play_a: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org21:23
super-6-1sherl0ck: the toolbars/httml is to small21:23
imbecileI_need_to_play_a:  try vlc player21:23
nedimhi there21:24
bobby123_joe: *ruby21:24
nedimneed help21:24
I_need_to_play_aI did21:24
nedimGNOME problem, cant login21:24
IndyGunFreaksuper-6-1: you need to be root... gksudo gedit /path/to/file21:24
_joebobby123: wut?!21:24
juano__lakagna: and when you ifconfig it shows the proper ip address ? and netmask ?21:24
nedimwhen i enter username and pwd. shows oreange screen and sends me back to login21:24
nedimplease help:D21:24
bobby123_joe: what version of ruby on ralis are you using?21:24
super-6-1indyGunFreak: what the file firefox works on?21:24
IndyGunFreaksuper-6-1: the file firefox works on?21:24
lakagnajuano __ yes it does, that's the weird part of it.21:25
gordonjcpwould I be right in saying that to set the encryption key for a wifi connection all I need to do is "iwconfig <interface> enc s:<passphrase>" ?21:25
df00zIs there a way to add modules to rmmod before my system suspends?21:25
df00zOr, what is the proper way to do it?21:25
_joebobby123: i'm on ruby on ralis 1.1.621:25
derpSo, I ran "sudo mv /etc/apt ~" so that i could edit my sources.list but i still can't edit it....why not?!?!?!?!21:25
_joebobby123: do you know if that's the current?21:25
juano__lakagna: whats your router ip ?  and your static ip ? and the netmask ?21:25
nedimis there a way to reset gnome session to default or to set it again21:25
_joederp: please restate your question?21:25
super-6-1IndyGunFreak yes21:25
lakagnarouter =, static ip =, netmask =
_joederp: are you now trying to edit ~/apt/sources.list?21:26
IndyGunFreaksuper-6-1: i have no clue what you're talking about.21:26
_joederp: i don't see why that woldn't work21:26
derp_joe: yes21:26
juano__lakagna: seems good21:26
_joederp: k...21:26
nedimplease help needed:D21:26
juano__lakagna: from windows it works fine ?21:26
derp_joe: i thought i could edit anything in my home folder21:26
juano__lakagna: or other OS ?21:26
nedimi am having this trouble for 4 hours now and still cant figure it out21:26
_joederp: you should be able to...21:26
lakagnaWhat really freaks me out is that I cannot even ping the router -> Host unreachable.21:26
nedimi reistaled ubuntu-.-desktop, xorg, remake xserver-xorg21:27
orangeflycan someone help with avant window navigator....???....21:27
super-6-1IndyGunFreak what do you mean i need to be root the change the text in firefox?21:27
lakagnaIn Windows (which I don't have any more) I haven't had any problems with Azureus.21:27
_joederp: show me your move command again and try running it again21:27
derp_joe: sudo mv /etc/apt ~21:27
lakagnaAmule works fine in Ubuntu.21:27
I_need_to_play_aI am having problems Playing DVDs21:27
_joederp: that looks right21:27
IndyGunFreaksuper-6-1: did you not ask why you can't save the source list?.. maybe i didn't mean to send that to you.21:27
IndyGunFreak!dvd | I_need_to_play_a21:27
ubotuI_need_to_play_a: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:27
Box|UKyay just pulling media files off my XP drive onto ubuntu21:27
juano__lakagna: yea, well if from windows it worked, it's not a tier 1 problem, in other words, hardware is fine21:27
I_need_to_play_aI am running Xubuntu 7.04 on PPC21:27
I_need_to_play_aI tryed all the stuff on that page21:28
ompaul!restricted | I_need_to_play_a21:28
ubotuI_need_to_play_a: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:28
I_need_to_play_athe 2nd command fails21:28
juano__lakagna: you should be able to ping your router with:  ping
teacher23derp: fuck ubuntu...that would never happen if you were using mandriva21:28
super-6-1IndyGunFreak: no im asking how to change the text in firefox back to normal i got the web part back to normal just not the toolbar and url address bar21:28
IndyGunFreakI_need_to_play_a: then you're doing something wrong.21:28
juano__!ohmy | teacher2321:28
ubotuteacher23: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:28
lakagnaWhen I execute Deluge it starts to download stuff, but then everything goes to 0.0 Kbps and stops. No more firefox, amarok, ... nothing. No ping to
IndyGunFreaksuper-6-1: oh ok, sorry i must have confused you w/ someone else, i don't know.21:29
super-6-1IndyGunFreak: *sigh* ok21:29
IndyGunFreakderp: are you still trying to figure out how to edit your sources list?21:29
derpIndyGunFreak: yes i can't get it21:29
juano__lakagna: did you try to enable dhcp on your router ? and leave your card on roaming mode ?21:29
IndyGunFreakderp: open a terminal, gksudo gedit /path/to/file21:29
juano__lakagna: i have router works fine for me21:30
lakagnaNo, I haven't done that.21:30
derpIndyGunFreak: where is the terminal?21:30
juano__lakagna: and i have dhcp enabled... , but it's still weird, seems sort of like a time out problem21:30
IndyGunFreakderp: ?... you don't know where the terminal is, how long have you been using ubuntu, and what are tyou trying to edit in your sources.list?21:30
Box|UKi killed my ubuntu i intalled ati drives and now it wont start  think i can reconfigure xserver-xorg though21:30
super-6-1derp: its in applications >accesseries21:31
derpsuper-6-1: thanks21:31
juano__lakagna: check if your router doesn't have any timeout events enabled21:31
derpIndyGunFreak: got it!21:31
lakagnaI think it might be a problem of the bittorrent network trying to keep all network resources ... and the collapses.21:31
=== white_eagle_ is now known as white_eagle
IndyGunFreakderp: what are you trying to edit in your sources lsit?... i question wether you know what you're doing if you didnt' know where the terminal was.., and you hose your source list... it can be a pain to get back to normal21:32
nedghey kids. I've just fixed a frustrating problem installing win XP next to an ubuntu LVM partition. Any hint on where I could drop a note about this on the wiki?21:32
white_eaglecan I install scripts in xchat-gnome 0.18?21:32
lakagnalet me check it out ...21:32
juano__lakagna: does this only happen when azureus is launched or bittorrent ?21:32
white_eaglecan I install scripts in xchat-gnome 0.18???21:32
I_need_to_play_af-this nothing works on (edu/k/x)ubuntu21:33
lakagnaYes, it only happens with azureus and deluge. Amule works fine.21:33
derpi still can't edit the file21:33
IndyGunFreakI_need_to_play_a: i play DVD's fine...21:33
gary4gar any here used mencoder?21:33
gordonjcpgary4gar: quite a few people, I'd imagine21:33
gordonjcpgary4gar: myself included21:33
IndyGunFreakderp: then you're doing something wrong.21:33
juano__lakagna: heh... ok , yea then network should be fine21:34
Flannelnedg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo is probably a good place21:34
Box|UKlakagna,  can you go into routers login page and  route around  see if azereus is disabled21:34
gordonjcpwould I be right in saying that to set the encryption key for a wifi connection all I need to do is "iwconfig <interface> enc s:<passphrase>" ?21:34
derpIndyGunFreak: i ran the command "sudo mv /etc/apt ~"21:34
nedgFlannel: cheers21:34
gary4gargordonjcp, i followed this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MEncoder but i get a error "Cannot set LAME options, check bitrate/samplerate, some very low bitrates21:34
gary4gar(<32) need lower samplerates (i.e. -srate 8000).21:34
gary4garIf everything else fails, try a preset."21:34
goldbondhow can i list all processes from the command line?21:34
white_eaglesorry for repeating, can I install scripts in xchat-gnome 0.18?21:34
derpand i can't get emacs to work because my apt-get stopped owrking21:34
gordonjcpI just can't get WEP to work at all21:34
gary4garwhat i need to do gordonjcp21:34
smithwHello everyone. I recently installed ubuntu-desktop over a kubuntu (gutsy) installation. I had beryl installed, but it seems that compiz fusion took over when I start gnome. I have no problems with it, except I got no window decoration (titlebar, resize handles etc.) and desktop transparency seems not to be working to specific programs (the "nice" effects on minimize/close window works, but avant-window-navigator and gnome terminal only21:34
smithwshows a white screen). Also, I can't find any utility to configure compiz fusion. anyone could point me in the right direction?21:34
juano__lakagna: i would say to check on the enabled virtual servers and see if the ports are enabled for your host and forwarded properl21:34
wolsgordonjcp: wep. and after reboot: all gone21:34
juano__lakagna: properly21:34
katsuwhite_eagle: I believe so, but I just installed it myself21:34
gordonjcpwols: ?21:35
wolsgordonjcp: your iwconfig line is wep only aka useless and it's not retained over reboots21:35
gordonjcpgary4gar: possibly specify a lower samplerate, as it suggests?21:35
derpIndyGunFreak: and i can't get emacs to work because my apt-get stopped owrking21:35
IndyGunFreaksmithw: you can disable desktop effects.. that might help.21:35
Xsss4hellI found a bug in Nautilus!21:35
void^lakagna: disable dht or similar features in azureus/deluge and limit the number of connections to something reasonable, <20021:35
gordonjcpwols: "aka useless"?21:35
IndyGunFreakderp: why did apt-get stop working?21:35
gary4gargordonjcp, like for example?21:35
goldbondi can't find this on google. does anyone know the command to list all processses on ubuntu?21:35
derpIndyGunFreak: i'm not sure21:35
wolsgordonjcp: wep is cracked in 10 min tops basically. useless21:35
smithwIndyGunFreak: in fact, I want to make them work. Beryl on KDE works perfectly, I'm sure I'm missing some configuration to make compiz work on gnome.21:35
gordonjcpgary4gar: did you see the "-srate 8000" bit?21:35
gordonjcpwols: I don't care21:36
schlortgoldbond: man ps21:36
goldbondthank you\21:36
gordonjcpwols: WPA doesn't really help if the AP I'm connecting to doesn't support it21:36
IndyGunFreaksmithw: oh ok, i don't mess w/ compiz on Ubuntu, ..21:36
gary4gargordonjcp, can give the correct syntax, the one given in wiki does not work21:36
gordonjcpgary4gar: nope21:36
katsuderp: did you move /etc/apt to ~?21:36
IndyGunFreak!compiz | smithw21:36
ubotusmithw: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:36
zeeblehi. is there anyway i can start an install of ubuntu without having to download the whole CD? like a netinstall, or something?21:36
derpIndyGunFreak: but i ran "sudo mv /etc/apt ~" so i could edit my sources.list....or at least that's what a forum told me21:36
BarryToemansmithw: install compizconfig-settings-manager to edit settings21:36
gordonjcpgary4gar: I've not actually used a bitrate that low before21:36
lakagnaOopsss, that might be the problem ... I have the ports open (Port Triggering) but not the virtual servers for Azureus configured. I have to do it now ...21:36
WAKUWAKUEscriba el texto aquí....wenas noches21:36
IndyGunFreakderp: what forum told you to do that?21:36
smithwBarryToeman: thank you, I'll try that21:36
wolsgordonjcp: then the AP is crap too bad security is just as much as no security21:37
katsuderp: apt-get looks for the sources.list in /etc/apt21:37
ompaul!es | WAKUWAKU21:37
ubotuWAKUWAKU: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:37
derpi don't remember...it was something i googled21:37
IndyGunFreakkatsu: and god knows where he moved it...lol21:37
IndyGunFreakderp: i would suggest rebuilding your source list21:37
gordonjcpwols: I don't care about WPA, serious wifi kit doesn't use it anyway21:37
IndyGunFreak!source-o-matic | derp21:37
ubotuderp: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic21:37
=== teewee is now known as TeeWee
Box|UKIndyGunFreak,  you got url for source list21:37
gordonjcpwols: this isn't really solving the problem, anyway21:38
Xsss4hellWhen you assign emblemes to folders and zoom in to 150% then go a folder up and back again, it look as if the emblemes got cut at the right half.  This looks ugly and irritating, PLEASE FIX THAT!21:38
gordonjcpXsss4hell: file a bug21:38
IndyGunFreakBox|UK: look above at the source-o-matic ubotu trigger.... that should help you.21:38
derpIndyGunFreak: ok ill try that!21:38
saintz0rhello all. i am currently double booting, using mostly windows bcuz i am a photoshop person and i need it 24/7. but i want to start using winsows only for photoshop and move all my daily stuff on ubuntu. the problem is i have almost 700GB of data that are in ntfs. can the partitions be converted to ext3 without loosing anydata21:38
nedgwow, this is a busy channel. You guys have a lot of patience21:38
gordonjcpwols: so basically, Linux doesn't support wifi then21:38
gordonjcpwols: fair enough, back to NetBSD it is21:38
Xsss4hellgordonjcp?? where21:38
wolsgordonjcp: it does21:38
gary4gargordonjcp, i have some videos from my digital camera, who details are: 320 x 240,Motion JPEG,60 frames per second,Uncompressed 8-bit PCM audio,Mono,11024 Hz21:38
Box|UKIndyGunFreak,  thnkxs for help you posted as i typed lol21:38
gordonjcpwols: it doesn't seem to21:38
wolsgordonjcp: and I'd say you will see that linux generally supports it better than netbsd21:38
IndyGunFreaksaintz0r: ubuntu should see NTFS w/o to much fuss(at least it did for me)21:39
gordonjcpwols: nonsense21:39
wolsgordonjcp: how does netbd do wpa?21:39
smithwBarryToeman: is there a theme package I should install also, so that window decorations appear?21:39
IndyGunFreakBox|UK: lol, it happens21:39
gordonjcpwols: don't know, I have never seen a good use for WPA21:39
derpIndyGunFreak: wait...sudo apt-get exits on signal 11 with some complain about "GPG keyrings not found"21:39
zeeblehi. is there anyway i can start an install of ubuntu without having to download the whole CD? like a netinstall, or something?21:39
gordonjcpwols: WPA can be cracked in a couple of minutes anyway, so what's the point?21:39
Enseliczeeble: yeah21:39
Xsss4hellgordonjcp?? where to file a bug21:39
Box|UKubuntu spots my nfts drive no probs im pulling media files off  nfts drive as we speak21:39
zeebleEnselic: any pointers howto?21:39
Enselic!install > zeeble21:39
IndyGunFreakderp: fix your source list, then install whatever it is you're trying to install.21:40
gordonjcpXsss4hell: www.google.com21:40
zeebleEnselic: ty21:40
lakagnajuano_ I am going to launch deluge, if the network kicks me out, then you will see that I left the chat room, if I'm still here, then everything went right. Thank you very much.21:40
IndyGunFreakderp: and use a bit more auction in info you find online.21:40
wolsgordonjcp: some can't. why do you use WEP then?21:40
xyvuoeuacan someone help me with KDE ? I installed kubuntu over ubuntu but now I can't get any sound.21:40
masterocdoes anyone know why when im using mplayer to play a movie file, and i pause it, when i click the play button to resume it, i get "Error: gnome_screensaver_error"21:40
xyvuoeuawhen i log into gnome the sound works21:40
derpIndyGunFreak: will do21:40
xyvuoeuai have two audio cards but when I select the one connected to my stereo i still don't get any sound21:40
derpIndyGunFreak: thanks :)21:40
BarryToemansmithw: emerald21:40
IndyGunFreakderp: or if you want, i'll pastebin mine... makes me no difference21:40
wolsgordonjcp: how do you crack WPA? with what?21:41
Box|UKi dont use mplayer i use VLC21:41
gordonjcpwols: because no "real" wireless kit supports WPA21:41
masterocill try vlc thanks21:41
derpIndyGunFreak: it's alright ill use that link you gave21:41
ompaulgordonjcp, what does it use for "values of encryption"21:41
gordonjcpwols: a WPA-capable bridge with some interesting firmware and a horking great dual Opteron21:41
smithwBarryToeman: right... it seems to be already installed... good, I take a deeper onto that, thank you21:41
gordonjcpwols: apparently21:41
wolsgordonjcp: what do they support then?21:41
gordonjcpwols: I suspect the demo was slightly rigged with a weak-ish key21:41
wolsgordonjcp: and I really see you don't have much clue about what you#re talking :)21:41
IndyGunFreakmostly WEP21:41
wolsbut you're funny. go on21:42
gordonjcpwols: real stuff uses either WEP or AES21:42
wolshehe. yes, I guess WEP is enterprise grade security21:42
ompaulwols, if your enterprise is a kindegarden21:42
gordonjcpwols: go look at the spec for *any* serious wifi kit21:42
foobarmy desktop now becomes empty right after a reboot21:43
gordonjcpBreezenet, Orthogon, Ceragon21:43
ompaulgordonjcp, you are seriously wrong, please go do some research21:43
gordonjcpyou won't find WPA21:43
ompaul!wireless | gordonjcp21:43
ubotugordonjcp: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:43
gordonjcpompaul: uhm, this is what I do for a living21:43
foobarI try to ls -al and the stuff still there21:43
wolsgordonjcp: I would call you something but would trigger a language. just please never ever talk about wireless again21:43
nananuuHI! how can I set open office word processor to underline my mistakes?21:43
gordonjcpwols: fuck off, ok21:43
gordonjcpjust fuck off21:43
wolsfyi: WPA uses TKIP and AES as cyphers21:43
foobarright-click on the desktop and there's nothing21:43
foobarwhat can I do about it?21:43
Flare183!language | gordenjcp21:44
ubotugordenjcp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:44
Box|UKwols get an irish dictionary :) lol21:44
IndyGunFreaknananuu: thats a software specific question, you'd probably need to check OO documentation.21:44
wolsompaul: I didn't intend it, but I was _good_! :)21:44
IndyGunFreaknananuu: or maybe ask in #openoffice  i don't know.21:44
ompaulwols, well thats life21:44
nananuusnx IndyGunFreak21:44
brandon__anyone know of something i can copy dvds with?21:44
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:44
IndyGunFreakbrandon__: ::dvdrip::, acidrip, there's a few of them.21:45
brandon__ok... ty21:45
Skarif i remove ubuntu's boot partition, what will happen?21:45
Flare183!DVD | brandon__21:45
ubotubrandon__: please see above21:45
MASTERjeffbrandon__:  you can extract the iso's using k3b or gnomebaker and burn the iso back to another dvd21:45
harrisonySkar: you wont be able to boot into your system21:45
DefineKyleThyneif someone has a moment, i have a question about my GNOME panel21:45
aolausanyone know how to enable asian language input?21:45
wolsDefineKyleThyne: never ask to ask21:45
magnetronDefineKyleThyne: just ask the channel21:45
Skarharrisony, is there any way to make ubuntu boot without the partition?21:45
Flare183!ask | DefineKyleThyne21:45
ubotuDefineKyleThyne: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:45
IndyGunFreakSkar: i don't know what would happen, but i don't think it would be god.21:46
wolsbrandon__: but, but that would be ILLEGAL *gasü*21:46
harrisonySkar: you can have it is with your root partition21:46
Skarharrisony, so i just move the boot files to my root partition?21:46
lookwarzhi earthian21:47
brandon__wols what is illegal?21:47
brandon__backing up dvds?21:47
wolscopying CDs of course :)21:47
aolausyou ren neng bang wo ba?21:47
Flare183brandon__:> i think he is talking about copying movies illegially21:47
MASTERjeffbacking up *commercial* dvds21:47
harrisonybrandon__: libdvdcss221:47
FawkesfyreHoly dancing Manatees  Batman ... i do need to make sure that my EXTRAVERSION in the makefile matches the actual EXTRAVERSION of the kernel21:47
magnetronhi, how do i compile apps so they end up in a .deb package?21:47
MasterShrek!checkinstall | magnetron21:47
ubotumagnetron: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!21:47
brandon__im not wishing to make illegal copies of rental movies21:47
MASTERjeffmagnetron:  install checkinstall21:47
DefineKyleThyneok, last week i was playing around with Avant Window Navigator. Got it in and working fine and decided that i like the GNOME panel better. so i remove the AWN package with Synaptic and notice that none of my current windows are showing up on the panel. any ideas?21:48
magnetronMasterShrek: ty21:48
harrisonymagnetron: if your going to be sending the packages to friends Do not use checkinstall21:48
MASTERjeffmagnetron: what you do is run ./configure && make as normal, then sudo checkinstall to create and install the .deb21:48
Skaris there any way to make my ubuntu NOT use the boot partition?21:48
earthianI have an issue with ubuntu desktop (7.04) on a router computer... some websites work on the rest of the network computer and some websites dont (in the browser) while ssh/ping and such tools work perfectly everywhere. Anybody know where to look for the issue? The computer was freshly and good configured just a few moments ago. the network has many kinds of OS which behaves the same21:48
harrisonySkar: um...i guess make a /boot/ and copy the files but i dont know how good that would be21:48
wolsearthian: loewr the MTU on the clients21:49
Skarharrisony, hm...well i guess i can give it a try21:49
wolsand there is a clamp mss setting for iptables. those two should fix it21:49
IdNotFoundDefineKyleThyne: maybe you're missing the window list applet? try putting it back...21:49
Skarthanks for the help, harrisony21:49
buttercupswols, hes asking how to copy a dvd, don't troll the conversation into a legal question21:49
IdNotFoundDefineKyleThyne: right click > add to panel > window list21:49
xxxi just installed ubuntu what are the essentials i need ?21:50
xyvuoeuai have two audio cards but when I select the one connected to my stereo i still don't get any sound21:50
Enselicxxx: what do you plan to use your computer for?21:50
Box|UKIdNotFound,  a brain to read21:50
katsuxxx: you should have all the essentials to do basic computing21:50
DefineKyleThyneThanks, IdNotFound.21:50
wolsbuttercups: I didn't do it and the exxaggeration and *gasp* should have been clear. guess I was wrong21:50
xxxwell im not a developer but home user21:50
IdNotFoundBox|UK: excuse me? didn't get it ;(21:50
BarryToemanaolaus: do you have "System->Administration->language support"?21:50
IdNotFoundDefineKyleThyne: np :)21:50
earthianwols: this was already done. problem is that some websites work perfectly (i.e. google, microsoft) while the others (i.e. debian.org wikipedia.org) causes a time out21:50
wolsxxx: this is not windows. ubuntu comes with more than the bare OS21:51
Enselicxxx: well just fire up Firefox and rock and roll then :)21:51
Box|UKIdNotFound,  np dry sense of humour21:51
wolsearthian: bot, MSS clamp and MTU reduction. what MTU on the client? do you use pppoe?21:51
aolausBarryToeman: yes, activated chinese21:51
aolausinstalled scim and everything21:51
xxxis it good to click and install everything in synaptic?21:51
IdNotFoundBox|UK: maybe it got lost in translation... english is not my first language :P21:51
LiMaOxxx, click on 'applications > add/remove applications'.. enjoy the menu =)21:51
alex-weejanyone know how to debug the networking scripts not bringing my wifi up until i log in and "restart" the service?21:51
=== superneko is now known as supaneko
MASTERjeffxxx: use add/remove programs instead. synaptic has thousands upon thousands of programs21:52
alex-weej"link is not ready" apparently21:52
MASTERjeffjust install what you need21:52
wolsalex-weej: which service?21:52
alex-weejwols: networking21:52
katsuxxx_: installing all packages would use a lot of space21:52
earthianwols: router has PPPoATM and a crappy USB modem. Could this be the problem? one of the clients is debian with MTU 100021:52
BarryToemanaolaus: did you read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2541221:52
xxx_how much space?21:52
wolsxxx_: no you can't even install all since some thing conflict21:52
brandon__if i copy dvd image and then burn to blank dvd,,, will my dvd player read it?21:52
wolsalex-weej: then something like gnome networking manager fsck up up and /etc/init.d/networking brings it back again21:52
Enselicxxx_: yes, you will very rarely download a program from the web, most of the time (always) you will install programs from the repositiries, e.g thourh Synaptic21:52
xyvuoeuai have two audio cards but when I select the one connected to my stereo i still don't get any sound21:53
alex-weejwols: no, gnome doesn't even start.21:53
LiMaOxxx, click on 'applications > add/remove applications'.. enjoy the menu =)21:53
aolausBarryToeman: that thread is for hoary21:53
alex-weejwols: the network doesn't come up at all, ever21:53
earthianwols: but then again... why some sites load and the others dont? Could there be some misconfiguration in the ubuntu software on that router? and if yes, maybe you do know which part?21:53
wolsbrandon__: if it's a CSS encrypted DVD: no (ie all commercial movies). almsot only self burnt movies will work that way21:53
aolausit's 3 years old21:53
xxx_thnx guys21:53
brandon__wols, so how do i decrypt it21:54
wolsearthian: what about the iptables clamp?21:54
wolsbrandon__: via libdvdcss2. maybe medibuntu has a package for copying dvds21:54
=== heatmzzr is now known as HeatMzzr
Box|UKin Xp i can login to my router and set firmware firewall perameters can i do the same on gutsy?21:54
wolsbrandon__: also you usually need to recode the DVD since commercial DVDs are 8-9GB while a normal CD-R only has room for 4,7GB21:55
aolausbut thank you for the directions21:55
juano__Box|UK: yes21:55
subtwobrandon__: I've been using k9copy successfully...21:55
xyvuoeuai have two audio cards but when I select the one connected to my stereo i still don't get any sound21:55
wolsBox|UK: do you mean upnp?21:55
juano__Box|UK: from windows how do you do it ? explorer ?21:55
aolausif this crap doesn't work, it's back to XP for the time being21:55
harrisonyxyvuoeua: what cards do you have21:55
wolsBox|UK: or webbrowser access?21:55
Box|UKjuano thnxs ill google a bit and do some reading21:55
brandon__subtwo... ok... so i just install k9copy21:55
BarryToemanaolaus: so it is.  this shouldn't be so complicated.  here's a better one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58242421:55
aolauslol, I found that thread too21:56
Box|UKi use Explorer to login to me modem21:56
wolsBox|UK: something like ?21:56
aolausI am in the process of getting all those random packages hoping one of them will work21:56
alex-weejBox|UK: yes that'll be fine21:56
Box|UKwols yea21:56
juano__Box|UK: yea then from firefox there shouldn't be a problem21:56
xyvuoeuaharrisony: one Ensoniq AudioPCI one VIA 82C86A/B rev2021:56
wolsBox|UK: ubuntu works exactly he same way21:56
subtwobrandon__: yes, it's a kde-application so it will probably bring in a lot of kde-specifics, but if you can live with that, k9copy is an excellent program that does all the recoding to 4.7gb and all21:56
dmbhey, is it possible to do a have a make config-like dialog when building your own kernel?21:56
xyvuoeuaI select ensoniq as the mixer but still no sound comes out21:57
wolsdmb: of course. make menuconfig works just as well21:57
Box|UKthxs guys im liking this  the more and more i play about  it seems  im only limited by immagination or lack of skill :)21:57
xyvuoeuabut in gnome sound works21:57
aolausgiven all the trouble with editing config files and possibly screwing up the english input21:57
xyvuoeuai installed kubuntu21:57
wolsdmb: after you done configuring, make-kpkg it21:57
dmbwols: well, i'm trying to do it the proper way, by using the rules file etc21:57
wolsrules file?21:57
sionide21dmb: 'make menuconfig'21:57
IngerPoznasi receive this error:error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ...ere i could find this file?21:57
aolausI'd rather just use the press-two-buttons XP route ;)21:58
BarryToemanaolaus: wish I could help more.21:58
earthianright... i think debian wont "clamp" my iptables or whatever... thanks for your support and ideas!21:58
aolausnot at all21:58
aolausthe problem is with the OS21:58
dmbwols: the way its set up is the config files are in debian/config/i386 and the files are split up21:58
aolaussee ya21:58
wolsdmb: you take the kernel source, run make menuconfig and coonfigure the kernel as you want ti, then your run make-kpkg and you have a nice shiny kernel.deb21:58
xyvuoeuai need some help21:58
wolsdmb: that is poppycock. that's what kernel-package does for you21:58
xxx_i need support for .rar .zip files and all the other formats what do i install ?21:59
harrisony!rar > xxx_21:59
MASTERjeffxxx_:  just install the program rar21:59
MASTERjeffxxx_:  zip support is included21:59
xxx_an all the others?21:59
IngerPoznassomebody could answer to me?21:59
harrisonyIngerPoznas: what program do you get it on22:00
wolsIngerPoznas: packages.ubuntu.com22:00
MASTERjeffxxx_:  i recommend you install ubuntu-restricted -extras in synaptic. it will install most anything you will use or will want to use22:00
jorgpxxx_: just install them, lha, arj, rar, zip, .Z they are all there22:00
IngerPoznasok thanks..22:00
xxx_how do i install resrticted extras can u give me the command for terminal ?22:00
Box|UKok nother question instead of apt-get could i  do rpm instead22:00
harrisonyBox|UK: no22:00
xyvuoeuai need some help22:01
harrisonyBox|UK: you can install rpm and yum but thats just stupid22:01
wolsBox|UK: there is a rpm but never ever, ever use it. never!22:01
jorgpwols: lol22:01
MASTERjeffxxx_:  'sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras'22:01
Box|UKrpm is self extracting used it on my friends linux22:01
harrisonyxyvuoeua: with mutiple sound cards you may want to look into pulseaudio22:01
cypherdelicWatch my new great Background, composed of images from gnome,ubuntu and compiz(beryl) - http://img405.imageshack.us/my.php?image=maniacdebiankl3.jpg - Copyright reversed. Feel free to ask me for different resolutions or the xcf22:01
wolsBox|UK: ubuntu is no deadrat derivative22:01
Box|UKhe did watch me closely though lol22:01
xyvuoeuaharrisony: are you sure22:02
harrisonyxyvuoeua: it makes life alot easier managing what sounds go to which speakers and cards22:02
wolsBox|UK: it's a fast way to destroy your ubuntu22:02
PirateHeadWhen is Edgy Eft no longer supported?22:02
xyvuoeuaharrisony:  how do you know this will work then22:02
ompaulPirateHead, april22:02
ikoniaPirateHead: I think it's got another 6 months22:02
cypherdelicTell me if you like, also different colors available.22:02
harrisonyxyvuoeua: i dont 100% know but i have friends who said it works22:02
PirateHeadwols: What's a fast way to destroy your computer? Is it as fast as using Automatix?22:02
Box|UKwols its cool  i feel safer with apt-get  means i have to really want to install stuff22:02
IngerPoznaswols:  i cant find it there..22:03
tonyfordzhow do I install drivers, and other content in Ubuntu? most of the files are either bin or rpm22:03
HeatMzzryour all losing me now.22:03
tonyfordzim new but I have done all the updates22:03
ikoniatonyfordz: what drivers ?22:03
PirateHeadtonyfordz: You use the repository with apt-get.22:03
ikoniatonyfordz: all the drivers you need should be already in the kernel22:03
tonyfordzmy video card22:03
ikoniatonyfordz: what video card ?22:04
rubaxNeed some pc experts here22:04
rubaxI messed up at work22:04
ikoniarubax: just ask the question please.22:04
tonyfordzATi Radeon X1600 Pro 512mb22:04
harrisony!ati > tonyfordz22:04
rubax and installed and reinstalled ubuntu22:04
MASTERjefftonyfordz:  the restricted driver manager should pop up automatically for you to install video drivers22:04
tonyfordzI got wine installed via the updates22:04
ikoniatonyfordz: check the pm from ubotu22:04
Slart!apt | tonyfordz22:04
ubotutonyfordz: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)22:04
xyvuoeuahow do I use pulseaudio harrisony22:04
soundrayrubax: keep it on one line please22:04
rubaxon a windows pc with pc anywhere22:04
wolsIngerPoznas: what program do you try to start that spits out the error? name and version please22:04
rubaxis there a way to revert this?22:04
Box|UKtonyford system/admin/restricted drivers22:04
PirateHeadrubax: No.22:04
=== KyE is now known as kye
tonyfordzok ima check that link thanks22:05
harrisonymorning mugi22:05
ikoniarubax: you've installed ubuntu and now you'd like to remove it yes/no ?22:05
SpookyETIs there any way to get the date of when a package was installed using the tools?22:05
IngerPoznasnastyangel@nastyangel-laptop:~/scanner$ ./screen22:05
IngerPoznas./screen: error while loading shared libraries: libutempter.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory22:05
PirateHeadrubax: That is, unless you have backups of the computer before you messed with it.22:05
maxoI have a quick question, it's a bit techie, wondering if anyone can help?22:05
Skaris it possible to make an extended partition with 3 logical partitions inside with /boot, swap, and /root?22:05
ikoniaSpookyET: dpkg log22:05
ikoniaSpookyET: in /var/log22:05
MASTERjeffmaxo:  just ask the question22:05
SpookyETi need the tool22:05
maxois it possible to put a 400mhz FSB processor into a motherboard that only allows processors with 333mhz fsb?22:05
Slart!ask | maxo22:05
ikoniarubax: no - you can't uninstall the operating system22:05
SpookyETthere are too many entries22:05
ubotumaxo: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)22:05
ikoniaSpookyET: what tool ?22:05
rubaxI knew I should have used a disk image22:05
SpookyETlike dpkg -someflag show me the date22:06
chosigsomething for the legal team to look at? http://www.askpoodle.com/ (hint, top left corner)22:06
ikoniaSpookyET: there isn't one, check the log.22:06
maxoor would it blow up?22:06
harrisonyxyvuoeua: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio22:06
Skaris it possible to make an extended partition with 3 logical partitions inside with /boot, swap, and /root?22:06
melkorHas anybody else had problems with random files being created.22:06
wolsIngerPoznas: screen is in ubuntu22:06
SpookyETikonia: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/06/21/digging-people-out-of-holes-via-the-command-line/ I want to do something like that22:06
tonyfordzalright now on another note I need to install java support because the one that downloads with updates wont run RuneScape22:06
PirateHeadrubax: It's always a good idea to use backups and virtual disk images when trying out new operating systems on business-critical machines. :-)22:06
ikoniaSkar: sure22:06
MASTERjeffmaxo:  it won't blow up. it probably just won't boot22:06
ikoniaSpookyET: what ?22:06
Skarah, thanks22:06
tonyfordzits just blank22:06
wolsIngerPoznas: how did you install your screen version?22:06
soundraymaxo: I think it would work, if your board supplies the correct voltage. Better to ask in ##hardware, though22:06
mugiinstalled ubuntu 7.10 but in random time my mouse stops responding end keyboard  system stops what is the problem?22:06
maxosoundray: thanks! been looking for a channel like that :-)22:06
IngerPoznasit isnt mines...i downloadet it for  friend...from his site22:07
PirateHeadmugi: I does it start working again when you reboot?22:07
wolsmaxo: it is possible. the cpu will run just slower but will run22:07
ikoniaSpookyET: thats shell scripting, you can do that using the log file22:07
wolsmaxo: usually at leas22:07
PirateHeadmugi: Try booting the kernel with the additional cheat codes "pci=routeirq irqpoll"22:07
melkorIn a large directory of music I had four to five files that came up which were pretty much e-mail in my home directory I had another home directory pop up. which was empty.22:07
MASTERjeffmaxo:  it will not boot. period. if the motherboard does not support that fsb, it will not boot. period22:07
harrisonyxyvuoeua: and then you may want to work through http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup to make sure everything will work22:07
maxoMASTERjeff, wols: at the moment I've got an AMD Athlon XP 2600+, but I'm wondering if I'd get an increase in speed if putting in an XP 3200+22:07
wolsIngerPoznas: then ask HIM how to run it not us. use ubuntu's screen22:07
micahfcan I install ubuntu server on a 1GB flash card?22:08
ikoniamaxo: this isn't hardware support22:08
Box|UKi had prob with mouse seemed ubuntu picked  my mouse up as a two button standard instead of 3 button scroll wheel  did some searching  i solved the prob22:08
PirateHeadmicahf: Doubtful.22:08
ikoniamicahf: you can but it can cause issues due to dynamic disks22:08
HeatMzzrMasterJeff is laying it down period    HA22:08
mugiok thanks i'l trythat22:08
micahfaw man, that sucks22:08
wolsmicahf: if you don't install everything and the kitchensink: yes22:08
PirateHeadmugi: Good luck.22:08
IngerPoznasbut he told me to execute the command but i receive that error and i dont know why....22:08
harrisonymicahf: unless you really want to strip it22:08
MASTERjeffHeatMzzr:  dude, i don't go near the period. i send it to others22:08
micahfikonia: what are the "issues" ?22:08
wolsIngerPoznas: cause you miss a library. what is this "screen" supposed to do?22:08
micahfI have a compact flash ide adapter22:09
UpayaviraIf I use debian/rules to build a kernel, how do I tell it to add my own suffix to the version?22:09
Fawkesfyreive got 2.6.22-14-generic... the EXTRAVERSION in the Make file is set to = .9 ... so I need to change it to -14-generic correct?22:09
soundraymaxo: you will be disappointed. If you want a noticably faster machine, you'd have to increase the frequency by factor 2.22:09
ikoniamicahf: your root disk will be dynamic, the machine it is plugged into can interperate that different22:09
* differentreality I am not afraid to keep on liiiiiiiiiving22:09
MASTERjeffmaxo:  as long as the motherboard supports the processor, it will work. if it isn;t supported it won't boot22:09
PirateHead!offtopic > differentreality22:09
IngerPoznasand were i could get that library?that im asking for...22:09
ikoniaMASTERjeff: can we please drop hardware chat22:09
wolsIngerPoznas: not in ubuntu so offtopic here. again: ask your "friend"22:09
IngerPoznasto scan something i dont understant well the thing...22:09
=== picard_pwns_kirk is now known as MitRomney
soundraymaxo: save the money towards an AM2 mainboard and a quad CPU.22:10
wolsIngerPoznas: what scanner do you have?22:10
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UpayaviraFawkesfyre: if you're using the "old" approach to building a kernel, then you can use --append-to-version as well as changing EXTRAVERSION22:10
lovedeatmcan somoe one tell me hot to get a list of channels on this server? is there like a website or soemthing?22:10
micahfikonia: hm, I guess I still don't understand what exactly this means, ubuntu does not work the same way with flash disks?22:10
wolssoundray: aka "wasted money" tho this is OT22:10
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:10
MASTERjefflovedeatm:  are you using xchat?22:10
wolsmicahf: it does work with them22:10
FawkesfyreUpayavira:  thank you22:10
mugii'm just rebooting now22:10
maxoMASTERJeff: I'm just confused, because AMD's website says an Athlon XP3000+ is 400mhz fsb, but on http://www.simhq.com/_technology/technology_006a.html, they say they run it on 333mhz fsb22:10
melkorlovedeatm have you tried "/list"22:10
Box|UKlovedeatm,  type /list22:10
lovedeatmno masterjeff22:10
wolsIngerPoznas: that's not the name/brand of your scanner is it?22:10
ikoniamicahf: no, a flash card is a dynamic disk, a lot of the older problems are removed with the use of UUID, however grub the boot loader can interperate this differently if you are trying to put the boot sector on it22:10
IngerPoznasmy friend gave it to me...22:11
lovedeatmand no i havent but ill do that22:11
micahfikonia: ah, thank you, that makes more sense22:11
lovedeatmthanks it worked22:11
kazol_Do I really need the Gutsy installation CD to install alien?22:11
maxosoundray: it's a little fiddly, I'm using a shuttle computer with a small factor mother board22:11
ikoniamicahf: apologies I wasn't clear22:11
wolsIngerPoznas: it's quite doable to boot from flash disks if the BIOS supports it22:11
harrisonykazol_: no22:11
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micahfikonia: it's OK22:11
ikoniakazol_: I advise you not to use alien22:11
IngerPoznas Underlocker New ssh Scanner22:11
IngerPoznasthis is the name22:11
kazol_ikonia: What should I use instead?22:11
wolsIngerPoznas: LAST time I ask: what scanner is this?22:11
HeatMzzrwhat is alien, sounds like maybe something I want22:12
ikoniakazol_: what do you want to install22:12
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)22:12
ikoniaHeatMzzr: if you don't know what it is, you don't know you want it22:12
wolsHeatMzzr: no you don't22:12
kazol_ikonia: OpenOffice22:12
soundraymaxo: all the more reason to stay well clear. It's difficult to get good heat transfer with these once you've removed the heatsink.22:12
ikoniakazol_: open office is in the ubuntu repo22:12
HeatMzzrlol yeah allright.22:12
wolsHeatMzzr: it converts .deb to rpm and vice versa. and breaks your ubuntu in the process22:12
MASTERjeffmaxo:  check your motherboard documentation, first. that is where the compatiblity list is. or check the manufacturers website22:12
kazol_ikonia: It's outdated.22:12
xyvuoeuaharrisony: pulseaudio is for NETWORK SOUND not local22:12
harrisonyxyvuoeua: i use it locally22:12
ikoniakazol_: what is in the newer version you want ?22:12
PirateHeadHeatMzzr: That's untrue. You can install many programs using Alien and have no trouble.22:13
HeatMzzrching chang chong. thats what i just heard wols... :)22:13
kazol_It's just a newer revision.22:13
wolsxyvuoeua: with the same reasoning xserver is for NETWORK GUI not local22:13
maxoMASTERjeff: all it says is "AMD Athlon XP processor for socket A with 200, 266 and 333MHz FSB"22:13
ikoniamaxo: what part of "this is not a hardware chat channel" am I not making clear to you ?22:13
ikoniamaxo: this is a channel for the ubuntu operating system only22:13
xyvuoeuathen i don't get how to make it work i don't want to use network sound22:13
Box|UKany good chess games one that comes  as standard is a tad awfull22:13
HeatMzzrdudes, ive had ubuntu for three days now. i was kidding22:13
wolsmaxo: that iwll work, but as I said; lower speed22:13
ikoniawols: don't encourage him the channel is busy enough22:14
radioaktivstormhello, i have a question, my computer refuses to obtain ip addresses from dhcp. it works on startup, but if i connect to ethernet then attempt to use the wireless again.. it fails. any suggestions?22:14
MASTERjeffmaxo:  #hardware22:14
harrisonyxyvuoeua: i have 1 sound card and 1 computer and it helps me a ton22:14
kazol_How do I kill a job?22:14
xyvuoeuawell sound does not work22:14
MASTERjeffkazol_:  killall job22:14
kane77kazol_, kill -15 (or -9) pid, where pid is process id...22:14
wolsradioaktivstorm: is the default route changing or what?22:14
kazol_kane77: But it's a job in "jobs"22:15
HeatMzzrello fyda22:15
kazol_kane77: Has an ID of 1.22:15
ikoniakazol_: id 1 = init22:15
ikoniakazol_: why do you want to kill init22:15
tonyfordzHow do I install a file with the ext *.run?22:15
wolsmaxo: #hardware is NOT /msg wols22:15
harrisonytonyfordz: sh FILE.run22:16
tonyfordzit is for Linux22:16
wolstonyfordz: what file is this?22:16
ikoniatonyfordz: its a binary, are you trying to install the nvidia drivers from nvidia.com22:16
kazol_ikonia: No, I mean the jobs in Ctrl+Z22:16
radioaktivstormwols: i have a laptop that i tote around campus. it fails to hand off properly from access point to access point. so it may be changing. im not sure if that is what you are asking though :/22:16
wolstonyfordz: nvidia.com drivers are unsupported. you will be on your own22:16
IngerPoznaswols: i have to wait?22:16
wolsIngerPoznas: you ahve to tell me what I asked22:16
PirateHeadtonyfordz: There's always Envy. It isn't a great solution, but it works for a lot of people.22:17
IngerPoznasthe name of the scanner22:17
tonyfordzsh: Can't open install.run22:17
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »22:17
IngerPoznasand i told it to you...22:17
ikoniaPirateHead: don't recommend envy to someone who has not need for nvidai.com drivers yet22:17
ikoniatonyfordz: what are you trying to install22:17
xyvuoeuawell sound does not work22:17
wolsIngerPoznas: I don#t think this is the right name since there is no scanner of that name in google22:17
tonyfordzmy ati driver22:17
IngerPoznasi can send it to you if do you want :)22:17
tonyfordzjust downloaded it from ATi for Linux22:17
erUSUL!ati | tonyfordz22:17
ubotutonyfordz: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:17
ikoniatonyfordz: ok - have you tried the drivers packaged in ubuntu22:17
wolsIngerPoznas: scanner as in glassplate you lay a parep on and it digitalizes a pciture for your computer, right?22:18
PirateHeaderUSUL: Envy isn't "needed" only if good graphical support isn't "needed". Gnome isn't "needed" and X isn't "needed".22:18
tonyfordzI been there already22:18
ikoniaPirateHead: envy isn't needed22:18
IngerPoznasi give up22:18
tonyfordzit doesnt do anything22:18
IngerPoznasthanks anyway22:18
xyvuoeuai need help with getting sound to work on KDE, it works on gnome22:18
wolsPirateHead: if you install envy: no support here. have a nice day22:18
ikoniatonyfordz: what doesn't do anything, can you expand on that22:18
tonyfordzim a windows user I dont know jack about linux22:18
harrisonytonyfordz: do it trough the restricted driver manager22:18
PirateHeadikonia: If you're on a system where the default proprietary driver doesn't work but Envy does, it's needed.22:18
ikoniaPirateHead: no its not22:18
mugihi i have just retarted but it's still stops in 5 min time22:19
PirateHeadikonia: Nice retort. :-\22:19
kazol_How do I kill a task/job in Ctrl+Z?22:19
Box|UKtonyfordz,  system/admin/restricted driver22:19
erUSULPirateHead: envy isn't needed bcouse System>Admin>Restricted Drivers exist and is safe (no so envy). Anyway i didin't wrotte that factoid complain in #ubuntu-ops22:19
ikoniatonyfordz: thats ok, can you explain what you've done an what has happened22:19
harrisonyenvy is like easyubuntu, its not as bad as automatix but its still iffy22:19
tonyfordzim trying to do away with windows but its so frustrating this OS is not user friendly. Hell in Windows I just double click and thi9ngs install22:19
wolsPirateHead: have your way, but a) doN#t tell people in here to use envy and don't want any support from here either22:19
nickrudkazol, type fg , that will bring it back to life, then exit22:19
ikoniaharrisony: it is an unacceptable method, as is easy ubuntu and automatix22:19
fsckrhmm this is the second time I have come home and found my computer unresponsive......still running but black screen.  I have looked in the logs but i really don't know what I am looking for what caused this.  Have any ideas?22:19
tonyfordzI went to that link before22:19
tonyfordzit doesnt say how to install anything22:19
xyvuoeuai need help with getting sound to work on KDE, it works on gnome22:19
wolstonyfordz: it's the same in ubuntu. no one said you had to go to ati for drivers. ubuntu brings the ati drivers to you22:20
tonyfordzsomeone sent it to me in pm22:20
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ikoniatonyfordz: please listen, I'm asking you what has happened and your just ranting22:20
Box|UKtonyfordz,  ive just come over from XP  just be patient ask question play about and read a little i only installed like 3 days ago and im loving the freedom22:20
tonyfordzno I am not I just told you22:20
xyvuoeuai need help with getting sound to work on KDE, it works on gnome22:20
harrisonytonyfordz: go  System>Admin>Restricted Drivers and tick the ati box, then it will install the drivers you just downloaded but the ubuntu versions22:20
ikoniayou've not22:20
erUSULkazol_: kill %n  where n is the job number22:20
ikoniatonyfordz: I've asked what you have actually done to install the drivers , what happened and what the results are22:20
mugiPiratehead i'm back22:20
dstathanybody can help me out with installing a usb modem?22:21
harrisonyxyvuoeua: what isnt working22:21
kantorhi, I have two user accounts for instance john and peter.  If I'm logged in as john and I'm in gnome and I want to run a GUI program (like xchat) as peter from the terminal I get the following error:  Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server, Xlib: No protocol specified, (xchat:30838): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display, why is this ?22:21
kazol_erSUL: thx22:21
erUSUL!adsl | dstath22:21
ubotudstath: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE22:21
cypherdelicWatch my new great Background, composed of images from gnome,ubuntu and compiz(beryl) - http://img405.imageshack.us/my.php?image=maniacdebiankl3.jpg - Copyright reversed. Feel free to ask me for different resolutions,colors or the xcf. PM me22:21
xyvuoeuaTHE SOUND22:21
tonyfordzalright did that thank you ikonia22:21
xyvuoeuain gnome sound works22:21
ikoniatonyfordz: did what ?22:21
xyvuoeuakde sound does not work22:21
harrisonyxyvuoeua: with pulseaudio?22:21
ikoniatonyfordz: I've not seen you explain what has happened22:21
spepshi guys ... is it possible to create symbolic links to directory out of apache DocumentRoot???Please HELP!22:22
ompaultonyfordz, people ask questions that need answering, so they can piece together a picture of what is actually wrong, you need to tell them in terms they ask, then they can get to grips to it from their perspective, which allows them help22:22
dstathadsl yes. I 've tried everything22:22
kazol_I had an issue where I could not execute OpenOffice-how do I prevent this? Is it a bug?22:22
tonyfordzbut what type of files do I need to download in the future that install themself?22:22
Wartorni did a fresh install, let it install firmware cutter for bcm43xx, update its firmware and no accesspoints will show up, what to do?22:22
xyvuoeuai don't have to use pulse audio. kmix is fine !22:22
ikoniaspeps: it is but you need to enable th "FollowLinks" Directive in the config file22:22
kazol_Wartorn: The proprietary driver is terrible.22:22
ikoniatonyfordz: why are you not listeing ?22:22
Wartornso what do i do?22:22
MASTERjefftonyfordz:  NONE it installs itself. you don't have to do anything. just go to the restricted driver manager22:22
kazol_Wartorn: Use ndiswrapper.22:22
erUSULkantor: you have to enable "oreing" conection to your Xserver (xhost +peter)22:22
ikoniatonyfordz: if you want help, participate in the dicussion,22:22
tonyfordzI got an error22:22
* nickrud thinks ikonia has the patience of a saint22:22
tonyfordzgot to reboot brb22:22
dstathtried eciadsl, done new .bin files, no luck22:22
PirateHeadHey Mugi. Question?22:22
mugiare u there22:22
harrisonyxyvuoeua: try in #kubuntu as all the kde fans hang out there22:23
Wartornkazol_: i did that before i formatted, accesspoints showed up once, rebooted and then never again22:23
mugiit's still same22:23
MASTERjeffikonia:  what a douche. let him go back to windows.22:23
maxoWartorn: I'm using that wireless card right now, in the end I had to stop using NetworkManager. I also switched to the ndiswrapper driver, though I'm not sure if this was needed22:23
ikoniaMASTERjeff: no problem, don't worry about it, lets move on22:23
kazol_Wartorn: Does Network Manager start up upon boot?22:23
PirateHeadmugi: I don't know then. I have the same problem as you - after a minute or two my mouse and keyboard stop working - but when I use the cheat codes the problem goes away.22:23
kantorerUSUL, "oreing" connection ? how can I do that ?22:23
mugistill stops working22:23
dave81i am having some trouble with istanbul can any one help?22:23
Wartornkazol_: yes22:23
maxoWartorn: NetworkManager screwed with my wireless card big time, I had to disable it in the end22:23
harrisonydave81: just tell us whats happening and we will see what we can do22:24
ikoniadave81: instanbul ?22:24
mugiok thanks for ur help22:24
Wartornwhat would that do? any replacement app?22:24
harrisonyikonia: screen recording program last time i checked22:24
LocksmQuestion: Is it possible to "emulate" my ubuntu OS through an application in win xp ?22:24
ikoniaharrisony: thank you22:24
harrisonyLocksm: vmware22:24
dave81after recording with it it stats saving work then just sits there at that stage22:24
kingzarHello guys.. got a problem that's been lasting for some time!22:24
spepsikonia: ... so i can create symlnk "symdir" to "/home/thatsme/dir" in /var/www and i can access it on http://localhost/symdir???22:24
Locksmharmental: hx22:24
erUSULkantor: i mean "foreing" "external" from other user or host computer22:24
maxoWartorn: uninstall NetworkManager and edit /etc/network/interfaces22:24
Wartornmaxo: you couldnt connect to anything cause of it?22:24
Box|UKok intalled ati xpress 200 drivers last night  all seemed to go well then on restart the machine just hung before login screen got out of it by reconfiguring xsever-xorg22:24
kingzarI'm a new UBUNTU user, and my internet is working while using Live CD.22:25
maxoWartorn: it showed up APs, but it refused to get an IP address22:25
ikoniaspeps: yes, IF you have followlinks enabled in the config file22:25
Wartornmaxo: well, it shoud be easy so a girl with no experience can use it :P22:25
kingzarBut my Fresh install isn't working22:25
FawkesfyreUpayavira:  i just need to compile a special driver... and the txt file im reading says to make sure the EXTRAVERSION in the /lib/modules/2.6*/build/Makefile matches the last part of uname -r22:25
bill_speps, if you have FollowSymLinks on in apache22:25
Wartornit doesent show APs at all22:25
dstathusb modem help anyone?22:25
harrisonydave81: I know that in previous versions it has been very very buggy and i dont know if they iorned out all the bugs22:25
maxoWartorn: have you rebooted since installing the driver?22:25
bill_dstath, no.22:25
harrisonydstath: most i see are plug and play22:25
steve_bhey can anyone help me - I need a way to use different configurations in different sessions22:25
dave81ok should i just find a new program to record with?22:26
ikoniasteve_b: different configurations of what22:26
steve_bI would like to have 1 session with 1 monitor, and one session with 2 monitors22:26
FawkesfyreUpayavira:  it had .9 and I changed it to -14-generic and was wondering if that was the proper syntax22:26
bill_steve_b, configurations for .... ?22:26
steve_blike multiple x configurations22:26
soundraydave81: first you should check whether it has written any data22:26
ikoniasteve_b: create 2 users22:26
Box|UKsome people  i see in the forums saying the ati xpress 200  works for them for 3d and others dont have 3d  should i just leave alone  till ati get a robust driver ?22:26
bill_steve_b, two X logins?22:26
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: Yeah, I'm not sure whether it is -14-generic or .14-generic22:26
ikoniasteve_b: I used to do something similar with my laptop for when it was docked or not.22:26
dave81none that i can find22:26
dstathmy usb modem is far from being plug an play22:27
ikoniasteve_b: I had to write a script at init to detect "something" to work out if it was docked and then put the correct xorg.conf in place.22:27
spepsikonia: i have Option FollowSymLinks in configuration file...but i cannot still view it trough localhost!!!22:27
steve_bisn't there a way to just add another session to gdm with different settings?22:27
bill_steve_b, Xorg -config /your/config/file22:27
FawkesfyreUpayavira: well thanks i guess I can try both if nothing else ;)22:27
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: but, beware, you should build it with a _different_ number/code, as you don't want to build a new kernel with the same number as the one you're riunning22:27
dave81it does this even with a 2second clip22:27
ikoniaspeps: is your web server actually running ok, can you just visit http://localhost22:27
spepsbill_: i have Option FollowSymLinks in configuration file...but i cannot still view it trough localhost!!!22:27
harrisonyBox|UK: ati + linux = not that good22:27
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: that will cause all sorts of problems22:27
Wartornmaxo: yes, ive rebooted22:27
steve_bbill_ I need to have it so that when I boot into gnome it has 2 monitors enabled, but when I use xfce it only has 122:27
FawkesfyreUpayavira: oh22:27
ikoniasteve_b: you'll have to script that22:27
Tyczekhi i'm trying to compile toshset... but errors... http://wklej.org/id/e7ba9a064322:27
LEAVEMEALONEHi, i'm facing problems with ubuntu on youtube while i'm watching youtube movies i can not hear voice from my usb headset22:27
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: that is what I'm currently struggling with - working out how to set the right problem22:27
kingzarAny linux pro can help me with Wired ethernet problem!?22:27
Box|UKharrisony,  k next time  i buy a pc ill remember that22:27
spepsikonia: i cannot see any dir22:28
maxoWartorn: are you dual-booting?22:28
Tyczekcan you look at it?22:28
Wartornmaxo: no22:28
bill_kingzar, yes?22:28
spepsbill_: i cannot see any dir22:28
ikoniaspeps: so if you visit http://localhost do you get the default site yes/no ?22:28
steve_bikonia is it easy?  what script do I need to edit?  can you point me in the direction of somewhere that I can learn to do this?22:28
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: basically, if you recompile to the same verison number, you loose the option to roll back to a known state22:28
maxoWartorn: are you sure you can access your AP from where you are?22:28
bill_speps, error log?22:28
FawkesfyreUpayavira: good luck.. if I figure something out, ill pass it on22:28
ikoniasteve_b: its not straight forward, more so for you as you want a different setting based on your desktop22:28
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: :-)22:28
FawkesfyreUpayavira:  im not worried about that i dont have  a previous state22:28
maxospeps: I had that problem, try creating a new folder, and create a symlink to that folder and see if that works. If it does, then it's just a permissions problem on the folder being pointed to22:29
Wartornmaxo: definately, as i said, when i used ndiswrapper it worked once, then they didnt show up (nor could i connect manually) after rebooting22:29
spepsbill_: what does it means?Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews22:29
bill_speps, "cannot see" does not mean anything... do you mean 404 on that directory?22:29
steve_bikonia what I was thinking is that I need multiple xconf files22:29
FawkesfyreUpayavira: i just want ubuntu to learn to speak modem22:29
ikoniasteve_b: thats correct22:29
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: presumably you are running a kernel now?22:29
FawkesfyreUpayavira:  ;)22:29
kingzarAny linux pro can help me with Wired ethernet problem!?22:29
ikoniasteve_b: however by the time you login, X is already running so you'll need to restart, in which case you'll get logged out22:29
harrisonykingzar: just ask your question22:29
maxoWartorn: in a terminal, does your wireless card show up when you type 'iwconfig' ?22:29
harrisonykingzar: and thoes that know can help22:29
UpayaviraFawkesfyre: if you recompile with the same version,but get something wrong, you could end up with a dead system22:29
FawkesfyreUpayavira: ive got 2.6.22 installed and running22:29
Wartornmaxo: yes22:29
LEAVEMEALONEHi, i'm facing problems with ubuntu on youtube while i'm watching youtube movies i can not hear voice from my usb headset22:30
steve_bikonia so how do I make it so that I can switch between them?  is there a command line utility that reloads the config that I can run from a script?22:30
harrisonyFawkesfyre: can i ask why you are compiling a new kernel22:30
ikoniasteve_b: I can't figure a way to do it that way22:30
steve_bikonia I meant reload the config22:30
Fawkesfyreharrisony:  im not22:30
maxoWartorn: is your card eth0?22:30
ikoniasteve_b: you can init it before xorg loads, but I don't know how to dynamically do it22:30
Fawkesfyreharrisony:  im just trying to get a driver in22:30
bill_is there an easy way to make a partial local ubuntu mirror?22:30
ikoniasteve_b: try #xorg see if they have any options22:30
cachedwhen I do wget (whatever) it tells me "Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name."  What do I do?22:31
steve_bikonia ok will do.  Thanks for your help22:31
harrisonyLEAVEMEALONE: i didnt think you should be able to22:31
ikoniasteve_b: sorry its not easy22:31
steve_bikonia heh heh nothing ever is....22:31
mugimouse keyboard stops responding help pls?22:31
Fawkesfyreharrisony: and the instructions say to make sure the extraversion in teh makefile matches the extraversion from uname -r22:31
Wartornmaxo: indeed22:31
kingzarPROBLEM: My inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.1022:31
Wartornmaxo: no, sorry, eth122:31
LEAVEMEALONEharrisony: like? i've tried to fix alsamixer but i still do not get any sound from ff22:31
maxoWartorn: try in a terminal: iwlist eth1 scanning22:31
LEAVEMEALONEfor amarok i can listen mp3's etc.22:32
bill_kingzar, do you know what driver it used?22:32
Wartornreturns no scan results at ONC22:32
Wartornonce, not like its scanning22:32
harrisonyLEAVEMEALONE: when watching youtube you shouldnt be able to hear your microphone, unless you open a sound recording application22:32
maxoWartorn: which driver are you using? ubuntu one, or ndiswrapper?22:32
LEAVEMEALONEharrisony: i'm not talking about my microphone i'm talking about my headset i can not hear sound of movies not my microphone22:32
Wartornright now the ubuntu one, but same deal with the ndiswrapper one22:33
kingzarbill_: i think it's a driver for realtek 813922:33
harrisonyLEAVEMEALONE: sorry, not alot of sleep, cant think :P um....22:33
Wartorn(except for that one time it worked, before rebooting, but never again)22:33
maxoWartorn: what does 'ndiswrapper -l' give?22:33
LEAVEMEALONEharrisony: its ok i think i found problem22:33
Wartornnothing right now, ive just formatted to start over again22:33
kazol_How do I install alien without the Ubuntu CD?22:33
maxoWartorn: that one time it worked, which driver was that with?22:33
cachedwhen I do wget (whatever) it tells me "Error parsing proxy URL http://:8080/: Invalid host name."  What do I do?22:34
Wartornbcmwl5a.inf i think22:34
xxx_how do i install compisfuzion and extras ?22:34
ikoniaxxx_: its already installed22:34
erUSUL!ccsm | xxx_22:34
ubotuxxx_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:34
Wartornnot sure what driver package it was, i just searched for the laptop name and drivers, and there it was :P22:34
maxoWartorn: so it was with ndiswrapper?22:34
spepsmaxo: it says You don't have permission to access etc... is it a permission problem???22:35
LEAVEMEALONEnope i cant hear voice while i'm using alsamixer on sound preferences too22:35
ikoniaspeps: can you access http://localhost22:35
erUSULkazol_: disable the cd from the software sources system>Admin>Software sources22:35
TyczekI've got Atheros 5007 EG (64 drivers installed on ubuntu 64). Ndiswrapper is working... I can see my network (is not encrypted) and I can't connect... Do you know how to solve this problem?22:35
spepsikonia: yes22:35
maxospeps: where is the directory it's pointing to?22:35
kingzarPROBLEM: My inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.1022:35
Wartornmaxo: yes22:35
spepsin my home22:35
ikoniaspeps: excellent, the path your following the symlink too needs execute permissions for the world as a minimum22:35
ikoniaspeps: and all parent directories to the path22:35
erUSULkingzar: it is a wireless card?22:36
ikoniaspeps: also have you restarted apache after enabling followsymlinks22:36
spepsikonia: parent or child?22:36
maxoWartorn: ok, first install your driver again with ndiswrapper22:36
kingzarerUSUL: wired22:36
ikoniaspeps: parent22:36
ikoniaspeps: all directories that apache has to follow to get to your symlink need world execute minimum22:36
kazol_What are good electronic engineering apps for Ubuntu?22:36
carlos_howdy, does anyone know a simple sip softphone that can run on 7.10 x64 and can make calls through an Asterisk central?22:36
cached:\ i'm feeling ignored22:36
erUSULkingzar: do you know the chipset? run 'lspci | grep -i net'22:36
spepsikonia: so ... 755?22:37
kingzarIt's of Realtec RTL813922:37
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ikoniaspeps: thats a bit overkill, but that would / should work22:37
ccidralhello, i have a quick question22:38
LjLcached, you have some invalid proxy server set for some reason. look at your network settings.22:38
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maxoWartorn: then uninstall the driver in the restricted drivers manager thing, then run sudo apt-get remove network-manager, then edit /etc/network/interfaces so it looks something like this: http://pastebin.com/d63b3673b22:38
Wartornmaxo: why cant i pm you? its so hard to keep track in here22:38
ccidrali'm running ubuntu 7.04 desktop, and need to start my Tomcat 6 at system startup22:39
maxoWartorn: and then finally run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart22:39
ccidralhow can i do that?22:39
spepsikonia: it's 755 but it does not work22:39
erUSULkingzar: try sudo modprobe 8139cp22:39
cachedLjL: where do i do that?22:39
maxoWartorn: if you like, though that's about it22:39
Box|UKcan i move time and date from top panel to bottom just find it easier  to look down than up22:39
ccidralalready googled but could not make it work22:39
ikoniaspeps: so your trying to create a symlink from /var/www to /home/you22:39
Wartornmaxo: the person im configuring this pc for needs to be able to connect to two different networks, wont that be hard? the person is not particuarly skiled22:39
cachedLjL: System->Network Proxy says "Direct internet connection" which is what I have.22:39
LjLcached, i'm not on GNOME so i'm not entirely sure, but System / Preferences / Network or something like that.22:39
erUSULBox|UK: add the clocl applet to the botton panel and quit it from the top one22:40
LjLcached, uhm, try "echo $http_proxy" from a shell22:40
mustafa_any ideas for fixing sound on youtube? :S22:40
spepsikonia: yes ... and you is 75522:40
cachedLjL: it says http://:8080/  what should I change it to?22:40
soundrayerUSUL: you can also right-click it, unlock and select Move22:40
ikoniaspeps: what about /home22:40
Box|UKerUSUL,  thxs felt like an idiot asking that question22:40
soundrayBox|UK: you can also right-click it, unlock and select Move22:40
maxoWartorn: In that case, I can't help, I wasn't able to set up roaming properly with my card, though I'm sure it's possible. Certainly I got up a list of APs22:40
soundrayerUSUL: sorry22:40
Box|UKthxs soundray22:40
ikoniaspeps: you also need the "allowindex" option in the apache config too22:41
ikoniaspeps: allowdirectorylistings sorry22:41
ikoniaspeps: working from memory so you'll have to check the exact name spellings22:41
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erUSULsoundray: :)22:41
smultronwhat's a good way to probe for an ip of a network device on the lan?22:41
maxospeps: I had this exact same problem. Just create a new directory and put all your files in that, and then create a symlink to that new directory.22:41
LjLcached: you should remove it, if you don't need to use a proxy. however you need to find out what is *setting* that variable in the first place, otherwise it won't help. try "grep http ~/.bash*"22:41
maxospeps: I didn't  have to change any apache settings22:41
spepsikonia: allow ... what?22:41
ikoniaspeps: one moment22:41
Wartornmaxo: maby ill just write a bash script to switch interface files then? :P if it works at all.. its just weird that it stopped working after a reboot22:42
spepsmaxo: it does not work22:42
Box|UKon XP bill gates copys everything to secret locations on the computer does  ubuntu track everyting?22:42
erUSULsmultron: ping it?22:42
smultronerUSUL: i don't know the IP...22:42
maxoWartorn: if it worked before, then it should work. I guess you just have to work out what changed that made it stop working. It could even be somethins as simple as the wireless antenna not screwed on properly22:43
erUSULsmultron: use a port scanner like nmap and scan the ip range22:43
smultronerUSUL: thanks, i'll try that22:43
maxospeps: what do you mean by "it does not work" ? Do you get an error message?22:43
cachedLjL: Thanks!22:43
ikoniaspeps: Options Indexes22:44
ikoniaspeps: Order Allow,dney22:44
ikoniaspeps: allow from all22:44
maxospeps: all I can say is I have installed apache that comes with ubuntu, I have several symlinks in /var/www/ , and I have not had to change a single apache config file22:44
LjLBox|UK: Ubuntu keep logs of several things in the /var/log directory, and it logs commands you type on your user's shell in ~/.bash_history22:44
rocketsBhaal. lol.22:44
Templar_hi there does crossover linux / wine let you use windows usb drivers?22:45
spepsikonia: ...i'm a little bit confused ... exactly ... what do i have to do?22:45
rocketsI smell a 12 year old.22:45
ikoniaspeps: you need to enable those options.22:45
Box|UKthxs LjL22:45
ikoniaspeps: you need options followsymlinks indexs and you need to set the allow to all22:45
Locksmwhen you say vmware, do you mean www.vmware.com ?22:45
soundrayTemplar_: no22:45
LjLcached: thanks as in, you found what was responsible?22:45
maxospeps: if you type in a console: mkdir22:45
Locksmthats a pay to use application, is there any freeware programs ?22:45
erUSULTemplar_: no, drivers belong in the kernel wine (and derivatives) are userspace programs22:45
Box|UKlol using utorrent :P22:46
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications22:46
maxospeps: if you type in a console: mkdir ~/somefolder , then sudo ln -s ~/somefolder /var/www/somefolder , does http://localhost/somefolder work?22:46
soundrayLocksm: VMware Server is free as in beer.22:46
picard_pwns_kirkis there a noticeable difference between ubuntu x86 and x86-64 running on a 64-bit proc?22:47
Fawkesfyreii was wondering that as well22:47
LjLpicard_pwns_kirk: mostly no22:47
Slartpicard_pwns_kirk: not unless you're running some special software.. image processing and such22:47
Templar_so say if i install my skype linux usb phone on crossover and linux usb drivers detect the hardware should they interact in theory22:47
Locksmand just a quickie before i dabble further into readme files etc etc, is it usable without having to reinstall winxp and ubuntu ?, i mean does it run as a normal application in windows ?22:47
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visofi have broken packages , and i typed sudo apt-get install -f, and i havn't any result, how can i solve this problem?22:48
Jordan_Upicard_pwns_kirk, For Desktop use the problems generally outweigh the benefits ( which are few )22:48
ikoniavisof: what package22:48
Slartpicard_pwns_kirk: but you can download both live cd's and do some benchmarking if you want22:48
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picard_pwns_kirkSlart: I will do that22:48
hendrixski:-/ out of two computers behind the same router, one of them can't seem to connect to gtk-gnutella :-(  anybody know what the problem might be?22:48
Templar_or if its installed on crossover will it be looking for xp driver?22:49
wolsLocksm: colinux22:49
LjLLocksm, vmware? vmware is a normal windows application, except it also needs some system services running, but you'll hardly even notice.22:49
ikoniavisof: what package are you trying to install22:49
Jordan_Upicard_pwns_kirk, But the other side of the coin is that 99.99% of the problems are with proprietary software, so for instance the Gobuntu 64 bit experience will be almost exactly the same as Gobuntu 32.22:49
soundrayTemplar_: "skype phones" are handled as audio devices by Linux as far as I know. If you can get that to work, then it should be possible to make the device "known" to wine apps.22:49
Locksmthx for info then :D22:49
spepsikonia: hey ... but...all parent have to be 755???22:49
soundrayTemplar_: no promises, though. I guess it depends on the application that runs under wine as well.22:50
Templar_its maily for the LCD and contact lists im worried22:50
visofikonia i m not sure , i was trying to install many of them22:50
spepsmaxo: right ... works22:50
ikoniavisof: what are you trying to install22:50
ikoniavisof: what command are you using22:50
soundrayTemplar_: LCD?22:50
picard_pwns_kirkJordan_U: will the atheros HAL work?22:50
Templar_screen on the phone22:50
hendrixskianybody know why gtk-gnutella wouldn't connect to other nodes on the network, even when another computer behind the same router can?22:50
Templar_its corless22:50
picard_pwns_kirkJordan_U: wait, scratch that22:50
visofikonia i installed them from synaptic22:50
maxospeps: so as I said before, just create a new folder, move the files into it, and symlink to that22:50
spepsikonia: hey ... but...all parents have to be 755???22:50
ikoniaspeps: yes thats right22:51
visofand i didn't remember22:51
santiago_can anyone help me upgraeding my ubuntu 5.10 (if speek spanish better))22:51
ikoniaspeps: the apache user needs to be able to traverse the directories22:51
soundrayTemplar_: then I don't know, but I'm not optimistic.22:51
ikoniavisof: then forget the error and move on22:51
visofikonia can i solve this problem?22:51
erUSULhendrixski: the router only does port forwarding to the computer gnutella works22:51
ikoniavisof: you can't resolve it if you don't know what packages your installing22:51
spepsikonia: so home user etc etc dir...22:51
soundrayTemplar_: Skype is so closed down, they don't even handle security fixes openly22:51
erUSUL!es | santiago_22:51
ubotusantiago_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:51
magic_ninjai need to reinstall22:51
magic_ninjai find ubuntu to be way bloated (9 gigs for the install)22:51
ikoniavisof: I don't know how you don't know when you told me you where doing apt-get -f22:51
Templar_would a virtual desktop be the same22:51
ikoniavisof: now you say your using synaptic22:51
ikoniavisof: is there a reason your chaging your problem ?22:52
ikoniaspeps: sorry, I missed your last post22:52
Slartmagic_ninja: 9 Gb for a install.... sounds like an awful lot22:52
erUSUL!upgrade | santiago_22:52
ubotusantiago_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes22:52
hendrixskierUSUL, ssooo.... there can only be one computer behind it that connects?22:52
spepsikonia: so home user etc etc dir...22:52
bobbydsince some update my DNS entries in resolv.conf are screwed when i connect my VPN. Is this a known issue?22:52
ikoniaspeps: /home, /home/user /home/user/dir_you_want22:52
soundraymagic_ninja: it's not 9GB unless you've bloated it yourself22:52
visofikonia no22:52
Slartmagic_ninja: sounds like you've done something wrong22:52
magic_ninjaSlart: na22:53
magic_ninjaSlart: i'm not stupid, just all the deps and other progs, been exploring22:53
erUSULhendrixski: it can be the case my home router works that way you can open ports to specific hosts (one by one) but not to all the hosts at once22:53
Templar_soundray i know they are b**tards but so many people use it22:53
visofikonia when i open synaptic i have You have 6 broken packages on your system! , Use the "Broken" filter to locate them.22:53
spepsikonia: ... i have a 700 dir in the path ... can i change some parameter to let apache traverse path?22:53
ikoniaTemplar_: there is no need for that language22:53
erUSULhendrixski: i can configure it for as much computers as i want though but it is tedious22:53
Templar_lol sorry22:53
Slartmagic_ninja: well.. you've been installing *a lot* of stuff to get up to 9 GB22:53
ikoniavisof: I don't believe what you are telling me as earlier on you told me you did apt-get -f22:54
xxx_when i view an image in slideshow when the bar at the top is supposed to disappear it starts to flash then the whole screen flashes22:54
magic_ninjaSlart: your wrong22:54
xxx_what do i do ?22:54
ikoniaspeps: yes, chmod it to 755 as the thers22:54
erUSULsantiago_: /j #ubuntu-es22:54
soundraySlart: what would you say, is that an attempt at trolling? (magic_ninja)22:54
xxx_can someone help me ?22:54
hendrixskierUSUL, hhmmmm.  So... I should probably just rig it by turning off one computer, and then restarting the router, so that the other one can get the port?22:54
Slartsoundray: I'd say so.. or he includes a huuge wine-folder or something22:55
spepsikonia: ...hmmm ... i can't it is in .config...22:55
Templar_i guess so many peple are stupid and that forces intelligent people to use stupid peoples software22:55
Slartsoundray: I'm checking the size of my install as we speak22:55
ikoniaspeps: what's in .config22:55
mjbrooksam I supposed to be seeing the entire hardware based RAID5 array during install?22:55
erUSULhendrixski: no, you should check your router configuration and see if the ports gnutella uses are being forwarded to the two computers...22:55
soundraySlart: I've allocated 8GB to a gutsy host. Then I installed *shedloads* of software. It's now just over 6GB.22:56
magic_ninjasoundray: no need to be all uptight (thats an actual troll there buddy)22:56
hendrixskierUSUL, ok, I'll hunt down some documentation on how to do that.  Thanks :-)22:56
spepsikonia: directory is in /home/user/.config/etc/etc...22:56
erUSULhendrixski: no problem22:56
ikoniaspeps: you can chmod .config too22:56
soundraymagic_ninja: you may think of yourself as smart, but you're only mildly amusing22:57
soundrayOkay, I'll stop22:57
spepsikonia: ... i think is not so secure...22:57
ikoniaspeps: then don't to it22:57
magic_ninjabuti really can't see how this install is using 18 gb22:57
magic_ninjasoundray: wow man, now your doing the trolling22:57
ikoniaspeps: its execute only, not write access22:57
magic_ninjaenough not worth the time22:57
kazol_Anyone here familiar with xmms/xmms2?22:58
spepsikonia: i made an hard link to a file in that directoty ... it works ...22:58
soundrayOkay, magic_ninja, have you checked the size of your log directory?22:58
magic_ninjasoundray: which logs, xchat logs or system logs22:58
ikoniaspeps: is a hard link wise22:58
magic_ninjasoundray: i didn't even think of that22:58
soundraymagic_ninja: /var/log22:58
kingzarerUSUL: it didn't work22:59
spepsikonia: is there a way to make an hard link to a directory?22:59
bill_i think so22:59
Matteo_Mhi there, I'm running an ubuntu live cd, it's a ubuntu breezy and I want to install a tftpd, I have some problems with apt and the repository22:59
magic_ninjasoundray: 61 mb22:59
Slartsoundray: ok.. about 9GBs.. not counting wine-folder and such.. and I guess there's about 3-4 GB of logs, big games (tremulous, ET etc)23:00
kingzari got some more information now tho, i got ifconfig/lspci -nn and what is in my etc/network/interfaces23:00
Matteo_Mwhat do I have to put in source.list in order to install tftpd?23:00
* Slart has almost 2 GB docs.. big big man-pages =)23:00
kingzarPROBLEM: My wired inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.1023:00
erUSULkingzar: any error msg you can try 'sudo modprobe 8139too' (those cards can use any ofthe tw drivers) and see if the net interface appears (ifconfig -a)23:00
spepsikonia: is there a way to make an hard link to a directory?23:00
SlartMatteo_M: isn't tftpd available from the repos?23:00
soundraymagic_ninja: big, but doesn't account for your bloat. du -s /var/cache/apt/archives ?23:00
kingzari have them both erUSUL.. do you want to see what i get after ifconfig?23:01
Some_PersonHow can I save my Rhythmbox library as a text file with  track and artits?23:01
erUSULmagic_ninja: better fire up Applications>Accesories>Disk use analizer and check what dirs are eating up the space (tell it to analize your root partition)23:02
erUSULkingzar: it will help yes;23:02
Matteo_MSlart, I have problems with repos because the ubuntu version is a live cd from 2005 (ubuntu breezy), I think the repos in source.list are old and now available anymore (deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted23:02
magic_ninjaerUSUL: ty23:03
SlartMatteo_M: hm.. and you can't upgrade? or don't want to?.... either way.. I would think tftpd would still be available.. even though it would be an older version23:04
landon__does anyone know if k3b comes with a transcoder?23:04
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SlartMatteo_M: I've heard of an application to fix sources.list.. something like easy source or similar23:04
mjbrooksam I supposed to be seeing the entire hardware based RAID5 array during install?23:04
noogamy problem is following: the network works but i can't use the internet. I get valid ip and my ppp says i'm connected but i can't resolve any address. Moreover ping works. Same is with cable connection.23:05
kingzarerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47888/23:05
Some_PersonHow can I save my Rhythmbox library as a text file with  track and artist?23:05
mjbrooksI'm attempting to install Gutsy server on a Dell PE2650 with a Perc RAID controller, but when I get to the partitioning part of the install it's showing all 587GBs available... the controller is set up with RAID5, shouldn't that mean I see less than that?23:05
cdm10What can I enable in gpg.conf to have it automatically download public keys?23:05
noogaand it all started after regular shutdown -r now23:05
Slartmjbrooks: how large are the drives?23:05
magic_ninjawow /lib and /var are over 500mb a piece23:05
mjbrooksSlart, there are 5 of them  about 140 or so23:05
Matteo_MSlart: when I run "apt-get" update I get errors (http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/main/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]23:06
noogaanyone knows what might be wrong?23:06
erUSULkingzar: how do you connect to internet? a router?23:06
Slartmjbrooks: raid 5.. isn't that like total size=(n-1)*smallest size ? can't remember.. try google23:06
magic_ninjasomehow my gf managed to get 8 gigs in her wine dir23:07
erUSULkingzar: try 'sudo dhclient eth0'23:07
macdis there a way to determine which kernel module a nic is using?23:07
macdshort of using lspci/lsmod to guesstimate23:07
kingzartried that, not working23:07
Matteo_MSlart: I think the repo is out of date, What I'm wandering is if the repos available for the last relase of ubuntu works whit mine (ubuntu breezy)23:07
erUSULmagic_ninja: o_O!!! a very big game or wy too much apps installed23:07
soundraymagic_ninja: wow, and you thought ubuntu was bloated :D23:08
SlartMatteo_M: not unless you want to upgrade everything to gutsy.. hang on.. I'll see if there is a any info on breezy repos23:08
erUSULmacd: what nic?23:08
kingzarerUSUL: is there anyway i can skip this and install my USB wifi key? only reason i want eth.. to work is to instally my wifi23:08
macderUSUL, any nic.23:08
Matteo_MSlart: Thanks a lot23:08
erUSULkingzar: you can try to plug it and cross you fingers... :)23:08
kingzartried not working23:08
magic_ninjasoundray: thats part, the other part is everything running with a gnome desktop23:08
mjbrooksSlart, (Size of Smallest Drive) * (Number of Drives - 1) it seems... but do they mean 1 drive when they say "-1"?23:08
kingzari need to get a driver from the internet23:08
magic_ninja7 yr old comp tryin to squeeze out more performance for cs, so for this comp it is kind of bloated23:09
erUSULmacd: well i think the /sysfs can tell you23:09
landon__anyone know how to make a avi or mpg to dvd with k3b?23:09
Centaur5I just configured an iptables script to share internet but it blocks access to windows updates, apple.com, and hotmail.com.  What would cause that with iptables?23:09
Slartmjbrooks: nope.. they say.. if you have 3x200Gb you'll get (3-1)*200Gb of total space.. ie 400Gb.. if you have 5 200GB drives. you'll get (5-1)*200Gb total space.. ie 800Gb23:09
kingzaranyways erUSUL heres the rest of the information i have on my problem have a check.. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47889/23:10
mjbrooksSlart, ahhh that clears it up   thanks23:10
noogawhat can be wrong if i got valid ip and can ping but i can't acces internet23:10
nixnoobyo alsaconf doesn't exist in feisty? what gives?23:10
pope22As I was attemtping to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 i recieved this error: http://people.ubuntu.com/~seb128/deb/./Packages.gz: 404 Not Found....what does it mean, and how do i fix it?23:10
Slartnooga: dns is a common thing23:10
noogawhen using either ppp or cable23:10
bulmernooga do you have a route table okay?23:10
noogai don;t know23:10
noogahow to check it?23:11
bulmernooga then pastebin your "route -n" results23:11
soundraypope22: you have an outdated package source in your /etc/apt/sources.list -- find the line that contains this URL and comment it out.23:11
santiago_cant update update manager (have 5.10)23:11
GatestoneAny repos for nessus 3?23:11
noogauh, sec, i must boot into ubuntu and get back here ;d23:11
bulmerCentaur5-> find out what ports those updates for that other os uses23:11
Matteo_MSlart: maybe I get it (So just change the lines e.g. "archive.ubuntu.com ..." to "old-releases.ubuntu.com ..." in your /etc/apt/sources.list or using the GUI in Synaptic/Adept)23:11
GatestoneI had to manually install old libssl to make Debian 3.1 nessus package work.23:12
soundraypope22: you might also consider doing a fresh install instead of updating... Even 6.10 is fairly outdated now (I know, I'm using one as we speak :)23:12
bulmernooga are you still there?23:12
SlartMatteo_M: I don't know... but if you've read that somewhere you can always try it23:12
nixnoobyo alsaconf doesn't exist in feisty? what gives?23:12
erUSULmacd: try 'tree /sys/devices/' (you may need to install tree)23:12
kingzarPROBLEM: My wired inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.1023:12
mjbrooksSlart, the person who had this set-up before left 452.4G unpartitioned... thought something might have broke during the firmware update    thx again23:13
Centaur5bulmer: Do you think accessing www.apple.com doesn't use port 80?23:13
bulmernooga-> before you shutdown your windows, type this in a msdos   netstat -ran and pastebin it too23:13
Some_PersonHow can I save my Rhythmbox library as a text file with track and artist?23:13
KDuBwhud up ace``23:13
=== KDuB is now known as kye
ace``whats poppin kdub23:13
bulmerCentaur5-> you said updates, you didnt say only accesses http23:13
kyeaint nothin23:13
kyeask anything.. they'll help ya.23:13
magic_ninjaSome_Person: i don't know the answer to that one, but try banshee, its rhythm box based but its way better23:13
ace``aite bet23:13
tarelerulzHow would you bring up the ablum cover for a song ? Do any of media player do that ? just cool feature23:14
kyeand for the effects ace goto23:14
magic_ninjatarelerulz: banshee and amarok23:14
pope22that did the trick, thank you for the help ^_^ as a side note, is there somehwere I could find .deb package for the Flock browser?23:14
Centaur5bulmer: Oh I'm sorry.  The windows clients can't download updates but none of the linux or windows clients can go to apple.com or hotmail.com23:14
Some_Personmagic_ninja: I like Rhythmbox.23:14
erUSULSome_Person: rb uses a xml file to store that info. maybe you can turn it to a txt file somehow23:14
magic_ninjaSome_Person: banshee is just the same but with better performance and more features23:14
bulmerCentaur5-> are the ports open?  hang for a few, i need to pick up something be back in 10 mins23:15
SlartMatteo_M: hmm.. I can't find any info on repos for breezy.. did you try that url you mentioned? did it work?23:15
ubotuUbuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger) was the third release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 13, 2007. See !eol for more details.23:15
kingzarPROBLEM: My wired inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.1023:15
erUSULmagic_ninja: better performance? i do not think so. More features: ok23:15
ubotuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/LifeCycle23:15
Centaur5bulmer: okay, I'll wait cause I'm stumped.  :)23:15
Some_PersonerUSUL: Where is this XML file?23:15
Matteo_MSlart: it's working just fine :-D23:15
narothepharohhow do i get pics from my camera computer is not reading it at all23:15
erUSULmagic_ninja: everytime i tried banshee to impor my lib it crashed on me not so rb23:15
santiago_cant upgrade using update manager (have 5.10)23:15
erUSULSome_Person: ~/.gnome2/rhythmbox/23:16
naomi_narothephroh: How do you connect your camera to your computer? usb?23:16
SlartMatteo_M: you're welcome.. although I didn't help you.. you managed better on your own =)23:16
ZeddieI wish someone would help me with my black console issue in gutsy23:16
ZeddieI get a black screen till x starts23:16
magic_ninjaerUSUL: i had that problem with rythmbox lol23:16
kingzarPROBLEM: My wired inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.10 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47889/23:16
Some_Personsantiago_: can you backup and total reinstall?23:16
narothepharohnaomi_: yes23:16
erUSULsantiago_: if you have 5.10 i will recomend a reinstall23:16
trembyhi. i'm trying to get my friend's new usb wireless network interface working. it's a belkin F5D7051 and he's using feisty. currently it's appearing when i type iwconfig but iwlist wlan0 scan gives no results. what might be up?23:16
=== allbert is now known as allbert_
Some_PersonerUSUL: thanks23:17
houmalawhat would be a good program to make or burn commercial grade CD's??????23:17
tarelerulzmagic_ninja , do any of them do cover of movies ? just asking23:17
santiago_but i have just installed it23:18
erUSULhoumala: commercial grade?23:18
naomi_narotheparoh: You may need to mount the camera manually, unless it shows up on your desktop... what version of ubuntu are you running?23:18
troxorwould someone please briefly remind me what that gui grub editor capplet(?) was called?23:18
magic_ninjatarelerulz: i think you can install the plugins for movies on amarok, but i usually use gmplayer for movies23:18
rontanawould it seem resonable to get a kernel panic if there is a dodgy disk in a raid 5 array?23:18
narothepharohnaomi_ : it is xubuntu 7.1023:18
erUSULsantiago_: well to upgrade to the current version you have to do 5.10-->6.06-->6.10-->7.04-->7.10 4 upgrades23:19
Fawkesfyreno rule to make target 'arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c ' , needed by `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.23:19
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Alyxander
naomi_narothepharoh: try typing "ls dev/sd*" into the terminal. What does that say?23:19
santiago_so you recomend downloading latest version and install23:19
erUSULsantiago_: yes23:19
Jordan_Urontana, Not unreasonable I guess, but it takes a lot to get a kernel panic after a successful boot, are you sure it's not just a "freeze" but really a kernel panic?23:19
tarelerulzMagic_ninga , what I mean is will it come up with the cover of a movie. I  bring up a picture of the cover of a movie like it does on songs and the album cover.  Playing movies and have the movie cover too.  would be great23:20
houmalaCD'swe made to be packaged ans sold ( music self recorded)23:20
rontanamust be a panic, everything freezes and caps & scroll lock lights start flashing on the keyboard23:20
narothepharohnaomi_: ls: dev: No such file or directory23:20
narothepharohls: sd*: No such file or directory23:20
kingzarPROBLEM: My wired inet/eth works on livecd sessions, but not in my Installed ubuntu 7.10 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47889/23:21
kingzaranyone plz? been trying to solve this for 3 days now23:21
nixnoobyou guys are useless23:21
kingzar... few more and it's back to windows :(23:21
|rt|rontana: I had that problem with fiesty23:21
simtowerby noob23:21
rontanagot a drive that had its power cable knocked out at some point, so had removed it from the array and re-added23:21
rontanawhen its rebuilding it goes bang23:22
|rt|rontana: I was running lvm but not raid23:22
rontanagot lvm on top of the raid23:22
|rt|rontana: what version of ubuntu?23:22
erUSULkingzar: sorry i lost your trace :) what is the chip your usb-wifi uses? (lsusb)23:22
|rt|rontana: ah I haven't had any problems with 7.1023:22
rontanafresh install23:22
linduxedkingzar: before i read your issue, i like to tell you that the possibility of you returning to windows is not a concern here23:23
|rt|rontana: anything useful in the logs leading up to the hang?23:23
linduxedkingzar: not everyone whos able to answer your question might be online right now23:23
linduxedkingzar: now ill read and try to help23:23
Locksmok, just got colinux installed, anyone online here with experience in the program, that i can pm ?23:23
teratornwhen running on battery my screen brightness keeps getting set back to lowest... every few minutes. most annoying thing ever. any ideas?23:23
rontana|rt|: nope thou it seems to happen mostly when theres alot of disk thrashing23:23
naomi_narothepharoh: try typing "lsusb" ; does that say anything?23:23
|rt|rontana: I could never find anything in my logs...then I started to have some really odd hard drive issues on the machine23:24
teratornanyone know what I can *kill* to just stop the auto-brightness monitoring?23:24
rontana|rt|: such as rebuilding the lost drive23:24
|rt|rontana: like 2 hard drives would suddenly not co-exists in the computer...even on 2 different hard drive controllers23:24
narothepharohnaomi_: it gives a list of things hooked to my usb23:25
|rt|rontana: even though those 2 hd's have been in the system for a couple years....so I eventually just took both hard drives out of the system b/c I couldn't figure out which one was causing the problems23:25
rontana|rt|: spooky... had similar thing here but i was putting it down to a somewhat dodgy power cable.23:25
nooga_back with this route -n23:25
naomi_narothepharoh: good, and one of them is your camera?23:26
Jordan_Ukingzar, Can you pastebin the output of "sudo dhclient eth0" ?23:26
|rt|rontana: yeah I still don't fully trust the motherboard in my system...I suspect that it has some chipset issues going on23:26
rontana|rt|: have just replaced the system disks with 2 new 500gb drives but now suspect its the data array23:26
STcomjust to throw this out there, I was playing armagetron advanced, and when i exited, my resolution was jacked.  when i test out the higher resolutions, they don't work.  suggestions, please?23:26
linduxedkingzar: im sorry but my knowledge on this one is limited, id advise you to post on ubuntus official forums and possibly linuxforums.org23:27
nooga_so, can anybody tell if those routing table is wrong?23:27
erUSULSTcom: whe some game screws my resolution i restart the xserver23:27
|rt|rontana: since I got those drives out of my system it's been running pretty stable (runs mythtv so it does a good bit of hard drive thrashing)23:27
STcomerUSUL: and that resets it?23:28
shadylookinanyone know how to configure difference resolutions for different monitors in twinviewer?23:28
Andrew`what programs do i need for: compilation and installation23:28
nooga_anyway, who asked me about my routing tables?23:28
Jordan_UAndrew`, Compilation and installation of what?23:28
Andrew`i was told GNU C Compiler, make, etc.23:28
othinspearim a very newbie to lunix i was trying to install ubuntu studion 723:28
rontana|rt|: guess I will have to buy yet another disk....23:28
tsygrllooking for a bit of ubuntu specific info. I have an ubuntu 6.06 system i want to update without doing a reload - how do i go about that ?23:29
naomi_andrew__: do you mean to install new programs?23:29
Andrew`Jordan_U its for eAthena, a game server23:29
|rt|rontana: well i'm not convinced that the harddrives were ever the problem in my case23:29
Jordan_UAndrew`, If that is really what you need then the package "build-essential"23:29
Andrew`naomi: i believe so23:29
tsygrl(desktop machine)23:29
erUSULSTcom: yes; and it terminates your session and you have to relogin too :(23:29
othinspearbut mannaged to delete my whole hard drive i had ubuntu and xp on it allready anyone know if studio 7 can run dule boot23:29
Andrew`Jordan_U: what does that give me?23:29
Jordan_UAndrew`, Let me check if there are prebuild packages first23:29
|rt|rontana: what type of chipset is on the motherboard?23:29
rontana|rt|: well it is an old Asus A7M266-D dual Athon XP23:30
Jordan_UAndrew`, compilers, make and some header files23:30
nooga_i'm connected and got ip and i cannot access internet, no matter it it's a cable or my ppp23:30
kingzarJordan_U is there any more test that you know of that i could do ?23:30
rontana|rt|: and its been running non stop just about since 200223:30
kingzarso i can do it in 1 time23:30
nooga_here is route -n: http://rafb.net/p/mHO1pP65.html23:30
BaLiStiC----des francais ici ,23:30
narothepharohnaomi_: i do believe so23:30
|rt|rontana: reason I ask is b/c there are a couple very odd kernel issues when you combine nvidia nforce2 chipsets, sata drives, and software raid23:30
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:30
Jordan_Ukingzar, Have you pastebin'd the output from dhclient yet?23:30
|rt|rontana: that's the reason I don't run software raid on my myth box23:30
kingzari'm gonna swap OS now23:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:31
Andrew`Jordan_U: okay, i believe that is everything i need. i just didnt want to install a bunch of stuff i wouldnt need23:31
kingzarjust wanted to know if i could do some other commands23:31
STcomerUSUL: hm.  thanks, but unfortunately, i tried to fix it by upping the resolution back to 1400x 1050 first, when I wanted 1600x 1200.  now I can't get any resolution to work above 1400x1050 :(23:31
rontana|rt|: have 2 silicon image pata cards, and 1 sata card23:31
Jordan_UAndrew`, Wait though, there is likely a better way to install eAthena23:31
rontanaall pci23:31
|rt|rontana: I was also using sil sata cards in mine23:31
Andrew`Jordan_U: okay, i havent down anything yet23:32
naomi_narothepharoh: I think you just need to figure out which device your usb camera is being mounted as... as far as I know, it's normaly some sort of sd* drive. I don't actually know how to figure out what it's mounted as if not that. Perhaps someone else here does? Once you figure that out, the rest is easy.23:32
BaLiStiC----ya personne sur le salon fr j'ai juste besoin de joindre un le serveur wanadoo avec Xchat et je n'arrive pas non plus a faire le signe : la petite bar la23:32
|rt|rontana: the problem is silent data corruption and you notice it pretty fast if it effects you23:32
bulmernooga did you pastebin your "route -n" results yet?23:32
nooga_bulmer: yup23:32
bulmernooga_-> let me peek23:32
|rt|rontana: in my case the filesystem would corrupt it self before ubuntu would even finish installing23:32
ompaul!fr | BaLiStiC----23:32
ubotuBaLiStiC----: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:32
shadylookinanyone have any experience with twinviewer?23:33
BaLiStiC----join #ubuntu-fr23:33
rontana|rt|: havent notcied any coruption at all just started to get some panics. thought it was the system disks originaly so went out and replaced them23:33
BaLiStiC----:join #ubuntu-fr23:33
bulmernooga_-> your route table is incomple, no gateways i can see23:33
naomi_BaLiStiC----: est-ce que vous savez le nom compete du serveur? Il faut simplement taper "/server ..."23:33
|rt|rontana: it would install happily on any 1 hard drive by it self...but my 4 disk software raid5 using the same disks would fail pretty quickly23:33
ompaulBaLiStiC----,     /join #ubuntu23:33
ompaulBaLiStiC----,     /join #ubuntu-fr23:33
nooga_bulmer: so any ideas how to fix it?23:33
tsygrlroute add default whatever23:33
|rt|rontana: also tried raid1's and multiple file systems it was really a pita to figure out what was going on23:34
frownfrownI have this gtkrc file. I don't know anything about themes, but how do I change the color of something in it? (a general GTK theme tutorial is all I want, basically)23:34
bulmernooga yeah, lets start from what you have and what is it connected to? elaborate your network layout23:34
BaLiStiC----bah ué mais la je conprend rien a se irc la :s23:34
erUSUL!fr | BaLiStiC----23:34
ubotuBaLiStiC----: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.23:34
STcomerUSUL: i'm going to try something and reboot, hopefully it won't completely murder my system!23:34
isleshocky77I wrote a bash script that does a svn up and stuff afterwards, how do I tell the script to wait for the svn up to complete before moving on?23:34
erUSULBaLiStiC----: /join #ubuntu-fr23:34
bulmerCentaur5-> okay am back..whats the issue again?23:35
|rt|rontana: i only found a couple reports of the problem on the kernel mailing list but no one was able to recreate the problem so it looks like the kernel developers wrote it off as an isolated problem23:35
rontana|rt|: anyway, thanks at least i now know that im not the only one with panics and raid arrays23:35
nooga_hmm, it's a usb modem connected to my laptop and then into a telephonic line23:35
Alyxanderwill virtualbox export to a usable VMware device?23:35
nooga_but internet stopped working when i was in my friend's home and tried to connect via his router23:35
bulmernooga_-> please have a prefix of my nick on your responses or else i may miss it23:35
rontana|rt|: just gotta get another 200gb disk from somwhere23:35
STcomhurrah!  it now works!23:35
|rt|rontana: i have a server here at work that has 2 8 drive software raid5 arrays and they have worked without problems for years23:35
nooga_bulmer: i get ip and everything but no internet suddenly23:36
Centaur5bulmer: Well I was using firestarter 2 days ago do share internet to the local network. Today I setup an iptables script to replace it so I can share to 2 NICs rather than just 1. Now I can't access apple.com or hotmail.com and windows clients can't download updates.23:36
migsterhow can i show that if (u,v)=0 for all v in V, then u=0 ?23:36
Jordan_UAndrew`, Havn't found prepackaged binaries so compiling from source may in fact be necessary23:36
bulmernooga_-> thats because it does not have a default gateway set on the route table23:36
bulmerCentaur5-> when you say you can not access those sites, from where? the pc acting as gateway or client?23:37
nooga_bulmer: how they could dissappear?23:37
Andrew`jordan_U so build-ess is a good choice?23:37
Centaur5bulmer: From the clients but the server itself can go to those sites.23:37
bulmernooga_->  your ppp set-up is not correct? or the other end have  not negotiated fully?23:37
Jordan_UAndrew`, Yes.23:38
Centaur5bulmer: My co-worker thinks it could be a result of running apache with ssl enabled on that server.23:38
bulmerCentaur5-> whats the ip of your server, and the ip of the clients?23:38
Andrew`jordan_U:  thank you jordan23:38
nooga_bulmer: dunno, everything worked fine till this evening23:38
nooga_same modem, same settings, same connection23:38
Jordan_U!compile | Andrew`23:38
ubotuAndrew`: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:38
Jordan_UAndrew`, np23:38
Rubio_25I have a problem with ubuntu server 7.04. The problem is that the init scripts run in parallel (by default, i didnt modify anything) and because of this, for example, ntpd or apache start before the network ifaces get configured by dhcp and because of that apache fails to resolve the virtualhost names or ntpd fails to resolve the name of the ntp server it has to synchronize with... how can i solve this?23:38
STeVeY1337Hey, I just installed Ubuntu onto my PS3 and I'm trying to run kxmame to run my roms.  When I launch the program the splash screen plays but no windows or anything esle comes up.  I messed with a config file and I think I fucked it.  Im a moron.  How do I reset it back to the original or is there a way I can completely wipe it and start form scratch23:38
bulmernooga_-> well check the other end if it has negotiated the ppp link completely or not,  enable debug23:38
Centaur5bulmer: eth1 is assigning addresses to and eth2 is assigning addresses to
macdRubio_25, you can switch to the classic initrd OR change the S## in init.d23:39
Jordan_URubio_25, First, please file a bug report23:39
mikelapyjoin #ubuntu+123:39
bulmerCentaur5-> can any of the clients access any other web sites?23:39
nooga_bulmer: how exactly if i can ask?23:39
Jordan_U!bugs | Rubio_2523:40
ubotuRubio_25: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots23:40
bulmernooga_-> i dont recall the exact option to ppp, perhaps -debug or -vv  man ppp please to confirm23:40
Centaur5bulmer: Yes, I'm currently a client to that server right now. It's only a problem with those 3 things.23:40
bulmerCentaur5-> can you ping those websites ip address instead of its url?23:41
nooga_bulmer: okay, give me some time so i can reboot twice23:41
Rubio_25macd... switch back to the classic init could help... about changing the S## in init.d... networking starts from rcS.d, apache from rc2.d... at first glance... apache should start after networking... but is working like that...23:41
fizzlehey all, i have a question: i just did a fresh reinstall of Gutsy 64-bit and I want to use Swiftfox instead of regular FF, do i need to install the 32-bit version of FF first in order to get the plugins working? or are their plugins for 64-bit Swiftfox?23:41
Rubio_25to everyone telling me to fill in a bugreport... i'm just about doing that.23:41
Pelofizzle, I would try asking in a swifox channel23:42
fizzlePelo: is that on freenode?23:42
Centaur5bulmer: No I can't ping them.23:42
bulmerRubio_25-> can you not start those web servers last ie, put them in S90 or above?23:42
bulmerCentaur5-> just those two sites?  look in your firewall rules that maybe blocking those?23:43
Pelofizzle,  I don't know that there is one,  try checking on their website,  if they have one they will mention it , or try #swiftfox here in this network there might be one,  there is one for everything help23:43
Pelo /join #dishwashing23:43
Rubio_25bulmer.. they are in different levels! indeed... networking is in rcS.d and apache in rc2.d... apache shouldnt start before networking... but it does23:43
Fawkesfyreonly if someones going to come and wash them23:43
macdRubio_25, so apache has a higher/lower number than networking in ../rc2.d/ ?23:44
trembyhow can i update my xubuntu fiesty to gutsy and also install gnome and have that as my default desktop?23:44
markus_how do i create a partition on my hard drive so I can install windows23:44
kappakappuccino#dishwashing ... what the hell?23:44
bulmerRubio_25-> am saying start them late, ie like move them to S90 or S95..23:44
tsygrlCan anyone give me a bit of ubuntu specific help -> upgrading 6.06 to 7.10. Having library issues with some software.23:44
Rubio_25about filling a bug report... i went to http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ but i cant find a link to "file a new bug" there23:44
Centaur5bulmer: No, the iptable rules are quite short and only specify forwarding the internet and blocking external connection requests.23:44
Pelotremby, to install the gnome desktop just type  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:44
Pelo!upgrade | tremby23:45
ubotutremby: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:45
TroX3rhi,im looking for someone to help me get a grip on ubuntu,i installed it a year ago,not understanding much,but i wanna learn howto,can someone who have the time PM me? thank you.23:45
macdRubio_25, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug23:45
bulmerCentaur5-> well i dont know your rules, can try to pastebin it, lets see if we can gleem something? hard to guess what you got for rules23:45
markus_how do I create a partition on my drive so I can install windows23:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:45
tsygrlguess i am going backups tonight. Thanks.23:45
Rubio_25bulmer, macd: networking is S40networking in rcS.d, apache is S23apache in rc2.d... apart from the level (the 40 and the 20)... I suppose that rcS.d start always before rc2.d... no matter the level of the script23:46
Pelotsygrl, you can't upgrade from 6.06 to 7.10  you can only upgrade to the next release ,  you would have to do 6.10 and 7.04 and then 7.10 ,  I recommend you backup your/home floder and just clean install 7.1023:46
macdyeah@ Rubio_25 thats expected behavioir, but with parallel loading of services, that may not always be true23:46
bulmerRubio_25-> try moving your apache to S90..ie very late stage ...23:46
tsygrlPelo guess it is time.23:46
naomi_markus: you'll probably want to use GParted or some partition editor23:46
Pelomarkus_, use gparted from the live cd,  but be advise , windows liikes to be te first partition on the boot hdd23:46
macdRubio_25, but yeah a higher number should be a "workaround"23:46
Centaur5bulmer: Yeah, I'll do that real quick.23:46
tsygrlthanks all.23:47
nooga_bulmer: how about installing dnsmasq?23:47
markus_ubuntu live cd?23:47
Peloeinar,  /join #mwdx23:47
Rubio_25macd: it there anyway to make upstart behave like classical init and make it boot everything in series, not in parallel?23:47
macdRubio_25, you can use the old init system, I seem to recall reading howto rollback23:47
Pelomarkus_,  yes gparted is available on the live cd ,   in menu > system > admin > gnome partition editor,23:47
bulmernooga_-> its your ppp settings, config that has to be right,  negotiation of ppp link has to be done before any dns or firewall23:48
Pelomarkus_,  you can also download a gparted live cd stand alone23:48
achtungi just burned a blank CD with gutsy gibbon23:48
achtungand im about to install uibuntu23:48
achtungon my pc23:48
macdRubio_25, since its still in the repos23:48
Peloachtung, congradulations23:48
trembyPelo: will sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop set gnome as the default desktop?23:48
achtungbut im weary23:48
Pelo!enter | achtung23:48
ubotuachtung: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:48
Centaur5bulmer: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47892/23:48
TroX3rhow do i update from 6,10 LTS to 7,10?23:48
erUSULRubio_25: unless you modified /etc/init.d/rc (changing CONCURENCY) it will be serialized23:48
Pelotremby, not quite,  but you can select which desktop to use from the login screen and by default it logs into the last desktop used23:49
achtungok sorry  Anyways, I read a few months back that ubuntu was killing some laptops hard drives23:49
MrMagooHi, I need some help to recover my ubuntu server users and passwords23:49
achtungis that still a problem?23:49
trembyPelo: thanks23:49
erUSULTroX3r: in stages 6.10-->7.04-->7.1023:49
achtungi dont want to destroy my hard drive23:49
erUSUL!upgrade | TroX3r23:49
ubotuTroX3r: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:49
PirateHeadI'm having trouble similar to the people in this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=440142 | My dmesg | tail is here: http://pastebin.com/d7bd7a6b423:49
Peloachtung, the problem was much over stated, and mostly fudd23:49
MrMagooI cant login23:49
Rubio_25erUSUL, i didnt modify anything, but it boots in parallel23:49
narothepharohhow do i get pics from my camera computer is not reading it at all23:49
erUSULTroX3r: btw 6.06 is LTS not 6.1023:49
achtungyou give me your word?23:49
achtungI have a desktop pc23:50
achtungnot a laptop23:50
TroX3rerUSUL yeh,noticed now:P soz:p23:50
Peloachtung,  at best it might have reduced your hdd's life by 1% assuming you were constantly re-writing on it23:50
Jordan_Uachtung, It's more complicated than that, the problem is / was actually with bad defaults set by your manufacturer, windows ignores manufacturer / BIOS settings, Ubuntu does not23:50
achtungthats the only thing keeping me from using xp23:50
achtungubuntu i mean23:50
Rubio_25macd... ok... just a "constructive" comment... i'm really disappointed on ubuntu server. I fought a lot in my enterprise to convince everyone on using ubuntu (in oposition to debian)... but after some months dealing with ubuntu... im starting to think that debian was a better choice... i think that ubuntu has a great way to go in the server arena (in the desktop is just the best one for me)23:50
jacobthis is my third time i experienced a crash in my system, the laptop was completely frozen, i had deluge downloading a file and music on it for a long time for about 6 hours, is this a reason for linux to crash?23:51
Peloachtung, use ubuntu in all confidence23:51
nooga_bulmer: to be honest, i configured ppp using ubudsl, sort of one-click installer for various dsl networks23:51
nooga_bulmer: and it worked till now23:51
achtungdid that problem occur with laptop hds only?23:51
bulmerCentaur5-> jsut for kicks, what if you comment out those rules lines 28-36  and test ?23:51
achtungor with desktop hds too23:51
macdRubio_25, I tend to roll my own for servers, "debootstrap" is your friend.23:51
Pelojacob, it shouldn't be the cause of a crash23:51
Peloachtung, only on laptops23:51
achtunghow come?23:51
jacobi think that deluge took up too much memory23:51
Jordan_Uachtung, But even if it's not Ubuntu's "fault" it may still be a problem for you23:51
PirateHeadAbout every second, I get a message saying that /dev/hdc is not ready for a command. Pastebin is here: http://pastebin.com/d7bd7a6b4 Can anybody help?23:51
jacobPelo, can it be the kernel?23:51
kingzarHey Jordan_U i'm back with the things you asked23:51
Peloachtung, laptop settings to save power23:51
bulmernooga_-> am not familiar with those one click stuff, you can i guess open up the script and see how the ppp is set up?23:52
jacobPelo, my LED light was not on for the wireless23:52
achtungjordan, how might it still be a problem for me?23:52
Rubio_25macd, what is debootstrap?23:52
Pelojacob, system crashing can be a lot of things,   6hrs download by a torrent client is not realy one of them23:52
MrMagooplease help i cant access even with root23:52
nooga_bulmer: ok23:52
macdRubio_25, in a nutshell you can install a very base system install and just put what you want, while using apt still.23:52
Jordan_Uachtung, If your manufacturer set bad settings in the hardware, but as Pelo noted this only really effects laptops23:53
Pelojacob,  I would look eslewhere for the cause,  I can't diagnose a crash reason like that , and I wouldnT' venture23:53
jacobPelo, do you suspect any solutions? cause it's like the third time it happened for me. even after a fresh installed system23:53
bulmerjacob common for my system to lock and freese if i/o errors occurs specially on my ethernet or wifi link..23:53
hypetechHow can I see what nvidia driver version I'm using in ubuntu?23:53
Centaur5bulmer: That didn't make a difference.23:53
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Pelojacob,  what are you doing before the comp crashes ?23:53
Pelobesides the torrents23:53
kingzarlook at this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47893/ <-- my network problem23:53
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bulmerCentaur you did verify that those are the only rules you removed?23:53
achtungah ok23:53
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hypetechHow can I see what nvidia driver version I'm using in ubuntu?23:53
achtungThen ill install it23:53
achtungsince I have a desktop23:54
Pelojacob,  read what bulmer said, he's more knowledgable then I wam23:54
bulmerCentaur5 you did verify that those are the only rules you removed?23:54
achtungone more question,23:54
Jordan_Ukingzar, Where is the pastebin of the output?23:54
jacobPelo, well the first time i had a fresh new install and when i installed the wireless driver, it could have been the cause23:54
achtungif in the unlikely event that ubuntu crashes, what do i do?23:54
achtungi cant ctrl-alt-del my way out23:54
jacobPelo, fresh install of ubuntu23:54
achtunglike in windows23:54
Centaur5bulmer: yes, the port forwarding of 45000 and also blocking internal access on the external device23:54
macdachtung, alt+crtl+sys req23:54
macdor is it just crtl + sys req23:54
BSG75tune2fs -j -i 0 /dev/md0 .. is that proper syntax to turn ext3 back on?23:54
achtungwhich ones the sys req key?23:54
macdI never remember23:54
bulmerPelo you're giving me too much credit..am not good at all.. :)23:54
macdachtung, the print scrn button23:55
mustafa_Hi, i'm facing problems with ubuntu on youtube while i'm watching youtube movies i can not hear voice from my usb headset23:55
Pelojacob, like bulmer  mentionned the wifi driver is a possibility, I would check in the forum for info on this maybe there is a solution,  I know far less on this then bulmer does , and he seems to know diddly squat about it23:55
achtungi cant reset the computer since that would uncleanly mount the system23:55
BSG75hey Pelo :)23:55
Pelohello BSG7523:55
Jordan_Uachtung, There are many ways, first thing I would do is try to ssh in, if that fails then use sysrq23:56
macdachtung, that doesnt reset it23:56
thompahi, im trying to get intel 4965 wireless to work. I can see its installed but its not coming up in nwm23:56
Peloachtung,  if you keep stating yor problems like that no one will answer you,  one problem, one line,  not 523:56
phyzachtung, or try ctrl-alt-f2 to get a console login23:56
achtungok pelo, sorry23:56
Jordan_Ukingzar, Where is the pastebin of the output from "sudo dhclient eth0"??23:56
phyzachtung, or try ctrl-alt-backspace if you're still in x23:56
bulmerCentaur5-> you removed lines 28 to 36 right? so you dont need that NATing of port 45000 ?23:56
achtungok thanks phyz!!23:56
Jordan_Ukingzar, Didn't mean for the two '?'s :)23:57
SpeakerManiaWhere do I get libmp3lame.so.0?23:57
cleveris it posible to get compiz working on an ati card?23:57
Centaur5bulmer: Correct, I commented them out and ran my script then tried going to those sites.23:57
BSG75I took my raid0 internal TB drive turned it into linear .. and I mdadm --grow my usb TB drive .. but I had to turn my md0 to ext2 (journaling off)  now I am trying to turn it on .. any idea on the tune2fs syntax23:57
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pgHi - when I resume from a suspend, my eth0 connection does not come up automatically.  Even invoking dhclient does not work until I remove my network driver module and insert it again.  Can I fix this somewhat?23:57
PeloSpeakerMania,  compling an app from source ?23:57
tomchukthompa: Gutsy kernel is patched with iwlwifi which is the latest driver for the 4965, works fine on my thinkpad23:57
cleverSpeakerMania: probly from liblame0 or one of the nearby packages23:57
macdachtung, just so you know crtl+alt+backspace just restarts the GUI. the sysreq key will in many cases drop you to a shell23:57
PeloSpeakerMania,  open synaptic and search for libmp3lame23:57
SpeakerManiaPelo, I need it to export MP3 from Audacity. :)23:57
bulmerCentaur5-> perhaps you can have this sequence, flush your rules and then rerun your script?23:57
SpeakerManiaPelo, ah. I always forget I have Synaptic. :p23:58
PeloSpeakerMania,  same answer,  just installing lame packages in general in your case23:58
bulmerCentaur5-> perhaps you can have this sequence, flush your rules and then rerun your script that had lines 28-36 removed23:58
kingzarJordan_U what did you mean23:58
evilmmi hate lenovo23:58
achtungthats the first thing they should tell to linux newbies like me.  Im used to ctrl-alt-deling my way out of a crash23:58
silent_hi, I'm getting this error when I try to enable the compiz appearance stuff... The Composite extension is not available23:59
IndyGunFreakevilmm: why?23:59
evilmmi actually had to get shitty with them on the phone23:59
silent_am I missing some packages or something?23:59
Centaur5bulmer: Correct me if I'm mistaken but doesn't the script run iptables -F to flush before it proceeds with the rules?23:59
TroXe1what was the url to the upgrade notes ?:)23:59
SpeakerManiaPelo, ah Synaptic couldn't find it... I did find the src.rpm online. How do I use that?23:59
Pelosilent_,  ask in #compiz-fusion23:59
jacobPelo, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.17/+bug/71487 could this be it?23:59
IndyGunFreakevilmm: what was the problem?23:59

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