
beunoif I cancel a reconcile in the middle and start it back again, will it "resume" it?   I've got a ~1gb repo, and it's been 4hs+ already00:03
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spivbeuno: no, it won't really resume.00:18
beunoit's going to be painful to upgrade all my branches...00:19
spivbeuno: any knits that have already been rewritten won't need to be rewritten again, so it'll be fractionally quicker, but most of the time is spent calculating whether or not it needs to do that.00:19
spivbeuno: what version of bzr?00:19
beunospiv, 1.0rc100:19
spivHmm, that's as good as it gets atm :(00:20
Peng(You should still upgrade to rc3 though.)00:20
beunoPeng, right, it's just the latest .deb I found for feisty00:20
spivThere should be an rc3 deb later today.00:21
jmlhow come bzr puts files named actual_file_name.~1~ in my working tree?00:22
LeoNerdThat's from 'revert'00:22
beunowill try again with rc3 then00:22
LeoNerdI find them useful; since you can them vimdiff it back into the real file00:22
spivjml: see also "bzr help revert" ;)00:23
spivbeuno: yeah, rc3 won't be any quicker for reconcile I think, but we still fixed a few bugs :)00:23
jmlspiv: well, I had to be told it was from 'revert' before I could look up the help.00:24
spivjml: I winked for a reason00:24
spivjml: And you mean you don't memorise the help text of a command before running it? ;)00:24
beunospiv, thanks anyway  :D00:25
spivThere's some work from jam that should land in bzr.dev soon that might speed up reconcile a bit as a side-effect.00:27
beunogreat, if packs are going to be default, having reconcile take 10hs on a core 2 duo is going to be a pain00:28
beunoI have ~100 branches at this point, plus the ones from each user to upgrade00:32
beunoand many are >1gb00:32
ubotuNew bug: #175764 in bzr "Improve bug tracker integration documentation" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17576401:36
ubotuNew bug: #175771 in bzr-eclipse ""Widget is disposed" error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17577101:51
spivOk, I can do "bzr log -r bzr+http://localhost/code/foo" now, even though the server maps /code to a completely different path locally.  (And even with a shared repo at /code)01:54
spivSo bug 124089 will soon be fixed in bzr.dev.  Finally.01:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 124089 in bzr "wsgi smart server chrooting does not manage additional paths" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12408901:55
abentleyspiv: Any thoughts on ParentsProvider.get_parent_map?02:12
spivabentley: I haven't thought much about it02:14
lifelessabentley: FWIW I think get_parent_map is better than get_parents.02:14
spivabentley: Although I like how the ParentsProvider API at the moment is a single method.02:14
spivIt makes the contract dead simple to describe and implement.02:15
lifelessspiv: so change it all over - still a single method ;). e.g. a base class that implements get_parents in terms of get_parent_map which is abstract.02:15
abentleyMy concern is about what happens when parents can't be found for a revision.02:15
spivlifeless: right, that's where I was heading :)02:15
abentleyThat's rare enough that I think people won't consider it or design for it.02:15
spivlifeless: or just do without get_parents entirely, perhaps...02:15
lifelessabentley: that's handled in john's proposal by having no entry for that revision02:15
spivlifeless: (like I say, I haven't thought much about it)02:16
abentleylifeless: Right.  Which is a silent failure.02:16
spivI think having no entry in the returned map is fine.02:16
spivI don't think it's particularly surprising.02:16
abentleySo people will be oblivious that it happened.02:16
lifelessso there are two sides; producer and consumer02:16
lifelesson the producer side it's obvious whne it happens, you have to catch an exception.02:17
lifelesson the consumer side, the current api you have to zip your input to the output.02:17
lifelessabentley: I'd be happy with key:None to represent missing keys02:17
abentleyI'm not arguing for my current API.02:17
spivI'm not sure it's a "failure", exactly.02:17
lifelessabentley: I don't think it's *needed*, but it will make foo.iteritems() behave badly if the consumer isn't ready to handle ghosts02:18
spivlifeless: using "zip" on two sequences of a different length is a silent failure, though...02:18
lifelessspiv: the current api returns len(inputs) always02:18
abentleyI'm just trying to design the best API for getting dicts of parents.02:18
lifelessspiv: and in fact the current api supports [foo, foo, foo]02:18
lifelessabentley: sure; this is my 2c. We can either aim for KeyError, or for a key that is some illegal value.02:19
lifelessabentley: and I don't object to either; or prefer either. I do prefer a dict as a return value though, because IO constraints mean that we really can't lookup in a specific order easily and efficiently anyhow.02:19
spivlifeless: right, I'm just thinking out loud about potential risks in possible APIs.02:19
lifelessI will say that revid:None is *slightly* harder to implement down at the GraphIndex lever.02:20
abentleyKeyError from get_parent_map or from using the returned dict?02:20
lifelessabentley: from the returned dict02:20
lifeless(having a key with value None is slightly harder to implement because you have to track more closely what keys were missing in the graph index logic, so you don't replace a valid entry with None when delegating to a concrete index)02:21
lifelessanyhow, either is sufficiently nicer than a list that I'll leave it up to you to decide :)(02:21
* spiv -> lunch02:22
jkakarI'm writing a simple plugin, to get a feel for Bazaar.  'bzr touch FILE [FILE ...]' will touch and 'bzr add' the files in the list.02:55
jkakarI want to do this with TDD so I'm looking at tests in bzrlib.  Should I be using bzrlib.tests.TestCaseInTempDir and then creating branches and such to test the functionality of the plugin?02:55
jkakarAh, thanks.02:56
lifelessor possibly ExternalBase; if you are only writing a command ExternalBase is probably what you want02:56
lifelesslook at bzrlib.tests.blackbox02:57
jkakarCool, thanks.02:57
igcpoolie: patch for better bug tracker doc send to the ML now03:26
* igc lunch03:27
jmlhey guys. looks like there's a strange thinko in CommitBuilder.finish_inventory03:28
jmlAssertionError doesn't take 'stacklevel' as a keyword argument ;)03:29
abadger1999I have a question on smart server operation.03:40
abadger1999If the server is running in read-only mode does it still have to create a lock file or is there some way to run it with a user that is unable to write to the repository?03:41
lifelessread only operations do not take out disk locks03:56
lifelessfor branches and or repositories03:56
abadger1999lifeless: Ah.  Thanks, I think I misdiagnosed my problem.03:58
abadger1999Looks like I'm running into bug #12903003:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 129030 in bzr "Bzr inetd smart server requires write access on the user's home directory" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12903003:58
pooliehm, the index in the doc.b.o site seems to be broken04:17
igcpoolie: which url? it's working for me I think04:19
pooliemaybe my browser is just grossly confused, this is very strange04:20
poolieigc, what do you see at http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/user-guide/index.html04:22
fullermdIt's preaching at me about annotate...04:23
igcpoolie: I see a bad UG generated by an out-of-date bzr.dev04:23
pooliei'll log in to escudero and check it out04:24
igcthe bzr.dev doc was last generated on the 7th04:24
pooliebtw are you able to log in to escudero now?04:24
igcI'm pretty sure I can04:24
pooliewow, what is it with my cron job there? :-/04:24
igcif you look in latest instead of bzr.dev, you get good docs04:24
pooliebtw i was just asking about escudero to check the IS job was done04:35
poolieyou don't have to login now04:35
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igcpoolie: mbp added as an owner for bzr in pypi now05:24
pooliewhen you say the bad user guide is caused by an out of date bzr.dev05:24
pooliedo you mean there used to be a bug that caused this but you fixed it??05:25
poolieoh, i think i realized what it is: there are not enough makefile dependencies, so the docs did not always rebulid05:34
igcpoolie: yes, there was a bug in the Makefile and I fixed it05:35
igcpoolie: in bzr.dev, 3097 introduced the bug and 3098 fixed it05:36
pooliegood for you :)05:36
pooliei made it always clean the directory first05:37
pooliearguably we should actually check out to a new directory05:37
pooliethen it'll be even less likely to get wedged...05:37
igcI checked the rc3 build last night and you correctly took across both05:37
poolieok, that looks good now05:38
pooliethanks for checking05:38
igcwell I was panicking a little that the whole uG would be broken for everyone so I *had* to check05:38
igcjust knowing how to annotate doesn't quite do it :-)05:39
igcpoolie, jml: can someone review my bug tracker doc patch? I'll like to get it through soon so we don't miss it05:41
pooliei'll do that next05:41
jmligc: ok05:41
jmligc: but I don't count as a reviewer :)05:41
igcjml: I'd like your input on the Bazaar-with-Launchpad tutorial as well, though I'm not so concerned about whether that makes it into 1.0 or not - no rush on it05:44
jmligc: you misspell "Launchpad" in the line above the "Making corrections" heading in the user guide05:46
jml(grep for "Lauchpad")05:46
igcyikes :-(05:46
jmligc: apart from that I very much approve of the changes.05:47
igcjml: thanks05:47
jmligc: for reviewing your bzr with LP tutorial, what's the easiest way for me to get it and generate it into something a bit more readable?05:49
jmligc: (rather than blue monotyped text with '+' at the start of each line)05:49
igcjml: hmm, one moment05:49
igcjml: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ianc/doc/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_lp.html05:52
jmligc: I'm doing reviews all of tomorrow, I'll use my spare time to review that doc.05:57
jml(it looks good enough that it's worth spending a fair bit of time on)05:57
hacklberrypre-commit hooks are not implemented yet (if ever) in bzr, is that right? (i m using 0.92.0))06:07
thumperhacklberry: I think there are06:18
thumperhacklberry: but I don't know where or how06:18
thumperpoolie, spiv: pre-commit hooks?06:18
spivhacklberry: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-guide/index.html#using-hooks06:31
spivhacklberry: also, http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-reference/hooks.html06:32
hacklberrythanks, i m going to read it06:34
spivhacklberry: but it may depend on what you mean by "pre-commit" hook.  What we have today is something individual users can set up, but maybe you're looking for a hook that always runs before a change can be made to a particular central repository/branch?06:34
hacklberrywell i know this may sound a bit braindamaged, but i m trying to update a version number on my little C project, I need "keyword expansion ($Revision$)" or to register a hook that would run on every ci (something like: bzr version-info | sed -n '/^revno: \(.*\)/s//\1/p')06:37
spivYou're not the first person to want keyword expansion :)06:43
spivWe'd like to support it directly, but it's pretty low on the todo list at the moment.06:44
spivhacklberry: (http://bazaar-vcs.org/KeywordExpansion is a brief wiki page with a few of our thoughts on the topic and a link to some mailing list discussion)06:53
hacklberryspiv: thanks, i read that06:55
igcnight all07:49
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zerokmorning :)09:39
Riddelljelmer: how do I branch svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/multimedia/amarok/ ?11:11
Riddellit just says "not a valid Subversion branch path"11:14
Riddellbut I don't want the whole KDE repository11:15
alwynHi everyone11:25
alwynI'm getting bug 153749 on my system.  bzr status gives MemoryError.  Anyone know how I can create a new clean branch including my uncommitted changes?11:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153749 in bzr "dirstate C helper MemoryError on bad dirstate file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15374911:26
alwynmust be my lucky day11:34
alwynmtaylor: Hi, I think I'm having a similar problem to what you discussed on this channel before.  Its about the MemoryErrors...11:35
mtayloralwyn: oh good11:36
fullermdalwyn: I think the usual trick is to make a new branch, then copy the dirstate file over.  You'll have to re-add any added files, but...11:36
mtayloralwyn: that's what I had to do11:36
mtayloralwyn: actually - I was able to branch from my b0rked branch11:36
mtaylorI think11:36
alwynok, so make new branch, copy dirstate file to new branch and manually copy all changed files...11:36
fullermdShould be able to.  branch doesn't need to fiddle with the WT, so a b0rked up dirstate file wouldn't affect it.11:37
alwynI could branch, but it doesn't have the uncommited data of course11:37
fullermdNono, other way around.11:37
fullermdCopy the new branch's dirstate file into your main branch.11:37
alwynlet me try that11:37
fullermdThen all your changes are still in place; it's just got a clean slate to compare them against, instead of a cranked up one.11:37
mtaylorand then just had to reapply outstanding patches11:38
alwyndumb question, where do I get the dirstate file?11:38
fullermd.bzr/branch/dirstate, I thin.11:38
datois it not .bzr/checkout/dirstate ?11:39
fullermdSomewhere in .bzr/branch/ at any rate.11:39
fullermdOh.  Dur.  That's what I mean.11:39
* fullermd pours another cup of coffee.11:39
alwynlooks like .bzr/checkokut/dirstate11:39
alwynsorry, could just have done a find11:39
alwynok, thanks a million!  Do you lose any information by doing this? history etc?11:40
fullermdThe only think you should lose would be info about files you might have 'add'd since the last commit.11:41
alwynok, thats fine11:42
alwynbtw. I also used the eclipse bzr plugin, maybe it has something to do with it...11:42
mtayloralwyn: I have had the problem without the eclipse bzr plugin11:49
kikohello there11:52
kikois this a reasonable project?11:53
ubotuNew bug: #175839 in bzr "`python setup.py bdist_rpm` fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17583911:55
zerokAny idea when the whole translation process ( https://blueprints.launchpad.net/bzr/+spec/i18n ) will be started?12:05
jamkiko: it is a genuine desire from Alexander Belchenko (bialix)12:45
kikojam, and is having the project the right way to address it? I'm fine with keeping it, just wanted to validte.12:49
jamwhat alternative would you propose?12:49
jamI think it is mostly focused on translating the tutorials, etc.12:50
jamI suppose we could move some of that into core bzr, but certainly the rest of us aren't qualified12:50
jamto evaluate Russian documentation12:50
kikono, I also think it's fine. it's just that if it's just a translation project it's better addressed somehow else, but this is the case where it's actual original content12:52
jamsure, if it was just doing i18n for bzr core, then it would be done through Translations/Rosetta12:53
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jelmerRiddell: try removing ~/.bazaar/subversion.conf13:16
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Riddelljelmer: that seems to help, thanks13:20
Riddellalthough it might take a while to branch all 747585 revisions13:21
luksRiddell: yep, my svn-cache sqlite database for the KDE SVN is ~2GB :)13:30
luks(I needed it for a project with about 400 revisions)13:30
Riddellluks: was that made with bzr-svn ?13:36
jelmerRiddell: it won't branch them all, will just fetch revision metadata13:42
jelmerRiddell: but the memory leak in the python subversion bindings may cause it to use a lot of memory13:42
jelmerbug 5425313:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 54253 in bzr-svn "Excessive memory usage in bzr-svn" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5425313:43
mtaylorjelmer: do the subversion folks know about the memory leak?13:43
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ubotuNew bug: #175886 in bzr "dumb http servers make packs perform very badly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17588614:55
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theSoftManHello all, does somebody try to make the mantis bug tracker integration with bzr ?15:51
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elmo+Depends: ${python:Depends}, bzr (>= 0.92~rc1), bzr (<< 0.93~), patch17:41
elmo^-- from http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/edgy/bzrtools_1.0.0-0bazaar1.diff.gz17:41
elmomakes the resulting binaries a little less than useful..17:41
datoI thought lifeless used sid packages as a start.17:42
datoelmo: anyway you could temporarily install sid's, if you're anxious ;)17:43
X0d_of_N0danyone using tortoisebzr?19:20
* X0d_of_N0d hates windows and how much it sucks.......19:21
X0d_of_N0dnm... I figured it out19:23
beunodoes the new pack format compress the repo?  the branches I've converted up to know don't get smaller20:23
vilabeuno: you  get far less files for now, more compression will come later20:28
beunovila, sounds about what's happening then, thanks  :D20:31
lifelessbeuno: be sure to remove the .bzr.backup though :)20:47
lifelessbeuno: or be doing du on .bzr only :)20:47
beunolifeless, yeap yeap, removing .bzr.backup every time20:48
beunojust had the idea in my head packs compressed data20:48
beuno(and the pack commands actually says it does)20:48
beunoso I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something20:48
beunonow, I just have to get a benchmark in place to compare kints <> packs performance, and find a way to reconcile those 1gb+ repos without them taking ~10hs20:49
beuno100+ branches of all kinds of shapes and sizes are waiting to be upgraded and compared  :D20:50
lifelessbeuno: future editions will approximately 1/2 the current storage size21:00
lifelessbeuno: and packs do compress data; so do knits :)21:00
beunolifeless, sounds promising. And, on the "already compressing bit", you know, you spoil us, so we tend to give some things for granted  :p21:01
beunoany ideas on the reconcile bit?21:01
beuno10hs for 1gb branch doesn't seem like a fair tradeoff21:02
lifelessbeuno: where you reconciling it in knit or pack form?21:02
lifelessbeuno: is it 1gb because of iso's, or just many many files and many many commits ?21:02
beunolifeless, knit, so I can upgrade to pack21:02
beunolifeless, big files mainly (~50mb)21:03
beunoI don't think it has more than 100 commits21:03
lifelessbeuno: try this (in a copy) - upgrade, reconcile.21:03
lifelessit may be a tad faster21:03
lifelessalso make sure you have the C extensions.21:03
beunoI installed from .deb, so I assume that should be taken care of, right?21:04
beuno(trying right now, didn't know I could reconcile after upgrade, thought it was a pre-requisite)21:04
lifelessbeuno: it should be yes.21:06
lifelessbeuno: it used to be a pre-req, until we got a native reconcile for packs (reconcile is right down low-level, it is hard to reuse across formats)21:07
datoso, if it's not a prerequisite, what happens if you don't reconcile after upgrading?21:07
datolifeless: also, NEWS.Debian recommends `bzr reconcile && bzr upgrade`. should I change that in anyway for 1.0, or maybe retroactively edit for 1.1?21:08
lifelesswhen you push it may error21:08
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lifelessor when you branch21:08
lifelessthats if the 'check for missing parents' patch has gone in,I haven't been following recently.21:08
datooh, right :)21:08
lifelessif that patch hasn't landed, then it will silently discard your data21:09
* beuno is upgrading21:10
jelmer'evening dato, lifeless21:14
lifelesshi jelmer21:16
datohey jelmer21:16
beunoupgrades, reconciling21:16
beuno(seems a trillion times faster)21:16
beunoyeap, took < 1 minute21:17
beunovs ~10 hours estimated21:17
beunoyou rock lifeless   :D21:17
beunothat should be documented somewhere21:18
* beuno runs out for a while21:18
datolifeless: I don't seem able to find the patch in the list21:19
datoif the speedup is as great as beuno says, we should really change NEWS.Debian21:19
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lifelessdato: pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com-20071201001053-zi6k6s2817c1p97s21:41
igcmorning all21:43
datolifeless: thanks a lot. since it is in 1.0, I'll recommend upgrade & reconcile instead of reconcile & upgrade21:44
toedI've checked out some code from a remote location, changed a few things, and commited, but how do I send my changes back to said original location?23:11
jmltoed: 'bzr push'23:11
jmltoed: or 'bzr push <remote_location>'23:12
toedit says 'ERROR: No push location known or specified.', but it does have the url when I do bzr info (under the heading related branches, parent branch)23:12
radixtoed: if you actually used "bzr checkout", then the changes should've been automatically pushed back when you committed. Is that what you did?23:13
toedI'm not entirely certain if it was, it's been a while23:13
seb_kuzminskytoed: copy & paste the output of 'bzr info'23:15
bombcarWhen one user does a remote sftp commit of the project, other users cannot remotely checkout the project (or update) via sftp - it gives an error 13 permission denied. I can solve the problem by doing a chgrp -hR bzr ProjectDir (bzr being a group that all are members of). The error is usually in a file in the knits directory being owned by user with group user (default group for Ubuntu is the user's group). Is this normal?23:19
seb_kuzminskytoed: try "bzr push <url-to-parent-branch>"23:20
toedseb_kuzminsky: alright, thnaks23:24
seb_kuzminskytoed: good!  also, try "bzr push --remember <url-to-parent>" and it will remember, then you can just say "bzr push" in the future23:33
lifelessbombcar: there is a bug open on this about openssh's sftpo server msking out setgid23:48
bombcarI found that one (50568) and I'm trying the workarounds.23:49

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