
=== uga is now known as uga|away
stdinRiddell: kdebase-kde4 isn't installed with -runtime or -workspace, so that needs to be added to the installed packages on the announcement00:57
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* echughes is back.02:57
=== cheguevara is now known as CheGuevara
HobbseeScottK: ubuntu and kubuntu membership are teh same.03:20
ScottKHobbsee: Oh.03:20
HobbseeScottK: the CC would appreciate if people interested in kubuntu memberships got done by the kubuntu council.03:20
Hobbseeyou'll find one's a team of the other03:20
ScottKWas that always true?03:21
ScottKOK.  I learn something new every day.03:22
HobbseeScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntumembers/+members03:23
Hobbseehas kubuntu-members as a team member.03:23
ScottKRight and the other way around too.03:24
Hobbseei didn't see the other way around03:26
Hobbseewhich may mean my searching is crap - or that it's not there.03:29
Hobbseein effect, they're all members of u/k/e-members03:29
* nosrednaekim whispers "x"03:30
ScottKThat and I could be on crack.  Now that I look again, that seems more likely.03:30
Hobbseenosrednaekim: do they have xubuntu members?03:30
HobbseeScottK: hah :)03:30
nosrednaekimHobbsee: no clue... ;) but you ahd all the other letters in there ;)03:32
HobbseeRiddell: you may want to fix the file conflicts in kdepimlibs, instead of me giving this one back03:32
HobbseeOTOH, i could just fix it03:33
Hobbseebugger.  i marked the dupes the wrong way aorund03:34
* Hobbsee wonders where that's even supposed to go03:38
Hobbseeactually, looking at this, Riddell needs to fix a whole bunch of file conflicts03:44
ScottKHobbsee's making list, she's checking it twice ....03:47
* Hobbsee gets the daily phonecall from $work03:49
lnxkdeI want to remove kde3, well allmost all of it and leave kde4 and be able to use amarok...03:54
lnxkdeand use kde4 rc203:54
Hobbseejust wait03:56
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: KDE 4 transition in process, some deps are broken | Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | Two days to merge! http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Developer Meeting Wednesday 12th Dec. at 23:00 UTC | Tutorial Day on Thursday 13th https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay
Hobbseenow people can read the topic, and stop telling us the same things over and over.03:56
CheGuevarahal still needs to be fixed right03:57
Hobbseehal should be fixed, i thought04:04
Hobbseeit has built now04:04
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buz_kde4yeah, kwin_composite is working09:36
buz_kde4it seems to fail if you dont run it on the first X session09:36
buzlets see how well kwin_composite runs in a kde3 session :P09:57
buzbetter than compiz from the looks of it09:58
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buzthis works surprisingly well, actually10:29
buzyou can even work with it :P10:29
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jussio1Riddell: Ping: do you have a md5sum for the kubuntu kde4 rc2 live cd? and if so, could you make it available? (I only ask as the .iso is hosted on your space)11:41
Riddelljussio1: can do, hang on11:42
jussio1Riddell: many thanks :D11:43
Riddelljussio1: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/cds/kubuntu-kde4-rc2.iso.md511:43
jussio1Riddell: I would appreciate it if you were able to pop it on the wiki : https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KDE4-RC211:44
jussio1Riddell: great!11:44
Riddelljussio1: it's a wiki, edit :)11:45
jussio1Riddell: ok... hehe... wrote that before you posted... lol :P11:45
HobbseeRiddell: were you planning to fix some of the file overwrites in kdepimlibs before getting the whole lot rebuilt?11:48
RiddellHobbsee: nope, but feel free to11:50
Hobbseei don't know where the files are supposed to go.  i was thinking of doing it earlier11:50
RiddellHobbsee: are there duplicated files?11:52
jussio1Riddell: done :D11:52
jussio1and thank you.11:52
HobbseeRiddell: yes11:52
Hobbseewell, where duplicated files == file overwrites.11:52
RiddellHobbsee: I doubt that's the case, I have all the packages installed fine11:53
HobbseeRiddell: 3 people have filed busg already.11:53
Riddelloverlapping with older versions I'd expect11:53
CheGuevarathere's a complaignt on dot.kde11:54
CheGuevaraUnpacking kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 (from .../kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4_4%3a3.97.0-1ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa2_all.deb) ...11:54
CheGuevaradpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4_4%3a3.97.0-1ubuntu3~gutsy1~ppa2_all.deb (--unpack):11:54
CheGuevaratrying to overwrite `/usr/bin/kwriteconfig', which is also in package kdebase-bin11:54
RiddellCheGuevara: they need to install the newer kdebase-bin11:54
CheGuevarayeah thats what stdin was saying11:55
CheGuevaraadd an apt-get upgrade in the guide to install rc211:55
Riddellhi Lure, did you see the kmilo patch? http://tvu.org.ru/kmilo.patch11:56
LureRiddell: no, I am in mess at work so doing overtime this week :-(11:57
LureRiddell: no time for kubuntu :-(11:57
Riddellnasty, good luck fixing that11:58
Hobbseemeeting later, too11:59
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mikkaelmay i ask: how is the progress on the libopenexr transistion ?12:38
buzam i stupid or does kwin_composite really not display FPS as a number?12:39
Riddellmikkael: what's still a problem for you?12:40
sebasI can't comment on your first question, the answer to the second is "it doesn't for me"12:40
mikkaelRiddell, yes, if i want some to install seom kde4 stuff then libopenexr2c2a nieeds to be installed (isnt at the moment). if i install 2c2a manually it want to remove a lot of my kde3 stuff12:42
mikkaellibopenexr2ldbl is installed. if i want to remove that it want to remove lot of things too12:42
Riddellmikkael: oh kde4 hasn't happened at all yet, it was waiting on hal to compile12:43
Riddellit'll be a while yet12:43
mikkaelso the whole kde4 is not working with hardy at the moment ?12:47
Riddellwe could ask Hobbsee to kindly raise the build score for kdepimlibs/4:3.97.0-1ubuntu312:50
mikkaeltoo stupid that i upgraded to hardy just for earlier kde4 packages, glorious idea :)12:51
buzmay kwin_composite isnt as stable as i thought12:54
buzor maybe it's Xorg itself12:54
buzthinking of it, it probably is12:54
barcleyhi, I just tried to install KDE4 RC2 and kdebase-bin conflicts with kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4; is there some easy solution for this w/o deinstalling KDE3.5?12:58
* Hobbsee points to the topic12:58
ubotuIf you're having trouble installing KDE4, in a !Terminal run: « sudo apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg -l | grep "4:3.97.0" |awk '{print $2}') » then run « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » - After that install KDE4 as normal12:58
nosrednaekimahh wait...thought this was #kubuntu XD12:58
barcleyshould I try the command in #kubuntu? :-)12:59
nosrednaekimbarcley: well, you should ask support questions over there.13:00
barcleymhm, ok :-)13:00
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* Reydan slaps Reydan around a bit with a large trout13:32
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=== Peer is now known as Hobbsee
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stdinRiddell: I've noticed a slight issue with the kde4 wrapper scripts, they don't pass on any options to the command  it needs a '$@' after it15:29
Riddellshouldn't be too hard to add15:30
stdinand the konqueror link in the kmenu is broken "kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing-kde4"  should be "kfmclient-kde4 openProfile webbrowsing"15:31
stdinor maybe all the links in the kmenu with options, like the Find Files/Folders link "kfind %f-kde4"15:32
stdinyeah, all the ones that have options, it just adds -kde4 to the end which doesn't work with apps with options15:33
RiddellI'd noticed that one, needs some fancy sed15:33
reisidamn i just hurried home to be in time for tutorials day and it's tomorrow not today :D15:43
jpatrickah the excitement :)15:44
* jpatrick finally found something for the pkg-talk15:44
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CheGuevarastill a meeting today :P15:54
CheGuevarai miss my kde4 now :(15:55
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stdinRiddell: just changing "| sed 's/Exec=.*$$/&-kde4/' \" to "| sed 's/Exec=[a-z]*/&-kde4/' \" should work, I've tested it on a load of .desktop files16:12
Riddellstdin: great thanks16:15
Riddellstdin: debdiffs welcome :)16:16
stdinhold on, I'll whip one up :)16:16
Riddellwell it's more than 1, it's needed for all the KDE modules16:17
Riddellalthough it would be fairly each to do it in batch using for loops16:20
stdinyou want the diffs versioned for hardy right?16:23
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=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Essope
Riddellstdin: yes16:30
stdinRiddell: http://stdin.me.uk/diffs/17:54
Riddellstdin: genius!17:55
stdintook a while, I forgot to add the hardy deb-src so it got them from the ppa 1st time round :p17:57
Riddellstdin: there's a few missing though17:58
stdinyeah, and I need to redo kdemultimedia...17:59
stdinhaving the flu is starting to effect me  a bit17:59
Riddellkdeaccessibility-kde4 kdeadmin-kde4 kdeartwork-kde4 kdesdk-kde4 kdetoys-kde4 kdeutils-kde4 kdewebdev-kde417:59
Tm_Twhen we did have meeting? or did it go already18:03
RiddellTm_T: 5 hours18:04
Tm_Taah, thanks18:04
mendredhi are there amd64 packages for kde4 RC 2 for gutsy?18:09
Riddellmendred: sure18:09
RiddellTm_T: no agenda items though18:09
manchickenAnybody seen Tonio_?18:10
mendredRiddell : cool :)...is it the same as mentioned here ? http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php18:10
Riddellmendred: yes18:10
mendredthank u :)18:11
Tm_TRiddell: no broblems, still interested to be there if there is any action, big or not18:11
* Tm_T hates fuzzy days and strong medication18:11
stdinRiddell: that reminds me, you still need to mention that they need to do an upgrade before installing the kde4 packages (to get the new kdebase)18:12
mendredstdin: i need to do a apt-get upgrade before installing kde4 ?18:13
mendredfrom the new repos?18:14
stdinmendred: yep, otherwise you'll get some overwrite errors18:14
mendredalright thanks :)18:14
stdinRiddell: and the rest of the debdiffs should be up now18:20
Riddellstdin: able to do extragear-plasma too?18:31
Riddellthat should be the lot of them18:31
stdinshouldn't be a problem18:31
mhbmeeting today?18:33
stdinin about 4.5 hours18:34
stdinRiddell: nothing to be done for extragear-plasma18:35
Riddellstdin: hmm18:42
Riddelloh aye, no apps in it18:42
stdinyep :)18:42
Riddellstdin: ok, great, thanks for that, should boost your launchpad karma up a bit once I upload :)18:42
stdinheh, it's been dropping a bit recently18:44
stdinshame LP doens't count PPAs :p18:44
Artemis_Fowlhi. I would like my application to get the contents of a file, that only the root user may access, using the KDE4 libs. which lib should I use?19:03
stdinArtemis_Fowl: #kde4-devel is a better place to ask19:07
Artemis_FowliKnow. But there I got no answer....19:08
yuriywhat meeting? and why does it start at the same time as my exam19:11
mhbit's going to be quite boring today unless we add topics19:13
mhbso let's add! :o)19:14
CheGuevarago on then :P19:22
mhblater, criticising kickoff now.19:23
alleemhb: where?19:23
mhbwhy do all the developers keep informing the users that Kickoff is the way to go and it really, really is better?19:23
* allee looks for entaining lurking19:23
mhballee: one of aseigo's post, I'm fed up with the convincing (see above)19:23
alleemhb: my kids had no problem with kickoff (whatever that's worth)19:24
fdovingit is annoying, but it works. :)19:30
mhbI'd be happy with it if it were 95.19:30
fdovingi rarely use menus. so i don't really care.19:31
alleethere were times were much thought was spend on how the hierachy of info looks like in the web.  Today I don't care about hierarchy. I'm happy with a handful of 'most wanted' and a good search.  I'm still not really used to kickoff, but it resembles my web habits much more that kmenu19:31
fdovingkerry-search or alt-f2 is what i use.19:31
mhbfor me, it is easy to click where I don't want to.19:32
mhbI'm also happy with a spotlight-like application search.19:33
mhbI don't need a menu at all.19:33
mhblike that.19:34
mhbexcept katapult is dead because of the KDE4 devs :o)19:34
fdovingalt+f2 in kde4 is nice.19:36
mhbsome aseigo's alt+f2 dialog should replace it, shouldn't it?19:36
jpatrickhmm, I might intergate it19:36
mhbso I've heard they're going to freeze all bugreports for KDE3.19:39
mhbwhat a splendid idea, except maybe they don't even have KDE4 ready, parts like KDE4-PIM won't even be available with KDE4.019:41
mhbit's more like KDE4.-1 to me.19:42
stdinhmm, I thought there was probably going to be a kde 3.5.919:42
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ScottKMaybe the distros that have to actually support KDE 3 for some time will come together and work something out.20:25
ryanakcaRiddell: ping, did you get my /msg from last night?20:35
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sandsmarkis there any updated icecream packages available somewhere?21:14
nixternal1.2-3 in Hardy21:15
sandsmarkI just need it on my gutsy-server21:15
nixternal!info icecream21:15
ubotuicecream: Radio stream download utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-1 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 84 kB21:15
nixternalis that the same icecream you are looking for? or21:16
nixternalheh, that's what I thought21:17
sandsmarknixternal: no, I want the distcc-on-steroids icecream;)21:17
nixternal!info icecc21:17
ubotuicecc: distributed compiler (client and server). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-2 (gutsy), package size 291 kB, installed size 1040 kB21:18
nixternalman, that threw me for a loop for a second21:18
nixternalinteresting how we have a release newer than what is in the suse ftp21:18
sandsmarkthe power of communities?21:18
nixternalI guess21:18
nixternalyou forgot the b21:19
guaquaam i the only one with trouble launching kde4 rc2 desktop?21:19
nixternalI haven't tried it...what error(s) are you getting?21:20
guaquawhen i try to choose the desktop at kdm, the screen goes black for a sec and the login menu comes back21:20
guaquaerr...when i choose kde4, login -> goes black -> login again21:21
gribeluis it just me or does hardy crash lately.. it keeps freezing when the system is under load and i show/hide yakuake quickly, or i use the volume control OSD repeatedly21:21
nixternalgribelu: same here...well it isn't freezing, but it is slow as all hell21:21
gribelunixternal: mine freezes.. ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work, but apps keep working in the background, or i think so cause music keeps playing21:22
nixternalsomething is obviously leaking, but I haven't pinpointed it yet...because after a reboot, it runs fine, and then after a while just slows down21:22
gribeluhard reset is my only escape21:22
guaquai've had similar issues with gutsy21:22
guaquathough it's been totally locking21:22
guaquai.e. nothing works21:22
gribelusame here.. only the mouse cursor works, and music plays happily21:23
gribeluhad to reset twice today21:23
guaquamy problem is probably something to do with hardware drivers since there seems to be no log trace of what happens when the system freezes21:24
gribelui've been using the same nvidia driver since it was released.. and everything else21:25
gribelubut lately it's been crashing21:25
gribelui'm guessing some recent update to xorg or whatever21:25
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ryanakcaguaqua: what does ~/.xsession-errors tell you?21:56
guaquaurgh, sorry. my bad for not checking it out before21:57
* ryanakca shrugs :)22:00
ryanakcafixed it?22:01
guaquaa sex22:01
guaqua/usr/lib/kde4/bin/startkde: line 82: /home/gua/.kde4/share/config/startupconfig: No such file or directory22:04
guaquai'd go with rm -rf ~/.kde422:07
guaquabut what does that file contain?22:07
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ryanakcaguaqua: no clue, google for it, maybe try getting the file from packages.ubuntu.com/ ?22:15
guaquawhat does yours have?22:15
guaquahow do i modify the items in kdm?22:30
Riddellguaqua: #kubuntu22:32
=== ScottK2 is now known as ScottK
mhbmeeting in ten?22:48
Tm_Tin ten minutes22:48
Riddellnixternal: ping, meeting22:59
Riddellkwwii: ping, meeting22:59
kwwiiRiddell: right23:00
Riddellkwwii: don't worry, it has an empty agenda :)23:00
lnxkdehey, I installed kde4 and in order to get a full session I had to follow the rc1 steps ( editing the startkde and so on23:04
lnxkdei sthat normal?23:04
lnxkdeor is that part of the broken?23:05
Riddelllnxkde: a fix has been uploaded23:05
lnxkdeRiddell: ok :D nice donwloading the updates to unistall all and re install it :) RIddell btw if I want to remove kde3 desktop and leave on ly the libs to run amarok and use KDE4rc223:07
lnxkdewhat shoudl I do..? apt-get remove kicker kdesktop bla bla?23:08
lnxkdeor its there a easy way?23:08
Tm_TRiddell: I assume I can't apply for membership now?23:11
RiddellTm_T: sure23:13
Tm_Tthen :))23:13
stdinTm_T: quick add yourself to the agenda :)23:13
Tm_TI can't23:14
stdinhow come?23:14
Tm_TI have wiki allergy and shakes going23:14
* Tm_T hates drugs23:14
* stdin hates wikis23:14
cheguevaraRiddell, whats the ETA of kde4 on kubuntu (didn't wanna ask in meeting, 'cause of membership discussion)23:16
Riddellcheguevara: of rc 2?23:16
cheguevarayeah, sorry23:17
Riddellwell it's in gutsy PPA, for hardy we just need to wait for the buildds to get round to building it23:17
cheguevaracool, thx23:18
claydohis there a general bug triaging guideline/how-to out there?23:25
* claydoh feels he needs some hand holding, even tho he hates the thought of it23:28
cheguevaracome to tutorial day tomorow :)23:29
claydohthat I can't do, working my 12 hour day at the restaurant :(23:30
nosrednaekimclaydoh: take a look at the logs23:30
claydohtho I may catch some at the end, depending on how long it lasts for23:30
cheguevarawork at restaraunt tomorow as well actually lol23:30
claydohnosrednaekim: I will do thats for sure23:31
claydohwell, I say restaurant, but i really mean my Wendy's :)23:31
claydohsome may argue the tru 'restaurant' moniker23:33
Riddellardchoille: I don't know about cloacks, you probably need to ask someone on the irc council23:36
Riddellhobbsee is as I remember23:36
Riddellor as stdin says23:36
stdinit needs need a staffer to actually set it23:37
Riddellkwwii: enjoy America23:38
steveireWhere is the qtdemo app in kubuntu? I can't find it with apt-cache23:40
kwwiiRiddell: thanks, can't wait to see my mom and spend the next couple of weeks not having to invite people over, clean up, etc :-)23:40
steveireDo I have to compile qt myself to get it?23:42
stdinsteveire: I think it's in qt4-doc23:43
Tm_Tstdin: btw should I join our kde4 team?23:43
cheguevarahmm i forgot what was the URL to view kubuntu only bugs23:43
cheguevaradon't want to help them with damn gnome :P23:44
stdinTm_T: if you plan on helping ;) but iirc it's an invite only team23:44
cheguevarais that the one23:44
Tm_Tstdin: that's exactly my plan23:44
Tm_Tstdin: is upstream counted as help23:44
stdinhmm, I guess23:45
Tm_Tsure if I can help with package issues, even better23:46
stdinwell that's pretty much all it's used for23:46
stdinexcept for the 2 people that assigned bugs it to23:46
steveirestdin: I don't seem to get an executable by getting qt4-doc23:46
Tm_Twell I meant not only making packages buildable, but packages polished23:46
steveirealso the qtdoc command opens konq on qt3 documentation.23:47
Tm_Tstdin: ok, invite me if needed23:47
Tm_Tstdin: otherwise, poke me when I can help, you know :)23:47
stdinTm_T: I can't, I'm not an admin23:48
stdinpoke Riddell or Hobbsee23:48
Tm_Twell you got my point anyway23:49
Tm_Tmore like, invite me if that is needed, it's not for me anyway23:49
stdinI'm sure you can help with the KDE 4.0 release23:49
Tm_Tmembership I mean, it's for Kubuntu :)23:49
cheguevaradoes anyone use kubuntu-grub-splashimages23:50
Tm_Tcheguevara: I did use, not anymore I believe23:50
cheguevarado u know if this bug 77493 still exists23:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 77493 in kubuntu-grub-splashimages "grub menu.lst bootprefix parameter not working" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7749323:50
Tm_Tnope, sorry23:51
stdinsteveire: it's in /usr/share/doc/qt4-doc/qt4-demos.tar.gz (you compile it)23:51
stdincheguevara: not sure, but /boot works23:52
steveirestdin: Oh right. That's not so convenient.23:53
cheguevarajust installed23:54
cheguevaraso i guess its fine23:54
stdinnot if your prefix is /some/strange/path, but if it's /boot then it's shorter :)23:54
cheguevarathe bug reporter says "The simple way to fix the problem is to replace '${BOOTPREFIX}' with '/boot':"23:55
cheguevaraso he's is /boot anyway23:55
stdinsteveire: it doesn't take too long to compile/install it as I remember23:55
cheguevarabut closed, someone will re-open it if it still happenes :P23:55

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