
jjmivwhat's alpha one?00:01
jjmivoh, for teh next ubuntu version00:01
jjmivevil_tech: see topic00:01
evil_techi should have known that00:01
evil_techim helping test it00:02
evil_techits been one of them days00:02
jjmivwhere do you get teh test images?00:04
evil_techthe link in the MOTD00:04
jjmivwhat's the PASTES for?00:05
jjmivfound the ISOs00:06
PumpernickelThe pastebin provides a way to share large error logs without flooding the channel.00:08
jjmivcool coo00:09
jjmivthat is a smart idea00:10
jjmivis there a test ubuntu-server iso?00:11
jjmivcan't find it00:12
jjmivTHANKs EVIL TECH!00:23
jjmivhow long have you used xubuntu?00:27
evil_techsince warty00:28
evil_tech5.04 i think00:28
evil_techthats a long time00:29
jjmivyeah, wow00:30
jjmivwarty was 4.10900:30
jjmivarg..stupid pinky finger00:31
evil_tech3 years00:36
evil_techalmost 400:36
evil_techand i'm still der uber-n00b00:36
jjmivha, you can install Ubuntu on the PS3.....nerd00:37
evil_techhmm Brasero keeps accessing drives when you tell it to close after successful burn00:54
jjmivbrasero is...?01:06
soldatscd burning application01:09
jjmivthat's what i figured01:12
marchGood night ;)01:16
marchIt's 2:16 A.M. where I live :) CU01:16
Rafabeis there anyone here who is very knowledgeable in linux troubleshooting, particularly issues with X and drivers?01:18
soldatsha i saw your post on ubuntu and i was trying to think of how to solve it01:18
soldatsim not so sure though01:18
Rafabei think i'm going to have to format and reinstall. is there a "system restore" feature I could use in the future?01:19
soldatsi dont think so01:20
soldatsthats more of a windoze thing01:20
soldatsa reinstall should take bout 30 minutes01:20
seisenwhat kind of problem is it?01:21
Rafabeseisen: (pasted)  X will no longer boot after I changed drivers from the proprietary ATI to the open one. Reconfiguring xorg.conf (either directly or by running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg) did not work01:21
seisenthat is weird01:22
seisendo you have a backup xorg.conf file01:23
RafabeI had a low resolution, so I enabled the restricted ATI driver. It allowed me to use high resolutions. Then due to a bug in KDE and the proprietary driver (basically, the whole OS crashes if I try to switch users/start new X session), I switched back to Open driver...and X won't boot01:23
seiseni see01:23
RafabeI did, and I tried replacing it with one from 2 days ago...no luck01:23
Rafabeis the setting for which driver to use reall in xorg.conf?01:23
Rafabeevil: I installed Xubuntu, then downloaded the KDE Desktop package yesterday01:24
Rafabewhat would happen if I reinstalled over this, without formatting?01:25
Rafabewould I keep all my personal files/downloaded packages?01:26
CatoptromancyI would make backups on unreplaceable stuff01:27
evil_techand use a different login name01:27
Catoptromancybut if you dont format. it will probably save them01:27
Catoptromancyresintalling OS just installs stuff to root01:27
Catoptromancyso your /home should be untouched01:27
Catoptromancybackups are a good idea anyway01:28
seisenwhen you reinstall create a seperate /home partition01:29
Rafabethanks for the help01:30
evil_techwish you could put /home on a seperate drive01:40
Rafabeit's OK, I'll use a different username01:41
Rafabei have one last idea...how can I install fglrx from the console? What apt command do I need to send?01:42
Rafabemaybe by installing it, it'll implement its own settings01:42
seisendo you mean downloading with apt-get01:43
evil_techsudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-fglrx?01:44
Rafabethank you01:44
evil_techi dont know if that is right01:44
evil_techjust a best gues01:45
seisenthat is correct evil_tech01:45
evil_techit works01:45
Rafabesays "couldn't find package xserver-xorg-fglrx"01:46
seisenyou need to enable the restricted repositories01:47
seisenthen it it will work01:47
Rafabehow can I do this from the console? I already had that checked in the Ubuntu control panel, when I still had X.01:48
seisenduh I see what is wrong the correct name is xorg-driver-fglrx sorry for that mistake I'm tired01:50
Rafabethanks, works now01:50
Rafabei thought it was weird that I couldn't google  "couldn't find package xserver-xorg-fglrx"01:50
Rafabedidn't work. Oh well, time to format. Thanks for taking the time to help me, guys. Have a good evening.01:53
Rafabeerr, not format, I meant reinstall over the current install :P01:53
evil_techwhy not just restore the backup xorg.conf01:54
evil_techoh he left01:58
evil_techneed my eyes checked01:58
jjmivEW, cpu too old for this kernel03:06
jjmivcan you install a different kernel with the alternate install CD?03:11
somerville32Why is your cpu too old for the kernel?03:11
somerville32And are you running Xubuntu right now?03:11
somerville32You can install another kernel while running and then reboot into it03:12
jjmivi installed ubuntu-server Handy 8.0403:13
somerville32You might try #ubuntu-server for support than?03:14
somerville32And Hardy is unsupported as it is unreleased03:14
somerville32see #ubuntu+103:14
jjmivmy plan was to do some testing, install xorg after i finished install..then install xfce03:15
jjmivwell...i'll check it out then...03:17
neur1if I have a dual boot, and I reformat the partitions to add xubuntu will it find the other os's?03:18
somerville32neur1, depends on how you do it03:19
neur1example . . .03:20
somerville32neur1, I'm afraid I need you to explain exactly what you're doing for me to answer.03:20
somerville32Reformatting a partition doesn't do anything but reformat a partition. I assume you're going to do something after that03:20
somerville32What you do after that might auto-configure grub03:20
neur1I have a dual boot intact but need to have a partition (new) for xubuntu03:21
jjmivthat makes no sense...sine i have a p4 3.203:21
somerville32neur1, Well, when you install Xubuntu, you'll want to repartition. The install should auto-detect the other OSes03:22
somerville32jjmiv, hmm?03:22
neur1o.k.it will see the others and grub will do the work?03:23
somerville32neur1, it should, yes03:23
somerville32!grub | neur103:23
ubotuneur1: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:23
jjmivsomerville32: not sure why it said "cpu too old for this kernel" when i have a P4 3.203:24
jjmiveh...wait a sec03:24
neur1thanks is this process succesful most of the time lol . . . or should I just keep two os's at a time03:26
somerville32neur1, why would it not work? Just another item on the grub boot menu :)03:27
neur1and I can add a home partition too03:28
jjmivgg, later guys03:28
neur1is there a opacity setting for the top and bottom panels?03:32
neur1opps never mind sorry03:32
neur1thanks guys see you later03:49
mynymli'm trying to burn an iso image with xfburn and as soon as i click burn it gives me a 100% complete result window..05:40
mynymlanyone's got any idea of why it thinks the job is done?05:41
mynymlso apperantly xfburn doesnt do ISO.... o.0 ...05:44
neur1is there an xubuntu forum?06:09
soldatsdont believe so usually everything in the ubuntu forum should work fine06:13
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gerrohello everyone06:47
RobinReborndoes anybody know why ubuntu 7.10 gives me a unix prompt and says "no resume image" when I update?08:17
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:16
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions09:17
whykingI want to install eclipse 3.3, but in the repos is only eclipse 3.2, whats the best way to handle that? use debian packages?10:18
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benpiccoHi, how to add aplications to the menu bar?11:19
TheSheepbenpicco: right-click and select 'add new item'11:20
benpicconothing happens if i do this in the Applications menue11:21
TheSheepbenpicco: ah, settings->menu editor11:21
TheSheepbenpicco: that's not a bar11:21
benpiccowell, i'd like to add something to e.g. education or Games - i can't find something like this in the menu editor11:22
TheSheepbenpicco: just create such a submenu, they will be "merged" then11:24
benpiccook, thx11:24
TheSheepbenpicco: make sure you add the submenu above the include11:24
bart1105good evening, i just installed xubuntu gutsy on my laptop and now my boot up time is much slower11:26
TheSheepbenpicco: do you have printer?11:28
benpiccoTheSheep, erm not here but at home11:29
TheSheepbenpicco: sorry11:29
TheSheepbenpicco: wrong nick :)11:29
TheSheepbart1105: fo you have printer? if not, you can disable cups, it will make it a little faster11:29
TheSheepbart1105: in system->services11:30
bart1105thesheep: thanx11:33
bart1105thesheep: how long does it take for your login screen to be available? it takes around 3 to 4 mins for me11:35
TheSheepbart1105: that's *much* too long!11:35
TheSheepbart1105: is it eveyry time?11:35
TheSheepbart1105: because it will check the disks once in a while, and then it can take long11:35
bart1105thesheep: yes... i used the xubuntu desktop disc, i'm updating it now... hopefully it will be resolved11:37
TheSheepbart1105: livecd is much slower too11:37
bart1105thesheep: but i installed it on my system already? should i download the alternate and install again?\11:38
TheSheepbart1105: no11:39
TheSheepbart1105: they install exactly the same thing11:39
bart1105thesheep: is there a way i can get the boot up to become verbose so i can see what's slowing it down?11:42
TheSheepbart1105: yes, edit as root the file /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove the 'quiet' and 'splash' options from your menu entry11:46
bart1105thesheep: how do i edit as root??11:47
TheSheepbart1105: open terminal and type 'sudo mousepad /boot/grub/menu.lst'11:48
bart1105thesheep: ok, thanx11:49
bart1105thesheep: to install openoffice i just type 'sudo apt-get install openoffice.org' ?12:12
TheSheepbart1105: better just use synaptic12:15
bart1105thesheep: ok\12:15
student002hello, I really need help getting the correct drivers..how can I test if it's working fine or not?13:39
student002like how can I check if I have the right ones13:39
TheSheepstudent002: if it works, they are right13:42
student002TheSheep, what about 3d accelleration13:42
student002see I'm having this problem with wine and no one in #winehq knows13:42
Norgurknows what?13:43
student002No one there knows how to solve the problem..they're only suggestion is that my 3d accel isn't working13:43
student002<student002> hello, whenever I try to run wine..it creates a .wine folder in my home folder named something like .winZ82YIU13:43
student002<student002> or something13:43
student002<student002> and jams up my computer13:43
student002that's my problem with wine13:43
Proteushey, does anyone else have really weird problems with abiword? Like words randomly being deleted, disappeared, or changed as you type?13:50
ProteusI'm trying to type a term paper and then wtf.13:50
ProteusI've tried reinstalling and all that with no luck.13:51
bart1105TheSheep: thank you.. it boots up fine now. should i install the restricted drivers?13:52
TheSheepbart1105: depends whether you want to use them13:54
TheSheepbart1105: what graphics card do you have?13:54
nopcodeProteus: use latex13:55
TheSheepnopcode: that's not really helpful13:56
jusama14TheSheep, I'm back13:56
jusama14I'm the guy with the wine problem13:56
nopcodeTheSheep: neither is WYSIWYG ;P13:56
Proteusok, seriously13:57
ProteusI'm not using a rock and chisel13:57
ProteusI need grammar correction and pretty buttons13:57
nopcodei bet emacs does that13:57
Proteusyeah, it probably does13:57
TheSheepnopcode: that's irrelevant, abiword should work13:57
jusama14how can I check if my 3d accel is working?13:58
nopcodebut tex is the right way to do it13:58
TheSheepProteus: maybe you could look if the bug has been reported and if not, report it?13:58
TheSheepjusama14: try running glgears13:58
jusama14glxgears right?13:58
TheSheepnopcode: I know that, you know that, so what13:58
nopcodeTheSheep: so well, abiword is irrelevant13:59
ProteusI guess I'm not the only one with the problem13:59
TheSheepnopcode: it's included in xubuntu, so it's supported, if you can't help, don't troll13:59
bart1105TheSheep: it's an Ati 200m chipset14:00
jusama14back..my computer jammed when I typed in glxgears14:01
jusama14I had to force restart14:01
TheSheepjusama14: what graphics card do you have?14:01
jusama14some onboard via14:01
TheSheepbart1105: if you plan on using 3d acceleration, restricted drivers might be helpful14:01
jusama1401:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter (rev 01)14:01
bart1105ok.. thanx14:02
TheSheepjusama14: S314:02
jusama14s3? yeah what does that mean?14:02
TheSheepjusama14: I don't know if it has 3d acceleration and whether it's supported under linux14:02
TheSheepjusama14: S3 is the name of the company that produced this graphics card14:02
jusama14TheSheep, I know in the previous versions of xubuntu I had this same problem and it took me a while with someone on here to get it working14:03
TheSheepjusama14: maybe look at the forums, it might be documented14:03
jusama14on this very same computer...glxgears used to work14:03
jusama14dang computer froze again14:07
jusama14TheSheep, this guy has the same card as mine: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43959014:08
jusama14he has it working14:09
jusama14can anyone help?14:22
bart1105does anyone have an hp dv series laptop?14:46
bart1105does anyone have an hp dv6000 series laptop?14:49
EmofHow do i disable the automatically launching of Totem when I insert an audio cd (I don't want any program to launch)15:32
TheSheepEmof: in thunar go to edit->settings->advanced->configure volume manager15:36
ablomen_TheSheep, heh he left already ;)15:38
TheSheepcome back, I want to help you15:40
garuhhhhi! i need help installing my TNT2 M64 driver...downloaded the driverfrom nvidia, am having problems with precompiled kernel15:46
TheSheepgaruhhh: just install the driver from the ubntu trepositories15:46
garuhhhTheSheep: thanks..my problem is my pc is not directly connected to theinternet15:47
TheSheepgaruhhh: synaptic has an option to generate a script that you can run on another computer to download packages15:48
TheSheepgaruhhh: or you can download them manually from packages.ubuntu.com15:48
garuhhhTheSheep: oh? reallly?! didn't know that!how?15:48
TheSheepgaruhhh: it's in the menu15:48
garuhhhTheSheep: hmmm...i'll check it later at home.. anyway, i'll drop by the ubuntu site now..15:49
TheSheepI'm not entirely sure, but I though that the cd includes the restricted drivers now15:50
garuhhhTheSheep: what are restricted drivers?15:50
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:52
buliocan I install xubuntu on top of normal Ubuntu?16:28
thomas__bulio yes, run the command: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop16:29
buliook, thanks16:29
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mrmondayWhat's the command to run the XFCE settings manager?16:56
Catoptromancyxfce + tab16:58
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liddanI just installed xubuntu and I am unable to watch flash content in firefox. Even though flashplugin-nonfree is installed. Firefox does not seem to detect the plugin. Tried reinstalling firefox and the plugin without success. Firefox detects the open source plugin if I install it. But that plugin seems unable to handle any of the flash content properly. How can I get firefox to detect the plugin?17:20
seisenhow did you install flash?17:24
liddan"apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" also tried through synaptic and using firefox own install program17:28
seisenmake sure that its installing because I had problems about a week ago with not installing at the end17:29
liddanHmm, is there a way to check if it is properly installed?17:32
seisenwhat I had to do was manually install the package from the adobe website17:33
liddanHmm, seems the installer does not support 64-bit.17:39
seisenthats why its not working17:39
seisen let me find the link to help you17:40
liddanI will try that, thanks alot!17:42
liddanI should have payed more attention: "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz" "The Flash plugin is NOT installed." For some reason it is marked as installed.17:45
stone[no]the .deb expects ver 9.0.48, adobe has changed it to 9.0.11517:46
seisenI ran into the same problem17:46
stone[no]I've got ver 9.0.48. I still have a copy in my cache if your interested.17:48
liddanIt is marked as Bug #173890. I guess they are working on it. Thanks stone.17:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389017:51
krzysz00Is there a Xubuntu screen magnifier?17:54
krzysz00Is Xubuntu 8.04 stable?17:54
eldonzI've tried to install xubuntu on a 586 mini-PC but get "No installable kernel was found". Any suggestions?18:34
elbingwtf "mini-PC"?18:37
elbingif it's i586 generic kernel should work18:37
eldonzAn SiS 586 compatible processor with 128 MB RAM and 2 GB CF card18:37
TheSheepwhat's sis 586?18:37
eldonzThe alternate CD seems to work fine18:37
eldonzSis made the processor18:38
psychparted just crashed when creating/formating new partitions18:38
elbinghuh I don't know if kernel still support cyrix and sis, but alternate cd should help you18:38
psychand installer disappeared18:38
psychi got 3 non-working partitions18:39
evil_techi would imagine that it should work fine as long as they are x86 procesors18:39
elbingpsych: what kind of hdd has your machine? sata ide?18:39
eldonzIs there a way to tell the installer to use a generic processor kernel?18:39
psych160gb ide18:39
elbinghas it "ide emulation" in BIOS?18:40
elbingsome HP series has troubles with it18:40
psychits an old toshiba celeron 1ghz18:40
elbingis there any other os in hdd?18:41
psychit was an empty hdd18:41
psychright from store18:41
psychelbing, would help if i create all those partitions before run the installer?18:43
elbingI thought that, but I thought you don't want make it too :p18:46
elbingyes I would try that way18:46
elbingor leaving to installer parting itself with no hand18:46
psychi just installed windows18:47
psychwhen X starts18:47
psychi get a black screen18:47
psychso i need to use my old xorg.conf (gentoo box)18:47
elbingintel, ati?18:47
psychand after that, 'episode'18:48
elbingtry i810 with 1024x76818:48
psychi cant run x18:48
elbingas driver, of course18:48
psychhow i can change18:48
elbingI've got an i845G running in that mode18:48
psychi thought about use vga=normal18:48
psychat boot18:49
elbingwell ctrl-alt-F1 and vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:49
elbingat boot?18:49
psychbut sometimes18:49
psychx crashes everything18:49
psychconsole and etc18:49
elbinghumm don't care about boot, when you change intel driver to i810 boot will be normal18:50
psychso i cant ctrl+alt18:50
psychframebuffer worked fine18:50
elbinghumm... vesa18:50
elbingboot in single user mode18:50
elbingyou can edit xorg and try vesa18:50
psychi would like to have a non-x installer18:50
elbingor i810 directly18:50
psychbut i havent a cdrw18:50
psychi810 was what i used18:51
elbingyah, xD I hope opensolaris support my sound card soon too xD18:51
psychbut with aiglx18:51
elbingI've got compiz qith that chip18:51
psychi ran beryl for couple weeks18:51
elbingberyl is out of support18:51
psychi ran it when it was :)18:51
elbingberyl worked for me well with i845G18:52
psychcompiz than beryl than compiz18:52
psychthats weird18:52
psychxorg can share 64mb of my ram18:52
psychbios, only 8mb18:53
elbingin any case, compiz script must be edited with a card with less than 64MB18:55
elbingso, with that ram you are very patient18:55
psychive 512ram18:55
psychbut the video card is poor :)18:55
elbingvery patient... in these days half GB is not great yet18:56
elbingbut to play doom with an opengl port very nice :p18:56
psychi was playing medal of honor18:56
psychwindoze :)18:56
psychallied assault18:56
elbingoh my favourite game18:56
elbingthere is a port in iccubus.org18:57
elbingyou just need the CD's18:57
elbingabout other games from ID Software you just need *.pk3 files (quake4 is nice in linux too)18:57
neur1anyone know where to find the conky file?19:24
neur1the file so I can customise it19:36
evil_techwell you can type locate conky in a terminal and that will look for it19:40
evil_techor you could do ls / | grep conky19:40
neur1in the terminal?19:43
neur1 this exact command? = / | grep conky19:46
neur1i get : / : is a directory19:47
evil_techjust a sec19:47
evil_techno the command is: ls / | grep conky19:48
neur1what charecter is that before s?19:53
evil_techan l19:54
evil_techbasic command line commands man basic command line commands (say that 5 times fast :P )19:55
evil_techls, grep, locate, find, mkdir, rm, cp, mv, touch19:56
evil_techyou should google those. all very handy commands for basic file management from a terminal19:58
aladdinsaneI know im not the only one with this problem, but how do i get my Ati Radeon 7200 to work at least half decently, right now im using the "radeon" driver in ubuntu and i have no problems at all with doing normal stuff, but as soon as a little 3d comes into play it goes slooooooow...help?20:42
stone[no]the free radeon driver does not supprt 3d, as far as I know20:43
stone[no]install the non-free20:43
aladdinsaneyes but as far as i know there isn't one20:45
aladdinsanei havent found one for Radeon 7200 anyway20:45
evil_technor is there one for the mobility radeon 7500 in my thinkpad20:46
aladdinsanethere is one for Radeon 9XXX and above though20:46
stone[no]how about those released by ATI?20:46
aladdinsaneevil_tech: have you looked around?20:46
evil_technot yet20:47
aladdinsanestone[no]: there are no released by ati for linux, as far as i can see20:47
aladdinsanestone[no]: yep, been there done that20:49
aladdinsanestill no support for my 720020:49
stone[no]I don't any other option, sorry mate.20:50
stone[no]know any other*20:51
aladdinsanei dont think there is an official solution, but maybe someone out there has managed to get it to work in some magical way20:52
stone[no]don't buy ati in the future, their linux driver suppor stink... ;)20:53
Sulleannyone here ? :P20:56
Sullewhat program can i use to see ram usage etc that is on my desktop?20:56
evil_techfree -m20:57
evil_techfrom the terminal20:57
stone[no]aladdinsane: How 'bout xserver-xorg-radeonhd or xserver-xorg-radonhd-c?20:58
stone[no]Not sure if those will help20:58
aladdinsanestone[no]: i got a tip now to activate Direct Rendering, you know anything about that?21:00
stone[no]not much, all I know is that my old radoen card was a big hassle to get working on my gentoo box...21:02
stone[no]I think it has something to do woth memory access21:03
aladdinsaneok, yes after scanning the net for a solution i have realized that there might be no solutions..well, just have to keep away from 3d i guess..21:04
stone[no]Sometimes begin a linux user is a drag, 'cus your dependant on vendors to release drivers or som smart guy to make them...21:07
somerville32stone[no], Isn't it the same deal with Windows? :P21:41
evil_techthat is true21:42
stone[no]somerville32: Hmm, in 'indows there are allways drivers available, though they sometimes mess up the system ;)21:43
somerville32That is a fallacy21:44
stone[no]somerville32: explain please :)21:45
somerville32Especially when it comes to Vista21:45
somerville32There are a lot of devices that don't have drivers yet21:46
somerville32If you mean there are "generic drivers", linux has those too (ie. Vesa)21:46
stone[no]somerville32: I've no experience with vista, thankfully. With every hardware I've bought there has allways been an included windows driver. I see your point on vista, I've heard similar complaints.21:52
seisenWith Vista half the programs that work in XP don't even work in Vista21:54
thegeekerI just tried Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Xubuntu under Gutsy today.21:58
thegeekerBravo to the xubuntu guys!21:58
ahillsbei am having problems with sdb22:00
thegeekerXubuntu with Clearlooks theme is better-looking than anything I could come up with in Gnome and KDE22:01
ahillsbecan someone help with sdb read/mount problems22:07
ahillsbei cannot mount or view files in my sdb hdd22:11
seisenwhat format is sdb22:16
seisendo you have ntfs-3g installed22:23
bart1105good morning22:42
evil_techfor me22:43
ja-barrit's getting later in the afternoon22:45
* ja-barr = playing with a new wireless card22:45
bart1105good day then...22:57
bart1105it's around 7 am here22:58
march0:06 here ;)23:06
bart1105i'm a noob to linux, how do i set it up so that i can share my folders and view shared folders on windows machines on the home network?23:29
somerville32!samba | bart110523:30
ubotubart1105: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT23:30
ahillsbeyes i have ntfs-3g installed, but it does not see sdb23:33
bart1105thanx. i'll try it23:33
daurnimatoraudio isn't working on my comp23:40
daurnimatorsays the device is unavailable or something23:40
daurnimatorskype was locking it23:44

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