
elmolifeless: did you see my whining earlier about the bzrtools edgy+ packaging being broken?00:06
elmodato: (and thanks for the suggestion of sid, I can fix it easily enough myself, I just want the bazaar-vcs.org repos to be installable :)00:07
elmolifeless: and/or is launchpad bugs an appropriate place for that kind of problem?00:07
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pooliespiv, does this error about "remote server did not return a token" mean anything to you?01:16
spivSounds like a locking issue?  Where did this occur?01:17
poolienew mail to the list01:18
poolieif it's not familiar off hand i'll check launchpad and file a bug01:18
spivNot familiar off-hand, no.01:19
spivI'd be interested in the -Dhpss log for that.01:20
ubotuNew bug: #176020 in bzr ""remote server did not return a token" assertion error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17602001:26
igcpoolie: re "Branch 6 options" in the User Guide, the intro text looks wrong02:28
igcI assume these options all apply to new formats and perhaps to dirstate as well, not just dirstate-tags02:29
igchow should I word that and can anyone suggest a better heading? I don't think "Banch 6" will mean much to most users02:30
abentleyigc: the branch 6 options do not apply to dirstate.  Branch 6 introduced tags.02:35
igcabentley: but doesn't dirstate support the 5 settings listed:02:37
abentleyThose were not part of the config file for branch format 5.02:37
abentleyThey were in separate files.02:38
abentleyAnd there was no strict equivalent for "bound" or "append_revisions_only".02:38
igcabentley: so should I just say "dirstate-tags or later" formats?02:39
abentleyActually, I guess push location was in use for format 5, but it was typically stored in locations.conf instead of branch.conf02:43
* igc lunch03:55
lifelessspiv: poolie_: that token bug - bet you its a knit local branch, pack remote branch, or some such.04:54
spivlifeless: hmm, interesting thought.04:59
lifelessnote - I haven't read the bt or anything05:04
lifelessjust a guess05:04
* spiv nods05:05
luislavenahello guys, anyone awake?06:11
PengI am, but I'm not very useful.06:20
patternwhat's the proper way to go about deleting a branch from a repository?06:20
lifelesspattern: rm -rf the branch06:24
patternthanks, lifeless06:25
Pengpattern: The revisions unique to that branch won't be removed, but it shouldn't be wasting enough space to be worried about.06:27
luislavenaPeng: me neither, just wanted to get some "best practices" recommendations of using bzr... being very annoyed by all the git mambo...06:27
poolie_reading the user guide patch06:28
Pengluislavena: Git mambo?06:28
luislavenaPeng: yeah, all the "fuzz" around the -powerful- git, but couldn't get the picture of the unique checkout/mirror and their use of branch/feature and switch...06:29
luislavenastill don't get it, and reading the user guide have a question :P06:29
PengI didn't understand any of the terms in that sentence, but I'm kind of overloaded right now.06:32
luislavenaPeng: no problem, I'm kind of tired too...06:32
PengI'm not tired, I'm overloaded.06:32
PengArgh, I'm about to explode.06:33
luislavenawhat the hell, I'll re-read the user guide for nth time and try to compare some of the functionality...06:33
luislavenaPeng: oh, sorry :|06:33
fullermdluislavena: If you have a question, just ask it   :)06:34
* fullermd wraps some duct tape around Peng for safety.06:35
luislavenawill be a best practice use a checkout to mirror a dev trunk?06:35
luislavenaI mean, I don't plan to work directly on it, but create my branch of it (feature-NN)06:35
* luislavena think bzr have so many options that is overwhelming06:36
fullermdYes, a checkout would work.  So would a branch that you just never commit in; the major difference would be whether you "update" or "pull" to keep it caught up.06:36
fullermd(at least, the checkout _should_ work.  There've been occasional hiccups in the past where checkout wanted to be able to write to the upstream for locking)06:36
luislavenafullermd: ok, then a branch on a treeless repo will do the trick.06:37
* fullermd nods.06:38
PengFWIW, I don't use checkouts. I don't see the point, and since they aren't bzr's main functionality, I don't expect them to work as well.06:38
Peng(I do occasionally use a lightweight checkout to save downloading the history, though.)06:38
luislavenaI see, thank you Peng06:39
luislavenaI'll try to get used to the workflow, being a svn guy for quite long :P06:40
fullermdI use checkouts with some regularity, especially for work (as opposed to personal) projects.  For all the uber-distributed disdain for it, the shared-branch workflow does very well if it fits what you're doing.06:40
luislavenafullermd: that's the problem, found something that 'fit' whatever I'm trying to do.06:40
luislavenacouldn't get a clear picture of the workflow that will fit better with my development.06:40
fullermdYeah, it can be tricky.  Once you digest it, though, the choice is great, since there's so many different problems that need different solutions.06:41
fullermdAnd even the same problem at different times.  bzr's been great for me at allowing that adaptability.06:41
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luislavenaPeng: thank you.06:42
luislavenafullermd: thank you too for your comments06:43
fullermdluislavena: Any time  :)06:44
luislavenaa last (for now) question:06:47
luislavenalets say I have one share repo and my "dev" branch on it, all locally.06:47
luislavenaI can push it remotely, but I need it to be inside another shared repo? or can stand by itself?06:48
spivluislavena: it can stand by itself.06:49
spivluislavena: if you have a shared repo on the remote side, pushing a new branch to that repo will automatically use that shared repo, but if there isn't it'll just make a standalone branhc.06:49
PengIt's a good idea to use a shared repo, though.06:49
fullermdIf you use 'push' to send it around, it will go into another repo, or by itself, whichever fits at the other end.06:49
fullermdYou can't, e.g., just tar it up and move it around though, unless it's standalone (or you tar and move the whole repo)06:50
luislavenaI didn't tried the remote stuff, being using bazaar quite some time (but not full due work) but didn't make pushing yet :-$06:51
spivluislavena: basically, push will work either way.  Just like locally, bzr can copy less data if there's a shared repo that already has some of the revisions you're pushing, though.06:52
luislavenathank you guys again, I'll try to find what fits best my workflow (trunk, production and staging with local features that will be merged on these 'stages')06:53
luislavenaspiv: if there is already data, push should only require to add the missing data, not remove and start all over, right? :|06:53
spivluislavena: right.06:56
Pengluislavena: But if you aren't using a shared repo, it will send all of the data again.06:57
spivPeng: well, if you push a new branch it will06:57
spivPeng: If you're just pushing new revisions to a branch you've already pushed, it won't.06:57
PengOh, right.06:58
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luislavenawhat if I "diverge" the branch and try to push it to the original branch location?07:06
luislavenanevermind, will try wtih some dummy data :D07:06
encompasshey guys, think I made a mistake... I canceled a push... and now I am getting this...07:36
encompassNo handlers could be found for logger "bzr"07:36
encompasswhen ever I try to push.  How can I fix this issue?07:36
encompassjust found the work around... it is a bug in both launchpad and bzr07:46
igcpoolie: can I merge the bug tracking doc changes? jml said they were ok with him07:57
AfCI just created a branch called 'hope', where I was hoping that a massive merge bringing in some changes from a different upstream project would work.08:03
AfCIt didn't08:03
AfCrm -r hope/08:03
AfCClearly, I have no hope.08:04
* igc dinner08:23
Riddellat 16:30 we have a half hour tutorial on bzr in #kubuntu-devel for https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay, if there's a knowledgeable bzr person who could hang around and answer the questions I don't know that would be good09:09
spivRiddell: That's UTC?09:10
Riddellspiv: yes09:11
Riddellpossibly not ideal for .au09:11
Riddellor that side of the world09:12
spivYeah.  There's likely to someone around at that time, though.09:13
mwhudsoni'll be around if you can't get somone more qualified09:23
mwhudsonjelmer or vila maybe?09:23
mrevellGood morning Bazaaros!09:26
jelmerRiddell,mwhudson: I just joined there as well09:43
jelmerhi Matt09:43
gsuvegsmart server run good ?11:13
gsuvegcan i use as production?11:16
gsuvegnow use this via simple ssh11:17
PengWhat do you mean?11:17
gsuvegnow bzr run not as smart-server11:19
PengWhat do you mean?11:19
gsuvegnevermind, sry, i need run11:19
gsuvegi read the website, thanks Peng11:27
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zerokhi :)11:47
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jelmerRiddell: just curious, what is the biggest issue with the KDE repository when using it with bzr-svn?12:25
jelmerRiddell: The memory usage when it's caching all revision metadata?12:25
luksjelmer, the memory usage makes is almost unusable12:37
luksjelmer, you have to restart it about every 1000 revisions, which gets boring for 700k revisions12:38
luks(and people who are not aware of the bug will be very surprised)12:38
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Riddelljelmer: yes, caching the metadata is just unworkable unfortunately13:04
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* quicksilver cries13:41
quicksilverwhy do so many blog postings about VCSes not even mention bzr?13:42
LeoNerdBecause people don't know it exists?13:42
LeoNerdSVN has all the limelight. And Git.13:42
LeoNerdGit was in news lots because of the bitkeeper/kernel stuff13:42
zerokand mercurial currently has some little hype thanks to opensolaris and openjdk. perhaps canonical should also do some little advertising ;)13:47
PengI wonder how I found bzr?13:49
PengThere were those Mozilla comparisons, but I think I knew about it before them.13:50
zeroki think i found it through some darcs-to-* comparison ...13:52
ricardokirknerhi there.. I am trying to migrate some svn project to bzr. I am working on a fedora core 7 machine, and I cannot get the bzr-svn plugin to work, due to the subversion bindings version mismatch... has anyone managed to get this working on a fedora core machine ?13:55
mwhudsonricardokirkner: my tongue-in-cheek answer for getting this working is installing ubuntu in a chroot/vmware/xen :)13:57
mwhudsonbut once upon a time i did manage to build the right version of the bindings on os x13:57
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jelmerluks, Riddell: Thanks for the feedback.14:12
jelmerI'll see if I can spend some time fixing that memory leak in the next couple of days.14:12
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jelmerricardokirkner: I'm not aware of anybody providing pre-built rpms of a patched subversion, but there is a link on the bzr-svn wiki page to a howto that explains how to patch subversion on fedora14:26
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DavieyHey, I'm having a problem with bzr-email.  i have a branch that i want a linux user group to be able to commit to (locally) - that works fine, but the bzr-email only seems to work if it's the owner15:19
jamDaviey: do you have a specific traceback we can see?15:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:20
jamubotu: paste15:20
Davieyjam: eek, i'm not sure where logs for bzr-email are kept15:20
jamDaviey: well, mostly I'm interested in seeing what you saw on the terminal15:21
jamEither that15:21
jamor you can give me the tail of ~/.bzr.log15:21
Daviey$ bzr commit15:21
Davieyadded test15:21
DavieyCommitted revision 1.15:21
Davieythats all on a working one15:21
jamDaviey: you may want to use paste.ubuntu-nl.org since it won't throttle you for a big message15:21
Davieyi will15:21
jamI'm also not sure what you mean by "only works if it is the owner".15:22
jamI'm not sure if you realize that each user needs to have bzr-email installed15:22
jamand configured15:22
Davieyyeah, i do15:22
Davieyjust my own user testing atm15:22
jamIt doesn't seem like the branch permissions should effect it, but I'm happy to help you debug what is going on15:22
Davieythats if i commit to a folder where i'm in the same group, and have rw perms15:25
Davieyhttp://pastebin.com/m7a54f32a and thats if i commit from a branch in ~ (hence i'm the owner)15:27
Davieyjam: ^15:27
jamDaviey: I don't see much of a difference there15:29
jam(only the revision_id and timestamps seem to change)15:29
Davieyjam: there isn't!  :( .. but the second works and the first doesn't15:29
jamDaviey: define "works" :)15:29
jamSends an email versus not sending an email?15:29
Davieyie, sends an email15:29
DavieyI'm guessing it still looks for $HOME/.bzr/ of current user, and not the group user?15:31
jamDaviey: Do you mean $HOME/.bazaar/bazaar.conf ?15:32
jamI'm sure we don't ever look in a group .bazaar15:32
jamConfig file is always per-user15:32
jamI don't think we have a "group config"15:32
jamYou could probably set things in the branch itself15:32
jamvia $BRANCH/.bzr/branch/branch.conf (for --dirstate-tags or newer branches)15:32
Davieyoww, i'll try that15:33
jamDaviey: is there even a normal way to say "give me the home directory for this group" ?15:36
jamYou could have all users override BZR_HOME15:36
jamto have it look in a different place for ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf (and locations.conf)15:36
jamBut then it wouldn't really be per-branch15:36
Daviey(only want one branch atm)15:37
DavieyCan post_commit_to & post_commit be in bazaar under default?  Or should the wildcard [*] be used in locations.conf?15:38
Davieyhmmf, doesn't work with $BRANCH/.bzr/branch/ either15:41
jamDaviey: I think you can put it in [DEFAULT], but only do that if you want all commits to send email15:49
jamI know I have some branches I consider "private"15:49
jamDaviey: what does "bzr info" give in the group branch?15:49
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jamI'm wondering if it is an older format that only uses ~/.bazaar/locations.conf15:50
jamBranch format 6 (and above) uses .bzr/branch/branch.conf15:51
jamalso ~/.bazaar/locations.conf takes precedence over .bzr/branch.conf just in case15:53
glyphHow does one install bzr plugins?16:00
glyphI have grabbed the push-and-update plugin's source, but there aren't any docs associated with it.16:00
Pengglyph: Drop it in bzrlib/plugins or ~/.bazaar/plugins.16:00
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Davieyjam: i'm using Bazaar (bzr) 0.15.0, but Gutsy package of bzr-email16:07
jamouch... that's an old Bazaar.16:07
jamI would recommend upgrading if possible16:07
jamSome known minor bugs with how it handles renames16:07
glyphand does anyone have a suggested replacement for transport.split_url?16:08
glyphI see it is a "@deprecated_function(zero_ninety)" but no suggestion of a replacement16:08
jamglyph: for what we need, I believe you can just grab items off of the transport itself16:09
jamglyph: if you are interested in updating push-and-update, I'm happy to merge any patches16:10
jamBy the way, it would be nice to change it to work as a post-push hook16:10
jamrather than a separate command16:10
glyphjam: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing16:10
jamSo it could install a branch hook16:10
jamand then if it sees that the URL is ssh/sft16:10
jamit could check if there is a remote working directory16:11
glyphjam: I don't think I understand the workings of bzr well enough to actually patch this though :)16:11
jamand then trigger the rest of the code16:11
jamglyph: ok, I'll take a few minutes and put something together16:11
glyphjam: <316:11
jamI wrote it originally, but just haven't really needed it since16:11
glyphjam: I don't really "need" it, but it makes an awesome demo16:12
glyphjam: I was just showing bzr to a guy I know who maintains a stereotypically absurd apache configuration16:12
PengWhy does diff need a working tree?16:12
glyph"bzr init" in /var/www kind of blew him away ;)16:12
jamPeng: it theoretically doesn't16:12
jamPeng: igc has a patch on the ML which gets rid of that16:12
glyphbut it would have been nice for "push" to just update the working tree on the server (since that's really his main use-case anyway)16:12
datothat reminds me my discussion with lifeless the other day about a possible `push -u`, and that I still have to mail the list16:14
Pengjam: Oh, cool.16:15
PengJust out of curiosity, why does it currently need one?16:15
jamI think it changes the basic flow of the command, but it means you don't need WT16:15
jamPeng: because it is a DWIM command, and it is complicated to get all of the edge cases working16:16
jamFor example, you can diff a working tree file that doesn't exist in the branch16:16
Pengjam: Oh, that makes sense.16:19
hexmodeCan anyone help with pqm?  Here's where I am currently: http://rafb.net/p/lSPpmX40.html16:21
ricardokirknerhi. I managed to branch from my svn repository to a bzr repository, but in order to do that, I had to create a repository with the dirstate-with-subtree format. My problem now is that I cannot make a branch from this last branch into a repository with another format, or even convert the repository format16:35
ricardokirknerany ideas on what I should try?16:35
datoricardokirkner: they are incompatible repository formats16:40
datoricardokirkner: my recommendation is that you keep your bzr-svn branches in a separate shared repository. why do you want to use an existing one, since they are separate projects, anyway?16:41
ricardokirknerdato: maybe what I am doing makes no sense.. what I want to do is to migrate a project completely to bzr.16:41
ricardokirknerfor that I branched from the svn repo16:42
datook, very well16:42
dato(what version of bzr do you have?)16:42
ricardokirknerbut then, since the repository format is not the default one (it requires dirstate-with-subtree format), I wanted to branch to another repository, in the new format16:42
ricardokirknerI am using bzr 0.9216:42
ricardokirkneris there a better way to do that?16:43
datoyou cannot go back from dirstate-with-subtree to dirstate16:43
datothat is, branches originally created with bzr-svn are not compatible with the default format16:43
datobut that should not be a very big problem, I think16:43
ricardokirknerbut if I want to stay in bzr from now on... that means I will have to stay frozen on that repository format forever?16:45
datobzr 1.0-rc1 introduces a couple new, non-experimental repository formats, rich-root and rich-root-pack, to which you can upgrade from dirstate-with-subtree16:46
datoany of those two is very safe to use16:46
dato(the upgrade maybe slow, though)16:46
xifdo centralized version control systems offer particular advantages to commercial companies?16:47
ricardokirknerso, what you are saying is.. I should stay with the current format -- dirstate with subtrees -- until bzr 1.0 is out, and then I will be able to upgrade the repository format.. correct?16:47
xifis it harder to keep your code closed / secret with a distributed VCS?16:47
Pengxif: Yes, but not inherently.16:48
xifPeng: what do you mean?16:48
datoricardokirkner: yeah. but if you don't upgrade, you'll make people with older bzrs able to branch. why do you seem so anxious to upgrade, though? :)16:48
Pengxif: Well, with a centralized VCS, it's still possible to extract the entire history and wind up with just as much information as with a DVCS.16:49
Pengxif: The DVCSes currently aren't really focused on commercial environment so they don't have as good access-control features.16:49
ricardokirknerbecause I think... (here I might be wrong) that new repository formats should be more efficiente (performance wise) and eventually, I will want to switch16:49
Pengricardokirkner: Well, the developers aren't trying to make new repo formats that are slower!16:49
* Peng notices the backlog and scratches that last line.16:50
xifPeng: so you claim CVCSes are more oriented for commercial / closed environments, so - incidentally to them being centralized - they're also a bit easier to protect than the DVCSes?16:50
PengHaven't packs been pushed much more rapidly than previous backwards-incompatible changes were?16:50
Pengxif: Well, I'm just talking about Subversion here.16:51
datoricardokirkner: there is always a way to upgrade to newer repository formats, for example in 0.92 you already have pack-0.92-subtree16:51
xifPeng: so SVN specifically has more evolved access-controls than most DVCSes?16:52
datoricardokirkner: and that upgrade is pretty straightforward. the full details of this story is that -subtree is an experimental format, and a new format was created a bit for bzr-svn use case, the rich-root one.16:52
ricardokirknerdato: ok... but currently there is no way to move the repository to the currently default format. actually that is no issue as long as the dirstate with trees format is efficiente enough16:53
Pengxif: I'm saying that svn has better access-control than the DVCSes I have experience with (bzr and hg), and that, while that is one thing that's being worked on, I've never seen commercial environments discussed.16:53
ricardokirknerdato: what would you recommend me to do?16:53
PengI crafted that sentence too carefully.16:53
datoricardokirkner: oh. maybe it would help for you to think that, given that 0.92's default format is "dirstate",  dirstate-with-subtree is actually an addition to it :)16:54
xifPeng: I see16:54
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xifPeng: I'm asking because I'm wondering why a certain company is using Subversion instead of bazaar / git / hg16:54
ricardokirkneroh... ok. :-$ I hadn't though of it that way16:55
xifthey have some very smart people there, many of the Python knowledgeable - people likely to prefer bazaar or hg16:55
datoricardokirkner: what to do, depends on how much concerned are you about having the latest and the greatest, and about maintaining compatibility with older bzrs for other people for branch from you.16:55
xifso I guess that the codebase being top-secret has something to do with it...16:55
Pengxif: Well, even if companies have some smart people, they're generally insane. :)16:55
xifPeng: nah, this company's ok, I think :-)16:56
Pengxif: When you have gigabytes of history, it sucks that DVCSes copy the whole thing to every developer's computer.16:56
xiftheir CEO / CTO is a former hacker.16:56
xifah, that might make sense as well16:56
xifPeng: what's the common solution for such a problem?16:56
jamxif: http://jam-bazaar.blogspot.com/2007/10/bazaar-vs-subversion.html16:57
xifI believe the Linux codebase has it, right16:57
Pengxif: Solution?16:57
xifPeng: certainly there are some projects - e.g. the Linux kernel project - requiring  said "gigabytes of history" while using a DVCS16:58
Pengxif: Meh.16:58
jamxif: Linus doesn't care if it hurts you, as long as it works for him16:58
Pengxif: 10+ GB seems to be common in corporate environments, but not so much with FOSS.16:59
Pengxif: I don't know of any FOSS stuff over 2 GB.16:59
jamxif: Bazaar has "lightweight checkouts" and we are working on "shallow/stacked branches" to avoid some of it16:59
jamPeng: Moz was >3 GB in CVS16:59
jamPeng: OOo is about 20GB in CVS16:59
jambut not all of that is code16:59
jamthey have stuff like mp3's of people's interviews in their CVS repo17:00
Pengjam: Moz may be 3 GB in CVS, but one can assume it would be a lot smaller in git.17:00
Pengjam: But OOo, oh.17:00
jamPeng: sure, it dropped to ~1GB in Bazaar17:00
Pengs/git/anything else/, then. :P17:00
jamStill, 1GB is non-trivial for most download17:01
xifjam: "to avoid some of it" -> what's "it"?17:01
jamxif: downloading the full set of history17:01
jamLightweight Checkouts store 0 history locally17:01
Peng(They don't even store copies of the files like in svn, do they?)17:01
jamStacked/Shallow branches would store a few commits17:01
xifjam: I see, thanks. I'm reading your blog now17:01
jamPeng: correct17:01
jamPeng: but we do keep the inventory locally, so "bzr status" works17:02
xifwhy should I use bazaar over git or mercurial?17:02
jambut "bzr diff" has to hit the remote17:02
jamxif: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsGit17:03
jamxif: http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsHg17:03
xifthanks :-)17:03
jamand http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsSvn, but mostly it just points to my blog17:03
xifyeah, and I don't think many people who actually know either (or even understand CVCS vs. DVCS) would need help deciding between SVN and BZR17:04
Riddellropiku: you're trying to push to launchpad?17:05
ropikuRiddell, yes and it says that I don't have a registered SSH key17:05
ropikuRiddell, and I pasted my .ssh/id_rsa.pub onto launchpad17:05
Riddellropiku: what's your LP id?17:07
ropikuRiddell, I think the weird stuff is that I push to sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ropiku/kubuntu-tutorial/ropiku-branch17:07
ropikuRiddell, ~ropiku (and name Mihai)17:08
Riddellthat all looka fine17:08
ropikuRiddell, and it says "Launchpad user 'mihai' doesn't have a registered SSH key." that's my local username17:08
Riddelloh, different user name17:08
Riddellso bzr push sftp://ropiku@bazaar.launchpad.net/~ropiku/kubuntu-tutorial/ropiku-branch17:09
ropikuCreated new branch. ;)17:09
PengBlehh, BzrVsHg was written by a marketer, wasn't it?17:09
ropikuRiddell, ssh was connecting to my local username, that was it ?17:10
Riddellropiku: yes, which is the wrong username for launchpad17:10
PengAt first glance when it was first created, I thought that article was garbage, but now it looks kinda-OK, except that it sounds like marketing trash.17:11
ropikuwhat's the difference in using sftp:// instead of bzr+ssh, isn't bzr more efficient ?17:12
datofor bzr+ssh, bzr has to be installed in the remote end17:13
xifI'm leaning towards bazaar because:17:13
xif1) it's pure Python. I like pure Python17:13
xif2) I like Ubuntu and Canonical.17:13
Pengxif: Psst, bzr has some Pyrex (combines Python and C) and C bits. :P17:14
xifPeng: oh shoot17:14
datoPeng: errr17:14
datoxif: those are optimizations and the same functionality is provided by pure bzr17:14
datopure python, I mean17:14
PengRight. I was trying to think of how to say that.17:15
PengAnyway, bubble-bursting over.17:15
jamxif: you don't *have* to compile them, we have pure-python fallbacks17:15
xifWikipedia says bazaar is Python:17:15
jamBut they are a bit faster if you do17:15
xifMercurial OTOH is listed as "Python, C"17:15
xifjam: yeah, it's still cool though17:15
xifalso, Pyrex is better than plain C.17:15
PengYeah, Mercurial has four C modules.17:16
PengBzr has parts of modules written in Pyrex or C with alternate Python versions.17:16
PengWhat about Cython?17:16
xifwhat about it? :-)17:16
jamvila: ping17:16
xifit's a nicer Pyrex afaik, but less people use it17:16
xifjam: btw, how do create "Python fallbacks" for C code?17:16
xifjust rewrite the whole thing in Python, then make sure it passes the same tests?17:17
PengCython is pretty new.17:17
jamxif: correct17:17
jamExcept the other way17:17
xifjam: cool, good to know17:17
jamwe had it written in Python17:17
jamand then we implemented it in C/Pyrex17:17
xifyeah, I assume so: Python is better for prototyping17:17
jamand made sure that all the tests pass with both ways17:17
PengA couple months ago Cython's website said it was only experimental, but I can't find that now.17:17
jamSo when we run "make check" it tests both implementations17:17
jamvila: I'm getting a "500 Too many spams from your IP" when trying to send email to you, but the page it sends me to is in french17:18
xifjam: what's the deciding factor between using C or Pyrex for the optimized rewrite?17:18
jamvila: http://postmaster.free.fr/17:18
jamxif: Generally we prefer Pyrex17:18
jamwe had 1 person rewrite something in C17:18
jamand it was good enough we weren't going to rewrite it again in Pyrex17:18
jamI personally always use pyrex17:19
jamfor things I've rewritten17:19
vilajam: WTF ?17:19
jamI really like how it handles exception handling without me needing to worry about it all the time17:19
jamvila: I *think* my ISP somehow got blacklisted17:19
jamI stopped sending directly from my home machine17:19
jambecause of blacklist sites that block whole ranges17:20
xifjam: OK, so there's no technical reason to ever prefer C over Pyrex, but some people (at least one person) had a personal taste preference for C extensions, which is the only reason there are pure C extensions in Bazaar's codebase17:20
jamxif: correct17:20
jamThere is only 1 pure C extension17:20
xifjam: thanks, I'm a Python developer myself, so it's quite interesting.17:20
xifPeng: afaik Cython was blessed as "production ready" only very recently.17:21
Pengxif: Pure C is faster than Pyrex.17:21
xifPeng: as fast or faster :P17:21
vilajam: *your* actual IP is not blacklisted17:21
xifI'm not an expert, but in many situations Pyrex should perform just as well as native C.17:22
Pengxif: The number I've seen touted is that Pyrex is 75% as fast as C. Of course that will vary, but it'll always be faster. Pyrex will have extra ugly glue code, and pure C can be more carefully optimized.17:22
vilathey say the maximum block time is 24h. but you will get blacklisted again if you spam again ;-/17:22
PengSo *that's* how bzr is funded!17:22
xifPeng: yeah, basically Pyrex is a compromise between "down to the metal" C and "very high level" Python.17:23
Pengxif: Right.17:23
xifit's more high level than C, and sacrifices some performance for that.17:23
PengIt's not just that it's more high level, but that it's a translator.17:23
xifanyways, eventually PyPy would implement some cutting-edge JIT, and we'd all get pure-C performance with pure Python ;-)17:23
PengWell, I guess it is that it's high-level.17:23
Pengxif: Will that be after PyPy stops being way more complex than CPython?17:24
jamxif, Peng : well I hand-optimized my Pyrex work by looking at the generated C code17:24
xifno, that would never happen :-)17:24
jamso you can see places where you are being silly17:24
jamand making it go through getattr() when it doesn't need to17:25
vilajam: they say they don't use any public RBL, only internal data, does your provider give you dynamic IPs ?17:25
xifjam: interesting. btw have you considered taking advantage of Pysco?17:25
vilajam: hey, lazy guy try that: http://postmaster.free.fr/index_en.html17:25
jamvila: my IP is static, but I send through my ISP, because apparently there are blacklists that block the whole range of MediaCom client IPs17:28
jamxif: One issue with Psyco is that it doesn't save any state17:28
jamso it has to JIT every time you run 'bzr'17:28
jamrather than doing it in advance17:28
jamso JIT in general isn't great for short-lived programs17:28
* xif nods17:29
xifwhich is sort of what something like bzr is about.17:29
xiffrequent, short runs.17:29
jamvila: so probably someone else behind my ISP is spamming, and it makes us all look bad17:30
vilajam: sounds like your neighbours are either spammers or zombies :-/17:30
jamvila: the relay host seems to be:
jamBut that isn't listed in the RBL either17:31
jamvila: I just forwarded the message through smtp.google.com hopefully that gets through17:32
vilajam: still nothing, what I did get was through the mailing list though17:39
vilajam: err, no, I did get your mail about #175866 directly, not though the ML17:40
vilaso the one you sent Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 10:07:21 -0600 didn't get blocked17:41
jamvila: did you get the BB:approve one?17:46
vilajam: no17:46
jamthat must have been the blocked one17:46
jamI guess free.fr doesn't want your patch merged17:47
vilalol, I can see the vote on BB anyway ;-)17:48
jamMaybe they don't support range requests17:48
jamand they don't want Bazaar to reveal that17:48
vilaI replied to your email, if you think pycurl should emit the warning too, I'll file another bug, there is a fix that is 1.0 worth IMHO, let's bikeshed on the warning without blocking it ;-)17:49
vilajam: the one via google just arrived17:56
jamvila: well, you have to get approval from poolie to get it into 1.018:01
jamBut I'm happy with it for bzr.dev18:01
vilajam: that's how I understood it, thanks for confirming18:01
vilajam: did you notice you have a bunch a branches in error: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jameinel18:03
Pengvila: His net connection was too slow for a while, or something.18:04
jamvila: no I didn't I blame mwhudson18:04
jamOn the plus side, I think 1.0rc3 has been merged into LP now18:05
jamso it should have vila's readv fixes18:05
vilaPeng: mwhudson ate his bandwidth but I think it was only once ;-)18:05
vilajam: I pushing a new pack branch with bzr+ssh and my network perfmeter is quite flat, may be a similar fix should be applied there too :-/18:06
vilaLP still doesn't use shared repos isn't it ?18:07
jamvila: it is for any newly registered branches18:07
vilabzr push trigger the registration ?18:07
jaminventory.knit is too big for my bandwidth18:07
jamversus the LP timeout18:08
jamvila: I use my "bzr-register" plugin, which is a wrapper around bzr register-branch18:09
vilaargh, they lied to us, gollum, I'm pushing at ~100KO/s damn perfmeter18:09
jamSo doing a bugfix branch is18:09
jambzr cbranch ../bzr.dev foo_XXXXX18:09
jamcd foo_XXXXX18:09
jambzr reg --bug XXXXX18:09
jamvila: 100 Knock Outs per second? Damn you're good18:10
jamIt means Launchpad periodically destroys my upstream bandwidth18:10
jambut usually it doesn't have a horrible amount to upload after the first time18:10
jamvila: LP does *not* use shared repositories yet, I believe that and/or shallow branches are marked as to-be-done by the March/April timeframe18:11
vilaho, so LP pull from you ? What not using just bound branches then ?18:11
vilahehe, you scared him ;-)18:12
jamvila: LP pulls from me because I don't want to pay the cost of uploading every time I "bzr commit"18:12
jamAnd I certainly don't want to have to wait for "bzr branch" to finish before I start working on a bug18:12
jamSo I use a bound branch to my local server18:13
jamand let LP know about it18:13
jamWhile it may be slower than some other possibilites18:13
jamit takes less of *my* time18:13
jam(The fastest being ssh foo.canonical.com, bzr push bazaar.lp.net/~jameinel/, and then doing a checkout or something from there)18:13
jamThe other problem is that you can't turn a hosted branch into a mirror18:14
jamSo I can't go pre-seed the branch I'm about to have mirrored.18:14
vilajam: stop, you scare them all !18:16
vilajam: joking, interesting setup18:16
* jam => tries to get real work done :)18:16
jamIt is funny, I pretty much never use "bzr push"18:18
jamI keep forgetting I have a "dummy" post-push plugin that I was using to debug writing one18:18
jamSo when I finally do use "bzr push" it chatters on my terminal18:18
vilaI use push to create branches on launchpad, for my other uses I use bound branches and just commit/update18:19
jamvila: weird... it seems that if I use smtp.google.com as my SMTP server, it rewrites the From address18:23
jamso that it comes from my gmail account18:23
jamrather than the account I'm claiming to send it from18:23
jamSo my post gets blocked to the ML18:23
jamand you replied to my gmail account.18:23
jamI suppose that is their anti-spam measure18:23
jammwhudson: I understand why LP was failing to mirror my newly registered branches, but do you know why it is failing to update branches I already had?18:24
jamI suppose I upgraded from Branch5 to Branch6 for a lot of them18:25
jamMaybe that triggers them to be newly copied from scratch.... :(18:25
jammaybe that is why my pings have become so bad lately18:25
mwhudsonjam: that might do it18:27
mwhudsonjam: it should be better now18:27
jammwhudson: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/ shows an awful lot of failed branches18:27
jamBut I did try to refresh them all18:27
mwhudsonyes, that would probably trigger complete re-mirroring18:27
mwhudson'refresh' ?18:28
jamWell the "Try Again" button18:29
mwhudsonoh right18:29
mwhudsonwhen did you try that?18:29
jamabout 2 minutes ago18:29
jammaybe 3018:29
mwhudsonprobably still running then :)18:29
mwhudsonexcuse slow responses, i'm on a damp-string internet connection here18:29
mwhudson(in a pub :)18:29
jammwhudson: it won't try to re-mirror all of them at the same time, right? Just more of a sequential pwnage of my upstream bandwidth?18:31
jamMy ISP is probably going to ban me... :)18:31
mwhudsonjam: it can try up to 4 at once18:31
mwhudsonjam: and indeed, seems to be trying 3 right now18:31
jamI wonder if that will trigger the failures18:31
jamJust thinking that my bandwidth is barely enough for 1-at-a-time18:31
mwhudsonwould be surprised if it helped :)18:31
jamBut I guess if it has the progress updates18:31
mwhudsonit's still running 0.92 i think18:32
jammwhudson: well if it was smart enough to know it was requesting the *exact same* data 3 times18:32
mwhudsonjam: yeah, yeah, we know about that one18:32
jammwhudson: can you put a squid proxy in front of my URLs :)18:32
jam*and* tell it to ignore the Pragma:no-cache18:33
mwhudsonjam: do all your work in checkouts bound to branches on rookery? :)18:33
jama) I sort of like knowing that all of my work is on my server18:33
jamb) 100ms ping to rookery is still a little bit more painful than I want to pay for 'bzr commit'18:34
jamI do direct checkouts for plugins to bazaar.lp.net18:36
jamjust not for bzr branches18:36
jamglyph: it has been done18:44
jamglyph: if you update your 'push-and-update' it should just trigger for any "bzr push"18:44
jamWell, as long as the remote has a WorkingTree, and the remote is bzr+ssh or sftp18:45
=== BasicMac is now known as BasicOSX
PengWithout doing any research myself, how consistent are revnos? When one, say, merges some-branch into bzr.dev, it'll get a new, dotted revno, but what happens when someone merges bzr.dev into some-other-branch? Does it change again? Sometimes, but not always?18:49
mwhudson_jam: so sorry, didn't see anything after "(a)"18:50
jama) I sort of like knowing that all of my work is on my server18:50
jamb) 100ms ping to rookery is still a little bit more painful than I want to pay for 'bzr commit'18:50
jamPeng: merging won't change your local revnos18:50
jamPeng: pull will18:50
jamrevno's are stable from the viewpoint of a branch18:51
Pengjam: Err?18:53
Peng(I am talking about over three different branches, not just 1)18:53
lukswell, revnos are relative to one branch, so it doesn't make much sense for 3 different branches18:54
jamPeng: within 1 branch, revnos will stay fixed as long as you "merge" and not "pull"18:54
jamThe revnos you merge will change18:54
jamso if it is 10 in branch A, merging that into B will give it a different number18:54
jam(like 9.1.1)18:55
luksspeaking of revnos, is it intentional that some revisions ("tails") in e.g. bzr.dev don't have revnos?18:56
jamluks: I'm not sure what you mean by tails18:56
glyphjam: Awesome!18:56
jamBut the way the algorithm works, only revisions in the ancestry of a branch get numbers18:56
jamIt would probably be possible to pretend, but you have issues when multiple 'tails' descend from the same node18:57
jamwhich one gets the '.1.' and which one gets '.2.'18:57
jamWe resolve that by which one is merged first18:57
jamand if they have never been merged ....18:57
luksjam, for graph like http://pastebin.org/1147918:57
luksB won't be even mentioned in either bzr log or viz (not sure which one)18:57
glyphjam: How do I enable it?18:57
luksbut it doesn't have a revno at all18:57
jamglyph: You should just need to update it. If it is installed it will check on every push18:58
glyphjam: Hmm.18:58
luksbecause merge_sort won't include it in the resulting list18:58
jamIt does a quick check to see if the target is valid18:58
jamluks: it won't be listed in log or viz18:58
jambecause it isn't in the ancestry of the branch18:58
glyphjam: Aah, the UI is a tad confusing.18:59
jamso it isn't "log" worthy18:59
jamglyph: how so?18:59
luksit's a parent of C, isn't it?18:59
jam(you don't need to use push-and-update)18:59
jamluks: it is a *child* of C18:59
jamwell, depending on how you are graphing time18:59
glyph"This transport does not update the working tree...", and then a message telling me it just updated the working tree :)18:59
jamglyph: yeah, suppressing the "This transport" is hard18:59
jambecause that is being done inside "bzr push"18:59
jamAnd I'm hooking after that18:59
luksjam, in python tuple speak [(C, (A, B))]18:59
glyphjam: OK, understood19:00
jamluks: In that case B should get "0.1.1"19:00
glyphjam: is there a way to turn this *off*?  There are definitely a lot of places I might want to push that would not take kindly to having a working copy created / updated19:00
luksjam, but it doesn't19:00
jamglyph: it won't create a WT19:00
glyphjam: oh, okay.  It just updates it if it happens to be there?19:00
luksjam, because merge_sort won't generate more than one revno for 0.something19:00
jamglyph: right, you need to do your own "bzr checkout" if you want to enable it somewhere19:00
jamluks: when Robert implemented it, you could have multiple from null:, and they would each get19:01
jam0.1.1 and then 0.1.219:01
jamor something like that19:01
jam0.1.1 for the second branch, 0.2.1 for the third, etc19:01
luksI think it's even mentioned in the docstring of merge_sort19:01
luksthat it won't be included19:01
jam(the primary branch gets 1)19:01
jamI'll check19:01
jamluks: "Revisions not reachable from the tip" are not included19:02
jamYou were saying "B" was a parent19:02
jamnot a child19:02
jamluks: http://pastebin.org/1148219:03
jam(When I draw graphs the first commit is at the top)19:03
luksjam, one moment, I'll give you a real-world example from bzr.dev19:03
luksit's actually your commit, if I remember correctly :)19:03
luksjam, as an example - john@arbash-meinel.com-20051228204947-2fd81543e866350a19:10
luksit's in the revision graph, but not in log19:10
luksmost of these http://pastebin.org/1148319:11
lukswell, except one19:11
Davieyjam: I've just come back to it, upgraded bzr - same result!19:12
jamluks: I think that is actually because they are ghosts19:12
jamaka, revisions which are mentioned but not actually present19:12
PengHow do you get ghosts?19:13
luksno, they are present19:13
luksand it's also in the ancestry of the tip19:14
luksbut not mentioned in the log, because merge sort won't generate 0.2.x19:14
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
luksPeng, I don't think you can with the current version of bzr19:15
jamglyph: I went ahead and created a monkey-patch, try updating again and testing it19:15
jamNow it should suppress that ugly warning message19:16
jamand just give you an update19:16
jamglyph: http://pastebin.org/1148519:16
jamluks: it works here19:18
jamThat actually isn't a ghost19:18
glyphjam: ...19:19
jamit is a plugin that got merged into bzr core19:19
jamglyph: ???19:19
glyphjam: I am in awe.19:19
jamglyph: the power of python monkey patching19:19
glyphjam: OK now that you ruined the trick I'm a tiny bit less in awe.19:20
glyphjam: but your responsiveness is still legendary :)19:20
jamluks: so is it a problem with "bzr viz" ?19:20
jamBecause "bzr log" seems to display it without any problems19:20
jamPeng: it is really hard to get ghosts in current bzr19:21
luksjam, umm, sorry, I was probably the old viz19:21
jamThe converter from Arch => bzr can generate them19:21
luksI was just playing with a new graph view for qlog, and some revisions were missing19:21
jambecause Arch could reference nodes that it didn't actually copy locally19:21
luksbut I can't seem to reproduce it now19:21
jamThe nodes in Bazaar which are actual ghosts19:22
jamare because our original merge code19:22
jamwould reference them19:22
jambut not fetch them into the local repository19:22
jamI think there are about 2 of them19:22
jamboth with my name on them19:22
jambecause I nuked my copy once Martin had merged it19:22
jam(i haven't done that since :)19:22
ricardokirknerhi again. I have created two bzr branches from a svn repository, 1 for the trunk and 1 for a branch. now I want to merge my bzr trunk (corresponding to the svn trunk) with my bzr branch (corresponding to the svn branch) , but I get an error that 'branches have no common aancestor'. Even if I specify a revision with the -r flag, it doesnt work. is there anything I can do to work around this?19:26
luksare these created using bzr-svn?19:27
jamricardokirkner: you *can* use "bzr merge -r 0..-1", but I have the feeling it might be sub-optimal for what you want19:27
jamThe '0' is the secret way of telling Bazaar that you really do want to merge 2 projects together19:27
lukshm, it's weird that bzr-svn created them without a common ancestor19:28
ricardokirkneralthough, I think I just found out how... it apparently merged with -r 0..n (last revision)19:28
jamBut it sounds it is going to do things you don't like19:28
luksmaybe you had your svn branching scheme wrong?19:28
luks(I mean the branching scheme set in bzr-svn)19:28
ricardokirknerno idea... what do you mean?19:29
=== Winterstream_ is now known as Winterstream
datoluks: are you positive that bzr-svn is able to detect merges when importing?19:30
jamdato: it should be able to detect *branches*19:30
jamwhich gives you a common ancestor19:30
datoer, right19:31
datoI got confused19:31
luksricardokirkner, see bzr help svn-branching-scheme19:31
datojam: btw, I think a NEWS file in push-and-update could be helpful for people to notice this important change (cheers for it, too)19:32
jamI've never been big on that sort of thing19:32
jam"bzr log" if you want to know what has happened :)19:32
jamI suppose next you'll be asking me to create a setup.py so it can be bilt19:33
jamand installed19:33
LarstiQwhy, what an excellent idea :)19:33
jamAs always.... Patches welcome19:33
jamAnd if you are going to do it, I suppose a README is in order, too19:33
datoheh. well, it was just a suggestion :)19:34
ubotuNew bug: #176184 in bzr-eclipse "check in the whole branch and not just the current selected file" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17618419:35
Davieyjam: regarding the earlier problem - if i rm a "-" from the path it works fine, but with it there no mail?  any ideas19:37
jam"with it there no mail" ?19:38
jamWhy is there a '-' in the path?19:38
jamAnyway, something sounds fishy.. Daviey, can you send me your .conf files?19:38
Davieyjam: v. basic conf files19:39
jamwell, I can say that *I* haven't had any problems with bzr-email not sending in directories I have configured it to send from19:40
Davieypm them?19:40
jamSo I'm trying to see what the difference would be19:40
jamDaviey: pm or email19:40
Qhestionhi. i can import bazaar classes via for example: "from bzrlib import workingtree". there is a file named workingtree.py. but how does Bazaar do this? i mean, i thought workingtree.py means i have to write "from bzrlib.workingtree impor workingtree" ??19:41
Qhestioni am trying to do the same in my program, but i just dont get it to work. how does bazaar do this?19:42
jamQhestion: "from bzrlib import workingtree" imports the "workingtree" module19:42
jamto get the class you need either19:42
jam"from bzrlib import workingtree; workingtree.WorkingTree"19:43
jam"from bzrlib.workingtree import WorkingTree"19:43
Qhestionthe thing is, "from bzrlib import workingtree" works.19:43
jam(note that we capitalize classes, but tend to use lowercase for modules)19:43
Qhestiondont know how, it just works19:43
jamQhestion: you have a valid module19:43
jampython -c "from bzrlib import workingtree; print workingtree"19:43
jam<module 'bzrlib.workingtree' from 'bzrlib/workingtree.py'>19:43
jampython -c "from bzrlib import workingtree; print workingtree.WorkingTree"19:44
jam<class 'bzrlib.workingtree.WorkingTree'>19:44
Qhestion<module 'bzrlib.workingtree' from 'C:\Python25\lib\site-packages\bzrlib\workingt19:44
jamQhestion: right, that is a *module* not a class19:44
Qhestion(output for first command)19:44
Qhestionoh wait19:44
Qhestioni am stupid19:44
radixQhestion: there is a class named WorkingTree inside the bzrlib.workingtree module19:45
Qhestioni should have read the next line more carefully19:45
Qhestionall my fault19:45
Qhestion   1 from bzrlib import workingtree    2 wt = workingtree.WorkingTree.open('/home/jebw/bzrtest')19:45
radixhooray documentation :)19:45
Qhestioni think i overlooked the "workingtree." part...19:45
Qhestioni think i just saw what i WANTED to see19:45
Qhestionhmm.. anyway, i think pythons module system is crap. i think it would be better if all the modules  in a package would get accumulated and... one big module19:47
jamQhestion: when you get used to it... the namespaces are *wonderful*19:47
Qhestionnothing against namespaces19:47
jamSomething I actually miss a lot with C/C++19:47
Qhestionbut i dont like 5kLine source files...19:47
Qhestionanyway. hmm i remember reading your name somewhere...19:48
Qhestionradix, jam, any chance you are also active in the storm channels?19:49
Qhestioni think i read some chatlog on that website...19:49
jamQhestion: radix might be, I'm not19:49
jamQhestion: you might be thinking jamesh19:50
radixQhestion: yeah, that's me :)19:50
jamradix: you work on Landscape, and thus storm, right?19:51
radixjam: yep.19:51
jamtwisted little man19:51
jamWell, you aren't *that* little19:51
jambut shorter than I19:51
jamI think19:52
radixQhestion: You can put a bunch of names in one place if you want to, even without having 5klines of source file. Python's module system isn't crap for the reason you think it is, anyway :)19:52
radixjam: Yeah, and Twisted ;-)19:52
radixjam: probably :-)19:52
Qhestionradix: well, this is just what you think after using python for half a year. i think i still have to learn a lot...19:52
Qhestionanyway, it is MUCH better than java19:52
Qhestionalthough until yesterday i said otherwise19:53
radixheh :)19:53
Qhestioni used java in a contest19:53
radixsorry. :)19:53
Davieyjam: hmmpf, i've upgraded, same problem! :(19:57
jamDaviey: care to do some manual debugging?20:00
jamYou can look at bzrlib/config.py20:00
jamAround line 50620:00
Davieywill do20:00
jamthere is "_get_matching_sections"20:00
jamwhich is the part that should match the path for the branch20:00
jamwith the config entry20:00
DavieyI guess: /usr/share/pycentral/bzr/site-packages/bzrlib/config.py20:01
jamDaviey: sounds correct to me20:01
Davieydef _get_matching_sections(self): -- nothing looks bad20:06
denndahey there20:08
denndaI have a branch 'experimental' from 'trunk'. I did bzr merge $trunkurl and it says my experimental branch is up to revision 63. trunk, however, is 70. what's the problem there? how can I fix it?20:09
Pengdennda: Look at bzr log. Is everything there?20:10
denndahttps://code.launchpad.net/memaker/ <-- the projects branches20:10
jamdennda: 'bzr merge' will create a  new revision at the tip.20:10
jamWhich is likely to be '64'20:10
Pengdennda: Did you commit after the merge?20:10
jam"bzr pull" will pull over and change your history20:10
jamto look like the source branch20:11
jamwhich will make it "70"20:11
jammorning lifeless, I thought you were on vacation20:11
jamjust can't stay away, can you?20:11
PengWill it merge when it's not necessary?20:11
lifelessjam: I am :)20:11
denndaPeng: bzr log shows me 63 as latest revno20:11
Pengdennda: Did you commit after the merge?20:11
lifelessjam: I'm grabbing a drink an dlogging into WoW :). Level 64 now.20:11
Pengdennda: What is revision 63?20:11
jamlifeless: congrats20:11
Pengdennda: Not a merge?20:11
jamlifeless: enjoying outland?20:12
denndayes, i committed20:12
denndato 6420:12
denndajust now20:12
Pengdennda: You committed the merge?20:12
Pengdennda: Then everything's there.20:12
Pengdennda: It's all listed under revision 64.20:12
Peng(That is, the merged revisions are all listed under revision 64.)20:13
denndaso rev numbers don't have to be identical?20:13
PengThey do not.20:13
denndathank you20:13
Peng(FWIW, bzr internally uses much longer, less readable IDs. The simple numbers are just for user convenience.)20:14
lifelessjam: yah, starting zangarmarsh today, finished hfp last night. I'm about 70% to 65 :).20:15
lifelessANd with that, ciao :)20:15
PengMe too.20:15
* Peng wanders off.20:15
jameveryone is leaving me20:23
jamlifeless: I forgot to ask, what class is your main? (obviously it can wait :)20:30
ubotuNew bug: #176191 in bzr-eclipse "Change "Username" field to "Email"." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17619120:36
=== asak__ is now known as asak
newz2000I have a web application I work on with someone else. What's the best way for me to publish my application to the webserver from my development workstation?21:02
newz2000My first attempt was to bzr push it, but that just copied the trunk/.bzr stuff.21:04
newz2000Is rsync the right tool, or is there a way to do it with bzr?21:04
jamnewz2000: install my plugin21:05
Odd_Blokenewz2000: Check out the push-and-update plugin.21:05
jamafter you do "bzr checkout" on the server21:05
jamfrom then on when you do21:05
jambzr push21:05
jamit should make sure the target is updated21:05
jamOdd to have you mention this about 2 hours after I finally got around to cleaning up that plugin.21:05
newz2000ok. Now, the one problem is that the server can't do a bzr checkout, because it can't see the place where I normally push to.21:05
newz2000well, I could push twice I guess21:06
jamnewz2000: once you have done a "bzr push"21:06
jamthen you do21:06
jamssh server21:06
jamcd path21:06
jambzr checkout .21:06
newz2000oh, interesting21:06
jamnewz2000: from then on, 'bzr push' should do the "ssh server bzr update path" for you21:06
jam(with the plugin installed)21:06
newz2000so where do I install the plugin, on my local pc?21:06
jamnewz2000: correct21:07
jamnewz2000: are you on linux?21:07
jamcd ~/.bazaar/plugins21:07
jambzr checkout lp://bzr-push-and-update push_and_update21:07
jambzr checkout lp:bzr-push-and-update push_and_update21:07
jamsorry, I get used to typing 2 //21:07
jamyou either need 0 or 321:07
newz2000fascinating. So I'm working on a tmp checkout... if I kill this and later push to the same location from another checkout, does it remember to update the server?21:09
jamnewz2000: it just hooks into the "bzr push" code. And if the target has a working tree21:09
jamit will update it21:09
jamSo by doing "bzr checkout" you tell my plugin that you want to keep it updated21:10
newz2000cool. Giving it a shot now.21:10
newz2000ok. Everything seems to have worked, but I won't know until I have some code to change. :-)21:15
newz2000thanks jam. Your my hero. If you're in IA between xmas and nye you can come to my hackfest.21:15
jamnewz2000: it should say: running command "ssh ..."21:16
jamIf it says that, then I think it is working21:16
jamnewz2000: what hackfest?21:16
jamI will be in IA, though I may not be close to Des Moines21:16
newz2000I'm going to be nostalgic and try to have a programming party at my house21:16
newz2000like the good ol' days. Coding for sheer pleasure21:17
newz2000your plugin worked. It ran ssh.21:19
igcmorning all21:21
devinushow do i set up ignore options for bzr?21:24
jamdevinus: "bzr ignore PATTERN" ?21:24
jamor what do you mean by "options" ?21:24
devinusit takes globs?21:24
devinusi want to ignore all *.pyc21:24
Odd_Blokedevinus: bzr ignore "*.pyc"21:24
Odd_BlokeNote the quotes. :)21:25
devinusoh wow21:25
devinusi see i could of just done21:25
devinusbzr help ignore too21:25
jamdevinus: I thought .pyc was in our default global ignores...21:25
jamAnyway you may want21:25
jambzr ignore "*.py[co]"21:25
jamSince you really want both to be ignored21:25
jamThough you may not run "python -O" very often21:26
SmileyChrisi'm always getting the error "bzr: warning: unsupported locale setting (...)"21:26
Odd_BlokeSmileyChris: Are you on Windows or GNU/Linux?21:27
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: sorry, clarification - always getting when using sftp/bzr+ssh21:27
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: linux21:27
jamSmileyChris: sounds like LANG on your other side is set in a funny way21:27
jamor LANG=en.UTF-8 should be decent21:28
jamI don't know why you would get it when using sftp21:28
jambzr+ssh is spawning a remote process21:28
jamwhich could certainly be having troubles with the LANG on the remote side21:28
SmileyChrisjam: seems like it can't pick up en_NZ.UTF-821:28
jamSmileyChris: well, that should be valid, but you may need to have the right locale files installed21:28
SmileyChrisjam: on the remote side?21:29
jamSmileyChris: if it is only happening when you use bzr+ssh then I think it is the remote side which has the problem21:29
jamcan you just do21:29
jamssh host locale21:29
SmileyChrisfrom local or remote?21:29
jamssh remote locale21:30
SmileyChrisah :)21:30
jamIf running "bzr rocks" doesn't give you a locale warning21:30
jamthen it is the bazaar on the remote machine which is giving the warning21:30
SmileyChrisit's the remote giving the warning21:30
SmileyChrisjust tested21:30
SmileyChrisjam: you want the output of locale?21:31
igcpoolie: can I please tweak 1.0 with abentley's changes to 'avanced merging'?21:31
jamSmileyChris: I don't specifically need it, but I'm just trying to help you track down the problem21:31
jamit sounds like the *remote* machine doesn't have the lang set21:31
jamif I do "ssh host locale"21:31
jamI get a different result than21:31
jamssh host <enter> locale21:32
jamis "ssh host COMMAND" passing through the local LANG?21:32
SmileyChrisjam: it seems to be using my local $LANG setting21:32
SmileyChrisrunning locale.getpreferredencoding() on remote python raises error21:33
SmileyChris(local is fine)21:33
SmileyChristhis is really only a minor annoyance - it's only a warning (and falling back to use ascii instead of unicode), but still ;)21:34
jamSmileyChris: you might try doing something with SendEnv in ~/.ssh/config21:35
jambut I haven't figured out why it would be triggering yet21:35
SmileyChrisjam: is there just some way to make my en_NZ locale work on remote? :P21:36
jamSmileyChris: well, you could just install the same package21:36
jamI see a "language-pack-en-base"21:37
jamBut I don't know if that installs en_NZ21:37
jamI'm guessing it does, since it seems to exist here21:38
jamand I don't have much extra installed21:38
SmileyChrisjam: holy moly that's a lot of dependencies though21:39
SmileyChrismaybe i'll just live with the warning21:39
SmileyChriswants to install firefox and open office on the server21:39
jamA lot of dependencies for "language-pack-en-base" ?21:40
jamLet me check something21:40
jam% dpkg -S /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en21:41
jamlanguage-pack-en-base: /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en21:41
jamI'm guessing it provides the language translations for things like openoffice and firefox21:42
jambut it seems like it should be more of:21:42
jamIf program X is installed, provide the language pack for it21:42
jamNot "when providing *any* language support, install all programs which might use it."21:43
Odd_BlokeSmileyChris: Are you using 'apt-get' or 'aptitude'?  If the latter, it may be trying to install things on which it does not depend...21:43
Odd_BlokeAssuming you're using a Debian-based system at all. :p21:43
radixI thought you just had to build the en_NZ locale, not install the language-pack.21:43
jamrecommends versus depends?21:44
jamradix: well my  /var/lib/locales/supported.d/en has en_NZ21:44
jamand I don't see a separate package for it21:44
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: i was using latter... (ubuntu)21:44
radixlthough, yeah, language-pack-en-base does not depend on firefox or openoffice or anything like that, on my system.21:44
jamanyone better at parsing the output of "apt-cache showpkg" ?21:45
Odd_BlokeSmileyChris: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/translations/language-pack-en-base suggests that it _recommends_ language-support-en, which then depends on the Firefox and OO stuff.21:46
radixjam: uh, yeah, if you're using showpkg you're probably looking at *Reverse* Depends.21:46
Odd_BlokeSo I suggest trying again with 'apt-get'. :)21:46
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: ah...21:46
jamReverse Depens21:47
jamDepends, seems to list -pack-kde-en and -pack-gnome-en21:47
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: it's a depends on mine21:47
radixjam: yeah, I guess that's what it looks like here, but nowhere do I see dependencies on actual software like firefox or openoffice or any gnome apps21:48
bccommis en_NZ checked if you do dpkg-reconfigure locales ?21:50
SmileyChrisOdd_Bloke: I was wrong. It was the language-support-en *recommends* causing the bloat :P22:02
SmileyChrisall working now, thanks for your help guys22:02
SmileyChris(specially since it wasn't really a bzr problem)22:02
igcpoolie: those doc tweaks sent to pqm now22:12
igc(for 1.0, not bzr.dev)22:12
* igc breakfast22:27
igcpoolie: 3105 needs to be cherrypicked from bzr.dev into 1.023:31
igcit's definitely not there yet23:31
igcjust confirming you're going to do that23:32
poolie_igc, thanks, doing that now23:48
igcgreat. thanks23:49

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