
=== JordanC is now known as JordanC[Sleeping
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me4ucould anyone help me solve this poroblem with the young theme01:16
Burgundaviame4u: the young theme?01:21
HedgeMageme4u:  Don't ask to ask, just ask -- if someone knows they will come out of the woodwork01:21
HedgeMageheya, Burgundavia01:21
ari_stressmorning all :D02:05
HedgeMagehi ari_stress02:17
ari_stresswazzup HedgeMage02:20
ari_stressnice nickname02:20
HedgeMagethanks :)02:21
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santiagoi have ubuntu, why should i change to edubuntu13:28
Bauer|if it's just a desktop/home computer there is no reason. edubuntu is a TS-platform, designed especially for schools13:31
santiagoi am a college student, has it someting special to offeo13:33
Bauer|edubuntu-server is a terminalserver. You can use very old computers as clients, since the server does most of the work. but if you are just talking about your personal computer, there should not be any reason for changing to edubuntu13:35
RichEdBauer|: I just missed santiago ... your response is not 100% ... edubuntu also has an education menu section, with a bunch of applications that are installed by default13:47
RichEdthe apps are mainly geared at the moment to say 4-14 year old kids13:47
RichEdall apps are available from the add/remove from ubuntu as well ... or else a user can install edubuntu-desktop package on top of ubuntu13:48
RichEdso for a home PC used also by school age kids - edubuntu is a good option13:49
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=== reh is now known as mcfloppy_
Bauer|ok, I did not think that his computer was used by kids, since he said he was a college student14:04
NubaeHi, I read autologin has now been fixed for clients of 7.10... is this true? and so how...?14:32
RichEdbug #16179414:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161794 in ltsp "autologin doesn't work" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16179414:45
FlosoftI have setup IPCop and Edubuntu14:46
RichEdNubae: see " Francis Giraldeau14:46
RichEd * new patch to prevent regression" on the page link above14:46
FlosoftIPCop connects to the current school network, and edubuntu is the new one :)14:46
Flosoftnow I want to use the DHCP server from the IPCop14:47
Nubaecool thanks14:47
Flosoftnot the Edubuntu one14:47
Flosofthow do I do that?14:47
Flosoftthe Edubuntu Server has 2 Interfaces14:47
FlosoftI want to use LTSP & Co ... but I can set the records in IPCop14:47
Flosoft(PXE Boot)14:48
RichEdFlosoft: does this help ? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40212614:49
Flosoftnot really14:51
FlosoftEdubuntu runs a DHCP Server14:51
Flosoftthe only question now is, how do I disable it on both interfaces?14:51
RichEdFlosoft: I'm not too sure ... ogra ^ any ideas ?14:53
FlosoftI just want to use IPCop as we'll also use it as a transparent proxy etc.14:55
Flosoftso it is easier to have everything what is linked in with the network on one machine14:55
Flosoftand then use Edubuntu just as LTSP Server14:55
Flosoftand PXE boot ....14:55
Nubaeso just turn off dhcp14:58
Flosoftapt-get remove dhcp3-server?14:58
Flosoftwon't that cause any problems with the LTSP environnement?14:58
Nubaeno /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server stop14:58
Flosoftso apt-get remove is possible too?14:58
Nubaeno I wouldnt do that14:59
Flosofthmm ok14:59
Flosoftbut then also remove it from the boot?14:59
Nubaejust stop it, next time the server restarts youll have to restart manually if you want14:59
Flosoftso it won't restart on boot?14:59
Nubaewell, to be sure take it out of rc14:59
NubaeRichEd, the thread mentions something about a .deb package15:01
Nubaeseems that applying the patch isn't that easy...15:01
Nubaefile:///usr/share/packaging-guide/html/C/index.html -- cannot find this locally15:01
RichEdNubae: well i'd suggest asking ogra ... or else popping over to #ltsp and asking there ... or maybe sbalneav will chip in with a comment from here ?15:02
Nubaeyeah I'm in ltsp, but seems a bit dead right now15:04
* RichEd needs to head off for a while ... sorry Nubae and Flosoft ... I'm not very technical ... just trying to direct you ...15:04
RichEdfailing help here ... send a mail to edubuntu-devel mailing list15:04
Nubaenot urgent... just read there was a fix on the devel list so thought I'd find out more...15:06
FlosoftRichEd:  thanks anyway :) I think I have all I need for now :)15:07
sbalneavMorning all15:38
stgraberhi sbalneav15:38
sbalneavstgraber: Hey!  Gimme two secs, I'll post a url for the pictures!15:41
stgrabercool :)15:43
* stgraber has installed 4 Edubuntu desktops this afternoon + 4 to come in the next weeks (and we have 10-20 more orders waiting :))15:43
sbalneavIt's been insane here the last month.  I've done next to no ltsp work, but I got all my work done before Xmas, so I can start getting back into the swing of it now.15:44
stgraberthat's good news15:52
stgraberSo you have finished upgrading everything to Gutsy ?15:53
sbalneavWhen hardy comes out, I'll start tracking LTS around here.15:53
sbalneavstgraber: http://www.legalaid.mb.ca/photos.tar.bz16:02
sbalneavstyx:/var/www# ls -la photos.tar.bz16:02
sbalneav-rw-r--r-- 1 sbalneav sbalneav 816306605 2007-12-13 09:03 photos.tar.bz16:02
sbalneav816 megs :)16:02
stgrabersbalneav: downloading at 15kB/s, is that normal ?16:03
sbalneavyeah, our upstream sucks16:04
stgrabersbalneav: anyone else wants them or am I the only one ?16:04
sbalneavOnly one so far.16:05
stgraberok, I'm downloading through a server with 100Mb/s connection, so if someone wants them I just have to cp to my www directory16:06
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* lns wants to see pictures17:42
lnsstgraber, if you can post the pics on your www server after you get them, that would be really cool, i'd love to see them..even though I'm  not sure what they are (but are assuming they're from the get together you all had)17:44
juliuxhi all18:08
UbuntuUser2hello there18:10
UbuntuUser2Someone that can help me?18:10
stgraberlns: yes, it's the pics scott took at UDS18:11
UbuntuUser2someone that can tell me where can I find Intel drivers for UBUNTU ?18:11
stgraberUbuntuUser2: why would you need a driver on ubuntu ?18:12
UbuntuUser2I am installing ubuntu onto a new computer18:13
UbuntuUser2and the motherboard is an Intel D815EEA18:13
UbuntuUser2Do you know where can I find that driver?18:13
stgraberall "drivers" should be included by default18:13
UbuntuUser2it wasnt a linux machine18:13
stgraberyou don't have to download and install drivers as you would do on Windows18:13
UbuntuUser2it was a windows18:13
lnsstgraber, Linux has "drivers" (modules) that you can download for specific hardware, if the kernel doesn't have built-in support for it (or has inferior support)18:55
lnsATI, NVIDIA are known for their 'binary blob' drivers that, a lot of times, need to be downloaded and installed manually to get full hardware functionality18:55
stgraberlns: yes, right but for someone coming from Windows I think it's fair to tell him that Linux doesn't have "drivers" instead of starting to talk about modules, kernel, binary blob, ... :)18:57
lnsstgraber, IMHO it's better to give them correct information ;)18:58
lnsIf they understand how drivers work in windows, they should be able to understand how they work in linux18:59
lnsand if not, at least they don't go tell someone else "Linux doesn't have drivers"18:59
johnnymost people don't..18:59
johnnythey just know they are necessary :)18:59
lnsas they are necessary in linux ;)18:59
johnnymost people don't want to know the details, they just want it to work :)19:00
lnsright...but giving them false information isn't the best approach, either19:00
lnshow about telling them "Linux should have intel drivers built-in" ...?19:01
johnnyor .. linux has support for intel hardware built in19:01
lnsi guess you told him that.. =p19:02
lnsof course, *all* drivers isn't really good to say19:02
lnsi know for a fact linux doesn't have support for my servers' video chipset19:02
lns(at least ubuntu doesn't)19:03
stgraberevery needed driver should be included in Ubuntu, be it by default or optionaly (in the restricted-manager), if they aren't, it's a bug19:03
lnshow can you give a blanket statement like that?19:03
lnswhat if I needed drivers for hardware I built myself?19:04
stgraberfile a bug for inclusion in Ubuntu, it's the right way to do it19:04
lnsok i understand your approach there19:05
stgraberyou don't want modules everywhere in /lib/modules/ that will no longer work after a security update, everything should be packages (and maintained packages) if you want a stable system19:05
stgraberidealy you shouldn't have any compiled by hand kernel/module or software on your system19:06
stgraberof course, that's in a perfect world :)19:06
lnsit's always good to reach for the stars... ;)19:07
scrapbunnydoes anyone have the links Rich posted during the end of yesterday's meeting?19:11
stgraberscrapbunny: I have the log, what links are you interested in ?19:14
stgraberhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Community/VolunteerUptakeProcess and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Education/Launchpad/Groups/Policy19:15
scrapbunnythe volunteer link19:15
scrapbunnythats the one thanks19:16
scrapbunnyoh and what is the main testing link you gave? i thought i bookmarked it but it was the edubuntu daily one19:17
stgraberhttps://iso.qa.stgraber.org or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO19:17
stgraberdavmor2 is also working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Tracker19:18
scrapbunnygreat thank you. i am testing the edubuntu server install now19:19
scrapbunnyi should report bugs under the ubuntu alternate group right?19:21
stgraberas we are not testing at the moment, you should report them directly on Launchpad19:22
stgraberwhen we are testing (it'll be the case from Tuesday next week), you'll have to report them on LP (or find an existing bug ID), + report the failure on the QA Tracker19:22
scrapbunnyso is it best to do a new install each tuesday or is there and update file?19:26
stgraberduring the devel cycle, Alphas are release usually one every 3 weeks19:27
stgraberbefore we release those alphas, they need testing19:27
stgraberthat's when we need the most people to test them (following the testcases we have on the wiki) and reporting any major issue during install and "standard" use19:28
stgraberthe bugs you can see on the QA tracker (iso.qa.stgraber.org) all happened when following the testcases and are likely to break the system (in this case, the image has to be rebuilt and tested again)19:29
scrapbunnyso should i wait and burn the daily on tuesday or try the one i burned last night?19:29
stgraberothers bugs can still be reported on LP as you usually do19:29
stgraberthe best would be to join #ubuntu-testing and wait till we announce the first Alpha2 candidates19:30
stgraberyou can still test some dailies during the weekend and report the bugs you find on Lauchpad, so maybe those will get fixed in for the Alpha19:31
scrapbunnyok i'll try the daily and see how it goes. hopefully i'll find anything weird for the alpha :)19:32

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