
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
kikohello hello12:00
kikoam I early?12:00
mwhudsontwo hours early12:00
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=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
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=== cprov-out is now known as cprov
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=== barry_ is now known as barry
gmbMeeting time?14:00
jtvgmb: seems so14:00
danilosgmb: it indeed is14:00
mrevellgmb: Aye lad14:01
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
danilosok, kiko, will you lead the meeting? :)14:02
kikoI don't know how, but BjornT can sure do it!14:02
jtvdanilos: just say "who will chair this meeting" in the middle of a "me" storm.14:03
barryme (but waiting for a phone call)14:03
BjornTwell, since no one else volunteers....14:04
BjornTlet's start this week's LP developer meeting14:04
BjornTwho's here?14:04
SteveAwhy are we having the meeting here?14:05
kikoSteveA, read the mailing list next time, but BjornT is chairing.14:05
SteveAI've been on vacation14:05
kikogood for you! :)14:06
danilostis a pretty short list of attendees14:06
kikoindeed. cprov?14:06
BjornTbac and matsubara are on leave14:07
kikosalgado is on vacation too.14:07
danilosso is carlos14:07
BjornTallenap: ping - meeting time14:07
allenapBjornT: Thanks.14:07
BjornT== Agenda ==14:07
BjornT * Roll call14:07
BjornT * Agenda14:07
BjornT * Next meeting14:08
BjornT * Actions from last meeting14:08
BjornT * Oops report (Matsubara)14:08
BjornT * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)14:08
BjornT * Bug tags14:08
BjornT * Operations report (mthaddon)14:08
BjornT * DBA report (stub)14:08
BjornT * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)14:08
BjornT * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:08
BjornT * Survey: Are you using lpreview yet? (mwhudson)14:08
BjornT * Blockers14:08
BjornT* Next meeting14:08
BjornTwho knows they will not be here next week?14:08
danilosI'm off to vacation next week14:09
danilos(back only on January 8th)14:09
jtvAnd carlos will still be away.14:09
schwukI've got holiday planned for next Thurs as well14:09
danilosso list is getting pretty short, with it being already short enough14:09
danilosddaa: you sticking around for meeting next week?14:09
ddaaI should be at work in +=7days14:10
BjornTkiko: quite a lot of people will be away next week. still worth having a meeting?14:10
kikoBjornT, I think so, because it's post-rollout14:10
kikoBjornT, Rinchen will be here and I should be too14:10
danilosI'd say one could plan next meeting for next year, but yeah, it's post-rollout14:10
BjornTyes, good point.14:10
BjornTso, let's have a meeting next week, same time as usual14:10
BjornT * Actions from last meeting14:11
cprovi will be on vacations (probably), but I will attend the meeting14:11
BjornTthere were no actions from last week14:11
kikocprov! that's great to hear. :)14:11
BjornT * Oops report (Matsubara)14:11
kikoI am standing in for the great chinaman this week14:11
BjornTdid matsubara send his oops report to anyone?14:11
BjornTthanks kiko14:11
kikothere are no, and I mean zero, OOPSes of note in the daily report14:11
* flacoste cheers14:12
kikothere is one which is a bit odd, which is the +menudata one14:12
kikohere: OOPS-711A31214:12
kikoflacoste, can someone take a quick look into that? I think it's shallow.14:12
flacostei will14:12
daniloswe are also getting increased number of timeouts due to ongoing hardy translations opening14:13
kikothe significant ones in the lpnet summaries14:13
kikodanilos, when is that going to end? I had an ETA of 15h on tuesday :-/14:13
kikoas I was saying14:13
kikothe significant ones in the lpnet summaries14:13
kikoare to do with the sane_description bug limit14:13
kikowhich is fixed on staging14:13
daniloskiko: jtv should be tracking progress on that14:13
kikoand a bunch of Unicode* issues14:13
kikodanilos, okay. I'm just concerned about it14:14
daniloskiko: it's hard to handle it timely with only one admin around14:14
mrevell_Sorry, broadband problems. I won't be here next week.14:14
kikojtv, let's talk about this after the meeting.14:14
jtvkiko: ok14:14
BjornTkiko: are you done?14:14
=== mrevell_ is now known as mrevell
kikoBjornT, well, yeah. I wanted to point out only that a lot of tuesday oopses were related to the database being hammered by rosetta -- we even got some late pingdom alerts14:15
kikotimeouts and weird database integrity errors14:15
jtvconstraint violations?14:15
kikolike +filebug crashing because there was no bugmessage there14:16
kikoit looks like race conditions right and left14:16
BjornTok. no time to discuss that here, let's do that after the meeting.14:16
BjornTthanks kiko. moving on.14:16
BjornT * Critical Bugs (mrevell)14:16
mrevellHello, Joey's on vacation today.14:16
mrevellI only see one critical bug and it is marked Fix Committed.14:16
mrevellI presume there's nothing to report back to Joey on that. the bug number is14:17
kikobecause we are a great team that fixes critical problems! :)14:17
mrevellkiko: Yeah! :)14:17
mrevellbug 17309614:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173096 in malone "Misleading "Content-Encoding: gzip" header on downloads" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17309614:17
kikothat's thank to bac14:17
mrevellThanks bac. So, unless there's something to report back to Joey on that, I'l hand back to you BjornT14:17
BjornT * Bug tags14:18
BjornTno new bug tags have been proposed14:18
BjornT * Operations report (mthaddon)14:18
mthaddonStaging codehosting is getting close to completion14:18
mthaddonStaging update failed again but I believe it's now fixed per email from stub - will be doing a manual update after the meeting14:18
mthaddonCopy-missing-translations script still running...14:18
mthaddonPQM durations script broken and I'd appreciate if anyone could help me debug it14:18
mthaddonThat's it unless anyone has questions14:18
mwhudsonwoo staging codehosting14:18
danilosmthaddon: cool, just the news I was looking for, thanks for the report14:19
kikostaging codehosting! wow!14:19
BjornTthanks mthaddon14:19
kikomthaddon, what's left in that work?14:19
kiko(BjornT, allow me just that quick question)14:20
mthaddonkiko, thumper has a branch that will setup the configs and allow codehosting to be completed14:20
kikomthaddon, will we have it in time for next week's QA14:20
mwhudsonsetting up the syncing of actual branch data i think14:20
kikoand are the code team planning on using it?14:20
mwhudsonkiko: partly, i think14:20
kikowhat's missing?14:20
mthaddonkiko, we need a separate configs directory - bzr-staging14:20
mthaddonwith a bunch of custom config options14:20
kikomthaddon, I think that's fine by me. flacoste see any problem with it?14:21
mthaddondiscussed yesterday with thumper - not sure if it's already been submitted14:21
flacostekiko: nope, apart the usual config PITA14:21
mthaddonbut it just missed last night's update14:21
kikoI think that landed today, didn't it?14:21
mwhudsonkiko: it'll be hard to test stuff to do with mirrored branches, i think14:21
kikomwhudson, hmmm. ok, tell me this after the meeting. thanks!14:22
mwhudsonyeah, the config branch landed a couple of hours ago14:22
BjornTok, moving on14:22
BjornT * DBA report (stub)14:22
BjornTstub is not here. mthaddon, do you have a dba report?14:22
mthaddonmwhudson, cool, I can do a manual update and it should be up and running then14:22
mthaddonBjornT, fraid not14:22
kikoI have some DBA issues that might be worth mentioning14:23
BjornTkiko: sure14:23
kikothere is a small snag with patch 88-31-0 that is causing staging updates to fail, but it's already good; we'll do a manual rev now and it should work automatically tomorrow. if it doesn't please don't let it go by unnoticed14:23
kikowe are considering upgrading the DB server hardware in the near future14:23
kikoand stub's been working on the replication stuff which will be a welcome improvement14:24
kikodoes anyone have any DB patches that still need review or haven't landed yet?14:24
kikothere is a small window of opportunity for us if you do need something14:24
kikoI remember tom berger had mentioned a change but I've forgotten what it was14:24
kikoanyone else?14:24
mwhudsoni have one change but it's no trivial i doubt it's worth it14:25
mwhudsonbug 15158314:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 151583 in launchpad-bazaar "codeimportresult.date_started should be renamed to date_job_started" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15158314:25
allenapI need a correction to security.cfg. Does that count?14:25
kikoyes it counts14:25
BjornTkiko: tom's patch would be about renaming the janitor. it's that that important, we can do it in the next cycle.14:25
BjornTkiko: s/that/not/14:25
adeuringI'd like to get lxml install at least for the PQM machine14:25
BjornTadeuring: that's not a db patch, though! ;)14:26
kikoadeuring, that needs an IS RT ticket, and an email to joey CC: launchpad to track it14:26
kikoBjornT, okay, no problem.14:26
adeuringkiko: I know; I already have a ticket14:26
kikoallenap, can I see the diff anywhere? it should be rs=BjornT or something though14:26
flacoste BjornT: renaming the janitor shouldn't need a DB patch?14:26
allenapkiko: Not yet, but I'll get it to you asap.14:26
flacosteit's only modify production data, no?%14:27
BjornTflacoste: right. it's less error prone doing it with a db patch, though.14:28
kikoBjornT, I think it was something else that tom wanted IIRC14:28
flacosteBjornT: putting a script to run on LaunchpadProductionStatus usually works fine also14:28
BjornTkiko: maybe, let's look at that after the meeting.14:28
kikoBjornT, hokay14:28
BjornTmoving on. talk to kiko about db patches, if you have any.14:28
BjornT * Sysadmin requests (mrevell)14:28
kikoyes, talk to me. and send me money too14:29
mrevellDoes anyone have an RT number that they'd like to see chased up?14:29
* kiko looks at adeuring 14:29
* kiko looks at barry 14:29
flacostekiko, Rinchen is well aware of those14:29
jtvmrevell: after staging is back on track, we'd like a re-run of that statistics script.14:29
adeuringYes... let me look for the number...14:30
flacostei think that elmo is currently taking care of #29298 (mailman on staging)14:30
* barry sends kiko a meelion dollars14:30
adeuringticket #2955814:30
mrevelljtv: Is there an RT number with that?14:30
jtvmrevell: mine is #29586.14:30
mrevellthanks adeuring14:30
mrevellthanks jtv14:30
kikogood man adeuring14:30
statikmthaddon: our squid setup on staging and production, I'd like to talk with you about that sometime after this meeting14:30
mthaddonstatik, sure14:30
kikostatik, yeah, the feeds cache is important with this release because of announcements14:31
mrevellI'll see if I can get a status from the sysadmin chaps on those and will report back. Thanks BjornT14:31
kikoindeed thanks BjornT14:31
BjornT * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:31
mrevellAh me again14:31
mrevellFor today's user affecting issue, I'd like to raise bug 139495 and an associated problem.14:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139495 in launchpad "Beta testers are redirected even when logged out" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13949514:31
mrevellmpt's bug report describes how, although not logged in, he was redirected to edge when following a link from Google. This was because he already had the cookie to say he was a beta tester.14:31
mrevellThe associated problem is reported as when a beta tester logs in at launchpad.net, on a browser without previous LP session cookies, they are redirected to edge.launchpad.net where they are required to log in again.14:31
kikookay. so we should clear that cookie when logging out?14:31
mrevellLogging out from edge results in a redirect to launchpad.net where the user is still logged in. Trying to log out from launchpad.net results in a redirect to edge, where the user is already logged out.14:32
kikoflacoste, what do you think?14:32
flacosteis jamesh around?14:32
statikthis annoys me every single day14:32
jtvsometimes it'd be nice to have a production.launchpad.net14:32
* flacoste doesn't know the details of that to have an opinion14:32
statikwell, the logging in twice annoys me. I don't do the logout thing that often14:33
flacostebut I know the redirection coed also cause problems in the tests14:33
flacostebut that's probably another issue14:33
mrevellPerhaps I should raise this on the list and then we can discuss further.14:34
flacostemrevell: i'll look into this14:34
mrevellthanks flacoste14:34
BjornTthanks mrevell14:34
BjornT * Survey: Are you using lpreview yet? (mwhudson)14:34
statiknot me14:34
barrynot me (haven't had a new branch yet)14:34
* mwhudson hopes the topic is clear, i mailed the list a week ago14:34
flacostenot me14:34
ddaayes, lpreview is love14:34
jtvnot me14:34
EdwinGrubbsnot me14:35
kikothanks guys.14:35
danilosnot me14:35
kikoI haven't tried lpreview yet.14:35
mwhudsonthose who haven't: please try14:35
jsknot yet14:35
allenapnot me14:35
mwhudsonthose who have: please tell me where it sucks14:35
BjornTthose of you who answered 'not me', why aren't you using it?14:35
kikoby next week14:35
kikothose who said "not me"14:35
kikoplease try it at least once and have feedback to submit14:35
daniloskiko: I won't have a chance to do that by next week14:36
kikomwhudson, I will tell you this: I will be really motivated to use it when it has a backend.14:36
ddaagot feedback14:36
kikodanilos, vacationers are excused.14:36
* mwhudson points kiko at gmb 14:36
* barry will try it for his next new branch14:36
mwhudsonbut yeah14:36
allenapIs it a replacement for the general queue, or in addition?14:36
mwhudsonallenap: addition at the moment14:36
flacostei asked for a feature that it outputs the thing you can paste on PendingReviews14:36
ddaaallenap: ATM it works best with on-call reviewers14:36
mwhudsonflacoste: yeah, i'll try and do that today14:37
gmbkiko: Let me get my bugs work out of the way and I'll make you very happy. In a coding sense.14:37
allenapCool, I'll give it a go :)14:37
mwhudsonflacoste: can you send a mail to remind me? :)14:37
kikogmb, O K!!14:37
flacostemwhudson: i will14:37
mwhudsonBjornT: enough on this, i think14:38
BjornTok. so those who haven't tried lpreview yet, please do so until next week14:38
BjornTmoving on14:38
BjornT * Blockers14:38
BjornTBugs team: not blocked14:38
flacosteFoundations Team: Blocked on MailMan setup on staging (RT #29298)14:38
jtvTranslations team: not blocked14:38
statiklpcomm team: not blocked14:38
kikoI know I am blocking: bjorn on comment imports and reviewing the bugzilla spec14:38
cprovSoyuz team: not blocked (cprov-only this week)14:39
mrevellReleases team: Not blocked.14:39
schwukHWDB: No14:39
kikoschwuk and adeuring on some hwdb org updates14:39
ddaaCode team: not blocket14:39
kikoand maybe cprov needs to look over soyuz 1.1.12 final?14:39
schwukkiko: True, but on the current work, no14:39
BjornTanyone from SC here?14:40
kikoI think they are boycotting this channel <wink>14:40
BjornTok, except for SC, it should be all14:41
cprovkiko:  sure, I'm dealing with the last trivial bugs (some wip will slip for 1.2.1, for sure)14:41
BjornTthanks guys14:41
jtvBjornT: thanks for running the show again :)14:41
kikocprov, no problemo. let's chat tonight.14:41
mwhudsonBjornT: thanks14:41
cprovkiko: ta14:41
kikoBjornT, you're good at this! but I would like flacoste to run the next one, if he could14:41
mrevellthanks BjornT14:41
flacostekiko: sure14:41
BjornTkiko: sure, i don't mind someone else doing it :)14:42
kikothanks francis14:42
kikoyou are a good volunteer14:42
flacostekiko: i'm especially good at being volunteered ;-)14:43
kikonot surprised at that. :)14:43
=== kiko is now known as kiko-phone
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
kiko-phonedanilos, you want to get your hostmask fixed, yeah?15:06
daniloskiko-phone: yeah15:06
kiko-phoneand you're identified?15:06
daniloskiko-phone: yes15:06
kiko-phoneokay. let's get an admin15:06
daniloskiko-phone: basically, "danilo" has mine, and I am "danilos" on freenode :)15:06
daniloskiko-phone: yeah, tell that to mako who spent some time trying to convince "danilo" how he should remember him :)15:08
daniloskiko-phone: I'll have to go out now, will be back later: do you need me for this?15:10
kiko-phonedanilos, I don't think so. I'm still waiting for a response on #freenode15:10
daniloskiko-phone: ok, cool, thanks a lot15:11
kiko-phonethanks to you15:11
=== kiko-phone is now known as kiko
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
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=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson

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