
Ubulettebouhh, internal errors with codebrowse00:14
pooliethumper, re bug 4946902:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 49469 in launchpad-bazaar "Unable to register upstream release as already using Bazaar" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4946902:12
pooliei think it's still open, as a usabliity bug02:12
poolieindeed that might have been what hypatia was originally reporting...02:12
thumperyes and no02:12
thumperWhat I'd suggest is to file a new bug with a better title and description02:13
thumperas what the actual bug report says is incorrect02:13
thumperwe could link it back02:13
thumperpoolie: can we have a voice call this afternoon, there are some things I need to talk through with you02:13
pooliei was going to retitle it02:14
poolieso mary doesn't lose it, etc02:14
thumperwe could do that02:14
thumperUbulette: we know about them, and they should be fixed with the 1.1.12 rollout next week02:14
thumperUbulette: the internal errors with codebrowse02:15
Ubuletteoh, ok. I assumed you did02:15
pooliethumper, i agree we should have a call -- irc our meeting with mark is tomorrow but you won't be there?02:15
* lamont wonders why the hppa buildds haven't launched anything in 4 hours...04:30
Fujitsulamont: Because queue-builder probably wants you to kick it. Hard.04:32
lamontFujitsu: I can't kick queue builder04:35
lamontslavescanner is more likely, no?04:35
FujitsuHm, probably.04:36
Fujitsuqueue-builder isn't quite so evil now it doesn't block slavescanner.04:36
FujitsuEverything is surprisingly idle.04:37
FujitsuOh, not any more.04:37
FujitsuThat can't be right... On one load of the page, only one buildd was active.04:38
lamonthppa's last build ended 4 hours ago.  1600 items in the queue04:39
FujitsuIs slave-scanner known to single archs out? I wouldn't have thought it would be possible for it to do that sort of thing...04:40
Fujitsulamont: Look at the latest build in kohnen's queue. Something is seriously screwed.04:55
lamontthat does look, um, interesting05:01
lamontmarked kohnen manual, I'll turn it on in a bit and see if it self-reproduces05:02
FujitsuRather more mysterious even that the Currently Building ones which look to be otherwise Pending.05:02
lamontI see nothing in 'currently building' for hppa05:03
FujitsuThere aren't any.05:03
lamontI do see that something keeps bumping priority on some packages that I threw down in the cellar back up to where queue-mangler thinks they belong05:03
FujitsuBut over the past couple of weeks there have been a number of builds with are listed as currently building, but have no builder, etc.05:03
Fujitsulamont: Right, there's a bug on that.05:04
lamontah, so it's not just me.  cool05:04
Fujitsuqueue-builder takes so long to run that it sometimes reads in build scores, thinks for a while, and writes out the recalculated ones, overwriting the manual change that was made in the meantime.05:04
Fujitsulamont: kohnen seems markedly unimpressed.05:27
FujitsuI note that sejong was doing a similar thing several hours ago.05:29
* Fujitsu wonders why the lpia security buildd is concordia.05:34
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pooliewhy doesn't a search for "setup.py" (no quotes) in launchpad find a bug with that word in the title?06:43
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gsprI filed a question for my PPA to be cleared out. Someone replied and said it had been done. All the packages on the list are gone, but the files still remain, preventing me to upload new versions. What can I do?07:45
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mrevellMorning Launchpadders!09:26
jmlGood morning Mr Revell09:37
sorenHi, guys. I'm having trouble checking out bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu .09:43
sorenI get bzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository( blahblha) ) is not compatible with repository RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu/.bzr/)09:43
sorenI've no clue what that is all about.09:44
mrevellmwhudson or jml: Are you able to help soren?09:48
jmlsoren: hi09:48
jmlsoren: what version of bazaar are you using locally?09:49
mwhudsonyou are trying to pull a branch from a dirstate repo into a dirstate-with-subtrees repo, or something like that i expect09:49
mwhudson(not a very clear message at all)09:49
jmlmwhudson: do you know if there's a bug filed about making that message clearer?09:50
mwhudsonjml: i do not09:50
sorenjml: 1.0~rc2-209:50
mwhudsonthere was some discussion on the list09:50
sorenmwhudson: I'm not sure what that means?09:51
mwhudsonsoren: are you pulling the branch into a shared repo?09:52
sorenmwhudson: Nope. Just a plain old "bzr co bzr+ssh://blah".09:52
sorenmwhudson: I can do it anywhere on my filesystem.09:52
sorenmwhudson: Well... No.09:52
* jml tries branches09:52
sorenI *can't*. That's the problem, you see :)09:52
mwhudsontry sftp or http :(09:53
sorenmwhudson: That works. Hm... will this affect all branches on Launchpad?09:54
jmlI wish we had access to some logfiles.09:54
sorenmwhudson: I checked something out yesterday without any problems.09:54
jmlsoren: I certainly hope not!09:54
sorenjml: Could you shed smidgeon of light on the issue? I've no clue what the problem is.09:54
mwhudsonthere's a bug where initial branches over bzr+ssh always create local branches in the default format09:55
mwhudsonwhich are sometimes incompatible with what you're about to bring over the wire09:55
mwhudsoni think it might be fixed in 1.009:55
mwhudson(hope so, anyway)09:55
jmlsoren: sftp://09:55
ubotuNew bug: #176085 in malone "subscribing someone should send a notification email" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17608509:55
sorenjml: erk..09:55
jmlsoren: yeah09:55
jmlsoren: upgrading to 1.0rc3 might be worth a shot09:56
sorenjml: Could I check out just a single revision using sftp, switch the parent branch url to bzr+ssh and pull the rest that way?09:56
sorenThat might speed things up a bit.09:57
* soren stops asking silly questions and just tries it09:57
mwhudsonsoren: i think that will work09:59
mwhudsonhey look, this poolie_ guy might know about the status of this bug10:00
poolie_which bug?10:00
poolie_i'm kinda done for today...10:00
soren10:55:05 < ~mwhudson> there's a bug where initial branches over bzr+ssh always create local branches in the default format10:00
sorenMore context?10:00
poolie_yes, i know of it10:01
poolie_it's biting you?10:01
sorenYes. Trying to "bzr co bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu" I get:10:01
sorenbzr: ERROR: Repository KnitPackRepository( blahblha) ) is not compatible with repository  RemoteRepository(bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-core-dev/debian-installer/ubuntu/.bzr/)10:02
mwhudsonpoolie_: is there a bug report in launchpad?10:02
mwhudsoni'm sure i found it, but now my searching is totally failing10:02
poolie_mwhudson, there are thousands! :-)10:02
sorenmwhudson: Just pulling that one revision takes ages, too.10:02
mwhudsonhar, har10:02
poolie_bug 17300210:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173002 in bzr "Branching from hpss doesn't preserve non-repository formats" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17300210:03
poolie_i'll bump it up10:03
poolie_actually, this one was probably bug 16462610:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164626 in bzr "branching from hpss doesn't preserve repository format" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16462610:03
mwhudsonah, it was fix released10:05
jmlsoren: I successfully branched from that one.10:39
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sorenjml: Oh? Newer bzr version or something?10:49
jmlBazaar (bzr) 1.0.0.candidate.110:50
jmlolder, it seems10:50
jml(although pastebin the output of 'bzr version' to make sure)10:50
ubotuNew bug: #176100 in launchpad "ppa page shows hardy even though there are no hardy packages available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17610010:56
sorenjml: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48068/10:57
mwhudsonuh oh10:59
jmlmwhudson: worth checking with the current 1.0 branch I reckon :)10:59
* jml retires11:00
* mwhudson tries11:04
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zerokhi :)11:47
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_polto_how can users find on my PPA my signature to add it to Synaptic pls?13:06
Hobbsee_polto_: you can't, yet.13:07
_polto_oh :(13:08
_polto_so users have to install unsigned package ?13:08
_polto_i mean whey can't verify ..13:08
Hobbseeyes, at the moment.13:08
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encompassThings are getting really busy at launchpad.net/memaker is it possible to get this program a mailing list?  Our plan is to have this program ready for the release of ubuntu hardy.  It is hoped to be an integrated part of both the install and user preferences13:38
mrevellencompass: That's a service we may offer in the future but I'm afraid that, right now, you can't run a mailing list through Launchpad.13:39
lamontFujitsu: because concordia is the machine we were given for security builds...13:40
encompassmrevell: dang... do you know of a common alternative?13:41
mrevellencompass: Have you come across Mailman before? It's a mailing list management system with web interface. It's easy to setup and run on your own server.13:43
encompassis it THAT easy?  hehe, I can give it a shot13:43
encompassyeah, I have heard of it13:43
mrevellencompass: It is pretty easy. I'm not a developer or a sysadmin and I managed to run a Mailman instance :)13:44
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Hobbseescary.  it talks!14:05
kikoSteveA, -> #launchpad-meeting14:05
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kikomrevell, do note that we have mailing lists in beta this coming week, no?14:38
mrevellkiko: Thanks.14:39
mrevellencompass: If you join our beta team you can try the mailing list feature we're planning to release in the near future.14:40
kikomrevell, so I mean, could you contact somebody at launchpad.net/memaker and let them know?14:40
danilosmrevell: we'll need to discuss some translations related stuff today (later) or tomorrow, can you make up some time for that14:40
kikobarry, can I get a 1-line summary of how the ML beta works?14:40
mrevelldanilos: After the meeting?14:40
danilosmrevell: a bit later, I'll have to run out for a couple hours14:41
danilosmrevell: if you are not around, anytime tomorrow is fine as well14:41
daniloskiko: please change the topic in here :)14:41
barrykiko: teams which are members of a special 'mailing lists beta testers team' will have the opportunity to apply for a team mailing list14:41
mrevelldanilos: No problem. I can be around later. TOmorrow I'm on holiday.14:41
danilosmrevell: ok, cool14:41
Hobbseeholiday?  waht's that?14:42
kikodanilos, this channel isn't +t, help me out!14:42
Hobbseekiko: /topic foo ?14:43
mrevelldanilos: Can we set a time now, though, please?14:43
kikoI'm trying to get danilos to do it Hobbsee :)14:43
mrevellbarry: Do you have time for a short call today?14:43
Hobbseekiko: oh, right.14:43
barrymrevell: yes.  think we can do it in 15 minutes?  i have another meeting in 1:1514:43
mrevellbarry: That sounds great, thank you. Skype okay?14:44
barrymrevell: perfect!14:44
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mwhudsonsoren: fwiw, the bzr 1.0 branch managed to successfully get your branch from launchpad15:29
sorenmwhudson: Cool. I'll just wait patiently for an update to show up. thanks!15:29
* Hobbsee ponders doing PPA support at this time of night15:37
* Hobbsee decides "screw it", and leaves it to the paid people.15:37
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mwhudsonsoren: aaaah16:06
mwhudsoni can run _bzr get_ on your branch16:06
mwhudsonbut not _bzr checkout_16:06
mwhudsonworkaround: bzr get the branch, then bind it16:06
mwhudsonalso, seems like bug filing time...16:06
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lamontcprov: can you help me understand why LP isn't starting any hppa builds?16:16
cprovlamont: since when ?16:17
lamonthppa build of gcc-4.2 4.2.2-4ubuntu2 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE16:17
lamontBuild started 18 hours ago on kohnen (hppa) and finished 16 hours ago taking 2 hours 10 minutes — see the log 16:17
lamontthat's the last build on kohnen16:17
lamontthe others, longer.16:17
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lamont17 hours ago or later was when the last build finished on all 3 16:18
lamonter, 17 hours ago or less (later in time)16:18
lamonthppa build of gnome-panel 1:2.20.1-0ubuntu2 in ubuntu hardy RELEASE16:18
lamontBuild started 17 hours ago on castilla (hppa) and finished 17 hours ago taking 45 minutes — see the log 16:18
lamontcastilla was the last to start, and the 2nd of 3 to finish16:19
lamontlooking at the log on kohnen, it was screaming about bzip2 finding end-of-file early, which kinda points at a bad chroot tarball??????16:19
cprovlamont: ok, let's wait q-b to stop and I will run slave-scanner manually to see what's it doing.16:26
cprovin 5 minutes16:27
lamontcool.  I'16:27
lamontll wait to hear from you16:27
lamontstupid ' key16:27
cprovlamont: they are all in BUILDERFAIL status, they need to be restarted.16:31
cprovlamont, my network will be down for some minutes, brb16:32
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lamontall restarted16:32
lamont2007/12/13 16:35 GMT [HTTPChannel,8,] Build log: RUN: /usr/share/launchpad-buildd/slavebin/unpack-chroot ['unpack-chroot', '472098-1127207', '/home/buildd/filecache-default/9bc3d0e680f2a161676f338820082aca8bc3018e']16:48
lamont2007/12/13 16:35 GMT [-] Build log: Uncompressing the tarball...16:48
lamont2007/12/13 16:35 GMT [-] Build log:16:49
lamont2007/12/13 16:35 GMT [-] bunzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;16:49
lamont2007/12/13 16:35 GMT [-]        perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.16:49
lamontso, uh, which tarball?16:49
* lamont does a tar tvjf16:50
lamont-rw-r--r-- root/root   6361856 2007-12-12 21:19:31 chroot-autobuild/var/lib/apt/lists/ftpmaster.internal_ubuntu_dists_hardy_main_binary-hppa_Packages16:50
lamontbzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;16:50
lamontls -l /home/buildd/filecache-default/9bc3d0e680f2a161676f338820082aca8bc3018e*16:50
lamont-rw------- 1 buildd buildd  44937216 2007-12-12 22:38 /home/buildd/filecache-default/9bc3d0e680f2a161676f338820082aca8bc3018e16:50
lamont-rw------- 1 buildd buildd 140025000 2007-12-13 16:35 /home/buildd/filecache-default/9bc3d0e680f2a161676f338820082aca8bc3018e.tmp16:50
lamontand 25GB of free space, so I think we're good there16:51
lamontcprov: is the librarian copy the same size /etc?16:54
lamontcpro1: let me guess.. you missed all that?16:54
* lamont pastes in /query16:54
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lamontcprov: ack?16:56
kikoyou flood him and then expect him to ack immediately??16:56
cprovlamont: ack16:57
lamontkiko: of course. he's just that good.16:58
lamontkiko: and I was really just wanting to make sure that the flood had reached him, not that he'd read it...17:05
lamontand that he wasn't just bouncing in network-purgatory17:05
cr3can someone make the hardware-certification-manual project private so that bugs and code are private?17:20
ubotuNew bug: #176171 in malone "Unable to invalidate linux-source-2.6.24 bug" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17617117:26
lamontcprov: thanks again17:30
lamontcprov: and when boredom sets in sometime in the future, it'd be nice if the BUILDERFAIL status got more of that logfile spamage from the builder.17:32
lamontAnd I suppose that when we make it so that there's an LP interface for uploading chroot tarballs, it'd be a real win if there were some incoming QA checks on them before they got pushed live.17:33
MiserySalinHi... how can I retrigger a build of my PPA? I have a "Missing dependencies: ...." in a package because it builds too fast that the other package-build were not be ready.18:15
MiserySalinthere is no need to bump a version number... only a retry on i386 (amd64 and lpia builds fast enough)18:16
kikoMiserySalin, hmm, I'm not sure it's possible. cprov?18:16
cprovMiserySalin: you can't retry a build if it was already built.18:17
cprovMiserySalin: if it failed you should be able to hit 'retry' in the build page18:18
MiserySalinooohhh...... I never saw that "retry"-link18:19
MiserySalinis that new?18:19
MiserySalinBut thanks!18:20
cprovMiserySalin: not exactly, I think it was already there since 1.1.10. Did it work ?18:20
stdinfunny thing is, the "Use the 'Retry build' link in the Actions menu if you wish to retry your build." line was added because the link seemed obscure18:22
MiserySalinyes, thanks.... "retry build" did the job ;-)18:22
profanephobiahow often are blueprints read through by devs?18:55
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Odd_Blokeprofanephobia: Depends on project.19:14
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no0tichi, I deactivated an old gpg key and activated a new one.. do I need to sign another time the ubuntu code of conduct I signed with the previous key?19:23
mikkaelare these gutsy or hardy packages: the sources list entry shows hardy, the series say gutsy: https://launchpad.net/~notz/+archive ?20:09
Fujitsulamont: Right, but it doesn't fit the naming scheme of the rest of the new buildds.20:31
lamontFujitsu: yeah. but it already existed.20:32
lamontconcordia is from the penguins or antartic bases theme...20:32
lamontwhich predate the elements theme20:32
Fujitsumikkael: That's a known bug.20:35
gsprI filed a question for my PPA to be cleared out. Someone replied and said it had been done. All the packages on the list are gone, but the files still remain, preventing me to upload new versions. What can I do?21:15
Fujitsugspr: I suspect that the files will vanish when you upload a new version of them.21:29
FujitsuThey shouldn't stop you from uploading a package with the same version.21:29
FujitsuThat is, all the `deleted' files will actually be deleted when you upload any package.21:30
The-Kernelhi, I created a PPA, and I was curious as to where the howto/documentation is located.21:36
The-Kernelanyone know?21:36
The-Kerneli found it21:36
The-Kernelthanks  though21:36
gsprFujitsu: Actually, I get an error about mismatching .orig checksum when trying to upload the package.21:51
gsprFujitsu: I reckon the orig is still around, and it doesn't like that21:51
Fujitsucprov: Around?22:41
cprovFujitsu: yes, I'm here. How can I help you ?22:42
Fujitsucprov: gspr requested that things be deleted from his PPA, but the .orig.tar.gzs don't seem to have actually vanished, and so md5sum issues appear.22:42
cprovFujitsu: which package ?22:43
FujitsuThat I'm not sure about.22:44
Fujitsugspr: ^^22:44
cprovFujitsu: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gspreemann/+archive?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=any, the packages were not deleted yet, when was it requested.22:46
Fujitsucprov: They are listed as deleted...22:50
cprovFujitsu: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/19886, deletion requested and perform yesterday, the 1.1.11 codeline still waiting 24 hours to perform deletions in archive disk. Summing up, the files will be deleted in 5 hours22:50
FujitsuSo Deleted in this case is the old PendingRemoval?22:50
cprovFujitsu: but the files are still being presented, which indicates that they were not deleted yet22:51
cprovFujitsu: sort of, PENDINGREMOVAL is not a publishing state anymore, but still part of the workflow22:52
FujitsuI've seen other PPAs where the files have stuck around for days after being `deleted'.22:52
FujitsuRight, hence `old'.22:52
cprovFujitsu: in 1.1.12, deletions will be performed immediately (in the next mass-removal run, not in the N+2 run)22:53
cprovanyway,  I wonder why so many deletions in PPAs 22:54
FujitsuPeople may upload something experimental to their PPA, and later want their PPA to be widely used. With the current model, users get all or nothing. IMO, components within a PPA should be flexible so owners can segregate things, but there's probably a good reason to not allow that.22:59

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