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WildnQIkwhats the command to get cc installed?00:35
xtknightWildnQIk,  as in c compiler?  sudo apt-get install build-essential00:36
xtknighti should say, C++ compiler00:37
hydrogenand c as well02:01
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ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:50
DrUnKnMuNkYis there any way to install hardy alongside gutsy other than dual booting? i'd like to give it a try but still need a functional computer in case it doesn't work at all06:00
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DarkMageZDrUnKnMuNkY, vmware or other similar software?06:06
DrUnKnMuNkYDarkMageZ: that's what i was thinking would be the only way to install it. i think i'll just wait a couple more releases before I try it out. stability-wise, is it what you'd normally expect from an alpha 1 release?06:11
DarkMageZDrUnKnMuNkY, to be honest. i've been using alpha 1 as my primary & production desktop system. the only problems that it has that gutsy doesn't or doesn't suffer anywhere near as bad with is setting the wallpaper and configuring the network interfaces.06:13
DrUnKnMuNkYDarkMageZ: I've found the networking stuff, especially wireless, to be pretty unreliable already. how much worse is it?06:19
DarkMageZDrUnKnMuNkY, can't configure static ip addreses on ethernet cards :P06:20
DarkMageZthat's how bad =D06:20
DarkMageZunless you do it using the command line06:20
choudeshanyone around?06:34
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DanaGHmm, what should I do to fix the keyboard-laggy cfs scheduler?07:38
DanaGActually, it may be compiz+nvidia doing it.07:40
DanaGNope, still slow even with Metacity.07:42
Jordan_UDanaG, Why do you think it's a problem with the scheduler?07:56
DanaGWell, I only have the lagginess when booted into 2.6.24, I think.07:57
Jordan_UDanaG, Have you tried the nv driver, or vesa?07:57
DanaGI'll give it a try right now.  Hold on.07:58
Jordan_UDanaG, Also, how laggy?07:58
DanaGNice: nv silently ignores any parameters that nvidia takes but nv doesn07:59
DanaGdoesn't use, rather than just freaking out and saying "unknown option".07:59
DanaGhMM, nv still seems slightly sluggish.08:00
DanaGOh yeah, I forgot to mention:  I do run two instances of Folding@Home in the background, niced to +19.08:00
Jordan_UDanaG, More sluggish than you would expect nv to be?08:00
DanaGThere's still lag on typing.08:00
DanaGI've never used plain nv, so I don't have anything to compare it to.08:01
DanaGOddly, moving windows is NOT laggy.08:01
Jordan_UDanaG, Ahh, and without them running do you have the same problem? If so I agree it's probably cfs08:01
DanaGYeah, without them it's fine.08:01
DanaGI noticed that because I have acpi-support stop them when on battery.08:01
Jordan_UDanaG, 2 instances because folding@home only uses one core? ( just curious )08:02
DanaGWell, it is slightly less sluggish with nv, but not entirely better.08:02
DanaGThe SMP version can't save progress, so it's only good for long-uptime systems.08:02
DanaGActually, when using nv, there's not a big change between with and without F@H running.08:03
DanaGSo it must partly be nvidia's issue.08:03
Jordan_UDanaG, strange08:04
Jordan_UIs gnome-screensaver still redirected with compiz enabled for security reasons in Hardy?08:05
DanaGAlso, to get nvidia to compile on 2.6.24, I had to do the "really ugly hack" of undef'ing CONFIG_PARAVIRT in the nvidia module sources.08:06
DanaGI can't quite tell what's the fault of cfs and what's the fault of nv.08:07
DanaGBut now that I try stopping F@H again, it does improve when I stop it.08:07
ysth1does gutsy have a newer version of OO.o than hardy?08:28
bazhang!info open office11:03
ubotuPackage open does not exist in hardy11:03
fenrigi need to check something12:57
fenrigcan somebody tell me how i can find the newest madwifi package for hardy12:58
fenrigi mean12:58
fenrigwhat is the madwifi package version of hardy12:58
BUGabundocheck with apg-cache show12:58
fenrigi'm running gutsy12:59
squefenrig check on site: http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:59
squeyou can query ALL packets of ubuntu for any version12:59
fenrigwhere can i download hardy13:03
fenrigi know alpha 1 was released13:03
BUGabundodo you want the iso13:03
BUGabundoor just do an upgrade?13:03
BUGabundofor an upgrade just run sudo update-manager -d13:04
BUGabundofor iso13:04
BUGabundogo to cdimage.ubuntu.com13:04
BUGabundofor daily iso13:04
Hobbseedaily iso's won't be working, i expect.13:04
Hobbseefenrig: hardy final is not released.13:04
BUGabundoor releases.ubuntu.com for releases (like gutsy, alphas, beta) etc13:04
fenrighobbsee: i know that13:04
BUGabundoquestion away, fenrig13:05
fenrigi can't just install the new madwifi package from hardy in feisty can i13:05
fenrigbecause i see that the depencies have changed13:05
fenrigso i need gutsy13:06
h3sp4wnfenrig: You can just get madwifi from the madwifi svn (trunk if you want to use 2.6.24)13:07
fenrigare there already fundemental changes in gutsy?13:07
fenrigbecause i've heard it just has new packages13:07
h3sp4wnThis is the hardy channel13:07
fenrignew packages=updated packages13:07
fenrigsorry hardy13:07
fenrigi'm still using the gutsy alpha13:08
fenrig:S the only cd i could find13:08
fenriglaptop :D13:08
fenrigmy desktop is the final release of gutsy13:09
h3sp4wnSome stuff might not work properly (But that is also the case with gutsy which is supposed to be stable so)13:09
fenrigare their serious bugs in Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Alpha 113:10
BUGabundoehehe h3sp4wn13:10
BUGabundodon't be meant to gutsy!!13:10
BUGabundoI can live with them h3sp4wn13:10
fenrigubuntu is build of debian unstable13:10
fenrigisn't it13:10
BUGabundobut I still don't know way gnome hibernate won't work13:10
BUGabundoit seems to use pmi action and that doesn't work13:11
h3sp4wnfenrig: debian unstable is usually more stable13:11
fenrigits still work in progress13:11
BUGabundobut pm-hibernate works like a sharm13:11
fenrigis that so??13:11
h3sp4wnfenrig: (Given you don't use junk hardware)13:11
fenrigmy brother bought a laptop 2 months ago13:12
h3sp4wnfenrig: And you read the bug tracker13:12
fenrigand vista is down already13:12
fenrigvista is supah unstable13:12
h3sp4wnI think with anything hardware quality is important13:13
fenriglike my desktop13:14
fenrignvidia gpu13:14
fenrigamd 64 +3800 processor13:14
h3sp4wnnvidia is mostly reliable - at least recently the nvidia cards I have used have left much to be desired with regards to image quality though13:16
fenrigand 3d (wine, linux games,...) have great quality13:20
fenrigmy fps are mostly up with 10 when comparing to windows13:21
fenrigi'm going to install Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Alpha 113:21
fenrigis it a good idea13:21
fenrigits just a package renewal right?13:21
BUGabundomuch have changed since the alpha 1 come out13:21
BUGabundothere are a few apps that won't work properly13:22
BUGabundoand ppl have been having trouble with there touchpads13:22
BUGabundo'cause of the new X 7.313:22
fenrigwell no probl13:22
fenrigi've a usb mouse13:22
fenrigohh yeah13:23
BUGabundothe new X and the new xrand were the main goal why I upgraded13:23
fenrigwhat exactly doesnt work13:23
Hobbseetouchpads?  havent' seen it here13:23
fenrigi mean13:23
BUGabundobut still doesn't seem to make much difference13:23
fenrigdoes ff work rythmbox, wine,...13:23
BUGabundoHobbsee: no scroll13:23
BUGabundoFF no prob, wine works, ryth I don't use13:24
fenrigcan i check it?13:24
BUGabundoI have all browsers working great13:24
fenrigcan u check it13:24
fenrigi use epiphany13:24
HobbseeBUGabundo: oh, that's fixable.13:24
BUGabundoff 2.0 , 3.0, opera , swiftfox, konqueror etc13:24
Hobbseeryth works OK, if you actually like it.13:24
fenrigthx hobbsee13:24
fenrigi use it daily13:25
BUGabundoHobbsee: I know it is, just copy my gutsy xorg.conf13:25
BUGabundoas I mention on LP13:25
fenrigBUGabundo: so there s something wrong with making those configs?13:26
DannilionShould I get my usb mouse ready, and clear my laptop table? :p13:26
* Dannilion is in the process of upgrading13:26
Hobbseeall you need is "    InputDevice "Synaptics Touchpad""13:27
* Dannilion wonders if Hardy will fix the sound problem that wasn't there with feisty but was with gutsy13:28
BUGabundoDannilion: do you have a toshiba?13:29
BUGabundoHobbsee: so can I just have a xorg.conf with that?13:29
HobbseeBUGabundo: there is a deafult already there13:29
Hobbseejust add it13:29
BUGabundoeven after I use displayconfig-gtk?13:29
DannilionAcer Aspire 563013:30
h3sp4wnDannilion: Does just buildint the updated alsa fix it (1.0.15) ?13:30
BUGabundoI have a friend here with a toshiba and the volume is just toooooooooo low13:30
Dannilionwouldn't know- it's not such a major problem I went out looking for a fix13:30
BUGabundoeven with hardy kernel13:30
Dannilion(my problem is that pressing the Fn+up or down keys is meant to change the volume, but doesn't since upgrading to Gutsy)13:31
Dannilionbut I can easily work around that, so it's not too bad a problem13:31
dholbach * Riddell bigs up Kubuntu Tutorials Day in half an hour in #kubuntu-devel https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay14:45
* dholbach passes on the message. :-)14:45
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c0mp13371331337So is Hardy going to have a 'showstopping' app this time around?  Much like Compiz Fusion of Gutsy, will there be one new program that really defines the release?15:39
hydrogenlikely not15:43
void^not really, it's lts15:43
hydrogenbecause its a lts release15:43
hydrogenthe focus is going to be on stability (which means anything but compiz)15:43
c0mp13371331337Hahaha, I see.  Hydrogen, when you say anything but, does that mean they're nixing Compiz for this release?15:44
pwnguinhow did i miss linux-backport-drivers?17:12
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DanaGHmm, I'm still curious why a nice +19 process is bogging down the rest of the system under CFS, when it didn't have that issue under whatever the previous default was.18:32
h3sp4wnpwnguin: maybe you never needed them before ?18:38
h3sp4wnbackports suck for the most part18:38
DanaGHow do you change which scheduler is being used?18:40
DanaGUgh, it's like being on a very old systems.18:43
DanaGer, system.  Can't type weell with such severe typing lag.18:44
DanaGOkay, that's odd.... uhci-hcd was causing a helluvalot of interrupts.18:48
DanaGAnd using about 50% of one CPU core, it seems.18:50
DanaGBut now my F@H is still bogging down everything else.18:53
pwnguinh3sp4wn: driver backports?19:30
h3sp4wnpwnguin: yep if you want the driver use the newer kernel19:30
pwnguinnvidia drivers19:31
pwnguinoutta have a backport repo or something19:31
h3sp4wnYou can make your own backport easily19:31
h3sp4wn(from the debian "nvidia-graphics-drivers" source (be in either sid or experimental)19:32
pwnguinwill note19:36
pwnguinstill, it'd be nice if someone went to the effort of publishing this within ubuntu19:36
h3sp4wnYou have to remember to build the kernel module also (m-a a-i nvidia)19:37
h3sp4wnBut its easy19:37
h3sp4wnpwnguin: I doubt they would let that information be added to ubotu19:37
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
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DannilionSquee! I have found bugs21:44
DarkMageZDannilion, bugs? really!21:54
DannilionAnd trying to report them to launchpad resulted in big crash!21:55
DanaGHeh, I see Dannilion, I think of yogurt.21:59
h3sp4wnHow can I tell whether or not I can theoretically have HPET (and whether the force enable patches are useful to me)22:00
DanaGdmesg | grep HPET  , for one.22:00
DannilionOkay, explain the connection between my username and yoghurt, please :)22:00
h3sp4wnand is the force enable patch already in 2.6.2422:01
DanaGTake out the "illi".22:01
DanaGMy laptop already has HPET enabled in the DSDT, so I wouldn't be able to test the force-enable thingy.22:02
DanaGThat's one thing I'd have to consider for my next laptop: is it rare to have it implemented properly, or is it rare to have it NOT implemented properly?22:04
DanaGI know some Dell notebooks have broken DSDTs in that regard, but I'm curious how many others have it broken.22:05
DanaGOh yeah, there'll also be a /dev/hpet, it seems, but I don't know what uses it.22:06
=== TechnoViking is now known as MikeB
DanaGOh yeah, what things USE hpet, that I can directly see?22:30
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Ejawww.publicpet.gr/ejavaqel/vote Unbelievable?23:41
DanaGI wish I could fix the slowness that CFS seems to cause when under heavy (even though nice +19) load.23:52

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