
Burgundaviathinkgeek: hello07:20
smartmassanybody here?07:28
smartmasspreviously was ThinkGeek07:29
smartmassis this a grassroots IRC channel for the promotion of Ubuntu?07:29
smartmassI see. that's great.07:30
smartmassI wanted to see about promoting Ubuntu to our customers.07:31
Burgundaviasounds good07:31
smartmassI co-founded ThinkGeek07:31
smartmassand I think our customers would respond07:31
smartmassnot looking for a payout or anything.07:31
Burgundaviawhat ideas had you been kicking around?07:32
smartmassWe send out monthly newsletters to tons of folks. I was thinking it would be great exposure to mention ubuntu and then give folks a chance to get a free distro.07:32
smartmassdo u get this all the time?07:33
Burgundaviaso you were thinking of a contest?07:33
Burgundaviaaren't most of your customers already aware of Linux in general?07:33
smartmassJust sheer 'Hey! if you've been living in a forest for the past year, you probably don't know about Ubuntu'07:33
smartmassthey used to be.07:33
Burgundaviaused to be?07:34
smartmasswe have more Windows folks now.07:34
smartmassbecause we have grown so much, our niche market has grown into something more mainstream.07:34
smartmassI'm using windows.07:35
Burgundaviaare you looking for a short "what is Ubuntu" thing to put into your newsletter?07:35
smartmassI used to use Linux. but switched like 3 years ago07:35
smartmassLemme give you an example of our newsletter. 1 sec.07:36
smartmassso in the 'whats news' section. we would just have an image, then a bunch of text and talk about Ubuntu07:38
smartmassand my hope is we can give away some distributions.07:39
smartmassI'm not trying to be sketchy here.07:39
Burgundaviawell, the best way is probably to contact the shipit people at Canonical and explain that you are after CDs07:40
smartmassIt's a personal thing.07:40
smartmassI want more folks to embrace the Linux thing, and I think I can help because of my position here.07:41
smartmassand I really like the Ubuntu approach.07:41
Burgundaviawell, you could order some cds from shipit07:41
Burgundaviathrow them in every 100th order or something07:41
Burgundaviabonus gift07:41
smartmassso? what is the relation?07:41
BurgundaviaCanonical is the company that sponsors most of the Ubuntu Dev work07:42
smartmassubuntu --> shipit --> canonical?07:42
Burgundaviathey also sponsor shipit, which is a program to give out free cds07:42
smartmasshehe. that was me.07:42
smartmassAre you a developer, or a supporter?07:43
smartmassor both or neither?07:43
BurgundaviaI do a bunch of stuff07:44
smartmasswoah. cool.07:44
smartmassso do you think it's a good idea or not?07:45
smartmassor are you skeptical about it?07:45
desertcMaybe throw a brochure regarding Ubuntu into every Think Geek package?07:45
Burgundaviaor a copy of the cd in every shipment in Dec or something07:46
desertcThis would certainly help get the word out there.07:46
smartmassnot sure how accurate alexa is though.07:47
Burgundaviasmartmass: email shipit and suggest something07:47
Burgundaviaalexa requires a plugin that only works in IE, at least last time I tried07:47
smartmassyeah. ok.07:47
smartmassdo you have a specific contact? or should i just try generic?07:48
desertcBurgundavia is an authoritative contact...07:50
Burgundavianot reall07:50
Burgundaviareally, just been around a while07:50
elkbuntuthinkgeek dude?! niiiice12:58
* elkbuntu knows she's like 5 hours late on that, but still, niiiice12:59
* jenda waves at Burgundavia and elkbuntu14:17
jendawow, two hours ago, nevermind, then :14:18

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