
jimmy_asac: ok, that sounds good00:03
asacjimmy_: you worked abit with the gconf patch ... could you figure out what the root cause is that it currently doesn't work?00:25
asacjimmy_: i looked a bit into it and the code looked as it should work and it indeed worked when you refrained to "lock" the preferences00:25
asacso ... don't lock in code, but just overwriting retrieved the settings from gconf and applied them00:26
asacmy suspicion was the locking a preference implicitly reverts the exposed value for a key to the "default" value ... now they used the default value to backup the original and the "user" value to set the value retrieved from gconf00:27
asacso you always see the manual values even though the user prefs are right for that run :)00:28
asacbut that was rather a quick look, so maybe i missed some details ;)00:29
Ubuletteasac, mozclient... so far, i expose a mozclient-get-orig-source so callers have to include + add get-orig-source: mozclient-get-orig-source. I've done that just to give a reminder inside callers debian/rules that the get-orig rule is there but it's all done by mozclient. What do you think ?00:42
asacnot sure :)00:42
asacfor cdbs nothing is reminded as well :)00:43
asacits just one include line00:43
asacand because according to persia its a standard, we can just code that standard :)00:43
asacwhat about watch?00:44
UbuletteI can already hear revu guys say "hey, you need a get-orig-source target, please add it, I'm not advocating this"00:44
asacyeah don't bother00:44
asacjust give an explanation and i will advocate ;)00:44
asaci doubt they will00:44
asacbut well, nobody knows :)00:44
asacwe just have to bring up an official mozillateam document somewhere stating that _this_ is best-practice00:45
asacmozilla package policy :)00:45
asacwe should rather also ship default README.mozclient00:46
asacand state there which rules are available00:46
asacthen comment mozclient.mk properly ... and done.00:48
asacwill there be cdbs specifics things? or just general make?00:49
Ubulettenothing from cdbs00:49
Ubulettei'm using cdbs for the packaging00:50
Ubuletteultra light00:50
Ubuletteit's a native package00:50
Ubulettemy 1st native package :S00:50
asacyeah :)00:52
UbuletteI assume I have to put copyright headers everywhere00:57
Ubulette dpkg-genchanges  >../mozclient_0.1_i386.changes01:41
Ubulettedpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file debian/files: No such file or directory01:41
Ubulettedpkg-buildpackage: failure: dpkg-genchanges gave error exit status 201:41
Ubulettedebian/files ??01:41
asacno idea02:16
asaclooks like a follow-up error02:16
asacok off02:17
Ubulettefound it. nm02:23
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== DarkMageZ_ is now known as DarkMageZ
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
asacUbulette: so persia wants mozclient to go in cdbs?09:39
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
asaccwong1: jimmy_: i committed the firefox 3 merge to the WORKING branch11:21
asaconce we have sorted the blockers out we can push it to the real master branch11:22
asaccwong1: don't get confused why i didn't take the theme changes, but it was too much out of sync to properly display things and we will have system/stock icons in b2 anyway11:23
asacjimmy_: ^^11:23
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
asacUbulette: hi13:11
asacdebian bug 42858213:11
ubotuDebian bug 428582 in binutils "xulrunner_1.8.1.4-2 (mips/unstable): FTBFS: relocation overflow" [Serious,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/42858213:11
asacdebian bug 44944813:12
ubotuDebian bug 449448 in xulrunner "Please package xulrunner 1.9 in the upstream way" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/44944813:12
Ubuletteso, i don't get the conclusion ? go way or what ?13:16
asacno idea13:20
asaci just asked ;)13:20
asaci don't see any valid arguments so far13:20
armin76no mips? :D13:25
armin76see, ubuntu is missing mips as well :P13:25
asacarmin76: ?13:26
armin76don't like mips? :P13:28
Ubuletteasac, another user got no icon with gnome and b2 rc113:30
Ubuletteand kde too13:30
* asac lunch13:34
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
Ubuletteasac, ?16:52
asacplaces is killing me ;)16:54
asacin midbrowser, bookmarks don't work ... now i looked and the bookmarks toolbar in firefox-3.0 is empty as well16:55
asacany idea?16:55
asacthis is all b116:56
asacwhat was the reason when you last had empty bookmarks toolbar?16:56
Ubulettedonno, it worked again a few days after b1 in b2pre, a regression of some kind. I've tried to isolate the fix in bonsai, no way16:58
asacUbulette: well ... i have not received a single bug about that16:59
asacor did we?16:59
asacso why is it me now?16:59
asacand i am sure that bookmarks worked16:59
Ubuletteit worked with a nex profile16:59
jonesjussi01: i am ableto watch all other vids on the web and have all repo's enabled. nonfree is enable as well. the only ones that do not play are these ones on nfl.com17:00
Ubulettemy old profile from ff2 didn't17:00
jonessorry....anyone know how to watch the videos on nfl.com? they do not work in ubuntu but they do via virtualbox. i am able to watch other videos just not the gameclips like these...http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d804f7e5f17:00
asacwhat format is it?17:01
jonesasac: are u asking me that question? if so i am pretty sure it is flash17:03
asacwhich flash player do you have installed?17:04
jonesi am not sure to be hinest. how can i check?17:05
asacin location bar type .... about:plugins17:05
jones    File name: libflashplayer.so17:06
jones    Shockwave Flash 9.0 r11517:06
asacanything about gnash there?17:06
asac(on that page)17:06
jonesnope. i guess there should be? lol17:06
asacno idea then ... the video works for me17:06
asacplease post your $HOME/.mozilla/pluginreg.dat17:07
asacuse paste.ubuntu.com17:07
jonesi know... others can watch them as well as in virtualbox they work. will do just a sec17:07
jonesi sthis what u need?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/2688/17:09
asacjones: never ever install flash from adobe website manually17:10
asacremove everything you have in .mozilla/plugins/ that is flash related17:10
asacand install the17:10
asacflashplugin-nonfree package17:10
jonessorry. :( i was trying to fi it17:10
asacjones: the paste isn't complete17:10
asacoh its not17:11
asacremove *flash* from .mozilla/plugins/17:11
jonesall i see in that dir is a file libflashplayer.so... just delete that?17:11
asacand see if it helps17:11
asacthen verify that you have 9.0 r4817:11
asacin about:plugins17:11
asac(not r115)17:11
Ubuletteasac, i assume you've read the mozclient debate from yesterday. What do you think ?17:16
Ubulettegot a bit angry at the end17:17
asacUbulette: i assume you refer to the idea to put this in cdbs?17:19
Ubulettewhat about packages not using cdbs at all ?17:19
asacyeah ... what about putting it in xulrunner-1.9-dev ?17:19
asaci think almost all except xulrunner-1.9 it self would depend on it if they need it?17:20
jonesok....i deleted the file and ran "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" it stated it was already the newest version. i looked back in about:config and there is only r48. here is the new paste bin with all the info http://paste.ubuntu.com/2689/  i appreciate all the help17:20
asac(well ... not for now, but in the future ;))17:20
asacjones: so the problem persists?17:20
asacdo other flash things work?17:21
asaclike youtube?17:21
jonesyes. i can watch all other vids on the web but not these game clips. http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d804f7e5f  i can watch them in virtualbox and on a windows pc17:21
jonesthe vid on the front page plays just fine17:22
asacmost likely a graphics driver issue then i guess17:22
asacwhich graphics setup are you running?17:22
asacdo you have desktop effects enabled?17:23
asacjones: you could also try to start firefox in safe mode: like firefox -safe-mode (from the command line)17:23
jonesi have a nvidia gpu and am currently running compiz. it is butter smooth as well'i am new so i dont realy know what driver it is. i enabled it via the restricted driver manager17:24
asacmaybe there is an extension interfering somehow (well i think chances are low but definitly a try)17:24
asacjones: ok ... try -safe-mode ... if that doesn't help, try to disable desktop effects17:24
asacor even try to disable the nvidia driver in restricted manager17:24
jonesfirefox-safe-mode? says commend not found17:25
asacfirefox -safe-mode17:25
asacUbulette: anyway ... its just a suggestion ... I doubt that persia is really firm about not having a mozilla-dev-tools package or something17:26
jonesthat opened firefox and it went to safe-mode.com. i then went to nfl and it did not work17:27
jonesi wil try the desktop effects now. i really do appreciate it17:27
asacUbulette: apt-get install --reinstall xulrunner-1.9 tells me that it cannot be downloaded ... wtf?17:27
asacjones: ?17:27
asacif it went to safe mode then you mistyped17:27
asacjust firefox -safe-mode :)17:28
Ubulettedid you update 1st, remember it was not installable yesterday on amd64 because of some gtk stuff ?17:28
asaci did update ... upgrade and everything :)17:28
asacReinstallation of xulrunner-1.9 is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.17:29
asacReinstallation of xulrunner-1.9-dev is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.17:29
asacit is not even tried to redownload17:29
Ubulettewhat does madison say ?17:29
* asac switching to primary mirror17:29
Ubuletteit's not (yet) listed at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/hardy_probs.html17:30
asachmm yesterday it was on that list ... so lets see if primary mirror cures me17:30
asacmadison doesn't work for me :(17:31
Ubuletteno problem here17:32
Ubulette$ apt-cache madison xulrunner-1.917:32
Ubulettexulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b3~cvs20071212t0935+bbot-1 | http://www.sofaraway.org firefox-minefield/ Packages17:32
Ubulettexulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b2~rc1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~fta1 | http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main Packages17:32
Ubulettexulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages17:32
asacUbulette: dpkg -S madison ?17:32
asacwhich package is it from?17:32
asacwow apt-get autoremoved just removed restricted-manager17:33
asacstill cannot be downloaded17:33
Ubulettemadison is built-in, i think17:33
asacnot for me ;)17:34
asacwhich madison?17:34
Ubulettean apt-cache command17:34
asacoh its rmadison for me17:34
asac rmadison  xulrunner-1.917:35
asacxulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~a8-0ubuntu2 | gutsy/universe | source, amd64, i386, powerpc17:35
asacxulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 |         hardy | source, amd64, i386, powerpc17:35
asacsomething is fucked up here i would say ... why is there gutsy/universe?17:35
asacits nowhere in sources.list17:35
Ubulettermadison is remote17:35
Ubuletteapt-cache madison is local17:35
asac apt-cache madison xulrunner-1.917:36
asacxulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Packages17:36
asacxulrunner-1.9 | 1.9~b1+nobinonly-0ubuntu2 | http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main Sources17:36
asaclooks good17:36
asacno idea whats going on17:36
jonesok.... turning off desktop effects was an ordeal with all the widgets on   lol...  but it does work in safe mode even with effects on17:39
asacjones: sorry ;)17:39
asacso -safe-mode works now?17:40
asacand without it works if no effects are on?17:40
jonesyes the vids will play in safe mode but not "normal" mode17:40
asacif -safe-mode works ... try to disable your extensions one by one until you find the intruder17:40
asacand let me know which one caused this17:40
asac(procedure: disalbe extension 1 ...restart ... test ... if doesn't work, disable extension 2 .... restart ... and so one17:41
jonesi only have 2 extensions. adblock plus and a ubuntu one. u think it could be the add blocker?17:41
asacif the ubuntu one is ubufox then its most likely adblock17:42
jonesit is ad-block. i disabled and it works like a champ. can i set an exception for it. i am looking now17:43
asacjones: yeah :) ... apparently ad-block thinks its an advertisement ;)17:43
jonessometimes the easiest answer is the rigt one.  lmao17:44
asacok have fun17:44
asacdoesn't adblock notify users if it blocks something?17:44
asacUbulette: what have you changed for miro in your ppa?17:47
asac(vs what is in mt)?17:47
Ubuletteread my branch17:47
asaci hate to read ;)17:47
* asac looking17:48
Ubuletteseem the flash above contains embedded ads17:48
asacmaybe its just accidentially blacklisted? or does it load from ad urls?17:48
Ubulettewhen i read http://static.nfl.com/static/site/flash/videogallery.swf, ad block plus blocks http://ad.doubleclick.net/879366/DartShell7_6.swf17:48
asacUbulette: so you didn't integrate my miro patch yet?17:48
Ubulettei have a filter for http://ad.*/*17:49
Ubulettenot yet17:49
asachave you tested miro from mt?17:49
asacis it good enough for upload?17:49
jonesi really appreciate the help. i was in he main ubuntu channel last night and know one had any ideas. i was able to set an exception and it works now.17:49
Ubuletteasac, not tested. i was on mozclient17:49
asacjones: great ... just give back and help other ubuntu users with firefox issues :)17:50
asac(more or less kidding) :)17:50
asacUbulette: ok17:50
Ubuletteasac, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~fta/firefox/mozclient.dev17:50
Ubuletteplz have a look17:50
Ubulettebuild with bzr bd --native17:50
jonesi am still learning. firefox isnt really my specialty as u could prob tell. but i will do what i can. thanks again17:51
asacjones: np17:51
asacUbulette: why do we still call DEBIAN_* ... e.g. why not MOZCLIENT_DATE/TAG ?17:53
Ubuletteno reason. could be anything.17:54
asacany reason to not call it MOZCLIENT_... like all the other parameters?17:54
Ubulettethe idea was to have DEBIAN_* params from debian/rules and  MOZCLIENT_* from all projects *.mk17:55
Ubulettehm, the top level makefile is a left over, no need17:56
asacUbulette: i wonder if we really need the patches18:00
asacwhy not do something like:18:00
asacinclude mozilla/client.mk18:00
asacMODULES_nspr += ...18:00
Ubulettei've modified browser18:01
asacwhy? you don't modify LOCALES_toolkit, but still _browser appears to need more locales further down?18:02
asacah sorry18:02
asacmisread the patch18:02
Ubulettewell, maybe it could work18:03
Ubulettegood idea18:03
asacLOCALES_xulbrowser = $(filter-out $(LOCALES_toolkit) ...18:04
asachow about hat?18:04
asace.g. not modifying the browser, but filtering out later :)18:04
asacif we don't need patches, users could easily extend mozclient without adding things to mozclient itself18:07
asacwe could of course allow to add patches for individual projects as well18:07
asaclike: MOZCLIENT_EXTRA_PATCHFEST_SET=debian/myspecial_client.patch :)18:08
asacbut i think being able to assemble the checkout list in the .mk files would be good enough18:08
Ubulettehm, no, it will not work18:12
asacright ... you don't do the checkouts on your own18:12
asacok lets keep it that way then18:12
Ubulettein the end, it's still doing make -f $(MOZ_CLIENT) checkout  blabla so tweaking variables in .mk will not work18:12
asacbut can we make the patches modularized then? e.g. for nspr, only nspr patch is applied?18:13
asacor is that the current state?18:13
Ubuletteit's not. could be18:14
asacok ... not important ... maybe a wishlist for future18:14
asacUbulette: ok, so do we want to keep it as mozclient ... or use mozilla-dev-tools or something?18:16
Ubuletteit's named after mozilla/client.mk18:20
asacyeah i know :)18:21
asacjust wonder if this will be extended in future to serve other purposes as well18:21
asacbut i guess for now its good as it is18:22
Ubulettei still have the idea to also repack real tarballs, using uscan and watch files18:25
Ubulettelike in my seamonkey 1.1.dev branch18:25
Ubulettewith that, you can even do ff218:26
asacyes, that would be nice18:26
asacbut would it still be "mozclient" ?18:27
Ubulettei'll per branch patches too. soon, we'll have 1.9.1 and trunk will be 2.018:39
asacsince you usually breath in dailies, i haven't thougth that you would say "soon" for a few month ;)18:44
jimmy_asac: i think the gconf should work, i just wasn't building it correctly before or linking it correctly, i am doing another run again :)18:47
asacjimmy_: ok ... please do so against the git WORKING branch18:49
asacso i don't need to replay things18:49
asacjimmy_: anyway .. the patch is sooo huge given that the current gconf thing works almost properly (except for the locking of the prefs)18:50
asacjimmy_: so do you understand what is actually fixed?18:50
jimmy_asac: i wasn't building it correctly i think, because the makefile i copied over didn't build because it was complaining about missing MODULE_NAME19:03
Ubulette!info venkman hardy19:06
ubotuPackage venkman does not exist in hardy19:06
jimmy_and i had to fix some macros on how to define IIDs in the header file, since FF 3 changed the macros19:07
jimmy_i am testing it now, seem to be working19:08
Ubulette!info venkman19:08
ubotuPackage venkman does not exist in gutsy19:09
asacjimmy_: ok great19:13
asacjimmy_: one issue i had with firefox 3 that is currently in git, is that places/bookmarks appears to be more or less broken19:14
asacwe should look into it before pushing out preview packages of firefox 319:14
asacjimmy_: did you find the git tree?19:14
Ubuletteasac, have a look at #motu plz19:15
jimmy_which git tree?19:15
asaci committed things to WORKING branch in our git repository19:16
asacplease work on top of that from now19:16
asacif you don't do a debug build you can build with system xul ... which just takes 3 minutes to build then :)19:16
asac(quite tempting, right?)19:17
asacjimmy_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/2706/19:17
asacyou have to get the xulrunner-1.9 beta 1 package from mozillateam archive if you work on gutsy though19:18
asacbut for development it should be fine19:18
asacwell ... if you want to fix gconf you probably need a full build as its not a firefox feature i guess19:18
Ubulettehm, debian ships it in /usr/share/mozilla-extensions/venkman/19:19
asacUbulette: i don't understand the issue19:20
jimmy_oh, ok, Carl just mentioned to me, i thought you had a different tree than his one19:20
asacwho uploaded xulrunner-1.9-venkman?19:21
asacjimmy_: no i am working on moblin19:21
asacjimmy_: i didn't commit on top of master ... once we switch we will push things over to master from WORKING19:21
asacjimmy_: so please work on WORKING :) ... so we don't end up sending tarballs around ;)19:22
asaccwong1: there?19:22
cwong1asac: hey19:23
jimmy_asac: right, when I commit the fixes of gconf, i'll do it on the WORKING branch19:23
asaccwong1: hi ... menu is working on WORKING :)19:23
asaccwong1: one thing ... i didn't import the themes folder ... there are two points:19:24
cwong1asac: good...I am just about to download the fiels and do a test build19:24
asac1. its incomplete19:24
asac2. in beta2 stock icons will be used19:24
cwong1that is fine.. we are going to create a new theme anyway19:24
asacif we want bigger icons for a preview package based on beta1 we should copy over the firefox 3 themes folder19:24
asaccwong1: read above19:25
asacthe point is beta 2 will use the icons you ship in the gnome theme19:25
asacso you don't need to create a theme ;)19:25
cwong1didn't know that19:25
asacthats why i am saying it :)19:26
asaci will bring up a plain firefox 3 beta2 build tomorrow to the mozillateam gutsy ppa so you can take a look how well it suites the needs then19:26
cwong1ok sounds good19:26
asaccwong1: you would need libgnomeui on your system ... but i guess thats installed anyway, right?19:27
cwong1asac: let me check19:28
asacUbulette: did i upload venkman? or bluekuja ?19:28
Ubulettei did it, you upped it. it's part of xul 1.919:29
asacah ;)19:29
Ubulettemike did it too but from the addon repo https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/venkman/
Ubulettesame version, but with chrome reg19:30
asacUbulette: so do we want to keep it in xul? or maintain the standalone source package?19:31
Ubuletteproviding sources are maintained in the xul tree in cvs, it would make sense to keep ours but the other one should work with ice*19:32
Ubulettei have no strong feeling for either solution19:33
UbuletteBug 50839 is not fixed. flash is holding the focus, that's a known behaviour19:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 50839 in firefox-3.0 "If the mouse is hold on a flash animation keyboard and mouse scrolling stop to work" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5083919:35
Ubulettesame as gtk menus19:35
asacUbulette: its fixed in beta219:37
asacaccording to upstream19:37
asacUbulette: do you get bugmail on those packages at all?19:37
cwong1asac: I dont have libgnomenui installed in my system.  And  looks like image-creator is not pulling that in when building an image. So I need to install this package to see the theme stuffs to work correctly, right?19:42
asaccwong1: yes, in beta2 you need that to get proper icons19:43
cwong1ok I am going to give it a try. Tx19:43
asacif we don't want that lib on mobile images we should figure out if we can replace the functionality19:43
asaccwong1: yeah ... i will tell you when there is a firefox package to test the theming available tomorrowq19:43
cwong1I dont see any problem in having that in our image as long as the size is not too big19:44
asaccwong1: try apt-get install libgnomeui-0 ... to see whatelse is pulled in by that19:44
cwong1asac: will do19:44
cwong1asac: the sources we currently have is beta 1 not beta 2. right?  Beta 2 have frozen but not release yet until next Friday?19:47
asacnot sure about the actual release date, but shouldn't take that long, right19:47
asacand yes ... its frozen19:47
cwong1so do we have beta 2 source in WORKING now or beta 1?19:48
asacbeta 1 atm19:48
asaci integrated what jimmy did19:48
asacwe can go directly ahead if you don't mind19:48
cwong1go directly ahead with beta 2 source is fine with me19:49
asaci just want to get an ack that what is currently in git doesn't have regressions over what jimmy did19:49
cwong1got to run...  back in an hr... and thanks for the help in moving to ff3.019:50
asaci will wait for jimmy committing gconf ... then will merge to beta2 rcX19:50
asaccwong1: a pleasure ;)19:50
jimmy_asac: i fixed the gconf and preference dialog, i'll commit those changes after carl comes back from lunch20:14
asacjimmy_: please commit them seperately20:14
asace.g. not in one big commit20:15
asacjimmy_: do you need to update configure?20:15
asaclet me know once you committed it so i can verify ;)20:16
asacjimmy_: can you please test the git branch and see if there are any regressions over what you send me?20:16
[reed]any of you all good with gdm / xorg / etc. problems? for a long time, I've had everything working, but I bought a new 22" monitor, and I was trying to get it to use the right screen resolution. I decided to try out displayconfig-gtk to see if it could help, but it's only screwed up all my settings. Now, X seems only start from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe even though I know /etc/X11/xorg.conf works (as I've used that config for months20:17
[reed]). I can't figure out why it is failing back to xorg.conf.failsafe every time. ideas?20:17
asac[reed]: i think failsafe is used if X doesn't come up20:18
asacany problems in X log?20:18
[reed]ok, so, how can figure out why X isn't coming up?20:18
[reed]well, the screen flickers 3 times slightly20:19
[reed]Xorg.log only contains info about failsafe20:19
[reed]that's the problem :(20:19
asaclast run is /var/log/Xorg.0.log ... probably its in /var/log/Xorg.1.log ?20:19
Ubulettepeople are turning crazy with icons in b2 rc120:21
asac[reed]: strange thing is that i don't even have xorg.conf.failsafe ... what happens if you move that file away?20:21
* [reed] does so20:21
asacUbulette: ?20:21
asacUbulette: complains?20:21
jimmy_asac: sure, i'll do it after i come back from lunch20:21
asacjimmy_: great.20:22
[reed]I have a ton of gtk2 commits to do20:23
[reed]for Firefox20:23
[reed]to make more stuff better20:23
asacfor beta3?20:23
[reed]widget gtk2, that is20:23
[reed]but I can't do them until my screen resolution is fixed20:23
[reed]why oh why did I even try to use displayconfig-gtk20:24
[reed]I'm pretty sure that's what screwed me20:24
Ubuletteasac, i've done some propaganda on the forum yesterday ;) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63880120:24
[reed]ok, let me try this20:24
asacUbulette: nothing that concerns me in that thread20:27
Ubulettereally ? then don't use my work for b2 at all and do better20:28
asaci think you misread20:31
asac< Ubulette> people are turning crazy with icons in b2 rc120:31
Ubulettegot some pm too20:31
asaci meant that the comments don't look fatal ... no idea why they don't see icons on first start20:33
asacstill cannot reinstall xul 1.9 from plain hardy20:35
asacthats strange20:36
asacremoving the packages helped20:36
asacnow it downloads20:36
Ubuletteseems very incomplete to me21:11
asacUbulette: yeah mac won't get a web-feed icon :)21:37
asacgood to see that mac is the most incomplete one :)21:38
Ubulette(the text going with the picture)21:38
asacand i am happy that i don't need to use vista21:38

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