
nettow0822you awake00:40
nettow0822tell foxbuntu that I found a way to get both remotes working - snapstream firefly00:41
nettow0822i found this link   http://www.mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/2005-November/108619.html00:41
nettow0822not sure if it is the best or not but it works00:42
nettow0822i'm going to post how I did it in the forum.....what would be the best place?00:42
tgm4883probably the mythbuntu forum00:44
nettow0822OK TY01:00
nettow0822review this   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63912302:12
LotharTBLok, I tried to mount the filesystems on the mythtv front end. They mounted perfectly on the backend server. I used the same syntax to moun tthem on the front end and am getting wrong fs or I need a helper application?04:31
LotharTBLany help on an NSF problem? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2684/04:54
foxbuntuLotharTBL, I assume that the directories on the .12 machine have been created for the mount points04:59
foxbuntuand the nfs file system has been installed?05:00
LotharTBLfoxbuntu yes I do05:00
LotharTBLI installed them all on the backend, then realized I needed to install the music and movie directory on the front end05:01
foxbuntuwhat about nfs?05:01
LotharTBLok let me try an dmount, I'll post the results stand by05:01
LotharTBLsame exact setup on both machines05:03
LotharTBLfoxbuntu even went so far as to chmod 777 the directories in /mnt to see if that was the problem (it isn't)05:06
foxbuntuLotharTBL, I am just reading over it in parts to verify everything is as it should be05:06
LotharTBLok, I am stumped. got it to work on the backend for the space, now need to mount my vids and music on the front end. no joy05:07
foxbuntuLotharTBL, why are you mounting it to the frontend?05:08
LotharTBLso when I want to listen to music I can or watch ripped videos I can05:08
LotharTBLI was told that is how to get them to show up when I go to the music player. I am open to other ideas05:09
foxbuntuLotharTBL, those are all contained in the DB on the backend05:09
foxbuntuor do you not have a frontend on the backend too?05:09
LotharTBLwell.. how do I get the back end to scan the directories of music?05:09
LotharTBLI can find no place to scan them?05:09
foxbuntuLotharTBL, ok there is my disconnect05:10
foxbuntuLotharTBL, try $ sudo mount /mnt/music05:10
foxbuntuLotharTBL, try $ sudo mount /mnt/music05:14
LotharTBLok let me give it a try that way05:15
LotharTBLfoxbuntu same thing as when I try thru fstab05:16
foxbuntuLotharTBL, ok05:16
LotharTBLis there some other step I am missing?05:17
LotharTBLok here is something. I need to change properties of the directory? drwxrwxrwx 2    505 users  4096 2007-12-12 22:32 myth05:19
foxbuntuLotharTBL, Shouldnt have to05:19
foxbuntuunless its not an nfs share05:19
LotharTBLIt is an NSF share, that is the myth directory connected on the .11 machine05:20
foxbuntupost the output of  dmesg | tail05:20
LotharTBLok standby05:20
LotharTBLI know nothing05:24
LotharTBLmissing codepage or helper program what is a helper program?05:24
LotharTBLis there something I need to be running? Something I might have on the backend I don't even know I am not running on the front end?05:25
foxbuntuLotharTBL, thats generic05:25
foxbuntuLotharTBL, try this05:25
foxbuntusudo mount -F nfs /mnt/music05:25
LotharTBLok whats the -F?05:26
LotharTBLmount: special device nfs does not exist05:26
LotharTBLI think its the wrong syntax wait a sec05:27
foxbuntuLotharTBL, yea sorry let me resend it05:28
LotharTBLok  reading man mount05:28
foxbuntusudo mount -F nfs -o rw,soft /mnt/music05:30
foxbuntuI think thats it05:30
LotharTBLsame crap about wrong file system05:31
foxbuntuLotharTBL, try this05:32
LotharTBLActually that was when I changed the -F to a -t maybe I need to cap NSF?05:32
LotharTBLnope dosn't recognize NSF as a file system05:32
foxbuntusudo apt-get install nfs-client05:33
foxbuntusudo apt-get install nfs-common05:33
LotharTBLworking. didn't know there needed to be an nsf client, thought it was included05:34
foxbuntuworking now?05:35
LotharTBLMedia change: please insert the disc labeled05:35
LotharTBL 'Mythbuntu 7.10 - i386 (071021)'05:35
LotharTBLin the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter05:35
LotharTBLlol, never seen that on an apt-get05:35
foxbuntudo you have the multiverse and universe repos enabled?05:35
LotharTBLnot sure, where is the repository file?05:37
foxbuntuLotharTBL, brb05:38
LotharTBLno source.lst file in my etc05:39
LotharTBLby the way, installing the client worked like a charm. That must be the helper application?05:39
shadashAnybody know if mythbuntu 7.10 will install on an intel Mac Mini?06:10
rhpot1991shadash: no reason it shouldn't06:17
shadashfirst hand experience?06:18
rhpot1991no, but its an intel pc06:18
rhpot1991what is special about it?06:18
shadashI'm gonna pick up some hardware after xmas06:18
shadasha mac mini seems like a perfect frontend06:18
rhpot1991most people say it is06:19
shadashI'd rather run myth on linux then osx though06:19
rhpot1991well ya, you just install linux on it06:19
rhpot1991though I have read that the frontend runs perfectly fine in osx06:19
shadashI've seen lots of posts about hardware not being supported06:20
shadashI've tested the frontend on osx and it works great06:20
shadashbut 1080i/p hidef doesn't work very well06:21
shadashI'm thinking it might run better under linux06:21
shadashbut im not positive06:21
shadashhow about this question...06:22
shadashhas anybody tried a touchscreen with myth post .20?06:22
LotharTBLanyone know how  I get artwork for my videos?06:42
LotharTBLor how I get weather to work in mythweb?06:44
shadashI think there's a perl script to pull in movie posters06:44
shadashor you might have to configure your backend06:45
shadashI't been a while06:45
LotharTBLlol.. always the back end! hahah.. ok I'll give it a look06:45
wild_oscargood morning10:45
wild_oscaris anyone able to help me out with 2 doubts I have with mythtv?10:45
wild_oscar1) on 2 cd films, what is the best way to name the files? if I have "movie cd1" mythtv will automatically say to play cd2 next, but on the other hand it can't find the movie on imdb...10:46
wild_oscar2) is there a way to organise the collection so that movies and series (tv shows) are easily separated?10:47
wild_oscar3) my laptop has a infra-red port built in; how can i use an universal tv remote controller on mythbuntu?10:50
directhex|bspIrDA ports can rarely be used for remotes10:55
wild_oscari just remembered yesterday about it...and thought it would be nice, so I wouldn't have to buy a remote10:57
wild_oscarbecause I wanted to buy one of those wii-like remotes10:57
wild_oscar(influenced by linuxmce's video)10:58
wild_oscarbut mythtv doesn't use this kind of remotes10:58
directhex|bspmythtv is button-based, not pointer-based10:58
directhex|bspand the wiimote is bluetooth, not IR10:58
wild_oscarI know; wiiremote would need a bluetooth adaptor10:59
wild_oscarthis irda would be the cheapest approach, since I have a couple of programmable remotes lying arround11:00
wild_oscarhow about one of those logitech gamepads, could they be used to control mythtv?12:18
sebrockis it possible to not install the included lirc in mythbuntu and instead use the original sources?12:32
wild_oscarhow does one access the menu options of a dvd during video?14:42
wild_oscarfor, say, change subtitles or audio14:42
MythbuntuGuest91Hi guys, I just got mythbuntu installed.  I have a STB for Comcast Digital Cable.  I checked out the ports on the back, it only has a serial (labeled data) port and a port labeled IR.   I also have a PVR 150 with IR Blaster.  What would be the "easiest" way to have mythbuntu be able to change channels on the STB?17:24
Dr_willisHeh. I gave up on that. :(  but good luck.17:26
Dr_willisI have a similer setup. never did get the ir blaster working right.17:26
Dr_willisNot sure what the ir port is for however..  That may be a better way17:26
MythbuntuGuest91heh, thanks for the input Dr_willis17:29
MythbuntuGuest91so you just have a splitter?17:29
MythbuntuGuest91and record the stuff you can record w/o the box?17:29
MythbuntuGuest91i mean... most of the stuff i would want to record anyways, is within the first 100 channels, so i could go that route17:29
Dr_willisYep i just record from 0 to 60 here.17:30
Dr_willisI would like to record some of the higher channels.. but  for the stuff i watch. Its17:30
Dr_willisits like always repeates from stuff on the lower channels.17:30
Dr_willisBut i tend to only watch BBC/Discocvery and so forth.17:30
MythbuntuGuest91ahh, i see17:30
Dr_willisOf course I need to redo my setup now. Some how the cable company and the Data i get for the guide listings are all incorrect.17:31
MythbuntuGuest91i would like to watch some G4TV and record that, which i would need to record from the STB17:31
Dr_willisi think cable moved the channels around.17:31
Dr_willisYea. g4tv is about the only channel i watch on the STB.   and History/Military channel17:31
Dr_willisI tried to get my STB to be on channel 3, so i could just manyually record 3 when i wanted.17:32
MythbuntuGuest91oh, i got that working, i have it tuned to 417:32
Dr_willisbut when i hook up the STB - it ONLY gives out signal to channel 3. so i cant record the  0-60 that way17:32
MythbuntuGuest91so i can see it... it just can't change channels17:32
MythbuntuGuest91im going to read the Community Docs on how to do this, and see if I can figurei t out17:33
Dr_willisI did have the STB set to the video in, on the pvr150 as a way to do it.17:33
Dr_willisBut i gave up after a few days. :) i had so much stuff allready recorded to watch17:33
Dr_willisi dident need to spend days to just fill the hd faster.17:33
MythbuntuGuest91well, I just realized, i don't get g4tv in my programming ... i have the cheapest digital program17:36
MythbuntuGuest91so really, there is no need for me to hook up the STB17:36
MythbuntuGuest91hmm, yea, i think I am going to go with not hooking it up to the STB.  So I can watch TV while recording another channel17:40
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest91, which box is it?17:40
MythbuntuGuest91but then again, this is my grandpa's PVR for xmas, that i built him.  I am giving him my old PVR150, and I am going to rebuild mine with a PVR50017:40
MythbuntuGuest91tgm4883 its a Motorolla17:41
MythbuntuGuest91no numbers on the front17:41
tgm4883or black17:41
MythbuntuGuest91black, i checked on the bottom ... i think its a DCT252417:42
tgm4883ah ok17:42
MythbuntuGuest91i read the community pages, it recommends calling comcast saying that I want the data port enabled for Tivo17:42
MythbuntuGuest91and try the data cable route17:42
tgm4883i was going to say, on the 6200 you can stream via firewire17:42
tgm4883the data port option sounds good too17:43
tgm4883whats it use?  RS232?17:43
MythbuntuGuest91what do you mean by that question, sorry17:44
MythbuntuGuest91i am having a problem though with my SVideo output with Mythbunt17:44
tgm4883nm, i was just wondering what type of cable/protocol it uses for the data port17:44
MythbuntuGuest91its not showing the full screen... its like zoomed in or something .. so it displays a cut off image.  Like there is a inch cut off around the whole screen17:45
MythbuntuGuest91that i don't see17:45
tgm4883what kind of tv?17:45
MythbuntuGuest91but when i VNC to the box, i can see everything... IE, when i exit mythfrontend, i don't even see the Start button to access the menu17:45
tgm4883yea, thats called overscan17:45
MythbuntuGuest91Its an old sony17:45
MythbuntuGuest91oh, ok17:46
tgm4883i have no idea, but i'm asking around17:48
MythbuntuGuest91k, i am checking the NVIDIA X Server Settings, to find the overscan settings17:48
MythbuntuGuest91so far nothing17:48
tgm4883what video card17:48
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest91, have you checked nvidia-settings17:49
tgm4883there should be an overscan adjustment17:50
MythbuntuGuest91i checked Mythbuntu Control Centre -> Proprietery Drivers -> Launch Nvidia Settings17:50
MythbuntuGuest91I checked all the menus, but i couldn't find anything that says overscan17:51
tgm4883is the svideo out on the video card?17:51
MythbuntuGuest91The nvidia settings recognizes that i have a TV connected17:52
MythbuntuGuest91It says TV017:52
MythbuntuGuest91but i only have 2 settings, digital vibrance, and image sharpening17:53
MythbuntuGuest91tgm4883 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44509117:55
MythbuntuGuest91seems like someone else had this problem with a 8500 with no solution17:56
MythbuntuGuest91at least this will be connected with a DVI -> DVI connection eventually.  I guess i just won't worry about it17:58
wild_oscaris it possible to automatically search imdb and update the metadata with the mythweb interface?19:48
wild_oscarI see that i can set the imdb number, but the metadata is not updated accordingly19:48
DaveMorrisrhpot1991: did you sort out the ATI remote wonder 2 ?21:48
rhpot1991that wasn't me21:49
DaveMorrismy bad, who was it do you know?21:49
rhpot1991not sure21:49
=== Sphagnum is now known as Tari
alexvdHi I mounted a drive to setup a livetv disk and when i rebooted it switched the drives.  So it is no longer correct.  Do I need to issue a unmount command or do I just need to modify Fstab to reflect the proper drive is mounted to the proper share point22:52
alexvdFor example I originally mounted /dev/sda1 to /media/livetv.  Now it needs to be setup for /dev/sde122:53
alexvdRight now its pointing to my boot disc22:53

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