
ari_stressmorning all01:22
ari_stressi'm stuck with tftp being timeout03:43
ari_stressi guess the NIC is the culprit03:44
lnsari_stress, i've had that04:05
lnswhat's the hardware?04:05
ari_stresslns: really?04:06
ari_stressit's on board rtl813904:06
lnsthose are usually pretty damn solid actually04:06
ari_stresslet me get the wireshark result04:06
lnsmy issue was on a specific line of compaq ipaq workstations with buggy PXE revision04:07
lnsand no updates since mid 90's.. heh04:07
ari_stressEthernet II, Src: Micro-St_c6:35:95 (00:13:d3:c6:35:95), Dst: QuantaCo_28:15:65 (00:c0:9f:28:15:65)04:08
ari_stressdid you find a workaround for it?04:08
lnsthey got tossed04:08
lnsari_stress, that doesn't really say much.. just the source/dest macs i believe04:09
lnsdo they match client and server? where is your dhcp server? are you sure you have correct parms for pxe?04:09
ari_stressi'm quite sure the dhcpd.conf is correct, because other client can boot into ltsp OK04:09
ari_stressthe failed client symptoms are: seems like it doesn't recognize the 'next-server' parameter, because it looks for tftp server at (my gateway), whereas it should be
ari_stressthen for testing, i change all in dhcpd.conf to, so it then connect to 23704:11
ari_stressit requests for pxeclient.0, but still time out04:11
lnsahh i think i've had that before too04:12
lnswhat's the thin client?04:12
ari_stresswhat do you mean04:12
lnsi got around that actually by specifying (in dhcp) a couple of other random similar parms like 'next-server' ... i think 'server-identifier' and another one04:12
lnsis it an actual thin client or just a random computer with a rt813904:13
ari_stressoh, just a regular desktop pc with onboard rtl813904:13
lnsfor whatever reason the pxe stack (?) required some non-standard parms from dhcp to find the tftp server04:13
ari_stressoh no04:14
ari_stresscan you share the parameter to me?04:14
lns i think 'server-identifier' and another one04:14
ari_stressok let me google it04:14
lnswas the other one04:15
lnsis dhcp on your ltsp server?04:15
lnsmake sure you have correct 'filename', 'root-path' and 'next-server'04:16
ari_stressyes it;s on the same machine as ltsp04:16
ari_stresslet me experiment with it04:16
lnslemme know how it turns out04:16
ari_stressall of the above parameter is followed by ip address?04:17
lnsno not all of them04:18
lnslook at that, that's my dhcp conf in ipcop04:23
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
ari_stresslns: still not working05:34
lnsyou got me then05:55
ari_stressi suspect maybe the 'filename' parameter needs tobe modified, so i change it into various setting, still not working06:09
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
ari_stressroot@ubuntu710:~# ltsp-update-image07:29
ari_stressParallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor07:29
ari_stressCreating little endian 3.0 filesystem on /opt/ltsp/images/i386.img.tmp, block size 65536.07:29
neil_dI am having trouble with edubuntu  I have just installed it the client boot untill the splash screen progress bar is about 3/4 done then stops can anyone help ?08:14
HedgeMageneil_d:  it helps if we can see the boot messages -- press Alt+some Fkey to see them -- I forget which one but trial and error is safe :)08:21
neil_dThe client boot is stoping at "setup LSTP client"08:28
riot_lehi @all, anyone here experiences with Neoware Eon-Thinclients in combination with Edubuntu?08:37
ari_stresshi all, how do i add printer in client?08:47
ari_stressshould i logon first as admin?08:47
ari_stresshi guys09:45
ari_stressi made it09:45
ari_stressprinting in ltsp5 is a success09:46
neil_dI have been having trouble getting my client to boot, I think I found the problem, in that the video hardware isn't detected correctly, how do I fix this ?10:02
ari_stressneil_d: u use ltsp5 from edubuntu?10:10
neil_dari_stress, yes10:10
ari_stressi'm afrain i cannot help. i'm new. and from what i read in lts.conf, ltsp5 now shouldn't be configured in any way, it will detect all things10:13
ari_stress# Note that things like sound and local device support are10:13
ari_stress# auto-enabled if the corresponding packages are installed,10:13
ari_stress# there is no need to manually set these options anymore.10:13
ari_stress# **** THIS FILE SHOULD NO LONGER BE USED FROM HERE !!! ****10:13
ari_stress# With the introduction of the nbd/unionfs/squashfs structure10:13
ari_stress# the lts.conf file moved to the tftp root please create:10:13
ari_stress# /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386/lts.conf instead for your changes10:13
ari_stress# In case you want to use the lts.conf here, this still works,10:13
ari_stress# but you need to run ltsp-update-image after every change.10:13
ari_stresssorry for the paste10:13
ari_stressi've just found it after pulling out my hair setting up printing10:14
neil_dyes I saw this I have a lts.conf in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/i386 and it seems to be parsed ok.10:15
neil_dhow do I setup to which xorg.conf to use for a client ?10:23
neil_dwhat is meant to happen after "Starting LTSP client" ?11:07
* neil_d that printed by the client startup.11:07
neil_dI think I have a OK version of the xorg.conf being used (at least I don't get a black screen now).  But it does nothing after printing "Starting LTSP client    [OK]" :(  what is meant to happen ? how do I fix this ?11:14
FlosoftI have some questions about IPCop and PXE boots12:43
FlosoftI have a server which  runs Edubuntu with the possibility to boot PXE ... but I use IPCop as DHCP server12:43
Flosoftcan I set up IPCop to use the Edubuntu server as host for the PXE boot image?12:43
Bauer|i have not tried myself, but may I suggest,,12:47
Bauer|filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0"; and option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386"; in dhcpd.conf12:47
Bauer|plus "next-server (ip-adress to edubuntu server)"12:48
Flosoftnext-server is not the DHCP host?12:49
Flosoftso IPCop in this case?12:49
Bauer|next-server name;   The hostname or address of the server from which the boot file is to be loaded.12:49
Bauer|you should put this on the dhcpd.conf on the dhcp-server12:50
Bauer|next-server should be pointing to where the boot image is, which probably would be edubuntu-server12:50
Flosoftbut I disabled DHCP on the Edubuntu box12:50
Bauer|but you have a linux based dhcp-server? put it in the dhcpd.conf in your dhcp server12:51
Flosoftbut that one is IPCop12:51
Flosoftnot the Edubuntu server with the image12:51
Bauer|but isn't IPcop linux based?12:51
Bauer|the point with "next-server" is that it redirects to the server serving the boot image12:52
Bauer|so you should edit dhcpd.conf on IPCop, and make "next-server" pointing at your edubuntu-server12:53
Bauer|it's just a suggestion, not sure if it works12:53
Bauer|check out http://www.unix.org.ua/orelly/networking/tcpip/appd_03.htm as well12:54
Bauer|if you don't get my explanation, I will try to explain it better :p12:55
FlosoftI get a TFTP server error13:14
FlosoftFile Not Found13:14
xyxvvWhat have I done!? I installed the DebianEDU and DebianJr. packages on my Edubuintu desktop and now I \'m getting weird issues with updating the system, it even now identifies itself as Debian instead of Edubuntu 7.10!13:16
xyxvvsandy@sandy-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a13:17
xyxvvNo LSB modules are available.13:17
xyxvvDistributor ID: Debian13:17
xyxvvDescription:    DebianEdu/Skolelinux (terra)13:17
xyxvvRelease:        3.213:17
xyxvvCodename:       etch13:17
sbalneavMorning all14:36
RichEdanyone here used kompozer - web page creator : http://kompozer.sourceforge.net/ - and have an opinion on it ?15:35
sbalneavRichEd: Haven't used that.  I've used the one that's got the blue fish for a symbol... what's it called...?15:40
sbalneavThese days, if I need a web page, I tend to just use OO.o, and do a save as html :)15:41
RichEdsbalneav: not sure which one you mean ... kompozer just got a nice review from Chris Dawson at ZDnet with some good talkback comments15:44
RichEdI like him and his column ... he's a teacher / administrator, who write a column, and lurves Edubuntu LTSP :)15:45
RichEd* writes a regular column15:45
Flosofthey again16:58
johnnyi got autologin working with francis` patch17:13
johnnylearned package building, etc17:13
johnnyodd problem tho17:14
johnnynobody seems to believe it17:14
johnnyif i hve lts.conf in the chroot, autologin works, but if it's in the /var/lib/tftboot/ltsp/i386 it doesn't17:14
me4uanybody know anything about this "young" theme bug18:19
me4ucan't seem to set it18:19
musashi1any thoughts on why print jobs will show up in the print manager window but not actually print? the printer is working and it will print a test page. just doesn't release jobs from clients.20:25
musashi1printing was working before20:26
musashi1okay, it finally printed. it sat there for a good 5 minutes before finally printing. not sure why.20:28

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