
elisianoI see00:01
mhbgood evening.00:25
CheGuevaraAccepted: linux 2.6.24-2.3 (source)00:34
iRontrying to build kdebase-3.5.8 from hardy src, and got an error "*** No rule to make target `decryptdialog.ui' in kioslave/media/mounthelper"00:52
iRonand there is no such file at all in kdebase-3.5.8 src archive..00:53
cheguevarahmm so then how did it build? :P00:56
cheguevaraiRon, which version exactly is it00:56
cheguevaradecryptdialog.ui is not in standard kde00:57
cheguevaraits the encrypted drivers addition from novell00:57
iRoncheguevara: 3.5.8-2ubuntu400:57
cheguevara hardy i386   Successfully built  (DONE)00:59
iRoni'm looking at kdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu4.diff.gz,01:02
cheguevarayeah that should include the crypt drive changes01:03
iRonand it only contains changes for Makefile's.. but doesn't contains decryptdialog.ui ..01:04
iRoni need to get it from somewhere else?01:04
cheguevarais that the one?01:05
cheguevarayou can probably get it somewhere from suse, but ping Riddell tomorrow about it01:07
iRoncheguevara: thanks, i will :)01:08
nixternalvorian: are you having issues with kdebase at all tonight?01:11
voriannixternal, aye01:11
* nixternal checks my svn checkout01:11
voriansvn was not pulling an external svn01:11
nixternalis that what it is01:12
nixternaldid you figure it out/get it fixed?01:12
nixternaldude, it Just got it with an svn up01:13
cheguevaraarrgh first COPYING file missing, now 2 .c files missing headers01:13
cheguevaradamn ppl :P01:14
nixternalhey, I am a moron!!!01:14
nixternalI mucked up the .orig.tar.gz somehow and had the archive spit back soprano calling me an idiot :)01:15
voriannixternal, did you just svn up?01:15
nixternalvorian: ya01:15
* vorian retries01:15
cheguevaranixternal, is hardy main still broken?01:16
nixternalno, it is working01:16
cheguevaraoh nice01:17
nixternalit was a choke on apt01:17
nixternalnot even 5 minutes after I cried about it, it started working again :)01:17
cheguevaratime to go try out pbuilder then01:17
vorianw00t oxygen01:18
cheguevaraadept needs bumping though01:18
cheguevarano dist-upgrade for now :P01:18
nixternalI feel like I am in my slackware days here running ubuntu server and installing kde4 on it :)01:19
nixternaldamn, now a strigi error01:25
vorianhow far into the build?01:25
nixternalthere is a new strigi as well01:26
* nixternal goes and creates and updated package01:26
voriani'm 14%01:26
nixternalderr, you are on hardy, I am on gutsy01:26
voriani'm 15%01:26
nixternalcall me stupid, kthxbye :)01:26
nixternalyou are fine on hardy01:26
cheguevarawtf do u need 2 authors in an 8 line C file01:27
nixternalone guy to talk, one guy to type01:27
cheguevarahonestly this is so crap, 2 authors and 3 years so all of the files have all the different copyright combinations possible between those01:28
nixternalbah, it is in the gutsy backports already :)01:29
nixternaland now we are back and running :)01:31
vorianits a race01:31
nixternalya it is...I keep forgetting I am using that old stable junk :)01:31
vorianis yours amd64?01:31
vorianhmm /me thinks you will win then01:32
nixternalI want to run KDE 4 on a better system than my laptop01:32
cheguevaranixternal, what laptop you got01:32
nixternalalthough, my laptop runs it pretty damn good with composite enabled01:32
nixternalcompaq c304nr (the greatest free software laptop in the world)01:32
nixternalceleron m 1.6ghz, 1.5gb ram, intel all the way through :)01:33
cheguevaraupgraded the ram yourself? :P01:33
nixternalof course01:33
nixternalafter the dumb ass at best buy lied to me, well he didn't lie, he was just stupid01:33
nixternalhe told me this lappy had 2x 256mb chips01:33
nixternalit had 1 512mb chip01:33
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
nixternalotherwise I would have done 2x 1gb sticks at the time01:34
cheguevaramine is centrino duo 2x1.6 and 1 gig ram01:34
nixternalI already want a new laptop..I can't stand 1280 x 80001:34
cheguevaraall intel as well01:34
vorianmy lappy is 1680x105001:35
vorianit's love01:35
cheguevara16.0" ?01:35
cheguevarano that was stupid01:35
nixternal17.0" is more like it01:36
cheguevarayeah lol01:36
cheguevarai need to go sleep01:36
cheguevaraediting this copyright file for the last couple of hours is not doing my brain good01:36
nixternalsleep is for the weak :p01:36
nixternaloh man, I hate copyright files when they are crazy long...like kde* copyrights01:36
cheguevara9 different copyright sections so far....01:37
cheguevaranow at least i got pbuilder ready, can get the build deps correct01:37
cheguevarais doing ldd on the binary enough to get the run time depends?01:39
nixternalson of a biznatch...same error, even after updating strigi01:39
nosrednaekimhow did the rest of the tutorial day go?01:39
nosrednaekimI had to go after the pyQt tutorial01:40
cheguevarawas pretty popular01:41
cheguevaralots of ppl turned up01:41
nosrednaekimall kubuntu people?01:46
nosrednaekim46 what...01:48
nosrednaekimkde4 RC2 installing :D01:52
nosrednaekimBTW, converted one of my Qt4 apps to KDE4 and it looks much nicer :D01:53
cheguevarais there a utility to query to which package a certain file belongs01:53
nosrednaekimcheguevara: yeah, dpkg -S <file name>01:54
Tm_Thi kids01:54
cheguevarawow i actually got the build deps right, builds without changes under pbuilder01:54
cheguevarahi Tm_T01:54
wolfgernosrednaekim: forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is the difference between a QT4 app and a KDE4 app? I thought KDE was based on QT?01:55
nosrednaekimhey Tm_T01:55
nosrednaekimwolfger: the theme :D01:55
nosrednaekimwolfger: oxygen looks way better than platique (default QT theme)01:56
wolfgerIn tutorial today, we used Qt Designer... is that the same tool for doing a KDE4 app, or is there a separate tool better used for that?01:57
voriannever mind, found it01:57
nosrednaekimwolfger: same tool01:58
cheguevarais this looking ok so far or am i doing too much work02:04
cheguevaraignore the / lines02:04
nosrednaekimcheguevara: learned packagin in a day? XD02:04
cheguevaragot inspired enough to try it :P02:04
cheguevaraany comments?02:05
nosrednaekimnah, I don't know w athing about it :D02:06
cheguevaranixternal, could u take a quick look please02:07
cheguevarawhats up03:04
litdreamIs it possible to see the kubuntu-tutorial conversation?03:04
red_team316yes i want to too03:05
DaSkreechlitdream: Yes!03:05
litdreamI wanted to attend, but it conflicts with my work.03:05
DaSkreechYou program .NET?03:05
litdreamDaSkreech: I used to write some earlier version of C#, not any more.03:06
red_team316C/C++/learning python03:06
* claydoh hits the tutorial logs, should be some good reading03:07
cheguevaralogs are at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay03:07
vorianman, my fonts are all messed up now :(03:15
nixternalgutsy + kde4 == nightmare03:15
nixternaldist-upgrade to hardy and then retry03:15
voriannixternal, did yours finish?03:15
nixternalkept dying at 18%03:15
vorianthat sucks03:15
nosrednaekimnixternal: yeah.... its looking to be a pain... especcially since I have to do download scripts.03:15
nixternaldropping that gutsy garbage and goin' with the hardy03:15
hadsI was contemplating going to hardy on my laptop actually.03:15
nixternalI use hardy on my laptop03:16
nixternaljust be careful when you do daily updates and you will typically be fne03:16
hadsI usually wait until about 3 months then dist-upgrade03:16
vorianyes, like the xorg-xserver that just came down :)03:16
nixternaldid that mess stuff up?03:17
cheguevaraoh yeah new git snapshot of xserver03:17
vorianI always keep an ear out for crying03:17
nixternalI haven't upgraded in a few days because for some reason, oo.o hasn't been rebuilt against the new libopenexr03:17
nixternaloh ya, I just seen that in ubuntu-devel03:18
* nosrednaekim contemplates doing hardy03:19
cheguevaralinux 2.6.24-2.3 built on i386 and amd6403:19
cheguevaratoo bad we dont' have modules yet...03:19
nixternalactually, I don't need the modules I don't think..I haven't had any problems yet03:19
cheguevaragot intel wifi, need the ucode03:19
cheguevarathough might as well just dl it myself03:20
nixternalI have broadcrap03:20
* nosrednaekim hugs his atheros03:20
nixternaland the kernel drivers for broadcom cards suck so bad..they make ndiswrapper look like a god send03:20
cheguevaraeven in .24 ?03:20
nixternalbut, if you blacklist bcm now with the new kernel, you won't have wireless even with ndiswrapper03:20
nixternalya, the latest kernel for hardy03:20
Tm_Tnixternal: also watching our newest hero?03:21
nixternalyou will get a ton of dmesg errors about wifi and all that junk03:21
nixternalnewest hero?03:21
Tm_Tnixternal: in ops :-P03:21
vorianevil Tm_T03:22
* vorian hides03:22
Tm_Thow I'm evil?03:22
vorianevil genius03:23
vorianthat's what i meant :)03:24
ardchoilleI am currently reading the Kubuntu Tutorials Day logs wrt bug triage. I'd like to do some triaging. What do I need to be able to do that?03:24
nixternalardchoille: a keyboard, a mouse, a grasp of at least 4 english words :)03:26
ardchoillenixternal: I think I can muster those :)03:26
nosrednaekimonly one work needed ^^03:26
nixternalthat should have some decent info there03:26
vorianhug day date needs `updating`03:27
nixternaldist-upgrade complete03:28
nixternallets try this again03:28
cheguevarais it ok to use "plugins/scanfolder/*.cpp" in copyright03:28
cheguevaraor is that being lazy :P03:28
nixternalbeing lazy, and something I have done in the past03:28
nixternalcheguevara: are all of the files gpl?03:28
nixternalare all of the people in the copyrights listed in the COPYING file?03:29
nixternalI was lookin' at your ktorrent copyright file and it looks...ummm..insane :)03:30
cheguevarai am gonna cry if i am analysing each single .c and .h file for nothing03:30
nixternalwhat does the current ktorrent copyright look like?03:30
nixternalcheguevara: you should still analyze...however I don't go balistic on the copyright like that...some people do though03:30
nixternalif it is GPL, I let it be known, and if all of the authors are in the COPYING file, I add them to the copyright file and call it a day03:30
cheguevaraits just a usually gpl template, not even modified...03:31
cheguevaranixternal, do u wanna see what i have for copyright so far?03:31
nixternalI seen it in motu chan03:32
cheguevaraoh kk03:32
nixternalya, insane :)03:32
cheguevarajust wanna get it done now lol03:32
cheguevaranixternal, but do u think i am doing extra work or is it fine?03:32
nixternalcheguevara: according to the current ktorren copyright file in kubuntu, you are actually making it look similar03:32
cheguevarayeah apachelogger told me to :P03:33
nixternalya, go figure..he is a copyright nut :)03:33
cheguevaraso what about wildcards then03:33
nixternalbut I am guessing that jdong did teh original ktorrent packaging03:33
cheguevaraif all files in a folder got exactly same header03:33
nixternalI don't think wildcards are the way to go03:34
cheguevaraits not that many files anyway :P03:34
nixternalls >> copyright :)03:34
nixternalahh, libstreamanalyzer-dev == 0.5.6-0ubuntu103:35
nixternalI found the damn culprit I think03:35
* nixternal chokes the dog03:35
vorianpoor dog03:36
cheguevaranixternal, and thats excluding the fact that 4 files so far have the copyright header completely missing :P03:38
nixternaloh I love those03:38
nixternalvorian: I would recommend you install it03:38
cheguevaraemailed upstream03:39
voriani did, then noticed they were absent from the rc2 list03:39
cheguevarawho uses .cc03:42
nixternalthat is either some old code, or someone used netbeans to write that03:43
cheguevaraCopyright © 2007 by Krzysztof Kundzicz03:43
cheguevaranot really old :P03:43
nixternalthat is odd03:43
cheguevara... and done04:02
cheguevaracopyright file 308 lines...04:02
nixternalAbsolutely. Either GNOME catches up or Kubuntu 8.10 will become mainstream Ubuntu.04:06
nixternalthat rocks!04:06
nixternalI am actually reading /. while compiling kde4..I am such a loser :p04:06
nixternalNot a massively market researched project that everyone accepts but nobody really loves, but something genuinely stylish. Make KDE 4 the Alfa Romeo to Gnome's Camaro. Dammit, where are the Italians when you need them?!04:10
nixternalhahahahah, there are some pretty funny comments on the kde4 less memory post on /.04:10
vorianit's building fast now04:11
voriani'm to kdebindings04:12
DaSkreechnixternal: Pfft ./ says that kubuntu will replace ubuntu in a year?04:15
nixternaldon't know why it hasn't yet04:15
nixternalimagine Kubuntu 8.10 rocking KDE 4.104:16
nixternaland Ubuntu 8.10 rocking Gnome 2.old04:16
DaSkreechwell 2.new04:16
DaSkreechby definition04:16
nixternalnothing has changed04:16
DaSkreechit has less options04:17
DaSkreech and has webkit :)04:17
cheguevarais less options even still possible?04:17
DaSkreechcheguevara: yes there is04:18
DaSkreechapt-get install gnome will  conflict iwth your keyboard and remove it04:18
nixternalDaSkreech: and KDE 4 will have it for 4.1, and webkit is in our repos if you would like to play with it and konqi :)04:18
DaSkreechman I want KDE 4.304:21
nixternalinteresting..Gnome 2.x and KDE 3.x came out about the same exact time04:21
DaSkreechnixternal: doesn't make a difference :)04:21
cheguevaradoesn't gnome have redhat sponsord devs04:22
nixternalsure it does...KDE is making changes, and Gnome isn't04:22
cheguevaraare they that useless :P04:22
nixternaland KDE has Mandrake, Novell/openSUSE, Kubuntu, and more sponsored devs :)04:22
DaSkreechdesktop environments seem to bump versions with the toolkits04:22
DaSkreech and gtk doesn't seem in any mood to jump to a 3.004:22
cheguevaranot in our life time at least :P04:23
nixternalhaha, so true04:23
DaSkreechcheguevara: don't plan on living long?04:23
cheguevarathe best die young04:23
nixternalnice one04:24
DaSkreechnot as told by those still alive :)04:24
DaSkreechI'm making a note here04:24
nixternalthe US sucks! I say we blow it up!04:25
nixternaljust wait until I move though04:25
cheguevarato where lol04:25
DaSkreechto where the US lands when it blows up04:25
nixternalGreenland for all I care :)04:25
nixternalI still like what Carlos Mencia said we should..."remove all of the warning labels from stuff and let the stupid people weed themselves out"04:26
cheguevaranixternal, anything will need to be rebuilt for new soprano?04:27
nixternalall of kde404:27
nixternalwell, anything after what we currently have in the repos04:27
nixternalthe future releases of KDE404:27
cheguevaralol i was about to say04:27
cheguevaraanother round of rebuilds :P04:27
cheguevaraHobbse will kill you :P04:28
nixternalI am used to her now...she has been kicking my arse for the past 2 years04:28
nixternalshoot...I remember when she popped in...a 17 year old, never messing with Linux, and now she is a core-dev..she rocks hardcore04:28
nixternalI wish I had her instinct to learn that damn quick04:29
nixternalthe same goes with Jucato...I have been using linux for more than 12 years, and in 1 year he was blowing me away04:29
nixternalI am gonna go chow down on some chocolate covered pretzels04:30
ubotuI phear the stick so shhhhh04:31
cheguevararight uploading to revu....04:31
DaSkreechI wonder why nixternal has been lagging behind04:32
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!04:32
* DaSkreech whistles :)04:32
* cheguevara tries to find a pic of Hobbsee04:38
DaSkreechI have one04:38
cheguevaralets see04:39
* dthacker dances the I finally finished the fscking tutorial!!! dance04:41
DaSkreechdthacker: sudo fsck /dev/device04:42
DaSkreechcan I join you? :)04:42
cheguevaraDaSkreech, sexy04:42
DaSkreechcheguevara: yep :)04:42
DaSkreechI think she gave me another one but I don't recall where that one is04:43
dthackerOk, now that I have built one package (today's tutorial) where should I go for real work?04:43
DaSkreechpackage Heros of alcrost04:44
cheguevaradthacker, join me in packaging kde 4 extragear packages :P04:44
dthackercheguevara: yeah, you have me a link, but my ff was borked at the time.  Where are they04:46
cheguevarasec, i lost it myself lol04:46
dthackerand what libs do I need to install04:46
cheguevaradthacker, do u have kde4 installed?04:47
dthackercheguevara: nope04:48
cheguevarahmm actually u don't really have to04:48
cheguevaracan run kde 4 apps on kde 304:48
dthackercheguevara: how many of these are you building a day?04:50
cheguevarawell since i only learnt basics of packaging today04:50
cheguevarajust finished with ktorrent04:51
dthackeryou give me hope!04:51
cheguevaraand actually using it04:51
cheguevarano idea how good my package is though04:51
cheguevaragonna bug someone to review it tomorow04:51
dthackerI think I'll start with kphotoalbum04:52
cheguevaraplasma-extra is in hardy repos04:53
cheguevaraand since thats from extragear its a good example04:53
cheguevarai used it04:53
cheguevaraits 5 am04:54
cheguevarai think sleep might be in order04:55
dthackeryeah,  I think so!   grab some!04:56
cheguevaraheh good night04:57
=== aRyn_ is now known as aRyn
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nixternalargh, libxine1 is a mess05:30
ubiqCan anyone help me with packaging?06:51
ubiqI've been following the guide at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PackagingGuide/Basic06:51
ubiqbut I keep getting an error :(06:52
nixternalubiq: can you pastebin your error?06:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:55
ubiqI get that error after running "sudo pbuilder build ../*.dsc"06:57
nixternalis there a debian/tmp/usr/share/man? from the looks of it, it isn't there06:59
ubiqno, but i was under the impression the debian/rules file built that07:00
nixternalubiq: ya, it does...I forgot you probably didn't run debuild -nc. so that is why you wouldn't see it07:01
nixternaldid you make changes to the hello app? if not I can grab the source and take a look at it07:01
ubiqJust changed it to my email and name in the debian/* files07:01
nixternalubiq: that is odd...I just built it w/o any problems07:06
nixternaldid you make any changes to debian/rules?07:06
ubiqI did at first, but after getting the error I cut and copied it fresh from the wiki07:06
=== quique_ is now known as quique
nixternalubiq: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48175/07:09
nixternalya, that is an old rules file with some stuff that has been removed and/or added07:09
nixternalthe one I just pasted is the current and correct one07:09
ubiqok, I will try it. Thanks.07:09
ubiqStill getting the same error with that debian/rules. :(07:11
nixternaldid you rebuild the .dsc file?07:12
nixternaldebuild -S -sa07:12
nixternalor whatever you are using07:12
nixternalya, you need to debuild it before you can pbuild it so it gets the changes07:15
ubiqok, thank you so much for your help!07:16
nixternalno problem ubiq...welcome to just one of the "gotchas" yet to come with packaging :)07:17
nixternalpatience will pay in the end big time...plus you will eventually get addicted and we won't be able to shake you off of a package :)07:17
INFOEXCLUDEDhas it started yet ?08:12
sebastian^good morning folks08:45
INFOEXCLUDEDhow are you ?08:49
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
sebastian^fine thanks, and you :)?09:07
txwikinger2Morning folks09:13
ardchoillehi txwikinger209:14
txwikinger2Hi ardchoille09:15
mhbrise and shine!09:16
sebastian^boring day :-(09:26
* apache|mobile got a well heated class room though ;-)09:30
apache|mobileit's like 30 °C in here09:30
apache|mobilecheguevara: no ktorrent-kde4 in revu yet?10:08
=== iSchnee is now known as Schneeflocke
txwikinger2Should I create a specification for bug 156177 ?11:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156177 in ubiquity "offer to create a separate /home partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15617711:31
DarkMageZhi guys. i've put together a amarok 2 source package (based on prior kubuntu dev work) that successfully builds and even runs reasonably well on hardy. if anyone wants to hack on it or bring it into the hardy repository then feel free :P http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/amarok2/11:34
Riddelltxwikinger2: that has been discussed, the plan is to make it able to reinstall over an existing /home without touching it11:34
RiddellDarkMageZ: goodness11:34
Riddellapachelogger__: got any comment on that?11:35
txwikinger2Riddell: Just found it11:35
txwikinger2I make it wishlist and put th elink to the spec to it11:35
DarkMageZRiddell, if i'm not mistaken. it's based off your work :P11:36
iRonRiddell: I've got a problem compiling kdebase-3.5.8-2ubuntu411:36
RiddelliRon: what's that?11:37
iRonit fails on making kioslave/media/mounthelper..11:37
iRonbecause decryptdialog.ui not exists11:37
iRonkdebase_3.5.8-2ubuntu4.diff.gz doesn't included it11:38
iRonit only contains diffs for Makefiles11:38
RiddelliRon: it's in debian/patches/kubuntu_9913_kiomedialuks.diff11:38
RiddelliRon: are you compiling this as a debian package or with ./configure;make?11:39
RiddelliRon: try `fakeroot make -f debian/rules apply-patches`11:39
iRoni was thought that patches were applyed automaticaly after apt-get finished downloading..11:40
Riddellno, not usually11:41
iRonnot everything looks fine.. thanks Riddell!11:42
ardchoilleRiddell: I wanted to say a few words about Kubuntu Tutorials Day11:43
ardchoilleI had to miss it but thankfully I had irssi logging.11:43
ardchoilleVery informative and instructional sessions, I learned quite a bit.11:44
Riddellardchoille: glad it was useful11:44
ardchoilleI"m hoping that these types of things will happen more often in the future.11:44
Riddellardchoille: what sessions were most useful?11:48
ardchoilleBog triaging11:48
Riddellah, bog triaging, reminds me of my Duke of Edinburgh Awards hikes :)11:49
Riddellhug txwikinger2 for that one11:49
ardchoilletxwikinger2: Oustanding job, kudos11:49
ardchoilleIt prompted me to go in and update my own bug reports.. but I plan to do some triage too11:50
iRonWhat "yay" means? I'm new to irc ;-)11:51
iRonis it some acronym ?11:52
RiddelliRon: short form of "hooray"11:55
iRoni see :)11:55
iRonRiddell: to link kdebase from hardy, i need kdelibs from hardy to ? because now compilating failed on konsole..11:58
iRonbecause jpatrick yesterday told me to download only kdebase from hardy..11:59
RiddelliRon: hmm, it shouldn't do but it's possible it does11:59
dthackerRiddell: thanks again for the help yeseterday.  I got the tutorial package built last night (UTC -6) after I generated a proper key.12:03
Riddelldthacker: excellent12:03
iRonRiddell: have patched to compile konsole, now it failes on konqueror/keditbookmarks.. i'll better download kdelibs sources too.. :)12:20
RiddelliRon: good luck12:20
Riddellyou can run debuild (from devscripts) to have it compile in the debian packaging way12:21
iRoni'll try.. but with kdelibs.12:21
Revorm-is there any way to control network-manager via solid in kde4?12:39
sigma_kubuntuwhy can speedcrunch not be displayed with the arial font?12:39
RiddellRevorm-: -> #kde4-devel  sigma_kubuntu: -> #kubuntu12:40
Revorm-Riddell: thanks12:41
apachelogger__Riddell: well, I vote against an Amarok2 package until upstream (which would be me again :P) releases an alpha12:48
apachelogger__Amarok2 is currently anything but useable12:48
Riddellbut but, want blingness!12:49
apachelogger__good point :P12:50
cheguevaraapachelogger__, last i tried yesterday my packages still disappeared from revu incoming into /dev/null :P12:50
apachelogger__but the blingness isn't as awesome if the app crashes regulary and got only 30% of it's features12:51
apachelogger__...talking about basic implimentations ;-) ...12:51
ardchoilleBut.. but.. it crashes with more style!12:51
apachelogger__cheguevara: talk to siretart in #ubuntu-motu12:51
apachelogger__ardchoille: nah, does not :P12:51
cheguevarai'll try again first then i will12:52
apachelogger__first thing: it freezes most systems with gdb12:52
apachelogger__second thing: usually you can nuke your configs and database after a crash ;-)12:52
DarkMageZapachelogger__, have you tried a recent svn checkout?12:53
* apachelogger__ notes that release managers tend to run recent svn/cvs/git of almost everything envolved with the app :P12:53
DarkMageZsure it could kill your database & amarok configs but that's why it's called pre-alpha :P12:54
DarkMageZthen you just rebuild your config & database12:55
apachelogger__DarkMageZ: now, why would we ship a pre-alpha?12:55
apachelogger__why should Amarok release any version at all... distros could just get the whatever is recent and tag it accordingly12:55
DarkMageZapachelogger__, because people want it, and the people who want it know it's pre-alpha and to expect it.12:55
apachelogger__make it a stable there, a beta there or maybe just svn#12:55
apachelogger__DarkMageZ: no, they don't12:55
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 4 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:56
apachelogger__remember the user focus of (k)ubuntu12:56
apachelogger___user_ focus12:56
apachelogger__not _geek_ focus :P12:56
DarkMageZapachelogger__, that's why amarok 2 shouldn't be shipped as a default installed item... and the package should have a good description :P12:56
apachelogger__DarkMageZ: _users_ don't read descriptions :P12:57
NightroseDarkMageZ: enough people don´t read them12:57
apachelogger__they see amarok and amarok212:57
apachelogger__logically amarok2 is better12:57
apachelogger__hence they install and their system goes wocka12:57
cheguevaraiRon, did you ever sort out that compile error12:58
Nightrosewhich is neither good for kubuntu nor amarok12:58
DarkMageZwell then throw the source package up on launchpad then, but don't throw it into the repositories.12:58
DarkMageZthen those who want it bad enough can find it12:58
iRoncheguevara: yes.. i was need to apply patches12:59
* apachelogger__ is getting a coffe for motu q&a12:59
DarkMageZi'm not setting up a ppa. someone else can if they want.12:59
cheguevaraheh i was gonna ask if you did that, should've :P12:59
DarkMageZanyways. it's late. night all.13:00
RiddellHobbsee: so um kdepimlibs failed again13:00
Riddellbut it won't this time!13:00
Riddellcould you raise the priority again?13:00
HobbseeRiddell: *sigh*13:00
HobbseeRiddell: i thougth you test built...13:00
Riddelloh it builds fine, it just has a dozen things that break in the mean time13:01
Riddellfirst libopenexr, then hal, yesterday kdelibs5 was out of sync13:03
cheguevaradid adept get bumped for new apt13:04
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
Riddellit would need a rebuild13:05
RiddellI assume mvo did it13:05
* cheguevara checks13:06
cheguevarahe didn't yet13:07
Riddellcheguevara: he might be waiting on libept to compile13:07
Riddelladept is a twisty turny maze of depencencies13:07
cheguevara hardy i386   Failed to build13:08
* apachelogger doesn't like adept :|13:09
cheguevarathat explains some things :P13:09
cheguevarafailed on all platforms in fact13:10
cheguevaralibept that is13:10
mikkaelis it possible that gtk applications started in kde 3 on hardy dont respect the settings in the .gtkrc-2.0-kde file ?13:13
Riddellmikkael: yes, if ~/.kde/env/gtk-qt-engine.rc.sh isn't run13:14
cheguevaraanyone tried kynaptic13:15
mikkaelisnt this unmaintained/outdated ?13:15
Riddellwe used that in hoary13:15
Riddellwon the prize for worst name for an app :)13:15
cheguevaralol not surprise13:16
cheguevarabut adept is quiet horible tbh13:16
cheguevarai end up using synaptic most of the time13:16
mikkaelRiddell: i did that: michael@blackbox:~/.kde/env$ ./gtk-qt-engine.rc.sh13:16
mikkaelthen i started firefox, and it doenst has the settings of my gtkrc-2.0-kde13:17
Riddellapachelogger: "The Amarok 2 user interface has a lot of nice little aesthetic flourishes and is easily the most polished of the KDE 4 applications." someone likes it13:17
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mikkaeldoes kubuntu have support for gtk-apps, or are any problems here irrelevant ?13:19
apacheloggerRiddell: Oo lol @ most polished13:19
Riddellthey're not irrelevant, but it's not our top priority13:20
apacheloggerthe artwork is like made by 3 different people and totally not going well with each other ;-)13:20
mikkaelwell i think i have found some problems with gtk apps in kubuntu hardy and thought its a good thing for a quality bug ? when i finished reading the log of the bug tutorial yesterday ..:)13:24
mikkael*quality bug report13:24
apacheloggermikkael: probably13:24
cheguevaraapachelogger, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=ktorrent-kde413:34
cheguevaradamn copyright file is like 280 lines :(13:35
apacheloggercheguevara: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} is taking care of the dependencies13:36
apacheloggerno need to list them all manually13:36
apacheloggerin fact I'd suspect problems in case it needs a specific version13:37
cheguevarathat was stupid13:37
apacheloggerlike for kdelibs513:37
cheguevaraoh crap i remembered to do that13:37
cheguevaraand forgot13:37
apacheloggercheguevara: debian/control: line 22, trailing white space13:37
apacheloggercheguevara: also line 6+7 have trailing white spaces13:38
cheguevararight, fixed13:39
apacheloggercheguevara: debian/copyright: line 8, please bump the copyright year to 2005-200713:40
cheguevarathose that are copyrighted 2005-2007 in the header are listed separately13:41
apacheloggerhe has major copyright not only for 2005 ;-)13:41
apacheloggercheguevara: also please include the short version of gpl in the license section (as seen in that example: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2741/)13:42
apacheloggerline 282-283 is redundant with line 279-28013:42
cheguevaraso i should just keep 279-280, the GPL 2 lines?13:43
apacheloggerunless the source includes GPL1 code as well13:43
apacheloggerwhich is not the case I guess ;-)13:43
apacheloggercheguevara: please state the version of gpl under which the packaging is licensed (2+ I'd say ;-)13:44
cheguevaraThe Ubuntu packaging is (C) 2007, Ilya Eremin <che_guevara_3@bk.ru> and13:44
cheguevarais licensed under the GPL 2, see above.13:44
cheguevaralike that?13:44
cheguevaraso if i change the first copyright to Copyright 2005 - 2007 Joris Guisson <joris.guisson@gmail.com> unless otherwise indicated below13:46
cheguevarathe section Copyright (C) 2007 by Joris Guisson <joris.guisson@gmail.com> and Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 by Joris Guisson <joris.guisson@gmail.com> can go?13:46
apacheloggerIMHO you should note Ivan Vasic <ivasic@gmail.com> also as main copyright holder13:47
apacheloggerhence remove all references where both or only one of them holds a copyright13:47
apacheloggerreduces the size13:47
cheguevarayou just destroyed about 3 hours of last night's work with that one sentence13:48
apacheloggercheguevara: about the package license: ...is licensed under the GPL 2, or (at your option) any later version, see above.13:49
apacheloggercheguevara: hehe, sorry ;-)13:49
apacheloggercheguevara: you can of course leave it the way it is, but I think it's better to keep the list small (in terms of maintaining and reviewing ;-)13:50
cheguevaraheh yeah with every new version i (or someone else) will have to check all the files again, so i see your point13:51
cheguevaraapachelogger, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2742/13:53
apacheloggercheguevara: also for now you can do the plugins like 'plugins/stats/*'  if they only have one copyright holder13:54
apacheloggerwhich is the case for most of them13:54
apacheloggeror all13:54
apacheloggercheguevara: Krysztof is also having copyright on plugins/stats/drawer/*13:55
cheguevaranixternal, said yesterday I can't use wildcards :(13:55
apacheloggerhe did? Oo13:55
apacheloggerok, so don't do that :P13:55
jpatrickI do13:55
* jpatrick hides13:55
apacheloggeryou might write 'all files in plugins/stats are...'13:55
cheguevarawhoa didn't notice there was a drawer folder in there13:56
apacheloggercheguevara: well if you write as I stated just some seconds ago this doesn't matter much since Krzysztof is having copyright on everything on plugins/stats anway13:57
apacheloggercheguevara: plugins/infowidget/geoip/GeoIP-LICENSE.txt:Copyright (c) 2003 MaxMind LLC.  All Rights Reserved.13:58
apacheloggeralso take a look at that file in case it is not GPL13:58
apacheloggerplugins/infowidget/GeoIP.* is also (C) 2003 MaxMind13:58
cheguevaraCopyright (C) 2003 by MaxMind LLC13:59
cheguevaraits in the copyright13:59
apacheloggerah, didn't see it, sorry13:59
apacheloggerbut infowidget/geoip/* is missing14:00
cheguevaraOPEN DATA LICENSE (GeoIP Standard Edition Database)14:00
cheguevaraffs lol14:00
apacheloggerok, please mention this in the copyright file, and add the license text14:00
apacheloggerplugins/webinterface/www/* has some more copyright holders14:00
apacheloggerthat's it14:01
* apachelogger is booting his laptop14:01
apacheloggeromg, compiz like snow outside :D14:02
txwikinger2No snow here.. send some up14:03
apacheloggernah, all mine :P14:03
txwikinger2Preferable Sunday night, then they close everything on Monday14:03
apacheloggercheguevara: I assume you already did a test-build?14:04
cheguevaraapachelogger, i am actually using the program right now :P14:06
jpatrickwoah, copyright file of doom..14:06
apacheloggercheguevara: ok ;-)14:06
cheguevaraseems to download torrents just fine :)14:07
apacheloggercheguevara: please upload as soon as you're done with the changes, so I can build14:07
apacheloggercheguevara: yeah, I'm using it for quite some time14:07
* apachelogger is running kde4 for 1 month now14:07
cheguevarathe php files in www14:09
cheguevaradon't have a copyright header14:09
cheguevarashould they?14:09
apacheloggerplugins/webinterface/www/default/wz_tooltip.js:Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Walter Zorn. All rights reserved.14:09
apacheloggerplugins/webinterface/www/coldmilk/rest.php: *   Copyright (C) 2007 by Dagur Valberg Johannsson                        *14:09
apacheloggerplugins/webinterface/www/coldmilk/page_update.js: *   Copyright (C) 2007 by Dagur Valberg Johannsson                        *14:09
cheguevaraaka grep pwns14:10
cheguevarahmm i just realised i am using kde3's kate on kde 314:11
jpatricklo claydoh14:15
cheguevaraapachelogger, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2743/14:16
cheguevarawhat do you think14:16
cheguevaraok where's kate in kde 414:31
jpatrickI think..14:31
cheguevarawell its not installed14:32
cheguevarado you have it?14:32
apacheloggercheguevara: kdesdk-kde4 should be the package you need14:33
apacheloggerkate got moved to kdesdk since it is so advanced ;-)14:33
cheguevaraso hows the copyright looking then14:33
cheguevarakdesdk-kde4 is at 3.96 :(14:34
jpatricknop, haven't got round to installing kde4 yet14:34
apacheloggercheguevara: the package copyright please at the very end of debian/copyright14:34
apacheloggerso one can find it easily14:34
cheguevaraoh yeah14:34
cheguevaraits gonna say see above and straight above will be the other license14:35
apacheloggerother than that: looks good tome14:35
cheguevarais that ok14:35
apacheloggercheguevara: IMO above can be anywhere above ;-)14:35
cheguevaralol yeah14:36
cheguevarajust checking :P14:36
apacheloggerI personally mention the complete URL to GPL again there14:36
apacheloggerso everyone gets it right ;-)14:36
cheguevaraThe Ubuntu packaging is (C) 2007, Ilya Eremin <che_guevara_3@bk.ru> and14:38
cheguevarais licensed under the GPL 2, or (at your option) any later version, see14:38
cheguevara`/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2' for the complete version of GPL 2.14:38
cheguevaralike that?14:38
apacheloggercheguevara: though you have a ` and a ' ;-)14:39
cheguevarayeah lol14:40
cheguevaraapachelogger, building14:46
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
=== uga|away is now known as uga
cheguevaraapachelogger, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=ktorrent-kde415:11
jpatrickcheguevara: why all the deps?15:14
voonteWill/does kubuntu provide split packages of KDE4?15:18
jpatrickvoonte: we do15:18
cheguevarajpatrick, which ones15:19
jpatrickcheguevara: in the Depends: line15:19
cheguevaraDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}15:19
apacheloggerjpatrick: look at the current upload :P15:19
jpatrickcheguevara: ahh, you removed with the last upload sorry15:20
voontejpatrick, cool. Is there a package list (or similar) which packages are available?15:20
apacheloggercheguevara: that is still ubuntu115:23
apacheloggerin fact you can remove the whole ubuntu2 section ;-)15:23
apacheloggercheguevara: only increase the version for actual uploads to ubuntu15:23
cheguevaraoh right15:23
apacheloggercheguevara: please close a needs-packaging bug15:24
cheguevarais there one?15:25
apachelogger"When you start to work on a new package, assign the needs-packaging bug to yourself and set it In Progress (if there is no needs-packaging bug, file one)."15:25
apacheloggercheguevara: don't think so15:25
cheguevarayou mean open one then15:25
apacheloggercheguevara: please have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages15:25
apacheloggercheguevara: this way everyone can possibly know you're working on it, plus it increases your LP karma once the package got uploaded ;-)15:26
cheguevarayeah i know what you saying15:26
cheguevarajust when you said close a bug, i thought there was one open :P15:27
apacheloggerwell, I dunno :P15:27
apacheloggermaybe there is15:27
apacheloggerbut I doubt it15:27
apacheloggercheguevara: I think short description shouldn't end with a . -> Description: KTorrent is a BitTorrent program for KDE.15:28
jpatrickcheguevara: and pinch the description from apt-cache show ktorrent15:29
cheguevaraaha, noted15:29
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176372 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ktorrent-kde4 from extragear" [Undecided,In progress]15:33
jpatrickcheguevara: now you can add: "(LP: #176372)" your "* Initial release." line :)15:35
cheguevarayep :P15:36
jpatrickand it'll close your bug automagically when it hits the archives15:36
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerone of my routers just exploded -.-15:37
apacheloggerblew up15:37
* apachelogger is wondering why ktorrent's binaries got an rparth15:38
apacheloggeris that normal for current kde4 packages?15:38
apacheloggerstdin: kfax debian/control: line 4, typo: packge15:39
apacheloggerstdin: please close a needs-packaging bug15:39
apacheloggerstdin: current Standards-Version is 3.7.315:40
apacheloggerstdin: debian/copyright is missing some detail IMHO, line 15-16 is redundant with 12-13, please state the version of gpl the package is licensed under15:41
apacheloggerstdin: binary's "Section" is redudant with source's "Section" in debian/control15:44
Hobbseeapachelogger: you have n orevu account?15:44
apacheloggeryes :P15:44
stdinapachelogger: what typo on line 4?15:44
apacheloggerHobbsee: are you annoyed?15:44
Hobbseelazy :P15:44
Hobbseeapachelogger: no, just surprised :)15:44
apacheloggerstdin: packge isn't a word IMO :P15:44
stdinapachelogger: line 4 of debian/control: "Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>"15:45
apacheloggerstdin: changelog15:45
stdinthat's more like it :)15:45
apacheloggerHobbsee: I prefer IRC if the uploader is around, much faster for discussions and such ;-)15:45
Hobbseeapachelogger: this is indeed true15:46
stdinyou think "This package is licenced under the GNU/GPL version 2" is enough to add to the copyright?15:46
Hobbseestdin: 2 only, or 2 and later?15:46
Hobbseeright, then you need to say that15:47
apacheloggerso you should note that ;-)15:47
stdinjust added that15:47
apacheloggerstdin: please check the source for different copyrights/licenses15:47
apacheloggerand add the short version of GPL15:47
cheguevaradamn i wish this compiled with -j315:47
cheguevaratakes too long :P15:48
jpatrickcheguevara: I recommend a good book for pbuilder15:48
* cheguevara reminisces about gentoo15:49
cheguevarajpatrick, which one15:49
cheguevaramy learning patch is usually not RTFM, but "do it and see what happenes" :P15:49
cheguevaranot patch15:50
jpatrickcheguevara: no, I mean a reading to pass the time15:50
cheguevaraoooh i get it now15:51
apacheloggersweet lord jesus15:51
cheguevaraenglish not exactly native language :P15:51
cheguevaraapachelogger ?15:51
apacheloggercheguevara: there is also a FLAGS_LICENCE15:51
jpatrickdon't worry ;)15:51
apacheloggerplease have a look at it15:51
cheguevaraoh ffs15:51
cheguevaraHobbsee, can i borrow the Long Pointy Stick to "talk" to ktorrent devs15:52
apacheloggerRiddell: should the extragear apps have 4:3.97.0-0ubuntu1 or 3.97.0-0ubuntu1?15:54
cheguevara"All sets provided by us are free to use to anyone, for commercial or non-commercial websites."15:54
* apachelogger notes: ktorrent is not a website :P15:54
apacheloggerbut I think we can interpret this as free to use for everything15:54
cheguevarashould i put it in copyright?15:55
Riddellapachelogger: I'm err on without the epoch until debian picks a versioning scheme15:55
Riddellcheguevara: that the ktorrent flags?15:55
Riddellthere's an extra licence somewhere15:55
cheguevara"All sets provided by us are free to use to anyone, for commercial or non-commercial websites."15:55
cheguevarathats what it says15:55
Riddelljpatrick I think it was15:55
apacheloggerstdin: please change version to 3.97.0-0ubuntu115:55
Riddelle-mail the author and got it under CC15:55
RiddellI forget for which package now15:56
stdinapachelogger: already done, uploading when I give it another look over15:56
stdindoes it matter that 3 of the files don't have the "or (at your option) any later version." ?15:57
jpatrickcheguevara: those flags are under this Creative Commons license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/de/15:57
* Hobbsee wonders why people wanted pictures of her.15:58
jpatrickI asked the author when I packaged tork15:58
* cheguevara hides15:58
Hobbseenixternal_: thanks :)15:58
apacheloggerstdin: Riddell will know15:59
cheguevarashould i add a copy of this then15:59
jpatrickcheguevara: this is how I did it for tork: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2747/16:01
apacheloggercheguevara: from tork's debian/copyright: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2746/16:01
jpatrickapachelogger: hmmm16:01
cheguevarajpatrick, why the german version16:02
apacheloggerbecause tha author is german :P16:02
jpatrickcheguevara: that's the link he gave me16:02
cheguevaralol kk16:02
RiddellHobbsee: could you give back kdebase-runtime/4:3.97.0-1ubuntu416:02
Riddelland up the priority16:02
stdinRiddell: do you kow if it matter that 3 of the files don't have the "or (at your option) any later version." in the copyright ?16:03
Riddellstdin: yes, it defaults to being GPL 2 only16:03
Riddellstdin: what is it?16:04
HobbseeRiddell: done16:04
apacheloggerRiddell: kfax-kde416:04
stdinRiddell: kfax from extragear16:04
apacheloggerrsibreak coming up -.-16:04
cheguevarabbiab, gotta go town16:05
Riddellyou might want to e-mail the copyright holder and ask them to sign up for http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_Relicensing16:05
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
xRaich[o]2xhi i'm searching for the kde4 qt4-designer plugin. is this already included in the PPA kde4 rc2 packages?16:28
RiddellxRaich[o]2x: /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/designer/kdewidgets.so16:29
xRaich[o]2xah thanks :)16:29
Riddellit might have problems with our KDE 4 path though16:29
xRaich[o]2xRiddell: no actually i was pretty stupid asking that question ^^ it was already installed and working16:34
Riddellmhb: about?16:43
mhbRiddell: I'm wanted? wow!16:52
mhbRiddell: yup, I'm here.16:52
Riddellmhb: hi16:52
Riddellmhb: what do you think is wrong with bug 132141?16:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132141 in dolphin "desktop_dolphin translations missing in the source package" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13214116:52
mhbone moment.16:54
Riddellmhb: the translations for the .desktop files are in the .desktop files themselves16:54
Riddelllaunchpad can add .po files16:54
iRonRiddell: 'v found how to implement user disk mounting.. i believe that it could be done in a couple of days :)16:55
Riddellbut it looks like the build isn't adding the bits needed to the .desktop files for launchpad to pick them up16:55
RiddelliRon: you're a genius!16:55
RiddelliRon: what do you think needs doing?16:55
mhbRiddell: in the d3lphin branch I rewrote D3lphin to use konqueror's .desktop files.16:55
mhbRiddell: that should be a better solution, because most of the apps (krename etc.) add only konqi's .desktop files.16:56
Riddellyeah, that seems sensible#16:56
iRonRiddell: i've found where i need to patch code.. so i'm working on it now. whom i need to send a patch?16:58
RiddelliRon: here16:58
iRonRiddell: ok16:58
mhbRiddell: entschuldigung, I have thought d3lphin has no translation files with it, but I was wrong.16:59
nareshovRiddell: have the kde4-rc2 extragear been packaged?17:00
mhbRiddell: funktioniert gut in German. By the way, do you plan to synchronize the Dolphin default bookmarks, the open file dialog bookmarks and the kicker button bookmarks?17:01
Riddellnareshov: people have started on bits of it17:02
Riddellmhb: I've not looked into that at all17:03
mhbmight be a good idea.17:05
Riddellpossibly not that easy17:05
Riddellif only we had an elite c++ programmer about17:06
* Riddell eyes up iRon 17:06
mhbwe can just set it to be same as default.17:06
mhbno need to bother elite programmers before KDE4.17:06
Riddellah, not keep them synced17:08
nareshovRiddell: give me an extragear to package :)17:08
mhbright, no need to invest precious time into KDE3.17:08
Riddellnareshov: apachelogger may be keeping track of what's being worked on better than me17:14
Riddellnareshov: kphotoalbum maybe? ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/3.97/src/extragear/17:14
Riddellyou can use kdetoys-kde4 as a template17:15
cheguevaracorrected ktorrent-kde4 uploading17:23
cheguevaraam off to do some shopping17:23
MezRiddell, your KDE4 PPA thing - it gives me a "cannot locate kdestartupconfig4" and crashes17:27
RiddellMez: what actually are you running?17:29
MezRiddell, gutsy ... used the instructions from http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc2.php17:29
Meztried to login for first time and got that error (looked like an X error)17:29
Mezit's the line kstartupconfig417:29
Mezif test $? -ne 0; then17:30
Mez    xmessage -geometry 500x100 "Could not start kstartupconfig4. Check your installation."17:30
Mez    exit 117:30
Mezthose lines - I'm getting that come out...17:30
MezRiddell, it's obv not being added to my path17:31
RiddellMez: install kdebase-workspace-bin17:31
MezRiddell, it's installed, just found out kstartupconfig4 is exiting with the error17:32
Mezkstartupconfig4: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv17:32
Mezseems like I need the -updates package, but it's not getting it17:33
Mezoh, nope - I gots it17:34
MezRiddell, any ideas?17:38
Riddellfdoving: I've uploaded the patch in bug 162233, please follow it through the SRU process17:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162233 in kdelibs "KIO FTP is shortening the URL" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16223317:38
RiddellMez: can't say I do17:38
MezRiddell... hmm :(17:39
RiddellMez: do other apps work?17:39
Mezpretty much all except skype17:39
MezRiddell - want an strace ?17:40
Riddellwhat version of kdebase-workspace-bin do you have installed?17:40
Mez| Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend17:41
Mez|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)17:41
Mez||/ Name                  Version                       Description17:41
Mezii  kdebase-workspace-bin 4:3.97.0-1ubuntu4~gutsy1~ppa1 core binaries for the KDE base module17:41
Mezoops, I shoulda just copied and pasted17:42
Riddellfdoving: did you get a chance to test those flash patches?17:42
stdinMez: with libqt4-core 4.3.2-0ubuntu3.1 ?17:42
Mezstdin, yup17:42
Mezdpkg: need an action option17:42
MezType dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packages [*];17:42
MezUse `dselect' or `aptitude' for user-friendly package management;17:42
MezType dpkg -Dhelp for a list of dpkg debug flag values;17:42
MezType dpkg --force-help for a list of forcing options;17:42
MezType dpkg-deb --help for help about manipulating *.deb files;17:42
stdinhmm, I have the same and kstartupconfig4 works fine here17:42
MezType dpkg --license|--licence for copyright licence and lack of warranty (GNU GPL) [*].17:42
MezOptions marked [*] produce a lot of output - pipe it through `less' or `more' !17:42
Mezii  libqt4-core                                4.3.2-0ubuntu3.1                     Qt 4 core non-GUI functionality runtime libr17:42
stdinstdin@goten:~$ kstartupconfig4 ;echo $?17:43
Mezstdin, mez@coma % /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kstartupconfig4; echo $?                                                                                                                                                        /home/mez  5:44PM17:44
Mez/usr/lib/kde4/bin/kstartupconfig4: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv17:44
stdinhmm, even from a normal session (without the kde4 env) it works here17:45
Mezhmmles... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qt4-qtruby/+bug/12879717:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 128797 in qt4-qtruby "[Gutsy] qtsvg.so.4 has undefined symbol" [Undecided,Fix committed]17:45
elisianostdin: u know that u can have the exit status in the bash prompt, right? (I'm telling you because I see that u use it a lot)17:47
stdinelisiano: yes I know, I'm actually using zsh more now and have it in the prompt there :)17:48
stdinelisiano: it's just that "command;echo $?" is more clear17:48
elisianoI see17:49
elisianozsh is really nice, especially for the right prompt :D17:49
stdinI'm just getting used to it, I've used bash for so long it's takes a while adjust17:50
stdinand my default shell is still bash for now17:50
elisianoI'm back to bash because I'd have to install zsh in all my servers and that's annoying17:51
Mezstdin, riddell... *sighs* I've no clue what it is17:53
MezI'm not the only one getting the issue17:53
stdinMez: have you tried reinstalling libqt4-core? (I don't see why it would work exactly but worth a shot)17:54
Mezthrice ;)17:54
Mezstdin, am not the only one17:54
stdinI'm struggling to think of a reason of how that could happen when it works fine for others...17:57
apacheloggercheguevara: please remove the trailing full stop from short description in control18:03
nareshovapachelogger: what do I put in the Uploaders: field ?18:04
apacheloggernareshov: are you creating a package?18:05
nareshovyeah, kphotoalbum18:05
apacheloggerwe don't use the uploaders field18:05
ScottKDon't even include the field.18:06
nareshovCMake Error: ERROR: Could not find KDE4 kde4-config18:31
nareshovkde4-config exists at /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kde4-config18:31
nareshovusing dh18:31
stdinmake sure you tell cmake to use the right prefix18:32
nareshovthe CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ?18:32
nareshovcurrently it's at /usr18:33
stdinthat's not right then ;) it needs to be /usr/lib/kde418:33
nareshovshould it be /usr/lib/kde4 ?18:33
stdinyou may find it easier to use cdbs and use  debian/cdbs/kde.mk18:34
stdinit set's all the right variables for cmake18:34
stdinand then debian/rules is just one line (generally) "include debian/cdbs/kde.mk"18:34
stdinyou can find the file in the source of kdebase-kde (and others, but that's the smallest download)18:35
nareshov /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk18:35
Riddellnareshov: no, that's for kde 318:36
iliahi, guys18:36
stdinno, we need a slightly modified one (or so I believe)18:36
Riddellhi ilia!18:36
iliaI've installed kde4 packages from PPA and now I want to report several issues to launchpad18:37
stdinnareshov: yeah, the one in /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/kde.mk is for kde318:37
nareshovI got an "E: unable to find a source package for kdebase-kde4" :18:37
iliabut how do I report kubuntu specific issues (like wrong dependencies)?18:37
stdinnareshov: you'll have to add the deb-src line from the PPA, same as the normal line but replace "deb" with "deb-src"18:38
Riddellilia: what's the issue?18:39
iliano TLS support in kopete due to missing "QCA TLS plugin"18:40
nareshovoh, I got that one18:40
iliaRiddell: I've tried to connect to google talk vie SSL and got this message: SSL support could not be initialized for account <...> This is most likely because the QCA TLS plugin is not installed on your system.18:44
cheguevaraapachelogger, which one I don't see it18:44
cheguevarailia, sudo apt-get libqca218:45
iliadpkg -l |grep qca18:46
iliaii  libqca2                                    2.0.0-3~gutsy1~ppa1                       Qt Cryptographic Architecture - shared libra18:46
iliaii  qca-tls                                    1.0-3build1                               TLS plugin for the Qt Cryptographic Architec18:46
iliaI already have these18:46
Riddellilia: what version of libqt4-core do you have?18:47
nareshovsame here18:47
cheguevaralets try on hardy18:48
stdinI don't think it's built on hardy18:48
cheguevarakopete 4:3.97.0-0ubuntu218:49
cheguevaraaint that the one18:49
iliakopete-kde4                                4:3.97.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa118:50
cheguevarameh can't install it atm my wifi is messed up18:50
cheguevaraexisting connections work, but new ones don't connect18:50
cheguevarago figure18:50
stdincheguevara: ahh yes it is, it just isn't built on anything but i38618:50
cheguevaraah :)18:51
cheguevaraas in failed, or just still building?18:51
stdincheguevara: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/kdenetwork-kde4/+builds < as in failed18:51
cheguevaracan't view it anyway :P18:52
stdinoh, take off the edgy part18:52
cheguevarano as in my intetnet don't work :P18:52
stdinyou're communicating telepathically then? :p18:52
cheguevara<cheguevara> existing connections work, but new ones don't connect18:53
cheguevaraas weird as it is18:53
cheguevaratoo afraid to reconnect or i'll end up with no internet at all lol18:54
stdinilia: I just logged into my gtalk account with kopete-kde4, works here18:55
stdinii  kopete-kde4                                4:3.97.0-0ubuntu1~gutsy1~ppa118:56
nareshovI got a login failed with unknown reason :\18:56
apacheloggercheguevara: oh, didn't showup in the diff18:58
apacheloggerI'm away for a meeting18:58
apacheloggercheguevara: will have another look when I'm back, should probably be advocatable now ;-)18:58
cheguevaraapachelogger, nice, should i bug someone else to take a look?18:58
apacheloggernixternal for example18:59
iliastdin: I don't think the problem is in Kopete, but in the absense of some library/plugin18:59
cheguevaratoo bad jpatrick is gonem since he did ktorrent before18:59
iliaI've found a PPA team at https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members-kde4 Now how do I report a bug, so this team will see it? Or is there a better place to report kubuntu specific KDE4 bugs?19:09
Riddellilia: you can report it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork-kde4/+filebug if you want19:12
Riddellbut you've already told me and stdin who are the two people involved19:12
RiddellI'll try and look out for it when I get a chance19:12
iliaI think it's better to fill a bug report, so not only you and stdin will know about it.19:14
iliaAnyone can google about the same problem and find a solution or help to find one19:15
iliaanother issue is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4base/+bug/17613519:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176135 in kde4base "kde4 startupconfig missing" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:16
iliaIt's trivial to fix, but a right guy should look at this19:16
iliaI mean, someone who have permissions to change PPA sources19:17
stdinilia: kde4base is an old package, the one you want to use is kdebase-kde419:18
cheguevarailia: русский?19:21
iliastdin: I know, and I've wrote, that the problematic script belongs to kdebase-workspace-bin. But the bug was already openned so why open another one?19:22
iliacheguevara: да19:22
cheguevarastdin: that but is definitely true btw19:23
cheguevarai've had the same problem19:23
stdinilia: I meant change the source package, but I've done that for you19:24
iliastdin: how can I change a package?19:25
cheguevarastdin: can the interpreter be changed to bash? since all systems should have bash installed anyway19:25
stdinilia: well I've already done it, but it's the 2nd link by "Also affects:"19:26
stdincheguevara: interpreter for what?19:26
iliastdin: for startkde script, I gues he talks about this bug19:27
cheguevarash to bash19:27
cheguevarathis is an upstream not an ubuntu issue though19:27
stdinwhat would be the point?19:27
stdinit's would be better to fix the bash script to be sh compliant19:28
cheguevarayeah true19:28
stdinnot all systems use bash as the default shell19:28
iliaso I proposed in bug report19:28
stdinand not all bash implementations are the same19:28
ilia[ -e THE_SCRIPT ] && . THE_SCRIPT19:28
iliait's easy19:28
nixternalstartkde works fine for me, but I don't use dash19:29
cheguevaranixternal, does it work fine for you if you rm -rf ~/.kde419:29
nixternalI rm -rf ~/.kde4 after every update19:29
nixternalevery svn update that is19:29
cheguevaraoh you don't use dash19:29
cheguevaraskipped that19:30
cheguevarayeah if you sh = bash then it works19:30
nixternalheck no, dash didn't work with scripts I created when using dapper, so I changed to bash again so it would work19:30
cheguevarabasically this should be taken upstream19:30
iliaso are somebody here going to report it to KDE guys?19:31
stdinnothing stopping you from doing it ;)19:32
cheguevaragonna do it now19:32
iliathanks, cheguevara19:33
cheguevarailia, незачто19:34
iliacheguevara: :)19:34
iliaSo anyone can suggest me yet, what to do with kopete and broken SSL/TLS?19:35
cheguevaranixternal, btw i was told to bug you about reviewing my revu upload :P19:35
iliaIt seems like missed dependency19:35
cheguevarailia, let me try it on hardy quickly19:35
nixternallink me homeskillet19:35
* Mez hopes KDE4 works for him at home19:36
nixternalcheguevara: W: ktorrent-kde4 source: newer-standards-version 3.7.3 (current is 3.7.2)19:37
nixternalbump debian/control standards to 3.7.319:37
cheguevarait is 3.7.319:37
cheguevarabut revu dont' know about 3.7.319:37
nixternalahh, ya19:37
nixternalsorry about that19:37
Meznixternal, having one of those days ?19:40
nixternalI usually don't look at what revu has to say, but being lazy I did, and it bit me in the ass :)19:40
Mezlol - just as long as you dont turn out like me and have one of those days every day19:41
nixternalnah, just every other day right now :)19:41
Mezit's a slippy slope19:42
nixternalstupid java jdbc crap doesn't play nice with postgre19:42
nixternalhahahahahhaa...it is one of those days19:43
cheguevarailia, whats the server for google talk19:43
nosrednaekimcheguevara: talk.google.com19:43
nixternalselct rx from patient where bd < 194019:44
nixternalselct? I hate typos in code19:44
cheguevarayep ilia don't work in hardy either19:44
RiddellLure: don't suppose you've any idea on bug 140555 ?19:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 140555 in ubuntu "keyboard suddenly unresponsive / weird mouse state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14055519:45
Mezbrb, hopegfully on KDE419:45
iliacheguevara: so what do you think we can do with it?19:45
LureRiddell: no idea , very strange issue...19:46
nixternalRiddell: that is compiz causing that19:47
cheguevarailia, let me investigate a bit, hang around19:47
Mezew, gnome apps look horrid19:47
nixternalI have witnessed that only with compiz...and notice him having to try kwin --replace and the amarok icon in the top left19:47
nosrednaekimMez: ya....19:47
nixternalMez: gnome apps always look horrid :p19:48
nosrednaekimnixternal: yup, had that happen to me before19:48
cheguevaraRiddell, do you think you can push that startkde fix upstream, ppl on #kde4-devel seem to be ignoring me :P19:48
nixternalshould that fix go upstream, or should we just include a patch in our package?19:49
Meznixternal, not in gnome, and not within KDE3 on kubuntu19:49
MezI mean UBER horrid19:49
nixternalya, gimp looks all 1990s netscape19:49
cheguevaranixternal, unless upstream expects everyone to use bash...19:49
nosrednaekimMez: its because the qt style is not being applied to the gtk app.19:49
nosrednaekimlike it is in kde319:50
Meznosrednaekim, I know19:50
nixternaland I am sure they do, seeing as a majority of the distros that release a kde version uses bash19:50
nixternalor the groovy zsh19:50
cheguevarayeah but it doesn't hurt bash either19:50
cheguevarait doesn't hurt anything really, just fixes :P19:50
nixternalthey need to create the uber shell where all scripts will work19:50
Mezand pidgin doesnt run correctly19:51
Mezhmmles... that's weird19:53
MezXchat doesn't appear if desktop effects are on19:53
cheguevaraat least desktop effects work for you :P19:54
nixternallet me guess, kopete isn't work in our RC packages?19:59
cheguevaradepends what you wanna use19:59
cheguevaragtalk isnt19:59
cheguevaraam actually working on fixing that now though to save stdin some work :P19:59
nixternalinteresting, seeing as decibel FTBS19:59
nosrednaekimnixternal: AIM is working for me19:59
nixternaltest building and then going to reupload20:00
cheguevaraits not built with decibel support20:00
cheguevarasince its optional20:00
cheguevaraE: pbuilder-satisfydepends failed.20:02
cheguevaraok wtf20:02
nixternalpbuilder-hardy is broke again20:03
nixternaldid you just do a pbuilder-hardy update?20:03
nixternalI have one pbuilder session running fine, and the other just crashed out with that same error20:03
cheguevarano got yesterdays20:03
dthacker-laptopcheguevara: did they review your package yet?20:03
cheguevaradidn't update today20:03
cheguevaradthacker, waiting for nixternal and apachelogger to do it20:04
cheguevaraThe following packages have unmet dependencies:20:04
cheguevara  kdebase-runtime-bin: Depends: libxine1 (>= 1.1.4) but it is not installable20:04
cheguevaralet me do an update20:04
dthacker-laptopcheguevara: good luck!  gotta run.20:05
nixternalktorrent-kde4 is currently building20:05
cheguevaranice :)20:05
nixternalwhat are they doing to the repos...now I can't build any packages :(20:06
cheguevaradamn xine20:07
cheguevaraand noone rebuilt adept yet20:08
nixternalxine should be fixed now20:08
nixternallibxine1 has been replaced by libxine1-bin20:08
cheguevara0 packages upgraded, 303 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.20:09
cheguevaraok thats gonna take a while :P20:10
cheguevarahmm udev update20:13
cheguevarathat got potential to break something20:13
smcintyrekdenlive is not available for Kubuntu?20:17
nixternalsmcintyre: you are everywhere aren't ya :)20:18
nosrednaekimsmcintyre: I think it is actually.20:18
nixternaland from Jamaica? do you know DaSkreach (Roger)?20:18
* smcintyre is Roger20:18
nixternalfigured as much20:18
nixternalwhy are you hiding?20:18
smcintyreI'm not I'm fixing someone's machine and waiting on files to copy20:18
nixternalI was wondering why you said hi to me in #katapult, as I had no clue who you were20:18
nosrednaekim!info kdenlive20:18
ubotukdenlive: A Non-Linear Video Editing Suite for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5-0.0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 648 kB, installed size 1992 kB20:18
smcintyre!info kdenlive feisty20:19
ubotuPackage kdenlive does not exist in feisty20:19
smcintyrethey are a version behind20:19
nixternalafter seeing the jamaica though, I kind of had the idea it was you...I mean, how many people in Jamaica would actually come on IRC?20:19
smcintyreI'm trying to wean them off of Premiere20:19
cheguevaranosrednaekim, yeah hardy20:19
smcintyrenixternal: My entire company?20:19
smcintyrenixternal: only one on katapult though :)20:20
smcintyrehi cheguevara. Welcome20:20
cheguevarahey smcintyre20:20
nixternalsmcintyre: I want a job there, can you get me a job in jamaica?20:21
smcintyrenixternal: Easy20:21
smcintyrewhat do you do?20:21
nixternalI can come down there and get all rastafarian oh um20:21
smcintyreWe can give you a Rasta cap20:22
smcintyrethat should work just as well20:22
nixternalthat is all I want..I don't need any money20:22
nixternaljust the hat and the cool accent20:22
nixternalu b jammin'20:22
smcintyredun no20:22
* smcintyre laughs20:22
cheguevaraaka "me a rastaman"20:22
smcintyreIt really does look like a different language doesn't it?20:22
nixternalman, I would love to sit there an hack listening to Buju Banton all day long20:23
cheguevaradancehall is great though :P20:23
smcintyrenixternal: Oh you want to work at his studio?20:23
smcintyreI can do that20:23
nixternaldude I would die for that one20:24
nixternalBuju is the man20:24
* nixternal loves Buju Banton and Supercat20:24
nixternalDon Dada20:24
smcintyreWell Supercat no longer is in Jamaica :)20:25
smcintyreIIIIIIIIII Just wanna Fly20:25
* cheguevara prefers the newer ones20:25
cheguevarababy cham, beenie man, elephant man20:25
nixternalya, I like the older cats20:26
nixternalwhat about Snow? Informer!20:26
nixternalhe was from Canada, and people thought he was the real deal20:26
smcintyreYeah he still does some good stuff20:26
imbrandongah i thought i was here already ScottK20:26
smcintyrehe releases mixes down here with people20:26
ScottKYeah.  So it's gnash or flash, but not both?  Did I understand that right imbrandon?20:27
imbrandonis Riddell arround this $time-of-day ?20:27
cheguevarahe was active a bit ago20:28
imbrandonScottK: yea, well not really its more like !flash peroid or konq+XEmbed20:28
nixternaldepends on the amount of money you have imbrandon20:28
imbrandonnixternal: we have an issue20:28
nixternalimbrandon: if it is flash, we know that20:28
imbrandonok let me re-cap for everyone20:28
nixternalgotta love konq :)20:28
imbrandonnixternal: yea but the thing is, i have it in the SRU queue now20:28
imbrandonfor dapper on up to gutsy20:28
imbrandondo we fix it for everyone or20:28
imbrandonknowingly break konqueror20:29
imbrandonit works in others20:29
smcintyrenixternal: But let me know when next we have a UDS and we will convince the powers to have it here :)20:29
nixternaldon't break konqi :(20:29
nixternalalthough, I don't use anything < Hardy :)20:29
nixternalbut the rest of the Kubuntu users do20:29
nixternaland my god that would be one hell of a poopstorm20:29
cheguevarayeah firefox is not installed by default in kubuntu, so...20:29
imbrandonnixternal: the only alternative i can see is flashplugin-nonfree conflicts with konq20:29
nixternalI can see the OSNews, /., and Digg FUD already20:29
imbrandonas XEmbed wont be SRU worthy ( new feature )20:30
nixternalwell, if you SRU flash nonfree, then it will go from new feature to must have bug fix20:30
ScottKimbrandon: It depends on how you look at it.  From the perspective of the user, no Flash is a regression that is SRU worthy.20:30
imbrandoni wish pitti was on20:31
ScottKIf it takes SRUing multiple packages to get there, that's a developer's detail.20:31
ScottKimbrandon: In any case it needs fixing in Hardy, so the work has to be done either way.20:31
imbrandonScottK: very true, the next thing would actualy getting XEmbed working though20:31
cheguevarabut then is the available patch gonna work on all version of kdebase (as in from dapper to gutsy)20:31
nixternalwhich I think is being worked on iirc20:31
ScottKnixternal: For KDE3?20:32
nixternalso I thought I heard, yes20:32
imbrandonScottK: right but the SRU for dapper --> gutsy will have us burned if its not pushed soon, how quick can we make this happen ?20:32
nixternalScottK: always great to ask the Mandriva devs or the openSUSE devs20:32
* ScottK knows zip about programming KDE stuff, I just package some of it.20:32
imbrandoncheguevara: it could be adapted20:32
nixternalthey typically work on that hardcore stuff anyways...as I am sure openSUSE is facing it with their dev release right now20:32
cheguevarai've seen a novell bug about it20:33
imbrandonnixternal / ScottK : can you all keep an eye out for a upstream konq patch ( as isolated as possible so it can go all the way to dapper )20:33
imbrandoncheguevara: yes there is even upstream kde bugs for it20:33
cheguevarathe patch is quiet huge20:34
imbrandonnixternal / ScottK : and let me know if you find something , i'll check other alternatives20:34
imbrandoncheguevara: there is no patch as of yet iirc, i just looked 10 minutes ago20:34
nixternalimbrandon: I will check around today and see if I can get something for you20:34
cheguevarai've seen it20:34
cheguevaraunless i was on crack :P20:35
imbrandoncheguevara: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15383220:35
ubotuKDE bug 153832 in nspluginviewer "nspluginviewer crash in konqueror with adobe flash 9.0 r115" [Crash,New]20:35
imbrandonno patch20:35
cheguevarayeah not there20:36
cheguevarahold on20:36
imbrandoncheguevara: if its from elsewhere its likely not trimed down to only the needed code20:36
lovrehi al20:37
cheguevarafount it20:38
=== uga is now known as uga|away
cheguevaraas i sai20:38
lovrei was just doing an update in adept manager, when my X suddenly restarted. I couldnt log in after that. When i type in my password the screen goes black for a second but then goes back to login screen again. So i cant login atm. (on win atm)20:38
cheguevaraits not trivial20:38
imbrandonwhere did that pastbin come from ?20:39
imbrandonlink please20:39
ubotuNovell bug 348088 in KDE "[Fix_is_Ready:10.1,10.2,10.3]Support for latest Flash plugin" [Major,New]20:39
cheguevarano idea why i put it in pastebin lol20:39
nixternalheh, told ya novell/suse had a fix :)20:39
nixternalit was either them or Mandrake who fixed the last flash plugin/ndisviewer issues20:40
nixternalwhy does kdelibs5-dev have to install kde4base, kcontrol and more? are their some messed up deps in the package?20:42
ScottKcheguevara: Thanks for finding that.20:43
cheguevaraScottK, np20:43
imbrandoncool, ok i'll build up some packages and such with this , this evening20:44
cheguevaradepending if you have time you may want to wait a day or 2 to see if the patch is deff final20:44
imbrandonthanks cheguevara for the legwork20:44
imbrandoncheguevara: this is a few days long process so i'll keep an eye on it20:45
cheguevarakk :P20:45
cheguevaranixternal, did ktorrent build fine?20:46
nixternalbut I can't debuild the damn thing cuz the stupid chroot has issues with dbus, and kdelibs5 wants to depend on kdebase stuff, which totally blows my mind20:47
cheguevaraoh i see you acked it20:48
cheguevaranice :P20:48
cheguevaraneed one more now20:48
cheguevarai think i'll start working on the next one for now20:49
cheguevarayes i love p2p :P20:49
smcintyrerebooting to windows20:49
smcintyre and trying to figure out why Kubuntu can't shut down the computer20:50
=== uga|away is now known as uga
=== tyfon_ is now known as tyfon
cheguevarathat looks nice21:43
iRoncheguevara: this diagonal stripes tilt my head :)21:58
smcintyreanyone ever had failed to reset NO_REBOOT flag, reboot disabled by hardware ?22:01
cheguevaraiRon :)22:02
cheguevaraiRon, hows the coding going :P22:03
iRoncheguevara: in a day-two i'll give you a patch :)22:03
cheguevaraoh nice22:03
iRoncheguevara: now i'm playing with IDE tools.. i've imported all kdebase in NetBeans :-)22:04
* smcintyre jumps on Hobbsee22:04
iRoncheguevara: looks good22:04
cheguevarawb apachelogger22:04
apacheloggercheguevara: lets get to work :P22:04
cheguevaralets :P22:04
cheguevarai got an ack from nixternal22:04
Hobbseehiya here too!22:05
* smcintyre swarms22:05
* apachelogger fires up amarok22:05
cheguevaraamarok 2?22:05
apacheloggerof course :P22:05
=== wolfger__ is now known as wolfger
apacheloggercheguevara: New: ktorrent-kde4 3.97.0-0ubuntu1 (source)22:16
apacheloggercheguevara: thanks for packaging22:16
cheguevaranext :P22:16
apacheloggercheguevara: well, aren't there any other extragear apps? ;-)22:21
apacheloggeralso kde-apps might be a good idea to have a look at22:21
apacheloggerand of course the needs-packaging bugs22:21
cheguevarayeah i am doing kmldonkey now22:21
cheguevarameant next as in, i am moving on, not as in give me :P22:21
* apachelogger does upgrade tastymenu22:23
nixternaljeesh, getting kdm4 setup by building from svn is a pita22:23
cheguevarahmmm i wonder why the current ubuntu mldonkey recomends mldonkey and not depends22:27
cheguevara*ubuntu kmldonkey22:27
cheguevarawhats the point of having the interface without the backend22:27
apacheloggermaybe kmldonkey does more than just mldonkey22:28
cheguevaraDescription: KDE GUI for MLDonkey22:28
cheguevara This package provides a GUI for MLDonkey and integrates MLDonkey into22:28
cheguevara the KDE framework.22:28
cheguevarai mean you can start the GUI without mldonkey yeah22:28
cheguevarabut it'll be so useless :P22:28
cheguevarahmm how come ark-kde4 is still 3.9622:30
nixternalkde4 full fledged system up and running22:35
cheguevaranice :)22:36
nixternalit is a pain taking an ubuntu headless/server box and installing everything you need in order for this to work22:38
nosrednaekimnixternal: same here:D22:39
nixternalnosrednaekim: did you get kdm working for kde4 on a headless box yet? it was a pain to track, but easy once I was done22:42
RiddellHobbsee: could you up the priority of kdebase-kde4/4:3.97.0-1ubuntu422:42
apacheloggernixternal: you have time to revu a new upstream release?22:42
nixternalapachelogger: sure22:42
nosrednaekimnixternal: oh.. not :D22:42
apacheloggernixternal: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=tastymenu22:42
nixternalI can't believe nobody has packaged that yet for us22:42
Riddellcheguevara: do you have a patch for startkde?22:43
nixternaltastymenu rocks...way better than kickwelooklikevistasstartmenu22:43
Riddellimbrandon: you asked after me?22:43
apacheloggernixternal: I find it kinda geeky ;-)22:43
cheguevaraRiddell, i know what lines to replace :P, do you want me to get you a diff -u though22:43
nixternalapachelogger: I use it on my foresight dev box...it is nice22:43
apacheloggerbut really, I don't use menus enough that I would care22:43
Riddellcheguevara: that would be best22:43
cheguevarakk give me 522:43
nixternaloops, accidentally removed kdesdk-scripts :)22:44
nixternalgimme back my makeobj22:45
apacheloggercheguevara: patch for using startkde(4)?22:45
cheguevarato make it work on sh != bash22:46
apacheloggerah, okay :)22:46
cheguevaralike most of ubuntu users will have22:46
nixternaloh, btw22:47
nixternalI am using the startkde script from kdesvn on a box that is using bash22:47
nixternalwhat issue am I supposed to see22:47
nixternalon my new kde4 box, I didn't switch to bash22:47
nixternalso it is still ubuntu default (dash)22:47
cheguevaraif you don't have ~/.kde422:48
cheguevarastartkde will attempt to source a file22:48
cheguevarathat doesn't exist without testing if it exists first22:48
cheguevarasince it doesn't the script dies22:48
cheguevarais the file22:48
nixternalhrmm...i didn't have that problem, and I just nixed my ~/.kde422:48
cheguevarai did and 2 other users in the lp bug report22:49
cheguevaraRiddell: http://pastebin.ca/81671522:51
=== dfm is now known as felixhummel
nixternalapachelogger: added comment, there is a lot of missing items that need to be installed that aren't22:55
apacheloggerI think your system is b0rked22:55
apacheloggerthat are _all_ files22:55
apacheloggernixternal: apparently dh_install doesn't work that well if cdbs is used22:56
nixternalalways works for me22:56
nixternalI use nothing but cdbs22:57
apacheloggerhave a look at the deb, all files that are claimed to not being installed are actually in there -.-22:57
apacheloggernixternal: so we are back at 'your system is b0rked' :-P22:57
nixternalcuz it installed and I am using it22:58
apacheloggerwell, something very strange is going on with tastymenu, cdbs and dh_install's --list-missing22:59
nixternalit is something funky...but the package is otherwise good, it builds fine, and it works as it should23:01
cheguevarabrb shop23:01
apacheloggernixternal: ok, I'll upload, thanks for revuing :)23:01
mhbhave you ever had the feeling that desktop-environment distros are really limited in some ways?23:11
mhbwhat I mean is - we're doing a KDE distro, which is great and cool and stuff, but we're pretty much stuck with their software even if there was a better alternative.23:11
HobbseeRiddell: done.  and btw, i don't need the version number, the script just uses the latest one23:12
* Hobbsee just needs to know what, and where it is.23:12
mhbExample: Firefox is very well known by the common users, but we cannot ship it, because it's not KDE.23:12
Hobbseemhb: yes, often.  firefox vs konq.23:12
mhbOr another one: KDM is kind of too slow to my liking, but we're stuck with it, there's no other KDE desktop manager.23:12
nosrednaekimand KDM doesn't have the bullet-proof X capability23:13
mhbI think by inspiring with the "monolitic" structure of other, well-known operating systems, we have moved from some of the UNIX principles.23:14
mhbhaving simple, fast tools that can be replaced easily.23:15
mhbbecause only a fool would believe that KDE tools are always the best.23:16
mhbthey aren't. Many of them are great, though.23:16
mhbit's bad practice when an application depends on so many libraries that it's impossible to install it without downloading 100MBs of dependencies.23:18
mhbman, I so dislike it when there's noone around to disagree with me :o)23:20
ardchoillemhb: I disagree, I quite like it when no one's around to disagree23:22
apacheloggermhb: meh, all wrong23:27
apacheloggerwe need heavily integrated solution23:27
apacheloggersince that is what usability is all about23:27
apacheloggercontrol appearance in one place, so everything looks similiar23:27
apacheloggerget applications to interact23:28
apacheloggerfast and relieable23:28
apacheloggerthat's why the originial unix concept is not 100% applieable to today's graphical bling bling desktop systems23:29
apacheloggerof course for certain tasks you don't need that23:29
apacheloggerlike playing a video23:29
apacheloggeryou can't do very much with videos beside watching them23:29
apacheloggerso a video player can just be a video playback area some playback control buttons and some kind of dialog to open files23:30
mhbapachelogger: do you need it for writing in a console?23:30
apacheloggermhb: enought disagreeness? :P23:30
mhbapachelogger: for logging in?23:30
apacheloggera user does not write in a console23:31
apacheloggerusability starts at the login23:31
nosrednaekimusability starts before the login23:31
apacheloggersome people say at the pc case, but really, not much to be done there :P23:31
nosrednaekimit starts at the pressing of the power button23:31
mhbapachelogger: so you think there should even be some "kusplash" with KDE dependencies? Or "Kgrub"? :D23:32
apacheloggernosrednaekim: now, you don't need kdelibs for booting probably :P23:32
nosrednaekimapachelogger: we should!23:32
apacheloggermhb: nope23:32
apacheloggera user doesn't want to see a boot manager23:32
apacheloggerin fact23:32
apacheloggera user doesn't want to see a machine booting23:32
apacheloggera user wants it to be -> power -> light -> desktop23:33
mhbI don't see a point where KDE could achieve that.23:33
apacheloggerthat's why no boot app depends on kde :P23:33
mhbit's too bloated at this point... perhaps GNOME is more memory intensive, but Kubuntu wins the award of "slowest loading time of any Ubuntu".23:34
apacheloggerkdm is dead slow23:34
apacheloggerno doubt on that23:34
cheguevarakde 4 loads quiet quick23:34
mhbeven the startup is real slow.23:34
nosrednaekimmhb: I bypass KDM, auto login.23:34
apacheloggernosrednaekim: that still loads kdm23:34
nosrednaekimwell, I have a usable desktop in 45 seconds, on a laptop.23:35
mhbnosrednaekim: which is 42 more than I'd want from a good system.23:35
nixternalya, KDE 4 loads instantly for me23:36
mhbit sure doesn't here.23:37
nixternalI know what mhb means about KDE 3 loading slow though..it is really all of the start up apps23:37
nixternalI hit the power button, and in less than 15 seconds I am at the desktop23:37
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
nixternalunless of course I am not paying attention when kdm pops up :)23:37
mhbbut I didn't want to start a heated discussion about KDE's speed.23:38
mhbapachelogger: I am using Firefox in Kubuntu, and I don't think it looks out of place.23:39
mhbapachelogger: I am sure you can't dcop from it or have kparts in it, but who needs that?23:39
apacheloggerwhat happens if you click a pdf?23:39
mhbI sure don't, and I have more requirements on my browser than my 10-year-old sister.23:39
apacheloggerwill it star tkdpf?23:39
mhbapachelogger: no, I guess because I also have the whole ubuntu-desktop here.23:40
mhbapachelogger: you're saying that the control settings of all apps should be centralized.23:41
mhbis that a conflict with having totally independent apps?23:41
mhbwe can just write a control center that parses configuration files, and make the apps understand the text files. that's kind of UNIX-like to me.23:41
apacheloggeron the one hand you're complaining about KDE being slow on the other hand you're saying kubuntu should ship with firefox as default browser which starts deadly slow due to the loading of gtk libs23:41
mhbapachelogger: did you notice my comment that I do NOT want to raise the discussion about speed?23:42
mhb00:38 < mhb> but I didn't want to start a heated discussion about KDE's speed.23:42
apacheloggermhb: well, it is about speed :P23:42
apacheloggeras I sayd a user expects instant (re)action23:42
cheguevarameh gnome is copying ke23:42
mhbno, it's about being able to replace things.23:42
apacheloggerthe longer it takes the worse it appears to the user23:43
mhbby having one pack of libs we effectively eliminate competition.23:43
nosrednaekimcheguevara: nothin new about that.23:43
mhbin a competitive world, when someone is offering you a better service, you take it.23:43
mhbbut now, you cannot, because that service is not KDE enough.23:44
mhbso you stick with your slow kdm.23:44
mhbjust for the sake of it being KDE.23:44
apacheloggerso we use gdm23:44
apacheloggerwhich uses gtklibs23:44
apacheloggerso we need to qt on kde startup23:44
apacheloggerwhich takes ages again23:44
nixternalmhb: you are correct about a better service and taking it...but are there any better services out there?23:44
mhbapachelogger: GTK/GNOME is the same PITA as Qt/KDE.23:44
apacheloggerso, we can have slow-fast or fast-slow23:44
nixternalfirefox isn't better imho, I actually hate everything Mozilla23:45
apacheloggerwebkit ftw :D23:45
nixternalyay webkit!23:45
mhbkonqueror's not the worst situation, but you have to admit Firefox is well known and almost everyone I know uses it.23:45
mhbby everyone I mean Windows users.23:45
nixternalI use IE7 on Windows, it is faster than FF on Windows (mainly because of the integration)23:46
apacheloggerwe should do a ready to go emulation wizard for ms office23:46
nixternalor I use safari23:46
apacheloggereveryone I know is using that one23:46
mhbapachelogger: the problem is, when we stick to one big desktop environment, we are eliminating competition23:47
mhbyou don't have that with say shells23:47
mhbyou can run bash, dash, csh, ksh, whatever you like.23:47
mhband you don't have to add a 50MB library for each one, at least I think so.23:47
apacheloggeryou can't really compare an DE to a shell23:48
mhbapachelogger: well, I kind of can23:49
mhbapachelogger: we're not choosing apps because they're good, but because they're KDE.23:49
mhband I find that incorrect.23:49
txwikingerbrowser wars?23:50
mhbtxwikinger: not browser.23:51
mhbtxwikinger: desktop manager, other apps, too.23:51
apacheloggermhb: because kubuntu is supposed to be KDE :P23:51
* txwikinger has a 60's flashback... make peace not war ;)23:51
apacheloggerkinda the purpose23:51
nixternalif shells were so great, we wouldn't have to patch startkde for kde4 because we use dash23:52
mhbapachelogger: right, that's the fault of having KDE and GNOME.23:54
mhbapachelogger: we're not doing a distribution that is good, but that which is KDE.23:54
nixternalit is still impressive though that with KDE or Gnome, you not only get an OS and a DE, but you all of the software as well, on a single CD, and not a DVD like our competitors23:54
txwikingerThe only thing I am missing in Konqueror is the wysiwyg editor for html etc.23:54
apacheloggerI think we should just all use mono/gtk23:54
nixternalmono hell no23:55
apacheloggerdefined by MS, hence nothing to discuss about23:55
apacheloggerand totally fixed23:55
mhbnixternal: right, and distros that don't use a DE and focus on having separate apps usually fit in 300MBs.23:55
daskreechapachelogger: like Samba?23:55
apacheloggerand everyone can use it then23:55
nixternalmhb: umm, Slax with KDE is around 200MB and DSL fits on a 128MB stick and has flux :)23:55
nixternalnow that rawks23:55
apacheloggerdaskreech: smb is defined by MS, not MS fault if none gets it implemented right23:55
txwikingerwell.. m$ is violating court order to publish the protocol23:56
mhbI understand that we *have to* use KDE apps because we're a KDE distro.23:56
nixternalwe use OO.o and not KOffice...so that argument doesn't really stand tall23:58
mhbthe problem was made in the beginning. Instead of having a huge set of small, fast, lightweight single-purpose apps, we have a KDE app and a GNOME app for everything.23:58
nixternaland that would be gnome's fault, letting the fsf get their panties in a bundle23:59
daskreechmhb: Who says we don't have a huge set of small lightweight apps?23:59
mhbdaskreech: in Kubuntu? I do.23:59

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