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* xstasi is away: Dangerous like a razorback - Deadly like a heart attack00:08
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ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:13
DanaGGaack, the slowness, the slowness!01:06
DanaGOkay, that's odd..... somehow my laptop is now showing TWO batteries.02:12
DanaGIt's only gnome-power-manager doing it, I believe.02:13
DanaGand /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/02:15
DanaGAah, battery and power_supply are redundant.02:20
DanaGOh waitm they're not truly redundant, but they do create multiple virtual battery devices.02:30
cps1967this here is hardy on eee pcc02:33
nomasteryodado those things perform ok?02:34
nomasteryodawas worried they would be slow02:34
cps1967cant  get wirel4ess to work though02:34
nomasteryodawhat card brand?02:34
cps1967na faster thann heck on this thng02:34
nomasteryodaoh and no fan noize02:35
cps1967wel it module is loaded02:35
nomasteryodai think the thing would be about as wide as my hands in typing position02:35
cps1967jst dont haave tools to configure it02:35
nomasteryodausing a dell Latitude 610 with gutsy02:35
cps1967onne hand02:35
nomasteryodahmm, that would take getting used to02:36
cps1967tping is a bitch02:36
cps1967half sized kb02:36
nomasteryodathe whole thing is what 6" wide?02:36
cps1967about 902:36
nomasteryodanot bad02:37
nomasteryodathis dell is about 12.5 wide02:37
cps1967the kb is about the size of hp jornada02:37
nomasteryodathat is small then02:38
nomasteryodai've used one of those for a short bit02:38
cps19677 inch wide screen02:38
cps1967stereo speakers02:39
ysth1256Mb memory?02:39
cps1967xp does run half decent on it too02:39
cps1967512 but can be 2 GB02:40
cps1967o i have kubuntu BTW02:41
cps1967gnmme wasn't stable02:41
nomasteryodaya i prefer it, but i can switch into gnome at anytime02:41
cps1967man mt finngers are to big02:41
nomasteryodaor flux02:41
nomasteryodablackbox, etc02:42
* DanaG thinks Asus was stupid for using a CELERON in an ultra-mobile PC.02:42
DanaGCeleron == NO SPEEDSTEP.02:42
DanaGBut anyway, I'm pondering that "OLPC" laptop -- I wonder if I'd have a use for one, and whether it'd be Ubuntu-fy-able.02:42
cps1967hey it doesn't suck the battery dr so fast that way02:43
DanaGCelerons run at full speed 100% of the time.02:43
cps1967na this is 600-90002:43
DanaGGaack, that second battery entry really IS bugged.  It doesn't change its value.02:43
cps1967ten it lies02:44
DanaGIt's a bug in the new kernel.02:44
DanaGThe old version only had the /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/, and that worked properly.02:44
cps1967what kerne you usng02:44
DanaGOld was 2.6.22-14-generic.02:45
cps1967its not final thats wh02:45
DanaGAnd the old battery entry still works; there's just a new broken one that doesn't change.02:45
cps1967t me this is just as fast as my dual dual core xeons but it has tons of hrdware02:46
nomasteryodaya more hardware is better02:47
nomasteryodafor some things02:47
nomasteryodajust surfing that thing would be quite sweet... and if you can kismet .. wow02:47
cps1967i have external dvdrw for this and it works just fine just ccant get nothing that big on 4gb HDD02:48
nomasteryodayou'd need an external hd to do that stuff02:49
nomasteryodai think a hybrid dvd/mini hd would be a cool thing to have for the eee and XO02:49
cps1967well it has sd card slot also and it works quite well02:49
nomasteryodaya man you can add any amount storage too02:50
nomasteryodai got to use a sdhc card the other day and man, fast very fast02:50
cps1967i think for the 400 bucks this is etter that XO02:50
nomasteryodai got to hold the xo at Ohio Linux Fest back in Oct02:51
* cafuego notes the XO wasn't designed for you ;-)02:51
cps196725 MB/s is fastest one right now02:51
nomasteryodawas cute, but not very durable at all02:51
nomasteryodaof course, it was a Fedora developer model, but exact same thing from waht they said02:52
cps1967seems there is a bluetooth hac for this too02:52
cps1967after warrenty rus out i'll pla with it02:54
DanaGDang, that duplicate battery won't go away even if I make an fdi file for it.02:54
cps1967nomasteryoda: where abouts tou in ohio02:55
nomasteryodai drove up from Georgia02:55
nomasteryodawas in Columbus02:55
cps1967DanaG:  maybe you need to blaclist module02:55
cps1967i'm about 4 hrs n,w. of columbus02:56
nomasteryodai drove up to the lake02:57
nomasteryodathe morning before the conference02:57
cps1967iway past the lake02:57
cps1967almost in inndiana02:58
DanaGDang, battery depends on power_supply.02:58
DanaGSo I can't just blacklist the offending power_supply module.02:58
cps1967why not02:58
nomasteryodai have some pictures there... they are in picasa and flickr ... using that flash gallery to show them off02:58
cps1967hehe no rowser here yet02:59
DanaGOdd: the sysfs entry is actually updating its data, but somehow HAL is not acknowledging it.03:03
cps1967was trying t keep install t a miinium03:05
nomasteryodaunderstand that with only 4gb03:11
nomasteryodawhat about konqueror?03:13
nomasteryodaits quite good...03:13
nomasteryodathink even flash will work with it03:13
DanaGGaack, while experimenting with the battery and HAL, I pulled out the power cord BEFORE I put the battery back in.  Silly me.03:14
nomasteryodaway impressive03:14
nomasteryodawatching a nanotech video in konqueror03:14
nomasteryodawith adobe flash plugin03:15
DanaGI see: the power_supply object does not generate events!03:15
nomasteryodaif you get it installed, cool video... wonder if they are using ubuntu at all in that lab03:15
DanaGOh wait, it did just generate one.03:15
cps1967gd god how maaaany pics are on there03:16
nomasteryodacps1966, they are feeding from those sites03:17
nomasteryodaif you click one, you'll get to my photo pages03:17
nomasteryodaits really cool... the server is apache on ubuntu feisty03:17
nomasteryodasimple xml script runs the whole thing03:18
cps1967now i only have 1.2 GB free space03:20
nomasteryodaso you installed firefox or konqueror03:20
cps1966this is me on my main box03:21
nomasteryodayou can go in and remove stuff like man pages03:21
DanaGthe power_supply device generated a device exactly ONCE.03:21
DanaGAnd that's it.03:21
cps1966got cripled from that tiny kb03:21
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nomasteryodayou need a nice wireless keyboard to go with that thing03:21
nomasteryodaeven a usb would be better03:22
cps1966yeah usb one03:22
cps1966has 3 usb ports03:22
DanaGWhy get an ultraportable if you're always going to lug around a keyboard?03:22
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nomasteryodahmmm, wonder if i pull this laptop apart and put in some arctic silver if i'll get the temps down to reasonable levels like the 29C i got on the other laptop ...03:23
cps1966i just need some of alices pills to make me small03:23
DanaGActually, 29 is excessively cool.03:23
nomasteryoda50C is getting up there03:23
nomasteryodaits nice03:23
nomasteryodathat stuff works very well03:23
DanaGMine idles at about 40, and at load it hits up to 66 tops.03:23
cps1966gee thats hot03:24
DanaGAnd actually, trying to replace the thermal tape with thermal paste made it worse (those temperatures are "after).03:24
nomasteryodathose little sticky panels they put in are total garbage compared to arctic silver gel03:24
nomasteryodagots to get quite smooth fit and lap both cpu and heatsink03:24
DanaGBut Gateway made the lovely design decision of leaving about 1/2 to 1 millimeter between northbridge die and heatpipe.03:25
nomasteryodaya 66 is just 4 away from shutdown03:25
DanaGNot really, for my laptop.03:25
DanaGCritical is 95.03:25
nomasteryodawow that is very hot03:25
cps1966man that way to hot03:25
nomasteryodatalk about birth control03:26
DanaGWell, that reminds me of another laptop we have around here:03:26
DanaGAthlon XP 1400, cooled with heatpipe the size of a pack of gum.03:26
cps1966that would melt the case03:26
DanaGAnd no thermal paste between die and heatsink -- instead, there was 'charred dust' or something.03:26
DanaGIdle: 70 C.  Load: 87 C.  Now THAT's hot.03:26
DanaGI gave it the hostname03:27
DanaGOh, and the fan trip point was 75.03:28
cps1966i use F here so its hard for me to see how hot that is03:28
nomasteryodacool thing... i use gkrellm and i8k tools now... can control it from off, low, high03:29
nomasteryodaand set the up/down points03:29
nomasteryodaand a nice little animated fan icon to show me its on03:29
DanaGRoom temperature is 20, body is 38 (I think), and boiling is 100.03:29
cps196622 2 rt 37 bt 87c 188f03:31
cps1966google is your freind03:31
nomasteryodagot me some nice Google Open Source Programs Office black T-shirts from the conference03:32
nomasteryodaand some really cool aluminum Ubuntu laptop badges03:33
nomasteryodalike the windows ones most systems have03:33
cps1966ubuntu inside would be cool03:33
DanaGI could use a badge for my laptop.03:34
cps1966make one03:34
nomasteryodathese say powered by ubuntu03:34
cps1966decopauge style03:34
nomasteryodayour state's Ubuntu-loco groups should have gotten some03:35
nomasteryodaif they were on the ball03:35
nomasteryodathe head of ubuntu-georgia sent my LUG 20 or so03:35
cps1966maybe they didn't jump up and kiss ass though03:35
cps1966had to say that03:36
nomasteryodai like these... http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=65578&file1=65578-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=Vista%20Incapable%20Stickers%20(Designed%20for)03:36
nomasteryodai want some new ones for Hardy03:36
cps1966i thing about everything is vista uncapable03:37
DanaGVista Incapable?  That's a bit lame.03:37
DanaGIt should say something like "Vista Irrelevant"03:37
nomasteryodano, really ... won't run it03:37
cps1966just keep that crap away from me03:38
DanaG"Incapable" sounds weak; what you want is "don't want it".03:38
cps1966xp was bad enough03:38
DanaGYou've gotta03:39
nomasteryodacps1966, i setup a desktop dell for a friend's 20-something daughter... it had infected, infested Vista on it.. .and only 512mb ram... after I got done, I rebadged it with one of those powered by Ubuntu stickers03:39
nomasteryodacause that's all thats on it now...03:39
nomasteryodaruns  like a top03:39
DanaG(damn enter key -- it jumps and steals my finger that's aiming for apostrophe)03:40
DanaGYou must admit at least one thing about Vista: it forces manufacturers to at least TRY to fix their BIOSes.03:40
cps1966heh it does more than that forces them to install ubuntu03:40
DanaGThe new ACPI Video support in Linux uses methods that Microsoft is making manufacturers use, instead of the old proprietary methods for Toshiba and Panasonic and IBM/Lenovo and ...03:41
DanaGaah. relevant to my battery thingy.03:41
Jordan_UIs gnome-screensaver still redirected with compiz due to security reasons?03:42
* DanaG use xscreensaver because gnome-screensaver sucks.03:42
nomasteryodaand, just think.. all those nice Vusta boxes that become Irrelevant after short time... will sweetly run Ubuntu with full Compiz effects03:43
nomasteryodajust rebadged this latitude... no more windows!03:43
nomasteryodai disable screensavers except when I need to show off03:43
nomasteryodathe compiz one is cool03:44
nomasteryodaand with my snowy desktop...03:44
Jordan_UDanaG, AFIK xscreensaver has the same vulnerability, it just isn't worked around by default :)03:44
DanaGWhat vulnerability?03:44
cps1966haha fooled ya03:44
nomasteryoda2.6.22-14-generic using that one...03:44
DanaGLinux GLaDOS 2.6.24-1-generic #1 SMP Fri Dec 7 22:06:49 GMT 2007 i686 GNU/Linux03:44
Jordan_UDanaG, Try locking the screen then spinning the desktop cube...03:44
nomasteryodabut i suppose I could change the repos to Hardy and install latest kernel03:45
nomasteryodathen reset repos down to gutsy03:45
cps1966Linux localhost 2.6.24-0.rc4.1mdvsmp #1 SMP Tue Dec 4 17:21:14 EST 2007 i686 Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz GNU/Linux03:45
DanaGNope, can't spin cube when xscreensaver locked.03:45
nomasteryodaah, that makes sense03:46
cps1966i use mandriva-cooker on this box03:46
cps1966because ubuntu cant get past usb cam and tvcard03:47
nomasteryodai got my HVR-950 working on this gutsy... well, almost same box03:48
nomasteryodai have to use mythtv to get ATSC and tvtime for Analog TV03:48
nomasteryodabut they work ... sound patch required to make tvtime have sound...03:48
cps1966i have old hauppauge win tv with fm here03:49
nomasteryodai have an asus and a hauppauge too03:51
cps1966its old too like 9 years old03:51
nomasteryodabut this was for the road and at work...03:51
nomasteryodabut still good03:51
nomasteryodahave one of the wintv versions too at work03:51
nomasteryodaused it to capture some lab video feeds long ago03:51
cps1966yeah this can use composit video03:52
cps1966i have one of those cams also03:52
cps1966but it need a psu of its own03:52
nomasteryodaman up to 70 C now.. definitely need to powerdown before bed and lap it03:53
cps1966xawtv should do both formats of tv03:53
DanaGIs that idle or load?03:53
nomasteryoda70% load03:54
DanaGMy 66C load is full-load-both-cores when running two instances of Folding@Home.03:54
nomasteryodausing compiz snow03:54
nomasteryodafirefox-3.0, amarok idle, t-bird and xchat03:54
cps1966why not rain03:54
cps1966you guys need rain03:55
nomasteryodahmm, maybe that will work now03:55
nomasteryodai love rain too03:55
nomasteryodaesp the locate feature03:55
nomasteryodaCtrl superkey i think does it03:55
nomasteryodahot dang03:55
nomasteryodathanks cps03:55
cps1966cant remember03:55
nomasteryodathis one can do that sweet stuff03:55
nomasteryodaoh baby the LUG meeting saturday will be awesome!03:55
cps1966just dont get pissed at that mdv guys03:56
DanaGI have water on Super-W.03:56
DanaGOh, another issue I03:58
cps1966its hard watching tv when its raining03:58
nomasteryodai remaped left Alt key so i;d have one for Inkscape stuff... and now can't drag windows around... except with a compiz combo Alt+F703:58
DanaGAnother issue I've been having with 2.6.24: CFS scheduler makes everything sluggish when under heavy load -- even when that load is SCHED_IDLEPRIO and nice +20.03:58
nomasteryodathat's not nice03:59
cps1966try mdv then03:59
DanaGAnd I get audio dropouts on trying to tab-complete things.03:59
DanaG(I'm using PulseAudio for audio output and for the beep sound).04:00
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DanaGI also have "wobble on beep" set because it's amusing.04:00
crimsunuser in pulse-rt?04:02
DanaGI'll check right now.04:02
cps1966god i'm glad i grew up last year04:02
DanaGIt looks like I am in pulse-rt.04:02
cps1966hi ya crimsun04:02
DanaGOh yeah, one new, really cool thing in PulseAudio: easy access to the "send to all devices" sink.04:04
DanaGI had seen how to do it manually before, but now all it takes is a checkbox.04:04
DanaGOh yeah, and that audio dropout is also only when under heavy load, so it's likely not a PulseAudio issue.04:06
cps1966try riping a dvd and encoding it at same time04:07
DanaGI'm just running compiz and folding@home, where the latter is schedtool'd to be SCHED_IDLEPRIO and nice +20.04:09
DanaGIt even bogs down keyboard input.04:09
nomasteryodaso DanaG will that work with Bluetooth stereo headphones?04:09
nomasteryodai could not get it working with fedora... nor gutsy... have to use a2dpd to make those work04:10
DanaGI don't have a bluetooth headset, but I do have two sound cards -- or rather, three:04:10
nomasteryodavery cool to be able to send to all at same time04:10
DanaGOnboard hda-intel, cardbus snd-emu10k1, and usb.04:10
DanaGThe only odd thing: the "send to all" doesn't like finding devices added or removed.04:11
DanaGLet me test that again to be sure...04:11
cps1966hey when i unplug usb device with new kernel it drives processors crazy like full load04:12
DanaGEeh, hot-insert worked; now to try hot-remove.04:12
DanaGStill playing just fine on the two other devices.04:13
cps1966can you write something to usb flash frive and unplug it and see what happens04:15
DanaGWhat'll happen? Lost data, if you don't sync it first.04:18
DanaGI've had that happen with my iAudio6.  I'd end up with one song starting to play, and then I'd find part of another song stuck in the middle.04:18
nomasteryodai always try to "safely remove" or eject04:19
nomasteryodaon Ubuntu ...04:19
cps1966yeah but it dont pop out at the right time04:20
DanaGOne time I had one go away, then while I was pulling it out, it said "don't remove it yet".04:20
DanaGMy reaction: too late, my reaction time was a bit too slow.04:20
DanaGWhat we really need: a way to buffer I/O for some number of seconds (perhaps 30 or 60), and then let the user reinsert the device.04:21
cps1966thtas me slow and old04:21
DanaGThe scheduler and the battery are the big issues with 2.6.24 for me.04:22
cps1966funny how i got suckered in to using linux04:22
cps1966well tired of windoz losing all my shit04:24
DanaGOh yeah, that reminds me: I've been using OS X on my laptop (yes, it's "hackintosh"), but I've found there's nothing I can do there that I can't do in either Windows or Linux.04:24
DanaGAnd there are plenty of things I CAN'T do in OS X.04:24
DanaGWatching mkv with arbitrarily-positioned (and angled, and with embedded fonts) subtitles seems to be one of those things.04:25
cps1966cant do lots in winsloz nowadays either04:25
cps1966unless you have a few lifetimes04:25
DanaGEeh, I don't diss Windows so much, but I do use Ubuntu as my primary OS.04:25
DanaGThe big thing for me: font rendering.04:25
DanaGI actually hated when Gutsy beta changed from the old subpixel rendering to the new cleartype-ish way.  Luckily, it was easy enough to fix it with a local fonts.conf.04:26
DanaGUse Ubuntu all day: only some mild eyestrain, at worst.04:27
DanaGUse XP or Vista (with Eminence theme -- it's the only one I've consistently liked): aaieee, my eyes are bleeding!04:27
DanaGWell, not really, but it feels bad.04:27
cps1966ha i use cursive all day04:27
cps1966font that is04:28
cps1966kinda cool04:28
cps1966just got tired of print04:28
DanaGOh, now I see why PulseAudio doesn't use dmix by default: it introduces a delay that sounds REALLY bad when using the "send to all" sink.04:29
DanaGVirtualbox is the only app I use that clashes violently with PulseAudio.  I wish there were a PulseAudio virtual sound card driver for Windows, for my XP VM.04:30
cps1966give it time04:30
DanaGHere's the WB theme: http://www.wincustomize.com/zoom.aspx?skinid=5758&libid=104:34
DanaGAnd in my VM, I use this:  http://www.wincustomize.com/zoom.aspx?skinid=5498&libid=1  --  the white-flag style.04:35
cps1966to much eyecandy is bad for you04:39
DanaGOh yeah, I got my USB sound card due to nonworking capture on my onboard STAC9250.04:40
DanaGThat should help me ... I'll take a whack at it.04:40
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gary4garBUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!04:46
gary4garoutput of dmesg04:46
DanaGcrimsun: I'm comparing the Windows driver INI file to the list of pin configs in patch-sigmatel.c, and I can't quite tell how the two relate.04:47
nomasteryodacps1966, and i have stars, rain, leaves and snow ... sweet!04:47
DanaGfirst pin:  0x40C000F3   in ini,      0x40c003f0 in ALSA.04:48
gary4gari was just looking at my dmesg and found out this soft lockup, is there anything to worry about?04:48
DanaGYeah, when that happens, it means that CPU or core has essentially stalled and become useless.04:49
pwnguinwhat cpu?04:50
pwnguinand mobo?04:50
gary4garAMD athlon 64 3000+04:50
pwnguinok, so its fairly safe to say its not new and untested04:50
gary4gar^^ via k8m800+Via 8237 chipsets04:50
pwnguinwhich kernel04:51
pwnguinso uh, wtf04:52
pwnguindebug your own kernel :P04:52
cps1966ubotu is out to lunch04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about is out to lunch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:53
cps1966yeah you do04:54
cps1966gary4gar:  try 2.6.24.rc04:55
gary4garyep, i feel like, btw my kernel is now gone old04:56
gary4gari will now upgrade to the generic one04:56
DanaGYay, now digging around in large specs PDFs.04:57
DanaG"All of the STAC9250/9251 ports support: • Line Out • Line In • Mic with 0/10/20/30/402 dB Mic Boost"04:57
DanaGDang, I wish there were a 'debug' model that'd give user control over each jack.04:58
gary4garnow to remove this kernel & install generic one?04:58
DanaGWhat video card do you use?04:58
cps1966with apt or synaptic04:58
DanaG2.6.24 doesn't like letting nvidia or fglrx compile.04:59
gary4garhmm its unichrome04:59
DanaGDon't remove the old one yet, then.04:59
DanaGGood practice anyway:04:59
DanaGdon't remove old until you're sure the new one works.04:59
cps1966untill you get new one working anyway05:00
DanaGAnd even then, keep it around in case the new one's initramfs gets broken.05:00
cps1966maybe proc is going bad and its not kernel05:00
gary4gari also follow this, i currently have 2.6.22-14-generic as backup05:01
cps1966winblows is to stuppid to know diff anyway05:01
gary4garcps1966, don't terrorise me :o05:02
nomasteryodaman, the latest FreshUbuntu podcast hits the point on new systems with Ubuntu05:02
gary4garanyways how to check05:02
cps1966try old kernel first and see if it still does it05:02
gary4garokay, now will boot back into 2.6.22-14-generic,05:03
DanaGWell, at least IDT put out a full spec sheet for the STAC9250.  However, I can see it'd still take ages to figure out just the right config for each pin from the bits.05:07
DanaGUgh, I don't want to manually hack at it myself.05:07
DanaGI think I may just add an additional note to the relevant bug report.05:08
cps1966why not rename module and play with it a bit05:10
cps1966make a copy of old rename new05:11
nomasteryodayup that would work.. or its worth a try05:12
nomasteryodann cps1966, DanaG05:14
gary4garhhmmm i got back to the older & stable kernel05:15
gary4garthere are some msg that are wierd05:16
gary4garlike this powernow-k8: Hardware error - pending bit very stuck - no further pstate changes possible05:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111145 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sigmatel STAC9250 on ATI HDA SB on gateway laptop - no sound capture " [Medium,Won't fix]05:46
DanaGT'was posted for Feisty, but I've added details now, for Gutsy and now Hardy.05:46
DanaGGaack, how the heck do you move a pulseaudio stream if it doesn't stick around long enough to use the menu?07:04
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Jordan_U_DanaG, Did you figure out the whole "how the heck do you move a pulseaudio stream if it doesn't stick around long enough to use the menu" problem?07:32
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DanaGI think the answer would be to make streams stick around for a few seconds longer.07:34
DanaGThat's all I can think of.  It'd have to be done in the code of the apps themselves.07:34
Xemanthanybody using kubuntu hardy atm ?07:35
Xemanthhow broken is it atm ?07:35
Jordan_UDanaG, Well the idea would be that you would want things like sound effects to be turned down, so you would have to just keep a standing silent stream for sound effects that way07:36
DarkMageZXemanth, highly broken if you like music07:36
DarkMageZXemanth, there's a bug with the dependencies surrounding xine07:37
Xemanthi c07:37
Xemanthso amarok ain't working07:37
DarkMageZand that's only from the gnome user using amarok perspective. other kde stuff could be nuclear penguin style :P07:38
DanaGOh yeah, for the moving streams thing, you could set a minimum of, say, 5 (or just 2.5) seconds for the stream to show up for.07:39
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Xemanth DanaG what streams are you talking about ?07:59
Xemanthor was that for me :D08:00
Xemanthoff ->08:10
DarkMageZXemanth, he was talking to someone else about streams and pulseaudio before you came in08:14
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rx_i cant get kde4 rc2 to install on hardy. please help.08:31
gary4garrx_, its quite a lot buggy, i also tried it but gave up & now i am happy with gnome :)08:32
gary4gari hope devs are able to remove bugs in time08:33
DanaGWoah, Exaile is eating 1.4GB of memory (including swap).08:33
gary4garelse we may also get a delayed release :(08:33
gary4garDanaG, was that Gib or Mib :p08:34
gary4garneed to confirm08:34
DanaGIt seems to react VERY badly when PulseAudio is stopped and it tries to play again.08:34
DanaGWell, at least with CFS, the system no longer grinds entirely to a halt when going to large amounts of swap.08:35
gary4garits fine here, 26.3MB used :|08:35
gary4gar:~$ free -m08:36
gary4gar             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached08:36
gary4garMem:           947        937         10          0         73        47108:36
rx_gary4gar: well i'm using gnome too but i wanted to test the rc2 packages for hardy so i can find some bugs08:36
rx_i only tested it with the opensuse live cd but opensuse ***** ;)08:36
gary4garrx_, there is no need to find bugs, Bugs will jump on you :p08:37
gary4garjust j/k08:37
rx_iknow ;-)08:38
rx_whats wrong with the fonts used in firefox with hardy?08:38
rx_they are often smaller08:38
rx_and not always the same as before08:38
RAOFDanaG: I need to file some pulseaudio bugs; rhythmbox *really* hates it when I suspend using pulseaudio.09:10
DanaGAmarok just plain hates PulseAudio entirely.09:14
hitRAOF, fine for me09:16
DarkMageZwhat's with libxine1-console having a replaces and conflicts with libxine109:23
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RAOFDarkMageZ: Because it contains plugins that were in libxine1, but aren't any more.09:27
DarkMageZyeah. but the conflicts are marked in a bad way. conflicts libxine1 =< 1.1.8-2. replaces libxine1 =< 1.1.8-209:29
RAOFWhat's wrong with that?09:29
RAOFIs that the current package version?09:29
DarkMageZwell, the new package version is 1.1.8-3. and since it conflicts with greater than 1.1.8-2...09:30
DarkMageZ= or greater than09:30
ysth1it removed libxine1 for me, and nothing seems to be using it09:30
RAOFNo, less than or equal to.09:30
RAOFGreater than or equal to would be >=09:30
RAOFThere's another problem that's preventing the update (libxine1 <-> libxine1-bin issues)09:31
ysth1hm.  I thought I had gxine installed, but apparently not...09:31
RAOFYou'll find that -3ubuntu2 should fix that. :)09:32
DarkMageZwhen's the eta for that to hit main09:32
RAOFThe source package is already published; see hardy-changes RSS :)09:33
DarkMageZah, so i might beable to build amarok 2 tonight09:34
DarkMageZAvailable the fixed package is not:(09:47
crimsunDanaG: I'd need to see the INI.09:51
DanaGAah, I've added the INI files to the bug report.09:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 111145 in linux-source-2.6.20 "sigmatel STAC9250 on ATI HDA SB on gateway laptop - no sound capture " [Medium,Won't fix]10:02
tarzeauyay interesting ubuntu statistics http://krum.ethz.ch/udc/11:10
DarkMageZamarok 2 works on hardy ?11:21
XemanthDarkMageZ: i c :)12:12
DarkMageZXemanth, the xine problems were fixed. i don't know of any serious issues affecting your upgrade to hardy. tho it could still be dangerous :P12:13
Xemanthi like to live on the edge12:14
DarkMageZXemanth, there's also amarok 2 if you join us on the darkside :P12:14
Xemanthi already downloaded this day's dailybuild12:14
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 6 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:54
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 6 minutes12:54
dholbachoops :)12:54
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boris_hi m1r13:59
m1rhi boris_14:02
boris_i got a Samsung SGH-Z150 mobile phone and i want to connect it to my computer with USB, nobody will answer in #ubuntu14:04
boris_do you know how i connect it ?14:04
Hobbseejust plug it in?14:05
bazhangboris_: unlikely to get a response here, head back to #ubuntu, and I will try to help you14:06
Hobbseeboris_: what are you trying to do with it?14:06
boris_Hobbsee: phone says it's connected to comp, but i cant see it14:06
boris_just put some files on it14:06
Hobbseeboris_: i think you have to use the samsung application for it - i can't do it wiht mine either14:07
* Hobbsee can charge it fine, though14:07
boris_Hobbsee: mine seems to charge as well14:08
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cypherdelicpifpafpuf wir fahren in den ...15:47
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:49
cypherdelici knew some english15:50
nanonymehe was singing anyway, me thinks15:51
cypherdeliclemme translate 'pifpafpuf wir fahren in den ... zoo' for you => pifpafpuf we drive to the... zoo15:51
nanonymeat least it sounded like a song i've long ago heard15:52
cypherdelicpifpafpuf rhymes on Puff what means a House of ... er special Woman, but you say zoo ;D15:53
Tomcat_It's not really a good rhyme.15:53
cypherdelicbut ubuntu is my metaphorical house of ..15:54
cypherdelicOn 25.12.2150 the great ubuntu prophet will be born in the sign of waterman, he will have 12 brothers, will be born by a wonder birth of a vrgin, which name bega with M15:56
cypherdelicand he will be crcified by the microsoft boss and will be reborn after 3 days15:56
boris_cypherdelic: what are you, a prophet ?15:56
cypherdelicmaybe, but most possible is that im familar with some astrology15:57
Tomcat_This is so offtopic and irrelevant, it's almost painful. :)15:58
boris_double lol15:58
boris_really ? lol15:59
cypherdelichave you ever wondered what a creator of a joke loves about when the joke is about himself?16:00
bazhangcypherdelic: why not join #ubuntu-offtopic?16:02
cypherdelicgood idea im sry16:02
boris_well, theres no ontopic chat anyway16:08
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bardyr!info linux-image-generic17:23
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB17:23
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derekSinteresting problem, i have no title bars on any windows... anyone experience this?18:00
* TuX_Claudiu .18:40
bardyrderekS, emerald crashed ?18:41
derekSbardyr: hmm, possibly, not sure ow to check that18:55
derekSbardyr: ps aux | grep emerald shows no results18:56
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derekSbardyr: actually, can't be that, don't have emerald installed :)19:00
bardyrder0b, compiz then19:01
derekSprobably, i was thinking that before... how do i restart it?19:01
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LiMaOmaximus: activity in here is not always high ;)21:22
maximusthanks lima21:36
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zorglu_!info mingw3222:10
ubotumingw32: Minimalist GNU win32 (cross) compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 11428 kB, installed size 53656 kB22:10
ankkahey, btw, is there a solution to ugly firefox fonts in hardy?23:36
hydrogenuninstalling firefox23:39
ankkasecond question is why are the fonts in firefox usually worse in ubuntu+1 than in stable?23:40
scizzo-_ankka: what do you mean?23:42
ankkascizzo-_: well, fonts in gutsy were nice and smooth in firefox, almost as good as in gnome, but now in hardy they're just really badly hinted even though gnome is as good as gutsy23:43
scizzo-_ankka: maybe build is strange for the firefox package...23:44
ankkascizzo-_: maybe.. I have no idea23:44
scizzo-_ankka: you are using hardy for testing only?23:44
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ankkascizzo-_: I guess it's gecko since epiphayn looks just the same23:44
scizzo-ankka: might be23:45
ankkaahh.... it looks like gecko uses freesans and freeserif by default, which have no hinting in them and look ugly on an lcd23:53

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