
DanaGOoh, this DOES look cool: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Hardy/Alternate/BasicIdeals00:05
DanaGThough I still like Aurora.00:06
Toma-impossible with the current gnome software00:08
* tehk can't wait for murrine 0.60 and translucent windows01:28
Toma-its fake transparency right?01:29
Toma-it wouldnt be dependant on a compmgr01:29
DanaGActually, it seems to be real transparency.01:35
Toma-The translucency effects obviously require a compositing window manager, but the theme engine is designed so that the widgets will simply be rendered without transparency when no compositing window manager is present.01:39
tehkYea so scaling is alreay there01:52
DanaGWTF?  I just scrolled and stopped, and the screen kept scrolling for another 3 pages.01:53
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mgunesIs it a good idea to have Ubuntu branding instead of GNOME in gnome-system-monitor's "System" tab?19:16
kwwiino, we decided not to brand that19:52
kwwiiwe want to stay away from branding everything ubuntu19:53
somerville32kwwii, ping22:04
kwwiisomerville32: pong22:05
somerville32kwwii, I can package.22:05
kwwiisomerville32: killer, that would be great22:05
kwwiiit is not like the tings we do are very hard or technicaly challending22:05
kwwiierm, you get my point22:05
somerville32I'm surprised you guys are having trouble finding people to do it22:05
kwwiiyeah, I assumed that people would step up and help22:06
kwwiithe first thing we want to do is put the elephant wallpaper as the default version for Hardy22:06
somerville32One question22:06
somerville32Is there an artwork council?22:06
kwwiithat means moving the package to a new name and moving the current pics around22:06
kwwiino, there is no artwork council, I am the boss :p22:07
kwwiiactually, mark is the boss22:07
kwwiiand I am just the appointed person doing his bidding22:07
_MMA_No, there's a problem finding a "dedicated" person to do it. ;)22:07
kwwiias i work for canonical it makes most sense to do things through me22:07
kwwiias I can ask developers for favors that they kinda *have* to do ;-)22:08
_MMA_kwwii: And what the hell are you doing around anyway? :) Shouldnt you be kicking back with a beer somewhere?22:08
kwwii_MMA_: has to watch my kid while my wife is at a christmas party22:09
kwwiiand as he just went to bed I just popped open a beer :-)22:09
_MMA_Ahh... ;)22:09
kwwiiget this...I found a couple of other people who have their own companies or work from home and we are all going out on monday to have our own christmas party22:10
* _MMA_ waits for a pizza. Then is gonna watch movies with the kids. (ironically while the wife also goes to a party) ;)22:10
kwwiiit is that time of the year22:11
_MMA_Yep. hehe. "Work from home Christmas party." Neat.22:11
kwwiiactually, since I started renting an office away from home I really notice the difference22:12
kwwiiit is really nice to have a place to go and other people to see22:12
_MMA_Yeah. I can imagine. Thats killing me now and I can wait to go back to work.22:12
_MMA_I love 'em but I swear I wanna kill 'em more often now. :)22:13
kwwiigetting away from home is really important now and again22:13
kwwiibtw. this is for everyone:22:13
kwwiiI updated the specs for hardy22:13
kwwiiso everyone knows where we stand22:14
kwwiimore info coming soon22:14
kwwiihttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/HardyIconTheme and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/HardyTheme22:14
somerville32kwwii, so, what do you want me to do?22:15
kwwiisomerville32: for now, we need to update gutsy-wallpapers22:15
kwwiiwhich means we need to make a new package called hardy-wallpapers22:16
_MMA_somerville32: *IF* you do this you should also coordinate with TheMuso as he is coming up with a more manageable system for Ubuntu Studio's art.22:16
kwwiiand switch the current default and the elephant wallpapers22:16
kwwiias far as the wallpapers go we need to think of a better way to update things22:17
_MMA_kwwii: Its nuts to make a new package just for a wallpaper update.22:17
kwwiias now we use a certain filename to set it22:17
kwwii_MMA_: it is either that or get away from the release names at all22:17
somerville32Why are you creating new packages?22:17
_MMA_Id just update the Gutsy one and really look at the system Luke is coming up with.22:17
kwwiisomerville32: the important part is that the name of the package changes22:17
kwwii_MMA_: yes, we can do that, but we should all work together to find the best solution22:18
somerville32kwwii, Why not just put it in a ubuntu-artwork package or something?22:18
kwwiisomerville32: yeah, that is what I thought too22:18
kwwiiwe do not have one package which includes all the themeing22:18
kwwiithe reason seems to be that this way we can allow people to install older artwork packages without removing the current22:19
_MMA_somerville32: Just talk to TheMuso. I dont want you running off and duplicating efforts.22:19
_MMA_Our plan is to have 1 source package that generated all the needed binary packages.22:20
kwwiiwhile that is interesting I am not certain that it is the best way to go about it22:20
kwwiialthough kubuntu does it like that for ever and it works really well22:21
_MMA_It would be fine.22:21
kwwiiyou need someone who really knows what they are doing to update something or a simple mistake breaks everything22:21
_MMA_What dont you think would work?22:21
kwwiiand changing one thing requires rebuilding almost everything in the whole desktop22:21
somerville32Why do we need multiple binary packages?22:22
_MMA_kwwii: It really shouldnt be that bug a deal.22:22
_MMA_somerville32: Because not everyone would want to install it all.22:22
somerville32Fair enough22:22
kwwiiwell, we also have different releases of that package for every variant and release22:23
_MMA_kwwii: Why?22:25
_MMA_Well, actually, For some parts yes.22:25
_MMA_But it shouldnt be a big deal at all.22:26
kwwiisee how having one big package does change the way you have to do things?22:26
_MMA_Because you can still depend on the binary packages.22:26
_MMA_Sure but it shouldnt be an issue really. Ubuntu Studio's art should be different from Ubuntu. But I can still depend on a binary package the comes out of Ubuntus.22:27
kwwiioh it is certainly doable22:29
_MMA_kwwii: Show me exactly how it will be an issue, but I gotta read it later. Kids are calling me. :)22:29
kwwiidude, I am not sure that it will be a real problem, I am just asking open questions :p22:30
somerville32Hey TheMuso22:31
somerville32We were just talking about packaging for Artwork22:31
somerville32TheMuso, _MMA_ says that you're looking at ways to improve the process?22:31
TheMusoYes I am.22:32
somerville32kwwii, said that he is looking for packages and I've volunteered. _MMA_ recommends I coordinate with you.22:32
kwwiino matter what we do, I don't want to waste anyones time22:33
TheMusosomerville32: SO what do you know so far about the current way the artwork is packaged?22:34
somerville32TheMuso, That there is a new package for each release22:34
TheMusosomerville32: SO you haven't dug any further yet22:34
somerville32No, I've only started speaking with kwwii 30 minutes ago22:35
kwwiimany packages are just small pieces of the themeing which get updated every release, and some have release specific names22:36
TheMusokwwii: Yeah I know, ubuntustudio is kinda the same.22:37
TheMusosomerville32: Well, in its curren state, the artwork for Ubuntu uses autoconf/automake.22:37
* somerville32 nods.22:38
kwwiinot all of it22:38
TheMusokwwii: The ubuntu-artwork package proper is though afaik.22:40
TheMusosorry the icon theme22:41
TheMusoThats the one I'm looking at improving packaging for.22:42
TheMusoSince ours is based on autoconf/automake, ours being ubuntustudio22:42
kwwiimany of our packages use python instead22:42
kwwiiit has proven to be much easier22:42
TheMusoPython-distutils, yeah agreed.22:43
TheMusoI'm thinking that is a good option for icon-theme.22:43
kwwiibasically, I know enough to know how much I don't know :p22:44
kwwiiyeah, moving the icon them from using a makefile would be a big improvement22:44
TheMusobbl, gotta go do chores, but I'll have a think about whats required to switch to distutils, considering there are so many icon dirs.22:44
kwwiicool, see you around22:45
kwwiisomerville32: in any case, if we can at least update the stuff for hardy to use the elephant wallpaper as default instead of the current gutsy default it would be a good step forward22:46
somerville32kwwii, and you want this in a new s/b package for now?22:47
kwwiisomerville32: yeah, that seems like the best step at this time22:47
_MMA_I dont think it needs to be.22:48
_MMA_That requires changing depends on other packages.22:48
_MMA_Just keep using the Gutsy package with the default changed.22:49
_MMA_*Gutsy named.22:49
_MMA_That way you dont have to touch "ubuntu-artwork" as well.22:50
_MMA_*IF* this is a temporary solution that is.22:51
kwwiiI do not think that at this time you have to touch ubuntu-artwork as well22:52
_MMA_If you create a new package yes you will.22:52
kwwiihrm, you might be right22:52
kwwiiseb128 would know more22:52
kwwiibut if we have to do that, I can just tell him to do it :p22:53
somerville32I can update ubuntu-artwork too if needed22:53
somerville32kwwii, It is your call22:53
_MMA_Dammit. Just do like I said. :P Its 2 changes.22:53
kwwiiwe should just ask seb22:53
kwwiibut it makes little sense logically to update a package for hardy called "gutsy-wallpapers"22:54
_MMA_Well he would have to push the changes to the archive anyway.22:54
kwwiithen there would be no chance to install that package logically on a newer system22:54
_MMA_But that only if you're sticking with the current packaging scheme.22:54
_MMA_This can just be temp like I daid.22:55
_MMA_I really think you're making this wallpaper change more than it needs to be. :P22:55
_MMA_I could see if you know your sticking with the current system but you keep talking about changing it.22:56
kwwiimark said that we should update it asap22:56
kwwiiright, but changing it without knowing exactly what you are doing is silly22:56
_MMA_Thats why changing the gutsy-named package for now is fine.22:57
_MMA_I guess you have to say for what cycle you want to make the packaging change.22:57
kwwiiright, it probably is enough for now22:57
_MMA_This or +122:57
_MMA_You could always use Ubuntu Studio's change as a test and switch +1.22:58
_MMA_Maybe for now, its best to keep with the current system so as to minimize the amount of work involved for all.22:58
_MMA_But that's your call.22:59
kwwii_MMA_: I think we might as well change as now, but I want to only change once22:59
kwwiiso knowing exactly what you are doing and discussing it with other devs is important before we change23:00
_MMA_Sure. So for now, just change the gutsy-named package and work with Ubuntu Studio on their system. There's no reason why we can also involve seb.23:01
_MMA_gah. *cant (you got it)23:03
somerville32So, whats the verdict?23:05
_MMA_I've said my piece. ;)23:05
kwwiiI think that the most important part for now is that we update things23:05
kwwiiwe can work out the long term plan later23:06
kwwiigotta run to get my wife23:06
somerville32Ok, so I'll keep the current model and create a new source package and update the ubuntu-artwork package to reflect23:06
kwwiisomerville32: sounds like the best plan for now23:06
_MMA_pfftt. Sayz you.23:07
somerville32So, gutsy-elephant-skin.jpg -> ubuntu-final.jpg ?23:09
_MMA_Should be.23:11
* _MMA_ thought they were .pngs?23:11
_MMA_And you're editing the wallpapers.xml file right?23:11
_MMA_Damn. Gotta go. bbl23:12
kwwiisomerville32: yeah, but we probalby need to include the old default under another name23:22
somerville32dholbach already updated the package in hardy to archive the gutsy stuff23:23
somerville32Is the first item in ubuntu-wallpapers.xml.in the default or something?23:24
_MMA_Actually, the default is set in a gconf key.23:27
_MMA_So your wallpaper has to be named the same thing or you need to touch the package that sets the key.23:27
kwwiithe names in the xml should be apparetn23:29
somerville32the elephant background is not png like simple was23:29
somerville32so I'll have to update that package23:29
kwwiierm, shit23:29
somerville32or  convert it to png23:30
_MMA_See... this is why the system needs to be changed.23:30
kwwiino doubt23:30
kwwiiI forgot about that part23:30
kwwiithe easy way is to just convert it to png23:30
_MMA_So the new Hardy package needs to be named the same.23:30
kwwiior change the package and then also change the gconf setting23:30
kwwiiman, see what I mean when I say that an artist should not have to deal with this stuff?23:31
_MMA_Well I would do both. (as long as someones touching it) Change the gconf setting to something generic like "ubuntu.png" and stick with that from now on.23:32
_MMA_Then change the wallpaper name.23:32
somerville32ubuntu-final.png is what we have been using23:33
kwwiiyeah, probably the best bet although I would like to really discuss the final fname with people to find what is really best23:33
somerville32err.. final-ubuntu.png23:33
somerville32so I'll convert elephant to png23:33
kwwiiI mean, the whole problem we have now is because a few people made a quick decision which sucked23:34
_MMA_"We" as in Xubuntu?23:34
kwwiisomerville32: yeah, for now that is enough23:34
somerville32What does Xubuntu have to do with this?23:35
_MMA_"somerville32: ubuntu-final.png is what we have been using" "_MMA_: "We" as in Xubuntu?"23:36
kwwiixubuntu has nothing to do with this23:36
somerville32_MMA_, We as in this package :P23:36
kwwiiI am pretty sure they have their own name23:36
kwwiiwe as in ubuntu23:36
_MMA_The Ubuntu one should have "warty" in the name.23:36
_MMA_Not just "final-ubuntu.png".23:36
somerville32Ah, right23:37
_MMA_Hence the question. ;)23:37
kwwiiwarty-final-ubuntu.png has to be the name for now23:37
_MMA_And thats the whole reason we have this problem.23:37
kwwiibut before we just go pick another name at random, let's think this out first23:38
_MMA_Like I keep saying "ubuntu.png" or even "final-ubuntu.png" is good.23:38
kwwiiprobably, but maybe there is something better23:39
_MMA_But I wouldnt so systemic changes until we get seb, luke and all of us together.23:39
kwwiiI cannot think of anything better, but I want to have a meeting about this and get people's official opinions and statements before making a mistake23:40
_MMA_Naa... Nice and generic. Otherwise you risk the same situation we have now.23:40
_MMA_w00t! Pizza's here.23:40
kwwiiw00t, the word of the year23:41
kwwiiI love that fact23:41
mguneskwii, what's the rationale in not branding g-s-m's "System" tab?23:44
kwwiimgunes: we only brand important things so that derivatives have an easier time at it23:45
andreasn_hm, I wonder what the gnome foot is doing in there23:45
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andreasnwhy have any logo at all there23:46
mguneskwii, I think this should be included in "important things"23:46
kwwiihi andreasn23:46
kwwiimgunes: actually, we had a long discussion about this before gutsy23:46
mgunesif anything is going to appear there at all, OS branding makes more sense23:46
* TheMuso return23:47
mguneskwii, in the mailing list? I'd like to read it23:47
kwwiimgunes: nope23:47
kwwiiit was a private discussion within canonical23:47
mguneskwwii, how exactly does rebranding make it more difficult for derivatives? I'm not arguing that it shouldn't; I'd just like to learn how23:48
kwwiiit makes one more pic to change23:51
kwwiiand it also makes things nasty when you run on app in another desktop/variant23:51
kwwiiin the end, I did make pics for it but they were removed23:51
kwwiiand it really does seem right to show that, if anything, it is a gnome desktop23:52
kwwiinautrally, we could bring the issue up again and see what comes of it23:52
_MMA_mgunes: Really, for Ubuntu Studio, I dont wanna have to brand every little thing. Im cool with not hiding everything mentioning GNOME.23:52
mgunesit's not the best place to show that it's a gnome desktop. System / About GNOME does that. the info presented in the g-s-m capplet is more closely associated with the operating system than the desktop environment23:53
kwwiiactually, we are also working on makeing a bling version of the about stuff23:53
* mgunes knows23:53
kwwiilol, this makes me wonder when the artwork team really rocked: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/issues/issue_124/2645-Riding-the-Failure-Cascade23:57
mgunesI think the professional touch it adds would be worth the tiny bit of work it adds for derivatives23:58
_MMA_Also, that colored gradient in g-s-m is pulled from the theme so I dont know how that image is actually done.23:58
kwwiiit is a funky thing23:58
kwwiiit has a pic which it lays on a bg, irrc23:58
_MMA_I also dont believe in removing all traces of GNOME branding. Where does it end?23:58
kwwiimuch like all other gnome themeing things, it seems like a freaky hack23:59
_MMA_kwwii: Well the "foot" itself is colored from the gtkrc.23:59
mgunes_MMA_, I'm not arguing for removing all traces of GNOME branding. it just doesn't fit into this particular place, unlike OS branding.23:59
_MMA_Like I said "Where does it end?".23:59

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