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warp10Hi all12:09
=== dholbach changed the topic of #ubuntu-classroom to: Please join #ubuntu for support | This channel used for scheduled classes and invitational tutoring | Ubuntu Open Week info: Information and Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek | Ubuntu classroom transcripts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts | MOTU Q&A session every Friday 13:00 UTC
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 6 minutes12:54
* Hobbsee evacuates this irc room12:55
* persia doesn't have a copy of the evacuation plan, and hopes huddling in the doorway is sufficient12:56
dholbachwelcome to another MOTU Q&A session! how are you all doing?13:00
dholbachlet's start with our usual round of introductions :-)13:00
cheguevarasleepy :P13:00
Kmosin a minutes of lunch time =)13:00
txwikinger2hi folks13:00
* dholbach is Daniel Holbach, member of the MOTU team, tries to help to make becoming a MOTU as enjoyable and straightforward as possible :)13:00
Kmosand also member of MOTU Council =)13:01
* Hobbsee is car searching.13:01
* Hobbsee has no name.13:01
* txwikinger2 is a MOTU-contributor and wants to become a MOTU .. .and has having a blast doing it13:01
Hobbseeoh wait, i'm the MOTU clown!  That's right!13:01
KmosHobbsee: hehe13:01
ian_brasilhi all13:01
dholbachwho of you was in the Kubuntu Tutorials Session yesterday?13:02
* persia is Emmet Hikory, MOTU, who likes to see bugs closed, and contributions from anyone.13:02
dholbachI see a bunch of familiar nicks in here13:02
Kmos /not me13:02
* apachelogger__ is Harald Sitter, MOTU, focused on KDE stuff13:02
dholbachdid anybody bring a few questions today? maybe something that was unclear in the session yesterday?13:02
dholbachfor those of you who couldn't make it yesterday, the busy kubuntu people already put up logs of the sessions: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay13:03
dholbachwelcome seyo113:04
dholbachno questions? no problems you ran into recently?13:04
mruizhi all13:04
dholbachhi mruiz13:04
apachelogger__hey mruiz13:04
zulyes if a tree falls in a forrest..oh wait13:04
mruizhi dholbach, apachelogger__13:04
dholbachzul: hehe13:05
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Kmoshi mruiz !13:05
mruizKmos, ;-)13:05
* txwikinger2 is just enjoying it atm... 13:05
persiaAny question welcome.  Things from yesterday, or anything else about MOTU, packaging, process, etc.13:05
mruizI have one question with a merge... about the version13:05
dholbachmruiz: fire away13:05
mruizdholbach, sure13:05
seyo1hi there13:05
* mruiz is looking for the changelog...13:06
dholbachmruiz: which package was it about?13:07
mruizdholbach, mailping (bug #175998) ... MoM gave me this changelog: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48196/13:08
* Hobbsee takes this opportunity to remind people that anyone who uploads an i386.changes file to REVU, when contributing, will be taken out and shot, personally.13:08
dholbachmruiz: OK, what is your question about it?13:09
* txwikinger2 thinks Australians should not bear arms13:09
* Hobbsee goes on lookout for the 4 people who managed to ignore all documentation on the subject, and do just that.13:09
* persia notes that this would be a figurative shot, and rather means that the upload won't be processed.13:09
Hobbseepersia: i don't know about that....13:09
dholbachcouldn't REVU deal with it gracefully?13:10
Hobbseedholbach: oh, it just sits in incomming13:10
dholbachmruiz: is your question about the version in the changelog?13:10
Hobbseemy problem more is the fact that people do not read, or do not comprehend, or something.13:10
dholbachHobbsee: couldn't REVU just delete it in a cronjob?13:10
mruizif you look about package dates, I think that changelog is wrong Debian version is the latest (Mon, 24 Sep 2007 09:46:25 +0200)... then the merge version must be based on Debian version13:10
* txwikinger2 is relieved13:10
dholbachlet's take the REVU discussion to #ubuntu-motu13:10
Hobbseehrm.  konversation != firefox13:11
cheguevaraxchat > konversation13:11
apacheloggerQuassel > xchat > konversation13:11
apacheloggerbut that's another topic :P13:12
elisianois there a way to make konversation open the right channel when i click on a channel name (#channel instead of \channel)13:12
mruizdholbach, did you understand?13:12
apacheloggerelisiano: #konversation or #kubuntu please13:12
dholbachmruiz: one thing I note in the changelog is the confusion about the version13:13
dholbachthe ubuntu update from 0.0.4-1 shouldn't have been 0.0.4ubuntu413:13
elisianoyeah that wasn't a request, justa complain :D13:13
dholbach0.0.4-1ubuntu1 can't be the next version number13:14
dholbachdaniel@lovegood:~$ dpkg --compare-versions 0.0.4ubuntu4 gt 0.0.4-1ubuntu1; echo $?13:14
dholbachso  0.0.4ubuntu4 > 0.0.4-1ubuntu113:14
dholbachmruiz: I'm sure that's a reason why the changelog merge went wrong13:15
mruizfor me, the correct merge changelog should be: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48197/13:15
dholbachthat doesn't work13:15
dholbachwe have 0.0.4ubuntu4 in the archive now13:15
persiaErr..  0.0.4ubuntu4 was the right version: 0.0.4-1 was the mistake.  Current Ubuntu versioning policy doesn't support Debian NMUs of native packages, which causes this sort of issue.13:15
dholbachwhich is greater than 0.0.4-1ubuntu113:16
dholbachpersia: I don't understand13:16
persiaOK.  In Debian, a native package has a version like X.Y.Z13:16
persiaWhen we make an Ubuntu variation, we version it X.Y.ZubuntuN13:16
dholbachok... looking at the full changelog I see what you mean13:17
persiaIf there is a Debian NMU of a native package, Debian uploads X.Y.Z-0.N13:17
txwikinger2why is there a version x.y.z and one x.y.z-a.b in debian then?13:17
dholbachlisten to persia, persia is right :)13:17
persiaHowever, since X.Y.Z-0.N < X.Y.ZubuntuN, we can't follow the version, and need to push X.Y.Zubuntu(N+1)13:17
apacheloggertxwikinger2: this is from what I understand an ubuntu native package13:18
apacheloggerhence debian _only_ can make a NMU upload since the maintainer is working on ubuntu13:18
persiaUnfortunately, in this case, someone in Debian QA was confused by this strange practice of NMU versioning in Debian, and uploaded 0.0.4-1, which would indicate a non-native Debian package.13:18
apacheloggerso they should version x.y.z-0.n13:18
apacheloggeralthough Michael did a -113:18
persiaMoM is very confused about this: the correct version to upload with the merge is 0.0.4ubuntu5, and the mess should be left in the old changelog due to the "don't change history" policy.13:19
dholbachmruiz: are things becoming more clear now?13:19
dholbachany other questions?13:20
txwikinger2how should it be done correctly to avoid this mess :)13:20
mruizdholbach, sure.... then, how is the procedure? (my merge is ready... just waiting for the correct version number)13:20
apacheloggertxwikinger2: debian only does uploads like x.y.z-0.n13:20
apacheloggerthe 0.n is the important part of course ;-)13:21
dholbachthe only reasonable thing we can do is have a 0.0.4ubuntu513:21
dholbachthe version number must be greater, else the upload will be rejected13:21
* mruiz changing the version number...13:22
txwikinger2and the apt-get install too13:22
* persia notes that there is both discussion in Debian whether -0.N makes sense, and discussion in Ubuntu whether -0ubuntuN makes sense, and both have lots of problems, so this will likely exist for a while yet.13:22
persiaErr..  -0.0ubuntuN13:22
dholbachany other questions about processes, how to XYZ done in ubuntu, a specific packaging problem, something you always wondered? don't be shy :)13:23
txwikinger2Every ubuntu native package has "ubuntu" in its version ?13:23
persiatxwikinger2: No.13:23
mruizdholbach, another question about debian/control file13:24
dholbachmruiz: fire away13:24
persiatxwikinger2: More verbosely, most true Ubuntu-native packages are versioned as X.Y.Z.  Some native packages from Debian are changed in Ubuntu, and are versioned X.Y.ZubuntuN.  Some Ubuntu native packages are adopted by Debian, and versions become confusing.13:24
dholbachtxwikinger2: python-launchpad-bugs for example doesn't :)13:24
mruizI was preparing other merge, and Debian version includes new fields ...http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48199/ (lines with *)13:24
mruizthanks dholbach13:25
dholbachmruiz: what's your question about them?13:25
mruizhow to include them into Ubuntu changelog?13:25
dholbachmruiz: when you do a merge you preserve the debian/changelog we inherit from debian13:26
persiamruiz: I'd suggest keeping Uploaders, Homepage, and XS-DM-Allowed.  I'd suggest dropping Vcs-* for a merge, as the Ubuntu packaging is not included in that location.13:26
dholbachmruiz: but in your entry, you list the changes that we have over the debian package13:26
* persia answered the wrong question :(13:26
gesermruiz: have you changed them? if no, then why mentioning them in the Ubuntu changelog entry?13:26
geserpersia: is there some consensus what to do with Vcs-* fields from Debian in Ubuntu?13:27
mruizas we have a "special" field for the maintainer, I had doubts about another Debian-based fields13:27
dholbachmruiz: best to just keep them to keep the diff small13:27
dholbachjust list the 'remaining changes'13:28
persiageser: Trend is towards dropping Vcs-* for packages where it doesn't point at the right place for packaging (e.g. Ubuntu variation with non-Ubuntu Vcs-*).  I haven't seen formal docs yet.13:28
mruizdholbach,  yes... I do. Just I want to know more about the process ;-)=13:29
dholbachmruiz: which process? :)13:29
dholbachjust ask :)13:29
ScottKpersia: Then I think we should have agreement on it at a MOTU meeting before giving out advice that's the way to do it.13:29
persiamruiz: The only special field currently is "Maintainer".  "Vcs-*" is under discussion, but there isn't yet an official position.13:29
dholbachif you feel there are things missing on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging please say so13:30
dholbachScottK: I think this should be decided in the big ubuntu picture13:30
dholbachI know that mvo had some ideas on how to solve the problem13:30
txwikinger2dholbach: I have a questiojn regarding upstream13:30
dholbachtxwikinger2: just ask :)13:30
persiaScottK: It's more than MOTU.  There's ideas for a spec being bounced around.13:30
txwikinger2Do I create unnessary work if I put a patch for the bug in lp and also send the patch to upstream?13:31
dholbachtxwikinger2: that depends on how reactive the debian maintainer is or the upstream author is and at which stage of the release cycle we are13:31
dholbachtxwikinger2: let's say we are 3 weeks away from the release and your patch fixes a critical crasher13:32
dholbachin that case you apply it, upload it and forward it upstream13:32
dholbachbut in that case it's not worth to wait for an upstream update or a new release13:32
dholbachdoes that make sense?13:32
txwikinger2So at the moment I try to first get it applied upstream that it can be synced?13:32
* persia generally recommends uploads to Ubuntu anytime after DIF13:33
dholbachyes, that makes sense for software that is released regularly13:33
txwikinger2persia: When is DIF?13:33
dholbachfor example in GNOME land where you get a new release every two weeks it makes perfect sense to wait to get your patch rolled into the upstream release13:33
dholbachtxwikinger2: yesterday :)13:33
txwikinger2SO we are after now, and we apply directly to ubuntu?13:34
persiatxwikinger2: Yesterday, but for things like GNOME or Open Office or X or the kernel, you'll do better to work with upstream, as Ubuntu tries not to have so much variation.13:34
dholbachso what seb128 does in the case of GNOME: he sets the bug to fix committed (as it's fixed upstream already)13:35
persiaFor little edge packages in universe, an upload is usually easier, as there's not such close coordination with upstream.13:35
dholbachand when he prepares the version update to ubuntu, he checks all 'fix committed' bugs and adds (LP: #123456) entries for all fixed bugs to the changelog13:35
* dholbach agrees with persia13:35
dholbachit depends on the software and the upstream maintainer13:35
txwikinger2ok.. I can work with that13:36
dholbachanything else you found problematic on your way to MOTU? or anything that could have been easier?13:37
txwikinger2dholbach: IS there any place that really needs some help atm or shoudl I knock myself out on the bitesizes?13:37
* persia recommends updates to Ubuntu-only packages13:37
mruizthings are becoming easier13:37
dholbachtxwikinger2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO has a bunch of stuff to do13:38
dholbachFTBFS problems13:38
dholbachalso mvo files a whole lot of upgrade-failed bugs13:38
dholbachalthough I have to admit I forget which tag he uses for those13:38
dholbachthose upgrade bugs will be more important during the cycle13:39
dholbachas we'll support upgrades from dapper to hardy this time13:40
mruizWhere can I find information about .desktop files? Some packages include foo.desktop.in and foo.desktop... what is the difference?13:40
persiamruiz: desktop.in is usually a .desktop pre-translation integration.13:40
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/SupplementaryFiles has more information on .desktop files13:40
dholbachmruiz: does that answer your question?13:41
txwikinger2cool that answers the question I was gonna ask next :D13:42
dholbachoh really? which question was that? :)13:42
txwikinger2about menu icons13:43
mruizdholbach, persia : thanks...13:43
dholbachah ok13:43
dholbachwhenever you come across documentation and there's something that's missing or wrong, please let me know13:43
dholbachI'm happy to help fixing it13:43
persiatxwikinger2: Actually, that data about icons is a little out of date, but at least minimally useful.13:43
txwikinger2persia: well I wondered if icons are supposed to be part of the artwork13:43
mruizI'm looking for information about the Categories field. In a particular case, Ubuntu uses Categories=GNOME;Application;Game;ArcadeGame; and Debian: Categories=GNOME;Game;ArcadeGame;13:44
dholbachtxwikinger2: why? or what are you after with your question?13:44
persiatxwikinger2: Icons have places in both packages and themes.  Themes rarely have enough icons to cover all 25,000 packages, but packages should support theming for themes that do have support for those packages.13:44
txwikinger2Well, I see a lot of bugs for missing icons in the Kubuntu menu for gnome apps13:45
txwikinger2I wondered if they should be in the kubuntu artworks, or in the gnome app package13:45
dholbachI would be much happier if .desktop files were sent upstream13:45
persiamruiz: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html has the Categories list.  Use one main category, and as many Additional Categories as are appropriate.13:45
dholbachbecause upstream integration of .desktop files is the only way to get them translated properly13:46
dholbachand we wouldn't have to carry myriads of .desktop file patches :)13:46
persiatxwikinger2: The "missing icon in Kubuntu" issue is mostly due to not putting the icons in the ideal place.  This doesn't require a new icon, only moving it to the right directories.13:47
txwikinger2ah ok13:47
* persia agrees with dholbach, but notes that app-install-data is built in part on the presence of .desktop files13:47
dholbachstill the right fix to me seems to be upstream :)13:47
dholbachregarding the upgrade problems bugs:13:47
dholbach<mvo_> dholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager: feisty2gutsy13:47
dholbach dholbach: edgy2feisty etc13:47
dholbach^ mvo just answered13:48
persiaActually, I think that's true for almost all of our non-packaging bugs.13:48
* dholbach nods13:48
dholbachfeisty to gutsy upgrade problems for example: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=feisty2gutsy13:50
* dholbach should link them from MOTU/TODO13:51
dholbachanything else on your mind?13:51
dholbachif not, let's close the session for today - #ubuntu-motu is open 24/7 as is ubuntu-motu-mentors@lists.ubuntu.com :-)13:53
mruizdholbach, yes... about the version change!13:53
dholbachmruiz: ah ok... which version change? mailping?13:53
mruizdholbach, yes. Do I have to rename the directory too?13:53
persiamruiz: Yes.13:53
dholbachdebuild should take care of that for you13:54
mruizanyway... we can continue in #ubuntu-motu13:54
dholbachok great13:54
* dholbach will take the dog for a walk13:54
mruizthanks guys, you rock!13:54
dholbachthanks for great questions and a great session13:55
dholbachmruiz++ :)13:55
txwikinger2thanks dholbach13:55
mruizbye guys13:57
effie_jayxno motu today?14:08
Hobbseeeffie_jayx: you're late.14:09
effie_jayxHobbsee,  ohhhhhhh14:13
effie_jayxtimezone change in my country14:13
mruizbuuu effie_jayx !14:14
effie_jayxmruiz,  I must face mergers alon14:15
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effie_jayxmruiz,  right14:20
mruizeffie_jayx, don't be shy... #ubuntu-motu is waiting for us ;-)14:20
effie_jayxmruiz,  I shall head into it14:21
bazhangis motu for mere mortals as well? :}15:07
effie_jayxbazhang,  yeah15:09
effie_jayxnot really difficult15:10
effie_jayxyou need to learn some tools15:10
bazhangeffie_jayx: cool, thanks :}15:10
effie_jayxbut not nuclear science15:10
Hobbseewe eat people occasionally, though15:10
Hobbseeif we're hungry15:10
bazhangI'll wait until after lunch then15:11
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effie_jayxHobbsee,  lol16:02
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