
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Yacin1Hello! I have a simple question relating to java on Ubuntu05:05
Yacin1Is it possible to install java JRE on Ubuntu server without a gui desktop? Will it work properly?05:06
=== harry_ is now known as newbie
=== newbie is now known as newbie289
tmarbledoko: so it would appear your b24 build was successful?13:51
dokotmarble: doesn't look so, although the build did suceed here locally13:52
tmarbledoko: i don't understand -- i got this "Fix released" bug updates?13:52
tmarbleoh, you mean it didn't work on the buildd?13:53
dokotmarble: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10901142/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.icedtea-java7_7%7Eb24-1.5%7E20071214-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:53
tmarbledo you talk to man-di about uploading this for debian (or is he waiting for the ubuntu build to succeed first)?13:54
tmarbleso was this the 64-bit build?13:58
tmarbledoko: i don't understand why distclean would have failed... did you grab a recent IcedTea snapshot?14:02
dokotmarble: who talks about distclean?14:03
tmarbledoko: line 1121 in the log14:03
tmarbledoko: did you include openjdk-b24.zip and the bridge 1.2.1 in orig.tar.gz (of course)?14:04
dokotmarble: the log has 100000 lines14:04
tmarbledoko: opens just great in emacs14:05
dokotmarble: line 1121 doesn't mater14:06
dokomatter even14:06
tmarbleagreed... but as long as we're looking...14:06
tmarbledoko: is there a launchpad URL where I can see the deb files?14:07
tmarbleit looks like the openjdk-ecj patches may have been applied to late14:08
tmarbledoko: the errors suggest the bootstrap ecj build was not patched correctly (I got this error 2 days ago)14:09
dokotmarble: wrong, applied around line 177014:10
dokotmarble: won't have time to work on it now. will have to look at it after xmas14:16
tmarbledoko: i realize you are out of time14:16
tmarbleif I were a MOTU would I have the ability to run in the buildd (probably not?)14:17
tmarbledid this succeed for you using pbuilder (i.e. would it be worth me trying this?)14:17
tmarbleis there anyone who could retry the build in your absence?14:17
dokotmarble: you can upload to the group PPA14:29
tmarbledoko: will that run the same/equiv buildd process?14:29
tmarbledoko: ok... i agree that some of the patching occurred, but the error suggests an ecj problem of some kind (I'll investigate patching and version skew)14:30
tmarbledoko: any hints on how to upload to the PPA (newbie pointers welcome !)14:31
tmarbledoko: i can figure this out from the wiki (etc.) if you are out of time14:31
dokotmarble: https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart14:33
tmarbledoko: thx14:33
tmarbledoko: you are now free to relax!  you've earned a break!14:34

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