
=== doko_ is now known as doko
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dholbachgood morning08:45
jussi01dholbach: morning Daniel!08:45
dholbachhey jussi0108:46
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dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 6 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:54
agoliveiraamitk: Where can I find the .config kernel file for lpia?13:28
agoliveiraamitk: Duh... forget it :)13:28
amitkagoliveira: assuming you have the git repo, go to debian/binary-custom ^W^W^W13:29
agoliveiraamitk: Ooops... maybe I got wrong. No, I don't get it.13:29
agoliveiraamitk: Can you just send it to me?13:30
amitkagoliveira: debian/binary-custom.d/lpia/patchset13:30
amitkagoliveira: actually debian/binary-custom.d/lpia/config.lpia13:30
agoliveiraamitk: Ok, let me explain my idea: I want to create a monolithic kernel for my Q1 for testing. I suposed I could do that using the stock kernel but looks like I can't?13:32
amitkagoliveira: you want to change all modules to built-ins, right?13:32
amitkagoliveira: edit debian/binary-custom.d/lpiacompat/config.lpia; s/=m/=y/; fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-lpiacompat13:34
agoliveiraamitk: I have to leave now for an appointment. Are you going to be here in 1 hour +-?13:35
amitkagoliveira: be warned that the kernel binary will be huge13:35
amitkagoliveira: yes13:35
agoliveiraamitk: I just want to test the loading time versus the current one. I'll talk to you when I return. Thanks.13:35
agoliveiraamitk: Can we return to that chat about the kernel?14:49
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amitkagoliveira: sure16:16
agoliveiraamitk: Fine. Ok, I've tried the old .config method but looks like I was superseeded :) Can you explain to me how to obtail the kernel I want? I have to pull from the git tree?16:17
amitkagoliveira: start by pulling the git tree16:18
agoliveiraamitk: I've never done it before. A hint would be great...16:18
amitkgit clone git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git16:19
amitkagoliveira: replace with hardy with gutsy if that is your target16:19
agoliveiraamitk: Right now it is.16:19
agoliveiraHmmm.... this is going to take a while...16:20
amitkagoliveira: once that is done (it will take a while depending on your connection speed), edit debian/binary-custom.d/lpiacompat/config.lpia; s/=m/=y/; fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-lpiacompat16:20
agoliveiraamitk: and that's it?16:20
amitkagoliveira: in theory, yes :)16:21
agoliveiraamitk: Will it produce a .deb of just the binaries?16:21
agoliveiraIndexing 511590 objects... ouch...16:22
amitkagoliveira: yes.. it will create a .deb for linux-image in the parent directory16:23
agoliveiraamitk: Great, thanks.16:23
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agoliveiraamitk: fakeroot debian/rules custom-binary-lpiacompat17:06
agoliveiraNo rules to process target: `custom-binary-lpiacompat'.17:06
amitkagoliveira: I forgot to mention that you need to run the last command inside a lpia chroot17:57
amitkyou could use the chroot created by MIC17:57
agoliveiraamitk: Won't make-kpkg do the same trick if I change .config directly.17:58
amitkagoliveira: yes, but you will still need the chroot. And we don't support that method of creating .debs17:59
agoliveiraamitk: FIne, thanks.18:00
davidmrobr, robr2 bspencer, rustyl, rustyl_  are we having the USB continuing meeting now?  Or were people not available?18:01
bspencerI'm here and available.18:01
bspencerdavidm, you are right that we said today for a follow up mtg.18:02
rustyl_i'm here18:02
davidmI did not see an announcement but thought I'd ask, are the folks in china here?18:02
rustyl_alek_desktop, you online?18:02
bspencerI didn't ask him to come.  It's pretty late there.18:03
davidmIf folks are not here we can reschedule but I do want to make sure we have this meeting soonish, 18:04
rustyl_it's 2am in PRC18:04
bspencerdavidm, we could discuss what open issues there are18:04
davidmWe are in next week and then gone for the holiday.18:04
bspencerdavidm, same around here18:04
bspencerwhat was the goal of this meeting?18:05
rustyl_IIRC, we had to cut off a few discussions 18:05
davidmI have a feeling that with no announcment lool and others also did not come18:05
bspencerIntel is planning to implement a Fat32 USB client solution as a point of reference.18:05
bspencerOther technologies can be investigated in parallel18:06
rustyl_yeap, but it sounds like the long term solution might be a PTP/MTP solution18:06
davidmBut yes, as rustyl_ said a few discussions were cut off and more conversation was desireds on both sides in the last meeting.18:06
smagoundavidm: lool said he couldn't make a mtg at this time18:06
bspenceris there a Canonical or community member who is able to help in this investigation?  (e.g. do some proof of concept work around PTP/MTP and make a recommendation)  18:07
davidmSo I think the goal was to figure out if there was something better longer term since the vfat is not a very good answer especially on devices that have limited space.18:07
* lool is closing the computer and waves good week end18:07
davidmbspencer, I don't know but if we open the conversation up we might get some takers.18:08
smagounI'm not convinced that MTP will let users get, say, saved PDF documents off the device. That is a requirement.18:08
smagounAnyone willing to convince me?18:08
rustyl_i still need to read more about the protocol18:08
davidmAgain, I'm just doing the pm job here, making sure to have the right people at the meeting.18:08
rustyl_is it really just media file specific?18:09
smagounrustyl_: I don't know, but that is my concern.18:09
rustyl_I think we have a potential to share various types of application data18:09
rustyl_it's just that today we know about videos/photos/music/pdf etc18:10
rustyl_if mta is really just transfering files, then it seems like we could make it work18:10
rustyl_what was that URL for the protocol?18:11
bspencerinteresting:  Most MTP-compatible devices do not appear through drive letter assignment in Windows Explorer, instead they will appear as "devices" in Windows Explorer. 18:11
loollibmtp has a list of devices for which "file transfer" is support; I guess this means one can transfer files18:13
loolsmagoun: ^18:13
davidmrustyl, I noticed that with a camera I plugged into my Linux desktop, some of my software saw it and enabled me to download stuff from the camera but it was not shown on the desktop like HD appear.18:13
bspencerlool, howdy.  ... just couldn't shut the laptop lid?18:14
rustyl_if we can transfer any type of file, then we can most likely shoehorn a solution out of this18:14
rustyl_the bigest open is around the client side, not the host side18:15
loolbspencer: It's my desktop, I can't close any lid; I'll simply throw away the lcd at the bottom18:15
davidmIt seems to have a misc file type and you can extend the types also.18:15
rustyl_with any luck, we can write a user space USB driver for the client side to implement the protocol18:16
agoliveiraJust jumping in to remind you that there's a wiki page with the last meeting's topics and data.18:16
smagoun"Additional confusion is created by the fact that Windows Explorer treats MTP devices somewhat like a file system, except without an assigned drive letter, making it impossible for other applications to access the data directly" (from Wikipedia)18:17
smagounThat sounds....limiting18:17
loolhttp://www.wentnet.com/projects/xnjb/screenshots/data-tab.png <- referenced from mtp website18:17
rustyl_smagoun, why does that sound limiting?  if you have enough information/control to expose a filesystem interface on the host side, then it seems like we would have everything we need.  or... am i missing a big concept?18:19
davidmFor reference purposes the URL's above from last meeting18:19
smagounrustyl_: With MTP there *isn't* a filesystem on the host side. Right?18:20
rustyl_smagoun, yea, it was my understanding that windows was just creating a virtual filesystem interface out of the information available via MTP18:21
rustyl_so users could still have their familiar folder/file exploring interface18:21
smagounrustyl_: I think that's only accessible via Windows Explorer though - the Wikipedia article implies that an arbitrary app like Word can't see the contents of the MTP-enabled device.18:22
rustyl_makes sense18:22
smagounThere are workarounds to that problem, to be sure (drag stuff to the HD before opening). Workarounds aren't always obvious to users though.18:23
rustyl_yea, if MS did a good job, then any applications would see the filesystem interface.  I see your point18:23
rustyl_just like all linux apps can see sysfs mounted on /sys18:24
rustyl_and not just some gnome file explorer application18:24
smagoun(of course, what human user knows to look in /sys for anything :)18:25
rustyl_i was just seeing it as a plus that if anyone could make this thing look like a filesystem, then we could pretty much implement all the use cases of shared application data that we currently know about18:25
smagounI agree 100%, that would make things much easier for everyone18:25
rustyl_so we have all these potential paths to walk down, and on the Intel side a couple of guys are wondering down the path of a simple vfat mount18:26
rustyl_but we need to explore some other paths with limited resources18:27
bspencerfat32 first, ptp next.  Given the resources.  Probably start looking in Feb/March at PTP if I were to guess.18:27
rustyl_it looks to me like mtp is the best path to explore 18:27
rustyl_it might very well lead to a tar pit, but it seem promising enough from my viewpoint18:28
smagounIt'll be a good 80% solution18:28
rustyl_how do others feel... are we being unfair about the difficulties in a samba mount type solution?18:28
smagoun(mtp/ptp that is)18:29
rustyl_for mtp/ptp, we really need to understand how the implementation would work18:29
rustyl_for example, do we need to have coordination for access to the shared files?18:30
rustyl_do we have the same potential corruption issues that the mass-storage path leads us too?18:30
davidmbspencer, if the vfat was a translation layer on ext3 or something that would be OK but splitting a small file system into smaller chunks not so good.18:30
rustyl_in order to make the mass-storage solution share access to the data, i am guessing that we really need a user space usb driver18:31
bspencerdavidm, yes.  any idea how to create a translation layer?  18:31
rustyl_i say that because the access needs to happen from the top of the virtual filesystem18:32
davidmMe,  no I'm not a filesystem guy but there are emulators out there that do it.18:32
rustyl_for host usb, you can do amazing things in a user space driver18:32
smagounbspencer: I think you create a USB mass storage driver that exposes itself as a FAT block device, and has a translator that reads/writes to the underlying FS.18:33
rustyl_i'm just not positive if we have those same options for client stuff18:33
rustyl_smagoun, and if that driver was in user space then it would be a hell of a lot easier18:33
rustyl_we could at least lock the file18:33
smagounrustyl_: I believe it can be 100% userspace18:34
rustyl_hmm... who is THE guy/gal for usb client stuff?  for all linux?  who should we be talking with?18:34
davidmin the Linux community?18:34
davidmor Intel?18:35
rustyl_maybe Greg KH can give us a pointer18:35
rustyl_linux community18:35
davidmYea, I'd say Greg KH is the smartest person about USB in the Linux community that I know.18:35
rustyl_in general, were is most of the brain trust on this subsystem18:35
rustyl_it's just that the client side of USB has a lot less interest18:35
rustyl_at least we are at a point where someone could start experimenting with a CB system18:37
smagounHave the embedded guys (handhelds.org, openembedded, montavista, etc) solved this problem for us?18:37
davidmsmagoun, I have no idea18:37
rustyl_not that i have seen, but sometimes these guys work in their own trees that are not found so easy from google18:38
rustyl_the problem is that truely embedded devices tend to be a lot more limited18:38
rustyl_so sharing with running apps isn't that big a deal.  Concepts like booting into a sync mode make a lot more sense18:39
smagounThe linux-usb-devel ML seems to be quite active: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/linux-usb-devel18:39
smagounrustyl_: Since Intel's doing the work, do you have time to ask there?18:40
smagounMARC archive of that list, since sf.net is miserably slow: http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb-devel&r=1&w=218:41
rustyl_if we look into it then i don't expect to see much till after the new year18:41
smagounright, we're pretty well booked until the new year too.18:42
rustyl_http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/ ... there is a blurb in the "Upper Layers" section that sound promising.  It pretty much says that you can implement the upper layers of the protocol stack in user mode just like you can for the host side 18:43
rustyl_How about this... we can commit to starting some exploritory work on this in mid january18:44
rustyl_with any luck, we could have some hard data / working prototype code to present/demonstrate at the sprint in Oregon18:45
davidmThat would be great rustyl_18:45
davidmWould solve issues for smagoun's team and mine.18:46
smagounrustyl_: that would be great18:46
rustyl_bspencer, thoughts? I was thinking having alek_desktop own this.  You think this would kill something else?18:46
bspencernothing I'm doing :)18:46
rustyl_rob__, rob ... you listening to this?18:46
bspencerfrank could assist if needed a little18:47
rustyl_yea, lets go with this18:47
rustyl_bspencer, and myself can chat off-line with alek_desktop 18:47
davidmrustyl_, do you have your logging on?  If not I can capture the screen and mail it to you if you like.18:47
rustyl_and expect some related chat on this channel from time to time18:47
rustyl_no, i don't have logging on.  I guess we forgot to startup the meeting bot18:48
MootBotMeeting started at 18:48. The chair is bspencer.18:48
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:48
bspencer[topic] Summary of USB Client discussion.  Friday Dec 14, 200718:48
MootBotNew Topic:  Summary of USB Client discussion.  Friday Dec 14, 2007 18:48
bspencer[idea] bspencer, rustyl, alek to investigate USB client strategies including MTP and ext->vfat translation18:49
MootBotIDEA received:  bspencer, rustyl, alek to investigate USB client strategies including MTP and ext->vfat translation 18:49
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.linux-usb.org/gadget/ 18:49
bspencer http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb-devel&r=1&w=218:49
bspencer http://marc.info/?l=linux-usb-devel&r=1&w=218:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.wentnet.com/projects/xnjb/screenshots/data-tab.png 18:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol 18:50
bspencerok.  so end meeting now?18:51
smagounThere is a vfat translation layer in block-vvfat.c, which is included in the qemu emulator: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/18:51
MootBotLINK received:  http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ 18:51
bspencer[idea] There is a vfat translation layer in block-vvfat.c, which is included in the qemu emulator: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/18:51
MootBotIDEA received:  There is a vfat translation layer in block-vvfat.c, which is included in the qemu emulator: http://fabrice.bellard.free.fr/qemu/ 18:51
bspencergood discussion.  Thakns guys18:51
davidmbspencer, don't forget to #endmeeting18:52
MootBotMeeting finished at 18:52.18:52
davidmI'll send you the URL to the log18:53
davidmSent 18:54
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ToddBrandtasac: you online?21:50
* asac is the hero who works in his holidays 21:51
ToddBrandtasac: do you have any idea how to get rid of the white background that shows up for the nm-applet in hilson desktop?21:51
* ToddBrandt commends asac21:51
ToddBrandtraji here is working on it and has come up with some potential solutions and I've seen similar things with the brightness and volume applets21:52
ToddBrandtbut I was hoping you may have some insight21:52
ToddBrandtThe volume and brightness applets were pulled from gnome-media and gnome-power-manager respectively21:52
ToddBrandtboth used libbonobo and their objects were based on the PanelApplet class21:53
asacToddBrandt: you mean the icon in the tray?21:53
ToddBrandtasac: yea21:53
ToddBrandtboth initially shows up with white backgrounds21:53
asacmaybe its not transparent?21:53
asac(the image itseflf(=21:53
asachmm i doubt it is ... there is no white background here on gnome panel21:54
ToddBrandtgood point, I don't think I've specificaly looked at the nm-applet images, however the brightness and volume ones were and produced the same behavior21:54
asachow did you fix them?21:54
ToddBrandtasac: I checked, they're transparent21:55
asacchanging the background color of the gnome panel to purple shows that there is no issue with the icons in general21:55
asacso it must be something with your tray implementation21:55
ToddBrandtasac: I fixed then by removing the PanelApplet as a parent and replacing it with GtkButton21:55
ToddBrandtI think the hildon-desktop uses some of the GtkButton member fields or functions21:56
asacwhich part of hildon implements the tray? the marquee?21:57
ToddBrandtRaji basically did the same thing, and it's working somewhat (she's not finished yet), but the process if much harder with nm-applet because not only does it use a whole different line of GtkObjects, it even invents a new one: EggTrayIcon21:57
ToddBrandthildon-desktop, that's where the marquee and status bar are created and populated with libraries21:58
ToddBrandtI've looked at the source and it seems interested in recieving a GtkButton object from any of the plugins it pulls in21:58
ToddBrandtand the images have to be contained in the GtkButton object, using gtk_container_add21:59
ToddBrandtbrb, need caffiene21:59
ToddBrandtasac: does any of that make sense? I think nm-applet is !@$# awesome but it just has this one tiny little flaw where it doesn't play nice with Hildon Desktop (or the other way around, Hildon Desktop has a major flaw and doesn't play nice with anything other than its own stuff)22:06
ToddBrandtI'd hate to have to carve up the code for such a small detail but it's coming to that22:06
asacToddBrandt: yes i guess its a hildon bug22:08
asacwhat would it take to fix the tray for real=22:08
asachacking the nm-applet to use a GtkButton isn't nice as well ... who knows what happens on all other desktops then :)22:10
ToddBrandthmm, yea, I guess we're at this point where it might be smart to see how hard it would be to just get hildon-desktop to play nice22:10
asacright ... i mean in the long run you want to be able to install other apps that use the tray22:10
ToddBrandtasac: yea, that's where the wall is, either we make a configuration that leaves everything else intact, or we fork it, and the first solution is looking harder and harder22:10
asacand they should work as well22:10
asacso its good that this popped up with a default component in the UME stack22:10
ToddBrandtI suppose ;) I would have much preferred everything to magically work ;)22:11
asacToddBrandt: why is the configuration --with-tray-in-gtk-button a problem?22:11
ToddBrandtI'm new to earth apparantly22:11
ToddBrandtasac: it's not, but I've looked at the latest patch from Raji and it's 22k, so that's lots of stuff to switch around with a configuration option22:12
ToddBrandtshe's already added a --enable-buildlib option which builds it as a library, and that works with very little modification22:12
ToddBrandtwe just wanted to pack all of this into a single patch, I think we'll break them into parts for now22:13
asaca single patch for nm-applet?22:13
asacplease break them up ... you have to maintain them over time after all22:14
ToddBrandtyea, I figured with both it would have been tiny still, but it's growing larger and larger22:14
asacyes, but keep issues addressed seperate so you can back them out easily22:14
ToddBrandtgood call22:15
asacif you need help or want anything included in the nm-applet package of ubuntu just let me know22:15
asacas long as it doesn't break normal desktops i am fine to have them as a temporary solution here22:15
ToddBrandtok, cool, thanks22:16

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