
LordKowif debian broke their own policy and we merge, i wont fix it00:02
LordKowothers might :)00:02
LordKowunless its something horrible in which case the merge/sync probably would not be done00:03
LaserJockheh, Riddell's bzr 101 is pretty interesting reading :-)00:04
Fujitsuz,cb 500:05
LaserJockFujitsu: oh really?00:05
LaserJockwas that trying to be vim?00:05
=== ember_ is now known as ember
FujitsuNo, that was forgetting that I'm on a machine where my keyboard layout is Dvorak.00:06
LaserJockso /win 5 ?00:07
* xstasi is away: Dangerous like a razorback - Deadly like a heart attack00:08
Fujitsuxstasi: Please turn off that away message.00:08
=== xstasi is now known as xstasi`afk
xstasi`afkFujitsu, sorry, it was automatic, i'll remember it00:08
emberhow can i update shlibs with new symbols?00:34
bddebianHeya gang00:43
FujitsuHi bddebian.00:43
bddebianHeya Fujitsu00:44
=== doko_ is now known as doko
Fujitsuember: Please follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityUpdateProcedures when preparing security updates.01:06
FujitsuI note that you made a number of inappropriate changes, and that the changelog is incorrectly formatted.01:08
nixternalyay for me...somehow I mucked up a tarball01:09
Fujitsunixternal: What gives you that idea?01:10
nixternalarchive spit it back at me calling me an idiot for not catching it01:10
emberFujitsu: thanks for the info, fixing.01:20
Fujitsuember: Thanks.01:28
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
LaserJockGoldenPony: heh01:34
* StevenK chuckles01:34
TheMusoDoe anybody happen to know whether there is PulseAudio v0.9.8 built against gutsy in someone's PPA?01:34
pwnguinTheMuso: theres a search engine somewhere01:36
TheMusopwnguin: Hrm ok. I wasn't aware of that.01:36
pwnguinor maybe just google with site:ppa.launchapd.net01:36
pwnguinTheMuso: I can never find the engine, and its not very good01:37
pwnguinim searching for packages, not repos =/01:37
pwnguinbut maybe google has crawled it01:37
TheMusoFrom doing a google search like that, I don't get anything other than a referenc to pulse in a package thats in my PPA.01:38
pwnguin heh01:38
TheMusoOh well, no big problem. I just thought someone may have had it. I'll just upload hardy's pulse to my ppa for gutsy and see what happens.01:38
pwnguinfun times01:39
pwnguinive never had that not work, but i'd hate to see what can go wrong01:39
TheMusoAnyway, I'll find out soon enough.01:39
crimsunTheMuso: if you use the pulse alsa-lib plugin, you'll need to build hardy's alsa-plugins source, too.01:39
TheMusocrimsun: Thanks for the heads up, but at this point, I don't think I'll need that.01:40
TheMusoI am setting up packages for users on gutsy to test accessibility stuff for hardy, without them having to run hardy.01:40
crimsununderstood.  Alpha 2 desktop CD might be a better go.01:41
pwnguinis it alpha 2 already?01:41
TheMusoA week.01:41
LaserJockyeah, testing is always a pain that way01:41
pwnguinman, i dont even have a new kernel yet =/01:42
persiaTheMuso: Are you working to get speech-dispatcher working through pulse?01:42
LaserJockthe people who you want to have testing your stuff are the people who don't want to use development code01:42
TheMusoLaserJock: Yep, and one can understand why they don't.01:42
pwnguinLaserJock: well, Ubuntu's policies are pretty much "don't bother"01:42
TheMusoAnd they don't often have a box that they can easily set up for testing dev stuff either.01:42
LaserJockpwnguin: "don't bother"?01:43
TheMusoLaserJock: Added to that, with accessibility fluctuating during the early stages of a dev release, theres no garentee they'll be able to recover from problems, since they can't see what they are doing.01:43
pwnguinLaserJock: as in "dont use it unless you can recover from massive breakage"01:43
TheMusofor blind people that is01:43
TheMusoI'm lucky in that regard.01:43
LaserJockTheMuso: very true, that's a good point01:44
pwnguinthe current topic for #ubuntu+101:44
LaserJockpwnguin: well, it's pragmatic, not policy01:44
pwnguin"The home of Hardy  Heron and various breakage"01:44
persiapwnguin: It's a matter that if it breaks, nobody promises to help you fix it, and if you can't tell what went wrong, even more so.01:45
pwnguinI think in the end, usability testing just needs an office and testers =(01:45
LaserJockit's not "our policy is to not let users test stuff", but rather "look, things are gonna break while we're developing"01:45
TheMusoAnd hell, most of us don't even run dev releases, except on throw around boxes.01:45
TheMusoI certainly don't.01:46
LaserJockI only have chroots at the moment01:46
persiaTheMuso: Many developers seem to be on the dev release by Feature Freeze (although, yes, not all)01:46
TheMusopersia: I am usually around FF, but not always.01:46
TheMusoBut having several boxes that I can install the dev release on, allows me to do real world testing without sacrificing data.01:47
TheMusoand being able to actually do stuff.01:47
pwnguinbut it's certainly a hole in the process. user files bug against stable version, dev applies patch and asks if it's fixed in dev version01:48
persiapwnguin: See the spec about bugfix verification01:48
pwnguinwell huzzah01:48
* emgent hi02:08
=== zen-afk is now known as zenrox
LaserJockhmm, does Launchpad *not* have direction on how to push a branch to LP?02:34
LaserJockoh, I guess if you go to a specific branch it does02:34
jdongLaserJock: don't you have to push a branch in the first place to create one of those pages? :D02:38
LaserJockwell yes, but in this case the branch already existed so it worked02:38
LaserJockbut there are a lot of pages extolling the virtues of bzr but nothing that actually said how to push an initial branch02:39
crimsunwell, there's the man page for bzr.  Some may not consider it so friendly...02:41
LaserJockwell, I was more thinking the proper URL02:43
TheMusoI've found the bzr manpage great.02:44
LaserJockthere's even bzr help lp02:44
LaserJockbzr help launchpad that is02:45
crimsunyes, that's in the man page.02:53
* LaserJock hands bddebian a lozenge02:54
jmlLaserJock: where was the first place you looked to try to figure it out?02:56
jmlLaserJock: (tell me so I can put some instructions there)02:56
cheguevaradoes this look good02:58
cheguevaraignoring the / lines02:58
bddebianLaserJock: :-)03:02
LaserJockjml: umm, code.launchpad.net03:03
jmlhow... obvious :)03:04
jmlLaserJock: did you look in the Help tab on code.launchpad.net?03:05
LaserJockjml: that was my hope03:05
LaserJockjml: no I didn't03:05
jmlLaserJock: fair enough, it's kind of small and easy to miss.03:05
LaserJockmy LP experience is that the help tab is pointless and annoying03:05
LaserJockactual content could turn that around though03:06
jmlLaserJock: well, there is actual content on the code.lp.net help tab. the trick is having content everywhere, I guess.03:06
LaserJockjml: hmm, how handy03:07
jmlLaserJock: but the short answer is 'bzr push lp:~user/project/branchname'03:08
jml(if you've got 1.0rc2 or higher)03:08
naaraximhh list command not working atm , anyone know an ANSI C specialized channel ? :)03:09
LaserJockyeah, I read something about that in bzr help launchpad03:09
jmland bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~user/... otherwise.03:09
jmlLaserJock: I added that help text just recently :)03:09
naaraxithanks anyway . see ya's03:17
naaraxi /quit03:17
tritiumHi all.  I've been inactive for some time, due to my job, but I wanted to let you all know that the U.S. New Mexico LoCo is considering a packaging jam, and might want some tutors, if possible.03:34
LaserJocktritium: sweet03:44
tritiumLaserJock: :)03:44
LaserJocktritium: fly me down there ;-)03:44
tritiumLaserJock: believe it or not, I had already thought of that.03:44
tritiumWe'll look into it.03:44
LaserJockit'd be fun03:44
LaserJockI was supposed to fly down to Vegas at some point for Ubuntu NV03:44
LaserJockbut I don't know that that is ever gonna happen03:45
ajmitchLaserRock the MOTU superstar03:45
tritiumhi ajmitch :)03:45
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!03:45
LaserJockajmitch: only in desert areas03:46
tritiumajmitch: I'm not sure we can afford tickets from NZ ;)03:46
ajmitchI wouldn't accept anyway :)03:46
ajmitchthere are many, many more competent people03:46
LaserJockparty pooper03:46
tritiumajmitch: pfft03:47
tritiumajmitch: not even to see your old pal tritium?  ;)03:48
ajmitchdoing anything ubuntu-related is beyond me now03:48
tritiumHow so, ajmitch?03:50
ajmitchno time/interest03:50
bddebianBut then I''ve lost my hero :'-(03:55
tritiumMe too!03:56
bddebianOf course I can still blame tritium for getting me into this mess ;-P03:56
tritiumbddebian: yay, I love being a scapegoat!  :)03:56
bddebiantritium: Seriously, wasn't it you that gave me a package to work on first?03:56
* bddebian is old and has a failing memory03:57
tritiumUbuntu 23.10, the Scary Scapegoat will be named for me ;)03:57
tritiumbddebian: yes, it was me03:57
tritiumI'm glad you remember me03:57
tritiumajmitch: please say it isn't so...03:59
tritiumNo interest?04:00
ajmitchpretty much, why?04:00
ajmitchI've done maybe a couple of uploads in the last several months04:00
tritiumjust sad to hear that04:01
ajmitchI'm only around here for entertainment value at this stage04:01
* GoldenPony pokes ajmitch for entertainment04:01
ajmitchlike that04:01
tritiumshoot, I'm out of one-dollar bills04:01
bddebianHanging out in the girly bars again? :)04:03
* RAOF mocks the US for having $1 paper money04:04
DarkMageZRAOF, now now... that'd be hypocritical. you and your 1 dollar coins being bigger than your 2 dollar coins.04:05
ajmitchback soon, time to walk home in this 'summer' weather04:05
DarkMageZRAOF, if you wish to mock them there are better reasons.04:05
* bddebian looks outside at the ice hanging on the trees04:06
RAOFDarkMageZ: Ok, I'll pay you that.04:06
mneptokRAOF: the US has dollar coins, too04:08
MagicFabhi - where / how should I propose an interesting piece of software to be pacakfed in Ubuntu ?04:09
mneptokMagicFab: fing a victim^H^H^H^H^H^Hvolunteer here04:09
MagicFabSpecifically, Rivendell http://www.rivendellaudio.org04:09
TheMusoI'd guess that it hasn't been packaged due to some licensing reason, as I'm sure many others out there would have wanted to get it into Debian/Ubuntu.04:12
* persia looks at the licensing in hopes of there being an easy workaround04:20
MagicFabI see several attempts at Debian packages, no word of licensing problems04:21
MagicFabNo mention of it in debian legal either04:22
* persia doesn't understand the point of upstream including patches in debian/patches04:23
persiaMagicFab: I don't see any glaring reasons why it can't be packaged, although it's a complex package, and I'd hope upstream could be convinced to drop debian/ from their source download (.tar.gz)04:26
persiaMagicFab: If you're up for packaging it directly, may as well prepare a candidate.  If not, you might want to open a needs-packaging bug.04:28
MagicFabpersia, I can't even package my lunch, let alone anything for Ubuntu. But I can log the bug. Do you have an example ?04:32
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiaMagicFab: Bug #176272.  For extra points, mention the license, a short blurb about what the software does, and whether any additional packages will need to be done beforehand in the decsription.  Be sure to add the "needs-packaging" tag so it appears in searches.04:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176272 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Freeverb3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17627204:34
MagicFabI see "needs-packaging" in the summary too. Is that also suggested ?04:35
persiaMagicFab: Lots of people seem to do that.  It means it shows up for summary searches as well as tag searches.  On the other hand, the canned searches that most packagers use to pick candidates use the tags.04:36
MagicFabnevermind, I see a lot like that04:36
* persia especially doesnt like the upstream debian/ because they fail to do http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/index.php/Install_under_Debian in postinst, and stops looking at the source.04:37
MagicFabpersia, actually there are Ubuntu packages: http://rivendell.tryphon.org/wiki/index.php/Install_Rivendell_on_Ubuntu04:43
cheguevarahmm uploaded a package to REVU, but seems like it went from incomming to /dev/null :P04:44
persiaMagicFab: In that case, you might one to poke on of the KRDT folks to try to get them into the archive (thereby closing your bug).04:44
MagicFabthat's the plan :)04:45
MagicFabWhat URL could I point them to to start that process ?04:45
ubotuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU04:46
persiaMagicFab: Yep.  That'd be the one.04:46
MagicFabGreat! Thank you.04:47
persiaMagicFab: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO/NewSoftware might also be useful04:48
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176278 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Rivendell (radio broadcast automation)" [Undecided,New]04:48
persiaMagicFab: Nevermind.  Things keep moving: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages seems to point to both those places, and have a good overview as well.04:48
persiaDoes anyone have any recommendations for workflow if there is interest in bringing a package on mentors.d.o into Ubuntu?04:52
joejaxxpersia: imbrandon asked about that before04:53
joejaxxi do not think anyone had any suggestions04:53
persiajoejaxx: Do you happen to remember what people said?04:53
joejaxxmaybe look at the package04:53
joejaxxand see what work needs to be don finished etc04:53
joejaxxthis came up when i asked about debian upstream source packages04:54
joejaxxpeople told me to review the package and if it was of quality just change the name04:54
joejaxxwhich too me seems like not giving credit04:54
persiajoejaxx: Sure.  If a package is to be modified, the path is clear: once it gets Ubuntu versioning, if NEW, it belongs in REVU.  I was just wondering about a case where a sync might be possible.04:54
joejaxxso i did not bother with uploading that package04:55
joejaxxpersia: yeah04:55
joejaxxthat was imbrandons case04:55
joejaxxi do not thnik anyone commented on that one04:55
persiajoejaxx: "Change the name" doesn't seem right.  If modifying, I'd put the mentors.d.o maintainer in XBSC-Original-Maintainer, and proceed as with any other variation.04:56
joejaxxpersia: that was my case :) not imbrandons04:56
joejaxxsorry about the confusion04:56
joejaxxmine was "packaging" a debian source package already created from an upstream project04:57
persiajoejaxx: No confusion.  I was just clarifying my position as you'd said you "did not bother with uploading that package".04:57
joejaxxhis was sync from mentors.d.o04:57
joejaxxoh ok04:58
persiajoejaxx: Hrm.  Maybe that's different.  I usually have no concerns when wiping upstream debian/, but mentors.d.o debian/ likely represents something close to an eventual debian/ in Debian.04:58
joejaxxthat is true04:59
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
imbrandonquiet night06:19
persiaimbrandon: You could have a festival if you like: there's nothing else scheduled :)06:21
* GoldenPony makes some noise.06:21
imbrandonman i think my employer made a grave mistake06:22
imbrandoni was just reading over my contract06:22
persiaimbrandon: That's the purpose of employers: else you'd have little to do.06:22
imbrandonwell i was reading the compensaition part, and it lists ( in the signed contract ) about 12 x what was verbaly said06:23
tritiumimbrandon: what mistake?06:23
imbrandonthus i *think* they said X a month vs what they ment of X a year06:23
persiaimbrandon: Excellent.  Complain for a couple months, take a couple years pay, and finish the move you had planned (and get yourself a computer)06:23
LaserJockimbrandon: that's a pretty big mistake06:29
LaserJockI wish my employer and the payroll people would make that kind of mistake06:30
LaserJockthen I'm probably be making what some industry chemists make06:30
tritiumimbrandon: if that's the case, I'll let you treat to Jack Stack when we go!06:33
RAOFMan, everyone loves arguing about mono, don't they.06:43
LaserJockI sure do06:43
BurgundaviaRAOF: got the link this time?06:45
persiaBurgundavia: ubuntu-devel-discuss@06:45
RAOFAnd ubuntuforums.  And a launchpad specification.  And a bug report, I think, but I may be  making that last one up.06:46
RAOF(17.44.58|! --QUIT--)) TomaszD with: "Leaving"06:46
persiaRAOF: I'm fairly certain you're making the last one up: I remember the person complaining about spec advertisement on #u-d06:47
* RAOF wonders how he managed to paste that with irssi :(06:47
persiaRAOF: X buffer?06:47
Burgundaviapersia: there is a reason I unsubscribed from that list06:49
persiaBurgundavia: Sure, but it should be enough info for you to find an archive (you asked)06:49
BurgundaviaI am looking now and sighing06:51
RAOFGood, innit.06:53
Burgundaviathe only point I will concede is that 48 mb for two apps is a lot06:53
Burgundaviabut there is the missing point that shipping mono means people can target mono apps on ubuntu and know that the deps are there06:54
persiaBurgundavia: Sure, but we don't provide that level of integration for haskell or Erlang, which I think was the point (note that I don't have an opinion either way)06:57
Burgundaviahaskell and erlang are not language people are writing lots of GNOME and GTK apps in06:59
BurgundaviaI see your strawman and raise you one point of realworld06:59
persiaBurgundavia: Well, there are glade bindings...07:00
Burgundaviabindings != apps07:00
Burgundaviathere are perl and php gtk bindings as well07:00
BurgundaviaI think I can count on one hand all the perl and php gtk apps07:00
Burgundaviaphp apps that use gtk, not php in general07:01
Burgundaviafor that matter, there are not many Java GTK apps either07:01
LaserJockthere's lots of languages out there07:03
LaserJockRuby and Java being a couple big ones we don't have by default07:04
* persia notes there are more ocaml apps in universe than ruby apps07:04
LaserJockI don't think "we're gonna put it on the CD because we like the language" has worked for us in the past07:04
LaserJocki.e. python07:05
Burgundaviapersia: if you take that and compare against usage you migth get a different stroy07:05
Burgundavianot to mention that the most used Ruby app, RoR, is not packaged07:05
persiaBurgundavia: rails is packaged.07:05
Burgundaviaright you are07:06
BurgundaviaI was thinking of some of the python web frameworks07:06
imbrandonwhat about apps that embed ruby scripting , like amarok :) heh07:06
persiadjango is packaged (but maybe others aren't yet)07:06
warp10Hi all!07:07
Burgundaviaanyway, we have diverted from our original discussion about shipping a binding because there are lots of apps07:07
LaserJockI think it comes down to apps, mostly regardless of what they are written in07:08
imbrandonwe do it with python, i dont see the problem with mono, givien monos status in the gnome world too07:08
persiaBurgundavia: Right.  I thought diversion was the point.  I at least don't really care, but believe that the ML discussion is caused by people paying attention to bindings instead of apps.07:08
LaserJockimbrandon: we ditched much of the python stuff though07:09
imbrandonLaserJock: not all, python is still in the default install07:09
persiaLaserJock: We did?  I thought we still used python-by-default for all the little scripty gui things.07:09
LaserJockpython is installed by default of course07:10
LaserJockas it is on OS X and almost all other *nix07:10
LaserJockbut we used to have tons of python libraries and development-related packages07:10
LaserJockMark wanted Ubuntu to be *the* python development platform07:10
LaserJockbut we dropped a lot of that when we ran out of room07:11
LaserJockand we didn't really get an return07:11
LaserJockpeople can easily install development stuff from Universe07:11
LaserJockwhile we'll still on 1 CD I can't imagine us specifically shipping a language development platform07:12
imbrandonyea i really dont see us being on a 1-cd many more releases07:14
slytherinI need help with quilt. I have used dpatch to generate patches where it allows to edit files in a chroot. How to do the same in quilt?07:16
=== xstasi`afk is now known as xstasi
slytherinI am trying to fix FTBFS for batik. I want opinion on a certain approach. Is it ok if I build it with reduced functionality to make it build with free java (gcj)?07:21
LaserJockslytherin: will it work with IcedTea?07:25
slytherinLaserJock: No. There are some classes which depend on sun specific apis. These apis are not available even in icedtea.07:26
slytherinThat is why I am asking if it is ok to build with reduced functionality.07:26
imbrandonIceTea is sun, just sun java7, so i assume you mean java6 specific api's07:27
LaserJockimbrandon: it doesn't have *everything* as far as I understand it07:27
imbrandonLaserJock: but its still "sun"07:27
LaserJockbut I assumed he meant Sun specific apis that haven't been implemented in IcedTea yet07:28
imbrandonright and i was correcting it so no assumptino was needed07:28
LaserJockwell, that could still be sun 7 though, right?07:29
LaserJockit's not necessarily sun607:29
LaserJockI don't know why I'm arguing this, I know very little about Java stuff :-)07:29
LaserJockas I understood it sun 7 != IcedTea exactly07:30
imbrandonahh icetea == what will be sun707:30
imbrandone.g. icetea is kinda beta07:30
imbrandonits like sun 6.5 hehe07:30
LaserJockwell, I thought there was actually differences still07:31
imbrandonno , icetea is a pre-release of sun707:31
imbrandonso sun7 will be "more" but not diffrent07:31
LaserJockI read something about Iced Tea not having implemented everything yet07:31
slytherinimbrandon: LaserJock: No the apis I am referring to are only shipped in Sun JRE. Check second paragraph on this page, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/guide/2d/api-jpeg/com/sun/image/codec/jpeg/JPEGImageEncoder.html07:32
LaserJockso there was still sun-specific stuff in their sun707:32
* Mahoru`Tsunemi is back: dodo ( 9:07:58 )07:32
LaserJockI give up cause I really don't have a leg to stand on ;-)07:33
slytherinSo the apis in question are not core java apis. so even icedtea will not have them in future.07:33
* slytherin goes for lunch07:35
LaserJockslytherin: well, the question is how important this functionality is07:35
LaserJockwe have sun java so you *can* build from that07:36
imbrandonslytherin: are you sure its not in icedtea, looks like it is according to a patch on the openjdk ml07:36
* imbrandon digs more07:36
imbrandonslytherin: http://icedtea.classpath.org/hg/icedtea?cmd=changeset;node=2989dbf0b64307:37
jmlhmm. the 'lisp' binary doesn't seem to be managed by alternatives.07:41
slytherinimbrandon: Thanks for that link. I will try to build with icedtea.08:05
imbrandonslytherin: np08:06
slytherinimbrandon: I slight problem. Looks like at least one of the class is stub. So does it make sense to build it?08:07
imbrandonall i can say is try it08:07
slytherinimbrandon: Ok. Will let you know in half hour.08:07
=== elkbuntu_ is now known as elkbuntu
LaserJockimbrandon: is Saturday going to be ok for the SRU meeting?08:25
imbrandonLaserJock: sounds good to me08:25
imbrandonwhat time?08:25
LaserJockwhat was in the email? 21:00?08:26
LaserJockI think that'll work08:26
LaserJockI'm  kinda busy getting ready to leave for Christmas vacation08:26
LaserJockbut the meeting should be pretty short08:26
LaserJockshould be just intros, plan of attack for existing SRUs, solidifying policy, edit wiki08:27
LaserJockthe TB has pretty much said what they wanted08:27
LaserJockand I think everybody pretty much agrees that "Same as Main SRU" is good with the only exception I'd like to see is requiring 2 acks instead of just one08:28
imbrandonwhy? there is only 5 of us heh08:29
imbrandoni dont think makign it any harder than main is really good08:29
DarkMageZyeah. but it's easier to get motu ack's than main ack's right?08:30
imbrandonDarkMageZ: motu ack != sru ack08:32
DarkMageZuniverse sru ack* vs main sru ack*08:33
imbrandonDarkMageZ: point is one ack from the sru team should be good enough, if we have issues with that something else is wrong08:34
imbrandonjust as with main08:34
LaserJockyeah, that is a good point08:34
LaserJockwe really don't need to make this more difficult than need be08:34
LaserJockas long as MOTU SRU is on the same page as to what constitutes an SRU we should be good08:35
DarkMageZomgs new xchat versions... SRU =D08:35
imbrandonand if not i'm confident that being a member of the sru team or MOTU for that matter have the ability to ask when they are iffy about it08:36
LaserJocktoo bad we don't get to handle the gimp SRU request ;-)08:36
slangasekbluekuja: why does fische list only i386 and amd64 as archs?08:37
imbrandonzomg , flashplugin-nonfree STILL isnt built on all arches ( hell its only on 3 arches )08:37
imbrandonthis is nuts08:37
DarkMageZgnash :P08:37
slytherinimbrandon: batik doesn't build even in icedtea. :-(08:42
* white waves to Fujitsu 08:42
imbrandonslytherin: then i guess you only have one option08:42
imbrandonheya white08:42
whiteimbrandon: i never got the url ;)08:43
slytherinimbrandon: what?08:43
imbrandonwhite: ahh yes, i did some more updates to it, not quite ready08:43
gesergood morning08:43
whiteimbrandon: take your time ;)08:43
imbrandonslytherin: use gcj08:43
imbrandon( or icetea with the same patches )08:44
slytherinimbrandon: And don't build the things which depend on sun specific classes right?08:44
imbrandonwithout looking yes08:44
slytherinimbrandon: Ok. For that I will need to create a patch for build.xml and I need help with quilt. :-D08:44
LaserJockmorning dholbach and geser08:45
dholbachgood morning08:45
dholbachheya LaserJock, hey geser08:45
geserHi LaserJock, dholbach08:45
dholbachhow are you guys doing?08:46
dholbachKubuntu Tutorials Day yesterday was AWESOME08:46
slytherindholbach: hi, after long time. :-)08:46
dholbachhey slytherin08:46
dholbachlots of energy yesterday, lots of people, lots of good questions08:47
dholbachI expect we'll have more Kubuntu folks in here in the near future :)08:47
imbrandonbring em on08:47
LaserJockdholbach: excellent08:47
LaserJockI had a look at JRs bzr session08:48
imbrandonmoins dholbach08:52
dholbachhey imbrandon, hey ogra08:52
* pochu waves08:52
_evo1i would like to help develop ubuntu, where can i start?08:57
LucidFox_evo1> You could start by filing bug reports in Launchpad, and translating packages08:59
LucidFoxIf you want to learn deb packaging, you can consult the Ubuntu packaging guide: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html09:00
_evo1LucidFox: ok thanks man09:01
markvandenborreI know this is not motu, but I feel like I might have encountered a bug in nautilus, and I'm not sure how to troubleshoot it09:02
markvandenborrevery frequent random lockups09:02
markvandenborreis the symptom, but I find it hard to look for log files, or make error reporting more verbose09:02
markvandenborreany thoughts, hints, ideas?09:03
LucidFoxmarkvandenborre> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus ;)09:03
markvandenborremore appropriate channels to ask?09:03
markvandenborreLucidFox, I'll go through some more of that09:03
LucidFox#ubuntu is more appropriate, I think :)09:04
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dholbachmarkvandenborre: #ubuntu-desktop might help too09:14
markvandenborredholbach, will have a look09:14
txwikinger2Morning dholbach09:14
dholbachhey txwikinger209:15
markvandenborrebtw, dholbach , do you know anyone who would be interested in leading a somewhat high profile packaging jam in the Brussels area, in the beginning of march timeframe?09:15
markvandenborrethen please mail me...09:16
markvandenborrehave to go from here now...09:16
dholbachmarkvandenborre: ok, will think about it09:16
markvandenborredholbach, thanks and bye09:16
slytherinneed a bit help with quilt.09:20
slytherinThere are already 2 patches in debian/patches directory but there is no series file. I want to add a third patch, how do I proceed?09:21
slytherinI am getting following error when try to create a new patch using quilt, Nothing in patch 03_fix_ftbfs.patch. Please help09:55
slytherinIs there no one who can help me with quilt? Please I want to finish this today. :-(09:57
imbrandonnever used quilt in my life, google or the quilt man pages might help09:58
dholbachslytherin: try asking lool in #ubuntu-desktop09:58
dholbachhe's the quilt king09:58
slytherindholbach: Ok. Thanks.09:59
dholbachif you get a good answer, it might be worth adding it to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems09:59
slytherinwill do10:00
slangasekslytherin: how are you trying to create it?10:00
slytherinslangasek: I am trying to follow a pdf found on net. I did 'quilt new patchname' then 'quilt add filename' and then 'quilt edit filename'. But after finishing editing when I do 'quilt refresh' I get error10:01
slangasekhave you tried just editing the filename with your editor, instead of "quilt edit filename"?10:03
slangasekI've never used "quilt edit", and it's certainly not required if you've done "quilt add" already10:03
slangasekso it may make some conflicting assumptions10:04
slytherinslangasek: I will try. The basic problem is that there is no series file in patches/ even though there are two patches. So I need to sort that out first.10:07
slangasekI would expect that to be populated by 'quilt refresh'10:08
=== Sikon is now known as Sikon_Japanese
tarzeausome hardy stats http://krum.ethz.ch/ubuntu/ddc/hardy/11:02
TuxCrafterhello everybodu11:17
TuxCrafterapt-cache show ttf-linux-libertine11:17
TuxCrafterthe above command does not return anything on my computer is this normal?11:17
imbrandonTuxCrafter: if its not in the apt-cache yes11:20
TuxCrafterimbrandon: so some packages just don't have a discription?11:20
imbrandonno it means the package dosent exist11:21
imbrandonyour likely looking for linux-libertine11:21
imbrandonapt-cache show linux-libertine11:21
TuxCrafterimbrandon: ah ok11:22
TuxCrafteri was looking for the liberation fonts :-p11:23
DarkMageZanyone interested in a amarok 2 source package that builds and works on hardy?11:23
imbrandonDarkMageZ: sure ( and nixternal works on that quite a bit too )11:24
DarkMageZi'll upload it then11:24
imbrandonDarkMageZ: and the fellas in #kubuntu-devel11:24
TuxCrafterimbrandon: thanks for the information11:24
imbrandonDarkMageZ: just as easy to attach a debdiff to the bug11:25
imbrandonand request a sponsor11:25
DarkMageZimbrandon, requires a new svn snapshot :P11:25
imbrandonok ... still good to work with the kubuntu guys and pkg-kde guys on it, i'm certain they would welcome the help11:26
imbrandonhrm is there an API for gpg ? e.g. i want to verify the sig on a file from a program and want to avoid calling "gpg --verify <file>|grep Good" or similar11:38
victor_imbrandon: "gpgme"11:42
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
imbrandondholbach: heh cept its not python :)11:43
imbrandon( i'm actualy doing some c# code )11:43
mruizhi all12:08
SWATI'm building a couple of packages and once is a dependency of the other. Since it's not in the repo's, cowbuilder can't find it. How can I 'manually' add a dependency like this?12:09
mruizdholbach, did you enjoy your session?12:12
dholbachmruiz: yeah, the Kubuntu Tutorials Day was awesome12:13
dholbachlots of energy, lots of good people, it was great12:13
dholbachI guess we'll see a bunch of Kubuntu MOTUs soon ;-)12:13
* txwikinger2 puts his name on that list :)12:16
mruizdholbach, great12:16
mruizI was reading the hardy changelog and I noticed that many kde packages were updated yesterday :-)12:17
SWATsince KDE has a lot of updates, a lot of packages need to be updated ;)12:19
mruizSWAT, hahaha12:21
* Hobbsee waves12:25
txwikinger2Hi Hobbsee12:29
mruizmorning zul12:49
ScottKmorning zul and mruiz12:53
dholbachMOTU Q&A session in 6 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom12:54
zulhi ScottK and mr_pouit12:54
dholbachhey zul, hey ScottK12:54
zulhey dholbach12:54
ScottKhola dholbach12:54
dholbachcomment ça va? :)12:55
zulca va bien et toi?12:56
dholbachmerci beacoup... je suis un peu fatigué mais ça va bien12:57
zulbien bien12:57
zulits merci buckets btw :)12:57
* dholbach exhausted his french skills :)12:57
zuldholbach: try getting stuck in quebec with only high school french12:58
dholbachzul: I guess that'd surely help :)12:58
mruizhi ScottK12:58
dholbacha deadly struggle for survival :)12:58
persiazul: That's quebeçois: a slightly different language :)12:58
ScottKpersia: IME it's no more different than some of the regional variations in France.12:59
zuldholbach: especially when you have to go the bathroom13:00
persiaScottK: Likely true, but there are names for those as well.13:00
cheguevaradholbach, can i ask you about a problem I have with REVU13:01
dholbachcheguevara: just ask in here - we have a few REVU admins in here13:01
cheguevarabasically my package appears in incomming13:02
cheguevarathen goes to /dev/null :P13:02
* Hobbsee has a look13:02
Hobbseecheguevara: what did you last upload?13:03
Hobbseeand is LI Daobing here?13:03
Hobbseecheguevara: are you in ubuntu-universe-contributors?13:04
Hobbseeand is David Cordero here?13:05
cheguevaraseem to be13:05
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* Hobbsee resyncs the keyring13:05
cheguevarasomeone said it was done at 12 midnight, so I thought it'd be done13:06
cheguevaramay be someone was wrong :P13:06
* Fujitsu innovates, resyncing the Hobbsee.13:06
Hobbseeyeah, i dont think it is cron13:06
* Hobbsee writes Fujitsu off13:06
persiacheguevara: I usually gets done at least once a day, but not at any fixed time (as far as I know)13:06
cheguevaraoh, right13:07
cheguevarawiki said its cron :P13:07
persiacheguevara: It once was :)13:07
Hobbseeit was on cron.13:07
cheguevaraHobbsee, should i try again now?13:11
persiadholbach: deleting in cron is maybe not ideal.  Perhaps forcibly rejecting in process_uploads would make more sense.13:12
Hobbseecheguevara: no13:12
persiacheguevara: It takes about half an hour13:12
cheguevaraoh lol13:12
cheguevaralet me know :P13:12
dholbachpersia: I didn't look at the source code, just assumed that there must be a graceful solution to this13:12
persiadholbach: There likely is: I just don't think it's delete.13:13
Hobbseecheguevara: that shoudl be accepted now13:25
cheguevararight lets try13:25
gpocentekanyone familiar with aptpkg-perl?13:26
gpocentekI can't find a way to update the cache...13:26
stanipersia: are you here?13:28
persiastani: Yes13:29
cheguevaraHobbsee, it worked!13:30
* cheguevara bows to the Long Pointy Stick13:30
stanipersia: two people tested the patch on hardy and confirmed it works13:31
staniso I was wondering when I could post a SRU request13:31
stanialso Luca asked two change two things13:32
staniI was wondering if you agree with them13:32
persiastani: I'd suggest listening to Luca, who is a member of the stable release updates team for universe.  If you've two testers, it sounds like you're close.13:32
staniOk, I'll follow his instructions. I just wanted to check with you.13:34
persiastani: No problems.  I'm really not the best person to ask about SRUs, but happy to point you in the right direction :)13:35
stanipersia: Your helpful attitude was really stimulating. So a big thanks to you!13:38
persiastani: Thanks for looking after your package downstream.  It's really appreciated when we have such direct communication with the software authors to ensure the best user experience.13:39
=== Sikon_Japanese is now known as LucidFox
RainCTdholbach: hi. revision ubuntu2 on bug 176147 is to update the maintainer field as it wasn't changed in ubuntu1 (the Homepage field move is just a secondary change which of course I wouldn't expect to be merged for if the change from ubuntu1 is added to Debian's version)13:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176147 in usbmount "Update maintainer field in version" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17614713:45
dholbachRainCT: ah ok, I see13:45
bddebianHeya gang14:06
DarkSun88Hi bddebian14:08
bddebianHeya DarkSun8814:08
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geserHi bddebian14:09
bddebianHi geser14:10
effie_jayxhello all...14:29
bddebianHello effie_jayx14:33
effie_jayxbddebian, I am merging today...14:33
effie_jayxwhat ? I still don't know14:33
mok1Hi effie_jayx, are you on schedule? :-)14:34
effie_jayxpackages in MoM look too big for this little grasshoper14:34
effie_jayxmok1,  Trying hard to catch up14:34
mok1effie_jayx: My procedure for computing the length of a project: make your best estimate, then multiply by the number pi.14:35
effie_jayxmok1,  sounds like a good way14:35
mok1Always turns out to be pretty good :.-)14:35
effie_jayxmok1,  you mean gantt like ?14:35
effie_jayxI was a bit lazy I must admit :D14:36
effie_jayxbut thing is I am traveling to conferences and It is crazy14:36
mok1effie_jayx: yes, except  I always have the gant chart in my head14:36
effie_jayxmok1,  cool :D14:36
effie_jayxI shall play around with gant later14:36
mok1effie_jayx: it would be cool if you published a gant chart :-D14:37
mok1effie_jayx: I dunno if it counts as MOTU-hopeful experience, but I made my first Debian upload yesterday...14:37
effie_jayxmok1, pretty big milestone :O14:38
mok1effie_jayx: well, it's only _my_ upload, I'm still waiting for a sponsor. When the package gets into Debian, I will call it a milestone...14:39
mruizmok1, every step is important ;-)14:39
mok1mruiz: Ah, true14:40
mok1I have to admit, I've been holding back on that step14:40
effie_jayxmok1,  why?14:40
mok1effie_jayx: I've felt I had my hands full just learning to work with Ubuntu14:41
mok1... and now I'm kinda happy to chat with the nice bunch of people I've gotten to know here on the channel14:42
effie_jayxahh cool14:42
effie_jayxcan anyone help me spot a good beginer merge?14:42
mok1universe or main?14:43
mok1effie_jayx: http://dad.dunnewind.net/vpnc/ should be easy, it's only a conflict in 00list14:45
gesereffie_jayx: mgetty should be quite easy14:46
effie_jayxI shall give em a look now... and work on them over the afternoon14:47
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DaveMorriswhats the policy on lib packages having pkg-config files?15:38
siretartyay. rebuildd seems to work for me on gutsy!15:39
mok1DaveMorris: What do you mean?15:40
gesersiretart: are you going to rebuild (the) universe?15:40
siretartgeser: no. I've prepared a new ffmpeg, and now I'm rebuilding all reverse depends in unstable (using sbuild instead of pbuilder of course)15:40
DaveMorrisI personally like pkg-config files for libs, and I'll create one, open a bug ticket and assign the fix for a lib I found which doesn't use it (wordnet) but I won't bother if people won't use it15:40
siretartDaveMorris: did you talk to upstream about the .pc file?15:41
DaveMorrisnot yet, should that be done in the 1st instance then?15:42
mok1DaveMorris:  pkgconfig is only one of several ways of doing it. Some libraries have a *-config binary (shell script)15:43
DaveMorrismok1: I'm aware of those, still prefer pkg-config15:43
mok1DaveMorris: It would be cool to have all libraries use a single standard. I also like pkgconfig15:44
mok1DaveMorris: It should be better integrated into GNU autotools, though15:44
DaveMorrisis there plans for a single standard?15:44
DaveMorrispkg-config is quite well integrated into autotools though.  What more did you want?15:45
mok1DaveMorris: I dunno... pkgconfig comes out of the Gnome project, right?15:45
DaveMorrismok1: I don't know15:45
mok1DaveMorris: How so, integrated? I've never seen a macro that calls pkgconfig15:46
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
DaveMorrisuse pkgconfig to get the libs, versions, cflags15:47
DaveMorrisand stops the build if the version of libs aren't whats specified15:48
mok1DaveMorris: ah, you misunderstood me. I've often seen pkgconfig used like this, but no macro like AC_PKGCONFIG_CHECK([libusb], $has, $hasnot) or something15:49
DaveMorriswhich would check to see if libusb was installed?15:49
mok1and set variables and stuff15:50
DaveMorrisPKG_CHECK_MODULES(ALL,libusb >= 0.1.10a libcpptest >= 1.0.2 gtkmm-2.4 >= 2.8.8 libglademm-2.4 >= 2.6.2 libxml++-2.6 >= 2.10.0)15:50
DaveMorrisdoes that15:50
* mok1 stands corrected15:50
DaveMorrisand as you can see, you can specify versions as well15:51
dfilonipersia: ping15:51
mok1DaveMorris: you are 100% correct15:51
* mok1 feels stupid15:51
DaveMorriscan *-config do checks like that easily?15:52
mok1DaveMorris: You mean the shell scripts? In my exp. they often have exactly the same syntax15:52
DaveMorrisand integration into autotools?15:53
mok1you have to run them inside `  `15:53
* mok1 finds pkg.m4 implementing all pkg-config stuff in autotools15:54
DaveMorrisI was sold on pkg-config when I started to learn C++ and autotools15:54
mok1DaveMorris: Yeah, and I could never understand why the man page never tells you in which library a function is sitting, and what other libraries you need to link with. I loved pkg-config when I first learned about it15:55
slytherinimbrandon: I give up. Batik errors seem to be infinite. I wonder how it is built in debian and what ll it contains.15:56
mok1DaveMorris: However, with several pkg-config calls, you can sometimes get duplicates15:56
DaveMorrisafaik thats not a problem though15:56
DaveMorrisjust makes the compile line longer15:57
mok1DaveMorris: No, I guess, it just looks ugly15:57
slytherinimbrandon: The good part is I have learnt cdbs patch system & quilt basics and logged bug to move libavalon to universe. :-D15:57
=== mok1 is now known as mok0
mok0Ah, I feel my own self now15:58
mruizhi all.. is Debian-Maintainer-Field Spec a valid change to remain in a merge?16:06
pochuIf there are other changes, yes.16:06
pochuIf it's the unique remaining change: no, request a sync16:07
mruizthanks pochu16:07
pochumy pleasure :)16:07
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
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joejaxxpersia: are you around? :)16:53
ScottKjoejaxx: Odds are he's sleeping now.16:57
joejaxxScottK: ah ok16:58
joejaxxScottK: any suggestions for the name of the package for the fedora directory server?16:59
joejaxxi was thinking maybe just fedora-ds16:59
ScottKAre you planning on packaging it or are you looking for it?16:59
ScottKIf you're planning on packaging it, I'd suggest directory-server-fedora perhaps.17:00
joejaxxpackaging :)17:00
joejaxxoh ok17:00
joejaxxi just thought it would be rather long17:00
joejaxxbah that works17:01
ScottKPersonally, I think it's more important that package names be clear than that they be compact, but that's me.17:02
joejaxxnormally i would i just thought that maybe it was a bit long17:02
joejaxxbut i will go with that17:02
joejaxxshorter package names can also mean conflicts with future proposed packages17:02
joejaxxsort of like epiphany and epiphany-browser17:03
joejaxxwell that is a bad example17:03
joejaxxScottK: thanks :)17:05
ScottKNo problem.17:05
ScottKmdomsch: IIRC you have a DKMS upgrade pending.  You ought to look at the change the Keybuck just uploaded to Hardy and make sure you base you upgrade off that package.17:06
effie_jayxok... here http://merges.ubuntu.com/m/mgetty/REPORT all I have to do is generate a debdiff and compare between the one I did and the one generated automatically ?17:09
gesereffie_jayx: I usually start from the automatically generated merge, look what Ubuntu changes the packages currently has, what's still needed, check if it got correctly merged and write a changelog entry for the merge17:11
geserdo a build-test in a pbuilder and double-check the new changes with a debdiff17:12
bddebianIs there anything like dpatch-edit-patch for quilt?17:14
geserbddebian: not directly, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PatchingSources (see the second example for quilt)17:17
geseror the third example if you want to create a new patch17:17
bddebianAh, hmm, thanks geser17:18
effie_jayxgeser,  I checked debian/changelog... is there where I should be looking?17:20
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nxvl_worknorsetto: it's been time since i don't see you17:29
nxvl_worknorsetto: how are things going?17:29
norsettonxvl_work: heya! Had quite some connection problems17:29
nxvl_worki see17:30
nxvl_worki have had some hard days17:30
nxvl_workso i have been also a little offline17:30
norsettonxvl_work:  hard at work only I hope17:30
nxvl_worksome very busy ones17:31
nxvl_workwith lots of deadlines17:31
nxvl_workwhen you love your work, you love it17:31
norsettonxvl_work: just checking out hardy now, so far so good ....17:32
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mok0Ooops, wrong focus ?17:34
mruizmok0, ;-)17:35
mdomschScottK, thanks for the heads-up17:48
ScottKmdomsch: You're welcome.17:48
mdomschhow might I have noticed that if not for your warning?17:48
ScottKmdomsch: I noticed it on the hardy-changes RSS feed.17:49
mdomschScottK, thanks, I've subscribed to that too now17:51
mdomschyeah, that'll be easy enough to roll back in17:51
ScottKmdomsch: No problem.  Feeds exist for all active Ubuntu releases if you're interested.17:51
mok0Is Debian contrib component somewhat like universe?17:52
azeemnot that much17:53
azeemcontrib contains free sofware, which depends on non-free software17:53
mok0What is it then?17:53
azeemit's also not officially supported17:53
azeemby Debian, AFAIK17:53
mok0Who maintains it?17:54
azeemDebian Developers17:54
azeemwell, the line is blurry, really17:54
ScottKmok0: Both contrib and non-free are considered "Not part of Debian", but provided for convenience for people who need to use stuff that's not DFSG free on a Debian system.17:54
mok0So, more like multiverse17:55
azeemwell stuff in contrib is DFSG, it's just useless without build or runtime dependencies on non-free software17:56
azeeme.g. KDE was in contrib back in the days when Qt wasn't free17:56
mok0I see17:56
mok0Just wondered whether I needed to include contrib in my new Sid pbuilder...17:57
mok0I guess not17:57
=== jussi_ is now known as jussi01
geserbroonie: Hi, could you look at that build failure? it looks like a scons problem: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10891183/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-amd64.aqsis_1.2.0-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:06
greg-gwhat is the considerate amount of time to wait for a debian maintainer/ubuntu maintainer to update a package which fixes a bug (for any German using Alexandria) before you poke the maintainer again? :)19:15
pochuUbuntu is mostly team maintained, so you can probably do it yourself19:16
pochuthere are exceptions though...19:16
greg-gwell, the reason I ask is because the package in question is maintained by the same person in both debian and ubuntu, and neither has been updated in a while19:18
gesergreg-g: is the bug only files in Ubuntu or also in Debian?19:18
mruizgreg-g, wich package?19:18
greg-gboth debian and ubuntu19:18
greg-gbug 17463319:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174633 in ruby-amazon "alexandria 0.6.1 no german amazon search possible" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17463319:19
greg-gdebbug 45514819:19
gesergreg-g: does a patch exist?19:19
greg-gapparently the upstream developer did "everything needed to update the package" (I don't know, I haven't packaged before) but here is what he supplied:19:20
greg-gwould this count as a "bitesize" thing for new MOTUs?19:22
greg-gsidenote: it has only been 5 days since the bug was reported to debian and 6 days since it was reported in ubuntu, so I realize that it might be too soon to expect a response from the maintainer19:26
pochuIt is, imho19:27
pochubut still it's team maintained in ubuntu, so if want to work on it you are free to do so19:28
pochuand it might be team maintained (pkg-ruby-extras) in Debian too.19:28
greg-gI personally have no desire right now to do packaging, I am focusing on triaging, but is this the type of thing that should go on the bitsize list of things for aspiring motus?19:29
pochuIf it's easy, then yes.19:30
somerville32Can someone review the u-u-s. some of my stuff has been there for days :(19:31
gesersomerville32: which ones?19:34
* geser should work more often on the u-u-s queue again19:34
somerville321 was reviewed and I put up a new patch, 1 was reviewed and uploaded (but they must not have done it right because it isn't uploaded), and one hasn't been reviewed at all yet (and I just noticed there is a typo in the changelog, so I'm uploading a new debdiff now)19:36
somerville32For the first one mentioned, it has been 21 hours since I uploaded the new debdiff19:36
somerville32bug 175802, bug 175813, bug 17599119:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175802 in gfceu "Sponsor gfceu_0.6.0-0ubuntu2" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17580219:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175813 in catfish "Sponsor catfish_0.3-ubuntu2" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17581319:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175991 in ttb "Sponsor ttb_0.9.4-0ubuntu3" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17599119:40
mruizgeser, can you review bug 175998, please ?19:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175998 in mailping "Please merge mailping 0.0.4-1 (universe) from Debian (unstable)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17599819:40
mruizand bug 176379...19:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176379 in monster-masher "Please sync monster-masher (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17637919:41
alex-weejif i have downloaded a source package, debuild'd it, then i make a source code change and "make" it, how can i get a deb out of it again?19:41
gesersomerville32: re ttb: have you checked that python-gtk2 and python-glade2 is really needed in build-depends-indep? doesn't it build without those?19:43
somerville32geser, I haven't. I don't generally check to make sure all the build-deps specified by other people are actually required when I touch a package. Should I?19:44
CyberMattweird situation here i'm working on getting a package into debian with a couple of friends and our sponser just droped off the face of the earth last time he was gone for four month and I Really want this in Ubuntu19:45
somerville32CyberMatt, What package?19:46
slangasekCyberMatt: what sponsor?19:46
CyberMattinspircd Mario Iserl19:46
slangasekand he's disappeared? I'm pretty sure I saw him on IRC last week19:48
CyberMattyea but he was idle for two days and this morning poof19:48
CyberMattlast time he did this he was gone June to October19:49
gesersomerville32: usually it's not needed, but as it looks like ttb is only in Ubuntu it's nice to check for some other packaging errors from the past19:50
somerville32geser, k :)19:50
somerville32sbuild failed with 404s19:51
gesersomerville32: especially when one updates a package to the current python policy it doesn't hurt to look if the python dependencies are all correct and needed19:52
* somerville32 nods at geser.19:52
CyberMattmy partner says we should submit to ubuntu19:54
dmbi'm sure theres a valid reason for mario being gone, but thats not the point19:54
somerville32CyberMatt, nothing is stopping you19:55
CyberMattREVU time!19:55
somerville32Err http://archive.ubuntu.com hardy/main x11-common 1:7.3+7ubuntu219:56
somerville32  404 Not Found [IP: 80]19:56
pochuCyberMatt: have you tried sending him a mail explaining the situation?19:57
CyberMatti was just wondering if we would cause political trouble if we went that route19:57
dmbi'm sure mario is going to be back soon, the package is going to be uploaded into experimental sometimes this week19:57
CyberMattdmb have you19:57
dmbCyberMatt: i talked to him yesterday19:57
CyberMattok then19:57
dmbhe said he was going to look at the package, and if he had time upload it19:58
dmbbut i think something happened, because he pinged out and never came back19:58
imbrandonif it goes to expirmental you'll have to explisitly ask for a sync19:58
dmbyeh, we would have to ask anyway19:58
CyberMattwe'll wait until after Christmas19:58
dmbimbrandon: whats the latest that the inspircd package can be pushed in for the LTS?19:59
imbrandondmb untill featurefreeze19:59
dmbimbrandon: whens that?19:59
imbrandonnote sure the exact date, check this20:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about releaseschedule - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:00
imbrandonerr one sec20:00
gesermruiz: re mailping: your debdiff contains a changelog.dch.save file (new) and as this merge is special it would be nice if you could mention the version this merge "bases" on in your changelog entry (or the correct version number like in the previus entries). This make is easier to check if we are up-to-date with merging.20:00
geserdmb: FF is on Valentine's Day20:01
imbrandondmb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReleaseSchedule20:01
geserFeb 14th, 200820:01
imbrandonthanks geser20:02
CyberMatt February 1420:02
mruizthanks geser ... as we discussed before with persia and dholbach, it was an error with Debian version number20:02
CyberMattthats why i'm worried20:02
dmbah, we would definitely have it in by feb, the package is already finished, just need it checked by some more people20:02
gesermruiz: I've read it in the bug, therefore mention in the changelog the Debian version which got merged20:03
imbrandonrember though its to the point now you will have to ask for it to be imported20:03
imbrandondmb: ^^20:03
imbrandononce uploaded to debian20:03
dmbimbrandon: yes20:04
CyberMattso should we REVU in case20:04
dmbimbrandon: should we wait until its in experimental (hopefully this week) then trying to get it imported?20:04
imbrandonpush it to debian and then request a sync20:05
imbrandondmb: yup20:05
dmbok, sounds simple enough20:05
somerville32RAOF, Can you run apt-get update ?20:05
imbrandonits only a matter of asking, but it need to be done, auto sync is done as of today20:05
dmbthanks for the information20:06
imbrandonnp :)20:07
* imbrandon goes for a nap20:07
CyberMattand if Mario can't do it for some reason by say second week in January  ill do a REVU20:07
imbrandonCyberMatt: that sounds like a sound plan20:08
CyberMattI'm just worried that the Release cycle differences  will come and bite us on the butt20:09
CyberMattcome to rather20:11
grantgmcan someone point me to a resource where I can read about requesting a package be imported from debian? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess seems to be talking about syncing packages that already exist in Ubuntu, rather than importing new ones. Does the same process apply?20:12
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gesergrantgm: the process is the same20:16
grantgmand is there any variation in process if the package should be delt with by a specific team (in this case MOTU Science)?20:18
brooniegeser: Hrm. Looks like they're peering into SCons internals that have been removed from the warning. Not sure that'd cause the infinite recursion, I'd need to look at the package for that.20:18
geserbroonie: thanks20:20
broonieFWIW I'm about to upload a new SCons to Debian (upstream finally did another release of their own)20:22
gesergrantgm: no, but you could ask the MOTU Science team if they're interested in it, e.g. being a bug contact for the package20:22
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grantgmthanks geser. will do20:34
somerville32geser, Ok, new debdiff coming up20:34
gesersomerville32: for ttb? someone uploaded it already20:35
somerville32geser, lol. should I do another upload then?20:37
somerville32geser, those build-deps aren't needed20:37
geserif you like20:37
brooniegeser: FWIW I can reproduce on Debian.20:54
somerville32geser, are you looking at bug 175802?20:55
ubotuLaunchpad bug 175802 in gfceu "Sponsor gfceu_0.6.0-0ubuntu2" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17580220:55
gesersomerville32: shouldn't build-depending on python be enough as gfceu is a python app and doesn't seem to need python headers?20:58
somerville32geser, thats what I thought but once again I trusted the previous uploaded. I'll check it out and upload new debdiff if you're right20:59
gesersomerville32: I'm just test-building with this change and your debdiff21:01
somerville32I also did21:01
somerville32built fine21:01
gesersomerville32: is it ok for you when I upload your debdiff with this change?21:03
somerville32geser, What modifications did you make to the changelog?21:04
gesersomerville32: I only updated your line to "- Added build-depend on python" and did the same change to debian/rules. That's all.21:06
somerville32geser, ok, sounds good :)21:06
mruizgeser, mailping is ready for a review ;-)21:06
gesersomerville32: uploaded gfceu21:07
somerville32geser, thank you muchly21:08
Ubulettehmm, just got a fsck on all my disks. "primary superblock different from backup, check forced". is that a known issue ?21:10
Ubuletteand hal is still broken21:10
Ubulettebad day21:10
geserUbulette: I've seen this too after my update to hardy today21:11
gesermruiz: uploaded21:14
mruizthanks geser !21:14
norsettoubulette: am I wrong or the plugins for xulrunner must go in /usr/lib/xulrunner/plugins and those for xulrunner-1.9 in /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins ?21:18
Ubulettenorsetto, correct21:19
norsettoUbulette: okki, thx21:22
mruizeffie_jayx, are you working on vpnc ?21:31
effie_jayxI'm on mgetty21:33
mruizthanks... I will do it ;-)21:33
slangasekbluekuja_: hi, did you see my question yesterday about the Architecture: string on fische?21:34
effie_jayxmruiz,  could you give me a hand with mine21:35
mruizeffie_jayx, sure, but I'm leaving now... :-(21:35
effie_jayxmruiz,  tomorrow?21:36
effie_jayxI ma reading stuff on merges21:36
guest22Any MOTUs here who might be willing to review a recently uploaded package ("photoml", at  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=953)?21:40
mruizbye all21:43
slangasekbluekuja_: perhaps you're not here and that's just your idle IRC client playing games. :)21:44
norsettoguest22: you shouldn't need usr/bin in dirs21:44
norsettoguest22: for new packages the applicable standard should be 3.7.321:47
TheMusoHey folks.21:50
norsettoguest22: and your package fails to build21:50
norsettohey TheMuso21:52
guest22norsetto: Thanks for the comments.21:52
guest22norsetto: On what environment does it fail to build? I tested it in pbuilder, and encountered no problems.21:52
norsettoguest22: pbuilder21:53
slangasekmy packages never fail to build, sometimes they just have alternate endings21:53
norsettoslangasek: hehe21:54
guest22norsetto: Strange. Perhaps some dependencies have changed since I tested it.21:54
norsettoguest22: let me pastebin the log21:54
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:54
norsettoguest22: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48274/21:55
guest22norsetto: Got it. Thanks again - I'll investigate the problem and fix the other issues you raised.21:57
norsettoguest22: seems like you miss some build-deps (perl modules)21:57
norsettoguest22: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48275/ I pasted the relevant portion of the build log21:59
guest22norsetto: Perhaps - I'm not sure. BTW, if I remove usr/bin from dirs, that file will be empty. Do I remove it, or leave it as an empty file?21:59
norsettoguest22: remove it21:59
guest22norsetto: Will do. Thanks again.22:00
norsettoguest22: np22:00
norsettoguest22: you should also move the homepage to its own field22:01
Flare183ok if i am going to package something new to the repos. should I add it to the hardy repos or the gutsy repos?22:03
somerville32Flare183, You can only to the hardy repos22:04
norsettoguest22: also, this symlink (/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL) in hardy points to the GPL3 (your license is GPL 2)22:05
guest22norsetto: In the control file, "Homepage:" should now be a field in its own right, rather than part of the description? Does this just mean the initial space should be removed, or should it move to before "Description:"?22:05
norsettoguest22: move it in the source stanza, like Homepage: URL22:06
guest22norsetto: It can be directly below "Source:", for example?22:07
norsettoguest22: anywhere there, usually people put if before standards-version but you are free to choose what you like22:07
guest22norsetto: Understood. Is this a change between 3.7.2 and 3.7.3? (I have other packages that were accepted with the same structure as the package currently on REVU.)22:08
norsettoguest22: yes, IIRC is between 3.7.2. and
guest22norsetto: Good to know. Is there a document on the web listing the changes from 3.7.2 to 3.7.3?22:09
norsettoguest22: well, the policy :-)22:09
geserTheMuso: have you seen that brltty (main) is in depwait on dh-lisp (universe)?22:10
guest22norsetto: Pity, a list of changes would be useful.22:11
norsettoguest22: I would have thought this had it: http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/d/debian-policy/debian-policy_3.7.3.0/changelog but it doesn't seem complete22:14
geserguest22, norsetto: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2007/12/msg00001.html22:15
geserperhaps also check /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz as suggested by that mail22:15
guest22norsetto and geser: OK, thanks, I'll take a look at those documents.22:16
Flare183What does "Upstream Author" mean?22:16
norsettogeser: its true that doesn't cost much to add a list of changes in the document itself .... bad policy on the policy22:17
geserFlare183: the person(s) who wrote the software22:17
Flare183oh ok22:17
macdimbrandon, you here?22:17
TheMusogeser: Ouch, no I didn't, thanks.22:20
TheMusogeser: My sponsor should have caught that.22:20
TheMusosomerville32: ok22:31
somerville32bryce, ping. I still don't see it :(22:37
brycesomerville32: hrm, one minute22:40
brycesomerville32: I've re-uploaded it22:47
brycesomerville32: ok, catfish was accepted.  Should be building now and available soon.22:58
somerville32Why does it say you uploaded it?23:01
somerville32bryce, Why did you make yourself the signer of the changelog? Now the upload won't show up in my list :S23:04
_MMA_somerville32: Just wondering, does it matter?23:06
somerville32_MMA_, Yes.23:07
Fujitsu_MMA_: It does. Bodies like the MC look at upload lists.23:07
_MMA_So its about personal recognition?23:07
Ubulettepersia, I don't remember, were you interested by reviewing the changes you've asked me for seamonkey ? or can i just push to a sponsor ?23:29
brycesomerville32: because your patch didn't apply against the rules file, so I had to fix it up.23:33
brycesomerville32: sorry, I assumed your priority was getting the changes in rather than building credit.  I don't normally assist with sponsoring, so didn't know that was a need.23:34
somerville32bryce, It isn't a problem but if thats the case you forgot to note in the changelog your changes23:35
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brycesomerville32: actually there were no changes to mention.  just the order of how things were applied by the patch.23:37
somerville32How many uploads should I have under my belt before feeling comfortable to approach the MC?23:40
bryceI think I had a few dozen23:41
LaserJockafternoon all23:41
brycehmm, well a few dozen non-trivial ones23:41
brycebut I wasn't looking so much at count, as breadth, so I wanted to wait until I'd created a package from scratch, done a significant package (xserver, l-r-m), and handled some sru's, mir's, etc. before applying23:43
LaserJocksomerville32: I've always thought a good way to know is to think about if you truly feel confident that you can handle uploading to Universe without supervision and sponsoring is just getting in the way of progress23:43
LaserJocki.e. you are functioning as a MOTU, except you have to have a sponsor23:44
somerville32Well, I fully intend to continue to contribute to Xubuntu and soon Edubuntu23:44
LaserJocksomerville32: good :-)23:45
LaserJockoh, and make sure your key is signed ;-)23:45
somerville32haha :P23:45
LaserJockman, I'll be lucky to graduate with these blockheads at the graduate school >:/23:48
LaserJockI got an email today that they lost some of my paperwork ... again23:49
LaserJockI've now sent them my Program of Study *4* times and my Change of Advisory Committee 2 times23:51
pwnguinsend it certified mail ;)23:52
LaserJockpwnguin: well, a couple times I've hand delivered it23:55

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