
WcktKlwndoes anyone know if you can have multiple firewire streams going at once?00:38
alexvdtgm4883 I am trying to connect a Knoppmyth slavebackend to my new ubuntu masterbackend but its not working.  I setup the mythbuntubackend exactly the same way I had my knoppmyth frontend I just changed the passowrd in mysql.txt.  However the database wont connect.  Any ideas how to troubleshoot.  I had setup all my storage centrally on my knoppmyth backend before so I am not sure that is what is breaking it00:48
alexvdSorry Typo I mean to say I setup the mythbuntu backend exactly the same way as my old knoppmyth backend00:49
alexvdSame IP and hostnames00:49
tgm4883wrong password00:51
tgm4883you can't just change the password in mysql.txt and expect it to change everywhere00:51
tgm4883now, if I understand correctly, you had a knoppmyth backend that you are replacing with a ubuntu backend?00:52
tgm4883is that correct?00:52
tgm4883all of the above from me was for you00:57
alexvdI did also change the password in mythtv-setup or at least it keeps asking me to but resets back to the defualt00:57
alexvdyes i read your response00:57
alexvdI am replacing the knoppmyth backend with ubuntu backend00:58
tgm4883so now you are trying to connect a knoppmyth slave backend to the ubuntu backend, correct?00:58
tgm4883using the old password from the knoppmyth install?00:58
alexvdthe old password changed00:58
alexvdi have modified mysql.txt00:59
alexvdand everytime it tries to load the frontend00:59
alexvdin general setup00:59
alexvdi modify the password setting from mythtv to the new password on the backend00:59
alexvdi have it successfully working from a desktop ubuntu frontnend with the new passowrd01:00
tgm4883the old password changed?01:00
tgm4883do you mean that you are now using the new password from the ubuntu backend on the old knoppmyth machine?01:00
alexvdThe password from the original mythtvmasterbackend for knoppmyth was mythtv01:00
alexvdnow i have built a new mythbuntu backend and it has a new mysql password no longer mythtv01:01
alexvdso I input that into the existing slavebckend knoppmyth01:01
alexvdit no workee01:01
tgm4883the ubuntu frontend that works01:02
tgm4883is that on the same machine as the backend, or a different machine?01:02
alexvddifferent machine01:02
alexvdit is this dekstop01:02
alexvdit worked before with the knoppmyth backend01:02
alexvdnow it works with the new mythbuntu backend01:03
alexvdafter changing the mysql password01:03
tgm4883can you post the backend log from the slave backend?01:03
alexvdthat is the thing01:03
=== Sphagnum is now known as Tari
alexvdthe slavebackend stores everything on the masterbackend01:04
alexvdI modified fstab and setup nfs symbolic links to do this01:04
alexvdroot@mythtvslavefrontend:~# cat /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log01:05
alexvd2007-12-13 18:49:45.407 Using runtime prefix = /usr01:05
alexvd2007-12-13 18:49:45.627 New DB connection, total: 101:05
alexvd2007-12-13 18:49:45.700 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host:
alexvd2007-12-13 18:49:45.878 Current Schema Version: 116001:05
alexvdNo setting found for this machine's BackendServerIP.01:05
alexvdPlease run setup on this machine and modify the first page01:05
alexvdof the general settings.01:05
alexvd2007-12-13 19:05:37.220 Using runtime prefix = /usr01:05
alexvd2007-12-13 19:05:37.602 New DB connection, total: 101:05
alexvd2007-12-13 19:05:37.752 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: mythtvmasterbackend01:05
alexvd2007-12-13 19:05:37.815 Current Schema Version: 116001:05
alexvdNo setting found for this machine's BackendServerIP.01:05
alexvdPlease run setup on this machine and modify the first page01:05
alexvdof the general settings.01:05
tgm4883!pastebin | alexvd01:05
ubotualexvd: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:05
alexvdhmm its saying that in setup01:05
alexvdthe ip is not lsted01:05
alexvdoh sorry01:06
alexvdtgm4883 are you going to be around in a bit.  I have to cook dinner01:07
tgm4883in and out01:07
alexvdi will try you back01:07
tgm4883i'm getting sim city 4 setup on my machine01:07
alexvdLOL cool01:07
tgm4883i'll think about your problem though01:07
tgm4883so you have run mythtv-setup on the knoppmyth machine and it doesn't keep the settings?01:08
tgm4883_laptopkeep in mind im still around01:09
alexvd tgm4883_laptop:01:54
Davieyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfWAjpRQZEI <- it's a start!10:09
=== Wacko is now known as WackoRobie
WackoRobieanyone around that might want to point me in the right direction on a video issue?18:22
portahexdon't ask to ask18:23
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)18:23
WackoRobieOk. Got Mytbuntu up and running on an older box of mine.  Everything is running great.  So I unplugged it out of the basement and moved it to the living room to use with the TV.  It crashes at 'running bootscripts'  with a failure to start x-server18:25
WackoRobieWhen I go to the log it has a failed to get Edid18:25
WackoRobieI think so18:26
portahexplugged in via s-video?18:26
WackoRobieworked with monitor connect but not Svideo or Component Video18:26
portahexEDID is a technology for detecting monitor characteristics over a VGA or DVI cable. you'll need to give certain details manually in your xorg.conf file18:27
WackoRobieI lied.  It is a radeon 920018:28
WackoRobiestill same issue?18:28
portahexyes, pretty much18:28
portahexi don't know how to configure ATI cards though18:28
cosmic_HOSSA @ all18:29
cosmic_is here anyone who could support me to use my myth-frontend on my Laptop to work with my myth server ?18:30
cosmic_sorry for my bad english18:30
portahexjust instgall it, and give the IP address of your backend when asked18:31
portahexmake sure your backend is configured to use a network-capable address (e.g. 192.168.x.x) not the loopback address (
nekostargot a gyration media center remote18:32
WackoRobieportahex, thanks for the assistance.  I now have a direction.  Would you suggest building with the monitor and then attempting to modify the xorg.conf file?18:32
nekostarwhat driver do i need to make it work??18:32
nekostar[   28.299330] input: USB HID v1.00 Keyboard [??�???? ??????????????????????????????] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-2 /// [   28.327485] input: ??�???? ?????????????????????????????? as /class/input/input5 /// [   28.327601] input,hiddev96: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [??�???? ??????????????????????????????] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-218:33
nekostargetting that out of dmesg18:33
portahexWackoRobie, if you can SSH into the machine from elsewhere on the network, you can test multiple configs easily from the comfort of a working system18:33
cosmic_portahex:  thx, but he cant connect , i think its something with the damn mysql !?!?18:34
WackoRobieportahex, Danka.  That I can do once I rebuild it. :)  Thought it was my install and completely hosed it. :)18:34
cosmic_do i have to have a own mysql for the frontend ?18:35
portahexcosmic_, possibly. can you run "mysql -u mythtv -h ipaddressofserver -p mythconverg" from your laptop, using the password stored in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt on the server?18:35
portahexcosmic_, mythtv only works if you have a single shared mysql instance18:36
cosmic_oh ok ... i will try , thx18:36
cosmic_portahex: I cant run that command on my Laptop ,cause there is no my sql installed18:38
portahexcosmic_, mysql-client package18:39
cosmic_after running command on Laptop i get the mysql shell on my terminal18:43
=== nekostar is now known as meh
portahexcosmic_, then your mysql setup is fine18:55
portahexcosmic_, your backend is probably bound to the loopback address18:55
cosmic_oh super , thx for your support18:55
mehportahex ?18:55
cosmic_i will try to use the frontend now on my own ..... THANKS18:55
portahexlet me grab a screenshot18:55
portahexnotice the text at the bottom of the screenb18:56
mehthis shit sux19:02
meheither i'm invisible19:02
mehwhich is clearly not the case or i'm being totally ignored19:02
mehwhich is effing rude19:03
mehwell at least ive been meh'd19:04
cosmic_portahex: Mythfrontend doesnt want to start cause of bad sql settings and it doesnt open the config window , are there any params  for the command line ?19:04
tgm4883it is possible that nobody currently online knows the answer?19:04
mehis it possible to say hi to someone who's obviously having a hard time?19:04
mehthen suck my left nut l819:05
tgm4883i just showed up19:05
tgm4883really nice19:05
=== JThundley_ is now known as JThundley
tgm4883i guess he doesn't really need help19:06
JThundleyclass act19:09
tgm4883i kinda feel sorry for the guy19:10
JThundleybecause he doesn't have sweet mythtv systems like us?19:10
tgm4883and because he didn't buy known working hardware19:11
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:14
cosmic_Hey people does anyone know if there are params for mythfrontend on the command line ?19:18
cosmic_ore is there an config file for mythfrontend ?19:19
cosmic_mythfrontend doesnt wanna start anymore19:20
bendaileymythfrontend -v all19:20
cosmic_bendailey:   doesnt seem to work :(19:25
bendaileycosmic_: any output?19:27
cosmic_acces denied for $user @ $ip19:28
cosmic_Database not open19:28
bendaileyis the mysql server local?19:28
bendaileyok is the mysql server running on the other box and accessible?19:29
cosmic_i try to get mythfrontend run on my laptop the normal frontend and backend is on my "server"19:29
cosmic_yes , but the config on the mythfronten / LAPTOP is wrong19:29
bendaileycosmic_: sorry have to go just got a call from my son's daycare he is sick19:30
cosmic_bendailey: all alright , thx19:31
cosmic_is there anyone else who would be so kind tryieng to support me , getting my mythfrontend run on a slave computer ?19:32
cosmic_portahex: wb19:33
=== kjetil__ is now known as KjetilK
KjetilKIt seemed very straightforward to get the VFD display working on my Antec Fusion22:06
KjetilKfor future versions, I wonder if it could be autodetected22:06
KjetilKit might be that if lsusb shows a iMon device, it would just entail changing on line in LCDd.conf, the Driver in the [server] section, that needs to say imon22:07
KjetilKjust a suggestion22:08
tgm4883KjetilK, suggestions have a proper place22:10
tgm4883otherwise, when someone is looking for something to do, they wont see your idea22:11
KjetilKI'll put it there22:12
KjetilKtgm4883: where do I put it? I figured under mythbuntu-config-lcdproc could be a good idea22:14
KjetilKtried to go to propose a goal, but had no permissions22:14
tgm4883well, either register a new blueprint for it, or file a bug22:14
KjetilKheh, there it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/+bug/13745122:16
tgm4883well there ya go :)22:17
KjetilKHmmm, I haven't compiled lirc-modules-source, do I need to with MythBuntu 7.10?22:53
KjetilKI have two IR receivers and want to use a remote, yes22:54
nettow0822_no...lirc comes in mythbuntu23:19
KjetilKnettow0822_: OK, thanks23:20

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