
ubuntu_buenas a todos00:00
merleSind Jungs aus Rhld Pfalz hier?00:00
ikonianickrud: I did miss that00:00
erUSULShpoo1: only apps that use gnome-vfs api can work with that folder00:00
ikonianickrud: what's the package called00:00
Slart!de | merle00:00
ikonianickrud: and surly that must he installed by a forced user request00:00
ubotumerle: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de00:00
ubuntu_hablan español00:00
lgcerUSUL, the linux-image-2.6-22-14-generic appears to be installed. So does the non-generic one...00:00
Jack_Sparrow!es | ubuntu_00:00
ubotuubuntu_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:00
erUSUL!es | ubuntu_00:00
nickrudikonia, it should be linux-image-<number>-i386 , it was in feisty00:00
ikonianickrud: but not gutsy00:00
ubuntu_thank you00:00
erUSULlgc: uninstall the one you do not need00:00
ubuntu_disculpe y por donde entro al canal de español00:01
merlekeine Deutsche hier?00:01
ikonia!es >ubuntu_00:01
ikonia!de >merle00:01
Slart!de > merle00:01
Jack_SparrowLjL: may I pm.. a quick question..00:01
Slartmost of use don't speak german nor spanish...00:01
erUSULubuntu_: /join #ubuntu-es00:02
ubuntu_only german00:02
LjLJack_Sparrow if it's a support question, please ask here. otherwise, feel free to pm.00:02
ubuntu_you must speak spanish00:02
ubuntu_es una lenguan que predomina en el mundo00:02
merleahh, its forbidden to speak german here?00:02
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:02
lgcerUSUL, will that also modify the corresponding menu.lst entry?00:03
r4wMUnt34qI want to install ubuntu 7.10. I have a Win 2000 installed already on C: (80 GB, NTFS). I defragmented it because I was doing some cleanup because of ubuntu. My question is about disk partitioning. I have only C: with NTFS and I have to choose manually when it comes to partitioning because the only option except it is using the whole disk, what would probably ruin my windows. When I delete the current partitioning table (I cant downsize 00:03
erUSULlgc: yes it will run the update-grub script (you can run it manually too)00:03
Oloughlin75Does the GUI installation work on a GeForce GO 6100?00:04
Shpoo1wow, that's gonna save me A LOT of time...thanks everyone00:04
lgcerUSUL, and I suppose it won't disrupt the workings of the generic one...right?00:04
Shpoo1it's the small things that always make the biggest difference00:04
ikonialgc: I'm a little unsure how you have a non-smp kernel in gutsy00:05
erUSULlgc: i will install the generic one then reboot and boot with it; then remove the i386 version00:05
picard_pwns_kirkI'm having problems installing Ubuntu gutsy on a Thinkpad T series, trying to dual-boot Vista, with a SATA hard drive, brand new00:05
ramirezalguien que hable español00:05
LjL!es | ramirez00:06
uboturamirez: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:06
lgcerUSUL, both happen to be installed now, according to Synaptic.00:06
erUSULikonia: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/base/linux-image-2.6.22-14-38600:06
r4wMUnt34qANYONE CAN HELP ME ?00:06
erUSULlgc: and which one are you running on?00:06
ikoniaerUSUL: thanks, but surly thats a "user request" install rather than an install kernel00:06
ramirezubotu como entro a ese canal00:06
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk what specific problem are you having?00:06
ikonia!caps >r4wMUnt34q00:06
r4wMUnt34qI want to install ubuntu 7.10. I have a Win 2000 installed already on C: (80 GB, NTFS). I defragmented it because I was doing some cleanup because of ubuntu. My question is about disk partitioning. I have only C: with NTFS and I have to choose manually when it comes to partitioning because the only option except it is using the whole disk, what would probably ruin my windows. When I delete the current partitioning table (I cant downsize 00:06
nickrudr4wMUnt34q, you should be able to click that partition, and resize it down00:06
lgcerUSUL, Oh I see your point! Let me do that before I try and remove anything.00:06
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: it displays errors whenever I go to resize the Vista partition00:07
Oloughlin75r4wMUnt34q: Choose to set up the partitions.00:07
buck1r4wMUnt34q, there are ways to resize partitions, google it00:07
lgcerUSUL, thanks for now.00:07
r4wMUnt34qok thanks for now00:07
erUSULikonia: it can happen when you "cloned" as in !clone or when you upgrade using apt-get directly (not the update-manager)00:07
ikoniaerUSUL: why would a clone machine swap kernels ?00:07
r4wMUnt34qi am on an ubuntu live cd right now00:07
erUSULikonia: afaics00:07
ikoniaerUSUL: no no, I appricaite your only offering your perception/knowledge, I'm genuinly curious00:08
erUSULikonia: i'm refering to this:00:08
erUSUL!clone | ikonia00:08
ubotuikonia: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:08
* xstasi is away: Dangerous like a razorback - Deadly like a heart attack00:08
gladeirhey guys - have a problem with booting the livecd - it dumps me down to a busybox prompt and from my research its due to a timeout in talking to the sata dvd burner. the busybox message says something about tty timing out, and it *occaisionally* boots00:08
=== xstasi is now known as xstasi`afk
erUSULikonia: he replicated the package selection of an older release on gutsy and he ended up with two kernels installed somehow00:09
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk I don't know how good the partitioner is at working with vista... even partition magic, the prog I always use and is the defacto standard in partition tools is not compatible with vista00:09
buck1Hey guys I'm having a problem with my sound. I'm completely new to ubuntu and I have no idea how to get it to work. I've gotten as far as the sound preferences, but nothing I've done in there has helped00:09
ikoniaerUSUL: ahhhh thats not what I understood him to mean from cloaning00:09
underdawgI'm setting up rules for FIRESTARTER... what do i type if I want to enable a service along a whole ip range? i.e.
erUSULikonia: at least this what, i think, happened00:09
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: recommend a plan of action?00:09
ikoniaerUSUL: I'm reading the link you sent, which didn't tally with what you are saying00:09
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk gimme a minute...00:10
fragment[M]I have a Netgear 511T card that I attached to my laptop and the network manager connects to my router saying its connected at 100%. However, if I browse to let say www.google.com it doesn't work. What else needs to be done?00:10
jorgpheh, im installing 7.10 from a live cd and I think its stuck at 81%, been that way for about 30 min00:10
=== fragment[M] is now known as raheel
jorgpany suggestions?00:11
underdawgI'm setting up rules for FIRESTARTER... what do i type if I want to enable a service along a whole ip range? i.e.
onatsanyone here who setup a PC as a gateway for their network?00:11
erUSULikonia: i sent the link to show that a i386 kernel *does* exist in gutsy... i get the impression that you and nickrud said otherwise00:11
Jack_Sparrowgladeir: Consider burning a new cd but at a very slow speed.. it has helped on many systems...  else try F6 and boot options l;ike noapic   etc00:11
TtechI need help setting up my Wacom Tablet on Ubuntu.00:11
erUSULonats: for that role you can use an specialliced distribution like ipcop or smoothwall00:11
ikoniaerUSUL: sort of, I wasn't aware of a package, and I'm curious to why it doesn't show up in a search00:12
ramirezalguien que hable español00:12
nickruderUSUL, it didn't show in apt, base is another critter. But I expected to see it, since it's good for very old hardware00:12
Ganjistushabla esbunghole00:12
picard_pwns_kirk!es | ramirez00:12
uboturamirez: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:12
Ganjistustaco supreme00:12
erUSULikonia: i does not appear here in my machine but i use amd64 ;)00:12
Ganjistusi use ganja00:12
onatserusul, i am not sure yet of the advantages of putting the gateway on a PC... can i still run other services on that machine, even if its acting as the gateway?00:12
Lekkyhow can i configure the windows boot loader to boot the ubuntu partition on a 2nd hd?00:13
* nickrud smacks his head00:13
Oloughlin75Will Ubuntu run comfortably on 1GB RAM and an Athlon X2 TL-53?00:13
Ganjistushow can i change the bootscreen00:13
erUSULonats: yes you can00:13
TtechLekky:  My friend knows how. Query me00:13
xenthropicard_pwns_is it a fresh vista install?00:13
underdawgI'm setting up rules for FIRESTARTER... what do i type if I want to enable a service along a whole ip range? i.e.
Zylstra555Hello, I am having problems finding a fast package server, anyone have recommendations for Pacific Northwest area of the US?00:13
underdawgOloughlin75: absolutely00:13
erUSULramirez: /join #ubuntu-es00:13
TtechI need help setting up my Wacom Tablet on Ubuntu.00:13
Shpoo1Okay, I ran into a small problem now. The files save to my server with 660 permissions, and I need 755 in order for the file to be executable publicly....and idea how I can change this?00:14
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk is it a fresh vista install?00:14
svladcjelliTtech: what type00:14
Ganjistuschmod 755 file00:14
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: new laptop00:14
nickrudZylstra555, system->admin->software sources, select other on the dropdown, and hit the button find best sources00:14
Shpoo1any* not and00:14
TtechAh, Wacom tablet?00:14
TtechA graphire tablet. IT has the mouse and the pen?00:14
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk do you have a vista cd as well? and a winxp cd by any chance?00:15
TtechThe mouse does not work, and there is not configuration app00:15
Zylstra555nickrud: It alwayas gives me a server that does not actually have the package information on it00:15
SlartShpoo1: there should be some "default permissions" on the ftp server config.. if that's still what you're doing00:15
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: I have a recovery partition00:15
svladcjelliTtech: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom00:15
marginoferrorIs there a way to delete a file using the inode number?  I have a file I cannot delete or move by any means because the name seems to be invalid.00:15
Ganjistusdo oyu use a UBS mouse?00:15
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: I do have an XP CD, but not an XP license00:15
nickrudZylstra555, then try mirrors.kernel.org , it's been fast for me up & down the west coast00:15
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk is it an hp/compaq laptop?00:15
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: Lenovo Thinkpas00:16
Zylstra555nickrud: Thanks00:16
Zylstra555Will do00:16
Ste1How do i install the Nvidia driver? i cant find nvidia-glx-new00:16
Ganjistusah easy00:16
nickrudmarginoferror, what's the file name?00:16
=== BilleniumZzZ is now known as Billenium
ikoniaSte1: you'll have to enable the "restricted" repo00:16
ikoniaSte1: do you know how to do that ?00:16
marginoferror[PS2][061116]ネギま! 3時間目~恋と魔法と世界樹伝説!~.rar00:16
Ste1i did00:16
Ganjistusrestricted drivers00:16
marginoferrorNote that the two ! marks are different00:16
Ste1*I tried00:16
Ganjistusthen you can select it00:16
ikoniaSte1: do an apt-get update00:16
Slartmarginoferror: ?00:16
Ste1it said it needed nvidia-glx-new00:16
Ste1and i have00:16
Shpoo1Slart: yeah it is. Supposedly my host claims any files uploaded via FTP will obtain 755 permissions....but that doesn't seem to be the case.00:16
nickrudmarginoferror, try rm [P<tab> (hit the tab key) unless you have already, of course00:17
Ganjistussudo apt-get install nvidia-glx new00:17
svladcjelliSte1: system>administration>restricted driver manager00:17
BB88erUSUL: I can rip fine, but when it comes to encoding, I am having troubles. The files created are only 2.0kb ?00:17
Ste1when i click "enable" it says i dont have nvidia-glx-new00:17
ikoniaSte1: does apt-cache search nvidia turn up nvidia-glx-new ?00:17
SlartShpoo1: do they reset the permissions? have you tried setting the permissions before you upload?00:17
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk http://vistarewired.com/2007/02/16/how-to-resize-a-partition-in-windows-vista/00:17
erUSULmarginoferror: maybe with debugfs??00:17
underdawgI'm setting up rules for FIRESTARTER... what do i type if I want to enable a service along a whole ip range? i.e.
marginoferrornickrud: it's not an issue of indicating the file properly in the shell.  It simply doesn't think the file is there.00:17
marginoferrorOh, the file is on FAT32 if that matters00:17
marginoferrorIt might00:17
erUSULBB88: o_O!! i do not know what can be wrong...00:18
Ganjistusi hope the file isn't larger as 4gb00:18
marginoferrorErr, scratch that.  It is on NTFS with ntfs-fuse00:18
nickrudmarginoferror, maybe for the exclamation points, do \! rather than just !00:18
Slartunderdawg: have you checked the manual for firestarter?00:18
underdawgit's ambiguous00:18
mamehey there I have an issue with a USB joystick. Anyone good with them?00:18
BB88erUSUL: What is your encoder command line?00:18
Shpoo1Slart: I'm editing the file directly off the server, so once I save it, it automatically updates on the server. I tried to go into the connection folder and change the permissions, but it doesn't let me.00:18
Jack_SparrowBB88: What are you using to encode the mp3's  and I assume you got lame encoder installed per the previous instructions00:18
Slartunderdaws: are there documentation online? got an url?00:19
marginoferrornickrud: Nope, that doesn't work either.00:19
Shpoo1Unfortunatley, without 755, or at least executable, permissions, I'm back at square one, lol00:19
marginoferrorIs there any way to unlink a file specifically by its inode?00:19
nickrudmarginoferror, have you tried putting it in quotes? (my last lame suggestion)00:19
Ste1apt-cache does not find "nvidia-glx-new"00:19
SlartShpoo1: hmm.. then I don't know.. if it was your server you could perhaps hack sometihng up.. but now I don't know00:19
marginoferrorNot some permutation of find that passes the name to rm, but simply unlinking the inode.00:19
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Yes I have lame installed, per the previous instructions. I am using grip. I can "rip" the file fine, as if it were a .wav file (around 32mb for a 3 minute track etc.), but when it comes to the encoding part, it just finishes and the file is around 2.0kb?00:19
marginoferrornickrud: yes.00:19
ikoniaSte1: Ste1 do you see restricted in your /etc/apt/sources.list00:20
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: I can't resize a partition I'm using00:20
Jack_SparrowBB88: gimme a sec to install grip and check something ok?00:20
underdawgwho ask ed for url00:20
Slartunderdawg: I did00:20
underdawgSlart: you there00:20
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Ok, thank you.00:20
gladeirJack_Sparrow the cd doesnt have a problem - it works if i take out the scsi controller. wheres there a list of boot options? ive played with all_gneric_ide and libata.atapi_enabled=1.00:20
marginoferrorMy graphical shell (Nautilus) can't delete, move or rename the file...  but it can open it with file-roller and unpack it properly00:20
marginoferrorIt's bizarre00:20
Shpoo1Slart: lol me neither, thanks though00:20
erUSULBB88: -V1 --vbr-new %w %m (i changed it from the default -V1 is a quality setting so it will ignore the bitrate)00:21
Ste1Ikonia: im not sure if im looking at the right place, but i cant find "restricted"00:21
Shpoo1It's not gonna be any easier if I have to always go into my host to change the permissions00:21
underdawgSlart: see how basic it is?00:21
BB88erUSUL: V1 as in VBR? I just want it to rip at 320 Kbps CBR, if possible :D00:21
ikoniaSte1: please go to "system --> Administration --> software sources" in the gui00:21
robdigmarginoferror: are permissions ok?00:21
underdawgi guess i could ask it this way... if I want to make a policy in iptables for a service to open to a whole ip range, how do i do it?00:22
Slartunderdawg: yes.. doesn't look like you can do "ranges" from that short manual00:22
erUSULBB88: then leave the command line as is00:22
ikoniaunderdawg: -source
ikoniaunderdawg: for example00:22
marginoferrorrobdig: Yes.00:22
BB88That is where I am having the troubles, I am certain.00:22
Jack_Sparrowgladeir: pci=noapci acpi=off noapic nolapic or  all_generic_ide               are the ones I have used00:22
marginoferrorrobdig: 600 and owned by me.00:22
Slartunderdawg: iptables can do ranges.. with netmasks or start-end I think00:23
underdawgSlart: thanks for confirming00:23
underdawgall Firstarter is is a front end for iptables im sure00:23
erUSULBB88: you can set the bitrate on the other tab (Options)00:23
Ste1Ikonia: i figured it out, thank you very much00:23
BB88I have done so.00:23
ikoniaSte1: no problem00:23
ikoniaSte1: welcome00:23
nickrudunderdawg, shorewall is a middle ground between iptables and firestarter, you might like it's flexibility.00:23
robdigmarginoferror: if its the only .rar file you have, then maybe something like rm `ls *.rar`        if  you have more .rar files, this will get them too00:24
underdawgapt-get install shorewall?00:24
TheZealotwhat is the best terminal program thats simple?00:24
underdawgokay, im trying it00:24
Jack_SparrowBB88: have you gone into config and set the encoder under config/encode/encoder00:24
ikoniaTheZealot: program for what00:24
gladeirJack_Sparrow ill go try them now ... brb (also have laptop to put together :P)00:24
SlartTheZealot: gnome-terminal?00:24
rsvampireanyone wanna help a competent Ubuntu user with a sound issue?00:24
nickrudunderdawg, it's not a gui program, I should have mentioned00:24
TheZealotikonia just a terminal...00:24
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk I don't use vista... but recovery partitions are extremely annoying and often screw with partitioning.. which is what happened with me. When i got my laptop I formatted the whole thing, all partitions, used the ubuntu cd to create 3 partitions, then installed windows in the first partition00:24
BB88Yes "lame" "/usr/bin/lame"00:25
ikoniaTheZealot: gnome-terminal, xterm,00:25
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:25
picard_pwns_kirkxenthro: should I just do that?00:25
underdawgnickrud: i suppose it has a man00:25
Jack_SparrowBB88: not what I meant... in grip....00:25
marginoferrorrobdig: Trust me, I've tried every permutation of that.  The problem is with the filesystem recognition of the file, not my entering the name into the shell00:25
nickrudunderdawg, it has a complete doc package, shorewall-doc00:25
BB88Jack_Sparrow: As in Config >> Encode >> Encoder ?00:25
TheZealotthanks ikonia00:25
rsvampireubotu: alright I have one of those 2 soundcard problems, but it's a little weirder than that00:25
marginoferrorrobdig: I would do rm -ri . if there weren't about 600 files in the directory00:25
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk that is what "I" would recommend, based on years of frustration with pre-installed crap00:25
Jack_SparrowBB88: yes00:26
marginoferrorAnd that might not work either00:26
Slartmarginoferror: tried running a diskcheck on the partition? sometimes weird filenames are due to disk errors00:26
underdawgshank you00:26
Jack_SparrowBB88: mp3encode00:26
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Then that would be a yes.00:26
BB88Jack_Sparrow: ?00:26
=== Ttech is now known as The_Mater
=== The_Mater is now known as The_Master
marginoferrorSlart: It's NTFS so I think it is a legal filename and file under Windows but not under Linux w/ ntfs-fuse00:26
* nickrud is batting about .280 recently, if he includes how complete his answers are ;(00:26
marginoferrorI suspect this is a bug in ntfs-fuse that I will have to report00:26
rsvampireubotu: I have my onboard sound disabled in the BIOS and Ubuntu is still detecting it. I've set my Sound Blaster card with asoundconf set-default-card Audigy2 already but the asound settings won't load until after you log in with GDM00:26
Slartmarginoferror: aha.. try ntfs-3g or whatever it's called00:26
=== The_Master is now known as The_Master__
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:27
Jack_SparrowBB88: mp3encode  or do you have it set to lame?00:27
m1k3How do you install RPM files00:27
BB88I have it set to lame.00:27
nickrudm1k3, with tongs00:27
cyranoHi. I have an issue with streamripper. I try to rip last.fm streams through last.fm proxy. The problem is that while last.fm proxy mirrors what my last.fm player plays, streamripper rips completely random songs off from last.fm. Songs that are not to be found in any of my channels. What am i doing wrong?00:27
Jack_Sparrow!rpm | m1k300:27
SonicChao!info tongs00:27
ubotum1k3: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:27
marginoferrorSlart: Okay, let me try and unmount and switch.00:27
ubotuPackage tongs does not exist in gutsy00:27
brad__I have a logitech quick chat cam and cannot get it to work can some one help me?00:28
nickrudm1k3, what is it you want to install, anyway?00:28
xenthropicard_pwns_kirk just make sure that windows goes on the first partition. It will not be bootable if it is past the 1024 cylinder boundary. linux can go anywhere00:28
Zylstra555HOLY SHOOTS OF BOLOGNA! 24MBPS Download speed00:28
m1k3That's weak00:28
m1k3I've seen 1.0 gbps00:28
SonicChaoZylstra555, uh, what? o.o00:28
diablos_ravenwhat would be a good user interface for python programming00:29
Zylstra555My ISP NEVER gets that fast00:29
Oloughlin75Does the ubuntu GUI install work with the GeForce Go 6100?00:29
bubuntuhello, i'd like to change the language only for one user... how can I do it? (gusty)00:29
m1k3My college's server is 1.0gbps00:29
Zylstra555The joys of Fiber Optics...00:29
SonicChaoZylstra555, lucky. My ISP only gets to 100kb/s00:29
Jack_SparrowBB88: Sorry I dont have a good answer other than try some of the other option for encoders00:29
m1k3Mine gets up to 100mbps00:29
xenthroOloughlin75 im running a laptop with the go 6150, I would say yes00:29
nickrudm1k3, it's in the repos, in various guises, I think vnc4server and vnc4viewer are what you are looking for00:29
Zylstra555you never know if its going to go at its max (100MBPS) or if its going to stay in the dull drums (13MBPS)00:29
BB88Jack_Sparrow: I just think it is my encoder-command line00:29
erUSUL!vnc | m1k300:29
ubotum1k3: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:29
m1k3But I want a GUI00:29
cyranoHi. I have an issue with streamripper. I try to rip last.fm streams through last.fm proxy. The problem is that while last.fm proxy mirrors what my last.fm player plays, streamripper rips completely random songs off from last.fm. Songs that are not to be found in any of my channels. What am i doing wrong? It seems like it doesnt access my account and my stations00:29
Zylstra555m1k3: Ah, but how fast is it on your client side end?00:29
SonicChaom1k3, wow. do you pay over 9000 dollars a month or something?00:30
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Can you paste yours here, as I deleted the default one ;)00:30
nickrudm1k3, sudo aptitude install <those packages> then00:30
Oloughlin75Thanks xenthro, I have seen a few posts saying they got a blnk screen.00:30
Jack_SparrowBB88: for lame under grip?  sure one sec00:30
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Yes please, thank you.00:30
ckin2001100mb is common in the EU :p00:30
BB88ckin2001: Not here in England.00:30
m1k3I tried apt-get'ing vnc00:30
m1k3And it's all command line00:30
Jack_SparrowBB88: -h -b %b %w %m00:30
erUSULckin2001: where exactly in the EU?00:30
m1k3I want a GUI00:30
Zylstra555I live in the Pacific Northwest...00:30
marginoferrorSlart: tried to unmount the disk but it was "busy" so I used -l, and now I can't mount it anymore because the device is busy and not clearing up.  I suspect ntfs-fuse is not quite ready for primetime00:31
cyranobut most EU countries got upload caps...00:31
rsvampireHey, I have a problem with Ubuntu detecting and using my onboard sound even though it's disabled in my BIOS and I've set my PCI soundcard to default with asoundconf set-default-card. Can anybody help me?00:31
marginoferrorSlart:  Gonna reboot, thanks for your help so far.00:31
nickrudm1k3, in synaptic, search for vnc4viewer00:31
cyranoand download caps... at 5 or 10 GB00:31
m1k3And by the way00:31
bubuntuanybody can give me an advice to changing language for one user in gusty?00:31
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Thank you. *fingers crossed*00:31
m1k3If someone is using vnc server00:31
cyranobut still... anyone that can help me out with streamripper?00:31
m1k3Will I beable to remote their desktop if it's windows xp?00:31
Alyxanderok guys anyone use ustream?00:31
SonicChaocyrano, My download cap is 200MB. DirecPC < Dialup x.x00:31
m1k3While I'm in linux00:31
Alyxanderor another kind of video streaming00:31
ckin2001m1k3, yes00:31
Jack_SparrowBB88: Sorry I cant be more help with it00:32
ikoniam1k3: there are rdp clients00:32
ikoniacyrano: that language is uncalled for and unwelcome00:32
ckin2001m1k3, easier to use rdesktop instead of vnc to windows xp00:32
cyranoaw. sorry. Very sorry00:32
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Same probl;em. Can you suggest any other MP3 Encoders in Grip?00:32
Zylstra555Fastest internet connection on earth belongs to  a 79 year old whos son works for Cisco. It runs at 40GBPS00:32
ikonia!offtopic >Zylstra55500:32
m1k3What is rdesktop's port?00:32
ckin2001m1k3, 3389? i think on windows thats what it runs on00:33
=== The_Master__ is now known as Ttech
SonicChaoZylstra555, can we talk in #ubuntu-offtopic?00:33
cyranobut still i need help with streamripper...00:33
Jack_SparrowBB88: I use ogg....00:33
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Oh :(00:33
gladeirJack_Sparrow - nope ... didnt work00:33
Jack_Sparrowgladeir: install still hanging up?00:34
rsvampireHey, I have a problem with Ubuntu detecting and using my onboard sound even though it's disabled in my BIOS and I've set my PCI soundcard to default with asoundconf set-default-card. Can anybody help me? I'm fairly competent with Ubuntu as well00:35
gladeirJack_Sparrow yep00:35
Jack_SparrowBB88: are you just trying to rip cd's and make your own custom disks?00:35
gladeirJack_Sparrow its not actually getting to the gui - gets to the stage where its probing hard drives / cdroms00:35
rbanffyHi folks. Is there any way to persuade network manager not to assign me a nameserver?00:35
Jack_Sparrowgladeir: and if you remove the scsi controller it goes through?00:36
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Just rip cd's at CBR 320 kb/s00:36
ikoniarbanffy: modify your dhclicent.conf file to not request name servers00:36
gladeirJack_Sparrow yep - the scsi controller is 100% healthy, so is the sata controller00:36
SonicChao!info gparted00:36
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Or Rip and Encode in Grip's sense.00:36
ubotugparted: GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.3-2ubuntu6.1 (gutsy), package size 334 kB, installed size 1908 kB00:36
rsvampireHey, I have a problem with Ubuntu detecting and using my onboard sound even though it's disabled in my BIOS and I've set my PCI soundcard to default with asoundconf set-default-card. Can anybody help me?00:36
rbanffyikonia: I already deleted the mention to "domain-name-servers," in the request line00:36
Jack_SparrowBB88: try ripping into oggs or flacs and burning one of those...00:37
gladeirJack_Sparrow - i have installed opensuse which worked fine. its a ubuntu based issue, but i dont know what the actual problem is.00:37
SonicChaorsvampire, Please only ask again every 5 minutes. The reason no one replied the first time is that [currently] no one knows the answer.00:37
Slartrbanffy: you can do stuff in the resolve.conf file too.. choose servers to use before using the ones dhcp suggests..00:37
Jack_Sparrowgladeir: Have you tried the alt cd.. I have had to use it on more than a few sytems as well00:37
ikoniarbanffy: and its still getting the name server info ?00:37
rsvampireSonicChao: ok thanks... I'll be more patient and wait then...00:37
gladeirJack_Sparrow - i'll give it a go00:37
StarcraftmazterAfter executing the command ->  sudo sh -c "echo bcm43xx >> /etc/modules"  <-- for a wireless card, my friend's keyboard is having problems, any help?00:38
BB88Jack_Sparrow: What do you mean burn them? I just want to extract audio files to my computer for playing without the cd.00:38
rbanffySlart: But then every time I switch networks it overwrites my resolv.conf file00:38
rbanffyikonia: Apparently yes00:38
svladcjellirbanffy: manual configuration in nm?00:38
Hucksorry for my ignorance, but what software would I use to create a remote session? ie: without logging into gnome, there's an option for an x session through another host??00:38
ikoniarbanffy: your server maybe forcing it, is it a stand alone machine or part of a cetral system ldap/nis+ etc00:38
Jack_SparrowBB88: just ripping isnt working?  I use sound juicer....00:38
erUSUL!vnc | Huck00:38
ubotuHuck: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:38
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Sound Juicer is very uncustomizable ;)00:39
rbanffyikonia: notebook with a D-Link router.00:39
Slartrbanffy: I'm not sure it has to do that.. but perhaps it's easier to make the dhcp server not send any dns servers00:39
cyranook... so noone heres got experience with streamripper?00:39
ikoniarbanffy: one moment00:39
SonicChao!soundjuicer > SonicChao00:39
BB88Jack_Sparrow: I have to have my music go /Artist/Year - Album/Artist - Album - ## - Title ;)00:39
cyranoor how to rip your station from last.fm?00:39
rbanffySlart: The D-Link software is not very helpful00:39
ckin2001rbanffy, chmod the resolv.conf to not be writable?00:39
HuckerUSUL: thanks, I've used that... but I have NXserver loaded now, but I remember a while back being able to choose the session at login and change it so I would login to a remote host/server. I can't find it now... this was a while ago.00:39
Slartrbanffy: D-Link software rarely is =)00:39
svladcjelliHuck: http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=8&url=http%3A%2F%2Fen.tldp.org%2FHOWTO%2FXDMCP-HOWTO%2F&ei=tdBhR_WWAYGMgwKEyLHNDw&usg=AFQjCNEgxMST46-245Qj4d6r4aYgf9GhhQ&sig2=t4_TmnNcIwvOD1ZYrqa4jA00:39
rbanffyckin2001: "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 93 2007-12-13 21:15 /etc/resolv.conf"00:40
Hucksvladcjelli: I think that's it!! Thank you!!00:40
Jack_SparrowBB88: the output format from sound J wont do that..  agreed00:40
* Slart is off to bed.. gnight00:40
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Agreed.00:41
rsvampire_Hey, I have a problem with Ubuntu detecting and using my onboard sound even though it's disabled in my BIOS and I've set my PCI soundcard to default with asoundconf set-default-card. Can anybody help me?00:41
gumpish_blarg... I had an ATI card, I bought a new nVidia card and of course X fails. I tried dpkg-reconfigure, that failed. I tried envy, that failed... what now?00:42
Huckrsvampire_: have you tried this? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=comprehensive+sound00:42
svladcjelligumpish_: choosing nv driver in dpkg-reconfigure?00:42
gumpish_svladcjelli: yep00:43
rsvampire_Huck: yes, I have... and Ubuntu still likes to detect my onboard sound first. Reinstalling the ALSA drivers does nothing for me00:43
RoDoXfolks, does anyone here know where to get onboard intel drivers or some video-driver-manager software for intel GMA 910/915? cuz i want to dl the latest  version and i already tried the envy software, but it seems to work only for nvidia/ati drivers package. can anyone help me with this?00:43
jqubuntuHow can I do a network install from my ubuntu computer to install windows onto my other computer?00:43
svladcjellijqubuntu: i would like to know as well00:44
instaRoDoX: are you having trouble with your drivers?00:45
Dassoukihey guys, how's everyone doing ? I'm trying to install ubuntu 7.10 64bit addition on my new dell precision 690, I've installed ubuntu many many times on 32bit systems. however i have been trying to install it on my dell for hte last few weeks, and it's not working ! the error message i got at 73% is errno5 input/output error00:45
jqubuntusvladcjelli: yeah i broke my other computers partitions and all my cd's are scratched so i need to network install i guess00:45
turbotorbenhow do i set language and lc_all?00:45
instai realize this is a dumb question, but do the AMD64 builds of gutsy work on 64-bit intel chips?   (Celeron D, Prescott core)00:46
svladcjellijqubuntu: i have a feeling this is not possible00:46
ckin2001jqubuntu, its possible, but not worth it to only do it once00:46
BB88Anybody use 'Grip' to Rip and Encoder .mp3 files?00:47
erUSULinsta: yes00:47
YouNewNickcool plugin -> http://conankov.myminicity.com/00:47
RoDoXi wish i could try the compiz-fusion manager but some programs doesnt show up very well and i'm experiencing terrible appearance since i tied to edit the xorg.conf file...00:47
SonicChaoYouNewNick, Please don't advertise here.00:47
Starcraftmazterhe left00:47
jqubuntuckin2001: well it's the only way i can install. all my disks are messed up and i ran out of blank cd's00:47
jqubuntuckin2001: and i have no os and want windows on it00:47
instaerUSUL: no surprises or anything?  just pop in the CD and go?00:47
ckin2001jqubuntu, i'm talking multiple hours of setup00:48
SonicChaoStarcraftmazter, sorry, I have a 2 second+ lag here00:48
Dassoukii'm having troubles isntalling 7.10 on a 64bit dell. errno5 input/output error, any ideas?00:48
StarcraftmazterI see00:48
jqubuntuckin2001: thats fine it's a storm outside and my car can't drive anywhere, i have nothing to do00:48
RoDoXeither intel or other other companies dont release video drivers for us, linuxusers....i ask myself why >/00:49
erUSULinsta: yes; they are the same arquitecture like pentium 32 is the same as athlon 3200:49
=== |GuS| is now known as [Gus]
erUSULRoDoX: well intel does release open source drivers for most of their hardware...00:49
RoDoXcustomizable and for PPL who know how-to do it00:50
RoDoXunfortunately this is not my case00:50
bcnlhi there, I just hooked up a external usb drive to a ubuntu 6.10LTS server and it didn't auto-mount00:50
=== [Gus] is now known as [GuS]
bcnlI got the following message in dmesg00:50
bcnl[12775811.048000] usb 6-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 200:50
bcnlwhat device would that be?00:50
ikoniabcnl: look a few lines down/above it00:51
bcnlikonia: that's all there is00:51
ikoniabcnl: please look in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog00:51
Syco54645hello, i just got around to installing gutsy and have compiz running.  how can i change the effects?00:52
bcnlikonia: I've looked there00:52
BB88Jack_Sparrow: I figured out the problem ;)00:52
ikoniabcnl: unplug it and re-plug it in00:52
bcnlikonia: k, brb00:52
Dassoukii'm having troubles isntalling 7.10 on a 64bit dell. errno5 input/output error, any ideas?00:52
VolVEhey all, random question, I've installed 7.10 (Desktop) and it's working bar 2 issues: my screen resolutions keep getting foobar'd, and I'm not sure how to -post install- add the RAID mdadm packages so I can add some other disks. Any thoughts? :)00:52
esp177syco: i think you can install compiz controlpanel00:53
svladcjelliDassouki: where are you seeing this?00:53
bcnlikonia: no change00:53
bcnl[12775811.048000] usb 6-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 200:53
bcnl[12780803.067000] usb 6-2: USB disconnect, address 200:53
bcnl[12780812.482000] usb 6-2: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 300:53
Dassoukisvladcjelli, at 73% installation from the live cd00:53
MacTheMadnewbie problem here... I just finished installing the gnome gui... what is the command to start it?00:53
RoDoXif you check this link out: http://softwareblogs.intel.com/2007/04/02/video-why-intel-915-graphics-dont-have-a-wddm-driver-for-vista/  , you'll see that they're a little busy trying to calm down intel-onboard video-based nobos, who are pissed off because they cant run the windows aero on their iGMA 910/915 chipset....00:53
svladcjellibcnl: try a dif plug00:53
bcnlsvladcjelli: I'll try the onboard usb1.1 plug00:53
svladcjelliDassouki: it seems to be a disk error... hard to tell00:54
underdawghow do i clear iptables of all rules00:54
* bcnl puts down the wine and walks across the office00:54
esp177macthemad: startx?00:54
svladcjellisometimes disks want to be on root usb hub00:54
underdawgand make it start from scratch like ubuntu has it00:54
Dassoukisvladcjelli, it's a SCSI , i'm not familliar with SCSi's as this is my first time owning one. I'm not a linux newb, but i'm a scsi newb, any ideas ?00:54
svladcjelliDassouki: use terminal to look at dmesg and logs for more info?00:54
bcnl[12780916.681000] usb 1-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 300:54
bcnl[12780916.764000] usb 1-1: not running at top speed; connect to a high speed hub00:55
ikoniabcnl: is this a new device ??00:55
bcnlikonia: yes00:55
svladcjelliare you waiting a bit?00:55
bcnlplugging into a headless server00:55
bcnlsvladcjelli: yes00:55
svladcjelliit takes some time to get going00:55
ikoniabcnl: does it have a partition on yet ?00:55
brad__ubuntu dell and scsi do not play well together, I tried for two weeks and read tons begged for help and got none! NO LUCK00:55
bcnlikonia: yea fat32 or ntfs00:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lineread - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:56
ikoniabcnl: thats very odd then00:56
bcnlthat's what I thought00:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about readline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:56
bcnlworks fine on several dell laptops running xp00:56
bcnlno drivers installed00:56
underdawghow do you restart iptables back to original spec (like it is aftrer install?)00:56
Dassoukisvladcjelli, squash fs error , sb bread and zlib00:56
svladcjellilooks like an aborted install to me00:57
bcnla employee was about to transfer 110GB of photoshop pics from the drive, over wifi, to the smb mount00:57
svladcjellitry again00:57
bcnlI'd rather do it direct00:57
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:57
bcnlsvladcjelli: I've done it at least 6 times00:57
bcnlis there no way I can determine the device node/number from the dmesg output?00:57
ikoniabcnl: is udevd running?00:57
Dassoukisvladcjelli, ya it aborted it wiht that error "errno5 input/output" but i tried different versions, and even ani386 cd, i even burnt the cd at smaller and faster speeds.. no dice00:57
warriorforgodI am having problems installing the nvidia beta driver.  The installer-log file is located at http://rafb.net/p/rcZ6eh88.htm  Any suggestions?00:57
svladcjellibncl: was talking to Dassouki sorry00:57
bcnlikonia: no00:58
bcnlsvladcjelli: np, sorry00:58
svladcjelliDassouki: seems your hard drive has error00:58
bcnlbcnl: /etc/init.d/udev start00:58
ikoniabcnl: thats the problem00:58
bcnlI'll put it back in the high speed port00:58
buck1hey guys, my taskbar just crashed, how do I recover it?00:58
Dassoukisvladcjelli,  could it possible be, i just got hte computer by mail yesterday00:58
ikoniabcnl: udevd isn't running, thats the problem00:58
ikoniabcnl: your not getting a plugin event00:59
svladcjelliDassouki: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=391486800:59
svladcjelliDassouki: you need to manually partition it seems00:59
svladcjellior cd is bad00:59
jqubuntuIf I have the original ubuntu cd and a copy that won't boot, if I put the one that can boot in and then switch to the one that wouldn't boot will it install from that?01:00
bcnlikonia: /etc/init.d/udev start didn't start udev01:00
Dassoukisvladcjelli, thanks i'll try that ... well i copied about 6 cds ..from 4x to 24x01:00
mikefooI am runnin ubuntu desktop, and I want to install a few daemons, but id like to install from the gui, is there a package I shoul download for this?  or should I just apt-get everything?01:00
bcnlroot@bloom:/var/log# ps auxww | grep udev01:00
bcnlroot     18120  0.0  0.0   2880   804 pts/1    S+   17:46   0:00 grep udev01:00
=== Redirect is now known as Sisco_
ikoniabcnl: thats the problem, walk through the init script to see why udev won't start01:01
svladcjelliyou may want to reboot ;)01:01
josiahw_does it make any difference when encoding a divx from dvd to do a second pass through?01:01
bcnlikonia: is it ok to just run udevd from the commandline?01:01
josiahw_or even a first01:01
svladcjellii have said that a few times today sorry01:01
ikoniabcnl: yes01:01
bcnlk brb01:02
WingUh. Wasn't there a zsnes gutsy package a few weeks ago?01:02
kbrooksjqubuntu, if you can (please be patient), do not switch the cd when you see the "ubuntu" splash screen with the progress bar. switch the cd when you see "ubuntu" after the computer reads from the cd01:02
WingI swear I installed it on a friend's system.01:02
esp177josiahw: secound pass makes the video better, but it tqakes longer....01:02
erUSUL!info zsnes01:02
ubotuzsnes: Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-1 (gutsy), package size 878 kB, installed size 4060 kB (Only available for i386)01:02
erUSULWing: there is01:02
WingOh yeah.01:02
josiahw_esp177: what does it do? why does it make the video better?01:02
jqubuntukbrooks: like when you see the screen where you choose what you want it to do?01:02
Shpoo1I'm not used to the switch to Ubuntu from Windows yet...I haven't had to reformat in almost 6 months.01:02
bcnlikonia: thank you01:02
WingI forgot I was 64bit.01:03
kbrooksjqubuntu, yes01:03
josiahw_esp177: its taking like 2 hours each dvd01:03
bcnlnow I need to see why udevd is not running from init01:03
jqubuntukbrooks: ok cool thanks01:03
ikoniabcnl: no problem....remember me at christmas01:03
bcnlbut this thing rarely gets touched01:03
bcnlikonia: are you in Canada?01:03
warriorforgodI am having problems installing the nvidia beta driver.  The installer-log file is located at http://rafb.net/p/rcZ6eh88.htm  Any suggestions?01:03
kbrooksjqubuntu, might want to press a key01:03
ikoniabcnl: I'll put money due to a hal issue or dbus error01:03
kbrooksjqubuntu, when you see that screen01:03
ikoniabcnl: no, uk01:03
svladcjelliwarriorforgod: Not Found01:03
kbrooksjqubuntu, so that the timeout does not kick in01:03
esp177josiahw: it colects statistical information for the actial encoding, it dont take 2x the time of 1 pass01:03
bcnlikonia: do you like hydroponics?01:03
jqubuntukbrooks: ok will do01:03
bcnlplus, I get to London twice a year :>01:04
mikefooI am runnin ubuntu desktop, and I want to install a few daemons, but id like to install from the gui, is there a package I shoul download for this?  or should I just apt-get everything?01:04
ikoniabcnl: no thanks01:04
bcnlI'll buy you a pint01:04
ikoniabcnl: thank you01:04
josiahw_esp177: ok thank you01:04
svladcjellimikefoo: what do u want to do01:04
ikoniamikefoo: synamptic01:04
ikoniamikefoo: synaptic01:04
bcnlusually stay in islington01:04
jason_ubuntuislomikefoo, i use apt-get but some users like synaptic gui What dameons are you installing?01:04
bcnlshoot me a email w/contact info to mike@bcnorthernlights.com01:04
ikoniamikefoo: system --> administration --> synaptic package manager01:04
ikoniabcnl: thank you01:04
bcnlI'll make sure I email you before I arrive again01:04
mikefooikonia: install LAMP, ftp server, etc..01:04
kbrooksbcnl, please continue your talk in #ubuntu-offtopic01:04
bcnlkbrooks: sry01:04
ikoniamikefoo: thats fine, use synaptic and you'll be fine01:05
mikefoook cool, thanks01:05
bucky100hey guys, my taskbar crashed, how can I recover it?01:05
jason_ubuntuislomikefoo, i also would recommend a quick Xampp program01:05
svladcjellimikefoo: tasksel in the terminal may be something to look at as well01:05
josiahw_warriorforgod: You should run the Envy script: http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html01:05
mikefoowhat is this, hah01:05
josiahw_warriorforgod: does everything for you :)01:05
jason_ubuntuislomikefoo, while xampp is not part of ubuntu its nice if you want ftp mysql and apache and php and more all setup in one01:05
tonguerooon a filesystem, how many files can you go up to before performance takes a substantial hit?01:05
ikoniamikefoo: just use synaptic i the desktop01:05
apocnI want to connect to an L2TP/IPSec VPN server and I havent found no documentation on how to do it, any help?01:06
tongueroonot sure what the filesystem is.. its gentoo instasll01:06
warriorforgodjosiahw_: Tried that and it failed as well.01:06
ikoniatongueroo: lots of variables that can effect it01:06
ikoniatongueroo: this is ubuntu support not gentoo support01:06
josiahw_warriorforgod: oh... well no other suggestions from me then.. sorry man01:06
jimmiousguys i'm stuck at 800x60001:06
tonguerooopps, wrong room :)01:06
warriorforgodhttp://rafb.net/p/rcZ6eh88.html is the link to the installer.log01:06
jason_ubuntuisloapocn, what client do you use on windows? because i use vpnc on ubuntu01:06
jimmiousmy card won't show up and my monitor as well01:06
kbrooks!es | ramirez01:06
uboturamirez: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.01:06
ramirezalguien habla español01:06
jimmiousI have ATI Radeon X1900XT01:06
ikonia!es >ramirez01:06
Shpoo1Okay,  I'm editing HTML, CSS, and JS files in bluefish, and would like to save directly to a FTP folder. I've achieved this, but now when I save the file, it changes the permissions on the host to 660, when they have to be 755. The host claims that all files uploaded via FTP are set to 755. Is this something that can be remedied through Ubuntu, or does it sound like a problem with my web host?01:07
Sweet-Pwhat file would I edit to change my ubuntu system from gnome to xfce if I can't be at the console?01:07
underdawghow do you restart iptables back to original spec (like it is aftrer install?)01:07
warriorforgodsvladcjelli: Here is the log file http://rafb.net/p/rcZ6eh88.html01:07
underdawgi kepe getting a connection refused on my ssh attempts01:07
ikoniaShpoo1: your webhost needs to set the umask on the ftp server01:07
ikoniaunderdawg: is sshd running on the server ?01:07
ikoniaunderdawg: iptables -FX01:08
kbrooksShpoo1, tell the webhost to set the umask to 02201:08
jason_ubuntuisloShpool hmm do you have ssh access to your host? you can possibly change the config in your ftp server if so01:08
soldatsSweet-P, gotta downsload xfce01:08
jason_ubuntuislounderdawg: are you asking for the default config files?01:08
Shpoo1ikonia, well, I don't see that happening...they're not very helpful with anything. Looks like it'll be back to the upload page until I can switch. I'll try and talk to them, but I'm sure this is gonna be the straw that broke the horses back.01:09
jason_ubuntuisloShpool whos the host company01:09
bucky100how do you recover the taskbar after it crashes?01:10
apocn_Hello, I want to connect to a L2TP/IPSec VPN server, does anyone know how to do it? or maybe to point me some vpn client?01:10
jason_ubuntuisloShpool never heard of them? is it possible you can just change the settings through a control panel on thier site?01:11
ckin2001apocn_, the plugins for network manager work very well for all the vpns i need to connect to01:11
boohWhen I insert CD or DVD a window open asking me if I want to burn... but when I insert DVD+R DL, nothing open and I can't burn, I have an error: There was an error writing to the disc:  Unhandled error, aborting (I'm on gutsy AMD 64bits)01:11
=== gladeir is now known as gladier
apocn_ckin2001: did you have to install something additionally?01:12
Sweet_Pgot disconnected01:12
apocn_im using ubuntu 7.1001:12
Shpoo1jason: I've been looking, but the only FTP setting I can change is my password. the CP is horrible, and they don't allow for customization of much. I can't even find where to change file permissions.01:12
jason_ubuntuislocan i post a link ?01:12
Sweet_Pis there a way to switch sessions from gnome to xfce from CLI?01:12
jason_ubuntuisloapocn_, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-configure-ubuntu-fedora-linux-pptp-client.html for the vpn connection try this?01:12
ckin2001apocn_, yes, there were plugins i installed.  check network manager packages in synaptic01:12
apocn_ckin2001: ok, thanks01:13
apocn_jason_ubuntuislo: thanks01:13
fourier__hi everyone i had an ssh question:can i overide  openssh host authentication ?(i have already read the manual page and googled quite a bit...)01:13
jason_ubuntuisloapocn_ your welcome01:13
ivanis spamassassin the prefered solution for multiuser filtering?01:14
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, do you mean use ssh without passwords? yes if so01:14
jason_ubuntuisloivan, it uses heavy cpu01:14
Shpoo1bucky100: hit Alt-F2, and type in "gnome-panel"01:14
jason_ubuntuisloivan, i use google enterprise for mail and they filter all spam and its free? how can one go wrong01:14
ivanjason_ubuntuislo: i've got 4, so cpu isn't a prob, but false positives are01:14
hdevalenceI'm writing a letter to my MP. what's a good description of opensource/freesoftware that's persuasive but not technical?01:14
ivani can't outsource to google01:14
TheZealothow do I switch between channels in weechat?01:15
fourier__now i mean avoid this:"The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.01:15
fourier__RSA key fingerprint is c6:4f:6c:99:be:7d:37:41:bb:e0:c1:ae:ac:4d:99:11.01:15
fourier__Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? "01:15
ivanstop generating new ssh server keys?01:15
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, use pastebin.org to post or u flood the channel01:15
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, that only comes up once though01:15
ckin2001fourier__, you add the key to your known keys in the .ssh directory in your /home01:15
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, the ssh client adds to known hosts file under .ssh under your home directory01:16
lockdhdevalence: low cost?01:16
SonicChao!pastebin > fourier__01:16
fourier__i wanted to create a live cd that will create an mpi farm in a lan automatically there fore i wont know the host keys when i compile the cd01:17
hdevalencelockd: the letter isn't really about f/oss, but there's a part where I want to say "A person who wanted to use a movie player whose source code was freely available (for why someone would want to do this, try reading this website ...)01:17
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, wow thats beyond what i was thinking you were doing?01:17
svladcjellifourier__: http://www.securityfocus.com/infocus/180601:17
svladcjellitells you how to disable strict checking etc01:18
hdevalenceit's about drm circumvention01:18
jason_ubuntuislosvladcjelli, nice01:18
svladcjellibut that renders ssh basically insecure01:18
boohWhen I insert CD or DVD a window open asking me if I want to burn... but when I insert DVD+R DL, nothing open and I can't burn, I have an error: There was an error writing to the disc:  Unhandled error, aborting (I'm on gutsy AMD 64bits)01:18
fourier__i know butt its suposed to work on live cds in safe lans..01:18
svladcjellior alot less secure.. just understand what you are doing if it is a public machine01:19
TheZealotAnyone know how I can switch between open channels in WeeChat?01:19
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, what is a mpi farm?01:19
xzasedHiya boys. Anyone knows how to adjust the brightness on a laptop? Im using xubuntu01:19
JordiGHI think I've asked before, but I've forgotten. Is there a way to have a Windows user easily (easily relative to most of Windows) and securely encrypt some files and send them to me in such a way that I can decrypt them with the software available in Ubuntu?01:19
JordiGHAssume that we have a perfectly secure medium to exchange a small amount of information (e.g. a password)01:19
svladcjelliJordiGH: look into gpg01:19
jason_ubuntuisloxzased, cant you use the buttons on the keyboard? or are you on battery power?01:19
fourier__i might soun catshy but its the most common way off parellel computing....01:19
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, cool01:19
hdevalencexzased: try looking in the power manager. should be a little power icon down somewhere01:19
lockdhdevalence: well, DVD for instance must use DRM circumvention on Linux (and probably others), or you simply can't play it01:19
SonicChao!info weechat01:20
ubotuweechat: Fast, light and extensible IRC client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-1 (gutsy), package size 18 kB, installed size 68 kB01:20
Dassoukisvladcjelli, gparted crashes, when i finish the hard drivecheck/repaior01:20
Jack_SparrowJordiGH: encrypt or just password?01:20
hdevalencelockd: That's what it's about.01:20
xzasedOk, let me try both suggestions. Thanks :)01:20
SonicChaoTheZealot, Weechat?01:20
jason_ubuntuisloxzased, i know on my laptop i have an FN key which ubuntu doesnt play well it could be the same What is your laptop model?01:20
TheZealot!info weechat01:20
hdevalencethe gov.t is about to be evil01:20
svladcjelliDassouki: check/repair?01:20
lockdhdevalence: lawsuit?01:20
simplechatJordiGH, that is not secure. nowhere near secure. You can do it with scp and gpg.01:20
jason_ubuntuislohdevalence, what is gov.t01:20
simplechatbut it isn't what you want to do01:20
svladcjelliDassouki: I would use fdisk be4hand and then just choose the right partitions in installer01:20
svladcjellifor encryption of files, gpg, for email, enigmail01:21
svladcjelliand everyone should use it as much as possible01:21
jason_ubuntuisloDassouki, I use gpart live cd01:21
hdevalenceCanada's getting a new copyright law. AKA conservative government sells out to **AA01:21
xzasedits a toshiba a10501:21
fourier__i might be using the terms wrong... what i meant is a live cd tha will provide mpi  capabilities for all  pcs booted in the same cd in a particular lan....01:21
xzasedwith the fn key01:21
hdevalenceso I'm writing a letter01:21
fourier__if it works well i ll post something...01:22
IndyGunFreakDassouki: i'd secoind usi9ng the gparted Lifve CD.. I've had nohting but probs out of Gparted and Gutsy(although I have gotten QTparted to work)01:22
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, cool thanks01:22
hdevalenceand I'm talking about legitamate uses for DRM-circumvention01:22
ari_stressmorning all01:22
JordiGHJack_Sparrow, simplechat, svladcjelli: Is there a simple interface for gpg from Windows I can use? And oh, the exchange of actual information will happen over sneakernet, because it's too large to fit over internet.01:22
hdevalenceso f-oss is kinda tangential.01:22
Dassoukijason_ubuntuislo, yaa . svladcjelli, ya i will try that i was tryign to take the easy way out IndyGunFreak  i'll try that right now actually, that soudns great ...01:22
lockdhdevalence: US has been compared to police of the world; it stems from this place01:22
fourier__i thank you people...01:22
jason_ubuntuisloDassouki, yes your welcome01:22
jason_ubuntuislofourier__, your welcome01:22
hdevalencelockd: I know...01:23
simplechatJordiGH, gpg4win ?01:23
jason_ubuntuislolockd, US is getting riduculous01:23
DG19075I've just used the Ubuntu i386 DVD.iso here with no probs01:23
RyukiI have a question01:23
SonicChaohdevalence, there are illegitimate uses? ;D01:23
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki what is it?01:23
IndyGunFreak!ask | Ryuki01:23
ubotuRyuki: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:23
kitcheRyuki: well we have no anwser unless of course you ask your question01:23
* IndyGunFreak reads Ryuki 's mind..01:24
hdevalenceso i don't want to go into way detail about why f/oss is good, but i don't want them to be 'why use vlc when you could use wmp? it's free after all...'01:24
JordiGHsimplechat: One thing I don't understand. gpg4win seems to be for encryping emails. Can I easily encrypt and decrypt individual files? Like I said, the actual exchange will be over sneakernet.01:24
Ryukiok. I had a problem, I know this is not related to Ubuntu, but I used Damn Small Linux and I have a unmountable drive, how do I fix it? I have Ubuntu Live CDs.01:24
jimmioushow can I make my x1900xt card work well in ubuntu? currently im using vesa drivers and have only 800x600 resolution01:24
lockdhdevalence: chances are this letter will not be read at all01:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about readline - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:24
xzasedhmm .where is the power management?01:24
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki cant you use mount command01:25
hdevalencelockd: actually, it's a letter to my MP, so i think there's a good chance01:25
Ryukitried that.01:25
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, what are you needing for readline?01:25
SonicChaoIndyGunFreak, error: /ryuki/mind not found01:25
Ryukiwhat is the default name for a harddrive?01:25
hdevalencelockd: if it were a letter to the prime minister , yeah01:25
sunogbagaRyuki: fdisk -l01:25
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki yes use fdisk -l01:26
RyukiI can try.01:26
RyukiI forgot to tell you.01:26
jason_ubuntuisloxLE one sec01:26
Ryukiit won't let me boot in Linux01:26
Ryukiwhat should I do?01:26
simplechatJordiGH, i haven't touched windows in years, so thats just something i remembered using. you could try pgp possibly, if your just doing an encrypted data store.01:26
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki thats many possibilites for that?01:26
sunogbagaRyuki: youre sure you don't have a bad harddrive?01:26
RyukiIt's old and it failed lol01:27
Ryukibut It still works01:27
RyukiI installed it01:27
Ryukiand it works01:27
SonicChaoRyuki, #damnsmalllinux01:27
Ryukibut I knew I need a new harddrive because it had bad sectors.01:27
PiciRyuki: Are you running DSL right now?01:27
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, try searching for libreadline*01:28
jason_ubuntuislosudo aptitude search libread*01:28
xLEi have installed that package.01:28
xLEhow do I remove a package?01:28
RyukiI am using the other computer that have Windows XP home Edition, it sucked.01:28
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, sudo apt-get remove01:28
JordiGHsimplechat: gpg can interact with gpg, right?01:28
JordiGHEr, with pgp, right?01:28
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, then specify the name of the package01:28
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, does that help?01:29
RyukiBut I tried Ubuntu and loved it.01:29
Ryukibut I need a better computer for it.01:29
PiciRyuki: I'm trying to say that this is the Ubuntu support channel and we can't help you with DSL.01:29
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki, are you trying better resources try xubuntu01:29
RyukiI know.01:29
Neodudemanhullo ubuntu; I have a question: is there anyway I can access the network manager or the GDM manager from a terminal? I just recently got fluxbox, and now can't get back to gnome because the GDM theme i got doesn't have a session changer, for some reason.01:29
xzasedFound the answer for brightness: xgamma -gamma x.x01:29
vthereeanyone able to answer a quick question01:29
simplechatJordiGH, i don't know, google? what exactly do you need to do. are you encrypting for transit? or what?01:29
xLEi'll remove a 64bit package, and install a different one and try that.01:29
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, try NetworkManager01:29
qwazcan multiple cron jobs be scheduled for the exact same time?01:30
micahneed to get flash player installed01:30
RyukiBut how do I burn Xubuntu in correct way?01:30
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, that will start the network manager program01:30
kitcheNeodudeman: it probably uses xdm just sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm01:30
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, good luck01:30
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki, what do you mean? burn a specific way???01:30
RyukiI burned Xubuntu in all different speed01:30
Ryukiit won't work01:31
RyukiI think I did something wrong.01:31
Neodudeman@jason_ubuntuislo: doh. I didn't capitalize the N or M when i tried that command before. lol thanks01:31
qwazcan multiple cron jobs be scheduled for the exact same time?01:31
micahanyone i need a way to install flash player 901:31
mneptokqwaz: yes01:31
kitcheqwaz: yes01:31
mikefooqwaz: sure01:31
qwazmneptok, thank you01:31
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki really interesting ive never run into that problem? is it possible you can try it on a windows box01:31
sunogbagaqwaz: sure01:31
qwazet al01:31
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, your welcome01:31
kitchemikefoo: you can install it by hand from adobe's website for now01:31
mikefookitche: ?01:31
mneptokmicah: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree01:31
micahi dont know how im a noob01:32
kantlivelonghey all01:32
kantlivelonghow do i get lspci?01:32
JordiGHsimplechat: Okay, in brief, my girlfriend is mailing in a dvd some sensitive files that customs officials have no business poking into. :-)01:32
mneptokkantlivelong: you type "lspci"01:32
sunogbagamneptok: is that package fixed?01:32
JordiGHsimplechat: And she's very ungeeky.01:32
micahtried that im running the 64 bit fiesty01:32
kitchekantlivelong: should have it already01:32
mneptoksunogbaga: "fixed?"01:32
mikefoomneptok: doing that only didn't get mine working I have to download from adobe also!01:32
kantlivelongdoes it work on normal useR01:32
kitchemneptok: yeah read the topic :)01:32
jason_ubuntuislokandinski, it comes with ubuntu01:32
jason_ubuntuislokandinski, but try sudo before running command01:32
simplechatJordiGH, how big, roughtly?01:33
sunogbagamneptok: last time i checked this package is broken,, flashplugin-nonfree i mean01:33
JordiGHsimplechat: several gigs of homemade pr0n.01:33
mneptokugh ... what MOTU broke it. grrrr01:33
mikefoosunogbaga: it is01:33
jason_ubuntuislomicah, ive gotten rid of 64bit its not faster its much slower on my laptop and too many issues for programs for me01:33
kitchemneptok: adobe broke it :) they changed the tar package01:33
sunogbagamikefoo: thnx01:33
mneptokmicah: there is no Flash 9 for x86-6401:33
Ryuki<jason_ubuntuislo> Ryuki really interesting ive never run into that problem? is it possible you can try it on a windows box <-- what wwindows box?01:34
micahcan i run the 32 bit version on my comp01:34
simplechatJordiGH, ah. nice. uh, use winrar to make one large archive and use its inbuilt password protection with a large strong password01:34
Ryukiyou mean here?01:34
kantlivelonglspci isnt working01:34
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki lol well i assumed you had access?01:34
kitche!flash64 | micah this should tell you01:34
ubotumicah this should tell you: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava01:34
jason_ubuntuislomicah, sure you can01:34
simplechat(well, make one archive, then make a passworded archive of that archive.)01:34
JordiGHsimplechat: And can I unrar with Ubuntu's free unrar?01:34
kitchemicah: should even tell you how to install it from adobe site as well if you wanted01:34
Ryukiyou say windows box01:34
Ryukiwhich one?01:34
matthew4hi, i01:34
simplechatJordiGH, winzip's pswd protection is broken, winrars is still strong, iirc.01:34
simplechatJordiGH, yeah01:34
simplechatJordiGH, just give us a torrent? :)01:34
micahok brb01:35
JordiGHsimplechat: You wish. That's why I want encryption in the first place. ;-)01:35
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki no i meant your box to burn it at home? how are you burning it with what program01:35
matthew4how do you create a ssh alias?  so that instead of typing ssh user@host  everytime i can just type ssh desktop01:35
simplechatJordiGH, lol, kk :)01:35
RyukiI tried Nero, MagiccISO01:35
Ryukiall burning programs01:35
Ryukithey don't do what I want.01:35
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, you can set in /etc/hosts01:35
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki, arent they windows programs?01:36
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo:  on which computer?01:36
mneptokRyuki: did you md5sum the .iso you downloaded?01:36
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki, on windows i used imageburn01:36
Jack_SparrowRyuki: isorecorder  freeware for windows01:36
RyukiUmm.. no?01:36
mneptokmatthew4: use a shell alias01:36
RyukiBut I will when I build my own new computer01:36
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki yes imageburn checks and verifies after burn but so does nero too01:36
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, yours01:37
JordiGHsimplechat: Kay, thanks for the idea.01:37
kitchemneptok: will ssh support alias or do you mean just alias ssh user@host so he just has to type desktop?01:37
RyukiNow I have to find a good ISO01:37
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, you use like this    command             sudo gedit /etc/hosts01:37
LimCorewhich FS rulez for flash?01:37
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki did you use bittorrent01:37
mneptokkitche: alias desktop='ssh user@host'01:37
Jack_Sparrowjason_ubuntuislo: gksudo for gui apps// please01:37
Ryukiutorrent is best01:37
jason_ubuntuisloRyuki i had issue on that when downloading i got bad burned iso's too01:38
Jack_Sparrowjason_ubuntuislo: sudo for apps like gedit will come back to bite you01:38
etfbRyuki: did you get uTorrent working in Ubuntu?01:38
kitchemneptok: yeah I was thinking of that to but alas I don't know bash that much :)01:38
Ryukithe garbe code thingy on your screen?01:38
* Ryuki shrugs01:38
jason_ubuntuisloJack_Sparrow, i figured he would like it easier then vim01:38
mneptokkitche: neither do i. i use zsh. it's 2007, after all. ;)01:38
RyukiI need xubuntu ISO01:38
jason_ubuntuisloJack_Sparrow, ohh you mean for permissions yes01:38
* nickrud sniffs at youth01:38
micahdidnt work01:38
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, use gksudo gedit /etc/hosts and add your host there01:39
micahkept going right back to desktop01:39
warriorforgodI am having trouble installing the nvidia beta driver.  Log file is located at http://rafb.net/p/rcZ6eh88.html  Any help is appreciated.01:39
Jack_Sparrowjason_ubuntuislo:    <jason_ubuntuislo> matthew4, you use like this    command             sudo gedit /etc/hosts is a bad suggestion01:39
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: sudo cannot be used mith GUI appsd01:39
matthew4how do you use /etc/hosts ?  i can'01:39
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, yes my bad01:39
mneptokmatthew4: use a shell alias01:39
matthew4i can't find any examples that uses the @ symbol01:39
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, i use vi01:39
mneptokmatthew4: do NOT ediut /etc/hosts01:39
matthew4mneptok:  don't want to do it that way01:39
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, we use /etc/hosts for at work then you can add many hosts names01:40
mneptokmatthew4: editing /etc/hosts is not the best approach01:40
hvgotcodeshi how do i remove all packages installed from a particular repo?01:40
RyukiI'm searching the torrent for Xubuntu now.01:40
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: trust me, i know what /etc/hosts does ;)01:40
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, yes i can help you edit it though01:40
etfbmenptok: what do you suggest instead?01:40
mneptoketfb: a shell alias01:40
matthew4mneptok:  ok, give me a recommendation that doesn't involve shell aliases.  i want this to be universal.01:40
Ryukifound it01:40
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, mneptok is right shell alias is better since most users only need one alias01:41
mneptokmatthew4: "universal?"01:41
etfbmneptok: ah, I came into this conversation late; I guess your answer doesn't apply to the thing I was thinking of.  Never mind01:41
mneptokmatthew4: what does that mean?01:41
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, well what is it shell alias wont do for you?>01:41
nickrudhvgotcodes, in sytem-admin-synaptic, press the origin button01:41
mneptokmatthew4: you want it to work for all users on the system?01:41
matthew4mneptok:  meaning a file that belongs to ssh, not a file that is dependent on which shell I happen to be using at the time01:41
CokeNCodeok, i just plugged in a new logitech mouse, how do i get ubuntu to recognise the buttons correctly01:42
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, if your comfortable you can look at  "man hosts"01:42
lgcikonia, the problem with the SMP issue is solved now, thanks. But there's another issue with googleearth. According to apt-get it is installed, but there's no entry on the menu and it won't start from the CLI either. Any ideas? Thanks.01:42
CokeNCodebasically reinstall the mouse01:42
CokeNCodeneed some help here01:42
dor0hello guys, i have ubuntu installed, any way to get KDE working instead gnome without install kubuntu?01:42
etfbCokeNCode: I generally have no trouble just plugging in mice.  What are your symptoms?01:42
jason_ubuntuislodor0, you can install kde-desktop01:42
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo: done it, they give no examples that includes the user@host which is how i SSH in01:42
nickruddor0, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:42
etfbdor0: install the kde-desktop package, but it can be flakey at times01:43
Jack_Sparrowdor0: just install the other wm...01:43
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, you can create a bash file?01:43
BB88I have 7Zip installed, but how can I run it?01:43
kitchematthew4: umm then you are stuck using /etc/hosts and you don't put user@host in the hosts file at all you put ip then host but myself I just use shell scripts :)01:43
mneptokmatthew4: sudo echo alias desktop='ssh user@desktop' >> /etc/profile01:43
Ryukidownloading the torrent01:43
mneptokmatthew4: there you go01:43
dor0and how to tell ubuntu to load my KDE desktop at boot instead gnome?01:43
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, what is it your trying to do?01:43
Jack_Sparrowdor0: under sessions when you login01:44
nickruddor0, choose it under options -> sessions on login01:44
etfbdor0: there's a session menu that defaults to your last choice01:44
jason_ubuntuislodor0, once kde is installed the main screen at GDM you have an option to change session01:44
* jason_ubuntuislo holy cow look at the support on this channel01:44
matthew4mneptok:  not the approach i was looking for, thanks anyways01:44
dor0nice thanks01:44
ubuntu_need help with gparted01:44
gladierCokeNCode - what sort of mouse?01:44
CokeNCodea three button mouse01:44
jason_ubuntuisloubotu, whats wrong? please explain?01:44
=== eljo__ is now known as eljo
mneptokmatthew4: that's the approach that is recommended. editing your hosts file is not.01:45
CokeNCodewell, it's a roller ball kinda thing actually01:45
hvgotcodesnickrud: to confirm what i am seeing, for the origin i am seeing all packages, installed and not installed?01:45
CokeNCodewhere u move the ball with ur thumb01:45
CokeNCodegladier, any suggestions ?01:45
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: like talking to a bot that won't respone :P01:45
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, editing hosts is not for the faint hearted but i use it since i do networking too01:45
underdawgi immediately get connection refused when I try to ssh/vnc into a computer on my lan, what should I check?01:45
etfbCokeNCode: is it new hardware or fairly old?01:45
gladierCokeNCode model? and usb/ps2?01:45
* jason_ubuntuislo hahhaha 01:45
mneptokCokeNCode: i use one01:45
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo:  how do you add the user to the /etc/hosts?01:45
CokeNCodeetfb, kinda oldish01:46
jason_ubuntuislokitche what how did you know that was a bot?01:46
mneptokCokeNCode: Trackman Marble?01:46
lgcAnyone had issues installing Googleearth?01:46
nickrudhvgotcodes, yes, for each component01:46
shootzcan i install win ofc in ubuntu?01:46
CokeNCodemneptok, that's it !01:46
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, you cant do that you can only add hosts to ip in etc hosts01:46
ubuntu_cant format linux-swamp partition with gparted, running from live cd01:46
mneptokCokeNCode: what doesn't work?01:46
CokeNCodejeeze, i'm giving some really bad information here, sorry guys01:46
Jack_Sparrowlgc: whats the prob01:46
kitche!bot | jason_ubuntuislo01:46
ubotujason_ubuntuislo: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:46
CokeNCodemneptok, the buttons01:46
shootzcan i install microsoft ofc in ubuntu?01:46
etfbshootz: doesn't work very well.  I recommend Open Office instead.01:46
* mneptok 's Marble works splendidly01:46
CokeNCodeit's basically only using one button right now01:46
mneptokCokeNCode: any of them?01:46
CokeNCodethe one furthest to the right01:46
shootzoh ok etfb01:46
jason_ubuntuislokitche i guess i was bored?01:46
CokeNCodeso, if i select the right handed option01:47
CokeNCodei can left click01:47
warriorforgodshootz: Yes with wine01:47
hvgotcodesok -- and i was told to remove all software from 3rd party repors (like compiz and e17) and those repos entries from sources before upgrading from feisty to gutsy01:47
mneptokCokeNCode: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:47
hvgotcodesis that good advice?01:47
CokeNCodeand if i select the left handed option, i can right click01:47
etfbshootz: be aware: it takes some getting used to, but it's pretty good.  Worth the time.01:47
nickrudhvgotcodes, excellent advice you got01:47
ubuntu_cant format linux-swamp partition with gparted, running from live cd01:47
mneptokCokeNCode: do NOT emulate a three button mouse when asked01:47
lgcJack_Sparrow, according to Synaptics, it is installed, but I can't make it work. Even when I reinstalled it, it only downloaded 65 KB (!!).01:47
BB88I have 7-Zip installed. How can I run this program?01:47
shootzthanks... gonna try that01:47
[reed]so, if bulletproof-x always causes me to use xorg.conf.failsafe, how am I ever going to debug my Xorg problems?01:47
* mneptok tootles off for food01:47
jason_ubuntuisloubuntu_ what is the error your getting01:47
jason_ubuntuisloubuntu_, you should change your name its close to a bot name01:48
kitcheBB88: p7zip I believe is the command for it been a while sicne I ran 7zip *nix version01:48
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo:  then it seems like i can't do what i want to do, which is type ssh desktop and login to my remote computer.  this bites01:48
CokeNCodemneptok, how do i keep my other settings01:48
CokeNCodei don't wanna change anything else01:48
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, you can just make a shell script you want me to show you how?01:48
nickrudhvgotcodes, remove the sources from your list, update, then look under status, installed (local or obsolete), that's a good shortcut for what you are doing01:48
BB88kitche: How would I browse to the "executable" file and add it to my main panel?01:48
CokeNCodemneptok, will pressing esc for everything else01:49
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo:  i know how to make bash scripts, that's not the approach i want though.  i don't want to add a file that doesn't already exist on my computer01:49
CokeNCodekeep my settings as they are ?01:49
Jack_Sparrowlgc: when I did mine it wasnt in the repos. here is how I installed it.. hope it helps in some way..  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48161/01:49
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kitcheBB88: huh 7zip is a command line program in *nix01:49
etfbHaving trouble with knetworkmanager: it won't automatically connect to my wireless access point.  Worked fine in 7.04, not working in Gutsy.  Any clues?01:49
hvgotcodesnickrud: so remove the sources from the list and that udpate, and that will remove all the extra softwarez?01:49
CokeNCodemneptok, which mouse port should i choose ?01:49
CokeNCode/dev/input/mice ?01:49
etfbCokeNCode: did for me.  It's pretty safe.01:49
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, look at that it is how you can use what you asked01:50
BB88BB88: *nix as in Terminal?01:50
CokeNCodeit's ps201:50
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, if im missing something let me try to help you01:50
mneptokCokeNCode: /dev/input/mice01:50
nickrudhvgotcodes, doing that will orphan them, not remove them. synaptic will sort the orphaned ones into that status section for easy removal01:50
CokeNCodeor ExplorerPS/2 ?01:50
kitcheBB88: *nix as in operating system like linux Unix BSD01:50
underdawghow do i kill all vnc sessions?01:50
CokeNCodehow the heck would i know which protocol my mouse is using :S01:51
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jason_ubuntuislounderdawg, you can do ps aux to see its PID #01:51
matthew4jason_ubuntuislo:  it seems like the linux guys would have already thought of this and built a way in.  i can't be the first person who got tired of writing01:51
mneptokCokeNCode: it comes to you in a lucid dream01:51
BB88kitche: I am just assuming 7-Zip in Linux is the same as 7-Zip on Windows?01:51
jason_ubuntuislounderdawg, then do a sudo kill -9 PID#01:51
matthew4usename at symbol and long IP addrss...01:51
nickrudunderdawg, killall vnc<tab> I think would be a quick method01:51
Jack_SparrowCokeNCode: I use a logitec trackball and I use explorerPS-201:51
CokeNCodemneptok, i only remember my nightmares ... although, I guess that would make sense01:51
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, well i think your looking to do what? a inline param?01:51
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kitcheBB88: well it is but you need to run it in Terminal since it's p7zip think there is a gui frontend to it as well01:51
CokeNCodethanks Jack_Sparrow01:51
mneptokmatthew4: they did think of it. they created shell aliases.01:51
CokeNCodeso why shouldn't i emulate 3-button mouse again ?01:52
hvgotcodeshmm how to remove a source?01:52
mneptokmatthew4: feel free to re-invent the wheel, though ;)01:52
hdevalencehow do I get my computer to use more ram?01:52
CokeNCodein fact01:52
CokeNCodei won't ask questions01:52
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, matt you know you can make a dynamic script for passing it info01:52
CokeNCodei'll just follow instructions01:52
CokeNCodeit is a 3 button mouse tho01:52
Jack_Sparrownp.. hope it helps.. it just worked.. let me know if you need to see my xorg01:52
BB88kitche: Yes I am looking for the frontend, I have installed it through sudo via terminal, and depos.01:52
mneptokCokeNCode: that's a good soldier!01:52
ubuntu_cant format linux-swamp partition with gparted, running from live cd01:52
matthew4mneptok:  that's not a good method though.  there are dozens of shells.  i don't want to edit dozens of config files.01:52
etfbCokeNCode: emulating 3-btn mice just translates simultaneous left+right click as a middle click01:52
buttercupsBB88, If you want to use 7-zip in file roller install p7zip-full01:52
mneptokmatthew4: i told how to do it01:52
mneptokmatthew4: sudo echo alias desktop='ssh user@desktop' >> /etc/profile01:53
Jack_Sparrowubuntu_: it can create one. dont think it actually formatted it though01:53
CokeNCodeoh, ok01:53
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, can you paste a few examples to pastebin for me? i want to see what your doing01:53
CokeNCodenothing changed01:53
CokeNCodemouse still screwy01:53
CokeNCodeis there a final step here ?01:53
mneptokCokeNCode: ensure the mouse is not physically broken?01:53
jason_ubuntuisloubuntu_, yes you can format also with fdisk ? why do you need to format it?01:53
matthew4mneptok: ?  this will work with all shells, even those I don't have installed currently?  all shells use this /etc/profile file?  will this also work with all users on my computer (current and future)?01:54
CokeNCodemneptok, nawww01:54
mneptokCokeNCode: does it work perfectly in another OS or system?01:54
CokeNCodeJack_Sparrow, i think i might need to take a peak at the config file of yours my friend01:54
Jack_SparrowCokeNCode: sorry, I was not following along.. I told mine to emulate 3 button and selected explorer over the other option01:54
CokeNCodetime to get down n dirty01:54
etfbAh!  there's a #kubuntu channel!  I'll ask there.  Shiny.01:54
mneptokmatthew4: correct. all login shells source /etc/profile for all users.01:54
lgcJack_Sparrow, I downloaded it from the repo on my machine. And when I cloned the install on this one, it just seems not to be there (although Synaptic disagrees).01:54
Jack_SparrowCokeNCode: let me post it01:54
macogwhey who was around the other day when LimCore was asking how to make sudo ask for root password instead of the user's password?  the answer turns out to be in the sudoers manpage01:54
ubuntu_want to because i cant acces if from winxp01:55
Jack_Sparrowlgc: of you got it yourself.. look at the page I linked01:55
BB88buttercups: What do you mean, sorry? I have used 'sudo apt-get install p7zip-full' but it says I have it already installed (assuming via depos).01:55
nickrudmacogw, what section?01:55
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, ive never used /etc/profile except for oracle  is this what its for?01:55
macogwnickrud: Defaults.  you add "rootpw"01:55
matthew4mneptok, jason_ubuntuislo:  ok thanks to you both, i will try the /etc/profile method, but i hope i never have to edit one of these config files again, i hate repeating set-up stuff.  thanks to you both.01:55
eko_hermiyantohello, good morning01:55
lgcI did... you did a manual install. I've gotten too lazy for such things, after apt. Only when there's no other choice...01:55
macogwnickrud: er, well the "sudoers options" section of the manpage.  you put "rootpw" in the defaults section though01:56
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, your welcome01:56
eko_hermiyantois there any emulator which able to run MAC OS X application on top of Ubuntu?01:56
Jack_SparrowCokeNCode: here is mine   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48162/01:56
bruenigeko_hermiyanto, no01:56
CokeNCodethanks buddy01:56
nickrudmacogw, just found it, thanks. Good to know01:56
* jason_ubuntuislo gezz even my boss isnt that picky?01:56
eko_hermiyantobruenig, ohhhh my bad day :(01:56
kitchematthew4: /etc/profile is for sh shells01:56
eko_hermiyantoI need adobe flash cs3 badly for my work01:56
bruenigeko_hermiyanto, use windows01:57
lgcJack_Sparrow, gotta go now. Thanks for your help.01:57
macogwnickrud: there's also an option to make it ask for the pw of whomever you're sudo-ing as (since you can sudo as someone other than root too)01:57
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, theres a howto to use wine but its not that great01:57
Jack_Sparrownp                welcome to ubuntu01:57
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, if you find a better way let me know01:57
kitchemacogw: if you sudo as root there is no point of using sudo then :)01:57
nickrudmacogw, yes, targetpw, reading the man page again for a while01:57
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, theres also a way to make gimp look sorta like photoshop research gimpshop01:57
etfbeko_hermiyanto: have you considered running VMWare Server (which is free-as-in-beer) and installing Windows as a virtual machine?  It's slow, but it's better than nothing01:58
BB88Jack_Sparrow: I got it working in the end.01:58
samsternHi I'm new to ubuntu and found a circular package reference (a broken package). where dos this get reported to (at)?01:58
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, actually etfb is right and you can install 2X server and run it as an app on ubuntu i do this at work01:58
eko_hermiyantojason_ubuntuislo, I am using Wine every day, and I think it's great piece of software. I am using wine to run software to view mdi files, remote administrator, respak, and triton, but alas, my flash is for mac :(01:58
Jack_SparrowBB88: Glad to hear it..01:58
nickrudkitche, there was a guy that had a use case that made some sense, like a lab where firefox pops up the install flash request, and the admin puts in the root passwd for the user01:58
kitchesamstern: are you sure since not all repos are enabled by default01:58
kitchenickrud: so sort of like gksu01:59
eko_hermiyantoetfb, I am using qemu to run windows too and it works good(only the network system is not run yet)01:59
macogwkitche: no no, it forces regular users to know the root password to use sudo01:59
nickrudkitche, yes01:59
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, yes i agree but wine cannot do it for all win programs01:59
BB88Jack_Sparrow: It was because my rip output file was the same name as the encode file, so it could not overwrite ;)01:59
matthew4mneptok:  your method did not work, says:  bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied01:59
samsternKitche: yes -- I've manualy enabled the server (or Iw ould never have enabled the libgd2 software afaik)01:59
Jack_SparrowBB88: glad to hear it was something simple.. sorry we could not see that from here01:59
macogwkitche: so you avoid "su -" login, do stuff, "exit", do more as not-root01:59
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, vmware has a free version for vmware-server edition and it has great bridging features compared to virtualbox01:59
nickrudkitche, the solution was setting the gconf key for gksu , but the sudo one is worth knowing01:59
kitchemacogw: I know just that it sounds kind of redundent to me01:59
eko_hermiyantojason_ubuntuislo, yes, unless we copy native dll into wine :))02:00
samsternkitche: but who knows? I'm new to ubuntu and its been a while since used debian based stuff02:00
BB88Jack_Sparrow: Heh, my own fault, but I got there in the end. Thank you anyhow!02:00
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, i think i tried that once what did you use to track which dll's it was using02:00
CokeNCodecopied the iinfo02:00
eko_hermiyantojason_ubuntuislo, I think I should give vmware a try :D02:00
CokeNCodenow to reboot02:00
kitchesamstern: well there is three repos multiverse universe and main main is enabled by default02:00
nubcakegood morning everyone02:00
kitchemacogw: but I know what you mean since kde does it if it's setup correctly02:00
jason_ubuntuisloeko_hermiyanto, i use that and check out the free 2X program you want a link to that too?02:00
samsternkitche - where in the ux (or via cli) would I check whats enabled?02:00
Jack_SparrowBB88: np     take care   stop in any time.. It is a good place just to read along when you have time02:00
tonyyarussokitche: four - restricted02:00
tonyyarussokitche: In current releases, all 4 are enabled by default.02:01
DG19075I've had prbs with Wine running Adobe Audition. The buttons don't look the same under Wine(configured to look like XP)as they do Windows02:01
Neodudemanok, so fluxbox is stuck as my default session, and I can't seem to change it because my GDM theme doesn't have a session button; is there a way to change it from the terminal?02:01
macogwkitche: it could save time if you needed to switch between root and regular commands a lot i guess.  it still seems silly to me to use root's pw there instead of your own overall, but the use case given was they didnt want the user to have permission to do anything at all, and so the admin would walk over if root access was needed02:01
kitchetonyyarusso: oh did not know that but I always thought restricted was part of multiverse02:01
macogwkitche: for gksu there's an option in gconf to use sudo mode or not, but i'm talking about command line sudo right now02:01
eko_hermiyantojason_ubuntuislo, yes thanks bro02:01
dor0OMG, my desktop cube is working!!!!02:01
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jason_ubuntuisloyour welcome eko_hermiyanto02:02
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tonyyarussokitche: Nope.  Restricted is officially supported for Canonical support contracts, and is things like firmware, whereas multiverse is not supported and has a broader range of software in it.02:02
nickruddor0, now, does suspend still work ;)02:02
jason_ubuntuislohey ive got a question anyone know why dual monitors have so much trouble with nvidia drivers?02:02
matthew4 jason_ubuntuislo:  any other ideas?  i couldn't edit /etc/profile for some reason02:02
tonyyarussoI'm looking for a browser bookmarks sync service that will work with both Firefox and Epiphany - any recommendations?02:02
macogwtonyyarusso: del.icio.us?02:02
macogwtonyyarusso: or if you're an OpenID fan, ma.gnolia.com02:03
nickrudmatthew4, sudo sh -c echo "alias desktop='ssh user@host'02:03
dor0mate, the only reason i boot in windows is to play some stupid games, i have ubuntu from 1 month, and i cant stop using it02:03
XacarithI h ad trouble at first setting up my dual monitors because the nvidia tool couldn't right to the configuration file due to permitions.02:03
samsternkitche: I've checked "Software sources" and all boxes under 2rd party and cannocial software are checked02:03
tonyyarussomacogw: I'll look into those - not really familiar with how they work though02:03
kitchesamstern: what software are you trying to install anyways02:03
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nickrudmatthew4, erm, add a finishing " to that line02:04
macogwtonyyarusso: they store your bookmarks online so you can access them anywhere02:04
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samsternkitche: those 3rd party are "partner", "PArtner source", "MEdia" and "Wine" (which I added, cant' live without wine!!)02:04
tonyyarussomacogw: How do they integrate with the browser itself?02:04
nickrudtonyyarusso, we use del.icio.us to share bookmarks at work, firefox has several extensions02:04
macogwtonyyarusso: ive never use magnolia, but delicious has a firefox extension02:05
macogwtonyyarusso: idk about epiphany extension, but they're also browser-based02:05
nubcakefirst of all.. please apologize my bad english, but would someone of you guys please be so kind and point me to the right direction to start with my network-problem? the situation is as follows: i removed the old mainboard from my ubuntu server (Gigabyte K8NS Ultra939 Nforce3 or 4 chipset) and replaced it with a socket 775 mainboard which chipset i dont really know.. and now my eth0 interface is gone.. (before i used the nforce nic) and now ls02:05
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samsternkitchie and tonyrusso get ready for text blob02:05
tonyyarussonickrud, macogw: cool02:05
RockomanWhat program can I use to make an MP3 cd on Ubuntu02:05
matthew4nickrud:  same thing.  says bash: /etc/profile: Permission denied.02:05
macogwtonyyarusso: if you click to add it to your delicious from the ff extension, it pops up a little webpage and asks what you want to tag it and name it, and an optional description02:05
tonyyarusso!mp3 | Rockoman02:05
ubotuRockoman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:05
tonyyarusso!players | Rockoman02:05
ubotuRockoman: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs02:05
samsternblob1:"libgdchart-gd2-xpm-dev: Depends: libgd2-noxpm-dev but it is not going to be installed"02:06
Jack_SparrowRockoman: k3b  with the mp3 add-on02:06
RockomanI'm not looking for an MP3 player, but software to make an MP3 cd02:06
samsternblob2 "apt-get  install bison-doc libgd-gd2-perl libgd2-xpm libgd2-xpm-dev libgdchart-gd2-xpm-dev  libgdchart-gd2-xpm libgd-graph3d-perl libgd-tools libgdchart-gd2-xpm-dev"02:06
nickrudmatthew4, then sudo nano /etc/profile , and add it to the bottom by hand. sudo echo is wierd, gotta use tee somewhere in the line and I never remember it right02:06
macogwRockoman: an mp3 cd is just a data cd02:06
matthew4nickrud:  ok, will try that02:06
nubcakehallo: hi02:06
lockdRockoman: with mp3s as the files02:06
halloi cannot start kdeinit02:06
Rockomanthanks macog02:06
kitchesamstern: just means that it's not going to install look though the repos and see if it's there or not02:06
macogwRockoman: just use k3b or gnomebaker or whatever regular old cd burning app you want, and pick a bunch of mp3s02:06
Rockomanyeah i knew that02:06
nickrudmatthew4, you might want to set up a backup system, add /etc/profile to it for restoration02:06
samsternissue: I want XPM support but the libgdchart is erronisoly set to need the no xpm version of libgd202:06
Jack_SparrowRockoman: I assumed you meant with mp3's as your source files02:07
CokeNCodeah well, no joy02:07
neur1what's the server kernel or mode for?02:07
samsternso it's an exclusion problem the package should depend upon libgd2-xpm-dev not libgd2-noxpm-dev02:07
CokeNCodeany other suggestions guys ?02:08
geniiserver kernel is optimised for heavy load and also has PAE extension to understand more than 4Gb ram02:08
hallothis is my error message,02:08
hallos2u: cookie for :0 = 'e6383aee96d93a47a3e804ac0f303b8d'02:08
hallostartkde: Starting up...02:08
hallo/usr/bin/kdeinit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4: undefined symbol: art_free02:08
hallostartkde: Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation.02:08
SavageOnei need to use rsync to move a bunch of files from one box to another02:08
samsternkitchie: however is this the right forum for this (admittigly techical) question?02:08
kelsinneur1: afaik the server kernel just has something's enabled that are commonly found on server hardward, not much more is different on the server install other then the software included on the cd, and the default install choices02:08
SavageOneI'm ssh'd into the main box where I need to move the stuff TO and I have direct access to the box I need to move the files FROM02:08
SavageOnecan anyone help me w/ the rsync syntax?02:08
nickrudsamstern, are you sure it depends on -no-xpm or only preferrs it?02:08
matthew4nickrud: do i have to restart my computer for changes to take affect?02:08
* emgent hi02:08
kitchesamstern: yes this is the channel might want to ask someone more informed of apt02:09
jason_ubuntuisloSavageOne, whats up i can help02:09
samsternhow would I find that out -- look again at my apt-get line and the resulting error02:09
nickrudmatthew4, no, either log out and back in or type in a terminal,  source /etc/profile02:09
SavageOnejason: I just explained did you get all that?02:09
etfbmatthew4: the general answer to the question "should I reboot" in Linux is no.  In Windows it's "of course!"02:09
matthew4etfb:  well, it doesn't work, that's why i asked02:09
jason_ubuntuisloSavageOne, just change params in rsync to which host02:10
neur1thanks,  can I uncomment it so it doesnt show up in my list then cause I wont use it02:10
SavageOnecan  you give me an example of the syntax?02:10
SavageOneit works over ssh tunnel right?02:10
kelsinSavageOne: "02:10
bmk789what does a "grub read error" mean?  it just started after i switched my motherboard02:10
kelsinSavageOne: "man rsync" has a whole bunch02:10
jason_ubuntuisloSavageOne, yes it works over ssh02:10
macogwmatthew4: usually the most you have to do is logout02:10
etfbmatthew4: ah well, every rule has an exception (except this one)02:10
SavageOnekelsin: I'm there now ;)02:10
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: it means you changed or added a hard drive02:11
CokeNCodethanks a heap guys02:11
SavageOnejust trying to figure this out I'm not so hot w/ ubuntu just yet02:11
CokeNCodeproblem ... resolved ... ish02:11
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jason_ubuntuisloSavageOne,  rsync *.html root@
etfbCokeNCode: how did you fix it?  dpkg-reconfig?02:11
fabiois any way to control windows with ubuntu????'02:11
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: but ive reinstalled grub twice with no success02:11
jason_ubuntuisloSavageOne, or  rsync root@*.html /home/myname02:11
kelsinfabio: control windows as in remote desktop type of things?02:11
jason_ubuntuislorsync works both ways02:12
Cpudan80fabio: Define control02:12
fabiokelsin: like torjan02:12
samsternSavageOne: /usr/bin/time /usr/bin/rsync -az --delete-after --bwlimit=1500 --password-file=/root/mail.txt -e 'ssh -l root' root@mail.samstern.net::home/sam/.spamassassin/ /home/sam/.spamassassin/ 2>&1 >> /var/log/mail_sync.log02:12
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: did you add a drive or edit any partition on that drive02:12
jason_ubuntuislo-avz holds all permission settings02:12
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: no02:12
Neodudemanis there anyway to change GDM settings in terminal?02:12
kelsinfabio: you mean "take" control of a windows computer illegally? I would search other channels, not going to find anything here02:12
hobbit_i have a netgear wg111 usb and if i bump it I lose internet connection. I then have to reboot to regain a connection. Is there anything in settings that can allow the device to connect after being unplugged and replugged w/o a reboot?02:12
* nickrud thinks any command line more than 80 chars long needs a gui front end ;p02:12
SavageOnelet me ask you thishow do I run command in ssh mode and be able to close out of my ssh client and look at it again alter02:13
fabiocpudan80: TORJAN02:13
xLEjason_ubuntuislo, i had no such luck finding libreadline.so.4 in any of the packages.02:13
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, you mean to change default GDM manager settings?02:13
Cpudan80fabio: what the hell is torjan ?02:13
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, what package you installin02:13
vizziebah.. I do lots of fun things from the command line :)02:13
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: Is it in the same position as in sda1   or primary bus vs secondary bus etc02:13
matthew4ok, so editing /etc/profile doesn't work for me.  i type ssh desktop and it says ssh: Name or service not known02:13
jason_ubuntuisloCpudan80, i think he means trojan02:13
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: are you dual booting?02:13
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: oh hey. ya, if I could just default the GDM settings from terminal, that'd be great.02:13
kelsinmatthew4: what are you trying to do?02:13
nickrudmatthew4, no, all you should have to do is type desktop, the ssh is already part of the alias02:13
fabiolcpudan: its like an virus but controls victim computer02:14
matthew4nickrud:  i see, i don't want to type desktop though, i want to type ssh desktop02:14
kelsinmatthew4: add "ip.address desktop" to your /etc/hosts file to get that, or listen to nickrud for the proper way to alias02:14
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: nope, ubuntu only, how should i reconfigure grub to boot?02:14
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, didnt we cover this?02:14
fabioKelsin. WHY NOT02:14
Cpudan80fabio: OK - first of all - freenode doesn't support llegal activity -- therefore neither does ubuntu02:14
CokeNCodeetfb, editing the xorg.conf file02:14
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, what settings you need changed?02:14
kelsinfabio: this is an ubuntu support channel, not an "i want to act like an idiot" channel02:14
yassinehow can one create a tap device in ubuntu?02:14
Cpudan80fabio: Second, learn to speak English - it's spelled *trojan*02:14
Pici!illegal | fabio02:14
ubotufabio: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:14
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: need to identify what caused the problem.. there is super grub repair CD...   are you running a live cd on it now?02:14
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: yes im on a kubuntu livecd now02:15
neur1is gedit a program?02:15
Picineur1: yes, for the gnome desktop.02:15
Jack_Sparrowneur1: yes02:15
nickrudmatthew4, lol, now you're being told to add to /etc/hosts again02:15
kelsinneur1: yes, the default gnome text editor02:15
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: i need it to go back to either the default session of xclient, or the default theme human02:15
* genii does some unfun things from the command line02:15
jason_ubuntuislomatthew4, lol02:15
matthew4nickrud: i know!  but that already doesn't work.  I've done this before, the way I want, and it worked.  i just don't remember how02:15
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: have you got the hard drive mounted?02:15
K`zananyone know where cups stores remote printers, it is not in /etc/cups/printers.conf no matter what they say :-).  Only thing there is my local printer...02:15
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: yes02:16
fabiokelsin: lol02:16
neur1i'm in xubuntu how do i edit files?02:16
samsternKitche did you respond? I might have missed it int he flood -- how do I determine if the fault in installaing libgdgraph is a preferance or a bad referenace int eh .deb?02:16
Cpudan80neur1: vim02:16
jason_ubuntuisloneur1, gedit or vim02:16
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: I dont do kde...  but from a term you should be able to do fdisk -l    "L" is the last character02:16
kitchesamstern: you just install the .deb and see why it's failing afterwards02:16
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: there is no gedit in XFCE.02:16
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, hmm ok are you attempting to setup the default Gnome desktop from kde?02:16
neur1so vim . . . file?02:16
matthew4nickrud:  FYI, just typing desktop doesn't work either, says bash: desktop; command not found02:16
kelsinmatthew4: there are three ways to do that, either run your own dns server (probably too much) edit your /etc/hosts file, or edit your ~/.ssh/config file to include a "Host desktop" section with a "Hostname" section beneath it, check "man ssh_config" for more info02:16
Picineur1: or nano, its easier imho than vim02:17
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: ok, what do i need to get from that?02:17
fabioCpudan80: is not inlegal you bastard02:17
jason_ubuntuisloneur1, im assuming you installed gedit02:17
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: please be sure your advice will actually work before giving it02:17
PriceChild!ohmy | fabio02:17
ubotufabio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:17
samsternkitche thanks I'll pursue that; thanks. I need to go02:17
jason_ubuntuisloneur1, you can do sudo apt-get install gedit02:17
tonyyarussonickrud, macogw: found it - epilicious, in care extensions02:17
xLEis there a way, so i don't always have to enter my password in for sudo?02:17
neur1it says i don't have it as of now02:17
nickrudmatthew4, listen to kelsin, he was kind to me when he said listen to me ;)02:17
samsternKitche and TonyRusso: I apprecaite your help02:17
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: can you put that in the pastebin .. not in the channel.. then post your boot/grub/menu.lst for us to02:17
samsternxLE: yes man sudoers02:17
Cpudan80neur1: nano might be easier than vim -- it guides you along a bit more than vim does02:17
matthew4kelsin:  in the second method of editing .ssh/config,  can Host include the user?02:17
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, isnt this ubuntu channel? he should be in xubunu ? no?02:17
kelsinCpudan80: vim guides people now?02:17
fabiothanks PriceChild02:17
neur1do i need to install nano?02:18
Cpudan80neur1: nope02:18
kelsinmatthew4: yes via the "User" command, you should really read the manpage for ssh_config, that file is very handy if you do a lot of sshing around02:18
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: your advice is incorrect and will not work for him, despite the channel.02:18
neur1k thanks02:18
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: right now I'm stuck in fluxbox, because I accidentally set it as my default session window manager in the GDM. When I log onto the GDM, I can't change the session back to gnome because the theme I installed doesn't have a session changer; so I would like to change the GDM all the way back to its original default settings02:18
Cpudan80kelsin: no, but nano has all those commands listed at the bottom of the window02:18
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: it's really the same base system just the gui is different02:18
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: please be sure your advice will actually work before giving it02:18
underdawgdo i have to be logged in to my desktop to vnc into it from a remote spot?02:18
kelsinCpudan80: I know it was a joke :)02:18
underdawgim trying to stealthy control it02:18
fabioHello im fabio and im developer of ubuntu in portugal02:18
xLEi don't get it..02:18
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, im only famillar with ubuntu not much with xubuntu i didnt know he was using xubuntu02:18
olskolirchello.  what is the program called that allows us to put in the real isp email address and it returns the contact information?02:18
Cpudan80kelsin: Real men use vim ;-)02:18
Picifabio: Do you have a question here?02:18
jason_ubuntuisloKitche ahh thanks02:19
fabioany questions can talk02:19
olskolircthey sure do Cpudano80 *kisses*02:19
Cpudan80kelsin: And they turn off the syntax highlighting :-)02:19
kelsinCpudan80: lol02:19
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: http://pastebin.com/m42f47bb4   <--- fdisk   http://pastebin.com/m685a468e  <--- menu.lst02:19
Cpudan80B&W for the win!02:19
* nickrud thinks vim is for masochists and system admins (hard to differentiate)02:19
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: "21:13 < neur1> i'm in xubuntu how do i edit files?"  <-- that was the question you answered02:19
Cpudan80nickrud: rofl02:19
underdawgis there a way that i can log into my desktop through vnc while someone else is using their desktop?02:19
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, hey what is the way to resetup Gnome for session from the command line?02:19
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, ahh sorry this channel is flying02:20
Cpudan80underdawg: Yes... but it's painfully complicated02:20
underdawghow about xdmcp through windows?02:20
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: you were mixing ide and sata drives before as well?02:20
vizzievi is OK.. it's fast and it's everywhere. If you ignore the user-hostile beep mode, it's a fine text editor02:20
kelsinunderdawg: yeah there are vnc servers that create a new session even if you log in with a user that is already logged in, just not the default setup one that's included in ubuntu02:20
underdawgis that a way that i could happen cpudan?02:20
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: yes02:20
Cpudan80underdawg: http://www.movingtofreedom.org/2007/02/16/howto-remote-desktop-with-vnc-in-ubuntu-edgy-gnu-linux/02:20
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, did you understand what i was asking?02:20
Cpudan80underdawg: Just follow the directions and pray02:20
mneptokunderdawg: what you are asking for sounds suspicious02:20
LjLfabio: we can talk in #ubuntu-ops02:20
dor0just one more question guys, is a bug in grub or in kernel, i cant boot my linux without "nosplash", i tried everything possible, read the forums, etc, nothing works02:21
underdawgmneptok: i know, but i assure you it's not for suspicious reasons02:21
underdawghow about xdmcp?02:21
underdawgis that a way to start a new session?02:21
Cpudan80underdawg: The fiesty instructions work fine with gutsy02:21
dor0btw, i have 7.10 x6402:21
Cpudan80underdawg: Yes --- just follow those directions02:21
bmk789underdawg: you can get xming on windows to run programs from your linux desktop on widnows remotely02:21
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, you ? online?02:21
Neodudemanmneptok, ya, are you? I could sure use your help. lol02:22
=== zen-afk is now known as zenrox
IanLiuWhy sometimes I get a folder named file: in my Home folder??02:22
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, sorry Neo i forgot so many things happening here02:22
underdawgCpudan80: I don't like to try stuff that involves praying02:22
mneptokjason_ubuntuislo: hmm?02:22
Cpudan80underdawg: It wont break anything... just might not work02:22
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: it's ok, i guess. lol. I'll just wait02:22
IanLiuWhy do sometimes a folder named "file:" is created in my Home folder??02:23
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: wait, and keep googling that is02:23
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda1          and         sudo vol_id -u /dev/hda1    to try and get the uuid on those02:23
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, Neodudeman is looking to resetup the Ubuntu default session from command line as hes stuck in fluxbox?02:23
underdawggutsy doesn't have a "host indirect requests"02:23
underdawgthe login section changed02:23
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: sda1 or just sda?02:24
Pici!language | SavageOne02:24
ubotuSavageOne: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:24
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: I think I found it. sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm; I just changed it from kdm to gdm02:24
mneptokNeodudeman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm02:24
SavageOnemy rsync syntax is this:  rsync -t *.*
kelsinunderdawg: if you just want a vnc session for yourself while others can log in you can download one of the vncservers and start it up on a different display (:1 instead of the main gui in :0) then log into it remotely, not as flexible as doing the whole thing but will work02:24
JakeConnorwould you guys trust buying ram for a mac pro at macramdirect.com? they have 4gb for $179... i can't believe that02:24
Neodudemanmneptok: lol. ok. I just put that in02:25
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: i need to put those UUIDs in the menu.lst?02:25
JakeConnorJack_Sparrow, ROFL02:25
junkeRanyone know of a good USB gamepad that works with Ubuntu 6.06?02:25
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: trying to see which uuid for which drive is in there now02:25
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, sorry i havent done it in so long im a long time gnome lover02:25
Neodudemanmneptok, jason_ubuntuislo: I'm getting an error that says "invoke-rc.d: initscript gdm, action "reload" failed02:25
SavageOneI realize there's nothng in the command that has the authentication information.  when I issued the command on the OTHER box which runs knoppix unfortunately and I'm trying to push the data to my new ubuntu machine, it basically asks me whether I want to permanently add this machine and what the root password is.  well, I don't think it has a root account password persay.  how in that syntax can I specify with user/pass to actually use because I have a 02:25
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: lol, after this; I think I may never leave either02:26
Jack_SparrowJakeConnor: I am exhausted.. you want to take it from here..02:26
jason_ubuntuislochange the info to like jason@192.....02:26
JakeConnorJack_Sparrow: i was just laughing because i saw your nic... what are you guys talking about anyways?02:26
jason_ubuntuisloopps  SavageOne u get that?02:26
mneptokSavageOne: also, the *.* is just wrong02:26
kelsinSavageOne: probably user@ but I can garuntee the rsync man page says that02:26
jason_ubuntuisloSamui, yes just use * in linux not *.*02:26
hdevalencehey, would anybody proofread a letter to my member of parliament over copyright law & DRM ? I want to make sure it's not too technical..02:27
kelsinSavageOne: yeah it's actually on the first page of the rsync man page02:27
Jack_SparrowJakeConnor: np... trying to fix things after he swapped motherboards02:27
xLEI need libreadline.so.4 from /usr/lib/ can anyone tell me what package it is from?02:27
jason_ubuntuisloLater jack02:27
mneptokSavageOne: rsync -avh -e ssh --delete --progress --stats ./ user@
hdevalence!info readline02:27
ubotuPackage readline does not exist in gutsy02:27
hdevalence!info libreadline02:27
ubotuPackage libreadline does not exist in gutsy02:27
jason_ubuntuislobe careful of using --delete02:27
crimsunit's src:readline4 in dapper and edgy.02:28
xLEim using gutsy ='02:28
olskolircdo we have a program that allows us to find a persons name/addy/phone ect through email address?02:28
Pici!find readline02:28
ubotuFound: lib64readline5, lib64readline5-dev, libreadline-java, libreadline-java-doc, libreadline5 (and 15 others)02:28
crimsunxLE: we don't ship that.  What app needs it?02:28
xLEa haskell package.02:28
xLEneeded by GHC02:29
jason_ubuntuislowhats GHC?02:29
SavageOnemneptok: thanks man.  hey when I am succesful will I get a progress showing or will it just go to the prompt02:29
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: Did I lose you...02:29
JakeConnorJack_Sparrow: ewww, i'd just say back up your data and reinstall the os... thats why people put things on separate partitions anyways right? you cant really swap your motherboard unless you got the same exact one with the same version firmware and all the bells and whistles02:29
TheZealotIf I issue a command in the terminal and it is taking a long time, is there a combination of keys I can press to end the command and get back to a shell?02:29
crimsunxLE: do you mean GHC itself?  ghc6 exists.02:30
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, a compiler ok02:30
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: it all matches up02:30
xLEI have ghc02:30
Jack_SparrowJakeConnor: Not with windows...02:30
kitcheolskolirc: finger but most places have it disabled now02:30
mneptokSavageOne: you'll see progress02:30
olskolircyeah i noticed that02:30
xLEI was trying to configure a package for ghc, but it needs libreadline.so.402:30
crimsunxLE: then you'll need to have that package redone for gutsy.02:30
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: it matches with hda or sda?02:30
xLEwhat do you mean?02:30
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: hda02:30
xLEi'm new to ubuntu/linux.02:30
mneptok!info libreadline-dev02:31
ubotuPackage libreadline-dev does not exist in gutsy02:31
wersi'm running the live cd right now. i enabled the extra effects. how do I enable the expose like effect?02:31
JakeConnorJack_Sparrow: oh you guys are talking about windows? i don't even touch that stuff02:31
kelsinxLE does the ubuntu package for ghc (called ghc) not work for your needs?02:31
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: would it be a good idea to chroot in and run update-grub then grub-install?02:31
crush_grooveTheZealot, : control -C02:31
crdlbwers: Shift+alt+Up02:31
xLEghc is all good, it's a package for ghc..02:31
crimsunxLE: it was generated against a version of library that does not exist in gutsy.  You'll need to regenerate the ghc addition.02:31
TheZealotcrush_groove, perfect thank you!02:31
mneptokxLE: sudo apt-get install libreadline5-dev02:31
xLEi have that mneptok.02:31
crdlbwers: if you want to customize the binding for it, join #compiz-fusion02:31
[gquit]bombadilhow do i upgrade my 7.10 kernel from the general kernel to the k7 kernel?02:32
kelsinxLE what package?02:32
jason_ubuntuislomneptok, is it possible his program is looking for a symlink to this .so file?02:32
mneptok[gquit]bombadil: you don't02:32
[gquit]bombadilmneptok: why not?02:32
crdlb!generic | [gquit]bombadil02:32
ubotu[gquit]bombadil: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)02:32
kitche[gquit]bombadil: you don't the generic replaced them all02:32
mneptokxLE: does htis app need that *specific* version of libreadline?02:33
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: You said you had reinstalled grub twice...  just rying to think for a sec...   what about the boot priority in the bios.. also sata can be set to emulate ide etc.. what happens if yo pull the sata?02:33
mneptokxLE: like, ew.02:33
xLEi downloaded ghc from their site (binaries) and config'd it.02:33
mneptokxLE: what app?02:33
narothepharohhow do i get plugins for totem?02:34
kelsinxLE: why did you download instead of using the ubuntu ghc package?02:34
xLEit's a package for ghc.. called "irc"02:34
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: im afraid to boot it without the sata because my /home is an LVM between the 2 drives :\02:34
tonyyarussoAnyone know of a way to syncronize contacts between GMail and Evolution?02:34
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: i installed grub to both HDs and tried booting to them both02:34
xLEbecause, this thing im doing requires verison 6.6.2, and I couldn't find out what verison it was.02:34
[gquit]bombadilhow can i upgrade to the amd64 kernel?02:35
mneptokxLE: ohgawd. Haskell.02:35
kelsinxLE 6.6.102:35
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, i know theres programs you can export to a list to import to evolution let me find it02:35
Jack_Sparrowbmk789: I would try super grub...   I need to call it a night...   sorry I cant help more.02:35
xLEyeah i need 6.6.2 >02:35
bmk789Jack_Sparrow: ok, thanks for the help02:35
Jack_Sparrowgoodnight..  bmk789     al to all a goodnight02:35
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=24911 this is to export to a csv02:36
Neodudemanhow can I connect to the internet from the terminal to a wireless router?02:36
narothepharohhow do i get plugins for totem?02:36
jason_ubuntuislothis is import http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12009902:36
Milos_SD Hi, all... I have Leadtek WinFast 2000/XP Global tv card ... How can I make it work? When I do this: modprobe cx88xx card=xx and modprobe cx8800. It always uses card=5 for winfast 2000/xp expert ... :(02:36
kelsinxLE: then if you want to use their binaries instead of compiling it yourself you'll probably need to figure out a way to symlink the readline package or compile version 4 yourself02:36
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, this is to import csv to evo http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12009902:36
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, that help u ?02:36
soldatsnarothepharoh, use synaptic package manager and search for plugins and codecs02:36
tonyyarussojason_ubuntuislo: Well, sort of.  Ideally I'm looking for a plugin type of thing that will do it automatically.02:37
kelsinNeodudeman: if you don't need any complex wep or wpa it's two commands "iwconfig <interface> essid <essid>" then "dhclient <interface>" look up the man of those two commands for more info02:37
tonyyarussojason_ubuntuislo: A synchronization, rather than just copying manually.02:37
hobbit_what is the command to restart your networking connection?02:37
xLEwhere would I get verison 4?02:37
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, if you want a automatic thing its a little more complicated i cant help you unless u know how to program02:37
kelsinxLE: I don't know, probably need to find the homepage for the readline library02:37
hobbit_everytime i accidentally bump my wireless usb it goes out on me and i have to restart to get a connection. Any ideas?02:37
underdaw1when I do a vncserver:2 it says error in locking authority file /home/person/.Xauthority02:38
underdaw1what's that about?02:38
Neodudemankelsin: and what if there's a 5-letter ascii wep?02:38
tonyyarussojason_ubuntuislo: I don't :(  Hopefully there will be a conduit data provider or something available soon02:38
jason_ubuntuislohobbit_, its possible the usb is not being reloaded did you do a dmesg to see if its showing an issue02:38
Neodudemankelsin: sike, i'll just look up the man pages; ty02:38
hobbit_idk what that is02:38
wershow do i enable the expo?02:38
kelsinNeodudeman: you should look up the syntax of the iwconfig command with "man iwconfig" it has another command (like essid) to set the wep key02:38
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, some many things to build so little time02:38
hvgotcodessomeone gave me advice (so i can safely update from feisty -> gutsy) to remove 3rd party sources and software02:39
hvgotcodesi removed the sources02:39
hvgotcodesbut i do not see any orphaned packages02:39
Neodudemankelsin: oh. I didn't know that man was a command. lol. ty02:39
kelsinxLE: I would recommend trying to compile the haskell compiler rather then trying to get another copy of libreadline02:39
jason_ubuntuisloiwconfig set wlan0 essid MYLAN i think02:39
kelsinNeodudeman: man is the most important command on your system, PERIOD02:39
Neodudemankelsin: lol. ya, i've been asking google, but this is much more conveinient02:40
wersi'm playing with compiz fusion for the first time. what keys do i press for the plugins?02:40
wershow do i enable expo?02:40
mkrkhi everyone, my thinkpad (z61t) keeps crashing after sleep. I just installed Gutsy yesterday. Any help would be great.02:40
xLEi have compiled hsc02:40
ruthmann_Can anyone recommend a good program to rip internet radio stations, that can split it into separate files by a specified length?02:40
crdlbwers: Windows key + E02:40
LjLtonyyarusso: uhm why do you need to "synchronize", doesn't gmail now support POP3?02:40
kelsin!ccsm | wers02:40
ubotuwers: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:40
kitchewers: : you need to enable them though ccsm02:40
kitcheLjL: you mean IMAP?02:40
xLEkelsin, i have compiled ghc?02:40
LjLkitche: well either or both of them02:40
kelsinxLE: sorry, I thought you said you downloaded the binaries02:40
jason_ubuntuisloLjL yes and imap too02:40
kelsinxLE: you downloaded the binaries for the irc package?02:41
Neodudemanjason_ubuntuislo: good news, I found the session menu in my theme; I just started mashing all of the buttons until something worked. and it did! so now back in gnome, and off to bed. Thanks for your help!02:41
nibsa1242bcan anyone guide me though reporting a bug?02:41
wershow about the cube?02:41
hobbit_idk guess i have to restart to get online02:41
jason_ubuntuisloNeodudeman, he no problem i try02:41
kitcheLjL: I heard their IMAP support isn't that great but imap is what people are starting to use though since it syncs all desktop email instead of having email all over I haven't tried it though02:41
ruthmann_no suggestions?02:41
kelsinwers: download that ccsm package then you can see all the keys, setup new plugins and change the keybindings if youw ant02:41
wersi'm runnign a live cd right now02:41
jason_ubuntuisloLjL, yes but i love thier search in gmail no email program can compare02:41
xLEkelsin, i downloaded ghc binaries then did a ./configure..etc << ?02:41
tonyyarussoLjL: Multiple computers?02:42
tonyyarussoLjL: Choice of being able to flip back and forth between desktop clients and the web interface?02:42
LjLtonyyarusso, why doesn't POP or IMAP allow that?02:42
nibsa1242bI need help reporting a bug. If I search for the project in Launchpad it says the project isn't registered and that I can register it myself. Should I?02:42
Zimp_is there an automatic way to update ipw2200 drivers in gusty ?02:42
jason_ubuntuislotonyyarusso, you could also see if theres a program to interface into the gmail ive seen those out there02:42
kitchetonyyarusso: imap allows that if you use it02:42
steve_wobbly windows anyone02:42
tonyyarussokitche: How?02:43
Milos_SD Hi, all... I have Leadtek WinFast 2000/XP Global tv card ... How can I make it work? When I do this: modprobe cx88xx card=xx and modprobe cx8800 I alwas get card=5 in dmesg output.02:43
kelsinxLE: if you downloaded the binaries then you did not compile it, I would recommend doing one of two things 1) download the ghc source and really compile it, or 2) read the instructions on the ghc site next to the binary download, they have an rpm of readline 4 RIGHT THERE02:43
tonyyarussoLjL: Maybe I'm just not aware of it - enlighten me?02:43
jason_ubuntuislokitche, he wants to sync his contacts too02:43
LjLtonyyarusso, i must simply be missing something of what you want to do02:43
jason_ubuntuislokitche, i didnt know imap could do this02:43
kelsinxLE: you can download it, use the "alien" package to convert to a deb, and try installing that if you want02:43
kitchetonyyarusso: just configure your email clients for imap and enable it in gmail and there you go I have no clue about contacts though02:43
eidois it possible to break a linux gnu box by just pulling the plug on it?02:43
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: me neither but I m not usre but gmail might have an export command for them02:43
LjLtonyyarusso: contacts as they say, possibly02:43
kelsineido: you can corrupt the file system yes02:43
nibsa1242beido: it won't be happy about it if you do02:44
kelsineido: (just like any modren OS)02:44
kelsineido: *modern02:44
jason_ubuntuislokitche, yes i posted a way to export to csv but he wants them updated all the time02:44
hvgotcodeswhat does installed (local or obsolete) mean in the package manager?02:44
tonyyarussoLjL, kitche: ... I know I can do the mail with IMAP - hence the question just about contacts.02:44
nibsa1242bI need help figuring out how to file a bug report.02:44
ruthmann_\Can anyone recommend a good program to rip internet radio stations, that can split it into separate files by a specified length?02:44
jason_ubuntuislokitche, he needs a script to download and sync02:44
tritiumnibsa1242b: you need to register on launchpad, and then you can02:45
kelsin!bug | nibsa1242b02:45
ubotunibsa1242b: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots02:45
jason_ubuntuisloruthmann_, does this help http://www.xpheas.com/Rip-Internet-Radio_a9.html02:45
nibsa1242btritium: I am registered, but it says that the project: flpsed isn't registered02:45
kitchetonyyarusso: let me log in to gmail and see something02:46
ruthmann_jason: have  u used it before?02:46
kelsinnibsa1242b: if it's an ubuntu bug you want to file it in the ubuntu project02:46
kitchetonyyarusso: sicne I believe they might have an application and I have to check my email anyways :)02:46
jason_ubuntuisloruthmann_, nope just suggesting that its around02:46
tritiumnibsa1242b: you'd report the bug against the ubuntu package, not the project02:46
nibsa1242bkelsin: tritium: I'm new to these things. I've only ever reported one bug before. Not sure exactly how to go about using the launchpad site.02:46
xLEhow do i search for a specific package?02:47
tonyyarussokitche: :)02:47
xLEapt-get search package_name*?02:47
jason_ubuntuislosudo aptitude search02:47
tritiumnibsa1242b: I'm about to host a LoCo meeting.  Perhaps kelsin can assist...02:47
jason_ubuntuislosudo aptitude search PACKAGENAME02:47
nibsa1242bkelsin: tritium: I think I'll be ok. I googled it and found the bug has already been reported on launchpad02:47
LjLjason_ubuntuislo: sudo with "search"? no need.02:47
jason_ubuntuisloLjL, ohh really02:47
kelsinnibsa1242b: you goto bugs.ubuntu.com and click on "Report a bug"02:47
kelsinnibsa1242b: well then you're all set02:47
LjLjason_ubuntuislo: yes really, why would one need root privilges to just *search* for a package? you aren't touching anything in the filesystem.02:48
nibsa1242bkelsin: yep, and the great thing is that there is a simple work around02:48
jason_ubuntuisloLjL, i always seem to use sudo because every time i do something it yells and says hey no permissions man !02:48
tritiumapt-cache search and aptitude search do not require sudo02:48
toresn_what is the most common convention for naming multiple word directories, e.g. "a new directory" ?02:48
nibsa1242bkelsin: I'm happy. I often need the pdf editing power of flpsed.02:48
crdlbtoresn_: what do you mean by "convention"?02:49
xLEkelsin, rpm is not for ubuntu?02:49
kelsinxLE: ubuntu does not use rpms, but we have the "alien" package that will convert rpm->deb02:49
jason_ubuntuisloxLE, alien will convert it02:49
PriceChild!alien | xLE kelsin jason_ubuntuislo02:49
ubotuxLE kelsin jason_ubuntuislo: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)02:49
kelsinxLE: it's not reliable and for big important packages not safe, but might work for this case02:50
toresn_crdlb: etiquette02:50
kitchetonyyarusso: well I didn't see anything about clients but might want to do some searching about it02:50
crdlbtoresn_: well I generally try to avoid it if that's what you mean, except for pure document folders (eg music grouped by artist/album)02:50
kitchetonyyarusso: clients/contacts02:51
astro76toresn_, most often - for space, then _, but _ is more a pain to type ;)02:51
astro76toresn_, also if you are talking web accessible... google sees - as space, but not _02:52
toresn_ok, tnx02:52
hvgotcodesok i think all 3rd party software is out02:52
hvgotcodeswhat is the best way to upgrade from feisty to gutsy?02:52
PriceChild!upgrade | hvgotcodes02:52
ubotuhvgotcodes: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:53
jason_ubuntuisloPriceChild, man your fast02:53
Klick__Hey all, does anyone know of a program that can make a avi or mpg or whatever type of video out of whatever is being displayed on your screen?02:53
astro76!screencast | Klick__02:53
ubotuKlick__: Some programs to capture your screen are Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.02:53
Klick__which one of them do you like the best02:53
altghie all02:56
fabioi want to run gta san andreas in ubuntu02:56
NemesisDhow would i set up SSH to only allow access to a few specific IPs?02:56
altgdo you know Jbrout ??02:56
fabioi have wine02:56
apox64928anyone  running a proliant ML310?02:56
fabiobut the graphis is very slow02:56
fabiono to mutch02:56
fabioany one can help?02:57
kelsinnibsa1242b: "man sshd_config" then edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config accordingly02:57
fabiou there02:58
hvgotcodeswill removing xfce-desktop remove all xfce packages?02:58
hvgotcodesi mean xubuntu-desktop02:58
Snuxollbut it will kill dist-upgrades02:59
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jason_ubuntuislowhere can i find all irc logs? are they logged without me having to have a bot log them?02:59
fabiohow to acelerate the grapics in ubuntu02:59
kitchehvgotcodes: you have to remove xfce4 xubuntu-desktop is just a meta package03:00
rsvampireI've got a problem with Ubuntu detecting my onboard sound card even when it's disabled in the BIOS. Can anyone help me?03:00
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: depends on the client if it's enabled or not most are kept in ~/.<application> though03:00
xLEso how do I use this alien?03:00
Kenaidoes anybody know if Beryl works on a Dell with an nVidia running gutsy03:01
hvgotcodesare the instructions at this url good? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39476403:01
kitcheKenai: yes03:01
jason_ubuntuislokitche, is it possible freenode logs them?03:01
hvgotcodesis see libgfsgnome03:01
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kelsinxLE: install it with "sudo apt-get install alien" then I would look in "man alien"03:01
fabiokenai download a envy pakagr03:01
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: umm the network doesn't but channels do they usually have to say it in topic now with the IRSeek way of doing it03:01
xLErgr dat.03:01
kahrytanThe topic is wrong03:01
kahrytanFlash Install is not broken03:01
kitchekahrytan: it was earilier03:02
kahrytanI updated it fine03:02
Kenaikitche- envy pakagr? after that, would I be able to install the themes, or do I need another program?03:02
kitchekahrytan: yes but earilier it was broken03:02
jason_ubuntuislokitche, is it possible to search for phrases under irc logged?03:02
kitchekahrytan: just that some people still haven't updated their databases yet so they might run into the problem03:02
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: umm yeah03:03
NeoPhyte21can someon help me out? im running gutsy and trying to compile a program but keep getting an error saying pkg-config can't find gtk+-2.0.pc file (i have gimp installed and working so i know gtk+ is instaled, and i just installed the dev files) so what am i missing?03:03
kahrytankitche➲  synaptic reloads updates it03:03
kitchekahrytan: yep not all people refresh though03:03
kahrytankitche➲  oops. Update Managerdoes03:03
crdlb!find gtk+-2.0.pc | NeoPhyte2103:03
ubotuneophyte21: File gtk+-2.0.pc found in libgtk-directfb-2.0-dev, libgtk2.0-dev, lsb-build-desktop303:04
kahrytankitche➲  How else does it check for updates03:04
crdlbNeoPhyte21: you want the second one03:04
kitchekahrytan: but what about the people that haven't installed flsh yet but comes across this problem :)03:04
jason_ubuntuislokitche, could you inform me? how this is done?03:04
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kahrytankitche➲  and they install fixed one03:04
NeoPhyte21ya i did an apt-get install libgtk2.0dev and it installed like 43mb of stuff03:04
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: see if /lastlog shows you anything03:04
kahrytankitche➲  regardless, topic needs an update.03:05
kitchekahrytan: yep just that an op haven't changed the topic yet since *it* was just updated03:05
crdlbNeoPhyte21: clearly it's not installed03:05
kelsinNeoPhyte21: does the /usr/lib/pkconfig/gtk+-2.0.pc file exist?03:05
NeoPhyte21libgtk2.0-dev is already the newest version.03:05
kahrytankitche➲  in couple days?03:05
NeoPhyte21kelsin: yes03:05
kelsinNeoPhyte21: also did you install the build-essential package?03:06
jason_ubuntuislokitche, nope03:06
crdlbNeoPhyte21: pastebin the exact error03:06
kitchejason_ubuntuislo: then you client most likely is not loggin03:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:06
=== PriceChild changed the topic of #ubuntu to: Official Ubuntu Support Channel | Please be patient and read the FAQ: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions | Support options: http://www.ubuntu.com/support | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org
kahrytanThank You, PC03:06
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: what irc client are you using? just open it with an editor then press CTRL+F03:06
hvgotcodeshow long will upgrade take?03:06
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: i mean open it's log03:07
kitchejason_ubuntuislo:  anyways I m going to bed have to work tomorrow03:07
Zimp_Can someone help me with an issue following the guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=501148&highlight=ipw220003:07
jason_ubuntuislokitche, Night03:07
JosieHey can anyone offer me any help with Wubi?03:07
jason_ubuntuislosunogbaga, but is there a web search i mean?03:08
kitche!wubi | Josie03:08
ubotuJosie: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html03:08
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: what irc client are you using?03:08
Zimp_sudo mv /usr/src/linux /usr/src/linux_bak03:08
Zimp_mvanbaak: cannot stat `/usr/src/linux': No such file or directory03:08
Alyxanderhey guys whats the best way to add music to my videos?03:08
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JosieYes yes I know that.03:08
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: can you set it to log all messages..03:08
kahrytan!info pitivi | Alyxander03:09
ubotualyxander: pitivi: non-linear audio/video editor using GStreamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.3-1 (gutsy), package size 167 kB, installed size 1004 kB03:09
Zimp_where are linux header files located in gusty ?03:09
JosieI'm getting error 9, something about invalid drive stuff when I try to boot into what wubi made.03:09
jason_ubuntuislosunogbaga, im aware that my client can log it but i was wondering if its possible to log it while im at work as i have only this pc which is a laptop i bring to work and i cant get to irc03:09
kelsinZimp_: /usr/src/linux is commonly just a symlink to the current kernel you have running, if that file isn't there isn't fine, they should be located in a folder in /usr/src03:09
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: web interface i think is possible only if your irc client has the feature03:09
crdlbNeoPhyte21: hmm what are you building?03:09
kahrytanAlyxander➲  Pitivi reminds me of WIndows Movie Maker03:09
SavageOnersync -t *.* linuxmce@   this command is only doing the files within the folder themselves, not the sub directories and files within03:10
Alyxanderhumm ill look into it thanks guys!03:10
SavageOneI've got files 3 and 4 directories deep03:10
SavageOneI tried adding -tr instead of just -t03:10
SavageOnewhen I have v in there it just acts like it copies some stuff and ends03:10
sunogbagajason_ubuntuislo: you have to be always connected to do that.. otherwise youll have to rely to the bot03:10
kelsinNeoPhyte21: does "pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0" work on your system?03:11
NeoPhyte21crdlb: any ideas ?03:11
NeoPhyte21kelsin it returns: Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.03:11
NeoPhyte21is there a command to add it manually?03:11
jason_ubuntuislook thanks Have a good night ! :)03:11
gorillageneis anyone running a proliant ML310?03:12
crdlbNeoPhyte21: what does this say: pkg-config --exists gtk+-2.0 && echo exists03:12
gorillageneor know about possible boot problems03:12
kelsinNeoPhyte21: you can set /usr/lib/pkgconfig in the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable, but you shouldn't need to do that, something is screwed up about your pkg-config install03:13
krammeri need help with gparted?03:13
kelsinNeoPhyte21: you do have the current pkg-config installed right?03:13
andrukmy resolution settings do not seem to be taking hold...and my monitor is not in the list...  help?03:13
benzs_swill xchat 2.8.4 work on feisty?03:13
underdaw1how do i mount a drive as a folder on my desktop?03:14
kelsinNeoPhyte21: (meaning you didn't install it from source or some other location)03:14
transcubeHey, does anyone know how to find out what filesystem a partition is using?03:14
askandHow do I reinstall the appearancesetingdialog?03:14
underdaw1sudo mount /hda /home/myuser/Desktop?03:14
K_Dallastranscube, fdisk -l or so03:14
Crooperor gparted03:15
K_DallasQ: I have seen and used some of the email clinets in the market.  But none so far has been good enough for my simple needs or that I was not able to use them effectively.  For instance, if I want all the emails from a given person to go to a pre-determined folder. Or that I want all the emails with the same urgency be gathered together.  If there a client enough flexibe and with such possibilities out there? Thanks03:15
transcubeNo, I meant how do I find out whether or not its using ext3, resierfs, etc.03:15
K_DallasI was thinking that maybe some prefiltering by scripting could do this under linux but not  that good with those stuff03:16
K_Dallastranscube, fdisk -l03:16
kelsinK_Dallas: what clients hav eyou trued that havn't done this? I know Thunderbird and Evolution both can. You can also use procmail along with fetchmail and a client like mutt if you like a tech-savy cli solution03:16
krammerafter i resized my darive it is showing unallowcated what do i do next? any help03:16
scragarkrammer: create a new partition using the free space?03:17
yabadabahi guys03:17
gorillagenecan anyone help me with boot problems? i'm not sure if my bios is setup up incorrectly, but, i'm looking for some info on reasons ubuntu won't boot to the hd on a proliant ML31003:17
K_Dallaskelsin, i have used those clients but i think those options are not easily visible. I'm going to try them again, thanks03:17
PenguinHunterDoes anyone know any good solid open source radio software like Prophet or NexGen03:17
krammerprimary partition or extended?03:17
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yabadabaneither knetworkmanager nor gnomenetworkmanager applets show available wireless networks but i can see them via system/admin/network/wireless applet.  would anyone know why this might be happening?  it sounds like either a permissions issue or like the applets aren't able to talk to the device in some other way ... anyone have suggestions for fixing this?03:18
NeoPhyte21crdlb: pkg-config --exists gtk+-2.0 && echo exists doesn't return anything (sorry for delay had anetwork hiccup)03:19
NeoPhyte21haven't messed with pkg-config at all, just been using apt-get install to add packages03:19
NeoPhyte21kelsin: should i try removing and reinstalling pkg-config?03:19
kelsinNeoPhyte21: it probably couldn't hurt03:19
CrooperPenguinHunter, try campware.org03:19
krammerwhen i press apply it goes back to unallowcated03:21
crdlbNeoPhyte21: then pkg-config doesn't recognize/see the .pc file03:21
xLEcan i find out root's password?03:21
gyaresuxLE: Can you?03:21
kromcuichI messed up my iptables on 7.10 now neither LAN nor wifi gets Internet connection. How can I restore them to the default settings?03:21
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gorillagenexle: did you change the root pswd in the first place?03:21
movingdecimalsi am getting the error "no subnet declaration for start (" when trying to start dhcpd03:21
kelsinxLE: on your system? ubuntu doesn't have a root password03:21
scragarxLE: not unless you want to try force it03:21
movingdecimalsthe subnet is def set03:21
kelsinxLE: you use sudo for everything03:22
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kelsinmovingdecimals: can you paste your dhcpd config file? (in a pastebin of course)03:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)03:23
sarixehi, after upgrading this morning, i got "The panel encountered a problem while loading "OAFIID:Deskbar_Applet"."03:23
sarixeand also for the mixer app03:24
crdlbNeoPhyte21: make sure you don't have anything in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig (particularly not a gtk+-2.0.pc)03:25
underdaw1how do i log another user out remotely?03:29
underdaw1or is there a way to display a message on their laptop03:29
kromcuichI messed up my iptables on 7.10 now neither LAN nor wifi gets Internet connection. How can I restore them to the default settings?03:30
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, There are ways to do both of those things if you have sshd installed on the machine in question03:30
RoAkSoAxkromcuich : iptables -F will flush all the iptables03:30
crush_grooveunderdaw1,   if you have access .. just ttype ps x ( note the space) thin kill -9 <pid>03:30
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, Or have "remote desktop" ( VNC ) enabled03:30
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: did all that. flushed iptables and nat rules. still nothing03:30
krammerAnybody good with gparted03:31
Jordan_U!anyone | krammer03:31
ubotukrammer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:31
PeterHSwhat do you mean by good03:32
cyranoHi. I have an issue with streamripper. I try to rip last.fm streams through last.fm proxy. The problem is that while last.fm proxy mirrors what my last.fm player plays, streamripper rips completely random songs off from last.fm. Songs that are not to be found in any of my channels. What am i doing wrong? It seems like it doesnt access my account and my stations.03:32
NeoPhyte21crdlb: gtk+2.0 was in there03:32
RoAkSoAxkromcuich weird.. maybe it is not iptables then03:32
NeoPhyte21or is rather03:32
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kromcuich RoAkSoAx: i played with iptables when trying to set up internet connection sharing. that never worked and neither has the internet since :)03:32
krammeri have resized my drive what next (I press apply then it goes back to start???03:32
crdlbNeoPhyte21: you've manually installed gtk for some reason, which is a bad thing03:33
RoAkSoAxkromcuich but if you have flushed iptables it should work as it used to03:33
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: and next step if it didnt?03:33
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scragarkrammer: you shrunk your drive right? and created a new parition?03:34
Jordan_Ukromcuich, Did you by any chance also setup a ( possibly incorrect ) static configuration rather than DHCP?03:34
NeoPhyte21crd: so i get rid of it by?03:34
NeoPhyte21i may have cp'd the .pc file there thinking it would fix it last night03:34
krammerit is showing unallocated what do I do next?03:34
kromcuichJordan_U: no, its on dhcp now...and neither eth0 or 1 function03:34
RoAkSoAxkromcuich: reboot machine and what Jordan_U says, verify network config.03:34
krammerRight click on the open space then start new partition?03:35
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, Again, does the laptop have openssh-server installed?03:35
scragarkrammer: create a new extended partition using as much space as you want, click apply and watch it work03:35
underdaw1Jordan_U: yes03:35
krammerI am back from start03:36
underdaw1Jordan_U: ssh and vnc installed03:36
krammerfirst do i resize the drive?03:36
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: i tried to reinstall the iptables package, but it wants to download it again :) which obviously...03:36
underdaw1Jordan_U: i can't login to vnc unless I login on this desktop though03:36
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, ssh in, if they are using a terminal right now the easiest thing to do would be to run "wall <message>"03:36
scragarkrammer: you need unalocated space to do anything, so shrtinking/removing comes first03:36
underdaw1i se03:36
underdaw1wall is a cool command03:36
RoAkSoAxkromcuich: obviously...??03:37
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: obviously i cant03:37
krammerwhat next::please03:37
RoAkSoAxkromcuich do a /etc/init.d/networking restart and paste the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:38
krammeri have my space showing unallowcated?03:38
scragarkrammer: if you've got some free space now right click on it and select new partition03:38
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, You can also set the DISPLAY variable to ":0.0" then run any GUI command and it will show up on his desktop if he is logged in ( "zenity" is probably a good place to look for quick messages )03:38
patbamhi, what package does the image manipulation tool  'convert'  live in? i thuoght it was imagemagick but it didn't install it..03:38
krammerextended part? and then add ?03:38
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: ok, but ity will take a while as i gotta reboot to ubuntu, then back to windows to get internet03:38
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, You can also use "aplay" to play a wav file03:38
scragarkrammer: use the slider to change it's size if you want(default to max), and set it to extended. click add/whatever03:38
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, And many other things :)03:39
NeoPhyte21is gtk automatically installed w/ gimp? as in if i remove gimp and then reinstall might it solve thsi problem?03:39
kromcuichRoAkSoAx: usuallt the message fron network restart just says 'ok'03:39
underdaw1the display variable?03:39
krammerok what next?03:39
scragarkrammer: then click apply, should take a while03:39
underdaw1in vnc :0,0?03:39
RoAkSoAxkromcuich: use ifconfig also, and paste output03:39
krammersee man it goes back to the beggining03:39
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=== cynic is now known as gladier
Jordan_Uunderdaw1, No, ssh in then once you are logged in via ssh run: DISPLAY=":0.0"03:40
krammernow i dont any space03:40
scragaryou get any errors or anything?03:40
dongyshhow can I install e17 in ubuntu 7.10?03:41
werswhat's the best timer app out there? :D03:42
wersi want a gtk app :D03:42
CoasterMasterwers, there's one for gnome-panel I think03:43
cyranoHi. I have an issue with streamripper. I try to rip last.fm streams through last.fm proxy. The problem is that while last.fm proxy mirrors what my last.fm player plays, streamripper rips completely random songs off from last.fm. Songs that are not to be found in any of my channels. What am i doing wrong? It seems like it doesnt access my account and my stations.03:43
wersyeah. i'm using that and I'm loving it03:43
wersi'm looking for alternatives03:43
lockdi just ran into someone using Ubuntu (conexant driver I think) and it is emitting beep beep beep instead of audio03:44
lockdcontinually, and volume goes up and down with the volume control03:44
lockdswitched to both Alsa and OSS03:44
CoasterMasteris there a tutorial for turning FLACs into MP3s using LAME?03:45
lockdany ideas as to what might cause errant beeping? searched everywhere on google03:45
scragar CoasterMaster: isn't it just "lame filename" ? if that's too hard for you install Glame03:45
CoasterMasterscragar, oh, didn't realize it would be that easy03:46
andrukwhy arent my resolution settings kept between logins?03:46
pflanzeHello. Can anyone explain me (or point to an explanation of) the /rofs filesystem part on ubuntu live cd's? After copying everything off a running system, how do I merge / and /rofs correctly?03:47
kahrytanCoasterMaster➲  Try Sound Converter?03:48
kahrytan!info soundconverter03:48
ubotusoundconverter: Convert audio files into other formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.6-1 (gutsy), package size 65 kB, installed size 428 kB03:48
IcemanV9lockd: try to check with system > pref > sound ... see if you can change the assignment to the warning or something likes that03:48
PenguinHunterI am working with a radio engineer who would like to move the radio stations he works with to Linux.  What open source automated software is out there.  Please realize that this is a large operation with 3 radio stations and about 50 internet radio streams which build off of the 3 FM stations03:48
PenguinHunterAny ideas03:49
astro76PenguinHunter, did you see someone mentioned campware.org ?03:49
pflanzePenguinHunter: why not ask people who are running internet radios already?03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rivwndell - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:49
MagicFabPenguinHunter, I remember seing some of that in Linux Journal03:49
PenguinHunterThe current software is NexGen and Prophet03:50
lockdIcemanV9: Eh? Changed all preferences, set between alsa and oss03:50
PenguinHunterCampware is too small03:50
anthonylicarianyone know of an application that can search text across multiple files in a directory?03:50
BloodyScumI just installed k torrent useing the add/remove manager, but when i try to open it with the launcher, it doesnt do anything, just acts like i didnt even click it.. i cant figure out why03:50
IcemanV9lockd: not between alsa or oss ... just assign the sound you want to emit or turn it off altogether03:51
bulmeranthonylicari-> grep can03:51
astro76anthonylicari, grep03:51
anthonylicarithank you03:51
m1k3Ok you guys I wanna prove someone wrong03:51
narothepharohhow do i get sound03:51
bulmeranthonylicari-> grep can and so as sed and awk03:51
m1k3does linux have any trojans or viruses?03:51
lockdIcemanV9: It is beeping. All those options are set to no sound, and sound doesn't really work03:51
m1k3Enought to where you need virus protection03:51
IcemanV9!sound > narothepharoh03:51
scragarBloodyScum: go to a terminal and type "ktorrent" what's it say?03:51
lockdIcemanV9: (in apps where I try to use the sound)03:51
MagicFabPenguinHunter, here's one project I recently read about: http://www.mediabox404.org/Main_Page03:51
PenguinHunterPlus this isn't just internet radio this will be connecting into 3 FM stations03:51
astro76m1k3, this is the Ubuntu support channel, not the proving people wrong channel03:51
andrukwhy arent my resolution settings kept between logins?03:51
IcemanV9lockd: ah.03:52
narothepharohicemanv9: how?03:52
BloodyScumkdeinit: Aborting. bind() failed: : Permission denied03:52
BloodyScumCould not bind to socket '/home/steven/.kde/socket-steven-ub/kdeinit__0'03:52
BloodyScumERROR: KUniqueApplication: Can't setup DCOP communication.03:52
m1k3astro76, Sorry but can you treat it as a question then? :P03:52
simplechatm1k3, yes, but if you actually see one, you get a sticker (hint: nobody's got one)03:52
astro76m1k3, sorry ;) ...here's a good link03:52
astro76!virus | m1k303:52
ubotum1k3: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:52
onatswhat's the command to resolve the hostname of a particular IP?03:52
bulmeronats man dig03:52
IcemanV9narothepharoh: read the msg from ubotu03:53
movingdecimalskelsin - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48170/03:53
IcemanV9!sound | narothepharoh03:53
ubotunarothepharoh: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:53
m1k3Thank you my dad was telling me you need virus protection lol03:53
BloodyScumhmmm... i did sudo ktorrent and it poped up, will i have to run it like that every time?03:53
Filled-voidis the flashplugin-nonfree 64 bit ? I'm on an Ubuntu 64 bit install Gutsy Gibbon03:53
onatsbulmer, thanks03:53
scragarBloodyScum: it should work without sudo, I don't get why it wouldn't...03:54
andrukanybody know anything aboot resolution settings?03:54
R3B3LXwine is downloaded and i am trying to run tukanas hit generator using wine... when i download it it says error writing to the temporary location... how do i get it to work?03:54
BloodyScumhm.. well when i did it, it put this in the term:              kbuildsycoca running...03:55
BloodyScumReusing existing ksycoca03:55
BloodyScumkio (KMimeType): WARNING: KServiceType::offers : servicetype ThumbCreator not fo                                                           und03:55
JoshooaCan I get some help making flash work in Firefox? I've tried Gnash and Adobe and neither of them want to work right03:55
BloodyScumwhatever that means...03:56
fabioi whant to know a good alternative to run windows games03:56
fabiogta san andreas03:56
JoshooaWine or Cedega03:56
R3B3LXdoes anyone know how to wrok wine03:56
Filled-voidfabio, Check Cedega and Wine you can search their databases if the game is supported03:56
R3B3LXthat is my question >_>03:56
JoshooaR3B3LX: How to work it?03:56
fabiojoshooa but the games are very slow03:56
R3B3LXyes im trying to run Tukanas Hit Generator03:56
R3B3LXbut when i download it using wine03:57
R3B3LXit says Error Writing TO Temporary Location03:57
R3B3LXwhen its downloaded03:57
ubotuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!03:57
fabioFilled-void the game is very slow the graphics03:57
magic_ninjaare there any download accelerators for linux, similar to dap03:58
magic_ninjai used to use it when it first came out and it rocked03:58
JoshooaR3B3LX: Well you should only use Wine to install it not to download it. You may have to set write permissions03:58
movingdecimalsi guess kelsin left. i am getting an error trying to get dhcpd running. when trying to start it i get "no subnet declaration for start (" the subnet is def set. here is my dhcpd.conf - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48170/03:58
MagicFabPenguinHunter, also see http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/05/24/184524403:58
Filled-voidfabio, Sorry bud I havent played the game so I dont have experiences there :(. Your best choice is to check others reviews in cedega and wine and see if there is some fix for it03:58
R3B3LXhow do i run it with wine then?03:58
PenguinHunterthanks guys03:58
JoshooaR3B3LX: After it's downloaded, do wine '/Path-to-File/File.exe'03:59
R3B3LXwhats path to file?03:59
scragaror just right click the file and choose open with wine :P03:59
R3B3LXthat may help >_>03:59
R3B3LXit still gives me same error04:00
JoshooaR3B3LX: Well where did you download it?04:00
R3B3LXbut i right clicked it and choose to run it with wine >_>04:00
abdullamovingdecimals, internet not working ?04:00
JoshooaR3B3LX: And it doesn't bring up the installing window?04:01
R3B3LXit just says Untitled window as the window04:01
JoshooaR3B3LX: Have you ran winecfg yet?04:01
R3B3LXhow do i do that?04:01
movingdecimalswell this machine is on a differnt network works fine. this other machine i am trying to get dhcpd working04:01
JoshooaOPen a terminal and type winecfg or go to your wine menu and select Configure Wine04:02
abdullamovingdecimals, i just want to know if internet works it means you can surf ... before answering your question ;)04:02
abdullaif not working i can help if its working then my step is no sure for you movingdecimals04:02
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:02
R3B3LXok i did that... a screen appeared... but what do i set it to or what04:02
movingdecimalswell the the machine i am trying to get working is on a seperate network not connected to any inet connection04:03
JoshooaSet it to emulate windows xp04:04
abdullamovingdecimals, have you tried if it can detect a connection ? because dhcp should be got automaticlly from your router ect.. ubuntu does that04:04
R3B3LXi set it as windows vista?04:04
JoshooaUm, you can try that first but if it has errors go back and change it to XP04:04
abdullai want to know if internet works on that computer trying plugin in a LAN cable and see if it connects :) movingdecimals04:04
R3B3LXlolz ok04:04
IcemanV9R3B3LX: depends on the app you d/l04:04
R3B3LXi realized that before04:04
R3B3LXit said nothing of windows 20004:04
R3B3LX2000 working for it04:05
JoshooaI think emulating XP will be more stable, but if you can get it to run in Vista then you can go for that too04:05
movingdecimalsif i plug it into the production network and change eth0 to dhcp i can get on the net04:05
fabiorun virtualbox04:05
JoshooaAnd try it again04:05
R3B3LXlol vista wouldnt work04:05
R3B3LXsame error04:05
R3B3LXlet me try xp04:05
JoshooaWhen I ran virtualbox it froze04:05
abdullaWine can do most jobs how come you guys still use virtualbox ? what purpose? :/04:05
R3B3LXok guys04:06
viroR3B3LX: what system?04:06
fabioneed to see configuration04:06
R3B3LXi added windows vista and clicked apply >_>04:06
R3B3LXand when i loaded it again04:06
R3B3LXit cam back up as windows 20004:06
virois this a vm?04:06
Joshooafabio: Yeah?04:06
bulmerabdulla-> have you tried to read anything about virtualbox?04:06
JoshooaR3B3LX: Weird04:07
R3B3LXanyway i set it to xp04:07
R3B3LXgoing to try adn run it again04:07
fabiojoshooa: run with sudo04:07
Joshooafabio: Oh I got past that part, and added myself to the virtualbox user group, got into Windows Set Up, but it froze in that04:07
R3B3LXsame error still04:07
R3B3LXwould it matter if the top where it says Default.... was just default04:08
R3B3LXand nothing else?04:08
fabioJoshooa: sudo virtualbox04:08
fabioand create a new machine04:08
Joshooafabio: I did that04:08
JoshooaR3B3LX: You mean Default Settings?04:08
JoshooaR3B3LX: Yeah that's fine04:08
Joshooafabio: So it freezes04:09
Joshooafabio: Well once I try and install windows04:09
R3B3LXit says Application Settings.. the only 1 there is Default04:09
abdullai used to use it bulmer but now i dualboot i have a mounted xp disk on my ubuntu desktop i do my swapping theyr for just makeing my ubuntu drive light and empty :)04:09
R3B3LXacorn@confusedCPU:~$ wineserver: could not save registry branch to /home/acorn/.wine/system.reg : Permission denied04:09
fabioJoshooa: i think u need to reeinstal it04:10
R3B3LXit says that when i close it04:10
Voyage__any one using virtual box? how to share folders in a winodws xp ?04:10
fabiosudo it04:10
movingdecimalsabdulla:  if i plug it into the production network and change eth0 to dhcp i can get on the net04:10
bulmerabdulla now if you want a simultaneous xp and linux and freebsd and openbsd, can you try to run that same time ?04:10
R3B3LXr u guys trying to add a windows xp to ur system or what?04:10
JoshooaR3B3LX: Do a terminal and run sudo /home/acorn/Desktop/Tukanas Hit Generator.exe04:10
IcemanV9R3B3LX: you need to chmod your home .wine and it will allow you to save the config without using sudo04:11
fabiovoyage read the instructions04:11
fabiosudo nautilus04:11
abdullamovingdecimals, i guess you need to leave it on eth0 :) , and check if you can ping google.com then .. tell me reply04:11
fabioand go to the folder04:11
R3B3LXsudo: /home/acorn/Desktop/Tukanas: command not found04:11
fabioand change premissions04:11
JoshooaR3B3LX: Whoops, I meant sudo wine04:11
abdullabulmer, no , however whats the point?04:12
movingdecimalsabdulla: leave it on eth004:12
JoshooaR3B3LX: But if you can chmod your home .wine folder would be better04:12
R3B3LXsudo wine /home/acorn/Desktop/Tukanas Hit Generator.exe04:12
bulmerabdulla-> have you tried to read anything about virtualbox? then you will understand the point04:12
kjp2I'm looking for some music playing software that has a web front end. Anyone know of such a thing ?04:12
JoshooaR3B3LX: Yes, should be it, if that's your file04:12
abdullayes ... dhcp should be recognized ,without appointing it movingdecimals04:12
abdullamaybe for personal purpose bulmer :p04:12
fabioR3B3LX: go to terminal04:13
n08l3JHello everyone04:13
R3B3LXit installed04:13
n08l3Jwhen i go to System > Preferences > Appearance04:13
movingdecimalsabdulla: i am under the impressions when the machine is set up as a dhcp server eth0 should be a static address04:13
fabioand go to the folder of program u want to run04:13
n08l3Jit just forze there04:13
Voyage__anyhelp pls?04:13
R3B3LXthx a million guys04:13
bulmerabdulla once you become a developer, you'd understand why the need of multiple os04:13
n08l3Ji mean i can only close it but can not change anything04:13
R3B3LXu just saved me a big time04:13
fabio!patiente voyage04:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patiente voyage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:13
R3B3LXnow i dont need a windows >_>04:13
JoshooaR3B3LX: Yeah Windows sucks04:14
R3B3LXhaha yeah i know04:14
R3B3LXmine crashed04:14
JoshooaR3B3LX: Except they are driving more people towards Ubuntu04:14
R3B3LXit lagged so bad04:14
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines04:14
R3B3LXadn then my computer was down for 3 weeks04:14
simplechatR3B3LX, who would need it in the first place?04:14
instaare there such things as "download managers" in ubuntu?  where i can add multiple HTTP sources for the same file and split the download speeds between them?04:14
fabio!patience voyage04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patience voyage - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
R3B3LXpeople at geek squad said my hard drive needed to be replaced >_>04:14
R3B3LXi fixed it myself with old hard drive04:14
n08l3Jany ideas on how to make the appearance menu working ?04:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patiençe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:14
abdullamovingdecimals, maybe thats true but with my case it was just my dns conflict i didnt know this was the cause of the problem , try in terminal cat /etc/resolv.conf04:15
kjp2I wish there was an airtunes work-alike for linux04:15
=== _max` is now known as max`
n08l3JDamn thing just freeze there couldn't change anything in that04:16
n08l3Jany ideas ?04:16
n08l3JThe appearance menu from the system > Preference04:16
abdullabulmer, , .. developer? in what means when we have wine that runs most app's like dreamweaver... etc..04:16
movingdecimalsabdulla: the only thing listed is "search <our production domain>"04:16
abdullahuh ?!04:16
abdullain resolv.conf?04:16
movingdecimalsfrom when it was plugged into the production domain doing updates and whatnot04:17
andrukcan vesa use resolutions that are greater than 1024x768?04:17
movingdecimalsthat and a line that says "# generated by networkmanager do not edit!"04:17
SantaClauscan u help me?04:18
abdullamovingdecimals, and how about internet how can it connect when it doesnt have a dns? :s you sure the router does the job?04:18
Icehawk78What would be the easiest recommended method for setting up an extremely basic mailserver on my server? The only ability I need if for it to recieve emails and be able to forward them to a PHP script.04:18
Icehawk78I need absolutely *no* other features than that.04:18
SantaClausare you all jewish here or what¿04:18
movingdecimalsin trying to make this work earlier when i switched networks i took the dns entries out04:18
Icehawk78What'cha need help with, Sandy Claws?04:19
movingdecimalsthey have no purpose on this seperate netowrk04:19
SantaClaushow can i get a coloured /etc/issue output¿04:19
movingdecimalsand are in completetly different ranges04:19
ubotudhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DHCP04:19
JoshooaR3B3LX: I just read your thing, Geek Squad doesn't know anything about computers, they just have an automated CD04:19
movingdecimalsright. i understand what dhcp does04:20
bjbumbahhhh. anyone have experience with wine/ventrilo outputting to 2 different sources if more than one person is talking?04:20
abdullamovingdecimals, im sorry i thought i could help ... thought its the dhcp conflict with dns if thats the case i would have showed you have to lock the dns and appoint the internet while ignoring some of the tcpwrapopers04:20
IcemanV9andruk: i believe vesa can go up to 1024x768; vesa is basic video driver for most boxes. you need to install the correct video driver to get a better resolution04:21
movingdecimalsthis network isn't touching the inet or anything without a static address. dns isn't needed here. i am not sure i see the correlation04:21
movingdecimalsthank you though04:21
Filled-voidis there a command to find out what all programs I have installed on Ubuntu (I would like a list )04:21
abdullayour very welcome04:21
movingdecimalsis there a ubuntu network specific channel?04:22
bazhangFilled-void: dpkg -l04:22
Filled-voidbazhang, Thanks :D04:22
abdullamovingdecimals, here's my desktop screenshot 4 you http://www.picoodle.com/view.php?img=/5/12/13/f_mydesktopm_81765b4.png&srv=img3304:22
Icehawk78Is there a channel specifically for linux servers?04:22
bulmermovingdecimals-> what is the issue with your network?04:23
cristhiananyones figured out how to make a dvd back up ?  i mean i  couldnt make a dvd copy04:23
bulmermovingdecimals-> elaborate on what is connected to which04:23
kjp2anyone know of a solution for a headless media box, to play music with a web front end ?04:23
movingdecimalsbulmer:  i am getting an error trying to get dhcpd running. when trying to start it i get "no subnet declaration for start (" the subnet is def set. here is my dhcpd.conf - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48170/04:24
=== joerlend is now known as XiXaQ
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:26
movingdecimalsbulmer - i have a laptop running ubuntu and dhcpd04:26
movingdecimalsbulmer - it is connected to a switch with a few set top boxes on it. nothing else04:26
movingdecimalsbulmer - the issue is just getting dhcpd to start04:27
Voyage__how to kill a proces run by root (say kill dolphin)?04:27
bulmermovingdecimals-> give me a chance to review your config file..04:27
kduboishas anyone experienced where you cat a binary file, and the output causes gnome-terminal to have incorrect characters from then on out? know of a fix?04:27
ckin2001Voyage__, sudo kill "pid#"04:27
Voyage__ckin2001 how do i know its pid04:27
bulmerkdubois-> reset04:27
ckin2001Voyage__, ps aux, its one of the columns04:28
kduboisbulmer: thanks! worked like a charm04:28
ckin2001ps aux | grep "command" usually works04:28
craigbass1976Anyone know why K3B and the GNOME burners would both go through all the motions, but that I end up with a blank disc?  I've also done cdrecord (preceeded by mkisofs) and it all looked good too, but I didn't grab a new disc for that.  Trying it now04:28
uttyim gonna try installing ubuntu on my dell inspiron 6000 does anyone know if there are compatable drivers avalable04:28
uttyor where i might look04:29
Voyage__sudo kill $(pidof dolphin) woked04:30
craigbass1976utty, what drivers in particular are you worried about?04:30
bulmermovingdecimals-> may i suggest cutting down the number of classes you have and also enable debugging when you start dhcpd?04:31
movingdecimalsis that -D04:31
uttyi always have trouble with my soundcard when i try any linux install04:32
K`zanutty: oddball sound card?04:32
uttyit just says onboard genaric04:32
Voyage__sudo kill $(pidof dolphin) woked04:32
Voyage__ i want to increase security of my folders. i want any users to only be able to view its contents. a password should be asked every time if modifing or deleting...  how can do it?04:33
K`zanutty: lspci and look for the soundcard.04:33
Voyage__so that not even a virus can effect my linux of data..........04:34
tahsinHi can anyone help me setup my WLAN card ?04:34
craigbass1976Voyage__, not really04:34
ibanezhey gusy quick question, what in the hell is the super key ? lol04:35
movingdecimalsbulmer - "not configured to listen on any interface"04:35
ibanezis it the windows key ?04:35
astro76ibanez, yes04:35
craigbass1976Voyage__, there was a virus or a worm I heard about that hit RedHat a few years ago (might have even been pre 7.3) but that's about it04:35
bazhangibanez: windows04:35
ibanezthanks guys04:35
tahsinHi can anyone help me setup my WLAN card ??04:35
Voyage__craigbass1976 ?04:35
craigbass1976Voyage__, yes?04:36
astro76!virus | Voyage__04:36
ubotuVoyage__: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:36
bazhangno virii for linux Voyage__04:36
bulmermovingdecimals-> which interface would you want to dole out ip addresses?04:36
quanghow do i change my preference for music playr to xxms?04:36
Voyage__a virus can do any things what a user logged in can do.......04:36
instacan the alternate install CD do SSH-based installs?04:36
craigbass1976Voyage__, but a user does not have permissions to mess with the operating system, and viruses are usually after system files04:37
craigbass1976Hey, I'll be back--got to reboot for something04:37
tahsinHi can anyone help me setup my WLAN card ????????04:37
craigbass1976tahsin, hang on--I just said I'm rebooting.  If noone else has helped before I get back, I will04:37
Voyage__craigbass1976 i dont care about the system........ i care about data. drives mounted......04:37
quangwhere are the program file at in ubutnu?04:38
craigbass1976Well then, yes.  If you have a virus that affect regular files and a user somehow contracts it, then the data is at risk.  I do need to go though.  I'd like to see a log if anyone can point me to one in case I miss the virus discussion04:38
movingdecimalsbulmer: eth004:38
DM|what is the "find" command to locate files in terminal?04:38
bruenigDM|, what do you mean what is it?04:39
craigbass1976DM|, man find.  I can't remember the syntax04:39
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2104:39
=== diablo is now known as xLEE
Voyage__craigbass1976 for that  i want to increase security of my folders. i want any users to only be able to view its contents. a password should be asked every time if modifing or deleting...  how can do it?04:39
ckin2001DM|, find "location" "options"04:39
quangwhere are the program file at in ubutnu?04:39
Jack_Sparrowquang: can you be more specific about what you want to do..04:39
jsuhi guys im struggling to get my gutsy to use my phones internet with pan, i followed this and its not really working, and clues: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=598890?? tia04:39
bulmermovingdecimals-> you are missing a line with   next-server  ipaddressofeth0;04:39
\`slushpuppy`\Hi, how do I shift icons on the top bar?04:40
Jack_Sparrowquang: var/cache/apt/archives has the debs you would get using apt-get  synapic or aptitude04:40
K`zanAny of the editors for 2008 do .rtf?04:40
movingdecimalsbulmer -> does that do in the dhcpd.conf file? if so where abouts?04:40
Alan2wow that just bit the big one :/04:40
bulmermovingdecimals-> yes that should be in your dhcpd.conf file04:40
jsubtw, this is my error message: pand[6326]: Connecting to 00:17:83:45:E6:8104:41
DM|Anyone have experiience with Slimserver?04:41
Voyage__ i dont care about the system........ i care about data. drives mounted......eg. a friend of mine, a virus can do any things what a user logged in can do.......for that  i want to increase security of my folders. i want any users to only be able to view its contents. a password should be asked every time if modifing or deleting...  how can do it?04:42
bruenigVoyage__, some careful permission changing, it is not some automatic point and clicky thing, tedious cli stuff04:43
Jack_SparrowVoyage__: did you read that link on !virus            I take it you are running wine and windows programs?04:43
bazhangVoyage__: are you using your system as a mailserver for windows boxes? if not, then not much to be concerned about--rootkits seem to be the worst security problem you might have04:43
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: didnt realize you were on it..04:43
bruenigJack_Sparrow, glad to get off of it04:43
steammachinehi all.04:43
steammachineI'm having an issue with totem04:44
bruenigespecially if he thinks the wine stuff will affect other directories, which is ludicrous of course04:44
steammachinewhen it plays movies, they appear as a thin line.04:44
steammachineI can't seem to change this.04:44
Jack_Sparrow:)   I just stopped in to grab some mail.. not get sucked into the vortex for another hour04:44
steammachinevery frustrating - I'd consider installing another player but I'd rather use totem.04:44
Voyage__bazhang root kicks?04:44
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: Simple solution...  dont use wine or windows products/software04:45
bazhangVoyage__: rootkits04:45
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:45
bruenig!english | Voyage__04:45
ubotuVoyage__: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:45
Voyage__bazhang Jack_Sparrow  bruenig i use wne too much. and have been playing with viruses04:45
bazhanghttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rootkit Voyage__04:45
bruenigVoyage__, wine is confined to a directory, nothing will get out of it04:45
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
bruenigif you want to delete all the viruses rm -rf ~/.wine04:46
jsuguys, anybody got a pointer for me with the bluetooth driver, im considering converting from vista but i cant get the internet to work04:46
JensenDiedrequesting information on extending ext3 to fill more unallocated space04:46
Voyage__but isnt it better to do what i wana do?04:46
Jack_SparrowVoyage__: did you setup a seperate user with only access to /.wine04:46
KonamI get this from my wireless card on a dv2000 laptop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48171/04:46
Voyage__Jack_Sparrow yes04:46
uttysrry got d/c04:46
bruenigVoyage__, waste of time is a more accurate description04:47
Jack_SparrowVoyage__: then the problem is confined04:47
bulmerjsu-> come again? you want the internet to work? its already working04:47
uttyi got ubuntu 8.1 anyone got the hashes04:47
Jack_Sparrowbruenig: goodnight buddy.. cya tomorrow....04:47
Voyage__Jack_Sparrow bruenig - i only need that for mounted data drives.... no apps concerned.. how can i do it?04:47
bazhangutty: 8.04?04:47
uttysays 8.1004:48
ckin2001Voyage__, read up on linux acls and selinux, and have fun.04:48
bazhangVoyage__: ask in ##windows04:48
Myrttiutty: can't be04:48
RoDoXwhat about the update for broken flash plugin?!04:49
steammachineI'm running 7.10, I've installed the restrictedformats and yet playback is still messy04:49
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:49
uttyah just tellin ya what the file said04:49
jsubulmer, its working cus i switched to vista to ask, but not in ubuntu04:49
Voyage__bazhang ckin2001 how about i run dolphin as root and change the permisions of the mounted drive/file to read only by others and write acces to root only ?04:49
boubbinwhat program is similar to microsoft frontpage in ubuntu ?04:49
Myrttiutty: what does lsb_release -a say04:49
Myrtti!paste | utty04:50
ubotuutty: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:50
bulmerjsu-> explain what you have, what is connected to what? what kind of interface?04:50
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:50
jsubulmer, i want to tether from my windows mobile EVDO connection, to provide internet to my laptop04:50
craigbass1976boubbin, nvu04:50
craigbass1976boubbin, you mean like a dreamweaver thing?04:51
thorcraigbass1976 I think kompozer has replaced nvu04:51
j1solutionshello all04:52
jsubulmer, the windows vista wizard did it all automatically, but i cant get PAN to work in ubuntu04:52
bulmerjsu-> fairly newish...evdo stuff..anyhow its not much different than establishing ppp from what i understood04:52
craigbass1976thor, I think Kate shoudl replace them all.  I love her04:52
thorcraigbass1976 no kde!04:52
thorcraigbass1976 not until 4 at least04:52
steammachineI can't even find a mention of it on google.04:52
craigbass1976thor, I don't.  I run GNOME, but have Kate on there.  I can't get used to gedit.  Of course, there's vim...04:52
uttydont know im on a windows computer atm and have to go home to install04:53
kawarazuCould I ask for some help with irc and downloads?04:53
bulmerjsu-> have you googled for anything on this evdo and ubuntu yet?04:53
fabioubuntu supports sms gateway???04:53
Myrtti!ask | kawarazu04:53
ubotukawarazu: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:53
craigbass1976kawarazu, what's your question04:53
bazhangutty: link?04:53
jsubulmer, of course i followed this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56130304:53
narothepharohI have xubuntu and I cant figure out how to get the sound to work even with the help pages04:54
bulmerjsu-> and? which part do you get stuck in at?04:54
rabiddachshundHow would I go about installing ubuntu (or any distro for that matter) on a computer without using the cd?04:54
chumbyI cant get two screens working.  Any ideas?04:54
jsubulmer, i did all the steps but it doesnt work04:54
MagicFabPenguinHunter, I found an interesting solution, Rivendell. I filed a bug to get their packages in Ubuntu: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/17627804:54
jsubulmer, the error is pand[6326]: Connecting to 00:17:83:45:E6:8104:54
bazhangrabiddachshund: pendrivelinux dot com has the answer04:55
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fabiowhy open source matters?04:55
bulmerjsu-> oh well, too new for me...i dont understand why you are using windows as gateway instead of linux as the gateway04:55
fabiobecause we are a part of open source04:55
rabiddachshundbazhang: ty04:56
Konamcan someone help me?  I get this from my wireless card on a dv2000 laptop: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48171/04:56
fabiosms gatewat04:56
Myrttiutty: hullo?04:56
jsubulmer, im not using any gateways or anything, just two devices, a phone and laptop. i have internet on my phone. i would like to have it on my laptop. i can in windows. i cant in ubuntu yet.04:56
bulmerjsu-> also am not quite familiar with bluez yet04:56
boubbincraigbass1976 well, i already found the answer04:56
chumbydoes xinerama need to be installed to get 2 screens working?04:56
fabioKonam: first go to aplications add remove programs04:57
craigbass1976What was it?04:57
fabioKonam and search for word wifi04:57
craigbass1976boubbin, what was it?04:57
bulmerjsu-> find out what this evdo service is about, maybe once you have more detailed info, we can assist04:57
boubbincraigbass1976 kompozer is fine to me04:57
jsubulmer, :-( . well anybody else got some advice to offer?04:57
craigbass1976Konam, what was that output from?04:57
craigbass1976boubbin, awesome.  So your one step further from windows now?04:58
jsubulmer, evdo is just the way my phone connects, as oppossed to for eg 3G/EDGE on GSM04:58
bulmerjsu-> at one time, someone here did get those thing to work...i suggested he write a tutorial, i dont know if ever did04:58
Konamfabio do you have any idea of what is my problem right?04:58
boubbincraigbass1976 well i moved from windows one year ago so hopefully :P04:58
Myrttijsu: which phone?04:58
jsubulmer, that shouldn't really make a difference04:58
Konamcraigbass1976 dmesg04:58
fabioKonam pvt04:58
bulmerjsu-> but the otherside of that is ppp or ethernet?04:58
unagianyone have problems with ubuntu hanging going into or coming out of hibernation or sleepp?04:58
Konamfabio pvt?04:58
jsuMyrtti, its a HTC (Sprint) Touch04:59
Myrtti!register | fabio, Konam04:59
ubotufabio, Konam: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration04:59
KonamI'm registered05:00
craigbass1976boubbin, ah.  You sleep better?05:00
craigbass1976So everyone... I asked and had to leave...  Why can't I burn cds?  k3b and the GNOME burner both go through the motions, but I end up with a blank disc.  I did a mkisofs and cdrecord with the same results-- everything flew by fine, it fixated, but still just a blank disc when I was done.05:00
fabiokonam your computer dont detect the wifi card?05:00
jsuMyrtti, but as i said the phone has PAN running properly as i have tested it in windows05:00
Konamfabio it does detect it and recognize it but it doesn't recognize my wireless network05:01
bulmerjsu-> its just a matter of getting ppp to work on that link..but you have to do a bit more digging..the handshake of ppp and such05:01
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fabiokonam u do it what i sayit?05:01
Konamfabio yes05:01
Konami searched for the word wifi05:02
Konamnow what?05:02
fabiodont apears any pakage?05:02
jsubulmer, im a bit confused, cus i thought that im using PAN not ppp05:02
fabioto instal?05:02
bulmerjsu-> what does PAN stood for?05:02
Konamfabio pvt?05:02
j1solutionspersonal area network05:02
bulmerjsu-> explain the protocol it uses..am sure its ppp..05:03
jsubulmer, its the bluetooth profile for networking. Personal Area Network05:03
jsubulmer, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_area_network05:03
Voyage__craigbass1976 -  i dont care about the system........ i care about data. drives mounted......eg. a friend of mine, a virus can do any things what a user logged in can do.......for that  i want to increase security of my folders. i want any users to only be able to view its contents. a password should be asked every time if modifing or deleting...  how can do it?05:03
bulmerjsu-> you have to do some digging, i gave you a hint on what needs to be setup...ppp..am just not quite in the mood to go over ppp at the moment05:04
cerealkillerhave a question, how can i install a new metacity manually05:05
fabiokonam; It enables you to scan for available networks and create profiles for your preferred networks. At boot time, running Wi-Fi Radar will automatically scan for an available preferred network and connect to it. You can drag and drop your preferred networks to arrange the profile priority.05:05
jsubulmer, ok thanks for the tip. although i still dont think it has anything to do with ppp. afaik im connecting with a protocol called pan, not ppp.05:05
Konamfabio that will solve my problem?05:05
fabiowifi radar05:05
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Konamhave you ever deal with my problem before?05:06
bulmerjsu-> argue as much as you can, its ppp..on the digital side of it..like having an audio modem..the other side to use is ppp05:06
cerealkillerhave a question, how can i install a new metacity manually05:06
Konamfabio did you read what i put in pastebin?05:06
Voyage__craigbass1976 acls?05:06
Poisonkillercerealkiller: can't you use Synaptic?05:06
ckin2001bulmer, ppp for evdo service?05:07
cerealkilleri install it by using kde.but manually in ubuntu i dont know how05:07
Konamfabio so how can you know what my problem is05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:07
=== aRyn_ is now known as aRyn
fabiokonam: u cant detect wifi network05:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acls - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:07
Voyage__craigbass1976 how about i run dolphin as root and change the permisions of the mounted drive/file to read only by others and write acces to root only ?05:07
craigbass1976Voyage__, Hang on, I'll see if I can find a link or two05:07
Konamfabio isn't just that05:07
uttyim an idiot srry i tried to get it from the georgia tech mrror and it messed up the second time it labled it 8.1005:07
underwatercowcan anyone tell me why installing "flashplugin-nonfree" on my other computer isn't allowing it to play flash?05:08
fabioKonam; try what i told you05:08
craigbass1976Voyage__, I don't knwo what dolhin is05:08
Poisonkillerany1 knows the exact date when Hardy Heron comes out?05:08
Konamif you read my pastebin you'd understand05:08
jsubulmer, im not argueing, if you say so i guess you know more than me. im quite new to ubuntu and linux just testing to see if i like it, so far its pretty cool expect its useless to me without internet05:08
fabiokonam say me the link05:08
Konamis a problem with my card, kind off, its recognize but not totally05:08
theremperhello here is a complete newbie question what whould happen if I copied my windows folder to wines windows folder05:08
fabiou did lsusb????05:08
bulmerjsu-> get a nicer wifi nic card, plenty of them available, dont use blue-tooth05:08
Konamthere you go fabio05:09
kawarazuCould anyone help meh? I can't seem to direct connect with anyone.05:09
Ubuntu2how much memory is needed to run 7.10 efficiently05:09
uttymy hashes wont compare the same and ive d/l it 3 times should i just get the disk sent to me?05:09
Dr_williskawarazu,  direct connect?05:09
craigbass1976Voyage__, what's dolphin?05:09
theremperubuntu2 at least 51205:09
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.05:09
ckin2001jsu, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothDialup05:10
PoisonkillerUbuntu2: about 512, if you want to use eye candy, like compiz05:10
fabiokonam: u did lsapi05:10
cerealkiller<Poisonkiller> it gnome whats the counterpart of kdesu konqueror05:10
Voyage__craigbass1976 file manager05:10
Ubuntu2ty  theremper05:10
Voyage__craigbass1976 file manager = dolphin05:10
craigbass1976Voyage__, how long have you been running Linux?05:10
theremperposionkiller also answered05:10
Voyage__craigbass1976 1 month05:10
underwatercowI installed "flashplugin-nonfree" on my other computer which is what I've always done to get flash, but for some reason flash still won't play on the other computer. It brings up the plugin detection and lists flash as a choice, but then says it's already installed.05:10
Ubuntu2I have 256 at present05:10
Poisonkillercerealkiller: you can use konqueror in gnome too :P05:10
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Konamfabio lspci05:10
Ubuntu2just upgraded to 71005:10
Dr_willisYou can even drag and drop files from Konqueror to the Gnome File manager :)05:11
Konamfabio, to get that message i used dmesg05:11
craigbass1976Voyage__, ok.   What you would do to make things only readable is to chmod them05:11
theremperubuntu2 you should see a speed boost05:11
Voyage__craigbass1976 chmod?05:11
Ubuntu2I cannot seem to make java work in opera05:11
jsuckin2001, thanks im taking a look05:11
craigbass1976Voyage__, Can you open up a private window?  I'm getting tired of typing your name so you see it better05:12
cerealkiller<Poisonkiller> ic.because its so hard for me to copy and paste using root privilege05:12
fabiokonam install the pakage wifi radar05:12
Dr_williscraigbass1976,  try Vo<tab key>05:12
PoisonkillerUbuntu2: if you have 256mb ram, then turn off any desktop effects and start using opera instead of firefox, cause it has gotten to laggy05:12
bulmerjsu-> as i read up on it, you modem on your cdma or cellfone with this service hands you a serial port, then from serial one has to get ppp on top of it..05:12
Konamfabio i did and it didn't solve the problem05:12
theremperubuntu2 I had the same problem i uninstalled java and reinstalled it05:12
craigbass1976Dr_willis, I hadn't checked if he was the only one in here like that...05:12
Jesus|FreakHow do you get two ubuntu computers that are on a LAN to recognize each other?05:12
Konamfabio as expected05:12
Voyage__craigbass1976 no my nick is not reg05:12
Poisonkillercerealkiller: you don't have to use command line to move files, sudo nautilus is better in my opinion05:13
Ubuntu2I and very new to linux how do u turn off the effects05:13
theremperposionkiller he said he upgraded to 71005:13
jsubulmer, if you say so05:13
Dr_willisJesus|Freak,  several ways. If you can ping each others ips they are connected. :) but how you want to see each other and do things depends. You can transfer files with samba, or nfs, or ssh.05:13
Jesus|FreakHow do you set them so they ping?05:13
analogue_anyone know how i can tell if a kernel module is bound to the base kernel or loaded as a LKM?05:13
theremperanyone knows what would happen if I copied my my windows folder to wines window folder05:13
bulmerjsu-> yep ...you can verify by googling05:13
PoisonkillerUbuntu2:  System->Preferences->Appearance->Visual Effects05:13
Dr_willisJesus|Freak,  if they are on the same network and have the right ip's try pinging each other.05:14
craigbass1976Voyage__, ok, chmod changes permissions on a file.  every file has three sets of permissions for the most part.  There's owner, group, and other.  Then there's Read, Write, and execute.  So, for every file, you can give any combination of rwx to those files that you want.05:14
fabiokonam i dont know here is the problem now05:14
fabiotry search in forum05:14
Jesus|FreakIt will not respond when I try to ping one or the other.05:14
bulmerJesus|Freak-> make sure their route table is okay..both sides05:14
theremperquess not05:14
Jesus|FreakHow do you do that?05:15
ckin2001Voyage__, google for linux acls.  they allow more fine-grained control than is available with rwx permissions.05:15
Ubuntu2ok poison found it ty05:15
craigbass1976Voyage__, wide open would be rwxrwxrwx (read write execute for owner, group, and others)  what you're looking for would be rwxr--r-- (however it actually looks) which can be accomplished by typing chmod 744 filename05:15
bulmerJesus|Freak-> route -n  will show you05:15
jsubulmer, k, i guess i was just searching for pan straight. anyways iv got some instructions, im going to reboot into ubuntu and see what i can do.. thanks for the help05:15
craigbass1976Voyage__, ls -l will show you the permissions of a file btw05:15
Voyage__craigbass1976 i did the same. i ran filemanager by root access. changed the options for .. the root is able to write only. others only view. but its says "stailed" when i press ok. it doesnt applies changes05:15
boubbincraigbass1976 well i get laid more often now ;)05:15
fabiohow to refine graphics ????05:15
Ubuntu2I go to the java site it says that I have the latest version05:15
craigbass1976Voyage__, I've never changed permissions in a gui, so I don't know what you're dealing with05:16
bulmerjsu->  no problem, modem is modem..it goes through a serial or ethernet, this case its serial then ppp on top of it05:16
Ubuntu2works in firefox05:16
analogue_anyone know how i can tell if a kernel module is bound to the base kernel or loaded as a LKM?05:16
Ubuntu2but not opera05:16
craigbass1976boubbin, HAH!05:16
Voyage__craigbass1976 thanks!05:16
craigbass1976Voyage__, wait, there's more...05:16
jsubulmer, ok, ill try.. back later05:16
PoisonkillerUbuntu2: try uninstalling opera, downloading latest version from their homepage and installing that instead05:17
fabioi want to fuck with ubuntu05:17
craigbass1976Voyage__, so if you want a folder to have all the same permissions, you do a chmod -R 744 foldername  (-R makes it affect the folder AND all of it's contents)05:17
Ubuntu2thanks poison will try it05:17
craigbass1976Voyage__, root doesn't need to own these.  If YOU owned them, the permissions would work the same.  Others could only read them05:17
astro76!language | fabio05:17
ubotufabio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:17
fabio!language astro7605:18
astro76fabio, please don't05:18
tritiumfabio: no, _you_ need to keep your foul language out of this channel05:18
craigbass1976Voyage__, and I don't knwo what you mean "ran dolphin by root access"  Were you root at the command line and fired up dolphin that way?  Did you log into the whole GUI as root?05:18
fabio!language | astro7605:18
ubotuastro76: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:18
Voyage__craigbass1976 iam the only user. my usnername is loguser  ...    i dont even want me to have a write acces.     if i want to write. i should type a  password05:18
craigbass1976Voyage__, fair enough05:19
Voyage__craigbass1976 k menu > run > dolphin  > run as root05:19
fabio!patience | tritium05:19
ubotutritium: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:19
craigbass1976Voyage__, never heard of it, but I haven't used KDE for a while either05:19
craigbass1976what was wrong with konqueror I wonder... and why did they call the new one dolphin?05:20
Voyage__its name is dolphine05:20
Dr_williscraigbass1976,  dolphin is the new file manager for kde4.05:20
Voyage__new file manager05:20
Dr_willisi always set it back to use Konqueror.05:21
tritiumcraigbass1976: nothing wrong with konqueror, they just wanted something with fewer advanced features (for simplicity)05:21
Poisonkillercraigbass1976: maybe it doesn't conquer your desktop any more :D05:21
Jesus|FreakHow do you set up the ip routing table?05:21
cerealkiller<Poisonkiller>is it possible to shares folder with ntfs format in smb05:21
ckin2001Jesus|Freak, man route05:21
Dr_williscerealkiller,  ive heard that its doable. :)05:22
j1solutionscerealkiller: yes05:22
craigbass1976Ahh, could be.  Being conquered was why I decided to come to linux in the first place05:22
lpftrcerealkiller: Are you sharing from Ubuntu?05:22
Poisonkillercerealkiller: should be possible with samba, i haven't messed with it, i don't have any ntfs partitions05:23
j1solutionsnot too fun system05:23
ckin2001cerealkiller, if you can mount it in linux, you can share it with samba05:23
j1solutionsagreed ckin200105:23
craigbass1976cerealkiller, why does it need to be an ntfs partiton?  the remote windows box won't know the difference05:23
lpftrYes, that's the right answer, ckin200105:24
imyousufckin2001 Thanks for the help the other day :). This is what I used it for http://imyousuf-tech.blogspot.com/2007/12/guarding-against-softwares-with-memory.html05:24
silent_I'm trying to burn an iso, but the burner keeps telling me I need to insert a cd with a certain capacity... I'm certain the cd is adequate, I'm thinking the OS isn't communicating with the burner properly... it is a Plextor 16/10/40 burner.05:25
imyousufckin2001, with looped cron job not it stops from IDEA crashing my laptop :)05:25
silent_err Plexwriter*05:25
ckin2001imyousuf, does it shut down the program gracefully if it is over memory limit?05:26
Dr_willissilent_,  you sure you are not trying to burn a 700 mb image to a 640mb disk?05:26
imyousufyes ckin2001 :)05:26
silent_Dr_willis: the image is a couple megabytes, the disc is 700mb05:27
silent_it's Darik's boot  n' nuke05:27
imyousufckin2001 but I required a cronjob+loop for the trick :)05:27
lpftrsilent_, What software are you using to burn the CD?05:27
kjp2how can I get gdm/defualt x install automatically include vnc ?05:27
silent_lpftr: the default burner.. right click menu -> burn to disc05:27
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
silent_Write to disc*05:28
lpftrThe file is an iso file, right?05:28
silent_It is05:28
Dr_williskjp2,  not sure thats doable.. you can set up vnc as a service where it can auto run and display a gdm login. - But that wont share the currently seen/existing desktop - it will be a seperate spawned desktop05:28
kjp2Dr_willis: ok, how do I do the GDM login over vnc ?05:29
n00biehow can i set terminal window size when e.g. opening 'mutt' ?   (i would like it to be bigger than the standard size terminal window)05:29
lpftrYou should try burning the iso from the shell: cdrecord -v -pad speed=1 dev=0,0,0 src.iso05:29
silent_will do05:29
n00biesorry for my bad english, please say if my question is unclear05:29
Dr_williskjp2,  i recall ages ago finding a howto on some site. :) I forget where.  I think it was on a gentoo wiki. It had vnc spawning with inetd  as needed.05:29
lpftrThat way, you know it's not a problem with the software.05:29
silent_if write succeeds, what options do I have for fixing the problem?05:29
lpftrSometimes, the settings can get in the way.05:29
kjp2Dr_willis: Ok, if you find the pointer, feel free to pass it on05:30
lpftrWell, then you have to investigate what's wrong with the software.05:30
Dr_williskjp2,  I just 'ssh' to the remote box and run vncserver manually,  when i need to.05:30
Poisonkillerwhat is the best bittorrent client in ubuntu?05:30
Dr_willisPoisonkiller,  depends on your needs. :)05:30
lpftrThe other question I have to ask: when was the last time you burned with the unit?05:30
silent_the program 'cdrecord' is currently not installed05:30
rifficcdrecord is deprecated05:31
bjbumis there no way easy way to disable the touchpad in ubuntu? >.<05:31
rifficsilent_: jorg schilling lol05:31
PoisonkillerDr_willis: do you recommend anything? ;P05:31
lpftrIn other words, are you sure the Plexwriter works.05:31
Dr_willisPoisonkiller,  i use ktorrent.05:31
silent_I'm sure the device itself works, I've used it in windows05:31
pinguhey guys05:32
silent_lpftr: what is the new burn utility since cdrecord is deprecated?05:32
Dr_willisbjbum,  i got a button on my laptop that turns it off. :)  Theres also the optional gsynaptic or ksynaptic (i think) tools that give you a way to configure them on the fly05:32
Dr_willisgsynaptics - configuration tool for Synaptics touchpad driver of X server  and   ksynaptics - Synaptics TouchPad configuration tool for KDE05:32
lpftrsilent_: Hold on, I am trying to remember what I use.05:32
rifficsilent_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/source/cdrtools05:33
bjbumi've enabled shmconfig (i think that's what it's called?) and installed gsynaptic from the synaptic package manager, but don't see where to open it05:33
bazhangPoisonkiller: transmission05:33
mikebotHow do I install a .tar.gz?05:33
cristhiantotem cant play my rented dvd . what can i do ?05:33
Dr_willisbjbum,  try typing gsynaptic in a terminal?05:33
DG19075I've used K3B, GnomeBaker, Brasero, and Graveman to burn ISO's05:34
rifficsilent_: in feisty, cdrecord is a dummy package for wodim05:34
soldatsmikebot, untar then you need to compile it05:34
bjbumnot found Dr_willis :(05:34
rifficin gutsy and hardy it got moved to multiverse05:34
rifficdue to jorg schilling non-freeness05:34
mikebotsoldats: How do I do that?05:34
bazhangcristhian: you need libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org05:34
silent_riffic: so I need to use wodim?05:35
rifficsilent_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/otherosfs/cdrecord05:35
n00biehow can i set terminal window size when e.g. opening 'mutt' ?   (i would like it to be bigger than the standard size terminal window)05:35
n00biesorry for my bad english, please say if my question is unclear05:35
soldatsmikebot, unpack it and read the README file05:35
rifficsilent_: wodim should be installed already05:35
mikebotuntar command not found?..05:35
rifficwodim is a fork05:35
rifficthese are command line cd writing software05:36
Picimikebot: tar xzvf filename.tar.g05:36
lpftrsilent_: DG19075 made me remember, I use K3B.05:36
Picimikebot: er, .gz05:36
Dr_willismikebot,  what is it that you are trying to install from source anyway?05:36
mikebotPici: Thanks.05:36
rifficfor gui, you can't go wrong with k3b05:36
silent_riffic: That's what I need at the moment, I need to test if I can burn at least at the command line level05:37
riffici just burn stuff on my mac its easier and just works05:37
lpftrsilent_: I would go to your add/remove program and add k3b.  Give it a try and see if that works for you.05:37
silent_k3b compatible with gnome?05:37
soldatsmikebot, after you do that read the README file and follow the instuctions05:37
rifficit'll work in gnome05:37
DG19075K3B is solid05:37
lpftrYes, that what I am using.05:37
rifficits a kde app so it'll install kde deps like qt libs05:37
rifficwhat version are you using? gutsy?05:38
DG19075I just wanted to see what graveman would be like so am giving it a go05:38
silent_riffic: of course05:38
lpftrI am using gutsy.05:38
Poisonkillerwhere can i change mouse gestures in opera?05:38
silent_Poisonkiller: try Opera:config05:38
mikebotIt's just a folder, and it says install it05:38
rifficah ok wodim should be installed already. it uses the same arguments as cdrecord since its a fork05:38
silent_or config:opera something like taht05:39
rifficso give that a try05:39
TtechWhats K3B?05:39
rifficTtech: its a kde cd burning app05:39
FalstiusI just updated my machine from feisty to gutsy.  Do I need to install anything to get the desktop effects?  There doesn't seem to be a configuration for it in the system->preferences menu.05:39
lpftrPoisonkiller: Tools->Preferences->Advanced->Shortcuts.05:39
TtechIs there a way to bring back the applications:// thing in gnome?05:39
lpftrBy the way, love those mouse gestures in Opera.05:40
jribFalstius: "appearance"05:40
timandtomIs there a good place on IRC to ask about OpenOffice's Spreadsheet thing that comes with Ubuntu? Or, does anyone know if I can link to files in it(In Ubuntu or Windows)05:40
biabiaIi am trying to burn some music discs with serpentine from .mp3, it seems to prepare to write but wont recognize when I insert a blank disc in either dvdr or cdr drive. Not sure what to do. The cdr drive worked for installing ubuntu but the dvdr drive wouldnt. and both drives used to work when this was a windows machine05:40
jribtimandtom: #openoffice.org05:41
Falstiusjrib: woo, it is all bouncy now.  Thanks.05:41
TtechAnyone on mine?05:41
silent_k3b is doing something05:41
abhii have a question: i am installing gutsy gibbon on a machine which already has feisty installed on it. i have all required software packages for gutsy on another machine. is there anyway i can copy those packages from the other machine and install them in this machine through a simple command?05:41
silent_preparing to write05:41
jrib!please > ttech (read the private message from ubotu)05:41
silent_awesome, thanks guys05:41
ackbahrHi! I'd like Gusty to startup with sound set to "mute", is there a way to automate this?05:41
timandtomThanks jrib05:41
* Ttech hides05:41
Ttechsorry jrib05:41
lpftrHere are some tips for everyone using desktop effects: WinKey+E, and WinKey+Tab05:42
lpftrTry it and see.05:42
bjbumhmmm Dr_willis I just found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gsynaptics/+bug/15511905:42
jribTtech: np, it's just that you force people to scroll up when you do that (and most people won't bother) so it's best to just wait 5 or 10 minutes and repeat05:42
bjbumit seems I'm not the only one that's having this problem?05:42
* Ttech times. :P05:42
ryanbaeanyone ever get one of the canon Pixma series printers to work under ubuntu?05:43
kitofhawaiilpftr: :) "super key" not winkey :-P05:43
syndr0help. my firefox thinks firefox is open and wont open05:43
syndr0ive restarted05:43
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lpftrkitofhawaii: Thanks, I guess I've used that term too long.05:43
xwinI'm a newbie Ubuntu user, long time Red Hat, Fedora user.  How can I change 'root' password?05:44
silent_kitofhawaii: I need to sand down my windows key.. stencil a tux and paint it on05:44
astro76!sudo | xwin05:44
ubotuxwin: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.05:44
* Ttech times. 05:44
TtechDo <Super>M and press it a few times. :P05:44
TtechIt hurts.05:44
Dr_willisbjbum,  /usr/bin/gsynaptics is where the binary is at.. Im not yusing gnome. so cant test it out05:45
silent_where are kde apps found in the gnome apps menu?05:45
allan_can somebody help me with a mounting issue?05:45
silent_I can't seem to find k3b05:45
xwinI was able to change non root user password but not password05:45
lpftrsilent_: What do you mean?05:45
bruenigsilent_, it will be in applications....05:45
silent_lpftr: the shortcut to load k3b05:45
Dr_willisxwin,  by default the root user has no password, direct logging in as root is disabled. use your main user account and the sudo command or the gnome/kde rquilivents05:45
silent_ah, sound and video, nvm, thanks lpftr05:45
allan_can somebody help me with a mounting issue?05:46
bjbumi've opened it Dr_willis and clicked disable and closed. i even restarted the xserver. the touchpad is still working :(05:46
lpftrnp, silent_05:46
kitofhawaiiTtech: i use super + n/m all the time...helps with high contrast for reading text on webpages (black characters on high white background too harsh on the eyes)05:46
DG19075silent_, it will be in Applications>Sound and Video05:46
Ttech<ryanbae> some printers require this special driver: I got it ti work doing that05:46
=== allan_ is now known as theone
Ttechkitofhawaii, yeah but not fast. :D05:46
silent_DG19075: I beat ya to it ;P05:46
syndr0help. my firefox thinks firefox is open and wont open05:46
syndr0ive restarted05:46
Dr_willisbjbum,  no idea there - you do need to enable some feature in the xorg.conf. But as i said.. my laptop has a button to disable the touchpad. :)05:46
lpftrkitofhawaii: do you know what Super+R does?05:46
* bruenig wonders how lpftr got thanked05:46
Dr_willisbjbum,  so i have never used that tool05:46
silent_lpftr: now that I'm zoomed in to my xchat window, how do I un super +r05:47
Donkai deleted my bottom toolbar can someone tell me how to get it back?05:47
m1k3I have one question is Ubuntu vulnerable to the Bliss virus?05:47
* Dr_willis wonders how people keep depeteing the panels. :)05:47
m1k3Not that I'm stupid enough to run it05:47
Donkalol cuz i wanted to use awn05:48
m1k3I just wanna know05:48
* bruenig notices that they don't ever delete panels, just toolbars and taskbars05:48
docgnomeDonka: awm rocks05:48
lpftrsilent_: try hitting it again.05:48
kitofhawaiilpftr: never used that one...on mine it either randomly zooms or moves the mouse into the upper left hand corner on my screen05:48
silent_lpftr: nothing05:48
Donkadocgnome: ya keeps crashing thought05:48
lpftrI often get stuck too.  Sorry.05:48
lpftrThat's why I asked.05:48
Donkadocgnome: it just disappears all the time lol05:48
Poisonkillerm1k3: it is when you let it to infect your system05:49
Dr_willism1k3,    check the wiki page on the bliss virus. It aparently just messes with the users executables..  so in theory yes. Since a user has to be  run it.05:49
kitofhawaiilpftr: it's defined in my compiz for fit zoomed area to window05:49
docgnomeDonka: hrm... strange.05:49
Dr_willism1k3,  it aint much of a virus.. :)05:49
Donkaya so how do i get my old toolbar back lol05:49
Poisonkillerm1k3: it can't just install itself, you have to install it yourself :D05:49
silent_I love zooming around my desktop in 640x48005:49
silent_its the best05:49
syndr0how can a close a program thats running like ctrl alt del on windows05:50
balleynehello - I have a question about preparing Windows XP for dual-boot... any takers? I defrag and defrag but I can't seem to move a few files that are sitting toward the end of an otherwise clear drive05:50
Dr_willissilent_,  my wife sets her desktop as low as it goes.. so she can see her solitare cards better. :)05:50
ckin2001syndr0, if it has a window open, run xkill and click the window05:50
silent_Dr_willis: press Super+R05:50
Ttechwhats awm?05:50
syndr0the windoes not open05:50
Poisonkillersyndr0: gnome system monitor can kill processes05:50
balleynesyndr0: gnome-system-monitor (there's an applet for the panel you can add) give you a GUI, or kill, killlall, something like that from the command line05:50
ckin2001kill -9 $pidofprocess05:51
silent_good old kill dash nine05:51
ckin2001i always kill with prejudice :D05:51
silent_bit rash, don't you think?05:51
biabiamy burners dvdr and cdr wont recognize blank media. what can I do05:51
silent_that is the BFG of killing processes05:51
* bruenig likes how silent_ pretends to understand kill -9 but can't understand how the menu works05:51
lpftrsilent_: Sorry, didn't mean to cause such a headache.05:51
silent_bruenig: command line is my area, I'm lost in graphics05:52
Dr_willissilent_,  that aint going to work here :)05:52
bruenigsilent_, so why didn't you just go to /usr/share/applications and see for yourself what the Categories for k3b were?05:52
balleyneWindows XP help anyone? preparing for a dual-boot, need some help...05:53
silent_bruenig: getting used to the gui has made me lazy05:53
* bruenig doesn't buy silent_'s story05:53
silent_good thing my story is open-source05:54
pinguhey guys05:54
wyI want to reinstall the whole system. But I there is a partition table error. I want to solve it before my fresh install.05:54
Dr_willisballeyne,  could just try resizing the partition with gparted and see what happens. I recall windows not being able to defrag/move some things - Swap file?  at times05:54
kahrytanwy➲  then delete it05:54
wyAny ideas how to diagnose this type of error in linux?05:54
Dr_willisballeyne,  theres also some 3rd party defragger tools for windows.05:54
pinguhey does any know how to manipulate the task bar on the top of the screen05:55
wykahrytan: Just simply delete it? But I don't even know the error is in which partition.05:55
noiesmowy, maybe run a hard drive manufactures test on drive before reinstall ensure the drive wont just crap out again05:55
kahrytanwy➲  just reformat the hard drive. and make new table. unless you want to keep the data05:55
silent_enabling zoom desktop undid the Super+R function as each object was rendered05:55
Kagarwhat's a reccomended bot -- linux friendly and decently easy to use?05:55
* bruenig points Dr_willis to another mysterious mention of this "taskbar"05:55
Kagarfor an IRC channel05:55
kitofhawaiiballeyne: http://www.nishants.net/articles/ntfsresize.htm if you're up for it05:55
balleyneDr_willis, I've had this issue before and I was able to resize, but not very far.. only to the point of the last file on the disk... I have 189 GB of free space, but it looks like there's only about 15 GB at the end.. lol...05:55
kahrytanwy➲  Do you use windows?05:55
silent_balleyne: that's why you partition before you install operating systems *facepalm*05:56
wykahrytan: Any ideas how to reformat the whole disk? It seems I can't find this option in BIOS05:56
Kagarkahrytan - I got banned from offtopic for a mont05:56
kahrytanwy➲  you got windows partition?05:56
wykahrytan: Yes. I need to reinstall windows first. Then linux05:56
kahrytanKagar➲  goto #kahrytan05:56
balleynesilent: I certainly would have done that if I didn't get this computer years ago, lol =\05:56
wykahrytan: gparted reports the whole partition as empty. But both of my systems can still boot05:56
balleynekitofhawaii: thanks fr the link, taking a look now05:57
silent_balleyne: Then it's due for it's regular windows reinstall anyway... that system must be running slow as hell05:57
silent_don't you know windows destroys itself from the inside out over time?05:57
kahrytanwy➲  if you just reinstalling everything, just format the disk. gparted can delete partitions.  and so will windows on install05:57
wyIt's really weird I often got partition table errors when I have two systems.05:57
kahrytanwy➲  you could try diagnostics software from hdd mfg05:57
wykahrytan: That would be ... hitachi05:58
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zoexiihello, is there a command that I can type to determine my version of Xorg?05:58
kahrytanwy➲  You got the bootable cd from them?05:58
pinguany one know how to manipulate the task bar05:58
bruenigpingu, right click05:59
zoexiipingu, right click?05:59
balleynesilent_: oh, I know, but this machine doesn't get used that often. Everything else I use is GNU/Linux, but this has an app I use for recording music - I'm hoping to install Ubuntu studio so that I can  finally ditch Windows altogether. I've kept my Windows install in really good shape though, so it's still running fine (I mean, fine for windows, lol)05:59
bruenigzoexii, X -version05:59
kahrytanwy➲  just format the hdd.05:59
wykahrytan: No. It's a lenovo T60. I used to have a partition which contains the utilities. But I deleted it05:59
pingutried that, i want to organize it and it wont let me05:59
Dr_willispingu,  right click in the proper place :)05:59
wykahrytan: Do you mean "low level" format?05:59
silent_balleyne: I'm boot n nuking my vista install06:00
zoexiibruenig, cool, thank.06:00
biabiaOk, whats the pronounciation for Ubuntu. I went into the local smallish pc store and mentioned it and my mispronounciation got me an awkward stare06:00
bruenigpingu, well this could just be gnome being gnome but what are you doing06:00
silent_balleyne: happiest day of my life06:00
kitofhawaiiwy: grab a friend's windows 98 disk and fdisk the data good bye if you really want to :) they're usually being used as coffee coasters :006:00
kahrytanwy➲   try regular format first, then zero it06:00
silent_kahrytan: ugh... I had to do that once06:00
balleynesilent_: hehe I know the feeling :)06:00
wykahrytan: Then I would need something from the manufactorer06:00
kahrytanwy➲  or floppy disk that windows makes?06:01
kitofhawaiiwy: or fdisk off the ubuntu live cd :)06:01
kahrytankitofhawaii➲  get my msg?06:01
pingubruenig: just trying to move some icons around where i want them06:01
Dr_willisfor the truely paranoid. I recall some live cd's that had 'disk secure deletion' tools on them06:01
kitofhawaiikahrytan: which one? sorry :)06:02
bruenigpingu, right click on them, make sure they are "unlocked" whatever the hell that even means, and then right click and move06:02
silent_balleyne: I kinda want to rip apart system 32 and watch the OS fail upon boot... and laugh loudly into the cold night06:02
NoorulIslaambiabia, how did you pronounce it?06:02
MyrttiDr_willis: dd if=/dev/zero and /dev/urandom couple of times ;-)06:02
zoexiiok, so X -version gives version 1.3, however ATI installer thinks X.org should be versions 6.8-7.1, Is X server different from X.org?06:03
kahrytanmyrtion➲  what's dd if do?06:03
ckin2001kahrytan, man dd06:03
kahrytanDo I have to read some lengthy doc?06:04
balleynesilent_: ahaahhah, niiice06:04
Myrttikahrytan: do you want me to? ;-)06:04
timandtomSorry, #openoffice.org is no help, and since OpenOffice IS bundled with Ubuntu... I just need to know, is there a way to link to stuff in a spreadsheet?06:04
kahrytanmyrtion➲  i just want to know what the command does06:04
kitofhawaiitimandtom: what type of link?06:04
Dr_willistimandtom,  i recall putting embeded spread sheets in OO docs.  :)06:05
pingubruenig: thanks06:05
kahrytanMyrtti➲  oops. Whats the command do?06:05
jahisthebalancehey I feel really stupid can anyone help me out06:05
Myrttidd needs atleast two values, if and of06:05
timandtomkitofhawaii: like to ~/Desktop/rawr.pdf or something like that06:05
Myrttiit writes data to a file or a partition06:05
bruenig!anyone | jahisthebalance you fit in well in this channel06:06
ubotujahisthebalance you fit in well in this channel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:06
kitofhawaiitimandtom: that's usually done with insert -> object06:06
timandtomkitofhawaii: and itll just make a clickable link to the object?06:06
jahisthebalanceI deleted the wireless network launcher off the top taskbar and I can't get it back06:06
Myrttican be used multiple ways, the most common to write partitions full of zeroes or randomness to erase the data06:06
IcemanV9zoexii: v1.3?!? can't be .. it should be like this --> X Window System Version x.x.x06:07
Myrttikahrytan: read the man for more info06:07
kitofhawaiitimandtom: uhm...lemme try real quick06:07
wersis there any multisync user here? :)06:07
* bruenig points Dr_willis to another `taskbar' problem06:07
bruenigjahisthebalance, right click on the panel (read not called taskbar)06:07
kahrytanMyrtti➲ I remember one time when I used windows, I formated  then booted in dos mode. old data was still there. I did format.06:07
jahisthebalanceyeah its okay to make fun of me... my bad06:07
pingujahhisthebalance: right click outside all the other icons and there will be add in that box06:07
Dr_willisbruenig,  at least he dident lose the whole bar. :)06:07
pinguthen pick it and add it06:07
zoexiiIcemanV9, yes it say 1.3.006:08
timandtomkitofhawaii: Ok, awesome :D thanks. Again, sorry for taking this to #ubuntu, but #openoffice.org is too dead06:08
bruenigI think the score is taskbar - 4, toolbar - 1, oddly enough panel - 006:08
Dr_willisbruenig,  i think 1/2 the issue is that ya have to right click in just the rght place to get to some of the menus to tweak the taskbar. :)06:08
Myrttikahrytan: dd isn't mkfs06:08
pinguman we need to be nice06:08
* bruenig awaits the day when someone says panel06:08
kitofhawaiitimandtom: you could do insert -> hyperlink06:08
rabiddachshundI'm trying to follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick but it's not letting me copy /dists/stable or /ubuntu. Are they really necessary?06:08
timandtomkitofhawaii: and then just type the filepath?06:09
jahisthebalanceI have the whole add to panel bit on there but where is the WiFi?06:09
kitofhawaiitimandtom: file:// is usually the format for that...lemme try that :)06:09
IcemanV9zoexii: odd. never seen this nbr.06:09
timandtomkitofhawaii: :D Awesome, thanks!06:09
Myrttidd can be used to make *exact* copies of partitions (not as useful as one might think)06:09
kitofhawaiitimandtom: naw...just insert -> hyperlink and then select document06:09
Dr_willisActually the WiFi icon in the system tray part of the panel. is a Application you run isent it? Not a 'add to panel widget'06:09
kahrytanMyrtti➲  I was just commenting how format doesnt erase data that very well.06:09
biabiaNoorulIslaam:  I pronounced it ooo bun 206:09
silent_kahrytan: Darik's boot n nuke06:10
timandtomok, thanks kitofhawaii!06:10
kahrytanbiabia➲  which is generally correct06:10
NoorulIslaambiabia, me too06:10
balleyneDr_willis: nm-applet maybe?06:10
kahrytanUbuntu is pronounced Oo-Boon-too06:10
Myrttikahrytan: and that's why we're so lucky to have ubuntu ;-)06:10
biabiai thought i read someplace its ooo boon too06:10
Myrttikahrytan: or any other distro06:10
biabiawhich is awkward for me06:10
kahrytanMyrtti➲  I still use windows but been awhile since booting it.  AVG needs updating :-P06:11
soldatsi perfer oo bun too06:11
zoexiiIcemanV9, nbr?  I dunno, it is an install of Gusty, and I have run updates, so it should be the most recent, the first line returned says "X Window System Version 1.3.0"... and the ati driver installer quits with an error about detected verion of X not having 'x130' directory...06:11
Myrttidd comes by default... <306:11
jahisthebalancewell I have no idea06:11
timandtomkitofhawaii: Would there happen to be anyway to make it so instead of /home/brian (my accounts name), it would be /home/whatever the users name is?06:11
kitofhawaiitimandtom: assuming you have access to the path/file06:12
wyAre there any better ways to partition the disk for a two-system machine? I need a windows and a Ubuntu. Normally I just use sda1 for C:, sda2 is extended. sda5 is D:, sda6 is swap; sda7 is /; sda8 is /home.06:12
IcemanV9zoexii: hm. wonder if there is a parameter to ignore the version nbr to install ati driver.06:12
timandtomlike, saying i wanted to send this spreadsheet to someone, as well as the files that its linked to, and have the links work06:12
MasterShrekwy: sda1 for windows c, sda2 for /, sda3 for /home and sda4 for swap06:13
MasterShrekdont make extended06:13
kahrytanwy➲  Install Windows, then have Ubuntu resize partition and make / and swap partition.06:13
zoexiiIcemanV9, maybe, I think it's looking for a folder that corresponds to the number.06:13
kahrytanwy➲  you dont have to have /home partition if you dont want it.06:13
wyMasterShrek: I want to have a D:06:13
MasterShrekyou dont really need a /home partition though, kinda handy but not nessicary06:13
ckin2001timandtom, put all the files in one folder, have the links between them relative, and then tar / gzip them to send to someone else06:14
MasterShrekd: for a cdrom you are talking or for a mounted partition?06:14
timandtomckin2001: how do i make it so the links are relative?06:14
wyMasterShrek: I just want to keep my personal data and settings separate from the system.06:14
kahrytanwy➲  Linux doesnt use letters for drives06:14
MasterShrekah, well yea that'd be the way to do it, what fs you thinking of using?06:15
ckin2001timandtom, use relative pathnames instead of absolute, i.e. use ./thefilename instaed of /home/username/thefilename06:15
wyMasterShrek: d: is a partition in windows06:15
jahisthebalanceI just want to open the networks program again so I can switch networks easily like I did less than ten minutes ago06:15
wyWhy you suggest not to have extended?06:15
ckin2001jahisthebalance, you may need to restart nm-applet06:15
balleynewy: letters how Windows mounts a partition, linux mounts partitions directly to the root filesystem06:15
MasterShrekwy: why do you suggest having one?06:15
timandtomckin2001: oook, thanks! so . takes it to the folder that the spreadsheet is in?06:16
IcemanV9zoexii: well, fwiw, i installed fglrx driver without a glitch. did not have a problem with ATI since then.06:16
ckin2001timandtom, ./whatever means the present folder, ../whatever is the parent folder06:16
balleynewy: sorry, correction - letters are how Windows mounts partitions06:16
wyMasterShrek: Because I usually have more than 4 partitions. I don't really want it06:16
jahisthebalanceso if it's not incredibly silly to ask, how would I restart nm-applet?06:16
kitofhawaiikahrytan: can't pm you at the moment...won't let the pm's through (no such nick/channel)06:16
wyballeyne: I know that. I just try to explain views from two systems.06:17
rohani want a module to be loaded on startup - what do i do /06:17
timandtomok, awesome, thanks a ton ckin200106:17
balleynejahisthebalance: try typing "nm-applet &" into the terminal (without the quotes)06:17
wyWhy do you suggest swap at the end?06:17
kahrytankitofhawaii➲  thats off06:17
kahrytankitofhawaii➲  thats odd06:17
rohanwy: it's just a norm .. not a requirement06:18
MasterShrekive heard its faster if its at the end06:18
wyI often get partition table errors when I have two system. Could that caused by extended partition?06:18
jahisthebalanceballeyne: that didn't quite do it honestly06:18
ckin2001jahisthebalance, you can also try these two commands : sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart , sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher restar06:18
ChrisC35my ubuntu machine has froze 2 times in the past 3 days06:18
MasterShrekpossibly, ive never used them much though06:18
ckin2001in order06:18
kitofhawaiiMasterShrek: depends on the manufacturer's low level format06:19
ChrisC35is there a way I can check the logs to see whats wrong? I've checked temperatures, they are fine06:19
MasterShrekbut if you only have 4 partition, then you dont need an extended partition06:19
balleynerohan: I THINK you can just add the module to /etc/modules06:19
rohanballeyne: ah, thanks06:19
ckin2001balleyne, thats what you do06:19
soldatshttp://youtube.com/watch?v=79YizcqJuN4 lolwut?06:20
soldatsi luled06:20
wyMasterShrek: I usually have C: and D: because I keep my data in D:. And all the things in C: is quite disposable06:20
belphegorhi, can someone help me? i am trying to get my x server to see a font i've installed to /usr/share/fonts/truetype/myfonts.. they all show up in OO and other programs, but xfontsel doesn't pick it up and i need it to for my xscreensaver lock theme. anyone know what's up? thanks!06:20
balleynejahisthebalance: nothing happened when you did that? a brute force way could be just to log out and back in, the app should load on startup even if you've managed to close it now06:20
MasterShrekrohan: you can also put modprobe <module> in /etc/rc.local06:20
wyMasterShrek: Windows is fragile...06:20
tritiumsoldats: don't post offensive URLs, please06:20
MasterShrekwy: true that06:20
MasterShrekwhat filesystem are you going to use for the D: drive?06:20
wyMasterShrek: sometimes weird things happen and I have to reinstall the system06:21
MasterShreki know how that goes06:21
soldatstritium, oh dang sorry i thought i was somewhere else06:21
wyMasterShrek: So I want to let the data in D: so that I just need to ghost my fresh windows into C06:21
jahisthebalanceyeah I'll try, hopefully that would do it, I mean, obviously its still connected06:22
MasterShrekyea, then deal with the rest later, after linux is installed, but are you making your D drive fat32 or what?06:22
wyI still don't know what's wrong with the partition table. I did it quite carefully06:22
MasterShrekcouldnt tell you06:22
belphegoranyone know what i mean? the xscreensaver lock is looking for "-*-neuropol-*-r-*-*-*-80-*-*-p-*-iso8859-1" and i have neuropol installed, it just doesn't recognize it... a06:23
docgnomewy: partition tables are deep magic.06:23
jahisthebalanceit just seems a little counter intuitive for something to be on the panel initially that can be removed but not put back on06:23
wyMasterShrek: I just made it ntfs06:23
jahisthebalanceoh well I'll see you all soon I hope06:23
MasterShrekok, should be good, i was going to suggest that06:23
ckin2001jahisthebalance, you can also try these two commands : sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/25NetworkManager restart , sudo /etc/dbus-1/event.d/26NetworkManagerDispatcher restar06:23
docgnomewy: I don't think anyone _really_ understands them.06:23
wydocgnome: That's strange. We can only have four main partitions06:23
balleynejahisthebalance: there are some things that are panel items/gadget things, and other things that go into the notification area on the panel when a program is running - that's the difference06:23
wyI wonder if all the hds are the same.06:23
wyI've heard of LVM. Is it good?06:24
docgnomewy: *shrug* no idea. It seems like it wouldn't be a limitation of... what are they called... AH! solid state drives.06:24
docgnomebut I could be wrong.06:24
crazy_busI had a number of downloads in my 'downloader for x' list.  However I ran out of hard drive space on one of my partitions.  This seems to have caused the program to lose the download list.  Is their anyway to get it back?06:25
jahisthebalancefair enough, I'm just gonna logout and in and hope for the best06:25
mage__crazy_bus: downloader for x?06:25
wyMaybe I should be more tolerant about this mess. The machine is like a organism full of nasty...06:26
virtualIs it possible to change the mouse wheel scrolling? like to one page per wheel click06:26
rohan MasterShrek thank you06:26
crazy_busmage__: download program also called d4x06:26
mage__so its a download manager, you run out of diskspace and it empties its queue? doesn't seem right06:27
MasterShreknp rohan :) its quite a handy file really06:28
wyIt's really not decidable. I'd rather we don't have file systems at all.06:28
jessehave a question here about Terminal as im new to Ubuntu im trying to learn the terminal and my problem seems to be i can move files or items with in a file folder but i cant move it from one location to another am i doing something wrong ?06:28
virtualAlso I have flash installed but firefox doesn't pick it up :/ 7.1006:28
mage__wy: hahahaha none at all? or just one big one?06:29
IcemanV9virtual: restart the firefox06:29
virtualI did06:29
jesseif anyone has a moment and could help06:29
mage__how did you install it virtual?06:29
kjp2wow, i just installed apache and my http.conf is empty06:29
virtualStill asks me to install the plugin, and it fails then06:29
ckin2001virtual, did you install the plugin?06:29
balleynejesse: what command are you using to move files? try typing 'man mv' (without the quotes)06:29
wymage__: Maybe with one huge database06:29
MasterShrekvirtual: 64 bit?06:29
virtualadd/remove in apps06:29
IcemanV9jesse: what was the command that you tried to move or copy06:29
MasterShrekvirtual: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:30
MasterShrekgive that a try06:30
balleynejesse: mv is sort of like cut/paste, while cp is more like copy/paste06:30
Kobakasudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:30
jessemv -v filename location06:30
wycurrently the things are often "lost" in the file system. It's really hard to organize them.06:30
silent_awn is kinda cool.. installed it to play around with it, not a bad little applet06:30
silent_I'm not really into eye candy though06:30
jessei can get the files to move with inthem selves but i cant seem to move them from one file to another06:30
* MasterShrek isnt either06:30
jesseerr folder to another06:30
virtuali miss vista's hit winkey and type to find apps :/06:30
virtualany way of doing that in ubuntu?06:31
ivanvirtual: launchy06:31
ivanoh, klauncher or something06:31
balleynejesse: hmmm... I don't know what that wouldn't be working06:31
ckin2001jesse, i dont follow what it is that you cant do06:31
stunatravirtual, ALT+F206:31
ivanvirtual: Katapult06:31
mage__http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-nonfree_9.0.115.0ubuntu0.7.10_i386.deb <-- virtual: might want to install that deb, for flash06:31
MasterShrekjesse: is it possible you dont have permissions to the target folder?06:31
biabiathis one drive works, burns and reads. the other one ejects and the light comes on but it wont read or burn. i should unplug the cord inside and check the connection?06:31
virtualflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.06:31
mage__but did it actually install?06:31
* syc_ brb..06:32
balleynejesse: location can be a filename or a folder, and it can be a relative or absolute path.. if you've got the command right, permissions could be the issue06:32
balleynejesse: do you get an error message?06:32
IcemanV9jesse: you might rename the file instead of move06:32
jesseyes i get error message06:32
IcemanV9s/might/might have06:32
jesselike the command is not right06:32
virtualalt-f2 is a bit awkward to press, any chance of changing it to f2? :P06:32
balleynejesse: give us an example of a specific command you're trying then maybe?06:32
jahisthebalanceyeah that didn't work guys06:33
jessei move a file from like say inside documents to a folder but when i open the folder i cant seem to get the file to move back06:33
MasterShrekvirtual: should be something in, system > preferences, maybe keyboard shortcuts or something06:33
jessesee what im saying06:33
balleynejahisthebalance: blah... so, running 'nm-applet' from the command line doesn't do anything?06:34
docgnomejesse: it's becoming slightly clearer06:34
xwinI'm newbie Ubuntu user, long time Linux user (Red Hat, Fedora).  Ubuntu doesn't support WPA-PSK. Everytime I tried WLAN with WPA-PSK authentication, Ubuntu crases.06:34
werswhat interface fonts can you recommend? i want something other than sans :D06:34
virtualthanks MasterShrek!06:34
jahisthebalanceno, I mean its obviously working06:34
wersi'm using a typical clearlooks-like look and feel06:34
MasterShreknp virtual06:34
docgnomejesse: so you can move files from one directory to another one, but you can't move it back?06:35
virtualtrying rebooting to see if firefox recognizes it then06:35
werswhat fonts can be fit for that? :)06:35
jahisthebalanceI just don't have the selector thing anymore06:35
docgnomejesse: how are you moving them? Draggint them with gnome (or whatever) or using the command line?06:35
ckin2001jahisthebalance, sudo nm-applet & ?06:35
MasterShrekxwin: sudo apt-get install wpa_supplicant ?  i dunno if it comes by default or not06:35
balleynejahisthebalance: right.. I had that problem a while back, I was almost positive that running nm-applet brought the applet back (ie. the selector)06:36
jesseim trying to learn the terminal and commands as ive researched as much as i can the commands and such i can move the files using the desktop but the fun so im told is in the terminal06:36
docgnomejesse: which did you use to move these files?06:36
xwinMasterShrek, thanks, will try that.06:36
docgnomejesse: if it was the command line, please tell us exactly what you typed to move them.06:36
jessemv -v Filename Location06:36
jahisthebalanceyeah I'm trying some variations on that06:37
xwinMasterShrek, is that wpa_supplicant?  not wpa-supplicant ?06:37
balleynejesse: exactly, like, with a specific example and filenames06:37
MasterShrekim pretty sure its an underscore06:37
MasterShrek!info wpa_supplicant06:37
ubotuPackage wpa_supplicant does not exist in gutsy06:37
docgnomejesse:  and what are you typing to try and move them back?06:37
jessemv -v picture1.jpg Pictures06:37
mage__xwin: tab completion?06:37
jahisthebalancebut nothing...06:37
docgnomejesse:  and what exactly does it say when you do that?06:37
mage__ apt-get install wpasupplicant06:37
jessetrying to move them back to documents from My Pictures06:38
mage__(I'm on gutsama)06:38
jesseand the commands arent working the same i get error message06:38
davidthedrakeDoes anyone have a good guide on how to get Freespace 2 up and running well with Gutsy?06:38
docgnomejesse: so you moved them into My Pictures and you want to move them to Documents?06:38
mnemonicaHey, anyone use emulators for old gba games?06:39
balleynejesse: what is the exact error message you are getting?06:39
jahisthebalanceno other ideas on how to get the wifi spot selector back on the top panel?06:39
docgnomejesse: show me exactly what you type to move them back and exactly the erros message you get.06:39
jesseyes so i cd Pictures and tryed to mv -v picture.png Documents and it did not work06:39
xwinit ways 'wpasuplicant is already the newest version.06:39
docgnomejesse: ah.06:39
jesseam i doing something wrong ?06:40
docgnomejesse: and the Pictures folder is inside Documents?06:40
jessewas i not suppose to change directory06:40
balleynejesse: you can change directory06:40
docgnomejesse: Yeah. It is looking for Documents within the Pictures directory.06:40
balleynejesse: but then you need to change the path06:40
jahisthebalanceit becomes a little aggravating how easy it is to put a fish there06:40
mnemonicarepeat: Hey, anyone use emulators for old gba games?06:40
jon_I am having problems with video playback in vlc any ideas?06:40
mage__I dont, try visualboyadvance06:40
jessewas inside i moved it from documents to pictures which pictures folder was in documents and i just cant seem to pull it back out of pictures and put it back in documents06:41
mnemonicaI'm having issues getting sound to work correctly in a few of the ones I'm trying.06:41
balleynejesse: so, you might have to say ../Document (.. means parent directory), or /home/jesse/Documents or something, if you don't put a path it looks for it in your current directory06:41
docgnomejesse: so (if I understand correctly) what you want to type is mv -v picture.png ../06:41
alecw1Hello, I'm getting a weird error whenever I login to GNOME. After I enter my credentials, it gives me an error: "Assistive technology support has been requested for this session, but the accessibility registry was not found. Please ensure that the AT-SPI package is installed. Your session has been started without assistive technology support." I have no idea what's wrong. The at-spi package IS installed, and I even reinstalled it for confirmati06:41
docgnomejesse: ../ stands for the parent directory of the one you are currently in.06:41
mage__just some of them?06:41
jon_I compiled the latest from source but I am still having playback issues its almost as if the codecs aren't installed06:41
balleynejahisthebalace: hahaha... yeah, I can imagine - I'm trying to dig around for you a bit (though I'm not on an Ubuntu machine at the momnt)06:42
jessein the Pictures Directory ?06:42
jesseor either or06:42
mage__mnemonica: if its just some of them, its probably the emulator cant do it 100%06:42
docgnomejesse: so that will move picture.png up one directory06:42
docgnomejesse: in the Pictures directory06:42
mnemonicamage__: Eh... It's pretty much all of them. Either the sound is really choppy or it doesn't load at all... For instance, using mednagen, the sound doesn't even load.06:42
alecw1jesse: ./ stands for the current directory, and each subsequent '.' adds one more parent.06:42
jessei c06:43
jesselet me give that a shot thank you06:43
IcemanV9mv -v ~/Documents/Pictures/picture.png ~/Documents/picture.png06:43
balleynejesse: You can run the mv command in any directory, but you'll need to change the paths for the filename and to the Location to be relative to the directory that you're in06:43
alecw1jesse: ~ stands for the home directory (/home/YOURNAMEHERE)06:44
mnemonicamage__: Would you like to see the error message I'm getting...?06:44
rsvampireHey, I'm having problems with Ubuntu detecting my onboard sound even though it's disabled in my BIOS... can anyone help me out?06:44
docgnomejesse: I suggest you find a tutorial on the command line. Or pick up a book about it, such as Just Enough Unix06:44
docgnomersvampire: howdy.06:44
MasterShrekfind out what driver is being loaded and blacklist it06:44
docgnomersvampire: still no luck?06:44
balleynejahisthebalance: ... are you sure you have the notification applet on your panel? a bit of a far fetched guess, but if that's gone then nm-applet will have no where to appear06:44
mage__mednagen an emulator or game?06:45
rsvampiredocgnome: hey hey!06:45
rsvampiredocgnome: I'm baaaaack! :P06:45
mnemonicamage__: Mednafen is an emulator06:45
mage__mnemonica: sure, pastebin or privmsg06:45
balleynejahisthebalance: if you open a program like say... pidgin, will that appear in the notification area?06:45
balleynejahisthebalance: also, `ps -e | grep nm-applet` should tell you for sure if the applet is running (whether or not you can see it)06:45
MasterShrekrsvampire: lsmod | grep snd      <-- pastebin the output06:45
rsvampiredocgnome: well I found another program called gconf-editor and in the ALSA mixer settings it still says "use ALSA:HW:0"06:46
mage__oh an all in one, interesting06:46
jesse it worked thank you for your help and yes i may just go get a book its a bit comfusing  but thanks everyone06:46
docgnomersvampire: I didn't have to use that. lemme see If I can remember06:46
jahisthebalanceballeyne: as a matter of fact it does not06:46
rsvampirersvampire@rsvampire:~$ lsmod | grep snd output06:46
rsvampiregrep: output: No such file or directory06:46
rsvampirersvampire@rsvampire:~$ lsmod | grep snd06:46
rsvampiresnd_rtctimer            5216  006:46
rsvampiresnd_emu10k1_synth       9344  006:46
rsvampiresnd_emux_synth         40064  1 snd_emu10k1_synth06:46
rsvampiresnd_seq_virmidi         9216  1 snd_emux_synth06:46
balleynejahisthebalance: there you go!06:46
rsvampiresnd_seq_midi_emul       9088  1 snd_emux_synth06:46
mage__woah pasting BAD06:46
rsvampiresnd_emu10k1           152864  2 snd_emu10k1_synth06:47
rsvampiresnd_util_mem            6656  2 snd_emux_synth,snd_emu10k106:47
rsvampiresnd_via82xx_modem      18444  006:47
astro76!ops | rsvampire06:47
ubotursvampire: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!06:47
jahisthebalancewell how do I turn that back on?06:47
rsvampiresnd_hwdep              12168  2 snd_emux_synth,snd_emu10k106:47
rsvampiresnd_seq_dummy           5380  006:47
MasterShrek!paste | rsvampire06:47
ubotursvampire: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:47
rsvampiresnd_seq_oss            36864  006:47
rsvampiresnd_via82xx            33192  006:47
MasterShrekdont kick06:47
rsvampiresnd_ac97_codec        122200  3 snd_emu10k1,snd_via82xx_modem,snd_via82xx06:47
rsvampiresnd_pcm_oss            50048  006:47
rsvampiresnd_mixer_oss          20096  1 snd_pcm_oss06:47
astro76MasterShrek, kick is best way to stop flood06:47
balleynejahisthebalance: ok, try right-clicking on the panel, Add Applet, and make sure to put a Notification Area onto the panel, then see if those programs appear06:47
nixternalno, quiet is the best way to stop a flood06:47
balleynejahisthebalance: also, 'ps -e | grep nm-applet' should tell you if it's running, regardless of whether or not you can see it06:47
rsvampiresnd                    69288  18 snd_emux_synth,snd_seq_virmidi,snd_emu10k1,snd_via82xx_modem,snd_hwdep,snd_seq_oss,snd_via82xx,snd_ac97_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_mpu401_uart,snd_rawmidi,snd_seq,snd_timer,snd_seq_device06:47
Myrttiban would be equally good though06:47
rsvampiregameport               18704  3 snd_via82xx,emu10k1_gp06:47
mnemonicamage__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48172/    (Pasting to channel -burrrrrns- us.)06:47
rsvampiresoundcore              10272  1 snd06:47
rsvampiregrep: output: No such file or directory06:48
=== ^KK^|irssi is now known as KK|irssi
MasterShrekrsvampire: dont do that again lol06:48
* astro76 stands corrected06:48
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
davidthedrakeHow can I run a .JAR file?06:48
mage__yea the ban + wait a few mins seems more effective06:48
elkbuntu!paste > rsvampire06:48
astro76davidthedrake, java -jar file.jar06:48
jahisthebalanceokay well when I right click on the panel, adding an applet is not an option06:48
elkbuntursvampire, PM me when your flood has finished06:49
mnemonicamage__: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48172/06:49
mage__mnemonica: does sound work on your computer normally?06:49
mnemonicamage__:  Yep.06:49
mnemonicamage__: Sure does. Everything else works fine.06:49
balleynejahisthebalance: sorry, maybe it just says "Add" or something? when you right-click a blank area of the panel? (assuming you're in Gnome and not KDE or XFCE)06:49
jahisthebalanceis says add to panel...06:49
mage__odd, it shouldn't complain about /dev/dsp then06:49
docgnomeballeyne: yes, it does.06:50
MasterShrekrsvampire: try sudo rmmod snd_via82xx06:50
docgnomeMasterShrek: it's a problem with setting the right default soundcard06:50
balleynejahisthebalance: ok, yeah, that's what you want. Click than, then select something that says Notification Area or something like that from the list, and drag it to the top left where those icons should be appearing06:50
docgnomeMasterShrek: he has onboard sound and a soundblaster card06:50
MasterShrekdocgnome: he wants it totally disabled though06:50
RoDoXfolks, hi! if i install some KDE app on a gnome-based distro (e.g. ubuntu), will it work properly or not?06:50
docgnomeMasterShrek: and he want wants to use the sound blaster no the onboard card06:51
jahisthebalanceoh, you just add a notification area,  sweet06:51
rsvampireMasterShrek: ok just did that06:51
jahisthebalancethanks a lot06:51
crdlbRoDoX: it will work, but it will use a lot of memory06:51
mage__MasterShrek: disable an onboard sound card? thats what the bios is for ;)06:51
icemariowhy are window managers so slow?06:51
jahisthebalancenow I have four network managers open ;)06:51
docgnomeMasterShrek: Aye. It won't stay that way though. I have the same setup and have to fight it all the time06:51
crdlbRoDoX: and initial startup will be a bit slow since it has to run some kde services06:51
icemarioWindows Shell is so much quicker06:51
balleynejahisthebalance: ahahaha, nice! better than none, lol06:51
MasterShrekits set in bios anyway06:51
docgnomemage__: but Ubuntu ignores the BIOS settings06:51
mage__icemario: managing windows is haaaard06:51
docgnomemage__: and detects it06:51
RoDoXcrdlb, more than it would use if installed on KDE?06:51
mage__it didn't used to06:51
xwinhow do I edit grub ?06:52
docgnomebelieve me, It does now.06:52
m1k3What port does Remote Desktop use06:52
balleyneRoDox: slowER, but I wouldn't say slow - depends on your machine *shrugs*06:52
jahisthebalancethanks a lot!06:52
icemariomage__: like managing?06:52
m1k3In ubuntu06:52
rsvampireMasterShrek: ok now what?06:52
docgnomeor at least with my BIOS06:52
icemariowhat do you mean by managing?06:52
balleynejahisthebalance: np!06:52
crdlbRoDoX: when you're on kde, you'll already be running the kde services for all your other kde apps06:52
icemarioyou just do windows update06:52
docgnomeIt's a grade A pain in the butt.06:52
MasterShrekrsvampire: did that disable it? i think that was one of them, but i dont know which06:52
mage__if I ran into that I'd bitch and whine on the kernel mailing list like no tomorrow06:52
rsvampireMasterShrek: let me restart really fast and I'll tell ya06:53
RoDoXcrdlb, so you mean that my gnome-based ubuntu will try to emulate the some KDE kernel to run it...?06:53
m1k3What port does Remote Desktop use in Ubuntu?06:53
docgnomeIsn't it just going to reload the driver on restart?06:53
crdlbRoDoX: no, kernel is much lower-level than gnome or kde06:53
* MasterShrek headsmacks06:53
mage__m1k3: remote desktop? like the vnc sever? try port 590x06:53
kitofhawaiim1k3: for outbound connections, the outbound port is 3389.06:53
icemariowill Ubuntu run on a system with 192MB of Ram?06:53
balleyneRoDoX: it will load KDE services and libraries and such and run your program, it's not emulation but it's extra stuff on top of what Gnome would usually be running for native programs06:53
ckin2001m1k3, rdesktop is a client, not a server06:53
icemarioor will it be swapping like crazy?06:53
mnemonicamage__: Any ideas...?06:54
mage__icemario: might want to use icewm on that06:54
RoDoXbut it depends on the app or it will always work that way if i run KDE apps on ubuntu?06:54
crdlbicemario: I'd recommend using xubuntu on that06:54
balleyneRoDoX: so, that takes up more memory. It's still certainly doable, I run Amaro and some other KDE apps in Ubuntu all the time, it's fine06:54
crdlbor something else that's lighter than gnome06:54
mage__or xubuntu, thats nice06:54
RoDoXballeyne, no errors? o_O06:54
BrendonJHi.  I'm trying to DL an attachment from <http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=21625> using CURL or WGET.  But when I do, I get HTML display code -- NOT the attachement.06:54
BrendonJHow do I actually get the attachment DL'd from a shell/command line?06:54
mage__mnemonica: try visualboyadvance? emulators aren't my expertise, breaking things is :)06:54
balleyneRoDoX: but KDE apps will run faster in KDE, because you won't need both KDE and Gnome libraries running06:54
RoDoXi see....06:54
mnemonicamage__: Eh, tried that one already, same issues. Thanks though.06:55
StEaLtHtHiEfQuestion!?  Easy fix for my microphone?06:55
balleyneRodoX: nope, no errors, it works fine, just know that it takes more memory to run and some more hard disk space because you need both KDE and Gnome libraries06:55
mage__really? do lsof -n | grep dsp then06:55
RoDoX...and some more processing, then06:55
balleyneRoDoX: but it's pretty common to run apps across desktop environments if you have reason/interest too, just keep the performance in mind in case there's a native alternative06:56
tuntunhas anyone tried setting swappiness to zero? did it speed or slow your system?06:56
icemariowhat's a good reason to use ubuntu over fedora?06:56
m1k3ckin2001, I know that I just needed to forward the right port so I can control it when I'm somewhere else06:56
mosnoicemario: better repos06:56
docgnomeicemario: repositories06:56
RoDoXcan you tell me whtas the best distro'version': KDE or GNOME?06:56
icemariosoftware libraries?06:56
balleyneRoDoX: yeah, though.. to be honest, I've never really noticed any huge difference06:56
mosnoicemario: yea06:56
RoDoXso do I06:56
StEaLtHtHiEfit works06:57
MasterShrekRoDoX: its personal preference06:57
balleyneRoDoX: KDE vs Gnome is a never ending subjective argument - it's personal preference really, they have their strengths and weakenesses06:57
docgnomeicemario: kinna. repositories are where software is downloaded from when you install programs with apt-get06:57
MenZaRoDoX, depends if you prefer KDE or Gnome. I prefer Ubuntu to Kubuntu, personally.06:57
mosnokubuntu shot itself in the foot by including dolphin as default filemanager, imho06:57
mage__for me the best distro is the one that includes vncviewer06:57
MasterShrekagreed mosno06:57
StEaLtHtHiEfI liked dolphin06:57
RoDoXhm...that question just poped up when i knew about the new version of KDE...06:57
rsvampireMasterShrek: ok well it worked after I type the command in but it resets after I restart06:57
docgnomersvampire: welcomeback06:57
rsvampiredocgnome: thanks06:58
MasterShrekrsvampire: i know06:58
docgnomersvampire: yeah, well it would heh.06:58
tuntunwho's tried setting swappiness to zero? did it speed or slow your system?06:58
icemarioso ubuntu won't run on a 192MB of ram machine?06:58
MasterShreki was going to tell you that but you rebooted too fast06:58
RoDoXso lets get to the point: whats the best thing on ubuntu vs KDE/06:58
icemarioisn't there a laptop option?06:58
Jordan_Umage__, ssh -X > *06:58
docgnomeicemario: I'd use xubunutu for a machine like that06:58
mage__icemario: it might, but xubuntu would be better.06:58
MasterShrek!blacklist | rsvampire06:58
ubotursvampire: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »06:58
icemarioxubuntu is official right?06:58
StEaLtHtHiEfgnome works great, but takes some tweaking to make look pretty.  KDE looks great, love the menus, but some things take a little work to get running.  In my opinion.06:58
docgnomeicemario: yes06:58
mosnoicemario: firefox will stil pwn you06:58
mage__icemario: whats the specs on that laptop?06:59
balleyneRoDoX: as a sidenote, you can have both gnome and kde install and choose which one you want to use at login btw06:59
docgnomeicemario: there are four Ubuntu projects. Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and Edubuntu06:59
icemarioWell it has 512 megs of ram06:59
icemariobut I can only use 19206:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about swappiness - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:59
docgnomeicemario: ouch. I have a laptop like that06:59
RoDoXballeyne, you mean to DL nd install both OSOS: ubuntu and kubuntu?06:59
rsvampireMasterShrek and docgnome: my problem is that sometimes Ubuntu will detect my onboard sound until the asoundconf settings are loaded after I log into GDM06:59
StEaLtHtHiEfAnyone got an easy fix as to why my mic isn't working?06:59
icemarioyeah, it's called VMware ;)06:59
Jordan_Umage__, especially with -c if you have a slow connection06:59
balleyneRoDoX: there are slightly difference philosophies, Gnome tends to try to simplify things and make them easier to use while KDE tends to have more configuration options.. I mean, the best way is to try them both06:59
docgnomeicemario: I actually ran FreeBSD on it till the screen broke :-( it was a great little laptop too.07:00
StEaLtHtHiEfI agree with balleyne07:00
tuntunkde is like sitting in front of the controls of a 747... not good07:00
mage__Jordan_U: aye07:00
StEaLtHtHiEfpclinux wasnt bad for me either.07:00
balleyneRoDox: http://tuxicity.wordpress.com/2007/01/30/howto-switch-from-ubuntu-to-kubuntu-or-xubuntu-or-edubuntu-or-vice-versa-610-edgy/07:00
tsukasayo guys... i have a media pc hooked into my tv and im trying to figure out a good way to control it from my laptop07:00
RoDoXwhats the current version of GNOME? (for ubuntu 7.10)07:00
docgnomeicemario: It was nice and fast. Course... I didn't run X so :-P07:00
MasterShrek!info gnome07:00
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.18.3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 44 kB07:00
icemariodocgnome: the only reason I can't run with 512 is because I use VMware07:00
Fudushow can i control mouse wheel scroll speed? currently it only goes down once per click07:00
FudusI'd like to make it do a page instead07:01
icemarioI'm actually running XP Pro07:01
icemariousing VMware07:01
mage__why in a vmware?07:01
docgnomersvampire: well... my question is... do you really care that you don't get the gdm sound?07:01
balleyneRoDoX: you can have one installed of Ubuntu and install both the Gnome and KDE desktop environments, essentially you have Ubuntu AND Kubuntu - the caution is that you get a whole slew of apps, because you get all the apps from both, but then you can choose which desktop environment you want to use at login07:01
tuntunwhereas gnome has all of that functionality, just hidden in gconf07:01
tsukasayo guys... i have a media pc hooked into my tv and im trying to figure out a good way to control it from my laptop... any ideas?07:01
onatscan anyone recommend a program that can manage downloads of my network centrally?07:01
Fudusoddly I find ubuntu faster in virtualbox rather than on the livecd :/07:02
onatsthis program will be installed n a server07:02
Fudusyay cd access time07:02
lonejackproblem: first installation kubuntu, Installed firefox, xchat with Adept install, he asked me admin password. Everything gone right. Now, when I open terminal, I try to login with su, the password before doesn't work. Somebody can help me?07:02
docgnomeicemario: aye. not running X is a Good Thing(tm) though. If you wanna become a command line wizard.07:02
icemariowhat is virtualbox?07:02
balleyneRoDoX: Gutsy has Gnome 2.2007:02
StEaLtHtHiEfwhen I have both gnome and kde installed i got some menu item additions/changes that annoyed me.07:02
ubotuVirtualBox is open-source virtualization software for x86, with a proprietary "enterprise" version sporting additional features. Packages for Ubuntu are provided by the makers at http://www.virtualbox.org/ - Setup details at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtualBox07:02
RoDoXso KDE must be older than GNOME...07:02
mage__tsukasa: what sort of control?07:02
rsvampiredocgnome: well I really don't... but my problem stems from if Ubuntu detects my onboard sound first... then changes it to the "default" card with the asound settings... a lot of programs will still use/integrate the onboard sound anyways07:02
docgnomeOh right.07:02
docgnomersvampire: forgot that bit07:02
rsvampireMasterShrek: so what module do I need to blacklist? my VIA82xx?07:03
StEaLtHtHiEfkde4 is out ..soon..07:03
icemariois there anything wrong with running VMware?07:03
mage__tsukasa: you could use vnc to bring whats running on it to your screen, or use something like synergy to share the keyboard/mouse07:03
docgnomersvampire: now that I think about it... I had that problem with VMWare07:03
mage__icemario: no07:03
balleyneRoDoX: I believe so, KDE used to have some non-free dependancies so the GNOME project was started to create an entirely free desktop, but since then KDE's non-free dependancy (Qt) became free07:03
tsukasamage__, well see thats the thing, at first i thought ssh would be good since im using it to play videos... but when i do vlc via ssh it doesnt work07:03
MasterShrekrsvampire: did it seem to disable the right card when you ran that rmmod command?07:03
docgnomersvampire: it was using the onboard sound for Virtual machines07:03
mage__icemario: running in a vm is just silly ;)07:03
tsukasamage__, not vnc, it would lag too much07:03
tsukasamage__, i can look into synergy07:03
rsvampireMasterShrek: yeah, it seemed to07:03
docgnomeNow how did I fix that...07:03
mage__tsukasa: DISPLAY=:0 yadda07:03
tsukasaoh really07:03
mage__^ for ssh07:03
Fudusno way of changing mouse wheel speed?07:03
Fudusthat is most :(07:03
MasterShrekthen yes, bit its snd_via82xx  (case sensitive)07:03
rsvampiredocgnome: yeah in any case it's helping me learn Ubuntu/Linux a lot more figuring this dang problem out07:03
linxuz3rhey guys07:04
RoDoXballeyne, "used to have..."?07:04
icemariomage__: but if I want to play a game that only runs on windows, I don't have to restart, but then again, it doesn't take that long to restart07:04
docgnomersvampire: heh07:04
linxuz3rwho thinks ubuntu roxorz?07:04
sire1_linxuz3r: ?07:04
ckin2001icemario, wine runs games too :D07:04
linxuz3rjust greeting07:04
MasterShrekrsvampire: alot of ubuntus power is under the hood07:04
tsukasamage__, so vlc DISPLAY=:0 blah or DISPLAY=:0 vlc blah07:04
mage__tsukasa: I guess I should be less vague; try doing DISPLAY=:0 someprogram07:04
linxuz3rckin2001, cedega runs games much better07:04
tsukasasec let me try07:04
ckin2001linxuz3r, spot me 5$ a month?07:05
balleyneRoDoX: Qt (used by KDE) used to be under a non-free license, but it is now under a free software license - while it was non-free, GNOME was created to make an entirely free desktop, but now they're both free destops07:05
Fudusactually having to pay for software, what a thought ;)07:05
mage__theres also export DISPLAY=:0, and you run your command, this is assuming you've got X running on that TV computer07:05
linxuz3rits only 5 bucks07:05
Fuduscedega i assume07:05
mozarthello, i have an external USB 500GB MyBook driver, if i format it to ext3 then will  it ask me for disk mount checks too like the other normal ext3 harddrives, coz thats a bit annoying then as an disk is mounted an unmounted several times, can someone answer this?07:05
docgnomeFudus: a horrible thought.07:05
mordecaeui need help, my xserver wont start. when i run startx, i get this: http://rafb.net/p/RxdMfi95.txt07:05
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balleyneRoDoX: version numbers aren't a great sign of age though, but in this case I guess it's true07:05
linxuz3r5bucks is worth the money to get your compatible games to be played in linux07:05
mage__mozart: disk mount checks? ;)07:05
icemariolinxuz3r: You can download the CVS version for free :)07:06
Fudusgnome started after kde, because of kde's old licence on kde07:06
mozartyes dont you know that?07:06
icemarioof cedega07:06
RoDoXballeyne, i got it...and both KDE or GNOME are compatible with compiz-fusion?07:06
linxuz3ricemario, really wow nice07:06
mage__mozart: nope, does it pop up a window and harass you?07:06
Fudusbecause qt wasn't open source at the time, hence gnome was made07:06
balleyneRoDoX: yep07:06
mozartyou know when u start ubuntu it does the disk mount check07:06
rsvampireMasterShrek: alright done and done ran sudo update07:06
mozarton every 30th boot07:06
mage__mozart: tune2fs will let you fiddle with the numbers for that harassment though07:06
docgnomersvampire: what programs are doing that exactly?07:06
MasterShrekrsvampire: apt-get has nothign to do with it but ok :)07:07
IndyGunFreakmozart: i think there's a way to disable that, i've just never tried.07:07
RoDoXballeyne, i dont know...if they are both free and offers good exp to the user, so why are they different?07:07
mozartso the answer is yes a external ext3 drive does it too07:07
MasterShrekrsvampire: reboot now, and see what happens07:07
tuntunhow can I make an html doc save any new contents of a text area in the html for next time? (dont say html chan)07:07
rsvampireMasterShrek: no I meant I ran sudo update-initramfs -u07:07
RoDoXballeyne, i mean...why a single project instead of making them different/07:07
mage__mozart: I've never been asked about checking things when I mount them, so I really dont know07:07
RoDoXwhy not**07:07
icemariowill ubuntu work with a Intel PRO/2200BG Wireless?07:07
mozarthow do you guys keep your external drives?07:07
rsvampiredocgnome: WINE and Ardour and a bunch of other little programs are trying to use my integrated card07:07
RoDoXicemario, it does07:08
MasterShrekrsvampire: ok, probably a good idea07:08
balleyneRoDoX: *shrug* personal preference I guess, people like the choice, they're doing different things in some areas, plus the competition can be healthy07:08
rsvampire:MasterShrek alright rebooting now07:08
mage__whats with these floodbots?07:08
RoDoXon my nobo, and i didnt need to install any driver07:08
tuntunhow can I make an html doc save any new contents of a text area in the html for next time?07:08
mage__tuntun: look at tiddlywiki or something07:08
balleyneRoDoX: also, they've got entirely different code bases.. if one was a fork of the other than I guess it would make sense for them to join up, but they're completely separate pieces of software07:08
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RoDoXballeyne, i agree. but it seems that the users havnet noticed any difference between each other07:09
balleyneRoDoX: there are many other Desktop Environments too, Fluxbox, XFCE (in Xubuntu), Enlightenment, etc07:09
c0mp13371331337tuntun - is php or any type of database available on the server where the HTML is stored?07:09
RoDoXballeyne, as far as I know, Xubuntu is a light-project from ubuntu...right07:09
balleyneRoDoX: oh, there are lots of differences, it's just kind of hard to say whether some differences are advantages or disadvantages is most cases I guess07:09
tuntunnope, just a single html doc07:09
lucianmy CTRL+ALT+L for lock screen for some reason isn't working. how do i do it via command line?07:10
mozartso do you guys keep your external drives formated to ext3? and how do i answersome here highlighted as i am having a difficult time reading it all looks same and moves too fast.07:10
RoDoXi see...hard to tell huh?07:10
balleyneRoDoX: yeah, it uses the XFCE environment instead of Gnome or KDE, and a lot of other light-weight apps by default07:10
IndyGunFreakRoDoX: it really just a matter of preference mostly.  Yes there are differences, but its not something to get real worked up about... 99.9% of the time, if it works in KDE, it will work in Gnome.07:10
mage__mozart: I just use tab completion mo<tab>07:10
c0mp13371331337tuntun - So I'm assuming you're using the HTML doc as a local file, not accessing it across the web?07:10
lucianhi IndyGunFreak07:10
balleyneRoDoX: you should give KDE a try, maybe not by installing it, but burn a live CD of Kubuntu (or some other KDE-based distro) to give it a spin07:10
IndyGunFreaklucian: how goes it...07:10
lonejackwhat is the difference between to open a terminal with root instead of 'su'?07:10
rsvampireMasterShrek: nope-a-lottapus07:10
mage__mozart: I've got one drive formatted ext3 I think, my sister has it though07:10
luciansame stuff different day07:10
tuntunwell actually both07:11
lonejackare not the same07:11
balleyneRoDoX: personall, I prefer Gnome I guess, that's what I've stuck with, but we use KDE at my university07:11
abhihi i want to put gutsy on a new machine. i want it to have the exact same software packages as another machine I have. what is the easiest way to accomplish this?07:11
IndyGunFreakballeyne: lol, now that i disagree w/... I generally prefer KDE only over paying taxes and root canals07:11
rsvampireMasterShrek: still detecting and using my slot 0 card (VIA 8237)07:11
IndyGunFreaklucian: having probs, or just hanging out?07:11
StEaLtHtHiEfPlease!  I'm in a band, and we have a show saturday. I would like to record it using Ubuntu and can't get my microphone to work! =(  Has anyone had this problem?  Does anyone know how to fix it?07:11
RoDoXso you guys mean that there are no apps that RUNS ONLY in one distro version and does not on another one...?07:11
Myrttiabhi: do dpkg --get-selections > file on the first07:11
MasterShrekrsvampire: is snd_via82xx still dispalyed why you type: lsmod | grep snd ? dont paste the output again though :)07:11
rsvampireMasterShrek: I tried running gconf-editor and editing some ALSA settings and that didn't work eiterh07:11
abhiMyrtti: ok then?07:12
mage__Myrtti: does that include dependancies?07:12
mozarti am having troubles with aMSN, suddenly the app opens but there is nothing inside, this never happened before, is it because of my theme, i mean i open aMSN but the window is just empty07:12
lonejackPlease: what is the difference between to open a terminal with root instead of 'su'? Are not the same thing?07:12
balleyneabhi: you could create an image of the partition and copy it over.. that would make sense for large deployments, but for a single copy there might be simpler options07:12
tuntuntiddlywiki looks good :)07:12
edellinghamHey guys...07:12
Myrttiabhi: get the file to the second and do dpkg --set-selections < file07:12
balleyneRoDoX: nope, not that I've ever heard of07:12
IndyGunFreakmozart: why not just use pidgin?07:13
MasterShrekmozart: you can use pidgin for msn07:13
balleyneRoDoX: there's a difference between distros and desktop environments though07:13
rsvampireMasterShrek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48176/07:13
mozarti dont know how to use pidgin, it never shows me all my contacts07:13
abhi Myrtti: and what about if I want to create large installations?07:13
balleyneRoDoX: but, generall speaking, no in either case07:13
Myrttiabhi: then there was smth with dselect which I can't remember07:13
rsvampireit would seem it's still showing up07:13
edellinghamAnyone know where the hell to get the Snow Globe plugin for compiz?  I heard about it on Linux Action Show and I can't find the plug in anywhere...I can find video's...but no actual plugin...anyone know where to get this?07:13
abhiMyrtti: I want to have a custom install. how do i do that?07:13
Myrttiabhi: *shrug* get a proxy ;-)07:13
onatscan anyone recommend a program that can manage downloads of my network centrally?07:13
RoDoXballeyne, should i be concerned about virus for ubuntu?07:14
abhiMyrtti: u mean i need to set up an apt mirror?07:14
mozarti open pidgin give it my login and all, and then its just empty, i cant see my contacts and all the other stuff i am used to07:14
Myrttiabhi: sorry, got to run for shopping07:14
rsvampireI typed "blacklist snd_via82xx" in the initramfs file was that the wrong thing to type?07:14
MasterShrekrsvampire: well its still getting loaded...weird, how about adding: rmmod snd_via82xx    to /etc/rc.local ?07:14
mage__apt-get -u dselect-upgrade <-- abhi07:14
c0mp13371331337tuntun - good luck with that, in that case!  I know it's obviously possible if the server has sql support, or at least PHP, cause you can use PHP code that will dump the contents to a text file, then retrieve the contents of that file and put them in the text box.  But without those, I'm sure it's possible, just not easily.  If you find out though, let me know, cause I've been wondering how to do it without PHP/sql myself!07:14
mage__google is your friend07:14
astro76lonejack, 'su -' is identical as it gives root's environment, using sudo it's sudo -i07:14
IndyGunFreakRoDoX: i run Gnome on 1 laptop, and mY PC, and I run Xfce on an old laptop that I have.  There are a couple of KDE apps that I like(Amarok, Ktorrent to name two), if you want to use them on Gnome, use them, when you apt-get install, it will resolve a bunch of dependencies, so you can use them, same w/ gnome on KDE, and gnome/kde apps on xfce07:14
balleyneRoDoX: no, ubuntu doesn't even ship with anti-virus software by default07:14
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »07:14
Piraterois there a way to check what permissions a file has through a script?07:14
Pirateroi need to check if it is executable07:15
MasterShrekrsvampire: /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist     i guess07:15
mosnoballeyne: either does Windows ;)07:15
mage__corruptionoflulz: tiddlywiki is a dhtml ajax thing that'll edit its own data, locally07:15
abhimage__: ok can u tell me how to do that with apt?07:15
abhimage__: again?07:15
balleynemosno: haha, true, but windows doesn't ship with much of anything07:15
mozartpidgin just shows me when someone is logged in, i cant send offline messages to anyone, also i cant see my contacts in the first place, what to do?07:15
rsvampireMasterShrek: that file is blank, do it anyways?07:15
Piraterowell, another question is: is there a way to elegantly "lock" a program from a user? that way a particular user can't run in a particular time?07:15
mosnoballeyne: indeed07:15
MasterShrekrsvampire: the initramfs just has to do with the order of when they are loaded07:15
balleyneRoDoX: though there's a bit of a debate whether or not you should be running anti-virus software in linux, but most people don't - however, you could install clamav from the ubuntu repos if you want a virus scanner07:15
Piraterowhoa, there is a lot of commotion here!07:15
IndyGunFreakmozart: what do you mean doesn't show you your contacts?.. and I get offlne messages all the time07:16
MasterShrekrsvampire: i was wondering that too, is there a different file in /etc/modprobe.d that has somethign to do with blacklisting?07:16
mage__abhi: I'm actually clueless as far as doing this, never actually done it07:16
tuntunc0mp13371331337: well actually someone just earlier suggest "tiddlywiki", and it looks like what I'm after :)07:16
mozartok can u see all your msn contacts in Pidgin please tell me how to07:16
balleyneRoDoX: (some argue that virus scanning in linux is at least a help to windows friends, so viruses aren't spread even if infection is not a concern)07:16
astro76balleyne, not sure where this debate is taking place, you'd be pressed to find anyone recommending antivirus unless serving windows files07:16
mage__run a command on computer A, copy file to computer B, run two commands, should do it07:16
mozarthang on i go open it now07:16
balleyneastro76: true, I guess I'm thinking more about firewalls, lumping the two together07:16
abhimage__: ok and what will that do?07:16
ckin2001Piratero, if [ -x filename ]07:16
astro76balleyne, that makes more sense ;)07:17
MasterShrekmozart: buddies > show > offline buddies07:17
mage__oh good07:17
mozartwait where is that option please07:17
mage__I dont have to answer his question, as I'm clueless ;)07:17
mosnoballeyne: if the Windows folk aren't running a local a/v, they've got bigger fish to fry07:17
Piraterockin2001: ah thanks... do you also happen to know an elegant way of "disabling" a specific user to being able to execute a particular program?07:17
balleyneRoDoX: if you want a more advanced firewall than the basic iptables in Ubuntu, I believe Firestarter is a good choice07:17
mage__mosno: im running windows with no a/v07:17
rsvampireMasterShrek: I've got "blacklist" "blacklist-framebuffer" "blacklist-modem" "blacklist-oss" "blacklist-scanner" and "blacklist-watchdog"07:17
IndyGunFreakmozart: try clcicking your buddies menu, show, then click "offline buddies"07:17
MasterShrekmozart: i just told you07:17
Piraterockin2001: i'm writing a program where i can toggle the user's ability to execute this program07:17
rsvampireMasterShrek: but no "my_blacklist" file07:17
* mosno hands mage__ a large frypan07:17
mage__mosno: I've been running windows with no a/v longer than you've been running linux07:17
balleynemosno: hehe very true07:18
mosnomage__: yes but you're elite07:18
mozartok thanks i will try now, at the moment all i see is a white plain window and nothing at all07:18
MasterShrekrsvampire: hmm, im honestly not very familiar with ubuntu's module schem there, i would think in blacklist07:18
RoDoXgood answer! i'm gonna try this firestarter! and one more thing...do you think that ubuntu (server edition) is mature enough to use as a server manager?07:18
ckin2001Piratero, you could have a group setup that is allowed to execute this program, and add/remove the user from that group07:18
MasterShrekis there other lines in blacklist that look like they are blacklisting modules?07:18
ckin2001Piratero, or, you could muck around with linux acls - quite a mess07:18
rsvampireMasterShrek: there we go... that's the correct file07:19
IndyGunFreakmozart: check show offline buddies, and show empty groups07:19
=== xstasi`afk is now known as xstasi
RoDoXi mean, as a server Open source operating system?07:19
balleyneRoDoX: I'm using ubuntu as a server at home, but personally I prefer other distros, we use Debian and Red Hat at my office07:19
RoDoXand why ubuntu doesnt have your preference?07:19
mage__woah woah woah keywords07:19
mozartok COOL yes that worked, thank you, and i thought gnome was supposed to be simple, or maybe i am too dumb, i would never have thought of looking in there, but then i have not used pidgin before, after trying 1 time07:19
rsvampireMasterShrek: so just type "snd_via82xx" in the blacklist file right? I don't have to have a command for it or anything?07:19
Piraterockin2001: thanks!!!!07:20
tjl11rodox: probably because of the release schedule?07:20
IndyGunFreakmozart: thathas nothing to do w/ gnome, thats a setting in pidgin you didn't havge set correctly07:20
RoDoXtjl11, wht do you mean?07:20
balleyneRoDoX: the sudo thing in Ubuntu is a bit annoying when you're working with a server... for one thing.. *shrugs*.. but it's been working fine for me at home, but I'm only doing a few simpler things and it's doubling as a workstation07:20
mosnoEtch is newer than LTS iirc07:20
MasterShrekrsvampire: i think you want: blacklist snd_via82xx     rsvampire are there other lines in there that look liek that?07:20
IndyGunFreakmozart: if anything, its a pidgin *issue*, but its really not an issue, it just installs default w/ those options unchecked.07:20
mage__balleyne: sudo bash, set a root password, go from there07:20
MasterShrekrsvampire: also change back the initramfs stuff you did, and reupdate that07:20
mozartok thanks guys that helped me out07:20
tjl11balleyme: sudo passwd root07:20
ubotuRegardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo07:21
tjl11balleyme: I wouldn't suggest it though07:21
balleyneubotu comes to my defence, lol07:21
IndyGunFreaktjl11: lol, you just did.07:21
MasterShreknice cover07:21
RoDoXballeyne, in other words, it works properly, right?07:21
rsvampireMasterShrek: I've got a few yeah "usb mouse, usbkbd, eepro100, de4x5, eth1394, snd_intel8x0m, i2c_i801"07:21
ckin2001i always just sudo sh and have myself a root shell07:21
balleyneI actually didnt know how to do that, but the fact that ubuntu is configured that way by default lends itself more to desktop use than server use in my opinion07:22
belphegoreh, i use su all the time... i'm too lazy to keep repeating sudo all the time, hehehe07:22
tjl11chin2001: that's even better :D07:22
RoDoXis it too heavy, if compared with red hat?07:22
MasterShrekrsvampire: ok, just copy whatever scheme is used for those07:22
balleynethe sudo thing is more of a general sign that it's more desktop oriented than server oriented, at least right now07:22
MasterShrekrsvampire: if the word blacklist is there, use it, if not just do whatever the others have07:22
belphegorbut, you can use sudo su, which is the same thing...07:23
IndyGunFreakRoDoX: why are you asking these questions here, this si a support channel,,.,, but Debian is far superior to RH in my opinion.07:23
balleyneRoDoX: to be honest, I'm not expert when it comes to servers or anything, but Red Hat's got the reputation and the years of experience in that space, Ubuntu's been shining in the desktop area and just entering the server space07:23
rsvampireMasterShrek: yeah the word blacklist is used so I used it :P alright I'll reboot again and see what happens07:23
mozarthi there ok, another question for PIDGIN, are there any other cool plugins for it and so, stuff to make it a bit cooler07:23
IndyGunFreakmozart: i'm really not sure, i consider it a pretty good program to begin w/.07:24
MasterShrekmozart: guifications07:24
balleyneRoDoX: Ubuntu's been fine for me as a server, I'd try it, sure, but other distros are more mature in that respect and have been around for longer07:24
MasterShrekahem, slackware, ahem07:24
ckin2001balleyne, red hat is the brand name.  its not free.07:24
MasterShreksorry, got an itch in my throat07:24
balleyneRoDoX: Red Hat being the big name, something like Debian being closer to Ubuntu in design but closer to Red Hat in terms of.. proving itself over time I guess07:24
mozartum no what GUIfications but like sending more smiley stuff and so07:24
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: what are those?.. i've heard of them but never tried them07:24
tjl11balleyne: I like debian better as a server distro rather than ubuntu.07:24
RoDoXbecause the ubuntu forum has no ppl up to answer these questions and i need to know what distro is the best thing no matter if this is either for each single machine or for some opteron X2-based server...07:24
mozartsorry not GUIfications but more stuff for sending07:24
belphegormozart, if you want some plugins for pidgin, you can always "sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack"07:25
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: like a little pop up that says when people log in or out, you can also use it for when they are away, idle, stuff liek that07:25
IndyGunFreakRoDoX: whats best, is the last one you try, there is no "best"..07:25
balleyneckin2001: it's free in the important sense, just not in the sense of cost - but CentOS is a clone of RHEL and that's free in both senses of the word07:25
belphegormost of them are silly though07:25
balleynetj11: agreed07:25
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: hm, where do i get it?07:25
mozartok cool thats sounds nice, i will check it now, does it have the extra smilies07:25
mage__RoDoX: think of distro as how it comes out of the box, and you can change it however you want.07:25
RoDoXtrue, but there is 'better than'..isnt there?07:26
belphegori don't think so but it does add a lot more features07:26
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: well to be honest, i dont know in ubuntu lol, you it may be part of a plugins package in apt somewhere, else theres always the old fashioned way07:26
IndyGunFreakRoDoX: but nobody can tell you what's better, what works for some, doesn't work for others, fact of life.07:26
ckin2001IndyGunFreak, that may be true, but debians better07:26
rsvampireMasterShrek: I also re-updated my initramf file as well07:26
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: well, i was thinking the old fashioned away anyways07:26
balleyneRoDoX: yeah, agreed... "better than" meaning less tweaking...some distros are more well suited for certain uses, so you don't need to customize the software as much07:26
rsvampireMasterShrek: hey hey! it's gone... fantastic07:26
RoDoXsorry about this, but im a new dumb in the linux world....07:26
MasterShrekrsvampire: good luck :)07:26
RoDoXballeyne said everything.07:27
perfectoranyone using moblock or ipblock tell me which ones better...07:27
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: lemme find you a link07:27
IndyGunFreakckin2001: i agree, but the thing is, if you have some major hardware prob, etc, that you can't overcome in Debian, but you can in say, Redhat, then you're probably going to use redhat.07:27
mage__RoDoX: I'm using ubuntu because both redhat and debian bit me in the ass as far as upgrading packages goes07:27
rsvampireMasterShrek: that was seriously an annoying issue! so I have a question... even though it's disabled in the BIOS why was Ubuntu still detecting and using it?07:27
belphegorthey only real difference between distros are the package managers, and the repos... haha07:27
balleyneRoDoX: haha, I don't mind, I'm only a few months ahead of you - dig around online, there are lots of good linux mags and blogs and such out there, I've been taking everything in daily via RSS feeds and just learning everything I can07:27
mage__IndyGunFreak: could just use redhat kernel in debian ;)07:27
MasterShrekrsvampire: i have no idea07:27
IndyGunFreakmage__: we're talking to newbies here...07:28
MasterShrek!info pidgin-guifications | IndyGunFreak07:28
ubotuindygunfreak: pidgin-guifications: toaster popups for pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14-3 (gutsy), package size 157 kB, installed size 1000 kB07:28
ckin2001IndyGunFreak, i gave redhat several chances, and every time ended up in dependency hell.  i'll use windows instead of redhat07:28
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: hmm, thanks.. i've not found it.07:28
mage__ckin2001: what about uh, apt-rpm? yum? rpmplzwork?07:29
ChasmX7Hello, I know very little about Ubuntu though, I am curious is there a way to run windows based programs? Games in particular is what I'm looking for. Love to try out Ubuntu but being a gamer, it has me hesitant.07:29
rsvampireckin2001: is that including Fedora?07:29
MasterShrekits in universe07:29
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:29
ckin2001rsvampire, up til core 207:29
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: no, i know that, i mean i hadn't found it when searchig, it must not havesearched properly, i have universe ready07:29
c0mp13371331337chasmX7 - sudo apt-get install wine07:29
ckin2001from about v6 or so07:29
MasterShrek!wine | ChasmX707:29
ubotuChasmX7: please see above07:29
tuntunthanks ubotu!!!07:29
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.07:30
tofaffyWhat is the command to make a user and set a password?07:30
ChasmX7Awesome, thank you.07:30
balleyneChasmX7: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:30
mage__tofaffy: probably something better than adduser07:30
c0mp13371331337Wow, this Ubotu guy is really smart.07:30
balleyneChasmX7: to see what programs run well or not so well in wine07:30
IndyGunFreak!ubotu | c0mp1337133133707:30
ubotuc0mp13371331337: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:30
MasterShrekc0mp13371331337: its a bot07:30
rsvampirethe ubotu guy is a bot! lol he just spits out info07:30
mage__i mean useradd07:30
c0mp13371331337A TYPING ROBOT?!07:31
rsvampirehe's not really a person he's a bot set to fetch info on FAQ's and stuff07:31
MasterShrekprobably just a script07:31
mage__tofaffy: cant you do that in the gui? System -> Admin -> User -> Etc07:31
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: no, when users who know certain bot signals type a command, ubotu responds and says whatever that command prompts.07:31
rsvampireubotu but yes he's full of great directing info for new peeps (like me and a bunch of other people)07:31
tofaffymage__, ssh :)07:31
IndyGunFreak!dvd | c0mp13371331337 for example07:31
ubotuc0mp13371331337 for example: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs07:31
ChasmX7Thanks, everyone.07:32
MasterShrekrsvampire: yes ubuto is very handy07:32
* IndyGunFreak <3's ubotu07:32
mage__tofaffy: useradd doesn't add the user to certain groups, which are useful for using the gui07:32
* MasterShrek smacks ubotu with a large trout.07:32
c0mp13371331337!Make me a sandwich07:32
MasterShrekmake it yourself07:33
c0mp13371331337!sudo make me a sandwich07:33
ubotuxkcd is possibly the greatest geeky webcomic ever. It even makes jokes about Ubuntu. http://www.xkcd.com/  and especially the one about 'sudo make me a sandwich' - http://xkcd.com/c149.html07:33
balleyneahahaha, I was just digging for the xkcd link....07:33
LadyrelenaHi I'm looking to use WUSB54AG and I do not know how to config a ubuntu07:33
IndyGunFreak!wireless | Ladyrelena07:33
ubotuLadyrelena: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:33
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
crazy_busthe harddrive checks for errors every 30 mounts.  How can I force a scan now?07:34
astro76!fsck | crazy_bus07:34
ubotucrazy_bus: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot07:34
LadyrelenaIt doesn't exist non compatable?07:34
rsvampireMasterShrek: lol! how did you do a smack command? (I've forgotten nearly all the IRC commands07:35
crazy_busthanks astro7607:35
=== max` is now known as max
MasterShrekrsvampire: i typed that manually, it was always just a script in mirc or something07:35
rsvampireoh and for you guys with the sudo sandwhich07:35
rsvampirehere's a pic07:35
c0mp13371331337rsvampire - Duuuuuude, that's awesome.  So classic!07:36
Ladyrelenaubotu- I couldn't find a good compatable link to my device07:36
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: how do you start pidgin-guifications.. i can't start it from terminal.07:36
balleynersvampie: ubotu even linked to that comic in it's xkcd factoid, lol, I was impressed!07:36
Ladyrelenaindygunfreak- I couldn't find a good link to it07:36
rsvampireballeyne: wow! yeah he's a pretty intelligent bot07:37
IndyGunFreakLadyrelena: thats a general faq on how to setup 99% of wireless devices, read through it.07:37
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: in your buddy list: tools > plugins07:37
icemariodo you guys like solaris?07:37
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: you may need to restart pidgin first though07:37
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: duh...lol, i don't know why i didn't look there..,. thanks07:37
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: i especially like the ATER theme for it07:37
ppcguyhey all. Any suggestions for a good live cd for trouble shooting windows computers? IE virus scan software, scubbers, keytracker finders etc?07:37
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: youll have to google it though07:38
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: ok, thanks...i'm looking through it now.07:38
balleyneppcguy: might want to check out  SystemRescueCD, not sure if that's exactly what you're after though07:38
c0mp13371331337ppcguy - Yup, it's called the Ubuntu Live CD.  It will take care of ALL your Windows problems!07:38
ppcguythanks, looking through that site right now07:38
* Jay-Oh-En can see you07:38
ppcguyI do a lot of trouble shooting for my job, and just think it would be a lot easier with a live disk07:39
Hyperbladehi iv just got my comp and want 2 no if frostwire with go with my Ubuntu softwere07:39
balleyneppcguy: I think it's more useful for recovery, either getting files, repartitioning things, resetting windows passwords, etc - its great for that. Not sure that it'll scan for viruses though or anything07:39
rsvampireMasterShrek: so what distro/version are you running man?07:39
c0mp13371331337ppcguy - So just very general software?  Cause I know they have live CDs of tools that search for SPECIFIC viruses and malware, but I would assume you're looking for an all-in-one?07:40
Hyperbladewould'nt know ae how do i find out07:40
icemariowhat's a good reason to use ubuntu instead of slackware?07:40
MasterShrekrsvampire: slamd64 on my laptop, slackare on my file server07:40
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: how often does pidgin update/upgrade?..lol, I think i've recompiled 2x this month..lol07:40
ppcguyballeyne: That's the prob I'm running into.. Thinking I might have to go the morphix route and just make something custom07:40
balleyneicemario: package manager07:40
timandtomIf I have a file in /Folder1 I want to link to /Folder1/Folder2/blah.pdf, what would the filepath be? I need it to be relative07:40
icemarioslack has no package manager?07:40
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: not really sure, whats it at now?07:40
IndyGunFreakwell, 2.3.1 i think07:40
MasterShrekIcemanV9: it does, but slack's package mangager doesnt download packages from the net07:41
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: i just compiled 2.3.0, proably 2 weeks ago..lol07:41
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: i havent updated it for awhile, maybe i should and i could stop using amsn for my msn account tath wont connect07:41
balleyneicemario: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slackware#Package_management07:41
rsvampireMasterShrek: yeah I'm just using Ubuntu 64 dual booting XP I tried KDE but I'm gunna wait until KDE4 comes out07:41
tjl112.3.1 fixed alot of msn bugs07:41
MasterShrekrsvampire: im stoked for kde4, not until next month i guess07:42
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: i know when i went from like 2.2.1, to something else, there were some security bugs they fixed.07:42
hadiaziamhi..i got problem when start my web server using ssl.. it show " Syntax error on line 9 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl:07:42
hadiaziamSSLEngine not allowed here "07:42
tjl11I'm on it right now07:42
* MasterShrek is all over pidgin 2.3.107:42
hadiaziamhow to solve it?07:42
balleynehadiaziam: what does that line of the file say?07:42
hadiaziamballeyne: SSLEngine On07:42
icemarioany reason to use ubuntu over solaris?07:42
* tjl11 smacks mastershrek with a trout07:43
balleynehadiaziam: did you add that yourself? seems like it's gotta be moved elsewhere maybe... I dunno, maybe the context of the line is the issue? *shrugs*07:43
* MasterShrek wipes the slime off07:43
* Jay-Oh-En eats the trout07:43
rsvampireMasterShrek: I know! I love the new library thing they are doing! and I've been thinking about running Hackentosh OS X on my computer07:43
balleyneicemario: Solaris is non-free, it's not open source (though it may be one day)07:43
hadiaziamballeyne: yes..i add myself07:43
tjl11icemario: open source is powerful07:43
hadiaziami follow from ubuntu guide07:43
rsvampireMasterShrek: because now with KDE 4 you can run KDE programs naitivly in Leopard, I think OS X and Linux are gunna make huge leaps in 2008 because Vista sucks so bad07:44
balleyneicemario: and Solaris isn't linux, it would be easier to migrate from ubuntu to red hat or debian or suse or whatever since they're all linux, solaris would be more of a change07:44
MasterShrekim running vista dual boot on this machine, seems to run fine for me, havent had many problems07:44
balleyneicemario: so you have much more freedom with linux, at least as things stand today07:44
MasterShrekdisabled alot of stuff though07:44
Hyperbladehey im iv got 4.1 i think would frostwire work with that or what should i use?07:44
tjl11balleyne: actually you can download solaris for free07:44
balleynetjl11: I'm talking about free in the important sense - freedom07:45
rsvampireMasterShrek: I'm just tierd of Windows in general... been running it my whole life and I'm tierd of all this DRM, CD Key, Can't Do Anything to My Interface Operating System07:45
tjl11balleyne: ah okay07:45
IndyGunFreakrsvampire: then you'll find a linux distro you like... eventually07:45
crazy_busI tried the command shutdown -F -r now but it restarted without doing a check07:45
icemariohow big is a desktop ubuntu install?07:45
icemarioon your hard drive?07:46
MasterShrekrsvampire: i hear you, i dont really have a reason for having vista on it, but i figure i better know about it a little bit, it will be around when i get a job and stuff07:46
balleyneicemario: 4-5 GB I think, depends what else you install07:46
tjl11icemario: probably about 3-4GB07:46
balleyneicemario: Xubuntu might be a bit smaller07:46
rsvampireIndyGunFreak: yeah, I'm starting with Ubuntu because I'm a noob but I think I like Debian and the .deb system better than the .rpm files07:46
icemarionah I'll stop using VMware07:46
icemarioI'll go native07:46
icemariothen I have 512 mb of ram07:46
IndyGunFreakrsvampire: well, personal opinion, the debian package system, absolutely kills RPM, in my opinion, but tis all opinion07:47
rsvampireMasterShrek: yeah that's what Microsoft has going for it... software and driver  compatibility and lots of it07:47
ppcguy2nd that IndyGunFreak07:47
MasterShrekrsvampire: its about the biggest thing they got working for em07:47
icemariolonghorn is coming out07:47
rsvampireIndyGunFreak: yeah I totally agree with you there... and that's what I like about Linux... you can have an opinion and can choose one that works for you and your needs07:47
=== `KK`|irssi is now known as KK-irssi
rsvampireMasterShrek: yeah, only thing I don't like about Linux so far are the buggier drivers and softwares07:48
MasterShrekicemario: longhorn was codename for vista iirc07:48
timandtomMasterShrek: Nah, I think the biggest thing is wasted space, or perhaps used up RAM. Oh, you meant GOOD things...07:48
perfectoranyone using moblock or ipblock tell me which ones better...07:48
praveenmhi, is there any way to transfer files using ANY im client to gtalk on winxp07:48
rsvampireMasterShrek: sure everything is free, and they are all very useful and pretty but sometimes they don't work as well as they should07:48
IndyGunFreakrsvampire: it is indeed ... i just wish i could get my GPS to work on Linux, then i'd blow away my XP partition.  but I formatted, gave XP 20gigs, ubuntu 230..lol, so i dont use XP for anything but managing my GPS07:48
balleyneMasterShrek: I think it's also being used for Windows Server 2008 though, ran across that today07:48
ppcguylonghorn was indeed the codename fo vista07:48
icemarioGlobal Positioning System?07:49
MasterShrekhavent seen server 2k8, sounds scary07:49
rsvampireIndyGunFreak: yeah, I'll probably keep XP and just think of it as a game console by the years end07:49
IndyGunFreakppcguy: that was microsofts way of saying, "lets see how long we can horn these people"07:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about death - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:49
IndyGunFreakrsvampire: yup.07:49
ubotulife is something very few people know about in this channel - and anyway, it's probably offtopic, perhaps you want to try #ubuntu-offtopic07:49
balleynersvampire: a buggy, virus-ridden gaming console, hehe07:49
ppcguyIndyGunFreak: LOL! Indeed.. money grubbin bastids07:50
IndyGunFreaktuntun: now that was a good one, lol07:50
rsvampireballeyne: lol yeah!07:50
IndyGunFreaktuntun: it used to say, "I'm sorry, I don't know the meaning of Life, I'm just a bot"07:50
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource07:50
timandtom!and everything07:50
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about and everything - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:50
yurimxpxman_is there a command (other than ls) to display the size of a file?07:50
* MasterShrek is compiling pidgin 2.3.1 right now :)07:50
rsvampireIndyGunFreak: alright man, I'll probably be back on in the next couple days07:50
tuntun*hugs ubotu*07:51
rsvampireMasterShrek: alright man I'll be back in a few days... thanks for all your help man!07:51
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: so am i... on my PC and my laptop, i'll hafve to boot my old laptop tomorrow morning and recompilei t.07:51
=== Ziddharth is now known as ZIDTY
MasterShreknp rsvampire07:51
rsvampiresee ya around guys!07:51
IndyGunFreakrsvampire: np, good luck07:51
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
MasterShrekyea, im sick of amsn, its a pain in the butt07:51
optocusi installed ubuntu and i need some help07:51
MasterShrekwhats the problem optocus07:52
ZIDTYi am getting error after install in ubuntu gutsy on my laptop .. it says cannot find device by uuid .. about my HD .. what shall i do ???07:52
EvanlecMasterShrek: still helpin the noobs eh? ;p07:52
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: does it actually have any advantages over Pidgin?... i've heard if you can get a webcam to work, it supports webcam chat.07:52
MasterShrekZIDTY: replace the uuid in your /etc/fstab with the actual /dev/xxxx device07:52
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: whatup meng07:52
optocusi have a large resolution widescreen LCD and the resolution doesn't appear in the list07:52
MasterShrekEvanlec: yea, once in awhile07:52
optocushow can i set it up manually?07:52
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: ..lol, newbs?..  sup07:52
balleyneZIDTY: the UUID may be wrong in /etc/fstab, you can use a live CD to correct it07:52
ppcguyoptocus ATi or Nvidia?07:52
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: i dunno, i dont have a webcam07:52
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: j/k i switched over to arch linux, so i hang out in #archlinux and they refer to this channel as noobs ;p07:53
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: me either,07:53
MasterShrekit froze on me like twice, i was angry at it for awhile lol07:53
MasterShrekEvanlec: everyone does07:53
EvanlecMasterShrek: lol07:53
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: arch.. ya i tried that one... but i couldn't get myu dual displays going.. so it went into File X07:53
ppcguyoptocus, do all the updates then open synaptic and get the nvidia restricted drive if it doesn't show up w/ update07:53
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: File X ?07:53
balleyneZIDTY: need more details?07:53
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: trashcan..lol07:53
EvanlecMasterShrek: still usin slamd64?07:53
timandtomMasterShrek: Dunno how it compares to other ones, but the Xbox Live Vision cams actually pretty nice. Plug and Play on windows. Not too expensive either.07:53
ppcguythat's what I did. Running dual 19's here.. Worked great07:53
MasterShrekEvanlec: u kno it07:54
MasterShrekhow arch?07:54
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: oh lol, i got dual display runnin..07:54
ZIDTYi installed using live cd guys .. i m also getting mounting error in fedora 8 after install on same laptop .. i dont no what shud i do .. fedora 5 though runs fine after install but package manager isnt working in that 107:54
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: hmm, maybe i'll give it a whack again07:54
firebird619Could someone help me? I have installed PulseAudio on Gutsy and now I do not have any sound in anything. When I try to play something in totem, it says "Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument" and in RhythmBox, the progress bar doesn't move when I double-click a song to play it.07:54
EvanlecMasterShrek: arch is good, i just switched to Openbox07:54
babacan we ask question directly in the chan ?07:54
timandtombaba: Yes07:54
optocusyou want me to update everything?07:54
ppcguybaba: Ask away07:54
MasterShrekopenbox? whats that a window manager?07:54
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: easiest way for me was just copied my xorg.conf from my ubuntu install07:54
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, thats one way.07:54
EvanlecMasterShrek: yeah07:54
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: the only good way for me, as messing with nvidia-settings never got things quite right07:55
different_realitI've got the following problem: I have laptop and I use putty to connect to a linux system where I run a bash script that uses dialogs. Everything is fine.  When I try to do the very same thing but using putty from a linux computer the dialogs instead of being grey they have q and % all over the place... like having frames but not with lines but symbols! Plus when I copy the file to my computer, which runs ubuntu, I CANNOT see ANy07:55
different_realitdialogs :(((   Please any ideas ?07:55
balleyneZIDTY: the UUID is a specific id for your hard drive and it's specificed  in /etc/fstab so that your drive can be mounted at boot time. If you use a live CD, you can manually mount the drive, check its UUID, and correct it in /etc/fstab07:55
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: hmm,07:55
ZIDTYone more thing guys can you tell me how do you reply to any1 with their nick in here ??? :)07:55
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: pidgin is done compiling...07:55
EvanlecMasterShrek: its a more l33t WM07:55
IndyGunFreakon my laptop, still going on my pC07:56
balleyneZIDTY: I just type "username:" - I don't know any IRC commands, lol07:56
timandtomIf I have a file in /Folder1 I want to link to /Folder1/Folder2/blah.pdf, what would the filepath be? I need it to be relative07:56
MasterShrekIndyGunFreak: got my slack build runnin on it07:56
babai try to install ubuntu on a box with a bad cd-drive... i can boot the live cd but theres a problem in the install... can i download the iso and mount it directly in the live cd?07:56
babaor can i do a network install when im on the live cd?07:56
EvanlecMasterShrek: why are u guys compiling pidgin? ;p07:56
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: new version.. and MasterShrek was using a version from like 3mo ago..lol07:57
balleynebaba: are you sure it's a bad CD drive? have you done a check to make sure it's not a bad CD?07:57
MasterShrekEvanlec: slamd64 doesnt have a package for 2.3.107:57
MasterShrekand its got msn updates i guess07:57
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: ah07:57
MasterShrekand my msn doesnt work in pidgin, i use amsn and its a pain07:57
timandtombaba: What version are you trying to do? I had trouble burning the latest one, took me about 3 tries to make a good cd.07:57
IndyGunFreakMasterShrek: you didn't see that security release on Pidgin?  it was something to do w/ remote crashing.07:57
EvanlecMasterShrek: hmm, let me check the arch repos ;)07:57
babai did no problem on the cd its just my cd drive stop spinning for no reason sometime...07:57
ZIDTYthnx guys i will try changin stuff in etc/fstab then consult more :)07:57
babatimandtom the enw one...07:57
IcemanV9ahh! ... slamd64 = slackware for amd 6407:57
balleynebaba: have you done a check disk thing though on the live CD menu? you might want to do that to ensure the integrity of your disk07:58
docgnomeIcemanV9: sounds more like a video game07:58
MasterShrekIcemanV9: its an unofficial port, but yes07:58
bababalleyne i did and theres no problem on it...07:58
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: i might try arch again on my laptop... ...07:58
tuntunbaba: maybe the laser diode is failing...07:58
optocushow do i update?07:58
timandtombaba: Only thing I can think of is to check the integrity... If thats not it, I can't help :) I installed about 2 weeks ago07:59
MasterShrekdocgnome: you must have had an n64 =P07:59
IndyGunFreakoptocus: update what?07:59
docgnomeMasterShrek: Yeah... Heh :-P07:59
MasterShrekoptocus: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update, followed by: sudo apt-get upgrade07:59
balleynebaba: does the CD drive stop at the same point in the install always? (not sure of any other methods myself, but I know they're out there)07:59
* IndyGunFreak hates upgrading07:59
* IndyGunFreak hates upgrading... clean install! ftw!07:59
* MasterShrek is happy not to be using gentoo07:59
ppcguyoptocus: In Gnome. Click on System->Admin-> UpdateManager07:59
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: i think its pretty great07:59
bababalleyne im gonna retry to burn a new cd08:00
Micheruhey i just set up an old box i have, and put a 15 inch crt monitor on it that i know can manage 1024*768, but it isn't in the screen resolution list, how would i add it to the list08:00
babatx for the help08:00
MasterShrekevery single thing you install has to be compiled...what a pain08:00
optocusi asked how i set the resolution to a custom one and i was answered to upgrade the driver first08:00
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: im off next weekend, i might mess around with it again08:00
ppcguyMicheru: ATi? Nvidia?08:00
tuntunbaba: did you check the md5sums?08:00
IndyGunFreakoptocus: lol, well that command will upgrade your distribution.08:00
* timandtom wonders how you guys can seemingly fix ANYTHING, but can't seem to answer a simple question about file paths08:00
MicheruRage 128 pro 32MB08:00
EvanlecMasterShrek: damn im suprised, only pidgin 2.3.0-2 in the arch repos08:00
optocusah ok08:00
IndyGunFreak!ati | Micheru08:00
IndyGunFreakoptocus: what type of video device?08:01
bigaldo hsf's usually have a thermal pad or something i'm about to apply new thermal paste08:01
ubotuMicheru: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:01
ppcguyNvidia Indy08:01
balleynetimandtom: did you have a question?08:01
IndyGunFreak!nvidia | optocus08:01
ubotuoptocus: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:01
crdlbthere are no proprietary drivers for a Rage card :)08:01
tuntunmicheru: you need to make a custom "modeline", google it08:01
ppcguyif you are lazy for nvidia get automatix, thought I don't suggest it since you won't learn much08:01
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: only pidgin 2.3.0-2?.. lol, slackers(although i think Ubuntu only has like 2.2.0 in the repos)08:01
Evanlecbigal: these days yes they usually come with some thermal compound on there, if u have u own paste, scrape that off first and use ur own08:02
IndyGunFreakppcguy: don't recommend automatixc here.08:02
sploodgeIs there a precompiled syslinux package?08:02
bigalnot compound08:02
bigalbetween the fan and heatsink08:02
elkbuntuppcguy, i dont suggest it because it's inherently broken08:02
IndyGunFreakoptocus: don't use automatix08:02
balleyneppcguy: automatix has a real spotty reputation, not a great idea08:02
tuntunmicheru: you need to make a custom "modeline", and paste it into /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:02
MasterShreki had 2.2.1, but i dont know if i installed that or if it was already there lol08:02
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: yea, well, im guessing its because arch users dont care as much about an app like pidgin because its not very 'l33t' idk ;p08:02
MicheruIndyGunFreak:  i don't think there is a propriotry driver for my card08:02
ppcguyIndyGunFreak: I'm not in any way advocating it, however there are those that pop in here for the quick answer, seems to be the best way to weed those out08:02
IndyGunFreakppcguy: when you recommend it, you advocate it.08:02
timandtomballeyne: Yeh, I have a file in /Folder1, i need to link it to /Folder1/Folder2/file, what would the filepath be? I need it to be relative so it works on different computers as well08:02
IndyGunFreak!automatix | ppcguy08:02
ubotuppcguy: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »08:02
tjl11evanlec: I edited the PKGBUILD, I have 2.3.108:03
Micherutuntun: ill have a look thanks08:03
balleyneppcguy: and the best way to ensure they come back for more help later on ;)08:03
optocusNVidia GeForce4 MX440, and the LCD has resolution 1680x105008:03
elkbuntuppcguy, no, it's not. they come back later with much more than just a simple problem08:03
IndyGunFreakballeyne: lol08:03
IndyGunFreakoptocus: ok, there's instructions on that page to install the nvidia driver.08:03
Evanlectjl11: lol...u just edited the pkgbuild, what edits did u have to make?08:03
Evanlectjl11: upload to AUR!08:03
ppcguyvery true. I recant my previous statement and offer up a Vista box for sacrafic08:03
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: i was just looking at that... AUR looks very appealing08:03
rafael_RRJJ_somebody already did use procmail?08:04
optocusok thanks08:04
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: aur is indeed appealing, so is ABS (the arch build system)08:04
balleynetimandtom: the path for a symbolic link shouldn't really matter.. I mean, as long as you get it right in the command to create the link, it will then work fine on that machine - not sure what you mean about on other computers though, do you mean accessed through a network? or when you copy it over to another machine?08:04
bigalEvanlec, is there usually a pad between the fan and heatsink, i toko mine apar tto clean it but it was old and filled with dust08:04
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: tho tbh ive only compiled a couple packages myself08:05
MasterShrekbigal: ive heard of using toothpaste if u got no putty for it08:05
Evanlecbigal: i think there should be nothing between the fan and heatsink as thatwould restrict airflow08:05
sploodgeI'm switchin' to Gentoo!08:05
MasterShrekbigal: i dont know for sure if thats ok to do or not though08:05
IndyGunFreaksploodge: see ya next week08:05
rafael_RRJJ_I configurei the postfiz, but if sending messages to the procmail, they will not. I set the procmail?08:05
c0mp13371331337Anyone have any ideas on removing the color 'hints' that GNOME is giving firefox to change the color of web-widgets, certain text, etc within a web page?  Because of my odd color scheme, some text gets changed to a different color, and I just want to see it how the web master intended it.08:05
MasterShreksploodge: any specific reason?08:05
tamzieHi all08:05
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: well, yea, but remember Arch has a rolling release system, whereby things are getting updated down the pipe all the time08:06
sploodgeGee, I'm not stupid.08:06
bigalMasterShrek, i have thermal paste, i didn't know if it was a crappy old pad or just a ton of dust in betwene the two (7 YEARS WORTH)08:06
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: i'm gonna have to look into arch further.08:06
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: including things like the kernel08:06
MasterShrekbigal: yea, probably time for giving your pc a good blow job08:06
IndyGunFreaksploodge: i didn't say you were stupid, i just said see ya next week... Gentoo is really a distro for advanced users.08:06
sploodgeUh, where can I find the syslinux package?08:06
Evanlecbigal: more likely the latter08:06
MasterShrekEvanlec: you dont compile your kernel manually?08:06
timandtomballeyne: I'm putting the links into an open office spreadsheet(#openoffice is dead, i tried), and the filepath for me is /home/brian/Folder1/Folder2/file, when it goes to a friends computer, the link wont work because it points to /home/brian08:06
sploodge@IndyGunFreak: I've used BSD.08:06
EvanlecMasterShrek: well u certainly can, but let me see here08:06
MasterShrekEvanlec: i see, what u running currently?08:07
MasterShrekbtw is it 64 bit?08:07
timandtomballeyne: so i need the filepath to be something that doesnt require /home/brian at the beginning08:07
IndyGunFreaksploodge: well, i've used Gentoo, for a week.. just because you use it, doesn't mean you understand it...08:07
EvanlecMasterShrek: 2.6.23-ARCH SMP PREEMPT08:07
EvanlecMasterShrek: and yes08:07
bigalEvanlec, way ahead of you guys, its down in pieces at cousin's house just working on it an dinstalling/configuring ubuntu on his comp08:07
Micheru"  modeline  "800x600@60" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync" what are all the numbers after "800x600@60"?08:08
tuntunQOTD: "just because you use it, doesn't mean you understand it..." bwahahaa!08:08
MasterShrekEvanlec: Linux 2.6.24-rc5 x86_6408:08
EvanlecMasterShrek: lol that the latest?08:08
sploodgeWhy the hell does this distro not have apt repos!?08:08
c0mp13371331337Isn't that the Windoze slogan?08:08
bigalEvanlec, so just thermal paste the hsf with nothing between the fan and heatsink and thermal paste it to the cpu08:08
Evanlechavent encountered any bugs with the rc's?08:09
simplechatc0mp13371331337, we crash, so you don't have to?08:09
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timandtomsimplechat: More like "We crash, so you know what to expect."08:09
balleynetimandtom: oooh, I thought you were talking about symbolic linking on the filesystem level... I've never dealt with links in OpenOffice.org, but I know about general filesystem paths... so, ~ is your home directory, . is your current directory (or nothing means current too), so, just Folder1/Folder2/file would work, or ./Folder1/Folder2/file... that might work, but your friend will need to have that file in the same08:09
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: their tech support slogan is, "Please restart your computer08:09
Evanlecbigal: apply a very small amount of paste on the cpu (spread it evenly with a credit card) and then clamp down the hsf, thats it08:09
c0mp13371331337Dude, I work in tech support, I think it's ANY tech support's slogan.08:10
IndyGunFreakbigal: you should be able to google installing a cpu fan, its easy though08:10
IndyGunFreakc0mp13371331337: true....08:10
simplechattimandtom, how about just "were just in it for the money."08:10
bigalthe cpu fan install ins't the problem i just wanted to know about a thermal pad08:10
balleynetimandtom: sounds like a messy thing to do in general though, is there any reason you need to link to it? is there another way to just put the content in the file (maybe link to somewhere else within the file) or something? *shrugs*, it just seems like it's really easy for that sort of thing to break08:10
* IndyGunFreak has no room to talk, had a CPU fan fall off a PC he built 2yrs ago...lol, still not sure how that happened08:10
sploodgeHey, how do I get the Ubuntu version?08:11
c0mp13371331337What's worse, I work for RESTAURANT tech support, where stupid hostesses call in, wondering why their system lost sync with the network after having been on for 7 months straight.08:11
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: did the cpu fry?08:11
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: no... fortunately when the PC shut down, the lady i built it for had enough sense that she knew something was wrong08:11
wershow do I get the opensuse 10.3 look for my gutsy desktop? :)08:11
tuntunevanlec,bigal: you can use your finger, smear a bit on the cpu and a bit on the heatsink08:11
IndyGunFreakshe started it back up, on for 10min, back off... then she called me.08:11
astro76sploodge, lsb_release -r08:11
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: i'm not really sure how it happened, i'm pretty anal when I build PC's, making sure everything is tight, etc...08:11
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: but she had recently moved, and i think it might have gotten jostled in the move08:12
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: yea, well processor must have had the safety mechanism whereby it throttles itself if it gets too hot08:12
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: who knows.. i figure it probably shut down due to heat.08:12
timandtomballeyne: Ok, ill try that. And yeh, i tend to do things the hard way XD Easier in the end, hard now.  btw, would I need to add file:// at the front? or however thats supposed to be spelled08:13
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: on older AMD processors this feature was not there, and thus, losing the hsf would cause your cpu to reach 800C in a matter of seconds08:13
xwinI'm a long time Linux user (Red Hat, Fedora). I just tried Ubuntu 7.xx in my laptop with Windows XP Pro and now I can't boot XP.08:13
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: all processors today have a heat-sensor shut off08:13
IndyGunFreaki cant remember what type of CPU this one had, I know it was AMD, cuz thats about all I use... I think it was 2.1 Athlon08:14
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: needless to say the processor was fried08:14
balleynetimandtom: hmm, yes... I think two // would be correct... three would be part of the filesystem (ie. the root directory) - but I think you'll need to just use trial and error for that08:14
IndyGunFreaksounds it.08:14
timandtomEvanlec and IndyGunFreak: Outa curiosity, whats about safe max temp for a CPU?08:14
tjl11evanlec: I can't upload my pkgbuild to AUR08:14
IndyGunFreaktimandtom: i always figure if i can't smell it, its safe..lol08:14
timandtomballeyne: Ok, thanks. Ill try some stuff out, and probably be back in a few :)08:15
Evanlectimandtom: processor should not be above 70C under any circumstance08:15
tuntunEvanlec, IndyGunFreak: the well known video to demonstrate cpu asplosions is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxNUK3U73SI08:15
Evanlectjl11: why not?08:15
tjl11the guys in #archlinux says I'm not allowed to do that08:15
Evanlectuntun: that the one from toms hardware? i love that video08:15
Evanlectjl11: wtf? anyone can upload to aur08:15
timandtomIndyGunFreak: Good plan, haha, but I'd rather not trial and error myself to death :P08:15
tuntunyeah :P08:15
IndyGunFreaktimandtom: :)08:16
Evanlecawesome tuntun08:16
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: watc that video its great08:16
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: watching now.08:16
xwin_I just tried installing Ubuntu in my laptop with XP Pro in it. I'm a long time Red Hat, Fedora user.  How come this Ubuntu whacked my XP Pro.  I can't even start XP anymore.08:16
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, thats hilarious.08:17
neil_dI am having trouble with edubuntu  I have just installed it, the client boot untill the splash screen progress bar is about 3/4 done then stops can anyone help ?08:17
alenxwin_ You destroyed MBR with new OS08:17
balleyneneil_d: try booting in recovery mode maybe, so that there's no splash and you can see where it's stopping and what it's saying... *shrugs*08:18
alenDo you have Ubuntu cd?08:18
tjl11evanlec you getting my messages?08:19
alenReinstall GRUB with CD....08:19
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IndyGunFreaktjl11: you have to be registered tos end PMs08:19
xwin_I got every LiveCD08:19
mozarthey guys how do i hange the colour of the fonts here, i found how to change the size, i am in X-CHAT Gnome 0.18, also how do i change the background picture, but not multiplied but just one08:19
Evanlectjl11: yea honestly i dont care about the package myself, but i think u should upload to aur for everyones benefit08:19
balleynexwin: SuperGrub might be handy? *shrugs*08:20
neil_dballeyne, how do I do that the client is just booting ?08:20
IndyGunFreakmozart: edit/preferences/colors tab.08:20
xwin_I just run 'grub' and found supposed to be hd0,2 as location of mbr08:20
mozartok thanks08:20
xwin_when I tried   root(hd0,2)   it says unrecofngized08:20
mozartand how to with the picture in the background08:20
tuntunxwin:"How come this Ubuntu whacked my XP Pro" it did you a favour! ;)08:20
alenThat's location of ubuntu, not XP08:20
mozartso i have one small picture ii want in the middle08:21
alentuntun LOL08:21
IndyGunFreakmozart: picture in the background?08:21
balleyneneil_d: when it starts to boot, GRUB should come up for a second, you may need to press escape to see the menu, looking for something that says GRUB before the splash (and any instructions to get to the menu) and then select recovery mode from the menu08:21
xwinI booted a liveCD and run 'grub'08:21
IndyGunFreakmozart: that would be the effects tab.. sorry.08:21
Evanlecmozart: everything is in the prefs08:21
neil_dballeyne, ok08:21
IndyGunFreakmozart: the meaning of life, is in the prefs.08:21
xwinI know my MBR should be at hd0,2    but when I run   root(hd0,2)  it says unrecognized08:21
tuntunxwin: yeah but its easy to fix after a few times, just involves rewriting the Master Boot Record08:21
mozartummmmm ok lemme see08:22
Evanlecand IndyGunFreak and i are going to give u tag-team support ;p08:22
Jordan_Uxwin, Your MBR can't be at hd0,2 , it would be just hd008:22
alen%C5People.. I wonder who try to install XP after Ubuntu installed on system?08:22
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alen %C5 People.. I wonder who try to install XP after Ubuntu installed on system?08:22
Evanlecalen: people that didnt plan very well08:22
Jordan_Uxwin, the ",2" part designates the partition, which has a boot sector but no MBR IIRC08:23
xwinI got XP OS installed in D drive while C: is data drive08:23
mozartubuntu can do much but not the latest games08:23
IndyGunFreakmozart: thats not ubuntu's fault.... complain to developers who don't write their games for Linux.08:23
neil_dballeyne, there is no grub, the client (ltsp) goes straight into loading the kernel.08:23
EvanlecJordan_U: i believe only one MBR per physical drive08:23
IndyGunFreakmozart: if the games were written for Linux, ubuntu would run them fine.08:24
mozarthow do u guys answer another person (soo its highlighted) but without opening another window???08:24
alenEvanlec ? Repeat please what you said?08:24
IndyGunFreakmozart: easiest way, is to type thei frist few letters of their name, then hit "tab".. to autocomplete08:24
Evanlecmozart: type their name08:24
IndyGunFreak!tab | mozart08:24
ubotumozart: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:24
tuntunEvanlec, alen: well installing windows after grub is ok if you used the right tool to make a backup of the tiny MBR08:24
Jordan_UBy including mozart their name in our comments ;)08:24
icemariohow do I set up a Intel PRO/2200BG Wireless card?08:24
icemarioin ubuntu?08:25
balleyneneil_d: hmm.. not sure then.. and I've gotta get going. But my advice would be to find a way to ditch the splash screen at boot so you can view all the normal output, there may be error messages or at least you'd be able to see where it's stopping at - sorry I can't be of more assistance08:25
mozartJordan_U: ok08:25
Evanlecalen: this channel is for english language, there are other ubuntu channels for other languages08:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:25
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents08:25
xwinthis ubuntu should have another name, huh.   Windows whacker!08:25
IndyGunFreakmozart: but you have to make sure you send it to the right person.. sometimes if you're a bit overzealous, you'll send it to the wrong name, but Xchat-gnome generally doesn't let that happen08:25
alenI just wonder if anyone has succeded installing XP after ubuntu and in the end I would like to have Ubuntu and XP...08:25
mozartIndyGunFreak: cool i got it now its more fun08:25
IndyGunFreakalen: its easier to install XP, then ubuntu08:26
IndyGunFreakmozart: :)08:26
Evanlecalen: much easier08:26
Jordan_Uxwin, Do you need windows "now" ( there is a quick fix that will get windows back and make Ubuntu temporarily unbootable ) or do you want to try to do it correctly first?08:26
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: didn't me and you go through the install from hell?08:26
xwinI'd been using dualboot Windows and Linux for 15 years, first time a LInux whacked my MBR08:26
IndyGunFreakoh no wait, that was a guy named Ethen08:26
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: mm, not sure08:26
xwinjordan, that will werk!08:26
alenC'mon... I know to install both...08:26
* IndyGunFreak has nightmares remembering that install.08:27
alenBut separated08:27
xwinfdisk /mbr   ?08:27
mozartIndyGunFreak: is there a way to change the colours of every persons text so to make it wasier to read, a bit like in the ubuntuforums.org, where the background is different, so easy to read the comments08:27
alenor xp first08:27
Jordan_Uxwin, Yes, or the ms-sys package08:27
xwinmy laptop don't have floppy08:27
mnemonicaHey, does anyone in here use visual boy advance?08:27
balleyneneil_d: maybe this might help? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-525108.html - alright, I'm out08:27
IndyGunFreakmozart: i don't really understand the question, are you wanting 1 color for 1 person, or 1 color text for everybody(if thats what you want, its in the colors tab)08:27
timandtomballeyne: Well, everything I've tried has either done nothing, or given me a General Internet Error08:27
Jordan_Umnemonica, No, but I own I a visual boy :)08:28
mnemonicaJordan_U: Meh... Probably not going to be of help.08:28
mozartIndyGunFreak: well 2 colours alternating maybe for every post08:28
xwincan I do that   fdisk /mbr   with liveCD ?08:28
IndyGunFreakmozart: hmm, that i don't know how to do.08:28
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:28
IndyGunFreakmozart: i think kvirc does something like that.. but i dont like it very much08:29
Evanlecaaaa noob question: how to close window in irssi? ;p08:29
mnemonicaIn general... What would one recommend in order to fix choppy sound/crappy sound in a game?08:29
timandtomballeyne: Which, while slightly better then ALL error, isnt much good... Any suggestions? Maybe I just missed something08:29
sploodgeWhere would I find mbr.bin in syslinux?08:29
IndyGunFreakmnemonica: run it under its native OS08:29
sploodgeBecause this package seems to be missing it.08:29
Jordan_Uxwin, Sort of, it's easiest to do it from a windows install CD but you can also install the ms-sys package from apt while running the LiveCD08:29
timandtomCrap, didnt notice balleyne left08:30
mnemonicaIndyGunFreak: It's an emulator... Should work... egh.08:30
Evanlecmozart: should be able to do that in the text highlight sections, dont ask me how, or use a script08:30
=== different_realit is now known as differentreality
IndyGunFreakmnemonica: emulators are FAR from perfect08:30
xwinJordan_U: okay will try a DOS_emu...08:30
mnemonicaIndyGunFreak: Yeah, kind of figured that out... *sad sigh*08:30
Evanlecmnemonica: try using OSS driver or ALSA driver08:30
tuntunxwin: It will be best if you learn how to restore the mbr properly, jordan_u's suggestion is nice but you'll have to do it properly eventually08:31
mnemonicaEvanlec: Alrighty... Will do.08:31
Bryanis the flash plugin still broked?08:31
Jordan_Uxwin, I don't know if a DOS emulator would work, and it wouldn't likely be any easier than installing the ms-sys package08:31
sayotehi guys do you know how can i install yahoomessenger?08:31
Bryansayote, use Pidgin08:31
sploodgeapt-get install wine.08:31
IndyGunFreaksayote: lot easier to just use pidgin08:31
sploodgeOr Pidgin.08:31
xwinI can always reinstall Linux but my XP got lot08:31
sploodgePidgin's nice.08:31
rx_i cant get kde4 rc2 to install on hardy. please help.08:31
stunatraYahoo Messenger for Linux is very poor.08:31
alenI have problems with Wine...08:31
IndyGunFreakdidn't we just go through this w/ someone else?..lol08:31
sploodgeDamnit! Why does the syslinux package for edgy not have mbr.bin!?08:32
IndyGunFreakbut i think it was relating to MSN08:32
sayotehehehehe sorry i'm just new to ubunto08:32
timandtomsayote: yeh. Not as many bells and whistles as windows YIM, but works great. comes preinstalled on ubuntu 7.1008:32
Jordan_Utuntun, I know you were directing this at him but I only mention this solution as it is much more deterministic if someone NEEDS windows back for some reason08:32
chumbyi am have trouble with xinerama - is anyone using it?08:32
IndyGunFreaksayote: no prob.. but its ubuntU(sorry, pet peeve)08:32
tuntunalen: alcoholics annonymous is in every major city!08:32
IndyGunFreaksayote: is pidgin instant messenger, in your Applications/Internet folder?08:32
sploodgeOr Gaim.08:32
sploodgeGaim's  just an older version of Pidgin.08:32
mnemonicaEvanlec: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48179/ <--- That's what I get when I try to select OSS for Sound playback.08:32
neil_dI am having trouble with edubuntu, it is stopping the boot of the client, at about the it says "Starting the ltsp client" :( can anyone help ?08:33
IndyGunFreaksploodge: gaim is no longer... Gaim is pidgin now, thanks to AOL08:33
sayotegot it working now thanks guys08:33
sploodgeI'm using Gaim because I can't be bothered fixing dependencies for this Ubuntu variant.08:33
IndyGunFreaksayote: see, you just needed a nudge in the right direction08:33
mnemonicaEvanlec: Or any other sound option, for that matter.08:33
Bryananyone know if the flash plugin is still broke?08:33
Jordan_Uneil_d, Might try #edubuntu08:33
IndyGunFreaksploodge: ?.. fixing dependencies?.. it takes like 5sec08:33
chumbyis anyone using 2 screens?08:33
Jordan_UBryan, It is08:33
sayotehehehehe yep08:33
BryanJordan_U, it's still broken?08:34
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: flash is working fine for me.. whast the issue?08:34
alenwhen istalling Wine and try to open it my screen get all black... Is it problem of graphic driver?08:34
neil_dJordan_U, I have no-one seems to be responding there.08:34
c0mp13371331337Chumby - I am08:34
Bryan:o well then can someone help me with getting flash working in opera? it just gives me a grey box.08:34
chumbyhi c0mp - are you using xinerama?08:34
sploodgeAre you using 64-bit?08:34
sd32_what is the name of the next release of ubuntu?08:34
sploodge@Bryan, by the way.08:34
Evanlecmnemonica: well this is gonna be lame support but, reboot and try again, something may be using your soundcard08:35
IndyGunFreakBryan are you using Ubuntu 64bit?08:35
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, General instability causing FF to freeze up, I assumed that's what Bryan was referring to, or not?08:35
BryanIndyGunFreak, no i'm not08:35
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: wierd.. i watch Youtube, etc, and i' mnot having any probs.08:35
BryanJordan_U, flash works fine in Firefox. It's just not working in opera.08:35
c0mp13371331337chumby - Nope, MergedFB. Having a problem with Xinerama?08:35
Bryanand sploodge no i'm not using the 64 bit :o08:35
mnemonicaEvanlec: Not lame at all... I'm really tired, and really new at all of this. In all honesty... I hadn't thought about that. Thanks.08:35
alenWhen installing Wine and try to open it my screen get all black... Is it problem of graphic driver? Anyone can help?08:35
tuntunJordan_U: "it is much more deterministic" what do you mean?08:35
IndyGunFreakBryan:  you probalby need to hotlink the firefox plugin to Opera's plugin folder.08:36
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: hotlink? u mean symlink?08:37
IndyGunFreakya, symlimk, thats what i meant, my bad08:37
Jordan_Utuntun, restoring the windows MBR is always done the same way, regardless of configuration and always works, If adding Windows to the grub menu were as deterministic people would not have problems with the Ubuntu installer not setting it up properly in the first place08:37
chumbyc0mp - yea it is driving me nuts.  I have two monitors - one with an onboard card and one in the pci slot - changed my xorg but cant get it working.  Any ideas?08:37
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: heh08:37
IndyGunFreakits getting late or early, whatever, i gotta go play witht eh convicts here in an hour or so.08:37
Jordan_Utuntun, But I don't use windows, so this is only coming from what I see from this channel08:38
EvanlecIndyGunFreak: that sounds like fun08:38
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: lol, its a blast08:38
c0mp13371331337chumby - pastebin your xorg.conf?  I'll take a look08:41
Bryanhey it says (process:27378): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_clipboard_get_for_display: assertion `display != NULL' failed08:42
BryanAdobe Flash Player: gtk_clipboard_get(GDK_SELECTION_PRIMARY); failed. Trying to call gtk_init(0,0);08:42
Bryanwhen I go to youtube08:42
tuntunIndyGunFreak:convicts? D tell!!!08:42
tarzeaudoes ubuntu have something like http://goodbye-microsoft.com/ ?08:42
IndyGunFreaktuntun: lol, long story, that woudl go way off topic for the channel..lol08:42
Bryananyone got any ideas on why that would be?08:42
IndyGunFreaktuntun: short version, i work in a max. security prison08:43
bigalwhats that command, dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg08:43
IndyGunFreakbryan:  havge yout ried getting flasht ow ork in opera?08:43
tuntunIndyGunFreak:sounds fun :O08:43
mnemonicaEvanlec: Hey, rebooted, was able to test OSS for all sound options except for sound capture. That gives me the same error.08:43
BryanIndyGunFreak, assuming that means "have I trie getting flash to work in opera" then Yes. Thats what I'm trying to do right now08:43
IndyGunFreaktuntun: it has its days08:43
c0mp13371331337chumby - also, if you get this in time, include the output of lspci.08:43
Evanlecmnemonica: wouldnt worry about capture for now, switch to oss drvier and try u game08:44
IndyGunFreaktuntun: pay attention to the end of that08:44
mnemonicaEvanlec: Mmmmk.08:44
IndyGunFreakwell maybe not.08:44
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: is that freeze up problem, is it effecting iceweasel?08:45
lQghow do i make ion3 my default window manager?08:45
bigalhey anyone know that command to reconfigure the xserver08:45
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, using flash in iceweasel is just wrong08:45
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: lol08:45
tuntunIndyGunFreak: Is your job anything like "Oz"?08:46
sd32_bigal, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:46
IndyGunFreaktuntun: Oz, while entertaining, is VERY sensationalized08:46
bigalsd32_, ty08:46
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, I must admit, I seem to somehow get fewer freezes with FF3b but then again, I get none with FF2 in safe mode08:46
markvandenborreI have a problem on a workstation that has been migrated from 7.04 to 7.1008:46
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: i'm nto having any issues, was just trying to help bryan through this.08:47
markvandenborrenautilus seems to hang at random moments after "doing something" with it08:47
timandtomIs there a hotkey to just open up terminal? Not that fullscreen, boot into DOS similar one, just the Applications>Accessories>Terminal one08:47
tuntunIndyGunFreak: Lol, i suppose thats always the case :)08:47
mnemonicaEvanlec: Nope. Same problems.08:47
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, is it on a desktop-effects capable machine?08:48
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: what about ephiphany?08:48
c0mp13371331337timandtom - I've found Tilda to be rather nice for that.08:48
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, Try going to a page with a bunch of youtube videos on it then navigating away from it while they are playing, that is how I have been able to trigger it fairly consistently08:48
timandtomWhuzzat c0mp1337133133708:48
markvandenborredesktop-effects are switched off08:48
c0mp13371331337Hides itself away til you hit F1, then it drops out of a corner for an instant terminal08:48
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: i surf tons of pages while youtube is running, and i've had no issues.. very wierd.08:48
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, check if xgl is running anyway. i had a problem when i dist-upgraded this laptop that xgl was running regardless08:49
timandtomc0mp13371331337: Ok, i might look into that. Theres not just a hotkey for terminal? I'd rather not always run something if i can help it08:49
mnemonicaEvanlec: Nope. Same problems.08:49
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, Strange thing is that this is a known bug with flash, at least I though it was08:50
markvandenborreelkubuntu, even the preference doesn't seem to be installed08:50
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, 'ps aux | grep xgl' anyway please08:50
markvandenborreelkbuntu, any other ideas?08:50
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: very strange... i know i updated flash in my system updates like 2 days ago(i remember seeing it)08:50
markvandenborreelkbuntu, I do appreciate your help, and I double checked, but I'm looking for a cause that's probably rooted deeper08:51
IndyGunFreakBryan  try epiphany browser, maybe that will fix your problem08:51
c0mp13371331337timandtom - I hear ya there.  Unfortunately I know of no binding for it.  You could always get a keybinding program, and be able to set lots of programs to hotkeys, but again, something else running in the background.08:51
BryanIndyGunFreak, flash works in firefox.08:51
BryanIndyGunFreak, I'm just trying to get it to work in opera08:51
markvandenborreelkbuntu, besides, nice chatting you after quite a few months!08:51
IndyGunFreakbryan:  but it freezes up,c orrect?08:51
BryanIndyGunFreak, no. It just gives me a gray box08:51
IndyGunFreakbryan:  oh ok, i thought youw ere having probs w/ it wfreezing in Firefox.08:51
_slacker__hi guys, where's stored the info of the partition mount???? :s08:51
Bryanno, in firefox it runs fine.08:52
sd32_is flash plugin install still broken?08:52
IndyGunFreakBryan ya, i have that same prob in Opera... wierd, it used to work08:52
elkbuntumarkvandenborre, so was i until i realised this was the case :) i still dont know if it was part of the dist-upgrade, or a side-effect of letting travis play with my laptop08:52
perfectorim so frustrated with these fonts not showing up in my gtk apps.. pls help08:52
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, Havn't been able to get epiphany to crash yet08:52
_slacker__i changed a few settings and now don't mount08:52
BryanIndyGunFreak, yeah >_> I know. Used to work for me too.08:52
_slacker__i want to rollback08:52
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: lol08:52
Bryansd32_, someone told me it was...08:52
Bryansd32_, I didn't want to uninstall just to not be able to get flash back ;x08:52
c0mp13371331337slacker - /etc/fstab, would that be what you're looking for?08:52
timandtomc0mp13371331337: Something else USEFUL FOR MULTIPLE THINGS running in the background =] probably taking up less resources too. meh, i dunno, i think im fine as is, i was just wondering if there was a hotkey... not a big deal, for how often i use it08:52
sd32_bryan,ok thanks08:52
tuntun_slacker__: I think you want "/etc/fstab"08:53
perfectorbryan IndyGunFreak im so used to seeing gray boxes in my gtk apps08:53
timandtomc0mp13371331337: i mainly just use it for the few times i need to sudo apt-get, because its simpler then Synaptic08:53
* IndyGunFreak doesn't have a greybox prob08:53
Bryanperfector, yeah. But the weird thing was is that it USED to work08:53
markvandenborreany ideas how to troubleshoot a nautilus that locks up really often, and at seemingly unpredictable times?08:53
ark3typ3Does anyone know of a wireless Array tool to detect and measure how far you are from an AP08:53
perfectorbryan in my case it NEVER worked08:53
* IndyGunFreak is kinda liking Epiphany08:54
mnemonicablarg... no use.08:54
* mnemonica flees in shame08:54
perfectortrying to run these gnome apps in any other desktop environment can be sucha pain08:54
_slacker__tuntun, no no, it's an external usb disk, i plugged it in, change a few setting on the Volume Properties, and when try to remount it fails08:54
_slacker__tuntun, so i want to rollback that changes08:55
darrendonce networking appears to stop (for whatever reason) is there ANY way at all to restart it without a logout or reboot?08:55
darrend"/etc/init.d/networking restart" makes no difference, nor does stopping/starting networkmanager scripts in /etc/dbus-1/event.d/ and nor does unloading all the network modules and reloading them08:55
c0mp13371331337timandtom - Yup, that's pretty much all that I use tilda for.  It's pretty light-weight, but you're right, a keybinding program would probably take less resources.08:55
tuntun_slacker__: how did you "change a few setting on the Volume Properties"?08:55
* IndyGunFreak waves goodbye to everyone.... Have a good night/morning/afternoon, wherever you are.08:55
IndyGunFreakEvanlec: i'll talk to you later, don't be such a stranger08:56
_slacker__tuntun, right click on the mounted device => properties => Volume08:56
_evo1hey whats the channel for developing ubuntu?08:56
Evanlecindygunfreak take it easy08:56
tuntunIndyGunFreak: go feed 'em! :)08:57
markvandenborre_evo1, you could start with #ubuntu-motu08:57
_evo1ok thanks08:57
markvandenborre(mostly packaging there though, but you'll get some hints there)08:57
tuntun_slacker__: so what did you change?08:57
timandtomc0mp13371331337: Yeh =] Meh, again, I was just curious. I don't really wanna spare any RAM if I can help it, I run a bit more then is comftrble(i can never spell that, i gave up trying) as is, but ill look into tilda if i ever start using terminal more. Thanks for the help though!08:58
n00biewhat partitioning program(s) do you recommend using?  (both console and gui-based)08:58
tuntuntimandtom: can you spell "comfort"08:59
_slacker__tuntun, the fmask and dmask08:59
timandtomyes, but when i go to add able, i get dyslexia.08:59
timandtomwhich i can spell.08:59
_slacker__tuntun, i think it's gnome-volume who manage these setting right?08:59
_slacker__tuntun, where can i delete my custom setting?09:00
tuntuntimandtom: cant you do that in the same place that you changed them?09:00
timandtomtuntun: wha?09:01
tuntuntimandtom, erm I mean <_slacker__09:01
EllixisSalut tout le monde09:02
timandtomtuntun: ahahaha :) Ok. np.09:02
tuntuntimandtom: able able able able able able able able able able able able able !!! :O09:02
EllixisHi all09:02
tuntun_slacker__: cant you do that in the same place that you changed them?09:03
_slacker__tuntun, no, because i can't mount the device now, i right-clicked the icon of the mounted device in the desktop09:03
_slacker__tuntun, but i already solved it :)09:03
EllixisI've installed a small local area network with a DHCP server & BIND ( I configured clients to use the DNS server ( How do I configure Bind9 if I want to ping another machine on the network by its hostname rather than its IP address?09:04
_slacker__tuntun, gnome-volume --erase-setting -d <your_device>09:04
tuntun_slacker__: gawd sake man tell me how you did it! I need to know!!!09:04
_slacker__Ellixis, http://my-mili.eu/matt/docs/dynamic-dns-with-dhcp-and-bind-9/09:05
_slacker__tuntun, how i did what?09:05
tuntun_slacker__: how you did  gnome-volume --erase-setting -d <your_device> ;)\09:07
sd32_how do i configure xchat to have multi line entry field?09:07
_slacker__tuntun, command-line09:07
tuntun_slacker__: /jk09:07
Ellixis_slacker__: thanks, I'm looking at it09:09
lQghow do i check which files a package owns?09:11
lQgfor console09:11
sharpiei'm trying to install ies4linux but it crashes while downlading09:11
siebenwhich irc client are people using?09:12
lQgsharpie: get another mirror09:12
lQgor download it manually09:12
_slacker__Ellixis, i'm using dhcpd+bind and works like a sharm, i only had problems with hostnames with underscores... don't know why09:13
sharpielQg: ...i mean the stuf that ies4linux downloads :/09:13
sharpiebut actually nvm i ran it with --no-gui and the installation seems to be working now09:13
lQgsharpie: i don't even have that package in my apt-cache search09:14
sharpielQg: cause it's not a package09:14
lQgwhat is it?09:15
sharpieyou download it from their site.:/09:15
lQgthen ask them09:15
sharpiei already said it's working now =o09:15
lQgoh cool :)09:15
sharpieit was a python error so i ran the installation with no GUI09:15
lQg.ua discovery09:16
Ellixis_slacker__: in the link, they have ar as example09:16
lQgso any idea how to find the files a package owns?09:16
Ellixis_slacker__: they have nadir.example.com sorry09:17
lQgi want to find the bin for xkeyboard-config09:17
Ellixis_slacker__: how can I adapt it to only keep "nadir" ?09:17
sharpielQg: it's in /usr/bin :/09:17
lQgwhat's the bin name?09:17
lQgloki@cisma 04:17:38 /usr/bin/X11 $ xk09:18
lQgxkbbell   xkbcomp   xkbevd    xkbprint  xkbvleds  xkbwatch  xkill09:18
lQgloki@cisma 04:17:38 /usr/bin/X11 $09:18
sharpielQg: ...xkeyboard-config?09:18
sharpieso run in a terminal: find / -name xkeyboard-config09:19
vinboywhy there is no Junk Mail Control in Thunderbird?09:19
lQgi'm sure there is a way of checking the files, on gentoo it's $ equery files package-name09:19
sharpielQg: in synaptic09:20
lQgyes synaptic has it, but i want to get it on the terminal09:20
lQgi despise GUI09:20
paynegodcould anyone tel me the url for the repository so i can get the kernel souce for 7.04 please?09:20
eckhow do i disable the network manager daemon09:21
ecki don't see an init script for it09:21
lQgit has no binary09:21
lQgi checked on gentoo09:21
lQgloki@rurix 04:21:31 ~ $ equery files xkeyboard-config|grep bin09:22
lQgloki@rurix 04:21:34 ~ $09:22
lQgoh well09:22
sd32_vinboy, there is, the message filters09:22
Stupid^Kidhelp help ,my mp3 was tracked by vinus, how can i do09:22
eckdpkg -S is like equery09:22
eckfrom what i remember of gentoo anyway, haven't used it in years09:22
Stupid^Kidsorry attack^_^09:22
barorisejoin #java09:23
danny__hey ;o09:25
paynegoddoes anyone know the repository url?09:26
paynegodi cant install open source programs without the kernel source :(09:26
A_I_hello I'm looking for the name of xorg.conf gui ?09:28
A_I_I can find many articles speaking about09:28
A_I_but never give its command line name ...09:28
markvandenborre(repeating my question from about an hour ago in the hope that other people might notice)09:30
sd32_paynegod, archive.canonical.com/"dist name"09:31
paynegodsd32_, much appriciated thanks09:31
sharpieA_I_: there's no gui for xorg.conf09:31
markvandenborreI'm having nautilus lock frequently and at random on a freshly installed 7.10 machine with a home directory copied over from a 7.04 machine (yes, including hidden files)09:31
markvandenborreA_I_, there is displayconfig-gtk though09:32
A_I_sharpie and what is this ? http://fosswire.com/2007/08/17/ubuntu-getting-xorgconf-gui/09:32
markvandenborrewhich is probably what you mean09:32
DeToXDoes anyone know how to keep wireless when I upgrade from 7.04to 7.10?09:32
markvandenborreDeToX, are you using a piece of binary, or a free(ish) driver?09:32
sharpieA_I_: let me rephrase that, there's no -official- xorg.conf GUI09:33
n00biei partitioned my external usb drive just now, but something is taking up space... 3.84 GB worth of space09:33
DeToXits ndiswrapper. Found a setup script on ubuntuforums.09:33
n00biewhat is this, and what can i do about it?09:33
DeToXn00bie, depending on the drive, you can't.09:33
sharpieA_I_: although, you have the screens and graphics dialog, and, if you have an nvidia card, you can run "nvidia-settings" in a terminal09:33
DeToXI have a PNY and it always has 3.8 no matter how I format it.09:33
markvandenborreDeToX, generally speaking, the support for non-free wifi drivers has improved, but they're always a risk, much more than the free obes09:34
markvandenborrewhat hardware?09:34
markvandenborre(the wifi)09:34
DeToXYeah. I had it working, and I have it working now, but I upgraded and lost it.09:34
DeToXits a broadcom 431809:34
DeToXin a HP ze200009:34
n00bieDeToX: i've been told there might be some space for the root... isn't possible to set this space lower?09:34
markvandenborredon't use ndiswrapper then09:34
markvandenborrecouldn't you use the binary firmware with the free driver?09:35
DeToXI don't really know. Mine seems to be locked and there isn't a way to unformat it.09:35
A_I_thank you markvandenborre but it segfault here ...09:35
markvandenborreif your hardware is supported (think it is) that should give you a much more stable and better supported experience09:35
DeToXmarkvandenborre, I dunno. I didn't try much. Where would I get the binary? I'm new to the whole wifi on linux thing.09:36
DeToXThis one's pretty stable, I just want 7.10.09:36
markvandenborreDeToX, on a fresh 7.10 install, if I remember correctly, it should identify this, and offer you to download it09:36
CroXI'm getting error messages at boot which I don't know the meaning of. Anyone care to help me decipher?09:37
CroX[    0.780000] PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 7 of bridge 0000:00:04.009:37
markvandenborrebut since my machine with a bc43xx chip died some time ago, I'm not really sure about that anymore09:37
DeToXHmm. I'll have to try getting a CD burned. I have the image, but both my computers were giving me issued with the cd drives.09:37
DeToXit should let me download while I'm using the livecd, if it will actually work, correct?09:38
=== poeticrpm is now known as GSF1200S
ubuntuevery body09:40
markvandenborreDeToX, not 100% sure, but I suppose so, yes09:41
DeToXhmm. Ok. Maybe I'll try it out after work tomorrow night.09:41
DeToXNada, you?09:42
paynegodsd32_, hey that url you gave me only lists gpg and release documents. nothing i can actualy download and copy to a flash drive to mvoe to my linux computer09:42
ubuntui just use ma first linux09:42
sharpieubuntu: if you have a question, ask it. otherwise- #ubuntu-offtopic09:42
fabi_anhi, I need some help with mdadm + software raid: I created an raid5 array with 4 drives, but declared one as missing, so there were only three active. during copying data on the array my machine crashed, and now the array won't start.09:43
fabi_anit is marked as "inactive" in proc/mdstat09:43
markvandenborreDeToX, Update (Oct 2007): Gutsy Gibbon (*Ubuntu 7.10) has native support (via the restricted driver manger) that actually works, so this guide isn't strictly necessary for Gutsy. However Gutsy's native support isn't capable of quite the same bandwidth as this ndiswrapper solution. Fortunately, this guide also appears to be compatible with Gutsy .09:43
DeToXLink to that page?09:43
markvandenborreDeToX, it's a page on ndiswrapper instlalation09:44
DeToXOh. Ok.09:44
=== xipietotec_ is now known as xipietotec
markvandenborreyou _don't_ want to do that unless you really really can't get it working using the free driver09:44
ubuntuis dat the best chat room on LINUX....??09:44
DeToXOk. I'll try some stuff out tomorrow after work09:44
DeToXubuntu, it depends on what you like. All of these chatrooms have their own good parts and bad parts.09:45
markvandenborreany hints on troubleshooting natuilus09:45
sharpie!offtopic | ubuntu09:45
ubotuubuntu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:45
ubuntusharpie can i talk to you .....??09:46
sharpie!offtopic > ubuntu09:46
newbie289could someone help on this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48180/09:48
newbie289this is the first time am trying  linux...... I heard that ubuntu loads much faster than other distri09:49
newbie289but its really diff in my case09:49
tjl11let's see09:49
ice_hey um who ever can help me i have afew problems with java09:51
sharpienewbie289: try tunning a fsck09:51
paynegodis there another site other then archive.canconical.com to actualy get the kernal source for fiesty distro?09:51
sharpienewbie289: while in recovery mode, of course09:51
newbie289how do I do it, sharpie plz guide09:51
tjl11or ctrl+alt+f109:51
ice_i need help for java please?09:51
paynegodsorry for misspelling  adjusting to a new ergonomic kb09:51
tjl11ice_: I can try to help09:52
ice_thanks, okay09:52
etfbice_: unless you mean installing java, this may not be the best forum...09:52
sharpienewbie289: um, just a question before, is the date on your clock correct?09:52
ice_no im not installing java09:52
BjoeHrnDoes anyone user Gutsy and the fglrx driver?09:52
newbie289sharpie: yes it is09:52
DeToXetfb, Could you maybe help me with the whole java install?09:53
Jesus|Freakid free4geeks09:53
ice_the problem is i have 1.4 blackdown java or something like that and its compadible with ubuntu 7.04 right?09:53
DeToXspecifically for inside firefox...09:53
Jesus|FreakHow do you link eth0 with localhost09:53
BjoeHrnAll the time when I switch the user my system freeze, but only when I use the fglrx driver .. Can anyone help, please?09:54
tjl11jesus|freak why do you want to do that09:54
etfbDeToX: I can talk you through using either aptitude or apt-get, but beyond that I'm unfamiliar with it.09:54
ice_and im trying to get runescape working properly but after afew seconds sometimes afew munits it clouses09:54
mosnoBjoeHrn: that happens with me and the nvidia driver09:54
DeToXhmm. Wouldn't it just be apt-get install java?09:54
mosnoBjoeHrn: but only if compiz is enabled09:54
sharpienewbie289: um, ok. reboot your computer and when grub comes up select "boot ubuntu in recovery mode" or anything similar, when it finishes loading type "fsck.ext3"09:54
ice_no when i do that it installs 6.309:54
sharpienewbie289: or "fsck.ext3 /dev/sda"09:55
ice_not compadible09:55
Jesus|Freakto be able to ping my local machine's ip from the router - I was able to ping
Jesus|FreakThe ip on eth009:55
BjoeHrnmosno, hm how I can disable compiz?09:55
ice_it has to be ither 1.4 or 6.009:55
ice_but it works and after a while it clouses?09:55
etfbDeToX: yep, that's pretty much the edge of my knowledge, I'm afraid.  This is a busy chan tho, so keep asking...09:55
cetijesus ping from beyond the router?09:55
mosnoBjoeHrn: system >> preferences >> appearance >> visual effects >> none09:55
tjl11I suggest compiling the binary file from sun09:55
mosnoBjoeHrn: for each user in question09:56
DeToXty etfb09:56
mosnoBjoeHrn: unfortunately it's enabled by default.09:56
paynegodis automatrix2 worth the downoad? or is more agervation then what the hype says?09:56
etfbDeToX: np09:56
ice_detox can u help me out?09:56
DeToXprobably not. I'm a bit of a n00b at linux.09:56
ice_or etfb?09:56
BjoeHrnmosno, okay than its still on unfortunately :/09:56
DeToXbut I can try?09:56
tjl11ice_: I haven't tried blackdown java09:56
newbie289okay sharpie let me try that now. thanks.... bye catch u back in mins09:56
tjl11just sun java09:56
mosnoBjoeHrn: yea we got owned09:56
noiesmouse apt-cache search packagename ice_09:56
BjoeHrnmosno, ^^09:57
tjl11and I was able to run runescape from there(my brother and I used to play)09:57
Jesus|FreakI tried that - I am using the router's diagnostic tool to diagnose connection problems09:57
noiesmothen select the package name you want then use update-java-alternatives09:57
mosnoBjoeHrn: eh?09:57
zeroflagwhat packages do I need to get (non-free) nvidia drivers? nvidia-glx-new and?09:57
mosnozeroflag: just use system >> admin >> restricted drivers09:58
cetiOK what is your pcs ip address and what ip address are you trying to ping it from?09:58
zeroflagmosno: no such thing in cli.09:58
zeroflagI'm stuck with apt-get and aptitude.09:58
tjl11jesus|freak: may I ask what router model it is?09:58
ice_tjl11 i have a graphics driver, it is a ATI X1650 and i am having afew troubles with it09:58
FluxDcan anyon recoomend a text editor that has a feature to remove duplicates?09:58
Jesus|FreakMy desktop's local ip is and the router is
mosnozeroflag: it's like nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-kernel-common09:59
BjoeHrnmosno, I think I re-install dapper :/ I need the option "switch user"09:59
Jesus|Freakzyxel pw33009:59
mosnoBjoeHrn: eh? make them set to None for each user09:59
zeroflagthat's hot.09:59
etfbFluxD: if you pipe a sorted file through the uniq command, it will output only the unique lines.  Will that do what you want?09:59
mosnoBjoeHrn: doesn't that disable 3D effects?09:59
FluxDetfb: yup09:59
zeroflagnvidia-glx-new depends nvidia-glx conflicts nvidia-glx.09:59
zeroflagsomething's SERIOUSLY fucked up with my system...10:00
madmarxzeroflag: first make sure the multiverse repositories are in /etc/apt/sources.list10:00
BjoeHrnmosno, ah sorry - I try it10:00
magic_ninjais there a good prog that displays cpu temp10:00
zeroflaghow do I get rid of the entire nvidia crap.10:00
mosnozeroflag: ?10:00
zeroflagbecause I noticed nvidia was still available as a kernel module when I removed the driver...10:00
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lang - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:00
mosnozeroflag: just fix your repos in sources.list10:00
FluxDetfb: I dont know howto do it. can you show me the command10:00
zeroflagand I have conflicting modules/drivers...10:00
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:00
* mosno goes back to his Perl adventures10:00
zeroflagtjl11: it's fucked up.10:01
mosnozeroflag: maybe you borked your sources.list. dunno, man10:01
etfbFluxD: suppose you have a file containing "fred", "barney", "fred", "fred", "wilma" and "barney", each on a separate line.10:01
markvandenborreI'd rather install gnash, but that's not an option on this work machine10:01
markvandenborrewhen I sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:01
ice_ tjl11 i have a graphics driver, it is a ATI X1650 and i am having a few troubles with it, on start up i log on and then it logs out again... about 5 seconds after the load or it freezes, where do you suggest i go to, and there is also one more problem10:01
markvandenborreI get an md5 sum error10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about temperature - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:01
markvandenborreis that a known issue?10:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cpu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:01
hussamhello all, do anyone knows how to fix my AWN bar in the "mac4lin" theme?10:01
etfbFluxD: This will sort it and remove dupes: sort flintstone.txt | uniq > flintstone.new10:01
etfbFluxD: Now flintstone new will contain "barney", "fred" and "wilma", in that order10:02
tjl11ice_: try reconfiguring your xorg.conf10:02
sharpieetfb: this is probably the weirdest thing ever said on this channel10:02
FluxDetfb: thx10:02
ice_can you tell me how please, im still new10:02
etfbsharpie: why, what do you use for metasyntactic variables?  Foo and bar are so old-school...10:02
marx2kWhy is it, in my fstab, mounting a remote samba share using cifs gives me: "Mount error 13 = Permission denied", but when I change it to mount as smbfs, it works fine?10:03
sharpieetfb: i mean, the flinstones part10:03
hussamwhen type "avant-window-navigator" in terminal I have this msg "Error: Screen isn't composited. Please run compiz (-fusion) or another compositing manager.10:03
marx2kthe mount line is: //     /media/MediaCenter/Music1        smbfs    credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 010:03
markvandenborreah, seems like this is a know issue with adobe having updated flash10:03
sharpiehussam: so use compiz10:03
etfbsharpie: yep - metasyntactical variables.  Go look it up in the Jargon File...10:03
X704anybody want to help with a weird apt error in regards to a package version problem?10:03
sharpieetfb: :|10:03
markvandenborrewhat is the recommended way to do it right?10:03
sharpie!ask | X70410:04
ubotuX704: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:04
tt__Anyone know how to set gcc flags in ubuntu (it seems i cant find make.conf in /etc/)? :\10:04
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT10:04
markvandenborreis there an updated flash package that I'm not aware of?10:04
nomenteromarkvandenborre: yes its a buggy file10:04
tjl11ice_:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:04
X704Shante: yes but I'd rather talk in a PM over the problem10:04
hussamsharpie: how I've installed it and nothing happened or may be I didn't configer it right10:04
BjoeHrnmosno, disable compiz have no action for the freeze by switch user10:04
sharpiehussam: are you -using- compiz?10:04
hussamsharpie: how to know10:05
mosnoBjoeHrn: dunno, worked for me.10:05
sharpiehussam: Perferneces -> Appearance10:05
X704err, wrong person... lol10:05
sharpiehussam: then go to "Visual Effects"10:05
tt__Could anyone tell me how to set gcc flags in ubuntu? (i cant find /etc/make.conf to do so)10:05
BjoeHrnmosno, mh :/10:06
hussamsharpie: k I'm wz u10:06
hussamsharpie: continue10:06
etfbtt__: the flags are passed on the command line, so this questions (apparently) makes no sense.  Can you rephrase or explain what you're asking?10:06
mosnoBjoeHrn: good luck.10:06
nomenteromarkvandenborre: yes its a buggy file if u use 32 bits10:06
sharpiehussam: select anything other than none :\10:06
nomenteromarkvandenborre: use this file10:06
X704ah, nm, aptitude is fixing my problems10:07
tt__i mean like in gentoo , i could set the flags in a file called make.conf (which is located in /etc/) , each time i compile somethings it use my flags with just ./configure make make install10:07
hussamsharpie: I've that msg "Desktop effect could not be enabled"10:07
tjl11ice_: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh  xserver-xorg" instead10:07
Cubexombidoes anyone in here have lirc working / or know how to set it up properly, I'm like 99% configured, but  think i'm missing something, just now quite sure what it is10:07
etfbWhere do I go to get a specific .deb file so I can install it on an Ubuntu machine without any networking capability?10:07
sharpiehussam: is your gfx card enabled in the restricted drivers manager?10:08
sharpiehussam: Administration - restricted drivers manager10:08
hussamsharpie: I'll see10:08
sharpie!coc > sharpie10:09
madmarxCubexombi: I have it configured on a Mandriva machine, but maybe can help on Ubuntu too10:09
X704etfb: you can use the packages on the DVD - useful... you can also download each package on http://packages.ubuntu.com/10:10
neil_dwith ubuntu ltsp clients, how do I specify what video driver to use ?10:10
tjl11night all10:10
hussamsharpie: that msg "your hardware dose not need any restricted drives"10:10
etfbX704: I have an install CD and can't find the .debs.  Where are they?10:10
sharpiehussam: what card do you have?10:11
X704etfb: I think you have to use the command line to install from a disk10:11
Cubexombimadmarx, all my conf's and what not look ok, I copied them from a working install that i had on this machine at the beginning of the night, now when i run irw, he prompt hands as it should, but it doesn't register keypresses.10:11
ice_debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable10:12
hussamsharpie: how to know? it is in my lab top10:12
moducould someone recommend me some good bittorrent software, that has a gui? I dont want azurues, because that keeps crashing every few minutes10:12
etfbmodu: ktorrent seems to be the best in KDE.  I wish uTorrent worked in Linux tho...10:13
X704etfb: apt-get install <package>    will work if you have the CD or DVD in the drive10:13
sharpiehussam: open a terminal and run "compiz"10:13
X704and the package is on the disk10:13
ice_modu_:ktorrent is a good one10:13
DeToXI shoulda tried synaptic at first for the java. It works now.10:13
madmarxThere are 3 files that configure lirc: (1) there is a /etc/sysconfig/lircd (or different on ubuntu?) that defines the driver and device files.10:13
etfbX704: it doesn't though, for some reason.  I think I'll try the packages site instead.  Thx.10:14
moduice_, etfb: ok, thanks, I will give ktorrent a chance. And I agree, I wish utorrent worked here to10:14
hussamsharpie: Checking for Xgl: not present.10:14
hussamNo whitelisted driver found10:14
hussamaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity10:14
hussamWindow manager warning: Failed to load theme "mac4lin": Failed to find a valid file for theme mac4lin10:14
madmarx(2) There is /etc/lircd.conf that contains the reference of your remote and defines keypresses.10:14
sharpiehussam: i'm sorry, i don't know how to help you10:14
madmarx(3) There is /etc/lircmd.conf that is to use your remote as a mouse.10:14
ice_Who has good experience with ATI Drivers? I have afew problems yet to be solved10:15
sharpie!ask | ice_10:15
ubotuice_: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:15
hussamsharpie: never mind anyhow thanks alot 4 what u did :)10:15
sharpiehussam: np10:15
X704etfb: there is a script running around online that will download all packages and make 4 or 5 DVD sized ISO's if the computer will never be online10:15
ice_ok then but no one answers properly...10:15
ice_i have a graphics driver, it is a ATI X1650 and i am having a few troubles with it, on start up i log on and then it logs out again... about 5 seconds after the load or it freezes, where do you suggest i go to, and there is also one more problem10:16
etfbice_: The path to truth is a really good question.  It follows therefore that if you haven't attained truth yet, you haven't figured out the question to ask.10:16
etfbX704: possibly overkilll...10:16
X704etfb: I don't know... blank DVDs are inexpensive anymore...10:17
ice_how do i stop my ATI X1650 driver form crashing the computer?10:17
madmarxCubexombi: My guess is that the /etc/sysconfig/lircd file is not OK10:17
sharpieice_: reinstall it?10:17
etfbX704: true, but I have a working installation, I just (*blush*) uninstalled knetworkmanager and now can't get it back.10:17
X704etfb: also your CD I think has to be the alternate CD to use apt-get with10:18
ice_ive done that onece but then i have to re-install ubuntu10:18
ice_not fun...10:18
* etfb slaps forehead. That would be the trouble!10:18
mosibfu_i have trouble booting a custim ubuntu made with debootstrap from usb stick.. anyone experienced?10:18
ice_sharpie_: any other ideas?10:18
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents10:19
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant10:19
sharpieice_: check if it's supported10:19
* etfb is off to fiddle with packages and try to rescue his poor Kubuntu install... Bye all!10:19
ice_sharpie_: how? sorry im kinda new10:19
madmarxCubexombi: Looks like  /etc/sysconfig/lircd is /etc/lirc/hardware.conf under Ubuntu10:20
sharpieice_: it's somewhere in the ubuntu site, sec i'll look it up10:20
Cubexombimadmarx (3) I'm not going to be needing, (1) lircd is possibly the hardware.conf  (2) lircd.conf is the same that i used originally, in /etc/lirc/lircd.conf,10:20
ice_sharpie_: thanks, legend10:20
sharpieice_: this might be helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI10:21
Cubexombimadmarx can you pastebin your lircd.conf?  I know you;ve got different buttons and whatnot, i just wanna compare syntax10:21
X704ice_: I have an ATI card (X1600) working with compiz fusion and no XGL... if you want we could maybe work this out in #ubuntu-pdx10:21
X704sharpie: does it include the new 7.10 drivers?10:22
X704from ATI10:22
LamorackHi all10:22
ice_X704_:yes but i run ubuntu 7.04 and i would certainly love to but im still quite new to ubuntu10:23
foldart!hi | Lamorack10:23
ubotuLamorack: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:23
Cubexombimosibfu_  have you tried reconstructor? I've used it in the past to build my custom USB drives, doesn't play too nicely with gutsy, but makes an awesome feisty stick10:23
X704ice_: type this...    /join #ubuntu-pdx10:23
Cubexombimosibfu_ ratehr I've used it to make the iso that I'll transfer to the stick10:24
madmarxSEND Cubexombi /etc/lircd.conf10:24
Lamoracksomeone can help me a little with dmraid?10:25
mosibfu_Cubexombi: im not planning on making an iso, a usb stick LAMP server that will display a webpage on a touchscreen in a store (for tiny workstation thing)10:25
Cubexombi<mosibfu_ you can still do that, but it will allow you to customize the image before transferring it to stick.10:26
h-townhey guys, quick question: lately if i start manuvering around too much in my file browser (such as checking out mp3s in my music folder) it starts to mess up and suddenly i can't run anything, open up any folders, and in any folders that are already open the system turns every file I try to open to unknown and it doesn't respond. Plus my cpu percentage goes up dramatically from like 2 % to 85%, even if nothing is r10:26
Cubexombimadmarx it didn't send10:26
mosibfu_Cubexombi: its a total of 200 megs now total, all it doesnt do is liking for boot :P10:26
mosibfu_Cubexombi: but ima give it another shot now, brb10:26
h-towni'm supicious that it has something to do with azareus10:26
LamorackI have an Asus A8N-SLI-Deluxe, 2 (fake)Raid controllers, Nvidia & SLI 3114. I have 2 250Gb SATA disk attached to SLI controler, 1 stripped volume, 2 NTFS Parts. (My Gutsy installed on another PATA disk) Two days ago, i touch it! i was able to mo8unt my 2 parts, y make a script with the lasts commands, but afther a reset, the script doesn't mount anything.10:28
h-townif i press ctrl alt backspace it all goes away.. for a while that is10:28
LamorackSIL controller, sorry, not SLI10:28
white_eaglehibernate nor suspend works on my laptop, the screen just displays some commands and it goes black, and I must turn it off manually , why, and how to repair it?10:30
hagabakawhen I install flahsplayer-nonfree it gives "md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz". anyone know how to fix that problem?10:30
white_eagleno1 here?10:31
white_eagle1113 users and no one knows how to help me?10:32
DanaGThe playback of this movie requires a RTP protocol source plugin which is not installed10:32
DanaGWhere's my "Easy Codec Installation"?10:33
mavi-white_eagle: running gutsy?10:33
mavi-thats gutsy10:33
DanaG(I do know how to find stuff on my own; I'm just pointing that thing out.)10:33
mavi-hibernate / sleep doesnt work on gutsy10:33
mavi-disable it or downgrade to feisty10:33
UB`mavi- I run Gutsy and hibernate/sleep works fine10:34
white_eagleit doesn't work for anyoe?10:34
mavi-UB`: with ATI drivers?10:34
white_eaglei have ati10:34
UB`ah no10:34
UB`without ATI10:34
mavi-yeah, its those that are broken10:34
mavi-maybe exists som workaround now10:34
UB`I didn't read above10:34
white_eaglewill it get fixed?10:36
mavi-"Your choices are,10:36
mavi-1) wait for 8.43 which will hopefully have SLUB support.10:36
mavi-2) downgrade to Fiesty Fawn (I've heard this resolved some of the problems)10:36
mavi-3) recompile the ubuntu kernel to use SLAB instead of SLUB."10:36
kitofhawaiiwhite_eagle: i'll confirm in gutsy even if you get it to work right, it is extremely buggy10:36
mavi-sometimes i guess, else the dist doesnt have much future =)10:36
mavi-as more and more computers sold are laptops10:37
kitofhawaiiwell my problems are mostly with ifup ifdown issues with it, but i was able to edit the suspend scripts. even then, i still shutdown10:37
white_eagleahh, i hate turning off my laptop10:38
white_eagleit boots slowly on ubuntu10:38
white_eaglealthough it isn't very old10:38
mEck0Hi! I'm testing dual monitors between my laptop screen and an external TFT. it works but the problem is that the screen on the tft is blurry and I can see it fickering. I checked with xrandr and the screens has right resolutions, though the external tft uses 60Hz update freq. which I think is the problem because it should use 75Hz at 1280x1024. How do I change the screen to use 75Hz in xorg.conf?10:39
kitofhawaiiwhite_eagle: ati problems have been fixed in the newer ati drivers. however, there is no expected date the new drivers will be available on repo's. it will probably be the hardy release before we see some of the major bug fixes10:39
white_eagleand hardy is prolonged for....10:40
foldartApril '0810:41
white_eaglevery long, can't wait10:41
freddoany reason to use ubuntu over gentoo?10:42
=== cofeineSunshine is now known as cofeinesunshine
white_eagleand will xubuntu work on my old pentium II comp?10:42
freddoisn't gentoo faster?10:42
snadgewhen i first log in, i get a gnome settings error.. but if i log out, then log back in again, the error does not occur.. does anyone have any ideas about how to fix this?10:42
kitofhawaiisnadge: what's the error?10:43
Twinkletoesfreddo: Gentoo is a source-based distro, ubuntu is predominatly binary - they're for 2 different sets of people really10:43
snadgegnome settings daemon has failed to start, or something... i would have to reboot my pc to get the exact error10:43
freddoTwinkletoes: people who can't compile and people who can?10:44
Twinkletoesfreddo: Not really, the portage system with Gentoo is quite good actually.  Don't need to know how to compile10:44
Demonho-bra friend of mine is installing ubuntu in his computer. but he tried many times and the installtion freezy in 82% configuring apt-get10:44
snadgemaybe he should try debian? or alternative install10:44
Demonho-brhe tried to install without internet too, and nothing happened.. just the freezy, what to do10:44
kitofhawaiisnadge: open terminal, and do an ifconfig lo10:44
DanaGThe playback of this movie requires a RTP protocol source plugin which is not installed.10:45
freddoTwinkletoes: Do you use gentoo or ubuntu?10:45
Twinkletoesfreddo: If you're prepared to work through a few anomalies from time to time, and spend time configuring X, go for Gentoo, if you want stuff to just "work" go for Ubuntu.  Gentoo does have a VERY good documentation tho10:45
Twinkletoesfreddo: I use both, but for different situations10:45
DanaGWhere can I find gstreamer-rtp?10:45
Twinkletoesfreddo: I use Ubuntu on desktops, and Gentoo for non-critical servers, the critical servers all run FreeBSD10:45
snadgekitofhawaii: lo looks like its configured and working10:45
kitofhawaiisnadge: what's the inet addr for that interface?10:45
snadge127.0.0.1 and ::1/12810:46
robert___k quick question how do i get beryl working in gutsy?10:46
ikoniarobert___: beryl is dead, gutsy comes with compiz-fusion to replace it10:46
robert___i cant find any stuff anywhere on this ive been working on it for a few days10:46
kitofhawaiisnadge: can confirm in /etc/hosts for both localhost and your hostname?10:46
robert___ikonia ok i have that to i think i found that out10:46
robert___how do i get emerald working properly so i skins everything right10:47
snadgekitofhawaii: its in there as localhost and ads1.msn.com ? whats that doing there hehe10:47
ikoniarobert___: same way as you did with beryl10:47
Demonho-brikonia, what about the installation doesnt finish the configuring apt-get at 82% ?  is possible to skip this step ?10:47
kitofhawaiisnadge: lol dunno, make sure your hostname is in there as well10:47
freddowhat's the difference between freebsd and openbsd?10:47
ikoniaDemonho-br: do you have interenet connection on that machine ?10:47
robert___its been a while since i did that, ikonia10:47
snadgei will try rebooting10:47
Demonho-brikonia, yes..10:48
Demonho-brikonia, and tried with and without internet10:48
ikoniaDemonho-br: without internet = bad10:48
Demonho-brikonia, iso and cd are ok.  did 2 cds already10:48
Demonho-brikonia, but this time using internet...10:48
Demonho-brikonia, that is freezy yet10:48
PriceChild!offtopic | freddo10:48
ubotufreddo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:48
Demonho-brikonia, safe mode graphics could help ?10:48
ikoniaDemonho-br: open a terminal and have a look at /var/log/dpkg.log see whats going on10:48
Demonho-brikonia, alright10:49
Demonho-brikonia, what can i use ? gedit ? cat ?10:49
robert___ikonia seems busy at the moment anybody else know how to get emerald working?10:49
ikoniaDemonho-br: any text editor you want, more even10:49
Demonho-brikonia, ok10:49
ikoniarobert___: have you installed it ?10:49
sharpierobert___: i really suggest not using emerald10:49
kitofhawaiirobert_: did you install the emerald package?10:50
=== freddo is now known as wii
dhg_good noon10:50
robert___yes i didand why dont you suggest it? sharpie10:50
snadgekitofhawaii: thankyou.. that solved the problem :) i feel like buying you a beer10:50
=== wii is now known as wiicontroller
kitofhawaiisnadge: :) i'll take a raincheck, but i don't drink :-P10:50
kitofhawaiirobert___: alt-f2, then "emerald --replace"10:51
snadgeok then a beverage that you do enjoy of your choice hehe10:51
robert___kitofhawaii: then what?10:52
robert___enable gldesktop?10:52
kitofhawaiisnadge: lol i'm surprised that was the only thing not working actually...but hey10:52
hannes_help me with a small problem in my fstab?10:52
snadgekitofhawaii: it also solved another seemingly unrelated problem where sometimes loading slashdot and other websites.. i was puzzled why the browser would just stop responding trying to connect to ads1.msn.com10:53
XSignHi rooms,i've got a trouble~my ip is 31.78 but the gateway's ip is 36.25310:53
XSignhow can i set my gateway?10:53
kitofhawaiirobert___: well, assuming you have visual effects turned on already right?10:53
=== sharpie is now known as Sharpie
robert___yeah i do10:53
kitofhawaiisnadge: sounds like you're using a firefox plugin for ad removal10:53
erUSULXSign: in System>Admin>Net ??10:53
hannes_who can tell me how to get write acess to a ext3 partition?10:53
Demonho-brikonia, i didnt see any error there. these are the last two lines10:53
Demonho-br2007-10-15 23:36:43 status half-configured libc6 2.6.1-1ubuntu910:53
Demonho-br2007-10-15 23:36:43 status installed libc6 2.6.1-1ubuntu910:53
XSignerUSUL, i mean in shell10:54
kitofhawaiirobert___: well then emerald should be available... system -> preferences -> emerald theme manager10:54
ikoniahannes_: mount it read-write, or use a use (sudo) that has permissions to the file system10:54
DanaGANy idea where to get gstreamer rtp support?10:54
XSignerUSUL,when i execute "route add default gw"10:54
snadgekitofhawaii: now that i've removed it from my hosts file, it works fine.. even with adblock enabled10:54
erUSULXSign: edit /etc/network/interfaces  see "man interfaces" for details10:54
robert___it is but then when i click a theme it does nothing10:55
XSignerUSUL,can you tell me some command i can use >?10:55
zaki1hi can any body make my sound work...i have intel hda ..please i cant live without sound in ubutntu ........tried the trouble shooting page for intel hda ...also some times sound mysteriously comes back after a reboot and again vanishes after reboot10:55
Demonho-brikonia, nothing10:55
XSignerUSUL,last time i used a commnd like "ip toute add default-network gw dev eth0"10:55
hannes_thanx ikonia. I tried with the option rw, but the problem is, that root is the owner of the dir. i have 3 ntfs filesystems, and i have managed to mount them all read abnd write. i added the option: uid=hannes. but this doesnt work with the ext3 partition10:55
robert___kitofhawaii: it is but nothing happens when i select a theme10:55
ikoniaDemonho-br: what do you mean, nothing ?10:55
kitofhawaiisnadge: yah...if you select specifically to block the host, it enters it into the hosts table to the loopback interface, supposedly (and under normal conditions) for fast timeout unless you have apache in10:55
XSignerUSULbut i'm not sure the command is right10:56
kitofhawaiirobert___: from terminal... "emerald --replace" do you get any errors?10:56
robert___it just goes to the next line10:57
Demonho-brikonia, dpkg.log is ok.. i see no errors..  but the apt-get is not configuring10:57
robert___nothing happens10:57
ikoniaDemonho-br: what is the last line in the log10:57
kitofhawaiirobert___: do you have ccsm installed?10:57
* Jay-Oh-En eats the trout10:57
zaki1   hi can any body make my sound work...i have intel hda ..please i cant live without sound in ubutntu ........tried the trouble shooting page for intel hda ...also some times sound mysteriously comes back after a reboot and again vanishes after reboot..plzzzz help10:57
Jay-Oh-Enthis is the problem im having http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93286 but it doesnt state the fix10:57
snadgekitofhawaii: i do have apache installed.. how would i have ever possibly figured this out unless you told me? :P i've googled for answers and turned up nothing along those lines10:57
erUSULXSign: both route and ip route should work. But if you want your settings to survive a reboot you should be using /etc/network/interfaces10:58
hannes_@IKONIA: the line in my fstab is: # /dev/sda210:58
hannes_UUID=90a02118-287d-4662-b4c4-437925585ee0 /data     ext3    defaults,uid=hannes 0       210:58
Demonho-brikonia, 2007-10-15 23:36:43 status installed libc6 2.6.1-1ubuntu910:58
robert___emerald: Could not acquire decoration manager selection on screen 0 display ":0.0"10:58
ikoniahannes_: that looks reasonable10:58
LamorackI have an Asus A8N-SLI-Deluxe, 2 (fake)Raid controllers, Nvidia & Silicon Image 3114. I have 2 250Gb SATA disk attached to SIL controler, 1 stripped volume, 2 NTFS Parts. (My Gutsy installed on another PATA disk) Two days ago, i touch it! i was able to mo8unt my 2 parts, y make a script with the lasts commands, but afther a reset, the script doesn't mount anything.10:58
ikoniaDemonho-br: ok, one moment10:58
hannes_but doesnt work!10:58
XSignerUSUL,but route doesn't work!!!10:58
ikoniahannes_: explain10:58
kitofhawaiirobert___: system -> preferences -> advanced desktop effects settings, make sure "window decoration" is enabled10:59
hannes_its mountet, but i havnt the permisiion to write to the partition10:59
ikoniahannes_: please show me ls -la /data10:59
ikoniahannes_: in a pastebin if it's a long output10:59
wiicontrollerTwinkletoes: If OpenBSD is based in security why don't you use that for critical servers, isn't security the number one priority?10:59
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
erUSULXSign: try "sudo ip reoute add default via <ip_of_gw> dev <iface>"10:59
robert___it is11:00
hannes_insgesamt 811:00
hannes_drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 2007-12-14 11:07 .11:00
hannes_drwxr-xr-x 22 root root 4096 2007-12-14 11:07 ..11:00
BlackFoxTRhi.. i had a problem.. apache server doesn't worked after i update 7.04 now php not working. how to fix it?11:00
XSignerUSUL,thnx i'll try :)11:00
ikoniahannes_: the file system is owned by root, you need to change it to be owned by you, OR use sudo to write to it11:00
hannes_i wanna have it everytime i start ubuntu11:00
babois there a pdf virtual printer for ubuntu ?11:00
erUSULXSign: sorry is route not reoute*11:00
hannes_do you think i can change with chmod 777?11:00
erUSULbabo: cups-pdf11:01
kitofhawaiirobert___: ok...alt-f2 then "metacity --replace"...then alt-f2 "emerald --replace" see if between those commands, whether your windows look any different11:01
ikoniahannes_: so change the permissions of the file system, or use sudo to write to it11:01
mozarthi, i wanna use some windows on a virtual machine inside of m ubuntu Gutsy, whats the best way to do it? should i install VMWare? if so then through synaptics is that ok? also should i install the VMWare workstation or the server?11:01
ikoniahannes_: use chown to make it owned by your user11:01
hannes_ok, thanx a lot!11:01
erUSUL!virtualizers | mozart11:01
ubotumozart: There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications11:01
ikoniahannes_: welcome11:01
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Lamorack!dmraid | mozart11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dmraid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:01
robert___no difference11:01
PriceChildbabo, when you print.... you can check tell it to "print to file"11:01
Lamorackuhmm.. bad try lol11:02
kitofhawaiisnadge: i have no answer why they don't mention the apache issue...i guess they don't expect people to use apache on the same machine as adblock. you can set apache to not use lo, or maybe (i don't recall it's been a while since i use it) tell adblock to use instead11:02
mozartok yes i wanna full windows running inside of my ubuntu please whats the best solution here, i have 2 GB memory, so anything fast is good11:02
pranith123hello. im using blackbox window manager. how do i get alt+tab to work in this?11:03
kitofhawaiimozart: virtualbox is the easiest...11:03
=== mozart is now known as MozartLovesUbun2
erUSUL!fakeraid | Lamorack11:03
ubotuLamorack: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about python - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about busybox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:04
kitofhawaiiMozartLovesUbun2: that comes from a longtime, and current vmware user. i suggest getting the non-ose version of virtualbox11:04
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:04
pranith123hello. im using blackbox window manager. how do i get alt+tab to work in this?11:04
kylexyi cann't agree more,virtualBox is excellent11:04
MozartLovesUbun2so should i go with VIRTUALBOX? do i have to install the tools inside it then like the VMWare tools?11:04
kitofhawaiirobert___: are compiz effects working?11:04
robert___idk how can i tell is that when the windows animate nicely?11:05
LamorackThx erUSul11:05
pranith123hello. im using blackbox window manager. how do i get alt+tab to work in this?11:05
MozartLovesUbun2what do you mean by; "non-ose version of virtualbox"11:05
erUSULLamorack: no problem11:05
kitofhawaiirobert___: enable wobbly windows in compiz settings manager, and then drag your windows around11:05
MozartLovesUbun2kitofhawaii: what do you mean by; "non-ose version of virtualbox"11:05
kitofhawaiiMozartLovesUbun2: non-opensource...it works better (like giving good usb redirection)11:05
wiicontrollerTwinkletoes: but Only two remote holes in the default install, in more than 10 years! (in OpenBSD)11:06
kitofhawaiiMozartLovesUbun2: is still free :) just uhm...well, we got a guy's ipod to sync to itunes through it (it was too new for gtkpod) so i can assure it's really stable11:07
MozartLovesUbun2ok well i can't make my mind up if anyone can be so helpful to point me to a good ubuntu virtual machine comparision chart, would be great , so i will go now and do a little google searching11:07
kitofhawaiiMozartLovesUbun2: the others (vmware, virtualbox-ose) couldn't11:07
SharpieMozartLovesUbun2: juse use vbox11:07
robert___kitofhawaii they were but now there not all of a sudden11:07
pranith123hello. im using blackbox window manager. how do i get alt+tab to work in this?11:07
kitofhawaiirobert___: do alt-f2 "compiz --replace"11:08
MozartLovesUbun2ok i will try VirtualBox then11:08
kylexyhello,anybody know how to use cedega11:08
LamorackerUSUL: i read the FakeraidHowTo, but doesn't help me11:08
LamorackI have an Asus A8N-SLI-Deluxe, 2 (fake)Raid controllers, Nvidia & Silicon Image 3114. I have 2 250Gb SATA disk attached to SIL controler, 1 stripped volume, 2 NTFS Parts. (My Gutsy installed on another PATA disk) Two days ago, i touch it! i was able to mo8unt my 2 parts, y make a script with the lasts commands, but afther a reset, the script doesn't mount anything.11:09
Sharpiekylexy: yes, you open it and use it11:09
ikoniaLamorack: we can't support your script11:09
Lamoracki cant take the /dev/mapper/ sil_x1 & sil_x2 again11:09
ikoniaLamorack: fakeraid as a technology is a flakey technology11:09
MozartLovesUbun2hey guys please tell me do i need to install any other extra packages for this to make it work better?, like extra fonts or stuff like that?11:09
Lamoracki dont need script help11:09
ikoniaMozartLovesUbun2: to make what work better ?11:09
SharpieMozartLovesUbun2: no you don't11:09
ikoniaLamorack: ok, great.11:09
Lamoracki cant take the /dev/mapper/ sil_x1 & sil_x2 again11:10
Lamorackonly sil_x11:10
ikoniaLamorack: what do you mean, you can't take it ?11:10
tarzeauyay interesting ubuntu statistics http://krum.ethz.ch/udc/11:10
robert___kitofhawaii still nothing11:10
ikonia!offtopic >tarzeau11:10
Demonho-brikonia, if i change the language in the installation, something would change ? i mean, the configuring apt-get will try another server ?11:10
ikoniaDemonho-br: I don't bevlieve this is a server issue11:10
Demonho-brikonia, i think it could make my installation works, no ?11:10
Lamorackuhm... i do "dmraid -ay -f sil"11:10
Demonho-brikonia, so what do u think ?11:10
ikoniaDemonho-br: you could open a terminal and check you currenlty have internet connectivity11:10
Lamorackbut it doesnt "make" that 2 devices11:11
kitofhawaiirobert___: from terminal, try "compiz --replace" let me know if you get any errors11:11
Demonho-brikonia, of course talking to people on pidgin11:11
Demonho-brikonia, it means, Internet.... ok11:11
anashow can i use the scanner on ubuntu ??11:11
ikoniaLamorack: as I say, fakeraid is a dodgy technology as a whole11:11
ikoniaDemonho-br: on the installation machine your chatting in pdigin ?11:11
Demonho-brikonia, i tried chatting. i tried without chatting.. it doesnt work anyway11:11
ikoniaDemonho-br: please just answer the questions I ask11:12
ikoniaDemonho-br: your using pidgin on the machine your currenlty installing11:12
anashow can i use the scanner on ubuntu ??11:12
Demonho-brikonia, i tried when i was chatting and i treid without chatting.. both freezy11:12
Demonho-brikonia, not now11:12
ikoniafor the love of.....11:12
Demonho-brikonia, no no.. im not using pidgin...11:13
ikoniaDemonho-br: on the machine that has hung in the installation, do you currently have internet connectivity on THAT machine11:13
Demonho-brikonia, i think so i typed plog11:13
Demonho-brikonia, that showed the status .. internet ok11:13
robert___Checking for Xgl: not present.11:13
robert___Detected PCI ID for VGA: 00:02.0 0300: 8086:27a2 (rev 03) (prog-if 00 [VGA])11:13
robert___Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.11:13
robert___Trying again with indirect rendering:11:13
robert___Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.11:13
robert___aborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity11:13
xLEhow can i list all the files i have in a directory?11:13
xLEie /usr/11:13
ikonia!pastebin >robert___11:13
Demonho-brikonia, but i was trying to install in portuguese. if i change that to english maybe it will work.. no ?11:13
ikoniaDemonho-br: ok - on the installation that has hung please open firefox and surf the web, verify that you have connectivity11:13
anasanybody can tell me how can i use the usb scanner on ubuntu ??11:13
Demonho-brikonia, yes i did11:14
ikoniaDemonho-br: when ?11:14
anasplzzzz   how can i use the scanner on ubuntu ??11:14
kitofhawaiirobert___: rendering isn't working...what vid card do you have?11:14
Demonho-brikonia, at same time i was intalling ubuntu11:14
ikoniaanas: scanners use a technology called "sane"11:14
ikoniaDemonho-br: are you not installing now ?11:14
Demonho-brikonia, no11:14
Demonho-brikonia, the installation is in another computer11:14
ikoniaDemonho-br: then I can't help you work the problem through11:14
anasikonia : thank u11:14
dgjones!scanner | anas11:14
ubotuanas: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR11:14
Demonho-brikonia, no problem, thank u :D11:15
ikoniaanas: if you have sane installed, anything that uses a scanner (gimp for example) will be working11:15
Demonho-brikonia, continue to do what u are doing. your work is very important..11:15
Demonho-brikonia, see u :D11:15
robert___intel corporation mobile 945gm/gms, 943/940gml express integrated graphics controller11:15
BlackFoxTR apache server doesn't worked after i update 7.04 now php not working. how to fix it?11:15
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: please define not working11:16
robert___it was working earlier today11:16
robert___so idk what going on now11:16
BlackFoxTRwhen i type: localhost/phpmyadmin/ to firefox firefox ask to me if i want to open phtml file in an editor11:16
BlackFoxTRbefore update it was ok11:16
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: ok, so apache does not have the php module in11:16
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: where did you update from ?11:17
kitofhawaiirobert___: err...what changed? anything installed/modified?11:17
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: an earlier 7.04 package or from an earlier ubuntu release11:17
robert___hmm it wont keep gl desktop acive in my compiz preferences11:17
BlackFoxTRi installed 7.04 then update it11:17
BlackFoxTRfrom update menager/internet11:17
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: updated 7.04 or updated to 7.1011:17
Torchwoodwhen is ubuntu going to ditch flashplugin-nonfree 9.0.115 ? it is *awful*. i went back to a manual 9.0.48 setup. even that has bugs, but 115 should never have been released. it will put linux back 2 years11:18
robert___not that i know of11:18
ikoniaTorchwood: flashplugin is only available to offer what adobe offers11:18
BlackFoxTRi just used internet update.. it's still 7.0411:18
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: perfect11:18
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: please enter /etc/apache/modules-enabled11:19
BlackFoxTRno such file or directory :S11:20
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled sorry11:20
robert___kitofhawaii not that i know of11:20
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: do you see php5.load and php5.conf in thre ?11:20
kitofhawaiirobert___: in terminal "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep composite" do you get anything?11:21
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: dpkg -l | grep php511:21
BlackFoxTRi see something.. copy n paste??11:22
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: how many lines ?11:22
arcane_My titlebars aren't showing up with GL Desktop activated.11:22
kitofhawaiirobert___: "glxinfo | grep direct" what's your opengl renderer string?11:22
miko3khi gyus. do u know how to modify user's $PATH right after login to X? .bashrc seems to get ingored...11:22
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: pastebin11:22
ikoniamiko3k: PATH - in what respect11:22
BlackFoxTRii  libapache2-mod-php5                        5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag11:22
ikoniamiko3k: PATH will get set by bashrc when you open a shell11:22
BlackFoxTRii  php5                                       5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag11:22
BlackFoxTRrc  php5-auth-pam                              0.4-9.2ubuntu1                            A PHP5 extension for PAM authentication11:22
BlackFoxTRii  php5-cgi                                   5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag11:23
BlackFoxTRii  php5-common                                5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          Common files for packages built from the php11:23
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: I said poastebin11:23
BlackFoxTRii  php5-mysql                                 5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          MySQL module for php511:23
BlackFoxTRrc  php5-xmlrpc                                5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          XML-RPC module for php511:23
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: pastebin11:23
BlackFoxTRrc  php5-xsl                                   5.2.1-0ubuntu1.5                          XSL module for php511:23
kitofhawaiirobert___: also, confirm system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects is set to either custom or extra (if custom attempt setting it to extra)11:23
dgjones!paste > BlackFoxTR11:23
judgement07hello all... is there a shipit request for xubuntu or fluxubuntu free live cds?11:23
Torchwoodkitofhawaii: cat somefile | grep something, is a bad construction imo. cat is almost never needed in the shell. but each to his own, i guess ...11:23
arcane_Also I just installed the xubuntu pack trying to use xfce and I think it was a bad idea, how can I switch back from xfce4?11:23
arcane_to.. whatever it is I was on before.11:23
mavi-judgement07: no i dont think those spins have the finances to ship free cds11:23
miko3kikonia yes. it seems so. but i want to get my path modified _before_ openening a shell ... for example for alt+f211:23
robert___kitofhawaii it says they cant be enabled11:23
kitofhawaiiTorchwood: true, but i'm archaic in my unix/linux commands (old sunos user)11:24
kitofhawaiiTorchwood: :)11:24
ikoniamiko3k: thats the desktop not $PATH11:24
Cubexombimadmarx - just a heads up.. got it figured out.. turns out I've just got a touchy keyboard.. Lirc didn't quite like /dev/ttyS1q1 .. that was easily fixed11:24
miko3kikonia : i tried command like echo "$PATH; cat" in alf+f2 prompt there where a path, but somewhat simplier...11:25
Torchwoodkitofhawaii: so you haven't heard the good NeWS yet :)11:25
wiicontrollerthe people in freebsd are assholes11:25
judgement07thanks mavi: anyways i just received my shipment of ubuntu gusty... going to give it out to friends... but i wanted to try the other 2 out11:25
wiicontrollerI mea openbsd11:25
wiicontrollermean openbsd11:25
ikoniamiko3k: its not your PATH, the desktop interface doesn't use "path" settings11:25
ikoniawiicontroller: moderate your language please.11:26
judgement07is UBUNTU the only distro that ships free live cds?11:26
miko3kikonia : ok... so is it possible to have my own ~/usr/bin and launch commands from there using alf+f2 ?11:26
wiicontrollerbut they crashed my computer11:26
ikoniaBlackFoxTR please look in /etc/apache2/mods-available for the php5 files I mentioned11:26
BlackFoxTRok i see them now11:27
ikoniamiko3k from memory gnome will use something like XDG_DATA dir as a variable to be aware of PATH's at build time.11:27
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: you have deleted the symlinks then11:27
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: you need to create a symlink from the avilable file to a file of the same name in the enabled dir11:27
miko3kikonia ... build time does not sound very optimistic :-)11:27
robert___kitofhawaii do i need to be under x or gnome ar anything specific like that?11:28
ikoniamiko3k: I'm not sure if it's dynamic or build time only11:28
ikoniamiko3k: you may want to check that in #gnome rather than have me trawl the docs someone may know off the top of there head11:28
miko3kikonia thanks anyway i try to google for it11:28
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: ln -s11:28
miko3kikonia yup seems like an idea :-)11:28
ikoniamiko3k: I can help you set it, but I can't remember if thats the exact name for the variable used11:29
ikoniamiko3k: nor can I remember if it's dynamic11:29
miko3kikonia : the problem is, not how, but _where_, ~/.bashrc definitely don't get executed11:29
robert___kitofhawaii u still with me?11:29
ikoniamiko3k: bashrc is a shell variable11:29
kitofhawaiirobert___: well i'm a bit confused why your driver would work one minute and then the next...i guess. what driver is selected under system -> administration -> screen and graphics -> graphics card?11:30
ikoniamiko3k: I can help you set it, but you need to find out if it is the correct thing to do11:30
kitofhawaiirobert___: i assume you're under gnome11:30
neil_dI am trying to get a edubuntu ltsp client to boot it is stopping after printing "Starting LTSP client     [OK]" :( what is wrong ? how do I get it to continue ?11:30
ikonianeil_d: is it hanging or returning to a prompt11:30
miko3kikonia : so i could possibly create a shell script and put it somewhere in gnome-session or something ?11:31
ikoniamiko3k: there are environment variable options for gnome11:31
neil_dikonia, if I hit <enter> I get a prompt11:31
ikonianeil_d: ok, once you hit enter, is ltsp running ?11:31
robert___kitofhawaii the only intel driver thet have11:31
kylexyi like the game war3,,,but who can tell me how  to use cedega to connect a host in LAN11:32
robert___and yes in gnome11:32
ikoniakylexy: you'll get better support in #cedega11:32
miko3kikonia : where ?11:32
ikoniamiko3k: find out if its the correct variable first11:32
neil_dikonia, I don't know what you mean by ltsp running ?  it won't let me login !11:32
BlackFoxTRikonia:  etc/apache2# ln -s mods-available/php5.conf mods-enabled/   << i did11:32
BlackFoxTRnow there is php5.conf n php5.load files in mods-enabled11:32
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: does the files appear in mods-enabled ?11:32
kitofhawaiirobert___: fair enough, sounds like something went goofy with your compositing. try rebooting...i'm not sure specifically why compositing would just stop working suddenly, since everything seems set up right.11:32
ikoniaBlackFoxTR: restart apache and you should be fine11:33
robert___it was workiing earlier today could it be that my screen going into standby stopped it?11:33
robert___cause that driver does say experimental11:34
miko3kikonia : well i would like to try ... but have no idea how to do it :-)11:34
wiicontrollerTwinkletoes: What's wrong with using ubuntu as a server?11:34
ikoniamiko3k: I've told you, join #gnome and ask for the correct variable11:34
robert___brb rebooting and hoping that fixes it11:34
wiicontrollerTwinkletoes: You say you use Gentoo and FreeBSD for servers?11:34
autoditachi. is it possible to use beagle instead of tracker as the indexing engine *and* integrate beagle into the gtk filechooser and natilus-search?11:34
kitofhawaiirobert___: that's the same one i have...and yes, it could certainly be from going into standby. standby is goofy in gutsy11:34
kitofhawaiirobert___: particularly when it comes to graphics11:34
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: 'lo.11:35
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: 'eya11:35
miko3kikonia : i gess the $PATH will do it. if i just hit alt+f2 and type "echo $PATH; cat" and chcek run on terminal, it outputs something what looks very reasonable :-)11:35
dublpawsanyone know of a curses based word processor?11:35
ikoniamiko3k: ughhhhh for the last time, it doesn't use PATH11:35
ikoniamiko3k: PATH is for the shell11:35
neil_dikonia, ?11:35
ikoniamiko3k: when you do alt+f2 it launches a shell to do the command11:36
wiicontrollerdoes Kubuntu come with gcc?11:36
ikoniawiicontroller: you can install it11:36
ikoniawiicontroller: gcc is in the repo's11:36
Stevethepiratesudo aptitude search gcc11:36
miko3kikonia : so if it launches shell why can't I use $PATH? :-)11:37
ikoniamiko3k: because it's not a login shell11:37
miko3kikonia : ok.. that's sounds reasonable. i'll get to #gnome11:38
MaXWaRUbuntu FUCK11:40
ikoniaMaXWaR: that is uncalled for11:40
shiQdarEnter text here...0627062706270644064806480648064806480648064806480648064806480648064806480648064811:40
ikoniaMaXWaR: do you have a problem ?11:40
dgjones!ohmy | MaXWaR11:40
ubotuMaXWaR: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:40
ikoniashiQdar: please stop11:40
Gravitationпревед та3ики11:41
MaXWaRGravitation: pishi na angl11:41
Gravitationты еблан?11:41
MaXWaRUbuntu suck11:41
robert___still not allowing the effects11:41
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:41
MaXWaRGravitation: dak potomy chto tut angl11:41
Gravitationdak pohui11:41
ikoniaMaXWaR: please stop with random instults, this is a support channel for support questions only11:41
gatestoneHow do I connect to the Internet through my bluetooth phone?11:42
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markvandenborrehi all, I need help making a backtrace of somethign that hangs nautilus11:42
etfbgatestone: what does Google say about the brand and model?11:42
antixis there any quicktime plugin for mozilla in ubuntu?11:42
robert___kiofhawaii its still not working11:43
neil_dI am trying to get a edubuntu ltsp client to boot it is stopping after printing "Starting LTSP client     [OK]" :( what is wrong ? how do I get it to continue ?11:43
robert___kitofhawaii its still not working11:43
markvandenborreI've been reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace11:43
ikonianeil_d: when you reboot, does it hang ?11:43
gatestoneetfb, I have a Nokia N70, but is the procudure really depending on the model?11:43
kitofhawaiirobert___: what specifically...emerald? or setting appearance to extra?11:43
ikonianeil_d: when you have the script started are any of the ltsp processes running11:43
markvandenborrebut I want to make sure that I am doing things right and that I'm producing useful output11:43
markvandenborreanyone out here to help?11:43
ikoniamarkvandenborre: what is your question11:44
etfbgatestone: by coincidence, I do too.  This isn't really the forum for that, but we can take it to private chat (if I can figure out how) and avoid cluttering the channel while we figure it out11:44
UbuntuFireI got a strange problem with ndiswrapper, it cause a HAL error and so Igdm don't start if I don't go throw recovery mode and disabel the driver for my WLAN11:44
robert___setting it to extra and i can open emerald manager and look @ the screenshots but cant load anythemes using emerald11:44
UbuntuFireSo i need to install the driver very time i start the computer11:44
shishioguys, how do i install my graphic driver? im using nvidia11:45
UbuntuFirescreen of the problem, unsure if it's helpful http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/4324/screenshotgy1.png PS. Sorry for all the text11:45
etfbgatestone: I need to do a couple of things before I can do private chat.  Hold on a sec...11:45
UbuntuFireshishio: try envy11:45
ikoniaUbuntuFire: don't recommend envy11:45
ikoniashishio: ignore that11:45
shishioUbuntuFire: envy?11:45
ikoniashishio: have you used the restricted drivers manager in ubuntu ?11:46
kitofhawaiirobert___: ok so setting to extra won't work..."glxinfo | grep direct" do you get an opengl renderer string?11:46
ikoniashishio: whawt happened ?11:46
robert___kitofhawaii it says no11:46
UbuntuFireikonia: i'm quite new so envy worked for me so why should I don't use envy?11:46
ikonia!envy | UbuntuFire11:46
ubotuUbuntuFire: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »11:46
shishioWine Games Suddenly quit...11:46
Jordan_UUbuntuFire, Come back to us after the next kernel / Xorg update11:47
kitofhawaiirobert___: did you install server-xgl? or have it installed?11:48
robert___it then says to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=VERBOSE11:48
robert___LET ME CHECK11:48
robert___sry dont mean to yell'11:48
UbuntuFirewell thing is that i got a ati card (X1100) and the restricted driver didn't work, so the only thing that worked was envy, since i don't understand how to install the drivers from binary11:49
kitofhawaiirobert___: that's ok...caps lock reminds me of my VAX/VMS programming days :-P11:49
ppk|thinkpadI have a GPU that's been blacklisted, is there any chance that I'm going to be able to run Compiz?11:49
judgement07any ideas for a title for a paper on why we choose ubuntu??11:49
robert___it says cant find package11:50
Jordan_UUbuntuFire, Just be aware that it could cause problems and that it is not supported, you can do what you want as long as you don't ask for help fixing it :)11:50
kitofhawaiirobert___: xserver-xgl11:50
WinterWeaverapt-get is asking me for the Ubuntu CD ... O.o ... I thought this wasn't necessary. I dont have the disc anymore, how can I finish my install ? :(11:50
ppk|thinkpadWinterWeaver, it's usually fine11:50
robert___already have it11:50
etfbWinterWeaver: that's because you still have the CD in your sources.  Go into aptitude/synaptic and remove it from the list.11:51
Jordan_UWinterWeaver, System -> Administration -> Software Sources: enable internet, remove CD11:51
ppk|thinkpadapt'll get it from the repo11:51
UbuntuFirehope that 8.04 come with support then :) else i need to go to windows :(11:51
WinterWeaverthanks guys11:51
helgetWhere do I configure what keymap to use for incomming ssh sessions? My X is configured properly, but when I ssh to it, my languages special chars is messed up. The know the keymap I need is "no-latin1", but "sudo loadkeys no-latin1" (while executed successfully) does not change anything.11:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:51
Jordan_UUbuntuFire, It most likely will,11:52
incorrectdoes anyone use kerberos without AD ?11:52
BB88Hello. Anybody know of a quick and easy Convert .avi to DVD program for ubuntu?11:52
UbuntuFireSomeone understand why ndiswrapper cause a "fail to initalize HAL" even if the card work?11:52
kitofhawaiirobert___: already have it...try uninstalling it...11:53
Jordan_UUbuntuFire, What chipset ?11:53
JoshooaHey what are some steps I could take to make Ubuntu run faster? It keeps freezing on my when I'm doing the simplest stuff, like ONE web page11:53
robert___kitofwawaii how do i do that?11:53
kitofhawaiirobert___: aiglx works better on your card...i'm not even sure if xgl works with the 945...11:53
Jordan_UJoshooa, Is it just Firefox or apps in general?11:53
JoshooaMainly Firefox but the computer in general11:53
JoshooaJordan_U: So maybe just firefox related.11:54
etfbUbuntuFire: thanks for the ndiswrapper link!  That looks like it answers all the questions I have about wifi, many of which have been driving me mad.  Thank you!!!11:54
Jordan_UJoshooa, Try FF3 beta 1, it's pretty darn stable and MUCH faster11:54
robert___wats aiglx11:54
kitofhawaiirobert___: ah...let's disable it instead then "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:54
ubotuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl11:54
UbuntuFireJordan_U: AR5006EG11:54
JoshooaJordan_U: K, and what about stuff I could do to the computer? Cause my menus and stuff are slow sometimes too11:54
robert___now that thats open what do i do?11:55
ricanelitewhy is that when I'm using Banshee Media Player and listening to a Mp3 or lets say using any player why is that when moving windows around or surfing the web at the same time listening to Mp3's the audio drops in and out.11:55
Jordan_UJoshooa, Is it a slow computer or do you think it's acting slower than it should ( if the former you may want to look into Xubuntu for instance )11:55
UbuntuFirebtw. don't ati release info about old card so it's possible to create free drivers11:55
kitofhawaiikitofhawaii: add the following lines at the bottom (one line per arrow) -> Section "Extensions" -> Option "Composite" "0" -> EndSection11:56
JoshooaJordan_U: No it can run fast, 1.8GHz, 2Gigs RAM, 512MB Vid Card and Soundblaster Audigy. It used to run faster11:56
ricanelitei have a good machine, Pentium Dual Core 2.0ghz, 2gig ram, Geforce 512mb PCI-E11:56
Jordan_UJoshooa, What has changed since it ran faster?11:57
JoshooaJordan_U: I've changed desktop colors, but it's been doing this off and on since I installed Ubuntu11:57
robert___k how do i get aiglx now?11:57
felichafter hybernation of the laptop NetworkManager loses all wireless connectiona, and I'm forced to reboot whole system, please advise other solution11:57
Jordan_Ufelich, Not a real solution, but a workaround that at least beats rebooting "sudo invoke-rc.d dbus restart" should do it11:58
kitofhawaiiJoshooa: some people have gotten better luck disabling ipv6 in firefox (not me personally at least) -> navigate to "about:config" -> filter "ipv6" -> set disableipv6 to "True"11:58
kitofhawaiirobert___: log out and log back in11:59
Joshooakitofhawaii: Did that already11:59
robert___k brb11:59
JoshooaCould it be because I'm running python stuff for Avant Window Navigator?11:59
abhihi i am trying to ssh to a box (called linuxhost) on my network from my gutsybox but i am not able to connect there. however i am able to connect to other machines on my network and through those other machines i can ssh to linuxhost. what do u guys think is the problem?11:59
Jordan_UJoshooa, Not unless it uses insane amounts of RAM12:00
ikoniaabhi: no dns entry ?12:00
JoshooaJordan_U: K I didn't think so, it shows total ram usage at 13.5%12:00
JoshooaJordan_U: And a few spikes in my CPU usage but overall low12:00
embosshey is there a quick way to see what driver a device is using? e.g. a wireless card?12:00
robert___kitofhawaii k now what?12:00
kitofhawaiirobert___: try enabling desktop effects?12:01
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:01
Jordan_Uemboss, removable like pcmcia / USB?12:01
abhiikonia: it is in my hosts list. i even tried pinging it using it's IP address. i am able to ping all other boxes except this one (linuxhost) but from the other boxes i am able to ping linuxhost.12:01
embossJordan_U: it's a mini pci card12:01
ikoniaabhi: firewall, wrong network ?12:01
kitofhawaiirobert___: also "glxinfo | grep direct" the opengl renderer string should list Mesa GLX Indirect12:02
abhiikonia: none of those problems. i was able to ssh to linuxhost yesterday from this box. but for some reason i'm not able to do so today12:02
ikoniaabhi: can the other boxes ping it now12:02
abhiikonia: yes other boxes are able to ping to it12:03
hmmhello all i have problem with proprietary drivers (ati)12:03
Jordan_Uemboss, If so you can run "lsmod > modules1.txt" insert the card then run "lsmod > modules2.txt" then "diff modules1.txt modules2.txt"12:03
ikoniaabhi: at this exact moment12:03
robert___Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".12:03
robert___direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose12:03
abhiikonia: yes12:03
xyxvvcan someone please help me with this? I have a weird issue in which I am unable to download any updates, it says I canno upgrade from etch to gutsy, but this is Edubuntu 7.10 I installed, not debian etch12:03
ikoniaabhi: has to be something on your network from current host to linux host, or linuxhost is blocking you12:04
xyxvvIm a n00b so go slow...12:04
Jordan_Uxyxvv, Are you the one who setup / maintains this box?12:04
embossJordan_U: lsmod was enough, got it ta :)12:04
Jordan_Uemboss, np :)12:04
abhiikonia: no linuxhost isn't blocking me12:04
kitofhawaiirobert___: uninstall xserver-xgl...system -> administration -> synaptic package manager -> search for xserver-xgl -> left click and mark for removal -> apply12:04
hmmI installed Proprietary drivers and reboot my computer. Drivers is installed, but after 2-5 minutes i have black screen (Ati Radeon X800 GT). Help please12:06
robert___same message on glxinfo12:06
xyxvvyes, I had built the box 2 weeks ago to give to a friend, I was supposed to give it to her today after dling every edu app she could need for her kids as she doesn't have the internet, but when I powered it up for the 1st time in 21 weeks this is what I got12:07
kitofhawaiirobert___: you have to log out log back in12:07
hmmno i can't12:07
xyxvv2* not 21 lol12:08
ikoniaabhi: sorry I missed you rlast messsage12:08
kitofhawaiihmm: black screen as in monitor off?12:08
kitofhawaiihmm: you're able to log in though..?12:09
hmmjust black screen and i can not do anything only turn off and turn on computer12:09
kitofhawaiirobert___: what's glxinfo | grep direct say now?12:10
kitofhawaiihmm: do you get the login screen at all?12:10
robert___kitofhawaii now it only has the direct rendering:no part again12:10
dgjonesxyxvv, Just as a check, are you certain iit said "etch" or "Edgy"?12:10
hmmi don't have fglrx now but  direct rendering: yes12:10
WinterWeaverHow can I forcefully drop a connected IP from my box? I was downloading a torrent earlier, now that it's finished, I removed the Ports again (firestarter), but this one IP is still connected to my box via the previously allowed port12:10
abhi_ikonia: linuxhost isn't blocking me12:11
ikoniaabhi_: how do you know ?12:11
kitofhawaiihmm: those messages are for robert...i don't want you to do the next thing i tell robert to do...:)12:11
abhi_ikonia: i grepped to check my ip12:11
ikoniaabhi_: if you can ping every host on your network aceept that one, then either you on the wrong network for that host, or something is blocking you12:11
ikoniaabhi_: where did you grep your up12:11
Gnimshis anyone here a network admin?  I'm not sure how to find one but I need to get my passwords emailed to me from a year ago or so when I registered here and started using ubuntu12:11
eroticongood morning12:12
eroticonis there any tool that will let me configure my network card from the console, through dialogs?12:12
abhi_ikonia: how would i know if linux host is blocking me?12:12
kitofhawaiirobert___: "gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf" -> remove the section down at the bottom that we added (the section Extensions) -> log out and log back in12:12
dgjonesxyxvv, if it was Edgy, you can't upgrade directly to Gutsy, you need to upgrade from Edgy to Fiesty, and then from Fiesty to Gutsy, its not recommended to skip versions when upgrading and the system doesn't allow that  under normal circumstances12:12
abhi_ikonia: problem fixed12:12
dublpawsGnimsh: passwords expire after 3 months I think.12:12
abhi_ikonia: i rebooted my ROUTER :D12:13
GnimshI know I registered here but I've every password combination I've used in the last 2 yaers12:13
xyxvvtf? I just tried again and it didn't error out12:13
JonathanDGnimsh: join #freenode12:13
abhi_ikonia: i just did a grep -R 192.168.0.* /*12:14
=== gladier_ is now known as gladier
kitofhawaiirobert___: try enabling extras in appearance now12:14
Gartralhi, how do i rotate screen? i have a Eizo Flex screen, i can rotate the monitor, but option for it is greyed (disabled) in the resolution screen... how do i fix that?12:15
ikoniaabhi_: thats no way to check any form of access control12:15
ikoniaabhi_: anyway you said it is fixed now.12:15
abhi_ikonia: but i would like to know neverthless. how do i block access?12:15
ikoniaabhi_: use a firewall or tcp_wrappers12:16
* Gartral waits12:16
abhi_ikonia: i don't have any of that. is there any other way by which openssh-server can block some IPs?12:16
JoshooaWhat would make some windows and things stop appearing above the desktop?12:16
ikoniaabhi_: not really12:17
kitofhawaiirobert___: yeesh...as far as i'm concerned everything is set right.  you can try changing to the i810 driver...12:17
abhi_ikonia: ok i don't run any firewalls in my home n/w but i think i will try making one with Ubuntu12:18
kitofhawaiirobert___: system -> administration -> screens and graphics -> click on driver -> select i81012:18
robert___is there a more specialized room i canjoin?12:18
ikoniaabhi_: ok12:18
kitofhawaiirobert___: well i can confirm i have three intel graphics chipset computers here running compiz...:)12:18
Gartralhi, how do i rotate screen? i have a Eizo Flexscan L675 lcd panel, i can rotate the monitor, but option for it is greyed (disabled) in the resolution screen... how do i fix that?12:19
robert___howbout that aiglx thing12:19
kitofhawaiirobert___: two are using the i810 driver...and i dunno, most people use nvidia or ati...you can try the #compiz-fusion room, but when it comes to driver problems particularly with intel they send you here12:19
ikoniaI am good12:19
speevesabhi_: man sshd_config12:19
robert___im just looking for a more polished look12:19
kitofhawaiirobert___: if you have intel, you use either the experimental intel or the i81012:20
abhi_speeves: ok i'll see that :)12:20
kitofhawaiirobert___: aiglx is for ati...do you have an ati card?12:20
WinterWeaverHow can I forcefully drop a connected IP from my box? I was downloading a torrent earlier, now that it's finished, I removed the Ports again (firestarter), but this one IP is still connected to my box via the previously allowed port12:20
kitofhawaiirobert___: oops sorry...12:20
kitofhawaiirobert___: fglrx is for ati...it must be late12:20
kitofhawaiirobert___: when you uninstalled xserver-xgl, aiglx is what's left.12:20
Gartral i have a Eizo Flexscan L675 lcd panel, i can rotate the monitor, but option for it is greyed (disabled) in the resolution screen... how do i fix that?12:22
robert___i changed drivers relog again?12:22
kitofhawaiirobert___: yes. :)12:22
robert___k brb12:22
ricanelitehow do I remove Kubuntu?12:24
kitofhawaiirobert___: please tell me some good news :)12:24
babowhen I print using the pdf virtual printer - it comes out all weird. Instead of printing the page properly - it prints the page header on page1, then the text on page 2... help12:24
Gartral i have a Eizo Flexscan L675 lcd panel, i can rotate the monitor, but option for it is greyed (disabled) in the resolution screen... how do i fix that?12:24
ikoniaricanelite: clean install to remove the operating system, apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop to remove kde12:24
incorrectapt-get --autoremove kubuntu-desktop iirc12:25
robert___i saved a bunch of money by switching to gieco12:25
robert___other than that none12:25
robert___jk sry its 430 am12:25
robert___still no change12:25
incorrect--purpge too12:25
ricanelitethe reason being is because since I installed Kubuntu I just feel that my machine has been running very slow and crashing a lot for some reason12:25
Gartralohh gawd12:25
ikoniaricanelite: clean install #ubuntu then12:26
ikoniaricanelite: clean install ubuntu sorry12:26
robert___im going to sleep now ttyl if i see you after its fixed ill tell you how kitofhawii12:26
Gartralmurr... no one has the fix for my prob?12:26
ricanelitehave there been treports of people installing Kubuntu and it has made there machines slow?12:26
ikoniaricanelite: no12:26
kitofhawaiirobert___: is ok...:) i'm not sure what the issue is...but i have tested both the i810 driver and the experimental with and without xgl and they've worked...good luck12:27
ricanelitebecause I have a decent machine Pentium Dual Core 2.0GHZ, 2gig ram12:27
incorrectricanelite, do you want gnome or xubuntu ?12:27
ricanelitewell i have ubuntu 7.10 cd12:28
ricanelitewhat is the difference?12:28
ricanelitelike my icon right next to Application has the Ubuntu Logo12:28
incorrectwell i was worried if you purged kde then you could end up with a bash shell12:28
Gartralwill some one out there acknoledge me?12:28
ricanelitewhat you mean?12:28
JonathanDGartral: you exist.12:29
ricanelitevery new to Ubuntu Linux12:29
speevesabhi_: man hosts.deny12:29
ricaneliteand also being that I'm here I have a Ipod nano 1gig and I was wondering why when I connect my Ipod and boot into Ubuntu I could upload mp3's in there just fine using Songbird, banshee, Music Player but now if i try to remove a Mp3 for some reason it is still there12:32
ricaneliteLike it does not fully remove it12:32
ricanelitebut the application shows that it has been removed12:32
ricaneliteum what happen?12:32
=== Twinkletoes_ is now known as Twinkletoes
siavashwhat is going on?12:34
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:34
Gartralwhat the hell, that nearly crashed my comp12:34
kbrooksEveryone: a netsplit occured. Please be patient!12:34
hannes_hi, dan someone help me with mounting issues? I have a 120 GB Partition which is mounted at /data. when i am in this partition, i can only use 22,9 GB. This is the amount, thats free on my root Partition. what didi i do wrong?12:35
Rowanjeeze ahahah12:35
kbrooks!netsplit siavash12:35
Rowanthis is awesoem12:35
bazziebcan someone help with format a usb attached HDD please???12:35
mozarthi, is anyone here using PIDGIN for IRC chat here, i wanna know how to keep history logging for my hotmail msn chats inside pidgin, but not for IRC here at the same time, does anyone know how12:35
ice_ compiz-fusion12:36
siavashhmm can someone give me a link that explains compiling howto in ubuntu ? i am new in linux and want to compile a program in readme it says some things about configure and.. but i dunno any thing thx.12:36
bazziebcan someone help with format a usb attached HDD please???12:37
incorrectfdisk -l12:37
incorrectmkfs.something /dev/ifound my device12:38
Gartralis the split/burst over?12:38
kbrooksGartral, seems so12:38
ktosiafile ./skype12:38
ktosia./skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux12:38
lundndhow do i send a instance variable from a functional test method to the action i am testing ?12:38
ktosia ./skype12:38
ktosiabash: ./skype: No such file or directory12:38
ktosiawtf is that12:38
Gartralenabling creen rotation?12:38
rodietzehow come Ubuntu fails to install on my laptop, it can't find some bmc43xxx ....12:39
crush_groovesiavash . are you installing a new kernel /. or just a fresh install of ubuntu?12:39
Rowanrodietze thats a Broadcom wireless card12:39
Rowanthey're picky12:39
rodietzeRowan: oh really?12:39
Rowanyeah, i think theres an article on that at ubuntuguide.org12:39
Rowanfor broadcom wireless installation12:39
rodietzethank you !12:39
siavashhmm can someone give me a link that explains compiling howto in ubuntu ? i am new in linux and want to compile a program in readme it says some things about configure and.. but i dunno any thing thx.12:39
Rowani must be going to bed now though. have a good night12:39
dgjones!compiling > siavash12:40
rodietzebut there is a lot of bcm failures... even my nvidia12:40
rodietzeRowan:  ok thanks dude! see ya12:40
siavashthx dgjones12:40
dgjonessiavash, your welcome12:40
chatfhi. How can i search my language channel ?12:41
Gartralok now, how do enable rotation of screen?12:41
crush_groove gartral /join #compiz-fusion12:43
chatfHow can i join to  my native language channel ?12:43
=== haka2 is now known as Ce
[chr0n0s]can anyone help me with networking in ubuntu12:44
helpmei updated to gutsy on my ps3 and now on boot it just beeps and shuts down...anyone know what I might have done wrong? The update went through successfully12:44
OIMHELPME: boot with cd again12:45
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[chr0n0s]i have two network connections, one ethernet and one wireless, and i want both to be connected simultaneously, as of now it switches when ehternet goes down wirelss kicks up12:45
helpmei will try booting with the 7.0.4 cd12:45
kitofhawaiigartral: have you checked this out? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=587686&page=2 there's a section about adding information into your xorg.conf for rotating screen12:46
wiicontrollerhow much space doesn ubuntu take?12:46
babopdftk won't open a pdf document that's been saved by the CUPS/PDF driver from the browser12:46
Gartralhey, ty12:47
OIM10 GB min12:47
h4L1mhi, i have a amd turion64 cpu, it runs sometimes with 800mhz and sometimes with 1,8 ghz, how can i make it to run only with 1,8 ghz?12:47
crush_groovekitofhawaii, : I have him in compiz-fusion12:47
Gartral2gigs + swap file12:47
OIMit allows you12:47
wiicontrollerit takes 2 gig plus swap file?12:47
helpmeOIM: booting now12:47
helpmeOIM: what do I run after boot?12:48
OIMhelpme: do you have win?12:48
helpmeOIM: yes12:49
wiicontrollerGartral: Ubuntu takes 2 gigs plus swap file?12:49
wiicontrollerhow big is the defaul swap file?12:49
OIMdo you see grub12:49
h4L1mhi, i have a amd turion64 cpu, it runs sometimes with 800mhz and sometimes with 1,8 ghz, how can i make it to run only with 1,8 ghz, i took a look in my bios but there are no options to change it12:49
OIMwhen try to open12:49
helpmeOIM: ps3 uses kboot, i see the initial screen12:49
helpmeOIM: i dont have ubuntu on my desktop pc12:50
h4L1mcan someone help me?12:50
kitofhawaiih4L1m: it run lower speed on battery power?12:50
wiicontrollerHow much space does ubuntu take?12:50
Gartral2 gigs plus a (ussually) 1 gig swap\12:51
wiicontrollerthe default swap is 1 gig, you sure?12:51
helpmeOIM: i booted my dead gutsy with the fawn live cd...what should I run to fix gutsy?12:51
incorrectis there an easy way to get the uuid of a device?12:51
h4L1mit is pluged in too and it runs with 800 mhz12:51
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:51
imagitronicsanyone have any experience running httptunnel?12:52
OIMhelpme: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31604712:52
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h4L1mkitofhawaii: it is pluged in too and it runs with 800 mhz12:54
mzuverinkIs anyone else having problems with xmms scrobbling to last.fm, mine wont even tough its enabled and set with the correct user name and pass12:54
xyxvvhell, it updated some stuff but it came back to saying it wants to update from Debian Etch to Ubuntu Gutsy http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4718/screenshot1mu2.png12:55
helpmeOIM: i can install ubuntu 7.0.4 easily, im not gonna install FC first...12:56
helpmeOIM: I run the updater in 7.0.4 and when it completes upgrading to 7.10 it won't boot12:57
sleptI got problems with acpi , but I am not sure with which part of it - my notebook shutsdown with the message trip point exceeded , any idea ?12:57
dgjonesxyxvv, do you have any Debian Etch repositories enabled as extra repo's?12:58
helpmeanyone else here have a ps3?12:58
OIMhelpme: is there any emtpy space12:58
helpmeOIM: over 5 GB12:58
dissonansI have some problems with this X installation that seem connected to colour depth12:59
helpmeOIM: the 7.10 update was only 600mb12:59
dissonansthe bitdepth should be 24, but xdpyinfo reports 8 bits12:59
dissonansany idea how to correct this? most applications look fine, but some Qt graphics look terrible12:59
OIMtray  to re install12:59
helpmeOIM: it takes 24 hours to reinstall since downloading takes forever13:00
zeroflaghow can I get the liveCD to find my LVM raid?13:00
zeroflagI have lvm2 installed but no scanning finds my disks...13:00
helpmeany news on when the Gutsy PS3 disc will be available?13:00
zeroflagalternate found it off the bat no problem...13:00
helpmei need to find a more mature distro for the ps3...this is the 3rd way ive killed ubuntu in 2 days13:01
alteregoI'm playing around with compiz at the moment. How do I enable that cube effect for virtual desktops?13:02
rgnrhow do i manage ievitw in linux?13:02
shearn89alterego: check the settings - hit alt-f2 and type ccsm13:02
shearn89alterego: if it doesn't show up, you probs need to install it.13:02
alteregoYeah, I don't think it's installed.13:03
dgjones!ccsm | alterego13:03
ubotualterego: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:03
alteregoNice. Thanks.13:03
shearn89alterego: there ya go! use synaptic, or apt-get.13:03
xyxvvdgjones, should it look like this? http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/1250/screenshot2xl4.png13:03
shearn89anyone know how to hide join/part messages in irssi?13:03
crush_grooveevery1 in here use gnome dt?13:03
shearn89crush_groove: no - i'm on openbox.13:04
alteregoGnome is great ..13:04
shearn89rgnr: ?13:04
xyxvvand the 2nd one http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/8428/screenshot3jo4.png13:04
rgnrshearn89:  ho do i manage ieview firefox plugin to work with linux?13:04
zeroflaghow can I get the liveCD to find my LVM raid?13:04
hadiaziamhi..why i cannot open my tomcat using http://localhost:8080. I already install using apt-get. I install tomcat5.5.That engine also running. But when i use netstat -a | grep 8080, it not show listening port..How to fix it?13:04
speevesdebian may push it to a different port hadiaziam13:05
speevescheck the server.xml13:05
shearn89rgnr: ah. i've got no idea. I'd suggest trying to find the .ko file for the plugin somewhere in your comp, and copying it into the firefox directory...13:05
hadiaziami using feisty13:05
helpmeOIM: are there any kboot parameters I can try to achieve a type of "safe mode"?13:06
dgjonesxyxvv, that doesn't look right, I'm not on ubuntu at the minute so I can't check mine, but http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/update-ubuntu-repository-list-using-software-sources-gui-tool/ shows something completely different13:06
rgnrshearn89:  .ko file?13:06
shearn89rgnr: its the extension for mozilla plugins on linux.13:06
rgnrshearn89:  i got the plugin installed, but i nrrd to install ie itself13:06
alteregoWow, there's some neat stuff in there. Thanks shearn89 :D13:07
rgnrshearn89: how do i do it?13:07
shearn89rgnr: ah okak.. I'd look for an ieview tutorial...13:07
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:07
speeveshadiaziam:  feisty is probably using the default debian package for tomcat13:07
crush_groovegrep is a way to 'grab something .. to look for it ?13:07
shearn89alterego: np... Its a cool site - good for icons/themes/etc.13:07
speeveshadiaziam: so the configurations should be the same13:07
ice_so irrotating13:08
xyxvvwell it is edubuntu, not ubuntu...13:08
hadiaziamspeeves: how to change the port?13:08
dgjones!version | xyxvv, what does running the version command show, I'm not sure how to fix your problem, but maybe the extra information will help somebody else give you some advice13:08
ubotuxyxvv, what does running the version command show, I'm not sure how to fix your problem, but maybe the extra information will help somebody else give you some advice: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell13:08
shearn89anyone know how to hide the join/part messages in irssi?13:08
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xyxvvsandy@sandy-desktop:~$ lsb_release -a13:10
xyxvvNo LSB modules are available.13:10
xyxvvDistributor ID: Debian13:10
xyxvvDescription:    DebianEdu/Skolelinux (terra)13:10
xyxvvRelease:        3.213:10
xyxvvCodename:       etch13:10
zobbanhi is there any program in ubuntu to split movies13:10
hadiaziamspeeves: I'll try to fix it myself13:11
xyxvvI did install the debian edu and debian jr packages from synaptic13:11
dgjonesxyxvv, the only other thing i can suggest would be joining #edubuntu and asking there, there might not be many people in there, but if there is they may more expertese with it13:11
mavi-zobban: haha13:11
speeveshadiaziam: you will have to google it13:11
speevesgood luck13:11
zobbanwhat is haha13:11
mavi-zobban: google "how to split movies in linux" and you will get atleast 5 programs to do it13:11
speeves(i don't have tomcat installed on my box right now :) )13:12
mavi-in the first 10 hits13:12
zobbanyes but is there anything on sudo apt-get install13:12
kane77how can I get dimensions of a window?13:12
rgnrshearn89: heh there's no mentioninig 'bout explorer itself13:13
kbrookshow do i see if a hard drive is dying?13:13
zobbanhi is there any program in ubuntu to split movies13:13
moduit seems, if  I visit a page with flash on it, like youtube for exampel, about 50% of the time I try to close the tab in firefox, it ends up freezing, anyone else experiencing that?13:13
kbrookszobban, did we not help, or would you like a link13:13
zobbanyes i like a link for ubuntu split movies13:14
jeronimkbrooks, tail -f /var/log/syslog13:14
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dgjonesxyxvv, which version of edubuntu did you originally install?13:14
jeronimsometimes you get messages like driveready seek fail or so, i can't remember exactly13:14
zobbanis there any program on ubuntu for movies split13:15
jeronimkbrooks, example: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=183430&highlight=dying+driveready13:16
* N3bunel saluta13:17
ais523I'm writing this from a new Dell Laptop with preinstalled Ubuntu. I'm very pleased with it, and it's been very helpful already, but the touchpad usually doesn't work13:17
zobbanis there any program on ubuntu for movies split13:17
ais523to be precise, it doesn't move the cursor when I move it. It did once for a few minutes a while ago, but doesn't any more13:18
Marco81Anyone have a acer 5315 notebook? I have problems with random shutdowns.. even in windows vista, anyone familiar with same problem?13:18
mavi-yeah, it was heat-problems13:18
mavi-with my acer13:18
mavi-is it hot?13:18
ais523and that was just after I installed the updates that had accumulated13:19
Marco81mavi-: do you have an 5315 ?   yes its hot.. but is it hardware related or what13:19
kane77zobban, avidemux or gopchop13:19
Marco81mavi-: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60415813:20
mavi-Marco81: yes the laptop has a switch that offs the power if it gets to hot13:20
zobbanis ther any tutorial how to split movies on ubuntu kane7713:21
JDogHermancan someone help me out with an install problem?13:21
Marco81mavi-: obviously yeah.. but should I return the laptop, is there anything wrong with itç13:21
mavi-probaby dirt in the fans13:21
mavi-if it started recently13:21
mavi-check that the CPU speedstep works, check that the fans are running13:21
Marco81mavi-: what?  its brand new13:21
mavi-Marco81: check the cpustep with the cpu-frequency monitor that are addable to your panel13:22
hnoHmm.. is it possible to install Ubuntu x86_64 while running i686? Accidently installed the wrong version before the server was shipped to the datacenter. Have free partitions prepared for having multiple OS instances, so the question is just if using debootstrap or similar works cross-architecture.13:22
mavi-Marco81: then listen to the fans if they are running13:22
nomenterozobban: use a video editor you can split movies easy13:22
zobbanso no need for avidemux13:23
zobbani just installed that13:23
dvhow do i flush the cups printing queue?13:23
wolfmancould somebody help me in installing ATI Sapphire HD 2600 graphic card drivers ?13:23
wolfmanwhat should i do ?13:24
judedoes anyone know where are the mplayer codecs kept??13:24
merpsis there a problem with flash at the moment?13:24
schello i need help on wicd auto boot connection please13:24
shearn89sc: fire away13:25
[chr0n0s]i have two network connections, one ethernet and one wireless, and i want both to be connected simultaneously, as of now it switches when ehternet goes down wirelss kicks up13:25
zobbaniam on ubuntu i have a movie 1.4gb i want to splitt it to 2cd 700mb which is the best way to do it13:25
jeronimmerps, search on ubuntuforums.org, there's a good document on it13:25
schello i need help on wicd auto boot connection please13:25
shearn89sc: whats the question.13:25
judezobban, use DeVeDe encoder13:25
judeit'll split it13:26
Marco81Which live cd is the absolut latest? this one? = http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   ?13:26
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:26
[chr0n0s]can anyone help me with this, i have two network connections, one ethernet and one wireless, and i want both to be connected simultaneously, as of now it switches when ehternet goes down wirelss kicks up13:26
crush_groove so I ran the "tail -f /var/log/syslog" command just to see what it got me .. and I have like a TON of ips hitting my machine .. with nothing running .. any idea ?13:26
sci use wicd and i always have to manually connect to internet13:26
wolfmanubotu : could you tell me how can i install ati drivers ?13:26
wiicontrollerI type ifconfig and I can't see my wireless13:27
wiicontrollerhow do I make it appear?13:27
shearn89sc: can you not just check the box saying "automatically connect"13:27
mavi-wolfman: alt-f2, type gksudo restricted-manager13:27
Marco81Which live cd is the absolut latest? this one? = http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   ?13:28
scwicd interface doesnt have that option13:29
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: you have two nics, do they both connect to the same router?13:29
shearn89sc: i think it does. Are you using wireless?13:29
[chr0n0s]kitofhawaii, yes, same connection13:29
scnot now13:30
sci use now wired13:30
Voyage_my firewall "firestarter" sys tray icon auto disappears, and i have to run it manually again every time. why.. ? how can i stop it?13:30
merpshas anyone installed flash recently and has it working?13:30
shearn89sc: but do you normally use wireless?13:30
wiicontrollerHow do I turn on wireless in ubuntu13:30
sci added autostart in sessions13:31
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:31
Marco81mavi-: obviously yeah.. but should I return the laptop, is there anything wrong with itç13:31
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: why would you want both on at the same time then? that's normal behavior, to only use one nic at the same time on the same lan13:31
shearn89sc: did you add the tray icon in sessions?13:31
scactually i just started using wicd13:31
scapprox 30 mins13:31
cupcakeis there an ubuntu beginners channel I can join?13:31
mavi-Marco81: did you check the stuff?13:31
shearn89sc: did you add the tray icon in sessions?13:32
Marco81mavi-: doesnt matter.. it shuts off randomly13:32
shearn89sc: i think its system -> preferences -> sessions, then add "/usr/lib/wicd/tray.py"13:32
[chr0n0s]kitofhawaii, i normally use wired which comes from a 8 port switch, but when there is a power cut, it goes down, and my connection switches to wireless, but i want wireless to be connected already, so that my download continue13:33
mavi-Marco81: yes it matters13:33
cupcakecan you let me know if my messages are sending out?13:33
[chr0n0s]the switching takes time13:33
bazhangcupcake: perhaps #ubuntuforums13:33
mavi-Marco81: if cpustep isnt running then your laptop will overheat and shutoff13:33
tapioI need to disable the gnome-panel. How can I do that ?13:33
cupcakeoh, ok. thanks13:33
mavi-Marco81: if the fans arent running the same will happen13:33
mavi-Marco81: so check those first13:33
sci added n ill try by restarting ubuntu13:34
jeronimmerps, i presume you got the md5sum problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=636397&highlight=flash+md513:34
yonilevyi'm looking for a tool that allows extracting data out of a faulty cd/dvd (i can't mount [it get stuck], although in windows i -can- view the contents of the dvd [i can't fully read them though])13:34
rgnrc'mon ppl13:34
shearn89sc: you just have to restart x. hit ctrl-alt-backspace13:34
rgnrhow do i install the damn ie in linux13:34
scthanks shearn13:34
Voyage_my firewall "firestarter" sys tray icon auto disappears, and i have to run it manually again every time. why.. ? how can i stop it?13:35
Ximalhow do u find out if u have a sata / scussi type harddrive ? I noticed mine isn't idea.... so i wasn't sure13:35
jeronimrgnr, google ies4linux13:35
shearn89yonilevy: you could try (in windows) creating an iso, and then mounting that?13:36
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: ...you'll have to take the interfaces out network manager's control13:36
jeronimor even google: install ie in linux13:36
bazhangVoyage_: no need to do so; not like norton or pc-cillin--just a front end for iptables13:36
yonilevyshearn89, the disc is faulty [parts of it are not readable], i don't know any windows application that could generate a "partial" iso...13:36
jeronimit's not too hard13:36
rgnrjeronim:  well i need only the files cuz i'm using ieciew plugin for firefox13:36
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: disable roaming mode on the wired connection and try it that way...13:36
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: but i have a feeling your download might still go down anyway since the way routing works, you are still changing IP address13:37
ubotuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2113:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about trojan - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about perl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:37
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:38
Voyage_bazhang how will i know for any intrussion has done... any even if i dont need to see the icon. why ... does it auto disappears..?13:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uninstall - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:38
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: also, your connections will randomly use one or the other nic, which unless you set a metric on the nic and routes (a big pain with dhcp) to prefer the wired connection, means you won't know for sure unles you check which nic it's actually using13:38
dgjones!botabuse | wiicontroller13:38
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo13:38
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:38
ubotuwiicontroller: please see above13:38
kitofhawaii[chr0n0s]: but good luck with it...:) lemme know how it works if you go and disable roaming mode13:39
willwork4foohi... are there any ubuntu printing gurus about?13:39
Jack_Sparrowwillwork4foo: just ask your question...13:40
kitofhawaiiwillwork: one person's guru is another person's lackey :)13:41
ubuntu710hi people! I wanna install on something else than ext3, like ReiserFS or JFS, will that work on Ubuntu 7.10? Last time i tried with 7.04, grub did not like to boot from JFS. So effectively the filesystem was not supported.13:41
Jack_Sparrowmorning kitofhawaii13:41
willwork4fooI've got a Hewlett Packard Laserjet 1020. I plugged it in, powered it on, and Ubuntu spotted it correctly and installed it. As far as the system is concerned, the printer is working fine. All except for the tiny detail that when I tell it to print something (anything, even a test page from the printer config window) it sits there doing absolutely nothing. I get no error messages.13:41
kitofhawaiimorning Jack_Sparrow :)13:41
jeronimubuntu710, you can boot from reiserfs, or from xfs if you use lilo instaed of grub13:41
Voyage_bazhang how will i know for any intrussion has done... any even if i dont need to see the icon. why ... does it auto disappears..?13:42
xyxvvwhats a decent app to have read access from ext2/3 volumes from XP? I don't need write13:42
ubuntu710jeronim: so reiserfs (or any other fancy filesystem) will not work with GRUB, right? so how do i tell the installer to use lilo instead?13:42
spideymanwhen i install dosbox deb in gutsy where does dosbox save its config file?13:42
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/net/snort Voyage_13:42
ubuntu710is there any guide to install ubuntu on JFS or ReiserFS? i havent found it using google :(13:42
Voyage_bazhang snort is command based. i have it. is there a gui for that?13:43
jeronimubuntu710, reiser always works for me with grub.  i tried xfs recently and the installer recommended lilo, it was a simple menu choice13:43
Voyage_bazhang and  i want to see the icon changed to red when intrusion occurs. and i can see the blocked ip port in "events"13:43
bazhang!info snort | Voyage_13:43
ubotuvoyage_: snort: Flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7.0-6 (gutsy), package size 455 kB, installed size 1060 kB13:43
Jack_Sparrowjeronim: ext2ifs13:43
ubuntu710jeronim: hmmm.. then i should just try reiserfs with GRUB then.. :)13:44
bazhangVoyage_: no idea about a gui--never use it meself13:44
ubuntu710instead of making one big filesystem, i like to make a root filesystem, one for /usr and one for /home. how big does the root filesystem need to be, 1GB enough?13:44
jeronimthere used to be problems with reiser+grub but that was more than a year ago fixed13:44
willwork4fooAnyone at all with my printing issue? I've found an error message in dmesg that occurs when I try to print: "[96241.662862] audit(1197639866.283:9):  type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" name="/dev/tty" pid=16677 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd""13:45
bazhangVoyage_: if you want to see a ton of intrusions, then Linux is not the place13:45
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html13:45
willwork4foowhat's that all about?13:45
Jack_Sparrowjeronim: sorry that wasnt for you..obviously13:45
rgnrjeronim: what should i edit sources for gutsy ?13:45
rgnrjeronim: for ies4linux13:46
jeronimrgnr, dunno, never done it myself13:46
kitofhawaiiwillwork4: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/13:46
Jack_Sparrowwillwork4foo: my HP1100  has worked with no intervention from me...13:46
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bulmerwillwork4foo-> check the cups log file, not all users are automatically allowed to print I think..you have to add the user in to cups13:46
willwork4fooJack_Sparrow: that's possibly the most helpful and useful comment I've read for a long time...13:46
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willwork4foobulmer: aha interesting. I tried to print as root (using the "lp" command on the console) and it still refused to print.13:47
eroticonHello folks,13:47
Jack_Sparrowwillwork4foo: Still waking up...   but at least wanted you to know that model seems fine..13:47
kitofhawaiiwillwork4foo: they recommend not using the driver that comes with ubuntu13:47
willwork4fooJack_Sparrow: I don't have an HP1100... I have a HP1020...13:47
bulmerwillwork4foo-> cups has its own authentication system, man lppasswd13:47
joachi1hi. got problem with kill command. this works on the terminal: sudo kill -s SIGUSR1 18862 -- but from an sh script, I get an error:  invalid signal number or name: sigusr113:47
willwork4fookitofhawaii: who are "they"?13:47
Jack_Sparrowwillwork4foo: and many of those hp lasers use the same driver..eh13:48
[chr0n0s]kitofhawaii, thanks, i'll try that13:48
willwork4fooJack_Sparrow: aha thanks13:48
kitofhawaiiwillwork4foo: http://foo2zjs.rkkda.com/13:48
m1r!ntfs > m1r13:48
=== andrei is now known as ewrte
willwork4fookitofhawaii: aha - I see it in big red letters on that page!!!13:49
willwork4foook - thanks - I'll follow that guide, kitofhawaii13:49
willwork4fooI gotta go do some work now .... bye for a bit...13:49
xyxvvAnyone have an nvidia riva tnt2m64 card? when I installed the drivers via the restricted drivers installer it capped my screen res to 800x600@60Hz, monitor is an HP M50, all I need is my 1024x768 back...13:49
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:50
xyxvvbefore I installed the drivers I was at 1024x76813:50
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: you were probably running vesa mode 102413:50
eroticonwhats a good network config tool for ubuntu (console based on dialogs)13:51
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: Please see the topic for pastebin  and post your xorg.conf13:51
kitofhawaiieroticon: network config tool...as in interface configuration or network services?13:52
bulmereroticon-> can you use vim or emacs?13:52
judedoes anyone know where are the mplayer codecs kept??13:53
bazhangubuntu-restricted-extras jude13:53
rowan_Hi, can anyone tell me what kind of picure they can get from usrp_tv_rcv.py ? When I have run it the picture is very bad (no synchronization) and very noisy. Should that be expected?13:53
judeand where is the folder??13:53
kitofhawaiieroticon: "webmin" is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it uses a browser for configuration13:54
judebazhang, and where is the folder??13:54
bazhangjude: what folder?13:54
judethe manual folder13:54
bazhangjude: not sure what you are asking; the user manual, aka instruction manual? or something else13:55
crush_groove  is part of the trick to successfully getting a larger package selection to make yourself aware of alternate repositorys ? or is thier a main base that will load to your apt-get and thats it ..?13:55
m1rwhat i need to install to have ntfs support on 7.04 ? > will ntfs3g and ntfs-config be enough ?13:55
LunksCan anyone tell me a good jabber client other than Pidgin?13:55
LunksI'm kinda through with it.13:55
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: You will most likely need to add this to the monitor section    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48205/13:56
bazhangcrush_groove: depends on how pure you want your ubuntu--if you want to add proprietary codecs then you need to enable the partner repositories, and maybe the one at medibuntu.org as well13:56
Marco81Which live cd is the absolut latest? this one? = http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/   ?13:56
judebazhang, how??13:56
kitofhawaiim1r: it has ntfs read-only support by default (rw requires some special commands,) but ntfs-config allows you to switch between read only/read-write mode at will through a gui13:56
judei need to add some mplayer codecs13:57
judebazhang, i need to add some mplayer codecs13:57
bazhangjude: open up synaptic13:57
boris_i got a Samsung SGH-Z150 mobile phone and i want to connect it to my computer with USB13:57
boris_how do i do it ?13:57
bazhangis it open jude?13:57
kitofhawaiim1r: correction...7.04 yes you need ntfs3g....you should be fine with those two packages13:57
m1rkitofhawaii: ok , that is what i need, many tnx m813:57
m1rkitofhawaii: ok :)13:58
judebazhang, yeah13:58
nukturnalcan anybody help me with crossover 6 registration code ?13:58
Jack_Sparrownukturnal: bad bad bad  go away13:58
bazhangjude: now look for the menu item repositories13:58
rgnrany1 has ie4slinux?13:58
zobbanhi i installed avidemux to split movies when i put a movie into it it starts then it dissapears are there any other programs for splitin movies13:58
bazhangnukturnal: no piracy here please13:58
judebazhang, ok13:58
biabiaI installed ubuntu on this old pc when my newer one died. The new one is getting fixed and I am putting ubuntu on it instead of windows, but my 2wire modem only has one wired connection and neither pc has a wireless card. What are my options?13:59
bazhangdevede zobban13:59
wiicontrollerwhen I start ubuntu i ca't see anything13:59
judebazhang, opened it13:59
bazhangjude: enable the partner repositories (canonical)13:59
Jack_Sparrowbiabia: buy a cheap router13:59
kitofhawaiinukturnal: no piracy in this channel unless you're a pastafarian13:59
xyxvvCaptian Jack :) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48206/ I may have used the HP MX70 during the install of the machine... but I'm using the oloder M50 with this machine now13:59
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb13:59
judebazhang, ok13:59
biabiaJack_Sparrow:  can u suggest one, or a brand13:59
zobbandevede is not for that13:59
bazhangjude: now hit reload or fetch updates, forget the wording14:00
bazhangjude: should take a moment14:00
bazhangjude: now search for restricted14:00
judebazhang, ok14:01
kitofhawaiibiabia: dsl modem? you can get a dsl router to share the connection14:01
bazhangjude: found the package ubuntu-restricted-extras?14:01
judebazhang, yeah14:01
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb are there any programs in ubuntu14:01
bazhangjude: now click on it or enable it14:01
judebazhang, ok14:02
bazhangjude: then hit the button labeled apply updates or something like that14:02
biabiakitofhawaii: the 2wire modem doubles as wirless router but has only one wired connecton on it14:02
Jack_Sparrowxyxvv: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48207/   please make a backup and see the change to your monitor section14:02
judebazhang, thks a lot14:02
Jack_Sparrowbiabia: dlink is one brand I use14:02
biabiakitofhawaii:  and neither pc has a wireless card14:02
bazhangjude: one more step14:02
kitofhawaiibiabia: wireless router? get a small switch... it gives you an inside address and runs its own dhcp?14:02
biabiaJack_Sparrow: thanks14:02
R1CHARDhello, I have the next message, when I enter my keyfinger in the LaunchPad:14:02
R1CHARDInvalid public key14:03
bazhangjude: if you want to watch dvds that is14:03
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb are there any programs in ubuntu14:03
Jack_Sparrow!repeat | zobban14:03
ubotuzobban: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:03
judebawhat is it??14:03
judebazhang, what is it??14:03
kitofhawaiibiabia: like a small four port switch...you could technically do a firewall with nat if you have two nics on your ubuntu box...but i think that's overcomplicating thing if you already have a router14:04
boris_i got a Samsung SGH-Z150 mobile phone and i want to connect it to my computer with USB14:04
bazhangjude: if you want to watch dvds then go to www.medibuntu.org, and copy the instructions there into terminal for libdvdcss214:04
nyc-h0sti thought to delete a file i need only write permissions, its not letting me do i need x as well?14:04
judebazhang, thks a lot14:04
bazhangjude: let me know if you have any problems later :}14:04
judebazhang, ok14:04
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: you don't need x permission...otherwise we couldn't delete text files :)14:04
crush_groovesudo  apt-get update && install ?14:05
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: to delete requires full access.yes14:05
boris_i got a Samsung SGH-Z150 mobile phone and i want to connect it to my computer with USB14:05
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb are there any programs in ubuntu14:05
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: I may have misread that.. sorry14:05
nyc-h0stkitofhawaii and Jack_Sparrow with rw on the file it says no no14:05
nyc-h0sti cant believe what kind of question im asking but it wont let me do it :)14:05
nukturnalcan anybody help me with crossover 6 registration code ?14:05
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: what format is the partition where the file exists14:05
nyc-h0stlet me check14:06
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: also what's the full permission set?14:06
Jack_Sparrow!ops | nukturnal14:06
ubotunukturnal: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!14:06
boris_i got a Samsung SGH-Z150 mobile phone and i want to connect it to my computer with USB14:06
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb are there any programs in ubuntu14:06
elkbuntunukturnal, we dont support piracy practices here, sorry14:06
Myrtti!piracy | nukturnal14:06
ubotunukturnal: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o14:06
Jack_Sparrowelkbuntu: he has already been warned once14:06
bazhangboris_: for using it as a wireless hub?14:07
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: this was the second warning14:07
nyc-h0stits a file mysql wrote out14:07
bazhangtwice we warned him actually14:07
nyc-h0stits owned by mysql and group is mysql14:07
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: you can try gksudo nautilus14:07
boris_bazhang: i just want to connect it to my comp with USB, nothing wireless14:07
zobbani want to split a 1.4gb movie into 2discs 700mb are there any programs in ubuntu14:07
nyc-h0sti'm running as a different user14:07
void^zobban: repeat less and just run a quick search for video editing software, like avidemux.14:07
biabiakitofhawaii: i dont have the router yet, or a switch. I wouldnt mind making one of the pcs wireless via buying a card but in looking I havent seen any mention linux compatibility14:07
bazhangboris_: just to sync it?14:07
nyc-h0stbut the permissions for world are rw14:07
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: then that is where the problem lies14:07
boris_bazhang: yes14:07
elkbuntuJack_Sparrow, i can only work with what i see when i flip to this window14:07
zobbani installed avidemux it does not work14:07
bazhangboris_: just a moment, let me check14:08
nyc-h0stwhat world cant delete a file even if he has permissions to do so?14:08
PPredagreetings all, I want to have cpufreq always use powersave mode on my laptop on every startup if I ever shut it down, how can I make it stiky?14:08
kitofhawaiibiabia: yah...atheros chipset if you can get it. but if your dsl modem is operating as a wlan router it's also operating as a router for your wired connection14:08
Jack_SparrowMyrtti: There should be no second chances for that..14:08
_rubennyc-h0st: perhaps mysql still uses the file which would prevent you from deleting it14:08
void^zobban: works for me. perhaps you want to ask a more specific question.14:08
nyc-h0stit doesnt14:09
biabiakitofhawaii: atheros chipset in the wireless card (if i choose to go that route) ?14:09
kitofhawaiibiabia: yah, atheros has the best support in linux (madwifi014:09
zobbani start avidemux and i open file mymovie.wvm it starts loadin 44sec to whait then it closes down14:09
nyc-h0stmysql purposly makes the file rw by everyone14:09
wiicontrollerHow do I do wireless in ubuntu?14:10
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: I'm feeling Christmasy14:10
dgjones!wireless > wiicontroller14:10
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: just out of curiosity, sudo rm file does that work? if not, there might be a leftover lock14:10
Jack_Sparrownyc-h0st: I will bow out on this...  and finish my coffee...  didnt see that you were working with mysql earlier14:10
Marco81does ubuntu live cd have madwifi?14:10
dns_enI was hoping someone could help with an  open ssl problem14:11
kitofhawaiimarco81: it's not installed by default but it's available yes14:11
biabiaThanks Jack_Sparrow, kitofhawaii. bbl14:11
bazhangboris_: you want to use datapilot, or something similar14:11
kitofhawaiimarco81: sorry, misread. i don't know i've always gone with a wired connection on livecd14:11
void^zobban: your question is how to edit a wmv file then. i'm not sure if there is any software that can work directly with such files, i avoid them.14:11
Marco81kitofhawaii: can I use it with the live cd?14:11
merpshas anyone recently had problems getting flash to work?14:12
boris_bazhang: yes, sure14:12
nyc-h0stsudo works without a hitch14:12
boris_bazhang: i just want to put some files on it14:12
zobbanthe file is 1.4gb14:12
bazhangboris_: office files, or other14:12
nyc-h0stheres what i'm doing dumping a select result in a file14:12
Jack_Sparrowmerps: the latest flash update was broken...14:12
nyc-h0stusing it and then trying to delete it14:12
boris_bazhang: music14:12
nyc-h0stits just like any other file on the system14:12
merpsJack_Sparrow: thanks, i thought as much. Is it possible to get an old version?14:12
nyc-h0stand its permissions are set at rw-rw-rw-14:12
Jack_Sparrowmerps: one sec...  you can do it manually14:13
Asusuhi. I'd like to install the python source code. Is there a package for that or something?14:13
mavi-Asusu: apt-get source python14:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about slimserver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:13
Asusumavi: thanks14:13
mavi-Asusu: "source" instead of "install" will give you the soruce package14:13
Jack_Sparrowmerps: You need to grab the tar.gz from adobe and install the .so to your ~/.mozilla/plugins/   the file is fine the installer was hosed14:14
Asusumavi-: if I'd like to uninstall the source code? what's the command?14:14
DM|Anyone know anything about slimserver?14:14
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!14:15
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: that's erm...a bit odd. where is the file being stored?14:15
DM|!spam ^^barbi^^14:15
merpsJack_Sparrow: do I have to remove the current installation?14:15
MacTheMadhello... just finished downloading flashplayer... extracted files & opened terminal... how do I navigate in terminal to where I need to be to install?14:16
Jack_Sparrowmerps: from what I understand..no.. but I dont use flash anything..14:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spam ^^barbi^^ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:16
Jack_SparrowMacTheMad: cd     = change directory14:16
=== LjL is now known as LjL2
MacTheMadyes, ty but to what directory do I change?14:17
boris_bazhang: datapilot isnt free14:17
Jack_SparrowMacTheMad: are you following some tutorial?14:18
MacTheMadyes on the adobe website14:18
kitofhawaiimacthemad: did you not try the flash player from the repo's first? apparently the buggy behavior of the install's been fixed14:19
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii: thankfully.... I hope so..14:19
=== LjL2 is now known as LjL-Temp
MacTheMadno I've no idea what you're talking about... I just installed yesterday & I've no clue yet what I'm doing14:19
bazhangboris_: is that a symbian phone or wm5 or windows ce?14:20
Jack_Sparrow!flash | MacTheMad14:20
ubotuMacTheMad: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:20
dns_en  itried openssl s_client -connect localhost:44314:20
nyc-h0stwell i think i found out my prolem14:21
dns_enand I am getting CONNECTED(00000003)14:21
dns_en23716:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:567:14:21
kitofhawaiijack_sparrow: i heard they did, at least from one person in here in the past couple days. we've definitely seen a lot less adobe issues since then14:21
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: what was the issue?14:21
nyc-h0stit seems /tmp is a special case14:21
nyc-h0stfiles in there14:21
boris_bazhang: samsung SGH-Z150 - it's not symbian or windows14:21
nyc-h0stare watched by the os14:21
LjLMacTheMad, you should *always* install things from the repositories when they're available (and when they're not, you really should think twice and only attempt to install them if you *really* need them). installing stuff via other dodgy methods is a ticket to trouble.14:21
LjL!software > MacTheMad    (MacTheMad, see the private message from Ubotu)14:21
nyc-h0stand cannot be deleted by world14:21
nyc-h0stor so it seems14:21
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: yah...i was wondering if it was a root restricted folder14:21
Asusuhow can I find where the source files of a source package got installed?14:22
nyc-h0stwell its not root restricted i mean /tmp has rwx for everyone14:22
LjLAsusu: they got installed in the directory you ran the command in14:22
bazhangboris_: likely wm5 then14:22
dns_enso it appears its tring to use th wrong protocol any ideas where to look for help14:22
MacTheMadyes, ty I'm checking things out now14:22
AsusuLjL: thanks14:22
LjLnyc-h0st, it's no special case, there's simply the sticky bit set14:22
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii: Hopefully we will know today for sure...  as of yesterday..it wasnt..as far as I know..14:22
LjLnyc-h0st: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_bit14:23
kitofhawaiinyc-h0: oh...sorry, it's late and i switched irc clients tonight and i'm not enjoying the new font :)14:23
Jack_SparrowLjL: Do we know if flash installer has been fixed yet?14:23
LjLJack_Sparrow: i don't. but i don't see it in the topic anymore, so my guess would be yes, unless people have fun reverting topics without a reason14:24
nyc-h0stLjL i would see the sticky bit as +14:24
nyc-h0stand i dont :)14:24
bazhangboris_: could you check the phone to make sure it is a wm5 device?14:24
LjLnyc-h0st: +? no, you should see it as "t"14:24
merpsJack_Sparrow: sorry for the noob question...where is ~/.mozilla/plugins?14:24
rafael_helo people14:25
nyc-h0stok "t" then same thing no t :)14:25
Jack_Sparrowmerps: use the link to install flash...  it would be your best choice14:25
LjLnyc-h0st: ls -l / | grep tmp14:25
rafael_Good afterning14:25
Jack_Sparrow!flash | merps14:25
ubotumerps: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:25
nyc-h0stand sticky bit pertains to executables14:25
zobban what do i need to split a movie which is 1.4gb .wmv i want to split to 700mb cd's14:26
LjLnyc-h0st: no. have you read the wikipedia article at all?14:26
snk00sjhmm so noone is using openoffice here :)14:26
Jack_Sparrowmerps: IT looks like it has been fixed..14:26
snk00sjthe plugin that is14:26
rafael_Alguem aqui fala Portugues?14:26
LjL!pt | rafael_14:26
uboturafael_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:26
PPredaanyone knows how I can have a cpufreq specific governor power mode on startup14:26
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: /tmp by itself has sticky bit set14:26
kitofhawaiinyc-h0st: anything you throw in there inherits that14:26
Jack_Sparrowmerps: for future reference /youruser/.mozilla14:26
zobban what do i need to split a movie which is 1.4gb .wmv i want to split to 700mb cd's14:27
nyc-h0stok i just went throug that paragraphs14:27
nyc-h0stin the wiki you were right14:27
merpsJack_Sparrow: thanks for the help, should be able to get it working..14:27
boris_bazhang: i cant find anything, sorry14:27
DerGrunePunkt /msg NickServ IDENTIFY biophgue14:27
nukturnalkitofhawaii: fuck u! tell me u have never done any virtualization on ur fucking box14:27
nyc-h0stso no more /tmp for dumping mysql results :)14:27
Jack_Sparrowmerps: any time.. sorry for the confusion...  welcome to Ubuntu14:27
boris_bazhang: (on the internet)14:27
MasterShrek_DerGrunePunkt: prolly wanna change your password14:27
MacTheMadunder repositories I'm reading that I should go to System > Administration > Software Properties but I don't have that choice available... now what do I do?14:27
LjL!language | DerGrunePunkt14:28
ubotuDerGrunePunkt: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:28
bazhangboris_: does it come with some samsung software? what is the name of it14:28
pope22this may be the wrong place to ask, but is there a way to embed video in BasKet Note Pads?14:28
MasterShrek_MacTheMad: manually edit your /etc/apt/sources.list14:28
LjLkitofhawaii: that's not entirely accurate. it's not inherited (group is inherited, for example, when suid group is set) - it's simply a flag on the directory itself, that doesn't allow deleting its entries14:28
MasterShrek_MacTheMad: alt+f2 type: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list14:28
boris_bazhang: http://www.samsung.com/au/products/mobilephones/mobilephones/sgh_z150.asp14:29
kitofhawaiinukturnal; err not that i have to justify myself, but i've been running vmware for 9 years and manage an esx farm at work so i hope i've done virtualization14:29
rafael_Boa Tarde14:29
zobban what do i need to split a movie which is 1.4gb .wmv i want to split to 700mb cd's14:30
LjLkitofhawaii, nukturnal isn't in the channel. if you use TAB to autocomplete nicknames, you'll realize that before wasting time typing14:30
DerGrunePunktwhy live 7.10 hungs at boot on my laptop14:30
erUSUL!pt | rafael_14:30
uboturafael_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:30
heatmzzrwhat command do you use in terminal irc to stop auto connect?14:30
bazhangboris_: I see, but what is the software on the phone? could you turn it on and look?14:30
boris_DerGrunePunkt: it just boots slowly, probably14:30
erUSULheatmzzr: /disconnetc14:30
heatmzzrerUSUL, i meant when I first open the client, sorry14:31
erUSULheatmzzr: just disable the autoconnect14:31
kitofhawaiiljl: i didn't catch the kick :) thank you14:31
merpsJack_Sparrow: got it working, thanks mate14:31
Jack_SparrowDerGrunePunkt: try burning a new cd at a slow speed, or at sart - install hit F6 and try some boot options...  also identify your laptop make model14:31
Jack_Sparrowmerps: glad to hear it14:32
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx14:32
heatmzzrerUSUL, I am in terminal, not windows..14:32
LjLA[D]minS: /msg ubotu <factoid>, please14:32
boris_bazhang: it's turned on, but i cant find out what software the phone is running14:32
zobban what do i need to split a movie which is 1.4gb .wmv i want to split to 700mb cd's14:32
rafael_Boa Tarde14:32
crush_groove I am getting  "/lib/security/pam_securetty.sorok " error from amarok ..what is this ?14:32
erUSULheatmzzr: what irc client are you using?14:32
A[D]minSLjL: ok14:33
erUSULheatmzzr: there maust be some config file or specific file to disable it... i use irssi myself sio i dunno14:33
bazhangboris_: you could try running the software in wine or similar, but there is no way for me to give you a definitive answer without knowing the sync software name--it seems to be pc link, but that is it14:33
zobbananyone who can help me14:34
DerGrunePunktboris_: is freezed14:34
Jack_Sparrowzobban: you will probably need to convert that "WINDOWS" format to something useful before you can edit it\14:34
DerGrunePunktI have a compaq vl312814:34
DerGrunePunktit haves a turion6414:34
crush_groove is firestarter anadequate frontend for iptables . ?14:34
dns_enI was hoping to get a little help with my ssl config14:34
Jack_Sparrowcrush_groove: yes14:35
DerGrunePunkti tried booting with noapic and noacpi14:35
Jack_SparrowDerGrunePunkt: if all else fails.. use the alternate cd14:35
zobbanok and if the the file is 1.4gb.mpg will avidemux works to split it14:35
DerGrunePunktok thanks14:36
ppatzti have an up-to-date ubuntu 7.10 version ... and i just want to program some C ... but the gcc throws the error: stdio.h: No such file or directory14:36
erUSULppatzt: install build-essential14:36
kidemQuestion: When i reboot my NIC is not working , it shows it as disconnected but if i disable it then enable it works, any ideas why?14:36
MasterShrek_ppatzt: sudo apt-get install build-essential14:36
Jack_Sparrowppatzt: install build-essentials14:36
kane77is it possible to create one partition from two? (on two different disks)14:36
zobbanok and if the the file is 1.4gb.mpg will avidemux works to split it14:36
erUSULkane77: afaik you can create a "volume" using lvm14:37
erUSUL!lvm | kane7714:37
ubotukane77: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO14:37
kitofhawaiikane77: you can use an extent14:37
boris_DerGrunePunkt: ubuntu's live CD boots slowly, i tough it freezed when i first booted it too14:37
kane77erUSUL, yeah.. I meant something like that..14:37
ppatztthx ... i ll try it soon ... weird that they got gcc installed but not the build-essentials ;)14:37
aceHi there, is it a good added to add backport on my gusty or not?14:37
MasterShrek_ace: you shouldnt have too many problems with it, i never did14:38
ppatztthx alot ... works great now!14:38
aceMasterShrek : ok14:38
boris_bazhang: thanks for help14:38
LjLace: backports are less reliable than official packages. if you need a package that's in backports, however, i think most here will agree that it's normally pretty safe to install it.14:38
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erUSULace: i have it and haven't had any problems so far14:38
dns_enIm having some issues getting ssl to work on my webserver14:38
aceerUSUL: :ok14:38
bazhangboris_: sorry you can only charge it.14:39
erUSULace: but as they said "Anecdotal evidence is not evidence at all" ;)14:39
aceerUSUL: :hehe true14:39
DerGrunePunktboris_: I have some experience, and I know that is freezed (and it was like that half an hour)14:39
dns_en openssl s_client -connect localhost:44314:40
dns_en23716:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:567:14:40
boris_DerGrunePunkt: if you say so14:40
MasterShrek_boris_: you can use the alternate installer cd if you are having problems, its a text-based installer, shoudl be faster14:41
dns_enI tried installing ssl3 and I cant seem to find any documentation that helps with this error14:41
Jack_Sparrowdns_en: pasting into the channel will not get you helped any faster14:42
Jack_SparrowAs the sun is lifted into the sky so are yesterdays bans14:44
boris_MasterShrek_: i dont have any problems, DerGrunePunkt has14:44
MasterShrek_oh my bad14:44
MasterShrek_dns_en: is there an apache-ssl package out there by chance?14:44
dns_enfaster than what ? I was posting  the relevant error message14:45
MasterShrek_dns_en: ive dug up that it may have somethin gto do with ssl not starting with apache14:46
crush_groove is "snort" a good tool for the single user that doesnt have any other boxes ?14:46
bazhangcrush_groove: for tracking network intrusions? it's probably the finest14:47
crush_groovebazhang  so a network = anybox connected to the inet .. not just many boxes connected together ...14:48
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kitofhawaiicrush_groove: seems a bit overkill for one user...but i guess that depends what you're doing with your box14:48
MasterShrek_crush_groove: are you behind a router?14:48
MasterShrek_if you are, then you shuold pretty much be safe unless you are opening ports14:49
crush_grooveno .. straight cable modem14:49
TwinkletoesDoes anyone here use xrdp?  The X11rdp binary isn't compiled and I need it14:49
MasterShrek_oh, well id keep it aroudn then14:49
bazhangcrush_groove: well, if its only one computer maybe too much, but who knows? :}14:49
crush_groove keep snort ?14:49
MasterShrek_sure, or set up a strict firewall14:49
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:49
MasterShrek_if you are worried about security14:50
crush_grooveis firestarter an adequtae firewall or is it to generic and setting up IPtables is better ?14:50
levanderDoes anyone else have Firefox turning grey for short periods of time and then coming back so you can use it?  This is happening kind of frequently here.14:50
crush_groove<< very security minded14:50
MasterShrek_crush_groove: ive never used it, generic iptables is probably better, but maybe thats just me and my old style of cli configuration14:51
levanderIt's like Firefox is leaking memory.14:51
damikehow can i disable the ubuntu 7.10 power management? it make me crazy14:51
bazhanglevander: using compiz?14:51
levanderMemory usage by Firefox is over 300 MB.14:51
MasterShrek_levander: or compiz14:51
MasterShrek_eww, probably due to flash, i heard bad things about flash + compiz14:51
levanderMasterShrek_: Yeah, compiz.re is using 38 MB of RAM.14:51
bazhanglevander: I had that same problem with many apps, til I shut off compiz14:52
* MasterShrek_ doesnt go for the visual effects, usability is my biggest concern14:52
levanderMasterShrek_: I've got Visual Effects set to Normal.  Did you just set it all the way down to None?14:52
peppinisalve ho un problema con i controller usb 1.1. Qualcuno può consigliarmi?14:53
LjL!it | peppini14:53
ubotupeppini: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:53
levanderMasterShrek_: Set it to None?14:53
MasterShrek_levander: yea, try it for awhile see if ti fixes your problems14:54
kitofhawaiilavender: you can try disabling your ipv6...navigate to about:config -> search for "ipv6" -> set to true and see how it works. apparently that works for quite a few people14:54
LjLpeppini: /join #ubuntu-it14:55
damikedamn - the powermanagement sucks14:55
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erUSULdamike: System>Preferences>14:56
jerome_dkhi, I need help to get my Samsung SyncMaster 226 bw analog to work with Ubuntu 7.10. Anybody? Thanks.14:57
rmserrahello, i have problem with ubunto 7.1 and my dell latitude d505. The laptop frozen when suspend or14:57
damikeerUSUL, yes - i want to disable this. this tool is very buggy. he should touch the display brighntness14:57
rmserrawhen resume from hibernation14:57
kitofhawaiijerome_dk: what are you trying to do with it/rather what's not working at the moment?14:59
MasterShrek_rmserra: suspend and hibernate have never worked well in linux14:59
peppiniok, on ubuntu-it nobody answer. someone who spent time to help me?14:59
peppinii've a problem with usb controller14:59
peppinii'm a newbye14:59
MasterShrek_peppini: whats the problem?15:00
bazhangusb 1.1?15:00
sn0rmserra have you checked linux-laptop.net for your dell? most systems are usually listed and might give some hints on suspend/resume15:00
peppinimy ubuntu 7.10 doesn't see my usb peripherals15:00
kitofhawaiijerome_dk: syncmaster 226 bw comes up available as an option under system -> administration -> screens and graphics15:00
rmserrai checked out, thankyou sn015:00
sn0peppini a pastebin of lshw or lsusb from the terminal would be useful to troubleshoot this, but you could try tail -f /var/log/messages , then unplug and re-plug in the usb device, watch what it says or pastebin15:02
jerome_dkkito: I just tried to choose it, but it's the same problem all over again. I can choose it, but when I apply settings, Ubuntu tells me it can only run in low graphics mode...15:04
kitofhawaiijerome_dk: your vid card is working fine?15:05
kitofhawaiijerome_dk: or rather, which driver/what card are you using?15:05
siavash_!compiling > siavash15:06
peppinilshw list my hardware, included usb controller, but nothing see my usb key neither my usb printer15:06
jerome_dkif I don't plug in my external monitor, yes. I've _just_ installed Ubuntu and it started by working in high-res, but with a wrong resolution on my external monitor (laptop was fine). Ubuntu told me that I could install a different driver for my ATI 9600 mobile card, and after doing that I've been running in low graphics mode15:06
MasterShrek_peppini: lsusb ?15:07
DM|If i install epiphany browser on a ubuntu-server It wont bog it down too much if i have all that gnome stuff installed?15:07
DerGrunePunktwith acpi=off as boot parameter 7.10 booted perfect :D15:07
sn0DM| servers don't generally need a desktop environment, instead maybe try command line web browser like links or lynx15:08
MasterShrek_DM|: maybe, maybe not, what wm are you using?15:08
bundoHI! everyone,  myname is Bundo-Kang , From Seoul Korea15:08
DM|MasterShrek_ its  a server, no UI just command line15:08
MasterShrek_hello bundo15:08
MasterShrek_DM|: isnt epiphany a graphical program?15:08
bazhangbundo: this is a support channel; do you have a question related to ubuntu?15:08
DM|sn0 lynx eh15:09
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MasterShrek_btw the cli is ui, just not a gui :)15:09
DM|mastershrek_ yes15:09
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jerome_dkhow would I turn off the driver I just installed for my ATI graphic card?15:09
bundono,  I get see15:09
MasterShrek_DM|: yes, lynx if you are looking for a cli broswer15:09
princeallaniguehelp ubuntu shorewall15:09
DM|mastershrek i need to be able to open a browser unfortunately, for my slimserver music15:09
techi602plz help a poor guy to upload multiple directories from SFTP client. When i use "put /somedir/*" the subdirectories are not copied...15:09
MasterShrek_DM|: what sorts of things do you need to do in the browser?15:10
_slacker_damike, you have problems with the display brightness and ubuntu?15:10
MasterShrek_jerome_dk: change the driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, or replace it with a backed up version of the file, be sure the back all of the files up though15:11
kitofhawaii!ati > jerome_dk15:11
DM|MasterShrek_ pretty much i need to control something over an SSH tunnel, since my ISP are a bunch of jerks and dont allow me to offer world services15:11
damike_slacker_, yes - i say: don't adjust the brighness - but he always do. actually he doesnt store my last brightness - he always uses the brightness from the config - thats bad15:11
kitofhawaiimastershrek_: guess we weren't fast enough :)15:11
MasterShrek_DM|: have your ssh server listen on a second port, thats what i do, my isp blocks port 22, so i forward it, 22123 or seomthing would work15:11
sn0DM| while installing a gui and a desktop might seem the easiest way to do this, i would definately recommend against such a thing, servers don't need a gui and using ssh you can maintain much more efficently, plus less packages to  upgrade/worry about security fixes15:12
DM|sn0 aye,15:12
_slacker_damike, oh ok, you're lucky, i'm using an nVidia and the brightness control doesn't work at all15:12
MasterShrek_kitofhawaii: oh, did he leave? i have joins/parts blocked on irssi15:12
_slacker_damike, only via command line15:12
DM|MasterShrek_ no no i can ssh fine, its that I cant offer my streamer to the world, I have to ssh tunnel to it ( unless im doing something wrong )15:13
peppinilsusb seems do nothing15:13
peppinipeppini@peppini-desktop:~$ lsusbpeppini@peppini-desktop:~$15:13
MasterShrek_DM|: ic, not too familiar with streaming15:13
MasterShrek_peppini: but something is plugged into your usb port when you typed that?15:13
princeallaniguehelp ubuntu shorewal15:13
DM|MasterShrek_ not many are : (15:13
MasterShrek_DM|: are you behind a router?15:14
sn0peppini could you perhaps type the command i mentioned, tail -f /var/log/messages , then unplug the usb device(s) and plug them in again, it might be useful to try a different usb port and when finished please show us a pastebin of the text15:14
DM|MasterShrek_ yes, and i have all ports that i need forwarded15:14
damike_slacker_, yes - actually i'm don't happy with linux at all. in windows it works much better15:14
MasterShrek_DM|: does it work from inside your lan?15:14
DM|MasterShrek_ yerp15:14
incorrecthow can i force a refresh of /dev ?15:15
filloygood morning! I have an external hdd with ext3 and all my webpages there so i can acces them with my laptop in linux/windows and my desktop with linux. The problem are the permissions, who should be the owner so apache in windows can read the files? Currently its my user (filloy) and the group is plugdev. Thank you very much!15:15
princeallanigueMasterShrek_ what firewall are you using?15:15
DM|MasterShrek_ I can somewhat connect, but the thing is Rythmbox says i dont have the right decoder, and Banshee just buffers the whole time15:15
MasterShrek_princeallanigue: im just using my router, and moblock pretty much15:15
sn0filloy this isn't really a ubuntu question, sorry, but fyi there is an ext2/3 driver you can install for windows, to read ext partitions.15:16
MasterShrek_DM|: try streamtuner15:16
princeallanigueMasterShrek_ did you know about shorewall?15:16
MasterShrek_princeallanigue: no idea, never heard of it15:16
peppinipeppini@peppini-desktop:~$ tail -f /var/log/messages15:16
_slacker_damike, you're using an Intel card?15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:26:30 peppini-desktop kernel: [13596.704000] agpgart: Found an AGP 2.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0.15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:26:30 peppini-desktop kernel: [13596.708000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 4x mode15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:26:30 peppini-desktop kernel: [13596.708000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 4x mode15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:29:29 peppini-desktop kernel: [13775.400000] agpgart: Found an AGP 2.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0.15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:29:29 peppini-desktop kernel: [13775.400000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 4x mode15:16
MasterShrek_!paste | peppini15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:29:29 peppini-desktop kernel: [13775.400000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 4x mode15:16
ubotupeppini: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:16
bundoHere Reader is MasterShrek & bazhang?15:16
filloysn0: yes there is, already installed and apache just tells me that i have no permission for that file. Should i go to #apache?15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:30:40 peppini-desktop kernel: [13846.392000] agpgart: Found an AGP 2.0 compliant device at 0000:00:00.0.15:16
peppiniDec 14 15:30:40 peppini-desktop kernel: [13846.392000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:00:00.0 into 4x mode15:17
peppiniDec 14 15:30:40 peppini-desktop kernel: [13846.392000] agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 4x mode15:17
kitofhawaiiprinceallan: what's your question about shorewall?15:17
peppiniDec 14 16:00:35 peppini-desktop -- MARK --15:17
damike_slacker_, yes15:17
damike_slacker_, x310015:17
sn0filloy maybe thatsa ogod idea yes15:17
sn0sorry typing.15:17
bazhangbundo: what is your question?15:17
filloysn0: thank you!15:18
_slacker_damike, naaah, forget windows, linux enlarge your... xD15:18
_slacker_damike, x3100 is the 9xx family right?15:18
damike_slacker_, yes15:18
diegoalfuien español?15:18
LjL!es | diego15:18
ubotudiego: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:18
bazhanghi diego15:18
DM|Mastershrek_ same thing, it just sits there, buffering15:18
_slacker_diego, en inglés, o entrá en #ubuntu-es15:18
diegoes la primera vez que entro aqui15:18
damike_slacker_, i don't think - i keep windows on my notebook - in my op15:18
diegocomo se entra ahi?15:19
damike_slacker_, nion its much better it every part15:19
sn0peppini a pastebin is much better, thanks, and what happens when you repeat with other usb ports ?15:19
Voyage_bazhang i missed the url you gave. and any msg you gave. i was disconnected.           how can i make sure the icon of firestarter remains in the sys tray. and doesnot disappears after some time?15:19
MasterShrek_DM|: hmm, i got no idea then...check your ports again, and that they are being forwarded to the right ip15:19
sn0peppini did you install ubuntu using noapic or any custom boot codes?15:19
damike_slacker_, i have to reduce the birghtness every time i read something - that is soooo nasty15:19
DM|MasterShrek_ only 1 port is being used and its correct15:19
MasterShrek_DM|: what program are you streaming with?15:20
peppiniwhat's noapic? I've just installed from cd15:20
_slacker_damike, the config tool doesn't store the brig. you set?15:20
DM|MasterShrek_ slimserver15:20
aileanevery time i turn on my computer, it connects to my neighbour's router.  As this is technically a criminal offence, how can i tell it to connect to mine instead?  (mine is working and all i need to do is flick it over).15:20
bazhangVoyage_: that does nothing--this is not windows :}; the thing you need to do is set up a strict firewall (are you behind a router?) and then it is good to go15:20
sn0peppini ok that is a bit strange, can you show us the pastebin-output of sudo lsusb and sudo lshw also please15:21
damike_slacker_, no - lets say the brighness is the tool is 70% - ok. so i adjust it temporary to 50% with the laptop keys. but he switches back to 70% .oO15:21
MasterShrek_DM|: what ports are you using?15:21
damikein the tool15:21
MasterShrek_it said it needs 3483 and 900015:21
DM|MasterShrek_ just 9000 for the connection15:21
MasterShrek_DM|: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?ConnectingRemotely15:22
Voyage_bazhang - the icon of firestarter turns red when an unauthorised access try is made and if it is visible in the tray always. i can observe that.      and any way. why does it disappears. how can i make sure it doest ?15:22
MasterShrek_DM|: first bullet, said 3493 and 900015:22
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shishioguys, how can i update my graphics driver on my ubuntu?15:23
MasterShrek_shishio: what kind of card is it?15:23
bazhanghttp://www.fs-security.com/docs/faq.php Voyage_ please read first15:23
DM|MasterShrek_ well opened that port too and i still get this error "You do not have a decoder installed to handle this file. You might need to install the necessary plugins"15:23
peppinino output for sudo lsusb15:23
paulcshishio: the easy option is installing envy15:23
MasterShrek_DM|: what format is it streaming in?15:23
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »15:23
MasterShrek_paulc: not a good idea, it will break the system sooner or later, almost guarenteed15:24
DM|MasterShrek_ mp315:24
aileanevery time i turn on my computer, it connects to my neighbour's router.  As this is technically a criminal offence, how can i tell it to connect to mine instead?  (mine is working and all i need to do is flick it over).15:24
paulcafter using it for a good while I have no issues15:24
MasterShrek_hmm, i got no idea DM|, sorry15:24
peppinithat's for sudo lshw: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48212/plain/15:24
MasterShrek_paulc: envy is not supported here, please dont suggest it to people, if they run into problems later, it will be a big mess to try and figure out15:24
bazhanghttp://www.fs-security.com/docs.php Voyage_ also here please read15:25
bazhangno problem15:25
DM|MasterShrek_ can you try to connect to my server? maybe its just my plugins.15:26
MasterShrek_DM|: maybe, i am using xp atm, pm me a server, or just paste it here15:26
DM|MasterShrek_ you can add a radio stream to Windows media player correct? with a URL?15:26
MasterShrek_afaik, i dont use windows lol, im just at school atm15:27
DM|MasterShrek_ lemme PM you the server addy15:27
MasterShrek_ok DM|15:27
bazhangailean: likely not for just connecting for a moment--have you set yours in network-manager15:27
sn0peppini ok are you familiar with your computer bios menu? if so you could check in there and make sure usb is enabled/configured15:28
DM|MasterShrek_ sent you a pm15:28
sn0in your pastebin it shows "usb:0 UNCLAIMED"15:28
aileanbazhang, yes - i have stored the password and everything in it15:28
aileanbazhang, but my neighbour does not have a password on his and my comp automatically connects to it instead15:29
ip_helperI have a laptop with 160G drive, I just attached a 160G USB drive, qparted only shows /dev/sdb, is that the USB one?15:29
bazhangailean: ask him to turn one on? is this down under?15:29
aileani'm in a block of flats - there are many routers around here. i don't even know who it belongs to15:29
Marfidoes gutsy come preconfigured w/ a firewal?\15:30
aileanbazhang, all i want is to use mine unless mine is not available :)15:30
sn0ip_helper you can type sudo fdisk -l at the terminal to list partitions15:30
aileanbazhang, sounds simple when put like that eh?15:30
sn0this will also show the sizes of the partitions15:31
bazhangailean: indeed :}15:31
IrishDavehey, does anyone know where i could get a debian (ubuntu) package for adobe reader, medibuntu seems to be down15:31
bazhangailean: never had that problem--only the reverse, so not sure how to help out :} sorry..15:31
crush_groove just upgraded from medi15:31
aileanthanks anyway bazhang15:31
ip_helpersn0: thanks!15:32
aileananyone else able to help me?  i want to set my computer to connect to my router unless it is not available.  at the moment it automaticall connects to my passwordless neighbour15:32
IrishDaveok forget that, medibuntu seems to be working15:33
thoraliean specify the essid in the network confi15:33
aileanthor how can i do that?15:33
ip_helperis there a gold standard for fs type and encryption package on USB drives? It will hold sensitive data.15:33
thoraliean can't give you exact instructions as I use xfce and do my config files manually15:34
IrishDaveailean, click on networkmanager, select manual then properties on the wireless connection and you should be able to set it15:34
thoraliean manually...edit /etc/network/interfaces and add the line 'wireless-essid <name>' to the wireless interface (in my case it is eth0)15:35
aileanthanks guys15:35
=== crush_groove is now known as crush[A]
boris_is it possible to have 2 graphics cards with 1 monitor ?15:36
ubuntu_guruthe fool on the hill.15:36
boris_ubuntu_guru:  me ?15:36
IrishDaveboris_, only with sli but im not sure if there is support for it in linux yet15:36
crush[A] you cant have 2 cards15:36
IrishDaveboris_, after a quick google there apparently is15:36
boris_ok, just wondering15:36
crush[A] wits veryvery problematic'15:37
erUSULcrush[A]: dosen't nvidia drivers support si on linux?15:37
boris_so what happens if u plug in 2 graphics cards at once ? games run faster ?15:37
brobostigonyou can have two graphics cards in he same machine15:37
IrishDavecrush[A], it does, because it was in the driver from 81.7415:37
crush[A] aha15:37
crush[A] true15:37
LiMaOboris_: lol15:37
crush[A] sorry15:37
LiMaOboris_: 2 graphic cards = 2 independent outputs15:38
boris_LiMaO: logics :P15:38
IrishDaveboris_, there probably will be problems with but i think my question is why do you want to15:38
IrishDaveboris_, it can be done :)15:38
boris_IrishDave: i dont want to. im just asking15:38
brobostigonboris_ is curious15:38
boris_IrishDave: or maybe, id try 2 monitors at once (just for fun)15:38
IrishDaveboris_, no worries, well it can :) there just generally isnt a reason to in linux15:38
uncommonhi can anyone point me to lists of range for ports used in p2p because it is very tiring to type each port in the firewall15:39
IrishDaveboris_, that is easiest done with one graphics card, im doing it off my laptop :)15:39
boris_IrishDave: i wonder what it looks like15:39
helluvaCSMajorcan someone help me fix a problem where random folders keep showing up in my home folder, folders are empty, their names show up as symbols because it cannot display them, it says i am the owner?15:39
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: ugh... do they show up in the shell, too, if you "ls"?15:40
helluvaCSMajorthen they are question marks15:40
helluvaCSMajori do not remember what i was doing when they started15:41
boris_IrishDave: what graphics card u got ?15:41
helluvaCSMajori think trying to mount a windows partition to there, but i cannot remember exactly15:41
IrishDaveboris_, im running off an nvidia Geforce Go 730015:41
IrishDaveboris_, far from amazing15:41
LjLhelluvaCSMajor, well uhm first thing that crosses my mind is HD failure... do those folder also *dis*appear, or do they stay there after first showing up?15:41
helluvaCSMajorthey stay and more are made15:42
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: but now it isn't mounted, and you see your normal home files (aside from those strange files), right?15:42
boris_IrishDave: but if you run it on 2 monitors, it only manages to achieve half of its speed15:42
helluvaCSMajorone random folder is still there, i deleted the rest several days ago15:42
IrishDaveboris_, im running one off vga and one off dvi, and it's not as straightforward as that15:42
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: start installing "smartmontools", and then run "sudo smartctl -H /dev/yourdrive"15:42
josh__Hi, I Need a movie maker, (substitute for windows movie maker) which will support realmedia files.15:42
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: also, pastebin your /etc/fstab15:43
helluvaCSMajori am a new linux user, how do i start installing something?15:43
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: sudo apt-get install smartmontools15:43
BloodyScumI am runnung ubuntu gusty, i just took my computer in to work, and im trying o transfer files from a computer on the windows active directory domain..  i can get the file transfer to start, but the speed never goes above 1mbps.. its a gigabit n/w15:43
findetoni'm on ubuntu 7.1015:43
Zero4kWow, I really need to disable join / quit chatspam. :P15:44
brobostigonhelluvaCSMajor: try synaptic to install progs.15:44
cypherdelicWATCH THIS AMAZING BACKGROUND 1280x800: http://img252.imageshack.us/my.php?image=maniacdebianle7.jpg15:44
LjL!ot | cypherdelic15:44
ubotucypherdelic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!15:44
josh__Hi, I Need a movie maker, (substitute for windows movie maker) which will support realmedia files.15:44
brobostigonjosh_ : packages.ubuntu.com15:45
Zero4kI have a real stumper of a help question, if anybody is up for a challenge.15:45
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: fstab looks good... let me know about smartctl15:45
zeroflagI'm somehow missing the compiz configuration tool in system>preferences. what package do I need?15:45
helluvaCSMajori installed it15:45
bazhangask away Zero4k15:46
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: then run « sudo smartctl -H /dev/sda »15:46
bazhangccsm zeroflag15:46
Zero4kHere goes nothing: I have Ubuntu 7.10 installed on a server and a laptop. Both machines are working fine, and there's no driver issues. They both have the proper DNS servers configured in their network configs.15:46
BloodyScumI am runnung ubuntu gusty, i just took my computer in to work, and im trying o transfer files from a computer on the windows active directory domain..  i can get the file transfer to start, but the speed never goes above 1mbps.. its a gigabit n/w15:47
helluvaCSMajorhealth status ok15:47
findetonit's been working well for several weeks, but today it's like rhythmbox and amarokapp are just not in the mood for playing mp3s. I've got already installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse and amarok was playing mp3 just some hours ago but now? now it hangs up and i have to kill it. Then i started rhythmbox, which was also working before... but now it shows a15:47
findetonbig list of 'import errors' saying for each mp3 that rhythmbox couldn't find the gstreamer add-ons to play the mp315:47
Zero4kHowever! Whenever I try to ping a hostname (The domain is a Windows domain with a windows 2003 DNS server, and the secondary DNS server is Debian Sarge Bind9).. when I try to ping via hostname, it takes forever to actually start pinging.15:47
findetonplease help me15:47
boris_IrishDave: what happens if the two monitors dont have the same size/resolution ?15:47
findetonand vlc is able to play the mp3 files15:47
Zero4kResolving the hostname seems to go quickly (It finds the IP without any problems), and the pingtimes themselves are perfect.15:47
findetonbut i guess vlc doesn't use gstreamer15:48
Ziikneed help with ubuntu and wireless if someone can help and got time pm me plz!15:48
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: do « sudo smartctl -A /dev/sda » and pastebin the output15:48
findetonanyone can help me?15:48
thorZero4k have you tried disabling ipv6?15:48
IrishDaveboris_, http://3mdmt.dyndns.org/image/dualscreen.jpg15:48
Zero4kIt's the time betwen pings that takes upwards of 8-15 seconds. It's strange, the ping times themselves are in the 0.05ms range.15:48
aceis there a tool in the ubuntu cd to manage disk partition with a GUI?15:48
Zero4kHow would I go about doing that? I'm not exactly linux saavy... heh c.c15:49
aceqtparted is not available15:49
LjL!gparted > ace    (ace, see the private message from Ubotu)15:49
boris_IrishDave: did you take that picture ?15:49
brobostigonace: gparted15:49
IrishDaveboris_, it's not a problem, i just have mine set up as seperate X sessions so I can control them independent but that's a personal choice, you can have them so that you can drag windows across15:49
IrishDaveboris_, yes15:49
acethanks you all!15:49
LjLace, even if something is not installed on the CD, remember you can always install it yourself (it will stay in RAM and be lost at next reboot, but)15:49
findetonhi, can anyone help me to make rhytmbox play mp3 files? it was working yesterday!!15:49
IrishDaveboris_, it's off my phone hence the poor quality15:49
erle-how can i create a big empty file?15:49
erle-i don't care, what's in it15:49
un4gethey, im trying to share files for my network but for some reason any folder i'm trying to share it says "cannot access directory" why is that? how can I fix that?15:49
erle-dd is too slow15:49
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: uhm, are you sure that's all?15:50
thorZero4k it isn't difficult...if you google it you can find instructions on how to do it...you just need to add a couple of lines to a config file. Your problem sounds like the symptoms described relating to ipv6...but I have only read about the problem,...never had it myself15:50
LjLerle-, i think dd is about as fast as it can get15:50
erle-LjL, dd writes data into a file15:50
Zero4kThanks! I'll try it right now, and report back. :)15:50
Voyage_bazhang i didnt found the way to make the sys tray icon be visible all the time in those links.15:50
erle-i don't care about the data15:50
findetoncan anyone please help me to make rhytmbox play mp3 files? it was working yesterday!!15:50
un4gethey, im trying to share files for my network but for some reason any folder i'm trying to share it says "cannot access directory" why is that? how can I fix that?15:50
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: that's quite weird. try « sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda | grep SMART »15:50
erle-i don't want to wait until the data is written into the file15:50
boris_IrishDave: what that thing behind the keyboard ?15:50
thorZero4k http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-6841.html15:51
IrishDaveboris_, i bought myself a 22" monitor as a Christmas present but had the 15" lying around from ages ago and decided to make use of it15:51
LjLerle-, so you're saying you're looking into creating a sparse file?15:51
brobostigon!sound |  un4get15:51
ubotuun4get: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:51
IrishDaveboris_, a box of staples15:51
helluvaCSMajorit said > Device does not support SMART15:51
erle-LjL, what do you mean?15:51
bazhangVoyage_: it's not necesary. post something on ubuntuforums if you wish :}15:51
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: uh, i was sure modern HDs all supported SMART, so i don't quite understand15:52
findeton!can anyone please help me to make rhytmbox play mp3 files? it was working yesterday!!15:52
boris_IrishDave: whats staple ???15:52
LiMaOIrishDave: you use kvirc too =DD15:52
Voyage_bazhang ok..15:52
helluvaCSMajorit is a year and a half old15:52
Voyage_bazhang thx15:52
swiniakhow are you?15:52
brobostigon!mp3 | findeton15:52
ubotufindeton: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:52
un4getits not a sound problem its file sharing problem15:52
IrishDaveLiMaO, i'm using xchat :) boris_ a box of metal staples for holding papers together15:53
LjLerle-: well, if you want to create a big file, it either has to be a *real* big file (i.e. filled with data), or, since ext3 supports sparse file, a file that just *tells* the filesystem that it's big, although there's really nothing in there15:53
swiniakI from Poland15:53
bazhangVoyage_: no worries15:53
ehird`what's the best way to remap [] -> () and vise versa15:53
thorun4get are you using samba15:53
erle-LjL, i want to use it as filesystem image15:53
LiMaOIrishDave: doh, looked like kvirc hehe.. and google looks strange on such a wide resolution =P15:53
bazhang!pl | swiniak15:53
ubotuswiniak: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl15:53
boris_IrishDave: ok15:53
un4getthor: no idea... am i?15:53
erle-so i create it and overwrite it afterwards15:53
swiniakFucK USA15:53
erle-file should be 20 gigs long15:53
tdnI have a tar file with a lot of files with absolute paths (starting with /). How can I extract this archive to another destination than current working dir? Say the tar file is /a/x.tar and I want to extract it so that all files go into into /b.15:53
swiniakrzondzi billaden15:53
IrishDaveLiMaO, i've always had widescreen so im used to it, laptop is a 17" widescreen and i use it to watch movies :), sadly i'm finding it impossible to get a nice framebuffer resolution on it15:54
erUSULerle-: then you need an actual big file and the bottleneck is your hd speed. writting 20 Gigs to a disk takes time15:54
LjLerle-: note that i haven't yet told you *how* to create a sparse file because i don't know a way.15:54
un4getthor: i'm kinda new to ubuntu so i'm not sure15:54
LjLerUSUL, uhm not necessarily, a sparse file will probably do15:55
erle-LjL, thank you, i got help in antocher chan15:55
LjLerle-: can you share it?15:55
erUSULerle-: if you use qemu or kvm you can use the qcow disk image format the grows as needed15:55
findetonbrobostigon: i didn't change anything at all, i'm not aware of anything installed or updated on my machine... yet yesterday i could play mp3s and now i can't15:55
helluvaCSMajorLjL any other ideas of how to find the problem?15:55
galvanola a todos15:56
brobostigonfindeton: have you tried to play your mp3 with something like vlc or xmms,15:56
bazhanghi galvan15:56
thorun4get ok....your computer is on ubuntu...what is the other computer running?15:56
erle-LjL, dd if=/dev/zero of=file count=0 obs=1 seek=10G15:56
LjLhelluvaCSMajor, not many. you could pastebin /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log and let me see if i spot anything weird (it would help if you could tell me exactly *when* the last random directory got created)15:56
findetonyes and it workd there brobostigon. But i'd like to make it work again in amarok and rythmbox15:57
LjLerle-: oh... the seek would do the trick, of course. thanks.15:57
un4getwhen I loaded ubuntu via install CD and checked the sharing option I had no problem, but after I installed ubuntu every folder i'm trying to share it says: "error accessing 'file://........'15:57
Odd-rationaleI notice the topic changed. does anyone know whether the flashplugin-nonfree package is finally fixed?15:57
un4getnow i'm trying to share not for my other computer but for my multimedia High Definition player that works via network15:57
helluvaCSMajorcreated on the 11th, one shows up every so many days, ill pastebin those files15:57
a4ndr3cgalvan, hi15:58
un4getbtw, it worked under windows great and I see my computer in the player but i cannto access any of the files15:58
pushiciao a tutti ^^15:58
brobostigonfindeton: do you have all the gstreamer plugins installed, i dont nknow otherwise what to advise, because i dont k ow.15:58
un4geti see the folders empty15:58
LjL!it | pushi15:58
ubotupushi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!15:58
LjL!pt | a4ndr3c15:58
ubotua4ndr3c: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:58
LjLpeppini: /join #ubuntu-it15:59
findetonbrobostigon: yes i do have them installed :/  i even tried to reinstall them again but, it didn't work15:59
a4ndr3cubotu, wtf? I only ask if he was portuguese....15:59
helluvaCSMajorthe first file you mentioned only mentions december 14th15:59
peppinithank ljl15:59
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: see if you can find the logs for the 11th. try « ls /var/log/ -l | grep "12-11" » to see what they are15:59
erUSULa4ndr3c: it is italian and ubotu is a bot15:59
thorun4get I suspect you will need to set up windows file sharing on your computer...I do that using samba. there are howtos on setting up samba...it isn't a one click operation16:00
erle-erUSUL, you don't need to do that, because linux file systems can simulate large fields of zeroes as well16:00
a4ndr3cerUSUL, i know it is a stupid bot16:00
galvanola a4ndr3c16:00
brobostigoni dont know what to adivse now findeton, it goes beyond my knowledge, all i can say know is have a look at the forums, otherwise i dont know.16:00
bundoLinux maria-9 #1 SMP Sat Dec 1 02:17:59 KST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux16:00
a4ndr3cgalvan, only english16:00
KarotteI'm searching for a gnome SIP client which can display incoming calls in a status popup, any suggestions?16:00
galvanBrazilian..and yuo16:00
brobostigonsorry findeton16:01
a4ndr3cgalvan portuguese16:01
findetonbrobostigon: thanks, i know you tried :P16:01
un4getthor: ok how do i do that? any manual?16:01
erUSULerle-: thanks for the info16:01
helluvaCSMajorfound it, how to i look at it?16:01
a4ndr3cgalvan, do u have any question?16:01
=== fahmid is now known as B-rabbit
* lukewarm looks into the distance16:01
galvanentão porque estanos falando em ingles?16:01
LjLKarotte: ekiga doesn't? weird16:01
LjL!pt | galvan16:01
ubotugalvan: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:01
KarotteLjL: it just changes the icon, no popup16:02
a4ndr3cgalvan this channel is only in english, try #ubuntu-br16:02
KarotteLjL: and I don't want to use sound16:02
erle-erUSUL, it is called sparse file - i learned it just a few minutes ago ;)16:02
bundo[스크린샷] http://bundo.biz/screenshot/bundo-desktop-1197648061.jpg16:02
zkjellbergQuestion: I plan on purchasing a tv tuner for my computer. I hear Hauppauge is highly supported in linux. If I go for a fancy tv tuner with digital support and a remote, will there be any issues with drivers?16:03
helluvaCSMajorLjL the file is a .gz16:03
SpookyETI LOVE UBUNTU. I want it to have my children.16:03
jroeswhy is it that when I'm running a live CD I can hear lots of disk i/o when I'm not specifically telling ubuntu to access any of my disks (such as clicking on one of my auto-mounted partitions on my harddrive)?16:03
teknicianhi i am trying to install ubuntu 7.10 on classmate pc16:03
zkjellbergbundo, korean?16:03
brobostigonspookyet: that is strenge16:03
susscorfahow do i add a folder to the places menu16:03
SpookyETbrobostigon: because you have no sense of humour?16:04
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: old logs are compressed to save space. copy them somewhere (a folder in your home, for instance) and then use « gunzip *.gz »16:04
teknicianis there any version of ubuntu that can be installed on that machine pleaseeeeee16:04
bazhangjroes: sounds like a hardware issue--I had that before as well16:04
helluvaCSMajorhow do i copy it?16:04
jroesa hardware issue?  it's working, but it's definitely doing something on my drives16:04
jroesI'm assuming creating swap space, but I don't know where it's finding it16:04
JDogHermancan someone help me out with an install problem?16:05
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: cp /var/log/filename ~/Desktop/TempDirectory/            (the latter being just an example, copy where you prefer)16:05
bazhangteknician: what is the hard drive size?16:05
SpookyETI'm having ACPI issues. It keeps thinking that it's overheating during boot and shuts down. I have to put it in the freezer for 2 minutes before it boots properly.16:06
bazhangask away JDogHerman16:06
Jack_SparrowSpookyET: Not a good idea to put it in the freezer.. condensation will most likely kill it.. (although 2 minuts is hardly long enough to get it cold enough)16:07
* genii sips a coffee and thinks about ziplock bags 16:07
JDogHermanIm trying to install ubuntu on my laptop and it seemed to go fine after i gave it the startup commands16:07
geniiJack_Sparrow: ;)16:07
teknicianbazhang: it is only 2 gb16:07
teknicianand it is not a hard driver16:07
LjLSpookyET: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/2233616:07
SpookyETJack_Sparrow: Cold enough to trick acpi into booting16:07
teknicianit is a like a usb but different connector16:07
Jack_SparrowSpookyET: Still not a good idea..16:08
JDogHermanbut now after I to load what I installed the system hangs16:08
teknicianbazhang let me give u link to this pc may be you can help me with it16:08
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:08
bazhangteknician: does it have a usb port? you maybe could run it from that--details how to do that at pendrivelinux dot com16:08
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: what did you install, and how did you install it16:08
JDogHermanI try inputting into grub the commands I loaded with the live cd but it wont load16:08
bazhangteknician: no thanks--you better read up on this first :}16:08
KinPumpkinKingdoes anyone here use Avast? after updating, mine doesn't run... can anyone help? :p16:09
Zero4kDumb question: Where is the start-up boot log located? This laptop I'm working on is taking forever and a day to boot into Gnome, and doesn't display any "Loading" screen16:09
teknicianyes it has a usb port bazhang16:09
boris_KinPumpkinKing: why do you need avast ???16:09
JDogHermanjack: I installed 7.10 on my dv9407nr16:09
teknicianit can access from the external cd/dvd rom as well16:09
Ziikneed help with wireless card configuration anyone familiar with it ?16:10
bazhanghttp://www.pendrivelinux.com/ teknician16:10
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  I thought it'd be good to have? I don't know jack about Linux, so I figured there could be viruses from the internet...?16:10
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: Ah, I thought you added things after the install...16:10
LjLKarotte, i really cannot find anything GNOME... would you consider perhaps Qt software?16:10
boris_KinPumpkinKing: there are no viruses spreading in the wild, currently.16:10
Zero4kAlso, I tried disabling IPV6, and my pings still take forever to go through. :(16:11
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  oh, hmkay, so should I uninstall it? :p16:11
JDogHermanno just the install16:11
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: that's what, messages?16:11
teknicianbazhang: the issue is that it is fix inside it is not a USB connector16:11
boris_KinPumpkinKing: and there was only one REAL virus for linux, and it failed to start because of a kernel bug.16:11
teknicianelse i would have taken it out to install16:11
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: Do you get dumped at a cli prompt?  If so, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to setup your video card and monitor refresh info or select vesa mode and 1024 max res to get into the basic gui16:11
JDogHermanI was trying to tell the system to load the commands That allowed it to load the live cd16:11
helluvaCSMajorwhat do you mean?16:11
helluvaCSMajoroh, the log16:11
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: which logfile is the one you pasted16:11
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  rofl... hmkay. What about firewalls, do I need those?16:12
helluvaCSMajorshould i get any others?16:12
Jack_SparrowKinPumpkinKing: not really..16:12
JDogHermanit dosent seem to me that it takes the commands that i edit in for grub16:12
KinPumpkinKingJack_Sparrow, oh, thank you.16:12
KinPumpkinKinghow can I get Avast outside my system, then?16:13
boris_KinPumpkinKing: firewall is already installed, and should protect your computer even with default config16:13
JDogHermanI remove the splash command and it still shows a splash16:13
bazhangteknician: what is it running now? Mandriva? XP? or other16:13
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: edit grub all you want.. if your xorg isnt right you wont get in16:13
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: well, i can't see anything very interesting in there. aside from the fact that you seem to have a few firewalling rules, and MySQL installed16:13
tekniciannothing it had xp gone corrupt16:13
Jack_Sparrow!firewall | KinPumpkinKing16:13
ubotuKinPumpkinKing: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:13
tekniciani want to install linux16:13
teknicianthought of ubuntu16:13
tekniciandont know which one will wokr16:14
JDogHermanI thought it would follow the comamnds it used for the live cs16:14
=== arlekin is now known as [D]ANIEL[a]
Jack_Sparrow!enter | teknician16:14
ubotuteknician: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:14
KinPumpkinKingboris_, oh I see. Thank you very much16:14
helluvaCSMajordo you mean i need more firewall rules or less?16:14
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: i don't mean anything... just that, normally, Ubuntu has no firewall running by default. so you have installed a firewall and MySQL. is that correct?16:14
JDogHermanjack: I cant even get to a command prompt16:15
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: just to be sure you aren't being hacked in.16:15
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: hitting escape on boot should get you to recovery mode and a cli16:15
SpookyETListen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Bashee...geez like mushrooms. It makes it hard to choose16:15
helluvaCSMajorshould i get another log file?16:15
Zero4kOkay, disabling ipv6 did not work to resolve my issue. Any other ideas, as to what may be causing pings to take forever (Latency is still in the 1-10ms range, and hostnames resolve immediately, but take forever from ping-to-ping!)16:15
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: i think i'd like to see messages and kern.log too... really not sure it will give me a clue, but otherwise i have no idea16:15
guest__koj si16:15
KarotteLjL: I would also test qt yes16:15
dmacnuttZero4k: DNS, reverse mapping is hosed16:16
bazhangteknician: it has 2 usb slots you can go to the link I gave you and read how to do it (pendrivelinux)16:16
Zero4kReverse mapping?16:16
KinPumpkinKingJack_Sparrow, Should I try to uninstall Avast, then,m which doesn't even start anymore anyway? If so, how to do that? Or can I just leave it on the menu...16:16
boris_KinPumpkinKing:  you dont have to configure your firewall. it's already configured to shield you. if you dont believe me, test it with ShieldsUP16:16
helluvaCSMajormessages or messages.0?16:16
Zero4kThis isn't a Bind9 server, though..16:16
un4geti'm using samba but when I'm trying to share a folder it says all the time "cant access folder"16:16
un4getwhy is that?16:16
teknicianbazhang that is not the problem16:16
KinPumpkinKingboris_, no, I trust you. ^16:16
dmacnuttZero4k: does it use one?16:16
KinPumpkinKingboris_, ^^16:16
teknicianbut when i try to install it stops in the kernel install there is no way forward and i am here to get some advise on that16:17
bazhangno problem? okay teknician16:17
dmacnuttuse dig on the IP you are pinging16:17
Zero4kThere's two DNS servers that this is using. One is a Windows 2003 Server with DNS (Also a domain controller), the other is a Debian Sarge box with Bind9.16:17
Jack_SparrowKinPumpkinKing: leave it...   and the grc.com shieldsup test is a good link to have16:17
wraundhai famer16:18
JDogHermanjack: hitting esc dosent do anything16:18
famerI have a quesstion: can I update my ubuntu to kubuntu without reinstalling all my software?(I have a kubuntu dvd with the same version)16:19
ZikitiHello, Anyone know a good opensource rational rose alternative provided by ubuntu?16:19
Zero4kI'm not exactly a linux pro, so I can't really figure this out. The old "Sarge" box has no issues with pings, but any current distros have a lot of trouble, on multiple sets of hardware.16:19
KinPumpkinKingboris_, one final question, is there a list of *online* games for Linux/Ubuntu anywhere? Every site I find lists only a few...16:19
wraundfamer: yes16:19
boris_KinPumpkinKing: do you mean games you play with your browser ?16:19
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: on boot..hitting escape should get you to a grub menu.  or are you dual booting etc?16:20
wraundfamer: would you rather add kubuntu onto ubuntu from the web or the kubuntu cd?16:20
boris_KinPumpkinKing: or the games you install on a PC ?16:20
KinPumpkinKingboris_, installation ones16:20
JDogHermanyes dual16:20
famerfrom kubuntu cd will be excelent16:20
JDogHermanI can get to grub16:20
wraundfamer: ok one moment16:20
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: XP or UGH... vista..16:20
ZikitiDoes anyone even see my messages? Either no one sees my messages or no one is ever interested in answering them16:20
smgcan i setup lvm and a crypted filesystem with the ubuntu installation cd on the fly?16:20
JDogHermancrappy vista16:20
angasulewhere are the keymaps in *ubuntu? I want to change capslock to ESC (but not just on X)16:21
boris_KinPumpkinKing: http://gaming.gwos.org/         this site seems to be down currently16:21
Zero4kVista is the reason I'm actually researching Ubuntu as a possible desktop platform for the users in my company.16:21
ZikitiSomeone at least say type Zikiti so I'll know you see my messages16:21
Jack_SparrowJDogHerman: Sorry.. cant ..help you16:21
boris_KinPumpkinKing: but i can tell you a few games, if you want16:21
KinPumpkinKingboris_, oh, I'd love that.16:21
geniiangasule: console-tools and console-data16:21
LjLKarotte: give wengophone a try... the version on my system seems to have some bug which doesn't allow me to see the Configuration dialog :| so i can't really say if it supports what you need for sure. it certainly has a tray icon, and is pure Qt, doesn't depend on KDE16:21
bazhanghi Zikiti16:21
cheebyHi I want to upgrade my version of tilda.  apt-get upgrade doesn't want to ugrade for me.  current version is 0.09.4, ~.5 is current and has some new stuff.16:21
LjL!info tilda16:22
ubotutilda: terminal emulator with first person shooter console likeness. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.09.4-4 (gutsy), package size 37 kB, installed size 176 kB16:22
wraund!language JDogHerman16:22
JDogHermancan you suggest somewhere that I can help with16:22
wraund!language | JDogHerman16:22
crush[A]Ziik,  unless your users have some background in *nix . you should prepare yourself for an onslaught of questions and issues unless you have a very capable admin16:22
ubotuJDogHerman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:22
NifflasHi ho! I was wondering if I could get help with a thing... I'm completely new to ubuntu and linux in general, but I attempted to install ubuntu on my usb drive, expecting it to be portable.... Everything worked, except that the installer wrote the boot stuff to the computer's main hard drive.... The usb drive is still unbootable, I have to be on this PC to start it.16:22
helluvaCSMajorLjL pastebin is not responding, i will keep trying16:22
Zero4kAnybody have an idea what might be causing my ping issues?16:22
ZikitiSo someone responded... but do you have any suggestions for a rational rose alternative?16:22
LjLhelluvaCSMajor, Ubuntu's pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org16:22
JDogHermanexcuse me16:22
KarotteLjL: ok thanks16:23
crush[A]Zikiti,  no16:23
Zikitithanks anyway16:23
LjLcheeby: 0.09.5 is not even in Hardy yet (there is 0.09.4 plus some SVN updates). you can request a backport when it's there.16:23
LjL!backports > cheeby    (cheeby, see the private message from Ubotu)16:23
wraundfamer: insert the kubuntu disc into your computer16:23
mikebeechamwhen is Hardy released?16:23
wraundfamer: and load up the synaptic package manager16:23
LjL!hardy > mikebeecham    (mikebeecham, see the private message from Ubotu)16:23
boris_KinPumpkinKing: Tremulous, located in Ubuntu's repos, you can install it using the Add/Remove program, theres Wolfenstein Enemy Territory, and True Combat : Elite, ET's mod. Then there's Enemy Territory Quake Wars, a quite new game with a native linux client. And there is Urban Terror. Those are the games I play, but there are others. I can tell you more, if you want16:23
mikebeechamthanks LjL16:24
crush[A] wb Dr_willis16:24
mikebeechamthe artwork for it looks great16:24
iskuseenkako  e16:24
bazhangZikiti: a xml editor?16:24
helluvaCSMajorLjL http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48220/ let me know if it is the previous log file, i may have copied the wrong one16:24
KinPumpkinKingboris_, those will get me started, thank you16:24
boris_KinPumpkinKing: I can give you websites for those games, if you want16:24
ZikitiCASE tool16:24
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ZikitiFor use-case modelling etc16:25
boris_KinPumpkinKing: but there arent many linux games, so dont expect gaming to be as good as in windows16:25
famerwraund, done16:25
wraundfamer: ok16:25
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wraundfamer: now in synaptic, go to 'settings', repositories16:25
wraundfamer: on the menubar16:25
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boris_KinPumpkinKing:  IMO, lack of games is only thing that keeps Linux non-widely used. But as linux gains more community, game makers will start producing games for it16:25
Zikitiah... found bouml in the repository but... it's terrible16:26
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I can't seem to find tremulous on Add/Remove16:26
wraundKinPumpkinKing: ID software, who did quake and so fourth made a doom3 client for linux :)16:26
bazhangZikiti: data-modeling tool?16:26
wraundand most open source games have linux versions16:26
famerwraund, done...16:26
Zikitibazhang: yes16:26
KinPumpkinKingwraund, yeah! but it's a demo, isn't it?16:26
wraundKinPumpkinKing: nope, gimme a sec and ill explain more16:27
wraundfamer: kk now go to the  '3rd party' tab16:27
Zikitilike rational rose16:27
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: it's different, but still i cannot see anything particularly relevant. i think i'd try running a filesystem check manually... you can do that from a live cd16:27
bazhanghttp://fabforce.net/dbdesigner4/ Zikiti16:27
wraundKinPumpkinKing: they made it so you download a little client, and copy the data paks off your windows CD16:27
famerwraund, ok16:27
wraundKinPumpkinKing: i have doom3 on this computer now16:27
helluvaCSMajordo i boot from the live cd?16:27
wraundfamer: good, now do 'add cdrom;16:27
KinPumpkinKingwraund, oh, so you need the retail version,16:28
Zikitibazhang: thanks but not exactly what I'm looking for... take a look at this site http://www.osalt.com/rational-rose16:28
wraundKinPumpkinKing: yeah. i got it for a tenner16:28
Marfidoes gutsy come with a firewall? if so, where do i go to configure it?16:28
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I wrote down what you said for reference. Could you give me the website for Enemy Territory?16:28
Jack_Sparrow!firewall | Marfi16:28
ubotuMarfi: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:28
wraundMarfi: it comes with a very low-end one, you should install firestarter for a good one16:28
boris_KinPumpkinKing: open System>Administration>Software sources and make sure that Universe is enabled16:28
KinPumpkinKingwraund, yeah, well, I don't think it shold cost less than like 30 dollars here in Brazil.16:29
boris_KinPumpkinKing: Quake Wars or Wolfenstein ?16:29
Marfii was just asking if one came installed. that answered my question though. =)16:29
wraundKinPumpkinKing: lol :P16:29
helluvaCSMajorLjL should i boot off the live cd?16:29
Jack_SparrowMarfi: standard iptables work fine... if you need to open up a port then add an iptable manager like firestarter16:29
LjLhelluvaCSMajor: yeah, then run « sudo fsck /dev/sda6 » from there16:29
bazhanghttp://www.osalt.com/argouml Zikiti16:29
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  uuuhhh.... like, what's the difference?16:30
Zikitidoesn't support UML 2.016:30
wraundwrong chan :P16:30
famerwraund, ok16:30
bazhangZikiti: no idea then; sorry..16:30
boris_KinPumpkinKing: well, Quake Wars isn't free and is newer16:30
MarfiJack_Sparrow, what happened is im trying to download via bittorrent. TimeWarner is telling me its my problem. I reinstalled ubuntu 2 days ago. so i know its all good on my end. =)16:30
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helluvaCSMajorLjL ok, ill do it another time, thanks for all of your help16:30
ZikitiThanks anyway\16:30
MarfiJack_Sparrow, i have also downloaded fine16:30
KinPumpkinKingboris_, hm, Wolfenstein, then16:30
boris_KinPumpkinKing: i dont think that Wolfenstein ET has website. but download link : http://games.softpedia.com/get/Freeware-Games/Return-To-Castle-Wolfenstein-Enemy-Territory-FREE-FULL-GAME.shtml16:31
wraundfamer: ok now close the preferences, search kubuntu-desktop in synaptic, and try to install16:31
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crush[A] Marfi /. Time warner techs seldom have a clue16:31
wraundit SHOULD look on the cd for it and install it16:31
boris_KinPumpkinKing: oh, wait a little16:31
Jack_SparrowMarfi: I dont do torrents...  someone here will know what port to open for that16:31
boris_KinPumpkinKing: i gave you windows link16:31
boris_just a sec16:31
KinPumpkinKingboris_, what is the Universe thing? Main server? It says "download from" and it gives me the option of our Brazillian server and main server... do you mean I should change to main?16:31
Marficrush[A], i got transfered about 8 times. =) the lady was very rude, and said that they don't do that16:31
bazhangMarfi: just use transmission--no ports to open :}16:31
wraundKinPumpkinKing: universe is just that16:32
wraundKinPumpkinKing: all packages16:32
mw-homeanyone else having regular crashes with firefox on gmail?16:32
boris_KinPumpkinKing: no16:32
LjLwraund: err... no?16:32
LjL!repositories < KinPumpkinKing16:32
davidstillsongot a question for the masses...  is there a way to access windows shares via UNC path?16:32
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource16:32
wibhi. there seems to be a hard core of music files that my rhythmbox can remember (about 1500 files). how can i make it remember all my music?16:32
freeteebeehello i have the following problem, i deleted my partition table and recovered it with testdisk however testdisk maked my linux partition as ext2 and not ext3 anybody up for some help?16:33
boris_KinPumpkinKing: http://www.fileshack.com/file.x?fid=2743    wolfenstein ET16:33
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LjLfreeteebee: well, use cfdisk or something, and mark it as ext316:33
freeteebeeLjL: this will not delete anything?16:34
famerwraund, he is asking me for original ubuntu disk...16:34
erUSULfreeteebee: use fdisk to change the system lavel16:34
LjLfreeteebee: no16:34
boris_KinPumpkinKing: once it's downloaded, open up terminal and type "./et-linux-2.60.x86.run"16:34
wraundfamer: go back to the 3rd party repositorie settings and check that the kubuntu CD is ticked16:34
Marfibazhang, guess what? still not going. =) could it be a package on my end that would mess up all of the bittorrent traffic?16:34
boris_KinPumpkinKing: and before that "chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run"16:34
boris_KinPumpkinKing: BEFORE16:35
apagaga harapok16:35
bazhangMarfi: just wait a bit, that kind of thing is hard to manage (kind of like herding cats)16:35
LjL!sk > apa    (apa, see the private message from Ubotu)16:35
KinPumpkinKingboris_, hmkay, I wrote that down. Should I get packages from my brazilian server or main server?16:36
Marfibazhang, mmkay. ill be patient16:36
boris_KinPumpkinKing: brazilian server16:36
boris_KinPumpkinKing: dont worry about the terminal work. in the end, you'll see its quite simple16:36
boris_KinPumpkinKing: i can tell you a few terminal commands you'll probably need to know, if you want16:37
Marfi*cracks whip*16:38
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii:  You use vmware for linux right?16:38
KinPumpkinKingboris_, yesh, I'd like that. I only know of dpkg -i packagename16:38
kitofhawaiijack_sparrow: yes. what do you want to know?16:38
Jack_Sparrowkitofhawaii: may I pm?16:38
boris_KinPumpkinKing: join #ubuntu1 channel16:38
Marfibazhang, the file im downloading has ~ 29,000 seeds. it has timed out 3 times...any ideas?16:39
backprowhen my debian start kde start automatic i install xfce how to rub it >?16:39
LjLbackpro: this is #ubuntu not #debian16:40
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backproi mean my ubuntu'16:40
LjL!rootirc | backpro16:40
ubotubackpro: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.16:40
eyemeanmarfi, im assuming ur using torrent?16:40
backproubuntu =debian ??16:40
LjLbackpro: uhm, no16:40
bazhangMarfi: assuming this an ubuntu iso (heh), then it would be an issue with the seeders,and likely not your computer--you can also try utorrent with wine, or ktorrent16:40
Marfieyemean, yes. deluge, trying to get the newest naruto. =) i think my provider may be throttling / blocking the download. i called them, and they said that they weren't16:40
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LjLbackpro: anyway, you select the session you want to use from your display manager (which is probably KDM)16:40
Marfibazhang, naruto. ;)16:41
* NoorulIslaam downloaded naruto16:41
eyemeanmarfi, are you using a router?16:41
famerwraund, I need to reboot now(I have some troubles with my pc) and after i'll continue installing kubuntu-desktop. Is it all what I need to do? Just install kubuntu-desktop?16:41
null__Hello, how can I donwlo a directori like http://www.project.com/dir/FILESHERE I was using wget -r but it downloads extra 'files' called html etc, how to get the same dir?16:41
* boris_ watches naruto16:41
Marfieyemean, yes. but, it worked fine 2 days ago16:41
NoorulIslaamand dont forget bleach16:41
wraundfamer: yes16:41
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wraundfamer: then you will have gnome and kde16:41
diego`hello, i have a porblem with my tv as a second screen, with my fx5600 i have an adapter for video and svideo out so i used an cinch to scart cable but i only have black and white on the tv, y and how to solve it?16:41
freeteebeeLjL and erUSUL i checked fdisk and cfdist but i can only change to Linux no ext2 or 316:41
NoorulIslaamanyone here watches avatar the last airbender?16:41
bazhangMarfi: meaning ubuntu, obviously may need to read up on port forwarding and dht (teh google is yer friend) :}16:41
wraundfamer: to remove gnome make sure kubuntu-desktop is sound, and remove ubuntu-desktop16:42
eyemeanmarfi, 2days ago did you change the default ports that delluge was using?16:42
bazhangoff topic NoorulIslaam16:42
famerwraund thank you so much!16:42
wraundfamer: no probs mate16:42
Marfieyemean, nope. i did do a clean install of ubuntu though, but that shouldn't affect it16:42
backprowhen i start ubuntu X started automatic how to stop it and start console ?????????16:42
freeteebeeis ext2 or ext3 determied by mounting the correct fs16:42
Slartnull__: I think you'll get html-files however you do it.. if you type that into a browser it shows you a html page.. that's what wget downloads16:42
null__Slart: how to do not download that files then?16:43
eyemeanmarfi, basically i found that deluge sometimes resets its settings for some uknow reason, so try checking the ports in deluge, u might find that they have been changed back to default16:43
DM|Ok.. So I am trying to play a stream, is there any codec or Decoder I need that are not of the norm?16:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about camera - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:43
eyemeanmarfi, i would get that same error due to that reason16:43
Slartnull__: aren't there switches to wget to not save certain files? if so, use that to not save html files16:44
hotbard7salam dostan16:44
Slartnull__: or just delete the html-files after you're done16:44
bundo!server  bundo.biz16:44
Marfieyemean, ill mess with the settings. ill give you an update in a few. ;)16:44
LjLfreeteebee: yeah, well, the right partition type is 83, whether or not it's ext3. just make sure it's mounted as ext3 in fstab16:44
KnifeHatMy 'trackerd' process is spiking, constant 100% CPU, what's it doing?16:44
LjL!server > bundo    (bundo, see the private message from Ubotu)16:44
freeteebeeah great LjL thx16:44
SlartKnifeHat: wasting cycles.. I had to disable it on my computer.. just never stopped16:45
bazhangopen up top and check KnifeHat16:45
KnifeHatThat's how I found out it was spiking was top16:45
ribokcan anybody help me with drivers?16:45
KnifeHatI don't know what it does though16:45
eyemeanmarfi, rember i think its ur port settings which are affecting it16:45
KnifeHatsafe to kill?16:45
SlartKnifeHat: trackerd is used to index files on your harddrives for easier/faster searching16:45
lQgdoes ubuntu support directfb?16:45
eyemeanmarfi, i'll be back to check on ur update, as i wont be on pc all the time16:45
SlartKnifeHat: kind of like google desktop or beagle16:45
KnifeHatWeird my harddrive isn't getting an activity at all though16:45
Jordannacan anyone help me figure out how to bind this program to an address, i know its possible, just cant find out how :/ http://quozl.us.netrek.org/tcpxd/16:45
lQgor xdirectfb ?16:45
Marfieyemean, i set it to random ports when i was having problems. i reset them to 6881 - 6889. gonna see what happens16:45
KnifeHatProbably a run away process16:46
SlartKnifeHat: well.. that's what it's *supposed* to do.. but as I said.. it just runs wild sometimes16:46
KnifeHatOK, thanks for the info16:46
Marfieyemean, it still times out. =/16:46
eyemeanmarfi, are those ports forwareded on ur router?16:47
Marfii shall check16:47
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I'm downloading Tremulous now... one hour to go. Thank you. Does it take over 64mb of video memory?16:47
Jordannaanyone? :/16:47
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pc22i cant open my firefox and it says could not initialize the browser's security component? anyone know?16:48
bazhangJordanna: what is the issue?16:48
boris_KinPumpkinKing: well, im not sure, but tremulous doesnt generally require a good computer16:49
holycowi'm not googling much on this, is there a page out there that lists digital cameras known to be supported? not all of them use known transport protocols16:49
Jordannai cant figure out how to bind this program to an address, i know its possible, just cant find out how :/ http://quozl.us.netrek.org/tcpxd/16:49
Jack_SparrowKinPumpkinKing: for a cool game, also check out sauerbratten...16:49
bazhangholycow: which camera?16:49
bazhangKinPumpkinKing: and frozen bubble!16:50
boris_Jack_Sparrow: it aint so cool16:50
Jack_Sparrowboris_: Your opinion.. I  like it16:50
holycowbazhang: well i'm more looking for a resource, say like linuxprinting.org.  we don't buy peripherals without research despite the nature of this channel16:50
boris_Jack_Sparrow:  ok16:50
NoWhereManhi all16:50
Jack_Sparrowbazhang: frozen bubble is my wifes favorite..16:50
bazhangholycow: just a moment16:50
erUSULJordanna: if you are trying to bind to a port bellow 1024 you must use sudo16:50
biotroxmy ubuntu-thumdrive crashes all the time.. please help16:50
bazhanghttp://www.teaser.fr/~hfiguiere/linux/digicam.html holycow16:51
bazhangJack_Sparrow: nice! I can't get enough of it :}16:51
K_DallasHi guys! Q1: when i change a config file, what is the command to actualize that? (i thought it was source). Q2: How do i activate my touchpad (toshiba satellite)? Last week when i installed ubunut it was working but the latest install which was totally from DVD doesnt seem to have activated that. Thanks16:51
Jordannano erUSUL: i need to bind it to an address, so it uses that internet connection16:51
holycowdude thanks a lot for that, very good page.16:51
boris_KinPumpkinKing: you only got 64 MB of video memory ?16:52
KinPumpkinKingJack_Sparrow, bazhang wrote that down.16:52
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  yeah... it's an over 5 years old computer.16:52
bazhangno problem16:52
boris_KinPumpkinKing: i guess no fancy effects for you16:52
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  I've only come across one game that doesn't run on it, though16:52
Dr_willis5 yrs old  - isent that the DOOM era? :)16:52
bazhangbiotrox: need more info than that to help you16:53
Dr_willisor am i showing my age again? heh.16:53
boris_KinPumpkinKing: what game ? oh, and btw - ET quake wars wont run on it16:53
Jack_SparrowDr_willis: Be nice....16:53
biotroxbazhang, using 7.10 and 4GB usb drive16:53
biotroxbazhang, kernell panic all the time16:53
Dr_willisactually 5 yrs ago was about Quake 2 wasent it. A new way to keep track of the years. by game release.16:53
KinPumpkinKingboris_, hmkay, I'm not paying for anything anyway... :p~ The game is Archlord. It needs at least 128 video memory16:53
bazhang5 year old computers can run most stuff out there--I had a seven year old compaq that did so--just no 3d stuff16:53
casey_whats the default root password for ubuntu16:54
biotroxbazhang and when i restart it the gnome doesn't work well16:54
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: did it EVER work for you16:54
KinPumpkinKingDr_willis, lol, for me it was diablo 2 :P16:54
bazhangbiotrox: how did you install it to the pendrive?16:54
casey_you can run d2 on linux?16:54
biotroxi'm using it right now16:54
Dr_willisI had Ubuntu on a Pent 1 100 laptop.. :) took like 2 hrs to install.. gotta love 1x cd drives16:54
biotroxjack, it only last for 4 days at the longest16:54
casey_im trying "su" and the password seems to be wrong16:54
Dr_williscasey_,  use 'sudo' not su16:54
biotroxand then crash...16:55
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox:  kernell panic all the time  would imply that is was not working atm16:55
biotroxi need to format the casper-rw partition16:55
=== MarcoZ is now known as `_`
erUSUL!sudo | casey_16:55
ubotucasey_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.16:55
casey_well i want su16:55
biotroxand then the ubuntu start fine again16:55
lQgso does ubuntu have directfb support?16:55
casey_no, i want the whole terminal to be root16:55
gubuhello I got some problems on amd64 laptop with alsa here is a dump om my configuration: http://pastebin.ca/81607516:55
erUSULcasey_: sudo -i16:55
lQgi'm considering switching to gentoo if it doesn't16:55
boris_KinPumpkinKing: well, what flavour of ubuntu you got ?16:55
thorcasey_ define a password for root then you can use 'su' (passwd root)16:56
NoWhereManguys has anybody tried to recompile 2.6.22 lately?16:56
gubuI can't acces alsamixer16:56
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gubuand the sound is mono16:56
NoWhereManlooks like linux-source-2.6.22 is almost vanilla16:56
casey_ok thanks16:56
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: at the moment.. sorry for the shorthand16:56
KinPumpkinKingboris_, what do you mean? Version? If so, it's 7.1016:56
casey_but whats su do16:56
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/source/directfb lQg16:56
NoWhereManor at least it doesnt contain ubuntu patches16:56
boris_KinPumpkinKing: do you have Ubuntu, Xubuntu or Kubuntu ?16:56
SpookyETListen is a really nice audio player. I like it more than Rhythmbox16:56
erUSUL!root | casey_16:56
ubotucasey_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:56
KinPumpkinKingboris_,  Ubuntu16:56
biotroxjack_sparrow, sorry didn't catch that... my english isn't so good16:56
boris_KinPumpkinKing: then i guess it runs quite slowly ?16:56
akempgendoes the ubuntu livecd support reading hfs/hfs+ disks and sharing them over the lan?16:57
casey_so what does su do16:57
KinPumpkinKingboris_, nope16:57
lQgno xdirectfb :o16:57
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: not a problem...16:57
lQglater ubuntu16:57
backprohow to logout from tty0 and open tty1 ?16:57
boris_KinPumpkinKing: how much RAM u got ?16:57
bazhangakempgen: no to hfs/hfs+16:57
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I have 768mb ram memory16:57
thorcasey_ su logs you in as the root user, sudo only executes one command line as the root user16:57
boris_KinPumpkinKing: k16:57
LjLcasey_: su is simply not intended to be used on ubuntu16:57
akempgenbazhang: do you happen to know any livecd that does? :)16:57
biotroxjack_sparrow so... any idea why my ubuntu-thumbdrive always need to be flush..?16:57
erUSULthor: with sudo -i you get a "root shell" do not recomend using su or enabling the root account16:58
casey_i see16:58
casey_well ill use sudo -i16:58
bazhangakempgen: linux? not to my knowledge--you may want to check google though :}16:58
thorerUSUL I didn't recommend anything....just answered his question16:58
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: i use my pendrive very little...   you might consider persistent where you run it off the cd and save changes to the pendrive16:59
LjLcasey_: you may, but it's generally a better idea to just prefix "sudo" to single commands. safer (you never know when you'll do some nasty typo on a dangerous command! everybody does it sooner or later), and also helps you giving a real perception of which activities require root privileges and which don't16:59
mutableHello. Is it possible to disable true transparency for gnome-terminal with compiz? I just want to have it to show desktop background, like without compiz.16:59
KinPumpkinKingboris_, 20%, lol...16:59
huw_hi when i try to run compiz i get the error "the composite extension is not available" any ideas on how to fix?16:59
boris_KinPumpkinKing: what ?16:59
biotroxjack_sparrow, i did use persistent.. so i think that's why it crashes all the time16:59
KinPumpkinKingboris_, Tremulous' download :(16:59
erUSULhuw_: you need to enable hw 3d accel for your card16:59
rmserrahello, i have a problem when suspend/hibernate my dell latitude d505. I read the sugestion on Loinux on Laptops but is worse. :(16:59
boris_KinPumpkinKing: ok17:00
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: Also note.. an out of control program could write to the pendrive enough to destroy it.. they have a limited number of writes17:00
huw_erUSUL,  how do i do that exactly? :)17:00
erUSULhuw_: what graphic card do you have? ati nvidia?17:00
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: so this is not a full pendrive install, just persistent more drive17:00
biotroxlive usb and i made it persistent. that's why i'm using casper-rw17:00
gubuhello I got some problems on amd64 acer laptop with alsa here is a dump om my configuration: http://pastebin.ca/81607517:01
erUSULhuw_: go to System>Admin>restricted Driver and enable the driver17:01
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: If you can.. try using dapper and see if it changes anything for you17:01
un4gethey, if I make my NTFS drivers now etc3 or etc2 if I decide to switch back to window will I lose all data on Hard drive??17:01
gubuI can't acces alsamixer and it sounds mono17:01
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:01
un4getthese are regular hard drives that are not under my ubuntu.......17:01
huw_i did that already erUSUL , but for some reason it gives me driver "ATI accelerated graphics driver" (in use)17:02
boris_KinPumpkinKing: btw, did you install your graphics' card driver ?17:02
biotroxjack_sparrow, did you feel the same as i do.. i mean i feel that this 7.10 version of ubuntu didn't quite stable as dapper, edgy & feisty17:02
IrishDaveun4get, you can get a driver for windows that canread ext2 and ext317:02
Jordannaim looking for a tcp/ip relay program, can anyone help me?17:02
bazhangun4get: formatting them will erase all the data17:02
erUSULhuw_: o.O you said you have nvidia??17:02
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I don't know, not manually, but Linux did detect the card driver...17:02
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: My favorite.. Dapper...17:02
huw_yes erUSUL , odd huh?17:02
KinPumpkinKingboris_, the card, I mean. the driver, I dunno17:02
biotrox6.06 you mean..?17:02
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: yep17:03
un4getim not talking about formating im talking about only to change them from NTFS to Ext........17:03
IrishDavegood point bazhang :)17:03
biotroxcompiz works on dapper..?17:03
erUSULhuw_: lspci | grep -i vga what gives?17:03
IrishDaveun4get, i dont think you can change without formatting17:03
bazhangIrishDave: hehe17:03
biotroxdapper support will be until 2009 right..?17:03
KinPumpkinKingboris_, but I played tuxcart on full speed, so I guess that means it's okay?17:03
huw_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900]17:04
Jack_Sparrowun4get: ntfs to ext3 and back and not lose data..  doubtful17:04
bazhangbiotrox: yes, and hardy will be a lts next april17:04
boris_KinPumpkinKing: yes, probably17:04
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: yes17:04
erUSULhuw_: you lied to me XD you have an ati graphic card ;P17:04
biotroxso hardy will be much stable than edgy feisty and gutsy?17:04
huw_so i see :)17:04
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: dont go there...17:04
huw_sorry, what do i do now?17:04
erUSULhuw_: for ati cards you need xserver-xgl i think but i'm not sure17:05
un4getis there any option to define sharing via root? cause when I try to share under my regular ubuntu username (not root) it says cannot access folder, but if I share a folder under ubuntu hard drive it shares with no prob17:05
wefffwefwhen i start my ubuntu the login screen start ,i wanna make console login start ?? how17:05
rmserrasome body know  the way to fix the problems  in dell latitude d505 with suspend/hibernate/resume ?17:05
Jack_Sparrowbiotrox: it will lead to all kinds of offtopic and disrupt the channel17:05
biotroxjust curiousity17:05
erUSULwefffwef: allways or just once?17:05
Dr_willisun4get,  you can always manually configfure samba and the various samba shares you want.  Depends on what you want to share, and how.17:06
erUSULwefffwef: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove17:06
mutableIs it possible to disable true transparency for gnome-terminal with compiz? I just want to have it to show desktop background, like without compiz.17:06
abdullaguys is theyr a way to get hotmail emails into evoloution ?17:06
boris_KinPumpkinKing: just to make sure : open System>Administration>Restricted driver manager17:06
un4getso where can I find a manual?17:06
wefffwefand once ?17:06
LjL!hotmail > abdulla    (abdulla, see the private message from Ubotu)17:06
erUSULabdulla: there are some proxie like programs that can get hotmail mail and fordward it to evo17:06
roaetquick question17:06
huw_erUSUL,  do i have to reboot now? or restart xserver?17:07
erUSUL!info gotmail | abdulla17:07
un4getso where can I find a manual?17:07
ubotuabdulla: gotmail: utility to download email from a Hotmail or MSN account. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.9-1 (gutsy), package size 38 kB, installed size 136 kB17:07
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bazhangun4get: for what?17:07
roaetif someone accidentally did rm -rf * in /usr/bin17:07
abdullaerUSUL, please tell me how :(17:07
un4getfor samba sharing17:07
roaetdo I have to reinstall?17:07
erUSULhuw_: maybe just restarting the xserver is enough17:07
KinPumpkinKingboris_, ya, okay, my NVIDIA acceleration driver is checked17:07
Dr_willisun4get,  there are complete 'using samba' book in the samba-doc package.  and the following links17:07
Dr_willis!samba | un4get17:07
ubotuun4get: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT17:07
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I had to authorize that on install... so that's why I fugired it'd be fine17:07
erUSULabdulla: i've never used it so i dunno i'm sure there are docs in their website and how tos around the web17:08
thorroaet did you use sudo to execute that command?17:08
KinPumpkinKingboris_, well, right after installation.17:08
arang2guys anyone knows if the checkgmail app is working? cos mine stopped working and doesnt want to do anything anymore rejects my login/password but i can access my gmail thru the website so , anyone knows if the google guys changed something at the sites that broke the app?17:08
bazhanghttp://us1.samba.org/samba/docs/FAQ/ un4get17:08
un4getand by mistake i change my username's path to /home/root instead of /home/123417:08
boris_KinPumpkinKing: do you know how to use self complete function ?17:08
abdullathank you erUSUL17:08
roaetthor ...17:08
Dr_willissamba is one of those tools - it pays to read and learn it well. :)17:08
un4gethow do i change i back to /home/1234 cause now i cannot log..............17:08
freeteebeei still try to recover my linux partition wich i remember is in ext3 but is recognizes as ext2, so far i can see some files but i cannot access anything mountin as ext3 returns wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda4 and dmesg | tail returns EXT2-fs error (device hda4): ext2_readdir: bad page in #1389921 and ext3: No journal on filesystem on hda417:08
KikiCubhello everybody :)17:08
duryhi there  channel :)17:08
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I don't know what's that, so, no.17:08
Marfieyemean, got it workign w/ port forwarding17:08
thorroaet then yes, you will have to reinstall...there is no way to recover deleted files in linux17:08
KikiCubcan anyone help me with a package installation problem????17:09
Marfieyemean, its wierd, cause i never had to do that before though. ty. =)17:09
roaetthor sweet17:09
roaetthought so17:09
bazhangMarfi: yay17:09
Dr_willisat least no easy/reliable way :)17:09
erUSULfreeteebee: have you used fdisk or cfdisk to change partition type?17:09
Marfiand thank you bazhang for suggesting the idea. =)17:09
thorroaet  but if you reinstall without reformatting it should just restore all those deleted files17:09
Marfiwhats the problem, KikiCub ?17:09
un4gethow do i change i back to /home/1234 cause now i cannot log..............17:09
boris_KinPumpkinKing: you can just type a part of my name, or filename, or whatever, and press TAB so it will autocomplete itself. type "bor" and press TAB17:09
kestazhow to remove apache17:09
duryI just installed ubuntu 7.10 in this box and everything goes pretty well :)17:09
roaetok.. i just gotta find my disk17:09
freeteebeeerUSUL: yes but the partition type was already Linux17:09
roaetthanks thor17:09
huw_what package do i need to download for compiz for cube and other custom effects?17:09
LjLkestaz: sudo apt-get remove apache217:09
erUSUL!ccsm | huw_17:10
ubotuhuw_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:10
KinPumpkinKingboris_, oooh, that I knew, cuz I have used mirc scripts before, ^^.17:10
freeteebeeerUSUL: should i try it anyways again17:10
kestazLjL: ackage apache2 is not installed, so not removed17:10
Marfihuw_, compiz and the compiz config tool17:10
kestazLjL: but apache running17:10
KikiCubok, if i log in i get the "update available" message.......but it crashes because it "can't  ope files list for libflac8"17:10
KinPumpkinKingboris_, I thought you were talking about something in Ubuntu.17:10
LjLkestaz: then apache without the 2 i guess, if you've installed the previous version17:10
arang2guys anyone knows if the checkgmail app is working? cos mine stopped working and doesnt want to do anything anymore rejects my login/password but i can access my gmail thru the website so , anyone knows if the google guys changed something at the sites that broke the app?17:10
huw_ok, thanks for your help erUSUL , it works! :)17:10
MarfiKikiCub, do you have libflac installed?17:10
KikiCubtried dpkg -L libflac8 and same error17:10
boris_KinPumpkinKing: well, you can use same feature in gnome terminal, because you have to include special slashes when typing some filenames17:10
KikiCubtried apt-get --reinstall install libflac8 and same problem17:11
erUSULfreeteebee: dunno... i do not know how testdisk works... but you can convert and etx2 fs to ext3 easily17:11
KinPumpkinKingboris_, my keyboard has those slashes. do you mean \ and /?17:11
kestazLjL: what i need to do ?17:11
szundihi! please help me, I can shut down my computer on ubuntu.The scrren goes black, the processor is not showing any activity, but the computer still won´t shut donw17:11
MarfiKikiCub, maybe you don't have it on your computer. try apt-get install17:11
LjLkestaz: i said, try sudo apt-get remove apache17:11
LjLwithout the 217:11
freeteebeeerUSUL: but i do not want to lose my data17:11
erUSULfreeteebee: http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/ext2toext3.htm17:11
roaetthor: i just stick in the CD and reinstall right?17:11
roaetwithout reformatting? would it ruin my settings and all that?17:12
kestazLjL: Package apache is not installed, so not removed17:12
LjLkestaz: how did you install apache?17:12
TaBo1337anyone know how i can download songs from my computer to my Ipod?17:12
kestazLjL: apt-get install apache217:12
TaBo1337without iTuns..17:12
SlartTaBo1337: try amarok17:12
KikiCubMarfi: yes it is installed, if I try apt-get install is says it's already installed and the newest version17:12
Voyage_is there a way to make sure that a specific app is running all the time. and making it run when its not running in the sys tray?17:12
MarfiTaBo1337, amarok, rythombox17:12
boris_KinPumpkinKing: yes, but , for example, directory called 'Program Files'  will have to be typed 'Program\ Files/' in terminal, else it wont work17:12
ubotuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod17:12
bazhangamarok supports that TaBo133717:12
TaBo1337bout of them]17:12
erUSULfreeteebee: you can convert between the two without loosing data. In linux we take backwards compat seriusly ;)17:12
zeroflagwhat do I need for flash in firefox? swf-player will uninstall half my desktop...17:12
TaBo1337you sure?17:12
TaBo1337i tried17:12
KinPumpkinKingboris_, oh, I see.17:13
LjLkestaz: then sudo apt-get remove apache2 will remove it -- actually, it has removed it already. i guess it's still running just because nobody told it to stop. « sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 stop »17:13
boris_KinPumpkinKing: this is most notable when using compatibility layers like WINE17:13
MarfiTaBo1337, i know rythmbox has an option to, and im pretty sure you can with amarok17:13
mutablePlease, Everybody wants real transparency in gnome-terminal, is there any way how to disable it?17:13
KinPumpkinKingboris_, oh, but I have windows on this computer as well, so I don't intend to use WINE so soon...17:13
boris_KinPumpkinKing: since it uses Windows' directory tree, which linux terminal doesnt support17:13
TaBo1337i tried with bout of the softwares..17:13
TaBo1337i'll come here later.. thank's anyway17:14
KikiCubMarfi: any idea?17:14
KinPumpkinKingboris_, since I like to play Gunz: the Duel and some other games.17:14
Marfimutable, edit profile in gnome-terminal, adn there is an option to enable / disable it17:14
MarfiKikiCub, the only thing i can think of is to remove it, then reinstall it. but i don't know if its needed by the system though17:14
KinPumpkinKingboris_, and it's probably hard to configurate WINE for me.17:14
boris_KinPumpkinKing: im gonna play tremulous, bye17:14
arang2guys anyone please help17:14
arang2guys anyone knows if the checkgmail app is working? cos mine stopped working and doesnt want to do anything anymore rejects my login/password but i can access my gmail thru the website so , anyone knows if the google guys changed something at the sites that broke the app?17:14
KinPumpkinKingboris_, bai bai!17:14
mutableMarfi: I want the pseudo transparency, like without compiz17:14
KikiCubMarfi: i think it's going to remove a tons of things, but i will try.....17:15
kestazLjL: update-rc.d -f apache2 remove17:15
=== Agrajag_ is now known as Agrajag
kestazi did this17:15
MarfiKikiCub, if you sudo apt-get remove, it only removes the one package17:15
LjLkestaz: there should be no need for that17:15
mutableMarfi: I use very small subset of fetures of compiz, but I like them, but this is what I don't like17:15
Marfimutable, what do you mean?17:15
bazhangbye boris17:15
durycan someone assist me to install beryl in this machine please17:16
svladcjellizeroflag: flashplugin-nonfree17:16
KikiCubMarfi: well, it's telling me that it is going to remove a lot of things, but i'm going to give it a try.....17:16
zeroflagsvladcjelli: not working.17:16
bazhangdury: beryl is now merged with compiz17:16
Slart!compiz | dury17:16
ubotudury: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:16
arang2guys anyone knows if the checkgmail app is working? cos mine stopped working and doesnt want to do anything anymore rejects my login/password but i can access my gmail thru the website so , anyone knows if the google guys changed something at the sites that broke the app?17:16
mutableMarfi: Without compiz u can set transparent terminal, and you see your desktop bg, however when I run compiz, the terminal uses real transparency and I see icons/windows/... in my terminal.17:16
svladcjelliarang2: works fine17:16
Marfimutable, ah, ok. i get what your saying17:17
arang2svladcjelli: in my case it isnt working at all, any ideas what could i do?17:17
svladcjelliarang2: check your password? recreate accounts?17:17
mutableMarfi: Everybody wants real transparency, I don't know why? I find it very useless... So I cannot find any questions on google :)17:17
Marfimutable, im looking through settigns now. ;)17:18
arang2svladcjelli: checked the password i dont know how to recreate account17:18
SpookyETIs there an option to make Totem show stream progress or stream when you pause in the browser?17:18
SpookyETOr allow you to seek in the stream17:18
Marfii can't find the option, mutable . =/ only thing i would say is to look through the config manager17:18
KikiCubMarfi: same thing.....the problem is that the system doesn't know which files were installed by libflac8.....for example, if i run dpkg -L mysql-server it tells me about every single file that the package installed.....but for some reason it forgot about libflac8 and that prevents any operation on apt-get, aptitude and synaptic from executing...can't add, remove, or UPDATE my system :(17:19
mutableMarfi: ok,17:19
_RomanI am using Ubuntu 7.10.  I can not get ubuntu to see my cdrom drive.  fstab has the cdrom drive listed as /dev/scd0 but this device does not exist.  Can anyone help?17:19
MarfiKikiCub, i don't know what to tell ya. =/ anyone else have an idea?17:20
svladcjellii don't see the question17:21
KikiCubMarfi: is there a file where this info is stored???? i can get the path to them from my other system, they're both running 7.10......but i don't know where that info should live...17:21
MarfiKikiCub, you can try man <file>17:21
gnrhi, how do i change the boot operating system priority?17:22
brobostigongnr: the bios and or the boot manager17:23
freeteebeeok erUSUL i converted to ext3 however the disk still does not look good it says that 6gb are used even though it should be almost full (60gb) and i still cannot access directories, what i want to do is to boot from the disk again, could it work anyway? grub tells me find /boot/grub/stage1 Error 15: File not found and  root (hd0,4) Error 21: Selected disk does not exist even though it is mounted17:23
gnrhow do i access the boot manager?17:23
KikiCubMarfi: you didn't understand the question....where does this info get stored on the filesystem? i mean, every time you install a package, there's a file that keep track of which files were installed and where.....so that if you need to remove them you know where they are....problem is my system forgot where they are and i can't rebuild the file because i don't know where that file would be17:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:23
brobostigongnr: grub17:23
svladcjelliKikiCub: can you not reinstall the package then remove it17:23
=== Shinra is now known as Newnoob
erUSULfreeteebee: have you checjed the partitions with fsck or similar tool?17:24
hijayhi, if i have a quad core with 12 gb ram, is that enough to run more than 30 Virtual Machines?17:24
gnrexcuse my ignorance brobostigon , what is grub?17:24
freeteebeeerUSUL: no not yet17:24
freeteebeei will17:24
svladcjellihijay: depends what is running, but should get you started at least :)17:24
brobostigongrub is the bot manger for linux on an x86 pc17:24
=== Newnoob is now known as Uranium
svladcjelli!grub gnr17:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grub gnr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:24
kdallasHi guys! My Toshiba-satellite touchpad is not working any more in gutsy.  gsynaptics says it is activated and i have turned on SHMConfig in xorg.conf17:25
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KikiCubnot at all......any operation that involves installing or removing any package using any of the normal methods (apt-get, dpkg, aptitude) stop because the system doesn't know where the files are for libflac817:25
B-rabbithi guyz...i am trying to install the "xvidcap" desktop recorder...but when i execute the "sudo ./configure" script in the folder, because this is what it tells you to do in the INSTALL instruction file.This is what i get http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48233/  i don't know what i am doing wrong here....thanx in advance17:25
brobostigonboot manager17:25
=== Uranium is now known as Klockwinder
erUSULB-rabbit: why are you compiling?17:25
gnrand how do i edit it brobostigon ?17:25
erUSUL!info xvidcap | B-rabbit17:25
ubotub-rabbit: Package xvidcap does not exist in gutsy17:25
* erUSUL ouch17:25
brobostigonread the docs on help.ubuntu.com: they will help you gnr17:25
svladcjellignr: that is an advanced thing, don't do it unless you know what you are doing17:25
KlockwinderHow can I change my screen resolution to 1024x768?17:26
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B-rabbiterUSUL, because i downloaded it from source forge web site17:26
R3B3LXquick question... im trying to install Maplestory.exe using wine im running it through terminal... i type Sudo wine /acorn/desktop/mssetup.exe ... but it sayts it can not be found... my name of my desktop is Acorn@confusedCPU i have it downloaded to my desktop WHAT IS THE COMMAND I TYPE?17:26
B-rabbitand u have to manually compile it17:26
svladcjelliKikiCub: look in  /var/lib/dpkg/available or  /var/lib/dpkg/status17:27
gnris it possible to change the boot operating system priority in the bios?17:27
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erUSUL!b-e | B-rabbit17:27
ubotuB-rabbit: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:27
KikiCubmember:svladcjelli: ok, will look....17:27
brobostigongo into the bios gnr, and have a look, it will be there somewhere17:27
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brobostigonthe boot sequence17:27
SlartR3B3LX: ask in #winehq instead17:28
R3B3LXokies that17:28
brobostigon!bios | gnr17:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bios - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:28
Voyage_bazhang - btw, how can i be sure that firestarter is running. (iam behind a router of isp) ?17:28
K_DallasQ: My Toshiba-satellite touchpad is not working any more in gutsy.  gsynaptics says it is activated and i have turned on SHMConfig in xorg.conf17:28
SpookyET  My volume is really low, but the sliders are all at max, global and player17:28
SpookyETIt's like the volume slider is out of sync with the backend17:29
bazhangVoyage_: set your iptables then go to a site testing your ports--check google for such a site17:29
DM|SpookyET try 'alsamixer' in terminal17:29
svladcjelliSpookyET: try alsamixer in terminal17:29
brobostigonspookyet: are your speakers turned on, and set high volum e17:29
hijaywow vps is lame17:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pulseaudio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:29
Voyage_bazhang iam behind a router . that wont work17:29
SpookyETbrobostigon: laptop17:30
KikiCubsvladcjelli: those file only contain main package information, but not the listing of the files installed :(17:30
bazhangVoyage_: no idea then sorry17:30
SpookyETalsamixer is cool, and it fixed it17:30
svladcjelliKikiCub: you can force a reinstall...17:30
freeteebeeerUSUL: i tryed fsck but i got The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 ... even tough i mounted the partition as ext317:31
Voyage_bazhang thx17:31
KikiCubsvladcjelli: yeah, i tried "apt-get --reinstall install libflac8" let me paste the error...17:31
erUSULfreeteebee: the fsck should be done on the unmounted filesystem (from livecd for example)17:31
svladcjelliKikiCub: the status fil ein var/lib/dpkg has a list of installed files17:31
svladcjellithat is what it is17:32
freeteebeeerUSUL: also and you might try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock:17:32
freeteebee    e2fsck -b 8193 <device>17:32
KikiCubReading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libflac8_1.1.4-3ubuntu1.1_i386.deb (--unpack):17:32
KikiCub unable to open files list file for package `libflac8': Input/output error17:32
KikiCubErrors were encountered while processing:17:32
KikiCub /var/cache/apt/archives/libflac8_1.1.4-3ubuntu1.1_i386.deb17:32
KikiCubProcessing was halted because there were too many errors.17:32
KikiCubE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)17:32
LjL!paste > KikiCub    (KikiCub, see the private message from Ubotu)17:32
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
KikiCubick,  got slapped for pasting :)17:32
erUSULfreeteebee: yes if it doesn't find the superblock you may want to try with fsck -b 3276817:33
bazhanghi NUI17:33
svladcjelliKikiCub: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-fr/2006-September/011456.html17:34
bazhangKikiCub: you want a list of packages installed? dpkg -l should  do it17:35
anikethi all17:35
KikiCubthat sounds like a solution!!! for a different package, but similar......so, those lists are kept in /var/lib/dpkg/info17:35
KikiCubbashang: it gives me the exact same error, that it can't read the files info17:35
aniketKikiCub, hi17:36
svladcjelliKikiCub: you have to wipe the list info then reinstall17:36
freeteebeeerUSUL: ok now fsck worked and returns a semly endless list of errors17:36
Zero4kIf anybody is up for a challenge, I'd love to see if anybody has an idea on how to fix my issue.17:36
KikiCubtrying that right now....hold on :)17:36
* aniket wonders if KikiCub greets others17:37
Kakaschwammhow r u17:37
SlartZero4k: a good start would be telling us what the problem is17:37
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:37
KikiCubaniket: HI! :) sorry about that ;)17:37
Kakaschwammyou fucking hore17:37
Zero4kHere goes nothing: I have Ubuntu 7.10 installed on a server and a laptop. Both machines are working fine, and there's no driver issues. They both have the proper DNS servers configured in their network configs.17:37
dgjones!ops | Kakaschwamm17:37
ubotuKakaschwamm: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!17:37
Slart!ohmy | Kakaschwamm17:37
ubotuKakaschwamm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:37
freeteebeeerUSUL: i pressed yes to a lot of them, hopefully this eill not delete anything??? *scared*17:37
Kakaschwammfuck u17:37
Zero4kHowever! Whenever I try to ping a hostname (The domain is a Windows domain with a windows 2003 DNS server, and the secondary DNS server is Debian Sarge Bind9).. when I try to ping via hostname, it takes forever to actually start pinging.17:37
aniketKikiCub, was just joking ;)17:38
vecnahi , how can I disable an ethernet card in gusty?17:38
CatatonikLol, for some reason my connection was lost so I rebooted and now the maximum resolution is 640x48017:38
Zero4kIPV6 has been disabled, but did not seem to fix the issue.17:38
KikiCubyeah, i got that aniket, but still :)17:38
svladcjelli!search ask17:38
ubotuFound: etiquette-#ubuntu-offtopic, etiquette, hostmask, please, metaquestion, cloaks, dumb, questions, questions-#ubuntu-classroom-chat, gateway17:38
vecnanetwork manager won't let me remove roaming profile for eth1 and it's hooked nowhere so I don't know what to do17:38
kitofhawaiizero4k: when you do an nslookup against the primary server, how long does it take to resolve the host in question?17:38
CatatonikAnyone feel like helping me?  :<17:38
Slartvecna: ok.. could be that the dns servers are slow to respond.. have you tried just doing the dns-lookup?17:39
vecnano , I don't need eth1 there is no cable on it17:39
svladcjellivecna: you can manually edit /etc/network/interfaces17:39
Slartvecna: sudo ifdown eth0 would disable eth0.. kind of17:39
Zero4kIt doesn't seem to have any problem with resolving the hostnames, which is the odd part.17:39
Slartoops.. sorry17:39
kitofhawaiizero4k: no delay whatsoever but it delays starting ping...17:39
Zero4kHostnames resolve in milliseconds, ping times are low, but time before ubuntu actually starts to "ping", is huge.17:40
SlartZero4k: what happens if you ping an ip-number? same delay?17:40
Zero4kPinging an IP directly results in immediate results, no delay.17:40
Zero4kIt's a DNS issue, but I don't know where. The windows machines (and the Debian Sarge server) have no trouble.17:40
vecnaSlart,  it says it's not configured17:40
Lambachwhat room can help me w/ /etc/network/interfaces ?17:41
Slartcould it be a "look stuff up using ipv6 first" issue?17:41
etohuserwhat's the best firefox flash player for like embedded youtube movies?17:41
vecnahowever I got messages filling my logs like this : Dec 14 18:36:49 vecna kernel: [13549.380000] eth1: PHY reset until link up.17:41
Zero4kIPv6 is disabled.17:41
kitofhawaiizero4k: if you try to ping an invalid, name how long it take to return unknown host?17:41
etohuseri'm using xubuntu 7.1017:41
Zero4kAfter hitting enter for an invalid, I get an immediate "unknown host"17:41
etohuseris gnash up to par with the non-free flash player?17:41
Slartvecna: hmm... I guess there should be some way of just not loading the drive for a card...don't really know how one would go around doing that.. sorry17:42
=== subzero2000_ is now known as subzero2000
adelieAre there any problems with setting the sudo timeout to 0 such that it will always ask for my password? For example, can threads that were opened as su loose their su privelages?17:42
SlartZero4k: could the dns-host be doing some recursive lokoups that take time?17:42
yeniklasorrWhat is the best webcam linux supported ?17:42
Zero4kOn the server end?17:42
nickrudadelie, the process will stay su'd until it ends17:43
bazhang!webcam | yeniklasorr17:43
ubotuyeniklasorr: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:43
nickrudetohuser, no17:43
kitofhawaiizero4k: it's on the same subnet?17:43
etohuserall right. so just stick with nonfree flash plugin?17:43
Zero4kSame subnet,
etohuserit worked pretty well with ubuntu and now i'm trying xfce17:44
nickrudetohuser, if the license doesn't bother you, yes :)17:44
kitofhawaiizero4k: try a "ping -r hostname" just to confirm it's not a routing table issue17:44
vg05so, Dell Dimension 4800, using the latest x86 7.10 live cd, i swap out my ATI x300 for a GeForce 5200 and the live cd won't boot to the desktop17:44
etohuseri mean, it kind of bothers me17:44
adelienickrud: Thanks17:44
noelferreirathere's any program to (film) record my desktop?17:44
etohuserbecause if it's closed source, that just makes me paranoid17:44
CaioAlonsoserver irc.quakenet.org17:44
erUSULfreeteebee: i honestly dunno :| never been on the situation of lost the partitions of my hd17:45
KlockwinderMy maximum resolution is 640x480 but it should be 1024x78617:45
Zero4kSame problem. Ping -r (hostname) resolves the hostname immediately, stalls for 10 seconds, spits out the first ping (which was 2.71ms), waits 13 seconds, spits out the second (0.256ms) and so on.17:45
adelieOh, Are Wacom tablets supposed to work right out of the box once you uncomment the device from xorg.conf, or do you also need to compile the kernal module (in 7.10)17:45
kitofhawaiizero4k: and you're not dropping any packets?17:46
KlockwinderCan anyone help me correctly install video and audio drivers?17:46
Zero4k0% packet loss, yep.17:46
Zero4kThis really has me stumped. It isn't the hardware either, since I have the same issue on two other boxes.17:46
bazhangrecordmydesktop noelferreira17:46
bazhangreally the name haha17:47
noelferreirabazhang, can record sound too ?17:47
bazhangKlockwinder: what video card?17:47
KlockwinderIt's an ATi Xpress 20017:47
bazhangnoelferreira: never tried it don't know17:47
svladcjelliadelie: mine does not work at all :(17:47
KlockwinderThere is a driver on add/remove but last time it broke everything17:47
bazhang!ati | Klockwinder17:48
ubotuKlockwinder: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:48
KlockwinderI just kept getting "signal over range"17:48
kitofhawaiizero4k: same behavior for short name and fqdn?17:48
Zero4kLet me check.17:48
nickrudKlockwinder, I have one of those pos's , could you put a copy of your /var/log/Xorg.0.log on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org17:48
Zero4kFQDN / Short name is the same, yep.17:49
adeliesvladcjelli: :( that sucks. Did you use the wiki guide and follow the "Build a kernel with wacom support" thing using the source code?17:49
nickrudKlockwinder, it's probably a horiz & vert refresh issue for the monitor17:49
svladcjelliadelie: yes... i am sure i can get it going, but it is newest model not fully supported yet17:49
KlockwinderI couldn't repair the horizontal/vertical refresh problem17:49
kitofhawaiizero4k: if you throw the entry in the hosts table it's the same deal?17:49
GreySimDoes anyone know offhand how to have gnome-session automatically restart an app when it dies? I swear I used to be able to do it, but I don't remember how now.17:49
KlockwinderI had to completely reinstall ubuntuagain17:49
adeliesvladcjelli: The 6x8 Bamboo?17:49
svladcjelliadelie: yup17:50
kitofhawaiizero4k: sorry, not throwing ideas off the top of my head, just narrowing down and ruling out potentials17:50
nickrudGreySim, if it's a gnome session aware apps, you can change it's style to restart in system->prefs->session17:50
Zero4k*Nod* No problem. Hey, trial and error help is better than no help at all. :P17:50
adeliesvladcjelli: That thing is so sexy! I love it... other than I can only use it for games under windows. The specs in the source code for it are fabulous... other than not working17:50
GreySimnickrud, thanks.17:50
KlockwinderHow would I get a copy of my /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?17:51
nickrudKlockwinder, gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log will open it read only17:51
tyczekwrrrr... I can't force atheros ar5007eg to work ;/17:51
svladcjelliadelie: it is awesome... I will get it working, just have not taken the hack time yet17:51
Zero4kAt least you have an atheros. I can't get my broadcom to work at all, at home.17:52
jamiejacksoni would like to be able to edit the main menu more directly, the way, say windows does: it allows you to add, delete, check properties, move app shortcuts directly from the menu. it's awkward to go through a menu-editing app to do this. is there a way?17:52
jamiejacksonbroadcom wireless Zero4k? i've maintain what i think is a pretty good howto for that. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff17:53
Zero4kI'll take a look at that, later. Not a huge priority, that laptop uses WinXP anyway.17:54
kitofhawaiizero4k: so any difference between having the hostname in the hosts file than having it use dns?17:54
KlockwinderI pasted the log on ubuntu pastebin17:54
svladcjellikitofhawaii: hosts takes precedence over external dns17:54
KlockwinderJust link here?17:54
svladcjelliyes Klockwinder17:55
crush[A]how can I see what version of flash Im using in term ?17:55
kitofhawaiisvladcjelli: i know...that's why i asked :)17:55
eyemeanmarfi, no worries, im glad it worked, what i would suggest though is that u try changing the port range, im not sure what the preferred range is, but im using 55555-55565 and i get good speeds17:55
Zero4kAh, now we're getting somewhere..17:55
svladcjellisorry kitofhawaii looked like a support Q :)17:55
Zero4kPutting the hostname into the hosts file, results in immediate pinging.17:55
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx17:55
kitofhawaiizero4k: well that narrows it down pretty quickly17:55
KlockwinderThis is so I can change my resolution from 640x480 to 1024x786....that's my problem17:55
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:56
eyemeanmarfi, if ur happy with speed u get now though, then i wouldnt worry about it.17:56
nickrudKlockwinder, looking17:56
bazhangKlockwinder: you mean 768 right?17:56
epswingi've got this ubuntu 7.04 box, it's main purpose is to hold my svn repository and a couple other things, but most of the time it's inactive.17:56
epswingso after booting, after some amount of time i hear the HD spin down, monitor turns off, great it's in power-saving mode.  but then, inexplicable and with no intervention that i can see, it starts back up again, hard drives click and spin up.  what's causing this?  it's praactically a fresh install.17:56
KlockwinderRight yeah17:56
Zero4kIt does?17:56
svladcjelliepswing: cron?17:57
svladcjelliepswing: you could tail the log to find out17:57
nickrudKlockwinder, for some reason you are running the vesa driver; try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg , and choose ati for the driver17:57
epswingoh, and after entering the power-saving state, it takes about 5-10 minutes before it powers up again17:57
pr1rhey all i was wondering if someone could help me out... im missing all the icns in the menus and have no option to x out windows, minimize etc, unless i right click.,.. what do i have to reinstall to fix this?  thanks inn advance17:57
epswingfor reasons unknown17:57
KlockwinderI'm swamped with such low resolutions I'm beginning to forget what higher one are called  :(17:57
epswingsvladcjelli: no cron jobs that i've scheduled...17:57
epswingsvladcjelli: which log?17:57
erUSULubotu tell Klockwinder about fixres | Klockwinder see priv msg from ubotu17:57
KlockwinderOk, I'll try that nickrud17:57
pegasosI'm trying to install ov51x-jpeg-source from the synaptic but it requires me to insert the install cd rom. Is there a way to do this without the said CD available?17:57
LambachAnyone able to help me w/ editing /etc/network/interfaces ?17:58
svladcjelliepswing: there are scheduled tasks anyways17:58
kitofhawaiizero4k: well it means it's related to dns resolution for sure. at least that's what it appears since we sidestepped dns for the hosts table17:58
erUSULpegasos: disable the cdrom from the software sources17:58
pegasoserUSUL: Okay, thanks17:58
erUSULpegasos: System>Admin>Software sources17:58
epswingsvladcjelli: ok, where do i dump the list of scheduled tasks?17:58
svladcjelliLambach: why not system>administration>network17:58
Zero4kYep. Not sure why it's having trouble though, since it appears to be resolving DNS just fine.17:58
kitofhawaiizero4k: as to why that is different...are other services effected or just ping?17:58
mgimdoes anyone here have any experience installing GATOS drivers17:58
mgimfor an ATI radeon 720017:59
adeliesvladcjelli: Well, if done right, they should all be in your crontab17:59
svladcjelliepswing: look into /etc/cron17:59
mgimor just in general for any ATI card17:59
LambachI need to "load" a file for the wireless driver17:59
Zero4kOn the server machine, I was using squid, and it refused to resolve hostnames from IPs17:59
adeliesvladcjelli: but "should" rarely means much17:59
rmorganhey guys, i'm a hard core Dreamweaver user but would like to find a really good replacement to use under Linux.  anyone have any recommendations?17:59
kitofhawaiizero4k: also, which of the two dns servers is primary?17:59
pr1rmgim: i used envy to install all my graphics cards... definitely worked every time17:59
epswingsvladcjelli: no such file or directory17:59
bruenig!envy | pr1r stop17:59
ubotupr1r stop: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »17:59
mgimthis card is far too old18:00
Zero4kThe primary DNS server is x.x.1.19, which is our Win2k3 DC18:00
nickrudrmorgan, emacs ;)18:00
mgimfor any drivers that are currently out there18:00
mgimbesides gatos, that is18:00
KlockwinderOk, nickrud, I selected the resolutions I wanted to use and pressed enter18:00
svladcjelliepswing: man cron18:00
rmorganheh, no emacs18:00
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm18:00
kitofhawaiizero4k: can you change the order and try it?18:00
nickrudKlockwinder, you also chose the ati driver?18:00
pr1rbruenig: so your telling me that what ive done was wreong? considering the headache the screens and graphics have been for both my nvidia geforce fx 5200 and ati radeon 9700 i will always recommend envy18:00
KlockwinderUm, I didn't seen an option to18:00
pr1rit got dual monitors working18:00
epswingsvladcjelli: yep, i know what cron does.  no file lives where you specified though18:00
vg05i just dont get this, i swap out a ati x300 pci-e card for a geforce 5200 pci card, do a clean install and things like the network adapters dont work now, args18:00
svladcjelliepswing: so look up where it lives18:01
frojndhello there18:01
epswingsvladcjelli: wouldn't that be system-specific, if it's not even where you think it should be?18:01
bruenigpr1r, I am saying that if you are willing to take a risk screwing up your system with a hacky script that fails, that's your business, but luring unsuspecting victims into the same is not tolerated on the channel (especially since we are the ones that have to deal with them when it fails)18:01
frojndI have problem, connecting to nokia 7390 ....18:01
adelievg05 it doesn't see the network card, or it isn't connecting?18:01
pr1rbruenig: so show me how to set up dual monitors using the nvidia card i have in my cpu withouit the computer freezing cause the drivers are horrible thru nvidia18:02
bruenigpr1r, unless you are familiar enough with the code in the script to trace all the errors and are here when they get catastrophic failure and can troubleshoot for them, don't cause us more work18:02
KlockwinderWhen I entered sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg into terminal it just gave me a short list of resolutions to chose from18:02
vg05adelie: it sees it, it's just not connecting18:02
nickrudKlockwinder, darn reconfigure has been altered since I last ran it; try logging out, hit ctl-alt-backspace, log back in. We'll go from there18:02
bruenigpr1r, yes see you clearly don't understand at all what you are talking about, seeing as envy is a script which downloads drivers from nvidia18:02
pr1rbruenig: whatever you say chief18:02
bruenigpr1r, it is the exact same driver, you just don't know how to install it apparently18:02
pr1rbruenig: its easier to install the older drives using envy18:02
KlockwinderAlright, thanks, I have a fear it's gonna give me "signal over range" soon though  :(18:02
epswingsvladcjelli: crontab -l gives me "no crontab for <user>"18:03
vg05adelie: and on the network icons, i see the two adapters i have, both are greyed out18:03
bruenigpr1r, it tries to be easier and is when it doesn't fail, but the prospect of failure which is high is what we are worried about, try advocating full proof methods in here not obfuscation that you don't understand and can't troubleshoot upon failure18:03
adelievg05: what does it say when you type `ifconfig -a'. If you can, throw it into a pastebin. And this is a wired connection, not wireless, yes?18:03
nickrudKlockwinder, might well do so. If so, we'll try altering the xorg.conf by hand just a tiny bit18:03
vg05wired, yes18:03
frojndI have problem, connecting to nokia 7390  Whn I click on search devices and than on phone and than connect it says: check your spellig and try again: "obex://[00:19:b7:05:95:37]" not valid location. Any ideas why I can't connect to this phone, On a phone I can't see my inspiron 6400, also on phone is set to be viewed all the time... Help ?18:03
bruenigtelling someone to reinstall because a script WE recommended sucks is not good18:03
TBotNik_uStill working on my Xwin resolution problem.  Info at:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3951679#post395167918:03
pr1rbruenig: nvidia drivers try to install nvidia-glx-new... which freezes up your computer if you have certain cards ie fx5200... envy was able to install the old drivers and has worked flawlessly on my computer18:04
annihilus_hey, does anyone know how to make rhythmbox hide to the tray when you hit the close button18:04
bruenig!worksforme | pr1r18:04
ubotupr1r: Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/18:04
vg05adelie: i wish i could, it has not access, so no copy/paste, it looks like its all good, just not picking up an ip address from dhcp18:04
bruenigpr1r, do you use automatix?18:04
LjLpr1r: uhm, i've got an FX5200, am using nvidia-glx-new, and it always worked fine18:04
Zero4kReversing the order / using only the Debian DNS doesn't seem to do anything18:04
erUSULpr1r: you have nvidia-glx and nvidia-legacy from repos envy is not needed18:04
svladcjelli!tell epswing about cron18:04
vg05adelie: and link lights are lite on the adapter18:04
pr1rbhhruenig: nope i dont use automatix18:04
bruenigpr1r, why not?18:04
svladcjelli!cron epswing18:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about cron epswing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:05
vg05ok swapping adapters seems to helped18:05
pr1rljl: i use dual screens and desktop effects... do you>18:05
adelievg05: My thought is to try `ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth0'18:05
* Dr_willis dosent see the need for automatix any more.18:05
svladcjellithe info on the bots is wrong on thew wiki18:05
LjLpr1r: no18:05
kitofhawaiizero4k: but everything else works/resolves normally...telnet etc18:05
pr1rbruenig: cause ubuntu-restricted-drivers works just fine to ghet what i need from "automatix"18:05
* Dr_willis never saw the need for automatix. :)18:05
pr1rljl: try that and get pb ack to me on the freezing18:05
adelievg05: If you didn't configure your card during setup, you need to run those18:05
bruenigpr1r, but for all the other things that it does? why don't you use it, it is faster18:05
pr1rljl: i cant live with 1 monitor on my computer18:06
LjLpr1r, i doubt i can try dual screen. i've tried compiz, and while it's very dodgy on KDE, it doesn't *freeze*18:06
Zero4kAnything done via IP works fine, if that's what you mean?18:06
|Life|someone knows how can I get to know the socket type of my processor?18:06
nickrudif someone sees Klockwinder looking for me, I'll be right back18:06
sethkpr1r, then run headless18:06
vg05adelie:  after swapping the adapter, it works18:06
pr1rbruenig: your temming me not toii use envy but to use automatix?18:06
bruenigpr1r, you can setup dual screens without envy I assure you, you realize envy is a script right?  a front end18:06
kitofhawaiizero4k: yah...just meant, it's limited to ping18:06
bruenigpr1r, I am telling you that they are essentially the same thing, convenient when they work, catastrophic on failure, foolproof methods are favored in a support channel18:06
Dr_willisthe nvidia tools let you set up dual screens.18:07
KlockwinderWell, nothing is new, resolution is back to 800x600 and on the start up it asked me about running in low graphics mode again18:07
kitofhawaiizero4k: "traceroute hostname" how about that?18:07
bruenigI wonder what all of those dual screen users did without envy or all of the other distros which doesn't use envy, they must all just not use dual screens clearly18:07
Klockwinder800x600 is still the maximum I have available  :(18:07
bruenigenvy brought dual screen innovation to linux, in python no less which is damn impressive18:08
Dr_willisbruenig, gee - ive never used envy or automatix to set up twinview18:08
gantrixxIt's been a while since I installed Ubuntu18:08
svladcjellinever even heard of envy, i run 2 screens18:08
gantrixxare the iso images "live" CDs where you need an internet connection to complete the install?18:08
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »18:08
bruenigDr_willis, lies18:08
svladcjelligantrixx: no, you can install with no network18:08
LjLgantrixx: they're "live"... but you don't need a connection18:08
wols_bruenig: see this?18:09
Dr_willisbruenig,  yes. i agree - you are spouting non-facts. The nvidia-settings lets you enable dual screens now also.18:09
bruenigwols_, yeah you got in late, I am mocking envy calm down18:09
gantrixxcool, thanks guys18:09
bazhanggantrixx: the live cd and the alternate cd can install without a net connection; the live cd depends more on the net though18:09
KlockwinderI'm back nickrud18:09
Zero4kTelnet resolves immediately, and connects immediately.18:09
gantrixxI got my niece a laptop for xmas.  She is used to Ubuntu.  The laptop comes with Vista on it18:09
gantrixxalternate CD?18:09
theremperhello does anyone know of software like mythtv except for only playing dvds and avis18:10
bazhangtext-based gantrixx18:10
Dr_willisnvidia-settings, is darn handy.  nvidia-xconfig  --twinview   works also.18:10
gantrixxok, I'm downloading the ISOs now18:10
pegasosCould someone recommen a program for recording videos from webcam and saving them?18:10
bazhangtheremper: just playing, or recording like a tivo18:10
gantrixxafter she opens it, if she still prefers Ubuntu, I'll install it for her18:10
Dr_willistheremper,  i saw  mention of a 'sofa' front end.. but not sure what all it does.18:11
gantrixxI wish you could buy laptops without the OS18:11
svladcjellipegasos: motion18:11
theremperjust playing with full screen menus and remote control18:11
theremperkinda like appletvs thing expect for more codec and dvd playing18:11
svladcjellipegasos: http://www.lavrsen.dk/twiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome18:11
KlockwinderPerhaps someone could help me with my audio problem as well?18:11
Zero4kI just wish MS wasn't shoving Vista down our throats. It's obvious that Vista is a total POS, and nobody wants it.18:11
svladcjellitheremper: elisa is nice, but a bit buggy18:11
pegasossvladcjelli: Okay, thanks18:11
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:11
white_eagleanyone knows a dock program in the repos18:11
bazhangubuntu can do all that theremper, not sure about the remote bit though18:12
Dr_willistheremper,  http://sofa.sourceforge.net/?s=downloads18:12
KlockwinderI assume that there are no drivers supporting the onboard soundcard installed18:12
kitofhawaiizero4k: so traceroute does that resolve/finish instantaneously?18:12
Dr_willisI just use MythTV as my Video Player for my TV. :)18:13
erUSULZero4k: you can use dig (man dig) to diagnose DNS problems18:13
kitofhawaiizero4k: kinda curious...since that technically should be slow in this scenario since it relies on icmp and ttl18:13
Zero4kkitofhawaii: Tracert takes forever too.18:14
Zero4kEven though it's only one hop.18:14
white_eagleanyone knows a dock program in the repos18:14
erUSULwhite_eagle: apt-cache search dock18:15
Dr_williswhite_eagle,  theres several of them.18:15
theremperok thanks18:15
Zero4kerUSUL: Dig won't help. I used dig (hostname) and it says that it resolved the hostname in 1 msec.18:15
kitofhawaiizero4k: bleh...you don't have anything specifically controlling ICMP packets on the box...? firewall?18:15
Zero4kkitofhawaii: Nope, this is Ubuntu out of the box.18:15
|Zippo|someone know a software to play music that works like server-client in 2 different computers?18:16
bazhang!sound | Klockwinder18:16
ubotuKlockwinder: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dock - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:16
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: alltray18:16
adelie|Zippo|: I have used mplayer18:16
white_eagleit needs to be translucent :D18:17
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me4udoes anyone know anything about edubuntu?18:17
white_eaglemost of them are18:17
erUSUL!edubuntu | me4u18:17
ubotume4u: Edubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org18:17
me4utheres some kind of bug with the "young" theme18:17
me4uthx ubotu18:17
patbamhi, does anyone know what "apport" is? it was at 98% in my machine; wheni killed firefox it went away18:17
ubotuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE18:17
me4utrying to see if anyone knows about this theme bug18:18
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels18:18
MohammadBoozaryI want to networking ubuntu and M$ windows give me a how to for this work please !18:18
svladcjellime4u: you may want to ask in #edubuntu18:18
|Zippo|adelie: my situation is: I have one server with all my musics and connected to my stereo... and I wanna play those musics on my notebook18:18
erUSUL!samba | MohammadBoozary18:18
ubotuMohammadBoozary: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT18:18
svladcjellipatbam: i have seen same problem...18:18
me4uI've tried before18:18
desertcI <3 Ubuntu.18:18
white_eaglelet's say I'm a kubuntu user, how kan I switch to ubuntu18:18
marx2kWhy is it, in my fstab, mounting a remote samba share using cifs gives me: "Mount error 13 = Permission denied", but when I change it to mount as smbfs, it works fine?18:18
Zero4kkitofhawaii: Even stranger, yet.. is if I run SSH Server on the ubuntu machine, SSH'ing to it from windows takes forever to get past "Username" (takes 8 seconds to display "Password?:" "18:18
marx2kthe mount line is: //     /media/MediaCenter/Music1        smbfs    credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 018:18
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop18:19
kitofhawaiizero4k: what about pinging it from the windows box?18:19
Dr_willismarx2k,  is theres some reason to use cifs over  smbfs ?18:19
crush[A]svladcjelli,  will that install gnome overtop of kde or beside it?18:19
marx2kDr_Willis: I just always read its' advantageous18:19
KlockwinderNo volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.18:20
svladcjellicrush[A]: you can then choose which session to login to at login screen18:20
Zero4kkitofhawaii: Ping request could not find host "Ubuntu-Laptop".18:20
KlockwinderWhen I double click the speaker icon in the system tray18:20
Dr_willismarx2k,  ive never been able to find any thing about it. :) i thouhg it was mainly for historical reasons. Of course I now use the Samba-FUSE tools mainly18:20
crush[A] ty svladcjelli18:20
marx2kDr_willis: Samba-FUSE?18:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about smbfuse - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fusesmb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:20
Dr_willisdarn bot./18:20
Zero4kkitofhawaii: Pinging by IP works, by hostname gets windows to spit back a "Not found" t hing.18:21
Dr_willis!info fusesmb18:21
ubotufusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 140 kB18:21
=== kyle_ is now known as KyleS
Dr_willisFusesmb lets me set up where the user can make a dir (say call it Network) and the Dir scans/browses all of the samba network.18:21
kitofhawaiizero4k: and it's in the windows DNS?18:21
Zero4kThen again, Linux never DID mesh very well with Windows domains.18:21
MohammadBoozary!info split18:21
ubotuPackage split does not exist in gutsy18:21
Zero4kIt should be in the windows DNS, right? It got a DHCP address from there.18:22
kitofhawaiizero4k: i have linux boxes here in an out of the box 2003 domain with no resolve problems like that...18:22
svladcjelliZero4k: you have a dns issue, have not been following everything, but your dns server is not resolving names properly18:22
marx2kubotu: SOunds cool. I personally just got to figure out whats wrong with my SAMBA server :(18:22
LjLMohammadBoozary: /usr/bin/split is in the coreutils package18:22
Zero4kBoth DNS servers, though?18:22
marx2kerr, DR_willis, not Ubotu :)18:22
Dr_willismarx2k,  i had issues yesterday with samba. then realized my hosts file was incorrect. :) had the wrong ip to the other machine names.18:23
kitofhawaiizero4k: no...you have to lower 2003 dc security to allow linux dhcp dynamic registrations...you can put a static A record in there18:23
svladcjelliZero4k: do you run 2 DNS servers?18:23
marx2kdr_willis: all of my machines are under 192.168.11.*18:23
eliteseanDoes anyone experience SLOW connection to a Windows 2003 Share?18:23
Zero4kYep, one Debian, one Windows 2003.18:23
Dr_willismarx2k,  so were mine. but i had some static.. then added more.. and goofed up one box's host file18:23
MohammadBoozaryLjL: tnx18:23
marx2kWhat I hate about SAMBA is that it will be working perfectly for a week and then all of a sudden... doesnt work at all for no reason18:23
marx2kAnd it's ridiculously hard to tell WHY its not working18:24
Dr_willismarx2k,  ive heard that 'somthing' may be changing the workgroup in the smb.conf file. But ive never seen that happen.18:24
svladcjellimarx2k: a good way is to watch the samba log file18:24
Dr_willismarx2k,  under windows - i find it breaks.. and its Impossible to find out whats going on. :)18:24
yar1k_i love ubuntu :)18:25
SSTokeshello everyone18:25
Zero4kNot sure how to lower the DC security to allow linux computers.. I always figured that sort of thing was allowed out of the box.18:25
nickrudKlockwinder, I'm back now as well18:25
kitofhawaiizero4k: on 2000 it was, on 2003 they tightened it up18:26
nickrudKlockwinder, so, still sameo sameo18:26
KlockwinderI'm just in the middle of something in the terminal now18:26
Zero4kAny idea where I should look for that? o.o18:26
Jadd76Hello everyone. I'm using Evolution Mail client. Is all my sensitive data (mail, contacts, ...) stored in ~/.evolution ?18:26
KlockwinderHopefully something good happens  :S18:26
nickrudKlockwinder, np, I'll be working at my desk for a bit18:26
white_eaglei meant a program like kiba-dock, not alltray18:27
erUSULJadd76: mostly18:27
Diafic2going offline, new modem arrived18:27
Jadd76@erUSUL: mostly? know where on the web I could find out more?18:27
peppinisn0, i solved my usb problem, disconnetting my pci linksys wireless card. I don't know why, but (empirically verified) whit wireless card connected usb devices disappears. Now I turn to my old lan and all is OK. Bye18:28
sn0peppini nice :)18:28
white_eaglei want a program like kiba-dock, not alltray18:28
kitofhawaiizero4k: off the top of my head, i don't remember...but you have to set the option on the zone to allow for unauthenticated registrations18:28
white_eagleanyone suggest anything18:28
sn0peppini most likely your wireless card is conflicting with the internal usb, try putting it in a different PCI slot and see18:28
erUSULJadd76: you can make a backup in file>backup18:28
bazhangwhite_eagle: avant window manager?18:28
Jadd76erUSUL: yeah, I know. My idea was making a truecrypt volume and mounting it to ~/.evolution . That should work, right? I was just wondering where else my sensitive data might be18:29
SpookyETIs there anything better than SBackup? Something that can use samba?18:30
svladcjelliSpookyET: backuppc18:30
adelieerUSUL: foo > bar is the same as cp foo bar?18:30
erUSULJadd76: some things are stored on the gconf registry18:30
r00723r0i want to set a general proxy for an interface18:30
r00723r0how would i do this?18:30
svladcjelliJadd76: may want to look at encfs18:30
Jadd76erUSUL: OK, I'll look there now18:30
erUSULadelie: 'cat foo > bar' is18:30
Jadd76svladcjelli: isn't encfs to encrypt an entire filesystem?18:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:31
svladcjelliJadd76: nope18:31
svladcjelliit can18:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about encfs - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:31
MacTheMadhello... now that I've downloaded & unpacked AdobeReader to my desktop how do I install it?18:31
adelieerUSUL: ok, that sounds better18:31
Zero4kLookup zone is already set for Nonsecure and Secure updates / transfers18:31
erUSULadelie: :)18:32
svladcjelli!info encfs18:32
ubotuencfs: encrypted virtual filesystem. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-1-1 (gutsy), package size 261 kB, installed size 1136 kB18:32
adeliesvladcjelli: If files are being stored locally, and not transfered over a public network, how is encryption an advantage over a strong password assuming a potential hacker knew what algorythm was used to encrypt?18:34
peppinisn0, ok, i'll try, but not today. Bye and thank you for your help.18:34
svladcjelliadelie: if an attacker gets access they could just read your files if not encrypted18:34
robdigMacTheMad: there should be a README file to tel you how to do it. however, i wonder why you want adobe, when you should have evince already on your system which can read pdfs...18:34
erUSULadelie: if the attcker gets phisical acces to the computer only encrypted data is safe18:35
sn0cya peppini you are very welcome.18:35
adeliesvladcjelli: Assuming the hacker got in by a method that did not involve discovering your password?18:35
kitofhawaiizero4k: http://lists.samba.org/archive/linux/2003-December/009235.html18:35
svladcjelliMacTheMad: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/10/28/how-to-install-adobe-acrobat-reader-on-ubuntu-710/18:35
svladcjelliadelie: huh? what does a password have to do with it18:35
Jadd76The only sensitive information I could find in gconf was my account name (my real name). Not a big deal.18:35
adeliesvladcjelli: So encryption adds a level of physical security only, in a way?18:35
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svladcjelliadelie: a laptop for instance should be encrypted18:36
svladcjellisince it can be stolen and analyzed18:36
Jadd76Why does gnome rely on gconf? Everything was so beautiful when all your information was saved in ~/.appname18:36
svladcjellibut why not encrypt all sensitive data18:36
kitofhawaiizero4k: another -> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/92074-suse-10-2-dhcp-windows-2003-dns.html18:36
JohnCopehi all18:36
erUSULJadd76: you will have to ask gnome devs18:36
adelieoh, I got into a debate with someone last night, Isn't there modular support for SHA256 in PAM?18:36
kitofhawaiizero4k: i know it says suse, but it's for dhclient18:36
Shane|BGSUhaha updating the distro takes forever18:36
Jadd76erUSUL: :D18:36
adeliebut not installed by default?18:36
Zero4kkitofhawaii: So, you're saying that I need to install that dhclient thingy?18:37
Shane|BGSUi downloaded and burned the gutsy iso and tried to install from it18:37
Jadd76Any gnome devs around, per chance?18:37
Shane|BGSUit wouldn't work18:37
Shane|BGSUso i had to download all the way back to breezy18:37
MacTheMadok, ty I think I have something called xpdf installed but no plugin for firefox... also can u tell me is there a package I should install that'll let me configure my servers from the gui?18:37
Shane|BGSUand update to gutsy from there18:37
Shane|BGSUat the moment i'm updating to edgy =(18:37
kitofhawaiizero4k: it's already installed...18:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pam - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:37
Dr_willisShane|BGSU,  did you try the alternative isntall cd?18:37
Shane|BGSUyeah, Dr_willis18:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sha256 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sha - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:37
ardyahi folks18:38
Shane|BGSUit would only go to the part where it sets up the software18:38
Shane|BGSUand then it would fail18:38
freebeeteecan fsck destroy data?18:38
Shane|BGSUcan i update straight from edgy to gutsy?18:38
Dr_willisShane|BGSU,  thats weird. :) ive not had a machine yet that dident work with the alt-installer.18:38
Shane|BGSUjust bypass fiesty18:38
svladcjellifreebeetee: yes18:38
adeliefreebeetee: not with default options, no18:38
eroticonwhats do-release-upgrade ?18:38
adeliesvladcjelli: oh?18:38
freebeeteewhat are the default options?18:38
Zero4kSorry. I've been a Windows administrator my entire career, and only dabble in linux. Unfortunately, linux keeps putting me off, since it's so darned complex to fix anything.18:38
adeliesvladcjelli: freebeetee: fsck without any arguments  :)18:39
freebeeteeif i do a fsck -a /dev/hda418:39
Shane|BGSUDr_willis, can i update straight from edgy to gutsy?18:39
freebeeteehmm ok18:39
Shane|BGSUor do i absolutely have to update to fiesty?18:39
lonecrowanyone able to get cacti working properly from gutsy?18:39
rockomanhey guys18:39
Dr_willisShane|BGSU,  i never update, and you have to go version to version.18:39
ardyaI'd like to have gnome use artsd as sound system, and to have artsd start with a particular command line invoking jack use, and to have jackd start before artsd is started, is this possible under gnome?18:39
freebeeteesounds really bad i pressed yes very often and it said clearing blocks18:39
Dr_willisShane|BGSU,  i always do clean installs. :)18:39
Shane|BGSUah oh well18:39
adeliefreebeetee: the -a argument will leave you open to potential problems18:39
svladcjelliadelie: freebeetee: for example http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=498078 - yes that was a mistake, but fsck is a dangerous program, you should know what you are doing18:40
Shane|BGSUi used to use ubuntu, and then i stopped and went back to windows18:40
Shane|BGSUthe last distro i had used before today was hoary18:40
MasterShrekShane|BGSU: backing up and doing a clean install is always better18:40
Shane|BGSUand man it's come a long way18:40
Jadd76lost connection there for a sec, so did anyone chat to me something?18:40
adeliefreebeetee: the only time you should -a is if fsck foo returned errors and you looked at them all and felt comfortable with the computer figuring them all out18:40
rockomanhey is there a way i can partitioned my HD to give me space to Vista? my computer is dual booted with ubuntu and vista18:40
Shane|BGSUand i'm only on dapper right now18:40
PetterSZero4k,  complex?? ever met someone how can fix a windows installation that is gone bad, without reinstalling everything?18:40
Dr_willisIts really weird that you are having so many issues with Gutsy.18:40
* TuX_Claudiu .18:40
Dr_willisI wonder if the disk is being burnt properly.18:40
ardyaI'd like to have gnome use artsd as sound system, and to have artsd start with a particular command line invoking jack use, and to have jackd start before artsd is started, is this possible under gnome?18:41
Shane|BGSUyeah it was18:41
Shane|BGSUit was a problem with gnome18:41
Shane|BGSUor something, when i did the disk check utility thing18:41
MasterShrekPetterS: boot the windows install cd and try a repair18:41
Shane|BGSUone of the gnome setup files was bad18:41
freebeeteei am tryin to recover my ext3 patition, i can see files so far but they are no the right type any suggestions whatelse i can do to recover it18:41
vg05whats the best tool to use to configure an nvidia fx5200 video card with 7.10?18:41
rockomanhey is there a way i can partitioned my HD to give me space to Vista? my computer is dual booted with ubuntu and vista18:41
svladcjellifreebeetee: you should look into dd_rhelp and ddrescue, and you should take an image of that disk and work on that18:42
svladcjellinot on the disk itself18:42
adeliesvladcjelli: freebeetee: agreed, fsck does have some very powerful options that can get you in trouble. Usually anything that is "do everything automatically without asking any questions" is a BAD way to go with any tool, particularly those that are in /sbin18:42
Dr_willisvg05,  install the nvidia drivers, then use the nvidia tools.18:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sbin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:42
Shane|BGSUDr_willis, has hardy been released yet?18:42
MasterShrekShane|BGSU: not until april18:42
Zero4kHey now, just about every windows issue that I've run across, can be fixed by reinstalling drivers / reconfiguring the problem software, and doesn't involve me spending two hours at a command line. But I don't want to get into the *nix versus windows debate right now. :P18:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whatdoesthisdo - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:42
vg05Dr_willis: did that, every time i reboot ubuntu says im in low-graphics mode18:42
adelie?!? :(18:42
ardyahi folks...I'd like to have gnome use artsd as sound system, and to have artsd start with a particular command line invoking jack use, and to have jackd start before artsd is started, is this possible under gnome?18:42
svladcjelliardya: it is possible, but not necessarily easy, and you will not be doing it in gnome18:43
MacTheMadanyone... what package(s) is best to install to setup & manage my servers18:43
GothfuncZero4k: linux has a higher standard of usability lately.  it's worth sticking with it to see how much more powerful, stable and ethical it is compared to windows.  remember that you encounter problems on both linux and windows, it's just you are incredibly used to only the windows problems (so far)18:43
Dr_willisvg05,  reconfigure the X server after installing the drivers perhaps.18:43
Dr_willis!nvidia | vg0518:43
ubotuvg05: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:43
adelieIs there a way to get SHA256 support for PAM?18:43
ardya"not be doing it in gnome"?18:43
Dr_willis!fixres | vg0518:43
ubotuvg05: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:43
Zero4kI'll admit, my problem is that I love my GUI's, and linux utterly flunks when it comes to a good GUI that is akin to windows.18:44
GothfuncZero4k:  that's not true anymore18:44
MasterShrekZero4k: you are kidding right?18:44
adelieZero4k: I have felt the same way18:44
svladcjellithis is offtopic guys18:44
ardyasvladcjelli: "not be doing it in gnome"? Can you elaborate?18:44
MasterShrekyea, lets not get into it here18:44
Gothfuncoops :)18:44
Zero4kThey ARE getting better, though, which is why I'm looking at eventually migrating some users into ubntu boxes, but yeah.. different place. :P18:44
ardyaZero4k: the first musconception is that a gui "must be like Windows"18:44
adelieZero4k: Until I really took the time to read all the man pages, not I can't much tollerate any GUI, ESPECIALLY windows18:45
svladcjelliardya: it will involve some advanced commands18:45
Zero4kOpen a DCC chat or whatnot, if you want to go into this further.18:45
KlockwinderJust finished editing x-server xorg, gonna ctrl + alt + backspace now18:45
Shane|BGSUZero4k, no way18:45
adelieZero4k: not = now*18:45
ardyasvladcjelli: does 10 years as a linux admin qualify me to execute commands? can you be painfully detailed and specific, or point me to a resource that is detailed enough to explain, thanks18:46
adelieardya: ???18:46
svladcjelliardya: then you should be able to edit rc levels and that is what it will take, this is slightly too complex to explain in IRC, I would check on google myself18:46
Zero4k*Shrug* I just can't stand having to edit text files to get things to work. I like being able to administer things using a mouse. :P18:46
kitofhawaiizero4k: you can get a 26 button mouse if it makes you feel better :)18:47
ardyasvladcjelli: users sessions are not exec'd from rc, gdm is. this is not an rc issue, it should be strictly a users session edit18:47
Zero4kPlus, I've been frustrated for the last month, trying to get this test box to be able to authenticate using kerberos.. and that's been givign me hell.18:47
svladcjelliardya: your sound servers run as your user?18:47
Zero4kSeems like 'nix hates our domain, here.18:48
ardyaof course, why wouldnt they18:48
adelieZero4k: Unfortunately any time you have a GUI, you have sacrafices. Many tools have WAY too many arguments that could be passed to make anything that looked half way descent.18:48
ardyagnome isnt exec'd until AFTER user login18:48
MasterShrekZero4k: you overlook the power of the command line18:48
vg05bah, everytime i reboot, it goes low graphics mode and thinks there are 4 screens18:48
svladcjelliardya: you should check out gstreamer and pulseaudio and see if they do what you want, you could also check out dynebolic18:49
mutableplease, what is the name of that mac style swithcher plugin in compiz, you push mouse in some corner and all windows appears on desktop.. ? i cannot find it18:49
procdaemonwhe i discoverd the command line is when i fell in love with linux18:49
vg05mutable = scale18:49
MasterShrekmutable: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager18:49
mehanyone got a gyration media center remote working?18:49
mutablevg05: thx :)18:49
kitofhawaiizero4k: *nix doesn't hate your domain...ms just devolves the concept of a standard into what they consider suggestions ;)18:49
ardyasvladcjelli: ok, so you don;t know, would have been quicker to just say so. Since I already specified what I need, its not lesser alternatives I'm looking for. Thanks for your time, have a nice day18:50
Gothfuncadelie: a good combination of gui "just works" interfaces and config files/console commands is pretty optimal imo18:50
adelieZero4k: for example, a GUI that passed kernel arguments. The number of flaws exist there. Usually at any point kernel arguments need to be passed, graphical interface is unavailable. Also, there are 2-3 common optional arguments that are passed, but there are hundreds. Additionally, modular support for a command is easy to implement on a command line, where as a GUI must be completly rewritten18:50
svladcjelliardya: good luck :) Hope those 10 years come in handy18:51
Zero4kI dunno. I'd give up "extra commands" in a heartbeat, for a nice easily-navigatible GUI.18:51
Johnny_5hello all18:52
adelieGothfunc: I like using a GUI for configuring a GUI because they are the same medium, where as a "customize your xorg.conf" file is ... scary18:52
ardyasvladcjelli: I've been researching this for two weeks. its why I dumped gnome and use a special config to have this functionality. I was just hoping outside of hope that there was some ubuntu-specifc thing to make this happen, apparently there isnt18:52
adelieZero4k: Well, that is exactly the issue. What happens when you need those optional components. Btw, if this is all surrounding gnome configuration, then you want KDE18:53
Zero4kHaving to memorize a ton of commands just frustrates me. I know my way around the basic unix commands, but not much further than that. I've seen some people use wacky command-line search commands and such, and it makes my head spin.18:53
chemisusi am trying to get java working with firefox on kubuntu 7.10. every tutorial ive came across says to install sun-java[5|6]-[jre|plugin]. i can only find the -jre and not the -plugin though. is there a repository that i need for the -plugin?18:53
GothfuncZero4k: the console search stuff is very powerful, that's why they use them18:53
adelieZero4k: Actually, you would likely prefer KDE in general. it is all about bringing a windows like feel to Linux. I would, but I am alergic18:53
Dr_willisZero4k,  its all about legos and layers. :) You build up complex commands from simpiler bits.18:54
* robdig remembers when you could configure windows at the command line18:54
small_stripesi notice a bug in firefox running on ubuntu 7.1018:54
Dr_willisbits of smaller progams make up the layers that the next layer builds on. :)18:54
svladcjelliardya: it can be done on any distro, you just will not find gui tools for it necessarily, and probably you can do whatever it is you want much easier.18:54
small_stripesu gotto install the adobe flash player seperate18:54
small_stripeselse it will take up lots of resources18:54
Zero4kMost importantly, Linux has nothing in the least, like active directory for windows.18:54
MistikoHi there I have a big problem with the fact that I seem to be unable to find "libGLw.so.1.0" for UBUNTU 7.10 anywhere!!18:54
Keegan7390Enter text here...18:55
pLrcan someone help me, i need to setup 30 ssh tunnels to 1 host, all 30 are behind a NAT. I need help plz18:55
MistikoCan anybody help I am desparate18:55
adelieZero4k: Don't you have to remember what the GUI does, or how it works in order to get it to work too? I feel like most of the command line / "edit this text file" stuff in Linux is stuff you just can't do in windows18:55
Zero4kActive Directory is a godsend for managing users.18:55
GothfuncZero4k: ldap?18:55
svladcjelliZero4k: gimme a break man, it is not true, and this is not a windows chat18:55
Dr_willisI just put the users /home on a nfs share.18:55
adelieZero4k: ??? That is because AD is poor. NFS is way better in terms of security, reliability, and flexibility18:55
Gothfuncsvladcjelli: the only way he can discover that there is an equivalent to a windows thing in linux is to mention windows, surely18:56
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre18:56
annihilus_hello, can anyone tell me if its possible to close rhythmbox to the system tray18:56
Zero4kI dont even know what NFS is. :P18:56
MistikoDoes anybody know what ever happened with the "libGLw.so --> Xt/Motif OpenGL Drawing area Widget Library" in UBUNTU 710??18:56
ubotunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:56
adelieZero4k: The issue is that nfs can be used a million different ways, not just as an active directory18:56
svladcjelliGothfunc: if he was asking a question maybe18:56
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource18:56
GothfuncZero4k: you probably need to find out more about what's available in linux before judging it18:56
Zero4kJeez, a tad touchy? o.o18:57
MistikoYes have tried opening multiverse but nothing??18:57
GothfuncZero4k: generally everything is, apart from industry standard stuff like adobe photoshop, but you can run that on vmware, virtualbox or whatever anyway18:57
Mistikouboto where you answering me ?18:57
adelieZero4k: Gothfunc: Well, he is in this forum, so he certaintly wants to see the light... but I know what it is like to come from flatland... I mean windows18:58
GothfuncZero4k: some people are touchy, but half the time they're often quite helpful18:58
MasterShrekMistiko: ubotu is a bot, when chemisus put !multiverse it called a factoid from the bot18:58
eventualbuddhai've installed RubyGems on Ubuntu, but when I install a gem that includes a binary (like rake), the binary is not placed in my PATH (or maybe anywhere). is there a PATH entry I need to add or is something else going on?18:58
Zero4kHere's my predicament, so I don't look like a total jerk here: The company I work for is an entirely Windows domain, with an AS400 server thrown in for good measure. We've never used Linux here until I showed up.18:58
adelieFor example, I only just recently (yesterday) learned about the beauty of dd, and wow!18:58
Mistikogotha .. thanks 8)18:58
Myrttidd <318:59
adelieZero4k: Noone makes it to this channel without having potential18:59
* MasterShrek <3 as40018:59
Zero4kI *want* to move away from Windows if I can, since the licensing costs the company an utter fortune, but Linux has given me and my boss nothing but headaches in terms of compatibility with software / networking issues x.x18:59
Zero4kOh, dont get me started on the AS400. :P18:59
GothfuncZero4k: my suggestion is don't integrate linux into your working environment proper until you've piloted it for at least a few months18:59
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Dr_willisamazing that all these other companies are using linux then..  wonder what they are doing differently.19:00
MyrttiZero4k: you need a guinea pig19:00
kitofhawaiizero4k: as400...tn3270 giving you problems?19:00
Zero4kWell, the secondary DNS server is a Debian box with WebMIN on it.19:00
Myrttiget an internee19:00
eventualbuddhaah, more googling was needed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59502919:00
adelieZero: probably one of the biggest things in terms of networking is that there are a ton more things you CAN do that you may not have even realized existed, and now instead of 1 weak program, you have 10 very powerful yet simple utilities19:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic19:00
Zero4kkitofhawaii: We need Client Access Express for AS400 users, and I can't get it to work using WINE19:00
Johnny_5i can't seem to play dvds on either of my players...i've tried vlc, totem, and mplayer....is there a reason y i can't?19:00
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:01
Zero4kNot to mention our VPN software is by AT&T, and (you guessed it) doesnt work under wine either.19:01
GothfuncZero4k: wine isn't really great for business applications19:02
GothfuncZero4k: try a virtual machine perhaps?19:02
procdaemonJohnny_5: This might help too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats19:02
adelieZero4k: What exactly, for example, did you like about AD that you want to do in Linux?19:02
buggeredfstabI have never used subversion before, is there a resource that anyone would suggest I consult (besides man)?19:02
svladcjellibuggeredfstab: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/19:02
ubotusvn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/19:03
Zero4kI need to be able to assign desktop / user permissions, run startup scripts per-user, and be able to manage network rights and passwords (not to mention Exchange) using AD.19:03
svladcjelliZero4k: there are linux vpn clients19:03
GothfuncZero4k: generally you should be looking for ways to do stuff in linux, not wine, and as a last ditch run it on vmware19:03
opapoif top shows multiple cpus do I have multiple cpus?19:03
Zero4kOur VPN client is kind of strange, is the problem.19:03
greg73654Does anyone know a good channel for fiction writers?19:03
MistikoDoes anybody have a clue as to how on earth I can install libGLw.so --> Xt/Motif OpenGL Drawing libraries ???19:04
Zero4kAT&T Global Network Client.. it doesn't work too well (even in windows) :P19:04
MasterShrekgreg73654: search your channel list19:04
greg73654Where at?19:04
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adelieZero4k: you are familiar with /home, correct?19:04
MasterShrekdepends on your client, theres a command too, google it19:04
greg73654I've already tried Google and netsplit19:04
Zero4kHome is like "My Documents" right?19:04
svladcjelligreg73654: forward slash list in your irc client19:04
MasterShrekZero4k: it includes that, but all of your users settings and stuff, desktop, everything that pertains to one user19:05
svladcjelliZero4k: /home is more like documents and settings/username19:05
MistikolibGLw.so --> Xt/Motif OpenGL Drawing area Widget Library : SUSE has it, FEDORA has it, but UBUNTU does NOT!!!19:05
MistikoAm I in the right chat here ???19:05
MasterShrekcompile it19:05
Zero4kYeah, I figured that's why I see things like .wine, .(name) and such, in there.19:05
greg73654Thanks for the tip! ^_^19:05
GothfuncZero4k: all the stuff you want to do is possible, you just need to spend more time with linux and google19:05
Zero4kHidden folders, and the like.19:05
GothfuncZero4k: and the ubuntu wiki19:06
svladcjelliZero4k: backing up /home/you gets all your user settings19:06
Mistikomastershrek ..19:06
MasterShrekMistiko ..19:06
Mistikocompile from where ?19:06
MistikoI cannot find the source code anywhere?19:06
Zero4kThe biggest thing that confuses me, is the question of "Okay, I installed (X) program, where the heck did it install to?" Like, "where is the /Program Files" of linux?19:07
Zero4kSometimes things end up in /etc, other times in /usr/share/bin It seems totally random.19:07
adelieZero4k: well, it is like a combination of the Documents and Settings folder in windows, but with things arranged fairly differently. In Linux, which I just did recently, is have one machine with a directory that is going to store everything about each user, think a universal home directory. You can then add to each computers fstab "/"theserver" /home nfs defaults 0 0", or mount -t nfs "theserver" /home...19:07
MasterShrekMistiko: hmm, looking for ya gimme a min :)19:08
MistikoZeroConf: usually always in /usr/local/share or /usr/local.... /etc is only for config and init files19:08
MistikoI apreceate it 8)19:08
svladcjelliZero4k: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard19:08
MasterShrek!info libglw1-mesa19:08
ubotuPackage libglw1-mesa does not exist in gutsy19:08
nickrudZero4k, dpkg -L <package> shows where all the files went; adding   | grep bin  will show the executables19:08
Mistikothe bot seems to know19:09
GothfuncZero4k: in windows, some things are installed into program files, some in the registry, some in documents and settings...19:09
bulmerZero4k-> for packages installed, you can use dpkg to tell you where it will attempt to install the system19:09
bulmererr per nickrud..19:09
adelieZero4k: Now each time a user is created, it is (nearly) available for every computer. sure /etc could be mounted via NFS, but I would recommend against it, unless you have a different NFS /etc directory for each exact hardware configuration. there is too much hardware specific stuff in /etc19:09
robdigMistiko: looks like there is a deb for it...check out http://packages.debian.org/sid/libglw1-mesa-dev19:09
MistikoMasterShrek: When you guys put a ! what do you mean!!19:10
mikefooI so hate gentoo...  =(19:10
B-rabbithi guyz...new to linux...how do i find out the name of my root device?19:10
Zero4kadelie: I have no idea what you just said, in your last two messages. Those commands are like greek to me. :P19:10
Mistikorobdig: Thanks I will try it out and see19:10
robdigMistiko: they are requesting info from the bot19:10
adelieZero4K: ANY directory can be mounted via NFS. Also, local machine policy does not over ride network policy. Also, network policy can be different on each the server and the client19:10
differentrealitypaste <(ls -l /) <(ls -l) | sed 's/^/printf "%-70s%-70s\n" "/;s/$/"/;s/\t/" "/' | sh   <--- in this command how can I use ls on 2 specific paths that I have stored in 2 files ?19:10
bulmerZero4k-> an introductory book on ubuntu would be good to have, play with a lil19:11
MasterShrekMistiko: its for the bot19:11
Gothfuncadelie: he needs to know the basics first19:11
adelieZero4K: using one /etc directory for all your computers is bad unless they are all EXACTLY the same hardware19:11
Gothfuncadelie: i.e. what all the things you're talking about are19:11
Gothfuncadelie: like nfs19:11
flo__ my current python version is 2.5 ; How can i install a pkg for 2.4 pls?19:11
Gothfuncadelie: basically, he needs to be pointed to reading material19:11
MistikoMasterShrek: This is the 1st time a join a chat so I am being quite a n00b19:12
Zero4kI really need to head to Barnes & Nobles and buy a book, I think. This is giving me a headache, no offense, guys!19:12
MasterShrekits ok Mistiko :)19:12
adelieGothfunc: Zero4k: True, I threw out an NFS explanation real quick... which can easily be too much, sorry19:12
nickrudflo__,  sudo aptitude install python2.419:12
GothfuncZero4k: maybe just read the ubuntu manual?19:12
MasterShreknoobs are welcome here, they may get laughed at in #gentoo :P19:12
Zero4kI took courses on Solaris 9, but they were pretty basic courses.19:12
GothfuncZero4k: then the wiki for reference19:12
NNoeoNNHiya guys ^^19:13
procdaemonB-rabbit: mount is probably the command youre looking for19:13
GothfuncZero4k: http://help.ubuntu.com/19:13
nickrudZero4k, also, tldp.org has a lot of good guides19:13
bulmerZero4k-> i like the ubuntu linux book bible..i borrowed mine from public library19:13
Zero4kI'd rather get an actual book, I think. Does Sybex put out a book for Ubuntu?19:13
* lukewarm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. hey. wah... where am i?19:13
NNoeoNNi got a question for ya all, how the heck do i change permissions on other disks?19:14
Gothfunczero4k google for sybex ubuntu19:14
adelieZero4k: I would recommend against buying books, just because the material is usually out dated by the time they get published. There are better guides, or new features that make things easier19:14
SpookyETI noticed that Ubuntu has recognised some of my multimedia keys, but not all. Where are they defined?19:14
nickrudNNoeoNN, depends on the disk, for example vfat you can't change them directly19:14
Zero4kAh... okay. BRB.19:14
adarodoes anyone know how to force "desktop effects" to enable advanced effects when you did not install the ubuntu nvidia drivers but installed the binary version from the nvidia site19:14
procdaemonNNoeoNN: u mean chmod?19:14
linuxnewpersonwifi unbuntu laptop   ..but want g+ or nimo      yes  or  no ?19:14
nickrudSpookyET, system->prefs->keyboard shortcuts , mostly19:14
NNoeoNNnickrud, what do u mean by "vfat" (ntfs, fat16, fat32?)19:14
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: you have to mount the partition so users can modify it, whats your mount command look like?19:15
MistikoWould the debian packages actually be compatible with the latest version of GUTSY??19:15
nickrudNNoeoNN, fat12, 16, 3219:15
adaroit keeps asking me to download the restricted drivers but i dont need those, when i type compiz it works fine19:15
adelieadaro: why not use the one from the restricted drivers tool?19:15
adaroadelie: new kernel19:15
adarothe prepackaged ones dont work with a custom kernel19:15
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, all the disks are mounted, can't get proper acces to them though19:15
FlannelMistiko: debian packages aren't binary compatable with ubuntu packages.  However, source packages ought to be more or less19:15
adelieadaro: you upgraded the kernel beyond the ubuntu supported version?19:15
adelieadaro: ah19:15
nickrudMistiko, some, the ones that use scripting languages19:15
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: how did you mount them? are they in /etc/fstab ?19:16
benseif i have an intel core 2 duo, should i get the x86 or amd64 build?19:16
adaroadelie: well not me but a collegue i am helping out :)19:16
nickrudFlannel, so the toolchain is back out of sync again?19:16
adelieadaro: In tyhat case, you may want to consider building Compiz the same way19:16
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, yupp19:16
benseintel/amd 64 build19:16
Flannelnickrud: No idea about the current situation, but that's the boilerplate response ;)19:16
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: let me take a look at your /etc/fstab, can you pastebin it?19:16
MasterShrek!paste | NNoeoNN19:16
ubotuNNoeoNN: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:16
adaroadelie: compiz works fine, its just that the "enable desktop effects" screen refuses to acknowlage that19:16
MistikoOk, so if I download the source libglw1-meas source package I would then have to compile it ??19:16
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, one of the disks mounts by it self, the other i mount by typing "sudo mount /dev/sda1" in terminal19:17
adaroi can start compiz from the commandline and it will work just fine19:17
nickrudFlannel, I use it also, a lot. Even if my part message is a thanks to debian :)19:17
adelieadaro: the basic one, or the advanced one?19:17
adaroadelie: both, it does not seem to recognize the nvidia driver so it wont even try19:17
FlannelMistiko: Which package?19:17
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: you need to mount them so that your user can read/write to them, there are a few ways to do this, i think if you pass the umask=0000 option, it should preserve permissions on the drive (assuming its linux filesystem)19:18
sanguisdexany ine istall the new ati drivers? as they as slow for you as there are for me?19:18
MistikoThanks guys it seems to work !!!19:18
Zero4kOh well. At any rate, I still can't figure out this DNS issue with these two computers.19:18
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, think i found my problem.... Seems like i don't have a fstab file anymore ^^19:18
vg05sanguisdex: im having my own issues trying to make nvidia fx5200 drivers work19:18
nickrudsanguisdex, unbearably slow on an ati 200 , the cube didn't rotate, it jumped19:18
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: otherwise, youll have to just use chmod for ntfs or fat32 i think19:18
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: /etc/fstab is gone?19:19
Zero4kNothing is working on it, and I'm ready to rip the network cards out of them and go back to the cup-and-string method.19:19
adelieadaro: :( hmm...  This may be a bit extreme and may not work, but I wouldf bet you could spoof the name and version of the old driver in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file in the Devices section19:19
nickrudsneakernets rule!19:19
sanguisdexI have a mobility radion x1400 and last week I used envy to uograde and man oh man it hutsles19:19
MistikoFlannel: It just installed and TADAH .... hurrah hurrah ;)19:20
adelieadaro: I have had to do that before.. but if it ACTUALLY incompatible, you can certaintly get undesired effects19:20
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, srry my fault, looked in the wrong dir xD19:20
paradroidHi. Is it possible to copy a DVD on the fly, i. e. without having to create a image first?19:20
Zero4kSneakernet would be great, if the floppy drive worked on this computer. The floppy has been busted since the great dust vacuum-cleaner incident of 2001.19:20
kitofhawaiizero4k: unfortunately we've narrowed it down to two things: ICMP and DNS in combination. as to why just those two things are having a problem on those machines i'm not sure19:20
MasterShrekyou scared me for a second NNoeoNN lol19:20
adaroadelie: i dont think you list the version of the driver in xorg.conf19:20
jamiejacksoni haven't used my mysql in a while (maybe not since gutsy upgrade). when i try to use it, i get: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)  <--- how to fix?19:20
FlannelMistiko: libgl1-mesa?  That's in ubuntu, you don't need debian packages for that19:20
JDogHermanjack: i figured it out19:20
adaroadelie: and the name is the same19:20
MistikoSo I suppose that "libs" do not actually need to be strictly binary compatible then I suppose!19:20
adelieparadroid: I think ACIDrip can do that19:20
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48257/19:20
adaroadelie: so i am not quite sure how they do the check19:20
docmurdoes any one have that problem when Azureus loads it crashs and given a java error19:20
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, Scared the shit outta me to ^^ I'm a noob, but i know some of the basics :P19:21
adelieadaro: well, is it nv, or nvidia?19:21
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nickrudMistiko, oh, absolutely they do, but don't tell anyone it worked, cuz next release it might not19:21
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paradroidadante: I don't really want to rip/re-encode the contents of a DVD but simply make a direct copy of it.19:21
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: is that sdb1 partition empty, or does it have file on it?19:21
adaroadelie: nvidia19:22
adelieone sec19:22
kitofhawaiizero4k: never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon hurtling down the highway filled with tapes :)19:22
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, it's empty for the moment, i'm considering using it for another ubuntu/linux distro19:22
FlannelMistiko: libgl1-mesa is in ubuntu, you don't need debian packages for that.19:22
bsizzlehey does anybody here know about the NAT error when intsalling BitTyrant19:22
Zero4kAh, the age-old "Truck filled with tapes" addage :)19:22
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: either way i guess, you should be able to do just, sudo chown -R <user> /media/sdb119:22
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: put your user's name in place of <user>19:23
MistikoFlannel: libglw1 not just libgl119:23
cyphyhow do you set compiz as standard window-manager?19:23
sanguisdexvg05:  have you tried envy?19:23
Zero4kSpeaking of Bandwidth, I need to make our CFO stop being so cheap, and finally upgrade the cheezy T1's we have here.19:23
MistikoYFlannel forgot the "w"19:23
MasterShreksanguisdex: dont suggest envy19:23
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, should i do that to all the other partitions to?19:23
busfahrerExcuse me, a buddy of mine just called me, he's on an offline box with Ubuntu 7.10 trying to get it online, the box has a Fritz ISDN card. What should I tell him?19:23
paradroidIs there any software out there that is capable of copying a CD/DVD directly to a blank CD/DVD without creating an image first?19:23
erUSULcyphy: System>Preferences>appearance19:23
vg05no, going to give that a shot next19:23
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »19:23
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: if they dont have operating system files on them, you should be able to19:23
NNoeoNNgood, thnx m8 ^^19:24
MistikoThe files I needed where libGLw.so.1    libGLw.so.1.0.019:24
erUSULparadroid: gnomebaker? brasero?19:24
adelieadaro: unfortunatly, I am not using a computer with even a 3d card atm. "Intel Graphics", but I know there is advanced documentation for the device specifications for the linux driver on their web site. There are a lot of options that can be set in the driver that are not specified in xorg.conf be default....19:24
paradroiderUSUL: I do not see any way to do a on-the-fly copy.19:24
bulmerbusfahrer-> he has another modem perhaps?19:24
sanguisdexMasterShrek envy is just a series of shell scripts, why is it not supported?19:24
MistikoThey where no where to be seem man it was driving me crazy ... only came out in SUSE and FEDORA posts19:25
MasterShreksanguisdex: it can cause more problems, that can be much harder to work out later19:25
cyphyerUSUL: deos compiz get started automaticly with system start?19:25
jamiejacksonwhat's the command to start mysql in ubuntu (gutsy)?19:25
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NNoeoNNcyphy, it should19:25
cyphyok, i'll try19:25
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MistikoTHank you guys ... the help has been very valuable ... good luck ;)19:26
NNoeoNNjamiejackson, mysql in terminal i think ^^19:26
ziimpjamiejackson: maybe /ezc/init.d/mysql-d start =P19:26
John_Rwhoo. just had a panic attack19:26
Zero4kCompiz actually worked out of the box on my T42.19:26
John_Rgot some new laptop memory, put it in here, and when i restarted the machine it gave me mad fsck warnings19:26
Zero4kWhich is a nice change. Beryl took me days to get working on older linux versions.19:26
erUSULparadroid: in brasero one of the four main options is a direct copy19:26
jamiejacksonziimp: close, thx: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start19:27
mapdxlcfg  -g19:27
John_Rso i fsck, it fixed a few dozen problems, now it works again. but it was scary. time for some backups i wot19:27
adaroadelie: i know there are a lot of options but thats not the issue, it runs fine19:27
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, don't seem to work, got no acces to either drives :S19:27
paradroiderUSUL: Thank you. I missed that. I'll give it a go and see how it works out.19:27
adaroif i execute compiz from the commandline everything is peachy, i just need to convince ubuntu19:28
sanguisdexMasterShrek: can you point me to so some documention these envy issues19:28
MasterShreksanguisdex: not really, i go by word of mouth19:28
NNoeoNNA true master then!19:28
Zero4kI *will* say this.. Compiz / Beryl is ages ahead of Vista's crap-tacular waste of resources.19:28
procdaemonsudo rm -rf /19:28
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: ls -l /media/sdb119:29
adelieZero4k: Ahen!19:29
stdinprocdaemon: why did you post that?19:29
adelieZero4k: Amen!*19:29
cyphyafter restart it jumps to metacity again19:29
NNoeoNNMasterShrek,  total 019:29
procdaemonstdin: wrong chat19:29
MasterShrekprocdaemon: leave19:30
Zero4kVista wouldn't even run on this T42, but Compiz has no problem whatsoever. Sure, it lags a ltitle bit on the higher graphics.. but the laptop is 3+ years old!19:30
stdinprocdaemon: just don't do it again19:30
harkinganyone know of a reason that would cause my hard drives to be discovered in a different order on reboot? for example, they used to be drive 1 -> hda drive 2 -> hdb but now they are switched19:30
erUSULparadroid: no problem19:30
magnetronZero4k: wow19:30
adelieadaro: sorry if these all sound like bad options, but what about changing out the script that starts metacity with compiz?so it starts automatically. I think that is all the GUI does19:30
procdaemonstdin: I said it was the wrong chat dude.  dont be so uppity19:30
paradroiderUSUL: Looking good so far, but that's gonna take a while - far longer than I had thought. ;)19:30
adaroadelie: if i knew what script it was19:31
erUSULparadroid: just a little patience19:31
stdinprocdaemon: I wasn't being "uppity", just asking you no to post that as a lot of users in here will blindly try any command they see19:31
adelieadaro: one sec... let me look19:31
adaroadelie: i could start it automatically with the session i suppose19:31
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: thats your mount point, and it doesnt exist?19:31
edugonchHello, I want to know if there is a way to convert ferret diagrams into png files19:31
vg05evny scripts = low-graphics mode on boot19:32
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, seems like it (could be my distro, im using geubuntu)19:32
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: nothing to do with that19:32
paradroiderUSUL: Patience is overrated. I want it all and I want it now. ;)19:32
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, kk :P19:32
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MasterShrekNNoeoNN: type: mount     see if /dev/sdb1 is listed19:32
erUSULparadroid: XD19:33
vg05this is sad ive spent all day just trying to make the graphics work19:33
vg05sad sad19:33
procdaemonstdin: I agree, people in this channel tend to be kinda... umm i don't know that right way to put it without making everyone mad19:33
NNoeoNNsda1, sda2, sdb3 (O.o)19:33
stdinprocdaemon: yeah, I know what you mean ;)19:33
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, sda1, sda2, sdb3 (O.o)19:33
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: ls -l /media | grep sdb119:34
NNoeoNNMasterSherk, drwxr-xr-x  2 nnoeonn root     4096 2007-12-09 23:34 sdb119:34
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, drwxr-xr-x  2 nnoeonn root     4096 2007-12-09 23:34 sdb119:35
profanephobiavg05, so whats wrong then?19:35
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: but you cant write to it?19:35
adelieadaro: in gnome find the "session" file and line 5 or so has the window manager start script. looks like  "0,RestartCommand=metacity --sm-client-id default0"19:36
rockomanhey is there a way I can partition ubuntu to give vista more space?19:36
Cpudan80Hello everyone19:36
Cpudan80I just installed a LAMP server -- but for some reason phpmyadmin isn't working19:36
vg05profanephobia:  dell dimension 4800, geforce fx5200, system keeps thinking there are 3 adapters in the computer and 1 has 2 screens19:36
Cpudan80I installed the package --- but it looks like it didn't create a symlink so I can get at it from http://server/phpmyadmin19:36
vg05tried old drivers, new drivers, restricted, open, envy19:36
vg05nothing worked19:36
Cpudan80Does anyone know where the symlink is supposed to point?19:36
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, Can't find it at all19:37
vg05most the time it would come back and say low graphics and i could make 1 monitor work, but when i turned on the second, it would throw everything out of wack19:37
adaroadelie: thanks, i guess that will have to do19:37
profanephobiavg05, personally i would just reconfigure xserver-xorg19:37
NNoeoNNMasterShrek, w8, gonna check the /media dir19:37
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: oh, duh, geobuntu, no desktop icons19:38
bjbumI am having no luck turning off my notebook's touchpad :( I've enabled SHMConfig in the xorg.conf file, and disabled it in virtually every gui on my system that gives me the option to. I've even editted out the synaptics thing in xorg and it still won't disable19:38
NNoeoNNomg, lol, i'm dumping this distro.....19:38
vg05im giving up going back to the ati x300 i had in there earlier19:38
MasterShrekNNoeoNN: yea do that, we can make symlinks to your /home/nnoeonn directory19:38
vg05seemed like it was happier19:38
NNoeoNNvg05, x300 is a pain in the a** to install with linux19:38
vg05NNoeoNN: not as bad as the fx520019:39
vg05at least the ati works19:39
juanbondHow can I add my user to the apache group?19:39
daemonikhello, I seem to be having a problem connecting directly to only one particular site, www.salesforce.com, from my new ubuntu 7.10 system, but it seems that if i try to use a proxy i can connect... I know the site is not blacklisting my IP or host, since other systems on the same network can connect perfectly.... can someone please offer some assistance19:39
NNoeoNNvg05, haven't tried that one, but my x300 card doesn't work 100%19:39
MasterShrekjuanbond: system > admin > users19:39
MasterShrekusers and groups maybe its called19:39
NNoeoNNOnly works if i enable the driver and then diable it... (?!)19:40
NotSoSuperMariomornin all19:40
NNoeoNNwell, cya in like 30 min guys, gonna install ubuntu 7.10 ^^19:40
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vg05daemonik: can you access the site at all or just not log in ?19:41
daemonikvg05, i can ping it and it seems to connect, but the web pages just never load :S19:42
daemonikvg05, i telnet'd to the site and did a http get and can get the page though19:42
vg05daemonik: what ip address do you get when you ping it ?19:42
Filled-voidI use the command sudo modprobe saa7134 card=3 tuner=69 everytime to get my tv tuner card to work can I add this somewhere so I dont have to enter it each time?19:43
vg05daemonik: same thing i get19:43
vg05daemonik: can you load it via ip ?19:43
vg05daemonik: it is strange, im on a live cd 7.10 and able to access the page fine w/ firefox19:43
daemonikvg05, i get the same issue trying to open the IP address19:44
vg05daemonik: and you said you can ping it ?19:44
daemonikvg05, I tried booting the 7.10 live cd and got the same issue :P19:44
noviziohello, I have a problem with adept. It tell me that i cannot modify my system 'cause another app open (apt, adept ecc) but it isn't. who can help me?19:44
vg05daemonik: the ip loaded the page for me.  and if a proxy works, sounds like SF is blocking your IP19:44
Cr3aturehow do i mount an NTFS partition?19:45
ylonanyone know of a photo gallery script that will sit on a server and when navigating to it it will pull all the photos out of the folder to which a user is trying to navigate and present them?19:45
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:45
vg05daemonik: cause if you use the live cd, the only difference is between me and you is your IP address19:45
Flannelylon: that's offtopic.  Please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic if anywhere19:45
daemonikvg05, wouldn't that stop me from getting the page via telnet still though?19:45
vg05daemonik: depends on how they block19:45
mikefooDNS question, how do I verifiy that my custom name server is propgated, could I query a root server, or?19:45
Cr3aturei tried it already19:45
ylonFlannel: :)  thanks, trying to see if others know of any others19:45
vg05daemonik: have you tried different browsers on your box ?19:46
Cr3aturethe Ubuntu Wiki didn't work19:46
vg05just to rule that out ?19:46
Odd-rationaleCr3ature: What version of ubuntu are you using?19:46
daemonikvg05, I've tried opera, links, lynx, galeon, firefox....19:46
greg73655Does anybody know a good way to find a writer's irc channel through pidgin?19:46
vg05daemonik: all same issue ?19:46
Cr3atureOdd-rationale: 7.1019:46
sharperguyis theres somewhere I can get the fluxbox-generate_menu script? (or in fack the latest full stable fluxbox build would rock)19:46
Cr3aturei have the newest NTFS-3G19:46
daemonikvg05, the strange thing is that there are other people in the same office with the same external IP address and they can access it perfectly too19:47
Cr3aturefuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy19:47
Cr3atureFUSE mount point creation failed19:47
daemonikvg05, yes same issue with all browsers, even links :P19:47
hotbard7aga arash tashref dared19:47
busfahrerHi, what's the modem device for ISDN? (AVM Fritz PCI Card)19:47
alexurcIf you love beer and if you love beer related games (who doesnt LOL!!1) come to #beerpong, we can be friends and just chit chat all day. THANKS ALOT <3 BEER19:47
mayorbuttesIs there a way to make an unattended installer for ubuntu?19:47
Flannel!ipv6 | daemonik19:47
ubotudaemonik: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv419:47
Flanneldaemonik: try disabling ipv619:47
vg05daemonik: can everyone else in the office connect and you are the only one who cant ?19:47
greg73655I can't believe anybody is still using lynx now-a-days... It's sucks unless you're forced to use it...19:47
Odd-rationaleCr3ature: Is it an external drive or internal partition?19:48
vg05greg73655: i use lynx :)19:48
Cr3atureinternal partition19:48
Cr3aturemy external HDD mounts and works19:48
daemonikFlannel, i've disabled IPv6 in both aliases and in firefox :S19:48
vg05daemonik: just throwing out ideas, try a different nic in your computer ?19:48
Odd-rationaleCr3ature: Your windows partition I assume?19:48
MasterShrekCr3ature: is the directory present where you are trying to mount it?19:48
daemonikvg05, yes everyone else connects without an issue so i don't think they could be blocking the IP address :P19:48
Flanneldaemonik: Did you disable the module?19:48
Cr3atureMasterShrek: yea i have mkdir it19:48
Cr3atureand im logged in as root19:49
Flanneldaemonik: I guess the aliases would take care of that19:49
MasterShrekCr3ature: whats the command look like?19:49
daemonikFlannel, yes disabled via aliases and the reboot, it doesn't appear in lsmod19:49
Cr3aturesudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/win19:49
Filled-voidHow do I get the saa7134 module to load up with card=3 tuner =69 options each time ubuntu boots?19:50
tyczekis flash still broken?19:50
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: dont think so..19:50
MasterShrekCr3ature: you have fuse installed i assume, jsut makign sure19:50
tyczekhmmm... strange19:50
Cr3atureMasterShrek: apt-get install fuse?19:50
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: I think they fixed the installer yesterday19:50
MasterShrekCr3ature: i think it comes with ntfs-3g, but try it anyway19:50
Cr3atureyea i have that19:51
procdaemondont you have to use module-assistant to install fuse?19:51
adelieadaro: you still there?? Found something cool19:51
MasterShrekCr3ature: ls -d /media | grep win19:51
MasterShrekls -l ****19:51
MasterShreknot d19:51
tyczekDownload done.19:51
tyczekmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz19:51
tyczekThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.19:51
MasterShrekhow did a d get in there?19:51
erUSULFilled-void: /etc/modprobe.d/19:52
Cr3aturedrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2007-12-14 19:28 win19:52
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: then..You need to grab the tar.gz from adobe and install the .so to your ~/.mozilla/plugins/19:52
SpookyETI'm looking a movie player better than Totem. There are some issues with it that I do not like. The browser plugin does not stream if you pause. Furthermore, it does not let you seek. Secondly, if you open in a standalone player, it starts playing from the beginning, and it does not let you seek.19:52
erUSULFilled-void: edit /etc/modprobe.d/options19:52
Filled-voiderUSUL, Do Ijust create a file called saa7134 and then add the lines options card=3 tuner=69 ?19:52
tyczekJack_Sparrow, ok I'll do it... thanks19:52
adeliewow, while trying to find something, just came by "update-alternatives". Wow, that is really awesome19:52
MasterShrekCr3ature: im stumped19:52
juanbondIs www-data group the apache group?19:53
maximushow come beryl19:53
MasterShrekCr3ature: is your user part of the fuse group?19:53
maximusberyl took off my titlebar19:53
edugonchI need to convert a ferret file in a png image or any image format19:53
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: did you update first?19:53
MasterShrekCr3ature: it may take that19:53
Cr3aturei think he is part of stuff19:53
tyczekYou mean? sudo apt-get update?19:53
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: yep19:53
tyczekyes... few minutes ago19:53
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: just checking..19:54
sharperguywhat command tells me what version of a package I have installed?19:54
askandWhen I try to maximize VLC it just turns gray..why?19:54
MasterShrekCr3ature: well should be, but sudo may take the users permissions for some things, try sudo su then try to mount it19:54
erUSULFilled-void: edit the file and add a line like  'options saa7134 card=3 tuner=69'19:54
adelieSpookyET: It is all about vlc19:54
MasterShrekCr3ature: type exit right afterwards, though, dont stay logged in as root19:54
Filled-voiderUSUL, Ty so much :D19:54
erUSULFilled-void: no problem19:54
shrugsup people19:55
jamiejacksonis this the way to start mysqld? sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start (sudo and everything?)19:55
MasterShrekjamiejackson: yes19:56
erUSULjamiejackson: yes19:56
geminidominoI've got a fresh install of 6.06 LTS and I'm trying to remove evms for obvious reasons, but aptitude is telling me that it will force a remove of ubuntu-standard which the packages.ubuntu.com notes should not be uninsrtalled... Is there a workaround?19:56
Wil2Need help with Gnome...19:56
Flannelgeminidomino: Nothing wrong with removing ubuntu-standard, however when you upgrade to gutsy, you'll want to put it back.19:57
Flannel!ask | Wil219:57
ubotuWil2: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:57
Wil2I'm running a feisty fawn off the LiveCD right now i want to use gnome to reclaim some unallocated space19:57
geminidominoFlannel: Thanks19:57
Poisonkillerhi everybody!19:57
Wil2but even after i unmount the system partition19:57
Wil2(sorry my keyboard is not working so well with this liveboot)19:58
tyczekJack_Sparrow, I had to create a folder "plugins". I copied the file and restarted firefox... but doesn't effect.19:58
jlowellhi folks how is live ubuntu best used? with a usb stick right? I have one how do I set it up to store settings files etc?19:58
Wil2okay in gnome, i unmount the partition i want to resize, but it gives me the error that i need to unmount the disk in order to resize it... help19:58
erUSULgeminidomino: just disabling evms in startup may be enough ('sudo update-rc.d -f evms remove'). btw i used to disable lvm too back in dapper days19:58
sasuke#join ubuntu-de19:58
Jack_SparrowWil2: try the gparted livecd19:58
NetLarIrvineis 6.06 Server better for older computers?19:58
c0nka16heya could someone please tell me how to multiboot windows and ubuntu19:58
Flannel!dualboot | c0nka1619:59
ubotuc0nka16: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot19:59
Poisonkillerany1 know, how can i watch VeohTV in ubuntu?19:59
Wil2where do i get it gparted?19:59
maximuscan someone tell me how to deal with titlebar and beryl19:59
NetLarIrvineOr should I just go with 7.10 Server?19:59
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: did you make it in /youruser/.mozilla/....19:59
Cr3atureMasterShrek: it does not work19:59
geminidominoerUSUL: Except I *want* to use lvm. :)19:59
sasukesudo apt-get install19:59
silent_maximus: it's not beryl19:59
Cr3atureim logged in as root19:59
Cr3aturei should be able to do it19:59
erUSULgeminidomino: well disable evms only then19:59
evanottenquick question to anyone willing to help me out.  I would like to know if there is a way to set an avi file to always open using movie player instead of default kaffeine?19:59
cyphyhow do i set a window manager as default?19:59
silent_maximus: enable window decorations in the appearance19:59
Jack_Sparrowtyczek: Post the question again, see if someone else has the answer.  That should have worked19:59
jlowellhow do I set up a usb stick to store settings files etc when running live ubuntu?20:00
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sasukehow do i join again?20:00
Cr3atureHow do i mount NTFS partition?20:00
Jack_Sparrowjlowell: It is called persistent mode ...20:00
silent_jlowell: why would you want to? just install it20:00
erUSUL!ntfs | Cr3ature20:00
ubotuCr3ature: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:00
tyczekwell... I will try something...20:00
Cr3atureerUSUL: tried that didn't work20:00
erUSULCr3ature: error msg?20:01
Cr3aturefuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy20:01
Cr3atureFUSE mount point creation failed20:01
jlowellsilent_: not my machine...20:01
evanottencan anyone help me?20:01
jlowellthx Jack_Sparrow20:01
hatoonubuntu eca!!!!!!!!!!20:01
greg73655Who can use yahoo's chat on here?20:01
lockdhas there been a modern frontend for GNU Make?20:01
Jack_Sparrowjlowell: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=989320:01
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silent_jlowell: so install it anyway, I'm sure they'll thank you20:02
Cr3atureerUSUL: so?20:02
lockdas in generating those makefiles, determining what dependencies are needed from a language as widespread as C20:02
greg73655Cause I can't seem to join any chat rooms when I go to a yahoo one, it asks me to verify, I do, then Pidgin says "Falied to Join"... What's up?20:02
NetLarIrvineIs there a min requirments page for 7.10 Server edition?20:02
erUSULCr3ature: i've never seen that msg... :|20:02
Marco81im trying to install madwifi on ubuntu (livecd) but I get following error:  http://pastebin.com/m4fab9d7520:02
jlowellsilent_:  thats not nice20:03
Jack_Sparrowjlowell: Welcome to Ubuntu.. feel free to ask if you run into any trouble.20:03
peepsalotwhere is the setting to enable desktop effects?20:04
Marco81peepsalot: preferences/appearence/visual effects20:04
Jack_Sparrowjlowell: If I remember right.. my persistent image was just under 50 meg20:04
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kaukseHi! I'm having issues burning DVDs  with my laptop's internal DVD-RW drive (matshita uj-841d, found nothing about it & linux on Google). What information should I gather to file a bug about it ?20:05
Poisonkillerany1 know how to run VeohTV?20:05
erUSULCr3ature: it is the default fuse libs and utilities what you are using?20:05
peepsalotMarco81, thanks20:05
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MrGcould enyone help me get  my webcam working whit  ubunty gutsy?20:07
robdigMarco81: looks like you're missing a bunch of headers...on a disk based system i'd say install build-essential, but i don't know if you can do that while on live cd...20:07
Marco81robdig: is build essential on ubuntu live DVD ?  if there is such dvd20:09
greg73655I can't seem to join any chat rooms when I go to a yahoo one, it asks me to verify, I do, then Pidgin says "Falied to Join"... What's up?20:09
Tux_TuXhola , alguien sabe como desinstalar el plugin gnas o algo asi de firefox es que lo instale y ahora no me salen bien los controles por ejemplo en las paginas de youtube20:09
robdigMarco81: dunno, never tried a dvd install20:09
Flannel!es | Tux_TuX20:09
ubotuTux_TuX: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:09
MrGdo enyone know how i do it?20:09
zkjellbergQuestion: If I purchase a tv tuner, are all Happauge tv tuners in generally fairly well supported in linux, or should I look for specific ones?20:10
ScuniziMr_G, what's not currently working?20:10
Cr3aturecan i use something else than NTFS-3G?20:11
kaukseCr3ature: if you want write support, I guess not... You're having problems with it ?20:12
rohallHi guys, I'm trying to recompile the kernal on a livecd to include a module (edd), but everything I've tried so far has failed.  Should I just be rebuilding it in a chroot'd evironment and then copying the initrd.img to replace the one found on the cd (caster/initrd.gz)20:12
tyczekstrange... reinstalled firefox... apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:12
tyczekDownload done.20:12
tyczekmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz20:12
tyczekThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.20:12
zkjellbergtyczek,  why not go to a page with flash enabled, and have firefox install it for you.20:13
tyczeki tried20:13
Cr3aturei want to READ!20:13
zkjellbergtyczek, and what happened?20:13
vg05anyone have experience with x300 and dual monitor ?20:13
Cr3aturei can't even do that20:13
=== lonecrow is now known as CaveMan
tyczekinstalled... restarted and asked for install again20:13
Keule|onhi there20:14
Keule|onis it possible to get kxdocker für ubuntu?20:14
_Enchained_Anyone know if it's possible to sync our music with an iphone with ubuntu ?20:14
MrGScunizi,  i cant find my webcam in dropdown list in webcam based chats (thatruns whit flash)  only place it works is on amsn...20:14
zkjellbergtyczek, you can install adobe's or another open source flash player, what about trying the second option?20:14
Keule|oni tryed some things - but nothing worked20:14
Keule|onor which dock - programm is better or the best?20:14
tyczeki installed gnash... but it is not working correctlu ;/20:15
zkjellbergKeule|on, You are using Ubuntu(gnome environment) right?20:15
Keule|oni doo20:15
peepsalotso I had this idea while reinstalling Ubuntu the other day.  For machines that have enough RAM, seems like it would be more efficient to read the whole CD to ram disk one time in the beginning.  then you save all the seek times during install.20:15
ScuniziMrG, if it works in aMsn then the other program(s) you're trying to use it in aren't setup correctly..  You might need to go to the progs. preferances section and see if there is an auto discover.20:15
kaukseCr3ature: what happens when you mount a ntfs partition ?20:16
zkjellbergKeule|on, I'd recommend searching for a gnome-based dock. Using a KDE application on GNOME can have conflicts at times. (If the application starts with a K, its generally KDE.)20:16
bruenigpeepsalot, you mean people with 4 gigs or higher?20:16
midgetnathello guys :) I need to check some of the sectors of my harddrive because it is starting to fail. I know its not a good idea to run e2fsck -c on a mounted filesystem... so i have a Damn Small Linux live cd that i can use..20:16
MrGScunizi,   it wont show in prefernce meny in flash.. where u hit allow or deny...20:16
Marfihey yall, im trying to convert a bunch of music to .ogg. i'm using soundconverter. It uses the gstreamer backend, and they are all mp3's and m4a's. when it does about 3 songs, it will kick back and error, saying "can't find media." i know its there, but i think it may be something with gstreamer...any ideas?20:16
svladcjellipeepsalot: you can do this20:16
Zero4kHere's an interesting question, for an interesting (possible) application of Ubuntu. My boss wants to monitor what's gobbling up all the bandwidth on the T1's.. and says he wants a bandwidth monitor to do so. There's nothing that can monitor that type of thing, is there? Not without getting an SNMP monitor for the router, that is.20:16
midgetnatis it safe to run e2fsck from there to repair and mark the bad sectors?20:16
peepsalotbruenig, seems you could do it with 2 gigs20:16
MrGand btw.. ahvent installed eny drivers.. cant find eny to linux20:16
bruenigpeepsalot, pretty sure the uncompressed filesystem is greater than 2 gigs20:16
=== CaveMan is now known as LoneCrow
Keule|onzkjellberg: i know some docks - but they arent sooo good - cairo and kxdock seem to be good/better20:17
svladcjellipeepsalot: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/10/15/ubuntu-toram-how-to-make-ubuntu-boot-to-ram/20:17
svladcjellipeepsalot: it is called toram20:17
peepsalotbruenig, i'm not necessarily saying to uncompress it.  just store the whole image20:17
Keule|onand kxdocker is available for ubuntu... but i didnt find a working howto20:17
zkjellbergKeule|on, Understood. I don't have much experiance with docks, so I cain't really recommend anything for you then. Good luck with it.20:17
svladcjelliyou store the compressed image, not nbcompressed peepsalot20:17
SantaClausho ho ho20:17
Keule|on:) thx zkjellberg20:17
ScuniziMrG, flash is always a problem in linux because the codec is propriatory.  Works ok in FF or Opera but for extended features... fo get aboot it. Unless someone knows something I don't.20:18
tyczeklol... after reinstal with purge... I clicked for install from the site with flash animation and... "unknow plugin-application/x-shockwave-flash)20:18
Keule|ondid someone read my questins about docks?20:18
SantaClauswhy do people think bad about my beloved ubuntu just because it s a distribution for noobish people20:18
boris_what should i buym ati HD2600 or X1950 ?20:18
boris_i got AGP20:18
midgetnatHello.... I need to check my hd. I have a damn small linux cd... is it safe to mount the harddrive with the live cd and try e2fsck -c /dev/hda1 from there?20:18
kaukseKeule|on: i'm currently using cairo-dock and it works quite good20:19
svladcjelliSantaClaus: cause they are stuckup?20:19
MrGScarey,  kk.. ye i noticed its a bit buged.. somthimes when i  close FF   the flash based stuff on the page i visit still apears.. and wont go away before i reboot:S20:19
Keule|onkaukse: i didnt find something to install20:19
Keule|onthe website is down20:19
Marco81anyone experienced problems with acer 5315?20:19
kaukseKeule|on: go to berlios.de, search for the cairo-dock project and you'll find some debs20:19
peepsalotsvladcjelli, i think it should be an option directly from the CD boot menu20:19
tyczeki'll try to reebot20:19
Keule|oni'll try thx20:19
kaukseKeule|on: berlios.Be, my mistake20:20
svladcjellipeepsalot: it is20:20
SantaClausjau that seems to be the reason20:20
n00bienot sure if i'm able to phrase this question clearly, but... is there a way to stream music from my pc to another pc on another network (through ssh)?  if so, what method would you recommend?20:20
svladcjellipeepsalot: it has been broken i think in last release, but it is standard on livecds20:20
peepsalotit is broken for Gutsy?20:20
Scunizin00bie, vlc .. it's in the repos.. search in synaptic20:20
svladcjellipeepsalot: i use it every day20:20
kaukseKeule|on: oops, it's de :) http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=8724&release_id=1382020:20
n00bieScunizi: i already have vlc installed, how can it be done?20:21
midgetnatcan someone please answer me20:21
Scunizin00bie, their main page is where you'll find extensive help on it.. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/20:21
midgetnatits something fast20:21
midgetnatjust a yes/no answer20:21
Flanneln00bie: icecast is also another method.  Some sort of internet radio stuff.20:21
SantaClausif the dying lame duck gnome is away from the window what will happen to UBUNTU then¿20:21
svladcjellin00bie: http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/20:21
n00bieScunizi: do i have to be on my pc then?  (i would much more prefer to use  moc (music on console)20:21
Zero4kGuess there's no way to monitor bandwidth on our T1's, without SNMP interfaces, then? No tools?20:21
svladcjellin00bie: you may want to look at a web frontend like jinzora20:22
flushyo mayday20:22
Keule|onkaukse: thanx that was what im searching for!20:22
svladcjellin00bie: mpd+icecast works well, but is complex to setup20:22
flushhow can i set my uploading limit on port 80 to be 30kbps20:22
Flanneln00bie: mpd can stream to icecast (which provides a lot of interfaces), I believe VLC has methods too, but20:22
kaukseKeule|on: don't forget to download the plug-ins packages as well :20:23
n00biesvladcjelli: Flannel :  ok, i think i've read somewhere that icecast and shoutcast works with MOC too...20:23
svladcjellin00bie: there are tons of console clients for mpd20:23
Flanneln00bie: Whatever MOC is, sure.  If it can act as a source client for icecast/shoutcast.20:23
n00biesvladcjelli: ah, ok... i haven't read anything about mpd... thought maybe it was a client as well, but i guess it's a server?20:24
svladcjelli!info mpd20:24
ubotumpd: Music Player Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13.0-2ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 137 kB, installed size 416 kB20:24
lonejackHi all, has somebody tryed to install wacom Tablet? Does somebody know where to find the driver(Kubuntu 7.10). Thank you.20:25
visualHello I have a question20:25
Flanneln00bie: mpd is a server, music player daemon, you connect to it via a variety of frontends (web, ncurses, GUI, etc, etc), it, it can stream music to an icecast/shoutcast server, which you then tune in to.20:25
visualI have some photo on a image on a disc and they are lock20:25
kaukselonejack: I think it's natively supported by x.org, look in your xorg.conf20:25
Sammy_hi guys whats the best ipod program for ubuntu20:25
n00biesvladcjelli: Flannel : thank you for now, i'll read more about the subject(s) on my own20:25
masterocim having problems playing dvds in ubuntu20:26
masterocits like it doesnt see my drives20:26
masteroci can boot a cd from them, but i cant read anything from them in ubuntu20:26
noriis anybody here? :O20:26
kaukselonejack: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=wacom&titlesearch=Titres20:27
cheiron_I have a LG L194WTX, but I can't seem to get it to work via resolution20:27
raheelif my wireless connects but does not retrieve an IP... what needs to be done?20:27
Sammy_anyone have a good combo for ipod video and linux???20:27
lonejackkaukse: excuse me, I'm a novice. Do you mean I've to see something on my system or to find drivers at http://www.x.org?20:27
noriwhat's LG L19 tarararararammm?20:27
Lacrymologyhere's the deal: we are running ubuntu boxes at work, and one of the guys quit. I need access to his machine, preferrably without formatting.. what do I do?20:27
noriuhh everyone has problems...20:27
maekdoes anyone know how to make it so I can use the super/window key and another key at the same time for a keyboard shortcut. when I try to set them if only sets the super left or right but not + C or something. thanks.20:27
robdig!dvd | masteroc hope this will help.20:28
ubotumasteroc hope this will help.: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:28
noriwhy don't I have? XD20:28
cheiron_Lacrymology, just put the recovery disk in..20:28
cheiron_it'll log you into root20:28
cheiron_and then you can change pass...20:28
kaukselonejack: nope,  I meant I think the graphical server manages wacom tablets natively. Did you try just plugging it in ?20:28
masterocubotu: its not how to play them, i have vlc installed, its that ubuntu doesnt see either of my dvd drives20:28
kaycehello, im new to linux, and trying to find out how to install the same ubuntu (7.10 x32 on an amd64x2 system) instance on 2 hdd's (like a raid but not? idk)20:28
Lacrymologycheiron_: the recovery disk is different than the installation disk?20:28
cheiron_same disk20:29
freeman163weel, an x64 system needs the 64 bit version >.<20:29
redarrowcan someone tell me a player which is able to play Video DVDs without much configuration20:29
BernardBOn lots of web sites, there are buttons which have 'Do not remove this text.'. It's not usual. What shall I do?20:29
magnetron!dvd > redarrow20:29
chemisusfor some reason i still can not find sun-java6-plugin20:29
masterocanyone know how to make ubuntu see my dvd drives?20:30
Lacrymologymsg ubotu !dvd20:30
chemisusmy repository list is the default, everything but backports and cd-rom is enabled20:30
Sammy_no ipod users here then??20:30
Lacrymologymsg ubotu !dvd20:30
redarrowthank u magnetron I'll try it20:30
zkjellbergQuestion: I am planning on purchasing this tv tuner. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116015 How would I find out if it is supported in Linux? Also, how are remotes treated in linux?20:30
chemisus!dvd Lacrymology20:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dvd lacrymology - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:30
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:30
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?20:31
magnetron!msgthebot > chemisus20:31
maekzkjellberg: get a haupague20:31
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre20:31
robdigmasteroc: to see if the system is registering your dvd, try  sudo lshw|grep -i dvd20:32
zkjellbergmaek, It is a happauge.20:32
Sammy_Check out my new theme for my ubuntu - this is how is should look when installed the basic look doesnt do it justice  http://myhome.iolfree.ie/~cashflow/1.png    http://myhome.iolfree.ie/~cashflow/2.png20:33
Spyingwindyo sivik20:33
sivikwhats up Spyingwind20:33
MarfiSammy_, what taskbar is that?20:33
Spyingwindirssi in xterm bad20:33
zkjellbergSammy_, Looks really nice.20:34
Sammy_avant window navigator20:34
BernardBOn lots of web sites, there are buttons which have 'Do not remove this text.'. It's not usual. What shall I do?20:34
jimmiouscan you propose a good gdb commant for a deep debug of my crappy C code? :P20:34
jlowellJack_Sparrow:    can I install ubuntu  into a directory on a windows xp drive (ntfs) and then not install the bootloader but instead use cd to boot the ubuntu in that directory?20:34
MasterShrekSammy_: what icon set are you using?20:34
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?20:34
jimmiousor a compilation of commands20:34
jlowellor any who can help20:34
Sammy_couple of icons nicked from os x20:34
sivikis that better Spyingwind20:34
freeman163not a directory, youmwould need a partition20:35
MasterShrekhow u get that pot leaf for your menu?20:35
Marfijlowell, why would you want to do that?20:35
adelieis there a way to read a symbolic link file as opposed to what the symbolic link points to?20:35
Sammy_only thing that annoys me on ubuntu is the icons so i got some mac ones20:35
Sammy_but made my own menu logo20:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:36
adelieSammy_: Agreed. I used the UbuntuStudio ones. I forgot about the origional ones till you mentioned it. I really don't like the default icon set20:36
sivikSpyingwind, can you get pms?20:36
jlowellMarfi: this is a pc ill be using temporarily id like to be able to remove it easily and not freak out this easily freak outable owner20:36
Hyuukaiim too much of a noob or i would of done that sammy20:36
=== DoYouNo is now known as DoYouKnow
Hyuukaiim learning :)20:36
MasterShrekadante: a symbolic link is just that, symbolic, its not really there20:36
LiMaOMarfi: how did you manage to get that mac style launcher at the bottom??20:36
freeman163just run it off hte live disk then20:36
zkjellbergSammy_, what theme is that for the grey look/transparency.20:36
magnetron!offtopic | Sammy_, LiMaO20:36
Sammy_are the ubuntu studio ones nice20:36
Spyingwindsivik: try20:36
ubotuSammy_, LiMaO: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:36
MasterShrekadante: do you want to be able to look at what it points to or what?20:36
Marfiit was Sammy_ , i accidently copy pasted it. its avant windows manager20:36
MasterShrekadante: you can: ls -l /directory/containing/symlink20:37
jacobhow do i install w32 codecs in gutsy20:37
Sammy_its an emerald theme one sec20:37
adelieSammy_: Ubuntu Studio project is all about multimedia production, which of course has the MOST eye candy, but not heavy20:37
Marfijlowell, are you pulling data off?20:37
pteague_workwhy is /etc/apache2/sites-available/default now a binary file?20:37
atlef!restricted | jacob20:37
ubotujacob: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:37
Sammy_adelie - do they take advice from people on its look20:38
HyuukaiSAmmy have you got any emerald themes that can change the menu colour?20:38
jlowellMarfi: what do you mean? from the windows partition? I dont need to if I can save it into the temp directory id like to make in windows20:38
frojndI have problem, connecting to nokia 7390  Whn I click on search devices and than on phone and than connect it says: check your spellig and try again: "obex://[00:19:b7:05:95:37]" not valid location. Any ideas why I can't connect to this phone, On a phone I can't see my inspiron 6400, also on phone is set to be viewed all the time... anyone ???20:38
Sammy_the menus is tranparent20:38
Marfijlowell, but if its temporary, why not just use the live disk?20:38
ArelisCan anyone help me? I'm trying to burn a CD, but almost at the end, it gives me an error. It does it in both K3b and GNOME's integrated burning program20:38
SonicChaoroot@sonicchao-laptop:/home/sonicchao/Desktop/qflash-0.1-bin# ./install-sh20:38
SonicChao-su: ./install-sh: Permission denied20:38
SonicChao What could be the reason for this? (opened Konsole, new root terminal)20:38
adelieSammy_: I would say more so that they are very open to outside contributions. I believe the theme changes are decided by an open popular vote20:38
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?20:39
magnetron!offtopic | Sammy_, adelie20:39
ubotuSammy_, adelie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:39
jlowellMarfi because id like it to run a bit faster and save files...20:39
Hyuukaiuhhh where can i find apt??20:39
adeliemagnetron do you have a question that isn't being answered? I do20:39
SonicChao!aptitude | Hyuukai20:40
ubotuHyuukai: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide20:40
Sammy_well before i go does anyone want me to put up instructions on the theme on gnome look20:40
magnetronSammy_, adelie: you are very welcome to continue the theme discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic , so we can keep this channel for support questions. thank you!20:40
MasterShrekSonicChao: chmod 755 ~/Desktop/qflash-0.1-bin20:40
Hyuukaibut where can i find it on ubuntu ? lol20:40
MasterShrekSonicChao: chmod 755 ~/Desktop/qflash-0.1-bin/install-sh20:40
MacTheMadhello anyone... what is the command to install the kde gui? would it be "sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop"?20:40
kromagnondoes anyone know of an XDMCP client for macosx?20:40
SonicChaoHyuukai, Open a new terminal20:40
MasterShrekSonicChao: use the second one20:41
magnetronMacTheMad: yes20:41
jlowellis there no cd image for ubuntu studio?20:41
adelieI was under the impression this started with questions over how to change the theme... was just giving my 2-cents20:41
SonicChaosudo apt-get install [program]20:41
cheiron_My L194WTX monitor, do you think it would work if I installed the drivers via wine?20:41
SonicChaoType that into it20:41
theRealballchalkanyone ran Second LIfe ?20:41
MacTheMadty magnetron20:41
cheiron_or is that not gunna work?20:41
Sonic^I have ran Second Life20:41
fabioowenciao c'è qualche italiano?20:41
theRealballchalkhow is it ?20:41
cheiron_since there is no drivers for this via the Ubuntu20:41
fabioowenciao c'è qualche italiano?20:41
magnetron!it > fabioowen20:41
dgjones!it | fabioowen20:41
ubotufabioowen: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:41
Sonic^it runs well, assuming you have fglrx (ati) or nvidia's propertiary driver working20:41
adelietheRealballchalk: I have. there is a native(ish) linux version.20:41
robdigHyuukai: in the terminal, or if you like graphical system->administration->synaptic package manager20:41
SonicChaoHyuukai, I don't know what you want to do, so replace '[program]' with whatever program it is. e.g. firefox20:41
Sammy_is there an equivalent itunes program for ubuntu with video support also20:41
adelietheRealballchalk: It is much better than wineing the windows one20:41
freeman163yeah, limewire : p20:41
fabioowenciao c'è qualche italiano?20:42
Sonic^in fact, it runs smoother than on windows :320:42
theRealballchalkadelie: wow really???20:42
Hyuukaiummm i thought apt was automatically installed with ubuntu?20:42
fabioowenciao c'è qualche italiano?20:42
magnetronfabioowen: /join #ubuntu-it20:42
Hyuukaiim wanting to use awn menu bar thingie20:42
Hyuukaibut i need to edit my apt source yet i dont have apt or cannot findit20:42
kaycei need a bit of help, i'm trying to find out how i can use my 2 250gb hdd's for a single instance of Linux (not trying to dual boot), if its posible?20:42
Johnny_5i use enlightenment....for some reason some of my menus (gtk, games) seem to be too large and for some reason its a pain in the butt to try to select something from either menu.20:42
theship_sinkingHyuukai, you'll have to add a 3rd party repos for that20:42
Sonic^just use apt-get command in terminal, or the "add/remove software" application in menu .320:42
theRealballchalkhmm i'm waiting to see if anyone will compile Second LIfe for solaris20:42
theship_sinkingHyuukai, or you can get it from getdeb20:42
adelietheRealballchalk: yup. I had thought it was on the second life web site, but maybe it is hosted elsewhere. The second life people (devs) made the client open source. It didn't take long20:43
Hyuukaithe only thing im used to using is synaptic package manager20:43
Sonic^Second Life runs fine also in PC BSD20:43
HyuukaiI really dont know much about ubuntu as im pretty new20:43
theRealballchalkbut if solaris can run linux bins, then i'm not sure what that means for running Second LIfe whether it's simple or not20:43
Sammy_Hyuukai  do u want the resp... list for avn20:43
SonicChaoMasterShrek, it started complaining at me when I ./install.sh'd. Can you help?20:43
SonicChaoroot@sonicchao-laptop:/home/sonicchao/Desktop/qflash-0.1-bin# ./install-sh20:43
SonicChaomkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/share/libming/fonts': No such file or directory20:43
SonicChaocp: target `/usr/share/libming/fonts/' is not a directory: No such file or directory20:43
Johnny_5any suggestions?20:43
HyuukaiSure but i dont know wht i would do with it lol like i said im really new20:43
adelieHyuukai apt is in by default. Synaptic is an apt front-end20:43
Sonic^I believe there would be way getting linux version of SecondLife to run on Solaris20:43
theship_sinkingHyuukai, just to warn you, awn is still pretty buggy and unstable20:43
theship_sinkingHyuukai, you probably don't want to use it for everyday use...20:43
HyuukaiOk well is there a menu system like the osx on that works well?20:44
Sonic^same way like running it on freebsd20:44
MasterShrekSonicChao: you need libming it looks like, whatever that is20:44
theRealballchalkadelie: yea i read the head guy was Opensource friendly20:44
SonicChao!info libming20:44
ubotuPackage libming does not exist in gutsy20:44
SonicChao!info minb20:44
ubotuPackage minb does not exist in gutsy20:44
Hyuukailike a menu at the bottom of the screen in the middle with cool icons20:44
SonicChao!info ming20:44
ubotuPackage ming does not exist in gutsy20:44
Sammy_deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:44
Sammy_deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:44
SonicChaoMasterShrek, all I know is20:44
SonicChaoMing has something to do with Flash :|20:44
jlowellcan anyone tell me if ubuntu studio has a live cd image? cant seem to find one20:44
adelieis there a way to "check" the major and minor numbers of a block file?20:44
SpookyETAre there any v0.3.0 beagle debs for gutsy, official or not20:45
HyuukaiSammy do you use awn?20:45
Cpudan80Anyone know of a good text editor (with syntax highlighting) that is not Gedit or Kate?20:45
Cpudan80or vim20:45
theRealballchalksonic^ yea but the problem is if there needs to be optimization who's gonna do it?  the solaris and opensolaris guys are all admins lol20:45
HyuukaiDO you have any problms with it?20:45
theship_sinkingare there any good imaging apps for linux?20:45
SonicChaoCpudan80, no, you just named all the good ones. :|20:45
adelieor are they only in the kernel source?20:45
theRealballchalki'd think the linux ppl will do second life for solaris most likely20:45
SonicChaoEspecially VIM20:45
Sammy_none - and my machine is old enough20:45
SonicChao!gimp | theship_sinking20:45
ubotutheship_sinking: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.20:45
goodmanhow i con boot liunx in pc mac20:45
theship_sinkingerr sorry, i meant imaging, as in drive imaging20:45
Cpudan80SonicChao: but vim is command line though20:45
Sammy_its really useful20:46
Cpudan80SonicChao: Is there a way to add php highlighting to gedit?20:46
HyuukaiOk sammy could you help me since i have no idea about ubuntu stuff still learning through trial and error what do i do with that link you just sent me?20:46
SonicChaoCpudan80, do you want me to teach you? You only need THREE commands tops20:46
SonicChaoAnd they are one letter.20:46
Sammy_one sec20:46
HyuukaiOk :)20:46
HyuukaiIm trying to customise ubuntu you see and so far all iave done is edited a really bad emerald skin20:46
SonicChaoHyuukai, what are you trying to do, exactly? :320:47
Sammy_gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:47
adelietheRealballchalk: I would have to disagree. OpenSource is frequently, IMHO, ported by the people that want to use them, and then shared. Sometimes (even often) picked up by the oritional developer if it is a big project like that. I doubt the second life people would port it themselves. They didn't do the linux one, they just released the windows source code20:47
HyuukaiMake ubuntu look more like i want it to? or you wanna kno ho i want it to look?20:47
robdigCpudan80: gvim is "graphical" version of vim...you can use the mouse as well as keyboard commands...20:47
cheiron_Does Anyone here know how to get my LG 19" widescreen to work?20:47
SonicChaoHyuukai, how do you want it to look?20:47
Sammy_add this to the end and save20:47
Sammy_deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:47
Sammy_ deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:47
SonicChaoI can't read your mind, sorry :|20:47
bruenigrobdig, sort of20:48
adelieHow can you find out what the major and minor numbers are for a block file?20:48
SpookyETepiphany with webkit is fast as hell, but not ready for prime time it's very buggy20:48
bruenigrobdig, you can't use the mouse anymore in gvim that you can in vim, gvim is just a stand alone vim that exists outside of a terminal really, not significantly different20:48
Cpudan80robdig: Yeah I know about that one20:48
EtteSBis bash.bashrc the same as .bashrc ?20:48
Sammy_Hyuukai  - you do all that20:48
Envy`Im trying to install Ubuntu, CD won't boot hangs on loading kernal. I've had ubuntu previously on this system from this CD but it was the sole OS,  now Im trying to duel boot XP. Any ideas? Ty. (Iam booting from CD in bios)20:48
theship_sinkingso anyone know if there are any good utils / apps i can use for drive imaging?20:49
kaminixI have a problem with a broken file systems. Interestingly, it was broken when I checked it for errors with fsck. The file system is ext3 500GB and seems to have a broken superblock. I did find two of the superblock backups to be OK, but it still says "fsck.ext3: unable to set superblock flags on mybook". Any ideas why? I did run badblocks on it too, twice, and it turned out 100% OK.20:49
cafuegoadelie: `ls -l' shows them.20:49
Pc_DarkHow do I make ubuntu auto-update (i.e. not ask me to update things)20:49
adeliecafuego: Really? hmm.. I feel silly20:49
Hyuukaijust copy and paste that into the terminal?20:49
Pc_DarkI just want it to update everything automatically.20:49
EtteSBpc_dark: sudo apt-get update20:49
theRealballchalkadelie: yea i know, but im saying the number of ppl using the solaris os for second life is what i'm not sure about  since they're mostly network admins.20:49
Sammy_gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:49
cafuegoadelie: brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 2007-11-03 23:47 /dev/sda   <-- major 8, minor 0.20:49
Hyuukaiwait sammy20:49
Sammy_paste that to terminal 1st20:49
bruenigPc_Dark, that's a poor idea, but if you want to, you need to edit cron to run something like apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade -y20:50
b1n0ryi need a little help installing ubuntu on my laptop20:50
adeliecafuego: Nice! Thanks20:50
Sammy_it will open the source lists20:50
Pc_DarkWhy is it a poor idea, bruenig ?20:50
cafuegoPc_Dark: You shouldn't let it do that, badness will happen. However, cron-apt is helpful.20:50
zkjellbergQuestion: I am planning on purchasing this tv tuner. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116015 How would I find out if it is supported in Linux? Also, how are remotes treated in linux?20:50
bruenigPc_Dark, well apt-get doesn't have a log, so if something screws up, you don't know what, whereas if you approve the updates, you will at least know the offending application20:51
cafuegoPc_Dark: If an update script fails without notice, you may be left with an unusable machine20:51
EtteSB!alias > etteSB20:51
Hyuukaigksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list THEN deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:51
Hyuukaioops caps20:51
Pc_Darkcafuego, snapshots are good for that.20:51
vg05this is nuts20:51
Sammy_then add the follow 2 lines to the list at the end and save it20:51
=== theRealballchalk is now known as theRealBall
SmileyChrisjust wondering: are packages only updated for a version of ubuntu if there are security fixes? (specifically, bzr 1 just came out, will the repositories be updated?)20:51
vg05why is configuring dual monitors with ati so difficult ?20:51
Sammy_ deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:51
robdigbruenig: gvim has button bar...accessed via mouse...other than that, agreed, not much difference20:52
cafuegoPc_Dark: And more work than simply running the last step by hand <heh> oh well.20:52
cafuegovg05: "ati"20:52
b1n0ryi downloaded and burned the live/install cd, but i need to install without the interface or something... it's taking waaay too long. from the time i click the "install" icon (running from the cd-rom), it takes about 20-30 minutes to come up with question 1 (of 7).20:52
Sammy_deb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:52
Sammy_  deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator20:52
vg05well, at least something displays with ati, my fx5200 was even worse20:52
cafuego!paste > Sammy_20:52
Hyuukaioh add the deb-rc line into the sources list?20:52
b1n0ryafter waiting about 25 minutes to get to question 2... i decided there has to be a faster way20:52
kromagnondoes anyone know of any XDMCP clients for macosx?20:52
Sammy_ya both of them20:52
cafuegob1n0ry: The 'alternate' cd has a text-only install.20:52
Sammy_at the very end and save it20:53
b1n0ryalright, will i still be able to install the x environment with gnome?20:53
cafuegob1n0ry: Yup :-)20:53
profanephobiavg05, because they make crappy drivers20:53
b1n0ryi think that if i wasn't running off a cd, it would be much faster20:53
b1n0rycafuego: thanks much20:53
Hyuukaiit couldnt find the sources list  :S  isnt apt bundled with ubuntu?20:53
b1n0ryi'll give that one a shot20:53
cafuegob1n0ry: By default, it installs the exact same thing as the livecd.20:53
cafuegoit's just less pretty20:53
EtteSBis bash.bashrc the same as .bashrc ?20:53
ompaulkromagnon, try starting a terminal and doing this in it:  X :1 -query OtherMachineIP-or-DNS.name20:53
b1n0ryis the live cd this slow for everyone?20:53
DShepherdanyone here use checkgmail?20:54
vg05i mean, is trying to setup one screen for a 24" and the other for a 19" so difficult ?!?20:54
Sammy_hyuukai you oened it in the terminal20:54
cafuegovg05: Not normally, but with ati's poor quality drivers, anything is possible.20:54
johnny_walkerhey, I have 2 HD on my Computer and 3 Partitions 1 is ubuntu partition and 2 is NTFS partition, I need to share a few of my NTFS partitions so i can see them in my multi media player, Any idea how to do that?20:54
=== profanephobia is now known as GuruDeUbuntu
vg05cafuego: nvidia wasnt much better20:54
b1n0ryi'm just trying to figure out if it will be worth erasing my pc over...20:54
=== GuruDeUbuntu is now known as profanephobia
Pc_Darkjohnny_walker, it might be easier to set up VMs with sharing ?20:55
Sammy_gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list      in the terminal opens the source list you add the lines to20:55
MasterShrekb1n0ry: the livecds are slow, it will be much faster after you install20:55
johnny_walkerpc_dark: i'm kinda new to ubuntu so xplaination will help.........20:55
adeliecafuego: A friend killed his raid recently, and wanting to play around with it. I dumped it to another device, but could I do a dd -if <raid> -of <file> and then open it with gparted or mount it as a block device?20:55
b1n0ryMasterShrek: thanks, i'll give it a shot. i don't have anything worth keeping at this point20:55
adeliecafuego: for other types of scans / repairs20:55
Pc_Darkjohnny_walker, to run either Ubuntu or Windows in a virtual Machine (i.e. side-by-side)20:56
HyuukaiSammy: Ok ive done that now?20:56
kromagnonompaul: thanks i'll try that. is that command native to mac os terminal commands?20:56
redarrowmagnetron: I think I need to make a link from my /dev/dvd to the cdrom-drive, how can I do this?20:56
johnny_walkerhmmm to late now cause i already removed my windows........20:56
Pc_DarkFor example, VirtualBox, QEMU, Xen, VMWare Player, VMWare Server, to name a few free ones.20:56
frojndSammy_, after saving deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigato   How can I install avant-window-navigator?20:56
johnny_walkerpc_dark: hmmm to late now cause i already removed my windows........20:56
kayceanyone here know how to install a single instance of ubuntu 7.10 on 2 hdd's (2x 250gb) (NOT trying to dual boot)20:56
ompaulkromagnon, no idea, it is however how you talk to xdmcp20:56
EtteSBiim trying to make an alias so the if i type it auto does sudo apt-get update. but im wonder if bash.bashrc is the right file to put it in?20:56
frojndSammy_, what's the name of the package?20:57
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents20:57
svladcjellikayce: if you want both disks to be 'joined' you need to use raid20:57
MasterShrekkayce: lvm or, just mount the other partition in your system20:57
Sammy_go to synaptic20:57
MasterShrekisnt lvm making the os think its one disk?20:57
Sammy_but hit relod first20:57
Zxcsis there anyone that can help me use wine? Ive installed it but I want to copy a game folder over from my windows comp first then run it using wine20:57
cafuegokayce: With raid or without?20:57
kromagnonompaul: ok cool.20:57
silent_MasterShrek: LVM can do a few different things20:57
johnny_walkerpc_dark; why there's no way to share those NTFS folders so I can see them in my media player?20:57
boris_nearest mental health institute20:57
kromagnonompaul: thanks20:57
kaycetried a raid20:57
Sammy_then search avant ad it should be there20:57
MasterShreksilent_: is that one of them?20:57
ompaulboris_, your point?20:58
silent_MasterShrek: clarify, I just opened this tab20:58
kaycelinux still recognises them as single hdd's20:58
HyuukaiW: GPG error: http://download.tuxfamily.org gutsy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3E231AC7F4ECF18120:58
cafuegokayce: Yes, that is a *GOOD* thing.20:58
MasterShreksilent_: i just thought with lvm you could make 2 partitions look like one big one, but i dont know if thats true or not20:58
Pc_Darkjohnny_walker, there is.  you need to install a driver to view NTFS partitions20:58
johnny_walkerlemme ask you, if I change the partition from NTFS to Linux format, if I want to switch back to windows will partition magic be able to make those Partition back to NTFS without losing the Data on it?20:58
boris_ompaul: it's funny20:58
silent_MasterShrek: that is true20:58
johnny_walkerPc_dark: where can i get that driver?20:58
frojndSammy_, I get the same error as Hyuukai and When I do sudo apt-get update, I also can't find avant* package..20:58
cafuegokayce: You'll want to use the raid drivers in Linux, which are properly software based.20:58
silent_MasterShrek: You can also set up software raid20:59
Pc_Darkjohnny_walker, I don't know and I don't know if it's legal or not.20:59
eriscohow can you log out of gnome using the terminal?20:59
cafuegokayce: On-mobo sw raid is generally a bad thing and should be avoided if at all possible.20:59
MasterShrekjohnny_walker: you can get the driver by typing: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g     int a terminal20:59
frojndSammy_, still there?20:59
MasterShrekah cool silent_, always something i wanted to start learning how to do20:59
Sammy_did you add the lines to the source list as i explained20:59
cafuegokayce: You will need the `alternate' install CD though, the livecd doesn't support raid or lvm, afaik.20:59
frojndSammy_, yes, I can paste it to you..20:59
frojndSammy_, we need key20:59
kaycei unraided already20:59
kayceoh, how do i get it20:59
Sammy_paste it in a private chat21:00
cafuegokayce: 'old on.21:00
Hyuukaii cant do private chat im not authed21:00
ompaulPc_Dark, and by saying that you cause FUD, well done, it is free software, and has existed for years and MS have not sued the project, reasonable to believe that such a company would have by now given how much they hate FLOSS if they had half a chance21:00
MasterShrek!alternate | kayce21:00
ubotukayce: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal21:00
ompaul!register | Hyuukai21:00
ubotuHyuukai: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration21:00
frojndSammy_, or maybe this deb is broken..21:00
MasterShrekoh theres no link21:00
martijn81i have installed mdadm for my raid disks, but not kubuntu does not start proper anymore. I see no kwin/kicker and a popup in the left corner with "Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation." What can i do?21:00
Sammy_what version of ubuntu u use21:01
ubotuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD21:01
Sammy_same as me then21:01
frojndSammy_, me too..21:01
Cr3atureHow do i swtich from NTFS-3G to the normal NTFS support?21:01
kaycehmm, im still very new to linux thow21:01
HyuukaiSammy check your list? maybe its not the same?21:01
eriscohow can you log out of gnome using the terminal?21:01
Pc_Darkompaul, if they sued the project they wouldn't get anything because the project has no money.21:01
MasterShrekCr3ature: why would you want to?21:01
cafuegokayce: http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu-releases/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-alternate-i386.iso21:01
Cr3atureMasterShrek: NTFS-3G ISNT working21:01
Sammy_right guys one sec i will save my source list to my server and you can compare21:01
johnny_walkerpc_dark: OK, I installed it, what should I do next?21:02
Hyuukaiftp server?21:02
ompaulPc_Dark, they would stop its development and that would allow them be more of monopoly so please stop with the FUD already21:02
MasterShrekoh yea Cr3ature thats right lol, regular ntfs wont write to them though, but just change instances of ntfs-3g in your moutn commands (including /etc/fstab) to ntfs21:02
Pc_Darkjohnny_walker, I don't know and will not help you with this21:02
MrDaytonaManCan anyone tell me how to pipe audio through audacity and mixxx at the same time so I can record while mixing?21:02
johnny_walkerpc_dark: why is that?21:02
Cr3atureHow do i mount an NTFS partition using the Normal NTFS Support instead of the NTFS-3F21:03
cafuegokayce: if you want the drives to be a single 500GB disk, use LVM and not raid0. if you want to use mirroring for data security (so you have a redundant 250GB array), use raid1.21:03
frojndSammy_, when u'll poste url, please tag my nick, so I can see red line...21:03
Zxcscan anyone help me use wine?21:03
atlefis it possible to create a bootable cd-rom of win xp from folders and add bootfiles to the cd image?21:04
eriscohow can you log out of gnome using the terminal?21:04
BernardBDownload done.21:04
BernardBmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz21:04
BernardBThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.21:04
eriscoor how can you just restart gnome for that matter?21:04
BernardBWhat's that?21:04
cafuegokayce: In the partitoning step, you should choose manual partitioning and set up both entire disks with a single "Volume for LVM" or "Volume for RAID" partition. After that, you create the actual OS partitions on the LVM or Raid.21:04
frojnderisco, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:04
eriscofrojnd, thanks21:04
Cr3atureHow do i mount an NTFS partition using the Normal NTFS Support instead of the NTFS-3G21:04
frojnderisco, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop21:04
MasterShrekCr3ature: i told you already21:05
svladcjelliCr3ature: mount -t ntfs /dev/sdX /media/mountpoint21:05
n00biehow can i enable my wireless network card in ubuntu? it's a bluecom card... i use a dedicated button windows, which of course doesn't work in linux21:05
n00biehow can i enable my wireless network card in ubuntu? it's a bluecom card... i use a dedicated button in windows, which of course doesn't work in linux21:05
SonicChaoI need help installing Enlightenment. I easily installed the package "Enlightenment", but when I tried to install the reccommended packages (as I want to use the full desktop with all the features, such as eterm) it gave me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48268/21:05
svladcjelliCr3ature: but ntfs-3g is probably safer if you plan to write to that disk21:05
BitBastarhello, the installer is freezing and the hdd/CD is going nuts! Anyone know what's going on?21:05
Cr3atureit still says fuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy21:05
Cr3atureFUSE mount point creation failed21:05
Cr3atureand i have checkdiscked the NTFS21:06
svladcjelliCr3ature: perhaps it is already mounted?21:06
Cr3atureit works on windows21:06
MrDaytonaManCan someone help me with audacity?21:06
Cr3atureits not mounted21:06
svladcjelliCr3ature: it is telling you device is in use21:06
SonicChao!ask | MrDaytonaMan21:06
ubotuMrDaytonaMan: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:06
Cr3aturewell kinda21:06
Cr3aturehow can i know21:06
Sammy_frojnd  http://myhome.iolfree.ie/~cashflow/sources.list21:06
kayceis there an x64 link i can get as well?21:06
MasterShrekCr3ature: type: mount21:07
frojndSammy_,  let's see21:07
Cr3aturei see alot of stuff21:07
cafuegokayce: Yup, just replace 'i386' with 'amd64' in that filename.21:07
MrDaytonaManI'm trying to pipe my audio through audacity and mixxx at the same time21:07
MasterShrekCr3ature: see anything mounted ntfs?21:07
frojndSammy_, well.. this is error or NOGO PAGE21:07
SaintRockHi guys.. Got a bit of a problem.  Got to do a setup with 2 network cards that have 4 ports each. Its Sun hardware, but its recognizable in Ubuntu. Whenever I do changes in /etc/network/interfaces, and reboot, everything gets messed up.21:07
MrDaytonaManSo I can record off of mixx21:07
SaintRockThis is the card : 03:00.1 Ethernet controller: Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. Happy Meal 10/100 Ethernet [hme] (rev 01)21:07
MasterShrekCr3ature: none of the partitions that you are trying to mount?21:07
frojndSammy_, maybe u wanna paste it to ubuntu.paste-bin.nl or pastebin.ca or smth21:07
Sammy_can you recieve file here21:07
MasterShrekdoes it mount with ntfs?21:08
MasterShreknot ntfs-3g, but ntfs21:08
SaintRockIm not gonna try to copy paste the ifconfig, since its gonna flood the screen, but Im getting a lot of  interfaces getting "renamed"  eth8_rena Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:03:BA:05:89:D521:08
Cr3atureno they both say same error21:08
Sammy_whats ur email21:08
cafuegoSaintRock: Does it reorder the devices at each boot?21:08
Cr3aturefuse: mount failed: Device or resource busy21:08
Cr3atureFUSE mount point creation failed21:08
Cr3atureUnmounting /dev/sdb1 ()21:08
frojndSammy_, just paste it to www.pastebin.ca21:08
Cr3aturentfs-3g and ntfs both say that21:08
SaintRockcafuego, It looks like its reshuffling everything21:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pipe - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:09
cafuegoSaintRock: Ah yes. Check /etc/iftab, that is used to assign persistent device names based on MAC address.21:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about piping - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:09
SaintRockcafuego, Ahhh.  Let me check21:09
SaintRockcafuego, You're a star, I will try this .21:09
BitBastarHi, installer freezes on step 1 and the hdd/cd is going nuts, so waht do I do?21:09
svladcjelliCr3ature: http://forum.ntfs-3g.org/viewtopic.php?t=303 it is already mounted, or you installed a version of fuse that is not supported, or something else entirely :)21:09
cafuegoSaintRock: np21:09
frojndSonicChao, looks loke ist enlightenment-themeSOMETHING21:09
SonicChaoNevermind #ubuntu, I just had to choose a package21:10
cafuegoSaintRock: Actually, alternatively, see /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules.21:10
SonicChaofrojnd, lol, just when I figured it out xD21:10
Sammy_are they the same21:10
frojndSonicChao, busy..21:10
sd32_help, having problems playing real files on ubuntu,when i try to play a real streaming file i get a "could not find a appropriate hxplay or realplay in the system path to use as a embedded player" how do i fix this?21:10
frojndSonicChao, i would answer you earlier if I weren't busy21:11
maximusberyl turned off titlebars21:11
maximushow do i turn on my titlebar when i have beryl?21:11
Cr3atureso ITS JUST DOES NOT WORK21:11
Sammy_maximus window title bar?21:11
maximusyes sir21:11
maximusi havent used linux in years21:11
SaintRockcafuego, Thanks!21:12
maximusback when i used linux lol we didnt have beryl or compiz21:12
Sammy_what type of graphics card have21:12
cafuegomaximus: Is beryl still in Ubuntu proper? I thought it was replaced with compiz-fuision, which is just built in.21:12
maximuswe had mandrake 9.221:12
maximuswhen linux was mad fresh21:12
Sammy_is it nvidia21:12
maximusi dunno loll21:12
ghinghello.  I just installed Xubuntu Gutsy on my Dell D810 and have not been able to get suspend or hibernate to work properly21:12
cafuegomandrake 9.2 is newfangled, sorry.21:12
maximusi have an nvidia geforce 421:12
cafuegoBack in the days we had `fvwm'.21:12
Sammy_same as me21:12
maximusbut yea when i was using updater yest21:12
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?21:12
Sammy_right i had that also21:12
frojndSammy_, the same, but I get error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48271/21:12
maximusit showed an update for compiz21:12
maximusbut anyway i have beryl and compiz21:12
maximusi dunno how these fit into place21:12
frojndWould anyone know were do get gpg key since I can't install avant-window-navigator ?? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48271/21:13
gourgihi i just did a fresh install and i have a problem with sound capture sevice , it makes no sound, can anyone help?21:13
maximusi have an idea that they are either window managers and or plugins21:13
Hyuukaisammy i still get21:13
Hyuukaideb http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator deb-src http://download.tuxfamily.org/syzygy42/ gutsy avant-window-navigator21:13
maximuscan i use beryl with kde4?21:13
Sammy_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:13
cafuegomaximus: Possibly, but again, kde4 isn't in stable Ubuntu as yet.21:13
Sammy_then tell me what drive is in use21:13
kkathmanmaximus,  any reason why you dont just go to fusion, seeing that beryl is a pretty much dead product?21:13
frojndSammy_, It's easier to follow if you 'r talking to someone of u refer a nickname, most of 99% have coloured lines if in line is their nick... easier to follow conversation21:13
maximusi dont know how to do anything21:14
maximuslike i said21:14
Sammy_frojnd i dont know whats causing that error21:14
maximusi have been keeping up21:14
maximusso i know about what this stuff does21:14
kkathmanmaximus,  there are some very good wiki's on it21:14
maximusbut not specifics21:14
frojndSammy_, Hm hm21:14
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:14
maximussomeone paste me a link please21:14
frojndSammy_, I h ave to go for a min21:14
_gpg_hello, i'm trying to know why my wifi (CB54G2) isnt working, can any one help me please ?21:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about testing - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:14
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:14
maximushow do i get adobe flash player21:15
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:15
cafuegosudo aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree21:15
akrushello everyone21:16
mage__have they fixed the md5 problem yet?21:16
akrusI need to change GTK2 style under KDE21:16
cafuegopossibly s/ayer/ugin/21:16
akruswhich tool may I use?21:16
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:16
Marfimage__, nope21:16
logankoestermage__: nope I just went thru that last night21:16
gourgihi i just did a fresh install and i have a problem with sound capture sevice , it makes no sound, can anyone help? every other sound/sound device works perfect21:16
maximusi see compiz fusion21:16
martijn81i have installed mdadm for my raid disks, but not kubuntu does not start proper anymore. I see no kwin/kicker and a popup in the left corner with "Could not start kstartupconfig. Check your installation." What can i do?21:16
maximusthank you mage__21:16
maximusand thank you mastershrek21:16
logankoesterCan anyone translate this to english for me please? "logankoester@family-hp:~$ compiz --replace21:16
logankoesterChecking for Xgl: not present.21:16
logankoesterBlacklisted PCIID '1002:5954' found"21:16
maximusshrekst4r ;)21:17
adeliehow do you mount a dd dump?21:17
maximuswill gnash  play nicely with mozilla21:17
MasterShreklogankoester: somehthing is blacklisting your video card, maybe a compiz thing, im not really sure21:17
svladcjellimount -o loop adelie21:17
mindyHow can I install the rt2x00 drivers for my rt2500 rather than the rt2500 drivers already included in my Gutsy kernel? I see the source via apt-get, but this would require a custom kernel. Any way I can avoid rolling my own for support?21:17
Marfimage__, its easy to install though. download the package from the flash people, then run the script. did it this afternoon. ;)21:17
kkathmanmaximus  there are a number of good wiki's around - google has several under compiz fusion ubuntu21:17
logankoesterMasterShrek: something to ask in #compiz then?21:17
adeliesvladcjelli: thanks21:18
maximusok so how do i get KDE21:18
MasterShreklogankoester: i would think so21:18
kkathmanI would discourage compiz with KDE however21:18
cafuegomindy: You only need to build the custom drivers, not the whole kernel.21:18
maximusi want kde 4 mind you21:18
maximusi know21:18
maximusi want both thpoough21:18
maximuscompiz for fun21:18
cafuegomindy: You cna install and use `module-assistant' for that.21:18
maximusand kde4 to try21:18
BitBastarubuntu installer is *freezing* on step1. And the CD is still spining. Any Thoughts?21:18
MidgetnatorHello guys.... is it ok if I start the computer with puppy linux live cd and try e2fsck -c /dev/hda1 because i have my ubuntu there on the hd and i believe there are some bad blocks... will it mark the bad blocks to stop them from being used and wont damage my files?21:18
cafuegomaximus: #ubuntu+1 for you then.21:18
mindycafuego: when I run make from the rt2x00 directory in /usr/src/modules I get errors...21:18
kkathmanhussam :)21:18
cafuegomindy: Did you install the required kernel-headers package?21:19
maximuswhat does that mean cafuego?21:19
hussamkkathman : yes do u know me ?21:19
adeliesvladcjelli: What type do I specify if it was the entire device and not a partition? RAW?21:19
cafuegomaximus: Channel #ubuntu+1 rather then #ubuntu, where you are now.21:19
maximushardy heron21:19
maximusi have gutsy21:19
mindycafuego: linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic21:19
kkathmanhmm perhaps another hussam then - I knew someone by that name some time back - sorry21:19
maximusis it because what im asking for is non gutsy help?21:19
akrusagain =_=21:19
cafuegomaximus: if you need kDE4, I suggest you go Hardy21:19
cafuegoCoz Gutsy doesn't include it, and won't ever.21:20
maximuscafuego: thank you :)21:20
hussamkkathman : never mind21:20
akruswhich tool is used to change GTK2 style?21:20
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?21:20
mindycafuego: uname -r : 2.6.22-14-generic21:20
Marfidoes anyone have a clue?21:20
kkathmanmaximus,  unless you are very experienced and can feedback bugs to the process, I'd advise against KDE421:20
cafuegomindy: Hmmm ok.21:20
hussamso please could any one help me configering my visual effects?21:20
MidgetnatorHello guys.... is it ok if I start the computer with puppy linux live cd and try e2fsck -c /dev/hda1 because i have my ubuntu there on the hd and i believe there are some bad blocks... will it mark the bad blocks to stop them from being used and wont damage my files?21:20
cafuegomindy: Can you pastebin the error?21:20
svladcjelliadelie: mount -o loop filewithdata /mnt should do it21:20
maximusok fine21:21
silent_hussam: it's not difficult, click some buttons21:21
BitBastarubuntu installer is *freezing* on step1. And the CD is still spining. Any Thoughts?21:21
maximusbut someone tell me how to install compiz-fusion using synaptic21:21
mindycafuego: the first is  #error Wireless radio support not enabled in kernel!21:21
maximusi want the most stable version21:21
cafuegomaximus: it's already installed.21:21
adeliesvladcjelli: "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"21:21
mindycafuego: I'll pastebin the rest. one sec...21:21
MidgetnatorHello guys.... is it ok if I start the computer with puppy linux live cd and try e2fsck -c /dev/hda1 because i have my ubuntu there on the hd and i believe there are some bad blocks... will it mark the bad blocks to stop them from being used and wont damage my files?21:21
cafuegomaximus: System > Preferences > Appearance > Effects21:21
svladcjelliadelie: yes, sorry, put the type of fs it is21:21
kkathmanmaximus,  please check Google and type in "compiz fusion ubuntu" you'll see the process21:21
hussamsilent_: I think it is difficult for me I've tried many times before21:21
kkathmanmaximus,  there is much more than just synaptic in this case21:22
atlefis it possible to create a bootable cd-rom of win xp from folders and add bootfiles to the cd image?21:22
adeliesvladcjelli: :) what do I specify for the FS type if I dumped the device rather than the partition?21:22
svladcjelliMidgetnator: it is not necessarily a safe procedure if that is what you are asking21:22
cafuegokkathman: Not at all. It's preinstalled, just enable it :-P21:22
maximusi think i have beryl21:22
mindycafuego: http://pastebin.org/1161321:22
maximusi dont think i have compiz-fusion21:22
kkathmancafuego,  well he has beryl installed now tho21:22
Midgetnatorsvladcjelli: so what can i do in order to mark the bad sectors of my harddrive?21:22
cafuegomaximus: Only thing you want to do is add `compizconfig-settings-manager' via synaptic or aptitude, for advanced settings.21:23
hussamhello Visual Effects how to configure it ?21:23
cafuegokkathman: Yes, he needs to unbreak the system.21:23
svladcjelliadelie: you got me :) I dump the partition...21:23
adelieMidgetnat: fsck has an option to do it automatically21:23
cafuegohussam: compizconfig-settings-manager21:23
Midgetnatorcan u please tell me adelie?21:23
xTheGoat121xDoes OOo use its own GTK settings file?21:23
kkathmancafuego,  hmm I would advise removing the old stuff first but if you can advise otherwise, so be it :)21:23
hussamcafuego: where to find it ?21:23
kaycewhen installing from a non-live cd, does it just install or is there something else i have to do? sorry for noob question if it is, im still rather new to linux21:23
cafuegohussam: System > Preferences > Appearance > Effects21:23
cafuegohussam: The config package is in Synaptic.21:24
hussamcafuego: ok then21:24
adelieMidgetnat: man fsck should specify21:24
magnetronkayce: it just installs21:24
Midgetnatoryeah tried it21:24
svladcjelliMidgetnator: this is usually not necessary21:24
kaycethank you21:24
hendrixskiI have a newbie coding question in AJAX:  when I call xhr.open('POST', myCode.php, true); xhr.send(); from pressing a button shouldn't that then run the PHP page the same way that a button inside a <form action="myCode.php"> right?21:24
Midgetnatorand the only option seems to be fsck -c21:24
maximusthanks guys21:24
maximusvery help ful21:24
cafuegohendrixski: Wrong channel.21:24
maximusand cute too21:24
hendrixskicafuego, I've tried a few other ones, figured I'd try my chances here :-p21:25
Midgetnatorsvladjelli: yeah the thing is that my hard drive started to make up some noises and sometimes its getting stucked so thats why i need to mark the bad sectors so they wont be in use anymore21:25
cafuegohendrixski: See the topic?21:25
* hendrixski sighs21:25
Jowikayce, the "install cd" (doesn't matter if it is the live cd, alternative of minimal one) installs the OS. You will be asked questions along the way of partitioning and networking options etc.  what is the problem exactly?21:25
svladcjelliMidgetnator: http://linux.die.net/man/8/e2fsck21:25
adeliesvladcjelli: I have a "test" later. friend killed his raid accidently and lost the partition map. I figured simple enough to dd it (for safety sake, and try to rebuild it manually... but I don't know how to mount the file or necessarly open the file with cfparted / gparted (whatever). any thoughts?21:25
hussamcafuego: it is installed what should i do21:25
white_eagledoes anyone know an IM MSN client which will show the song I'm playing using Amarok or other players. cause pidgin doesn't have that21:26
kaycei was just wondering, its going to be a while before i can today21:26
cafuegomindy: Hmmm... does the rt2x00 README mention any odd options needed for wifi? I'd have thought it would be fine with the normal ones.21:26
kayceanother question thow21:26
ubotupidgin is the new name for Gaim forced by AOL's legal dept. It is available in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), but not previous versions. See http://www.pidgin.im/index.php for more info. To install Pidgin please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallPidgin2.021:26
cafuegohussam: System > Preferences > Appearance > Effects21:26
ubotuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !kopete21:26
magnetron!msgthebot | white_eagle21:26
ubotuwhite_eagle: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:26
kaycecan i run x32 linux on an x64 computer? i know you can do it with windows21:26
svladcjelliadelie: what raid was it21:26
cafuegokayce: yes.21:26
kayceok, thank you very much21:27
adelieMidgetnat: ooh. Marking out bad sectors won't save a smoking / grinding drive, because bad sectors isn't the problem, more likely a failing head. BACKUP!!! (if necessary) and replace the drive ASAP21:27
Jowikayce, all the images will install but while the live-cd has a graphical installer the alternative cd is text based. the server image is text-based + options specifically for servers + different kernel.21:27
white_eagledoes anyone know an IM MSN client which will show the song I'm playing using Amarok or other players. cause pidgin doesn't have that21:27
NemesisDhow can i tell what daemons are set to start up upon boot?21:27
zeroflagmy synaptic died and now /var/lib/dpkg/lock is locked. how do I get it unlocked?21:27
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: pidgin does do it, it is an amarok plugin21:27
adeliesvladcjelli: worst type, RAID 0. It is a on board silicon images raid on an asus board21:28
erUSULNemesisD: System>Admin>Services21:28
magnetronNemesisD: System > administration > services21:28
cafuegoNemesisD: ls /etc/rc2.d/  :-)21:28
hussamcafuego: when trying any one of the effects I've that msg "Desktop effects could not be enabled"21:28
cafuegozeroflag: Just remove that lock file21:28
kayceare there some kind of instructions i can print out if im going to need them for installing the non live cd?21:28
Zxcsguys how do I copy files from my windows network to ubuntu?21:28
white_eagleI don't have that plugin21:29
cafuegohussam: What video card do you have?21:29
JowiNemesisD, (if you want to do it from the command line) look in /etc/rc2.d and /etc/init.d/rdS.d/21:29
erUSUL!samba | Zxcs21:29
ubotuZxcs: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT21:29
white_eaglesvladcjelli: I don't see that plugin21:29
adeliesvladcjelli: I got linux to recognize the raid, (windows just ate dirt as soon as it tried to start) but the partition map was empty. The mistake he made was plugging a very different drive into the raid controller instead of the jbob, and it tried to stripe the drive21:29
magnetron!install > kayce21:29
white_eaglesvladcjelli: am I missing something?21:29
Zxcsubotu: ive installed samba but don't know how to use it21:29
magnetronkayce: ubotu sent you a private msg with a link to all the relevant info21:30
JowiNemesisD, oops. should have said "/etc/rcS.d/"21:30
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: i guess so, I use it now21:30
cafuegokayce: I shouldn't think you need any, it's pretty strightforward.21:30
mindycafuego: how can i cross-reference the requirements with the options set in my default gutsy kernel image>21:30
hussamcafuego: i think it is s3 unichrome pro vga adapter VIA21:30
white_eaglesvladcjelli: where is it?21:30
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erUSULZxcs: Places>Network>Windows Network ?21:30
kayceok, thankyou21:30
hussamdoes that helps?21:30
cafuegohussam: Hmm. QUite possibly it doesn't support the hardware 3d stuff needed for compiz.21:30
n00biehmm, sorry for asking this trivial question, but... how do i label an external usb drive?21:30
cafuegomindy: The options in the current kernel are set in /boot/config-$(uname -r)21:31
hussamcafuego: so won't i have it21:31
cafuegohussam: Seems that way :-(21:31
=== bucatoamano is now known as Creative2
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: right where i said it was, called AmarokPidgin21:31
Jowihussam, unichrome is 2d accellerated with very low 3d accelleration. it will not run compiz (like the via mini-itx mother boards)21:31
adeliesvladcjelli: something interesting though, on my test of a thumb drive, `file' reports : USB_Backup: x86 boot sector, Microsoft Windows XP mbr, extended partition table (last)\01121:31
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=== _zeroflag is now known as zerofla1
[M|W]Yago_potatocan some 1 help me with a install error21:32
[M|W]Yago_potato[ 235.475084] Buffer I/O error on device fd0. logical block 021:32
ZxcserUSUL: thanks21:32
white_eaglesvladcjelli: no it isn't21:32
hussamjowi so I shouldn't try any more should I?21:32
gourgihi i just did a fresh install and i have a problem with sound capture sevice (System > Preferences > Sound > Devices ), it makes no sound, can anyone help? every other sound/sound device works perfect. Board is MSI K8N Neo4 SLI Platinum and sound card is Creative sound Blaster Live 24-bit H/W audio 7.1 CH Surround Sound21:32
svladcjelliok white_eagle i must be hallucinating my status updates on pidgin :)21:32
cafuegohussam: Seems that way: http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=403921:33
Jowihussam, waste of time. I got a unichrome card here. while it has got very good 2d performance (and accellerated video playback) it does not do 3d well.21:33
kaycejust wana say one more thing.. > I LOVE LINUX <   thank you21:33
mindycafuego: CONFIG_NET_RADIO doesn't appear in my current conifg.21:33
KartiANy suggestions for a text editor to learn java with that will colour code syntax etc?21:33
hussamcafuego, jowi anyhow thanks 4 helping so much21:33
cafuegohussam: if you really want it, you might want to invest in a cheap nvidia card.21:34
Jowihussam, you should be able to play quake in low resolution though :)21:34
=== ConstyXIV_ is now known as ConstyXIV
svladcjelliKarti: the default text editor should do a decent job21:34
svladcjelliKarti: gedit21:34
cafuegomindy: Not set in mine either, but it does wifi just fine.21:34
cafuegoKarti: `bluefish'21:34
tofaffyWhat is a good download manager that supports resuming interrupted downloads?21:35
cafuegomindy: I suspect those drivers might just be out of date wrt kernel config.21:35
lordoflogicHello, I am looking for help on a problem21:35
cafuegotofaffy: wget21:35
Oloughlin75I tried installing alsa 1.0.15 to get my sound working (and it still doesnt), but now the Fast User switch thing doesnt work, so I have to sign in terminal and do startx and i can't shutdown without terminal either. What can I do?21:35
cafuego!ask > lordoflogic21:35
tofaffycafuego, GUI21:35
Kartijust noticed that  but I also wanted "not to learn" the ide just yet ;) I'm familiar with Kate but don't see it in the add remove box21:35
cafuegotofaffy: xterm -e wget21:35
svladcjellitofaffy: downthemall for firefox21:35
sebrockwould it be possible to run X without graphic card (or monitor), just in order to get a VNC running on an headless server?21:36
magic_ninjaany way for me to tell what speed my cpu is running at21:36
Jowitofaffy, aria, gwget, d4x21:36
cafuegosebrock: Yup, via vnc server.21:36
tofaffythanks Jowi21:36
cafuegomagic_ninja: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:36
sebrockcafuego: but vnc server need X to run? And X wont start without graphics or monitor right?21:36
cafuegomagic_ninja: Or the cpu monitor applet on the panel (Right click to add it)21:36
HyuukaiSAmmy are you still here?21:36
cafuegosebrock: X will start fine without a monitor.21:37
Zxcshow do I edit etc/fstab?21:37
magic_ninjawhat time is it21:37
svladcjellisebrock: vnc does not need funn X21:37
Hyuukaifronjnd you there still??21:37
lordoflogicI have had trouble with my wireless connection.  I was just about to wipe ubutu off of my laptop when I decided to give it one more try.  I noticed a newer version of ubuntu was out.  I updated to 7.10.  The wireless worked great for a few hours. I downloaded a few updates,  reset and it stopped again.21:37
cafuegosebrock: vnc needs some limited number of X support files and libraries, it does not require the login manager etc.21:37
sebrockcafuego: so how do I go about to run it then?21:37
Hyuukaican anybody possibly help me with awn?21:37
Zxcshow do I edit the /etc/fstab file? whats the command?21:37
cafuegosebrock: install vncserver, run vncserver, done.21:37
sebrockcafuego: I tried VNC on my server but it would not start21:37
svladcjelliZxcs: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab21:37
Zxcssvladcjelli: thanks21:38
cafuegosebrock: Did it give any errors?21:38
svladcjellisebrock: sudo aptitude install tightvncserver21:38
sebrockcafuego: I tried it... yeah it just segfaulted I think21:38
svladcjelliwill setit up right21:38
lordoflogicI can check properties and it says I am getting 71% signal strength21:38
feierfoxist hier wer, der gut englisch kann?21:38
pteague_workanybody know how i can convert a text file being seen as a binary file to a normal text file?21:38
feierfoxich hab eine mitteilung die viele leute sehen werden in englisch zu setzen und ich will sicher gehen ob die richtig ist21:38
sebrocksvladcjelli: so thats all? no need to run X at all then?21:38
svladcjellicafuego: vncserver does not install fonts right, so vnc dies21:38
feierfox"This Mailbox is shut down for privacy reasons [1]. Contact me on other ways to get my new adress."21:38
cafuegofeierfox: Naturlich.21:38
feierfoxist das so richtig?21:38
svladcjellisebrock: that is correct21:38
svladcjelli!de feierfox21:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about de feierfox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:39
svladcjellihow does that work :)21:39
cafuegofeierfox: Wir sprechen hier nur english, nicht deutsch.21:39
sebrockcafuego, svladcjelli are you guys sure tightvncserver wont need X?21:39
svladcjellisebrock: YES21:39
Oloughlin75I tried installing alsa 1.0.15 to get my sound working (and it still doesnt), but now the Fast User switch thing doesnt work, so I have to sign in terminal and do startx and i can't shutdown without terminal either. What can I do?21:39
svladcjelliit wil linstall what it needs21:39
Jowisebrock, X will start without monitor. I got a jukebox running xmms in X but it's headless.21:39
=== confused is now known as littlebear72
sebrockcafuego: how about starting applications? wont it complain about no X server?21:39
cafuegosvladcjelli: Aah yes, you're right. It's been a few years since I made mine work - forgot :-)21:39
=== leagris is now known as Bubulle
svladcjellisebrock: maybe just try it?21:40
cafuegosebrock: No, it won't. Once configured, it runs fine.21:40
svladcjelliruns great, ton of people use it21:40
sebrockso how do I start X without monitor or graphics? I had an nvidia card in it so Xorg.conf is set up to use that right now, should I replace the driver section with something else?21:40
cafuegoRuns fine on all my headless Xen domUs.21:40
svladcjelliwhy would you want to start X on a headless server sebrock21:40
cafuegosebrock: You don't start X, you start vncserver.21:40
Hyuukaiim trying to do sudo apt-get install affinity-svn but it says it cannot find package affinty-svn is that a problem?21:41
svladcjelliit is a 'fake' X environment21:41
cafuegosebrock: ... and then you connect to it via a vnc client.21:41
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?21:41
sebrockok I'll get back tomorrow and check it out21:41
sonicchaoFor some reason, I have regretted to update my linux-image twice. Ubuntu wants me to download both -2.6.15-28 and -2.6.15-29. Since I have a download threshold, can I just download -2.6.15-29?21:41
sebrockcafuego: I know, but it segfaulted all the time, have to look into more tomorrow21:41
white_eaglesvladcjelli: is the plugin in amarok or in  pidgin?21:41
pteague_worki'm getting issues with packages coming from us.archive.ubuntu.com saying they're untrusted21:41
Jowisebrock, you have two options. either start X normally and use x11vnc (exports your current session) or use tightvnc or similar (starts new session according to $HOME/.vnc/xstartup21:42
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: amarok21:42
sebrockthanks guys I'll look into this21:42
cafuegosebrock: Just read the VNC docs and make sure it looks for fonts in the correct locations.21:42
magic_ninjaman i took apart my hsf and cleaned it all out, you guys shoulda seen the dust21:42
white_eaglesvladcjelli: ohhhhhhhhhhhh, thanks thought it was in pidgin21:42
magic_ninjait was literally a "pad" of dust about 1/3 inch thick21:43
magic_ninjaand cathair21:43
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=4802521:43
Bon3Hi everybody, i've got a problem with keyboard.  i am using xterm(or midnight commander) and if I hold Left alt(Meta) and press for example "f" it doesn't move the cursor 1 word forward. Instead of that it types some strange character. I've tried to dig something, but without success. Does anybody know? Thanks21:43
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n00biei partitioned my external usb drive just now... but already there is used 11.8 GB21:45
n00biewhy is this?21:45
n00bieand more important, what can i do about it?21:45
prahs_rozarwhat did you have installed previously?21:45
=== leagris is now known as Bubulle
n00bieprahs_rozar: multimedia stuff21:45
svladcjellin00bie: it is normal depending on size of disk and filesystem21:46
prahs_rozarso lets see if i got this right21:46
prahs_rozaryou have multimedia stuff on it21:46
Marfiwhenever i try to convert music with SoundConverter, i get this error after about 3 songs. "could not open resource for writing" its a gstreamer error...any ideas?21:46
prahs_rozaryou just partitioned it21:46
prahs_rozarand it has some extra junk on it21:46
svladcjelliprahs_rozar: i have a feeling he bought something like a 250GB disk and sees it listed as having 237GB...21:47
n00bieprahs_rozar: yes, basically... but i suspect it's space for the root or something21:47
svladcjelliin which case http://www.acronis.com/enterprise/resource/tips-tricks/2004/missing-megabytes.html21:47
Odd-rationaleHow do I make a cd autoplay with a a player of my choice?21:47
Marfidoes no one have any idea about the soundconverter / gstreamer issue?21:47
Bubullecheers all, I went to IPv6 at last :)21:47
n00biesvladcjelli: no, i know the two number system :)21:47
prahs_rozari dont know much about soundconverter21:47
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prahs_rozarso what exactly is the problem, then?21:48
svladcjellin00bie: formatting with a journaled filesystem also takes space21:48
prahs_rozarubuntu does journaled by default afaik21:48
svladcjellin00bie: what do you have what do you want, what is issue21:48
n00biesvladcjelli: ok, i used gparted and formatted to ext321:48
n00biesvladcjelli: well, basically i would like to free up the used space21:49
kestazaudtool: audacious server is not running! ? how to enable it ?21:49
Odd-rationaleMarfi: Try using ConvertIT instead. I like it so much better than soundconverter: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56701621:49
svladcjellin00bie: how big hard drive, what amount of space is missing... give us details or we cant help21:49
Bon3hello, please an echo, can you see me typing?21:49
svladcjelliafter partitioning and formatting your hard drive is empty n00bie21:49
prahs_rozar11.8 GB seems to be missing21:49
svladcjelliBon3: yes21:50
Bon3right thx21:50
Jowin00bie, if you wan't to make sure no space is wasted on the disk you can delete all partitions (that is, if you have no important data on it) and *reboot* before repartitioning it. that should get rid of the wasted space.21:50
wraundguys, im getting a machine from my dad for chrimby, it will have 512mb graphics built in, what drivers will it need, if any?21:51
n00biesvladcjelli: ok, sorry... the disc's total capacity is 229.2GB,  used space = 11.8GB21:51
YeTr2wraund: builtin tells us nothing. who made the chipset?21:51
intracer512mb graphics  - WOW!!!21:51
wraundYeTr2: thats just the problem21:52
svladcjellin00bie: ext3 uses approx 5% of space21:52
wraundi dont know cos its a christmas present :P21:52
svladcjelliso sounds right21:52
prahs_rozarthats good to hear21:52
YeTr2wraund: you don't know what model of PC it is?21:52
Milos_SDHello everyone... I have a problem with my TV card Leadtek WinFast 2000/XP Global with conexant chip ... I can't get it to work. Can someone help me with that, please?21:52
wraundi know its 64bit etc21:52
adeliewraund: ubuntu will recommend free rivers, and if you want more / smoother functionality, use the restricted drivers manage, and just use whatever that tells you21:52
wraundbut not actual make21:52
prahs_rozarwraund: im not sure, it should probably work by default21:52
wraundadelie: ah ty21:52
prahs_rozari would try it out first21:53
jimjamCan I get a list of the most recent packages I installed?21:53
prahs_rozarwith the livecd if possible21:53
wraundty guys21:53
svladcjellin00bie: http://boncey.org/2006_11_18_reclaiming_ext3_disk_space21:53
n00biesvladcjelli: ok, but i remember seeing someone having the exact same problem in here once... and someone gave him a quick fix... can't remember what21:53
YeTr2wraund: and that still tells us nothing. you'll have to wait. I would guess either nvidia or ati. most likely ATi.. it seems to be a favorite still with dell and hp for teh basic models.21:53
prahs_rozarand now to why i came hear in the first place21:53
cafuegoMilos_SD: http://www.linuxtv.org/21:53
wraundYeTr2: i think it may be nvidia, my dad does favour them21:53
svladcjellin00bie: it is there for a reason...21:53
prahs_rozarive been having trouble with games based on Quake III Arena like Tremulous and Nexuiz21:53
prahs_rozarplease look at this topic on the forums:21:54
Odd-rationaleIs there a way that when I insert an audio cd in the drive, it will play with a player of my choice (xmms)?21:54
adeliewraund: However, in my opinion, I would recommend you "hint" to your dad to check that it has an nvidia graphic card. longest and best support for linux out there, but if it isn't for games, I have had no problem with the intel graphics cards either21:54
c0nkahello could someone help i cant install ubuntu on my system ?¿21:54
ToxicSoul0I need some help mapping keys, I'm trying to map some of the function keys on an old sun keyboard (stop, again, etc.) but nothing shows up in dmesg even in tty1.21:54
YeTr2adelie: not 'the best' support, but great support.21:54
adeliewraund: ok, missed your text. GOOD! you know to get nvidia  :)21:54
geniiintels have been the least headaches for me with most linuxes21:54
adelieYeTr2: is there a 3d card with better support for openGL?21:55
prahs_rozarive heard that they are the only ones that work with 100% Free Software21:55
genii(intel video)21:55
wraundadelie: ty :)21:55
YeTr2adelie: now you are just being specific.21:55
prahs_rozarwell, can anyone help with my problem?21:55
YeTr2adelie: you said generally nvidia was the best.21:55
svladcjelliprahs_rozar: there are free drivers for most vid cards, but some do not support 3d where non-free driver does21:55
NemesisDhow do i enable remote login with XDMCP and restrict it to a few specific IP addresses?21:55
prahs_rozarthats what i meant21:56
svladcjelliin general vid cards will work well enough to use as a desktop21:56
geniiprahs_rozar: My Gateway laptop has Intel 945G card, worked right off, compiz, etc21:56
prahs_rozarsee "completely" above21:56
YeTr2matrox support is pretty good21:56
prahs_rozari know21:56
c0nkahello could someone help i cant install ubuntu on my system am i doing anything wrong21:56
prahs_rozarthat depends on what is happening21:56
Odd-rationalec0nka: What is the problem?21:56
YeTr2genii: fyi, that was probably running under XGL which is entirely software emulation.21:56
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:56
ToxicSoul0I need some help mapping keys, I'm trying to map some of the function keys on an old sun keyboard (stop, again, etc.) but nothing shows up in dmesg even in tty1.21:57
geniiYeTr2: Not sure, but no noticeable lag/refresh issues21:57
pike_Nano-rosario: so you cant aquire an ip?21:57
YeTr2genii: put enough cpu behind any cheap graphics card under software emulation and you can't tell teh different :P21:57
Nano-rosarioyes pike: I set up de ip from /etc/hosts21:57
c0nkaOdd-rationale : the menu comes up fine and when i click install ubuntu you see the loading screen then the screen just turns black21:57
pike_Nano-rosario: is this a wireless network?21:58
Odd-rationalec0nka: did you try safe graphics mode?21:58
sharperguy:/ I seem to have killed my fluxbox menu. Everythings in it but when I click somthing nothing happens (not just for apps, for config stuff, exit, retart and everything)21:58
prahs_rozarive been having trouble with games based on Quake III Arena like Tremulous and Nexuiz21:58
prahs_rozarplease look at this topic on the forums:21:58
DandreWhen I double-clic on a file in nutilus, I get this file opened in the corect application. I would like to have this behaviour in a shell for instance typing "start myfile.html"21:58
n00biesvladcjelli: thank you very much, that did it21:58
rootanyone know how I can find out what directory weechat.rc was installed in? I am using weechat-curses21:58
DandreHow to do this?21:58
Nano-rosarioPike: is ethernet, I have a Hub an a router (
sharperguyDandre: I think the command is gnome-open21:58
c0nkaOdd-rationale : yes still the same21:58
Odd-rationaleDandre: "nutlilus" lol I like that! :)21:58
linxehroot: for a start dont run as root21:59
masticatorI know21:59
masticatorthis is root21:59
Kartisvladcjelli: cafuego: Thanks for teh selection but do you know of any editors that brings up the supported methods and properties as you type?21:59
masticatorI did it on accident21:59
linxehroot: but either locate weechat.rc or   find / -name "weechat.rc"21:59
Odd-rationalec0nka: What are your system specs? Have you tried the alternative install CD?21:59
ToxicSoul0I need some help mapping keys, I'm trying to map some of the function keys on an old sun keyboard (stop, again, etc.) but nothing shows up in dmesg even in tty1.21:59
svladcjelliKarti: you may want eclipse21:59
masticatorthanks a lot linxeh!21:59
linxehmasticator: so quit IRC and come back21:59
masticatorI did21:59
linxehoh :)21:59
=== [1]VoteForPedro is now known as VoteForPedro
prahs_rozarive been having trouble with games based on Quake III Arena like Tremulous and Nexuiz22:00
prahs_rozarplease look at this topic on the forums:22:00
svladcjelliToxicSoul0: can you see the keystrokes?22:00
robdigroot: sudo find / -name weechat.rc -print         the sudo part will allow you to search all directories22:00
c0nkaOdd-rationale : it is a compaq s1619uk it as 712mb ram 150gb hardrive and ati graphics card22:00
sharperguy!return prahs_rozar22:00
=== ajmorris_|AFK is now known as ajmorris_
ToxicSoul0svladcjelli,  no, nothing shows up when I press them22:00
sharperguy!return | prahs_rozar22:00
ubotuprahs_rozar: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:00
sharperguyprahs_rozar: also there's not much point advertising forum posts here22:01
=== Creative2 is now known as Sbucat
Dandresharperguy: ok thanks22:01
svladcjelliToxicSoul0: i know nothing of this hardware but this suggests you either need a special driver or it will not work22:01
Odd-rationalec0nka: Hmm. That should work fine with Ubuntu. Have you tried the alternative install cd?22:01
c0nkawers that22:01
Odd-rationale!alternative | c0nka22:02
ubotuc0nka: The Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal22:02
JowiToxicSoul0, I don't know of this particular keyboard. however you should be able to set the keymap in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to sun keymaps. perhaps this page can help you http://www.haynold.com/software_projects/2005/suntype6.html22:02
Odd-rationalec0nka: Umm I'll get the link...22:02
prahs_rozar@sharpergy + ubotu22:02
prahs_rozaranyway, can anyone help me with my problem?22:02
ToxicSoul0svladcjelli, alright, i'll have to look around a bit22:02
prahs_rozarive been having it ever since i upgraded to gutsy22:03
ToxicSoul0Jowi, I'll have to try that, didn't know sun was an option.22:03
svladcjelliToxicSoul0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuOnSunRay#head-13e695cc95f3f0acbe70b9d9a44cfdef17d823ef maybe?22:03
* ziimp verkrümelt sich auch mal richtung bettchen. nacht zusammen!22:03
Nano-rosarioPIKE are you there?22:03
prahs_rozarplease speak english here22:03
prahs_rozar...still waiting22:04
steed2008hello all22:04
c0nkaOdd-rationale : u gt the link m822:04
steed2008prahs_rozar, hi22:04
ToxicSoul0Jowi, the picture linked on the webpage you sent me is the exact keyboard minus the one I have is USB22:04
prahs_rozardo you think you can help me with my problem?22:05
white_eaglehello, where are the pidgin plugins data located, or, where to add a new plugin?22:05
Odd-rationalec0nka: Try these: http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/gutsy/22:05
Odd-rationaleHowTo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/I38622:05
steed2008which tool can create word or pdf document from SQL file in ubuntu?like ErWin on windows22:05
Keule|onIs there a application where i can upload a file to my webspace - and it gives me a link to my clipboard?22:05
Odd-rationalec0nka: You should find the alt after the desktop and server entries.22:05
white_eaglehello, where are the pidgin plugins data located, or, where to add a new plugin?22:06
prahs_rozari don't know22:06
prahs_rozari would try /usr/share22:06
ToxicSoul0svladcjelli, jowi, I think with the links you both sent me I should be able to sort this out now. thanks! =D22:06
c0nkacan you install ubuntu without putting it on disc22:06
=== hegemon is now known as MUAHAHAHA
prahs_rozarand other methods22:06
prahs_rozari dont know first hand though22:07
svladcjellic0nka: you could use a virtual machine like virtualbox22:07
white_eaglewhat package sistems do Mandriva and Gentoo use?22:07
prahs_rozarmandriva: rpm22:07
c0nkana like actually install it on my drive22:07
prahs_rozargentoo: ports22:07
c0nkawithout a disc22:07
svladcjelliurpmi and portage white_eagle22:07
nickrud!install | c0nka > (several ways talked about here)22:07
svladcjellic0nka: usb stick install is one way22:07
white_eagleand SuSE22:07
prahs_rozarwww.wubi.com @c0nka22:07
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:07
c0nkaok cheers22:08
prahs_rozarnot .com22:08
Zxcsguys how do I check if I have nvidia drivers installed?22:08
prahs_rozarnot that either22:08
masticatorhas anyone ever had trouble getting frostwire to work? I downloaded the ubuntu version from their website, installed it, btu when I click on the executable it doesn't do anything at all22:08
prahs_rozarjust google it22:08
white_eaglewhat package sistems do Mandriva and Gentoo use?22:08
prahs_rozarmine works fine22:08
masticatorare there any other programs I need to nistall to get it to run?22:08
prahs_rozari think i installed it from synaptic22:08
=== hegemon is now known as MUAHAHAHA
svladcjelliZxcs: system>administration>restricted drivers22:09
white_eaglewhere (in which directory) to add new plugins for pidgin22:09
svladcjelli~/.pidgin ?22:09
prahs_rozarcan anyone please help me?22:09
Zxcssvladcjelli: i cant do that for some reason, the menu isn't there. Is there a command I can use?22:09
Keule|onIs there a application where i can upload a file to my webspace - and it gives me a link to my clipboard?22:09
svladcjelliZxcs: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep nvidia22:10
Zxcssvladcjelli: thanks22:10
white_eaglewhiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ cd ~/.pidgin22:10
white_eaglebash: cd: /home/whiteeagle/.pidgin: No such file or directory22:10
white_eaglewhiteeagle@whiteeagle-laptop:~$ ~/.pidgin22:10
white_eaglebash: /home/whiteeagle/.pidgin: No such file or directory22:10
MasterShrekwhite_eagle: its .purple22:10
svladcjelliKeule|on: there are so many ways to do this.. you could use gftp or filezilla22:10
prahs_rozarcome on, i really need help22:11
Zxcssvladcjelli: I get "driver "nvidia"" as a response, does that mean they are installed?22:11
svladcjelliyou have a driver issue it looks like prahs_rozar i don't think people here wil have too many answers about it22:11
Sionide21prahs_rozar: What is your question?22:11
svladcjelliZxcs: yes22:11
nickrudthat has to be the craziest name for a user's config dir yet22:11
prahs_rozarive been having trouble with games based on Quake III Arena like Tremulous and Nexuiz22:11
prahs_rozarplease look at this topic on the forums:22:11
Zxcssvladcjelli: thanks22:11
=== sharpyamaha is now known as sharperguy
white_eagleso in .purple where do I add the .py plugin?22:11
prahs_rozarsvladcjelli: thanks22:12
prahs_rozardo you know anything about it?22:12
white_eaglecause it has sub-directories22:12
felichhello everyone!, please help!22:12
StaticShockhey folks o/22:12
MasterShreki dont know white_eagle, i just know its .purple that you were looking for22:12
ice_some one out there  i need your help with compiz.... im running a AMD64 Processer With an ATI X1650 PRO grahics card with the drivers installed..... the question is how do i install it without stuffing it up?22:12
=== luxh_ is now known as luxh
MasterShrekice_: 7.10?22:13
svladcjelliwhite_eagle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55819722:13
Keule|onsvladcjelli: but i want to have the complete link in my clipboard in order to paste it to my messenger or a mail22:13
white_eaglesvladcjelli thanks22:13
svladcjelliprahs_rozar: i would search on nvidia bugs in launchpad myself22:13
sparr_wim putting *ubuntu on machines for an office, to be used for web browsing mostly, a little word processing maybe.  im a kubuntu fan, kde user for a decade, but i am considering gnome/ubuntu for this project.  convince me.22:13
MasterShrekice_: i cant remember exactly, but i dont think it auto runs when you install it22:13
felichI was fixing NetworkManager, and did something to keyring and now I can't enter my gutsy, on the welcome screen iI have permanent message "Authentication failed"22:13
prahs_rozarill tell you what i find in a moment22:14
svladcjelliKeule|on: i don't know of anything like that, but all you need to do is copy the link... maybe look at http://drop.io22:14
ice_i have had afew previous problems when i installed it22:14
ice_should i upgrade to 7.10?22:14
sd32_how do I update the adblock definitions in konquror?22:14
MasterShrekice_: a fresh install is always preferred22:15
Keule|onsvladcjelli: no i use my own webspace - thx22:15
ice_fresh install seems to never  work22:15
ice_and i only just got my graphics card working properly22:15
Keule|onsvladcjelli:  i try this - http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/FTPSend?content=71385 maybe it helps you too :)22:16
Keule|oni got it from someone at the mom :)22:16
svladcjelliif you run your own webspace Keule|on then just upload it and send the link to the file... you know your own web address, thats all there is22:16
prahs_rozarsvladcjelli: i found nothing relevant22:16
wiicontroller_any reason to use ubuntu over fedora22:16
antisocialistthis is new22:16
antisocialistubuntu is free22:17
ice_what program do i use on ubuntu 7.04, beryl or compiz??22:17
antisocialistcompiz is beryl22:17
Flare183ice_:> compiz22:17
ice_i know...22:17
paynegodcould someone possibly tell me how to obtain the amd64 kernel source package for fiesty distro? im haveing trouble installing nvidia drivers and installing kppp without them22:17
prahs_rozarcompiz i would guess22:17
wiicontroller_fedora is free aswell right?22:17
wiicontroller_as well*22:17
mihracei have22:17
ice_can anyone tell me a area where i can download and or install it all from?22:17
ice_without stuffing my computer22:18
antisocialistice, go to compiz-fusion.org22:18
prahs_rozarim not using nvidia though22:18
nickrudfelich, you might try moving ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring out of the way22:18
ice_i have and ati driver....22:18
prahs_rozari have an ati card22:18
antisocialistdid u see my message22:18
svladcjellioh well thats your problem ;)22:18
paynegodsvladvjelli : i read all the faq's and howto's on installing the drivers but it keeps telling me i dont have the kernel source files to compile it22:18
oxeimondoes anyone know where the gnome themes are located? (I mean the themes you see when you open up Preferences->Appearance)22:19
cafuegoKarti: Nope, no idea.22:19
nickrudoxeimon, /usr/share/themes, and ~/.themes if you've installed any yourself22:19
Borreguitohello... any room in spanish  for ubuntu about ???22:19
pike_!es | Borreguito22:19
ubotuBorreguito: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:19
KartiMany thanks, will stick with basic text editors for the moment22:20
ice_help i need... compiz on ubuntu 7.04 for ati22:20
Borreguitotks  bye22:20
nickrudpaynegod, you need to sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)22:20
prahs_rozardoes anyone know what changes between 7.04 and 7.10 as far as 3d graphics on an ati card go?22:20
svladcjelliKarti: google java ide you will find lots of choice, eclipse is.. heavy22:20
ice_im not sure...22:21
KartiTrue, looking at the web, it appears the best way to learn is outside the IDE.......so onwards and upwards ;)22:21
Borreguitohow can i change of room?22:21
paynegodnickrud : i would have tried it if my linux computer was internet able22:21
robdigBorreguito: /join #unbuntu-es22:21
JowiBorreguito, you put /join #ubuntu-es22:21
nickrudprahs_rozar, not much, no better. for compiz, you remove all that extra .desktop stuff22:22
Sionide21 /join #ubunut-es22:22
BorreguitoTkns... so much!!!22:22
paynegodnickrud : i cant get it to connect via dialup without installing kppp along with the new nvidia drivers i have22:22
prahs_rozarnickrud: do you think that could cause Tremulous to screw up?22:22
nickrudpaynegod, you can download it at http://archives.ubuntu.com/ pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/ , look for the headers that match your kernel22:22
HorseFaceanybody know how I can make mp3's work in ubuntu 7.1 ?22:23
NetLarIrvineHow do start in just the terminal22:23
erUSULHorseFace: double click on one of them?22:23
nickrudpaynegod, try pppconfig , it will give you internet with dialup ;  sudo pon to start and sudo poff to stop22:23
PasteLHorseFace: Amarok ?22:23
HorseFacewhat is amarok?22:23
paynegodnickrud : i tried that sight last night but it didnt have any listings for anything except gpg and readme files but ill give it a shot agian22:23
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:23
NetLarIrvineI try to start in gui mode but it says display not accecpted22:23
ice_totem movie player has it all and should do the updates for you22:23
oxeimonwhy is it that in "Preferences->Appearance" I only see 12 themes, but when I look in /usr/share/themes, I see like 25?22:23
PasteLHorseFace: music player, the better22:23
erUSUL!mp3 | HorseFace22:23
svladcjelli!info Amarok22:23
ubotuHorseFace: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:23
ubotuamarok: versatile and easy to use audio player for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.7-0ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 9618 kB, installed size 31020 kB22:24
HorseFaceya, i'd like to use free formats but... kinda hard with 1200 gigs of music and movies already in xvid/mp322:24
masticatorwhile installing java in terminal using apt-get a window came up that needs me to hit [OK], but when I hit enter or Y or anything nothing happens22:24
adelieCan you mount an FTP directory?22:25
paynegodnickrud : oh wait i was given archives.canconical.com url  durr stupid me lol22:25
masticatoranyone know what I'm suppose to hit to select ok?22:25
masticatornm, I had to tab to select OK22:25
adelieor a web site, for example22:25
nickrudpaynegod, correction: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/22:25
svladcjelliadelie: you can work direct on files using konqueror, and you can mount it using fuse22:26
paynegodno s in archive?? o.O22:26
UglyBarracudaHi I am trying to install openVPN on ubuntu and run into configure: error: OpenSSL Crypto headers not found. when I do ./configurate on it22:26
paynegodok thanks22:26
nickrudprahs_rozar, absolutely,22:26
svladcjelliadelie: http://curlftpfs.sourceforge.net/22:26
UglyBarracudaDoes any one know how to solve this problem22:26
prahs_rozarnickrud: even if im not using it22:27
prahs_rozarthen should i just completely uninstall it?22:27
nickrudpaynegod, but really,  try sudo pppconfig , and use sudo pon and sudo poff to get your ubuntu on line until you can use kppp (if you end up wanting to use that)22:27
svladcjelliUglyBarracuda: you are missing a package...22:27
UglyBarracudawhich package22:27
nickrudprahs_rozar, not sure about that part. But I keep ati's binary off my machine for now22:28
UglyBarracudaI already install openssl on this computer22:28
svladcjelliUglyBarracuda: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/openssl-crypto-headers-not-found.-204489/ ?22:28
prahs_rozaris there another driver i could use instead?22:28
prahs_rozarsince i want to be able to play 3d games22:29
prahs_rozarwithout them screwing up22:29
estethHey all. When i click the "Quit" button (red square with power image) ubuntu hangs for about a minuite, then shows the choices for shutdown/restart etc..., but crucially, is missing hibernate. If i cancel the box and click the power button again, the dialog comes back near-instantly _with_ the hibernate option. Hibernate only works around 50% of the time, however, with the other 50% of the time getting a few seconds into the 22:29
UglyBarracudaI will look into this thaanks22:29
prahs_rozarbut it only seems to happen to ones based off of Quake III Arena22:29
svladcjelliprahs_rozar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver22:29
Schiz0Is there a channel for wireless support on linux?22:29
Schiz0I cna't get my wireless network working in Ubuntu22:29
nickrudprahs_rozar, I like having my machine suspend :( and I don't have a card that the radeon supports for 3d22:30
Schiz0and I figured it's more of a linux problem than a ubuntu problem22:30
paynegodnickrud: thanks  im still new to linux though im used to troubleshooting windows problems22:30
nickrudpaynegod, well, if you can, get a cheap nvidia card until ati support is better22:30
]RandoM[i can't seem to use more than one app that uses the soundcard at a time.. how do i fix this?22:31
paynegodnickrud: would be nice if i could afford it my linux computer is useing a geforce fx 5500 card i salvaged from another machine22:31
prahs_rozarnickrud: thanks22:31
prahs_rozarill try following the page22:31
esteth]RandoM[: I don't know the fix, but i do know that's because you're using OSS instead of ALSA for sound.22:31
prahs_rozarill get back to you guys later if i still have a problem22:31
nickrudUglyBarracuda, why not just use the openvpn that comes with ubuntu, try apt-cache search openvpn22:31
BB88Anybody have any experience with ndiswrapper and RTL8187?22:32
]RandoM[pretty sure i'm using alsa.. the volume control says 'alsa mixer'22:32
=== Borreguito is now known as Borreguito_App
ralthI am installing 7.10 on a new hp laptop, model dv6625us.  It seemed to install fine.  However, it will not boot, giving the message "ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300).  Any idea what might be wrong, or where to look for info?22:34
esteth]RandoM[: Hmm. What 2 apps are you attempting to use that both use the sound card at once? some apps will use oss regardless of wether you set alsa or not. You can try the aoss command to launch those apps if you want to check if it's a alsa/oss issue, or something else entirely22:35
paragoncwhat ports do i need to foward to enable remote desktop?22:36
kaycehow can i get my winmodem to work on linux?22:37
]RandoM[vlc and xmms..22:37
]RandoM[vlc and audacious seems to work22:37
robdigralth: not sure if this will help, but sounds like same problem...it was for 64bit btw, but has a work around..https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/9482022:37
paragoncanyone know what port22:38
abultmanHas ubuntu always put the linux-headeres package files in /usr/include?22:38
]RandoM[another thing i've noticed that is driving me nuts is that if my computer is idle for 10 min my monitor goes into power save.. although i changed the settings so never power save and no screen saver22:38
_{SANYA}_I need a cloak to my nick. I'm a man with a brain of cancer22:38
ralthrobdig: thanks, I'll take a look.22:38
jorgpabultman: all linux distros have since years ago22:38
abultmanit's officialy then, I'm going mad22:39
esteth]RandoM[: close XMMS. Then launch XMMS in the console with "aoss xmms" Then see if it works22:39
retr1butnim sorry, i'm so ridiculously new to linux-based os's... anybody mind helping me setup my wireless drivers?22:39
jorgpabultman: ok22:39
nickrud!dailup | kayce22:39
abultmanI just don't remember h avig to install more than kernel-headers to compile vmware stuff22:39
axso i made my linux partition 75% of the disk and the windows 25% and i wanted to do it the other way around.. is there any way to resize the partitions after the fact?22:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dailup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:39
BB88Can anybody help me. I have a 500GB HD set up in to two partions. The first one I am running is in ext3 I believe, and is where Ubuntu is stored. The second is called 'files' and I cannot do anything with?22:39
sKy\how can i find out my own lan ip?22:39
kayceyes, dialup modem22:39
retr1butnactually nevermind i'll head to efnet, pretty busy here :)22:39
abultmansKy\:  ifconfig -a |more22:39
erUSULsKy\: ifconfig -a22:39
]RandoM[esteth: that worked22:39
nickrud!dialup | kayce (gotta spell better)22:39
ubotukayce (gotta spell better): You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up22:39
]RandoM[so should i change the launcher for xmms to that?22:40
esteth]RandoM[: Yep.22:40
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
]RandoM[k thanks22:40
BB88Can anybody help with a partion on my hard drive?22:40
abultmanBB88: I can try22:40
nickrudabultman, you are in luck: ubuntu has added a new repo with vmware in it, deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu gutsy partner22:40
peepsaloti enabled desktop effects and now my taskbar shows all apps no matter what workspace they are on.  is there a setting for this in compiz, or is it a bug?22:40
abultmanBB88: you want to be able to access files on the second partition? O rare you the resize guy?22:40
BB88abultman: Ok. Yes, I wish to be able to read/write on the second partion, but it will not let me.22:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about devede - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:41
abultmanBB88: what filesystem?22:41
BB88abultman: It cotains the folde 'lost+found' and is locked.22:41
nickrud!info devede | [Scooter]22:41
ubotu[scooter]: devede: program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.13-0.0 (gutsy), package size 741 kB, installed size 1700 kB22:41
BB88abultman: I am assuming ext3 :(22:41
peepsalotalso, the workspaces display in my bar do not match the workspaces on the cube22:42
abultmanIs it just your files, or are there system files, boot files, etc on there?22:42
abultmanBB88: you probably just need to chmod the files and directories you wish to write to on that partition22:42
[Scooter]nickrud: thanks... the program is, unfortunately, a piece of junk22:42
=== wiicontroller_ is now known as wiicontroller
BB88abultman: Ok, and I do this by? :D22:43
nickrud[Scooter], well, I don't think I'll contradict you on that :)22:43
abultmanyou can do chown youruser /directoriesyouwanttochown22:43
abultmanThat'll make you the owner of the files22:43
ralthrobdig: No luck ... it's different, since all my partitions are on one drive.22:43
abultmanbut you don't want do do that on system files, things in /bin/, /boot,  /sbin. ,th ngs like that22:43
[Scooter]nickrud: lol! qdvdauthor keeps crashing on me, so I'm trying to find something else22:43
abultmanBB88:  if it's just files that you put there, that is NOT used for booting or binaries, you could do chown -R youruser /mountpoint22:44
nickrud[Scooter], if you find one that works reliably, let me know22:44
[Scooter]nickrud: great. will do.22:44
abultmanfor me, I would do chown -R abultman /media/mp322:44
* nickrud does NOT hold his breath22:44
robdigralth: too bad...22:44
BB88abultman: It says "perimission denied".22:44
abultmanyou will need to use sudo to perform file owner changes on files that are not yours22:44
abultmansudo chown youruser ...22:45
abultmanwhere '...' is your directory22:45
abultmanNOT the actual dots.22:45
abultmansudo chown -R abultman /media/mp322:45
ralthrobdig:  Weird.  I had tried restarting twice before, but it took 3 to get it to work. :D22:45
BB88abultman: I knew that. I used "chown -R ben /files" and it gave me "chown: `/files/lost+found': Permission denied" "chown: changing ownership of `/files': Operation not permitted"22:45
robdigralth: so is it up now? if so, maybe there will be something that can help you in dmesg22:47
Rumpsteak; /me waves!22:51
MystaMaxis it possible to log off a x session user remotely via ssh?22:51
bulmerMystaMax-> you can always kills the process that started it22:52
abultmanMystaMax: sudo killall X ... although that's mean22:52
robdigralth: are you still here? found another one that might help https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/773522:53
ralthstill here.  Thanks22:53
MystaMaxbulmer, abultman thanks, if I kill X does it log the user out and stop the running apps? like firefox and all that? Or will I have to kill those processes as well?22:53
aetoshi everybody22:54
xTheGoat121xGood evening everyone22:54
bulmerMystaMax-> you can always try, and act accordingly if not to your satisfaction22:54
wyhi, what's the name of package which contains the MS fonts?22:54
Flare183how can i fix this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48282/22:54
MystaMaxbulmer, its a test box, so I'll give it a try22:54
Flare183or which package do i need to fix this error?22:55
BB88Does anybody know how I can change the mountpoint of a partition?22:56
bulmerMystaMax-> oki doki, without trying you will miss the experience22:57
VikingChange it in /etc/fstab as root.22:57
momo9edit /etc/fstab22:57
flipmodevery time i put in a cd my computer freezes up? any ideas? i am running kubuntu22:57
VikingBefore that mkfdir the directory that you want to mount the partition to.22:58
RecQueryFlare183, what is it your trying to install, apt has libao2 is thats what your looking for?22:58
Flare183flipmode:> same here except it's a flash drive i have to kill kded and then restart it again for it to read the flash drive22:58
jahnkeanaterhow do i change the splash screen from a blank screen to the ubuntu loading bar22:59
Flare183requery:> umm playgsf22:59
firebird619When I go to System --> Administration --> Users and Groups and add a user to a group, when I click ok and then double-click that group again, the user is unchecked. Is it suppose to do that, or isn't the user getting added to the group?22:59
jahnkeanaterin menu.lst22:59
flipmodeflare183: how do you do that?22:59
flyback-do me a big big favor23:00
Flare183flipmode:> before you insert teh cd press control excape and then put the cd in and then kill kded and the run it again23:00
flyback-next time you guys have a problem with non free software, don't ship with a free replacement that locks up the box23:00
flyback-gnash is a good description of what I am going to do to that genius23:00
jahnkeanaterand do i just cut and paste this # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS23:00
jahnkeanater# on /dev/sda223:00
jahnkeanatertitleMicrosoft Windows XP Home Edition23:00
jahnkeanaterto change the order23:00
flipmodeFlare183: is there a way to fix this?23:00
Flare183!paste | jahnkenater23:01
ubotujahnkenater: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:01
Flare183flipmode:> it's a bug i think is makes kded overwork it self23:01
ares623how do I completely removed Beryl and Compiz?23:01
Flare183problem sorry about the enter23:01
ares623I had a messy install23:01
xTheGoat121xAnyone in here know if there's a way to write a script that opens a file at a specific time?23:01
ares623and want to remove them23:01
jahnkeanaterto change the boot order do i just move that23:01
Flare183sudo apt-get remove beryl23:02
flipmodeFlare183: thanks23:02
Flare183no problem23:02
ares623Flare183: I tried sudo apt-get remove beryl, but the Beryl Settings Manager is still present in the App menu23:02
ares623and I can't do the same for Compiz23:02
Flare183sudo apt-get autoremove23:02
SpookyETFrom where can i get the compiz dodge plugin?23:03
michael__How can I change the login screen? I don't have that entry in my menu :S23:04
Jack_Sparrow!cron | xTheGoat121x23:04
ubotuxTheGoat121x: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm23:04
adeliehow do you make a script throw up a dialog box?23:04
ares623the BerylSettingsManager is now gone23:04
ares623thanks Flare18323:04
Flare183no problem23:04
VikingHello everyone! I'm interested in automatic adding some html/php code to every page of my clients,like a lot of hosting companies do with their free accounts.I've heard that it can be done with mod_publisher.Can someone help me in this ? Is this possible with that module or maybe You know a better way ? Plese help.23:04
larrywellsI I am at the command prompt for Ubuntu. can I install Ubuntu Server?23:04
xTheGoat121xJack_Sparrow, thanks!  I'll look into that immediately.23:05
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
ares623but the Advanced Desktop Effects Settings which got installed with beryl is still present23:05
larrywellsMy CD rom does not work23:05
Some_PersonHow can I get Totem to play AIFF files? I already installed all the gstreamer0.10 plugins.23:05
ares623sudo apt-get autoremove compiz removed the Beryl Settings Manager23:05
jahnkeanaterhow do i change the default os when my computer boots23:06
ThymecopISLE OF MAN - June 1, 2006 - At a press conference today, Canonical CEO and Free Software spokesnigger Mark Shuttleworth announced the immediate availability of version 6.06 of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. The latest version, known by its code name, "The Diaper Drake," includes special features designed to make Linux easier and more comfortable for niggers the world over.23:06
Thymecop"Niggers have always had trouble understanding new technology," Shuttleworth began. "Computers are no exception. Some people have said this is because niggers are dumb, but I believe the real problem is that technology has traditionally been designed for white people. Ubuntu changes all that. It was developed from the ground up with niggers in mind. It will usher in a whole new era of Afro-ergonomic computing."23:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aiff - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:06
Ongakuhi, well my sister had to downgrade to win98 from winme...and she doesn´t have windows movie maker...any way to backport it or is there a similar open source program she can use...she draws pictures in paint then makes them into a movie23:06
michael__How can I change the login screen? I don't have that entry in my menu :S23:07
jahnkeanaterwow ppl still use 9823:07
ares623and I could still run compiz from the terminal23:07
bulmerOngaku-> umm take a look at Blender  for modeling, drawing and movie making23:07
Some_PersonHow can I get Totem to play AIFF files? I already installed all the gstreamer0.10 plugins.23:07
J_Phi all23:07
wiicontrollerhow do do I get an Intel Pro/2200BG wireless working in fedora23:08
J_Ppeople, what util I install for have hosts.deny and hosts.allow ?23:08
Ongakubulmer: lol she wouldn´t understand blender...she´s a newb...has anyone used avidemux?23:08
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:08
Ongakuavidemux has a windows version...she just wants a clone or somewhat a clone of windows movie maker23:08
VikingTcpwrapper ? I guess it has to be compiled in the kernel.23:09
VikingThat was for J_P23:09
ThymecopShuttleworth presented an overview of some of the features users could expect in the latest version of Ubuntu, including an Ebonics-to-English converter, African "tribal beats" sound and desktop theme, and a collection of rap music and gay pornography, "which of course will be encoded using patent and royalty-free formats," Shuttleworth added, smiling. He proceeded to elaborate, but OpenOffice.org Impress crashed at that point23:09
adelieanyone here ever setup ftpfuse?23:09
ThymecopBut this release isn't just about new features," Shuttleworth said, making a quick segue to the humanitarian and ideological concept behind Ubuntu. "This new version brings black men closer together than ever in the spirit of Ubuntu." Shuttleworth then demonstrated the concept of Ubuntu by getting on his knees and sucking a young black boy's erect penis.23:09
flyback-oh my god23:10
abultmanwho has ops?23:10
flyback-the mexican gnaa troll is here too?!?!?23:10
PeloThymecop, thank you , please stop now23:10
adelieisn't ignore a great tool?23:10
ThymecopISLE OF MAN - June 1, 2006 - At a press conference today, Canonical CEO and Free Software spokesnigger Mark Shuttleworth announced the immediate availability of version 6.06 of the Ubuntu Linux distribution. The latest version, known by its code name, "The Diaper Drake," includes special features designed to make Linux easier and more comfortable for niggers the world over.23:10
Peloabultman,  why ?23:10
Thymecop"Niggers have always had trouble understanding new technology," Shuttleworth began. "Computers are no exception. Some people have said this is because niggers are dumb, but I believe the real problem is that technology has traditionally been designed for white people. Ubuntu changes all that. It was developed from the ground up with niggers in mind. It will usher in a whole new era of Afro-ergonomic computing."23:10
bulmerOngaku-> then me and her are in same boat, been trying to learn it for a week and hadnt make much out of it23:10
* flyback- cal;ls up his packet friends23:10
Thymecopsi soy el pinche troll23:10
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!23:10
Thymecopconquistaremos el suroeste de los estados unidos23:10
larrywellsHow can I install Ubuntu server from an Ubuntu command prompt?23:10
* flyback- bites silent_23:11
J_Panyone know what app I need install on apt for get hosts.deny and hosts.allow ?23:11
Pelolarrywells,  server is just a bunch of apps along with the basic os and no gui ,  you can install the packages you need ontop of anyversion and run it as a server23:11
]Spectre[I have updated ubuntu 7.04 to 7.10 on my asus laptop with ati xpress 1100 on board.Now with Totem,mplayer and firefox I can't see mpeg and avi videos.Any Ideas ? thanks to all23:11
flyback-that's for william shatner singing and other canadian acts of terrorism!23:11
larrywellsfrom the command prompt?23:11
silent__]Spectre[: install 7.10 new?23:11
larrywellsI do not have enough ram for gui23:12
JimmyDeeok who's the funny guy thats been messing with my box?23:12
silent__larrywells: that's a sad state of affairs23:12
Pelolarrywells, lets start this from scratch,  do you have ubuntu isntalled already ?23:12
user__any1 help a newbie?23:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:12
robdiguser__: maybe, what's your question23:12
larrywellsI am at the command prompt now23:13
Pelolarrywells, if you want a LAMP server you just need to add,  apache , mySQL and php python or other P software23:13
]Spectre[silent_, I have burned a 7.04 iso and after I have updated it23:13
Pelolarrywells,  sudo apt-get install .....23:13
user__trying to install  ytree_1.86-1_amd64.deb at /home/user but nothing works23:13
Pelolarrywells,  you can add those from synaptic as well23:13
larrywellswhat if i wanted to upgrade to 7.1023:13
silent__]Spectre[: Trust me, it's a lot easier to install a fresh copy of 7.10 than to update from 7.0423:13
larrywellsBut can you get to synaptic from the prompt?23:14
silent__I'd rather spend a little bandwidth to torrent a new image than mess with crap not working for 4 hours23:14
]Spectre[silent_, but it works perfectly,only I can't see videos anymore :)23:14
robdiguser__: what have you tried?23:14
user__"sudo dpkg -i ytree_1.86-1_amd64.deb23:14
flyback-unless you hit youtube and watch gnash (mabye it should be called gnaa) flash player lockup the whole box23:14
silent__]Spectre[: try reinstalling your gstreamer plugins... or try VLC23:14
]Spectre[thanks silent_23:15
silent__gnash is horrible23:15
flyback-gnash is *CANUCKED*23:15
goodmamihow can I get Gutsy to recognize my bluetooth device?  'hcitool dev' doesn't show anything23:15
flyback-locked up the box 2x23:15
flyback-had to power cycle23:15
adihi all23:15
goodmami(and I'm pretty sure I have bluetooth...  i have a thinkpad x61t)23:15
flyback-actually it was slightly response but I got fed up after 12 hrs :P23:15
flyback-actually it was slightly response but I got fed up after 12 hrs :P23:15
robdiguser__: have you tried the ytree in the repositories?23:15
adican anyone help with this issue??23:15
flyback-damn client23:15
adiCould not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)23:15
silent__jesus christ23:15
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about adk - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:16
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:16
Vikingadi: You have to be root23:16
adiim root23:16
silent__adi: you probly have another synaptic process open23:16
]Spectre[thanks,good bye23:16
user__dunno repositories. looking it up23:16
adithats fore shure23:16
wyIs there a good way to put the laptop to standby mode?23:16
adibut dont know how to kill it23:16
earlmredcedega is a piece of crap23:16
silent__adi, ps -aux in terminal and kill it23:16
silent__ps -aux to get the pid23:17
Pelolarrywells, if you absolutely want to use the prompt ,  sudo apt-get install ,  starting synaptic from the command line is silly, it's a gui frontend for apt23:17
silent__then kill <pid>23:17
larrywellsyes, no more gui on this pc23:17
silent__adi, if that doesnt work kill -9 <pid> should23:17
robdiguser__: from terminal, sudo apt-get install ytree           or you can search for it in synaptic23:17
adimy terminal is full of info after ps uax23:17
silent__adi, good, find synaptic23:17
larrywellsCan i upgrade to 7.10 from the command prompt?23:17
Pelolarrywells, yes23:17
adiim on kubunt I have adept23:18
larrywellssudp apt-get install ... what then23:18
mr_fleai know there's a way to tell which package a certain file belongs to, could someone refresh my memory on this?23:18
adiadept manager23:18
Pelolarrywells,  but not from 6.06 , you can only upgrade to the next version , you'd need to upgrade from 6.06 to 6.10 to 7.04 and then finaly to 7.1023:18
larrywellsok, can you help with the commands23:18
Pelolarrywells, sudo apt-get install packagename23:19
ares623how do I remove the Advance Desktop Effects Settings that came with the compiz install?23:19
silent__Pelo: that would be nightmarish23:19
ares623and how do I completely remove compiz?23:19
silent__ares623: you don't cause it's amazing23:19
Pelosilent__, I know , I am trying to discourage him23:19
adisilent: 6116 for adept manager??23:19
ares623my install got messed up and would like to start from scratch23:19
Pelolarrywells,  you want a gutsy server on yoru comp ?23:19
Some_PersonHow can I get Totem to play AIFF files? I already installed all the gstreamer0.10 plugins.23:19
silent__larrywells: Just install debian, jeez23:19
flyback-TAHNK YOU GOD23:20
Pelolarrywells,  dl the server cd ,  backup yoru /home folder and then clean install the server ,  that will be the easiest way to go about it , and the quickest23:20
larrywellsmy cd rom does not work23:20
Peloflyback-,  do you mind ?23:20
silent__flyback-: huh?23:20
flyback-OMG THIS means after 33 yrs I might get laid too23:20
* flyback- is scared23:20
Pelo!offtopic | flyback-23:20
ubotuflyback-: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:20
larrywellsthat is why i am trying to do this all from the promp23:20
silent__I just died a little inside23:20
flyback-actually it is ontopic23:20
Peloflyback-, you are not23:20
silent__flyback-: do you have a question?23:21
flyback-this stupid law could have easily been extended to m$ alleged patent violations by linux etc23:21
silent__my nails are too long, i can't type >_<23:21
flyback-and sent thugs after developers23:21
jeplerIn gutsy, it appears pmount has been removed (or rather, moved to universe).  In the base system, what is the new way to mount/unmount removable media from the commandline?23:21
octopushello. can anybody help me by my iptables problem http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/137837/?highlight=iptables ?23:21
larrywellswould it be sudo-apt install 7.04_server?23:21
Pelolarrywells, there are other ways of installing ubuntu ,  try those first23:21
Pelo!install | larrywells23:21
ubotularrywells: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate23:21
silent__flyback-: that is offtopic, sorry, #ubuntu-offtopic (I'm in there too)23:21
flyback-silent_ no I am just venting how stupid it was for ubuntu to ship with a unstable piece of shit flash replacement that can hang the whole box23:21
silent__flyback-: I just install the flash from adobe... no messing with stuff that doesn't work23:22
Pelolarrywells, probabaly not,  I donT' know what the metapackage name for ethe server is, do sudo apt-cache search server23:22
flyback-silent well my problem is the knuckleheads enabled it by default23:22
Peloflyback-,  I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel23:22
flyback-as soon as you get a youtube video23:22
vasuviIs there any way to get Ubuntu to recognize the right <alt> key as well as the left one?  Also, any (non-arcane) way to get the extra keys on the top of my keyboard to do what I want them to?23:22
ubotuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.23:22
user__tried  sudo apt-get install ytree23:23
abultmanmy linux-headers package was broken23:23
user__got Reading package lists... Done23:23
user__Building dependency tree23:23
user__Reading state information... Done23:23
user__ytree is already the newest version.23:23
silent__flyback-: please move the discussion to offtopic, we're trying to help people who have problems23:23
PeloHellDragon, Simo123:23
adisilent: I killed all apt-get and adept23:23
flyback-anyways i'm out23:23
silent__adi: awesome23:23
=== user__ is now known as NZ-Xile
adinow should I try sudo apt-get udate???23:23
silent__adi: indeed23:23
silent__adi: or use synaptic23:23
antisocialistuse sudo aptitude instead23:23
paragoncso i have my wireless card working without the nm-applet - is there a way to kill that thing?23:23
lalalalalalaI have a user "larry," and I want him to be able to use apt, without getting all the other sudo powers. Is there a way to do this?23:23
jeplerlalalalalala: what makes you believe that a user who can install packages via apt doesn't have equivalent powers to a full root/administrator user?23:24
adisilent:this is what I get23:24
adi0% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:24
Pelolalalalalala, check in menu > system > admin > user I tink you can add him to a group for installing but I am not sure23:24
lalalalalalano, I want to make him a partial admin23:24
adiit stuck here23:24
lalalalalalapelo: thanks, I'll check23:24
silent__lalalalalala: you'd have to put him in a group with access to apt or chown the apt bin file... but that would essentially allow him to install/uninstall anything on the box23:25
antisocialistnp: Linkin Park - Leave Out All The Rest [0:14/3:53]23:25
octopushello. can anybody help me by my iptables problem http://forum.ubuntuusers.de/topic/137837/?highlight=iptables ?23:25
Schiz0I'm having problems getting my wireless network connected. I configured /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and /etc/network/interfaces, but I'm still having issues. Is there somewhere I can go to get help?23:25
adisilent:this is what I get23:25
adi0% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:25
gunnarHello,  I installed kubuntu with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and tried it out.   Now I want to get rid of it.  Is there an apt-get remove command that will do that?  TIA23:25
Schiz0gunnar: apt-get remove23:25
Pelog'night folks23:25
antisocialistapt-get uninstall23:25
lalalalalalathanks peeps23:25
silent__adi, sounds like your repositories aren't set up correctly23:25
adiok Ill try to click all like they were in begining23:26
antisocialistduz any1 know a repo for libwnck18 (for emerald)23:26
adicause I changed something23:26
robdigoctopus: it's in german, maybe someone on #ubuntu-de can help you23:26
adifrom repos23:26
jeplerlalalalalala: a user who can run apt-get can completely f*** the system by uninstalling required packages, or install a specially crafted package which will give him full root/administrator privileges.  so there's little point (IMO) in allowing a user to install software via apt and not giving full sudo privs.23:27
larrywellshow can I tell Ubuntu just to start in command prompt everytime23:27
jeplerbut 'man sudoers' can be used to allow a particular user to run apt-get and not other programs as root23:27
antisocialistrepo for libwnck18 any1 know it23:28
p_quarleslarrywells: that's set in the /etc/init.d/gdm startup script.23:28
kaycequestion, would 64bit ubuntu 7.10 run better with more then 2gb of mem? or does it really matter?23:28
larrywellsand what do i need to change23:28
MasterShrekkayce: depends on how much ram you use at one time23:29
p_quarleslarrywells: i don't recall exactly -- it's a human-readable script, so take a look at it. i remember it being fairly straightforward.23:30
lumpyhello all23:30
kaycewhat about for running a VM WinXP and programing / design apps?23:30
Some_PersonHELP ME! Nautilus is ****ed up!23:30
larrywellsthere is no gdm in /etc/init.d directory23:30
NZ-XileGot it- was actually installed but I was looking for it as an icon. typed 'ytree' and it runs. thanks fo the help!23:31
HorseFaceanybody know how i can reset the package manager in ubuntu 7.10 ?  It won't let me install anything all of a sudden.. every package is rejected as "cannot be installed on your computer type (i386) "23:31
p_quarleslarrywells: what window manager are you using?23:31
logankoesterWhat's the name of the LAMP server umbrella package?23:32
esclavommm california burritos own u23:32
p_quarlesgrub isn't a window manager23:32
logankoesterp_quarles: of course it is!23:32
whackHello everyone23:32
esclavoello whack23:32
logankoesterwhack is crack23:32
ianmcorvidaelogankoester: you use a different program: command: sudo tasksel install lamp-server23:32
esclavologankoester, just smoke it23:32
larrywellsnot sure what you mean then p_quarles23:32
logankoesterianmcorvidae: ah23:32
p_quarlesare you using Gnome? KDE? Fluxbox?23:32
kaycehow much mem can linux x64 handle  effectivly?23:33
whackI'm new to linux coming over from windows23:33
esclavowhack, start reading23:33
larrywellsno sorry, this box is KDE23:33
p_quarleshmm. and there's no /etc/init.d/gdm file? weird23:33
Knight_LordI've got a very strange problem. For some reason since a few days ago I cannot ssh to my work server anymore. SSH gets stuck at debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received, that is just before debug1: Authentications that can continue:. Does anyone have any guesses?23:33
kaycesame here whack, lol23:33
earlmredkayce, x64? however much you want to throw at it.23:33
p_quarlesaha ... replace gdm with kdm23:33
kaycety erlmred23:33
adisilent:any ide aof this???23:33
adi27% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:33
pramzany webhosts that you guys recommend ?23:34
larrywellsgot it, so just edit that to boot to the prompt?23:34
adicant connect to server to do updates23:34
earlmredkayce, i think it's uh 16 exabytes of RAM.23:34
BB88Has anybody used FrostWire on Ubuntu 7.10. I am having trouble connecting at all, do I need to open some ports somewhere?23:34
logankoesterianmcorvidae: screen turns blue then it exits without doing anything23:34
kaycehow much can x32 handle?23:34
adicant connect to server to do updates23:34
logankoesterianmcorvidae: with tasksel23:34
adi27% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:34
ianmcorvidaelogankoester: odd, tasksel must be crashing23:34
p_quarlessorry, the easier way way is just to remove the one line in /etc/X11/default-display-manager -- that'll do the trick too23:34
larrywellsjust do not know what to edit, ha ha23:34
earlmredkayce, 4GB23:34
ianmcorvidaelogankoester: try just "sudo tasksel" and then select lamp server from the menu23:35
JarG0nhow can I tell which files are consuming my hard drive space?23:35
whackI'm looking for the gcc tool set any one know where to get it at23:35
kaycethank you23:35
ianmcorvidaelogankoester: if that works23:35
logankoesterianmcorvidae: can this be done with apt?23:35
ankkahey, btw, is there a solution to ugly firefox fonts in hardy?23:35
abultmanianmcorvidae: howdy23:35
ianmcorvidaelogankoester: it can, but it's a set of packages, not just one23:35
ianmcorvidaehowdy, abultman23:35
geniiankka: Perhaps ask in #ubuntu+123:35
logankoesterianmcorvidae: it's already selected in tasksel23:35
logankoesterso I guess it's already installed?23:35
ianmcorvidaeI would expect so23:35
logankoesterexcept... I'm almost certain it isn't23:35
rubaxHow can I restart the x server?23:35
ankkagenii: hmm, thanks23:35
Mark761966Does anyone know how to set the default browser for links in Swiftdove?23:36
ianmcorvidaeWell, how are you testing it?23:36
logankoesterI just installed mysql-server and php5 and apache2 manually with apt-get23:36
adicant connect to server to do updates23:36
adi27% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:36
logankoesterwould that cause it to think I had the whole thing?23:36
whackwhere can i find the gcc tool set23:36
adicant connect to server to do updates23:36
ianmcorvidaeNot to my knowledge, no23:36
adi27% [Connecting to it.archive.ubuntu.com (] [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]23:36
adihelp please23:36
KinPumpkinKinguuhh... my fullscreen application keeps going back to window mode and locking my system... does anyone know why, and how to fix it?23:36
MrPink_rubax:  Ctrl + Alt + Backspace23:37
geniiadi: It looks like a misconfigured router on your network, or dns issue23:37
JarG0n... / has ran out of free space.  How can I tell which files are consuming my hard drive space?23:37
adiok thanks silent23:37
adiill check it out23:37
goodmamiso can someone help me with bluetooth?23:37
Mark761966THEE Ozric Tentacles?23:38
whackLooking for a assembler to run on linux23:38
intelligentfooli've got a "kinit failed to resume, trying normal boot" message, and then gnome never loads.... anyone know a fix?23:38
PeanutI've got a MacBookPro (Santa Rosa) with NVIDIA graphics. If I install the restricted driver and restart X, things work fine. However, every time I reboot, X refuses to recognise the NVIDIA and goes into a low-res safe mode. De-install, reboot, re-install does cure it every time but does anyone know a less painful solution?23:39
KinPumpkinKingintelligentfool, did you try running on recovery mode first?23:39
whackis there a channel for newbies23:39
intelligentfoolKinPumpkinKing - i tried that, but got the same message23:39
mutablehello, how do i install the latest nvidia driver, which fixes black window bug? is it already in ubuntu repository?23:39
geniiadi: archive.ubuntu.com ip address should be
MrPink_anyone here know a good Java IRC Channel ?23:39
KinPumpkinKingintelligentfool, I guess you're not a newbier guy than me, then. :P23:40
KinPumpkinKinguuhh... my fullscreen application keeps going back to window mode and locking my system... does anyone know why, and how to fix it?23:40
Sionide21MrPink_: ##java23:40
whackwow thanks for all the help23:40
cameronmi used to use a dyndns client that would grab my ip off of whatismyip.org or something rather than check an network device for the ip, but i can't remember what it is now--anyone have any recommendations?23:40
KinPumpkinKingwhack, when we don't know, we don't know.23:40
adisilent yeahh23:40
adiit was my dns23:41
adithanks silent23:41
MrPink_whack What exactly do you mean... I started out here as a complete newbie (I still am quite new to everything) but what is wrong with this channel ?23:41
whackNothing is wrong with the channel23:42
MrPink_how do I identify with nickserv again? :-/23:42
Mark761966How can an email client not have a browser choosing option in preferences?23:42
whackjust need some help23:42
Sionide21IDENTIFY password23:42
JimmyDeeI'm really really pissed23:42
Mark761966Me too23:42
soldats /msg nickserv identify <pass>23:42
JimmyDeesomeone was infiltrating my turf23:43
p_quarleswhack: the gcc tools -- sudo apt-get install build-essential23:43
JimmyDeeanyone know an Andy Wu?23:43
MrPink_can you have your pw sent to you, if you've forgotten it....lol :D23:44
MrPink_or do you just register again ?23:44
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Ongakuhey, i´m looking for an open source kinda clone of windows movie maker than can work in win98 SE...23:44
whackthe gcc comes with a assembler23:44
JimmyDeeI'm no genius at this tracking stuff, where would I find the ip addresses that have logged onto my machine lately?23:44
KinPumpkinKingmy fullscreen application keeps going back to window mode and locking my system... does anyone know why, and how to fix it? I'm using Ubuntu 7.10... it happens particularly with tremulous23:45
Sionide21MrPink_: I think you can have it sent to you. Type /msg NickServ help and it will tell you what you can doo23:45
SpookyETIs there a way to improve OpenOffice font rendering? It's abysmal.23:45
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logankoesterMrPink_: /ns id password23:45
logankoesteroops, I was scrolled up n didn't notice23:45
logankoesterI'm guessin you figured it out by now23:45
emefarrset theme ksiadz23:45
SpookyETIs it possible to set an application to always start on a specific desktop -- desktop 2?23:46
]Spectre[dear silent__ ,I have installed  a fresh ubunu 7.10,but I have the same problem.I have installed totem,vlc and media player.If I open the same video with vlc and after with totem,I can see it correctly in totem,and viceversa23:46
dr34mc0d3r2hi all - im trying to modify a desktop icon launcher - currently reads firefox %u      im wanting to have it speak "opening firefox" and then open firefox... like this - espeak "opening firefox" firefox %u     it speaks but dont open firefox....23:46
t3hwiz0rdcan someone help me understand why ubuntu/kubuntu cannot seem to use my dvi-based syncmaster 2232BW on my laptop?23:47
tofaffyWhen I try to make an iso out of a cd just doing cp /dev/cdrom /home/debian.iso cp: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error23:47
nixnoobwhy does gtk-gnutella whine about an "ancient version" and not work at all?23:47
wotamuckinfuddlehello all, does anyone know how to install a .iso program on fiesty?23:47
savetheWorldHi all, anyone know how toset ubuntu to start in text mode only? Apparently all the runlevels except 1 and 0 start X qwindows now.23:47
p_quarlessavetheWorld: Rename /etc/X11/default-display-manager to something else.23:48
savetheWorldp_quarles: thanks23:48
logankoesterI just installed php5 and php files are being opened for download instead of executing, what's the solution to this?23:48
logankoesterI also installed libapache2-mod-php5 and restarted apache223:48
=== MrPink_ is now known as _MrPink2007_
svladcjellia2enmod logankoester23:49
m1k3wotamuckinfuddle, ISO is a cd image23:49
m1k3or dvd image23:49
dr34mc0d3r2hi all - im trying to modify a desktop icon launcher - currently reads firefox %u      im wanting to have it speak "opening firefox" and then open firefox... like this - espeak "opening firefox" firefox %u     it speaks but dont open firefox....23:50
pedro_orangeYou can mount CD/DVD .iso images using the mount command. There are loads of HowTos on the net23:50
vontuxmay I ask a memtest question in here?23:50
Brownsterwotamuckinfuddle, u either burn the iso to disk, or mount it for reading, gui tool acetoneiso23:51
logankoesterOkay, I ran sudo a2enmod php5 and reloaded apache but still no luck23:51
vontuxspecifically "Pass" just means how many times the computer has run through a group of tests right?23:51
Sionide21logankoester: Make sure the line "AddHandler php5-script php" is in your apache conf23:51
kaycecan anyone recomend good books (other then linux cookbook) or new linux users?23:52
]Spectre[dear ubuntu channel ,I have installed  a fresh ubunu 7.10,I have a video playback problem.I have installed totem,vlc and media player.If I open the same video with vlc and after with totem,I can see it correctly in totem,and viceversa23:52
p_quarleskayce: I like Ubuntu Hacks from O'Reilly23:52
kaycep_quarles: thank you23:53
soldatskayce, linux.com23:53
Brownsterdr34mc0d3r2, not sure but u could try && between commands23:53
whackIs any one elses running slow23:53
p_quarleskayce: also, Scott Granneman's Linux Phrasebook helped me out with the CLI a lot23:53
Brownsterdr34mc0d3r2,  that's how u run 1 comm after another in a terminal so might work23:53
kayceoh, cool, thanks23:54
logankoesterSionide21: okay I added that line at the bottom of apache2.conf and it had no effect, even after reloading apache23:54
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ben__How can I edit the mount points of a partition?23:56
SihingIs there any place (aside from the info and man pages) where I can find out how to run terminal? I'm new to linux and the info and man pages only seem to confuse me for the most part.23:56
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jskulskihey I'm trying to get ldap authentication (client) working, i've been through the howtos a bunch, but it's not working. I'm looking for troubleshooting ideas to help me figure out whats wrong.23:57
llamakclogankoester: what's the first line of `apache2ctl status` have? see any mention of PHP?23:57
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soldatsSihing, linux.com23:57
Xan_FantasyCould anyone help me configure a Wireless PCI nick Broadcom 43xx. I have tried serching around and have found nothing that works. My router has WPA encryption and I believe it is broadcasting. My neighbor also has an open access point that I cannot connect to.23:57
Brownsterben__, which mount point are u thinking of changing?23:57
Sihingsoldats: thank you23:57
ben__My second partition23:57
ben__I just need to know the file to edit, I cannot remeber which one it is in23:57
Greevouscan anyone tell me what key(s) correspond to shortcuts that begin with "0x..."23:57
logankoesterllamakc:  sudo apache2ctl status | grep php => no results23:57
Brownsterben__, /etc/fstab23:58
ben__Brownster: Thank you.23:58
Sionide21jskulski: I used this to set min eup (It's for debian but it should still work) http://www.debianclusters.com/index.php/LDAP_Client23:58
llamakcTry PHP instead of lowercase. It'll be in the first line anyways23:58
Sionide21ben__: /etc/fstab23:59
logankoesterllamakc: no mention of php at all23:59
p_quarleslogankoester: do you have the correct PHP5 module installed? libapache2-mod-php5?23:59
whackHas any one in here used fedora23:59
llamakcSo anything with `dpkg -l | grep php`23:59

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