
=== pauljw_bsd is now known as pauljw
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
neil_dI have a new edubuntu gutsy install.  the client will boot ok if I specify "start_03 = startx" why cant it work with the default ldm ?04:31
johnnythat's not enough info to go on04:33
neil_djohnny: what more info would you like ?04:34
johnnylike, why it doesn't work with ldm04:34
johnnywhat happens04:34
neil_djohnny: it just stops booting at "starting ltsp client" I get a blank screen04:35
johnnyyou're not using autologin are you?04:36
neil_djohnny: could the client be having trouble with the encryption to the server ? no I am not autologin !04:36
johnnyit's possible04:36
johnnyyou didn't change the IP since ?04:36
neil_djohnny: I did change the IP but I fairly sure I have done an ltsp-update-sshkeys04:38
johnnydid you run ltsp-update-image ?04:39
neil_djohnny: yes!  I just check the /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/ssh/known_hosts and the correct IP addr is in there.04:42
johnnyafter the sshkeys /04:43
johnnyit could be there just fine, but nothing will happen until you run update-image04:43
neil_djohnny: is there a way to test from the client I have a shell ?04:43
johnnyyes.. set SCREEN_02=shell04:43
johnnyand turn off your startx04:43
neil_djohnny: allready done04:44
johnnyand then try running ldm manually04:44
johnnythe syntax is odd04:44
johnnysomething like ldm vt7 :004:44
neil_djohnny: it seems to be working now. the "ldm vt7 :0" got me a screen, so I put "SCREEN_03 ldm" into the lts.conf file and its working :)   It also looks like I needed a custom xorg.conf file too.04:52
johnnyyou shouldn't have to put that in there04:55
neil_djohnny: do you think I should worry abount it ?04:57
johnnyjust as the edubuntu folks about it during the day04:57
neil_djohnny: day is subjective it 3:58PM here04:58
neil_djohnny: I seem to be having trouble with the "Thin Client Manager" its using 100% CPU and not doing much04:59
johnnyduring the US/European day05:00
johnnythats' when you get the folks around05:00
johnnyon a weekday as well05:00
johnnythis is where the 6 month ubuntu release cycle is annoying05:01
johnnysome bugs end up sticking around05:01
neil_dyea I suppose, but its good have something going :)05:01
johnnyi definitely have more ltsp problems with gutsy05:01
johnnyi shouldn't have been so hasty to upgrade05:01
johnnyi think i only did it cuz autologin was supposed to work out of the box, and i didnt want to use my patched version anymore05:02
johnnyand sadly.. i'm using a patched version05:02
neil_dmaybe latter in a couple of months it will be better05:02
johnnyonce again05:02
johnnythe patch will prolly not be released for gutsy i bet05:02
johnnyhopefully hardy05:02
johnnybut the cycle for hardy is coming to a close as well05:02
johnnyso much is still changing in the linux world, it's hard to stabilize around a certain set of packages05:03
neil_dI needed to upgrade because I needed a latter python version.  I think I will stick with hardy once its out.05:03
johnnybut then you'll need something else05:04
johnnythat's how it works05:04
johnnyi'm still waiting for the policy kit stuff to hit gnome05:04
neil_dwhats that ?05:04
johnnyand better input hotplug05:04
johnnyprolly too long to epxlain here05:04
johnnyyou should check out all the neat freedesktop.org projects05:05
neil_da hotplug update/replacement05:05
johnnythis is at the xorg level05:05
johnnyit interacts with the system/linux hotplug05:05
johnnybut xorg doesn't just run on linux05:05
johnnyso it has to be more generic05:05
neil_danyway thanks for the help05:07
johnnyask on the list about your need for doing that SCREEN thing05:07
johnnyif you can't make it here during their hours05:07
neil_dok, i will late one night my time05:08
neil_dit might have something to do with using an odd little computer for the client here.05:08
neil_dhow is the support for the via motherboards with ltsp ?05:08
johnnyuhmm.. should be as good as normal linux support05:09
neil_dthat is the mini-itx boards05:09
johnnyit should be good05:09
johnnyit depends on the video car05:09
johnnythey aren't always the same chipset iirc05:09
neil_dgot four comming, use little compaq computer at the moment.05:10
johnnyi hope you checked compat before buying them05:10
johnnyas far as video is concerned05:10
johnnybeing stuck with VESA would suck05:10
neil_dyes it would be,  I didn't check though, hope I don't regret that.05:12
johnnywell look it up now05:13
johnnyso at least you're prepared for suck05:13
johnnysearch for the chipset with the word linux05:13
neil_dwhat are you using edubuntu for.  I am constructing a business system.05:14
johnnyi'm not using edubuntu at all05:15
johnnyjust regular ubuntu05:15
johnnybut i do use lts05:15
johnnywe use it at our collectively run bookstore coffeehouse as public internet terminals05:15
johnnywe will end up using it for classes of some sort eventually05:16
johnnyin a different location05:16
neil_dI only installed it because, when I ltsp under ubuntu it wasn't working and I thought I had done something wrong, so I tried edubuntu to see if it would work. that good, how many terminals ?05:17
* neil_d should read more closely what I type.05:17
johnnyonly 4 atm05:20
johnnywe don't have much room05:20
neil_dhow do you control people downloading stuff do you write protect the home directory or something else ?05:23
johnnyi don't05:32
johnnyeach machine is it's own ~/05:32
johnnyso i just rm -rf05:33
johnnyand then it starts with a fresh profile every mornin05:33
neil_dis there much difference in speed/load between a startx session and a ldm session05:44
johnnyi assume startx might be a lil faster06:11
johnnybut then you get no local device support06:11
johnnyatm at least06:11
johnnyor possibly sound06:11
neil_djohnny: ok06:32
neil_ddo you need to shutdown the clients or can you just turn them off ?06:33
johnnyyou're supposed to shut them down prolly06:33
johnnybut i just turn them off.. since many people just power cycle anyways06:33
johnnyand there is a bug in the released ltsp in gutsy06:33
johnnythat means some processes don't die anyways06:33
johnnyeven if you do shut down06:33
johnnyso when i mentioned i run a command to empty the profiles06:34
johnnyit also does pkill -9 -u $user06:34
johnnyjust to make sure06:34
johnnylike so06:35
johnnyfor i in `getent group terminals | cut -d: -f 4 | sed s/,/' '/g`; do06:35
johnny    pkill -9 -u ${i}06:35
johnny# delete directory06:36
neil_ddoes this mean that the server should be reset to keep from losing memory ?06:36
johnnyi could prolly do the cut part in the sed, but my regex isn't that good06:36
johnnythat should't be a problem if you kill the procs06:37
johnnyi was at 1200M/2000M all day06:37
johnnyor thereabouts06:37
johnnybut now i'm at 65006:37
johnnyleaks aren't very apparent atm06:38
johnnysetup a cron to kill all the extra processes for now06:38
johnnythere's a script called xterminator that you can integrate into your chroot, so that when they login, the old procs will be killed, but it is broken in gutsy for now06:39
johnnyit's not in the repo either06:39
johnnysomebody gave me a possible crazy replacement, but i can't verify if it works as i haven't tested it yet06:39
johnnycrazy as in.. it's multiline shell script shoved into one line :006:40
johnnyi think it is somewhere between 50-100 chars long06:40
neil_dI will have to keep an eye on the process list for a while.  I do like being able to read the scripts I am running.06:40
johnnyi like htop06:42
johnnyit shows me if anyting is going crazy like firefox06:42
johnnyand then i -9 it06:42
johnnythat's prolly my biggest issue atm06:42
johnnyi haven't been able to personally replicate it06:45
johnnybut it happens when folks use it all day06:45
johnnythinking about installing firefox 3 for that06:45
johnnyeven though it's in beta06:45
neil_ddon't know about firefox 306:46
LUGHi all. Does exist any Italian's language version of EDUbuntu distribution?14:03
jbrefortLUG, distributils are multilingual14:07
jbrefortand Italian is supported by many applications14:07
jbrefortI meant distributions14:07
jbrefortand edubuntu is one of them14:07
jbrefortjust choose Italian language when installing14:08
LUGI will try. Many Tnx.14:08
dayaChannel, Can I have access to the source code to the LTSP that is integrated in edbunut 7.1014:43
dayaedubuntu 7.1014:43
das-tsorry, i don't have a running edubuntu at hand. but i guess you might edit your sources.list and add an src additionally to the deb14:50
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
denvergeekdoes anyone know how to disable timed logouts for ltsp clients?19:01
johnnytimed logouts?19:01
denvergeekthere's no "login window" editor since it's ldm I believe19:01
denvergeekuser is idle for 10 minutes19:01
johnnywhat timed logouts?19:01
johnnyhmm.. i haven't seen that effect19:01
johnnymine never times out19:01
denvergeekdefault install, edubuntu server 7.1019:02
denvergeekwith ltsp thin clients19:02
LaserJockdenvergeek: hmm, I wouldn't have thought that would be enabled by default19:02
johnnyi've never heard of this feature19:02
denvergeekme either19:03
denvergeek10 minutes of idle time19:03
denvergeekand there it goes19:03
denvergeekI guess I can poke around gconf-editor19:03
johnnysounds like you have something else going on19:03
johnnytry disabling the screensaver19:03
denvergeekanother interesting item19:04
johnnyor check the screen saver config in any case19:04
denvergeekwhen you try to open screensaver-preferences from the preferences menu19:04
denvergeekthe X session restarts19:04
johnnyyep.. that's your problem19:04
johnnyit goes idle, starts the screensaver, kills the X, brings up ldm19:04
denvergeekthat makes sense19:04
johnnyyou prolly don't want screensavers anyways19:05
denvergeekI sure don't19:05
denvergeekhunting down the packages to remove em19:05
johnnyi have htis19:06
johnnyin my ltsp config19:06
johnnyerr  chroot/usr/share/ldm/rc.d/S15blank-only19:06
johnny ssh -S ${LDM_SOCKET} ${LDM_SERVER} "/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --set --type string /apps/gnome-screensaver/mode blank-only"19:06
johnnyerr S15-screensaver-blankonly19:07
denvergeekjust removed gnome-screensaver19:08
denvergeektoo late!19:08
denvergeekbut thanks for the help though19:08
denvergeekthis ltsp setup out of the box is slick though19:08
denvergeekbeats the heck out of doing it by hand19:08
LaserJockIt's possible that removing the package may cause gnome some fits19:09
LaserJockI've not tried it but I guess you'll find out ;-)19:09
denvergeekno problem so far19:15
denvergeekpulled the menu entries nicely19:15
denvergeekwe'll see19:15
denvergeekis there any way I can disable all desktop changes for a given user logging in via ltsp?19:53
denvergeekno create folder/alias/file or anything like that?19:53
johnnyi just use sabayon to create a profile20:04
johnnyand then rm -rf it20:04
johnnyevery night20:04
johnnyyou can lockdown some settings with the lockdown tool, but not as many through the GUI as you seem to need20:04
denvergeekI've managed to lock-down the default panels and such20:05
denvergeekI'd like to do away with the desktop context menu as well20:05
denvergeeksabayon seems to crash quite frequently20:05
johnnysadly it's only minor bugs that cause it to do so in my experience20:05
johnnythe sabayon team is a bit small20:06
denvergeeklike removing the trash can for instance20:06
denvergeekno worries20:06
denvergeekI'll figure something out20:06
johnnyneed to provide a way to provide folders to ignore20:06
denvergeekor set a desktop wipe-out in cron nightly20:06
johnnythat's what i do20:06
denvergeekalmost done20:06
denvergeekthen I can move to local apps20:06

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