
red_team316If I was to search for one file that signifies KDE is installed, what would it be?00:05
nixternaldpkg -l kdebase*00:06
nixternaldpkg -l kdebase* |grep ii00:06
nixternalthat is even better00:06
red_team316well that only works on debian based. Suppose its RPM based00:07
nixternalls /usr/share/apps/00:08
nixternalif you have a sea of apps starting with K, then you might be on to something :)00:08
nixternalred_team316: is it snowing down by you right now?00:09
red_team316yea, we got 4 inches of snow so far and its still coming down00:09
claydohis it just me, or is kwin in kde4 running smoother/better with effects enabled than disabled?00:09
nixternalholy smokes00:09
nixternalwe only have a couple of inches up here in Chicago00:09
* claydoh braces for another Nor'Easter toimorrow00:10
nixternalit is running great with effects disabled for me claydoh00:10
nixternalclaydoh: you are getting what red_team316 and I are getting00:10
nixternals/are/will be00:10
claydohwe already have hade a foot and a half of the white stuff this winter00:10
claydohwhich is unusual00:10
claydohthis early00:11
nixternalwhat would you expect for maine this type of year? :)00:11
claydoha brown christmas :)00:11
nixternalhell, you guys even had a late season hurricane up around there didn't you?00:11
claydohas is the norm lol00:11
nixternalya, brown christmas here in Chicago has been the norm as well00:12
claydohwe had a gusty spell form one iirc, but no real hurricane i think00:12
nixternalI remember the 1995 nor'easter that brought 4 feet of snow tot he DC metro area in less than 2 days00:12
nixternaland the 1994 nor'easter that brought tons of ice00:13
claydohcolder=better, as I remember our ioce storm in 98, subzero temps and no poere for over 4 days00:13
nixternallike Oklahoma...but they told them 7 to 10 days until power is back00:13
claydohyeah, our outer towns went about that long00:14
claydohbut here no one was hurt or died00:14
yuriyi can't imagine no power for 7 to 10 days00:14
nixternalya I couldn't either00:15
nixternalno internet for that long...pfft, I would go nuts :)00:15
claydoh4 days was terrible00:15
nixternal4 hours was terrible :)00:15
claydohno phone/tv/net/heat00:15
nixternalnot having a phone would be fine with me00:16
nixternaltv is iffy00:16
nixternalnet, no way00:16
claydohwe drove an hour one way to get to nearest family (and a wood stove)00:16
nixternalheat, I have enough clothes ;)00:16
claydohwe had to hand pump water from the well there :)00:16
claydoheven for the toilet to flush00:17
claydohluckily it was about 5-10 degrees F, so we just threw our food into a cooler or 2 and buried it under some snow/ice00:19
hadsSeems it's having kdepim-kde4 installed that messes with kmail00:20
red_team316where is KDE's equivalent to /usr/bin/gnome-session. I cant find a kde-session :/00:28
nixternalwhat is gnome-session?00:28
red_team316as far as I know, it's the file that allows you to login to gnome00:29
nixternalthen exactly what pexi said :)00:29
pexired_team316: is the command to start kde00:29
red_team316thanks, found it00:30
red_team316figured it would have started with a k00:31
ardchoilleOk, I have made a few packages and am really liking debhelper and devscripts00:59
ardchoilleNot sure I like pbuilder, tho00:59
yuriywhat do i do about soprano when compiling kde4 on gutsy? (it wants 1.99)01:21
* vorian hides from nixternal 01:22
vorianyuriy, on that link01:22
yuriythanks vorian01:23
yuriyer isn't this just the one from gutsy?01:23
yuriyit complains about libc601:24
jjessehrmm computer froze while i was out for dinner, upon restart kde4 session doesn't provide the taskbar (or whatever its technical term is)01:24
vorianyuriy, it's for hardy /me thinks01:24
vorianintall libsoprano4 first then libsoprano-dev01:25
yuriyvorian: libsoprano4 wants libc6 >= 2.7-1); however: Version of libc6 on system is 2.6.1-1ubuntu10.01:25
yuriyalso wants newer qt and libclucene01:26
voriandid you try to compile from svn ~/kdesupport/soprano?01:27
yuriyvorian: well i think it is compiled from there too but it's using the system one and i don't know how to change that01:27
vorianafaik, it was built from svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdesupport/soprano01:29
jjesseok somehow my application launcher, my system tray and everything has disappeared in my kde4 version01:36
tlaytonhey, want to share this b/c it took me forever to find. i was getting symbol lookup errors from libQt* trying to run kde 4 apps on hardy. turns out the /opt/nessus/lib in /etc/ld.so.conf was causing the problem. removed it and kde 4 apps now work03:23
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mgoldenA question regrding the KDE4 RC2 live CD:06:35
mgoldenDoes anyone knw if it does something odd with X11?06:36
mgoldenI have never had a problem installing kubuntu on my old Sony Vaio PCG-XG1906:37
mgoldenbut with this live CD I see it start up, and then crash, then restart... repeatedly06:37
mgoldenWhen I start in safe graphics mode it's ok06:38
=== kblizzzek is now known as blizzzek
HobbseeLure: what do you want to hunt me to do?08:49
LureHobbsee: do you have archive powers? Can you sync digikam and kipi-plugins?09:08
LureHobbsee: bug 176615 and bug 17662009:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176615 in digikam "sync digikam 0.9.3~rc1-1 from debian/experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17661509:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 176620 in kipi-plugins "sync kipi-plugins 0.1.5~beta1-3 from debian/experimental" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17662009:09
HobbseeLure: no, not unless i use pitti's sync script09:09
LureHobbsee: ok, no problem will wait for archive day than09:09
hadsAnyone know how to launch the panel applet in KDE4? it crashed and doesn't want to come back.09:35
hadsYeah, plasma is running and I have applets on the desktop but no panel.09:36
hadsMoving plasma-appletsrc out of the way fixed it.09:42
apacheloggerstdin: please attach -kde4 to the kopete-encrypt thing and get a revu admin to nuke the one without -kde410:13
apacheloggerstdin: the close bug should be * Initial release (LP: #176471) - i.e. no seperate line10:17
apacheloggerstdin: please state the version of GPL under which the package is licensed10:17
apacheloggerstdin: build-dep on kdelibs5-dev is redundant since kdenetwork-dev-kde4 depends on it10:18
apacheloggerstdin: please don't exceed 80 characters for build-depends (line break + next line starts with a whitespace10:21
apacheloggerstdin: section should be kde10:22
stdinapachelogger: done all that except it does say "This package is licenced under the GNU/GPL version 2 or later" already in debian/copyright10:25
apacheloggermorning cheguevara10:26
apacheloggerstdin: uhm, don't see that in the .diff on revu ... should be GNU GPL anyway :P10:26
* apachelogger starts thinking10:26
apacheloggerstdin: please state at the "The Debian packaging is..." that it is GPL version 2 or later as well10:27
apacheloggermight lead to confusion though, as we just noticed ;-)10:28
stdinright, done that, I'll upload as soon as the 1st upload clears from /incoming  :p10:30
* cheguevara wonders if apachelogger will review kmldonkey-kde4 next10:30
stdinthe only difference is the "version 2 or later" bit anyway10:30
apacheloggercheguevara: nah, post-launch I'll study some french10:30
apacheloggerhave a major exam tomorrow10:30
cheguevaraoh cool10:31
apacheloggerthough it's kinda pointless since I haven't learned anything yet -.-10:31
jpatrickscalure blau :O10:31
cheguevarajpatrick could review as well :P10:32
jpatrickhmm, you got me10:34
jpatrickcheguevara: what is quilt needed for?10:34
cheguevarathe patches10:34
apacheloggerjpatrick: for tha cdbs stuff10:34
cheguevaradunno why i just said that10:35
apacheloggerfirst think - then write :P10:35
cheguevaraso true10:35
jpatrickcheguevara: today is not Thu the 15th10:36
cheguevarait wasn't uploaded today10:36
jpatrickyes, but yesterday was the 15th and it was Sat10:36
cheguevarai see ur point10:36
cheguevarayeah sorry, really should think first as apachelogger said :P10:37
stdincheguevara: it's easier to use "dch" to create changelog entries :)10:37
cheguevarawhat can be easier then nanon?!10:38
stdinlike i said, dch :p10:38
cheguevarathe right answer is pico :P10:39
stdinpico == nano10:39
cheguevarastdin, thanks will do10:39
cheguevaranah nano is improved pic10:39
apacheloggerstdin: btw, you might want to use XSBC-Original-Maintainer10:39
stdincheguevara:  I mean by default pico is actually nano10:40
stdinapachelogger: I was going to do that yesterday but got distracted by something shiny10:40
cheguevarastdin, oh i see what you mean10:41
cheguevaranever knew its like that on ubuntu10:41
jpatrickstdin: same with kopete*-kde4, today not Thu10:41
apacheloggernow, ksirk seriously needs some graphics guy10:42
stdinapachelogger: is this one ok?10:51
apacheloggerstdin: please update debianized date in copyright10:53
stdinanything else before I upload?10:55
apacheloggerstdin: gettext is redundant10:55
apacheloggerdebhelper depends on po-debconf and that depends on gettext10:55
Hobbsee * Version: 4:3.97.0-0ubuntu2~gutsy1~ppa110:55
Hobbsee * Architecture: amd6410:55
Hobbsee * Archive: kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA10:55
Hobbsee& lpia died.10:55
stdinHobbsee: I re-uploaded just about everything to fix the .desktop files issues and to include the patch to startkde10:57
=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerwocka connection -.-10:59
apacheloggerstdin: what's the last comment you got?10:59
stdin"<apachelogger> debhelper depends on po-debconf and that depends on gettext"10:59
apacheloggercheguevara: please remove the line break in build-depends of kmldonkey11:00
apacheloggerstdin: debian/control, line 6 -> you forgot to remove the versin number from kdelibs5-dev11:00
apacheloggerPlease attach a "This is the KDE 4 version from extragear." or something to the11:00
cheguevaraapachelogger, kk11:01
cheguevarai am off to work, pm me if there's anything else11:01
apacheloggercheguevara: changelog date still wrong11:01
apacheloggerjpatrick: can you check that debian/copyright is correct for kmldonkey11:01
apacheloggerI'll build meanwhile11:01
stdinapachelogger: well there is no kde3 version, so I didn't think that was necessary11:01
jpatrickapachelogger: okay11:02
apacheloggerstdin: well, it's needed to ensure the user notes that this is a kde4 package ;-)11:02
apacheloggerye know, users don't wanna read ^_^11:02
apacheloggercheguevara: btw, did you find out why kmldonkey only recommends mldonkey-server?11:08
jpatrickcheguevara: kmlplasma/* is not in debian/copyright?11:09
apacheloggerjpatrick: why should it?11:10
apacheloggerSebastian Sauer has a general copyright and the files are GPL2+11:10
jpatrickapachelogger: so why is he listed elsewhere?11:11
apacheloggerjpatrick: because there also muesli got a copyright :P11:11
jpatrickcopyright looks okay then11:13
apacheloggerbuild and deps are ok as well11:13
jpatrickshould I upload?11:14
apacheloggerhe didn't upload the fixes yet11:14
apacheloggerthough they are all unimportant ones11:14
* apachelogger checks again11:14
jpatrickI can edit the date in changelog11:15
apacheloggerjpatrick: remove the line break in build-depends as well11:15
apacheloggereverthing is okay11:16
apacheloggercheguevara: thanks for your contribution :)11:24
jpatrickbut don't stop there11:24
* apachelogger thinks cheguevara totally targets becoming a MOTU ;-)11:25
txwikingerWas libqt4-debug-dev replaced by some other package?11:56
txwikingerok.. I thought so thanks11:58
mhbwoohoo, just 25 days remaining and the horrible ad will go away!12:02
mhbalso, I will meet a girl that both likes me and is totally into GNU/Linux. Groovy! It is good that the dream becomes reality.12:05
Hobbseemhb: they do exist.  however, those who do exist think as you do, but s/girl/guy/ in most cases :)12:06
Hobbsee'tis a cruel world :P12:06
mhbThe first group exists, no doubt about that.12:06
mhbthe girls that are into Linux exist12:07
mhbbut the other group is an empty set, so it is kind of hard to find a non-empty intersection.12:07
Hobbseehaha :)12:08
_buzfor the people who use kwin_composite: do you use it on gutsy or hardy? does it crash x.org for you as well?12:09
mhbwell I dont use kwin_composite or kwin4_composite exactly because of that.12:09
mhbit crashes.12:09
_buzdo you see kwin or x.org crash? it seems that its x.org thats really crashing12:10
_buzif the window manager crashes, x wouldnt restart12:10
mhbwell, I usually get some large white squares and it is totally slow so I have to restart X.12:12
mhbunless it reacts so slow that i have to power off the computer.12:12
mhbthat happens here.12:12
_buzno usually mine either freezes or outright crashes x12:12
_buzi sometimes have to cold boot the machine because nothing reacts anymore12:13
harolddongWhat were the new kde4 packages that I just installed from the repos?12:52
harolddongJust updated /tweaked stuff?12:52
RiddellHobbsee: could you give back kdeaccessibility-kde4 kdeartwork-kde4 kdemultimedia-kde4 kdenetwork-kde4 kdepim-kde4 kdesdk-kde4 kdetoys-kde4 extragear-plasma13:08
Riddelland raise their priority13:08
lnxkdewhat does the new kde4 update?13:15
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plexei want to learn kde / qt 4 development16:24
plexehow easy is to set it up on kubuntu ?16:24
cheguevarawhats up17:46
mhbkidding as always17:47
mhbre & im are the usual identifiers for real & imaginary parts of a complex number.17:47
cheguevaraapachelogger, thx for sponsoring :P17:48
cheguevaramhb, heh :P17:48
mhband you shouldn't really write "re" unless you want to say something or somebody is waiting for you.17:48
mhbwe all know you're here if you answer the questions we might have.17:48
mhbcheguevara: it's not that you are a criminal or something, it's just a tiny part of the code of IRC.17:49
cheguevaraas an irc network admin I am quiet familiar with IRC :P17:49
mhbcheguevara: and yet you break the code of it... fascinating.17:51
cheguevarastdin, thanks for fixing kdebase-workspace (again) and sorry for that typo17:53
cheguevaraworst thing is that went upstream :(17:54
cheguevaraRiddell, you around?18:01
=== luka74 is now known as Lure
Luremhb: you also have problem with brightness keys?18:22
mhbstill, yes.18:27
Luremhb: do you have gutsy on it? New packages to test are in my ppa...18:30
Luremhb: it look like they did not work due to stupid typo :-(18:30
mhbno, I'm hardy now.18:31
Riddellcheguevara: hi18:32
Luremhb: will prepare hardy packages when I get at least one confirmation from gutsy18:32
LureRiddell: do you know how QLibrary works for loading dynamic libraries?18:33
RiddellLure: can't say I do18:33
LureRiddell: k9copy needs -dev packages to properly load libGL.so.118:33
LureRiddell: I do not think it is normal to depend on -dev package...18:34
cheguevaraRiddell, hey, do you think you can get ubuntu7 of kdebase-workspace into archives18:34
LureRiddell: problem is that -dev installs symbolic link from libGL.so to libGL.so.1 - w/o that, k9copy crashes18:34
cheguevaradebdiff by stdin is at #17613518:34
cheguevarai've already got the change upstream18:35
RiddellLure: strace the app, it may well need the .so or the .la18:36
LureRiddell: but this is really bad...18:36
Riddellcheguevara: umm, where is it?18:36
RiddellLure: if so you can probably patch the app to load a paticular version, that's what we did the qt4 and libssl18:37
cheguevaraRiddell, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10922728/kdebase-workspace_3.97.0-1ubuntu7.debdiff18:42
LureRiddell: yep, versioned request for "GL.so.1"18:58
LureRiddell:  will talk with upstream to consider changing this for next version18:59
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fdovinganyone else experience hotkey issues with kde4 rc2?19:42
_buzmost hotkeys for kwin didnt work19:42
_buzthought it was something about my config so didnt bother looking into it further19:43
fdovingk. good, then it's not just me.19:43
_buzinterestingly, they DO work if you run kwin-kde4 in kde319:43
fdovinghum.. i also need to figure out how to disable the url/e-mail mouse-over effects in konsole.19:44
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nosrednaekimyeah... annoying20:04
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cheguevaraRiddell, you still around22:01
Riddellhi cheguevara22:01
cheguevaraRiddell, was gonna package kcoloredit, but no COPYING file again, do you know who I can bug on irc22:02
Riddellcheguevara: toma is the extragear man22:02
RiddellI suppose I could just commit one22:02
cheguevarathat would be great :)22:03
cheguevaraRiddell, did you see the debdiff btw?22:03
Riddellcheguevara: don't think I did22:04
cheguevarado you want the link again?22:05
Riddellcheguevara: ok22:05
Riddellcheguevara: added COPYING to kcoloredit22:07
cheguevarathanks Riddell22:07
iRonRiddell: mounting for devices not listed in /etc/fstab is done ;-) now i'm working on proper unmounting.22:11
nosrednaekimiRon: what are you doing?22:12
* Lure_ is happy so many new contributors22:12
iRonnosrednaekim: "User Hard Disk Mounting" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuHardyCatchup22:13
RiddelliRon: ooh ooh ooh22:13
Lure_nosrednaekim: btw, I did not forget about you powermanager improvement, I just did not look into guidance for hardy yet (will probably do over holidays)22:13
Riddellcheguevara: uploaded kdebase-workspace22:13
nosrednaekimLure_: yeah... its ok, I understand :D22:13
cheguevaraRiddell, nice, thanks, sorry for the mess up again22:13
iRonRiddell: do i need to display full command in kdesudo dialog? or just provide user-friednly message? something line "Admin privileges required for..."22:17
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cheguevaraRiddell, kdesdk-kde4_3.97.0-0ubuntu2 doesn't seem to build btw22:21
nosrednaekimhmm, how hard is it to write a kde3 control center module in pyqt4?22:22
nosrednaekimcheguevara: it seems to have dependency problems, kate won't start because its missing some library22:22
cheguevarai got22:22
cheguevaraCMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,22:22
cheguevaraand cmake can not find them.22:22
cheguevaraPlease set the following variables:22:22
* nosrednaekim is looking at the compiz config control center module22:22
RiddelliRon: I don't think kdesudo does user friendly messages22:23
Riddellnosrednaekim: not possible22:23
nosrednaekimRiddell: thats seems to be what the spec is saying.22:23
iRonRiddell: it does.. kdesudo --caption "Caption" --comment "Dialog text" -d ...22:24
nosrednaekimin KubuntuHardyCatchup#Compiz22:24
RiddelliRon: ah well, there you go then :)22:24
iRonRiddell: ok22:24
Riddellnosrednaekim: oh it would need to be a standalone app for KDE 3.  the alternative is to write it in pyKDE 3 which is daft at this stange as it would need to be re-written soon22:25
nosrednaekimRiddell: well, I am quite willing to try to write it in pyqt4, there are compiz python bindings, right?22:26
Riddellnosrednaekim: I don't know if there's compiz python bindings22:26
nosrednaekimahh... yep there are....22:27
Riddellnosrednaekim: but mostly it's just setting a value somewhere so a login script sets KDEWM to the right value22:27
Riddellnosrednaekim: and setting some compiz settings, which are just written in .ini style22:28
nosrednaekimpretty easy then?cool, I see what I can do over Christmas ....22:28
Riddellnosrednaekim: do ping mhb about that, he had a UI mockup22:29
fdovingis there an ark replacement for kde4?22:29
Riddellark is in KDE 4 I'm pretty sure22:29
nosrednaekimRiddell: ok,I will.22:29
nosrednaekimfdoving: there is the tar:/kio slave22:29
fdovingRiddell: not in the lp ppa as far as i can tell.22:30
fdovingnosrednaekim: it's not that good at .rar and .zip :)22:30
Riddellfdoving: fdoving it's in kdeutils22:30
Riddellhi jjesse22:30
nosrednaekimfdoving: hmm i'll check22:31
nosrednaekimfdoving: wors fine on zips22:31
nosrednaekimfdoving: oh... thats the "zip" kio-slave I guess.22:32
fdovingthen unlucky with my .rars.22:32
fdoving+ i'm22:32
cheguevarai remember reading somewhere kde 4's ark won't have rar support22:35
jjessehello Riddell any in-laws showing up?22:35
cheguevarabecause the author couldn't get it done before feature freeze22:35
Riddelljjesse: not today thankfully22:36
nosrednaekimRiddell: so what settings should this app have? like desktop size,shadows, and the fade animation? just basic stuff?22:36
fdovingouch, konsole4 does not have the 'drop-url-popup-menu' anymore.22:37
fdovingneed to type wget myself, or kfmclient copy :|22:37
Riddellnosrednaekim: have you seen the gnome one?22:38
Riddellnosrednaekim: just a very simple app, off, on basic, on bling22:38
Riddellnosrednaekim: oh it also needs to install it (probably using adept-batch)22:38
* mhb 's here if anyone needs him.22:38
nosrednaekimRiddell: no I haven't... I try to stay away from the brown side of the fence22:38
nosrednaekimmhb: you have a UI mockup for the compiz-manager?22:39
mhbyou mean a desktop effects for KDE?22:39
Riddellnosrednaekim: http://ramkumarshankar.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/10/gutsy-appearance.png22:39
RiddellI don't think that the final one they have but it's close22:40
cheguevaradoes compiz's kde window manager work nicely yet22:40
mhbI've got more than that.22:40
nosrednaekimRiddell: not enough options there.... too Gnomish ;)22:42
mhbnosrednaekim: check the code out, and work on it!22:43
nosrednaekimmhb: cool :D22:43
mhbnosrednaekim: the UI is almost complete, and there's a Qt4 and KDE3 frontend.22:43
nosrednaekimwow... you work fast22:44
nosrednaekimok, this is a crazy idea... is it possible to use kwin4 in kde3?22:47
nosrednaekimand bypass compiz all-togther?22:47
Riddellmhb: does it have any functionality?22:47
cheguevaraRiddell, there's a po folder in kcoloredit shouldn't all translations be in l10n-kde422:48
Riddellcheguevara: extragear apps will include their own translations22:49
cheguevaraoh right22:50
mhbRiddell: unfortunately not.22:50
mhbsomeone has to write the config-writing part.22:50
mhband the config-detection ... well the hard stuff.22:50
nosrednaekimmhb: you did the fun part! :D22:51
nosrednaekimI don't hear any remorse..22:52
nosrednaekimi'll look into it :D22:52
cheguevaraRiddell, is there anything special that needs to be done in debian/rules for the translations in this case or with cdbs handle it22:57
Riddellcheguevara: the normal compile will handle it22:58
cheguevaraRiddell, cool thanks22:58
nosrednaekimmhb: ok, so all the hard stuff gets called from enable and disable? aren't there going to be different level?23:01
mhbnosrednaekim: not sure what you mean ...23:03
mhbbut feel free to do whatever you want23:03
nosrednaekimmhb: ok23:04
mhbhmm, you're not able to commit, are you.23:05
nosrednaekimmhb: nope, and what I was asking didn't make any sense.... I just read it again and I was confused :D23:06
nosrednaekimmhb: I suppose I could always branch it23:06
ardchoilleHmm.. I'm be interested in a screenshot of dolphin running in kde4. I hear the dolphin in kde4 is much different than dolphin in gutsy23:07
nosrednaekimardchoille: good take a look at the KDE4-RC2 release announcement23:08
ardchoillenosrednaekim: Thanks23:10
ardchoilleI'll have to wait until I buy some blacnk cd's, tho23:10
nosrednaekimardchoille: no, they have pictures on it :D23:10
nosrednaekimardchoille: if you need a more specific picture I can probably take one.23:10
ardchoillenosrednaekim: The only thing I see is a link to download the kde4 livecd23:11
nosrednaekimardchoille:I meant the offical kde one, on kde.org23:11
ardchoilleUnless you are talking about a different release announcement23:11
ardchoilleAh, ok23:11
ardchoilleWow, those guys work fast: 11th December 2007 - KDE 4.0 Release Candidate 12 Released23:12
ardchoillerc12 has been released :)23:12
nosrednaekimsomeone has a eeepc and some big hands..23:12
cheguevaraeeepc uses kde 3.4.223:14
cheguevaracouldn't they use 3.5...23:14
ardchoilleWow, systemsettings seems to have been improved as well23:15
ardchoilleBack in a bit. Time to image my partitions.23:18
iRonRiddell: finished with unmounting.. :)23:45
RiddelliRon: crivvens23:51
iRon:) i'll refactor code a bit, and will send you a patch.23:53
RiddelliRon: great23:54
* Riddell impressed by the number of torrent sites carrying the kde 4 cd23:57
nosrednaekimour kde4 CD?23:58
cheguevararight kcoloredit uploaded to revu23:59

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