
Meznalioth, if you're still around, could you add me on the ops list for #kubuntu-offtopic ?00:02
goukiWell, I'm about to go live with the thing. If anyone wants to check the list of channels: ubuntuircstats.org/list.txt00:23
goukiI'll be back in a few!00:23
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
ubotustdin called the ops in #ubuntu (AlgorthmicContro dangerous command)00:43
elkbuntuhe's doing other channels now too00:45
elkbuntuhe hit up u-w00:46
PriceChildWe should organise a Council meeting sometime.01:46
LjLbetter later than sooner01:49
somerville32lol @ LjL01:52
ubotufignew called the ops in #kubuntu ()03:31
naliothnixternal: klined03:34
nixternalhe was doing the same garbage last night03:34
naliothhe's been doing the same thing for weeks03:34
naliothdifferent nick03:34
ubotukahrytan called the ops in #ubuntu (skyfalcon866)04:34
ubotuskyfalcon866 called the ops in #ubuntu (kahrytan)04:34
ardchoilleerm, sorry, ut that's a bit humerous04:35
ubotuskyfalcon866 called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (pici)04:36
ubotuskyfalcon866 called the ops in #ubuntu+1 (ubotu)04:38
nixternalwhat happened to ops in +104:38
PiciI dont have access there.04:38
nixternalsomeone ban that idiot04:38
tonyyarussonixternal: who / why ?04:38
nixternalwhy: because he is an idiot04:39
PiciI just removed them from #ubuntu04:39
tonyyarussoquick log summary perhaps?04:39
Pici23:31:58 <skyfalcon866> ubuntu is a fresh pile of monkey poop04:39
Pici23:32:15 <Dr_willis> skyfalcon866,  demand a refund then.04:39
Pici23:33:10 <skyfalcon866> ubuntu is a fresh pile of monkey poop04:39
Pici23:33:46 <skyfalcon866> Ubuntu is one of them simple distros04:39
Pici23:33:56 <kahrytan> !op | skyfalcon86604:39
PiciThen he !opsed at kahrytan, at which point I banned him.04:39
nixternaldon't sit there and stair at the f'n troll04:41
vorianone of them simple ones04:41
nixternalstare too04:41
tonyyarussonixternal: Sorry - fresh install - had to go find the op script :S04:41
nixternalI used to, or thought I used to, have ops in there04:41
tonyyarussoWhich incidentally is still on the backup on the external hard drive04:42
tonyyarussoI don't know why you wouldn't...04:42
nixternallol... /abk04:42
ardchoilletonyyarusso: There's an ops script?04:42
nixternalirssi screaming - YOU DON"T HAVE ABK!!!04:42
PiciI use a bunch of irssi aliases04:42
ardchoilleOh, auto_bleh.pl04:42
ardchoillelove that script04:42
nixternalit is the easiest04:42
vorianhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/USTeams/Ircops for xchat....04:42
ardchoillethank you nixternal (wrt #kubuntu)04:43
tonyyarussoardchoille: yeah, a slightly customized version of bleh is what I use.04:43
nixternalI knew he would be doing that04:43
Piciatopance (sp) posted a bunch of aliases on his blog, from which I slightly modified for myself on irssi.04:43
nixternaland then he messages me with "I'm done"04:43
tonyyarussoPici: pon04:43
ardchoilletonyyarusso: I got my version from tomaw.net04:44
no0ticPici, url please :)04:44
ardchoillenixternal: Yes, he *is* done, lol04:44
nixternalexactly what I told him :)04:44
nixternalI said "yes you are, have a nice day"04:44
vorianah, atoponce wrote it based off seveas' chanserv.py script04:44
Picino0tic:  http://www.pthree.org/2007/07/11/irssi-chanserv-and-nickserv-helper-aliases/04:45
ardchoillePici: Thanks04:45
tonyyarussoardchoille: I got mine from Seveas, who had gotten it from someone else and added some bits, and then I added some bits.04:46
tonyyarussomethinks auto_bleh should have some bzr repositories04:46
ardchoilleI agree04:46
tonyyarussoI made it add anyone I removed/banned to my hilight list by hostmask.  Can be pretty handy in recognizing people.04:47
nixternaltotally, and it needs to be updated so it doesn't spit all of that info out at you04:47
nixternalit floods a screen when you ban/kick someone04:47
tonyyarussoI'd imagine that's as simple as commenting out some print statements04:50
nixternalya, but looking at perl is like looking at myself in the mirror..one huge mess :)04:51
crdlblovely bit of spam from LCh in #ubuntu ...04:55
no0ticwhere can I find auto_bleh.pl?04:55
naliothno0tic: Uncle Google will show you04:56
no0ticnalioth, I found this http://rzlab.ucr.edu/debian/auto_bleh.pl_   didn't find the "official" page if exists04:58
no0ticnalioth, alsa found a tomaw page on this04:58
ardchoilleno0tic: I use tomaw's version04:58
tonyyarussono0tic: no idea - I've only seen it transferred by DCC and the like :P04:58
no0ticand there's no google for dcc transfers :)04:59
no0ticah, http://ircarc.com/network/freenode/   <--- another logging bots site..05:00
crdlbk-lined long ago :)05:02
no0ticfine :)05:03
no0ticlol a little bit of doc or comments in the script would help :)05:20
naliothno0tic: are you busy?05:22
no0ticnalioth, no, I'm trying to understand every command of auto_bleh.pl05:23
no0ticnalioth, ok, then I will document it..05:23
naliothno0tic: the server sent you a message05:24
no0tic16/12 06:21:43 [freenode] -!- you: No such nick/channel05:24
spr0k3ttest please06:16
naliothhave you followed the instructions, spr0k3t ?06:18
spr0k3tI went back to my own network... I had to use a neighbors for a while.06:22
spr0k3tI know my router/network is good.06:22
naliothok, you can rejoin #ubuntu now (and welcome back home)   :D06:23
spr0k3tyeah, no kidding... power is back on.  thank god the battery backup I have lasted me for longer than a day.06:24
ubotuIn ubotu, four-o-four said: This is an autoreply: I am not currently available, please leave your message.I'll get back at you as soon as possible.09:18
Garythats what my ansaphone says09:19
ubotusoldats called the ops in #ubuntu ([MxPm]Synz-Nein)10:07
ubotusoldats called the ops in #ubuntu ([MxPm]Synz-Nein)10:08
Garydamnit, we need more ops in #ubuntu10:09
no0ticlol :)10:09
Garywhats the ubuntu koren support channel?10:11
ubotuArelis called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:12
Garythanks tomaw10:13
tomawDo you have a korean support channel at all?10:14
Garythat was not korean, afaik10:15
tomawHe's said it is to me and some other staff10:15
Garybut yeah, #ubuntu-ko10:15
ubotuIn ubotu, four-o-fou1 said: This is an autoreply: I am not currently available, please leave your message.I'll get back at you as soon as possible.10:16
no0tictomaw, I saw you use auto_bleh.pl, does it ban other stuff other than hostname?10:16
tomawnope, it only does hostnames currently10:17
no0ticafyk is there anything like that for weechat?10:18
tomawI've not really looked at weechat too much10:22
tomawIt has lots of scripting support though, so it would hopefully not be too difficult to create10:22
no0ticI'm trying to spread the use of auto_bleh to the others -it ops, but few use irssi..10:24
tomawAh :)10:24
tomawYou could ask in #weechat, they seem quite friendly people10:24
Garychanserv.py works well for xchat10:24
no0tictomaw, thanks :)10:25
ubotuIn ubotu, four-o-fou1 said: This is an autoreply: I am not currently available, please leave your message.I'll get back at you as soon as possible.10:26
Garywow, so much idle chatter in #ubuntu this morning10:28
wolsis anyone awak?10:34
wolssnmpee is trolling in #ubuntu10:35
wolstomaw: are you awake still maybe?10:35
tomawI am10:35
wolscan you again police ubuntu and rid them of aegis and snmpee?10:37
wolsvery much a rules digression there10:37
tomawI can take a look, certainly10:38
tomawpesky nick completion10:40
* Dave2 hands tomaw a mind-reading tab key10:44
Dave2I'm sure it'll come in handy.10:45
no0ticwrong knockout? :)10:45
tomawI only used +q, so it didn't really matter too much10:47
ardchoilleIf more help is needed in #ubuntu, I'll gladly help out if someone adds me to the access list for that channel.10:55
* Hobbsee joins it, to watch10:57
tomawI banned [MxPm]Synz-Nein and removed him from the channel10:58
tomawHe's not exactly being polite to me in private and I can believe that he's sending users crap when they talk10:59
tomawAnyway, that's me gone for a bit.  Enjoy :)10:59
Garythanks tomaw11:00
jussi01hiya all11:00
ardchoillehi jussi0111:00
jussi01hiya ardchoille11:00
jussi01who are the bot gurus among us?11:01
Hobbseedepends on the def'n of a bot guru11:03
jussi01just my bot is being naughty... keeps deciding to join #ubuntu and #kubuntu if I start her. sigh... dunno how to fix it and Im sure nobody wants it in there... :(11:03
Hobbseejussi01: what bot?11:04
jussi01Hobbsee: just a private one of my own. I used it once as a backup for ubotu and now it wont not join. (bot name she_said)11:05
Hobbseejussi01: yeah, but what is it/11:05
Hobbseewhat type of bot?11:05
jussi01ubotu clone basically.11:06
Hobbseeit should be in the .conf file that you specified, then11:06
stdinin "supybot.networks.[NetworkName].channels: ..."11:06
jussi01Hobbsee: yeah, I played with that, but it didnt seem to do anything.11:06
Hobbseewhile the bot is not running (where it will hose your changes if it is), remove the cahnnels from the autojoin11:06
* jussi01 goes to look11:06
jussi01see, i have: supybot.networks: freenode11:07
jussi01thats it11:07
Hobbseewhich is correct11:08
Hobbseebut it's got channels listed there11:08
Hobbseedid you have the bot running while you were playing?11:08
jussi01ahhh, found it now.11:08
stdinyou can edit it with "@config supybot.networks.freenode.channels: #channels #you #want" if it's running (where '@' is the character it responds to)11:08
jussi01ok, all sorted! :)11:09
jussi01thanks Hobbsee stdin11:09
Hobbseeyou're welcome11:14
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
PriceChild Bandwidth Down/Up(kbps)  2356 / 14416:06
PriceChildThat's madness16:06
somerville32PriceChild, how so?16:18
wolssomerville32: so low, you go mad over it?16:19
somerville32I'm downgrading to 1mbs/128kbs16:20
somerville32Is it that horrible?16:20
somerville32I currently have 7mbs down/256kb up16:20
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
kbrookssomerville32, wow, that's ~7 seconds for a 1GB file16:21
kbrooksbut thats a estimate16:21
somerville32You mean for a 100mb file?16:22
kbrookssomerville32, yes, thats right, i was wrong ;-)16:22
MyrttiI've got 512/ something16:22
MyrttiI'm happy as can be16:22
Myrttimobile Internet <316:22
jussi01i have 5/3 atm, until I get my sorry butt down to the place and order my 10/1016:23
* jussi01 hugs Myrtti - spring is good!!16:23
Myrttiyou mean the theme?16:24
Myrttijust emailed them a new version16:24
jussi01Myrtti: yep!16:24
Myrttiand a fresh new screenshot16:24
jussi01Myrtti: Im off to check it out.. :)16:24
Myrttiand a brand new theme too16:24
MyrttiI wonder how long it'll take them to actually update it to the site ;-)16:24
jussi01Myrtti: any chance of an email with it coming my way?16:26
Myrttitake a catch, trying to send it as dcc16:29
jussi01hmmm, how do i accept that in irssi...??16:31
Myrtti/dcc get <nick>16:32
Myrttianother one coming16:33
Myrttibasically the new one is like the old, but it acts more nicely if you have a dark background color16:37
jussi01ahhh, nice16:37
MyrttiI think I also have tweaked the hilights someway16:37
jussi01highlight me?16:37
Myrttijussi01: are you positive?16:37
jussi01yes!! I like it!16:38
Myrtti/me doesn't like hilighting people in vain16:38
Myrtti/me doesn't like hilighting people in vain, jussi0116:38
Myrttithe hilight with not b0rked /me is broken still16:38
MyrttiI should have a look at that16:38
jussi01hmmm, when you higlight like the second time, it comes up with: RedMyrtti16:39
Myrttiit does?16:39
Myrttiwhich one?16:39
jussi01<+RedMyrtti> /me doesn't like hilighting people in vain, jussi0116:40
Myrttispring or dark_winter?16:40
Myrttifunny, doesn't do that with me16:40
Myrtti/me pokes it more16:40
jussi01hmmm, maybe its my konsole doing funny stuff..16:41
jussi01Ill try xterm... brb16:41
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
jussi01gah, that was horrible16:45
Myrttiis the flashplugin still b0rken?17:31
LjLpeople complain about it17:34
LjLbut it's been removed from the topic17:34
LjLi suppose whoever removed it had their reasons17:35
jussi01it should be fixed17:38
jussi01where is ikonia ?17:38
LjLhi assilva, can we help you?17:39
assilvaLjL, pla17:40
assilvaLjL, nao thanks17:40
LjLassilva, uhm, then may i know why you joined?17:40
assilvaLjL, obrigado eu so entrei para conhecer17:40
no0ticthanks, I joined to know17:42
LjLjussi01: he said thanks i just joined out of curiosity17:42
jussi01ahhh, thank you :)17:42
PriceChildsomerville32, because I spend about 40 weeks of the year on 18/2.5 M17:49
somerville32: O17:50
* somerville32 dies.17:50
* PriceChild grins17:50
* jussi01 steals PriceChild's bandwidth...17:51
MyrttiPriceChild: with all due respect and from the bottom of my heart with all my love: shuddup.17:52
PriceChildI betcha wanna kill the dong hey?17:52
jussi01the dongs connection is very enviable.... Lynch him!!!17:53
* PriceChild runs off whilst you're all distracted17:54
somerville32what does jdong have?17:54
PriceChildsomerville32, he's at MIT ;)17:55
PriceChildwell not now, tis back for hols17:55
PriceChildMyrtti, flashpluggin is fixed in -proposed I think.17:55
somerville32PriceChild, Unless you use konq17:56
somerville32It kills konq17:57
tonyyarussoWhat happened to it btw?18:05
somerville32md5sum mismatch18:06
somerville32(ie. new version of Flash)18:06
Jack_Sparrowlokito is insulting us18:12
somerville32Jack_Sparrow, where?18:14
Jack_Sparrowin ubuntu18:14
Jack_Sparrowin spanish18:14
jdongtonyyarusso: macromedia has a single install_flash_9.tar.gz type file that may change versions, hence md5sums, as Adobe puts out new versions18:17
jdongtonyyarusso: and the "archived" versions are in a 60MB tarball with every version released in the past decade18:17
jdongretarded upstream syndrome, in other words :)18:17
tonyyarussojdong: aaah18:17
PriceChildGrr I guess that was a server death? None of my other connections reset so hoping its not just me19:06
LjLPriceChild: it's just you19:06
PriceChildGrrr what's going on with me then :/19:06
Garyyou is br0ken19:07
naliothhi sysdef19:29
sysdefhi nalioth19:29
sysdefi need to test the performance of a servicebot for #ubuntu-de* and i need a hightraffic channel. so i want to ask for permission to join #ubuntu and i want a quiet for it. is there a way?19:30
naliothsysdef: we can quiet it alright, we just want to know that it's not gonna be otw disruptive19:31
ompaulsysdef, what are its names?19:32
sysdefthe bot will just join, stay there for a while for masurement and part. not spamming or public loggin of course19:32
sysdefompaul: xbot19:32
ompaulnalioth, you want to do it19:32
naliothompaul: i just wanted everyone to know about it19:33
ompaulas they should ;-)19:33
sysdefompaul: i actually do a rewrite for shetlandpony, the servicebot of #ubuntu-de*19:33
ompaulits is bonned19:33
ompaulmuted even19:34
naliothahh, ok19:34
naliothompaul: it's not always gonna be identified19:34
ompaulnalioth, true but atm it will be19:34
sysdefthanks a lot. i'll tell when the tests are over 8)19:34
ompaulnalioth, if I see it not ided then I'll give it a lash19:34
naliothompaul: look at #ubuntu scrollback19:35
ompaulnalioth, to be sure to be sure :)19:36
LjLban the ident19:37
LjL(mute that is)19:37
ompaulLjL, it is now19:37
sysdeffirst test was nice. old engine need about 2 sec. to proceed 50 channel user. the new one need >4 sec. for 1270 user19:47
tonyyarussosysdef: engine of what now?19:48
tonyyarussooh, nvm  /me reads scrollback19:48
sysdefi'll stay in #ubuntu-irc and poke when the test over 8)19:49
ompaulMez, got connection problems?19:50
ompaulheads up19:50
ompaul 19:50
PriceChildWho gave him fish?!19:51
ompaulI just ban forwarded this nick: Sinobeus aka Sinobeus aka Dmitrys aka W0lD  to name but a few19:51
PriceChildThat's mine :(19:51
ompaulnickspam was the reason19:51
ompaulcan't comment it yet19:53
Mezompaul, bip proxy sucks19:54
ompaulMez, suggest direct connection19:54
Mezompaul, it just sucks19:55
* tonyyarusso wonders whether other Ubunteros one too many mailing lists would find the results of his e-mail reorg. helpful19:55
ompaultonyyarusso, mail is a pain if you can help document and get some quite opinions and then consider19:56
Mezfor F***K sake19:57
tonyyarussoompaul: sure.  Mostly it's been transforming what was essentially an one-layer "all things floss" folder into multiple levels of logical sense19:57
ompaulMez, connect directly and id to the server19:57
ompaultonyyarusso, it is the only way to survive19:58
Mezompaul, I'm commected directly now19:58
ompauldid it years ago19:58
tonyyarussoThat and filters to go along with them. - also essential.19:58
ompaulMez, now /msg nickserv etc19:58
ompaultonyyarusso, procmail evolution thunderbird19:58
tonyyarussoI had things like Ubuntu/Lists/sounder before, but Ubuntu/Lists has like 70 things in it, not arranged below that level prior to this week.19:58
tonyyarussoompaul: procmail?19:59
Mezompaul, I'm not that much of an idiot - lol - just too used to being auto-id'd19:59
ompaultonyyarusso, google is your friend -19:59
ompaulMez, you may not have noticed that you had not ided that was all19:59
tonyyarussoompaul: I'm semi-familiar with what it is, I think, but I'm not sure what it does for me.19:59
ompaultonyyarusso, ;-)19:59
ompaultonyyarusso, smart host rules and grabs and delivers to such an infrastructure20:00
tonyyarussoompaul: One thing I _really_ want to do is strip off the annoying "[marketing]" and such bits from subject lines so I can read the real subject.  Can procmail do that?  (IMAP, btw)20:00
ompaulprocmail could help you20:00
ompaulcould but your scripting will be smarter20:01
ompaultonyyarusso, that is interesting how do you follow threads then20:01
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kbrooksum, ompaul20:02
tonyyarussoompaul: I already know that it's from the marketing mailing list from the Reply-To line - I don't need redundant information.20:02
kbrooksompaul, utty is asking "anyone know a key gen for hsfmodem to enable full speed"20:02
kbrooksompaul, in #ubuntu20:02
ompaulkbrooks,  no idea20:03
* tonyyarusso will take that one.20:03
ompaulis that a piracy issue20:03
ompaulor something20:03
kbrooksompaul, "key gen"... illegal20:03
kbrooksyes a piracy issue it seems20:03
kbrooksompaul, np20:04
tonyyarussoompaul: It is, yes.20:05
* tonyyarusso has an hsfmodem as well, and a purchased key20:05
tonyyarussoThey offer a trial version so people can check that they've actually found the right driver for their modem, but if it works, it's limited to 11 kbps instead of 53.  For $19.99 you get an enabling code to up it to full speed.20:06
kbrookstonyyarusso, well, i marked that question as offtopic :)20:06
tonyyarussoAside from asking other people to share their keys, you should also be aware that their are instructions floating through the tubes for doing it without a key by modifying a bit in a hex editor, which I haven't tried, but from what I've seen has like a 50/50 success (probably depending on version differences)20:07
kbrookstonyyarusso, Thank you for that.20:10
tonyyarussoAt least I can put that week of my life I lost learning about winmodems to some good use...20:10
kbrookstonyyarusso, hehe :-)20:11
=== gouki_ is now known as gouki
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
PriceChildnalioth, elkbuntu, LjL, Thoughts on ubuntu/bot cloak for ubuntustats?20:38
PriceChild( http://ubuntuircstats.org )20:38
naliothdo we want it being 'official' ?20:38
PriceChildI'm not sure........? :)20:40
tonyyarussoIt would be nice for it to gain that status, but I'm not sure about it at the moment, as I haven't followed recent developments on that front.20:40
* tonyyarusso used to talk to the guy running it regularly, hasn't in months.20:40
naliothhe's been away for months20:40
ompaulcurrently on my player20:41
tonyyarussoompaul: Where would I find that song?20:43
LjLPriceChild: i'd like to see a link to the source code used on the web page20:45
PriceChildgouki, ^20:46
goukiAnd BTW, hi tonyyarusso :)20:46
goukiLjL: The .html pages you see with the statistics are created by a .c script, called irssistats.20:46
LjLgouki: yes, i knew that was the case, but i think it would be nice if it were stated, at least as a tribute to the developers of irssistats20:47
tonyyarussooh hey gouki20:47
goukiLjL: It is stated. On the page of every channel statistics20:48
gouki(scroll to the bottom of the page)20:49
tonyyarussowhat is the URL these days?  (And why can't I find it out easily?)20:50
LjLuhm ok, still wouldn't mind a mention on the main page, but i guess it's ok anyway20:50
LjLPriceChild: i'm fine with a cloak20:51
goukitonyyarusso: It has a second-level domain now (ubuntuircstats.org)20:51
goukiI still haven't blogged or told anyone about it, besides talking about it on this channel20:51
tonyyarussoWould you mind if we did?20:51
goukitonyyarusso: No, not at all20:52
LjLgouki also, can you please give the bot a more meaningful ident than "bot"... "ubuntustats" probably doesn't fit, but "ustats" or something20:52
tonyyarusso!ircstats is <reply> Fun statistics about some Ubuntu IRC channels are available at http://www.ubuntuircstats.org/.  LoCo team leaders can also request to have their channel stats collected.20:53
ubotuI'll remember that, tonyyarusso20:53
tonyyarussogouki: do you list the LoCo ones elsewhere, or has noone asked?20:54
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/20:54
LjL!no logs is <reply> Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ - See also « /msg ubotu ircstats »20:55
ubotuI'll remember that LjL20:55
LjL!no ircstats is <reply> Fun statistics about some Ubuntu IRC channels are available at http://www.ubuntuircstats.org/ - LoCo team leaders can also request to have their channel stats collected.20:55
LjLtonyyarusso: better to avoid periods after URLs20:55
tonyyarusso(Note: !stats is taken by an internal Supybot function.)20:55
LjL(or any punctuation without a space ftm)20:56
ubotuI'll remember that LjL20:56
tonyyarussoLjL: True.20:56
LjLtonyyarusso, it should work anyway20:56
LjL!stats is <alias> ircstats20:56
ubotuI'll remember that, LjL20:56
ubotuFun statistics about some Ubuntu IRC channels are available at http://www.ubuntuircstats.org/ - LoCo team leaders can also request to have their channel stats collected.20:56
tonyyarussoLjL: I wasn't going to without checking with Sev* about whether he actually wanted that information available.20:56
goukiLjL: Working on it. tonyyarusso, no one asked20:57
LjLtonyyarusso: uh... what information?20:57
tonyyarussogouki: Intriguing.  Care to make #ubuntu-us-mn the first then, just for giggles?  Not sure how much that impacts your system resources, so if it's a problem don't, but it could be cool.20:57
ompaultonyyarusso, it is from the 50s20:58
tonyyarussoLjL: 14:48 <ubotu> I have 55 registered users with 30 registered hostmasks; 1 owner and 2 admins.20:58
goukitonyyarusso: Sure. I'm thinking about going with the first LoCo request. After a few I'll have to start ignoring request, cause otherwise, the VPS just won't be able to take it.20:58
somerville32Is the bot in #xubuntu, -devel, and -ofttopic ?20:58
LjL!forget stats20:59
ubotuI'll forget that, LjL20:59
goukisomerville32: Not on -offtopic20:59
LjLsomerville32: it is20:59
LjLah well not on x-offtopic no20:59
tonyyarussogouki: where we you running the bot before btw?  Just a home machine?  I'd love to, but I can't seem to find someone easily that will allow IRC bots.  (Would prefer if I could make the shell account part free, since I am paying for web hosting now.)21:00
goukitonyyarusso: VPSLink.com21:00
LjLtonyyarusso: free shell account allowing bots? hardly.21:00
tonyyarussogouki: probably should add that one too, since the other two offtopics are included21:00
goukitonyyarusso: Done21:01
goukitonyyarusso: VPSLink.com is not expensive, and it's kinda cool for this kind of stuff21:02
somerville32How often do the pages get updated?21:03
goukisomerville32: I'm going to configure cron to run irssistats every 5 minutes21:03
somerville32Can you run it now? :D21:03
goukiGenerating all the .html from the different channels21:03
goukisomerville32: Heheh. Sure21:03
ompaulgouki, given the sheer numbers 10 mins is more like sane21:03
ompaulgouki, so it gets to rest21:04
goukisomerville32: Done21:04
goukiompaul: yeah, probably not a bad idea :)21:04
tonyyarussogouki: what timezone is the server in?21:04
goukitonyyarusso: Don't know. I configured it to UTC21:04
tonyyarussogouki: ah, that's what I really meant anyway21:05
goukiguys, just so I can organize irssistats conf file, do you think all the main ubuntu channels are there?21:07
* tonyyarusso goes to look in his logs directory21:07
tonyyarussogouki: +1 and -locoteams are the other potentially interesting ones I can think of.21:11
goukitonyyarusso: Good idea! I'll take care of it.21:13
Jack_Sparrowck omar..21:14
goukiGTG. I'll come back after dinner and hopefully finish everything up.21:16
PriceChildPelo has been removed from #ubuntu access by his request.22:02
somerville32PriceChild, Do you need to update the factoid?22:03
PriceChildsomerville32, no.22:03
PriceChild!no ops-#ubuntu-us is <reply> Help! nixternal. pleia2. atoponce. etank. Zelut or jono!22:09
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild22:09
LjLuhm i knew that they used . rather than , for *decimal numbers* in the US22:10
LjLbut i didn't think that applied to lists of ops as well22:10
* ompaul buys LjL a nice tea22:12
ikoniathat is the usa style tea22:13
PriceChildLjL, whoops... my right hand too far right22:13
PriceChild!no ops-#ubuntu-us is <reply> Help! nixternal, pleia2, atoponce, etank, Zelut or jono!22:13
ubotuI'll remember that PriceChild22:13
ompaulsome data standards would say that there should be no commas in the list22:14
ompaulothers would want one for each22:14
LjLno thanks, i'd rather have nice but not ice22:15
LjLit's already cold enough22:15
LjLdrop table ompaul;22:15
ompauloooch my toe22:16
tonyyarussoRegardless, I really hate having commas between the rest, but not after Zelut.22:16
LjLtonyyarusso: heretic.22:17
tonyyarussoLjL: It introduces grouping ambiguity in multi-word list elements that include joining words.22:17
PriceChildwell you're American :P22:17
PriceChildWe english has proper grammer.22:17
PriceChildand spelling22:18
PriceChild#ubuntu is looking odd..22:19
=== Mez is now known as Mez__
LjLtonyyarusso: (to (really remove) ambiguity) ((you would (have to)) use (a ((much more) sophisticated) (parenthesizing system)))22:20
tonyyarussoLjL: Agreed.22:20
* tonyyarusso sometimes actually does that22:20
LjLPriceChild: thank you for telling us everything's normal22:20
LjLmc44 does that too22:20
PriceChildWell <AcidBurn>, then <linuxfree> and a few other joins...22:20
tonyyarussoLjL: But that's no excuse for unnecessarily adding a layer of confusion that has no other reason to be there than that you felt like it.22:21
LjLtonyyarusso: and perhaps the fact that "," is a separator and "or" is also a separator, so redundant separators don't make much sense. also the somewhat vestigial, but still not negligible, fact that a comma is/was used to indicate a pause in speech, pause which is not pronounced (at least by me) between the last two elements of a list separated by "and" or "or".22:22
tonyyarussoLjL: really?  I totally put a pause there.22:24
LjLtonyyarusso: well perhaps that might explain why americans tend to like the comma there.22:25
somerville32It is optional but I generally put it22:27
somerville32One, two, three, and four.22:28
PriceChildkbrooks, wols, can I help you?22:42
naliothupgrading to gutsy, brb22:43
ompaulmneptok, I see RMS and TDR are having fistycuffs on a mailing list near openbsd22:55
tomawompaul: oh?23:14
PriceChildkbrooks, wols, can I help you?23:14
ompaulmneptok,  tomaw, it is painful: http://www.nabble.com/Real-men-don%27t-attack-straw-men-tt14256924r0.html23:14
kbrooksPriceChild, if you dont want me here i'll go23:15
ardchoilleBack in a bit. Time to image my partitions.23:18

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