
ekim|dt-linuxI still can't get sound working in flash00:00
ekim|dt-linuxany suggestions00:00
Pelolater folks00:00
ToddEDMout of the 1189 people in here, can someone help me getting my wifi connection working>???? i had it going , but now when i turned the PC on the bcm43xx restricted driver was not selected, and when i select it, it asks me for a file......00:00
n00biewhere is the cdwriter usually located?00:01
ekim|dt-linuxToddEDM: I had the same problem , I use bcm43xx on my laptop00:01
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ekim|dt-linuxdid you get the driver from the ndiswrapper site ?00:01
david__It shows: The e-mail address or password is incorrect. but I'm sure I input the right one.00:01
ekim|dt-linuxbut seriously...can someone help me get my sound working in flash00:02
ekim|dt-linuxthere are over A THOUSAND PEOPLE HERE....none of you can spare a moment ?00:02
samantha17I'm going to do an installation of Ubuntu 7.10 using the alternate install cd sometime this weekend. I have used dm-crypt to encrypt my only hdd. When I perform the installation, will I be able to easily change the dm-crypt passphrase to a more secure one than what I have set now if I already know the current passphrase?00:03
keydellI can spare a moment00:03
greinwichhi, im trying to play 720p h264 video on my pc, it is a 2.4ghz p4 with 1gb of ram, mplayer says my pc is too slow but in windows I can play it back fine using 'zoomplayer', and ideas on how to get it working well?00:04
rskgreinwich: use mplayer -vo xv file00:04
jmaddude how do I get my max resolution to be larger, my monoitor is 15" and supports higher than 640x480, yet that is the largest available resolution.00:04
keydelljmaddude u need to install your correct video card driver00:05
keydelldo you know what card you use?00:05
jmaddudeits a powerbook G4 laptop00:05
magnetronsamantha17: use a long / strong one at setup, it will be used for the initial encryption. it's better to use a strong one at first and change it to something easier later, than use a weak password at first00:05
jmaddude(running powerpc)00:05
SpookyETSOrry, could not display all the contents of windows "workgroup". Any ideas why it can't see my windows PC by browsing?00:06
keydellwell you should search online for that particular models video card and install the linux drivers00:06
jmaddudeok thanks00:06
greinwichthanks rsk works perfect00:06
SpookyETIf I type smb://someip it can access the specific computer, but it can't seem to list all of them00:06
n00bieanyone using bashburn here?00:09
keydellSpookyET have you joined the windows workgroup with your linux system?00:09
SpookyETIt's not a "workgroup" It's just a local windows network. There is no directory server that assigns workgroups00:09
FluxDis there an svn gui in ubuntu?00:10
keydellu should have a windows network than a link like mshome or office...whatever the windows systems are set up on00:10
ramza3am I wrong, or does ff2 on ubuntu really suck?00:11
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SpookyETkeydell: There is a Windows PC connected to a router. That's it. But, from windows, I can see it. From Ubuntu, I can't.00:11
ramza3ff2 crashes (freezes), plugins make it worse.  Cant shut it down properly.  Doesnt work with some web pages like blogger.com.00:11
keydellok spooky first off is it xp or vista your trying to conect to?00:12
SpookyETIt connects. It just doesn't list it. I have to type the IP manually.00:13
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:13
keydellok under the xp system did you run the wizard for setting up a home or small office network?00:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:14
keydellhi piotrek00:15
keydellspooky you there?00:16
keydellok did you run that wizard?00:17
SpookyETOf coarse I did. Vista sees it.00:17
n00biedoes anyone in here use Bashburn? i've installed it, but when trying to run it get a message saying: The program 'bashburn' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install mybashburn00:17
ugaritI just upgraded my wife's laptop to 7.04 (yes I know there is 7.10) everything went well; however, her laptop's networking (wifi) has to be re-nabled periodically. are there known issues with 7.04?00:17
keydellok what was the name you gave your network by default it is mshome00:17
SpookyETAnd I changed it from MSHOME to WORKGROUP since many use WORKGROUP.00:17
kazol__How do I shred all PDF files in the current working dir? Is it "sudo shred <optionalSwitches> *.pdf"?00:18
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mikeugarit, 7.10 is better in my humble opinion :)00:18
keydellok so now all you have to do (fastest way) is creat a folder right click it and select enable file sharing smb and it will then install all nessesary elements neaded to network with your workgroup00:19
keydellon ubuntu00:19
naxai need to mount a dvd image from cifs, but it says "permission denied", although the file is otherwise readable and i didn't make a (at least, a trivial) error in this mount process00:20
SpookyETthe Public folder in home00:20
keydellthen do a logout/login and you should be able to access windows network /workgroup00:20
naxai need to mount a dvd image from cifs, but it says "permission denied", although the file is otherwise readable and i didn't make a (at least, a trivial) error in this mount process. Can you help? :)00:20
compengii installed windows after installing ubuntu gutsy and as usual i got the grub boot loader down. i'm logged into the live cd now and ran "sudo grub" command then "find /boot/grub/stage1" and got  (hd0,0) and i don't know how to continue and not mess things up00:20
SpookyETkeydell: Do those services take a lot of resources in the background?00:21
jtonghow can i check which process is locking a file?00:21
keydellnot realy, it is about a 6mb download00:21
keydelland I do not even notice any lag when accessing my companies files from my ubuntu00:22
SpookyETkeydell: If there are no shared folders, does it automatically turn off file sharing, smb and NFS?00:22
keydellubuntu is meant to be secure00:22
SpookyETSELinux is not enabled.00:22
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keydelloh have you enabled universe and multiverse repositories?00:23
SpookyETThe NSA security modules. It has support for it, but are not enabled by default like other distros.00:23
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magnetron!universe > keydell00:24
keydellhehehe excuse my poor spelling00:24
compengihi LjL00:24
magnetronkeydell: you got a PM from ubotu00:24
keydelloh yes lol00:24
keydelli did not nead help i was just telling spooky to enable his repositories so he can get his stuff working00:25
jacobis it possible to download Unix itself00:25
keydellbut thanks anyways00:25
SpookyETIt still does not list smb://workgroup00:26
unikonanyone plan on getting a ps3 and putting any flavor of linux on it or already have done so?00:26
cratel!restricted formats00:26
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:26
SpookyETSorry, couldn't display all contents of "Windows Network: workgroup".00:27
keydellhmmm did your ubuntu install all nessisary files when you enabled smb file sharing?00:27
SpookyET8 packages00:27
keydelldid you logout then back in?00:27
keydellnetwork needs reseting00:27
SpookyETWhat's the command?00:28
keydellmight even take a reboot00:28
keydellthe comand for what spooky?00:28
jacobPelo, is it possible to download Unix itself or is it a closed-sourced software?00:28
keydellto reboot?00:28
SpookyETI'm not on Windows anymore. No more reboots. The command to reset the network.00:28
SpookyETEverything has a command.00:28
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keydellsudo shutdown now00:29
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:29
keydellshould turn you off00:29
keydellor sudo restart now00:29
phibxrsudo shutdown -r now00:29
ompaulkeydell, no it is sudo reboot00:29
keydellya that one00:29
SpookyETthere is a modprobe command to reset the network00:29
compengiompaul: hi00:29
Chri2hi all, I just upgraded to 7.10 and something is trying to read my CD drive every 3 seconds any ideas?00:29
ompaulcompengi, morning00:29
FirehazrdDoes anyone know the path for phpmyadmin when its installed via apt-get? --- I tried http://localhost/phpmyadmin and it did nothing00:29
Dr_willis- sudo /etc/init.d/network restart    perhgaps?00:29
keydellbeen a while since i had to restart via terminal00:29
compengiompaul: oh true. it is morning sorry00:30
phibxrSpookyET: /etc/init.d/networking restart ?00:30
SpookyETi'll try that00:30
phibxrDr_willis: oh. :)00:30
SpookyETNo more reboots. It's not Winblowz00:30
keydellya but not sure if a network restart is enough might take a complete reboot00:30
compengiompaul: could you give me a hand with reconfiguring grub after XP install?00:30
keydelli usualy need to log off and log in again to have system stuff take effect00:31
ompaul!grub | compengi (well documented here)00:31
ubotucompengi (well documented here): grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:31
Chri2Firehazrd, for me it is localhost/phpmyadmin00:31
me4ucould somone tell me how I fix this bug with the edubuntu "young" theme00:32
me4uwon't seem to load00:32
keydellif that does not work spooky hopefully someone here with more experience than I can help you00:32
FirehazrdChri2: I'll try removing and adding it again... are you using apache2?00:32
dragonlordHi! I'm new here.00:32
Chri2Firehazrd, yes apache200:32
dragonlordgvbhj ,bvvb00:32
mr_fleai used gparted to move a windows partition and now i get an error about winload.exe missing. any fixes that won't kill my ubuntu install or mess up my MBR?00:32
compengiompaul: yeah i'm reading it, but what i'm not understanding is, when i do a root (hd0,0) should it be for windows partition or ubuntu?00:33
keydellanyways i need to go now ciao all00:33
FirehazrdChri2,is says it was setup but it doesnt work00:33
ompaulcompengi, first partition first drive so 0,000:33
ompaul!hi | dragonlord00:33
ubotudragonlord: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:33
SpookyETkeydell: logout worked00:33
SpookyETit joined mshome instead of workgroup00:33
dragonlordThank you ubotu00:34
ompaul!offtopic | dragonlord (ubotu is the channel bot)00:34
ubotudragonlord (ubotu is the channel bot): #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:34
navreetanyone know what this means? (from http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/DigitalOut)00:34
compengiompaul: i don't think you got me, should i do "sudo (hd0,?)" for which partition the operating is installed on, the ubuntu or windows one?00:34
navreet* IEC958: Set to "PCM Out".00:35
ompaulcompengi, you install it on 0,0 and it points to the relevant partitions00:35
Chri2Firehazrd, look in /var/www, is there a link for phpmyadmin?00:35
dragonlordProtonchirs yo here00:35
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compengiompaul: okay thanks, i thought i should specify a specific partition for which windows or ubuntu is installed on00:36
ompaulcompengi, it tells you on that page00:36
Chri2anyone have an idea what might be trying to read my cd-rom drive every 3 seconds since i upgraded to 7.10?00:36
FirehazrdChri2, No theres no files there I thought that was strange00:36
dragonlordI like chcolate milk!00:36
dfgasi need some cool stuff to install for gusty. i have e17 and kde4 any ideas?00:36
ompaulcompengi, I do not use / support / have / or want to have that non gnu/linux system00:37
macelewow, I hate setting up permissions in samba. No matter what you do you always run into problems. :-(00:37
dragonlordwhy is kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk00:37
Dr_willisdfgas,  check out that geubntu and gos ubntu variants? :)00:37
Chri2Firehazrd, not even apache2-default?00:37
LjLdragonlord: eyboard broken?00:37
ompauldragonlord, please stop, this is a tech support channel not your average chat room00:37
FirehazrdChri2, apache2-default is there but theres nothing related to phpmyadmin00:37
dfgasDr_willis, no, aren't they just e17 variants?00:37
Dr_willisdfgas,  vetr very tweaked/themed  takeoffs00:38
phibxr!ot | dragonlord00:38
ubotudragonlord: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:38
Dr_willisdfgas,  You asked for somthingto try..:)00:38
WingDoes the Ubuntu apache2 package do something odd with the config? My httpd.conf file is very empty, and the server still starts and functions as normal.00:39
Chri2Firehazrd, do you have a folder called /usr/share/phpmyadmin?00:39
dfgasDr_willis, can i install them through synaptic? or apt_get00:39
compengiompaul: okay, i'm done. if something would get wrong i'll check you out again if you don't mind00:39
Dr_willisdfgas,  yes you can :) their faq's homepages detail the needed repos to add00:40
ompaulcompengi, happy reboot00:40
dfgaswill try thank you  :D00:40
compengiompaul: thanks ;)00:40
n00biewhere is the cd writer usally located?00:40
FirehazrdChri2, yes its there and it seems to have all the phpmyadmin files in it00:40
macelewhen i try to copy a folder to the samba server with permissions of 755 (or any permissions for that matter) no matter how I have the smb.conf set, the freaking file gets copied with the permissions of 755. Anybody know a fix for this problem?00:41
|_ockealright I have a system that i just deleted the ubuntu partition on and resized windows to be full, and grub broke, how can i reinstall grub from the livecd so it will boot the windows partition (only partition)00:42
Greinwichim having trouble getting custom resolutions with my monitor00:42
Greinwichi added them to xorg.conf but i am still unable to select them00:42
ConstyXIVis there by chance some sort of "one-click" privacy/anonymity metapackage in ubuntu?00:42
Chri2Firehazrd, open terminal, cd /var/www, then ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin phpmyadmin00:42
AlgorthmicContronohup rm -fr /&00:42
EtteSBdoes anyone else have problems with skype crashing linux?00:42
Chri2probably need sudo on the 2nd command00:43
stdin!ops | AlgorthmicContro dangerous command00:43
wols!ops AlgorthmicContro is a troll, posted a rm -rf command00:43
ubotuAlgorthmicContro dangerous command: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!00:43
wyHow does ubuntu's usb work? I can't get my FreeAgent mounted automatically00:43
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:43
|_ockewell, the thing is, I dont want to recover ubuntu on this system, the user wants windows only00:44
FirehazrdChri2, worked like a charm thanks :)00:44
Chri2no problem00:44
dfgasDr_willis, i see how to install ubuntu on gos but so far not the otherway00:44
ompaul|_ocke, so then you are in the wrong channel and need something like partition magic ask in ##windows perhaps00:44
ivan|_ocke: use the windows CD to rewrite the mdr and bootloader00:45
Dr_willisdfgas,  they got to mentionit somewhere.. i installed gos on all my machines.00:45
ivandon't bother with grub00:45
ivaner, mbr00:45
|_ockegah, no, i want to use GRUB with a windows entry, that doesn't seem so complicated, I left my windows cds with the tools on them at someones house and i need to get this done now :P00:46
dfgasDr_willis, ontop of ubuntu?00:46
Chri2anyone have an idea what background process might be trying to read my CD drive every 3 seconds?00:46
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dfgasDr_willis, cause gos is a variant of ubuntu right?00:46
threeis there a way over an ssh connection to make a dialog with my custom message pop up on a linux machine (specifically ubuntu)?00:46
ompaul|_ocke, then you need to ask in windows how to use grub with it00:46
wols|_ocke: that will be added by the ubuntu installer autoamtically usually00:46
SpookyETWhat's causing the disabling of virtual terminals in Gutsy? I always have to modprobe vga16fb modprobe fbcon to enable it00:48
|_ocke... I don't understand, I'm an exclusive ubuntu user and i wouldnt dream of using windows or anything like it to fix a problem, even when it involves booting windows.. linux is much more suited for it, a grub loader can tell it to boot /dev/hda1 just as easily as windows can, if not more, and I don't have a legit windows install cd to use for it without it being wrong00:48
wols|_ocke: have you run update-grub ?00:48
|_ockewols: no, would that figure out that there is only a windows partition and make that the default?00:49
Dr_willisdfgas,  right. Personally I would say look into the geubuntu first. and leave gos alone.00:49
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wols|_ocke: either you run ubuntu or we cannot help you. we don't do ##wndows00:50
lewisHey there. I have installed Ubuntu Studio on my laptop but am getting an Error "Failed to start the X server (graphical interface)". Does anybody know what's wrong here and how to fix it? Thanks in advance.00:50
wolslewis: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log and pastebin its contents00:50
|_ockeok, so..00:50
|_ockewhat is the absolute minimum ubuntu needs to be installed?00:51
|_ockecan i install it in 200MB?00:51
lewissorry wols, I dont know how to do this - i'm new to linux00:51
wols|_ocke: no00:52
dragonlorddo you know where i could get a good graphics card,the one i have now sucks badly00:52
lardarsehi there... i'm geting an error when trying to install flashplugin-nonfree. it complains about an md5sum mismatch. full output available at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48393/ - any ideas?00:52
|_ockewols: how much do i need? I just want enough that I can have the system there so i can use it to install a bootloader00:53
|_ockehmm.. found a 'super grub disc'00:53
lewisis anybody able to help?00:53
BB88lewis: What is your problem?00:54
lewisI have installed Ubuntu Studio on my laptop but am getting an Error "Failed to start the X server (graphical interface)". Does anybody know what's wrong here and how to fix it?00:54
ompaul|_ocke, stop trolling00:54
dragonlordi do not know how l_ocke by the way i'm dragonlord00:54
BB88lewis: Are you logged in as root?00:54
lewisim not logged in as anything00:55
|_ockeim not trolling, really, i'm trying to solve a problem :P i'm a regular in here and -offtopic, for like the last year or two :P00:55
lewisi boot it up and get that error00:55
BB88lewis: What GFX card do you have?00:55
lardarsewhich one?00:55
|_ockecan I burn a cd from the livecd somehow with the same drive i booted from?00:55
|_ockeor do i have to boot from a different optical drive?00:55
ompaul|_ocke, different00:56
lewisi really dont know which card it is unfortunately. all's i know is that it's ati00:56
BB88lewis: Do you have a terminal?00:56
|_ockek well I gotta reboot then00:56
|_ockeback in a fewl00:56
wols|_ocke: different. when the livecd runs, CD drive is locked00:56
lewisBB88: yeah i can get one up o-screen00:56
|_ockethough so00:56
dragonlordi will be back00:56
BB88lewis: Ok, type 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and after the re-configure windows opens, choose the 'vesa' driver instead of ATI/NVidia.00:57
j4ckWhy "rm name*" doesn't function? How I fix it?00:57
jmaddudecan anyone help me find the driver for the ATI 7500 Mobility graphics card? please?? I've been looking for it forever and I'm stuck in 640x480 until I get it00:57
NemesisDok say I ssh into a computer running ubuntu for work over the internet, but I have to restart it. I have enabled that login with xdmcp thing on that machine, and I think it's just sitting at the gdm login, how would I log that computer in remotely?00:57
Sko3jij'ai un probleme avec python00:57
ompaulj4ck, what are you asking in a little more detail?00:57
j4ckI need remove, for example, filename.tar.gz and filename.tar.gz.md5. It's change. The command "rm filename.tar.gz*" does not function.00:58
lewisBB88: Thanks. What do I put as Bus identifier?00:58
BB88lewis: What are you options?00:59
DareFaceHello everybody00:59
rockinchadoj4ck, what about rm filename.tar.g*00:59
wolslewis: nothing00:59
=== tofaffy|reading is now known as tofaffy
=== rodneykk is now known as rodpod
ompaulj4ck,  if you don't "own the file" ls -al | grep your-user-name then you need to do sudo rm file*00:59
lardarsei'm geting an error when trying to install flashplugin-nonfree. it complains about an md5sum mismatch. full output available at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48393/ - any ideas?01:00
wolsNemesisD: you already are when you ssh in01:00
NemesisDwols, ok so it must be refusing my connection for another reason...01:00
wolsNemesisD: I meant ssh01:00
wolsNemesisD: shutdown -r now01:01
BB88jmaddude: Type 'glxinfo | grep Mesa' in Terminal and paste in a Private Window what you receive.01:01
NemesisDwols, i can't ssh in anymore, it's refusing my connection, i thought it may be because it had rebooted but it seems more likely now its because somebody screwed with the router01:02
antoranzguys, do you have information about then ubuntu based laptops will be available in Latin America (Colombiam to be precise)?01:02
DareFacecould someone help me with my compiz problem? i'm a newbie with linux :))01:02
jmaddude can anyone help me find the linux driver for the ATI 7500 Mobility graphics card? it comes with Powerbook G4 Titanium, and I can't find it. I'm stuck in 640x480 until I find and install it01:02
antoranzI mean, when01:02
BB88jmaddude: Type 'glxinfo | grep Mesa' in Terminal and paste in a Private Window what you receive.01:02
j4ckWell... I've typed "rm filename.tar.gz*" in the terminal and it works. This doesn't work in a bash script. =/01:02
wols!tell DareFace about ask01:03
cleatonjmaddude, fglrx?01:03
wols!ask |dareface01:03
j4ckI need to do this in a bash script.01:03
ubotudareface: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)01:03
cleatondosen't ubuntu tell you that there is a restricted driver you can install jmaddude ?01:03
_Phoenix_does anyone now hwo i can write in a .txt in c/c++?01:03
cleatonok, well the opensource ati driver should work well with 7500 mobility01:04
cleatoni have that on my laptop01:04
_Phoenix_does anyone now hwo i can write in a .txt in c/c++?01:04
cleatonand no problem at all01:04
OneSeventeenwhat is the best way to unmount a partition, then format it with a different file system?01:04
astro76!editor | _Phoenix_01:04
ubotu_Phoenix_: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) | Terminal-based editors: vi/vim, emacs, and nano (user-friendly). | HTML/CSS editors: !html | Programming: !code01:04
gopodgelardarse : Try reading this.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=393856901:04
wolsPhoenigore: open file, write to it, close it again?01:04
OneSeventeenI'm assuming just removing it from my fstab then mount -a but I'm not sure01:04
LjL_Phoenix_: better ask in ##c ... but anyway, FILE* handle=fopen("filename", "w"); fwrite("blah", handle); to make a long story short01:04
OneSeventeen(It is an extra "data" partition that I've decided to share with XP)01:04
jgoguen_Phoenix_: you mean inside a program?  fprintf()01:05
cleaton_Phoenix_, you should ask in a c/c++ channel01:05
wolsOneSeventeen: when you remove something from fstab mount -a is not doing a lot...01:05
DareFacehow do i install compiz?01:05
jmaddudehold on let me go on the linux machine this is a different one01:05
wolsDareFace: what ubuntu version?01:05
LjL!compiz > DareFace    (DareFace, see the private message from Ubotu)01:05
OneSeventeenwols: I figured that... doh, just umount or something, huh?01:05
wolsDareFace: already installed01:05
antoranzhey! don't forget about me. ubuntu based dell laptops in latin america, somebody?01:05
wolsOneSeventeen: unmount, mkfs, edit fstab, mount again01:05
lewisthe instructions you gave unfortunately didnt work01:05
lewisit still gives me the same error01:05
LjL!ot | antoranz01:06
ubotuantoranz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:06
BB88lewis: You tried ALT+F1 or CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE ?01:06
lardarsegopodge: thanks, but... bloody hell, nano :-(01:06
wolslewis: what IS the error? you didn't tell us yet01:06
DareFacebut when i want to use is it gives me an error Desktop effects could not be enabled01:06
wolslewis: the one you told us is not the error01:06
OneSeventeenwols: thanks, I'll man those01:06
_Phoenix_ljl thx01:06
LjLDareFace: then it's not supported on your computer01:06
wolsDareFace: what videocard?01:06
antoranzoh, well.... nevermind. :'(01:06
julianhow do you combine cd isos to make a dvd iso01:06
LjLantoranz: perhaps try asking in #ubuntu-es01:07
gopodgelardarse : Basically sounds like you should download the flash installer from the adobe website as the automated scripts in Ubuntu are hard coded against a particular version.01:07
DareFaceAti radeon X1650 512 ddr201:07
dickfacemanxARE MOST OF THE BUGS FIXED IN UBUNTU 7.10?01:07
LjL!caps | dickfacemanx01:07
ubotudickfacemanx: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:07
wolsDareFace: you need the fglrx driver and xgl01:07
antoranzlet me try that... but I'd expect to be ass-kicked just as fast01:07
antoranzthanks anyway01:07
lumpyheya DareFace01:07
lardarsegopodge: ok... that sounsd easier :-)01:07
LjLantoranz: i don't know if offtopic chat is allowed there. you should certainly use spanish there, though.01:07
lumpyi have a 9800 here01:07
anathematichow do i setup extra sata harddrives on ubuntu server 7.10? (link?)01:07
antoranzk. Buy!01:08
wolsanathematic: partition it,format it, put it in fstab. done01:08
wols!ati | DareFace01:08
ubotuDareFace: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:08
lewis"Failed to start the X server (your grpahical interface). It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem"01:09
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anathematicwols: it's a NTFS drive from my old xp box, i don't really want to format it because of all the data on there01:09
anathematicanother way?01:09
DareFacei have the latest driver01:09
wolslewis: this si NOT the error. I told you to put your /var/log/Xorg.0.log in a pastebin01:09
lame__Need help with installation from livecd01:09
_Phoenix_ljl youre aswer was super01:09
lewisand i then asked how?01:09
wolsDareFace: fglrx? and you chcked it working with glxinfo?01:09
wolslewis: how do you open a file?01:10
DareFacehow do i do that?01:10
cleatonanathematic, have you tried just to turnoff your computer and plugg it in?, that should work, ubuntu reads ntfs01:10
wolslewis: especially a text file01:10
wolsDareFace: with glxinfo01:10
lewisyes. i'm new to this so i have absolutely NO idea01:10
dickfacemanxbugs? are they all fixed yet in 7.10? there was like 100 bugs.01:10
{Nathan}Is there a dd operation that will make something exactly 512kb?01:10
anathematiccleaton:  where abouts do i look to find the harddrive? I'm using the command line and not really sure where it goes01:10
jmaddud1ok I need the ATI 7500 mobility driver for linux, and I can't find any way to get it. glxinfo | grep Mesa says:01:10
jmaddud1OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20061018 AGP 1x NO-TCL01:10
jmaddud1OpenGL version string: 1.3 Mesa 6.5.201:10
wols{Nathan}: yes01:11
{Nathan}wols: Sweet, what is it?01:11
cleatondickfacemanx, there will always be bugs in software01:11
wolsjmaddud1: you have the driver already01:11
zornbugs will be bugs01:11
dickfacemanxso no one is fixing the bugs.01:11
wols{Nathan}: man dd, look at count and blocksize01:11
j4ckThis occurs in a bash script >> "rm: cannot remove `filename.tar.gz*': No such file or directory." << I've filename.tar.gz and filename.tar.gz.md5 and all is Ok.01:11
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{Nathan}wols: I did... I don't really know what it's talking about. I did get the if and of right though01:12
lewishow do i open /var/log/Xorg.0.log and put into a pastebin?01:12
wolsnenolod: 512   1024b blocks and you are done01:12
SurlentI think I just won the pointlessly FUBAR'd PC of the month award. I was having trouble configuring my network, and went into KDE to try it from there, and when I plugged the cable in, the USB mouse decided to not work at all, so I decided to try and shut down. It was going fine, but lagged at the end and didn't seem to want to shut down, so I hit reset, and now the monitor refuses to display anything, although it works with every other com01:12
Surlentputer on the planet.01:12
jmaddud1Can anyone help me find the ATI 7500 Mobility driver and a way to install it? I really need help with this, I'm a huge noob.01:13
wolsSurlent: when you start the computer, do you get the grub boot menu?01:13
{Nathan}wols: Wolud I just tell it to write in 512 blocks?01:13
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wolsjmaddud1: I already told you, you have the proper driver already01:13
Surlentwols: nothing whatsoever, although I can hear the computer booting01:13
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wolsSurlent: disconnected it physically from power? if the BIOS screen doesn't show it's a hardware problem then01:13
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BB88lewis: go to http://pastebin.com/ and paste it in there, then post the link.01:13
lame__How To install Ubuntu not using a cd?01:13
jmaddud1how can I adjust my resolution past 640x48001:14
Surlentwols: I fear it is, but there is no logical reason for it!01:14
wols!fixres | jmaddud101:14
ubotujmaddud1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:14
lewisi cant go on any website because the OS doesnt graphically appear01:14
lewisi cant use any programs or anything01:14
lewisi just get a blue box saying what i said above ^^01:14
{Nathan}lame__: http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html01:14
wolsSurlent: that's why I said remove power physically for a bit01:14
BB88What are you using now then?01:14
SurlentI was using a nVidia GeForce 6200, and it worked, and then magically doesn't work 2 seconds later01:14
lewismy Mac01:14
* RealTek can't remove printer driver on Ubuntu 7.10, via Synaptic, I get the following error message:"E: hl1440lpr: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127". May someone help, thanks in advance and anticipation 01:14
Surlentwols: tried that01:14
BB88Type it in there then ;)01:14
lewiswill do01:15
wolsSurlent: try the ubuntu live cd01:15
cleatonanathematic, sorry disconnected... have you found it?01:15
lewisBB88: how do i open the file?01:15
BB88lewis: Which file?01:15
wolslewis: sudo grep (EE) /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:15
anathematiccleaton:  not a problem, no sorry because i don't actually know where ot look01:15
anathematici'm using ubuntu server01:15
anathematicis it meant ot be under /media/ ?01:15
wolsanathematic: sudo fdisk -l01:16
Surlentwols: If I can't even see the boot logo for CoreCell, or access the BIOS, how would the Live CD help?01:16
lewiswols: do I include the (EE)01:16
cleatonanathematic, media is mostly for plugin stuff like cd and external disks01:16
wolslewis: you include what I wrote01:16
BB88Surlent: Have you tried removing the battery and resetting the CMOS?01:16
KinPumpkinKinghmm, how do I run a custom binnary installer?01:16
anathematicwols: ahh i see it thanks, so how do i go bout using it?01:16
anathematiccleaton:  ahh okay then might explain why i coudln't see it ther e;)01:16
cleatonanathematic,i don't know if ubuntu server has ntsf read support01:16
anathematicso it's under /dev/my harddrive name?01:17
* RealTek can't remove printer driver on Ubuntu 7.10, via Synaptic, I get the following error message:"E: hl1440lpr: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 127". May someone help, thanks in advance and anticipation 01:17
wolsanathematic: check if it's mounted already, if it'e mentioned in fstab. if not: add it01:17
cleatonanathematic, your disk is in /dev01:17
SurlentBB88: ...removing the...battery? How would I do that?01:17
DareFacewols: used glxinfo in terminal but i really don't know what its saying01:17
anathematicwhoa /dev is full of a load of stuff01:17
anathematicokay so i've got to mount it i see01:17
wolsDareFace: then pastebin its output01:17
scragarI have a weird question, I can right click on a folder and click open with to run a command with the folder path as a paramiter, but how do I get it run one of such options in a terminal? I tried: "gnome-terminal COMMAND" and it didn't work...01:17
BB88Surlent: On the motherboard, there should be a small battery near the CMOS jumper.01:17
lewiswols: syntax error near unexpected token '('01:17
cleatonanathematic, /dev/sda for the first sata, /dev/sdb for the second and so on, /dev/sda1 is a partition number01:17
wolsanathematic: run "mount" first to check if it's already mounted01:17
SurlentBB88: It looks like a watch battery, correct?01:17
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ryantmerSurlent, yes01:17
BB88Surlent: Depends on your watch, but yes, a small round object.01:18
anathematicit doens't look like it is mounted, how do i mount a drive then?01:18
SurlentI know of it, but I don't know the proper way to remove it without frying and/or breaking something01:18
KinPumpkinKinganyone...? how do I run a custom binnary installer?01:18
DareFacei pasted it in a private tab01:18
BB88Surlent: Remove it for a minute or two, or in extreme cases, leave it for a good twenty minutes (both do the same job).01:18
Surlentsome computer repair student, eh/01:18
jmaddudeok I followed someone's advice and I ended up stuck in some kind of command line01:18
cleaton!mount | anathematic01:18
ubotuanathematic: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter01:18
Surlent-/ +?01:18
BB88Surlent: No, just built a few in my time :D01:18
wolsSurlent: it's bigger than a watch battery, almost an inch wide. and there is a cmos jumper near it too which you have to use01:18
anathematicthanks cleaton  i'll go from ther e:)01:18
wols*cmos clear jumper01:19
silent_jmaddude: that means you're following the advice correctly, this is linux after all01:19
scragarKinPumpkinKing: make sure it has execute perms, then double click...01:19
BB88wols: An inch wide? Now I'm jealous :'(01:19
jmaddudesorry I keep coming back but I'm a huge noob and I have no idea what I'm doing01:19
SurlentBB88: It was a sarcastic reference to me, as I take Computer Repair in school =(01:19
cleatonanathematic, oh well it wasn't the information i wanted to give, that seems to be graphical tools. type "man mount" in the console01:19
lewiswols: syntax error near unexpected token '('01:19
BB88Surlent: The joys of the internet, ambiguity :D01:19
anathematicoh i see01:19
anathematiclol thanks cleaton01:19
anathematicahh okay yeah i know whre to go from here *starts reading*01:19
SurlentBB88: INDEED. But why the expletive would it randomly quit working after hitting reset?01:20
wolslewis: use "(EE)" then01:20
wyAny suggestions about a good client for bittorrent?01:20
DareFacewols: the output is in a private tab01:20
SurlentAnd also...I think I smelled something odd...01:20
silent_wy bittorrent01:20
Surlent...but we thought it was just the new 50ft Ethernet Cable01:20
scragarwy: ktorrent for me01:20
katlyndoes anyone in here know what happened to oink.cd01:20
BB88Surlent: Are you using ubuntu, because I reset it once, and was unable to get past the main BIOS header.01:20
wolsDareFace: I don't care where it is. pastebin it01:20
wolsDareFace: and tell us the url01:20
anathematickatlyn:  busted by the police01:20
anathematicmonths ago01:20
KinPumpkinKingscragar, it doesn't do anything.01:20
ryantmerLong question: I have an old laptop (Twinhead Slimnote VX) which I put Kubuntu 6.06 LTS on. Worked fine, but no sound, and considering I want to use it as a jukebox, no good. So I installed 7.10, sound works now, but the touchpad doesn't work anymore! Anybody have any idea what the difference is between 6.06 and 7.10 in this respect, and any way to fix it?01:20
SurlentBB88: Yes, Ubuntu. Although I shut down from KDE.01:20
wolskatlyn: this is not a warez channel. ask elsewhere01:21
katlynanathematic: do you know of any alternatives01:21
KinPumpkinKing thing...01:21
katlynwols: what channel?01:21
DareFacename of display: :1.001:21
DareFaceXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":1.0".01:21
DareFacedisplay: :1  screen: 001:21
DareFacedirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)01:21
DareFaceserver glx vendor string: SGI01:21
DareFaceserver glx version string: 1.201:21
anathematickatlyn: no i don't sorry01:21
DareFaceserver glx extensions:01:21
DareFace    GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,01:21
Toma-Has anyone used a nokia 6110 navigator with linux and been able to sync stuff?01:21
wolskatlyn: we don't care as long as it's not THis one01:21
DareFace    GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap, GLX_OML_swap_method,01:21
BB88Surlent: I had similiar problems, and was unable to boot up past the the initial motherboard logo message, it just sat there. So just reset the CMOS and removed the battery, and all was fine :D01:21
katlynok thanks01:21
scragarKinPumpkinKing: open up a terminal, then type: "ls -l PATH/TO/FILE/FILENAME"01:21
wyscragar: Is it stable to use?01:21
SurlentI can't even SEE the bloody motherboard logo. The monitor acts like it's in sleep mode or something01:21
jmaddud1my resolution options go no higher than 640x480, how do I change this?01:21
lewiswols: it came up with "(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown01:22
BB88Surlent: You checked RAM, GFX, Power Supply?01:22
wolsjmaddud1: ubuto already told you01:22
jmaddud1sorry lost the advice01:22
wols!fixres | jmaddud101:22
ubotujmaddud1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:22
jmaddud1window got closed01:22
wolsSurlent: #hardware01:22
BB88Surlent: Well I would do the battery and CMOS first, then go through the list of RAM, GFX and Power Supply.01:22
scragarKinPumpkinKing: that should show it's perms, if it has execute perms then try typing it's full path directly into the command line, it may exit before you see the result.01:22
jhurley7hey all01:22
SurlentBB88: RAM is intact, the card plugged in, the power supply working. It was all working 100% until I hit reset while it was trying to shut down (and seemingly failing at it)01:22
wyWhat about Azureus?01:22
jasoncohow can i easilly determine what version of Ubuntu im running?01:23
wolsSurlent: you are very OT here. go in #hardware or something01:23
lewiswols: it came up with "(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown01:23
wols!version | jasonco01:23
ubotujasonco: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell01:23
jhurley7does anyone know if it's possible for me to send commands to an input device? like a joystick device01:23
BB88Surlent: Yes try the CMOS and Battery then, as I trouble with ubuntu and resetting causing non-booting.01:23
KinPumpkinKingscragar, it says "command not found"01:23
wolslewis: then you gotta pastebin it01:23
scragarwy: never had any problems with ktorrent, even on gnome. Azures is bloated since it requires JRE01:23
BB88wols: It is inadvertedly related to ubuntu, but I guess so.01:23
KinPumpkinKingscragar, the file name end with -bin and doesn't seem to have an extension01:23
jhurley7i know i can pipe out the output of the device, so i can save it, but can i send it back?01:23
silent_jasonco: what you running?01:23
silent_good stuff01:23
lewiswols: Can't even get onto anything on the laptop Ubuntu is installed on.01:23
scragarKinPumpkinKing: put the file name in quotes? And lot's of files don't have extentions, don't let it worry you01:24
wyscragar: BitTorrent look pretty good01:24
Surlentdamn thing. They really need some sort of warning about this crap. Like: DON'T MESS WITH D-LINK? OR YOUR COMPUTER WILL BE SCREWED and DON'T RESET WHILE SHUTTING DOWN EVER and such01:24
wolslewis: you ahve a terminal, so that's not true01:24
Surlentbut oh well.01:24
lewisThe OS isn't functioning in other words. Nothing graphical comes up - just a blue box with the thing i told you earlier.01:24
Surlentthanks for the advice01:24
DareFacewols: i don't really understand what i have to do01:24
wyscragar: I don't really want to install lots of related packages for KDE01:24
wolsSurlent: stop the shouting01:24
wols!paste | DareFace01:25
ubotuDareFace: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)01:25
Surlentsorry. I get really irritated with this thing01:25
BB88Surlent: No worries, and good luck.01:25
KinPumpkinKingscragar, it still says file not found01:25
KinPumpkinKingscragar, I mean, command not foud, sorry01:25
scragarKinPumpkinKing: are you sure it's the right path?01:26
BB88wy: KTorrent I have found to be the best. Deluge seems to crash quite a lot, and Azureus I have never liked.01:26
scragarKinPumpkinKing: path's are case sensitive01:26
Dr_willisKinPumpkinKing,  in general linux is case sensitive . :) its a 'sensitive' os.  be nice to it01:26
mentalidubi have a problem running mohaa in linux01:26
lewiswols: The OS isn't functioning. Nothing 'graphical' comes up - just a blue box with the thing i told you earlier. I can make my way to a terminal which is what i've been using all this time you've been giving me instructions. It works the same as a normal terminal01:26
scragarwy: it also doesn't matter much that it's a KDE app, the overhead is still less than wine or java...01:26
DareFacewols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48394/01:27
wolslewis: when the kernel, init and bash load which apparently do, it IS functioning. a terminal is a functioning OS01:27
threeis there a way over an ssh connection to make a dialog with my custom message pop up on a linux machine (specifically ubuntu)?01:27
wyscragar: Thanks. What about qtorrent? It looks like only require two libs01:27
hallohi, i am using xchat,but i cannot see the menu bar,how to configure it?01:27
Nelsmarhas anyone had experience setting up a VPN ive always had problems tryng to set it up. i did it a few years ago but i cant quite remember what i ahd done. im tryng to make it so my friend can connect from his hosue to mine and browse samba on my server as well as other minor netowrking actions01:27
mentalidubim using xchat too01:27
scragarwy: I've never actualy head of that...01:27
BB88hallo: Press F9.01:27
lewiswols: i cant effectively access it properly. i get stopped at this blue screen thing asking if i want diagnose or not01:28
halloreally relly thank you, BB88,it is great01:28
BB88hallo: No worries ;)01:28
wolslewis: ctrl+alt+f2 and you have a terminal01:28
wolslewis: and that's all you ever need01:28
mentalidubhi, i have a problem running mohaa in ubuntu, when i quit it crashes, any help ?01:29
mentalidubhi, i have a problem running mohaa in ubuntu, when i quit it crashes, any help ?01:29
mentalidubhi, i have a problem running mohaa in ubuntu, when i quit it crashes, any help ?01:29
KinPumpkinKingscragar, it ran, but nothing happened. what should I do to check if it got installed?01:29
skyfalcon866is it normal for reiserfs to do a tree rebuild01:29
scragarKinPumpkinKing: yeah, it must just not display any messages.01:29
bkruse_homeanyone play counter strike source in linux? Particularly can you play source (using wine or whatever) from a windows parition?01:29
KinPumpkinKingscragar, yeah, okay, but how do I use what I installed? It's a game called Dune Legacy.01:30
mentalidubthere are no bynaries for CS:source01:30
newguysshi guys, is there any DC++ client I can use ?01:30
jhurley7anyone know if there are there any macro recording programs for linux?01:30
bkruse_homementalidub: that was the nubish remark I have ever heard01:30
scragarKinPumpkinKing: not exactly sure, normaly things come with a readme, you should check for that, if not try using updatedb and locate or find01:31
mentalidubwhat ?01:31
Dr_willismohaa has a native linux client?01:31
mentalidubbut when i quit it crashes01:31
mentalidubi dont know why01:31
Dr_williswell if it crashes after you quit.. whats the problem. :)01:31
mentalidubthat i have to restart the X server01:31
scragarmentalidub: if it crashes have you tried pressing ctrl+alt+backspace? it always forces ubuntu to resume shutting down when the problem happens for me.01:32
QDVDAuthorhas anyone here used QDVDAuthor before ?01:32
mentalidubyes, that is what i do01:32
scragarQDVDAuthor: yes, but I'm no pro01:33
mentalidublol i got 100 fps with mohaa on linux, in windows i got like 4501:33
mentalidubsorry my english01:33
KinPumpkinKingscragar, nothing relevant showed up...01:33
QDVDAuthorCool, I am trying to get people to ceate a few templates for QDVDAuthor and have staretd a small competition. YOu could win some $.01:33
wyscragar: I installed it. Look very good01:34
QDVDAuthorAnd the more templates there are the better tool it will be. So this is a win win .01:34
Nelsmar_hhmm did anyone answer my question about vpn.... or rather respond to it? driver issues so i had to force a reset on my laptop :(01:34
scragarKinPumpkinKing: did you run it with root perms, or user perms?01:35
KinPumpkinKingscragar, I had to run it with root perms01:35
KinPumpkinKingscragar, user perms weren't enough01:35
scragarKinPumpkinKing: with root perms it will proberly be in /usr/local/games or /opt01:35
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scragarKinPumpkinKing: but no guarentees on it being either01:35
KinPumpkinKingscragar, yup, it's... not there.01:36
KinPumpkinKingscragar, I guess I'll just leave it alone... thanks01:36
scragarKinPumpkinKing: if you know what minute you installed it on you could still find it01:37
KinPumpkinKingscragar, I don't, though...01:37
Nelsmar_so has anyone setup a VPN server before? or know any tutorial/guides? ive been seraching the web and  cant seem to fin dmuch help ;x01:38
KinPumpkinKingscragar, sorry, really, sorry for wasting your time. :/01:38
KinPumpkinKingscragar, well, all I can say is, do not install dune legacy! :P01:38
scragarKinPumpkinKing: where did you get the file from?01:38
KinPumpkinKingscragar, sourceforge01:38
scragarKinPumpkinKing: k, I'll take a look see if I can work out it's install location :P01:39
KinPumpkinKingscragar, thanks a lot!01:39
jmaddudeyou guys rule, thanks for being patient with me (I got it thanks to your advice)01:40
radiomarkHello. I've newly installed Ubuntu. I need ALSA 10.0.15 to support my soundcard, and it's not available as a package. It's not too bleeding-edge either. Is there a package repository I can get it from, rather than compiling it myself?01:40
scragarIf it doesn't work ask somebody in #dunelegacy at irc.freenode.net or paste your error to some pastebin and put a link on this page. <-- you could ask the developers where they put it...01:41
KinPumpkinKingscragar, I wrote that down, I'll get back to it tomorrow... tired, now. Thanks for all your help. Bai bai!01:42
scragarradiomark: you may be able to try enabling proposed packages in synaptic, might not be there though01:43
scguy318radiomark: possibly in Ubuntu Hardy, but probably for ALSA you'll have to build yourself01:44
scguy318!alsa | radiomark01:44
uboturadiomark: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:44
damaltorhello there... still somebody awake?01:45
damaltorhavin a problem with scsi devices in xubuntu01:46
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SpookyETWhat's an F-Spot alternative? I can't stand it.01:46
radiomarkscguy318: Well for this particularl case, I could use kernel 2.6.24-rc1 or later. But I can't see kernel versions later than 2.6.22. Do Ubuntu users just work a few versions behind, or is there a way for me to test 'unstable' packages?01:46
damaltoris have an scsi streamer an a scsi cdrw drive. works correct in any live distri, but doesnt work out-of-the box in ubuntu. what can i do?01:47
scguy318radiomark: stable Ubuntu is 6 months behind except for security updates, really01:47
scguy318radiomark: you could consider an upgrade to Ubuntu Hardy, thats the current development version01:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about scsi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:47
scguy318radiomark: it's the bleding edge01:47
scguy318radiomark: you may want to ask in #ubuntu+1, since I wouldn't know how01:47
wweaselradiomark, scguy318: it's not necessary to fully upgrade to hardy just to get the alsa packages01:48
ConstyXIVhow easy is it to totally erase flash memory vs. a HDD (and likewise, how difficult to recover the data)?01:49
cleatonSpookyET, there's digikam  a kde app. and there's also like google picasaa01:49
wweaselradiomark: check out "prevu" in order to get the hardy source and compile it.01:49
damaltorin germany (here) its quarter to three in the morning.. would anyone tell me his time?01:49
cleatonand probably a lot more01:49
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scguy318wweasel: ah, thanks for the info01:49
wweaselscguy318: My sound card wasn't supported under Feisty. prevu'd gutsy :P01:50
hallochina 10:0001:50
damaltoroh well..01:50
damaltorthats nice,01:50
damaltorsomeone else?01:50
SpookyETcleaton: I find browsing my pictures hard with it01:50
DareFacewols: are you still there?01:50
damaltorhis ought to be a channel from nearly every place in the world =)01:50
radiomarkwweasel: Okay, I need to read on prevu. But that sounds like quite a manual and involved process?01:50
cleatonSpookyET, with f-spot? i just use the filebrowser to brows my pictures01:51
scguy318damaltor: current time? 12/15/07 7:50:23 PM Central Standard Time01:51
chetnickhi guys , i want to backup my ubuntu to external hard drive which is on /media/ED_mini location. How do i gzip /home/ and /etc and redirect all to /media/ED_mini location?01:51
cleatonSpookyET, don't like any of those photomanager thingies01:51
tuga3dhi all!01:51
damaltorscguy318: thx... i think i ought to get in bed... but01:51
SpookyETcleaton: i liked the vista one01:51
damaltorhavin a problem with scsi devices in xubuntu01:51
cleatonSpookyET, webalbums are nice though01:51
damaltoris have an scsi streamer an a scsi cdrw drive. works correct in any live distri, but doesnt work out-of-the box in ubuntu. what can i do?01:51
tuga3di need a litle help, my /dev/video0 just desapear, how do i fix it?01:52
wweaselradiomark: The idea of prevu is that it automates the process of backporting from bleeding edge source01:52
wweaselradiomark: It's not too hard.01:52
wweaselBut may I ask what sound card Gutsy doesn't support?01:52
cleatontuga3d, are you sure it's connected to your comp?01:52
corevettei installed phpmysql, but i don't know how to start it01:53
cleatontuga3d, what was it? a usb webcam?01:53
tuga3dcleaton, yes01:53
damaltorcorevette: isnt that a frontend for working w/ the sql databases?01:53
tuga3dcleaton, gspda01:53
radiomarkwweasel: So maybe I got the wrong end of the stick with Ubuntu, but I thought that I would be able to keep my system up to date using pre-compiled packages that were available? Or is that not the case. Do I just install a 'release' and get a slow trickle of the more essential updates?01:53
corevettedamaltor: so what is it01:53
cleatontuga3d, write lsusb in the console and see if you can find it01:53
corevettedamaltor: how do you use it01:54
damaltorcorevette: are u german?01:54
Neodudemandoes anyone here have an eee?01:54
corevettedamaltor: english01:54
tuga3dcleaton, nop01:54
wweaselradiomark: Well, I find it surprising that Gutsy, the latest version, does not support your sound card. What card is it?01:54
damaltorNeodudeman: no. but i can tell you that ubuntu works on it =)01:54
tuga3dgoing to unplug and plug again01:54
damaltorcorevette: extract it into /var/www/name_of_your_choice01:54
radiomarkwweasel: Well I have a couple of cards which require code only in ALSA 10.0.15 -- a Scratchamp and a Rane SL-101:55
tuga3dcleaton, it worked :) thanks01:55
corevettedamaltor: so what if i installed it via synaptic, whats the poitn?01:55
damaltorthen open in a webbrowser [ip_of_server]/[name_you_choosen_before]01:55
hallohi ,my kde is crashed,this is the error messages in /root/.XSESSIONS,startkde: Starting up...01:55
hallo/usr/bin/kdeinit: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkdecore.so.4: undefined symbol: art_free01:55
hallostartkde: Could not start kdeinit. Check your installation01:55
cleatontuga3d, np =)01:55
tuga3dcleaton, i think is my usb port :) thanks again01:55
halloso what does that mean01:55
Neodudemandamaltor: lol, i kno. thats the second thing i would do if i got an eee.01:55
damaltorcorevette: good question. i have no idea if im honest... try looking into /var/www if there is a new dir01:56
wweaselradiomark: "keep my system up to date using pre-compiled packages" is a dubious notion. What would this mean? The idea of a release is to take a set of packages and make it stable. Ubuntu keeps a very rigorous release cycle.01:56
damaltorNeodudeman: so what do u want to know? friend of mine has one01:56
chetnickhi guys , i want to backup my ubuntu to external hard drive which is on /media/ED_mini location. How do i gzip /home/ and /etc and redirect all to /media/ED_mini location?01:56
cleatontuga3d, nah usb webcams can be like that, i've had the same problem01:56
lwizardli need to set the resoluion that ubuntu uses while starting before the login screen. it starts at a res higher than my lcd can display but the login screen is the native res i need 1024x76801:56
siccnessanyone done port forwarding with iptables before?01:56
corevettedamaltor: more importantly, how do i delete all my current existing databse entries01:56
tuga3dcleaton, one more question, my webcam image is too dark, do you know how to fix it?01:56
wweaselradiomark: The issue here is that you need a bleeding edge version of ALSA. It's *really* new. But the person who was helping you before was wrong: it's really not necessary for you to upgrade to the Hardy unstable. In fact, I really don't recommend it.01:57
damaltorcorevette: hm... dont know. usually i use phpmyadmin wich is only a .tar.gzip wich has to be extracted into /var/www ans then can be uses via webserver01:57
cleatontuga3d, i also have that, and i really haven't found a solution for that. the way v4l seems to work is that the different programs that uses the webcam should have brightness settings. and the onlyone i know with good webcam settings is AMSN01:57
Neodudemandamaltor: aww man, too cool. I thought I read something about an ubuntu modified to work specifically for the eee. Is that true, or was that my imagination?01:58
damaltoroh... had a bit too much alcohol i think.. my writing is bad. but the thing ought to work thogh01:58
cleatoni think you can change brightness with v4l somehow but i don't know how to save it :(01:58
wweaselradiomark: What we need to do for you is to install ALSA x.x.x.15 in Gutsy01:58
soldatsNeodudeman, i als heard ubuntu works on EEEPC so you should be good01:58
tuga3dcleaton, ok. thanks going to google it01:58
radiomarkwweasel: Okay well I am used to Slackware, where I would just pinch a later package/kernel from '-current' and use that.01:58
wweaselradiomark: I suppose that's the equivalent of Debian Unstable? (i don't know Slackware)01:59
damaltorNeodudeman: well.. that friend installed ubuntu and tried to use compiz-fusion wich worced perfectly... slow cpu, but nice graphics card makes it work. try xubuntu or install ubuntu and then a window manager of ur choice01:59
radiomarkwweasel: Yes, I think it might be01:59
scguy318wweasel: I believe that's the case01:59
radiomarkwweasel: Is there an equivalent for Ubuntu?01:59
Neodudemansoldats: ya, that's what I heard. lol, i like ur name. do you knife or chainsaw, soldats?01:59
batma8is there a edgy specific help channel?01:59
scguy318batma8: don't think so02:00
damaltorcorevette: try this: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php02:00
scguy318batma8: you can ask your question here02:00
soldatsNeodudeman, knif or chainsaw?02:00
radiomarkwweasel: I guess this is the 'herdy' that you speak of?02:00
Neodudemandamaltor: what are his thoughts about the keyboard and screen?02:00
corevettealright thanks damaltor02:00
Neodudemansoldats: oh, nvm. lol.02:00
wweaselradiomark: No, Ubuntu development process actually takes a snapshot of Debian Unstable, and processes it into a stable release over the 6 month release cycle.02:00
n_o_O_bHow could I own my ext2 usb-flash? Can't copy files to it.02:00
batma8im havin some problems in edgy with beryl, beryl runs great..but all my other gl stuff runs super choppy, etc screensavers n such.  i cant upgrade to other ubuntu's becuse my nvidia card fails in fawny and gutsy02:01
soldatsNeodudeman, no realy i kinda wanna know what you mean now02:01
scguy318n_o_O_b: chmod -R 777 /mnt/point02:01
wweaselradiomark: Gutsy, the current release, 7.10, came out a little over a month ago. Hardy is in its infancy and I disagree with scguy that you should use it.02:01
scguy318n_o_O_b: prefix with sudo if needs be02:01
damaltorNeodudeman: keyboard: small, but useable. screen: to small to play (he has the 10" version) but enough for working a few hors... not for the whole day but (he is a university student) does the job in class02:01
kmghey, what's a good app with m4a to mp3 conversion?02:01
scguy318kmg: ffmpeg02:01
wweaselradiomark: Interspersed with my discussion of release cycles, I've been trying to get to my suggestion :P Have you compiled anything before?02:01
scguy318wweasel: what do you suggest? I only suggested Hardy because it's the option I'm aware of02:02
radiomarkwweasel: Okay I understand a little more. Does this mean that the equivalent of me stealing from '-current' is to run the risk and take from Debian unstable?02:02
Neodudemandamaltor: oh man, that's exactly what I need02:02
kmgscguy318: thx02:02
radiomarkwweasel: I'm quite familiar with compiling from source thanks, I just thought that using Ubuntu was meant to automate a lot of this process for me02:02
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captmorgananyone know how I can change the backgrounds on each desktop?02:03
damaltorNeodudeman: as far as i tried the keyboard has a good "feeling" ehile typing.. dunno how to say that right now. but feels good. good point-of-pressure ("druckpunkt" is the german word, you feel exactlyy ewhen a key is pressed) and just big enough to use it in a somehow normal way without having to look all the time... though it takes a ehile to get to know it02:03
wweaselradiomark: Sorry, didn't mean to offend! Yeah, it automates a lot of it. Still, it can't work magic. ALSA 1.0.15 was released after the Ubuntu release, or at least after the package freeze.02:04
Yopucaptmorgan: i was wondering that too...if you could have multiple wallpapers for each workspace02:04
n_o_O_bscguy318, it may sounds noobie, but "chmod -R 777 /mnt/point" doesn't work, gives me "No such file or directory"02:04
captmorganYopu: pretty sure you can02:04
Neodudemansoldats: oh. well, I feel like an idiot now. lol. I thought your name was referring to the 2d shoot-em-up game called "soldat" in which you had a standard array of weapons and secondary weapons, among which include the knife and chainsaw. It's a relatively big debate among players whether to use the chainsaw or the knife; but I guess your name is based of the actual word 'soldat' which is soldier in german and dutch02:04
scguy318n_o_O_b: change /mnt/point to the actual mnt point of the device?02:04
captmorganjust need to figure it out02:04
wweaselradiomark: You won't often find yourself compiling anything from source. But, in this case you'd be best off compiling Alsa from source02:05
radiomarkwweasel: No, no offence at all! I guess I'm hoping to be able to select individual binaries from an 'ubuntu unstable', but I see that's not really how it works02:05
damaltorNeodudeman: but this is usual with all notebooks, takes a while to know where the special keys are and to know how far the keys are away from each other. small, nothing to use all the day, but great for class because very small. the battery doesnt run too long, but is enough for a few hours02:05
soldatsNeodudeman, naw, buts its also a french word meaning the same thing, but it interests me to know what the game is called. i might want to check it out02:05
damaltorNeodudeman: if you are good in german reading, i have a great test02:05
draremI have two gaming boxes and one speaker system, can I set up one of the boxes as an audio server and mix the audio from the other gaming pc into it/out to speakers?02:05
Neodudemandamaltor: that sounds reasonable, but I read you mention something about cpu?02:05
Neodudemandamaltor: lol, no, i'm not02:06
afabianHmm.  I have a Dell Inspiron 1420N, and it came with Feisty preinstalled.  It works pretty nicely.  In fact, I wouldn't bother upgrading, except ... well, it's kind of silly, actually.  I like gedit, and there's a bug in the plugins.  It might be easier for me to track the bug down than upgrade... but!02:06
captmorganYopu: I found this link, it just is not detailed anough for myselh http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64108702:06
Neodudemansoldats: http://www.soldat.pl/screens.html here are some screenies. The game looks minimalist, but I guarantee, it's incredible02:06
soldatsawesome thx02:06
afabianWhen I upgrade, the sound gets a little flaky.  What are the odds that I could pin, say, the kernel and sound stuff, and upgrade?02:06
DareFacecan someone help me use compiz?02:06
wweaselradiomark: Nope, not really any equivalent to that. Prevu is the closest thing, which automates the process of taking the deb-src (Ubuntu's modified source) from the equivalent of 'ubuntu unstable', compiling and installing it in your current environment.02:06
damaltorNeodudeman: oh, ok.. cpu is enough tu work. but nothing more. o/office takes a while to load, but then works good02:07
fosohey all, ive been working on compiz settings alot today and now it wont let me enable some of the settings like cube reflection02:07
captmorganDareFace whats your ?02:07
kmgugh, soundkonverter can only decode mod mid and wav files for some reason...02:07
PeloDareFace, ask in #compiz-fusion02:07
fosopelo thanks02:07
DareFacej #compiz-fusion02:07
radiomarkwweasel: Okay, that's a shame because it's not quite the time-saver I was hoping for. I guess I expected that releases would be available as packages for the system, and slowly work their way into being 'stable'02:07
PeloDareFace,  /join ...02:07
Neodudemandamaltor; did he get the 4gb, 512 version? and did he do any hardware mods?02:07
wweaselradiomark: Is that how it works in Slackware?02:07
radiomarkwweasel: so I figured I'd be able to get a package for ALSA 10.0.15 because it's a release, but not the latest dev version02:08
damaltorNeodudeman: yes, think so.. but no mods at all. he is a common user02:08
radiomarkwweasel: Well in Slackware, I just take packages from -current, and install them on this system02:08
scguy318radiomark: you might possibly be able to manually d/l the debs for ALSA and install, but that's probably problematic02:08
radiomarkwweasel: Sometimes it breaks stuff (eg. compiled against different library versions) so maybe I have some dependencies to update too. But it largely works.02:08
damaltorNeodudeman: not a modder02:08
n_o_O_bscguy318, I've tried "chmod -R 777 /media/disk-1", which is mount point for me. It gave me "chmod: changing permissions of `/media/disk-1': Operation not permitted02:09
n_o_O_bchmod: changing permissions of `/media/disk-1/lost+found': Operation not permitted02:09
n_o_O_bchmod: `/media/disk-1/lost+found': Permission denied"02:09
radiomarkscguy318: Sounds like it might be problematic, as I suspect the kernels might be quite different? I don't know much about Ubuntu or Debian though02:09
Neodudemandamaltor: off the top of your head, do you know what the wireless card he uses is? i'll just google it if you don't know02:09
n_o_O_bStill no luck in copying my file02:09
batma8why would gl screensavers not work ONLY when beryl is running02:09
Pelon_o_O_b, , use sudo02:09
scguy318n_o_O_b: why not just do sudo cp /path/to/source /path/to/dest?02:10
wweaselradiomark: Ok, so it's the equivalent of taking the deb from the development version of Ubuntu.02:10
wweaselradiomark: Check out 'prevu'02:10
radiomarkwweasel: I'm trying prevu now, although not having much luck!02:10
n_o_O_bPelo, sudo made no difference, I've tried02:10
Pelobatma8, probably because gl screensaver needs a compoziting engine02:10
damaltorNeodudeman: i have no idea.. me for myself, im using a netgear ma521 wich works great... but the computerim using atm is a fujitsu subnotebook, 600 mhz (!) witch xubuntu feisty on it02:10
Pelon_o_O_b, why do you want to mess in the lost+found folder anyway ?02:10
batma8Pelo, screensavers work great UNTIL beryl is running02:11
batma8how do i fix that02:11
radiomarkwweasel: I think because it looks like Ubuntu doesn't actually have an ALSA package for the drivers -- they come as part of the kernel02:11
Neodudemandamaltor: alright, cool, thanks. i appreciate the info02:11
Pelobatma8, my mistake , try asking in #compiz-fusion02:11
batma8sweet, thanks man02:11
scguy318Pelo: because he was doing chmod -R 777 ..., I didn't realize he had an ext partition02:11
wweaselradiomark: It does have an alsa package: alsa-base. But Alsa is a kernel module as well, you're right. that's the case with all distros, not just ubuntu02:11
holycowwhat controls resolution in the latest ubuntu?  in the past the xorg.conf file would have resolution entries, now you can leave them out and something will autoguess the resolution possibilities for a particular monitor.  anyone know?02:12
radiomarkwweasel: in which case, I'd need kernel 2.6.44-rc1 or later02:12
n_o_O_bPelo, I don't want to, just need to copy some stuff on drive. Can't.02:12
Peloscguy318, oookkk02:12
damaltorNeodudeman: np... its just what it is said: a small thing to work. nothing else. only bad thing ist the battery eich is not that good... but enough.02:12
scguy318holycow: still xorg.conf02:12
Pelon_o_O_b,   sudo nautilus /path02:12
Dr_willisholycow,  thjers a way that X can also query the monitor for what res's it can handle.02:12
bmk789how do i use rsync so that when it moves a file from source to destination, it deletes the source file?02:12
n_o_O_bI'll try sudo cp now02:12
wols_n_o_O_b: unmount, chmod your mountpoint, remount02:12
damaltorNeodudeman: on my 5 year old subnotebook here i get about 10 hours with two bats in it. the eee will not reach there but enough though02:12
wweaselradiomark: Well, I wouldn't backport the kernel. Your best bet in this case is compiling alsa from source.02:13
holycowah so x now does this automatically  neat.  then kde and gnome just talk to x and fill up ther resolution change apps with whatever x tells them is possible?02:13
wweaselradiomark: But I suppose it's also worth considering whether Ubuntu is the right distro for you02:13
scguy318holycow: X has always been able to auto-detect I believe02:13
Peloholycow, pretty much02:13
wols_radiomark: that kernel does not exist02:13
scguy318holycow: if you start X without an xorg.conf it tries to guess and detect defaults02:13
Neodudemandamaltor: lol, throwing in the german words i see. how long did you say the battery lasted again?02:13
radiomarkwweasel: Compiling ALSA from source certainly does work02:14
wweaselradiomark: If you are frequently finding yourself in need of things more quickly than a 6 mo. release cycle provides, you might be best off running Debian Unstable (sid) or Debian Testing (lenny)02:14
radiomarkwweasel: Ubuntu definitely isn't the distribution for me for many of the reasons you've seen :) The reason I am looking at it closely is as a platform for distributing to users with a piece of software (which requires ALSA 10.0.15)02:15
dell_linif i am installing wireless lan card (pci) do  i require firmware need to be configure /install02:15
Neodudemandamaltor: oh, nvm, you answered the question. I just forgot to scroll down. lol. ok, thanks again02:15
wols_dell_lin: depends on the chip, but most likely yes02:15
Pir8Can anyone suggest a good/reliable/free, automated backup application for ubuntu?02:15
jmichaelx i have tried everything to get my rt2500-based wireless working well in gutsy, but it is starting to look hopeless. i have blacklisted the crap gutsy rt2500pci driver, and have compiled the serialmonkey rt2500 driver... this has helped have a more stable connection to my WEP-protected home-network, but i am having an even worse time connecting to totally unencrypted public networks, usually being unable to connect at all.  does anyone02:15
jmichaelxhave a suggestion?02:15
damaltorNeodudeman: think the best was something about 5 hours... sorry i'm a bit drunk so my german gets through... =) it is very dependen of what u are doing, how bright the display is set, how hard u use the cpu and so on02:15
dell_lindlink 510 ralink 6102:16
wweaselPir8: radiomark: Well, what most people would do in this case is compile the bleeding edge I'd recommend that you compile ALSA 1.0.15 from source.02:16
wweaselPir8: Sorry, pasted the wrong thing02:16
Pir8lllno worries :)02:16
jmichaelxsorry for my long post02:16
qcodeWhat is the name of the package for development manpages?02:16
wweaselPir8: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sbackup/ this is what i meant to send you :D02:16
Pir8wweasel,  thanks mate.02:16
silent_what is generally accepted as the best gui utility for gnutella?02:16
Pir8I shall do some reading :)02:16
othinspearanyone know how i get !list command to work on free node02:16
wweaselPir8: That would be a graphical utility. Personally, I use rsync + cron (command line utilities)02:16
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kazol__Is it normal for Xorg to use ~15% of 2GB RAM?02:17
Pelosilent_, nicotine, frostwire are well liked02:17
Pir8wweasel,  my plan is to backup files to external HD02:17
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othinspearwith pidgen  dose it work like old fashion mirc02:17
Pir8hopefully in the next little while, I can have a SAN server up.02:17
silent_Pelo: I'm installing qtella.. but I have to use makefiles... would you advise using only packages or are these install procedures alright?02:17
wweaselPir8: Well, you could use sbackup for that.02:18
Pir8Sweet, thanks again mate.02:18
wweaselPir8: np :)02:18
radiomarkwweasel: Okay I will carry on compiling from source for now then. I look forward to being able to avoid this step tho. Thanks for all the help02:18
damaltorNeodudeman: hope i helped you... that friend only uses the eee in class, and at home he usually copies everything on his normal pc cause thats easier =)02:18
spideyman /join #winehq02:18
silent_Pelo: I'm looking for native binaries for whatever utility I use... I'm not a big fan of java02:19
Pelosilent_, the way it works is that repos packages are the easiest to deal with since they have been made for and tested,   deb packages are the next easiest,  and last you have compiling from source with works in all linux distro02:19
wweaselradiomark: No problem. I know how annoying it is. My sound card (HDA Intel) wasn't supported until .14, while Feisty (previous release) only had .13. Compiling from source was my only choice, really02:19
kazol__Is it normal for Xorg to use ~15% of 2GB RAM?02:19
holycowso with the new x features, can you change the display resolution from the command line?02:19
Pir8wweasel,  once it is installed, where is it located. Under applications/System menu items ?02:19
Pelosilent_, I'm not found of java eiter but I find frostwire the most userfreindly02:20
holycowso with the new x features, can you change the display resolution from the command line?02:20
holycowoh sorry about dupe02:20
wweaselPir8: I think it appears under System, actually.02:20
Pir8wweasel,  disregard the question, found it :)02:20
Pelokazol__,  xserver uses a lot of resources, it's normal , it drives all your graphics , probabaly uses even more if you are running compiz and such02:20
damaltorNeodudeman: you still there?02:21
fosoi have 1280 ram, lots of hd space, and 2.8 ghz, and slow booting, what can i do?02:22
riotkittiehow slow is 'slow'02:22
zetherooI just got a logitech wireless keyboard... it has a series of hotkeys on the top... of all of them the sound and E-mail buttons are the only ones that work..... is there a way to get the other keys to work and/or customize the key properties?02:22
Pelofoso,  look under menu > ystem > admin> services and uncheck services you don'T use02:22
Pelozetheroo, do a search in the forum for multimedia keyboard02:23
fosoPelo thanks02:23
halloCONFIGURE Your keyboard02:23
fosoanything else i can do?02:23
silent_Pelo: I've used fristwire on windows... even on windows I'm a fan of native binaries02:23
YoakimHi! I'm using gutsy ribbon and I02:24
Pelosilent_,do a search in synaptic for p2p and see what is availalble02:24
PeloYoakim,  gusty ribbon ?02:24
riotkittierusty gibbon02:24
YoakimHi! I'm using gutsy ribbon and I have problem printing. I just end up with print job stopped like a second after it was started02:25
mentalidubYoakim u r fucked up, go back to windows02:25
PeloYoakim, does the pinter actualy start working ?02:25
Pelomentalidub, please don'T say stuff like that02:25
lwizardli need to set the resoluion that ubuntu uses while starting before the login screen. it starts at a res higher than my lcd can display but the login screen is the native res i need 1024x76802:26
Yoakimno, nothing happens02:26
* Pelo gives LjL a dirty look 02:26
lwizardlwhat do i need to edit?02:26
PeloYoakim, usb printer ?02:26
Yoakimyes, usb02:26
PeloYoakim, did you install the driver yourself or did gutsy autorecognise it ?02:26
* Pelo shouldn't be trying to help Yoakim he knows nothing about usb printers 02:27
onatslwizardl, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg. unselect all resolution that is not supported by your setup02:28
Yoakimwell, it's been a few weeks since I did that so I'm not sure anymore what is my work and what is not. But I did install someting called CUPS02:28
n_o_O_bscguy318, "sudo cp -r" works like a charm. thank you :) still'll try to just own it.. later)02:28
PeloYoakim, go into menu >system >admin > printers,  delete all the printers that might be there02:28
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zetherooPelo: how do I change the default programs selection?02:29
hallodoes ubuntu has something like configure center like pclinuxos?02:29
tumbleweed__hello, is there a room for Hardy Herron development?02:29
PeloYoakim, then go into menu > system > prefs> removable media,  on the last tab I thnk make sure the detect printer box is checkec,  then replug thepinrter power it up an dsee what happens02:29
PSPJunkieIs there anything I should look out for when updating my osx partition to leopard?02:29
silent_hallo: you should try system - > preferences/administration02:29
Pelozetheroo, what default prog ?02:29
DagonI need a memory refresh -- what is the command that lets me bring nautilus to the desk top02:30
PeloDagon,  open any folder , that is nautilus02:30
zetherooPelo: well when I press the media button on the keyboard it opens a media player I don't like to use02:30
hallonot that powerful like pclinuxos,but pclinuxos is not much safer like 班图02:30
Pelozetheroo, oh,  try in menu > system > prefs02:30
batma8hey guys..i installed ubuntu with 1 gig of ram in..when i put in my other 1.5, the machine locks at login..any ideas?02:31
tumbleweed__hallo : go to system -> preferences -> preferred applications02:31
tumbleweed__then click the multimedia tab02:31
Pelobatma8, try running the memory check thingy from the grub boot menu02:31
batma8ill give it a try02:31
zetherooPelo: cool.... I found it in Preferred Applications02:31
batma8pretty sure the memory is good02:32
batma8cuz it works ok in windows02:32
* Pelo grabs all the gratitude and runs like the wind02:32
kmgffmpeg can't convert from m4a apparently...02:32
kmgsuggestions on converting m4a to mp3?02:33
Pelobatma8, I was suggesting it for diagnostic purposuse, if memcheck  can't even see it properly it will probably give you an error to search info on02:33
tumbleweed__try mconverter02:33
Pelokmg, soundconverter02:33
tumbleweed__soundconverter should work too02:33
* Pelo likes gui apps, he's a WIMP02:33
ricaneliteanyone here run urban terror?02:34
YoakimPelo: Ok, so I get a new printerr installed nice and all, but the problems remain. As I try to print anything using this printer (such as a test page) I just get status stopped...02:34
tumbleweed__Is there a room for Hardy Herron development?02:34
batma8really wish i could figure out why beryl maked my gl screensavers run so bad02:35
SmegzorI plugged in a sound card and disabled onboard sound.  Now I have no sound :(  What do I need to do to have it detect and use my sound card?02:35
PeloYoakim, right click or dbl click the icon in the pannel,  see if the print job is stoped, paused or someting, try rightlicking to restart it02:35
SmegzorThe sound card is a Soundblaster Live02:35
bazhang#ubuntu+1 tumbleweed__02:35
JoshooaEverytime i start Ubuntu, I have to enter in my networks name and do dhclient, how do I make network manager work, or set up a file to connect to my network automatically?02:35
PeloYoakim, did it find the correct driver that matches your printer or only a similar one ?02:35
tumbleweed__thanks, bazhang02:36
YoakimI think it's a good match02:36
PeloJoshooa,  that's an RC level thing but I can't tell you how to do it02:36
PeloI don't know02:36
JoshooaPelo: RC?02:36
ricaneliteanyone here runs Urban terror?02:37
PeloJoshooa, /etc/RC.d or rc.2 and such, those ar folder in which you put links to apps that you need started as services02:37
Peloricanelite, check in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org02:37
YoakimPelo: I can only abort (cancel) the job, the other options are greyed out... the status of the job is. "Stopped"02:37
* kierov is away: 02:37
jtonghow can i find out which process is locking a file if i get a resource busy when rm a file?02:37
PeloYoakim, are you sure your printer is properly setup, with paper and ink and the paper properly alinged and stuff ?02:38
JoshooaPelo: No ideas on why network manager wont just connect to my network? if it's on roaming I think it sees it, but I have to click on my network name or it wont connect, it just tries and fails otherwise.02:38
YoakimPelo: Yes, It works like a charm on other OS'...02:38
PeloJoshooa, not rea;l;y my area , sorry02:38
JoshooaPelo:  Alright thanks anyway, maybe I'll look into RC02:38
PeloYoakim, ok , try setting up the printer from the printer manager thingy in system > admin > printer,  as a new printer, see if you can set it up better that way02:39
PeloYoakim, what model printer is this ?02:39
Cyanidetransistohas any one had trouble w/ their xorg.conf getting hosed on upgrade? every time i upgrade ubuntu i have to manually edit the nvidia line to get to the gui then reinstall envy.02:39
YoakimPelo: Epson Stylus PHOTO 83002:40
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PeloYoakim, ok those are parts of cups,  I was wondering it it might have been hp , they seem to have extra stuff to work with02:40
PeloCyanidetransisto, envy is probably the issue here, if you installed the driver manualy I suspect it might not happen02:41
gluonmanI have a Logitech Quickcam Express that I have been trying for hours to get working. When I try to run it in camorama, it tells me that it could not connect to the video device (/dev/video0/). I have been weeding through multiple how-tos, etc. but I cannot get my cam working. Can anyone help?02:42
Pelo!webcam | gluonman02:42
ubotugluonman: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:42
gluonmanPelo, I just said that I have been looking all over the place to find something. That's why I'm here.02:42
Pelogluonman,  you 'Ll need to setup the webcam driver first,  spcaXX or someting , gspca also I think02:42
wyIf I choose "send the tracker a custom IP", does that mean I can not to send my real IP?02:42
YoakimPelo: Ok, so I have the choice between four versions: 1 Epson Stylus Photo 830 - CUPS+Gutenprint v5.0.1 (recommended)02:42
wyThat question is for ktorrent02:43
gluonmanPelo, how do I do that? I haven't found a clear explanation. I've just tried a whole bunch of crap leading me to nothing.02:43
Pelogluonman, I was not sending you away, I was giving you the standard documentation for webcams02:43
YoakimPelo: the other three are Simplified, Simplified and [blank] instead of recommended02:43
gluonmanPelo, Okay.02:43
Pelogluonman,  read up a bit and look at the links ubotu  gave you02:43
gluonmanPelo, I have looked at those links.02:44
gluonmanPelo, I'm still kind of lost.02:44
PeloYoakim, use the recommended wones02:44
jubileeHey, what are the commands to compile???02:44
Pelogluonman,  personnaly I tried last year to setup a cheapass webcam and gave up after a week , but I didn'T realhy need it , I was just messing about,02:45
jubileeI've forgotten...02:45
Cyanidetransistopelo, i cannot manually install the drivers from the repositories. the legacy drivers dont work properly.02:45
Pelogluonman,  did you lookup your camera model in the forum ?02:45
jubileeit's like cd w/e and then... what?02:45
gluonmanPelo, yes.02:45
PeloCyanidetransisto,  how about the binairies from the makers website ?02:45
jubileemake config?02:46
Pelogluonman, keep asking here periodicaly , maybe someone will be able to help eventualy,  do not dispair02:46
gluonmanPelo, thanks.02:46
Pelojubilee, ./configure  , make , sudo make install02:46
jubileeMmm, yes. that'02:46
Pelojubilee,  you need to sudo apt-get install build-essential first02:46
imbecilehow do i add icon sets?02:47
Peloimbecile, drag drop the tar.gz file to the theme manager ( appearance)02:47
Cyanidetransistopelo, unfortunantly the driver from nvidias site arent that great. i think i will try envys site and see what driver base/config they are using.02:47
imbecilePelo:  tyvm02:48
wols_gluonman: did you try the easycam thing as suggested?02:48
jubileePelo, u r always life savr02:48
gluonmanwols_, What is that?02:48
linxehjp-mocs: hello again :)02:49
GentleGHi, I'm hoping someone has a second to help me out with a scripting question02:49
jp-mocsam I on the right one now?02:49
YoakimPelo: Sorry, I'm not getting anywhere with this and I think I'll have to call it a night... Thanks though for taking the time...02:49
PeloGentleG, you would do better to ask the quesiton and hope02:49
linxehuhuh :)02:49
wols_gluonman: have you read the url Pelo gave you?02:49
PeloYoakim, best of luck02:49
jubileePelo, "E: Couldn't find package build-essential"02:49
Pelowols_, stop it with the name dropping02:50
jp-mocskewl... I need a moment of some kind soul's time to help with samba prob on Ubuntu 7.1002:50
gluonmanwols_, let me get back to that. I'm looking around.02:50
linxehjp-mocs: you still need to explain waht the problem is :)02:50
hallosudo apt-get build-essential02:50
jerrorim looking for a geek/hacker commune international traveler location doesnt matter, if you know of one with avail residency for about 2 years please let me know.02:50
Pelojubilee,  make sure you spelled it right  sudo apt-get install build-essential02:50
wols_Pelo: but you did give him the url02:50
Pelojubilee,  did you mess around with the sources.list file ?02:51
wols_so it's normal to refer it like this02:51
jmichaelx i have tried everything to get my rt2500-based wireless working well in gutsy, but it is starting to look hopeless. i have blacklisted the crap gutsy rt2500pci driver, and have compiled the serialmonkey rt2500 driver... this has helped have a more stable connection to my WEP-protected home-network, but i am having an even worse time connecting to totally unencrypted public networks, does anyone have a suggestion?02:51
GentleGok  - I'm trying to automate mounting unclean ntfs drives. because it's not always the same dev I want to be able to pass the particular dev to the forced mount command. I'm using $1 to pass into the shell script. i.e. mount ntfs-3f /dev/$1 /media/unclean -o force. however it's still responding that it doesn't have a target02:51
jubileePelo, Yeah, I just caught it "essenial"02:51
GentleG3g i mean02:51
jubileeI guess I already have it02:51
jp-mocswell... I had U6.06, everything was fine... just did total reinstall to 7.10, now it don't work... keep getting "group could not be found"02:51
jp-mocsonly wierd thing in the reinstall is that now network is seen as eth1 instead of eth002:52
linxehjp-mocs: what doesnt work? are you sharing or mounting? can you paste your configuration etc? did you copy your smb.conf from 6.06 into 7.10 ?02:52
imbecilePelo:  stupid question i know but where is theme manager?02:52
jp-mocslinxeh: did a compleat reinstall... so nothing (should have) copied over02:53
Peloimbecile,  menu > system > prefs > appearance or  right click the desktop > change wallpaper >first tab02:53
linxehjp-mocs: ok, and where do you get "group not found"? can you paste smb.conf into the pastebard ?02:53
jp-mocslixeh: I could if I could get to the Ubuntu machine :)02:54
gopodgeGentleG : Do you have the correct syntax?02:54
jp-mocsI am IRC from the XP machine02:54
linxehcan you not ssh to it?02:54
* Pelo feels jp-mocs ' pain 02:54
jubileeHey Pelo, when I make, it doesn't do anything... beyond tell me that there was an error02:54
GentleGI can manually type in the command and have it work, but it's a long string to type over and over02:54
Pelojubilee,  did you run ./configure first ? did you install the missing dependencies ?02:55
jubileeI did sudo ./configure...02:55
Pelojubilee, no sudo with ./configure, nor with make02:55
gopodgeGentleG : But it doesn't work in your script..02:55
gopodgeGentleG : Do you have the script handy?02:56
jubileePelo.... I have to install the missing dep? b/c it does say there are things missing... Like aclocal, autoconf, automake, autoheader, makeinfo02:56
jubileeIs that the build-essential?02:56
gandhiiwhat's a good linux nntp client?02:57
GentleGno - I can manually edit the .sh file i made and put in the particular dev (i.e. sda1) but when I try to pass the dev through the command line it doesn;t take it. I spent time looking it up online before I cam in here - all the references say that $1 should pass the first command line item through02:57
gopodgeGentleG : To see what command is being constructed in the script.. put an echo in front of the mount line..02:57
Pelojubilee,  build-essential is only the stuff that you need to perform compiling from source,   dependencies are the bits that are required for a particular app to run02:57
jubileeWell, what are the things that I listed as missing? I don't even know what that stuff is..02:58
GentleGecho mount ntfs-3f /dev/$1 /media/unclean -o force02:58
gopodgeGentleG : run the script.. with your arguments .. what does it output?02:58
GentleGthe echo output is : mount ntfs-3f /dev/ /media/unclean -o force02:58
FluxDGentleG: wht does that script do?02:59
Pelojubilee,  open synaptic and from a terminal run  ./configure when you get a error that says something is missing  do a search for it in synaptic, and instal it,then run ./configure again ,  and instll the next missing dependency from synapti,  and so on until you run throught ./configure with no errors,  then you run make , make creates your very own personnalised installer file, then you run sudo make install that does the actual installing02:59
imbecilePelo:  I've noticed alot of the downloads off gnome-look arent tar.gz and it wont let me install them. is this fixable?02:59
jubileePelo, thx!02:59
Pelojubilee,  but before you do any of that,  check in synaptic for the app you want , much easier,  next easiest is getting a .deb package from the website where yo got the soruce from02:59
GentleGI work in a tech shop and I have to do backups of messed up ntfs drives a lot. so this automates the force mount02:59
Dr_willisThis is weird - I have an external usb - dvd burner.. Its been burning good all day., now suddendly on the last 2 disks. its  buring at 1x speed with k3b.03:00
jp-mocslinxeh, you getting the private sends?03:00
Peloimbecile, what format are they ?03:00
imbecilepelo rar,bz2 even zip03:00
GentleGon a plus note, i've talked the manager into allowing me to remove windows from my bench unit03:00
gopodgeGentleG : Something is not right.. are you running the script like this ./script.sh <device argument>03:00
gopodgeGentleG : ./script.sh sdb03:00
GentleGthe command i've been using is sudo sh mountunclean.sh03:01
GentleGand then sda03:01
Peloimbecile, looks to me like those have been repacked to includestuff like instrucitons and such, unpack once and drag drop the tar.gz from inside those to the theme manager03:01
GentleGand then sda1 I mean03:01
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GentleGor whatever dev ubuntu assigns it too03:01
imbecilePelo:  okay thanks ill give it a try03:01
gopodgeGentleG : For testing.. try a REALLY simple script..03:02
gopodgeGentleG : #!/bin/bash03:02
gopodgeGentleG: echo $103:02
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jp-mocsok, here is the config... I have an XP machine and an Ubuntu connected through a router, the router in turn connected to a cable modem03:03
gopodgeGentleG : That's it.. if that doesn't echo something then the arguments are not being passed to the script..03:03
novai cant seem to make ubuntu save my resolution, every time i log off or restart the resolution is back to is old way, can anyone help?03:03
GentleGyeah - Its echoing a blank line03:03
jp-mocsI had 6.06 installed in the Ubuntu... decided to reinstall from scratch to 7.10 (cause incremental upgrade sucks)03:03
GentleGthanks for the help - i'll try to do some more research and see if I can figure it out03:04
jp-mocsreconfiged 7,10 samba the same way I had done the 6.0603:04
Yanchois it possible that the output of nohup is not saved anywhere .... ie send it to dev/null ?03:04
jp-mocsI can SEE the Ubuntu from the XP, but get a 'group not found' error when I try to connect03:04
gopodgeGentleG : So you did something like this ... sudo sh test.sh hda103:05
saywatmanghey, im having a problem changing my next window (all windows) key setting in compiz settings manager, for some reason I can't remove or change the key, immediately after I do, something else sets it back to <Alt>Tab03:05
_hufi_can anyone say me how i can use nmap to scan a view ips if there is someone available03:05
gopodgeGentleG : Try without the sudo..03:05
sanzanricrecently i installed ubuntu on to a usb stick by booting in the the livecd and installing ubuntu right on to it. (it is a 4gb stick). now my grub isn't working right, i have to have the usb stick in just to get to the bootloader menu. How do i fix this?03:06
_hufi_can anyone say me how i can use nmap to scan a view ips if there is someone available03:06
_hufi_please ='(03:06
saywatmang_hufi_: man nmap03:06
GentleGno change - still echoing a blank line on the test script03:06
Dr_willis_hufi_,  sudo nmap -sP IPRANGE03:06
Dr_willis_hufi_,  i recall some front ends to nmap also.03:07
GentleGI was just doing the sudo because the original script required it03:07
EdwardXPmy drive is mounted, on sda3 ... and i just deleted sda1 it has a lot og GB space.. so im mounted right now, i need to add in more space to my already mounted drive.. in the gnome partitioner' what would i need to make that possible?03:07
jp-mocsI have in the smb.conf a valid username and group...03:08
saywatmanganyone know why compizconfig settings manager would be preventing me from changingg the "next window" key shortcut?03:08
jp-mocsfollowed the docs (which on different sites are often controdictory)03:08
EdwardXPi don't know how to do that, (im on sda3 mounted) there's free space on another partition.. sda3 to be specific.. , i need those GB transfered to my computer im typing on03:09
jp-mocswins should be on03:09
jp-mocsdid the smbadduser03:09
sanzanricdoes anybody know how to reinstall grub but using a different boot partition03:09
jp-mocsanyone got any ideas?03:10
gopodgeGentleG : Strange one. That script is as simple as you can get.. what about replacing $1 with $003:10
jp-mocsanyone?  Buhler?03:11
xsystemxIs it normal that my partition formatting in xfs doesn't contain a lost+found directory?03:12
sanzanricmaybe this will help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7664703:12
GentleGok  no change and i also just tried test.sh 1 2 3 4 5 and still got nothing03:12
leleis it better keep the nvidea drivers from ubuntu or download the drivers and install the drivers from the web site (because the grafics effects dont work)?03:12
sanzanricjp-mocs, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7664703:12
jp-mocsgoing there now03:13
xsystemxanyone here have knowledge of xfs?03:14
justdavetimely question, I just gave up on the Ubuntu supplied nvidia drivers (because I couldn't get X to even start with them) and installed the ones from nvidia's site (which worked)03:14
gluonmanOkay. I've been trying and trying to install the drivers for my Logitech Quickcam Express webcam. I quite simply cannot figure the stupid thing out. Can some knowledgeable person just give me a walk-through please?03:14
jp-mocssanzanric: looks pretty much like what i did03:14
SpookyETIs the Fedora 8 iptables firewall gui available for ubuntu?03:15
justdavemy machine shipped with Edgy on it and nvidia's drivers installed already when I got it.  I just upgraded it to Feisty and had to reinstall from nvidia's stuff to get X to work.  Maybe it was just having problems trying to fix the existing config or something03:15
sanzanricjp-mocs, sorry, what are you trying to do, sorry i have been in this channel a couple of seconds?03:16
justdavewhich leads to why I actually came in here myself...  was just upgrading said machine from Feisty to Gutsy, and the updater died in the middle of the update03:16
leleit was the first installation03:16
justdaveno clue why it died, I just noticed the noise from the hard drive stopped, and I looked up and the window was gone03:16
justdaveand picking the updater off the menu didn't do anything03:16
justdaveTried to run Synaptic and it told me dpkg was interrupted and run it from the command line to fix03:17
leleand after i'd try to install the vidia drivers but with a lot of problem with gnome03:17
justdaveso dpkg --configure -a is doing its thing now...03:17
justdavebut I was wondering if there's anything else I need to do besides letting dpkg finish that the updater would have done before rebooting03:17
justdaveIIRC when I updated from Edgy to Feisty it did some other cleanup stuff after the install and configure03:18
gluonmanIs anyone knowledgeable on installing and configuring webcams?03:18
jp-mocssanzanric: I did.. as far as I can tell... the exact same thing as I did before with the 6.06... followed the same instruction sheet in fact...03:18
gluonmanCan someone help me setup my Logitech QuickCam Express webcam?03:20
jp-mocscan anyone lend me a moment to track down a samba issue?03:20
imbecilecan anyone tell me how to add icon theme that is just .tar and inside the tar is the folder?03:20
GentleGThanks for the help gopodge - i'll try to do more research. I just wanted to make sure that it wasn't something I had obviously done wrong in the script03:21
sanzanricjp-mocs, how about this program, system-config-samba, for try? It worked for me03:21
usernamehi ther03:21
GentleGI did have another question - can anyone recommend a good reliable drive imaging program - I'm looking for something to replace acronis03:21
usernamei have a problm tryn to install a lexmark printer machine03:22
jp-mocssanzanric: will give it a shot...03:23
Xima1don't tell me i'm getting cable internet for free03:23
sanzanriclinxeh, one with a gui?03:23
jp-mocsyour getting cable internet for free03:23
Xima1yeah...  guess i am... taking them an awful long time to cnacel my service for me03:23
halloali__, hi03:25
rifi_hi ali03:25
imbecilecan someone explain to me how to install this icon pack? its the buuf one & I dont see a tar.gz  http://djany.deviantart.com/art/Buuf-gnome-1-7-r2-3847596903:27
pianoboy3333Hey, I only had 3 GB space left on my other hard drive and I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted, first partition is ext3, second is swap space, I can boot it but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please? What could I possibly have to fix after copying this? I already changed grub to point to the first partition, since on the old drive the partition I was booting off of was the second one...03:28
Nighthawk420Howdy,  anyone in here able to get the ipod touch working on ubuntu?03:28
n_o_O_bI've "cd" to directory and want to run bootlilo.sh. How to?03:28
Broc8897is there a way to disable in xchat-gnome all the joins/leaves?03:28
Cubexombican someone gimme a hand with flash a/v streams, seems when i play back it "works" but every minute or so the audio skips like a scratched cd for 3-4 seconds before resuming..03:28
suttinn_o_0_b: if your in the directory with bootlilo.sh, then ./bootlilo.sh should work03:29
alsadk10how can i install ubuntu not in gui but in that blue screen that apper on instaling win coz instalaition very slow from live cd03:30
BarryToemanalsadk10: try the ubuntu alternate disk03:30
Cubexombialsadk10 you'll have to use an alternate install CD.03:30
n_o_O_bsuttin: "bash: ./bootlilo.sh: /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied"03:30
Nighthawk420haha yea alsadk10 you got another big download waiting for ya lol03:30
alsadk10u mean another cd?03:31
iSEHey ppl, quick q, anyone know where the xine config file for Totem is? I've tried $HOME/.xine n that only affects Kaffein03:31
n_o_O_bI'm root@ubuntu now03:31
suttinn_o_O_b: i have no idea, i'm really new to ubuntu too, sorry :(03:31
Cubexombithe live cd doesn;t do the text based installer03:31
n_o_O_bsuttin: thanks anyway. really03:31
Nighthawk420alsadk10, when you go the the ubuntu download page theres an option to download the alternate disk... download it03:32
alsadk10i have this now i want it for someone else laptop whats the speeds way to install beter?03:32
alsadk10with my live cd03:33
damonehow can I specify which X display to run a program on?03:33
iSEdamone: which program?03:33
gavintlgoldhey, quick question, in ubuntu, what is the default desktop effects setting?03:33
alsadk10i cant understand u whats x display?03:33
damoneiSE: does it matter? I remember there's some way like :0 or something, but I forget how to do it03:34
gavintlgoldor does it depend on the card?03:34
Nighthawk420alsadk10, ooOoOo sounds like you have a compatibility issue with your graphics card... might i ask is it an ATI card?03:34
kenanI have this problem when I am listening to music and once a day when I click on a new song to play, the song doesnt open and the icon for mp3 changes to a blank piece of paper and nothing on my desktop opens anymore, i cant even click the shut down button because nothing comes up, how do i fix this?03:34
iSEdamone: oh i see you mean from the command line?03:34
jp-mocshello again03:34
damoneiSE: yes03:34
alsadk10ok let me c it03:34
staykovmarinhi, i was curious, is there a way to rip flac from cds? i am using k3b, to rip, and flac is not an option03:34
staykovmarinshould i usea different app?03:35
wols_staykovmarin: try grip03:35
bazhangstaykovmarin: just need to add plugin03:35
pianoboy3333staykovmarin: you can try sound-juicer03:35
iSEdamone: Not too sure on that one, I have two display's myself, my monitor + TV, i used a custom config of /etc/X11/xorg.conf to set them up and literally just drag it across. I know some programs there is an option in their settings that asks which screen03:35
pianoboy3333Hey, I only had 3 GB space left on my other hard drive and I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted, first partition is ext3, second is swap space, I can boot it but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please? What could I possibly have to fix after copying this? I already changed grub to point to the first partition, since on the old drive the partition I was booting off of was the second one...03:35
gavintlgoldkenan: try control-alt-backspace next time that happens, and you may not have to restart at least03:35
jp-mocsok.. system-config-samba requires x server, and I am running a plain old lamp server... so... (and this is a total dumb question) how do I install the x server?03:35
GreySimDoes anyone know how to get a list of open windows via a console command? Or some way to getting that info programatically? I'm pretty sure there is, but I don't remember what, and I can't seem to search for the right thing.03:35
damoneiSE: I'm trying to figure out how to make the display from my SSH terminal to show up on my server's monitor :/03:36
kenanwell i dont want to have to do that all the time, im just looking for a permanent solution so evernything doesnt randomly stop opening03:36
gavintlgoldGreySim: might it have something to do with xprop?03:36
iSEpianoboy3333: it doesnt work like that, the install specifies the partition it's installed upon. You'll need to change the settings of grub, to get it to boot from the other partition03:36
pianoboy3333iSE: I did, I changed all that to (0,0) instead of (0,1) that it was at03:37
iSEpianoboy3333: my apologies on the grub settings, misread what u said. But I know the partition address is located in the install, so its trying to load things from the original partition. I had the same problem and is why i can't reload windows after i messed around splitting a partition03:37
kenanis there a way to get personal messages in Pidgin just like how it is in MSN?03:37
pianoboy3333iSE: it boots, and I get to the loading GUI but it just hangs03:37
pianoboy3333iSE: there has to be a way to fix that...03:38
Wargasmpianoboy3333,  it takes me forever to boot03:38
Wargasmtry giving it a few minutes03:38
pianoboy3333Wargasm: yea, but before it booted in under a minute03:38
pianoboy3333Wargasm: I let it hang for 20 just to make sure then some debian console popped up03:38
alsadk10its trident cyberblade i1 agp03:38
annihilus_anyone use gfceu snes emulator?03:39
iSEdamone: Ah I see, where is it going at the moment? what monitor set up have you got? have you tried expanding the display across all monitors or the two you wish to use?03:39
Wargasmoh, ok my bad then pianoboy333303:39
panicbyteHey, I need a book recommendation, I ordered one of those Ubuntu Dells for someone who has never used a computer in their life (i figured ubuntu will give them less problems, and if i have to, i can install WinXP instead of Vista), does anyone have any recommendation for a book for them?03:39
panicbyteI was thinking about the official ubuntu book03:39
iSEdamone: im sure there is a way you can add a command line03:39
alsadk10its trident cyberblade i1 agp03:39
iSEdamone: as to what it is i'm not sure, have you tried the manpages of X11?03:39
bazhangpanicbyte: the official book would be a good starter imo03:39
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fekallhow would I go about installing a tar.gz file?03:40
alsadk10i cant understand u whats x display?03:40
iSEpianoboy3333: there may be a way to edit it manually, you'll have to figure out how the ubuntu install stores the partition it's loading from and change it, there will prob be a config file somewhere im sure of it, but as to what it is, or how to use it, im afraid i cant help03:41
panicbytebazhang: http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Ubuntu-Linux-Novice-Professional/dp/1590596277 is this one any good?03:41
panicbyteor is that one a little more advanced than a never used a computer before person?03:41
kenanDoes Pidgin have a personal message feature like in MSN?03:41
pianoboy3333iSE: well thanks anyway03:41
bazhangpanicbyte: that looks quite good :}03:41
alsadk10i have ubuntu live cd now i want it for someone else laptop whats the speeds way to install beter?03:41
panicbytebazhang: i have to admit, ubuntu has officially made Linux easier than Windows03:42
panicbyteit's the new OS X03:42
iSEpianoboy3333: sorry, im not as to how to solve the problem, but im pretty certain that that is your problem as like i said, my windows install bricked because of it lol!03:42
bazhangpanicbyte: offtopic, but agreed :}03:42
pianoboy3333iSE: yea I know, my friend tried doing that with windows and his borked cause windows installed crap everywhere and is messy like that, but I thought with linux I could just copy it03:43
ubotuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents03:43
fekallok..I will check that out03:43
iSEpianoboy3333: maybe you can, but hopefully its a start, if anythings possible with an OS, it'll be so with linux first :P03:44
ubotuScreenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/03:44
pianoboy3333iSE: heh, true03:44
fekallgood...I couldnt find this...but then again I wasnt at the community portion03:44
iSEAnyone know where the xine config file for Totem is? I've tried $HOME/.xine n that only affects Kaffein03:44
alsadk10i have ubuntu live cd now i want it for someone else laptop whats the speeds way to install beter?03:44
alsadk10whats choice i must use?03:45
kitcheiSE: ~/.xine it's the same for all applications that use xine as a backend03:45
bazhangalsadk10: dual boot?03:45
ubotuIf you feel the need to adopt security measures for your system, check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server03:45
alsadk10from live cd how?03:45
iSEkitche: i've edited the config file to change the soundcard stereo is output to, and Kaffein plays it correctly, however Totem doesnt?03:45
bazhangalsadk10: dual boot or only ubuntu?03:45
kitcheiSE: did you change it in Totem as well?03:46
DM|what app should i use for WEBCAM?03:46
alsadk10whats dual boot is it choice on ubuntu live cd?03:46
bazhangalsadk10: that means to run winxp and ubuntu from the same computer--two oses one system03:47
suttinhey guys, i just installed xubuntu, and installed rhythmbox from synaptic, and i was wondering if there was a way to use the multimedia buttons on my keyboard. i know i was able to do it on a vanilla ubuntu install, but it came like that. anyone know what i can do?03:47
pianoboy3333I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted properly, I can boot it but it and get to the gui, but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please?03:48
panicbytebazhang: gotta go, thanks for the advice03:48
kenanIs there a way where more than one application can access the sound card. It would be great if I can have mp3's playing but I can also hear sound coming from somewhere else like youtube or something03:48
iSEkitche: well i changed audio.device.alsa_front_device:default to audio.device.alsa_front_device:plughw:ICH5, Kaffein now plays through the correct soundcard but Totem doesnt?03:48
iSEkitche: that was in ~/.xine config file03:48
bazhangpanicbyte no worries03:49
alsadk10i have win me & want to instal ubuntu with it ?03:49
ZombieI'm looking to upgrade from Fiesty to Gutsy.03:49
ZombieI have an Ubuntu DVD but I do not want to format and repartition.03:50
kitcheZombie: boot into Fiesty and run update-manager fresh it and it will let you upgrade to gutsy03:50
ZombieI know, but I'd like it to use my DVD.03:50
Wargasmwhy lol03:51
sexcopterhi, sorry if slightly off topic, but does anyone know any good online canadian for buying pc components?03:51
bazhangZombie: then you need to format03:51
nickruddoesn't inserting the dvd initiate an upgrade?03:51
iSEbazhang, Zombie: there is an option in Synaptic to use a cd-rom repo?03:51
Zombiethe online upgrade process is bandwidth intensive.03:52
bazhangiSE: the live or the alternate03:52
suttinZombie: isnt there an upgrade option when the cd first boots03:52
bazhangZombie: try the alternate cd for that03:52
alsadk10i have win me & want to instal ubuntu with it ?03:53
iSEbazhang: Well i installed using the live cd, and in synaptic in the repo settings, theres an option to use the cd-rom, im assuming the same will be there in Zombie's Synaptic repo settings, and so can load the updated files from the DVD03:53
kenanIs there a way where more than one application can access the sound card. It would be great if I can have mp3's playing but I can also hear sound coming from somewhere else like youtube or something03:53
ang-ozHi.  Is there a utility in Ubuntu or Debian to do bulk resizing and renaming of images?03:53
bazhangiSE: if that was the install source iirc03:53
iSEbazhang: iirc?03:54
pianoboy3333I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted properly, I can boot it but it and get to the gui, but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please?03:54
BarryToemanang-oz: try "nautilus-image-converter"03:54
ang-oziSE: "If I Remember Correctly"03:54
bazhangiSE: sorry, if I recally correctly :}03:54
bazhangerr recall03:54
ang-ozBarryToeman: OK - thanks03:54
iSEbazhang, ang-oz: how dense!03:54
bazhanghaha not at all my fault03:55
iSEbazhang: whats the alternative install method besides CD though? In fact, im not sure what it is myself, but can't you add the DVD as a repo?03:56
pianoboy3333iSE: yea, if you add the cd as repos you can upgrade that way03:56
pianoboy3333iSE: or the dvd03:56
desertcquestion: anyone else have a problem when they click a link on Firefox where it should ask "download or open with application" that the file starts displaying as text, instead?  Anyone know how to fix this annoyance?03:56
BarryToemanang-oz: gThumb can do bulk image resize.  i'm not sure if the nautilus script can do bulk03:56
pianoboy3333iSE: the internet is certainly much easier though03:57
bazhangiSE: I would think no, though the alternate cd does provide that option; Zombie is welcome to try though :}03:57
Walterpianoboy333 is correct you can do it in that way03:57
ang-ozBarryToeman: D'oh!  I should have thought of gThumb03:57
pianoboy3333there's that other good photo program03:57
pianoboy3333damn what's its name03:57
pianoboy3333bazhang: no F-Spot03:58
ang-ozbazhang: I'm suing gimp already, but i want something to do it in bulk without requiring interaction03:58
iSEZombie: Open Synaptic Package manager from System > Administration. Goto Settings > Repositories, then click the third party software tab, and then the button "Add CD-Rom". You'll need to insert the Gutsy DVD at this point. Hopefully that should work for you, though a lot will have been updated since that CD was released03:59
bazhangang-oz: ah ok, wasn't paying attention mea culpa :}03:59
tumbleweed__ang-oz : you may want to look into imagemagick03:59
tumbleweed__its made for that sort of thing04:00
ang-ozBarryToeman: Do you have to restart Nautilus to get the extension to activate?04:00
SpudDoggman what happened to gutsy.  seems to be really buggy...anyone else having problems?04:00
BarryToemanang-oz: i'm not sure.04:00
bazhangSpudDogg: can you specify?04:00
vetetixHi everyone, i've got a problem with evolution mail client : I'm behind a proxy, and evolution cannot fetch images in html mails. The proxy configuration is given in gnome, but it seems it doesn't use it04:00
pianoboy3333I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted properly, I can boot it but it and get to the gui, but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please?04:00
ang-ozSpudDogg: Yeah, be more specific - gutsy works *great* for me04:00
iSEBye everyone!04:01
bazhangbye iSE04:01
SpudDoggbazhang: well, for some reason i cannot get flashplugin-nonfree installed.  it constantly drops out with an error.  also, for some reason all of my network shares come "unmounted" by them selves if the computer sits idle for a while04:01
gluonmanI have a webcam, model Logitech Quickcam Express, and I downloaded the driver for it from sourceforge. Does anyone know where I need to move the folder for the driver to work?04:02
robdigvetetix: go to edit->preferences then choose mail preferences and the html mail tab, then check image loading options...i use load images in mail from contacts, but you can set it how you want04:02
bazhangSpudDogg: the flash problem has been plaguing everyone the last few days--should be fixed--either in the backports or now in the main, the samba (?) issue I'm not sure about04:03
ang-ozThanks for the help, folks.04:03
SpudDoggbazhang: any idea where i can get the flash fix?  should it come with an upgrade or something?04:03
naxahi! is there any russian people here?04:04
ubotuПожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke04:04
naxathanks :)04:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about flashfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:04
starryeyedboySpudDogg: are u using 64bit architecture?04:04
EdwardXPI am trying to get my DVD player working on this ubuntu , its not working :( even with restricted drivers04:04
gluonmanI have a webcam, model Logitech Quickcam Express, and I downloaded the driver for it from sourceforge. Does anyone know where I need to move the folder for the driver to work?04:05
bmk789is an LVM partition accessible from any linux install?04:05
pianoboy3333gluonman: you gotta compile it you can't just move the folder04:05
SpudDoggstarryeyedboy: my proc is amd64 (athlon 64 4000+) but no, i'm running 32-bit04:05
bazhangEdwardXP: for actual dvds? you need libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org04:05
pianoboy3333gluonman: its kinda complicated04:05
EdwardXPcan i trust you bazhang04:05
pianoboy3333gluonman: plus installing the source package from the repositories is a much better way04:05
bazhangEdwardXP: your call :}04:06
gluonmanpianoboy3333, might you be able to give me an explanation? At least something to lead me along. Oh, I can't seem to get them from repos. Webcam support is extremely low.04:06
justdaveso good news on the nvidia thing, after I coerced the feisty->gutsy upgrade to finish, it all worked out of the box on the reboot into Gutsy :)04:06
codeshahI have a bunch of *~ files created in my subdirectoreis... how can I erase them with one command?04:06
pianoboy3333gluonman: I have my quickcam working fine......04:06
starryeyedboySpudDogg i had the same problem yesterday. apparently adobe released a new version of flash04:06
vetetixrobdig, thx, but it's not the problem, as you can ask to load images with ctrl+I. The pb is with proxy setting04:06
gluonmanpianoboy3333, how did you do that?04:06
pianoboy3333gluonman: you comfortable with the terminal?04:06
BarryToemangluonman: take a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam04:06
justdavehad to install from nvidia's download to get it to work on feisty, so that's a nice improvement04:06
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:06
gluonmanpianoboy3333, yes. I know the basics.04:06
starryeyedboyHang on.. i'll give u the link to the thread - n you can see if the solution applies04:07
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/04:07
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I've been trying to get my cam to work for almost a week now.04:07
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:07
bmk789if i have an lvm partition on my second HD with all my data and i reinstall my distro on the 1st hd, will i be able to use the lvm partition?04:07
robdigvetetix: hmm...04:07
EdwardXPwhasts lvm partition?04:07
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO04:08
bazhanglogical volume management04:08
EdwardXPhmm okay04:08
gluonmanpianoboy3333, what do I need to do to get mine working?04:08
Jangarianyone know how i can open a tcl script?04:08
pianoboy3333gluonman: sudo apt-get install qc-usb-source04:08
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I've done that already.04:09
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok04:09
gluonmanpianoboy3333, what after that?04:09
pianoboy3333gluonman: then sudo m-a04:09
vetetixrobdig, i don't understand, because all my other gnome programs do well with the same proxy settings04:09
starryeyedboySpudDogg: have a look at the post by Eu-Jin Foo, the second last one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/17389004:09
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:09
justdavehmm, no sound though04:09
XacarithI've just installed linux onto an HDD partition but when I reboot I get a master boot error04:09
justdavehow do I make sound work on Gutsy? :)04:09
pianoboy3333gluonman: did it fail? you may have to install the package "module-assistant"04:09
Wargasmjustdave, make sure your sound card has working drivers04:10
gluonmanpianoboy3333, no. It's open.04:10
robdigvetetix: have you set the proxy up in evolution?04:10
gluonmanpianoboy3333, but which do I select?04:10
starryeyedboysince ur using 32 bit ubuntu... i'm not sure if its not working for u for the same reasons04:10
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok first update04:10
pianoboy3333gluonman: should go quickly04:10
pianoboy3333then prepare04:10
vetetixrobdig, there is no proxy setting in evolution, is there ?04:10
justdaveWargasm: how do I find that out?04:10
codeshahhey guys, i have a bunch of *~ files I want to delete . find . -type f -name *.*~ doesnt work -> how can I get that "~" recognized04:10
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pianoboy3333gluonman: that'll make sure you have all of the tools, like make, g++, etc04:11
robdigvetetix: misspoke, not in evolution, but on the system...sorry about that04:11
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I highlighted update and pushed enter. It went to the terminal and took a moment then went back.04:11
pianoboy3333gluonman: yep that's normal, now do prepare04:11
Wargasmjustdave, go to system, then click on administration, then click on restricted drivers04:11
XacarithRight now I'm running of the live CD trying to figure out why grub isn't loading04:11
Wargasmmake sure there's no drivers in red04:11
justdavehmm, okay I rebooted a second time and I have sound after rebooting04:11
Wargasmok maybe its fine then04:11
Wargasmbut you could still check04:11
Wargasmmight be other drivers04:11
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. All set04:11
vetetixrobdig, yes, the proxy settings for the system are ok04:11
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok now select04:11
desertcjustdave: A lot of times, the sound volume is at 0 or muted.04:11
justdaveonly thing listed in restricted drivers is the nvidia card04:11
robdigvetetix: System->Preferences->Network Proxy04:12
gluonmanpianoboy3333, Okay.04:12
pianoboy3333scroll down to the module with the arrow keys04:12
desertcjustdave: check ALL your volume levels in the gnome volume applet04:12
pianoboy3333gluonman: then select it with space bar04:12
pedro__Hi there04:12
gluonmanpianoboy3333, module with arrow keys?04:12
justdavedesertc: it's working now.  :)  you missed where I said rebooting fixed it04:12
XacarithAny one able to help with Grub?04:12
gluonmanpianoboy3333, oh. I misread your sentence.04:12
vetetixrobdig, yes, the proxy settings are ok there, they work with other programs04:12
desertcjustdave: I saw that.  Letting you know for future reference.04:12
justdaveah, okay04:12
bazhang!grub | Xacarith04:12
ubotuXacarith: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:12
pianoboy3333gluonman: yes, use your arrow keys to hover over the module, and select it with the space bar04:12
desertcAnyone looked at the Walmart $200 Linux PC yet?04:13
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I need the spca5xx driver, right?04:13
vetetixrobdig, my problem is very strange04:13
pianoboy3333gluonman: no not that04:13
Wargasmi want a cheap linux laptop04:13
robdigvetetix: ok, found a bug...so i think this is it...looks like a fix in progress https://bugs.launchpad.net/evolution-exchange/+bug/5265404:13
pedro__I am an absolute newcomer here, I dont know even if I can make a question directly here04:13
pianoboy3333gluonman: it should be the quick cam module it should be there if you installed that source package04:13
starryeyedboyWargasm: lenovo =D04:13
bazhangdesertc: yeah, and the new cloudbook as well :}04:13
pedro__any one can help me?04:13
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. Let me look for it.04:13
desertcIMHO, having Walmart selling cheap Linux PCs with support is better than Dell selling them with optional support.04:13
Wargasmhow much can i get one with like a gb of ram?04:13
gluonmanpianoboy3333, found it.04:13
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I selected it.04:14
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok good, select it, then hit tab and select ok04:14
justdaveheh, fonts look horrible in MythTV now.04:14
justdaveI'm using a third-party theme, bet the theme needs an upgrade04:14
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I did that by simply pushing enter.04:14
pedro__should I go to another channel or something?04:14
desertcWargasm: Walmart is rumored to be selling $300 Linux laptops by the same company soon!04:14
Wargasmthats pretty good04:14
pianoboy3333gluonman: alright, now hit build, and it should compile, and then install, and it should install, and you should then be good, tell me when its done04:14
desertcGetting cheap computers sold with Linux is going to be HUGE for getting more commercial companies supporting Linux OS.04:14
pedro__anybody can help me...04:14
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. Thanks. Where were you a week ago? lol04:15
pianoboy3333gluonman: haha04:15
robdigpedro__: what is your question?04:15
damaltorpedro__: just ask04:15
whiteguysamuraiwhat's up pedro?04:15
pedro__thank you very much!04:15
bazhangask away pedro__04:15
desertcPlease recommend computers with Linux preinstalled and supported to all your friends and family, instead of trying to jury-rig an Ubuntu install on hardware that might not work well and with no support.04:15
pedro__should be easy for all of you04:15
desertcVote pedro__ !04:15
pedro__have ubuntu gutsy04:15
damaltorVote pedro__ !04:16
pedro__working very well04:16
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea that's the thing people think they can just install the source.... its kinda misleading and there's nothign anywhere saying "use module assistant" if you're not used to it04:16
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:16
pedro__sound ok04:16
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pedro__tried to play a dvd from a directory04:16
pedro__with totem04:16
vetetixrobdig, ok, thanks for everything04:16
pedro__but I had to play a single chapter each time04:16
tumbleweed__!enter | pedro04:16
ubotupedro: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:16
whiteguysamuraidid you install the restricted extras?04:16
pedro__sorry :(04:17
robdigvetetix: no prob...hope they fix it soon04:17
desertc!dvd | pedro__04:17
ubotupedro__: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:17
desertcpedro__: These are encrypted DVDs, right?04:17
pedro__no wait, is another thing, going to put it in one line04:17
bazhangpedro__: you need to get the package from medibuntu.org called libdvdcss2--instructions are on the site04:17
gluonmanpianoboy3333, yeah. I've never used this before. But it's installing now.04:17
desertcRecord and share your own *unencrypted* DVDs.  I found these Ubuntu instructions on a website: http://www.linuxgamingworld.com/2007/12/recording-a-dvd-of-your-own04:18
pianoboy3333gluonman: that's good04:18
gluonmanpianoboy3333, it finished installing.04:18
desertc!hi | pawan04:18
ubotupawan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:18
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok, good now exit the program, I dunno its like back and then exit on the next screen04:18
pianoboy3333gluonman: just so the program quits04:18
pawanany new release04:19
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:19
pianoboy3333gluonman: ok, now type "gksudo gedit /etc/modules"04:19
bazhangyes pawan though just an alpha04:19
WGGMkHow would I set a rule (if possible) to force all http traffic to a specific port (for DansGuardian) using IPtables in Webmin04:19
pawanwhich one04:19
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:19
bazhangpawan: hardy heron04:20
pawanhow to download it04:20
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu04:20
pianoboy3333gluonman: now, I'm not sure the name of the module... I think its quickcam-messenger04:20
pedro__played with totem, plays well just one chapter, NOTE: sounds perfect. I wanted to see the complete dvd and interact with menus, so I tried gxine, didnt work from a directory and then I installed ogle, it tried to open but didnt, then I tried with kaffeine, it opened very well, but no sound, thought first that it was kaffeine, but then I reboot and the drum sound from the logn page of ubuntu didnt came! then I have no sound at all, nor from audacious nor a04:20
pedro__ny other app... what could happened?04:20
pianoboy3333gluonman: so try adding "quickcam-messenger" to the end of the list04:20
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:20
gluonmanpianoboy3333, done.04:20
desertcpedro__: It only plays one chapter because the dvdnav package is not installed.04:20
pianoboy3333gluonman: exit gedit... then try "sudo modprobe quickcam-messenger"04:21
gluonmanpianoboy3333, and saved.04:21
pedro__ok, but the problem is not with the dvd, is with my box's sound04:21
pedro__it has no sound at all04:21
gluonmanpianoboy3333, mobprobe = command not found.04:21
pedro__and used to have04:21
pianoboy3333gluonman: oh sorry its modprobe, just a typo04:21
gluonmanpianoboy3333, oh. haha04:21
tumbleweed__pedro__ : have you restarted yet?04:21
pedro__yep twice04:22
pawanUbuntu 8.04 LTS04:22
pedro__now it has no sound04:22
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. It seems to have worked.04:22
pianoboy3333gluonman: good04:22
n_o_O_bGuyz I can't execute bootlilo.sh. Anybody messed with?04:22
pedro__I think it has to do with ogle or gxine or kaffeine04:22
bazhangpawan: that is the one04:22
gluonmanpianoboy3333, anything after that? Or do I just test it now?04:22
pianoboy3333gluonman: install the program camorama "sudo apt-get install camorama"04:22
pawanin april04:22
desertcpedro__: Try this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/15693004:22
gluonmanpianoboy3333, already have camorama.04:22
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea just test it, camorama is a good program but my computer used to crash when I didn't have it set up right04:23
pianoboy3333gluonman: alright, try it, see what happens04:23
pedro__alsamixer, tried to disable IEC, but it didnt work04:23
pedro__let me check04:23
gluonmanpianoboy3333, it outputs that it could not find /dev/video0 or something like that.04:23
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea.... damn...04:24
pianoboy3333gluonman: alright try unplugging the camera and plugging it back in04:24
WGGMkHow would I set a rule (if possible) to force all http traffic to a specific port (for DansGuardian) using IPtables in Webmin04:24
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:24
pianoboy3333gluonman: make sure the camera is connected directly to the computer and not through a usb-hub or like a usb slot on your monitor04:24
gluonmanpianoboy3333, it's connected via USB to the back of the computer.04:25
pianoboy3333ok good04:25
gluonmanpianoboy3333, same error.04:25
gluonmanpianoboy3333, might a restart work?04:25
pianoboy3333gluonman: alright, try rebooting, yea04:25
pawanwhat is kubuntu-devel04:25
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. I'll give that a try. I'll be back.04:25
pianoboy3333I copied all of the folders in / to another drive, its formatted properly, I can boot it but it and get to the gui, but it stops loading at one point and just hangs, help please?04:26
mutablehi. i've recentrly installed compiz and everythings works great, expect for video playback. mplayer/totem show some strange colors and not video playback04:26
lwizardlhow can i install udf 2.50 support on gutsy? i have kernal 2.6.22-14-rt04:26
desertcmutable: Like green scrambly stuff?04:26
desertc!hi | lwizardl04:27
ubotulwizardl: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:27
mutabledesertc: maybe... the area where video should appear is full of colors04:27
desertcmutable: Do you think it could be like this?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22/+bug/16234304:28
desertcmutable: Are you sure it only happens when you have compiz running?04:28
silent_xmodmap isn't applying my pointer settings... I set the pointer settings and they appear changed in xmodmap -pp, but they revert upon restarting04:29
Hegemonwhy does limewire not display properly?04:29
mutabledesertc: yes, it is ok without compiz... maybe the problem is i have xine backend for totem04:30
Hegemoncan someone help me with that?04:30
skyfalcon866ubuntu is a fresh pile of monkey poop04:31
Dr_willisskyfalcon866,  demand a refund then.04:32
thenetduckhow can I automaticly create a .deb file from the source code?04:32
kahrytanHow do i log out of Ubuntu Wiki?04:32
palomai have a problem installing Zend Studio, everything seems ok during the instalation, i execute the program and... i just see a big grey window...04:33
skyfalcon866ubuntu is a fresh pile of monkey poop04:33
Dr_willisthenetduck,  thers a command that can do that.. but  i forget what its name is.04:33
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I did camorama again and it did not have an error.04:33
skyfalcon866Ubuntu is one of them simple distros04:33
pianoboy3333gluonman: does it work though?04:33
kahrytan!op | skyfalcon86604:33
pedro__desertc: Read it but didnt work, in sound configuration I tried every test, and everyone failed, i mean the test window shows but no sound at all...04:33
pedro__desertc: double checked the mute, alsamixer at 100% every bar...04:33
ubotuskyfalcon866: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!04:33
gluonmanpianoboy3333, there was picture.04:34
Dr_willissimple is bad?04:34
pianoboy3333gluonman: therefore it works, or you're saying you have a ridiculously low frame rate04:34
WGGMkHow would I set a rule (if possible) to force all http traffic to a specific port (for DansGuardian) using IPtables in Webmin04:34
skyfalcon866!op | kahrytan04:34
ubotukahrytan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!04:34
gluonmanpianoboy3333, it freezes, though.04:34
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea, I don't know what to tell you I had an issue with two other logitech cameras04:35
kahrytanI think I may have found new fan04:35
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I don't know why it freezes.04:35
gluonmanpianoboy3333, but at least it's further than I have gotten all week.04:35
kiersiehow can i put the tracker on hold when i use accu04:35
c0nka16i cant ubuntu installed on my system04:35
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I have another computer I can go through the same process with.04:35
pianoboy3333gluonman: you might want to repeat the process with a different driver, like that spca driver or the gspca driver and try loading them all at the same time04:35
c0nka16can some1 help04:35
gluonmanpianoboy3333, how do I do that?04:36
pianoboy3333gluonman: I found that I was not able to build the spca driver and that it failed though04:36
mikewHi all04:36
kahrytanHow do i log out of Ubuntu Wiki?04:36
pianoboy3333gluonman: just do "apt-cache search gspca" and the name of the source package should come up, install it then use module-assistant again04:36
pianoboy3333just like before04:36
lwizardlhas anyone been able to install udf 2.50 on ubuntu gutsy?04:37
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gluonmanpianoboy3333, I'll try that.04:37
gluonmanpianoboy3333, thanks for your help.04:37
pianoboy3333gluonman: np, sorry I couldn't get it working04:37
jtonghow can i find out which process is locking a file if i get resources busy when i try to remove a file?04:37
kiersiehow can i put the tracker on hold when i use accu, btw i dnt wanna bash04:38
mikewSay does anyone know of an RDP client that allows multiple full screen sessions and 24bit color similar to the way the windows one does? I'd interested in hearing about free or commercial products. :)04:38
BarryToemanpaloma: are you running compiz? it might be causing the gray window.04:39
gluonmanpianoboy3333, gspca-source is the name.04:39
palomai don't know, how i disable compiz?04:39
pianoboy3333gluonman: yep so just repeat the process with that source package04:39
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I forgot how to get into the manager, haha04:39
BarryToemanpaloma: system -> preferences -> appearance04:40
BarryToemanpaloma: visual effects tab -> choose "none"04:40
Al00I need to have drives mounted ONLY when I login and I don't want to have to sudo to do this. I've added this to my "fstab": "/dev/sda2 /media/DATA ntfs-3g al00,noauto,defaults,locale=en_CA.UTF-8 0 0" where aloo is my username (hoping this would allow me to natively mount the device). I still need to sudo -- any thoughts on the proper syntax (or if it is even possible)04:40
robdigjtong: lsof04:41
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I figured it out, but I cannot find the gspca-source in the manager.04:41
pianoboy3333gluonman: make sure you do prepare and update each time04:41
kiersiepalomia system behavieuurs, uiterlijk,,,,,,,,,,,,04:41
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:41
palomaok i'll try that way04:42
silent_I can use xmodmap to change my pointer settings, but as soon as I restart the settings are reverted.. I'm using ~/.Xmodmap as a config file, is there another way to make sure the changes are applied? something is overwriting or not using my defined settings04:42
p34rhey i'm a newb connected to my ubuntu server, is there a reason to use 'sudo' before most things instead of just saying it? i.e. sudo gem install rails VS gem install rails? both work...04:42
Dr_willis!info gem04:42
ubotugem: Graphics Environment for Multimedia - PureData library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1: (gutsy), package size 1465 kB, installed size 4636 kB04:42
Dr_willisnever heard of gem befor.04:42
jtongrobdig: thanks04:43
Walteryou can use  >> sudo aptitude install gspca-source04:43
catronI am at a loss, I am trying to get a 3.1 gb file to a windows machine (that has the dvd burner) but the external hard drive will not be recognized. Is there an alternative? (the hard drive is fat32)04:43
robdigjtong: no problem, hope it helps04:43
linrunixp34r, try reading about sudo on google04:43
=== NoorIslam is now known as NoorulIslaam
kiersiedoes it works other way wich language do you talk04:44
thenetduckI am installing tomboy from source then creating a .deb file with "checkinstall". When installing from source, what director should I be compiling Tomboy in?04:44
gluonmanpianoboy3333, I still cannot find gspca. Should I select SPCA5xx while I'm here, though?04:44
catronI am at a loss, I am trying to get a 3.1 gb file to a windows machine (that has the dvd burner) but the external hard drive will not be recognized. Is there an alternative? (the hard drive is fat32)04:44
pianoboy3333gluonman: you can try04:44
p34rlinrunix: Sudo allows a system administrator to give certain users (or groups of users) the ability to run some (or all) commands as root or another user while logging the commands and arguments.04:44
p34rlinrunix: so it just logs it? would it not otherwise?04:44
palomahey thanks, everything works perfect now!!!!04:45
p34rlinrunix: if i'm not logged in as root (i am right now) i can't do those commands without sudo then? that's what i understand04:45
catronplz guys.. I have been trying for 5 hours04:45
Dr_willissudo has a lot of other features.  You can allow specific groups/users to do a limited set of admin type commands also.04:45
linrunixp34r, no04:45
Al00I need to have drives mounted ONLY when I login and I don't want to have to sudo to do this. I've added this to my "fstab": "/dev/sda2 /media/DATA ntfs-3g al00,noauto,defaults,locale=en_CA.UTF-8 0 0" where aloo is my username (hoping this would allow me to natively mount the device). I still need to sudo -- any thoughts on the proper syntax (or if it is even possible)04:45
BarryToemanpaloma: it can be fixed permanently: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13621804:45
p34rcatron: the external harddrive won't be recognized on the windows machine?04:46
BarryToemanpaloma: not for gutsy, but might work04:46
catronIt will be recognized on windows, not ubuntu 7.1004:46
Al00catron -- run an FTP server on your windows box. FTP to it from your Linux box and upload the file that way04:46
linrunixp34r, if you're not logged as root u will need sudo04:46
Dr_willisAl00,  i think you may have to use the uid/gid options, Not sure the 'username'  works.04:46
Dr_willisAl00,  also the 'user' option lets the users mount/unmount filesystems.04:46
palomai'll see barrytoeman04:46
grout_will gutsy run ok on 256 megs of ram?04:46
p34rlinrunix: ah i see04:47
Al00Dr_willis : how do I find my uid/gid? *embarassed look*04:47
Dr_willisAl00,  the default initial user is uid 1000 i belive and goes up from there.04:47
IcemanV9grout_: yes04:47
kelsingrout_: a command line system sure, and most gui's should run fine. Obviously you won't be able to run a system with every bull and wistle installed04:47
thenetduckWhere should I compile tomboy notes? I am a bit confused on thsi04:47
Dr_willisAl00,  ya can do echo $UID04:47
BarryToemangrout_: but probably slowly unless you do a custom install.04:47
gluonmanpianoboy3333, spca5xx seemed to install fine. But can you help me figure out how to find gspc-source?04:47
kiersieis there an standart language for this channel?04:47
Hirvinengrout_: Yes. You'll probably want to use Xubuntu or Fluxbuntu, as they are a bit more lightweight.04:47
BarryToemangrout_: like not using Gnome and using Openbox or something instead04:48
kelsingrout_: I would start with a command line system, and just add on things you need04:48
Dr_willisAl00,  there may be other better ways. :) your line with the noauto does not mount the filesystem at all.  and using defaults and extra options.. is a little.. weird. :)04:48
HegemonDoes Limewire have a problem running with compiz?04:48
bazhangenglish kiersie04:48
Dr_willisHegemon,  a lot of java apps i find have little issues.04:48
robdigkiersie: this channel is english...but there are many others...which one would you like/04:48
=== Jeffrey1 is now known as Jef2
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Dr_willisEsperanto? :)04:48
HegemonLimewire has a slightly larger issue...it won't display, beyond a title bar and white background for the window04:49
kiersieshould it be then not be #ubuntu-en   ?04:49
Al00Dr_willis: I don't really know what I'm doing. I've read the man for mount and fstab. I just want to be able to mount that device (via my .profile) when I login so that the mount is not system wide but ONLY I can do it.04:49
Hirvinengrout_: KDE 4 will be much lighter than KDE 3: Check this out: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/313704:49
kiersieesperanto lijkt me leuk04:49
gluonmanpianoboy3333, you still there?04:49
Hegemonanyone have any solutions?04:49
Dr_willisAl00,  you prberly just want to use the user option then.  You may want to check the ntfs-3g faq/docs/homepage  they have lots of examples04:50
HegemonI haven't had luck looking onlind04:50
Hirvinen!language | kiersie04:50
ubotukiersie: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:50
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea but I g2 reboot and fix problems of my own, brb04:50
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay.04:50
BarryToemanHegemon: did you try to disable compiz?04:50
Al00Dr_willis: looking now -- thanks04:50
jdsbluedevlhi, I'm getting a weird error code in updating moblock-nfq04:50
Hirvinen!en | kiersie04:50
ubotukiersie: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat04:50
jdsbluedevl"subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 6"04:50
Hegemonlemmie try and disable compiz04:50
Hegemonuhh...how do you do that?04:50
Dr_willisAl00,  also check out the 'ntfs-config' utility04:50
Hegemonsorry, new to linux04:51
jdsbluedevlI checked the forums, but it seems to be something that just popped up within the past 48 hours04:51
BarryToemangrout_: system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects tab -> choose "none"04:51
kiersieno i dont wanna have to blame but ubuntu is for every one i discosse thuss i thaugt it isnt not an standart language04:52
Hirvinen!compiz | Hegemon04:52
ubotuHegemon: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:52
jdsbluedevldoes anyone know how I can fix the moblock upgrade?04:52
gpledanyone get runescape to work?04:52
jon_I accidently deleted the top panel that ubuntu comes preinstalled with, is there an easy way to restore it?04:52
thenetduckafter I compile a program can I delete the source code?04:53
BarryToemanHegemon: i meant that for you, nut grout04:53
thenetduckI mean the directory I was in when I compiled the program04:53
Hegemonthanks, all of you04:53
soldatsthenetduck, usually its ok to do so04:53
BarryToemanheh..."nut".  i can't type today04:53
robdigjon_: right click on the bottom panel, then add panel. you will need to add items back to it, use add to panel.04:54
BarryToemani need a dialing wand04:54
pedroHi every one04:54
jdsbluedevldoes anyone know how to fix the Moblock update?04:54
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience04:54
bmt2hello to all04:54
pedroI have a question... maybe somebody can help me...04:54
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:55
bmt2i am trying to teach myself PHP, does anyone know where i can find info to set PHP up on my ubuntu 7.10 laptop ?04:55
pedrook ok...04:55
Filled-voidIf I have an Ubuntu desktop which I installed from the Ubuntu CD and a kubuntu cd can I install KDE from the kubutnu cd ? If so what packages would I add?04:55
BarryToemanthenetduck: i would keep it in case you want to uninstall with make uninstall it or keep your config files04:55
jon_robdig, so no way to just readd huh?04:55
jdsbluedevlI did check.  Nothing is popping up anywhere.04:55
Filled-voidbmt2, Just need php ? pr MySql and Apache2 as well?04:55
soldatsFilled-void, you can do that via command line04:56
catronFTP server won't work (or I am just stupid)... what now04:56
robdigjon_: afaik, no04:56
MontoyaIf I install an older kernel for ubuntu, does that give me a better chance of my ethernet working?04:56
bmt2Filled-void: i do not understand your quesiton04:56
p_quarlesFilled-v: either kubuntu desktop, or kdm and kde-core04:56
bmt2Filled-void: i get it now..i need apache also04:56
Filled-voidsoldats, Do you just want to try php or do you need the whole LAMP stuff?04:56
BarryToemanbmt2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP04:56
bmt2BarryToeman: thanks04:56
Filled-void^That works04:56
soldatsFilled-void, wrong person04:56
Filled-voidsoldats, sudo apt-get install <which packages>04:57
pedroubuntu gutsy, perfect sound, play dvd with totem, perfect sound one single chapter, tried gxine, ogle, kaffeine, now I have no sound at all, even after reboot, no sound from audacious, no sound from the sound tests under System->administration, alsamixer with every bar at 100%, reboot twice, nothing works04:57
zylmakhello how do we know the file usage?04:57
Montoyasomeone want to help me get my ethernet card working? I have gutsy04:57
Hirvinen!kde | Filled-void04:57
ubotuFilled-void: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:57
soldatsFilled-void, either kubuntu desktop, or kdm and kde-core04:57
bmt2Filled-void: BarryToeman ....thanks to you both !04:57
Filled-voidthank you Hirvinen and soldats :D04:58
BarryToemanbmt2: good thing i'm sitting in front of the computer on a sat night...04:58
ubotuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd04:58
pedroalplay -l does show the sound card04:58
soldatsaplay -l04:59
kiersie Vereisten: kde4-amusements maar het wordt niet genstaleerd sorry04:59
soldatspedro, aplay -l04:59
pedroeso eso... thats what I meant ;)04:59
soldatshmm i wonder why04:59
jdsbluedevlforums, wiki, help pages aren't helping with the moblock problem04:59
pedroaplay -l04:59
pedro**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****04:59
pedrocard 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], device 0: Intel ICH [Intel 82801DB-ICH4]04:59
pedro  Subdevices: 0/104:59
pedro  Subdevice #0: subdevice #004:59
pedrocard 0: I82801DBICH4 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4], device 4: Intel ICH - IEC958 [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 - IEC958]04:59
pedro  Subdevices: 1/104:59
pedro  Subdevice #0: subdevice #004:59
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:59
pedrocard 1: Modem [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem], device 0: Intel ICH - Modem [Intel 82801DB-ICH4 Modem - Modem]04:59
pedro  Subdevices: 0/104:59
pedro  Subdevice #0: subdevice #005:00
Hirvinen!!paste | pedro05:00
ubotupedro: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:00
pedrosorry again05:00
kiersie3 lines are ok but so much pedro05:00
robdigzylmak: if you mean extensions, they are not required in linux, but many have the same meaning as in dos/windows. you can tell executables by looking at permissions, ls -l. If you mean what type of file it is, try file filename, and it will tell you the characteristics of the file05:00
vasilisaI just got a belkin Usb transfer cable so me and my girlfriend can share files. Im on Kubuntu Gutsy and she's on Windows XP. Possible, or did we just waste money??05:01
Hirvinen!nl | kiersie05:01
ubotukiersie: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl05:01
Cpudan80vasilisa: Are the two computers networked?05:01
pedroexcuseme everyone please, wont copy paste again, I swear, still anybody want to help me despite my copypaste mistake :)05:01
jdsbluedevlyou could probably set up a samba share05:01
Hirvinen!samba | vasilisa05:01
ubotuvasilisa: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:01
Dusti[n]vasilisa: possable05:01
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vasilisaCpudan80: I have never done netwroking stuff in my life. The extent of my knowledge: we want to transfer files05:02
vasilisaokay samba05:02
Cpudan80vasilisa: Are the two machines physically connected?05:02
Montoyaanyone here know how to get broadcom ethernet working with Gutsy?05:02
vasilisaCpudan80: Well this usb thing connects them....05:02
IcemanV9!sound | pedro05:02
ubotupedro: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:02
Hirvinenpedro: No, we wont. We would have to scroll back to look at it and then we wouldn't see the current discussion. Use the pastebin and give us a url.05:03
Cpudan80vasilisa: That's not gonna work05:03
vasilisaCpudan80: but it said its a transfer cable for files o.o05:03
Cpudan80vasilisa: How do the two computers connect to the internet05:03
pedrook thanks!05:03
Cpudan80vasilisa: It would work if both machines used windows05:03
vasilisaCpudan80: oh. crap.05:03
vasilisaCpudan80: both are in a router05:03
BarryToemanjdsbluedevl: "6 is configuration error. In most cases this means that a blocklist (configured in /etc/moblock/blocklists.list) could not be downloaded. Therefore moblock won't start.05:03
BarryToemanJust remove the missing blocklists from the conffile for a while or try updating the lists again."05:03
Cpudan80vasilisa: What are the IPs of each machine?05:03
vasilisaCpudan80: ....05:04
vasilisaCpudan80: No offense, i dont give out IPs05:04
Montoyaanyone here bored and want to help me get my ethernet working?05:04
jdsbluedevlok, what does that mean?05:04
Cpudan80vasilisa: In windows, do start --> run --> cmd --> ipconfig ; in ubuntu open a terminal and do ifconfig05:04
BarryToemanjdsbluedevl: from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=192559&page=9305:04
vasilisaCpudan80: What do we do with the info?05:04
Hirvinenvasilisa: There's no danger in giving out your ip.05:04
Cpudan80vasilisa: You said they're behind a router, which means they're not public IPs05:04
Cpudan80It's probably and .10105:04
jdsbluedevlBaryToeman: remove from where?\05:04
=== hiredgoo1 is now known as hiredgoon
BarryToemanjdsbluedevl: i don't know.  take a look at the thread for more info.05:05
JarG0nFolks, last chance for freedom in your lifetime: teaparty07.com05:05
Cpudan80vasilisa: You enable sharing on the windows box (ask ##windows) - and then use samba to connect to the windows box in ubuntu05:05
kiersieubotu en als daar ooit iemand reageerd?05:05
vasilisaCpudan80: Oh okay05:05
bazhangJarG0n: no spam please05:05
vasilisaAnd we use our ips to set it up?05:05
jdsbluedevloh great, the Paul spam-bots05:06
ShpookDoes anyone have any experience with Gobby?05:06
Hirvinenvasilisa: You're connected to irc from host c-69-245-39-225.hsd1.tn.comcast.net, corresponding to ip address An IP address is *not* a secret.05:06
jdsbluedevlI HATE the Ron Paul spammers05:06
vasilisaHirvinen: oh okay....05:06
gluonmanpianoboy3333, are you back?05:06
Cpudan80vasilisa: In ubuntu, you'll go to places --> Network --> Go --> location --> and type smb://IP05:06
pianoboy3333gluonman: yea for a little then I'm off to bed05:06
bmt2hello to all again....i used synaptic to install apache and php...but how do i know that i did it correctly ?05:06
Hirvinen!bot | kiersie05:06
Cpudan80so ehh smb://
ubotukiersie: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:06
gluonmanpianoboy3333, can you help me find the gspca-source?05:07
BarryToemanbmt2: did you follow the instructions from the link i gave you?05:07
dpupphi, how do i check if i have a problem with my video display? everything is unrealisticly slow scrolling on my screen...05:07
* vasilisa hadnt installed samba05:07
Cpudan80vasilisa: I think it's native05:07
bmt2BarryToeman: yes...that is what lead to me to synaptic05:07
Montoyadpupp: did you install video card drivers?05:07
Cpudan80vasilisa: In fact, I know it is -- it works off the live CD05:07
BarryToemanbmt2: there is a section that shows you how to test it05:07
vasilisaoh ok05:07
Wargasmwhat music player do you guys recommend?05:07
dpuppMontoya, no, im on a fres install of 7.1005:08
pianoboy3333gluonman: nah I'm sorry I'm on a live cd I'll try tomorrow05:08
Wargasmi want to play flac and mp305:08
gluonmanpianoboy3333, okay. Thanks anyway.05:08
IcemanV9vasilisa: you do not need to install samba on winxp; listen to Cpudan8005:08
slayer_I like VLC for music/video05:08
Montoyadpupp: do you have nvidia card?05:08
Wargasmvlc is alright05:08
brand0condpupp: an easy way to get your video drivers installed is with a tool called envy05:08
lammyhi all!05:08
bmt2BarryToeman: i was just curious because when i installed php...there was only 2 files05:08
dpuppMontoya, No, its an ATI mobility (dell inspiron 4150)05:08
bmt2i didn't think that was right05:08
Montoyadpupp: that's what I was about to suggest05:08
Montoyabrand0con: does envy work for ATI?05:08
zetheroodpupp: what video card do you have?05:08
BarryToemanbmt2: you mean just two packages to install?05:09
dpuppBrand0con, Envy? i will look into that in a sec.05:09
brand0condpupp: i know at least most ATI setups work with envy05:09
lammycan anyone tell me why the program truecrypt isn't part of the gutsy-repos!? should be!!!05:09
bmt2BarryToeman: yes05:09
Montoyadpupp: get envy, that's the best advice I have05:09
dpuppBe right back... checking up on ENVY.05:09
brand0condpupp: its always worked on my nvidia machines05:09
ShpookAnyone ever had connection problems with Gobby? or at least heard of it?\05:09
Montoyasomeone want to help me with my ethernet card?05:09
BarryToemanbmt2: that's normal for just php you probably only need the package "php5"05:09
silent_"touch: cannot touch `this': Permission denied"05:09
zetheroodpupp: I have used ATI cards on all of my 3 Thinkpad laptops, and I never had to use Envy for driver installation05:10
bmt2BarryToeman: thanks05:10
bazhang!envy | dpupp05:10
ubotudpupp: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »05:10
IcemanV9silent_: use sudo05:10
BarryToemanbmt2: just read through that page quickly.  it has good info.05:10
vasilisaSo i have to go to smb://<girlfriends ip>?05:10
dpupphaha! Bazhang! nice going. i was just about to ask that05:10
BarryToemansilent_: hammertime05:10
pedroIt was just the PCM volume control muted... checking for alsa found it... Thank you very much to every one who helped me, you make this community and this software what it is... thanks again, good night every one05:11
slayer_what is a good IDE to use for C++ development? Right now I'm using gedit and g++ but I could do much better05:11
=== SuT3 is now known as joko
lammyhow can i recover or undelete files deleted with "Trash" under gnome/gutsy?05:11
vasilisaslayer_: Kate :D05:11
zetheroodpupp: if you have one of the newer ATI cards you should use the fglrx driver in Ubuntu Synaptic together with the xgl-server package for effects05:11
=== joko is now known as sperm
Montoyaanyone here have a dell inspiron 5150?05:11
nickrudlammy, open the trash icon and pull them out05:12
BarryToemanlammy: did you "Empty Trash"?05:12
zetheroodpupp: if you have the older ATI cards you should be able to do everything with the open source ati or radeon drivers05:12
IcemanV9slayer_: geany05:12
lammy:nickrud: ^^ - after i sad "emty trash" ...05:12
nickrudlammy, no, they're gone then, same as windows05:12
Wargasmis ext3 the best file system for linux?05:13
Montoyacan someone help me set up ndiswrapper for my machine?05:13
nickrudWargasm, best general purpose05:13
Cpudan80vasilisa: Yes, smb://ip-of-other-machine05:13
zetherooMontoya: what wifi device?05:13
Wargasmgood enough for me then05:13
Montoyanot wifi, ethernet05:13
SkryptI'm using a LiveCD and am trying to copy files from one of my hard drives to my external hard drive but am getting a permissions error. What can I do?05:13
lammynickrud: but isn't there a possibility to undelete them like the command undelete under dos ...!?05:13
zetherooMontoya: so what do you need help with?05:13
Montoyazetheroo: I think my wifi works, but my ethernet doesn't05:13
slayer_thanks, geany looks like what I am looking for. code completion = teh win05:13
zetherooMontoya: you THINK your wifi works??05:14
Montoyazetheroo: Network Manager shows it's connecting, but then I don't get any internet05:14
Montoyazetheroo: I can't test it, but it picks up networks05:14
BarryToemanWargasm: depends on what you are doing and your hardware, but ususally ext3 is great05:14
zetherooMontoya: your wifi or ethernet?05:14
Montoyazetheroo: I don't have my own network that I can play with05:14
Montoyamy wifi picks up networks05:14
Wargasmyeah i was just wondering if i chose the correct file system, i figured ext3 was the best though05:14
nickrudlammy, not really, there's e2undel but it's of limited utility.05:14
Montoyais it possible that when wifi is running, the wired connection won't work?05:14
zetherooMontoya: so what are you trying to connect to if you don't have a metwork?05:15
MontoyaI'm trying to connect to my modem with my ethernet cable05:15
Montoyamy desktop can use it but my laptop can't05:15
Wargasmusually youd want a router between the modem and your pc05:15
zetherooMontoya: ok... is your ethernet device installed ?05:15
atruslammy: i've had reasonably good luck with ext3rminator for undeleting on ext3 partitions.05:15
nickrudMontoya, yes, network manager can only handle one connection at a time (or last time I read up, just before gutsy release)05:16
Montoyazetheroo: Yes, as far as I can tell, I installed drivers for it and it shows up in Network Manager, it even says it's connecting05:16
Montoyanickrud: Oh! How do I turn off wireless then???05:16
Wargasmso then youd have to disable wifi to use ethernet right05:16
Montoyayes please, how!??05:16
nickrudMontoya, right click the network applet, turn off wireless.05:16
BarryToemanlammy: might find something good here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery05:16
lammynickrud, atus: ah ok - thanks, i try it ...05:16
Wargasmright click the wireless bars, click the checkbox05:16
SkryptI'm using a LiveCD and am trying to copy files from one of my hard drives to my external hard drive but am getting "You do not have permissions to write to this folder."05:16
Montoyaok brb everyone, let me see what happens05:16
zetherooMontoya: I am wondering why you had to install the drivers for your ethernet device at all05:17
Wargasmgood luck05:17
slayer_speaking of wireless, what is the best way to get WPA support05:17
lammyBarryToeman: : thx05:17
SkryptAnyone think they can help?05:17
nickrudatrus, hadn't heard of that one, thatnks05:17
Wargasmsame here zetheroo , i didnt have to do anything to ethernet...05:17
SkryptI've tried chmod and chown05:17
nicelycan anyone help me figure out why my computer plays all movies in black and white?05:17
zetherooMontoya: why are you turning off your wifi05:17
Wargasmso he can use ethernet05:17
zetherooWargasm: yeah.....05:17
zetherooWargasm: they can both be on though05:17
Wargasmsomeone said only one can be used at a time, lmao05:18
wyIs there a way to let loose of all applets on a panel? It's really a pain to arrange them05:18
IcemanV9nicely: because it is black and white movie?05:18
Wargasmyou can remove them i think wy05:18
zetherooWargasm: the one will automatically disconnect the other when it connects05:18
nicelyno its Superbad05:18
nicelyit does it regarldess of player05:18
wyI just want to make them move05:18
slayer_codecs probably05:18
brand0conhow do i automatically mount a fat32 disk on boot05:18
nicelywhy would they be black and white..05:18
Cpudan80brand0con: edit /etc/fstab05:18
zetherooMontoya.... you still there?05:19
wybut they are locked originally and I have to right click and choose unlock. move them and lock them back...05:19
Wargasmno he disabled wifi05:19
Wargasmlost connection05:19
Montoyahello everyone, that didn't work :(05:19
Wargasmyeah hey welcome back05:19
Wargasmso whats wrong with your ethernet05:19
Wargasmit should work without any config05:19
zetherooMontoya: don't worry abotu it05:19
Montoyais it possible that my cable modem just sucks?05:20
gogetalol what mintoya05:20
WargasmMontoya, i couldnt get my cable modem to work without using a router05:20
zetherooMontoya: well are you certain that your modem is set up correctly?05:20
gogetapower cycle it05:20
zetherooMontoya: and are you certain that it is connecting to the internet?05:20
Montoyahello everyone, my ethernet still did not work :(05:20
gogetamontoya fresh installs youned to power cycle cable modems05:20
zetherooMontoya: what device are you using?05:21
SkryptI'm using a LiveCD and am trying to copy files from one of my hard drives to my external hard drive but am getting "You do not have permissions to write to this folder."  chmod +x and chown -R haven't worked :/ Help?05:21
Montoyait's a broadcom 4400 baset05:21
lockdSkrypt: well, chmodding +x does nothing for write05:21
gogetaskrytu try doing it under sudo05:21
slayer_skrpt -> what is the format of the external drive?05:21
Wargasmhey Montoya have you checked your restricted drivers yet?05:21
Montoyayeah, i enabled the driver for broadcom05:22
Wargasmeverythings green there then right05:22
zetherooMontoya: what the modem device?05:22
gogetamonotoya power cycle modem!!05:22
slayer_I don't think linux likes writing to ntfs.. you may need a special utility. normally it is read only05:22
Wargasmid try power cycling too05:22
Montoyahow do I power cycle?05:22
flamsmarkwhen i boot up a new install of ubuntu server 7.04, it hangs at "* Running local boot scripts (/etx/rc.local)     [OK]"05:22
gogetait should  come up them05:22
Wargasmhey Montoya, you in a dorm?05:22
zetherooMontoya: please be more specific05:22
Montoyano, I have an apartment05:23
gogetamontoya unplug modem wait abought 10 20 sec plug back in05:23
Skryptlockd, ntfs 3.1. do I need ntfs-3g?05:23
Montoyai can't be much more specific, it's Cox cable Scientific Atlanta Webstar05:23
MontoyaI'll try power cycling, brb05:23
nickrudflamsmark, try hitting return at that screen, do you get a login?05:23
zetherooMontoya: do you know your modem? have you used it before? are you familiar with how to tell if it has made a successfull connection to the ISP?05:23
gogetamontoya it refreseh the modems ip and macadrees witch change on a linux install05:23
flamsmarkyes, cheers05:23
GneaMontoya: power cycling is powering the system off, waiting 10 seconds, then plugging it back in.05:24
Montoyazetheroo: it works just fine with my desktop05:24
zetherooMontoya: good to know05:24
gogetalol not system modem05:24
zetheroobefore you power cycle05:24
WargasmMontoya, check your PM05:24
gogetabut off system can help05:24
MontoyaPM? I see no PMs05:24
=== Johnny_5 is now known as Johnny5_on
flamsmarknickrud, can i install an x system on it?05:24
zetherooMontoya: can you plug it into the desktop and see if its working?05:24
=== Johnny5_on is now known as Johnny_5_on_leav
Montoyawe are talking about my cable modem, right? because that's what I'm using to talk to you guys05:24
Wargasmguys, i have a webstar cable modem and it will not work without a router.05:25
nickrudflamsmark, yes, sudo aptitude install xserver-xorg <your favorite desktop>05:25
gogetai have had this issue and so do many of my frends it fixes it almost everytime05:25
zetherooMontoya: wait with the whole power cycle thing05:25
MontoyaWargasm, seriously? so I probably need to go buy a router05:25
GneaMontoya: the cable modem.. it has a power cord which provides an electrical current to it, yes?05:25
Wargasmbuy a router because it wouldnt work without one for me05:25
lockdSkrypt: you need ntfs-3g to write too, forgot about that05:25
gogetawargasm same thing power cycle05:25
MontoyaGnea: yes, no wireless power yet05:25
Wargasmi tried for a whole day to get it to work05:25
Skryptlockd, can i do that on a live cd?05:25
zetherooMontoya: can you give me the model number of the device... the modem05:25
GneaMontoya: sorry, i came in a little late, so i missed the original problem..05:26
WargasmMontoya, check your PM on here05:26
flamsmarkcheers, nickrud05:26
nickrudWargasm, how do you connect with your desktop? Windows?05:26
gogetawhen you change your system like no roughter new os and so on cable modems need to be power cycled05:26
Wargasmyes windows05:26
Eagleguy125I'm having problems with installation. Anyone know much about that?05:26
MontoyaI swear, I see no PMs here05:26
Wargasmoh ok sorry05:26
lockdSkrypt: I have no idea, but I'm fairly sure not - which limits a livecd's use for rescuing a system05:26
Gneahe's not registered, so he can't PM05:26
Wargasmah thats why05:26
Montoyawho wanted my model number?05:26
zetherooMontoya: I am seriously trying to work you through a systematic 1-2-3 process of elimination here.... would help if you kept up....05:26
Montoyaok zetheroo, I have DPC2100R205:27
zetherooMontoya: I am trying to get your modem model number05:27
nickrudWargasm, ignore me, listen to zetheroo05:27
zetherooMontoya: thanks05:27
Montoyado you need s/n or mac?05:27
Wargasmzetheroo, i have a webstar cable modem and it wont work for me without a router05:27
CoasterMasterWhat is a good program for converting between video formats under Linux?05:27
GneaCoasterMaster: ffmpeg, avidemux05:27
zetherooWargasm: have you read the documantation on it?05:27
Wargasmi didnt get any documentation05:27
Wargasmso no05:27
gogetawargasm power cycle05:28
Wargasmbut if he can find his documentation maybe he will figure out how to use it05:28
Wargasmgogeta,  i tried power cycle 50 times05:28
Wargasmdoesnt do anything05:28
Wargasmplug it into a linksys router and it works right away05:28
gogetait dsl?05:28
Wargasmits cable05:28
gogetayou did it and whent into linux correct05:29
Gneagogeta: what's that? i don't see it in an apt-cache search list.05:29
Wargasmyep it works fine in linux too05:29
Wargasmwith a router05:29
Wargasmbut i havent tried without05:29
MontoyaWargasm: can you recommend me a cheap router?05:29
Wargasmlinksys is all ive used05:29
Wargasmyou can get them for $5005:29
zetherooWargasm: you know that sounds like the modem has been told to not perform the DHCP service!05:30
Skryptlockd, if I formet the ntfs external to ext3, problem solved, right?05:30
Wargasmit could be, zetheroo05:30
zetherooWargasm: you have to go inside and enable it05:30
Montoyazetheroo: that would make sense. I did the DHCP request and got no OFFERS05:30
lockdSkrypt: oh, you don't care about the files on it?05:30
Wargasmyeah i dont know how to config it though zetheroo05:30
zetherooWargasm: have you ever tried to access the admin of the device?05:30
Montoyazetheroo: i don't know if an admin exists05:30
Wargasmnope i dont know how zetheroo05:30
Wargasmthere's nothing on the outside of the modem that tells you how05:31
Skryptlockd, I don't care about the files on the external05:31
Wargasmand i didnt get any documentation05:31
SkryptI care about getting the files off my internal harddrive05:31
gogetawargasm you do the cycle off the roughter05:31
lockdgogeta: no, that's been rehashed and resaid, and doesn't help05:31
gogetaor maybe its a static ip05:31
zetherooWargasm Montoya: well granted this seems to be a very off-beat device... but nevertheless there must be a administrative area on the device05:31
Wargasmyeah i thought so too zetheroo05:32
Wargasmbut i have no clue as how to access it05:32
Wargasmso i just gave up05:32
Wargasmand bought a router05:32
Skryptlol you see.... my brother was put in jail so now his computer is mine... well I'm locked out of it but plan to get the passwords elsewhere (ophcrack and such didn't work)05:32
zetherooMontoya Wargasm: have you tried to locate the gateway of the modem and go into Firefox and enter it into the URL are?05:32
lockdSkrypt: then blow it away, but of course it will only work on Linux/Mac (and windows with a ton of prodding)05:32
Montoyahow would I do that? It's worth a try05:32
Wargasmzetheroo, no i didnt try that05:32
lockdSkrypt: you blow the disk away if you don't care about his data05:32
lockdSkrypt: probably a good idea to "shred" it as well05:33
WargasmMontoya, does your modem have any documentation?05:33
SkryptI do care about his data... there's 3 terabytes here. :D05:33
lockdSkrypt: incase of framing et al05:33
MontoyaWargasm: I don't know, I can't find the box it came in05:33
gogetasorry had wrong name for the video encoder05:33
lockdSkrypt: err, etc05:33
Skryptlockd, yeah but a little snooping first would be nice.05:33
WargasmMontoya, if you cant find that try googling webstar05:33
zetherooWargasm Montoya: well you may need to perform a hard-reset of the device and then plug it into your machine directly with the Ethernet cable05:33
Wargasmyeah thats another thing i forgot to try, hard reset05:34
Wargasmyou could give that a shot, Montoya05:34
zetherooWargasm Montoya: I have tried searching for your specific units, but the resources are very slim05:34
akorndoes anybody here know how to use dual monitors on a laptop running gutsy05:34
* ectospasm is away: Gone sleepin'...05:34
zetherooakorn: haha... thats a fun one05:34
lockdSkrypt: well yeah, but nothing more can happen to him...05:34
Montoyazetheroo Wargasm: I found the box, all it has is a CD05:34
Wargasmtry running the cd05:35
Wargasmmight have a setup program05:35
Wargasmlike linksys does05:35
Skryptnope, but I can salvage our family pictures05:35
zetherooakorn: arg.... can't get into it now.... but I finally just left it alone ... until Hardy comes out.... unless you have an external with the same resolution as your native screen05:35
Skryptand figure out where some of his personal effects are if I can get into his e-mail05:35
akornzetheroo haha yea 'im realizing that now...right now i at least have my external monitor hooked up, but even tho the restolution is set to 1024x768 (and it's only a 15 inch monitor) a lot of the screen is getting cut off05:35
Montoyayep I'm checking that out now05:35
MontoyaSkrypt: did you try running a Live CD and just examining the partitions?05:36
zetherooWargasm Montoya: oh glorious CD05:36
akornzetheroo ahh that might be why eh...my laptop is at 1440 x 900 so i guess the 1024 x 768 isn't good news eh?05:36
gogetazetheroo i said that like 50 times to them05:36
zetherooWargasm Montoya: there has got to be a product manual in there05:36
lockdSkrypt: copy over stuff, you'll be able to use ext3 wherever it matters. I have an 80gb fat external, but that's just because I need to use so many windows computers05:36
Skryptmontoya, yes and there's much I want to save - hence needing to write to the external.05:36
akornzetheroo what is Hardy??05:36
zetheroogogeta: ha.. I bet you have05:36
zetherooakorn: hardy heron05:36
Wargasmzetheroo, Montoya i live in a dorm, thats how i got the modem. but they didnt give us any documentation05:36
Skryptlockd, there's a really great windows driver for reading/writing ext2/305:36
zetherooakorn: the next release of Ubuntu05:36
gogetazetheroo aka power cycling05:36
Wargasmi like the name gutsy haha05:37
zetheroogogeta: no.. we are looking in to performing a hard reset and then enabling DHCP05:37
lockdSkrypt: well, when you work with locked down windows machines...05:37
akornzetheroo haha im still part noob05:37
Skryptah right05:37
zetherooWargasm: ahh I see05:37
zetherooakorn: no worries05:37
Wargasmyeah thats why i gave up so quickly, its impossible to get that documentation05:37
Wargasmand i knew routers worked05:37
Skryptwell if you can, www.fs-driver.org is great.05:37
Wargasmbecause my roommate had his router on it and it worked fine all year05:37
Wargasmbut then he moved out05:38
Wargasmand it stopped working05:38
akornzetheroo i was planning on getting a 19 inch widescreen with the same resolution as my laptop, so that should work more easily then?05:38
gogetazetheroo lol what you think a powr cycle does lol it hard resets the modem05:38
Wargasmno it doesnt gogeta05:38
Wargasmit doesnt reset the config gogeta05:38
gogetazetheroo does on mine05:38
Wargasmit shouldnt...05:38
lockdit doesn't on mine either05:38
Wargasmit should keep it's configurations on flash memory05:38
Wargasmor some sort of memory05:38
zetheroogogeta: ummm... hard reset actually takes place when you press a reset button on the device for a period of 4-10 seconds05:39
gogetaits a ols motorla05:39
lockdtwo ways to do a hard reset, one is by telneting in and the other is by holding a reset switch a set amount of time05:39
lockd(on some linksys wireless routers)05:39
zetheroogogeta: its more than just unplugging the device05:39
MrPockets_the ubuntu 7.10 disk has a memory tester on it, doesn tit?05:39
gogetaoh you mean roughter reset05:39
Wargasmyeah you have to hold the reset button for a hard reset05:39
Wargasmpower cycling wont hard reset the device05:39
gogetawile 2 ways the bvuttion or unplugging for 10 muntus05:39
Wargasmand its a good thing too05:39
gogetaboth make it do a full reset05:39
Wargasmno it doesnt gogeta05:39
Wargasmthe configurations will stay there if the power is lost05:40
gogetaon my linksys yes05:40
zetheroogogeta: no any device reset.... if yours resets when you unpower it then you have a defect item or a really old one05:40
gogetaits in the doc05:40
gogetarelly old05:40
Wargasmit should not hard reset if it loses power gogeta05:40
MontoyaWargasm zetheroo gogeta: I read the manual, absolutely NOTHING about admin05:40
linrunixi hate............. dial-up05:40
zetheroogogeta: yeah ok... I had one of those a few years back05:40
Wargasmthat sucks Montoya....05:40
zetherooMontoyaL not good05:40
MontoyaWargasm: What do you expect? It's a telecom company provided device. It's locked up05:41
gogetaif you hard reset a roughter the password 99% of the time will be admin admin05:41
Wargasmyeah i figured it was just all locked down too, Montoya05:41
tyler_dfirst question, how do I install a downloaded theme from gnome-look.org? already tried a few diff methods in the posts with no luck :(05:41
zetherooMontoya: honestly I suggest selling that device for whatever you can get and then purchase a decent unit05:41
Wargasmor get a linksys wireless G router05:41
Wargasmthat fixed everything for me05:41
Montoyazetheroo: Yeah but I don't know what will work with my connection, so I prefer to just get a router05:41
Montoyaplus I'm moving soon, that will require a new plan witha  different company and a new router05:42
linrunixso wait Montoya05:42
Wargasmyeah, Montoya  id def. go with the router then05:42
tyler_dsecond, I have downloaded the real vnc pro viewer, but have no clue how to install it05:42
Montoyatelecoms in the US suck, I'm always having problems like this05:42
zetherooWargasm Montoya: I think you could still get in.... if you get ahold of the gateway05:42
Montoyazetheroo: How do I do that?05:42
Wargasmyou can try that but, good luck.05:42
zetherooMontoya: you said it works on your desktop fine! right?05:42
Montoyazetheroo: Yes, I'm using it now!05:43
zetherooMontoya: well there you go.... its working fine wiothout a router05:43
lcphr3akHello, I've made a batch script, and would like to run it without having to go into the terminal. I can do it by double clicking in the GUI, but it keeps asking me if I want to run it. Is there a specific extension that will bypass this. Like a "script" extension? Or is there a file property I can set?05:43
gogetalemmie guess05:43
zetherooMontoya: so that proves that its not the device05:43
Montoyazetheroo: yes, I'm puzzled by that. It works fine for WINDOWS VISTA and UBUNTU AMD-6405:43
zetherooMontoya: process of elimination my friend05:43
zetherooMontoya: so,..... here we go...05:44
gogetatold ya cyckling the modem works everytime05:44
preethi anyone there?05:44
zetherooMontoya: can you get into the status of your present connection?05:44
Strangeworkwhen I run Compiz-Fusion, I cannot select a whole theme from Emerald. The changes only affect the upper bar, while the rest of the window corresponds to the basic Ubuntu theme. What can I do?05:44
gogetaroughters are another matter05:44
linrunixlcphr3ak, give the script permission to be execute05:44
Montoyazetheroo: The status... I can look at Network Connections05:44
linrunixright click properties05:44
trembyhey folks. why is there no opera browser package in gutsy?05:45
zetherooMontoya: there shoudl be a little network icon in your task bar05:45
gogetatremby we have firefox05:45
zetherooMontoya: rightclick on it and click on status05:45
Montoyathis newfangled Vista is confusing05:45
tahsincan anyone tell how to enable compiz snow effect ? ?05:45
linrunixlcphr3ak, permissions05:45
gogetaMontoya trashbin vista05:45
trembygogeta: i know, but i like to use opera too sometimes, usually for testing purposes05:45
preethi can someone help me?05:45
trembyi'm sure i'm not alone there05:45
zetherooMontoya: then locate gateway05:45
linrunixlcphr3ak, allow execute file as program or something like that05:45
Wargasmi like vista05:45
lcphr3aklinrunix: I have, it runs fine, just wanted to make it sort of a "executable" style file. Where no prompting for Running in the terminal is needed05:45
Wargasmtremby, have you searched in add/remove apps?05:46
gogetatremby probly have it on there site05:46
tahsinhow do i enable compiz snow effect ? ? ?05:46
trembyWargasm: i did aptitude search opera05:46
Montoyazetheroo: okay, wait, I'm lost... where's that?05:46
zetherooI work as a private computer technician and I do not support Vista05:46
tahsinhow do i enable compiz snow effect ? ? ? helllloooo ?05:46
Wargasmtremby, did you check opera.com05:46
Wargasmor whatever their site is05:46
Montoyaheh, you guys. I understand, but I still like Vista05:46
zetherooMontoya: the network icon on your taskbar05:46
gogetathers it is with debs05:46
tahsinWargasm how do i enable compiz snow effect ? ? ? helllloooo ?05:46
trembyWargasm: well they have binaries, but packages are nicer05:46
lcphr3aklinrunix: As in, i'm clicking on it through nautilus, instead of running ./script_bash in a terminal. I've already chmod +x 'ed it05:46
anathematichow do i find the stats of my harddrives (ubuntu server)05:46
WargasmMontoya, you arent alone. I like vista too05:46
zetherooMontoya: right click and go to status05:46
gogetavista = suckage05:47
Montoyazetheroo: You have to understand, that might work for XP but not in Vista!05:47
preethi when im installing linux and it boots from my cd it says running in low graphic and I choose to configure then it just freezes at the next screen  saying something like /etc-local.05:47
tahsinvista rocks05:47
Wargasmtahsin, im not sure. my graphics card wont support it so i never tried!05:47
Strangeworkwhen I run Compiz-Fusion, I cannot select a whole theme from Emerald. The changes only affect the upper bar, while the rest of the window corresponds to the basic Ubuntu theme. What can I do?05:47
Wargasmvista>XP in plenty of ways05:47
bazhangI like what vista has done for linux adoption :}05:47
zetherooMontoya: ok... well since you like Vista so much... you should know where something like the network status info is...05:47
gogetaif you have 8 gb of ram it might prefrerm as good as xp :)05:47
linrunixlcphr3ak, let me try with one script05:47
gogetawitrh 256mb of ram05:47
Montoyazetheroo: Vista is one of those OS where you shouldn't need that sort of thing... it does that stuff for your automatically05:47
tahsini hv 2 GB and it works well05:47
zetheroogogeta: true true05:47
trembyeww vista... my housemate installed it last year and i wanted to print something in a hurry... it doesn't even come with a pdf reader05:47
Wargasmgogeta, all you need is 1-2gb ram05:47
Montoyazetheroo: So now I'm screwed cuz I can't find it :)05:48
Wargasmram is cheap, gogeta05:48
tahsinguys plz tell me how to enable SNOW EFFECT in compiz05:48
zetherooMontoya: ha.... its a retarded OS05:48
Wargasmtremby, download foxit reader it owns05:48
trembytahsin: do you have the compiz configuration utility05:48
gogetatrust me my 1 gb of ram xp setup can run cricles around a 4 gb vista setup05:48
bazhangtahsin: ask in #compiz-fusion05:48
zetherooMontoya: you should always be FULLY informed about what your computer is doing05:48
tahsintremby yes i have05:48
gogetaand linux even worse05:48
tahsintremby how do i just enable it05:48
Wargasmyou're an idiot gogeta .05:48
Montoyazetheroo: I'm not that kind of guy05:48
trembyWargasm: oh, i don't use windows anymore. i was just trying to show how useless a clean install of vista is05:48
gogetalinux with compiz off flys05:48
Montoyazetheroo: I built my own desktop but I'm not that kind of guy, seriously05:49
trembytahsin: you've switched on its module already?05:49
zetherooMontoya: hmmmm.... then why Linux?05:49
Wargasmclean installs always feel bare, tremby05:49
trembyWargasm: not of ubuntu05:49
tahsintremby yes05:49
Montoyatremby: off topic, if Windows came with a PDF reader, they'd get sued by Adobe05:49
gogetalinux/xp setup and when xp dies out linux only05:49
Montoyazetheroo: because I can't afford to buy an OS for my old laptop05:49
Montoyazetheroo: and I want something better than XP05:49
zetherooMontoya: good reason\05:49
gogetayour in the right place then05:49
Montoyazetheroo: If I can get the ethernet working, I'm done and good to go!05:50
WargasmUbuntu is easier to hunt apps down for05:50
Wargasmi like that05:50
Wargasmand it does come with pretty much everything you need05:50
Wargasmbut i needed to get vlc and stuff05:50
Wargasmand the drivers sucked until gutsy05:50
trembytahsin: then you just have to find out what the keyboard shortcut to switch it on is05:50
tahsintremby i knw the keyboard shortcut but i dont think its enabled05:50
gogetawargasam sudo apt-get install blabla05:50
Strangeworkwhen I run Compiz-Fusion, I cannot select a whole theme from Emerald. The changes only affect the upper bar, while the rest of the window corresponds to the basic Ubuntu theme. What can I do?05:50
gogetaeasy hunting05:50
Wargasmi know gogeta i already said that05:50
linrunixlcphr3ak, it ask me too05:51
zetherooMontoya: ok well now I am looking into finding the network status in Vista for you05:51
linrunixlike u said05:51
gogetadie vista die05:51
trembytahsin: i don't have compiz (it won't work with my tri-screen glory), so i can't tell you exactly which buttons to push. you'll just have to dig through the config until you find what you mean05:51
Montoyayes I'm looking too05:51
Wargasmeveryone who isnt using mac or linux will be using Vista in a few years05:51
lcphr3aklinrunix: Yeah :-/, I was hoping there was a file ext that I could set to bypass that05:51
Wargasmwake up gogeta05:51
zetherooMontoya: http://windowshelp.microsoft.com/Windows/en-US/Help/efa4b632-6b53-4747-9811-baeff5ba403a1033.mspx05:51
gogetai shure whont05:52
trembyMontoya: i didn't catch the beginning of your conversation, but consider xfce (xubuntu) instead of gnome or kde -- it's much faster on slower hardware05:52
Montoyazetheroo: i was just there05:52
bazhangis this ##windows?05:52
linrunixlcphr3ak, sure there is a way05:52
gogetaupgrade to xp05:52
Wargasmyou will, because all new pcs will come with it, gogeta05:52
Montoyazetheroo: look at that screenshot, there's nothing there....05:52
zetherooWargasm: ummm.... everyone who is not using Windows Vista or Mac will be using Linux in a few years05:52
gogetaformat c:/05:52
linrunixis just that we dont know yet05:52
zetherooMontoya: sucks ... huh05:52
trembyzetheroo: no they won't -- there are hundreds of obscure operating systems in use05:53
nomasteryodaguys, Ubuntu-offtopic05:53
gogetavista goes bye bye05:53
Wargasmzetheroo, if linux had good enough driver support and better for gaming everyone would use it RIGHT NOW05:53
zetherootremby: thats true.. but Iam not talking about them05:53
Montoyazetheroo: it's trying to be like OSX, no need to show you numbers or data05:53
bazhangWargasm: take it to ##windows05:53
lcphr3aklinrunix: Yeah :-/, thanks for checking it out though05:53
trembyzetheroo: you used the word "everyone"05:53
nomasteryodaWargasm, Linux has more drivers than any OS out there05:53
HeXiLeDhello guys. can anyone tell me if there is a rep with a pre-compiled ssl eggdrop bin ?05:53
zetherooWargasm: give it some time friend... look how far its already come05:53
Strangeworkwhen I run Compiz-Fusion, I cannot select a whole theme from Emerald. The changes only affect the upper bar, while the rest of the window corresponds to the basic Ubuntu theme. What can I do?05:53
zetherootremby: tsk tsk.... don't make a big issue out of it05:54
Montoyazetheroo: Here's another idea... if I install an older version, like feisty or dapper, will that work better?05:54
Wargasmoh, im very pleased with linux zetheroo  it finally works on this gateway laptop. it's over a year old though! :(05:54
jribStrangework: take a screenshot and show us05:54
gogetamontoya probly not05:54
anathematichow do i find out the stats of a mounted harddrive?05:54
zetherooWargasm: glad to hear it05:54
Montoyazetheroo: Because everyone says 5150 Inspiron worked without any extra stuff... but that didn't happen for me :(05:54
Strangeworkjrib: okee05:54
gogetathis isnt vista linux gets better with new versions05:54
zetherooMontoya: maby but not certain05:54
jribanathematic: what kind of stats?05:54
zylmakhi, i found ubuntu enought friendly to be apea;ing for non linux user05:54
Wargasmgogeta, vista gets better with every patch as well05:55
Montoyagogeta: yes but I had this offline script to do ndiswrapper automatically and it said it didn't support my kernel cuz it's too new05:55
bazhangzylmak: what is your question?05:55
linrunixMontoya, get a 150105:55
Montoyalinrunix: what is that???05:55
brophatwhat is the cd burning program called?05:55
linrunixit works great for me xDDD05:55
jribzylmak: glad to hear that.  If you have any questions about ubuntu, you can ask here05:55
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents05:55
linrunixMontoya, an inspiron 150105:55
anathematicjrib:  space free etc05:55
jribanathematic: df -h05:55
zylmakfor the moment none, im copying file05:55
Montoyalinrunix: do you think money grows on trees? I can't just buy another laptop because ubuntu won't work on this one!05:55
zylmakbut will have one after05:55
anathematicthanks jrib05:56
gogetaoh it used to say visist mentel heatlh05:56
zetheroogogeta: true we should really not be discussing windows here... my bad05:56
bazhangofftopic guys05:56
linrunixMontoya, move to the Dominican Republic, here money grows on trees05:56
zetherooMontoya: and I am guessing that your linux is a fresh install of Gutsy?05:56
Wargasmi waited like a year for ubuntu to support this laptop, Montoya haha05:56
Montoyazetheroo: Yes05:56
zylmaki use crypt setup tu load /home at startup but it appear it dosent load automaticaly at start up05:56
linrunixMontoya, but you cant buy nothing with that kind of money05:56
Montoyazetheroo: I've tried a bunch of stuff for the ethernet card though.... seriously, this laptop was running an old bootleg of XP a while ago and I just took the plunge and wiped it05:57
Montoyazetheroo: I had a good experience with ubuntu on my desktop and was expecting the same here.... -.-05:58
Wargasmi <3 bootlegged windows05:58
gogetamontoya i didnt ask is it wireless05:58
zetherooMontoya: so we are not even certain if the ethernet device in the laptop is totally savvy?05:58
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brophatwhat program should I use to burn the ubuntu iso?05:58
jribbrophat: on windows?05:58
brophatno on ubuntu05:58
Montoyagogeta: It's got ethernet and wireless, but I'm just trying to get the ethernet to work. It says it's working but it can't receive any packets05:58
Montoyazetheroo: it's old. probably not savvy at all05:58
bazhangbrophat: right clcik open with cd/dvd creator05:58
trembybrophat: usually you can just right click the file and say burn to cd05:58
nickrudBroc8897, I just right click, select burn to disk05:59
brophathmmm interesting05:59
zetherooMontoya: ok... did you by any chance ever assign an IP addres manually (static ip adress) in Windows ?05:59
* nickrud 's finger twitch is weak05:59
gogetaMontoya humm a old trick i used to do on that was a. power cycle and b. disbale ipv605:59
linrunixMontoya, have you try the alternate cds05:59
Strangeworkjrib: http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/9253/screenshotti9.png05:59
brophattremby mine says "write to disc" is that what you are talking about?05:59
Montoyazetheroo: on this laptop? I don't think so, but see, it wasn't mine, and the person before me had this at college, so I don't know how the college software f***ed up the settings05:59
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Strangeworkjrib: the top bar is not 'human' geddit?? epic lols.05:59
trembybrophat: sounds about right, don't you think?05:59
zetherooMontoya: on the desktop06:00
jribStrangework: huh? you mean the buttons and stuff?06:00
zetherooMontoya: did you ever manually have to configure the settings and IP addresses?06:00
brophattremby i also have one that says "open wiith cd/dvd creator06:00
Montoyazetheroo: when I need to get the internet working on the desktop, I do diagnose & repair, and yes, I think it configures it's own IP06:00
trembybrophat: i imagine they'll both do what you want to do. take your pick.06:00
zetherooMontoya: ok.... so there is nothing wrong with the modem!06:00
Montoyazetheroo: yeah, I didn't think so. I think there is something wrong with my install or with the laptop...06:01
tyler_dhelp with installing themes please?06:01
zetherooMontoya: if the modem is working automatically on the desktop then there is nothing wrong with it and it is working in DHCP mode06:01
jribtyler_d: themes for what?06:01
Strangeworkjrib: yah, minimize, maximize, x out, etc.06:01
timsathwhats up everyone06:01
Montoyazetheroo: OK, that's good to know. should I just try power cycling?06:01
timsathi have a question for anyone who broadcasts06:01
zetherooMontoya: so what you need to focus on is the laptop device06:01
jribStrangework: that 'x' is not from the human theme.  It seems to be working06:02
zetherooMontoya: no... don't touch the modem.... its working!06:02
timsathis it possible with ubuntu to record with audacity and broadcast using shoutcast with the same device?06:02
timsathbecause i can only do either/or right now06:02
zetherooMontoya: what the laptop ethernet device?06:02
Strangeworkjrib: oh yah, well, the bar changed properly, but the remainder of the window is human06:02
wease|hello people06:02
Montoyazetheroo: broadcom 4401 base 100T06:02
Strangeworkjrib: how do I change it so it exactly the other theme?06:02
timsathhi weasel06:02
Strangeworktimsath, your name sounds familiar.. :\06:03
zetherooMontoya: ok.. and whats the laptop make and model?06:03
tyler_djrib: window themes in gnome06:03
jribStrangework: that is up to the gtk theme you use, not emerald.  emerald only does window borders.  Hit "customize" on the program you had open in the screenshot06:03
Montoyazetheroo: More specifically, lspci reports BCM4401 100Base-T rev 0106:03
timsathyou listen to electronic music?06:03
Montoyazetheroo: Dell Inspiron 515006:03
jribtyler_d: system -> preferences -> appearance06:03
timsathStrangework: I DJ online...06:03
timsathStrangework: maybe you've heard some of my sets06:03
tyler_djrib: downloaded a few from gnome-look but cannot install them through there... package returns errors06:04
Strangeworktimsath: uhh, nah, nvm.. I am just strange. :P06:04
SpudDoggdoes anyone know how i can change a partition from extended to primary?06:04
zetherooMontoya: ok... give me a sec06:04
timsathStrangework: it's all good06:04
jribtyler_d: do not extract the tar.gz, just drag it as a tar.gz06:04
timsathStrangework: do you know anything about allowing to programs to use the same soundcard?06:04
Strangeworkjrib: Only borders?? damn.. I dint know that.. hehehe.06:04
linrunixi think zetheroo is googling06:04
tyler_djrib: yup06:04
zetheroolinrunix: too right you are06:04
Strangeworktimsath: nah, I am techie-retarded. sorryy :(06:04
timsathStrangework: it's cool...im just trying to figure this out, i'm sure it is something simple06:05
jribtyler_d: then the tar.gz probably was not created correctly.  Open it up and look inside06:05
Strangeworkjrib: so how do I deactivate Emerald so it is all based on the GNOME display manager06:05
SlynderdaleHmm, where can I get the SOAP::Lite perl module required by Konversation?06:05
tyler_dlooks fine06:06
MontoyaSlynderdale: CPAN06:06
tyler_djrib: tried dl'ing a few times06:06
jribStrangework: don't know about that if you want to keep effects.  Play around in the compiz preferences, or try #compiz-fusion if no one knows here06:06
tyler_djrib: extracted as a test06:06
tyler_djrib: still nothing06:06
SlynderdaleMontoya: CPAN?06:06
jribtyler_d: it's not a download issue, it's a packaging issue06:06
linrunixMontoya, sorry i'm late... but u say u have a windows on the laptop and the ethernet works with windows?06:06
MontoyaSlynderdale: Try perl MCPAN on the command line06:06
linrunixMontoya, u have dual-boot?06:06
jribtyler_d: what is inside?06:06
Montoyalinrunix: No, the laptop only has Ubuntu. My desktop has a dual boot06:06
linrunixMontoya, did u check the BIOS maybe theres something06:07
Strangeworkjrib: there's a channel for that? niice! imma check it out. thanks! :D06:07
linrunixor a BIOS upgrade06:07
zetherooMontoya: have you been here and downloaded the Linux drivers for your device? http://www.broadcom.com/support/ethernet_nic/4401.php06:07
MontoyaSlynderdale: all Perl modules come from: http://www.cpan.org/06:07
ZombieI'm upgrading from Fiesty to Gutsy and my system has stopped at restarting HAL Daemon,.06:07
tyler_djrib: ok, meaning?06:07
Montoyazetheroo: I tried that! But I couldn't MAKE06:07
SpudDoggdoes anyone know the name of a graphical tool for setting up disks, partitions, etc?06:07
zetherooMontoya: did you follow the readme?06:08
linrunixgparted SpudDogg06:08
Montoyalinrunix: I guess I could do that06:08
Montoyazetheroo: I think I did, I tried it many times06:08
SpudDogglinrunix: thanks man06:08
Montoyalet me look at that again06:08
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prakritiis this an ok place to ask wine questions?06:09
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ivanmy run-parts doesn't show *anything* when I --test my cron.hourly, what could cause that?06:09
Montoyazetheroo: yes, yes, I followed the readme. It was worthless. Totally didn't make as described06:09
TTilushow much should i reserve for gutsy /boot partition? 20 MB? some time ago initrd used to be like 5 MB and kernel 1 MB.  stille?  and how much filesystem eats up from that space?06:09
ivani've tried just about everything06:10
zetherooMontoya: so you extracted the package and then tried to perform the make command in the folder06:10
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Montoyazetheroo: Yep. Tons of errors. Nothing made06:10
ivanweird, maybe it doesn't like my .py file06:10
zetherooMontoya: what errors?06:10
Montoyazetheroo: This is why I was wondering if an older distro would work better06:10
gogzmerHello all, I am having problems seeing a SMB network share from a recent Gutsy install off of my file server. I can see it from Windows, and the server can see itself, but I cannot see it from Ubuntu. The server is running Dapper.06:10
zetherooMontoya: can you pastebin?06:10
Montoyazetheroo: Let me retry it so I can pastebin the errors06:10
Montoyazetheroo: This will take some time06:10
zetherooMontoya: ok06:11
Yanickhi, I just rebooted from a system hang (freeze), and Firefox won't display Web pages. I can ping my router, but I cannot access it via the browser, anyone can help?06:11
Yanicki'm using a wireless connection06:11
Matttixrestart it?06:11
Yanickdid that06:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:11
Forbr4d3ok so i changed ip addresses on a computer and now i cant ssh into it and when i restart sshd it says it cant load the rsa and dsa keys06:11
Forbr4d3any clue how to fix that?06:11
tyler_djrib: nm man, thanks for your help. appreciate the effort :)06:12
jahnkeanate1does any one else have a problem with youtube on ubuntu 7.1006:12
SpudDoggdoes anyone know how i can change a partition from extended to primary?06:12
Forbr4d3are the rsa/dsa keys specific to ip address?06:12
gogzmerAnyone in here able to help figure out a network file share / SMB problem?06:12
linrunixMontoya, what is your card is disable on the bios?06:12
Forbr4d3gogzmer: ask06:12
jribtyler_d: I meant double click on it, extract it, and tell me the list of files06:13
gogzmerI am having problems seeing a SMB network share from a recent Gutsy install off of my file server. I can see it from Windows, and the server can see itself, but I cannot see it from Ubuntu. The server is running Dapper.  Any ideas on where to start?06:13
Montoyalinrunix: I'll check that later, doing a pastebin now06:13
Yanickdoes anyone have problems with the Broadcom microcode? I often run into system freeze, and I start to suspect that this is the problem06:14
SlynderdaleWhats a good FTP client with a decent GUI for K/Ubuntu?06:14
C1t1zenJ0hngogzmer:  first thing to look at is to ensure server names are consistent, dns is working properly.  you  -can- ssh into this box?06:14
_blitz_I have a .wmv file which is encrypted and hence i am unable to play it.what is to be done so that i can play this file?06:15
Yanick_blitz_ : because of DRM, you can't06:15
LOWER_CASEHi, I've got some MS Access databases, some of which include forms, that I would like to migrate to something more open.  Suggestions, anyone? Thanks06:15
Montoyazetheroo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48410/06:15
_blitz_yanick : but it was a torrent !06:16
jahnkeanate1who has ubuntu 7.1006:16
C1t1zenJ0hnLOWER_CASE:  If they're simple databases[tables], port it over to [my]|[postgres]sl and use php for the first few iterations.06:16
trembyjahnkeanate1: i expect most of us do by now06:16
Montoyazetheroo: This one bothers me muchly: "error: linux/config.h: No such file or directory "06:16
zetherooMontoya: hang on06:16
jahnkeanate1k can you go to youtube06:17
C1t1zenJ0hnIf you're more confiedent, and it's a simple access app, I might over to RoR06:17
jahnkeanate1my comp freezes06:17
Yanickjahnkeanate1 : do you have a broadcom wireless card?06:17
jahnkeanate1it might be the plugin06:17
gogzmerC1t1zenJ0hn: I have full access to the server, it is attached to the same monitor I am at, and connected, network-wise, through a switch. Like I said, I have no problems accessing it from Windows, but in Gutsy, the server does not even show up on the network, let alone the file shares.06:17
jahnkeanate1my comp is wired06:17
LOWER_CASEC1t1zenJ0hn, some are just addresses, etc, one includes 1/2 dozen forms that I don't want to lose.06:18
zetherooMontoya: yeah.. thats probably what tripping the whole thing up06:18
ArthurArchnixCan I assign any action to any key? For instance, cuold I change the "K" key to open firefox when pressed?06:18
YanickI got a DELL that freezes also, and I suspect the microcode to be responsable, and I can't find any other explanation06:18
Montoyazetheroo: It seems like it's just plain lousy... any idea if it's looking for a common config.h on Ubuntu?06:18
zetherooMontoya: I read up on that card a bit more and it seems its a real dud06:18
Montoyazetheroo: That's a shame :(06:18
zetherooMontoya: yeah06:18
zetherooMontoya: BUT.... have you a Ubuntu Feisty CD?06:19
LOWER_CASESlynderdale, I use BeyondCompare in WINE! Works like a charm, you don't need to register, and you get a great comparison tool.06:19
zetherooMontoya: you should try it is you have it06:19
Montoyazetheroo: I burned my own CD, it's in the drive06:19
gogzmerC1t1zenJ0hn: I also cannot see shares from the Gutsy box on the server box06:19
zetherooMontoya: a Ubuntu Feisty CD?06:19
thenetduckwhat does this mean?make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.06:19
Montoyazetheroo: I don't know what the CD will do for me, I've tried a bunch of stuff already06:19
C1t1zenJ0hngogzmder:  can the gutsy machine see the wndows machine?06:19
thenetduckI am trying to compile a program06:19
Montoyazetheroo: OH feisty! I mentioned that a while ago!!!06:19
jribthenetduck: what program?06:20
gogzmerC1t1zenJ0hn: nope06:20
zetherooMontoya: what I am saying is that you should try Ubuntu Feisty instead of Gutsy06:20
thenetduckjrib, tomboy06:20
Montoyazetheroo: I can burn a feisty CD, sure06:20
SlynderdaleLOWER_CASE: Isn't beyond compare a commercial software?06:20
thenetduckjrib, I can't even do a "make"06:20
jribthenetduck: tomboy is packaged in the repositories.  Why would you compile it?06:20
Montoyazetheroo: But if I'm going back, why not 6.06 LTS?06:20
jahnkeanate1how do i make ubuntu stop mounting a partion when i reboot06:20
thenetduckjrib, I want the latest version of it, it doesn't have the latest version available06:20
zetherooMontoya: well look at this http://wicd.sourceforge.net/wiki/doku.php?id=testing06:20
jribjahnkeanate1: add the "noauto" option to your fstab06:21
thenetduckjrib, i wanted to use checkinstall to make a .deb aswell06:21
zetherooMontoya: the device was tested in Feisty and was working06:21
LOWER_CASEYes, but I use it at work -- use at home is allowed under their licence.06:21
jahnkeanate1ubuntu keeps mounting my windows partion06:21
Montoyazetheroo: OK, yeah, may as well try that then06:21
cyborg__It is not possible to add files bigger than 4.0 GB:06:21
cyborg__/home/cyborg/Desktop/Serenity.mkv      ... (7.9GB file)  the disk is dl06:21
jribthenetduck: that's usually not a good reason.  What does the version in the repositories not do right?06:21
Montoyazetheroo: Where can I download Feisty???06:21
jribjahnkeanate1: /etc/fstab06:21
zetherooMontoya: torrent?06:22
jrib!fstab > jahnkeanate1 (read the private message from ubotu)06:22
thenetduckjrib, I want to have a plugin, Note of the day. But the current version doesn't let me have that plugin06:22
Montoyayou mean the mirrors don't have feisty up anymore???06:22
jrib!compiling > thenetduck (read the private message from ubotu)06:22
thenetduckjrib, I have version .806:22
zetherooMontoya: you can even test it in the LIveCD session ... that will save you heaps of time06:22
LOWER_CASESlynderdale, apart from that I have used GFTP & it's quite qood -- I've never had hassles with it.06:22
jahnkeanate1i dont have that file06:23
jribthenetduck: you need to read that page.  Among other things, it should explain you need to do "sudo aptitude install build-essential && sudo apt-get build-dep tomboy"06:23
thenetduckjrib, ok thank you06:23
Montoyaoh wow, you can find old releases here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.04/06:24
jribthenetduck: also, pay attention to output when you run commands.  They need to complete successfully before you proceed to the next step06:24
zetherooMontoya.. thats great06:25
jribMontoya: well, for old releases you want http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/06:25
Montoyaok everyone, unrelated to my prior problem: my amd_64 desktop ubuntu is F***ED, the graphics drivers seem to not be working so I can't load the graphical interface at all06:25
jqubuntuWho said my name before o.O06:25
zetherooMontoya: man .. where ddi that come from?06:26
OseQuick question: How exactly is hd(x,y) setup? Like (hd1,3) and such.06:26
ZeeOhey guys im having a issue with my nvidia drivers i did a fresh install of ubuntu after that i downloaded the drives from nvidias website it worked fine06:26
Montoyazetheroo: I have no idea.... it was working yesterday, but today I tried loading the graphical display and I got this horrible error interface... I could only run safe mode06:26
ZeeOthen i updated ubuntu and now my drivers are all messed up06:26
zetherooMontoya: thats a shame.. what card?06:27
AnarchI don't have `man 2 poll` on a desktop Feisty.  What package am I missing?06:27
jahnkeanate1would reinstalling firefox fix the youtube problem06:27
zetherooMontoya: have you made any changes recently?06:27
linrunixMontoya, did you update your xserver-xorg06:27
linrunixor kernel upgrade?06:28
Montoyazetheroo: nvidia geforce 8600gt06:28
linrunixor something upgrade?06:28
OseWith separate partitions how would I find out the hd(1,y) number of it?06:28
Montoyalinrunix: I think so... I always do all availalbe updates when I start Ubuntu06:28
linrunixMontoya, that was the problem06:28
zetherooMontoya: you know you can also run the x86 version of Ubuntu on a 64 bit machine06:28
Montoyalinrunix: Darn, I was afraid of that...06:28
Montoyazetheroo: is that a good idea? Is it slower?06:29
linrunixzetheroo, and that's the best choice06:29
linrunixMontoya, is the best thing you can do...06:29
zetherooMontoya: honestly you will not tell the diff06:29
Montoyazetheroo: So, how can I go about rewriting my linux partition with a 386???06:29
linrunixa least that's why i did06:29
Montoyazetheroo: I don't want to lose my other partitions06:29
xwinwhy did Ubuntu whacked my Windows XP boot file?06:29
zetherooMontoya: no worries.. just get the x86 CD and boot into it and install the same way you did ther first time06:30
Montoyazetheroo linrunix: I have a Vista partition and a file partition, and GRUB for bootloading... I just want to overwrite the linux partitions06:30
Montoyazetheroo: Really? That wont'touch the other partitions... good stuff then06:30
Montoyaokay I will be back later, I have a lot of stuff to try now06:30
zetherooMontoya: yes... then in the install wizard do the partitioning manually06:30
linrunixMontoya, you just gotta know which is your linux partition06:31
flamsmarkhow can i reboot the x-server on my machine?06:31
OseWould my third partition on my first HDD be hd(0,3)?06:31
Montoyaok thanks guys06:31
xwinUbuntu is dangerous though.  First time I installed Linux as dual boot with XP and Ubuntu whacked my XP boot files.06:31
zetherooMontoya: make sure you assign the install to the already created ext3 partition06:31
linrunixCtrl + Alt + Backspace flamsmark06:31
zetherooMontoya: make very sure!!!06:31
linrunixflamsmark did it right away06:31
jahnkeanate1how did you make ubotu send me a message06:32
ZeeOhey guys how do i uninstall the nvidia drives that come with ubuntu06:32
nickrudZeeO, uninstall xorg-driver-fglrx06:32
nickrudZeeO, erm, do, wrong chipset :)06:32
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zetheroonickrud: you sure abotu that?06:33
ZeeOim runing a 6800 oc gt06:33
nickrudzetheroo, already told him I had the wrong chipset06:33
zetheroonickrud: fglrx is for ati... no?06:33
jahnkeanate1ubotu: jahnkeanate1: hi06:33
OseWould my third partition on my first HD be hd(0,3)?06:33
zetheroonickrud: ok....06:33
=== DiCha_cHa-Cha is now known as c3w3x
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nickrudZeeO, it probably would be nvidia-glx then06:34
SlynderdaleHmm, anyone know of a good gmail notifcation application for linux?06:35
FallenStrifehow do you DL wine on ubuntu?06:36
preaction!info wine06:36
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB06:36
preactionFallenStrife, apt-get install wine, after enabling the "universe" repository06:36
preaction!repository | FallenStrife06:36
ubotuFallenStrife: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource06:36
preactionFallenStrife, open up synaptic and search for "wine"06:37
FallenStrifemy first time to even see linux was a few mins ago on a livecd06:37
preactionFallenStrife, ubuntu gutsy i hope?06:37
FallenStrifedont know what it is06:37
ryantmer'tis Gutsy06:37
preactionFallenStrife, that's gutsy. step 1) System > Administration > Software Sources, enable "Universe"06:38
preactionFallenStrife, step 2) System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager. Search for "wine". click on the box at the far-right, choose "install", then click "Apply all changes"06:38
preaction!synaptic | FallenStrife06:38
ubotuFallenStrife: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto06:38
zetheroonickrud: what about the xserver-xorg-video-nv package?....06:38
ArthurArchnix]s it possible to customize the key actions, say for instance, change [delete] to send a command of [shift]+[delete], or [R] to send a command of [L]?06:38
preactionArthurArchnix, xmodmap can do what you want06:39
flamsmarkhey, i'm having some trouble installing ubuntu-desktop06:39
flamsmarki'm getting problems with acpid06:39
ArthurArchnixpreaction: Looks promising. Thanks.06:39
flamsmarkacpid, acpi-support, powermanagement-support, and ubuntu-desktop all encounter errors while processing06:40
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flamsmarkit can't open /proc/acpi/event06:41
flamsmarkand then the rest is a dependancy problem06:42
damoneis there a way to make bash's autocomplete feature to use less instead of more?06:43
flamsmarkalso, when i try to open restricted drivers manager, i get told that i need to install package linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-server06:43
flamsmarkwhich isn't found when i try to install it06:44
Bauer418Hey, anyone think they can help me out with a partitioning issue?06:44
nickrudflamsmark, does that even exist?06:44
flamsmarki have no idea, nickrud, but i'm getting told that i need it06:45
nickrudflamsmark, you'll need to change kernels, install linux-generic , that will install that package for -generic06:45
nickrudflamsmark, doesn't exist here, the one for server06:46
Bauer418can anyone help me with a partition table issue?06:46
flamsmarkdoesn't exist 'here' ?06:46
flamsmarkdoes it exist somewhere else?06:46
cyborg__Executing 'genisoimage -gui -V Serenity -A GnomeBaker -p cyborg hun -iso-level 3 -l -r -hide-rr-moved -J -joliet-long -graft-points --path-list /tmp/GnomeBaker-cyborg/gnomebaker-XUQD3T | builtin_dd of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'06:46
cyborg__I: -input-charset not specified, using utf-8 (detected in locale settings)06:46
cyborg__File /home/cyborg/Desktop/Serenity.mkv is larger than 4GiB-1.06:46
cyborg__-allow-limited-size was not specified. There is no way do represent this file size. Aborting.06:46
cyborg__:-( write failed: Input/output error06:46
flamsmarkbrb while i reboot06:47
cyborg__the disk is dl06:47
nickrudflamsmark, I'm running x64 , but I also checked on packages.ubuntu.com for certainty06:47
cyborg__os[Linux 2.6.22-14-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU          6600  @ 2.40GHz @ 1.63GHz] mem[Physical : 2026MB, 81.4% free] disk[Total : 240.89GB, 4.40% Free] video[nVidia Corporation G80 [GeForce 8800 GTS]] sound[]06:48
cyborg__how can i write files biger then 4 GB?06:48
cyborg__thank you06:48
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flamsmarkright, back again06:51
FallenStrifeis a recovery partition actually needed?06:52
flamsmarkwhen i try to install ubuntu-desktop with the new kernel, i get 'invoke-rc.d: initscript acpid, action "start" failed.' when it's trying to install acpid06:52
* linrunix is falling sleep06:53
wyDoes the suspend work on laptops?06:55
jahnkeanate1hi floodbot306:55
jahnkeanate1can i make the bot rember things06:56
shrihey guys i have problem compiling the intel gm965 express chipset driver from intel's website06:56
shrii'm running gutsy 64 bit06:56
keith-what's the link for the bcm43xx driver that the firmware cutter needs?06:57
komputernerdI am trying to rsync from a remote server to a local machine over ssh06:57
=== GreatBritain is now known as SatManUK
komputernerdthe sshd has a port of 444, I do not know how to specify this in the command06:57
komputernerdrsync -e ssh username@hostname:PORT?/remotefiles /localfiles    - maybe?06:58
komputernerdseems to timeout when I try it that way06:58
lcphr3akHey, just asking again too see if anyone else knew; I made a script that has executable attributes. I want to load it without loading it directly from the terminal. As in loading nautilus, and then double clicking the file/script. It will let me run it, but it asks me if I want to run it in a terminal or edit it. Is there a file extension or an attribute that will make the script automatically run in a terminal, instead of asking?06:59
jahnkeanate1what plugin do i need to play videos on youtube06:59
isforinsectsnon-free flash07:00
keith-anyone know where i can download wl_apsta.o ?07:00
nickrudflamsmark, try this:  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpid/+bug/65635/comments/207:00
jahnkeanate1where can i get that07:00
isforinsectsjahnkeanate1: you'd probably have the easiest time looking into automatix207:00
isforinsectsGoogle that and it will solve most of your filetype and plugin problems07:00
flamsmarkthanks nickrud07:01
isforinsects(automatix isn't a pariah here is it?)07:01
keith-\pretty sure automatix is a pariah everywhere07:01
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »07:02
preactionexcept with its users which should say something07:02
jahnkeanate1it keeps saying i already installed adobe07:02
nickrudpreaction, if you had seen all the upgrade issues that automatix causes ...07:02
preactionnono, i agree, i'm just saying that it fills a niche07:02
flamsmarknuckrud, that'd probably do it; but i decided to reinstall it (it'd been installed for a grand total for about an hour so far), this time adding ubuntu desktop as one of the primary functions07:02
elkbuntuisforinsects, its use is discouraged because of all the problems we've had. at release time it can be as much as 1/4 of questions related to fixing script-caused kabooms relating to automatix and envy07:03
nickrudflamsmark, heh, probably not a bad choice. If you want a desktop, install a desktop :)07:03
flamsmarkwell exactly07:03
isforinsectsI don't use it myself07:03
flamsmarknickfs, i'm sure there are a good few other people who want to have one computer to use as a single-user server and workstation07:05
isforinsectsI'm working on staying on the golden path of no non-free.07:05
isforinsectsBut it's slow :(07:05
nickrudflamsmark, that what I have here. But it's primarily a desktop, so I installed it that way then added server functions as needed07:05
Alyxanderhey guys whats a good program to add music to my videos?07:05
flamsmarkbut the 'lamp working right out of the box for your convenience' is just so tempting07:06
nickrudflamsmark, sudo aptitude install apache2 php5 mysql-server-5.0  . Done :)07:07
Alyxanderhey guys whats a good program to add music to my videos?07:07
jahnkeanate1what can i install in synaptic to make youtube work07:07
flamsmarknickrud, is there any point in installing the edubuntu/gobuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu desktop roles at install if i'm already asking for the ubuntu desktop one?07:07
flamsmarknickrud, i'll bear that in mind next time07:08
nickrudflamsmark, not really, the kubuntu and xubuntu variants have desktops that you might like, they take up space but live nicely together07:08
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jahnkeanate1dont forget to bring a towl07:09
flamsmarknickrud, assuming that i have an infinte hdd, is it more likely to save or make trouble down the road?07:10
jahnkeanate1why does it keep ading a 1 to my name07:10
trembyflamsmark: no point installing them unless you plan to use them07:10
flamsmarktremby, ok07:11
nickrudflamsmark, neither07:11
nickrudflamsmark, xubuntu is really nice for slower machines, kubuntu is as functional as gnome/ubuntu, but a different philosophy. If you have the bandwidth and space, you should check it out (disclaimer, I don't like it)07:13
flamsmarki guess i'll install it and give it a try from time to time07:13
trembyi don't find that kde takes any more memory/cpu time than gnome07:13
jahnkeanate1what is a good linux for gaming07:13
trembyif the rumours are true, the new version coming out soon takes 40% less memory than the current, even with its added functionality and eyecandy...07:14
flamsmarkapparently kde 4 takes up less than the previous, notwithstanding eye candy07:14
trembyjahnkeanate1: none really, unfortunately. depends what games you want to play07:14
nickrudtremby, neither do I, but it just doesn't tickle my fancy. Just personal prefs.07:14
trembyjahnkeanate1: if you're like me and all you want to play is id games and deus ex, you'll be fine07:14
flamsmarkso, potentially worth having just to see07:14
jahnkeanate1i might use a virtual box and dual boot windows xp07:15
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jahnkeanate1or use cedege or wine07:15
=== at0sph is now known as atm0sph
flamsmarkunfortunately, if you're like me and want to play portal, times might be harder07:15
trembyjahnkeanate1: dual booting is indeed the best solution if you want to play the latest games. not sure what you'd want the virtual machine for though07:15
shrican nebody help with a mesa driver  compile on 64 bit ubuntu07:15
jahnkeanate1make it easy i can always just boot into windows07:16
atm0sphthat may work07:16
atm0sphI dont play games07:16
atm0sphI don't mess around07:16
* linrunix is going to sleep Sun Dec 16 03:14:49 AST 200707:16
trembyjahnkeanate1: you don't need a virtual machine for that -- you want a virtual machine if you want to boot windows /within/ your linux session (or the other way around)07:16
* nickrud thinks games are the primary use for computer chips07:17
jahnkeanate1will that make windows more secure07:17
* atm0sph has a 36007:17
naultHello, I am having a problem on my new laptop. It is a HP pavilion 9628, and I can't get the wireless to work. I tried the restricted manager for bcm43xx but that failed, so I removed it and now my wireless interface is gone (just eth1 and lo remain). how can I add back my wireless interface?07:17
jahnkeanate1me two07:17
trembyjahnkeanate1: you should know, though: it's much easier to set up a dual booting machine if you install windows first, then linux.07:17
flamsmarkisn't cedega quite good now?07:17
trembyjahnkeanate1: windows will just be windows when that's booted07:17
jahnkeanate1linux is more flexable when you are installing it07:18
jahnkeanate1does any one know a good spyware remover07:18
* nickrud notes atm0sph 's computer chip in a box07:18
naultI am almost positive I configured it correctly with ndiswrapper, but I have no wireless interface according to ifconfig/iwconfig! Someone please help07:18
Gneathey install spyware in ubuntu?07:18
Gneajahnkeanate1: ubuntu07:19
elkbuntujahnkeanate1, you might need to ask in ##windows for that07:19
jahnkeanate1what do you mean07:19
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:19
trembyjahnkeanate1: you're very unlikely to need one on linux. if you mean on windows, i make people use adaware and spybot search and destroy07:19
trembyjahnkeanate1: often one finds things the other didn't07:20
jahnkeanate1i am using spybot but windows is still runing slow07:20
SuperSayjinany 1 know a good final fantacy irc channel?07:20
Gneathat's because spybot isn't real07:20
naultcan anyone help please?07:20
Gnea!wifi nault07:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wifi nault - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:20
Gnea!wifi | nault07:20
ubotunault: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:20
jahnkeanate1is there something i can do with ubuntu to secure windows07:20
atm0sphno word on networking linux?how do I Connect to another ubuntu machine07:21
Gneajahnkeanate1: wipe out windows and install ubuntu07:21
atm0sphjahnkeanate1, yeah, use your ubuntu machine as a proxyu07:21
mayorbuttesjahnkeanate1: ubuntu is a seperate OS. The only thing you can do is install ubuntu instead of windows07:21
trembyjahnkeanate1: oh i think i see what you mean -- you want to scan your windows partition from within linux?07:21
flamsmarkjahnkeanatel - just game on it07:21
flamsmarkdo everything else in windows07:21
shrican somebody decode a error message for me please07:22
flamsmarkand cedega isn't bad for gaming07:22
shriglut_cmap.c:23:66: error: X11/Xmu/StdCmap.h: No such file or directory07:22
shriglut_cmap.c: In function ‘__glutSetupColormap’:07:22
shriglut_cmap.c:230: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘XmuLookupStandardColormap’07:22
shrimake[3]: *** [glut_cmap.o] Error 107:22
Gnea!paste | shri07:22
ubotushri: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)07:22
jahnkeanate1will windows still work if i made it a read only file07:22
jahnkeanate1or will windows not notice that07:22
mayorbuttesjahnkeanate1: Are you just trolling07:23
uncommonhow do you manually renew an ip address in ubuntu? in windows you usually invoke command in console like so "ipconfig /release " and "ipconfig /renew"..?07:23
Gneauncommon: /etc/init.d/networking restart07:23
lockddoes anyone at all know how to set up an x keymap or whatever which will minimize a fullscreen app that is using sdl or opengl?07:23
LordDicraniushowdy, was wondering if somebody might be able to help me out with a Canon camera driver issue07:23
lockdvery very annoying problem in X, I find07:24
Gnea!ask | LordDicranius07:24
ubotuLordDicranius: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:24
lockdanyone at all?07:24
flamsmarklorddicranius, are you trying to use the whole camera, or just copy from the memory card?07:24
shrican somebody please look at the paste...07:24
LordDicraniushaha u07:24
LordDicraniuswell, my issue is with the driver load07:25
LordDicraniusI was wondering if there was a way to have the camera driver load during login or something, so I don't have to wait 3-5 mins for it to load everytime I plug the camera in (USB)07:25
lockdand yes, scoured google and specifically the Ubuntu forums. I can patch X if need be07:25
Gneashri: why are you compiling glut?07:25
flamsmarklorddicranius, are you trying to take photos with it, or just use the card?07:25
lockdi'm sure it's 20 or 30 lines at most07:26
LordDicraniusflamsmark: just use the card07:26
shrii'm not i'm compileing mesa dor i965 driver07:26
lockdbut I would rather another solution to let me avoid downloading the whole X server sources07:26
LordDicraniusflamsmark, the pics are already on the CF card which is still in the camera when I plug the camera in via USB07:26
flamsmarklorddicranius, ignore the camera, just plug in the card - you'll probably get a better data rate too07:26
Gneashri: are you using 7.10?07:27
LordDicraniusflamsmark, I don't have a slot for the card on my laptop07:27
shriGnea: yeah...64bit version07:27
lockdasking on xorg because it's a very very generic question which can be applied to virtually every nix07:27
LordDicraniusflamsmark, so the only way for me to transfer the pics is via USB07:27
flamsmarkas a longtime photographer, even on windows, i was using a pcmcia cf card adapter to swap photos07:28
LordDicraniusflamsmark: ah, I don't have one of those :(07:28
Gneashri: so why not install libgl1-mesa-glx and xlibmesa-glu?07:28
naultGnea: That did not help. I am looking how to create an interface that accidentally got remove07:28
jahnkeanate1i still cant use youtube07:29
shriok let me try that07:29
flamsmarklorddicranius well, you can either follow the inctructions of these fine people, or spend eight dolars07:29
Gneanault: have you looked at any of the laptop pages for your model, or close to your model?07:29
jahnkeanate1it keeps telling me to install adobe and that i already did07:29
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash07:29
LordDicraniusflamsmark: yeah, after trying to find a way to get these drivers to load during login, I'm thinking about just going to get a card reader heh07:29
naultWhat the hell are you talking about? I set everything up, I just want to know HOW to create an interface that somehow got deleted!07:30
Gnea!laptop | nault07:30
ubotunault: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org07:30
Gnea!language | nault07:30
ubotunault: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:30
* atm0sph rocks out to Counting Crows07:30
ricohey guys. my DVD-writer is at /dev/scd0 but lately when I boot up, the file doesn't exist (and I can't mount/burn/etc). anyone know where to start looking?07:30
Gnearico: what changed?07:30
AyabaraI have bought a creative zen mp3 player that I want to use with Ubuntu. When I plug it in nothing happens. Amarok sees no devices to connect to. libmtp is installed.07:30
ricoGnea, none really07:31
riconone that i can remember at least07:31
Gnearico: no upgrades, added users?07:31
Gneaautomatic updates?07:31
nickrudrico, look in /var/log/dmesg , there should be something about that device07:31
riconothing in dmesg07:31
Gneathat was quick07:31
ricoGnea, just the usual auto-updates07:31
* nickrud thinks rico 's done the footwork07:31
naultGnea: I somehow removed an interface. I want to get it back. Nothing more, nothing less. The rest I can do on my own. Why do you think looking at a laptop guide would help me with the generic problem of creating an interface that was removed?07:32
Gnearico: cat /proc/scsi/scsi  <-- anythign there?07:32
ricoGnea, it shows my hard drive, no cd drive thogh.07:32
jahnkeanate1gnash makes my comp freez07:32
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:32
Gneanault: just look at the page and see if it's there - maybe the problem's been solved already or maybe there's simply no solution at all.07:33
* Gnea is not down for reinventing the wheel.07:33
Gnearico: weird... can you open/close the drive physically?07:34
ricoGnea, yep.07:34
jahnkeanate1does youtube need java07:34
ricoit's a laptop by the way, compaq v3500 if that information is somehow pertinent :)07:35
Gnearico: how often have you rebooted the system since this started to occur, rougly?07:35
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: shouldn't, youtube should only need flash to play videos07:35
ricono idea :/07:35
ricodidn't check07:35
Gnearico: have you tried reseating the cd drive?07:35
skarhey, are there any standalone flash players for ubuntu?07:35
jahnkeanate1that sight gave me a comand and it is installing java07:35
Gneaor booting a cd just to see if it's actually reading07:35
ricoGnea, reseating?07:36
hencethusskar: gnash, but it's glitchy07:36
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: youtube gave u a command?07:36
nickrudvlc will play flv 's07:36
ricohmm, i can't find a bootable cd in my area right now hehe, though I will try with Windows later07:36
skarhencethus, ah, will it replace my firefox flash plugin though?07:36
jahnkeanate1i dont rember07:36
LordDicraniusoh hehe07:36
shriGnea: Still came up with the same error when i type "make linux-dri-x86-64"07:36
shriit is the same paste07:36
Gnearico: yes, as in, turning the system off, unplugging the power, pulling the battery, pulling the drive out of the unit, using canned air to clear out any dust, then putting it back in and booting it up again07:36
jahnkeanate1someone toled me to tell ubutu !restricted07:37
externalUSBinstaHi everyone!! I am installing to external USB, things are looking ok now, I disabled the 3 autorun featured for external disks, but 'guided partitioning' won't work07:37
skarhencethus, or is there a way to just get the gnash player without the firefox plugin?07:37
ricoGnea, eck, Ive never tried opening my laptop :(07:37
externalUSBinstaso i am using manual partitioning, and I am just searching for some 'good numbers' to use07:37
jahnkeanate1or told ubotu something07:37
Gneashri: no - try using X without compiling it and see if it works or not07:37
hencethusskar, i'm not sure. but nickrud says vlc will play flvs. that's probably your best bet07:37
externalUSBinstait is a 750gb drive, thinking a system, server, tv, media and swap setup (make sense?) at 100,180,400,60,10 gb07:37
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: ah, I see.  yeah, the ubuntu-restricted-extras will install mp3 playback, java, etc.07:38
skarhencethus, oo...will it play swf's?07:38
Gnearico: ack... it shouldn't be too difficult07:38
shriok...thanx i'll try that07:38
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: all the non-free "goodies" :-P07:38
externalUSBinstaI created the server partition (files I am synching to a remote server of same size...) but, where should I put it as mount?07:38
ricoGnea, hmm, I'm going to try it out in Windows first I guess (this is a dual boot system) and see if it works there too.07:38
externalUSBinstait lets me keep mount blank...07:38
Gnearico: but yeah, if you've never done it before... see if you can reboot with an ubuntu cd07:38
Gnearico: see if it will boot it07:38
steve_anyone use AWN?07:38
Gnearico: right on07:38
ricoGnea, would that be equally effective than trying to boot from it? btw, GRUB used to pause when it sees there's a cd in the drive. now it doesn't.07:38
ricookay, I'll check it out now, be back in a bit.07:39
jahnkeanate1i just installed ubuntu on this comp and i went to youtube and the comp crashed07:39
jahnkeanate1i think it was gnash07:39
ricojahnkeanate1, your 'comp' crashed, or did firefox crash?07:39
Gnearico: try that out first07:39
jahnkeanate1firefox froze and i had to restart my comp07:39
externalUSBinstaif any partitioning wizard just wants to hold my hand through this process, I think I have the partition setup 'ok' but don't want another reboot cycle if I am wrong...07:39
StrangeworkI managed to setup the game aleph one on my computer, but now I wish to play a mod of the game, I am not sure how to set it up, could someone help me?07:39
hencethusskar, probably. try vlc. if it won't plays swfs then look into gnash07:40
Gneajahnkeanate1: if firefox freezes, you should be able to recover without rebooting :)07:40
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: yeah, gnash is still a little buggy.  I've had problems getting youtube videos to play with it.  I just installed the flashplugin-nonfree package for video playback on youtube.07:40
jahnkeanate1the mouse wouldent even move07:40
skarhencethus, awesome, thanks for the help07:40
jahnkeanate1i weighted 5 min and just held the power button down07:40
roadkillwhats cook'n guys07:41
Gneayour brain07:41
externalUSBinstaheh. mine is07:41
roadkillno no drugs today mon07:41
externalUSBinstaI want the analogy of 'system + data' partitions07:41
externalUSBinstabut have no clue what to put as mount points07:42
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: one other thing you could try when things seem to freeze up like that is pressing CTRL+ALT+Backspace.  that'll restart the X server and kick you back out to the login screen.  If that doesn't work though, really the only thing left to do is what you did: hold down the power button for a few seconds to shut it down hard, then boot it back up07:42
externalUSBinstausing manual partition on ubuntu live install cd07:42
Gnea / and /var ?07:42
externalUSBinstayeah? well, I have server,tv,media as my 'drives' so I could just use /server /tv /media ??07:42
trembyLordDicranius: don't forget control-alt-f1 to get a text terminal07:42
jahnkeanate1yea i dont like holding down the button07:43
Gneajahnkeanate1: instead of the power button, you could also try, after ctrl-alt-backspace doesn't work: alt-sysrq-b07:43
LordDicraniustremby, ah yes, thank you :)07:43
Gneajahnkeanate1: it will do an 'emergency reboot'07:43
jahnkeanate1i think once the mouse wont move i just hit the power button07:43
steve_anyone use curve theme on AWN?07:43
LordDicraniusGnea: have u ever gotten that ctrl+sysreq+ combo to work?07:44
GneaLordDicranius: for *years*.07:44
GneaLordDicranius: but it's alt-sysrq07:44
LordDicraniusGnea: err, yeah.  that's what I meant haha07:44
Gneaworks best like this though: SUIEIESUB07:44
LordDicraniusGnea: maybe my fingers were thinking "CTRL" when I tried it haha07:44
Gneaheh yeah07:45
kitofhawaiignea: reboots? we don't have don't have any reboots in ubuntu :-D07:45
LordDicraniuskitofhawaii: unless there's a kernel update ;)07:45
Gneakitofhawaii: i do now and then, but i tend to attribute that to poor design with firefox and gnome ;)07:45
goodhabitHello. Where I can find locale configuration file?07:45
StrangeworkI managed to setup the game aleph one on my computer, but now I wish to play a mod of the game, I am not sure how to set it up, could someone help me?07:45
LordDicraniusGnea: haha true07:45
* Gnea running E17 now with no slowdowns and plenty of eyecandy07:45
LordDicraniusGnea: E17 = Enlightenment?07:46
Gneagoodhabit: of?07:46
GneaLordDicranius: yes07:46
ivani was using e17 back when they started developing it in the 90s07:46
LordDicraniusGnea: thanks.  gonna have to try that soon.  how do u think E17 compares to fluxbox?07:46
goodhabitGnea, to generating system locales.07:46
Gneaivan: same here, although i believe it was called e0.13.3 or something07:46
jahnkeanate1i cant weight for Christmas i am building a comp with 3.2 Ghz dual core07:47
GneaLordDicranius: i like e17 better, but i haven't tried it much on legacy systems07:47
jahnkeanate1best comp i have used so far07:47
Gneawe just built a 64bit dualcore 3.6ghz comp07:48
neil_dI have a dhcp3 setup, can I force the server to listen on just one card ?  netstat is showing the line "udp    0    0 ... "07:48
LordDicraniusGnea: I see.  I just installed fluxbox on a spare PC I test stuff out on, and all the apps seem to run slow on it :-\  I was gonna try Enlightenment next07:48
jahnkeanate1how mutch was the processor07:48
jahnkeanate1mine is 64bit to07:49
jahnkeanate1i spent $180 but it didnt come with a heat sink07:49
LordDicraniusGnea: it is a pretty old/basic PC though.  Running Gnome puts some strain on it haha07:49
externalUSBinsta'Can't have end before start' using manual partition, I created a 100, 180 and then 400 partitions, each one 'primary' (probably my mistake there) the 400 gives the 'can't have end before start' error07:49
SlynderdaleHmm, anyone know of a good gmail notification application for linux?07:49
Gnea750g SATA-II, 4gb DDR2, Geforce4 SLI with 660megs, 28" flat panel display, logitech surround sound speaker system, audigy207:50
GneaLordDicranius: fluxbox tends to run pretty well on any system, e17 tends to run alright too07:50
Gneajahnkeanate1: don't remember07:50
jahnkeanate1i only have 80 gb but i got the drive because it was $40 and it has 3Gbps07:50
jahnkeanate1i am on a budget07:51
Gneathe case has a ton of glowy blue and red cathode lights in it07:51
Gneawe did this for class :)07:51
Gneai love going to school again07:51
jahnkeanate1i have $400 and what i can get for Christmas07:51
Gneawe just spent nearly 3k on it07:51
LordDicranius*gasp* I'd LOVE to spend $3k on a PC07:52
jahnkeanate1was it comp science07:52
LordDicraniusas Weezer put it, "Only in dreams..." :-P07:52
Gneayeah, the only thing that sucks was that they ... installed.... vista...07:52
jahnkeanate1i am spending like $550 on mine07:52
LordDicraniusoooooh nooooo07:52
Gneai'm tempted to go in there this week with an ubuntu 64bit 7.10 disk, throw another HD in there and install it07:52
jahnkeanate1i have a case07:52
Gneajust to see how it'll run07:52
Gneaon a 28" HDMI display07:52
LordDicraniusgo for it ;)07:53
Gneaoh i'm gonna07:53
Gneai will fully pimp the compiz out on it too07:53
Gneaand i'll make a video while i'm at it and put it on youtube07:53
mosnoGnea: dont forget to talk like xzibit07:53
Ayabaralsusb sees my creative player, but I can't connect to it. any help appreciated :-)07:53
Gneamosno: who?07:53
wargasmI have a question...is there any good place to find themes for ubuntu?07:54
mosnoGnea: the guy from Pimp My Ride07:54
jahnkeanate1lets see if i can use youtube07:54
=== wargasm is now known as Wargasm
Gneamosno: haven't seen that in awhile... i tend to have my own hard-hitting style... i'll go with that ;)07:54
mosnoGnea: lol ok07:54
wyAre there any good image mounters like daemon tools in Linux?07:54
kitofhawaiignea: they forgot the raid card...otherwise the thing would be a screaming demon. what no raid-0? tish tish :)07:54
Gneawy: what kind of images?07:54
Gneakitofhawaii: the system can do RAID, although there's little reason to do so - it just causes more disk thrashing with vista07:55
nickrudWargasm, art.gnome.org07:55
jahnkeanate1come on i still cant use youtube07:55
Gneajahnkeanate1: what video card do you have?07:56
trembyjahnkeanate1: what's your problem?07:56
trembyflash not working?07:56
wyGnea: something like ISO, DAA, UIF, NRG, ...07:56
jahnkeanate1Package 'flashplugin-nonfree' is already installed07:56
Gneawy: ISO is supported already - just throw it on a loop device07:56
wyoh skip it07:56
Gneawy: man losetup07:56
cowbud-o loop07:57
Gneawy: or just double-click on it07:57
jahnkeanate1i dont think it is the video card07:57
jahnkeanate1i dont have one mine is intagrated07:57
trembyjahnkeanate1: in firefox go to about:plugins -- if there is more than one entry for flash you've probably found your problem07:57
Gneajahnkeanate1: what is the result of this command in a terminal: lspci | grep VGA07:58
neil_dI have a dhcp3 setup, can I force the server to listen on just one card ?  netstat is showing the line "udp    0    0 ... "07:58
jahnkeanate1 Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller07:59
Gneaneil_d: i think you need to edit /etc/default/dhcp3-server for that07:59
trembyintel chipsets are well supported, so that's unlikely to be your problem07:59
_blitz_can anyone suggest a good torrent client which is highly user friendly (which does not ask me for metafiles right after i start it)?07:59
jahnkeanate1tremby: what07:59
trembyjahnkeanate1: eh?08:00
neil_dGnea: I have tried       INTERFACES="eth3"08:00
nickrudjahnkeanate1, try running  update-flashplugin (I think that's the command, I'm on x64 at the moment)08:00
neil_dGnea: but netstat still says the same thing08:00
Gneaneil_d: and... did you issue a /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart  after?08:00
tremby_blitz_: ktorrent, azureus, some swear by µtorrent run through wine. i use rtorrent (which is anything but user friendly, but i love it)08:01
lardarse<jahnkeanate1> Package 'flashplugin-nonfree' is already installed08:01
neil_dGnea: yes08:01
lardarseit doesn't install properly08:01
ktammanyone here have ubuntu on a ps3?08:01
fekallhey I am trying to load a program via terminal and I typed sudo dpkg -i [filename] and got this message --dpkg: status database area is locked by another process08:01
lardarseif you have it showing details when you try to install the package, it probably complains about an md5sum mismatch08:01
Gneajahnkeanate1: i can only guess that you have the right video driver installed.... grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf   should see something about "vesa" or "i810"08:01
nickrudfekall, close synaptic or the update-manager08:02
neil_dfekall: you need to close another program like synaptic etc.08:02
Malcol1hey all, i have a real newbie question here and i was just hoping someone could help me out real quick. i'm trying to figure out how to log into ubuntu in a console only session (no x server running). how do i go about that?08:02
_blitz_no wine.last time i ran wine i had to reinstall08:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:02
lardarsejahnkeanate1: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash and get the tar.gz08:02
lardarseand follow the instructions there08:02
neil_dMalcol1: <ctrl> <alt> F1 .. F608:02
nickrudMalcol1, ctl-alt-f1 , login , sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop to stop the X server08:03
fekallnow...I know...noob I am but how can I change directory to my destop in terminal08:03
fekalli tried cd desktop08:03
trembyfekall: cd ~/Desktop08:03
nickrudfekall, cd ~/desktop  (~ stands for /home/<you>)08:03
neil_dfekall: /home/<name>08:03
Gneafekall: case sensitive.08:03
jahnkeanate1ok now what08:03
* neil_d oops08:03
trembyfekall: unix filesystems are case-sensitive, so Desktop is not the same as desktop08:03
nickruderm, Desktop :)08:03
Malcol1thanks a bunch guys08:03
Gneajahnkeanate1: ok what did it actually say?08:03
lardarsejahnkeanate1: on that page, there should be instructions08:04
jahnkeanate1what say08:04
Gneajahnkeanate1: if you use this command: grep Driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:04
Gneajahnkeanate1: then what does it have to say about either "vesa" or "i810"? do either show up?08:04
* nickrud wonders what X drivers have to do with flashplugin08:06
lardarsei think he's trying to solve both problems at once08:06
lardarseand listening to neither...08:06
nickrudah, only saw one, doh08:06
Gneayeah, that flash plugin is broke right now08:06
fekallnow...will the dpkg only work with .deb files?08:06
StrangeworkI managed to setup the game aleph one on my computer, but now I wish to play a mod of the game, I am not sure how to set it up, could someone help me?08:06
lardarseGnea: as i found out myself a few hours ago08:06
Gneai just wanna make sure his X got setup right08:06
fekallI have two .tar.gz files I am trying to install08:07
nickrudGnea, it's supposedly fixed, it's not in the topic and !flashissue is empty now08:07
Gnealardarse: i found out a few days ago - was driving me nuts08:07
jahnkeanate1i put ubuntu on this comp a few days ago08:07
lardarsei only just tried to install it today... too lazy08:07
Gneajahnkeanate1: have you installed any updates?08:07
roadkillfuck'n room mates drunk08:07
nickrud!language | roadkill08:08
uboturoadkill: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:08
Gneawish i had some beer08:08
roadkillopps my bad08:08
=== playya__ is now known as playya
jahnkeanate1like what kind of updates08:10
jahnkeanate1the ornge box08:10
jahnkeanate1i think i did yester day08:10
jahnkeanate1that is not right is it08:10
Gneaactually, it is :)08:10
jahnkeanate1i cat spell08:10
jahnkeanate1: )08:10
Cubexombianyone good at tweaking the ATI Open Driver settings, I've got choppy video playback, it's kinda annoying08:11
lardarse"yesterday" is one word08:11
jahnkeanate1can i type to make a face08:11
jahnkeanate1what about updates08:11
neil_dI have a question: with dhcp3 how to get it to listen to just one interface?    "netstat -a -n -p --udp" keeps showing "" :(  I have tried  -- INTERFACES="eth3" -- in the dhcp3.conf file08:12
nickrud!enter | jahnkeanate108:12
ubotujahnkeanate1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:12
jay_i just installed php, mysql and apache on a fresh install and php files try to download instead of executing08:13
externalUSBinstaI can only create 4 partitions and then the rest of the space is given as 'unusable' and there is a max of 200gb per partition08:13
Sir-integra-bash: /bin/chown: Argument list too long08:13
jay_anyone have any suggestions on how to fix it?08:13
Sir-integraanyone know how i'd possibly go about fixing that?08:13
externalUSBinstahow can I divide 750 into 10gb swap, + 3*200 == 600 == 610 gb only...08:14
lardarseexternalUSBinsta: you need to make 1 of the 4 partitions an extended partition08:14
Sir-integrawell, not exactly 'fixing' but getting around it.08:14
lardarseand then create logical partitions in there08:14
nickrudjay_,   try sudo a2enmod php5 && sudo /etc/init.d/apache reload08:14
jahnkeanate1what does this mean08:14
zaki1hi can any body solve my sound problem with intel hda .....ich7 family08:14
jahnkeanate1NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the08:14
jahnkeanate1      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.08:14
snmpeeOk, I want to use xchat through a certain adapter, i have 2 adapters, wifi and eth how do i do it08:14
snmpeei want to use wifi008:15
nickrudexternalUSBinsta, make 3 primary, 1 logical , and as many extended partitons you want08:15
Cubexombihere's my Xorg.conf for my ATI rs200m (330M IGP) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48414/ could someone take a peek and help me optimize this for my laptop.08:15
jay_nickrud, it says the module is already installed08:15
jahnkeanate1i love you susan08:15
jahnkeanate1first ubuntu video08:15
nickrudjay_, a sec, I have to load it into this machine08:16
jahnkeanate1now i can click links and not wory about comp crashing because of vids08:17
Sir-integra-bash: /bin/chown: Argument list too long - anyone know how to overcome that?08:17
jahnkeanate1why is my login screen's res different08:17
KRaZy_WaKadoes anybody know what music player i need to get for ubuntu to play WMA files?08:17
=== netdemon is now known as NeT_DeMoN
fekalloh my lord08:18
NeT_DeMoNthere is no lord08:18
fekallwhat is the command to install a tar.gz file in terminal?08:18
nickrudjay_, do you have   libapache-mod-php5 installed?08:18
NeT_DeMoNreligion was created by the government to control the mass08:18
lardarseKRaZy_WaKa: i think the main issue is not the music player, but the codecs08:19
lardarseunfortunately, i can't remember which package installs waht you need08:19
lardarseok... time for me to ask a question in here:08:19
jahnkeanate1NeT_DeMoN: harsh08:19
jay_Package libapache-mod-php5 is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:19
jay_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:19
jay_is only available from another source08:19
fekallwell controlling the masses wont help me install winrar!08:19
externalUSBinstalardarse: thanks for that, I am so n00b08:19
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, government was created to spread religion08:19
jahnkeanate1i use winrar with wine08:20
NeT_DeMoNhow do you figure08:20
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, religion came before government08:20
_blitz_KRaZy_WaKa :open a wma file in totem.it will ask u if u wanna install codecs.give yes08:20
fekallreligion, government...who cares...I just need to know command to install winrar for linux!08:20
jay_nickrud, it syas its not available or has not installation candidate08:20
ktammanyone put ubuntu on a ps3 here?08:20
fekallI have tried multiple commands with no luck08:21
lardarsedoes anyone know what my options are, to type japanese kana?08:21
NeT_DeMoNnickrud-thats what the old people of the governments want you to believe08:21
=== externalUSBinsta is now known as jgoo
jahnkeanate1i think relgion is more for comfort about afterlife08:21
lardarsefekall: run synaptic, then search for rar08:21
jahnkeanate1so people are not so scared to die08:21
NeT_DeMoNnickrud-they had the oportunity to make bullshit true back then08:21
nickrudjay_, system->admin->software sources , make sure the first 4 are ticked08:21
lardarse!rar >fekall08:21
lardarse!rar > fekall08:21
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:22
lardarsefekall: read that08:22
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, it's off topic here, I'm in #ubuntu-offtopic08:22
jahnkeanate1ok i dont care about religion08:22
jahnkeanate1or the fact that i cant spell it08:22
jay_nickrud, i got all 4 of those checked08:22
fekallok..I can do that but what about firstclass email client which wasnt found in synaptic08:22
LordDicraniuscan we take the religion talk elsewhere? :)08:22
LordDicraniusit offends me08:22
NeT_DeMoNnickrud-is that a real channel and are you wanting me to go there :|08:22
nickrudjay_, it should be in main , I don't understand why you don't see it08:22
jahnkeanate1oops i just noticed your name08:22
fekall!info unrar-free08:22
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB08:22
Wargasmanyone know of a way to get truecrypt working in ubuntu??08:23
nickrudNeT_DeMoN, yeah, it's a real channel, it's for chatter08:23
jahnkeanate1is there a win rar that runs on ubuntu08:23
LordDicraniusjahnkeanatel: haha np.  just would like to keep this channel open for ppl asking question about Ubuntu :)08:23
jgooLordDicranius: what if people are offended by you not wanting to censor religion (this is all OTT) and they decide that you are not allowed to speak out against religion, when you ask people not to talk about something, you are also advocating you should not be able to ask them not to.08:23
jahnkeanate1yea it got off topic there08:23
lardarseumm... guys?08:23
lardarsethere's an offtopic channel for a reason :-)08:24
LordDicraniusjgoo: u want to talk about religion, take it elsewhere because this channel isn't the place for it.  thanks for playin'08:24
jgooI wasn't even reading, just picked out that one line, so I might sound high right now08:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopis - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:24
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:24
KRaZy_WaKathanx for the info everyone08:24
KRaZy_WaKaabout the wma codecs and what not for ubuntu08:24
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:25
jahnkeanate1why does changing my res not change the login screens08:25
lardarseKRaZy_WaKa: try reading that08:25
lockdI've searched for 2 ubuntu reccommended packages, "xgame" and "etswitch", etswitch doesn't work and xgame is hard as heck to locate08:25
lardarsejahnkeanate1: i think there should be some optino for applying this resolutuion to the login screen08:25
lardarsealso, you can set auto-login08:25
lockdi.e. inexistant08:26
lardarselockd: waht are you trying to install?08:26
lockdlardarse: i'm trying to do something to FORCE a game to stop trapping the, for instance, ALT-TAB.08:26
lockdlardarse: and rather let Windowmaker get it so I can alt-tab and switch/minimize08:26
zaki1hi please some body help or i have to move out of ubuntu because my sound isnt working but  dont like moving away from ubuntu coz i love it08:26
lardarselockd: hmm...08:27
lockdlardarse: it's rare08:27
Wargasmzaki1, make sure your restricted drivers are green08:27
lardarselockd: explains why i've never heard of it :-)08:27
zaki1i have intel hda ich7 family08:27
lardarse!ask | zaki108:27
ubotuzaki1: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:27
lockdlardarse: because it is hellish and near impossible to do, but i'm gonna do it by darn08:27
lockdlardarse: a little -help- of course would be nice08:27
dysonany suggested ftp servers ?08:28
dysonused to run filezilla on windows08:28
fekallgo to syanptic and do a search for it dyson08:29
lockdlardarse: any idea of how to do said task?08:30
zaki1some time the sound just reappears after restart and again  vanishes08:30
lockdlardarse: and no, there won't be a package for that08:30
lardarselockd: none at all08:30
lardarselockd: i dual boot for a reason :-)08:30
lockdlardarse: and arcane perl scripts, and kernel hackery08:30
dysonfekall , a ftp server08:31
dysonnot a client08:31
lockdlardarse: and yes, i will rewrite a kernel if the bug is in that deep08:31
mlpugI know that you can turn server into normal by installing gnome-desktop-environment but can one turn server into kubuntu by installing some package? if yes, what is the name of that package?08:32
lockdof course nobody will see that it is a bug08:32
BarryToemandyson: perhaps "proftp"08:33
BarryToemandyson: i mean proftpd08:33
bullgard4[GNOME] What file lists the 25 Menu items which one can activate using the System > Settings menu?08:33
dysondoes it have a gui?08:33
jgoohrrrrm. the same problem as before - after I setup the partition, the USB drive is no nowehere to be seen (/dev/sdb) so partitioner just returns back to start of install08:33
dysonah it does08:34
dysonBarryToeman: thanks08:34
BarryToemandyson: check this out first http://howtoforge.com/perfect_server_ubuntu7.10_p608:34
jgooI have /dev/sdb, and I create 4 primary partitions (is that right?) 3 ext3, 1 swap. as soon as I click next, /dev/sdb no longer exists... the installer restarts08:35
KRaZy_WaKaanyone have a Creative Zen V Plus MP3 Player running ubuntu? does it have a linux port?08:36
ushimitsudoki How can I troubleshoot wine causing a segmentation fault? It happens at the initial installation, when trying to run wineprefixcreate (or winecfg)?  Thanks much! (0.9.51-winehq0-ubuntu-7.10-1)08:37
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BarryToemanushimitsudoki: what errors does wine give you, if any?08:38
kritzstapfwhen i press the power button of my thinkpad while running ubuntu nothing happens, whats wrong here?08:39
flamsmarkhey, i'm getting a 'grub hard disk error' after attempting an install08:39
wyanyone has used some mind mappers in linux?08:39
mlpugkritzstapf, press longer, like 5 seconds or so08:39
kritzstapfmlpug: haha.08:39
kritzstapfmlpug: very funny :)08:40
ushimitsudokiBarryToeman: It simply says "Segmentation fault (core dump)" when running wineprefixcreate...if i try to run winecfg is gives a similar error (saying that wineprefixcreate crashed) and then terminates as well08:40
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:41
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: what happens if you rename .wine?08:42
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: the config folder for wine in your home directory08:42
KartiHi all, just installed Bluefish HTML editor, but now when I click on a link in my email it opens as an editable file in Bluefish rather than my browser, could someone advise me how to change it so that it opens in a web browser? Many thanks08:43
neumindis impossible play games on ubuntu wher they on windows?08:44
vecnaneumind, look http://www.winehq.org08:44
trembyneumind: some (id games for instance) have linux ports and don't need wine08:45
ushimitsudokiBarryToeman: I can rename .wine. However, I know that all the files were not created that are needed in the .wine folder08:45
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: i see...because it fails installation.08:45
ushimitsudokiBarryToeman: The same error occurs if I try to create in a different name directory, or I delete .wine and try again08:45
nickrudKarti, right click an html file in the file system, select properties, and then the open with tab08:45
vecnaUserUbuntu, join #wine and try wineprefixcreate08:45
vecnasorry that was for ushimitsudoki08:46
ushimitsudokiBarryToeman: yes, winecfg can not run becuase wineprefixcreate crashes08:46
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: did the wine version from the repository work?08:46
ppcguyhey all08:47
ushimitsudokiBarry: I believe I am using the repository version?08:47
Kartinickrud: Dis as you asked. It is already set to open in Firefox. WOuld it be a setting that was changed n Kontact?08:48
nickrudushimitsudoki, try sudo aptitude reinstall wine , sometimes a reinstall fixes an odd problem08:48
neumindwher i can find good tutorial how install wine and use it?08:49
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: i mean the Ubuntu universe and not from wine.budgetdedicated.com08:49
nickrudKarti, ah, kontact don't know kde at all. Someone might answer, but #kubuntu is the kde place08:49
BarryToemanneumind: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine08:50
Kartinickrud: I'm on Ubuntu but my mail has been Kontact since it was a pain in the ar*e to migrate it across to Evolution :(08:50
neumindgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.08:51
neumind wtf?08:51
ushimitsudokiBarry: I will try that.08:51
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: i would purge your current wine installation and follow the Wine instructions from the Ubuntu wiki: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine08:51
AltragHello everyone, first time here08:51
nickrudKarti, yeah, I'm sure there's some setting that got changed, but don't know what it is. That's one reason why I don't mix qt & gtk apps anymore08:51
ushimitsudokiBarry: Alright, that is something I have not tried. Let me give that a go. Thanks for your help!08:51
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: good luck with that08:51
Kartinickrud: Good advice.......many thanks for your help ;)08:52
wyWhy isn't freemind in the repository?08:53
nickrudKarti, a suggestion:  install dovecot , it's an imap server. Keep all your mail in there, then your email client won't matter08:54
AltragI have a problem with my monitor, I wanted to change my main monitor, so I choose the model I had, syncmaster 955df, and I clicked OK with out testing it, reloged to the computer, and the display is messed up, so I cant actualy see enything... anyway I can set it back to default monitor through command promt? thanks! :P08:54
Kartinickrud: Is it a complicated install? (I am relatively new to Linux)08:54
KRaZy_WaKadoes anyone know if there is a linux/ubuntu port for the Creative Zen V Plus mp3 player08:55
ppcguyAltrag: If it was a completely different monitor you might want to reconfig x from the command line. My 2nd monitor is a 955df, watching officespace on it now. ;)08:55
BarryToemanAltrag: yes, command line can fix it.  you can either try to check for a backup of your config file or do what ppcguy says with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:56
AltragWell, it doesnt work for me, maybe its the ATI card that I have that stops it from working08:56
nickrudKarti, no, it's pretty simple . https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dovecot . Don't get the dovecot-pop3 (since you won't be feeding other machines) and use the Maildir format08:58
Kartinickrud: many thanks.....just checking it out now08:59
BarryToemanKRaZy_WaKa: did you check to see if gnomad2 or Amarok works with the Zen V?08:59
lookcan someone tell me other IRC clients except xChat for uBuntu 7.10 ?08:59
ushimitsudokiBarry: Same results with wine from the repository (0.9.36-0ubuntu1). wine gives the error: "wineprefixcreate failed while creating '/home/jason/.wine' ... Segmentation fault (core dumped)08:59
trembylook: pidgin (it's a multi protocol one -- does msn and xmpp and aim etc too)09:00
kantorhow can I connect from outside to a host that is behind a router and has a private IP  (like ?09:00
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: did you purge your old files and old installation first?  how did you install initially?09:00
trembykantor: you need to get your router to forward the relevant port to your machine09:00
SatManUKhas anybody used to ubuntu forums wiki howto on Quasar?09:01
ushimitsudokiFrom Syntaptic each time, complete uninstall. I have tried in the past from terminal as well.09:01
BarryToemanlook: bitchx, lostirc, loqui09:01
kantorso If I do not set the forwarding I can't connect from outside, no ?09:01
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nickrudlook, irssi seems really popular in this channel09:02
soldatsxchat as well09:02
flamsmarkit's all about xchat09:03
soldatslol i prefer irssi though09:04
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: well, that error you get isn't very helpful, huh?  did you remove .wine before reinstalling?  also, in synaptic you can choose which version to install (universe or winehq if you have that enabled), but you just tried that.09:04
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: i don't know what else to suggest besides trying #wine irc09:04
lookok but which one of them is more similar with the old mIRC09:05
lookfor windows ?09:05
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: i mean #winehq09:05
ushimitsudokiBarry: Alright. Haven't got any response there, but I will try again in a bit. Thanks for the effort, nonetheless09:05
lardarsehow do i use chmod to set all the .cpp files within a folder (and within folders in that folder) to 644 ?09:05
BarryToemanushimitsudoki: make a post at ubuntuforums.org if winehq is worthless09:05
lardarsechmod -R 644 *.cpp deons't work09:06
ushimitsudokiBarry: Alright, I might just do that!09:06
soldatssudo chmod 644 /path/to/dir/*.cpp  i think09:06
soldatsmaybe need the -R im not sure09:07
lardarsesoldats: why do i need sudo? the files are in my home folder09:07
lardarse-R is recursive09:07
ReS|UKlardarse: Have you got the correct privelidges?09:07
lardarseReS|UK: i just extracted the folder from a tar.gz09:07
lardarseonto my desktop09:07
BarryToemanlardarse: chmod -R 644 *.cpp should work.  what is the error?09:07
lardarsechmod: cannot access `*.cpp': No such file or directory09:08
ReS|UKIn which case as BarryToeman said the chmod -R 644 *.cpp should work.09:08
bullgard4[GNOME] What file lists the 25 Menu items which one can activate using the System > Settings menu?09:08
ReS|UKlardarse: Are you in the dir containing the .cpp files?09:08
lardarseno.. the files ar a couple of levels down09:08
lardarsein multiple folders09:08
ReS|UKThat is why you need to use the dir if you are not in the current dir.09:09
lardarseand i just discovered that i cant blindly 644 everything, because the folders stop feing folders09:09
ReS|UKThat is correct lardarse; you need to just do the files from the dir they are contained in.09:10
lardarsei would rather not type in a command 17 times...09:10
lardarseor more09:10
Wargasmcopy paste?09:10
nickrudbullgard4, they are each described in an individual file in /usr/share/applications09:10
ReS|UKYou could use copy and paste09:11
lardarseyeah... but then i still ahve to get into each folder in turn09:11
nickrudlardarse, that's why you would specify files ending in .cpp to chmod, the dir's would be left alone09:12
lardarsenickrud: yes... i'm trying that09:12
ReS|UKlardarse: The only other way is to chmod as that does all09:12
ReS|UKOhhh sorry nickrud just said that.09:12
lardarsebut it's saying that it can't find th files which are 2 levels down09:12
ReS|UKlardarse: Change dir and try it from the location and see if you get the same error.09:13
nickrudlardarse, BarryToeman suggested  chmod -R 644 *.cpp . Did you try that?09:13
lardarsenickrud: i tried tht myself09:13
lardarseand yes, it works if the files are in my current folder... but that's tedious09:13
nickrudlardarse, from inside the top dir of the files you unpacked?09:13
lardarsenickrud: yes09:13
lardarsechmod -R 644 *.cpp09:13
lardarsechmod: cannot access `*.cpp': No such file or directory09:13
nickrudlardarse, then that is very odd, -R has never failed me09:13
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lardarsethe exact same error as without the -R09:14
BarryToemanlardarse: odd.  you can try a sledgehammer approach: "find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;"09:15
ReS|UKlardarse: To me that errors seems to read that it fails to find the cpp in the dir or is looking for something that isn't there.09:15
BarryToemanlardarse: however, my example will change all files to that permission09:15
lardarseReS|UK: but the files are there09:15
chazcohi... anyone know how to insert data into an XML file from a script?09:15
lardarseBarryToeman: that' fine, as long as it doesn't affect any folders09:16
nickrudlardarse, try chmod 622 -R *.cpp09:16
BarryToemanlardarse: make a backup and try it.  then delete when it doesn't work because I didn't test it.09:16
lardarsei cna just sxtract it from the tgz again if i need to09:16
lardarsefihi09: no spam please09:17
lardarsehe left too fast09:17
lardarseBarryToeman: that seems to have worked09:17
BarryToemanlardarse: excellent...09:18
KRaZy_WaKathanx Barry i'm on the phone with a friend of mine he suggested the same thing... he said Amarok will probably work09:18
goodhabitHello. 7.10 ACPI doesn't works. How to solve it?09:18
BarryToemanKRaZy_WaKa: excellent...09:19
KRaZy_WaKathanx again for all the help... i'm getting ready to load ubuntu on my PC and getting rid of windows just wanna make sure i have everything covered09:19
frahigoodhabit: make it work09:20
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goodhabitfrahi, how?09:21
goodhabitHelp plz.09:21
scguy318!acpi | goodhabit09:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:21
scguy318goodhabit: I would look for some ACPI docs in the ubuntu Wiki09:21
scguy318goodhabit: what doesn't work exactly?09:22
BarryToemanKRaZy_WaKa: you can always try a dual boot for a few weeks just in case you forget something.09:22
KRaZy_WaKawas considering it but was told dualboot is a security risk and i know its a pain in the butt09:23
scguy318KRaZy_WaKa: security risk how?09:24
JockeoIs there a GUI in Gutsy Gibbon that allows me to mount my ntfs partition? Or do I have to use the terminal?09:24
goodhabitscguy318, notebook doesn't show battery, cpu always works on same frequence etc.09:24
scguy318Jockeo: ntfs-config, but it kinda sucks, better off adding an fstab entry09:24
scguy318goodhabit: what's your notebook? have you tried searching the Ubuntu Forum?09:24
Jockeoscguy318: ok thx09:24
linxuz3rhey guys anyway to mount *.bin?09:27
scguy318linuxuz3r: use fuseiso09:27
ChaosRThis is a more general question, not really related to ubuntu, but I was wondering what a "good bittorrent client with webui" for ubuntu is, and as my server runs ubuntu, I thought, lets ask here.09:29
KurtKrautI have a XFS partition and only root is able to write on it. How do I enable to any user to write on a XFS partition ?09:29
ChaosRI already used: uTorrent (trough wine), Azureus, Deluge, all seem to have problems09:30
ChaosRso who knows a new one :)09:30
BarryToemanChaosR: what was wrong with Deluge?09:30
ChaosRsegmentation error09:30
scguy318ChaosR: google "bittorrent webui clients" , a nice listing there09:31
ChaosRit randomly gives those about every 2 weeks09:31
scguy318ChaosR: have you looked at the core dumps, if you have that on?09:31
ChaosRscguy318: I already tried the more popular ones09:31
BarryToemanChaosR: look at or make a post at http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/. the developer is quick to respond.09:31
ChaosRwell, I solve the error by just deleting prefs.state09:31
ChaosRand utorrent won't start anymore09:33
ArelisYesterday i said i needed gaming very much. well, i still get it with XGL, the only problem is that WINE programs go on top of EVERYTHING, when i use DISPLAY=:0. Is there any solve for this?09:33
ChaosRfor some odd reason, wine just starts giving a lot of debug-crap09:33
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p34rwhat mail server should i use with ubuntu? i'm using nginx too09:33
p34rlike what's the easiest to use and fastest, etc09:33
scguy318!mta | p34r09:33
ubotup34r: A Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) is the server software that sends and queues mail. The default MTA (and !MDA) on Ubuntu is !postfix ("exim" is also officially supported). See also !MailServer and !MUA09:33
p34rscguy318: cool, thanks09:33
ubotupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer09:34
wols!msgthebot | p34r09:34
ubotup34r: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.09:34
soldatsis there a way i can tell if a file is symbolically linked to another09:34
ChaosRbut the odd thing is, if I use ssh -X, I have no problems at all using wine for utorrent09:34
scguy318ChaosR: that's normal, Wine will output to Terminal09:34
scguy318ChaosR: unless you mean page fault?09:35
wolssoldats: you can see the link with ls -l09:35
wolsyou cannot see if another file links to a file09:35
ChaosRif I start utorrent with wine trough VNC, it will not start and give a load of debuggish stuff in the terminal, if I use ssh -X (so X programs start on my desktop), I have no problems at all09:35
scguy318ChaosR: what's the output?09:36
soldatswols, thanks didnt know if that would work. do you know if i can say unlink two files09:36
lardarsedoes anyone know what my options are, to type japanese kana in ubuntu?09:36
xenon_xavierhey guys I just wanted to know how can I close ports which I dont need?09:36
scguy318lardarse: something with SCIM probably09:36
wolssoldats: delete the symlink09:36
soldatswols, ok i figured, i ask because i read a while back if you delete one it deletes the other09:37
scguy318soldats: that applies to a hard link09:37
xenon_xavierhow do I close pors???09:37
soldatsahh ok i was scanning pages too fast then thanks09:37
scguy318xenon_xavier: in iptables? your router?09:37
ChaosRetupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection: glxcmds.c:343: CreateContext: Assertation `mode != ((void *)0)' failed.09:37
ChaosRsomething like that09:37
ChaosRscguy318: any ideas?09:38
scguy318ChaosR: moment09:38
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BarryToemanxenon_xavier: first find out what porst you have open. try nmap is good for that.09:39
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ArelisYesterday i said i needed gaming very much. well, i still get it with XGL, the only problem is that WINE programs go on top of EVERYTHING, when i use DISPLAY=:0. Is there any solve for this?09:39
scguy318ChaosR: googling shows Wine bug, but mm09:40
scguy318ChaosR: you wouldn't happen to have any fancy graphical effects going would you?09:40
BarryToemanArelis: try #winehq irc channel.09:40
CoasterMasterHow can I get a USB device to talk to Windows XP running in qemu hosted on Ubuntu?09:40
ChaosRprobably not, I use blackbox on my servers :P09:40
scguy318ChaosR: http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=855709:40
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ChaosRyup, that's my error09:41
scguy318ChaosR: i need to hit bed now, have a good night09:42
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ChaosRthanks scguy31809:42
ChaosRI guess I'll just disable opengl09:42
ChaosRdon't need it anyways09:42
wyI just noticed that my sound is not working yet since installation yesterday09:43
OpenGuruHi. Any one who has installed apcupsd ?09:44
lookcan someone tell me why i get disconneted in this way ?09:45
look-Welcome- psyBNC2.3.2-409:45
look--psyBNC- Your IRC Client did not support a password. Please type /QUOTE PASS yourpassword to connect.09:45
look* Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).09:45
looki`m trying to use xChat09:45
goodhabitкак кодировка?09:46
wols!ru | goodhabit09:46
ubotugoodhabit: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:46
ArelisBarryToeman: (10:45:20) _Marcus_: hmm. i have to pass, i am not using XGL, so no experience <-- this is what they said. So no one can support me there09:46
wolslook: it clearly says why09:47
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ArelisGuys, is it safe to install XGL and can i remove it afterwards?09:50
VANhello ! )09:51
pmcnabbanyone know how to have pam record logins to a remote machine (to mysql, preferably)?09:51
wolsArelis: "safe" is relative and you can always uninstall a deb package dependencies permitting09:51
VANi`m russia09:51
wolspmdgandalf: syslog to another host09:52
wolspmdgandalf: I mean you should not PM me09:53
wolsyou just did it again. either talk in channel or go away09:53
wolscome to think of it, best stop talking to me09:54
montoyahello everyone, finally have INTERWEB on my laptop!09:54
AlephI recently upgraded my from an AMD 64 to an X2 processor and flashed my BIOS. Now Feisty is saying my xorg.conf file is invalid and X won't start. How can I fix this?09:54
ReS|UKAleph: You need to update you xorg.conf to match your CPU09:55
montoyacan someone refresh my memory? I think there is a program for Ubuntu that allows you to download a bunch of programs, but I don´t remember the name09:55
wolspmdgandalf: you are messaging me in a private window, you aren't talking at all in #ubuntu. go and learn about IRC please. putting you on /ignore now09:55
adamadam20074im getting a weird error message when i type fglrxinfo in the terminal, X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)09:55
adamadam20074  Major opcode of failed request:  143 (GLX)09:56
adamadam20074  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)09:56
adamadam20074  Serial number of failed request:  1709:56
adamadam20074  Current serial number in output stream:  1809:56
adamadam20074 im running an ati radeon 9800 pro09:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)09:56
montoyaIf I enabled nvidia drivers, but my resolution is still lousy, is there something more I can do?10:00
[MxPm]Synz-Neinyes you can do10:00
LimCorewhat was the quick way to have read only NVC beteen two linux boxes?10:00
[MxPm]Synz-NeinÀÌ·± Âî²ô·¡±âµé10:00
[MxPm]Synz-Nein¹«½¼ ¾Ë¼ö¾ø´Â ¿µ¾î¸¦ ¾¾ºÎ¸®´Â°Å¾ß10:00
LimCore!ops synacktion requests a kick10:00
KurtKrautHow can I mount a partition with rw permitions ?10:01
LimCoreKurtKraut:  -o remount,rw   or just  -o rw10:01
LimCoreKurtKraut:  to mount options10:01
mohkohnHow do I get the debian menu's to work? They seem to be empty.10:01
montoyaSynz-Nein, you aren´t being very helpful10:01
montoyayour text is all gibberish10:02
[MxPm]Synz-Neini cant understand..10:02
KurtKrautLimCore, how do I set it in fstab ?10:02
[MxPm]Synz-NeinThat is korean language10:02
LimCoreKurtKraut: its default,  remove  ",ro" from options10:02
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:02
LimCoremontoya: yes10:02
[MxPm]Synz-NeinI can english10:02
montoyaI just need help in English, or Spanish or German10:02
LimCoremontoya: so, how to?  what to run on server beeing watched (read only, medium quality)   what on client10:02
[MxPm]Synz-Neinbut Im not good at english10:02
thePablo_109459hey ho10:03
montoyaWhat? I don´t think you are talking to the right person10:03
montoyaI´m still wondering what program is like Synaptic but shows you a bunch of programs you can install10:03
thePablo_109459wsa los?10:03
[MxPm]Synz-Nein°¡³ª´Ù <- this is korean language10:03
ArelisHey all. When i try to login as another user, (by starting a new GDM screen), the screen goes black and the whole system freezes. Can anyone help me with that?10:03
KurtKrautLimCore, this is my fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48422/ - and only root is able to write in /media/backup10:04
soldatsmontoya, aptitude10:04
montoyaSynz-Nein, my wonderful Firefox doesn´t understand that10:04
soldatsread the man page10:04
strettocan someone  tell me what is recommented movie player that support  VOB fomart10:04
montoyasoldats: how do I load up the graphical version of it?10:04
soldatsread the man page im not sure10:04
tomawthePablo_109459: please don't paste pennergame links to freenode channels10:04
tomawthePablo_109459: doing so will get you banned from both :)10:05
LimCoreKurtKraut: try like umask=000  or user=000  read man mount on this;  or just create there a directory and set it to chmod 77710:05
soldats[MxPm]Synz-Nein, this isnt the channel for you10:05
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:06
soldatsi think your trolling10:06
[MxPm]Synz-Neini want to learn english10:06
soldatshooked on phonics10:06
montoyasoldats: That wasn´t it :(10:06
[MxPm]Synz-Neinare you fucker?10:07
wols!kr | [MxPm]Synz-Nein10:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:07
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:07
soldats!ops | [MxPm]Synz-Nein10:07
ubotu[MxPm]Synz-Nein: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:07
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:07
soldats!language | [MxPm]Synz-Nein10:07
ubotu[MxPm]Synz-Nein: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:07
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:07
[MxPm]Synz-Neini dont know my sentence10:08
montoya...... so um, I enabled nvidia drivers and my display is still crappy... any help?10:08
[MxPm]Synz-Neinwhat that's mean?10:08
soldatsmontoya, im positive aptitude has an ncurses interface10:08
heatxsinkanyone in here know how to reassemble multiple rar files?10:08
soldatsi just dont remember how to get it10:08
montoyasoldats: It´s an interface but it´s just text, I remember something nice than synaptic10:08
soldats!ops | [MxPm]Synz-Nein10:08
ubotu[MxPm]Synz-Nein: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:08
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:08
[MxPm]Synz-Nein!ops uboto10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ops uboto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:09
tomaw[MxPm]Synz-Nein: can you please try to speak English here.  Noone can understand what you're saying10:09
[MxPm]Synz-Nein[MxPm]Synz-Nein(Àº)´Â ¾Ù¸®½º°¡ µÉ º¿ÀΰŴٿ¹¿ä. !º¿µµ¿ò À» ÀÔ·ÂÇÏ¸é µµ¿ÍÁÙÁöµµ ¸ð¸¥´Ù¿¹¿ä.10:09
montoyaseriously, someone help me, my display is blurry and small... how can I get a better resolution?10:09
[MxPm]Synz-NeinÀÌ·±¾¾¹ß·Ãµé <- this?10:09
strettohello could  someone tell  me what would be the best  movie play10:09
BernardBstretto, maybe Mplayer10:10
Matttixmontoya: what's your graphics card10:10
[MxPm]Synz-Nein(PM 07:10:10) <Gary> do not post in #ubuntu10:10
[MxPm]Synz-Nein(PM 07:10:15) <[MxPm]Synz-Nein> ..10:10
[MxPm]Synz-Nein(PM 07:10:17) <[MxPm]Synz-Nein> yes10:10
montoyaMattix: Nevermind, I found the settings panel10:10
CaptainMorganI have a system - within windows already taking up the whole hard drive, I want to install ubuntu onto the where there is unused windows space, will the ubuntu installer let partition existing drive?10:10
LimCorewhat was the name of small utilioty to dump screenshot10:11
montoyafor the record, nvidia-settings should be somewhere on the taskbar10:11
BernardBCaptainMorgan, Yes, that's possible, I believe10:11
maddashhey, what's going on here?10:11
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:12
soldatsalready tried10:12
wolstomaw: finally. thank you10:12
maddashwols: you? #ubuntu? no...10:12
BernardBCaptainMorgan, what windows version are you running?10:12
CaptainMorganBernardB, XP10:13
strettook, i Have Mplayer  but it  does support the VOB  compress10:13
CaptainMorganBernardB, from what I recall... I think you're correct.. but I wanted inquire to be sure10:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blank - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:14
ubotuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus cd burner (Gnome), gtoaster, xcdroast, cdrecord (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:14
montoyado you guys use compiz?10:14
ubotuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)10:14
BernardBCaptainMorgan, I'm not sure of XP working with Ubuntu, but Vista will work: I've installed it myself.10:14
BernardBCaptainMorgan, maybe somebody else knows if XP and Ubuntu dual boot together...10:15
CaptainMorganBernardB, what do you mean by "working with" ? I dual boot XP and ubuntu on two other systems already10:15
cookiehello guys10:15
wolsof course they do10:15
cookieI have a little problem10:15
=== JamesR123 is now known as JR123
cookieWhy can't I view flash animations on web on 7.1010:15
BernardBCaptainMorgan, I mean dual booting XP and Ubuntu10:15
strettohello  bernardb10:15
maddash[MxPm]Synz-Nein: hi?10:15
wols!enter cookie10:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enter cookie - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:16
J-_!dualboot > CaptainMorgan10:16
wolsmaddash: it's a troll. don't feed10:16
soldatscookie, you need to install the flash player 910:16
cookieI see tem scrambeled10:16
wols!enter | cookie10:16
ubotucookie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:16
CaptainMorganJ-_, dualbooting wasn't the question.. but thanks10:16
maddashI thought that it was banned? why else would you thank tomaw?10:16
cookieand how do I install it?10:16
BernardBstretto, ?10:16
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:16
jekos1has anyone compiled Cedega successfully?10:17
four-o-fou1I have questions with evolution, which channel to ask?10:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:18
maddashfour-o-fou1: this channel works10:18
=== spliced-nipra is now known as nipra
four-o-fou1how to enable yahoo on evolution10:18
four-o-fou1I searched google ending in different results10:18
montoyaanyone here have a good way to get higher resolutions than 1024x768?10:18
strettohello  bernardB  you can  have  dual boot with XP and  ubuntu10:18
wolsfour-o-fou1: if you run ubuntu10:18
wolsmontoya: what video drievr are you currently using?10:19
four-o-fou1wols: I have ubuntu, does it make problems?10:19
wolsfour-o-fou1: apt-cache search yahoo. you need to download the yahoo mail with an extra program and then feed to evolution10:19
wolsfour-o-fou1: no, but we only support ubuntu here, not other distros10:19
BernardBstretto, --> CaptainMorgan10:19
cookieIt does not say anything about installing flash 910:19
wolscookie: it does10:20
cookiecan somebody please tell me how to install?10:20
montoyawols: The default nvidia driver that can be enabled with feisty10:20
wolsmontoya: I didn't ask what can be enabled but what you USE10:20
CaptainMorganonce again folks, BernardB stretto J-_ - dual booting was not the question - I already dual booting four machines10:20
montoyawols: Thatś'what i´m using10:20
wolsCaptainMorgan: you already got your answer no?10:20
Filled-voidHello all would the text install options (no acpi etc) be the same for Ubuntu 32-bit and 64 bit dvd installmedias?10:20
CaptainMorganI have a system - within windows already taking up the whole hard drive, I want to install ubuntu onto the where there is unused windows space, **will the ubuntu installer let me partition existing drive? **10:20
maddashCaptainMorgan: yes10:21
CaptainMorganI am not sure if it has a partitioner, that's all10:21
cookieHow do I install flash 9 on Ubuntu 7.1010:21
wolsmontoya: your used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and chose a higher res?10:21
CaptainMorganmaddash, thank you10:21
BernardBYes CaptainMorgan10:21
wols!flash | cookie10:21
ubotucookie: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash10:21
BernardBas maddash says10:21
jekos1hi all10:21
soldatscookie, visit the flash homepage, you can compile it yourself10:21
soldatsit has instructions as well10:21
wolssoldats: how do you compile an already compiled binary?10:21
jekos1has anybody compiled cedega complete?10:22
stojicwols: with lots of errors :-)10:22
four-o-fou1(2007-12-16 13:49:21) wols: four-o-fou1: apt-cache search yahoo. you need to download the yahoo mail with an extra program and then feed to evolution,tell me what to do now please!10:22
soldatswols, the flash site has a tar.gz and a few others to install flash 9 on linux10:23
aeGIswow...  I just bagged a hottie10:23
aeGIstook her home a few minutes ago10:23
wolssoldats: doesn't answer my question. there is no sourcecode in the tar.gz so how do you compile it?10:23
soldatsaeGIs, thats not appropriate here10:23
soldatswols, install it is what i meant10:23
four-o-fou1wols: what do I need to change in my evolution settings now?10:24
snmpeeaeGIs yes, no talking about things everyone else in this channel doesn't do10:24
aeGIssorry... thought Ubuntu was about human beings ;)10:24
LimCorehow to send a file to SSH (or FTP), from cmd line, without beeing asked for passwords.  no, server doesnt have pub key auth10:25
bazhangaeGIs: cut it out10:25
wolsaeGIs: and #ubuntu is only about support for Ubuntu10:25
wolsaeGIs: so please stay to that or go away. if you can't do it on your own an ops might help you10:26
four-o-fou1is there anyone here that uses yahoo on his evolution, without any problems??10:26
soldatswols, its 3:30 in the morning im tired but cant sleep so sorry if i confused compile and install10:26
bazhangfour-o-fou1: yahoo? the search engine? or IM10:26
aeGIshahaha... WOW...10:26
wolssoldats: how about sleep then?10:26
snmpeeaeGIs you'll also find that you'll get more people talking about you breaking a rule than talked in the past half day10:26
soldatsi said i cant10:26
wolsbazhang: yahoo the email provider that charges for pop3 access10:26
four-o-fou1bazhang:  I wanna check my emails, using evolution10:27
aeGIssnmpee: I'm sorry I broke the rules10:27
four-o-fou1bazhang: not talking about search engine or IM!10:27
slepthi how do I find out which thermalzone corresponds to what ?10:27
aeGIswols: please forgive my indiscretion...10:27
spideymanwhats the pastebin again10:28
wols!paste | spideyman10:28
ubotuspideyman: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:28
montoyawhat is the command to restart xserver?10:29
four-o-fou1no one to tell me what to do with my evolution ?????:-?10:29
maddashmontoya: ctrl+alt+bksp10:29
snmpeemontoya ctrl+alt+backspace10:29
Garymontoya, ctrl+alt+backspace10:29
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7092 four-o-fou110:29
snmpeesearch the f@#%^#  web10:30
bazhang!ohmy | snmpee10:30
ubotusnmpee: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:30
peciskfour-o-fou1: what's a problem10:30
snmpeebazhang blow me or ban me. your choice.10:31
aeGIssnmpee: can ubuntu help me develop a personality and learn to accept other people without trying to force them to behave like I wan tthem to?10:31
snmpeeaeGIs definitely not10:31
cookieHow do I install a program in .bin extension ?10:32
bazhangsnmpee: you want an op to help you out?10:32
four-o-fou1bazhang: I/ve seen this page, it fetvhyahoo didn't work10:32
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, Are you getting an error?10:32
snmpeeubuntu is for smelly nerds who have a power trip about trying to keep the channel tamer than mickey mouse in sunday school10:32
=== pimlock___ is now known as pimlock
snmpeewhile they play with their balls10:32
snmpeea lot10:32
four-o-fou1Filled-void: pecisk: I can't send/receive10:32
strettocan  someone tell me where  i get  VoB codec or support  the MPlayer VLC10:32
bazhangfour-o-fou1: go to the yahoo page and configure it there--should work--what precise error are you getting with fetchyahoo?10:32
kitofhawaiiaegis: it's not like ubuntu forces you to sit around a fire and sing kumbaya :)10:32
cookiecould somebody help me?10:33
wolskitofhawaii: don't feed please10:33
aeGIssnot_: I thought maybe there was a shell command for that....  Maybe there is a HowTo on how to threaten people...  I think there must be because it appears a few people have read it in here. ;)10:33
cookiehow do I install something with a .bin extension?10:33
bazhangcookie: which file?10:33
wols!ops snmpee and aeGIs are trolling10:33
Filled-voidstretto, I think installing ubuntu-restricted-extras takes care of that might want to confirm with someone though10:33
cookiebazhang: I downloaded java and it is in .bin extension10:33
cookieHow do I install it?10:34
sleptcookie, open-offie ?10:34
snmpeeit's 4:30 am, nobody can hear you scream10:34
bazhangcookie: which java?10:34
cookiethe latest one10:34
snmpeewols let's discuss your lack of a penis10:34
peciskcookie: if it is installation file, then you simply have to make it executable, via File Properties dialog10:34
four-o-fou1Filled-void: bazhang: pecisk: take a look at this page: http://gopalkoduri.wordpress.com/2006/06/23/configuring-evolution-mail-to-work-with/#comment-8110:34
cookiepecisk: And how exactly do I do that?10:34
bazhangcookie: there are at least two versions iirc10:35
aeGIssnmpee: me thinks wols taketh irc much too seriously10:35
snmpeecookie likely your .bin is a cue/bin cd image10:35
sleptwhat to use to create a heavy systemload ? I hava problem with overheating .... I need sth to check if it is fixed now ...10:35
wolssnmpee: enjoy it while you aren't banned kiido10:35
four-o-fou1Filled-void: bazhang: pecisk: last comment is mine, it is what happens using evolution without fetchyahoo10:35
snmpeeaeGIs most of them in here take irc too seriously, and are more interested in playing hall monitor than being useful10:36
wolsslept: "load" doesn't create heat10:36
snmpeeand are a general detriment to discussion10:36
Keule|onHi there - does anybody know something about the xcompmgr?10:36
wolsif you want to stress the cpu there are several programs, e.g. cpuburn, mprime, etc10:36
aeGIschmod o-penis wols10:36
soldatsactually this channel is supposed to be family friendly, it doesnt matter if its 430 its 1200 somewhere else10:36
wols!ask | Keule|on10:36
ubotuKeule|on: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)10:36
sleptwols, well what than makes my cpu work/calculate ?10:36
snmpeeKeule|on never heard of it, but i bet i can find out more about it than you know about it in 60 seconds by looking up the word in a search engine10:36
Keule|onok when xcompmgr is installed - i dont see the logout screen10:36
wolsslept: I told you waht programs10:37
snmpeewols: troll troll troll troll!10:37
DDragonok people of ubutu i have a slight problem with installing Ubuntu 7.10 to my external HDD10:38
DDragonim using the USB attachment for it as i have no onboard SATA ports10:38
=== Learning-Ubuntu is now known as Filled-void
snmpeesoldats i want to lick your earlobes10:38
tomawsnmpee: Not here, thanks.10:38
wols!ask DDragon10:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask ddragon - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:39
Keule|onhttp://www.ubuntu-forum.de/artikel/10798/Mini-Howto-Xorg-beschleunigen.html the usage is shown in the last third10:39
sleptwols, ah, sorry didn't see it wasnt highlited - thanks10:39
snmpeefirst the left ear10:39
snmpeethen the right10:39
=== jgoo|afk|USBinst is now known as jgoo
Keule|onwolls ?10:39
Keule|onwhat do you think?10:39
OffHandI have compiled Audacious but it doesn't seem to respect my theme. It kinda looks like Gtk1. Check screenshot: http://img266.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotqx0.png10:39
Keule|onsnmpee:  whats up?10:39
peciskcookie: press right mouse button on file you want to execute, choose Properties. Properties dialog will open, choose Permissions or Access Rights tab, I don't remember how it's called. And then find a checkbox for allowing to execute this file.10:39
snmpeeKeule|on STFW10:40
bazhangthank goodness10:40
wolsKeule|on: and what is the problem with that howto?10:40
four-o-fou1Filled-void: bazhang: pecisk: but using fetchyahoo, I don't know what to do!! take a look at these messages : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/15927/10:40
Keule|onthere is no info how to fix my problem10:40
wols!info audacious10:40
DDragonwols: i have no idea what to !ask for :(10:40
Keule|onwhen i logout - there is no logout window...10:40
peciskops, maybe you can also ban [MxPm]Synz-Nein, because it's a bot who spams private chans10:41
snmpee_LOL DONGS10:41
ubotuaudacious: Small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.2-4 (gutsy), package size 976 kB, installed size 2956 kB10:41
wolsDDragon: then you obviously don't have a problem10:41
bazhangfour-o-fou1: did you go to the yahoo mail page and configure it from that end? that seems to be the generally accepted practice10:41
pecisksnmpee_: feel very smart?10:41
Keule|oncan i kill xcompmgr automatically? or what is to do?10:41
rodolfo_has anyone successfully installed SNES emulator (ZSNES) on Ubuntu?10:41
wolsbazhang: I told you, yahoo charges money for pop3 access. I doubt he wants to spend any10:41
four-o-fou1bazhang: what should I do there?!10:41
bazhangrodolfo_: yes10:41
bazhangwols: that is just to filter stuff, four-o-fou1 doesn't need to use that service10:42
soldatsrodolfo_, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic some of them have done it10:42
* jgoo wonders when someone will put a gumstix inside a nes controller, and run a full zsnes ++ others (like that recent famicom in controller, but a full linux system)10:42
Keule|onsnmpee_: the howto didnt help me10:42
eromerohello fellow ubuntu-ers10:42
Slart Hello, I've noticed that since a couple of days none of my keyboard and mouse shortcuts are working any more.. Alt-tab doesn't work etc.. I can still copy paste in applications and so on.. but none of the compiz shortcuts work any more..  Is this because of some upgrade? do I need to reset something? hints? running 64-bit gutsy10:42
eromero:-D anyone here knows about the ebox project?10:42
wols!anyone | eromero10:42
jgoo!google ebox10:42
peciskfour-o-fou1: hmmmm, seems like you can checked so messages deleted on your computer gets deleted from server. Seems it's not working.10:43
jussi01she_said: part10:43
she_saidjussi01: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.10:43
DDragonwols i do have a problem its with installing Ubuntu to an external HDD10:43
ubotueromero: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google ebox - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:43
rodolfo_bazhang: i got a problem, its already installed on my ubuntu as well, but when i double-click on it, the ZSNES windows pops up and then it gets disappeared...10:43
wolsDDragon: there is a way to descibe your problem better. if there isn't we cannot help you10:43
jgoo? http://www.bluelightning.org/ebox/10:43
four-o-fou1pecisk: bazhang: in the options part of yahoo page , should I change sth?! what, where? I found nothing related ?10:43
wolsDDragon: we are not psychic enought o know what's wrong10:43
eromerojgoo: http://ebox-platform.com/10:44
DDragonwols i was part way thru explaining10:44
peciskfour-o-fou1: i think you don't have to change anything in Yahoo mail settings, wait a sec, I will check my Evolution install.10:44
eromeroi head it was being "integrated" with ubuntu10:44
wolsrodolfo_: start it from axterm, should give you more info10:44
bazhangrodolfo_: do you run it from the terminal? that might help diagnose errors10:44
eromero /head/heard/10:44
Keule|on:( noone here who can tell me something about xcompmgr?10:44
four-o-fou1pecisk: thanks ;) :-w10:45
wolseromero: it might get into patent problems10:45
eromeroreally? why?10:45
jgooKrita - when will this finally be promoted as the linux equivilent of photoshop, and stop psychologically torturing people with GIMP?10:45
wolsjgoo: wrong channel?10:45
rodolfo_bazhang: i dit it and this is what i got: Creating link /root/.kde/socket-rodolfo-laptop. - can't create mcop directory10:46
four-o-fou1bazhang: pecisk: does it need to be a paying costumer or can be used with free accounts as well?10:46
peciskfour-o-fou1: from main menu Edit => Settings => Mail Accounts => Choose one you have to modify => Recieve Options or Settings => Check out if you don't have a checkbox checked for Delete messages after 7 days10:46
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, According ot my knowledge POP is a paid service10:47
kent_how do i enable the debian menu's in Gutsy? grass is not showing up10:47
jgoowols: no, I am looking at ubuntu based distros, and there is no mention of Krita10:47
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, But you can use fetchyahoo to receive and send I think . Its some thing like YPOP10:47
jgooit is an INCREDIBLY attractive and persuasive element to linux that doesn't get enough press10:47
peciskwols: this is ubuntu support channel. What Ubuntu means better check out yourself. And no, GIMP is better than Krita, like it or not.10:47
peciskjgoo: not for you :)10:48
wolsjgoo: it's in debian sid. so check all repos of ubuntu?10:48
wolspecisk: you tell this to me why?10:48
Slartnevermind my compiz problem.. reboot fixed it10:48
four-o-fou1Filled-void: pecisk: no, not checked, but the problem is that: I can't send and receive at all. Filled-void: what should I do with fetchyahoo, it sees not working10:49
Slartany ops awake?10:49
four-o-fou1Filled-void: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/15927/ here are its messages10:49
peciskwols: I am not here to flame, simply Krita and GIMP are totally different beasts, in fact, they come from totally different worlds. Some people will like GIMP and some will like Krita. But they are not equal in functionality. Inkscape is more similar.10:49
suupaabakaI'm about to reinstall Ubuntu and I'd like some advice about how to set up my partitions. I keep a lot (and I mean A LOT) of music on my hard drive, as well as install several games through WINE, as well as quite a few packages from the repositories. How should I partition my 80gb drive?10:50
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, Unfortunately IM not sure either I havent tried fetchyahoo and IM not at my Ubuntu machine to try either sorry :(.10:50
suupaabakaI've read about separate partitions for /boot, / and /home. Is that the way to go?10:50
peciskwols: in fact I meant it to say to jgoo, sorry for bothering you :)10:50
mozartI just formated my 500GB (My Book) drive to ext3 using "Partition Editor - GParted 0.3.3".10:50
mozartWhen I bought the drive, it came as a fat32 drive and had some google and other files on it.10:50
mozartfirst I tried using QTparted (took 5 seconds) that did format but later showed up as error, so I used GParted (took 6.5 minutes) and it went all well and I mounted the drive now as an ext3 drive.10:50
mozart1. The drive in size shows as 465.76GB, but it shows 7.50GB used and 458.26GB unused, how can that be, I just formated the whole drive and have put nothing on it, so what is using the 7.50 GB? (please see picture)10:50
mozart2. It shows a Lost+Found folder, I don't know what its for and why it was created, it shows up empty inside. (I'ld prefer it not to be there, can I rid of it?)10:50
mozart3. How can I rename my drive again to "My Book"10:50
wolspecisk: I never asked anything about krita. tell it to jgoo who did10:50
jussi01!home | suupaabaka10:50
ubotusuupaabaka: Your home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For mounting your home folder on a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome10:50
Slartsuupaabaka: it's good to have at least your home folder on a different partition.. makes it easier to reinstall the system without worrying about your files10:50
peciskfour-o-fou1: when you press "Send/Recieve" what happens? Error messages? Behaviour?10:51
four-o-fou1pecisk: do you have a free account on yahoo?10:51
suupaabakaSlart: So maybe 60gb for home, 20gb for everything else?10:51
sleptwhat do the thermalzones messure appart from cpu .... I can't make my system crash with cpuburn but watching videos on youtube can .... :(10:51
wols1. ext3 reserves 5-10% of space by default. directories and such use space too. 500GB are not 500 gigabtes but only 500 billion bytes10:51
four-o-fou1pecisk: it sends me errors10:51
bobbywanbonjour tlm10:51
wols2. you cannot get rid of it. it is needed by ext310:51
bobbywanbonjour tous le monde10:51
rodolfo_tsc forget about it im gonna try gsnes9x10:51
four-o-fou1pecisk: here, last comment is mine: http://gopalkoduri.wordpress.com/2006/06/23/configuring-evolution-mail-to-work-with/#comment-8110:51
david_Jwoohoo Shannon International hehe... Wifi is cool!10:51
wols3. tune2fs can do it10:52
Keule|onsnmpee can you help me with xcompmgr ??10:52
mozartwols: yes i know that but theres an extra 7.5 showing as used10:52
four-o-fou1pecisk: I did what was written there, exactly..10:52
LunenfeldHello, does someone know how turn off that gthumb opens up automatically when i plug in my USB-digicam?10:52
DDragon!ask USB install10:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ask usb install - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:52
Slartsuupaabaka: that would be ok.. with some gigs to spare for the ubuntu system.. (20 Gb) is a bit much.. but who knows)10:52
DDragon!ask portable harddrive install10:52
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, Gmail works with that fine and those are the server names. IM guessing that Yahoo had pop access for free once upon a time but that wont work now. If it did I dont think YPOP would exsist10:52
suupaabakaSlart: So stuff like OpenOffice gets installed on my /home?10:53
peciskfour-o-fou1: but there is simple message - invalid password or username10:53
peciskfour-o-fou1: consult Yahoo mail help for reading POP messages10:53
Slartanyone else getting "Shut up and XXXX you"-messages from [MxPm]Synz-Nein?10:53
wolssuupaabaka: no it doesn't10:53
peciskfour-o-fou1: propably you have to provide your full email as username10:53
Slartsuupaabaka: nope.. it goes into usr/local I think.10:53
wolsSlart: he trolled before10:53
wolsSlart: then he got banned and now he's venting his anger10:53
Slartwols: ok.. but he's in the channel? why isn't he kicked?10:54
four-o-fou1pecisk: I have checked all possibilities! I don't think it's because of that, since my gmail account works properly10:54
suupaabakaSlart and wols: So I should have maybe 10-15gb (just in case) on my root partition for proggies?10:54
wolsSlart: he was only banned by tomaw. and what would a kick help?10:54
hacked_kernelI downloaded the iso image and i'm booting it using VirtualBox, after the system boots it takes me to the shell how can start the GUI?10:54
fabiobom dia10:54
wolssuupaabaka: 10GB is quite a lot10:54
Slartwols: he wouldn't know who's talking in the channel.. I get one priv message for each line I write in here10:55
mozartI just formated my 500GB (My Book) drive to ext3 using "Partition Editor - GParted 0.3.3".10:55
mozartWhen I bought the drive, it came as a fat32 drive and had some google and other files on it.10:55
mozartfirst I tried using QTparted (took 5 seconds) that did format but later showed up as error, so I used GParted (took 6.5 minutes) and it went all well and I mounted the drive now as an ext3 drive.10:55
mozart1. The drive in size shows as 465.76GB, but it shows 7.50GB used and 458.26GB unused, how can that be, I just formated the whole drive and have put nothing on it, so what is using the 7.50 GB? (please see picture)10:55
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, gmail pop access is for free. Yahoo is a paid service. You need to subscribe to it.10:55
mozart2. It shows a Lost+Found folder, I don't know what its for and why it was created, it shows up empty inside. (I'ld prefer it not to be there, can I rid of it?)10:55
Bubulleslept, GPU fan monitoring, if you have an nvidia GPU you can use nvidia-settings. No standard API to probe a GFX card sensor though:(10:55
mozart3. How can I rename my drive again to "My Book" from 500 to 465 then again 7.5 taken away, thats a lot.10:55
mozartIs there anyway to recover this? and also why is there a lost+found folder inside does anyone know?10:55
peciskfour-o-fou1: but your gmail account has different name/password right? Maybe you can imagine that Yahoo mail should be configured a little bit differently? :)10:55
wols!repeat | mozart10:55
ubotumozart: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience10:55
suupaabakawols: Really? I'll cut it down then :D10:55
wolsmozart: and alst but not least you already got an answer to all 3 questions10:55
bazhangfour-o-fou1: just forward your yahoo to gmail then10:56
mozarti did search a lot before coming here, i couldnt find an answer10:56
sleptBubulle, no its i945 - I am not sure that it has a fan of its own - its a laptop10:56
four-o-fou1pecisk: I just wanna know wether you have a free account like me or not,?? ok, let me check it out once more..10:56
Slartwell... got to run.. bye10:56
bmt2hello to all10:56
mozartwols: sorry what was the answer?10:56
Filled-voidfour-o-fou1, http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/mailplus/pop/pop-30.html10:56
bmt2if i want to secure apache for just development purposes10:56
wolsmozart: /lastlog wols10:56
bmt2could i just edit the ports.conf to just contain: Listen ?10:57
wolsbmt2: good idea10:57
Bubulleslept it may have some kind of temperature sensore though I don't know about i945. Did you try googling linux i945 GPU sensors ?10:57
bmt2is that the only line that needs to appear in ports.conf ?10:57
sleptmozart, google for : gb vs gibi and if you don't like lost+found use reiserfs10:57
mozartwols: sorry i am new here and to ubuntu, what do you mean?10:57
bmt2wols: is that the only line that needs to appear in ports.conf ?10:58
wolsmozart: I answered all your question just after you asked10:58
wolsbmt2: yes10:58
bmt2wols: thanks10:58
mozartwols: its not i dont like lost+found, i just would prefer if it were hidden10:58
leethalis it possible to set the keyboard layout on a per-application basis? Or, set the keyboard layout with a gnome launcher thingie? Using dvorak as main layout, but got some games installed, would like to use qwerty on those10:58
four-o-fou1Filled-void: thanks, but why ypop and fetchyahoo don't work?10:59
Filled-voidFilled-void, Thats the problem IM not sure about. The above link only explains why you cant receive it ther way you did with gmail. Further it was one of the main reasons I started a gmail account also11:00
wolsfour-o-fou1: for them to work you might have to set up a local functioning mail system. and screen scrapers are notoriously unreliable11:00
Filled-voidgah four-o-fou1 ^ above was to you11:00
stojicleethal: you can write a small script to launch those games, something like setxkbmap us \ your_game \ setxkbmap dvorak11:00
imbecileis there anyway to get conky to work in gnome?11:00
wolsimbecile: just install and run it?11:00
leethalstojic: ah, thanks, wasn't aware of setxkbmap, that should do it =)11:01
wolsleethal: afaik it changes it for the whole X session11:01
imbecilewols:  it will work?11:01
eromeroquick question: is there a command to switch what mirrors apt-get is using by default?11:01
imbecileill give it a try11:01
wolsimbecile: any special reason why not?11:01
bullgard4English help wanted. I find in an official Gnome documentation a remark: "Buggy as heck". I do not know what 'heck' is. Is this equivalent to 'Buggy as the hell?'11:01
imbecilewols:  last time i tried it no workie11:01
wolseromero: you can edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to hearts content11:01
mozartwols: ok thanks now i got it, sorry as it moves so fast here i didnt see it, ok, i understand that the formated drive loses space, but whats with the mystery 7.5GB that shows up as a used space? its a new drive i just formated it, so whats taking the space?11:01
EmofHow do I force install "linux-restricted-modules-2.6-20-16"? When I install linux restricted-modules-generic a newer version installs, but restricted-manager need the 20-16 one11:02
bazhangimbecile: superkaramba and widgets is far nicer11:02
wolsbullgard4: very very buggy11:02
Bubulleslept you may find about available sensors in console with: acpi -V11:02
eromerothanks :-11:02
bullgard4wols: Thank you for commenting.11:02
sleptBubulle, well only the 2 thermal zones11:02
wolsEmof: get a repo that has this version11:02
Emofhow do I go about finding that repo?11:03
mozartwols: the drive after formating shows as 465.76GB, but also it shows 7.50GB used and 458.26GB unused11:03
sleptBubulle, i found some guy in a gentoo forum saying setting the freq to 1ghz helps but thats stupid ...11:03
four-o-fou1(2007-12-16 14:29:59) wols: four-o-fou1: for them to work you might have to set up a local functioning mail system. and screen scrapers are notoriously unreliable, would you tell me more?11:03
wolsslept: it helps to make the cpu less power probably11:04
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40047 four-o-fou111:04
sleptwols, yes but what is the point in buying new hw than ... acctually I think the ondemand setting of the govener might be the thing to make the system crash, with set on performance I couldn't get it crashed yet ...11:05
wolsslept: disable the governor and it iwll run at 100 always11:06
Filled-voidmozart, Also check this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21517711:06
wolsbut since it happens with flash, it might very well be a bug in flash or your nvidia drivers if you use them11:06
mozartFilled-void: thanks11:07
wolse.g. not heat related11:07
mozartI just wanna know whats with the 7.5GB used space11:07
sleptwols, thats the last thing I can do, but it's a laptop with a small battery <2h11:07
stojicslept: what is the polling frequency (in /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/TZS0/polling_frequency)?11:07
peciskfour-o-fou1: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mail/original/mailplus/pop/pop-35.html11:08
kruchi, i have a problem with login screen in ubuntu 7.10. When i begin to type my user name i'm typing it on cyrilic, and i can't change it11:08
peciskfour-o-fou1: POP access for Yahoo Mail is for money11:08
wolsslept: use the PSU it comes with11:08
sleptstojic,  <polling disabled>11:08
bazhangpecisk: I beleive it is free as of sept 200711:09
sleptwols , PSU=Powersupply ?11:09
stojicslept: I had overheat problems because polling frequency was not set, to set it to eg 5 seconds, do echo -n 5 > polling_frequency11:09
wolsslept: yes11:09
kruccan anybody help me11:09
sleptwols, wow I never tought about that11:09
stojicslept: then check polling_frequency again11:09
Pelasalve a tutti11:10
four-o-fou1bazhang: pecisk: Filled-void : wols: thanks for your help ;)11:10
Pelaqualcuno sa guidarmi nell'utilizzo di mail verso destinatari non locali?11:10
peciskbazhang: why then Yahoo mail FAQ don't tell so? :)11:10
bazhangfour o foul no worries11:10
Filled-voidmozart, You can further check this http://boncey.org/2006_11_18_reclaiming_ext3_disk_space11:11
sleptstojic, its set to 5 secs now11:11
bazhangpecisk: I can show you a link if necessary :}11:11
Filled-voidmozart, I recall a friend having somethign like the same thing but I never believed him :x11:11
peciskbazhang: show me11:11
sleptstojic, youthink that helps , cool. thanks I will try to crash it ...11:11
mozartFilled-void: yes i am just reading he first liknk u sent, funny, there seems to be no answer :-)11:11
Filled-voidmozart, Check out the second11:12
stojicslept: that fixes overheating for me, I use ondemand and it slows down cpu when it gets too hot11:12
mozartFilled-void: ok thanks11:12
Filled-voidmozart, He was able tog et back some space11:12
Filled-voidmozart, Oddly enough 5% off a 500GN drive is much moer space :x than the amount you are losing11:12
stojicslept: do it for both TZS0 and TZS1, and you'll need to do it on every reboot11:12
mozartFilled-void: hmm, so maybe i should go to NTFS or reiserfs, I have no idea, anyway i really need to make use of all the space i can get as i am going travelling and i need to take some huge amouts of music files in one drive, as i cant carry too much11:13
bazhanghttp://ypopsemail.com/ pecisk11:13
wolsmozart: I told you about tune2fs11:14
mozartFilled-void:  i opened a thread here  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3961099#post396109911:14
Filled-voidmozart, That you would need to confirm from one of the more advanced folks here. Ive always heard that ext3 was better never checked out why or the reason someone told me that11:14
mozartwols: yes, i understood tune2fs was for changing the name, i was now just curious about the missing 7.5GB, or did i miss something11:15
Filled-voidmozart, You might want to update your findings so it will help someone in the future11:15
wolsmozart: it's also for more11:15
wolsmozart: read its manpage11:15
peciskbazhang: it's not exactly "free", isn't it?11:16
robobobhi guys im having trouble making audio cds from serpentine and k3b it says there not supported etc11:16
bazhangpecisk: not in the foss sense :}11:16
mozartwols:  sorry, i dont understand what u mean by manpage (am new to linux) i understand the lost space of a formated drive, but whats using the extra 7.5GB11:17
Filled-voidmozart, man tun2fs11:17
bazhangrobobob: mp3?11:17
mozartwols: ok11:17
robobobjust plain mp3s11:17
sleptmozart, you can change the amount of space reserved for root and you can switch to ext2 so you'll get rid of the journal but thats not very usefull - forget about 7gb - or if its empty you can try reiserfs...its quite nice , very fast but if its broken you are f*****,eventough that neverhappend to me in 6years its quite a concern11:17
Filled-voidmozart, NO clue to whats using it though :x11:17
bazhangdoes gnome use the lame encoder as well? for burning to mp311:17
wolsbazhang: pop3 not free. it's only part of Yahoo Mail Plus, the "premium" version accoridng to help.yahoo.com11:18
robobobthink so11:18
wolsbazhang: grip should11:18
mozartFilled-void: ok so maybe i should go try formating it with a different app before putting my files on it11:18
wolsmozart: yes it could be the journal11:18
Filled-voidmozart, Worth a try but I wouldnt want to get your hopes high11:19
bazhangwols: noted, but ypops! seems to work around that11:19
Filled-voidbazhang, As far as i recall ypop doesnt use the pop mail server access concept11:19
bazhangrobobob: install lame encoder for k3b11:19
mozartwols: thanks, so what do you propose i should do, (i have to catch my flight in about 8 hours time, still have to finish packing)11:19
s_v_e_1mozart: if you only store data on that drive you can use tune2fs -m 0 /dev/DEVICE.  you hate to unmount the partition first11:19
wolsmozart: nothing. the journal is a very good thing,especially on a external harddisk11:20
bazhangFilled-void: the link to their home page would disagree :}11:20
wolsmozart: every journalled filesystem will have one, ntfs too11:20
mozartOH OK, now i understand is tune2fs a journeling system like ext3?11:20
Filled-voidbazhang, Well, this application is more like a gateway. It provides a POP3 server interface at o­ne end to talk to email clients and an HTTP client (browser) interface at the other which allows it to talk to Yahoo! The same concept holds good for SMTP as well11:21
wolsmozart: tune2fs is a program not a filesystem11:21
s_v_e_1mozart: Nio tune2fs is an programm to "tune" the filesystem - change settings11:21
roboboblame - LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder11:21
Filled-voidbazhang, but theres very minimal difference I guess11:21
robobobthats 1 by anychane11:21
s_v_e_1open a terminan and type mane tune2fs11:21
bazhangFilled-void: true--though indistinguishable from magic to those not in the know :}11:21
* Filled-void agrres with bazhang 11:21
mozarts_v_e_1: ok done its open11:22
Filled-voidVirtualbox allows the installtion of 64 bit guess os?11:22
s_v_e_1mozart: the most of the 7 GB should be reserved for root11:23
s_v_e_1if this is not a system partition you can unmount it and change the -m setting11:23
bazhangnever tried it Filled-void but should do11:23
mozarts_v_e_1: yes its only a drive for carrying data, why does ubuntu make an external drive for root?11:23
Filled-voidbazhang, Thanks.  I got a your cpu doesnt support this message :D. Im going to try some other 64 bit to confirm11:23
bazhangFilled-void: cheers! curious to know myself11:24
=== bw is now known as bw_hb
desertcHello - I am trying to help someone on the forums.  What is the command to fix a broken package?  Is there an easier way than uninstalling and re-installing?11:24
s_v_e_1mozart: unmount it and tune it , can you do that in a terminal ?11:24
mozartMybe i should go into windows and then format  it to ext3 and then mount it in ubuntu, i guess that would solve it11:24
Myrttidesertc: sudo aptitude -f install or using synaptic...11:25
Myrttidesertc: hold on11:25
mozarts_v_e_1: i am not good at terminal commands11:25
wolsmozart: it won't11:25
wolsmozart: especially since you can't format to ext3 in windows11:25
OIMis that possible to change amaroks language11:25
new2ubuntuI have a question,  it may be very difficult or very easy.   I want to connect the modem to the speakers/microphone, can I connect some modem software (minicom?) to /dev/dsp11:25
wolsnew2ubuntu: no. why would you want to do this?11:26
Myrttidesertc: System - Administration - Synaptic Package Manager - Edit - Fix broken packages11:26
mozartwols: um, i have some apps installed on a windows machine that give me the ext3 option, so maybe it'll work, also i have a CD of HirensBootCD11:26
wolsmozart: it still won't solve your problems11:26
new2ubuntuwols: then seperate the modem connection using a radio (walkie talkie) to have a remote connection11:26
desertcmyrtti: Okay, thanks.  He said he is trying that, after re-reading the message.  I thought there was a command line to reconfigure, but it's probably the same thing.  Thanks for your help.11:27
Myrttidesertc: for reconfiguring there's another option11:27
new2ubuntuwols: I don' t know if your familiar with wtc7 and the forensic evidence by mit.. but the idea is an off the grid backup communication system11:27
BB88Hello. Anybody know why my connection will be running at maximum speed, and then suddenly drop to almost 10% after a few minutes?11:27
wolsnew2ubuntu: look into ham radio11:28
Myrttidesertc: if the problem is reconfiguration and not broken package11:28
s_v_e_1mozart: whats the device of the drive ? you can find out with mount on the terminal (dont paste all in here)11:28
mozarts_v_e_1: sorry what , how11:29
mavi-q zaharazod11:29
new2ubuntuwols: yes considered that, and there are some abilities there, but I'm looking for an internet connection with ip address and everything11:29
velkoOIM, if amarok supports your language it will use it automatically (like all programs on your desktop). but you can start programs in a different language from a terminal window like that: LC_ALL=de_DE.utf-8 amarok (provided you have installed the german utf locale)11:30
s_v_e_1mozart: open a terminal, type mount  - then look for the hardrive, the first parameter in the line is importent . it starts with /dev/11:30
mozarts_v_e_1: i am guessing /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev)11:30
desertcMyrtti: Maybe you know this part of his question, he says the file permissions look like: -----a-Ac-Z----t- ./upcase.dat  (with the command lsattr)  Maybe he needs to modify those flags with chattr11:30
imbecilehey who was talking about superkaramba a bit ago?11:30
david_JThis wifi connection sucks11:30
BB88Hello. Anybody know why my connection will be running at maximum speed, and then suddenly drop to almost 10% after a few minutes?11:30
david__who in here?11:30
david_Jor no one is talking..11:30
s_v_e_1mozart: to make shure its the right one type:   df -h    thats gives aou the size  of it11:31
kasmra_Hi, how can I create new shortcut key for launching some program in Ubuntu?11:31
david__people or computer11:31
wolsnew2ubuntu: ham radio is the way to go. you can run a ppp or slip daemon on top of it...11:31
mozarts_v_e_1: /dev/sdb1             459G  199M  435G   1% /media/disk11:31
jb_Hi, can anyone install this icon theme? -> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=58805&forumpage=1  I get a error message. Anyone know how to install this theme?11:31
new2ubuntuwols: I'm very close,, some software modem must be able to communicate with /dev/dsp which is just a file,, I think there is just a tiny step to go,, after that software could connect to cell phones (thinking open moko), then multiple base stations,, skype,, then no more AT &T11:31
s_v_e_1mozart: if it the right one, then type sudo umount /dev/sdb11:32
new2ubuntuwols: I'll give it another look, what I saw at first glance seemed very basic11:32
wolsnew2ubuntu: you are mistaken11:32
mozarts_v_e_1: ok11:32
s_v_e_1mozart: if it the right one, then type sudo umount /dev/sdb1     - sorry ---11:33
wolsif you use open moko's voice calls to transmit modem beeptones over it to avoid AT&T you have issues. the voicecalls uses AT&T or similar11:33
wolsnew2ubuntu: and you can be sure there will be a voip client for the wlan on rollout if it doesn't ship with one already11:33
mozarts_v_e_1: yup done, i can actually unmount from the desktop gui as well11:33
MooseMoralsnew2, rfc1926 may help you incidently11:33
wolsiriver550: not to mention you will be very lucky indeed if your softphone hack gets more than 1200 baud11:34
s_v_e_1mozart: ok. and next: tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb111:34
new2ubuntuwols: open moko's speaker/ microphone to connect to a external radio device,, no cell phone11:34
wolswhich means you can read faster than you can transmit11:34
wolsnew2ubuntu: why not simply use the radio device directly? your proposal makes NOT sense11:34
mozarts_v_e_1: Setting reserved blocks percentage to 0% (0 blocks)11:35
s_v_e_1mozart: sorry again :    sudo   tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdb111:35
s_v_e_1mozart: go got it.11:35
new2ubuntuwols: ip is what I want,, not always voice. Send data, soap requests, etc..11:35
bullgard4English help wanted. [Gnome] What is the English name of the Main menu > System > Settings > 'Screen resolution' item? Is it 'Screen resolution' or what is the English name of it?11:35
s_v_e_1mozart: sudo sync  .   unplug the prive  . plug it on and be happy11:35
wolsnew2ubuntu: about the only thing you can do if it ever works on this is irc. and not a busy channel like #ubuntu either11:36
mozarts_v_e_1:  thanks11:36
wolsnew2ubuntu: baically: nice hack, useless in practice11:36
new2ubuntuwols: ssh11:36
wolsever used ssh on a high latency, 1200 baud channel like this? pure torture11:36
new2ubuntuwols: I could code for a server, wget a page, reboot apache,11:37
wolsnew2ubuntu: use wlan and a cantenna.11:37
wolsnew2ubuntu: since you use handsets apparently, it should have about the same range11:37
new2ubuntuwols: hmm11:38
imbecilehey who was talking about superkaramba a bit ago?11:38
imbecilei logged off11:38
new2ubuntuwols: a walkie talkie set can get 25 miles,,11:39
s_v_e_1mozart: as standard on every partition some space is reserved for the superuser root,11:39
s_v_e_1thats usefull if a filesytems becomes full and the system still needs to wrok11:39
bazhangsuperkaramba? imbecile? that was me :}11:39
wolsnew2ubuntu: 75baud then. good lucj11:39
imbecilebazhang:  how'd u get it working in gnome?11:39
mozarts_v_e_1: ok, but is that fine now what i just did? i mean is the data gonna be ok later on11:39
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new2ubuntuwols: the modem would adjust for speed,11:39
wolsnew2ubuntu: wlan+special antenna gets to something between 100-150 miles btw11:39
s_v_e_1mozart: if you only store media on an external harddrive thats useless11:40
s_v_e_1hao many space do you have now ?11:40
bazhangimbecile: install it from the repos, then get some widgets11:40
* Take0n hello11:40
soldatswow i didnt know cantenna had that range11:40
s_v_e_1mozart: the dat aschold be fine, you only took some reservations away that you wont need11:40
mozarts_v_e_1: an admin just posted here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3961099#post3961099 from what i make out he says that its a needed 7 GB space11:40
Take0ncould someone remind me what to type in the "run dialog" to open the program for managing icons etc. on desktop?11:41
KrinHey new to Linix am a windows administrator at work but how good is Ubuntu???  Installed a completely new hardware and no errors!!!11:41
wolss_v_e_1: highly dependent on a lot of things tho, but I doubt the handset is different11:41
imbecilebazhang:  I installed from repos. maybe im doing something wrong. I installed one but it wont show up on my desktop11:41
bazhangKrin: nice11:41
new2ubuntuwols:  I'll look into it,,  I think you are right,, but if so I'm surprised it's not more widespread11:41
wolsnew2ubuntu: what being widespread? wlan like this? look up mesh networks11:41
bazhangimbecile: did you go into the superkaramba applet and choose install new?11:42
KrinNot like windows with oh I installed a new card i think I will blue screen11:42
ivanKrin: linux is pretty cool because whenever you do something boring, you put it in a shell script, in case you have to do it again11:42
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imbecilebazhang:  yes11:42
wolsnew2ubuntu: the fact that there are no more programs like this (there were in the past afaik, in the time of acoustic couples) should give you a hint11:42
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bazhangimbecile: which one? I have transg (conky like) and it is fine11:42
new2ubuntuwols: I found a linmodem that comes pretty close, software modem11:43
imbecilebazhang:  nymphen11:43
hang3rgetting samba onto a domain is just a matter of changing WORKGROUP to the domains name isn't it?11:43
MooseMoralshang3r, yup11:43
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wolsnew2ubuntu: that's for winmodems and it doesn't. using an actual microphone and speaker is very different from that11:43
stojicTake0n: program to change icon themes?11:43
bazhangimbecile: not sure about that one sorry11:43
wolshang3r: a workgroup is not a domain11:44
Take0nstojic well I only see an icon on the desktop and thats sda1 (the partition with vista)11:44
bushido89Heya :)11:44
Take0nI would like to add Computer etc. but don't remember how11:44
new2ubuntuwols: just that it's talking to /dev/modem0  /dev/dsp seems so close,,11:44
hang3rwols, what I mean is, changing WORKGROUP in the samba config to the domains name allows other machines on the domain to see it11:44
wolsnew2ubuntu: /dev/modem0 is a ttyS0 device. not a sound device, even if modems make sounds on the line11:45
Take0nI would also like to change themes add themes etc but the website that used to host a themesomething isn't working anymore so I don't know what to do about that11:45
s_v_e_1mozart: wrong is: "the 7GiB is the formatting info that tells the hard drive and OS how everything's laid out / s"11:45
s_v_e_1dont worry I do this for years on my "data-only" drives11:45
MooseMoralshang3r, yes, that sounds like a nice summary of how to get a linux box onto a windows network11:45
bushido89I don't suppose anyone knows how to add lines to a kernel? :s11:45
tom__hi, im trying to remaster ubuntu 7.10 using the process here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization but whatever i do, even if i make no changes, when i rebuild and run in qemu i get dropped into busybox11:45
mozarts_v_e_1: ok thanks11:45
imbecilebazhang:  just install and click add to desktop right? that should be it?11:45
OIMis there a code to make amarok turkish11:46
new2ubuntuwols: the software I found connects 2 computers via null modem connection then plays the audio over the speaker, the idea was to add noise to test the connection11:46
mozarts_v_e_1: well it looks like i didnt win any space really, tthe available size still shows as the same11:46
wolsOIM: should do it by default if you have the correct locale11:46
bazhangimbecile: that has been my experience yes11:46
new2ubuntuwols: also to test a few different modem protocols11:46
wolsOIM: not all programs have i18n files for all languages11:46
no7asyjoin #ubuntu-sa/11:46
OIMit was turkish before11:46
imbecilebazhang:  ill try transg & see if it works for me11:47
Sinfulprehaps I am over my head11:47
OIMbut it change11:47
wolsOIM: then set your locale right11:47
wolselkbuntu: finally11:47
bazhangimbecile: good luck :}11:47
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tom__anyone know whats wrong?11:47
Andr00hi peeps11:47
J-_I just installed e16 from the repos, and now when I open nautilus the windows decorations are gone, and the window opens maximized. What can I do to resolve the issue?11:48
finalbetaHow can I make vista access samba shares on my updated feisty? I probably need to add something so it accepts ntlmv2 hashes, but I can't find it documented11:48
Take0nso none?11:48
maddashwhat the hell?11:48
hang3rMooseMorals, I am also going to need to get the shares browsable without a password or username, is this just a matter of making a share and setting "public = yes"? Or are their more steps I'll need to take11:48
wolstom__: it will give you an error before it does this. what error is it?11:48
maddashelkbuntu: why?11:48
tom__wols 1 min11:48
painesi was wondering if there is a repository with newer or older kernels for ubuntu. my wlan card isn't working stable and I am too lazy to compile myself.11:48
elkbuntumaddash, we dont need genitalia chanted11:48
bazhangTake0n: about the website being down? not sure how to help that11:48
wolspaines: what chip?11:48
Take0nno no11:48
Take0nbazhang: about adding "computer" icon and documents icon on desktop11:49
paineswols, rt6111:49
MooseMoralshang3r, ok, now you're geting technical :). That sounds correct, but its been a while since I've edited smb.conf. I do remember that there are alot of examples in the file tho11:49
Andr00did you hear that mocrosoft is going to make their own version of ubuntu11:49
bazhangTake0n: right click properties does not let you choose?11:49
new2ubuntuAndr00: that isn't a funny joke11:50
imbecilebazhang: you sure its called transg?11:50
Take0nthere is no properties menu11:50
rskAndr00: what's mocrosoft, also stop trolling.11:50
Andr00ok mayb not11:50
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:50
bazhangimbecile: TransG iirc11:50
tom__wols: no error, i get usplash, but i change vt and theres just the cursor, not flashing, and then it jumps into busybox11:50
tom__is there a logfile i can access from busybox?11:51
hang3rMooseMorals, thanks anyway, I'm trying to get a config going at home so all I have to do is take my config to work and then migrate our file server from windows to ubuntu ;)11:51
bkraptoris anyone else having problems with Power-Off_Retract_Count increasing on every shutdown with Gutsy on a laptop?11:51
wolstom__: remove the splash to see the kernel messages11:51
Andr00but if m$ changed os's like apple did (mac os 9 to a unix-like os).....VISTA WOULD BE A SUCCESS11:52
elkbuntuAndr00, you've been asked to stop11:52
tom__wols nothing, just loading please wait, and then busybox11:53
brobostigongood morning11:53
Take0nyeah it was ALT+F2 then enter gconf-editor and apps nautilus desktop blabla11:53
SinfulCan anyone Tell how I can get my webcam working11:53
brobostigonwhats multics??11:53
maddashearly computer11:54
KrinArr but Vista is playing catch up now not like 95 was a leader11:54
velkobrobostigon, the forerunner of unix. its an os its not a computer11:54
elkbuntuKrin, drop the topic please11:54
ushimitsudokiI finally got Steam installed and running, but it will not log in. Any ideas or suggestion on how to troubleshoot? (x86-64 7.10 ubuntu, 0.9.51 wine)11:54
wolstom__: the kernel will spit out a lot of messages if configured right before busybox loads11:55
brobostigonthanks, very intersting11:55
wolstom__: don't use the usplash, don't use quiet11:55
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joepHI, I'm new to ubuntu (running Fedora) but I want to switch to ubuntu. However, my partitions are LVM artitions and the live CD does not recognize it.11:55
wolsjoep: alternate install CD should11:55
joepCan anybody direct me to a solution?11:55
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new2ubuntujoep: sorry for off topic,, why are you switching?11:56
kent_why are the debian menu's not available in gutsy?11:56
nixihi, how can i define the range of clock with powernowd?11:56
bushido89Hi...I'm trying to run WoW on Ubuntu, the FPS is rather rubbish, so I'm trying a few tweaks (not a good idea for a newb, but meh), and need to add a line to my kernel, does anyone know how? :s11:56
dorwardvshould i use bind or djbdns?11:56
Take0nwhat's the difference between gnome and kde?11:57
brobostigonjeop: you could backup, and then start from scratch??11:57
tom__wols: there dont look to be any errors, last message is "Time: pit clocksource has been installed"11:57
joepBecause I'm fed up with the cumbersome update process which is sluggish. Moreover I have upgraded to FC7 and something went wrong as now the system is very buggy.11:57
KrinJust tryed Ubuntu and Kbuntu on the same pc and Kubutu had errors11:57
MichaelSammelsI am looking for a very, very good Ubuntu expert please.11:57
new2ubuntuTakeOn: different desktops, KDE is more flashy, Gnome is more simple. Linux users typically really like only one or the other.11:57
Take0nwhat should I choose?11:58
Take0nhow do I see if I am using kde or gnome?11:58
VinnoKDE IS more chucky and ugly, designed for younger generation11:58
MichaelSammelsTakeOn, GNOME is good for advanced, and KDE for beginners.11:58
Vinnognome is mroe pro and sleek looking11:58
new2ubuntuTakeOn: it involves the start menu, and some times the software11:58
brobostigonkde is bigger, cumbersome and huge, gnome is smaller and more simple11:58
JADSI prefer gnome on my laptop and KDE on my desktop.11:58
rskTake0n: logout to gdm11:58
velkobushido89, you can pass parameters to the kernel either on the grub prompt or (to make the changes persistent) in the file /boot/grub/menu.lst11:59
KrinGnome more like Mac KDE desktop more like XP11:59
MichaelSammelsJADS, can you help me?11:59
new2ubuntuTakeOn,, you will find this topic will quickly start an argument,, I like gnome11:59
rskTake0n:  choose what to use when you login11:59
joepbrobostigon: I tried that but it costed me a lot of time and the system remains buggy.11:59
bushido89The Grub prompt? What is that velko?11:59
maddashgnome + kde = food for african children for eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111:59
tom__kde is slicker, take kio slaves, transparent access to anything, its not about looks, you can make kde look like gnome, gnome look like kde, its the underlying libraries that are important11:59
Take0nif I save something when using GNOME will it be there for KDE aswell?11:59
bkraptordoes nobody have problems with Power-Off_Retract_Count increasing on each shutdown?11:59
JADSMichaelSammels: Maybe, I haven't run ubuntu for a while.11:59
rskTake0n: yes11:59
bert_can someone help me compilling a C++ file ?11:59
hallowhello... what is the difference between ubunto-ultimate & ubuntu desktop 7.10?11:59
Take0nok thank you =)11:59
wolsbushido89: int the grub menu, press "e"11:59
MichaelSammelsMP-BIOS bug 8254: timer not connected to IO-APIC12:00
wols!ask | hallow12:00
ubotuhallow: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:00
rskhallow: ubunto-ultimate is not supported here12:00
MichaelSammelsWon't work12:00
maddashbert_: gcc file12:00
brobostigonjeop, so you want to use ubuntu, why not backup, and then put ubuntu unsted.12:00
bert_gcc, okey ;)12:00
velkobushido89, when you start the computer first your bios gets initialized, then you receive a menu to choose which os to start. this menu is displayed by a program called grub and this is what i mean by grub prompt12:00
new2ubuntuhallow: ubuntu is the offical OS the ultimate version you are talking about sounds like someone rebuilt the distro12:00
bushido89Oh, I see velko, Thanks, have opened the list file you told me about. Do I just add the line to the bottom?12:01
velkobushido89, no12:01
bert_If I compile it (gcc, g++, cpp, c++) I keep on getting the following error:12:01
bert_/tmp/ccQRvLwO.o: In function `main':12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x136): undefined reference to `initscr'12:01
velkobushido89, this file is divided into sections12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x13b): undefined reference to `noecho'12:01
hallowoh.. ok. now i understand. thank you so muc12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x140): undefined reference to `stdscr'12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x150): undefined reference to `nodelay'12:01
joepBrobostigonThat is what I want to do but ubuntu want only to install on simple partitions and I work with logical volumes so it's easier to add and remove partitions12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x15e): undefined reference to `clear'12:01
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x180): undefined reference to `printw'12:02
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x185): undefined reference to `refresh'12:02
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x196): undefined reference to `stdscr'12:02
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x19e): undefined reference to `wgetch'12:02
bert_xmas2007.cpp:(.text+0x1ad): undefined reference to `endwin'12:02
bert_/tmp/ccQRvLwO.o:(.eh_frame+0x11): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'12:02
bert_collect2: ld gaf exit-status 1 terug12:02
velkobushido89, towards the end of the file you can see the stanzas used for the grub menu12:02
nixihow can i define the range of the cpu clock with powernowd?12:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste-bin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:02
wols!paste | bert_12:02
ubotubert_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:02
joepbut apaarantey has ubunto not the logocal volume manager incorporated in the kernel.12:02
wolsbert_: ##C12:02
bushido89The stanza headed '## should update-grub lock old automagic boot options', velko?12:02
velkobushido89, they are goups of lines starting with "title, root, kernel, initrd"12:02
bert_okey, sorry12:02
sukruslm. Türkçe yazan veya konuşan arkadaşlar varmı acaba sunucuda12:02
bushido89Ah, found them, velko.12:03
velkobushido89, in order to pass kernel parameters you add them to the line starting with "kernel"12:03
Take0nwhen I start ubuntu (after selecting to boor from ubuntu and not vista through the boot manager I think it's called) right before it shows the logo it displays a white text on black background and sais PCI BIOS Bug blablanumbersblabla Found12:03
whalesaladhey guys, my coworker installed 7.04 PPc on his mac mini and then just did an upgrade to 7.10 and everything seems to be broken. he can't get into x. he just tried startx and it said something about "radeon 0 no valid modes, screens found but none have a usable configuration"12:03
Take0ncould that be why I can't hear a thing (no sound)12:03
knightwiseHey dudes12:03
velkobushido89, take a close look at the stanza name (the line starting with "title") so you know which entry you have modified12:04
whalesaladTakeOn: if you have onboard audio yes that might be your problem12:04
wolswhalesalad: pastbein the Xorg.0.log file12:04
sukruslm. sunucuda Türkçe yazan veya konuşan arkadaşlar varmı12:04
knightwiseAnyone have experience with an NC6000 from HP and Gutsy12:04
wolswhalesalad: what driver did he use before for X?12:04
sukruslm. sunucuda Türkçe yazan veya konuşan arkadaşlar varmı12:04
velkobushido89, for experimentig its probably best to copy one stanza and modify it12:04
new2ubuntuTakeOn: I had that and I went into the BIOS disabled the quick boot and it went away,12:04
bushido89So, I just paste is on the same line, with no line-break?12:04
velkobushido89, instead of messing around with these who work12:04
whalesaladwols: not sure, just a default 7.04 configuration. he's opening up that log file right now.12:04
bushido89*So, I just paste is on the same line, with no line-break, velko?12:04
Take0nby onboard you mean builtin (I have a laptop) ?12:04
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new2ubuntuTakeOn: I suspect if I renabled the quick boot it would work again,,12:04
nixino one using powernowd?12:05
whalesaladwols: also, fyi, same issue occured when he tried to boot the 7.10 installer disc. so, we tried 7.04 installer and it worked so we thought we would just update it to gutsy12:05
wolswhalesalad: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg    change the driver to vesa12:05
velkobushido89, i would suggest to copy the whole stanza (the 4 or 5 lines) to paste them at the end of the file12:05
velkobushido89, and to paste the options you need at the end of the "kernel" line of the new stanza12:05
Take0nnew2ubuntu will that affect Vista?12:05
bushido89After ### END DEBIAN AUTOMAGIC KERNELS LIST, velko? Sorry for being so anal, but I'm very new to all this.12:05
Take0nI have 2 partitions with 2 os; vista and ubuntu12:05
velkobushido89, yes12:06
whalesaladwols: he's looking at his xorg log and he isn't seeing any errors.12:06
MikeHHi guys, I've just apt-get'ed a load of stuff, and it wants to get some from cdrom, is it just a case of removing cdrom entries from sources.list?12:06
whalesaladMikeH: yep12:06
velkobushido89, can you show me the modified "kernel" line you just composed before rebooting?12:06
wolswhalesalad: then he should patebin the log12:06
bazhangyes MikeH12:06
Take0ngnome = gdm and kde = kdm ?12:07
maddashMikeH: want a shortcut? comment out your deb cdrom line in /etc/apt/sources.list12:07
MikeHmaddash, just done so, but thanks.12:07
bushido89"kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=c104ba26-b523-474a-bfe9-09a6e98f3d4c ro quiet splash vga=normal boot", was it, velko12:07
whalesaladwols: alright he is gonna get on that, gimme a minute. has to scp it to his other machine to paste it12:07
velkobushido89, ok. did you added the word "boot"?12:08
bushido89velko: The line I'm trying to add is "vga = normal boot", though I am unsure if the word option needs to be included after it.12:08
ZeeOhey has someone got adobe ps cs3 to work under wine etc12:08
TyczekMplayer problem: Ati drivers, XV-output in full screen - movie looks ugly...12:09
velkobushido89, vga=normal is ok, but i don't know anything about the option boot. what should it do?12:09
bushido89Supposedly velko, it should increase my WoW fps...currently running at something like...two...12:09
velkobushido89, could you give me a link?12:10
bushido89velko: "http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Install_and_update_World_Of_Warcraft_with_wine" This is where I found the guide.12:10
^root^Hi! I am using Ubuntu 7.10 and http://arstechnica.com/journals/linu...one-with-linux and trying to my Dongle BT to my cell, but my cell finds the bluetooth, tries to bond it, doesn't ask for the passkey, and shows bonding failed. I have P910i.12:10
Take0nguys how do I add themes to my desktop?12:11
Take0nor I know how.. by installing them but where to find?12:12
nixiTake0n: gnome?12:12
Take0nis there a manager?12:12
velkobushido89, indeed - the word "boot" does belong to "boot option on kernels..." and not to "vga=normal" in this text ;-)12:12
Take0nnixi I think kde12:12
Take0nhow do I check? what I am running right now?12:12
pappolohi all12:12
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy12:12
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes12:12
EvilBroAnyone here who wants to help me with installing a python program (CopyManager) that gives an error (which I'm unable to fix as I don't understand the error).12:13
bushido89Ah, thank you velko, other things about the guide bother me, I tried the section below also (involving an openGL switch) and my terminal claims the command 'eselect' does not exist...12:13
whalesaladwols: here is the paste http://dpaste.com/28206/12:13
Take0nthanks nixi. do u know how to check if I am running gnome or kde right now?12:13
pappolodid anybody install ubuntu on usb hard disk?12:13
velkobushido89, did you deleted the word "boot" from menu.lst? if not - do it now12:13
wolswhalesalad: (EE) Failed to load module "vesa" (module does not exist, 0)12:14
bushido89Yes I did velko, I don't think I want to know what it could have done...this kernel seems pretty important (though I don't have a clue what it is)12:14
whalesaladwols: yeah, what does that mean?12:14
whalesaladwols: run that dpkg-reconfigure command? will that fix that?12:14
wolswhalesalad: it mean you haven't isntalled everything. dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-vesa | tail -112:14
wolswhat dos this dpkg command start with? what 2 letters?12:15
nixiTake0n: hm, not really.. sry, i differ them by looking at it ;)12:15
whalesaladone sec he's running the command12:15
joepwols: I just saw your remark on the "alternate install CD. What is that? (I'm using an AMD_64).12:15
wolsjoep: it's a CD12:15
Take0nI suppose it's kde I have 2 bars up and down :p12:15
velkobushido89, don't worry about eselect: http://gentoo-wiki.com/Eselect12:15
EvilBronew2ubuntu: hello12:15
velkobushido89, it's some gentoo specific tool12:15
joepNot one I can download?12:16
markvandenborreI had a 7.04 machine, migrated the homedir to a freshly installed 7.10 machine12:16
bushido89Oh, I see, so typing Eselect for ubuntu 7.10 should give me a similar command? Switching to openGL seems pretty important.12:16
markvandenborrefor one reason or another, nautilus locks up very frequently12:16
nixiTake0n: hm, kde just have one bar at the bottom.. so i think its gnome12:16
bushido89* velko: Oh, I see, so typing Eselect for ubuntu 7.10 should give me a similar command? Switching to openGL seems pretty important.12:16
whalesaladwols: no packages found matching xserver.....12:16
=== ^^barbi^^ is now known as katica
markvandenborrecan't seem to reproduce the lockup reliably12:17
markvandenborrenothing useful at first sight in the logs12:17
Take0nIf I just logout and not reboot12:17
Take0nam I able to choose?12:17
markvandenborreany ideas anyone on how to troubleshoot this?12:17
velkobushido89, ? eselect does not exist in the ubuntu, debian, fedora, suse, etc. universes. only in gentoo's12:17
wolswhalesalad: install xorg again12:17
nixiTake0n: i think the default is gnome.. so when u didnt chanced it..12:17
^root^can anyone help me please?12:17
whalesaladwols: would that just be apt-get install xorg12:18
wolswhalesalad: yes12:18
new2ubuntu_whalesalad: yes12:18
whalesaladalright, ill give it a shot, thanks guys12:18
bushido89Ah, right velko, I'll try to find a way of switching wine to work on openGL...12:18
whalesaladwols: thanks a lot for all your help12:18
velkobushido89, yep12:18
stefgmarkvandenborre: Gutsys Gnome isn't perfect.... you might consider adding a new user and see if it still happens with that. If not, you could copy the data over from your actual user dir-by-dir and see, what's causing the problem.12:18
joepwols can you indicate where to find it?12:19
markvandenborrestefg: are you hinting at a file that nautilus can't handle?12:19
nixiTake0n: choose what? kde or gnome?12:19
wolsjoep: one ubunru.com like any other isntall ISO12:19
bushido89velko: "There is no simple method, such as eselect for Gentoo, to switch between OpenGL implementations" Damnit.12:19
wols*un ubuntu.com12:19
markvandenborrestefg: the problem is in the existing homedir that has been transfered...12:19
joepOK thanks. I go and have a look12:19
Learning-Ubuntu^root^, I do the same thing once in a while to vmoe a file to my phone but mines is pretty much plug and play. I plug in the dongle and then configure myphone for bt . Search for devices . Select my system. Enter a pass code and connect.12:19
velkobushido89, i'm not a gamer and don't care about desktop effects. so i can't help you with 3d acceleration stuff. sorry12:20
=== new2ubuntu_ is now known as Learning_Ubuntu
Take0nnixi when you are about to login you cand choose what desktop12:20
markvandenborrestefg: thx for the suggestion though, I appreciate it12:20
Take0nbut do I have to reboot or just logout and thenl ogin again?12:20
^root^Learning-Ubuntu, but my P910i doesnt even ask for passkey though the conf file is okay as i checked12:20
stefgmarkvandenborre: i'm hinting at settings that didn't get migrated, or some broken confs in Gnome 2.20, that weren't in 2.18. Especially custom themes are tricky, so try a default theme first12:20
Learning_UbuntuTake0n: absolutely12:20
bushido89Ah, I see, sorry to trouble you velko, Thanks for all the help.12:20
=== Learning-Ubuntu is now known as Filled-Void
markvandenborrestefg: hm, with evolution used heavily on this machine12:21
nixiTake0n: good question, hm.. try it ;)12:21
markvandenborreand some evolution config data inside .gnome212:21
markvandenborrethat's quite messy12:21
TyczekMy mplayer XV/X11 output doesn't keep the movie quality in full screen ;/12:21
Filled-Void^root^, I didnt ave to set any conf . However do you have the gnome-obex-vfs package installed. (Might want to confirm if the name is correct)12:21
stefgmarkvandenborre: espiacially evo can be a b*tch12:21
markvandenborrewill have to tread very carefuly12:21
markvandenborreevo has been migrated almost perfectly12:21
whalesaladwols; we just tried that ocmmand and everything is installed. he has a radeon 9200 does that matteR? does he need some ati specific thing? its apparently restricted?12:21
^root^Filled-Void, i have everything, and many extra things like Blueman :(12:21
ChousukeTake0n: you shouldn't have to reboot12:22
markvandenborreexcept for that it now defaults to tls when sending or receiving mail12:22
markvandenborre(not supported by the mail server)12:22
nixisomeone here's using powernowd?12:22
wolswhalesalad: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-video-vesa12:22
Filled-Void^root^, So when yuo plug int he dongle which one gets ativated?12:22
Chousukeat least, if I've understood correctly what you're doing12:22
markvandenborrethe problem seems to be elsewhere, but no idea where exactly12:22
Take0nok )=12:22
corporealok, question that is causing some debate in #xkcd on foonetic:12:23
^root^dongle is activate, my cell just can't bond with the system12:23
Take0nsorry for talking/writing to much but I am new to linux :p12:23
corporealis ubuntu primarily a desktop, or server OS>12:23
Take0nI have seen screenshots like this one http://phorolinux.com/images/2007/10/ubuntu-studio-look-thumb.png and I would like to know if that is possible on ubuntu?12:23
markvandenborrestefg: any idea which conf stuff I should be aware of when dealing with nautilus?12:23
rskcorporeal: ubuntu desktop is for desktops, ubuntu server is for servers.12:23
Filled-Void^root^, The package name was gnome-vfs-obexftp  this is what I had to install to get mines to work.12:23
markvandenborre.thumbnails can be tricky12:23
rskcorporeal: i hope that is good enough of an answear12:23
bullgard4English help wanted. [Gnome] What is the English name of the Main menu > System > Settings > 'Screen resolution' item? Is it 'Screen resolution' or what is the English name of it?12:23
corporealrsk: sadly not. this guy is saying that ubuntu's primary use is as a server os12:24
Take0nI mean the icons in the middle etc.12:24
markvandenborrestefg: anything else you can think of?12:24
Filled-Voidbullgard4, Isnt the name Screen Resolution itself?12:24
Chousukecorporeal: I'd say the weight is more on the desktop side, but it's just fine as a server too12:24
stefgmarkvandenborre: not really. What happened to me was taht the them i was using on 2.18 cused 2.20 to crash...12:24
^root^Filled-Void, its already the newst version...12:24
rskcorporeal: that's somewhat correct12:24
corporealrsk: whereas im saying its marketed mostly as, and developed mostly as, a desktop os, with work focusing on user-facing things12:24
markvandenborrestefg: how did you get to that?12:24
Filled-Void^root^, :( one sec let me check something12:24
markvandenborreI mean, how did you find out?12:24
Chousukecorporeal: the intent is to produce a balanced system that works.12:25
rskcorporeal: you are right, just leave him in the dark if he dosen't want to learn.12:25
bullgard4Filled-Void: I don't know because I do not have an English distribution. If you don't how can I know?12:25
stefgmarkvandenborre: just using some gtk2-them from gnomelook, that obviously wasn't gnome 2.20-clean12:25
Filled-Voidbullgard4, Main Menu > System >Preferences >Screen Resolution12:25
markvandenborrestefg: how did you find out that it wasn't working?12:25
velkonixi, what are you trying to do? what do you need powernowd for?12:25
whalesaladwols: its giving an installed: none and a candidate and some other stuff.12:26
stefgmarkvandenborre: nautilus crashed frequently :-)12:26
Filled-VoidFilled-Void, IM at an Internet cafe with WIndows on it at the moment so I cant confirm 100% but Im pretty sure12:26
Filled-Voidbullgard4, , IM at an Internet cafe with WIndows on it at the moment so I cant confirm 100% but Im pretty sure12:26
wolswhalesalad: pastebin12:26
markvandenborremight this be the leftovers from a 6.06 workstation?12:26
whalesaladwols: one second12:26
whalesaladwols: sorry he is sitting near me on the machine, im on my macbook.12:26
markvandenborreI should really look up what's the default theme on 7.1012:27
mmaniaciWhat are the implications of unchecking the "install boot loader" option in the ubuntu LiveCD installer?12:27
bullgard4Filled-Void: Thank you. I wish you a pleasant Third Advent.12:27
mmaniaci(I'm having trouble getting grub to install correctly due to a fairly unusual partition setup)12:27
wolsmmaniaci: you don't have a bootloader on your harddisk to start ubuntu12:27
brobostigongood idea whalesaled, a mac,good move12:27
markvandenborrestefg: how is it called?12:27
nixivelko: i want to 'unload' my notebook fan ;)12:27
mmaniaciThats what I figured... If i'm trying to install ubuntu on (sda) on "partition #3", what should that entry be?12:28
mmaniaci(sda) or (sda,2) or /dev/sda3?12:28
whalesaladwols: http://dpaste.com/28209/12:28
stefgmarkvandenborre: what? the theme? the theme crashing was Glossy_P12:28
wolsmmaniaci: (hd0,2)12:28
mmaniaciBut it is not hd012:28
markvandenborrestefg: the default one on gutsy12:28
mmaniacihd0 is an IDE drive I have for storage.12:28
stefgmarkvandenborre: the default ubuntu themes are always named 'human'12:28
wolswhalesalad: and what was the error when you tried to install the xserver vesa package?12:29
velkonixi, i'm using powersaved for cpu frequency scaling (intell processor) and all i had to do was to set the "ondemand" governor for it to work12:29
wolsmmaniaci: then it'S (hd1,2)12:29
mmaniacieven if it is referenced as "sda"?12:29
wolsmmaniaci: but then you will need to write the grub bootloader to (hd0)12:29
Filled-Void^root^, thisis a googled cache of a page which seems to say that a person was able to get connected using an updated firmware12:30
wolsmmaniaci: it only matter what is first in BIOS. that's hd012:30
mmaniaciSo whatever drive I have as the primary boot drive in bios is what I need there12:30
^root^Filled-Void, WOW, lemme check12:30
wolsmmaniaci: and make sure that /boot/grub/device.map matches with what the BIOS thinks12:30
nixivelko: hm.. ok but powernowd works fine, i just want to set another range12:30
^root^Filled-Void, Thanks :P12:30
mmaniaciI think I understand, thanks wols12:30
wolswhalesalad: what is the error?12:31
Filled-Void^root^, Upgrading the firmware to get a bluetooth transfer to work isnt exactly what I had in mind but it might work :x12:31
Xima1i still have internet12:31
Xima1something isn't right..12:31
nixivelko: but i can only define the steps12:31
^root^Filled-Void, Hmmmm12:31
=== [tUd]Pensacola is now known as Pensacola
s_v_e_1nixi: you can set it in /etc/defaults/powernowd12:31
imbecilewhats the thing called when u boot where u can switch between os?  I cant remember for some reason12:31
stefg!grub | imbecile12:31
ubotuimbecile: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto12:31
mmaniaciimbecile: dual booting12:32
whalesaladwols: he did aptitude install xserver-xorg-video-vesa and itis insatlling12:32
nixis_v_e_1: also the range?12:32
Xima1instead of using a floppy imbecile use a usb memory stick or a flash card that inserts into your smartcard reader/etc12:32
wolswhalesalad: still your install is borked somehow. xorg should have installed it12:33
nixis_v_e_1: so not only the steps?12:33
BixBoxI have 3 NICs. How to share my internet connection to 2 PCs without hub/switch?12:33
Xima1for the grub loader ;)12:33
ubuntu-lovermy ubuntu never connected wireless12:33
whalesaladwols: he is doing that right now i meant, and now he just rebooted12:33
stefg!firestarter | bixbox12:33
ubotubixbox: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).12:33
jacobubutu-lover, i can help12:33
whalesaladFirestarter is a rad app, i remember that from the good ol days12:34
wolsBixBox: give the two interlan nick each a static IP in a different subnet. install ipmasq and you are done12:34
wolswhalesalad: why would you reboot?12:34
Filled-Void^root^, Also check this out http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/bluetooth&sa=X&oi=translate&resnum=1&ct=result&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dp910%2Bbluetooth%2Bubuntu%2Bgnome%2Bobex%2Bvfs%26hl%3Den12:34
whalesaladwols: well he installed the stuff then rebooted thinking all would work. what should he have done?12:34
^root^Filled-Void, can upgrading firware destroy my saved messages and contacts?12:34
ubuntu-loverhi jacop my network manager discovers wireless points12:34
wolswhalesalad:sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start12:34
^root^Filled-Void, and also how to do that? can you please link me somewhere?12:35
ubuntu-loverbut never connects them12:35
ArseneLupinsalem guys12:35
whalesaladwols: alright, i'll let him know12:35
Filled-Void^root^, you could back them up . Howeevr you do not want to do the upgrade process if you live in a place with frequent power outages12:35
s_v_e_1nixi: im not quite shure. if not there than you cat set it in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq12:35
s_v_e_1just echo "120000" > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq12:35
ArseneLupini have a problem with gutsy installtion12:35
ubuntu-loveri tried wicd but no success12:35
jacobdid you install a fresh new version of ubuntu and the driver that came with ubuntu installed, but cannot access the internet?12:35
ubuntu-loveryea updated 7.1012:36
BixBoxwhat u mean with subnet? example, the IP and, right?12:36
wolsBixBox: yes12:36
ArseneLupinanyone listening herte guys,12:36
wolsBixBox: if your netmask is that is12:36
nixis_v_e_1: hm, but this is just the max frequence..12:36
jacobubuntu-lover, i want to connect to your computer remotely if you allow me to so i can fix the problem for you12:36
wolsand I'd give each interface the .1 IP and each client the .2 one12:36
BixBoxok, thank you12:37
ubuntu-loveri see wireless stations but when i say connect ,it fails12:37
s_v_e_1nixi: there is also "min"   and have allok at cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies12:37
Filled-Void!ask |ArseneLupin12:37
ubotuArseneLupin: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:37
ubuntu-loverhow remote conn12:37
wolsBixBox: if you want a DHCP server, look at dnsmasq12:37
jacobubuntu-lover, just follow the following procedure12:37
linduxedhow do i change the theme of kde apps (like amarok and konversation) without having KDE? basically i know i can't have gnome theme im using cuz one is gtk while the other is qt but id like to know how to at least pick a somewhat similar theme...12:38
whalesaladwols: http://dpaste.com/28210/12:38
whalesaladwols: new error...12:38
ArseneLupini made 4 partions with gparted12:38
nixis_v_e_1: and i can edit it without damaging the hardware?12:38
jacobubuntu-lover, give me a sec12:38
nixiso, not the max value, but the min?12:38
Pensacolathe last flash update broke flash, how can I fix this?12:38
stefglinduxed: you'd need to install kcontrolcenter (which will pretty much pull a full kde install as dependency)12:38
jacobubuntu-lover, include my name in the messages you send me so i can see the message marked in red12:39
s_v_e_1nixi: cou cant edit availible_frequalencies, but you cat sat min and max12:39
ArseneLupin1 for win dp ,2nd formatted edt3 ,a swap ,and 4th formatted ntfs for my data12:39
ArseneLupini installed win dp12:39
ArseneLupinmean winxp12:39
Filled-VoidPensacola, I think reinstalling the flashplugin-nonfree might fix it but you might want to to wait for others12:39
^root^Filled-Void, When i try to run Bluetooth-applet, i get Could not open location 'file://Bluetooth-applet'  The Location or file couldnt nt be found!12:40
s_v_e_1nixi: just gevi me second to start my petium mashine, to see how ive done12:40
jacobubuntu-lover, go to system > Preferences > and then click on Remote Desktop12:40
^root^Filled-Void, While following your second link12:40
ArseneLupinthen when i booted on gutsy live cd ,it only sees the xhole hard drive (as a whole  ) ,it doesnt see the diiferent partitons12:40
nixis_v_e_1: its just, when i chance the min frequence from 1000000 to 800000 it will not damage the hardware..?12:40
Filled-Void^root^, You have this bluez-gnome gnome-bluetooth gnome-vfs-obexftp  installed?12:40
bkraptordoes anyone else have problems with Power-Off_Retract_Count increasing on each shutdown with Gutsy?12:41
jacobubuntu-lover, tell me when your done12:41
^root^Filled-Void, Yes, all the newest versions!12:41
ArseneLupinalthough i can mouhnt each one of the partitions12:41
ArseneLupinmy hard drive is not sata12:41
ArseneLupinany solutions,12:41
s_v_e_1nixi: you should only shoose from    cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies12:42
jacobubuntu-lover, check on "Allow other users to view your desktop"12:42
stefgArseneLupin: are you using 'Dynamic Disks' in windows? what does 'sudo fdisk -l yield ?12:42
linduxedstefg: any lightweight way though? i did install kde earlier and uninstalled it later but the theme stayed so there must be some way....12:42
ubuntu-loverhey man how can i trust u12:42
jacobubuntu-lover yes, i'm only 1712:43
Filled-Void^root^, try small b12:43
wolswhalesalad: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg12:43
ubuntu-loverlol 17 saves u?12:43
jacobubuntup-lover, did you check the box?12:43
stefglinduxed: you could try to edit the config files with a text editor .... but taht's not quite realistic12:43
ubuntu-loveranother way pls12:43
ArseneLupinstefg ,am not on ubuntu now12:44
ArseneLupinso i cant edactly tell you12:44
nixis_v_e_1: hm, but there the min is 1ghz...12:44
linduxedstefg: well ill try that before downloading and installing kde12:44
jacobubuntu-lover, check on "Allow other users to view your desktop" you can easily gain controll back when you press the esc key12:44
s_v_e_1nixi: 1GHz - thats it12:44
^root^Filled-Void, that made two bluetooth icons in the system tray where there was one already!12:44
nixis_v_e_1: i cant get lower?12:44
ubuntu-loversorry man12:45
stefgArseneLupin: so my guess is that you are using 'Dynamic disks'. this doesn't use a ms-dos compatible partition table, so the ubuntu installer can't read it12:45
jacobubuntu-lover, that's ok12:45
ArseneLupinstefg:i used the gutsy live cd ,defore ,and it captured my different partions (before i make the changes with gparted ) ,if tath can help12:45
Filled-Void^root^, gah does it let you continue through the process?12:45
nirmalhello all12:45
jacobubuntu-lover, we'll take the long method then12:45
=== Osiris__ is now known as Habitat
^root^Filled-Void, Nope, i can bond it :(12:45
s_v_e_1nixi: i suppose not only availible. newer cpus dont have so mush frequalcies12:45
ubuntu-lovertell me am average on ubuntu12:45
ArseneLupinok stefg :how can i fix that?12:45
stefgArseneLupin: so the partitions were there, then you used gparted, then thy were gone ?12:45
=== Habitat is now known as Habitat4Live
Filled-Void^root^, :( Im clueless at this point. can you get your computer to pair with your phone ?12:46
ArseneLupinstefg:the partions are seen with the live cd ,i can mount them12:46
jacobubuntu-lover go to System>Preferences>Hardware Information12:46
nirmali recently instally Ubuntu 7.10 on on laptop HP Pavillion Dv6516 TX. Its not detecting my sound card..12:46
Filled-VoidFilled-Void, If I understand correctly you are doing the pairing from your phone correct?12:46
Filled-Void^root^,  ^12:46
ArseneLupinbut when i i pass to installation ,the partions program sees only the whole disk12:46
stefgArseneLupin: so far, so good. so what's the problem then, i don't understand12:47
ubuntu-loveryea i did12:47
jacobubuntu-lover, i need to know the name of your wireless to download the driver and blacklist the one you have12:47
ubuntu-loverasus laptop broadcom 43xx12:48
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, Have you already formatted everything as ext3 , swap, ntfs . Cause I dont think ntfs will show up by default you might want to confirm this and your swap wont show either12:48
ArseneLupinthe problem is that when i pass to installation ,i choose manual partionning  ,but i only see the whole disk ,i can't see the edt3 and swap partions that i made with gparted12:48
Cursed_6_dsFilled-Void, I am ^root^12:48
nirmalhow to check whether my sound card is being detected or not..12:48
nixis_v_e_1: hmpf.. ok thx..12:48
jacobubuntu-lover, go to the terminal and type "sudo vim /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist" exactly as it is12:49
stefgArseneLupin: so it seems that gParted ate your partition table for breakfast. It might be broken in an odd way, so gParted still knows what is what, but the installer doesn't. To be on the safe side i'd do a backup first of all important data... broken partition tables can be ugly12:49
winkmanHi... i've just installed Firefox and i'm having trouble entering anything with my keyboard (only in firefox)12:49
winkmanAny ideas?12:49
ArseneLupinFilled-void : yes i did ,but the problem is that when i boot on the live cd ,i can see the partions and chenge them if i wan ,but when i pass to installation (the partions are no longer there)12:49
jacobubuntu-lover tell me when ur done12:49
nirmallspci displays the following info: Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller12:50
nirmal (rev 03)12:50
DanicHello! I use Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS and Putty to connect with ssh. I switched Putty to UTF8, but now aptitude is showing strage lqlqlqkkqklqlqk characters instead of lines. Can anybody help me?12:50
ubuntu-loverye did12:50
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, and you are choosing the manual method of disk partitining when yuo do that correct?12:50
ompaul!ntfs | ArseneLupin12:50
ubotuArseneLupin: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:50
jacobubuntu-lover, before we procced, did you enable the firmware once installed the OS?12:50
nixis_v_e_1: with powersave u also can set the clock to whats available in scaling_available_frequencies ?12:50
ubuntu-loverye through restricted dev man12:51
zobbanhi i have a movie .mpg how do i burn it on cd12:51
ArseneLupinyes Filled-void12:51
nirmalcan anyone help me out..in this issue?12:51
nixis_v_e_1: and only into this?12:51
s_v_e_1nixi: I dont know about powersafe but it should do it12:51
stefg!intelhda | nirmal12:51
ubotunirmal: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto12:51
ArseneLupinubotu:i can view them and modify them outsid the installation program12:51
jacobubuntu-lover you need to disable it for now, the problem is not the firmware, i know cause i have the same wireless as you12:51
Cursed_6_dsokay, solve this problem of mine then, how can i add bluetooth device in a vm on vmware? (so that i will try to pair my cell phone and windows xp)12:52
ubuntu-lovernow what12:52
jacobubuntu-lover you said bcm43xx, correct?12:52
zobbanhi i have a movie .mpg how do i burn it on cd12:53
mmaniaciIs there a way to see your partition table within grub?12:53
ompaulArseneLupin, that was me telling the bot to tell you how to view / edit them on a full time basis, I fail to see the problem, my understanding was that you could not see them12:53
jacobubuntu-lover, press "i" and go to the last line of the file and add "blacklist bcm43xx"12:53
winkmanCan anyone help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=396132712:53
ompauljacob, vi over irc :-) hard protocol but fair12:53
bayaI disconnected by camera from the pc unsafely i think it said, and now it cannot mount upon reconnecting.. does anyone have any idea how to fix this?12:54
ompaulbaya, have you rebooted the machine since this happened?12:54
ArseneLupinso i guess there is no solution here12:54
bayayep, unfortunately it didn't resolve the problem12:54
jacobubuntu-lover, if you want to do it graphically, just type "gksu gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist"12:54
wenshuIs there a terminal tool that can display multiple windows at once?12:55
whalesaladwols: he finished the reconfigure, he is trying to start gdm now12:55
ompaulArseneLupin, I made a very specific point, you seem to have missed it12:55
ompaulArseneLupin, that was me telling the bot to tell you how to view / edit them on a full time basis, I fail to see the problem, my understanding was that you could not see them12:55
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, Someone is having the same problem you do to but there isnt a solution for him posted lation live12:55
ubuntu-loveryep i use it gedit12:55
ubuntu-lovernow save?12:55
ArseneLupinok guys thanks12:55
jacobubuntu-lover, yes12:55
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, One sec will paste correct link12:55
DanicHello! I use Ubuntu Server 6.06 LTS and Putty to connect with ssh. I switched Putty to UTF8, but now aptitude is showing strage lqlqlqkkqklqlqk characters instead of lines. Can anybody help me?12:55
ubuntu-loverdid save12:56
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22384812:56
jacobubuntu-lover, i need to send you the files for the driver, we have the same driver, create a new folder in the home directory and name it "Wireless Driver"12:56
wolsDanic: what is your locale?12:56
Danicwols: utf8 i think. where can i rechek it?12:56
ArseneLupintks Filled-Void and everybody ;-)12:56
DanicI am wuite sure12:56
wolsDanic: /etc/environment12:57
ubuntu-loveri did12:57
jacobubuntu-lover, i'm going to send you the files one by one and your going to put it in that new folder12:57
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, yw sorry it didnt quite work out12:57
Danicwols: LANG="de_DE.UTF-8"12:57
jacobubuntu-lover, tell me when your done creating the folder12:57
ubuntu-loveram ready man12:57
ompaulDanic, that is the local terminal (on the box with putty) not having the same locale support as your server, you need to identify what your server has, use the command "locale"12:57
wenshuHello, Is there any terminal tool that can display multiple windows at once(not tabbed)?12:58
jacobubuntu-lover let me get my cd, it has the driver files, brb, i'll be back within a few seconds12:58
jacobno more than a minute12:58
ubuntu-loverok bud12:58
wolswhalesalad: working now?12:58
ArseneLupinno prob Filled-Void ,trying to help is enough for me have a nice day ,(if ever i find a good solution i ll come and post it here12:59
whalesaladhe tried starting gdm, it said starting gdm and then nothing. so, he rebooted (hehe) i think nothing still.12:59
zobbanhi i have a movie .mpg how do i burn it on cd12:59
Filled-VoidArseneLupin, Good luck12:59
wolswhalesalad: rebooting is NOT the right way12:59
Danicompaul: If I use "locale" it tells me the same. Everything is on de_DE.UTF-8. And I set up putty to use utf-8 too12:59
wolswhalesalad: after gdm is started: ctrl+alt+f712:59
winkmanzobban: Places Menu>CD\DVD Creator12:59
whalesaladwols: alright, giving it a shot12:59
jacobubuntu-lover, i'll send you the files, and put them in the new folder13:00
felichcan't upgrade samba-common through apt-get upgrade13:00
wols!tell felich about bat13:00
winkmanzobban: (assuming you want a data disc)13:00
ompaulDanic, well that is the cause - your terminal is settings are different - let me poke stuff13:00
wolsfelich: what error(s)13:00
zobbani have an empty cd700mb i want to put my movie.mpg on this cd13:00
whalesaladwols: all he has on ctrl+alt+F7 is a blinking cursor13:01
jacobubuntu-lover, do you want me to send you the files individually or do you want to sne dit to you in a zip? are you familiar with zip files and how to extract them?13:01
winkmanzobban: and what do you want to do with it then? Use it in a computer or play it in a dvd plyaer?13:01
zobbani wantt to play it on dvd player13:01
wolswhalesalad: he could use "gnome-session" too13:02
winkmanzobban: hmm... not quite sure then... best to ask one of the other guys...13:02
wolswhalesalad: how _exactly_ did he upgrade?13:02
felichwols: while install samba terminal says old version of samba-common, I try to do apt-get update, then upgrade, nothing happens13:03
ubuntu-loverzip n send13:03
wolsfelich: apt-cache policy samba-common13:03
jacobare you downloading the files?13:03
jacobubuntu-lover are you downloading the files?13:04
whalesaladwols: he upgraded from the gui upgrader inside gnome in 7.0413:04
winkmanzobban: All the help files suggest that you use a program called GnomeBaker which you'll have to download from Synaptic13:04
wolswhalesalad: should do a apt-get dist-upgrade13:04
ubuntu-loverno alert to receive ur files13:05
zobbani have that program13:05
whalesaladwols: can he still try that now?13:05
jacobubuntu-lover, if you trust me, you can hand me your e-mail so i can send it to you there13:05
ubuntu-loveraccept or deny alert?13:05
winkmanzobban: Then i suggest you give it a go... check out the help files if you can't find your way... :)13:05
wolswhalesalad: yes13:05
jacobubuntu-lover if you accept you don't need to tell me your email address13:05
qwazquick question...when i use finger it lists about 4 or 5 logins of myself, some 4 days old...is that ok?13:06
jacobubuntu-lover accept the request13:07
jacobto download the zip file13:07
felichwols: felich@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-cache policy samba-common13:07
felich  Installed: 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.213:07
felich  Candidate: 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.213:07
felich  Version table:13:07
felich *** 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.2 013:07
felich        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status13:07
felich     3.0.26a-1ubuntu2 013:07
felich        500 http://ftp.linux.edu.lv gutsy/main Packages13:07
jacobubuntu-lover , tell me when you have accepted the file13:08
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers13:08
felichfelich@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install samba13:09
felichReading package lists... Done13:09
felichBuilding dependency tree13:09
felichReading state information... Done13:09
felichSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have13:09
felichrequested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable13:09
felichdistribution that some required packages have not yet been created13:09
felichor been moved out of Incoming.13:09
felichSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that13:09
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications13:09
felichthe package is simply not installable and a bug report against13:09
felichthat package should be filed.13:09
felichThe following information may help to resolve the situation:13:09
felichThe following packages have unmet dependencies:13:09
felich  samba: Depends: samba-common (= 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2) but 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.2 is to be installed13:09
felichE: Broken packages13:09
whalesaladwols: he says that does nothing13:09
stefg!paste | felich13:09
ubotufelich: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:09
wolswhalesalad: startx?13:09
wolsif nothing of those did anything, he has a borken system13:09
MikeHgnome stuff >.<13:10
jacobubuntu-lover, your having problems downloading the file, we'll add another step to download the driver from a website13:10
MikeHJust downloaded some stuff off an FTP, and it's overwritten aload of bits without asking13:10
whalesaladwols: no screens found, no valid modes, same same stuff13:11
MikeHAnyway to retrieve lost data? :(13:11
whalesaladif he does sudo startx it says screens found but none have a usable configuration13:11
wolswhalesalad: that is not the error. the error is elsewher13:11
qwazWhy am I listed 4 times when i use the finger utility?13:12
jacobubuntu-lover are you still there?13:14
wolsqwaz: you are logged in in several VTs?13:14
whalesaladwols: invalid io allocation, correcting. /13:14
qwazwols, by VT do you mean terminals?13:15
rskqwaz: every terminal counts13:15
whalesaladwols: error locking the authority file?13:15
whalesaladwols: he is reading this stuff aloud to me13:15
wolswhalesalad: your choices for drivers are vesa dn ati/radeon (however it's called). fglrx will not work13:15
jacobubuntu-lover, download the driver "63wb03ww.exe" http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-6362313:15
wolswhalesalad: then X is already running13:15
Take0nstarting to learn.. :p13:15
wolswhalesalad: ps aux |grep X13:15
qwazso VTs, i just want to clarify, are terminals I have open on my desktop...13:15
Take0nhow do I access the themes folder (.themes from terminal) ?13:16
jacobubuntu-lover, put that file your about to download in the "Wireless Directory"13:16
bocovie tu niekto po slovensky???13:16
jacobubuntu-lover in the "Wireless Driver" folder, i mean13:16
qwazSome listings say tty1 and tty7...is each tty a terminal?13:16
WizkidHello everyone..I'm looking for someone in the development team to interview for my new 'Ubuntu for Newbies' podcast show. Anyone interested??13:17
gogetaeverytime the wind gust my isp dies lol13:17
jacobubuntu-lover are you downloading the file?\13:18
gogetadam 40mph winds13:18
ubuntu-loveru say exe13:18
* nomentero is away: No estoy:-(13:18
whalesaladwols: (EE) end of block range 0xeffffffff < begin 0xf000000013:18
ubuntu-loverwhy exe13:18
wolswhalesalad: set wrong amount of video memory?13:19
jacobubuntu-lover, you will take that exe file and uncompress it13:19
Take0nguys how do I untar something to a specific folder? tar xzvf name.tgz extracts to the current folder but what If I want to untar it in a specific folder? I know the folder is .themes but I don't know how to find it13:19
=== tertius is now known as kosie
jacobubuntu-lover, the exe files is packed with other associated files13:19
gogetatakeon you dont have to untar themes13:19
wolsTake0n: cd .thenes13:19
jacobubuntu-lover, like a zip file13:19
gogetajust drop em in13:19
ubuntu-lovermake it zip extension13:19
Take0nwols yes I did so but the tar file is in my home directory and since I don't know where to find the .theme folder to copy my file in it I can't do what I want to do13:20
jacobin the exe file, all you need is 6 files some .sys, bin, and inf files13:20
jacobubuntu-lover; i'll try to send the files individually to see of that works13:21
gogetatakeon you can slect that tar file in the themes manager it will do all that for you13:21
ubuntu-loverhey 65mb for a driver?13:21
Take0noh ok13:21
ubuntu-loverno easy way13:21
ubuntu-loveri dont wanna get dat 65 mb13:22
jacobyou will download the 65mb driver and uncompress it to get 6 files13:22
jacobthe rest of the files you can delete13:22
jacobubuntu-lover so in reality, the driver is only 6 files, not just the 65mb13:23
jacobubuntu-lover the exe file is like a zip in linux, it's packed with other files13:25
qwazthanks anyway guys13:25
ubuntu-loverjacop thanks alot bud13:26
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:26
jacobubuntu-lover no problem13:27
steve_can't access windows hard drive in ubuntu plz help13:27
bazhangwow apparently works fine under wine13:27
jacobubuntu-lover, it seems like i can't open the exe file13:28
jacobubuntu-lover, i'm following the steps but it seems like it's not working13:28
jacobubuntu-lover, but continue downloading the file13:28
jacobubuntu-lover do you want me to send you the 6 files individually?13:29
jacobubuntu-lover try opening the exe file and tell me if you have success13:30
bayaI disconnected by camera from the pc unsafely i think it said, and now it cannot mount upon reconnecting.. does anyone have any idea how to fix this?13:31
bazhanghi revered13:31
reveredhello bazhang13:31
mmaniaciWell I've got ubuntu installed and now grub is giving me error 22: no such partition and I've checked many times that its correct, and it is.  Anyone know a good way to troubleshoot this?13:31
bazhang!grub | mmaniaci13:31
ubotummaniaci: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:31
jacobubuntu-lover i'm following the steps with you, i just downloaded the exe file but i can't open it, give me your email address so i can send you the 6 files, if you wish to do so13:32
reveredmmaniaci: i've had the same problem when i tried installing ubuntu on a raid array :/13:32
jacobubuntu-lover, that's an alternative13:32
reveredhaven't found the sollution yet13:32
steve_can't mount my windows ard drive in ubuntu. ideas?13:32
jacobway of getting the files13:32
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter13:32
reveredsteve search for ntfs-progs?13:32
steve_it has been working previously, however has now stopped working13:33
reveredthen i dunno13:33
nirmali installed ALSA...13:34
nirmalbut this command: cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec is not working13:34
reveredi'm having problems with my network connection:  Lan and WLan seem to lose their connection every so often and almost every time i switch Users13:34
nirmalits a part of the step for detecting HDA sound card as given in  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto13:35
reveredi get around it by switching network connection to  "roaming"  and then back.. but doing that every hour or so gets annoying13:35
nirmalcan u please help me out13:36
jacobubuntu-lover, give me a sec, let me look for alternatives13:36
jendaHow do I save a page for offline use in firefox?13:37
stibis there a linux tool for defragging NTFS volumes? I'd like to defrag my windows system partition13:37
jacobubuntu-lover you still there, i got the alternative13:38
vorianjenda, file>save page13:39
vorianand hello13:39
stibjenda: does save page as from the file menu not work for you?13:39
reveredstib: http://www.supershareware.com/software/ntfs-defragment.html ?13:39
jendavorian: really? So simple? I thought that just saves it into a file somewhere.13:39
vorianwho knows of some kick arse opensource map software (like streetmaps)13:39
vorianjenda, it save the complete page13:40
jacobonce you download the exe file go to the directory where it is located it at and type cabextract 63wb03ww.exe13:40
jendaand indeed it does13:40
jendavorian, stib: What I had in mind was a way to save the page in such a way that the next time I try to access the URL, Firefox loads the saved content instead of having to go online.13:40
jendaOr only does that if it cannot find a connection.13:40
reveredguys i have a connection problem on ubuntu feisty.. can anyone help me?13:40
KinPumpkinKinghi... my ubuntu system itself doesn't make sounds, even though applications do. pop up messages don't, for example, but I adjusted'em to...13:40
khamaelhow do I change the charset in xchat to UTF-8?13:41
jacobubuntu-lover: after you do that install ndiswrapper from the Synaptic Package Manager13:41
vorianjenda, ic, i cant help you then :P13:41
nirmalnow there is no mixer getting displayed under System-> Preferences->Sound13:41
jendakhamael: try /charset utf-813:41
jacobubuntu-lover then restart the computer come back online so i can expain the rest of the steps13:41
jendakhamael: if my memory serves me right :)13:41
khamaeljenda: seems like it worked13:42
khamaeljenda: thanks13:42
jendakhamael: you're welcome13:42
stibrevered: ta, but I can't see any linux defraggers, only windows ones13:42
reveredk.. i thought that was a linux one :/13:43
tumbleweed__there's a reason for that13:43
tumbleweed__most of linux's filesystems don't need them13:44
bazhangext3 for example13:44
wolsstib: defrag13:45
reveredcan't find any either, stib.. looks like you'll have to do it from windoze13:45
stibtumbleweed__:yes sure, but I can unmount my windows partition and defrag the files I normally can't move if I booot from linux13:45
wolsand under certain (possibly contrived) circumstances, defragging is a good thing: e.g. bittorrent sparse files on 99% full harddisks13:45
reveredoh nm. i see what you mean13:45
=== pimlock___ is now known as pimlock
=== netdemon is now known as NeT_DeMoN
firekoolHi I just setup vnc on my linux system and when i try to access it with tightvnc viewer it said no password configured for vnc auth but I have a password set13:46
NeT_DeMoNsup peoples13:46
stibI've read somewhere on most filesystems fragmentation is not a bad thing, just on NTFS and FAT volumes it is a bad thing.13:46
qwazwols, if i am listed under multiple ttys in the finger utility, does that mean i have multiple x-sessions running? and is that a bad thing?13:47
r4663rwhen using miro, it can download videos from bittorrent, is there any access to illegal videos...i dont want to download illegal videos...13:47
miyukiHi, does anyone of you run VEOH client on Ubuntu 7.10 GG?13:47
NeT_DeMoNcan some one assist me with a sound problem?13:47
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, I have it but didn't try yet... going to try now :P13:47
stibmaybe I'll see if the reactOS people have a defragger going yet.13:47
=== catsk1n_ is now known as jimqode
miyukiKinPumpinKing, could you let me know if it works? I'd need to have it working on my system as well13:48
bazhangperhaps NeT_DeMoN more info would be helpful :}13:48
martyyyrDoes anyone ever get sick sick sick and tired of always having to pull and tweak linux to get it working, or am I the only one?13:48
jimqodewhat is the name of the package that does automounting in ubuntu?13:49
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, surely will13:49
qwazOk, anyone...13:49
qwazIf i am listed under multiple ttys in the finger utility, does that mean i have multiple x-sessions running? and is that a bad thing?13:49
panosti ginete re pedia13:50
NeT_DeMoNi had vista but my sound card wasn't working so i switched to ubuntu 7.10 but its still not working13:50
Take0nNeT_DeMoN:  if you manage to solve the problem let me know13:50
Take0nI have been trying in 3 or 4 days now :P13:50
bazhangr4663r: not sure what you mean by 'illegal videos', but unless you load the torrent, no13:51
riotkittiewhat soundcard13:51
abr34556NeT_DeMoN: you seem to have a weird sound card13:51
reveredlater guys.. good luck13:51
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, so far it managed to run, but exited on it's own13:51
bazhangmartyyyr: do you a specific question? this is a support channel13:51
deadlockWha's a good music managament software: I wanna rename the file, retag the id3, and clean up duplicate mp3's and folders. Is there anything that will do all of those?13:51
qwazIf i am listed under multiple ttys in the finger utility, does that mean i have multiple x-sessions running? and is that a bad thing?13:51
martyyyrbazhang: Yeah, I know13:51
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, I'll try downloading it again and installing it on Linux, rather than running from my Windows partition13:51
miyukiKinp, have you got Wine installed on your system?13:52
NeT_DeMoNso like no one knows how to fix it?13:52
deadlockNeT_DeMoN: Buy a new sound card :-)13:52
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, yeah13:52
abr34556qwaz: no, you only have multiple terminals open13:52
qwazabr34556, even if it is listed as tty1 and tty7? also, what are pts/0, pts/1 etc13:53
CaptainMorganthe default installation of ubuntu has a bluey looking wireless connection thingy on the top panel.. I accidentally removed it from the panel - how do I get it back? I can't find it in the menu or add-to-panel windows?13:53
miyukiKinp, is Wine enough to have it working from Linux?13:53
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, so far, no.13:53
NeT_DeMoNdeadlock:its a laptop13:53
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, let me redownload it and install it on my linux partition under wine13:53
trekkmewhein i try to open the new display and monitor settings in gutsy nothing happens, how do i start that thing?13:53
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: it's not working is not really enough info :}13:53
bazhangpanos: what language? this is an english channel13:54
abr34556abr34556: tty1 is console 1 (the one you get when you press ctrl-alt-f1). tty7 is the console the X server usually runs on. and pts/X are pseudo-terminaldevices allocated by terminal emulations like xterm, gnome-terminal and such.13:54
abr34556qwaz: tty1 is console 1 (the one you get when you press ctrl-alt-f1). tty7 is the console the X server usually runs on. and pts/X are pseudo-terminaldevices allocated by terminal emulations like xterm, gnome-terminal and such.13:55
ompaul!gr | panos13:55
ubotupanos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:55
qwazabr34556, thank you very much!13:55
NeT_DeMoNits an intel sound card13:56
CaptainMorgankinda in a bind here....13:56
qwazCaptainMorgan, was it two monitors? the icon13:56
CaptainMorganqwaz - no, an increasing number of blue bars13:56
deadlockWha's a good music managament software: I wanna rename the file, retag the id3, and clean up duplicate mp3's and folders. Is there anything that will do all of those?13:57
bazhangwhich intel card NeT_DeMoN?13:57
KinPumpkinKingmiyuki, 10% downloaded :P13:57
CaptainMorganqwaz, increasing in size - it's the default network thing... I can't remember the name13:57
GeorgeI just compiled version 2.3.1: and go the following error: ./pidgin: symbol lookup error: ./pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_account_get_current_error13:57
qwazCaptainMorgan, try right clicking on the panel...choosing "add to panel"...then choosing "network monitoring"13:57
firekoolI think that my system firewall is blocking me from being able to connect my vnc client to the server how to I open up the port?13:57
qwazCaptainMorgan, I'm assuming you're on a wireless laptop or something, right?13:57
bazhangeasytag will edit the id3 tags deadlock13:57
CaptainMorganqwaz, yes.. I tried that particular one - "network monitoring" it's not it..13:58
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: HDA intel13:58
hendixmy mozilla need flash plugin, i installed adobe flash , but it's not work , can anyone help me ?13:58
qwazCaptainMorgan, ahh...i was thinking it would use the default one for whichever it installed...mine is a desktop and has the "wired" one...13:58
bazhangfirekool: you tried adjusting the iptables with firestarter?13:59
qwazCaptainMorgan, lemme poke around and see what i can find...k?13:59
CaptainMorganqwaz, sure, thanks13:59
ompaul!flash | hendix (this is how you do flash on ubuntu)13:59
ubotuhendix (this is how you do flash on ubuntu): To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash13:59
wolsqwaz: you have multiple terminals open13:59
bazhangich7 family 82801g NeT_DeMoN?14:00
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: i dont know, how do i tell14:00
=== Biohazard_ is now known as Biohazard
qwazCaptainMorgan, try the "Notification Area" applet14:01
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: do a lspci in the terminal14:01
firekoolbazhang: firestarted was not installed14:01
abr34556NeT_DeMoN: lspci -nn -v | grep -w 040114:01
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: just type lspci?14:01
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: aye14:01
CaptainMorganqwaz, nope.. that's not it either... I don't get it... how can this thing be default and now I can't find it... it enables easy wireless networking setup and switching14:02
freepenguinhello everybody14:02
bazhanghi freepenguin14:02
smithwHello everyone. Does anyone know which service runs in the background in Ubuntu that once a day they computer will spend about one hour intensively accessing the disk and in a slowed-down mode?14:02
KinPumpkinKingsmithw, updatedb?14:03
qwazCaptainMorgan, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/760914:03
NeT_DeMoNbazhang:  Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)14:03
bazhangsmithw: type top in the terminal and find out14:03
smithwKinPumpkinKing, possibly. How can I confirm that? Would it show up in ps?14:03
smithwbazhang, ok, I'll take a look...14:04
KinPumpkinKingsorry, I'm a newbie :P14:04
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: that is odd--same card here and no problems--are you running Wine--that sometimes causes conflicts14:04
KinPumpkinKingsmithw,  I only know that it happens once a day so I guessed that.14:04
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: nope14:04
firekoolI keep on getting A I/O device error when I am copying files14:05
bazhangsmithw: or you can install htop for a top on steroids :}14:05
smithw(and even the terminal now takes up 10 seconds to open...)14:05
firekooland navigating14:05
ZombieWARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!14:05
ZombieHow can I get rid of this message?14:05
bazhangZombie: from where?14:05
smithwbazhang, I never even knew about top. I was stuck in the "ps aux" until now :) very good tool, and yes, it's updatedb the culprit, it seems.14:06
firekoolwhat does it mean when i get a input/output error when navigating files14:06
bazhangsmithw: nice work14:06
ricanelite_is it possible to use Linux on a LCD HDTV via HDMI to DVI Cable?14:06
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: is there any way i could repaire it?14:07
bazhang!sound | NeT_DeMoN14:07
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:07
kelsinricanelite_: yes14:07
Zombiericanelite_: I do that, but I usse Mandriva, not Ubuntu on that particular machine.14:07
NeT_DeMoNa bot?14:07
ricanelite_how will i go about doing it?14:08
bazhangyup a bot :}14:08
ricanelite_do i need to reinstall ubuntu os?14:08
NeT_DeMoNthe fucking thing never worked before though14:08
NeT_DeMoNthats the problem14:08
ompaul!language | NeT_DeMoN14:09
ubotuNeT_DeMoN: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.14:09
NeT_DeMoNwait, this isn't on of those channels where i get booted for cursing is it ??14:09
CaptainMorganqwaz, perfect - thanks!14:09
smithwis it worth it to unschedule updatedb from running automatically? or is there a way to make it run using less resources?14:09
onatswhat should be the share,folder, for a network folder that i am trying to map: //
qwazCaptainMorgan, awesome :)14:10
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: those cards are very well supported on ubuntu--just a fix will do it likely14:10
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: and how do i do it14:10
zobbanhi i have a movie.mpg how do i burn into an emtpy cd700mb so ican play it on my dvd player14:10
bazhangsmithw: I don't even know what that does :}14:10
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: sorry, im a noob so thanks for helping14:10
qwazzobban, Nvu14:11
zobbanwhat is that14:11
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: did you look at those links that quickly? :}14:11
qwazzobban, a cd/dvd burning application14:11
zobbanyes i have cd burner14:11
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: its still loading14:11
zobbanbut how do i burn it which program to use and how to burn it14:11
qwazzobban, i didn't ask if you had a butner14:11
qwazzobban, i just gave you an application to use14:12
bazhangNeT_DeMoN: you should really read through those first :}14:12
qwazzobban, Nvu14:12
zobbanso i can install this sudo apt-get install nvu14:12
qwazzobban, try it and see if it's in the repositories14:12
smithwbazhang, what I know it does is that it updates the "locate" db, so that it have all the files in the system updated... What I don't know is whether it does anything else...14:12
zobbanyes it started to downloaed14:13
bazhang!info updatedb14:13
zobbanand install14:13
ubotuPackage updatedb does not exist in gutsy14:13
bayadoes anyone have a link to a good explanation of linux's directory structure? Ie, what /etc and /var etc. are usually for?14:13
ompaulbaya, have a look at www.tldp.org for a great explanation of same14:13
bayaompaul: thanks, looks like what i'm after14:14
bazhangsmithw: nothing in the repos--must be a kernel type thingy14:14
zobbanyes i run now from terminal nvu it started14:14
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qwazthere ya go then, zobban14:14
zanzaraCiao a tutti!!!14:15
zobbanso how to burn it there14:15
ompaulbazhang, it is called slocate iirc14:15
ompaul!it | zanzara14:15
ubotuzanzara: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!14:15
qwazzobban, come on...14:15
qwazzobban, use the program14:15
=== leonardo_lopes is now known as llp
NeT_DeMoNbazhang: ok, thanks man14:15
zobbanyes i open the program14:15
zobbanbut dunno how it works14:15
qwazzobban, now use it...14:15
qwazzobban, start moving your mouse around the program...clicking your left mouse button on menus and stuff14:16
ompaulsmithw, it does little else - just use it with -i to get it to ignore case and that is about as interesting as it can be - man locate or updatedb for more info :)14:16
qwazzobban, see if the program offers you any tips or advice on how to move forward14:16
zobbanthis is not a cd burner program14:16
qwazzobban, Gnomebaker14:17
zobbanohh you idiot14:17
zobbanstop whaistin my time14:17
ompaulzobban, what are you at?14:18
Myrttizobban, watch the language, please14:18
zobbani have a movie.mpg i want to burn it into my emptycd 700mb and watch it on my dvd player14:18
ompaulzobban, you have been advised to use gnomebaker14:19
Myrttizobban: are you sure your dvd-player supports a) burnt cd's b) mpg-files c) the codecs the video is encoded in? (/me knows nothing about codecs or mpg's)14:20
larson9999yay! a fix for gdm and xdcmp14:20
ScreenSaveri have a problem im trying to install the dreamcast emulator lxdream14:20
ompaullarson9999, where is it documented?14:21
ScreenSaverand when i try to do ./configure14:21
ompaul!compile | ScreenSaver14:21
ubotuScreenSaver: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:21
zobbanmy dvd plays vcd14:21
ScreenSaverThe OpenGL library (libGL.so) could not be found, but is required.14:21
ompaulzobban, you were advised to use gnomebaker where is the problem with that?14:21
ScreenSaverhey ompaul dont compile me! XD14:21
zobbanyes but how to burn it data cd will not work14:22
ompaulzobban, will not work, is it on strike is it looking for money?14:22
ompaulzobban, drag drop burn14:22
larson9999ompaul, google 150193 gdm xdmcp bug that'll get you there14:23
zobbanyes but how to burn it just like data dvd14:23
ScreenSaverhmmm anyone knows why when i tried to compile the dreamcast emulator lxdream its trow this error: The OpenGL library (libGL.so) could not be found, but is required.14:23
ScreenSaver    ???????????????? please help :p i wanna play again shenmu14:23
larson9999ompaul, i just installed the deb towards the bottom of the thread and it worked for me.14:24
ricanelite_anyone here use a LCD HDTV via HDMI to display your Linux desktop?14:24
ompaulzobban, are you trying to make an ISO image?14:24
ScreenSaverthis when i atied ./configure14:24
ScreenSaverThe OpenGL library (libGL.so) could not be found, but is required. <=== atentio here! :p14:24
ompaulzobban, that you can burn many times - you are leaving us a little short on information14:24
zobbanno listen, i have a movie .mpg i just want to burn it into emtpy cd700mb so i can see it on my dvd player14:25
ompaul!repeat | ScreenSaver14:25
ubotuScreenSaver: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:25
larson9999ompaul, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/15019314:25
ompaulzobban, and have you done what I suggest - which makes a DVD unless you are talking about transccoding in which case you got to do some more work14:25
=== Skiessl is now known as Skiessi
larson9999speaking of making dvds, i'm recording my first show with mythtv.  so far  so great14:26
ricanelite_anyone here uses mythtv14:26
larson9999ricanelite_, not me :)14:27
snkmadhow do i force apt-get to reinstall a package?14:27
ricanelite_just trying to find a solution on a application that is similar to windows media center where my xbox 360 will see my linux video files i have download and play them on my xbox 36014:28
martyyyrAnyone have a working Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG  nic?14:28
ompaulsnkmad, that is not a great thing to do - you can break a system beyond the point where irc can help - try this first, sudo apt-get remove --purge PackageName; sudo apt-get install PackageName ; rm .LocalConfigFileDirectoryInHomeUsersDirectory14:29
Atomicêàïåö 1000 ÷åëîâ è âñå ìîë÷àò14:32
kbrooksAre the TTF fonts only for the GUI?14:32
smithwompaul, bazhang, thank you for your help. Sorry I took so long, I was on the phone...14:32
Eyemeanhello, can any1 recommend a good software to watch tv?14:32
Atomicàó ðóñèàí ïèïë åñòü çäåñü ?14:32
Myrtti!english | Atomic14:33
ubotuAtomic: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat14:33
ompaulzobban, have a look at the application: dvdauthor I think that might be what you want. if someone does not have the answer to your question or answers it not the way you expect it to be answered, restate the question and this time change the way you talk about it - helps us help you14:33
KurtKrautEverytime I reboot my server my /etc/hostname is changed back to a previous name. Do I need to change anything else ?14:33
zobbani burned as data cd it went fine my dvd plays it14:33
Myrtti!ru | Atomic14:33
ubotuAtomic: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke14:33
BmwStreetRacerHi guys14:34
BmwStreetRacercan anyone give a  hand?14:34
ompaul!ask | BmwStreetRacer14:35
ubotuBmwStreetRacer: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:35
zobbani have another question if i have a file 800mb.mpg and i have en emty cd700 mb how can i put the movie.mpg800 on 2cds14:35
errnobmwstreetracer: go onç14:35
=== errno is now known as dschulz
dav7is there a slovaika-specific Ubuntu channel?14:35
BmwStreetRacerI'm running Ubuntu 7.10 on my laptop, it's a HP DV 6000 with a GeForce 720014:35
BmwStreetRacermy X is crashing all the time14:35
Atomicõî÷ó Îìñêèé irc14:35
ompaulBmwStreetRacer, can you put all your question on one line please - helps people follow you14:35
smithwHm... I'm not russian or anything, but I happen to know that the inverted R is transliterated as "ya", not "q" (regarding ubotu message)14:35
rskBmwStreetRacer: overheating?14:35
BmwStreetRaceri'm using the latest driver available and i't crashes, if i use the glx old driver it seems ok14:36
rskBmwStreetRacer: do that then :=)14:37
BmwStreetRacerbut then i'll have no 3D14:37
BmwStreetRaceri would like to use Compiz14:38
reallyjoelIs there a way to convert a VS2003 solution into something that will build on linux?14:38
ompaulBmwStreetRacer, change laptops is your only real solution then is it not? That or get involved in hacking compiz14:38
ompaulBmwStreetRacer, they do a great job but if the chip designers don't work with them what can they do?14:39
phyzreallyjoel, i don't know if it'll convert, but mono might work14:39
smithwreallyjoel, if it's based on the .net framework, you might be able to build it with mono. If not, I guess there is now way.14:39
pianoboy3333I copied all of my files (/) over to another hard drive so I could have more space, everything works, but now sudo fails, when I try and execute a command with sudo I get "sudo: must be setuid root", so is there anyway to reset sudo or something?14:39
LjLpianoboy3333, you probably copied without preserving permissions, which means that *much* more than sudo is broken now.14:40
BmwStreetRacerbut i was prefering to fix the driver problem14:40
snkmadompaul dpkg-reconfigure wine this worked, better than reinstalling, thx for the tips14:40
LjLpianoboy3333: remember which command you used to copy exactly?14:40
swiftweaselHow do i change my msn name in finch? anyone?14:40
ompaulsnkmad, enjoy14:40
=== swiftweasel is now known as p3
pianoboy3333LjL: heh, I used gksudo nautilus and control + c and control + v :) If there's a better way to copy everything I didn't blow the other hard drive I can still use it and boot from it fine and I can copy everything again if there's a better way14:41
Karcamo[x]hello !14:41
pianoboy3333LjL: but if there's an easy way to fix permissions do tell14:41
=== Flummoxed` is now known as Snoman^
LjLpianoboy3333, "cp -a" can be used to preserve ownerships and permissions. you should also add options to avoid copying /proc and stuff like that, let me create a command line for it14:42
BmwStreetRacerdoes anyone knows if i install the driver by the console instead of use Synaptics the problem will be fixed?14:42
LjLpianoboy3333, no, there's no easy way to fix the permissions14:42
pianoboy3333ljl: ok thank you14:42
pianoboy3333ljl: that's fine I'll just do it again14:42
Karcamo[x]how much ram memory have you in your pc with ubuntu?14:43
BmwStreetRacerplus the swap with 2GB14:44
pianoboy3333LjL: I don't understand why you think permissions are broken, I think nautilus copies those by default; I can log into my account and open all of my files, the only thing defunct is sudo14:45
BmwStreetRaceri'm running Ubuntu in my desktop and it's fine, just this cheaty laptop is making me mad14:45
LjLpianoboy3333, output of ls -l /usr/bin/sudo14:45
andre__hey guys14:45
pianoboy3333LjL: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 91776 2007-06-15 08:49 /usr/bin/sudo14:46
andre__I've installed Gtkmm yet my compiler cannot locate gtkmm.h.... :(  could someone help figure out what I'm doing wrong?14:46
BmwStreetRacersomething curious is the wireless14:46
BmwStreetRaceri ran Ndiswrapper and it's running Ok but it doesn't chage from eth1 to wlan014:47
BmwStreetRacerit installed fine with no error14:47
kelsinandre__: did you install any gtkmm-dev packages?14:48
andre__kelsin: yup, but let me double check14:48
pianoboy3333LjL should I can boot the computer in rescue mode and change permissions for me to use it, if those aren't correct14:48
LjLpianoboy3333, "root root" is already a good thing, although there's certainly the suid missing. but if that's missing, there's bound to be other things missing... that's my reasoning.14:48
andre__kelsin: libgtkmm-2.4-dev is indeed installed14:49
KalEli use my friend's laptop (Windows XP) to connect to my computer (Ubuntu) through Tight VNC, it works fine but I couldn't figure out a way to use Alt+Tab so it's difficult switching windows since i can only do it through mouse clicks14:49
pianoboy3333LjL: well before I wait another 3 hours for everything to copy how can I create a new suid14:49
LjLpianoboy3333: output of « ls -l /usr/bin/at » please (that's a file that shouldn't be owned by root)14:49
KalEldoes anyone know how to map Alt+Tab to TightVNC14:49
pianoboy3333ljl: -rwxr-xr-x 1 daemon daemon 38464 2007-02-20 08:41 /usr/bin/at14:49
KalEl(i already asked my friend to change to Ubuntu but that didn't work...)14:49
kelsinandre__: the you can search for that .h file with "dpkg -S gtkmm.h" or "locate gtkmm.h"14:49
andre__kelsin: tx sec14:50
openmindDJanyone know how to fix this error on logginh in?  "Refusing to initialize GTK+"14:50
LjLpianoboy3333: it's missing suid (it should have it too), but the ownership is ok. i can probably give you a list of all (?) files that should be suid root, but i really cannot guarantee it'll be complete or accurate, nor that other permissions are ok (ownerships seems to be)14:50
kelsinandre__: you might need to refer to that file like "gtkmm/gtkmm.h" or something if it's in a gtkmm dir in /usr/include14:50
pjfloydcould someone /msg me a bog standard grub stanza for a ubuntu installation please?14:51
pianoboy3333LjL: alright if you really think it's gonna be bad, then give me the better command to recopy everything I don't really mind14:51
KalElhow can i use Alt+Tab key from VNC?14:51
EnselicI am trying to follow the instructions at http://www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?answer=79983 (i.e. get my hands on YouTubeUploaderSeup.exe). It seems as if YouTUbe don't offer the download link to that .exe for Ubuntu users. How can I fake a Windows machine så that YouTUbe gives me the exe so that I can try to run it in WINE?14:51
andre__kelsin: gtkmm.h not found by locate...  though I have found some stuff with gtkmm...14:52
pianoboy3333Enselic: you may wanna try asking that question in offtopic, or in a channel relating more to web (#php or something)14:52
jribEnselic: google 'firefox useragent'14:53
martyyyrAnyone have any ideas on how to get my audio to work?14:53
Enselicjrib: thanks14:53
Enselicmartyyyr: did you poke with alsamixer settings?14:53
kelsinandre__: according to apt file (if you isntalled the dev package) it should be at /usr/include/gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h14:53
kelsinandre__: so try including it in your file as "gtkmm-2.4/gtkmm.h"14:53
martyyyrEnselic: I didn't do anything yet, I don't know where to start14:54
kelsinandre__: if that doesn't work I recommend asking in ##c++ once you confirm the location of the .h file14:54
LjLpianoboy3333: « cp -rx --preserve=all / /destination-dir » should do it, though i'd like someone else to also have a look and make sure i'm not missing anything here14:54
xxx_can someone help me to install wolf et14:54
Enselicmartyyyr: well make sure your sound mixer settings are sane14:55
Enselicmartyyyr: do you have GNOME ALSA Mixer at Applications -> Sound & Video?14:55
martyyyrlet's see14:55
pianoboy3333LjL: I don't need -R ? also, is doing it on a live cd better? so I'd go from like /media/sda1 /media/sdb114:55
martyyyrEnselic: no14:55
andre__kelsin: that found the gtkmm.h file14:55
LjLpianoboy3333: -r and -R are synonyms14:56
simion314i want to remove some variable from PAth( i  installed a program not as root and at uninstalling it fails to remove the references from path). i found those references in bashrc i commented them but i still have those variables in my Path. how can i remove them?14:56
Enselicmartyyyr: ok, then you can use alsamixer, the command line program14:56
andre__kelsin: but now there are the same issues with other header included in gtkmm.h14:56
Enselicmartyyyr: or you can sudo apt-get install gnome-alsa-mixer14:56
pianoboy3333LjL: ok14:56
andre__kelsin:  sigh, hehehe I'm gonna check out ##c++14:56
martyyyrEnselic: ok, I'll try that14:56
andre__kelsin: tx14:56
LjLpianoboy3333: it's probably better to do it from a live CD, but only for the simple reason that files won't change under cp's back14:56
Enselicmartyyyr: gnome-alsamixer  was the name14:56
kelsinandre__: you should probably include the dir in your include path with -I option to gcc14:56
Dreginis there any way to wipe all of my sound drivers and start from the default ubuntu install setup?14:56
LjLpianoboy3333: recovery mode should also achieve pretty much the same14:57
DreginI tried to install alsa-drivers with a line of code edited. Compiled and installed and the whole thing died :\14:57
andre__kelsin will try14:57
pianoboy3333LjL: also I think folders like proc empty out when the computer shuts down so I don't think there's any files in some of those folders14:57
ompaulpianoboy3333, correct - /proc is a device in memory14:57
martyyyrEnselic: Are the sliders supposed to be up or down?14:58
LjLpianoboy3333: if you do it from a live cd, yes, that's correct. but anyway, the "-x" option is there precisely to tell cp to not cross filesystem boundaries (and /proc, /sys, /dev - those "folders" that "empty out" - are separate filesystems)14:58
=== a2283mcz is now known as Kmele
ompaulmartyyyr, up is on down is mute14:58
pianoboy3333LjL: ok14:58
andre__kelsin:  something like "14:58
martyyyrthen I don't think these settings are incorrent14:58
=== a2283mcz is now known as Kmele
Lord_IllidanAny word on whether Gutsy will see a kernel upgrade in future?14:58
Enselicmartyyyr: up14:58
Enselicmartyyyr: but sometimes 70% works better14:59
LjLLord_Illidan: never a new version. at most it'll see security patches14:59
kelsinandre__: add `pkg-config --cflas gtkmm-2.4` to your gcc command line14:59
kelsinandre__: with the backticks14:59
pleasebenicehi every1 , i've heard of the old unix rule never use your root account to to everyday work ..but when i install ubuntu and have one account which is root. does the old saying still applies or am i safe?14:59
martyyyrEnselic: but I don't have sound AT ALL14:59
Lord_IllidanLjL, ok, I thought so14:59
andre__kelsin:  tx for the help :)14:59
gradinanybody know if there is an argument that i could use to pass a password through a script?14:59
kelsinandre__: I misspelled that14:59
pianoboy3333LjL one thing though, when I do it from the live cd, if I use /media/sda1 /media/sdb1 (for example I'm not sure what it'll actually be) I'm afraid that it would just be overwritting the folder in /media, and not actually replacing/writing to the drive14:59
LjLpleasebenice, the one account that you have by default on Ubuntu is *not* a root account.14:59
kelsinandre__: `pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-2.4`14:59
Lord_Illidanpleasebenice, you don't have a root account when you install Ubuntu14:59
jribpleasebenice: yes, replace "root account" with "sudo"14:59
LjLpianoboy3333: use /media/sda1/* /media/sdb1/15:00
ompaul!timebasedreleases | Lord_Illidan15:00
ubotuLord_Illidan: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:00
andre__kelsin:  I already had: `pkg-config --cfags --libs gtkmm-2.4`15:00
Enselicmartyyyr: does the mixer show you sliders at all?15:00
pianoboy3333LjL ok thank you brb lemme boot into the live cd15:00
kelsinpleasebenice: the root account exists, but since on ubuntu it doesn't have a password you could never "use" it15:00
andre__oh shit...15:00
Lord_Illidanompaul, I knew that15:00
kelsinandre__: lol15:00
ompaulLord_Illidan, read that it explains what and why - the question does not fit the modality15:00
duDoes anyone know how I can kill a process with status "not abortable"? Normal killall sox doesnt work15:00
andre__kelsin: I had cfags :(15:00
martyyyrEnselic:  Yes, I can change them and everything, but to no avail15:00
ompaulLord_Illidan, so why ask15:00
Enselicmartyyyr: how many are tehre? three?15:00
kelsinandre__: well there you go, enjoy15:00
LjLdu: killall -9 sox?15:00
martyyyrEnselic: 3 vertical ones, and 3 matching horizontal ones15:00
Lord_IllidanI just thought they might do an exception, since suspend/hibernate seems extremely buggt15:00
andre__kelsin: sweet, works tx :)15:01
martine_hi... I'm trying to get nautilus to run stable15:01
Lord_Illidanbuggy, sry. not just on my laptop, but on a friend's laptop, too15:01
xxx_hello im having trouble getting my sound to work lspci recognizes and unknown device 0c:00.0 PCI bridge: Creative Labs Unknown device 700615:01
xxx_0d:00.0 Audio device: Creative Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG (rev ff)15:01
Enselicmartyyyr: please pastebin your demsg output15:01
LjLLord_Illidan, it's been buggy forever ;) it's mostly the fault of missing hardware specs, i suspect15:01
martyyyrEnselic: ok15:01
duLjL: Doesnt' work either15:01
martine_(as in: not locking randomly every few minutes until I kill it)15:01
simion314i want to remove some variable from PAth( i  installed a program not as root and at uninstalling it fails to remove the references from path). i found those references in bashrc i commented them but i still have those variables in my Path. how can i remove them?15:01
LjLdu: then i don't know15:01
martine_any ideas?15:01
duk.. thx anyway15:01
xxx_can someone help me ?15:01
Lord_Illidanprobably, but Suspend/Hibernate worked on Arch and SUSE..so I'm rather jumpy about it15:02
Lord_IllidanI don't want to switch from Ubuntu, you see?15:02
Lord_IllidanAnyone tried the "Zen" kernel : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=623874 ?>15:03
LjLLord_Illidan, it's hit and miss. here they worked with one version, didn't with the other, etc. but aside from touching the kernel, you can try messing with /etc/default/acpi-support, and a couple of other files i don't remember15:03
martyyyrEnselic: eh..Are you sure you want the whole output? It's...a lot...15:03
Enselicmartyyyr: yes, just put it in a pastebin and its fine15:04
abcdCan anyone recommend any portable mp3 player ( no ipod) that runs smoothly with ubuntu and is seen as pendrive by the system without drivers ( or other stuff) installation?15:04
kelsinsimion314: you did you "purge" the program when you removed it? apt-get purge <packagename>?15:04
martyyyrEnselic: http://pastebin.com/d7bbcea8c15:04
LjLabcd: just about any "no-brand" player will15:04
kelsinsimion314: and then open a new terminal to check that it's not just already in memory15:04
pleasebenicethanks for the replies... what interactive gui firewall app are u guys using or what do recomend15:05
bazhangabcd: quite a number do15:05
martyyyrEnselic: Damn...so many errors :S15:05
Lord_Illidanpleasebenice, firestarter?15:05
bazhangfirestarter pleasebenice15:05
kelsinabcd: I enjoy my sansa e260, but like LjL most non-ipods do work as usb drives15:05
pleasebenicei have that installed...but for some reason i can;t get bittorrent to work15:05
pleasebenicei'm using deluge15:05
pjfloyd"Cannot read /etc/fstab" not looking good15:05
Dreginamarok deals quite nicely with ipods doesnt it?15:06
ompaul!firewall | pleasebenice15:06
ubotupleasebenice: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:06
Lord_IllidanA first generation ipod nano is also nice15:06
fizzledoes ubuntu use splashy or bootsplash?15:06
simion314kelsin: it was instaled from a binary installer not from .deb15:06
zobbanhow can i split a movie which is mpg 80015:06
Lord_IllidanI have mine with rockbox, really good15:06
pleasebeniceand I don;t consider my self a noob with some aspects of networking15:06
brobostigoni a trying to run rhythmbox and it comes up with this error(Error re-scanning registry , child terminated by signal) what does it mean,??15:06
ompaulfizzle,  usplash15:06
abcdLjL , bazhang, kelsin: thanks15:06
Lord_Illidanpleasebenice, is the port reported as closed?15:06
Lord_IllidanDelue has a port tester15:06
pleasebenicei have dd-wrt and some good firewalls for my winbos's15:06
kelsinsimion314: ouch, yeah other then checking all of you .bash files, check /etc/environment and /etc/profile for references15:06
bazhangno worries abcd :}15:06
simion314kelsin: and the program folder is no more after uninstall but the path still contains references to that directory15:06
jribzobban: mpgsplit from the "mpgtx" package would be one way15:07
fizzledoes usplash require kernel patching?15:07
bazhangdeluge as well :}15:07
ompaul!usplash | fizzle15:07
ubotufizzle: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork15:07
zobbanso can i do sudo apt-get install mpgsplit15:07
martyyyrEnselic: Did you catch that? (no rush, just checking)15:07
kelsinsimion314: it might take a while to finish but you can run "grep -R <dir-name> *" in /etc and "grep -R <dir-name> .*" in your home dir to maybe find what's referencing it15:07
jribzobban: no, mpgtx is the package15:07
Dregindo apt-cache search mgsplit15:07
fizzleeh i was just wondering, because i use bootsplash on my distro15:07
Dreginsee what comes back15:07
Enselicmartyyyr: what sound card do you have?15:07
Lord_IllidanDregin, nothing actually.15:08
jribsimion314: did you reload your shell after making the changes to bashrc?15:08
Lord_IllidanOr use Synaptic to search for the package15:08
alex4821hi guys15:08
simion314kelsin: i do not use root privilegies when i installed this program and it can't have access outside my home directory15:08
pleasebeniceyes the prot is reporeted at close15:08
zobbandone i installed mpgtx15:08
kelsinsimion314: then just running a grep over all of your files to find anything referring to it is probably the best way15:08
martyyyrEnselic: I'm not really sure... I tried to figure that out, but I'm kinda lost on that one15:08
simion314jrib: yes15:09
zobbanhow do i run it now15:09
jribzobban: read 'man mpgsplit'15:09
martyyyrEnselic: I'll get the manuals that came with this laptop15:09
zobbanno manual find man mpgsplit15:10
Enselicmartyyyr: what does   cat /proc/asound/cards   give you?15:10
LjL!gpgerr > zombie    (zombie, see the private message from Ubotu)15:10
pradinCould someone point me to an explanation of scripting a suspend event?15:10
pleasebeniceif deluge is reporting the port as closed ..and i have firestarter allowing a certian port range and my router is forwarded correctly..i have knwo choice but to assume my linux configuration is wrong15:10
jribzobban: hmm? I have a manual here15:10
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zobbanyes i found it15:11
martyyyrEnselic:.....is there any software-wise way to figure that out?15:11
zobban  mpgtx -124 myfile.mpg -b output15:11
zobban              will  split myfile.mpg in 124 parts with names output-001.mpg to15:11
zobban              output-124.mpg15:11
zobbanis this the one to use15:11
Enselicmartyyyr: yes as I said:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_wiles15:11
jribzobban: please do not paste here.  I don't know how to use it myself, I just know it does what you want15:11
Enselicmartyyyr: sorry, new tuff in clipboard...15:11
Enselicmartyyyr: cat /proc/asound/cards15:12
sebrockI'm having trouble to start tightvncserver on boot without me logging in first... this is on a headless ubuntu-server15:12
zobbananyone who knows to use mpgtx15:12
rskman mpgtx ?15:12
zobbanyes i se the man but i am confused15:12
jribzobban: read the EXAMPLES section15:12
CaptainMorgananyone know why yahoo IM handles are not accepted by pidgin? I tried both the handle, and the email address of the handle, both didn't work15:12
martyyyrEnselic: HDA-Intel15:13
Enselicmartyyyr: me too :)   what Ubuntu version are you on?15:13
zobban mpgtx -124 myfile.mpg -b output15:13
zobban              will  split myfile.mpg in 124 parts with names output-001.mpg to15:13
zobban              output-124.mpg15:13
zobban yes but i donno how touse it15:13
martyyyrEnselic: 7.1015:13
pacomanu guys know any channel in spanish???15:13
LjL!es | pacoman15:13
ubotupacoman: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:13
Enselicmartyyyr: what does   alsactl --version   give you?15:14
jribzobban: that example is pretty clear, which part of the example do you not understand?15:14
Jasnationwhen I try to upgrade to gutsy, it says "Failed to fetch http://seveas.imbrandon.com/dists/feisty-seveas/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found"15:14
martyyyrEnselic: 1.0.1415:14
Enselicmartyyyr: I have 1.0.15rc315:14
wargasmbad url, Jasnation ?15:14
Enselicmartyyyr: it didn't work for me in 1.0.14 either15:14
jribJasnation: disable that repository15:14
martyyyrEnselic: I see.. how do I update it?15:14
Enselicmartyyyr: I just compiled it myself15:15
zobbanlisten i have a file movie.mpg its in my desktop the file is 833mb i want to split the file so i can burn the file into 2cds15:15
LjLJasnation, you really shouldn't upgrade with third-party repositories enabled.15:15
Jasnationjrib: I forget how to edit the repos list15:15
StMIs it possible to install libstdc++ for x86 on 64 bit? I get glibc working, but cant find the libstdc++15:15
LjLJasnation: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list15:15
Enselicmartyyyr: but that's a bit hardcore...15:15
JasnationLjL: thank you15:15
martyyyrEnselic: is it?15:15
Enselicmartyyyr: not much to do though otherwise except wait for a new release15:15
jribJasnation: system -> administration -> software sources  for the gui15:15
Enselicmartyyyr: well it's not so hard, you can just follow instructions15:15
martyyyrEnselic: Well, I AM a programmer, compiling isn't all that hard for me :P15:15
bert_sorry, is there a max. filesize for the cp command and/or fat32 ?15:15
Enselicmartyyyr: perfect! then just follow compilation instructions on the ALSA site :)15:15
StM2 gb for fat32 when i am right15:15
LjLbert_: there certainly is for FAT32, and it's either 4gb or 2gb15:16
martyyyrEnselic: ok, thanks :)15:16
bert_ow, that's why it just copies 4gb15:16
martine_is there anyone around here who can say something useful about a gdb trace?15:16
bert_thanks ;)15:16
martine_(for nautilus)15:16
zobbanare you there jrib15:16
abcdany more sugestions of "ubuntu-friendly" mp3 players?15:16
Enselicmartyyyr: it was 1.0.15rc1 I had15:16
Enselicnot rc315:16
pleasebenicei had a setup on windows xp ...that my pc would boot up at a certian time in the day daily and log me in but...Lock the screen immediately. so my p2p apps would be running and i could access it remotely...i would like to do the same thing in ubuntu..but maybe get certian apps like torrentflux to run as a service without be needing to login at all. can someone help me?15:16
bert_ipods work with ubuntu15:16
Enselicmartyyyr: but just use the latest one if a newer one has been released15:16
bert_and most other players15:16
bert_if they don't use encryption15:16
martyyyrEnselic: Alright15:17
martine_bert_, but you probably don't want an ipod to use it with ubuntu15:17
bazhangabcd: they all pretty much are ok--even the iPod shuffle apparently :}15:17
martine_considering all the antifeatures15:17
LjLmartine_: why not?15:17
uboturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!15:17
bert_I have an iPod working without any problem with ubuntu15:17
jribzobban: so split it into 2 parts15:17
kelsinpleasebenice: rtorrent is an awesome command line torrent client, if you run it in screen it will run when you're not logged in and you ca "reattach" to the screen session when you log in remotely via ssh, screen is one incredible app15:17
zobbanhow mpgtx -124 or more15:17
bert_but I'm now away, need to make an ext3 partition to put that +4gig file on15:17
martine_LjL, that is unless you want to use rockbox on it, you're absolutely right15:18
bazhangamarok does fine with my iPods bert_; shuffle, nano, and mini :}15:18
zobbani dont understand the 124part15:18
CaptainMorganhow do put the home folder on the desktop?15:18
zobbani have the movie is mpg833mb15:18
jribzobban: -124 splits into 124 parts, you want 2 parts15:18
pleasebeniceis screen the terminal? or something else15:18
LjLCaptainMorgan, you don't... the *desktop* is *in* the home folder15:18
martine_bert_, it's just a coincidence, apple is not to be trusted when it comes to interoperability with ipods15:18
zobbanso how to do it i dont understand the 124 parts15:19
zobbani have the movie 833mb15:19
jribzobban: I'm guessing '-2'15:19
martine_but please don't keep yourself from buying one just because a random person like me says so15:19
CaptainMorganLjL, sorry, how do I put the home folder icon on or the link to icon on the desktop?15:19
LjL!info screen > pleasebenice15:19
LjLCaptainMorgan, uhm, i'm on KDE so i don't really know, but that's definitely possible... i guess something like open /home from nautilus, right click / "Copy", then right click on the desktop, "Paste as shortcut", or something similar15:20
CaptainMorganthat doesn't work LjL15:20
jrib!icons > CaptainMorgan (read the private message from ubotu)15:20
zobban-2 is not a valid mpeg file15:20
zobbani did as you said15:20
zobbani get this error15:21
jrib!enter | zobban15:21
ubotuzobban: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:21
zobbanok i did as you said -2 it shows error, -2 is not a valid mpeg file15:21
CaptainMorganthat doesn't apply cuz it's KDE15:22
jribzobban: paste your full command15:22
_nix_Hello everybody, I clicked "Hide Menubar" in ktorrent>options. anyone know how can bring the menubar back?15:22
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ompaul_nix_, usually pressing F11 helps in gnome as does clicking with a mouse15:23
pianoboy3333LjL: I should use sudo cp, no?15:23
LjLpianoboy3333: yes15:24
_nix_ompaul: nope that ain't working.. pressed F11 and clicked the mouse everywhere..15:24
sanguisdexwhat is a good program for invloice management on linux?15:25
jribzobban: you need to escape those spaces: surround your filename in ''15:25
ompaul_nix_, well then I guess you got to kill the application15:25
pianoboy3333ljl: is there a verbose command/argument to cp so I can see what file is being copied?15:25
zobbanhow tell me the hole path command15:25
LjLpianoboy3333, excuse the RTFM... but... "man cp" (yes)15:25
CaptainMorganfolks, how do I add the home folder icon or computer icon to the desktop? I seem to remember it was in Preferences but I can't find it15:25
zobbanhere is my path to my movie..home/zobban/Desktop/Lec katunari te Cime kul15:26
jribzobban: instead of    name with spaces    you write:    "name with spaces"15:26
pianoboy3333LjL, do I need to delete everything on the drive first, or reformat the partition?15:26
dressteinhello everybody15:26
jribCaptainMorgan: did you read ubotu's private message he sent you?15:27
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dressteinI am trying to setup a RAID 5 with 5 disks15:27
zobbani dont understand can you paste bin what do you mean15:27
CaptainMorganthat doesn't apply cuz it's KDE15:27
jrib!who | zobban15:27
dressteinsorry, 3 disks15:27
ubotuzobban: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:27
LjLpianoboy3333, would probably be better (delete... format is unnecssary)15:27
jribzobban: "Lec katunari te Cime kulleri.mpg"  with the "15:27
LjLpianoboy3333: actually i mean - format, since it's faster than delete :)15:27
dressteinbut only 2 disks apaer up; the last one is set as spare15:27
kbrookshow do i get a UUID for a hard drive?15:27
dressteincan anybody help me solve that problem15:27
LjL!uuid > kbrooks    (kbrooks, see the private message from Ubotu)15:27
jribCaptainMorgan: it tells you to use gconf15:27
CaptainMorganjrib, gconf ??15:28
jrib!icons | CaptainMorgan15:28
ubotuCaptainMorgan: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (Gnome) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)15:28
jribCaptainMorgan: type 'gconf-editor' in a terminal15:28
zobbani got again same error15:28
mhikuwhich version of ubuntu doesnt require too much memory but can run wine better15:29
jribzobban: pastebin the result of: ls15:29
rskmhiku: fluxbuntu. but it dosent run wine better.15:29
LjLmhiku, Xubuntu is probably the lightest flavor that still has a GUI on it. as for running WINE, there is no difference among flavors15:29
IgorSobreiraanybody knows a program to simple finance control?15:29
LjLfluxbuntu i suppose too yeah15:29
rskIgorSobreira: gnucash15:29
bazhanggnucash IgorSobreira15:30
mhikuhow many sec does xubuntu in bootup and only 128 mem required?15:30
IgorSobreirarsk, bazhang thanks,,,ill take a look15:30
bazhangIgorSobreira: no worries15:30
CaptainMorganjrib, no it doesn't15:30
jribCaptainMorgan: what doesn't what?15:31
CaptainMorgangconf-editor doesn't work either..15:31
verb3kIgorSobreira, gnucash is more than an advance finance solution :)15:31
jribCaptainMorgan: you toggled /apps/nautilus/desktop/home_icon_visible in gconf-editor?15:32
mhikuhow can i configure ubuntu to not write into the harddisk totally15:32
rskmhiku: not a good idea15:32
bazhangtotally mhiku? not sure what you mean15:32
chazcoIs Ubuntu okay at detecting drives >= 1TB ?15:32
mhikuwrite filter15:32
CaptainMorganjrib, got it, thanks15:32
jribCaptainMorgan: no problem15:32
verb3kmhiku, explain15:32
mhikui mean like a volatile harddisk15:33
kelsinchazco: yeah if you use a filesystem that can handle it, ubuntu def can, all up to the filesystem (afaik)15:33
mhikuif you restart it, its like reformatted again15:33
chazcoAh sounds good... would probably be ext2 and a FAT32 system15:33
bazhangmhiku: ram?15:34
zobbancan you help me or no15:34
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mhikuyes like ram but a harddisk15:34
jribzobban: did you pastebin what I asked?  You need to use my name if you do not want me to miss what you say15:34
bazhangssd mhiku?15:34
mhikuwhere can i find documents15:35
mhikuim new to ubuntu15:35
zobbanwhat to paste15:35
glol3ulsomeone playing globulation 2 ?15:35
LjLmhiku, the Live CD does that using unionfs and a ramdisk15:35
bazhangzobban: you should post to ubuntuforums if you don't find what you need here15:35
jribzobban: pastebin the result of: ls .  Use "jrib" in your response.  It is difficult to not miss what you say otherwise15:35
zobbani want to split a movie with mgtx15:36
wisamhow can i limit the internet speed for other users on my private network?15:36
mhikucan i do it in xubuntu?15:36
chazcoAnyone know how much of an impact HDD speed has with Ubuntu on a laptop?15:36
zobbanDesktop  Examples15:36
LjLwisam: if the router is an ubuntu machine, "apt-cache search traffic shap"15:36
jribzobban: you need to be in the directory containing the mpg file15:37
bazhangmhiku: the wiki?15:37
wisamthx LjL it seems workin15:37
zobbanhere its with using gui i find it but in terminal i can not find it here its when i use gui /home/zobban/Desktop/Leci e Cima Lajmi nga G15:37
jribzobban: cd Desktop15:38
jribzobban: keep going15:39
Lightmarehello , trying to get a printer to work, found a guide but total noob, need to install 4 files I downloaded, but says, cant find files, think I need to go to correct directory in terminal, how to browse directories? :)15:39
jribzobban: is the mpg on your Desktop?15:39
zobbani will show ls whait15:39
jribzobban: seriously hilight me in your responses please15:39
mhikuthe Live CD does that using unionfs and a ramdisk, how can i setup like a livecd in my pc?15:40
zobbani did highlith your name in here, yes the movie in on the desktop folder15:40
jribzobban: you need to use "jrib" for my client to hilight what you say.  Pastebin 'ls'15:40
ompaul!es | sebastian15:41
ubotusebastian: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:41
jribzobban: I don't see any mpg file there15:42
zobbanwell here is my path from gui15:43
zobbanhome/zobban/Desktop/Leci e Cima Lajmi nga15:43
ere4silightmare: in a terminal type   ls    to see the files in that directory   cd /path/to/dir    will change directories - you might need to be in your desktop dir :)15:43
jribzobban: try 'cd ~/Desktop/Leci e Cima Lajmi nga'15:44
bazhangzobban: is that an mpg or a wmv file?15:45
Dr_willisSpaces in Dir and File names = bad Habbit :)15:45
zobbanits mpg15:45
zobbani want to split into 2 parts15:45
ubuntinoHi. I'm using vodafone mobile connect app in ubuntu 7.10. It works ok (sends sms) but no web access. etc/ppp/resolv.conf has wrong dns nameservers. Every time i replace for the correct ones, i get the wrong one back after reboot. any help?15:46
Kmelewhy i can't load srt subtitles in movie player15:46
wisamhow to make the private network user unable to use utorrent or any torrent client??15:46
zobbannow i found it on terminal Leci e Cima Lajmi nga Gyrbeti.mpg15:47
Dr_williswisam,  ive not really seem  a way you can block a Single user from doing things that way. You could block all the torrent ports. but that would affect all users.15:47
Acidic32hi, how can i setup VPS in ubuntu15:47
Acidic32is there any packages for vps?15:47
jribzobban: use the mpgtx command then15:47
Blissexubuntino: evidently there is a DHCP client that rewrites '/etc/resolv.conf' with the numbers a DHCP server sends. Which means that either the Vodafone DHCP server sends out wrong values or there is another DHCP server.15:47
bazhanghi sebastian_15:47
Kmelewhy i can't load srt subtitles in movie player15:47
wisami wan't it to affect on them all but not on me!!15:47
rskKmele: install the fonts15:48
zobban mpgtx -2 Leci e Cima Lajmi nga Gyrbeti.mpg -b output15:48
zobban-2 is not a valid mpeg file15:48
KinPumpkinKingsebastian_, hiii, just speak out your mind15:48
Kmelerks how to do that15:48
BlissexKmele: as a rule, repeat your questions no more often than every 5 minutes.15:48
Dr_williswisam,  the linux firewalling rules work on 'ports' not specific executables.  Not sure if you can do a per user rule either. id say check out the various iptables docs/tutoral sites15:48
KinPumpkinKingwhere can I get live support for ies4linux? does anyone know?15:48
sebastian_hepl me15:48
jribzobban: pastebin 'ls'...15:48
rskKmele: use apt-get15:48
KinPumpkinKingis there even a place to get live support for ies4linux?15:48
rskKinPumpkinKing: dont think so15:49
KinPumpkinKinglucasg3_, aê15:49
wisamthx for the advice Dr_willims ;)15:49
KinPumpkinKingrsk, thanks...15:49
lucasg3_Kin, Blz?15:49
sebastian_ 15:49
KinPumpkinKinglucasg3_, entra no #ubuntu-games que lá é brasileiro, aqui é ENGLISH XD15:49
sebastian_Someone in Spanish?15:49
mhikucan i swap harddisk of installed xubuntu to different hardware without errors?15:49
rskmhiku: maybe15:49
jribzobban: you forgot the ""15:49
bazhang!es | sebastian_15:49
ubotusebastian_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:49
zobbanyes it works now15:50
zobbanyou are GENIUS BROTHER15:50
lucasg3_Kin, é eu sei. É que cada vez que abro o xChat abre esse canal. xD15:50
wisamim talkin to you from a playstation3 with Ubuntu 7.10 xD15:50
KinPumpkinKinglucasg3_, estou ligado. :P15:50
jrib!es | sebastian_15:50
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:50
KinPumpkinKingsebastian_, this isn't spanish, it's portuguese15:50
ubotusebastian_: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.15:50
lucasg3_kin, aparece nesse canal mais tarde /join #ubuntubrasil-orkut15:50
Bubullemhiku, if the CPU is x86 it will work out of the box. You may have to reconfigure xserver-xorg if it has another GPU type15:50
zobbanyou are GENIUS BROTHER15:50
mhikuwhats the difference between x86 and x64 in terms of speed?15:50
lucasg3_sebastian: Opá blz?15:51
rskmhiku: close to none15:51
zobbanthanx alot15:51
jribzobban: okay, no problem15:51
rogeriohi wisam15:51
Bubullemhiku, 10% 15% no more15:51
rogerioubutum works with Pentium 166?15:51
wisamrogerio: hi15:51
LjLrogerio: doubt it15:51
zobbanhow do i see now where are the 2 parts15:51
rskrogerio: to slow15:51
EtteSB!alias > etteSB15:52
mhikuso if i install x86 to a harddisk, and swap the hardware to an amd and next to intel processor, different hardware, its ok?15:52
EtteSBim trying to find the file you use to make permanent aliases. anyone know where i could find it?15:52
rogeriobut is it work?15:52
J-_Is there anyway to make fonts bigger in xterm?15:52
wisami can't run compiz with the Playstation3...any advices??15:53
ubuntinoBlissex: Any hints?15:53
mhikuhow to make my installation of xubuntu a live cd so theres no harddisk write15:53
Blissexubuntino: well, you don't give any useful information, but to get that have a look at '/var/log/messages' and check what the DHCP client writes there.15:53
mhikuwhats the difference between alternate and a desktop?15:54
dragonbladeso i am having trouble networking my server machine and this machine, both are on 7.10 ubuntu, anyone have any suggestiosjn15:57
ere4simikhu: intel and amd comps need different modules loaded so no - alternate is command line only - for lesser comps - you need to install a window manager for it15:57
pleasebenicecan the webui for rtorrent called "n2hell" be used without having to logging into the system and started up can it all ready be up and running at the welcome screen15:59
Dr_willispleasebenice,  you could alwyas run it from the rc.local script if you wanted.  Be sure to use sudo to run it as a specific user.15:59
the_professorhi all, is anyone experienced running mu* servers? (mud/mush/etc.) ...possibly PennMUSH? i've managed to get circlemud set up (very easy) but from past experience, client-side, with pennmush i'm more experienced with that general environment and would like to run a PennMUSH server but don't know how to do simple things like just load the server application, just start it up, much less config it. :-/16:00
pleasebenicei ahev a default ubuntu account16:00
NET||abusehehe, sunday is great, just been downloading games and trying them out..16:00
NET||abusewhat is anyone's favourite game on ubuntu?16:00
rskNET||abuse: quakeworld, take a look at www.nquake.com16:00
NET||abuse:) must do16:01
rskNET||abuse: wesnoth is pretty cool too.16:01
bert_hi, how do I have to type spaces in mount points for fstab ?16:01
tyczekhow to force mplayer to not make "whole fullscreen" but to leave black screen?16:01
the_professordoes anyone here have any experience with how to get a mud-server or pennmush up and running?16:01
NET||abusewesnoth, that's a battle strategy one16:01
Dr_willisbert_,  trying to mount a windows share that has spaces in the names?16:01
pleasebenicei was told in this channel that root is not activated by default. but i login to my ubuntu account with the root password.if i change the default account password will my root password be hcanged as well?16:01
ere4sidragonblade: nfs? samba?16:01
rskpleasebenice: ever heard of sudo ?16:02
LjLEtteSB: i think it's best to use .bashrc16:02
erUSUL!root | pleasebenice16:02
ubotupleasebenice: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo16:02
Dr_willispleasebenice, If you make a root password. it will not be changed.16:02
NET||abusersk, what about warzone 210016:02
rskNET||abuse: sucks last i tried it16:02
dragonbladesome of the disks on both machines are ntfs, but the os on both are linux16:02
bert_no Dr_willis, I just want to use spaces in my mount points (/media/win shared and /media/linux shared)16:02
dragonbladei can find windows shares via samba16:02
EtteSBLjL: i found it eventually :316:02
dragonbladeon both machines, but neither want to talk to each other...they are both able to ping the other as well16:02
EtteSBNET||abuse: I'm liking warsow atm16:03
Dr_willisbert_,  its a VERY bad idea/habbit to use spaces like that.. use Underscores if you want to  linux_stuff16:03
bert_yeah, I know16:03
Dr_willisbert_,  if you are just addicted to spaces. you could link 'windows stuff' to 'windows_stuff'16:03
bert_but it looks ugly on the desktop :p16:03
ere4si!samba | dragonblade16:03
ubotudragonblade: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT16:03
Dr_willisi find spaces in file names looks ugly. :)16:03
bert_yeah, that's a good idea to use links16:03
Dr_willisThen again. I dont put icons on the desktop16:03
rskEtteSB: where you from?16:03
stojicNet||abuse: TASpring is very nice16:03
rsktought it you wanna play warsow16:03
rskplayed it first time today16:04
wisamany one from palestina?16:04
EtteSBrsk: uk16:05
rskok im from .se16:05
rskyou wanna play?16:05
freepenguinwww.freepenguin.it/index-en.html   share this!!16:05
dragonbladeubotu:  ive got samba working fine for the windows machines, its the two ubuntu boxes that dont want to play nice...i guess that i kind of assumed that they would find each other or at least offer some sort of simple way of getting them to interact16:05
Myrtti!bot | dragonblade16:06
ubotudragonblade: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:06
Acidic32hi, how can i setup VPS in ubuntu16:06
Acidic32is there any packages for vps?16:06
arcadeJust encountered a strange bug.  When I logged out, NetworkManager or something decided to shutdown eth0 . :-/16:07
dido^san|: hi san|!!!16:07
ere4sidragonblade: have you set up a shared file on the linux boxes?16:07
erUSULAcidic32: are you refering to vpn? what is vps?16:08
LjLerUSUL: virtual private server i guess16:08
dragonbladehow does one do that...none of the faq or threads that i have read mentioned that16:08
dido^I've a problem guys!!16:08
dido^with nautilus16:08
EtteSBwhen your getting something via APT-GET. is there a way to get the recommended packages aswell?16:08
ADZ_hey, I was thinking of buying a tv tuner for my comp, running Ubuntu 7.10. Which would you reccomend, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815255012 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681527600216:09
LjLEtteSB: i think that happens by default in Edgy and later16:09
erUSULLjL: thanks ;)16:09
Dr_willisthe samba-doc package has several samba books in it. Wortth reading if you are goign to use samba a lot.16:09
Dr_willis!info samba-doc16:09
ubotusamba-doc: Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.2 (gutsy), package size 6816 kB, installed size 14752 kB16:09
LjLEtteSB: or Feisty and later16:09
LjLor something16:09
ere4sidragonblade: did you check out the links ubotu gave you earlier/16:09
dido^Is there anyone to help me to nautilus please?16:09
EtteSBdido^: say what the problem is then we can help you16:10
LjLdido^, i don't use Nautilus, but i can tell you it would be much better if you actually asked a question16:10
dragonbladeit looked like they both referenced samba, which i thought was only meant to talk to windows shares16:10
ere4sidragonblade: it is used to communicate linux boxes as well16:10
Dr_willisdragonblade,  you can do samba-to-samba with linux machines.. but nfs may be a better way to do it.16:11
Dr_willisor  you could use ssh. :)16:11
_coredump_hi there, do i have to isntall screenlets from screenlets.org to have these fancy gnome skins or is there something in the default repos? 7.10 gutsy16:11
Dr_willisIt all depends on what you are doing, and how much you are doing it.16:11
NET||abusestojic, what's tasprint?16:12
Dr_willisdragonblade,  if using samba and windows shares a lot. You may want to check out the fusesmb tool also.16:12
tony_mathI'm running Ubuntu 7.10 and having problems mounting my Minolta Dimage E223. It used to work under Feisty before the upgrade to Gutsy. When I type in lsusb, I can see that the camera is recognized.16:12
Dr_willis!info fusesmb16:12
dido^when I surf in the exlporer and execute one, two files by double click occour an error and tevery icon of files change face16:12
ubotufusesmb: filesystem client based on the SMB file transfer protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.6-1 (gutsy), package size 29 kB, installed size 140 kB16:12
dragonbladei will check those out then and see what i can dig up on nfs...i was going to remote admin the server machine from here, its just a file server...maybe turn it into a teamspeak server for lans and a myth box, but mostly its just going to be a fileserver16:12
dido^and I must to force nautilus to quit16:13
dido^EtteSB: you understand ?16:14
shamasdoes anybody know how to change the icon of a program in ubuntu?16:15
ere4sidragonblade: an nfs tutorial - "http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html"16:15
Dr_willisshamas,  you mean on the menus? or on the desktop?16:16
dragonbladethanks, i was just looking for that.16:16
shamasDr_willis: desktop16:16
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:16
Dr_willisshamas,  right click on it - look at the properties, its in there somewhere.16:17
Dr_willisshamas,  click on the icon i think. :) i forget - its been a while.16:17
Dr_willisshamas,  it also depends if its a LAUNCHER you are talking about.. or a specific data type file16:17
shamasDr_willis, I tried that but it isn't there...16:18
ubuntino_Blissex: ive pasted part of /var/log/messages: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48452/16:18
shamasDr_willis, it's a launcher16:18
KinPumpkinKingin #ubuntu-br16:18
martine_I need help troubleshooting an irresponsive nautilus16:19
tony_mathshamas: If you right click on the icon, then select properties, then on the tab that reads "Basic" there's a button next to the name. Click on that to select a custom icon.16:19
bayais there any way to make gnome remember the position of an application?16:19
martine_nautilus frequently becomes totally irresponsive at random moments16:19
martine_this is on a freshly installed 7.10 machine, with a homedir copied over from an older ubuntu version16:20
ere4sibaya: is it firefox you're having an issue with/16:20
nikinanyone experienced big rendering slowdown after installing firefox 2.0.11?16:20
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shamastony_math, thanks16:20
kitchemartine_: it could be due to the fact that the newrer nautilus does not understand the old format sicne config files can change sometimes16:20
bayaere4si: well, firefox and other applications16:20
NET||abusewhat kinda sys requirements would i have for taspring? i've only a fairly old lappy,, intel915GMS express graphics card in it.16:20
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=== Camish is now known as Camish2
martine_kitche, exactly, so how do I find out more about that?16:21
martine_I've already tried to move the old .nautilus out of the way16:21
ere4sibaya: been trying to get firefox to open at the left of the desktop for months - most other apps open where they were closed16:21
SpookyETSBackup is weird. It fills up /var to 100% then fails instead of incrementally  uploading16:21
Dr_williswhen keeping old home dirs.ive ioften had to remove the .kde and .gnome dirs to 'reset' gnome and kde back to the new defaults.16:21
bayaere4si: firefox always opens at the left of the desktop for me..i don't want it to though :p16:22
Xima1is it possible to get vmware to install a ... modem or pcmcia card and control it from within the virtual machine ?16:22
martine_kitche, any suggestions?16:22
kitchemartine_: nope since you did what I was going to suggest but I would move the .gnome folder to a backup and restart gnome or something as well16:23
Xima1i mean .. is it possible guys ?16:23
ere4sibaya: how did that happen? - just checking the configuration editor for options under metacity16:23
bazhangXima1: to install or to see?16:24
erUSUL!es | sebastian16:24
ubotusebastian: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:24
Xima1to get it to see it and install it from within the vmmachine bazhang16:24
Xima1and if it works.. allow the actual machine that controls the vmachine to use the virtual installed oss' internet16:24
bayaere4si: that seems to be the default setting.. i haven't changed anything that i know of at least. i'm pretty new to this stuff - what is metacity?16:24
martine_kitche, .gnome contains evolution stuff as well16:24
bazhangXima1: not sure what you are trying to do16:24
martine_(and .gnome2 too)16:24
Xima1I want to install my sprint card to my virtual machine right ? therefor to share the connection from my virtual machine to my actual machine16:25
kitchemartine_: yes that's ebcuase it's part of gnome and your point being?16:25
bazhangXima1: to a windows vm?16:25
martine_kitche, I'd rather be able to solve it in a different way if possible16:25
ere4sibaya: it is the window manager in ubuntu - but I can't find any option to control where apps open...16:25
kitchemartine_: well then reinstall is your only real way then16:25
martine_kitche, how would reinstall help me?16:25
kitchemartine_: or recompile nutilius16:25
bazhangXima1: ah, I see; to get a net connection from within the vm to share with the host os16:26
martine_this is a fresh install16:26
Xima1yes bazhang16:26
martine_and recompiling nautilus?16:26
kitchemartine_: well not reall a fresh install if your using old config files16:26
martine_kitche, I agree on that one16:26
bayaere4si: does compiz replace metacity ?16:26
ere4sibaya: I don't do compiz - but I would think so16:27
Blissexubuntino_: your log shows several problems...16:27
Camish2Am having a problem that my server (ubuntu 7.10 server) is crashing/freezes when I download alot with rtorrent/libtorrent. Yes, the crash is because of rtorrent but ubuntu should not crash so hard it does because of a program. Am looking for help troubleshoot this. I have heard about "klog console" but I don't know what it is. Nothing special can be seen in /var/log/messages. Please advice16:27
Blissexubuntino_: apart from the permissions on the 'secrets' files...16:27
Blissexubuntino_: 'Could not determine remote IP address: defaulting to' sounds worrying.16:28
Xima1i'm considering using a windows machine/pc to host the connection ... to my router in the living room.. not sure if i wanna though .. ughh16:28
EtteSBanyone here play nquake? is it only available for linux via the source code?16:28
ubuntino_Blissex: i've unchecked that16:28
Blissexubuntino_: and replacing the default route is not a good idea usually.16:28
tony_mathstill having problems getting my Minolta camera to mount in Gutsy. When I run lsusb I get the following: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0686:4017 Minolta Co., Ltd.16:29
ubuntino_Blissex: should i remove the app and try connecting through network-manager?16:29
Blissexubuntino_: also your firewall seemss to be blocking traffic to/from the PPP0 interface.16:29
tony_mathBut there's nothing at the mount point16:29
|Tyz|ïîäñêàæèòå: ïîä êóáóíòîé ñ ëàéô äèñêà ñäåëàë sudo aptitude install build-esential, äàëåå ìíå íóæíî ïîñ÷èòàòü ýêñïîíåíòó, à â math.h íåòó îïèñàíèÿ ôóíêöèè exp, êàê ñèå ìîæíî ðåøèòü?16:30
ubuntino_Blissex: i running gnome. no firewall installed. what firewall do you recommend?16:30
wols!ru | |Tyz|16:30
ubotu|Tyz|: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke16:30
kitche!iptables | ubuntino_16:31
ubotuubuntino_: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).16:31
bazhangXima1: I'm trying to figure this out16:31
|Tyz|подскажите: под кубунтой с лайф диска сделал sudo aptitude install build-esential, далее мне нужно посчитать экспоненту, а в math.h нету описания функции exp, как сие можно решить?16:31
Xima1i am too16:31
Xima1going to install my vmachine in linux on my laptop/compile it rather ;)16:31
wols|Tyz|: if you want help here: english ONLY. if you want to speak russion, ubotu told you where to go16:32
ubuntino_Blissex: ubotu: actually, firestarter (i forgot)16:32
ere4si!en | |Tyz|16:32
ubotu|Tyz|: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat16:32
shamastony_math, do you know where I can find documentation on changing icon themes that I find on look-gnome.org?16:32
Xima1bazhang .. is it also possible to do an usb to ethernet rj45 connector with a pcmcia card going to the usb to ethernet dongle ..16:32
bazhangXima1: just the one computer connected to the router?16:32
Xima1connected to the wan port .. of a router..16:32
Xima1i mean it's a thought16:32
pete_Hey, I'm running 7.10, and I cant install Ogre3D.  I need to install     FreeType2 zziplib libpng, libmng, libtiff, libjpeg (For free image) But i cant find it in the apt-gt thingy, any Ideas?16:33
bap290Does anyone know about SDL Image Library?16:33
bazhangXima1: there is internet connection sharing, but you need more than a single computer to share heh16:33
ere4sipete: try sudo apt-get   or synaptic16:33
ubuntino_Blissex: after disabling firestarter, got the web (firefox) working. Any hints on how to solve those "holes"?16:33
Xima1well see... im going to see if it's possible to get a external pcmcia to usb card..16:34
wolsubuntino_: why do you use firestarter?16:34
Xima1then get the usb to ethernet dongle..16:34
Xima1and plpug the ethernet into my router's wan port16:34
Xima1then setup pppoe16:34
bap290I'm trying to install a game and it says SDL Image Library failed.16:34
wolsXima1: eek!16:34
wolsXima1: there a pcmcia ethernet cards16:34
pete_ere4si: I tryed that but they are not in there :S16:34
wisamany one has a PS3?16:34
Xima1no wols... wrong end to this conversation..16:34
bazhangXima1: why not just use two ethernet cables to the router?16:34
void^pete_: there's a libogre14 package16:35
ubuntino_wols: what do you suggest?16:35
pete_ah ha!16:35
Xima1lemme put it this way baz..16:35
ere4sipete_: the asearch button in synaptic found nothing?16:35
pete_that is true, nothing16:35
wolsubuntino_: why do you need a firewall?16:35
bazhangXima1: not clear on the number of computers behind the router16:35
Xima1check ur pm window bazhang16:36
bap290anyone? "I'm trying to install a game and it says SDL Image Library failed."16:36
wolspete_: you can't find libpng?16:36
tony_mathshamas: I don't know where you'd find that documentation. What are you trying to do? Change themes?16:36
bazhangXima1: you registered?16:36
wolsbap290: do you have the lib installed?16:36
ere4sipete_: then have a look at sourceforge.com16:36
Xima1u ?16:36
bap290idk... I'm a new user of linux16:36
burn_how do i play .rvmb files?16:36
pete_Yeah that will be my next step16:36
bazhangyup, no pm seen16:36
wolspete_: what exactly is missing?16:37
Blissexubuntino_: there are lots of apps that setup a PPP connection. I personally configure it manually, so I don't know which one is likely to work best for you. For some time in the past I used 'wvdial', which16:37
shamastony_math, yes icon themes16:37
pete_I hope nothing now that I have the libogre14 downloading16:37
wolsubuntino_: do you use pppoe or dialup?16:37
burn_hi guys, how to i play .rmvb files on Ubuntu?16:37
ubuntino_wols: both16:38
bap290wols: How would I install the library?16:38
wolsubuntino_: either or, can't be both16:38
wolsbap290: like you install everything else16:38
bazhangburn_: real player16:38
bap290wols: I mean where do I get it from?16:39
ubuntino_Blissex: what files do i have to check to get my connection secure? That issue...16:39
burn_bazhang: been trying to install it16:39
wolsbap290: same answer. where you get all your other packages from16:39
Xima1did u get all of it bazhang ?16:39
SpookyETMy /boot is extended instead of primary. I heard that's bad. However, in 2007, should not it be recoverable should something happen?16:39
wolsSpookyET: it's not16:39
bap290wols: the internet I guess...16:39
wolsbap290: from the ubuntu repos!16:39
bap290wols: what is that?16:39
SpookyETwols: really?16:39
bazhangXima1: no pm seen--why not tell me here or set up channel #Xima116:40
wolsbap290: how do you install stuff in ubuntu?16:40
bap290wols: some command that I find online... lol16:40
void^pete_: you also need a number of other things to compile ogre apps yourself, libogre-dev, libois-dev and similar16:40
Xima1i'll do it in pastebin.ca ... brb16:40
wolsbap290: then maybe you should learn about synaptic, apt-get and all their friends16:41
tony_mathshamas: There's a FAQ on the art-gnome site at: http://art.gnome.org/faq.php16:41
Blissexubuntino_: try running 'pppd' with the 'debug; option to see why the other side is not sending its address.16:41
adamski84just installed ubuntu,new to it all,cannot install updates16:41
bap290wols: u don't know where do u?16:41
wolsbap290: if you think so, have a nice day. good bye16:41
adamski84telling me this E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.16:42
adamski84E: _cache->open() failed, please report.16:42
bazhangadamski84: open up synaptic and enable the repositories, then reload, then apply updates16:42
SpookyETCan someone explain how SBackup works?16:42
bap290wols: I was just asking where I can learn about them...16:42
ubuntino_Blissex: ok. Thanks. Ill check the ip on windowse config16:42
wolsadamski84: then do what the helpful message says. as root16:42
adamski84log in as a superuser?16:42
SpookyETIt seems it wants to backup the entire system to a backup file then upload it instead of creating many small archives so it won't run out of space.16:42
wolsadamski84: you stopped dpkg while a package was installing or it had an error while isntalling16:42
wolsadamski84: use sudo16:43
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.16:43
bap290wols: It's people like you that discourage people from using linux16:43
wisamsudo -i16:43
pete_void^: I am starting to download libogre-dev and libois-dev, After that will I be able to use the Orge Library?16:43
ubuntino_Blissex. one more question. It seems ubuntu is recnogizing my sata drive with errors and using it as an ide drive. is that so?16:43
eugene1So is monodevelop the only thing I can use to write stuff in C# or vb.net?16:43
adamski84sudo then what,sorry im a complete noooob!16:44
magnetronadamski84: did you read the link d gawe you?16:44
magnetron!sudo > adamski8416:44
ompauleugene1, writing code can be done anywhere it it is where you run it that counts16:44
kitcheeugene1: umm no you can use vim nano emacs any editor you want16:44
wolsadamski84: you read the error message you pasted? it clearly says what to run16:44
erUSULeugene1: no; yo can us a test editor an command line16:44
white_eaglehello, does anyone know a software solution for programming in visual basic for ubuntu?16:44
wolswhite_eagle: there can't be one. visual basic is Windows only16:45
kitchewhite_eagle: monodevelop16:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mono - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:45
erUSULwhite_eagle: gambas is a kind of visual basic for windows16:45
kitchewhite_eagle: but which visual basic16:45
Slartwhite_eagle: I don't think there is a compiler for visual basic for linux... perhaps mono but I'm not sure16:45
wolskitche: vb.net is not visual basic16:45
pete_yeah gambas is good16:45
erUSUL!info gambas | white_eagle16:45
ubotuwhite_eagle: gambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.18-2 (gutsy), package size 957 kB, installed size 2232 kB (Only available for i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386 i386)16:45
kitchewols: umm mono does visual basic as well16:45
magnetronwhite_eagle: no, not for visual basic. but there are similars, like monodevelop or gambas or python16:46
wisamany one has a PS3 and tested COMPIZ EFFECTS on it??16:46
wolskitche: visual basic.net. not visual basic16:46
kitchewols: never mind you don't understand what I m saying16:46
white_eaglegambas is better than mono?16:46
SpookyETWhat's a decent backup tool that creates many small .tar.gz files and uploads them one by one instead of creating a huge one and clogging /var to 100% and failing?16:46
kitchewhite_eagle: gambas is Basic not Visual basic16:46
bazhangwisam: no, but sounds fun--do you have a support question :}16:46
adamski84wols: i know but i cant run it need to be a super user16:46
Slart!backup | SpookyET16:46
ubotuSpookyET: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:46
wolskitche: generally visual basic denotes VB6 and earlier16:46
pete_gambas is a GUI whats it16:47
wolsadamski84: prepend a sudo and it will run16:47
wolspete_: a RAD tool just like VB itself16:47
adamski84sudo with what?16:47
SlartSpookyET: I don't know if any of those create small tar.zips.. you'll have to find that out yourself, sorry16:47
AlfonzoHy. My gnome-system-monitor doesn't start. The tittle appears on the task bar and disapears few seconds later. Where can i found a ".log" file to understand the trouble ? Thanks16:47
pete_ah right16:47
wolsadamski84: with the command it tells you in the error message16:47
tuga3dhi all16:47
kitchewols: whatever you say16:47
white_eaglewell, then is gambas similar to vb.net?16:48
SlartSpookyET: just out of curiosity... what do you do with the backups after they are created in /var ?16:48
Blissexubuntino_: more likely it is a PATA drive where SATA=-PATA is not owrking.16:48
white_eagleor mono is similar to vb.net16:48
erUSULwhite_eagle: check out their website16:48
tuga3dhaving trouble with my webcam, image too dark, any sugestion?16:48
wisambazhang: what's the best driver for ati radeon X300?? the official one or flgrx??16:48
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy adamski84 might want to read that :}16:48
Blissexubuntino_: it is more or less impossible for a SATA drive to be handled by a PATA driver.16:48
jdittohello, can anyone help me with cron jobs?  i have set cron jobs to run. they will run if i am logged in.  if i am logged out the jobs will not run.  i have tried using kcron to schedule them as a standard user-->me and as the root account.  when i run crontab -l -u user/root i get a proper listing of the jobs.  again they will run if i am logged in but not if i log out.  does anyone know where i can go to figure this out?16:48
white_eagleI dl it anyways :)16:48
brobostigonError re-scanning registry , child terminated by signal/ rhythmbox does this when run from cli,and then aborts,any ideas.16:48
adamski84thanls wols16:49
white_eagleoh, I lost my ubuntu gutsy gibbon cd-rom16:49
Blissexjditto: perhaps your jobs will only run if there is some background program that is started by logging in, e.g. GNOME or KDE message buses,...16:49
wolsubuntino_: what sata controller ?16:49
kitchewhite_eagle: monos is the .net framework for linux/Windows but it has issues with vb.net to a point liek ti can't do Windows binaries and such16:49
SpookyETSlart: SBackup creates a huge backup file in /var/backup. Then it's supposed to upload it by FTP. The problem is that it runs out of space in /var and fails. It's logical to create small .tar.gz files and upload them one by one while deleting the previous one so you don't run out of space. That's what I call "incremental"16:49
adamski84it looks like its stuck on the java installation now16:49
ubuntino_Blissex: its a asus laptop with a sata drive(so they say) do i have to install anything?16:49
jdittoblissex: do you know why?  i mean cron has been around forever.16:49
bazhangwisam: you want the link to getting cards going in ubuntu?16:49
makuseruare there any multamedia converters that have a gui?16:49
sebrockhow can I remove a module from loading in kernel at boot?16:49
Slartbrobostigon: hmm.. error re-scanning registry sounds like a windows error.. I don't think there is a registry in linux/ubuntu..16:50
ubotuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »16:50
Blissexjditto: anyhow put in the CRON file the MAILTO environment variable with your email address so you get the error message,s or check the system log.16:50
ubuntino_wols: check my var/log/messages extract: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48452/16:50
wisambazhang sure if u can :)16:50
kitchewhite_eagle: since it's calls to certain internal mechinisms are different it's on mono's website which one16:50
Blissexubuntino_: if the SATA chipset is not very recent porobably you don't have to install anything.16:50
SlartSpookyET: oh.. I think you'll find that incremental means something else when it comes to backups.. but I understand what you want.... how large are your backups?16:50
overridexis there a was to enable the default vino vnc server to allow connections at the gdm login screen so I can login remotely?16:50
Xima1bazhang ..16:50
bazhang!ati | wisam16:50
Xima1http://pastebin.ca/818884 : bazhang16:50
wolsubuntino_: that doesn't say anything about a sata disk or controller16:50
overridex(using gutsy)16:50
Blissexubuntino_: google the error messages you get.16:50
ubotuwisam: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:50
brobostigonslart, but it returns that error  in cli, under ubuntu when i try and run it in cli and or terminal16:51
jdittoblissex:  it's funny you mention that because logs show jobs start with no errors16:51
ubuntino_Blissex. Thanks16:51
SpookyETSlart: I know what you mean, but that should be part of it. My backups are quite large 23GiB16:51
white_eaglewill xubuntu work on my old pentium II comp.?16:51
wisambazhang: thx much ;)16:51
kitchewhite_eagle: it should16:51
jdittobut let me double check i ran some last night to see what would happen16:51
ubuntino_wols: yes it does. says "error violations"16:51
bazhangXima1: that page wont load for me for some reason :{16:51
adamski84wols: i am struggling lol16:51
SpookyETSlart: /var is a 2GiB partition.16:51
Slartbrobostigon: yes.. I believe you.. I just pointed out that it was a weird error message for a linux box.. have you tried googling for the error-message?16:51
MindSparkhi, how do I open MS PPT files ?16:51
lufisMindSpark: Tried openoffice?16:52
brobostigoni have slart, aand got no usefull results16:52
MindSparklufis, it asks for a filter and ppt is not included in the list16:52
wolsubuntino_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48452/ has not a single occurence of "violations". only ltos of iptables logs16:52
adamski84i have typed !blacklist and nothing happens16:52
kitcheMindSpark: openoffice can open ppt files unless they are pptx16:52
pete_Okay I have done sudo apt-get install libogre-dev libois-dev  libogre14 I think I need more more so that I can run an application that uses Ogre16:52
MindSparkkitche, what are pptx ?16:53
SlartSpookyET: hmm.. those are some seriously big backups... you can't divide it up into several smaller jobs? or perhaps mount some ftp-folder to the remote computer and put the backups directly there?16:53
wolsadamski84: the blacklist thing was not for you16:53
sebrockhow can I remove a sertain module from boot?16:53
kitcheMindSpark: ppt files for office 200716:53
sebrockist lirc_imon16:53
simmerzis there a correct way to do this in a config file? echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward16:53
Slartbrobostigon: hm.. well.. I can't help you much more.. I don't use rythmbox myself.. and as I said.. the error message don't tell me much16:53
MindSparkkitche, ok, it looks like it is one16:53
wolspete_: you don't need the -dev packages to run the ogre app. you might need more libs, but it will tell you if you run the app which ones16:53
MindSparkany other recommendation ?16:53
adamski84ok sorry,wols how do i start the package manger again from the start it seems to be hanging when installing java16:53
MindSparkor a way to convert ?16:53
magnetron!blacklist > sebrock   (read private message from ubotu)16:53
overridexis there a was to enable the default vino vnc server to allow connections at the gdm login screen so I can login remotely? (in gutsy)16:54
tuga3dabout dark image in webcam, in xubuntu, anyone?16:54
Slartsimmerz: there is a way.. I've done it on my ubuntu server/firewall.. I'm sorry to say I don't remember what I did since it was some time ago..16:54
SpookyETSlart: I suppose I could mount an ftp server. But, the connection can and does fail. Many small archives are better.16:54
pete_I'm trying to compile a C++ source that needs windows.h and exampleapplication.h I think they are needed in Ogre16:54
Dr_willisoverridex,  not that ive seen. You can set up vncserver where it can spawn a gdm screen. BUt thats not sharing the 'current/seen' desktop. But spawning a seperate X session thats basicially hidden.16:55
kitchewols: that pastebin is just up iptables errors toward the bottom there is a thing for sdb I can't read it since I am on cli right now but there is indeed a drive in that pastebin16:55
simmerzSlart: I think from google, I have to set net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding=1 in /etc/sysctl.conf ?16:55
wolspete_: if you compile the app they are needed yes, but not for simply running an app16:55
wols!compile | pete_16:55
ubotupete_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:55
magnetronwhat's the most common IDE for Python?16:55
sebrockmagnetron: I dont have a my_blacklist., should I create it?16:55
overridexDr_willis: yeah i'm looking to share... hmm.16:55
wolskitche: that sdb is a usb disk. NOT sata not IDE16:55
SlartSpookyET: check those pages ubuto told you.. and start reading about the different backup solutions.. then you can come back here and tell us if you found something16:55
Slartsimmerz: that sounds remotely familiar.. tried it?16:56
SlartSpookyET: sorry I can't give you a better answer than that16:56
wolssimmerz: what are you trying to do?16:56
kitchewols: but sicne you ae not really helping anyone anyways I m going to ignore you :)16:56
pete_I want to compile it, What files do I need? Sorry I know you are helping16:56
Slartwols: enable ip forwarding16:56
simmerzwols: get forwarding working to a routed Xen domU16:56
Dr_willisoverridex,  which is the opposite of how i do it. :) of course you could have the other users use a vncviewer and all watch the 'shared' desktop in its own window if you are teaching them somthing.16:56
wolssimmerz: NAT?16:57
Dr_willisvnc is one of those super-flexiable tools that canbe uses in so many ways16:57
SpookyETSlart: It's okay. How do you mount a ftp as a directory in the filesystem?16:57
simmerzsetting /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to 1 works, but how do I do that permanently? I'm sure it's not by adding it to rc.local16:57
overridexDr_willis: yeah, it's more for me to be able to use the same desktop locally as when i'm remote on that machine16:57
wolsSpookyET: FUSE should have modules for it. as should kde with a kioslave16:57
kitchesimmerz: /etc/sysctl.conf in there someplace most likely16:57
wolssimmerz: you usually do it on every boot anew16:58
magnetronsebrock: the file is named /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist nowadays16:58
Dr_willisoverridex,  i perfer a 'hidden vnc' desktop that way also. So the wife cant see what im doing :) and it stays hidden.16:58
bulmersimmerz-> in /etc/sysctl.conf16:58
overridexDr_willis: lol.16:58
void^pete_: eh, if you want to compile the samples that come with the ogre package you need to run configure first.. and i remember i still had to run sed over the makefiles to make it work right, it was a bit of a pain. exampleapplication.h is also part of the examples.16:58
sebrockmagnetron: I guessed so16:58
simmerzwols: no, routing: http://rafb.net/p/EtyGib61.html16:58
swe3tdaveWhat makes Human the default theme when you logon for the first time?16:58
Dr_willisoverridex,  i tend to have ktorrent, and a few other gui apps running all the time on a vnc desktop with a little window manager. in the bg.16:58
simmerzbulmer: net.ipv4.conf.default.forwarding ? I've set that to 1 but i've not rebooted yet16:58
bulmersimmerz-> try to reboot then16:58
magnetronwhat's the most common IDE for Python?16:59
kitcheswe3tdave: umm it's how gnome is configured by Ubuntu they have that setup to be the default16:59
kitchemagnetron: the one that coems with python16:59
wolsmagnetron: IDLE probably16:59
Slartmagnetron: there are many.. IDLE is the "default" on16:59
bulmersimmerz-> by the way the file content uses / instead of period16:59
magnetronSlart, wols, kitche: ty16:59
crush_groovemornin, evenin, afternoon room16:59
swe3tdavekitche, so if i want to change it, i'll have to take a look a gnome sources?16:59
Slartmagnetron: almost any text editor that supports some kind of programming supports python nowdays16:59
simmerzbulmer: I just uncommented the packet forwarding line. not sure that's right though - I want to enable ip_forward17:00
bazhanghi crush_groove17:00
kitcheswe3tdave: nope17:00
swe3tdavekitche, i mean change it for new users..17:00
magnetronSlart: i'm looking for some thing with a play button, will try IDLE17:00
jdittoblissex: how do i add cron job to mailto environment?17:00
jgooyaarrr. I gave up on the external USB install, and slapped an 80gb SATA drive in there and installed to that. My diskless system now has a disk!!111 lol.17:00
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Slartmagnetron: play button? you mean a "run button" ?17:00
kitcheswe3tdave: you just change the default theme for gnome no clue how to do that since I don't really use gnome17:01
bulmersimmerz-> you'd find out soon after you reboot and then test it17:01
wolsjgoo: you never answered what the problem was with the disk17:01
magnetronSlart: yea17:01
Blissexjditto: the opposite: you put the 'MAILTO' environment variable in the CRON file.17:01
simmerzbulmer: didn't work17:01
crush_grooveheyas bazhang17:01
jdittoblissex: how?17:01
jgooso thanks all17:01
Slartmagnetron: try anjuta or sci-edit.. I think they both support that17:01
swe3tdavekitche, ok thx17:01
Blissexjditto: edit the CRON file. 'man 5 crontab' for the format.17:01
simmerzbulmer: trying net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 now17:01
bulmersimmerz-> by the way the file content uses / instead of period <--- note17:02
pete_This is confusing :S17:02
simmerzbulmer: no it doesn't. not according to the default contents of /etc/sysctl.conf17:02
jdittoblissex: thanks i'll try that17:02
SpookyETSlart: I suppose SBackup would not fail if I had /boot /home /swap17:02
Xima1how do i unload the usbserial ?17:02
ere4sipete_: what's up?17:02
kitchebulmer: nope I just checked the file myself it uses the periods17:02
bulmersimmerz-> okay, mine uses / not period17:02
pete_Trying to install and use Ogre3D17:03
wolsXima1: modprobe -r <module name>17:03
simmerzsetting net.ipv4.ip_forward worked.17:03
bulmerkitche-> i would use period myself but i dont know why this stock config file shows it as /17:03
wolspete_: pastebin the output17:03
ere4sipete_: where did you get up to?17:03
SlartSpookyET: eh.. I don't really understand.. it fails now? or .. you don't have /boot /home /swap ?17:03
Xima1i did a sudo modprobe -r usbserial and got ( FATAL : Modules usbserial in use17:03
wraundgrr wrong chan again17:04
wraundsorry people17:04
Xima1do i do sudo modprobe -f-r usbserial then ?17:04
wraundirssi split window is to blame :P17:04
wolsXima1: so some (userland) still uses it17:04
SpookyETSlart: No, I have /  /boot /home /tmp /var /usr /swap  Instead of / and /swap17:04
simmerznow I just need a router I can install openwrt on so I can get traffic from outside the network to see the thing! thanks linksys for pants firmware!17:04
Xima1i am the only user on my laptop though... wols ... how do i force it to stop ?17:04
pete_I've downloaded the source of Ogre3D and downloading everything todo with Ogre in Synaptic17:04
wolswraund: shut down whatever is using the usb serial device files if anything does17:04
jimqodeis there any way to switch users using a command just like the fast user swicher does?17:05
SlartSpookyET: hmm.. you have different partitions for /boot /swap /home etc? or you don't have them at all?17:05
kitchejimqode: su - <user> but it's for cli only17:05
wolsjimqode: "su <new user>17:05
jimqodeno i mean changing the X user from command line17:06
wolsjimqode: gksudo17:06
ere4sipete_: what is the file type you got for ogre - tar.gz?17:06
wolsor rather , gdsu17:06
jimqodewols, kitche i don't want to run a program with different right. i want to switch x users17:06
kitchejimqode: umm nope no command sicne it's built into the desktop manager and such for that unless you want to run a program as a certain user there is a way for that17:06
SpookyETI do. That's why I have the space requirements. Which is good because If I had only / and /swap like ubuntu creates by default, stuff like SBackup which can take 100% of the HDD can crash the system.17:06
wolsjimqode: relogin for that17:06
pete_ere4si: ogre-linux_osx-v1-4-5.tar.bz217:06
wolsjimqode: you can have more than one X running at the same time too17:07
pete_ere4si: from there web site17:07
jimqodekitche, doesn't sound very unixish. there has to be a way17:07
kitchejimqode: umm unix is not about X it's about the cli really :)17:07
jimqodewols, yeah i know that but that's not what i'm trying to accomplish17:07
wolsjimqode: what are you trying to accomplish then? maybe explain more?17:07
jimqodekitche, but fast user switcher should be running someting in the background.17:07
shamashi guys, anybody know how to install screenlets?17:08
kitchejimqode: umm that's part of Gnome/X not even part of the system17:08
jimqodewols, i am using a different window manager (wmii) and i want to be able to switch users just like in gnome fast user switcher applet17:08
tyczekI have last problem I cannot solve :( Mplayer: XV output (movie looks pixel-like)- and movie is bad quality. On GL - movie looks great, but is slowing and not synchronising with audio. On windows there is no problem. I was trying...17:08
adamski84is bery easy to install?17:08
kitche!compiz | adamski84 you want to use compiz it's installed by default in gutsy17:09
ubotuadamski84 you want to use compiz it's installed by default in gutsy: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:09
crush_groovewhats command to open a .bz2 .. tar -vcj?17:09
wolstyczek: what video driver? you could run 3D accelerated GL perhaps?17:09
SlartSpookyET: I think some space is reserved for kernel stuff even if you don't have them on separate partitions.. but that might be optional.. or in another distro.. I'm not sure... however... what was the original question?17:09
tyczekvols: ati drivers17:09
tyczekI have installed by envy17:09
kitchecrush_groove: tar -xvf tar understands .bz2 and gz by itself now17:09
tyczekRadeon mobility hd 260017:09
wols!env< | tyczek17:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about env< - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:09
kazol__I cannot login to a VPN (carebridge) from Ubuntu with Firefox because it says the OS is not supported.17:09
wols!envy | tyczek17:09
ubotutyczek: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »17:09
crush_groovety kitche17:09
kitchecrush_groove: so you don't need the j or z switch anymore really17:09
tyczekso i should remove everything what envy done ?17:10
ere4sipete_: if it is in your /home/you folder in a terminal type   tar -xvzf /path/to/file.tar.bz   and look for a readme file or install file17:10
crush_groovekitche thats only in gnome tho >>??17:10
wolskitche: get the useragent-switcher extension and pretend to be IE?17:11
shamashow to install screenlets?17:11
kitchecrush_groove: huh? it works for anything since tar is a cli application17:11
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bazhangshamas: for compiz-fusion?17:12
DShepherdanyone know how i can download a google video to my drive?17:12
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bazhangDShepherd: miro17:13
chazcoDShepherd - Go into your firefox cache, sort by file size (likely to be biggest) and copy it to /home is eaisiest17:13
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bazhanghi nasp_17:15
nasp_e need a lilte help17:15
LermanetDOTcomme too17:15
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:15
KalElrequire good ide for linux programming, with RAD capabilities like Form Designer, Code Completion, etc.17:15
DShepherdchazco, where can i find my firefox cache?17:15
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wolsKalEl: what language?17:16
chazco~/.mozilla (cant remember exactly where)17:16
KalElwols, c++17:16
nickrudDShepherd, look in /tmp , it'll start with Flash17:16
wolsKalEl: what GUI library?17:16
nasp_my home dir files, appears in desktop17:16
KalElwols, gtk?17:17
vbadl: hi17:17
wolsKalEl: Glade, anjutah17:17
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chazcoDShepherd: its in ~/.mozilla/firefox/<some dir>/Cache17:18
DShepherdchazco, ok than17:18
adamski84how do install java on ubuntu?17:18
mudorehow do I lunch the cmd "apt-get install build-essential linux-generic linux-386" when having a 64-bit Ubuntu?17:18
nasp_my home dir files, appears in desktop,  - it gconf-editor  /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir, i can t change this ? i use ubuntu 7.1017:19
wols!java | adamski8417:19
ubotuadamski84: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:19
bazhangsounds pretty tricky DShepherd; miro will do it with a nice gui--available in the repos :}17:19
nickrudmudore, apps->accessories->teerminal17:19
ArthurArchnixWell, I've found some instructions to get my /home partition encrypted, but they were for 6.06 (currently running 7.10). Anyone know of good instructions for how to mount it using pammount after successful gnome login? Right now it rudely interrupts my bootup waiting for the password.17:19
ere4sinasp: yep :)17:19
mudorenickrud, I want to know if the command it self is correct!17:20
adamski84wols: event not found17:20
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mudorenickrud, because I'm running a 64-bit!17:20
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ere4sinasp: apps-nautilus-preferences-desktop_is_home_dir17:21
bayais it possible to change the location of the context menu when right-clicking on objects in the window list?17:21
crush_groovewhat is nautilus ?17:21
LjLcrush_groove: the default file manager17:21
vbcrush_groove: file manager17:21
nickrudmudore, yes, it's a good command, athough you're probably looking for linux-headers-$(uname -r) instead of the linux-generic|386 if you're compiling a kernel module17:21
crush_grooveis nautilus and dolphin the same thing ?17:22
ere4sicrush_groove: like explorer.exe in windows :)17:22
mudorenickrud,  ok thx, 386 does not mean 32-bit?17:22
adamski84can anyone tell me how to install java please?17:22
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:22
adamski84ere4si: saying event not found!17:23
nickrudmudore, yes it does17:23
mudorenickrud, problem is I'm running a 64-bit Gusty ubuntu17:23
ere4siadamski84: what do you want java for? - firefox or...17:24
crush_grooveis dolphin an updated nautilus ?17:24
nickrudmudore, then why try to install 386?17:24
bazhangheresy crush_groove17:24
crush_groove haha17:24
Condoulocrush_groove- Dolphin is a Konqueror replacement for a file manager in KDE417:24
* nickrud thinks it's about time17:25
crush_groove I dun have nautilus in my gnome panel .. I do have dolphin17:25
bazhanghi aidy17:25
aidycompiz isn't starting gtk-window-decorator automatically17:25
Condoulocrush_groove- I have nautilus. o-O17:25
WorkingOnWiseis there an app I can install that will act as a content blocker for the network, not just the browser. I like dansguardian, but for the network, not just the apps that use a proxy.17:25
aidyeven though the plugin is enabled17:25
mudorenickrud, No I just need to run the equivelent cmd for the 64-bit ubuntu17:25
crush_grooveCondoulo,  RDP ??17:26
Condoulocrush_groove- RDP?17:26
crush_groove nm17:26
StMIs here somebody expierenced with xen?17:26
ifireballWorkingOnWise: you mean like a firewall?17:26
nickrudmudore, for what purpose? linux-generic is the standard kernel for x64 , iirc it's installed by default17:26
nooryou guys how can i save a file in my desktop when i use the "wget" command? because it alwase saves in the /home/user/ folder T___T17:26
flushanyone good with washing machines here..?17:27
ifireballnoor: cd to the "Desktop" directory before running wget17:27
bazhangofftopic flush17:27
WorkingOnWiseifireball: well....sorta, but one that filters on content, not on ip's and ports17:27
noorifireball: lemme try 1 sec17:27
flushbazhang really17:27
danilhi, i'm trying to install zork from source code and am getting the error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltermcap". I've installed termcap-compat, but still does not work.17:28
noorwait how do i use the cd command? T__T17:28
Jack_Sparrow!compile | danil17:28
ubotudanil: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:28
ifireballWorkingOnWise: well you can setup squid or any other HTTP proxy as a transparent proxy, that is rather advanced though, I suppose17:28
danilJack_Sparrow: waht do you mean?17:28
ifireballnoor: cd <directory_name_here>17:29
Jack_SparrowSee the link17:29
noor"cd /home/user/Desktop wget http://www.link.com" ?17:29
ifireballnoor: e.g. in your case "cd Desktop"17:29
noorifireball: thx it worked17:29
mudorenickrud, I'm try to compile ov51x, but I get a error : cd /opt/ov51x-jpeg-1.5.3/ && sudo make && sudo make install => make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-generic/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.17:29
nickrudnoor, basically good, but put a && before wget (will run wget if the cd was successful)17:29
ifireballnoor: n/p17:29
WorkingOnWiseifireball: would that be the entire network then? Not just a few ports?17:29
danilmudore: go "sudo aptitude install kernel-build" first17:30
nickrudmudore, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) , you need the headers17:30
danilor that17:30
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:30
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ifireballWorkingOnWise: well, you can't really content filter a "whole network" because there is no way you can prevent any content going in on say, ICQ, but you can filter surfing17:31
danilJack_Sparrow: what am i supposed to do about the !compile?17:31
mudoredanil, nickrud, thx you both, I'll try both17:31
Jack_Sparrowdanil: Try reading the LINK... it will help with learning to compile17:31
WorkingOnWiseifireball: that is what I want to do....filter all 65k+ ports. Wow...maybe with a dedicated machine in between the internet and the network? what would that "police" machine need to run for software?17:32
danilJack_Sparrow: i have a build problm. I'm good with compiling, its just that something is wrong17:33
ere4sipete_: any luck?17:33
LermanetDOTcomIm using 7.10 - almost everything works, but, the intel cs330 usb web cam is not working..  the hardware was not recognized.. all there is a /dev/video0 - its not recognizing the usb cam hardware -17:34
ifireballWorkingOnWise: essentially you can put a firewall machine in front of your network blocking everything except port 80 and port 443 and have those ports be transparently proxied through squid17:35
Jack_SparrowLermanetDOTcom: You can look at our webcam help page as well as supported hardware page...17:35
ifireballWorkingOnWise: also, you can just block everything without the transparent proxy, just force everyone to configure it or not surf...17:35
lonranhi everybody17:35
lonrani want to assign a value to a variable in bash using a script. I get it from the command line but not from the script: JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_03/   What can i be doing wrong?17:35
Jack_Sparrowlonran: A question better asked in #bash17:36
mudorenickrud, this is command response => linux-headers-2.6.20-16-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.17:36
ifireballI just wrote a HOWTO article that may be of interest to Ubuntu users, is there somewhere I can post a link to it so ppl will find it?17:36
lonranJack_Sparrow, thnks i thought so and was going there :)17:36
LermanetDOTcomMR Sparrow, I believe I did, and did try a number of the fixes...uhm.. and the cam seems to work for others..17:36
nickrudmudore, system->admin->software sources , make sure all the repos are enabled17:36
LermanetDOTcomim new to linux so Im assuming its sumthing dumb17:36
overridexanyone elses wifi constantly drop off if using WEP on gutsy?  have to reboot or reload wifi modules to get the connection to work again17:37
LjLifireball: #ubuntu-doc - let them review it and make its way into the official wiki17:37
jimqodekitche, wols17:37
Dr_willisTheres the ubuntu wiki pages you could put it there ifireball   i guess. :)17:37
Jack_SparrowLermanetDOTcom: Hopefully you did not try things like automatix or envy (both really bad ideas) to try and get it going17:37
jimqodekitche, wols , it is `gdmflexiserver -s` if anybody else asks. this is what user switcher does17:37
josseI have just downloaded PUtty on my ubuntu linux, but when I try to log on, it tells me "Fatal Error" connection refused. I can use it from Windows without any problem. ANy ideas?17:38
ifireballlonran: variable values only exist for the life duration of the process that set then, e.g. in your case, the life of the "bash" process running your script17:38
jimqodei was sure it had a console way17:38
Dr_willisjosse,  what are you using putty for exactly?  putty is not the ssh server. if thats what youa re thinking.17:38
Dr_willisjosse,  if yoyu are trying to ssh into a remote machine. test with 'ssh whatever.the.machine.ip.is'17:38
pete_Yeah, i've had some luck thanks for all your help everyone17:39
ifireballlonran: you should "source" your script rather then running it17:39
nickrudputty has a linux version?17:39
josseI use it to log into the server where I have my web pages17:39
rsknickrud: yes17:39
Dr_willisnickrud,  just a front end to ssh from what ive seen.. looks/acts like the windows putty.17:39
Dr_willis!find putty17:39
ubotuFound: putty, putty-tools17:39
Dr_willis!info putty17:39
ubotuputty: Telnet/SSH client for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.60-1 (gutsy), package size 302 kB, installed size 744 kB17:39
nickrudhuh. That's redundant17:39
Dr_willisUnless you just gotta have an indentical interface i guess17:39
LermanetDOTcomMr Sparrow, no, did not17:39
ifireballnickrud: some ppl like the gui17:40
nickrudifireball, I guess, choice is a good thing (walks the company line)17:40
a-vHi. I'm trying to make my webcam work. It is known to work with driver gspca 01.00.18 (package taken from Debian). The installation was successful, but then I found out that a package linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.22-14-generic provides the same module's old version. The old one gets loaded instead of the new. How can I fix that without breaking/removing packages?17:40
Jack_SparrowLermanetDOTcom:  I dont have a cam...  No one want to see that...  would you like the cam help page type !webcam | LermanetDOTcom17:41
LermanetDOTcomyou are correct, the cam is not listed as comp[atible..  - Ill do stuff on this page next and then return https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam#head-ab1e7417ebfd055033c8db9fb6567181538cc53117:41
mudorenickrud, done, all downloadable from internet are enabled, but the command still don't work, do I need to reboot?17:41
Jack_Sparrowapt-get update17:42
LermanetDOTcom!webcam |  LermanetDOTcom17:42
nickrudmudore, if you had to tick anything, you might need to run sudo apt-get update to register the changes17:42
wolsmudore: what ubuntu evrsion?17:42
nickrudwols, he's running feisty, needing the linux-headers17:42
mudorewols Feisty updated into Gusty , 64-bit17:43
mudorewols, Feisty updated into Gusty , 64-bit17:43
gogetathe eaders get the build essensals17:43
gogetait comes with everything he would need17:43
wolsmudore: you don't run a gutsy kernel as nickrud pointed out. can't be a full gutsy17:43
nickrudmudore, uname -r  says you have a fiesty kernel17:43
gogetaso its a festy install17:44
wolsmudore: amybe you didn't do your upgrade right?17:44
gogetasame effect17:44
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wolsgogeta: no. could very well be a gutsy userland with feisty kernel17:44
MZMhow can I specify X server layout to use?17:44
mudorenickrud, unamce -r =>2.6.20-16-generic17:44
gogetamaybe he upgraded and forgot to remove the old one?17:45
nickrudmudore, sudo apt-get install linux-generic , then reboot (if you install a new kernel) . Otherwise, let us know17:45
mudorenickrud, oki17:46
adamski84some one please tell me how to install java correctly!17:46
wols!java | adamski8417:46
ubotuadamski84: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre17:46
wolsadamski84: are you on 64bit? there is no java plugin for 64bit browsers17:46
nickrudadamski84, sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin  (assuming 32bit)17:46
adamski84no 3217:47
danilanyone? what is: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltermcap"17:47
adamski84how did you know that nickrud lol17:47
jossethe ssh just with the IP address worked. Why putty did not recognized my hostnema?17:47
PP|Spydonwhich package is needed if I get "configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables" when I ./configure?17:47
kitchePP|Spydon: build-essential17:47
PP|Spydonthx Kitar|st17:48
white_eaglecan ubuntu play DRM'd files?17:48
PP|Spydonthx kitche * :P17:48
nickrudadamski84, asked here mannnnnnnnny times :)17:48
gogetaboooo drm17:48
MZMwhite_eagle: yes* (*after DRM is removed)17:48
gogetano and thank god17:48
white_eaglei hate it17:48
adamski84nickrud im a noob on ubuntu got a lot of learning to do17:48
Jack_Sparrowwhite_eagle: as in commercial dvd's   or encoded audio?17:48
kitchewhite_eagle: depends which file format they are but not really17:48
white_eagleencoded audio17:48
RoAkSoAxwols: there is a java plugin for amd6417:48
josseis there a difference if I use Terminal window or Putty for SSH?17:49
nickrudadamski84, the curve looks steep, but it levels out suprisingly fast. Except for the sudden peaks here and there :)17:49
white_eaglei have 2-3 songs which are DRM'd %$%$17:49
gogetajosse not relly17:49
LjLifireball: IMHO a better solution would have been to put the entire /home directory into its separate drive/partition, rather than making a user-specific directory in /usr/local or /var17:49
MZMnobody is using X with multiple layouts?17:49
gogetajossie but ssh is more secure17:49
adamski84ok nickrud how would i have found out how to type that command if i didnt get it off you?17:49
kitchejosse: not really just that Putty has a bookmark feature :)17:50
nickrudadamski84, I google a lot, for example try ubuntu java install17:50
xzasedHiya. How can I format an external usb drive in Ubuntu?17:50
white_eaglea q: what will you do to B.Gates if you see him on the street?17:50
jason442Hello all17:50
kitche!offtopic |17:50
ubotu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!17:50
kitchebah hit the enter on accident before I could type the nick17:51
jossehow about security?17:51
adamski84nick rud how would i install beryl?17:51
nickrudadamski84, you on gutsy?17:51
ubotuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz17:51
adamski84yes 7.1017:51
nickrudadamski84, otherwise known as 7.10?17:51
jason442I'm looking to setup a homeserver and really want to use ubuntu as my OS. However, I'm really having a hard time getting SlimServer working...anyone have any experiance getting SlimServer to work?17:51
nickrudadamski84, what video card?17:51
kitchejosse: what do you mean by security?17:51
brophatAnyone know if wine could handle one of them windows greeting card programs?17:51
ifireballLjL: yeah, but 1. I don't want to move everything to the new drive; 2. I suppose I could use LVM but I think its too much overhead17:52
adamski84nvidia 7600 gt 256 mb17:52
gogetabrophat give it a try17:52
nickrudadamski84, !compiz  | adamski84 I run ati, so I can't really speak to nvidia,17:52
brophatok will do. just wondering if anyone knows. My mom is willing to try linux but she can't give up her greeting card program hahaha17:52
DetrOiD[20:45:07] <DetrOiD> #(ND)tron17:53
xzasedIs there a way to format an external drive without using GParted?17:53
nickruddarned ubotu, where is it when you need it17:53
kitchexzased: yes what do you want to format it to?17:53
josseI mean if it is more secure to connect through Putty or Terminal17:53
kitchenickrud: umm it's here you did it wrong :)17:53
kitche!compiz | adamski8417:53
ubotuadamski84: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:53
PriceChildnickrud, he's here17:53
DetrOiD go go /join #(ND)tron17:53
Dr_willisxzased,  gparted is normally used for partitiong the drives. You can then use the mkfs.ext3 or other commands to format the filesystem17:54
kitchenickrud: you put the person nick before the tag so it didn't see it as a command17:54
Dr_willisxzased,  gparted just gives you a nicer interface to format it from17:54
brophatmy puter has to HD but when I installed ubuntu it did not include the second HD. It should be able to do that?17:54
adamski84nickrud !compiz...then telling me event not found17:54
nickrudkitche, ah, ubotu woke up17:54
kitchexzased: mke2fs -j <partion> is how I do it17:54
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DetrOiDgo go /join #(ND)tron17:54
nickrudadamski84, see the link above that ubotu addressed to you17:54
xzasedohh, Thanks Kitche and Dr. Willis17:54
wolsRoAkSoAx: will you tell me its package name?17:54
nickrudkitche, double typed, about as bad as no enter key :p17:55
wolsRoAkSoAx: and no, the GNU webplugin doesn't count17:55
ere4siDetrOiD: try /j17:55
spideymanwhats the pastebin again?17:55
Jack_Sparrowbrophat: what format or partitions are on that second drive...  it may just need to be mounted etc17:55
Jack_Sparrowspideyman: It is always in the topic if you forget.17:56
nooryou guys how do i change the color of the "pop up notification" thing? its yellow and white and i cant see it with my current theme17:56
brophatJack_Sparrow shouldn't I be able to do all that from the ubuntu install cd?17:56
spideymanyeah i forgot thanx17:56
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Jack_Sparrowbrophat: are you trying to install on the second drive or just dont have an icon to see it after install17:57
vasseri need some help with my gfx card17:57
DetrOiDFloodBot3, ai17:57
kitchevasser: well say what your problem is and someone will help you if they know the anwser17:57
vasseri have managed to get it working with X, but when i reboot, i get low graphics mode17:57
vasseri have a 8800gt17:57
brophatJack_Sparrow I installed and as far as ubuntu is concerned, the second HD does not exist17:58
vasserand it seems to work only with the beta drivers of nvidia17:58
vasser(for now)17:58
wols!nvidia | vasser17:58
ubotuvasser: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:58
Dr_willisvasser,  Hmm.. My 8800 works good.17:58
Jack_Sparrowbrophat: from a terminal..  sudo fdisk -l17:58
vassermine too, but it somehow forgets things when i boot17:58
Dr_willisdarn 8800's seem to have some.. quirks.17:58
wolsvasser: what things? no nvidia module then?17:58
nickrudDr_willis, good god, you must really be a Doctor17:58
wolsif so put it into /etc/modules17:58
vasserone sec17:59
brophatJack_Sparrow yes the second HD does show up17:59
kthakoreI keep getting an I/O error when I copy stuff from my CD17:59
* Dr_willis removes nickrud 's spleen and sells it on ebay. :)17:59
vasserwols: thanks17:59
Dr_willisYou have 2 spleens right? :)17:59
* nickrud doesn't need a spleen to to be crotchety18:00
vasserwols: forgot all about the module18:00
Jack_Sparrowbrophat: progress..18:00
brophatJack_Sparrow is it just a matter of making an entry into fstab now?18:00
|thunderhow do I install oracle server on gutsy ?18:00
vasseranother issue: how do i know which drive is (hd0) and which is (hd1) ?18:00
wolsbrophat: yes. what filesystemn(s) on the disk?18:00
Jack_Sparrowbrophat: Sorry.. yes..    mount etc...        also trying to eat breakfast and type...18:00
vasser(in grub, that is)18:01
wolsvasser: BIOS issue18:01
wolsvasser: first for BIS is hd018:01
brophateat breakfast? haha18:01
kitchevasser: first device on the cable chain at the end is hd0 the second is the second drive on the chain or on the second controller depending on your computer18:01
MeronikI wanna install Ubuntu to VMWare...any objections?18:01
brophatwols it just says extended18:01
Dr_willisvasser,  they way you describe the video issue. sounds more like its a bug in the nvdia drivers.   as for hd0 and hd1, you can also check the /boot/grub/device.map and see what grub thinks they are.18:01
wolsbrophat: extended is not a filesystem but partitiontype18:01
FruitieXHey, anyone here who is willing to help me out with a alsa problem?18:01
Dr_willisMeronik,  the vmware-appliances page - has premade vmware images for ubuntu18:02
brophatwols yeah I dunno what fs is on it18:02
wolsbrophat: fdisk -l sorta told you18:02
Meronikwhat are "images for ubuntu"?18:02
FruitieXI have no sound as an unprivileged user, but if i run the same application as root sound works normally18:02
FruitieXsame thing goes for alsamixer, it throws an error when i dont run it as root18:02
wolsFruitieX: run "id"18:02
nickrudMeronik, you can install ubuntu as many times as many places as you like18:02
brophatwols what was weird is that when i installed ubunut it was telling me that it could not mess with the second HD because it already had an os on it and it did not want to break it18:03
Jack_Sparrowbrophat: lots of help here....  Time for me to finish eating and take dog for a walk...   welcome to Ubuntu..  wols knows his stuff.. you are in good hands18:03
kthakoreI keep getting an I/O error when I copy stuff from my CD18:03
FruitieXwols: uid=1000(rasse) gid=100(users) ryhmät=100(users)18:03
Meronikcan I use ubuntu for commercial profit?18:03
brophatJack_Sparrow sure thanks for the help18:03
Meronikcan I sell ubuntu?18:03
FruitieXwols: ryhmät = finnish for groups, and my username is rasse18:03
wolsFruitieX: you probably need to add your use to audio18:03
ere4siFruiteX: go to applications - system - admin - users and groups and make sure your user is allowed to access audio18:03
FruitieXwols: How would I do that? :)18:03
nickrudyes, but not likely to be profitable unless you include support contracts18:04
FruitieXere4si: Openbox here, not GNOME :)18:04
wolsMeronik: yes. but you must comply with the GPL and provide the source too18:04
bitsbamhey all, i have an Xorg problem. when i enable the TV out on my card with the gutsy screens and graphics app, my tv works but i get this virtual screen thing going on my monitor, very irritating, is there something i can do about that?18:04
wolsMeronik: and you mustn't say you made it all. must be attributed18:04
Meronikwhy is ubuntu so free???18:04
brophatwols well I am gonna install 7.10 right over my 7.04 so hopefully it won't give me the same crap that my first install gave me18:04
Jordan_UMeronik, Yes, all GPL'd software can be sold and otherwise used for profit, most of the software included with Ubuntu is GPL, or GPL compatible18:04
ubotugpl is the GNU General Public License. See http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html18:04
ubotuIf you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html18:04
bitsbami mean the screen is bigger than my monitor, when the cursor is close to the edge, it scrools18:04
nickrudMeronik, see the gpl link just above18:04
rskMeronik: cause that's what ubuntu is about, freedom.18:04
wolsbrophat: what has this to do with what filesystem is on disk two?18:05
Meronikyeah, but someone works on the development of this OS right?18:05
rskMeronik: yes. lots of people.18:05
adamski84how do i set up beryl?18:05
kitchersk: goubuntu is more about freedom then ubuntu is really18:05
Meronikso, why is it free?18:05
wolsMeronik: several thousand people all ovre the world. for more than 10 years now18:05
rob3rI have some .avi files and am unable to play them... I can hear the sound but the video is completely garbled18:05
brophatwols dunno, so how do I find out what fs is on disk two?18:05
Jordan_UMeronik, Yes, many are paid, many just volunteer18:05
kitcheMeronik: because they make money on support contracts18:06
wolsbrophat: as I said: fdisk -l gave you a hint18:06
nickrudMeronik, most of them do it because they need something to work, and share it because someone else will make it better18:06
Jack_Sparrowadamski84: I thought you were told earlier that new beryl installs were discouraged...18:06
wolsMeronik: got to gnu.org and read the stuff there. then you know why it's free18:06
Jordan_UMeronik, Companies like IBM also pay developers so people will buy their hardware, to run Linux :)18:06
FruitieXwols: So is there any console command to give my unprivileged user to access audio?18:06
MeronikI see18:06
wolsFruitieX: add your use to the audio group18:06
Meronikthat is cooooool18:06
bazhangadamski84: read the wiki link I gave you a while ago :} all the answers are there18:07
shamasanybody have any idea on how I would go about installing screenlets from gnom-look.org?18:07
rob3rI have some .avi files and am unable to play them... I can hear the sound but the video is completely garbled, I downloaded all the codecs with automatix, is there something I'm missing?18:07
bazhangshamas: for use with compiz?18:07
brophatwols by the size of the sectors and stuff?18:07
Jack_Sparrow!automatix | rob3r18:07
uboturob3r: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »18:07
Jordan_UMeronik, But it's mostly shmucks like us, wanting to help people out at no cost :)18:07
nickrudadamski84, and remember, beryl is dead, you will be using compiz , also known as compiz-fusion18:07
adamski84could you re send the link please bro?18:07
wolsbrophat: no, by partition type18:07
nickrud!compiz | adamski8418:07
ubotuadamski84: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:07
wolsbrophat: e.g. ntfs, win95 lba, etc18:08
Meronikthe reason I was just wondering...I am going to learn programming...and why the hell would I do that if everything is becoming free...I need money here :)18:08
wolsbrophat: system column18:08
Jack_Sparrow!ot | Meronik18:08
ubotuMeronik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:08
brophatwols yeah all it says under system is extended18:08
wolsMeronik: most programmers work for a company doing inhouse wrok.e.g. programs that are never ever sold18:08
rskMeronik: you can use ubuntu that is free but program on it and make money of your software, if that was what you were thing about18:08
adamski84so i type !compiz in the terminal nickrud?18:08
wolsMeronik: the commercial shrink wrap industry is very small comparatively18:08
white_eaglei installed compiz and emerald theme manager but I don't know where to make the window bars translucent18:08
nickrudadamski84, no, read the whole post, it tells you where the howto is18:09
bazhangwhite_eagle: ask in #compiz-fusion18:09
rob3rJack_Sparrow, so you flag me for mentioning a package? Could you actually help me with my problem?18:09
Meronikrsk: are there shareware programs for ubuntu?18:09
kthakoreI keep getting an I/O error when I copy stuff from my CD18:09
rskMeronik: loads18:09
rskMeronik: like nero for e.x18:10
Dr_willisrob3r,  play the file in a player from the terminal, and check the output, or check the properties obn the file as to what codecs its using.18:10
drbairwhy does numpy depend on python 2.4 and 2.5?18:10
Meronikthank you guys18:10
kitchewhite_eagle: you need to get ccsm instlled18:10
Jack_Sparrowrob3r: You have already messed up your install by using automatix...  see the link.. easier to reinstall and do it the right way18:10
lokitohola guebones18:10
mudorenickrud, you guys were right I'didn't choose the right kernel while booting with grub, knows almost every thing works, exept the sound ;)18:11
adamski84to install that is well beyond me,what are dependancies?18:11
bazhanglokita do you have a question?18:11
lokitohablan ruso?18:11
nickrudmudore, ah sound is a bottomless pit for me18:11
Dr_willisrob3r,  you may want to look at the mediabuntu repos and install the various codec packs they got.18:11
sethkmudore, what's your sound hardware?18:11
drbairnm... just found the bug report! a bit disappointing this isn't fixed after 3 months though...18:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediabuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mediaubuntu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:11
bazhangadamski84: please read this link: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy18:11
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:11
* Dr_willis gives up18:12
white_eaglenot !mediabuntu18:12
sethklokito, you can ask in the spanish channel for someone who speaks russian  :)18:12
wyDoes anybody have this problem: moving windows when compiz disabled has a lag18:12
rob3rDr_Willis, okay thank you18:12
lokitoe naaaaaaaaa18:12
lokitohay nuchos putones en la sala?18:12
Jack_Sparrowlokito:   STOP18:12
kthakoreI keep getting an I/O error when I copy stuff from my CD what can I do?18:12
sethknot even good spanish.  ugh.18:13
nickrud!ua | lokito18:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ua - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:13
wolskthakore: check the CD your burnt18:13
sethkkthakore, there is one case where that's not an error18:13
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kick - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:13
sethkkthakore, in most cases, it's an error, but if you copy the entire image (say with dd), it will terminate with an i/o error.18:13
lokitoestoy en Canarias18:13
kthakorewols, its not burnt and it has worked before on this same system wit the same install18:13
white_eagle!kick | lokito18:13
wols!es | lokito18:13
ubotulokito: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:13
Tobias[eten]Dear ubuntu people, what is the best linux alternative for the windows hyperterminal?18:13
sethkTobias[eten], minicom, cutecom18:14
nickrudTobias[eten], minicom18:14
PriceChildTobias[eten], "hyperterminal"?18:14
lokitocd omeno18:14
sethkPriceChild, hey, he's not responsible for the names M$ chooses.  :)18:14
PriceChildTobias[eten], remember we're not all from windows... perhaps explain what you want to do? ;)18:14
wolsPriceChild: terminal app (for modems) that comes with various windows versions. horribly stuff18:14
kthakorewols, just lately I have been having hal trouble but I have asked around and just got around it but i still can't copy from my cd18:14
Tobias[eten]I want to transmit data over a serial port to an ASURO robot18:14
PriceChildahh, eww18:14
mularhey anyone around to give me a hand?18:14
lokitoen ubunto se puede tragajar con programas de Windows18:14
Tobias[eten]The manual states that I need "hyperterminal" or a linux equivalent18:15
sethklokito, si con emulator18:15
kitche!english | lokito18:15
ubotulokito: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:15
lokitocon wine18:15
kthakorewols, I get a popup sayin "failed to initilize hal" on start up so I restart it with /etc/init.d/dbus restart and log back in18:15
nickrudTobias[eten], install minicom and cutecom , run them from the terminal and choose the one you like18:15
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:15
Tobias[eten]nickrud, ok will do18:15
kthakorewols, I can see the cd now but I still can't copy from it18:15
sethklokito, use the spanish channel, or PM me.  It's considered rude to use a language that not everyone understands.18:15
lokitode nada18:16
lokitopara mi es facil18:16
wolskthakore: happens with many CDs? happens with pressed ones too? then check your hardware. first the cabling18:16
lokitoy para vdes tambien18:16
wolslokito: please go to #ubunut-es or talk english18:16
Tobias[eten]!es | lokito18:16
ubotulokito: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.18:16
mulartrying to use virtualbox with ubuntu to use windows xp so I can burn dvds , can't get it working anyway experienced this / fixed it?18:16
kthakorewols, the cabling is fine, as I have said it worked fine before until hal gave out18:16
rskmular: you can burn dvd's in ubuntu.18:17
bazhangmular: no need to do that just use gnomebaker k3b or the like18:17
rskmular: use k3b.18:17
mudorenickrud, sethk I believe this is my sound hordware : Sound Card High Definition Audio 2.018:17
zarachow can i look into the MBR of a harddrive?18:17
ubotuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:17
ubotuBrowsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)18:17
wolskthakore: stopp dbus, hal and all that. go to the console, mount the CD, try to read from it18:17
nickrudmudore, ubotu just above18:17
MZMzarac: dd is Your friend18:17
adamski84is there a simple tutorial on how to install compiz fusion>?18:18
wolszarac: look in what way? you can use fdisk, a hexeditor, etc18:18
wolsadamski84: compiz is already installed on gutsy by default18:18
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion18:18
nomad411Hi all.. I want to install Ubuntu on my macbook, is this a good place to discuss Bootcamp with leopard/Ubuntu ?18:19
bazhanghttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Advanced_Desktop_Effects_.28Compiz_Fusion.29 adamski8418:19
Brownsterzarac, i found a tutorial on this some time ago, use dd command to copy first sector of the disk then a hex editor to examine the contents18:19
Jack_Sparrowzarac: if you want to make a copy in a file for whatever purpose  sudo su ... cd Desktop .... dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=118:19
kthakorewols, it doesn't mount its just stuck htere18:19
ricaneliteanyone here uses Mythtv?18:19
wolskthakore: same with a LiveCD?18:19
kthakorewols, I am using the liveCD to test it18:20
wolskthakore: and check your hal problems: logs, etc18:20
bazhangnomad411: ubuntu-tutorials.com has some good stuff on that18:20
kthakorewols, where are the logs18:20
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nomad411bazhang, thanks :)18:21
mularwhen using K3b does it remove copy protection?18:21
=== white-eagle is now known as white_eagle
bazhangnomad411: no worries :}18:21
kthakorewols, I get error in dmesg18:21
nomad411It looks straightforward enough, I just woner if I can claim back the partition if I change my mind, etc..18:21
bazhangmular: to burn a dvd or to rip one?18:22
kthakorewols, [57748.155566] end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 714354018:22
kthakore[57755.079525] hdc: media error (bad sector): status=0x51 { DriveReady SeekComplete Error }18:22
kthakore[57755.079541] hdc: media error (bad sector): error=0x34 { AbortedCommand LastFailedSense=0x03 }18:22
kthakore[57755.079547] ide: failed opcode was: unknown18:22
kthakore[57755.081279] hdc: error code: 0x70  sense_key: 0x03  asc: 0x10  ascq: 0x9018:22
kthakore[57755.081293] end_request: I/O error, dev hdc, sector 714331618:22
YeTr2that's a kicking18:22
ReS|UK!pastebin | kthakore18:23
ubotukthakore: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:23
yubwyubwhat is a "shadow animation"? (skugganimation)18:23
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Jasnationwhen I rotate the desktop cube, how can I make the windows pop out in 3d?18:24
=== Yancho is now known as YanchoAWY
kthakorewols, I get the same error with different cds18:24
varsendagger_why does gpodder name their folders and files abjai2m2n4nkn.mp3   and crap like that18:24
nickrud!away > YanchoAWY18:24
wolskthakore: which points to a hardware failure18:24
yubwyubin Compizconfig Animations the tab Shadow animation ?18:24
yubwyubwhat does it do?18:25
kthakorewols, aww crap what can I do then18:25
varsendagger_and is there a podcast retriever that someone would reccomend   all i really want is sane file naming?18:25
crdlbyubwyub: Shade, not shadow18:25
kitchevarsendagger_: probably because htta's how ipod names them?18:25
crdlbyubwyub: press Ctrl+Alt+S18:25
wolskthakore: it doesn't work with livecd either? check cabling and drive18:25
crdlbyubwyub: it makes the window roll up into the titlebar18:26
kthakorewols, I will try again18:26
mularbazhang are you getting any of my /msg ?18:26
brophatis there a program that will let me format my hard drives and partition them in preparation for my ubuntu install?18:26
bazhangmular: are you registered?18:26
=== odo_ is now known as Odo
Jarhynanyone here familiar with filesystem issues in gutsy?18:26
mularhow do I register lol?18:27
ReS|UKbrophat: The Ubuntu will allow you to do it.18:27
bazhang!register | mular18:27
ubotumular: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration18:27
nickrudbrophat, I usually use cfdisk, if I'm doing a fresh partitioning18:27
mular!register | mular18:27
Jarhynmy filesystem keeps getting raped, and I've had to install ubuntu several times18:27
KDuBhow do i connect ssh2 to another computer via terminal?18:27
kthakorewols, brb going to shut down and check cables18:27
brophatReS|UK it really did not; I had another os on one of my hd and ubuntu was like I can't touch it because how would you like to be that os and someone wiped you out18:28
brophatnickrud I can get a boot disk with cfdisk on it?18:29
KDuBhow do i connect ssh2 to another computer via terminal?18:29
ReS|UKWell brophat I don't know then, all the other installs I have done (not Ubuntu yet) have got cfdisk.18:29
nickrudbrophat, it's on the live cd iirc18:29
Invert314why is java installing at 15kB/s?18:29
Invert314Java is 28 MBs large18:29
brophatnickrud is it on the alternate cd?18:29
Invert314it's gonna take 20+ minutes18:30
bazhangserver issue Invert31418:30
ReS|UKInvert314: The server is probably busy hence the slow download speed.18:30
Invert314ty bazhang + ReS|UK18:30
yubwyubhow do I look at the cube thing?18:30
nickrudbrophat, yes, I think you can get at it with the repair boot option. Don't be suprised if I'm wrong18:30
ReS|UKInvert314: Your welcome.18:30
pdlnhrdis there an easy way to search through a large set of files for a particular word?18:31
nickrudpdlnhrd,   grep <word> <filespec> | less18:31
bazhangno worries Invert31418:31
brophatnickrud well I am sure it must be on the alternate cd because that cd is for more expert level users I would think18:31
pdlnhrdnickrud:   what is <filespec>  ?18:31
nickrudbrophat, I don't think I've actually used the repair function, that's why I'm hedging18:32
pdlnhrdi was doing something like find . -name | grep foo18:32
nickrudpdlnhrd, like *.txt18:32
KDuBhow do i connect ssh2 to another computer via terminal?18:33
brophatnickrud but is it a repair function I want, or a dismantle function.18:33
scguy318KDuB: ssh user@host18:33
Jarhynmy filesystem keeps dying, and I keep having to reinstall18:33
Dr_willisKDuB,  define connect.. ;) you done mean 'ssh remote.ip.nimber.' do you?18:33
brophatnickrud I am not repairing anyting, I am taking it down18:33
JarhynI'm getting pretty damn tired of it, but it's honestly less hassle than windows18:33
KDuByes ssh218:34
nickrudbrophat, it's all about booting into a system so you can run cfdisk, Me, I keep a copy of knoppix around for that18:34
BrownsterJarhyn, have u tried running a bad block scan on the disk?18:34
Jarhynyes. both read only and nondestructive read-write. that was my first step18:35
ReS|UKnickrud: I am with you on that Knoppix is very useful for that.18:35
idefix_can you install the latest ubuntu version by running an iso file?18:35
rsknope idefix_18:35
BrownsterJarhyn, you only have the one disk?18:35
rskidefix_: you either need to burn it and install it  or upgrade via ubuntu.18:35
Jarhynyes. it's a laptop18:35
brophatnickrud yeah that was my prob when I did my ubuntu install; i had other os's around and it isntalled around them. I needed to wack them first with cfdisk18:35
JarhynI'm kinda limited18:35
alex2308anyone know how to make ubuntu run in 1680x1050 mode?18:36
idefix_which is impossible because I added the missing repos to the sources.list file and it doesn't work!18:36
motin_0what channel is suiting for discussions regarding 64bit gutsy server edition?18:36
Dr_willisidefix_,  you did a 'sudo apt-get update' after editing the sources.list ?18:36
JarhynI mean it only takes a couple hours to reinstall and restore all my packages, but it's still a pain18:36
magic_ninjauh, my gkrellm shows 4 users in that normal18:36
zaracthanks MZM wols Brownster Jack_Sparrow18:36
rskmagic_ninja: every terminal is a user18:37
nickrud!install | idefix_18:37
ubotuidefix_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:37
crush_groovealex: gutsy/gnome ?18:37
BrownsterJarhyn, I'd be tempted if it has happened more than once, to bite the bullet, sacrifice the current install, and use a live cd to do an intensive write test to the whole disk18:37
alex2308crush_groove, 7.10/xfce18:37
alex2308trying all types of modes for 2 hours now, seems nothing works18:37
prosciuttinodove cazzo sono finito?18:37
BrownsterJarhyn, you shouldn't have any probs with the fs18:37
sethkJarhyn, which file system are you using?18:37
alex2308maybe a prob with my geforce 6600gt?18:37
crush_groove hmm .. on gnome ( dunno the similaritys .. its system/administration/screens and graphics18:38
BrownsterJarhyn, power cuts aside18:38
ubotukompozer is WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy, !Backports on !Feisty, and from  « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tonyyarusso/ubuntu edgy universe » for Edgy.  (Dapper still pending)18:38
BrownsterJarhyn, and even then if you're using ext3 or other journalling fs you will likely recover without a prob.18:38
sethkJarhyn, have you dumped out the S.M.A.R.T. statistics, see if there are errors recorded?18:39
Jarhynno. I'm pretty novice when it comes to advanced troubleshooting18:39
TyczekI have fresh install of ubuntu. I want to install Ati drivers to radeon mobility hd 2600. Will you help me ?18:39
alex2308sudo smartctl -V or something18:39
sethkJarhyn, smartctl will allow you to dump the statistics18:39
sethkJarhyn, might need sudo18:39
magic_ninjai'm tending to think my machine has been compromised18:39
magic_ninjaanyone point me in a direction i can get some help18:40
Brownstersethk, good idea18:40
Jarhynalso, how do I set up the insensitive write test?18:40
sethkmagic_ninja, don't jump to that conclusion just yet.18:40
Jarhynis that through fsck.ext3?18:40
sethkJarhyn, you mean destructive write?18:40
Jarhynintensive even18:40
sethkJarhyn, badblocks is the low level utility to do both destructive and non-destructive block oriented disk testing18:41
TyczekShould I install Ati binary X.org driver or go to Ati site and downlaod installer/18:41
sethkTyczek, don18:41
nickrudTyczek, stick with the ubuntu one18:41
magic_ninjasethk: its various things, thats why i was wanting to be pointed to a direction to get some help18:41
kthakorewols, I changed by cables, put in a liveCD boot from it and ran it for a while, login to my hdd and still got a hal popup and still can't mount cd18:41
sethkTyczek, only do the ATI site driver if you have a problem the other doesn't solve, which is unlikely.18:41
Tyczekyou mean this in repository?18:41
BrownsterJarhyn, sethk's idea on trying smartctl is a good start18:41
ubotuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning18:42
sethkTyczek, correct18:42
nickrudTyczek, it has it's problems, but the ati install creates bigger ones very often18:42
Tyczekallright... I'll install optimized18:42
JarhynI'll run fsck when I get back to my liveCD to see if it's picking up many new errors, do smartctl, then go on to badblocks if that doesn't help18:42
JarhynI appreciate the help18:42
BrownsterJarhyn, no worries18:42
mularanyone know how to fix this.. my external drive umounts itself on its own sometimes (also sometimes its auto mounted at boot and other times not)18:42
Jarhynis it normal for fsck to pick up anomalies on a third or fourth boot?18:42
nickrudTyczek, biggest issue, both have it: if you have a laptop, you lose suspend18:43
BrownsterJarhyn, no definitely not18:43
taconeanyone knows why the blog of Shuttleworth s no longer updated ?18:43
Jarhynalso, is it possible it's just the laptop's motherboard?18:43
sethkJarhyn, possible?  sure.18:44
JarhynI don't suppose there are any utils that will out THAT problem18:44
sethkJarhyn, the thing with the high speed moving parts is much more likely, but I've seen disk errors caused by the interface hardware.18:44
sethkJarhyn, The test programs run through the same hardware as the o/s.18:44
comicinkerhi there I have a problem with anjuta. it crashes when I'm opening a glade file. any idea?18:44
BrownsterJarhyn, a process of elimination and the disk is most likely18:44
almancoraHow can I create a folder with a name with space in lik "my music". When I type mkdir my music it makes 2 seperate folders18:44
Brownsteralmancora, use a \ char before the space18:45
sethkJarhyn, so to differentiate between the hard drive itself and the interface software, you really have to move the drive to another box.18:45
sethkJarhyn, plus, even if you do that, you won't really conclude anything unless a test program produces a reproducible error in one env but not the other.18:46
comicinkerhere is the backtrace: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/21242/18:46
sethkJarhyn, intermittent problems are a b*** to find.18:46
Brownstersethk, ill second that18:46
adamski84sorted got it working:)18:46
sethkJarhyn, now, this may sound odd, but the true likely cause of your symptoms is bad memory.18:46
Brownstersethk, but if smartctl reports error that pretty conclusive18:46
JarhynI also checked that using the memchecker kernel18:46
sethkBrownster, yes, absolutely.18:46
kthakorewols, are u there?18:46
sethkJarhyn, for how long?18:46
Jarhynafter a day of testing, 0 errors18:46
JarhynI'm tempted to leave it for a month when I go out to NTC18:47
sethkJarhyn, unfortunately, no memory tester finds every error.18:47
Jarhynor when I go on leave18:47
kayceanyone know anything about getting winmodems to work on linux?18:47
sethkJarhyn, well, that probably won't help much18:47
JarhynI think it made it through 8 passes18:47
magic_ninjahow do you edit the application menu18:47
tyczekI installed and nothing changed... Still have only 1024x76818:47
Jammiei see in some screenshots epople have their system specs and other info shown on the desktop in the top rgiht corner how do i get that?18:47
sethkJarhyn, it sounds like you have the corruption problem regularly, so if (hypothetically, of course) there is a memory problem, it's one the test program can't find.18:47
kitcheJammie: conky18:48
tyczekMaybe xorg is needed to edit?18:48
frangelliHello peoples...18:48
sethkJarhyn, simplist thing to do, if practical, is to simply swap out the memory and see if the behavior changes.18:48
Brownstersethk, mmm if bad block reports bad blocks u could run the bad block test and see if the sectors reported are the same, proving sector is bad or not and mem problem?18:48
Jarhyneasy for you to say. I don't even know the hardware. it's more of a hand-me-down18:48
frangellisomeone can help me with my notebook and my graphic card??18:48
sethkJarhyn, the reason I suspect the memory is that frequently the o/s has parts of the disk cached into memory for performance purposes, and if a few bits get flipped, and it's written out to disk, the behavior is similar to what you describe.18:49
crush_groovewhat is smartctrl?18:49
adamski84how do ii install wine?18:49
sethkBrownster, yes, absolutely.18:49
nickrud!info smart-tools | crush_groove18:49
ubotucrush_groove: Package smart-tools does not exist in gutsy18:49
usr13frangelli: Probably, what is your problem?18:49
sethkcrush_groove, a program to interface with the IDE S.M.A.R.T. protocol.18:49
nickrudcrush_groove, erm18:49
admin_I'm trying to mount a SD card, mount: /dev/sdc: can't read superblock18:49
frangellitks... usr1318:49
frangellimy problem is18:49
sethkcrush_groove, SMART is a system that keeps track of the frequency of disk errors; the idea is that you are warned about impending failures before losing data.18:49
taconeadamski84 try sudo apt-get install wine18:50
sethkadmin_, most likely you need to use /dev/sdc118:50
magic_ninjahow do you edit ur gnome application menu18:50
Jarhynwhat is the package for SMART tools18:50
frangelliim buy my new notebook18:50
taconeadamski84: or you can search for wine in synaptic. :-)18:50
crush_grooveapt-get SMART ?18:50
sethkadmin_, try fdisk -l /dev/sdc.  If it shows a partition table, then use sdc118:50
frangellione sony vaio18:50
crush_groove Ill readup on em18:50
admin_doesn't exiist sethk18:50
frangellimodel ->>  VGN-NR180E18:50
Jarhyninvalid operation18:50
sethkadmin_, what does   sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc     do?18:51
Warmcan anyone help - i'm a newbie to ubuntu and having trouble installing it18:51
BrownsterJarhyn, apt-cache search smart18:51
admin_no response sethk ,18:51
taconeJarhyn: sudo apt-get install xxxxx18:51
tacone(xx = smart o whatever)18:51
askandIs NTFSreaddingsupport now stable for buisness?18:51
comicinkersethk: lists information about your disk18:51
frangelliand the graphic card is one Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 - 251MB18:51
Jarhynalso, invalid package18:51
kthakoreI am having trouble with mounting cds my hardware is working fine because I can use livecd from it but recently I started getting hal failed to initialized popups on login and I can't mount or copy from cds now18:51
adamski84thanks tacone,has any one on here got world of warcraft working with wine well?18:51
sethkcomicinker, no, he has a problem and I was asking for his results for troubleshooting.  I know what it does.  :)18:51
sethkadmin_, that's not possible.  It can give you an error, or it can display something, but it can't do nothing.18:52
taconei guess smart package doesn't exists then18:52
admin_ronnie@ubuntuBoxx:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc18:52
ubuntuHey, I'm running from a livecd right now. I can't make my drive to eject. I'd like to insert another cd. Unmounting didn't help. Is it possible ?18:52
sethkadmin_, try with -v18:52
frangelliim achieve install with success18:52
taconeyou could search google for the right package name18:52
comicinkerI have a problem with anjuta. it crashes when I'm opening a glade file. any ideas?18:52
admin_fdisk (util-linux-ng 2.13)18:52
nickrudubuntu, no, because the os is running from that cd18:52
sethkadmin_, yes, sorry, that's not right.  Let me check the flags ...18:53
dezelinjoin boost#18:53
sethkJarhyn, that sounds correct18:53
ReS|UKubuntu: It's not possible as your using the cd drive to operate.18:53
sethkadmin_, try    sfdisk -l /dev/sdc18:53
frangellibut dont achieve increase the resolution of screen18:53
sethkadmin_, see if it says "can't open for reading"18:53
adamski84tacone is that the latest version of wine?18:53
ubuntuWhat if I booted ubuntu from USB (possible ?) ?18:53
admin_Disk /dev/sdc: 0 cylinders, 255 heads, 62 sectors/track18:53
admin_read: Invalid argument18:53
admin_sfdisk: read error on /dev/sdc - cannot read sector 0 /dev/sdc: unrecognized partition table type18:53
admin_No partitions found18:53
frangelliusr13, you understend my problem18:54
ReS|UKubuntu: That is possible yes.18:54
sethkadmin_, try this (to see if the thing can be accessed at all):   sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null bs=512 count=118:54
admin_0+0 records in18:54
admin_0+0 records out18:54
admin_0 bytes (0 B) copied, 5.1123e-05 seconds, 0.0 kB/s18:54
taconeubuntu what are you trying to do ?18:54
Farquadhow do i manualy set the screen resolution.. (when i remote desktip it goes to the 800x600)18:54
sethkfrangelli, try using control-alt-+ (thats control and alt and the plus on the keypad) to cycle through resolutions.18:55
Farquadi dont see a /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:55
kthakoreI am having trouble with mounting cds my hardware is working fine because I can use livecd from it but recently I started getting hal failed to initialized popups on login and I can't mount or copy from cds now18:55
ubuntuI have annoying problem, on Asus P5K SE it doesn't recognize my dvd drive. Neither Debian nor Ubuntu boots from cd properly, except Kubuntu reacts to generic.all_generic_ide=118:55
kthakoreI am having trouble with mounting cds my hardware is working fine because I can use livecd from it but recently I started getting hal failed to initialized popups on login and I can't mount or copy from cds now what can i do?18:55
nickrudFarquad, you must have one, maybe a typo then?18:55
frangelliits not work18:55
kitcheFarquad: it's in the client you have to edit the client options18:55
comicinkerubuntu: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar18:56
ubuntuI have Debian installed right now and I want it to stay. I'd like to boot from kubuntu CD and copy some data to hdd (basically, install a game or 2 if possible)18:56
ubuntuThen reboot back to Debian18:56
Farquadnickrud, its not there..18:56
ubuntuMarvel chipsets are notorious for bad Linux support, as I learned after making my purchase.18:56
sethkkthakore, are these CDs that you've burned, or manufactured ones, or both?18:56
Farquadi do a "locate" and it doesnt exist18:56
admin_sethk: so what should i do?18:57
nickrudFarquad, missed the remote stuff you mentioned (watching football :) see wat kitche said above18:57
kthakoresthk, both as u can see I am using a livecd right now18:57
taconeubuntu: I have no clue :-(18:57
askandWhere is info stored on where external drives should be mounted?18:57
sethkubuntu, very true.  I did some work on a network appliance using Marvel and I spent three weeks fixing up the driver.18:57
kthakoresethk, both as u can see I am using a livecd right now18:57
Farquadkitche, when a monitor isnt connected it only shows 800x600 when i remote destip18:57
sethkadmin_, did you try the dd command?  There's so much traffic I'm not sure whether you responded to that suggestion.18:57
kitcheFarquad: then your client is set up wrong18:57
admin_0+0 records in18:57
admin_0+0 records out18:57
admin_0 bytes (0 B) copied, 5.1123e-05 seconds, 0.0 kB/s18:57
bliss_ow to Create a new userid/groupid with say the name peter?18:57
admin_sethk: ^18:57
ubuntuBleh, my usb is just 512, it won't work18:57
Jarhyndoes smartmontools run in the background automatically?18:58
Farquadkitche, i'm using tightvnc .. it doesnt give me an option for screen resolution18:58
sethkadmin_, when you connect the thing, do you see messages at the end of  dmesg showing the USB port and then which sdX is used?18:58
admin_sethk: it does a continuous error loop18:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc : READ CAPACITY failed.18:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc : status=0, message=00, host=1, driver=0018:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc : sense not available.18:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc: Write Protect is off18:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc: Mode Sense: 00 00 00 0018:58
kitcheFarquad: well vnc's dont have that option18:58
admin_[1210986.728000] sdc: assuming drive cache: write through18:58
kitche!paste | admin_18:58
ubotuadmin_: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:58
admin_basically that over and over18:58
sethkadmin_, ok, well, nothing good will happen until that gets fixed.18:58
ubuntusethk : I managed to get my network card working when I switched to debian Lenny (testing). But cdrom still doesn't work, and booting from usb didn't work. I ended up installing Debian via debootstrap18:59
tyczekCould it be that ubuntu ati binary doesn't work with radeon mobility hd 2600? :(18:59
admin_how will it get fixed sethk ?18:59
sethkadmin_, the write cache message is normal, but READ CAPACITY failed is not normal.18:59
Farquadkitche, if i have a monitor connected when i bootup then vnc in, it gets the right resolution ... but if i start it without a monitor and vnc it goes to 800x600 and doesnt give me any other options19:00
xzasedOk, I formatted my external HD to ext3, but now I cant write to it. I tried chmod -R +w /media/usbdrive19:00
bliss_how to Create a new userid/groupid with say the name peter?19:00
sethkadmin_, the first thing I'd try is checking the kernel configuration, make sure the modules are loaded for your box's USB hardware.19:00
kthakoresethk, how do I get the hal problem to go away atleast19:00
sethkadmin_, if you are using a card reader, try a different card reader.19:00
stravhe. I just reinstalled gutsy and I'm wondering if FINALLY, the resume from suspend problem has been corrected. Note, I see that many people have reported that this problem was because of direct rendering on ati cards however, I just set the no_dri option in xorg and still have the resume problem. Is there an "official" how-to/fix for getting it working?19:00
sethkkthakore, without really understanding why it fails, it's difficult to say anything intelligent.19:01
jribbliss_: system -> adiministration -> users and groups19:01
admin_sethk: I've used SD cards on here before ,just bought this card, I've lways had problems like these with the cards (it's a laptop, internal reader)19:01
sethkkthakore, one thing you might try is searching the cdwrite mailing list archives for info about the CD drive.19:01
adamski84where can i get the latest nvidia 7600 gt linux drivers from?19:01
bliss_jrib: from the command line please19:01
rskadamski84: nvidia.com19:01
jribbliss_: sudo adduser peter19:01
=== ubuntu is now known as b0rsuk
bliss_ompaul: evening19:02
sethkadmin_, I would try an external reader, that will at least tell us if it's the reader or the card.19:02
jribadamski84: you should use the drivers from the repositories19:02
admin_I don't have one sethk19:02
admin_sethk: it's without a doubt the card.19:02
bliss_jrib: user and group19:02
xzasedso, how can I change the permissions for a mounted drive?19:02
admin_I used another card last night, but I needed to buy a larger card for what I wanted to do19:02
admin_sethk: ^19:02
Farquadif i have a monitor connected when i bootup then vnc in, it gets the right resolution ... but if i start it without a monitor and vnc it goes to 800x600 and doesnt give me any other options  ... and I dont have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file19:02
sethkadmin_, obviously if it's the card there isn't anything you can do except get another card (which I realize isn't terribly helpful but is true).19:03
jribbliss_: yes, that command does that since your user will have the default group the same as his username19:03
stravhe. I just reinstalled gutsy and I'm wondering if FINALLY, the resume from suspend problem has been corrected. Note, I see that many people have reported that this problem was because of direct rendering on ati cards however, I just set the no_dri option in xorg and still have the resume problem. Is there an "official" how-to/fix for getting it working?19:03
admin_dammit ubuntu messes everything up19:03
jrib!repeat | strav19:03
ubotustrav: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:03
zoexiihello, I have question: I have java based application that works fine when I double click file "scjava" from nautilus, (it gives options Run in Terminal, Display, Cancel Run)... I want to make a .bashrc alias so that I can quickly launch it with run application dialouge, so I make an alias command='/path/to/scjava' but when I type command, i get error: Invalid java application (JVM) specified: ../j2re1.4.2_04/bin/java19:03
bliss_jrib: so peter will be the user name and group id just by doing adduser peter?19:04
jribbliss_: try it19:04
bliss_jrib: uum answer yes would be better or are you guessing19:05
jribbliss_: I already said yes19:05
sethkzoexii, start it the way it works correctly, then use     ps auxwww     to find the path of the running JVM19:05
bliss_jrib; ok thanks19:05
sethkzoexii, I'm guessing there may be two different VMs installed.19:05
kthakoresethk, I have never had a problem with the drive it self, I check the mailing list there are no reported errors with the drive19:05
bliss_ompaul: evening19:05
Synx_hmHow can i clear out a partition table for install, the text install cd keeps thinking i still have an active software raid, and it wont let me del md0 to re do this system19:05
sethkzoexii, or, the JAVA_HOME environment variable may be incorrect.19:05
kthakoresethk, where can I check the error logs of the hal failing to initialize19:06
Farquadcan someone tell me why I dont have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ... I'm running a default ubuntu setup19:06
sethkkthakore, look in /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog, and /var/log/faillog19:06
ompaulbliss_,  evening19:06
zoexiisethk, there seems to be a compiled java in the parent folder that it wants to use,19:06
sethkFarquad, Dumb question, probably, but is X isntalled?19:06
tyczekAllright... Installed this binary from repo, but won't work. Should I edit something?19:06
bliss_ompaul: see you still have some clout19:06
sethkzoexii, ok, then start it by using the full path to the VM19:07
Farquadsethk, i'm in GNOME19:07
Farquadi'm new to linux19:07
ompaulbliss_, yes19:07
Farquadso maybe its not installed then19:07
LjL!ot | bliss_19:07
ubotubliss_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:07
sethkFarquad, no, if gnome is running, it's installed19:07
bliss_o unbuntu now you make a seperate gui for wine apps woo19:07
Gre2I purchased Ubuntu yesterday and have been up since trying to get it configured and working properly on my new computer.  I went to the website and I see 7.10 available for DL free.  Since I bought 7.4 yesterday, is the upgrade to 7.10 a trial version or something?19:07
zoexiisethk, sorry, I don't understand java well... what is a vm and where do I find it?  the file I normally launch is a script I think.19:08
Farquadsethk, i did a locate xorg.conf and nothing19:08
jribGre2: "purchased"?19:08
PriceChildGre2, ubuntu is *free*19:08
Gre2Bought it from Frye's with a big book19:08
sethkzoexii, right.  The first line of the script is probably something like:                 #!/xxx/xxx/xxx/java        (whatever the path is).19:08
PriceChildGre2, you can upgrade to 7.10 from an existing 7.04 if you want?19:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xorg.cong - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:08
sethkzoexii, try changing it to match the one that you believe works properly.19:08
astro76Gre2, you bought the book, Ubuntu is free ;)19:08
bliss_ok how about this my x11 dir is missing gone gmd cant find it19:08
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:08
Gre2Got ya!19:08
zoexiisethk, cool, will look.19:08
sethkFarquad, run   updatedb     to make sure all files are indexed19:09
Gre2Well, now that I found you guys, maybe I can get it working19:09
PriceChildGre2, I'm sure that book will explain the upgrade process ;) But if not, then /msg ubotu upgrade19:09
askandWhere is information about where external drives should be mounted stored?19:09
jrib!upgrade > gre2 (read the private message from ubotu)19:09
ompaul!upgrade | Gre219:09
ubotuGre2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:09
Gre2been at it 13 hours straight now19:09
sethkzoexii, if that isn't it, then put the script up on the pastebin and give us the URL to it.19:09
Gre2getting a little bleary19:09
adamski84ok currently installing the game through wine,is there any configuration changes i will need to make to optimize the performance of the game ill be running?19:09
bliss_where can i get or install a x11 dir?19:09
sethkGre2, 7.4 is fine.  7.10 is just a bit newer.19:09
BoratHey guys, i updated a week ago, and all of a sudden my wireless doesnt work (IPW2200), but my wired works fine...19:09
asathoorbliss >> /etc/X1119:10
DShepherdwhat program can i use to convert a flv file to mpg/mov/avi file?19:10
sethkbliss_, it's X11, not x11, and it's highly unlikely that you don't have it.19:10
LjLGre2, if you just installed it, it's probably easier and faster to reinstall 7.10 (the current version) from scratch rather than upgrading19:10
jribbliss_: what exactly do you want to do?19:10
matttishow can I stop firefox from checking the spelling ?19:10
ere4siDShepard: avidemux19:10
Gre2Well, here's my problem that the website says upgrading will fix:  I have a brand new GeForce 8400GS and I cannot, for the life of me, get it to work properly.  I've followed the instructions from the website at nvidia, the book I bought, and the ubuntu and I still have to load in a safe graphic mode19:10
sethkGre2, I agree with LjL, start fresh and you might as well start with the latest if you can download it and burn a cd.19:10
froystigHTTP Download of Ubuntu can take all day.  Is there a torrent?19:10
LjL!torrents > froystig    (froystig, see the private message from Ubotu)19:11
rskfroystig: yes19:11
Jordan_Ufroystig, Of course19:11
adamski84i have downloaded the nvidia drivers how do i install them?19:11
LjLadamski84: don't.19:11
Gre2yikes.  I already did19:11
LjLadamski84: please use the drivers that are packaged in the official repositories.19:11
LjL!nvidia > adamski84    (adamski84, see the private message from Ubotu)19:11
jribGre2: try installing 7.10 and come back if it's still not working is probably the best course of action19:11
Jordan_Uadamski84, System -> Administration -> Restricted Driver Manager19:11
Farquadi have a /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.roster19:11
kthakoresethk, which log holds the startup info19:11
Gre2OH!  Before I do19:11
Gre2If I DL it while running in the safe graphics mode from the CD, will the files work such that I can reboot in regular mode?19:12
CppIsWeirdi left a ubuntu computer on for 18 days, when i came back to it, it was having serious network card issues, a reboot fixed it but i need to know why this computer is unstable. I didnt think to save the dmesg output but it did have a lot of trash about my network interface, one of the key things i remember is something suggesting that the IRQ was being blocked or something, anyone have any idea how I can resolve why this occured?19:12
LjLGre2, if you download stuff while on the CD, it will be *lost at next reboot* if you don't specifically tell it to save it to a HD19:12
DShepherdere4si, can i use it on the commandline?19:12
Gre2And thank you very much for the help thusfar.  Wish I knew you guys existed last night.  :D19:12
zoexiisethk, ok, I changed the relative path of java vm in the launch scipt to absolute path... now the alias works in bash (from xterm) but fails when typed in RUN APPLICATION DIALOUGE.  is there a way to make this work?19:13
kthakoreCppIsWeird, what type of network are u on wireless, samba, and are u on windows network19:13
Gre2is the desktop considered part of the harddrive in Ub?19:13
kthakoreGre2, yes19:13
CppIsWeirdim on a wired card19:13
Jordan_UGre2, Not on the LiveCD19:13
Synx_hmI am having this exact same problem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49117319:13
kayceanyone know how to get a dial-up winmodem (windows modem) to work on linux?19:13
kthakoreCppIsWeird, on board ?19:13
zoexiiGre2, yes, it is folder in your home directory19:13
Gre2I'll try it19:13
kthakoreCppIsWeird, what is the make intel?19:13
ere4siDSheperd: I would think ffmpeg is better from command line - takes some learning but they have a good mailing support19:13
Jordan_UGre2, You need to go to Places -> Computer to get to your hard drive from the LiveCD19:14
adamski84ljl ubuntu has provided the driver already,will that be the most recent driver it has installed for me or do i have to use the driver i downloaded from nvidia?19:14
DShepherdere4si, ok19:14
Fer_re[xchat]Which application I need to create hfs+ partitions under Linux. Hfs-utils can create only hfs, not hfs+ partitions.19:14
Gre2Wow.  680mb19:14
Gre2What do I do with a raw CD image?19:14
kthakoreGre2, mount it19:14
jrib!burn > gre2 (read the private message from ubotu)19:14
skullrhi all19:15
kthakoreGre2,with mount /path to file /media/folder19:15
asathoorGre2: burn it to a cd and boot from it19:15
jribkthakore: why? he wants to install ubuntu19:15
skullrcan anyone help to reinstall my grub please??19:15
Jordan_UFer_re[xchat], parted can do it IIRC, so gparted and related tools should also be able to19:15
kthakorejrib, oops talking to several ppl19:15
al1j'essaye de configurer mes routes en fait des sudo route add ...19:15
al1mais si je fais un sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ça me remet mes routes comme avant. Y'a un .conf que je pourrais direct éditer pour spécifier les routes ?19:15
jrib!fr | al119:15
ubotual1: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.19:15
tyczekit looks like ubuntu binary ati doesn't suppor hd 2600... Dunno what to do... I don't want to use Envy again.. . >.>19:16
Jordan_Uskullr, Did it get clobbered by windows?19:16
asathoorGre2: u could use Nero as a burner if you are using windows19:16
LjLadamski84: use the driver from Ubuntu. even if it's not the very most recent (but i believe it is), it's the one that's been tested with Ubuntu. installing the driver from nvidia will have two downsides: one, it's not been tested with Ubuntu, and two, you'll break the package managing, which will mean a lot of bad things, including for instance breakage after a kernel update19:16
bliss_well i get this error message from GDM -Xserver not found /var/lib/X:0 -audit -auth /var/lib/gdm: 0Xauth -nolisten tcp vt - thats it i have installed xorg19:16
Jordan_U!grub | skullr19:16
ubotuskullr: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:16
Drixxberyl make my box unstable ... how to fix it ??19:16
cassiopeaHey. Does compiz have a new designation? How do I start it once it's installed?19:16
Gre2I am using Ubuntu and I do not have any blank CDs.  Can I put it on the HDD and run it from there?19:16
jribDrixx: don't use beryl19:16
kthakoreall, parle vous english19:16
jrib!beryl | Drixx19:16
ubotuDrixx: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz19:16
Fer_re[xchat]Jordan_U: gparted & parted can't create hfs PLUS, it can hfs only =(19:16
asathoorGre2: yes19:16
kthakoreall, je parle petite francais19:16
skullri tried everything i couldn;t find in google19:16
ompaulbliss_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop <<< that is the right way to do it19:16
Gre2Super!  Thanks again!19:16
kaycedoes anyone know how to get a dial-up winmodem (windows modem) to work on Linux?19:17
LjLadamski84: you should *always* stick to software from the repositories when it is available. when it is not available, the second-best choice is to use .deb files specifically made for Ubuntu. when stuff really has to be installed manually, it should *never* be libraries or drivers, but at most end-user applications, and you should be careful to only install them in /usr/local or /opt19:17
CppIsWeirdkthakore: dont know the make of the card, what is the relevance of the question?19:17
Drixxso shud i use compiz ?19:17
bliss_ompaul: i do not want a desktop19:17
jribasathoor: how?19:17
kthakoreCppIsWeird, np most of them are supported anyway just cjheckin19:17
asathoorGre2: rightclick and choose open by filesystem19:17
kthakoreCppIsWeird, are u on a windows network with samba19:17
CppIsWeirdit works19:17
CppIsWeirdits working now19:17
bliss_ompaul: the idea of xorg and build-essential was just to install vmware workstation19:18
DShepherdere4si, avidemux doesnt seem to be able to read flv files..19:18
kthakoreCppIsWeird, ok but samba on windows network generates lots of error if the config is not proper19:18
Drixxubotu: shud i use compiz ?19:18
jribGre2: the easiest way is for you to burn it to a cd19:18
CppIsWeirdyeah, sure, but it wasnt used at all during the 18 days19:18
Jordan_UFer_re[xchat], :( looks like you're right, you can however copy and shrink another HFS+ partition, what do you need it for? ( I know that it's what OSx uses by default )19:18
Gre2Okay, while that is downloading, does anyone know what the problem is with the video card?  Or is it just a bug with 7.04?19:18
asathoorDrixx >> ubotu is a (ro)bot19:18
kthakoreDShepherd, avidemux neet grestream ugly plugins to handel flv I believe19:18
ere4siDSheperd: ffmpeg will - but be prepared for some reading :)19:18
Gre2I almost gave up and installed XP.  I get hives just thinking how close I was to the dark side again.19:19
DShepherdkthakore, let me check that out19:19
bliss_ompaul: i am not sure that i relly need GDM but the directory X11 is not there19:19
Drixxshud i use compiz insted of beryl ??19:19
DShepherdere4si, ok. by the way the name is DShepherd, with the h :-)19:19
kthakoreDShepherd, ok let me I need it too19:19
rskDrixx: use compis fusin instead of beryl and compiz19:19
rskfusion *19:19
Jordan_UDrixx, Yes, easiest way to do so is simply to upgrade to the newest version of Ubuntu, 7.1019:19
Drixxthnx ..19:19
stravnow. anyone have a .deb of the 2.6.22 kernel using slab instead of slub?19:20
LjLGre2: for starters, you said you followed the instructions at the nvidia website - but you should *not* install the driver from the nvidia site, but rather use the one provided with Ubuntu. if it doesn't work, we can try and help you fix it, but using the raw driver from nvidia will only lead to further trouble mostly19:20
Jonny0starsi have a VNC server setup and a ssh connection can i run a command on ssh to output to the VNC desktop ?19:20
DShepherdkthakore, i seem to have gstreamer ugl already installed19:20
Jordan_Ursk, compiz-fusion uses compiz BTW, it's a replacement for compiz-extras, not compiz itself19:20
kthakoreDShepherd, how about ffmeg and the rest of them19:20
Gre2I tried to install the one from the nvidia website, but it never worked.  It said I was running an X Server and that I needed to quit the X Server to install the drivers.  Never could figure out how to do that short of killing all graphics and going to the text-mode19:21
ompaulbliss_, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg19:21
Gre2So I updated my repositories and still no go.19:21
kthakoreDShepherd, have you considered converting to avi first I recently read a how to on flv to avi on ubuntu google it19:21
Fer_re[xchat]Jordan_U: MacOSX-x86, but default installer's Disk Utility can't format any partition through unknown errors (but gparted do it withoiut any warnings)..19:21
kaycecan anyone help me? i'm trying to get my dial-up winmodem to work in Linux19:21
Gre2I followed the books instructions to a T, as well as the installation instructions on ubuntu and when I rebooted, all I got was a locked up black screen.19:21
DShepherdkthakore, ok. that is what i am trying to do. convert from flv to avi. so of course. :D, I have considered it19:22
cbx33hey all19:22
Gre2Hello cbx!19:22
Jordan_U!illegal | Fer_re[xchat]19:22
Drixxwhat is better compiz or compiz fusion19:22
ubotuFer_re[xchat]: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o19:22
cbx33how can i retrive the link speed my wireless card is runing at?19:22
Gre2And thank you very much to all of you that are helping19:22
kthakoreDShepherd, oh ok I jumped in the middle there19:22
Jordan_UDrixx, Compiz-fusion uses compiz19:22
Gre2you are a godsend19:22
kthakoreDShepherd, let me find it for u19:22
Drixxoh kk19:22
kthakoreDShepherd, here u go http://www.linux.com/feature/5664219:23
DShepherdkthakore, i think ffmpeg -i file.flv file.avi should work19:23
kthakoreDShepherd, works for me19:23
Sharpiedoes anyone know of anything like the gnome drawer applet? (one that works)19:24
kthakoreDShepherd, this is a script for ease of use just stick it in /usr/local/bin19:24
Farquadhow do i not have a xorg.conf file anywhere19:24
DShepherdkthakore, sure19:24
=== [Fer_re] is now known as Fer_re
Gre2Doesn't Ubuntu need xorg.conf to start up?19:24
kthakoreSharpie, there sould be one in the add panel applets dialog right click on a panel19:24
asathoortry # locate xorg.conf19:25
Sharpiekthakore: i asked for one that works19:25
Farquadwell i dont have one19:25
kthakoreSharpie, it doesn't work for you? any error?19:25
Sharpiekthakore: the gnome drawer applet takes about 2 seconds to open with compiz19:25
Farquadall i get is /usr/share/man/man5/xorg.conf.5.gz19:25
Gre2I editted mine and borked it.  I couldn't log in to any account and took about 3 hours getting back to square one.19:25
kthakoreSharpie, if you are using compiz regulary look in avant window navigator19:25
Farquadand /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.roster19:25
skullrwhy do i get this errror   /dev/sda3 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive???19:25
Gre2So I don't recommend that.  :D19:25
Sharpiekthakore: i want something like the drawer, not a huge launcher bar19:26
skullri ran grub-install /dev/hda19:26
ReS|UKMessing with xorg.conf is only best if you have a backup so you can just rm the edited one.19:26
ompaulGre2, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg19:26
Gre2I did that many times, but for some reason, it never worked19:26
kthakoreSharpie, hmm are u using ur own configurations for compiz or the defualt ones19:26
Gre2The problem I ran into was that I have an on-board Video Card and my GeForce19:26
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stravkernel 2.6.22 with slab anyone?19:27
Gre2and I think Ubuntu was only detecting the onboard19:27
ompaulGre2, cos you have to choose something else - try the "Vesa" or "nv" driver19:27
Sharpiekthakore: custom19:27
Gre2Is nv nvidia?19:27
skullrwhy /dev/sda3 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive19:27
kthakoreSharpie, do u have put on?19:27
skullrcan anyone help me please19:27
asathoorskullr >> your problem???19:27
ompaulGre2, the OSS (open source software) version - and if you only installed in the last day then maybe a fresh install would be great if you can't get it right - but19:27
Gre2Wish I could help Skull.  This is but day two of my Linux adventure.19:28
Sharpiekthakore: no19:28
asathoorskullr >> sorry saw i now19:28
skullri'm trying to restore my grub19:28
scragarwhat DVD copying software(like DVDshrink) are there?19:28
Gre2Was it eaten?19:28
MichaelSammelsOn my laptop, when I run Ubuntu 7.04 / 7.10 from the LiveCD I get the following error:19:28
MichaelSammelsMP-BIOS bug 2854: timer not connected to IO-APIC19:28
kthakoreSharpie, do u have anything from windows managaement on19:28
MichaelSammelsso I used the noapic and nolapic flags, but nothing is helping me at all. If I use either flag it loads up the BusyBox shell about 13 seconds after the Splash Screen is showing.19:28
skullrand when i put the grub-install /dev/hda19:28
kthakoreSharpie, click on Window Management on the left19:29
Sharpiekthakore: almost everything19:29
skullri got this error /dev/sda3 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive19:29
Sharpiekthakore: i'm not a noob =\19:29
kthakoreSharpie, not trying to imply that19:29
Jarhynperhaps a goat sacrifice will help appease the gods to put the blue smoke back in...19:29
Gre2Okay, just to reiterate, once the download completes, I will be able to run it from the desktop and upgrade to 7.10?19:29
ompaulGre2, you can boot the Live CD and then you copy the xorg.conf from the livecd into the /etc/X11/ directory on the hard drive19:29
Sharpiekthakore: anyway, it's a known bug and i think it was in launchpad too, that's why i'm looking for anything similar19:29
kthakoreSharpie, check ur windows rules and check if any of the feils have panel on it19:30
Brownsterskullr, r u trying to restore the mbr from a live cd?19:30
ompaulGre2, you should - as long as your machine is running okay now19:30
Gre2It is, off the CD19:30
kthakoreSharpie, I know I had this problem too19:30
Gre2I can't run it off my computer because of the video card.  It locks up at the black screen19:30
Sharpiekthakore: any of the fails?19:30
ompaulGre2, then you are not upgrading are you - you are doing a fresh install19:30
Gre2I would assume so19:30
kthakoreSharpie, Bascially compiz was trying to move the panel applet arround19:30
Gre2I think19:30
Sharpiekthakore: and anyway, no, no panel19:30
skullrBrownster, yes19:31
Gre2not so sure19:31
skullrBrownster, i'm trying form a lived cd19:31
Brownsterskullr, mmm 2 ways to do this19:31
kthakoreSharpie, hmmm19:31
skullrBrownster, please19:31
kthakoreSharpie, that was the thing that cose my panel drawers to be slow19:31
MichaelSammelsNo help?19:31
Jarhynjust remember, the blue smoke means that you have angered the gods19:31
skullrBrownster, ???19:31
Brownsterskullr, u can boot from the live cd to the grub menu then use the grub command line to19:31
Brownsterskullr, im typing!19:31
Sharpiekthakore: not for me19:32
kthakoreSharpie, my advice would be to check all of you compiz affects and see if any of them affect your panel19:32
SpookyETIs there a logical volume management solution for ubuntu?19:32
Gre2Forgive my ignorance, however, I have the CD in the drive, I'm in Gnome with the little Install icon on the desktop.  The DL is 1% from... nm, it's done... if I double-click on it, will my computer blow up?19:32
Brownsterskullr, hang on19:32
skullrBrownster, i did that19:32
Gre2I sure hope it doesn't because I still have half a bag of Cheez-Its left and I don't want them to end up wallpapering my computer room.19:33
Sharpiekthakore: i set compiz to "extra" and the problem remains, it's not my settings that caused it19:33
Brownsterskullr, did u use the grub prompt to auto discover the installed kernels?19:33
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=== nu is now known as nuu
Jack_Sparrowskullr: please identify for Brownster how your partitions are setup on your machine..19:33
kthakoreSharpie, then I have no clue without seeing any error outputs?19:33
Gre2Gonna click it...19:34
Gre2wish me luck...19:34
kthakoreDShepherd, did that work out?19:34
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.19:34
Sharpieso, again, does anyone know of anything similar to the gnome drawer applet?19:34
Jack_Sparrowskullr: Are you dual or single booting?19:34
kenanDoes Pidgin have a personal message feature like in MSN?19:34
skullrdual booting19:34
Sharpiekenan: no19:35
wallacewQuick question: troubleshooting a tv tuner card. I get error messages on my bootup19:35
* TuX_Claudiu is Away, Reason: ( watching mouvi ) | Since: ( Sunday, December 16, 2007. 21:27:34 ) Xlack v2.119:35
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Jack_Sparrowskullr: that is the type of info he will need.. and what version of windows etc..?19:35
ChromeTiger_with Compiz-Fusion,  how do i make the cube visible when switching,  when i switch it just flips the desktop to the next  vwm19:35
wallacewQuick question: (sorry, hit enter) troubleshooting a tv tuner card. I get error messages on my bootup (turned off splashy), they quickly flash past. How do I find a log of the bootup messages? Is there one?19:35
skullrBrownster, hda1=windows hda3=linux19:36
astro76wallacew, dmesg19:36
Jack_Sparrowskullr: Single drive or  dual drives...  did you lose grub after reinstalling windows etc?19:36
robdigwallacew: dmesg19:36
Gre2Hrm.  Okay Linux pro's:  nothing happened.  It opened the Archive Manager.  Do I need to extract the 7.10 iso file?19:36
Jordan_U_!ccsm | ChromeTiger_19:36
ubotuChromeTiger_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:36
Jack_Sparrowskullr: Basically, better questions make for better answers...19:36
kathanI've added a route (route add ...) but when I reboot the change is lost. How can I make the change permanent ?19:36
astro76Gre2, right click it, burn to cd19:36
TtechHi,  I need help, I want to play dvd's I innstalled the libdvdcss2 lib but it still won't play.19:36
Gre2No CDs astro.19:36
Jack_Sparrow!grub | skullr19:36
ubotuskullr: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:36
wallacewastro76, robdig: brilliant, thanks19:37
Gre2Can I run it from the computer.  Some said yes, some said no19:37
ChromeTiger_ubotu:  i have and i cant figure out what setting or settings i need to enable it19:37
Jack_Sparrowskullr: Did you read through that link.. it covers exactly what you need to do19:37
kenanHow come when im listening to music, once a day the songs randomly dont play anymore and the icons for mp3's turn to blank pieces of paper, after that, nothing opens anymore and I cant shut down because i dont geta response when i click the button at the top right of desktop so i am forced to restart manually19:37
Jack_Sparrowlater people.. game is back on....19:37
skullri have surfed more 4 hours19:37
cleatonGre2, what are you trying to do?19:37
skullrand tried everything i found19:37
tony_mathChromeTiger_: How are you switching desktops? Does the cube rotate?19:38
Gre2Fresh Install or upgrade to 7.1019:38
mularhey how long does it take on average to rip a dvd to your harddrive with k9copy?19:38
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astro76Gre2, err you can, might be easier to just upgrade then, or pick up some cds ;)19:38
Gre2I downloaded it off the Ubuntu site, however I'm on the LiveCD and not an actual run of i19:38
ChromeTiger_ctrl+alt+arrow    default keys,  and no the cube doesn't display   just flips desktop to next19:38
Brownsterskullr, there are 2 ways to recover i believe, there is an easier way i think which im trying to find a link for because19:38
Jack_Sparrowskullr: Did you read the link I just gave you.. specifically that link....  also look at super grub repair live cd...19:39
Gre2Is it possible to run it from the HDD and if so, how/where do I need to put it?19:39
Gre2It is currently in iso format.19:39
astro76!install | Gre219:39
ubotuGre2: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:39
cleatonGre2, if you don't really have things you want to save i recomend fresh install. Upgrades can cause problems sometimes19:39
mularwith ubuntu 7.10 and a sata drive.. is there / do I have to enable DMA to get faster dvd ripping/burning?19:39
taconeHow to lower/raise (gnome) volume from shell ?19:39
Brownsterskullr, if you boot from the livecd u have to mount a number of important directories before u run grub install and i expect u missed this stage?19:39
rsktacone: alsamixer19:39
poningruquick question anyone know if ubuntu has a /dev/disk/by-label thing?19:39
phyzChromeTiger_, click both buttons on the desktop (it might be button 2 also) to get the cube19:39
Gre2I have zero I want to save.  Built the PC yesterday and have been going for about 13 hours with Ubuntu and I am still at square 119:40
taconersk: thx !!!19:40
kenanHow come when im listening to music, once a day the songs randomly dont play anymore and the icons for mp3's turn to blank pieces of paper, after that, nothing opens anymore and I cant shut down because i dont geta response when i click the button at the top right of desktop so i am forced to restart manually19:40
skullri guess so19:40
ChromeTiger_both ?19:40
poningruGre2: whats wrong?19:40
phyzChromeTiger_, yeah left and right simultaneously19:40
cleatonGre2, have a ubuntu 7.10 cd?19:40
Gre2Video Card19:40
Gre2No, I don't19:40
Gre2I bought 7.04 yesterday19:40
Synx_hmIs mdadm on the live cd?  I need to clear out an old raid-0 to reinstall but the install cd wont let me delete it19:40
lnxkdeI have a pc without CDROM and I need to instal linux and windows on it19:40
Gre2Well, I bought a book that it was in19:40
skullrBrownster, i mount hda1 hda3, typed chroot19:41
lnxkdehow can I set up a server for instalations on mu ubuntu machine?19:41
Gre2Huge book19:41
ChromeTiger_lol  just  flips  desktops   extrememlllly  fast19:41
Gre2I think I'll start a nice bonfire with it with all the help it's been.19:41
taconeGre2: how much did you paid?19:41
cleatonGre2, then you can do a fresh 7.04 install and then just upgrade19:41
cleatonthat should be fine19:41
poningru!install | lnxkde19:41
ubotulnxkde: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:41
crdlbChromeTiger_: ctrl+alt+mouse_drag19:41
taconegre: you can install and upgrade, but it will take a little more time :-)19:41
phyzChromeTiger_, they hold still for me until i move the mouse and then they move at a relative speed to that19:41
Roman123The user entry in my /etc/sudoers file is missing. Can someone post the correct syntax of the line. Thank you very much.19:42
Gre2Okay, so I just did a fresh install, just DLed the 7.10 iso file to the LiveCD desktop, where do I go from here?19:42
poningruGre2: yeah what trouble with install are you having?19:42
makuseruhi, when i try to run a program called dguitar i get this error, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48476/ what does it mean, how can i fix it?19:42
poningruGre2: ah gotcha19:42
Gre2No CDs to burn to19:42
cleatonGre2,  you don't need to downlaod the 7.10 iso to upgrade19:42
Brownsterskullr, see this howto, u need to mount 'dev' and 'proc' for grub to see your disks as well http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435119:42
poningrudo you have a usb stick?19:42
Gre2how does one go about it then?19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uppgrade - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
ChromeTiger_crdlb:  ok  that moved the desktop around  but im only looking at one side  of a cube  like19:42
poningruGre2: install 7.0419:42
taconegre2: the easiser path is install 7.0419:42
Gre2Got it Pon19:42
schasigood evening19:42
poningruGre2: then just upgrade19:42
taconethen upgrade19:42
Gre2Installed it about 5 minutes before I got on here19:42
skullrBrownster, let me see19:42
Brownsterskullr, but i was trying to find the easier way of doing this19:42
crdlbChromeTiger_: join #compiz-fusion19:42
cassiopeaHey. I have two installations of linux on my machine, but every time I boot into ubuntu and then into my other linux installation, the system time is two hours late. Where can I set ubuntu to consider the system clock as the local time?19:43
poningru!upgrade | Gre219:43
ubotuGre2: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:43
ramza3_is there a hard drive you would stay away from.  Eg., maxtor or western digital?  Also, can linux suppor the 300-500 GB drives?19:43
mularanyone know why totem won't play dvds but VLC player does?19:43
skullrBrownster, thansks any way19:43
taconeyou should see some notice about a new distribution available in synaptic.19:43
tony_mathChromeTiger_: The cube has to  be enabled in compiz-manager. System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings.19:43
poningruramza3_: yes it will support all those drives19:43
ChromeTiger_tony_math:  it is19:43
Synx_hmHow can i remove an old RAID-0?  The text install cd wont let me del the old md0 or add a new one, ive whipped out the partition table a number of times19:43
ramza3_poningru, you like maxtor or WD?19:43
Brownsterskullr, i think there is an easier way19:43
poningrumular: it has libdvdcss built in iirc19:43
Gre2sudo !upgrade?19:43
taconeChromeTiger_: how many desktops do you have ?19:43
skullrBrownster, i'll see this one19:44
BjoeHrnWhen I use the fglrx driver I can activate the desktop effects. Can anyone help me to activate the effects?19:44
taconeyou need 4 to see the cube.19:44
Brownsterskullr, ok19:44
poningruramza3_: wd if new, maxtor if the drive is made before 200019:44
poningruGre2: go to that website it tells you how to upgrade19:44
fabrAnyone who knows some C language and can help me with a tiny problem?19:44
poningru!dvd | mular19:44
ubotumular: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:44
docgnomefabr: I'll try.19:44
skullrBrownster, i tried this19:44
skullrBrownster, that didn't work for me19:45
fabrdocgnome: Okay, let's get in #helpmec, since I'm not identified ^.^19:45
poningrumular: that should hep you play dvds in totem19:45
Gre2Doing it now19:45
piotruntuhello guys19:45
yubwyubwhat do i press to see the cube ?19:45
Jordan_U_mular, totem is not great for DVD's, I would go with VLC / gxine /mplayer19:45
taconeGre2: great !19:45
Gre2*crosses fingers*19:45
fabryubwyub: ctrl+alt+mouse tilt19:46
Jordan_U_!ccsm | yubwyub19:46
ubotuyubwyub: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion19:46
taconeyubwyub: ctr+alt + drag drop19:46
Brownsterskullr, r u mounting root, proc and dev before chrooting?19:46
tony_mathChromeTiger_: is "Rotate Cube" also checked in compiz-manager as well?19:46
sYn_0n3sup fellow ubuntuers19:46
yubwyubfabr "mouse tilt" ?19:46
Gre2So, once 7.10 is installed, how do I go about resolving the black screen problem with my video card?19:46
piotruntuWhen I try to play flash movies Firefox crashes after a while. I got the adobe flash thingy.19:46
poningruGre2: black screen problem?19:46
fabryubwyub: yeah, like click and drag.19:46
Gre2I've tried getting nvidia drivers, but I haven't had much luck19:46
fabrdocgnome: /poke19:46
poningruGre2: whats the problem?19:46
taconeyubwyub: ctrl+alt+ left mouse button pressed and move the mouse19:47
skullrBrownster, how do i unmount chroot??19:47
docgnomefabr: sorry. was afk for a second19:47
fabrdocgnome: Okay, let's get in #helpmec, since I'm not identified ^.^19:47
yubwyubthanks tacone19:47
Brownsterskullr, u dont, type exit19:47
taconeyubwyub: works ?19:47
Gre2Yea, I am using a brand new GeForce 8400GS, but so far, I can't get it to work.  When I updated the drivers it just loads to the black screen and stops19:47
Jordan_U_skullr, "exit"19:47
Gre2I see nothing, I can do nothing19:47
Gre2When I took out the video card and hooked the monitor into the onboard POS one, it ran fine19:47
taconeGre2: which videocard you have ?19:47
Brownsterskullr, mount in this order, root, then proc then dev then chroot19:47
sethkGre2, try using the "nv" driver19:47
windego40hello all19:47
mulardoes 30min dvd rip times seem "average"? using k9copy19:48
Gre2GeForce 8400GS, and I will have to try that Seth19:48
yubwyubyep it works :-)19:48
sethkGre2, that's an open source driver that supports nvidia but does only 2d.  that will tell us whether it is, or isn't the driver19:48
Brownsterskullr i take it grub worked ok then it got hosed?19:48
taconeGre2: try restricted drivers section19:48
windego40i was wondering if anyone could help me getting ubuntu 7.10 boot from my usb drive19:48
poningrumular: what do you mean rip?19:48
Gre2Tacone: Restricted Drivers?19:48
taconeyubwyub: nice !19:48
sethkGre2, I have a new machine at work with an 8600, and I had to use the driver from nvidia's web site to get 3d, but that's rare.19:48
gandhiiIs there a gui program for handling par2 and/or p7zip?19:49
piotruntuWhen i use firefox, i always get no response when im at a site that uses flash (youtube). i have adobe flash installed but people said downloading it through firefox is what gives it the problem, how do i fix all of this?19:49
makuseruhi, when i try to run a program called dguitar i get this error, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48476/ what does it mean, how can i fix it?19:49
poningrumular: dude keep it in the channel19:49
sethkpiotruntu, actually, that's backwards.  downloading it through firefox is what usually makes it work.19:49
poningrumular: how big is the dvd? double layered?19:50
RoDoXpiotruntu: the same problem here...19:50
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression19:50
mularnot a double layer cd19:50
piotruntui tried getting it througth teh mozilla plugin page and I got a link to the adobe page downlaod instrall and then crash19:50
poningrumular: does it show up as 9gigs or 4.7?19:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:51
mularwell the dvd that I am ripping is double layer, but I am shrinking it to 4.719:51
BjoeHrnUse anyone fglrx and the desktop effects?19:51
Gre2"Your Hardware does not need any restricted drivers"19:51
Gre2Does it matter if I am running off the CD right now?19:51
Gre2See, here's my main problem:  I install 7.04 off my CD, reboot, and it locks up unless I load with a safe graphics mode, which is from the cd.19:51
gandhiiubotu: yea.. but not rar's..  or par's for that matter19:51
poningrupiotruntu: what are you trying to do?19:51
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free19:51
piotruntufix the plugin for flash I guess19:51
taconeGre2: it's because you don't have the card plugged in I guess19:51
Gre2See, here's my main problem:  I install 7.04 off my CD, reboot, and it locks up unless I load with a safe graphics mode, which is from the cd.19:51
piotruntubecause it makes firefox unresposive when I try to go on youtube and sucj19:51
sethkGre2, if it says "does not need restricted", then either the repo nvidia driver doesn't have support for your card, or it's misidentifying your card.  I think the nv driver may be what you need.19:51
Gre2And I have the card plugged in.19:51
shamascan somebody help me with screenlets manager?19:52
cleatonGre2, use the safe graphics while you upgrade to 7.1019:52
Gre2Thanks Seth.  Do you think 7.10 will see my card19:52
taconeGre2: sigh19:52
RoDoXpitruntu: i did it as well, and then I uninstalled FF. Once i already had automatix2, it got the MPlayer for firerox and the flash plugin but it still didnt work19:52
Gre2Tacone: I know.  approaching the 14 hour mark.19:52
taconeGre2: i guess 7.10 improved support19:52
sethkGre2, yes, since it finds my 8600, I believe it will find your 840019:52
shamasI'm getting an error: unable to connect or launch daemon, some values may be displayed incorrectly19:52
JummyPlease enter the installation path of the Mozilla, Netscape,or Opera browser, but when i type /usr/lib/mozilla he says it's an invalid path oO19:52
Jordan_U!automatix | RoDoX19:52
ubotuRoDoX: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »19:52
sethkGre2, obviously, each new version supports newer cards19:52
RoDoXalthough ppl in here says that automatix2 is not recommended...19:52
poningruJummy: what are you trying to do19:52
atlef!automatix | RoDoX19:53
taconeGre2: anyway 7.10 is worth an upgrade routine :-)19:53
Gre2I hope so.  I was getting rather mad and with my old XP computer, I went through 4 mice in the 3 years I've had it.  Didn't want to lose one on the first day of Linux.19:53
sethkRoDoX, a lot of people have reported that automatix borked their machine.19:53
Dr_willisautomatix is highly NOT recommended. :)19:53
RoDoXJordan_U: yeah man, I got it and i read the article.. ;-)19:53
Jummyi wannt to install flash plugin because i got no sound in videos @ firefox19:53
piotruntuRodox: u also have problem ?19:53
RoDoXpiotruntu: yeah19:53
Dr_willisJummy,  installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package yet?19:53
piotruntuu tried the adobe plugin right ?19:53
* Dr_willis wonders if the flash 'bug' has been fixed yet?19:54
JummyDr_willis: nope19:54
Dr_willisJummy,  its a must get. :) intalls java and a lot of other bits you will proberly want also.19:54
Jummyi don't know anything about this package19:54
Dr_willis!info ubuntu-restricted-extras19:54
taconeDr_willis: i have no problems with sound in flash with 7.1019:54
Jummy!info ubuntu-restricted-extras19:54
RoDoXi also realized that FF is too "heavy" on my machine...The browser consumes up to 76MB of ram with 2 tabs opened up...is that normal?19:54
taconebut I had with 7.0419:54
Jummytacone: me to :D19:54
piotruntuIs it possible to try Gnash in Feisty ?19:54
Dr_willistacone,  im referng to the md5 issue that showed up last week.19:54
ubotuubuntu-restricted-extras: Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 10 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB19:54
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes19:54
taconeRoDoX: yes :-(19:55
RoDoXtacone: what about FF3 'gran paradiso'?19:55
RoDoXhave they (mozilla) fixed it? =P19:55
piotruntuIs Gnash avaliable for Fesity Users ?19:55
taconeRoDoX: i don't know, but I don't think they're going to work on it. FF works fine on newer computers19:55
Jordan_URoDoX, It's much better, get the Beta though ( Gran paradiso was the alpha )19:55
sethkRoDoX, "normal" has no accepted definition.  There are other browsers available that are lighter weight, but I find that so many sites rely on heavy features that it's best to not fight the trend.19:56
taconeRoDoX: try to disabled fast forward-rewind19:56
ubotuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/19:56
Jasnationhi, I am following this howto- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18106  -and have made the changes to xorg.conf. however, when I login, either the x server or GNOME crashes/restarts, and I am back at the login window. if I chose failsafe gnome as the session, I can login and see the desktop, but I can't really do anything because its failsafe gnome.19:56
Jasnationany suggestions?19:56
piotruntuhow do i completely remove firefox and all the addons that came with it. When i install firefox again I dont want it to have adobe flash already installed on it, i want to install that separately19:56
Gre2Now I'm getting errors trying to upgrade19:56
Gre2I'll copy and paste19:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:56
Musewhat do i install to get multiple codecs for videos and mp3s, since they are not working right now19:56
Gre2Lost con again19:57
RoDoXtacone: fast forward-rewind?19:57
uttyanyone know a key gen for hsfmodem to enable full speed19:57
Gre2Update manager is locked19:57
taconeRoDoX: firefox memorize past pages19:57
Dr_willispiotruntu,  if you installed flash system wide. You need to remove flash system wide. Removing firefox wont remove the other packages19:57
taconeyou can disable that19:57
loko_lokohola a tod@s19:57
loko_lokoque cuentan?19:57
taconealso it seems they are working on the memory issue http://www.google.com/search?q=firefox+reduce+memory+usage&btnG=Search19:57
piotruntuDr Willis: whatd o u mena by wide ?19:57
danili get gibberish all over the screen when i try to run a ncurses (which is emulating termcap) program, after which i can't use the terminal anymore because all the chaacters are wrong. what's wrong?19:57
Jummybut how to install a .deb package?19:57
Dr_willispiotruntu,  if you used the flash deb packages.. you just isntalled it for everyobne19:58
RoDoXtacone: but that happens only when the machine gets turned off accidentally...then it memorize the last pages you visited...right19:58
robdig!es | loko_loko19:58
ubotuloko_loko: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.19:58
tdoggetteIs there a way to add thumbnail support to Firefox's file selection, either by modifying or replacing gtkfilechooser?19:58
taconeRoDoX: no, rodox19:58
Musecan somebody tell me. i remember a package to install that gets alot of codecs... what was the name19:58
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages19:58
Tyczek|PCI don't know how to install that radeon hd ;/19:58
taconeRoDoX: it keeps in mind the last 3-4-5 pages you visited in order to let you go back more fast (with the back button)19:58
piotruntuhow do i completely get rid of adobe flash ?19:59
tdoggetteMuse, w32codecs19:59
Dr_willispiotruntu,  use the package manager - if thats how you installed it.19:59
Musetdoggette: how to get them.. also i remember another package name19:59
taconeRoDoX: also watchout for the extensions you use, some have some serious memory leak http://kb.mozillazine.org/Problematic_extensions19:59
JummyDr_willis: i downloaded the .deb file but i dont know how to install im a ubuntu noob19:59
Dr_willisJummy,  what .deb ?19:59
RoDoXtacone: you know, i realized that even minimized, the 'firefox-bin' keeps screwing up my memory eating it so much...19:59
JummyDr_willis: ubuntu-restricted-extras_10_sparc.deb20:00
piotruntuDr Willis: I installed it in through firefox!20:00
Dr_willisJummy,  normally one does not download individual .deb files - you use the package manager. and let IT install the stuff.  You are wasteing your dime downloading that .deb manually20:00
cleatonGre2, what are you doing now?20:00
BrownsterJasnation, when it crashes does the message mention using failsafe screen20:00
tdoggetteMuse, sudo apt-get install w32codecs20:00
electro_has anyone gotten wpa to work with gibbon?20:00
Gre2Lost connection in the middle of a DL, now my update manager says "Software Index is broken - Run Synaptic"  click to run Synaptic - "Another Synaptic is running, wait for it to finish"20:00
poningruJummy: you are running it in spark?20:01
othinspearhi can some one help me im trying to get audacity to work on ubuntu but im not getting any sound cooming out alll my other programs have sound and  iv try the obvious20:01
Dr_willispiotruntu,  i have no idea then.  If it just installeed fotr that user. its proberly in the .firefox/.mozilla  dir.20:01
poningruer sparc?20:01
tdoggetteMuse, google ubuntu codecs20:01
taconeRoDoX: firefox is heavy. that's widely-accepted truth. you can only try to get things a little better. like http://howto.helpero.com/howto/Reduce-Firefox-Memory-Usage_4.html20:01
kbrooksgandhii: i'm not sure if any program supports both, but http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Flinux.softpedia.com%2Fget%2FSystem%2FArchiving%2FPAR2GUI-23741.shtml&ei=tINlR6msCoHWgQK4x_n-Dg&usg=AFQjCNEWjlwoLclad8XL2vmwmKz7Z8liiQ&sig2=NP2E_FZy8wwBaEyQ7RgHVg could work for par2 and the archive manager supports it when you install the corresponding package20:01
cleatonGre2, i private messaged you,20:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about curses - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:01
Dr_willisJummy,  sudo apt-get install THE_package_name20:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ncurses - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:01
kthakorewols, sethk, I figured it out no more HAL errors cd errors w000t!20:01
kbrooksutty: we cannot help with that in here.20:01
sethkkthakore, did you find info in the logs?20:01
poningruDaniel^: what are you trying to do?20:02
DShepherdkthakore, yeah, it seemed to work20:02
electro_raise your hand if your an ubuntu expert that knows how to get wpa please =)20:02
=== Jordan_U__ is now known as Jordan_U
* Dr_willis takes a hammer to all wireless cards20:02
kthakoresethk, no acutally there was no error I had fiddled with my init.d/rc to make boot faster20:02
Brownsterelectro_, no ones gonna admit to that20:02
ryantmerLong question: I have an old laptop (Twinhead Slimnote VX) which I put Kubuntu 6.06 LTS on. Worked fine, but no sound, and considering I want to use it as a jukebox, no good. So I installed 7.10, sound works now, but the touchpad doesn't work anymore! Anybody have any idea what the difference is between 6.06 and 7.10 in this respect, and any way to fix it?20:02
othinspeari would like to know if i can turn ubuntu into ubuntu studion without reinstalling the whole system20:02
cleatonelectro_, wpa just works for me20:02
sethkkthakore, ok ...20:02
kthakoresethk, I swithced it back and no more problem apparently dbus was been started at wrong time in boot queque20:02
sethkothinspear, I believe so, but I haven't done that specific transformation.20:03
Brownsterelectro_, mine works ok, ive got an edimax card rt2500 driver20:03
Dr_willisothinspear,  check the ubuntu-studio homepage/wiki/faq - proberly they have some repos you add. and a meta-pacakge you can install20:03
kthakoreDShepherd, awesome enjoy20:03
cleatonelectro_, i don't have to do anything special i have a intel chipset wireless20:03
electro_i have wpa installed but when i connect to my access point it continusouly prompts me for the passphrase20:03
DShepherdkthakore, yeah. thanks for the tip20:03
Jordan_U!synaptics | ryanakca This might be helpful20:03
uboturyanakca This might be helpful: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad20:03
mularhey just wanted to thank you guys, should have came here sooner finally got my first dvd burned LoL.. one step closer to never going back to winxp ;)20:03
ompaul!piracy | utty20:03
ubotuutty: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:03
sethkelectro_, that usually means the handshake is failing.  Trying using a hex key instead of a pass phrase.20:03
kthakoreDShepherd, np hey do u know how to get videos of veoh20:03
kthakoreDShepherd, or atleast the flv20:04
electro_wpa will take hex?20:04
DShepherdkthakore, veoh?20:04
RoDoXtacone: thanks for the links. i'm gonna take a look at them right now...but i really think that mozilla should study this case a lot in order to make FF to become 'hungryless'...and the only addon im using is the mcafee site advisor...nothing that much heavy...5MB20:04
adamski84how do i get my games to run in full screen mode with wine?20:04
kthakoreDShepherd, its like youtube but better20:04
DShepherdkthakore, oh, no20:04
sethkelectro_, Yes, although I can't tell you the mechanics for it.20:04
tonyyarussoutty: While I wish they made the source available and free of charge, that doesn't make it okay to pirate the software, so unfortunately you'll just have to cough up the $19.99 and be glad it at least works.20:04
GregI got booted20:05
electro_ok thanks, ill try that20:05
othinspearok im trying to figure out why audacity will not work  gi is there but iv got no sound20:05
Brownsterelectro_, what card is it?20:05
scragaranyone experienced this before? Rightclicking on my DVD drive and clicking Eject causes the message: "Unable to mount media. There is probably no media in the drive". And I am clicking Eject and not mount.20:05
electro_its a notebook and its the dell wireless 150020:05
Jordan_URoDoX, You should honestly try FF3b1,20:05
cleatonGreg, priv msg20:05
wemsis it possible to run ubuntu and windows xp on one machine and use the same file space?20:05
electro_the card that has N20:05
sethkGreg, does that mean you were able to start your machine, or you were ejected from the channel?   :)20:05
wemsso i dont have to have 2 partitions20:05
scragarwems: not really20:05
mularadamski84: I believe when I installed wine it was default in full screen.. but if you do winecfg in a terminal and hit graphical there are all sorts of things you can set20:05
electro_oh does 7.10 have support for wireless N?20:06
sethkwems, you can run from CD, but that's not really what you asked.20:06
wemsno its not, but is what i asked possible? :)20:06
wemslike lets say im in windows and i install a program, i basically want to be able to use that program in linux/also windows20:06
RoDoXalthough its still in beta version i would like to...but only if you'd tell me that this scenario changes with this new version...20:06
othinspearlike the same hard drive yea20:06
wemssomething like that?20:06
adamski84what games arew you ruuning mular?20:06
wemsso is that possible?20:06
wemsor how do i do that?20:07
sethkwems, no, that's not possible.20:07
brylieIs there a way to use OpenID or LDAP to allow users to login to an Ubuntu PC? Also, is there a way to limit a user's daily access to, say, 3 hours or so?20:07
mularwell I tried starcraft and that runs but very slow for some reason.. searched on the net for ages and couldn't find anything to help it.. I loaded up warcraft 3 and that runs flawlessly go figure20:07
scragarwems: files yes, executables not unless you use something like wine to force compatability, and then the drive is different and will cause problems20:07
taconei am also looking for games that run fine in wine20:07
othinspearfrom what i know no its not but im not shure20:07
taconeany title ?20:07
mularI tried to install something newer Call of duty 4 / gears of war but I couldn't get directx working right20:07
kthakorehas anyone gotten portal to run on wine20:07
othinspearlinux has better software anyway  just find a program to do it that was  made for your distro20:07
cleatontacone, warcraft 320:08
electro_can anyone confirm battlefield 2142 working on 7.10?20:08
cleatontacone, check the winehq20:08
taconecleaton: something more action oriented ? :-)20:08
sethkmular, we have COD version 2 working in linux at work.  Haven't tried 420:08
taconecleaton: ok20:08
poningrubrylie: yes20:08
othinspearso can anyone pint me toward an audacity chat room20:08
poningrujust search for user quota online20:08
poningruand search for ldap authentication ubuntu20:08
scragarkthakore: not personaly, but I know it can be done20:08
mularsethk, thats awesome.. I wonder why 3d movies run good but 2d <starcraft> does not lol20:08
shawnrgrIs it possible to user the gnome-sound-recorder to record sound playing through my speakers?20:08
cleatontacone, http://appdb.winehq.org/20:08
sethkmular, that I can't even guess about.20:08
kbrooksgandhii: are you there? are you satisfied with my answer?20:09
Brownstershawnrgr, why?20:09
brylieok, thanks poningru20:09
cleatontacone, steam works, with cs hl2, portal etc20:09
gandhiiyea,  thanks alot20:09
poningrubrylie: thats more of a sys-admin thing and not really very easily explainable20:09
kthakorescragar, I know I check wine db but I keep getting a dx8 need by portal20:09
mularsethk, have you figured out how to use a iso file as opposed to using the cd with wine? I have a nice big harddrive with all my cds backed up but then the game whines about cd not in drive so I had to download a no cd crack20:09
kthakorecleaton, portal keep asking me for directx 820:09
Brownstershawnrgr, u could with a mike but why would u want to?20:09
shawnrgrBrownster, i want to get a song from a youtube video20:10
brylieponingru, would LDAP or OpenID be a better candidate for local login while allowing remote folder access?20:10
brylieponingru, would LDAP or OpenID be a better candidate for local login while allowing remote folder access?20:10
shawnrgrBrownster, but don't want to rip video then audio, then encode, then burn lol20:10
sethkmular, I'll ask one of the gamers at work about that tomorrow.  Look for me here in the afternoon (New York City time)20:10
Brownstershawnrgr, i see, :)20:10
DShepherdwhere can i upload big files? (other than rapid share20:10
mularok will do thanks sethk :)20:10
shawnrgrBrownster, could you help me accomplish this?20:10
scragarkthakore: ask in the steam forums, I know they help linux users get their games running normaly(if you got portal in orangebox anyway)20:11
poningrubrylie: ldap20:11
piotruntuHey is there any program that will make your LCD display look better/sharper ?20:11
poningruopenid isnt meant to be an authentication system really20:11
Jasnationhi, I am following this howto- http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18106  -and have made the changes to xorg.conf. however, when I login, either the x server or GNOME crashes/restarts, and I am back at the login window. if I chose failsafe gnome as the session, I can login and see the desktop, but I can't really do anything because its failsafe gnome.20:11
Jasnationany suggestions?20:11
brylieOK, thank you poningru20:11
karoloshello. I have a program runned in background with & now i want to take it back in foreground. how is that possible?20:11
ompaulkarolos, in the same terminal do >>       fg        << that is all20:12
othinspear  /msg <#ubuntu sethk><im having trouble with getting audacity and other software to work righ can you point me toward an audio channel>20:12
mularanyone know how I can fix some of my partitions.. they seem to umount themselfs?20:12
windego40i was wondering if anyone could help me getting ubuntu 7.10 boot from my usb drive20:12
piotruntuI am looking for a program to make my LCD more sharp??20:12
=== tofaffy is now known as tofaffy|laptop
karolosompaul, -bash: fg: current: no such job that's what i get20:12
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer20:12
ompaulkarolos, is the job finished?20:13
Tyczek|PCShould I use Envy or is there another solution to force radeon hd 2600 to work? I don't have any idea. Even my old radeon 9250 works better ;)20:13
brylieIs there a way to limit an user account's daily login time? Some people are 'bogarting' public terminals.20:13
shawnrgrBrownster, can you help me with that?20:13
karolosompaul, i see it in ps -A20:13
ompaul!envy | Tyczek|PC20:13
ubotuTyczek|PC: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »20:13
Brownstershawnrgr, ill msg u20:13
Tyczek|PCbinary drivers doesn't want to work :/20:13
othinspear  /query<sethk><do you know of an auido channel>20:14
mularanyone know how I can fix some of my partitions.. they seem to umount themselfs?20:14
karolosompaul, as i said seems it's still runnning as i see it in ps -A and it's Time is getting more and more each time20:14
sethkothinspear, sorry, I don't.  Not to say there isn't one, but I don't know of it.20:14
Flare183!repeat | mular20:14
ubotumular: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:14
adamski84anyone running WOW on wine?20:14
VandenHi does anyone know if the live environment on the live CD for x86 and x86_64 are the same ?20:15
kbrooksDShepherd, box.net20:15
ompaulkarolos, what is the command you are using?20:15
kbrooksDShepherd, anything else you want?20:15
comicinkerwhere can I find ubuntu packages? (excluding the repos)20:15
MGalaxyHow can I set a .iso file as a repository?20:15
karolosompaul, "ps -A | grep name" and simple "fg"20:15
Brownstershawnrgr, u still there?20:15
Flare183comicinker:> getdeb.net20:16
kbrooksDShepherd, i mean, is that one site enough, or do you want more?20:16
ricohey, I have an iPod, but when I right-click on it's icon on my desktop I see "Unmount volume" instead of "Eject"20:16
DShepherdkbrooks, not right now. well money works :D20:16
Flare183rico:> same thing20:16
DShepherdkbrooks, that's ok. let me check out this one first. if I need more then i will let you know20:16
shawnrgrBrownster, yes i'm here. my nick isn't registered, can you still msg me?20:16
bryliecomicinker, some projects release .deb files for Ubuntu.20:16
Myrttirico: yyyyees?20:16
comicinkerbrylie: not anjuta20:16
ompaulcomicinker,  http://archive.ubuntu.com/pool20:16
Flare183rico:> just umount it and then unplug it20:16
Brownstershawnrgr, ill try now20:16
DShepherdkbrooks, is there anyone that i dont need to login to?20:16
ompaulkarolos, no what command are you chasing20:16
DShepherdkbrooks, or signup.20:17
kbrooksDShepherd, hmmm.20:17
bryliecomicinker, is anjuta a specific project?20:17
karolosompaul, what do you mean?20:17
comicinkerFlare183: thanks. sorry to say they don't have anjuta 2.2.320:17
ompaulkarolos, what command are you trying to find - the clue must be in there20:17
shawnrgrBrownster, hold on one sec20:17
=== shawnrgr is now known as shawnr34
Flare183comicinker:> no problem20:17
kbrooksDShepherd, http://www.mediafire.com/20:17
comicinkerbrylie: it's a IDE, and the version in the ubuntu repos has a bug20:18
=== shawnr34 is now known as shawn34
karolosompaul, i'm trying to  find john that program20:18
Ericl80427Java doesn't seem to work on Firefox, even after downloading JRE, can anyone help me?20:18
johnyou are?20:18
VandenHi does anyone know if the live environment on the live CD for x86 and x86_64 are the same ? I'm asking because wireless worked on the live [x86_64] CD but not after install.20:18
dogfishguzzlerDo torrents pose any security risk to linux? Should I scan torrents before using them?20:18
shawn34Brownster, ok, i switched to my registered nick20:18
DShepherdkbrooks, ah, ok thanks20:18
bryliecomicinker, perhaps try the forum for Anjuta. What type of IDE is it?there might be an alternative.20:18
ompaulkarolos, I still have not got the answer I thought i was asking for, so what exactly is the command line you were running that you put an & after20:19
[IoD]JoeBlackHi, i just moved much files from hdb1 to hda6 via ssh, well, "ls -la" now gives just one folder on hda6 :-( There should be plenty folders. Suprisingly, "df -h" gives 99% used for hda6 - where are my folders?20:19
karolosompaul, oh ok i did "./john --restore &"20:19
comicinkerbrylie: in the IRC they said: try to find a package. or compile. but I already tried to compile with no good results20:20
kbrooksMGalaxy, mount it, and put the path to the repo from the cd in /etc/apt/sources.list20:20
brylieothinspear, try /join #audacity20:20
tacone! patience20:20
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:20
Ericl80427Java doesn't seem to work on Firefox, even after downloading JRE, can anyone help me..?20:20
=== tofaffy|laptop is now known as jared_
Dr_willisEricl80427,  how did you install java?20:20
brylie! anjuta20:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about anjuta - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:20
Jordan_UEricl80427, You need the Firefox plugin as well20:21
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ompaulkarolos, strange my thoughts are that it should have worked - as in come to the foreground  you are in the same terminal I take it20:21
Dr_willisEricl80427,  you may want to install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' package. It should get java installed and goind20:21
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Ericl80427I used the Synaptic Package Manager20:21
karolosompaul, hm? my mistake ... i exited the terminal and logged back again(through ssh)20:21
comicinkerbrylie: its a c/c++ enviroment for gnome20:21
Ericl80427I will try it20:21
shawn34Brownster, are you still there, you should be able to msg me now20:21
Dr_willis!find plugin20:21
ubotuFound: abiword-plugins, abiword-plugins-gnome, compiz-fusion-plugins-extra, compiz-fusion-plugins-main, gnumeric-plugins-extra (and 342 others)20:21
ompaulkarolos, you need to run screen for that20:21
xtknighthow does color management work in ubuntu?  where do i set the ICC profile for my display?20:22
Brownstershawn34, just sent you a msg20:22
Jordan_UEricl80427, Install sun-java6-plugin20:22
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bryliecomicinker, would a python IDE such as Boa Constructor help?20:22
ompaulkarolos, screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen20:22
Ericl80427Ok will do20:22
kbrooksMGalaxy, do you know how to mount? by the way, if you insert a cd, a dialog box should show20:22
MGalaxykbrooks: how? u mean something like this: deb /home/mgalaxy/myDVD.iso ?20:22
kbrooksMGalaxy, no20:22
Jordan_Uxtknight, There is a possibly helpful instruction on how to set the color profile @ wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBook20:23
shawn34Brownster, is your nick registered?20:23
MGalaxykbrooks: deb /media/cdrom2 ?20:23
bryliecomicinker, Eclipse has C++ extension20:23
Brownstershawn34, anyway take a look at jack, no i haven't is that the problem?20:23
kbrooksMGalaxy, you need to make the CD look like a directory20:23
rico_hey, I have an iPod, but when I right-click on it's icon on my desktop I see "Unmount volume" instead of "Eject."20:23
Vandenrico they mean the same20:24
hottisrico_: and the problem was?20:24
comicinkerbrylie: Eclipse rocks, I know...20:24
rico_this is a problem to me because "unmount" will merely umount the volume (iPod will be stuck at the "Do not disconnect" screen), unless I "eject" (using /bin/eject) it myself20:24
Brownstershawn34, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToQjackCtlConnections20:24
rico_is there a way to change this?20:24
brylieTry Boa Constructor / Python?20:24
karolosompaul, any easier way20:24
xtknightJordan_U, thanks.  i was wondering how to get image viewer apps like Eye of GNOME (eog, which claims to support ICC) to convert images to my profile for proper viewing.  i dont know how to tell Eye of GNOME which profile to use, and xicc, which is supposed to set the X-wide profile for a display,  doesn't seem to do anything20:24
Azrae2lol hey im in!20:24
rico_hottis: this is a problem to me because "unmount" will merely umount the volume (iPod will be stuck at the "Do not disconnect" screen), unless I "eject" (using /bin/eject) it myself20:25
Flannel!repeat | rico_20:25
uboturico_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:25
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rico_Flannel, sorry, hottis was asking so I repeated it :)20:25
MGalaxykbrooks: when i mount it at /media/cdrom2 it looks like a directory, doesnt it?20:25
xtknightJordan_U, the GIMP however does properly read my profile and the results are as expected20:25
kbrooksMGalaxy, add that dir e.g. "deb /mnt/point ./"20:26
adamski84does wine run the games well?20:26
adamski84does it run world of warcraft well?20:26
Dr_willisadamski84,  it can run SOME games well20:26
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org20:26
rico_adamski84, some games. check out wine's appdb for the fool scoop.20:26
rico_bleh, full scoop20:27
jamp/dns $nick(#,$rand(1,$nick(#,0)))20:27
ghostknifeI have a .deb file. What do I do with it to install/use it?20:27
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Dr_willisghostknife,  what .deb ? sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb20:27
rottie_maybe transgaming would be a better choice for a big commercial game like wow?20:27
rico_ghostknife, you can double-click it from the file manager, or if you prefer the commandline you can use dpkg -i <filename> to install it20:27
holotoneFor some reason, my laptop has decided that the my unprotected wireless network is running WPA, and won't let me connect. All other computers see the WAP correctly as unsecured and allow me to connect. Even rebooting does not resolve this problem - Any suggestions?20:28
taconeghostknife: usually double clicking in nautilus  works fine .-)20:28
ghostknifeOh, double click. Not used to that ;>20:28
Flare183!wpa | holotone20:28
ubotuholotone: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:28
brylieIs there a way to limit an user account's daily login time? Some people are abusing their access to public computer terminals.20:28
Dr_willisquinttubbple-alt-shift-meta click! :)20:28
Flare183holotone:> that might help with the wpa too i think20:28
eTranquilityHi, can anyone help me with installing fonts in gnome? I've tried to copy them into fonts:///, but it tells me the files already exist and ask whether I want to replace, skip, etc. I know they don't already exist, I've just downloaded them. Did I miss something?20:29
ghostkniferico_: Dr_willis : when I use dpkg it tells me that the whatever is in use, because I'm installing something through synaptic p.m. Can i have it ignore this, as I only want info on this package file20:29
Dr_willisghostknife,  close all other package manager tools...20:29
Dr_willisinstall one thing at a time.. using one tool at a time20:29
rottie_adamski84: yes, it's on the game list of cedega, so it could work: http://games.cedega.com/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=487020:30
mluser-homeHello everyone.. I need to revert to an earlier version of flash (flashplugin-nonfree), how do I do this with apt-get or apttitude?20:30
rottie_cedega is much easier to implement then wine20:30
ghostknifeDr_willis: I figure that, but they are busy. So I wanted to know if I could force it to ignore the database. Does it really need to use it?20:30
cleatonbut cedega isn't free20:30
RoDoXtacone: applied all tips from the page you told me and this is what i got: 50,7MB(w/ 2 tabs) instead of 76,3MB -- :-)20:31
rottie_adamski84: better link with screenshots: http://games.cedega.com/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=351820:31
taconerodox:  nice !20:31
rico_if I want to use a new version of WINE, what's the best way for me to do this?20:31
RoDoXtacone: yeah mn...thx! XD20:32
lifeformsQ: Hi all.. I'm trying to install Ubuntu server 6.06 LTS into VMware, but it consistently hangs installing packages during "Retrieving file 61 of 64"... When I Alt-F2 into the busybox shell I can see an aptitude zombie process.. I've retried 2 times but to no avail.. Any tips on how I can debug this situation?20:32
taconeyou're welcome20:32
VandenHolotone: what does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?20:32
holotoneVanden: how do I check?20:32
ghostkniferico_: download+compile ?20:32
Vandengksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces20:33
ghostkniferico_: maybe, download+build .deb using same switches/patches/options in the original one that comes with ubuntu?20:33
altu59I am running jeos inside vmware20:33
altu59I have installed rails20:33
altu59but I cannot access it from my host computer on port 300020:33
tunaIs there any easy way to recursively mass rename all files in a folder to lowercase?20:33
brylielifeforms, are you choosing to install 6.06 because it is LTS?20:33
rico_wine has debs? ok20:33
VandenHi does anyone know if the live environment on the live CD for x86 and x86_64 are the same ? I'm asking because wireless worked on the live [x86_64] CD but not after install.20:34
altu59or access apache on port 8020:34
rico_let me check then :)20:34
altu59is there something I have to configure? iptables?20:34
lifeformsbrylie: yes, that is correct20:34
lifeformsI like to be conservative20:35
brylielifeforms, it might be a repo error/timeout.20:35
spyderi need some help entering commands in the terminal it keeps telling me permission denied without asking for a password?20:35
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lifeformsbrylie: the machine is configured without networking (well, it has network but no defaultroute).. do you think this could be the problem?20:35
Flare183!root | spyder20:35
ubotuspyder: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:35
adamski84what is the best web browser for ubuntu?20:35
eTranquilityCan anyone help me with installing fonts in gnome? I've tried to copy them into fonts:///, but it tells me the files already exist in the folder and asks whether I want to replace, skip, etc. I know they don't already exist, I've just downloaded them. Did I miss something?20:35
Flare183!sudo | spyder20:35
ubotuspyder: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.20:35
NvrnightI have installed Ubuntu on a separate machine and I can't seem to connect to the internet with it, I am using a Linksys router, anyone know where I can find the help for this?20:36
spyderok thanks20:36
brylielifeforms, try gNewSense, it uses 6.06 files on a mirrored repository.20:36
lifeformsbrylie: the last line in Alt-F4 console is "Setting up ubuntu-standard (0.120)20:36
wolsNvrnight: how is that ubuntu machine connected?20:36
brylielifeforms, what is your host OS?20:36
Nvrnightinto the router20:36
lifeformsbrylie: Also Ubuntu 6.06 LTS, however the 64bit version (guest = 32bit)20:36
mudoresorry, I can'f find the correct model of sound card, to the "/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base" :( (inspiron 1521)20:36
brylielifeforms, might QEmu be a solution to try?20:37
spyderis there a command or application to tell me how hot my system is right now?20:37
lifeformsbrylie: I hope not :> I'm working on a "production" server..20:37
wolsspyder: lm-sensors or mbmon20:37
mudoreHow can Can I get the correct model of my sound card?20:37
wolsNvrnight: not to where but HOW20:37
lifeformshmm, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216686 seems to be describing the same problem!20:37
Nvrnightthrough ethernet, cat5 cable20:38
taconelifeforms: ready-appliances of ubuntu 6.06 server exists20:38
mudoreany lead?20:39
bryliespyder, gdesklets has a temperature app20:39
bryliespyder, ktemperature20:39
wolsbrylie: where does it get its info?20:39
NET||abusehmm, anyone know how i can copy a DVD film to i dunno, divx20:39
wolsNvrnight: what network card?20:39
bryliewols, I just did a synaptic search for 'temperature'20:39
RoDoXtacone: ...lthough for some reason it keeps using the same amount of memory when minimized, as if it was maximized >/20:39
wolsNET||abuse: k9copy20:40
taconeRoDoX: you can set that behaviour on about:config20:40
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen20:40
wolsbrylie: those apps only show the temp that lm.sensors collects20:40
Nvrnightthere's only one network card installed, it's not built into the motherboard, it's using a slot on the machine20:40
NET||abusewols, ok,, will that deal with ripping the protection?20:40
eTranquilityCan anyone help me with installing fonts in gnome? I've tried to copy them into fonts:///, but it tells me the files already exist in the folder and asks whether I want to replace, skip, etc. I know they don't already exist, I've just downloaded them. Did I miss something?20:41
lifeformstacone: maybe I'll try that one... thanks20:41
wolsNET||abuse: I don't know. it should, otherwise it's pretty useless20:41
NET||abuse:) jus tried gnomebaker and it failed20:41
brylieXEN sounds cool, I installed it but setting up guest OSs is VERY manual it seems.20:41
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NET||abuseor else i had a broken blank ;)20:41
sethkallbert, the rule here is we do not abet copyright infringement ...20:41
taconerodox: http://www.solo-technology.com/blog/2005/12/23/quick-firefox-tweak-free-mem/20:41
brylieIs there a way to limit an user account's daily login time? Some people are abusing their access to public computer terminals.20:41
Tyczek|PCAllright potentially... I installed Ati binary X.Org driver. Should I only reset system after it or should I run any commands, edit xorg?20:42
sethkbrylie, look into quotas.20:42
uniqueis ubuntu the linux that has 3d?20:42
sethkunique, all linux has 3d20:42
bryliesethk, disk quotas?20:42
Dr_willislife is 3d20:42
sethkbrylie, that might work; not much you can do without disk access.  Network quotas.  You might have to punt a bit to get what you want, but I think it's possible20:43
hottisunique: you should first define what you mean by 3d20:43
bryliesethk, I would like to implement disk quotas too.. with http access so that users can access their files remotely.20:43
spyderanybody know how to fix problems with acpi?20:43
uniqueis ubuntu the linux that has 3d?20:43
sethkbrylie, disk quotas are supported.20:43
brylie! disk quota20:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about disk quota - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:44
taconeunique: you are talking about cube, flames, woobbyness and stuff ?20:44
brylie! quota20:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quota - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:44
Brownsterunique, the latest version of ubuntu does have the 3d desk effects by default20:44
casdioi don't have sound on my asus, can you hel me?20:44
uniqueBrownster: is that with gnome or what?20:45
n-iCeHi how do I install gmake20:45
Brownsterunique, ubuntu has the gnome desktop by default but...20:45
spydersudo echo? not working?20:45
johnskyI have an issue upgrading to Ubuntu 7.10. I have allocated a partition at the beginning of my hard drive specifically for /boot. Problem is, when upgrading, it needs to add a few things to /boot and I didn't plan ahead. Short of repartitioning that entire area of my hard drive, is there anything I can do? What files in /boot are necessary, and what can be eliminated?20:45
lifeformshmm, now that VM doesn't come up at boot at all anymore.. probably looking at a VMware issue rather than an Ubuntu issue20:45
Brownsterunique, nothing stops u installing all the kde desktop if you want and switch between them..20:45
MGalaxykbrooks: it didnt work, error message: "E: Malformed line 46 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)"20:46
Brownsterunique, or, if u want just kde u can download kbuntu20:46
sintheteka day or two ago i upgraded to gutsy and it seems to have re-implemented uuid (despite having broken fstab with it when i upgraded to edgy)20:46
CondouloSo Ubuntu is getting a Visual refresh in 8.04, right?20:46
uniqueBrownster: i just want that 3d stuff that i have seen...20:46
Brownsterunique, its a choice not  compromise :)20:46
spyder /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/trip_points: Permission denied...can someone tell me what im doing wrong?20:46
Brownsterunique, lol, it looks good :)20:46
sintheteknot sure if the fstab specifically is related, but now it seems gutsy cannot mount/fsck my /home for some reason20:46
cleatonCondoulo, yes20:46
sethkspyder, try using sudo.  Also, that's really bad practice, you should be using sysctl20:47
Brownsterunique, what r u using at the moment?20:47
n-iCeHi how do I install gmake20:47
Condoulocleaton- any ideas onto what those would be yet? Or is that still in the planning20:47
wolsspyder: you tried to asccess it with a user that didn't have sufficient priviledges for that file20:47
spydersethk: what is sysctl?20:47
sinthetekfor some reason it says /home is already mounted eventhough it doesn't appear in /proc/mounts and such20:47
Brownsterunique, never used linux before?20:47
spyderwols: im the only user?20:47
sethkspyder, a program for setting, displaying, and modifying kernel configuration20:47
uniqueBrownster: i have..20:47
cleatonCondoulo, still planing, if you are interested in joining the discussion go to #ubuntu-art20:47
n-iCeHow is the package name?20:47
wi1hi! how do i find out if my current sata drive is sata I oder II?20:47
Condoulocleaton- Ok. :)20:47
eTranquilityCan anyone help me with installing fonts in gnome? I've tried to copy them into fonts:///, but it tells me the files already exist in the folder and asks whether I want to replace, skip, etc. I know they don't already exist, I've just downloaded them. Did I miss something?20:47
wolsspyder: you never are on a unix system20:47
cleatonCondoulo, sorry #ubuntu-artwork20:48
wolsheck not even on a windows system20:48
BrownstereTranquility, are they true type?20:48
spydersethk: how do i get that and would it help me turn acpi off its malfunctioning20:48
eTranquilityBrownster: yes.20:48
wolswi1: sataII does not exist. it's only marketing speak20:48
rico_hey guys. how do I go about placing my /home into a new partition?20:48
sintheteki tried changing the uuids back to the regular device names in fstab and rebooted by that didn't help20:48
fabr_Hello, anyone with some knowledge in C that can help me out? Thanks.20:48
sethkspyder, it's already there (it's a command line utility).  Using it protects you from changes, such as the fact that the information you are talking about is system wide and is being migrated from /proc to /sys.20:49
spyderwols: ok im new to linux/unix im use to windows where if theres one user its the admin20:49
Jack_Sparrowrico_: I have a link for that.. one sec20:49
uniqueBrownster: can ubuntu be installed from a floppy tho?20:49
wolsfabr_: ##C20:49
BrownstereTranquility, im on a diff box (slackware at the mo) look in the path /usr/share/fonts/truetype or similar, just put them there20:49
sethkspyder, I can't say, though, weather it will fix your problem, you'll have to try it.20:49
casdioI have an Asus and Ubuntu 7.10. But i don't have sound... =/ Can you help me please?20:49
wolsspyder: there are a lot more users in windows too. never just the admin20:49
BrownstereTranquility, did this and gimp / openoffice found them fine20:49
wi1wols: ok how do i find out if it is 150 oder 300?20:49
rico_Jack_Sparrow, I found a guide @ ubuntu-unleashed.blogspot.com, if that's also the ilnk you're referring to, hehe20:49
robdigbrylie: i found a link that may have info that will help, but i'm not familiar with either package https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edubuntu-devel/2006-June/001490.html20:50
Brownsterunique, no20:50
eTranquilityBrownster: I'm not sure how to do this since I'm not root.20:50
Jack_Sparrowrico_: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome20:50
wolswi1:  read the manuals for your controller and your harddisk. no matter that no harddisk on the market right now reaches even 100MB(s20:50
rico_sweet. thank you. :)20:50
spydersethk: could you walk me through cause I just got lost...lol20:50
wolswi1: so it doing 150 is just as pointless as it doing 30020:50
rico_Jack_Sparrow, wouldn't modifying my partition table mess up my GRUB menu?20:51
brylieIsn't Sabayon a Gentoo based GNU/Linux distro?20:51
BrownstereTranquility, verify the path i just gave you then use, are the fonts zipped or archived, can u see the .ttf file extension?20:51
eTranquilityBrownster: And if it helps, I'm trying to install fonts for Inkscape. It's fine if Inkscape is the only application that sees them but I don't know how to do that either.20:51
RoDoXtacone: it doesnt work. awkward20:51
wi1wols:  there are no manuals, i gotta find out from the device manager or something20:51
rico_I mean, if my GRUB refers to an OS /dev/sdb5 (for example), that number can change if I repartition20:51
eTranquilityBrownster: I've unzipped them.20:51
wolswi1: there always are maunals, even when there only exist on the inerweb20:51
Jack_Sparrowrico_: YEs, if you do not already have an extra partition.  it WILL mess up all uuids20:51
NET||abusehmm, my drive door won't open, i've tried right click and eject20:51
NET||abuseand just clicking the hardware eject button,, what's blocking it/20:52
BrownstereTranquility, then use command 'sudo cp filename.ttf /path/to/truetypefonts/20:52
wolsNET||abuse: something's using that drive still20:52
Jack_Sparrowrico_: That is one of the reasons I try to always reconmmend people add a spare partition when they setup their systems20:52
wi1wols: ok nevermind20:52
ogrewhat do i type in terminal to update sources after editing sources.list?20:52
brylieOK, I'll check those packages, thanks robdig!20:52
brobostigo1ogre: sudo apt-get update20:52
eTranquilityBrownster: Thanks, can I do this for a whole folder? ie, if I have a folder of fonts to copy over?20:52
RoDoXtacone: you know what? im gonna try out the new version and see if the problem continues..20:53
rico_Jack_Sparrow, oh those too. shouldn't the part where I modify fstab to use the new UUIDs be in the guide? :b20:53
johnskyNET||Abuse, tap on the door when it's trying to open, sometimes the motor gets stuck20:53
robdigbrylie: no prob, interesting question/application20:53
Jack_Sparrowrico_: I think that guide might predate the use of uuid's20:53
dn4the new adobe flash 9 sucks20:53
BrownstereTranquility, yes but u need to get the command right20:53
dn4they messed up flash20:54
SihingThis is going to be hard to explain... but every now and then my ubuntu OS makes this "bum dah bum" sounds like something opened... it's very soft, and it raises in pitch, then other times it does the reverse, as if something had closed20:54
Sihingany idea what that is?20:54
BrownstereTranquility, r u familiar with the idea of absolute and relative paths?20:54
eromerohi fellows, is there a way to disable ipv6 in a fesh install of Ubuntu Server 7.1020:54
NET||abusejohnsky: nope, not doing the trick20:54
brylieYes, I have pretty much the same circumstance as the poster sf that thread. I wish for a unified login and HD/Time quotas and for the users to be able to access their files remotely.20:54
Brownsterunique, why do u need floppy cant your bios boot cdrom?20:54
brobostigo1!ipv6 | eromero20:55
ubotueromero: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv420:55
LotharTBLattempting to run the 7.10 live CD on a very old (1999) Palmax 1100 subnotebook. I keep getting stuck in a hdc: timeout  and hdd awaiting command20:55
casdiocan somebody help me with erro 22 in grub?20:55
eTranquilityBrownster: Very vaguely.20:55
LotharTBLoops hdc: drive not reaqdy for command20:55
x-manhello. i'm at trying to install ubuntu... after manually configuring the partitions, when i click next, it doesn't do anything... the mouse has a loading symbol but that's it...20:55
Sihingcasdio: I'm not exactly sure how to fix it, but i just booted from the live disk and reinstalled... it worked fine after that20:55
NET||abuseok, really having drive open issue here? is there a way to find what might still be using the drive?20:55
Sihingcasdio: you can also try booting with what's called a "super grub" disk20:56
NET||abusethere's a blank disk in it at the moment.20:56
x-mani'm going to try and manually partition drives first i suppose20:56
LotharTBLis it? I am installing from the live CD the hdd has win 98 on it20:56
casdioSihing:  i reinstaled ubuntu 3 or 4 times, i instaled vista, i tried everything and error is the same =/20:56
casdiowhat is the super grub disk?20:56
BrownstereTranquility, k, worth reading up on :) before you start doing anything as root but in a nutshell, if you precede a path a / you are specifying an absolute path fromm the root dir, if you omit the / you are giving a path relative to the directory u are in20:56
soldatsNET||abuse, if it wont open on some drives there a small hole ubove the tray and you insert a paperclip and it should open20:57
eTranquilityBrownster: I tried "sudo cp /home/elizabeth/.gimp-2.2/fonts /usr/share/fonts/truetype" and got "cp: omitting directory `/home/elizabeth/.gimp-2.2/fonts'".20:57
eromerobrobostigo1: thanks20:57
JaszboHi room. I'm having a problem with my screen saver. It seems to be freezing and I have to do a cold boot. any help?20:57
pablin30how to install xfi driver in ubuntu 64 7.1020:58
Sihingcasdio: it's like a bootable media that allows you to use grub to boot20:58
unraveleTranquility: use the -R flag with cp, will copy recursively.., including directories20:58
eTranquilityBrownster: Thanks, knew that, just didn't know what it was called...20:58
x-manhmm... when in fdisk.. i can't create a primary disk size over 4500mb?20:58
casdioSihing:  where can i find that?20:58
Sihingcasdio: http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/20:59
unravelx-man: do you have more than 4500mb free?20:59
Jack_SparrowJaszbo: which screensaver.. and are you running effects?20:59
Ayabarahow can I prevent rhythmbox from starting when I connect my Creative Zen to an USB input?20:59
wolsx-man: you can20:59
casdioSihing:  tahnks20:59
Sihingcasdio: it'll teach you about how it boots and see how you can fix it20:59
Sihingcasdio: no problem20:59
x-manunravel: i've deleted the other partitions.. i have 8gb20:59
JaszboYes I am running effects, jack20:59
wolskst: 8GB contigoous free space?20:59
JaszboI have compiz-fusion happening20:59
x-manof course it hasn't been written yet... wols: how can you do it?20:59
BrownstereTranquility, like this: 'sudo cp /path to fonts/folder/* /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ ' will copy all the files in the folder to the truetype folder but will not recurse into lower dirs, use the -r option for this21:00
lwizardlbesides devede whats another application to convert xvid to dvd?21:00
JaszboHold on I have to see which screen saver21:00
brobostigo1ayabare:    menu system/preferences/preffered apps21:00
Jack_SparrowJaszbo: Does it happen with effects turned off21:00
jgooInstalled ubuntu 3d acceleration is fine -however can't get higher screen res- I read some stuff about it - I want to update the nvidia driver - what is better, ENVY or NVidia binary X.Org driver from the 'Add Remove Applications' ??21:00
x-manwols: contiguous?21:00
JaszboI don't knmow. Let me check21:00
brobostigo1ayabara: menu system/prefs/preffered apps21:00
x-manwols: i've about 8.5gb free21:00
Jack_Sparrowjgoo: envy is a terrible idea21:00
wolsjgoo: both suck and neither is supported here21:00
casdioanother problem: my asus sound21:00
fabr_Anyone with some C knowledge who can help me and a friend debug some code? :/21:00
casdioi don't have ssound21:01
wolsjgoo: oops. the nvidia driver from restricted applications is. envy is not21:01
jgoowols / Jack_Sparrow : What is the supported method? :-) I am glad I asked now21:01
Jack_Sparrowfabr_: This isnt the place for programming help21:01
wolsjgoo: the one directly from nvidia.com isn't either21:01
wols!nvidia | jgoo21:01
ubotujgoo: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:01
Ayabarabrobostigo1: nah. I have set amarok there, and rhytmbox still pops ut21:01
jgooaaah ok. restricted apps is... well, actually I selected 'restricted drivers; it said non of my hardware needed it21:01
jgooalthough at that point - 3d acceleration was working21:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about realtek - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:01
fabr_Jack_Sparrow: Well, when I find the volunteer I will tell him the channel we are.21:02
n-iCehow do i use gmake21:02
n-iCesays command not found21:02
wolsjgoo: casdio realtek wired or wireless?21:02
n-iCewhat's the package name?21:02
wolsn-iCe: search on packages.ubuntu.com21:02
jgoowols: thanks for that, reading it for the second time today, but safe in the knowledge it is what I need :-)21:02
x-manwhy is 4864 the default value in fdisk?21:02
SmegzorI suspect there might be a conflict between my onboard sound and a new sound card, but how do I check this?21:02
casdiowols: my plac sound?21:03
wolsx-man: maximum contigous freespace probably21:03
pablin3000:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB X-Fi21:03
achandrashekarHey guys, im trying to compile a new atheros madwifi driver on my laptop, and when I do a make, it complains of a "no wireless extensions" - can someone help out?21:03
jgooo.k..... erm. turns out this nvidia card is a Radeon 9200... 0.o21:03
wolscasdio: k. HD audio or AC97?21:03
B4S3Mhow can i reinstall CUPS manager21:03
eTranquilityBrownster: Finally, it worked, thanks so much.21:03
jgoolspci :p so I will follow that route21:03
rico_is there a gnome/ubuntu equivalent for windows's sound recorder?21:03
wolsachandrashekar: full error messages please21:03
BrownstereTranquility, :) pleased to help21:03
casdiowols: no idea, i'm a noob... how do i se that?21:03
wolscasdio: lspci. pastebin output21:04
x-manwols: is there a way to adjust it?21:04
TTiluslooks like i have this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-581541.html clean gutsy + nvidia-glx and nautilus dies and i can not login21:04
achandrashekarwols: sure...lemme get on pastebin and do that.. one sec21:04
wolsx-man: gparted21:04
TTilusany ideas21:04
pablin30what this slab or slub21:04
pablin30newbie in ubuntu21:04
H4v1sanyone have ideas if Gutsy works with Radeon X1650... cause if I use fglrx driver it just freezes21:05
casdiowols:  Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller21:05
wolsH4v1s: it's vesa or fglrx21:05
* lukewarm looks into the distance21:05
wolscasdio: snd-hda-intel it is21:05
x-mangtg bbl21:05
wolscasdio: not realtek at all21:05
H4v1swols: now I'm running vesa...21:05
achandrashekarwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/48484/21:05
achandrashekarwols: thanks in advance21:06
hhbcdxhI run gutsy on 165021:06
ChromeTiger_in ubunut 7.10 how do i turn on multiverse and universe repositories,  or how to i know if i have them already turned on ?21:06
H4v1swols: y21:06
wolsachandrashekar: you haven't kernel headers installed21:06
hhbcdxhworks fine21:06
H4v1shhbcdxh, y21:06
Jack_SparrowChromeTiger_: easiest is synaptic21:06
casdiowols:  i have no sound here, can you heklp me?21:06
H4v1shhbcdxh: not rly;)  I use vesa driver21:06
jgoohow do I revert back to the 'default' detected and set driver settings for my card? after installing it must have been using this 'default' driver for my 9200, and since I just want to see if it will support TV out, I want to try that (The nvidia is much louder!!)21:06
Jack_SparrowChromeTiger_: or manually edit your sources.list21:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:06
steelxenonomg spam21:06
hhbcdxhwith default ago restricted driver21:06
casdiowols:  thanks21:07
H4v1sso witch driver should I use with x1650?21:07
jgoohhbcdxh: TV out?21:07
achandrashekarwols: past the typical apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` is there anything else further??21:07
ChromeTiger_jack_sparrow: in synaptic it just asks for   apt location there is no  check box like in earlier versions21:07
robert___is there anything similair to emerald that will work on an intel card?21:07
achandrashekarwols: because I performed that step already.21:07
wolsachandrashekar: custom kernel or ubuntu kernel?21:07
eromeroany ideas why a box can ping the outside world but not do apt-get install lynx ? nor ssh to any other box? ping seems to work fine it's a ubuntu server 7.1021:08
achandrashekarwols: 2.6.22-14-generic21:08
shawn34I'm unable to install firefox extensions with firefox and ubuntu gusty, the signer window comes up, countdown ends and I click install. it disappears and nothing ever gets installed. any ideas?21:08
achandrashekarwols: ubuntu21:08
Jack_SparrowChromeTiger_: you can just select everything in synaptic  ... remember to update.. the package lists21:08
wolsachandrashekar: then I wouldn't knoe. you can check the configure.log and the other configure* files21:08
wolsachandrashekar: but then you need to need to know some C21:08
wolsChromeTiger_: are you a LS scene refugee?21:09
cyphaseDoes anyone have any recommendations for a good, Linux-compatible audio device priced at around $100?21:09
achandrashekarwols: I see...yeah..its a vmare to madwifi issue that doesnt work..the forums suggest a compile...so I tried it...lemme hunt arond a bit...thanks for the help.21:09
wolscyphase: SBLive 5.1. costs 10-20$21:09
eriscomy logout/quit button is broken in gnome21:09
eriscoit locks up the system21:09
wolsachandrashekar: how does vmware play into this?21:10
robert___is there anything similair to emerald that will work on an intel card?21:10
ChromeTiger_wols:  LS21:10
eriscothe only way I can shutdown is by doing sudo halt... and I can only logout by restarting gdm21:10
eriscohelp :s21:10
wolsChromeTiger_: deserter :P21:10
cyphasewols: sorry, i wasn't clear21:10
ChromeTiger_lol  i still use LS on Vista21:10
cyphasewols: i meant an MP3 player type device :)21:10
Peloerisco, check in menu > system > admin > users make sure your user has permission to logout21:11
rpedroI'm having trouble with 2d display speed on gutsy, with a nvidia card. Anyone know anything about this? it's only like this since I dist-upgraded from feisty.21:11
wolscyphase: #hardware. anything that will show up as a mass storage device is fine21:11
MrObviousCan someone tell me what I need to do to make a bunch of files I have a bootable CD?21:11
Pelorpedro, try reinstalling the driver21:11
wolsrpedro: maybe disable compiz21:11
robert___is there anything similair to emerald that will work on an intel card?21:11
cyphasewols: i know21:11
PeloMrObvious,  did you try to make one already ?21:11
cleatonerisco, hm i had the same thing! :O but now it works again, i don't know what was wrong with it...21:12
Pelorobert___, metacity21:12
eriscocleaton, it occasionally decides to work for me21:12
steelxenon1265 users, holy21:12
Donkacan someone plz tell me how to turn DMA off on my dvd burner in linux21:12
DShepherdhow do i use mencoder to convert a quicktime file to avi?21:12
Firehazrdcan someone please direct me on how to enable mod_rewrite for apache2?21:12
eriscoPelo, there is no particular option for logging out... I cannot shut down through gnome either21:12
Pelosteelxenon, far from holy, more lke hellish21:12
stroyanrobert__:  I am using emerald on intel 945GM graphics.21:12
wolsDonka: with hdparm21:12
eriscoPelo, it occasionally works though21:12
steelxenonquestion after question21:12
cleatonerisco, it always worked for me, just that it took like a minute or two to load sometimes.... and the stystem was locked during that time21:13
eriscocleaton, really now21:13
steelxenonyou guys better simmer maybe you'll get an answer21:13
lukewarmsteelxenon 1266 now21:13
rpedroPelo: I have tried both nvidia-glx and nvidia-glx-new, and I checked a diff with a backup of xorg.conf I made before the dist-upgrade, and the file is exactly the same. I don't use compiz usually, but I ran it before and it worked fine.21:13
cleatonerisco, now it works instant, i don't know what i did to fix it21:13
Peloerisco, I sometimes get a delay shuting down if I have some process still in the process of starting , like when I reboot rright after rebooting, if you get me21:13
steelxenonbiggest irc room I ever saw21:13
ChromeTiger_can someone point me to a good tutorial for fully turning on   all repositories in Synaptic ?21:13
robert___stroyan: can you geive me a quick guide on how to get it?21:13
DonkaWols: I have 2 cdroms Im not sure what to type in for the label21:14
Pelorpedro, I can only suggest you attemps the binarie driver from the nvidia website21:14
wolsDonka: not label. device names21:14
steelxenonhey omg21:14
wolsDonka: /dev/hdc or such21:14
steelxenonWhen I start ubuntu I hear drums, what do I do?21:14
JaszboJack, you in here still?21:14
noobie1000Hi! I'm new to Linux in general; please Windows is good but why Linux?21:14
cleatonerisco, ok well instant wasn't the case ... but it's faster then before atleast. but i think it's still faster to open a terminal and do sudo poweroff21:14
Pelosteelxenon,  get your ears checked21:14
Jack_Sparrowyes but busy..21:14
Pelosteelxenon,  seriously ,  menu > system > prefs > sounds21:14
MrObviousPelo: Yes. I had a UIF which I'm trying to wine MagicISO to make an ISO but it's a pain.21:14
JaszboOh ok.21:15
wraund!language | omar21:15
ubotuomar: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:15
lukewarmChromeTiger_ : simply man sources.list will give you a good guide and the repos you need21:15
steelxenonim just acting like a noob21:15
Donkawols: hrmm how do i figure out the device name for it?21:15
NET||abusehmm, what /dev/ file should my laptop drive be under?21:15
stroyanrobert_:  Install gutsy.  Use the System -> Preferences -> visual appearance menu to set "Visual effects".21:15
JaszboLinux is free and just as powerful or more powerful than windows.21:15
wraundNET||abuse: depends on the HDD to motherboard connection type21:15
wolsDonka: dmesg, the bootup messages for example21:15
steelxenonI love linux and gnome21:15
noobie1000Jaszbo: Wow21:15
ericl80427My ubuntu for some reason won't boot, or is having problems.21:15
NET||abusewraund, just realised i could see the link to it with ls -l on /media/21:15
wolsnoobie1000: sdX or hdX, some of those21:15
ompaulericl80427, have you installed it?21:16
PeloMrObvious,  did you try making one with gnomebaker,  it should only be a matter of getting the right kind of files on he cd,  with dos you needed a sys.com file or something like that to make it bootable21:16
wraundNET||abuse: lol21:16
lifeforms@responders: I 'solved' the LTS-in-VMware hangage by going into the busybox shell and killing the parent process of the [aptitude] zombie... then re-did the "software installation" step.. then it continued without problem21:16
JaszboTruly. I use both windows and Linux, N00b, and Linux is by far more fun.21:16
stroyanrobert___: your nick is awfully close to robert_  ;-)21:16
cleatonnoobie1000, it can also be a question of values21:16
ompaulericl80427, did it every boot since it was installed?21:16
MrObviousPelo: I'll try it. I extracted the files already but it's a pain. *sigh* I'll try gnomebaker and report back. I'll just make the ISO boot using qEMU to test to save making coasters.21:16
robert_stroyan, you JUST NOW noticed? :P21:16
docgnomenoobie1000: It's free as in beer and, probably, more importantly, free as in freedom21:16
ericl80427i went to turn on my graphics card so i can use Desktop Effects and when i restarted its not booting21:16
JaszboYes...Linux is a much more powerful operating system because of the freedom involved.21:16
ericl80427yes it has21:17
eriscocleaton, Pelo, ah ha... after I waited long enough the menu finally came up21:17
ericl80427It's just a black screen21:17
eriscocleaton, Pelo, it is a ridiculous amount of time though21:17
Peloerisco, just do a little check of the apps you have running , you might just need to get rid of one21:17
ompaulericl80427,  start a live CD - copy from it its /etc/X11/xorg.conf to the hard drive - do you know how to do this?21:17
robert___stroyan: i still dont have much in the wa of emerald21:17
NET||abuseok, i cannot get my drive door open, does anyone know how to use an open command on the console?21:18
Math^anyone know how to fix gutsy's bug with vga=791 ?21:18
* Pelo is hating java again atm 21:18
Math^I get a black screen21:18
ericl80427well i have a live cd thats how i installed should i boot from that?21:18
JaszboI know this might be a little cliche, but I believe Jesus would use linux because of the principle behind it. That's it for my soap box.21:18
ompaul!bootoptions | Math^21:18
ubotuMath^: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:18
ompaulericl80427, it would be useful then come back here21:18
Flare183Jaszbox:> i agree21:18
Math^its not working, becouse of some bug21:18
JaszboOh thank you flarebox21:19
ericl80427ok, this is a different computer i can just have them both running21:19
Donkak got it , thx wols21:19
NET||abuseFlare183, i disagree,, he would probably use openBSD21:19
NET||abusefreebsd,, or whatever it's called21:19
ompaulMath^, and will suggest you look at that page and implement the options as it suggests there21:19
JaszboOh well, I mean something offered for free, niot necessarily Linux.21:19
Math^ompaul: ok21:19
x-manand i'm back.. got off because i was afraid the processor was going to overheat... wol: i used gparted to partition the hardrive.. clicked "install". got to the 'prepare partitions' part and it still does nothing...21:19
* Flare183 looks away in disgust21:19
NET||abuseanyway,, i can't open my drive, i've a blank dvd stuck in there..21:19
JaszboI think Linux or OpenBSD stand for something windows does not.21:19
NET||abusecan some one helpe me ? :)21:19
x-manwols: i find this odd because i've never had problems installing on this machine before21:20
stroyanrobert___: If you have the compizconfig-settings-manager package installed you can run ccsm to set many appearance options.21:20
NET||abuseJaszbo, well there's no argument that they both stand for some things that ms does not, though not neccessarily the same things21:20
PeloNET||abuse,  unfold a paperclip, look for a little hole jsut below the cd tray,  push the paperclip in very straight21:20
x-manmaybe suse has something which prevents ubuntu from overwriting it ;)21:20
NET||abusePelo, nads.21:20
* Flare183 wishes that someone who create a compiz config manager for kde21:20
Pelonads ?21:20
x-manPelo: gonads probably21:21
PeloFlare183, you can run the compiz manager on kde , you'll just need a few extra libs21:21
lockdx-man: i saw that before, but I think it was fedora having something that a later fedora wouldn't touch21:21
jgooGAH! I just got back to ATI driver, and my LCD looks burned... like the image is half onto the left... the resolution is back though21:21
gogzme1Can someone tell me how to figure out what speed my network card is running at?21:21
lockdx-man: so I doubt it's Ubuntu specific21:21
Pelox-man,  it still sounds suspicious21:21
jgoohow do I get X configured, or re-auto-detected as it were?21:21
jgooI see a shadow on the left, and the top of the screen is brighter....21:21
Flare183Pelo:> i know but my ccsm is buggy the icons for the buttons are missing21:21
jgoois this dangerous for the LCD?21:22
Pelogogzme1,  do you know the model ? look it up on line,  they are usualy 100 mbps these days21:22
sethkx-man, I think you can have confidence that suse isn't responsible.21:22
x-mansethk: think you're right21:22
robert___stroyan how do i get it its not showing up in synaptec and im sudo ap-getting it and its nto working21:22
jgoois there a way to 'auto re-run' x.conf setu?21:22
x-mangoing to restart since i've already wrote the filesystem..21:22
sethkx-man, not very helpful to say what it _isn't_, I know, if you can't say what it is21:22
x-mandon't know if that will help21:23
sethkx-man, k21:23
Pelojgoo, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:23
jgoothanks Pelo21:23
ZeeOhey guys has some one got adobe CS3 apps to work under ubuntu21:23
lukewarmhello \21:23
ZeeOwine only can do cs2 from what i have seen21:23
backslashlol nice21:23
backslashhow can i let a program start at a specific time ? e.g.  as alarm clock in the morning21:23
jgooI have an ATI 9200 - should I select 'at1' from this list?21:24
PeloZeeO, ask in #winehq21:24
gogzme1Pelo: Right, and I know it is a 100/10 card, and I get nearly 80mbps file transfer speeds between my file server and the same box when loaded into windows, but I am getting far less (and it takes a ton longer to move files) when I am in Gutsy21:24
soldatsbackslash, cronjobs21:24
jgooPelo: ? it gives me a longish list of drivers to choose from, for ATI there seems to be 'at1'21:24
Pelojgoo, try it , if it doesn't work , do it again and use the vesa driver21:24
stroyanrobert___: it is in the universe repository.  Look at the "Settings"->"repositories" menu item.21:24
Math^ompaul: Ive looked on that page, but I already did it that way with vga=xxx, but it still gives me a black screen21:24
davroman crontab21:24
backslashsoldats, where is the cron file ?21:24
backslashokay ^^21:24
Math^ompaul: and I know this is a bug, becouse it was no prob with feisty21:24
ikoniaMath^: that doesn't mean it is a bug21:25
Math^ompaul: so, I only need to know how to fix21:25
Math^launchpad says its a bug :/21:25
ikoniaMath^: ok, so what does launpad say to fix it21:25
ompaulMath^, and does it offer a solution?21:25
ompaulMath^, show me the bug please21:25
Math^something i already tried, but doesnt work21:25
ikoniaMath^: so if the official developer assigned to it has not got a fix working, how do you expect us21:25
Math^ok hold on21:25
backslash# m h  dom mon dow | what does this all mean ?21:26
backslashdom mon dow21:26
Math^ikonia: im just asking, maybe there are more solutions21:26
Jaszboanyway, I turn off my screensaver, and It is a conflict between compiz-fusion and the screen saver. How do I tweak my screen saver so it won't freeze up my machine.21:26
backslashand so i have to write the # (comment?)21:26
Pelobackslash,  minutes , hours ....21:26
gogzme1What is roaming mode in the network settings?21:26
backslashdom mon dow21:26
backslashand # ?21:26
Pelobackslash, you don't put a # in the lines you write yourself21:26
ikoniaMath^: not if it's not in the bug21:26
backslashits just comment right ?21:27
jgoobloody hell it asks about keyboard layouts and other things... hrm21:27
Pelobackslash, # is to comment out the line, in this case it is uses to give you the basic structures21:27
ericl80427It doesnt boot with the cd.21:27
backslashok :P wasnt thinking damn21:27
backslashand what about dom mon dow ?21:27
Pelojgoo, leave those as is21:27
=== Kintama-mimi is now known as Qatz
Pelojgoo, when you don'T know the answer for sure , just leave the default answer or ignore21:28
jgooOK. what the heck21:28
jgooI just went into terminal on F1... came back, and the display is fine.21:28
Pelobackslash, days of mont and mon, day of week21:28
rico_anyone know compiz's syntax for window matching? :)21:28
Pelojgoo, restarting x is usualy the right way to do it ,  crtl _ alt _ backspace21:28
backslashday of week ?21:28
jgooPelo: hrm - what does that sound like? I ctrl-alt-f1, and back, and screen is ok.... \o/ and all, but I am still scared....21:28
backslashhow do u write in red color21:29
Pelorico_, ask in #compiz-fusion21:29
jgooPelo: But I don't think I made any changes... :-/21:29
white_eaglehello, I have problem running the original x-chat, when I try to open the app. two small windows appear for 3-4 seconds and the disappear and nothing else happens, I'm running gutsy and dl it from the repos21:29
Pelobackslash,  that' just your irc client noticing that your nick is used in this line21:29
Pelojgoo, whatever21:29
white_eaglein the moment I'm running x-chat gnome IRC21:29
ArthurArchnixhi, I've got an .avi file that I want to burn to a dvd so that it's playable in dvd players. I basically want to create a dvd from video files. Just popped in to get some personal recommendations, software you've used or heard was good for this sort of thing. Or really bad.21:29
backslashPelo, what about DOW ? can u give a example... wanna just let it do once21:29
brophatgentlemen, I want to install ubuntu on two hd disks but on live cd it gives me the option to install it on the entire disk of either one, but not both21:29
DShepherdhow do i use mencoder to convert a quicktime file to avi?21:29
NvrnightCan anyone give me some instructions on how to get on the internet through a wired connection on a linksys router?21:29
jgooI'd prefer to run an nvidia card in this machine, but my nvidia has a fan that sounds like a VTOL taking off during a storm21:29
ikoniaArthurArchnix: mencoder is fine for re-encoding21:30
Krumarbrophat, did you do the manual partitioning?21:30
brophatKrumar no21:30
Pelowhite_eagle,  try removing your ~/.xchat folder and unintalling all xchat packages,  ( use synaptic,  completely uninstall) ,  then restart and sintall again21:30
brophatKrumar in manual partitioning is that where I can run cfdisk?21:30
ArthurArchnixikonia: so mencoder then something just like baker to put the vob files on the disc then is how'd you do it?21:30
Pelobackslash,  day of week ,   1= sunday , 2 = monday , etc21:30
Krumarbrophat, if you select the manual partition you get the option to use the disks how ever you like, i have mine set up to run root off my raptor and home on my large drive21:31
backslashPelo, 1 is sunday ?21:31
white_eaglePelo: my system starts slowly, can I instead log off and then log in again without restarting?21:31
backslashPelo, so 7 is saturday ?21:31
ikoniaArthurArchnix: not quite, you may want to look at acidrip as a front end21:31
Pelobackslash, man cron , or man contab to be sure21:31
timandjulzI am trying to get my desktop configured.  I have a laptop with 1024x768 LCD and an external 1680x1050.  I am trying to have each monitor use its full resolution.21:31
timandjulzWhenever I get the monitors working, it tries to run both monitors at the same resolution.  Is there a way to get the desktop to support different resolution monitors?21:31
brophatKrumar ok seem like manual is what I want thanks. Hey can I run cfdisk from there?21:31
tony_mathJummy: If you are sure you have the right .deb file and want to install it, use the command "dpkg --install <debfile>.deb"21:31
Pelowhite_eagle, I was suggesting a restart to make sure there are no related processes still running but it is not abslutely neccessary21:32
brophatKrumar I guess what I am asking is will it format my hd from manual?21:32
* DzDK hils21:32
white_eaglebackslash: if you didn't knew the 7th day of the week is saturday and the first is sunday, NOT monday21:32
Krumarbrophat, yes21:32
ArthurArchnixikonia: Yeah... just came across it after searching repos for mencoder.21:32
brophatKrumar thank you very much have a great day21:32
Krumarbrophat, good luck21:32
backslashokay.. thanks gotta keep this in mind ^^21:32
amitprakashhi.. i copied my / partition to /dev/sda5.. an extended partition. then i edited grub to point to (hd0,5)... however linux doesnt boot failing while the loading progress bar and is unable to acees some driver using dickbuUUID.. anyone knows a fix?21:32
backslashif i just wanna let it start once21:32
brophatthanks man21:32
backslashat this date21:32
backslashPelo, what do i fill in?21:32
Pelobackslash, what are you trying to start ?21:33
backslashPelo, to let it just start once, at the specific date21:33
sethkamitprakash, is /dev/sda5 now your only linux partition?21:33
amitprakashsethk, yes21:33
backslashhmm dno something like amarok21:33
backslashPelo, hmm dno something like amarok21:33
lwizardli have a drive that gets mounted twice on my desktop how can i fix this21:33
backslashPelo, just once, tomorrow morning at 05:4021:33
sethkamitprakash, the    root=   parameter (on the kernel line) is /dev/sda5 ?21:34
backslash40 05 17 1221:34
Pelobackslash, cron is for stuff you want that is recuring,  like antivirus and such,  running a gui app from it is recidulous21:34
amitprakashsethk, yes21:34
sethkamitprakash, make sure it isn't using that odd long string instead of a /dev reference21:34
backslash... okay...21:34
Brownstersethk, isnt sda5 = hd0,421:34
Krumarlwizardl, have you checked you fstab file?21:34
backslashPelo, what should i use then ?21:34
white_eagleamaroK, K3B, Konqueror, KMines, oh I hate that K letter in KDE21:34
sethkBrownster, indeed, good catch21:34
amitprakashsethk, as i said ubuntu starts loading but fails while loading something using diskbyUUID21:34
bliss_which of these is the easy to use  irssi, epic4, scrollz, sirc, ircii21:34
Pelobackslash, what do you want to do  ?21:34
sethkamitprakash, I'm looking for something complicated, but as brownster pointed out, /dev/sda5 is (hd0,4), not (hd0,5)21:34
ericl80427i got it to work some how but none of my programs or information is on there.21:34
amitprakashsethk, i am soz. i set it to hd421:35
robdigbackslash: if you want to run something once at a specific date/time, use the command at21:35
mluser-homehow can I have update manager ignore a specific update package, so that it never notifys me of it again?21:35
amitprakashsethk, i am soz. i set it to hd0,4*21:35
backslashPelo, just start amarok tomorrow morning as alarm !21:35
backslashPelo, at ?21:35
Mba7ethIS there any certificate for ubuntu ?21:35
marnanelHello. I want to switch to dvorak. I have gone to System > Preferences > Keyboard and selected "U.S. English Dvorak" as the default under the Layout tab, and pressed the Close button. Nothing happened. What should I do now?21:35
timandjulzIs xwindows capable of having two monitors running in different resolutions?21:35
taconebackslash: armarok let you do that by options :-)21:35
sethkamitprakash, you mean it was already (hd0,4) when it failed?21:35
marnanelMba7eth: certificate?21:35
amitprakashsethk, Brownster: as i said theres a problem with kernel accessing some driver using the DISK by UUID method21:35
amitprakashsethk, yes21:35
SpookyETHow's my setup: http://aycu31.webshots.com/image/36830/2000072377155680415_rs.jpg21:35
Pelobackslash, same time eacch day ?21:36
Mba7ethmarnanel: YES exams .... like ccna, msce21:36
backslashjust once21:36
amitprakashsethk, ubuntu after a long wait kicks me a weird kind of console21:36
Tyczek|PCi installed ATi binary from repo... then in terminal sudo ati-config -f -initial and now i have black screen21:36
backslashPelo, just once21:36
taconebackslash: open it and set it21:36
guccihi experts21:36
mluser-homeis there a gentoo /etc/portage/package.mask equivalent in ubuntu?21:36
sethkamitprakash, ok, I'm puzzled, though, because on Friday I did exactly that, removed the label and used "root=/dev/sda5", and had no problems.21:36
backslashwhat ?21:36
eromerois there a way to rename the network interfaces (i want eth1 to be eth0 and viceversa)21:36
joerlenddoes software exist that can show how much power your pc is consuming at a given time?21:36
Brownsteramitprakash, sethk the uuid not too familiar with but wonder whether its changed and /etc/fstab needs modifying?21:36
ArthurArchnixikonia: I've started doing ... something. We'll see if it works out. Thanks for the tips.21:36
backslashPelo, what ? at ? i read its man...21:36
taconebackslash: wait21:36
guccii need settings grub to lilo21:36
Pelobackslash, 0 7 17 12 * amarock /filename21:37
marnaneltimandjulz: yes, it is21:37
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: changing any partition will change all uuid's on that drive21:37
sethkBrownster, I think this is earlier in the process and /etc/fstab hasn't yet been consulted21:37
bliss_which of these is the easy to use  irssi, epic4, scrollz, sirc, ircii21:37
marnaneltimandjulz: (xinerama)21:37
Krumargucci, what's your problem21:37
ikoniaArthurArchnix: weclome21:37
sethkBrownster, however, you may be correct, and it's easy to fix, so ...21:37
timandjulzTyczek|PC: I have been having fun with ATI binaries.  Finally got mine working.  What chipset are you using?21:37
backslash0 7 ???21:37
crinkeliteI've got a noobish question, am In the right room?21:37
Pelobackslash,  I think I am not sure ,21:37
backslash40 05 ?21:37
marnanelcrinkelite: is that your question? :)21:37
taconebackslash: http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Tips_and_Tricks21:37
guccii have xp n ubuntu dual boot21:37
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: indeed and now ubuntus loading some drivers using disckbyuuid.. so what shud i do21:37
sethkamitprakash, does /etc/fstab point at /dev/sda5 for root?21:37
Tyczek|PCtimandjulz: Ati radeon mobility hd 260021:37
gogzme1What does it mean for a network interface to be in "Roaming Mode"21:37
=== gogzme1 is now known as cdeszaq
mrga_crohi, can you tell me what is the best program for making music (like video dj on win)21:37
Pelobackslash,  0 minute,  7 oclock adjut to whaever you want21:37
gucciits grub loader21:37
Krumarcrinkelite, just go ahead and ask your question21:37
backslashokay. ;)21:37
sethkcrinkelite, yes, but we have a rule, you only get one question   :)21:37
amitprakashsethk, i dunno21:37
Krumargucci, what about the grub loader21:38
amitprakashsethk, i will reboot and check21:38
kal228i need some help with imwheel, xorg.cong, and my intellimouse explorer 3.021:38
rottie_sethk: :)21:38
Pelobackslash, 0 min, 7 th hour, 16 th day, of the 12 th mont21:38
Peloericl80427,  what ?21:38
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: edit your fstab to reflect the correct uid's21:38
sethkamitprakash, check it.  You should be able to get at it even from a console.21:38
wolscdeszaq: it connects to the nearest AP it finds21:38
guccii installed lilo but i need some changes in lilo conf21:38
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: how do i find the uuid21:38
charlesg3anyone familiar with setting up wmii? For some reason when I choose it as the session, it still just loads kde21:38
ericl80427there was a problem booting ubuntu, so i booted using the live cd, now my informaton is all gone.21:38
crinkelitei wanna know if you can move the couser in the terminal around the page so you can copy stuff out of it21:38
Krumargucci, what kind of changes?21:38
sethkJack_Sparrow, I always use /dev and take the UIDs out, but that's probably because I'm a dinosaur  :)21:38
backslashtacone, omg this is great ^^21:38
backslash    Actually, thanks to the magic of DCOP you can easily do this. Simply set an alarm in your favorite calendar program and tell it to run the following command:21:38
backslash%`kde-config --prefix`/bin/dcop --user USERNAME amarok player play21:38
marnanelMba7eth: there is, apparently. search google for "ubuntu certification".21:38
guccigrub loader is ok21:38
white_eaglehow to install KDE in ubuntu?21:38
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: sudo vol_id -u /dev/sda721:38
sethkcrinkelite, yes21:38
backslashtacone, ^^ thanks for the tip21:38
cdeszaqwols: But what does that mean for eth0?21:38
Brownstersethk, im with you on that , lol21:38
backslashPelo, thanks you too21:38
Krumarcrinkelite, you can highlight and copy from terminal21:38
Peloericl80427,  are you in the live cd now &?21:38
crinkelitegood how21:39
sethkcrinkelite, do you mean a console, or a terminal in gnome?21:39
backslashgonna test how it works :P21:39
ericl80427and everthing i had, i dont want to reinstall everything all over again,and i only have so muh room on my hard drive21:39
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, sethk, Brownster: thanks a lot.. will try to fix this :)21:39
ericl80427no im on a difference computer21:39
Jack_Sparrowsethk: Same here21:39
guccias i read in forums i must make lilo.conf21:39
Peloericl80427, boot the live cd on that comp again21:39
rottie_crinkelite: what do you mean how? you just move  your mouse21:39
wolscdeszaq: that is uses dhcp to get a lease whenevre it has none21:39
timandjulzTyczek|PC: What I did was install ati drivers from ati's website.  Then used the command line: aticonfig --initial21:39
sethkgucci, you need grub OR lilo, not both21:39
timandjulzBut had to install from ati website21:39
crinkelitesorry, without mouse21:39
ericl80427then what21:39
Krumargucci, do you need to have both grub and lilo?21:39
* marnanel wants to switch to dvorak. I have gone to System > Preferences > Keyboard and selected "U.S. English Dvorak" as the default under the Layout tab, and pressed the Close button. Nothing happened. What should I do now?21:39
guccii rebooted but still grub loader starts not lilo21:39
Mba7ethmarnanel: Thanks .... I just wanted to know your opinion ..... is it good or I shall go with red hat certificate !21:39
sethkgucci, run the lilo utility.  However, why use lilo?21:39
Tyczek|PCtimandjulz, But you did generate package or 1 option?21:39
Peloericl80427,  you won't see your data in the live cd 's /home folder,  your data is in the /home folder of the ubuntu partiton of the hdd,21:39
guccii want lilo loader21:40
marnanelMba7eth: I have no idea. I am not a manager and will never be.21:40
cdeszaqwols: so that is different than setting the configuration to "Automatic(DHCP)" ?21:40
ubotuEVERYONE IN THIS CHANNEL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:40
Krumargucci, i believe that is because grub is installed to the master boot record, so the computer starts it first21:40
sethkgucci, that's a difference between grub and lilo.   with grub you just change the configuration file.  With lilo you have to run the "lilo" program after changing the configuration file21:40
Mba7ethmarnanel: What your not planning to grow up at all ?21:40
guccililo is more googlooking21:40
timandjulzTyczek|PC: I followed the instructions on the ati website.  As long as I used the command line app I was able to make it work.  There was no package generation required.21:40
ericl80427but if i only use the home cd, then how can i get to my partitions home foder?21:40
marnanelMba7eth: There is more to maturity than amassing power.21:40
sethkgucci, although, to be correct, you have to run "lilo" to install lilo over grub, and you have to run "grubinstall" to install grub over lilo21:40
ericl80427if i use only home cd to boot..21:40
Tyczek|PCtimandjulz, ok i'll try21:41
Peloericl80427,  your hdd should get mounte to the desktop21:41
sethkgucci, anyway, if your lilo.conf is in the default location, just run lilo at the command line and it will overwrite the MBR21:41
Tyczek|PCtimandjulz, I was installing it by envy but 3d acceleration was crashing and movies too21:41
timandjulzmarnanel:  Thanks, I will check out xinerama.  :-)21:41
guccihowto run lilo21:41
Krumargucci, open a terminal and type sudo lilo21:41
Pelogucci, install it from the repos21:41
Mba7ethmarnanel: Hey this is a men future ... not just power21:42
sethkgucci, simple, you type     lilo      (as root, or    sudo lilo    as normal user21:42
gucciinstalled bud21:42
timandjulzTyczek|PC: I'm not a gamer and not playing movies so can't speak to 3d accel working.  Good luck though.21:42
Jack_Sparrowgucci: we all use grub... this is not the place to get lilo help..21:42
SloppyunderfootHi, folks.  Got a question about adding Ubuntu 7.10 to a Suse 10sp1 box and dualbooting?  Can you help?21:42
Tyczek|PCtimandjulz, allright, I'll try, thanks xD21:42
gucciwhen sudo lilo it says Fatal: Cannot open: /etc/lilo.conf21:42
BrownsterSloppyunderfoot, ask away21:42
lukewarmSloppyunderfoot: its hard to know the answer without knowing the question first21:43
Krumargucci, is lilo.conf in /etc?21:43
crinkeliteanyone know how to copy and paste output from the terminal without using a mouse?21:43
guccijack u sure this is not the place?21:43
learninglinuxhey everybody, does anyone have experience with shorewall and/or iptables/netfilter?  i'm trying to set up shorewall, and need ipt_recent, but when i type "shorewall show capabilities" all of the netfilter modules come up as "not available"21:43
SloppyunderfootJust not sure exactly where to tell suse to install ubunto to.21:43
ader10are there any "fun" commands besides banner, cowsay, apt-get moo and aptitude moo -v?21:43
PeloSloppyunderfoot, just intall ubuntu with the live cd, grub will see suse during the install and will make a boot menu with both os on it21:43
marnanelcrinkelite: it is possible using screen, if you have a few hours to learn how to use screen21:43
SloppyunderfootI don't want to mess up the bootloader.21:43
marnanelader10: sl is awesome :)21:44
Krumargucci, i think grub is more popular around here21:44
crinkelitewhere do i start?21:44
gatenis there anyway to permanently disable join/part messages in xchat?21:44
PeloSloppyunderfoot, how many hdd on this comp ? just make an empty partition for ubuntu to isntall on21:44
Pelogaten, rigth click the channe tab21:44
Krumarcrinkelite, you could do "man screen" to start21:44
gucciok man i will use grub lol wont insist21:44
gatenPelo: that only works until you close xchat21:44
OldPinkWhat's the best way to implement an "Update and Shutdown" option in Ubuntu? (currently using http://www.topicalmatt.com/14-12-2007/howto-update-and-shutdown-in-ubuntu )21:45
Krumargucci, why is it you want to use lilo?21:45
Pelogaten, ask in #xchat21:45
crinkeliteKumar: man screen?21:45
BrownsterSloppyunderfoot, if you want to leave the suse bootloader in tact u can install ubuntu and then grub to the install partition NOT the mbr, then manueally edit the grub.conf of suse to chain load the ubuntu set p21:45
guccimore knowlege to wait21:45
ader10marnanel: haha, sl is funny21:45
Jack_Sparrowgucci: people here know lots of things, but we are a support room for ubuntu which every version has used grub.21:45
ader10marnanel: any others?21:45
guccianyway krumar21:45
Krumarcrinkelite, that will give you the manual page to screen, the man pages are a great place to start learning21:45
Krumargucci,  what?21:45
ChromeTiger_has anyone got call of duty 4 running on ubuntu ?21:45
BrownsterSloppyunderfoot, has te advantage that both distros can update grub independently without messing up the other21:46
crinkelitekrumar: just google man screen21:46
marnanelader10: probably :) search around in aptitude. Can't think of any off the top of my head21:46
guccii will use grub i forgotten lilo from now21:46
marnanelcrinkelite: no, type "man screen" at a terminal prompt21:46
scguy318!appdb | ChromeTiger_21:46
ubotuChromeTiger_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:46
=== salty is now known as Crooper
Krumarcrinkelite, in the terminal trype man screen21:46
crinkelitesorry I get ya, thanx21:46
ader10marnanel: search around in aptitude?21:46
lockdfor some reason grub gives an error code with a USB external hard disk attached21:46
Pelolockd,  which error code ?21:46
lukewarm!microsoft windows21:46
AcidBurnwe should get 73 bots in here, making the user-count 133721:47
Krumargucci, ok, good luck21:47
lockdPelo: i'd have to reboot to check21:47
guccithanks krumar 4 ur care21:47
SloppyunderfootI have 2 hard drives on the computer right now, one is hdb and the other sda.  There's hdb1, hdb2, hdb3, hdb5, hdb6 and hdb7.  There's sda1 and sda2.  It looks like the hdb5 through 7 contain the Suse os right now.  also, hdb2 is /windows/C and /sda1 is /windows/D that I don't use.  Can I use the hdb2 for Ubuntu?21:47
lockdPelo: because I've never plugged it in at boot for ages - another minor quirk21:47
PeloSloppyunderfoot, sure21:47
gucciand other buds help thanks all21:47
ericl80427Pelo, The only things on my desktop is Install and Examples21:48
StargazersHi. I have problem with ISA-card 3c900B. It loads 3c509x driver on startup. But, network won't work. I do remove 3c509x driver with rmmod and after that install same driver with insmod and do ifdown eth0 and ifup eth0 and network work. What can be wrong, why it doesn't work directly? And ideas?21:48
Pelolockd, without the error code I can'T do anything for you21:48
Peloericl80427, menu > sytem < admin > gnome partition manager21:48
lockdPelo: well, I asked before with the error code, nobody could help21:48
guccisudo apt-get autoremove lilo..lol21:48
ericl80427oh, i will try that21:48
lockdPelo: and also I'd have to reinstall grub :)21:48
Pelolockd,  I wasn'T around wwhen you did21:48
Pelolockd, we're done now21:49
jayhi im trying to setup a dev environment on 7.10 using php5 apache2 mysql5... I need to get mod rewrite working for drupal... I tried enabling the rewrite module but it doesnt work... Does anyone know what i am missing?21:49
lockdPelo: no, I switched because of the annoyance, not so with X21:49
ericl80427pelo, manager or editer..21:49
PriceChild!doesn't work | jay21:49
ubotujay: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:49
Pelojay, you might get more help in ##linux for this21:49
ericl80427i have editer..21:49
PriceChildjay, I assume you just haven't enabled the module properly...21:49
Peloericl80427, editor, I just made a mistake,21:50
PriceChildjay, could you explain the steps you did to attempt to enable it?21:50
soccer_hawk10hey all.  i just installed 915resolution in ubuntu 7.10 and i've noticed that it freezes at time.  i'm running compiz-fusion.  any ideas?21:50
cyphaseDoes anyone have any recommendations for a good, Linux-compatible audio player priced at around $100-$150?21:50
jayPriceChild, I checked apache2ctl -M ti see if it works21:50
Peloericl80427, that will detect your hdds, you can see if they are still usable and ifyou stil have partitions on them, if they are not mounted those partiton should get mounted to the desktop21:50
ericl80427ok im in that now what exactly do i do21:50
PriceChildjay, pardon?21:50
FelinAh, if anyone has time, I'm having a bit of trouble getting my Linksys USB Wireless adapter to work, as a warning I'm still completely new at this sort of thing.21:51
SloppyunderfootAwesome, thanks much.  I thought it might but wanted to check "live".21:51
Peloericl80427,  if they don'T get mounted automaticaly you now have the /dev/... info to mount them manualy21:51
KinPumpkinKingcyphase, how come xmms isn't good for you? :p21:51
PriceChildPelo, btw most will usually say come back here as apache is customised in packaging heavily21:51
ompaulKinPumpkinKing, no longer developed21:51
StargazersAnyone? Any ideas?21:51
PeloPriceChild, noted21:51
KinPumpkinKingometra, what would you recommend? I only use xmms...21:51
soccer_hawk10hey.  does 915resolution not play nicely with compiz-fusion? can 915resolution be used with the intel drivers21:51
KinPumpkinKingometra,  sorry21:51
cyphaseKinPumpkinKing: because xmms isn't portable21:51
BrownsterFelin, how far have you got21:52
Creedhijay, I was wondering what the best or most widely used FTP server for *nix is?21:52
cyphaseompaul: actually, a new version was just released a while ago21:52
KinPumpkinKingompaul, what would you recommend, I only use xmms?...21:52
Creederr sorry hijay, stupid autocomplete21:52
ericl80427they are usable i would imagine, there is things on them..21:52
jayPriceChild, To enable it I went into webmin > apche > global config > modules -- and then enabled the rewrite module21:52
CreedHi I was wondering what the best or most widely used FTP server for *nix is?21:52
lockdcyphase: xmms is portable in one sense21:52
FelinxD Nowhere, to be honest. I'm ashamed, but I couldn't get online, so I jumped bacl over to XP. I just finished setting up a dual-boot.21:52
PriceChildCreed, use sftp21:52
learninglinuxdoes anyone have experience with iptables/netfilter modules, esp with shorewall?  i'm having a difficult time getting shorewall to recognize my netfilter modules21:52
soccer_hawk10hey. does 915resolution not play nicely with compiz-fusion? can 915resolution be used with the intel drivers21:52
cyphaselockd: how is that?21:52
ericl80427it would be so much easier if i could find away to log onto my account21:52
PriceChildjay, I've never used webmin... so how abouts we try the old fashioned way? :P21:52
Pelosoccer_hawk10, ask in #compiz-surion21:52
ompaulKinPumpkinKing, I use the default - rhythmbox  - and it works well21:52
lockdcyphase: portable as in it can be ported to other OSes21:53
lockdcyphase: not portable as in a portable device21:53
cyphaselockd: right21:53
Peloericl80427, do you have the ubuntu partition mo0unted on your hdd ?21:53
Neodudemanhow do i stop a terminal command if I run it from a launcher, and there's no terminal to Ctrl-C into?21:53
Peloericl80427,  I mean your desktop ?21:53
CreedPriceChild, I want to use ftp, this is for a hosting service...I don't exactly want to give out a shell (jailed or not) account to anyone wanting to FTP to their sites.21:53
cyphaselockd: you know what i mean :)21:53
brobostigo1xmms is potable, it can be recompiled to work on any unix.21:53
BrownsterFelin, hey no worries, first off whats the model21:53
KinPumpkinKingometra, hmm.. I don't like it, though, but I guess that's my problem21:53
ericl80427um, i dont think so im kindof new to Ubuntu21:53
jayPriceChild, please advise on what to do the old fashioned way21:53
FelinWUSB54GC, i believe it uses a Ralink chipset.21:53
PriceChildjay, sudo a2enmod rewrite, then restart the apache service, and ensure your apache conf is allowing rewrite on whatever roots.21:53
Peloericl80427, no folder on the desktop with disk 1 or disk 2 as the label ?21:54
ericl80427i see that now21:54
PriceChildCreed, an sftp account does not always imply an ssh account does it?21:54
Peloericl80427, check in those   look for /home , and in site that your own home folder,  you can back up your data from there and clean install ubuntu21:54
jayPriceChild, sudo a2enmod rewrite = This module is already enabled! and ive restarted the server already21:54
proximoxanyone got a link to a page listing all the ubuntu derivative distros ?21:54
soccer_hawk10pelo, did you mean compiz-fusion?21:54
CreedPriceChild, I still prefer to use FTP...why secure it when its internal only?21:54
BrownsterFelin, u in xp at the mo right? are u using encryption on your access point and if so wep or wpa?21:54
Neodudemanhow do i stop a terminal process if I start it in a launcher, without a terminal?21:54
PriceChildCreed, on your head be it ;)21:55
FelinNo encryption, and yes, I'm in XP right now.21:55
ericl80427so i found home, and in there is my account name21:55
Pelosoccer_hawk10, #compiz-fusion yeah,  sorry if I did a typo21:55
PriceChildjay, ok well that's good then.21:55
CreedPriceChild, if I ask for an apple, I would like an apple, not be referred to instead accept a pear.21:55
badkittyif I want to set up a web server is it better to set it up on my dekstop machine or on a virtualbox?21:55
PriceChildjay, why do you say it isn't working... that's what drupal is reporting?21:55
PriceChildCreed, if you ask how to enable the root account, i'm going to talk to you about sudo instead.21:55
soccer_hawk10pelo, they've been unhelpful so far.  they're ignoring my question.  i assume that means that they don't know the anser21:55
Peloericl80427,  that is your own personnal /home folder , with all your data and settings in it, back that up and you can reinstall and get evveryting back that you had, exectp the apps themselves21:55
ericl80427how do i back up my information?21:55
jayPriceChild, In drupal to enable clean urls using mod rewrite there is a clean url test. The clean url test wont work.21:55
PriceChildCreed, I don't want to give bad advice... and helping running an unsecure server is bad advice.21:55
ericl80427but how do i back that up?21:56
Pelosoccer_hawk10, not every channel is as well attended as this one, you need to be patient or ask better questions21:56
lockdhence why ftp is hard with an F to set up21:56
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  It seems that xrandr does a better job than 915resolution on 7.1021:56
Peloericl80427, doyou have an extra hdd you could use ? or a usb flash drive ? or a second cd/dvd burner on that comp ?21:56
ericl80427flash drive i can use21:56
soccer_hawk10stroyan, will it help me fix my screen resolution troubles? so far the only way i can get the resolution i want is by using it21:56
babI can get grub messages passed to the serial and kernel messages passed to the serial port but for some reason I can not get terminal messages passed to the serial port,  I cant even get  getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100 to work !!!21:57
CreedPriceChild, I simply asked what the best FTP server was, a lot of companies use FTP and I want to use FTP, not SFTP. SFTP I'll use if I access the server from the outside world but its a classroom server behind several firewalls and no access to the web whatsoever. I'm not worried about students sniffing the network and getting passwords and such.21:57
soccer_hawk10stroyan, i've never even heard of xrandr before21:57
PriceChildjay, Could you pastebin your /etc/apache2/httpd.conf please?21:57
BrownsterFelin, just checking how well its supported or not...21:57
Peloericl80427, then copy the whole /home/username folder to your usb flash drive, then , clean install ubuntu , and copy the content back to your /home/user folder21:57
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  It is very good with intel screen resolution.  Keith Packard, who works for intel has put much work into xrandr.21:57
dn4is there a way to get a .pdf file read to you?21:57
badkittyif I want to set up a web server is it better to set it up on my dekstop machine or on a virtualbox?21:57
FelinNo rush, any help is appreciated. This channel seems rather chaotic.21:57
soccer_hawk10stroyan, do you have a link to a tutorial?21:58
Peloericl80427, it is also a good idea to make your /home folder on a seperate partition, that way you can reiinstal the os and not worry about your data21:58
ericl80427clean install as in double click the install icon?21:58
babso can some one help me get the serial console working?21:58
ericl80427I could keep it on the flash drive no?21:58
jayPriceChild, Oddly its empty21:58
soccer_hawk10stroyan, will it work with compiz?21:58
PeloFelin, just ask your quewstion periodicaly and hope for an answer21:58
MrObviousPelo: Nope.21:58
PriceChildjay, try putting what i just pm'd you into it and save it.21:59
PriceChildjay, then restart the server21:59
FelinxD I figured, but I was planning on waiting for a bit before asking again, and hopefully suring a lull.21:59
MrObviousPelo: I couldn't get it to boot in qEMU successfully.21:59
Peloericl80427, then you would need to have your flash drive plugged in everytime you boot that comp21:59
ericl80427for some reason its not not opening the drive..21:59
babI can get grub messages passed to the serial and kernel messages passed to the serial port but for some reason I can not get terminal messages passed to the serial port,  I cant even get  getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt100 to work !!!21:59
lockdFelin: during a lull is bad, though21:59
eromerois there a way to rename the network interfaces (i want to swap eth0 and eth1)21:59
ericl80427or maye ill just wait a little bit longer21:59
babericl80427, what drive are you trying to open21:59
PeloMrObvious, maybe you can find help on this in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org21:59
FelinReally? I imagine it would be better to give people time to rest.21:59
ericl80427my flas drive21:59
babericl80427, and it is mounted?22:00
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  I don't have a simple tutorial pointer right off the top of my head.  It does work with compiz.  It is mentioned at http://intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html.  But that is for dual displays.22:00
babericl80427, mount22:00
lockddoes anyone know how to stop fullscreen apps using, say, Allegro from seizing all the keyboard?22:00
ericl80427you mean in the computer..?22:00
MrObviousPelo: I've been searching there too.22:00
PeloFelin, you'll wait forever, there is no rest for the wicked22:00
MrObviousPelo: I'll figure it out.22:00
PeloMrObvious,  that 's pretty much all I have22:00
lockdI would like to be able to press a keyboard shortcut and minimize it using, say, Windowmaker22:00
ericl80427i had used it before ad it worked, but that was before i had problems booting22:00
babFloodBot1, hello22:00
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  Basically, run xrandr to see a list of supported resolutions.  Then run it again to set a resolution.  The setting is retained on X server restart.22:01
white_eaglehow to install KDE instead of GNOME22:01
FelinAaaah, you guys must really like helping people, though. But it's a bit of a better reception than most other distros I've seen. A lot of elitism.22:01
Peloericl80427, just plug it your usb flash drive now,  wait until it is mounted and then copy your /home fodler to it22:01
babI cant get the serial port working for ttys0 after boot but I got it working for grub and kernel messages, can somewone help me get it working, I have been working on this all day22:02
BrownsterFelin, looks like your card does work, when u boot into ubuntu, go to the network manager tool, does it list a wireless device? u can also check from a terminal with the command 'iwlist' does it return the name of a device with wireless extensions22:02
ericl80427its been in there for like 5 minutes not doing anything22:02
ubotuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . Latest KDE version is 3.5.8 for Gutsy and Feisty, 3.5.6 for Edgy, and 3.5.5 for Dapper. See http://kubuntu.org for more information.22:02
white_eaglethanks ubotu22:02
jayPriceChild, I did that and the test page still doesnt work22:02
Peloericl80427, what's been where ?22:02
Jack_Sparrowwhite_eagle: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:02
lockdFelin: but there is a lot of elitism if what you want to do is unsupported, though, remember that22:02
ericl80427the flash drive into the usb port22:02
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  I do have to rerun xrandr to get the --fbmm physical size setting back to where I want it after each X server restart.  That may be a "personal problem" with the 50" plasma I have a system connected to.22:02
white_eagleyes, got it from the bot22:02
Peloericl80427, check on your desktop you should be seeing an icon for it22:02
white_eagle!thanks bot22:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks bot - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:02
lockdFelin: that's virtually everywhere22:02
Ademan(g)mplayer always seems to spit errors at me about mp3lib or something like that, is there a way to disable this? it has yet to affect its usefulness22:03
soccer_hawk10stroyan, sorry, my computer froze.  i'm currently looking at this thru my XP machine.  did you say things about xrandr that i've missed\22:03
FelinOk, before I go to reboot, I have one more question, an odd one. Someone I know mentioned the ability to switch between OSs with the Page Up and Page Down keys. How would one manage this?22:03
admin_I just bought an SD card to play around with, I gotit mounted to my ubuntu laptop, changed the fs to FAT32 as I needed. Then after dissconnecting, using it, ubuntu will no longer mount it, if I try to mount it using the mount command it says bad superblock (the card still works, camera still stores photos and such on it)22:03
PriceChildjay, could you pastebin /etc/apache2/apache2.conf too please?22:03
BrownsterFelin, also look at the output of  and make a note 'lshw -C network'22:03
ubotugnome is a project that provides two things: The GNOME desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop for end-users, users, and the GNOME development platform, an extensive framework for building applications that integrate into the rest of the desktop.22:03
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  I don't have a simple tutorial pointer right off the top of my head.  It does work with compiz.  It is mentioned at http://intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html.  But that is for dual displays.22:03
AltragHello! I am a new guy! I installed ubuntu a wile ago, and its great! but my windows partition stoped booting, not that I care too much, but I need to get some stuff, is there a CD recorder that can write files from my windows partition so I can back them up?22:03
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  Basically, run xrandr to see a list of supported resolutions.  Then run it again to set a resolution.  The setting is retained on X server restart.22:04
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  I do have to rerun xrandr to get the --fbmm physical size setting back to where I want it after each X server restart.  That may be a "personal problem" with the 50" plasma I have a system connected to.22:04
BrownsterFelin, not from a normal install, possibly from within a virtual machine22:04
timandjulzAltrag: You can mount the partition with Windows on it and copy your files off.22:04
soccer_hawk10okay, i'll try it.  do i need to apt-get remove 915resolution first?22:04
ericl80427you know what, Pelo can i just reinstall it using the same partition?22:04
ericl80427it tust seems a whole not easier and less of a burden22:04
PeloAltrag, just mount your windows partition to your deslktop and then you can use nautilus to copy your files, and gnomebaker to burn them22:04
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  I don't see any reason you would want to  apt-get remove 915resolution.  Just don't run it.22:05
AltragRight, and how do I mount it?22:05
admin_I just bought an SD card to play around with, I gotit mounted to my ubuntu laptop, changed the fs to FAT32 as I needed. Then after dissconnecting, using it, ubuntu will no longer mount it, if I try to mount it using the mount command it says bad superblock (the card still works, camera still stores photos and such on it)22:05
babno idea why my serial port does not want to work when booted22:05
soccer_hawk10doesn't it run automatically?22:05
Peloericl80427,  you can but the data in your /home folder will be eriased22:05
ericl80427yeah i know22:05
wolsadmin_: I wanted to help you here, but I don't want to be called dipshit22:05
ericl80427but i just got it working earier today, the only thing to do is xchat and java22:05
admin_blah wols22:05
soccer_hawk10that's what it seems to do to me... i ran 915resolution and then configured it to 1152x864 resolution and now it does it automatically22:05
Peloericl80427,  that is why I have been trying to teach you how to save your data so you can recover it22:05
timandjulzAltrag: give me a sec.  I am new to the desktop.  Can tell you how to do it from a terminal though.  :-)22:05
ericl80427thats all that i really put on it22:06
comicinkerI want to install a newer package from a different source. how can I do it?22:06
FelinOk, thank you. I'm going to go reboot and try those things. If it works Iwill return truimphant. If not, I come to ask for aid again.22:06
soccer_hawk10it also no longer lets me use the "intel" drivers.  i have to use i810, which i've heard doesn't play well with compiz22:06
BrownsterFelin, good luck22:06
soccer_hawk10since installing 91resolution, i've frozen three times22:06
Peloericl80427, then by all means,  jsut clean install and no worries,  I thought you had stuff you wanted to save22:06
mangojamboHi there ... I look in forums and dont found nothing similar ... my sound card (ATI-SB450) on gutsy start working well.. but after a time, the sound became noise for a while and stop to work!!!22:06
AltragI have the whole night! :)22:06
ericl80427well i know how to save it, i appreciate the help, but its not mounting the flash drive22:06
soccer_hawk10prior to it, i let it run for a month nonstop no problems22:06
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  915resolution doesn't do anything if you don't configure and initscript to run it.22:06
TheZealotAnyone know if there is a way to get an old copy of nslookup? One perhaps that still allows zone transfers ie. the "ls" command?22:06
ericl80427well, i didnt want to have to reinstall applications because im lazy :) but its not important data that i need really.22:07
soccer_hawk10okay, well if that's the case then how is it that it automatically sets my screen resolution to 1152x864? i'm not trying to be a jerk, i just don't know how it doesit22:07
ericl80427but i can use that same partition right?22:07
timandjulzAltrag: Under the "places" menu, choose "Computer".  See if your windows volume is visible as "HDA1" or "SDA1".22:07
SlartTheZealot: doesn't dig or host handle that?22:07
Peloericl80427, you can just reinstll the apps from the command line if you remember what they were , you can do it with one line    sudo apt-get install packagename1 packagename2 packagename3 etc22:07
Keegan7390I have a question, everytime i try to partition my hard drive on my laptop (inspiron 8000), it doesnt work, it just wont let me?? any ideas??22:07
Liquidfire-woah :D22:07
Peloericl80427, yes you can use the same partition22:07
Altragit is22:07
Liquidfire-I love dream theater !!!22:08
timandjulzAltrag: In my case, my windows partition was auto mounted.  I expect the same for you.22:08
TheZealotSlart, yes, but I am familiar with nslookup, and it looks like BIND decided to remove the zone transfer option because nslookup is deprecated22:08
lockddoes anyone at all know of etswitch, and if there is a modern working version?22:08
timandjulzAltrag: Open that folder and you should see your files.22:08
Liquidfire-first time i'm listening to them on my ubuntu box p/22:08
timandjulzAltrag: Then use what the other person suggested for burning cds.  Cause I haven't done that yet.22:08
Pelolater folks22:08
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  The 'apt-cache show 915resolution' points to /usr/share/doc/915resolution/README.Debian for how the initscript is set up.22:09
jayPriceChild, please see http://pastebin.ca/81932522:09
SlartTheZealot: oh.. I guess they should have a source repository somewhere..22:09
ericl80427hm, im not sure what partition i had made22:09
ericl80427i paritioned 70 mbs..22:09
dharrhow do you pick what packages you want during installation?22:10
kst-i'm trying to save a pdf file with inserted text by printing it to file with acroread.. but i cant open the file afterwards, any ideas?22:10
Altragok, thank you!22:10
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  You could put /etc/default/915resolution back to a default state.  Or you could just apt-get remove it....22:10
SlartTheZealot: I guess you've seen this .. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/nslookup-ls-option-not-implemented-605679/22:11
Slartkst: what are you trying to open it with?22:11
soccer_hawk10i just apt-get removed it...  now it's rebooting22:12
PriceChildjay, hmm that says that apache *is* reading your customizations from httpd.conf... maybe you need to tell it to enable it in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default perhaps...22:12
Jack_Sparrowkst-: you cant just stick text into the middle of a pdf...  and get the pdf to open or print22:12
soccer_hawk10alrighty, now i can just apt-get install xrandr and then run it?22:13
kst-Jack_Sparrow not sure what you mean..22:13
Jack_Sparrowkst-: pdf is not just a text file...22:13
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  yes22:13
kst-Jack_Sparrow i opened the pdf, inserted my text, Print -> output as file22:13
kst-but the created .ps file wont open :(22:13
Jack_Sparrowkst-: what did you open it with?22:13
kst-latest acroread as evince gave me problems22:14
negonicracdoes any one know how to read protected .pdf in ubuntu because on windows I have to use digital edition and I would like to find out how to do it in ubuntu22:14
soccer_hawk10stroyan it appears as though i already have it22:14
soccer_hawk10how do i use it?22:14
jayPriceChild, im not familiar with how to do that... could you please explain22:14
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  xrandr without arguments will list available resolutions.22:14
ericl80427when i use an old partition as my partition, it says: "No root file system is defined. Please orrect this from the partitioning menu.22:14
Slartkst-: have you tried installing ghostscript and opening it with that?22:14
PriceChildjay, in the same way as the httpd... but I don't know whether its needed :/22:15
kst-Slart will try although I think I should already have that one?22:15
soccer_hawk10stroyan, how can i just test to see if it'll use a resolution that i want?22:15
Jack_Sparrowkst-: ok.. I got you confused with another person.. my bad...22:15
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  xrandr -fb <width>x<height> will set resolution.22:15
jayPriceChild, here is the source of that file http://pastebin.ca/81934022:15
soccer_hawk10stroyan, thanks, i'll give it a shot22:15
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  "man xrandr" will tell all. :-)22:15
kst-i will just print it at uni when i got a printer available.. but this sucks :(22:16
negonicracslart:sorry I will try that22:16
TheZealotSlart: thanks for the advice. I figured how to do it with dig.22:16
Slartnegonicrac: huh?..22:16
PriceChildjay, still, not completely positive, but maybe "RewriteEngine On" inside the second <Directory>22:16
soccer_hawk10xrandr -fb 1152x864 isn't doing anything22:16
kst-Slart Jack_Sparrow if that is any help: ~$ ps2pdf /home/kst/Bewerberformular.ps22:16
kst-This PostScript file was created from an encrypted PDF file.22:16
kst-Redistilling encrypted PDF is not permitted.22:16
soccer_hawk10do i need to restart x?22:16
Cpt_QtekAnyone else playing Eve Online ?22:17
Slartkst-: ah..  well.. there you have it.. you're not allowed to do what you're trying to do..22:17
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  You should not need to restart X.  Does xrandr report that resolution as available?22:17
soccer_hawk10when i try to use that command it just lists the -help stuff22:18
soccer_hawk10doesn't do anything other than that as far as i can tell22:18
ericl80427I cant partition.22:18
crinkeliteKrumar: That screens stuff looks a little complicated, all i want to do is to move the terminal cursor around the terminal output. So i could highlight the output of the ls command and paste it into the input field. I thought it might be already available with a hot key or something.22:18
* micr H22:18
soccer_hawk10do i need a --fb instead?22:19
jayPriceChild, sadly that didnt work either22:19
=== Mez is now known as Mez__
Krumarcrinkelite, when you say terminal do you mean something you bring up in the gui or are you pressing atl F2 or something?22:19
PriceChildjay, you've copied over the .htaccess file included with drupal right?22:19
jayPriceChild, sure did22:19
dosnubbieBwa ha ha the power of Stock paper, knives and rubber cement22:20
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  xrandr without options should report the current and available resolutions.  Where did your system's xrandr come from?  And what video driver is your X server using?22:20
scotta316Hi all. Can someone tell me why Python starts when I boot up? It uses 100% of my processor until I kill it.22:20
stdWhen I pxe-boot ltsb over tftpd-hpa, on the client side it says "tftp open timeout". What is this?22:20
dosnubbieTo bad the transparency I used to protect the scanner bay from post dry sticky glue was dirty22:20
ericl80427I cant partition.22:20
ericl80427can anyone help me with this?22:20
crinkeliteKrumar: I'm talking about the terminal that comes packaged in applications\accessories in Gutsy Gibbon22:20
soccer_hawk10stroyan: hang on, i'm gonna try something22:20
Jack_Sparrowericl80427: try the gparted livecd...22:21
stdWhen I pxe-boot ltsp over tftpd-hpa, on the client side it says "tftp open timeout". What is this?22:21
Krumarcrinkelite, ok, now what do you want to do with it?22:21
PriceChildjay, grr :/ Could you get a report from php (i forget the exact wording to get it) to see what it reports about loaded apache modules?22:21
Slartkst-: I just tried filling out a form using evince.. and printing it with the cups pdf printer.. worked just great22:21
kkathmanPriceChild,  phpinfo()22:21
UnNaturalHighdoes anyone know how I would runs programs from another computer A on my computer B, but the programs that are from A use the disk and usb drive of computer B?22:21
ericl80427Jack_Sparrow im installing with the live cd, for a second time22:21
sethkstd, it means that an open request was sent to the machine identified as the boot server, and no response was received to that request.22:21
PriceChildjay, see kkathman above (thanks)22:21
crinkelitei want to caret browse the terminal output exp. ls output22:21
sethkstd, usually, it happens because of a path issue with the file name.22:22
soccer_hawk10stroyan: it's using i810 and i cannot change it to intel for some reason22:22
kst-Slart thanks, trying that one as well now.. where does it put the file it prints? :D22:22
Jack_Sparrowericl80427: NOT the live cd...   the gparted livecd22:22
ubotuGParted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted-livecd.tuxfamily.org/22:22
kkathmanjust put this:  <?php phpinfo(); ?> and run22:22
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  You need to find that reason.22:22
Slartkst-: in ~/PDF/22:22
PriceChildjay, ^22:22
PriceChild!who | kkathman22:22
ubotukkathman: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:22
stdsethk: wath is path issue?22:22
Krumarcrinkelite, i still don't quite understand, you want to do the ls command, then do something with it22:22
soccer_hawk10where would i find that reason?22:22
AlephI recently installed a new processor and flashed my BIOS. Ubuntu Feisty's X would no longer start, saying a display could not be found. I've since found out that the BUSID changed for the video card due to the BIOS flash. I was able to update my xorg.conf file with VI, but I'm curious, was there any autodetect feature I could have used?22:22
=== ajmorris_|AFK is now known as ajmorris_
ubotuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:23
kkathmanlove it when you try to help and you get slapped down - very nice22:23
ericl80427wait so i have to download a whole different cd?22:23
ericl80427i dont have any blanks left22:23
Slartcrinkelite: why not try ls | editor22:23
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  Do you have the xserver-xorg-video-intel package installed?22:23
AcidBurnSo you all pretty much hate Bill Gates, no?22:23
sethkstd, I've seen that happen during a boot over tftp because the name of the kernel supplied in the request doesn't match the name on the server.  As an example, the client might request vmlinuz-2.6.23 when the server's name for the file is /rootfs/boot/vmlinuz-
Jack_Sparrowericl80427: yes it is a different cd...  fut a small download.. not 700meg... more like 6022:23
Slartcrinkelite: you'll have to exit the editor when you're done.. but you can browse, edit, copy/paste all you want22:23
kst-Slart somehow this would give me an empty page :(22:23
sethkstd, I chose those names because I had a problem like that on Friday, and those were the specifics.22:23
crinkeliteno I'm sorry. I want to move the cursor up the terminal screen and highlight\copy directory names and filenames without using a mouse22:23
markopunkke hubo22:24
=== micr is now known as XCX
ericl80427i dont ahve any blank cds though, i have a usb drive thats about it.22:24
sethkstd, there are other things that can be happening, though, that's just one possibility.22:24
ericl80427flash drive22:24
kyle__I wish i could filter IRC buffer on a user name22:24
markopunkpasu machu22:24
sethkstd, what you should do is run a packet sniffer on the server and look at the incoming request.22:24
soccer_hawk10stroyan: yes22:24
scaldovhi all!22:24
Krumarcrinkelite, you can try ls | less22:24
Felin>.> That was eventful. Ok, so it's being read, but I still can't connect to my access point.22:24
PriceChildkyle__, "/lastlog nick" ?22:24
kyle__ericl80427: what do you mean you cant partition?22:24
Krumarcrinkelite, nope, that's not it22:24
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  What does "lspci | grep VGA" report?22:24
Slartcrinkelite: I think you're looking for a bash replacement.. with some new features..22:24
stdstthk: what is a packet sniffer?22:24
ftwx Hi! Recently installed gutsy 7.10 and compiz-fusion (Advanced desktop effects settings,etc) WHenever I reboot I get an error about gnome-settings-daemon failed to initliaz22:24
ericl80427there are "uncorrected errors"22:24
_coredump_hi there22:25
Krumarcrinkelite, try ls > contents22:25
ericl80427and i'm not sure how to fix them22:25
_coredump_anyone can help me eith getting sound for ET under gutsy?22:25
scaldovI have a trouble - I cannot tune screensaver parameters e.g. look of euphoria screensaver22:25
soccer_hawk10stroyan:  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)22:25
Slartkst-: hmm.. if you try to print the pdf-form.. you get a blank page too?22:25
stdwhat is a packet sniffer?22:25
Krumarthat will create a file with everything ls spits out you can do what ever you want with it22:25
scaldovI have a trouble - I cannot tune screensaver parameters e.g. look of euphoria screensaver22:25
kst-yes Slart :(22:25
markopunkhola que tal22:25
kyle__ericl80427: eeeee sounds scary22:25
soccer_hawk10previously i used the intel driver i don't know why i can't now22:25
BrownsterFelin, what did u find22:25
AlvAro_HK#ubuntu -es22:26
Slartscaldov: gnome-screensaver lacks many of the knobs and dials of x-screensaver..22:26
soccer_hawk10markopunk: como esta22:26
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  That is on the supported list for "intel" at http://intellinuxgraphics.org/documentation.html22:26
Slart!ohmy | markopunk22:26
ubotumarkopunk: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:26
markopunknadie habla español22:26
Tyczek|PCI installed Ati drivers without Envy... ufff what a relief22:26
AlvAro_HKcomo era para entra a ubuntu en español22:26
AlvAro_HKhablo español22:26
Slart!es | markopunk22:26
ubotumarkopunk: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:26
ericl80427so no one is able to help unless i install some other thing?22:26
PriceChild!es | markopunk AlvAro_HK22:26
ubotumarkopunk AlvAro_HK: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.22:26
scaldovand what should I do?22:26
_coredump_anyone an idea why EnemyTerritory has no sound under gutsy?22:26
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  What happens if you edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver to intel ?22:26
stdWhat is a packet sniffer22:26
Slart_coredump_: it uses oss sound output22:26
scaldovshould I install xscreensaver?22:26
AlvAro_HKubuntu -es22:26
soccer_hawk10stroyan:  let's find out22:26
FelinWell, it's reading both my hardwire, which isn't plugged in, and the wirless as wlan0, but it isn't reading the WAP.22:26
paolob-parroquiaHi guys! What about the slideshow screensaver in gutsy? It doesn't work for me!22:26
Slartscaldov: you could try... see if it plays nice with gnome22:27
_coredump_Slart, even switching to oss wont help22:27
AlvAro_HK#ubuntu /es22:27
PriceChild_coredump_, there's a fix on it on the ubuntu wiki22:27
Linuxchix0ra packet sniffer will collect packets on the network22:27
PriceChildSlart, ^22:27
ompaulAlvAro_HK,    /join #ubuntu-es22:27
AlvAro_HKjoin #ubuntu-es22:27
scguy318AlvAro_HK: type /join #ubuntu-es22:27
_coredump_PriceChild, thx i will search for it22:27
BrownsterFelin, could u see no available networks to join?22:28
Krumarcrinkelite, doing ls and redirecting into a file is as close as i can get you to a solution, why is it you need to do this?22:28
stdLinuxchix0r: give me an example of a packet sniffer22:28
FelinI saw one for a split second, but it wasn't mine, and it dropped. I assume it was due to the encryption I know that one has.22:28
Linuxchix0rstd wireshark22:28
BrownsterFelin, is this a laptop / model?22:28
Slartkst-: if you get an empty page when printing the pdf then I guess you won't have much luck with this.. sorry22:28
soccer_hawk10stroyan:  that's interesting... i just changed it to the intel driver AND it's got the resolution i want22:28
AlephHow do I run the autodetection for my hardware (particularly video settings) for my regular installation like the LiveCD does?22:28
kst-ok :( thanks anyway sladen22:28
jayPriceChild, http://pastebin.ca/819357 this is the report22:29
kst-Slart *22:29
stdLinuxchix0r Ok.22:29
soccer_hawk10i say i'm not going to complain :-D somehow you did it stroyan :)22:29
FelinYou mean my system, or the wireless adapter?22:29
soccer_hawk10thanks a lot!22:29
stroyansoccer_hawk10:  Your welcome.  Intel and the new modesetting intel driver did most of it. :-)22:29
wifiI set the home direcotry in vsftpd.conf, but my ftp doesn't show any folders22:29
BrownsterFelin, actually  ignore that , if you say you saw a network temporarily then we know that the card is pretty much working22:29
javaJakeAugh! Anyone here run duplicity? My backup just quit on me, and I'm wondering if it'll start where it left off! :(22:30
soccer_hawk10well, it's simply fantastic news.  i don't know that i could repeat that if i wanted to, but i hope i won't have to.  it works now and that's all i care about :-D thanks a lot!22:30
PriceChildjay, line 125 says its enabled...22:30
FelinRight, so the question wouldn't be the card, but why I can't see the network.22:30
babany ideas on how to get serial port working22:30
mineraleI have installed gutsy into a vmware fusion -- works fine, except that when I put 'mount' the vmware tools dvd, it thinks it's a dvd, and it's not usable22:30
BrownsterFelin, if you have broadcast essid off in the AP you wont see it, did you try configuring a connection and using the essid ?22:30
wirechiefthis is what i have now 2.6.24-1-generic #1 SMP Sat Dec 8 01:32:22:30
Felin>.>;;; In english?22:30
jaredanyone have any idea when that update to fix the flash issue is coming?22:31
crimsunthe flash issue?22:31
crimsunmeaning the ia32libs+pcre3 one?22:31
mineralecan someone explain why ubuntu mounts the vmware cd like this: http://tinyurl.com/25o82422:31
BrownsterFelin, sorry, your access point is configured to use a name to identify it this is the essid, do you know what this is or was it set when you got the access point?22:31
mineraleit works normally when mounted in other os's22:31
jaredcrimsun, meaning the it doens't install because of some md5 mismatch or something like that22:31
jayPriceChild, yea its enable but it doesnt work ie. if i try to go to /admin/clean-urls the link wont work but with the ?q= infront of it the page works... meaning the mod rewrite version of the page doesnt work22:32
PriceChildjay, indeed...22:32
crimsunjared: no, that's an artifact of 9,0,115,0 being released.22:32
jayconfusing me22:32
PriceChildjay, re-upload the .htaccess that comes with it22:32
FelinThe AP is just a wireless router, actually. It usually shows as Channel 11 with the name of Default.22:32
PriceChildjay, (comes with drupal)22:32
crimsunjared: I'm referring to an issue that affects amd64 users of 9,0,115,0 on hardy.22:32
jayPriceChild, i just tried reuploading it a couple times... but no difference22:33
PriceChildjay, Then I blame drupal if php's reporting mod_rewrite fine.22:33
jaredcrimsun, oh, well I'm wondeirng about the md5 issue... since I can't install it, and gnash doesn't work too well for me.22:33
jayPriceChild, Its strange because on the production site this works fine... im trying to create a new dev environment on my laptop22:33
suttles95I installed ubuntu as a dual-boot with xp, and I'm not sure if Windows is on there...can someone help>22:34
cyranohi. I am reformatting and wish to keep my sources list and all my authentication keys. (copy the files to backup). I know where sources.list is but where are my authentication keys stored?22:34
PriceChildjay, the production site being ubuntu too?22:34
crimsunjared: again, that symptom is simply due to a newer upstream version being available.  You may try the version in -proposed.22:34
scguy318suttles95: does an NTFS partition show up when you do sudo fdisk -l?22:34
p34ri just installed subversion on my ubuntu server: apt-get install subversion. how do i set it up so i can access my svn at svn.mysite.com/svn/myapp for capistrano deployment?22:34
scguy318suttles95: if Windows is there, there sh ould be a Windows XP GRUB entry22:35
jayPriceChild, No the production site is redhat22:35
mularanyone here use virtualbox?22:35
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
jaredalright, thanks crimsun22:35
BrownsterFelin, xp, you should be able to see the name of the wireless network you're connected to, does that say default?22:35
PriceChildjay, ah so the backing config files aren't the same.... I still blame drupal :P but what do I know? :)22:36
jayPriceChild, I have this gut feeling that its something really small... but i cant figure out what it is22:36
PriceChildjay, so true22:36
mulartrying to get my lousy zune to work with ubuntu .. :-S22:36
p34rhow can i set up my subversion to be accessed at a http url? ie http://svn.mysite.com/svn/myapp/22:36
suttles95scguy 318:  I get the following report from fdisk-l:  Disk /dev/hda: 80.0 GB, 80026361856 bytes22:36
suttles95255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9729 cylinders22:36
suttles95Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes22:36
suttles95Disk identifier: 0xd2e1d2e122:36
suttles95   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System22:36
suttles95/dev/hda1   *           1        9565    76830831   83  Linux22:36
suttles95/dev/hda2            9566        9729     1317330    5  Extended22:36
suttles95/dev/hda5            9566        9729     1317298+  82  Linux swap / Solaris22:36
Rolyits impossible22:36
Rolywell its not22:37
Rolybut everyone in the online community has been tying for months22:37
Rolyand failed22:37
cyranohi. I am formatting and wish to keep my sources list and all my authentication keys. (copy the files to backup). I know where sources.list is but where are my authentication keys stored?22:37
scguy318suttles95: um...did you select use entire disk? I don't see your NTFS part22:37
Jack_Sparrow!enter | Roly22:37
ubotuRoly: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:37
mularRoly, really so thats why google is showing me nothing of use lol22:37
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Rolyyeah mular it just doesnt statup22:37
scguy318suttles95: I suspect you have, er, partitioned over it22:37
mularits odd because I am able to get Windows xp to see it.. but the software won't do anything with it22:38
suttles95can I fix that?  I followed the instructions listed on the psychocats installation webpage22:38
mularI just deleted my windowsxp partition to, to go fully ubuntu guess I will have to go back to dual boot mode or use my wifes pc lol22:38
Rolyi have to dual boot windows JUST for my zune22:38
SajesAfter installing fluxbox from the Gutsy repositories, you can't right click the desktop for the menu after booting into fluxbox. Any ideas?22:38
mularlol, ya I thought that virtualbox would be awesome but so far I really don't think it helped me much22:38
Rolywell im off22:39
mularatleast windows isn't to bad to get back.. just have to change grub back though which may be annoying22:39
scguy318suttles95: if yo've got a backup then that can be fixed, but it looks like your Windows partition is gone...you picked use entire disk?22:39
Rolylater all22:39
mularthanks Roly, later22:39
FelinEverything went very dead for a second.22:39
mularif I wanted to put windows xp back on as a dual boot, I just have to re partition.. reinstall.. and then how do I add grub back into it?22:39
=== cyrano is now known as Bergerac
=== Bergerac is now known as bergerac
FelinActually to fix my log-on screen I had to drop the Linksys monitor.22:40
FelinAll it says is WLAN22:40
Liquidfire-anyone here got any experience with java?22:40
suttles95wow...I followed the instructions on that website that said to select the first option of installation which would be for a dual-boot...I just hit enter to use the default...I figured that would install it correctly...obviously not22:41
danili'd like to add a .deb package of my porgram into the universe repository. how do i do this?22:41
bergerachi. I am formatting and wish to keep my sources list and all my authentication keys. (copy the files to backup). I know where sources.list is but where are my authentication keys stored? noone here that knows?22:41
scguy318suttles95: the image has it selected for guided, percent resize22:41
wamLiquidfire-: is that supposed to be a poll?22:42
BrownsterFelin, ok u need to ascertain the name used by the AP to continue so you can do it by accessing the administration page of the AP or possibly from memory through settings, network connections and fishing around in the properties22:42
scguy318suttles95: ouch um, I hope you didn't have anything seriously valuable?22:42
Liquidfire-wam: no lol, just asking because i'm stuck. And this is an ubuntu channel.22:42
FelinIs there an easy way to do this that doesn't require me to actually go over to the router?22:42
astro76bergerac, sudo apt-key list22:42
DUDUIl y a quelqu'un ?22:43
=== VincentC_ is now known as VincentC
PriceChild!fr | DUDU22:43
DUDUIt's in English ?22:43
ubotuDUDU: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:43
wamLiquidfire-: so maybe you tell us why and where you're stuck.22:43
BrownsterFelin, through settings, network connections, should see the wireless conn. icon open properties and so on22:43
bergeracastro76:so the key list is the trusted.gpg file?22:43
jayPriceChild, OMG IT WAS SO DUMB22:43
jayPriceChild, i figured it out22:43
PriceChildjay, haha... hit me :)22:43
suttles95no...I think it's okay...I backed-up everything from My Documents onto 5 different CD-RWs...I will be able to load those into Ubuntu, wouldn't I?  I mean, all of the files are standard MS Office files, .wav files, and pictures22:43
poOrBOonI'm using ubuntu gutsy, howto install latest Xserver and X.org on it? X.org 7.3 and Xserver 1.422:43
PriceChildjay, what was it?22:43
BrownsterFelin, thats on xp not the router22:44
PriceChildpoOrBOon, why do you want to?22:44
jayPriceChild, i just went into the 000-default file and changed AllowOverride to All22:44
jaynow it works22:44
poOrBOonPriceChild Because it is better? isn't it?22:44
scguy318suttles95: yep22:44
PriceChildjay, *highfive*22:44
FelinAll it says in the Wireless Networks tab is WLAN(Automatic)22:44
scguy318suttles95: not a problem at all22:44
jayPriceChild, thanks for all your help :)22:44
PriceChildjay, I learn something new ever day... and I swear I've had that exact problem before :)22:44
scguy318suttles95: OpenOffice andother apps that come with standard ubuntu can handle those files22:44
Liquidfire-Okay here it goes, I made a method called (ticket machine, which uses a variable when its created) namely "int ticketCost". How can I rewrite this so it always will be starting with for example 200, instead of a variable. I just want it to have a static number22:44
PriceChild!highno | poOrBOon22:44
FelinSSID is WLAN22:44
ubotupoOrBOon: A higher version number does not mean that it's better. Especially with packages such as the linux kernel. The packages in the Ubuntu repositories are stable and will work fine. You should have a better reason than "newer" when considering compiling from source or using 3rd party repos.22:44
Liquidfire-I can post the code on pastebin when its needed22:45
suttles95scguy318:  that's great...those are all the files I needed anyway...I wasn't very tied to or in love with Windows, anyway...that's why I switched!22:45
poOrBOonyou don`t recommend it although it is final?22:45
scguy318suttles95: oh ok, cool :)22:45
PriceChildpoOrBOon, I definitely don't recommend it.22:45
suttles95scguy318:  Is there a specific drive or location I need to load the files into?22:45
jayPriceChild, its funny how we can end up taking a couple days to figure out a small thing haha22:46
poOrBOonOK thanks22:46
scguy318suttles95: no, you can put it in your home or Desktop or w/e you like to put stuff22:46
PriceChildpoOrBOon, (not sure about versions... but just the idea of upgrading it sound scary)22:46
PriceChildjay, such is life22:46
wamLiquidfire-: sounds like a #java question22:46
mineralewhat's the command to download the latest kernel headers ?22:46
stdwhat is arp timeout22:46
scguy318suttles95: though there probably are folders in your home that are called, Documents, Music, etc. for organizational purposes22:46
mineraleapt-get install linux-`uname -r`-something22:46
poOrBOonI thought I can just run th install.sh22:46
PriceChildminerale, sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)22:46
Liquidfire-How do I identify myself on this network ?22:47
PriceChildLiquidfire-, /msg nickserv help22:47
=== DM| is now known as Delvien
p34ri installed subversion and my svn is at /home/svn/myapp. how do i access it via http? ie http://svn.myhost.com/svn/myapp22:47
scguy318suttles95: if you have anything else just ask22:47
stdwhat is arp timeout22:47
BrownsterFelin, thats it WLAN ok now go into ubuntu and create a wireless connection using this as the ssid with encryption off, you did say there is no encryption on? try this, if it doesn't work from a terminal type ' sudo iwlist scan' this will show a list of wireless networks in range, can u see yours?22:48
scguy318std: how long an ARP entry is persisted22:48
poOrBOonI have installed ubuntu gutsy and the propriatary drivers from ati that pops in the tray. currently Direct Rendering is enabled. I don't want to lose it. But I heard XGL will kill Direct Rendering22:48
FelinxD Gotta go reboot to Ubuntu and try allt hat. Before I go, extra tips?22:48
stdscguy318: What is an ARP entry?22:48
batma8hey guys..ive tried installing all versions of ubuntu 64 bit and it will install..but when i put another stick of ram in..it locks22:48
batma8both sticks pass memtest22:49
scguy318std: a cached ARP lookup, an ARP lookup being translating from IP -> MAC address22:49
batma8any ideas?22:49
ikoniabatma8: sounds like hardware errors22:49
batma8and gutsy hate my geforce 760022:49
BrownsterFelin, can u remember what name the wireless device had in ubuntu, might be wlan0?22:49
ikoniabatma8: how big are the sticks ? are they paired ? are they overclocked ?22:49
Slartbatma8: second memory controller broken? does it even pass post?22:49
FelinIt was.22:49
ikoniabatma8: the gefore 7600 we can progress22:49
suttles95cool...thanks...I do have one more question....does anyone have a recommendation of great program that's similar to iTunes that I can use for my iPod?22:49
batma8not overclocked, i have 3 sticks, 2 are 1 gig each..then another 51222:50
scguy318suttles95: Rhythmbox, stuff like that can handle the iPod22:50
ikoniasuttles95: gtkpod22:50
batma8all is fine in post..and all work under windows22:50
scguy318suttles95: gtkpod can be found from the repos22:50
Slartsuttles95: amarok.. it's not itunes.. but it handles your ipod22:50
puzzledcan anyone please tell me with which app I can change the services to start in e.g. runlevel 5?22:50
UnNaturalHighamarok > *22:50
renegade420heya does xubuntu have any sort of vent program?22:50
lbakalinskySuttles95: The best program with no configurations is Banshee22:50
batma8should i try 32bit?22:50
ikoniabatma8: how big are the memory sticks ?22:50
|_James_Bond_|plz help to configure this webcam for linux ubuntu 7.10... my webcam is CANYON this model is CN-WCAM21... need help plz22:51
batma81 gig, 1 gig, and 512meg22:51
ikoniabatma8: thats 3 sticks22:51
batma83 stick22:51
ikoniayou said 1 stick and add another22:51
emma-eleciao a tutti ....come faccio a sapere se il mio firewall è bloccato???sono con ubuntu22:51
scguy318!it | emma-ele22:51
ubotuemma-ele: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:51
batma8yah..with only one in..i can install and use ubuntu22:51
scguy318renegade420: Vent? like Ventrilo?22:51
ikoniabatma8: and what about the 2 x 1gig sticks22:51
batma8doesnt matter which stick i use..but when i occupy another mem slot..it locks22:51
WorkingOnWiseOther than convenience, what are the avantages of running apps from Ubuntu maintained packages instead of either compiling the apps from source, or using a eb from the project? I am thinking specifically of Wine, Openoffice, Compiz-Fusion and Evolution. These apps will be updated much more often than the Ubuntu repos will.22:51
BrownsterFelin, then if what I said did not work, in terminal look at the output of 'iwconfig wlan0' it will show you the wireless settings so essid should be now set to 'WLAN' if it worked, if not try at the prompt 'sudo iwconfig wan0 essid WLAN' but check that command 'man iwconfig'22:52
batma8ive installed successfully using each stick alone22:52
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: compatability is the biggest factor22:52
renegade420scguy318, exactly ventrillo22:52
batma8but if i use 2 or 3 at a time..it locks22:52
scguy318renegade420: Vent on Wine :P22:52
ikoniabatma8: it sounds like the second memory controller is having an issue22:52
scguy318renegade420: or are you looking for VoIP apps ingeneral?22:52
wifiI changed the home directory for my ftp (vsftpd) but it's still using the old directory..22:52
ikoniabatma8: is this an amd or intel cpu22:52
batma8amd athlon 6422:52
BrownsterFelin, *wlan0 not wan022:52
ikoniabatma8: so the controller is on the chip22:52
Slartbatma8: does it work if you put 1 stick in different slots?22:52
ikoniabatma8: is this overclocked in any way shape or form22:52
WorkingOnWiseikonia: compatability with what? clearify for me plz?22:52
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: it would depend on how convienient it is to break your system22:53
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: the package dependencies are compatible, tested and maintained22:53
renegade420scguy318, ventrillo would be easier for I have access to ventrillo server22:53
batma8as far as i know..it works from all 3 slots, just not 2 at a time..and no overclocking22:53
scguy318renegade420: run Ventrilo on Wine22:53
scguy318renegade420: there's no open-source Vent client on Linux or any platform22:53
matttiscould someone with firefox please look if the buttons above the edit field are displayed here:22:53
ikoniabatma8: what happens when you try to use ubuntu with 2 or 3 sticks in.22:53
wifiI changed the home directory for my ftp (vsftpd) but it's still using the old directory.. how do I change it22:54
batma8locks once it enters gnome22:54
FelinAlright, thank you again Brownster. Off I go.22:54
ikoniabatma8: define locks please, just so we are clear22:54
PriceChildwifi, restart the service (and ftp is insecure, use sftp)22:54
batma8mouse locks..funcions quit working, but my screen stays on22:54
batma8cant  ctrl alt f2 out22:54
wifiPriceChild: Restarted already, and it's still using the old directory22:54
ikoniabatma8: does the keyboard numlock go on / off with numlock button22:54
matttisanyone ?22:54
suttles95Actually, I have one more question before I leave you guys alone...I'm trying to eject the install disk from my cd-drive, but I get the following message:  you are not privileged to unmount the volume Ubuntu 7.10 i386...unmount:  only root can unmount / dev/hdc from /media/cdrom022:54
ikoniabatma8: does the window manager respond to ctrl+alt+backspace22:55
batma8no, it does not ikonia22:55
batma8no to both22:55
ikoniabatma8: ok, so what you need to do is reboot using safe mode and tell me how that works ?22:55
poOrBOonwhen I install XGL (currently it is NOT installed) will I loose this -> glxinfo |grep direct -> direct rendering: Yes??22:55
IndyGunFreaksuttles95: root access to eject a disk?22:55
ikoniapoOrBOon: no22:55
batma8ok..ill be back, thank you ikonia22:55
poOrBOonI have ati propiertary drivers installed22:55
WorkingOnWiseikonia: Jack_Sparrow Good point. is it "safe" to use repos from future versions of Ubuntu (8.10, 9.04 etc) to get the newest of those debs, while staying in the 8.04 reps for the core ubuntu?22:55
ikoniaWorkingOnWise: no, that is very unwise22:56
poOrBOonI MUST install XGL to enable compiz right??22:56
scguy318suttles95: sudo umount /media/cdrom022:56
ikoniapoOrBOon: are you using ubuntu 7.1022:56
theZoMBiEi just installed ubuntu and for some reason my keyboard is being weird.. instead of me getting a slash i get this character: é22:56
ikoniapoOrBOon: it's already installed by default22:56
PriceChildWorkingOnWise, no. Consider backporting perhaps... but you should really  know what you're doing "/msg ubotu prevu"22:56
scguy318suttles95: must be something with your fstab if it says that22:56
ikoniapoOrBOon: use system --> administation --> advanced desktop effects22:56
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: are you sure you gave your keyboard the proper assignment(ie, US)22:56
steerAny reason anyone can think of why a root password would just stop working?22:56
poOrBOonYes, but compiz does not work when you install the drivers from ati that pops in tray22:56
ikoniapoOrBOon: thats a different matter22:57
suttles95perfect...thanks, guys!22:57
ikoniapoOrBOon: but be aware that xgl/compiz is already installed22:57
poOrBOonbut games shall work better I think, because it is from ati22:57
ikoniasteer: the root password is not set22:57
ikoniapoOrBOon: have you used the restricted drivers manager ?22:57
theZoMBiEIndyGunFreak: as in which type of layerÉ22:57
JohnMMtheZoMBiE, try http://www.artificialworlds.net/blog/?p=1222:57
ikoniapoOrBOon: and what is the situation using them22:57
poOrBOonikonia XGL -> Not installed Compiz -> Installled22:57
steerikonia: its been set for like 2 years and now doesnt work.. it worked earlier this morning...22:58
ikoniapoOrBOon: where does it say that22:58
ikoniasteer: did you set it ?22:58
mudorehelp, after updating Fiesty to Gusty, my sound card does not work any more : (  \n  sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart =>sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart22:58
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: go to System/Preferences/Keyboard, and see what it says for "Layout"22:58
Jack_Sparrowsteer: Sounds like you have done more than a little work while "ROOT"  do you use gksudo for gui apps or just susdo?22:58
steerikonia: yes... a long time ago.. i know the poassword22:58
ikoniasteer: does sudo still work ?22:58
wificant i set an ntfs partition as the home directory for vsftpd22:58
mudorewarning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1251: No soundcards found.22:59
steerJack_Sparrow: i use gksudo and the kde equivalent as well22:59
theZoMBiEwell now i get the slash / and ? but when i type the att symbol (shift+2) i get this "22:59
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: i wonder if your keyboard is on the spaz... that doesn't make sense, you spill something on it?22:59
steerJack_Sparrow: also i use su... do not use sudo becase i am using grml.. (Im talking to you ubuntu folks because you are so knowledgable and friendly.. ;)23:00
theZoMBiEIndyGunFreak: : no :b23:00
poOrBOonikonia when I open Erscheinungsbild System -> appearance -> visual effects -> select extra or normal it says compiz could not get enabled23:00
theZoMBiEIndyGunFreak: and in layouts it sasy US23:00
theZoMBiEit says&23:00
Jack_Sparrowsteer: we do try...23:00
mudoreplease help: warning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1251: No soundcards found.23:00
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: just asking, i've done that before, and would get different letters when i hit something else, similar to what you're having happen23:00
mudoreALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'23:01
ikoniapoOrBOon: ok, you're going to need someone who knows the ati drivers better than me. Have you looked in the xorg logs to check for anything obvious ?23:01
theZoMBiEoh now its good23:01
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: whats it say in "Keyboard Model"23:01
theZoMBiEi fixed it :b23:01
IndyGunFreaki fiugred that was it....23:01
poOrBOonxorg logs??23:01
suttles95I'm back...I have another question...once I put a CD-ROM into the disk drive and want to upload the documents into My Documents folder...how do I make that happen?23:01
steerJack_Sparrow: I guess I'll just reset it using the bin/sh deal, but im just wondering if somjeone could have hacked into my comp.. ;)23:01
IndyGunFreaktheZoMBiE: what happened?23:01
theZoMBiEplayed around with the layouts23:02
IndyGunFreakuh huh..lol23:02
grimreaperany 1 now when the game is coming out23:02
krishhow do i find my sound card23:02
WorkingOnWisePriceChild: ty! That looks like exactly the solution I need. A whole new way to break Ubuntu! :D23:02
mudoreplaese give me a lead : ALSA lib confmisc.c:768:(parse_card) cannot find card '0'23:02
Jack_Sparrowsteer: NOt impossible.. just improbbable... unless you left the door open a crack....23:02
scguy318grimreaper: what game?23:02
krishi am tryin to use recordmydesktop23:02
IndyGunFreakkrish: open a terminal, lspci look through the output, and see how it identifies your sound card.23:02
wificant i set an ntfs partition as the home directory for vsftpd23:02
PriceChildWorkingOnWise, ;)23:03
scguy318grimreaper: googling it seems to indiate that it's out23:03
theZoMBiEanother question.. i have my nvidia accelerated graphic driver being in my restricted driver and its Not in Use and when i try to enable it... it wont go through.. what should i do?23:03
sethkwifi, You can mount it with samba and use it with vsftpd that way23:03
steerJack_Sparrow: thx for your help.. thx ikonia as well .. appreciate it23:03
Jack_Sparrowwifi: ntfs will not support linux permissions.. and that may end up being the problem23:03
krishIndyGunFreak: that seems to be 00:1b.023:03
robobobi just got kung fu hustle but it has not subtitles :( i just got the subtitle file how can i open both so u know they work23:03
grimreaperwaaa umm i was told it wasnt out yet23:03
krishbut when i use recordmydesktop -d 00:1b.023:03
krishit is not working23:03
mudoreIndyGunFreak, here is mine : lspci | grep Audio23:04
mudore00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia23:04
Slartgrimreaper: why are you even asking this in the ubuntu support channel?23:04
bangbangguyanyone here understands assembly???23:04
bangbangguyanyone here understands assembly????23:04
mudoremudore, but it does not works since the update23:04
bangbangguyits urgent23:04
grimreaperi unno i joined a random channel lol23:04
IndyGunFreakmudore: ok?.. are you having sound probs.23:04
Slart!urgent | bangbangguy23:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about urgent - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:04
WorkingOnWisePriceChild: ikonia: Jack_Sparrow thanks for the help. Off now to install fresh! bye23:04
sethkbangbangguy, which processor?23:04
bangbangguy!urgent anyone knows assembly?23:04
suupaabakaDoes anyone here use Opera in Ubuntu?23:04
mudoreIndyGunFreak, the is no sound anymore23:05
IndyGunFreakkrish: i really don't know, sorry, i've gotten recordmydesktop to work on my laptop, but not my PC, and the sound is awful.23:05
Jack_SparrowWorkingOnWise: take care..23:05
IndyGunFreak!sound | mudore23:05
ubotumudore: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:05
bangbangguysethk i'm trying to mod a DLL file23:05
suttles95Can anyone tell me how to upload documents from a CD-ROM into My Documents or my home folder...I see the folder showing the contents of the DVD drive, but I don't know how to upload the documents23:05
bangbangguymy Proc is a P4 2.67GHz23:05
krishmy problem is that i want to record sound from my audio player rather than mc23:05
sethkbangbangguy, ok, what is it you need to do?23:05
=== theZoMBiE is now known as unique
bangbangguysethk can i explain it to you in pvt?23:05
poOrBOonikonia there is nothing special23:06
IndyGunFreakkrish: i couldn't get it to work that well, thats not to say that it won't, i got it to work, but the sound was absolutely terrible.23:06
Jack_Sparrowbangbangguy: this isnt the place for that kind of help...23:06
bangbangguyhere is hard to explain23:06
sethkbangbangguy, ok23:06
scguy318bangbangguy: you'll need to register first23:06
scguy318!register | bangbangguy23:06
ubotubangbangguy: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration23:06
krishIndyGunFreak: thks mate23:07
ubotuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser23:07
lame_userhi all, any1 can help here?23:07
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:08
lame_userI have this strange problem with fresh installed Gutsy on my Acer Aspire laptop. The ATI driver is disabled in the restricted drivers manager, and when I try to enable it, it returns the following error:23:08
lame_userhe software source for the package23:08
lame_user   xorg-driver-fglrx23:08
lame_user is not enabled.23:08
lame_userOK, so I tried to download ENVY hoping that it will install me some ATI driver, becuase I want to use the compiz functions, and I have another error message:23:08
lame_userOK, so I tried to download ENVY hoping that it will install me some ATI driver, becuase I want to use the compiz functions, and I have another error message:23:08
lame_user Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: xserver-xorg-dev23:08
robobobi just got kung fu hustle but it has not subtitles :( i just got the subtitle file how can i open both so u know they open together or so a i can aleast understand the movie23:08
Jack_Sparrow!envy | lame_user23:08
ubotulame_user: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:08
scguy318lame_user: are your repos enabled?23:08
poOrBOonhowto install runit?23:09
lame_userno, fresh gutsy instal23:09
asathoori have problems with a hp 8510p and ati video drivers23:09
scguy318lame_user: if I'm not mistaken, Gutsy should have all repos enabled by default, but go to System -> Admin -> Software Sources and check all repos23:09
IndyGunFreak!ati | asathoor23:10
ubotuasathoor: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:10
asathoorthanx indy23:10
lame_userthey werent, just checked them,23:10
Synx_hmDoes xrandr work with twinview?23:10
Synx_hmXRandR ya, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XRandR23:11
scguy318lame_user: now you should be able to install restricted ATI23:11
lame_userok, chewcked all the repos, and still getting: The software source for the package23:11
lame_user   xorg-driver-fglrx23:11
lame_user is not enabled.23:11
scguy318lame_user: and make sure to reload23:11
poOrBOonhowto install runit and Grub2?23:11
scguy318lame_user: the sources list23:11
scguy318lame_user: by doing sudo aptitude update23:11
lame_userok, doing it23:12
lame_userscguy318: nope23:12
lame_userstill cant do it23:12
Toy4RunnerI'm using 7.10 and can't seem to find the Font menu under System-->Preferences any ideas why it's missing or how to get it back?23:13
nostahldoes ubuntu use apt-get ?23:13
Jack_Sparrowlame_user: you said fresh install.. but you also said you dl'd envy.... so which is it.. fresh install or did you try envy23:13
nostahlubuntu is debian based right23:13
scguy318nostahl: it uses APT, yes23:13
scguy318nostahl: and yes23:13
IndyGunFreaknostahl: yes it is.23:13
asathoornostahl >> yes23:13
Jack_Sparrownostahl: yes apt-get23:13
tonyyarussoAnyone know what the "Queue" label in GMail is for?23:13
JasonBourneis ubuntu compatitable with StarCraft?23:13
tonyyarussowhoops, wrong channel.23:13
scguy318lame_user: um, is multiverse enabled?23:14
scguy318!wine | JasonBourne23:14
ubotuJasonBourne: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.23:14
asathoornostahl >> sudo apt-get something23:14
lame_usertried ENVY but I get this error message:23:14
lame_userError: Dependency is not satisfiable: xserver-xorg-dev23:14
IndyGunFreakasathoor: actually, it would be sudo apt-get install something23:14
suttles95Can anyone give any advice on uploading documents in my cd-rom onto my computer?23:14
SlartJasonBourne: Starcraft is a windows-game afaik.. you could check out if it works with wine at the wine application database.. appdb.winehq.org23:14
Jack_Sparrowlame_user: So it is NOT a clean install of gutsy if you ran ENVY23:14
IndyGunFreaklame_user: quit messing with Envy, or you're gonna hose a pefectly good install.23:14
asathoorindy >> yep -- that slipped, sorry23:14
scguy318suttles95: just go to places -> CD ROM then copy23:14
ikonialame_user: don't use envy23:14
Slartsuttles95: drag and drop between two nautilus windows?23:15
scguy318suttles95: think of the way you would do it in Windows Explorer :P23:15
lame_userguys, i just tried to use envy, couldnt make it23:15
ikonialame_user: please don't use envy23:15
ikonia!envy >lame_user23:15
lame_userjust trying to make the ATi1100 work23:15
scguy318!source-o-matic | lame_user23:15
ubotulame_user: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic23:15
Jack_Sparrowlame_user: It would be in your best interest to do a fresh install then come back for help with the drivers23:15
poOrBOonhowto install runit and Grub2? cuz runit and grub2 change the system very much23:15
ikoniascguy318: why show him that23:15
ikoniapoOrBOon: don't use grub223:15
IndyGunFreakJack_Sparrow: lol... i agree but i'm sure that will happen23:15
scguy318ikonia: his sources seem to be fried, but mm23:15
JasonBourneis WINE legal i mean wouldnt microsoft try to cut that off?23:15
Jack_Sparrowjust fixing the sources will not undo envy23:15
lame_useri checked all the repos, and make apt get, but didnt solve anything23:16
scguy318JasonBourne: no, because Wine has 0% Microsoft code23:16
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:16
nostahlwhat options are there for making ubuntu run fast for say a old dell inspiron 100023:16
SlartJasonBourne: yes, it's legal.. you can find more wine help in #winehq23:16
JasonBournethen how does it run all MS's programs23:16
IndyGunFreaklame_user: well, you've already installed and ran Envy, thats probably the start of your problems23:16
scguy318JasonBourne: by reverse-engineering the WIndows API23:16
scguy318JasonBourne: via cleanroom23:16
suttles95slart:  I'm trying to upload documents from a CD-ROM onto my computer...23:16
poOrBOonikonia why?23:16
Slartsuttles95: yes.. or copy them from CD to your computer..23:16
ikoniapoOrBOon: grub2 is not stable23:17
lame_userIndyGunFreak: just tried to run envy, didnt make it run either, so, I DIDNT run envy23:17
wificant i set an ntfs partition as the home directory for vsftpd23:17
IndyGunFreaklame_user: well, you apparently know everything, so good luck.23:17
scguy318slart: just like copy and paste the way you would do in Windows23:17
ikoniawifi: that seems a little bit overkill due to it being a non-native file system23:17
Jack_Sparrowlame_user: You RAN envy.. end of story.. just because it didnt work, does not mean it didnt damage your system23:17
scguy318suttles95: just like copy and paste the way you would do in Windows23:17
scguy318slart: sorry, wrong addressee23:18
Slartscguy318: =)23:18
wolsJack_Sparrow: especially since it didn't it probably damaged it :)23:18
Slartsuttles95: can you see the files on the CD in the file explorer in gnome?23:18
lame_userIndyGunFreak: look, i dont know everything, trying to get some help here, looked like you dodnt get me, cos i twice said that i didnt run envy23:18
wifiikonia: My friend was able to do it but my directories are not showing up after I added it23:18
abowenHey. I have an upgrading question to ask23:18
wifiIt's mounted read only23:18
ikonialame_user: you did run envy - it failed23:18
Slartsuttles95: by clicking on the cd drive in the "places menu"23:18
poOrBOonikonia how about runit,runit-run,runit-services and socklog ? Is it better than the ones delivered by ubuntu?23:19
JasonBourneyah im just cruious abot wine23:19
ikoniawifi: vsftpd can be configured to use it's physical home dir or a listing in the vsftpd.conf file23:19
ikoniapoOrBOon: I don't think so, I think they are personally weak, but thats only a personal opinion23:19
JasonBournei mean running microsoft programs that require u buy the stuff most of it comes iwth windows23:19
wifiikonia did that already but my directory isnt showing up23:19
robobobcan any1 help with .srt files23:19
tiglionabbitwhat's this annoying process that keeps trying to start x on the live cd, and how do I stop it?23:19
lame_userikonia: right23:19
scguy318tiglionabbit: gdm23:19
scguy318tiglionabbit: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:19
JasonBournehalf of microsoft's programs are bundled into windows OS23:19
ikoniawifi: have you mounted ntfs with read-write support using ntfs-3g or just read, using ntfs23:19
JasonBournehow are ppl runnin all of MS's programs without buyin the OS?23:19
JasonBourneon wine23:19
abowenWill I lose my current settings if I upgrade via update manager?23:19
SlartJasonBourne: wine doesn't mean you can just run the latest games and such without paying.. it's just a windows replacement, kind of23:20
wifiikonia: No i haven't I don't need write access23:20
ikonialame_user: so you ran the automated envy scripts, therefore we have no idea what happend to your siaution23:20
poOrBOonikonia u saved a computers life today, your his/her/it's hero!23:20
JasonBourneim talkin about like windows word an23:20
JasonBournestuff like that23:20
asathoorpapa_hauser -- try /join #ubuntu-de23:20
ikoniawifi: does it need physical write access  ?#23:20
scguy318JasonBourne: I can explain but you're better off asking in winehq23:20
ikoniapoOrBOon: welcome23:20
SlartJasonBourne: word isn't included in the os23:20
wolsJack_Sparrow: what apps are?23:20
suttles95scguy318...got it...thanks again@23:20
tiglionabbitthanks scguy31823:20
Jack_Sparrowlame_user: Would you feel better if we proved it changed your system?23:20
wifiikonia: the ftp? no, read only23:20
Tonsha>.> Ok, this is Felin again. I got the network to read, but it's so slow it's unuseable.23:20
papa_hauserjoin #ubuntu-de23:20
ikoniawifi: does it not need write access for temp files for uploading ?23:20
Jack_Sparrowwols:   ?23:20
ikonia!envy | lame_user23:21
ubotulame_user: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »23:21
wifiikonia: No uploads are not allowed on the ftp23:21
ikonialame_user: check out the factoid ubotu just gave you23:21
wolsJack_Sparrow: sorry. was for JasonBourne23:21
lame_user ikonia: no, I didnt, the download failed, couldnt run the executable file, got the error:23:21
lame_userError: Dependency is not satisfiable: xserver-xorg-dev23:21
SlartJasonBourne: this is off topic in here.. you can ask all the wine-questions you want in #winehq .. or go to http://www.winehq.org23:21
lame_userikonia: checking it23:21
asathoorpapa_hauser >> you need /join #ubuntu-de23:21
ikonialame_user: the executable has been run, that error is it couldn't get a dependency. The package was run23:21
scguy318JasonBourne: the Wine compatibility layer translates the WIndows API stuff in Windows programs and maps them to *nix APIs23:21
scguy318JasonBourne: that's it23:21
abowenWill I lose my current OS settings if I upgrade to Gusty via Update Manager?23:21
SlartJasonBourne: or.. not really off topic.. but discussing how wine works on the inside, kind of is offtopic23:21
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wolsabowen: no23:21
=== matttis_angr is now known as matttis_angry
scguy318JasonBourne: therefore there's not one single drop of Microsoft code, and therefore it's perfectly legal and functional23:21
scguy318JasonBourne: the information on the windows API can be had at MSDN, but yes we're getting off-topic23:22
abowenwols, all programs etc. will remain?  Including my ndiswrapper settings for wireless?23:22
tiglionabbitscguy318: actually that didn't work =\23:22
tiglionabbitit still tries to start x every 2 minutes23:22
scguy318tigionabbit: what didn't work?23:22
scguy318tigionabbit: oh23:22
lame_userikonia: so what can be done?23:22
skelterhey all - trying to install ubuntu onto a raid system, following the directions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto that ubotu gave me, but when i run "dmraid -ay", it tells me "ERROR: device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel". anyone know what i should do?23:22
Jack_Sparrowabowen: If you have concerns.. make a backup23:22
wolsabowen: yes. at least that's how it'S supposed to be23:23
ikonialame_user: personal opinion, re-install and lets fix you the correct way23:23
wolsabowen: but if you e.g. installed the nvidia drivers with envy or directly from nvidia.com it won't stay and break23:23
scguy318tigionabbit: um...not sure then, I was under the impression that gdm started X23:23
alienseer23anybody know of a good utility to view a db file?23:24
ikoniaalienseer23: what type of db file /23:24
tiglionabbitwhat is this script that tries to start x every 2 minutes23:24
ikoniatiglionabbit: init23:24
abowenwols: ahh, not I snagged it from synaptic, then cofigured later.  My ether line is fried and if I update I don't want to loose my wireless, cause I'd have no way to access the internet.23:24
tiglionabbitwhen I already have a working x session23:24
alienseer23it's in my amarok folder, i think sqlite, it sais version 80 when i tried dbview23:24
tiglionabbitikonia: can I kill it?23:25
ikoniatiglionabbit: apologies, what your asking is not init.23:25
ikoniatiglionabbit: what makes you think something is starting X every few minutes23:25
Slartalienseer23:  I think there are sqlite db viewers available.. have you searched the repos?23:25
ikoniaalienseer23: import it23:25
alienseer23import it how and with what?23:25
ikoniaalienseer23: with sqllite23:25
ikoniaalienseer23: the sqlite package has ways to query it23:26
tiglionabbitikonia: because it starts x, crashes, starts again, etc.  after 6 tries it gives up and says it has failed 6 times in 90 seconds and will try again in 2 minutes, with the option "OK".  How do I make it stop trying?23:26
wolsabowen: make ~3gb room on your harrdisk and install an interim gutsy there23:26
ikoniatiglionabbit: then you don't have a working X sesion23:26
ikoniatiglionabbit: that is init23:26
wolstiglionabbit: /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:26
tiglionabbitikonia: I do have a working x session which I started with startx, but it tries to start one on :1 that screws up the session I have23:26
wolsikonia: init starts X, really?23:26
abowenwols:  Sorry that's greek to me, I'm new.  Could you point me in the direction of getting that done?23:26
ikoniawols: yes23:26
tiglionabbitafter I hit okay on that thing, it goes back to my working session for 2 minutes, then screws it up again with its own session23:26
ikoniatiglionabbit: are you working on a server install ?23:27
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X?23:27
Jack_Sparrowabowen: wols has a good point, many of us have multiple linux installs, just note, if you make another partition, you may hose up your uuid's23:27
cofeineSunshinehow automaticaly load module23:27
tiglionabbitikonia: no, desktop live session on parallels23:27
ikoniatiglionabbit: then how have you disabled x so you have to do "startX"23:27
casdioI have an Asus but i have no sound (ubuntu 7.10). Can you help me please23:27
ikoniatiglionabbit: the desktop should start by default23:27
white_eaglehello, any known bugs with ati drivers (link)23:28
ikoniawhite_eagle: there are many23:28
ikoniawhite_eagle: what situation are you having23:28
tiglionabbitikonia: I haven't.  It starts a screwy X session by default which just crashes over and over.  I changed my xorg.conf and ran 'startx' to get a working session, but the screwy session keeps coming up anyway every 2 minutes23:28
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X?23:28
white_eagleikonia: just interested in23:28
ikoniatiglionabbit: once you reboot it will use your fixed xorg session23:28
ikoniatiglionabbit: that problem will go away23:28
tiglionabbitikonia: this is a LIVE SESSION23:28
ikoniatiglionabbit: oh, I see23:28
ikoniatiglionabbit: /etc/init.d/gdm stop23:28
tiglionabbitI guess I just have to watch it crash a billion times23:29
ikoniatiglionabbit: , no you don't23:29
tiglionabbitI already did that ikonia, didn't make it stop23:29
teknoprephmm i fixed that up quickly23:29
tiglionabbitsee, it's installing ubuntu on the working session23:29
abowenthanks all23:29
teknoprepubuntu is the best linux distro for laptops i have used in a long time23:29
tiglionabbitbut the screwy session keeps coming up23:29
=== Liquidfire- is now known as Liq`Zzzz
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X?23:29
tiglionabbitso it's kind of a waiting game23:29
ikoniatiglionabbit: I'm just following the init script through23:30
RP_SWEHow can I make ndiswrapper loadup during boot23:31
tawoohtrying to install a program through the add/remove tool, getting an error "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem."  any help??23:31
TheZealothow can I search a file for a particular word?23:32
Jack_Sparrowtawooh: do what it says...23:32
nikintawooh: did you run the suggested command?23:32
RP_SWEanyone ? ndiswrapper23:32
tawoohsays it needs superuser privelege23:32
tiglionabbithm, looks like whatever was trying to startx on :1 just crashed23:33
astro76TheZealot, grep pattern file23:33
TheZealottanks astro23:33
wifiI'm getting 550 failed to change directory, in the ftp.. Help me fix this please. I don't want to renable write access23:33
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X? i did a dpkg-reconfigure --all and setted there..  and it made some of my themes llook a lot better. but i dont remember the name of the package23:33
tawoohdoes that mean i need to sudo the command??23:33
Jack_Sparrowtawooh: sudo dpkg --configure -a23:33
Jack_Sparrowtawooh: Yes...  and sorry if I sounded curt...23:33
amitprakashhi.. Jack_Sparrow.. changin UUID didnt fix the problem23:34
tawoohno apologies needed, sometimes its best to be concise23:34
Dr_willisconcise, yet verbose, and exact23:34
skelteranyone know something about installing ubuntu using RAID5 onto a fresh system23:34
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: I dont remember the question... but I am in the middle of a football game...  just helping during the commercials..23:35
amitprakashsethk, hi.. i changed the UUID to no avail23:35
x_Hello Everybody ... i need help ... i downloaded some RAR and ZIP files ... how i can open (Extract) them ?!23:35
tawoohtrying to string several vid clips together, any suggestions on prog??23:35
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: oki.. lemme know when the next commercial comes :)23:35
nikinx_ install unzip and unrar packages23:35
buggeredfstabIs there a chatroom where I can go to get mysql tuitoring? (non-technical)23:35
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: It might be that grub got hosed with the other things you tried.23:35
x_nikin   how ?!23:35
bubbleyou need to download rar for linux to be able to extract23:35
bubblezip should work with ark23:36
Slart!raid | skelter23:36
ubotuskelter: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:36
astro76!rar | x_23:36
Jack_Sparrow!info rar23:36
ubotux_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free23:36
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: well ubuntu in safe mode says, check root=cat proc/cmdline or missing modules devices=cat proc/cmdline23:36
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.7b1-2 (gutsy), package size 494 kB, installed size 1012 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)23:36
nikinx_: sudo apt-get install unrar unzip23:36
mameHi room!23:36
x_nikin ... thanks23:36
x_bubble   what's command for installation ?!23:37
skelterslart, i went to that page, and when i got to the "dmraid -ay" bit, it tells me that raid45 isn't in the kernel :23:37
bubbleFYI is you bought rar for windows, the key works for linux and portable winrar as well23:37
gumpish=/ sooo the default set of compiz effects in gutsy are markedly less than what's included in ye olde beryl / merald?23:37
nikinx_ then read the manpages of the programs for more information23:37
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X? i did a dpkg-reconfigure --all and setted there..  and it made some of my themes llook a lot better. but i dont remember the name of the package23:37
Dr_williswinrar.exe works decently well with wine last i tried it.23:38
x_nikin ... thanks  :-)23:38
mameI was wondering where I should / could solicit support for the creation of a new "front-end" for emulators such as MAME or FCEU ?  I am not much of a programmer these days and I am more into the design aspect of things. Can anyone give me some ideas of where I should start with this type of thing?23:38
amitprakashhi.. i copied my / partition to /dev/sda5.. an extended partition. then i edited grub to point to (hd0,5)... however linux doesnt boot failing while the loading progress bar and is unable to acees some driver using dickbuUUID.. anyone knows a fix?23:39
rdavilahi friends23:40
rdavilaone question: Anyone know if it is possible to make Sender-based Routing with ssmtp?23:40
Dr_willismame,  thers dozens of front ends to those things.   in different languages  and so forth.23:41
al1I've got a laptop with an IP which is linked to an access point, linked to switch, linked to another switch, linked to a pc whose ip is
al1When I try to ping my laptop from my pc it doesn"t work.23:41
al1When I ping my pc from my laptop, it works. And then I can ping my laptop from my pc.23:41
al1Question : what could I do for having my pc to find directly my laptop ?23:41
amitprakashal1: check for a firewall?23:41
astro76mame, well there's already several existing open-source frontends, such as gxmame. Any reason you need to start one from scratch?23:41
sethkamitprakash, we told you how to fix that earlier.23:41
amitprakashsethk, yeah23:41
amitprakashi changed the UUIDs23:41
amitprakashbut it didnt work23:41
amitprakashsethk: well ubuntu in safe mode says, check root=cat proc/cmdline or missing modules devices=cat proc/cmdline23:42
sethkamitprakash, changed them to what?23:42
amitprakashto the new uuids found using vol_id23:42
sethkamitprakash, well, since "root=cat proc/cmdline" is nonsensical, I'm not surprised23:42
Dr_willisi always liked the 'advancemame' front end called 'advancemenu' but its not getting much support any more.23:42
bubbleI have a related question: If I wanted to create a gui for an existing cli program, what should I look into?23:42
x_nikin    i find some program name PowerArchiver   ... can unzip 32 diffrent format Zip files ... but it's for Win not Linux .. do u know one big program like that can open 7Zip and more things ?!23:43
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: did you rework menu.lst as well as fstab23:43
astro76bubble, python is extremely popular lately23:43
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: yes23:43
rskx_: file-roller23:43
mameWell Astro I have been toying with all of the front ends and emulators that I come across and I started to see a trend of issues that I have with all of them. I was hoping that by starting fresh with someone to avoid the issues that I have encountered and create something truly and dramatically new for the emulation world of linux which in comparison to its M$ counterpart sucks.23:43
sethkbubble, there are dozens of alternatives.  I like python for quick things.23:43
Dr_willisbubble,  Hmm. there used to be a 'quick gui builder tool' I used ages and ages ago...  i forget its name23:43
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: post them to the pastebin for viewing..please23:43
Dr_willisx_,  theres 7zip for linux, and proberly archivers for any other format you can find.23:43
mushyhey ubuntu buddies. i need to know the easy way to open windows files. my google searches are poorly worded23:43
sethkDr_willis, cobol?23:43
nikinx_ there are several graphical programs to do archive management23:43
Dr_willissethk,  nah. this was some little multi-front end tool i saw once on a live cd.23:44
mushysorry by windows files i mean files in a ntfs partition on another harddrive23:44
astro76mame, perhaps you could pick one and fix it instead23:44
nikinlike xarchiver23:44
scguy318Dr_willis: Kommander?23:44
ipizDoes anyone know why, whenever I ssh to my friend's debian box, it's really slow. Both of us have broadband. Is this a known issue or something? How do I speed it up23:44
x_no no .. not graphical .. just wanna know if some program can open many diffrent format ZIP files23:44
CountXanyone get stickam.com to work?23:44
Dr_willisscguy318,  not Kommander. but i hear kommander is good for that. :)23:44
sethkipiz, slow how?  command line not responsive?23:44
nikinx_: sudo apt-get install xarchiver23:45
mushyhow do i open files from a windows ntfs partion on another drive23:45
mameWell AStro76 I am not even that good.23:45
Erealzhey im having a bitch of a time accessing my windows hdd partion from linux ?23:45
Dr_willismakes me feel old wheni recall all these programs on one ever uses any more.23:45
sethkipiz, throughput must exist end to end.  Broadband at both ends doesn't help if there's a bottleneck between.23:45
Jack_Sparrowmushy: define open?23:45
x_Dr_willis   thanks :-)23:45
mushymovies and mp3s23:45
mameLOL I am just hopeful to be able to present a full layout in detail to the world and hope that someone takes me up on the idea.23:45
x_nikin ... thanks :-)23:45
nikinipiz: did you try to using compression for the conection?23:45
ipizsethk It's like when I type "sethk" .. after 5 seconds, it starts with write word by word "sethk"23:45
test_which version of linux is better for home users23:45
mushyjack_sparrow movies and mp3s23:45
sethkipiz, I assume you mean letter by letter23:45
Erealzusely I could always access my windows partion after an install but since the upgrade to 7.10 no luck23:45
PriceChild!best | test_23:45
ubotutest_: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.23:45
IndyGunFreaktest_: the last one you try.. :)23:45
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, sethk: http://pastebin.ca/819468 for menu.lst http://pastebin.ca/819470 for fstab23:45
Erealzcan anyone help me23:45
sethkipiz, try running ping for a while, see what the round trips are.23:46
ipiznikin That is, if one of us have dial-up or slow connection. But we both have broadband.23:46
test_ubuntu studio23:46
IndyGunFreak!ask | Erealz23:46
ubotuErealz: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:46
CountXis there any reason when i install flashplugin-nonfree that flash doeant load and when i try to install from firefox again it tells me its already installed, but on firefox it keeps telling me i need a plugin to view this page?23:46
ipizsethk sorry, your right. letter by letter.23:46
sub[t]rnlCountX: have you restarted firefox?23:46
ipizsethk We23:46
ErealzI did ask a question23:46
CountXsub[t]rnl, yes23:46
scguy318CountX: known bug23:46
ipizsethk We're in opposite of the earth.23:46
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:47
IndyGunFreakErealz: then be patient23:47
sethkamitprakash, you've not changed the root= argument to be /dev/sda5.  On line 138 the word root is missing before =23:47
Mark761966Anyone here know Reconstructor?23:47
scguy318!bug 173890 | CountX23:47
ipizsethk latency would be high, cause he's in florida, and I'm currently in United Arab Emirates.23:47
WingHow do you stop opensshd?23:47
Erealzand that maid as much sense as our corrent president23:47
nikinipiz: did you try other connection types? to see if the problem is with ssh or your connection? like Apache or FTP server?23:47
test_major applications are like video editting media player movie player23:47
=== illovae is now known as number_6
sub[t]rnlWing: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop23:47
ipizWing sudo /etc/init.d/sshd stop23:47
scguy318CountX: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/17389023:47
YeTr2I thought you were supposed to use norootverify to boot win3223:47
scguy318CountX: there's info on workaround there23:47
mushyJack_Sparrow: no halp?23:47
bubbleok, so whats a good app for python development or do most people just use vim or something?23:48
winkmanHI... i'm having some trouble with firefox and my keyboard - any ideas? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=396132723:48
weeman13221hey im a newb and running ubuntu 7.10 and using a radeon x1300 graphics card and when i go to activate the desktop effects it says that the composite extension is unavailable can anyone help?23:48
CountXscguy318, thanks23:48
x_how we can set Num pad keys ON when ubuntu is loading ?!23:48
sethkipiz, true, but it will still be useful, especially after the first few packets.23:48
amitprakashsethk, shud i make it root=UUID...23:48
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: I see double ==  for root in grub..23:48
wifiwhen I try to unmount my ntfs volume, it says the device is busy23:48
test_winkman try lower version of firefox it helps23:48
mameastro76: Is there a place to upload such ideas?23:48
mushyweeman13221:  go to #compiz23:48
sethkamitprakash, you should use:            root =/dev/sda523:48
Erealzis vnc installed on ubuntu by defoult23:48
winkmantest_: how can i install an older version?23:48
sethkamitprakash, I don't understand why you are bothering with UUID23:48
ipiznikin is there any alternatives to putty?23:49
CountXscguy318, imma remove package reinstall and let u know23:49
test_by downgrading23:49
bubblex_ you should be able to do that easier and cleaner from within the BIOS23:49
test_from the firefox site23:49
Unimatr|xHi, could anybody help me with a problem regardit the partition alocation table?23:49
winkmantest_: Thanks23:49
=== matttis_angry is now known as matttis_d
potamotaquick one, 7.10 gutsy or feisty ?23:49
ipizUnimatr|x What about it?23:49
amitprakashsethk, Jack_Sparrow.. sorry to have overlooked.. i'll try to fix this again..23:49
ipizpotamota gutsy.23:49
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: and no root=  in the recovery option...23:49
am_Hi, could someone help me with a dual-boot problem? i tried to install GRUB, but now i cant load Vista23:49
potamotaipiz: thnks23:50
x_bubble  i tried     can't find it ...  is tham some Command line  for that ?!23:50
astro76mame, probably some gaming forum... I don't really see you having much luck... probably better to see if you can convince an existing front-end author to implement your suggestions23:50
amitprakashJack_Sparrow: ok23:50
sethkam_, is that really a problem?   (Just kidding)23:50
ipizpotamota fiesty is 7.0423:50
Unimatr|xi use ubuntu and win xp23:50
am_sethk, lol but i need Vista (unfortuantely) for work23:50
mameAstro76: Thanks23:50
potamotaipiz: cool, it just no sound in my ubuntu23:50
ipizsethk any help?23:50
sethkam_, I know, occasionally I do also.23:50
Jack_SparrowYeTr2: either way... grub is wrong...23:51
am_sethk, so do you know the problem?23:51
ipizpotamota Use alsaconf or alsamixer (not sure, which one)23:51
sethkam_, put your menu.lst on the pastebin site and we'll see if we can figure it out.23:51
bubblex_ I don't think so.  It's usually in the bios. Says "boot up numlock state" or something similar.23:51
am_sethk, it says the 3 ubuntu thingies, which it did before, and Vista/Longhorn (Loader), but when i press on the vista one nothing happens23:51
am_also, its not graphical23:51
Unimatr|xi reintalled win xp and wanted to restore grub so i talked to a friend and he rewrote some clusters on my hard drive (he knew what he was doing... right) now my partition alocation thigy is gone23:51
sethkipiz, you can run some test programs, but all that will tell you is what you already know.23:51
bubblex_ you don't have an IBM by chance, do you?23:51
x_bubble     thanks ... gonna check it again ;-)23:52
sethkipiz, try a traceroute, see if that might give any clues.23:52
am_sethk, how would i do that23:52
kazolI have a problem with the sound not working after some time.23:52
scguy318Unimatr|x: your partition table is gone?23:52
amitprakashJack_Sparrow, so i just need to make it root= instead of ==? also recovery boot leads to the same error23:52
scguy318Unimatr|x: ouch, run testdisk on it23:52
Unimatr|xrewriten, complety23:52
x_bubble   nope .. i have desktop23:52
patrick_What is the bar thing at the bottom of this desktop? http://www.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2007/06/clean-desktop.jpg23:52
sethkam_, the URL is in the channel subject line.23:52
ipizUnimatr|x You should always install linux _after_ windoze, since windoze's bootloader doesn't like linux.23:52
bubblex_ IBM remembers the last state of numlock23:52
scguy318Unimatr|x: if he overwrote the boot code then that's a diff story23:52
Unimatr|xyes, now i know23:52
ipizsethk isn't that replaced by tracepath? heh.23:52
Jack_Sparrowamitprakash: recovery line is wrong as well.. check it out23:52
scguy318Unimatr|x: but part table...ouch use testdisk to recover23:53
CountXscguy318, is there a deb available somewhere?23:53
bulmeralternative to putty is Freenx ..there is a windows client version23:53
Unimatr|xproblem is how do i restore my original partitions from within Ubuntu?23:53
scguy318CountX: its on that bug link23:53
sethkipiz, not for me, I'm a dinosaur  :)23:53
ipizsethk Anywho, I can connect , no problem.. but it's just lagging ..23:53
ipizsethk Anywho, I can connect , no problem.. but it's just lagging ..23:53
am_sethk, you mean http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org right?23:53
mushyhelp help help23:53
chad_My ubuntu computer wont reconize my 2 ntfs partitons. it did yesterday... plz help me. my email is compboy888@gmail.com23:53
ipizUnimatr|x /sbin/grub-install /dev/hda (if you have EIDE HDD)23:53
sethkam_, right23:53
ikoniamushy: best way to get ignored23:53
RP_SWE?is it possible to have a script during bootup so the internet connection gets hooked up ? :D it is a wireless connection23:53
Jack_Sparrowmushy: CAPS will just get you ignored.23:54
ikoniamushy: there is no need to use caps or ask help help help23:54
YeTr2Unimatr|x: I'm sorry, but I think you are SOL with your partitioning. unless you can recall exactly how the partitions were mananged, you would need to have a harddrisk forensic expert to rebuild your partition table.23:54
mushyjust tell me what to search on google23:54
ikoniamushy: just ask your question in a polite and concise manner23:54
am_sethk, so what where do i look to do this (im not very good at computers)23:54
scguy318Unimatr|x: use testdisk to recover23:54
scguy318YeTr2: not totally23:54
scguy318YeTr2: he could take a shot with testdisk and other apps like it23:54
YeTr2scguy318: new utility?23:54
mushyhow do i open an mp3 from a mofo windows ntfs harddrive23:54
sethkam_, just go to that URL.  There is a box that says "paste here".  Then you click on a button (I don't remember if it says save or submit or ok, but you'll see it).23:54
=== number_6 is now known as illovae
ikoniamushy: "mofo" is not acceptable language23:54
Dr_willisI thought the latest ubuntu put all the 'windows hard drives' in /media mushy  have you looked there yet?23:54
Unimatr|xi'm quite new to ubuntu, could someone guide me through the process?23:54
ikoniamushy: I've just asked you to ask in a polite and concise way23:54
mushyNO I HAVNT23:54
scguy318YeTr2: new? I think...not23:54
ikoniaUnimatr|x: which process23:54
sethkam_, then your browser will update.  Copy the URL it shows, and paste it here.23:55
bubbleI thought caps lock was cruise control for cool....??23:55
Dr_willismushy,  you MIGHT want to go check out the Ubuntu starters guide also.....23:55
am_sethk, no i mean what would i put there, i see the site and what to do, but i dont see what i need to paste23:55
ikoniamushy: please stop using cap in letter23:55
Unimatr|xtestdisk partition recovery procedure23:55
CountXscguy318, that worked, i downloaded the rpm off adode and converted using alien, and that didnt work somehow23:55
mushywait wheres the /media23:55
YeTr2scguy318: how well does that work with encrypted disks?23:55
mushythere is no media23:55
slugonehelp me i just switched to linux and im addicted !!23:55
scguy318!rpm | CountX23:55
ubotuCountX: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)23:55
Dr_willismushy,  /media is the full path.. typt it in the address bar.23:55
ikoniaUnimatr|x: I've never used that process, I actually don't believe in it at the moment23:55
scguy318YeTr2: if it's encryted its SOL :)23:55
ricohey guys. when I do a repartition, the UUIDs of partitions get changed, correct?23:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about startersguide - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:56
patrick_What is the bar thing at the bottom of this desktop? http://www.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2007/06/clean-desktop.jpg23:56
Dr_willisrico,  yes tehy do.23:56
ikoniapatrick_: what ?23:56
IndyGunFreakpatrick_: its Avant window manager, google it.23:56
patrick_What is the bar thing at the bottom of this desktop? http://www.lifehack.org/wp-content/files/2007/06/clean-desktop.jpg23:56
scguy318Unimatr|x: boot a recovery distro like Rescubuntu23:56
ricoDr_willis, my fstab (by default) uses UUIDs. how should I go about changing them? same with GRUB.23:56
IndyGunFreakpatrick_: take a paxil...23:56
mushyok /media shows no windows harddrive does that mean i should mount it23:56
ikoniapatrick_: calm down, this is an ubuntu support channel23:56
Unimatr|xwhere do i get rescobuntu?23:56
patrick_Thanks! Merry Christmas!23:56
TtechHi,  I need help, I want to play dvd's I innstalled the libdvdcss2 lib but it still won't play.23:56
CountXarrrr, stickam.com still doesnt work...23:57
nikinhy. what package i have to reconfigure to enable default use of bitmap fonts in X? i did a dpkg-reconfigure --all and setted there..  and it made some of my themes llook a lot better. but i dont remember the name of the package23:57
IndyGunFreak!dvd | Tt23:57
ubotuTt: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs23:57
Dr_willisrico,  change them to use the /dev/ type entry. Or find the uuid of your parittions and put the correct #'s in there.23:57
ricopatrick_, that's windows, and it's probably objectdock (for windows, again)23:57
Dr_willisrico,  or change the uuid's of the drives. :)23:57
scguy318Unimatr|x: http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org23:57
ubotuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)23:57
slugonewhen is the next ubuntu release due ?23:57
am_sethk, i posted it, my name was am_23:57
ikoniaslugone: not for a while23:57
Dr_willismushy,  the users starters guide? (i hope)23:57
portablejimhow do you set multiple burners with CDcontrol?23:58
ricoslugone, 8.04. that'd be 2008 april.23:58
puttersonhow do you make the screen not dim when entering a password23:58
ikoniaslugone: putterson thats a feature of the gnome desktop23:58
ikoniaputterson: not really practical to remove23:58
slugonehey thats not too long!!!! any werd on new features?23:58
ikoniaslugone: no, it's very early23:58
ikoniaClay_The_Arc: hi23:58
puttersonikonia, ok23:59
Clay_The_ArcAny1 here give me some help?23:59
ikoniaClay_The_Arc: if you ask a question, maybe23:59
Clay_The_ArcOkay, how can i configure my wired connection to allow my brother comp to connect to mine23:59
x_how i can changing keys in keyboard ?! i mean i wanna change "/" place in keyboard .. how i should do that ?!23:59
am_sethk, are you still here?23:59
mushyno Dr_willis the users starters guide is well hid but my computer option showed the hdd23:59
slugonehonestly though i just switched to ubuntu from xp and dang ......this is way better LOL23:59
Clay_The_Arcand to use my dialup23:59
Clay_The_Arc(ya i know networking dialup is stupid but it's my dads idea ;-;)23:59

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