
ari_stressmorning all :D00:47
ace_suareshi all. I added some ideas to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ltsp-software-management, comments welcome01:43
ari_stresswhat's that01:47
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ari_stresshas anyone tried to install FL_teacher tool in ltsp5 ubuntu?12:16
ScorpFromHellari_stress, that comes setup by default in a server mode installtion of Edubuntu (both LTSP & FL_teacher)12:49
ScorpFromHellari_stress, is there a specific reason why you need to setup LTSP on Ubuntu & not go with Edubuntu?12:49
ari_stressthat's nice to know ScorpFromHell12:52
ari_stressi guess i should setup edubuntu12:52
ari_stressno reason actually12:52
ScorpFromHellari_stress, just remember to download the server addon CD too irrespective of whether you want to install it from the desktop CD or the server CD12:53
ScorpFromHellalso ari_stress, get the server CD, the desktop one doesn't have LTSP & FL_teacher12:53
ari_stressok, server CD. got it12:55
ScorpFromHellari_stress, there's however a small flaw that you need to fix before you can bask in LTSP glory12:59
ScorpFromHellyou need to edit /etc/ltsp/dhcp.conf to suit your network13:00
ari_stressi have my dhcp.conf works currently13:00
ari_stressactually the ltsp5 works ok now. my ltsp is authenticated to ldap. this is the problem. ldap user is not seen in thin client manager / fl_teachertook13:01
ari_stressok, i'm downloading it. looks like it takes 2 days to download the 2 cds13:10
ScorpFromHellari_stress, haven't tried out LTSP with LDAP yet, was planning it as my next step13:12
ScorpFromHellthanks for letting me know, I will be on the lookout for issues :)13:12
ari_stressScorpFromHell: not really difficult, especiall when using auth-client-config13:12
ari_stressvery convenient13:12
ari_stressi'm lucky as the package has just been release on 12 dec 0713:13
ari_stresspreviously we must edit pam.d manually13:13
ari_stressi gtg now13:14
ari_stresssee you all, ScorpFromHell13:14
me4ucould anyonme help me with a video prob15:10
me4ud/l mplayer but I'm getting errords15:10
adeliewow, anyone here?17:00
me4uanybody tell me how to install a .bin file?17:04
Zarxraxhi, I was wondering if edubuntu is appropriate for installing on a home laptop? The website sounds like its primarily for use in a school setting.20:31
ZarxraxWe are getting a laptop for my younger sister who is 10 years old, and I am looking for an appropriate linux distribution20:32
johnnyit's not much diff than regular ubuntu, except with other apps installed20:32
johnnyso you could just install ubuntu and then all the edu apps you want20:32
Zarxraxoh ok20:33
Zarxraxis the regular version of ubuntu with gnome recommended?20:33
johnnyuhmm.. by who?20:34
johnnyand vs what?20:34
Zarxraxvs the kde version, im wondering what would be better for a child20:34
Zarxraxeasier to use I guess20:34
HedgeMageZarxrax:  Yes, I have set both ubuntu and edubuntu up on lappies before20:34
ZarxraxI'm not yet a linux user myself20:35
johnnythen are you sure you should be giving linux to your sister?20:35
johnnynot that i don't try to promote linux wherever i can...20:35
Zarxraxif i give her windows, i know there will be headaches :p20:35
johnnybut you really should use it yourself first imo20:35
HedgeMageZarxrax:  The main difference between Edubuntu and regular ubuntu is the art, selection of programs, etc20:35
johnnyotherwise you're going to have headaches learning all sorts of new stuff20:35
pygiHedgeMage is here o.O20:36
johnnyat least you already know the windows headaches20:36
HedgeMagepygi:  yes :)20:36
pygithe old crew is almost back o.O20:36
johnnyi'd suggest you get your own linux install going before giving it to her20:36
johnnyand, i would suggest gnome over kde20:36
johnnybut that's personal preference20:36
pygioh, and one more thing you get with Edubuntu is Edubuntu Handbook :P20:37
* pygi hides20:37
Zarxraxwell, i'll set it up to dual boot, in case linux doesnt work out for her20:37
Zarxraxi want to learn about it myself20:38
HedgeMageZarxrax:  I'd suggest edubuntu above other distros for a 10yo -- just expect to have some learning to do too20:38
ZarxraxI cant use linux on my own pc, since I really need windows for many of the things i do20:38
pygiZarxrax: there's this nice thing called dual boot20:38
pygiyou should try it sometimes :)20:38
Zarxraxbooting into different os's would screw up all my stuff like webserver, torrents, etc20:39
pygiheh, and ofcourse all that does not and cannot work on linux :P20:40
HedgeMagegive him a break, guys -- one step at a time :)20:41
* pygi eats HedgeMage 20:41
Zarxraxwell i mean, constantly swapping back and forth would make it problematic20:41
Zarxraxanyways, ill give regular ubuntu a shot and see how it works out20:42
HedgeMageZarxrax:  good luck, we're here for questions and such20:43
johnnyZarxrax, also, vmware or virtualbox can help20:44
johnnyso you could run a linux install inside windows20:44
johnnyor vice versa20:44
pygiyup, what johnny said ... vbox is probably easier for a new folks20:44
pyginew folk*20:44
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pygibluekuja: you as well o.O20:44
Zarxraxactually, i've tried that in vmware, and could never get it to work20:44
pygiZarxrax: try virtual box20:45
Zarxraxthe graphics would be garbled or something20:45
pygiand ask if you have questions20:45
bluekujapygi, OMG20:45
bluekujapygi, are you up again??20:45
Zarxraxwould virtual pc work? I have that installed now20:45
pygibluekuja: I'm not on Mount Everest, no!20:45
bluekujapygi, lol20:46
johnnyi don't know20:46
johnnynever used virtualpc20:46
pygiZarxrax: that's that Microsoft stuff?20:46
bluekujapygi, long time no see, where did you go?20:46
johnnyi dont' have any windows installed20:46
pygino idea of it's linux support :-/20:46
pygidon't use windows sorry20:46
pygibluekuja: I was always somewhere on the face of the Earth20:46
Zarxraxok, well thanks for the help guys20:46
pygiyw, drop by any time20:47
pygibe aware of this bluekuja folk tho ... biting and such :P20:47
* pygi hides20:47
bluekuja /kick pygi20:47
bluekujaoh damn, you're hidden!20:47
bluekujait won't work20:47
pygiwell, most of the old edubuntu edition seems to be here =)20:48
bluekujayep! mhz is missing20:48
bluekujabut I saw him some days ago around here again! what a surprise!20:48
pygipete is also not around much anymore20:48
pygioh well20:48
pygitimes change20:48
bluekujayeah :/20:49
bluekujaI don't see pete since months20:49
pygiI could sms him to come online, but he's probably busy now20:49
bluekujahe's not on msn anymore as well20:50
bluekujamaybe he's busy with family and his work on that school20:50
pygihe is, yes20:50
bluekujaaww :/20:51
bluekujapygi, news from brasero?20:52
bluekujaare you working on it?20:52
pygiah, not anymore, no20:52
pygibut Philipe (less, baby :)) and Luis are doing good work on it20:52
bluekujaI thought you were the main developer20:52
pygiwell, I moved to lower spheres ... changing way how burning works on linux ;)20:52
pygibluekuja: http://libburnia-project.org20:54
pygibluekuja: not really, I just worked on it  a bit.... back then Phillipe was main developer (and basically still is) since he founded a project20:55
bluekujapygi, oh cool! what do you do now?20:55
pygibluekuja: I just gave you url :P20:55
bluekujapygi, yeah, I mean for *buntu20:55
pygioh, nothing20:55
bluekujaoh k :)20:56
pygitoo much things changed .... years passed even20:56
pygiI did work for ubuntu during the Google Summer of Code tho20:57
bluekujapygi, will you start again somewhen?20:57
pygino idea ... why?20:57
pygithere are a lot of contributors now in general to ubuntu, things are not as before20:57
pygiand I do more work upstream20:57
bluekujayeah, I think thats enough from your side20:58
bluekujayou gonna rediscover the burning-side of Linux20:58
pygidoing some ruby work lately, and such :)20:59
pygiit's fun :P20:59
bluekujapygi, do you still live near me?21:00
pygihehe, yes :P21:00
bluekujawe'll have to meet up21:01
pygiyou said that few years ago xD21:01
pygino time, uni and hacking getting in a way :-/21:02
pygiI cant even attend FOSDEM :(21:02
bluekujasame here, too many things to do21:02
bluekujaif you'll come to a DebConf21:02
bluekujawe'll meet there21:02
pyginop, probably not21:03
pygi*possibly* GUADEC21:03
pygi1) No idea when or where is DebConf21:03
pygi2) Gotta save money for GUADEC21:03
pygianyway, lets go pm xD21:04
pygithiis is edubuntu channel, not debconf or random talk channel :P21:04
bluekujatrue :)21:05
johnnyreminds me21:05
pygilittle fish left!21:05
pygiomg :(21:05
johnnyanybody know of any projects/chats where non distro folks get together to work on projects that are not all necessarily related?21:05
pygiexplain? :P21:06
stgraberanyone familiar with python subprocess module here ? I would like to 1) store the stdout of a command in a variable (works fine with stdin=subprocess.PIPE) 2) and that's the problem, I'd like to show the output live in the terminal too21:28
stgraberany idea how I can do that ?21:28
johnnypygi, i'll explain a bit later, i realize i'm going to late to an appointment21:40
pygik joh21:41
steph_hi everybody23:51
steph_is there a way to use JACK on a thin client?23:51
steph_Do i have to chat in french or english?23:56
kgoetzenglish is prefered23:57

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